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The king of Megara, Lelex (the Lelegian peoples), was progenitor/founder of Laconia (Sparta), but some say that it was his son, Polycaon, who was the first king of Sparta. The first mythical king of Arcadia (on the Spartan border) was Lycaon, but he must have been the same as (i.e. ancestors of) Polycaon, for Lycaon, aside from evoking "Laconia," was made the son of Pelasgus, while Pelasgians and Lelegians are often founders of Arcadia and its environs. Perhaps Polycaon refers to Lycaon peoples removed to the Po river (Italy), for indeed the Gauls of northern Italy were a wolf-line peoples while "Lycaon" mans "wolf."

[Update July 2006 -- In keeping with my finding that Sparta refers to the Sepharvites who sacrificed their children to Molech (2 Kings 17:31), so we have the following quote to substantiate it:

"King Lycaon, who ruled Arcadia with his fifty sons, was said to continue the practice of human sacrifice when other parts of Greece had abolished it as barbaric. One variation of the story has King Lycaon offering Zeus the sacrifice of a young boy, which angered Zeus so much he promptly changed Lycaon into a wolf and struck his house down with lightning, killing all his fifty sons."

From this one may deduce that Zeus was not from the Sepharvites, or that the myth writer was deliberately and secretly connecting Zeus to Sepharvite sacrifices but covering up for him in the meantime. On the other hand, Lycaon is being openly revealed as a Sepharvite or Sepharvite-like peoples. It seems a possibility that his father, Pelasgus (Pel-Asgi?) depicted the Ashkenaz Kabala back in Mesopotamia/Iran that may have been allied to the Sepharvites. End Update]

Cadmus first defeated and then became allied with the Sparti teeth of the dragon who together inhabited Thebes, a Boiotian capital filled with Rose-Line Curetes and their "heavy-metal" Kabeiri cult. The Sparti may not have been the Lycaon Spartans, but a new wave of Sparta-invading immigrants, who can be viewed as Cadmus-Harmonia Thebeans for sure, but also the Rose-Line Curetes.

Rose-Line Rhodians depicted by Ino, Cadmus' daughter, came to despise the dragon, and it fled to Aeetes in Colchis. It's escape from Ino's forces was depicted as the flying, golden-fleece ram of Hermes, revealing the dragon as a peoples in Corinth, the city of which was previously co-founded by Aeetes. In another myth we find Aeetes' daughter fleeing Corinth in a chariot pulled by dragons, which is a picture of the Ares dragon fleeing the city when losing a war to Jason and his Corinthian allies. It strikes me that the Aeetes Corinthians were Kuretes, even as there were Colchian-Rhodian associations. (Evidence that Ino depicted Rhodians is in my chapter, Vere's the Ham?).

It makes for some good logic to so identify the Ares dragon as Corinthians on the one hand and Megarians on the other, for Megarians sprang forth from Corinthian rulers.

[Update July 2006 -- In keeping with my recent theory that this dragon line was a Horite peoples, and that the Curetes were essentially the same as the Carians -- both Horites in the Greek Theater -- so we find that Megara (Me-Cara?) was at first called "Caria" after its founder, the mythical Car (i.e. the Carians).

There is a striking resemblance between Corinthian, Carian, and Hurrian, as there is between Horite and Curete. I suspect Horites to have evolved into the Hurrians, so that perhaps they were Nahorites (i.e. of Haran). Nahor, you see, may have been named Na-Hor, after the Horites to which his father (Terah) belonged (after all, Terah's other son was named Haran). Greek myth makes Corinthos a Helios peoples, as were the Curetes.

Myth had Poseidon and Hera battling it out over Argos, which in my mind translates to a Buzi war against the Horites; the Horites won and therefore came to rule Argos at that early time. The Buzi had to settle somewhere else, we may assume. The husband of Sparta, Lacedaemon, gave birth to the Charites, said to mean "grace" to the naive public, when most-likely Lace-Demon (Laconia-Demon) was a Curete peoples in that the Greek for "Charites" is "Xarites." One of the Charites was named "Charis/Karis."

All were mothered by Eurynome, daughter of king Nisus of Megara, wherefore they were very-likely Carian rulers of Megara or proto-Megara. I see that Nisus may have been the root of DioNysus, and Dionysus was indeed a Curetes or Curetes-associated people. This then explains how Dionysus was a bee-line peoples since Car was of the same Phoroneus peoples who produced the Apis-Argus bee line.

Nisus had Scylla as a daughter, and she was also known as a fish-tail peoples, daughter of the fish-tail god, Phorcys (whom I assume was the same as Phoroneus the bee line, something to consider in that Merovingians claim to have stemmed from a sea monster). This supports my hunch that "Phoroneus" is to be understood as Boar-oneus, for "Phorcys" means "sea pig/pork," according to my dictionary wherein it roots our "porpoise" in the Latin "porcus" = "hog fish" (that's the dictionary definition). In other words, Nisus and the Carians were the Dagon worshipers and therefore of Nahor if I am correct in rooting Dagon to Nahorites; Phorcys was brother of Nereus, husband of Doris (Dor, Israel?, a Dagon haunt).

Perhaps I'm correct in identifying Dagon as a dog peoples since Scylla was turned into a sea monster (between Greece and Italy) with six dog heads and/or twelve dog legs. Clearly she depicted six wolf-line tribes from Israeli shores that took to ocean-faring as did the Phoenicians. I'm curious as to whether Scylla's mother, Abrotes, became the Abbruzzo province.

It was after I had traced the boar line to Corinth that I learned that "choiros" meant "swine." And so see now that Europs' father founded a city that would become Telchinia, the home of the Telchines, obviously, later to become Sicyon (about 10 miles north-west of Corinth), a city that Homer called, "Eurychoros" (wide-spread Corinthians, I assume).

It may be relevant that prior to being Sicyon, the city was also called "Mycone," for the Merovingian Illuminati called themselves "Freres Macons." I keep wondering if this is the true origin of the term, "Mason." There is a Macon region in France.

The above website goes on to say that the Sicyon "territory in archaic times was called Asopia." As the god, Asopus, was of two regions, both Sicyon and Thebes (in Boiotia), and moreover as Asopus (As-Opis?) had Ismene for a daughter that is said to be essentially the same as Melia, then Sicyon was populated by Melia Boii peoples at the very start. Indeed, for Sicyon was called "Aigialeia" first of all, where the god of that city (by the same name) was made the son of Melia. See map of Corinth/Sicyon.

Keep your mind's chin up because a major breakthrough is coming right ahead, the root of Zeus himself in the Melia Boii. We're going to discuss Aerope and Europa of Crete in this chapter, so know that the son of Aigialeia ("goat sumthing") was Europs i.e. consider tracing Europa and Aerope to Europs Boii peoples. Moreover, Aerope and Europa are going to be associated with Aegisthus and Aegius i.e. consider tracing these goat-depicted peoples to the Aigialeia Boii...and know that Zeus was raised on Crete by both a goat and a bee!! That can't be a coincidence.

That is, Zeus was himself a Boii peoples, from the Europs branch, so that when he had an affair with Europa, he was forming an alliance on Crete with a branch of his own peoples. My conclusion is that Europa was a Boii branch in Phoenicia, while the Aigialeia-Europs branch were her ancestors in proto-Sicyon. This aligns well with my theory wherein Phoenicians were named after the Bia that named Lake Van (i.e. Van = Phoen), anciently "Biaini" and evoking the ancient "Poeni" designation of the Phoenicians.

This would then trace Zeus to the Bia of Lake Van. The immediate problem now is to reconcile this trace to my previous tracing of Zeus to the Avvites and/or the Sepharvites. The Bia may have been an Avviy branch, not only because the two terms are similar, but because the Aigialeia bloodline ruled a (Greek) region ruled also by the god, Asopus, who may just be rendered an As-Opis mix. That is, Asopus depicted the (historical) Assi peoples mixed with, or living in, the city of Opis on the Tigris, to which city I have traced the Avvites.

The Assi smack of the Biblical Asshurites (Genesis 25:3), a tribe of Abrahamic Dedan, even as Zeus was specially famous in Dodona of north-west Greece. The Assi have been identified by many as Cimmerians, even as Cimmerians lived at Azov, which locality should prove to be the identity of the god, Asopus. The Assi were lumped in with Tochari, no doubt the Togarmites (Togarmah was son of Gomer = Cimmerians). The Assi lived in conjunction with the Saka, and that should prove to be the term that named Sicyon (very close to "Saxon," likewise thought to be named after the Saka; were the Saxons from Sicyon?).

But if the Assi were from Dedanite Asshurites, then they could not have been Cimmerians, which is yet possible, for there may have been a Cimmerian-Asshurite alliance in that I define the dragon line as an Aryan-Hebrew mix. Remember that I identified the Aryans of this dragon line as the Hros/Rosh of the Aras river, but I also identified the Rosh as Cimmerians of Lake Van and Mannae prior to knowing that Rosh was based in Aras or that the Rosh of Aras were the dragon line Aryans. So it fits, that the Assi are not the Aryans, but the Semites/Hebrews of Kabala strips. This view is in keeping with my defining the Aesir pantheon of gods as a Cimmerian one, but also of the Kabala. End Update]

The golden ram was ridden to Colchis by a "Phrixes/Phryxus," he being an obvious eponym of Phrygians, as is made more obvious where the Hellespont was made Phryxus' sister. In fact, the myth makes it clear that the war was lost in a battle on the Hellespont, i.e. when the sister, Helle, fell from the flying/fleeing ram and died in the Hellespont.

The identity of the Fleece Line as Phrygians is key for identifying it more specifically, and when that is done, we will also have the ancestors of the Corinthians and Megarians (i.e. of the boar line)...since the ram and the dragon are one and the same bloodline.

Hermes, a late-comer to Greece, was in Phrygia prior to being "born" in Arcadia. Pelops came from a Phrygian peoples that ruled from Sipylus on the Hermus river. Moreover, Pelops was supported by Hermes when coming into Greece. Pelops came to rule Elis, next-door to Arcadia, so that the two appear as brother tribes or allies. Pelops erected the first Hermes temple in the land that came to be called after him, Peloponnesus. Thus Pelops was the part of the fleece line that, instead of fleeing to Colchis, remained in Phrygia and eventually re-couped sufficiently to conquer Elis. To show that Phrygia under Pelops was in fact in trouble at the time, myth depicted him as cut up into many pieces (of Phrygian peoples).

[Update July 2006 -- I must say here that Hermes and Harmonia are one and the same, the Ares dragon that settled Thebes with the Cadmus/Cati, and therefore Hermes depicted the Sparti, wherefore the founding of Sparta under that name occurred in conjunction with Hermes being "born" (i.e. settling) in adjacent Arcadia. These were a wave of Armenians, then, to be distinguished from the previous Cati wave of non-Israelite Hebrews, Avvites, and Sepharvites from the ocean shores of proto-Israel. I've wondered whether Arcadia should be understood as Ar-Cati, and if so, the myth writers may be throwing us off when claiming that it was named after "arcas" = bear.

Since Ares traces back to the Aras valley in Armenia, I would identify the second wave as the Biblical Hros/Rosh. Aras I would view as the location of the Biblical Gog's throne, for Gog was "prince of Rosh" according to Ezekiel 38, a phrase that sounds as though Gog was the leading Rosh branch rather than conquerors of Rosh. In this way, Hermes, the Ares dragon, and Pelops, were proto-Rus Gogi destined to populate Europe, and therefore not necessarily bringing forth end-time Gog, but likely bringing forth the False Prophet. As I tend to identify the False Prophet as a British-Rosicrucian entity (including American-extension Illuminatists), note that Pelops' brother was "Broteas," perhaps a Greek-Italian peoples by the same name who became the Bretons.

End-time Gog could stem from various other branches that came out of Aras. It seems that the Kabala were mixed with the Hermes-line Rus/Gogi of the Greek theater, as per the Cadmus-Harmonia marriage (where the Kabala are the same as Cutha/Cati/Cadmus), yet I suspect a Kabala/Gogi mix even earlier, back in Aras itself. I'm seeking evidence for this early alliance. End Update]

I'm even surer that Pelops was part of the fleece line because he gave birth to two sons, Atreus and Thyestes, who ascended the Mycenaean throne through the powers of a golden lamb amid their own flock of sheep. A ram is a sheep. Was God, therefore, when connecting the False Prophet (in Revelation 13) to two horns like a lamb (that spoke as a dragon) making a connection to the Atreus-Thyestes branches of the Pelops bloodline...that in the end times would come forth as a counterfeit-Christian (i.e. Rosicrucian) entity? This makes a lot of sense in multiple ways.

Britannica, in an article on "Orchomenos," says that a "tomb known as 'the treasury of Minyas' (the eponymous ancestor of the Minyae) at the foot of [Orchomenos] is comparable with the 'treasury of Atreus' at Mycenae..." (round brackets not mine). This is important because Jason of the Argo ship was revealed as a Minyae. As Jason went to retrieve the golden fleece from Colchis, I am led to think that he depicted fleece kin and therefore a branch of the Pelops/Atreus "golden-lamb" peoples. If true, it supports my suspicions that high-level secret societies named "JASON" (all caps), active today in high-tech, government-supported, military-space programs, will have much to do with putting forth the False Prophet's fire from the sky.

The connection of Jason to the city of Argos is neatly depicted in the name of his ship. Jason's family, through Melampus, came to rule part of the Argos region with the Danaans...and see that the brother of Melampus, who shared this rule, was Bias, the same name of the king of Megara who had been ousted from Megara. It makes much sense that the ousted Megarians fled to their Phrygia kin and ended up forming Caria just south of Phrygia. Or, the Megarians may have been the Carians as well as the Pelops Phrygians themselves.

[Update July 2006 -- Having just found the root of the Kabala in Opis on the Tigris river, I have been able to decipher many bee- terms simply because "opis/apis" means "bee" in Greek. All mythical terms ending with "ops" are suspect as a codeword for the bee line. Pelops may therefore be understood as Pel-Opis, and so we see the "Pel" prefix again as I showed it in Pel-Asgi. The city of Opis was in the very face of the Ashkenaz Aryans. End Update]

Bias (king of Megara) is revealed as a Fleece-Line peoples because he was son of Lelex, while Lelex had been a surviving remnant of the dragon slain by Cadmus. As this remnant of the dragon ended up in Colchis to protect the Golden Fleece, not only are the fleece and the dragon revealed as the same bloodline, but it seems even more persuasive that the Fleece included Megarians. This is important in many ways, one of which is that the Bias (or Byzas/Buzas) Megarians founded Byzantium, what became the Eastern Roman Empire.

[Update July 2006 -- This serves as evidence that the fleece line was made up of Nahorites, for Buz was the son of Nahor. As Corinth was at first named "Ephyra," it would appear that the historical "Apiru" that named it were Nahorites. Moreover, it may reveal that the Apiru were specifically Nahorites, not Abramites. On the other hand, the Cati founders of Thebes, and of Kybele-Sabazios, were Sheba-branch Abramites. End Update]

Unfortunately, a Bias-Pelops blood connection is hard to make solidly because the ancestry of the Pelops line was hidden, in that his father (Tantalus) was made the son of Zeus (i.e. not very specific). But as Byzantium was at the doorstep into Bithynia, and as Byzantium (at first "Byzantion") evokes "Bithynia," note that Tantalus ruled from proto-Lydia, which may at the time have been a part of Bithynia. A daughter of Tantalus was Niobe, queen of Thebes, meaning that Pelops-blood peoples also settled Thebes and married its rulers.

[If Pelops is indeed Pel-Opis, then a connection to Bias/Byzas seems even more evident. And if Zeus does turn out to be an Avvite peoples, whom I rooted in Opis (on the Tigris), then Pelops, in being made a son of Zeus, was of the Avvite/Opis bee line. I've yet to find historical connection from Buz, son of Nahor, to Opis, but the possibility is certainly there.]

The Pelops line became the enemy of the Trojans, especially in the Trojan war, but this doesn't necessarily mean that Pelops was not related to the Trojans. There were two women named Electra, one was the mother of Dardanus and therefore the mother of the Trojans, and the other was the great-granddaughter of Pelops. It's thereby possible that the two Electras were the same peoples, and that Electra was an ancestor of the Pelops line. This first Electra was also, according to Diodorus Siculus (5.48.2), the mother of Harmonia, wherefore Electra is essentially the Ares Thracians...who in fact did put forth the Trojans. This makes the Trojans and the Sparti two branches of Ares. It may therefore be that Electra depicted Sepharvites...while Pelops depicted an Avvite-Sepharvite mix. (I wonder if the electron, the source of all energy and motion in all the material universe, wasn't named after Electra, since I'm sure that scientists who created the modern atomic theory were in large part Rosicrucians who, like the astronomers, name much after their ancient bloodlines e.g. atom = Adam, ion = Ionians, positive = Poseidon, negative = nagi/serpent).

One obvious clue for Pelops' ancestry is that his mother, Dione, was a daughter of Atlas (explaining why his helper was Hermes, as he was the son of Atlas' daughter, Maia). Atlas was, as was Zeus, a Trojan entity. Note that Poseidon (father of Atlas) was made the (homosexual) lover of Pelops. If I'm correct in pegging Poseidon as the Buzi Medes, it could thereby be that Pelops was at the least a very close ally with Nahorite Buzites. If the question is, what causes Pelops to turn against his own Trojan ancestors, I would say it was the same as what caused the other "Greeks" to turn against their own Trojan ancestors. A family squabble over supremacy. When the Trojans became allied to the Sparti (i.e. Helen), the Greeks rebelled for fear of being swallowed up by Trojan power. Aside from a Trojan base developing in Sparta, Arcadia became the Greek seat of Trojan Atlantis.

While the Arcadians under codeword "Arcas" were glorified as the Little Dipper (Ursa Minor) placed at the "center" of the universe (i.e. north star), Ursa Major must have been created later, therefore, but must have depicted the same peoples. Indeed, Ursa Major was equated with Callisto, Arcas' mother, and she was the daughter of Lycaon (the wolf), founder of Arcadia. The heart of the astrology cult was for this reason Arcadia, and because Arcadians connect with Atlantis/Troy, we find that the "center" of the universe was at first the Draco constellation, named after Thrace no doubt.

[In keeping with my theory that Arcadia was named as Ar-Cati, see that Callisto evokes the Galli of the Kabala cult.]

Consider that, in an early myth version, Arcas was, instead of Ursa Minor, the constellation Bootes, which is found in conjunction with Ursa Major so that it (Bootes) is regarded as the Bear Watchman. The brightest star in the Bootes constellation is Arcturus, meaning "keeper of the bear." "Boötes was considered to be Atlas by some ancient Greek legends, as well as those in other early Mediterranean cultures..."

[Update -- Did Plato make Atlas the chief king of western Atlantis with Bootes in his mind, and were Bude of Cornwall and Butes of Argyll (Scotland) considered the chief locations in British Atlantis? Was Arthur, said by many to be named after the bear, a depiction of the Bude peoples of his times (early Christian centuries)? Were Bude and Butes Arcadian settlements? Was Corn-Wales named after Corinth? Why was there a boar peoples (in Arthurian myth) located in Cornwall? Why was Great Ormos in north Wales beside Rhos? Wouldn't this land connected like so to the golden fleece line be the origin of the end-time False Prophet?

Assuming that Bootes and the Greek Butes (of the Cecrops bloodline) were the same Rosh-Gogi peoples, see that both terms mean "ox/bull" to the ancients. Behold that both the French and Greek cow is "bos," as in our "bison." And the Portuguese for "ox" is "boi"! Could this allow a Butes-Boiotus-Buzas equation? Could this explain why Arthur's tomb (near Bude, Cornwall) turned out to be the tomb of a Megarian? Remember, too, that I had connected Kemuel, third son of Nahor (after Buz the second) to Camelot, and Nahor's first son, Uts, to Atlas. It may be that Atlas became a term depicting the Nahorites in general, since other of Nahor's sons would have been prone to band around the Uts tribe. End Update]

Since the bear in Scripture (Daniel 7) depicts the Medes and Persians, does it make sense that the Byzas/Buzas branch of Megarians were from the Buzi/Bosae Medes? More specifically, Bootes must have depicted the Boiotians and therefore the Boii of Europe, for Butes was said (by Virgil) to be of "Amycian stock" i.e. from Amycus, son of Melia, she being the progenitor of Boiotians. As Amycus was the founder of the Bebryces nation, I have a feeling that they became the Bibracte Gauls (see location of Auten, capital of Bibracte).

Behold, when Arcas was out hunting and came across his mother in the form of a bear, he was with his two hounds which are now in the sky as the constellation, Canis Venatici. Is that the Veneti I see in that term? Remember, I trace the Veneti, and several other "Van" terms, to the Bia peoples of Lake Van (Armenia). Suddenly, it may not seem so far-fetched to suggest that the Po river, anciently the Padus, was named after Byzas/Butes. And I may be right also when I figure that the Bia of Lake Van were at some time or another, "Bias."

[I'm now ready to declare that the historical Rusa kings of Urartu/Lake Van were the mythical Ares and Hermes peoples, even the Biblical Gogi-Rosh, and that somehow "Buzi/Bosae/Buza" became "Rusi/Rosa/Rusa." If that makes the Russians Nahorites, so be it. Note the current Russian President's name: Putin]

Consider also that stars in Canis Venatici include Chara (Caria?) and Asterion; the latter was king of Crete and husband of Europa, and was therefore the peoples depicted by the Zeus bull. In other words, Asterion (Ishtar?) was a bull peoples from Media the bear that put forth Butes the bull of Cecrops which in turn put forth the Zeus bull of Crete.

[Megarians may have been named after Magi Medes, an idea that works well with the witch of Colchis, Medea, being both a depiction of sorcerous Medes and Corinthians. Medea was Aeetes' daughter (co-founder of Corinth), and Megarians were, remember, from Corinthians. There is a way to reconcile this Megara-Magi equation with the theory that Megarians were from Buzi Medes. For as inhabitants of Megara (i.e. under it's Caria name) were first of all Carians, then, if Carians were Horites, they may have been Nahorites and therefore Buzites (since in this theory Horites were Nahorites). Then, the Magi Medes moved in and conquered Caria, renaming it Megara. As Megara was said to be ruled first by the mythical Lelex/Polycaon, these terms should prove to depict Magi Medes.

I have a feeling that Aeetes was the Uts-branch Nahorites or Uts-branch Arameans, and that the Magi Medes were the Magogians (from Magog, son of Japheth). It could be that while the Medes started out as a peoples under one name, for example, Madai, brother of Magog, that they came to be a mix of all/some Japhethites. I am considering whether the Medes were named instead after Medan or Midian, both sons of Abraham and his wife Keturah (Genesis 25:2). Or perhaps Keturah was herself a Mede and named her sons after them.

I should mention here that Midian had Abida for a son, who may have been the patriarch of the Avvites since they were called both "Avith" and "Avidia." If this Abida/Avvite equation is reality, then Avvites did not stem from the Buzi, as I have at times theorized. Perhaps the Abida peoples put forth the Budii Medes. I have enough keys now that I should be able to figure this out correctly before the natural end of my life. The question is, which did Cecrops Butes and the Cornwall Bude come from, the Buzi or Budii.

I will stick to my Megarian connection to Buzi, but view Megarians as a Buzi-Magi mix, not necessarily always seeing eye-to-eye. Perhaps the same mix applies to Corinthians as per their civil war, Jason versus his wife, Medea...which could then reveal Jason as a Buzi Mede if indeed Medea was a Magi Mede. This mix would then define the boar line, and I think Cornwall was the Corinthian-boar nation, and it's city of Bude was more-likely a Buzi town in that Cornwall was a Nahorite entity. Arthur may have been a Megarian because he fought against the boar of Cornwall, and in fact he chased the boar out to sea. End Update]

Bootes, in yet another myth version concerning him, was considered to be Icarus (i.e. like "Car"). Romans and others viewed Ursa Major as a cart/chariot, which may indeed serve to show that Carians were depicted by Icarus (Bootes) and the Chara star of Bootes' hound. The mythical Car may have been the earliest example of the Greek wheel symbol (Greek "gargar" = wheel/chariot).

[Okay, so I can now verify/solidify my theory. Assuming that Carites were Horites and Horites were Nahorites, then Bootes would translate to Buzi, not the Budii. If Bootes was Butes (of Cecrops), then Butes became Bude in Cornwall, and thus this Bude was not named after the Budii, but the Buzi (i.e. as I suspected).]

One myth writer decided to depict some Corinthian-based refugees in Colchis as fleeing on a golden ram, who, when they returned to Corinth, were depicted by another myth writer as the Calydonian Boar. These then became the Gaul migration called "Aerope/Europa." Atreus (of the golden lamb line) was made married to Aerope, you see, who was the daughter of a Minos-descended king of Crete. Europa was the mother of Minos so that Aerope would well describe the Europa peoples that actually entered Europe. "Atreus" evokes the Adriatic sea, or the Illyrian portion of that migration. When Atreus' brother, Thyestes, had an affair with Aerope, a quarrel broke out with Atreus so that the two split up (into distinct branches); it would be interesting to find out who these branches were in historical terms.

Atreus with Aerope were "married" to Helen (of Sparta/Troy), and Helen's family (e.g. Pollux and Castor) put forth the Ligurians and other such north Italian Gauls. Helen's mother was Leda, and so now recall that Pelops, the father of Atreus and Thyestes, had been king in proto-Lydia. You see? Atreus and Thyestes were Lydians by blood, and they put forth their son Menelaus who married Helen, another Leda-Lydian peoples. Therefore the said two branches may have become the Etruscans for one (known to originate in Lydia), and the Latins for two, both coming to live side-by-side with proto-Rome between them. Keep in mind that the Etruscans were probably Ruski (they called themselves "Rasna/Rasenna") and therefore can be connected to the Rhaetians (north Italy) and the Rusyn/Ruthene/Redones/Rus.

[Because Eridanus was crashed into by Apollo peoples, Pelops may be a version of "Apollo," in which case Pelops (and probably all Lydians) were Avvites from Opis, if indeed I am correct in rooting Apollo in Opis. But "Pelops" also evokes "apple" and "Avalon" and therefore connecting with the golden apples that Ladon protected in the Atlantean garden, which some say was Avalon.

Do you see the light in my eyes? I've just now realized (as I edit this chapter) that while the Ligurians were of the Leda-Lydians (I've known this part for years), the Redones of Pelops Lydians. Wow, that is an excellent key for tracing the fleece line to the modern Rosicrucian cults. Myth says the Ligurians moved into Eridanus, the Rhodanus (modern Rhone) valley of the Redones, showing that Pelops and the Leda swan became allied at that point.

I will bet you one buzi-bushel of golden apples that these became the Ladon dragon that founded Lothian, Scotland? I'll bet you two bushels of checkered blue and white apples that the Stewarts (using a swan symbol) and Cohens were of the Leda swans, and that the Sinclairs (who settled Roslin in Midlothian) were of the Pelops fleece line. And because the Stewarts seized the island of Bute (in Argyll), I'll bet yet a basket of bull's eyes that Butes of Cecrops (i.e. of Gog) became both the Leda swan line and the Pelops fleece line; that is, Butes furnished Lydians, for indeed Lydians were ruled first of all by Dascylus (Tuscany/Etruscans) and then by his son, Gyges = Gog.]

So because these two fighting brothers, Atreus and Thestes, were the golden fleece, they were also the Ares/Rus dragon, which then corresponds to the Biblical dragon that rules Rome prior to the coming of Jesus, the Rock and the Sword that smashes and slices them to bits, as was the fate of Pelops in past times...acting as the forerunner of Armageddon. Do you see? The False Prophet will represent the Roman beast of Lydia and Troy (Troy furnished the Romans proper).

The two-horned Fleece line put forth Europe but also the Russians, and this must then explain why the False Prophet will ally himself with a Russian anti-Christ. I'm not saying that the two horns will be a Europe-Russian combination, for I think the horns will be an America-England (Illuminati) combo...that allies itself to the Russian anti-Christ, who will soon enter Iraq as a diplomatic shark, against the will of the Iraqi people, and while siding openly and insincerely with the False Prophet, he will side secretly (for as long as he can, anyway) with the old Saddam loyalists and bring them back to significant power in Iraq.

The king of Troy, Paris, who "stole" Helen (so as to set off the Trojan war that set off the Gaul migration), is said to have formed the Parisii peoples who founded the French city after their name. Says one website: "The Romano-British Parisii tribe of East Yorkshire and Humberside in Britain is traditionally seen as being comprised of emigrants from the tribe of the same name based in Gaul."

That is, the York Paris peoples were the same as the French Paris peoples. I'm pegging Parisii of Yorkshire as a boar-line peoples, not only because York was at that time named "Eboricum," where "Ebor" meant "boar," but because the "Par" in "Paris" seems to mean the same (Old-English boar = "bar"). In fact, I would go so far as to suggest that Eboricum was named (by the Romans) after the Parisii inhabitants of Yorkshire. Paris was not far from Bibracte.

Thyestes had Aegisthus for a son, and the two of them together evoke Theseus (founder of Democracy) and his father Aegius, both of the Cecrops line i.e. from Butes!! This would suggest that Pelops, Atreus and Thyestes (and the Etruscans and Latins) were from Butes. Theseus and Aegius (and therefore Thyestes and Aegisthus) together came to overthrow Minos in Crete so as to take over the rule Greek Atlantis (i.e. the Aegian-sea empire). I would go so far as to say that when Thyestes had an affair with Aerope, it was the same as Zeus and Europa, even as "Thyestes" evokes "Dyas," the Indo-Iranian name of Zeus.

It is important to stress that both golden-lamb brothers were associated with the capital of the Minyae, Orchomenos; Thyestes was even given a son named, "Orchomenos." The Zeus-Europa relationship put forth the the mythical Minos i.e. Minoans in Crete. That is, note the similarity between "Minyae" and "Minoan." At first I thought that the Minyae stemmed from the Minoans, but couldn't it be the other way? Orchomenos should then be understood as Orcho-Menos, and perhaps Arca(dia)-Menos. Or, perhaps Archevite-Manes, where Archevites were Erech/Uruk inhabitants. In other words, the Minyae may have founded Arcadia wherefore they were the Pelasgians/Pel-Asgi (who were known to have founded Arcadia), and that would then make the Minoans the same. That is, the Europa portion of the Minoans would translate to an Arcadia-Menos/Archevite-Menos mix, which then reveals that the Phoenicians were the same. The Menos portion may refer to Mannae/Armenia. Mannae was in the Kabala land of Gozan, not far from Opis, and so consider viewing Europa as Eur-Opis ("eury" means wide-spread).

It is very interesting that the sister of Aerope was Clymene, who doubled as Merope/Mer-Opis. Clymene was the mother of Phaethon, the latter being a symbol of Helios but more importantly the one said to crash the chariot of Helios into Eridanus. Therefore you can bet your best golden hub caps that the Redones were connected somehow to Clymene/Merope.

Not surprisingly, Clymenes was made married to Merops, king of Ethiopia, who can be identified with some confidence as Merops of Miletus, the father of Pandareus, who in turn gave birth to Aedon, a queen of Thebes (in Greece, not Thebes in Egypt). Now note that "Aedon" is almost exactly "Auten/Autun," the capital of Bibracte and home of the (historical) Eduens/Aedui peoples. I equate the two Merops' with confidence because Merops of Ethiopia produced Phaethon, whom I've traced to the Redones on the Rhodanus river. Autun was off the Rhodanus. (Wikipedia makes Pandareus and Aedon the descendants of Merops of Ethiopia).

Merops of Miletus, I dare say as a new revelation to me, was the Crete-to-Rhodes (or vice versa) migration that produced the proto-Redones in the first place (I identified Redones as the children of Helios and Rhoda/Rhodes). Look at this: Pandareus, Cretan son of Merops of Miletus, had Camiro as a child, evoking the son of Helios and Rhodes called "Kamiros." Moreover, Pandareus had Clytia and Chelidon as two other children, evoking the son of Helios and Rhodes: Ialysos. That is, I pegged Ialysos as the Halybes from the Halys river, who are known to have gone by the alternative name, "Khaldi," which is smack the same as either "Clytia" or "Chelidon."

Therefore, the Redones/Rus (and the Celts) trace back to Pandareus of Crete/Miletus...who may have been the same peoples as depicted by Pandarus the Lycian. This Pandarus was the son of another Lycaon (son of the Trojan Priam), though he can be traced easily to the first Lycaon (the one transformed by Zeus into a wolf). As Pandarus' son, Iapyx, was the founder of Apulia/Puglia in southern Italy, Pandarus is himself easily traced to Pandosia of southern Italy. As Pandosia was in Lucania to be exact, note the similarity between that term and "Lycaon."

It is interesting that western Atlantis, as described by Plato, was mothered by a Cleito codeword (whom I identify as the Celts). This was the mother of Atlas, in fact, but the point I want to make here is that Plato named a son of Cleito specially as "Eumelus," while this was the name given to a son of Merops of Cos. The inhabitants of Cos/Kos were actually called "Merops," thus suggesting that all other Merops terms of mythology were branches of those inhabitants. Merops of Cos was symbolized by the eagle, and this is very likely what the American eagle traces to simply because I have traced Freemasonry as a whole to Merops of Ethiopia/Miletus. The significance of "Eumelus" (son of Merops) is that I identify it as the root of "Camelot," by which I mean to say, in another way, that Freemasons trace to the Merops term.

Itylus (evoking Atlas) was revealed in another myth as the son of the Thracian king Tereus (of Ares) and of Procne. In light of Aedon being the daughter of Pandareus, it cannot be a double-coincidence that Procne was the daughter of Pandion and that she gave birth to Itys while Aedon gave birth to Itylus. In other words, and it is verified online, Procne was the same as Aedon. The main significance is that Pandion was of the Cecrops line, and in fact it was Pandion with Zeuxippe that brought forth Procne, while it was the same Pandion and Zeuxippe that gave birth to Butes! Therefore Aedon/Procne and Butes were the same bloodline.

There is yet more significance, in that Merops of Ethiopia (Mer-Opis of Ethi-opis?) must be the same as Tereus of Thrace (apparently Thracians successfully invaded Ethiopia).

[Update -- This verifies what I had found by other means, that the bee-line came into Greece from Thrace.

As for Aedon giving birth to Itylus, it sounds as though she depicts the mother of Italics/Italians. I had previously wondered but didn't want to publish it that Pandion was a depiction of the Veneti and/or the Wends/Vandals that stem from the Veneti. I had traced the Franks to the Vandals (while Franks trace themselves to the Veneti), so it makes sense now that there should be an Aedon-to-Veneti-to-Auten migratory path, wherefore Itylus/Itys refers to the Veneti, and/or the Attis Phrygians who became the Veneti. Indeed, for the Veneti are traced to the Heneti of Paflagonia, in/beside ancient Phrygia. But now behold that when Pelops ruled the Lydians and Phrygians, he ruled from the city/region of "Enete" (also "Heneti")!

This is hard to follow, I realize. It means that Aedon peoples (probably Edones) were the same as Pelops peoples in Enete i.e. that Pelops-Enete was proto-Itylus/proto-Veneti, and that these were all the Attis-Kybele Kabala. Indeed, Aedon was made married to a king of Thebes, that being a major Kybele-Kabala city. It's the same story -- the Gaul migration -- over and over again told in many variations and using many symbols, as though impish children were playing games on the human race, seeking to remain secretive with their history lest we see their filth. Peoples worthy of honor let their good works be known in the light.

The husband of Aedon was made Zethus, and because Aedon had a branch in Ethiopia, it makes for good ground to identify Zethus as the Egyptian Set, even the Satyrs were indeed Edones. End Update]

[Update October 2006 -- Found a website using this: "Also it is said that the Aith-Opes or Ethiopian..." I found the same term elsewhere but defined "faery-faced," something I'll ignore as personal fancy. End Update]

It is obvious that "Clymene" should be understood as Cly-Menes, just as Minos' grandson, Althaemenes, should be understood as Althae-Menes. These terms must, as must "Minos" itself, allude to the god, Min/Manes. Connection with the historical Egyptian king, Menes, seems well apparent. Note also Helen's husband, Menelaus, that he was said to have been in Egypt after the Trojan war.

Althaemenes was brother of Aerope and Clymene, and he is credited with founding the city of Cretinia in Rhodes...which evokes both the Curetes and the Cruithin of Britain. That now identifies Aerope (and Europe) as a Curete peoples of Crete; Aerope was the daughter of Catreus of Crete. That italicized portion is because Cadmus had depicted the Cati while he was Europa's brother, meaning that Europa/Aerope was also a Cati/Cutha peoples.

[Phryxus/Phrixes was the son of Athamas, and he in turn was made a descendant of Aeolus. I've now got to repeat that Aeolus' twin brother was made Boiotus, the mythical depiction of the historical Boeotia (I traced the twins to the founding of Wales and Cornwall). Phrixes, thereby revealed as a Boeotian peoples, becomes suspect as Bute/Buzi branch.

As shown previously, Elamites called themselves, "Atamti," having a root that is a near-match to the root of "Athamus." The Boeotians must have been part Elamite, therefore. But now behold, for the above-mentioned Althaemenes must depict the same Elamite peoples as Athamus and Phryxus, for Wikipedia reports that "Elamites called their country Haltamti (in later Elamite, Atamti)..." It can't be a coincidence: Althaemenes depicts "Haltamti" and Athamus depicts "Atamti." Therefore, Curetes and the golden fleece line stem from Elamites. End Update]

The Minyae were offspring of Aeolus and an unknown wife. But as Aeolus and his unknown wife gave birth to Kerkaphos (a city on Rhodes), whom in another myth was revealed as the son of Helios and Rhoda, two major revelations are made, that Aeolus was indeed Helios (as can be suspected from yet other considerations), and that the unknown wife was Rhoda.

[It's consistent to identify Helios as the Halybes, for one, or the Ialysos peoples of Rhodes; both they and the Halybes were inhabitants on the Halys river. That is, Helios was the Hurrian empire, and the Sepharvites at the root of that empire.]

That Aeolus was Helios is made clear in yet another way, where Aeolus is made father of Sisyphus, founder of Corinth. In another version, Aeetes was founder of Corinth, and it is known that he was a son of Helios.

Finally, though I had suspected it, I found a statement to corroborate it: "...the so-called Minyans. This little known people, whose origin was Kolchis..." ( )

The Colchians that Jason returned with to Greece, when he also came back with the Fleece, were allied to him for a short while, as they were depicted as his wife, Medea. In rebelling against Jason, they, as the Calydonian Boar, arose also against the Calydonians (who were on Jason's Argo ship). The Boar, losing the war, fled Corinth in the dragon-pulled chariot of Helios, and returned to Colchis, afterwhich they became the Medes proper, the ones who conquered the Babylonian empire (therefore, if the myth writer(s) was correct, the second beast of Daniel 7 was rooted in Colchis and in Ares). This is one of several examples where the boar and the bear represented one and the same peoples (Medes are depicted as bears in Daniel 7).

Now here's the rub: "The 'Prieure documents' claim that the Arcadians were descended from Benjamites driven out of Palestine by their fellow Israelites for idolatry." I've done a lot of research into Greek mythology, and nothing that I have come across would leave me to believe that Israel plays much or any part in the dragon line. I'll have an open mind, but I would also warn that we shouldn't fall for an Illuminati trick that seeks to make Gog look like an Israelite and/or Christian get the support from Jews and/or Christians in the building of Gogi Globalism.

The "Jewish" element in Septimania was no doubt from Khazar royalty if it's true that the Cathars of the region were Khazars. But the rulers of Khazaria were hardly Israelites in their religious observances, and the Cathars, anyway, were Christian gnostics...and for this reason it's not surprising that they would introduce as truth any imaginary picture that popped into their minds, for gnostics are false prophets, dreamers, mystics...we have a lot of these ego-types around today, all over the internet.

[As I've stated elsewhere that the mythical Britomartis of Crete became the Bretons in that Merlin was said to be "Myrddin," so now see that the Catreus of Crete (mother of Aerope) may be entertained as the root of the Cathars. It doesn't hurt for me to jot this down.]

-- they (Avari) are called the Moriquendi (Elves of Darkness) in recognition of the fact that they did not see the light of the Two Trees...The other Nandor who stayed around Anduin became known as the Tawarwaith, living


The Bij, the Bad Bulls, and the Bolgy
The Bolgs seem to be dead center in the Merovingian make-up,
and while the Bolgs can be tied to the Boii,
the Taurus cult carries them.

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