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January 2007

This chapter started as an investigation into whether the Fulk rulers of Anjou (France), who eventually made it to the throne of Templar Jerusalem in Fulk V, were from Byzantine royals. The idea occurred to me when I saw a Phocas family loyally surrounding Byzantine emperors at about the time that Fulks appear out of nowhere in Anjou. It was a long shot if based only on the similarity of terms, but as it turned out, it was worth investigating because I learned that the Phocas' were from the Hermes-dragon cult of Armenia. For, emperor Nicephorus II Phocas was painted holding a scabbard encoiled by a single snake (i.e. a symbol of Cadusii Armenians).

Not only that, but an investigation of Byzantium royals in the Phocus era gives support for my theory that Merovingians (and therefore the freemason founders of America) were from Amorites, which in turn reveals the impetus for Merovingians acting as the dragon guts of Templar Zionism -- i.e. Amorites were Rightfully booted out of pre-Jerusalem by Israelites, but they wanted it back seeing that it became The Holy City of God Destined for World Rule.

I also found a solid connection between Anjou and Wales, which was important because the previous few chapters require that the French freemasons reach Wales before jumping to America's freemason founders. That connection, for one, is in the Montgomery family, founders of Montgomeryshire. Take notice of the red lion on gold background in the Arms of Montgomeryshire, the very symbol in the Arms of Armenia.

Ultimately, this chapter and the next are written at all because of the similarity between the flag of Greece and the American flag. When I learned Wikipedia's report that the nine stripes on the Greek flag are believed by some to depict the nine Muses -- who were worshiped by the Pari-branch Hros (of Parion) and other Aphrodite elements -- I realized that I had to get to the bottom of the Greek flag for the sake of my dragon-cult story. As typical, I've been side-tracked, and chapters mount on chapters before I get back to what I had set out to do.

For new readers, and to create a proper backdrop for interesting insights introduced in this chapter, let me repeat a few things. I have been tracing the Bruces/Brusi (eventually kings of Scotland) to Aprutium (alternative name of Abruzzo region of Italy) = mythcode Aphrodite of the Greco-Trojan theater. It thereby looks feasible to connect the Bruce blue and white to the Greek blue and white. That is, I doubt it's a coincidence that I had traced the Pari Trojans (Mysians, actually) to the Bruces only to find just now that the Muse/Pari colors were the Bruce colors. I'm confident enough already to claim that the "owners" of the blue and white in the Greek flag produced (or at least merged with) the Bruce family. It may even be that the Bruce family was the major carrier to the west of those Greek colors.

While the Welsh were Bretons, the term "Breton" is suspected by me to derive from Aprutium elements, including the Bruttii of southern Italy depicted by the Romano-Trojan "Brutus" of Arthurian myth. Geoffrey of Monmouth has a "Ebraucus" ruling (1045–1005 BC) between Brutus I and Brutus II. Of course, this is not history but a code-studded description of the important peoples of the time, "Ebraucus" seemingly depicting the founders of York (anciently "Eburacum"). Later in the bloodline he also has Marganus I, evoking the Morgen Muses.

At the Abruzzo link above, you can read that the Abruzzi/Bruzzi surname was from Padua, in Venetio. There is evidence, in the previously-explained Veneti-Wales connection, to tie Padua (also "Padova") to Bude of Cornwall and/or Bute of Scotland. I would especially like to find that Padova named the Batavians (a Cati holy-grail line) in the Netherlands...what I suspect was the foundation of the Salian-Frank portion of the Merovingians.

Possibly, the two gold lions on red background that was symbol for Normandy (and then England) were the two gold lions seen in the Abruzzo Coat, in which case the Normans (Vikings conquering Normandy) may have adopted the symbol from the Batavi. The Scottish Bruces, who came to use red and gold, trace back to Bruges in Belgium (adjacent to the Batavi). Therein would be a viable Bruce-Abruzzo link.

Although I don't yet know who gave it to who, both the Bruces and the Rorys of Bute use a blue lion on white background, which can be explained in that Bruces moved to Scotland onshore of Bute. The red and gold of the Bruces may then be the basis of the red and gold of the Donalds (Rorys were a Donald clan). However, red and gold belonged also to Byzantine emperors that were supported by Phocas generals, wherefore I wonder if the Rorys and Bruces both picked up their blue and white from Phocas elements while the Donalds picked up their red and gold from de-throned Byzantine emperors moving to the far west. I intend to explore that possibility.

I think the azure shade of blue, the official shade used on coats of arms, is a depiction of Aphrodite elements, and that it became the color of Zionism because Zionism's founders were of Aphrodite-based Hebrews. I fully expect, therefore, that the blue and white of the Greek flag is the deepest European root of Zionism, and expect an earlier link yet to Amorites of Jerusalem. I'm saying this because I have stumbled across evidence to show that certain Byzantine emperors, with marital ties to cousins of the Welsh, are known to historians as "Amorians."

This Greek link to the blue of Britain would be deemed full-proof in my mind if it's true that the nine stripes of the Greek flag depict the nine Muses, for as they were mythical women, so Merlin/Arthurian myth had nine sisters/witches -- all given the name, Morgen -- who ruled Avalon. Surely it is not a coincidence that Tolkien, in his code-studded fictions on British history, subtly identified Avalon as Bute! There is therefore zero doubt in my mind that the "owners" of the nine blue and white stripes in the Greek flag trace forward to nine Breton tribes on the island of Bute, the colors of which, a few centuries later, transferred to the Rorys when they came to rule the island.

It's possible that the nine Muses were not merely tribes of a single peoples, but eventually they became nine major peoples all their own. I say this because the mythical Council of Nine is conspicious: "Zeus and eight other deities gathered to form the Council of Nine. The council members were as follows: Aphrodite, Apollo, Athena, Demeter, Hephaestus, Hera, Hermes, Poseidon and Zeus."

The blue and white of the Muses traces to Aphrodite in her capacity as the Athenians; she was wife of Hephaistos, the latter becoming a people of Athens. In my confident opinion, she depicted the same Hebrews who put forth the Iberi...leading to the Heber Irish. As the Crichtons of Bute also used the blue lion on white background, the colors could have belonged first of all to the Cruithin of Ireland>Scotland (to whom I've traced the Crichtons). The Cruithin and the Bretons were one. Recall that I trace the Cruithin to the Curetes of Crete, and further back yet to mythical Erechtheus/Erichthonius of Athens, who was twin of mythical Butes ("Erichthonius" modifies to "Crichthon," you see). With this Athenian root in mind, read this:

"White and blue have been symbolic Greek colors since antiquity with historic significance...In ancient Greece they were connected with goddess Athena..."

In the same article, we learn that the nine blue and white stripes of the Greek flag were the design of the "Cretan Kallergis family...whose pattern in turn is supposedly derived from the standards of their ancestor, Byzantine Emperor Nicephorus II Phocas" (died 969 AD). Zowie. There you have in the Phocas surname what may just be the origin of both "blue blood" and the American flag.

While others have pointed out that the American flag derives from the nine red and white stripes in the flag of the British East India Company,, the likelihood is that this flag is just a red version of the Greek/Phocas flag. Why did the subsequent flag of the British East India Company later have 13 stripes??? Both flags are compliments of:

As the nine witches of Avalon were "Morgens," the Nine trace also to Morgannwg of south Wales (to which I had traced the portion of the American Illuminati symbolized by the red triple-chevron). Merlin is connected in myth to south Wales, especially Carmarthen, smack beside Morgannwg. I think he depicted mythical BritoMartis of Crete, for the alternative version of his name is "Myrddin."

The writer(s) of Arthurian lore who introduced the nine witches therefore knew, or at least believed, that the inhabitants of Bute were descended from the Greek Muses, but also from the Curetes of Crete. The similarity between Britomartis and Carmarthen suggests that there were a Curete peoples by the name of Martis/Martin. I think "Amorite" fits, but moreso the capital of Lusitania, Emerita, currently "Merida" (in Spain). In a recent chapter, I traced the Ladon dragon of Greece to certain peoples in and around Lusitania that became the Cornovi of Cornwall and Wales, all the more reason to equate Myrddin with Merida.

Is it a coincidence that the Arms of Spain uses nine red and gold stripes (symbol of Aragon) in one quadrant, and the gold-blue Arms of Anjou centrally? There you see the pillars of Hercules added to the Arms, a depiction of southern Spain but also symbolizing Atlantis. I now see for the first time the blue waves at the base of the pillars (I had suggested that waves of this type on some Arms were a symbol of the Atlantean empire). As I had traced Hercules (also "Heracles") to the Araxes river (Armenia), which was also called "Arak" (terms that I connect "Argos" to), doesn't "Aragon" look conspicuous?

The ribbons coiled around the pillars are said at one website to be the basis of the $ sign, though I would suggest that the mythical caduceus (encoiled by serpents) is in play here i.e. depicting the Cadusii Armenians. Indeed, the Arms of Catalonia are identical to the Aragon flag (a horizontal version of the vertical Arms of Aragon). The Arms of Roussillon/Rosellon are identical to the Arms of Aragon. Roussillon was founded by the Rus called "Ruthene," and while I suspect that these particular Rus trace to Roslin of Lothian (Scotland), it just so happens that the Gwynedd kingdom of north Wales derived from a dragon-depicted kingdom in Lothian. It is said that the Arms of Aragon are four bloody-finger marks on a gold background, but this sounds like a tale...perhaps concocted to hide the number nine as its essential element.

See the gold dragon riding the horse of Aragon, and do note the rider's blue clothing studded with gold, for this color combination is important to Templar Zionism (the gold dragon should correspond to the gold lion symbol). The website at the link above reveals that the red stripes belong to the Roman emperor, Charles le Chauve (Charles II the Bald), grandson of Charlemagne. At the website below, we see Charlemagne always wearing gold and red in the paintings shown.

See the makings of the gold-blue Arms of Anjou (minus the red border) above Charlemagne's head; the gold fleur de lis (in the Arms of Anjou) are known to be a symbol of the Merovingians (who ruled France immediately before Charlemagne), and the lis might just prove to be a symbol of unknown Amorites leading to Merovingians. As you will see, blue-gold is the color combination also of the Amorian dynasty of Byzantine emperors, though Merovingians could not have stemmed from them (the reverse is possible and something I will investigate).

It dawns on me that "lis" may be a symbol of the Laz Caucasians, who lived at Batumi i.e. the Laz were mixed with the Bat Georgians. With the Merovingians being the Laz, wouldn't it therefore support my tie of the Batavi to the Merovingians? After all, the Merovingians derived from the same Rhine-river mouth as where the Batavi had settled, at Rotterdam.

It now also dawns on me that mythical king Rhydderch, the husband of Merlin's sister, Ganieda (no doubt depicting Gwynedd), may have been code for the holy grail bloodline at Rotterdam. In my Merlin chapter, I had ventured to identify Rhydderch as the Redones of Brittany removed to Scotland, and the idea of the Ruthene founding Roslin fits very well with that idea. Rhydderch appears earliest, in the Life of St. Columba (7th century AD), as "Roderc son of Tothail."

Judging from the dragon story in the Life of St. Columba (the origin of the Loch Ness monster), I would suggest that this work, to some degree anyway, contains history written in code. I also see that St. Columba was an important figure of royal blood through "Niall of the Nine Hostages," king of Ireland. At the website below, Columba is painted with blue and gold colors, and holding a harp. The harp, as I will show, was not the symbol of Ireland only, but of the Bagratid dynasty of Armenia, a dynasty that claimed to be from king David of Israel, even as the Merovingians claimed. See at the website below that David IV (a major Bagratid) is clothed in what appears to be an azure-blue and gold. I say "appears" because the color looks bluish-green, which may be deliberate in depicting the Glaucus serpent, one of the two serpents on the Hermes caduceus, for "glaucus" means "blue-green." The golden halos behind the heads of these paintings are, of course, not unto Jesus, but unto the sun-god (i.e. Helios) concept.

[Update December 2007 -- At this Adobe article on the Pontus, I found that a Scotius mountain on a tributary of the Araxes called "Harpasou." Knowing that the Irish/Scots stemmed from mythical Scotus, it seems a no-brainer to now identify the harp symbol of Ireland as secret code for just those Scythians of the Harpasus river. The Bagratids should also trace to the same Scythians, therefore. The same article tells of a Glaucus river in Armenia. This region was in the face of a "Buziri" peoples named by Pliny, quite possibly the basis of the Byzantines. It's very interesting that Pliny mentioned the Buziri beside the Bechiri, for the latter term evokes "Bagratid." End Update]

It is known by historians that certain men/women of royal blood were convinced by royals to take oaths of celibacy (i.e. enter a monastery) so as not to produce heirs that would compete with the heirs of superiors. One can imagine rulers offering heavy financial favors to coerce such lifelong sacrifices, but such was the operation of the dragonian Christian churches. The "men of the cloth" (which cloth, the golden fleece?) would of course be politically supportive of the royals paying them off, or so was the hope. No loyalty, no more favors (the Illuminati works the same to this day, buying off it's political support). I view St. Columba on the receiving end of such favors, for no true follower of Jesus Christ is elevated to the heights that dragonian churches elevate their own "saints."

Rotterdam was named after the Rotte river, but "It is situated on the banks of the river Nieuwe Maas ("New Meuse")" (brackets not mine). Is it a coincidence that the Mus and Batman provinces of Armenia were adjacent, while the Batavi were so close to the Meuse/Mass river in Belgium/Netherlands? At the website below, the Arms of Rotterdam include red lions on gold, the symbol also of Armenia.

The Carolingian dynasty (named after Charlemagne) originated in the region of Liege (Belgium); the Liege website below shows the red and gold colors of Liege, as well as pointing out that the region is on the Meuse-river valley! The red color I would quickly tie to the Rus side of the Muses, since red is a color of Russians to this day, and is evoked in such terms as "Ruthene/Redone." The Hebrew side of the Muses may, therefore, pertain to the gold color.

As I'm assuming on some good basis that all lion symbols pertaining to Ladon-dragon bloodlines trace back to Nergal, it may be that Liege was named after the Laz Caucasians, who were married mythically to the Nergal lion. Indeed, the Laz were known as the "Lazica," and as I had traced them to Laodicea, see that "Liège was first recorded in writing in 558 as Vicus Leudicus" (website above). Because Nergal was a fire god, red suits him. The Laz, on the other hand, were connected to the golden fleece, you see.

Because Liege is in Walloon, while I had traced that region to the red and gold checks of the Vaux-branch Cohens (more-likely related closer to the Hohens), I'm keeping an eye out for to trace the Vaux checks to the red and gold of Byzantium.

The Bati Raman mountains in the Lake Van area of Armenia, after which the Batman province is now called, is conspicuous because on its northern border lies the Mus/Mush province. You'll recall my belief that I equate the Muses with historical Mysia of the Troy region, and yet I trace Mysia back to historical Misia of Caucasia, which was situated next to Cabalaca. See the location of Mus on the western side of Lake Van.

Is it a coincidence that the Batman province is called "Kabilcevz" by the Kurds (website below)? With Kabilcevz and Mus so close to each other in the Lake Van region, and with Misia and Cabalaca so near to each other in Caucasia, wouldn't it explain why the Cabelee are so close to Mysia in western Asia Minor? In this picture, the Bats of Caucasia could be the Bats of Armenia, and to explain why the Catti of the Rhine river had a Batavi tribe among them, the answer may be as easy as the Cadusii of Armenia joined to the Bats of Armenia.

As I trace these to the Budini in eastern Europe, see that "Dio Cassius tells us that the 'Bodunni' [Celts of Britain], a tribe who were tributary to the Catuvellauni, changed sides and supported the Romans. This is probably a misspelling of the Dobunni of Gloucestershire." I doubt very much that it is a misspelling since I fully expect the Batavi to have moved to Britain along with their Catti relatives.

Among the Budini were the Neuri, evoking the Nahrin of Armenia, more commonly the "Nairi," a major power in Armenia's early history, and in fact "Nairi has come to stand as a synonym for Armenia among Armenians, who tend to see Nairi as one of their most ancient ancestors." As the Nairi ruled in and around the Mus and Batman provinces, the Bats may have been named after Nahor's son, Buz, who I am venturing to identify as Poseidon = the Buzi and/or Budii Medes, but also mythical Buzas/Byzas = Byzantium. A distinction needs to be made between the Nahorites/Buzites and Amorites (though the two may have merged) because the latter already existed as a people-group when Nahor was born.

That's where the Cadusii come in, for I had traced Amorites to them, and because I saw connection between Biblical Mamre (an Amorite south of Jerusalem) and Cadusia, so I'll mention a "Mamikonian" dynasty existing in Armenia during the Byzantine era. In fact, the Mamikonians ruled Batman, Mus, and Bagrevand (the latter was ruled by the Bagratids). If you look closely at the illustration in the website below, you'll see red and gold stripes on the shields and clothing; one of the shields looks like it uses the makings of the Arms of Aragon! Note the blue elephants in the scene. The entire scene is all in blue, red and gold, the colors of the French flag and the flag of Netherlands.

Although the secret-society inhabitants of Crete are depicted mythically as ten Daktyloi (five males, five females), yet they gave birth to nine Curetes (website below). The number nine is no doubt code for equating the Curetes/Daktyloi with the nine Muses (who were of mythical Eros, son of Aphrodite = the Hebrew-Rus alliance that makes up the dragon bloodline). And in keeping with the tracing of Aphrodite and Eros to the island of Rhodes, as well as Tolkien's emphasis on the Telchines (of Rhodes), we find that the nine Curetes were at first "nine Telchines who lived in Rhodes."

Apollo (Greek "Apollon"), who I think is crucial to "Avalon," gave birth with Rhetia to the nine Corybantes (proto-Trojans) on SamoThrace. In myth, Rhetia is made akin to the Muses, not surprisingly. Keep in mind here that SamoThrace was rooted in mythical Semiramis, code for an Amorite peoples from Samosata (Armenia) who evolved into the Cati holy grail of Cilicia, and Aphrodite of Cyprus; this describes the eastern origin of the nine witches of Avalon/Bute. A western origin can be ascertained in mythical Rhetia, for while the term looks like a depiction of the nine Rhodian branches of Telchines, she should connect with the Rhetia/Rhaetia region in northern Italy, and of course to the Redones/Ruthene of France. This serves evidence that the Arms of Roussillon and Aragon are not truly four red marks on a gold platform, as claimed, but rather nine stripes depicting the Aphrodite-Rus Muses.

Nicephorus II Phocas had coins minted with he and his step-son Basil II; see these long-haired false-Christian emperors on this coin , which remind me of the face of "Jesus" on the Shroud of Turin. That's not to say that the Spirit of Jesus was in those emperors, but that the shroud was perhaps an impression of one of them. As the shroud was formed by some means of radiation, perhaps the shroud was placed on the fire-hot body of a human sacrifice (to Molech?).

Rather than seeing Merovingians stemming from Byzantines, I would suggest that the two stemmed at different times from the same stock of Amorites, in western Asia Minor, where was located the region of Amorion, the place from which the Amorian emperors came. This city was where the Cabelee had lived. Is it a coincidence that, while knowing the Merovingians to use blue and gold, Basil II is shown at the website below in blue and gold apparel?

I will show that Basil II descended from the Amorian Byzantine emperor, Michael III, who was also painted in blue and gold colors (click link). As one of the chief Merovingians was Clovis, read that "The coat of arms of Clovis and his successors was a field of azure, seeded with golden fleurs-de-lis." However, Clovis was centuries earlier than the Amorian dynasty of Byzantines, which may then require that blue and gold elements in France produced the blue and gold Amorian emperors.

Basil II was the emperor responsible for elevating the Comnenus dynasty to the Byzantine throne. Recall from the Wikipedia quote at the very end of the previous chapter that 1) Templars built a castle at Jabneel (near Jerusalem), and called it and the city, "Ibelin" (evoking Ebla of the Amorites, and Avalon of Bute); 2) The rulers of Ibelin were from "Barisans" of northern Italy (a term evoking "Pari/Parisii"; 3) Barisan was given the castle of Ibelin in 1141 by Fulk V, king of Jerusalem, which king had built the castle; 4) The younger Barisan came to be known as Balian, whose descendants were among the most powerful nobles in the Kingdom of Jerusalem and the Kingdom of Cyprus (Aphrodite's island); 5) Balian married Maria Comnena of the Byzantine imperial Comnenus dynasty.

Balian's son, John, was ruler in Templar Beirut, and so note that Beirut was first given (1110 AD) to a Fulk of Guines, son of Baldwin I, first king of Jerusalem after Godfrey de Bouillon's short/trivial leadership.

Maria Comnena had been previously married to Amalric I, king of Jerusalem, son of Fulk V. She was the eldest daughter of Baldwin II, king of Jerusalem, having for a mother the Armenian princess, Morphia of Melitene. Why did Baldwin II, from France, marry a princess from far-away Melitene of Armenia? Were these Templar Franks from Armenian blood in the first place? Indeed, Baldwin was the brother of the count of Rethel (France), and Beatrice of Rethel married King Leo I of Armenia, while Rethel is on the Meuse river! Baldwin II became ruler over Panias at Mount Hermon (named after Pan, mythical son of Hermes).

Recall my postulation wherein the Melitene/Melidu Armenians are descended from dragon-line (i.e. non-Israelite) Hebrews...who should therefore prove to be the true face of Templar and Illuminati Zionism. As an "l" can modify to an "r", perhaps "Melidu" was at first "Merida" and therefore the origin of the Welsh peoples depicted by mythical Myrddin.

A version of the Greek flag developed in Byzantium, but having four "B"s surrounding the cross (see design here), what the Wikipedia article describes as "a very important Byzantine symbol." As those Bs are said to mean "Basileus Basileon Basileuon Basileuonton," translated, "King of Kings Ruling over those who Rule," my suspicion is that the Bs were code for a Byzantine emperor named Basil, and/or his dynasty, perhaps even mythical Buzas/Byzas, founder of Byzantium. As this Byzas was from Megara, might we ask if a Byzas bloodline became the Magen David (Zionist) cult. Recall that what was thought to be the tomb of king Arthur turned out to be the tomb of an important Megarian.

For the first time, it is occurring to me that Rosicrucianism proper is based in Byzantium -- the Eastern Roman empire -- not just because Rosicrucians (as did Byzantine rulers) despised and warred against the Vatican, but due to blood ties to Constantine I the Great ("Christian" conqueror of Rome tracing back to the Trojan blood of Julius and Augustus caesars), who re-named Byzantium after himself (Constantinople) when making it the new capital of his Roman empire. There should therefore be a subtle difference between the Byzantine-based Rosicrucians and the French-Norman Templars who looked to Vatican support for the Crusades.

Is it a coincidence that another Constantine I, king of Scotland/Pictland, was the son of Cinaeda (i.e. Kenneth) MacAlpine, the latter being the symbol of Alba (the mythical elves) and therefore the crux of the dragon bloodline in Ireland/Scotland? Didn't he take that name for knowing that he was from the Roman emperor's "holy" Patrician blood? Geoffrey of Monmouth has the Constantines of Rome, as well as Arthur and his father, belonging to the House of Brittany. This tells that the Trojo-Roman holy-grail bloodline of Julius Caesar>Augustus>Constantine was located in Brittany, but in Britain as mythical Arthur.

Mythical Merlin is tied (by Geoffrey of Monmouth) to an Ambrosius (also of the House of Brittany) who was "of the purple." While this phrase has been understood by some (including Geoffrey) to connect with Constantine the Great, might it connect more directly to Byzantine emperors, since their throne titles routinely included the term, "Porphyrogenitus," meaning "purple born"? At the website below, we learn that the purple room in which purple-blood emperors were required to be born was a square room with pyramid-shaped ceiling, as though one were on the inside of a Hermes temple.

One of the conditions for a Byzantine emperor taking on the Porphyrogenitus title was that his queen was required to undergo "a formal and sacred ceremony creating her an 'Augusta,'" what I would think is a pact honoring caesar Augustus. The mother of Constantine the Great was named "Augusta." What stinks to High Heaven is that this Augustus bloodline is the purple dragon of Revelation 17, and yet the Byzantine imposters depicted themselves as being crowned by Jesus Christ Himself.

What about yet another Constantine I (died 1327) of the Bagratiani dynasty, king of Imereti? Note how Imereti, in Georgia -- where also Iberia was located -- evokes Emerita (same as Merida) in Spanish Iberia! Recall that I had traced the red hand of the Irish flag to the red hand of Abkhazia, and then know that Abkhazia was part of Imereti. The title, "King of Kings of the Abkhazians and Georgians," is shown under a painting of Bagrat III (died 1014). Other Bagratids used the same King-of-Kings title, belonging only to Jesus (as per Revelation 19)? Anyone one else who uses it, therefore, in his Name, is blaspheming.

Knowing that Heber-Irish ancestry is in the Iberians, see the gold lyre/harp in the top-right quadrant of the Bagrationi Arms, the symbol of Ireland to this day! Although the Coat shown uses no green, the earlier version (shown at the website below) used a green background i.e. that's where I would trace the green of Ireland.

See too, in the Bagrationi Arms, St. George killing the dragon, the symbol taken on by England. I would assume, therefore, that the two gold lions holding the Bagratiani Coat are of the same bloodline as the owners of the two gold lions of Normandy...that were borrowed by England in forming her three-gold-lion symbol (i.e. England became the third lion).

I now think I know the derivation of the harp symbol, in king David of Israel (the harp player), for the Bagratid dynasty claims descent from king David of Israel. Herein is the hoax that has been carried onward by Rosicrucians, especially in Merovingian France, but even by the current British royal family. Note that Constantine I (of Georgia) was the son of David VI, king of Georgia, a name taken on to perpetuate the hoax. Might the kingdom of Dyfed in south Wales, the home of Merlin, have been named after this same hoax? It's not a coincidence that in Arthurian myth, Arthur descended from the holy-grail blood of king David of Israel.

A Wikipedia article shares a view of Bagratid claims to the blood of king David of Israel, but calls it a "myth":

"...the legend of Davidic origin of the Georgian Bagratids was a further development of the earlier claim entertained by the Armenian [Bagratid] dynasty and their apologist Moses of Khorene. Once the Georgian branch, who had quickly acculturated in the new environment, assumed royal power, the myth of their biblical origin helped to assert their legitimacy and emerged as a main ideological pillar of the millennium-long Bagrationi rule in Georgia...While the Jewish origin, let alone the biblical descent of the Bagratids, has been largely discounted by modern scholarship, the issue of their origin still remains controversial."

As you can see, the claim to king David of Israel was at first in the Armenian branch of Bagratids, even as I have been claiming all along in this book that the dragon bloodline is both from Armenian and non-Israelite Hebrews.

The Bagratiani dynasty ruled the city of Kutaisa (ancient Aes in Colchis), the location of the golden fleece (of Hermes), and what appears to be named after the Cadusia. In fact, the kingdom of Imereti, on the Rioni river, included Kutaisa (Poti, the city that I think may have named Bute(s), was at the mouth of the Rioni).

The important David IV (born 1073 in Kutaisa) was fighting the Muslims at the very time that Templars were doing so in the First Crusade (against Jerusalem). The daughter of this David married Isaac Comnenus of Byzantium. As I've shown a few times already, the Templar flag was strikingly similar to the Georgian flag (a design that may have contributed to the four-rose Rosicrucian emblem). The Templar flag is a symbol of Jerusalem to this day on various Arms, and may be either red or gold. But why does essentially the same cross appear on the Arms of Armenia, along with red lions on gold? Wikipedia asserts that the flags were created by the Bagratid dynasty:

"...the four extra crosses were probably added during the reign of George V of Georgia...Around that time [13th century], the new [five-cross] design was adopted as a variant of the Jerusalem cross."

As I suspect that Burgundy is a Hebrew entity of the Ebroicum Celts and very much a part of Zionism, the following statement is important, especially as the royal House of Avis was of the House of Burgundy: "The Order of the Golden Fleece is an order of chivalry founded in 1430 by Duke Philip III of Burgundy to celebrate his marriage to the Portuguese princess Isabelle of Aviz." When I checked the House of Avis, I found that the Arms of Avis uses a green Crusader cross (with fleur de lis ends). There was even a Templar-related "Order of Avis" in Portugal (named after the city of Avis).

Members of the Order of the Golden Fleece, often important royalty, wore a neck chain with a small dead sheep -- i.e. the golden fleece -- as the main ornament. Suddenly, the two green dragons with golden fleeces dangling from their necks, in the Arms of Montgomeryshire (Wales), seem more connect-able to Colchis' golden fleece than when I suggested the connection in a recent chapter.

The Connor surname of Munster and Kerry County in southern Ireland used the Kerry colors in forming a gold lion on green background. Then see the Welsh Morgan-surname Coat, that it too uses a gold lion on green background. And as proof that these families were descended from the Muses, and probably knew at some ancient point, the colors of mythical Morgan la Fay at the website below are green and gold (she was the superior of the nine Morgen witches of Bute).

Recall that the green dragon is also a symbol of the Crichton Crest. The website below shows the entire Crichton Coat, with blue lions on white, and because it tells that these lions are a symbol of Scotland, they ought to be shared with the Bruce kings of Scotland (who used blue lions on white).


Blue Gold Found in Templar Sweden
The Templar blue lion on gold was in Scandinavia,
the royals of which we should find related to
Merovingians and Anjou...and Pisidians.

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