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Written late, with a new Hebrew theme, June 2006.
Reading previous chapters is required to make this one understood best.

The Greek peoples under "Aeolus" (whom I think named Wales and Corn-Wales) were assigned a "son," Sisyphus, co-ruler of Corinth with Aeetes; I show later that Sisyphus depicted the Greek root of the boar line that connect to Merovingians. I made the boar connection to Sisyphus independent of Sisyphus having the mythical Meropes ("bee-eater") for a wife, where she may be the root of Merovee (mythical founder of the Merovingians). Now (June 2006), a couples of years later, I have possibly discovered the Mesopotamian origin of the boar line in another son assigned to Aeolus, as we shall see below.

The sons of Aeolus by Enarete could reveal that she depicted Elamites, for a Wikipedia article claims that "The Elamites called their country Haltamti (in later Elamite, Atamti)..." Not only does the latter version evoke Enarete's important son, Athamas, but Sisyphus (also her son) evokes the Elam capital, Susa. Another important son of Enarete was Salmoneus, and he evokes "Shalmaneser," who, while being part of an Assyrian dynasty, may have been named after a previous deity/ruler/peoples to which Salmoneus was also connected; the terms appear as the Semitic, "shalom," especially since the "eser" ending is known to be a suffix (supposedly referring to "Esarra"). It's also interesting that the Semitic version of the Utu/Sumerian sun-god was "Shamash," and that a "Simash" dynasty arose in Elam. The dragon line should therefore be considered a Hebrew/Aramean/Elamite snake mated with various Aryans, especially Cimmerians and Scythians (the latter may be fundamentally off-shoots of Gomer).

On the Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser II, the king claims to be "the noble offspring of Tiglath-Adar." "Tiglath" appears to denote the deity that named the Tigris river (upon which was Assyria), and since the Tigris was anciently the Idigna/Idigina (according to a Wikipedia article), Dagon comes to mind. But "Tigris" very much evokes the root of "Togarmah," wherefore the river may at first have been named after him, explaining why his brother's tribe, Ashkenaz, lived between the river and the Zagros range (situated parallel with the river). "Dagon" may then be viewed as a modification of "Togarmah," being modified as (i.e. after) the river's name became Idigna.

It's the "Adar" term that concerns me most, for the god by that name would appear to have been responsible for the Jewish month of Adar...meaning that Adar was a Semitic god, which then stands as evidence that Assyrian kings of that period were Semites, and perhaps even Abrahamic Asshurites (from Dedan). On the Obelisk, Shalmaneser praised, and therefore showed that he was rooted in, "Adar, the terrible, (Lord) of the spirits of heaven and the spirits of earth, the exceeding strong god."

Wouldn't this be Aether, the sky god? Could this sky god not be Gether, son of Aram, and therefore the Gadeirus of Plato? If so, then Shalmaneser and Salmoneus could be considered, at least in part, that all the children of Enarete may be viewed likewise. One might then be tempted to view their father, Aeolus, as an Aramean, but it may be otherwise, that Enarete had the Aramean blood, while Aeolus had the Hebrew blood. Elam, by the way, was Aram's elder brother (Genesis 10:22).

Enarete may just have been what Tacitus (later) introduced as the "Earth Mother" by the name of "Nerthus." Tacitus tied Nerthus to the Saxons tribes of Reudigni (Redones?), Angli (Angles), Eudoses (Eotens/Jutes/Edones), and Suarines (Svi, Sviar/Swedes). But included in Tacitus' list were the Auiones.

What I'm suggesting is that the Saxons tie back to the Elamites depicted by Enarete/Nerthus, and because the Great Mother, Ishtar, was one of the first names to be viewed as Earth Mother, she, Ishtar, may have been in part Elamite. It would also be apparent that Nerthus was the same as Uranus' wife, Gaia, for in fact Gaia was defined precisely as Mother Earth. Therefore, if Uranus was Gether, Gaia may just have represented the Nahorites tied to him. The moment I made that hypotheses, I checked the Genesis list of Nahor's sons (22:21-24) to see if any could equate to Gaia, and, lo, he had a son by the name of "Gaham."

There's perhaps no use seeking a people group from which Nerthus was named, for she appears to have been named after "earth." This term may derive from Eridu, which was "Urdu" to the Sumerians, and "Orthos" to Geryon. One could conjecture that "Gaia" derived from the Semitic "goy" (nation), but I would suggest the reverse, that non-Jewish nations were called "goy" by Israelites (and/or other monotheistic Semites) because all nations worshiped Gaia. Note the similarity, and the possible implication thereof, between "goiim" (plural of goy) and "Gaham."

Elam was the elder son of Shem, and yet Josephus claimed: "...the Elamites, the ancestors of the Persians" (Antiquities of the Jews 1:6)"

Say what? Weren't Persians Aryans? Yes, but what Josephus knew, as did the Merovingians, was that certain Semites of Mesopotamia had been meshed with Aryans. It is known that Elam over-came Akkadia for some time, and that the Kassites and Elamites shared regions. As the Kissians were identified as Susi, it verifies that Susa was a Kassite domain at times. I would suggest that when Sisyphus was made the husband of Enarete, it depicted a Kassite-Elamite mix (but with Kabala blood buried in the Kassites.

Another son of Enarete was Perieres, who, because his son was Aphareus, was likely a depiction of the Elamite branch that put forth the Farsi/Parsi/Persians (often a capital A denotes "of"). And Perieres may just be The Boar for various reasons; for one, the bear symbol conspicuously follows the boar symbol, while the bear is a depiction of the Persians. For two, Perieres' son seems like the founder of Corinth, for the city was at first "Ephyra," very close to "Aphareus." The following quote of Shalmaneser probably exposes the historical identity of Perieres as the Burirans (square brackets mine):

"Up to the borders of the country of the Armenians I went. Fifty of their cities I threw down, dug up (and) burned with fire. To the country of Guzani I went down [where Hebrews lived]. The tribute of Upu of the country of the Guzanians, of the country of the Mannians, of the country of the Buririans, of the country of the Kharranians, of the country of the Sasganians, of the country of the Andians, (and) of the country of the Kharkhanians."

Gozan, remember, is where the 10 tribes of the Israelites were settled when Shalmaneser's dynasty took them from Israel. It was in the land of the Cutha, and in a moment we will find the Cutha named by Shalmaneser himself. Notice how "Gozan" evokes "Goshen" of Egypt. Might Gozan, therefore, have been a settlement of Abraham's ancestors (i.e. including Eber) who put forth the Israelite branch of Hebrews? It certainly seems that way, and that the first Israelites brought the Gozan name not only to Israel, but to Egypt. Where in Israel? Don't know yet; I don't want to mention Gaza.

The Buririans are mentioned with the Sasganians, wherefore I wouldn't hesitate to identify the latter with the mythical Sisyphus, the one to whom I traced the Boar Line even before having the above data/quote to substantiate it. One of the three Hecatonchire was named Briareus, and he may just have been the Buririans/Perieres peoples. Because this Hecotonchire was noted as a goat, I will suggest a tie to Gozan (i.e. becaue I think “Goza” = goat).

The "Kharranians" likely refer to the Aryan region of Eranians/Iranians; the term is a good candidate for furnishing "Uranus." These peoples are mentioned (above) in relation to the Aryan bedrock of Andia (India) and Kharkhan (now Kyrgyzstan of Tajikstan). The Gorgons, I am certain, originate in these Afghan regions.

I've had a chapter prepared for years now on that topic, to be online soon I hope, but for now let me share what I recently read. I don't know whether the argumentation in a certain paragraph (website below) is accurate, where the author attempts to tie the Kyrgyz to Turks rather than Aryans, but he equated the term "Aguz/Okus" with "Gok," where Aguz was Turanian (an Altaic langauge group). While that author and others define "Gok" as "sky/blue," I would of course equate it with (Aryan) Gog. The paragraph ends with: "Thus the Sumerian King titled ENSHAKUSHANNA and his people were Sun-God (OGUZ-KAGAN) followers." Brackets not mine. Those brackets in his mind read as Gok-Kagan, a very supportive term for those who believe that the Khazars were Gogi. Altaics are connected to the Kyrgyz/Gorgon Aryans, and so the Haltamti (Elamites) come to mind as the Altaic root.

The Taurus bull (which I had connected to Gorgons independent of the argument here) should prove to be integral with the Turanians, as even that term implies, but also due to the Turanians being rooted at the Oxus (modern Amu) river in Aryan Afghanistan. Mari was to one side of the Oxus river, and do note with highlighter that Mari was earlier "Merv," very much like "Merovee" so that indeed the Mary of Merovingian tradition is not Mary Magdalene, but Mari (also called "Mary"!), no doubt the land after whom the god of war, Ares/Mars was named. Mari is "looked upon as the ancient Paradise, the cradle of the Aryan families of mankind..."

The Turanians included the Finno-Ugrics (Magyar/Magi Medes are included there, so why not also the Budi and Buzi Medes?), and were thus no doubt the mythical Hyperboreans ("far-northerners"), a term rooted in "Boreas (the mythical north wind and therefore no doubt tied to Aeolus, the Wind god). Couldn't Boreas be the Boar? It was to these Mari Aryans that the Cutha must have been hooked, for in the Cutha region on the Euphrates sat another city of Mari, a city that knew Nahor peoples. Now behold yet another boar-like term that is stated alongside Cutha:

"To the great fortresses I went. Sacrifices in Babylon, Borsippa, (and) Cuthah I made. Thanksgivings to the great gods I offered up. To the country of Kaldu I descended. Their cities I captured..."

Ignore the "ippa" horse-suffix and view the term as "Bors." At one website (below), I found this definition: "Boreas The North Wind. He is the Kassite god Buriash."

The title of a previous chapter, I Taut I Saw a Buzi Cat, may not have made much sense then, but it refers to the Buzi having a part in the Khazar empire, which empire was called "Katziri." I went on to show that the Cohen family, self-proclaimed to be from Israelite Levites/priests, were instead Khazar (i.e. khagen) Hebrews, especially as the "Katz" surname is to this day associated with the Cohen name, not to mention that "khan" is a widely-used variation of "khagen." In the following Black-Obelisk quote, Shalmaneser mentions the "Cati" alongside what appears to be a possible Cohen root, the "Kahuians" ("Kagu/Gagu?):

"In my 25th campaign the Euphrates at its flood I crossed. The tribute of the Kings of the Hittites, all of them, I received. The country of Amanus I traversed. To the cities of Cati of the country of the Kahuians I descended..."

Amanus refers to north-western Syria, wherefore the country of the Kahuians would appear to be in that general area. I should say that some internet translations of the Black Obelisk use "Kaue" instead.

Now I did a Coat-of-Arms search for "Kahuia," and immediately drew the "Kahoon/Kalhoun/Calquhoun" surname. At the website below, there are a list of many names/septs that derive from this Scottish family, the first listed being "Cowan/Cowen"!! This cannot be a cosmic coincidence. Moreover, thou unbeliever, you, the "History of the Calquhoun Clan" website (below) reports, "Cohen is another form of the name."

Do you recall the MacClintock surname mentioned in the previous chapter, the one that was connected to the Stewarts? It too, I just learned, is listed as a sept of the Calquhoun family. One could then theorize that "Clin(tock)" was at one time "Calhoun." The Clinton name now comes to mind as possibly CalhounTown...meaning that the Clintons may be branches of the Cohen Stewarts.

The Calhoun Coat of Arms is an inverted (i.e. saltire) cross of the Sinclairs (from the Rollo Vikings, the Norman kings of England). Does this not show that the Sinclairs were Cohanim, and by that fact explain why the Sinclairs were up-and-front in the quest to secure Jerusalem as per the Crusades? Could we not identify the whole lot of Templar founders as Cohanim, since their pre-occupation was the Temple treasure and, reportedly, to re-build the Temple.

The so-called "obscure" Calquhoun name is thought to have "hound" (i.e. dog) as the root. Wouldn't that tie the Cohens, there and elsewhere, not to mention the Kahuians, to the wolf line of Verkhana? In fact, as both Kilpatrick/Kirkpatrick are said to be Calquhoun septs, where the "Kil" of the one name would conform to the Calquhoun name, one is left to ponder if the "Kirk" of the other name, said to mean "church," isn't instead the early form of "Kil" and "Calq" that "Kirk" ties back to such Gorgon localities as Colchis and Verkhana ("wolf land"). Indeed, Verkhana was later Hercania, easily modified to "Kerkania." The Kirk-to-Kil change is reflected in the Verk-to-Colch change.

See in the following quote that "Khazzi" was in the land of the Cati:

"In my 26th year for the seventh time the country of the Amanus I traversed. For the fourth time to the cities of Cati of the country of the Kahuians I went. The city of Tanacun, the strong city of Tulca I approached...To the country of Lamena I went...To the city of Khazzi I went. My feet they took. Silver (and) gold, their tribute, I received. Cirri, the brother of Cati to the sovereignty over them I set."

Unfortunately, no Internet website discloses the locations of Tanacun, Tulca, or Lamena. But safe to say, the Cati and the Kahuians were in the same country as the Khassi. Gaza comes to mind, as do the Kassites and the Khazars. As the "Agatziri" (i.e. Khazar) term may have referred to the Cati, so the Khazzi may have been a Khazar-related peoples. The Cirri that is said by Shalmaneser to be "the brother of Cati" would appear to be Nergal (the god specific to the Cutha back in Mesopotamia) by his other name, "Nusku," "who is hardly to be distinguished, from a certain time on, from a god Girru - formerly read Gibil." (italics mine)

I can't find the reason online, but one Internet translation uses "Tarzi" instead of "Khazzi." The two terms are not very similar. This would be a good place to assert my expectation that Stewart-related Illuminatists disguise their roots in the Khazars. As Cati and Khazzi are dead give-aways, which in turn have the potential to reveal their relationship to Khazar-based Cohens (a very shocking relationship), it may be that the Cohen-based Illuminatists have chosen "Tarzi" in place of "Khazzi," this having some justification (but not nearly enough to satisfy integrity) since Tarzi (i.e. Tarsus) was a major city in Khazzi.

And look. The same translation that uses "Tarzi" instead of "Khazzi" uses "Hatti" instead of "Cati." That may seem reasonable enough, in a liberal translation, but if the actual translation uses a hard "C", then perhaps the Hatti are not be inferred. Tarsus was the capital of a region named "Kizzuwatna," and this must surely be the Khazzi mentioned by Shalmaneser. The website in which I learned this information also says: "The famous Hittite queen Puduhepa...was a priestess in Kizzuwatna." That queen's name was a throne name, to be understood as Ptah-Hept. Hept was a peoples of Armenian Teisheba (Abrahamic Sheba in my opinion; see my previous writings), and Ptah was related to the Kothar-wa-Khasis honored in Gath (Israel) and in the Ugaritic region of (north-west) Syria. It therefore becomes fairly convincing that the Khasis portion of that phrase refers to Khazzi/Kizzuwatna.

A Wikipedia article on a Quwe region of eastern Cilicia (i.e. in the face of north-west Syria) has this to say: "Quwê – also spelled Que, Kue, Qeve, Coa, Kuê and Keveh – was an Assyrian vassal state or province at various times from the 9th century BC to shortly after the death of Ashurbanipal around 627 BCE in the lowlands of eastern Cilicia, and the name of its capital city, tentatively identified with Adana, in modern Turkey." Quwe must be the Kahu mentioned by Shalmaneser.

Because this region is identified in the quote with modern Adana, with "Edene" being an historical alternative, I must research whether there are any ties to the Edones of Thrace. Are you with me? I'm wondering if the Kothar-wa-Khasis from Gath didn't migrate with peoples of Dor to Adana in Cilicia, and then to Thrace as the Edones/Getae and Dorians, where the Edones later settled Macedonia, prior to Macedonia being routed by the Dorians. I'm wondering if those Israeli-shore peoples were the Cohanim, not necessarily of the Israelite Levites, but non-Levite pagan priesthoods serving and promoting Akkadian-based religions amongst Israelites, as for example Dagon and El/Baal. Having been religious figures in Israel, the pagan priests could for that reason have developed the Cohen title...since the Levites are in fact called "cohens" (i.e. "priests") throughout the Bible.

[Update June 16 -- Today I searched to find if the Auiones mentioned by Tacitus may have been Cohens. I found this statement: "Schütte remarks [the Auiones] are mentioned in Widsith as Eowan." That certainly looks as though it could modify to "Cowan." Take lightly those who define "Auione" as "island peoples," as this is a too-simplistic approach for making people-identifications. ( -- End Update]

There is a Kozan in the Adana region that evokes Gozan of the Euphrates river. Kozan was at one time Sis, and so one wonders if this was not the Cilician root of Sisyphus. Kozan was on the "Kirkgen" river, evoking the Kirkpatrick sept of the (Scottish) Cowan/Calhoun family. Adana/Quwa was on the Seyhoun river, that having the same ending as "Calhoun," by which I mean to suggest multiple "---houns" in that region.

I'm wondering if the Cowans/Cohens of Adana were, in centuries prior to the Shalmaneser period, the Hermes (i.e. Armenian) bloodline. I say this because the Quwe/Adana peoples honored the Armenian god (Teisheba/Tesup). Kizzuwatna is a term belonging to the Hermes period, and the Akkadian king of very early times, Sargon, claimed to have been in Cilician mountains, wherefore the Hebrew Akkadians may have followed along...en route to founding Arcadia in Greece, the city that was made (by the myth writers) the birthplace of Hermes.

The historical evidence for an Akkadia-Arcadia connection is weak at best, and yet many view it as fact. A Wikipedia article on Akkadia, which by the way equates it with ancient Agade, tells that the Septuagint version of Akkad was "Archad." My position is that, regardless of whether or not Arcadia was named after Akkadia, the dragon-line connection between the two is hard fact. Now consider the following quote from a website author seeking the same secret-society secrets as myself:

"Though some disagree, Akkadia seems to be synonymous with Agade, the Sumerian capital associated with the empire's most well-known leader, Sargon the Great....One indication that Agade and Akkadia may be one and the same is that the sea-faring men of ancient Phoenicia were referred to alternately as “Gads”, or “Kads”...According to the Sumeriologist L.A. Waddell, the term “Gad” mutated and was preserved in the name of the Goths. The term “Kad” mutated to “Catti”, which was the title given to royalty in ancient Britain. Also, the word “Catti” was the source for many place names in Europe...They are to be found from the mid-east to Spain, and from North Africa to Scotland. Of interest in regard to this word “cat” or “catti” is that we had heard of it before, from a very strange figure who was staying at the same hotel as us in Rennes-le-Chateau.

The man was in the process of translating what he claimed was the oldest book in the world, a history of Atlantis. He was a linguist who claimed to have discovered the primordial language of mankind...We quizzed him at length about the roots of words central to our research. When we asked him where the word “Cathar” came from, he explained that it referred to a people descended from “the Cats” and “the Ari”, or “Aryans.” He was vague as to who exactly “the Cats” were, but said that their name figured in the place-names of countless cities and regions, such as Catalonia, Cadiz, and Caithness....The word “Kad” in fact shows up repeatedly in ancient place-names. Along the Phoenician coast at the time of the kingdoms of David and Solomon, there were no less than three cities all named “Kadesh.” The term “Gad” shows up repeatedly as well. On either side of the Straights of Gibraltar, there were once two cities both named “Agadir”, the most famous of which is sometimes referred to as “Gades.” At the time, remember, those Straights were known as the “Firth of the Gads.” So our research would seem to confirm what we were told by the mysterious stranger at Rennes-le-Chateau. We wished we could have learned more from him about this people he called “the Cats”, but unfortunately our mutual language barrier prevented it..."

Wow. Stunning. It leads me to believe that Akkadia was named by the same who named Agadir, Plato's Gadeirus. Was that the Biblical Gether, son of Aram? Apparently, then, Atlantis was based on the Cats of Akkadia. As secret societies do repeatedly, they chose to depict themselves by animals/things that sound like their people groups, which may be the reason for the leopards and lions depicting many dragon-line peoples. Arcadia itself was named after the bear, but this evokes not Akkadia so much as the Persians to whom the (Hebrew/Semitic) Akkadians were tied by blood. Homer said that Troy itself was founded by certain Arcadians, making sense where Troy is viewed as a capital of Greek Atlantis.

It would appear that the Cats were the Hebrew Cohanim. I would agree with the piece above where the Cats are the root of the Goths, and of course I would include the Getae/Edone Thracians. And where the piece speaks on Israelite/Phoenician cities named after the Cats, it didn't include Gath/Gaza, though I think this is a key location that reveals the root of the Cats in the Kassite Khazars/Katziri. From Gath, the Cats spread to the Phoenicians, by which I mean to point out, in case the reader gets that impression, that the Cats were not Phoenician originally.

The reason that Poseidon Greeks from north Africa came to the Israeli coast to thereby found the Phoenicians is that some of Poseidon's ancestors were still on the Israeli coast. But this was so long prior to the Mosaic period that the Bible gives little if any record of such Aryans in Israeli confines. The best that I can do is assume that the Aryans came along with Nahorites and Abrahamic Shebeans and Dedanites. But in so assuming, I lump these Hebrews in with the Poseidon peoples, as one dog wagging a dragon's tail.

When I had named the chapter, "I Taut I Saw a Buzi Cat," Taut referred to Thoth/Hermes, and he I do not think was rooted in Poseidon nor the Buzi. In being the son of the mythical Maia, Hermes was likely from the Maji/Magi Medes, neighbors to the Buzi Medes. But being a son of Zeus, Hermes was connected to Dagon worshipers, who were Semites of Akkadia that likely included Nahor bloodlines of various sorts. To what extent the Poseidon migration paralleled or fused with the Hermes migration I am not yet certain. I should be an expert at this myth-busting work by the time I am able to discern that correctly.

I named the Buzi-Cat chapter a couple of days before finding the Black Obelisk inscription regarding the Cati, but also a few days before finding the above quote on the Cads/Cats. I had, and still have, no hard evidence for a Katziri-Buz connection. I've yet to solidly connect the Bute/Bude or the bee-line peoples of western Europe to the Atlanteans; these are only a strong hunches at the moment. I've yet to connect Buzi Medes or Nahorites to the Khazars with more than a hunch.

But hunches are formed when certain pieces of information deep within us begin to settle into our internal "computers" where deductions are formed that egg our foggy minds on along certain lines of clearer understanding. I have had this mechanism work well for me throughout the writing on this topic; time and time again I found information that verified hunches, quite often on the same day/hour that hunches were formed. I often feel Led due to the number of occurrences, and the striking nature of what I find/learn. My hunch now is that somewhere someone has information on the Buzites that, upon being published online and being found, will verify in concrete what theories I have herein shared with you. It's a good thing I can still admit that I'm not an expert in these topics, or it might sound as though I'm boasting a little on myself.

The following follows the above paragraph by a few hours.

Due to some information at the following website, I think I have realized a hunch wherein that the Guti were strictly the Cutha Kabalists, at first, and only afterward did they become Aryan speakers, when merging with Medes:

"After the fall of Nineveh [the Guti] coalesced with the Medes, and...became gradually Aryanized..."

This view satisfies a nagging, that the Cutha and the Guti were one. Moreover, it satisfies those whom have not agreed with others that see the Guti as Aryans. Everybody's right if they weren't, and then were, Aryans (by marriage to the Medes). But THE BIG QUESTION is, which Medes did the Cutha coalesce with???

The website points out that the Guti much later put forth a Saspirian branch, a term that looks like a Sisyphus-Aphareus mix, the two founders of Corinth. I'm not of course suggesting that the Saspirians were named after the mythical Sisyphus and Aphareus, but rather the reverse. That is, the Greek founders of Corinth were codes to depict a Guti-Elamite mix, or, better yet, a Guti-Persian mix. But because Sisyphus and Aphareus were made "children" of Aeolus and Enarete, where Enarete and Aphareus represent the Elamite entity, Aeolus is again revealed as the Guti entity...that is, the Cutha Kabalists. And because Boiotus was made Aeolus' twin, it would indeed appear that the Buzi Medes are those with whom the Guti coalesced.

Because the Saspirians are mentioned next to the Colchians in Herodotus' geography, I've got to add that the mythical king of Colchis was regarded as a co-founder of Corinth, wherefore he suddenly crystallizes in my mind as a Cutha entity. Indeed, because his name was Aeetes, virtually the same as the Phrygian sun god, Attis, my conclusion is, not only that Corinth was founded by the Utu sun-god line, but that the line was fundamentally Cutha in blood type.

Just as the Assyrians called the Guti, "Kardu/Kurdi," which seems like a K version of Eridu ("Urdu" to the Sumerians), so the Guti and Cutha seem like a G/C version of Utu, god of Eridu. It was just a base-less hunch some four years ago that the Guti were an Aryan second-party contribution to the non-Aryan Utu dragon line, but now it seems far worse, that the Guti were a Hebrew basis of the dragon line, and that it was they who mixed with Aryans so that Aryans to this day trace their pagan lines to the same dragon. Yes, this view sits well with my internal hunch assessor.


Sheba and Dedan in Greece
Tell me if you think the Cohens were in Epirus,
on the northern outskirts of Greece
at the gate of the Illyrians.

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