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When Geoffrey of Monmouth, in his "Vita Merlini," described Merlin's wife, Guendoloena, as a cow, he, as a writer of encoded myth was (she'll be happier to know) probably signifying the Taurus Gorgons. He wasn't being rude in that he also described her as The Virgin (maybe she was a case of how Russians describe their women: strong like bull, good looking like street car).

Is it a coincidence that Daphne of Greek myth desired to be a perpetual virgin while her father was Tiresias, a name wherein we see "Taurus" virtually spelled out? The descendants of Daphne coincide well with the British Celts, as this chapter will show. It might even be important that between Liguria (north Italy) and the Ruthene of France there is a region called "Dauphine." "Guendoloena" is in this chapter a term depicting Venetian descendants removed to the Gwynedd kingdom of Wales.

As sexual relations in myth depict alliances between peoples that permit intermarriages, "virgin" may depict a peoples unwilling to mix with order to keep their bloodline "pure," as per the "holy grail" blood, which has nothing to do with Jesus but more with Snake blood.

Recalling that Ladon ruled the golden apples of the Hesperides, note that Apollo, while in love with Daphne, had her swim in the Ladon river in order to obtain her romances. This identifies Daphne with the Ladon peoples, and because the Ladon river was in Arcadia, the finger points to the Hermes bloodline. Therefore, the Ladon peoples of the Hesperides should be identified as the same.

Peneus, a peoples on the river by the same name in northern Greece (Thessaly), should therefore be viewed as a Hermes bloodline. If that's the Holy Grail, it's no wonder it's been kept secret through the centuries, just like I'd want to conceal my most-embarrassing moment.

Apollo, who loved Daphne (i.e. who wanted an alliance with the Hermes peoples of Greece), depicted Gorgon wolf peoples settled in Hermes' Arcadia, and also south of Arcadia in Laconia (Sparta). Daphne peoples settled in Locris, yet another "wolf" term, wherefore she may likewise have been a wolf-line peoples. On the north side of the Hermus river (Lydia) there was the city of Hyrcanis, meaning "wolf land" and no doubt a colony of the Gorgons from Verkana (on the Caspian sea)...which was alternatively "Hyrcania." In other words, the Apollo-Daphne affair was a meeting of Gorgons from the north shores of the Black sea with Gorgons coming across to Greece off to its south.

Because Tiresias and Peneus are both depicted as Daphne's father, Tiresias is thus identified as some portion of the Peneus peoples depicted by a pine tree. As "Tiresias" was made to evoke "Taurus," he would represent the peoples (possibly Tiras, son of Japheth) associated with the bull cult of Dionysus/Thebes. In fact, Tiresias, as a seer/priest of Dionysus, convinced Cadmus to honor Dionysus (the descendants of Cadmus would resist Dionysus). In other words, the Tiresias-Cadmus alliance was one and the same the Cadmus-Hermes alliance, and very similar to, if not the same as, the Cadmus-Harmonia marriage. This in a nutshell was proto-Europe.

Tiresias is said to descend from a peoples depicted by the teeth of the Ares dragon (that Cadmus killed), which teeth later became the dragon of Colchis that protected the Golden Fleece. Recall that I had identified this dragon as the Hermes bloodline. Well, the snake-entwined magic staff of Hermes, the "caduceus," was the creation of Tiresias himself! It enabled Tiresias to convert into a woman and back again into a man, this having some sort of secret meaning connected to the term, "Hermaphrodites." "Tiresias' staff, complete with serpents, was later passed on to Hermes..." (

[Update June 2006 -- I'm much "smarter" now to the illustrations set forth by the myth wizards. Knowing now that "Aphrodite" was code for "Abiru," and that Hermes was code for Armenia, I think the secret meaning of the two snakes (of the caduceus) is a Hebrew-Aryan mix. Only one of the two snakes was depicted as male, logically (I don't know which yet), and the idea of a man being able to turn into a woman (or vice versa) had to do with the utter fusing of the Hebrews with Aryans so that any person from that line could be one or the other at any time. End Update]

So when we see Daphne swimming in Arcadia's Ladon river, she depicts a Hermes line there, and Apollo come to swim with her is the north-shore Armenians come late to make an alliance. It's probably not a coincidence that, in her resisting Apollo, she wanted to be allied rather to Dionysus. Keep in mind here that the Galli/Kabeiri cult was the same type as that of Dionysus.

The Greek home of Dionysus was the Cyclade island of Naxos, and Naxos was earlier "Dia." That Diana and Dionysus depicted the Danes is not hard to imagine, and so I expect to find connections between Dionysus and the Danaans of Argos. As we saw that the Danes were the Rus, so myth discloses that it was "Eros" (much like "Hros") who made Daphne resist Apollo's love/alliance.

[Update June 2006 -- I would like to clarify. I do not think that Dionysus was involved in the Veneti-to-Britain migration that was the root of the Danes proper, even though Dionysus peoples may have been a Thrace-based root of the Danes. I now view Dionysus as the migration of Edones to Sweden direct, without going through Britain. I note that the island he was made to represent , Naxos, evokes the Biblical spelling of Nahor, "Nachor." For this and other reasons I tend to view Dionysus as the Neuri-Boudini migration to Sweden and Norway, keeping in mind that the Neuri are thought (by some) to have been proto-Rus peoples of the Slav type, albeit from whom possibly/logically the Varangian Rus derived at least in part. I've only just realized that "Caledonia" may be understood as Cal-Edonia. End Update]

The wife of Daphne's father (Peneus) was Creusa, which I think is yet another variation of "Hros." If all true, then Daphne depicted the Hros to a large degree, or shall I say she depicted intermarriages between the Hros and Peneus (Pan?) peoples, the Hros being from the north shores of the Black sea but not the same as Apollo, for Daphne rejected Apollo. As I've explained elsewhere, Apollo was a Gog and/or Togarmite peoples. The Rus were likely the Rosh peoples of Lake Van (Armenia), where lived the Nairi (almost the same as "Neuri").

Now Eros was the Roman form of Cupid, but the mother of Cupid was (the Roman) Venus, the eponym, in my opinion, of the Veneti. This supports my belief that the Veneti became the Ruotsi Vikings and Redone/Ruthene Rus of Gaul. Venus was herself the Italian form of Aphrodite, and Aphrodite was the wife of Hephaistos, the progenitor of the Kabeiri cult.

Myth tells further that Daphne, after being turned into a pine tree, was shipped over to Crete to become Pasiphae, the latter being the daughter of Helios and Perse (the sun-royal couple who also gave birth to Circe of Latin and Etruscan fame/root). This more-assuredly equates Daphne as a Hermes line because Helios and Perse also gave birth to Aeetes, he known to be of the Hermes line.

[Update June 2006 -- Believing now that the Phrygian sun god, Attis, was the very embodiment of the Kabeiri cult, and therefore a Kabala-Hebrew entity, Daphne must have become married into the same since Attis was the pine tree. Note the illustration, that she was not a pine tree to begin with, but rather was changed into one i.e. converted/married to the Kabala-worshiping peoples.

While writing the above I had a hunch that the dragon-infested Vatican made December 25th the birthday of Christ to match the Hanukkah holiday (also "Channukah") of the Jews on the 25th of their month, Kislev. I reasoned that the Vatican made it in December because that's when Kislev usually falls. Knowing also that December 25th has been cited as the birthday of the sun god, and seeing that the pine tree is used at Christmas, I easily saw Attis as that sun god, especially now that I view Attis as a Hebrew entity. And so knowing what I do now, I saw immediately that "Channukah" starts with what might be "Cohen." This gave me a hunch that Hanukkah was a Khazar celebration, and so I went Internet searching for evidence; I couldn't find any obvious Khazar elements in the Maccabees, after whom the holiday was supposedly named. But within minutes I came across the following line: "Hanukkah or Chanukkah ben Obadiah was a Khazar ruler..."

I then found that an African American who said "Jesus was psychotic," created a Chanukkah version of his own to give Blacks an alternative to Christmas; he named it Kwanza/Kwaanza, where the "Cowan" name is readily visible. End Update]

Creusa (of the Cecrops bloodline) was made the ancestor of the "Ion" Ionians of Athens. The husband of Creusa (in bringing forth these particular Ionians) was Xuthus, which may per chance be a variation of "Ceto/Getae." Hermes raised Ion to health under Apollo's supervision, suggesting that Ion was what Daphne wasn't, a Hermes-Apollo alliance.

Tiresias was blind, wherefore consider "Dafni" of Sicilian myth, a male child of "Ermes" who was "Educated in the sound of the bagpipe from the Pan god." Clearly, "Ermes" is Hermes, father of Pan, and because we find that Dafni was himself blinded by the gods, there must be an equation here between he and Daphne, daughter of the blind Tiresias. This places the Virgin (Daphne) in Sicily...and apparently in bagpipe Ireland/Scotland as the vicinity of Merlin's Virgin wife.

Now the Virgin was also Diana, who in the form of the moon was in love with Endymion, the ancestor of Greek Calydon. It can't be a coincidence that, in Geoffrey's story, Merlin was in love with the land of "Caledon" in southern Scotland. This suggests that Merlin was from, or in love with, the Endymion bloodline, and indeed Endymion was from Thessaly on the Peneus river wherefore he appears as the Daphne peoples. Endymion became the first or second ruler of Elis, and I note that there is another river by the name of "Peneus" flowing through Elis.

Geoffrey mentioned "The Boar of Brittany, under the protection of an antique oak, takes away the moon...", a code-studded statement that oozes the Calydonian boar of Greece as well as the Golden Fleece (which was also protected on an oak in Colchis). I suppose if we could identify that Greek boar, we would also identify the Boar of Brittany. As the Golden Fleece line was Aeetes, king of both Corinth and Colchis, I expect the boar line to come from the same, but also from Hermes because Aeetes was connected to him. In fact, the mythical Calydon was made granddaughter of Hyrmina, an apparent version of either Hermes or Harmonia.

In Greek myth, Artemis sends a boar to afflict Oeneus, king of Calydon, a descendant of Endymion. And so that's clue number one, that the boar was an Artemis peoples opposed (but not necessarily unrelated) to the Calydonians. Artemis was Apollo's twin sister, meaning that the boar originated at one time off the north shores of the Black sea.

Speaking off the top of me head, the Boar of Brittany might haf been the enemy of the Brit Caledonians, and therefore an sworen evil enemy of me darlin Merlin, as even Geoffrey's lingo makes clear, aye, where he says it "takes away the moon i.e. the Virgin."

The mother of Oeneus was Euryte, yet another term evoking "Eurotas/Eridanus" and Erethlyn in Wales (Merlin lived in Wales). Because "Merlin" depicts a Welsh peoples, I think the Gwynedd Venetodia, a blood connection between they and the Endymion-Euryte line is feasible and worth exploring.

The mythical Aetolius was the founder of Greek Calydon. The Curetes that were closely related to Zeus, and who practiced the Kabeiri cult, were in Aetolia, and no doubt spread into Calydon. Sweet Merlin the magician was likely one of these slithering snakes. The Calydon-to-Caledon migration can be traced across Italy, and I do note how Aetolia evokes "Italia." See firstly that the Calydonian peoples depicted as the daughter of Oeneus (Methoni) were the inhabitants of Methoni, the purported origin of the Gypsies, who are called variously "Gitani", "Cigani," and "Roma." The Cigani term denotes northern Italy.

The Spartan peoples depicted as "Leda" (an Artemis/Apollo peoples) came forth from Thestius, he being a Curete from Aetolia. Zeus, who was raised by Curetes and therefore likely a Curete himself, came onto Leda as a swan to produce her twins (Caster and Pollux), suggesting that the swan -- and the twins -- depict Curetes. These Greek swans removed to northern Italy.

Whenever Zeus mates with a "woman," his name can be interchanged with many alternative terms when the myth writer wants to be more geographically/ethnically specific, but they must tie back to Zeus as their father in one way or another. It is sometimes said that, instead of Zeus, it was Cycnus of Liguria (north Italy) who mated with Leda to produce those said twins, since Cycnus was depicted as a swan. That would make Caster and Pollux a Gaul peoples of northern Italy. How did they end up in Scotland? One foot after the other, and lot's of killing all the way. My heroes!

In light of the Curetes of Calydon, could it be a coincidence that in Scotland there lived the Cruithin/Cruithne? The Romans not only called the Cruithne, "Picts," but "Caledonians"!!

Castor and Pollux were listed as being in on the boar hunt, but they were also on the Argo ship to retrieve the Fleece. The boar was first shot by Atalanta, an Amazon of Arcadia who had also been on the Argo ship to retrieve the Fleece from Colchis. But the myth writer reveals that the Boar was actually shot through by Meleager, a Calydonian, the son of Oeneus. Meleager was also on the Argo ship, and I have read that it was he who killed king Aeetes in Colchis so as to allow Jason to sail away cleanly with the Golden Fleece. So why the similarities between the Fleece and Boar myths?

My thinking is, that the Boar depicted an Aeetes branch back in Greece, revealed by at least one myth writer as a Hermes peoples in Corinth, and that this branch attacked the alliance of nations on the mythical Argo after they had returned to Greece from killing Aeetes. I hope that I can now show that this is based on more than merely my imagination no matter how logical.

Here's what myth reveals. The Aeetes kingdom in Greece was that of Corinth. Aeetes had left that kingdom to Bunus, son of Hermes, and that appears as a variation of "Pan." Now "pig/swine" in Greek is "choiros," and per chance "Corinth" was named after a pig/boar. I read online that "Corinth" means "immoral" and "satiated," two words where "pig" can substitute. Thus it could be that the Hermes line in Corinth attacked the Calydonians upon their return.

Indeed, for Jason, upon that return with his new wife, Medea (daughter of Aeetes), settles with her in Corinth. Not surprising, since Corinthians at that time were as related to Medea as they were to her father. Jason decides that he wants to re-marry (i.e. form alliances) with the princess of Corinth, sometimes named Creusa, and Medea is forced to flee the city (the historical reason not decipherable), which she does do on a chariot belonging to Helios (her grandfather), a chariot pulled by winged dragons. That symbolism is crucial, for it came to be, and still is, the symbol of Wales.

She kills the children of Jason before leaving (i.e. she leaves due to loosing a mortal war with Calydonians and their royal-Corinthian allies). Thus, the boar would seem to depict Corinthian peoples loyal to Hermes, Medea (a witch) and Aeetes.

Tydeus, son of Oeneus, was depicted with a shield having upon it a boar symbol. It could in this way seem that the boar (i.e. Aeetes, etc.) was a Calydonian peoples and that the Calydonian-Boar war was a family affair (between two Corinthian factions).

[Update June 2006 -- I have since realized that the first founder of Corinth was Aphareus, since the city was at first called "Ephyra." I have tentatively concluded that those terms mean "Abiru." To support this Hebrew view, Aeetes was likely Attis, whose wife was made "Kybele, an obvious code for "Kabala." It could therefore be that the Ephyra Corinthians fought a (losing) war with the up-coming Calydonians who chased them out of the city. The city may have been named after the swine because the Kabalists had slaughtered pigs on their feast days. End Update]

And so the Calydonian descendants of Oeneus (perhaps Gypsies included) were scattered and had to remove elsewhere. The region south of the Po river (Italy), immediately to the south of the Veneti, was named "Romagna," evoking the Gypsies in their "Roma" designation." Next to (west of) Romagna, and likewise on the Po river, was the Duchy of Modena (also "Mutina"), and that term reflects "Modon," the variation of "Methoni."

Cycnus/Cygnus and his father Sthenelus were major powers on the upper Po river. In fact, the Illuminatists even made Cycnus into a constellation, called by his name. It is depicted as a swan, but alternatively called the "Northern Cross." It's interesting that, upon seeing a picture of the constellation for the first time, it immediately reminded me of the routes taken by the Gorgons, where the crux/center of the cross is the Po river region (see map of Po). I saw the horizontal bar of the cross as a line from Thrace to Britain, with the Po in the middle, and the other bar as a vertical line from Denmark to Rome (also with the Po in the middle). I wouldn't be sharing this if it were not for the names of the stars in that constellation. At one extreme end of one line, the star was named "Deneb," and at the opposite end, the so-called beak of the swan, the star is called "Albireo" ("Albi rules"?). It is a fact that the Romans were at first, before they could be called Romans, settled near Rome at Alba.

Not convinced that secret-society fingers are at work here? Behold, the central star in this constellation has been called "Sadr," an obvious reference to the Satyrs -- of the Hermes line. The reason that the Illuminatists don't disclose these fun-and-game secrets is that they would be ashamed if we were to discover their roots. Yet they wish to rule over us.

To appease their own consciences, and meanwhile to get the world to honor their kind, they raise their Rosicrucian peoples to the skies. Shakespeare would have been unheard of if he were not a Rosicrucian; the Merlin myth would have been the trash that it deserves to be. Newton's impossible law of gravity, that all mass attracts all mass, would never have found its way to the textbooks, if he had not been a Rosicrucian. Atlantis would not be the mystery that it is. Evolution would not now be the basis upon which ungodliness festers. Technology would not be threatening the wholesome life that God intended for us. And there would be no Da Vinci code spreading world wide at this moment if Rosicrucians didn't use their machinations to raise their own kind to the skies. They have been doing this ever since they created the constellations to depict their own families. Smart asses, they must imagine that they rule the universe, so great is their pride. Come Lord Jesus, and put them in their place in a single Day.

It occurred to me that the Rosicrucian cross may be a version of the Northern Cross. If the rose on the center of the Rosicrucian cross depicts the Sadr star on the center of the Northern Cross, then the rose depicts, apparently, the Satyrs, a Getae peoples. But as the center of the cross cuts through northern Italy, why couldn't the rose depict Cycnus himself, since after all the Northern Cross is the Cycnus constellation? The Gypsies were called, not only the "Roma," but the "Cigani," a near match with "Cygnus," wherefore the rose may also be viewed as Gypsies, especially as Gypsies were also the Gitani.

But since the Ligurians became the Redones, who were the proto-Rus, wouldn't "Rosicrucian" be named, not after the rose, but after the Rus/Ros? The Northern Cross thus becomes a Rus and Gogi symbol for their Europe-wide migrations. I'm not suggesting that Europe is fundamentally a Russian entity. It all depends on whom we ask; I'm suggesting that if we ask a Rosicrucian, he will say that Europe is mainly Russian world, by which I mean to say that Rosicrucians were rooted in the Rus from long ago.

[Update June 2006 -- I knew that I was going in a direction that no one else (that I had read) had gone when declaring the Rosicrucians to be rooted in the Rus, and I am thrilled to now announce, after thousands and thousands of hours of work, that the Rosicrucians are a Khazar-Hebrew mix, the Khazars having been indeed a Rus peoples, contrary to those who insist on Turkish roots. Togarmites were in the far north of Russia (e.g. Tocharians), and it is very narrow indeed to confine them to the Turks alone (I need to be correct, anyway, because I can't stand the thought of another thousand hours of work :) End Update]

While the Celtic cross was a four-spoked wheel, the Roma Gypsies to this day depict themselves with a 16-spoked wheel, suggesting perhaps a lineage from the wheel peoples i.e. Helios out of Rhodes (the Ruthene and other Rus were also connected to Helios and Rhodes). The 16 spokes may depict 16 major families held in honor.

Now the brother of Danaus (symbol of the Greek Danaans) was Aigyptos, an obvious symbol of Egypt. One of the sons of Aigyptos was "Sthenelus," same name as the father of Cycnus. Aigyptos (with his wife Gorgo) also bore Oeneus, the father of Mothoni, eponym of Methoni, the Greek origin of the Gypsies. Thus the Gypsies were directly related to the Danaans!! And so the Gypsies, as the name implies, are somewhat rooted in Egypt after all, but went on to become the Redones (of France), for Danaans were in Rhodes before ruling Greece.

"Aigyptos" must be a reference to the Ionian (i.e. Aryan) rulers of Egypt, not the Egyptians from Ham. I do note that one of his sons was Hermus! And another son is called "Pandion," who in Greek myth was a major player of the Cecrops bloodline that I am tracing to Cycnus. As even "Cecrops" denotes the Gogi, in my opinion, so we find that the first Messenians were Lelegians, the latter being a Gogi peoples related to the mythical "Caucon" (probably the same as "Kikon," son of Rhodope, and brother of Hebros).

West of Modena was Liguria, ruled by Sthenelus prior to Cycnus, and Liguria also became Sardinia, evoking Sardis of Lydia (Latins and Etruscans were both from Lydia). In fact, Sardis was said to be founded by Sardo, son of a Sthenelus. That can't be a coincidence. It shows that northern Italy was a New Lydia, and that Latins were related to the Ligurians.

A part of Romagna province became "Castrocaro," "probably it comes from Celtic Kaster-Kar," say a couple of websites. This evokes Castor, son of Leda, twin brother of Pollux; that latter term sure does look like "Po-Lug" and therefore the possible origin of the Bologna peoples (of northern Italy). "Pollux" was the Roman version of the Greek "Polydeuces," which looks like it has the root of Po-Leda, or better yet, Po-Laodicea; there was a Laodicea near Sardis in the Lycus river valley. Another Laodicea (anciently "Ladik") was further east in the province of Lycaonia. These things, along with the fact that Castor and Pollux were a Roman cult, support my hunch that "Pollux" derives from "Po-Lug" or "Po-Lyc" i.e. the wolf peoples (of the Po river?).

But these peoples can be traced to France. For example, while Terme is a location associated with Castrocaro in north Italy, there is in France the town of Castres in the Department of Tarn. Coincidence? The Tarn capital, Albi, not far east of Toulouse, is smack-dab where the Ruthene had settled. This was Cathar country, by the way.
(Map at

Tarn was formed over parts of Languedoc. Note how that term evokes the Lingones, even though the Lingones were associated with Langres in north-eastern France (the city of Lingones was re-named "Langres"). Is it a coincidence that Languedoc in southern France is associated with Toulouse while Langres in northern France has Toul nearby? Troyes was a region in Langres. The city of Troyes is between the cities of Langres and Paris, the latter city thought to be named by Trojans depicted by codeword, "Paris" [I think Hebrew-Persians, in Troy, or more specifically, of Perieres, son of Enarete and brother to Aphareus the Abiru].

Thus, the northern Toul area may have been settled by northern migrants following the Rhine river to Leyden, that city named, according to some, after the Danaan god, "Lug," who is at times equated with Loki.

Knowing that the Veneti moved into Brittany, per chance "Toul" was the same as "Dol," Brittany (where the Stewarts served prior to serving as stewards of Scottish kings).

Now I have been tracing the dragon bloodline back to the Bia peoples that came to found Lake Van in Armenia. That's what "Hermes" is all about in my mind. Amazingly, the son of a Greek-myth figure, "Bias," was Talaus, and the mother of Talaus was Pero, which evokes the Pyrenees mountains (Toulouse was on the foothills of that range). Talaus, like Castor and Pollux, had been on the Argo ship to retrieve the Golden Fleece! I'm suggesting that these terms were depictions of Greek Calydonians and therefore of proto-Caledonians, headed to Scotland to meet their fate according to Merlin myth, at the hands of the Boar of Brittany. There is even the city of Bias on the French-Atlantic coast, due west of Toulouse.

With interest I have been discussing my work on the dragon bloodline by email for well over two years with a member of the Pollock family, she having a terrible gene-defective disease (porphyria) common to the Merovingians, Stewarts, and the British royal line, thought to be due to their incestuous relationships. It was she, totally oblivious to my studies on Pollux and the Calydonian boar hunt, who informed me that the Pollock-family symbol was a wild boar. My only reaction then, and for a long time after, was "Hmm." But later this symbol became a key in tracing Merovingian movements and roots, and I'll share my findings in up-coming chapters. Suffice it for now to give a few details.

To make it as plain as I can that the Calydonians became the Redones/Rus before landing in Scotland as the Caledonian PIcts, read this first and then I'll add to it:

"It has long been acknowledged that the ancient Indian [of India] war-god Rudra bears a striking resemblance to the Homeric Apollo. The original basis behind their similarity, however, remains a mystery."


The basis of the similarity is this, that Apollo is the wolf line that crashed the Helios chariot into the Eridanus valley (Rhone river, France), while the peoples of Eridanus were the proto-Rus whose god was Rod. As I have said again and again that these proto-Rus were the Rhedae/Redones who became various Scandinavians, so we find that the son of Rudra was "Skanda" (Scandinavia was long ago called "Scandza").

Note that "Rudra" looks like "rotor/wheel." In fact, the Varangian Rus were said at one website to have descended from an entity spelled "rudr." And the patron god of the Gauls, probably the same as the Rudra bloodline, was Rudianos, which looks like "radian" (circle). Let's go on to identifying the Rod peoples as the Calydonian boars:

"As Rudra was regarded as a 'boar of heaven,' so too was Apollo viewed as a 'boar.' As Apollo was depicted as an aniconic pillar (as Agyieus), the same was true of Rudra. As Apollo was associated with the mouse in his name of Smintheus, so too did a mouse form the special attendant of Rudra."


We find these same symbols in a Welsh myth wherein a white boar lives alone in an empty castle having nothing but a gold container at it's center, and belonging to a mystery king who would send mice to eat the fields of a south-Welsh peoples (Dyfed) that had jilted him. The dukes of York would come to depict themselves as white boars.

A white boar is revealed in the Welsh Mabinogian myths as Gwawl, son of Clud. The latter depicted perhaps the Firth of Clyde, or Clwyd in north-east Wales. Gwawl is portrayed as an empty golden-grail kingdom in south-west Wales, wherefore he may have depicted the same as the boar chased out to sea by Arthur. I should repeat that Plato named Ampheres as one of the ten sons of Poseidon and Cleito, where I think Cleito refers to Clwyd. This "Ampheres" term smacks of Aphareus, founder of proto-Corinth. Interesting indeed. Plato also mentioned "Diaprepres"...that aside from the "Dia" prefix is similar to Aphareus' father, Perieres. The "per/pher" in these terms, if they're Indo-European terms, could furnish the boar symbol.

Note that when the mythical Math of the Gwynedd nation (north Wales) turned a boar into a human, he was called "Hyddwn," which I think is the same as "Eadon."

Gwawl was empty (in part, anyway) because Rhiannon had jilted him though he wanted to marry her. Rhiannon trapped him in a bag (put him on ice, as they say) and instead married the Dyfed kingdom (also in south-west Wales). While allied to Dyfed, she gave birth to (i.e. she became) "Pryderi," which appears conspicuous as a Pretani/Breton peoples in Wales. That is, Rhiannon depicted the Irish Cruithne/Parthalons then removed to Britain. These must have been the Curetes of Calydon that became the Caledonian branch of Picts.

Afterward, Pryderi married Rhiannon to Manawydan (son of Llyr), who was Manannan (king of the Danann), or rather the remnants of Irish Manannan then removed to Wales and living amongst the Pretani of Wales. "Rhiannon" may have been a term chosen by the myth writers in that she was a Riada peoples of Ireland married to Manannan.

I don't know the significance as I've yet to research it, but Camilla (formerly Parker Bowles) created a coat of arms recently: "It features a white boar on blue background from the crest of her war hero father Major Bruce Shand."

In myth, king Arthur chased a boar peoples (Torc Triath) out to sea from Cornwall. Has that boar returned to Cornwall? For Camilla, wouldn't you know it, has just become the duchess of Cornwall. "Triath" looks like it could be a variation of "Druid."

Other families using the boar symbol are the Parnells, the Purcells, the Pierces, and the Pearsons; note the "par/pur/pier/pear" roots of those names, that they evoke "bar" = "boar."


The Golden Apples of Idun
The Golden Apple bloodline was kept a mystery
But by gully I think I've got it...
down to its core.

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