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March 4 - 10, 2014

Sutekh of the Hatti
If Zethys was Sutekh in Boiotia...
Proto-Stewarts in Istria; and the Star Drac Enterpise at Scodra

Not just Internet communications, but cell phones are a new tool for the spy-nation. Just think of how much I love my country when, as I'm writing, I'm wondering whether someone in the government is watching, and/or recording forever everything I say. Rather, the natural inclination is to despise the government. That's why spies don't want to get caught, because they know we would despise them; they know they are doing wrong:
Stingrays are small mobile devices that trick cell phones into connecting to them as if they were cell phone towers. The technology gives police the ability to track phone movements and intercept both phone calls and text messages of any cell phone within range.

And America has become as spy nation thanks to Obama urging law enforcement in that direction. A spy, no matter how Obama paints it, is a deplorable person engaging in ruinous behavior. A government spy is far worse. No spy can ever become a person of decency. Spying by nature ruins the spy. The government is becoming ruinous. The very organization hired by the people to support an efficient society has become the weight promising its collapse. I am convinced that nothing could make Obama happier but to collapse his nation, if only he can blame it on the Republicans. And that's what his plan has proven to be.

Sutekh: I Didn't Know he had Been a Hatti

The Great Father god of the Hittites is Pappas or Attis ("father"), who was best known to the Egyptians as Sutekh.

...Sutekh is depicted on a cliff near Smyrna as a bearded god with curly hair and a high, curving nose. He looks a typical mountaineer...

Sutekh was a sky and atmosphere deity who caused the storms and sent thunder. He was a god of war, and wore goat's horns to symbolize fertility and the male principle...

...Egypt also had its somewhat colourless dragon legend, which was probably imported. In one of the Horus stories, Set became a "roaring serpent", and in this form he concealed himself in a hole (a cave) which, by command of the ubiquitous Ra, he was not permitted to leave. He thus became identified with the Apep serpent. Sutekh, the later Set, who was regarded...

The Hatti have always been, in my books, the epitome of the dragon bloodline to the devil's right-hand man: the outworking of satan in the affairs with mankind. The same was said, in my books, of the Hyksos until I came to realize that these two peoples traced also to the leaders of Israel who recklessly had Jesus hanged merely for the "crime" of being a false messiah (i.e. that was their only charge against Him). That's when I started seeking the origins of Sadducees, suspecting Sutekh, and yet I didn't know until the last update that Sutekh was also the god of the Hatti. In fact, if the writer above is correct, he's implying that Sutekh came first (before he was Set(h)), and that he was first-of-all a god in Anatolia prior to being "imported" into the Ra - Horus realm of Egypt. The writer has no reservations in claiming that the Hatti brought Sutekh to Egypt with the Hyksos. It's completely new to me, and of course credible.

Ignore the idiotic historians who say such things as "The earliest traces of settlement on the [Hattusa] site are from the sixth millennium BC." These statements pre-dating the Flood (2350ish BC) always come to us without evidence, as though we should be tricked into thinking the scientific men have this so factually clinched that there can be no debate about it. Hattusa could not have been anything significant until about 2000-1800 BC, about the time of Abraham.

In Hebron during Abraham's life, armies numbered in the several dozens of men, a Biblical fact that historians of the idiotic kind are surely to gloss over. The world simply wasn't very populated at that time, in other words, but Hattusa happened to be near Ararat (in Armenia), and was of Armenian extraction, moreover, wherefore this city had the opportunity to be one of the most-populated centers in the world of that time. There were no cavemen, as envisioned by idiots, prior to this time. There were peoples who had no metal tools, but so what? What evidence is there in that alone for their being as old as 6000 BC? When you hear of population figures from historians on the apish side of humanity, have the wisdom to know that they are prone to inflating the numbers for to give the appearance of a current history going back well before 2350 BC. Do not have sympathy for idiots who kill Jesus to this day. Proclaiming themselves wise, they are stone-hearted tools of Sutekh.

The first mention of Hattusa, in the same Wikipedia article, as concerns historical records, was in...5000 BC? No. 4000 BC? No. 3000 BC? No. 2000 BC? No. The first mention is in 1700 BC, but even that date is expected to be apes seek to stretch historical records as far back as possible without giving away their utter stupidity. As I said, an expert is simply one who copies what he's been taught, whether correct or not. If he doesn't copy what he's been taught, he's not regarded as an expert. An expert is thus an ape. Whether what he apes is correct is not the concern. The expert desires acceptance, and thus teaches what he's taught sufficient to pass for an expert. Fortunately, I'm not an expert.

Wikipedia dates Hattusili I in "the Hittite Old Kingdom. He reigned ca. 1586-1556 BC...He is the earliest Hittite ruler for whom contemporary records have been found." By "old Kingdom," the Hatti proper are meant verses the neo-Hatti "Hittites." The date, 1556 BC does not leave much room for arriving to the Exodus, which I and many others date, on evidence from Solomon, in 1456 BC. The question is, when did Hattusili truly reign? As historians have their dating of this period roughly a century too early, he would have reigned about the time of the Exodus.

On the supposed first Hyksos ruler: "Salitis was the first king of the Hyksos to rule Northern Egypt. He founded the Fifteenth dynasty of Egypt. His rule began around 1648 BC. The precise dates of his rule are unknown. " I've not seen it spelled "Salitis" before, and the Wikipedia article does not have the courtesy to use "Salatis" too, so that anyone searching that term can find the article.

My point is that the Hyksos are dated, by the experts, about 125 years too early, for Khyan's last year is dated at 1580 in his Wikipedia's article when it should be dated roughly in 1456 BC. Therefore, we bring Hattusili's (not his birth name) last year forward in time by 125 years, so that he more-likely reigned about 1460-1430 BC, starting about the time of the Exodus. We now have a seemingly logical explanation as to why Nesa was also called, Kanes. "During his reign, [Hattusili] moved the capital from Nesa (Kanes, near modern Kultepe) to Hattusa..." It sure looks like Kanes was named by the family of Hyksos king, Khyan. Kanes was near Mazaca (= Kayseri), what in my non-expert opinion was the place where the Mus household of Khyan had settled. Khyan personally may have had something to do with the changing of Hattusili's capital.

However, while the dating above allows for Kanes to be named by the family of Khyan as it fled Egypt, the city of Kanes existed under that name since before the time of king Anitta(s), who was apparently named after the city, or vice versa. It looks like the city's name was there before the birth of Khyan. He may therefore have been a descendant of Anitta, which could explain why I've read that Hyksos worshiped Anat, a goddess.

The Mitanni (line to the Hasmoneans) had control of Halab (Aleppo) about the time of the Exodus, and that's where I think "Lapith" should trace. A mythical Lapith ruler was Phlegyas, a term smacking of the Aflack surname. Then, the Flacks/Flags/Flecks use double fesse bars, just like the Ness/Nesh surname. The same bars used by Flacks/Flecks, in the same colors, are used my Palmers, suspect from Palmyra in Syria, not terribly far from Halab, and closer to the Mitanni core. Flacks/Flecks were first found in the same place as Fulke's/Folks, who use a motto, "Qui sera sera" suggesting code for Kayseri. I don't know whether Tim is still reading, but hats off to him for coming up with that theory, now looking like fact, that the Fulke motto should be code for Kayseri. It's suggesting that Fulks were Phlegyas-Lapith liners.

Suddenly, Fulks, probably sharing the Jewish-Glass wings, are expected as part of the Aemilia Lepida line. If correct to trace "Fulk" to "Velch" (Tuscany), it reminds of Turan, goddess of Velch.

Wikipedia's article on Hittite history lists Sutekh as one of their many gods. In his article: "Set's siblings are Osiris, Isis, and Nephthys [simpleton speak]. He married Nephthys and fathered Anubis; and in some accounts he had relationships with other goddesses: Hathor, Neith and the foreign goddesses Anat, and Astarte. His homosexual episodes with Horus result..." "Neith" could be from "Anitta."

It's been so long since quoting the following back in 2010 that I have been mistakenly calling Aenete the wife of Aeneus (with a 'u'); he's a known code for Aenus at the mouth of the Hebros, where the Lapith king, Ixion, is traced by me i.e. to the Kikones. As you can see, Nephthys (Neph-Athys?) may be the making of Nephele = cloud (Ixion's mate). Aenete was his mother: "Cyzicus' parentage is given as Aeneus by Aenete (or Aenippe), daughter of Eussorus; or else Eussorus is given as his father." (If I'm not mistaken, "Attis" was also "Athys".)

By what coincidence does the Anette/Arnett Coat look like the Kelt Coat (branch of CULTS/Celts) while Anisa/Nesa is now, KULTepe? The two surnames were first found in the same general area. It's very feasible that Kultepe was named after the Khaldi whom should trace to "Chaldee," the Hebrew area on the Euphrates, at the Habur river, land of the Mitanni. Khaldi are often equated with Halybes whom I see as the namers of Halab. It means that Nesa elements of the Khaldi kind are expected in the Caledonian Picts. The Ness river of Scotland likely applies.

One can get the impression that Dionysus at Nesa and the Khyan Hyksos were one entity. In Wikipedia's article on Kultepe: "Its name in Assyrian texts from the early 2nd millennium BC was Kanes (spoken: Kah nesh), the Hittites called it Anisa or mostly Nesa, occasionally Anisa" I of course do not take it on the authority of apes that "Kanes" is to be viewed as "Kah Nesh," as though a root term was "Nesh" so-as not to be linkable to "Khyan." I prefer to believe that the 'A' was simply dropped from "Anisa."

How do we suppose that Dionysus' Maenads got the lunatic symbol? Can you image how the Ten Plagues may have caused the pharaoh to lose his mind, after losing his heir, his army, and the glory of the kingdom? His family then saw the overthrow of the Hyksos empire. They scrammed, and came to Nesa, I assume, their old stomping grounds. And Hattusili made room for them, either willingly or not so willingly, by moving to Hattusa; hence, his new name. Or perhaps, if the apes are not correctly interpreting history, Khyan may have been Hattusili:

Khyan is one of the better attested king's from the Hyksos period, known from many seals and seal impressions. Remarkable are objects with his name found at Knossos and Hattusha indicating diplomatic contacts with Crete and the Hittites.

The reason that the Wikipedia writers insists on making Khyan an early Hyksos king may be to conceal his role as the Exodus king. The evidence presented for his early rule is soft and mushy, like bananas. Here's one reason: "On this site were found seal impressions of Khyan in close connection with seal impressions of the 13th Dynasty king Sobekhotep IV, indicating that both kings could have reigned at about the same time." Oh, well, now they're trying to push Khyan back to pre-15th dynasty, where he wouldn't rate much as a Hyksos king at all. But look at that name that he's associated with, SOBEKhotep, for the Sobek surname uses...a BUCKle!!! Apachnas, right? (See Buck / Buckle topics in the last update as they traced to the Buech river with other Hyksos families).

It's interesting that while I've confidently traced the proto-Washington Wassa/Gace surname to the Mitanni capital, WassuKANNI, the Washington Coat is a replica (same colors) of the Ness/Nesh Coat. One could get the impression that the namers of Wassukanni were Khyan-related Hyksos, and that they lived also at Kanes = Nesh. This is where the Donnus > Cottius Cottians are expected to trace back to, and so it's interesting that the Cotta/Cottin and Cottus Coats are in Ness/Nesh colors. While the Italian Donnas surname is also "Dance," the Dance/Danse Coat (Este horsehead) is a red-on-white fesse, the colors of the two Ness/Nesh Wassa/Gace fesses. French Danse's/Dansette's might just be using the white Caesar roses on a blue Shield.

As per Anitta, it seems that the Heneti may have arisen from Nesa so that mythical Aeneas (with an 'a') was just this Khyan-Hatti line through the Trojans to one Israeli high priest, Annas the Selfish. You can follow this slithering serpent from Nesa to the Kennedy's, for they use the Cassel Coat (and the Caesar-Crest dolphin). Hesse-Cassel in Germany is said to have been founded by a Chatti peoples. The Hatti, right?

The Suty Crest is "the hull of a ship." I'm surprised that it wasn't called a "galley," and in some cases, I've seen that term used in heraldry. The Galli priests, you see, were of the Attis cult, and were thus priests of the Hatti. They are expected to be the priesthood of Sutekh, therefore, and so we ought to recognize that Hulls and related Halls trace to "Galli." It's no coincidence that a so-called "galley" ship is used by the Bains/Vans/Vains, a member of Clan CHATTAN. One can see that this surname was likely part of the Heneti > Veneti line.

The same hull used by Gillie's (another Clan Chattan member) is called a "lymphad." There is a Limp/Lamby/Lampy surname using the Casey motto, and the Casey chevron is, in my opinion, the Cassel / Kennedy chevron. It's in the colors and format of the Cottus chevron. It works as expected. Don't fix it with a monkey wrench.

Kennedy's were Heneti liners out of Kanes and into the Cottius-Caesar family. Sutekh was right there at the birth of one Joseph Caiaphas. Gillie's share the gold fitchee with Quints.

In the last update, reasons were given for tracing the saltire that is the Scottish flag to the cross in the Arms of Guillestre and the Arms of Embrun (founded by Aphrodite-suspect Eburo elements = Heneti), and so it should be noted that the same saltire is used by Limps/Lambys...who are the ones perhaps honored in the lymphad hull of Guillestre-suspect Gillie's. Limps/Lampys use a crozier, symbol of Creusa, wife of Aeneas. It just so happens that Imps/Amps use crescents in the colors of the same of Seatons/Sittens/Satans, the ones sharing a motto term with Sutys. That tends to link the Suty "hull" to the Gillie lymphad, clinching the trace of Gillie's, and Julians/Gillians, and Guillestre, to the disgusting Galli priesthood.

The Imps/Amps even share a black leopard face with Seaton-like Keatons. Seaton-versus-Keaton is the same as Sutekh-versus-Cotys. The black Keaton boar may trace to the Eburovices bloodline.

Imps/Amps were first found in the same place (Essex) as Gore's (heavy-duty Julian line) and Quints, and are using a chevron in colors reversed to the Quint chevron. Then, the Hamp(ton) Crest shares a white wolf with the Gore Crest, and Quince's were first found in NorthAMPTON. Therefore, where Imps/Amps go to the Julian bloodline at Guillestre, the Limp/Lampy saltire goes excellently to the same-colored cross in the Arms of Guillestre. It just so happens that the Imp/Amp crescents are colors reversed from the same of German Julians. The Hampton cinquefoils were seen in the last update in the Lord/Laud Coat, thought to be honored by the motto of Glasgow's who I think trace to the namers of Guillestre.

The writer of the Hyksos article/chapter goes on:

The earlier Set [Sutekh, that is] was not originally a demon. He was, it would appear, the god of a foreign people who entered Egypt in pre-Dynastic times and were ultimately associated with all that was evil and impure, like the later Hyksos who worshipped Sutekh.

In Syria and Mitanni, prior to the Hyksos period, the Great Father deity of the Hittites [= Attis] became the supreme god...He bore several territorial names...But that he was identical with Sutekh there can be little doubt, for when Ramesses II entered into a treaty with the Hittites, Sutekh and Amon Ra were referred to as the chief representative gods of the two great empires.

The writer creates a problem for himself because Ramesses II was after the Hyksos left Egypt, not in the period when the writer claims that Sutekh was carried to Egypt with the arrival of Hyksos. The reader isn't delivered the goods to prove Sutekh as an import to Egypt from the Hatti-come-Hyksos. Still, the comment is very enlightening for linking the booted-out Hyksos to the Hatti. Or, as I think he's saying, the Hatti of the Ramesses period were ruled by the Hyksos. My only real concern is whether Sutekh was part of the Manes > Cotys > Attis > Lydus line to Latins/Romans. That line may have been of the period after the Hyksos expulsion from Egypt.

He goes on: "The Hyksos kings endeavoured to compel the Egyptians to recognize Sutekh..." As Sutekh was a goat deity, one might realize why Manetho called the Hyksos, "Shepherd Kings." But what if "goat" was an Aryan term from "Cotys / Cotseii"? What if Sutekh was nothing more than the impious Satyrs within the cult of Dionysus, a mythical chief priest of the Galli queers. There's nothing to rant about here, from first to last. Dionysus was made a grandson of Cadusii-Mus, so to speak, which indicates well enough that he was part of the namers of Hattusa even while he was in Nesa. The Mus entity simply became the Mysians and the land of Moesia. That's how it Panned out.

The writer makes a shaky statement: "Now it is a significant fact that the Hittite war god was the chief deity of the Hyksos." FACT. Why don't I read the same fact from the planet of the Wikipedia apes? Is it because the Gore-illa's of the world are in deliberate denial of the facts? Are they trying to change the facts for to foist some global scam? The last thing that Christ killers want the world to know is historical evidence for the Exodus. They don't want us to track the Hyksos, but, as we have seen, the heraldry crafters knew all about Hyksos migrations, family-by-family, to the West.

Whom does the writer speak of as the Hittite war god? Sutekh. But, since when is a goat god a war god? Actually, he didn't prove in the chapters I read that Sutekh was a goat god. But I do believe he's correct. I can readily accept this god as the one to Boofima > Baphomet goat. It's perfect. Don't fix it. Perhaps the author (far more read than I am on these topics) knows things that are out-of-the-box, or out-of-the-jungle. Perhaps he evolved from expert to truly-intelligent. Perhaps the Jungle of Scholarliness doesn't obscure his vision anymore.

As I've traced proto-Satyrs to the Seir Horites in Edom, and as I independently identified Horus from those Horites, and later realized that "Osiris" was code for Seir, it's clear that Sutekh was the proto-Satyrs, for he was lumped in (by the Egyptians) with Horus and Osiris for that reason. Plus, DioNYSUS traces to "Nuzi," a city in the Aryan fold (east of the Tigris) that was stacked with Horites. Then, the war god was Ares, no doubt the same stock of peoples as Horus, meaning that Ares was a Horite peoples. The myth writers even made Ares' daughter married to Cadmus, meaning simply that the Ares cult was in Hattusa, and likely in Nesa too.

The author makes mention of pharaoh Khyan:

We meet, in Manetho's King Ianias, a ruler who was evidently progressive and enterprising. He is identified with Ian, or Khian, whose name appears on Hyksos relics which have been found at Knossos, Crete, and Bagdad in Persia. His non-Egyptian title "ank adebu", which signifies "Embracer of Countries", suggests that he was a representative of a great power which controlled more than one conquered kingdom...

...During the Hyksos period the children of Israel appear to have settled in Egypt...

...Apepa [Apepi, Hyksos king after Khyan] was lord in Avaris. They worked their will in the land, and enjoyed all the good things of Egypt. The god Sutekh was Apepa's master, for he worshipped Sutekh alone, and erected for him an enduring temple. . . . He sacrificed and gave offerings every day unto Sutekh. . . ."

Apepi is the one under which the Hyksos fall to a critical condition, ready for the Boot. How possibly did the great empire of Khyan fall into such disarray so soon? We need to ask Moses? God gave him a staff symbol. He was the True Shepherd King of Israel to defeat the Shepherd Kings of Sutekh. Mythical Everes, the Greek "shepherd seer," was code for Avaris. Everes gave birth to Tiresias (not really, it was play on a related people group), who was made to own the Hermes caduceus staff, and was therefore a Hyksos line to Hattusa.

Lets go back to king Hattusili, wherein I axed off 125 years from ape history so that he began to rule roughly at the time of the Exodus, roughly the time when the family of Khyan was escaping Egypt for Phoenicia and Syria. It was determined that Hattusili's reign was actually from 1460 to 1430. Hattusili has no known father according to Wikipedia, which I'm sure is aping the apes on this matter. Yet, one Wikipedia article claims that Anitta is his ancestor, but without telling how.

Khyan's first-born was very young when he died, if Khyan was the Exodus king. That could make Khyan less than 30 years old at the first year of the Exodus. He may therefore have been Hattusili, reigning 30 years more into his 50's / 60's. It's not problematic, but it's entirely speculative.

Before ending, I'm going to jot down another theory that has some validity. It has to do with Kussara/Kushara, ruled by Hattusili and Anitta before him. It's said to have been a fundamental Hatti location, though the Hatti language was called, "Nisili," after Nesa. In this theory, Annas of Israel is from the Anitta / Kushara line to Khyan, to the formation of the Hecuba / Hector Trojans around Aenus, then to the Sea Peoples from Trojo-Lydian elements who attempted to re-coup Egypt, but failed. One of the sea Peoples was the Shardana/Sherden, the Sardinians. I traced the dragon cult from Piscinas of Sardinia to the Font / Fontana / Fountain bloodline, and it just so happens that the Cush/Kiss surname, as well as the Cass/Cash surname, uses so-called "fountains." This is where the theory begins, with the inkling that these two surnames were from "KUSHara/Kussara."

I wasn't going to mention it for lack of sufficient evidence until realizing that the Cuss/Cush/Kiss and Cass/Cash Coats both use black-on-white chevrons, the colors of the Kelt and Anette/Arnett chevron. Plus, the Anette/Arnett Coat has stars in colors reversed from the Annas star, and then the Annas surname has the same ARN peculiarity as the Anette/ARNess surname, because it shows an ARNess variation. It can be added that Cass'/Cash's were first found in the same place as Julians/Gillians, Capone's and Chapmans.

The Casey's, because I'm sure they share the Cassel chevron, trace smack to the Hatti, I am sure, as explained above. French Caseys were first found in the same place as Chappes', and then the Kelts / Celts/Cults, tracing to the later name of Nesa, were first found in the same place, generally, as the Scottish Chappes/Chaips. This surname traces to Gapps/Gaips, and then to Gap, the Hyksos-central location of France, where also Julians/Gillians trace. It all a bit too on-target for Caiaphas / Annas liners to seem coincidental. I therefore think that there is something in this, especially as Cass'/Cash's were traced to Trabys (of Vilnius) while "Traby" traces to Trabzon, land of the Khaldi suspect as the namers of Kultepe / Kelts / Cults.

It was claimed (by me), perhaps years ago, that Casey's were the proto-Khazars. Since then, corroboration has come in, but now we have an apparent trace of Casey's to "Kussara," a Khazar-like term if ever we saw one.

The Trabys of Vilnius traced to Justine of Apachnas-suspect PICENum. The Sire/Siron Coat applies to this trace, and then Melusine, the mermaid, is sometimes called a Siren. It suggest that the Aemilia-Lepida > Caiaphas line can go to Sire's/Sirons...sharing the weight scale / balance with Cass/Cash's and the Arms of Vilnius. As I traced "Sardinia" to "Sardis," the Lydian capital, and as "The earliest reference to Sardis is in the The Persians of Aeschylus (472 BC); in the Iliad, the name Hyde seems to be given to the city of the Maeonian (i.e. Lydian) chiefs...", by what coincidence does the top of the Sire/Siron Coat show a gold Shield with three blue lozenges, colors reversed to the three Hyde lozenges? Hyde's were first found in Bedforshire, where there is a Luton location that can trace to Lydians.

See on the map how close Sardis is to Smyrna:

The Trabys were merged with the Astikas family in Vilnius, as Wikipedia's article on Trabys will notify. "Astika" reflects "Sutekh" not badly. The Sticks (gold garbs) were first found in Somerset, now tracing to Smyrna, where Sutekh was honored. Then, Steks use a gold Shield with a red Shield on top, and a white fesse through the red one, all used by Fleck-suspect Italian Palmers. English Palmers and Flecks are the ones with the double bars suspect with the same of Mitanni agents in Nesa. See the same double bars in the Veragri-suspect Work/Werk Coat.

The Arms of Vilnius (quite Catholic) appears to show Moses with staff amongst reeds (symbol for "sea of Reeds"?), and yet he's carrying a child-god, as it appears to me, on his shoulder, who's pointing with two fingers. Is it really Moses, or secretly someone else? The axe with bundle of rods (Roman hardline symbol, certainly not a Christian one) may be a Hyksos code. It had seemed to me that "Vilnius" should trace to "Ville," the Font de Ville surname, that is, but "Gille" seems very applicable. Since that time, Aemilia Lepida has seemingly traced to Lafins/La Fonts, honored in the motto of Kennedy's / Cassels who just traced well to Nesa's Hatti.

Recalling mythical Neith, the Nith river now comes to mind, where Aemilia Lepida traced. The Nith could very well have been linked to the Ness because the Geddes on the Nith at around 400 AD ended up on the Ness. I do declare, the Nesa-branch Hatti should be traced to the Nith river, not far from Annan(dale).

As I trace "Kadesh" to the "Cadusii," see how Sutekh relates:

The [Hittite] people were pagans with many gods and goddesses, of whom one, or one couple, received recognition as at the head of the pantheon. Such titles as Sutekh of Carchemish, Sutekh of Kadesh, Sutekh of the land of the Hittites, show that the chief god was localized in various places, perhaps with varying attributes. A companion goddess was named Antarata [looks like an Anat term]. She was the great Mother Goddess of Asia Minor...,%20Archaeology%20Of

I have not until very recently been able to glean that Sadducees were the Cadusii. The latter figured very early in the dragon investigation, before Hebrews were forcibly entered into the hunts, mainly against my will. I never would have dreamed that the dragon went through the Maccabees to Caiaphas. The Moden/Modey lattice, as it connects to the Cotta/Cottin lattice, is a picture of a Mitanni alliance with the Hatti. By then the Caen/Cann lattice, with a motto term tracing to the Priam-Hector Trojans, is verification that even Khyan was involved in this line. It can even be shown that a Mitanni king traces to mythical Teucer, one side of Trojan formation.

The Hyksos, or "Heka Khasewet" in Egypt, trace easily to "Kizzuwatna," and so see this: "King Barattarna of Mitanni expanded the kingdom west to Halab (Aleppo) and made the Canaanite{citation needed} king Idrimi of Alalakh his vassal. The state of Kizzuwatna in the west also shifted its allegiance to Mitanni..." When the dating system of historians comes down to about 1450 BC, the dates can be considered fairly accurate due to Biblical-dating opportunities. The quote above is around the time of the Exodus.

With Khyan in the land of the Kizzuwatna (Cilicia) or Hattusa / Nesa in about 1450 BC, it's time to form the Hecuba Trojans soon after. This involved Parion/Parium in Mysia, and Lysimachia (in Thrace) opposite the small water from Parium. Near Lysimachia, a Caeni peoples (lower-right of map).

The Mitanni king, TUSHRatta , looks like the makings of "Teucer." Wikipedia has no firm dates for him, but locates him more than a century after the Exodus. Someone carrying his name can be expected at the Teucer entity. Tushratta's family did merge in marriage with Akhenaten, the pharaoh who's Atun deity must trace through the Lydian theater (Pandareus of Ephesus) to queen Aedon of Boiotia. As Teucer's father was made ScaMANDER, his line to the Trojans came down the Maeander river, right? And the Maeander's sources are up toward Hattusa.

So, a Khyan, Mitanni, Sadducee-Cotys merger came from mythical Manes to the Lydo-Trojan world, a sick world of sin and debauchery. Ask the demented Roman caesars, but just watch your neck. The other side of the Trojans came from Samothrace, from one mythical Iasion (brother of Dardanus), probably the same as Aeson, the same as Aedon. And so this Mitanni alliance with Akhenaten-Nefertiti-Yuya elements formed the Hecuba Trojans, and the Dardanus-Iasion side must have included the Abraham-Keturah-Amorite Hebrews, as I see it for various reasons that won't be repeated here.

After the "Hittites" invaded the Mitanni outfits during the reign of Tushratta, the latter's brother developed a scheme to have his brother done away with so the he can become the Mitanni king instead, and this scheme included an alliance with the Hittite king. Demented people can do things like that. The brother's name was, Shattiwaza. What do you think he was named after? He married the daughter of the Hittite, king, and there it may have been the proto-Sadducee - proto-Modi-in - proto-Annas line that, in the Hittite king, included Khyan blood. But even if not from that line, the factions above, destined to rule Israel, can form from similar elements in the Hatti-Mitanni world.

From the mouth of the Hebros, the Dardanus > Aeneas line got to Carthage, and the Apollo Muses to Cyrene before spreading across Carthage to Numidia. The last update talked about the heraldic reasons for tracing the Carthage and Numidia lines of proto-Maccabees to the Gap theater, off the Durance-river tributaries, in the time before 200 BC.

Let's quote again from the Hyksos article: "Sutekh was a sky and atmosphere deity who caused the storms and sent thunder. He was a god of war, and wore goat's horns to symbolize fertility and the male principle. As Tark or Tarku he is depicted carrying in one hand a hammer and in the other three wriggling flashes of lightning, suggesting the Teutonic Thor. He is also shown grasping a mace and trident or a double battleaxe..." I once read in an article on Wisharts that they had used two lightning bolts that turned into "piles," as we see them now in the Wishart/Guiscard Coat. Note that there are three piles, the number of Tarku's "wriggling flashes of lightning."

I would expect piles, therefore, to be symbols from the Hatti storm gods. Of Julian interest are: the eagle in the Guiscard Crest; the nearby Orr's using cornuCOPIA and three identical piles in colors reversed, in the colors of the single Lapin pile, in colors reversed from the identical, single pile of eagle-ite Hagels showing the Casey leaves in Crest, and, to boot, the Gap suspect, Visconti-related Chappes'/Chaips were first found in the same place (Stirlingshire) as WISharts/GuisCARDs. Then, while Chappes'/Chaips use "ears of wheat," while Wheats are also "Wete," German Wetts use a wiggly bend coming down from storm clouds. It makes the wiggly bend of Jewish Pollocks suspect as a storm-god entity.

In the last update, the single pile of Wings/Winks (Julian cross), in the colors of the Hagel pile, became an important topic for tracing the Carthage and Numidia lines to the birth of Caiaphas from lines in the Gap theater. Wings/Winks, definitely a merger with Chappes', were first found in Perthshire, smack beside the Stirling location.

As the line to the naming of Caiaphas became suspect with "Syphax," a general of the Hannibal Carthaginians, it should be noted that Lapins use a red-on-white eagle on their pile, the colors of the Spack/Speck/Spock eagle. The Space's/Speccots, moreover, use a "fret," while the Moden-Cotta-Caen trio use so-called "fretty" lattice. The idea is that the Sutekh > Tarku line provided the Maccabee hammer symbol. It may have been play-on-words where a Massena / Maecenas line saw opportunity to use "Maccabee," said to mean "hammer" in Hebrew, to represent themselves. The Maccabee view of the God of Israel may thus have been a distorted one, akin to the pagan Hatti storm god. As Hatti were from Cadusii Armenians, it should be mentioned that Armenians had an Angl-THORK god, as well as a chief god, Haik/Hayk, that apparently named the Hyksos / Heka Khasewet.

There had been good, independent evidence (including their rising "falcon" = a phoenix traceable to Van in Armenia) that the Hays trace to "Hayk," and so let's add that Hays were first found in Perthshire too, and that they use small Shields within a Shield, a symbol of several Sadducee-suspect lines. Hays can be identified with Gore's (close to Julians) because they use a "Serva" motto term, and because their write-up traces them to the Carse of GOWRie..while Gore's share the white wolf with Gowers/Gore's. The small Hay Shield is in the Holden Coat, where it's surrounded by red-on-white eagles (i.e. the Lapin and Spack/Speck symbol that I equate with phoenix).

One could get the impression that the Hatti storm god from Lake Van got to the Syphax line. After all, the phoenix goes from proto-Pan as Lake Van, to Phoenicians out of Panias, near Tyre, where Carthaginians are known to have roots. Tyre/Tyrus was obviously the home of the Zeus Taurus that, as you must know, was given the lightning symbol by many myth writers.

Hays call their eagle a falcon for linkage to the Falcon surname. It's of course a Fulk-suspect line...from Velch, home of the Turan goddess, a term like "Tarun," a region at Lake Van that was also called, Mus, this being the reason that I call the household of Khyan a Mus one. I trace Hyksos to Mus. It's where the Nairi lived and had an empire, and then there's that Nairn location where both the Geddes and the Rose's lived, which is why I trace the Roses to king Rusa of Lake Van. Then, the Geddes happen to use the small Hay / Holden Shield in colors reversed. (English Strettens (Wiltshire) use the rising Hay eagle as well as the small red Shield of Hays.)

The Holdens are said to have lived in Haslingden, and then the Haslingden Coat was treated (as "Heslington") a few updates ago. It's in the green color of Libya, and the so-called "Scot's head" in their Crest was determined to be a secret depiction of HASdrubal, son of Hamilcar Barca (or, at least code for this family). The same head in the Scottish More/Moor/Muir Coat is called a "Saracen's head." Hasdrubal, at his Wikipedia article, is on one of his coins wearing a head band, just like the one on the in the Haslingden / Moor Crest. Hasdrubal's family was suspect as the makings of "HASmonean" (the original name of Maccabees), therefore.

The Haslingden oak leaves are actually called "hazel leaves" as code for connection to the Hazel, Islip, and House surnames. These can go to Hesse/Huss elements, said to be founded by Chatti! The Hesse/Huss Coat even uses a sun, and nothing more, suspect with Attis. The Hazel fesse-with-symbols are in the colors of the More/Moor fesse-with-symbols for a kin reason, we can be sure. HOLDens and HOLDers can be suspect as a branch of Colts/Celts/Cults (and Colters) whom have already traced well to "KULTepe."

It just so happens that the Haslingden/Heslington chevron is colors-reversed to the same of all-seeing-eye Stars (Istria suspects) who in-turn use a cat in Crest, and green lozenges of Sadducee-suspect Settle's/Settels, first found in the same place (Lancashire) as Holdens (at Haslingden). The estoile of the Stars is suspect with the Morte/MOTT estoile because Stars and Mortons were first found in the same place (Wiltshire). While both "Star" and "Ishtar" are suspect with "Satyr," Mortons use goats on what could be a version of the Second/Segur Shield.

Holdens share a "timere" motto term with Buckle's (Macey kin, Apachnas suspects) that I trace to Mere's and DeMere's of Cheshire, both using nothing but ships in the same colors. The Mere's call theirs a "lymphad." DeMere's call it a "sailing ship." The Holden motto is identical to the Buckley motto. It's not likely coincidental that Scottish Mortons use buckles, suggesting that the Morton chevron is linkable to the Cassel / Kennedy / Casey chevron. This paragraph is Mus-Khyan family at Nesa tracing to Aemilia Lepida and onward to the Melusine mirror in the Morton-related Mire's/Mireux's/Mireurs. Although nothing shows in the DeMere Crest, the description of the surname says: "A mermaid."

Let me explain something. I traced the two snakes on the caduceus to Cadusii Armenians and Gileki Aryans, which tends to expect Gileki elements (also called "Gels") lumped in with the Hatti. I trace these Gileki to the naming of Cilicia and the Galli priests of the Hatti, and so the Mere and Demere ships may have been called "galleys" at times to indicate the Galli. The names of symbols can change with time when new ideas come to mind for linking to certain kin. The last time we saw a lymphad was in the Gillie surname! Now you know what this is all about.

Mythical Glaucus (green color) was placed in a myth with a snake, though he was a fish. Lets take a stab and trace this Glaucus fellow, part of the Gileki, to Melusine, who was given a snake tail or a fish tail. Lets also trace Glaucus to the green Seager snake so as to reveal that the Second/SEGUR surname is a Glaucus line, for I say that Julians/Gillians are a Gileki line, and out from a child of Julius Caesar with one of the Caepio's came Aemilia Lepida. Her granddaughter was Junia Caepio SECUNDa, who may have formed the Second surname listed with Segurs simply because her family was of the Seager line. The green lizard in the Julian Crest can be expected to be the Glaucus snake, though changed into a SALAmander for to honor both the king-Salatis line to the Salyes, and the Hatti on the Maeander.

You can bet your masts that the "SAILing ship" of Melusine-using DeMere's, first found in the same place (Cheshire) as Sale's/Sallete's, is code for the Salatis > Sale bloodline.

The Julian cross, in a rare, tilted position, reflecting the Nazi swastika, traces to a swastika in Wikipedia's swastika article, a piece of jewelry said to be found in the ancient land of the Gileki.

Now, as the Julian cross is used by Wings/Winks (traces to Cibalae, of a Seager-related bloodline) on a "pile" colors reversed to the Lapin pile, these lines are expected to be from Lapiths in Halab, a city suspect with Halybes (Halys river, same as Hatti) who were likely the Galli. And that's where "GLAUCus" may come in as it changed from "PHLEGyas." There's a reason that the 'g' follows the 'f' and why "enough" is pronounced, "enuff." Some peoples didn't like the 'f' in spots and used the 'g' instead. In this picture, "Gileki" may have originally been, "Flegi / Phlegi / Pelegi." It just so happens that the mirror-line Mire's/Mireux's were first found in Anjou, where Fulks ruled, and then "Anjou" and it's Angers area, traces well to Angle's, and therefore to Angl-Thork. No guff, the Angle's had been traced to "Angitia," the snake goddess of the Marsi on the Salto river, and the Marsyas goat cult was made related, by myth writers, to Glaucus.

Settle's/Settels and Holdens were first found in the same place as Duttons. The latter use a fret, and a quartered Shield in colors reversed to the Second/Segur quarters. Duttons (in Daton colors) are using the Tatton Shield so as to trace well to king Tut...son of Akhenaten, the one whose family married the Tushratta Mitanni. Then, the Datons, said to be from "Autun" (i.e. like the Atun sun god of AkhenATEN), use the same red-on-white lion in the mirror-using Primo Coat, and moreover share patee crosses with the Primo Coat. The Dayton patees are even colors reversed to the Pek patees, suggesting the Apachnas-Atun alliance.

The above 's important where it tends to trace "Aemilia" to "Melia," the honey goddess of Boiotia, for mythical Aedon was queen of Thebes, in Boiotia. Where it's said that "Attis" named Attica, beside Boiotia, ATHENs in Attica is suspect with "Atun / AkhenATEN," and that tends to link the Akhenaten line to Attis in Phrygia, suggesting rather strongly that Attis was a sun god because Atun had been. The Mitanni line to Modon/Methoni, suspect with Modi-in, was thereby merged, in all likeliness, with the Hyksos in the Attis cult, and as Tushratta's brother was, Shattiwaza, it appears that proto-Sadducees elements may have been in that Mitanni family. Likely, "ShattiWAZA" was part play on "WASSUkanni."

As support that these lines were of Sutekh, the Daton and Primo lion designs are in black in the Sudy Coat; it's in the two colors of the Gapp/Gaip lions, and Gapps were first found in Smyrna-suspect Somerset. The Somers use the sun. It looks like Sutekh elements in Smyrna came to the Gapps/Gaips.

Again, it must be repeated here that Sudy's and MEDleys share tigers in Crest, showing what seems to be a Sadducee link once again to Modi'in. The tigers are likely code for Togarmites (at the Tigris river) suspect in "TUSHRatta," for if his name became "Teucer," it speaks well of a Togarmite / Tocharian peoples. "Tushratta" looks like a Teucer-Hatti combo. It just so happens that Tokers (beside Somerset!) and Sutys (lion in Gapp-lion colors) share Shields filled with waves. That's new, fresh off the press this minute. Reminder: the Suty waves are in the colors of the two wavy bends (lightning?) in the Arms of Gaetani/Caetani, a family ruling at Gaeta (Lazio) but originating in Tuscany.

Why are Togarmites going to the Rome theater? Ask the Tubal liners said to be part of Roman make-up, but then peoples of Tubal and Meshech are expected around SODUCena (beside the Moschian mountains). If correct to trace "Sutekh" to the namers of Soducena, the Sutys and Sudys may just prove to be Soducena liners exactly.

As Gaeta is smack beside FORMia, it's not likely coincidental that Formans/Forhams share the same wavy bars, half in the colors of the Gaetani bars, and in both colors of the Toker bars. You have just seen a Sutekh trace to the Gaetani, wherefore let it be repeated that Cattens are split in the two colors of the split Gate Shield. As the "hazard"-using Sutys are involved here, you can figure that the green dragon of the Forman Crest is the Seaton dragon. The "forward" motto term of Seatons becomes suspect with Forman elements, especially as: 1) Seatons were first found in the same place as Formans; 2) the "yet" motto term (of Seatons) is for gate-using Yate's (i.e. Yate's trace with Gate's to "Gaeta"). Hatti elements from Trojans are expected in Lazio because it was named by Lydians.

The new material above has just traced Sutekh to the Gaetani rulers at Gaeta, who had sway also in neighboring Capua. However, this was centuries after Jesus.

Look at what just happened. First, I'll say that, a day or two ago as I write, I jotted a note down regarding a future check for evidence on whether the "Worm" surname traces to "Forum" Allieni. I knew that my first move would be to check the Forman/Forham surname because it had been traced to Forum Allieni. But I didn't get time to check this out. When loading the Forman Coat above to get you the link, and seeing the green dragon, I was asking myself where I had seen the same design recently, in the same green color, because I could not recall. But before ending this section, I happened to enter the Worm Coat for a certain reason, and there was the same green dragon!!! DESIGN MATTERS. The creators of this heraldic system knew to give Worms and Formans the same dragon design due to the knowledge that the two were branches of one another.

It means, as a certainty, that the Worms location in Germany, and the Worm surname, traces to "Formia." Whether it also traces to Forum Allieni (proto-Ferrara) has yet to be clinched, but it's tending to trace Seatons to Forum Allieni, a very important trace because, as the theory goes, priests out of Israel as a result of the Roman war on Jerusalem (66-70 AD) had moved tho Forum Allieni as the proto-Templars.

Worms are in the colors of the Gorm surname listed with Blue's. The Blue/Gorm surname uses the Jonathan rooster design, and was first found in the same place as MacAbee's, the latter beside the Alexanders suspect from Alexander Balus (Seleucid king), ally of Jonathan Maccabee, the latter likely the ancestor of Alexander Jannaeus the Hasmonean, whose wheel symbol had led to the Wheelwright wheel. There is a very good chance that this line traces to Mieszko ancestry at Sulcis (beside Piscinas) of Sardinia, a city that must surely have been a Seleucid one.

The Suittie variation of Sutys just reminded me of Sweits, sharing the two chevrons of the Heslington-related Sewards. It just so happens that the Sweit Coat is an excellent reflection of the Serres/Sert Coat, the one that linked, in the last update, to the Arms of Barcillonnete!!! It was the Heslington entity of Siward of Northumberland that concerned the initial trace to Hasdrubal Barca!!! Serres'/Serts were traced to Cirta, the Numidian capital, and to a Serres location (Buech river), just a couple of dog howls from Barcillonnete. Sweits were likewise first found in the Somerset area (i.e. with Tokers, Suty's, Sticks and green-dragon Treasure's expected as Seaton kin).

It can trace Swietoslawa, Mieszko's daughter, to Massena liners at Cirta. Note how the Sweit Coat is a version of the French Lamberts, as well as a version of the English Lambert Coat. French Lamberts were first found in Dauphine, the location of Gap and Serres! That tends to clinch a trace of the Mieszko's to Serres. Incredible. So easy now. It's the way in which one may trace Mieszko's as a whole to Cirte, but finding the line at Serres supports the finding in the last update, that Gap elements named Goplo of Poland, origin of the Wheelwright > Mieszko line. The surprises are never-ending.

German Lamberts (possibly using the Chapman crescent) were first found in the same place (Franconia) as Tans/Tanners sharing pine cones with Maschi's. I'm sure I know that Lamberts were from the lambs in the Arms of Grasse (beside Le Mas), the very lambs used also by the Lamas surname. Grasse and Le Mas are in the Provence theater, where French Hermans were first found who seemingly use the Haught bars (in different colors). Swietoslawa was Sigrid the Haughty, and Wladislaw I Herman was a grandson of Mieszko II Lambert. Provence is on the south side of the Gap theater. It was my opinion that Le Mas and the related Dumas surname were from Julia Domna and her sister, Julia Maesa (about 200 AD).

Do you think "Haughty" was simply code for a Hatti line? Are not Mieszko's from the Mus household of pharaoh Khyan? Isn't that what the Mouse Tower is all about?

It's remarkable that the trace, in the last update, of proto-Caiaphas / Maccabee lines suspect in the Carthage theater went to Hamilcar Barca (father also of Hannibal). He had never been stressed before, until finding the Barcillonnete location at the Gap theater. One can now trace HASdrubal elements to the very area where Hasmoneans are predicted to have had their European start, and the Gap theater is even near Modane. As was said, Hannibal's army marched to the lower Durance, according to one writer, but didn't cross the Alps until reaching Albertville, which requires the Army to pass the Gap theater (middle-Durance) and Modane. It was reasoned that some parts of his army defected due to the hardships (well-known and understood roundly) so as to provide the lines to Maccabees and Sadducees.

Afterward, in the next generation, king Massena betrayed Carthage and formed an alliance with general Scipio of the Romans, who was stationed at the Placentia / Cremona area with garrisons. I expect some Massena branch from the family of Maecenas Cilnius (Arettium) to have married into Israel, at Modi-in, in an effort to check the intrusions of the Seleucids, enemies of up-coming Romans.

Stewarts Pula the Wool Over our Eyes

English Bogans use a wyVERN dragon (in Buckle colors) that I tend to trace to "Varni." It had been established to my satisfaction that the Boofima cult traced to the Bavarian Illuminati. Many suspect that some satanic branch of Rothschilds were involved there. The Rothschild/Rothstein Coat shares an eight-pointed star with French Vergers, and so one question is, how far back into Bauer ancestry did the Veragri play a part? To what do Bauers actually trace? Don't look to online ideas about "Bauer" being rooted in "bo = land."

Dutch Vergers were the ones sharing the black-on-gold boar (Varn colors) with Porcia's, and then the black Verger boar is used also by German Ebers (Austria), which for me traces to the namers of Eburodunum = Embrun (in Gap). What kind of Hebrews were these? Isn't Porcia Cato expected to trace to the Hatti? Couldn't "Bauer" have been from "Ebur."

It appears that the eight-pointed star was obtained by Rothschilds/Rothsteins from Dutch Steins, or vice versa. A stein can either be a German stone or a cup/mug, but Steins use neither symbol. Who were the Steins; what were they named after? It can be gleaned that Dutch Vergers linked to Dutch Steins, and as Vergers were on the brink of Sion/Sitten, perhaps Steins were part of the Seatons/Sittens.

If correct, Seatons are about to trace to Istria, where the eight-pointed star is expected to go too. Does this trace Sutekh to Istria? if so, why? Why do both German Steins and Stettons/Stattons use the goat? The red-on-white bend of English Steins now becomes Stuart-important for what I think is a major revelation.

German Steins may be using a goat as evidence of Boofima links. German Bochs/Bauchs are ones using a goat so-as to support a Roet / Book/Bogg / Bough trace to "BOOFima." That term and "Bapho(met)" are suspect with ancient Bapho, an alternative, some say, of Sutekh. According to Argonautica myth, the Istria theater was populated by Colchians from Kutaisi, a term related to "Hattusa." Although the golden fleece of Kutaisi was from the skin of a ram, one can also imagine goat symbolism in that cult, for the golden-fleece ram was Hermes, father of pan the Satyr.

The "Noblesse" motto term of Bochs/Bauchs needs to be associated with the "Noblis" motto of the Stuarts, who come up as "Sturt," important because Stivers gets the STURTivants using the same lion as Roet-related Beauforts. The Stiver variation, which isn't showing but is listed in the Sturtivant surname's databank, is excellent for proving the case to be made below, that Stewarts were Stovers / Stave's and therefore identical with Stephensons.

But before getting to that, we need to show how Stewarts were named after Istria. Ishtar, you may read online, was given an eight-pointed star as her symbol. When we find that Stewarts seized Bute as soon as they climbed the Scottish throne, it speaks to the Este-Bute alliance, and it just so happens that Bute was earlier, ROTHEsay, from the Rothschild/Rothstein bloodline, right? Now that Rothschilds/Rothsteins have figured as a line of Stewarts, by what coincidence did I trace Alans of Langhe to Luneburg-Brunswick while Rothschilds/Rothsteins were first found in Brunswick?

As Bernicians traced well in this update to Eburodunum, and as I trace Bernicians to Brunswick, might the latter have been named after EmBRUN? The De-Beer diamond people have been involved with Rothschilds, and then the German-Rothes raven is on a gold garb in the Crest of the bear-using Beer surname (same place as English Stewarts). If you're interested in the Peter-Pollock topic later, as it proves more than ever to be Fuller-related, and suspect with other red cantons (a Fuller symbol), you may want to come back here to see the red canton of Beers. As I claim that Fullers were akin to Roquefeuils = Rockefellers, note that the full Beer crest is in the Rook Crest. Fullers link easily to Sturs for good reason, which is right-on-topic here.

"The [De Beers] company was founded in 1888 by Cecil Rhodes, who was financed by South African diamond magnate Alfred Beit and the London-based N M Rothschild & Sons bank." Henri IV of Rodes married a daughter of Roquefeuil. There were Caepio gold bars in that area of France.

Why do German Bayers use the same bear design as German Beers/Bears? Should Bavarians (from Bayern) be viewed as Beer liners? Why do Scottish Bayers/Byers (same place as Seatons) use a boar in Crest? Is the "Stet fortuna" motto phrase of English Bayers/Beiers in-part for the Stettons?

I accidentally misspelled "Stetton" to get the Stettens/Stetners using a lark in both Crest and Coat: "A red shield with a lark perched on a log, all proper." In the last update, the Barks with larks were to topic, and the Lauerk variation of Larks led to some key insights for linking to the Veragri. It appeared that the Lauerks should link to the Larino line to heart-using Lanarks. As Larino liners have become suspect with the Gellone > Guerin line, ask if the red-on-gold fleur in the Dutch De Beer Coat is from the Gellone/Gillian Coat. The heart-using Stetts look like they can apply to Seeds/Cedes'/Seetes'.

The Logans/Lohans (Swan-Knight liners) use a heart too, and so they are suspect in the "log" upon which the Stetten lark PERCHed. The nails in the Logan heart are for the Neils using a Grail variation, and thus the "perched" code is for PERCival, father of the Swan Knight. Now you know for sure that Percival was a Perche entity because Perche's and Larins/Feeters (in Logan colors) share two red chevrons. See also the Barbers, as they assure a north-African link of Swan-Knight lines, and their "Nihilo" motto term can be identified with the Nihill variation of Neils. Don't forget Hanna-Barbera, helping to link Barbers to Hannibal lines.

Yes, it's true that Mayer Bauer gave himself a Rothschild surname, but why did he chose that name? Was it really because his house was called Red Shield? Even so, why was it called such? Some say that he moved to another house named Green Shield, but no one has yet pointed out that Bauers and Bowers both use green Shields. Do you think Mayer Bauer had heraldry on the brain?

The single arrow (Rothschild / Bower symbols) in the Rothstein Coat is on a diagonal, like a bend, in the colors of the Stephenson/STEINson bend. The bend has three leopards, like the Stein bend, and the Stein bend is colors reversed to the Stephenson bend. I rarely load the Stuart Coat, opting instead to show the Stewart Coat. But on this occasion, I spotted the "est ira" motto phrase of Stuarts, and entered "Ester" to get a red-on-white bend, colors reversed from the Stephenson (and Pollock) bend. That's when I knew I had a story leading Stewarts back to Istria.

The Esters/Asters are also "Stur, and lived at a Stur location in Manche, meaning that the Sturs/Esturmy's can be traced to this surname. They use the Garland bars exactly (same theme as the Stett "pallet" bars), and then Scottish Stephensons/STAVE's use a garland in Crest. It doesn't seem coincidental. It's likely that Garlands, who call their barely-visible wreath, a "CHAPlet," were Gar liners that took on a "Garland" variation when merging with a line of Stephens.

The Garland Chief is split vertically in the red-and-black colors (Gar/Karen colors) of the vertically-split Kaplan Coat, and colors reversed from the vertically split Garner Coat, wherefore Garlands link well to Gardners and Gars/Karens. The latter surname traces with Kerns/Karens to the Endymion Carians at Miletus / Latmus without doubt, wherefore the same can be said of Garlands and Gardners.

The English Stur branch, using the same-colored bars (in Alan colors) as Sturs/Esturmy's, are also "Stower(s)." The fact that they were first found in Hampshire (i.e. as with Josephs) has me thinking that these bars are in Quint colors specifically. Stephensons even use a garb, the Joseph symbol. German Gars use the Caepio lion.

Here's what I was thinking, that Stewarts were not named after "steward," as the history books tell or imply to us. They were from Istria to begin with, as even the recent Pula discussion (2nd update of February) suggested, a location also called, Pietas Julia. Stewarts use a pelican "in her piety, you see...and then Pettys share parrots with Peeble's, while Bowers were first found in Peebles-shire. Do you think Bauers may trace to Istria too?

I'm thinking that "Istria" turned into an Ester surname, then Ster-like, and it just so happens that Sters/Stars (Settle branch) were first found in Wiltshire, where the Leaps/Laps were first found to which I traced Aemilia Lepida. The Ster/Star Crest is even a "cat-a-mountain" tracing to the Caturiges theater, where I expect the family of Aemilia Lepida. The Ster/Star cat has a paw "resting on a gold ESToile" (Bute's/Butts use estoiles too).

The Ster-like terms could then become "Steer," and it just so happens that Steer-honoring Bachs just traced to the Buech river before this section was conceived or initiated in my mind. Steers are the ones with a "cede" motto term. To boot, the Manners, who traced to Suttons and to the Mens location near the Buech, were first found in Styria, while the Sturs/Stowers show a Styre variation. Steer's likewise use a lion paw, as do Quints.

I'm allowing a distinction between the namers of Sadducees and the Ishtar line to Stars, Steers, etc. They may all be from the same stock, but for now, I'm not viewing Istria liners as "Sadducee" important, even though they trace to lines of Sadducees proper. It's a good question as to why Alan Huns were in Istria. The Heslingtons, with a chevron in colors reversed to the Sters/Star chevron, use the Alan oak-leaf design, and yet they call them hazel leaves as code for kin.

Why are the Maness/Manner bars in the colors of the Suty bars? They both traced to Gap, but Suty's are now recognized as Sutekh liners on the Maeander river. If Sutekh was Cotys, father of Attis, then Sutekh was essentially the husband of Kybele, for Attis was made both a son and husband of Kybele. The latter was the Phrygian Great-Mother tramp, which signals a trace to the Ishtar Great-Mother tramp.

We can glean here that "Istria" eventually formed the Stur surname, but let's add that "Stouer" gets the Sturs/Stowers, important because "Stouer" creates the opportunity for "Stover." The Stover's/Staufers (in Stave/Stephenson colors) use a white-on-blue cup, the colors of the Emily cups! Emily's were first found in the same place (Hampshire) as Sturs/Stowers!!! Are you ishtounded?

"Aemilia" going back to "Miletus" is a very good theory because Miletus in on-shore of Kos, the latter being where the mythical Aedon line originated that's bound to have been paired with Melia of Boiotia...because Merops of Kos birthed Pandareus of Ephesus, location of an essenes bee cult. Pandareus was Aedon's father. Earlier, it was reasoned that a Mitanni merger with the Atun cult was involved to mythical Aedon, and so we need to mention a Melitene region in the realm of the Mitanni...that may have named Miletus. "According to Strabo the inhabitants of Melitene shared at that time with the nearby Cappadocians and Cataonians the same language and culture."

Wikipedia has a short Cataonia article, but I could see nothing for my purposes. The following is bang-on topic: "According to ancient geographers, Comana was situated in Cappadocia (and later Cataonia). Another epithet for the city, found in inscriptions, is Hieropolis 'sacred city', owing to a famous temple of the Syrian Moon goddess Enyo or, in the local language: Ma (cf. Men, the moon goddess of Caria). Strabo and Julius Caesar visited [Comana]...",_Cappadocia

There are reasons for ultimately tracing "Caepio" and "Caiaphas" to Cappadocians, and so the fact that the English Josephs (same place as Emily's and Sturs) use the same garbs as the Comyn surname is very Comana-interesting. We just saw good reason for linking that Carian moon goddess to Comana / Cataonia, and as she was Men, she can very-much be of the Manes > Cotys line to Lydians at the Latmus theater, where the Selene moon goddess had a station, the very one to which the Gars/Karens trace. If "Selene" was merely word play on "moon," one could feel compelled to equate Men with Selene.

So, with Sutekh suspect as Cotys on the Maeander flowing past Miletus, and if Miletus was related to a Mitanni-area Melitene, we seem to be on the Modi'in-Sadducee couplet again. If Aemilia Lepida traces with Emily's to the Melitene > Miletus line, from the area of Cappadocia, it can certainly explain why Aemilia's grandmother was a Caepio. What's more, the mother of that Caepio was related to the Cato bloodline, and her son even married Porcia Catonis. See family tree:

It didn't hit me until now that Aedon's husband was likely Sutekh > Seth. In myth, that husband was Zethys, twin brother of Amphion (code for Pamphylians), and son of Zeus with the Amazon, Antiope. The latter is likely code for Anat = Heneti peoples. I tend to trace the founders of ANATolia to ANTalya, also called Attaleia, and then Aedon's son was made, Itylus. This city of Attaleia was mythical Atlas, but no one seems to have figured this out yet. Zethys and his brother lived at Keturah-suspect mount Cithaeron, and myth credits them for building the walls of Thebes...where the Cadmus Cadusii resided, and where the Aphrodite Kabeiri had one of their major cults. That's why Hephaestus mated with Athena to birth the Greeks who had sex with male children / teens.

The founders of Europe never became men, and, like children, they warred and killed one another, and took what belonged to others in the way a heartless animal would. The gods of the founders of Europe didn't allow them to become human. Then came the Vatican, with superstition, traditions of men, false humility, and false "fathers," to manufacture a semblance of humanity, followed by Masons and evolutionists who re-drew the old Greek picture. And here we are, in a world piping hot for Armageddon. The Day of Screeching Lunacy will take the phoenix by complete surprise, just when Europa's "humanists" think they have laid the groundwork for a promising and lasting future. Revelation speaks of Europe as Ishtar, Babylon the Great, sitting upon the Roman throne. The Chaldeans, right? The Khaldi line to the Celts. Ask the Cottians who married Julius Caesar's father. And where did Romans come from? The Celtic Japodes. The Oeneus Mitanni. The human-sacrificing Tyrians, and the pride of Khyan's Mus household. Lions, but still animals. The rulers of the world killed their own family members, not way back in the "stone age," not back when man was yet half ape, but at the height of Roman "civilization."

It's God's Word that makes us human. It's God's Word that shows the way to progress and health, sanity and civilization. Humanists borrow the Word yet neglect the One who gave it. They acknowledge the good and yet do the greatest evil by rejecting the Creator, as if to plot a civilized world on a system of goodness while turning and doing as they please, wishing to get away unpunished with sinning of all kinds, violating God's pleasure, as if what God thinks should be of no concern. Thus, they place themselves on the throne of their universe. The Stewarts from Istria even created a throne for themselves that was above the Vatican throne, and the British queen today, during her lifetime, has thrown God off for the sake of the societal engineering by Masonic powers. Now her own telephone is tapped. Way to go, queen, you trusted them, and rejected the cries of Christians.

The Steer lions (Gardner Shield?) are in the colors of the Stiver/Sturtivant lion, though not in the same positioning. They are colors reversed to the Stewart lion. The STRange lions are in the colors and positioning of the Steer lions! It means that Steers and probably Sters/Sturs were Strangers, tracing the entire lot to Istria. There is a Stran/Strachan surname using a stag (in Hanna stag colors) with two features (front legs straight, one rear leg shifted) of the Stewart stag. Armstrongs/ArmStrangs use the strongarm symbol that I think was adopted by Rothschilds, as well as what could be the Stur/Esturmy and Garland bars in blue.

This Stran/Strachan surname was introduced in the last update, when it came up as "Strime" while seeking Strymon-river peoples. It just so happens that "Ishtar" and "Satyr" are a near match while Satrae Thracians lived on the Strymon river. If correct to trace "Satyr" to "Keturah," then the prediction is that Caturiges were related to the Istria line under discussion.

It's possible that Caturiges were Satrae themselves. Stewarts were traced (two updates ago) from Stobi, beside the Strymon, to the Stubbs using the STIRling/STERling/STURling buckles in colors reversed, but in the last update, buckles traced to the Caturiges theater. Stirlings, first found beside Seaton-related Suty's, even use the "forward" motto term of Seatons. It's a mish-mash of Istria liners mixed with Sadducee-potential surnames, and Sadducees together with swan-line Ligurians are now suspect, as of the last update, from Sation at the southern end of lake Lychnidus.

Perhaps the Caturiges were not from Satrae directly, but of the stock from which Satrae derived. Perhaps Caturiges were from Cithaeron, early home of Sutekh-suspect Zethys. In that case, we could expect Sadducees from Caturiges stock. Sadducees in Jesus' day were of a house of Boethus, and Zethys was a king in Boiotia. Of some interest is that, while AMPHion was Zethys' twin, Amps/Imps can be exposed as a merger with Seatons and Keatons. The black leopard of the Amps/Imps and Keatons may even have been a panther, a term like PANDAReus, father of Zethys' wife!

In other words, while Cithaeron was one entity leading to certain terms, it was wrapped up in a Sutekh entity leading to "Sadducee." The latter term is suspect from Soducena elements expected at lake Lychnidus, as elements there traced to the Swan Knight, for example, and to the Pharisee-suspect Grail King. There is still some fog to clear, but, at this moment, Sadducees are expected to trace to "Zethys," and whatever terms that group of Boiotians became. Safe to say, these particular Boiotians trace to Butua, now Budva, beside Kotor (it's known that Cadmus and Harmonia were settled at Butua after slithering away from Greece as two serpents). Kotor had itself traced to Athenians of the Kodros kind, who line was said to found Ephesus, home of Pandareus. This reasoning is working very well.

Expect the Zethys line to bump into the Chives/Shives and Sheaves/Chiapponi's, and then trace to Perthshire's Sithech-rooted Shaws, beside the Chappes/Chaips and Apachnas-suspect STURlings. By some coincidence, Hamps were first found in the same place (Istria-suspect STAFFordshire) as Sturling-related Stobbs, meaning that Hampshire -- where Drac-based Drake's, Caiaphas-suspect Josephs, and Aemilia-suspect Emily's were first found -- may have been a line from "Amphion." This is actually a viable theory, for mythical Atreus traced to Atrebates of Hampshire, and Atreus ancestry was in Tantalus, whom I found to be code for Antalya/Attaleia, where Zethys' wife traces. Pamphylians were smack beside Antalya. I know as fact that Pamphylians were represented by an Amphion-like term: Amphilochus. It just so happens that the Hamp chevron-with-symbols is colors reversed from the same of Amps/Imps.

The father of Annas was Seth!

Here's the Stubbing Coat again. It's on the same quartered Shield as the Say Shield, thus linking Stobi-elements to Seatons. There is even a white lion in the Stubbing Crest, as there is in the Manner surname, wherefore it seems that the Stubbing quarters are, in particular, colors reversed from the Manner quarters. Manners are traced, not just to Maeonians, but to the Maeonian namers of Menelaus, son of Atreus.

The Star Drac Enterprise

Next on the agenda is talk of the Rodham/Roddenbury surname, first found in the same place as Stephensons/Steinsons, and using the same bend. This is identical to the Rothschild/Rothstein link to the Istria > Stur line. The "alter" motto term of Rodhams gets the Colters with Catherine wheels, and the Colters use the same chevron as the other Stephenson/Stave Coat. Colters are deemed the kin of Colts/Cults/Celts using the Pilate pheon in colors reversed (because Colts/Cults were first found in Perthshire, where the mother of Pontius Pilate reportedly lived). Suty's were first found in Perthshire, as were Drummonds, meaning that the wavy Suty bars are likely Drummond bars, or vice versa.

We can trace to Leslie's, who, like Drummonds, were underhanded Hungarian nobles in Scotland. Colters were from Piast the Wheelwright, and out of his batch of mythical terms there was one Lestko. Piast liners led to Cnut, who reportedly named Nottingham, and then Nottings, who once showed the same bend-with-besants as Buckinghams, now show the white-on-blue pheons of Pilate's. Knowing now that Mieszko's trace to the Gap location, there's a good chance that Colters and Colts/Cults were from the Hatti location of Kultepe = Nesa. Perth is only about 60 miles from the Ness river.

The Stubbs pheons (likewise white) can link to the Pilate pheons because the Stubb bend is also that of Stirlings, who trace to the Perthshire area (because Stirling is smack beside Perthshire). It could appear that Pilate's mother was a Pict of Paeonian extraction. And so we come to the Leslie buckles, not in the colors of the Stubbs / Stirling buckles, but in the colors of the Notting besants...that once showed. The Leslie buckles are on the same-colored bend that Nottings once showed, and Nottings are suspect with Nitts/Naughts, from the Nith river that might likewise trace to Nesa/Nesh, where ANITTa (Hatti king) ruled.

It's no secret to me that Gene Roddenbury's Star-Trek creation was studded with codes for surnames, including the Star surname. "Enterprise" was traced to Enders, using arrows, the Rothschild symbol. Rothschilds are thought to be at the top of the all-seeing-eye pyramid, and then Stars use a human eye. It came from SiemoWIT (mythical father of Lestko) whom I trace to WITkowo, a real place in Poland using a human eye in its Arms. Lestko's son, SiemoMYSL, is past-code for the Misl/Meisel surname using a mouse (the Piasts are said to descend from a Mouse Tower at Goplo). This mouse is on a bend in the colors of the Rodham / Stephenson bend.

The paragraph above was written before the Misl Coat was clinched with the David/Daffy Coat and traced to the Gap theater. It thus becomes plain that "Trek" is code for Drac-founded surnames.

Captain Kirk suggests the Kirk surname. Scottish Kirks look like they use the Wear crozier with the Sword swords (as per the Wear river at Durham, ruled by Siward from the founders of Scots proper), and a blue thistle in Crest, symbol of the Scott-founding Alpine's. The engineer of the Starship was, "Scotty." As per, "beam me up, Scotty," it's interesting that Beams were first found in Durham, and use an upright lion in colors reversed to the same of Welsh Prize's/Price's/Prise's (in Roddenbury colors), perhaps Pharisee liners.

I'm not at all familiar with the lion design English Price's. The name is said to be from the Rice surname (as per "ap-Rice,"), but the heraldry in none of the three Price surnames gives evidence of it. The English Price Crest is the same lion (I don't recall seeing in any other surname), where it hold a gold fleur-de-lys, wherefore this Price surname can be using a version of the Hamp canton. The Price canton has a gold garb, a symbol I always link to Caiaphas.

The Prys surname is listed with Welsh Rice's, who use a "melioris" motto term, and then, while Aemilia Lepida is suspect with the white grail of Emily's, Welsh Price's use a "gloria" motto term that can go to the Glorys/Lowrys likewise using a white grail. Isn't PERCival the Grail King to Arthurian cultists? Isn't the Swan Knight code for Logans/Lohans using a heart, the symbol of Lanarks/Lurnacks who traced to Laurie'/Lowrie's?

German Kirks/Gurck/Gorck (Drummond colors) look like they link to George Drummond, who went to Scotland in 1055, the year after Siward defeated MacBeth, the year that Siward died.

Captain Kirk was played by William Shatner, having a surname with Chat/Chad versions.

The Story's/Stury's can be traced to the Istria > Stur line because they were first found in the same place as Stephensons and Roddenburys. Story's use the six-section Shield, as do Wheelwrights. The stork in the Story Crest links well to the Stork surname because it shares oak theme with Alans. The Stork Coat looks like a version of the Claud Coat. As Storks were first found in the same place (Kent) as one Scott surname, while the other Scott surname shares Catherine wheels with Wheelwrights, it's now obvious that Scotts were an Istria > Stur line merged with lines from the Clausula river (lower-left of map), flowing past lake Scodra, where "Scott" traces.

Scotts are said to descend from a Baliol surname at a Chilham castle, and then while lake Scodra is at a Bar location to which the curved fish of Bar-le-Duc traced, Chilhams use these curved fish too. Chilhams trace to "Childeric," who named his son, CHLODEwig. Childeric married Basina, tracing to the Bassania location seen south of Scodra. Istria (center-left) is along the Adriatic coast from Scodra.

On the map, spot "Rhizon/Risinium on the north side of Scodra. You can see Butua there. Kotor is there too, but not marked. If the Prise/Price write-up is correct in tracing to "ap-Rice," then the Starship EnterPRISE traces well to that place, all the more reason to trace "Scotty" to "Scodra." The Stran/Strime/Strachan surname, which seemed linkable to the STRange's, use a "sed caveo" motto phrase that must, surely, trace to the Cavii on the south side of Scodra. The Cavii are the ones making this area important to Masonry in the first place.

The Caiaphas line is expected from the stock of the Spock/Speck/Spack surname, moreover, and while Spocks are expected to trace to "Syphax," Hannibal's general, the stag of Strans is in the blue color of the Hanna stag. [While writing here initially, even before finding the Drac river, I had not yet traced Barca elements to the Buech river in Gap. As you can glean, the Star-TREK liners at the Scodra theater can trace easily to the Drac river (north side of the Buech). It's amazing that, while HASdrubal is expected in "Hasmonean, the Has location on the Drilon river is smack between the Cavii and the Clausula river. Were Hannibal elements there too, at the Cavii theater???]

As was reported many months ago, there is a STEPHANtsminda location off a Terek river in the Alania theater. We may now figure better how the Alans got to Istria, as Star-Terek liners, the would-be rulers of the universe, the would-be leaders of mankind into a "utopian" (spit!) world of technological advancements, such as the local police listening in on your phone calls. It's a great way to keep people from becoming criminals, and at the same time to cripple or kill off all political enemies. Don't you recall the cell phones that the Starship crew used?

Tracks/Triggs were first found in the same place as Julians/Gillians (and Gillian-like Chilhams), and share a lion in the colors of the same Sutton/Satin lion. The latter already traced without doubt to the Guillestre theater. The Drig Coat is a virtual copy of the Track Coat, and, I kid you not, that in the middle of writing this paragraph, just before starting this sentence, I found a Drac river (for the first time) flowing past Mens...important because the Mens motto is used by Satins/Suttons!!!

The Drac river also flows past the source of the Buech river. The only thing missing is a Clingon location, but then Hillary Rodham Clingon applies. Clingons come but to kill, steal and destroy.

Didn't we trace black fitchees to Aspres-sur-Buech? Then gawk at the six black fitchees in both the Hillary and Clinton Coats! I had forgotten this until just now, I kid you not. What a hillarius laugh I'm having. If this gets around, expect the symbols to be changed by request to hide what this is revealing.

The dictators after Julius Caesar have arrived to an American election near you. In 2016, the Clingons will seek to revive their power over the universe.

Drake's are said to be derived in "duck-like gait," which is garbage, yet it's helpful garbage because it alerts the world to a Drakenberg merger with the Gate surname. Ask Bill Gates whether he has all-seeing-eye power over all of our computers. You know the answer.

English Ducks use the falcon design of the Stephen Coat, and as the Stephen Coat is a solid chevron in the colors of the same of Duke's, Ottone's, and Chappes', note how the Duck write-up suggests a trace to Duke's.

For the first time ever, see the tall, curved chevron of German Pucks, in the colors of the curved Ottone chevron, and sharing the annulet with Ottone's. In place of annulets, Duke's use CHAPlets. The Shield-and-Chief color combination Ducks is colors reversed to the same of Annan-related Letts. I'll assume that Pucks were Apachnas liners.

The Cling/Klingen surname (in Clinton colors) uses ducks. The surname is traced to a gorge, and then the Caturiges had a capital at Chorges, which place looks to be about 10 miles from the source of the Drac river. The Kirks/Gurcks/Gorcks (in Cling/Klingen colors) might actually trace to "Chorges," for English Kirks were first found in the same place (Cumberland) as Drigs.

"Gorge" gets a George surname using Cling/Klingen colors. Gorge's/George's use three blue doves, in the colors of the Duck falcon and the Cling "FLOWERS," and colors reversed from the Cling ducks. (Bill Clinton had an adulterous affair with one Jennifer Flowers.) The Gorge's/George's also use: "A black demi talbot rampant with a gold ear, GORGED with a gold collar dancette, between two green laurel branches." The sun in the Track and Drig Crests must link to the sun and sunFLOWER in the Buchan Crest. The Flower Crest is the lion head (fork-tailed lion design) of the Stubbing Crest, and Stubbings were first found in the same place (Essex) as Julian-related Gore's and Works/Werks/WORGE's.

The latter surname use the double bars shared by Flecks/Flags, and then the Flowers are very linkable to the Fletchers/Flegers! "Worge" is easily a modification from "Chorges." That's a good reason for tracing "Veragri" to "Chorges."

I've known about the Drac river in the past, but in all the dozens and dozens of times that I've looked on the atlas at the Guillestre area, I simply missed it due to the way its written sideways. And here I find it smack in the middle of a sentence concerning "Trek" and "Track," kin of Drigs. Wikipedia says that the chief tributary of the Drac is the Romanche. Why the Romagna-like ending? Was this related to Emilia-Romagna"? Was the Lepida family here?

Reminder: the dukes of Masovia used a red-on-white wyvern dragon, symbol of the Drake's, and then Mieszko liners traced to Gap. BUT BEHOLD, for while Wikipedia's Dagome article makes mention of a trace of Mieszko's ancestry to Sardinia, the Sheridan Coat uses the Track/Trigg and Drig lions exactly, colors included! The Hyksos have already traced to the Gap the theater, and they were, in my books, the so-called Sea Peoples who included the Sherden/Shardana!!!

Moreover, while the Sheridan motto uses "Cervus," nearly the Greek "corvos = crow", the Sheridan Crest is the stag design in the Crest of crow-using Scottish Casey's. Then, as only the antlers are in different colors, consider that the Polish CASImir Coat is just an antler! As Casimir I was a son of Mieszko II Lambert, it tends to trace Caseys to "Casimir," or whatever he was named after...the Khazars from the Terek river (where Khazars had a capital) being the prime suspects.

Recalling my recent trace of Leo of Galicia/Halychyna, founder of L'viv, to this very Casimir line, I now find a "leo" motto term in the Sheridan Coat! It's an Irish surname, but it fits the Mieszko Poles.

The spears in the Track/Trigg Chief can now go to the Speers and related Sprees, but, as is the sharp point, to Spree-Neisse area of Lusatia (Polish-German border), where the red Casimir antler can be found. As both the Sheridans and Mieszko's are Hatti-Hyksos suspects, the Track and Drig sun is likely from Attis while the Neisse river is suspect with "Nesa," the Hatti city that was earlier, Kanes. "The district-free city COTTbus is surrounded by the [Spree-Neisse] district"!

The crow-using Caseys even use the Chattan / Chatan bend, suggesting rather strongly that Caseys and Casimirs were from "Kussara/Kushara," a place ruled by Hatti king, Anitta of Nesa. Recall now the trace of Kussara to the Cash/Cass and Kush/Kiss surnames using fountains, for I had traced these very fountains to a Piscinas location (means "fountain" to Italians) in Sardinia, smack beside Sulcis, where specifically I traced (on a guess) Mieszko's ancestry years ago. "Sulcis " was also traced to "Silesia, a part of which covers the Spree river, if I'm not mistaken.

For those who don't know, I developed a theory still held to, that "corvos" was code for Gareb lines to terms like "Sarp > Sorb." It's interesting that while Sorbs founded Cottbus, the Arms of Cottbus use a crayfish. I've read, though I haven't agreed with it, that "Gareb" (where I trace Sorbs) was named after the scorpion. In any case, let's go back to the trace of Aemilia Lepida (= Melusine) to Miletus, founded by SARPedon, the mythical Cretan that I traced to the founding of Sorbs many years ago. What about that? Didn't I also trace Melusine (known to be from LUSIGnan) to Lusatia/LUZICa?

I'm assuming that Cottbus was named by Cotys elements, the same that named Caesar's mother. That would be a very good reason for tracing the descendants of Mrs. Cotta to the namers of Cottbus, and as a result, Aemilia, Mrs. Cotta's g-g-granddaughter, went along as mythical Melusine. If we ask why Melusine was the dragon lady of Lusignan, we would ask the Hermes caduceus, code for Hattusa elements, but including the Gileki proto-Nazi Aryans to the Julian surname.

Depending on whether Anglos named the crayfish in the Arms of Cottbus, it may be code for the Cray surname. The French Crays/Crete's/Crests share the black lion of Gapps/Gaips, as well as using the gold-on-blue bends of the Guerra's.

ZOWIE, the Drac, I've just learned, flows into the Isere at Grenoble, and the latter location was named after emperor Gratian, son of Valentinian I. "The Emperor Gratian visited Cularo and, touched by the people's welcome, made the village a Roman city. In honour of this, Cularo was renamed Gratianopolis ('city of Gratian') in 381 (leading to Graignovol during the Middle Age and then Grenoble)." Several weeks ago, I insisted that emperor Caracalla (about 200 BC) traced to Valentinian I at Cibalae. I claimed that "Caracalla" was his nickname after "Saraca," a fish-using family out of Kotor. And here I've just traced the Star-Trek Enterprise from the Kotor theater to the Drac river.

Scottish Crays, by the way, are also "Crath/Craith," much like "Gratian." These Crays may be using part of the Washington Coat so-as to be Mitanni elements. Crays were first found in InverNESS, named in-part after the Ness river!!! Surprise. Reminder: the Washington and Ness/Nesh bars are traced to the same of Flacks/Flags and therefore tentatively to "Phlegyas," a Lapith suspect in a line to Lepidus stock. Phlegyas was made father to Ixion and Coronis, the crow, mother of the Asclepios snake (same as the caduceus theme).

As Nesa had a so-called "Sius idol," and because there may not be "sius" terms available to motto creators, the Frasers may be using "suis" as code for that idol. Frasers enter this picture where Scottish Crays are traced in their write-up to a Fraser family (at Clunes). It just so happens that Frasers (Frey = Phrygian suspects) use quarters in the colors of the Primo quarters, as well as three cinquefoils in the positioning, and colors-reversed from, the same of Hamp(ton)s. Frasers were first found in Peeble's, what I view as an Apepi line through Paphlagonians, allies / kin / neighbors of Hamp-suspect Pamphylians. To clinch this Fraser trace to Phrygians, Frasers use the Keith stag, and are said to be kin of Keiths, the latter said to be a Catti peoples. The Keith-related Marshalls were traced (by me), in spite of their write-up, to the Marsi, and that gets them back to the Marsyas goat cult of Phrygia.

I wasn't going to mention that "Sius" could trace to the Say surname until seeing the the Tweed Crest is the Say-Crest bull head. The Frasers, you see, were first found in Tweedale. The Says are kin of Keith-related Seatons you see. It all works, and all verifies that everyone in this paragraph was related to the Hatti > Catti line.

The Dreux Crest uses the same bull head, and the Dreux Coat is ermined-white Shield, same as the Catters and SatterTHWAITE's, important because fretty lattice is used by Twits/Thwaits/Twaits/Tweats.

I've been getting hints that the Daphne line went through the eye of the needle in this Hatti domain, but haven't been mentioning it. Now would be a good time to say that Taffie's use the same theme, fretty lattice within a fat cross, as Twits/Thwaits. You can be sure that this was the proto David/Daffy line to the Misl surname at the Mieszko Mouse Tower. This lattice is used by Modens/Modeys, and may thus link to the Mitanni line of Tushratta (i.e. Shattiwaza) that joined the Hatti empire.

Tushratta's sister, GILUKhipa, might just have been named after the Gileki. She's the one who transferred the Mitanni royal court to Egypt by marrying the father of Akhenaten, wherefore Mitanni -- and perhaps Gileki -- are expected in Boiotia with queen Aedon. Just like that, whatever named Shattiwaza may have been in Boiotia too, along with the ancestry of "Julian/Gillian," explaining why Sadducees (from a house of Boethus) may have derived in the family of Julius Caesar...whose surname smacks of "Kussara." Yes, "Caesar" was his surname, not a title. Mr. Caesar married a Reges surname, and their son, Mr. Caesar, married Aurelia Cotta. There was even an ancient Reges-like location in the Gileki theater (see below).

I know what this is, for my own parent with a Massey bloodline had a sister who married a Taff surname, and her name was Lettice, while her husband's name was Pepin, and they had a son, Fred. It's freaking me out, as per FRETty LATTICE, and the Apepi line in the land of the Hatti. The Taffie Crest is even the Mieske/Mesech arms-and-sword. Daphne was identified (by me) as a Tubal peoples, kin of Meshech, and Tushratta was just identified as a Togarmah peoples, and so it seems evident that this was the Gog entity that Ezekiel 38 speaks of, a thousand years before Ezekiel. As Gogarene was located near Soducena, SHATTiwaza may just have been named by the Sittaceni who later named Soducena. William SHATner?

It just so happens that Shatners were first found in the same place (Worcestershire) as Watts, and that William Shatner is the host on a television show, "Weird or WHAT." It's the Witkowo line, same as the Mieszko line. The Uat/Buto cult was incorporated at a Sais location in the Nile delta, where I had initially traced Says, but now they have linked very well to the Sius idol at Nesa. What's/WadCOTTs, using the chevron colors of the same of eye-using Stars, were first found in the same place as Vere's, and then Weirds (falcon) show also as "Weers."

Back to Gratianopolis on the Drac, for if Mieszko's trace to the Drac, and I'm sure they do, it can be reasoned that, since Pollocks traced to Valentinian, so must Mieszko's, and the way for this trace to be understood is by the Mieszko presence at Gratianopolis. But these were proto-Mieszko's, and so one wonders what exactly they were at the time of Valentinian. The Bassianus line of Caracalla's mother is coming to mind, the family that included a Maesa surname that links to the same place, Grasse and Le Mas, as Lamberts. It was this Lambert line that was found with Sweit elements (last update) at the Serres location on the Buech.

I was able to glean that Caracalla's name led to "Carricks," a surname said to be from "Craig," much like "GRAIGnovol," an alternative name of Gratianopolis. It may therefore be that the alternative name was NOT a Gratian variation at all, but one after a Caracalla line, which, by that time, was "Graig," we may assume. The Craig Crest shows a rider on horseback...with helmet and plumes, symbol on a coin of Herod Archelaus; he was banished to Vienne in Isere, about 35 miles north of the mouth of the Isere.

This finding helps to assure that the Valence location, about five miles south from the mouth of the Isere, was named after one of the Valentinian emperors. To see that this family links to the Istria > Starship line, the Valentin Coat is a bend in the colors of the Stephenson bend, and, instead of the three green leopards of Stephensons, the Valentins use three green squirrels. Keep in mind here that Stephens are suspect at St Etienne, beside mount Pilat, about 35 miles west of Vienne. I suppose I have no choice now but to view St. Etienne as named after the Istria > Stur > Stouer > Stover > Steven line. (Masonic heraldry doesn't keep Coats for any-old Stephen).

The question then is: what renamed the city to, Grenoble? Was it really a corruption of Gratianopolis? Possibly, even likely, unless there was the coincidence of a Gren-like entity moving in. The flag of Grenoble is a split Shield in red and gold, no symbols. German Valence's use three martlets in those colors. I'm waiting for the Henry Coats to load, to show you the next mystery solved.

French Henrys (Brittany), using the red Alan martlets once showing as red ducks, use martlets in both colors of the Valence martlets. Why. Who were the Henrys? Doesn't the Fuller ancestry of Pollocks also trace to Roquefeuils, who married Henri IV of Rodes? It may explain why the green Shield of the Arms of Roquefeuil is the color of the Irish-Henry eagle. Where have we seen green Shields before? Ah, yes, the Bauers, Bowers, and Pollocks.

In proving the kinship of Irish Henrys to the Brittany branch, their green-on-white eagle is in the colors of the Lannoy and Lyon lions, as well as the colors of the Valentin squirrels and Stephenson leopard faces. English Lannoys use a helmet with plumes of feathers too, as do the Craigs, you see. Others sharing the green lion include Tracks/Triggs and Drigs. Therefore, not only do Craigs trace to Grenoble's older name, and not only is it virtually clinched that the helmet-and-plumes are a secret Herod-Archelaus symbol to which Stewarts have been privy, but the Joseph surname of Hampshire is tracing straight to Grenoble at the mouth of the Drac, explaining why Drake's were first found in the same place as Josephs.

The added benefit to this is that the Drac must trace to the Drago river at Agrigento, proving that "Craig>Carrick" was from "Acragas," the alternative name of Agrigento. Therefore, Graignovol was NOT likely named after Gratian, but after the Acragas line in that area. That's no small finding in itself, that Agrigento elements were on the Drac. It was expected that Agrigento elements led to Caiaphas. Note that the three-color scheme of Henry's is that also of the Chiaro/Claro surname expected to be honored in the Joseph motto. That tends to prove that Montechiaro elements were at the Drac theater, though, in those early days, they are expected to be the Carians from CLARUS. It can't be coincidental, therefore, that the name of Gratianopolis, before it got that name in 381 AD, was CULARO. It means you can trust this paragraph.

What other sorts of Carians were in the Drac-Isere area? What about the Carians of Rhodes? What about the Carians of the lower Maeander? We'll turn over every rock and find every last worm. The line to the Nordic pirates was here. As Ephesus was near Clarus, draw a line to the Apsus river (lower left), where Illyrian pirates got drunk, then to the Hypsas = Drago river, then to the Drac, and expect Ephesians there, for example the Kodros > Ephesus line from Keturah. I'm sure that one can find Zethys in the Drac theater too. And that's what I'm after. He should be in the Caturiges theater. I 'm already sure that he was the proto-Suty's at Gap.

I haven't yet shown the Nothing Coat. I haven't loaded it in months. I've been too busy, even though I've seen the "Nothing" motto term of Sutys several times. It just so happens at the head of the green Seaton dragon, breathing fire even, is in the Nothing Crest, assuring that Suty's were Seaton liners. The Nothing surname is properly shown as "Northen," and so see the dragon head ("ducally gorged and chained") in the North Crest. In my books, this was the line of the Neuri to the Nerthus cult of Varni vagabonds.

Note how the Nothing/Northen Coat appears to be a version of the French Henry Coat. Why are proto-Sadducee suspects linking to Henrys? Ah, didn't we see that Sutekh was honored in Smyrna, near Clarus and Ephesus? So, Smyrna's Amazons ought to have been migrating with the Sutekh > Suty > Seaton line, and so let's not forget that while the Sitten variation of Seatons us expected at Sitten of Switzerland, that's where the Veragri lived, almost, who are suspect in becoming the Varni. That works.

Now, the idea that the Henry eagle is in the colors of the Lyon and Lannoy lion, thus linking to Herod Archelaus, has logic where Herod ancestry is expected in "Rhodes / Rodez." That's another way of saying that some line from Herod Archelaus got to Henri VI of Rodez, but it's also a way of saying that proto-Herods, like proto-Sadducees and proto-Maccabees, all originated in the Gap theater's Carians / Rhodians. Some Magnet must have propelled them far away to Israel for a Major Undertaking. Why is the Henry-suspect chevron of Nothings/Northens couped like the Cooper/Copper chevron? We should ask Kyprus/Cypros, mother of Herod "the great" child killer. Poor woman. Nothing to be proud of in him.

For years prior to about 2012, I witnessed the couped fesse of the Herods/Hurls. The fesse did not reach both sides of the Shield.

Whose hand holding a garland is it in the Copper Crest? The Stephensons use it too.

The fact that the Henry surname is tracing to Grenoble, after having equated the surname with the Joseph surname, seemingly helps all the more in linking "Drago" with "Drac." Consider "VerAGRI" from the idea of Ver-ACRAgus. In the past few updates, it's been wrongly said (has since been fixed) that the Joseph surname was from a Joseph Henry. It was instead from a Henry Joseph:

...The [Joseph] crest is a golden garb, the motto "cas ni charo y wlad a'i mago." The first recorded spelling of the family name is shown to be that of Henry Joseph, which was dated 1191, in the pipe rolls of the county of Hampshire,...

For some reason, I've had it on my brain, and have been saying, for about a year, that the Joseph surname was from a Henry surname. I don't know whether that's correct now, after re-reading the article above. I think my reasoning was that the Henry martlets were the same of French Josephs. With the Henry surname tracing to the very Arms of Grenoble, and making the case that Henrys and Josephs may have been merged, it's Annas-interesting that the Annas surname comes up as "Anner," while Henry's are also "Enery."

Isn't there a good chance that "Caiaphas" may have become the Haeff/Haaf/Haff surname? The Suty motto term, "have," gets just that surname, and the Have/Haeff Coat uses...ducks!!! It was the French Alans sharing the Henry martlets that had used ducks. But let's also go back to the "duck-like gait" in the not-so-secret-code work of Drake's, for as the Seaton motto reveals them as a branch of Gate's, while the "Nothing" motto term of Suty's got the Seaton dragon in Crest and, in the Nothing Coat, what looks like a version of the Henry Coat, it seems certain that, for one, Henrys trace with Seatons and Sutekh-suspect Suty's to the Drac river, thus explaining the Nothing and Seaton dragons.

To assure that the Henry trace to Valence is also a Henry trace to Grenoble, Dutch Valences show three roses in the positioning of the three roses in Arms of Grenoble. The Grenoble roses are in the red-on-white colors (Quint colors) of the Grenoble flag, while the Valence roses are white on green (colors reversed to Henry eagle, Lannoy lion, Valentin squirrels). Both sets of roses match the positioning in the Caesar Coat. Then, Scottish Valences (red rose in Crest, Grenoble-rose color), who likewise show red footless martlets (eight of them in the style of Saddocks, Chaddocks, etc.), were first found in the same place (Kent) as Caesars.

It was not many weeks ago that the first inklings of a Caiaphas trace to Julius Caesar were coming about. Look at what heraldry has done for that theory in such a short time. This is not a discovery at all. It's already been known. All I've done here is to discover the discovery that was being hidden under lock and key. I wonder which peoples are the keepers of these secrets. Ah well, who cares? My job is to report to the world that Masonry is a lie, and a conglomeration of stink-bomb individuals gathering around mere bloodlines to enact a global war against God. It's laughably in vain, of course, but stink-bombs have no idea how bad they smell. They don't know the whiff of fresher air because they live in a spiritual cave, a den of iniquity.

The Cave's/Cavie's are the others using fretty lattice, a clear indication that this is a Cavii line to the Cotta surname. They are said to be from "chauf," and so let's look at something new found earlier today that seemingly applies. It starts with the green Shield of Somers (same place as Watts), with an ermined-white dancette across it. At this point, I'm tracing all dancettes both the Donnus, son of Cottius, and to the wild-dancing Maenads on the Maeander, suspect with the Hatti line to Lydians at Smyrna. In other words, I'm entertaining a Somer and Somerset trace to "Smyrna."

It just so happens that the Somer Coat is almost identical to the Caffey/Caughy/Cauffy/Coffey Coat, so that we can explain the Somer-Caffey link where it was already discovered by other means that Caiaphas traces to Carians. Is there significance is Caiaphas tracing to Smyrna in particular? Was there a large Sutekh cult there? Where else did Caiaphas trace in the Carian theater? Oh, yes, as per the Charo/Claro surname, to Clarus.

"Caffin" was then entered because it rhymes with Vapincum (the earlier name of Gap). There's no particular evidence that the talbot symbols (black on red, rare colors) in the Caffin surname (said to be from "chauf") link to Gap, unless the Talbot surname traces to Gap in particular.

What's welcome in the Caffin-Coat talbot is, not just that it's in the design of the Carrick talbot, but it's a very large talbot, like the one found a couple of days earlier in the Fortuna Coat; both talbots are on a red Shield. I've not seen large talbots before. Perhaps it's indication that the Talbot entity is very close to these two surnames.

The Fortuna surname will be re-mentioned much later in a trace of "Lady Fortune" (in the Klassen Coat) to the Charo/Claro surname. It will be suggested that Lady Fortune is Melusine. Whoever it is that she represents, she will trace, with the Class/Klassen surname, to the Charo/Claro surname honored in the Joseph motto. She will thus be pegged as a line to Cularo = Grenoble. The Clarus Carians trace to the same city as Carricks, right? Right. And Carricks use a dancette too.

I have not yet known what the Talbot entity is. Chaffers gave me an idea. They use finches, by the way, and then the Caffins are also, "Chaffinch." The moon and star combination of Chaffers is used, in the same colors, by Kerns/Karens, but as the latter use a sleeping moon, they trace to the Latmus Carians, basically the same area as Clarus and Smyrna. That's three Caiaphas traces to the same area, while Aemilia traces to Miletus, the same area again, on the Caria-Lydia border region. Chaffers use eight pointed stars, and it was at the sight of them that Dilmun/Telmon came to mind, the birthplace of Ishtar, the possible derivation of "Tal(bot)." It's a start. In the last update, Talbots were found merged with Laurence's and Lowry's, and it could be that the latter's grail is code for Ishtar, since, after all, the Revelation harlot is ultimately Ishtar too.

It won't hurt to repeat here quickly why Lady Fortune traces to the Charo/Claro surname. Lady Fortune is with a white-on-blue banner, the color of the same in the Boso Coat. The latter surname uses the rare, upright Charo/Claro bull, but the great thing about the Boso bull being quartered in white and red is that it's colors reversed from the Second/Segur quarters, seemingly clinching the trace of Aemilia Lepida to Lady Fortune.

A couple of updates ago, there were two expectations: 1) a trace of Agrigento's proto-Caiaphas line to the Salyes theater; 2) a trace of Syphax elements from Agrigento to the Cotta-Julian-Caiaphas line. And here I am finding a Drago-to-Drac trace in the midst of Star-Trek codes, which including doctor Spock. It just so happens that, over the past few updates, I've been entertaining a trace of the Spack/Spock/Speck and Space/Speccot surnames to "Syphax." A couple of updates ago, a difficult expectation arose, that the Syphax line should trace clear across the Adriatic to the Cavii theater, and here in this update, Star-Trek elements traced exactly to the north side of the Cavii. It could be added here that Irish Kerns/Karins use the same chevron colors as Stars, and that they use a green Shield too, in both colors of the Cavii-suspect Caffey's/Caughy's and Smyrna-suspect Somers.

Two updates ago, in the very area where the expectations above arose, I looked to see how close to the Cavii theater Hannibal got. He got as far as Apulia, but I was suggesting that he could have formed an alliance with pirate's on the Illyrian coast, for they were warring against Rome too. I stressed his loss to Romans at the Larino theater, which is the first time that this location cropped up. From that point, Larino was traced convincingly to Larins. It just so happens that while Charo's are "Claro," the "Karin" variation of Kerns can become "Klarin." I'm not sure how to explain it, but Larins come up as "Clarin," and, moreover, both they and Kerns/Karins use black lions in Crest. As the two chevrons are in the colors of the Quint chevron, by what further coincidence does the Quint Crest show a black lion paw?

Then, the fitchee in the Quint Crest suggests a look at the Fitch surname, sharing both a green Shield and leopard face's with Irish Kerns/Karins.

It was also hinted, two updates ago, that the Caiaphas line at Agrigento should be expected to go through Larino and Gerunium, but not much was made of that idea until evidence should be found. One point made was that the "Creag" motto term of the Larins above should to Agrigento with Craigs / Carricks, but, now, those very surnames have gone to Grenoble, which expects Larino elements there. For those who think that the Larin motto is not to be taken for Craig kin, there is the argument that Larins are partly in Carrick / Saracen colors. Meanwhile, Larins use the same two chevrons as Berber-suspect Barbers. Two chevrons in the same colors are used likewise by Berbers/Barbary's.

Do you think some Berbers of BC times got up to Gap to join the Syphax line in forming a Caepio > Caiaphas line? Quints were first found in Essex and Dorset while Caffins were first found in Dorset. In case it means anything to anyone hunting along, the gold Caffin talbot is in the William Crest too.

Avignon's Cavarii peoples smack of Cafferys (more green) sharing the horse-and-rider of Craigs. Avignon and the Cavaillon area (lower Durance) are not at all far from the Buech and Drac rivers. As Cafferys are in Caffey/Caughy colors, it's an argument for identifying the Cavari with the Cavii. It could be that Caepio's were of the Cavari, therefore, especially as the Arms of Avignon use keys, the Shaves/Chiapponi/Chiava symbol. I realize that Avignon uses Vatican keys, but there may be more to it, going back to an old Chiava (means "key") variation of a Cavii branch.

The article above on the Joseph surname tells that the Joseph chevron was a green "perchevron" (solid chevron) prior to adding in the gold chevronels. I have yet to come across any surname sharing the Joseph double-colored chevron, but now know to seek a green perchevron. It just so happens that the Joseph surname uses a "mago" motto term while Hamilcar Barca was the "father of Hannibal, Hasdrubal and Mago."

The Berkle's/Birchills are the ones with black fitchees tracing to the Arms of Sutton (London, where Capes' were first found whose scallops trace to the Meschin scallops) and therefore smack to the Drac river. These fitchees also traced to Cheshire, ruled by Meschins whose scallops trace to Messina. Berkle's were first found in the same place (Kent) as Massins/Masons and Valences. Massins/Masons were first found on the island of Thanet, which traces to Zanata/Zenetes in the Shawia theater of Numidia. The Macons are listed with Massins/Masons, and then there is a Macon location on the Rhone about 100 miles north of Valence, and less than half that distance from Lyon. Were Numidians at Macon too?

A Berkle link to Meschins makes Berkle's suspect with the BURGo > Conteville line that birthed Meschins. Ranulf le Meschin's mother was a daughter of Richard Goz surname suspect with "Joseph." The Avrance's side of his mother is now suspect with a Veragri > Varangi line. The Goz Coat shares a white-on-blue chevron with the Barkley's (in Gocelyn colors) and Maceys, and the white-on-blue stars of Goz' are used by Mitre's/Mitterands, important because the Barkley Crest uses a "mitre proper." Unfortunately, the Gocelyn/Joselyn wreath is not called a chaplet.

The Gocelyn motto uses "Faire," which might be code, not for Vere lines, but for Hasdrubal the Fair, Barca's son-in-law. There are "hawk's bells" on the Gocelyn "wreath," reminding of the hawk's lure of Cheshire's and Herods/Hurls, and likely code for Bellamy's too. The Hawk surname is the one using "stave's," and then Stave's/Stephensons share white-on-blue stars with Goz's. The Gocelyn/Joselyn motto suggests the Voirs using the same lion as Garrets and Maschi's. Finally, the "falcon's leg" in the Gocelyn Crest should be code for Falcons/FalCONTE's, whose crescent definitely trace to the same of Conte's in the Conteville line to Richard Goz.

It just so happens that the Falcons use a white-on-blue tower, the only symbol, and identical to it, in the Kirk/Gurck/Gorck Coat. Scottish Kirks are the ones using the crozier (symbol of Wears), which traces with Croziers (first found in Avignon) to Agrigento's Creusa-Aeneas entity. It's where the "cruce" motto term of Barcley's is expected to trace, and as Barcley's were first found in the same place (Gloucestershire) as Samsons, they are expected to trace with the Samsons scallops to Messina and the Saracens of Sicily. "Saracen" is suspect with "Saraca / Caracalla / Carrick," and therefore trace-able to Acragas = Agrigento.

The Craig fesse (white crescents, same as Falcons and Conte's) was traced to the same-colored Hill fesse because the Hill Crest shows a white crescent, and then the Hill fesse-with-symbol (white tower) is in the colors of the Berkle/BircHILL chevron-with-symbols. Thus the Hills (white tower also in Crest) and Craigs are very link-able to Falcons, who in-turn use the white tower exactly of Kirks/Gurchs/Gorcks, making the latter surname suspect with "Craig / Acragas."

Whose Symbols do Joseph's Use?

Star-Trek lines, to put it more simply, are expected on the Drac river, but let's not neglect that Stars and Kern/Karins use the same-colored chevron, which, in colors reversed, becomes a green chevron i.e. the color of the Joseph chevron. I'm sure that I'm giving you a headache, but there seems to be something in this, especially if "Karin" got to be "Clarin," a realistic possibility.

The solid chevron (used by Josephs), a "PERCHevron," looks like a code for Perche, near where French Josephs were first found who showed a swan for the Grail-King > Swan Knight line to which Larins traced with Laurie's, etc. Then, the Quint-suspect Larins/Clarins use two chevrons in the red color of the two Perche chevrons. If the Larin chevrons were colors reversed, due to marriage with a certain family, they would become two gold chevrons...which happen to be on top of the green perchevron of Josephs. Is that significant? It looks rather striking, especially as the Joseph motto honors the Charo/Claro surname tracing to the same place as the sleeping moon of Kerns/Karens.

Let's not neglect that the French Larins use the same scallops as Capes' / Happs/Apps, and that this Larin branch was first found in Provence, the Salyes theater, while Scottish Larins/Clarins use a "SAILing ship."

The Larins/Clarins are said to be from an Lawrence surname (honors the swan-using Ready surname, apparently), and then Lawrence's/Laurence's have the same type cross (almost), but in colors reversed, to the Face/Fessey cross. I don't think that "leopards faces" are permitted for use by Kerns/Karins unless they trace to Face's/Fesseys (laurel in Crest, same as the Larin/Clarin Crest). The question is, are "leopard faces" code also for a Leopard surname, or something else, such as Dionysus in general? I don't tend to see "faces" of other animals used, and so where surnames wish to show linkage to Face's/Fessey's, how is it that they may be restricted to leopard faces? It tends to suggest that Face's themselves trace to whatever the leopard represents.

English Leopards are interesting for more than one thing: 1) they were first found in the same place as Coopers/Coppers; 2) they share gold-on-blue leopard faces with Coopers/Coppers; 3) the Lepper variations can betray a Lepida bloodline. Hmm, ouch, as Face's use the same cross as Macclesfields, the "copia" motto term in an Arms of Macclesfield thereby suggests code for Coopers/Coppers, not Caepio's...unless Coopers/Coppers were Caepio liners.

Carricks (dancette) are in the colors of, and obvious kin to, Sheers/Shire's, and the latter fitchees! Doesn't that clinch the Carrick / Craig trace to Grenoble? YES! Thus, with Carricks and Sheers (share the black talbot) linking to black-fitchee Berkle's/BircHILLs, they are tracing to Hamilcar Barca, quite apparently, along with the Hills. It reminds me of the white towers in the Presley/Priestly Coat (they are the white towers of Abreu's), because Presleys (Drake wyvern, probably) share the symbol of Kerricks (Suffolk).

Sheer's/Shire's were first found in Surrey! That's where Sutton is located that got black fitchees to trace to the Buech theater in the first place. You can see why Sheers were merged with Kilpatricks/Shera's, at the Annandale theater, for the Arms of Aspres-sur-Buech is now tracing well there (it's saltire is used in the Arms of Ayrshire, where Carricks were first found). But what were these Sheers/Shire's at the Gap area? First, there's a question as to whether the red-and-gold split flag of Grenoble goes to Schwerins and therefore to Schwerin of the Varni theater. Secondly, while Valentinian's wife, Justine (daughter of Justus), is honored by Sire's, the squirrels on the Valentin Coat must be for the Squire's/Squirrels. So, Shire's must apply there.

The Joseph Shield is suspect from the Spurrs/Spurways for good reason. The Payen stars are actually called "spur rowels," but it wasn't until loading Panthers/Pantry's recently that I found true spur rowels (16 points) in their Chief. This identifies PANthers/Pantry's as a branch of Payens of the Pane kind. In the Panther fesse, there are what are often called, "squire helmets." and then, while Payens are expected to be Paeonians, the Helms use Paeonian-suspect pheons. As Hugh de Payen married a Chappes, the honored link of Payen liners to Spurrs can tend to support the idea that Josephs are using the blue Spurr Shield and Spurr-Crest garb.

Yes, Hugh de Payen and heraldry itself is 1,000 years or more after 70 AD, but, the prediction is, whatever marital bonds were cherished in the Templar era are expected to have been the norm for the previous 1,000 years. These were bloodline-loving peoples who kept close-knit. Rowels, by the way, are ROTHwells/Rosewells/Rosswells, and are using engrailed chevrons in the colors of the engrailed Sinclair cross, indicating a Payen merger with Sinclairs...from Clarus, right? Yes, the same line as Charo's/Claro's.

The last time (the last update) that I tried to discern who's gold chevrons the Josephs were using, it was suggested those of Mathie's, for while Chives'/Shives' use the Mathis moline, Mathie's use the Clare triple chevrons in colors reversed. It could be that Mathie's are using the Larin/Clarin chevrons in colors reversed, for obvious reason of being a Clare stock. In this picture, the red scallop in the Mathie Crest can go to the same of Scottish Barber surname, because English Barbers use the two Larin/Clarin chevrons. The Scottish branch uses a "nisi" motto term that can be in honor of the Nesa > Ness bloodline.

That last idea can be supported by another means. First, the Scottish Barbers use a "cruce" motto term, and then the Asborns/Osborns, suspect with "Aspres," use a saltire half in the colors of the Cruce saltire, as well as a tiger that I trace to Tigris-river elements, which is where Nuzi was located. Nisincidence? Probably not, for while Nesa was home to the Sius idol, the quarters in the Arms of Aspres-sur-Buech are in the colors of the Say quarters. Note the Meshech lines below, kin of Togarmites, that crop up in this discussion.

I've got a pretty good sense of heraldry links by now. The gold Cruce cross looks like it should go to the same in the Arms of Pula, and then those red scallops above are used also by the Pula/Pullen Coat; the latter even use the footless martlet in the colors of the same now showing in the French Joseph surname. This is significant if the trace above, of Josephs to Barbers, is correct, for Cruce's are honored in the Barber motto, and Barbers are the ones using a red scallop. The Cruce cross is taken to be a version of the French Messey/Messier saltire because Croce's were first found in the same place (Lincolnshire) as English Messier's and moreover use quarters in the colors of the Massey/Macey quarters.

Pula is suspect as a line from the Kutaisi Colchians, kin of the Attis Hatti. Meshech are expected with these Colchians, but so are Soducena elements from lake Sevan, and so we find another red scallop used by swan-liner Savona's. It can be assumed that Savone's are related, and lo and behold, for the latter are using a definite star-and-crescent combination, smacking of the same in lines to the Carians at Latmus. It just so happens that while the Kerns are under discussion as the makings of part of Joseph symbols, they are one of the surnames tracing to Carians at Latmus. Plus, Savone's were first found in Smyrna-suspect Somerset. Aren't we expecting Sutekh elements to link to Soducena elements while going out from Smyrna?

The Savona's even share a red bull with the Carian-suspect Charo's/Claro's. After this many coincidences, it's no longer by chance. The stars in the Savona Chief are even in the colors of the Pulesdon stars. The Pula/Pullen bend is in the colors of the Spurr bend, probably belonging to the Hatti line to Chattans / Chatans. It was shown in the last update that the Arms of Chorges use the Chattan castle, a likely conclusion due to Caturiges / Hatti elements in the Chorges theater.

The Magor Discovery

It was not many months ago (2nd update in December) where the Prestwick location in Ayrshire, suspect with the Kerrick surname, caused me to find the Guellies Coat, a version of the Julian Coat, at which time I declared that there was no doubt that Julius Caesar traced to Guillestre. Now, everything and its grandmother is tracing to the Guillestre theater, including Kerricks.

It just so happens that Kerricks use what I'll continue to view as an upside-down perchevron, though they call it a "pile," as does the Lapin surname. Consider now how huge the discovery has come to be based solely on the Prestwick Coat, which uses Melusine, for Lapins (share red Shield with Prestwicks) were pegged as Lepida liners from Melusine-suspect Aemilia. Lapins and Kerricks both use white "piles."

The symbol in the Kerrick Coat is called a "caltrop," a term I've had difficulty with, traced tentatively to Celts/Cults / Colters. It can now trace to Kultepe (ancient Nesa). In any case, the Melusine line is to go back to the Mitanni-theater's Melitene area, and then Pile's are, as with Pilate's / Pillette's / Pellets and Pile's/Pilots, to be taken back to Pylos, beside Mitanni-suspect Methoni/Modon. Mythical NESTor, you see, ruled at Pylos, and then the Ness/Nesh/Nest surname uses the same double bars as Washingtons that I trace to the namers of Wassukanni. English Pile's, using piles, even use a red canton, and then the Canton surname uses the Washington Coat, apparently.

There are many pelican designs using a NEST, a symbol used by Stewarts. Some of these surnames mention "nest" in their descriptions; other have created other codes. It's the Stewarts who call their "A pelican in her piety", as code for Pietas-Julia i.e. the Pula location at Istria. It is now tending to suggest that Pula was a line from Pylos. Yet, ironically for the theory, Pula's/Pullens use a pelican without the nest. Perhaps they trace consciously to lines not of Nestor.

The "pallesCERE" motto term of Pula's/Pullens can be for the Pulesdons that come up as "Pulles." The same surname comes up as "Pulsipher," a known variation of pelican-suspect PULCipher. Perhaps not by chance, the Cere surname is listed with the Serts/Serres' who traced well to the Serres location on the Buech, as well as to the root of Mieszko's, which is just dandy here while on the Pollock-related Pula entity. It suggests that the Pula motto is indeed code for Serres elements...which traced well to Cirta, the capital of the Massena bloodline.

Entering "Pallas" gets a surname sharing a "Pro rege" motto term with pelican-using Pattersons. This motto phrase traces to the Reges surname of Julius Caesar's grandmother, but may also trace further back to a Rhagae/Ray location in the Gileki theater, which is not only where I trace "Julian/Gillian," but near Nuzi. Furthermore, Wikipedia mentions a Nesa location in Gilan, land of the Gileki. It was my impression that Zeus' mother (the proto-Kybele of the Hatti) was from this Rhagae location while proto-Zeus of that area was represented at Sittacene location down on the Tigris.

Let me repeat a paragraph from above:

Tushratta's sister, GILUKhipa, might just have been named after the Gileki. She's the one who transferred the Mitanni royal court to Egypt by marrying the father of Akhenaten, wherefore Mitanni -- and perhaps Gileki -- are expected in Boiotia with queen Aedon. Just like that, whatever named Shattiwaza may have been in Boiotia too, along with the ancestry of "Julian/Gillian," explaining why Sadducees (from a house of Boethus) may have derived in the family of Julius Caesar...whose surname smacks of "Kussara." Yes, "Caesar" was his surname, not a title. Mr. Caesar married a Reges surname, and their son, Mr. Caesar, married Aurelia Cotta. There was even an ancient Reges-like location in the Gileki theater.

It just so happens that while Washingtons trace by their Wassa branch to Wassukanni (I because sure of this trace for more reasons than similarity of terms), the Washington Coat is nearly in use by the Crae/Reage/Rae/Ray surname. This is the one coming up as "wreath," wherefore the Gocelyn "wreath" seems to apply, important because "GOC" is like some Wassa variations. The other Cree surnames have such variations smacking of "Crete" that it seems logical to trace the surname to Rhea, mother goddess of Crete.

Scottish Cree's/Crae's/Reaghs/Rays lived in Ayrshire and neighboring GLASgow; the latter term I trace to Gileki, also called, Gels. These Cree's use the Casey leaves, and then Caseys were suspect with Kussara too, as well as with Cassels=Kennedy's that use the Caesar dolphin, etc.

French Cree's/Crete's, first found in the same place (Burgundy) as Rays, are probably using the Guerra bendy. Burgundy is the location of Autun, beside NEVERS, which is why I trace the Atun > Aedon line to it, for NEFERtiti was wife to AkhenATEN. If mythical Nephele represented this Nefertiti line, then the Ixion Lapiths are expected at Burgundy.

How did we get to the Pula's? Oh, yes, from the Kerrick and Lapin piles. A trace of Aemilia Lepida to Kerricks gets the line to Grenoble, where Aemilia Lepida has traced by other methods. Over and over again, she goes to that place, originally, Cularo. Having determined that Clarus Carians (may have included Lydians / Amazons) are front-and-center in the Joseph surname, by what coincidence is Aemilia now under investigation as the very mother of Joseph Caiaphas? Mrs. Reges gave birth to a son that married Mrs. Aurelia Cotta, and then piles are used also by Orrs. Caracalla's throne name became, Aurelius, and he's the one who traces to Carricks, and the one suspect at the naming of Graignovol...i.e. where Aemilia traces over and over again. The full Patterson motto: "Pro rege et GREGE."

I now see that the Prestwick motto is identical to the motto of Velis' (Carrick colors), the ones using the black Julian/Gillian cross, and the ones suspect with the Gapp/Gaip Coat/ What priesthood do you think is involved here, and in the Presley/Priestly surname (apparent Kerrick kin), and in the PRESTbury location of Kerricks.

Craigs are in the colors of Buchans, and were first found in the same place. A Buchan connection to Craigs traces Craigs again to the Drac theater. But where the concern is the link of Barca elements to the Drac river, it should be noted that the chevrons of Barkleys and English Falcons are in the same colors. The latter Falcons were first found in the same place (Cumberland) as Kirks and Drac-river Drigs. The latter, along with Tracks/Triggs, share the sun with Buchans so that the namers of the Buchan location (Aberdeen) can trace to both the Buech and Drac rivers. It shows alliances between the peoples on both rivers, expected because I trace Hyksos to Trojans whom are thought to have been Thracians.

Do we really need to complicate this by adding the Falcons to it? Is it necessary? Yes, for Falcons are tentatively going to the Phlegyas Lapiths, suspect also in Flecks that use a version of the Ness/Nest fesses. It could be indicating that Phlegyas elements were at Khyan-suspect Kanes = Nesa, and so, Ixion, Phlegyas' son, might just have been a Zion element in Kanes. I fully expect Hermes of mount Sion in the Hatti fold. Moreover, mount Sion was at Panias (where Hermes' son was worshiped), what I regard as the makings of mythical Phoenix, important where the Lapin pile has a red eagle. Why should Lapiths be tracing to Lake Van (where I trace "Pan")? Ask the Mus household of pharaoh Khyan.

By what further coincidence are Falcons/FalCONTE's a branch of Conte's while the latter, who merged with Font de Ville's, share an upright, black-on-gold lion with Lapin-like Lafins/La Fonts? The latter share a spread eagle with Lapins. It looks like Falcons were Lapiths if Lapins and Lafins were, and if correct, Falcons must be from whatever named Phlegyas. They should trace with Melusine to Fulks of Anjou. Is it coincidental that Falcons use two towers in the colors of the two Emily grails?

Let's go back to the Mire's/Mireux's (Anjou) suspect with the mirror of Melusine. They now use a myrtle tree seemingly as mere play on words, yet when we enter "Mirtle/Myrtle," the Martel mallets come up. We know already that the Joseph martlet is for this Martel line, and the sense is that "Joseph" must have been a name in the family of Aemilia Lepida in order for her to name her son, Caiaphas, with it. Then, the Myrtle hammers are used in colors reversed by Dutch Clappers/Clippers, a surname that can be a variation to Cleavers/Clavers that traced already to Clarus, a location to which Josephs trace. Reminder; a Hicks family of Clapton, Somerset, using "clarions," married an Arthur family, explaining why Arthurs use clarions. Thus, if Claptons can trace to Clarus, so can Clappers.

English Clappers use a pike in Crest, as well as a sun in the colors of the Hesse sun.

English Falcons use the motto, "Vis courageux fier," smacking of Acragas, though that's very debatable. Although Fier's are listed with Fere's, this recalls the link of the Fire's between Agrigento to Argentera (Cuneo) when I had not yet know that the Arms of Argentera was a fesse in Wear-fesse colors (green-on-white). The last time the "Vis" motto term was seen is in the Voir motto, and then the Gocelyn motto is "Faire mon deVOIR." Faire's (in Fier colors) were first found in the same place as Kirks, Drigs, and Falcons; Faire's use an anchor, traceable to Anchors/Annackers, whose Shield I trace to the Arms of Agrigento. Faire's, in Fes/Fay colors, are also "Fayer," and then Guerin of Province (suspect as the Melusine line directly) traced to an Idris-of-Morocco line to the Fes/Fay surname. Irish Fairs use a version of the Fier Coat (both use molines).

French Fairs/Vayers use only a bend, in the colors of the Valentin / Rodham/Roddenbury / Ester / Stephenson bends. It's probably the Stephenson bend most-directly because the Irish Fair Crest uses the falcon design of Stephens. The Feuer variation of these Fairs is used by Fire's/Fiers.

Spanish Falcons (CATAlonia) use the black-eagle design of the Julian-related Velis'/Vale's/Veils, no small point where Falcons are a Lapith line to Aemilia Lepida (g-granddaughter of Julius' mistress). It's also the eagle design of German Hagels while the English Hagels are the ones using the Lapin pile in colors reversed (as well as the Casey leaves yet again). I'm hooked on a Falcon trace to Phlegyas Lapiths. It means that the Falcon towers, and others in white-on-blue, for example the Chatan tower, are suspect as a version of the Emily grails while Emily's are practically clinched as a line of Lapiths from Aemilia. And that's why it's important that Emily's were first found in the same place as Josephs.

The Spanish Falcons could be using the Spanish Majordomo checks, which has the potential to trace Majors/Magors to the "mago" motto term of Josephs, and/or to Mago, Hamilcar Barca's son. (I've changed my mind on a "Hamilcar" trace to Hamiltons; as "Hamilcar" is probably play on "Melqart / Amalek"). The write-up speaks on "Majors of Hampshire." It's a little foggy, but the write-up traces the early Majors to a marriage with what could be Guile liners, and perhaps it's meant to be foggy, for Guile's use six vertical bars in the black-and-white colors of the same of German Julians!

Apparently, we've just found Julian liners marrying Mago-suspect Majors. And the black wings in the German Julian Crest are those both of Fulks and Jewish Glass'.

The roses in the Major/Magor Chief are expected to be a version of the Caesar Chief, and yet the Major roses are in the colors of the Arms-of-Grenoble roses. The Coat (the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Annas') is in Grenoble colors, and compare's well with the anchor-using Fair Coat. The Mauger location (GUERNsey) of Majors can trace to Gerunium, where Hannibal lost a war to Romans. It had been noted that Gerunium-associated Larin's/Lorens were first found in Provence, supporting a "Garin/Guerin" trace to "Gerunium." And there were other points made to that effect, but I now find that French Majors were first found in Provence! It tends to clinch a "Gerunium" trace to Guernsey.

Therefore, what really named GRENoble? Was it the GERUNium / GARIN line to GUERNsey? Looks like a possibility.

As Scottish Larins/Clarins/Feeters share laurel with Lorraine's and grail-using Lawrie's/Lowrie's and Kaplan-suspect Lowrys, it may not be coincidental that Lorraine's use eagles in the colors of the French Larin/Loren scallops. But Lorraine's also use green-on-gold lions!!! Those exclamatons are for the surprise at hand: the solid trace of Larino and Gerunium elements to Grenoble. For, green-on-gold lions are used by Drigs and Tracks/Triggs!!! Ka-boom, the sweet sound of crashing through the Coincidence Barrier.

To put it another way, other surnames using grails -- the Lawrie's and Lowry's -- are tracing to Grenoble, where Aemilia Lepida, suspect with the Emily cups, keeps tracing over and over again. And that's got to be why Aemilia has become suspect with the DRAGon woman, Melusine. She's the green Seaton dragon used also by Suty-related Nothings/Northens.

And, by the way, as it just struck me now, the Aemilia trace to the Nith-river Nitts/Naughts can go to Naughtens that are also shown as (Northen-suspect) "NORTON"!!! It's linking Aemilia smack where we want her, with the Sutekh-liner Suty's. Nortons/Naughtens were even first found in the same place as Larins/Feeters. To clinch the Aemilia trace to the Falcon Lapiths, Irish Nortons/Naughtens share the English-Falcon falcon design and colors! AND ZOWIE, the Norton falcon is called a "A falcon close", code for Closeburn on the Nith river!!!

Aha! English Nortons, who do not show Naught-like variations, are also "Northon," and use a lion in colors reversed to the same of Tracks, Drigs and Suttons/Satins! It's a little extra hint that Nortons trace to Nothings/Northens of the Suty circle of kin, and that all were in the Buech / Drac theater.

The new-found trace of Majors to Gerunium is now supported where Scottish Larins are also "Feeter," for there is a Footes location on Guernsey, the island where Magors lived. That tends to clinch a Larin trace to Larino, therefore. This topic is in the 3rd update of February, where I wondered whether the wing in the Arms of Larino was the makings of the Masci wing. Since then, this wing was traced with Chaine's/Chesneys to "Chagne."

Do You Know Your Cambridge Geography?

The Veragri peoples (if they passed for such) lived on the Arve river, location of Bonneville that traces well to a Bonnetable location beside Perche, home of Bellamy's; the Arve river linked (3rd update February) to Bellamys in other ways. The Arve term was traced to the Harve(y) surname (Bellamy Shield), using a black boar in Crest. Where did we see a black boar. Oh, yes, in the Verger/Fergen Coat. That works.

Reminder: Forkers/Farquhars were first found in Ayrshire, the area roughly where Scottish Larins/Feeters were first found, who are, likely, using the two Perche chevrons. This is important for establishing the Masci wing in the Arms of Larino, for Bellamys of Perche hooked up with Masseys/Maceys in Ferte-Mace...though Masseys/Maceys were first found in Manche, onshore of Guernsey, and where Veragri-suspect Vere's were first found.

This is a good time to suggest that Harveys trace to "Harbiye," an old city that became Antioch, not very far from Halab/Aleppo, where I trace Lapiths. This was northern Syria, not far from the Moschi mountains, and next to the Tubal empire. By the way, compare "Aleppo" to "Elvin" princess, or to quasi-mythical MacAlpin.

Garveys even use two red-on-white chevrons, the two colors of the Perche chevrons. Thus, Gareb-suspect Garveys trace with Harveys to the Sion/Sitten frontier, but also the Bellamys. Baal was worshiped smack at Jerusalem's south-western corner (Garebites were stationed one to two miles west of Jerusalem), where Og, the Rephaite, lived, and then while Rephaites were traced recently to the Riparia river (where the Cottius family ruled), Rippers use more green-on-gold lions!

Were Rephaites on the Drac river? Or were Tracks / Drigs on the Riparia? Or both? Now is a good time to remind that the Cottius family ruled at Susa, a term smacking of Susa on the Tigris, not far from Sittacene, for which reason "I just knew" (as when one smells a rotting rat), a few updates ago, that Sittaceni were at Susa, and/or along the Riparia. Here it can now be said that the Nortons/Northens, in using the lions above in colors reversed, can trace their Suty kin to the Rippers. In the meantime, it's been years since claiming that Sutekh was the naming of Zedek, and old name of Jerusalem. Do you think the descendants of Og carried the Zedek name to Greece and beyond? I had traced "Og" to mythical Ogyges, who started off in Boiotia!!! That's where Zethys ruled!!! It works. I'm not making it up.

Another thing, the Norton lion is identical to the one used by Morgans, and they were traced to Morges on the north shore of lake Geneva. There's probably something to do that, especially as Scottish Nortons were first found in Argyllshire, where Bute is located, which, to the Arthurian myth writers, was Avalon, ruled by mythical Morgan le Fay. It's also where Drakenberg Vere's trace their beloved Melusine, suggesting that Lapiths -- from Elvin-suspect Halab/Aleppo -- were on and around Bute.

Capes' and Happs'/Apps' sharing the same scallops creates the problem of whether "Caiaphas" should trace to "Cavii" or to "Apsus" (Illyrian river) and "Hypsas." Hips'/Hipkins, who traced (3rd update in February) without doubt to Capone's via the Hopkins, were first found in the same place as martlet-using Harveys; the Hips martlets are partially in the colors of the Valence martlets, thus making a Hypsas trace to Gratianopolis possible...though this trace was already made as a Drago > Drac one. Let's therefore assume that Hips were on the Drac, for Caepionis liners are expected in that area.

Hips were first found in Suffolk (as well as Norfolk), where there is a Stour river. The Stour has a source at Cambridge, where Capone's and Chapmans (in Hip colors) were first found! That is excellent corroboration that Hips' connect with Hopkins and that the latter are using the Capone chevron. The mouth of the Stour is near IPSwich, thus tracing Hips there. What an excellent find, suddenly; it must be my lucky day. We can therefore expect Agrigento elements in Suffolk.

Reminder: Sturs/STOWers were first found in the same place as Drakes, assuring the Hips trace to the Hypsas all the more.

STOWmarket is a Suffolk location near the Stour. Stormy's/Esturmy's (same family as Sturs/Stowers) showed the lion design for years that's in the Cambridge Crest. As Blois' were first found in Suffolk, note the white-on-blue patee cross in the Cambridge Coat, for French Blois' use it.

The Harwichs (vair fur) are listed with Herricks, sharing the bull symbol with Cole's who in-turn trace to Colchester, near the Stour. Then, there is a Harwich location at the mouth of the Stour...that may be of Harvey / Garvey elements. It just so happens that Perche-related Garveys likewise use the patee cross (in Hips colors). The Harwich-Crest bull head faces to the viewer's left, as does the Say-Crest and Dreux-Crest bull head, and then Seyssel is smack beside the Avre river! Harwichs were first found in Leicester, the place using the cinquefoil of Hamiltons whom I trace to the earlier name of Colchester.

Leicesters (Ligurians) share the swan with Cambridge's...having the effect of tracing Cambridge's to swan-line at Guillestre, where Julians/Gillians trace who were first found in Cambridge. This swan turns out to be more significant than you may at first realize, for while the Harwich location is proving to be from the Arve river near Sion/Sitten, the Sion/Swan surname. The Sions/Swans (Lanarkshire) can now be traced with John of Gaunt to the Aspres-sur-Buech theater, and to nearby Veynes, for the gloves in the Sion/Swan Coat were GAUNTlets for years until recently. They are now "falconers' gloves."

The heart in the Sion/Swan Coat is the Lanark/Larnack heart for obvious reason. As you can read that Lanarks/LARNacks (said to be a Stewart sept) are from a land of LORNE, the Larin/Loren surname likely applies, and then Scottish Larins/Feeters were first found in the same place as Lanarks/Larnacks...thus tracing Lanarkshire's namers to Larino (ancient "Larinum"). Lanarks/Larnacks are even in Lorraine colors.

Aha! The Lanarks/Lurnacks are said to have been "associated with Clan GREGor," even as Larino elements had traced to GRAIGnovol! Gregors (version of the Kapp/Alpin Coat) can certainly trace to Guerins of Provence by his ties directly to MacAlpin. Instead of a red bend with three white eagle's used by Lorraine's, Italian Gregors use a red bend with three white roses! It verifies that Larino and Lanark lines linked to Lorraine (or Lotharingia).

As Julians were merged with Cottius, and as the latter's family ruled at Susa on the Riparia, it's important that Cambridge's were first found in the same place as Rippers, in Yorkshire. This, and more, is suggesting a fundamental link of the Cottius>Julian line to the namers of Cambridge. The "quam" motto term of CAMbridge's (on the Cam river) seems to be applicable. But was the Cam named after Cambridge, or vice-versa. It's important because "Cambridge" may actually be rooted in "Camber" rather than in "Cam." The "bridge" term may go to Brigit / Brigantium = Briancon up-river from Guillestre. The Boiorix Cumbrians were at the mouth of the Durance fighting a war with Quintus Caepio in about 105 BC. Some of his gold bars were therefore suspect in that area, with Cumbrians attempting to find them.

About 10 miles north of Gap, there is a Bonnet location said to be named after a saint, but, whatever, there is a German Bonnet Coat using the Capelli "chapeau," important where we're seeking Capes liners at Gap. It seems that Capelli's were also in the Capp(er) surname. Bidens/Buttons were first found in the same place as Drake's; not only do Bidens use the same-colored fesse as Bonnets, but they likewise use the chapeau, wherefore Bidens can trace to the Drac river, where the Bonnet location sits! Bidens/Buttons are said to have intermarried with Bryans and Bassets.

New Gleanings from Ms. Pollock's Latest Email

From the following email, I was able to learn that Pollocks link back to Guerin of Provence and William Gellone, as well as to Guerra's, and then just watch and see how it links to Larino. Then, consider the timing of Ms. Pollocks email, received on the same day that the Larino location was linked definitely to Larins/Feeters of Scotland:

I know of no family tree predating Robert or Peter Pollock, but there is a first-son descent all the way from Robert to the 20th century, when the direct line finally ended with a mere girl...The "tree" is on Clan Pollock, online, but I doubt if they have yet added the name of Isabelle as Robert Pollock's wife, whose name I forwarded to them a few months ago...The name of Isabelle HAS been added to a few sites which I gave it to, such as Jamie Allen's Pedigree.

Robert Pollock definitely positively married Isabelle Croce. This was my find of the summer. Sir Robert Croce, husband of Eschyna de Molle (first husband) had about 4 children, one of them Isabelle, who married her neighbor Robert Pollock. They were adjacent neighbors, as you can see from the present day lands of Pollock and the remaining Crookston castle lands.

There is no family tree for Peter, in the same first-son sense as Robert, because Peter had only one girl. The notable Muriel, Lady of Rothes, who married a knight whose last name was Murthac. Then Muriel and Murthac had but one girl, Eva Murthac, who married a "knight called Watson", or as the Middle English states, "a Knight yclept Watson".

My view is that, of all the Peters in the world, all three Pollock surnames at houseofnames are for Peter Pollock. How can this be? Just who created the heraldic system now placed for sale at houseofnames? Did some Masonic types use what was sealed under lock and key to make profit, hoping the world wouldn't recognize that it's a Masonic tracking system? Where did all the information come from for thousands of surnames?

What we learn above is that one line of Pollocks, suspect by me from the same Tanner/Falaise stock as Moline's, had a Molle line. It indicates that Pollocks were concerned with keeping blood in the family. We'll see this again below. This Pollock line was also a Croce line, to begin with, and so wait and see how a "cruce" motto term pops up for proving suspicions that crop up due to information in this email.

As you can see, Peter's line goes to Rothes, and then Rothschilds go to Bowers, first found in Peeble's, the surname of which shares parrots with Pettys and Lumleys. That's one reason to peg Pettys as a Peter-Pollock line. That makes Peter very important in Masonry. Why? Ask the royal Stewarts.

English Pettys, first found in a place I trace to "Warsaw," use footless martlets in the colors of the Pollock saltire as shown by houseofnames, and a bend (= half saltire) in the colors of the Pollock saltire as shown by Wikipedia's article on Clan Pollock.

The Lumley and Stewart pelicans, said to be "in her piety," are codes for a Petty = Peter-Pollock trace to Pietas Julia, the alternative name of Pula...on Istria, where Stewarts were traced above BEFORE receiving this email, and on the same day of receiving it (there were many inserts above during the proof read). It explains why the Arms of Pula is a cross in the gold-on-green colors (where have seen those colors before?) of the similar Pollock cross (saltire).

You now have the evidence needed for a trace of Rothschilds, and the Illuminati, to Pollocks and Stewarts, a peoples at Istria, explaining the eight-pointed star of Rothschilds/RothSTEINS. In her other email that was opened last night as I write, Ms. Pollock mentioned a theory from others that Fulbert "the Saxon," father of Peter and Robert Pollock, was a STEINton. This is the first I recall hearing this from her, and it comes to me on the same day in which I wrote the above on the Stein link to Stephens, and the Stephenson/Steinson trace to Istria.

To prove that Pollocks were Stevensons/Steinson, the latter use a bend in the colors of the Jewish-Pollock bend. Why Jewish? Should we ask the Illuminati? Keep in mind here that this doesn't necessarily indicate that the first Pollocks were satanic. The Illuminati can be tracked to the Watsons.

Yes, by what coincidence can we read online that Rothschilds are thought to be from the Bavarian Illuminati, as well as behind the all-seeing eye, while Pollocks trace to Mieszko Pole's who had a mythical SiemoWIT character that I traced to WITkowo, like "Watson," a location using a human eye in its Arms? That eye is used also by WATTS and VATTs/WATTers. Hello? It means that, when "Lady Rothes" became the grandmother of a woman who married the Watson knight, they look like the beginnings of what would later become the Western Illuminati. It doesn't necessarily mean that the Rothes at this early point were satanic, however, as that part may have crept into the bloodline from the Watsons.

Vatts were first found in the same place (Argyllshire) as Larins/Feeters, but this is not the important revelation yet as to whom else Larins/Feeters link. As Guerra's will link to this Peter-Pollock line, let's add here that the oak tree of Watts and Vatts traces well to the Panico oak, but also to the Roet oak, yes the Boofima cult suspect with the Bavarian Illuminati. (Roets/Beauforts traced to the Buech river, remember, near Grenoble).

At this point, we could expect this line from Caiaphas, and so see the shot-through bore, the Pollock symbol, in the Bole Crest, asking why the Bole Coat has what can be construed as "holy grails" (there are boars inside the grails; whose boars are they?). The Bole symbols, called cups (i.e. not bowls), are very likely the Pilotte and Pellet grails, for I am very sure that the white pheons in the Blade Coat are the Pilate pheons while the white-on-green Blade saltire is that of Pollocks. Trust me on that one, I think I know what I'm doing. Green Shields are shared by Bowers, Bauers, Pollocks, and Blade's...the latter were merged with Burse's, first found in the same place as, and a branch of, grail-liner PERCivals. It's important because Larins/Feeters share two red chevrons with PERCHe's.

I'm not yet at the main discoveries; I'm setting things up for that revelation. Patience. This is so packed by links that I've got to go the long route. Feeters, to refresh your memory, trace to Footes on Guernsey, itself tracing to Gerunium at Larino. The FOOTLESS martlets are code, I am sure, for the Footes entity using a chevron in the colors of the Levi / Shaw chevrons.

I trace Pollocks with little doubt to Valentinian I, which makes the green Shields above all suspect with him, as per the green Shield of Valence's. You saw how Larino traced to the Valentinian line at Grenoble, a line expected at nearby Valence too. We will bump into Larin's momentarily, but as we are here, note that two Valence Coats use red martlets, the color of the Stewart martlets. My problem is, I don't know at what point in history the Pollocks and Stewarts were at Istria, whether before Valentinian (5th century) or before.

As an important side note for anyone interested, the Valentin Coat shares the Pollock / Stephenson bend, while this Valentin surname was first found at Vicenza, wherefore Pollocks et-el may trace to Justine of Picenum, wife of Valentinian I. Italian Croce's were first found in Vicenza, you see. However, Grenoble (i.e. Gratianopolis) was named by Valentinian's son (Gratian) with another wife whose name makes her suspect with the imperial Severus line (= Caracalla, whose line is suspect at GRAIGnovol). This Valentinian-Severus line through proto-Grenoble is predicted to go to Safers because they use eagles in the colors of the Piast eagles, the latter determined earlier to be the Lorraine eagles, while the Boles use cups with objects inside them, as does the cup of Lorraine-related Lawrie's/Lowrie's and Lowrys. In other words, this side note is corroboration for a chief discovery, that Mason-important Pollocks trace to Grenoble with the Gerunium-Larino peoples suspect as the dragon guts behind the Israeli (i.e. Caiaphas) Illuminati.

After writing that, zowie, I got around to looking at the Watson Coat, and there in the Crest was the white griffin head used by Dobermans!!! That is pure corroboration that Watsons trace to Witkowo, for Dobers and Dobermans trace to "Dobrawa," wife of Mieszko I, father of BOLEslaw. The Pollock, Stephenson and Valentin bend colors are even used by the Doberman bend. Recall the squire's helmet as it's suspect with the Squire/Squirrel, Sheer/Shire and Sire surnames, the latter honoring Justine of Picenum, for Dobys, first found in the same place as Pollocks, use a squire's helmet. The last time the squire's helmet was seen, it was in the Payen-related Panther Coat.

Doby's use a red fitchee in Crest, wherefore this is a good place to add that the Fitch chevron is in Pollock-saltire colors while the surname is also "Fitts," like some variations of the Fido's/Fothes'. To put it another way, the fitchee cross looks to be linking to the Feeter variation of Larins, but as the black fitchee traced to ASPRes-sur-Buech, by what coincidence is the full Fitch/Fitts motto, "ESPERance"? It looks like all fitchees trace to a Feeter / Foots line at Aspres-sur-Buech, especially as the Fitch leopard FACEs trace to the Face/Fessey surname sharing the cross of Macclesfields, while the Arms of Macclesfield uses the black fitchee of Davenports, first found in Astbury, the surname of which is also "ASBURy".

As Speers were first found in the same place as Doby's, it looks like "Asprey" may be a term from the "Spree" river of Lusatia, highly suspect as the Melusine line. Note that the Tracks and Dregs use spears in Fitch colors, for Aemilia has traced to the Drac many times. Then, it's necessary to repeat that I trace "Fussen" (also called, FOETES) to lake "FUCINo" with little doubt now, where the Angitia snake cult was festering that's suspect in the green Seager / Sugaar snake to which Melusine's snake tail can trace. To put it another way, the Foots / Feeter bloodline is suspect from the Marsi at Fucino, the line to the Marici on the Ticino, where the Laevi lived so-as to explain why the Foot and Fothes'/Fittes chevron is in the colors of the Levi chevrons. At Wikipedia's article on Sugaar, he (Basque god) is portrayed with a swastika-like symbol.

Dobys, obvious Kennedy kin, use a "sed MAGno" motto phrase. The "proSEQUOR" motto term of Doby's is suspect with a line of the Sequani living at/beside the Doubs river (north-east side of lake Geneva). Mostly, the motto term is suspect with Seagers / Sugars who definitely linked to Justine of Picenum via the SIBALs suspect from "CIBALae," birthplace of Valentinian I. This Doby link to "Doubs" makes "Segni" suspect with "Sequani," no small revelation. The Second/Segur surname can now be traced to the Sequani, which tends to nullify a trace of "Second" to Junia Caepio "Secunda," because "Second" is so much like "Sequani."

It can be considered doubtful that Junia was named "Secunda" after the Sequani, though, it's possible out of coincidence of being a Sequani liner. It's feasible that Julius Caesar (suspect as her father or mate) was a Sequani liner from his Cotta mother; otherwise we need another way to explain the Sequani figuring into the Segni / Sagan/Segan bloodline to which the Julian salamander links. That is a very good reason, actually, for tracking the Sequani to the line of Junia Secunda. It may be that, after she was named after the Sequani, the idea sprung up to name her sisters, Prima and Tertia, while she got "Secunda."

With the discussion here going to the Buech river, where John of Gaunt went, it can be repeated that one Gand/Gend surname uses the Segni/Segurana moline on a green Shield. Then, Gandia in Spain is in a Safor area. Moreover, make of it what you will, the Sequani-like Saxon surname, with SEPTon/Sexton variations, uses CHAPlets, while the Chaplet surname uses five swans (in Foot / Levi colors) in the positions of the five Safer eagles, while the latter surname goes to SEPTimius Severus (Caracalla's father).

Dobers use the Doberman griffin head too, but in gold, the color of the identical griffin head of Haldens, traceable to Mieszko's other wife, styled as "of HALDENsleben." The excellent thing about a Watson trace to these elements is that Haldens use the motto, "Suffer." I kid you not, that the above on Safers was written minutes BEFORE loading the Watson Coat. It is likely that the Pollock-related Maxwells (from Rijeka at northern Istria) are using the Halden saltire. The term is enough like "Holden" for a potential trace to "Kultepe" = Nesa.

Watsons use footless martlets in black, very traceable, in this case, to the black Joseph martlet.

Heraldry always takes me off topic, making the read more difficult to follow. Another comment, before continuing with the original storyline, on the Justine/Justus motto, "Non sine causa." First, the Sine/Swan/Sion Coat shows gauntlet gloves as evidence of their trace to Aspres-sur-Buech. Then, the Caus(ton) surname shows a Buech-suspect buckle, and a chevron in colors reversed to the Buckle and Buckley chevrons. The wolf heads of Caus' are used (different colors) by Kaips/Kaipff's at the tip of swords, the same sword seen in the Justice/Justus Coat. If Kaips' trace with Gapps/Gaips to Gap, it jibes with Valentinian elements at neighboring Grenoble.

As Caus-like Case's ("jungit" motto term) likewise use buckles, compare the Case Coat to that of Saxons/Septons, for both were first found in Lancashire, where the Caesar (and Yonge) roses must trace.

As Cave's (Lancashire) share white lattice with Cotta's/Cautes', the CAWSton variation of Caus' can go to "Cavii" because the Caust surname (a big bell only) is listed with Cotta/Cautes suspects (both first found in Languedoc). I'm expecting these lines to be from lake Scodra, the term suspect in Skits/Skeochs, Scheds/Sheds, Scotts, Scoots, Scute's whom had traced to Schio, near Vicenza, where Valentins were first found. Again, Italian Croce's were first found in Vicenza, and then English Croce's use a potent cross, symbol of Skits/Skeochs and Scheds/Sheds. This expresses a fundamental link of Scotland's founders to the Valentinian - Justine bloodlines, and therefore predicts that the latter should go forward in time to Guerin of Provence.

Scodra elements were traced, long before I knew of Scodra, to Panico's/Pane's on the Reno river, and these fellows were linked to Guerra's long before I knew of Guerin of Provence as Guerra ancestry. It was therefore long before I knew of Gerunium and Larino, and so consider how "LaRINO" may have named the Reno and Rhine rivers. Reno's, using lozenges traceable to Losinj i.e. Istria theater, are also "Rhine/Rine". But just wait and see how the Gerunium-Larino line traces to Pollocks, whom have already traced to Valentins at Vicenza (not far from northern Istria). I had traced the Rainier" origin of "Reno" to the naming of Renfrew, where the Pollocks and Dobys were first found, important because Dobys are using the squire helmets of Payen-related Panthers (SPUR rowels) in colors reversed. Helms even use pheons as code for Paeonians while German Helms use a helmet in the colors of the Panther helmets. I suppose what this paragraph is doing, possibly, is tracing "Larino" to "Rainier/Renier" of Montferrat (whose granddaughter married Guido Guerra III.)

I can't recall which surname uses the pansy, but Pansy's (doves on a green Shield) are also "Pantzer."

It can be entertained that "Rhone" was named, not after "Rhodanus", it's previous name, but after this Reno/Rhine bloodline, and so note how Valence and Lyon are on the Rhone. The Rhine and the Rhone have identical sources east of Sion/Sitten. The kingdom of Guerin of Provence was on the Rhone. North of the Rhone, and beside the Doubs theater, is Lorraine. The Lorraine surname shares the upright green lion with Lyons.

The green-Shielded Valence's are also "FALencia," a term that can provide "Fall" and "Falaise," the entity that I think provided the first Pollock.

Peter Pollock's daughter was Muriel, and so it's not likely coincidental that the Mariel/Mariot/Marion Coat (possible Herod liner) shows a split Shield in GREEN and white. These are the colors of the Valence/Falencia roses. Peter Pollock was extremely important to Masonry, and therefore Muriel's name can be expected in heraldry. As evidence that Mariels were a Pollock line from Muriel, it just so happens that the Mariel lion is the Lyon and Lannoy lion. That is, Pollocks are expected to trace to Valence, and so why not also to neighboring Lyon? To no surprise if Mariels (motto, "Nos murs nos Lois") were of the Pollocks, Mariels were first found in Brittany.

Then, "Muriel" gets the Merrils using a peacock, while Peacocks are known to be a Pollock sept. And Peacocks share mascles with Peters. We are about to see the Muriel-Pollock line bump into Gellone's, and while the latter use red-on-gold fleur-de-lys, let's mention that Muriels use blue-on-gold fleur-de-lys. Blue fleur are used by Stephensons/Steinsons, but the lion of the Lafin/La Font surname (Kennedy / Conte kin) holds a blue-on-gold one, and it just so happens that the Fondi's/Fonts use nothing but a red-on-white bend, the colors of the Pollock / Valentin bend. Why should the Peter > Muriel line be linking to Conteville's? Ask "the tanner's" daughter, Herleva, whose line with Herluin de Conteville is suspect in the Herod/Hurl surname, in Pollock colors.

That's why it's important that one Lannoy surname uses the Archelaus HELMET and plumes. As Herods/Hurls were first found in ARGYLLshire, the latter location is somewhat suspect with "ARCHELaus." Argyllshire is where Larins/Feeters were first found, the Drac-river line that was just suspect in going through the Lyon area to Lorraine (probably explaining why Lorraine's use their green lion in the two colors of the Track lion).

Spanish Muriels use arrows, a Bower / Rothschild symbol, excellent, additional corroboration that the only Muriel surnames worthy to for warrant a place in heraldry go to Muriel, "Lady Rothes." The Muriels use five arrows, the number of the Rothschild (and Bower) arrows!

I can see why God put Ms. Pollock into my email life at the start of the dragon hunt. Look at how big she now figures into this story. Note that Spanish Muriels are also "Murat," for Muriel married a Murthac surname. This recalls my trace (years ago, long before what's under discussion) of Rothschilds to the Murat-named Khazars/Kabars (proto-Hungarians) on the Mures/Maros river, and, even before that, I traced "Mures/Murat" to "Moray," where Muriel's father was granted the Rothes castle. In other words, it is now certain that Peter named her daughter in honor of her Mures-river background, and then this daughter kept it in the family by marrying a Murthac.

It's telling me that Peter married a Khazar/Kabar from Transylvania. I wonder how she got to Scotland? Probably from the wave of Hungarians to Scotland (they got involved with Malcolm III at the Moray theater), and this is exactly what Ms. Pollock suspected in the email I opened last night, though I wrote her to say that I didn't have much evidence for that idea. I've never before heard her say before last night that Pollocks likely traced to Hungarians in the train of queen Margaret of Scotland. She was right, I was wrong, and here we are at the evidence on the day after.

After Ms. Pollock said that Lady Rothes married a Watson surname, she wrote: "Watson is, of course, one of the modern Illuminati names, but I don't know if related." I don't think she was referring to Witkowo or the Watts by that statement. I think she read elsewhere that this Watson line is suspect with the Illuminati. Ms. Pollock tends to shun my talk on dragon liners. I'll get to Emma Watson for an excellent revelation later, but allow me to finish with Ms. Pollock's email first. It's the Mariels who use a "murs" motto term.

Now for the big revelation. You can ignore most of what's said above for this. It has merit on it's own. But the above is all part of the grand picture. As per "Murthac," I entered "Murthes" to get the red-on-white lion exactly (Ulman lion design) that English Stewarts showed for years before houseofnames changed it. It's important here that, for three days, the English Alan Coat showed the Carpenter Coat, a version, for kinship reasons, of the Fuller Coat. CARPenters are suspect with the ARPad Hungarians, i.e. the Magyars who merged with the Khazars on the Mures river to form the first Hungarians proper. Carpenters are suspect with the namers of the Carpathian mountains...around the Mures river. Therefore, I think it was correct to trace "ULMan" to Almos, mythical father of Arpad.

The paragraph above is not the primary point in this discussion. It's the red fleur-de-lys of the Murthes Coat that I'm interested in. How to prove a close link between these fleur and the red ones of Gellone's, that was the problem. While writing to this point, I had not yet conceived what was inserted above on Gerunium / Larino. It wasn't until taking a look at the Murtons (first found in the same place as English Stewarts), which was immediately after viewing the Gellone Coat, that it all came together. The particulars to that point tends to assure that the three bends of Murtons are a version of the Guerra bends, thus tracing Mr. Murthac to Guerin of Provence.

The next thing done was to search recent updates for the other surname that use the Gellone fleur-de-lys. It was found in the 4th update of January:

YABBA-DABBA-DOOO! JUST FOUND: the three red-on-gold fleur-de-lys of the Barbers above are used by Gellone's/Gillians!!!!!!! The latter were looked up because the variations of the Liege surname suggested a peak. But I almost failed to look them up. It means, as expected, that Barbera's do trace to Guerin of Provence, and that his father was likely [as they say] William Gellone.

Upon re-loading the Barber surnames, the first one to pop up showed red scallops (in the colors of the Murthes fleur), symbol also of the Pula's/Pullens. This Barber surname was first found in the same place (Northumberland) as Stephens/Steinsons...from Istria. The Barber motto even uses "cruce" as code for the Croce's that married Peter Pollock's brother. The Cruce/Crois surname uses the same gold cross type as the gold cross in the Arms of Pula. The Croce surname likewise uses a "Cruce" motto term, as well as a stork in Crest which recalls the stork of Istria-based Store's, likewise first found in Northumberland, and likely using the six-sectioned Coat of Wheelwrights. It's all a testament to a Pollock trace to William of Gellone.

Pula's/Pullens were first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as stork-using Gregs who trace excellently to GRAIGnovol," and, besides, I neglected to say earlier that the Greg Coat looks like it can jibe with the Gapp/Gaip Coat. Gregs became a topic due to Gregors in the Lanarks/Lurnack write-up, the latter being kin to Larins/Feeters. It can be gleaned that Gregs (in Carrick colors) use the Shaw trefoils that are very linkable to the Ayer quatrefoils. The two Greg chevrons could be of the three used by Levi's.

All this was fine and dandy for what I already knew, that Pollocks trace to Pula...which is why I tended to disagree with Ms. Pollock on a trace to Hungarians. Actually, it wasn't Peter who traced to Hungarians, but his wife, unknown by common historians, I assume. That is, as the name of Peter's daughter traces to proto-Hungarian Khazars, and because she married a Murthac, I am (or heraldry is) now claiming that Peter married such a Khazar (see the MenMURAT Khazars/Kabars on the Mures).

It was fine and dandy, but my great surprise took place when clicking to the English Barber Coat, showing two red-on-gold chevrons that had been seen earlier in this update. It turned out that they are used likewise by Larins/Feeters!!! It was stupendous after having seen that Murthes' and Murtons both trace to Guerin of Provence / Guerra's. I didn't even know at the time that English Barbers were first found in the same place (Warwickshire) as Pettys. (I've made mention a few times earlier of the Larins using the Barber chevrons, but those mentions were inserted after making the initial find here.)

The importance of tracing the namers of Warwick to Warsaw is in the Melusine used in the Arms of Warsaw, for the line of Aemilia Lepida was suspect in tracing to the Guerin-Melusine relationship. "But let's talk about the Melusine mirror, code for Mire's/Mireux's/Mireurs of Anjou, who smack of "MRYton," a variation of Murtons. How about that. Besides this, the Catherine wheels of Wheelwrights had traced with the crane goddess to Jannaeus Maccabee, and the latter's line was traced months ago to Mortons, first found with Leaps/Laps (Melusine) in Wiltshire. Is that not meaningful? The timing of Ms. Pollocks email, based on her years-long investigations into Pollock roots, says so.

Let me put it in other words in case you're missing it. The Murtons/Myrtons, a Mire-Melusine line expected from Aemilia Lepida, are a branch of Mortons/Myrtons, first found in the same place as Lepida-suspect Leaps/Laps using Melusine in their Coat. It gets us very close to clinching the trace of Leaps/Lapps to Aemilia Lepida.

Then, the English Croce Coat is quartered in red and gold, with a gold symbol in the red parts, while the Second/Segur surname (related to Moline's and Justine's), expected from the grandmother (Junius Caepio Secunda) of Aemilia Lepida, use red-and-white quarters with a gold symbol in the red parts.

Birds/Burds, using more red footless martlets (as with Valences), show another "cruce" motto term. It just struck me as I wrote that sentence that Birds may have been named after FulBERT Pollock. Red martlets are an Alan symbol after all, and the Birds share a red fesse with Alans. Plus: 1) Fullers are in Bird colors; 2) both Fullers and Birds use a canton square. The Canton surname uses a version of the Washington Shield, as does the Nos/Ness surname that a motto term of Mariel's seems to honor. I've seen evidence that Pollock / Murton liners name their daughters, Mariel, to this day.

Berts are in the same colors again, and share a hunting horn with Pollocks. Berts even use a garland (of laurel), the Stephenson/Steinson symbol. Berts (in Stewart colors) were first found in the same place as Stewarts. Bords use more footless martlets, and then Bords, Berts and Fullers are all listed as Saxons (i.e. appropriate for "Fulbert "the Saxon," though linkage to the Saxon/Septon bloodline at Julius Caesar is on my brain too). Bords share a split Shield in red and blue with Eschyna-suspect Haskins (Saxons again), the latter first found in the same place (Herefordshire) as Fullers. The "beacon on fire" of Fullers is for the Beacons/Bacons/BACHuns (Fuller, etc. colors) sharing the same boar design of Pollocks.

Italian Borts (in the colors of red-flag McLeods) share a red flag with one Fuller Crest. It's all suddenly suggesting that Fulbert was from the Bordeaux / Border bloodline. The Bordeaux Coat can be either the Wallace or Stiver/Sturtivant lion. The eight footless martlets in either the Valence or Bord Coats act as a BORDER. Without Fullers or Fulbert on my mind at all, the Bordeaux bloodline had been traced to Besancon and/or its Doubs river...the Sequani theater!! I'll bet that Fulbert was a Sequani liner. Have we got your attention?

The battle-axes of Bordens are said to be "bourdon staves" Here's the Stave surname. Then, as Stave's were traced to the Istria > Stur/Stouer line, compare the Fuller Coats three red-on-white bars to the identical red-on-gold bars of the Sturs/Stouers. There you have just one example of what heraldry can uncover: a trace of Normans back to the Adriatic sea.

This would be the place to say that Watts were first found in WORCestershire, what may trace to WROClaw, otherwise called Breslau, capital of Silesia, where Melusine traces. I realize that some would view the term as Wor-Cester" so as to nullify a "Work" root, but if the latter is correct, the Works/Werks look like they are in play, even at Wroclaw. There is plenty of logic in this because dukes of Masovia used the Drake wyvern, and while Drake's now trace to the Drac river at Grenoble, "Work/Werk" traces with Stein-related Vergers to the Veragri, expected in the Drac entity. Safe to say, Illuminatists may be expected in the Drakenberg organization of the Vere's.

The Work/Werk Chief uses the black-on-white lion heads of the Buchans. I wasn't going to say anything about the "secutus" motto term of Buchans, as it might be code for "Secunda," until now. The sun in the Buchan Crest was traced to Tracks/Triggs i.e. from the Drac river, and Buchans trace of course to the Buech, where Catherine Roet traces whose Catherine wheel is used by Wheelwrights (i.e. Polish elements to be expected at Wroclaw and in the Watts at Worcestershire).

The Worcester surname uses what looks like a version of the Gore/Core Coat (known to be a colors-reversed version of the Alan Coat), and so the namers of WORCESter may trace to "CHORGES." the Caturiges capital. The Gore crosslets are used by Windsors at Berkshire, and we saw Caturiges trace to Berkshire...the part of England where we can find Oxford too, where Vere's ruled for several hundred years. Gore's were first found in the same place as Works/Werks and Vere's, and "work" is found in the SinCLAIR motto.

The chained elephant in the Arms of Oxford might just be the Petty elephant. There are many "virTUTE" motto terms in heraldry suspect as a Vere-Toute alliance, and Touts/Toots/Tute's (share red canton with Fullers) are honored in the Oliphant motto. Ms. Pollock has a porphyria disease very badly, and she suspects it to be from the Pollock bloodline, though, generally, it's required that two porphyria bloodlines are in the two parents of a victim. Ms. Pollock had put me into contact with another porphyria victim with a Tuttal surname, which shows a TOOThill variation. Apparently, Fullers are using the Toot canton. Toothills were first found in the same place as Julians/Gillians...suspect with Gellone's/Gillions.

Aemilia Lepida traced to the Chagne river at first, and then to other parts of Gap, as could be expected. She can now be traced -- almost -- to the red roses in the Arms of Grenoble. We start by pointing out that Seconds/Segurs were first found in Limousin, where the French Clerks/Clere's/Clairs were first found...who use the same leopard design as Danish Bauers. You can see in this that the Pollock-liner Rothschilds linked to the Sinclair Dane's. The other French Clerks/Clere's/Clairs (Brittany), in the same colors, use the three roses, in the same colors and positioning, as the Arms of Grenoble. The Gore-related Yonge's/Youngs use these roses too.

French Rose's, likewise first found in Limousin, use the Grenoble roses in the same positioning and colors reversed. This tends to trace the Rose-Bosco's at the Moray theater to Grenoble, and so why not also the Peter-Pollock-of-Rothes entity at Moray?

Earlier, it came to mind that the green perchevron of Josephs (first found in the same place as Drake's and Emily's), because it's on a blue Shield, is to be a colors reversed version of the blue Bauer wing on a green Shield. But I wasn't going to mention this without further evidence. Upon re-loading the Bauer Coats just now, the three stars in the Bauer Chief were seen, in the colors of the Joseph-Chief garbs. Remember, the "charo" motto term of Josephs is for Charo's/CLARO's, and the "mago" term may trace to Magyars, where Rothschilds trace essentially. Just think of it, Caiaphas tracing to the world-ruling Rothschilds, founders of modern Israel.

If the above is correct, we can use the information to find whose double, gold chevrons are on the Joseph perchevron? Perche's use two chevrons, as do Larins/Feeters and Barbers. Let's move on and see if the answer pops up.

Recall that Veragri lived in the Avre river to which the Bellamys of Perche traced. The GARVeys, using two chevrons in the red-on-white colors of the Perche chevrons, happen to use a "mirior" motto term. Plus, the Mire's/Mireux'/Mireurs can easily trace to Mere's/Myers, the family that may have named Mayer Rothschild, the first Rothschild. The DeMere kin of Mere's are honored in the "timere" motto term used by both Buckle's and Bulkely's/Buckley's...which tends to expect Mire-Melusine elements at the Buech theater...logical.

The red lion in the Garvey Crest was showing until recently in the Chief of the Oxford surname, of obvious importance where Drakenberg Vere's link themselves to Melusine. Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg emailed me so as to prove that he was reading these topics, and this may explain at least a few of the heraldry changes starting in a rash about March of 2012. It's important to hide the Mire/Mireux link to Vere's, right, for that gives us hint as to what his Melusine entity was all about. Nicholas is the one who wrote prolifically online concerning Melusine and related topics, as one who couldn't resist giving away tidbits of the secrets, but in such as way as he thought the secrets were not truly being given away. That's what it seemed like to me, and the timing was excellent, just as this revelation (of "mine") was unfolding.

Grenoble is in Vere colors probably for kinship reason. As with Seconds and Primo's/Primeau's, Vere's use a quartered Shield, though the flag of Grenoble is split only in two. The gold bars in the Oxford Coat are suspect with the gold chevronels of Josephs, and we can bank on Josephs tracing with Drake's to Grenoble. Clare's use three red-on-gold chevrons so that any kin using them in colors reversed would use gold chevrons.

English Mathie's (shown properly as "Matthew") use three chevrons in colors reversed from the Clare chevrons. In the Mathie Crest, a red scallop, linkable to the Pula's now tracing to Guerins and therefore to Grenoble. Also in the Mathie Crest, blue wings, the colors of the wings of Pollock-related Bauers. Isn't that something, how soon after linking the Joseph Coat to the Bauer Coat that a good candidate for supplying the gold chevrons of Josephs has been found? It may not have been the Mathie's directly, but it will likely trace to Mathie's, especially as they trace well to the Mathis river smack beside the river of the Cavii.

The Oxford lion no longer showing are used by Irish Brians, likewise no longer showing, whose three lions trace to the same of Irish Mathuna's/Maghans/Manns, kin of Mathie's/Maghans/Manns. "Maghan" smacks of the "Magno" motto term of Dobys, and then Irish Maghans (use the Mieske arms-and-sword) share a "nos" term with Mariels, that going back to the Mitanni at Nesa.

The Oxford lion no longer showing was used also by Irish Brians (see Brains too), but they no longer show that design either. The positioning of the three Brian lions is in the same as Irish Mathuna's/Maghans/Manns, and then Scottish Manns/Maghans come up as "Mathie." The Mathuna lions are identical, colors included, to the Oxford lion now showing, and Mathuna's were first found in County Clare! The lion design is identical to the Brian lions too, and so when we go to the write-up of the Clerks/Clere's/Clairs using the Arms of Grenoble, where we find them living at a Grave location, it's probably not coincidental that there's a La Grave location less than 20 miles north-west of Briancon, and about 25 miles east of Grenoble.

Thus, Sinclair Templars are tracing with Caiaphas-suspect Rothschilds to the Gap / Drac / Guillestre theater. Why there? It must go back to Roman emperors. They don't want to tell the common Brits that the rulers over them are acting as neo-Romans. They want Brits to think that their leaders too go back to the Ice Age of glorious Brit history. The British Prime Minister today has a Cameron surname, and then Scottish Clerks/Clarks are said to probably be a sept of MacPHERsons (Pharisee-suspect Chattan liners traceable to Caturiges), and that "Camerons also show a tie with Clarks and Clarksons."

The Cameron Crest uses five bunched arrows, an early Arms of Rothschild. Camerons use gold bars in the two colors of Capitano's/Cattano's, and the latter share the Murena tower with Chatans. The Capitano's/Cattano's have a split Shield in the colors of the split flag of Grenoble, and so they have got to be entertained with the namers of Gap. In this picture, where Julians/Gillians were first found in Cambridge, on the CAM river, CAMerons need to be entertained as Cambridge elements in the Guillestre theater. Camerons even show a Guillonies variation.

The above was written before loading the Cheile Coat as per the Cameron "cheile" motto term. This helps to clinch what was becoming evident above, a Cameron trace with Clare's to Grenoble. The Cheile's/Chely's/Cheels ("leg in armour") are suspect with the Keele's/Kills that I think are in the quartered Shield of Chives/Shives, and the latter Cavii liners are the ones using the Mathis moline so as to be a Mathis-Cavii merger. We just saw Mathie's using the Clare triple chevron in colors reversed, and the Mathie chevrons became suspect with the Joseph chevrons. The material in this paragraph was not conceived when suggesting the Joseph link to Mathie's.

The Cheile's bring the world-despised, money-grubbing Rockefellers into the picture. The fancy Cheile/Chely bend, called "a red bend nebuly, COTISed," is identical to, and in the same red color, as the bend of Bavarian Tragers/Trogens (Fellers are also FellTRAGERS). Just like that, Camerons have traced with Tracks/Triggs and Drigs to the Drac river, right?

The Cheile and Trager bends is used exactly, though in Varn-bend colors, by Italian Rocco's, first found in the same place (Naples) as Capua's/Capone's and Capitano-related Popoli's. Just like that, Camerons, whom I linked only hesitantly to Capitano's above, prove to be Capitano kin after all, very important for tracing the Capitano / Popoli Shield to Grenoble's flag. The Capitano eagle is possibly the Guillestre eagle.

The Roquetti variation of Rocco's suggested a look at the Rocket surname, with Roquette variation, first found in the same place (Languedoc) as the Roque/Rock surname and the Roquefeuil location. As with Rooks and Rookbys, Rockets use the rook chess piece, a theme that traced to the Chagne river. Rooks (Oxfordshire) share the raven with English Tragers, and moreover Rooks use suns with the motto translated: "Rooks will flourish while the sun shines." You can bet your bishop that the suns here are those of Tracks and Drigs. Where have you seen the colors and format of Rookbys before? You saw them tracing to the Buech river.

The gold garb in the Rook Crest is starting to look very Joseph-y, because Rooks just traced to proto-Drake's. But as Rocco's traced to Gap too, what about that garb in the Chappes/Chaip Crest?

I haven't proof-read the next section yet, but I do believe it's where Peter Pollock traces to the very doormat of Julius Caesar's mother, Aurelia Cotta. As the Orr's have traces exactly to her, it should be mentioned right up front that Fullers use a "fermiORA" motto term. Orr's can link to Pollocks for obvious, Renfrew reasons.


The Watson Illuminatists

I had been wondering why Tracks/Triggs should use gold-and-green while tracing with red-on-white Drake's to the dukes of Masovia. I kid you not, that it was only an hour or two after that question passed my mind that I looked for the article showing red-on-white wyvern used by dukes of Masovia, so that I could show it to you. I started first with Wikipedia's article on "Duke of Masovia," where there is a painting of the dukes...all wearing green-and-gold robes!

This is not by chance. All sorts of paintings of rulers are done with their clothing in their heraldic colors. It reminds me of the green-and-gold clothing in a painting, at Wikipedia's article, of Morgan le Fay, the colors of the upright Morgan lion, in colors reversed to the Track/Drigg lion!!! How stupendous this find is, for Warsaw is the capital of Masovia, and it uses Melusine, while Nicholas de Vere said that their Melusine was at Avalon...where Morgan le Fay was the chief witch!

It doesn't surprise me because I expected such a trace, but the exclamatons are for the evidence that the above provides for those of you who find my work near-impossible to follow fully. Do the math: it means that Morgan le Fay was a Track = Drake liner to the dukes of Poland. Hmm, while Drake's were first found in the same place as Josephs, the latter use a gold-and-green chevrons.

Clicking from the Duke article above to "Duchy of Masovia," one can find the red wyvern; here it is from files in case it disappears:

At this point, I expected to find gold and green is surnames honoring "Grenoble," and indeed the Grains/Gransons use a gold eagle on a part-green Shield. The Shield is divided in the colors of the Shield of Phlegyas-suspect Fulke's and Belgian Flecks. Next, "Gran" was entered to find a large grey elephant, the colors of the same in the Arms of Oxford. In the Gran/Crannie/Crain Chief, a gold-on-green wolf!

It's no coincidence that the Grain/Granson eagle, on the red side of the Shield, is in the two colors of the same of Vienne's (Burgundy), who happen to show a "tout" motto term!!! That's the term used by Oliphants.

Plus, the Petty surname with the elephant in Crest shows GOLD-ON-GREEN martlets! AND, to help prove that "Warwick" was named after Warsaw, Pettys were first found in Warwickshire. That tends to help clinch a Petty identification with Peter Pollock. We see more green martlets in a Ground/Grundy Coat with what appears to be a version of the Mosca / Chives leopard in Crest! It's the Drakes who use "muscas" in their motto while Mosca's show a Muscas variation.

DESIGN MATTERS! Of the many leopard designs available to houseofnames, why did they choose this rare leopard design for the Ground/Grundy Crest? Because, it links to Drake liners at Grenoble. I've enlarged the Chives Crest many times to assure that it's identical with the Mosca leopard. It's very apparent that Grounds/Grundy's use the same even though the head's not facing in the same direction.

This is where it gets Javier-Solana-interesting, for I traced four codes in the Solana write-up to various surnames, one being the "ground" term to the Grounds, which gets the elephant-using Gran/Crain surname too. The sun that the Solana Coat uses can thus go to the sun in the Track/Trigg and Drig Coats. Solana's were first found in the same place (Catalonia) as Spanish Falcons. The wolf-head design in the Solana border is in the design of the same-colored (red) Caus wolf heads, and used in gold by Kaips/Kaipff's (both latter surnames can be from "Cavii / Chives").

It's so ridiculous for the Solana write-up to trace the surname to "ground" that it's bound to be code. The Ground surname with the Chives leopard looks like it uses a version of one Pascal Coat (Levi lion) while the other Pascals were first found in Dauphine, important because Grenoble was once the Dauphine capital.

The Ground/Crain surname was first found in Jura and Islay (Scotland), terms smacking of the Jura mountains in the Sequani theater, and of the Isere river where Sequani may have been too. Grenoble happens to be where the Drac meets the Isere. As "Jura" and "Isere" smack of "Jerusalem" and "Israel," it may be the truth that the Herods on the Isere, and/or their companions from the chief priests, named these areas secretly after Jerusalem and Israel. It could explain why Jura and Islay are islands to the immediate west of Kintyre, where the Maccabee-based Alexanders were first found.

Moreover, Modane (for new readers, suspect with Modi-in, home of the Israeli Maccabees) is on a tributary of the Isere, and that tributary is the Arc, suspect from the ARCHelaus last name of the Israeli Herod banished (by Augustus) to Vienne-Isere. It just so happens that ARGYLLshire is smack right there at Kintyre, Jura and Islay. If that's not enough, the MacDonalds, to which the Alexander motto links, had their home in Argyllshire, and they use a spread eagle in colors reversed to the same of the Vienne / Grain/Granson surname. I do NOT think that these things can all be a lump of coincidences, wherefore I am claiming for the first time that Jura and Isere were indeed named after Jerusalem and Israel. Until now, it was theoretical; now it's a claim.

Wikipedia says that "Argyllshire" derives from "Old Gaelic airer Goidel (border region of the Gaels)," but that's just a fine example of how historians play word games in their ignorance. It's no different than an historian two thousand years from now claiming that "Washington" was named after "washing a ton of bricks," with the logic that the doves implied by "District of Columbia" made all the bricks in need of constant washing. It's silly, but that's my point; historians come up with anything off the wall that has the least bit of logic. In the case of "Argyll," they look for an Ar-like term that can make some sense when coupled with a Gyll-like term, and if a consonant needs to be knocked off (as they do with "Goidel"), so be it, amen, they have their solid derivation, and they eventually pass it off as fact because students are too unlearned to disagree.

You can read for yourself the fine-sounding argument in the Argyll article, but I'm chalking it up to just plain wrong. Note the ARCHibald variation of Arthurs, for MacArthurs were first found in Argyllshire, and "Arth(ur)" is expected to be a term related to whatever (such as, Ardea) named the Herods. Ask the Arthur-Coat hurts (blue roundels).

Again, the Irish Arthurs using the hurts are using a version of the Wayne Coat which traces with its gauntlet gloves to Veynes, a location along the Buech, and about 20 miles from the Drac.

The Chief of the Gran/Ground/Crain surname is split vertically in the same colors as the Belgian Flecks/Flegers, while the Fulke's, first found in the same place (Norfolk) as English Flecks/Flags, use a vertically-split in colors reversed. For me, that means that Phlegyas Lapiths were at Grenoble, yet another trace of Aemilia Lepida to that city. To top it off, the Spanish Capet Coat (Aragon) is split vertically in the colors of the Fulke Coat, and Capets are suspect from Aemilia's grandmother (Junia Caepio). It's notable that the Donnas/Dance Coat shares nine vertical bars with the Aragon surname.

Campbells were first found in Argyllshire, while Camps (in Campbell colors) use the colors and format of Capone's, important because the long form surname of Junia was, Caepionis.

The Arrows (a Fletcher/Fleger symbol) are listed with Artois', and then Arrows/Artois', Fletchers/Flegers, and Aflacks all use the same black-on-white "fat" cross. One gets the distinct impression that the namers of Artois were from, or related to, the Phlegyas Lapiths. Then, kaboom, another smashing of the Coincidence Barrier border is in progress, as we fly along at Warp Speed, for while the Artois capital, Atrecht, was founded by Atrebates, Atrebates were also in HAMPshire, while Irish Hamps use the gold-on-black fleur-de-lys of Arrows. Artois'. Moreover, English Hamps/Hamptons were first in the same place (Staffordshire) as Arrows/Artois', and then the Staff(ord) surname uses the same chevron as the Caepio-suspect Quints. And that's why Israeli elements are suspect at both Jura locations, and at Islay and Isere.

Recall the possibility that the Alpins/Cappins/Appins are a reduction from "Lapin," for the Fletchers/Flegers are said to be from "Stewarts of Apin." It then says that these Stewarts of Apin helped to recover the cattle of Fletchers from the MacDonalds who stole them. It just so happens that I traced Hercules (a Greek Danaan), when he stole the cattle of Geryon, to the British Danann, and the latter were traced (by me) to an alliance with the Dumnonii, founders of Devon (and Somerset), where English Stewarts were first found. Then, the MacDonalds are said to have been, "Domhnull," which is why I trace them as Irish Domnann to/from the Dumnonii of Devon. MacDonalds (red fitchee, as with Dobys) had already figured into the Israeli lines from Isere to Islay.

IT JUST SO HAPPENS that Lapins share a red spread eagle with MacDonalds! PLUS, the Islay Crest shares the lion-paw design of Quints!!! is that not something? The Quint paw holds a fitchee; Islay's were first found in Somerset; Issels/Lyle's use a red fitchee in Crest. Las Vegas would be bankrupt by now if my houseofnames page was a slot machine.

Of course, it's not clinched that "Isere" traces to "Islay." The Eyler variation (of Islay's) may suggest the Aylers, first found in neighboring Hampshire, where Aylmers were first found. The Eels variation of Islay's may go to the eels in the Crests of Shiptons and Irish Feys/Foys. The latter's "Pro rege" motto is going to the ancestry of Julius Caesar, and then the Gillie's (ship) look like they are using the Fie/Fey/Cuffie Coat in colors reversed.

The big story is the Phlegyas Lapiths now creeping in and going to Melusine-related Fulks of Anjou. The "Qui sera" motto phrase of Fulke's went to Cirta in the last update (which was re-named by Augustus to, Caesarea), but then Cirta elements traced to Serres on the Buech. The Sera surname (Messina) may or may not apply; it uses two "seraphins affrontee" in the colors of the two Emily grails. The heraldic code may go to SARPedon lines (e.g. at Miletus, where Gaels trace themselves), where Aemilia had traced. Cera's were first found in the same place (Piedmont) as Donnas'/Dance's.

So, we have evidence of Gran-like surnames tracing to "Grenoble," and they happen to be from Mieszko lines out of Cirte, then into the Mouse Tower at Goplo. The sleaziest dragon lines are involved here, like one fat serpent giving birth to many wigglers all going to and fro for to pollute the human race. Earlier, "Watson" and "Illuminati" were googled together, which brought up a slew of articles on Emma Watson. One site read: "Emma Watson starred in Harry Potter. She plays Hermione Granger."

English Grangers/Graingers (in Harry colors), possibly a Grenoble line, were first found in the same place as Fulke's. French Grangers look like they could be using the Hyde Coat, and that latter term is being traced tentatively to Hyde, an old name of Sardis (Lydian capital). In fact, the Hermus river passed through Sardis, which may explain why the character was HERMIone Granger. It was shocking to find pomegranate's in the English Granger Coat, and this fruit has been suspect (by me) with the same entity that created the Greek crane goddess, something like "Gerana / geranos." It just so happens that a crane is used by the Grans/Grounds/Craine's, and they use it on a Chief split into the colors of the Flecks (and colors reversed from Fulke's).

This find would not have happened if not for the Watson knight in Ms. Pollock's email, coming about a week after the mention of pomegranates (see the 3rd update in February), then linked to "GERUNium," for example, and to "Guernsey." Apparently, the Sardis Lydians named Sardinia, where the Mieszko line had been, and it then got to the Gap location, and into the Drac river to Grenoble, which city had earlier been, Cularo, traced to "Clarus" on the Lydia-Caria border region...near the Hermus. That works. It's tending to clinch a Hyde-surname trace to Hyde/Sardis, and therefore traces Grangers there too...probably due to the Granger merger with Clarus elements at Grenoble.

Potters were identified with Porters ("virtute" motto term), and then both Porters and Grangers use the portcullis gate. That's no accident, and the Harry-Potter producer(s) knew it. The Granger Coat using the portcullis is on a Shield like that of Bellamys / Bells, and then Porters must be using bells for that reason; it's a no brainer now, wherefore ignore the trace of Porters to bell ringers and door watchers.

Porters are even said to have gifted a Cragyn/Cragie monastery (in Paisley), and were first found in Ayrshire, where Carricks were first found who are said to be from "Craig," meaning that Porters trace, yep, to "Graignovol." Yep, and they were linked to Seatons there. Ask the portcullis gate of Yates. And Porters were even first found in Hampshire, where the Drac-river Drake's (and Potters) were first found. Compare the Potters to Craigs.

That's a little more than a hill of beans, for any skeptic that may be complaining. It shows once again the liars wishing to hi-jack God's creation, to pollute and endanger the children, if possible, by destroying Truth in their minds, by filling them with porn, lusts, and selfish ambition, if possible, to make them just like the Illuminatists themselves, that they might brag about robbing them from parents desiring much better. All the spiritual pollution you see in the Western world is not an accident. It's from those who push it hard.

The Craigie/Cragyn Coat may be a version of the Goz Coat. If so, why?

Scottish Watsons share the oak tree with Watts and Vatts, and it's the latter who were first found in the same place as Larins/Feeters (who trace in-part to Footes on Guernsey and in-part to Gerunium). I'm ignoring the write-up's trace to "Walter" or anything other than the namers of Witkowo.

To help prove that Watson's are from Witkowo, there is the griffin head in the Crest of English Watsons that traces to the same of Dobermans and/or Oda of Haldensleben. But there is also the "gloria" motto term of the same Watsons. When we look at the Glory surname, it's listed with the Lowry's (Larino liner) using an uncovered grail with something (laurel) in it, the theme of the Bole Coat. Other grails are covered, and some descriptions say "covered" as though possible code for Covers, a potential Cavii liner to Caiaphas.

The Covers use the bend in the colors of Valentins, for example, but there are good reasons to track it specifically to the Rodham/Roddenbury bend, which is borrowed by/from Stephensons. As one of the Stephensons surnames comes up as "Stave," see that "Staver" gets the cup using Stoufers. This cup is in the colors of the covered Emily cups, and Emily's were first found in the same place as Josephs, important where the Watsons martlets are in the black color of the French-Joseph martlet.

The single Zionist star in the Staver/Stoufer Coat is in the colors of the six-pointed shellfish (or whatever it is) in the Arms of Witkowo. The Illuminati-suspect Weis'/Wise's use Zionists stars in these colors. Weis = Wit? Yes, possibly. There is a With/Wyth surname (new to me), first found in the same place (Wiltshire) as Melusine-using and Lapith-suspect Lapps/Leaps, and then Withers were first found in the same place (Hampshire) as Emily's. Then WithiPOLE's/Fasts (Shropshire) use the same-colored quarters as elephant-using Pettys, which for me is sufficient proof of a With trace to Pollocks liners from Poland. There is an alternative Withipool surname ("mountain cat...guttee" in Crest). Bookmark the page below for easy access for reading Coat descriptions.

The tree stub or "trunk," as it's called, in the one Watson Crest, is identical, brown color included, with that in the Rodham/Roddenbury Crest. Houseofnames has changed many tree stumps of this design to longer trunk sections, perhaps to remove the STUBiness from the picture in order to thwart my traces to the Stubbs and Stubbings. Or, perhaps, the heraldry people know nothing of my work. Two examples of the changes are the Milan and Brocken tree stubs; both now shown as the longer sections. This change took place before I claimed that an Alan-Visconti merger founded Brunswick-Luneburg...near Brocken mountain, where Stewarts had been traced (years earlier) because they use the motto of Brocks. The fact that houseofnames changed both the Milan and Brocken trunks, but made them identical, brown trunks, speaks to a Milan-Brocken merger, and it just so happens that Visconti's ruled in Milan.

The brown color, not an official heraldry color anymore, must be reserved for a certain entity. The Pollock boar, for example, is brown. It may be a version of gold reserved for lines tracing to a certain entity. The Bruno / Brown entity at Brunswick is coming to mind. Brocks even use the fleur-de-lys in the colors of the same of Browns.

The evidence to prove that Rodhams/Roddenburys trace to Rutland is now here, and this only gets them linked to Illuminati-suspect Watsons all the more. Watsons, you see, are said to be from Rutland. Brocken mountain is said to have been a location for some rampant witchcraft. If correct to trace "Brunswick" to "Bryneich" (country of Bernicians), then queen Bebba is part of this line, and she traced to Melusine-using Babels/Babe's. Does this indicate that the Line of Aemila Lepida went to Brunswick? It was recently decided to view Visconti's as Chappes liners to begin with. So, yes, if Chappes-liner Visconti's went to Brunswick, I expect the Lepida line to be there too. Luneburgs may have been Lyons because "Lune" gets the Lyons (Pro rege") using another brown Crest! (I didn't know it when writing on the brown color above).

There's a new point to be made that wasn't made in the past. My view was that the Alan-Visconti merger was an alliance of Israeli lines (including priests) having escaped Israel to Ferrara, which at the time (about 70 AD) was Forum Allieni (the "fermiora" motto term of Fullers may apply to the Forum > Formia line). In this alliance of families, I reasoned that Strange's (known to be Stewart kin) were involved that I thought were from "Allieni," a term like "alien = stranger." It was after that when they were traced to Brunswick; and it was only after the Brunswick trace was made that the Brunswick Coat was looked up to find two lions in the positioning of the Strange lions, both on red Shields. Therefore, I think the trace was correct.

It was only after making the Brunswick trace that I realized how near Brocken mountain was to Brunswick. The point now is, the Brock motto term, "VireSCIT," was just seen now, important because, prior to making the Brunswick trace, I lumped the Skits and Scheds in with the Strange alliance of Israeli's around Ferrara. Besides, the Ferrara crew were viewed as proto-Vere's, who were themselves traced to Brocken mountain with Alans, but not due to the "VIREscit" term (i.e. which suggests the trace to begin with). Stewarts use the same motto term.

The Watson-Coat oak tree is said to be "inclined," and then a bear (Bernician symbol) is used by Germo-Jewish Kleins. Possibly, the Watson oak is from the namers of Oakham in Rutland. The Arms of Rutland use oak seeds...and a horseshoe, a prolific symbol in Poland. Both the acorns and horseshoe are gold-on-green, the colors of the dukes of Masovia! Never before this section did I know that these were the colors of Masovia's dukes. Good timing, for Watsons, lest you forget, are expected from Poles with zero doubt.

As I view Pollocks from Roquefeuils who married Rodez, by what coincidence are Watsons said to be from ROCKingham (just outside of Rutland), while Rutland county is beside Lincolnshire, where Rhodes' were first found? Rockingham happens to be in a Corby borough (!), important because Roquefeuil is in Aude, where there is a CORBieres region and an adjacent Orbieu river!!! Just like that, Roquefeuils have traced to Rockingham, and so it can be gleaned that Fulbert "the Saxon" was just from this line, wherefore the line of his son (Peter Pollock) married a Watson. I get it. It's telling why Rockefellers are suspect in Illuminati circles. (The Roxburgh Crest suggests a trace to Aude.)

It just so happens that Corbins/Corbetts (Shropshire) share an elephant in Crest with Pettys! And in the Corbin/Corbett Coat, the German Rothes raven!!! It's raining slot machines. I know what it means, that God is about to come like a thief in the night to pillage the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, and spill their gold coins on the ground for the poor of the earth to gather up. That's what this revelation is for. The clock has ticked out; the Time has arrived. But first, this message must go to all that God intends for it to go, in the inner circles, that they might betray and do the damage to the Illuminatists that He intends. It must be weakened so that persecution against us will not prevail.

There is a COTTINGham in Corby. As Corby is in Northampton, let's repeat that (H)Amptons use CINQUEfoils, suspect as part-code for the Quincy's, first found in Northampton, and part-code for RoqueFEUILS.

As it's expected that the five theme of Quincy's goes to Quints, let's show the Nordens using fitchees in the gold color of the Quint fitchee. Norden happens to be a location beside ROCHdale (Lancashire). The white martlets surrounding the border area in the Arms of Rochdale smack of the same of Saddocks / Chaddock and various surnames, which border design has come to be suspect purely with Israeli-priest lines. The Norden Coat can be understood better by studying the pages on the Acton and Craven surnames. The link seems indisputable, but, moreover, Actons go back to Og lines in Acte, an area between Boiotia and Athens, where proto-Sadducees were from.

Plus, I traced the Rephaites to whom Og belonged to the Riparia river, and then to the Ribble in Lancashire...location of Rochdale. Coincidence? The Rippers use a chevron like that of Timms/Time's, the latter first found in the same place (Kent) as Nordens, and an Axton location of the Actons. The Norden beavers are interesting for linking to the same in the Arms of OXford, for we have just seen elephants, another Oxford symbol. Do you think OX(ford) was named after Og liners? The Rephaites were thought to possibly go to surnames such as Ruffs/Ralphs, who use ravens, as do Rothes...and the Rooks, first found in Oxfordshire.

Aha! The Rook chevron, and it's three symbols, are in the three colors of the same of Watsons!

The Riparia is where Cottius ruled, and where I suspected Sittaceni lines. This recalls the "nothing" motto term of Sutys, which gets the Nothing/Northen surname, much like "Norden." The Suty's became suspect with "Zethys," in Boiotia. The Zethys line, if indeed it was mythical Sutekh/Suty line, is expected in Shaws, and then there is a Shaw and Crompton location beside Rochdale. Aside fro the Sadducee-suspect martlets in the Arms of Rochdale, there is a fleece and millrind in Crest, a woolpack in the Coat, and a "Crede SIGNO" motto that can link with Rinds to the Julian/Gillian line.

Rutland and Rockingham are also beside Cambridgeshire, where Julians/Gillians were first found. It's important also due to the Rutilii family in Julius' mother.

One of the first pieces of evidence for a Roquefeuil trace to trefoils was the Rod(e) trefoils. It was an obvious sign of the Roquefeuil marriage with Henri IV of Rodes. It just so happens that the Rod(e) surname was first found in the same place (Herefordshire) as Fullers.

This topic should trace to the St. Bernard Pass (at Ferrat), home of the Veragri. It was the bear symbol of the Veringer-related Zahringens that caused me, not far above, to suspect a Klein-Watson-Rodham trace to the Bernard Pass, for "Veragri" is tentatively tracing to "Veringer." I therefore re-entered "BERNard," especially as it has a Bernician look to it, and there in the Italian Bernard Coat were TWO "hands clasped around the trunk of the tree," and the CUFFed sleeves are in the design of the hand holding the cup in the Staver/Staufer Coat. Even if it's coincidental that houseofnames happened to use the same sleeve design, look at the Watson Crest: "TWO HANDS holding the trunk of an oak tree."

Don't we think that the Rods should be of the Rodham/Roddenbury surname that itself uses a tree trunk? Isn't that just more corroboration that Watsons and Rocke-Rhodian lines were fundamental with each other? The Rodham cinqueFOILs should therefore be for the same, basic entity as the Rod trefOILs. Why would a Trunk surname apply? Are they a variation of the Tracks/Triggs and/or the trefoil-using FellTRAGERs listed with the Fellers? Look at how the Trunk stars in the Feller Coat could become the Payen Coat.

Ask why the Klein bear holds a treFOIL. Now you know. It's the Watson-Rockefeller link that apparently includes the Bavarian bear. Why do Cleans/Clains/MacLaine's use a so-called "red rock"? Couldn't that be the blue fitchee of Maxtons (Roxburghshire), therefore, in the Clean/Clain/MacLaine Coat? It's the Norton fitchee, for sure. As Cleans/MacLaine's are said to descend from "Gillian of the Battleaxe," while Gellone's are listed as "Gillion," are the red-on-gold fleur-de-lys in the Irish Lane Coat those of the Gellone Coat? If so, this Klein / Clean line must have been merged with Guerin of Provence. Is that the Lorraine bend-and-Shield in use by Lane's? Does it again tell of a Larino trace to Guerin?

Whose white-on-red upright lion is in the red canton of the Wern/Warrene surname (said to be from Varenne in Normandy)? There are several, viable options. The Warrene's are said not to be a branch of Guerins, but they are certainly a branch of Fers/Ferrats. Jibing with Nicholas de Vere's claim that Vere's trace to the Mitanni, I'm now tracing the Canton/Ganton surname to the Mitanni at Nesa. Compare the Fuller Coat (shares the red canton with Warrene's) to the Canton/Ganton Coat. What's with that? It's as was discovered months ago, that Roxolani (Ros-Alans) had been merged with Varni from an early time, and that they were also the proto-Alans to Montferrat, explaining why Nicholas de Vere wished certain Stewarts of the modern day to be on the British throne.

Anyone of these families can trace well to the Wallis canton on the north side of the St. Bernard Pass. The brown tree stump is also in the Walsh Crest, if that helps to trace Watsons / Rodhams to this area. The pheons of Walsh's may even go to the Poeninus entity that was at the St. Bernard Pass. Walsh's were first found in Roxburghshire...yes, it's true, where I traced Roxolani / Rockefellers, but I also thought that "RoqueFEUIL" could go to "Valais," the alternative name of Wallis canton. It would suggest Roxolani at Wallis Canton, where the Veragri lived about a century before Tacitus mentioned the Varni up in the ROStock theater. And the Varni were also at Schwerin, the surname of which shares the split colors of the Grenoble flag, both without symbols. And the Schwerin surname looks like it can be from Sheers/Shire's and Schere's/Scherfs who trace to Grenoble with Carricks.

The implication is that some Veragri on the Drac evolved into the Varni, and that other Drac-river elements, ultimately from balmy Agrigento, fled to the frigid north. Unless they liked snow-mobiling and other winter sports, I say they fled to the north. And the Sitten element (the Seduni) followed as the Sitones of Scandinavia, and they set up Odin and the Nordic tree of life that they created for their religion (an oak, I think), and they made Frigg, a Phrygian entity, their chief goddess.

I've read that Washingtons were from Odin, and then the Canton/Ganton Coat is a colors-reversed version of the Washington Coat. We thus link Washington roots to the red canton of Warrene's at Normandy, location also of Gace (on the Touques river) that's very likely the proto-Washington surname. The Gace/Wassa Coat happens to use another red canton (white Zionist star in the canton), in the two colors of the Warenne canton. We are making progress to discovering the founders of the United States. And the all-seeing-eye Watsons are included in this lump of filth, whom made it to the American dollar bill, upon a pyramid. The all-seeing eye in the Arms of Witkowo is also on a pyramid (though not at the apex).

The white lion in the Warenne canton can thus go to the Odins (share the crozier with Wears), first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Cantons, and beside red-rose Lancashire, where Washingtons were first found. It's now a no-brainer that the stars in the Washington and Canton Chiefs go to the stars in the Arms of Wallis Canton. And we still would like to know whether "Lancashire" was named after Langhe (at Montferrat). The Monforte's must have named Monforte beside Mon(t)ferrat, and they use the lion colors of the Odins and the one inside the Warenne canton.

One might think that "Monforte" was named after a "mountain," but the double Wassa/Gace bars are used by MONmouths and mouth-like Mauds. The latter two's lions are colors reversed from the Odin / Montfort lions, and Monmouths were first found in the same place as Fullers, Rods, and Hasmonean-suspect Haskins.

Aha! The Monmouth lion design has been changed since the last time that it was viewed weeks ago, when it was still the Ulman-lion design. There was much Monmouth discussion in the 1st update of this month. The Monmouth Coat was viewed and shown in the 3rd update of January. This could mean that the Masons very-much do not wish for us to make an Ulman link to Monmouths. But, no matter, the German Ul(l)mans are using the Canton/Ganton Shield minus the stars in the Chief! English Ulmans were first found in the same place as Watts!

The lion design in the Ulman Coat has itself been changed (what possible reason?), though not its colors nor its upright position, and it was loaded by me and shown in the 1st update of January; it may have been shown again after that. Why were these changes made just after I mentioned and showed these lions? Is it an attempt to discredit my claims that DESIGN MATTERS? Or are they making better links due to what I'm writing? The Stewart, Monmouth and Maud lions are now identical (colors included), as is the Ulman lion (different color), though the Monmouth lion is missing a leg.

The Monmouth description: "...two black bars gemel, overall, a red lion salient, armed and LANGued blue." Gemels are the ones sharing the shot-through swan of Walsh's, thus tracing Monmouths, to some degree, anyway, to Wallis canton. The Gemel hearts (chained together with a chain) looks like a version of Wagers (Yorkshire again), whom I trace to Wagrians on the Warnow river (yes, the river of the Varni).

Surnames such as Gaige, Gage, Cage, and Gace may apply to Wagers/Waigers. Gaige's are even said to have included a Gaacy variation. The Teague's show a Caige variation, and they are using a version of the Took/Touque Coat, while the latter traced to the Touques river, location of Gace. While Case's were first found in the same place as Julians/Gillians, Teague's/Caige's share the black-on-white Julian cross. Is this tracing Washingtons and Varni elements to Julius Caesar?

ZOWIE. Tooks/Touque's (first found in the same place as Caesars) use a motto suggesting Miletus / Melitene, where Aemilia Lepida's first name was traced, but as Aemilia is being traced in particular to the PHLEGyas Lapiths, note the Touque motto: "Militia mea multiPLEX." Remember, Melitene was in the Mitanni theater, and Washingtons trace to the Mitanni capital.

Over the past year, I found time and again that Washington DC was founded by the line of the very importance to the founding American Masons. I afterward realized that the Great Seal of the United States, it's motto, "Annuit COEPtis," is seemingly in honor of both Caiaphas and Annas. The Seal has the Witkowo all-seeing-eye, doesn't it?

One German Koep/Kope Coat (brown trunk?) is used also by German Blate's. Compare the other German Keop Coat with the English Lane/Lone Shield, noting that the lions in that Coat are in the colors, and pale positioning, of the Brunswick lions, making the Lane's/Lone's suspect with "LUNEburg."

The rock design in the Grail/Neil Crest is one shown by the Roque's/Rocks until last year. The surname is linked easily to the grail-using Glorys/Lowry's because they are said to be from Neils. This does not mean that the Lowry / Laurie grail is code exclusively for the Neil surname (and nothing else), but more like a Grail variation of Lowry's developing that merged with Neils. The Lawrie Shield is likely in Kaplan colors for the reason of their grail tracing to Caiaphas. The Grail/Neil lion is in the colors of the Track / Drig / Sutton lion. It's tracing Aemila Lepida (if the grail was her symbol) to Grenoble yet again.

It's not likely coincidence that Neils are traced in their write-up to a Barra clan, as that suggests Bars at Bar-le-Duc in LORRAINE. The locks in the Grail/Neil Coat are "FETTERlocks," a good reason for tracing Neils to the Larins/FEETERs!!! That revelation just happened unexpectedly. It tends to prove that Lorraine's were Larino elements. Fetterlocks are used by a Moray Coat no longer shown at houseofnames. Linkage to the Lock / Loken / Lohan bloodline -- i.e. LOHENgrin the Swan Knight, son of Grail King -- is expected in these locks. IN FACT, nails are used in the Lohan/Logan Coat! (Nails are listed with German Neils.)

You understand that Arthurian myth writers were taking their readers for fools, knowing all along that their characters were code for surnames, but not informing anyone. There are some people in illuminated circles who like being fools. They enjoy a happy-go-lucky life in things unreal, unstable, unimportant, unprofitable to the soul. Expect them to be washed away when the storms arrive. Ironically, these sons of false light the will be DIMinished. Never forget: the peace of God, coming to those who make peace with God, is your true Light. It's true that God calls us to a life of discipline and training rather than to happy-go-lucky, but you don't want the sort of end in your life going as payment to those clinging to the wrong rocks.

The reason Vere's were traced to Brocken is for the WERNgerode location there. It was many years ago; I may not have known about the Varni at that time. The Wern/Warrene surname (said to be from Gueron of Normandy) is in Guerren colors and thus suspect with "Guerren/Guerins." Now this is becoming very interesting, not only where a red canton is shared by Werns and Fullers both, but where the pierced Payen stars are used by Guerins. For, while I had traced Payens/Paions to the Panico's/Panes with a Panini variation, Panico's share the oak, not only with Watsons, but with Italian Bernards!!! That is, the Bernard Pass was earlier called, "Poeninus," i.e. now suspect with the Panico bloodline.

It looks like the line of Guerin of Provence is tracing to the Bernard Pass. It looks like a lot of things. It looks like the Veragri were a Varni/Warni > Guerin line, and that Payens were smack at the Sion theater where the Priory of Sion is expected to trace. Don't necessarily fall for the online claim that the Priory of Sion was a hoax. We expect the lie if it were true.

I had even traced the Panico's to Montferrat's Rainier family, and to Guerra's, and then, while Panico's were at Bologna, so we now find the Bernards first found in Bologna! This is great stuff, especially with that Ferret location at the Bernard Pass, for the Fers/Ferrats use the Wern/Warrene checks in blue and white. Since making those traces, the Sitten location beside the Bernard Pass has been traced to Sation at lake Lychnidus, making that place suspect with the Setta valley, home of Panico's. And the Watson tree stump is making the Stobi Paeonians highly suspect at "Poeninus."

As Stobi's were first found in Staffordshire, where English Lane's/Laine's were first found, recall that Kleins linked well to Cleans/MacLaine's, for the Klein bear became suspect with Bernards. If the three gold lions in the RED CANTON (!) of the English Lane's are those of the Brians, it traces Lane's / Kleins to Briancon. Perhaps you can spot why this Lane/Lone Coat is using a version of both Alan Coats, but consider how it's the makings of a Paine and Payen Coat too. It's the same snake in different clothing, different variations, all over the European map, like Hebrew lines destined to rule the universe...if not for the Heavy Rock with Gravity.

The Fuller motto term, "recte," traces to "Rika/Rijeka" (two-headed black eagle on a rock), where Rocks / Rockefellers / Roxburghs trace along with Maxwells (two-headed black eagle), first found in Maxton of Roxburghshire. Walsh's of Roxburghshire share a black-on-white saltire with Maxwells, wherefore the latter are expected at the Bernard / Geneva theater too...though I trace them to Mecklenburg, where Schwerins were first found, part of the Varni theater. It's the same snakes in different heraldic clothing, different variations. That's how I (and you) can make links easily and often, never lacking in that regard. Of interest here is Mecklenburg is beside POMErania, perhaps intended in the Pomegranate code. After all, the Gerunium elements of that code trace well with Guerins to the Varni. The pomegranate design (see it in the Granger Coat below) even has the look snake-eyes (or cat eyes).

Hmm, last night, the night before writing the last sentence, as I lay down to sleep, I saw dice. It was so strange, because the dice were spinning on each other, energetically, one overtop of the other, three or four of them. I don't gamble, or play board games. This vision was completely out of the norm, and surprising, and the energy of the dice, rather than a still scene, was suggesting that this may have been a vision from the Spirit. The dice were not on my mind until I wrote "snake-eyes" above, a term for rolling two one's with two dice. So, the Dice surname was loaded just now to find them first found in Suffolk, where the Tigers were first found who don't show a Coat. The Dice surname is also "Dycer," suggesting the Tigers. What does it mean? Why might God want us to know this? I'll report back if I think of anything.

GRANgers just happen to use portcullis gates that can trace to Sion/Sitton with the Seatons (who honor portcullis-using Yates). In fact, Seatons, at a location of Say, can trace with Says to Seyssel, on the west side of the Veragri. The point here is that the Cullis Coat looks like a version of the Panther Coat, which uses "spur rowels" in their Chief, what the Payens call their pierced stars!!! That now tends to clinch the Payen trace to the Sion theater.

PLUS, as the Cullis Chief uses the roses of the Caesar Chief, take a guess at what the "peasCODS" are code for at the bottom of the Cullis Coat. The Crest is said to be a "falcon's head." There is a "belly" term in the Codd write-up that may go to Fuller-related Belli's, and the Codd/Code Coat (ravens, a Peter symbol) strikes me as a Walsh-Coat version. Scottish Belli's/Belly's happen to use a motto, "Per ACUTA belli," and an eight-pointed star, and their being first found in Moray suggests a Peter-Pollock line out of Istria. After all, the Peas surname is listed with Peacocks, a sept of Pollocks. Belli's/Bellys even share the white-on-blue rose with Italian Culles'.

As Fullers are to be regarded as a Washington / Wassa/Gace branch, note that the latter were first found in the same place (Cornwall) as Codds/Code's. The latter's red chevron may be the Staff chevron in that Coats were first found in Staffordshire.

We read earlier: "Emma Watson starred in Harry Potter. She plays Hermione Granger." This was not known by me when I suggested that the "Hazard" motto term of Seatons was code for Has (= Hasmoneans) elements that co-founded Cremona with a Harmon-like entity suspect with mythical Harmonia. Plus, Porters came to topic within the last three months, in the blue-apple riddle, where "Porter" was equated with "Potter," and here we have some good evidence for that link, for Porters use the portcullis gate too. And so it should be repeated that HASkins and HESkins look like a branch of Gate's, all having Shields split in the red-and-blue colors of the Cattons/Cottings and Geneva's. One motto term of the Cattons may even be for Vivian lines to the Vevey location on the north shore of Geneva. After all, the Track / Sutton lions are tracing very well to Morges on the same side of lake Geneva.

For Ms. Pollock, who was asking about Edmond Ironside -- the Saxon to which she thinks Fulbert "the Saxon" may trace -- it can be added that the Haskins use a Shield like that of Ironside's. Haskins are suspect with Eschyna de Molle, whose daughter married Robert Pollock, son of Fulbert.

On top of that, the Watson "trunk" will take us to the Gaetani/Caetani near the Rutulians. That is amazing, what heraldry can do for us, no credit of course to those seeking to conceal. The quartered Gaetani Coat is much like the quartered Second/Segur Coat. The quartered Petty Coat may apply because Petty's use an "ut" motto term tracing to "Uts," I assume, where I trace "Watt."

This update is long already, and so I'm going to stop here and continue in the next update. I'd like to have the important parts on Peter Pollock closer to the top of an update, anyway.


On this page, you will find evidence enough that NASA did not put men on the moon.
Starting at this paragraph, there is a single piece of evidence
-- the almost-invisible dot that no one on the outside was supposed to find --
that is enough in itself to prove the hoax.
End-times false signs and wonders may have to do with staged productions like the lunar landing.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
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