Previous Update: February 25 - 28

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(if there are any to speak of)
March 1 - 3, 2014

Aemelia Lepida
Proto-Sadducee's in the Gap Theater
I Re-Buech Thee, Seaton

I thought you might get a kick from this photo of Angela Merkel wearing Hitler's mustache while engaged with Netanyahu. He had his finger just right.

Tennessee is supposed to be the most-Christian state, but:

Beginning Saturday, March 1, students and staff at Tennessee State University will be required to present identification badges at any time that can also track their movements in and out of buildings, according to a local-news report.

After a spate of break-ins and vandalism, officials at the university instituted the new ID requirement as a way to ensure safety on campus, a TSU release said...

There you have the security-argument for to turn us all into cattle, starting with the least-powerful, young adults. This is wicked. Nobody has the right to monitor my movements anywhere, especially on public property. I shouldn't need to feel as though someone is tracking my every move, or watching me at every turn. That is no way to live. The students should protest, and get the principals involved fired for this obscene "adventure."

I'm wondering whether the West has been involved in toppling the Ukrainian leader. It comes just after Putin scored a win in Syria. Watching, but will not report on it much if it doesn't seem prophetically-important.

In the last update, an amazing occurrence. Just look for the giant exclamation marks. It looked the mother of Joseph Caiaphas may have been found in one Aemilia Lepida, a granddaughter of Junia Caepio Secunda. Aemilia is in the family tree below:

It started with the two cups/grails in the Emile/Emily Coat, in the colors of the cups in the German Koop/Kope Coat. Emily's were first found in the same place as English Josephs. Then the Moor heads of the German Kopp/Kope surname were found to clinch the expected: a Koop trace to Chappes'. Kopps are also Koep, very-likely linkable to the Kaip/Kaipff surname using the curved that of the Chappes-related Ottone's.

The topic interwoven into the above concerned Leo of Halychyna, founder/namer of Kiev. It was possible to show that both Leo surnames traced to him, indicating the Masonic importance of his line...from Vladimir "the great" of Kiev through his grandson, Wladislaw I Herman of Poland. It was possible to show that the Herman surnames traced to Wladimir I Herman, very-likely honored in the "wlad" motto term of English Josephs.

The first thing done in this update, in continuing where the last left off, was a check of Leopolds, to see if they might apply to Leo of L'viv. The Swiss Leopolds use a CURVED chevron. Excellent. It's colors reversed to the same of Joseph-suspect Gusts. These Leopolds also show a lion in the colors of the Cuman and L'viv lions. Cumans (the Huns) were introduced as a tentative line to the Comyn garbs in the English Joseph Chief. Late in the update, GOSpatricks at CUMNock become Joseph-interesting.

Gusts appear to link by their write-up to Gauts/Cotta's, the family that had already been pegged as Caiaphas' great-great-grandparents. But Gusts are also traced to Geats, while Yate's, who traced to the portcullis gate in the Arms of L'viv, show a Yeat variation. Porters, who own the portcullis, were first found in the same place as English Josephs. Late in the update, an email from Ms. Pollock sets off a string of new revelations, and a Watson-Illuminati investigation that finds another portcullis.

It can now be added that while two Emily cups were suspect with the two Agnus swords, the same sword, in the same colors, is in the Cullis Coat...first found in the same place (Aberdeenshire) as L'viv-suspect Five's. The Cullis Chief is identical with the Caesar Chief, both suspect with the Ukrainian Roman(ov) Chief.

The AEMILia-Lepida bloodline was traced, at the huge exclamation marks, to mythical MELusine; seemingly to her very name, that is. In any case, it was a huge key, explaining the green dragon of Yate-related Seatons, for Melusine was a dragon woman shown often with a green fish tail. But then green dragons are used also by Italian Leopolds, shown also as "Lippi," important because the Aemilia line was apparently discovered in the Melusine-using Leap/Lap Coat. That is, it tended to prove that Leaps/Laps trace to "Lepidus." And here I find that Leopolds/Lippi's are tracing to Aemilia Lepida too by the very simple argumentation that you just read. Amazing. The fact that the Lippi surname was altered to "LEOpold" is cause for tracing Aemilia's line to Leo of L'viv too, if the shoe fits.

And it does fit, for while Leo was a descendant Mieszko II Lambert, German Leopolds happen to use the arm-in-armor of Mieske's!!! Late in the update, there is a "leg in armor" suspect with the leg in the Prime Coat, a surname suspect with Junia Caepio Prima.

It was recent when the Gust Coat was re-loaded for the first time in years. It used to show a chevron in the very shape of the Leopold chevron. The Gust chevron now goes from base to top of Shield, just like the Forst chevron that was traced to a Forst location in Lusatia, home of Melusine. The Forst location first came up when finding a red antler in the Arms of Spree-Neisse, but, in the last update, the Casimir surname came to topic, using a red antler. Casimirs came to topic because Casimir, duke of Poland, was father to Wladislaw I Herman. It tends to suggest that Spree's and Speers (and Gusts) trace to Casimir.

Although the Forst chevron is colors reversed to the Gust chevron, it's in the same colors as the Leopold chevron. I've mentioned this in the past, but didn't know at the time where Leopolds traced. I have never before stressed Wladislaw I Herman, but the Joseph motto, and the Moline trace to L'viv, egged on the investigation, with understanding at this time. I also noted in the last update, though it wasn't mentioned, that the German Egg Coat is probably using the Arms of Zurich (less than 50 miles from Basel, not far south of red-antler Veringers of Baden, where Forsts were first found).

Recently, another curved chevron, a solid one like that of Kaips' and Ottone's, was found in the Swiss Basel Coat. Can Swiss Leopolds relate to Basels? Ask Melusine in the Hugo surname, first found in Basel (Switzerland). In the Hugo Coat, she's partially on a gold Shield, and fully on a gold Shield in the Leap/Lap Coat. It helps to identify Leopolds with Lepidus. "Basel" is a term that can go to Byzantine emperors, and then I've been identifying Melusine with Melissena Rangabe, a Byzantine whose family was on the Byzantine throne (in Michael I Rangabe). Does this trace Aemila to this Byzantine family?

It's possible that "Rangabe" traces to the namers of Orange. It was at Orange that Quintus Caepio, reported owner of a terrific number of gold bars, had battle with some Cumbrians. This Quintus Caepio was ancestral to Aemilia Lepida. I had asked whether the two "bars" that make the cross in the Bouillon Coat were code for the Caepio bars because gold in bars is called bullion, and it just so happens that the Rangabe cross (at Wikipedia's article on Michael I) is identical (different background color) to the Bouillon cross.

Three black roundels (of German Bres') cropped up at an excellent point in last update's discussion, perfect for nailing the Arms of Breslau (Lusatia theater) with the Herods who killed John the Baptist. I now find that English Basels use three black roundels too, symbols called "pellets," highly suspect with the line of Pontius Pilate. Pellets are used by Foix's/Foys, suspect with the fox of Fes'/Fays, and that comes around to the Vey/Vivian and Fife / Five lines to "L'viv." Leo, the so-called founder of L'viv, is probably honored in the Leo surname showing a red lion, the color of the Fife / Five lion.

The Fes/Fay surname was first found in the same place (Auvergne) as Bouillons. As unlikely as it seems, I entertained a "Caepio / Quincy" trace to "Kanza," the wife of Idris of Morocco, whose line ruled at Fes/Fez in Morocco. This line had recently traced to Guerin of Provence (reaches the Orange area), and it was him who was highly suspect as a husband or mate with Melissena Rangabe. This was before finding the possibility that Melissena was from Aemila Lepida. "Kanza" had been traced months ago to "Kenneth," and that suggested Kenneth MacAlpin. I had no idea at the time of that trace that Alpins come up as "Kapp/Cappin."

The Emily cups are in Rangabe colors.

For readers jumping in at this update, but not reading others, Julius Caesar had an affair with Servilia Caepio, mother of the three Junia Caepio's. I suspect that Caiaphas was born from a Julius-Servilia line, and am seeking which one.

The Gust write-up has the audacity to trace to "Gaut" as well as to "staff or CUDGEL." But I know the Masonic game. As Gauts are also the Cotta's married by Julius Caesar's father, by what coincidence were Cage's/CADGE's first found in the same place as Julians/Gillians? Reminder: Teague's/CAIGE's share the black Julian cross. The Cage's/Cadge's are likely using a version of the Gate Coat because they are Gate stock.

It suggests that Gage's should apply. Of interest here is that French Gage's use a chevron in the colors of the Chanut/Chenu chevron, and the last update showed how Chaine's/CHESNe's/Chenays, and the like, trace to "Chagne," a river flowing by Guillestre (where I trace Julians/Gillians). In other words, if "Gage" applies to "CHAGne," Gate's, Cage's, and Teague's should trace to that river. Note that the Gage Coat can be construed as a version of the Payen Coat, for Gagne's, in Gage colors, use the pierced Zionists stars of Payens.

Gage's are traced to "fiddle," but that has got to be code for the Fiddle's/Fidelows known to trace to Vis-de-Lou/Loop. Hmm, while the paragraph above was half written, before coming to the Fiddle topic, I went to my atlas to see which of the rivers flowing to Guillestre might be the Chagne. One of the rivers (I think it's the Guil) goes to the base of mount VISo. I was going to suggest that the Ottone-VISconti link to the Cotta-Julian-Caiaphas line has to do with this Viso term. Only after that did I come to the Vis-de-lou topic, which had been investigated several weeks ago, when it was concluded that Visconti's had everything to do with naming it along with Alans out of Langhe...downhill from mount Viso (at the extreme source of the Po river).

There is no Viso surname coming up, but VISA comes to mind as the possible instigator of the coming 666 system. There is a Vice/Vise surname (Sussex), with a stag head.

It just so happens that Fiddle's were first found in Surrey, a term/place that was traced without doubt (a few updates ago) to "Zurich." I had been wondering, I kid you not, before starting on the Gage topic, whether Eggs (use the Zurich Shield, apparently) trace to "Chagne." It just so happens that Gage's are the ones traced to Fiddle's. How about that.

The Eggs use white roundels (plate's) and blue roundels (hurts). The last time that plates were discussed was as per the white plate upon which the Arms of Breslau places the head of the Baptist. The topic started with the Platter variation of Blate's, important because Blate's were brought up when finding their grape vine in one Kopp Coat. The other Kopp Coat traced to Chappes', and the grape vine traces to Herod Archelaus. If I'm not mistaken, it was Herod Antipas, brother of Herod Archelaus, who ordered the death of John the Baptist. The "hurt" in the Egg Coat is code, I think, for "Herod."

I now say that Arthurs, using both hurts and rests, trace to the ARISTobulus > Herod line, a Herod-Maccabee marriage in the family of Herod Agrippa. The Hurt surname shares a gold fesse with Herods/Hurls. The "Grip" motto term of Leslie's could be for Agrippa lines, and then the green griffin in the Leslie Crest could be code for Melusine, especially if "LESlie" is a term from whatever named Lusatia / Lusignan. Leslie's are in the colors of the Arms of Lusignan, and the Lusk surname gets a red boar, symbol also of Bards that could be named in honor of BARTHolomew, known founder of Scottish Leslie's.

It just so happens that while the Koep variation of Kopps was suspect with Kaips/Kaipff's (tall, curved chevron), the latter use the wolf-head design of Fiddle's! The Kaip lion is now suspect with a slew of identical lions (including Swiss Leopolds) in the L'viv investigation. The Fiddle Crest happens to be a "garland," while Garlande's were expected at the founding of L'viv. French Leonards/Leons (flames) show a similar lion.

Two update's ago, another tall, curved chevron was found in the Leiter/Leiten surname. Their fleur-de-lys are in the colors of the Koop/Kope cups and the Kopp/Koep fleur-de-lys. The Leiter lion is in the colors of the same of Fife's and Five's, surnames suspect with VIVian de Molyneux, said to descend from the Garlande family.

Moments after writing all that, the Koppen variation of vine-using Kopps was cause for a look at the Coppen Coat...using plates! The Hohens off the north side of Zurich (i.e. in Swabia) came out of Goppingen, like "Coppinger" and similar variations of Coppens.

This reminds me of a trace of the Covert/Coffert leopards to Leopolds. I had also traced Coverts/Cofferts to a Kaufering location in Swabia. I recall tracing Kaufering to Hof liners at the Fife theater, which I lumped in with Duffs (viewed them as D'Hof) from the Fie/Fey/Duffie/Cuffie surname, which I thought should link to Veys/Vivians because Duffy's use the Morgan lion, evidence of a link to mythical Morgan le Fay. Duffs even use the Fife / Five lion. I now find that Fie's/Feys/Duffie's use a downward sword, the same one, in the same colors, as the Agnus swords.

Plus, the "Pro rege" motto of Fie's/Feys/Duffie's is going to the Reges surname of Caesar's grandmother. This means that the Gillie Coat may be a version of the Fie/Fey/Duffie Coat, and, if correct, the Gillie's must be a branch of the Gillian variation of Julians.

In the last update, the Arms of Arbroath was noted using fitchee crosses (a Gillie symbol) on the apparel of its Vatican priest. Fitch's (leopard heads) use a sword in the same upward direction as Gillie's, and were first found in the same place (Suffolk) as Coppens/Coppingers. (I like to record details that only make this read complicated. You don't need to take everything in.)

I don't know for sure whether Duffs were D'Hofs, but even if not, all the other points above seem solid. I've just left the Covert topic seeking the surname using the Sword swords with the Kaip wolf heads at the points. Having forgotten, I loaded the Shot/Shute swords instead, which reminded me that this surname was initially entered to topic from the sling shot in the Arms of Dachau (near Munich). Dachau was headquarters for Nazi concentration camps of that Bavaria area, and the Kaufering concentration camp was included. By the way, the Forst surname (curved chevron) has variations suggesting Furstenfeldbruck, smack beside Dachau.

Let's go back to my intuitive sense for linking the Emily cups to the Agnus' swords (there's no evidence on the surface, but I have a wet nose for this), for the "mistake" above in entering the Shots/Shute's has led to learning that Shots/Shute's were first found in the same place (Wiltshire) as Leaps/Laps. How about that. All three surnames (as well as the Aude's) use the same swords, which are the Sword swords, from the Haughty > Siward line, and then Swords share Moor heads with Chappes' and Kopps/Koppens. How about that. Sigrid the Haughty's ancestry is in Goplo, which may apply to the Kopps.

See the Skeens using the same swords in the same colors, with the Kaip wolf tracing to the Fiddle's. In the last update, I was having the sense that Emily elements on the Chagne river lead to Siward of Northumberland, and here we find the Kaip wolf heads linking to Fiddle's in the Gage write-up. It was after having this sense that the Leaps/Lapps were found with Melusine, thus clinching the Aemilia-Lepida link to Melusine, but, the point is, this was mere weeks after introducing Siward...who married the Bebba Bamburghs, the very root (in my opinion) of the Babels that likewise use Melusine. Bebba's family was only seven centuries from Caiaphas.

Plus, I've only just realized, Vis-de-LOOPs (where Fiddle's are traced) smacks of another LEPida possibility! Here's the Loop Coat showing crescents in the colors of Emily cups and the Rangabe cross. If I'm not mistaken, the Loop crescents are sleeping moons, trace-able to mythical Endymion and Selene at Latmus, smack beside Miletus, a term like "Melusine." This is definitely something to consider, for Caiaphas has traced to Carians already. A sleeping moon is used by Carian suspect Karens/Kerns, and they were first found in Silesia, a part of Poland overlapping Lusatia! While "Silesia" could be from whatever real entity "Selene" depicted, "Lusatia" is a branch of the Melusine-based Lusignan area.

Aha! The Karen/Kern Coat shares two Zionist stars in the same gold-on-blue colors of the two in the Loop Coat! In both cases, the sleeping moon is between the two stars. The greyhound in the Loop Coat is identical in design to the two greyhounds in the LYS/Lisse Coat! It can now be added that the Gars/Karens use an upright lion in the colors of the same in the Arms of Kyburg. Gars/Karens were first found in East Prussia, and then I identify Melusine's mother, Pressina (she goes by various spellings), as code for Prussia. The Gar/Karen lion could be the Irish Leslie lion.

Note how Coburgs could be using a version of the Arms of Zurich. The Ishtar star of Coburgs becomes Istria-important late in the update. The Saxe-Gotha and Coburg entity to the British royals can be suspect with a Goth trace to "Cotta," if it truly goes there, but, in any case, the Gust surname (curved chevron linking to the same of Basels) is said to be from "Goth," which is perhaps code for the Goth surname, not the Goth peoples. Again, the "Gaut" term in the Gust write-up is listed with the Cotta surname.

It is noteworthy that English Babels use their three vertical bars in the positioning of the same of English Germans (suspect as Hermans).

The following has to do with the most-unexpected thing that started with a trace of Alberts / Guerra's of Bologna to the founding of Scots proper, where they say that MacAlpin of the Picts founded Scottish royalty. Nicholas de Vere traces Melusine to that transition, and I found it in Guerin de Provence, the one who lived in the time of Melissena, the real person. Drakenberg Vere's gave Melusine a MILO de Vere for a son, now suspect as code for "AEMILia" lines (I'd be surprised to find a real Milo de Vere).

First, it needs to be repeated that Shots/Shute's use a "guerre" motto term, while related Skeens use a "regia" motto term, likely for the Reges > Julius > Caiaphas line. It then needs to be repeated that Alpins use the same sword, and moreover Alpins come up as "Cappin," a variation likely from "MaCALPIN" as it was also "MaCAPPIN. In fact, entering "Appin" gets the Alpins. Melusine is called the ELVIN princess by Drakenberg Vere's, an apparent code for the "Alpin."

I've just loaded "Lapp" to get the Melusine-using Leaps/Laps, for one, but this time I read the write-up, tracing to "lapin," a rabbit. Ignoring the rabbit theme for now, it's feasible that "Lapin" can also become, L'Appin, you see, which has the potential to trace an Aemilia > Melusine line to Alpins/Appins i.e. a Lepidus bloodline in Scotland. Such a trace could be rendered coincidental, except that Drakenberg Vere's trace Melusine to the Pict-Scott transition. Besides, I had traced Sadducee lines to this very MacAlpin ruler by other methods.

It's possible that the evolution of terms went this way: Lepida > Lep > Leap > Lapp(in) > App > Appin. German Lapps (Swabia, perhaps the Caesar rose), in Apps/Abbs, Abby and Capes colors, are also "Labbe." What a mess to decipher. Yet, it can be established, I think, that Aemilia Lepida (a Caepio liner on one side) traces to the Pict-Scott transition via Guerin of Provence...whose father, they say, was William of Gellone, suspect from Julians/Gillians.

The Gellone's/Gillions use three fleur in the colors of the Barber fleur, and the latter have a couple of chevrons in the colors of the Quint chevron. Just as we're expecting the Gellone line to trace to Quintus Caepio, there we have it. Barbers were expected (about two updates ago) as Berbers in the Idris line to Guerin.

If any couple had a real son, Milo de Vere, I'm pegging them as Guerin with Melissena. However, I think "Milo" is simply code for a child by another name in a Vere line to/from MacAlpin. While Drakenberg Vere's have Melusine going from Avalon (Scotland) to Anjou, I think it may have been the other way around (Drakenberg didn't want to give too much away). The Mire's/Mireux's/Mireurs (as per the green mirror of Melusine), first found in Anjou, may have to do with "CasiMIR," but in any case, the holly that was showing for years in the Coat of these Mire's should trace to the goddess, Holle, out of the Mecklenburg theater, where I traced holly-using Maxwells.

It just so happens that the Holly surname shares the white dolphin in the Caesar Crest. Moreover, as Julius' mother was Aurelia Cotta, I traced her to Orells, who share three red roundels in a bendy direction with Hollys! This is new to me right here, discovered by following logical lines, thus tending to prove that Melusine and Holle were one and the same. Irish Hollys/Cullens (red garb) even show the Melusine mermaid in Crest. Hollys are easily pegged by their white-on-black talbot dog as Hull / Hall liners...but Ellis apply, important where mythical Endymion was from Elis (of Greece) elements.

It was found in the last update that Mile's (moline cross) and Miles' (see also Mill) were first found in the same place as Emile's/Emily's, Drake's and Josephs. We have a Mile line of the Moline's, apparently, suggesting that Aemilia Lepida became the Molle's / Moline's / Molyneux's / Moulins...and perhaps Milans and similar others. Treading cautiously here, but entertaining anything for further investigation, the end of surprises never arrives. That white footless martlet in the Mile Crest, it's used by Sadducee-suspect lines.

Mile's use their moline in colors reversed from the Molyneux moline. The latter is in the colors of the flory cross of English Hermans (and Coffins/Chafers) while French Hermans (white footless martlets) were first found in Provence. White footless martlets are shared by Livings/Levins, Saddocks, Chaddocks, and other Israeli-priest suspects. Two central white squares were pointed out late in the last update, and that's the theme also of Saddocks/Sedwicks, Chadwicks, and Chaddocks. The latter use the cross design of in the Vice/Vise Coat, which can link to Visconti's and Vis-de-Loop.

Proto-Sadducee's were traced (last update) to the Candavii mountains (lower left of map) along the Drilon river near lake Lychnidus, in the land of Dorians according to the investigation. But here we find a "CanDORE" motto term of the Chadwicks (Staffordshire, may trace to Stobi). The Sation location at Lychnidus is suspect now with proto-Sadducees.

Recalling that Siward-related Shots/Shute's are expected to go to Aemilia, let's remind that the Siward-suspect Sewer surname is listed with Shuters/Suters, and they too use a central white square, or "eSCUTcheon," as they call it in heraldry. Then, Chads use the Sched and Skit potent cross. The purpose in repeating this is to recognize that all of them, emphasized for months until now, are tracing to Aemilia Lepida. Sewers/Shuters are in Rangabe / Emily colors, and they substitute eight fitchee crosses (Quint symbol) for the eight white martlets used by the others.

The Lychnidus theater was strongly pegged with the ancestry of swan-line Ligurians, from Kikones at Sale. Smack beside Sale (mouth of the Hebros river), there is a Doriscus location shown, the likely root of the Durance river. But as the Salto flows into the Turano (i.e. like "Durance") in the land of the Marsi, that's another reason for tracing Marsi to "Maritsa," the other name of the Hebros. The point here is that, in myth, the head of Orpheus floated down the Hebros river to Lesbos, the latter island known to be founded/named by mythical Lapiths. Ixion was a Lapith, and I traced him to Kikons even before knowing of Orpheus, and even before knowing that Lapiths traced to Lesbos. For the longest time, I had no idea who Lapiths were.

Aemilia Lepida, from a Lepidus surname, was from Lapiths, wasn't she? She's been tracing to the Chagne river, as far as I'm concerned thus far, which is a Durance tributary.

There is a Lapithus location on the north side of Cyprus, and that's the island where Aphrodite's birth was appointed by myth writers. As Aphrodite traces to the Hebros river, it explains why Lapiths should trace there too. Ixion's Centaurs were traced (last update) to "Candavii," and Aphrodite's Heneti (on a Parthenius river) were traced to the neighboring Parthini region. As Caiaphas must trace to the neighboring Cavii, it appears that the Caepio-Lepidus marriage has to do with an association of peoples back in the Greco-Illyrian world, centuries BC.

On the other (east) side of lake Lychnidus, there is PELAGonia, and then one other Lapith ruler (mythical code) was PHLEGyas. Hard to say, but this could have been a line to the Flaccus > Fleck surname. Melissena Rangabe's father was TheoPHYLACtus. How about that.

This recalls the millrind of one Felix Coat (potent cross), important because Aemilia is tracing to the Mill / Mile bloodline. Both the Mills and Miles' of Hampshire (where Emily's were first found) use the millrind.

[Insert during the proof read. Rinds are the ones using so-called "gillie" flowers, and then Rinds share the gold-on-blue scallop used also by Aurelia's!!! That's new right here and now. It proves that the gillie flowers are form Julians/Gillians!!! It's linking Julians to Felix liners. Which Felix was it? The Aurelia stars are in the colors of the Italian Felix stars. It pays to proof read.]

The Felix write-up traces the surname to "happy," but this must be clever code, for there is a Happy surname, and it's the Happ/Apps/Abbs surname sharing white scallops with the Flecks/Fleggs. This therefore looks like a Lapith line of the Phlegyas kind, while the Happy's are the line back to Junia Caepio, wife of Marcus Aemilius Lepidus.

Plocks/Plugnets (Quint colors) even use footless martins in the colors of the Joseph martlets.

When you have it right, heraldry works. It's payday for me now, after some ten thousand hours on the heraldry pages, probably more. You've got to know mythology to make heraldry work. You've got to know the true, historical / geographical situations behind myths and myth codes to maximize the "benefits" of heraldry.

Marcus Aemilius Lepidus was a pro-Julian faction in support of Augustus after the murder (44 BC) of Julius Caesar; this faction kept the assassins from gaining the Roman throne. "The Second Triumvirate is the name historians give to the official political alliance of Octavian (later known as Augustus), Marcus Aemilius Lepidus, and Mark Antony, formed on 26 November 43 BC..."

It is said that Junia had only one child with Lepidus. Whose child was it really, Lepidus' or Caesars? This child, and his mother, tried to assassinate Augustus. Yet, Lepidus was pro-Augustus. What hope did the child (Marcus Aemilius Lepidus the younger) have in securing the Roman throne if his own father was opposed to the assassination? The question is posed, actually, under the circumstance that he was a son of Julius Caesar, and thus stood to gain the throne with Augustus (adopted son of Julius) dead. Wikipedia mentions that Junia Caepio was offered to Julius Caesar for a sex toy by her own mother. Lydian bloodliners were quite that immoral.

Lydians offered their daughters as temple prostitutes. I've read that. It truly brings to mind the Revelation-17 harlot sitting on the seven hills of Rome, wearing the Roman purple, and holding a grail in her hand filled with abominations. If the Writer of Revelation knew that the line to Caiaphas was that of Aemilia Lepidus (daughter of Lepidus the younger above), and that her line would wield the cup symbol that we see in the Emily Coat, then the Revelation-17 symbolism is well-explained, and moreover it speaks to Caiaphas as much as it does to the Romans with whom he plotted to kill Jesus.

It was only after writing the above that I went to the Block/Bloggs surname, for I have linked it in the past to Plocks/Plugnets. If you were half-convinced that Plocks were a line of Lapiths > Lepidus' to Joseph Caiaphas, see now that Blocks were first found in the same place (Wiltshire) as Leaps/Laps, AND ZOWIE, after the Coat loaded, there was a tree stump in brown, shared by the Crest of Lawrie's/Lowrie's, the latter using a white grail (color of the Emily grail)! The Block roses are even in Emily-grail colors. [Later in the update, the brown tree stump of Rodhams will be linked to the same of WATsons in a new discussion centered on Pollocks that traces Peter Pollock in multiple ways, undeniably, to Julius Caesar. Don't miss it.]

Lawrie's have a split Shield in the colors of the Kaplans and Gardners, and the latter use a giant white scallop, the color of the Happy / Fleck scallops.

Here's the Lowry/Glory/Lavery cup. I'm going to speak on this for a moment. I've been seeking the reason for the Labrador species of dog that heraldry calls a "talbot." Here we find that Lowry's are traced to "Labraidh." I'm seeing a Lapith-liner suffixed with "er," such as "Lapper," explaining the Lavery variation. The "semper" motto term (of Lowry's) suggests a L'viv liner, and then the following was pointed out in the last update: "German Leo's...may be using a version of the Tall Coat, a surname linking to the Talbots..."

Now, compare "Lev / L'viv" to "LOWry." Can this indicate that L'viv was founded by the Lepidus family? Did Lepidus lines use a lion as to explain Leo of L'viv? I can tell you this, Lydians had a "Lydian lion" with a sunburst on the forehead in honor of Attis, the Phrygian sun god who gave birth to Lydians. Moreover, the lion was a symbol of Kybele, the Great Mother goddess and wife of Attis. Kybele was the Revelation harlot, "Babylon the Great Mother of Abominations." Right? She was the mother of Lydians > Latins. But proto-Lydians were Luwians, and "lew" meant "lion."

The curiosity is that the Leo's above show a PYRZEWski variation, and so a look at the Press surname seemed warranted, finding that it's also "Priest'" In the Crest is a footless martlet in black, the color of the Joseph and Plock martlet. As Plocks/Plugnets are suspect with the Phlegyas-branch Lapiths, let's mention that Lesbos, with a mount LEPETymnos, is off of what was once the Lydian coast. The Press/Priest Coat has a black Shield, the color of the Lowry Shield. The Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Press'/Priests is that of Tanners (shares Moor heads with Chappes'), and "the tanner" of Falaise was the root of the Moline founders of L'viv...where Lapith-suspect Lowrys are tracing.

Moline ancestry also includes Garlande's, who share a white-on-red upright lion with Prize's/Price's, a term that's closer to "PYRZEWski" than "Press." It just so happens that the Prize/Price motto includes "gloria," probably for the Glory variation of Lowrys. How about that.

Plus, the lion in the Prize/Price Crest is said to hold a "a rose sprig," code for the "sprig of broom" used as a symbol by Plantagenets (red rose), first found in the same place (London) as Capes'. Plantagenets were Fulks (of Anjou), likely a branch of Plocks/Plugnets and the like, but then "Fulk" brings to mind "(Theo)PHYLACtus" and "Felix." The Brooms (in Press/Priest colors), said to be from the Plantagenet sprig of broom, use the ears-of-wheat design of Chappes'/Chaips...which is why the Capes' were just singled out from all families that may have been first found in London.

Very likely, the Drakenberg Vere's were pointing secretly to Fulks of Anjou with their Milo-de-Vere code. The father of the Fulks was one Ingelger, and then Ingle's/Ingolls (two chevrons colors reversed from Broom chevron) use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Press'/Priests in colors reversed. The lion in the Ingle/Ingoll Chief is the white one in the Italian Leo Chief. Ingelger pre-dated Leo of L'viv by centuries. There is some heraldic cause here to trace Tanners back in time to Ingelger. English Ingle's are traced to "dePRESSion" har-har. The cloud in the Ingle/Ingoll Crest may go to Nephele, wife of Ixion (the Lapith).

Of further interest, Ingers (three arrows in Felix colors) are listed with ENDers, like mythical ENDymion. Inger is the name of the known husband of Melissena Rangabe, and she traces well to Miletus, the Endymion entity. As I said, Endymion's ancestry is said to be in Elis of Greece.

Presleys/Priestly's were first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Scottish Ingle's (use the same Coat as the English counterpart). English Ingle's were first found in Huntingdon (smacks of the Henter variation of Ingers/Enders), smack beside Cambridge, where Caesars and Capone's were first found. This is where it gets interesting.

On the other side of Cambridge from Huntingdon, there is Colchester, the old CAMULodunum to which I trace KEMUEL, Hebrew son of Nahor. Cambridge is on the Cam river that was probably named by Camulus, a god of the Gauls. The thought crossed my mind, earlier in this update, that "Aemilia" may have been from "Kemuel." And here I am tracing Lapiths to the Cam-river area. For those who don't know, "Phlegyas" and "Pelagonia" smack of Peleg, son of Eber, the father of all Hebrews.

The write-up for French Plantagenets says that their name derives in a Planques location (Normandy), a term not far from "Phlegyas." German Planks show the common lion (used by Ferrari's) seen in this L'viv discussion. And lo: English Planks were first found in the same place as Leaps/Laps! I didn't know that when starting this paragraph. It looks like Phlegyas Lapiths were in Wiltshire.

One needs to trace the chief priests of Israel from about 70 AD in northern Israel, at Ferrara, through the Ferrari's to Ingelger and the Plantagenets (born from Fulk V of Anjou, king of Templar Jerusalem). And here we just saw the Ferrari lion in the Planks, and at Wiltshire, exactly where I had traced the Morte's/Motts > Mortons, from 70 AD onwards. These are Maccabee liners, but why did they find themselves in Wiltshire? German Wilts/Wilders share the oak tree with French Plantagenets (may or may not be coincidental).

Bus', using the cinquefoil of Kemuel-suspect Hameltons, were first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Fulke's/Folks (use the Belgian-Fleck Coat), said to be from Fulk III of Anjou. How about that. Buz was Kemuel's brother.

Bristol is beside Wiltshire, and then the Bristol surname uses two "bus" terms buried in its motto. Avon is beside Bristol, and then Avons/Evens (Herefordshire) again use a lion in the colors of the Ferrari lion. The Avon lion is the Gate lion, and therefore to be lumped with Haskins (Herefordshire) and Heskins, who should trace with Gate's to the Chagne area.

There were Romans, and then there were Hebraic Romans, probably from the Iberi Caucasians.

Familiarity with the Durance Theater

I've been looking at the locations around Guillestre, noting that others use the white-on-blue cross of Guillestre. That cross must belong to a region / province of that area. Here's the Arms of Chorges, with hearts that will later go to Lanarkshire for a Larino reason. "The name Chorges derives from Latin Catorimagus, itself coming from the Alpine tribe of the Caturiges in the ancient Roman province of Alpes Maritimae." The Arms of Chorges uses an enGRAILed chevron (rare in locality Arms) in the colors of the Chanut/Chenu chevron.

The CATORiges could be from Keturah of Hebron, for I've just learned that there is an Eburodunum location in the Caturiges sphere. Already, the family of Childeric, whom I've traced to the Hebron/Hepburn Coat, as well as to Salyes Ligures, is coming to mind. To find a line of the Biblical Abraham in the area where Caesar and Caiaphas are tracing is as rich as the number of all the stars. Too bad for Caiaphas that these stars must all fall, for replacement by a new set of stars all following a risen Jesus. We can't wait to see Caiaphas' face when they meet again at the second resurrection.

The Caturiges were a Gallic tribe in the ancient Roman province of Alpes Maritimae, at first located on the Druentia river (modern Durance), towards its source, west of Vapincum (modern Gap), but later extending into Viennensis and Narbonensis. Their capital was Catorimagus...(modern Chorges), situated between Dea Vocontiorum (modern Die) and Eburodunum (modern Embrun). The tribal name is derived from the theonym Caturix, a Gallic war god who was identified with Mars in Gallo-Roman religion.

I think there is good cause there to trace the Marsi of the Salto and Turano rivers (Abruzzo) to the Salyes on the Durance. I think this indicates that Caturiges may have been from Abruzzo too. This is the line that was predicted to furnish the family of Annas. But later, the lion of the Primo/Primeau surname links well to the Burgo / Bergen family, terms that jibe with "Abruzzo and Eburo(dunum), and it just so happens that the Primo/Primeau lion is in the colors of the Abreu/Abruzzo lion. This indicates a fundamental link of the Primo bloodline to the Arms of Normandy. At first, in what's to come below, the Primo surname was only a hunch in linking to Junia Caepio Prima, but as the work got on, it became very convincing.

There is a Chieti location near Pescara in Abruzzo that may apply to Caturiges, for the Catter surname uses fish, a possible allusion to the Pescara river, where there is a Sulmona location jibing with the Salmon and SALEman surnames. The latter uses the same bend as Sale's. Again, the Cutter Coat has a Shield-and-Chief color combination in colors reversed to Saluzzo's, and Bush's (from Busca, beside Saluzzo) share the gold-on-black eagles of Salemans. The black Bush boar is suspect with "Eburo," but then Porcia's use the black boar too. By some cosmic coincidence, I found, after writing the above, that Salemans are traced in their write-up to CATERham!!! That's in Surrey.

I'm writing here during the proof read. There's much written below. Much later, the Caepio line from Junia Caepio Secunda through of Aemilia Lepida goes to the Hagels and Hagans, with the finding that one of the Hagel surnames uses the Lapin Coat, a term that will be linked to "Lepida." The Hagels and Lapins use upside-down chevrons, as do Chanuts/Chenu's. German Hagels have been traced to Kyburg, beside Zurich, where the Surrey/Surrich surname is traced. Also, a little later, the Velis surname will be linked to the Gap area in the Wikipedia quote above, wherefore I'll add here that the Hagel eagle is identical to the Velis eagle while the Velis crosslets are the Julian cross.

Just learned in the proof read, that the Arms of Gap is a gold-on-blue castle, the symbol of Clan Chattan!!! Chattans show a Chatto variation. The paragraph below is NOT part of the proof read.

Porcius Cato, who grew up in Abruzzo, had traced to Blois, and has always been suspect with Keturah lines in mythical Ceto. It's something to keep in mind, for "Eber" means "boar" to Germanics, and so one may expect the namers of Eburodunum to use a boar symbol...which is what Porcia's use, in the colors of the bear of Ristolo.

Could the Arthur "rest" apply at Ristolo? Were Aristobulus elements here? As Aristobulus was a Maccabee line, what about the hammer in the paws of what might be the two-tailed Montfort lion in the Arms of Martigny? This was (under another name) the chief city of the Veragri (Caesar's time). The Ordovices to which I traced Arthurs are said to be named after the hammer. There will be much more on the Veragri later in this update; they become suspect with Mon(t)ferrat, a term that is probably identical to Monforte / Montfort. Were the Veragri proto-Ferrari's? Does the Wallace/Wallis lion, in the colors of the Martigny lion, trace to Martigny? Apparently so, for Martigny is in Wallis canton. Yes, the Veragri lived in Wallis canton near Sion/Sitten.

As I trace Marsi to the Marici on the TICINO, compare with MarTIGNY. Does this trace the Laevi on the Ticino to the brink of Sion?

There is a Ferrat location in the Veragri theater, the latter being between the St Bernard Pass and lake Geneva. The Martigny article says: "...Poeninus (now known as the Great St. Bernard)..." Poeni = Phoenicians? "Poeni" to the Romans were Phoenicians of Carthage. Another Wikipedia article says: "Alpes Poeninae, also known as Alpes Graiae..." Were Carthaginians way up near Geneva? Why do Walsh's, one branch of which uses a swan, show a "numine" motto term?

The Grey surname uses the same lion (same colors too) as Wallace's, and yet I've traced Greys to the north-African Graeae Amazons, what are expected as proto-Maccabees. An early Groy surname in the Grey write-up is said to be from Chillingham, where the same-colored Hebrons/Hepburns were first from. I had traced AULUS Terentius Varro Murena to Walsh's and Walsers (two-tailed Melusine) at Wallis canton, and so let's re-mention that the Tarent/Taran Coat is a version of the Chill/Child Coat, the latter using the Hebron/Hepburn chevron for obvious, Chillingham reason. The Trents use a split Shield in colors reversed to the same of Wallis canton and Sion.

Later, it becomes very evident that Aemilia Lepida leads to mythical Melusine, and so I'll mention here that there is a red-on-white, spread eagle inside the upside-down Lapin chevron. Not only is the Lapin eagle in the colors of the spread Tarent eagles, but the upside-down theme is in the wings of the Geneva surname. Therefore, I am convinced, here in the proof read, thanks to what comes below, that the Junia Caepio line went to Sion. It's absolutely staggering that heraldry can reveal this. The Leaps/Lapps (Melusine) are said to be from "lapin" = "rabbit" har-har. Yes, from Lapins, but har-har to the rabbit.

Let's repeat here that Leaps/Lapps were first found in the same place (Wiltshire) to which I traced the Morte/Mott Maccabees, and where the Mortons were first found that are honored in the Walsh motto. It adds to the evidence for a Lepida trace to Wallis canton. I don't mean to spoil surprises, but as we are on the Eburodunum location, I'll say here that, much later, the Morte/Mott and Alexander crescent is found in a Burgen surname while other Burgen surnames show the lion of the Primo Coat. This is simply to say that we can expect the Caepio line in the Eburodunum location amid the land of Caturiges. It's suggesting that Caepio's were from Abraham and Keturah's Hebron-ites.

Eburodunum smacks of the Eburovices in Brescia as the proto-Bruces, and I have it on God's word that the blue lion of Brescia is part of the Caepio / Caiaphas bloodline. I claim that Eburovices, as "Ebroicum," named Eboracum (York), said to be named after a boar. Yorkshire is where Bruce's were first found. Eburodunum is within a larger area of Gap, where one also finds Orcierres, using a bear on a Shield in the colors of the Irish-Arthur Shield. I've been claiming for years that the Arthur Coat is used by Wayne's (no profound "discovery"), and here I now find a canton of Veynes in Gap! The Arms of the Veynes municipality is in the colors of the Wayne Coat!

That is huge for tracing Arthurs to the Guillestre area, and if the Arthurian cult traces here, so must many other Brit peoples. It had become suspect that the Welsh Cimmerians (members of the Briton family) traced to the Arc river, and so let's remind that the Greek-myth bear was "Arcas," similar to "ORCierres."

Scottish Arthurs use a "pelican in her piety," but the Wayne pelican is not described that way. The piety term is a code for Pollock elements, and, later, unbelievably enough, Peter Pollock will trace, undeniably, with Arthurs, smack to the front doormat of Julius Caesar.

The Hebrews that have always been suspect in the Arthurian cult are now beginning to figure as Eburovices and those that formed Caiaphas, right? As Berwickshire, using the bear too, is where Arthurs were first found, it tends to reason for Eburovices behind "BERwick." Bernicians can be likewise traced to Eburodunum, and, for that matter, if it was correct to trace "Bryneich" (country of Bernicians) to "Brunswick," the Alan-Visconti line to Brunswick-Luneburg is also coming to mind.

Here's the Veynes Coat (Macey gauntlet gloves, shared by Wayne's), a surname first found in Monmouthshire (Wales), where one prolific writer of Arthurian myths came from. The Magor location at Monmouth is suspect with the "mago" motto term of Josephs. This Magor location is an excellent argument for clinching the Ulmans as a line from mythical Almos, founder of the Arpad Magyars, for the Ulman and Monmouth lions are of identical design. The English Stewarts showed that lion design until 2012, which may explain the ChepSTOW location near Magor. Later, the Ulman lion, quite rare in my hunts, will pop up in the family of the first Pollocks, in the Murthes surname that will seem linkable to Murtons/Myrtons, a line of the Melusine (i.e. Lepida) mirror to Mortons. It's all very Vein.

I was on the Chepstow topic in the past, when tracing the Chep/Jappa/Jabach surname to Jabesh Gilead of the 600 ancient Benjamites. I was sure of that trace because the Chep/Jabach Coat shows a two-headed eagle while it was found certain by various means that Jabesh-ites named Jupiter, the chief Roman god. Other factors discovered that the Benjamite-Jabesh merger founded the Romans (though other elements were involved), I am now finding Hebrews at the Guillestre theater, and moreover the Arms of Guillestre is likewise a black two-headed eagle! Therefore, very safe to say, Masonry-pertinent peoples of the Guillestre theater moved to Monmouth...opposite/around the Bristol channel from the Wiltshire theater. Japodes were beside the Una river that named Juno, the line to the Junius family that named the Junia Caepio's.

Understand what this means. "MonMOUTH" is likely named after the Hasmonean elements of the Motts, and these trace to Modi'in, Israeli home of Hasmoneans. Modi'in traces to Modon/Methoni (Greece), which was mythically made a daughter of Oeneus, which just happens to be the alternative name of the Una river. Therefore, not only the Caepio's, but the Hasmoneans, were from the Una river. The sense is that the Israeli priesthood goes back to the Jabesh-Benjamite merger. Then, put that together with a trace to Lapiths before naming the Lepidus surname, and it seems that Aemilia Lepida was a Benjamite-Jabesh line. Was Gap, therefore, named after "Japode."

The Gap term smacks of CHEPstow. Wikipedia on Gap: "Originally founded by the Gauls, the Roman emperor Augustus seized the town in 14 BC and renamed it Vapincum." It doesn't say what the name was prior to "Vapincum." Perhaps "Pepin" applies. Papins were first found in the same place (Maine) as French Josephs, where the Walsh's traced, and so the Walsh swan was equated with the French-Joseph swan (no longer shown). I am not familiar with the Papin surname; it uses a giant "plate," in the colors of the Emily cups. Emily's are the ones first found in the same place as English Josephs, the one's with the "mago" motto term tracing well to the Chepstow theater. This makes "Gap" suspect with "Caepio," though this is too hasty. The Papin plate has "raisin seeds."

I should remind that, while the Marsi / Marici are tracing to Eburodunum, the Pepins were traced to Papia/Pavia on the Ticino. But Pepin of Landen was traced back to queen Bebba of the Babbenburg Bernicians, a Melusine entity! It looks very good for an Aemilia trace to Gap where that place was a proto-Papin location. The Papin plate is in the colors of the Pilate pheons, and of the Plate surname, first found in the same place (Lancashire) as Raisons/Rainfords (probably the Sinclair cross). The latter are said to be from a Rander location of Denmark, and that makes the lion of the Rands suspect with the Primo/Primeau lion.

The reason that the Joseph motto can be involved at Magor is that the Chep/Jabach Coat uses a white-on-blue Zionist star, the color of the Vlad Zionist star, while the same Joseph motto uses "wlad." It's very possibly here, since I trace Alans of Dol to "Doly" on the Ukraine-Polish border region, for the Flaad character of Dol -- ancestor of Stewarts -- to descend from, or be named after, Wladislaw Herman of Poland. That can easily explain why Eschyna de Molle, wife of a Dol-liner Alan, and mother of the royal Stewarts, traces with Moline's to the founding of L'viv.

To put it another way, the Varangians of Kiev, from whom Wladislaw was named, were closely related to the proto-Alan raven vikings in the Siward line from Mieszko's to Cnut. "Blatand" may have been named after "Wlad." If correct, it doesn't necessarily discredit a "Blatand" trace to "Bylazora" (Paeonian theater). Note that the Blaze Coat uses a chief with two symbols of the Josephs, as well as a black pirate saltire (linkable to the Sinclair cross and the raven of the Raisons/Rainfords). Blade's/Blate's (smack of Plate's) are in the colors of Ukrainian Romans, and both the Blade's and Blaze's were first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as the Eburovices...namers of Yorkshire's Bruce's, the ones that the Eschyna-Alan line married for ascending the Scottish throne.

As Pilate's (no doubt in the Blade/Blate pheons) were traced to Pylos, beside Modon/Methoni, there's a good chance that "Pylos" was a line to BYLAZora, especially as I traced mythical Aegyptus i.e. brother Danaus and son of Belas/BELUS) as proto-Gypsies to Methoni. In other words, Pontius Pilate looks to be from Bylazora's Paeonians, and somehow this lot got up to the Gap / Eburodunum theater. It just so happens that the Benjamite-Jabesh merger was traced back in time to Tanis, at PELUSium. Expect proto-Danes of the raven kind at the Gap theater, and, I think, that where the Veragri come in as potential proto-Varni > Varangians. The roses used by Caesars are likely traceable to "Rus."

I have just loaded the Russian Romanov surname for the first time so far as I can recall. I didn't see it until the above was finished. Eschyna de Molle was also "de Londonis," linked to the Lundys with certainty. She with her husband were from lines in Picardy, and the Picards use blue-and-white gyronny (traces to the Arms of Gironde, good reason to trace Gerunium of Italy to the naming of Gironde), the colors of a similar pattern of London-branch Lundys.

It's important to clinch a Moline trace to L'viv's founding. Moline's are also Mills, and this evokes Milo de Vere, a Melusine liner. In short, Molle's and Moline's, and Jacques de Molay, should prove to be from Aemilia Lepida as she developed into Melusine. It's important because Jacques was a grand master of the Templars, and should therefore trace by blood to the first grand master, Hugh de Payens, a Paeoni suspect that married the Chappes', the latter suspect with Caepio's. Expect Molle elements at the Gap theater. As Mills and similar other use millRINDs, let's repeat from above that Rands were accessed from Gap- / Vapincum-suspect Papins, wherefore Rinds ("gillie" symbol) may apply. Rinds use a FragRANTior" motto term, and, it then the Rind scallops are in the colors of the Aurelia scallop, suggesting on two counts that Rinds trace to the Aurelia Cotta, mother of Julius Caesar.

As Papins are suspect with Pepins from "Apepi," a Hyksos ruler, let's repeat that "Payen/Pagan" is suspect from "Apachnas," a Hyksos ruler. Moreover, I say that Pepins trace to Paphlagonian Heneti, where Aphrodite traces that traces forward to the Eburovices. Therefore, the Hebraic Hyksos (sheer Aphrodite liners) were at Gap, it's likely founders. Later, the Kennedy motto will bring up the Lafins, suspect with "Lapin," and so lets mention up front that "Kennedy"' was traced to "Heneti," and moreover the Kennedy Crest shares a dolphin with the Caesar Crest.

As Reagans likewise use the dolphin, why did the actor, Ronald Reagan, play "The Gipper," while the Raisons/Rainfords/RAYNfords were just accessed from the Papin Coat? "Raines" are said to be from "Ragin."

The Zionist star in the Chep/Jabach Coat is central, like the blue leopard face in the Jefferson/JEPHson Coat, which is why I traced Jeffersons (Herefordshire) to Chepstow and other parts of Monmouth. Monmouths were first found in Herefordshire too. Jeffersons are also Geoffrey's, and so they likely named Geoffrey of Monmouth (the prolific Arthurian-myth writer). The Jefferson griffins were traced to the Griffin/Griffith surnames before knowing that the latter were Mieszko kin. The Russian Romanovs use the same style griffin as Griffins, Jeffersons, Wills, and Scots, all major players in the Caesar>Caiaphas bloodline. The Jefferson leopard and besants were linked to the York surname, and to York-Rite Masonry.

Jeffersons share a blue griffin in Crest with the Quillian/Killin Crest, the latter being the surname using the white Roman(ov) wolf. Gores/Core's and Gowers/Gore's, who trace to Servitium = the Japodes theater, use the white wolf in their Crests. Later, it comes to my attention that white Crests might just be reserved for Caesar liners, and Gore's are without doubt a line of Servilia Caepio with Julius Caesar. I'm wondering whether "Gore/Core" may trace to "Chorges," location of the namers of Eburodunum, for the Breuci lived at Servitium (near the mouth of Juno's river).

As I trace the Velis Coat to Julians/Gillians, compare the Velis Coat to that of Gapps/Gape's/Gaips...who might just trace, therefore, to the arrondissment of Gap. The lion design of Gapps/Gaips is in one Bruce Crest.

Might the Gaips be a branch of Kaips/Kaipff's? The latter are highly suspect as Chappes liners, and then the Koops/Kope's are the ones using grails in the colors of the same of Emily's. I'm looking to find an Emily trace to Chagne / Guillestre, and here we are finding one already...if Gaips were a branch of Kaips. The Gap location is about 20 miles west of Embrun, and the latter is about 10 miles downstream on the Durance from Guillestre. However, the Vapincum name of Gap is troubling for a "Caepio" trace to "Gap." I need to know what Vapincum was before 14 BC. Caiaphas was born around 20 BC. Might Vapincum have been something like, Capinum, as in "Caepionis"?

As the Eburodunum entity is expected at Provence, where MacAlpin was traced, it's interesting that "Kapp" gets the Alpins/Cappins. You just saw the "vair fur" of the Gapp/Gaip Coat, and then the Kapps/Alpins/Cappins use a FIR tree. The Gapp/Gaip fur is in the colors of the Quint fur. Flemings, who use the Roman / Quillian wolf design (almost, but not quite the Kaip wolf), likewise use vair fur. Flemings are part of the Julian/Gillian flame symbol, and while Douglas' are Flemings, the Douglas heart is tracing tentatively to the hearts in the Arms of Chorges.

If the Arthur-suspect Orcierres location named Orkney, it should be noted that "Chorges" smacks of "Orkney" too. The Arthur "rests" look like a piano or ORGAN from a top view, a term like "ORKNey." It's begging the question of whether Orcierres was named after the same that named the Orco river at Chivasso. For what it might be worth in tracing to Gap, the Gipps/Gibbs use the Chives leopard in the same black color. The Gipp/Gibbs axes might therefore be a Hyksos symbol.

In myth, JJ Tolkien had a Melkor, evil dude, ally of the Orcs, whom I traced to Orchomenos Boiotians on the Argo ship because Meleager and his wife, Atalanta, were also on the ship, symbols of far-west migrations. I identified "Melkor" with "Meleager," and while the latter is viewed by me as a Mele-Ager term, it smacks of the makings of "AEMILia"...honey terms, I gather, from Melia of Boiotia (location of Orchomenos). Meleager and Atalanta (rulers of Calydon) killed a Calydonian boar that I trace to Caledonian Picts, who probably held Orkney for some time. [Later, Caledonians are discussed in a possible trace to "Cularo," on a Drac river, where Aemilia traces in many ways. This Drac is part of the Gap theater]

There are more bears in the Gap area, this time in the Arms of Les Orres. The bear heads are reflective of the same in the Mackay Coat, important because Veynes are a Mackay sept. The Veynes location is about 15 wiles west of Gap. This is excellent, for the Mackay bears are used by Alis' who in-turn use a version of the Kapp/Alpin/Cappin Coat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is so very huge for tracing Alpins (founders of Scots, yes) to Gap. There had been a question as to whether the surname was initially "Appin" rather than "Alpin," and whether the "lapin" term in the Leap/Lap write-up applies.

Then, ZOWIE, the Irish Mackays have a branch using wolf heads, and the design is that in the wolf heads of Kaips/Kaipff's!!! I smelled it, my friends, with my wet nose, that Kaips named Gap, and here we are. There seems to be little doubt that the Chappes' and Chappes'/CHAIPs trace to Gap and to the Gapp/GAIP surname. BIG KEY. But, perhaps, the proto-Chappes line did not trace to Gap until after 70 AD. It's too early to tell. The possibility is that Caiaphas traces to the Apepi Hyksos.

Lets ask why the Mackay wolves have chains at their necks, for, the Chaine's/Chenays/Chesneys (Masci wing until recently) just traced to the Chagne river, and here we are at Gap, just a dog walk from that river. The "Licentiam" motto term of the wolf-using Mackays can trace to lake Lychnitis...suspect with proto-Ligurians. The Pendragon cult had traced to Penestae near Lychnidus, and here we are finding Pendragon elements at the Gap theater. All sorts of Masonic secrets can come spilling out now.

If the namers of Les Orres go to the Orrs and Orrels, it should go also to Aurelia Cotta. The fesse in the Arms of Les Orres is in the colors of the Alan fesse (colors reversed from the Gore fesse), and then Stewarts moved out of Shropshire, and into Renfrew, where Orrs were first found. Perhaps "Gore" and "Orr" are identical stock. Les Orres, by the way, is in the canton of Embrun.

Caesars mother was "Aurelia Cotta, a member of the Aurelii and Rutilii families." French Aurels (Auvergne) are also "Orelle," and they share gold-on-blue stars with French Julians, French Alans, and French Gore's. Their Haurelle and Horell variations smack of the Herls/Hurls and Herods/Hurls. Herls/Hurls use ducks, a symbol showing with French Alans until they were replaced by footless martins (in the same colors as their ducks). The fesse of Herls/Hurls is in the gold color of the Herod/Hurl, and in both colors of the Hurt fesse, and then Irish Arthurs, the one's in the colors of the Arms of Orcierres, use "hurts" with their "rests."

Very apparently, Arthurs trace to Aurelia Cotta, and this does not discredit my trace of Arthurs to "Ardea" at Rome, for the Rutuli (namers of the Rutilii family, I assume) were at Ardea. The latter city is where Aphrodite first appeared in Italy, and she was a Hebros-river Hebrew peoples that can thus trace to the namers of Embrun/Eburodunum. Her husband, Hephaestus, was identified with "Ephesus," suspect from "Jabesh," an entity now tracing to Chepstow, while the Monmouth area around Chepstow had the Arthur-related Veyne's. It's another reason for tracing "Chepstow" to "Gap." Cheps are also "Jappin," too much like "Vapin" to ignore. There is a Yap surname said to be from "geap." It was first found in the same place (West Midlands) as a Dudley location sharing the salamander-in-flames with Julians/Gillians. The Dudley lions are blue.

The Shield-and-Chief color combination in the Arms of Orcierres is that also of the Mens surname ("Vil" motto term), and then there's a Mens location about 20 miles north of Veynes, and about the same distance west of Orcierres.

The pointed crown in the Arms of Orcierres is like that of MacArthurs / Kapps/Alpins, though the latter two chose five points instead of three. As you must know, the Arthurian cult was infatuated with a "holy grail." Then, the Kapps/Alpins, who just traced strongly to "Gap," location of Orcierres, are now suspect with the line to grail-suspect Aemilia Lepida. Is that not a little remarkable since the trace was made before finding Gap / Orcierres, and before starting this section?

The Orr Chief is in Quint colors, and shares a fitchee cross with the Quint surname. Then, to top it off, the Orr Crest is a cornuCOPIA. So, you see, Masons know/knew exactly where surnames trace, not just the locations, but the Roman entities/surnames behind them. The above tends to clinch, for the first time really, that Quints are from Quintus Caepio. The fact that the Quint fitchee is held by a BLACK lion's paw can now go to the black lions in Gapp/Gaip Coat. Both the latter and the Quints use gold Shields. Levi's and Capua's/Capone's likewise use black lions. Yet, that Vapincum term is bothersome for a Caepio trace to "Gap."

Quints were first found in the same place as Gore's, the ones using what looks like the Engain/Gagne Coat, suggesting a Gore trace to the Chagne river. The Gore crosslet is in the gold color of the Quint crosslet. Gore's are colors reversed from Quints. Gore's use a fesse deliberately in colors reversed from the Alan fesse, telling that Alans trace to Quintus Caepio too. Therefore, as Quintus Caepio is tracing exactly to where Julians/Gillians are tracing, we could be on a bloodline from the product of Julius with Servilia Caepionis.

I could prove wrong in tracing the Orr / Orrell torteaux to a Toreatae peoples, kin of Sittaceni. The torteaux may be code instead for "Tertia." It's a very compelling idea. However, I don't relish being confused. If Caiaphas was from Junia Caepio Tertia, then he wasn't from Aemila Lepida. Which Junia was the g-grandmother of Caiaphas? It doesn't seem likely that "Tertia" trace to "Tuttle/Toothill," but it is interesting that "TURTle" is a listed variation while the surname was first found in the same place as Quints and Gore's. The Turtle/Tuttle chevron is in the colors of the same in the Arms of DUDLey, a Tuttle-like term. Therefore, Tuttle's, for whatever reason, are tracing to the doormat of Julius Caesar.

The black leopard in the Turtle/Tuttle Crest was just seen in the Gipp/Gibb Crest! Again, the Caiaphas-liner Chives use it. If Tuttle's and Dudleys trace to Junia Tertia, then the Toots/Touts and Oliphants are expected to as well. This doesn't necessarily need to mean that "Tuttle / Dudley" traces to "Tertia." The Turtle variation may have developed as play on "Tertia." The point is that Tuttle's have just been discovered as yet another Julius-Caepio line. Toots and similar others were traced very well to king-Tut and Akhenaten lines.

Tuttle's are a porphyria line, and while I traced that "purple (genetic) disease" to Varangian Rus, lets not forget that Caesars use two sets of roses. Pollocks are another porphyria line, and they will trace to Julius' doormat too.

Of some interest, the Second surname (quartered Shield) is listed with Seager-like surnames. If this surname links to Segni's, and if "Segni" traces to "Chagne," then it's more evidence that the line of Aemilia Lepidus was at the Chagne river. Entering Primo (from Cote-d'OR) gets another quartered Shield, as well as a mirror (!), important where Aemilia traced to Melusine. The lion design of Primo's/Primeau's is that in the Gapp/Gaip Coat!!! Suddenly, it seems there is heraldry for both Junia Prima and Junia Secunda.

There is no Tert surname coming up, but "Tart" is listed with Darts using flames in Crest, easily linkable to the salamander-in-flames of Julians/Gillians. Pollocks use a boar shot through with a "dart." Darts/Tarts even share a canton square with Touts/Toots! Fullers, in Dart/Tart colors, use a canton in the red color of the Tout canton. Cantons/Gandens, who look like Washingtons in colors reversed, were first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Touts/Toots.

The Prime's use a human leg, perhaps code for Ligurians. They are traced ridiculously to "prim = delicate," which can only be code for Dells and Cate's together. English Dells were first found in the same place (Sussex) as Prime's. Dells use a gold garb issuing from a cloud, suggesting Nephele, wife of Lapiths, as they lead to the Joseph garb. The small red saltire of the Dells goes to Candys, suspect from Ixion's Centaurs, thus tending to clinch a Lapith theme in regards to the three Junia's. The Dell saltire is on a black-on-white lion, the colors of the Candida lion. The Cantons seem to relate to this Ixion entity...which I've traced to Hyksos.

German Dells use the bend in the colors of the Scroll/Scope/Scope bend, important because the owl in the Prime Crest has a scroll in its mouth. The Dell bend is in the colors of the Jacques-de-Molay bend, and then the Arms of Jacques de Molay share a patee cross with Primo's/Primeau's. Plus, the breast of Jacques de Molay, at his Wikipedia article, shows a moline cross, symbol of the Cate's/Cats (in the colors of Porci's). Moline's were first found in DARTington! If Darts/Tarts trace to Junia Tertia, that should explain why Moline's and Chives' share a black moline cross. It was the TURTle's/Tuttle's/Toothills that were seen using the Chives leopard. This all looks very promising.

Aha! The other Toothills were first found in the same place as Julians/Gillians and Capone's!!! PLUS, the Chapmans were first found in the same place, while they use the Toot/Tout crescent, apparently now. Note that the solid Chapman chevron is in color reversed from the solid Lapins chevron!!! Lapins were first found in Cantii-founded Kent, and then Ixion was a Lapith, seemingly clinching a Lapith ancestry for Lapins. Anything you read on Lapins, until very late in this update (will probably be pushed to next week's update), is an insert during the proof read. I wasn't going to do a proof read this time, but they always find new keys of great importance.

Again, the Hagels use the Lapin chevron in colors reversed, meaning that the Chapman and Hagel chevrons are both solid and in the same colors. I'll now need to spoil another surprise by telling that the Hagans, who apparently show the Hagel / Lapin chevron in one quarter, are using quarters in colors reversed to the Primo quarters. Just take out your magnifying glass and try to discover the two objects above the chevron in the first quarter of the Hagan Coat. Don't spill your coffee.

Perhaps you missed it, but the LEG-using Dells are tracing to the Candavii mountains near lake LYCHnidis, where there is a Satia location. I am still banking on "Cato" having to do with a proto-Sadducee term, and perhaps "Satia" is it. The Cate's/Cats, that is, may be the Satia elements that named Porcius Cato. The Bergs / Burgs / Borgia's, who were suspect from "Porcia," use a moline cross in their French branch, and it's colors reversed from the Cate/Cat moline. Reminder: the Chatto/Chattan surname uses a castle in the colors of the same in the Arms of Gap.

The Suty and Sudy surnames (5th update in January) have just been recalled (one of which shares a "hazard" motto term with Seatons). Both of them use a black-on-gold lion, but the Sudy's (Fife) are using it in the design and colors of the Gapp/Gaip lions!!! Therefore, Seaton liners are possibly tracing, as expected, to the Caepio line. It's getting a lot harder for skeptics to deny that Caepio's were of Caiaphas. The more that Sadducee-like terms are clinched in traces to Caepio's and the like, the less one needs to doubt.

Sudy's share a tiger with Medleys, the latter first found in the same place as Prime's and Dells. The doubled-up bars of Medleys betray their link to Mauds and Monmouths. All three surnames use doubled-up horizontal bars in black-on-white. The more that Caepio elements trace to Modi'in-suspect terms, the less one needs to doubt. In this case, it's the Suty-related Sudys who are tracing to Medleys and Mauds, and as Suty's use "HAZard," I can see HAS-Mon-eans, especially with MONmouths being related to this mix.

Also in the 5th update of January, the Gaetani/Caetani of Lazio and Tuscany were emphasized as proto-Templars. The Suty/Suddie Coat was found to use blue-and-gold waves reflective of ones in the Gaetani Arms, and so see here how the Gaetani Coat resembles the Second/Segur Coat.

The Gaetani topic had been in conjunction with the investigation of the nearby Segni location. Is the following capitalized term linkable to "Chagne": "The founder of the [Caetani] house was Marinus I, Duke of Fondi, son of Docibilis II of Gaeta, from which the family gets its name. His successor was Constantine, who took the name CAGEtanus and ruled in the latter half of the 10th century..." Fondi liners link to Lafins/La Fonts. The Fountain surname was first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Seagers, and use the green Seager snake. Fountain / Fontana liners are part of the Lepida bloodline, right?

The Cage Coat (Cambridgeshire, same as Julians / Chapmans) happens to use the Gate Shield, and in the last update, Cage's traced convincingly to "Chagne." It looks very much as though the Caetani should trace to the Chatto/Chattan suspects in the Arms of Gap, especially as the waves in the Arms of Gaetani are wavy bendlets on a gold Shield, symbol also of the Velis Coat (shares the Hagel eagle) that itself seems to be a version of the Gapp/Gaip Coat!

Another consideration is that the Habsburg and Ley/Legh/Ligh lion is in colors reversed from the Second/Segur lion while Habsburgs are highly suspect from the Capes / Happs/Abbs / Abbey line. Anytime you see lions in these colors, consider the surname a Caepio candidate.

Monmouths appear to be using a scarlet lion. I know of only three surnames using scarlet, the other being Treasure's/TRASHers (scarlet chevron) and Saxons/Septons (scarlet "chaplets"). The Monmouth = Ulman lion traces to Almos, and we can then read online that Arpad, son of Almos, gathered his seven Magyar tribes (traced to Magor at Monmouth) for to make a blood oath with them (for purposes of war), by having each tribal leader pour some of their own blood into a common cup for drinking. Might the same practice go back to the family of Aemilia Lepida? Was this the "holy grail" refuse?

The Treasure dragon has red fitchees in its mouth, the color of the Orr fitchee. To clinch the link, the Treasure Crest (stag) uses "ferns," and then Ferns show the red lion head of Aurs. The Chatto/Chattan link to Gap was found during the proof read, as was the red fitchee cross of Pharisee-suspect MacPhersons, a branch of Clan Chattan! MacPhersons look like their using a version of the Gillie's (fitchee in the color of the Quint fitchee), another member of Clan Chattan, and then it was Rinds that use "gillie flowers." Expect Gillie's (another red canton) to be a branch of Julians/Gillians.

French Gore's are said to be from "George," though I don't agree at all. I'm open to a George surname developing from "Chorges," however, in the arrondissment of Gap, where Gore's seemingly trace too. The white-on-blue cross used by Guillestre is used also in the Arms of Embrun, and then the Belgian George/Jurgen/Gorgen/Yerkes surname uses a bend (= half saltire) in the same colors. I know what this is. It's a trace of this cross to the so-called "Andrew's Cross," the flag of Scotland. It actually trace's to king Andrew of Hungary, father of George Drummond.

There are several points to make here, including my years-long hunch that the flag of England, called, St. George, was named in reality after George Drummond, who was in Scotland in 1055, not many years before his son, Maurice arrived, with the future queen of Scotland, Margaret "of Hungary." I'll repeat here that Maurice was said online to have been, "Marot de Yorvik," suggesting that these first Drummonds were in York. Note that Drummonds use white on blue too, and that the York rose is white.

Now, as the Eburovices, co-founders of York with the Parisii, are tracing very well to Eburodunum = Embrun, by what coincidence is the Arms of Embrun this white-on-blue cross suspect with the flag of Scotland? It suggests that the line of Andrew > George > Maurice had attachment to Magyar elements from Gap. This idea works aside from the black-on-gold lions in the English George Coat! (These are the colors of the Gapp/Gaip lions.) The George lions are on besants, and then the saltire of Yorks (Wiltshire), in colors reversed to the saltire that is the flag of Scotland, shows a central besant. You can now know better than before that the "cupias" motto term of Yorks is for Caepio the Gap theater.

To clinch the trace of the York saltire to the Andrew > George line, Margaret "of Hungary" (actually, she was an Aetheling of England) married Malcolm III, while Malcolms likewise use the flag of Scotland in colors reversed, and moreover throw in some stags, the Hungarian-roots symbol. The Malcolm stars are in the colors of the Julian / Gore stars. The Callam surname of MalCOLMs links well to Hallams of Yorkshire, who use the Caepio lion shared with Bruce's, right?

I'm not quite sure how to draw the lines, but it seems evident that the Julian>Caiaphas line went to Malcolm and York together, carried by the Eburovices at least. This line was carried by Hungarians, and yet Andrew was merged with Varangians of Kiev. Margaret was in exile in Kiev with Andrew himself, and this was during the life of Yaroslav, son of Vladislav "the great." Yaroslav's sister (Maria) would give birth to Wladislaw I Herman of Poland. "Yaroslav's Christian name was George (Yuri) after Saint George..." It makes my head spin.

I'm keeping in mind that Varangians are to traced back to the Varni (Nordics in the 1st century AD) and Pharisees, and that "Parisii" smacks of Pharisees. The "petit" motto term of Malcolms suggests the Petit surnames, one first found in the same place (Kent, same as Lapins) as Caesars, and the other using the same lion as Ferrari's. Later, Peter Pollock will be emphasized, with his ancestry going to a line from Siward of Northumberland, himself part of the Malcolm family. This is to say that Petits should perhaps be treated as Peters and Petty's. As French Petits (first found in the same place as Primo's) are said to be from Bressey, I'm going to link their lion to the Louvain lion, thus tracing Petits to Louvains, first found in Kent.

Aha! After writing that, it was time to grapple with the difficult Bressey Coat (Cheshire). I finally concluded that it was using the Macey pierced stars, the gold Meschin fesse, all in Pollock color, including the green Shield. That's when the arrow in the Bressey Crest became suspect with the arrow in the Pollock boar, and so I checked to see if, per chance, the Bressey arrow is called a dart, which is what Pollocks sometimes call their arrow. YES, the Bressey arrow is "A hand throwing a dart." That dart is for the line of Junia Tertia, tentatively, anyway.

Later the Futter blue jay becomes important for tracing Pollocks to Fullers. Another blue jay is used in the French Poitevin Coat, important because Poitevins are suspect with Petits. I can't recall the reasons, but the two had been linked. Poitevins (one branch in Yorkshire) are in the write-up of Gisburns (Yorkshire), and Gisburns are in the write-up of Odins/Oddys of Yorkshire. Then, the saltire that is the Scottish flag is used by Oddie's of Yorkshire, in Ottone colors. As Gisburns can be traced slightly to Conteville's, they might just be a branch of Joseph-suspect Goz'/Gos'. Odins are said to be from Gisburn and WITHERnsea, and then Withers (blue hare in Crest) were first found in the same place (Hampshire) as Josephs. The Gisburn garb is in the colors of the same of Wheats/Wetts, suspect with Withers from the Witkowo Poles. Later, as I share an email from Ms. Pollock, I discover Rothschild-Illuminati-importance of a Watson family married by an early line of Peter Pollock.

The Scottish-Bruce write-up tells that a Bruce traveled north with Malcolm's son (the future king David) to Scotland, setting up the royal future for Bruce's. David is called the "Earl of Huntingdon." As Huntingdon is smack at Cambridge, do you think that the family of Malcolm got Julian-Caiaphas genes in this way? Couldn't that explain why the northward-moving Bruce got ANNANdale, named after a line from the father of Caiaphas' wife?

Proto-Magyars had been found (by me) on the Ticino, and the name of that river may have been due to the same that named "Chagne." The Segni entity has been suspect, and we just saw the Second surname listed with Seager-like terms. If fact, the terms are much like the Segurana variation of Segni's. We could speculate that the Chagne was originally named "Secund" by Junia Caepio Secunda's son, and that this family had either been on the Ticino before her lifetime, or moved there after her lifetime. She's reported to have had only one son, MARCUS Aemilius Lepidus, and then a Marici peoples, suspect with "Marcus," lived on the Ticino with some Laevi "Ligurians" (probably Gauls first) predating the birth of Caiaphas.

There may have been more than one son by more than one father, but even if not, Marcus may have been the son of Caesar even while named after Junia's husband.

Still in Gap, there is a Barcillonnete location using only three white-on-red roses in the positioning of the same in the Caesar Coat. I'm wondering whether this place was named by the Barca > Hannibal Carthaginians. Possibly, the Caesar-Crest dolphin goes to the same in the Arms of Embrun (these dolphins belong to the Arms of Dauphine).

The Embrun article says that an Embrun location in Ontario, Canada, was named after Embrun at Gap. Amazingly, the Arms of Embrun in Canada uses a garb, the Joseph / CHAIP symbol. The Shield-and-Chief color combination is that of Tanners, for one. But, as Embrun is in Russell Township, it's probably the Russell Shield (Russells and Tanners could be related for obvious Rus reasons).

While Russells (first found in Dorset, beside Wiltshire) are using scallops in Samson- and Meschin-scallop colors, the Barkle's/Barclays were first found in the same place (Gloucestershire, beside Monmouth, Wiltshire) as Samsons. The two Barkle/Barclay Coats look like a Macey / Mackay combination, and using the patee crosses in the colors of the same of Blois'. A Barkle link to Maceys can be deemed a Barca merger with king Massena.

These patee crosses, and the cross that's the Arms of Embrun, are in the colors of the Zionists star at Chepstow (Monmouth), and in the Vlad Coat. It's important because I've seen this star (for years) as a symbol of Caiaphas himself. I'm taking the position that Caiaphas was born from the Eburovices of early Embrun, and that the Caepio lion, in colors reversed, was of the same Eburovices, as evidenced by the lion in the Arms of Brescia/Brixia, i.e. the proto-Bruce lion. That can explain why the lion (purplish hue) in the Scottish Bruce Crest is in the design of the Gapp/Gaip lion. That white-on-blue Zionists star is used by Hagars (in Hagan colors), who might just be a branch of Hagels / Hagans (i.e. whom have already traced to Junia Caepio Secunda). In fact, three lozenges in the colors of the Hagar Zionist star is used by Dutch Hagens (with an 'e').

I've always believed that Russells were linked to Savage's, and Savage's to Sava-river elements such as the Sauers (use the Russell lion, in my opinion). It can now be added that while the Russell goat is expected to link to the Morton goat (because the two surnames were first found beside one another), the Mortons may be using the Second/Segur Shield. Can you guess why the MYRton variation should go to Melusine? By what coincidence has she been traced to the MIRror in the Second/Segur Coat? The Mire/Mireux/Mireur surname now shows a myrtle tree, and then the Mertels bring up the hammer-using Martels/Mortels, in Quint colors and first found in the same place as Quints.

It's not that I'm ever-so-lucky with all of these "coincidences," but rather it's because heraldry is designed to track only/predominantly the lines from Julius Caesar and the Caepio's. Symbolism starts with them. Everyone else gets the Julian-Caepio-circle symbols as applicable.

The Wilt Coat even uses a "savage." English Savage's could be using the lion of Palins/Pawleys, first found in the same place as Russells.

ZOWIE, amazing, absolutely stunning. My heart just about stopped. I was wondering whether to add that the French-Savage heart might trace to the heart in the Arms of Chorges. I didn't want to say it without evidence. So I loaded "Gorge" to see if a surname might come up, and it got the George surname. Ho-hum, that didn't help...until I saw that George's were first found in Dorset, where Palins were first found! This is the George Coat with lions in the colors of the Gapp/Gaip lions.

As Chorges is near the Durance, it's a good reason to suspect that this river named Dorset. Southern England right across the board was stacked with lined from Julius Caesar, and not a wonder. Some of them, including the Alans, Pollocks and Meschins, had to escape to Scotland. but if this were a story about Julian blood only, I wouldn't have been called to it. It's about Caiaphas blood.

I was born again 35 years ago this week. For the few months that followed, I was sure that I was being called to something, ah, er, special. It doesn't make me special. I was very disappointed for more than 15 years, not finding anything "special." What I mean is, "meaningful, peculiar to God." Then came the post-trib book and the Internet. Then came this dragon hunt. And here we are, proving that Caiaphas blood was all over the heraldic map.

This revelation is meant in conjunction with a wipe-out of Caiaphas-Julian liners. I don't want to see an end to human life as Armageddon calls for it. I wish there were another solution. But the modern rulers are proud of their anti-Christ heritage, and they do not wish to give up their strings of power to Jesus. They are polluting the world of human souls even while clamoring for clean air and water, so long as we pay the taxes to clean them, and not their own sons. We all celebrated the downfall of atheistic Communism, but since that time, the West has become more wicked than the Soviet Union. The West cried out against the threat of Communistic world expansion, and now Amero-NATO globalists want to do the same, carrying the moral values of debauched prostitutes, cursed porn stars, abominable queer boxes and loathsome money grubbers to the four corners of the world. China pukes, Russia vomits, Arabs become hysterical at the sight of Western values, yet the West plows forward proud of their "civil liberties" and "human rights." To answer this problem, God will send the anti-Christ to undo the West, to undress and whip modern Zionism, to humble the Muslims, and to unveil His Son.

Vergers of Iniquity

As Chorges had earlier been called Caturi after the Caturiges people, how could such an Mason-important entity not have surnames after itself? The Caters/Catters/Cathers (Cathars of Languedoc?) just happen to be first found in Berkshire, and Berks are, as with Bergs / Bergs, suspect with PORCius Cato (predated Quintus Caepio). Servilia Caepionis was a half-sister to Porcius Cato the younger, and so we could expect the Cato merger with Caepio liners to be reflected in heraldry. The Berk/Gillick surname, using a cross (in Quint colors) in the colors of the Borgia moline, is the one using a CHAINed cat-a-mountain in Crest. Sooo, it stands to reason that this cat is for the Cater/Catter bloodline.

Why are Gillicks listed with Berks? Ask the Gillicks/Gulicks/Godlake's/Codlake's, first found in Berkshire. As they are expected to be Julian/Gillian liners, the God/Cod terms can to "Cotta." The Gillie's of Clan Chattan apply here, we may expect. There is a fundamental Cat-liner link to Julius Caesar due, no doubt, to his Caturiges links.

The Gillick/Codlake Crest is a savage with a club, though it's called, "A woodwift (wild man), holding a gold club..." The same savage, with oak tree, is in the German Wild/Wilt surname (namers of Wiltshire?), and a savage with club is also in the Scottish Wood Crest. As both Wood surnames use oak trees, this must be a Watt / Vatt Illuminati bloodline. Wilds/Wilts were even first found in Bavaria. Scottish Woods use the fitchee in the gold color of the Quint fitchee, and Clubs, sharing the same fish and white chevron with Catters, were first found in the same place as Julians/Gillians. It's probably not coincidental that while Clubs use the Chill/Child colors and format, "Club/Clob" smacks of "Clovis." English Wilds were likewise first found in Berkshire.

The Gillicks/Codlake's show a "legh" ending, and then the Woods that they honor were first found in Leicestershire, named after a Legro river. The Gillick/Codlake lion is identical, including it's split Shield, with the Freie-surname lion (half in the colors of the Mason lion) that I say was responsible, in part, for "Freemason." The Legro river is also the Soar river, and then the Soar Coat uses a blue-on-gold lion, the colors of the Mason lion, and half the colors of the Gillick and Freie lion. There needs to be a reason that Freie's/Frey's/Vrey's (Bavaria again) are so important.

While German Wilds are from Bavaria too, the Berkshire Wilds are in Varn colors, and then "Freyer" looks like it might derive in "Veragri." That makes the Veragri suspect with mythical Frigg, and so I would tentatively trace them to Phrygians. This is super for the reality that, the first Varangians were from Wieringen, facing Frisia, where Frey was god. This tends to reveal that Veragri were in fact proto-Varangians, but only if "Freyer" traces to "Veragri." If this is correct, then I would expect the Veragri to become the Varni.

The Gap theater was found to be from Paphlagonian Heneti, who lived in Phrygia. That works. The cross in the Arms of Guillestre and Embrun was traced to Oddie's and Odins of Yorkshire. Frigg was Odin's wife. That works. But wait. Did I truly trace Paphlagonians to Gap? Actually, it was a theory, where "Vapincum" (proto-Gap) was suggested as a location of the proto-Papin surname. But here we can now prove that theory correct where the Odin Crest is the white Pepin horse!!! And that's like killing three storks with a single falcon: 1) Assure's that Pepins were Phrygians; 2) Assure's that Frigg was a Phrygian entity; 3) Trace's the Odin cult to a Veragri > Varni line.

The fact that the Odins are a stork line from Oettingens (Bavaria again) now explains why the Varn Crest is a falcon killing a stork. And the Varn bend happens to be in colors reversed to the Pepin / Pipe bend. This is no small finding, for it finds proto-Pepins at a BC time, and expects proto-Merovingians at the Gap theater.

Reminder: Pepins use a "Mens" motto term, and then there a Mens location in the Gap theater.

We read earlier that Veragri were in the Graiae Alps. The Varn write-up says that the surname was a sept of GRAhams. How about that. We have seemingly proven a Veragri trace to the Varni. The gold scallops that the two surnames share might just go to the gold scallops in the Arms of Aspres-sur-Buech, an Annan-suspect location (near Gap) that will be stressed below.

As I traced Varangians to Nibelungs in Frisia, the "Ne oublie" mottoes of Varns and Grahams may apply. Nibelungs should translate to Nephele liners (explaining the Pepin / Odin horses), whom we met earlier in the Gap theater. Nephele is somewhat suspect in "NEFERtiti," queen of Akhenaten, father, if I recall correctly, of king Tut. That line seemed evident in the Toot / Tuttle / Dudley liners to the Julian surname. The Turtle variation of Tuttle's was first to indicate Junia Caepio Tertia, but I now recall the "tortoise" of Chaucers, first found the Kent land of Centaurs (a horse-associated, real peoples).

I'll jot down here that Grahams are almost-certainly responsible for, or vice versa, the Peter Coat. When Peter Pollock lines are deeply investigated later, he traces with Scotts to Kent, and so after re-viewing the Chaucers and Chalkers of Kent just now, it was realized that they use the Jewish-Pollock and Fuller Coat respectively. It's a small world. Peters were first found in the same place (Lincolnshire) as the Grantham location of Grahams. It will be shown that Pollocks trace to Istria without doubt, and so let's repeat that the stork in the Story Coat must have much to do with the Varn / Graham stork. In short, the Stork surname, and the stork, are Istria liners of the Stur etc. kind. Sturs, it will later be pointed out, are using a version of the Fuller Coat.

The GRANTham locations suggests that Grahams are a branch of Grants/Grands, who use the MacArthur crown as well as flames on a rock in the Crest. The last time we came across flames in Crest was in the Pollock- and Fuller-suspect Dart surname...with Tart variation! As I insist that Fuller liners are RoqueFEUIL liners, note that the rock in the Grant Crest is the rock shown until recently in the Roque/Rock Coat.

Can anyone explain why houseofnames would change the rock design to what it is now? Is it a more-beautiful rock? No. Is it more distinguished or heavier or more desirable? No. There cannot be a logical explanation, in my opinion, except that certain people reading my work wished to discredit the links I made that involved Rockefellers. I have yet to find another rock like it. Did they only change the Roque rock design?

Another surname using the dart is that Cuthberts, a branch, according to the Cuttes write-up, of the Cuttes'. That is a very good argument for tracing to Junia Caepio Tertia. Cuttes', first found in the same place as Julians/Gillians, use plates, the Papin symbol.

As the Junia bloodline is predicted to be of prime importance in heraldry, one can surmise that the black fleur-de-lys of June's is to be protected from use by any-old surname. The Pepins use black fleur, you see, so as to trace to one of the Junia sisters. The camel in the Pepin Crest is suspect with Aemilia, but it can now be added that the Varni mother goddess, Nerthus, was traced to Nahorites of the Neuri kind. And so the idea that Aemilia is a named from "Kemuel," Nahor's son, tends to trace Aemilia Lepida to Nerthus. I'm not saying necessarily that this goddess was a representation specifically of Aemilia, but that Aemilia was a Neuri liner in all likelihood.

I've claimed that Hamiltons and Bus' are from Kemuel and Buz, and so while their shared cinquefoil traces to the Leicester cinquefoil, recall the Wood surname, suspect with the Watts, and first found in Leicestershire. The Watts trace to the Uat/Buto cult that I've identified with Uts and Buz, sons of Nahor. That works. However, the English Wood write-up traces Woods to a Vosco surname, what could be a Buz-liner Bosco family. If the Caesar roses trace to the Rose's of Scotland, note that the Rose write-up links them to Bosco's. The Scottish Bosco's then show pillars/columns...with flames on top, a Julian-crest symbol. The problem here is that "busca" means "woods" in Italian, so that a trace "Woods" to both the Watts and "woods" seems problematic.

When I mentioned "Freyer" above, I had not yet seen the Freyer Coat. "Freyer" was mentioned instead of "Frey" itself because the 'r' gets the term closer to "VaragRi. The Freyers/Freiers were looked up only now, as I write here, and, zowie, they use the Varn bend! Good work, John.

Freys/Free's, sharing white horses with Odins and Pepins, were first found in WILTshire, where the Wood-related Wilds/Wilts may trace, and that's where the Leaps/Laps were first found. Freys/Free's use the Coat of the all-important Phreeze surname, suspect with "Pharisee," and first found in the same place as Vere's (and Gore's and Quints and Camulodunum). It's no small thing for this Frey / Phreeze line to be in Wiltshire, where the Aemilia-grail line has traced. Their grail symbol may have been in play since BC times so that, when Jesus uses a cup symbol in challenging / condemning the Pharisees / Sadducees, it may have been as play on their own symbol.

In other words, the Veragri are suspect as proto-Pharisees.

It was only after writing the above that I read the Frey description to find the valves to my heart tightening somewhat. I'm still alive, don't worry. "An arm embowed in armor holding a sword enfiled by a moor's head." I've known that the Bowed/Bowd Coat uses bulls, and so as the File Coat was loading (takes 30 seconds or longer to get the Coat, but the write-up appears sooner), I didn't think too much of it's being traced to "calf," except that it seemed the File surname was correctly the representation of the "enfiled" term. I was also thinking of the gold Exodus calf that was used until 2012 in the German Bach Coat, now replaced with the same bull design as per the Bowed/Bowd/BoWOOD Coat. Finally, the File Coat appeared, and it turned out to be a version of the Varn bend (almost), but with three gold calves instead of the gold scallops! Absolutely amazing, if I'm seeing this correctly, especially after having traced Hyksos to Gap. But, simultaneous with it's appearance, I saw a "Viall" variation of the surname, and that's a small container, possibly for holding blood...for blood oaths. In the File/Viall Crest, a gold garb, the Chappes/Chaip and Joseph symbol.

As I suggested the Velis Coat to be a version of the Varn Coat, here I find the File/Viall Coat (comes up as "Vial") using the Varn bend, I'm guessing, suggesting that File's/Vialls are a Velis branch, and therefore very connectable to the Julian bloodline. It also tends to disclose that the Julian line connected with a Veragri line. Remember, this File/Viall Coat comes compliments of the Phreeze-related Frey surname.

Another point is that the Levi chevrons are in the colors of the Varns.

Catters are said to be from early "Catur / Acatour" variations, i.e. much like "CATURiges." Mountains, as per the cat-a-mountain of Irish Berks, were first found in Essex, wherefore one can begin to assume a Veragri merger with Caturiges. It's expected in a Pharisee - Sadducee relationship.

The Berkshire surname has a quartered Coat in colors reversed to the same of Seconds/Segurs. Interesting. That's the Aemilia line. Berkshire's were first found in the same place (Wiltshire) as Leaps/Lapps and Vial-related Freys. The lion in the Irish Berk Coat is in the colors of the Gapp/Gaip lions.

This is a good place to add that, because Gores use the Julian cross in the colors of the same Windsor crosses, the dragonline entity of concern in Berkshire are those who payed for the Windsor castle. It's a little contentious bone we might have with the current royal family of Britain. Do they know where they are from? How could they not? The white-on-red Windsor saltire is that of Oettingen-Oettingen (see their Wikipedia article), the line to the Yorkshire Odins/Oddys and Oddie's. This line was just seen in close relationship with the Veragri Phrygians to Odin's wife. To prove that I'm on target here, the Other/Odir surname, said to be the root of Windsors, can certainly be an Odin line. The Other/Odir surname was first found in Huntingdon, on the outskirts of Cambridge, thus tending to assure that the Other/Odir crescents are those of German Julians (Saxony).

By some coincidence or not, the Cottel surname, first found in Wiltshire again, uses the same bend colors as Others/Odirs, and if we place a 'C" on the Otter variation, we have "Cotter." This can reveal that "Odin" may have been from "Cottin," a surname listed with the Cotta/Cotard family. Entering "Coden" gets the Cottons (hanks of cotton), first found in Huntingdon, smack beside Cambridge.

Berkers/Barkers, in Barkle/Barcley/BERKley colors, were first found in Cambridge. Of further interest: while Berks use a cat, and cat-using Croms were first found in Berkshire, Berkshire's and Cattle's/Cattels share the fret.

With the Cottels being first found in the same place as Emily-suspect Leaps, the Emily cups can trace better to the Lawrie / Lowry cup, for Cottels use the same bend colors as Lorraine's. I have become very sure that the eagles in the Lorraine bend are the Piast eagles as well as the Chill/Child eagles,

The "fortuna" motto term of Cottins/Codens may link to "Lady Fortune," which, much later, will be traced to Aemilia Lepida. Lady Fortune is in the German Class/Klassen Coat with a banner, and then German Banners/Bayners use just one large fleur-de-lys half in the colors of the June fleur.

If the Other/Odir bend were black, the Coat would be of identical format and colors to the Varn, Freyer, and Vial bend with gold symbols. The Others/Odirs are said to be from Lombardy's dukes, but Lombardy is not very far from the old Veragri theater. Recall that the Marsi of Abruzzo were traced to the Caturiges location of Eburodunum, for the Sabines of Abruzzo became the Suebi out of which the Lombards evolved. French Lombards, first found in Provence, use the same chevron as Quints, as well as black fleur-de-lys (suspect with Junia Caepio) on a blue Chief, the color of the French Julian Chief. English Lombards are in Varn / Vial / Velis colors, and use an eagle in the color of the Velis eagle. The Italian Lombard Chief use the three stars in the French Julian Chief; otherwise, the Shield-and-Chief color combination is that of Saluzzo's (neither surname uses Coat symbols).

One argument against identifying Burgs / Bergs / Berks as Porcia liners is the lack of boars in those surnames. However, there could be explanations for this, such as merging with more-important lines and adopting their symbols instead. An idea will develop later when we get to a black boar in a Veragri-like surname. It begs the question of whether the same line that named "Porcia" also named the similar "Veragri," for even Vere's use a boar. Burgundians, by the way, gave the world the Veragri-related Nibelungs. Primo's were first found in Burgundy.

The Gapp/Gaip lion is used, in the same colors, in a Quarry/Care surname, first found in Burgundy. These are the colors of the Quarrels, the colors expected of Veragri > Varni lines. The Quarry/Care surname uses the checks of the Fers/Ferrat, important for the Ferrat location smack in the land of the Veragri. The Quarry/Care Coat is also a version of the Italian Fulk Coat, important for the trace of mythical Melusine to the Anjou of the Fulks. This is more important than what meets the brain's keenest sensors on a first read, if the Quarre's/Care's are from Carians.

Servilia Caepionis married a Junius fellow because her first name traces to proto-Serbia Servitium, near the mouth of the river of Juno. Servitium traces to mythical Sarpedon, a Cretan/Minoan code for the Gareb founders of Miletus in Caria. This city, to which the Scots trace their ancestry, is now suspect with the naming of Aemilia, and Melusine. This trace to Miletus is probably why Nicholas de Vere traced Melusine to the first Scots. This Gareb picture is where the Grabbens/Grabbers/Cravers come in, using a bend in Varn-bend colors. The latter surname is traced to a "digger of graves," but this must be code for a La Grave location about 30 miles north of Gap, meaning that La Grave is closer to the Veragri theater than Gap.

It just so happens that the French Grave Crest shows a man's head enfiled. Although the description chose to use "A giant's head pierced with a spear," here's an online definition for: "Enfiled. Enfiled, (fr. enfile). When a sword is drawn with the head of a beast, a coronet, or any other object so placed that the blade pierces it though..." In other words we could have that File/Vial surname (uses the Varn bend, probably) at La Grave.

Back to the Suty and Sudy kin of Seatons, and the so-called Sedunii founders of Sitten:

The Seduni or Sedunii were a Gallic tribe in the valley of the Upper Rhone at Roman contact, whom Julius Caesar (B. G. iii. 1, 7) mentions: Nantuates Sedunos Veragrosque. These tribes were conquered by Rome are also mentioned in the Trophy of the Alps (Plin. iii. 20) in the same order. They were east of the Veragri, in the modern Swiss canton of Valais. Their chief town was Sedunum (modern Sion, Switzerland).

Veragri right next to the Sadducee-suspect Seduni are certainly qualifying as Pharisee liners. Perhaps I'm just lucky that, after dreaming up a Sadducee presence at the founding of Sitten/Sion, and after dreaming up a Vere = Pharisee equation, a Vere-like term that can also be "Pharisee" has been found smack at the Sion frontier.

Or, after dreaming up the idea that Pharisees traced to Montferrat, I now find the Veragri (never knew them before this update) at the St. Bernard Pass smack at a Ferrat location. Perhaps I haven't been dreaming at all.

The Veragri predate 70 AD, and so I'm not inclined to view them as Ferrari's. The Veragri may have named Montferrat, and, if so, it obliterates my view of Montferrat elements from Ferrara. But it could be the other way around. I simply haven't enough information to make a proper decision.

The black-on-gold boar in a Verger/Fergen Coat flattened me to the shape of a Masonic mortar board. I felt that I was graduating to the big leagues. I had expected and reported concerning Porcius Cato lines at Sion, and here you can compare the Verger boar with the Porcia boar. They look like they need to be enfiled and put on to a rotisserie. At least we could have something for dinner in celebration for my graduation.

Perhaps I was wrong, but I insisted that Porcius Cato was in the Catten Coat that links to the Geneva Coat; this was without Caturiges on my mind...who now appear to trace from the Arms of Gap to the Chatto/Chattan and Cattan surname, suspect with the Capitano/Cattano surname. I now find that the gold-on-red lion in the Geneva Coat, which may be the Ferrari lion on red, is in the Secund/Segur Coat.

When Cato was traced to the Cattens in the beginning, I also linked him to Cattolica, and therefore to the Cattle/Cattel Coat. At that time, I linked his line to Fano, beside Cattolica, but it wasn't until later in this update that the idea dawned on me that Lafins/La Fonts were a Lepida bloodline (must go through Junia Secunda) merged with Fano / Fondi / Fontana elements. Again, Fountains were first found in the same place as Seagers, while Seconds are also "Segur."

In the blue canton square of Fountains, there is a lion identical to the Ferrari lion, though in this case, due to the "Vix" motto term of Fountains, I would view it more as the Sforza lion (Visconti's gave their green snake to Sforza's and then Fountains and Seagers show green snakes, the color of Melusine who had the tail of a serpent). Later, if I recall correctly, Lady Fortune (code for Fort liners) traces to Sforza's. It's probably important that the Fountain snake is in a "beak," for Beaks use three bars, as do Fountains. It's clear to me that Beaks (white ostrich in Crest) are Trebizond and Traby elements.

Looking through the Geneva variations, one can see how they might be after "Juno," for Italians don't have a 'J' in their alphabet. The surname traces to Genova/Genoa probably better than to lake Geneva, and so let's re-mention that Segni's/SEGURana's were first found at Genoa. However, I've been dreaming up for years that Ligurians at Savona, beside Genoa, founded Sitten/Sion. In fact, I even traced proto-Odin through "Sitten" to the Sitones of Gotland. That's because Tacitus mentioned Sitones beside Sviones, while, before learning that, I traced the Sithones of Thrace to the "Sthenelus" Ligurians, father of a swan king that I thought, or dreamed, was the Savona location...smacking of "Svione." In short, I thought that the namers of Genova also named Geneva.

All right, so my dreaming is proving correct for a reason, to unveil the realities behind European history, all in the bloodline of one sorry loser, Mr. J. Caiaphas. Just as the fist between the Bauer wings is now tracing to the English Joseph surname, the fist in the Geneva/Genova wings is tracing to the same man, surely. This is the man, Mr. J Caiaphas, while overseeing Jesus in an unofficial court case through the wee hours of the morning, watched his men strike Jesus with their fists for answering "wrongly" as per whether he was the Son of God. That particular mistreatment wouldn't have been so bad, but Mr. Caiaphas wanted to murder him...because too many people believed that he was the Messiah.

The Gene/Ganay Coat (Burgundy) uses nothing but a Roman eagle, and may apply. In fact, it uses an "ungue" motto term that must be for the "jeune"-using Yonge's/Youngs.

French Vergers (Brittany) look like they could be using the "Vere star," even though it has eight points. French Vergers are also "Berges/Bergez" so as to be linkable to Bergs and Berks...and Berkshire. The Veragri are thus looking like Porcius liners.

The Porcius-Cato topic was introduced not long before the 1st update in January. Lookie at what was just dredged up from that update:

As Cunninghams use a "fork" motto term, and as they were first found in the same place (Ayrshire) as Forkers/Farkers, "Cunning" may be from "Canute" (because Cnut was Forkbeard's son). Forkers have a "cado" motto term...

Is that not welcome corroboration for united Veragri and Porcius elements...all the way to Ayrshire, even? Since writing the above, terms like "Canute / Cunning" have traced (as of last update) to the Chagne river. It is now clearly understood that Forkers/Farquhars and Fergus(ons)' are from the Veragri. While I can't say that Veragri were founded by Ferrara elements because it seemed, by what I had read, that Ferrara wasn't named as late as 70 AD, yet the Veragri may have named Ferrara.

The fact that there is a Ferrat location smack at the Bernard Pass suggests fairly strongly that Montferrat was named by Veragri, and to prove it, I had traced Rainier of Montferrat to the surname, which uses white-on-black lions, colors reversed from the same Work/Werk lions. Then, the white lion head in the Work Crest is of a "fork-tailed" lion, as some call it, the symbol in the Raines Crest. Werks are Verger liners, aren't they?

Works/Werks (Sinclair / Conan / Cunningham colors) were first found in the same place as Vere's (and Gores and Quints), and are represented in the "work" motto term of Sinclairs. The Sinclair motto also uses "commit" as code for the Conteville's that were from Burgo's...i.e. Porcius suspects.

The Ixion-Nephele Lapiths are tracing back from Ligurians to Lychnidus, location of Sation...yes, feasibly the proto-Seduni. Look (on the map below) at how close the CENTRone's (suspect as the Ixion-Nephele CENTAURs) are to the Veragri, and to Sitten (above the 'S' of "Sedu"):

This recalls the Candia location at the sources of the Bautica / Baldea river, where the Bernard Pass is also found. It's suggesting correctness in tracing Ixion swan liners to the Lychnidus theater. Swan liners at the Sitten theater are extremely important for clinching a Soducena trace to the Seduni. Soducena is on the map below, at lake Lychnis (otherwise called swan-like "Sevan"). The Googe's (expected from Gogarene at the same lake) show boars in what could be colors reversed from the Vere boar.

For what it may be worth, here's the Sale-suspect Berkle's/Birchills, using a motto linkable to Roets, Boughs, and Masters. The black fitchee of the Birchills is in the Crest of Hanna's, first found in the same place (Galloway) as Fergusons (gold boars). The latter share a blue thistle with the Alpins, a Vere-important topic and tracing back to Caepio's. Quintus Caepio the elder, the founders of the gold bars of Toulouse, fought a war against some Germanics at Orange at a time (not long before 100 BC) that the Veragri, and their neighbors mentioned above, lived in the area. I wonder what local peoples Caepio rallied round his Roman troops.

By the way, while writing here initially, it wasn't yet known that the black fitchee would trace to the Gap theater in an enlightening way. There was a Berkle-like location in the Gap theater, mentioned earlier, and suspect with Hamilcar Barca. It's tracing the proto-Hanna's, with black fitchees, smack into the area where Caiaphas ancestry is expected, and so this Hanna line may have named Annas. The eight-pointed stars of Vergers can also be the Annas star, you see.

The "asperis" motto term of Fergusons may go to Aspres-sur-Buech in Gap. The village by the same name has a Coat of Arms, what could be the Vere Shield in colors reversed, or even the Shield of Seaton-related Says. This recalls (3rd update of last month) the Seyssel location on the Rhone just south of lake Geneva...right beside the area wherein the Veragri are on the map above.

In that update (just two ago), the Arve river was dealt with and traced to Harvey's and other Gareb suspects, and a Bonneville location on the Arve was traced to Bellamys at Perche (Grail-King line), and here I find, for the first time ever, the Veragri peoples smack on the Avre! Vere's are a branch of Masseys with which Bellamy's merged (Says were first found in the same place as Bellamys.) I have been tracing Vere's to Evreux from the start, smack on the north-east side of Perche. It's known that Eburovices lived at Evreux, and so if the Second/Segur Coat has the Abreu lions, the Secunda > Lepida line should go to the ones who named Eburodunum. The link of Veragri elements (i.e. Fergusons) in Scotland to Aspres-sur-Buech gets Veragri smack into the domain of Eburodunum.

Previous to coming to this point and re-loading the Abreu Coat, the Jean surnames were also loaded, checking for Juno / Geneva links. I thought that the two lions facing one another in the French Jean/Gen Coat were interesting for being the Ferrari lions, possibly, but wasn't going to mention it...until seeing the same two lions, though in the colors of the same Second/Segur lions, in the Abreu Coat. Note that, between the front legs of both lions, there is a bell shape...quite the welcome thing to find after mentioning the Bellamy's in the same breath. As the Segurana's were first found at Genoa, it could appear here that French Jeans/Gens were Genoa elements.

As Bruce's were from Eburovices (don't ask anyone else), it's notable that the Arms of Aspers-sur-Buech shows the Annandale saltire as used by Bruce's and the Arms of Ayrshire. Wasn't it just asked: "Is that not welcome corroboration for united Veragri and Porcius elements...all the way to Ayrshire, even?" What's more, Seyssel is beside Annecy, where one could trace "Annas." I've been merely guessing that it's the so-called "Vere star" in the Annas Coat, but we now have Veragri reason for making the claim.

Annas (father-in-law of Caiaphas, and high priest of Israel before Caiaphas took over) was, as I've read, "Hanan" to Hebrews, which is why Annan(dale)s are important. We just saw the fitchee crosses of Verg-like Berkle's/Burchills go to Hanna's in the same place as Verger-based Fergusons, where also Fergus'/Ferris'/Fergie's were first found. Galloway is not far down the Scottish coast from Ayrshire. Here's the Bruce = Caepio lion in the Galloway Coat. To that it should be added that the Ananes Gauls, as Wikipedia calls them, were at Placentia at one point, not far from Brescia.

The Galli priests of Aphrodite's Kabeiri cult lived in Phrygia. Shouldn't we find the Galli in the Gap theater? Ask the Gauls.

KirkCUDbrightshire, where Cuttes-related Cuthberts -- Julian suspects -- were first found, is in the Galloway theater, near the mouth of the Nith river. Julian elements were already traced to the Kilpatricks upon the Nith, but later, we'll see Aemilia Lepida go to the Nith too, at an early time. While writing this paragraph, the Gull surname was loaded, as per the mention of Gauls above, and that got the six bars of German Julians! If we remove the three black bars of German Julians, there will remain a quartered Shield in the colors of the Second/Segur quarters!

Where was my head that I didn't see his before? The Julian crescents within the red quarters are even in the color of the Second lions within its red quarters. Gulls, furthermore, were first found in the same place as Caesars. The Gulls are also "Guile," and so that explains it.

Italian Galls use only the same upright lion as Seconds/Segurs. It's raining Julian-Caepio lines, isn't it? It suggests that the lion in the Second/Segur Coat is the Guil = Julian lion. The Second/Segur Coat uses no other symbols. French Galls? Just the Ferrari lion again, or the Julian lion with a blue background. This recalls that the Primo quarters are blue and white; the Second quarters are red and white. It may simply mean that the Ferrari lion is the Julian lion with the Primo background. Can you imagine if all the Israeli priests -- the original leaders anyway -- were Julian liners?

The problem is, there are so many gold-on-blue upright lions that it's not likely correct to label it the Ferrari lion. I've done it for convenience in making points.

The Caturiges were spread as far south as Narbonne, and so see the Second lion once again in the Narbonne Coat. The Italian Narbonne's are listed with Denardo's, but their white tower is that also of Chatans.

Perhaps a branch of Pharisees proper in Israel left (perhaps about 100 BC) and settled the Geneva area because Israeli kin were there. The Jura mountains on the north-west side of Geneva may be evidence of "Jerusalem." Perhaps this branch of Pharisees named the Veragri...who latter named Ferrara...where the Charo/Claro surname was first found. There is a tributary of the Durance called by a Clare-like name, though I don't know how far back that name goes on that river.

The Irish Fergus/Ferris write-up speaks of a Carrickfergus location of 320 AD, very close to the time of Israeli Pharisees. Actually, the way it's written, one cannot be certain that "Carrickfergus" was the name of the place at that time. I've pointed out in the past what is seemingly the Ferrari lion in this Fergus Coat, but it can now be added that it shares an eight-pointed star with Vergers! I'm shocked at all the new keys raining down.

Here's the Malleys (boar) that Fergus' are said to have become related to. The Durant / Gunn ship (loosely speaking) is in the Crest. Might the Mealley variation have been from "Aemilia"? Why does "Emilia RomaGna" have a 'g'? It would be fine as "Emilia Romana." Why does "VeraGri" have a 'g". It would be fine as "Verari." But the 'g' allows for "Varangi" well as for "Avranc(es)." It just so happens that some holdings of Hugh D'Avrances went to a Ferrier family.

One can see here how the Varni of the Rostock theater (one century after Caesar mentioned the Veragri) came to be merged with lines of the Israel priesthood. The North surname was just checked for hints of the Nerthus cult. It brought up the lion of Narbonne's and Garrets. Compare "North" to "(De)Nardo."

The Garret lion was traced to L'viv's lion (that's fine because Nerthus was traced to the goddess of Trypillians, near or at L'viv). The Seaton's, if you recall, had traced to the gate in the Arms of L'viv, where we find the lion. But we have since found the proto-Vere's, quite apparently, beside the Seduni. How about that. The green dragon head in the North Crest is the LEOpold dragon, tending to clinch a Leopold trace to Leo of Halychyna, founder/namer of L'viv.

And French Vergers were first found in the same place (Brittany) as Voirs/Voyers using the Garret lion again (same colors) the format of the two Strange lions.

For new readers, Strange's became suspect with "Forum Allieni," the name of Ferrara before it was "Ferrara." I found an online quote saying that the place was Forum Allieni (could be given an alien = foreigner = stranger code) in about 70 AD. I realized that this was an Alan Hun location, arriving to Italy with other scythians, including Trypillians in Moldavia, and the Neuri-related Budini (Ukraine) that became the Alan-related Boyds. And that's why it's important to find the North lion, in the format of the two Strange lions, in Brittany. But before showing how that works, note that Stuarts/Sturts show a "leonis" motto term.

The Voirs use a "prudentia" motto term now tracing to the Prud river of Moldavia, very near L'viv. The Bug river, home of the Neuri, is at L'viv, and I think the Nerthus cult, and the Norths, are named after the Neuri (wolf worshipers). See the wolf in the Norry Crest. There is a "Vis" motto term in the Voir surname, and the Crest use's: "St. Mark's lion, supporting a silver book inscribed with the words 'PAX TIBI, MARCE EVANGELISTA'" For me, this indicates a Marici line. The Evan/Avon lion, in the color of the Voir lions, is suggested, I reckon, in "EVANgelista." The "book" goes likely to the Roet kin of Books/Boggs and Boughs (Narbonne's use a Catherine-Roet wheel), and then there is a question of whether the Leopold dragons are in the Coat of Treasure's, first found in the same place as Roets.

Buech River Hyksos

Are Books and/or Bough's from Aspres-sur-BUECH? By what coincidence did the family of Catherine Roet (Jannaeus-Maccabee liner without doubt) found the Beauforts (Savoy), who use the lion of Bucks/Bueche's in colors reversed? It's amazing, not that the two surnames connect, but due to the Buech-river importance for Roet liners.

It's also amazing because I had no intention of writing the paragraph above when ending in the paragraph above that. After ending on the Roets, I ended the discussion, changed gears, and went back to the browser for another follow-up topic, and there the browser was at the article of Aspres-sur-Buech. Only then did I see the similarity between "Buech" and the Books. "Buech" was therefore entered to find no surname, followed by "Buck" to find the Bueche's.

It turns out that the Roet trace to Aspres-sur-Buech is provable, for, on my atlas, it's about five miles, or less, from Veynes. The Veyne's are the ones using the "gauntlet" gloves, code for John of Gaunt, husband of Catherine Roet. It means that Masons and historians alike know this, and much more, but aren't telling the "infidels" because they are of the lower classes, and it's none of their business, anyway. Thank God I'm an infidel. I'd hate to be one of them.

John of Gaunt was in CANDale, near Gironde. When he was at topic recently, it was as per tracing Treasure's and the Fleming "double tressure" border to Bordeaux, beside Candale. I now find another Bordeaux smack beside Aspres-sur-Buech!

The Border bloodline also traced to Besancon, not far north of Geneva. I recall that Borders/Bowrders show no Coat, but were first found in the same place as Roets and Treasure's. The Bords had been mentioned, having a Saddock- / Chaddock-like Coat. Later in the update, it becomes evident that Treasure's trace to the namers of the Drac river north of the Buech.

The Bord Coat is split in the two colors of the Geneva/Genova Coat. The latter is the one with upside-down wings tracing with the Chaine/Chesne wing to the Chagne river. The arms and fist evident between the Geneva wings is seen between the wings of the German Bauers/Bowers, and then the Borders show as "BOWRder," while Boughs show as "Bow." It could appear that Borders are a Bauer line. The Bauer/Bower Chief is that of Julians/Gillians, isn't it? The "double tressure border" includes the Bauer>Rothschild line, doesn't it?

Birds look like they apply both to the Bords and to the blue-Appleby riddle (so to speak) concerning some of the Caepio treasure. One of the Bird Coats is an Alan Coat, isn't it?

What are we treading upon here? Isn't "Gaunt" and "Candale" indicative of the Ixion Hyksos of the Centaur kind? If "double" is code for the D'Blois bloodline, let's repeat that Barkle's/Berley's share the white-on-blue patee cross with the same-colored Blois/DEBLOIS Coat, and then let's ask why Barkle's/Berkle's use a "salutem" motto term, much like "Salatis," a Hyksos pharaoh. Isn't "Buech" indicative of pharaoh "Apachnas"? Didn't the Gap region trace to Phrygia, where Heneti lived that I've thought were in code with "CENTaur"?

Recalling that Berks use a fret, note the "conFERT" motto term of Barkle's/Berkley's. It appears that both Barkle Coats are using the Macey and Mackay Shields, for Maceys were from FERTE-Mace. And the Maceys are from the Mus household of pharaoh Apachnas. He was also "Khyan," and was traced to "Cheney." It looks like that was a correct trace; it looks like Hyksos were on the Chagne river too, named by the descendants of the Exodus pharaoh...the one who had a grudge with his Creator. The Catherine wheel must be a symbol of the Ixion-line Hyksos, for Ixion was anciently given a wheel symbol.

The "Crux" motto term of the same Barkle's/Berkle's gets a surname first found in Centaur-based Kent, and using more patee crosses. It also uses a black pale bar with white symbols, the Tailer and Russian-Alexander symbol. It shares a white Crest with Caesars, first found in Kent. The pale bar is in the colors of the Sale/Sallete bend-and-symbols. The carriers of Salatis blood named the Salyes Ligures on the Durance, didn't they? It's notable that while black fleur are tracing to Juno, or that June's use them in black-on-white, Sale's/Sallete's use the fleur in white-on-black.

Repeat from earlier in this update: "Still in Gap, there is a Barcillonnete location using only three white-on-red roses in the positioning of the same in the Caesar Coat." This Barkle/Berkley-suspect location is less than 10 miles from Aspres-sur-Buech.

As John of Gaunt was the founder of the red-rose house of Lancaster (on the British throne), as it warred against the white-rose York faction upon the British throne, might these two roses have been the two sets of roses in the Caesar Chief? Was a woman amongst York liners from the Caesar-Shield roses while a woman amongst the Lancaster liners was from the red-on-white Caesar-Chief roses? Is that the explanation of the War of the Roses?

I claimed that John of Gaunt in Candale was handling some of the Caepio bars. It seemed logical. The blue-apple riddle involved a "Pousinn" code that I think is for the Poussin surname, first found in Berkshire, where Hinks were first found who use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Annandale's, by which I mean to say that the Arms of Aspres-sur-Buech are likely using the same saltire.

What do the Brinks and gold bars have in common? The gold bars were found in Toulouse, and then Tools use the lion of Alan-related Strange's, who were linked shortly above to Nahorite-suspect Norths (i.e. from the Bug river). I had traced Bauers to Bogens, and Bogens to Bugs, and so terms such as "Buech" may apply to Bug-river Nahorites. The Tool lion is in the colors of the Beaufort lion. "Tool" smacks of "Dol," and Brinks share oak leaves with Alans of Dol. Bauers and French Alans share the same Chief. What really made these people "rich and famous"? Stolen gold?

Nathan Rothschild, the son of the first Rothschild who became rich by unknown methods, moved from Germany to England, and probably got into cahoots with royal Stewarts. Why? The online stories on how the Rothschilds made their fortune by manipulating the stock market may be a family fabrication to disguise the reality. Nathan lived in Manchester. One would think that the Arms of Manchester should reflect some aspect of Nathan Rothschild's family. It just so happens that while Peter Pollock was an overseer of Rothes castle, and while Pollocks are from Maxwell stock out of Maxton (Roxburghshire), the Maxton bee design is/was identical to the bee in the Arms of Manchester. It's possible that the bee design in the Manchester Crest has been changed, for, years ago, I claimed that it was identical to the Maxton bee.

The Maxton chevron is in the colors of the Quint chevron, and both surnames use fitchee crosses. The Maxton fitchees can be linked easily to the Macclesfield fitchee, and later you will see why these crosslets, especially in the black colors used by Macclesfield and Berkle's/Birchills, trace to the Buech-river theater.

It can now be assumed that Barkle's/Berkle's and Berkle's/Birchills are identical stock, Macey liners to boot, because Maxtons and Maxwells are expected to be a Mackay branch. You should be getting the impression that the Hyksos got to infest Berkshire. Berkle's even use the Sale/Sallete fleur (in the same colors).

In the Manchester Crest, there are seven bees upon a globe. The only surname I know of using a globe is the Carpenters, who share a motto with Scottish Belli's/Belley's, using an eight-pointed star (Rothschild/Rothstein and Verger symbol) in the colors of the Moray star. Belli's were first found in Moray, where Peter Pollock had his Rothes castle, if I recall correctly from Ms. Pollock. Belli's use the rose in both white and red, and then red ones in the Arms of Manchester are known to be those of Lancaster. It can be easily proven that all three Belli surnames are related to Carpenters and Fullers. Until I mentioned it, the beacon in the German Belli Coat was identical to the Fuller beacon. Why do you think they changed that design?

The description of the Arms of Manchester at the link above is filled with typical garbage. The bees are said to be a symbol of hard work, and the three gold-on-red stripes are said to be a symbol of three local rivers. It's typical garbage where the families / individuals behind the symbols do not wish to be revealed. It just so happens that three gold-on-red chevrons are used by English Mathie's/Mathews (blue wings, the Bauer symbol), while Scottish Mathie's are also "Mann," the family that therefore likely named Manchester. The red-and-black colors in the Mann/Mathie gyronny are used by Birch's/Birkiners.

It's hard to make out whether the cross in the Mathie/Matthew Crest is a moline or flory cross, but it's colors reversed to the Berk cross and the Borgia/Bourg moline. German Mathis' must be specifically be using the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Belgian Borgs. Why does it seem that Nathan Rothschild at Manchester is linking to Berkshire elements of the Matthew kind? We could ask the occupants of Buckingham palace to come out with their hands on their heads for questioning. Better yet, let's just ask heraldry what this is all about.

Can you not see the Bellamy-Macey bloodline in this, the same Hyksos liners evident in the two Barkle Coats? It just so happens that German Belli's look to be using a version of the Fondi/Fontini Coat, suggesting Fano elements that are in the Fane/Veynes sept of Mackays. Veynes, in the Gap theater, is near a Mens location that might be the root of Manchester. as it has been gleaned that Fondi / Fountain elements merged with Lepida elements to form the Lafins/La Fonts (using the Conte lion), it's notable that the same lion is in the Welsh Matthew Coat.

To now prove that the Manchester bee is the Maxton bee, Maxtons share a blue fitchee with Scottish Matthews using the Mann/Mathie gyronny!!! I didn't know this until all the above was written. Do not neglect the French Mathis'/Mathou's/Mathieu's using the moline of Chives/Shives, and note that the gold-on-black star at the center of the molines of both surnames is in the German Birch/Birken Coat, as well as in the Capone Coat (Cambridge).

See how that Capone's are trace to "YOUNG hen," very-useful garbage for linking to the Juno i.e. Junia Caepionis line. The writers of "young hen" knew what they were referring to, didn't they, and they knew they were lying to the world, didn't they?

The Matey Coat uses the MANder Coat, important where the Julian salaMANDER must refer to this bloodline...meaning that Mathie's, and therefore the namers of Manchester, are fundamental Julian liners. Is that why Nathan lived in Manchester? Did his father acquire some gold bars from prince William of Hesse-Cassels? By what coincidence does the Cassel Coat (black fitchees) use the Kennedy Coat and Kennedy motto with "La fin"? The Cassel Crest is the Caesar dolphin in gold. The Cassel chevron is suspect as the Maxton / Quint chevron. Cassels were first found in the same place (Lincolnshire) as Mander- / Matey-related Rhodes'.

The "Avise" motto term of Kennedy's and Cassels get three garbs in Joseph- / Comyn garb colors in the Avis Coat.

Just as was suspected, Nathan Rothschild came to England to hook up with Caiaphas liners. But why? We need to ask Peter Pollock. I ventured to trace the Carpenter "globe" to "Goplo"...origin of Peter Pollock's Mieszko line to Mackays at Moray. Goplo was the origin of mythical Piast the Wheelwright, and then the Arms of Manchester not only use a globe with their Maxton bees, but an antelope, symbol of the Wheelwright Crest. The Catherine wheels of Wheelwrights brings them to the Buech river, we may suppose, where Papins and Pepins had traced whom were traced (months ago) to mythical Popiel at Goplo. The Masci wing of French Gobels had proven that Macey liners were at Goplo's so-called Mouse Tower (origin of Popiel). The camel of Italian Gobels links to the Pepin camel. The Pipe version of Pepins was first found in the same place as Roets.

It looks like the namers of Goplo may have named Gap, especially as the earlier name, "VAPINcum" had given me cause to look up Papins. The latter surname is the one using "Raisin seeds," perhaps linkable to the "Res" motto term of Wheelwrights. Seeds/Cedes share the Caesar Chief. While German Mans/Manners were first found in Styria, German Bachs (the blue wings that Bauers once showed) use a "steer" while Steers (in rare Mathie-gyronny red-and-black) use a "cede" motto term. I kid you not, that upon writing to the last sentence, I had not seen again the Steer Coat; it's using the lion design of Gapps/Gaips in colors reversed!!! Welsh Bachs even share blue vair fur with Gapps/Gaips and Quints.

It looks like the namers of Goplo were, centuries earlier, at Gap...tending to trace Bachs to the Hyksos namers of the Buech river. It's been years since identifying the Bachs with the Exodus pharaoh, and here we are with very good evidence. And it's tracing right to Caiaphas ancestry. With Papins now tracing to Poland, their white plate might just be in the Arms of Breslau/Wroclaw, where the dead head of John the Baptist is displayed.

Perhaps you missed a point. Goplo is now suspect with Papins from proto-Gap, and Papins were Apepi-Hyksos liners, explaining why Wheelwrights chose a chariot wheel symbol. It could be that proto-Papins named the city originally, while the Goplani namers of Goplo re-named it Gap at a later time. Or, it could be that proto-Papins named it, afterwhich the altering of "Vapincum" to "Gap" may have named the Goplani. Either way, it looks like the Apepi Hyksos at Gap migrated to Poland.

But they also went to the Bebba Bernicians, the Melusine line that I'm tracing to Emily's, using two cups in the colors of the one, giant Papin plate. The Poppins/Pophams (use the Mens Coat), who share a "Mens" motto term with Pepins, were first found in the same place as English Josephs and Emily's (not far from where Pipe's were first found). The "PRIStina" motto term of Poppins smacks of Melusine's mythical mother. Wikipedia calls her "Pressyne," but I've seen slightly different variations.

The head of the "giant" that's enfiled in the Grave Crest looks like the head in the mens Crest, and then Mens is located about 30 miles south-west of La Grave.

I identified the "I zal" motto phrase of the Mens motto with "Islip," and so let's add that Islips use holly! Suddenly, Melusine turns out to be of the Pepinid Hyksos. The Islip stag resting ("lodged") under the "holly tree" is a good reflection of the Maxwell Crest, tending to support the Maxton trace to MANchester...meaning that the Mens bloodline was likewise (as with Mathie's'/Manns) involved in naming the city. A Mathie (Mathis-river suspects) merger with the Mens bloodline is suggested.

The Apachnas-branch Hyksos went to London. Not only is Windsor castle in Berkshire, but there's a BUCKingham Palace.

The "Res" motto term of Wheelwrights, and the Papin raisin seeds, can now go to the Rye/Ryse surname honored in the "ears of rye" by Saddocks, for "the ears of wheat" of Gaip-like Chaips should apply. The Raisons/Rainfords share a black raven and black-on-white colors with Welsh Rice's/Rees'/Rhys' and German Rothes' (Bavaria). It's suggesting that Rice's and Rothes may have been one stock. There is an Italian Res surname showing no Coat or write-up, sharing the Julian/Gillian and Bauer Chiefs. The "Labore" motto term in the Arms of Manchester might just be for the Bohr/Burr variation of Bauers. In Arthurian grail lore, a Bors entity seemed to become top-dog in the grail line.

As per the cat in the Berk Crest, there's also a "cat rampant" in the BUCKle Crest. It can be explained where the Buech river, a Durance tributary, was within range of Caturiges. Buckle's are in the colors of English Bucks/Buchs, using anthers in the colors of the Conte antlers, important because Conteville's were BURGo's. It's suggesting that Conteville's may have had roots in the Buech river. The question is, why antlers? Should these link to the Casimir antlers, which I would link to the VERINGer antlers. Hmm, I see, Veringers must have been from Veragri.

To clinch the trace of these antlers to the Buech river, the Cone's (three antlers, important because Veringers use three) use a "GAUNTlet hand" holding an ARROW. The Cone antlers are said to be "arranged perpale," and then a purple flag is used by the Conte-related Ville's. It's a little interesting where there is a Lus-la-Croix location on the Buech, for Luz'/Lucio's and Lacys use purple do Stobby's, and Skiptons who trace to a Scopi location that I found merged with Stobi.

Buckle's, we may assume, are honored in heraldic buckle's. It's tending to reveal that Leslie's, Stubbs, Stirlings, Mortons -- all using buckles -- had Buech-river connections. The Arrows/Arras' (honored in the Cone Crest, we may assume) were first found in the same place (Staffordshire) as Stubbs, and use fleur-de-lys in colors reversed from their buckles. It just so happens that Arrows are said to have had an Arras location in BUCKinghamshire, tending to trace that location hard to the Buech river, and then, the Cheneys, traceable to the neighboring Chagne river (about 35 miles off), were first found in Buckinghamshire, and use Arrow colors.

Arrows are said to be from Arras, the Artois capital. The Buckle chevron is in the colors of the same of Pendragons (fleur-de-lys) chevron, and Arthurs were first found in the same place as Books/Boucks. Didn't we trace Arthurs, above, to Gap, very near the Buech? Just what is this Buech entity that should be linking to such a "distinguished" family as that of king Arthur? Why is the Caiaphas line linking to a Buech entity? Is it something to Puke about?

Puke is on the Drilon river along with Lys-suspect Lissus/Lesh and Pendragon-suspect Penestae. Here's an online quote to suggest Melusine links to the Lys entity: "The Patricians: Melusine de Lusina (734 - 759) - Princess of Southern Picts of Alba, Countess of Anjou, Dragon Queen..." Why are Patricians connected to her? Didn't I trace her to KilPatricks on the Nith? Melusine de Lusina seems to be a fabrication to mislead the reader onto a rabbit trail, or an attempt to credit the naming of Lusignan to her. The page shows Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg's photo with "1957-2013," suggesting that he died last year.

Modern Puke is where "Cavii" is on the map below. As was shown recently, the Penes/Penny Coat uses two greyhounds in the positioning of the two Lys/Lisse greyhounds, as well as a lynx on a MacArthur crown in Crest. It seems that the Hyksos link to Caiaphas lines in the Gap theater goes back in time to Illyrian Celts of Puke as they merged with Cavii. I didn't know that the Penes Crest was a lynx until now; I'd learned it in the distant past, but had forgotten it in recent updates. The square brackets below was just-now inserted into the last update:

The brother of mythical Danaus had a son, Lynceus, and then, by no apparent coincidence, we find a Lyncus location in a Lyncestae region (Illyrium map) not far south of Bylazora. It's important that this Lyncestae/Lyncestis entity is to the near south-east of lake Lychnidus...{itself beside Penestae}

[Update -- I didn't know that the Penes/Penny Crest is a lynx until this update was published. I thought it was a boar. This clinches the Penes/Penny trace to Penestae.]

I thought I had made a good case (3rd update in February) for tracing Puke to the Pek river, which tended to trace the Cavii to "Cuppae." I had claimed months ago that Apachnas named the Pek river in the land (i.e. Moesia) of the Mus household of the Hyksos. Therefore, it looks like there was a Pek > Puke-area > Buech > Buckingham migration...which tends to suggest that London was named after Landen, the Belgian home of the Pepin whose ancestry traced with little doubt to queen Bebba.

It's interesting that the English Babels use six bars vertically, symbol also of German Julians, for French Pepins (same place as Martels) use crescents in Chief (in the colors of the Poppin Chief) in the colors of the German-Julian crescents. It's the German Babels that use Melusine so that Pepins can identify as fundamental Julian > Aemila liners. And that's why Merovingians thought so highly of themselves. It was Merovingians who started the lore concerning Jesus not being the Son of God, but rather a secret fornicator with Mary Magdalene. We could expect the ghost of Caiaphas to make up such a story. I haven't clinched Caiaphas as a son of Aemilia Lepida, but it's working out well thus far. The French-Pepin Coat is a single raven in the colors of the Emily cups and the Papin plate.

Berkle's/Birchills (suspect with Verker elements) use the Pendragon chevron-with-fleur in colors reversed, as well as the Roet oak and motto. Berkle's were first found in the same place (Kent) as Cone's. The flag of Conte-related Ville's goes very well to the Flags/Flecks, for they use the double fesse, in the same colors, as per the Works/Werks (honored in the same motto that honors the Conte's). Flags/Flecks were first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Flack-related Fulke's and Buckers (estoiles). German Buckers/BUECHers share an oak with Roets, and use an orle border (very traceable to Julius Caesar) but just call it a "black border."

A piece from several paragraphs above has been clipped out and moved here:

It can now be assumed that Barkle's/Berkle's and Berkle's/Birchills are identical stock...As Berkle's are obviously Roet kin, it makes Macey-suspect Barkleys look like Roet kin, which, because Maceys use GAUNTlet glove's, proves that Barkle's are a Berkle branch. And as Maceys trace to king Massena, it makes Barkle's and Berkle' more suspect with the Barca Carthaginians. The question then is, do Berks / Burgs apply to Barca elements? The thought has never crossed my mind, but there we have the possibility arising out of nowhere based on the apparent facts.

Natural, outcropping question: Does this mean that Veragri were named after a "Barca" variation? Vere's were Massey/Macey kin, after all. It's a very important question if it was correct to trace, in previous weeks, Caiaphas and Annas both to Hannibal Carthaginians. The Veragri (mentioned about 200 years after Barca) can explain it all if they were named after Barca.

I recalled that Barks use larks, but, what's more, they are brown larks on gold almost the Varn colors, and Larks, first found in the same place as Barks, do use Varn colors, and even use a gold symbol (16-pointed estoile) on a black chevron, the colors of the Varn scallops on a black bend. I thought that was quite remarkable coming immediately after writing the dropped-down quote above. It tends to link Veragri-suspect Varni to Barks. I'm placing it here because Barks and Larks were first found in Norfolk, where estoile-using Buckers/Buschers/Bouchers (use the Dutch Bush/Bosch lion) were first found.

About an hour before finding the Larks, I was thinking that any 16-pointed star should be considered two Ishtar families merging. The thought crossed my mind while wondering whether the Verger star was linkable to the starburst (many points, I can't recall how many) in the Arms of Holstein. I'm telling you this because I figure that the Spirit put it into by mind just before coming to the Larks. I can't recall the last time, if ever, I have seen another 16-pointed star. By what coincidence did it turn out that Larks use Varn colors and moreover link to a Veragri-like Bark surname?

I'm assuming that Larks and Barks are from Istria, where brown-Crest Pollocks are form. Again, the Bark larks are brown, a color suspect with Brunswick, or the namers of Brunswick, and it just so happens that Bars, who came out of Brunswick, use the Arms-of-Este eagle. After writing that, I checked the Bruno surname to find a Bruno location in ASTI province! Later, the evidence builds for a Peter-Pollock trace to "the tanner," and so, while Asti is on the Tanaro river, the Bruno bend could be the Peter bend.

English Este's are in Mott/Morte colors, and while the Motts use an eight-pointed estoile, the two surnames were first found in the same place, in Essex, beside Norfolk.

Problem. We can't trace "Vere" back both to "Gerunium" and to "Barca." But we can imagine a Ver term from "Veragri" that later named Gerunium. It just so happens that Larks show also as, LAUERk. Isn't that a term that can come from the line of Larino (eight miles from Gerunium) to Laurie's and Lowrys? In that case, it's interesting that while Italian Este's were largely in Emilia, the Este eagle is in the colors of the Emily cups, symbol also of Laurie's and Lowrys. The latter's lone grail (the only Coat symbol) just happens to be in the colors of English Este's and even reflects the lone Mott/Morte estoile. Only after writing that did corroboration arise when Glovers (Norfolk, same as Motts) were entered as per the GLOWRy variation of Lowry's, to find crescents in the colors of the Mott crescent. Moreover, the Glovers look like they can be merged with Alexanders, and even Catters (Keturah suspect, in the Caturiges).

It had been concluded by various means that Maccabees were founded by Keturah elements long before emphasizing the Caturiges at this point. The Maccabees of Masonic importance were those from Alexander Balus through to Alexander Jannaeus Maccabee, whose wheel symbol (on his coin) was traced to the Catherine-Roet wheel. Keturah (pre-dated the Hyksos) had been identified with a Hebrew line to the founders of the Egypt-ruling Hyksos, who are said to have introduced the chariot into Africa. The proto-Keturah wheel, you see, was in Ixion, and then his wife, the Nephele cloud, must be in the Lark-Crest cloud out of which a hand holds a gold Gar(e)b. In her myth, Nephele was a copy of Hera, and Hera was identified (by me lonely) with Garebites.

One may ask whether the Glovers are in code in the "gauntlet glove." That would link Glovers, Motts (Modi'in suspects) and Lowrys to John of Gaunt and related Maceys. That, and what's above it, tends to trace the Lowry grail hard to Maccabees. Why would that be? It depends on what the grail represented. The Lark chevron, together with it's 16-pointed estoile, is in the colors of the Irish Shaw chevron-and-trefoils, and then Scottish Shaws, first found in the same place (Perthshire) as Scottish Glovers, use grails. The Lark Coat uses white footless martlets (that i tend to link to Sadducees) inside "pellets," and then Pellets likewise use grails, in the colors of the Shaw grails. The Larks/Lauerks, of you recall, came to this topic with what I claimed to be a move of the Spirit. Why would that be?

Glovers look so much like Lowers/Louers as to appear solid for identifying "Lowry" with "Lower." I tend to think that "Lowry" was the earlier term, then becoming "Glover." Then, as Larks/Lauerks share the white-on-black martlets with Livings/LEVIns, and, moreover, as the Lark/Lauerk chevron is in the colors of the three Levi chevrons, it may be that Lowrys were Levi's to begin with. However, it's problematic to trace "Levi / Laevi" to "Larino" unless "Laevi" became something like: Laver > Lauer > Lauerin > Larin. Or, of course, I may be wrong in tracing Laurie's / Lowrys to Larino (there were good reasons for that trace).

It wasn't realized until now that Clare's are a branch of Levi's. To put it another way that definitely stretches your mind, "Clare" is a "Levi" variation. I've just entered "Lauerin" to find both Larin surnames, one of them using what should be the Capes (Caepio-suspects) scallops. After that, I was going to check the Lawrence surname when I spotted "Clarence" as one of the Lauerin/Feeter variations. That's when it hit me that the two red-on-gold chevrons of Laurens/Clarence's were of the three, in the same colors, of the Clare's! Where was my head until now?

Yes, one can understand a "Clare" modification from "MacLauerin/MacLarin," but we've got to allow heraldry to have a say, and it just so happens that if the Clare chevrons were black, the Clare Coat would be the Levi Coat! This discovery comes in the midst of tracing "Levi" to "Lauer." What a "coincidence." If the Claro > Sinclair vikings were Levi liners, it explains why they were chief Templars even aside from their merging with Caiaphas lines. Now we know why the Sinclairs use an enGRAILed cross.

AMAZING !!! The Lever Crest shares a gold rooster with the Sinclair Crest, and the Lever Coat, in Sinclair colors, uses one enGRAILED bendlet!!! It's taken me this long to figure this out, but, really, who's timing is this? Now we know why Sinclairs wanted Jerusalem.

The Lever-Crest is expressed as "A rooster standing on a trumpet, all proper." In heraldry, a "clarion," used by Scottish Arthurs, is a trumpet, and obvious code for Clare's, and yet the Levers didn't call it a clarion, perhaps to disguise as much as possible their being a Sinclair branch. It won't fool heraldry experts, and I've probably made the link before, but I must have assumed that Sinclairs merely merged with Levers. I don't know that I equated "Clare" with "Levi," however. I don't recall falling on any such realization before. Levers were first found in the same place (Lancashire) as Laurence's.

Levers are in Living/Levin colors, and were first found near them. The Livings/Levins (Westmorland) are therefore, in all likeliness, using the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Tanners (merged with Sinclairs). As the Feeters are registered with Larins/Lauerin, it's not likely coincidental that Foots and Fido's/Fothes/Fette's use a chevron in the colors of the Levi and Lark/Lauerk chevrons. This line is what the footless martlets of Larks and Livings must in-part represent.

It can now be added that Clovers and Clavers/Cleavers are likewise likely a Levi > Clare line. Clavers/Cleavers (Norfolk, same Glovers) as are the ones with the key in Crest that can now link to the Sheaves > Shaw line, for the Foots are the ones with the trefoil linking to the Shaw chevron-and-trefoils. This is nothing but a big game of memory and wits. The only difference between me and most others is that I had the time to familiarize with all the Coats, the drive to understand their secrets, and less intelligence. The Clavers have two bars in colors reversed from the Levi chevrons.

Roet-honored Books/Boucks/Boggs have a chevron in colors reversed to the Buckle chevron, and moreover Books/Boucks use a red stag (i.e. with red antlers). The same stag, also in red, is used by Roet-like Reeds, wherefore it's no coincidence that these Reeds show a book in Crest. One could definitely expect Redones at the Buech-river theater.

These Reeds were first found in the same place (Aberdeenshire) as Leslie's, suggesting that the latter got their buckles from some Reed kin on the Buech river. These Reeds are said to have had a Rede Suffolk, where Buckle's were first found. It's also where English Buchers/Buschers were first found, and then German Buchers/BUECHers share the oak tree with Roets.

Let's ask whether the Leslie bend-with-buckles are in the colors of the Buckingham bend-with-besants for a kinship reason. Is that the Fife / Five lion in the Buckingham Coat? After all, there is a Buchan location in Aberdeenshire to which the Leslie buckles may link. The Buchan surname (Aberdeenshire) uses the three lions of Raines' (and Newmans) in colors reversed. The Buchan lion is apparently in the Buchanan Coat ("border double tressure" and "crown of Scotland").

Years ago, the Notting surname showed the very same bend-with-besants as Buckinghams (it's recorded in a few updates, including the 6th of June. 2008). Nottinghamshire is where the Stuart-suspect Sturtevants (probably the Wallace lion, but could be the Beaufort lion too) were first found. It's also where banker-suspect Beckings/Barings were first found that can trace to the Beckingham variation of Buckinghams.

English Reeds (same place as Rodhams and Stave-related Stevensons, suspect from Stobi) use the same saltire colors as Pek-suspect Pike's/Pickens. It tends to start linking Buech with the namers of the Pek river, which I thought were Paeoni from many months ago, and here Buech elements are tracing to Stobi, in Paeonia. The Pike/Picken saltire is enGRAILed while Scottish Reeds use "PAX copia." Isn't that just code for Cuppae at the Pek? Ask the Packers sharing patee crosses with Peks/Pecks. Or, ask the Packs/Paque's (first found in the same place as Conte's and Ville's) sharing the oak with Roets, Buechers and Panico's/Pane's. Plus, the red bull in the Pack/Paque Coat is in the design of the Bach "steer."

Therefore, I am convinced that this new entity, the Buech river, was a settlement of the Pek Paeoni, and that tends to trace the Cuppae elements smack to the Cottius>Julian>Caiaphas line upon the Durance. How about that. I had no idea that it would come to this when starting this section. As I trace the Salyes on the Durance to the Sale/Sallete Coat, while one Hyksos king was Salatis, I can now repeat from a years-long claim that German Bachs (the ones using a "steer") are from "Apachnas," the Exodus Hyksos pharaoh.

A Christian has no problem believing that Egyptologists have stretched Egyptian history further back than the Flood. In order to do this, they need to invent kings and dynasties. They have the first Egyptian dynasty earlier than 3,000 BC, while the Flood is dated more like 2350 BC. Nothing manmade, in the Middle East, survived the Flood. No pyramids, no tablets, no jewels, no pots, no homes, no human bones can be found because they are all buried under the sedimentary rock or sand that precipitated in the Flood waters. I was able to show that a pharaoh with two names was turned into two kings, wherefore one can imagine a king with three names turned into three different kings. The point is, the Hyksos are dated a little earlier than the Exodus pharaoh, and yet, as the dating system is faulty, one can bring the Hyksos forward to the exact timing of the Exodus, because I spotted clues to support this case.

My day ended after writing all the above, when I looked for an article on Salatis to see where he fit into the string of Hyksos kings. He is viewed as the first one, perhaps the evil one of Genesis, after Joseph died. In any case, I found an article to be dealt with in the next update that starts like this: The Great Father god of the Hittites [he means the neo-Hatti] is Pappas or Attis ("father"), who was best known to the Egyptians as Sutekh. I find it more irritating than praiseworthy when I see "father" in brackets, as if the writer hasn't enough common sense to see that "Attis" is code for "Hatti/Hattusa. He's also trying to make us thing that "Pappas" means "papa," for later in the update, he equates these gods with Hadad, who he calls, "Dad."

In other words, reject the idea that "Pappas" means "father," and think the Hyksos king Apepi/Apophis instead, as he evolved into Pepins / Papins. My purpose in quoting from this article is where the writer claims that Sutekh was initially a god of the neo-Hatti prior to introduction into Egypt (as Set) by the Hyksos, and he identifies the origin of Hyksos from these very "Hittites." He points out historical quotes revealing Sutekh as the only god honored by pharaoh Apepi. I'll have that for you in the next update; the point here is that Sutekh can now be identified as the proto-Sadducees as they related to the Pepins. It's explaining why Hyksos, Pepins, horse-using Freys and Caiaphas liners are all cropping up in the Phrygian theater between Gap and Sion. Nothing that was written above was catered by me in a crafty way to jibe with this article, as I hadn't yet found it.

The article tends to support the recent hunch, that Sadducees were connected to the Cotesii (beside the Sion-suspect Sensii) as they evolved from mythical Cotys, father of Attis. I have never known before, so far as I can recall, that Sutekh was a god of the Hatti. It is a very welcome finding because he becomes suspect with the makings of "Cotys" itself. Then, Cotys was made the son of Manes, which was code for Maeonians...leading to the "Mens" motto term of Pepins and Poppins. Do you see how important it is to have found this article? It proves that Pepins were both from the god, Pappas, related to Attis and Sutekh, from the proto-Hyksos.

But the big story that I'll re-visit is the Levi nature of the Sinclairs. If it was correct to trace them to Varangians, it explains why Levi's are in Varn colors. It's making much sense. It's more likely that Sinclairs had been from the Levi proper of the 70-AD period in Israel than from the paganized Laevi Gauls pre-dating the Sadducees proper. However, it indicates that the Levi out of Israel were likewise paganized as they evolved into vikings, and having contacts with the Gauls...whom I trace to the Galli priesthood of Attis. Some say that the castration symbol of Attis was code for Jewish circumcision, but I tend not to agree. I tend to view it as a transvestite symbol. This cult involved the Dionysus Maenads, the Manes > Maeonian > Mens / Mander line. In such a picture, it's very likely that the historical Donnus, father of Cottius, was a Cotys > Dionysus liner.

Years ago, the Bachs used a calf. It was a gold one. After reporting this -- that the Bach calf was code for the golden calf of the Exodus -- the calf was changed to a full-blown bull, as it's showing now. I therefore reasoned that Masons traced the Bachs to "APACHnas." I now find that Pek elements are tracing to a tributary of the Durance, where the line of the Salatis Hyksos are suspect, and, besides, Apepi was the Hyksos ruler immediately after Apachnas. The Hyksos empire began to fall with Apepi because, I claim, the Ten Plagues had weakened the empire of Apachnas (he was the most-powerful Hyksos ruler) sufficient to allow Thebes to conquer it.

Wikipedia reports that Apachnas had a son who didn't make it as a king, but that the throne may have been usurped by Apepi instead. In the Exodus story, the pharaoh's firstborn son died in the 10th plague, which can explain the son not becoming king.

By what coincidence do English Packs use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Saluzzo's? It was the Apachnas - Salatis families in merger, wasn't it?

Welsh Bachs share blue vair with Quints, and use what could be the Vere / Annas / Verger star. Then, the red-on-gold bull of Packs/Paque's is the colors of the Charo/CLARO bull. The problem in the Claro variation in a Carian suspect surname is that a Clarus location existed in Caria, near Miletus, so that one has reason to trace "Claro" to "Clarus" rather than to a Levi > Lever > Laver > Lauer > Clar evolution of terms. I regret this because I truly want to finish this project sooner than later.

It's possible that there were two Clare lines, one from Levi and one from Clarus, but the heraldic evidence links the Clare's to Sinclairs too strongly for that to be that case in those two surnames. Some say that Clare's are to be distinguished from the Claro > Sinclair line, but heraldry does not support it. The Laurence surname, by the way, with a "ready" motto term, is using a "raguli" version of the engrailed Sinclair and Rhodes cross, important where Caria is onshore of Rhodes. It is undeniable, therefore that Clare's and Lauer lines were, in the least, merged. But I now sense that they were one line, and if they were all from "Clarus," then they cannot be from "Levi," unless there was an ancient BC line such as: Levi > Lever > Claver > Clauer > Clarus.

Of interest here is that Hicks of a Clapton location shared "clarions" with the Arthurs whom they married. I had found that in an online article. Just minutes ago, I was going to tell you that the Hyksos article above locates Sutekh in Smyrna, an Amazon city related to Ephesus; the latter city was part of the Clarus theater. At that time, it came to mind that "Smyrna" may have named "Somer(set)," and yet I had not yet conceived what the top of this paragraph says. Coincidence? In other words, if the Hicks were Hyksos out of Smyrna, we'd expect them in Somerset, which is where the Hicks lived, for Clapton is in Somerset. The Hykes/Hack surname was first found in neighboring Devon, and uses what could be construed as a version of the Sinclair cross.

The Hykes/Hack scallops are even in the colors of the Samson and Meschin scallops, important not just because Meschins must trace to the Mus household of Hyksos, but because "SMyrna" may have been a Samos term. In any case, the Hykes/Hack quarters are those of the Chives'/Shives' because both surnames were first found in Devon, the latter being a Sheaves-related surname leading to the Shaws, said to be from "Sithech!!! That is astounding. Absolutely astounding. There is much to be had from the realities being uncovered here.

Not only do the Chives/Shives use the Mosca leopard that jibes with Meschins (= Amazons), but the Mosca's had married MonteCHIARO, that being obviously the Chiaro/Charo/Claro bloodline! You have just seen proof that the Mus household of Hyksos were the Amazons of the Mysia theater.

It truly appears as though these elements were from the Clarus / Smyrna Hyksos. To this it can be added that while Scottish Hykes'/Hacks use "hake" fish, the Laurence Crest is a so-called "turbot" fish tail, code for the fish-using Turbots/Turberts. Then, the Chives/Shives are said to have lived in TARVes (Aberdeenshire), a term that can trace to the Trabzon area of the initial Amazons. See the three fish in one Gobel Coat, for I sense that they apply to the Turbot Coat.

The fact that the Laurence's use the turbot tail alone is now suggesting that "Talbot" (whom I trace to Talls/Thals and Tailers) was a variation of "Turbot," and this jibes with the idea presented earlier in this update, that the Labrador-like term in the Lowry write-up was the reason that the talbot dog is a Labrador species! That's got to be true, and it traces the Laurence's and Laurie's well to "Clarus." It helpsto nail down who the Talbots were, and it just so happens that the first Meschin married a TAILLebois. She was Lucy, and then Lucy's/Luce's use fish too!

It just so happens that the Tailors were linked recently to "the tanner," who married the Sinclairs. That idea is now sitting in the Peter-Pollock section way below this point. It should be available for your scrutiny in the next update. The Tailor link to "the tanner" of Falaise derives from the report that he may have been a tailor by trade rather than a tanner. If the Tailors arose due to that idea, then I would suggest the evolution of terms was Tailer > Talbot > Tarbot > Tarves, meaning that Clarus / Laurence elements lived at Tarves. It just so happens that, when the Tailor surname (Somerset!!) is treated way below, it's pointed out that the Tailor lions are in the colors of the three Chives/Shives leopards, and that the Chives leopard design is in the Tailor Crest'!!! Incredible. The Tailer Crest cat is even in the orangey color of the Chives-Crest leopard, perfectly expected where Ranulf le Meschin married Lucy Taillebois.

Don't be naive when it comes to the "seamhas" term (Samos-line code?) to which the Chives are traced. They trace to "Chivasso" near Turin, and to the Sithech ancestry of Shaws, now very suspect with the Sutekh cult at Smyrna. "Sithech" is said cleverly to mean "wolf," but I had found the mythical-Leto Amazons (wolf symbol) at Clarus, which should explain why the Hykes'/Hack scallops are also in the colors of the Meschin-suspect Ladons/Ladds (Levi colors, Somerset!). See also how the Clavers/Cleavers (using the Sheaves/Chiapponi key, I'm sure) use a Meschin- and Ladon-Shield format. See the Ladon Shield used by Leaders who-in turn use scallops in colors reversed to the Ladon scallops, and in the colors of the Varn scallops.

This is making it virtually undeniable that Larks/Lauerks are using the Shaw / Foot chevron and the Laurin/Clarence/Feeter surname. For me this indicates that Clarus-area Amazons had merged with Shawia Numidians, and that recalls that Larks are honored by Barks, suspect with Hamilcar Barca. Then, it needs to be re-mentioned that the Burgo's, eventually called Conteville's, married "the tanners" daughter.

The Laurins/Feeters were first found in the same place as Alexanders (themselves beside the MacAbee's), who trace with little doubt to Alexander Jannaeus Maccabee, who is suspect in the Jonathan surname using roosters in Levi colors. If the Jonathan roosters would be colored reversed, they would be the gold Sinclair / Lever rooster. Jonathans were first found in a Freie-suspect location. I'll repeat here what comes later, that Russian Alexanders share the Tailer-Coat format and colors.

There is logic in Caiaphas being an Apachnas liner: God chose Moses and Jesus to thwart the bloodline that He hated most. Here is something I've never shown before: the Bucking(ham) Coat, which comes up as "Buching," looks like a version of the Charo/Claro Coat! It's the Apachnas Hyksos at Clarus.

I've only just realized; "Clarus" can trace to "Cularo," the early name of Grenoble!!! The latter location, on the Drac river not far from Gap, becomes a large topic below. Most of what you've been reading for quite some time is inserted into this update during the proof read. When this section was initially written, Clarus was not a topic, but the below was of the original writ.

The "charo" motto term is that of the same Josephs that uses "Cas ni" as code for the Chagne river, and then the CHESNE's show as "Chenay" while Cheneys -- who smack of "Khyan," Apachnas' alternative name -- were first found in Buckinghamshire. It's undeniable that heraldry is tracing deliberately to this pharaoh, which is why the Bach calf was deliberate, from the human trash who took pride in this pharaoh. That's the Illuminati trash, of course.

It's been years, not now for convenience or for some trick that I'm playing on you, since tracing Masci's to what I call a Mus (= Meshwesh) household of pharaoh Khyan. The idea first occurred to me when realizing that Moses/Musa was named after this household, for Moses was named by the pharaoh's daughter. I then began to see and report much evidence of a Masci trace to Hyksos. After reporting that the white Chesne/Chenay wing was identical to the white Masci wing, the wing design was changed (probably in early 2012). Why would houseofnames change merely a wing design? It was white before the change, and white afterward. Why bother changing merely the design? Does the Chaine wing look better than the Masci wing? No. But a Masci link to a Khyan-like surname is too dangerous for the trash who lie to us, and keep secret what their globalist agenda is all rooted in: the satan operating out of Khyan's heart.

The Bach "steer" gets the Steers using a "cede" motto term for the Seeds/Cedes' using blue bars with three besants, the Buckingham symbol. And that's the only reason that it's called a steer; otherwise it's to be regarded as the Exodus calf.

The split Steer Coat (uses almost the Tailer lions in the same colors) is colors reversed to the split Kaplan Coat (see also the Laurie Shield), very important for four reasons: 1) English Kaplans/CHAIPlans [Gapp/Gaip suspects] were first found in the same place as Josephs, and look to be sharing a version of the Joseph Chief; 2) the Shield-and-Chief color combination of English Kaplans is used by English Packs; 3) the Shield-and-Chief color combination of English Kaplans is used by Saluzzo's, from the Salyes i.e. from pharaoh Salatis, I now believe with little doubt; 4) the Shield-and-Chief color combination of English Kaplans, Packs, and Saluzzo's is colors reversed to that of Cutters, a potential branch of Catters; 5) Packs were first found in the same place as Masci-winged Dine's/Dives'.

[This area was written before the proof read, before the Clarus / Sutekh topics were added. As Sadducees are expected from Sutekh, note how Sadducee-suspect surnames below are welding to Apachnas suspects such as Steers.]

As Steers honor the Seeds/Cedes/Seete's, they might have been Seete's themselves that came to be suffixed with "er." The Setters/Satters (Catter colors, perhaps a branch of Saxons/Septons) come to mind as an example. Steers were first found in Surrey, at Berkshire...where the Berk cat traces. Again, Berkshire is beside Buckingham (at west London). There is a Sutton location at Surrey, and then the Arms of Sutton show a black fitchee in Crest, the symbol of Berk-like Berkle's/Birchills. The latter's format and colors compares well to a few Coats in an earlier discussion, including the Buckle's and related Bulkely's/Buckley's, important for tracing them to the Buech river because Berkle's are an obvious branch of Roets.

Bulkely's/Buckley's were first found in Cheshire, where there are black the Arms of Macclesfield and in the Davenport Coat. Davenports, who use the format and colors of Bulkely's and black-fitchee Berkle's, were first found in East Cheshire, location of copia Macclesfields. Davenports are suspect with the Dine's/Dives', and at Diva, the old name of CHESter. In this picture, the naming of Chester and Cheshire can go to "Chagne." I've yet to check the distance between the Chagne and the Buech, but they can't be far.

NOW BEHOLD. Davenports are said to be from Astbury, and this recalls my trace of "Asbury" to "Hesperides." Whose white bulls are the Bulkely's using? Are they Geryon's cattle? Geryon was a part of far-west Hesperides lore, and then ASPRES-sur-Buech gives the impression of a Hesperides entity. The Astbury surname is also ASPREY!!! There you have it, my fellow dragon slayers. Cheshire elements of the copia kind, tracing to the Buech river, and then Hyksos-based, Maccabee-founding Maceys, Masseys and Meschins were fundamental Cheshire elements. The realities cannot be denied any further with any weight.

The naming of Cheshire itself must trace to the Cotta>Julian>Caiaphas line, explaining why the Arms of Cheshire are gold-on-blue garbs, the Joseph symbol.

Recall that Donnus, father of Cottius, was traced to the dancette. The Chee/Cheatle surname (Cheshire) uses a dancette, and I've been tracing Cheatle's to Keiths, said to be from a Catti peoples. Do you think the Caturiges may apply? The Chee dancette is a fesse in colors reversed to the Astbury/Asprey fesse. How about that. The footless martlets of the Astburys/Asburys (see also Coverts/Cofferts) are connectable to the same of Apple's and Appleby's, important because Hesperides was an apple garden.

The Aspers (duck) just happen to use the red-on-white "embattled" fesse (colors of the Chee fesse) of the Danse/Dance surname. It appears that the Donnus / Cottius family had linked to the Asprey-sur-Buech location. The black horse head in the Dance/Danse Crest was showing until recently in the Este Crest, which was my method of linking Este's to Bute's.

The Este horses (shared by Cottin-suspect Odins) look like the Hyksos symbol, for the Este-Coat horse heads are used by Pepins. Masseys use the same design in the form of a PEGasus (suspect with "Apachnas"). Therefore, this builds the case for the Hyksos trace to Aspres-sur-Buech.

Suspiciously, Asborns/Osborns (Kent, horse entity) use a "Pax" motto term, as do Davids/Daffy's of Cheshire. In fact, Davids/Daffy's (suspect with "Daven(port)") use, "Pax et copia." The Apachnas Hyksos and the Caepio bloodline, that is, likely from Mazaca, capital of Cappadocia, near the Kizzuwatna location of Hyksos booted out of Egypt. I use "booted out of Egypt" regularly because, in fact, God booted them out, and because they ended up as the Muses of Bute, and moreover French Masseys showed the boot symbol until 2012. Hagans use the boot (likely code for Bute because Dutch Veys use a boot), and while their Coat is suspect with Primo's, Hagans and German Setters/Sezzers both use the same quarter colors.

Italian Brians share the hunting-horn design of Brians, and Briancon was, I think, part of Dauphine, where the Daffy variation of Davids traces. The so-called "piles" used by these Brians will be linked to the lightning symbol of Sutekh in the next update. There are several surnames using piles that can be checked out at that time for Sutekh links. The Brians and Oxford surnames showed the same lion design until recently, and it was the lion design (comparatively rare) still showing in the David/Daffy bend (I think the Arms of Britain use these lions). It looks super for a "David" trace to "Dauphine," where the Gap theater sits. It just so happens that Gapps/Gaips (suspect in using the Quint-Caepio vair fur) were first found in Somerset, a place now tracing (tentatively) to Smyrna, location of the Sutekh cult.

Imagine if the Davids/Daffys trace to Gap, what it should mean as per their "copia" motto term. It would tend to clinch the Caepio = Gap theory. I know what I'm going to say already.

The reason that Brians can trace well to Sutekh (god of the Hatti in Phrygia) is that Briancon was also, Brigantium, while Phrygians were also "Briges/Brigians." Didn't Phrygians trace to Papins expected at proto-Gap? Then, let me say that while Welsh Davis' use a version of the David/Daffy Coat, the black lions were not always identical as they now show. The Davis lion was in the same colors, but of a different design. I was wondering whether the Davis lion may have been the Gapp/Gaip lion, and so checking my files for "Davis lion," here's what was written in the 2nd update of September, 2009: "The Bretton surname is said to derive from Brittany's Breton peoples. It uses a Zionist star on a black lion on white, what looks to me like the Davis lion exactly. "

Checking the Bretton Coat...the black Gapp/Gaip lion!!! We might expect many design changes in the near future if some puppets of the Illuminati trash are reading along here. If they were not trash, they wouldn't attempt to hide the things they are supposedly proud of. But they are ashamed of what they are proud of, which makes them lunatics. We must expect lunatics and multiple personalities abiding in those who permit the spirit of satan to infiltrate their souls. I don't think satan is capable of creating any clean thing. Trash and filthy spirit are identical. The Garbage Truck of Heaven is coming soon with lightning in its wheels, to take the sky-high pile away.

It has recently occurred to me that houseofnames, or whoever is in charge of all/most online heraldry, may have ceased to take the requests of someone asking for Coat changes. Or, perhaps, it was the work of Nicholas de Vere, who apparently died last year. I have not had nice things to say concerning Nicholas over the years, and so he surely hated me. Yet, when he wrote in, he acted like a friend respected me. He had said that he was a believer in Jesus, and that Jesus was the author of "dragon light." I rebuked him while giving him the Truth. Here's an online quote just found: "...unfortunately it seems that de Vere passed away this year" He was 56 years old. The quote comes from a blogger page of wing-nuts tracing the Anu-giant theme to a Bucegi location in Romania (it smacks of Bucks et-al):

And also on topic it is interesting to read the research of Nicholas de Vere, who traces the original gods, elves etc in Transylvania:
"Some of the earliest evidence of Ritual Vampirism comes from Tartaria in Transylvania [likely traces to Arpad/Arados, at Tartus, in Syria] and stems to the fifth millennium BC. Remains of a human body were found buried in a fire pit along with clay tablets upon which were inscribed the names of the ’Sumerian’ god Enki and the ranking number of Father Anu. The language was subsequently termed ’proto-Sumerian’ and represented some of the earliest written artifacts yet to be found.

Nicholas liked the Anu bloodline to which he traced Vere's. That's another reason for suspecting the Vere star in the Annas Coat. But the SOMERia region is now suggesting a trace to "Smyrna," and then to Somerset. It's very possible that Roets, first found in Somerset, had linked to Smyrna / Clarus Amazons, for Roets and related "copia"-using Reeds (both honor the Book/Bouch surname) trace well to nearby Rhodes. The sleeping moon of Roets (see Endymion) traces smack to the Clarus area.

I'm not satisfied with historians who equate various gods. Every god-term has it's own root in a similar term. "Pappas" is the Apepi line (probably to "Paphlagonia"), and Sutekh should go to "Sittacene / Sittaceni / Soducena / Zedek." They were NOT equivalent entities, and so historians should not equate them. What historians are pointing out is that the gods had contact with one another at a certain point, but then they should put it in those words, that the gods merged when peoples merged.

Speaking of wingnuts:

Right On Track on the Drac River

Introductory comment: yes, the Drake's trace to the Drac, and so does much else in Masonry. If you know my work, you should be able to glean that Pollocks and other facets of the Mieszko's trace to the Drac river in times before the founding of Poland. It again suggests that the namers of Gap also named Goplo, which, zowie, recalls my old trace (a wild stab in the dark, really) of the David/Daffy Coat to the mouse in the Misl Coat!!! Zowie, the lion on the Davis / David Coat was said to be an alternative symbol for the mouse in the Misl Coat (connects to mythical SiemoMYSL at Goplo's Mouse Tower), and here, just shortly above, the David lion was disclosed as the Gapp/Gaip lion!!!!! Does this mean that the Goplani founders of Goplo were Caepio liners. Ask the "copia" motto term of Davids!!!

The great thing about heraldry and its links to geographical locations and people groups is that, when one link is clinched, it usually includes more than one clinching. In this case, not only has the Gap-to-Goplo link been clinched by one link of two Coats, but it verifies that Davids trace to Gap, and link to the Gapp/Gaip lion, which in turn traces Davids to other entities already linked to Gap. That's why I never run out of things to say, and why I can't tell you all there is to say, because the Internet hasn't the room for it.

I can now trace Davids / Davens / Devons / Dives' to wherever I traced Daphne, and one place was Sophene, beside SAMOSata, named after a sun god, Sames, and so keep watch for a sun symbol below in a surname tracing to the Drac river. Also, Sames probably named the island of Samos, near SMryna. But then the El-Gabal sun god looks like it should apply to Sames, and be named after the same Gap elements that named Goplo. It's a toss-up because the Attis sun god, and the Rhodes sun god, also trace to the Gap theater. There is a good coiled-snake argument for tracing both the Rhodes and Attis sun gods to the Apepi snake cult of Egypt, for the Galli priests used a coiled-snake symbol, and "Helios" is like "helix." The Hermes caduceus applies here because one of its snakes was code for the Cadusii Armenians who I say named Hattusa. The historians are very asleep at the wheel here.

The Cadusii must have named Cotys are therefore suspect as proto-Sadducees. Sutekh was also "Sutesh / Suty." Sutekh must apply to "Cotys," and because Sutekh's now known (by me) to be a kin-god to Pappas (I've not heard of him before yesterday), it does seemingly link the Apepi snake to the caduceus snake. It's just the devil, don't fear. Rebuke him, and he will flee. The list of Sutekh variations includes the Greek god, Bapho, which may be play on Paphlagonians, and thus trace the latter people to the Templar goat god, Baphomet.

As Hermes was the god at mount Hermon, the summit of which was, Sion, it's a no-brainer now to trace "Sutekh" to "Zedek," the old name of Jerusalem (i.e. location of Zion). In this picture, "Cadusii / Sutekh / Zedek" are one and the same stock, and so Sadducee's trace to old-Jerusalem inhabitants. It's then interesting that Jesus was in one Biblical character, MelchiZEDEK, ruler of Salem = Jerusalem. This Melchizedek (see treatment on him New-Testament book of Hebrews) was a sign to Abraham of things to come under the eternal Priesthood of Jesus. It was God's plan, in other words, from the time that He chose Abraham, to ruin the Sadducee bloodline, and to replace it with Jesus, and to make him the ruler of an eternal, renewed, Mount Zion. And Jesus will come back with the real lightning bolts and storm that the no-show Zeus was given credit for.

Before I forget, the trace earlier of Tailers to the Smyrna / Clarus theater can be placed side-by-side with the talbots of the Pape/PAPENburg surname. It was first found in the same place as Trips, whom I view from Trabzon's Amazons, ancestors of the Smyrna Amazons. The raguli symbol of Pape's/Papenburgs is used by Laurence's.

Repeat: the Dine/Dinaux surname was first found in the same place (Bourbonnais) as the Cottus surname (uses a version of the Pike Coat), and then English Dine's (Masci wing, links both to Chagne and to Cheshire) are also "Dives." Recall that the Chanut/Chenu chevron is upside down, for which reason we are able to link the surname to the Geneva's because they use upside-down white wings, the color of the Chaine/Chenay/Chesney wing...that was once showing as the Masci wing. Now, see the upside-down Masci wing in the Dine/Dives Coat! The sorry, twisted dragon left lumps of dung as signs for us to follow.

There is another Dives surname (Cambridge, same as Julians, Chapmans, and Capone's) using another dancetty fesse, and what I gather are the Capes' / Happy/Apps scallops. They are white scallops, the colors of the Meschin scallops, which may indicate that Meschins were linked to the Capes...first found in London...location of Berkshire, Buckingham and Sutton, and not far from Cambridge. Sutton's black fitchees brought us to Cheshire's Astbury location for a super discovery, of a trace to Aspres-sur-Buech, and so keep your eyes peeled for the way in which Sadducee-suspect Suttons will clinch a trace of certain Gap-related surnames to the neighboring Drac river.

The Keiths are said to be Marshalls, or vice versa, and so see the string of lozenges used by German Kapps/Kepplers, in colors reversed to the same of Marshalls/Marescals. There are FIVE lozenges to both strings, and then Chaplets, like "KEPPLer/KEPPEL," use FIVE swans. It's likely code for Quints, in the colors of the Kapps/Kepplers, and using a fitchee to boot. Of further interest is that English Capp(er)s were first found in Lincolnshire, where Ranulf le Meschin got his wife (Lucy Taillebois), and where MUSSELs/Muscels (and Messier's) were first found who use FIVE plates.

This link of the Meschin/Mascelin scallops to the Capes / Happs / Abey scallops, if ever I had made it before, has never been stressed. It's identical to a Maccabee-Caiaphas merger. As Keiths and Marshalls were at MUSSELburgh, see the same string of lozenges (six this time) in the Mussolini Coat. If we ask why Mussels use plates, it can be noted that English Pilotte's were first found in the same place as English Messnier's while French Pilate's were first found in the same place (Burgundy) as French Messey's/Mesnier's. It's identical to a Maccabee-Pilate merger. [This was written before finding the Papin plate.]

It's clear that Meschins, who ruled in Diva = Chester, trace with Kapps to Musselburgh (East Lothian, same as Seatons), and that these Kapps liners were Capes' and Chapmans (latter in Chee/Cheatle colors). The Meschin and Mussel fesses are both gold, and in the two colors of the Herl/Hurl and Hurt fesses, and then the Herods/Hurls use a gold fesse too while Cheshire's share the "hawks' lure" with Herods/Hurls.

Cheshire's share the lion's paw with Quints, in colors reversed to the Quint Coat, and then Cheshire's were first found in the same place (Essex) as Quints. It's becoming clear, isn't it, that Julian>Caiaphas liners were in Cheshire? The Cheshire lion's paws are in the colors of the Second/Segur lion, and the quarters of the latter surname are now far off the colors of the Massey Coat. The upright lion of Ranulf le Meschin at his Wikipedia article are colors reversed to the upright Second/Segur lion. The Ranulf lion was also the royal Scotland lion. Does that trace Scotland to Junia Caepio Secunda? Ask her grand-daughters line at the Nith.

I can't recall the details or how well the Turtle's/Tuttals, Toothills and Toots/Touts traced to Junia Caepio's, but lets add here that Tattons, said to be of Dunham-Massey in Cheshire, are using the Second/Segur quarters in colors reversed. Let's also re-mention the mirror in the Primo Coat, and while we're at it let's talk about its patee cross. For, if that latter symbol is for the Patty surname, it (the surname) can link to the Nitt/Naught Coat, of a surname first found in the same place (Dumfries) as the Nith river, and the Laurie's sharing a grail with Emily's. Not far west of the mouth of the Nith, there is a body of water called, Abbey, which may have been of the Capes-related Abbey surname.

Then, let's ask why the Chester motto, using a "patitur" term, is identical with that of English Shaws while Scottish Shaws use grails too. As the Patty's are suing what should be a version of the Saddock Coat, by what coincidence are Shaws said to be from "Sithech"?

We might like to know why the grail-using Shaws use a "mean" motto term. There are two Mean surnames, and the English branch uses just a dancette, which traced to the historical Donnus. He is expected to be from the Dionysus Maenads (mythical Manes, father of Cotys), you see, who were sinful Amazons with a dancing symbol akin to Mick Jagger's rotten bones, and so the Mean/Minn/Ming/Menn surname (with dancette) traces well with Mens/Mengzies' and Manders to Maeonians on the Maeander, which happens to flow near Miletus, founded by Sarpedon, a Garebite peoples from Jerusalem, where the Sutekh entity traces. And we could expect Sutekh elements to reach as far as Miletus, for the Hatti owners of Sutekh were on the upper Maeander river. If you recall, Sarpedon was traced to Servitium at the Juno theater, the places suspect with Servilia Caepionis, wife of a Junius surname. If you think I'm forcing that picture because I'm some sort of clever magician, think again. It works because it's true.

Prior to the paragraph above, it was gleaned that Sutekh elements near the Maeander theater merged with Shaws, but I hadn't yet come to the "mean" motto term of Shaws that corroborates that link.

As Dennis' are said to be from "Dionysus," it may indicate that a Donnus trace to Dine's/Dives is one to a Dionysus line. The Dine/Dinaux Coat (in Gore colors) can be gleaned using the roses of Yonge's ("jeune" motto term), and because Yonge's were clearly kin of Gore's (both first found in the same place as Quints), the Dine/Dinaux moline (in Mander-saltire colors) can link to the Gower/Gore moline. Gore's/Core's are the ones with a motto tracing to Servitium. Thus, we have evidence here of a Quintus-Caepio link to the Donnus-Cottius line suspect in Julius Caesar's mother, Aurelia Cotta.

Online quote: "After the Hittites came to power, they took control of much of Anatolia and their first kingdom was in an area called Nesa, near Kultepe." That's the Nysa/Nysus entity of DioNysus, isn't it? The full quote suggests that KAYseri was in existence before it became "Caesarea" after a Roman Caesar:

After the Hittites came to power, they took control of much of Anatolia [I say that term was after "Heneti"] and their first kingdom was in an area called Nesa, near Kultepe [the Khaldi?]. The first capital of the Hittite Empire was at a place called Kushshar or Kussara, which has not yet been located. The earliest king mentioned in the royal archives of Hattusas was King Anittas [Heneti?], who began the policy of expansion. He took the area called Nesa, then Hattusas. He then made the old city of Boghazkoy the capital, and the name was changed to Hattusas. Later, for reasons not made clear, this king Anittas transferred the government to Kultepe, near Kayseri, and Hattusas was declared accursed and destroyed.

Chances are, the Heneti were named after Anat (goddess), a possible version of "Antu," wife of Anu of SUMERia. That may explain why the Hatti god was at SMYRna. "Anittas" may have been the line to a similar term (like "Annete") that I've seen (I can't recall the spelling) who was made the mythical wife of Aeneus = Aenus at the mouth of the Hebros, at Sale. That Salatis-suspect line was suspect in the naming of Annas of Israel.

Kayseri was also Mazaca, what I view as the Meshech > Amazon capital of Cappadocia. It now means that Sadducees must trace to that ancient place as long ago as the Hatti. There was a neighboring Kue/Qewe area that may trace to the Shaw motto. Let;s not forget that the Shawia Numidians are expected with Massena, king of Numidia. Massena elements ended up ruling Chester.

The Chester Coat can be either a version of the Tanner or Setter Coat, both of which are expected to be Caiaphas liners. The "Vincit qui" motto phrase of Chesters (and Shaws) is probably due to the Chester Chief using what I think is the griffin design of Vince's/Vinch's. It strikes me here that Heneti-like Canada had a Vincent Massey as its first prime minister. Let's not forget Massey-Ferguson.

Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa code, if that's what it was, probably traces to the counterfeit Melchizedek line, the counterfeit Zion of the Sadducees. The Lissus location on the Drilon river was home to a Cavii peoples suspect in the naming of the Shawia Numidians, and here we see the Shaw motto phrase, "Vincit qui," trace-able to both the Vinch surname and to the key-using Sheaves/Chiapponi's, a branch of Cavii-descended Chives/Shives. If proto-Caiaphas / proto-Annas comes to the Donnus > Cottius line via Carthaginians of the Barca kind, shouldn't the Shawia Numidians have been involved?

To help clinch the Berkle trace to the Buech river, Cone's (GAUNTlet glove) were first found in Kent, as were Gaunts, while Berkle's use symbols of Roets whom married John of Gaunt...who himself traces without doubt to the Veynes location, some five miles from Aspres-sur-Buech, the latter being where the black fitchee cross (Burkle symbol) of Astbury's Davenports has just traced. As the Gaunt location is also "Ghent," note that Ghents, first found in the same place as English Josephs, are using the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Setters.

Having accidentally entered "Burkle" to fetch the Berkle Coat, an alternative Berkle Coat was found with what must be the Masci fleur-de-lys. Berkle's are using what must be the Sale fleur-de-lys. There was a Sale-of-Mascy surname in Cheshire. It's the Salatis-Mus household in our faces, and apparently joined to the sickening human-sacrifice cult of Carthaginians. Cursed dogs. Even dogs don't do things like that to one another. Better a dog than a Carthaginian friend. Carthaginians wouldn't know the True God if He did a miracle right in front of them on a Sabbath.

The Burkle Crest must be using the Caepio lion with the Roet oak. Roets trace to the leopard-symbolized Boofima cult, trace-able to the Dionysus leopard-skin symbol, and to the Marsyas goat cult of Phrygia, and that too was a human sacrifice cult. One can glean here that it all traces to the Bapho - Sutekh relationship. The Fitch surname uses "leopard faces" probably for tracing to that line, and it just so happens that the Face/Fessey surname (said to be of the Burghs) uses the enGRAILed cross of Macclesfields, the latter being the entity sharing the black fitchee with Berkle's and Berkle's (and Hanna's)! It is now clear that Barca > Hannibal lines, in merger with Masci's, were at Macclesfield and Astbury, and at Aspres-sur-Buech. We are very close to finding / clinching the Caiaphas line from "Syphax," not forgetting that the eagle design of Macclesfield-related Maxwells is used (in red) by Spacks/Specks/Spocks.

Face's/Fesseys (wreath of laurel) have a "vinces" motto code in connecting to Shaws and Chesters, and were first found in the same place (Northampton) as Quince's (mascles), meaning that the line of Leonardo da Vinci was a Quintus-Caepio one to the Quincys of Winchester (mascles).

It's time for another game of guess. It looks like a line from Barca, as it merged with Massena Numidians themselves from the Shawia, founded Maccabees proper in the Gap theater (not very far from Modane) when Hannibal's army moved through that area toward the battle of Trebia. The army slashed its way brutally (worse than dogs) by the lower Durance, as I understand it from my limited reading on the subject, then passed Modane to Albertville before crossing the Alps. I'm going to assume that Barca elements named Barcillonnete, from where a dog howl could be heard from Gap (no more than five miles between the two). My atlas has a Tallard (Talbots?) location roughly at Barcillonnete.

Look at what just happened. First, let it be repeated that the Arms of Barcillonnete is the same three roses in the Caesar Coat. I was asking how possibly Julius Caesar may have been from the Barca bloodline, and because Veynes (a Macey-related surname) is not far from Barcillonnete, it again reinforced the idea that some of Hannibals men, including Numidians, abandoned the march to war, on the Franks side of the Alps, and settled down on the Buech river. One of these families from Barca is predicted to lead to Julius' Caesar's birth. I recalled that Cirta, the Numidian capital, had been renamed, Caesarea, after Augustus Caesar, if I recall correctly, and so I checked for Cirta-like surnames, and of course "Sert" was entered to see Serres/Sere variations. I thought that I had seen such a location near Gap, and looking on the atlas again, there was a Serres location about two howls (maybe eight miles) downstream on the Buech from Aspres-sur-Buech! Coincidence?

The Sert/Serres surname even uses a white-on-red rose, the colors of the Barcillonnete roses. Then, about ten miles west of Serres, there is a Rosans location (no Arms shown). This is all yet in the arrondissment of Gap. As there is a Sierre location less than 10 miles upstream on the Rhone) from Sion, the stars of the Serres'/Serts are interesting for being in the colors of the Wallis-canton stars. Then, less than ten miles downstream from Sion, there is a Saxon location while Sachs/Sax's (Breslau) use three white rose's too, and nothing else in the Coat, same as the Arms of Barcillonnete and the Caesar Coat.

The Sax Crest is a "woman" with "wings." I don't know what this could be code for, but the Melusine "fairy" is coming to mind. The Wing surname (billets) is especially interesting, by coincidence or not, for linking to the Julian-Caepio line, just as I think the Saxon surname does. The Saxon surname is the one sharing bendlets with Orrels, Ince's, Keys, and Blois', all of which will come into play here. Other's using bendlets are the Levers who were exposed as Levi and/or Clarus liners, extremely important for tracing Sutekh to Sitten's namers, as expected.

Then, while Saxons/Septons/Sextons use CHAPlets, the Wing Coat has the black Julian cross between two Moor heads, the latter being a Chappes symbol coming WITHIN a solid chevron. The Wing Moor heads are WITHIN what I view as an upside-down solid chevron, though it's called a "pile." To boot, Scottish Chappes'/CHAIPs were first found in the same place (Perthshire) as the Wings!!! That is an incredibly-hard trace to deny, and begs the question of whether Chappes' trace to the Sach/Sax woman with wings. Who does she represent?

The Wing "pile" is in the colors of the Hagel "pile," and colors reversed from the same of Lepida-suspect Lapins!

The Hagel and Lapin "piles" are likewise regarded by me as solid, upside-down chevrons, important because the Geneva wings are upside down, as is the Chanut/Chenu chevron. By what coincidence did the Chanuts trace smack to Guillestre, the location to which I've traced Julians/Gillians, those sharing the black cross with Wings!!! There are too many coincidences here for this not to be a correct view. You've got gotten the evidence to trace Chappes' to Julians. Why why why would that be? Chappes' just traced to Lapins? Why? Don't Kennedy's (same place as Kyle's) use "La fin," black fitchees, as well as the Caesar dolphin? Isn't Gap in Dauphine? Hmm, why does "Kennedy" look like "Chanut." Lafins/La Fonts (black eagle) use a "Vincit" motto term!

Not to lose the original topic amid all the new points cropping up, Lafins and Kennedy's were both first found in Tipperary, what was traced to Tipaza, in Algeria i.e. near Cirta.

It looks undeniable that Lapins and Wings are a merger with one another, and also with Hagels, and so let's not forget that the Hagel chevron seems to be (right-side up) in the Hagel Coat, for, first off, Hagars were first found in the same place as Wings and Chappes'. Secondly, Hagels are the one with quarters in colors reversed from the Primo quarters, important for supporting a Lapin-and-Wing trace to Aemilia Lepida. You can see how important this all is in the quest to clinch Joseph Caiaphas as the son of Aemilia Lepida.

German Hagels trace by both their upright gold-on-black lions and their gold-on-black bends to the Arms of Kyburg (Zurich), while Coburgs appear to be using a version of the Arms of Zurich, important now for identifying the topic at hand with Saxe-Goths and Coburg (Windsor ancestry), for Goths (Cottius suspects) share the Hagar Zionist the colors of the same of Billets, first found in the same place (Maine) as French Josephs. English Josephs use a "wlad" motto term suggesting a Caiaphas trace to the same Zionists stars (all in white-on-blue) of Vlads.

French Billets are the ones using pierced Zionists stars in the format of the same of Payens, and then (for new readers) Hugh de Payen married Elizabeth Chappes. Hugh may also have married Catherine Sinclair (Caturiges line?), and then Catherine Roet's father was Payne Roet. The Roet oak tree is shared by Panico's, and the latter, because I link them to Pinks and Punch's, may have been the proto-Wing surname to Vinkovci. Wingers ("cotised" code for their bendlets), in Catter colors, showing footless martlets in colors reversed to the one used by French Josephs, share a "hind" with Irish Shaws.

If Sutekh (suspect with Shaws) traces to the Seduni, then, likely, the Wings are part of the Vince/Vinch bloodline honored by Shaws and Chagne-suspect Chesters. The Wing bloodline is thus suspect from the namers of VINKovci, earlier called Cibalae (see "sibi" motto term of Vince's), the home of the Valentinian family after which Clarus-suspect Cularo was re-named (I'll discuss this below). Cularo today is Grenoble, and then the Arms of Grenoble (see below) are, once again, three roses and nothing else. They are in the gold-on-red colors of the three Yonge roses, important because Caepio-liner Yonge's use piles, and trace with Gore's to Cole's and Kyle's. It is to be suspect that Cole's and Kyle's trace to "Cularo" too, but even if not, it's important that Kyle's share red-on-white stars with Julian-suspect Glass's, the colors of the Stars in the Arms of Sion.

Let's not forget the original topic, Cirta. It led to the Serts/Serres' who seemingly led to the Wallis canton at Sierre and Saxon. Near lake Geneva were the Saxon-suspect Sequani, who smack of "Secunda." As the Segni/SEGURANA surname was first found in Genova, it's feasible that this surname moved to Geneva and named the Sequani, or vice versa. It's feasible that the line of Junia SECUNda, through Aemilia Lepidus and Caiaphas, named the SAXON surname with CHAPlets. If correct, this line goes to Saxon, less than ten miles from Sion.

The Wings can now be traced to Cirta by another method that's virtually undeniable. The first method, which wasn't full-proof, was as per the woman with wings (in English-Winger colors) in the Sach/Sax Crest, where the Sachs/Sax rose was traced to the same of Serres/Serts and Barcillonnete. That was indicative of the Wing trace to Cirta, but not a clincher. I've since come across the goose in the Coat of German Wingers, and it just so happens that a goose was come across a little earlier when checking out the Certs surname...that brought up the CARTHage-suspect Cards. In the Cert/Card Crest, what could be construed as a card, is called a "letter," important because the Letters/Lauders (double tressure border) use "A goose sitting on a rock"! Bingo, and a goose may even be code for a short-form of "Joseph."

The Serres/Serts were from Cirta along with Certs/Cards, isn't that right? Whose Caepio-lion do you think that is in the Certs-Card Coat? The Saires variation suggests a branch of Sauers / Sayers (Varn bend?) from the Sava.

The goose-using Wingers even share the same white-on-red griffin with goose-using Letters/Lauders. Then, the "lord" motto term of Glasgows gets the Lord surname (in the colors of the Cert/Card lion) that comes up as "Laud." The other surname using a goose on a rock is that of Rutherfords (from Maxton, Roxburghshire), and they happen to use a "SORTE" motto code...for Cirta!!! I didn't know this (consciously) when starting this paragraph.

It means that the Letter/Lauder double tressure border is a version of the same-colored "orle" border of Rutherfords/Rudfords that traces to Aurelia Cotta of a Rutilii family!!! Just like that, Rutherfords have helped to trace Letters/Lauders, Lauds/Lords (Pilate / Notting pheons?) Glass-suspect Glasgows, and Certs/Cards to the mother of Julius Caesar. Glass' had been traced tentatively to "Gulussa," a son of king Massena. Note that Jewish Glass' and Wingers share fesses through their wings. R

It needs to be repeated here that Rutherfords were first found in the same place (Maxton) as Maxwells, the latter sharing the two-headed eagle design of Syphax-suspect Spacks/Spocks, a favorite of Gene Roddenbury...who traces to Rutherfords!!! That works. Don't fix it.

The double tressure border is an indication of Flemings to which the Julians/Gillians trace. The symbol is partly for scarlet-colored Treasure's/Thashers, and then Saxons use scarlet chaplets. As Treasure's were first found in Somerset, they can be suspect with Smyrna lines, and it just so happens that I had traced Leto to neighboring Clarus. That's to say that Letters/Lauders are suspect as a Leto > Ladon line, even to the Leda swan line.

The "double" part of the code is suspect thus far with Blois', who share the white-on-blue patee cross with both Barkle surnames. On the papal mitre in the Crest of English Barkle's (in Mitre colors) is the Julian cross, once again suggesting a Julian link to Barca lines. The mitre is orange, as if to suggest Orange elements...downstream on the Durance from Guillestre. The Barkle's are in Rangabe colors, important if "Rangabe" is an "Orange" term. The number and positioning of billets in the Nassau Coat are identical to the ones in the Wing Coat.

The Lord/Laud Crest is a sleeved arm holding a sleeve or "maunch," a symbol of Leicester, smack beside RUTland. The Leys/Lighs whom I trace to Leicester (swan entity, as with Sions) happen to use an upright lion in colors reversed to the Second/Segur lion. It's the Glass Crest that uses Melusine! The Glasgow Crest martlet is nearly the one in the Crest of the other Rutherford surname. The white-ermined Winger bend can now go to the same of Rodhams/Roddenburys.

As the Lord/Laud cinquefoils are in the colors of the Hamton/Hampton cinquefoils (blue on white); the latter surname has a white wolf in Crest that may link to the Gore' / Gower / Quillan wolf. The Quill(i)an/Killin Coat looks like it can link to the Winger / Letter/Lauder Coat. Quillan is a location beside Rennes-le-Chateau and ROQUEfeuil to which the Letter/Lauder rock may trace. The "tuarus" motto term of Letters/Lauders (important to note that it's not "taurus") may be code for Tuareg Berbers / Amazons. It's akin to the "tueri" motto term of Massena-suspect Masters. Hamtons may therefore trace to "Hamilcar" Barca, and then it just so happens that Hamiltons use the red-ermined Leicester cinquefoil.

The Letter/Lauder and Winger griffins (identical) should trace to the identical one of the Ali's/ALIOTTi, first found in Messina, and suspect with the Leto/Alitto surname (crane in Ali/Aliotti colors), first found in Ferrara. All three surnames are in the white-on-red colors of the Cotta lattice, as is the Lettice/Lattice surname, first found in the same place as Gore's / Quints. it can all link to the Lett-related Annas surname using a large star in the colors above. From there, one can go to the Verger star, and to the Veragri in the Sion theater, and then to the same-colored stars in the Arms of Wallis canton.

There we have all-good evidence of a Carthaginian-Numidian trace to the Gap theater and even Julius Caesar himself. If he was a Syphax liner, as the Spack/Spock eagle would suggest, then "Caiaphas" (the name) is suspect from his bloodline fundamentally. We might expect that the son of Servilia Caepionis, or perhaps the son of Junia Caepionis, named someone in the family by a Syphax-like name, afterwhich Aemila Lepida named her son, Joseph Caiaphas.

The goose in the German Winger Coat is in the color of the Joseph martlet, and then goose-using Rutherfords share the black footless martlet with the same Josephs. The martlets of English Wingers are then colors reversed to the Joseph martlet, indicating a Caiaphas link very closely to Wings and Wingers. Reminder: Wings, definitely using Chappes symbols, are using a version of the Lapin "pile." The black bars in the Winger Coat, below the goose, are in Levi-chevron colors. You now have several reasons to believe that Da-Vinci-code lore and Da Vinci himself are all based in descendants of Caiaphas, not in Jesus' sons with Magdalene.

As Wings are tracing to Cirta, it may be added that Goz'/Gos' could be using a version of the Barkle Coat. If Goz' are the goose-depicted Josephs, it again tends to trace Caiaphas to Barca liners.

Barcillonnete is very near a Tallard location. It's surprising that no Tallard surname comes up. "Taller" gets the Tailors, but then German Tallers use a long, solid curved chevron, used also by Kaips/Kaipff's! Both surnames use a gold lion in their curved chevrons, though Kaips use the fork-tailed lion. Reminder: Gapps/GAIPs can trace to Gap, about five miles from Tallard! The Taller lion even holds a plate!!! That had been the only symbol of Papins suspect with "Vapincum," the earlier name of Gap.

The Taller chevron is called a "point," suggesting the fitchee-using Points. This recalls my link of Points to Pinks because they both use the same fitchee design in gold, and so it seems that Wings should be a branch of Pinks/Pinch's after all. Pinks had traced to the Setta-valley Panico's/Pane's because Pinks/Pinch's and Reno's share red-on-white lozenges, while the Setta river is a Reno tributary.

It's hard to see exactly, but the Taller-Crest wings look like the German-Winger wings. In both Crests, the wing on the left is red with white fesse bars, and the wing on the right is black with gold fesse bars. It's tracing Wing liners to the Tallard theater. Expect the namers of the Setta valley in the Gap theater, therefore.

Reminder: Serres is on the Buech river. It suggests that the Massena Numidians out of Cirta were amid the Apachnas Hyksos, not surprising due to the Mus = Meshwesh household of Apachnas. The Panico's / Pinks had been traced to Apachnas liners at the Pek river, the mouth of which had a Pincum location. Then, while Peks/Pecks share the white patee cross with Barkle's, Peckers/Packers (Berkshire) use white-on-red roses, the colors of the Arms of Barcillonnete and of the Serres/Sert rose!!! That is huge. The Barkle mitre leads to Mitre's using a dove that can trace to Cuppae, "city of doves," on the Pek river. The Peckers/Packers even use the Moor head design of Wings (and Chappes), thus tending to clinch the Wing-Pink relationship! But what we have here are entities far removed from each other (Moesia verses Carthage / Numidia), all meeting in the Gap theater.

Peckers/Packers are likely using the lozenges of Capes-related Abbey's...who might trace to KirkCUDbrightshire, near an Abbey body of water beside the Nith river. If that's correct, Capes / Abbeys / Happs/Apps trace to "Cuppae." It's Gap important, not just because Aemilia Lepida traced to the Nith, but because Cuthberts were first found in Kirkcudbrightshire, near the Hanna's, and then Cuts/Cuttes', using PLATES, are said to be a branch of Cuthberts. In other words, expect the Cottius > Caiaphas line at Kirkcudbrightshire, not far from Hanna-suspect Annandale. Ultimately, the Habsburgs of Austria were named by the same that named Gap. ABBSolutely.

Although the Happs/Apps were traced to the Hypsas river in southern Sicily, it was reasoned at that time that Pek elements led to Puke in the land of the Cavii, while Cavii moved to the Hypsas river. It just so happens that this section speaks on a Drac river, traceable to the Drago river, the other name of the Hypsas! The current name is like "Hanna."

Much of the above, including the Serres topic on down, was inserted into this section that was originally focusing on the Drac river. It was a very welcome insert. The parts above the insert were to establish the importance of the Buech river to Masonry. My impression is that the Veragri and Caturiges peoples were both on the Buech (it was the Veragri-suspect Fergusons who use the "asperis" motto term). The Catters (from an early Catur surname) use a chevron and surrounding symbols in the colors of the same of Buckle's and Work-related Raines', especially if Raines' trace to Raisons/Rainfords suspect in the "raisin seeds" upon the Papin plate. That works.

I had identified Hyksos as a line from Keturah, Abraham's wife (Genesis 25). She may have been destined to be his only wife had not God intervened with Plan Israel. She and Abraham's descendants, as numerous as the stars, may have been destined to be the rulers of the planet forever...if not for Plan Jesus through Abraham and Sarah. I am now finding that Keturah suspects, Cutters and Catters, are linking to Hyksos liners on the Durance.

Recalling that the Primo's/Primeau's may be from Junia Caepio Prima because Primo's and Seconds both use a quartered Coat (as do Veragri-suspect Vere's), it should be mentioned that Asborns/Osborns, who may trace to "Aspres," use a quartered Shield in colors reversed from the Primo/Primeau Shield. Asborns/Osborns use yet another tiger, as do Sudys (and Medleys), and in fact both tigers are white. I can see where this is going already, because Sudys are the ones using the Gapp/Gaip lion!!! I can't imagine a better way to clinch an Asborn/Osborn trace to the Buech.

HASkins are said to be from Osborns, and then Puke is located where there is a Has location. It is all-too-likely now that Maccabees and/or Hasmoneans had their origins in Numidians at the Serres theater on the Buech. Medleys are suspect from Modi-in, Israeli home of HASmoneans.

When originally writing here, I had not yet known that Sutekh was also, "Suty." In all the time that I treated Sudy's and Suty's in recent weeks, I didn't know it. In the next update, we'll see how the lightning bolts of Sutekh can link to heraldic "piles," and how the related hammer / mace symbol for thunder may have thereby gone to Maccabees.

Interesting is that while Medleys use a green tiger, Suttons (Nottinghamshire) use a green lion. This could identify Suttons with Sutys and Sudys. In fact, the Arms of Sutton are the ones where we found the black fitchee tracing with Astbury's/Asprey's and Berkle's/Birchills to Aspres-sur-Buech! The Sudy Chief, by the way, is identical to the Ghent Chief, thus clinching the Sudy trace to the Buech river. [I didn't have Sutekh, the Hyksos god, in mind at all while connecting the Buech to Hyksos.]

Now is the time to clinch a trace of the Maness/Manner surname to the Mens surname, for while Mens is about 20 miles north of Aspres-sur-Buech, the English Maness/Manner motto is that of Suttons. German Manners even use a white lion in Crest, very linkable to the white Sudy / Asborn tiger. The "Pour y" motto phrase of Suttons and Manners was suspect with Pury's, first found in Oxfordshire, beside Buckingham and Berkshire. It works. The Pury Coat may even be using the format and colors of Buckle's.

Suttons come up as "Satin."

Thus, Suttons / Sudy's / Suty's / Seatons, all related closely -- were Sadducee liners in the land of the Caturiges, where also Veragri had been. It's suggesting that Sadducees issued from the Seduni, even as Veragri can be suspect with "Pharisee," even as Caturiges can be suspect with a Keturah line to Porcius Cato. It's the line of the mythical monster, Ceto (mother of Ladon = Lydians), from the Pontus, location where we may expect Cotys, grandfather of Lydians. Myth writers knew how disgusting these peoples were, otherwise they would not have been given the monster symbols. It was the Cadmus (= Cadusii-Mus) line to Boeotia too, wherefore, if Cotys was of proto-Sadducee stock, we'd expect proto-Sadducee stock also in Boiotia, and of course you can predict that the Mus elements in Cadmus were the proto-Maccabee neo-Hyksos in Israel. Why would anyone assume that Maccabee's were a peoples blessed by God when the killers of Christ issued from them?

This is all quite a Milo-stone for me. I've done many Miles since starting this dragon hunt. Melia was a Boiotian honey goddess, and Sadducees were from a house of Boethus. Aemilia Lepida was in the very Gap theater under discussion, wasn't she? Don't you think her name should trace to a honey theme? But to the Greeks, "milo" means "apple" (sweet fruit).

Let's recall that the cattle of Ladon-related Geryon became suspect with the white bulls of Bulkely's/Buckley's, which was my first clue that Hesperides elements were at Aspres-sur-Buech. First, I'd like to say that, in the blue-apple-riddle investigation a few weeks ago, the Caepio gold bars were traced to Meschins in Cheshire (kin of the Ladon-apple-garden line) as they merged with Geryon elements in neighboring Wales. Geryon had been traced as per mythical Cacus (he wanted the Geryon cattle) at Rome to the Gari river south of Rome, and the Gari had been suspect with Guerin of Provence, suspect in turn with Varro's leading to "Vere."

Therefore, as per my trace of Aulus Terentius Varro Murena to the Wallis canton, location of the VERagri, do you think the Veragri were, not just a Varro line, but a Geryon line? After all, there are two wolves (in Varn colors) in the Varro Coat, and then Geryon had a two-headed wolf...that I traced to an Ordo-like location (can't recall the spelling) on the south shore of the Black sea, at the Pontus. Note that the fleur-de-lys in the Varro Coat could be a blue version of the same in the Gellone Coat. The question is, how many Gap elements were in the blood of Guerin of Provence?

Meschins were fundamental Vere liners in several ways. Meschins had been traced to the nine witches of Avalon (i.e. code for the nine Muses), and Drakenberg Vere's (i.e. Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg) claimed that Melusine was out of Avalon. I have never once, over several years (as many as 12), doubted that Bute was mythical Avalon. In the course of my investigations, it turned out that the Boethus Sadducee liners, or a stock thereof, named Bute. There seemed to be a Budini trace to "Bodencus," and yet the Bute kin of Este's were traced in another direction, to Butua/Budva, beside Kotor, where Cutters were traced because I expected them to be Keturah liners. I was absolutely sure that Keturah liners named Kotor. Later, I found Catters using fish, after many months of tracing the Kodros fish to Kotor. In this picture, Kotor elements named Caturiges, and they can be predicted to be from Ceto stock because Ceto was made a sea monster (symbol for pirates).

Then, because mythical Kodros (Athens) had both a boar and a fish symbol, the Porcius line is expected at Kotor. That's how Porcius Cato may have been named after Caturiges stock, and how Vere's may have gotten their blue boar i.e. from the Veragri allies of Caturiges.

Thinking about it now, "Bergen" and other such variation can be from "Geryon / Gergon." English Bergens/Bergons use gold scallops, which, if I recall correctly, are used by the Burgos area of northern Spain. Geryon had also been in northern Spain's Coruna area. Moreover, the Varns use gold scallops. If that's not enough, see the gold scallops of Ladon-related Leaders! Consider a trace of Bergons/Bergons to Schwerin (Varni theater), for their Shield could be a version of the Schwerin Coat. Schwerins are very linkable to Schere's/Scherfs and therefore to Sheers/Shires/SHIERS (Sierre / Serres elements?) using black fitchees that traced to the Buech river prior to my dealing with Serres on the Buech.

I've just found the Ordu location on the Black sea, near Samsun, where Hercules could be expected to evolve, from mythical Samson elements approaching Greece. Hercules was the one who took over the far-west empire of Geryon and his dog, Orthos. In Ordu, there is a Gurgentepe location to this day.

Due to the inserts in this section, I was not able to get the Drac / Grenoble topic to you for this week. It looks like I'll need to continue this section in the next update.


On this page, you will find evidence enough that NASA did not put men on the moon.
Starting at this paragraph, there is a single piece of evidence
-- the almost-invisible dot that no one on the outside was supposed to find --
that is enough in itself to prove the hoax.
End-times false signs and wonders may have to do with staged productions like the lunar landing.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
Table of Contents

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