Previous Update: October 22 - 24

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October 25 - 28, 2010

Sheba and Dido, if you Catch the Drift
PYGmalion was Daedalus' son, IaPYX
The Partridge Family (don't miss that Anti-Christ-important topic on the 28th)

October 26 -- 27 -- 28

October 25

It's been a heavy-duty month. If you couldn't get this page yesterday, it's because I put one too-many periods in the web address.

In case you can't read to the thick of this update, I want to mention right off that the German Logen surname uses a swan. I'll come back to this obvious link of mythical Lohengrin to Austrian Logens.

Some have been saying that the King James Version is the only version Inspired by God, but others are saying that Francis Bacon was central to the translation. Here's an article (compliments of Lee) on the latter theory if you're interested, possibly written by a Freemason (as the symbolism at the end of the page would suggest).

Personally, I suspect the King James Version as a dark work, for some dark purpose, which may only have been to make money. It's doubtful the translators had the purpose of badly-translating the Word for Satanic purposes, as there are others knowing the languages and having access to manuscripts who would have caught on. However, one can fathom that on some areas, such as I claim for Daniel 9 or 11 prophecy, the KJV is erroneous in key parts.

I never did like the "beauty" of the King James. It makes no sense to portray Biblical characters and stories with theatrical language or fairy-airy style. It can only give the impression of being somewhat unreal. The writer of the article makes the point that no records of what was shaking down on the translation are known to exist. And why is it that we were not informed that Bacon and/or Shakespeare had parts in the work? The writer also points out a few Freemasonic symbols that came with early publications of the KJV, symbols found in Shakespearian works as well. One symbol was a dog (Stewart symbol), another a rabbit, and another a bow/arrow.

We read "Then a final revision was entrusted to Dr. Thomas Bilson and Dr. Miles Smith..." Smith was a surname that founded Mormonism, and that was a Christianized version of Freemasonry some 200 years after the KJV was published by what appears to have been the same sort of "Christians." King James likely relished in his belief that he represented Jesus Christ on earth; this was the belief of the Anglicans to which he presented his personal translation. But James was an imposter merely for making that claim or taking that Seat of Christ.

The Scottish Smith Crest uses the fish seen in the Keon and Kane (= Hyksos/Khyan) Coats, AND the Gaven/Gowen Coat comes up when entering "Smith." I had traced "Smith" to "Samos/Samson," the Hephaestus-cult Hebrews under Aphrodite>Venus (Hephaestus has a Kabeiri cult on SAMOThrace, named after the island of Samos). The Bacon article reads: "In the 1612 quarto edition of the Authorized Version on the title-page of the Genealogies are two designs; that at the head of the page is printed from the identical block which was used on the title-page of the first edition of 'Venus and Adonis,' 1593..."

I also traced Mormons to Lemnos and Samson on some solid, independent basis, and found that Tolkien emphasized some Mormon-Rus elements. Tolkien used a code much like the "Numine" of the English Smith Coat. I know for a fact that the originators of Mormonism (at least one knew the Bible well enough to create a sound-alike "Bible"), including "prophet" Joseph Smith, were out to make money on their book of Mormon, and by convincing their followers to give up all their possessions and money (and young daughters) for the "prophet" and his end-time cause.

German Smiths use the Italian Ferrari lion, and in Italian, "ferrari" means "steel smith." I see Vere-Stewarts all over this and all over the KJV. We are informed that Bacon's biographer was William T. Smedley, a Smith variation, I assume.

I had just emphasized Cattan-and-similar surnames, and so I should mention the Scottish Smith write-up, that Smiths were from the "third son of Murdoch, Chief of the Clan Chattan [Save Shield], a confederation of twenty-six Clans of which Smith was a member clan. Faber and Ferro were Latin equivalents of the name Smith." I traced Saves of the Sava to Kikons, and Kikons to Hephaestus and Aphrodite.

I didn't have time to respond to many emails tonight aside from Lee's, and opened just one (or two) from Tim, whose short list of Haddington clans included Keith-related Marshalls, and he threw in a link to the German Marchalls. It's a key Coat because it uses the Guiscard lattice, used also by the Gauts/Cottins...which reminds me that, aside from Lee's and Tim's email, I responded to just one other emailer, the one with Gust/Gaut bloodline. I therefore think that God continues to "play" dragon hunt for us through my opening of emails at certain, particular times when the email topics blend with, support, and advance current update topics.

The Message seems to be that Gauts/Cottins were the Catti ruled by the Keith and Scottish Marshall clans. See the Keith Catti mentioned also in this other Scottish Marshall Coat. We now have reason to link Keith Catti to Guiscard the Fox, or even to view "Guis" as a Keith variation. AND, there is a very good chance that the Samson>Hephaestus/Lemnos elements that book-of-Mormon codes trace to were Guiscard's Saracens (mentioned yesterday).

Guiscards were from Tankerville elements, and the Tankerville Coat uses white-on-red cinquefoils, the symbols in the French Bacon Coat. BUT, the Guiscard>Tankerville topic is a product of Tim's email, while the Bacon topic is from Lee's email?

I opened but didn't respond to an email from CC, who mentioned that "George Bernard Shaw originally wrote the play, 'Pygmalion'" I was able to trace the Pygmalian>Dido Carthaginians to the swan line only as of yesterday's update on the Lohengrin topic, and then the very night of that update I had evidence from CC that the Shaw/SHAVE bloodline -- from Sava elements I'm assuming -- was merged with Pygmalion's Carthaginians.

I'm sure I know why CC sent in that note on George Bernard Shaw, for she is very interested in tracing Ishmaelites, and as a result of my trace of a P-less "Pygmal(ion)" to "Ishmael," she looked deeper into Pygmalion. She knew that I had traced Ishmaelites to Shaws, you see, and so she sent in support for that theory by the George Shaw link to Pygmalion.

I had traced Ishmaelites to Perthshire, and Shaws were first there. BUT Davidsons were also first in Perthshire, which are mentioned because clan Chattan was first comprised of Davidsons and others. We're keeping in mind here the possible trace of "Hesse" (where Catti lived) to "Esau," who merged with Ishmaelites.

AND LOOK, the Davidson Coat is the Plante and Fulk-related Carthy stag. In the last update, it was found that the Irish Munich/Managhan surname uses the same stag too, and that the related Meighan surname uses the Keath stag head, wherefore we now have every reason to link the Keith Catti to the Sionist Fulks and related Carthys/Ardys.

I'm keeping in mind that I trace "David" to Sava-clan "Savidge." Interestingly, the Sava/Save river was also "Sau," while a Dauid is shown in the Scottish Davidson write-up. In that picture, the Sau/Sava river was named after an S-version "David," explaining why Shaws/Shaves and Davidsons were both first in Perthshire. That makes sense where king David of Israel was the conqueror of mount Zion, not at all meaning that Sava-river clans truly trace to king David, but rather that they thought or falsely claimed to.

Or, they could have traced to a David-and-Solomon Zionist team of the Khazars (the two, father and son, appeared not long after the first Templars, and failed in their bid to take Jerusalem). There is a good chance that the so-called "star of David," what I call the "Zionist star," was a symbol of that Khazar David and/or his family.

The Davidson stag suggests what I have been suspecting for some time, that Sava-river clans were from Transylvanian Khazars in the Hungarian-Arpad bloodline...that used the stag as their symbol of ancient Nimrod-related Assyria/Babylon.

There is a Welsh Davidson Coat distinct from the Welsh David and Davis Coats. The Welsh Davidsons use the Venus stag, thus clinching the Venus stag link to the Plantagenet-Fulk stag. It suggests what we can easily decipher, that the Venus clan (first in Kent) were the Heneti>Veneti of Vannes/Gwenea (Brittany) that became the Venedotia founders of Gwynedd (Wales).

Along with Davidsons, the Beans are said to have been an early part of clan Chattan, and as you can see that Beans were also Vains and Vans, the Davidson link to Vannes seems clinched. The Beans/Vains were first in Aberdeen, a place that I trace to "KABARdino." Leslies, from the Sava-river clans, were first in Aberdeen, and it's known that Leslies were from Hungarians and/or their Kabar partners.

The MacIntoshes (derived from "Toisch") are also part of clan Chattan, and they use a red-on-white heart, a symbol of Sava-river clans, even the French Sauvages. The MacIntosh write-up suggests that the surname is a form of Duff, and Duffs use a lion in MacIntosh-lion colors. Duffs were first in Perthshire.

MOREOVER, we can't forget that entering "Daffy" brings up the Welsh Davis Coat, wherefore the fact that Davidsons, who had a Welsh branch, were first in Perthshire like the Duffs means that Duffs and David(son)s were the same clan.

When we enter "Duck," we get the heart-using Lohans/Logans, the representation of the mythical swan knight, Lohingrin (treated in some depth yesterday). It appears that the namers of Daffy Duck had the Duffs/Davidsons and Lohans in mind together. English Ducks use a lion in Duff and MacIntosh colors.

It appears certain, therefore, that Clan Chatan uses a variation of the Save Shield, wherefore the Chattan confederation of many clans is likely linked in some large part to the Sava clans. Another way to make the link is by way of the MacDonald ancestry of the Chattan clans, which then traces back to the Dumnonii founders of Devon and Somerset, where the Safin/Savin-branch Sava-river clan was first found.

Let's not forget that I traced "David" to "Devon," wherefore the Safins/Savins look like more Davids, and in fact I'm so convinced of it that it reveals the David surname to be a variation of Safini/Sabine. It then became a chief Sionist bloodline, not due to king David of Israel, but to the Sabine/Sava link to the swan line from Savona to Sion of Switzerland.

The Daven/Devan surname (could be D'Van) is said to mean "stag," but this could be code for links to the Davidson stag.

ALSO, entering "Dave" (it's another Davis/David surname) -- what looks like "Save" -- brings up a clan first in SAVoy! That tends to prove that a D-to-S switch had occurred. The lyre in the Dave Coat (uses lilies) indicates the harp that king David played, but in any case do see that the Dave Coat is in Save colors! This discovery comes after, and on account on, the suggested David link to "Sava."

One could get the impression that Savoy elements thought themselves to be from the Messianic line of Jesus, what some Stewart British royals came to believe.

Entering "Savey" brings up the Savary Coat (first found in Devon!) discussed months ago in a Sforza setting. The Savey/Savary Crest uses the same bird, a heron, as in the Scottish Smith Coat. This is big folks, because I knew a lady married to a Sam (everyone called him Sam) that she called "Savario," and the fact that I identify "Smith" as being from "Samos/Samson" plays excellently into the heron that links Smiths to the Savary surname.

I'm convinced on other evidences that the Sava-river clans were from Khyan-related Hyksos, and the fish in the mouth of the Smith heron is the Keon/Kane=Khyan fish. I did trace Hyksos out of Egypt to mythical Samson. Heron-using Smiths use a SEMper motto term, evoking the Samson/SAMPson surname.

You're not going to hear this from anyone else: the Hephaestus metal-craft cult, made up of metal workers to be sure, led to the Mormons...who seek to deceive Christians to Hell with a false "latter-day-saint" religion.

Irish Herons, it now dawns on me, look like S-less Savarys, as per the Haveran and Hayveren variations. The other variations, Aherne and Hearne, look like S-less Sauers/Saiers (said to be from the Sava river), and the Heffron variation looks like an S-less "Safin" or "Safer." There is a French Safer surname using falcons in English-Heron colors. It's hard to say whether the heron is play on the swan line.

The Lohan surname to which mythical Lohingrin was linked is also Logan, and that surname is known to be linked to the stag-using Lennons, who morphed into Leonards=lions. The idea there is the Lennins are Lions/Lyons of sort, jibing with a link of "Logan" to Lug, founder of Lugdunum/Lyons. In other words, Lohengrin was of the Lug-cult, and that supports the trace of Lug (an Irish sun god) to Ligurians, for Lohengrin was obviously a depiction of swan-depicted Ligurians.

Entering "Logen" (instead of "Logan") brings up a German/Austrian Loch/Lochin surname using a swan's head. No surprise. But it does trace Lohengrin to that Austrian family, and while the Sauers/Saiers were from the Sava river, they were first found in Austria.

As per myth wherein Lohengrin was father of Elsa, who I view as Elissa=Dido, it's not likely a coincidence that Scottish Locks use Dido-like terms...and swans! It means that Logens/Lochs of Austria were the scoots Lochs/Locks, and now the lock symbol of Moray might just link to that bloodline.

Good morning. The above was written last night. Overnight, I had a key thought, and as I went through my head on what I was going to say about this morning, I got out of bed with a mission, and just that moment the only lightning and thunder heard anywhere around this house struck nearby, just outside the computer room window. Make of it what you will as I tell what's occurring to me.

Nothing about Abrahamic Sheba and Dedan had entered my mind (there goes second gentle thunder roar, and another smaller one, both directly straight ahead out the window, and a third) when I was writing on Sava clans. But with the trace of "Daud/David" to "Sava, Dedan (there goes a fourth gentle rolling, louder this time) entered my mind.

Then I remembered that I had traced the Ashurite tribe of Abrahamic Dedan (Genesis 25) to the Aesir Swedes, and that, based on that theory, I traced the related but antagonistic/competing Vanir Swedes, ruled by the god, Loki, to Lake Van, where Nairi/Nahorites ruled an empire (Nahor was Abraham's brother). Loki did enter my mind as I traced the swan knight last night to the Loch/Lock and Logen surnames.

Add to this picture that I traced the Dedanite tribe of Leummites to Lemnos, and the third Dedanite tribe of Letushites to Leto and Leda, the latter being the mate of the Zeus swan. Zowie, that makes the Zeus swan appear like Sheba merging with Letushites. I did trace "Sava" to the Svione proto-Swedes, so that if Dedanites had merged with Abrahamic Sheba, we could expect Dedanites in Sweden too.

One can then see why the Sava clans would have developed a David surname linking to the Messianic bloodline. BUT, that's wishful thinking only if the Sava river was named after Sheba, son of Abraham of Keturah. Yes, God said that Abraham would become many nations, but where do we see God saying something like, "My people Israel and such-and-such." All other nations appear to be under His wrath, and Israel alone is the object of His mercy. Salvation is through the Jews only.

The Suebi Swedes sure do smack of "Sheba," and even some Save-surname variations, for example, "Seibe," smack of Sheba. BUT, while I'm willing to entertain a Sheba trace to the Sabine>Suebi line, the small distinction that could exist between the Sava line to Sabines versus the Sava line to Savona may be the Sviones Swedes versus the Suebi.

Note that LOMbards are classified by historians as Suebi stock, for that term smacks of the Leummites. It's like it's raining suddenly, a down-pour of well-fitting ideas. And these Sheba-and-Dedan ideas come to me just after I had understood a Lohingrin (= Savona swan Ligurians) merger with the Dido Carthaginians. And why did myth place Aeneas in Epirus, where we find the Zeus cult of Dodona, not far from the Sava?

It looks like the Dido-branch Dodona was the makings of the Daud/David surnames that seem to have linkage to "Sava." BUT the complication is that the latter term smacks of "Sheba." What might have happened is that, whatever the Dido-depicted peoples were called historically, whether "Did__" or "Dod__" or "Dud__" or "Deut__," they developed a "Daud__" pronunciation when merging with their related Sau/Sava elements.

In any case, they were (non-Israelite) Hebrews, and so were the Khyan Hyksos. It makes us suspect that Hebros, mythical brother of Kikon, was just the Sheba and/or Dedan peoples. Or, the Hyksos were themselves from Sheba and/or Dedan.

Yes, I am confronted with the "contradiction" of a Sabine trace to both Sheba and Daphne, and while I'm willing to admit error in the trace to Daphne, it's too early. "Daphne," of the Saphon mountain region, may have been from "Sheba," and Daphne's father, Ladon, who I think was Lotan, has been traced (by me) to Leto, who smacks of the Letushites. AND, Dauphine is beside Savoy.

The trace of the Lohingrin swan (= Loch/Lock surname) to the Vanir god, Loki, makes sense where the Sava clans had been linked to Vienna. Vienne, and Vannes. The Vanir Swedes were another Heneti>Veneti branch, apparently. AND, as the chief of the Aesir was Odin, I should mention that I did trace Odin -- remarkably, though I can't recall the details -- from a region in northern France (Franks worshiped him) to the Sion/Sitten location in Switzerland, and/or to the Sviones/Sitones that founded Sion. Thus, both the Aesir and Vanir were from the Ligurian swan line.

Hmm, "By Sigyn, Loki is the father of Nari and/or Narfi." "Sigyn" looks like "Sion." Note that the Seine river (northern France) is said to derive in the "Sequana," smacking of the Sequani Celts next to lake Geneva and Sion:

"The name 'Seine' comes from the Latin Sequana, a Latinisation of the Gaulish (Celtic) Sicauna, which is argued to mean 'weird cat' [rather, it's historians and linguists like that who are weird]. Some have argued that Sicauna is cognate to the name of Saone River, though an argued relationship to the River Shannon in Ireland is unlikely [says who?], given the very different forms of the two; Gaelic an tSiona, dative Sionainn is rather from Prehistoric Irish *Sinona. Another proposal has it that Sequana is the Latin version of Gaulish Issicauna Lower-Icauna, which would be the diminutive of Icauna, which was the Gaulish name of the Yonne River [sounds like "John." and like the son of Khyan (can't recall the spelling), the son that I think God killed in the tenth Plague]. Some believe the ancient Gauls considered the Seine to be a tributary of the Yonne..."

"Saone" might be from the "Savona" to distinguish "Siene" from "Sion" and/or "Sequani." Possibly, the Kikons among Sava-river bloodlines, that we are looking for, had been the Sequani. That idea could then trace "Kikon" to "Saxon."

The trace, thanks to Lohingrin myth, and to the myth writers who couldn't keep their mouths shut, of Dido Carthaginians to the Sava river helps to reveal the founders of the Lesce location (= proto-Leslies and Melusine) as historical Elissa, the mythical Dido. Bluntly, the Tyrians named in her honor founded the Lesce region, and that's the expected Dido branch backstage of the Epirus theater. As the Leslies (Save-like Shield) use the Sobek/Sobieski buckle, we could consider a Sheba of Abraham trace to Sobeks too. But then why not also the Dobie surname? After asking that, the Dobie pages loaded, one showing the Sequani-like "prosequor" motto term. The other Dobie page showed Save/Leslie colors?

I recall doing the Dobie surname before, and I had linked it to the German (Austria) Dober/Teuber Coat, which I NOW SEE as a version of the Save/Seibe Coat! The griffins in the Dober Coat are identical to the one in the Leslie Crest. Dobers have DAUber and TAUber variations smacking of DAUd, though I think that "Dober," as with "Sobek/Sobies," is ultimately from "Sava/Sau."

The "sed" motto tern of the Dobies could be code for the Saitbe/Saitbes variation of the Saves.

The trace of the Sava-river clans to the Logans and Bauers of Bavaria should explain why the German Doles, assumed to be from the Dolinka branch of the Sava, were first in Bavaria. Irish Dols, like the Davidsons of the Sava, use stags, and this Dole branch is said to derive in "Dubh(ghaill)," which is like "Dav" AND "Dob(ie)."

Italian Davids were first found in Venice (near the Dolinka), and Irish Davis' use clovers, as do the Irish Dollans (also said to be from "Dubh"), the latter in Save colors again. There is a German Dol/Dollen Coat in Save colors once again.

English Doles sport Zionist stars on a Save-colored Coat. As I now trace the fleur-de-lys of that latter Dole Coat to Lesce, I must also trace the fleur-de-lys to Elissa=Dido. I remind you, as added evidence that Doles and David(son)s were linked or even the same, that the French (Brittany) Dave/Davis Coat uses lilies. The fleur-de-lys is said to be a lily, and while some have had the impression that "lily" should trace to mythical Lilith, she does smack of "Elissa."

Lilith was of "Jewish" mythology, but not really. It was of Kabala "Jews," who were not Jews to begin with, but who merged with Jews and even created a false Jewish religion based on all sorts of dark stupidities. She had mated with the Kabala-invented Samael, code for the Sama of God. We get it:

"Graves and Patai have collected traditional Hebrew myths that amplify (and sometimes radically alter) stories found in the Book of Genesis. This chapter, titled 'Adam's Helpmeets', deals in part with the Lilith myth."

I never read these sorts of things to delight myself, but to uncover its codes. Behind the stories I see fools, condemned. We read above: "Some say that Lilith ruled as queen in Zmargad [Sam?], and again in Sheba..." That strongly suggests that certain "Jews" knew of their roots in Samos, Lemnos, and other regions held once by Abrahamic Sheba and Dedan. Then we find a Leummite/Lemnos-like term in Libya: "The fourth-century A.D. commentator Hieronymus identified Lilith with the Greek Lamia, a Libyan queen deserted by Zeus..." The Zeus swan in the Carthage theater?

The article goes on to trace Lilith to the Samson-Hercules line where she is "Heba, Hebat, Khebat or Khiba. This goddess, wife of the Hittite Storm-god, is shown riding a lion in a rock-sculpture at Hattusaswhich [sic, should be "Hattusa, which"] equates her with Anath...She was worshipped at Jerusalem. Her Greek name was Hebe, Heracles's goddess-wife."

Hercules was the Molech god at Tyre, which transferred heavily to Carthage as per the Pygmalion>Elissa Tyrians. We get it: the abductors of children, for to kill them in sacrifices to satan...with a small s for stupid enough not to warrant a capital. The blood of those children cry out from their graves, and the Lightning is prepared in the Sky for quick vengeance.

It's possible for "Sheba" to have developed a Sama variation, in which case the Samson cult, living west of Jerusalem where Abraham set up his tents, looks like Abrahamic Sheba. In this picture, Sheba also defines the Hyksos in Egypt who persecuted the other children of Abraham, the Israelites. The persecuting Hebrews then became the Kabala ("Kab" could be a Sheba variation), the Kybele cult that had merged with Attis=Hattusa.

The Alis Coat uses fleur-de-lys too, and is in the Save colors once again. As some possible evidence of a link to the Elissa=Lilith cult's station amongst the Hattusa, the Alis Coat uses a fir tree, perhaps meant as the pine symbol of Attis while also reflecting "Vere." The Alis Coat is Massey/Macey all over, suggesting links back to Meshwesh "Libyans."

That little exercise suggested that Alix and Alex surnames could link to Elissa's line to her branch on the Sava, and the known Epirus roots of Alexander "the great" came to mind while the first Alex Coat was loading. The second Alex Coat to load (Polish) is the German Dol/Dollen Shield (!)...with eight=pointed Ishtar stars.

The French Alex Coat (with "ParTOUT" motto term) and the only Alix Coat smack of Vere/Ferte symbolism. The Alis motto uses "veritas." An Alexander/ALISander Coat uses the "Per mare, per terras" motto that should be code for the Meres. Russian Alexanders use Zionist stars in the same colors.

"Elisa" brings up the Ellis/Ellys Coat with crescents and Holla in Crest, the dark goddess of Holstein. Ellis' were first found in Yorkshire, as with the Elsie surname. The latter uses A Sagitary (Pan). for a Crest.

The Lys/Lyse/Lisse surname of France (not far from the Lys river and Lille) shows greyhounds below a fleur-de-LYS. The Delise variation reminds me that I had suggested a Lilith link to "Delilah," and therefore a Lilith connection to Samson.

There are other creeping creatues much like Lilith, and one of them is Google:

"Google was accused of spying on households yesterday after it admitted secretly copying passwords and private emails from home computers.

The internet search giant was forced to confess it had downloaded personal data during its controversial Street View project, when it photographed virtually every street in Britain.

In an astonishing invasion of privacy, it admitted entire emails, web pages and even passwords were 'mistakenly collected' by antennae on its high-tech Street View cars. Privacy breach: Google has admitted that its Street View cars also took people's emails and passwords

Privacy breach: Google has admitted that its Street View cars also took people's emails and passwords.

Privacy campaigners accused the company of spying and branded its behaviour 'absolutely scandalous'."

The same Drudge Report sharing that story has a headline, GOOGLE CEO [surnamed Schmidt]: Don't Like 'Street View' Photographing Your House? Then Move.. Like Lilith, arrogantly stupid. The point here is, spying by government-linked private organizations is bound to get Christians in trouble as Satanic powers grasp increasing sectors of the power structures. Not that Christians deserve to be in trouble, but that they will be falsely deemed guilty of reisisting the global village.

As you may have noticed if you were following the news here a year ago, I no longer do a major sweep of world news. I no longer have the confidence that the 70th Week is as close as I thought it was in early 2009. I simply don't have a clue as to when it will arrive. There's only one thing to do: wait, and live life.

October 26

I'm up late this morning at 4 am. Thoughts on the Fulks were on my mind. The apparent contradictions of my Fulk-origin traces to a Rangabe Byzantines on the one hand, Bogan Bavarians on the other, and still a third trace to Torcy Harcourts, needs to be explained.

The checkers of the Italian Fulks are in Rangabe colors, and I traced those checks to Byzantines of the Amorian emperors, who ruled immediately after the rule of Michael I Rangabe. Moreover, the Bogan lozenges/diamonds are in the colors of the Fulk checks, which not only solves that part of the contradiction, but explains that Bogans were Fulks, not vice versa, and that the Bavarian lozenges were a form of Fulk checks.

This also tends to prove that the Cohens, who use the same checks (in the same colors) were from the Rangabes i.e. Fulks and Cohens were one, and as Rangabes were half Khazar kagans, hence the Cohen/Kagan surname.

Moravia (which I claim was in the Rangabe colors as per the Moray stars) was founded about 800, and that's exactly when Michael I Rangabe ruled. "Moravia" smacks of "Amorian," and as the Amorian rulers named themselves after Michael I, we expect a family tie of Amorians to Rangabes. A ruler of Great Moravia was SvatoPLUK (Sava elements?), smacking of "Fulk." The "Jewish" Kagan/Cohen Coat uses stars in Moray colors.

As you may know, I trace Khazars of Illuminati importance to Moravians, and it would seem that the Fulk>Cohens are to be regarded as the most-important of those Khazars because they originated the line.

There does seem to be a contradiction where I trace the Bavarian lozenges to Garibaldi of Bavaria, more than 200 years before the Fulks proper and Michael Rangabe appeared. But Garibald was an Agilolfing, and I traced that family to Gyula Khazars on the Mures, whom I suspect were at the root of the Moravians. It could be that the Amorian Byzantines were related to the Agilolfing>Gyula line. I do note the similarity between Gar(ibald) and "Har(court)," smacking also of the Veres that likewise used the blue and white checks. There's a good chance that "Vere" traces to "Varangi," as per Inger the Varangian, husband of Melissena Rangabe (sister, or some say granddaughter, of Michael I). Varangians proper appeared just when the Amorians were ruling Byzantium, and during the life of Inger (born about 810).

The Vere clan using Fulk checks are the French Fers, first found in Dol, Brittany. I traced the Ferrail and Ferail variations of the Fers to "Friuli," which is on the east side of Venetia...even closer to the source of the Sava river than Venetia. Remember, the DOLinka is at the source of the Sava, suggesting that Fers of Friuli, from Dolinka, were part of the proto-Stewarts of Dol (early Anjou elements had marital linkage to Friuli).

I figured that the Fers were of the Khazar allies of the Avars in the Friuli theater, and now, years later, I find myself suspecting that Khazars from Moravia/Transylvania/Hungary were on the Sava as part-root of the Bavarian Illuminati. Very likely, the Veres of Friuli were the Melissena-related Fulks>Cohens.

Veres of Melusine blood trace themselves to a Rain entity, which I figured recently was the family of Raino of Rennes, and as Veres identify themselves with proto-Stewarts of Brittany (Stewarts also use the blue and white checks), I deduce the Raino was of that Stewart line. I suspect that Raino and family were the Rangabes, and the way to explain how elements of Brittany got to the Byzantine throne is by way of my repeated traces of Stewarts to Nahorites, for I claim that Byzantines from Buz, son of Nahor.

Think of how staggering that is. God chose Abraham because He knew that his family, including his own brother, would become the chief rulers of satan's domains, and even ruling the Roman empire. Had God not chosen Abraham, there would have been no Israel, no Son of God, and no false Churches by the Byzantines, Roman Catholics, and Anglicans. Those false Churches arose only because it is satan's way to produce counterfeit snares (like branch-covered holes in the ground leading to Hell) appearing as God's success stories.

The link that I'm now seeing out of necessity, between Harcourts and Garibald, can be easily supported where the Masseys have been traced to Bavaria, for Masseys were Veres, and Harcourts (first in Oxfordshire, a Vere and Bonne haunt) look like Veres all over as per the Harcourt Coat, in Vere/Massey colors, and using a "bon" motto term that should link to the Ferte-eagle using Bonne surname.

Also, the Harcourt motto includes "viendra," smacking of the Vienne location (France) to which I recently traced Beaus>Beaumonts...who officially came out of the Harcourts.

The "temps" motto term of the Harcourts could indicate Templars, or even the Temple and/or Timperley clans that had been linked to Cheshire Masseys. The Temple write-up links to a Manor of temple in Leicestershire, where the Harcourt Beaumonts came to rule. And let's not forget that the same Beaumonts ruled Meulan, the Arms of which are also filled with checks (in Vere colors and shared by the Fulk-like Vaux clan).

Admittedly, while this may trace Harcourts to Bavaria, it's a long way from proving direct Garibald links to "Har." In seeking clans that would have named themselves after Garibald, why not the Garb surname, and even the garb symbol that became Cheshire's symbol? The Garb Coat uses German-Bauer stars, and the garb. German Garbs were first found in Austria, where Bauers were first found.

The German Gar Coat uses red on black, that witchy-warlocky combination used by Timperleys (of Mascy/Massey/Masci) and Dassets, the latter being a Temple bloodline according to the Temple write-up. The Temple eagle could be the one in the Italian Fulk Chief.

Both Temples and Dassets use martins, symbol of Merlin/Myrddin, the mythical warlock who depicted a warlocky clan/bloodline/cult.

Safe to say, the Garibald bloodline was in Cheshire as Vere-Massey clans, and that then suggests a Garibald link to the German Har/Hare surname, using the Bellamy Shield and Masci-colored fleur-de-lys.

Therefore, the discussion above that linked Harcourts to Vere-Masseys now comes to be proved in the Har Coat alone (for Masseys proper came out of the house of Bellamy), and in the meantime it would appear fairly solid that "Gar(ibald)" became the Hars and Harcourts. Adding to the evidence, the French Gervey Coat is likewise like the Bellamy Shield, and the English Harvey Coat even more so. French Harveys use Bauer stars, helping to clinch that all of these surnames were Garibald lines.

You can take this Garibald line of reasoning to the bank because the Irish Hare/Garry Coat uses the motto phrase, "Fear garbh" (where "Fear" -- likely the Fers>Veres -- refers to a variation of the surname).

Somehow, Fulks (now viewed as founders of Bavarian's lozenges) and Garibald's bloodline were merged, and to that I'll repeat that the Italian Fulk Coat is nearly the Italian Massi/Mattis Coat. But herein comes in the fourth trace I made of Fulk origins, in the Tuaregs Amazons of north Africa (traced to Torcy), for Masseys trace to the Meshwesh Amazons. It's a convoluted bloodline, to be sure, and hardly "pure" (only a fool such as Hitler would regard his bloodline to be "pure"). It's complicated.

As "Garibald" morphed to "Grimoald," we can link one of his lines, not only to Grimaldis, but to the German Grim/Grimer surname, using the Hesse sun. That makes sense where Garibald had elements in Grabfeld, beside Hesse. As you can see, I'm now tracing Fulks to yet a fifth entity: Garebites and AMORite Jerusalemites. And the Gareb finger points to the Fulk merger with Sava-river clans. And the Sava finger points to a Khazar merger with Abrahamic Sheba and Dedan out of Tyre.

I've never investigated the Grim/Grimer Coat before. I do think that Grimaldis were linked to Mascis, and now I have some hard evidence, for there is a Grime surname (same Crest as the Temples of Mascy) first found in Cheshire (I trace Cheshire to Hesse), and under a magnifying glass the Grime chief looks like it uses rows of white diamonds on red, what could be a Grimaldi variation since they use red and white lozenges. The Grime Chief is officially, "two silver bars nebulee on a red chief.

The Grimaldi lozenges are not officially lozenges, but A shield divided fusily red and silver. However, on the Fusil surname mentioned recently (6th update this month), here's what was said:

There is a French Fusil surname, first found in Dauphine...AND the Fusul/Fuzier Coat (azur Shield) uses diamonds (in Dauphine-dolphin colors) called lozenges.

Therefore, I would suggest that Grimaldi's "fusily" diamonds are indeed lozenges, and linked to the Fusil-surname lozenges, suggesting in turn that Fusils/Fuziers/Fuzies were of the Garibald-Bavarian line.

As I was wondering what surname the "nebulee/nebuly" code might stand for, the Anabel/Hannibal surname came to mind. In any case, I checked the Graham Coat (Meschin colors and symbol) again because I've suspected in the past that it's a Grimaldi family, AND THIS TIME the motto, 'Ne oublie," came to life as code for the nebulee code. Not only do the scallops in the Graham Chief link back to Saracens of Sicily (in my opinion), but the Crest is a A falcon killing a stork, thus linking to the Fulk falcon wings (see German Fulk Coat). The Graham Coat is in Bogan-of-Bavaria and Bug(gen) colors.

Further Grimaldi linkage to Masseys is the apparent Graham link to Keiths of Lothian (from Hesse), apparently: "First found in MidLothian...King David I granted the lands of Abercorn and DalKEITH [caps mine] to William de Graham, who is the first recorded member of the Graham Clan in Scotland...Henry de Graham inherited the estates of his father-in-law in Eskdale [scallops=Euskals in my books] in 1243."

If we suspected that the nebuly code of heraldry has to do with Nibelungs and/or Nevilles or Nobles, we do find Nevilles in the DalKeith write-up. We also find Percys (Pharisee line?) in that write-up, and they use lozenges in Fusil-lozenge colors!!

AHA! Just as I thought. The LohenGRIN code is part-code for Grims/Grimaldis, for Percival was made Lohengrin's father! It was holy-grailer king, Percival/Parzival -- likely code for Percys -- that had me going on recently about possible Lohingrin links to Pharisee bloodlines.

Parzival was written by an Eschenbach surname smacking of the Eskdales and/or Euskals. Entering "Eschen" brings up a grail (officially "chalice") symbol!!! Variations include: Esher, Ascher, Asher, Aysher, Echel, Eschle, Aschen, Aschel. Lots of Ashes/Asches there.

English Ashes/Esses use "nobis" in their motto. Percy-associated Nevilles use a saltire that was a flag of Gascony, and not only were Gascones a branch of Euskals, but the Gacey location of the Nevilles smacks of Gascones...and of the proto-Washington Wassa/Gace/Gasson surname. That brings me full circle to the idea above, that the nebuly code refers also to the Anabel/Hannibal surname, for their Coat smacks of the Washington Shield.

The stork was traced by me from German Oettingens (to Yorkshire, where Percys were first found), and they use a white saltire on red too, as do the Nevilles. Therefore, the falcon and stork appearing together in the Graham Crest suggests an Oettingen-line merger with Fulks.

The Graham write-up shows a Montrose variation, and although the Montrose Coat is the Graham Coat exactly, they are traced to Monros, a Ross clan. We're now talking Hungarians, as even the Graham link to David's HUNtingdon would suggest (David's mother was from Hungary). WHEN WE GET TO the Munroe/Monroe Coat, zowie, the Grimaldi/Graham link to Masseys is made apparent, for it uses a red eagle on gold, the Ferte-eagle colors, and the official description of the Monroe eagle is: " An eagle perching proper." The Bellamys of Ferte-Mace (= Masseys] had been originally from Perche!!!

The Monroe write-up traces to Hyksos and to the Ross clan:

"First found in Cromartyshire, where they were descended from Donadl O'Kane and his Irish sept...Other historians suggest the name was originally Monrosse, because they were Mountaineers of Ross. In this case, their traditional origin is from the Siol O'Cain, an ancient Pictish tribe descended from Anselan O'Cain in North Moray, which also produced the Buchanans ["the first to establish the name of Buchan was Anselan O'Kyan"] and the MacMillans."

Either way, the Monroes were from a Kane or Cain entity. The Irish Cain/Kane Coat was traced to Sava-river Hyksos of the Ixion=Kyhan kind.

I was beginning to fear that the expounding upon the Graham topic was not going to lead back to Grimaldis of Bavaria, but as Bavarians must trace to the Sava river, I wasn't disappointed. As the Cains were also "Cathain," perhaps the Catti of Hesse and of Keith apply, seeing that Grahams were of DalKeith elements too (see Dalkeith similarity with Turtle/Tuttle Coat, the latter being the Tertullus ancestry of the Fulks but linked to the Valois/Valais Sionists). It all seems very Illuminati.

The Buchanan Coat is not only in the colors of Grahams, but includes a Bohannon variation also smacking of "Bohan=Bogan." Also, the WittelsBACHS (who I think were named partly after Bogans) come to mind with "BUCHanon."

Bohans were Buchanons, for as the latter trace to Cains/Kanes, note that the English Bohan Coat is virtually the Cain/Kane Coat. Irish Bohans use garbs (in Bogan and Graham colors) and a Bohannon (not to mention a "Boughan") variation exactly like the Buchanon variation. Therefore, the Graham link to Bavaria is clinched, suggesting strongly that they were Grimaldis from Grimoald of the Garibald line.

It was Grimoald who accepted "Saint" CORBINian to his Bavarian high-religious office, and that term was used by Pharisees for their traditions. The Bavarian pope Benedict today uses the saddled Corbinian bear (seen also in the Arms of Freising) in his Arms, meaning what you might find not strange at all, that the Vatican is ruled by a Pharisee bloodline, at least at this time. Note that the bear's saddle is a white saltire on red (i.e. the Neville and Oettingen symbol). Corbinian had a Benedictine monastery in Freising.

With the Fulks trace to Bavaria, the question is, were Fulks from the Garibald line or merely merged with it? I can add that the French Plante (as per Plantagenet, son of king Fulk of Jerusalem) Coat uses a cross found in the Garvey Coat.

Also, there is a Plantagenet/Plante Coat (distinct from the Plante/Plantagenet Coat) using the Estrumy/Stur lion, and that latter Coat is in the colors of the Store Coat with stork. There is a similar Stores (with 's') Coat with "Dum Spiro Spero" motto, suggesting links to the Speers, first found in Renfrewshire, which makes sense because the Store (no 's') write-up tells that they moved to Renfrewshire. I say that to help clinch the "Dum Spiro Spero" motto, used by many, as code for Speers...and no doubt the Folkes/Folks that use the Shakespeare spear.

Entering "Stork" brings up a family by that name first in Kent, and in Massin/Mason colors, which I mention because they too were first in Kent, and they too use "Dum Spiro Spero."

The Shakespeares were first found in Nottinghamshire, where the same-colored Bugs (that I trace to Buggens and Bogens) were first found. Shakespeares may have taken on the name in honor of the writer, but this apparent link to the Bugs surname is very conspicuous in light of those who claim that William Shakespeare was Francis Bacon, that surname smacking of the German Bug/Buggen surname. Something seems related there.

Hmm, the Shake/Shack Coat looks like it uses turtle shells (and hare in Crest), but one write-up says they're mole hills (the Ishmael-like ASHmoles come to mind, in Shakespeare colors). Some evidence of a Shakespeare link to Shakes/Shacks is the latter's first being in Lancashire, where the Sands/Saundes were first found. The "sanz" motto term of the Shakespeare Coat led me to the Sands.

The Irish Sanders Coat uses objects that look a little like turtles, but then not. They are said to be elephant heads, but then note the turtle-like term in the Crest's description: "Out of a mural crown, an elephant's head charged with a torteau." Tim might like to explore Esau roots of this elephant symbol.

As soon as I saw the "sibi" motto term, which I've seen many times without knowing what it's code for, the Seibe variation of the Save surname came to mind, and then I saw the Saynders variation smacking of the Saybe variation of the Saves. Thus, as per the recent discussion, the Sanders should be linked to Abrahamic Sheba.

The Sawders variation smacks of the Sawyer-like Sauers (said in their write-up to be from the Sava river). The Sawyers were first in Norfolk, where the Fulkes/Folks were first found, and that can suggest that Sanders, and Sands, were indeed related to Shakespeares...who use the Fulkes/Folk spear.

The "treuveras" motto term of the Sawyers evokes the Trabys, and when one enters "Traby, a Sadowski Coat (in Sanders-Chief colors) comes up that is known from other sources to have a SANDowski variation!!!

The Center variation of the German Sanders (looks related to Irish Sanders) led to the Sainter variation of the English Centers, and that term along with the rest evokes the Sintian-like founders (the Santon(e)s) of Saintes, France (on the Charentes river that I now link to Austria's Carinthia). A further read of the English Center page shows possible link to the Seine river.

Suddenly, the importance of the Sanders clans arises because Centers/Sainters can be identified as Sinclairs. For as the Sainters use gold leopard heads on red, the symbol of Normandy, founded by Sinclairs, so entering "Saint" brings up the Sinclair surname.

I don't know it I've caught on to that before, and if I did it didn't sink deep, that the Norman founders of Normandy were in-part Santones. It certainly does explain why they were involved with Templarism, for Sintians were Heneti. Everything Lemnos, including the Lemovices beside the Santones, was and still is Illuminati fodder. We only hope the horses choke on their hay. Look on that map to see how close the Veneti Celts were to Santones, if that helps to clinch the Sintian=Heneti equation.

Note the horses in the coins of the Santones, the symbol of CENTaurs. The latter were of the Ixion cult, and today's small emphasis on the Nevilles and similar terms smacks of Ixion's wife, Nephele. We can understand why Nevilles use the saltire cross that was once used as the flag of Gascony, for Santones and Lemovices were in/beside Gascony. In Greek myth, Niobe was made the sister of Pelops (ruler in (H)Eneti.

The Atrebates from the Pelops>Atreus line are not shown, but they were in southern England opposite the Venellii. The Venellii and the Lexovii side-by-side in proto-Normandy smack of the Vanir and their chief god, Loki. It can suggest that Abrahamic and Nahorite Hebrews were in proto-Normandy, and so why not also in Normandy? Note the Eburovices beside them. I traced the leopards in the Arms of Normandy to Eburovices, but seeing them also as the Centers/Sainters Coat suggests Eburovices links to Santones, and that in a nutshell seems like the mythical Kikon-Hebros brotherhood that Greek writers noted.

Everything on the Celt map was before the Khazars came into the Illuminati picture. Pagan Hebrews of various kinds, and their Greek allies and enemies, were all over Spain and France. But if we're going to restrict our definition of "Illuminati" to Bavaria, then we're still dealing with Heneti>Veneti of that region.

I just went to the news and rapidly found an anti-Israel surname, Serry:

"The United Nations backs Palestinian efforts to be ready for statehood by August and believes they will achieve that goal, the organization's Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Robert H. Serry said [today]."

We know the UN target date for imposition of a state at Jerusalem. The Serry surname, which sounds Saracen, uses Sawyer-like Sawrey and Sawrie variations, and the Scottih Serry surname is registered under the Sorleys. "Serry" sounds like the Sherry surname that is very trace-able to Scheyern in Bavaria. Are these the Ishmaelites coming down on Israel?

Mr. Serry is a dog bone in the eyes of God, and will be buried with the rest of his ilk. He opened his mouth to say: "All international players are now in agreement that the Palestinians are ready for statehood at any point in the near future. We are in the homestretch of your agenda to reach that point by August next year, and you have our full support."

Another headline in the J-Post today: "Hizbullah has 10,000 operatives manning 40,000 missiles" We know that Netanyahu won't accept a Palestinian state, because if he and his government does, there won't be cause for the anti-Christ invasion. That's how I see it.

Another headline today says that Iran "pours" fuel into its nuclear tank, so to speak. I never thought I'd be yawning after saying that.

Obama is in trouble everywhere, but doesn't know it. That's because he's not humble enough to accept his mistakes, and less able to correct them. GIVE THE MONEY BACK TO THE PEOPLE THAT YOU STOLE. But how can he give it back? He never will.

There are many "buts" in the Iraqi court order to resume parliament. Here's the latest spill:

"...Mr. Massoum [= Parliament Speaker] promised to act quickly, and politicians interpreted the ruling as requiring Parliament to reconvene within two weeks...

...Once Parliament convenes, the constitution outlines a very specific timetable: members pick a speaker and two deputies and then, within 30 days and by a two-thirds majority, a president. The president will have 15 days to name the head of the largest parliamentary bloc to form a government, a task to be completed within 30 days."

It seems that all is well, aside from there being no government functions. But a prolonged vacuum creates an implosion suddenly.

October 27

[There's some Russia-interesting news at the end of today's bloodline topic]

Some of you may have been reading when I was making more than similarity-of-terms links between Cyrene (beside Carthage) and Caria (later it was discovered that Cyrene elements were from an Apollo entity on Cyprus, near Ixion's cult at Lapithos (north-central Cyprus). It's likely that, since an Apollo entity ruled Tyre just before being taken over by the Tyrian dynasty that produced Pygmalion and Elissa, that the Apollo entity at Cyprus was that of the Tyrian royalty, for Pygmalion was himself closely associated, by myth writers, with the birth of Aphrodite on Cyprus.

Therefore, I don't think that mythical Daedalus, father of Icarius, is a coincidence. That is, Daedalus looks like the Dido elements that the myth writer attributed to Elissa, whom he called "Dido" for a reason. And "Daedalus" is not a bad reflection of "Dedan." The Etruscan version, Taitale," evokes the Tuttles at the root of the Fulks.

As Aphrodite was the wife of the craftsman god, so we find that Daedalus is a craftsman god. It appears, therefore, that Abrahamic Dedanites were a major part of Hephaestus' sex-pot Kabeiri cult, and that one of his major cults on Crete, Daedalus, is where they found themselves at one point in history.

Daedalus and Icarius (the latter seems like a homosexual symbol, of men on young men) were depicted as prisoners on Crete to the Minos bloodline, which therefore requires a small distinction made between the proposed Dedanites from Tyre and the Zeus-Europa Taurus from Tyre, though I glean that "Europa," mother of the Minoans, was Evr(opa)/Ebr(opa), and therefore Hebros and Aphrodite. It's as if Dedanites had merged in Tyre with the Pygmalion line, not being the same as the Pygmalion dynasty.

In a nutshell, these things serve to disclose that Hephaestus was a Dedanite line...which makes sense where I had traced the Dedanite tribes of Leummites and Letushites (Genesis 25) to Lemnos and Leto-based Lydians respectively. But I didn't conceive the Hephaestus link to Dedan just to make those traces valid. The traces were not on my mind when I started to trace Dedanites this morning by way of myth logic. They just happened to smack of Hephaestus for at least two good reasons so far.

Icarius was not far up the coast from Caria, and is said to have depicted the Icarian sea that "contains the islands of Samos, Cos, Patmos, Leros, Fournoi Korseon and Icaria." Icaria is just 10 miles from Samos, suggesting that Dedanites living in this area were merged with the Samson Hyksos. Later, Hephaestus' Kabeiri cult was found on SamoThrace (origin of the Dardanian Trojans), named after Samos, and that too suggests a merger between the Samson Danaan and Dedanites.

If we identify Pygmalion as Ishmaelites, note that Edomite Kos should trace to Kos in the vicinity of Icarius, which itself is close enough to Rhodes to make us understand that there was some historical event/meaning between Dedanites and the Rhodians where myth made the wax-covered wings of Icarius melt as he got to close to the sun. That event is what got the Daedal-ians from Crete to Icarius.

If you recall that I had linked Ishmaelites/Hagarites to agi-like terms, note the capital of Icaria, Agios Kirykos (the latter term was the name of a man). "Agios" means "holy" in Greek, and in this case jibes with my holy grail cult trace to the Shaws of Perthshire, where I trace Hagarites too. In other words, the "holy" term may have gotten so applied to Hagar's bloodline(s) that its members carried the term all the way to the Lohingrin=Sava merger with Elsa=Dido, and later still to the Arthurian holy grail cult.

The island of Patmos (also in the Icarian sea) was the location of John when he wrote Revelation. It could have roots in "Petra" (Edom) if indeed in Icarius we are dealing with elements of Edomite Kos and Ishmaelites.

The Ishmaelites of Icaria's capital may have been encoded with "agios" due to the fact that the Icarian sea "is described as the part of the Aegean Sea to the south of Chios," which is to say that Ishmaelites were majorly in Chios. You may recall that, simultaneous with an Ishmaelite trace to agi terms (this was several weeks ago), I linked Ishmaelites squarely to the Nahorite Hurrians that evolved into Edom's Horites, but IT HAD NOTHING TO DO, as God is my witness, with this: "''Chios' is also the name of the island's main town and administrative centre, although locals refer to it as 'Hora.'"

I've just learned that the southern portion of the Icarian sea is a prefecture called, Dodecanese. That looks like the home of Dido>Daedalus, does it not? This prefecture covers islands all the way down to Rhodes, off of Caria, and in fact Rhodes is its capital. That large island in white at the bottom of the first map is Crete; the largest of the red islands is Rhodes. There's a good map from the Pharma/Farmakonisi article. Could that island be related to Percival? Note KaLIMNOS band KaloLIMNOS beside Kos, where I would expect the Lemnos-related Dedanites.

The Dodecanese article claims that the three major cities on Rhodes depicted by Helios was founded by Dorians (10th century BC), but this to me sounds late and wrong, for myth placed Danaans out of Egypt in Lindos before they reached Argos. From that we can gather that the Samson Danaan (and other Hebrews) were in Lindos, but ended up strongly in Samos, thus drifting up the Anatolian coast throughout all the Dodecanesian and Icarian islands, if possible. It looks like factions of the Atlantean sea peoples here, competing for rule of the seas.

As I'm expecting a Percival/Parzival-like term, that could link to the Percy surname, in the Daedalus cult, what about: "Perdix - nephew and student of Daedalus in Greek mythology..." "Perd" could have been "Pers." As the article goes on to say that Perdix, the name also of Daedalus' sister, was depicted on word-play as a partridge, i thought to check the Partridge surname: a Shield filled with black and white checks. The surname is also Pettridge and Patridge. Entering "Part" gets the Parrot surname said to be from "Peter=Petros."

The Petts (with Pert variation!), like the Partridges/Pettridges, were first in Kent so as to appear like a family match (both use a red bend/bar). The Pett/Pert Coat uses a gold lozenge (!!), the Percy symbol too. AND, thunder and lightning, the Perts smack of Perthshire, where I see Ishmaelites!!

The Pett/Pert Crest is a stork and mascles, and even the lozenges appear like mascles. The motto, "Ardens," smacks of the Arthurian cult. The blue-on-white scallops should link to the white-on-blue scallops in the Irish PATTERson (i.e. like "Petra") Chief. Amazingly, I have already traced Pattersons (Scottish Pattersons appear to use swans) to Ishmaelites.

The Perdix article then makes an apparent link to the Percy surname: "Perdix also appears briefly in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series..." I don't lie; that was read after I had made the Pert=Percy equation above.

It appears that Percival, the holy grail king of Arthurian myth, and made the father of the Lohengrin swan, was the Daedalus-related peoples of a Perdix/Percix-like entity in the Icarian theater. "Perdix" means "partridge" in Greek so that the historical entity was not exactly, but close to, "Perdix."

As the son of Perdix was made Talos, and as we see a similar term at the end of "DaeDALUS, the island of Delos, where Apollo was born, comes to mind (it may indicate that the root of "Daedalus" is "Dae," not Daed-Dedanites. "Dae" could be Dia, wife of Ixion). The skirmish in myth where Daedalus kills Talus may be the same conflict wherein the Pygmalian>Dido dynasty took over from the Apollo-based Tyrian dynasty. On Patmos, as per Wikipedia: "According to a legend within the Greek mythology, the island's original name was 'Letois,' after the goddess Artemis, daughter of Leto." Leto gave birth to Artemis on Delos too, it was said, though now we have reason to trace the twins, and the Leto>Ladon dragon, to Patmos...which is interesting where John emphasizes the end-time Ladon dragon in Revelation.

The Wikipedia article on Patmos goes on to say that Letois was depicted as an island at the bottom of the sea, but that it was brought up: "Gradually, inhabitants from the surrounding areas, including Mount Latmos, settled on the island and named it 'Letois' in honour of Artemis." Latmos, Patmos; I think of Biblical Lotan in Horite Edom, the man whose bloodline married Esau in becoming the Samson cult at Timnah.

Other islands in the Dodecanese island group include Saracen-like Syrna, Pserimos, and Saria, smacking of Seir, the home of Lotan's Horites. Levitha (also "Lebynthos") in that same island group evokes Leviathan, who was equated with the seven-headed Lotan dragon in SYRia. "While escaping from Crete, Daedalus and Icarus flew over Lebynthos." The term smacks of the labyrinth built by Daedalus.

The Saria location at Karpathos smacks of the Carpathian mountains to which I traced Apollo's harp i.e. that harp may have depicted Karpathos.

The bulrushes in the Pett Crest could be code either for the bull pen that was the Daedalus labyrinth, and/or the Raches location on Icaria. The Raches article mentions Evdilos on Icaria, which smacks of a D-less "Daedalus." In relation to Raches and Evdilos, we find (in the Evdilos article) low-population locations such as Pigi (evoking PYGmalion) and Kampos, evoking the Apollo-related regions of Campania and Champagne. Above "Campo" we find the location of AVLaki, perhaps the Avalon entity that is found at both Campania and Champagne. Remember, these Icarian entities are expected in the Sava region, and that region was linked firmly to Sauvage Saracens in Champagne.

The following on Saria, said to be named after "an ancient Greek Princess named Katherine from a line of Saria royalty," is Fulk-falcon interesting, but by no means am I making the link to Fulks, yet anyway:

"Administratively, [Saria] is part of the community of Olympos. The 2001 census reported a resident population of 22 persons...Although only shepherds live on Saria now, the ruins of the ancient city of Nisyros can be found here. It is also a breeding area for a breed of falcon known as Eleonora's Falcon."

The reason that I mention this is for the Rush surname, in case it's related to the bulrushes in the Pett Crest. There is an English Rush Coat using the "Dieu" motto term (smacks of Dia) used also in the Percy Coat. Also, this Rush Coat uses rings that I've traced to the Olympic logo, and therefore to Olympos locations in Greece, such as the one around Saria. It's in Karpathos midway between Rhodes and Crete, and possibly related to the Olympos near Antayla, hub of Greek Atlantis.

German Rushes/Rusches use falcon wings that are curiously called "a vol," perhaps a code for "Fulk/Volk." The wings look exactly like the Fulk wings. There are crossed arrows between the wings, which arrows are the Coat symbol too, possibly indicating Bogan and/or Bauer links, for the Rushes/Rusches were first in Austria. Let's not forget that these Bavarian elements in Austria are suspect in CARINthia, smacking of "Icaria."

In the Iapyx article, we see an arrow being removed from the leg of Iapyx, he being a son of Daedalus too. Iapyx was also made the son of Lycaon the wolf (father of Daunius), which makes the wolf in the English Rush Crest conspicuous.

IaPYX represents a line to eastern Italy (i.e. to Apulia/PUGlia), overlooking the Sava river, AND he smacks of PYGmalion. Apparently, Pygmalion elements named Puglia. That makes sense.

I'm just amassing all that I can find in potential relation to recent topics on the Sava river, including the Sava trace to Sion of Switzerland. In the Icaria article: "Flag of the Free State of Icaria (1912), similar in shape to the Flag of Switzerland." It's a white-on-blue cross.

I've run out of time for today, and hopefully I'll try to have no updates, or small updates, for a few days to have readers catch up on the October mountain.

PS -- The Rush Coat uses horses, which can again suggest that the Dieu motto term is code for Dia, wife of horse-depicted Ixion. The question now is whether Dia was also a Dedanite entity. If not, then Daedalus can depict Dia rather than Dedanites. I'll need to think on that one.

DOUBLE PS -- It just occurred to me that the Raches location on Icaria, the one that I suspect links to the Rush surname, smacks of Rasht in the Gilkei/Gilan theater. I had traced Dia to the Deylamites out of the Gileki theater (!!!), but living on the upper Aras river and in the Ardahan theater.

There are a couple of Russia-interesting articles:

"Russia has agreed to return to the war in Afghanistan at the request of the Western states...

The Independent has learnt that Moscow is engaged in training the Afghan army and counter-narcotics troops and has agreed in principle to supply Nato with several dozen helicopters for use in Afghanistan.

A number of aircraft have already been sold to Poland, a member of the US-led coalition, for use in the conflict. Now Nato is in talks with the Russians over direct supplies of more helicopters, training the pilots, and allowing arms and ammunition to be transported through Russian territory...

A groundbreaking agreement with Russia on the issue is likely to be announced at the Nato summit next month in Lisbon, which is due to be attended by President Dmitry Medvedev.

In return for help in Afghanistan Moscow is seeking what it terms as more co-operation from Nato. President Barack Obama has already scrapped missile-defence shields in Poland and the Czech Republic...

I think that this is Russia's move to get involved in the Middle East just as O-mericans are going out the door, to become the post-American over-seer of the Middle East. The Russians are acting as though they don't want the Americans to leave, knowing that they likely will. "Anatoly Serdyukov, who became the first Russian defence minister to visit the Pentagon...'I hope that Western peacemaking troops will not withdraw before they have fulfilled their mission. We are watching things in Afghanistan very closely and we are exchanging our experience with the Americans. Russia is ready to pass on to America the experience gained by our veterans of the war in Afghanistan."

With this "exciting" new development, Gorbachev is weighing in now too, apparently hoping for, and trying to speed, the O-merican pull-out:

"...But Mikhail Gorbachev today warned Nato that victory in Afghanistan is 'impossible'.

The former leader of the Soviet Union, who pulled Russian troops out of Afghanistan in 1989, said President Barack Obama is right to start withdrawing U.S. forces from the country next year."

Hillary is being sent into Asia over the days leading up to the US elections. Was that O-deliberate? Is she being minimized because Obama knows that the Hillary camp has eyes on 2012?

Russia has spoken up on an Iraq issue: Russia appeals to Iraq to not execute Aziz. Tareq Aziz was Saddam's right-hand man, and Russia was Saddam's left hand. Russia is showing sympathy for Saddamist elements, in other words. Aziz was recently sentecned by Iraq to capital punishment. Other countries are asking for the same mercy. But how many murders was Aziz co-responsible for?

After pressing Arabia's buttons, a desperate Allawi sought the help of the Jordanian king:

"Jordan's King Abdullah II [today] urged Iraqi politicians to speed up the formation of a government during a meeting with former Iraqi prime minister Iyad Allawi, according to a royal court statement.

'...On a visit to Tehran last week, al-Maliki announced that he was nearing formation of a government under his leadership after winning support from the Iranian leadership.

However, Iraqi analysts played down his claim. They said his chances had become very slim after United States documents published by the website WikiLeaks revealed, among other things, al-Maliki's involvement in sectarian violence as well as Iran's extensive meddling in Iraqi internal affairs."

How timely that WikiLeaks released that bad press for Maliki just as he was courting Iran for to have his dream come true in Iraq. We shall have to see how badly this affects his chances for a second term, and how Allawi, who likely has Putin's favoritism, fares as a result?

When Jon Stewart is ranked the most-influential person of 2010, and the US president ranks only 21st, you know something's deeply disturbing in the world.

October 28

Continuing from yesterday's Rush topic, that surname having apparent Fulk links. As there were reasons for tracing the Rushes to Raches on Icaria, I checked for a Rash surname and found a German Rash/Rasche one having just the Massi/Mattis eagle with bent neck, which has got to be a variation of the eagle in the Italian Fulk Coat.

Then I figured that the Rushes and Rashes could be Ross' or Roses, and that turned up the same bent-neck eagle in the Spanish Ros Coat. While the Rushes use rings that are officially annulets, the English/Scottish Rosses use a garland (of laurel).

The identification of the Rushes as Rus from Rhodes makes sense where myth appears to link Daed alas and Icarius to Rhodian elements, and where the Dodecanese island group had Rhodes as its capital. The Rush link back to Rasht of Gilan yesterday was meaningful because I suspect that place to be the Biblical Rosh, or at least a branch of Rosh.

Also, the link of Dodecanese/Icarian elements yesterday to the Patterson surname jibes with their Scottish branch first being found in Ross-shire. That seems to clinch the Patterson link back to Petra of Edom (made months ago as per suspected Ishmael roots) if indeed Patmos was of Petros elements (see yesterday for Patmos discussion).

The impression is that the Rhodians moved into the West not without Daedalus elements, and because the Fulks appear all over the Rush surname (which was acquired in the first place from the bulrush symbol in the Pett/Pert Crest), I would say that Daedalus elements were honored by the Daedal-like Tuttles/Tuttalls at Fulk roots.

By the way, this morning's link of the Petts/Perts and Rushes to the Massi/Mattis eagle jibes with the Petts/Perts (and their Partridge/Pettridge branch) being first found in Kent, for that is where the Massin/Mason surname was first found. Not only that, but as Rasht was in Deylamite territory so as to seemingly identify Raches on Icaria as a Deylamite entity that apparently reveals "Daedalus" as a branch of Dia, wife of Ixion, we expect Daedalus elements in Kent if indeed Kent was founded by Ixion's sons, the CENTaurs.

In this picture, in seeking Ixion in the Daedalus fold, Ixion looks like Icarius, by which I mean to say that the capital 'I' on Icaria may have been formed as a combination of "Ixion" with "Caria."

As I think Turtles/Tuttles were named after Tertullus, father of Ingelger, the family seems to be of Daedalus elements. While I don't see merit in the Tuttle explanation for roots in "Thor ketil," I do think the clan traces to such Nordic Rus elements, the Harcourt Danes.

I don't think it's known whether Tertullus was mythical code or historical, as some say he's mythical. LOOK NOW at what didn't occur to me until now, even though I read it and knew it days ago, that the wife of Tertullus was PETROnella!!!

Recalling the Chattan link to Fulks made days ago, I see now/above that Tertullus was count of GATENais. Note that Ingelger is thought to have been married to one from GASTonis, for that seems like the Swedish Gust/Gaut surname that I link to the Gauts/Cottins, who were just linked solidly to Chattan elements. I think I now know why they were linked, i.e. via Ingelger.

We saw that the Partidges/Partrichs and Perts have Pett variations, and that these clans should trace back to mythical Perdix (partridge symbol was applied to him), sister and nephew of Daedalus. I've just sought Perdix-like surnames and found a Pertus registered with the Petingales/Pettinells; it uses the Bouillon cross in colors reversed. Could the Bouillons, therefore, be at the Pert/Pett code, "bulrush"? Apparently, yes.

As another Pertus Coat brings up the Porteous surname, I checked the Port Coats, and discovered evidence that the Bouillons trace to the Cretan bull cult of Daedalus. The French Port surname was first in Berry, and checking the Berry Coats, there was one with "labore" motto term, which, I've suspected in the past, is code for the LABYRinth that Daedalus built to contain Cretan bulls (= myth code for Daedalus sovereignty over the Minoans, I figure).

Berrys look very Vere. Berry is in the Limousin theater, where we expect Hephaestus elements (Daedalus was a branch of, or even the root of, Hephaestus on Lemnos). The article above says that some re-settled Boii were involved in Berry, which is interesting because I trace the Bouillons to the Boii of Bologna.

The Arms of the Berry capital of Bourges (Cher department) uses lambs, and several Burg/Berg Coats are in Berry/Vere colors. Cher shares land with the Nevers theater, and the latter was traced (by me) to Ixion's other wife, Nephele. I would suggest that Berry was linked to Bornholm, the said roots of the Burgundians that furnished the Nibelungs. It's hard to say (at this point) whether Ports were Berrys, but if so, I would trace Berry and its founders to mythical Perdix. The Cher department may even be after the Syrna, Pserimos, and/or Saria locations in the Dodecanese island group.

The French Port Coat looks like the Tuttle Coat, and English Ports use a blue chevron, the Tuttle-Coat symbol. Proof that Ports were a branch of the Pertus/Porteous surname is in the thistle symbol of the latter, for the Thistle Shield is that of the French Ports. Possibly, therefore, "Thistle" is a Tuttle variation, and for that reason may likewise have been a Daedalus branch.

If Berrys were Ports, we'd expect that Berts were likewise, and they not only use the Ross-Crest "ring" and Ross colors, but were first found in Devon, where English Berrys were first found. English Beers/Bears (raven on a garb) were also first found in Devon, and suddenly we have a possible trace of the Varangian Rus back to the Rhodians of the Perdix cult. That is, the Rus(sian) bear symbol looks very Perdix now.

Note the pears in the Part/Parrot Coat, and then ask what "partridge in a pear tree means"? What about "two turtle doves," and the dove in the Pertus/Porteus Coat??? It looks like someone had the Perdix family at heart when writing that Christmas song. What about "five golden rings" or "seven swans"?

The song also has eight maids, and the Maid Coat is somewhat comparable to the Irish Berry Coat.

The "twelve drummers" are likely code for Drummonds, whom I trace to the founding of the Ross clan. The eleven pipers look like code for the same Drummonds, for the Piper Coat uses "Andrew's Cross" in reverse colors, while I trace that cross to Hungarian king Andrew, father of the Drummonds and of the Ross clan, called "Children of Andrew." The Pipers are in Lord colors, which I say as per the "ten lords a-leaping." The Lord Coat uses pheons, as does the Thistle Coat.

The horse in the Pipe Coat looks like it applies to the Piper unicorn, and the Camel in the Pipe Crest should link to the same of the Patterson-Crest camel, for I had linked Pattersons fundamentally to the Drummonds of Ross. The English Camel/Gamyls surname was first found in Somerset, where the Pipes were first found.

It didn't take long to figure that Pipes could have been Pepinids, but I was flattened to find that the Pepin Coat is identical to the Pipe Coat. It's as if someone was hoping to disguise the Pepinid bloodline of Pipes by not including the Pepin variations in the Pipe-Coat page. French Pepins use a dove, but were first found in Gascony, where I figure the goose symbol was used.

As for the "nine ladies waiting," the Lady/Ledy surname, evoking Leto at the root of Patmos (see yesterday), likewise (as with the Rushes) uses annulets/rings. Also, the Pertus/Porteus motto uses "wait" (it was the Pert/Pett Coat that uses bulRUSHES).

The Ledy variation of the surname evokes Leda the swan goddess, and for that matter, the Leto on Patmos did, in my mind, evolve into Leda of Sparta before she put forth her side of the swan-depicted Ligurians. Leda was said to give birth to at least two of her children from eggs, and so we find "six geese a- laying" immediately before "seven swans a-swimming." When we enter "Lay," we find Ligurian-like Leighs/Leghs. Like the (eight) Maids, the Lays were also first found in Cheshire, and it was these very Lays/Leys/Leghs that I linked to Ranulf le Meschin in Cheshire.

The "turtle doves" suggest that the Lohengrin swan line was merged with the Turtles/Tuttles, which is what I found some days ago before coming to this song moments ago. Had I not had the Part/Parrot Coat loaded, "partridge in a pear tree" would not have occurred to me, and neither would the rest have occurred.

The "four calling birds" could suggest that Birds were a branch of Berts/Perts, and INDEED, the Birds were not only first found in Cheshire, but they use the very same cross as the Pertus/Petingales/Pettinells!!! We get the last laugh because the Christmas skunks couldn't keep their mouths shut in ringing out their secret codes. They have let their bloodlines be known in all sorts of songs, poems, and mythical works, and in the end, they were just the Rus vikings, and the Gorgon hags. AND they are too ashamed of their a-history to let it be a-known openly to a-others. The song should have had another stanza: "thirteen fools a-stupid..."

The Bird Coats use (four) footless martins, which I suspect to be code for lame/limping Hephaestus. The "Cruce" motto term of the Birds should be code for "Rosi-Cross," especially as the Coat is a red Bouillon cross surrounded by four objects, as was the Rosicrucian cross surrounded by four roses, or the Templar-Jerusalem cross (of de Bouillon) surrounded by four other crosses.

It can't be coincidental that there are "four calling birds" and then four footless martins in the Bird Coat. The "calling" term is therefore suspect as a Bird-related entity. Scottish Calls use a pheon in Lord-pheon colors. They also use red-on-white stars (Kyle symbol) and a Cole variation. English Calls use trumpets, and were descended from a Swanus Calle. They are in the colors of the Coles Coat (and the Bouillon Coat), thus tending to link the "calling birds" code to the Kyle Illuminati. I add Bouillon in the sentence above because the Cole (no 's') Coat uses a bull.

The inclusion of Kyle=Cole elements recalls the camel symbol above, for it's got to be a code for king Cole's Camelot/Colchester.

There is no French Hen Coat, but then "three French hens" could be part-code for a French surname (one was first found in Devon). English Hens (axe in Crest) use gold on a green Shield like the English Frank/Frenk surname, and while the Hen wrote-up suggests a trace to "Henry," we find a green eagle in the Irish Henry Coat. Moreover, the hawk in the Henry Crest is almost identical to the one in the Frank Crest.

Scottish Franks, white on green, look like they apply to English Franks, AND as the English Chicken Coat is likewise white on green, I think we have discovered the "French Hen" code. Chickens and Hens were both first in Suffolk!

You're tuned in to the All-Seeing Tribwatch Show, where no worm goes undetected. The Tribwatch Team is on the job.


"The earliest well-known performance of the [Twelve Days of Christmas] was by English scholar James O. Halliwell in 1842, and he published a version in 4th edition...The song had become traditional as early as the 16th century.

In the early 20th century, English composer Frederic Austin wrote an arrangement in which he added his melody from 'Five gold rings' onwards, which has since become standard."

I find it disgusting that the dragon-line Rus would intrude into Christmas with such secret codes, laughing at the Christians who sing their song, but that's par for the course for how Kabalistic Rosicrucians mix foul devils into the Holy Well of God's Pure Water.

Others that likewise use white on green are the Leapers. I'm referring to the "lords a-leaping" code. Green Melusine is found in the Leap/Lapp Coat, but if the Leaps don't apply to the code, then the white-on-green Leapers/Peres do because the write-up traces to a Templar, Robert Lepere, and that sounds like "pear." The LEYper variation is Melusine-interesting because I trace her to the fleur-de-lys cult of Leslies. The Melusine Leslies were at the Sava river, and I fully expect the Daedalus cult there too, especially Perdix now.

Talos was also depicted with the partridge: "Talos, son of Perdix and nephew of Daedalus, invented the saw after seeing a fishes jawbone. Daedalus was so jealous of the invention he tried to murder him, but Athena intervened and turned Talos into a partridge." German Berrys use just fish heads, which might be to highlight the fish jaws of Perdix myth. As a variation of that surname is Bari, the city and provence of Bari in Puglia/Apulia must apply!!! YES, for Daedalus had Iapyx as a son, a known depiction of Puglia. We now know, therefore, that Perdix traces also to German Berrys. The Berry fish heads are in Arms-of-Bari colors.

The Lecce location in Apulia smacks of Lesce at the Sava, and Apulia does over-look the stretch of land that the Sava flows upon. The Arms of Apulia uses an olive tree, perhaps linked to the A dove with an olive branch in the beak of the Pertus Crest. The Pertus Coat is said to use "bucks," and the German Buck Crest uses German-Bauer wings. That should be relevant because Bauers should trace to the Sava's Bohinjka branch, near Lesce.

Note the "fortiTUDINE" motto term of the English Bucks, like "Dutton" (traced weeks ago to Dido), which is likely related to "Tuttle." I've yet to discover what wings the Bauers/Bucks use, but I suspect them to be falcon wings because I know them to be Masci-of-Piedmont wings too, and I'm sure that Massis/Matts of Abruzzo>Piedmont are very Fulk-related.

I suspect that Duttons were Suttons because the latter use a two-tailed lion that should be the Montfort lion. I trace Montforts to Monforte and Montferrat in Piedmont. If I'm not mistaken, the Montfort hold on Leicestershire was linked to their hold on Lancashire, where the Duttons (in Montfort colors) were first found. After coming to that conclusion, I saw in the Sutton write-up that they were lords of DUDley.

Perhaps the DUDLeys were named in honor of "DAEDALus," but if not, they could have been from Daedalus-branch Dido elements. The English Dudley Coat (buck in Crest) is the Massin/Mason Coat, if that helps to make a Dutton-and-Sutton link to the Massis of Piedmont.

As per the Sutton write-up's trace to Dreu de Montaigu, and to Sutton Montague in Somerset, the Montegue Crest turns out to use German-Fulk falcon wings. The Montegue Coat uses...lozenges.

I can link the Montegues to the Pepins and Pipes because, while Montegues use "Equitas" as code for the "Aigu/gue" in their name, Pepins use "quisque." I am sure that it relates because Pipes (same Coat as Pepins) were first in Somerset. I think the CUSsain variation of Irish Pattersons applies because they use a camel, as do the Pepins/Pipes, but because I traced the Cussains to GUIScard, I would link Montaigu to Guiscards. I did trace Guiscards/Wiscards to the VIScontis of Massino-Visconti (Piedmont), you see how clickety-click that works.

You're reading the Tribwatch Tap-Dancing Show, where leapers leap all over the worms. After years of investigating heraldry, I think I'm finally getting somewhere, and the Tribwatch Team is training the world on how to discover Illuminati roots, covered in pagan dirt and infested with unsightly creeping things which they call virtuous and honorable.

The "parvenir" motto term of the Suttons looks like a Pert-et-al code mixed with Venus. Not forgetting that Pattersons/Pattisons were a branch of Perts/Petts, see the Venus stag in the Kissane Coat, where "Kissane/Guissane" (said to be from "CIOsain") is a shown variation of the Patterson Cussanes.

The Kissane Crest is a lizard, by the way, held by a cuffed arm. The "difficile" motto term of the Kissanes suggests links to Irish Duffs because they use the Sutton lion in colors reversed. Once we enter into the Duff zone, we're into the Daffy-Duck zone, and "Daffy" is registered as the Welsh Davis surname. You may have read where the David(son)/Daud surname linked to the Save surname of Save-Sava-river elements, at which time the Davids-et-al started to look like the Dido elements there.

Let's not forget that Duck is a variation of the Lohan surname, thus linking to Lohengrin the Sava-river bloodline linked to Elsa=Dido. The nails in the Lohan heart has already been deciphered as the Neal/Nihill surname and related Nail clan, which easily explains why Kissanes use "nihil difficile" as code for Neal-based Duffs.

Duffs were from clan Colla, we read, and I've already linked Cussane/Kissane Pattersons to king Cole, wherefore Collas look like a Cole bloodline. Kyles were fixed in Ayrshire, a region that I traced to Shaws of Perthshire as per Ishmaelites common to both regions, and Scottish Duffs were first in Perthshire. This is not the first time that an Ishmaelite trace has been made (here) to Patterson-related bloodlines.

Yes, you got it. Pattersons were Perts/Petts, and they in turn the founders of PERThshire, I'll bet my camel-hide stockings on that on any day of the twelve days of Christmas. The "Deus juvat" motto of the Perthshire Duffs looks like code for the Dia-based Daedalus cult, ever since it dawned on me that "Dieu" (see yesterday) was code for it, and "juvat" could be clue to some Davit-like terms by which the Dido-based Sava clans were called.

The Lohan/Duck motto uses "majorum," and knowing days ago that it was likely code for the majors, I didn't mention it because I had nothing more to add. BUT NOW, with Shield of the Partridges/Pettridges filled with black and white checks, the same Shield used by Spanish Major/Mayer surname should apply. Those Majors/Mayers use the same red lion head as in the English Duck Coat. Instead of a duck, the Duck Crest is a falcon. They were first found in Norfolk, where the Fulkes/Folks were first found.

The "mysterious" Magdalene church in Roussillon/Languedoc, at Rennes le Chateau, has a black and white checkered floor, and as I happen to be tracing the Rhodian Rus (who settled Roussillon) here in the Daedalus trace, that floor could apply to the Partridge-Coat checks.

Knowing now that the Berry surname carried the Perdix cult, what do we make of the "sine" motto term of the English Berrys (use "nihil" motto term too)? I almost didn't check, but when I had the time, I found that "Sine" brings up the Sion/Swan Coat!!! There you see the Lohan(grin) and Sauvage heart placed centrally. CLEARLY, what began as a far-fetched hunt in a Partridge-surname link to Perdix has turned out to be true and insightful. Berrys were from the Daedalus cult in the Sava clan.

The "labore" motto of the Berrys reminded me of the trace to the Cretan labyrinth, and that caused me to recall the Lapp variation (Ixion-founded Lapiths come to mind) of the Leap Coat, suggesting that "Leaper" is a labryinth entity. The problem is, "Leaper" looks derived in Le Pere, and not in a labyr-like term. Still, the Pere surname does smack of Perdix and surnames from that entity, wherefore a labyr-like term may have been the original, with a Lepere and Pere variation coming later.

I don't think it's a coincidence that the labyr-like Labor surname (all-seeing eye in Crest) uses a version of the Irish Berry Coat.

AND, zikers, I almost didn't mention the Talos link to Talbots when it occurred to be earlier this morning. The talbot dog!! It's a LABRador!!! It's not a wonder because Talos was the son of Perdix!!!! But Talos was also DaeDALUS.

AND MORE. I decided not mention, until now, that the Arms of Cher (where Berry/Bourges is located) looked like it used the Talbot-Coat border!!!!! What a joke these families have been, hiding their well-known secrets.

Recalling now that the Boii were in Berry, that should explain the TalleBOIS rendering of the surname that Ranulph le Meschin married. And as Ranulph le Meschin was from king Mieszko of Bohemian/Silesian links, I would link the Berry-associated Boii to just those Mieszko-related Bohemians that I've already traced to the Bessin (where Meschins lived).

AND, I had traced Mieszko to Sulcis of Sardinia, and from that realized that he was linked to Sulcis-founded Silesia, for which reason I linked the Sellicks/Seliocs -- with Talbot-like Shield !! -- to those Silesians.

I've noted that Creuse is beside Cher, and as the Arms of Creuse use white lions on red, the Tribwatch sniffer suggests links to the white-on-red lion in the Arms of Bohemia.

This has special meaning to me because I'm one of the few prophecy writers that emphasizes Antichrist links to end-time Seleucids. It is absolutely clear to me that Sulcis, named also by an Antioch term, was founded by Seleucids, of Antioch their capital. In other words, Meschins were Seleucids, and they married Seleucids when Ranulph married Lucy Tallebois. That's what it looks like.

I was surprised that there wasn't a Cher Coat, but seeing now that the Cher river was also the Char, I do find a Char Coat. It uses a gold garb, likely a Cheshire symbol belonging to Meschin.

UNBELIEVABLE! Checking what sort of birds the Char Coat uses...they're PARTRIDGES!! I was wondering this morning why I haven't come across many, or any, partridges. And there was one right where it should be, in the land of BERRY!!!

The Char surname is properly Chard, and that should link to the Shards/Sherards/Sherrats, first in Cheshire, in Arms of Cher colors (red and white). Hmm, in the Partridge Family television series, Shirley Jones played Shirley Partridge. The show was created by a red and white Slade surname, and featured a red and white Cassidy surname (from king Colla). I had traced the Cassidys to red and white Cashs/Casses, and they to Patterson Kissanes/Cussanes.

The show also featured Susan Dey, which reminds me of what I wanted to say earlier on a possibly mythical-Dia trace to the Dee region of Devon. I'm sure I read about a Dee river in Devon in the past update or two, and that might explain why English Deys/Days/Deies were first in Somerset. As a Kissane branch was just traced to Somerset earlier today, so the Irish Dey/Dea Coat uses the Kissane stag...and the Save snake in green!!!

I've just learned that "Crewe [in Cheshire] is also home to a large contingent of Polish immigrants who have been arriving since World War II." That makes sense with a Meschin trace to Polish royalty. I discovered this looking for the Dee river in Devon, finding instead that Chester itself is on a Dee river (if I knew this before, I'd forgotten). AND it has it's source at a Daedalus-like Dduallt location. Isn't that just deandy, that while I'm suspecting the Dia=DaeDalus cult at a Dee river, there we find a Daedalus-like location?

AMAZING FOLKS. There is a Dee/Die surname of Scotland that uses "Hoc labor," and though I've known this, its it so perfectly fitting today, on the day that the labor term has been traced to the Daedalus labyrinth!!!

The Dee surname above is named after the Dee river in AberDEEN, but the same clan in England was first in Cheshire, AND LOOK: it uses that Talbot-Coat border again!!! The motto, "Hic Labor," is translated, "This is the Difficulty," evoking the "difficile" motto term of the Kissanes.

The English Dee Shield is in the red Shield color of the Arms of Cher, and so the Creuse location beside Cher, which is now suspect as the basic root of "RosiCrucian," could have developed into "Crewe" of Cheshire. There is a Crewe Coat, surname first in Cheshire, using a white lion, the color of the Arms of Creuse lion!

The Creuse river is a tributary of the Vienne river, and to that I'll add that mythical Creusa was the wife of Aeneas, he depicting the Heneti, but also the Mysians that I traced to the Dido-related Meshwesh Amazons, this being the line to Cheshire Duttons and Tattons of Mascy. I trace "Vienne" to the Heneti, therefore suggesting that Creuse in France was after mythical Creuse elements.

I've been so busy that I only now saw the Creuse variation of the Cheshire Crewe clan. That clinches it. It's been a while since people have told me that I look like Tom Cruise, and that's probably because I'm in my 50s now. But now that I see the Cruise-like surnames in Cheshire, and there being related to the Mascys, it explains it, for I have Masci genes going back I don't know how long, but very possibly to Cheshire.

That's enough bloodline for today, as there's no exclamation marks left in my drawer, anyway. I'll quickly check the news...

What could be better for the world than a Clinton war against the O-rank and file? The coming war for 2012 could be Armageddon itself:

"Byron York wonders here whether Bill Clinton wants Democrats to win next Tuesday. That may be going too far but he is certainly onto something when he suggests that (the) Clinton(s) has/have (politically speaking, they're inseparable) a double agenda right now. As I reported a couple of weeks ago, Bill himself has stated that his principal motivation for going on the campaign trail was to thank those who had supported his wife against Obama"

What happens in foreign policy if Obama is reduced to a footless duck next week? Certainly the Bill and Hillary birds want that because it allows them to argue their case for running against him in 2012. I would suggest that an O pressed hard under a Republican thumb will be allowed to breathe easily only when exercising more Mid-East war ambitions, as Republicans by and large have been war-happy (may not be the correct/best phrase, but you get it) on that front.


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