Previous Update: November 5 - 8

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November 9 - 12, 2010

It's Starting to Semele of the Ishmaelites

November 10 -- 11 -- 12

November 9

I must apologize to CC for saying that I'd never seen Ishmaelite terms in Greek mythology. This was in the days when I resisted tracing the dragon cult to Edomites. The Ishmaelite term was right under my nose.

I awoke this morning with the plan of showing at least three Nahorite lines to Brittany's Alans; the Scandinavian RoxoLANI with the Neuri, the Saracen Sarmations=Alans by way of the Nereid sea-peoples=Atlanteans, and the Atilla-related Alans that I think founded Dol. I was going to try to show how both these Alans and the related Hagarites (probably Hagarim=Saracens) linked to the Cat(t)i holy grail peoples.

In the midst of that plan, while still lying in bed (it's not 5 am yet as I write), I concluded that "Nachor" (= Nahor) was invented as a double-entity term: a Nak element leading to Naxos, the sacred island of Dionysus, and a Hor term denoting the Horites of Nuzi, the city at the roo of "DioNYSUS." This was no small thing, for as Dionysus is rife in Greek myth, many clues for tracing Nahorites can be had.

I started to concentrate on Semele, the mother of Dionysus, asking how she could trace to Edomites. As usual when I'm desperate to identify an S-term, I exchanged the "S" for a "D" and thought that the root, "Sem," may have derived from "Dem/Edom." But then I put a vowel in front of "Semele" and...

As I said, I apologize to CC for being so blind until now. The trace of "Ishmael" to "Semele" makes great sense and is one huge key. The timing of the end of my blindness is excellent, for it comes just after tracing Dionysus and Edomites to Lothian's Edinburgh. That trace had everything to do with the Keith-branch Catti. The point is this, that as Semele was made the daughter of CADmus, we expect Ishmaelites in the Cadmus line to the European Catti. We therefore expect Ishmaelites in Lothian because the Keiths settled there.

But Ishmaelites can be suspected wherever Cadmus and Dionysus elements were found. Autun, for example, which was linked to EDINburgh and the ADEN and HADDINgton entities of the Keiths. Possibly, "DIONysus" was play-on-words for the Edones, who had a Sithone branch that I trace to Seatons, first found in Lothian. I interpret Seatons as Keaton-branch Keiths/Keaths, which apparently discovers that Keiths were hard-C Sithones. That in turn seems to identify "Sith(one)" as a Catti variation.

As Dionysus was all Nahorite, while his mother was code for Ishmaelites, we should expect Ishmaelites wherever Nahorites are found. It's true that the Edone king, Lycurgus, hated Dionysus, and yet Lycurgus' son/father, Dryas, loved Dionysus. I interpret "Dryas" as code for "Doris," the Dorians, but then Nereus (father of the Nereids) was married to a Doris, thus supporting a Nahorite trace to Dryas. I identify Dryas as the Odyrsians on the Hebros river, but also as Atreus leading to Atrebates of Hampshire, where the Dionysus Maenads=Meons were also situated. Hampshire faces Brittany, wherefore the waterway between them must have been painted Nahorite.

Aside from a fundamental trace to the Alan Huns, there are three things to which I link the Alanic relations of proto-Stewarts of Brittany. One, the Massey clans and others from Piast Poles, who were concentrated as Maxwells, Maxtons, and proto-Pollocks in Roxburghshire. Two, raven-depicted vikings from Scandinavian/Danish Rus. Three, this being the most recent, the Hagarites=Saracens from Brittany-rooted Bruttium.

I had identified the Roxolani of the Neuri theater as the founders of Roxburgh. That tends to trace Nahorites to Roxburgh. Let's not forget the Roque=Rockefeller rock in the Hague-surname Crest. The Rockefeller's were linked to Rokebys and Rooks, after which it was discovered that the raven is officially a "rook." Then, yesterday it was discovered that the raven of Greek myth was mythical Eumelos (of Kos elements, and related to Agron-branch (Hagarites?) Meropians). But after closing yesterday's update, it dawned on me that "Eumelos" smacked of Plato's Eumulus, the twin brother of Atlas in his role as king of western Atlantis. If you know my writings, I identify Eumulus as Kemuel, son of Nahor.

In this picture, Eumelos the raven>rook was the Kemuel-branch Roxolani Rus at Roxburghshire, where we already expect Nahorites. It appears that Roxburgh was a Kemuel haunt. The Piast Poles of Roxburgh were traced (by me) to Pisidians. ATLas, son of Poseidon and twin of Eumulus, was a Pisidian peoples (out of Antayla/ATTALeia), near Kos.

You get it. Two distinct lines of Nahorites converged in Roxburghshire: the Atlantean Nereids (known to be associated with Poseidon) and the Scandinavian Neuri and/or Nerthus-worshiping Dano-Jute clans (that I traced to mythical Rig, code, I think, for Roxolani).

AND, I did trace Masseys to the Meshwesh "Libyans" (meaning that I trace all Piast Poles, founded by Mieszko) to the Meshwesh. This made me suspect that the Atlantean Nahorites were Saracens, for I identify them too as Nahorites. But this morning I was able to identify Libyans as Alans too, which jibes with a trace of "Saracen" to "Sar(mata)." In fact, Meshwesh were Amazons, and Sarmatians too were Amazons.

I don't think I've never had a clue as to what named Libyans, until I placed a vowel in front of it this morning, to net "Alba." As per my trace of the latter term to Halybes, I asked whether Libyans could have been HaLYBES, and that idea fit well with the fact that Libya faces southern Italy, where the Calabria-branch Halybes lived. And, Saracens of Libya did invade Italy, especially southern Italy. There is a chance that the same Halybes founded Albania in the Sava theater, or that Albanians founded Libyans. The door is now open for further leads.

"C/Halybe" means "iron," and Halybes are credited with the founding of iron. It's conspicuous that Alans of Caucasia were related to, or even a branch of, the so-called "Irons." Moreover, the Halys river (not to mention the Hales river in old Calabria), where Halybes lived, looks as though it could have been founded by Alans. The Cadusii peoples (depicted by Cadmus) named Hattusa on the Halys after "Cadusia," apparently, and the GALLi priests of the Kabeiri are traced by me to the HALYs river, where Galatia was founded later on by a Galli peoples. But, I also trace the Galli back to the Gileki (whom I see as one of the two caduceus snakes), whom I think led to the Alans. Thus, there is a decent trace there of Halybes to the Gileki.

The point to all that is that Calabria was also Bruttium, and the latter led to Brits that named Brittany. Therefore, the Alans of Brittany, who were not confined to Dol, were in-part from Halybes of Bruttium, and that's probably why the Alan Huns of Attila settled there, in Dol.

When we're talking the ExCALIBUR sword of the fabulous Brit king, Arthur, we're talking Nahorites, I'm sure, who were merged with Halybe-branch Alans. If you missed my treatment on the Neuri links to Alans, then let me repeat: Nahorites and Alans appear to be the same peoples somehow. The Nahorite trace to Holland is just one example.

I may be confusing because I try to say the most possible in the least number of words, and the least amount of repetition. I am the pioneer of the Nahorite exposure, and have not the tools to get the message out to the world. I lay out the keys for others to build on, that they might make the traces with better elaboration, in their books. I am not in a position to write or get a book published. Others will have to do it. I pray they do not enter a fundamental Israeli element into pago-Nahorite entities, for that is pure fiction.

Semele's mother, Harmonia, like Cadmus, is reason to trace Ishmaelites to Armenia (Cadusia was in Armenia). Or, perhaps, the myth writer was over-simplifying things when making Semele their daughter; Semele-branch Ishmaelites may have found their way to Tyre, not as Armenians proper, and then merely merged with Cadmus. Cadmus was not only a depiction of Hermes/Hermon-based Armenians (probably at Kadesh), but of Poseidon>Agenor peoples from the Nile's Danaans, and those were Chemmites/Kemmites.

It could be, therefore, that Semele was of the Nile side of Cadmus, which jibes with a trace of Semele to the ancient Somali of Ethiopia-way. Yes, at least one writer placed a mount Nysus in ancient Ethiopia, giving cause to trace Semele to the Somali (which I did years ago, and tried to make some sense of it). But now there is cause to trace Ishmaelites to the Somali, and that idea is not strange where we find Joktanites in Yemen, across the gulf of Aden from where the Somali might have been in those days.

I'm keeping in mind here that Poseidon/Agenor>Phoenix came from the Nairi-branch Nahorites at Lake Van, which city I identify as Pan, myth code for "Phoenicians," and founder of Panias, city at mount Hermon. Probably, "Phoenix" was code for Panias.

The origins of Semele in Wikipedia's article strongly suggests links to the Taurus cult that became the Bacchus cult of Dionysus. We read: "Zeus rescued the fetal Dionysus, however, by sewing him into his thigh..." This helps to explain why both Dionysus and Hephaestus were given lameness/limps from birth, for both were given thigh symbols. If Dionysus was a Nahorite peoples, it stands to reason that the Hephaestus cult included Nahorites as well. Hephaestus was very likely the metal-making Halybes.

I had traced the Alans of Brittany to the Helion surname, itself from a Haylin clan that appears linked to Hagels/Hegels. When searching for an Halybe-like surname with "Alan" in mind, "Alanbee" (Macey Shield) came to mind. We read: "They were first found in the Cumberland village of Allonby, which was also known as Ellonby. The first part of this settlement's name was originally derived from the Anglo-Norman word aguillon, meaning goad or spur." Forget goad or spur (though do consider linkage to heraldic spur symbols) as the derivation of "aguillon," and think the Hagels/Hegels/Eagles.

The Albion surname (Massin/Mason lion) was first found in Shropshire, where the Alan/Allon surname was first found. The link to the Massins/Masons suggests in yet another way that Albions were Stewarts from Dol, for I had traced them to the Massi/Mattis surname of Italy (compare Stewart Coat to Massi/Mattis Coat). English Alberts use Albion colors and were first found in Kent, where Massins/Masons were first found.

The Semele article tells through Homer that Dionysus was born at a mount Nysa in Phoenicia. Then we find an Alan-like term: "Semele was worshipped at Athens at the Lenaia, when a yearling bull, emblematic of Dionysus, was sacrificed to her." The Lenaia article then says: "Lenaia probably comes from lenai, another name for the Maenads, the female worshippers of Dionysus...It may have also had some connection with the Eleusinian Mysteries..." The dragon cult is being simplified now as the Sarmations and related Alans (though this doesn't consider Sarmation roots), but with pago-Hebrews merged therein. And I think it was the Hebrews, rather than the Scythians, that were the witchcraft and homosexual elements in dark cults such as Dionysus. Scythians were brutish, but the Hebrews were the spiritual fools leading to Pharisees, Talmud, Kabala, Gnosticism, and false Christian churches. Scythians were crude, but their Hebrew sides were the abode of satan.

And those Hebrew sides would have furnished Abraham's son, Ishmael, no matter whether God had chosen Abraham or not. BUT HE CHOOSE ISRAEL by Abraham's son, Isaac, you see (and not through his wife, Hagar), to confound the many nations that Ishmaelites would become. And we don't think it strange that Nahorites should be merged all over the planet with Ishmaelites, for Nahor was Abraham's brother. Again, if Nahor was named after proto-Dionysus elements, then Semele must have depicted Ishmael. Why I was blind to this for nearly ten years?

Jesus was Prepared from the foundation of the world to confound Dionysus, now sitting in Washington.

If Semele was an Ishmaelite peoples, so too was her daughter, Ino, a queen of Thebes that was likely related to Aedon of Thebes. In fact, Ino's sister was Autonoe (which clinches the idea that Ishmaelites/Edomites should be found in Autun).

I identified Ino as the mythical bull that led Cadmus to Thebes, but she also linked to INachus and Io (a cow) of Argos. I identified "INACHus" with "Nachor," which now seems very correct in light of Ino's depiction of Ishmaelites and Nahorites. Ino became an Aryan sea peoples: "In Greek mythology Ino was a mortal queen of Thebes, who after her death and transfiguration was worshiped as a goddess under her epithet Leucothea, the 'white goddess.'" It never occurred to me that "Leuco" (= white) could be an Alan term (Alans were/are Aryans/Caucasians), but it did occur to me that "Argos" was a variant of "Aryan." Thus Ino, sister of Semele, was painted in the end as the Scythian side of the dragon cult.

The Argonaut sea peoples were majorly a Minyae peoples (probably related to OrchoMENOS), and then we read: "In her mortal self, Ino, the second wife of the Minyan king Athamas..." Hard to say off-the-cuff whether "Athamas" was code for an EDOMite entity. It could have been code more-directly for Themis (Thermodon), where ArTEMIS came forth. Athamas was the father of Athamantis, otherwise known as Helle (= symbol of the Hellespont). Alans on the Hellespont? Probably. Athamas' third wife was THEMISto. Thus, he depicted the Thermodon Amazons that evolved into Sarmations.

Have a looksie here: "Esau also married his cousin Mahalath or another Basemath, daughter of Ishmael. " BASEMATH>ATHAMAS???

The same article: "[Esau] took two wives from the women of Canaan: Adah or Basemath, the daughter of Elon the Hittite..." Elon the Alan???

As Athamas (and Ino) raised the infant Dionysus, he (as she) should have represented a Nahorite entity as per that front too. Chances are, the Maenads were Amazons of the Artemis vein; I've yet to conclude whether or not Amazons were named after "Mitanni," whom I view as largely Nahorite. Athamas was son of Aeolus, son of Hellen, if that helps to link him to Alans. Aeolus (through a son called Aethlius) established Elis of Pisa.

We're seeing a few Ath and Aeth terms already (I named one chapter, "It's Beginning to Semele of Ethiopia"), but then we have this: "Endymion was the son of Aethlius and Calyce... Endymion was the father of Aetolus, Epeius and Paeon". In other words, the Athamas and Aethlius characters of Elis elements linked to AETOLians, whom I view as ATLas-ian Atlanteans from Attaleia/Antayla. As TANTALus and Pelops, rulers of Heneti, were out of ANTAyLus, ENDYmion was likely a Heneti peoples out of ANTayla.

ALSO, Tantalus was directly related to TMOLus, whom I peg as a variant of "SEMELe," which, if true, tends to trace Ishmaelites to mount Tmolus, Lydia. That works where we trace Lotan, the Horite, to the founding of Lydians.

In trying to find more on Learchus, son of Ino and Athamas, I tried the Lear surname to find it traced in its write-up to "L'Eyre." Then "Eyre" brought up the Ayer surname that was after Ayrshire...where I trace HAYERs=Hagarites. Ayrshire is in the Argyll theater of Scottish Argo-ville, and so the unicorns in the Lear/Eyre Coat cause me to ask again whether they were code for "Inachus." Aside from unicorns, the Coat uses a saw-toothed bar, which I now view as code for the Perdix saw.

There is a French Lier/Lair surname, using scallops, first found in Brittany. As variations there include "Dayre," I assume that it's the D'Ayre surname i.e. the same as the Lear/L'Eyre clan). The write-up says: "The family were well established in the region of Dol..." Bing-bang-bong, the Learchus term bounced me to Dol. AND king Lear/Leir is now a suspect in the Tribwatch Spy Agency.

Recall the "allerion" eagles used by the Holden Coat that is a variation of the Hayer Coat that is a variation of the German Allier Coat. I had traced the allerion eagles to Alans of Brittany, but now there is cause for links to the Learchus bloodline. We already know that Alans of Brittany connected with the Daedalus>Perdix cult, and so this: "One account made [Learchus] a pupil of Daedalus, another of Dipoenus and Scyllis."

In Shakespeare's work: "King Lear descends into madness...The play is based on the legend of Leir of Britain, a mythological pre-Roman Celtic king." Learchus was killed by his own father (Athamas) when Hera made him go mad.

We find the earlier king Leir to be a product of the Arthurian myth writer, Geoffrey of Monmouth: "According to Geoffrey, Leir is the eponymous founder of Leicester (Legra-ceaster or Ligora-ceaster in Anglo-Saxon), known as Cair Leir in Old Welsh, where Leir is a hydronym derived from Brittonic *Ligera or *Ligora." Okay, Ligurians of Leicester...where the Lear surname was first found. As often, Geoffrey's myth codes are just surnames.

There's a Lercher surname said to mean "L'Archer," and as it was in Nottingham, the Robin-Hood character comes to mind. The Arthur surname has an Archibure variation. Hard to say at this point whether there are links to Learchus. I seeking Athamas surnames, I tried "Adam" and found Scottish green Shield (like the Scottish Bowers) with a single white arrow. Irish Adams use a heart and a Salos motto term, apparent clear signs of the Perdix cult.

As the Bower motto is "Ad metus," and as I saw that moments before researching Eumelos, look: "A Eumelus succeeded Admetus as the King of Pherae...He was...the son of Admetus and Alcestis." Suddenly, Bauers>Rothschilds can be rendered as part of the Eumelos=raven bloodline, jibing with the raven in the German Rothes Coat. We have yet to determine whether Eumelos the raven was of Kemuel, son of Nahor, or whether the Eumulus above was the raven-depicted one.

It's safe to say that the Lire/Leur/Loor surname, first found in Ayrshire, is a Lear/Leir branch. The motto in this case is "Spectemur agendo," which may be code for the Dutch Specter surname, with ravens alone. If we're tracing Learchus with this Lire clan, then, while Learchus was of the Cadmus bloodline rooted in Agenor, the "agendo" term might be code for that mythical king of tyre. I do trace both "Eyre/Ays(hire)" and Age(nor) to Hagarites. It didn't occur to me until I split "Agenor" in two, to emphasize the agi-like part, that the "nor" ending could have been code for Ishmaelite-related Nahorites.

I don't think it's a coincidence that the Lark/Laurke Crest uses a cloud, while Learchus was son of Athamas who had married Nephele=cloud.

Although it seems to wipe out a Lire/Lear trace to Learchus, I see Lire/Lear (with Cloor-like variations) to "Clare" and "Claver," and then to Leaf/Lief(r)s>Olivers as per the Clever variation. I'm adding this paragraph for the serious investigator. The Lief/Leaf Coat is like the Lire Coat, but the Clark Coat is also similar. I mention Clarks because the Cloor variation of the Lires poses a Clark variation of the Larks (think MacLark>MacCLARK).

German Leirs, with Layer variation look Hagarite enough. They use a gold grail for a Crest, and a gold star with blue, like the Lires of AYRshire.

The mythical raven was an Apollo bloodline. "Delius {Apollon} hid as a raven, Semeleia {Dionysos} as a goat, Phoebe {Artemis} a cat, Saturnia {Hera} a snow-white cow, Venus {Aphrodite} a fish and Cyllenius {Hermes} an ibis" (brackets not mine). Therein is Semele as a goat, the symbol that I traced to Hagarites.

Apparently, then, Ishmaelites were Pan-based Satyrs in Tyre, and must have been at Panias. Hera, the white cow, conforms to Hera of Argos, the Horites there, suggesting also that Hera and Io are related items. The SATURnia identification for Hera smacks of the goat-footed SATYRs, jibing with a link of shaggy Satyrs to Seir's Horites from which Hera descended ("Seir" means "shaggy"). Seir wasn't named after shaggy Esau (the Bible says he was hairy on his body), then what shall we conclude, that Esau was a mythical character depicting Seir? No. I say Esau was a real man, but with the same hairy genes as Seir, the man, after which mount Seir was named. I say Esua settled at Seir because his pagan relatives were there, and that the men of Seir were by-and-large hairy.

The raven is said to be Delos in particular, the island of Apollo, what could have become Talus=Perdix (the family of Daedalus were also depicted as birds). In another treatment on the topic, we even see DODEcarene, the region in Icaria that must have been mythical Daedalus to a large degree:

"Eumelus 5. Son of King Merops 3 of Cos, one of the Sporades islands (now Dodecanese) off the southwestern coast of Asia Minor. Eumelus 5 had arrogant children (Byssa, Meropis, and Agron 1)...And when Eumelus 5 protested, he was himself turned into a raven by Hermes {Lib.Met.15}.";f=1;t=001177

If Eumelus was a branch of Kemuel, then Byssa must have been a Buzite peoples, and Agron the Hagarites (I distinguish between Hagarites, whom I mean as Hagar-based Ishmaelites, and Hagarim, the Saracens thought by others to be Hagarites. It could be that Saracens were Hagarites in a minor way). The same article says: "Eumelus 4 was the first to settle in the land of Patrae in Achaea." Perhaps Patrae was a Petra-of-Seir claim. Per chance, "Achaea" traces to the Akh(min) region on the Nile, and/or to AKHenaten.

In the news, Obama regrets that the Israeli government didn't brief him on the 1000 new buildings to be built in East Jerusalem. He should try telling that to any other sovereign state. Who does he think he is that he should be briefed on home-building in another country? Clearly, he thinks he should call the shots in Israel, and that's what he's after. That's what globalism is all about, calling the shots everywhere, because they think they know best. And they do know best...for what's in their own interest. Obama has admitted that Israel needs to act in the interests of the United States. He's wiggled himself into the Israeli door in the first place by claiming the need of Israel to act on behalf of American global interests. What's to stop globalists from using the same argumentation with all countries, and for all national issues?

There is word today the Robert Gates wants the American troops in Iraq longer than the 2011 deadline. We knew that already. That was the globe-trodder plot from the start. I use "trod=tread" now instead of "trot."

In Iraq, the Kurds are arm-twisting a sweating Maliki:

"Iraq's Kurds are holding firm to their claim on the country's presidency and the once-dominant Sunni minority is trying to push for checks on the powers of Shiite Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki...

Iraq's top political leaders are meeting for the second day in a row for face-to-face talks...

...But producing a deal by Thursday's scheduled parliamentary session is difficult...

...During a news conference [today], a senior Iraqiya [= Allawi party] leader, Saleh al-Mutlaq, said the issue of who will be the next prime minister has not yet been settled and will be discussed in the next few days.

Alluding to Iraqiya's concerns over al-Maliki, he said the next prime minister should be someone who would not repeat the country's dictatorial past and would cooperate with everyone in running the country.

...Another politician linked to al-Maliki...said officials are trying to persuade Iraqiya to accept the parliament speaker's post, which Allawi has already rejected, or persuade the Kurds to give up the presidency.

...Kurdish lawmaker Fouad Massoum declined to comment on whether there is U.S. pressure, but ruled out the possibility of the Kurds giving up the presidency."

It sounds like the Obama intruders are there too. There's no doubt in my mind that the O-dministration has it's own idea of what it would like to see in Iraq, and I don't think it's the fair-line that Hillary and others are giving the press. The longer this stalemate goes on, and the more power that goes to the Kurds and the Sunni, the better the chances of remaining in Iraq militarily, for the al-Sadrs will work happily with Maliki only if he sweeps the American military out.

It could be that the Illuminated West is advising the Kurds and Allawi both to keep the pressure on Maliki, meaning that the West could be largely responsible for the "stalemate." How can we explain this: "While the Kurds are believed to support al-Maliki because he will guarantee them the presidency, they have yet to declare their intention publicly. Massoum said they are waiting for the meetings of Iraq's top political leaders to finish before announcing their official position." It's clearly pressure on Maliki, but by what confidence do the Kurds act in this dangerous way? It is dangerous, for Maliki's party could give them a backlash at any future time for this behavior?

November 10

I find myself elaborating on Nahorites now because I was Called to discover them. I'm amazed by it all, and wonder always what God will do with these findings. Having traced Saracens to Nahorites, while others had already linked them to Ishmaelites, perhaps Abraham's wife, Sarai, was named after proto-Saracen elements already in the Nahorite family. In this picture, Israelites were in-part from the Saracen bloodline. God wanted to produce a righteous Saracen bloodline, I'm assuming, and if true, Saracens must have been Hebrews.

In the following elaboration, always keep in mind that Saracens were Sarmations, who were Alans and Amazons.

Yesterday, I touched on the Sarmations>Saracens of Roxburghshire, telling that Piast-Pole Nahorites were there, including the Massey bloodline (from the Meshwesh Amazons/Libyans that had birthed the Piasts in the first place). In this theory, Roxburgh was founded by Roxolani-branch Alans, and as such they were the rook=raven-depicted vikings.

I had traced the raven-depicted vikings to Brittany's proto-Stewarts long BEFORE I knew that they were Roxolani. It was only months ago when I discovered that the raven symbol in one clan's Crest (can't recall the surname) was a "rook," and that for me is enough to identify those vikings as Roxolani. A trace of Roxolani to the Alans if Dol makes sense for obvious reason, meaning that I must have been very right to trace the raven vikings to the Dol Stewarts.

I then found that the Massey clan of Normandy was first in Brittany, and as the Masseys of Normandy settled in Manche, where Vere is located, and also because dragon-cult Veres claim to be Stewarts, it suggests strongly that Piast Poles were among the proto-Stewarts of Dol. And that is explained where Piasts trace to Pisidians, who were Nahorites...just like the Alans of Dol. Polabians lived between the Trave and Elbe rivers, the latter perhaps named after an Halybe branch of Alans, and the Vere "elvin princess" also comes to mind.

Then, the reason that Masseys of Dol moved to Manche to be with the Veres is because they too were Nahorites...from the Varni of Polabia. The Varni worshiped Nerthus, who was named after Nahorite elements of Greece. When investigating the raven-depicted vikings, I traced them to Polabia, and especially to the Varni. Therefore, I now have cause for seeking the Roxolani as a fundamental peoples among the Nerthus-worshiping peoples, and it just so happens that Tacitus located this Nerthus cult in the ROStock theater. One can suspect Piast-Pole elements as founders of Polabians, but I traced Polabia to the Traby clan, which was traced to Trabzon, the hub of original Amazons proper.

"NERThus" traces to Anarete, wife of Aeolus, son of Hellen. In a nutshell, the Nahorite-Allen merger is depicted by the marriage of Aeolus and A-NARETE. They gave birth to A-THAMAS, a symbol of Themis on the Thermodon, and I say the name of that river morphed into "Trabzon," or vice versa. Thus, not just the Traby family, but even the Polabians are suspect as Nahorites.

I did not know that I was tracing Nahorites when I was tracing many different elements. But I was being Led to understanding the roots of many different elements because they would turn out to be Nahorites. Yes, I'm being a little dogmatic, which is very fitting for the wolf cult that Nahorites were. The Neuri, that is, worshiped/honored wolves.

The Massey bloodlines (Maxwells, Maxtons) in Roxburghshire were concentrated around Kelso, which could have been elements from a hard-C "Elis" (Aeolus founded Elis at Pisa). These clans became Pollocks, for one, who claim to have been merged with Stewarts, suggesting that Stewart lines were in the Kelso area. The Rutherfords of Maxton (Roxburghshire) may have been prime examples of Rostock and/or Roxolani elements of Polabia/Pomerania/Mechlenburg, and Maxtons and Maxwells (first found in Maxton, Kelso) could very well have linked to MECHlenburg.

I did not have in mind to mention Rutherfords this morning, but the very next topic that was planned after saying the above has to do with potential Saracens of Sardinia and Sardis. The Rutherford motto, I now see, includes "sorte." AND, the motto is "Nec sorte, nec fato," the "nec" being possible code for Nahorites elements that went on as "Nack/Nak terms.

The reason that Sardinia was the next topic is that Mieszko has been traced there by others. But I wanted to make some points as Sardinia could link to Sardis, the Lydian capital. I've taken the liberty of tracing Mieszko, in particular, to Sulcis of Sardinia, as that seems to explain why Mieszko was in the Silesia theater of Poland. Wikipedia claims that Sulcis was founded, or re-founded, by Hannibal Carthaginians, wherefore one then needs to ask whether "CARTh" and SARD" are related terms.

"Hannibal" (read as Hanna=Baal), which sounds like "cannibal," has been traced by me to the Heneti, ruled by Pelops=Baal, mythical king of Lydia. Already we have reason for a Sardis link to Sardinia via a Pelops line to the Hannibals. It was the Pisidian father of Pelops who put Pelops into pieces and offered him to the Gods for a feast, and this was a symbol of Cannibalism in the dragon cult at Lydia. One has reason to trace this cannibalism to the Heneti, and the Heneti appear to be from ANTayLa, the city for which "TANTaLus" was code.

As we see the father slicing up the son, the idea coming to mind is that the infants/children sacrificed to MelKART were, at times, eaten. The disgusting fools must have thought that some sort of divine powers could be had by this devilish act.

The Heneti were a major aspect of the Anat cult, and she was from Anu's wife, Antu. Anu depicted the Anunaki (read as Anu-Naki), otherwise called, Anaki, who smack of Aryans in Nuzi...merged with Dionysus Nahorites>Horites leading to Naxos. Veres trace themselves to the Anaki, if that helps to identify them as Nahorites (I keep in mind that there was another Nahor in his bloodline before him).

Chances are, the Halybe-branch Alans were Amazons, or at least became such, for both lived on the southern shores of the Black sea. I link both the Halybes (= Hephaestus) with nearby Heneti (= Aphrodite) to the Kabeiri-cult Hebrews, wherefore the (C)/Halybe trace to Calabria's founding relates to the conquering/founding of various Italian regions by Hannibal Carthaginians. If CARThage was named by SARDis elements, then likely Sardis was named after MelKART of Tyre, for it's justly understood (regardless of what others say) that Carthage was named after Melkart.

In other words, Saracens were in Tyre as the Pygmalion>Dido line that founded Carthage, and that supports the idea that a P-less "Pygmalion" is an Ishmaelite term. Amazingly, I had proved to myself that the P-less "Pamphylia," as per mythical Amphiaraus and his brother, AmPHILOcus (code for Pamphylians), was evidence for a P-less Paphlagonia, by way of finding a P-less entity in which the Antiochus I was involved. I don't have time to find the article at this time, but it traced Seleucus, father of Antiochus, to a P-starting peoples (can't recall the term) of Thessaly named after a river/region of the same name but without the capital 'P'.

It made me realize that there were a people in the Pamphylian-Paphlagonian worlds that had a rule with the capital P. I don't know if it has to do with so-called "pig Latin" ciphers, but that sure does smack of "PYGmalion." I had a bad girlfriend in my youth who claimed to know pig-Latin. She would remove the capital from any term, for example, "pork," and then place it at the end of the word with an additional "ay" to say, "orkpay." Or, "pig" would become "igpay." But why is it called "pig" Latin? Was it related to Pygmalion'a Tyrian bloodline to the Latins?

The point here is that Sulcis on Sardina was also called, Antioch, meaning that it was definitely named by the Seleucid bloodline that had been merged with a P-peoples on a P-less river by the same name. Then we find Carthaginians, from Pygmalion's bloodline, founding Sulcis. AND, those particular Carthaginians were Hannibals=Heneti from Paphlagonia, a region related to Pamphylians but also to the ANTiochus Heneti that named Antioch. What the P is going on here?

AND, Hannibal was an ally of the Seleucids: "During [Hannibal's] exile, he lived at the Seleucid court, where he acted as military adviser to Antiochus III in his war against Rome" The father of Hannibal was Hamilcar Barca, and I trace "Hamil" to the Camulos god and surname, whom I think was named after elements of Kemuel, son of Nahor.

AND, as I trace the Hannibal bloodline in Sulcis/Antioch to the Piast Poles, note that without thought of any of this, I had traced the Kyles of Ayrshire, and therefore their father, king Cole of CAMULOdunum, to the mythical founder of the Piasts, Piast KOLODziej.

The evidence is building that Heneti were Nahorites/Ishmaelites/Saracens, and that the same was true of the Hannibal bloodline. The Crackin surname (Hanna colors) appears to be a "Saracen" variation somehow because it was first found in Wigton, where the Hanna surname was first found.

There's an interesting comparison to be made between the German/Bavaria Jung stag and the Hanna stag, suggesting possible roots of "HUNgary" in "HANna(bal). The English Jungs are in Scottish Yonge colors (i.e. I'm certain that Yonges were Hungarians), and first found in CAMbridgeshire, one region to which I traced Kemuel-based Chemmites. The CAMBell surname is also "Cammell." The Magyars/Hungarians have a stag in their myth-origins roots. Therefore, Hannibal (lived before the Huns invaded Europe) may have been a proto-Hun bloodline that furnished the Hungarians.

The article above says: "[Hannibal's] younger brothers were Mago and Hasdrubal..." Mago??? I didn't discover that until AFTER I suggested a Magyar link to Hannibal above. In this picture wherein we expect the Seleucid bloodline in the Hannibals (explaining why Hannibals founded or co-founded Sulcis/Antioch), we could expect Seleucid blood in Hungarians too. On Wikipedia's Magyar page, there is a link to "Mugel, a Hun tribe".

The Magyars were founded by the Arpad dynasty...that uses red and white stripes like the Barrie Coat (colors of the flag of Stephen). The Barries are clearly related to the red-striped Berrys, and the latter use a "sine labor" motto phrase. We're not forgetting that anything Dido, such as Carthaginians, is also Daedalus and his LABYRinth.

The article says that the Croy family of Belgium claim descent in the Arpads. The English Croy/Groy family is the Grey surname...that I traced to the mythical Graeae Amazons/Gorgons in north-Africa. They were first found in NorthUMBerland. I now recall tracing the Craws/Crees/Raes to Rhea-branch Curetes (Crete), and that makes me think that the Graeae hags were of Rhea elements, but in Carthage country (I do see similarity between "Crete/Curete" and "Carth(age)."

The French Crees were first in BURGundy, the place to which I trace the Berrys of Berry/Bourges, France.

The Scottish Rae Crest uses A stag at gaze proper, which code recalls the strong recent link of the Berry clans to the Wassa/Gaze surname that founded the Washingtons. In my mind, this identifies the Raes/Creas and Croys-et-al as Mitanni, for I trace Washingtons to such, and that jibes with the fact that Dido Carthaginians were from Tyrian king Mattan/Mittan (father of Pygmalion).

The Croys and Crees-et-al should trace to the Creuse region of the Berry theater, and to the Cruise and/or Creuse surnames, especially if it's correct to trace the Creuse location to the Curetes.

The Crow Crest is a camel head! It could all suggests that the Croys of Hungarian blood trace to HAMILcar Barca, whose "Barca" term then becomes fodder for a trace to the Berrys/Bourges. This would not be the first time that I've traced Washingtons to Carthaginians.

I don't think the Crow surname above necessarily traces to raven/crow-depicted vikings. It could be a coincidence that the Croy entities from Crete should also become "Crow." Then again, I did trace the Trabys of the Polish and Polabian theaters back to Crete's Curete cult, as per the goat horn used by the Trabys and the fact that the goat cult (Amalthea) of Crete was a Curete cult.

It was only yesterday that I identified the Greek raven, Eumelus (Carian theater), as the Kemuel bloodline, and already today there is a camel in the Crow Crest and a "Hamil-Car" in the Carthaginian bloodline. In Greek, a crow is "corvos," and it could have become a symbol of Cronus (father of Zeus=Moloch=Melkart), whom I identify as Carians.

The problem is, it's hard to rectify a crow/raven trace to Carthage/Crete and to the blonde Roxolani both. The raven is a symbol of dark skin/hair, likely, as Greek myth and the Raven-surname write-up suggest, but then these north-African Saracens did merge with Rus bloodline that were the Scandinavian Rus. And so the raven-depicted Rus may just have been the Saracen merger with the Rus that together were fundamental Templar entities. That makes a lot of sense, and I had no intention of being on this find when I started out this morning.

As I said, everything Dido is also Daedalus, suggesting a Dido root way back in Athena of Tunisia (Daedalus was from Athens originally)...exactly where Dido-Carthaginians parked their ships. But afterward, Daedalus was in Crete, and after that in Icaria, near Caria, which was also near mythical Eumelus of Kos elements. It's clear to me that the Apollo raven, once a white bird but turned black, was the Apollo line to Caria-like "Cyrene," beside Tunisia.

Therefore, I'm convinced that HamilCar was from Eumelus, and I think it was this very entity that Plato fingered as, Eumelus, the twin brother of Atlas. Surely, Plato had the Atlas mountains (north-Africa, to the west of Tunis) in mind, and for this reason, Eumelus terms may have developed into the Mali peoples whom I trace back to PygMALion. I think we're talking IshMAELites here.

Tim sent in the Patrick Coat, which I opened just last night. The motto uses "labora," which is indication in my mind of a trace to the Daedalus LABYRinth. I would therefore trace Patricks to the Perdix>Berry branch of Daedalus. I've tended to link the black-on-white saltire of the Patricks to the same in the Maxwell Coat, and now I see that the Tweed river where Maxwells lived could from Daed elements.

There is a Tweed Coat using a Dol-like "Thol" motto term. The Tweed saltire is in English-Stewarts colors, and the Tweed Shield is in the checker colors of the Scottish Stewart. Therefore, the Polabian raven-Rus that settled Dol may have included the Maxwells, and indeed the Maxwell sept of Pollock was intricately wound around the Scottish Rothe(s) surname, the Germany branch of which uses a raven symbol. One has every reason to link these Rothes to the Rutherfords, and therefore to the Roxolani...who had previously lived in the Neuri theater.

The Maxwell Crest uses a stag and a HOLLY bush, suggesting Alans in the Polabian theater. In fact, without thought of Maxwell links to Mechlenburg or Polabia, I traced the holly bush to Holle/Holla, a dark goddess, which I didn't know at the time was from the HOLstein region...on the west side of Polabia!

The Borderlands Mech/Mach surname was first found near Roxburghshire, and uses the footless martin, Rutherford symbol. The Scottish Mech surname uses a Hungary-like "Jungor" term, and the red-on-white dancette is in the colors of the similar "rake" in the flag of Hungarian king Stephen. You see, it's never over. One thing leads to another. Now we have Hungarians in Polabia.

The "rake' in the Scottish Yonge Coat (a variation of "Jung") is apparently in the exact proportions of the Stephen rake, thus clinching the Jungor term of the Mechs as code for Stephen-based Hungarians. The Yonges were first found in the Borderlands, where Roxburghshire is found. Clickety-click-slick.

Hungarian elements cannot be over-looked in today's discussion because a contradiction has been solved wherein I had traced proto-Stewarts both to raven-depicted Rus, and to Atilla the HUN's House of Dulo. Not only do Hungarians claim to descend from Atilla, and not only did I identify the raven-depicted vikings as Drummond Hungarians, but Scottish queen Margaret from Hungary had a son who, as king David, brought the Stewarts of Dol aboard his royal court. This strongly suggests that Margeret's mother, the mysterious Agatha, was a HUN or even a HUNgarian, and meanwhile related to the Hun line at Dol.

The French Henry surname, in Scottish Stewart-Shield colors, was first in Brittany, near Rennes...which traces to Renfrew where Pollocks, Paisleys (Piasts?), Stewarts, and Rothes were living later on.

Some claim that Agatha was a royal Hungarian, and others trace her to a relative of the emperor, HENry. The latter name could have been in honor of Huns. King David established HUNtingdon. The Traby Coat uses a hunting horn, or bugle. Huns are said to descend from Sarmations, and are therefore suspect as yet another Nahorite branch of "Saracens."

The Scottish Hunter Coat ("cursum" motto term) uses Pollock Shield colors and hunting horns/bugles like the Pollocks. I think that's a greyhound in the Hunter Crest, which is conspicuous now that I trace Greys/Croys to Hannibals. By the way, "Croy/Groy" smacks of Giroi, the term that was traced months ago to Geryon, monster king of early Atlantis.

To help prove that Henrys of Brittany were linked to proto-Stewarts of Dol, the latter, with Pollocks, lived first in Shropshire when entering England, where the English Hunter surname was first found. This Hunter Coat uses half a black-on-white saltire, the Maxwell symbol, suggesting that Pollocks (a Maxwell sept) and Henrys>Hunters were very closely related.

There was a Huntingdon in Shropshire too, which likely named the one of David I (which in turn suggests that David's Huntingdon was a Stewart stronghold as per their merger with David), and the Huntingdon Coat likewise uses bugles, in Pollock-bugle colors. The Shield colors are those of the "Jewish" Pollock Coat.

The "Audacter" motto term of the Pollocks can be traced tentatively to Actons because the Acton Shield (surname early in Shropshire) is like the Hunter Shield. The Actons came to mind only because "Audacter" evoked the Ectors (who I link to Actons), and then realized that the Hebrew Pollock Coat reflects the Ector Coat.

Can we ask whether "Agatha" was a Hagarite term? There's an Irish Hagat surname listed with the Hacketts, and it uses the same "hake" (cod) fish as the Scottish Hacks/Hykes.

I've already traced the hacks/Hykes to Hyksos, and so another one now. I was investigating whether Actons were from Taksony, "the son of Zoltan (Zaltas), the fourth son of Arpad," when I read:

"The Gesta Hungarorum mentions that [Taksony's] mother was a daughter of Menmarot [= Marot-named Khazars=Hebrew kagans on the Mures to which I trace Moray and Maurice Drummond], the local military leader in the region of Bihar (Romanian: Biharea) at the time of the Hungarian settlement occupation (Honfoglalás). Taksony married a Pecheneg or Bulgar woman."

Hyksos pharaoh, Kyhan, was also "Apachnas." This is the first time, so far as my little brain can recall, that I've seen the potential Kyhan link to the Pechenegs. This is important for me because my mother, a Masci from an Abruzzo town called Picenzo (from a Picenti tribe of Illyrians), probably comes from the midst of, if not the bloodline of, Pechenegs.

I traced Kyan to Ixion, father of Centaurs, and they to Kent, where the Actons had an Axton locale. There in Kent the Mascis had a Massin/Mason branch that likely became the Kent-based Freemasonry that, I think, now rules British Freemasonry on the whole.

I'm asking whether the trace I made of "Salop" to Slavs could connect the Sal/Sale surname with Salt-like variation to Zoltan/ZALTas, son of Arpad. If these Arpads were from Seleucid blood, the trace would fit.

The Hagat/Hacket fish are in the colors of the Keon fish, important because I traced Khyan to Keon and related surnames (see Kayne) in Ireland.

Did anyone read me where the Carolt/Sarolt surname of Arpads was linked to Carolingians, which was before I found the Cher/Char link to the Perdix partridge cult and made a Char trace to Carrol/Charles surnames? We can sense that the Chars were Saracens, and as I happen to be on a Saracen track to Hungarians right now, I had better repeat the following: "Taksony arranged the marriage of his son Geza of Hungary to Sarolt, the daughter of Gyula of Transylvania." Gyula was a Khazar on the Mures, and that's how Khazars got into the Arpad bloodline. But now we can figure that Sarolt was the Saracen entity.

Some days ago when I was treating Wikipedia's article on Saracens, I failed to mention that there is a Saracen-like clan using a fish, and I think I "failed" to mention it because the timing is best to show it RIGHT NOW. The fish of the House of Saraka is white on blue, the color of the Keon and Hacket fish.

This clan happens to be Austio-HUNGARIAN, based in Ragusa of Croatia, which uses the red and white stripes of Hungary. The area is not far from the Sava, where I had traced Khyan by other methods; for example, Dia, wife of Ixion, was in the Sava as a Daedalus branch.

The Ragusa location was earlier, Lausa, smacking of the Lesce region of the Sava that I know was root to the Scottish Leslies...from Hungary! Ragusa is in DALMatia, a term that looks so much like DEYLAMites that I've just got to re-mention that I identified Dia as code for a branch of Deylamites! "Daedal" reflects "Deyl" not bad. Wikipedia suggests that Dalmatians trace to "delme/dele" meaning sheep in Albanian, but I suspect that the location of Delminium was named after Dilmun which Ishtar belonged, whose peoples named the Ister (= Danube) river flowing through Hungary.

I traced Daedalus in the Sava region to the Sauvage and David(son) clans, to name just two. Queen Margaret of Hungary might just have named her son, David, from the Daed>David clans of that Hungarian entity. She also named a son, Alexander, apparently in honor of king Andrew.

I can't help but be reminded that I traced mythical Rhea to Rhagae, in or beside the Delymite theater, which could then link to "Ragusa." Amazingly, a moment before having that thought, I was at the Lester-Coat page (it came to mind as per seeking Lausa-like terms). Immediately after writing the first sentence of this paragraph, the "rege" motto terms used by Pattersons and others came to mind as code for Rhagae and/or Ragusa elements, and that made me reflect on the Lester Crest because it had blood drops like the Patterson lion, while I knew that Pattersons use "rege." And when I went to take another look at the Lester Coat, there too was a "rege" motto term. Pattersons were first in Ross-shire, named after an Andrew entity, founder of the Ross clan. The Lester surname is also the Leicester surname.

In the news, a Beohmshell:

"As House Republicans plan an ambitious oversight agenda for the next session of Congress, a watchdog group is calling for a probe into a company that it says is far too cozy with the Obama administration: Google.

...Boehm mounted six pages of evidence arguing that Google is too close to the Obama administration, including the fact that Andrew McLaughlin, a former Google employee, is now the U.S. deputy chief technology officer. "

Blow him up, Boehm.

In Iraqi, word comes out as per the US O-genda:

"...The United States is increasing pressure on the Kurds to yield to Iraqiya on the presidency, worried that Iraqiya, which is headed by secular Shiite Ayad Allawi, will not be properly represented in the next government, effectively sidelining Iraq's Sunni minority....

...Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Joseph I. Lieberman (I-Conn.) met with Kurdish officials during a visit to Iraq this week, asking them to drop their claim to the presidency. President Obama and Vice President Biden made the same request in recent phone calls, said Kurdish lawmaker Mahmoud Othman."

I wonder what the real reason is for wanting Allawi in as president. Might it be simply due to the O-mericans being unhappy with a Kurd sitting in that seat? Or do the O-mericans want to use the Sunni to weaken the Kurdish hold on Kirkuk oil? I don't know, but this is obviously very important for America due to this recent train of pressure-appliers getting on the Kurd case.

Now that election season is behind the 0, he can start to apply pressure on king Yahoo of Israel. First thing, do what would have been unthinkable just before the election: "Secretary of State joins senior Obama administration members in chiding Israel over settlement construction; U.S. pledges $150 million to Palestinian Authority." She meets the king tomorrow, and the 0 is talking very softly, letting her carry the bat instead.

The king is clearly thinking that the 0 is a zero at this time, wherefore it's definitely time to build 1300 buildings, for starters, in East Jerusalem. In the meantime, the king can practice snubbing his nose at 0 so that it has the greatest possible effect. If O-bamm-bamm comes down too hard, the king will cry out to American Jewry, and the 0 can't afford too much political turmoil anymore. I suppose he figures that now, as far ahead of the next election as possible, is the best time to take out Hillary's heaviest bats. However, Hillary has her own reputation to protect in the mirrors of American Jewry, so that the 0 probably doesn't have access to her heaviest bats. It's a conundrum of absolute-zero magnitude, whatever that means.

There are always the bats of Cathy Ashton. She's definitely raring to go at the king. The article above says so, though her words are an exact representation of those coming from the O-dministration, as though the globalists all had a meeting where they decided together what phrases to use in the press. You're not going to see the bats in the press.

November 11

I thought it was quite compelling that the Lester surname came to mind yesterday as per seeking Lausa-related surnames. Lausa (a Hungarian domain) was later called, Ragusa. Wikipedia tries to suggest that "Ragusa" is somehow a distorted variation of "Lausa," which seems a stretch. Seconds or moments after I checked the Lester surname, I wrote that Ragusa could trace to Rhagae (= mythical Rhea) of the DELYMite theater because Ragusa is in DALMatia, and that topic went excellently into the one above it where Rhea-cult surnames out of Crete, Croy-et-al, were being traced to Hungarians.

Is that not wild?? I had no plan to be on the Ragusa topic. I just came up as per the Saraka clan. No sooner had the thought come to me that it could trace to "Rhagae" elements that I noted the "rege" motto term of the Lesters (and Pattersons). AND because the Lesters are also Leicesters, I trace them to Ligurians, which then evokes the swan-Ligurian trace to the Sava region. In fact, the Lester Crest is a A silver swan's head guttee de sang. I do trace the early Zeus Aryans out of his mother, Rhagae, to the Guti Iranians.

Previously, I had traced Rhagae/Rey (and mythical Rhea) to Reggio (Rhegion" in Greek) of Bruttium. Southern Italy is the Daedalus theater, but I trace his Perdix branch to Bruttium. I was also found late yesterday that the Arms of Ragusa are Berry-like, and for certain Berry entities trace to Perdix. The Cher/Char region near Berry smacks of Carolt, the Gyula Khazar (on the Mures) whose bloodline was part of early Hungarian make-up, and suddenly, the hunch that I had that Mures-river Khazars were also in the Sava theater starts to materialize.

If that's not enough, I traced RAGNvald, father of Rollo, to a Rhegan location on the Mures. Suddenly, we have discovered the line of Zeus' mother in Perdix elements, but leading to Hungary's Khazars and to the Khazars in the Rollo-Rus line.

As Reggio is not far from Laus (northern end of Bruttium), I think it's clear already that Lausa=Ragusa links to the Reggio theater. Reggio is at the very tip of Italy's toe, opposite Scylla in Sicily, meaning that Reggio is the site of CHARybdis, the other mythical monster. Remember, Glaucus loved Scylla, meaning that the Gileki (had a Galli branch, of the Halybes who named Calabria), who lived near, if not in, Rhagae, were at the Scylla/Charybdis theater.

Having said that, wow, I had already traced ( over a year ago) CHARYBdis to mythical CHAROPs, and he to the CARPae/Arpii who named the Carpathians, where the Mures river flows. It was a no-brainer to realize at that point that the Arpii named the Arpad Hungarians, but because the Khazars that became merged with the Arpads were from a CARolt, it can be suspected that he too had been already merged with the Carpae.

I repeat, the father of Charops was Oeagrus, he depicting the Ugrics known to have become the Arpad Hungarians. And Charops can be traced to the Transylvanian theater because his son, Orpheus, was located by myth in the Hebros river, to the direct south of Transylvania. Moreover, the dolphins in the Reagan Coat have been traced to the Dolphins in the Arms of Romania/Transylvania.

Unfortunately, I might have the spelling wrong of Rhegan (on the Mures), as I can only find it in updates but does not come up in a Google search. I saw it on a map, wherefore it definitely exists. As per my discussion yesterday as it touched on Polabia, where there were some Rani peoples, here's what was said back in the 2nd update of June, 2009:

I had traced Rollo's clan to the Ugrian/Garebite Khazars on the Mures river of Transylvania; in particular I traced Rollo's father's name (Ragnvald) to Rhegan on the Mures. Therefore, after reading the quote on the Rani below, ask: 1) if Rhegan can be linked to Rugen in the Baltic sea off-shore of Mechlenburg, 2) if the Mures can be connected to the Muritz, and 3), if the Ucri/Ukranen were Ugrians.
"The Rani [or Rujani] of Rugen, not to be confused with the older Germanic Rugians, are sometimes considered to be part of the Veleti. South of the Rani were the Ucri (Ukranen) along the Ucker and the Morici (Morizani, Muritzer) along the Muritz."

This alone justifies further investigation: Since "Charenza, also Karentia or Karenz, later also Gharense, was a medieval burgh on the island of Rugen [and] the administrative center of the Rani tribe," I checked for a Karen Coat, and finding just one, it belongs to a Kerns surname first found in Silesia. That's not a bad geographical match since its beside Lusatia...[I had been tracing Polabians to Lusatia and Trabys of Poland]

I've found the correct spelling: Reghin. Drats, I've had to go back and reload about ten update pages where the spelling was wrong (I copied from one wrong "Rhegan" to the next). If you tried to search for this city without luck, I apologize.

As you can now read, Reghin is near the city of Targu Mures, and at the Mures junction with the Gurghiu River. As the Rollo-Rus have been traced to north-African Moors, and as I've identified them as the Mali Moors, (as per Malahule, son of Eystein, grandfather of Rollo), we would expect the Tuaregs of the Mail theater in Reghin, and so note that "Targu" might have been named by them. I'm ignoring the stated derivations for "Targu" because Tuaregs were Amazons, who were related to the Gorgons of north-Africa, wherefore they should have named the Gurghiu river.

The Mures trace to Sicily was already made as per a trace of the Szekely Hungaro-Khazars to the Scylla monster i.e. the historical Sicels, founders of Sicily. We read: "Targu the seat of Mures County in the north-central part of Romania. It lies in the Szekely Land, an ethno-cultural region in eastern Transylvania. "

I had traced the Kyles to the Mures, and in fact I deduced round-about that their so-called "Arm and Scimitar" (symbol used also in Roxburghshire) was a symbol used in the Transylvanian theater. I had that impression from tracing a similar leg with spur used by the Kyles. I now find that a similar arm with sword is in the Arms of Targu Mures (link above). Note the scales in those arms, for I had just traced the Scale surname to "Scylla."

The spur symbol was first found (in the first update of this past October) in the Dingwall Coat (there are two spurs with a hanging gold fleece/lamb between them). Dingwall became the Ross-shire capital, and so let me repeat that I trace the Ross clan to king Andrew...of Hungary! As per the fleece of Dingwall, note that Dalmatia and Ragusa are on the ADRIATic coast, for that could have been named by mythical ATREUS elements, who was depicted in myth as a gold lamb.

YES YES YES!!! It just dawned on me that MeneLAUS (son of Atreus and likewise depicted with lambs), named LAUSa!!! Although Menelaus is securely identified as Las in Mani (Sparta), I've traced him to Laus on the Bruttium border, and then, without knowing how, to Leslies (Hungary!). Also, I was sure that I saw a horseshoe-and-nail symbol (seems to link to the spurs) for the Leslies of Poland, and assumed thereby that they named Lusatia.

I traced Laus elements to Lusignan too, and so let me say that the Arms of Lusignan, horizontal blue and white bars, could link to the red and white horizontal bars of the Berrys because Berry, France, is near Lusignan. The point here is that Lusignan can thereby be traced to the berry-like bars in the Arms of Ragusa. INTERESTINGLY, Tim and I have traced the Berry red and white stripes to the flag of the USA, and so the "usa" of RagUSA" keeps jumping out at me. Remember, the Washington Monument has "Laus Deo" written on it, and the Berry surname has been solidly linked (recent updates) to the Washington surname!!

And to think that I had nothing to write about when I awoke today. I just took from the end of yesterday's topics, and started up the engines from that spot. I've gone an important distance already, praise the Lord who brings all this to the world. Washingtons were from the Rags, the mother of Zeus on Crete, and that helps to identify Rhea as a Rus bloodline.

The ROOK species of raven comes to mind as code for Rhagae>Rhea elements. These Rus founders of America must have given their own bloodlines the greater wealth of America, explaining the wealth in the Rockefeller family, but also why Rothschilds are said to own the central bank of America. The bloodlines now sitting on so much American wealth must be proud of their dirty accomplishments, but praise the Lord it will all go to the meek and weak, to those who weep in poverty, and to those who love Him.

I traced the Roxolani to Scandinavia's mythical Rig, and also because Scandinavians often trace to Greeks of southern Italy, it should be noted that Reggio/Rhegion is also "Riggiu" and "Righi." "Riggiu" has the same ending as "Gurghiu" at Reghin, and "Righi" has the same spelling as "Reghin." The Arms of Reggio uses "St" George slaying the dragon, which is also a Templar symbol used by English entities (likely the Norman side of the English, as that was their Templar element) . I see "St. George" as code for Georgia's Gorgons, and not at all linking to any saint named, George. Rosicrucians used many Christian symbols to disguise their satanic history-in-code.

The proto-Swedes/Svi/Sviars/Sviones passed from southern Italy (probably Sybaris, near Laus, included) through Savona and Savoy in the Ligurian theater. Two update pages after mentioning the spur of the Dingwalls, while I was on Gog-like terms as they could link to Hannas of Wigton, I said this:

Seeking their British family branches, "Guggen" (Kuch colors) was entered to find them first in Tyrone (keeping in mind a trace to Tyrians). Variations are CYGNus/CYCNus [= Ligurian swan] all over: Guigan, Googan, Gougan, Guckin, MacGugan, Guiggan...but also Quiggan and Wiggin. The latter is a good clue for finding others.

So I took a look at the Wiggins Coat, and there was a spur in the Crest...that turned out to be exactly the spur design of the Dingwall Coat!"

The Wiggens write-up traces to Ligurians of Leicestershire; "Another early bearer of the name was Radulfus filius Wigein, who was living in Leicestershire in 1163." But evidence that Wiggens and Guggens, the latter said to be from "Gwiggen," is two-fold: 1) the greyhound in the Guggen Crest, which I now trace to the mythical Graeae Amazighens (north-Africa) and to the Croy>Grey surname leading to Hungarians, for one, were; and, 2) the hand symbol that I've deciphered as code for the Hannas...first in Wigton.

Guggens use a "servire" motto term that I tend to link to Sorb/Serb and Croatian/Krvati elements from Gareb. The point now is that Ragusa was in what is now Croatia, wherefore the Guggens should link to the north-African Gorgons that named Gurghiu (at Reghin). As Guggens were first in Tyrone, perhaps a trace to the Gog of Tyre is to be expected, and that was the Biblical Gog whom the Vengeance-of-God has its sites on. Tyrians did evolve from the Zeus Taurus into the Cretan Zeus cult depicted as "Rhea," she being the Curete>Craw>Croy line to the Cray/Crae/Rae-et-al surnames.

As per the Craw variation of the Crays/Raes, there is yet another greyhound in the English Craw Crest, if that helps to link the greyhound to that very bloodline stock. The surname is also "Crawshaw" and "Crawshay" (and Cranshaw), wherefore, as per the "Shaw" in the Ayrshire motto, the Crawshaws should link to the Crays/Craes/Raes as they were first in Ayrshire. I did trace the "Shaw" term of Ayrshire to the Shaws/Shays of PERThshire, this now building on the evidence that mythical Rhea was at least a part of the Perdix cult.

"Perdix" should trace to the "Perseus" Gorgons/Danaans, for as Dananns were founded in Argos by mythical Acrisius, whom I've equated with mythical Creusa, so I've lately identified Creusa with the Curetes. This Perdix trace tends to Ekron (near the Joppa of Perseus) of the Philistines, for that's where I trace "Acrisius," though I also trace him tentatively to mount Acra, the Jerusalem hill north of Moriah and Zion, and less than two miles from Gareb.

The "Pro Patria" motto of the Higgins compares with the "patriae" of the Guggens, but also with the "Pro rege" phrase of the PATTErsons/Pattisons. As the Higgins Coat is covered with blood drops, it links also to the Patterson blood drops, and to the Patterson-related Lester/Leicester swan, which is covered in blood drops called "sang." The Lester motto is, "pro rege et patria," while the Scottish Patterson motto is "Pro Rege et grege." And the Pattersons use scallops as further indication of Scylla roots.

In my mind, these Cygnus-related clans are all of Ixion-based Kikons that I identify with Khyan-based Hyksos. It's an enormous theory, that the "Egyptians" who honored the wicked Exodus pharaoh should became the United States of America. It's not by coincidence nor by God's will. But God foresaw that Khyan's people would one day rule the world, and so, as cap on the Ten Plagues, He gave them a small taste of the Armageddon deluge that is about to come over them. Only this time, the deluge will be in burning fire instead of waters.

The search for Acra-like surnames led me to the Ackers, who smack of the Eckerts and Urquarts that were a recent topic. It was interesting to find that the Ackers use "husks," for the Husk/Hoskin chevron has what I've called a 'knob." It struck me just now that ancient Nob was north of Jerusalem (some locate it at modern Shu'fat, three miles from Old Jerusalem), and Acra (see map, but I ignore the location there of Gareb and place it to the west) was likewise north of Old Jerusalem (not as far as Shu'fat). The anti-Christ will make ancient Nob (Isaiah 10 his headquarters when he invades Jerusalem. Recently, there was a "fato" motto term (can't recall the surname) that I've not yet deciphered.

The Eckarts are the one from an "agi" motto term, and I've wondered whether HAGARites were at Acra and/or Ekron. The "Aquart" derivation of the French Echarts/Achards (black bar like the Ackers) may then suggest that the MelKart/MelQart cult was from Acra elements, meaning also (tentatively speaking) that Melkart was in Acra as a Hagarite god. I trace Acra to Acre (considerably north of Joppa) on Israel's Mediterranean coast, and it startles me to read that Acre "was in the territory of the [Israelite] tribe of Asher," for British-Israelists could have a hay-day linking ACKERs and Eckarts to ASHER-based Israelites in Acre.

But the only hay I see are Hayers of Ayrshire and other Hagarites. Amazingly, the Acker write-up says: "This surname was derived from the Saxon name 'Acca'." Acre in Israel is also "Akka." Acre existed before Asher's birth.

As I traced Urquarts to Orchomenos, perhaps that region traces to Acra>Acre elements, but in any case, as Orchomenians were on the Argos ship, one has reason to trace them to Acrisius>Ekron (the Samson-Danaan cult was near Ekron). This opens up a can of pirates, for we can now ask whether Carians and Curetes trace to Acra and/or Ekron elements, and indeed Crete-related Carian pirates have been linked by others to Philistine pirates.

The Arms of Acre uses a cog-wheel (and a ship), seen also in the Arms of Reghin (Transylvania). Also, both Arms use water waves. This evokes my theory that "Argos" and "Hagar" are the same terms but with consonant reversals. In that picture, REGhin elements were of ARGos...where the Perseus Dananns ruled...that apparently became the Perdix>Rhea Cretans as well. Acre was near Tyre, and perhaps just as important, near Megiddo, where the end-time Slaughter of the Gogi lamb-line will commence.

There is reason to trace Acre to ACKmin (a term like "Orchomenos") of Yuya and company, who was merged with AKHenaten of Amarna: "The name Aak, which appears on the tribute-lists of Thutmose III (c. 16th century BC), may be a reference to Acre.{citation needed} The Amarna letters also mention a place named Akka..." (Acre link above).

Entering "Acre" brings up another Acker surname (black bar again, like the other Ackers). The Aiker variation smacks of the Aikens surname (Neville colors) using an acorn/oak theme, which should then link to the "gold acorns with green husks" of the other Ackers. As the "La "liberte" motto (could also be a LABYRinth code) of the latter Ackers smacks of "Halybe," I see that the Husk/Hoskin surname uses a rooster as possibly code for the Galli (whom I contend were an Halybe branch). The Hasken variation of the latter is like the Atkin variation of the Aikens, and the latter use roosters too!

Suddenly, I do think we have a major story developing as per the AkhenAten cult. I had trace his wife, NEFERtiti, to a hill near Gareb, but also to a similar location (can't recall spellings) near Nob, and I contended that Nefertiti elements were the proto-Nibelungs of Autun/Nevers. I traced the Nibelungs to the Nobel surname, and that's essentially what comes up when entering "Knob" (first found in Bavaria and using crossed arrows on a red Shield, if you catch my Rothschild/Bower=Bauer drift). In fact, there is not only a Knobel variation, but a Knebel.

Usually, the Rothschild arrow comes up in white, but the Knob(el) arrow only has white tips. The Scottish Urquarts use a broken white arrow in the mouth of red boars (term like "Bauer), AND the Urquart write-up traces to a potential Acre term: "First found in Elginshire, where Galleroch Urchart was confirmed with lands in Cromarty, and Inverness. He held a family seat at the Castle of Urquhart in 1214." "CROmarty."

SURPRISE. The Cromarty Coat ("bottony" cross, perhaps code for Buttons/Bidens) uses a chevron with a knob!! And ravens, a German Roth symbol!! And yes, there is a CROWmer variation. The Scottish clan is traced to "crom" (said to mean "crooked"), but the 'm' may have been additional to the Cro root from Acre elements. See also the related Crums/Crombys. Hmm, Cromwell (pelican) and his Rosicrucians.

I had traced Bauers to the Sau/Save/Sava river by an inkling that their first appearance in Austria linked to the Sauers, first in Austria but from the Sava river. I now find that the French Acre Shield is used also by the FRENCH Save surname. Urquarts were already traced (very recently) to the heart-using Dougals' and Dougals, they being from the Sava clans using hearts. There is reason, therefore, to trace Acre elements to the Sava.

My trace of Hagarites to the Horite line from Nahorites may suggest that Hagar was named after "Nachor," and perhaps "Acra/Acre/Akka" was just such a version of Nach(or)>Hagar terms. The Hagar link to Nahorites certainly explains why DioNYSUS was from Ishmael-like Semele. I think this is the first time that I've seen a Hagar=Nachor equation, and if true, Ishmaelites were Nahorite Hebrews. I've always suspected Nahorites on the Mediterranean coast of Israel, but could never nail them down with hard evidence. They appear to be the Perseus Danaans, for one, and Ekron's proto-Argives (as per Inachus>Acrisius), but now Acre is also figuring in not-bad.

As evidence that the Husk chevron uses a "knob" as code for Knob-like clan, the HOBson/Hopson Crest uses the Husk-Crest wings and is in the same style. See the Knobels below. It uses roundels as does the Nobel Coat. And, the Nobels use "fortitudine," the exact motto of the Hobsons! This convinces me that the knobs are code for ancient Nob, and that Nob elements there were linked to the peoples of Gareb-like Acra. Modern Shu'fat is just the short jog of an Anaki giant to Anata, likely the Anat cult (we therefore expect Baal in Anata too). Anata was "Anathoth," suggesting links to the Thoth=Uat/Buto cult of Chemmites/Danaans/Nahorites.

The Nobels were first in CUMBRerland. The Cumber surname is also Camel(ford), smacking of the Kemuel-ites that I identify Chemmites as, and whom I trace to CAMBer-like terms. Chemmites were from Chemmis, and the English Kemmis surname (Berry-like Coat) derived from "Humphrey the Chamberlain."

French Chamberlains then use a Coat in Hayer style and colors, and English Chamerlains (donkey) were first found in Dorset, which could trace to Dor very near Acre. Remember, the Atlantean wife of the Nereids was made, Doris.

French Chamerlains have Cambell-like (i.e. Cammel=Kemuel clan) variations, and use an "ass' head." I trace the donkey symbol to Avvites (i.e. their donkey god, Tartak), and to the Samson merger with Avvites near, or in, Ekron. I also traced Avvites to Tel-Aviv (Israeli capital), which is at Joppa. Very likely, Avvites were part-Nahorites out of Edom. The Chambelan variation started to evoke the Bells/Bellamys, and prompting a look for a Belane surname (Campbell/Cammell colors), it turned out to be the Bellchamber clan, but also BelenCOMBER, same term used by the Camber/Camel clan!

The bell pattern in the Kemmis Coat comes to mind. The Belan/Bellchamber Coat uses hawks' bells, and this little exercise may prove that the Campbells were part Bells (as well as Camps from Campania and Champaign). I had traced Campbells to Abellinum/Avellino (in Campania), which as an Apollo center could have been founded by Avvites (because I identify Apollo as Avvites). At least one Apollo-related myth used a donkey, a myth involving the donkey ears of king Midus.

I trace Bellamys to the "Fleming" founders of Flanders, and I think Flemings/Vlaams of Flanders were encoded by the Hanna-Barbera team as "Wilma Flintstone," but then I also trace Flanders elements to Flintshire and the nearby Ribble river that links to Barney Rubble. I say this because the Welsh Belan/Belling surname, which I now link to Bellamys as per the above, was first in Flintshire.

The Belan term smacks of Abilene, the Syrio-Phoenician place to which I trace "Apollo/Abello." The Coat uses the black-on-white cross used by the surnames belonging to the two founders of the Baath party (Aflaq and Bitar, see the Aflack and Bitar Coats). AMAZINGLY, I did not realize that the Belan Coat used the same cross until seconds after it popped into my head that the "Abaddon" variation of "Apolluon" (see Revelation 9) may have been the Welsh entity of Bath. I then checked the Welsh Bath Coat to see if it uses any Bath-related heraldry (it does, the same fat cross, but in white), and only after that did I see that the Belans use the same cross in black on white.

Aflacks were first in Ayrshire and Fife. Bitars (Sava-colored hearts, and a bow in a cloud) were first in Angus (near Fife) and Perthshire, wherefore they should be Hagarites of Perthsire and Ayrshire. As I'm in the midst of tracing Hagarites to Acra>Acre, I should mention the ACKinfleck variation of the Aflacks. I've mentioned many times that the Flecks use scallops in Samson-surname (and Russell>Meschin) colors.

The Achin surname (Coat like the Lanark Coat), if it per chance is a branch of Ackinflecks, was first in Lanarkshire, and the Lanark surname (first in ARGYLLshire) uses a red heart on white, like the Bitars. There is a Lurnach variation that could be read as LurnACH ot even LurNACH. Perhaps we're talking INACHus elements out of Argos.

As you know by now, the Samson Danaans became the Argos Danaans, especially the Hercules Danaans, and this is the true root of the two pillars of Freemasonry. The pillars have NOT to do with Solomon's pillars in the Temple of YHWH, as that is just Rosicrucian smoke for outsiders and Freemasonic groupies.

This new idea that Abaddon of Revelation 9 links to the Baath party may reveal that the nuclear explosion of Revelation 9 is set off by the Baathists and/or their al-Qaeda allies. However, Revelation 9 does not say that the Abaddon destroyer sets off the explosion, but only that the destroyer comes forth from the smoke of the explosion. It could be that someone else causes the explosion, allowing the Saddamist-related Baathists -- and their anti-Christ partner -- to arise to greater powers in Iraq.

However, In the past, I've assumed that the explosion is from enemies of the anti-Christ (then ruling Iraq as Isaiah 14's "king of Babylon")), and therefore the beginning of the darkness/end of the anti-Christ that comes in the fifth Bowl.

I don't mind being wrong so long as I can get it right. The fact is, the destroyer out of the smoke will punish those who have received the anti-Christ's mark of the beast, which seemingly implies that the destroyer is his enemy. A possible solution is that Baathists involved in the explosion are the Syrian Baathists, for I think Isaiah 10 tells that the anti-Christ will war against, and defeat, Syria. The first Baathists were Syrians, and the Baath Party now rules Syria...which could trace to Seir's Nahorites.

Was Allawi bluffing all along at Iraq's Joker table

"...The agreement [today] ensured, for now at least, the participation of Sunni Arabs...The deal was struck when Mr. Allawi's group relented and agreed to join the new government, said Jaber al-Jaberi, one of Mr. Allawi's chief allies, despite months of adamantly insisting it would never do so.

In exchange, Mr. Allawi's bloc, called Iraqiya, was given the position of speaker of the Parliament as well as leadership of a newly created committee overseeing national security, officials from three factions said. The creation of the committee was a compromise pushed by the Obama administration to ensure the participation of Sunnis, Iraq's former rulers, who have been underrepresented in the Iraqi government since the American invasion."

The said committee seems to me like a tool used typically by Illuminati invisibles. It's like an under-the-table card for use in issues important to the Council on Foreign Relations.

The deal comes as more "Christians" are being targeted by bombers.

Another article says that the deal is disappointing for the Globamists:

"...The deal is potentially a setback for the U.S., which had been pushing for a greater Sunni say in power, and a boost for regional rival Iran...

...The [parliament] session was delayed repeatedly during the day, but multiple lawmakers already gathered at the scene said they still expected it to be held [this] evening.

A vote on the full government could still take several weeks...

...Allawi will lead a newly created council to oversee issues of security and foreign policy. But the council's powers remain vague [as expected when a shadow-government is involved]...

...Now the question is whether Sunnis will support the new government -- or be tempted to turn back to the insurgency...

The extent of Sunni power in the new government will not become clear until the allocation of ministry posts is announced -- and the powers of the council Allawi is to head are defined and approved by parliament.

An Iraqiya lawmaker said the council would be a 20-member body including the prime minister but headed by Allawi....

...Allawi has been criticized for his lack of participation in the previous parliament, preferring instead to spend time at his London house. For his council to have any weight, Allawi would have to play a vigorous and daily role."

Aha! We may have been wondering while reading how a committee filled with Iraqis could possibly be leveraged by a Western Illuminati. Why does Allawi, not only have a house in London, but spend much time there? Aha! It's no wonder that the West has supported him. And it was the West that propped him up in the first place as Iraq's top interim dog in 2005.

The article goes on to say:

"A direct role by the Sadrists in the security apparatus would likely severely curtail American support of Iraq's fledgling forces. The U.S. and the Sadrists do not have any contact, and the Sadrists consider the Americans to be an occupying power. Members of al-Sadr's militia, the Mahdi Army, have attacked American troops, and were one of the main players behind sectarian violence.

Iraqiya lawmakers said they won a concession to get rid of a law helping purge members of Hussein's former regime from government posts in two years. The so-called De-Baathification law was reviled by Sunnis who felt it was a thinly veiled attempt to keep them out of positions of influence.

Al-Jaberi said that with the council and the end of the De-Baathification law, the Shiites 'showed to us they want to open a new page.'

But he left open the possibility that Iraqiya could always withdraw its support for the government. 'We can always change our minds. We have 91 seats in the parliament.'"

November 12

Incredible. I awoke this morning with nothing to write on, not even a continuing theme from yesterday's topics, the most important of which was the ATREUS>MeneLAUS (= golden-fleece line) trace to the ADRIATic coast of LAUSa=Ragusa. But the Burton surname had come mind as a possible Perdix branch, so I started there.

The Burton Coat was quickly equated with the Bellamy Shield (first found in Shropshire where Meschins were first found), for it uses talbots, a symbol of the Talbots connected to Meschins (Bellamys founded Maceys who I think founded Meschins, who were with Sheeps/Shiptons=Skiptons in Yorkshire, where Burtons were first found. Then I saw that Burtons were from Burton Pidsea, and that looked like the Piast Poles to whom I trace the Meschins. But there were no Pid or Pidsea surnames to help prove it.

Then I tried the Lux surname because the Burton motto uses "Lux," and not only was that surname, according to the write-up, derived in "son of Laux," which smacks of "Laus," but it uses almost the German Mieske/Mesec bull (!), in the same colors!!! That couldn't be a coincidence. It not only tends to prove that Piast Poles were represented by the Mieske surname, but that they did in fact lead to the Bellamy>Massey clan.

The Laux/Lux surname has Luch and Lukart variations, smacking of the Ligurians (and Lug, grandson of Bell-like BALor). I say this because the Lux write-up traces to "lynx," but I don't think that's true except for a trace to mythical LYNCeus, son of Aegyptus, son of BELus.

COWWIE! I just went to fetch a quote where it tells of the Lynceus trace to the Ligurian family, and I'm not forgetting that Ligurians at Lacydon, on/off the Rhone, were co-founded by a mythical Gyptis princess. In that quote, I actually trace to Chambers, smacking of the Bellamy trace late yesterday to ChamBELANs, Bellchambers, BelenCOMBERs. I even mentioned the Campbell/Cammell colors of the Belane Coat, which are also the Mieske and Meschin colors. Here's what I wrote in the third update of August:

Lynceus likewise traces to Ligurians, for he was made son of mythical Aphareus (= Avaris elements in Greece), who was brother to Leucippus, and there happened to be a Leuci peoples of Gaul to the immediate north of Lingones/Lugii, the latter apparently from the Lynceus cult (see also sixth update of July). By another myth writer(s), Lynceus was the son of Aegyptus, brother to Danaus. Aphareus and Leucippus were made sons of Gorgophone [= Perseus line that I traced yesterday to Perdix].

I mention Lynceus because Herodotus quoted Chemmites, saying: "Danaus and Lynceus were Chemmites before they set sail for Greece, and from them Perseus was descended..." I don't think it's a coincidence that the Camber/Comer Coat uses a "Lynceus"-like symbol: A "gold lynx head, pellettee."

ASTOUNDING how one word, "Burton," can lead to so many verifications and new discoveries. The Bellamys look like major Hyksos out of Avaris, and of the Pelusiac>Belus peoples to Baal, Pelops, Apollo, and Bel of the Celts/Druids. Meschins ruled in Cumberland, and then the Camber motto, "A wise man can rule the stars", sounds so astrology-like BUT ALSO Illuminati like. It certainly evokes the Rothschild attitude, which is conspicuous in that the Rothschild Arms are, apparently, used in the Cameron Crest. The Camber Coat, for the record, smacks of the Chee/Cheatle Coat.

Yesterday's discussion on the Belans/Belchambers led smack into the founders of the Baath party, which jibes with my tentative claim that the anti-Christ will be from a mouse-depicted bloodline, which I identified as the Meschin family. I'm loath to make such statements public, wherefore understand that I'm largely convinced of it, as curious and spurious as it sounds.

I realize that I "pick and choose" what write-ups to believe or not believe, but this is absolutely necessary due to much false information in stated surname derivations. But the lynx symbols above can be trusted to trace to Lynceus Ligurians, and that suggests that Lug, the sun-god of Ireland, was from Lynceus Ligurians: the Lingones.

There is a Lyng/Ling surname (Macey/Mackay Shield) using white-on-blue fish heads, the colors of the Keon fish, and the fish that is the sole symbol in the Arms of Saraka (discussed earlier in this update page). It was the Saraka's (also "Saraca") who were from Lausa=Ragusa!!! We now have reason to trace Lausa to LACYdon.

AND, I traced Lacydon to the LaceDAEMONians (Sparta), who I then traced to the Dumnonii-branch Danaans, who founded Somerset, wherefore note that the Lyng family was first in Somerset. Mythical Lug was part-Danaan -- son of Cian the Danaan, whom I trace to pharaoh Khyan -- even as I trace Keons to Khyan. Also, it's likely that Spartans founded Sybaris in southern Italy because Sybaris peoples, says/said Wikipedia (I think it was Wikipedia), founded nearby Laus.

The Lyng/Ling coat's dish heads could trace to the same of the German Berry Coat, which were identified (by me) with the founding of the saw symbol by Perdix. This now suggests that Perdix elements also founded the Ligurians, and that he can be expected to trace to Hyksos on the Nile delta. I didn't know/recollect earlier in this update, when linking the "rege" motto term to the Perdix-related Rhae cult of Crete, that the German Berry Coat uses "regi," not to mention "Deo" as possibly code for the Dia cult of Daedalus.

The English Berry Coat, a variation of the red and white stripes of the "Bury-France" Coat, could link to the same bars used by CAMERons, but also of the Arms of Roussillon (near Lacydon), themselves related to the Arms of Aragon. The Arms of Lusignan and Luxembourg are also horizontal bars.

After writing that, I loaded the Cameron Coat and saw that they were from LENNOX!!! I then saw that the Cameron Coat is IDENTICAL to the Berry Coat. This certifies Perdix links to Lynceus>Lingones>Ligures. Moreover, "...the [Cameron] clan split into three separate branches, one each at Letterfinlay, Strone and Glen Nevis, with the clan seat at LOCHaber." Those caps are mine to emphasize possible lyncs (pun intended for obvious reason) to the Luch variation of the Lux/Laux which case, Camerons were related to the Mieszko/Piast Poles, and the BURTons.

Seeing the Nibelung-like Nevis term in early Cameron history, two Nevis Coats were found. The English Nevis Coat (has the rarish "royal blue" color) uses ""A silver wolf passant pellettee, collared, lined, and ringed gold. The lynx of the CAMber Coat is also "pellettee," and meanwhile a Greek wolf was "lycos," very Loch-like. As further evidence of Nevis links to Cam terms, the Nevis' were first found in CAMbridge, suggesting possible links between Cambridge and Camerons.

I had traced the Cambell motto, "Ne obliviscaris," to Nibelungs, meaning that Nibelungs (whom I identify with Nevers (France) may have been in-part the Nevis/Nevin surname (Scottish Nevis' are also Nevins) It is all-too possibly that Daedalus, as depiction of Dia, was/became an aspect was Ixion's other wife (i.e. aside from Dia), Nephele, whom I trace to "Nibel(ung)." Nibelungs were a branch of BURGundians, suggesting Nephele links to Berry/Bourges (France), meaning that Perdix should trace to ancient Nephele elements.

I was praying this morning that I could reveal to you the best essence of the Perdix term, for it evades me, I think. I was confused between my trace to "Aphrodite>Aprutium" and then to "Perseus." The "sperandum" motto term of the Scottish Nevis' could be code, though I'm not confident, for Perseus' wife at Joppa: ANDROmeda. They gave birth to the Gorgophone mentioned above, who was linked in myth to Sthenelus, a Ligurian king easily traced to Swan>Sion elements.

I did find good links of Daedalus to the Sava swan/Sion-line that was also the Ligurian swan, including the "sine labore" motto phrase of the Berrys (the ones using the Cameron Coat). Entering "Sine" gets the Swan/Sion Save colors; Saves were first in Burgundy. But now, for the first time, I think, we can trace Cam terms to the Daedalus cult of Perdix, and it just so happens that the Cambell motto phrase, "oblivISCARIS," is laced with Iscarius," the son of Daedalus. The Cambell motto alone seems to suggest that they were from both Iscarius and Nibelungs, and that jibes with a Nephele trace to Hera, a trace made by Nephele's myth writer himself, and Hera was Horus cult in the Nile Delta, where also I trace Cam terms (i.e. to the Chemmites worshipers of Horus).

I traced Chemmites to the Chimaera dragon of Lycia, and Lycians (among Pisidians) I traced to Ligurians. The Chimaera (or "Kimaera") was involved with BELLERophontes. That can't be a coincidence. It seems that Campbells (and Bellamys) were, earlier still from Campania and Abellinum, from Bellerophontes and Chimaera elements.

The paragraph above caused me to check for a Bellero surname, and it was found in Italy with a Bury-of-France-like Coat. I found a version of the latter in the Scottish Barrie/Barre Coat, which by the way also (like the German Berrys) uses "Regi." Only this time, it uses "Regi legi" as code for Ligurians, apparently. The wolf in the Barrie Crest could depict, ultimately, lycos-like Lycians>Ligurians.

As BelleroPHONTES should trace to GorgoPHONE (I see these terms as code for Phoenicians), but also to Belus, grandfather of Lynceus, I now have two points on PERDix: 1) he was Aphareus (son of Gorgophone), an alternative father of Lynceus, but then, 2) A-phareus was the historical extension of "Perseus." Therefore, tracing Perdix to Aphareus (code for the Hyksos capital of Avaris, says me), does not contradict a Perdix trace to Perseus...meaning also that Perseus was of Avaris elements.

And the simultaneous trace of PERD to APHRODite can be justified by my trace of Hyksos to the Kabeiri cult of Aphrodite, meaning also that Aphrodite (= HENETi PAPHlagonians) depicted Avaris elements removed to ANATolia (Paphos of Cyprus, where she was born as Kypris, was in Anatolia). There is even a chance that "Joppa" (now Jaffa) morphed into/from a P-less "Paphos," which would have been "Aph(r)o-like.

I don't have any shape in my mind, after years of doing this serious word-play, that Perseus was identical to Aphrodite. If it's true, it's a huge key. Perseus and AndroMEDA were an obvious depiction of Mede and Parthian Gorgons, from wolf-land Verkana/Gorgan, but as I identify the EUPHRATes river with "APHRODite," one can use the key to trace proto-PARTHians to the founding of the Euphrates. More likely, Parthians proper (a later development) were from Euphrates elements, not vice versa.

In this picture, Perdix was ultimately the proto-Parthian Gorgons carried forward in time by Gorgophone and her son, Aphareus. Perdix was the hub of the Avaris Hyksos! And that's why he has figured so strongly in American-Freemasonic make-up.

I did trace "Perdix" to Rus "pirate," and so note the "phrates" in "Euphrates." When one reads on the Apiru/Abiru of the Euphrates/Babylon theater, they do come across as wandering thieves, giving themselves in military alliances to whatever nation/entity had the best advantages for advancement. God defines this attitude as "harlot."

The Hyksos were called, "Apiru." I traced "Hykso" to the "Hayasi-Azzi," whom I traced in-turn to the Assi/Asii, fellow peoples with Tochari of the Parthian theater:

"Tusharas (alias Tukharas, Tocharians) were a Mleccha tribe, with their kingdom located in the north west of India as per the epic Mahabharata. An account in Mahabharata (Mbh 1:85) depicts Mlechchas as the descendants of Anu, one of the cursed sons of king Yayati...and youngest son Puru...The descendants of Anu, also called Anavas migrated to Iran, of which the Tusharas settled in Turkmenistan, Turkistan (in Afghanistan) and Turkey."

Perhaps the Tocharians were returning to their ancient Persian=Iranian lands, for I see them as Togarmites naming the Tigris, which started in Armenia (where Hayk/Haik was god) not far from Verkana, and finally through the Eden ruled by the Sumerian Anu/Antu cult...the mystery-Babylon harlot of Revelation 17. AndroMeda's mother, CASSiopeai, depicted, I think, Kassite Iranians in Ioppa=Joppa, and Kassites, I think, were the Assi. Thus, all that should be the origin of the Hyksos Apiru that invaded the Nile delta.

The Perseus trace to Aphrodite tends to support an idea that was claimed in passing a few years ago (in my "Draco Ladon and Hebrew Rose" book). I figured that Cepheus, Ethiopian husband of Cassiopeia, was "Hephaestus" (there are Cepheus entities in Greece too). In other words, the Hephaestus cult had ruled Ethiopia, and Perseus=Aphrodite merged with that Ethiopian entity in Joppa, when Perseus married Andromeda, daughter of Cepheus. That explains why Aphrodite, in Greece, was made the wife of Hephaestus (though he had "another" wife, Cabeiro).

I had traced the Euphrates river to the Afridi peoples of the Khyber Pass, AfGHANIstan, and wondered whether the "ghani" in the latter term linked to WassuKANNI, Mitanni capital on the Khabur tributary of the Euphrates. Earlier, I noted that while the "verk" in "Verkana/VerKHANA" is said to mean wolf, that "cano" likewise came to mean "wolf/dog." One could trace "canine" to "Verkana," therefore. "Verkhana," which could have become "FERkhana," smacks a little of "Afghan." Aryan-loving Rosicrucians trace themselves to Afghanistan.

"Khan" smacks of "Khyan," and the Welsh Ghan Crest uses a wolf head. One of two Ghan surnames is said to derived from "gwyn," meaning "white, smacking of the Aryan, white-skinned "race." I would tend to trace "gwyn" to an earlier term for "white," even the AfGHAN term, and that evokes the White, Watt, Wyatt, and Wittel surnames that I traced solidly to the Uat cult in the Nile Delta.

As per that Welsh Ghan/Gwin surname, one can't help but consider the myth code, "GuineVERE," for Veres might trace to "VERkhana." In fact, they do trace themselves to the Mitanni...that may have been from Verkhana elements as they were related to WassuKanni.

Veres trace themselves still earlier to the Anunaki/Anaki of Anu. Therefore, did you happen to note the Nevis-like term in the Tocharian article above: "The descendants of Anu, also called Anavas migrated to Iran [and Afghanistan]" (italics mine). The Nevis Crest used a WHITE wolf "pellettee, collared, lined, and ringed gold." Those terms could all be codes to kin-links.

The Pellett Coat uses grails in the colors of the Shaw-Coat grails, and the hand holding an upward-pointed sword in the Shaw Crest is, apparently, the same in the Nevis Crest...where the sword runs through the white wolf. Now we can finally understand why the Shaw write-up says: "The surname Shaw is derived from the Gaelic first name Sithech, which means wolf."

No, it doesn't mean wolf, I don't think, but rather it links back to the "Sava" region. The wolf of the Shaws links to the wolf of the Pellettes, and as the latter were first found in Sussex, so it explains why the Camber Crest uses a lynx pellettee, for Cambers were first in Sussex too. Thus, the Shaw wolf is the Ligurian wolf line in the Sava-river region.

But as yet I don't know the essential difference between the Ligurian wolf line and the Ligurian swan line, though both were in the Sava theater. We do know that the Ligurian swan line in the Sava was the Lohen/Logan and Logen/LOCHer surnames, and that the father of mythical LOHENgrin (the swan-knight) was the "Perdix"-like Percival/Parzival, the holy-grail king. Remember, Camerons had a Glen Nevis branch, "with the clan seat at LOCHaber."

Now you have a very good idea as to what the Arthurian holy grail truly was, just the Shaws of PERThshire, and the Pellettes of Sussex, for starters, from the Perdix roots in Perseus>Aphrodite Hyksos of the Hephaestus>Daedalus kind. If some want to drink from that filthy cup, go right ahead and poison thyself. As for me and my brethren, we shall drink from another Cup of Wine, and smack our lips together in giddy gladness.

I'm assuming that "Pellette" is a r-to-l switch variation of Perd-like surnames. The Pelot variation smacks of the Part/Perot surname (uses pears), for example. Entering "Perret" brings up the same Coat. That then gives reason to trace Perdix elements to Pelt-like surnames, wherefore note the similarity between the Part/Perot Coat and the Dutch Pelt/Pellt Coat. One might even consider links to ancient (pre-surname) Pol-like terms, even the Poles/Polocks whom I trace to mythical "Pollux."

AMAZINGLY, that reminds me of what I had forgotten to say early this morning, way before coming to the Pellette discussion here, that the German Pohl/Pohland surname uses a black bull like the Mieske and Lux/Laux/Luch Coats, IN THE SAME COLORS!!! This was not on my mind at all when I wrote the last sentence of the paragraph above. Well la-tee-dah, says the devil, "so what"? I did trace Pollux the pugilist to "Puglia," with Bari as it's capital, wherefore Perdix was also Pollux. And Pollux was Spartan, as was the Perseus>Gorgophone>Aphareus line. And the father of Aphareus was PERIeres (Peri-Ares?), possible root of the Berry clans. AND, DEVIL, LOOK: "[Perieres] is often confused with Gorgophone's second husband, Oebalus [smacks of Belus, grandfather of Lynceus]...With Oebalus, Gorgophone was the mother of Tyndareus [husband of Leda, Pollux' mother], Hippocoon and Icarius."

There you have the Perseus>Aphareus line to both Pollux and Icarius, son of Daedalus. Iapyx was the other son of Daedalus known to be mythical symbol of Puglia, which was also Apulia. Therefore, both Perdix and Iapyges were in Puglia, but in this picture, Perdix was not the root of the Poles, but rather it looks like the Iapyges line to A-PUL-ia. Then again, Perdix and Iapyx may have been rather identical except in terminology, suggesting two diverging tribes of the same Perseus stock. Being astute, you can tell that Pollux was a Danaan peoples in Sparta.

The Pohl write-up: "Chronicles first mention Mertin Polan of LIEGnitz in 1429," Caps mine to show Lux links to Liegnitz, which was also Legnica, in Silesia. "Tacitus in his Germania and Ptolemy recorded the Lugii (Lygii) in Magna Germania, and mentioned their town of Lugidunum, which has been attributed to both Legnica and Glogow." The Arms of Legnica uses keys, perhaps the Shaw/Sheaves bloodline keys.

The Mieske surname was first in Prussia, which covered Silesia, a Prussian province. I trace Melusine's mother, Pressina, to "Prussia" because I identified Melusine of LUSIGnan as a branch of Lusatia (called LUZICa" by Sorbs). Thus, Legnica Ligurians ought to have founded Lusatia as they must have founded Lusignan. In this picture, the blue and white horizontal bars of the Arms of Lusignan and Luxembourg must be variations of the red and white, or red and gold, bars of the Bury and Berry clans.

Remember, today's Lux topic started with the Lux motto term of the Burtons of Pidsea, making Burts/Berts/Barts and Burtons/Bartons suspect as yet other Perdix clans. But as Perdix seems to trace to the swan/Sion-based Swiss and other Swedes, the Lombards, said to be a branch of Suebi, might also apply.

We can assume that the Berts (and perhaps Bards) were named after Bartholomew from Hungary, founder of the Scottish Leslies, and as I linked the Bert bugles to the Pollocks of Renfrewshire (said to derive from "FulBERT the Saxon"), note that the Lombard/LimBAUGH surname was first in Renfrewshire. The latter surname uses lozenges (as does Bavaria), and the German Barts (bearded man smacking of the Longdbards=Lombards) were first found in Bavaria.

One can start considering that Bauers and other bear-like surnames were from Perdix. The French Bertons use the Bauer stars, for example. This Berton Coat is in the colors of the Burton/Berton Coat (Bellamy Shield) with Lux motto term, wherefore this is another indication that Bellamys were fundamental to Bauers. German Baertons use snails that I can't decipher at this time, and the Crest is a A red banner attached to a gold POLE (caps mine).

The German Baers/Barres/Berres use bugles like the Berts, and the pole code above could be for Bert-related Pollock clans. One can begin to see that most of Europe is from Perdix, and especially the Illuminati clans. This jibes with a general trace of Europeans to Crete, though Cretan elements were also of Rhodes, and I still hold out that Talus, who was another name for Perdix, was code for Telchis=Telchines.

English Bears/Beers (raven), like the Berts, were first in Devon. French Bears/Bearts/Beards were first in Brittany, where the Alans of Dol were linked to Bauers. In fact, the English Alans are in Bear/Beart colors (red bull on gold), while French Alans use stars in Bauer-star colors. That suggests that Bauers in Brittany were the Bears/Bearts/Beards of Brittany, and that Bards (bearded man) of Bavaria were related. A red bull is the symbol of Lower Lusatia (Poland), so let's not ignore the red banner on a pole in the Baerton Crest.

Scottish Bayers/Byers (red pig) are said to be Bernicians, suggesting Perdix traces to Bernicians as well. German Bayers are the Bavaria surname, wherefore note the blue and white Scottish Bayer Coat, colors of the Bavarian lozenges. German Beybers/Beavers of Bavaria are in the same colors.

One could go on and on. But time is up for today.

The 0 left home immediately after his election bashing, seeking to raise America-based globalism:

"President Obama's hopes of emerging from his Asia trip with the twin victories of a free trade agreement with South Korea and a unified approach to spurring global economic growth ran into resistance on all fronts yesterday, putting Obama at odds with his key allies and largest trading partners.

The most concrete trophy expected to emerge from the trip eluded his grasp: a long-delayed free trade agreement with South Korea, first negotiated by the Bush administration and then reopened by Obama, to have greater protections for US workers.

And as officials frenetically tried to paper over differences among the Group of 20 members with a vaguely worded communiqué to be issued today, there was no way to avoid discussion of the fundamental differences of economic strategy. After five largely harmonious meetings in the past two years to deal with the most severe downturn since the Depression, major disputes broke out between Washington and China, Britain, Germany, and Brazil.

Each rejected core elements of Obama's strategy [no wonder, they just learned that he isn't God after all] of stimulating growth before focusing on deficit reduction. Several major nations continued to accuse the Federal Reserve of deliberately devaluing the dollar last week in an effort to put the costs of America's competitive troubles on trading partners, rather than taking politically tough measures to rein in spending at home [no wonder, for the 0 is spend-happy, and spends like the rest of us need oxygen].

...The disputes were not limited to America’s foreign partners. Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner got into a trans-Pacific argument with one of his former mentors, Alan Greenspan, the former chairman of the Federal Reserve, after Greenspan wrote that the United States was 'pursuing a policy of currency weakening.'..."

Much of the rest of the world seemed to share Greenspan's assessment.

Obama, the all-American-not, would devalue the American dollar? But why? And speaking of Camerons in high places: "The president has insisted that at a moment of weak private demand, the best way to spur economic growth is to have the government prime the pump with cheap credit and government stimulus programs. He quickly found himself in an argument with Prime Minister David Cameron of Britain and Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany." The scuffle is all on how best to grow the economy. All Western leaders deceive themselves now, because there is no need to fret about "growing" the economy. Just leave it alone.

Something must be afoot as competing Illuminati leaders seek to manipulate the money pot for to pour into their own bags more than into the bags of others. We who are relatively poor are immune to the insanity that would overtake the rich if they were suddenly to become poor, and they, like Howard Hughs, fear for their lives of anything that could make them too ill to enjoy what money brings them.

The rich fret that their money might be gone someday, and the receding economy is giving them all the jitters because companies, even the biggest ones, can fall suddenly without the money of shareholders. Therefore, they look to a savior to save the global economy. They thought that Obama was that savior, but now they see him as the Crook, and are frankly snubbing him openly, and calling on others to snub him, and to seek another savior.

It seems that Cameron works for leaders that Obama does not work for. Let the schisms begin, and let the money pot start tilting toward the peoples and peasants. Bring down your prices, Mr. Corp and Mrs. Unlimited, and give your workers something to do besides being laid off for lack of work. Give, and it shall be given unto you. Give to the peoples, and the peoples will give to you. Just don't print money, because crooks do that, and crooks care only for themselves.

Iraq needs a savior too:

"US President Barack Obama praised Iraqi moves to form an 'inclusive' government [today], but the two-day-old deal was already looking fragile after Sunni lawmakers walked out of parliament, clouding the possibilities for working with Shi'ite Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.

Members of the Sunni-backed Iraqiya bloc have accused al-Maliki's Shi'ite coalition of breaking promises under the deal...

Jaber al-Jaberi, an Iraqiya lawmaker from the Sunni stronghold of Ramadi, said members of the bloc were meeting to decide whether to boycott the next session of parliament, which was scheduled for [tomorrow].

...Obama was to speak [today] with al-Maliki, a day after speaking with Allawi, said Ben Rhodes, deputy national security adviser. In his conversations, Obama 'stressed the need for Dr. Allawi, other members of Iraqiya, and representatives from all of the winning blocs to hold leadership positions,' Rhodes said Obama made no mention of the Sunni walkout;"

Obama and Rhodes. Ahh, I think that Rothschilds and Rhodians are in conflict on the global stage. Yes, let the schisms begin, and may both beasts be hung upside down in the square, their pockets emptying into the mouths of the peasants.


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