Previous Update: Jan 10 - 13

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January 14 - 17, 2010

Obama's Mother traces FOR CERTAIN to Maccles of Dunham Masci

See January 15 -- 16 -- 17

January 14

For many, the Scriptures alone do not have the power to maintain faith. Apart from God acting/operating in our lives, we might not believe. The Scriptures are for the purpose of revealing truths of this existence, His will, His character, and showing the way that we are to think and operate as the first steps to being "citizens" of an eternal Kingdom. If some of what we believe to be Scripture turns out to be troublesome, wrong, or even fabricated by the devil, it in itself cannot rob us of our faith because God can overcome any of our doubts by acting in our lives to restore faith.

God does not call us to faith, then provide the first samples of faith, only to neglect the job of keeping our faith, unless our hearts become traitorous toward Him. Our faith ultimately suffers only if God ceases to operate through us, and He won't operate through us if He is sufficiently displeased. We are to get our direction correct, with sufficient work and loyalty as to please Him, and then God will show himself to us in whatever countless ways he deems appropriate in personal situations.

THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS NOT IN JEOPARDY just because the devil slips some false ideas into scriptaural works. There are sufficient scriptural works to notify of God's will, of his plan, and besides, most false works have already been removed from the realm of Biblical canon.

There's little prophecy-related news again today.

When on the Traby topic at the top of the previous update, I came across six-pointed stars in Poland that are not quite Zionist "stars of David." I decided not to show the Arms of Sandomierz until the stars should link to something significant. Last night, upon coming to the Sanders blog, I saw the Kissinger Coat displayed...using the same stars in the same (gold on blue) colors.

Sanders really appreciates the Laden book, but regrets the Christian thread weaved throughout it. When discussing the topic, his/her head spins in circles, feeling like a drunk who forgets where the car is parked. That's Sanders own use of words. I regret in a way that the Ladon book won't help the Sanders of the world to find satisfaction because the book doesn't finish the story to the end of the mystery. The only way for anyone to "finish" the story (at this time, anyway) is to get the info from the Iraq updates.

Now, as part of "finishing" this story, let's go back to Estonia (yesterday's topic), where we find the Sindians (traced to the Sintians of Dionysus) at and around ancient Pulli. The theory is that the Pullens of Cheshire were from that place, or other places that the "Pullians" (for lack of the proper term) founded. Seeing that the related Pulsipher surname (of Cheshire) uses white stars on black, the Ashtons, using a black star on white, might be rooted in "Estonia." In fact, when "Eston" was entered, up popped the Ashton Coat. But it wasn't so key until I was reminded of the boar in the Ashton Crest, for moments earlier I had been reading Tacitus on the Aesti peoples, founders of Estonians:

"They worship the Mother of the Gods. As the characteristic of their national superstition, they wear the images of wild boars. This alone serves them for arms, this is the safeguard of all, and by this every worshipper of the Goddess is secured even amidst his foes. Rare amongst them is the use of weapons of iron, but frequent that of clubs."

Wearing boars into battle, like Dionysus wearing leopard skins into battle.

The Aesti lived next to the Veneti/Venethi, the article shows, in Poland! The latter are known to trace to the Pelops Heneti (Paphlagonians).

You may recall that Traby Poles trace to Trabzond in relation to Artemis, and that the Arms of the Trebizond Empire are black and white. I now find that the Estonian flag uses black and white in contact (i.e. the colors of Ashtons, Astons, and Pulsiphers). I did trace "Ash" tentatively to the Ashkelon/Ascalon line to the Euskals/Basques, but then the Basques had a branch in Finland, and Estonians are classified as Finns. Thus, "Euskal" may just link to "Aes" in a round-about way.

On November 20 and earlier updates, I showed that the Dober and Doberman Coats are a match, and that they link to Pollocks. But now compare the Dober symbols to the two Wend Coats (Wends and Veneti of Poland were the same people). The English Wends use the griffin of the Dober Coat because the German Wends use the same type of flowing bar. The Dover Crest, I have just learned, uses the top of the Moreno Castle (the latter symbol was recently linked to Pollock roots in the Turins (see French Tour or English Tower Coat)).

All the above was written last night. In today's' Moscow news: "Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan discussed energy projects in Moscow [yesterday] and agreed to press on with development of the $2.5 billion Samsun-Ceyhan oil pipeline." Samsun is on the Black-sea coast of Turkey exactly where the Halybes lived. In light of such surnames as Capo and Capella, Cobbs and Copps being traced to the Cabelees, the location of Cappadocia, where Samsun is located, is conspicuous:

"The Chalybes or Chaldoi [also "Khaldi"] were a tribe of Classical Antiquity credited with the invention of ous metallurgy.

They settled in north Anatolia, near the shores of the Black Sea, from the Halys to Pharnakeia and Trabzon in the east and as far south as Lesser Armenia.

T...The Chaldoi/Chalybes, Mossynoikoi, and Tubal/Tabal/Tibareni, are counted among the first ironsmith nations by classical authors. In Roman times, the Chaldaei (homonymous but unrelated to the Semitic Chaldeans [so say some, while others do not]) and Chalybes are mentioned by Plutarch (Lucull. c. 14) as settling in Pontic Cappadocia..."

A Capo link to Cappadocia did not strike me until I re-read this article this morning. I went to the article only because I had read the Samsun story. The Italian Capo Coat uses a mule, the Rosicrucian symbol of the Samson cult, in my opinion. Thirty miles east of Samsun is the Thermodon river, where Amazons originated before moving to Mysia and Lydia. The suggestion above that Tubal was associated with the Halybes and Mossy peoples suggests close connection with the Meshech. In fact, "Mossy" may have been a Meshech variation. I think we're looking at Biblical Gog here in the Halybes, the same that developed into the Gugu Lydians from a Mysian root.

In light of the Estonia link made to the Paphlagonians of Anatolia, and because the Estonians were founded by the Aesti peoples, note that the Chalybe term came to mean "steel," and that "Aes/Ais/As" (in another language related to Cimmerians) likewise means "steel/iron." AND, Samsun was previously the city of "Eis Amison," while Estonia was also "Eistland." I think I have seen two amis-like terms in mottos of surnames shown very recently, which terms may be in honor of Amison elements (can't get much-more "Amazon" than "Amison."

When writing this, I recalled that "Hephaestus" (also "Hephaistos") may have been play on words with "Aes/Ais," since after all he was the metal artisan/smith (his sacred island of Lemnos was filled with Amazons, especially Myrina the queen). That would make "tus" a mere suffix with "Hepheas" as the root. Changing that to "Chephaes," I sought a similar surname and came straight to the Scottish Cabes Coat...using three fish, as does the Cabot Coat (see also the two Kane Coats, a surname I've traced to Poles). Then I tried "Capes" and got scallops, the Cabot-Crest symbol. The Capes Coat uses the scallops in colors reversed from the Pullen Coat. AND, the Capes surname derives from "Capes, near Calvados, Normandy." Zowie, I think that clinches the "Calvados" link to "Chalybes."

In consideration that Tim was the one who found the Pulsipher spelling of the Pulls of Cheshire, I would like to mention his emphasis on the Russell surname. He has been pressing me to emphasize it for what must be months now, but I've not been able to incorporate it into the Polish storyline (of the past few months). It is said to be one of the 13 Illuminati families. But last night, after opening an email from Tim that again stressed the Russells, I first of all noted white scallops on black in the Chief, the Meschin and Samson scallop colors.

AND, I then looked at the Ross surname for Russell links, seeing lions in both Coats with colors reversed. BUT what startled me was what I had forgotten, that the Ross surname is said (by the write-up) to be from an Andrew family tracing back to the Beolans of Ireland. Since I had "Pullen" and "Bollen" on the brain, I entered "Beolan" to find the same Coat shown days ago as the "Bollen/Boleyn" Coat! Keep in mind that I trace the Rosses to king Andrew I of Hungary, more in particular to the first Drummonds from the seed of Andrew I and his Varangian Rus wife and/or mother.

Those royal Hungarians also became meshed with Poles. It would therefore appear that the Ross clan traces to both Andrew and some Andrew-related Poles of the Pullen kind in Ireland. The Beolans were first found in western Ireland, just west of where I had found the Irish Drummonds. Seeing the Bowl variation of the Beolans, I entered "Bowles" to be reminded of its black boar heads...but there, too, were scallops. The black boar heads now require that I repeat what was said last night:

In fact, when "Eston" was entered, up popped the Ashton Coat. But it wasn't so key until I was reminded of the boar in the Ashton Crest, for moments earlier I had [found the boar being a sacred war symbol of the Aesti]

The Ashton Crest is a black boar head (!!), suggesting that the Bowles are related, meaning that Bowles were likely from Pulli elements of Estonia. The Bowles surname is a reference to the family's former residence in Bouelles, near Neufchatel, in Normandy." Prince Charles of England married Camilla Parker-Bowles; she uses a white-on-blue boat on her Arms.

The Obama government has practically admitted entering chat room to put out false information for to combat anyone with "conspiracy theories":

"In a lengthy academic paper, President Obama's regulatory czar, Cass Sunstein, argued the U.S. government should ban 'conspiracy theorizing.'

Among the beliefs Sunstein would ban is advocating that the theory of global warming is a deliberate fraud. Sunstein also recommended the government send agents to infiltrate 'extremists who supply conspiracy theories'...

...In the 30-page paper -- obtained and reviewed by WND -- Sunstein argues the best government response to 'conspiracy theories' is 'cognitive infiltration of extremist groups.'

Continued Sunstein: 'We suggest a distinctive tactic for breaking up the hard core of planting doubts about the theories and stylized facts...

Sunstein said government agents 'might enter chat rooms, online social networks, or even real-space groups and attempt to undermine percolating conspiracy theories by raising doubts about their factual premises, causal logic or implications for political action.'"

I agree that conspiracy theories are harmful when they are false, and especially when they are deliberately misleading, but I think the false reports come by and large from Illuminatists, the same that want to reduce/remove the true "theories" from the public table. People like Kurt Haskell could be deemed conspiracy theorists and then countered by Obama officials in chat rooms and blogs, which is exactly what Haskell thinks is taking place to discredit him. Christians spreading anti-globalists messages could be infiltrated. It's classic Rosicrucian spying and take-over methodology. There is no Sunstein Coat, but it has a Hebrew ring to it.

Property prices may be low until 2013, just what some of the Elect will need if the Mark becomes mandatory in 2013:

"...[U.S.] Banks have half a million houses on their books yet to be put on the market, RealtyTrac said. There's another million properties in foreclosure and 5.5 million delinquent loans.

'The doomsday prognostications say that gives you 7 million properties that are all going to go back to the banks, that are all going to hit the market at the same time and we're going to have a smoking crater [i.e. very low prices] where there used to be a real estate market,' Sharga said....

...'Because of gradual foreclosure bank sales we're looking at a long, slow, flat housing market recovery that probably won't feel much better until about 2013,' he said..."

The economy continues to falter, and we have yet to see whether it will create rock-bottom prices for tribulation needs.

Obama promised not to raise taxes on the middle class, and so he's charging banks a fee now, saying that the strategy is a means to get some of the TARP money back. But, of course, the banks will just raise their fees to their customers to pay for Obama's fees, wherefore Obama is in reality "taxing" the people with a slew of similar corporate fees. The slippery snake is stealing money from you to pay for the debt he incurred when stimulating the economic cow, and besides that he expects you to pay for the interest on the stimulation loan. So, the people not only pay the interest, but, through fees to recover the loan amount, they also pay for the stimulation's principal itself. That's my conspiracy theory and I'm sticking to it.

Speaking of losing faith, the following is for all who doubt my Flintstone theory. You may have read that I traced the key symbol to both Barney and Betty Rubble in that both the Barnier (EU-important surname) and Betty Coats use a key(s) in reversed colors. And you may have read in the previous update that I traced Parnu county (in Estonia where Pulli is found) to the Barn/Bern surname of Zahringer blood, to which blood I had (years ago) tied Barney and Bamm-Bamm Rubble. So, NOW, see the key symbol, which I found only this morning, in the Arms of Parnu city!! I had checked only the Arms of Parnu/Pernau County in the previous update (a bear on gold, same as the Bern/Barn Coat arising from Zahringer Berne of Switzerland). Note that the Bernier/Barnier Coat uses a fish.

The Parnu key is gold on blue, colors reversed from the Chaves key; the Cluny key is both gold on blue and white on blue. For new readers, I link the husband (Kellner surname) of Cathy Ashton (EU-important) to the Cluny Key because German Kellners/Kellers use a gold-on-blue key. Meanwhile, "keller" in German means "cave" as in "Chaves."

The Beaty surname's use of "coeleste" in the motto, and the diamond symbol that the Kyle-society webpage links to "coal" (as in what a furnace burns), suggests Beaty links to the Kyles...who claim descent from king Cole/Coel. I have always known about the Cole/Coal surname (with Coalas variation), but it was only now that I found a different Coles Coat with "Coals" variation. The Coals Crest (entwined serpent) is evocative of the Kyle Crest, so I think it's a family match. The Coals serpent is entwined around a pillar...very possibly the Hercules/Samson pillar symbol. The "Goal" spelling is registered under the MacCole surname, using stars of the Kyle star colors.

The French Choles/Cholets use the stars in reversed colors. Bingo! The Choles write-up traces to "Colbert," and the "Colbert" spelling is registered under the Cuthbert Coat...using a snake. This suggests that Cuthberts were of the Kyle family (the Cuthbert/Cudbert Shield is evocative of the Allen Shield). AND, to prove that Cuthberts were Colberts, the English Colbert Coat uses the same snake (but in black on gold, alternative Kyle colors). AND, the Colberts were first found in Cheshire and Lancashire, as were the Astons. Excellent, for the Aston Crest is a black bull, the symbol of the Cole/Coal (no 's') Coat! AND, the Aston Coat symbol are black diamonds, a perfect color scheme for the Kyle-Society's "coal" codeword. this Kyle link to Ashtons somewhat supports my trace of Kyles to Piast Kolodziej, but then this would suggest that Piast (ancestry said to be unknown) had roots in Estonians.

By evidence in the Cudd/Cuddy Crest, the Cuddys are obviously related to the Cuth/Cudberts. The Cudd Coat also uses the peculiar spear tip found in the MacCole Coat to further make the Cole/Kyle link. I entered "Hud" is search of Cudd relations, and got the Hood/Hudd Coat with "Cornish chough" holding an anchor in the Crest (Kyles use an anchor in Crest). It's hard to say whether Hudds and Cudds are related by that similarity alone, but I recall tracing the Hiedler/Hitler and related surnames to Cornwall, where the Hudds were first found. AND, the German Heid(t) Coat uses an arrow, a symbol of the Cudd and Colbert Crests. The German Heidler/Heidt Coat uses an anchor too, white like the Hudds/Hoods. The Hiedler/Hitler write-up traces possibly to "Hutt(l)er," a term that brings up the Hudd/Hood Coat.

How did the Kyle surname link to the Hitler family of names? Via Cuthbert. But I still do not realize how Cuthberts were also Colberts; which of the two came first; why the change? Perhaps it wasn't a name change; perhaps the Hitler family led to the Hudds and merged with Coles, sharing symbols. But why did they merge? Did they trace to the same root? I recall tracing a couple of Nazi surnames to black bulls, the Cole and Aston symbols. Do Nazis trace to Estonians too? In fact, one of the Nazi surnames using a black bull was "Pohl"!! By the way, it's not just the Aston, but also the Ashton/Eston Crest that uses a black bull head.

Seeing the Poehl variation, I entered "Boele" and got the Irish with the Italian Apollo/Avalon apple tree. The Boele/Boyle Crest is a near-match with the German Kole/Kohler/Coeler Coat.

I recalled the Boyer surname, that I had linked both it and "Hitler" to the Rothschild family. But NOW look at the English Boyer/Bowyer Coat using the Romney and Pullen Shield in colors reversed!! The Scottish Boyles (Ayrshire, where Kyles concentrated) use three red antlers, the Zahringer-of-Wurttemberg symbol (though in red they belong to Veringens of Wurttemberg; Zahringers used them in blue). The "Boivil" derivation of the Boyle/Boele term may indicate that the bull/bovine of the Pohls/Peohls is rooted in the Bullock family (also using bull heads), what I suspect to be the (proto?)Pollock family in Roxburghshire. Bullocks use the colors of the Jewish Pollocks, and the symbol therein is to be linked to the German Dober and Wend surnames.

Pollocks use a shot boar, shot by an arrow, like the Calydonian boar shot by mythical Atalanta. I had suggested a trace of Kyles to CALedonians of Scotland, but I have yet to find direct/solid proof. The Duffy surname came to mind as I rolled "Dober" in my mouth, and, zowie, the Irish Duffy family "descended from the great Kings of Ireland called the 'Three Collas.' Descending from the Clan Colla was The Duffy, Lord of Fermanagh." The Duffy Coat is in the Pollock of Renfrew (beside Kyles of Ayrshire) colors. Hmm. Thats's new.

The pieces are being found rapidly these days. Everything recorded here will find further pigs in the pudding, wherefore I apologize if it makes for boaring reading.

January 15

What to believe? Three weeks after the underwear bomber, a major player in Yemen's al-Qaeda group is in Britain talking his head off to Britain's BBC after supposedly betraying al-Qaeda. I don't know how to interpret this unusual and surprising situation, so timely, so useful for the Yemeni propaganda project? Remember, the underwear bomber, and his father, have been active in London.

I saw a clip of NATO's leader, Rasmussen, speaking yesterday in a news interview. Above his head was the NATO logo. There was a line; above the line were the letters, NATO, and below the line were the letters OTAN. Some years ago, someone mentioned this, that OTAN is NATO backward and moreover smacks of Odin. Why would NATO feel it so important to advertise OTAN? How silly to use NATO letters backward. What else could it mean, if not honor for Odin, the god of Hebrew Goths, the god of the AESir Scandinavians. In Germany, he's "Wotan."

As I'm on the Meschin surname recently, I've got to show the following. There is a Wotan/Wooten Coat, the surname having an ancient seat in Marlay of Kent (near Canterbury). The write-up places them there before the Norman conquest, and as Jutes lived in Kent at the time, it fits, for Odin was the god of Jutes. The Marlay surname was first in Cheshire, and uses the Meschin color scheme. Then, recalling that Meschins are linked to the Alan>Stewarts of Dol, Brittany, it's interesting that the Marlay write-up traces the surname to Morlaix in Brittany.

No Morlaix Coat comes up, but the Morley/Morleigh Coat uses the same three colors (white-on-black, and gold). It's got to be a Meschin match because the family is from a Morley location in Cheshire, and another in Durham, and yet another in Yorkshire (three locations where Meschins held estates/nobility).

Now, in support of the Odin link to Kent's Wotan surname, we see the white horse on two hind legs in the Odin Crest, which is the symbol of Kent. The Odin surname was first found in Yorkshire, and variations include Hoddy, very close to the Hudd surname discussed yesterday...that was linked to "Hitler." The Nazis are known to have had Wotan as their Aryan god; see Wotanism. In fact, the Hudd Coat comes up when entering "Hodd." It's as if "Hitler," from "Huttler," is a distant version of "Odin" like so: Odin > Hodd > Hudd and Hied > Heidt > Hutt > Hutter > Huttler > Hiedler and Hitler. I'm amazed. Who would have thought?

But how did the Meschins come to merge with this Wotan family in Morley and Marlay? I've noted that the Otin surname, of Germany, uses the Meschin colors (as do Morleys and Marlays). Interestingly, I had traced (see July updates starting at second one) the Odin/Hodd/Hudd surname (Storkhouse, Yorkshire) to the Bavarian Oettingen family (mythical stork symbol), and now we find an Ottinger variation in the Otin surname. That has got to be a match because the Otins/Ottingers were first in Bavaria. The Stork surname was first in Kent, and now I think I know why: among the Wotan family there.

Looking for more clues in the Odin family, I recalled that the lion style had been linked to the Major surname, and looking again at the English Major Coat, wow, a white anchor...used also in the Odin Crest and in the Hitler Coat. When I read that the Major surname comes from the Norman given name Mauger," I recalled that "Maughley" is shown as a Morely variation! Entering "Mayer," a Jewish name, brings the English Major Coat but not other Major Coats. Hmm. Mayer Bauer was the one who changed his family name to Rothschild. I note that the Major Shield is red. Another variation is "Magor," smacking of the Magyars (that could be a leap, so careful).

Seeing that the English Majors were also "Maior," I found another English Maier/Meyer surname...first found in Cheshire!! That could mean that English Majors/Maugers were indeed Morleys/Maughleys of Brittany. Apparently, the common line that these surnames derive from "mayor" is false. The Jewish Meyer/Mayer-Coat page suggests derivation "in the Hebrew name Meir, which means enlightener." Now that makes more sense, as in Illuminati. The Maier/Meyer surname from Cheshire uses "Meir," in fact. The Spanish Mayor Coat uses black and white checks, as Illuminati as one can get. Possibly, Maier terms shortened to "Mor," and then elongated to "Morely." They made their way to Cheshire, where they as Marlays colored themselves with Meschin colors, or vice versa. The Cheshire Marlows are related (they use footless martins). There is a Marley location in the Canterbury district of Kent. I haven't yet proven that Morleys were from Morlaix, however.

I don't think the derivation of "Meier" in "Meir" goes back far enough. I think the surname stems from Maia/Maja, the eldest daughter of Atlas. Her cult was in the Maiella mountains of Abruzzo. Look and see the similarity between the Italian Maio Coat and the German Meier and Danish Meier Coats. All three use a green tree growing from green grass. The Maio surname is said to be from Maiolo, Pesaro, almost smack-dab at Rimini (north of Abruzzo). See the symbol of Rimini: two pillars, as in the two pillars of Hercules representing Western Atlantis.

Note, too, that whereas the Italian Apollo-surname tree has nine fruit (acorns, I now think) in its branches, the Maio tree has nine (or is it ten?) on the ground. Avalon (and it's nine witches) was a mythical symbol (i.e. not a true geographical name) representing the Atlantean garden of Ladon, and meanwhile Atlas (and Maia) was the symbol of Atlantis. The Maiolo symbol is a tree.

"Maia" is the root of the month of May, which in Italian is "Maggio," in Dutch "Mei," in Swedish Maj, in German "Mai," in Portuguese Maio/Mayo, and in Greek "Maiou." So why can't the surnames, Mayer, Mag(g)or, Meier, Major and Maier also trace to Maia??? She was the mother of Hermes by Zeus, wherefore she depicted an Armenian peoples in Greece...who led to the Herminones, a proto-Germanic sub-group to which the Nazi Wotanists trace themselves.

To support an Abruzzo link to Cheshire, the Marsi of Abruzzo may have named the Mersey river in Cheshire. The Marsi were anciently the Marruvii (Merovee???) of Marruvium. Perhaps, then, the Pulls of Cheshire were their kin: "The Paeligni or Peligni were a people of ancient Italy, first mentioned as a member of a confederacy which included the Marsi." This is not to be taken too lightly, seeing that the Pulli region of Estonia has been traced solidly to Cheshire. And seeing that the Pulli region was in Parna, which has been linked squarely to Bernician entities depicted by Barney Rubble, is it a coincidence that Flintshire is on the west side of Cheshire while there's a nearby Ribble river through Mercia (I had traced the Marsi to Mercia too)???

A major tributary of the Ribble is the Hodder. Hmm. There is a Hodder Coat, the surname said to derive from "hood" and a Hudd locality of Yorkshire. We then read: "The Hodder drains much of the Forest of Bowland..." I recall that "Bowland" is a variation of the Beolan/Bollen surname...which could be a variation of "Pullen." A large tributary of the Mersey is the Bollin; a Scottish Bollin Coat uses a boar while a variation is "Borlin," suggestive of the Pulli Estonians because they honored the boar symbol.

I have long been claiming that the Pollock-related Maxwells were in Cheshire, as the Meschins, but not until now did I have evidence like this: at the Bollin-river article, I learned of a Macclesfield location on that river. Macclesfield is in east Cheshire! The Maxwells and the Maxtons derive from "Maccus"...which may itself be from the Macskall variation of the Mascal surname, which may in turn be from the Maskally/Maschi surname of Rimini. Zowie: "There is evidence that the borough [of Macclesfield] had originally been founded by Ranulf III [le Meschin], Earl of Chester, early in the thirteenth century."

The Arms of Macclesfield Borough show three bugles, a Pollock symbol! It also shows "Copia" in the motto!! Remember, the Capi/Capo Coat uses the mule, and the Mascal/Macskall Coat uses the elephant. Macclesfield uses a blue lion on white centrally, quite possibly carried to, or from, the Bruces of Skelton (Yorkshire).



I'm so excited with finding the Maccles term last night that the news will be skipped altogether for today. There is a Macclesfield surname first found in Cheshire. This gives so many clues good clues as to blow the mystery wide open...and lead back once again to the Polish theater. The Maccles(field) surname has Maxfield and Mexfield variations, showing that it is indeed of the Maxwell/Maxton family. Plus, the "l" in "Maccles," not found in "Maccus," is found in "Mescelin," the earliest known form of the Meschin surname in the Shropshire-Cheshire area.

There is online an Arms of Macclesfield city, with description of its symbols. Amazingly, the bugles (or "hunting horns") do lead to Renfrew, but also to Poland: "The red lion [in Crest] represents the Egertons of Tatton..." I should record in passing that Egertons (first found in Cheshire) use three arrows in a bunch (a Rothschild and Bower design). The Tatton surname was first found in Cheshire, and the Tatton Coat uses the same symbol in Speer surname of Renfrew BUT in the design of the Spree Coat. These surnames were traced solidly to the Spree river, starting in the eighth update of last April.

In that update, I shared that the Maxey Coat (also "Maxsey") uses the Spree symbols! I also started tying the sparrow (sometimes a martlet) symbol, and therefore the Sparrow surname, to the Sprees/Speers, but did not know then the white unicorn in the Sparrow Crest is also the Crest of the Arms of the Borough of Macclesfield.

This is getting very interesting because I found reason to trace the unicorn to the proto-Stewarts of Shetland (as in claiming them to be the proto-Stewarts that formed the Alans of Dol), and then further back from Shetland to the Polabians ("abi" is a suffix so that the peoples were named after "Pol") of northern Germany's dragon-infested peoples i.e. Mechlenberg! That latter term is not a far cry from "Mescelin."

The Tatton write-up: "First found in Cheshire where they held a family seat from ancient times, and were Lords of the manor of Tatton, allied to the Barons Dunham and Massey." This is a revelation, that there were two bloodlines, Dunhams and Mascis, who founded the Cheshire locality of Dunham Masci (later Dunham Massey). If Obama's mother traces to this Dunham family, I would not be surprised.

There is some evidence that the black-on-white bugles in the Macclesfield Arms were borrowed by Pollocks, which in turn may help to trace Pollocks to certain Cheshire surnames. But first note the three bugles in the Simple/Semple Coat because the Spree motto uses "simple." AND, like Speers, the Simples were first found in Renfrew.

I tie the Pollock clan to the peacock symbol, and in fact the Peacock Coat not uses mascles and blue Indian peacocks, but "Peacock" is a Maxwell sept along with "Pollock." Now BEHOLD the Peacock Shield; it's half the Macclesfield/Maxfield Shield! AND:

We read: "The [Macclesfield] stags are each standing on a black hunting horn. These occurred in the Sherd and Sutton family arms, who held land in the [Macclesfield] forest." The Sherd Crest is a a peacock's tail proper!!

As for the Sutton Coat, it's in the Pollock colors. We also see that the Suttons use a blue lion in Crest, the main symbol of the Macclesfield Arms. The write-up on the latter tells that the blue lion "probably derived from the heraldry of the Earls of Chester." That makes sense because the first earl used a blue wolf on white. We will soon meet this first wolf-line earl, called a "chief subject" of the Conqueror. Ranulph le Meschin was his nephew.

The Arms of Ranulf le Meschin is a red lion on gold, the same, I've just learned, as the Legh Coat (Leghs/Leighs first found in Cheshire). ZOWIE, as another variation is "Ley," it should explain why Mascis and Masseys used fleur-de-lys. Some readers may recall that these same terms were in Liecester's founders, and that I had traced them to Ligurians. Now I find that another Leigh variation is "Ligh," and to that I'll remind you that the Italian Masci Coat (the one with fleur-de-lys) was first in Piedmont, what was interior Liguria.

Moreover, I had traced the same terms to Luton (Bedforshire), and it so happens that the Leighton surname (same colors as the Leighs and using Vere symbols) has a Laton variation. AND, incredible, the Leightons were first found in Shropshire. MORE STILL, this verifies that the Ladon/Ladd Coat, using colors reversed from the Meschin (of Shropshire) Coat, is a Leighton/Laton branch and IN FACT linked to the Meschins. AND to link Leightons solidly to Leighs of Cheshire, the Massey Shield is the colors reversed from the Leighton Shield.

The curiosity has been that, while Pollock and Pollock-related families have consistently been Anglo-Saxon, the Massey surname is not said to be. A trace to Ligurians would well explain it. As I traced Ligurians to the wolf cult of Greece, it should also explain why the first earl of Chester, Hugh D'Avranches, uses a wolf (in the colors of the Macclesfield lion). "The Welsh, for his brutality, called him Flaidd ('the Wolf')." But the term may have linked to the Flaad name of the Dol Alans. This Hugh was also known as "lupus," and in fact the Lupus-Coat write-up traces to him as a "chief subject of King William the Conqueror." In Wikipedia's article: "Hugh became an important councillor of William, Duke of Normandy. He contributed sixty ships to the invasion of England..."

FREAK OUT! I have just found GREAT evidence for tracing Obama's Dunham bloodline (of his mother) to the Macclesfields and Ranulph le Meschin. First, the Scottish Randolph write-up says: "...Randolph which contained elements that translated to shield and wolf." It doesn't say how the surname translates to "wolf," nor can I see how, so that my feelers suggest a wolf bloodline is behind the statement, especially as Obama traces in very fact to the Wolfley and similar surnames (it's all over the Internet). Looking at the Randolph Coat again, there it was, a fat white cross on red; it's also the Macclesfield Cross!!!

The same cross can be seen on a stag in the Arms of the Borough of Macclesfield. Now we know why the Dunham Coat and the English Randolph Coat are identical. The two families were both linked in Dunham Masci. I made that claim many months ago, but here is the proof, FINALLY. Is this news or what?

Checking the Doun variation of "Dunham," an English Doun Coat with stag appears, in the colors of the Macclesfield lion (or the wolf of Hugh D-Avranches). The stag has a single small black star on white, the Ashton symbol. It's an Anlko-Saxon surname, BUT, just like the Masseys, the Randoplh surname is NOT said to be from Saxons. That's because the Meschines were from the Bessin (Normandy), and, apparently, from the Bajocasses founders of the Bessin. Foir as I traces Bajocasses to the Gascone Basques, who use a garb (= wheat bunch) in the flag of Gascony, so the Macclesfields use garbs. In fact, the blue lion (on white) holds a garb.

FREAK OUT AGAIN. The Gascony flag also uses a white lion on blue!! AND, pope Clement gave Gascony a white saltire corss on red as a symble, which MUST be a version of the Macclesfield (and Randolph) cross!!! That cross given to Gascony was identical to the one used by the stork-line Oettingens...who I traced to the Odins of Yorkshire. NOW LOOK: The Odins were "First found in Yorkshire where they held a family seat as Lords of the manor of Storkhouse, Gisburn, and Withernsea..." I had traced "Gisburn" to "Gascone," BUT MOREOVER "Hugh was the son of Richard Goz, Viscount of Avranches, in the far southwest of Normandy..."!!!

MOREOVER, the Odin Crest is a horse on hind legs, not only trace-able to the Wotans of Kent (see last night's topic), but a symbol used in the Massey Crest. This is very very amazing, for the Wotan/Wooten Coat write-up says that the surname had an ancient seat in Marlay (Kent), while the Marlays were not only first found in Cheshire, but use the Meschin-Coat color scheme completely.

I don't know if it has fizzed on you, but in Cheshire we are very close to where I trace the mythical Pendragon. I can't wait to reveal how Meschins and Poles play into it, but I can tell you already that I have a mitt-ful of evidence linking Parkinson's Disease to the Meschines, which may then discover that porphyria is likewise from them.

I have a close Masci relative with Parkinson's. I know of a man with Kilpatrick surname that has Parkinson's. When I saw that the Patrick Coat (surname first in Kent) is a black saltire on white, which is the Maxwell symbol as well, the idea first dawned on me that Meschins could be responsible for the faulty genes that contribute with other factors to form Parkinson symptoms. The next thought was that pope John Paul, a Pole (!!), also had Parkinson's. Then there is Michael J. Fox, knowing that there are German and Jewish Fox coats using a red fox, the symbol of the Samson cult. Those Fox surnames are more like "Fuchs," but they are in the red and white colors of the Irish Fox Coat.

Born in Canada, but what European bloodline was Michael J. Fox? His Jewish wife: Tracy Pollan!!! See the scallops (Meschin symbols) in the Pollan Coat, and the pelican ("Pollock/Pulcipher" code, I think) in the Crest. "He decided against using his middle initial [A]...He decided to adopt a new middle initial and settled on 'J', in reference to actor Michael J. Pollard."

The Pollard Coat uses red scallops on white (like Pullen and Romney), AND, the article above tells that he was discovered by Ronald Shedlo, which is conspicuous because the Scottish Shed/Shedden Chief uses a blue scallop between two red cinquefoils on white. The Sheds of Yorkshire use red and white.

The Irish Fox write-up: "O Sionnaigh, derived from the word 'sionnach,' which means 'fox.'" Yes, but the colors of Swiss Sion/Sitten are also red and white.

Then I was reminded that my Abreu friend has both a mother and a father with Parkinson's Disease, while I think it's obvious that the Macclesfield blue-on-white lion links to the same of the Bruces of Yorkshire...not forgetting that the purple lion in the Bruce Crest, and the purple lion of the Skiptons, who are mentioned in the Meschin-Coat write up, are traced tentatively (by me) to porphyry, the "purple disease."

When I contacted my Abreu friend (Portuguese on both sides) an hour or so ago, asking what her Portuguese mother's surnames were, she said, Rebello and Clementine! It was pope Clement who gave Gascony the cross symbol that is surely a variant of the Macclesfield cross. Then I checked for Rebello surnames and came to the German Rebel/Robell Coat...using wings, EXACTLY the wings in the Italian Masci Coat! Incredible! The Portuguese Abreu Coat also uses wings. The Robell wings are in the colors of the Meschin-of-Shropshire scallops.

The other side of my Abreu friend's father is a Couto. The Cout/Coot Coat uses a red-on-white stag. The Crest is identical to the English-alternative Clement Crest. I am asking myself whether this little bomb-shell exercise has merit, and my answer is that it hardly seems possible for it to be coincidental.

By the way, the Macclesfield "gold stags [are] from the arms of the Stanley Earls of Derby...Stags also occur in the arms of other local families - the Stopfords, Downs and Shrigley families." The Down surname is very interesting, as it occurs as a Dunham variation, "Downham." Then, in the English Down/Doun Coat, we find a black star on white stag, smacking of the Pulsipher (of Cheshire) white-on-black stars with stag in the Crest. In the Scottish Dunn/Doun Crest there is a gold key (with locks for the key in the Coat). I saw the Dunn/Doun sword yesterday (or was it the day before?) and recorded the Coat in the update, but I can't recall which surname used it. Three of the swords were used.

The quote continues: "Around their [the stags'] necks are garlands of laurel [Daphne/Apollo symbol], from the seal of Bollington UDC. From this hangs a black cross-crosslet of the Davenport family..." "Daven" not only evokes Daphne under the laurel situation, but I recall tracing Daphne to a Devo-like location. BUT, "Daven" also smacks of "Down/Doun." Hey-hey. AND, the said black crosslets, seen also in the Davenport Coat (surname first in Cheshire) are used, not only in the English Hillary Coat, but in the Clinton Coat. In fact, both the Hillarys and Clintons use six crosslets. They are used by the Kennedys, but they also use dolphins, the other Daphne-of-Delphi symbol (the laurel was a symbol of Daphne in Delphi). Then compare the Irish Kennedy Coat with the Renfrew Dobie/Dawby Coat!! Apparently, the Dobies are related to Daven(port)s. Now let me re-show the Marlay Coat (surname first in Cheshire), using the Kennedy dolphins. The Davenports were first in Astbury, East Cheshire. Is that the Aston-of-Cheshire ground zero?? Here is an Astbury Coat.

The Stopfords (mentioned above quote with the Downs) use gold diamonds on blue, what could have morphed into the same-colored Dunham "dancette." Stopfords were first found in Cheshire, but more-precisely: "First found in Cheshire where Sir Robert of Stockport was a Norman noble, son of Robert Fitz-Waltheof, Lord of Etchells, who was a tenant of the Baron of Dunham Massey."

When one enters "Stop," the Stub(b)s Coat pops up. The Crest uses """A gold demi eagle with a LAUREL branch in its beak. This Stewart-related surname was traced (by me) to the tree stubs of Brocken Germany, and that's the symbol of the Rodham Crest. I have already stresed this topic, showing the tree stubs of the German Brock Coat. It's also the symbol in the Rebel/Robbel Coat -- with Masci wings EXACTLY -- so that the red lion of the English Brocks might link to Ranulph le Meschine's red lion because the same Brocks use a gold fleur-de-lys on blue, the Masci-Coat symbol between the wings.

"Brock" in this case could be a Bruce variation. I know that Veres were in the Brocken witch cult, and so we see the Vere species (wyvern) of dragon in the Stopford Crest. In fact, it's a green wyvern, the Vere-wyvern color. The wyvern is also in the Presley Crest. I mention "Presley" because of being convinced that its a Bruce variation (Bruces were in Brus, Normandy). The write-up traces to "P/priest," but this variation must have been an after-effect, not the root of the family. For I recognize the Presley/Priestly symbols: the gold lion in the castle, on red shield, are the symbols of the Italian Abreu Coat (the two lions of which were the symbols of Normandy as a whole).

The Presleys were first in Yorkshire (i.e. where Bruces became prominent). I repeat, the Abreu branch in Evreux (Normandy), which place was founded by Ebroicum/Eburovices Celts, were the founders also of York as "Eboracum." So BEHOLD, entering "Heber" brings up the Heber surname, first in Yorkshire, and using a gold lion on half-red shield! It was this Coat, because is uses "Prest" in the motto, that led to the Presley Coat in the first place. The Scottish Bollin/Borland Coat mentioned earlier uses "Press" in the motto, and shows a brown boar, the boar-of-Pollock color. Moreover, the Bollin Crest is a broken lance, somewhat parallel with the Pollock boar shot through with an arrow. The Preston surname may also apply along with Presleys, for it uses a castle in the Crest. The Scottish Prestons use a unicorn, but note also the woman dressed in blue in the Crest, for a woman in blue is also in the Heber Crest.

The Eure Coat is also interesting, as it's the Vere Shield and uses a boar in Crest, the expected symbol of the Eburovices. The 'v' versions of "Eure" would suggest a trace to "Evreux," but "Avranches" may also apply (root of these Celts was "Abrin"). Avranches in Normandy was close to Dol so that Hugh D'Avranches could have been of those proto-Stewarts. I suspect it.

January 16

If you're interested in reading someone else's theory that the underwear bomber was a western plot using a fake bomber, see the following:

Talk about tall conspiracy theories. An unknown CIA official, in retaliation for Obama's criticisms this month, leaked this CIA snapshot of President Obama talking down to the American people on health care, in a shady back-room deal. Unbelievably enough, the CIA was also able to show a glimpse of Obama's shadow government. It was a good day, for there was yet a third photo verifying the methods of Obamacrats. Out on the street, the CIA exposed a well-kept secret when taking this shot of a U.S.-government work truck.

Whether the following is true or not, it IS an excuse that Russia needs to attack Georgia:

"The Russian Deputy Interior Minister accused Georgia of harboring militant groups. The allegation comes two weeks after the Russian Federal Security Service claimed that militants in Russia's North Caucasus were receiving funding including from Georgia.

'Terrorist groups are trained at military bases in Georgia by foreign instructors to carry out terrorist acts on the territory of Russian Federation,' RIA Novosti news agency reported quoting Russia's Deputy Interior Minister Arkady Yedelev as saying at a meeting with police officials in Vladikavkaz, North Ossetia, on January 14."

"Foreign instructors" even.

The fight for the Ukraine may go to the Russians as the Western-backed Orange Revolution peels apart:

"Viktor Yanukovych was swept aside five years ago in the 'orange revolution', derided as a barrel-chested party boss and Kremlin stooge whose career was over as Ukraine embraced the West.

Now, though, Yanukovych is close to exacting his revenge, leading in opinion polls in advance of a presidential election tomorrow and drawing large crowds...

...If Yanukovych does become president, it will be a victory for the Kremlin, which has worked assiduously to discredit the orange movement and ensure against a pro-Western realignment in its backyard."

That is of obvious importance to Putin. It is his task to re-build what the West has torn down. He lives and breathes for it, and he knows his years are not getting younger. He also knows that his popularity might run out. Russia has just taken back his cockadillie-doo (Turkey) from Obama, and is shining his shoes for a date with Armenia: "Today, January 14, Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan met Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. At the meeting, RA President expressed his satisfaction over development of strategic partnership and strengthening of economical, cultural and humanitarian spheres between Armenia and Russia."

The WHO owl is on the prey:

"The World Health Organization (WHO) is considering a plan to ask governments to impose a global consumer tax on such things as Internet activity or everyday financial transactions like paying bills online.

Such a scheme could raise "tens of billions of dollars" on behalf of the United Nations' public health arm from a broad base of consumers, which would then be used to transfer drug-making research, development and manufacturing capabilities, among other things, to the developing world.

...The idea is the most lucrative -- and probably the most controversial -- of a number of schemes proposed by a 25-member panel of medical experts, academics and health care bureaucrats who have been working for the past 14 months at WHO's behest on 'new and innovative sources of funding' to accomplish major shifts in the production of medical R&D.",2933,583127,00.html

You see? WHO is after OUR money in any way it can get it. WE need to give that bird the rotisserie shaft right down its throat and out its back end.

What ever happened to Biden's prediction that, within Obama's first sixth months, a crisis would take place? Perhaps it was postponed and now this is it:

"...A senior official tells CBS News that the U.S. intelligence community is hearing chatter - communication between known terror networks...

This mirrors reports in both Canada and France, reports CBS News. In France, the visible level of security at transportation hubs has increased. A French intelligence source tells CBS News that it is a direct result of 'worrying intelligence' that is reminiscent of the pre-Sept. 11 chatter and the feeling that 'something is coming.'"

Last December 28, I shared what Colin Powell said: "The problems will always be there and there's going to be a crisis which will come along on the 21st, 22nd of January that we don't even know about right now." You don't think he meant this January 21, do you?

FE emailed, after reading on the Pulli location of Estonia, to share a Pully location on the north shore of Lake Geneva. It's on the outskirts of Lausanne. Peoples on this north shore were traced (by me) to satanic elements of the Arthurian cult, namely to Merlin and to Morgan Fay of Bute/Avalon (can't go over all that again here). I have the sense that the Cheshire Pull surname is a big player in the Merlin/Morgan cult. As the Pulli Estonians were traced back to Dionysus (the wine god i.e. his people were wine makers), it's conspicuous that the Pully symbol is grapes. Remember, Parnu county in which Pulli is found was just traced to Berne, not far from Pully.

In the morning, I'm going to show something amazing on tracking the bloodlines responsible for Parkinson's Disease. They have been traced by doctors already, to Avellino! That's the Italian location of the proto-Avalonians.


Hamas is making the buried Egyptian wall at Gaza a bone of contention, whether or not the Egyptians are telling the truth on whether or not its under construction. Hamas' intention, according to the article below, is to escalate another international drama against Egypt. a

News: the banks resist Obama's near-120-B fees. No guff? "...'Like clockwork, the banks and politicians [= accusation against Republicans] who curry their favor are already trying to stop this fee from going into effect,' Obama said in his weekly radio and Internet address." Already? Like, duh, are they supposed to wait a while before knowing it's a bad idea? If Democrats are not going to oppose this too, then they are worshiping the O more than we thought. While TARP was the plan of out-going George Bush to cover the banks, it was the O who gave the peoples' money to them. Under such a scenario, the O is required to wait until the banks pay the money back, not slap them with a fee that will passed to peoples. It's not the job of governments to slap companies with fees because that's a hidden tax, pure and simple. Obama is claiming that the bank fees are required to evade "another crisis."

Globalists are hard-up trying to get the money needed for operation New World Order. What, with the money now needed to fix Haiti, and old man winter's cold joke being played this year, globalists are going to find world money even less available. Looks like they might need to go to the printing presses if they have a hard political time charging fees to big-business. The "printing press", so to speak, is government corruption: the created money pays various companies sweet contracts [i.e. over-paid contracts) under the condition that the companies pay the government back with handsome not-so-obvious ways. That's the "stimulus" corruption scheme, and the people can be forced to pay the interest on the loaned, "printed" (electronic) money.

Once the money has been created, it isn't "burned," but remains in the economy, and has the effect of increasing prices i.e. inflation so that workers are ever seeking pay raises for increased "cost of living." Governments love inflation because they are always ahead of the curve, and because higher home and consumer-product prices mean more tax money raked in. But with the economy faltering these days, globalists are hard-up, for they do not wish to pay for the New World Order out of their own personal/corporate monies, but want the tax-payers -- via the globalists' government puppets -- to pay for it.

I found yesterday's trace of Parkinson's victims to Meschin-and-Pull families so not-coincidental that I investigated the disease. It was named after a Parkinson surname who, apparently, did not have the disease, and yet the Parkinson Coat uses black stars on white (!), the Ashton symbol, and colors reversed from the Pulls/Pulsiphers of Cheshire. I was amazed. Perhaps James Parkinson (a London-born surgeon) had discovered the disease when multiple of his family members had it:

"[James Parkinson] was a member of several secret political societies, including the London Corresponding Society. In 1794 his membership in the organization led to his being examined under oath before William Pitt and the Privy Council to give evidence about a trumped-up plot to assassinate King George III. He refused to testify regarding his part in 'The Pop-Gun Plot', until he was certain he would not be forced to incriminate himself."

George III is perhaps the most-discussed person in porphyria circles, as his bout of insanity is credited to the porphyria disease. Both Parkinsonism and porphyria are caused in large part due to faulty genes. I note that king George is illustrated at the Wikipedia article in black, gold, and white, the colors of the Meschin Coat. The article also shows the Arms of the House of Hanover (George was from that German House). The Hanover lion is within the double-border ("double tressure fleury-counter-fleury") used in particular by the Scottish Flemings.

The idea that Meschins were Flemings is new to me, but as yet we need evidence to trace the Hanover lion to Ranulph before we can support the theory. [Update February 24 -- the Fleming double border was used by Thomas Randolph, first earl of Moray, who I trace to the Meschins. See Wikipedia article on Thomas!] There is some possible evidence already in the German Fleming Coat, for it's a wolf, the symbol of Hugh D'Avranches (the one who gave power in Cheshire to Ranulf). Plus, the Fleming Crest uses the wolf in conjunction with ostrich feathers, while the Parkinson's Coat uses ostrich feathers too (see verification). [Update February 24 -- The Arms of Cheshire use ostrich feathers! They belonged to Ranulf le Meschin!!]

I don't have time this morning to seek further the owner of the Hanover lion in double border, but I have found that it belongs to someone in Scotland: "the rampant lion and double tressure fleury-counter-fleury of Scotland..." The page below shows the same lion in the Arms of the Queen, and says only that it's the Scottish lion. I didn't know that the Scottish lion included the Scott-Fleming double-border. It's used also by the Seatons.

Recalling my theory (re-mentioned yesterday) that the Meschins and Pollocks derived (at least in part) from Polabians of the Mechlenberg theater, note that the queen of George III was
Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz. George's mother was from the House of Saxe-Gotha, and so see the garb in the English Saxe Coat, a symbol used in the Macclesfield Arms (see earlier in this update for pivotal revelations on Macclesfield of Cheshire, founded, it is said, by Ranulf le Meschin). I trace the garb (a wheat bunch) to the same pagan symbol of Dagon and his wife, Shala (= Ashkelon), and then theorize that "Saxon" is a variation of "Dagon." I then theorize that Dagon's city of Ashkelon/Ascalan is the root of such terms as "Euskal" (they use a garb too, with a lion in colors reversed from the lion of Ranulf le Meschin) and "Ash/As/Es(ton)." I then suggest that the escallop/scallop term is a secret symbol of the Euscals/Ascalan (Meschins use the scallop).

The other symbol in the Saxe Coat is a partridge, so I checked the Partridge Coat to find a the Pettridge/Patridge/Patrige variations, smacking of "Patrick"...which was shown earlier in this update to use the Maxwell symbol (black and white saltire), and meanwhile I arrived to the theory that Parkinson's Disease was related to the Maxwell=Meschin family when I noted that a Kilpatrick AND a Masci individual (whom I've know) both had the disease. The Partridges use black and white checkers of the Cohen/Hohen kind, and I don't think a symbol can get more Illuminati than that.

Going back one generation further to the mother of George's mother, we find her as part of the House of Ascania. The Arms of Ascania show the bears relating to Albert the Bear, but also black and white checks. Albert;s father had been a count of Ballenstedt. Hmm. Looking into the House of Ascania (roughly the same as the House of Anult) through the Wikipedia article, one is led to the bear symbol of Aschersleban but also to Bernburg, and, for those recalling a trace of the proto-Stewart dragon cult to the Harz mountains: "...the Anhalt ancestral homeland north of the Harz mountains around the Ascanian residence of Aschersleben (Ascharia)..."

Ascharia??? Could that be the Asch/Ash surname (using a wyvern dragon)? For those who have been reading recently, you may recall that this English Asch/Ash surname derives from the person, D'Esse Court, and that his Court/Covert surname was responsible for blowing the lid off of things in the previous update.

I was then reminded that Billy Graham also had the disease; the uses scallops!!!

Since Scottish Stewarts and Pollocks lived in the Avalon theater, and because by fundamental traces the entire dragon cult traces to the Apollo wolf-line cult in Avellino (Italy), I was floored to find (first in the Wikipedia article) that Parkinson's has been traced to families near Avellino, in particular to a locality named anciently as Contursi Terme. The "Terme" smacks of the Thermodon river where Artemis was Apollo's twin sister. It also smacks of Teramo, the alternative name of the city of Aprutium/Abruzzo.

"Families from [Contursi] have played an important role in the understanding of Parkinson's disease. In 1986, Larry Golbe...came across a family with six Parkinson's patients, and found that they had originated in Contursi. A few months later he found a second family with several Parkinson's patients, who also had ancestors from the village. This prompted Golbe to collaborate with Giuseppe DiIorio...They identified three families in Italy and three families in the US, all of whom were descendants from a single couple who lived in Contursi in the late 1600s and early 1700s. Of 400 members of this extended family, known as the Contursi kindred, 61 are known to have had Parkinson's. This showed for the first time that Parkinson's could be inherited."

January 17

Forgive if I'm overdoing this bloodline topic these days. The revelations are becoming extremely telling. Today's findings are some of the best because it exposes the Arthurian cult's codewords as surnames to which Ranulf de Meschin became attached, promising the mother of all exposures in the (hopefully, near) future.

After taking at look at the Arms of Ranulf le Meschin, third earl of Chester, compare the Arms of Scotland with the Arms of Macclesfield, especially when compared also with the white unicorn (with gold spiral horn) in the Arms of the Borough of Macclesfield. Then, in consideration of the white-on-blue wolf as the arms of Hugh D'Avranches (Ranulf's uncle), the first earl of Chester, note that the Scottish flag is white on blue. Next, consider that the English Stewarts in Shropshire, who lived with proto-Pollocks and Meschins of Shropshire, moved to Scotland to escape the English.

As I attempted to decipher the motto term, "Defens," in the Scottish Arms, I recalled a major point made last night, being very satisfied with the trace of Daphne to Cheshire's DAVENport family, suspecting that the Dunham/Doun/Down surname of Dunham Masci (Cheshire) was related.

As what could be an important aside, I should mention that the Davenports lived in Astbury, near Macclesfield. The point is, the Astbury/Asprey Coat uses horizontal martlets/sparrows, and meanwhile Tim, who has once again been pressing me to look at potential Russell roots, suggested in his last email that I look at the horizontal martlets in the Rusul/Rossal Coat, a surname first found in Shropshire! That was a timely find, Tim, because the Russell Coat uses a red lion AND white scallops on do the Meschins (also first found in Shropshire).

Seeing a Russell link to Meschins becoming stronger now, I do not think it's a coincidence that the Russell motto uses "sara sara," while the Sarah/Sayre surname (derived from "St. Saire") uses the same design as in the Pullen Shield. To prove further that Saires/Sayres were of the Russell clan, the German Sair/Sauer Coat is a red lion on white, the same as the English Russell Coat. We read: "Dieteri Galleri [of the Sua/Sava river, Austria] was the first to take on this [Sauer] name, and according to chronicles, appeared under the name Caspar Sauer as early as 1313." SO, checking for "Gallery" there is found the Galloway surname (of Galloway, Scotland) showing a Galery variation. It uses a blue lion on white, the symbol central to the Macclesfield Arms. Hmm, very good finds, Tim and all. Could be very important later. I recall linking (years ago) the blue lion of nearby Bute, and of the Bruces, to Galloway. In the Wikipedia article on Avranches (Normandy), the Abrin peoples who founded it are said to be Gauls.

I entered "Sava" (after the river) just for fun, and got the Savage/Sauvage surname of Cheshire! Six black lions on white.

The English Sauer surname (first found in Norfolk) shows a Sawyer variation, which made me look at the Saber Coat: a large red scallop on white (Pullen and Romney symbols, Russell colors), and two white stars on black (a Pulsipher symbol) in the Chief. The surname was also first found in Norfolk, so I think it's a variation of the Sawers/Sauers. BUT, the surname is properly, Sabine, Sabin, Saban, the very terms to which I trace Daphne in Abruzzo, Italy i.e. the ancient Sabines. This is not a bad assessment, for I long ago traced Sabines to Savona of Liguria, and meanwhile I've just traced (scallop-using) Meschines back to Ligurians.

The Russell surname is said to be from Roussel, Normandy, yet "Roussel" brings up the Roussillon Coat of Roussillon/Rosellon, France, next to Liguria. In fact, the first Ligurians were on the Rhodanus river flowing through Roussillon. A red lion would be an apt symbol for the Redones of nearby Rodez, founded by the Ruthenes/Russi. Searching "Rodez" brings up a gold lion on red of the Rodez Coat, surname first found in Roussillon/Languedoc.

The point here is that, perhaps, the Redones, or even the Rhodes family (red lion on white like the Russells), passed the red lion to Ranulf le Meschin. I am reminded that the proto-Rus in the Redones have been traced (by me) back to the Danaans of Rhodes, and that Hercules (a chief Scythio-Danaan peoples of Mysia, perhaps even the Biblical Gog) was credited with the expansion to the far west of Europe in conjunction with the "ship of Helios" = the Rhodians. That duo too fits the Meschin-Samson mix found in Cheshire.

In fact, several years ago I traced Daphne peoples to Devon (i.e. like "Daven(port")) in conjunction with the Danaan (= Dumnoni of Devon) that founded the British Danann. Moreover, I traced "Dumnoni" back to the Samnite brothers of the Sabines, and then further back to Timnah, the general area in Israel that was made the home of Samson. Remember, the Davenport Coat uses crosslets used also by the Kennedys who use dolphins, the symbol of Daphne (and Dauphine, next to Liguria).

The red lion in the Crest of the Arms of Scotland holds a "sceptre" in the shape of a mace, the latter being a symbol of the Macy Coat (and of Shala (= Ascalon), wife of Dagon). As the Macys/Maceys were first in Cheshire, they likely were a Meschin branch, wherefore, if it can be proved that the Scottish sceptre was intended as a mace design, then the red lion of Scotland can with some confidence be traced to the lion of Ranulf le Meschin. We read:

"The Sceptre of Scotland was a gift from Pope Alexander VI to King James IV of Scotland in 1494. It was remodelled and lengthened in 1536. It is made of silver gilt, and is topped by a globe of crystal and a Scottish pearl. The Sceptre includes several Christian symbols. Stylised dolphins, symbols of the Church, appear on the head of the rod...and of Saint Andrew holding a saltire."

James IV was a Stewart, as multiple Scottish kings immediately before (going back to the Bruce-Stewarts) and after him. It would be unthinkable for the Arms of Scotland to NOT honor Stewarts with some Stewart symbols. The English Stewarts use a red lion. I traced the proto-Stewarts to the unicorn of Shetland. The Scottish Stewarts use blue and white...on a gold Shield, the color of the Shield in the Arms of Scotland. But never before have I viewed Meschins as possible Stewarts until recent days. The red lion in the Scottish Crest is crowed, thus indicating the Stewart lion nearly for certain. But the other red lion, "armed" with blue tongue and claws, could be the D'Avranches-Meschin mix of Chester. This lion is surrounded by fleur-de-lys, symbol of the Masci/Massey surname of Dunham Masci.

I know that the Masci surname of Dunham Masci was from Hamo/Hamon de Masci, and although I have in the past checked the Hamon Coat, it meant nothing to me then. BUT NOW, the black stars on white of the Hamon Coat are suspect for tracing to Hamon de Masci because these stars were in Cheshire; for reasons to be shown below, I would tie the Hamon stars to the colors reversed in the Pulsipher stars. The surname is more-appropriately "Pulleston," but I continue to use the Pulsipher variation to keep up-front the Pulcifer surname in the founding of Romney, Michigan.

More simply, Cheshire had the Pull/Pole surname, using "Pollet" as a motto term. Let me re-show the Pollet Coat, therefore, because it relates to what I said last night: "I saw the Dunn/Doun sword yesterday (or was it the day before?) and recorded the Coat in the update, but I can't recall which surname used it. Three of the swords were used." I have just come across the three swords in the Pollet/Paulet Coat! That exclamation mark is for finding ties of Obama's Dunham surname to the British Poles/Pollocks.

It's only now that I think I can decipher the "Aymez" term in the Pollet motto. It smacks of Hames, a possible variant of "Hamon," and in checking for the Hames surname, one gets a family with only two variations shown -- Hames and Haymes -- AND ZOWIE using what looks like a variation of the Meschin Coat!!

Note that the Pollet Coat (from which we get the Aymez code) uses the Hames and Meschin colors for the three swords, white on black with gold. The naturally thing to do was to check the Amos surname, and it shows Hames and Haymes variations wherefore it should be a match (entering "Aymes" brings up the same Coat). But the Amis(s) variation smacks of Amison/Amisos, an Amazon city in Cappadocia that was renamed Samsun! This could certainly explain why the Samson-surname Coat uses the Meschin symbols and colors, especially if Meschins are descended from the Meshech=Amazons. Likely, Samsun was named after elements of Samos in Greece, and/or the Armenian god, Sames. The Kabeiri cult was practically founded in Samo-Thrace by proto-Trojans.

To support the Amos/Amis link to Hamon de Masci, the Amos/Amis Coat uses the same bar as the Pullens/Romneys, and with white-on-black symbols (like the Meschins/Samsons). I had looked at the Amos Coat several times over the years when hoping to find links to Hamon de Masci, but never did the Amos surname nor symbols give up any clues to me. It was only now, after coming to it by way of the Pollet code, "Aymez," AND JUST TWO DAYS AFTER INTRODUCING THE SAMSUN/AMISOS TOPIC, that the link to Hamon could be made, AS WELL AS A LINK TO THE SAMSON SURNAME. This is yet another example of how things continue to click along miraculously at what I must gather are, appointed times.

As the Samson cult evolved into the Hercules cult, note the write-up in the Pollet/Paulett page (this is surname using the Aymez code): "They were descended from Hercules, Lord of Tournon, of Picardy in Normandy who arrived in England soon after the Norman Conquest about the year 1100..." (It was this quote that broke open the Pollock link to "Tourn" and "Turin").

The central symbol in the Samson Coat is a match with the only symbol in the Eaton Coat, wherefore it can't be a coincidence that Eatons were first in Cheshire.

Immediately after writing all the above, my mind was turned to another topic, that of finding the Bedewe term in a surname; Bedewe was the alternative name of the city of Merowe/Meroe (now in Sudan), and since I trace the Merovingians from Amorites of that city, it can't be a coincidence that the Salian side of the Merovingian Franks is known to have originated at the mouth of the Rhine, where lived the Batavi(ans). I've held a theory wherein Padua/Padova, where the Abreu surname was first found, links to the Batavians...especially as the Franks traced themselves to the Veneti (Padova is in Venetia). I therefore figure that there should be a surname in honor of Padova, the Batavians, and/or Bedewe. So I entered "Bedow" (not more than a five or ten minutes after writing the paragraph above), and found the Bedow/Beddoe Coat using black boar heads. The surname was first found in Shropshire (!), wherefore the boars may link to the Abreu family because the other symbol used, gold lions on red, are on the Italian Abreu Coat! But since the Bedows were first in Shropshire, that gold lion on red may have been the derivation of the lion of reversed colors of Ranulf le Meschin. From there it may have made it to the Arms of Scotland. If so, the Abreu lion is both a symbol of Scotland, and the red-on-gold lion of England (England's flag was taken from the two lions on gold of Normandy).

What happened above was so right-on-topic, and yet it came about by emphasizing a totally different subject. But that's not the only evidence that the Spirit of God led me to that new topic at that very moment, for as I recalled that the Bed(d)ow (Welsh "ap-Eddow") surname had already been treated in the trace of the Bath (Welsh "ab-Atha") surname, I took another look at the Bath Coat and was stunned: it's the Macclesfield Coat (Cheshire family), roughly!!

The sense now is that the Bath surname is from the Batavians, and that then makes it doubly possible for the Baath-party founders to derive from Batavians/Bedewe. Again, one Baath-party member was Aflaq, while the Meschin symbols are used in the same colors by the Fleck/Flack Coat. There is even a Belgian Fleck surname, very interesting indeed because the Batavians lived in Betuwe, Netherlands, close to the Belgian border. The Fleck surname was discovered only because the Samson surname uses "flagitium" as a motto term. The Belgian Fleck surname has these variations: Fleige, Fleger, Flegin, Flegelberg, Fliglperger, Flogen, Pfleger. This would suggest strongly that the Samson bloodline incorporated the Fleck family. The Netherlands must have similar surnames.

More revelations: as per the Fleger variation of the Belgian Flecks, I entered "Fledger" to get a fat black cross on white, exactly the symbol of the two Baath-party founding surnames, Fleck and Bitar. The Fledgers have the common Fletcher variation; entering "Fledge" brings up the Fleck Coat.

NOW, as per the trace of the Dunham and Randolph surnames to the Meschins of Dunham Masci (not neglecting that the Randolph Shield matches fairly well the Macclesfield Shield), see the bat in the Randolph Crest, and compare with the bats in the Bat/Baat-surname Coat. I think we now know, especially as the Randolph Shield is exactly the Bath Shield, that Randolphs were merged with Batavians, and that the Randolphs were indeed from Meschins who were tied closely with the Bedows of Cheshire...wherefore Ranulf le Meschin -- the likely progenitor of the Randolph surname -- likely borrowed from the Bedow Coat but reversed its colors to create his own Arms. But in order to so borrow, he had to be a part of the Bedow bloodline. The Cheshire/Chesser-surname Coat uses gold lion's paws on red, the Bedow lion colors.

Thus, the Meschins were what I have been slowly suspecting over the past few days, the British-based Merovingians that I have long known were cousins of the Pendragon-Arthurian cult. In fact, I have already traced Pollocks solidly to the Merlin cult, and suggested that "Merlin" represented both the god Mars and the Merovingians. Let me remind you that the Marsi founded Meruvium (in Abruzzo), a Merovee term if ever we saw one. You get it: Merovingians were from the Marsi, and from Padova. In Padova was Abreu=Aphrodite, and the Marsi were her mythical lover, Ares.

I had traced the Marsi to Marseilles (also "Marsiho") at the mouth of the Rhone/Rhodanus, and now I find a Marsi surname with Marseilles variation. It uses a gold fleur de lys. It's now apparent why the Mascis/Masseys use a fleur de lys, if they are part of the British Merovingians. The fleur-de-lys is credited to Clovis, an early Merovingian to whom some Pollocks have traced themselves.

As Hugh D'Avranches had to give up some estates to the Ferrer/Ferrieres family in order to secure the position, earl of Chester, the Randolph horseshoes likely trace to the Ferrer horseshoes. Note that the latter are in Meschin colors, white on black. Likely, the white color traces to France or Switzerland; the French Mars Coat uses white scallops, which might just apply to the same of the Meschins. The Ferrer Crest is a white unicorn, which should be the same in the Macclesfield Crest.

I also get the feeling that Pollocks and Meschins, along with Veres (likewise Merovingian kin), have more to do than mergers with the Merlin cult. They should overlap deeply into the Avalonian bloodline (= the Muses, Morgan, Avellino), and even into the Pendragon bloodline to some extent. Arthur's right-hand knight was Bedivere (!!)...who I have already traced to the Batavians (years ago). This is incredible, coming to mind just now that I suggest a Meschin link to Arthur's line "himself." I get it: Ranulph de Meschin merged with the Bedow/Beddoe surname, that being the Bedivere bloodline. Is that to be understood as BediVere? Yes, clever, but thank you for revealing it, myth writer.

The myth writer made Bedivere the "brother" of Lucan, a wolf term. Wouldn't that be the bloodline responsible for Hugh D'Avranches' nickname, "Lupus." Shouldn't that wolf line be the Ligurians of Cheshire... who took on the English Legh/Ley surname (using the same symbol as Ranulf le Meschin)? AND LOOK: while Leghs were first in Cheshire, the Lucan family of surnames (using black stars) were first found in (neighboring) Shropshire!! Apparently, if the Lys symbol is the holy-grail bloodline of Arthurian myth, then we have just found it in the Bedow-Legh families of Cheshire.

Another mythical name related to Arthur and Bedivere is Kay/Kai. He was made the son of Ector. I think I have found these bloodlines too. The Ector/Heckie-Coat write-up says: "According to Arthurian legend, Sir Ector (sometimes Hector, Antor, or Ectorius) was the father of Sir Kay and the foster father of King Arthur." The Ector surname, in real life, was first found in Angus "well before the Norman Conquest" (the Arthurian period was a few centuries before the Norman conquest of 1066). When I learned that "In the earlier Welsh stories, the father of Kay (Cei) is instead named Cynyr (Kyner)," I found the Kenner surname in Fifeshire i.e. near Angus "well before the Norman Conquest. I am very sure that the Kenners and the Ectors were merged because the gold/yellow bird used by the Kenners is exactly the bird used by the Kay Crest.

In other words, mythical Kay was the Kay family (first found in Yorkshire and showing a Cai variation!)), and mythical Ector/Cynyr was the Kenner/Kinner family merged with the nearby Ectors/Heckies. This exposes that mythical terms were used to represent families/surnames at a time when they didn't think we would have computers to fish the secrets out. This comes on the same day that I linked the Russell surname to the Savage/Sauvage surname so that it's conspicuous that Ector was assigned lands in "Forest Sauvage." Both Savages and Actons/Axtons were first in Cheshire; the Actons were likely Astons (also of Cheshire), and per chance the Ectors were from Actons.

In fact, I've just learned by an accident that the Astbury Shield is exactly the Acton Shield, but Astburys were first in Cheshire. PLUS, the Asbury/Ashbury Shield is identical as well, and it's been stressed a few times before as the Ashbourne surname...linked (by me) to Gascony. This is important, for it wasn't many days ago when the possibility opened up that Ashtons/Astons/Estons were from Basque blood in (Finnish) Estonia. It was LG who tipped me off that there were Basque groups in Finland at the very time that she revealed one of her bloodlines (Falin) being from Vassa, Finland. By that time, I was already certain that the proto-Washington surname, Wassa/Gace, was in honor of the Vascones/Gascones (= Basques) of France/Gaul. I showed that the Ashbourne/Ashbury Coat uses stars in colors reversed from the Washington Coat.

There is another Ector in Arthurian myth (also a knight of the Round Table), this one being "Ector de Maris." He was made a cousin of both Sir Bors and Sir Lionel, what appears to be codework for bloodlines using the boar and lion symbols. Checking the Maris Coat, it's red and white too, and the surname was first in Kent. This is important because "The [red and white] name Acton is of Anglo-Saxon origin and came from when the family lived in the settlement of Axton, in the county of Kent." It looks like the ACTons of Kent gave rise to ECTor de Maris. Ector may be of the Excalibur-sword symbol because the Maris surname is said to be from a Marais location in Calvados (Normandy). I hold the theory that "Ex-CALIBUR" is code for (C)Halybes in Britain. At least one of the Ectors was involved with this sword.

Just as the Astons and Astburys were first in Cheshire, we read later in the Acton write-up: "First found in Cheshire, Shropshire, and Worcestershire where they held a family seat from very ancient times. Sometime before the Norman Conquest in 1066 they held a family seat..." Very good, for the Actons of Axton, Kent, should relate to the Marlay surname, first found in Cheshire, but it's a term found also in Kent, where the Wotan surname was "First found in Kent where they held a family seat at Marlay, before and after the Norman Conquest in 1066." Amazing. I learned of the Wotans of Marlay just days ago. This tends to reveal the Marlays as the Maris'. I am shocked, readers, for after writing that, I find that the Wotan Coat is exactly the Maris Coat (but in different colors)!!!! Note the Moor head in the Wotan Crest. It's the same symbol exactly as in the German Moor/Mohr/More surname.

The Scottish More Crest also uses a Moor head, wherefore Maris/Wotan linkage to Moray seems certain, even as the Randolph surname came to rule in Moray...which was also "Moravia." The Marsi (i.e. close to "Maris"), remember, founded Maruvium, and the Randolphs have just been traced to Batavians, the root of the Merovee-based Merovingians. Apparently, some branch of Ranulph le Meschin -- one using his first name -- came to high-end Moray with the Bedow (Bedivere) bloodline represented in the bat of the Randolph Coat. Let's not forget Mordred, Arthur's mortal enemy. I have yet to expose his bloodline, but we must be coming close.

What you are reading has never been revealed to the public before. The secrets of the Arthurian myth writers are being exposed; their bloodlines are online for all to scrutinize.

The Ector terms were of the Ashton/Aston bloodlines, wherefore I would suggest that the Ector characters were Estonians/Poles. The Acton Coat uses "Vaillance" in the motto, and the Valance surname was found first in Kent! PLUS, on July 1, I wrote:

When I checked for a Gast Coat just now, I got the duckling of the Gas/Gascon Coat. I didn't know until now (and I don't think LG did either) that the Gascon surname included "Gast" in its data bank, but it's wonderful because I was thinking that LG's Gust--- surname was connected to her Falin bloodline (from Vassa, Finland), and now I find that the Gast surname uses the very same duckling as in the Falen Coat!

Amazing, for a variation of Falen is "Valence"!!

There are other Capi-like terms; the Englsih Cape surname, using white scallops (Meschin symbol)! I arrived to this surname after seeing the "Kepe" code in the Kay motto. The Cape family was from Capes, Calvados!! Let me quote from the Meschin write-up:

"Ranulph [le Meschin], 3rd Earl of Chester, who was descended from the Viscounts of Bessin, in the Department of Calvados in Normandy, and who held the honor of Skipton, in Yorkshire, from Richard Banistre, a Norman Baron of Cheshire who also held lands in Capite in Shropshire."

The Kay/Cai surname was first found in Yorkshire, wherefore mythical Kay appears to be of the Meschin fold. And since the Banistres appear to be Meschins too, couldn't Lancelot's father, Ban, represent the Banistre surname? Indeed, the Banister surname was first found in Lancashire, what should relate to "Lancelot."

Keep in mind that surnames may not have been in existence, or at least not wide-spread in what the myth writers lead us to believe were Arthurian times. Surnames were wide-spread, however, by the time Arthurian myth writers wrote their codes.

Now look. In the previous update, I recorded a Cappe/Caper surname, "descended from Le Cappere of Ayncourt, in the bailiwick of Caux, and became Tenants in Chief in Lincolnshire, Northampton, and Cheshire." Caix??? That too is in Normandy, and it smacks of the "Cai" variation of mythical Kay. In fact, another variation used by myth writers is "Kes/Kex," and meanwhile there is a French Caix surname (Languedoc) using Cais and Caisse variations. BEHOLD Wikipedia: "In Arthurian legend, Sir Kay (Welsh: Cai, Kai, or Kei, or Cei; Latin: Caius; French: Keu; French Romance: Queux; Old French: Kès or Kex)..." Also, the Caix surname uses a red lion on gold, the symbol of Ranulph le Meschin. So when we read on Arthur, Kay and Bedivere, we now have a good handle on who they represented.

Thank you, myth writers, for revealing the British dragon. The world can now expose this beast to the bones. We await to discover what bloodline Arthur belonged to. Could it be as simple as the Arthur surname? Variations include: "Archibure, Arthuwire, Artheor, Arthurs, Arture, Harthawr, Artair, Artuir and many more." The Crest is the pelican on its nest, the symbol that I've claimed is code for the Pollocks, and/or Pulls/Pulciphers of Cheshire. The write-up:

"The Arthur family traced their descent from King Aedan Mac Gabrain, King of Dalriada, whose mother was a British Princess, and named his eldest son Arthur, and he was believed to be the first Gael to bear the name. The family name was recorded in the late 6th and early 7th century."

I don't think there were myth writers on the Arthur topic in those centuries. It's hard to know at this point whether the Arthur-related or Arthur-linked surnames developed after the myth writers wrote, or before. Note the Gabrain term of Arthur's father (this Arthur was not necessarily king Arthur; it could have been a later or earlier Arthur of the same family, or just code for the surname itself).

There is a Welsh Gawain surname "derived from Mac-an-Gabhain," and meanwhile there is a mythical Gawain, king Arthur's nephew. Variations of the Gawain surname include Gavan and Gawan, two variations seen in the mythical-Gawain article. "He is almost always portrayed as the son of Arthur's sister Morgause (or Anna) and King Lot of Orkney and Lothian," and was made the brother of Mordred. It's not likely a coincidence that the Gawain Coat uses the same saltire as in the Wotan and Maris Coats.

Keep in mind that the founders of Romulus, Michigan, were, along with Pulciphers and Pullens, the Waynes (who named Wayne county around Romulus). ZOWIE, after writing that, I took another look at the Wayne Coat (forgetting what it was) and found the same pelican (in the Crest) as in the Arthur Crest!!

Recalling that the Daphne cult, and therefore also Daphne's laurel symbol, as in Cheshire, read on the Gawain Crest: "A right hand holding a crown between two laurel branches. The Wayne Coat uses the metal gloves of the Macy/Macey Coat in the Gawain colors, while the Gawain Coat's fleur-de-lys are, in the same colors, on the Masci Coat.

The symbols on the two (Irish and Scot) Arthur Shields are peculiar, and I don't yet know what they are. They are described thus: "three rests, on each, a hurt." The Irish Arthur Crest is: "A falcon volant jessed and belled." The Scottish Crest's pelican is apparently alluded to in the motto term, "impelle." Bingo! The English Pelle Coat uses "A wreath in which there is a gold pelican." The Crest also uses a pelican.

The Pell/Pelle surname is said to be Flemish, though the same write-up claims derivation in "Peter," and I'm not buying that without evidence. More likely, derivation is in the Pull-like surnames of Cheshire. Recalling that the Down/Doun/Dunn surname of Cheshire was connected to the laurel symbol of the Cheshire Davenports, note that the Arthur surname was first found in Berwickshire, where the town of Berwick is also "Duns": "The [Berwick] county was on occasion referred to as Duns-shire or Dunsshire during the Victorian period and after, reflecting the fact that Duns had become the county town." There is also a Duns burgh in Berwickshire. You can see a bear as symbol of Berwickshire, keeping in mind that "Arthur" is commonly defined as a bear.

Seeking the meaning of the three rests on a hurt in the Arthur Coat isn't easy, but fortunately I found the following definition of a rest, and ZOWIE it has to do with an Arthur surname: " the earliest edition of the Hicks arms, the arms of the Arthurs of Clapton, gules [= red], a chevron argent [= white] between three rests (or clarions) or [= gold], are impaled." A Rest is a clarion: "A medieval trumpet with a shrill clear tone." It could be code for the Clare bloodline.

We naturally want to know where the Clapton surname might fit into this, and it turns out to be Danish and/or Saxon, first found in Cheshire. I think that the Clapton entity mentioned in the quote above is in the Cornwall peninsula, for it continues:

"In Collinson's 'History of Somerset' [Cornwall] is a long account of the very ancient family of Arthur of Clapton...The Clapton registers, however, show that [Juliana] was a favourite name in the Arthur family...The [Clapton] manor became at last the heritage of a Mary Arthur, who married William Winter, and so the name died out [after Henry VII of England]...Clapton is a straggling village of thirty-five farms and cottages near Portishead."

Arthurian myth traces half of Arthur's bloodline to a ruler of Cornwall. I've viewed the entire Cornwall peninsula as "Cornwall," though today it technically excludes Exeter and Somerset; I traced the Daphne cult to Devon (anciently "Defnas"), Exeter, and the Dumnonii-Danann were there as well as in neighboring Somerset. The point now is, Portishead of Arthur-surname importance is in Somerset. Keep in mind Dumnonii connections with Brittany, for I trace Arthur's wife, Guinevere," to Gwenea in Armorica/Brittany. Note "Mor(ica): "Their cultural connections, as expressed in their ceramics, were with the peninsula of Armorica across the Channel..." The Stewarts under other surnames were large in Devon and surrounding area, and there should prove to be a very good Brittany-reason for it, which may then be a Dumnonii-reason.

Gwenea, or "Vannes," trace back to the Veneti (Italy), and as such were related to Merovingians. In fact, Morbihan is near Vannes. Guinevere was somehow associated with Cornwall: "Geoffrey of Monmouth tells a different version of Guinevere's abduction, adding that she was descended from a noble Roman family and was the ward of Cador, Duke of Cornwall. Arthur leaves her in the care of his nephew, Mordred while he crosses over to Europe to go to war with the (fictitious) Roman Procurator Lucius Hiberius. While he is absent, Mordred seduces Guinevere, declares himself king and takes her as his own queen..." Mythical "Hiberius" smacks of the Eburovices, who lived in north Italy as well as Normandy. Again, Eburovices trace to the Abreu surname in Padova of the Veneti, north Italy.


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