Previous Update: Feb 9 - 11

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Feruary 12 - 14, 2010

Obama's D'O Bloodline

See February 13 -- 14

February 12

I had traced "(Mag)Dalene" fundamentally to D'Allen, as per branch of the Dol Alans/Allens. I therefore think that there was a D'Allen>Dallen/Dahlen>Dougal evolution of terms, linking with the Innes>Visconti link. This warrants a look at Dougal-like terms. I had already traced them to Doag and Duke. NOW I find that the Duke Coat smacks of the Ottone Coat. As I said, while the first Visconte ruler of Milan was Ottone, the fourth ruler was Azzone. Meanwhile the pine cone/tree symbol was that of mythical Attis who I say depicted the Hatti of Hattusa! Hmm, the father of Attis was made "Cotys." In Thrace, the Cotys cult was evil. I'm thinking that Cotys links to the Cottians and the Cotte and/or Couto surnames.

There is a Cotys surname using a black triple chevron on white. Curiously, however, none of the variations show anything resembling "Cotys," but rather show several Archdeacon variations. They include Dekin, Deckne, and Dicken. These evoke the Dougal>Duke line that I'm entertaining.

NOW BEHOLD. The Cotys term is registered in the Gaut/Cotte family!!

Entering "Deacon" brings up the cross, in the same colors, in the Arms of Milan. Surname variations here (Deakan, Dekne, Diakne) are similar to the ones listed in the Cotys/Archdeacon page. The Rhodes Coat is a virtual copy (i.e. same lions exactly around the same cross) of the Deacon Shield. The Rhodes and Deacon lion is also the Russell lion, of no surprise if Russells were from the Ruthene/Rodez, for the Rhodes surname is from Rodez. As the Rodez lived in Languedoc, note that the French Cardinal surname was first found in Languedoc. The impression is that the Cardinal surname was pontiff-related as per the Archdeacon and Deacon surnames.

The Welsh Matthew Crest (linked earlier with the Mazzis and/or Massis) uses a "moorcock," though at first I thought it was a cardinal. If not for that, I wouldn't have seen the French Cardinal Coat. It uses the same lion design as the Coats above, and is exactly (aside for one color) the Irish Bu gh/Burk Coat.

Recalling my hypothetical trace of the Goz surname to the Burghs/Contevilles, for which I seek details and solid evidence, the Dutch Gues/Goess Coat uses the same lion as above, in the colors of the Dutch Burghs. THIS IS IMPORTANT.

The Irish Burghs/Burkes were first found in GALway. The third Visconti ruler of Milan was Galeazzo (Gal-Azzo?), while the Attis cult was led by the Galli transvestites, priests of the Kabeiri cult of Kybele, wife and mother of castrated/transvestite Attis.

The Archdeacon triple chevron, in Sinclair colors, evokes the triple chevron of the Dutch Burghs (no longer shown at, which is in the colors of the Clare triple chevron. Therefore, if the Clare symbol is rooted in the Sinclairs (very logical though not necessarily true), one could ask whether Sinclairs used a triple chevron too...which they transferred to, or got it from, the (Arch)Deacons.

Gilbert Crispin (who married a daughter of Beatrice Goz) fathered Richard of Tonbridge (Kent), also styled "de Clare," said by some to be the first to be so-called. Richard's grandfather was a Sinclair, and we assume that Clare was a location named, not after Crispin or Richard, but after other Sinclair elements that preceded them. I'm thinking the old Arthurian bloodlines, from Claver/Cleaver/Clap(ton).

If the Goz family was merged with the Burghs, as for example by the link (assumed above) between the Dutch Gues family to the Dutch Burghs, then, ZOWIE, the Burghs and Clares could have sharing symbols in the Sinclair-Goz union above. This is as close as I've come to linking the Clare triple chevron to that of the Dutch Burghs, and frankly it feels correct. It's very possible that Crispin's wife, a Goz, was also a Burgh. But who had the triple chevron first, the Goz', Burghs or Clares??? I dunno, yet.

Why was Richard, who lived in Normandy, placed over Tonbridge in Kent? Did he have relations there? Did the Rollo Sinclairs hold that place in times past? The Tonbridge Coat smacks of yet another Meschin-format. Tonbridge variations are Tonebrige, Tonbrigg, and TunBRICK (!), smacking of Ranulph de BRIQUESsart (father of Ranulf le Meschin, whose mother was daughter of Richard Goz)??? In this picture wherein Briquessart was a Goz (from Beatrice Goz), Ranulf le Meschin was a Goz from both parents, endangering his genes...and passing them permanently damaged to the Meschin family (genes replicate, and damaged genes replicate damaged).

Briquessart is a virtual no-show online. Even the Google maps databank don't know it. It is said to be a few miles south of Bayeux. Possibly, ToneBrige and Briquessart were named after the same family; perhaps the Briggs clan, said to be derived from "Bryggia," and using the colors of the Irish Bricks. (See also the Brigham surname).

In respect of the theory just presented, that the Claptons>Clavers lived in Tonebrige, consider the similarity between the Clapton Coat and the Guiser/Guyser/Gies Coat. The latter surname has a striking similarity with the Burgh-related Gues/Goes clan (i.e. of Holland). There is even a Dutch Claver surname.

The Irish Hand clan shows a Glaven variation, smacking of both "Claver" and "Clapton." This tends to support a Clapton link to the Guiser/Guyser surname all the more, though we can only assume at this point that the Claptons/Clavers were in Tonebrige with the Guiser-branch Goz clans.

The Guiser/Guyser Coat above is German, but, safe to say, it links to the English Guy surname said to be from a Guise location (Normandy, I think). THEN, the write-up links, not only to Burghs, but to Burghs of Kent (!) i.e. where Tonbridge is located:

"[The Guys] were descended from Sir William Gyse...It is believed that Sir William first held the manor of Highnam from Gloucester Abbey but by the later marriage of Anselm Gyse to Magotta de Burgh (Burke,) daughter of the Earl of Kent..."

ZOWIE, Burghs were earls of Kent, and meanwhile I suspect that Richard Tonbridge de Clare was a Burgh on his Goz side. There is more evidence of a Goz-Burgh merger below, where we find that Ranulf de Briquessart married a Burgh: "Richard Goz, Vicomte d'Avranches [father of Briquessart's wife)...strengthened his position at court by securing the hand of Emma de Conteville, one of the daughters of Herluin and Herleve..." Herluin was son of John de Burgh; I've read this and I believe it. Others do not say that Herluin was a Burgh, but instead was a Conteville. If Briquessart was himself a Burgh and a Goz, while marrying a Burgh and a Goz, what did this do the genes of his son? Did it create the Parkinson genes??? In the fourth update of January, I gave reasons why Parkinson's disease traces to Meschins.

There, I have finally found the evidence for what was suspected, that Ranulf le Meschin was from the Burghs. For the reason alone that Ranulph Briquessart married a Burgh line, Ranulph gets Burgh blood. Assuming that it's correct to peg the Briquessart location as a settlement of ToneBrige's Claptons/Clavers, then Ranulph de Briquessart may himself have been of that blood, which would explain the close relationship I've found between Sinclairs -- especially Clairs -- and Meschins. It would also explain the evidences for a close Meschin-Arthurian relationship. It's known that vikings/Northmen were routed out of England by Anglo-Saxons, so that many ended up in Normandy before returning, after 1066, to reclaim their lands. We can therefore expect the Arthurian bloodlines to likewise flee to Normandy, Brittany, and Belgium.

The English Matthew/Matheson Coat is a gold triple chevron on red, colors reversed from the Dutch Burgh or Clare triple chevron. I don't know how to tie the Matthews to the Burghs/Clares, but seeing that the Matthews were of the Massi lines, the Matthew triple chevron may be the evidence of a very close tie between Meschins and Clares. The English Tone/Tonn Coat uses what looks like the letter 'M', as does the Dutch Burgh Coat that has replaced the one with a red triple chevron on gold. The Tone/Tonn surname is said to be from Toni of Normandy.

The same style 'M' as per the Dutch Burghs is use by the German German Duman/Damann surname, which made me suspect that "Ton(bridge" was also a "Domme" term. The German Dommes Coat (the heron) is in Dutch Burgh colors, and was first found in the Rhine region, where the German Burghs were first found. Remember, the Irish Burghs also use the Dutch Burgh colors, and use the Gues/Goes Coat exactly, causing us to suspect the Goz-Burgh merger in the first place.

There is a German/Swiss Sonne surname using only a sun, as if it were derived from "Somme." All the variations shown are Sonnenberg-like, smacking of old "Tonebrigg." The Somes/Soams Coat was found, using 'n' variations (Soan and Soanes) AND the Burgh colors again. They are also the Clare colors, while the Somes/Soans were first found in Suffolk, where Clare is located. The hammers in the Coat are identical to the ones, in colors revered, of the English Martel/Mortel Coat (begins with 'M'); the latter surname was first found in Essex (where Colchester/Camulodunum is), smack beside Suffolk.

As per "SOMES," I thought of looking at the Simms Coat; same colors as Somes, using an axe and ravens, as does the English Jones' Coat and Crest...meaning that the Simms should link to the Jones-related Samsons (= Meschins) and Sams (first found in Essex) surnames that I had in fact link to the "TOMasso" branch of Masos/Massis. The Simms were first in East Lothian, where the Musselburgh location which the same-colored Keiths/Maskalls lived.

The Somes Crest is a bird holding a hawk's lure, the lure used in the Hurl/Hurrel Crest. The latter surname should link to "Herluin" Burgh. The Herl Coat uses yet another Meschin-format, with the duckling seen in the German Thom Coat! IN FACT, the English Thoms/Thomes use the Simms ravens!!

I have found the same ravens in the English Ralph/Randolph Coat (ignore the derivation in "Rand-wolf"). The surname was first found in Norfolk, beside Suffolk's Clares.

The Scottish Ralph/Randolph Coat shows signs of linkage to the Shropshire Meschins, for it uses the same symbol (said to be a water carrier, though I don't see it), as the Banister Coat. Banisters are found in the Meschin write-up, linked to Ranulf le Meschin's holdings. I traced Banisters and Banes' to Ban/Bant, father of Lancelot. Note that the Banes Coat uses (in different colors) the wolf of Hugh D'Avranches (Ranulf's uncle and predecessor), and "arte" in the motto. The French Banes Coat is a red triple chevron (!), on white.

The heron symbol of the Dommes caused a look (days ago) at the Heron surname. The English one is said to derive from "heiroun," close to "Herluin." The Irish one is said to derive from "Hagh(erin), which reminds us of the Hykes/Hacks surname linked fundamentally to the Arthurian cult, especially linked to the Clapton location in SOMERset (see fourth update in January). The Axelrod Coat uses axes, the same design as per the Simms axe. Axelrods were from Hackinsall and Hawkeswell so that a link to the Hykes/Hackes can be assumed, especially now that .

As the Heron surname is said to be from Hagherin>Hearne, a distinct Hearne Coat was found using three red double bars on gold, perhaps linked to the red triple chevron of the Clares/Burghs. The Hearne surname was first found in Kent and Hampshire (!), where Tonebrige and the English Burghs rules respectively. The Irish Hearns/Herons use "ardua" as a motto term, and the pelican-on-nest...used also by the Arthur Crest. Note the Arthur colors, same as Clares; the clarion symbols in the Arthur coat may link. not only to the Clares, but the location of Clare in Suffolk, or perhaps yet another Clare location.

The corner of the Hearn Coat smacks of the Irish Hand/Glavin Coat; the latter surname had just been traced to Tonbridge and the Claptons.

The Irish Hand surname is said be from "The Gaelic word 'flaith, [meaning] 'prince or ruler,' but this name has sometimes been mis-translated as 'hand.'" I beg to differ with the ruler definition, and trace to Richard Tonbridge's wife: "Earl Richard...married Rochese Giffard about 1054 in England. Rochese...was the daughter of Walter Giffard de Bolebec and Agnes Ermentrude Fleitel." Fleitel??? That may not only link to the Flaith/Hand surname, but to the Flaidd term applied to Hugh D'Avranches. After all, the English hands first lived in Cheshire! Remember, the hand symbol, used by the English Hands, is also used by the German Guisers/Guysers first found on the Rhine, where the German Burgs (of the Ezzo clan) were counts. The other Guiser symbol is the cross used by the Claptons. The English Goslings use the same colors.

The Clare symbol is shown on the breast of Gilbert de Clare, father of Richard Tonbridge. Gilbert was the grandson of Richard II of Normandy, and was therefore a Claros, not a Clare-proper by blood. Clares-proper by blood were those Sinclairs who ruled Clare after 1066, but my goose is telling me that the Claros were from older Clare elements. The location of Clare appears, from the following statement, to have been in Suffolk, which is Colchester environs: "From Domesday we learn that [Richard Tonbridge, first Norman ruler of Clare] received in England some hundred and seventy lordships, of which ninety-five were in Suffolk, attached to his Castle of Clare. In Kent he held another stronghold, the Castle of Tunbridge..."

Richard and Rochel de BOLEberg married in Bienfaite, Normandy, where Richard lived. I had traced Polish king BOLEslaw, his son, Bezprym, and their ancestor, Mieszko, to the Bessin where Meschins were from...and where Bienfaite was situated, I reckon, for that's where Saint-Martin-de-Bienfaite-la-Cressonniere is situated. Hmm, the Ralph/Randolph motto is "Cresco Crescendeo." AND, there is a French (Gascony) Bien Coat using some mean crossed axes. Perhaps the Banes apply, for Lancelot was associated with mythical Morgan le Fay, while the French Faite surname shows Fay and Faye variations! The Coat is in Clare/Burgh colors and uses a red fox, perhaps in reference to the Samson-cult symbol.

The Faite/Fay Shield is somewhat identical to the Alan/Allen Shield. The French Allens/Elaines use a duckling too, the same one as per the Meschin-formatted Herl Coat.

I had traces mythical Elaine to the Allens, but NOW there is proof somewhat, for the Elane Coat uses gold oak leaves as do the Allens. PLUS PLUS, the Alane Crest is the Apollo (oak) tree...with nine acorns. I maintain that these nine fruits are the symbol of the nine witches of mythical Avalon, the leader of which was Morgan le Fay!! One mythical Elaine (of Garlot/Gorlois) is Morgan le Fay's "sister," and another the wife of Ban (king of Benwick, near Clare), father of Lancelot.

It should be mentioned that the Alane page shows no such 'n' variations, but rather 'm' terms such as "Elam." This may not be a problem so much as a clue to other links, as we shall see below.

The French Ban/Bant Coat also uses oak leaves!!! Bennets (first in Lancashire, as were the Banisters) use the Clapton cross

There is an Avellino Coat (as per my trace of Avalon and "Apollo" to Avellino (Italy)), which is the Acton Coat, the surname that I've linked to mythical Ector of Arthur's many loves. In myth code, Ban sleeps with the Lady de Maris, who becomes pregnant with Hector, Lancelot's half-brother..." The Maris Coat is a saltire version of the Macclesfield/Sinclair cross, in Macclesfield colors, but also in colors reversed from the Banes triple chevron.

Importantly, the Maris surname was first found in Kent, important not only because Tonbridge is there, but because the Massin/Mason surname was first found there, on the island of THANet. Hmm. The Mason surname uses "DUM spiro spero" (caps mine) in the motto. I await solid proof for a trace to the Massi surname (from Abruzzo>Piedmont), and Massino Visconte in Piedmont.

The Conan Coat is the Sinclair cross exactly, no doubt because Richard II, patriarch of the Clare line to his great-grandson, Richard de Tonbridge, married a daughter (Judith) of Conan I of Brittany/Rennes. The question is, who had the black (devil's color?) cross first, Conans or Sinclairs?

The Conans were first found in KinCardineshire. Hmm, that sure evokes the Cardinal surname (using a white-Shielded version of the Irish Burgh Coat) that I linked earlier in this update to the Archdeacon/Deacon clans. There IS a Cardine surname...using Carden as a variation! It's black and white too (!), with a black wolf head of the Banes wolf design. The Cardens were first found in Cheshire (!!), where Hugh D'Avranches used the same wolf head (in white on blue).

The English Cardinals/Cordinals (first in Suffolk) also use black and white the Shield of which could be colors reversed from the Irish Conan Shield. I'm convinced already that Conans and Cardines/Cardens and Cardinals were merged. The Cord Coat uses the same spear tips (with red hearts of Douglas, likely) as the Cheshire Cardines/Cardens.

The Archdeacons use a triple chevron in the same black and white colors. BUT, I NOW SEE that the Cardinal motto uses "L'ame," smacking of the Alane variations, which in their entirety are like so: "Elam, Ellam, Ellams, Ellum, Elham, Elhame, Eleam, Elleam, Elums, Elames and many more." The Elane/Elam Coat is likewise black and white. A trace to ancient Elamites might be feasible. I trace the creators of Kabala, and even Zeus, to Elamites/Delymites, which reminds me that I have read CC's email in which she urges me to consider the Hagar (mother of Ishmael) trace (of others) to some ancient Gerr-like peoples from Dilmun/Telmun (Ishtar, Enlil, et al, were from Dilmun, now Bahrain). I read the email just as I was on the Dolman surname. Hmm. Dol, Brittany, from Dilmun elements???

Richard Tonbridge de Clare married Rochese Giffard. The Gifford Crest uses a gold rooster, as does the Sinclair Crest. Note the Gifford motto phrase, "Malo Mori," no doubt linking to the More ruled by the Claros (later "Sinclair").

The French Gay Coat also uses a rooster, which, because a chicken is a "galina" in Italian, should be a symbol of the transvestite Galli cult of Kybele. The latter goddess, known to be Ishtar, the Great Mother goddess, is the term that is, surely, indication of the Kabalists. At the top of this update, I had traced the Archdeacons et al to the Galli/Kybele cult, but only as per the trace of the Visconte rulers of Milan to that cult. The Guy surname was first found in Savoy, i.e. in that very Massino Visconti theater.

It is known that the Galli used a coiled serpent, as did the Cadusii Armenians...who lived smack beside Delymites! I trace the Cadusii to Hattusa, city of the Hatti, who were mythical Atti(s), mate of Kybele. That is too neat to be coincidence, especially as the Viscontis also use a coiled serpent! The Massi trace to the Massins/Masons means what we all suspected, that Freemasons are, by and large, a cult of Jesus-mocking unrepentant faggots who would have your sons, but in the meantime corrupt your daughters too, who make adultery as common as a night on the town. For their deeds done in darkness, Armageddon cometh. If the deeds of these snakes don't anger you, you've been brainwashed by their homophobia schemes. They would like us not to condemn them, but it's God who condemns them, and we speak for Him.

We would expect the Galli in Galicia, perhaps in all the important Galicia locations. But is "Alan" a silent-capital "Galli." Is it a coincidence that "Dolman" smacks of "Dilmun/Telmon while The Elaine surname that brings up the Alan Coat is likely the Elane clan using "Elam.," One website claimed that Delymites were Elamites. The Dolman Coat uses gold garbs on blue, the color of the garbs in the Arms of Cheshire, thus making the proto-Stewart of Dol link to the Meschins that one can surmise in various ways.

The Dol-Alan link to Massino-Visconte is again apparent where the Dole Coat uses the stump of a grape vine (Dionysus symbol, I think), for the Italian Milan-surname Coat uses a stump. That argument assumes that the German Doles are after Dol-Brittany elements. The German Milner wolf is exactly the Wales-Crest wolf, while another German Dol surname uses a whale. Possibly, "Wales" is a variation of "Gali>Alan."

I'm suggesting evidence that the Milners, part of the Rhodes Illuminati, were not named after a mill or a miller, but ultimately after Milan elements. There is an English Miller surname (first in Suffolk) using the D'Avranches wolf in colors reversed from Hugh (of Cheshire).

The Scottish Millers use "coelo" for a motto term? You may have read me where I linked the Kyle/Coel surname to the king Kolodziej, founder of the Piast dynasty that brought about Mieszko, Boleslaw and Bezprym. Is it a coincidence that Kolodziej was styled the "wheelwright," while both the "Jewish" and German Millers/Milners use a cartwheel? Is it another coincidence that the Kyles were from king Cole of Colchester, in the Clare-of-Suffolk theater, and that the English Millers (of D'Avranches links) were first found in Suffolk?

You may recall (yesterday, I think) that the Doeman Coat is essentially the Dolmam Coat, but with the Rothschild symbol in the Crest. The Doe surname is apparently linked as per the gold garb in the Crest (The Dolman symbol). Interestingly, the Doe write-up traces to "D'O" i.e. "of O." I doubt that derivation (because a trace to Doeman/Dolman is obvious), but the family may have adopted the idea. The Dowman variation of the Doemans explains why the Dow Coat has the Doeman and Dolman double dancette.

As we know by now, the Doe/Dow dancettes are in the colors of the Dunham/Downham dancette leading to Obama...and his Big-O logo. Hey, hey. Now we know why he used the O-logo.

The Doe Coat comes up when entering "Doh," suggesting links to "Dohl" and perhaps "Dahl/Dahlen." The latter surname was just linked to the Dougals (much like "Dohl") and Dukes, and in that discussion Dougals of Angus/Innes were linked fundamentally to the Massi/Mathie surname from Massino Visconte. As a reminder, the Dukes use big-Os in the colors of the big-Os of the Italian Ottone surname, that of the first Visconti ruler of Milan.

The thought came to mind at this point to try "D'Ottone"...and the English Dotton Coat was found, using nothing but the Sinclair cross! THEN, in the same colors, the Welsh Dote/Dodd surname using a gold garb (same as the Doe crest and the Arms of Cheshire and the Arms of Macclesfield), and first found in Cheshire!!

The derivation of Dote/Dodd from a bald person is the same sort of garbage everywhere in heraldryland. The Doe/Dow/D'O Coat and Crest is an obvious replica of the Dote/Dodd Coat and Crest.

[End update]

PS -- The Done/Doune surname should have been the Cheshire-based Dunham family. The motto, "omnia mei dona Dei," smacks of the Dumnonii/Domnann Danaans. [End PS]

February 13

I had better get you all some news, even though there's not much. But before getting to that, I want to report that the origin, or at least the family bedrock, of the Tonebrigg term has been found, I think. The theory yesterday was that Tonbridge was named by a Domme/Somme-like family that developed into "Tun/Ton." The Somes/Soan surname below was first in Suffolk, where Richard Tonbridge ruled Clare, the theory being that the family(s) named in honor of Tonbridge elements were also, understandably, in the Clare region. Let me repeat a bit from yesterday:

There is a German/Swiss Sonne surname using only a sun, as if it were derived from "Somme." All the variations shown are Sonnenberg-like, smacking of old "Tonebrigg." The Somes/Soams Coat was found, using 'n' variations (Soan and Soanes)..."

We can assume that the Sonny surname is from the idea of "sunny," but, the problem is, variations mainly use "Stone" and "Stane," with just one t-less term shown: "Sonney." A point of added interest is that the surname was first found in Cheshire -- as were the Pulls/Pules -- and the Coat is in the style of Pullens (and Romneys), scallops and all. Tonbridge is inland, on the outskirts of greater London, but it's not far from coastal Romney. By zooming in on the map above, you can see Somerhill park on the southern side of Tonbridge.

After logging off yesterday, I tried "Sunny" and found a very convincing Coat, in the gold-on-blue colors of the Sonny Coat. This time, there are no Stone/Stane-like variations, though, once again, there are a couple of 'm' versions: Somin and Somings. So far so good, but one look at the Sunny Coat shows it to be a colors-reversed version of the Tonbridge Coat, and using suns instead of crescents. It's also evocative of the Meschin Coat.

Figuring that there should be some D versions of Sunny variations, I spotted "Sunin" and entered "Dunin." Bingo. A Dunning/Douning/Downing surname first found in Shropshire, smack beside Cheshire. The Coat could be construed as a black-on-gold lion, the Sam/Sammes symbol. The Studiis motto term of the Dunnings prompts a look for a Stude Coat: the same gold and black colors. I recall tracing Stewarts to Stout-surnamed vikings, while the Stout surname (colors of the Sonny/Sunnys) has a Stow variation.

I tried "Donning," finding a Coat remarkable similar to the Stude Coat. Variations here include Downing, Duning and Douning, wherefore it's the same Dunning family that used the Studiis motto term, you see.

The question now is whether Dunnings named Tonebrigg. There IS (!) a Dunbridge surname...with Dunbrigg variation!! Dunbriggs were first found in Pembroke, where the Clares ruled solid. Curiously, there are two Dur-using variations: Durbridge and Durbrigg. This reminds us of the Dunholme location that became Durham.

NOW, I had traced the Massi surname of Italy to Mathie clans from Germany to Ireland, one being the Massins/Masons of Kent and another to the Scottish Mathesons/Mathies. The latter shows no 's' versions such as Massi, but entering Masson brings both it and the Kent clan up. It also brings up the French Mason surname, first found in Provence i.e. near Massino Visconte.

With a trace of Tonbridge to the Dunnings/Dunhams of Shropshire and Cheshire, we expect some Meschins in Kent. I'm confident now that the blue-on-gold Massin/Mason surname of Kent is in the colors of the Dunhams. Meschins have already been traced to the Woten surname of Kent, at Marlay. The Wotan Coat is a Sinclair (or is it a Conan?) cross in saltire. I had found the very same one yesterday, and checking just now, it turns out to be the Maris Coat...of Kent! I've wondered whether Ottone Viscontis was named after Odin somehow.

It's probably not coincidental that the French Marris/Maures/More surname uses scallops...white on blue, perhaps the first time that I've seen the Patterson-colored scallops since introducing Pattersons. They were found a few days before introducing Patterson in the Blois Coat, in the colors of the counts of Blois.

The design in the Arms of Blois looks like the Pullen-et-al design. The Sonny Coat uses the Blois/Pullen design but with gold scallops on blue. As there is the sense that the Sonny surname was involved in Tone(brigg) elements, the French Marris' likely link with the Maris' of Kent. If therefore the Maris/Marris clan was the representation of mythical Maris, the Pattersons should link to that part of the Arthurian cult. This works, for the Lady of Maris was made to give birth to Ector, and the Ector surname uses a Heckie variation; Pattersons have been linked in multiple way to the Hycks surname. Amazingly, as per the Sonny link to this part of the cult, the Ector/Heckie Coat uses a sun.

Even the Patterson write-up links the surname to Patricks, who use a black saltire cross...just like the Maris clan of Kent! The Patricks were also first found in Kent!!

I seek the blue lion on gold used by the Massin/Masons of Kent. The first one I got to in checking my files was the Louvain surname..."First found in Kent where they held a family seat as Lords of the Manor"! An article shares: "Jocelyn de Louvain, half-brother of Queen Adeliza...His descendants also bore the blue lion rampant, but on a gold field."

A related article:

"...As we have seen, [the blue lion on gold Arms] were the arms also of the senior Bruce, Jacques de Breze, in Normandy, while with a silver field they were the arms of the senior Bruce in England."

The writer traced the Bruce lion to Bruges, Belgium. With that in mind, let me repeat that the Massi surname was first found in Abruzzo. AND, at the Abreu/Abruzzo page, we read: "One [Abruzzi] branch is claimed to be descended originally from Bruggia of Bruzi in Ferrara." For the first time, I've just found an alternative Abruzzo Coat by entering "Bruzi."

I can't find anymore blue lions on gold, in all my files, except the ones in the Arms of Denmark and Estonia, and on the shield of Geoffrey Plantagenet at his Wikipedia article. The symbol was also used by Templars, or so I have read. The idea coming to mind is that Templars were fundamental to the Massin/Mason surname in Kent, and their Abruzzo branches. The white rose used by the French Masson/Mason Coat should trace to the Ebroicum Celts, founders of white-rose Eboracum/York, a town of the Brigantines in early Roman times. It was also called, "Hebrauc." The vikings changed it to "Yorvik."

It appears that the Ebroicum were the Brigantians, which then begs a question about the "brigg" ending of "Tonebrigg." We are also reminded of the Brigantinos of Coruna (Galicia, Spain) in which the Pattersons and Meschins seemed important. ALSO, the Patterson and Meschin links to the Russells suggests that the red and white roses of Lancaster and York were from the Russells among the Abruzzo-based Massi bloodline. That would define Rosicrucianism's founding in a nutshell.

The white of Savoy/Piedmont comes to mind, which color would have found it's way over the border to western France (France typically uses white symbols when not using the Anjou blue and gold)...immediately north of red-Rus Languedoc. Meschins were linked to Rutherfords/Rutters/Rudders and, further north in blue-lion country, the Rothes family among the Pollocks proper, whom I have argued were the proto-Rothschilds.

Perhaps the biggest news today, for those looking forward to the end of the tribulation period, is that globalists cannot control the world. They want to, but they cannot. It was just a year ago when they were drawing up the blue prints for the O-topia. Now, they're wondering how soon to make the O walk the plank.

Senator Jay Rockefeller (West Virginia) has just said that Obama is not believable to him anymore. Perhaps it's a warning to Obama from the Rockefeller head cheeses. Perhaps Obama is resisting the will of the head cheeses...because Obama can't afford a downward direction in the polls any longer.

The O has given the cry of charge to the war machine in southern half of Afghanistan. Nothing should be expected but greater anger in those who hate America. In Iran, he has given the cry to those who wish to topple Ahmadinejad. Time is running short, he thinks rightly. He cannot control things, he well knows. If he could just come out of this looking half decent, he hopes.

I think trickery lurks in his heart. In Obama I see a dangerous man, who will seek to destroy his opponents at home and abroad. The world is becoming suicidal, so to speak, on the political level; an all-or-nothing spirit is taking hold of globalists. They have seen the obstacles, and they want them removed. We Christians are the obstacles. It's the Christians who have robbed Obama of his honor, who now threaten to take his upper hand away as early as the end of this year. That's how the Left view things.

The humbling of Obama comes with virtually no news in globalism. The Al Gores are in-hiding. Even Israel is quiet, and her enemies passive-regressive. I call the tiny nation a "her" because she is an adulteress, wishing to be honored by the pagan nations. God knows what I mean to say. Europe, the enemy she doesn't recognize, seems to be on vacation. Perhaps it's the winter blues. In Iraq, a winter storm looms:

"Al-Qaeda's leader in Iraq threatened military action in a bid to prevent a parliamentary election being held next month, as official campaigning started in the country [yesterday].

Abu Omar al-Baghdadi warned in an audiotape that his Al-Qaeda front, the Islamic State of Iraq, had 'decided to prevent the elections by all legitimate means possible, primarily by military means,' US monitors SITE said.

Baghdadi condemned the March 7 general election as a political crime plotted by Iraq's Shiite majority, according to the 34-minute recording posted on jihadist websites and picked up by SITE."

It could be hot air, or it could be the eye of the hurricane. Perhaps Obama has been humbled for the purpose of making Gog confident, to decide that the time is right and safe to go for it in Iraq.

February 14

If the Flintstones were not enough, now there's Elmer Fudd, Daffy Duck, and Bugs Bunny acting as codes for certain families. But if that's true, a slew of other cartoon characters were named after pagan elements of Rosicrucians. The findings were so deep that it made today's update too long, so the cartoon codes will have to wait for tomorrow.

It all started when realizing that the Brigantians are a new topic of focus after the Richard ToneBRIGG and Ranulph BRIQUESsart traces to the Abreu-Massi clans, from the Ebroicum Celts...whom I see in Cheshire as the D'Avranches and Meschin surnames. The first place to investigate Brigantians is in the Briggs surname. The pelican in the Crest reminds us that this is part of the Rus Arthurian cult tied to the Pollocks and Pattersons. The Motto, "Fortiter et Fideliter," should be code, for one, of Pollock roots in the Fort surname. But also for the Fiddle and Fido surnames that were previously linked to Obama's Wolfin>Wolfley line to Cheshire. That's where Elmer Fudd came into my mind.

I can't see what symbols are on the Brigg Shield (Bruce colors), but the fact that they were first in Yorkshire speaks well to their being the Brigantians of proto-York, Eburacum/Eboracum. The write-up must be knowingly deceptive to trace to a "bridge," therefore.

The Fort Coat uses "Fortis et Audax" as a motto, reflecting the Pollock motto term, "Audacter." The French Forts (first found in GUYenne) use the same bird as the Kay and Kenner surnames (mythical Kay's father, Ector, was also "Cyner/Kyner"). The Fiddler/Fidelow Coat uses nearly the same wolf-head design, red on white, used by the D'Avranches family; IN FACT, a white-on-red wolf was used by Hugh D'Avranches son, Richard, which son was the predecessor (as earl of Chester) of Ranulf le Meschin (also styled "de Briquessart"), this all being Obama's bloodline to Cheshire through his Dunham>Randolph surnames.

One suspects that there has got to be some connection of these wolves to the Wolleys/Wolfleys of Cheshire, for Obama has been traced (by me) independently to the D'Avranches>Meschin line on the one hand, and the Wolfley line on the other. The Wolfley wolf is in colors reversed from the Hugh-D'Avranches wolf.

By the way, Hugh's wolf symbol is said to be called "Flaidd," while the Flood Coat uses very similar wolf heads. The motto uses "Vis," while the Coat is in the color of the original green Visconti snake. The motto also uses "fortior," while the Fort family is about to be linked (below) to the Viscontis.

The same blue-on-white colors of the Wolfleys are used for the lion of Macclesfield, which then evokes the blue lion of the Kent Massins/Masons. Hugh married a gal from Claremont, likely associated with, if not the same as, Clare in Suffolk. Richard ToneBRIGG had the same given name as Hugh's son, while Hugh's sister married Ranulph de BRIQUESsart. Richard Tonebrigg was a ruler also in Clare! It would appear that Hugh and his wife named their son, Richard, from a bloodline close to Richard Tonebrigg.

I can't recall the details, but Obama's great-grandfather (in Germany) to the eighth generation, Johannes Wolfin (his family changed to "Wolfley"), was linked (by me, not others) to Fichtenberg (Germany), what may have become the Fiddle/Fidelow surname. In any case, there is a MontFICHET/Montfiquet surname, first found in Essex (beside Suffolk/Clare), that curiously uses a Muschat/Muschet variation...wherefore the family was a Meschin fold linked to Fichtenberg elements (the son of Ranulf le Meschin was styled "de Gernon," while the Gernon family was first found in Montfichet, Bessen). In consideration of the red triple chevron of the Clares, I don't think it's a coincidence that the MontFichets use a red triple chevron (on white)!

Both Fichtenberg and the Ficthen surname use pine trees. But so does the Tanner Coat that is brought up when entering "Tonne"!! Moreover, recalling from yesterday's trace of "Tonebrigg" to Som/Son elements (i.e. either 'm' or 'n' spellings), with suspected roots in "Dommer" elements, see that entering "Tonner/Tonn" brings up the Toner/Tonry surname derived from the Norse, "TOMer."

AND, it was suspected that the Tanner surname was from the "tanner of Falaise," the one who fathered the daughter whom mothered William the Conqueror. That mother later married Herluin de Conteville/Burgh. It would appear that Tonebrigg developed its "Ton" from the Tonne/Tanner bloodline. BUT, I am also quite sure that the Dunnings/Dunhams were involved with "Tone(brigg)," meaning that Dunhams, and therefore the D'O/Doe surname, developed from the bloodline of the Conqueror's mother. It's a theory, anyway.

The Tonne/Tanner Coat uses pine cones, and linkage of that surname to the Montfichet/Muschet surname is made more certain because the same pine cones, nearly, are used by the Italian Maschi/Masskaly surname. The latter uses a gold lion on blue, potentially link-able to the blue-on-gold lion of the Massins/Masons of Kent (for new readers, Tonbridge, anciently Tonebrigg/brick is in Kent).

The pine cone was the symbol of Attis, whom I liked a day or two ago to the Viscontis of Massino Visconti (region in Piedmont), who were the roots of the Kent Massin/Masons, I am certain. On January 9, the Pollocks>Paulet>Fort bloodline was traced to the Scottish Turin surname, and therefore the suspicion was that the family also traces to Turin...the capital of Piedmont.

The Turin Coat smacks of the Italian Fort Coat. The latter's Shield is that of the Dol Alans. This recalls my trace of Massino/Massi to the Dol Alans. The Italian Forts were from Ferrara, close to Rimini where the Maschi/Masskaly surname was first found. BUT, Ferrara is the location in which Bruggia of Bruzi is found, the Bruce family that in the Belgian/Bruges domain used a blue lion on gold, same as the Massins/Masons, and colors reversed from the Maschi/Masskaly lion!!! All this shouldn't be coincidental.

The English Forts "are believed to be descended from the Norman noble, William de Fortibus." I touched on the Bus surname not long ago because of the "omnibus" motto term in the English Asch Coat (I also saw a "bisse" code in that motto that should link to the Visconti biscione (a green snake, now blue) because the Bisse Crest uses green snakes! The first point is, the German Asch Coat is a white-on-red triple chevron, perhaps linked to the red-on-white triple chevron of the MontFICHETS/Muschets (i.e. who should link to the pines of the Fichtels/Fichtens and Maschis/Masskalys, the latter then linking to Massino Visconti).

The Singletary Coat (surname changed to "Dunham") is also a white triple chevron on red.

That first point sets up the second: the German Bus Coat uses a cross that is also the Arms of Milan (where Viscontis ruled), as well as a black eagle on gold, the symbol both in the Arms of Visconti (scroll down the page) and in the Massi/Matti[M]assi Chief!!

By the way, the black horse on gold in the Italian Fort Coat is the Ferrari (the car) logo, thus clinching a Fort-surname link to Ferrars.

Therefore, the English Fort/Fortibus surname appears linked both to Turin and the Massino Visconte entities of Piedmont. Ditto, therefore, for the Pollocks, a sept of the Maxwells=Meschins. The Ferrers/Ferriers (of Hugh D'Avranches associations), who were merged with Obama's Dunham>Randolph ancestry (because, for one of multiple reason, Ferrers and Randolphs share horseshoes), were likely from the Fort clans of Ferrara. Whether we enter "Ferrer/Ferrara/Ferrari," a gold-on-blue lion comes up, the same as the Maschi/Masskaly lion, wherefore the Massin/Mason lion, and bloodline, must link to Ferrara.

It's not likely a coincidence that those are the Anjou and Merovingian colors. Not only did I trace the Merovingian capital, Reims, to Rimini elements, but the Veres have disclosed to us that Anjou was founded by mythical Melusine elements, which snake-tailed goddess appears (with a fish tail) as the Massin/Mason Crest.

I'm not kidding that the Loonie Tunes cartoons are based on the very bloodlines being stressed in recent weeks, and serve to reveal Polish-Transylvanian lines of Saracens to the Lanarkshire Vere-Meschins (of Blackwood) that went on as the Moray Randolphs. Tomorrow.

But what I can say now, since the update is already written, is that the Saracens will be traced to, not only the Bugs surname, but the Matlegh/Matley surname (first found in Cheshire). I kid you not that, a moment ago, as I went to fetch any news for today's update, I came on the article below stressing the Baathist situation in Iraq. The apparent leader of the Baathists is one Mutlaq. I of course rejected the idea off the bat (pun intended) that he could be linked to the Matle(i)gh, but then re-considered.

Since Saracens were the true Arabs, and since God will likely allow Saracens rule over Jerusalem in the last days, they should prove to link both to the False Prophet and to the anti-Christ. I've got to ask myself if this Matlegh-Mutlaq coincidence today isn't a coincidence. In fact, I think it was either in today's update or tomorrows that a fat black cross on white was come across (I can't recall what surname), the symbol of the co-founding surnames of the Baathists. Plus, the Saracen (actually, the Sarasin surname) topic tomorrow will trace them to Arpad in Syria, and original Baathists were a product of Syria.

The Arpad founders trace further back to Arabkha, what is now Kirkuk, and the true Arabs from that place were also linked to Mosul, I'm sure, in the founding of "Muslim." Amazingly, the Matlegh surname was a Meschin branch from the Massi>Mathie clan, but one that is defined as the English Meschins high-tailing it to Scotland...which then brings up the Meschin branch at Musselburgh! That was in Lothian, where the Russell Rus must have been i.e. at Roslin. So, if Gog is to be a Russian, he would link back to Roslin elements, and meanwhile his Baathists supporters would link back to the Meschin-fold Saracens. It's completely awesome, a story that seems to know no bounds.

I even traced the Mathies very recently, to Angus, without thought for the Baathist surnames of Angus! One co-founding surname was Aflaq, same ending as "Mutlaq." The Scottish Aflack surname was not only first found in Angus, but in Ayrshire, and tomorrow you will see that the Sarasins were in Ayrshire as the Carricks. We're keeping in mind that the Flecks use the Meschin scallops.

More interesting yet is that Polish-Transylvanians that founded Moray via the Matlegh clan will be revealed (tomorrow) as Sarasins that shared the red-on-white heart of Lanarkshire...because it also belongs to the French Sauvage Coat (the 'u' must be entered to find this Coat). But that had already been written before I got to this hour's Baath topic, BEFORE re-viewing the Bitar Coat just now, red hearts on white surrounding the black cross!!! The other co-founder of the Baathists had a Bitar surname, you see. The Bitars were first found in Fifeshire, just south of Angus.

There's not much to report in the news. We're waiting for the Iraq situation to become meaningful. The direction is still right for a Baathist attempt at toppling Maliki.


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