Previous Update: Feb 1 - 4

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Feruary 5 - 8, 2010

The Hyksos Danes

See February 6 -- 7 -- 8

February 5

Yes, it's true, the O-Biden team is behind the push to allow Baathists to run:

"Iraq's prime minister says he will not allow the U.S. ambassador to meddle in an effort to bar hundreds of candidates from running in March parliamentary elections because of suspected ties to Saddam Hussein's regime.

...Al-Maliki said [today] that the ban on the candidates should be implemented and that Iraq must not bow to U.S. pressure."

The U.S. ambassador is Christopher Hill. The Hill Coat uses the base of the Moreno/Moratin castle! The Hill motto is "Avancez," perhaps code for "Avranches."

The Moratin/Moor emphasis on north-west Africa in the past couple of days may be Directed, for Tim has landed another major key, apparently, in finding the Sarazaein Coat. Tim has been interested in the Russell surname with "Che sara sara" motto term. Variations include Sarazin and Sarasin, the Muslim people whom the Templars fought:

"Saracen was a term used by the ancient Romans to refer to people who inhabited the deserts near the Roman province of Syria and who were distinct from Arabs...

...One of earliest references is in Ptolemy's Geography, which refers to a Sarakenoi people living in the north-western Arabian peninsula, and distinct from Arabs. The term spread into Western Europe through the Byzantines and Crusaders. After the rise of Islam, and especially at the time of the Crusades, its usage was extended to refer to all Muslims, including non-Arab Muslims, particularly those in Sicily and southern Italy.

In Christian writing, the name was interpreted to mean 'those empty of Sarah' or 'not from Sarah'..."

This would be a good mystery to crack, especially if Sarasins represent the Sara code and therefore merged with the Russell clan...said by some to be one of the elite Illuminati families. I went back to take a look at the Sarah Coat (like the Pullen/Romney Shield), and as per it's Sayer variation, I tried for a Sager Coat find two green snakes entwined around a gold scepter (also uses what I consider to be a mainline Rockefeller "rook-ended" cross, in Rockefeller colors). This was amazing, not only because green snakes have cropped up in the last few days as never before, but because Tim's email, the very one sharing the Sarasin surname, urged me to emphasize/consider a mythical Asclepios trace to my current topic. In Greek myth, Asclepios is depicted as a single serpent entwined around a staff, evocative of the two serpents of the Hermes caduceus. It is known that this symbol was used by the Galli priests who oversaw the Kabeiri cult (think Aphrodite and HephAESTUS) at Samothrace and Lemnos, but also in the Thebes ruled by mythical of CADmus' serpent cult.

In myth, Cadmus and his wife, Harmonia (= Armenians), daughter of Ares, entered Europe as two idea that sits well if they were the Cadusii Armenians represented by the caduceus staff. I'm convinced, and assume that one of the serpents was an Asclepios entity, which I tend to view as Ashkelon/Ascalon elements...meaning that they should link to the Basques. In fact, since the character was also "Aesculapius" (Latin), he likely traces to the escallop symbol of the Meschins, and ZOWIE folks, the Saracin surname uses a white fat cross on red, the symbol of both Macclesfield and the Scottish Randolphs. This could be better deemed a coincidence if not for the emphasis on Macclesfield and the Randolphs in the last couple of weeks.

PLUS, in the past few days, a green snake has been cropping up; one is found in the Garant surname, first found in Shropshire (where Meschins were first found). Couldn't "Garant" be a had version of "Sara"? Indeed, another surname using the green snake is Schere!! Add that to the fact that Sager/Seager/Sarah also uses the serpent, and one has reason to link Schere to "Sager." The German Sagers were first found in Pomerania.

The question now is whether I was correct to trace the "Che sara sara" to the Sawyers. If so, then Sauers/Sawyers too are of the Sarasin fold. The English Sauer/Sawyer Crest is a talbot dog, linking to Ranulf le Meschin's wife (with Taillebois surname). The Sauer motto uses "Cherches," what could be a hard-C version of the Sarakenoi term. If so, then we can seek Saracins in Carak/Carac-like terms.

I kid you not that, while it was looking dim for a Carak-like surname to exist, it took just one minute to realize the Carrick surname...because I had just dealt with it days ago! Not only did I trace Carrick to the immediate ancestry of the Moray Randolphs, but ZIKERS, the Carrick Coat uses talbots!! You may recall that, immediately after dealing with the Carricks (earlier in this update page), I dealt with the related Mure surname, and traced them to the Moors and Moreno clan!!! I'm shocked, Tim, really shocked. God wants people to know this. Both the Carricks and Mures were first in Ayrshire, to where I traced the European Ismaelites, wherefore we may ask whether Saracens were Ishmaelites.

The reason that it took me a minute to think of Carrick while thinking up Carak-like terms is that the first term to come to mind was a "d" version, and therefore "Drake." The Drake Coat uses the red wyvern that has been seen in some Crests lately, AND the motto includes the phrase,
captat muscas,"
evoking the Meschins of Macclesfield, for the Macclesfield Arms uses Capia as a motto term, and meanwhile Meschins had been traced to multiple Capi-like terms. The Macclesfield article admits: "There is evidence that the [Macclesfield] borough had originally been founded by Ranulf III, Earl of Chester..." He did not found the name of the city, however, as it goes back to pre-Conqueror times, I think. Possibly, he was named after the city. There in these Arms you see the cross used by the Saracin surname, and the Macclesfield surname. I'm wondering whether a Maxonian, i.e. an inhabitant of Macclesfield, is the term from which "Mason" derived. The white cross on red was the Templar symbol...that became the flag of England.

I trace "Dragon" to "Thraco/Thrace," and the latter spelling easily transforms into "Sarakenoi." Thrace was ruled by mythical Ares = the proto-Rus peoples (!!), which should explain why the Russell Coat uses "Che sara sara." I have previously identified the Ares dragon as Arphaxadite "Hebrews" from Arrapha (now Kirkuk), a city of old Assyria also called "Arabkha." I had found good reason to trace Ishmaelites to the Arabkha region, but decided not to stress that theory until solid evidence should be found. I trace the founding of Arabs to Arabkha, and the founding of "Muslim" to nearby Mosul.

I expect, therefore, the European Saracins to be merged with Arpad entities. I traced Syrian Arpad ("Arados" in Greek) entities in two main directions (Saracins were in Syria, keep in mind), one to the Rhodes>Redone>Varangian-Rus line. Likely, the Russell surname was born in Redone realms in Roussillon (Spanish "Rosellon"), which then evolved into Roslin elements, I figure, in Lothian...smack beside the Meschins of MUSSELburgh!! Hard as it is to understand, I will maintain the theory that Meschins were from the Meshech>Mysian Aryans, meaning that I will trace "Muslim" to a Meshech merger with Arabs (in myth, Arabus was made a son of Hermes). I do not think that Ishmaelites were Arabs, but rather they were Hebrews on one side, and, on the other side, whatever peoples Hagar represented.

Just found more talbots, in the English Crag/Cragg Coat! AND to prove that Carricks were linked to Cheshire Meschins, I've just found the Kerrick surname...who "resided in the village of Kerridge found in the parish of Prestbury in the county of Cheshire"!! The prest code has come up a few times. Hmm. I checked the Presley/Priestly Coat because I had traced the prest code to that family. I could not recall what the Presley Coat used, and when it popped up, thundering horsemen, the Drake red wyvern (!) AND the "caltrap" symbol found in the Kerrick Coat!! At the page where the caltrap term is found, the Presley symbol (shaped exactly like the caltrap) is called a "grappling hook," and the wyvern is a "cockatrice" (cocka-Thrace?).

The island of Rhodes had an ancient city called Kamiros that was Gorgon-important enough to be made a son of Helios (and Rhode). The term smacks of the ancient Gamir (Cimmerians and/or Gomarians). I had noticed that a motto term in the Arms of Burgos was "Camera." Entering "Camera" brings up the Cameron Coat, using what I think is the Rothschild symbol (five arrows bunched).

I'm thinking that Meschins were Meshech, and for that reason should have moved across Europe in some alliances with Gomerians/Cimmerians, but that they merged with Basques, hence one main branch came to live in Burgos, Brigantino, and Coruna (Spanish/Portuguese Galicia). I had assumed that the Briquessart surname of Ranulf le Meschin (on his father's side) was linked to the Burgos surname, but the Brigantians (from "Brigit"?) seems a better choice. Remember, the Briquessarts (Briges-Sara?) were traced to the Brick/Breck surname, while the Burch/Berch surname uses a green serpent (= symbol of the Saracin, Garant, and Scher surnames).

I would like to record the Hanna stag-head every time I find it again, because the surname used codes in the Flintstone cartoon to represent important Freemasonic entities. The Brick Crest, for one, uses the stag-head, but so does the near-identical Phalen/Whelon/Failon Crest. Tim, in the same email where he shared the Sarasin surname, related his hunt for Edom-like surnames; one was Domer/Dumar; it too uses a stag in Crest with the antler-type used by Hanna.

Amazingly, Tim shared the Asclepios myth character from one of my chapters on the Edom owl cult:

Behold behold behold the evidence that Eshcol's sons, though originating in pre-Israel, migrated to Cadusia as Asklepios. For there was in Greek myth an "Ascalaphus" character, a son of Ares (Aras river), and a king of Orchomenos...Then there was "another" (i.e. same peoples) by the same Ascalaphus name, son of Acheron [Ash?] and Orphne, where those latter terms both refer to peoples of Hades = Cadusia. The three beholds are for this connection to the occult owl: "[Ascalaphus] betrayed the fact that Persephone had eaten a pomegranate in the underworld, something that she was forbidden to do. Ascalaphus was punished by being turned into an owl."

The facts are, "Ascalaphus" does mean owl, and the owl was a symbol of Edom. The chief Edomite god was Kos, which is why I say Tim's email came amazingly, for it comes timed with emphasis here on the Goz surname. Add to this that the Goz surname is the root of the Meschins who use a scallop symbol, and one has reasons to trace the Goz bloodline to an Asclepios branch out of Edom's chief cult. That in turn traces Euskal-branch Basques, perhaps even all Basques, back to Edom, perhaps even the Edomites proper. The Edomites were mortal enemies of Israel, and some quasi-enemies -- as per Esau, twin brother of Jacob=Israel -- were brothers of the Israelites. I relayed to Tim last night that the ass-term theory might just be code for Esau, who was a donkey of a man, after all.

The Wikipedia article on Asclepius says:

"Another famous healing temple (or asclepieion) was located on the island of Kos [Asia minor, near Rhodes], where Hippocrates, the legendary 'father of medicine', may have begun his career. Other asclepieia were situated in Trikala, Gortys (in Arcadia), and Pergamum in Asia."

Trikala=cocktrice? Might Pergumum (now Bergama) be the root of the Burgos peoples? Not for the similarity of terms alone, but Pergamum was a Thraco-Mysian entity. We read: "Pergamon's other notable structure [aside from the Asclepieion] is the Serapis Temple (Serapeum)..."

Serapis? I traced that god to "Gareb"ites (Jerusalem), whom in turn were traced to the Aras river (where Ares was born as the Hermes-related Armenian god, Ara), but more specifically to JEREVan (near the Harpasus river), and these peoples I identified as Ares' dragon, the Arphaxadites. We see another Gareb-like term: "[Serapis] also held a sceptre in his hand indicating his rulership, with Cerberus, gatekeeper of the underworld..."

I recall tracing the Garebites to Harbiye (Syria), what was also Daphne...named after the goddess that we are in the midst of revealing in Devon>Deva=Cheshire>Davenports. A question arises for possible linkage of the Saracens to "Serapis," an Egyptian cult removed to Greece.

The mother of Asclepius was made "Coronis ('crow' or 'raven'), daughter of Phlegyas [son of Ares], King of the Lapiths..."(brackets not mine) I traced the crow, "corvus" in Greek, to Garebites. It all sounds a little tacky when not fully explained. I'm convinced that the same Garebite peoples who took on the corvus symbol also took on the stag symbol, as per an old caribou-like term (that I can't recall the spelling of).

The Coronis term is of course very interesting for a trace to Coruna, supporting the Pergamum trace to neighboring Burgos. Earlier in this update page, I re-mentioned that Ralph MalaCorona Geroie of the Gros/Goz bloodline, and showed that the same-colored scallops as per the Mal(l)et Coat are used by the Arms of Coruna (Galicia). I failed to mention the Geroy-like alternative name for Coruna: "A Coruna (Spanish: La Coruna; Galician: A Coruna; also Corunna in English, and archaically The Groyne)..." (link above)! Remember, the Tower of Hercules, in Coruna, is associated with mythical Geryon, according to the article on the Tower.

So, come to think of it now, the Carrick and Cragg surnames also evoke "Gery(on)," especially the Kerrick/Kerrich variation, "Kerysche." In fact, "Kerrick" also reflects "Heracles," a Mysian entity that was most likely represented in Britain by the Meschin cousins predominantly. I really am getting the impression that Meschins, from Polish king Mieszko and the German Mieske/Mesech surname, were related to a more-ancient Meshech branch in Britain...that got the Polish Meschins to Britain in the first place. And I think the ancient branch was in the Geryon>Hercules Atlantean kingdom as it evolved into the Arthurian dragon cult. The myth placed Geryon in Erytheia, which may indeed have had links in/near Curuna, BUT I see the place in Erethlyn, of Wales, where the Ordovices lived...that should have been represented in more-ancient times by Geryon's two-headed dog, Orthos.

In the quote above telling of an Asclepios temple in Pergamum, it also locates one in Gortys, evoking the Gordians of king Midas. "Midas was the pleasure-loving King of Macedonia, where he ruled over the Brigians (also known as Moschians.)" Brigians were Moschians??? Wouldn't that lead to Ranulf de Briquessart, father of Ranulf le Meschin???

More on the Moschians from mythology professor, Robert Graves:

"Midas has been plausibly identified with Mita, King of the Moschians..., or Mushki, a people of Pontic origin who, in the middle of the second millennium BC, occupied the western part of Thrace, afterwards known as Macedonia; they crossed the Hellespont about the year 1200 BC, broke the power of the Hittites [i.e. the Hatti of Hattusa, a Caduisii peoples] in Asia Minor, and captured Pteria, their capital...Midas' rose gardens and the account of his birth suggest an orgiastic cult of Aphrodite, to whom the rose was sacred."

Could Pteria link to the Peter and Patter surnames under discussion this week? A Muslim mosque comes to mind with "Moschia." The article goes on to say, "ass-eared Midas," for myth gave him the ears of a donkey. If anyone finds evidence that Edomites from Esau's bloodline leads to Midas, we would have something important.

I know that Edomites linked to Biblical Lotan, and he likely had something to do with the line that led to the seven-headed Lotan dragon in Syria, which I think was made the Greek Ladon, Daphne's dragonic father. Ladon then re-appears with 100 heads/tribes in the far West, Geryon's kingdom. Genesis 36:17: Esau's son, Eliphaz (the Republican elephant symbol?) married Timna (recalls Timnah of Samson associations), Lotan's sister (36:22), a Horite from SEIR!! Tim, there might be your Sarasin trace to Edomites: the land of Seir. They were not Edomites proper, at least not from Esau, but just the same the Lotan branch of Seir-ians were from Esau...who may just be the jack-ass that Democrats honor (couldn't resist).

As per the mythical Gordian knot, the silver and purple the Lacie Crest might apply. The Irish Lacys use "Meritas" for a motto term, which could link to Mauritanians, i.e. the Spanish Muratin surname, because the Coat uses a purple lion, a symbol special to the Spanish of Castille/Leon realms.

As per the Fleck/Flegg surname using Samson and Meschin scallops, it should be jotted that mythical PHLEGyas may apply. He was the father of Coronis (Asclepios' mother) and Ixion. I had traced Ixion to the Amorites of Jerusalem, especially to the Kidron valley where deep satanism (i.e. utter/insane stupidity) was specialized in Molech and Baal cults. The Bohemian Grove decided to name it's owl idol, Moloch. The Belgian Flecks have a Pflege variation.

There is a Brigges surname said to derive from the Old Norse, "bryggia," for which reason it should link to Frigg. It uses a pelican in the crest!!! Those exclamation marks are for the thought occurring to me as I investigated Phlegyas, that the Pulcifer/Pulsipher and Pull/Pules surnames of Cheshire might trace to "him." The Pullens use the Brigges pelican (exactly) in their Crest, as well as Brigges colors; both surnames were first in Yorkshire.

The pelican should ultimately trace to Pollock/Polk branches. The Brigges motto, "Fortiter et Fideliter," suggests links to Pollocks, for I traced Pollocks to the Fort surname as per its "audax" motto term, like the Pollock "audacter" motto term. In the course of this investigation, I learned that the French Fort Coat uses the yellow bird used also by the Kay and Kenners surnames represented by mythical Ector/Kyner (of Maris) and his son, Kay. The latter could be a variation of "Guy/Gay" because the French Forts were first in Guyenne.

I traced the Pollocks, without evidence in the beginning years ago, to Peleg, son of Eber and brother of Joktan. If Phlegyas depicted Pelegians, then the Pollock trace to them seems fairly solid at this point. Quite possibly, the Leda>Pollux Spartans depicted the same Pelegians...merged with Lotan>Ladon. I suppose that the Pelican could be a symbol of Pelegian Hebrews...who may have had nothing to do with Israelites and/or the Law of Moses. A Peleg presence in Britain reveals why I have felt Led to emphasis the Pollock surname. It's got more to do than just the Poles. It's got to do with an end-time role for Eber's sons. The question is: on whose side will the sons be on, God's, or the devil's.

Curiously, the Pell surname, also using a pelican, is said to be "derived from a pet form of the personal name Peter." I have hard time with that derivation, but a link to the Peter surname makes sense in light of all the links thus far of Peters/Pattersons to Pollock-affiliated clans.


"...'"We were heartened by the decision earlier this week to reverse the deletion of the 500 names from the list for the upcoming election,' Clinton told reporters."

This is right on track for a U.S. supporting role of the anti-Maliki, pro-Baathist anti-Christ.

If Obama is the False prophet, should we expect his popularity to go up? We hope not, if only to be spared the arrogance of this administration. But when successful and admired, the O-people will jump quick as lightning on the gas pedal of its "progressive" agenda. "Progressive" is one of Obama's favorite words these days; it's an at-war term used only when changes are sought by leaders...exactly when the masses oppose the changes. To resist change is to be backward, say the progressives. We know the changes that are to come: Truth is about to be thrown to the ground, and the new fad will be to despise Christians. Right now, plots are being put in place to back-slap the political right hard, and finally to deliver a death blow if possible.

February 6

As evidence that the English Breck/Brech surname and the Irish Brick surname are Meschin clans, the German Brack Coat uses a talbot on a Meschin Shield. This is the first time, I think, that I've found the Meschin Shield in Germany. The English Breck use a Brach variation.

As that the Brick surname is said to be from "broc," it warrants a look at the English Brook Coat because it too is said to be from "broc." It's a black Shield with gold scallops, once again reflecting the Meschin Coat. The Brook surname is said to be from Broc, Anjou, and the same derivation is said for the English Brock Coat...using the Anjou gold fleur-de-lys using also by the Masci Coat. Both the Brooks and Brocks were first found in Essex, this clinching the relationship. This now allows the distinct possibility that the German Brocks, of satanic Stewart and Vere importance according to my investigation on the topic, traces to the Meschins. I haven't forgotten that the German Brocks/Brockens use tree stubs, a symbol of a certain part of the Brocken region. It shows Brecks and Broocks variations. The Brick surname is said to be from the Bruic surname, wherefore I checked "Bruck" to find Moor heads, odd for a German surname i.e. it should link to Spain. Variations include Bruek(e) so as to match well with Bruic=Brick.

Since these surnames, where they link to Meschins, should be of Ranulf de Briquessart (le Meschin's father), the Holbrooke Coat's three-fingered cross could link to the large one in the Grenon Coat. Richard Holbrooke leads Obama's war theater. Hillary Clinton has chosen a Crowley surname for her spokesman, and the Crowley Coat uses the Holbrooke crosses in the same colors. The Rodham Crest uses a tree stump, the symbol of the German Brocks.

I've finally got the time to search red diamonds on gold because Thomas Randolph, earl of Moray. used them. If we can find Meschin links to that symbol, we could clinch the Meschin ancestry of the Randolph surname (and Obama). The first Coat I arrived to (when searching my files) was the Irish Hand Coat. It's a curious surname that seems to reveal the hand symbol of the Ulster flag in the Flaith and/or Lavin surname: "The Gaelic word 'flaith,' means 'prince or ruler,' but this name has sometimes been mis-translated as 'hand.'" As we can see, the Lavin and Glavin surnames at this page include a curious Hand variation, AND the English Hand surname uses red hands, what seems to be the Irish-hand symbol. PLUS, the English Hands were first found in CHESHIRE!!! And, the "Flaith" term of the Irish Hands smacks of Hugh D'Avranches Flaidd of Cheshire! AND, the Hand Crest uses the antler design not only in the Irish Brick Crest (= Briquessart, I think, le Meschin's father), but in the Hanna Coat!!

Hand = Hanna??? Could be, after all, the Hanna Crest uses the black crosslet used by the Davenports of Cheshire.

The second instance of red diamonds on gold floored me. Remember, this is the symbol of Thomas Randolph, and I traced the Meschins to the Dutch Burghs/Burgers because they use a red triple chevron on gold, used also by the longer shown at Here's what I wrote in The Anglo-Saxon Chronic-Laus chapter (March 2007):

"There is good reason to believe that the Burwash name was connected to the triple red chevron (an early symbol of American Freemasonry), for that symbol belongs to the Dutch Burgh Coat. As evidence that the Burgh surname is connected to the Burgess surname, the alternative Dutch Bergh/Berger Coat uses three red diamonds on gold, quite possibly the Burgess diamonds [= mascles]."

The Burgess surname was instrumental in the founding of the United States, and it was also "Burger/Bergess." THE FACT IS, THE DUTCH BERG(ER) COAT USES THREE RED DIAMONDS ON GOLD, the Thomas Randolph symbol. That's no small "coincidence." Therefore, as per the Burwash location that was named by the Burgess surname, see the fat white cross on red of the Burwash Coat: it's the Macclesfield cross too! The Burwash Crest is a so-called "Catherine Wheel," perhaps linked to the cartwheel in the Swedish Berg Coat.

The "Chronic-Laus" phrase is a play on words for the Saxon Chronicles, but emphasized the Laus entity, speaking of which, the portrait of LadisLAUS I of Hungary (Wikipedia) shows him with a red diamond on breast. Ladislaus married a daughter of a daughter of King Mieszko II Lambert (!!!), the royal name to which I trace "Meschin." The red diamond on gold could belong either to Mieszko or the Hungarian Arpads, but in any case, the Burghs should trace to that diamond too.

That's all I have recorded in all my files for red diamonds on gold, but in both cases it leads to the Meschin ancestry. There's a French Borg/Burg surname (Languedoc) using red on gold that should apply too. If you look closely below the beard of the second image of Ladislaus I, you will see what must be a personal Arms...using red and, what looks like, gold, horizontal bars. There are four of each color, same as the Arms of Roussillon (Languedoc). The Cameron Coat comes to mind, not only because it uses horizontal bars in the same colors, but because the Arms of Burgos (Spain) uses "Camera" as a motto term! Aragon uses the same bars in the same colors, BUT also Moor heads.

Following the mother of the wife of Ladislaus, "Richeza of Lotharingia (also called Richenza and Rixa; b. ca. 995/1000...), was a German noblewoman by birth member of the Ezzonen dynasty and by marriage Queen of Poland." It can't be a coincidence that this lead traced back to the counts of Berg, but in doing so it traces through Esau- and Edom-like terms. The Ezzonens, that is, were named after her father, Ezzo. Remember, the Edomites that trace to the Greek dragon cult were through Lotan, and Ezzo was count of Lotharingia. Interesting indeed. There is a German/Austrian Esse/Hesse Coat, but the English Esse surname is registered under the Ash/Asch family...with yet another red cockatrice/wyvern in the Crest.

On her mother's side, Richeza was from emperor Otto II, feasibly named after Edom elements. I say this lightly, in case there turns out to be more than now meets the eye. In the Otto-related bloodlines, there are Oda and Odo names, the latter being alternatively "Eudes." I have wondered where these terms link. Odin seems an easy guess, but I've never imagined that "he" represented Edomite bloodlines. Interestingly, however, Odin led an "Aesir" peoples ...which per chance could link to Lotan's Seir bloodline. The Aesir were from mythical Asgard, to be broken down as As-Gard, apparently. I would suggest an Aesir trace to the Aesti proto-Estonians, as that would connect well to the Ash(ton)...surname that has already been traced to Estonians.

The sons of Seir, the man, included an Ezer and a Zibeon. The latter, says Genesis 36:24, says that he had a son, Anah (i.e. like "Hanna") who discovered hot springs while grazing donkeys. Hmm, perhaps some Freemasons picked up their donkey symbol from the Anah line. The Hanna Coat is in the colors of Denmark and Estonia. Anah had a daughter, OholiBAMAH. A coincidence, I'm sure, for Obama is NOT holy.

The fact that Ezzo's daughter was Abbess of Essen is interesting, because Essen is near Hessen, and the two were linked (by me) hypothetically to ass-terms of the Samson cult (the Latin is "asino," much like "Essen"). I recall tracing Hyksos refugees (after their ousting from Egypt) to Edom, but I also linked them fundamentally to the Samson cult, the part that became the Hercules Danaans. I traced the Dumnonii Danann to the Irish Domnann peoples, founders of the Donald clan, apparently, for "Donald" is rooted in "the Gaelic name Domhnull." Note the crosslet in the Donald Crest, used also by the Davenports...that I trace to "Devon," home of the Dumnonii.

When one enters "Donkey," cinquefoils, wherefore it's a surname obviously linked to the same-colored cinquefoils of the Duncan surname, BUT note the Downkin variation, smacking of Dunham/Downham. Remember, "Dumain" (i.e. Dumnonii-like) is registered as part of the Dunham surname. I kid you not that this text in red was an insertion that happened to occur right here, AFTER I had already written the below, without thought for the cinquefoils below.

One gets the impression that Ezzo was named after Essen elements. The article on Essen Abbey says that it was first overseen by counts of Berg! We read: "The Counts of Berg emerged in 1101 as a junior line of the dynasty of the Ezzonen, which traced its roots back to the 9th-century Kingdom of Lotharingia." This Berg location was in Germany off the Rhine.

The Ash/Asch/Esse family motto uses "omnibus," and since I can't think of an omni-like surname, "bus" is the natural choice. The large cinquefoil [same white-on-red colors as in the Donkey/Duncan Coats!] in the English Bus/Buss/Buse Coat (should link to the Rodham cinquefoil) looks interesting because it's the Hamilton cinquefoil, known to trace to Leicester's cinquefoil. As the Bus cinquefoil is largest, it may be the "big family" that doled the symbol out to others. The German Bus/Beus Coat uses a fat cross in colors reversed from the same fat Macclesfield cross, AND, having traced Meschins to the French Bes/Baiz surname (Languedoc), the other symbol of the German Bus Coat, a black eagle on gold, is the only symbol used by the German Bes/Baes Coat.

This was another amazing event. I had decided to see what the German Berg Coat could do to link with the counts of Berg when I was first sidetracked into the investigation of the paragraph above, which led to the Bes surname. The German Berg Coat use white stars on blue, with gold color thrown in, just like the French Bes/Baiz Coat!! The surname is said to derive from "burc," while the only Burc Coat shown (Irish, also shows "Burgh") also shows a fat red cross (on gold).

The German Berg surname was first found in the Rhineland, thus linking it almost-certainly to the counts of Berg (of Essen and Ezzo associations). I would therefore make the As(c)h/Esse link to the counts of Berg. This becomes extremely interesting should it be true that the Ash/Esse surname leads back to Asclepios elements, for one could then make the link to "Esau" by way of an Asclepios link to Edom. A connection to Asclepios would then make a Pergamum/Bergama link to Bergs viable.

The Lotharingians were named after king Lothar I; I don't know where his name links to. He happened to be a son of a Carolingian king (Loius) of Aquitaine who overcame the Muslims and ruled over the Basques; hmm. But the following was a great event for me, and gives one more reason to stick it to anyone who thinks I'm a nut for linking the Flintstones to this topic. Bruno the Great (brother of Otto I) ruled Lotharingia as a duke. Bruno's family is thought, so far as I recall reading, to be the foundation of Brunswick. I had the feeling, in the very beginning, that Barney Rubble, dressed in brown, represented the house of Bruno/Brunswick. Wikipedia information is not easy to find on Brunswick. One finds the house of Hanover instead:

"The House of Hanover (the Hanoverians) is a Germanic royal dynasty which has ruled the Duchy of Brunswick-Lüneburg (German: Braunschweig-Lüneburg), the Kingdom of Hanover and the Kingdom of Great Britain and the Kingdom of Ireland. It succeeded the House of Stuart as monarchs of Great Britain and Ireland in 1714 and held that office until the death of Victoria in 1901. They are sometimes referred to as the House of Brunswick and Lüneburg, Hanover line."

Well, if not for coming to this point, I might not have tried to check the Hanover surname to see whether it showed links to the Hanna Coat, which I found only yesterday because it was then that I wanted to know what surnames founded the Flintstone cartoon. Drats, I thought, there was no Hanover-surname Coat. So I tried "Hannover" and, no guff, the Hanna Coat came up. I could have given you the ten exclamation marks this find deserves, but I've spared making you deaf.

Having traced Barney to the Ribble river just outside modern Cheshire should explain why the Hand surname was first in Cheshire. Remember, the Hand surname uses the same deer design as the Hanna/Hanover Coat. I'm assuming that Hanover was named after a Han entity. Entering "Han" brings up the Hanna Coat once again. The Irish Hannity Coat looks Randolph-interesting.

The Arms of the House of Hanover (link above) uses the red double border of the Flemings/Vlaams, who were depicted by Wilma Flintstone. Flintshire was beside Cheshire, but "Flintstone" also represented Flanders, I think, because the Flemings were founders of Flanders. The point here is, Thomas Randolph also used the red double border of the Flemings (around his red diamonds).

The trace of Barney elements to Cheshire could explain why the English Brun(e) Cross is identical, aside from the colors, to the "engrailed" Macclesfield (and Sinclair) cross. The Brunes (said to be named after "brown") were first in ESSex.

The English "Hannity family lived in Lincolnshire, where the family were lords of the manor of Hainton." That warrants a peek at the Hain/Henning surname...three gold mascles on red (colors reversed from the Thomas-Randolph diamonds), and three red scallops on gold! The Hain/Henning surname is a Hainton match because it has the same double-shield design as the English Hannity Coat.

"Haney" brings up the same Coats, and looks like a Cheney variation. Recalling that "Cheney" links to "Kyne," see that both the Irish Kyne/Cohen and English Henning Crests use the same seahorse.

The house of Hanover Arms shows the Luneburg blue lion on gold upon red hearts, this being the symbol of Denmark (uses nine hearts) but also, without the hearts, of Estonia. We then ask if the house of Este links to Estonia:

"The House of Hanover is a younger branch of the House of Welf, which in turn is the senior branch of the House of Este, with all three being offshoots of the ancient Saxon House of Wettin."

The Arms of Brunswick used two gold lions on red, said to be from England, but I suspect it links to the Casper surname of Poland. See the two lions in the Arms of the Duchy of Brunswick, and then note the Caspera motto term. I don't think it's a coincidence that the Polish Casper Coat uses a gold lion on red. The Caspers were "First found in Polesie, the largest province of Poland. It is inhabited by Ruthenians [recalls Ruthene/Russi of Languedoc], called Polesians, of Ukrainian descent...It was in this province that the renowned Radziwills and Sapiehas held their vast estates."

Note the red Veringen antler at the bottom of the Arms. Then see this Arms of Veringen: the antler with the upright red lion on gold, like the Casper Coat!

At the top-left of the curtain, the red antler is displayed again, beside peacock feathers, the symbol that I traced to the Radziwills. Beside that are bear paws, the symbol, likely, of Zahringer-founded Berne. To the right are the splayed Zahringer elephant trunks that double as buffalo horns, recalling the Water Buffalos lodge that Fred and Barney attended. More peacock "eyes" (perhaps an Illuminati symbol) are behind the top-central six-pointed star; it's jot quite a Zionist star. BUT in consideration that the Radziwills were part of the Traby fold and used the Traby Arms, here's what I wrote in the fourth update of January:

When on the Traby topic at the top of the previous update, I came across six-pointed stars in Poland that are not quite Zionist "stars of David." I decided not to show the Arms of Sandomierz [location on Ukrainian border] until the stars should link to something significant. Last night, upon coming to the Sanders blog, I saw the Kissinger Coat displayed...using the same stars in the same (gold on blue) colors."

You'll note that Kissinger, Cheney, and Sean Hannity are all Republican elephants. Kissinger was born in Furth, Hesse (Bavaria). The German Furst/Forst surname, first found in Baden (where Veringens and their Zahringer cousins ruled), uses a curved chevron that must surely link to the Swedish Gust(av) Coat. Lately, I was saying to LG (with Finno-Swedish background) that I should soon be coming to her Gust--- surname. I'm almost ready.

I'll bet my best circle of illuminated email friends that the rings in the Dutch Forst/Voort Coat links to the "Jewish" International-banking Illuminati of the Netherlands; the Coat is in the colors of the Dutch Burghs, and we saw (two days ago) that Burghs and Burgos also use rings.

Perhaps not by coincidence, the Casper lion holds a compass, a Masonic symbol...that draws circles. Perhaps not by coincidence, Bruno the Great is portrayed in a circle. Perhaps not by coincidence, Tolkien, author of Lord of the Rings, assigned magic rings of power to a Sauron character. The German Saur Coat uses a red lion on white, and in fact it's the Sauer surname that should link to the red-on-white lion of the Russells...with "Che sara sara" motto. Perhaps not by coincidence, the Ring Coat uses scallops in colors reversed from the Russell Chief. Unbelievably enough, the Sauer write-up traces to a Casper name:

"The [Sauer] family, which originated from the Sau [also "Sauv"] river region [Austria]...Dieteri Galleri was the first to take on this name, and according to chronicles, appeared under the name Caspar Sauer as early as 1313."

If this is not coincidental, the red lion of Brunswick should link to Sawyers of the Sau/Sava river. But where else did they lodge? When we enter "Sua," we get a French surname from Burgundy. When we enter "Sava," we get the Sauvage/Savage Coat of Cheshire, a surname reflecting "Sauviat-sur-Vige" and its Sauvigeois inhabitants. Entering "Sauviat" brings up another surname of Burgundy, and moreover both the Savages and the Sauviats use black lions.

Conspicuously, the Burgun/Burgon surname, using scallops in Casper/Brunswick colors, is said to be derived from "Burgundy," or vice versa. Entering "Vergon" brings up the red-on-white lion of the Virgin/Vergin Coat.

The first person, Dieteri Galleri, to take on the Sauer surname, should link to the Gallery surname (more properly "Galloway") first found in Wigtown. The Hanna/Hannover surname was first found in Wigtonshire (and both surnames use blue on white). Therefore, as per the Haney/Hanney variation of the Hanna clan, note the lion in Caspar colors (they're a dime a dozen, however) in the Irish Haney Coat.

The Gallery Coat uses a blue lion on white, the symbol of Macclesfield Borough, making the Hanna link once again to Cheshire. I think this was the Bruce lion; the blue lion on white was also the symbol of nearby Bute, from the Rory branch Donalds. All three blue lions are "armed" red. The Hannas use collared stags as the only Coat symbol, a symbol of the Macclesfield Arms. The Hanna collars hold gold bells.

So "" came to mind since the Hannas are said to derive from "Anna," and zowie, a stag in the crest, with engrailed bars in the colors of the Macclesfield engrailed cross. ZIKERS, a variation of the Annabel surname is "Hannibal":

"Hannibal, son of Hamilcar Barca...(in Punic: Khanibaal...Greek: Hannibas),[7][8][9][10] was a Carthaginian military commander and tactician who is popularly credited as one of the most talented commanders in history."

Could this be the root of "Hamilton," red and white like the Annabel surname???

The Honeybell variation of the Annabell clan warranted a look at the Honey Coat...using the Maxton bee exactly!! Maxtons were also "Makestons" and "Maxons," and inhabitants of Macclesfield, also "Makeslesfeld" in early times, were "Maxonians." Maxtons use "esto" as a motto term.

Sorry for the length of this update, but links just keep coming. The Cart Surname was checked as per Carthaginians, and we find that it has a Carta variation, it uses what appears to be the Hanna antler design (!)...with a greens snake in its mouth. The palm trees are around a red cross on white, the Macclesfield-cross colors. The English Palm surname (evoking the Hanna-stag using Hand/Han surname of Cheshire!!) uses the bell pattern (!!!) in blue and white, same as the bell-pattern colors in the portrait of Eleanor of Aquitaine/Guyenne, mother of Hubert de Burgh.

The Han/Hand Coat is also blue on white. The Irish Hands, remember, use red diamonds on gold, the symbol of the Dutch Berg Coat (and Thomas Randolph of Moray). It now appears that the Hannas/Hannovers of Brunswick relations (and founders of the Flintstone cartoon) were Carthaginians of Hannibal blood, and merged to the counts of Berg (Germany), themselves of Ezzo/Ezzen blood.

The Carter surname could apply because it was first found in Winchester, while the Winchester-surname Coat uses Meschin/Macclesfield symbols, including red mascles on gold! Exclamation marks never stop coming. I'm in the dragon's den with eyes rolling all over the secrets, shooting them out to you express. Hannibal, who would have thought?

The Winchester Crest is a blue lion (same as Macclesfield), and the Macclesfield crosslets are also used around a fat blue cross (I use "fat" so that I can easily find this cross type later by searching the term). Not surprisingly, red mascles (alongside a red-gold color scheme) are found in the Irish Burgess Coat, the Crest of which looks like a camel's head (Irish Pattersons use a camel head).

I would like to record that Burgess' were first in Wexford, for there is evidence that the Meschin bloodline was in Wexford, as per the talbot dogs of the Strongbow-associated Comerford/Comfort surname. Wexford is also where the Irish Lacys were. BEHOLD BEHOLD BEHOLD, after writing that, I took another look at the Irish Lacy Coat, and read that the surname "was originally O Flaithgheasa, is derived from the Gaelic word flaith, which means prince." Let me then repeat what was written earlier in this update:

"The first Coat I arrived to (when searching my files [for red diamonds on gold]) was the Irish Hand Coat. It's a curious surname that seems to reveal the hand symbol of the Ulster flag in the Flaith and/or Lavin surname: "The Gaelic word 'flaith,' means 'prince or ruler,' but this name has sometimes been mis-translated as 'hand.'"

Quite apparently, the Lacys and the Hands were one, though this doesn't yet reveal, to me anyway, how the Lavin/Glavin surname fits in (it could reveal another major bombshell).

As per the Meschin trace to Ligurians, we now find that Hannibal won a major battle against the Romans at the Treb(b)y river in Liguria. It took me this long to realize that Hannibal's Barca surname may have been Berg-related, a realization as per the Berk variation of the Bark surname. The Bark Coat uses larks. Hmm. The Lark surname was first in Norfolk, as were the Barks, and the Lark birds, which one website calls "footless martins/sparrows," are called larks at this webpage. The Sauers use the footless larks, and they too were first found in Norfolk.

The Larks use a garb in Crest, and the Barker Coat uses gold scallops on blue, the colors of the Coruna and Mallet scallops. This Mallet link to the Barks may not be trivial, The Malet write-up: "William Mallet was descended from Gerard, a Viking prince and companion of Rollo, the first Duke of Normandy, about 950. They held the castle of Graville near Havre. Maternally, William Mallet was a Saxon, descended from the Earls of Mercia, and more distantly related to Morcar and Edwin, Earls of Northumberland."

The Havers were first found in Norfolk too. The Mallets, as we can see, were in the realms ruled by Meschins BEFORE the Meschins proper arrived, meaning that the Mallet scallops may have come first and then transferred to the Meschins.

Let's consider that Mallets were from earls of Mercia, which I traced to the Marsi of Italy, who I traced also to the mouth of the Rhone/Rhodanus as per the naming of Marseilles ("Marsiho" in Occitan). During that trace, I had found the founders of Marseilles in western Sicily, named after the Sicels...who were represented by a sickle symbol, I think. I see in these Sicel/sickle terms the development of the scallop symbol, and therefore the development of the Euskal Basques. LACYdon was at the mouth of the Rhone as per the founding city of the Ligurians. Both the Lacy surname and the wife of Ranulf le Meschin, Lucy Taillebois, may have been from Lacydon elements, for Lucy was the daughter of Lucia of Mercia, daughter of an earl of Mercia!

Near the Marsi (of Abruzzo) was Malevento, now Benevento. Possibly, therefore, the Marsi with peoples of Malevento were merged in Marseilles, and from there they founded the Mercians, explaining the Mal(l)et surname among earls of Mercia.

I'm thinking that Barkers were named in honor of Hannibal Barca's remnants in Liguria, and that they merged with Marsi-related Ligurians...after the battle of Treby. I note the similarity between that term and "Trapani" (region in western Sicily known to be depicted by a drepani=sickle), the place to which I traced Ligurians of the Marseilles theater. Compare the Arms of Sicily to the Arms of Traby, and then also see the Trebeck Coat.

February 7

When correctly tracing surnames to geographical locations, suddenly further links become compounded in number. Feel free to gloss over what I need to record in case it's needed later. In case Berg in Germany is related to Burgos, or just because it seems related to Brunswick, I'd like to trace the Berg bloodline to the Alten surname of Nottinghamshire: "The name of the [Berg] region [Germany] is not derived from its mountainous terrain (German: Berg, mountain), but from the dukes of Berg. The dukes of Berg lived first in the Castle Berge in Altenberg..."

As the Bergs were in Lower Saxony (capital, Hanover), the German Alten Coat must apply, because it was first found in neighboring Brunswick. The Alten Coat uses roses with green parts like the green parts in the roses of the Arms of Altenburg, Thuringia. As this looks like a good Altenberg-to-Altenburg connection, it is made more remarkable in that the latter Arms uses a hand symbol!! This suggests what we may have already assumed -- exactly what I wanted to prove today -- that the same Hand/Han surname of Cheshire (using a hand symbol and representing a Hanna/Hannover family branch) is represented in Germany's Hanover (also "Hannover") region. Thus far, we have the Hans/hands of Cheshire tracing to the Berg-of-Alten bloodline. This tends to make feasible the idea that Hannibal BARCA founded, or at least linked to, "Berg."

The reason that I wanted to prove such a link is because Hannibal was traced yesterday, quite solidly, to Meschins, but in previous updates, Meschins with their Pollock kin were traced to Polabia, which happens to be to the immediate north-east of Hanover. I should mention that there is an Oldenburg surname, with Altenberg/Altenburg variation, first found in Oldenburg, also of Lower Saxony.

Zowzers, after writing that I sought for surnames using the Altenberg/Oldenburg red and white bars, and quickly found them in the Elton surname...first found in Elton, Cheshire!! It looks like Eltons were linked to the Hans/Hands of Cheshire as per the latter's link to the German Altens. PLUS, the Eltons use white stars on black, the symbol of the Pulsiphers/Pules...first found in Cheshire. Looking for others that use white-on-black stars, they are found on the Scottish Bar Coat (surname previously linked to Pollocks); the German Bar surname was first found in Lower Saxony!

As per the "omnibus" motto term found yesterday that led to the Bus Coats, we now see an "artabus" motto term in the Elton Coat. There's a good chance that both the Bus and Elton surnames link to the Arthurian cult, therefore. Tim would be interested in the English Olten/Oldan Coat and Crest, both using an owl, but it's hard to say whether it connects to Alten or Elton.

The English Altens use a green bowman in the Crest, who must represent Robin Hood because the surname was first found in Nottinghamshire. Also first in Nottinghamshire were the Cliffords, which surname, as per the Cleve variation of "cliff," should trace to Cleves in Germany, smack beside, and closely associated with, the counts of Berg. For new readers, the Clares/Sinclairs were traced (by me) to the Cleaver surname.

It can now be proved again that the "paratus" motto term, used by the Cliffords, represents the Pratt surname. I've already shown that the Cliff/Cleve wolf is the Pratt-Crest wolf. BUT, the Irish Pratts, using the same mascles and footless larks/martins, have a falcon as Crest, the very same falcon on a white rock as per the English Cotten Coat. And that's how we can know for certain that "paratus" is code for the Pratts, for the Cotten Coat also uses "paratus." The Cottons are said to be from Cotham and Cottam of Nottinghamshire, among other similar places, including Cotton of Cheshire!

LG, ask me how I got to the Cotton Coat. I saw that your Gust--- surname, as per a Swedish Coat, was from the tribal name, "Gaut." The Gaut Coat gets Gust colors; the first variations given are Cote/Cotte (see also the Gust-like Codde Coat, therefore), and later there are Cotton and Cottin variations.

Like the Bus', Barks, Larks, Sauers, and Dunhams, the Pratts were also first found in Norfolk. Like the Larks and Barks, the Pratts use larks. I just tried "Lurk" in search of Lark relatives, and got another green-clad archer, this time on the Irish Lork/Lurg Crest. "The legendary history of this prominent Ayrshire name claims descent from Loigire Lork, and early King of Ireland, the father of Aillil Aine." Another Anna\Hanna/Haney surname???

Fortuitously, when thinking up other Alten-like surnames just this minute, hoping to find a link to the Lurks, Alan Alda came to mind. There is an Alda/Auld surname first found in Ayrshire (as with the Lurks), thus making the Lurk link to the Altens...the other surname with a green-clad archer! To clinch the Alda link to the Altens, the Italian Alda Coat is very similar to the Alten Coat.

More intriguing yet, LG, is that the Alda/Auda Crest uses the same face as does the Swedish Tack/Thackery Coat and Crest. I had linked the surname (tentatively) to LG's Takala bloodline. The Tack surname uses a jellyfish-like symbol called an "estoil," perhaps code for an Este/Estonian bloodline. Linkage of the Tacks to the Tach surname has support in the red scallop of the Tancred Coat, for while the Tacks "share a common ancestry with the Tankervilles and Tancreds," the Tachs use red scallops. ALSO, the Tankervilles use cinquefoils, as does the Tach Coat.

At this point, I recalled assuming that LG's Takala bloodline (= the surname of one of her parents) was a branch of the Tackel(l) surname (third update of July), but I had forgotten how so. I have now re-investigated the English Tackell surname, staring in shock at the white wolf on blue. While wondering whether this could be the white wolf of Hugh D'Avranches, I saw the write-up: "Hence, conjecturally, the [Tackell] surname is descended from the tenant of the village and lands of Tackley, held by Robert from Earl Hugh of Chester..."!!! There you have it, cousin L. Your bloodline(s) has helped me to find links to Hugh D'Avranches, and I don't think this is coincidental. I think it has been Directed, meaning that this link must be important.

BEHOLD, seeking Thackery-like terms, the Decker/Dyker Coat was found, virtually identical to the Codde Coat!!! ASTOUNDING. The Coddes were found as a result of the Cottes/Gauts, and the latter were found as a result of the Gaut root of the Gustav surname. Therefore, LG, your immediate ancestry has two bloodlines merging in marriage that connected with one another anciently. It's the same case as my Pollock friend, and my Patterson friend, and my Abreu friend, and my own parents. It's as if people recognize others with the same genes, for which reason they hook up more often so as to marry more often. As I said, I married a Dutch Burger.

OR, that may NOT be true. Perhaps my email friends whom have felt compelled to help me at times in this bloodline challenge were led to do so by God because more than one of their bloodlines would be of assistance to His project. Interestingly, a variation of the Coddes is "Code." The Welsh Rice/Rhy Coat, similar enough, should be linked because one of the Codde/Code Coats is Welsh. The Rice motto, "Secret et hardy." The Rice and Coddie symbols: ravens/crows.

I don't think it's a coincidence that the Lattice Coat and Dutch Tackel Coat (accessed with one 'l' only) use three-leaf clovers while Lattice chevron is in colors reversed from the Codde chevron is a chevron in colors reversed. AND, the Cotte/Cotten Coat is a lattice design, you see, in the same colors. Both the Deckers (with Codde Coat exactly) and the Lattices were first in Essex, thus clinching the Decker=Thackery=Takala link to the Codde=Cotte=Gustav/Gaut family.

For the record, the Cottar/Cotter surname, searched because "Cottarel" is a variation of the lattice-using Cottons, was first in Oxfordshire, as with the English Tackells of Hugh-D'Avranches blood. chevron!! The end of the road has not been reached, for the said "Coitir" root of the Cottar surname should link to the Coit surname because the Welsh Coit Coat is a white chevron on red, like the Lattice Coat. But what's the importance of the Lattice surname? It's Lettice/Letice variation could be from the Italian Letizia surname, with white-symbol-on-red, just like the Lattice Coat. The Letizia surname is also "Leto" (not to mention "Alitto"), smacking of Apollo's mother. The symbol is said to be a crane: "Robert Graves...says that cranes were sacred to Artemis," Leto's daughter!

Another article links cranes with a Gernon-like entity: "Gerana was a queen of the Pygmy folk in Greek mythology. She boasted to be more beautiful than the goddess Hera and was transformed by the angry goddess into a crane." However, another article says that Gerana was turned into a stork, and that the "delivery stork" was founded by that myth. On the other hand, a crane in Greek is a "geranos."

Gerana was made the mother of a Mopsus. "Another" (i.e. probably the same peoples) mythical "Mopsus was venerated as founder in several cities, among them Mopsuestia in Cilicia, the oracle at Klaros [Lydian theater] and at Mallos...and was said to have understood the language of birds, having learned augury from Apollo." That sounds like the same Mopsus that the crane goddess bore, and ZOWIE, he founded the Apollo oracle at and Mallos. That sounds like a perfect blend to the Meschin/Gernon traces I've made recently to the Clares and Mallets. Mallus was in Cilicia.

The father of Mopsus brings us to familiar territory. He was Amphyx, son of Elatus, king of the Lapiths. Phlegyas, remember, was the Lapith ruler who birthed a peoples depicted by "Coronis" (crow) (and she in turn evolved into a peoples depicted by her "son," Asclepios). Coronis loved the brother of Amphyx (Ischys, son of Elatus).

E-Latus??? Hmm, "Ladis(laus)" was the first term to come to mind when seeking Lattice-like surnames. Since Apollo is intertwined with the Elatus family, I'd venture to think that Elatus depicted Leto-branch Lydians related to the Ladon dragon line.

In the myth picture above where Mopsus was the son of Amphyx, we gather that a peoples depicted by "Gerana" was the wife of Amphyx (in order that Gerana could be made the mother Mopsus). Indeed, for Gerana was made the mother of a Pygmy peoples on the one hand, what the AmPHYX myth-code clearly depicted on the other. We could then assume that Coronis, because she assigned (by myth writers) a relationship with the brother of Amphyx, was the same peoples as depicted by Gerana. If correct to trace the Gernon surname to the Cernunnos cult, perhaps Cronus (father of Zeus) is behind that horned god. There is trouble identifying "Cronus" as a people/geography; I suggested Horites evolved into Curetes and/or Carians (Klarus was in Caria, I believe).

The Dutch Cleaver/Claver Coat uses three-leaf clovers (in the green and white colors of the Dutch Tackel Coat). The Welsh Cleve Coat also uses a three-leaf clover. Since I discovered that Clares were from the Claver/Cleaver surname, Clares can now be linked to the Cleves too (the surname, and tentatively to the German region beside Berg), and since the Lettice=Letizia bloodline has been traced to the Leto-Artemis cult known to have been at Clarus, it explains why the Lattice/Lettice Coat also uses three-leaf clovers. In the course of this investigation, I found the Clave Coat: two crossed keys with K-shaped ends!! The Claver Crest uses a single key, but the Clave keys are identical in color to the many found in the Chaves>Shaves>Shaw bloodline.

Do you see any surnames above that look like "clover"? Entering "Clover" gets the Claver/Cleaver Coat! I have pegged this surname as represented by the ExCalibur code, meaning also that Clares should trace to the (C)Halybes. NOW, recall that the Hand surname of Ireland was also, curiously, "Claven" or "Laven." The Claven variation smacks of the Chalybes, and entering "Lavin" gets the Lewin surname (more elephant heads) first found in Shropshire, which was also "Salop," what I think was named after a soft-C version of "Chalybe."

For example, I traced the Clavers to Clap(ton)/Clop(ton) in the Somerset, where there was an Arthur surname using clarions for symbols, symbols known to be code for the Clares. There is a Clop/Clapton surname (first in Cheshire) that should have named neighboring "Salop."

Apparently, the Lettice surname is a branch of the Latt surname, for the write-up says: "The name Latt is of Anglo-Saxon origin and came from the baptismal name Lettice, a popular girls name in medieval times." Connection to the Leto/Letizia surname (Italy) is feasible via the variations: Lett, Let, and Lete, while Layt and Laite smack of "Ladon," not neglecting to show that the Ladde/Ladon Coat uses a Meschin-like design.

By now, you whom have read me plenty know how heraldry works. Another example is in the three organ pipes of the Latt Crest. Just check the Organ surname (Irish), and you'll find yet another three-leaf verify that the Latts link to the Lettice/Lattice surname. The Organ surname (also "Aragan/Harrigan") uses a lizard, as does the Irish Cottar surname.

Yesterday, I learned that Hannibal, when a refugee, was in the company of Antiochus III, one of the Seleucid kings that leads to the end-time anti-Christ, according to Daniel 11. Hannibal's Carthaginians were named after Carthage (in Tunisia, north-African coast), where one of the most detestable cults ever to infest the earth was situated. It was the Cronus>Zeus cult, otherwise known as Molech/Melkart, fashioned as a bull-shaped furnace. In Carthage were sacrificed untold infants and children to the fires of the furnace, as the proto-Carthaginians, the Tyrians, had done in Phoenicia (think Taurus=Tyrus).

There is a good possibility that Tunis(ia) was named after mythical Athena, as per her associations with Libya. It's also possible for "Tanis" (city on the Nile), the foundation of the Greek Danaans, to be represented by "Tunis." That picture could trace the British Danann to Tunisia.

Due to the "Tanerdevilla" derivation of the Tankerville surname, a link to the Tanner surname was suggested (some months ago). I now see that the English Tanner Crest uses a talbot dog (symbol of the Meschins/Masculines). The German Tan/Tanner Coat uses a pine cone, as does the Maschi/Maskaly surname (first found in Rimini, Italy).

The English Tanner Chief uses Moor heads. One begins to get the sense that Moors of Freemasonic importance link to Tunisians and therefore to Carthaginians, especially as Hercules (= chief Dano-Mysian peoples) was equated by the ancients with Melkart, the Tyrian Molech cult that transferred to Cartage (via mythical Dido, princess of Tyre).

There are Scottish and German Danner surnames that might link to "Tanner." Interestingly, the Dan/Dannes surname, shared by CC recently/timely, seems to apply with "Tanner" because the Dan Coat uses green three-leaf clovers, as does the Tackel Coat. Keep in mind here that we could be tracing the Gaelic/Heberite Irish, via their own mythology, from Miletus-based (the Malet surname???) Scythians through Egypt, to the Spanish Iberians. That is, the Hebrite Gaels might have been a Tanis peoples of Hebrew blood who landed first at Tunisia.

The German Danner/Dane Coat is interesting because it uses axes, the symbol of the English Jones Crest (I traced the Jones' to the Samson>Hercules cult by way of the Jones' lion (Welsh Coat) similarity to the Sam/Sames Coat, but also because I suspect that the Jones' named themselves after the pagan/hypocritical Levite priest, Jonathan, grandson of Moses; see the Dano-Samson story in Judges 18:30). ALSO, the (Welsh) Jones motto uses "Heb" twice.

The English Jones Coat uses the raven/crow design seen above in both the Welsh Rice Coat and Welsh Codde Coat. The latter surname is said to derive from Cuthbert>Cudde, and checking the Cuthbert surname, a blue snake is used, of the same likeness as the green snake cropping up recently. This Cuthbert snake could link to the Samson>Hercules Illuminati cult because the Israelite tribe of Dan can be symbolized by a serpent, according to the phrase, "serpent by the road," which describes the Israelite tribe of Dan (Genesis 49:17).

However, just because some believe that they trace to Dan does not make it true, for the Tanis-based Danaans were NOT, in my opinion, of the tribe of Dan, but of the Hyksos, Armenian-based Hebrews...who worshiped Haik, a pagan god. The Hyksos can be identified as an Azzi peoples (as per the Hayasi-Azzi Armenians to which I trace them), and that's an ass-term if ever we saw one.

NOW LOOK. The Cuthberts/Cudberts were first in the Wigtownshire theater, where the Hanna/Hannover surname was first found. One can then imagine that the Tanis>Tunis Danaans moved with the Hannibal-related Carthaginians, to Wigtownshire. Out of the Cud term came the Gust(av)/Gaut/Cotte surname (that traces to the Welsh Coddes), BUT one can also see why the Gust surname links to the Tacks, for Tacks were related to TANERdevilles.

Likely, some Carthaginians of Hannibal, in their fight against Romans, merged with Sabines. I have just found the Sabines in Britain, as per the Sabine surname. "The personal name is derived from the Sabines, a people who lived in the Appenines northwest of Rome." The Coat uses a single, large red scallop, the symbol of the Tancreds and Tachs. The Tach surname is said to derive from "at asche," and I think it's true, as per the Dash surname, "originally from D'Assche, Normandy." Entering "Assche" brings up the German Ash/Asch Coat seen before.

Are these remnants of the Hayasi-Azzi? I recall the Ash/As(tons) trace to Actons, who were Ectors too (aka mythical Ector of Arthurian fame), and related to the Hykes surname...that smacks of "Hyksos"!!! It loooks as though the Arthurian cult traces to the Hyksos, for the Arthur clarion symbol was shown to be shared by the Hicks/Hykes of Clapton. Hicks/Hykes surname was shown to use the same clarions used by the Arthur surname! The write-up could link to Danes, as expected: "The first people to use the name Hykes were Vikings who settled in ancient Scotland..."

The Scottish Hykes/Hakes Shield is identical to the Codde Shield, and uses "hake fish," meaning that the surname is indeed linked to the Codd/Codde surname, for hake fish are "any of several large marine fishes of the cod family, Gadidae."

Apparently, mythical Ector/Kyner was a Hyksos branch. As per his son, Kay, see that the Hood/Hudd Coat uses the same bird as do Kay and Kenner/Kynnier Coats. The Hood bird holds a white anchor in its beak, while the Kynniers use two (crossed) white anchors. The Hood/Hud(d) surname could easily link to Codd and Cud(bert). The Hoods were first found in Devon, where we expect the Dumnonii-related Danann.

As further evidence that the Kynniers link to the Azzi sector of the Hyksos, the Kyne Coat is identical to the English Asch/Ash Coat! The latter surname was first found in Devon. They lived at D'Esse Court.

February 8

This update page was named yesterday, "The Hyksos Axes" (play on words with "Axis"), but in not having enough evidence for a link of the axe symbol to Hyksos, I decided on "The Hyksos Danes." Last night, I opened an email that proves to me once again that God is feeding me clues from readers just as they are needed. One email from Y was ASTOUNDING for the clues contributed on the Hykes=Hyksos theory now developing here. The email was dated February 1, BEFORE this update. It in-part said:

"David Axelrod as per my own research I believe these to be related [to] Axtell: "The earliest Origins of the name Axtell date back to the time of the Anglo-Saxons. The name is derived from the given name Asketillus, which is composed of the elements oss or ass which means god and ketill, which means kettle or sacrificial cauldron in the Old Norse."

I don't agree with that derivation; the surname is essentially identical with the Haskell/Askell surname, said in its write-up to be from "the Old Swedish name Aeskil, a contracted form of Asketill." However, a few minuted before opening Y's email, LG, an American of Finno-Swedish background, sent a one-liner email, dated the day before Y's email, on the Kettle surname mentioned in-passing on January 29, when I was on the Kay surname, said to mean "key." It had been mentioned that the Chee surname (first found in Cheshire) had Kettle-like variations, and that the Kettle surname (said to be from the "old Norse personal name of Ketill") was first found in Perthshire i.e. where the key-using Shaws were first found.

Perthshire is near Fifeshire, where the Kynniers were first found. As was said when I left off yesterday, the Kynniers use the same bird as the Kay surname, and Kynniers link to mythical Ector, father of mythical Kay, because "Cyner" is an alternative name given by myth writers to Ector. Yesterday's topic ventured to link mythical Ector to the Hyksos, you see, so that the email sent by Y on the Axelrod and Axtell surnames applies, not only because the Axtell surname derives from AsKETILLE, but because the Axelrod surname derives from "the settlement of Hackinsall in Lancashire..." I was on the Hack/Hykes surname only yesterday (thinking it should link to the axe symbol), but there was much more to discover from this family.

Before going on, let me repeat that I had traced the Haskell Coat's bell pattern to the Esque/Esquibel(le) surname, for yesterday I wrote on the Usk river, highlighting that the myth writer, Geoffrey of Monmouth, linked it to king Arthur, even calling it "noble." That bit will be found later in today's update...because today's update material (written yesterday) has been pushed ahead by the Axelrod topic now in focus. The point is, the Haskells were first found in Monmouthshire! One gets the impression that Geoffrey was fond of the Usk river because Arthur, and perhaps his own family, was linked to the Haskells.

I don't think that "Asketille" is to be understood as As-ketille (i.e. with an As root), but Ask-et-il (double suffix over long periods of evolution, and rooted in "Ask/Eusk"). The point is, I link them to "Euskal" (what Basques call themselves). It is interesting, however, that Hyksos should trace to Azzi-like surnames (see yesterday). Variations of the Axtell surname include: Akstill, Ashkettle, Askettle, and Asketil.

Both the Axelrod and Axtell Coat use three white axes. Assuming that the "Hackinsall" location is Hyksos related, we should become familiar with other Axel(rod) variations: Hax, Ax, Hauk, Hax, Haux, and Hawkes. The first variation I investigated was jaw-dropping; I entered "Hackinsall" to find a Coat using herons. Variations include HackinSHAW, HackSHAW, Hacksaw, AxSHAW, AckSHAW, AckenSHAW, HaxSHAW, and HackenSHAW.

But it was the heron symbol that made things astounding. I had come across it a day or two ago, for which reason the Irish Heron Coat (with pelican-on-nest) was spied momentarily, but at the time the surname's derivation meant nothing to me: "The name Heron originally appeared in Gaelic as O hEachthigheirn or O hEachthigheirna, made up of the words 'each' meaning 'steed,' and 'thighearna,' meaning 'lord.'" BUT NOW, "Heach" is clearly linked to the Hack/Hykes surname and therefore to the Hackinshaw>Axelrod family. I therefore tend to reject the "steer" derivation, albeit the Hyksos were horsemen and charioteer warriors.

As the pelican is used by the Arthur surname that was linked to Clares, it's not surprising that the Irish Herons/Hearns were "First found in county Clare, where they held a family seat as a Dalcassian." Cassian??? THAT'S WHAT BEGINS TO BE ASTOUNDING. The Pattersons, the Scott-branch of which uses a pelican-on-nest in both the Coat and Crest (so as to be the "kings" of the pelican symbol, apparently), show a Cussane variation (!!!) as per the Irish Patterson page. PLUS, the black Patterson lion has blood droplets upon the droplets that are peculiar to the black Sam/Sammes lion shown yesterday along with the same symbol (essentially) in Welsh Jones family.

The Patterson family "belonged to one of the eight Sodhans." That looks like it could modify to Codd(e), so I checked the Codde surname again (forgetting its symbol) to find a near-replica of the English Jones Coat (!!!), the one using an axe in Crest!!!! If you read yesterday, the hake species of fish used in the Scottish Hykes/Hack Coat was found to be of the cod family no doubt because the Shield is identical to the Codde Shield.

Therefore, the Pattersons belong to the Codde, Jones, and Hykes families...which is INCREDIBLE because my email friend with the Patterson surname, who married a man that is a Patterson on one side, informed me that she wanted to trace the Hyksos to Europeans long before I knew that she was a Patterson on one side!! To now find that she could be from the Hyksos is INCREDIBLE. Is this what God wants us to know, the end-time Hyksos? For new readers, I have identified Hyksos "Egyptians" as the one who enslaved the Israelites for centuries. I trace my own Masci surname to the Hyksos too, therefore, but so what? Blood counts for nothing. If God wants us to know these things, it's not to condemn anyone who traces to Hyksos.

In 1979, just weeks after my conversion to Jesus, I had what I considered to be one of the only God-given dreams I'd ever had, about my re-marriage (I was single at the time and didn't know it was about a RE-marriage). My future wife was depicted as a mean shark mangling the family (I didn't know it until our separation that the shark would be my first wife). A feature of the dream, a British bulldog (with Holstein-type spotting) ran past me, fell into a kidney-shaped swimming pool (symbol of my wife's worldly aspirations), and got caught half-way into the shark's teeth-ringed mouth. The dream came true in real life. The bulldog was no ordinary one, and it wasn't a pet, but a $5,000 fiberglass one related to the business (that my wife had bought years before). Just months before the separation, I bought the dog myself apart from connecting it to the dream (which by then I had totally forgotten, and abandoned as a dream from God).

Therefore, at the time of the separation, I came to believe the second half of the dream, a God-sanctioned re-marriage, should be expected to the woman...after her present husband passes away. I came to identify her as the woman in the dream for various reasons.

The last time I saw (her husband, Patrick bloodline), he was at least 80 years of age. The last time I communicated with his wife (more than 30 years younger than he), I mailed her a letter telling her a bit about the dream, and giving her the address to this book so that she might contact me when he passes away. I've never heard from her since, unless she has emailed me under another name. I figure that she thinks I'm crazy, and maybe I am. I could be wrong about she being the one in the dream, but I am telling this story to show again the curiosity of people marrying into their own genetic lines without knowing it, for I am about to show it yet again as per my Patterson email friend's marriage. And, being on the Hykes and Patterson topic now, I couldn't resist telling the story.

As I recently linked the Patterson scallops to the Coruna (Spain) scallops, and now to the Axelrod/HachShaw surname, I should mention the Hackshaw write-up: A silver heron's head erased gorged with a red ducal coronet. A coronet??? is that code for mythical Coronis, mentioned yesterday? Coronis was a crow (!!) i.e. the symbol of the Jones and Cobbes. And Coronis was linked yesterday to the mythical crane/stork, Gerana! Now we find a heron with a coronet.

I traced the Shaws to Ishmaelites because the Hagar surname was in Perthshire, where Shaws were first. Now I find that the Herons were derived from "O hEachthigheirna," and that This [term] was first Anglicized O'Hagherin, which was later changed to O'Aherne before the prefix was eventually dropped." HAGHERin??? Clearly, cutting through the ideas of the experts, who are often given to imaginary derivations based on their best word-play attempts, the HackShaws must link to the Perthshire Hagars, suggesting that the Hyksos were in-part Ishmaelites (!!!!!)...if the Hagars named themselves after Ishmael's mother (because they knew, or believed, to be Ishmaelites). This is fantastic, for if I recall correctly, CC had tried to persuade me that Hyksos (thought by many to be Hebrews of sorts) were in-part Ishmaelites (part-Hebrews)...with me resisting her, at first, on that point...until I should find evidence.

The Haghar=Heron motto uses "ardua," to no surprise. But let me go back to the DalCassian clan from which the Herons emerged. I checked the Cassane find a red triple chevron on white, colors reversed from the German Asch/Ash Coat. The Asches were just linked to Hyksos elements yesterday! In fact, the Asches were linked to the Dashes (= D'Asche) and Tachs (= Asches), who were themselves linked to the Gust>Cotte>Codde family, and NOW we find that the Cassanes "comes from de Cassagne, the name of the House of the Lords of Montagu..."

It floored me to discover, last night, that the Montegue surname has a MonteCUTE variation, which so impressed me as a feasible Cotte/Codde variation that I entered "Cute" find that the Cute/Cutte surname "came from a baptismal name meaning the son of Cuthbert." Excellent, for the Codde write-up says the surname is from "Cuth/Cudbert"! It was like I won the bloodline lottery last night, but there's still more, much more.

The Hagher=Heron Coat uses Alis in crest, which was another shocker, for I had accidentally typed "Ales" instead of "Wales" some days ago to find the Alicia/Alesi Coat with the green tree that came up five more times (i.e. in five other surnames, including Panetta) in less than a week thereafter. The second instance, after finding the tree in Ales, was in the Padros Coat, by which time it had been gleaned that Peters/Peterson-like clans were fundamental to "Patterson/Petterson." Therefore, it came as a shock to find the third instance of the same tree in the surname of my Patterson friend's husband!! I can't reveal his surname without his/her permission.

Today I saw that the Simpson surname (Hebrew) uses "alis" in its motto too, and that it's a green and white Coat, like that of the Padres and Ales/Alicea Coats. I had thought to link "Simpson/Simson" to "Samson/Simpson," you see, and meanwhile the black Patterson lion clearly links to the black Sam/Sammes lion. The Simpsons were "First found in Buckinghamshire, England where an area named Simpson was listed in the Domesday Book (1086) as being held by the Bishop of Bayeux." That must be Odo, bishop of Bayeux/Bessin, from the John>Herluin de Burgo line, and meanwhile the Burgos location in Spain as well as the English Burgh surname use green and white...colors I figure trace to the Ishmaelites and/or other Arab peoples from north Africa. In fact, as per the Moreno/Moratin-like castle in the Arms of Burgos, I should mention that the Moreno/Moratin castle is used in the Cassane Crest, thus linking the Haghars>Cussanes>Pattersons to Mauritanians/Moors.

As we just saw that Haghars>Herons were of the Cussane>Cute/Cotte/Codde clan, note that the Cassane write-up traces to "Hampshire, where a Ralph Cattessone was on record in 1115. Other early records include Robert Casseson in 1327..." The Cattes, surname, that is. But the Casses term smacks of the Bojocasses, and the LasCases of Spain. All Basques, I think, which brings me to the next important point. I had traced the patterson-based Cussanes to "Guisnes," and NOW the evidence is in, for as the Patterson write-up says, "...O Casain. At one time it was anglicized as Kissane," a check of the Kissane Coat (also Irish) shows a Guissane variation! The Kissane Crest uses a green lizard, perhaps connected to the green lizards found earlier on this update page.

Here is what I wrote yesterday in case it proves to be true: "The Hood/Hud(d) surname could easily link to Codd[e] and Cud(bert)." When looking at the Chee Coat with Kettle-like variations, I saw that the surname could include "Cattle," and ZIKERS, the Cattle Coat is only the second time that I've seen the peculiar Hood mascle-and-saltire design. Like the Old Norse "asKetille," the Cattle/Cattell surname is from the Old Norse, "Chetel." Therefore, "Hood/Hode/Hudd" must have had a hard-C so as to form Cood//Code/Cudd variations...and Cattle variations. So why not link to the Gust>Gaut>Cotte bloodline...of LG?

LAST NIGHT, I read another email from LG. She was just passing along her find that her Dahlen bloodline (one of her parent's) uses the same evergreen exactly as the Constance surname (that was dealt with months ago in relation to an Obama-line trace to lake Constance. Moments later, when on the Montague portion of last night's investigation: "The name [Montague], however, derives from the family's place of residence...Montaigu-Les-Bois in Coutance, Normandy." Entering "Coutance" brings up the Constance pine trees.

Suspecting that the Contans, Conten, or Contane variations of "Constance" linked to "Conte(ville)," I then found its white-on-gold crescent in the French Conte Coat; both surnames were first found in Languedoc! Suspecting that one of the Burgh Coats should use the same color scheme, therefore, I found it in the German Burgh Coat. This should explain why Herluin was styled Conteville though his father was a Burgo. The German Burgh surname was first found in the Rhine region...where the counts of Berg, aka Ezzo of Essen was/were located.

So what do we make of all this? Does the axe symbol in heraldry depict first and foremost the Axelrod variation of the Hacks/Hykes and Hagar/Haghar bloodlines, and do these and similar surnames truly lead back to the Hyksos? If one believes the idea that the Hyksos were the Egyptian pharaohs mistreating the fledgling Israel, then one has reason to believe that the Ten Plagues were a taste of things to come at Armageddon, the same sort of utter destruction to come on end-time Hyksos rulers. And that's where David Axelrod is important:

"David M. Axelrod (born February 22, 1955) is an American political consultant based in Chicago, Illinois. He is best known as a top political advisor to President Barack Obama, first in Obama's 2004 campaign for the U.S. Senate in Illinois and later as chief strategist for Obama's 2008 presidential campaign. Following the 2008 election, he was appointed as Senior Advisor to President Obama."

I'll probably continue on this line of thought, but for now I need to add below what was already committed for today's update, as per the Alten>berg topic. The Elton surname of Cheshire, linked apparently to the Hans/Hands of Cheshire as per the latter's link to the German Altens, uses white stars on black, the symbol of the Pulsiphers/Pules...first found in Cheshire. Then were found more white-on-black stars in the Chief of the Randolph- and Dunham-like (i.e. they use dancettes) Pawly/Paulley Coat...with "Palin" registered in its databank.

As per Hannibal's Carthaginians at the Treby river (Liguria), let me re-mention my trace of the Traby Poles/Polabians to the Trevor surname of Wales, which uses a gold lion on white and black; not only do the Arms of Ceredigion uses a gold lion on black, but the German Breck/Brech Coat as well. I've already shown that the Arms of Breconshire (webpage below) uses bats, a symbol in the Randolph Crest.

Recalling that the Brigantinos region of Spain was beside Corunna and Burgos, and the Moratin surname that seems key to disclosing the Berber and/or Mauritanian wave into Spain, read this on Brecon history:

"The kingdom of Brycheiniog was established in the 5th century and survived until the 10th century when it was subjugated by the Anglo-Saxons. During the Norman period... The Lord of Brycheiniog was subject to the Mortimer family who ruled most of south and east Wales in an area called the Welsh Marches...

I don't care how the experts explain "Mortimer"; it, with its ancient locality of "Moretemer," looks like a Moratin/Moreton variation to me. Not only does the Mortimer Coat use the Spanish Moratin colors, but being first in Herefordshire, the Mortimers were nearby to the early Mortons/Moretons, first in Wiltshire. Curiously, the Scottish Morton page, showing the same variations exactly (with "Moorton" thrown in), claims that Mortons were first in Cheshire...evidence that the Scottish Moors/Mures were linked to Meschins too. It's not a coincidence that the Mordon Crest uses a Moor head.

Recalling Esk rivers and similar terms associated with Meschins, we now find an Usk river in Breckonshire, AND "The Usk has also played a role in many local legends. The Medieval Latin text The Rise of Gawain, Nephew of Arthur recounts a humorous tale in which an incognito Gawain pushes his uncle King Arthur into the Usk..." In Greek myth, such a picture would suggest that the true Arthur entity -- likely of the Gaelic Arthur family -- was closely linked with the river, as for example Daphne was placed swimming in the Ladon river, which was also made her father by another myth writer. Geoffrey of Monmouth proudly called the Usk, "noble."

The Arthur surname is said to be "from King Aedan Mac Gabrain, King of Dalriada. Again, Wayne County, Michigan, is where the town of Romulus is found, founded by Pullens and Pulciphers (read as Pulc-ifer, as for example Jenn-ifer, and therefore trace the pelican symbol of the Pullens and Arthurs to the "Pulc/Polk/Pollock"). The Waynes, like the Pulsiphers, were first in Cheshire, suggesting a Gawain=Wayne equation.

I happened to find something interesting about Esque-surname (Spain) variations that seems to apply both to the white-on-black stars, and to the Heron topic discussed above. I figured that the Esquibelle variation was primary since the Haskells derived their bell pattern from it. I then wondered whether a variation was Kibble-like (i.e. leaving out the "Es" and leaving the "Quibelle." Trying "Kibble," I got one (white stars on black in Chief). That's when I recalled the Sibbell surname (third update of January), said to be derived from "Saebeald" and using a Sibald variation. This may be Hawkes-important (= variation of Axel(rod) surname) because the Seabald Crest uses a hawk's lure, as does the Cheshire-surname Coat and Crest. The Esque bird, as well as the Seabald bird, could be a code for the Axelrod surname (from Hawkeswell) and related Hackinsall/Hackshaw surname. As the latter uses a heron, the question is whether the Hagher=Heron surname, with pelican-on-nest, is related to the Hurl/Harrol surname with hawk's lure as Crest. This might be interesting for Julie, who years ago urged me, without luck, to seek the roots of king Herod, for when one enters "Herod," the Hurl Coat pops up. Julie is still reading, or at least she sent an email yesterday.

The following us FANTASTIC. I had come across a heron in a surname a few days ago, but could not recall which surname...until I was about to write, immediately after the last line of the paragraph above, that king Herod was an Idumean i.e. from Edom. That's when I wondered what Edom-like surnames I had shared, and instantly the heron in the Dommes surname popped into my head!!! That was the surname that Tim shared with me when urging me to seek European/modern Edomites! AMAZING. See also the Tom/Thommes Coat (crows and dancette in Palin colors), and don't assume it's correct to trace to "Thomas."

One could get the impression that the Heron evolution from "Hagher" is proof of linkage to the heron symbol of the Dommes/Dommers, but it's apparent that the latter got the heron from the first so that herons don't necessarily denote Edomites. As the Sommers use the same sort of double dancette as the Thommes, they might just be Dommers=Edomites. The Schumer Coast: a single war axe in the Axtell/Asketil colors! Don't assume that "Shuhmacher" (= Shoemaker) was the first/original Schumer/Schumann variation).

Do you think it's right for a righteous person to charge $100,000 (as Sarah Palin did/does) to speak for an hour or less to a new political movement? Or is it a sign of leaving Christ behind for personal ambition? Her battle is on. Bill Clinton charges still more for each speaking engagement, without even his nose blushing red with embarrassment. Are these really good people? Doesn't the fee say all we need to know about such leaders, that they would desert the flock in times of trouble? Jesus did not do things for money because he was a "real man." Prophecy Decided to emphasize FALSE prophets as the things to watch out for in the end times.

[End update]

PS -- Entering "Domian", "Domain", and "Domine" brings up another dancette: the Dunham Coat! See another double dancette, in the colors of Dunham, are in the Doeman Coat, found as per the Doemer variation of the Dommes surname. Again, these variations should be as per the Dumnonii Celts...meaning that the Dommes more likely trace to them rather than Edomites...unless the Dumnonii were from Edomites. Hmm, something to think about.


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