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August 26 - 31, 2014

The Caepio-Caiaphas Exposure Expands Greatly
Rockefellers at Sion

Cottius, also called Marcus Julius Cottius (flourished 1st century bc), king and then prefect of the Ligurian tribes living in the area now called the Cottian Alps, centered on Mount Cenis and the Montgenevre Pass.

Cottius was the son of King Donnus, who had initially opposed but eventually entered into friendly relations with Julius Caesar. After succeeding his father, Cottius maintained his independence while the emperor Augustus subdued other Alpine tribes. Finally, Augustus secured submission by naming him prefect (praefectus) of about 12 of the tribes. Later (about 8 bc), Cottius showed his gratitude by erecting a triumphal arch in honour of Augustus (which still stands in Susa [ancient Segusio]). He also improved the road over the Montgenevre Pass.

Cottius' authority was transmitted to his son of the same name, Marcus Julius Cottius, on whom the emperor Claudius conferred the title of king; but, after this king's death, the emperor Nero reduced the area to a Roman province, Alpes Cottiae.

His other son, Vestalis, is not mentioned. Although I can't find the birth date of the first king Cottius, it seems that he lived into the first century AD, or close to it, in that his son was under the time of emperor Claudius. I'm reading that, at Augustus' death, at 14 BC, the first Cottius was yet alive. Julius Caesar was born in 100 BC, which places his mother (Aurelia Cotta) before Donnus. But it can be clearly understood by Cottius' middle name that he was a Julius-Caesar bloodliner. I would suggest that Cottius was born 70-60 BC, while Donnus was born about 90 BC, making Aurelia a possible mother of Donnus. If that is true while Julius didn't want it known, perhaps he arranged for historians to disguise it. Why do we see affection between Augustus and Cottius?

Why is there so much heraldry to Vestalis? I don't think that Caiaphas comes from him, but if Washingtons do, that explains it. Its is feasible that the Este entity that may have named Vestalis, or the Cotesii element that named Cottius, goes back at least to Aurelia, and goes therefore to Caiaphas.

[Late in the update, I get to the Aurelius surname and find it in Este colors for a reason, but its gold-on-blue scallop can link to the Patterson / Sowton/Sodan scallop, important because Aurelia was a Patrician. The Washington Coat links to the pelican-on-nest symbol of Pattersons because Washingtons use the Nest/Ness bars. Washingtons can go back to Aurelia too, in other words, not just to Cottius' wife, and so note that the American stars are in Este-eagle colors, for that tends to trace the American eagle to the Este eagle. I'm being less general now in trying to get to the finer details. I am thinking that the Mitanni line from Methoni enters the family before Cottius, not with his wife.]

As the Cottius family has been traced to Nestor elements at the Pylos-Methoni theater, it can make the family related to Pontius Pilate if he was named after Pylos elements. The heraldic piles are suspect with Pylos, and it just so happens that while Aurel-like Orells share red roundels with Ore's, the latter use piles.

[If we ask why Aurelia's trace to "Orleans," it turns out (late in the update) to be in-part for a Blois reason, and in-part for a LaBel reason, and so see the DuBel like variations of the Blois, for the Bellamy's of Perche are near Orleans, and they joined Ferte-Mace, what the Moden and Cott/Cottin fretty traces to. However, there is a La Ferte-Saint Aubin in Orleans on a COSSON tributary of the Loire, and the latter river sounds like L'Ore.]

Ore's share the fitchee with Quints, and use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Annas' and Letts. What a coincidence. Why is the line of Aurelia Cotta linking to the Annas and Caepio family? Wasn't it already suspect that Annas' family was somehow from Augusta = Angusta so as to be related to Augustus? [Doesn't "Annas" smack of "Ness".]

As the line to Caiaphas is through peoples at the Mathis river of Illyria, it seemed like strong evidence that the Methoni line to Cottius had to go through the Mathis river and the Cavii peoples there. That's why it's important that the Mathis/Matthew Coat is using the black-on-white moline cross (symbol of Jacques de Molay) of the Chives/Shives Coat. They both show a gold star at the center of their molines; undeniable link. Mathis-river peoples were at Ceva, and on the Tanaro river. Who did they all include? [Late in the update, the Paeoni at Asti become a topic, and they are suspect at the Este root of Aurelia. It makes much sense to have Paeoni allied to Cavii right up until Hugh de Payens and Elizabeth Chappes. This Paeoni-Cavii backdrop to Aurelia Cotta seems compelling, important for explaining why Julius Caesar had an affair with a Caepio.]

The Chives' were first found in the same place (Devon) as English Stewarts, and so the pelican on NEST of Scottish Stewarts (use the checks of the Massi-Mattis Coat) can trace to Nestor elements, especially as Scottish Stewarts lived in Renfrew, where Ore's were first found (i.e. that tends to support an Ore-pile trace to Nestor at Pylos).

[Why are Stewarts tracing exactly to the place where Annas and Caiaphas are expected? By what coincidence was Este merged with Ferrara while I trace Stewarts to Forum Allieni = proto-Ferrara? Why is the Ferrari car logo a horse, the Wessel symbol too? Who were the Josephs from that share the Wessel garbs? Why do the grab-using Josephs use a "charo" motto code for the Charo/Chiaro family, first found in Ferrara? There is a Chieri location about a dozen miles from Asti so that Chieri elements may have formed Este at the Ferrara theater. In this picture, the Charo/Chiaro bull is for Turin/Torino. As I see the Ferrari logo in the Arms of Stuttgart, pay attention, in this regard, of the Stout-viking trace to SHETland where that island's name is now tracing to Sadducee-suspect Shutz' / Scheds/Sheds and Shuttle's. The Stouts/STOWs (fitchees)happen to use bars in the blue-and-gold colors of the Dance/Donnas bars, and Sturs use similar bars (red and gold) tracing to the Stura tributary of the Tanaro. The Sturs are from a Turin-like area where Norman Vere's lived, but they were also where Chiaro-honoring Josephs were first found so that Sturs do seem to trace to Turin, about 5 miles from Chieri.

The Stura passes by Fossano, a location suspect in the fitchee code as well as the Foot bloodline to be re-treated in this update. The Foots will trace hard to a fundamental Levi aspect of the Cottius family.]

As the Chives trace definitely with Cavetts and Cave's to Ceva on the TANARo river, it's no coincidence that the Moline's are said to be from Falaise, where Fulbert "the TANNER" was from (the term was disguised as a tanner occupation when in reality Fulbert was from Tanaro-river elements). It's very clear that the Matthew surname was from the Mathis river (not from anyone named Matthew), and that the Cavii named Ceva.

The last I discussed this, the Mathis-river peoples traced to Massa in northern Tuscany, a place related to neighboring Luna. The Luna surname was found to use the white-on-red crescents of the French Masseys/Masse's, likely related to the Messeys/Messier's, first found in the same place (Burgundy) as Mathis'/Matthews and Pilate's. This is not unlike tracing Messene, the area all around Pylos, to Masseys.

The "virTUTE" motto term of the Chives' is a common one that I expect with Vere's [and the latter do not only use the Shield of Maccabee-suspect Masseys and Annas-suspect Hanans, but of the Eure/KEEVer/IVER Shield, thus making "Eure / Evreux" suspect with Chives liners though I would not equate the terms. The LOUViers location in Eure now becomes suspect with Levi liners of the Louvain/Leuven kind]. One can now prove that "virtute" is a double code, for the Tute's/Touts/Toots too, for they use the Luna / Massey crescent. Irish Touts almost use the Massey Shield (but it's the Tatton Shield in colors reversed), and were first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Fulke's/Folks, important because Italian Fulks use the Shield-and-Chief combination of the Massi/Mattis surname.

[Later, the Tatton Coat looks linkable to Junia Caepio Secunda, and so let me mention here that the gold-on-red Second/Segur lions can be the same of the Abreu's/Abrussi's who trace to Caepio-lion Bruce's through Evreux (in Eure), where I see the formation of the two same-colored leopards in the Arms of Normandy. These leopards are now suspect as the Chives-Crest leopard, and it just so happens that its the Mosca leopard too while Mosca's married MontCHIARO. But a further point is that Bruce's are thought to be using the Louvain lion as per a Bruce trace to Bruges and/or Brussels in Belgium, and so the Louviers location near Evreux seems to apply to Louvain liners. Therefore, the Caepio's are suspect in Louviers and other areas of Eure, a new concept for me. A trace of the Chappes' in northern Paris to Perche, as per their PERCHEvron, cuts right through Evreux. I apologize for running a multi-storied soap opera here in these inserts, but these are important points.]

The Tatton crescents are evidence that Touts were Tatton liners, and one can read that Tattons were in Dunham-Massey. These crescents are used by Renfrew's Spears, who trace to the spears of the Pace/Pascel surname, first found in Bologna/Bononia, and then the Ore's use two motto term suggesting Bononia. That traces Aurelia Cotta's family to Bologna too, and if the question is why, Modena is less than 25 miles away. The Cottius line to Renfrew, highly suspect in the Alans of Dol as they proceeded to become the royal Stewarts, was in the Ore's primarily, and I would guess that the Setta river at Bologna plays into the Aurelia entity because I trace "Renfrew" to the Reno river while the Setta is a Reno tributary. The Reno also traced to "Rennes," in the part of Brittany where proto-Stewart Alans operated.

[As Stewarts trace to Shetland's Stout vikings, the namers of the Setta are suspect with the namers of Shetland. The Biggars seem honored in the motto of the Arms of Shetland, and Biggars are using the same-colored fesse as Chiaro's/Charo's/CLARO's, suggesting that the line of Rollo Claro was in Shetland's naming. If you understand me, Rollo's ancestry was from Chieri in some way, while Chieri elements were in the Setta. It's a tough concept, that lines from Joseph Caiaphas became vikings, but what is so surprising for God-abandoned bloodlines to become satanic? Rollo is the one who conquered and settled Rouen in the Eure theater. His descendants became chief Crusaders.]

The Letts (now known as the Leto/Latona > Leda > Ladon bloodline to/from Revelation's harlot) use ORGAN pipes, part code for the Pipe's and Pepins, and then the Organs/Hourigans are also "Aragan," smacking of the Erigon river that was the upper part of the Axius (I made a mistake a couple of updates ago when saying that the Erigon was the Mathis). The ERIGON is mentioned in the 3rd update of August, but it was linked to the naming of ARGENtera (near Ceva) in the 3rd update of last February (where the Cavii are a central topic). Augustus worshipped Latona. The Paeonians of the Erigon were therefore traced from their Astibus location to Asti (near Argentera). The point is, the Cotesii of ancient Scythia were from "Kutaisi," the golden-fleece city, and the Argo ship (like "ERIGon / ARGentera") was filled with Boiotians from ORCHomenos. Therefore, the organ pipes are being gleaned as code for these particular Boiotians expected as the Boii in Pannonia as well as later in Bononia. We should be asking why the Aurelia-Cotta line at the Ore's is honoring Bononia, which was conquered by the Boii about 100 years before Donnus. [I traced Orchomenos Boiotians to "ORKney," beside Shetland, as it seems certain that the Argo ship was a code for pirates by trade.]

"Donnus" has traced to the Dniestra river that is DNESTR on my atlas. It's a new concept to consider a Nestor trace to this river, but I'll consider it. Coincidences of terms do occur.

It seems clear that the Lett Crest is honoring the Argo-ship crew in the Organ/Aragan surname, and that Argos in Greece was named after the namers of Orchomenos. If correct, it has the tendency to trace the 600 Danites of Laish to Orchomenos, and it just so happens while mythical Cadmus settled Boiotia, Laish was at mount Hermon, home of CADusii Armenians to which Cadmus must trace. Therefore, the descendants of the 600 Danites are suspect with the Cadmus wave to Greece. [What did the line of Jonathan the Levite become in this picture? It will be addressed in this update.]

To this it can be added that while the Italian Dance/Donnas Coat uses blue-and-gold bars (suspect with the Cavett bars), the Arms of Aragon in Spain uses red and gold bars. It seems unmistakable now that the Donnus > Cottian line was from the Kutaisi Colchians as they merged on the Danube with the Argo-ship lot. There was no such ship, nor crew, but the implication of the myth is that Orchomenos Boiotians in Kutaisi were involved with its politics and throne. The golden-fleece king of Kutaisi was Aeetes, a branch of Phrygian Attis, con of Cotys. We get it, all tracing to king Cottius. This king even controlled Brigantium/Briancon while Phrygians were called Brigians/Briges. The rider of the golden fleece to Kutaisi was "Phryxus/Phrixes." This is the Helle-hole that controls mankind's aspirations and bents.

As the golden lamb/fleece appeared in the flock of Atreus, and as he traces to Atrebates at Atrecht, by what coincidence was Atrecht also "Arras," much like "ARRAGon" (the surname). As Arras is in Artois, tracing to "Atreus"-suspect Odrysians at the Arda river (Thrace), it's a good reason for viewing the so-called "rests" of the Arthur Coat as a top view of a piano-like organ. The "rest" is no doubt code for the ORESTeia location (was later Hadrianopolis) at the junction of the Arda river with the Hebros, exactly where Odrysians lived. But I traced the Orchomenos lot to the naming of Orkney (Organ-like term) thanks to codes (the "Orcs" and "Melkor") used by JJ Tolkien, and then the northern parts of Moldova have recently traced to the namers (from the Sithone tribe of Odrysian-related Edones) of Shetland.

[Late in the update, Jonathan the Levite traces for some new reasons to the Halybes in alliance with proto-Cavii at the Hattusa theater. The Halybes are thought to equate with KHALDI, and then Tolkien's Melkor code was for mythical Meleager, king of CALYDon, a line to Scotland's Caledonians. Tolkien made his Orcs allies of the evil Melkor, and so Tolkien's magic rings of world power apply to the Benjamin annuLET entity as it merged with the organ-pipe entity of Letts. I hate to spoil surprises, but it's important to add that the Halybes link to Jonathan has to do with the "Halysones/Alizones" version of the Halybes as it applies "Eleazar, Jonathan's uncle's name, terms that can trace to "Elis," where the Benjamin line has traced (the Elis cross is in the colors of the annulet-using Benjamin saltire). It just so happens that Wikipedia helped me to trace Tolkien's rings, owned by Tolkien's Sauron character, to Saracens of Sicily, in the Aeolian-Islands area of Messina, and so it's important that mythical Aeolus can link to "Elis." It just so happens that the Ali/Aliotta surname, in the colors of the Leto's/Alitto's/Lette's, suspect with Letts, was first found in Messina. Therefore, Tolkien's rings are tracing to the heraldic annulets and the surnames that use, or correspond to, them.]

It was discovered recently that Donnus-liner importance in Shetland was at its Yell location, of the Julian-suspect Yule's, and that the Yale's figured into this, thus making the Skull and Bones surnames traceable to the Aurelia-Cotta elements at Bononia. The reason that this paragraph was started was to introduce the red fleur-de-lys of the Yell-suspect Gellone's/Jellings, for it just came to my attention (from the Irish-Tout write-up) that "Thwaite" was a Toot/Tout variation, and English Thwaite's use the same fleur as Gellone's. And then Scottish Thwaite's use fretty lattice, symbol of the Cotts!! You need to concentrate on the clues to make all the pertinent connections for to glean any important facts of history.

[Skulls and Bone's should always trace to Hebron with the annulet-using Schole's, suspect from Eschol elements in Hebron and tracing to the Scylla monster at Messina. The Benjamites are thus suspect with Eschol elements. The Elis crescents are in the colors of the Meschin scallops, thus tracing Eli's not-badly to the Ali/Aliotto power-ring line out of Messina. This helps to trace Benjamites to Methoni / Pylos of Messene.]

MORE CAN BE GLEANED, for the fretty-using Thwaits are using a version of the black Benjamin saltire, likely, because both surnames were first found in Norfolk! Another surname using fretty inside a cross are the Taffeys/Taffe's, who can now link to the MacinTOCH-suspect Tough/Tuff/TOUCH surname (Cheshire, same as Thwaite-related Tattons) expected with Clan Chattan, for it (and Macintochs) uses a "Touch not the cat" motto phrase. As fretty traces to Ferte-Mace, this is extra evidence that Macintochs were named after a Macey-Touques combination. Yet, by the Macintosh leopard, the family traces to Ceva elements because that leopard is now showing (for how much longer?) in the Chives Crest.

As Chives' and related Mosca's use the Macintosh/Macintoch leopard, it's feasible that the latter surname is not to be understood as a Mac term, but as Macon-Toch. To put it another way, it was a Macey-Touques relationship. The Macon location was near Lyon, and the Touch lion is in colors reversed from the Lyon lion.

The Touques surname shares besants with the English Thwaits to help equate the Taffeys (Mieske arm-and-sword) with Touques-river elements. That is, a Touch version of the Touques looks to have developed first into "Tough" and then "Tuff / Taffe." Or, it might have started with "Daphne / Dauphine" and gone the other way to "Touques." JJ Tolkien is suspect with a Touques-river line in the Tolkien/Touque surname. If we ask why Taffeys should trace to Aurelia Cotta, the dolphin in the Caesar Crest can help.

[The dolphin symbol of Daphne (from her divination position at DELPHI) could have been a pirate symbol because there were Taphian pirates of Greece (Akheloos river, in the Calydon / Aetolus theater) to which the Sauron-like Sirens traced. In myth, Sirens sang songs to sea-farers to lure them in and kill them, clear pirate symbolism. "Aetolus" traces to "Atlas," and Meleager of Calydon married Atalanta. The Sirens are thus suspect with the rings of power, and it just so happens that the heraldic mermaid is sometimes called a Siren while it's known that mythical Melusine, not a Tolkien character, had magic rings as well as a fish tail. JJ Tolkien was a demonic goon, therefore, when honoring these pirates in fable. Tolkiens/Touque's share griffins with the Ali/Aliotto Coat. By now you've caught on that the Aeolian pirates connect with the Wessel > Gace line, right? Compare the sound of "Aeol" (the sound could be could be Yole rather than A-olis) with "Yule," asking if Julians/Iulians trace to Aeolians.]

The Taffeys are suspect in using the Macclesfield and Fessy cross because Ore's use a cornuCOPIA while one Arms of Macclesfield uses a "copia" motto term. Another Arms of Macclesfield shares the fitchee with Ore's, and then Fitch's (Leopard "FACEs") are suspect with Face's/Fessys.

It just dawned on me that Fessys should be Faucet liners tracing to Focsani in Vrancea, for Hugh D'Avrances ruled at Macclesfield too. As Faucets were first found in MUSSELburgh, the Mussels/Muscels may have been the same that named MACCLEsfield. Mathie's use "Fac et" in the motto, and Faucet-like terms can become Foots / Fothes who happen to trace to Foetes/FUSSEN! The Matts/Mathews share an upright black lion with Faucets! It predicts a Focsani line to Fossano through the Mathis-river clans. Can this entity trace also to lake Fucino of the Marsi? Ask the Marshalls of Musselburg, who were a branch of Keaths, first found in the same place (Haddington) as the Bass'/Bassens, the latter tracing excellently to Bassania upon the Mathis riverside! See lower-left of map:

As the Putna river is in the Focsani theater, see a new thing, that the Putent/Putten Coat uses besants on a black FESSE, the Thwaite symbol. Why should Thwaits and Toots trace to Focsani? Ask the Fossano location less than 25 miles from Ceva, which again argues for Focsani elements in the Cavii theater. Place bets on whether "Bassen" developed into Fossano-like terms, for Bassen-like surnames are expected in code with besants. Not only was southern Vrancea the land of the Cotesii (on the BUZau), but it's the location of the Rimna river to which the Benjamites (from Rimmon) trace. That explains why the Thwaite's and Benjamins were first found in the same place, and are using versions of each others crosses.

If the trick now is to find the Cotesii in the Bassania theater, let's re-mention that the Bass/Bassen greyhounds are used by the Shutz's/SCHUTZ's while the latter trace to lake SCODra not far north of Bassania. Then, near Scodra there is a KOTor location, suspect with a fish symbol that was taken on also by Bars of Bar-le-Duc (from Baars of Brunswick) who trace to a Bar location smack to the Adriatic coast of lake Scodra. Then, the Bar-le-Duc fish are in the colors of the Este / Barr eagle so as to show why Aurelia Cotta should trace to Este, and moreover Bar-le-Duc is on the Moselle river that can trace to Mussels in Musselburg! In this picture, it looks like Focsani was a Bistones entity to Bassania and the Faucets of Musselburg, but the main point is a Cotta trace to Kotor and Bar.

And that jibes with the Boiotian topic because Cadmus settled Butua, a dog's breath from Kotor. In other words, this can explain why Aurelia Cotta was tracing to the Boii of Bononia, if the Boii were from Boiotians of Butua. This trace of Cottians to Kotor is completely unexpected, but note how Cutters (in Este colors) are using the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Saluzzo's in colors reversed (see also the fish of Catters). Saluzzo is so close to Busca (and Fossano) that Busca is now suspect with the Buzau river, and then the Saluzzo peoples trace as Sale/Salette liners to the Salto river of the Marsi at Fucino. Concentration on these links can explain facts of history otherwise untold. It's not a new science to use heraldry to track people groups, but we don't hear about it much, and it's certainly not in any history classroom.

The cross style used by Thwaite's and Taffeys is that of the mythical-Creusa bloodline that was fundamental to the 600 Ben-Jabeshites as they went to the Jeffersons. The Creusa line goes from Agrigento to the Cross/Croce surname (shares "cruce" motto term with Jeffersons) using the Massey Shield (and almost the Massin/Mason motto) upon which we find the potent cross. Therefore, the Benjamites were related to the namers of the Putna river. Possibly, the Putten variation of Putents can reveal that the Putna was a Pussen / Bassen entity from Focsani elements. Putents/Puttens were first found in the same place as Saddocks, kin of Chaddocks, and then Chads use the potent cross. Can we spot a Sadducee link to Cotesii here, all expected at lake Scodra?

Cruce's, using a version of the Messey/Messier and Jefferson crosses, were first found in the same place as Cotesii-based Cotts. This is why the family of king Cottius was Benjamite way back, and why FreeMASONs trace themselves to the tribe of Benjamin.

With the Thwaite's now tracing with Putents to the Putna / Cotesii area, one can address the Threet variation of Thwaite's, much like the Toreatae peoples from lake Maeotis. I suspected the Toreatae to be in code in the heraldic "torteaux" = red roundels, and as they are used by both Orells and Ore's, we can begin to trace Aurelia Cotta to the Toreatae scythians, likely at/near Tanais at the mouth area of the Don river (it flows to lake Maeotis). Tanais is where I would trace the 600 Danites in the book of Judges, because I expect them to be, not Danites from Dan of Israel, but proto-Danaans of Argos from Tanis (on the Nile). It seemed to me that "Cotesii" was a hard-c version of "Soducena," and so while the Sittaceni were also from lake Maeotis, it explains why Cottius' family should be related to the Toreatae. There is every reason to believe in all this that Caiaphas was born from Aurelia Cotta.

In the last update, we saw why Cottius should trace to Cass'/Cash's, Caesar-liner suspects now tracing to the Moldova capital. But the balances / weight scale used by Cass' is used also by the Assi surname, suspect from the Assi / Azzi peoples that named lake Azov, the same as lake Maeotis. And the Assi are traceable to "Aeson" and "Iason" of the Argo-ship group of pirates. The Aeson surname is even listed as a MacinTOCH sept, if that helps to trace Toreatae and Sittaceni to king Cottius. His son, Vestalis, traces with the Wessels to the formation of the Gace/Wassa surname, from Gace on the TOUQUEs river. It's a neat little package of reality that heraldic symbolism helps us to create.

No guff, after writing the paragraph above, the Trouts came to mind as a possible Toreatae line, and they were first found in the same place (Westmorland) as Wessels!!! As the surname is also "TRUEbach," the True's are suspect with Toreatae, and it just so happens that True's share the plumed helmet with English Lannoys while Touch/Toughs/Tuff's are apparently using the French-Lannoy / Lyon lion! That traces the Toreatae to the Touques-river clans, does it not? And MacinTOCHS were Togarmite scythians, were they not? Yes, and as Togarmah was a son of Gomer, is it coincidental that the Lannoys are using the three fleur of MontGOMERy's? The latter were first found in the same place as Ore's.

AND LOOK! The TWO black greyhounds on the True bend are no doubt the greyhounds of the Lys/Lisse Coat (traces to Lissus on the MATHIS river, smack beside Bassania), and of course of the Bass/Bassen coat, but the True greyhounds are between two bendLETs -- suspect with Bend-liner Benjamites merged with Letts!!! -- in the red-on-white colors of the Orell bendlets!!!!! Instead of greyhounds, the Orells use torteaux...which is why the greyhound-using Shutz's can trace to Sittaceni / Soducena.

The Orells were first found in the same place as Benjamin-suspect Banisters, who may be a Ban-Ister combo, though the BanNESTOR variation can indicate Dnestr elements. The Nests/Ness' use the Washington bars so as to link Nests/Ness' to the Gace/Wassa surname, and Washingtons were first found in the same place (Lancashire) as Banisters / Orells. As Ore's use "piles" as an indication of Nestor-of-Pylos elements, it appears rather certain that the Nests and Washingtons are indeed from Aurelia Cotta, and, moreover, with the Washingtons merged with Nestor elements, one easily traces Washingtons and Wassa's to "Wassukhani," the Mitanni capital (i.e. Wassukhani elements are expected at Methoni, beside Pylos).

I'm getting the impression that the "WATER bougets" of Banisters trace from Watts and Vatts/Watters to mythical Batia, daughter of Togarmite-suspect Teucer, but suspect also with the Buto version of "Uat." This Uat/Buto cult had been on the Nile delta probably as part of the Tanais line to Tanis. "Buto" had been suspect with "Buz" because Nahor had Uts and Buz for his first two sons (his third son, Kemuel, is now suspect at Gabuleum). With the Buz-Buto entity tracing to the Buzau while that area is now tracing to the Scodra area, it would appear that Butua was a Buz-Buto entity, thus identifying the Boiotians as such (the ancients made Danaus out of Tanis the ancestry of the Cadmus Phoenicians). In order to get from Cadmus to Boiotia, one needs to go through the Cotys>Attis line at Hattusa, thus explaining why the Cotesii were on the Buzau. But where the Buzau was named by Boiotians, the Boii are suspect on the Buzau.

As Benjamites must trace from mythical Oeneus (father of Methoni) to the Oeneus/Una river of mythical Juno and the Jupiter-related Japodes, the black-on-white fleur-de-lys of Banisters should be those of the June's/Jungs, first found in the same place as Julians/Gillians. [Late in the update, I work at understanding how June's trace to a Junia Caepio, and it turns out to be a convincing discussion.]

The "water bouget" of Banisters should go to the same of Bugs, and then Nahorites were on the Bug so that the two Bug surnames are suspect with Buzites. One Bug Coat uses a bat as evidence of a Buto trace to Batia, and it's interesting that the Baton surname is shown as Bassen-like "Baston." Buzites were thus the mother of the Trojans with DarDANUS as the father, a good reason to link Buto/Uat to Tanis. Or, to put it another way, the Nairi at Lake Van moved to name Sevan, and the Tanais elements at Maeotis came there as the proto-Sadducees. Ask the CAMBYsene location beside Soducena, for "Kemuel" traces to the Cammell variation of Cambells.

The water-bouget entity to the Vatts/Watters (ARGyllshire) are using a version of the Alpin and Gregor Coats. Gregors are said to be directly from the family of MacAlpin, and this traces Gregors to Guerin of Provence, said to be the son of William Gellone. As Gellone's trace to the Gela peoples that founded Agrigento/AKRAGas, the Gregors trace with Craigs to the Creusa elements that named Akragas. Guerin of Provence is highly suspect with Drake's (because Guerra's share the wyvern dragon with Drake's) from the Drago river through Agrigento. Why should Buzites be at Agrigento? Ask the Gel/GILEKi Iranians that were allied to the Cadusii in Cadmus, mythicized as CILIX, brother of Cadmus, and symbol of CILICia.

I had traced Buz elements to "ABZu / APSu" of the Anaki-suspect ANU cult, expected at the Biblical Anaki of Eschol in Hebron, explaining the ANNUlet of the Schole's. ABZU / APSU appears to trace to Apasa = Ephesus, and for me that spells the Jabesh line to mythical Abas. As unreal as it may seem, Buzites seem to have named the Jabeshite line to Jebusites of Jerusalem. There was a BOZcath in which I traced the Cadusii of proto-Cadmus. Safe to say, Bozcath traces through the Buzau river to Busca, in the midst of Ligurians who included lozengy-using Grimaldi's that can now link to the Schole lozengy. GRIMaldi's are now suspect with the CRIMmon/Rimmon surname.

The original point was a Buz trace to Agrigento, and "Apsu" smacks of the Apsus river (mouth at the Adriatic), south of the Cavii, that I trace to "Hypsas." In this picture, the Jabeshites named the river to Agrigento along with Gel/Gileki elements, and that's why Jabesh GILead should trace to Giliki.

The Gellone's were found above to be part of the Orkney theater, which tends to trace the namers of Argyllshire to Orchomenos elements along with Orkney. While I think that lines from Herod Archelaus named Argyll (because Herods were first found in Argyllshire), the deeper and older reality may be that the Archelaus surname (from the Comana area of Syria / Cilicia) was from Orchomenus elements. Historians trace the roots of Argos to Cilicia, after all. As Seth, the father of Annas of Israel, is suspect with the Archelaus family, and while Annas was a Sadducee, by what coincidence were Sadducees of a house of Boethus, a term like "Boeotia," the land of Orchomenos! Again, the Seth surname is listed with Shaws/Sheaves who went through Ceva as the Chives/Shives.

I was praying this morning that, with all the clues amassed thus far, I'd like to find evidence, sufficient for you, to finally prove that Joseph Caiaphas was an Aurelia-Cotta liner through Julius Caesar's affair with Servilia Caepionis. That's why I was seeking the birth date of king Cottius. I have been sidetracked, as usual, with all of the above, more piles of clues. I am hopelessly given to being sidetracked, because it always pays off...even if it puts the grand revelation further into the future. In this case, the grand revelation is to discover the parent(s) or grandparent(s) of Joseph Caiaphas. Not that it will make my/your life any better in this world, but that the hunt should find the backdrop to end-time prophecy's Grand Purpose.

The Archelaus cult at Comana (traces to the Wessel / Comyn / Joseph garbs) was expected in some relationship with the el-Gabal cult in Emesa, though the latter began in Arethusa. In the last update, the Ben-Jabeshites were traced to mythical Abas, son of Arethusa and father of Chalcodon (a Gileki-like term). That discussion ended with a suggestive Chalcodon trace to the Toreatae because the Chalk-related Chaucers use a TORToise. Chalc elements are tracing to the Cottians likely due to Sithones of Chalcodice. One explanation is as per a trace of Jabesh Gilead to Laish, a city of the particular Sidonians suspect as proto-Sithones. In that picture, the Gileki of Gilead named Chalcodice.

It works well because Euboea had a Chalcis location as well as the Benjamite-suspect ABANtians of Abas. Didn't Buzites, suspect with Jabesh, trace to the mother of the Trojans? Yes, and ancients said that KoryBANTians founded Troy at mount Ida, where Batia and Teucer were from. The Korybantians are typically identified with CURetes of Crete so that KORYbantians look like a Curetes merger with Benjamites in Crete. These can be identified with Hephaestus (= Ephesus elements) in Crete's PHAISTOS location. Dionysus was in Crete before he removed to Lemnos (with Ariadne), and this looks like the Hephaestus wave from Crete to Lemnos, off the Trojan shore. Between Lemnos and Troy there is a small island with a Bozcaada location on my atlas.

The Arethusa location in Syria was suspect with Aretas of Petra, whose family gave birth to Kypros, mother of Herod the Great, father of Herod Archelaus. In this picture, Herods were named after Arethusa > Aretas elements, and for this reason I traced the MacArthurs (Argyllshire) to "Aretas." The MacArthur crown is in the Gregor Coat, but also in the Mathis-suspect Mathie Crest. It looks like Aretas elements trace both to Agrigento and the Mathis, and the common element there is the Apsus river, wherefore lets ask why there is a Petra location between the mouths of the Apsus and the Mathis (the latter is not stamped, but is at the Bassania location).

It just so happens that, along the Drilon river, beside the Mathis river, there was a Gabuleum location (see lower-left of this other map), where the El-Gabal sun god may trace, especially as Bassania is in this neck of the country (El-Gabal came to be ruled by a Bassianus surname). As the Penestae location on the Drilon goes to the Pendragon > king-Arthur, it appears that king Arthur also traces to Aretas of Petra. That's equivalent to tracing Arda-river elements to Arethusa elements, and so see the Orestis area to the south of Penestae, for it should trace to Oresteia at the mouth of the Arda (and to the "rest" symbol of Arthurs). "Oresteia" is a little like "Arethusa." See mythical Orestes and Aristaeus for further clues, and keep in mind that the Odrysians at Oresteia trace to "Adriatic."

As El-Gabal was given a black stone symbol, I have the suspicion that the stone links to STENarum in the Arutela theater (Aluta river). [Later, the Lane's will trace to the Mathis, and so note that Lane's use a rose on a STEM while Stems are listed with Steins.] Arutela is at the source of the ARDiscus river. Recall that Trouts/Truebachs were suspect with Toreatae as the latter made up the Cottius family, for the three fish of Trouts (rare design) are almost identical in positioning to those of German Gobels. And Italian Gobels use a camel, a symbol that can go to the Cambells/Cammells, whom I suspect both as part of "Iamblichus," an El-Gabal priest, and from AMPELum near Stenarum. The Mathie's and Campbells share the gyronny pattern, and so Campbells may indeed trace to Gabuleum / Mathis by that route. The white fleur of Gobels can go to the white Lys/Lise fleur and therefore to the Lissus at mouth of the river upon which Gabuleum is located. Gamble's/Gambels use nothing but a large fleur. We are undressing the world of wicked elitism, and there is nothing to brag about.

I had suggested a trace of the Sava river to "Cavii." I imagined the Cavii moving north to the Sava, the river of the Juno and Japodes cults. But Gabuleum-like CIBALae is on the Sava too, and then smack beside Cibalae (map above) is CERTissa, what can trace to Certa, the Numidian capital. The Maezaei on the one side of the Oeneus river can apply to king Massena's Numidians. Certissa is opposite the Sava from the mouth of the Urbanus (CORyBANtians?), the latter river being the one that the Maezaei are stamped on. It's not likely coincidental that the Urban surname shares the blue Massena bend with three gold Zionist stars.

But the Massena Coat also uses the Pek patee crosses, and then Cuppae on the Pek traces to the Kupa (Colapis) river of the Japodes. "Kupa" could be a version of "Jupa," in which case the Cuppae location is suspect from the Jabesh elements amongst Benjamites, making it all the better to equate "Caiaphas" and "Caepio" with "Jabesh." To put it another way, the namers of Cuppae were proto-Jupiter, the greatest love of Romans from Rimmon. When Jesus was baptized with a dove symbol, it was on the Jordan, location of Jabesh Gilead. "Jordan" elements can even trace to "GORski," the modern area around the Japodes theater. Ask the French-Gore variations.

Juba of Numidia was married to Glaphyra Archelaus from Comana, in CAPPAdocia. As Mazaca was the Cappadocian capital, while the 600 Benjamites must always trace to Mazaca's Amazons, "Cappa" (and mythical "Capes") may now be considered as hard-C versions of "Jabesh." Again, mythical Capys is said to have founded the Capua location near Naples, and then the Capua surname, first found in Naples, is also Caepionis-like "Capone."

Let's Not be Ob-Livius

If that's not enough, Servilia Caepionis sounds like her first name traces to Servitium, smack on the Japodes part of the Sava. I am starting to think that a trace of Ben-Jabeshites to Aurelia Cotta is a trace of the proto-Caiaphas term. But I do not think that both of Caiaphas' parents were pure Romans. There needs to be a Levi line involved that named Joseph. The French Levi's happen to use triple chevrons in Benjamin colors, and Jewish Levi's use a lion in the colors of the Capua/Capone lion. It's a black lion, the color of the Flanders lion, itself in both colors of the Benjamins and Levi chevrons. This is important because the counts of Hainaut (Flanders) used the three Levi chevrons...making me suspect that Hainaut was named after Annas liners. This must have been the reason for the inclusion of Templar elements in the Flemings of Flanders. The HainAULT version could trace to Annas elements on the Aluta.

Servilia's three daughters with her husband (supposedly) were all named Junia, from a family tracing to mythical Juno. I did an extensive investigation checking to see if Junia Prima and Junia Secunda traced to the Primo and Second surnames, and found the Seconds listed with Seagar liners whom I had previously traced to Cibalae on the Sava, very linkable to "Cavii." In fact, I'm of the mind to trace "Cavii" to Kybele and her Cabelees peoples. But not until now have I seriously entertained a "Cavii" link to "Jabesh," which is equivalent to tracing the Cavii to "Abas," and to Abas' mother, Arethusa. It very much suggests that the Gabuleum location at the Cavii theater was the El-Gabal out of Arethusa. That is, it very much expects the parents of Caiaphas from the el-Gabal priesthood.

[It was after writing here that I traced Jonathan the Levite to the naming of the river of Juno. Wait for it and see if it convinces you.]

The Primo/Primeau surname was first found in the same place (Burgundy) as Jefferson-suspect Messeys and Chives-related Mathis'. That's not trivial; you have your Maezaei and your Cavii elements in that sentence. The Primo/Primeau Coat even uses a large gold patee cross (in the colors of the Messey / Jefferson crosses), symbol of the Crusoe's (suspect with the "Cruce" term of Jeffersons), first found in the same place as Benjamins, and using the patee in colors reversed from the Jefferson cross. The motto of Crusoe's is for Noble's who use the blue Caepio-line lion. But if Junia Prima was born a Caepio-Juno liner, or even a Caesar-Caepio line as per Julius' affair, how was she a Hebrew / Levi liner? Shouldn't we expect some person in the line of Quintus Caepio to have been that Levite?

Just look at Servilia's family tree (bottom of page below) to see that Quintus Servilius Caepio the Younger married Livia Drusa, named after her Livius-surnamed family. I can't find a Livy-like surname aside from the Life's/Liefs/Leafs/LEVE's, first found in the same place as Benjamins! The Life's/Leve's use the dove, symbol of Cuppae.

I've known this Livius link to Servilia Caepionis, but it didn't help to discover the parents of Caiaphas, partly due to my being sidetracked habitually. I've just entered the Olive/Oliph surname suspect (for years) with the Levi liners, and what do you know: it's the black greyhounds (collar included) in the colors of the greyhound-using, Sadducee-suspect Shutz's (!) who use a saltire cross in colors reversed to the Benjamin saltire, and in the colors of the Crusoe patee (suspect with the Primo patee). The Olive collar is white, but I can't recall what other surname (mentioned in the past four weeks) used a black greyhound with white collar. Note that the Olive-Crest symbol is quartered, as is the Massey Crest symbol, as are the Primo and Second/SEGUR Coats. Quartered Crest symbols are not common, and may be code for the Quarter/Waters surname that shows a Creusa / Curetes suspect variation. The Olive-Crest quarters are colors reversed from the quarters in the Chives Coat...that shares the moline cross with SEAGARs.

I had the impression that Junia Secunda was so named after Segusio, after which the idea may have struck the family to nickname her older sister, Prima. This impression was to explain the Second/Segur surname. Moreover, near the Cottians there were the Sequani peoples that could apply, especially as Saxons/Septons/Sextons are using a Coat (bendLETs) much like the Orells. Did the Sequani like to use numbers??? What about QUINTus Caepio, named after five? Why was caesar Augustus born an Octavian? Was this the mark-of-the-beast bloodline that wants to reduce humanity to numbers? Why are Saxons//Septons/Sextons one of only two surnames I know of that use scarlet color, the color of Revelation's 666 dragon??? The other scarlet surname is that of dragon-using Tresure's (like the scarlet color is not coincidental but deliberate as per love of satan), of the "DOUBLE tresure border" symbol used by Flemings and Seatons/Satans? Couldn't this cult form a triplet code too after the Sexton surname? Are those three scarlet so-called "CHAPlets" in the Sexton Coat a form of annulets but honoring Caiaphas instead of Annas?

Scottish Olivers use leaves as a theme, and look linkable thereby with the Life's/Leve's. Olivers share black footless martlets with French Josephs, and the "FOEDera" motto term of Olives suggests Foetes/Fussen elements that I trace to Fossano. But as these terms trace also to Fucino of the Marsi, let's repeat that king Cottius was Marcus, suspect from the Marsi > Marici line, and that the Marici co-founded Pavia with the Laevi Gauls/Ligures. The Laevi predate Caiaphas and are expected to be a wayward cult of Levites, perhaps from pagan Jonathan in the book of Judges. The father of Livia Drusa was Marcus Livius Drusus. AHA! "Drusus" looks traceable to TRUSesti area of northern Moldava, suspect with the triple-like Trips because Trysts use a "TREPidum" motto term. The Trypillian-suspect Trabys even show what looks like a 666 in the strings of their hunting horns. These hunting Horns have the peculiarity of the three human legs in the Arms of Fussen (all originating at the center of the design), and similar to the three TREBeck/TRUEBach fish. The three human legs originate in the Arms of Sicily, and it just so happens that a SICANians peoples were one of three co-founders of Sicily (had a three symbol for it's triangular shape) who could have evolved into the SEQUANi! This could very well be the lovers of 6 and 666.

THEN ZOWIE, Italian Olivers use a label, and were first found in Bologna, where the label-using Panico's were from. In fact, the Panico Chief uses fleur-de-lys in the colors of the Oliver fleur. Didn't I trace Shutz liners and Levites to Panico's months ago, and here I find the Shutz-related, Levi-suspect Olive's / Olivers tracing to PANICo's...who are now suspect from "BENJamin." As the Life's/Leve's trace by their dove to Cuppae, by what coincidence is PINCum at the mouth of the Pek??? It looks like wayward Levites were on the Pek in times before Caiaphas. Remember that dove symbol that God used to verify, before the crowd, that Jesus was His favorite priest. English Olivers even share an oak tree with Panico's.

Italian Olives are also "Livieri," but even broken down as "Viero," likely for the Vere liners at Montferrat. The "label" can be traced to "LaBels," wherefore the two red-on-white chevrons of the Scottish Olivers must be the two Perche chevrons (same colors)...because LaBels are suspect as Bellamys at Perche...beside Maine, where the Josephs were first found who use the black Oliver martlet. The Oliver/Liviere fleur is likely that of the Masci's who trace to a merger with Bellamy's at Ferte-Mace.

As Servilia Caepionis was a daughter of Livia Drusa, she now appears to be a Levi-Trusesti liner. The TrussBOTs were suspect with Trusesti because it's in the BOTosani area of Moldova. And what do you know (no guff, this was not looked up until all the above was written) but that the Trussbot Coat shares the label as well as the large patee cross of the Primo's/Primeau's!!! This patee is in the colors of the large Oliver fleur, proof-positive that Trussbots are from the Livia-Drusa line through Servilia Caepionis. The Oliver and Trussbot labels both have five so-called "points"; the Coats are a near-perfect match. The Points are suspect with the Punch's and Pinks/Pincs.

Junia Prima and her sisters were Levi liners, by all appearances. If the crowned heart of Scottish Olivers is that of Douglas', it's very notable that Douglas' share the Julian/Gillian Crest. It can reveal that Junia Prima was a daughter of Servilia with Caesar as the father. I don't know where a Joseph came in after Junia for to name Joseph Caiaphas, but I now do know that the same Scottish Olivers are using the Joseph martlet. White-on-black martlets (colors of the Saddock martlets) are used by Tanner-suspect Livings/Levins, first found in the same place as Wessels and Trouts/Truebachs. French Levi's were first found beside La Falaise, which is where "the tanner" should trace.

As we saw Burgundy elements in this Benjamite picture, its notable that the Cress/Crest surname (looks like a Creusa branch of the Christ/Chriss kind) was first found there, for the Scottish-Oliver motto term, "cresco," may indicate it. The Cress/Crest BENDy could easily be that of Guerra's / Benoits. The lion design of the Cress/Crest Chief is that of the Primo's. The Crey/Cray variations may link to the Oliver GRAYhound.

Heraldry can become a washed-out generalization, by which I mean to say that Caiaphas may or may not have been from Junia Prima; he could have been from any of the three Junia's.

Let me remind that Trouts were looked up in the first place as per the Treet variation of Toot-related Thwaits, and the latter trace to the family of "the tanner" with certainty (just read the Tute write-up). The Toothills (bendlets) are in Trout colors, and first found in the same place (Cambridge) as Capone's, Chapmans and Julians. The Chapmans are the ones using the Luna = Toot crescent. There is a Tothill/Tuttle surname (white crescents, color of the Luna / Toot crescent) shown also as "TURTle," which may indicate Toreatae liners again. The Tothill/Tuttle Crest looks like the Chives cat, and then Tarts/Darts were first found in the same place (Devon) as Chives', Darths/Deaths (Pembroke / Mazza griffin), very suspect with Arthurs, use more white crescents.

Pollocks and Tuttle's are two porphyria carriers, and then the Pollock arrow is called a "dart" at Wikipedia's Clan-Pollock article.

As I traced the Darth/Death crescents in particular to the same of Motts/Morte's, it's interesting that Primo's (red lion) are also "PriMAUD / PriMAULT / PriMOT," for Maud and Maults are both listed with Molds (red lion). As Tattons use the Mott / Darth crescent in both colors of the Luna / Toot crescent, it's notable that the quartered Tatton-of-Massey Shield is colors reversed from the Second/Segur quarters. I had reasons to feel that Mauds/Molds were Methoni liners to HasMONeans in Modi'in, but if that's correct, then Moldavians may have been named after "Modon." The reasoning here is where the Moldova capital is at the DNESTR river. The Moldava river flows to the location of Roman, so near to Pungesti that the Pung-like motto term of Rome's/Rooms discovers this surname, using another red-on-white lion, from Roman. That's three red lions all tracing to the Moldava river, apparently. My guess is that Jonathan the Levite traces to Moldava river somewhere.

The large Galati location at the mouth of the Jabesh-suspect Buzau river smacks of "Gilead," especially as the Rimna and Rimnicu-Sarat area is on the north side of the Buzau. The Levite, however, left with the Danites, and the latter could have named the Danube flowing through Galati. The Galati location can be suspect with the Jonathan rooster.

Directly across the Carpathian peaks from the Moldava river is Reghin on the Mures, and a little ways downstream on the Mures is Alba-Iulia, followed by Deva. What do you see? Whose rooster do you see? Whose dolphin do you see? Reghin traces to Ragnvald of More, and his Sinclair surname uses the rooster, but the Reagans use the dolphin, expected from Deva if it was the Daphne line (to Diva of Cheshire, I assume, for Ragnvald was bother to Malahule, and the latter's line ruled the Bessin and gave birth to le Meschin, ruler at Diva). But as a Julia location is up-river from Deva, what about the Caesar-Crest dolphin? To put it another way, why do Italian Alba's, from Alba on the Tanaro, where Sinclair kin of the Tanner kind came from, share the swan with Wessels? If not to the Alba swan, where else should the Wessel swan trace?

Wasn't Vestalis of the family that married Julians? Shouldn't Vestalis trace to Alba-Julia? Wasn't Vestalis the Wessel line to Gace's and Goz's (the latter being le-Meschin's grandfather)? Yes, for Richard Goz married Conteville's honored in the Sinclair motto, and Goz's (Moray stars, trace to the Mures) look like they use a version of the Sion/Swan Coat, with Macey Shield and the swan! It's important that the Sion/Swan Coat showed GAUNTlet gloves until recently, for the Ghents (from Gaunt) use the Tanner Shield so as to trace the Sion/Swan swan to the Alba swan.

Plus, the Moray stars trace to the Menumorut Khazars on the Mures who were in conjunction with the Szekely peoples on the Mures, and the latter peoples traced very well to the Sicels that were co-founders of Sicily along with the Sicanians suspect with the Sequani, in-turn suspect in the ancestry of Aurelia Cotta. Sicanians lived in central Sicily, where Agrigento is found, but Gela is more toward the end of Sicily operated by Sicils, and so the idea now is that Julius Caesar's Gela background was on the Mures with the Szekely. I am quite sure that the MenuMORUTs, co-founders with the Szekely of Hungarians, are in heraldry. The Morte's/Motts may apply, as can the Walsh-related Mortons. The Scottish More's/Muirs are using the Moray stars in the colors of the stars of French Julians. The Szekely may have given Moldava its wolf symbol.

The Szekely were, in my opinion, related to mythical Charops at mythical Scylla and Charibdis. The latter is thought by many to be at the Calabrian toe of Italy, also called Bruttium after the Prut river of Moldova. There is a major Reghin-like location (Reggio) at the toe of Italy. The "Pro rege" motto term of pelican-on-NEST Pattersons (beside Moray, scallops in Moray colors) should now trace to the Julian Patricians in alliance with Reghin elements on the Mures. The Kilpatrick kin of Pattersons lived in the same area of Scotland as the Rome's/Rooms tracing to Roman directly to the other side of the Carpathians from Reghin.

[Jonathan the Levite will later trace to the (C)Halybes that I say named Calabria. This can trace him to mythical Charops (code for the Carpi Thracians that named the Carpathians) whose descendants (i.e. Orpheus) were on the Maritsa river, a term suspect with "Morut" because I trace the namers of the Mures/Maros to "Maritsa." I trace "Orpheus" to the REPHAites (Israel), from the Assyrian city of Arrapha, otherwise called Arrapachitis after the Biblical Arphaxad, ancestor of Eber, founder of the Hebrews, expected on the Hebros = Maritsa.

This is all interesting but a little off the Livius topic until I can find Levite lines in the Carpathians. I will add that Galati, where the Levite lines are expected, can be traced to the Colt/Cult/Celt variation of the Coots/Coutes'. As the Rollo surname is using (for a clan badge) the Colt/Cult stag, one can entertain a Mures-river link to the namers of Galati, no doubt the Galli priests that I say named the Gauls, or the Khaldi (from early Chaldean Hebrews on the Khabur river) that I say named the Celts. The Coot/Coutes variations of the Colts/Celts informs us simply that Cotesii were involved at Galati, very logical. The Sinclair rooster can expose further that Mures-river elements were at Galati, and the Gay rooster is interesting because Gays were first found in Savoy, the backyard (or maybe the front yard) of Cottius' family. The fact that Colts/Cults use the Pilate pheon can trace Pylos elements to Galati, this being yet another reason to link Nestor to "Dnestr." What Scottish king would like to inform his subjects that they (the kings) were from proto-Moldavians and Sicilian Szekelys?

The Toothills look like BOTters out of Lucca. I am having trouble finding an argument for tracing Toots to "Trusesti," in BOTosani, but Toots may trace to something in Botosani. It could be too rash to say that "Toot" is an r-less Toreatae term; there could have been a merger of Toot liners with Toreatae. There is a TROTus river in northern Vrancea, close enough to the Soducena-suspect Cotesii.

As Oliphants use the "tout" motto term as well as the Toot crescent, one should make an Oliph comparison with the Oliph variations of the Olivers. This can obliterate the trace of Oilphants to "Eliphas" (son of Esau), and trace instead to Levi liners of the Oliver / Livius kind. Or, it can indicate an Eliphas merger with the wayward Levites to the Livius Romans. Oliphants were linked to Bute elements of the Bothwell / Arbuthnott kind, and the myth, "Le morte d'Arthur" (code for Morte's/Motts and related Deaths/Darths) was about king Arthur's links to Avalon = Bute.

The Death/Darth write-up suggests that the surname was linked to the Heths, who happen to use a Coat like the Olive's/Oliphs, and, besides, both Heths and Olive's show roosters in Crest as evidence of tracing to the rooster of Jonathans, from Jonathan MacAbee of Modi'in. But suddenly, the Jonathan rooster can trace to Jonathan-the-Levite lines at, or in alliance with, Galati.

Heths (expected as MacHeths of Moray / Ross-shire) show a "mieux" motto term, and Primo's (who already traced by their variations to Modi'in-suspect Motts and Mauds) show a PriMEAUX variation. There is a Meaux and a Lemieux surname.

Spanish Olivers share the owl with Prime's! Good one. You need to Trusesti me on this. It's looking very good for discovering Levite liners in the Livius surname. I spent years insisting that Freemason and Templars were NOT Israelite Hebrews, but that turns out to be only half true. I did not ever want to write for to push British-Israelism / European-Israelism, and so understand that I do not view any Israeli elements in Freemasonry as blessed of God, or to be respected.

It's very hard to know whether the Second/Segur surname traces to Junia Secunda. I tentatively concluded that it could due to links to the Primo's. The Second/Segur Coat likely uses the Arms-of-Normandy lion as borrowed from the Abreu's of Evreux (the latter was founded by the Hebrew tribe of Eburovices), for the Second/Segur quarters are in the colors of the same of Tute's. These Tute's are said to be from Berenger de TODENi (proto-Tattons, obviously), son of Robert, duke of Normandy, the latter being the husband of Herleva of Falaise (daughter of "the tanner").

The Tute's are said to have been associated with a Holme entity, which recalls that the Home's/Hume's ("True" motto term honors the True's using the Lannoy plumed helmet) share the Touch/Tough/Taff / Lannoy / Lyon lion. The Holme's (Lancashire) show the red lion wearing the Capelli and Biden "chapeau," which recalls that Bidens/Buttons are a branch of English Botters/Budins, thus tending to clinch the trace of the Toothill bend to that of Italian Botters, and to the same bend of Chattans / Chatans, important because Chattans honor the Touch surname in their motto, "Touch not the cat, BOT a glove." The True's were looked up in the first place as per the Truebach variation of Toreatae-suspect Trouts, and then Toots are suspect with Toreatae too. For Rollo's to use the "tout" term too, one may seek Toots / Todeni's on the Mures river as well as in Botosani.

JUST FOUND! On the Botosani side of the Carpathians (directly opposite the Reghin side), there is a Gura Humdrului area, to the north-west of Falaise-like FALTiceni. While Hume's use a "True" motto term, what about "Humdrului." Could that be a Drulul entity tracing to the naming of the Drilon river around the Cavii? Yes, for the True's use greyhounds that trace with the Lys/Lisse greyhounds to Lissus on the Drilon! Plus, I had traced the greyhound-using Bass's/Bassens to the Baseu river of Botosani before finding that the same surname traces to Bassania at Lissus. Humdrului is near the Botosani border, stamped on my atlas about 10 miles north of Falticeni.

[Insert -- Unfortunately, after writing that, I discovered online that the spelling is not "Humdrului," but "Humorului, which obliterates the DRU part. My atlas has a river over the 'o' so that it looks like a 'd'. I guess coincidences do happen, but look at how well the trace of True's worked out to the Drilon river. I think that part still stands, even though Humorului cannot trace by its name to the namers of the Drilon. After writing here, I found undeniable evidence that House's, Lille's and Falts/Fauls trace to areas very near Humorului, wherefore the trace to it of Hume's/Home's will stand. I'll get to the Falts, House's and Lille's after this section.]

Recall that Fullers (suspect with FULbert "the tanner" of Falaise) link to the Carpenters, for this can trace Fullers to Falticeni. The Fullers are the ones using a beacon for the Beacon/Bacon surname suspect with Bus liners at Bacau further down the Siret. The Tanner-suspect Tankerville's/Tanerdeville's share the Bacon / Bus cinquefoil.

Humorului and Falticeni are between the Moldava and Siret rivers. As the Tute's link to Holme's, Todeni liners are expected in the area, or at least merged with Humorului elements. I'm wondering why Todeni was given to duke Robert's son, but that's a question for another day. The Drews seem to apply to the True liners at the DRUlul entity, because Drews trace to Dreux (another red lion) on the Eure river of Normandy, and beside Bellamys of Perche. The Taddei Chief uses the white-on-red flory cross of Bouillons, and then the "Bello" motto term of Bouillons links easily to the Belli kin of Carpenters and Fullers (Belli's use a beacon too). So, there we have a very unexpected revelation that the duke of Normandy in relation to the mother of the Conqueror traces to the Moldava river. For those of you who thought I was crazy for tracing Robert's ancestry to Reghin, this is even more east than Reghin.

Don't be deceived by the "Christi" motto term of Bouillons; it's code for elements in Creuse on the north side of Auvergne. The white Creuse lion could be the white Holme lion, but the Creuse lion is in the two colors of the Fallis/Fall lion. The latter use the Rockefeller trefoils (code for RoqueFEUIL). I think that is capable of tracing Holme's to both Humorului and Falticeni. [I didn't know while writing here that the Creuse / Fallis lion is in the colors of the two lions that are the Arms of Suceava. Tracing the Rockefellers to Moldava is no small tinkering because it traces to the Roxolani in all likeliness.]

Taddei's use three red chevrons to match the three red bars of Fullers, Carpenters, and Belli's. In my opinion, this is tracing Tudors to Moldava, as expected where Tudor Trevor was a Traby i.e. from Trypillians of Moldova.

The Holme's are using a multitude of bars (eight) in the colors of the same (nine) of Piedmont's Donnas', and this can trace Holme's to Ceva on the Tanaro. As the Cavetta river flows to Ceva, by what coincidence do Cavetts/Chavo's/Shavo's use a multitude of bars (nine) in blue and white while Holme's use a "cui vide" motto phrase??? The Chaveau variation of Cavetts must be the meaning of "chapeau," meaning that Capelli's and Bidens trace to Ceva. As this is all suspect with the Cottius family, let me re-mention that Cable's/Cabbels ("ImpaVIDE", compares with "Ciu vide") use fretty pattern, and were first found beside the Chives of Devon. The red fesse over the Cable Shield must be the Biden fesse.

I maintain that the Chiapponi variation of the Sheaves/Chiava's was the Caiaphas line. I did not consciously know of the Chiavari location between Lucca and Ceva until two or three weeks ago even though I mentioned it in the 2nd update of August, 2011. It was then that I linked the key in the Arms of Chiavari to the keys of the Sheaves/Chiava surname, but I wholly forgot about this place afterward. Although the Sheaves liners go to Numidia, the Botters go to Botosani, unless Botosani elements were first in which case Botters can go to Numidia too. The Neamt area that I see as the proto-Numidians is on the south side of the Moldava river.

In a completely-unexpected discovery, Neamt was just found to be what looked like the proto-Ananes Gauls, and so to support this idea, the Ananes were first found in Placentia, at the end of the Trebia river. In other words, the Trypillians of Neamt are expected at the Trebia. But, months ago, I was wondering whether the Drew/Dreux surname was from the Numidian, DRUSilla, who married the El-Gabal priesthood. Drusilla (a Massena liner) was very suspect in the line to Julia Maesa of the Bassianus family, and here I just found that Humorului elements very-linkable to Drews got to Bassania in the Drilon theater [that method of tracing Drews to the Drilon needs to be discarded, and yet the discussion to follow on the Falts will find the El-Gabal cult in Faltecini liners; just compare the Falt/Fauls Coat to the Gambels/Gamells].

One can now consider whether the Shawia Numidians trace to Moldova too. As the Shaw write-up traces to "SITHhech," and as it deceptively derives that term in "wolf," the Moldavian / Dacian wolf is implied at SITna (not at all meaning that "Sitna" means "wolf." I would trace Shaws of Moldova, if indeed they were there, to "Sevan" elements.

As Chiavari is in the province of Genova, I'm reporting (at your service) that the upright Second/Segur lion is in the colors of the same of the Genova lion, important because the Segni/Segurana surname (Seagar moline) was first found in Genova. The white-on-blue wings in the Genova Coat link to the white-on-blue eagle (Este-eagle colors) in the Segni/Segurana Chief. The Segni moline easily goes to the Chives moline even though not in the same colors. The black Chives moline can go to the black Gower/Gore moline because the latter surname (shares a white wolf with Gore's/Core's) traces to Juno on the Una river. Junia Secunda can now trace to this picture almost as well as Caiaphas can trace to Chiavari.

With Chiavari being a Shaw line, and with the Menumorut Kabars of the Mures linkable to Moldova elements as seen above, it begs that question of whether "CHIAVARi" is a Kabar term. There are two theories for the origin of "Aberdeen" to the east side of Perthshire: 1) from KABARDINO, home of Kabars in the north Caucasus; 2) from BARTHolomew Leslie, who settled Aberdeen. The Colts/Cults, suspect from Galati, the Shaws, the Rollo's from the Mures, and the Hagars from the Agarus = Siret river, were all first found in Perthshire. The Levi-suspect Fothes, now suspect with the namers of Focsani, were first found in Aberdeenshire. Can this indicate that Kabars were in Focsani?

This is all starting to make great sense for what was suspected, that the lines from Israel's priests ended up being the priest-kings of the Khazars, otherwise called kagans or "Red Jews" (color of the lions we've been seeing in Moldava). The Cohen/Kagan surname, for example, uses stars in Moray-star colors, and political Khazar kings were "begs," smacking of Biggar lines in Biharia, where the Menumorut Khazars ruled. I'm now expecting the line from Jonathan the Levite, in Galati, to be the root of the Khazar kagans, but to this picture we need to include Alba-Julia on the Mures, or any other entity in this part of Europe that traces to the Julian-Caiaphas line. Somehow, "Caesar" came out looking like "Khazar." The theory is that the Caesar-Caiaphas line (after Christ) went to the Khazars (had an empire starting about the 7th century) because the proto-Caiaphas line was in Moldava with proto-Khazars to begin with. One Khazar king, JOSEPH, claimed that Khazars were Togarmites, but this can indicate the Benjamites to Teucer Trojans. Historians say that Khazars trace to Bulgarians, but they were previously Thracians. In my opinion thus far, the Caesar surname traces to the Moldavian capital, "Kisin'ov" being one of many variations, "Kishenev" another. In short, the Khazars are suspect with this city, and because I see Kilpatricks with the Julian Patricians, the CUSHION symbol of Kilpatricks looks applicable to KISHENev and the Kiss/Kish/CUSH surname.

It should be recorded that the Arms of Chiavari use a white-on-blue castle, the Martin / McLeod symbol, but also of the Chattans. The Chatans use the Murena tower instead, and that may indicate Cilnius MAECENAS (a Maccabee-family suspect from "Massena") whose wife was of the Murena family.

It's been years since writing to a woman with Tuttle surname. I suggested that it's from the Taddei surname, first found in Tuscany, and here I find myself tracing Touts-et-al to the Lucca area of Tuscany. She was the one who introduced the Toothills to me. After complaining that people were after her for seeking to expose the roots of porphyria, I never heard from her again. Maybe she thought I was crazy for making so many links impossible to prove. But I had to start somewhere. The Taddei's were first found in Florence, where the Bruno's were first found that are almost using the Toothill / Chatan bend. The Bruno write-up traces them to Asti...on the Tanaro, where the Tute's traced. Before naming Brunswick, I say that Bruno's must trace to Montferrat, smack at Asti.

I suggested to Ms. Tuttle that the triple Taddei chevrons trace to the triple chevrons in the Arms of Cardiff (Welsh capital) because Taddei's were suspect as Tudors. I can understand someone taking me for a nut by that trace, but I've been a lot nuttier since. The Cardiff location can then trace to "Carrara," as well as to the local Taff river (in CarDIFF) that can trace to the Touch/Taff surname...that is right-now linking to Toot liners. The Tadini variation of Taddie's smacks of Berenger de TODENi, very traceable to the Tanaro river if he was the son of Herleva of Falaise. Ms. Tuttle even traced porphyria to the Rollo family, but was unsure how it worked. She was mentioning a Berenger fellow of the family of Poppa, Rollo's wife, but here we are at Berenger de Todeni. It looks like her Tuttle bloodline got porphyria (purple disease) from this very Todeni, or the Tatton-of-Massey line, and it can go, via the purple lion of Skiptons, to general Scipio's merger with king Massena.

Porphyria is a genetic disease suspect from incestual relationships of bloodline lusters, rulers keeping it in the family. Parkinson's Disease is likewise a genetic problem, though combined with other things (such as breathing epoxies and pesticides). I know a man with Parkinsons of the Massey bloodline and a Taddei-Ferrari background.

As Bruno's trace to Brunswick, where Bars of Este were located, it seems clear that "Este" is from "Asti," where Bruno's moved to. The Bruno's are suspect from Bar on the Illyrian coast south of Butua and Kotor. The Bruno bend is likely that of the Scotts because the latter trace to "Scodra." As Lissus was near Scodra, it explains the fleur-de-lys of the Browns.

Bruno's are suspect with BARone's, who happen to use annulets on a saltire, as do Benjamins. The "Fortuna" motto code of Barone's is for the talbot-using Fortuna's, and then the Scotts use two Talbot Coats. Italian Barone's are said to be from Baronecella on the Florence outskirts, where roughly Bruno's were first found. The FLEUR-de-lys may have been named after Lissus elements in Florence, therefore. English Barone's (hearts in Chives colors) were first found in the same place (Devon) as Cavii-based Chives'. It looks like Cavii were huddled closely to Bar on the Illyrian coast, and this can explain why my trace of proto-Alans of Langhe to the founding of Brunswick included lines from Israel priests.

As Annas of Israel is expected to have been a favorite of Augustus, and as Virgil seems to have emphasized the Aeneas > Annas line, see here from one suspect in the elite Italian family to Maccabees proper:

Gaius Cilnius Maecenas...15 April 68 BC - 8 BC) was an ally, friend and political advisor to Octavian (who was to become the first Emperor of Rome as Caesar Augustus) as well as an important patron for the new generation of Augustan poets, including both Horace and Virgil.

...Expressions in Propertius seem to imply that Maecenas had taken some part in the campaigns of Mutina [= Modena], Philippi and Perugia [where Chappes-rooted and Cottius-suspect Ottone's were first found]. He prided himself on his ancient Etruscan lineage...

Maecenas lived and died about the same time as Cottius. The Donato's, suspect with "Donnus," were first found in the same place (Perugia/Perusia) as Ottone's, a city suspect with "Pharisee." The Donato's use two bends in red and white, the colors of the Barone bendy. When I traced proto-Alans to Brunswick, I didn't emphasize that they went as Bruno kin, but rather that they went with proto-Visconti's (later identified as Chappes'), and here I'm finding that Ottone Visconti was probably a Bruno relative.

As Browns use the Masci fleur, might Maecenas have been from the Bruno Etruscans? The blue Barone boar is that of Vere's, Massey kin suspect with Ferrari's. The Barone saltire is in the colors of the Annan saltire. It can now be gleaned that the Scott bend with three gold symbols is the Masci and Massena bend with three gold symbols. That is supported by the Scott motto, "Amo," code for Hamo de Masci / Massey, right? The Benjamites were Massey liners, right?

If Vestalis was an Asti > Este liner, then he is suspect with the Bruno entity which, in the days of Julius Caesar, may have been a Maecenas family. German Brauns share a horse (in the black color of the Este horse) in a similar position to the Wessel horse. Browns (in Bruno colors) were first found in Cumberland, beside Westmorland where Wessels were first found. This is equivalent to saying that the family of Cottius was from the Bar location at Scodra, and allied to the Cavii of that area that removed to Ceva. Bar is where the white-on-blue fish of Bar-le-Duc traces, which are the colors of the fish used by Gobels that trace to Gabuleum in the Cavii theater. To trace Maecenas to the Cottius family where the latter were merged with Modane elements makes absolute sense. The Barone-suspect Verona's/Vairs not only use the white-on-blue fish, but a Brown-like Shield. Maecenas was married to a Varro-Murena family that could have named the Vairs while "Verona" was part play on "Varro" and part on "Barone." The Verona/Vair Coat looks like a version of the Meaux Coat, that being the surname suspect with the PriMEAUX variation of Primo's.

Perusia is in Umbria, long suspect with the naming of Cumberland. The latter is the location of PENrith (off the Eden river to Carlysle), and then Pendragons share the fleur-de-lys of Browns. Never mind that Penrith was likely from Penestae, for it's more important that Penriths ("Tuto" motto term!) share the split Shield of Trents, by the looks of it, and Maecenas had married Terentia.

I didn't expect that "Tuto" motto term. The Holme's were introduced above by: "The Tute's are said to have been associated with a Holme entity." True / Drew elements seem undeniably at the Drilon theater, and here I find Penriths honoring Tute's while Penriths trace to Penestae...on the Drilon. As the Drew/Dreux lion is in the colors of the Drake dragon, we simply take Penestae elements and trace them to the Drago river understood as the mythical Pendragon code.

As Toots use the Second/Segur quarters, the white-on-green cinquefoils in the Arms of Cumberland could link to the roses (five petals) in colors reversed as used in the Primo/Primeau Coat. Of some interest here are the green-on-white colors and symbol of the Prophets/Profetts (human leg linkable to the same of Prime's).

As the Penrith Coat is in the colors of the Second/Segur quarters, the white wings in the Penrith Crest can go to the white Segni/Segurana eagle, and the white eagle wings of Genova's, both using the colors of the Este eagle. The PENRiths are suspect with Penners using a Coat version of the Cotta-suspect Cuts/Cuttes'. I therefore think I have this right, that Cottius traces to the Cavii theater's Bar lines to Asti / Este. But we need to draw a line from Paeoni of Illyria first to the Drago river before going to Aurelia Cotta.

With the Paeoni of Astibus drawn to Bar / Scodra elements, we can take the Paeoni to Bra in Cuneo (i.e. beside Asti). The Brae/Bray surname may apply that uses black eagle talons (symbol in the August Coat) in a version of the Talon/Tallent Coat (compares with the Capone Coat and may therefore trace to the Cavii). The Talons use the gold-on-black colors of the BRAbant lion, and Irish Talons use black and gold bars, the symbol of Garins expected out of Agrigento...though other Garins use the Payen stars! It looks right to trace Paeoni to Bra, therefore.

Doesn't it appear that Talons are the Talbots that the Scodra-based Scotts honor??? Yes, and as Talbots were TailleBOIS at an early date, the Boii now suspect at Butua are suggested in a Talon-Boii merger.

[Later in the update, a mythical Talaus of Argos is mentioned as per being the husband of LYSimache that traces to the Lissus location. That mythical entity is suspect in the Talon surname. But as LysiMACHE is suspect in naming "MaccaBAEUS," compare with TailleBOIS. In other words, Lysimache elements at Lissus are expected with Butua's Boii elements in the formation of Maccabees, with perhaps some Talaus-of-Argos elements thrown in with Sadducee-suspect Scodra elements of the Schutz/Shutz kind, thus bringing about the Boethus house of Sadducees as well. That house is suspect in MaccaBAEUS, which is to say a Macca-Boethus entity defines Maccabees. In this picture, LYSimache is the Cadmus line to mythical Laius, the queerbox cult of Thebes that raped Chrysippus. It's insisting that we trace Lissus elements to Creusa at Agrigento.]

The "flax breaker" in the Bray Crest is suspect with the Broke's/Brocks using a red lion in the position of the red Drew/Dreux and Rome/Room lion. The Brocks are Stewart kin and then Brake's/Brechs were first found in Shropshire, where proto-Stewarts lived. But as yet, I have not found a Levi-like term in either Moldova or the Drilon area. However, Tolkien had a bunch of elves of various names, and "elf" is like the Oliph variation of Olives. I reasoned that the "Elvin princess," Melusine, was the namer of Alba (= proto-Scotland), and so, perhaps, the Levites to Greece got corrupted to Alba-like terms, such as the Halybes, or Halab/Aleppo that I trace to "Lapith." Interestingly, one Junia Caepio married a Lepidus surname, very much like "Levite." Ixion, a Lapith from Sion at Laish, was traced heavily to Moldova a few updates ago.

If this is correct, we can trace Sadducees to the swan-using Alba's. Let's go back to the Prime's sharing the owl with Livius-suspect Olive's, for this is great evidence that Prime's trace to Junia Prima. The "inVITA" motto term Prime's gets a Vita/Vitelli surname (in Guido and Biden colors) smacking a little of "Vestalis." There is also an Ottone-suspect Vitone variation, and then the Vita's use a large annulet, the Ottone symbol. It could be that "VIS(conte)" and "VITa: are related terms with "VES(talis)," explaining "WESSel." That could make Vestalis as Visconti merger with the Talls/Thals (bend in Talbot-bend colors, and bees), for example, rather than tracing to "Vistula" or similar terms.

The Vidi/Vido variations could have produced "Guido," for the Guis surname is listed with Guido's. That apparently means that Ottone Visconti was a Guido liner from Vestalis. In fact, the GUIScards/WISharts share the heraldic piles of Ore's, and were first found in the same place (beside Perthshire) as Scottish Chappes'/Cheaps. The latter even share wheat with Wessels. The Stirling surname could definitely apply, for it's bend traces to the Stubb / Stubbings from the Paeoni city of Stobi, and the related Staffs are using a chevron in Quint-chevron colors. The Vita/Vitelli annulet is even in the red color of the Ore / Orell torteaux. To complicate things while keeping it on the Chappes line, entering "Bitten" as per the Bitini variations of the Vita's gets the chapeau-using Bidens/Buttons, first found in the same place as Botters/Budins and the Josephs who share three garbs with Wessels. It's like we hit the mother-load...of dirt...with the Vita's honored by the Prime's. I should come back to this when I have time to figure out the facts as best I can.

If Josephs are from Joseph Caiaphas, then Wessels should not use the Joseph garbs under the condition that Caiaphas was born from one of the Junia's. However, Vestalis' or his descendants may have married the Caiaphas line in order to have rights to the Joseph garbs. Or, Cottius may have married a Caepio to give birth to Caiaphas, in which case Caiaphas was not from any of the Junia's, but Junia lines later merged with Wessel lines. It's possible. Heraldry has the difficulty of offering mere generalizations, unless one knows of certain codes that are intended to provide strict guidelines for figuring out the finest details of whom married whom and when.

For now, the above directs us to some of the major players in the Caiaphas line, and it's a re-occurring theme through many methods. It tends to clinch the Visconti link to Chappes, and links it to a Junia-Prima line to underscore that Chappes were Caepio's. It even tends to give the Paeoni reason for the Payen marriage to Elizabeth Chappes. It traces Rollo-line Guiscards to Vestalis and Visconti's all at once, and traces Rollo liners to Botosani with Botter liners, as expected, and reveals that Bidens were Botters, as expected, and that Botters are in Chappes / Visconti colors for being part of the Caepio line at some point.

The annulet of the Vita > Visconti line tends to reveal where the Lett organ pipes enters this picture, as the Stirlings, who share the Chappes Moor head, seem to be using a version of the Pipe / Pepin bend, important where that line traces to Pavia, location of the Laevi. The STURling variation, and the Saleman look of the bend, could trace the family to Salyes Ligures in the Stura valley. Scottish Olivers are using the double Perche chevrons while Chappes' and Ottone's use a PERCHEvron, and while chevrons must be reserved for Hebron lines, the annulet is shared by the Schole's. The Josephs use two gold chevrons (on a green perhchevron) that could be colors reversed from the Levi chevrons. The "Cas" motto term, or the "Cas ni" phrase, of Josephs can go to the Moldova capital, or even to nearby Causeni.

Where the human leg of the Prime's is that of the Prophet/ProFETTs, it appears that this is code for "feet" and yet also for "leg," wherefore it traces to FOETes/Fussen on the Lech river, for that Arms of Fussen use three human legs, all bent at the knees like the Prime and Profett leg. One then traces to the Foot and Fothes/Fittes/FETTE surnames both using the same chevron, and in the colors of the Levi chevrons. It's important because it tends to prove that Prime's are from Junia Prima, not only because Levi's are suspect from her Livius background, but because her Caepionis surname traces to Capone's using a chevron in colors reversed from the Levi and Foot chevrons. Plus, the Fittes variation connects to the Fitch/Fitts surname while Quints use a fitchee cross, tending to prove that Quints are from Quintus Caepio. In fact, it seems undeniable.

Fussen is at the lake Constance area that is also called Bodensee, suspect from the Budini and going to the Capelli-related Bidens/Buttons. The Capelli's were from the Po area which was called the BODENcus river. Constances were first found in the same place (Languedoc) as Cotts. To the south of Moldava, about 100 miles from the Buzau, there is a Constanta region predicted to have been engaged by the Cotesii. In Manche, a term that can go to the Manx peoples on the Isle of Man, there is a Coutances location as well as a larger Cotentin area, linkable to Cotta's/Cottins / Cottens.

AHA! In Constanta, there is a COMANA location that can explain why the Wessel garbs are used also by Comyns, especially as a western Comyns location was ruled by Conteville's, likely from the Conte's and Ville's first found in the same place as Cotts and Constances!!! It seems that we have just found where the Joseph garbs go to, to Comana in Constanta! But this is now predicted to go to the Comana of Cappadocia, home of the Archelaus dirt. Plus, Ms. Tuttle thought that porphyria should trace to the KOMNenos, the founders of Trebizond Empire, and here we find a Comana in the Trypillian theater. Komnenos' were part of Byzantium so that Constanta should be named after Constantinople, and for me, this indicates that the Rangabe Byzantines are involved who use a flory cross in white on blue (colors of Aurelia's and Este's, important because Byzantine's had conquered the Este part of Italy).

Melissena Rangabe had married a Varangian ruler, and I was looking for their line in the Anjou / Orleans areas but failed more or less. I had thought that porphyria went to Varangians for multiple reasons. It just so happens that a white flory cross is shared by Taddei's now tracing (via Berenger Todeni) to the Varangian suspects, the Sinclair vikings.

The question is whether the Cottius line merged with Byzantines in Italy, afterwhich the Rangabe's carried the Cottius line to the Byzantine throne. The Bouillons use the white flory cross too, and their house in Boulogne can trace to Bologna of Italy, where the Byzantines may have had occupied. I was unable to find details of the Byzantine invasion into northern Italy. A well-guarded secret? Byzantines may trace to the Bass/Bassen line at Bassania.

The only question a reader may have is whether the Levi's are from the Livius Romans or Levites of Israel, and that is where the great similarity between "Caiaphas" with "Caepio" comes in. It tends to show that John at tribwatch lucked out, that he's not been passing off a crazy story after all, and that Levi's are from both the Livius Romans and old Levites of Israel predating Caiaphas. But lets go on and prove still further that the Foots and Fothes link to the Livius background of Junia Prima, keeping in mind that the Fussen area can trace to Constanta and Comana, where Caiaphas / Cottian lines are now expected. Compare "Jonathan/Jonas" to "CONSTANtine."

The "demi griffin" in the Foot Crest is in the red color of the upright Primo lion, and Wikipedia's article on Ranulph le Meschin shows his upright lion in red, important because the Gernon surname of his son uses "cyFOETH" in the motto. Then, the "demi" code is for the Demy/DuMAIS surname using a chevron in colors reversed from the Meaux chevron, important because the Meaux Shield looks like a version of the Macey Shield. Moreover, the Meaux Coat exchanges the Macey gauntlet glove with a trefoil, the Foot symbol, and then Primo's are also "PriMEAUX." That's pretty good evidence that Junia Prima traces to the Macey / Meschin fold, but all-in-all it tends to prove again that her family line adopted a Prima / Primo surname tracing to the Prime's, who then merged with Profetts and other Fett-like surnames including the Fitch's.

If Profetts are a branch of Proper(t)s/Probins/Robins/Roberts (Cheshire), then the "Manus" motto term of the latter can go to the Isle of Man (Scotland) because its Arms uses three human legs bent at the knees. The Masseys of Manche are expected amongst Manx peoples from the Isle of Man because Mackays/Maceys use a "Manu" motto term.

Propers/Probins (key in the mouth of an ostrich) are using the lion of Gernons and French Roberts, and the latter share a vair-fur Chief with the Quint Chief, suggesting the royal so-called "Robertians" that are ancestral to the CAPETians.

Robins use thistles while the Thistle's/Thissels (blue lion) were first found in the Channel Islands (off the coast of Manche), which includes Gernon-like Guernsey with a Footes location. Therefore, it does appear that Prophets/Profetts were word-play off of both the Footes line and the Proper(t)/Probin/Robin/Robert family...expected from the namers of the Capetians, which makes the Foot and Fothes chevron more suspect with the Levi's. This picture traces the Prime's to Capetians, as expected where Prime's were from Junia Prima. Gernons are from MontFiquet/MontFITCHet, and their "Cyfoeth" motto term smacks of "Caiaphas" while honoring the namers of Footes.

The "Nid" motto term of Gernons can unveil a merger with a Nith-river clan, and the Nitts happen to share blue-and-white checks with the Massi-Mattis surname. This recalls from a Geddes article I shared on that the Geds on the Nith moved to a far-north city in Sutherland operated by Mackays. I probably wouldn't have mentioned this if the "Omnia FORTuna" motto phrase of Nitts didn't bring us to where it's expected. The Omens (from OMANville, Normandy) are suspect with the Mens liners, and the Mackays use the motto, "Manu FORTi" while Robins may be using a version of the Mackay Shield. It looks like the Omens are Mackay kin, important where the Demy/DuMAIS surname uses a chevron in colors reversed from the Mackay chevron. The Omens must therefore be using the black-on-white FESSE of the Maisy's. The latter are from Brittany, same as the French Robins, and while the latter are of the Capet line, Omens share black FOOTLESS martlets with Capet-suspect Josephs (martlets are for the royal Martels who preceded the royal Capets). It appears very much that Joseph Caiaphas was related to Foots elements.

Then, recalling that endings on the Primo surname were fashioned after Primo kin, "Mandy" (purple lozenges) was entered as per the OsMANDY variation of the Omens, and what do you know, the engrailed cross of FESSY's (in Second/Segur colors) came up who are suspect with the Foot / Fitch liners. Fessys bring us to the "copia" motto term of Macclesfields, and moreover the "signo" motto term of Fessy's suggests the Second/Segur bloodline in the Segni/Segurana surname! And it just so happens that the Robert / Proper(t) / Gernon lions are in the colors of the Second/Segur lions!! In fact, as per the OsMUND variation of Omens, we can find the upright Second/Segur lion in colors reversed in the MOUND/Mount surname, first found in the same place (Peebles-shire) as Robins. The Munds are the ones sharing the green peacock design of Manners that come up as "Maness," like the "Manus" motto term of Propers/Robins.

Where doesn't Caiaphas trace?

I say that Peebles was named after the Pipe's / Pepins from Pavia/Papia, and so let's remind that it's the Propers/Robins that use the pipe. Pavia is always important in this discussion because it was co-founded by the Laevi, suspect in "Livinus." Furthermore, Pavia was on the Ticino/TESSen river that named the Swiss Tess/Teck/Tease surname so that Thissels may apply...who are honored in the thistles of Robins (Peebleshire). I don't recall tracing Thistle's to the Ticino or Pavia before. The Tess/Teck Coat uses LEAVES as well as a saltire in colors reversed from the Annan saltire. It may be that the Tess/Teck saltire goes to the same-colored cross of Fessys.

Beside Coutances in Manche there is a Tessy-sur-Vire (a Tess location on the Vire river), and this is near the Ver(e) location (also in Manche) that gets us to the so-called Vere star, in the colors of the Annas / Angus star. As the Angus red lion is in the position of the same of the Drew/Dreux lion, just recall the trace to Drews to Moldova, where Angusta was located, and recall that Vrm of Angusta was tracing to Worms, root of the Robertian > Capet line.

As Annas lines are expected from Angusta, it's very notable that there's an English Tease/Tigh surname (Quint colors) using the star in the colors of the Annas / Angus / Vere star. Therefore, the Tease and Tess/Tease/Teck surnames are tracing to Tessy on the Vire, beside COUTances. But that traces Pepins / Pipes to Manche, does it not? And shouldn't the Laevi of Pavia also go to Manche with the leaves of the Tess'? In short, Ticino-river clans were in Manche and allied there with Isle-of-Man peoples, styled "Manannan" by myth writers. Why "ManANNAN"? Because the Tess saltire is the Annan saltire. Just trace the August fesse (in the red color of the Tease fesse) to the fesse of Rome's/Rooms, first found in the same place as Annan(dale). View this fesse as the Foot / Fussen / Fossano bloodline from Focsani, near Angusta.

Remember here that Munds / Mounts and similar others are expected in Muntenia, beside the Angusta theater. Then, it just so happens that the Mandys/Mundys/Mondays (shown above with the Fessy cross on the left side of the Shield) share eagle talons with Augusts! And while I trace Rollo's father (RAGNvald) to Reghin on the Mures river, not far from Angusta, its notable that the right half of the Mandy/Mundy Shield is the engrailed Sinclair cross in colors reversed.

As the Tease fesse is that of the Augusts, and as the Annas / Angus star is in the colors of the Tease stars due to being on the August fesse, it shows a fundamental/ Annas link to Caesar Augustus (he followed Julius Caesar on the Roman throne because he was adopted by Julius). The Mandy/Mundy Coat even uses the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Annas' on the left side. This is no small point because the Livius family that married Caepio's are expected in the Laevi who lived at Novara upon the Ticino river.

It's important that the eagle talons of Mandys/Mundys and Augusts are feet and legs, for the Mandys are now expected on the Isle of Man using feet and legs as symbols and tracing with Fessys (same place as Quince's) and Prime's to the parents of Joseph Caiaphas. The Constances even share the pine trees of Talon-like DALLENS! Let's not forget that one Talon surname looks Capone-ish.

The Isle of Man was the place of mythical Manannan and Lug (both from Ireland's Danann), and Lug is expected in the Legh/Ligh surname (Cheshire) using the Mound/Mount lion. It seems that Wallachians / Romanians / Trypillians of some sort were on the Isle of Man as a Greek-Danaan line to the Ireland Danann, and the hunch is that they were involved with Constanta on the south side of the Danube. This is being said aside from the possibility that "Constan" is a hard version of "Jonathan." The implication may be that the 600 Danites, with Jonathan's line, formed the Manannan and Lug Danann after becoming the Argo-ship pirates. Lug was half Fomorian-pirate, and his father (suspect with Trojans) was given a one-eye symbol, likely for the Buto/Uat cult.

"FOMER" could trace to the naming of Pomerania, the Varni theater, and then I've read that Fomorians were also spelled as "FORMerians," evoking Forum Allieni that I traced to the Varni.

The Walsh/Walch swan can indicate what I believe, that Lug was myth code for certain Ligurians (probably related to the Laevi), but as the one Walsh/Walch Coat is the Benjamin saltire, it tends to suggest that the Manannan Danaan (Lug was half Danann) were from the 600 Danites at Laish.

Recall that Benjamites traced to Elis and Pisa, for while Lighs/Leghs come up as "Ley," there is a German Ley/Eloy surname (could be using the Fitch leopard faces) in Elis / Benjamite colors but using an upside-down chevron in the colors of the Foot / Levi chevron(s). Upside-down features are used by Genova's (now suspect in using the Second/Segur lion), and Diens/Dives (upside-down Masci wing) that trace to the place (Diva/Chester) of le Meschin and his Footes-related son, de Gernon.

The Ley/Eloy surname does not necessarily mean that Leys/Lighs were named after "Elis" elements, but it's interesting if "Elis" developed from/into Elig-like terms that named Ligures. German Elis'/ELIZERs share annulets with the Benjamin saltire (this is serious stuff), and the name of Jonathan's uncle, Eleazar, may have been used by Jonathan's descendants, where it formed a tribe all the way to the naming of Ligurians, or even mythical Lycurgus of the Edoni/Edones. Isn't Liguria beside Pisa?

For example, a hypothetical "ELIK" could suggest lake Lychnis = Sevan, all from a Lachish > Laish line to Elis of Pisa. Why do ALEXanders use a crescent in Elis-crescent colors while Jonathan Maccabee engaged an Alexander king...named after Alexander "the Great"? Elis of Pisa was politically engaged with Aetolia, not far from Macedonia (suspect with "Edoni") where the ancestry of Alexander the Great originated.

If Specks trace to La Spezia near Pisa, consider also that French Alex's/Alesse's (Normandy) are using the red, two-headed Speck eagle. If it's correct to trace Elis' (in Sale colors) to the naming of lake Lychnis, then they are suspect as the swan-Ligurians, a wholly new concept for me. Imagine being able to trace swan-liner Ligures to a Jonathan > Eleazar line.

Why do Alis' share the bear with French Benjamins? Should we ask the muzzled bear of Pharisee-suspect Percivals, fathers of the Swan-King line (Lohengrin)? As the Alis bear is said to be "muzzled," it's got to be the muzzled bear of Maccabee-suspect Mackays. Why do Alis' use a FIR tree? Is that code for the Fire's and the Vire river? Alessandria is close enough to the Ticino that Alis' can trace as Alessandria elements to Tessy-sur-Vire. Alessandria is near enough to Cuneo that the Alis' (obvious kin of Alpins, suspect with "Alba") could be related to the Fire's found at Cuneo's Stura and Argentera locations. It just so happens that Jonathan's master, Micah, had plenty of silver that may connected to silver miners who named locations such as Argentera, and then the white Fire unicorn is shared my Micah-like LaMIEUX's.

Reminder: the Heths using the Jonathan rooster use a "mieux" motto term!!! If I recall correctly, the previous rooster design showing for Jonathans was the Heth rooster design.

Can this trace Micah to the Primo/Primeaux surname? Isn't it already expected with Junia's ancestry in the Livius surname suspect from Jonathan the Levite???

As German Troys also use the Fire / Lemieux unicorn design, the Troys could be part of the one-eyed Fomorians, otherwise thought to be called, FIR Bolgs. What a firincidence. The one-eye symbol of Lug's father can go to the UNIcorn term, and to the Una river of the Benjamites. We can even trace this unicorn to the one in the Crest of the Arms of Macclesfield because I trace that place to "MECKLenburg," beside Fomorian-suspect Pomerania. We now have a new theory, that Maccabees were merged for the bulk of history with Micah liners as well as Jonathan liners. As the 600 Danites are suspect at the founding of MYCenae by Danaans, couldn't that city (on the outskirts of argent-like Argos) be from "Micah" elements?

It just so happens that swan-liner Savona's/Saffins share white crescents with the Elis', and, besides, the Sabine's/Safini lived around mount Maiella, linked by locals to mythical Maja so as to trace to the Maia line of Attaleia of the Pisidians. The Saffins can link to Safers using FIVE (potential code for Quints) eagles in colors reversed from the Ales/Alesse eagle, and in the colors of the Ali griffin. The Ali's were first found in Messina, location of the nine Aeolian islands suspect in the number nine of the Muses. But Pomerania / Mecklenburg is infested with griffin symbols due to the Pomeranian house of Griffin.

{{{I'm back online. I have made a blunder, and am amazed anyway at how well things worked out in spite of it. I wasn't able to get online to check the Humorului location, which looked like "Humorului" on my map due to a river passing by the 'o', making it look like a 'd'. Therefore, as the correct spelling is HumOrului, I can't use it to link the True-related Hume's to this location. Therefore, I will need make the appropriate changes to this update [done], and to what more has been written since. I have found more information for tracing Hume's to this location, as well as House's for all that can mean. This link of House lines to Humorului is not a cheap shot; it's a solid trace, and adds an important part to the discussion as a result. But I'll need until Thursday noon to fix this. Find the sub-title below to get to this spot.}}}

The Metal-Mining Underworld

[Insert -- Before I begin this section, I'd like to insert some evidence that Hume's can indeed trace to Humorului, in Suceava. Firstly, the Arms of Suceava use white-on-blue lions, upright, just like the white-on-green Hume/Home lions. For those who didn't catch the inserts above, the Humorului lions are in the colors of the Fallis/Fall and Creusa lions, excellent for tracing Rockefellers (see more trefoils) to Roxolani. If Fallis' are from "Falaise," it could indicate a trace of "the tanner" to Falticeni elements.

The FellTRAGER variation of Fellers gets two Trager surnames, one using the Rothes raven, and the German branch using a version of the Rocco bend. We get it: Fellers and Fallis'/Falls really are Rockefellers, and trefoils really are code for them. The Trager bend is in the colors of the Staffs suspect with the Quint Coat. The Staffs can be important, not just for being Paeoni liners (I think), but due to the Falts/Faulds/Fauls (bunched arrows, Rothschild symbol for world control by the exclusive / snotty Rothschild family) being first found in Staffordshire. Does this help to trace Falts to Falticeni?

The Hume-honored True's had traced to the Lys/Lisse greyhound, and here we find the Falteceni-suspect Falts using a large fleur de lys on the same red-colored Shield as Lys'/Lisse's.

A Bistrita river of Suceava can go to Bisset liners as per a trace of Bassen liners to the Baseu river near Suceava. Bissets are in the colors of the Arms of Suceava, and Bissets traced to the Caepio treasure at mount Pilat / Saint Etienne. This vast treasure must have been the reason for world control of Rothschilds. Bissets are in the colors of the billets used by BESANcons/Bessets, who use 11 billets in the colors of the six Etienne billets. Why do Etienne's (share a black Chief with Tanners) show a Tenon variation, and why are their billets in Este colors while there is also an ESTienne variation? Do they trace to Asti on the Tanaro river? Asti is where Paeoni trace out of the Drilon theater.

" a river in the Romanian region of Moldavia. Near Bacau it flows into the Siret River. It flows through the counties Suceava, Neamt and Bacau." The Tankerville's from TANERdevilla use cinqueFOILs (Quintus-Caepio symbol?) in the colors of the Bacon cinquefoils. As the Geddes are suspect with Gate's now tracing to Neamt on the south side of Falticeni, is it coincidental that Tankerville's (first found in the same place as Name's/Neame's!) use the Geddes Shield? The other Geddys/Gideons (torteaux) are using the Forez fesse in colors reversed while Besancons/Bessets were first found in Forez, beside Saint Etienne. Yet the latter surname is suspect at the Bistrita river too. What's the common connecting factor?

Can we be sure that French Bacons (suspect with the same as named "BESANcon") trace to Bacau and therefore to the Bistrita theater? There is a Lilieci location on the Bistrita, and then the Lille Coat has given me the impression of being a version of the Name/Neame Coat, though I wasn't going to mention it (because it's not a close-enough match), until now. Why do Irish Name's/Nanamy's use a gold stag, the color of the stag in the Arms of Humorului? Lilieci is a part of a wider Hemeius area that smacks of Hume's. The French Bacons use cinquefoils in the colors of the Lys/Lisse fleur so that, indeed, the heraldic lily fleur can trace to Lilieci, which is to say that elements of Lilieci can be expected in Lille of France. English Falts/Fauls (the one's using the fleur-de-lys) likewise use gold stags.

Having said all that, ask why the Arms of Suceava show a cross style in gold that's like the gold fitchee of the Quints. Or, why are the lions standing on emphasized gold mounds in the shape of the black stone of El-Gabal? The El-Gabal cult was traced to Campbells for three reasons, one being that Campbells (traced to the Arms of Gironde, location of some Caepio treasure) were the mother stock of MacArthurs. The latter use a five-pointed crown, like the one held by the Suceava lions.

It was always suspect that Hume's/Home's (in House colors) could be a branch of House's, and now there are two pieces of evidence for that idea. However, I maintain that the two surnames have separate stock, not one being named after the other. I see them as merged so that they developed House and Home surnames as wordplay to emphasize the merger. The Scottish Falts/Fauls, you see, use the "cabbage" leaves of the French House's/Hauss', and what the Hazels call "hazel slips" in honor of the Islips/Haslips. The Islips (share holly with Cabbages) happen to use a brown stag (it's the Maxwell stag) in the same position of the brown stag in the Arms of Humorului! This was a good find, giving us more Cabbage leaves to chew on as per their trace to Benjamites. The Cabbage's ("angustis" motto term) even use white lions, the colors of the Humorului lions. We now have a specific location for to trace Elis, Raines', Newmans, and others that linked to Angusta's Cabbage liners, including the Bacau-suspect Bakers. And Dutch Bakers show the same leaf design as Falts on a Hazel-version Coat!!! Big one. It's undeniable that Falts trace to Falticeni or that Bakers trace to Bacau. Heraldry matches kill two or more birds with one black stone.

Hazel-related Dussels use more trefoils.

Newman inclusion in the Cabbage bunch increases evidence for a Numidian trace to neighboring Neamt. The lion heads of the Name's/Neame's are like those of the Raines'. English Falt even use a FauldHOUSE variation.

The erect sword in the Falt/Faul Crest is evidence that Bistones peoples were in the Suceava area, wherefore Bistones are suspect also on the Bistrita river.

While the Cubbel variation of Cabbage's had been suspect with El-Gabal, it tends to indicate that the Bistones of the Falticeni area, and/or the namers of the Baseu, link to the Bassianus surname that came to control El-Gabal. Iamblichus, an priest of El-Gabal, was suspect with the Gamble's/Gambels and Campbells, and ZOWIE it just so happens that the Gamble's share a gold-on-red fleur-de-lys with the Fauls/Fauls!!! The crane in the Gamble Crest can now be viewed as code for certain Ukrainians (Suceava is only about 30 miles from the Ukraine border). The Gamble's and English Bacons share Shield-and-Chief color combinations! Although the Bacon Chief doesn't share the Gamble-Chief ermines, the boar in the Bacon Crest does. I'm not sure whether the Mens, with a Shield-and-Chief color combination in colors reversed, applied to the NewMANs. I'm going to say no.

Any besants that trace to the Falticeni area can be Bassianus elements. The Putents/Puttens, for example, use besants, as well as a fesse in Trager-fesse colors. That may indicate a Putna-river link to Falticeni. Dutch Puttens (in German-Trager colors) even use the "embattled" border shared by Tragers and Rocco's. The latter were first found in the same place (Naples) as Capone's while I link English Capone's to Camps = Campbell liners. There's a Cimpulung upstream from the Humorului location.

AHA! The Rita's (Rome, probably using a version of the Sforza lion) were looked up as per the BistRITA river (the idea occurred that the Hopkins pistols might trace there because Hopkins use the Camp / Capone format), and while the Rita Coat was loading, I was seeing PenRITH, recalling the trace of Humorului to the Penestae theater. The Penrice-related Rice's happen to share ravens, colors, and format of the Tragers. The Rita's finally loaded to show a lion in the colors of the Rockefeller-related Fallis/Fall and Creuse lions (the colors of the lions in the Arms of Suceava). Therefore, the Rita's were part-namers of the Bistrita river, and the erroneous trace of HumDRUlul to the Drilon yet proves accurate.

German Rice's even use Creusa-depicting Crozier's as well as what looks like a version of the Coat of Chaip-suspect Kaip(f)'s. Both use a curved chevron (rare), and the Rita's are the first to show, so far as I can recall, a "curved bendlet."

My name is not Pinocchio; I lie not. Do you know how Pinocchio can trace to Rita's? Ask the Benjamites on the Bistrita. Can you figure out this rittle? Why do Riddle's share "ears of rye" with Chappes'/Chaips? But the rittle is not yet solved completely. You'll need a broom to figure this out. This is Vey over your head. Its Gowin, Cohen, Gones. Too late. I'll explain later. Pinocchio was Masonic code for the Caiaphas bloodline passing through Anjou. But, clearly, the Levite's were on the Bistrita as the surname that gave birth to John Kerry. I lie not. It was not the Kerry surname, however. John Kerry is from Jonathan the Levite. He's now in charge of Israel's fate so far as Obama can help it.

The Rita variations look like Ritters (same white lion in Chief as Baker Chief) should apply, who are shown properly as "Rutter," and then the Ruths/Rothers look like they are using English Bacon symbolism. The Rheda variation of Rita's can link to Readys (in German Rita colors), first found in Angus (is that a Cabbage-Patch line?), and using swans in Bisset colors. Redds/Reeds (same place as Rodhams). The "Pax copia" motto of the Reeds links in-part to Scottish Pike's, and of course traces to Cuppae on the Pek. It can indicate that other Bistrita-river elements were on the Pek, including the Pike-related Geddes now tracing to Neamt. In short, it appears that Rhodians were on the Pek, and then the Reed and Pike saltires can be those of the Manders and Mathis' (both using besants). In the section to follow, we will discover an Anatolian origin of Menelaus, the line to the Manders, and it will explain the naming of Focsani.

The Falt motto is translated, "Ready with heart and hand," which may be partly for the stag-using Hands that have traced well (with their group) to Falts and Humorului.

The write-up of Scottish Reeds cites a Rede Suffolk, where Bacons were first found. One wonders how long ago these surnames trace to the Suceava and Neamt areas. Was it before they reached Britain, or after? Were they the founders of Britain? Isn't that the theory behind the Prut river? Reeds use a "book" in Crest (symbol also of Roets) in honor of the related Books/Boggs (share the black-on-white Bacon / Putent star), who must be using the hourglass in Crest in honor of the hourglass goddess of the Trypillians. "Bogg" is suspect with the Bugs (water BOUGets, like the Boak variation of Boggs) from the Bug river. The inclusion here of the Neuri on the Bug makes them suspect in naming the Varni goddess, Nerthus, but not until they got to the Neretva theater, where the region was also named after the Nera line for Fulk III Nerra, the line of the Rita / Pinocchio riddle.

As Francis Bacon was a chief ROSicrucian, isn't it apparent by these Redone lines that the Roxolani are a root to Rosicrucianism? Perhaps the Varangians to Kiev brought these families to Moldava, or perhaps they came back to the West with the Varangians. The Italian Rocco's are using a bend in the colors of the Varn / Shakespeare bend, and then some say Francis Bacon was William Shakespeare. Shakespeare's ("Non" motto term, in Bug colors) were first found in the same place (Nottingham) as Bugs. German Bugs (probably using the RUTHERford martlet) were first found in the same place as German Trips, and I say the TREFoil is part-code for the Treff variation of Trips. Now we know why.

The "sans" motto term of Shakespeare's could be for the Sensii, to the south of Focsani. As Folks/Fulke's use the Shakespeare spear, they are suspect from Focsani, and Fulks arose when the first Varangians arose. However, the Trips of the Varni theater are suspect from Trypillians that were in Moldova in very ancient times, even before the Varni of the first century. It suggests that Varangians (9th century) were Varni-Trypillian elements going back to their distant cousins.

The Falls/Vails are in Shakespeare colors and show another stag, thus making them linkable to the Falt stag. But the Falls/Vails (the Roman eagle, I assume) are in the colors of the Velis'/Vails' who use the Julian cross, the same eagles as the Fall/Vail eagles, and bendlets in the colors of the Shakespeare bend. What should we make of this? Was RoqueFEUIL named after this Julian line? Did "Julia/Iulia" become Velia/Felia-like?

"Feil" gets the Felde's/Fields (garbs in Feldman-star colors), and then there's Jewish Feldmans possibly using the Annas / Gace/Wassa star (somewhere down the generational line). The black-on-white Feldman moline looks very linkable to the same of the Chives'. German Feldmans use the same basic Coat, but substitute a black patee for the moline, both in Chief and both the colors of the Julian Cross. The split Shield of Feldmans are in the two colors of the quartered Chief of English Wessels (garbs), and German Wessels (deer antler), first found in the same place (Prussia) as Feldmans, use a split Shield vertically as well. That's a pretty good trace to the Cotta-Julian line by Falticeni-suspect Felds and Feldmans, and then there's Fillers/Villers with a "COTIcula" motto term, and a fat cross in the colors of the Dutch Felt cross. The Filler/Viller Crest shows an upright white lion, and can therefore go to the Arms of Suceava, wherefore this is a good time to remind that this place smacks of "Susa." Fallys/Fellow use a dancette.

[Yikes. Is someone watching me type? The day after the insert above was written, before I put it online, the Fillers would not load. It was tried a minute or so after loading the Boris and a many other surnames (you will see this topic below), so it doesn't seem like a technical problem at houseofnames. The Villers would not load either. Nor would one other surname load after that, but while writing this, suddenly the website would load again, and Fillers also loaded. It was blacked out for about two minutes only. Just to say, if any surnames I give links to don't load for you, expect monkey business. I copy and paste links directly from the houseofnames page. I can't misspell anything that way.]

I kid you not that I had the impression of Rothschilds when getting to the Felds/Fields from the attitude and look of WC Fields, and then got to the scallops of the Fillers/Villers, in the colors of the same in the Shell logo. Rothschilds, they say, own Dutch Shell. Jewish Fillers are listed with Fellers.

A link of Rockefeller lines to the German Wessel Coat allows one to trace Rockefeller to "Valais/Wallis," for that Wessel Coat is split in colors reversed from the same of the Arms of Wallis and the Arms of Sion/Sitten. That means that the Feldman star is that of Wallis canton. The Valois/Valais Chief even shares the Caesar and Seat (!!!) roses while the Valois/Valais Coat uses the colors and format of Fellers (the Seats are obviously Seaton/SITTENs). The secret has fallen. The rock has been over-turned.

The Valois/Valais crescents can be those of the Sens, for the Sensii were traced exactly to Sion/Sitten! Yes, that works, and it was determined that the Sens Coat is a version of the Aurelia Coat!!! Bingo. That means that the red-on-white flory cross of the Dutch Felts is the same cross in colors reversed of the Bouillons, proving that Godfrey de Bouillon was a leader of the Priory of Sion!!! It was no hoax or fable, but rather those who claim that it was a fable are the ones passing off the hoax.

The Filler/Viller cross can go to the Haddington Cross because Haddington is where Keaths (stag) and Seatons lived!!! Later, already written, the Haddington-related Heads are exposed as Este's, same as the Aurelia's. It just so happens that the Fallis'/Falls were first found in Lothian (location of Haddington). Italian Fallis, using the same Coat as Scottish Fallis', were first found in Venice, the Este theater, and are in Este colors.

Now that Rockefellers have traced to Sion, the upright Filby goats, because they are used by Walsers (known to be named after Wallis canton) prove that Filbys are a Feller line.

As the Seats are also "Cedes," German Bachs can trace to Bacau (i.e. near the Sitna), for the Bachs use a steer while Steers use a "cede" motto term. For me, this makes Bacau suspect with pharaoh Apachnas, same as pharaoh Khyan. The Steers use a vertically-split Shield in the colors of the same of Feldmans! That's a round-about way of tracing Feldmans to Sion, for the Shield has half the colors of the Arms of Sion. The Kaplins, first found in Switzerland, use a vertically-split Shield in colors reversed to the Feldmans, suggesting that the Sion / Feldman star is indeed that of Annas.

Now, take a guess at who owns the secretive, mafiosa Swiss banks? Caiaphas Rothschild and Annas Rockefeller, at your service. "How much money do you have? Give it all to me. I don't quite have enough to rule the universe."

Did you see that the Feldmans and Kaplins both use a white Chief above their split red-and-black Shields. Then see the white Chief, with red Shield, of the Bacons, if that helps to trace Bachs to Bacau. The Bacon stars are even colors reversed from the white-on-black Feldman star. Welsh Bachs use the same colors, with some vair thrown in, and they were first found in the same place as Jones', a major topic to follow as I check out whether they trace to the old Jonathan Levite. That topic traces Jonathan to mythical Juno, and so it's notable that German Becks are using the white Jung stag. It's like saying that the royal household in which Moses was raised came to join Jonathan, the pagan Levite, great-grandson of Moses, in forming the dragon cult to the Romans.

English Becks use Bacon colors and Bacon star colors. It's a small global village in Heraldry Land when the many branches are reduced to a few trunks. The Axe of the Apostles is coming, as Promised, to fell the giant Tyrian cedars. The Mustard Tree alone will remain standing.

Whelans/O'Failins use yet another stag. The Anne Coat compares so well with the Trip and Falt Coats that suddenly the stags of the Anne's, Annabels, Hanna's and Hands can trace to the stag in the Arms of Humorului. Previously, the three Anne stag heads were tiny, like the three Trip boots now showing, and like the three Falt stag heads, all in the same gold-on-red colors. Anne's/Hanne's were first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Wigtons, and Hanna's were first found in Wigton. "Wig" and "Vick" is suspect with "viking," men who played life like organized crime rings. How could such a small location be so important to heraldry / Rosicrucianism? Why are the major players in heraldry tracing massively to the Bistrita river flowing right through downtown Neamt? Shouldn't we ask king Massena and the Sicilian Mafia.

Not only is "Neamt" like "Numidia," but Scottish Reeds and Pike's have a saltire in colors reversed to the Nimo saltire. The "boast" motto term of Nimo's gets Boasts/Boosts first found in Book-suspect Buckinghams, and Buckinghams use the same blue bend with besants as Nottings, though for a while it was no longer showing in the Notting page at houseofnames, but is now showing again. It means that the Bugs of Nottingham look like a branch of the namers of Buckingham, another Bach-like term, surprise. But I can't trace "Bug" to both Buz and Apachnas. Problem.

The following was written before the trace of Seats and Rockefeller lines to Sion/Sitten. Look at how it relates. The red Buckingham lion can be that of the Mounds tracing to Muntenia, an area that includes the area of the Sensii (suspect with the namers of Sion) stamped on the map. The Sensii are suspect in the motto of Bug-related Shakespeare's. The Sens surname was first found in Switzerland, and the Walsh's/Walch's, who trace to Wallachia = Muntenia, also trace to the Swiss canton of Wallis at Sion. The Walkers (probably a Walsh branch) trace to Wagers suspect as Wagrians in the theater of Shakespeare-related Varns = Varni.

Varns use gold scallops, a symbol of Messina elements, along with Fillers/Villers, and then the Varns are in the colors of the Velis/Vails and Falls/Vails. As the latter two are suspect with the line of Julians, it can explain how a line of Caiaphas / Pharisees got to the Varni (mentioned by Tacitus in about 95 AD, roughly the timing of the Revelation to John) so quickly. I had a big problem trying to explain it, but with Julius Caesar having near-universal control over Europe, the problem is eased greatly. The Varns and Shakespeare's share the same bend in Levi colors. The Nottings trace to "Canute," the Dane pirate suspect with the line of 600 Danites. I could expect the Laevi joining Benjamite / Danaan lines to the Danes, especially the line of Jonathan Levites. The Jones lion is white on blue, the color of the lion that traced to Suceava's Arms, and colors reversed from the Caepio-line lion. The Caepio treasure traced from Orange to the Cimbri of Juteland (not saying that Juteland was named after the Cimbri), what was also Denmark. The fog is beginning to clear. Julius Caesar is expected to have gone after the part of that treasure stolen by Boiorix at Orange, when he defeated Quintus Caepio there (about five years before Julius' death). If Caiaphas' family knew that some of the treasure had gone to Juteland, they might have sent a group up there to seek it.

The Notting write-up traces to "Brown as a nut," which is a nothing but a riddle, meaning that the Notting bend is a colors-reversed version of the Bruno bend in particular, and that Knots/Canute's (chevron in the colors of the upside-down Chanut/Chaynu chevron or pile) are using a version of the Brown Coat in particular. Clues like that make my/our work easy. It can be understood that Chanuts (first found in the same place as Messeys/Messier's) are using a version of the Messey/Messier Coat partly because Chaine's/Chaneys showed the Masci wing design (that is itself no longer showing), and because Browns use the Masci fleur colors. The Western world is now ruled by Masci liners of many kinds. This is the anti-Christ garbage, like chaff in the wind. Brunswick-Luneburg is on the verge of the Varni theater, and the proto VISconti's that I pegged at the root of Brunswick-Luneburg may have been the namers of VIKings. I traced "viking" to the "Vexin" Normandy, location also of Vis-de-Loop. The Varni are expected from MontFerrat elements, and perhaps they had been Pharisees. The Fers/Ferrats use the Massi/Mattis Shield, and the latter uses the black-on-gold eagle shared by Varni-suspect Falls/Vails and Velis/Vails.

Note that the Knot unicorn supports my new idea that it's part code for the Una river, where the Maezaei lived. The Brown Coat is similar to the Mackay Coat, which can reveal that "Canute/CHAYnu" was a corruption of MacKAY. That can explain how Mackays trace to Mieszko, for Canute was a son of Mieszko's daughter. The Kays share the white griffin head of Dobers / Dobermans that are from DOBRava. Mieszko's wife. The key in the mouth of the Kay griffin suggests the Chives / Chiava/Sheaves line to the Shaws, but the only Shaw surname to come up as Kay-like Shay is the one in Kay colors and using a "qui" motto term. This does not mean that Kays were Shaws proper, though Shaw's trace to king Massena too. Irish Shays are using fleur in Masci- and Brown fleur colors. Masci's were hooked to Bruno's, weren't they? Dick Cheney was a Masci liner, wasn't he? And so is Obama, as is Chuck Hagel, all from the Mieszko-Illuminati line, and linked one way or the other to Rodham-related Watsons.

ZOWIE JUST REALIZED!!!! The Sens Coat is a version of the Aurelia Coat because Aurelia Cotta traces to the Cotesii on the Buzau river (downtown Wallachia) that is roughly where the Sensii are stamped!!! See map with the Sensii directly south of the Cotesii!!!

This is so important that the Coats may be changed, so let me put it on paper. The Sens and Aurelia's use a blue Shield both with white symbolism at the top, and gold symbolism at the bottom. The Sens use a white patee while Aurelia's use two white (five-pointed) stars. The Sens use a gold crescent while the Aurelia's use a gold scallop (color of the Varn / Filler/Viller scallop). Nothing more. As expected, this traces the Cottians to Sion/Sitten!

The Sens are in colors of the nine Seneca/SENESchal mascles, and the latter (said to be from Hamon Le Senechal, suspect with Hamon de Massey) are traced in their write-up to a LISieux (on the Touques), which should explain why Masseys use fleur in Lys/Lise fleur colors. There seems to be reason here to link the Sensii to Lissus on the Drilon. The Sens location in France may apply.

ZOWIE SOME MORE. Aurelia's were first found in the same place as Este, and are using stars in Este-eagle colors, but the Spanish Sans/Sanguez's/Sanches' are using the Este eagle (identical designs at this time) in gold-on-blue (Aurelia colors at the bottom of their Shield) instead of the white-on-blue of Este's! We now have a hard-as-rock trace of the Sensii to Susa and it's Caesar-related rulers...who were suspect as the namers / founders of Geats = Jutes and Juteland. One could even suspect that the Gate surname was from a Cotesii line that was itself related closely to the Getae Thracians (I would guess that Cotesii came first, and named the Getae, leading to the Dacians, possible founders of the Ticino/Tessen, home of the Laevi).

Repeat: "Why do Etienne's (share a black Chief with Tanners) show a Tenon variation, and why are their billets in Este colors while there is also an ESTienne variation?" That had been a question while covering the Bissets, suspect with the Bistrita river. I'm wondering whether LISIEUX is a version of LILIECI on the Bistrita, with the inter-change responsible for making the fleur-de-lys (could have been any flower) into a lily. The Merovingians, generally said to be the founders of the fleur-de-lys, were traced (by me) back to the Salyes Ligures, who lived no doubt on the Tanaro, location of Asti, and then Merovingians were also traced (by me) to Este in PADOVA, land of the proto-BATAVI that lived on the Rhine smack beside the Salian Frank known to have been the proto-Merovingians. The Salyes themselves trace back to the Salto river of the Marsi, i.e. Fucino theater so that this picture traces also to Focsani smack in the Rimna theater (see Rhamidava on map), where pine-cone Maschi's are expected to trace with pine-cone Tanners, in the very land of the Cotesii.

The Marsi are expected as the Marici who co-founded Ticinum = Pavia together with the Laevi. If that suggests a trace of the Dacian dragon-wolf to the Marsi, note that a daughter of Mars married the line of wolf-depicted Romulus, expected from Ben-Jabeshites on the Rimna river of Moldava. Jonathan's Levites were proto-Juno in this picture while Jabeshites were proto-Jupiter. Just look at the Breuci beside the Japodes as they named Abrussi, land of the Marsi.

My name is not Pinocchio; I lie not. And I even know what Pinocchio was named after. Ask Geppetto.

The Caepio treasure at Orange Nassau was near the mouth of the Durance, the river of the Salyes and of Guillestre. The only Shield filled with billet pattern (called "billetee") that I know of is in the Nassau/Naso Coat. Is that the Name/Neame / Gate lion? Yes, for Italian Naso's use "mill stones" while the Stone Coat (cinquefoils in the colors of the same of Nimo's) is split vertically in the two colors of the vertically-split Gate Shield! My feelers are telling me that the Italian Naso fesse is that of Nons/Nevins, but if that's wrong, I don't think it's wrong to identify the Stone eagle with the identical eagle of the Sans. Stone's are thus suspect with Sithones / Sitones, the Seatons/Sittens. The Stone motto goes to the Vivians who will become important in the next section for tracing certain lines to the Viu river of the Cottians.

The color of the spread Sans and Stone eagle is used in the Arms of Alancon, which may or may not apply here, though I gave reasons for the Caepio treasure going to Chartres. The Chartres surname (the Chatres variation may be symbolized by quatrefoils) has the double tresure and a fesse in colors reversed from the Naso fesse. If I'm not mistaken, I think I've just found the third Coat using scarlet. The double tresure BORDER of the Chartres' looks scarlet, and then the Tresure Coat uses a scarlet chevron. Aha! I've just never noticed, but checking the Fleming tresure to see if it is a brighter shade of red than the Chartres tresure, it was discovered that the Fleming tresure is a darker shade from its own red chevron (easy to see the comparison). Therefore, the Fleming and Chartres tresures are both in scarlet by design. Why? I'm not sure, but I do know that the Borders trace to Bordeaux, where the Caepio treasure was.

The Charts, in Chartres colors, were first found in the same place as Tresure's. The Charts/Chars can be traced to the 666-suspect Kilpatricks by way of the Chart partridges, and the hunting horns (colors reversed from the Traby horns, suspect in the Patch horns) in the Chart Coat. The Partridge surname (Shield filled with black-and-white Illuminati checks) is also "Patrige/Pettridge." The checks are in the colors of the Patch's, first found in the same place (Devon) as Chartres'. The Patch's are said to be from "Paecci," which I'll trace to the Pace's/Pasceli's (in Aurelia colors), first found in the same place (Bologna) as the Pepoli's (Apepi suspects), using nothing but a Shield filled with black-and-white checks. The Revelation harlot is in purple rather than in the scarlet of the dragon, and then the English Pace's/Paice's (besants, said to be gold coins) use a purple Shield. Are these things deliberate by a group of ruinous fanatics and fantasizers whom have chosen to war with God?

The People/Pepin surname uses an "est" motto term because it shares the Este horses. The patee cross, used by Sens as part of the Este-related Aurelia Coat, has traced to the Patchie variation of Kilpatricks (Levi lion riding a dragon with right paw on a dragon's head), and the Pattys (kin of Nitts of the Nith river of the Kilpatrick castle) are one of the several surnames using the white-on-black lions of the Cabbage's / Bakers / Raines' / Newmans. The Nitts/Naughts are now suspect with the NASO's. Patty's were first found in the same place as all-seeing-eye Watts. That place was WORCestershire, and then the WORKs/Werks (honored by black-and-white Sinclairs/Suns, don't touch unless you're a fanatic) use the Patty lion in the Crest, as well as the same lion head in colors reversed in the Coat, as well as the Gace/Wassa / NESS double bars in black and white.

My name is not Pinocchio. My naso does not grow. Who was Geppetto? Who are covered in blood drops, lying to the world?

The Sinclair rooster is evoked by the Wooster (haha) variation of Worcesters (the Capone star?), who look like Gore's (and Trips). Yes, for Gore's were first found in the same place (Essex) as Quints and Works/Werks. Worcesters are suspect with Wroc = Rock = Rockefeller lines. Roxburghs, easily linked by its motto to Pollocks, are using the Este / Pepin horse head. The Rollo boar must have been Porky Pig. Bad wooster.

The Jonathan line will be traced via Pinocchio codes to the Gone's, and so I'm noting that the Goons, pirate-suspects of the MacDonald line, and first found in the same place as Rollo's, are "Comb," like the Cimbrians / Gomerians expected at the Caepio treasure. The Arthurian cult made the Bors surname the chief holy-grail line, and Bors look like "Boiorix." It sure smacks of PERCival, the Grail King. The Percivals and Purse's/Pierce's/Peers/Pears (unicorn, trace to Canute, suspect with the Boiorix treasure) were first found in the same place as Tresure's, and they trace to Perche near Chartres. The Boris'/Burrys (from the Burgs) were first found beside the Purse's/Pierce's/Pears, and look to be using the Masci bend and fleur, perfectly expected with a trace to Bellamys of Perche, who merged with Ferte-Mace.

Why do Rollo's share the blue Vere boar? Was the Rollo-line wooster at Rostock, at the river of the Varni? Did Rollo control some of the Boiorix treasure? The "passe" motto term of Rollo's gets the Pace-suspect Pascals (same place as Quints), using the Levi lions with a fat red-on-white cross that can trace to the same as the Fillers/Villers, using the gold scallop of the Varns. The Pascals were from Pasci in Eure, and some of the Perche foothills extend into Eure. The lamb in the Pascal Coat traces to Lamberts, from Mieszko II Lambert (heraldry bears out that Lamberts were related Sweets = Swietoslawa, the daughter of Mieszko I that was mother to Canute). The Pascals happen to come up as PATCHen!!! It explains why Kilpatricks/Patchie's are using the same black lion as Pascals, and proves that the Patch bloodline traces to the Illuminati. This makes the Pascal cross suspect with the Annan saltire. Reminder: the Eure Coat is the Hanan Coat, both using Massey Shields.

The Pascel Crest is "A bearded man from the waist up." No Waist surname comes up, but Wais' are listed with Gace's/Wassa's, what I see as close kin to Ferte-Mace. The Kaplin-related Feldmans, suspect with the Wassa-based Wessels, were suspect in using the Gace/Wassa star. One can glean that the Chappes' were involved with Bellamys at Perche via the Chappes PERCHEvron, and that the Chappes liners split into the Kaplins while merging with Rockefellers of the Falticeni kind.

The "man" code should be for the Man/Mangus surname using the embattled border design of the Rocco's and Tragers. The Man/Mangus Crest is the same dragon design as used by Worms and Formans, which is now capable of tracing Rockefellers = Roxolani to Vrm of Angusta (said to be a son of king Bela of Hungary (never investigated whether he was a Bellamy liner), though Wikipedia makes Bela of the Mieszko's). The Man/Mangus fesse and pellets are rather identical to those of the Penners/Penns, and so the Mans/Mangus' must be the reason for the Mann variation of the Mathie's/Maghans and Mathuna's/Maghans who trace to the Mathis river, beside Penestae. As the Penestae theater was suspect with neighboring Paeoni, it's very interesting that the Mans us a "stabilis" motto term, suspect with Stobi in Paeonia. The Pascals and Pace's/Pascels had been reckoned (by me) as a branch of Payens/Paions. The Man motto is translated with a "FIRM" term, thus verifying a trace to Worms and Formans. DESIGN MATTERS, or the Worm, Forman and Man Crests would not be using the same dragon design, for houseofnames has many dragon designs. Heraldry is a crafted tracking system. The three goats of the Mans Coat are in the colors of the three Filby goats. For Fuller - Croce reasons (Fuller-suspect de Mole married Croce, and the latter look to be using the German-Man Coat), the upright white lion in the German Man Crest should link to the same in the Crest of Fuller-like Filler/Viller Crest. The latter use "crux" in their motto, which gets a pale bar (in Penn / Man bar colors) that links to the bend bar of Eure's and Hanans using the same Shield as Mans and Croce's. Sorry for making you head spin, but this looks Pascel-Filler important, all suspect with the Illuminati. And the reason for such a cult must be Annas / Ananias of Israel, the one who held the life of Jesus in his hands.

The Illuminati was discovered to be a Witkowo line to the Watts and Watkins, especially when the latter married the family of Lady Rothes, a Pollock from Peter Pollock at Rothes castle. It makes too much sense not to be true. The Pettridge/Patrige surname likely traces to Peter Pollock, whose lines I see in all three Peter surnames.

Here is the Arms of Sens, using a tower or castle in the colors of the Sens patee. The Chattan-related Chatans, suspect from Porcius Cato and therefore from boar-using Porcia's (first found in Cumber-like Umbria), likewise use a white-on-blue tower, and then the Goons/Combs use the Clan-Chattan motto. These towers are not-coincidentally in the colors of the Aurelia stars, showing once again that Sens'/Senns and Aurelia's were kin. Clan Chattan honors the Touch's using the Hume lion that traces to the Suceava lions, and Hume's are tentatively suspect from Gomerians out of Umbria, because I traced them to "QUMran." I then traced (years ago) the House's (in Hume colors) to "Essenes" of Qumran, or whatever named the Essenes, perhaps Esau-ites. The Hume - House trace to Suceava / Neamt came on like a flood in this update.

"The city [of Sens] is supposed to have been one of the oppida of the Senones, one of the oldest Celtic tribes living in Gaul....The Archdiocese of Sens ruled over the dioceses of Chartres, Auxerre, MEAUX, Paris, ORLEANS, Nevers and Troyes." I will cover the Nevers topic later in the update for a tooting good time. I have the feeling that the Yonne department surrounding Sens was named after Khyan elements. Pharaoh Khyan named his son something like "Yannasi," but he never made it to the throne when Khyan was gone. Instead, Apepi took over. They both ruled in Avaris, smacking of Avaricum, now Berry at Chart-like Cher, not far south from Yonne. I'll toot more on Egyptian lines to the Yonne theater later below.

Inhabitants of Meaux are called Meldois. Both names Meaux and Meldois originated with the Meldi, the Latin name of the original Gaulish tribe who occupied this area of the valley of the Marne river. Although during the Roman period the city was called Iantinum by the Romans, the name of the Meldi persisted and was finally kept for naming both the city and its inhabitants.

Might the Meldi have been Moldavians or proto-Moldavians? The Meaux Coat (trefoil) reminds me of the Notting / Brown / Canute discussion above, where it all traced to Mieszko. It looks like a combination between the Feller, Mackay/Macey and Macey/Macy Coats. The LeMieux's even share a white unicorn with the Knot/Canute Crest, used as a pegasus by Masseys/Maceys. The Mackay write-up says that the surname had been corrupted to "M'ay," and as the Mays (nine gold billets) are also "Mai," I assume the DuMais and Maisy's resulted. In the opinion of the sentence above, the German May/Mais tower sits on the Roque / Rockefeller rocks. When the Storm comes, they will all be washed away.

The English Mays are in Falt colors, and don't quite use the Mosca leopard design. The nine billets of the Mays evokes the billet discussion at the start of this insert, and so lets add that the Arms of Roquefeuil uses billets. The nine mascles of the Seneca's can apply, this being the number of the Muses. But as Mosca's/MOSCHELLi's were first found in Pisa, what about those white-on-blue lions, in the colors of the Pisa lion, in the Arms of Suceava??? In the next section, the question will be asked whether the Jones lion is the Pisa lion, and so I'll add a few statements to a Suceava effect if the shoe fits.

The Fallis/Falls were found to use that lion along with the Rockefeller trefoils. Therefore, if the Meaux's can trace to Falticeni, I suppose the Meldi can be identified as Moldavians in France. The Molds/Mauds were first found in the same place as Masseys and Maceys, and we would like to know whose red lion they use. It seems the Molds are using the thin Gace/Wassa double bars, and, whether rightly or wrongly I'm no longer sure, the Motts/Morte's were traced to the Touques river (location of Gace).

I was wrong to say earlier that Eleazar was Jonathan's father. He was Jonathan's uncle. Jonathan's descendants are said (Judges 18:30-31) to have been pagan Levites for the tribe of Dan until the Assyrians came to take Israel into exile, and that they used Micah's idols for a long while. The line of Eleazar, son of Aaron, maintained the ark of the covenant (Judges 20:28) and asked whether they should go to battle against the Benjamites. It looks like a schism in the priestly line. Which priestly group added Samson and the Benjamite story into Judges?

I would like to get into the Pinocchio codes, because they involve the Jones', and I will, but first let me get you the next section written a few days ago that entails a Jonathan trace to the Jones'. I'll try to have it up my noon Friday if I don't get sidetracked, Saturday at the latest, Lord willing. See the sub-title below for continuation. End insert]

The Metal-Mining Underworld

I'm struck by the potential of Elis' to be from Jonathan Levites. The wheels of my mind are rolling. Tortona, suspect with the Sittaceni-related Toreatae scythians, is smack beside Alessandria, in Piedmont (named after "foot" some say), or interior Liguria. Toreatae and Savona elements are always indication that proto-Sadducees can be involved. The Arms of Alessandria can be using the Ali/Alitto griffin (the colors are right). I'm keeping in mind that the "woman" in the Elis Crest traces to VIMINacium = Pincum i.e. near Cuppae. I connect the Punch's and Pinks as well as the Points, and the latter use a fitchee in the color of the Quint fitchee as well as incorporating piles with the fitchees. The Ore's use both torteaux and piles, and it makes sense that Elis lines went through the Pylos / Messene area before getting to Messina.

Just think about it. If Jonathan's descendants used "Eleazar," one might expect that term in some form and geographically near to terms that developed from "Jonathan." Recalling that Jonathans are expected in "Oeneus," so we find a mythical Oenomaus character ruling beside Elis, and a mythical Oeneus character beside Pylos. We even find an Oeneus river that was origin to a goddess with a Jonathan-like Juno term. The heraldic pile is a PERCHEvron upside-down, and as such it should be for Hebron and Perche elements. That can explain the LaBel-suspect label in the Panico Chief, along with the Masci fleur. The Arms of Piedmont uses a label.

Can LaBels go to the Aurelius line? Yes, for we just saw Ore's involved in the pile line. The naming of Pylos was suspect with Pelops at Pisa, but I traced "Pel(ops)" to "Pelusium," a real place in the Nile delta that was mythicized by Belas/Belus, father to Tanis-based Danaus and Aegyptus. I traced the latter brother, independent of other considerations, to Methoni, daughter of mythical Oeneus. Can you see Jonathan liners to Modi'in in this??? Can that explain Jonathan Maccabee?

So, Belus was likely the Baal cult that, in western Europe became the Celtic Bel. May Day (May 1, when Adam Weishaupt formed the Bavarian Illuminati) is a celebration by witches to Bel, a fire god that can trace to Flemings of BELgium, named after the Bellovaci. Fire gods are metal-making outfits, in many cases, nothing but ironic symbolism for Godless humanity. Baal could not quench the fires on mount Carmel because he doesn't exist. Belus was a fantasy. Pelops was a code word. Pylos is where the demented Washington Masons traced themselves, a low-life humanity bent on technological advancement for the sake in innovative fortune-making. Mass production is a massive scheme. God is coming to relieve the world of signs-everywhere financial gluttony. Bill Gates is not yet satisfied; he wants to make more profits, on behalf of his shareholders too, all seeking to maximize profits like unsatiated gluttons. When you get a deal on your juice, it's watered down. They make you think you're getting a deal, but are bent on deceiving to maximize their profits.

"If the "aus" on "Oenomaus" is the suffix, then the question is, why "Oenom." The "Oen" means "wine," but tacking on the "om" suggests that Jonathan lines were merged with a "Nom" entity. We saw terms like this in association with a Neamt trace to the Ananes Gauls, and then "Oen" is likely word-play on the real location of Aenus, where Ananes could trace. In other words, there seems to have been an Aenus link to a Nom entity, and that might just indicate the proto-Numidians. Bill Gates links to the Name/Neame line, doesn't he? The Newman lions are in the colors of the Elis crescents.

Another thought I had before writing the last sentence is where I traced mythical Uranus to Elis as per his castration. At that time of the thought just now, the Reno and Rhine rivers came to mind with a U-less "Uranus." I wasn't going to mention it, until getting to the Newmans, whose lions I always link to the Raines'. It just so happens that I've traced the Newman motto to MacAbee's, first found on Uranus-like Arran!! If that's not enough, the Jonathan rooster design was changed to that of the Blue/Gorm rooster, and that surname too was from Arran!! Ireland itself could have been named after Uranus elements, especially as Aeolians were given a wind symbol for distant sea-faring migrations (same concept as Atlanteans, which Plato viewed as Pisidians). One of the several mythical Aeolus' was made a twin brother to a Boiotus, and one can now see how this particular Boiotian group could have led to the Boethus house of Sadducees. In fact, I traced the heraldic rings to the original Olympics in Elis (Oenomaus was given an Olympics symbol) -- as per the Olympic logo to this day being five inter-connected rings -- and heraldry calls these rings, annulets, partly in honor of the Letts whose who use organ pipes suspect with Orchomenos Boiotians.

If it's correct to trace Uranus of Elis to the Reno river, then, zowie, I traced the Pinks, Punch's and Points to the Setta tributary of the Reno, with the Sadducees and/or PHARisees there too, at Bologna, a city of the Boii at one point just in time to form Sadducees and Pharisees proper. And look: Sisyphus and Aphareus were sons of Aeolus and Enarete. What was that APHAReus term???

SISYphus (co-ruler of Corinth along with golden-fleecer Aeetes) was code for SICYon, and I traced that place to Segovesus (600ish BC) for good reason, brother of Bellovesus suspect from the Belus > Pelops > Pylos line that included an Elis line to Bellerophon, root of Bellamys and Masseys. And so Segusio/Susa must therefore be a line from Sisyphus. Not only can this explain why the Sicyon-like Sequani became suspect with Cottius ancestry, but it expects Aeolus elements in the Cottian / Sequani theater. What were they? The Yulians, so to speak, = the Julians? Why do Yellows/Yeleys (share a black fesse with Yule's/Yells) use nothing but a fesse in the colors of the Elis cross? Why do Yule's, Elis' and German Julians all share crescents? Why are the Julian crescents in the colors of the one crescent of Yale's, who are using the same saltire as Annandale's, and the Capelli chapeau, and were first found in the same place (Denbighshire) as Jones'. Could Yale's be a version of the Vale's (in Yule and Yellow colors) using the black Julian/Gillian cross? As Vale's are in Elis colors, could that be why they come up as "Velis?"

The Elis crescents are in the colors of the LaBel crescents. As Sensii traced to Sion, by what coincidence did I find Bellamys on the Arve river (Garebite suspects such as Harveys and Garveys) near Sion? That was at a time when I wouldn't have thought of tracing Bellamys to Sion, but I later realized that Bellamys are using the Seaton crescents, all in the colors of the LaBel greyhound. (The Seaton crescents are colors reversed from the German-Julian crescents.)

As the Varni and Angles are suspect with the formation of Sequani-like Saxons, by what coincidence did Tacitus list both the Varni and Angles as worshipers of Enarete-like Nerthus??? We are learning something very serious, but go ahead and spit anyway. Aeolians and Sisyphus-ites are tracing to the Varni. What's that? Scythians of northern Europe tracing back to Aeolians? Yes, ask Uranus.

Sisyphus was the ancestry of Bellerophon, the one who rode Pegasus, and so the unicorn is likely a product from Pegasus. After what was the UniCORN named? CORINth, right? But why does Setta-like SHETland use the unicorn? You need to ask the raven in the Arms of Shetland, for the mythical Greek raven was CORONis to the Greeks. We now know that she was a line to Corinthians (to the near-east of Elis and Pisa), though I trace her to Chora on Patmos, and then to Gorski at the Oeneus river! And it was CRONus who castrated Uranus.

If "Lapith" was a Levite line, it's of course important that Coronis was a Lapith, made the daughter of Peleg-like Phlegyas and sister of Ixion. "Ixion" traces to "Sion," where the Hermes Cadusii cult had beginnings at mount Hermon, and Aeetes, when he left Corinth for Cadusii-like Kutaisi, gave Corinth into the hands of Hermes' family. In the myth concerning Oenomaus at the Olympics, Hermes is involved for a kinship reason, and the symbol in that myth is a chariot wheel, Ixion's symbol. Hermes was made born in ArCADia, beside both Pisa and Corinth.

Why does the Arms of Shetland use a "scal" motto term? Bellamy-related Masseys use the pegasus, and Meschins use SCALops (in Elis-crescent colors), wherefore one can trace the Sisyphus > Bellerophon line to the Sicils, co-founders of Sicily (at Messina) along with the Sicyon-like Sicanians in central Sicily. Uranus was castrated with a sickle, like "Sicily," and in Greek, the sickle (crescent shape) is "trepani," like the Trapani area of western Sicily. If correct that Uranus (i.e. the people he represented) was in Elis as per his castration, it again traces Elis elements to Sicily. Uranus may trace well either to Eran=Iran, or to Haran, whom some say was the city of Nahor, Abraham's brother. If Uranus was from Iran (land of Aryans), where historians trace the origins of Scythians, a WHITE sickle alternated as a WHITE crescent would be which I mean to say that the white Elis crescents may be evidence of linkage to Uranus elements in Pisa.

To make sense of an Elis trace to Eleazar elements (you can treat this lightly in case it's wrong) out of Israel / Hebron as well as to Uranus, view the Uranus > Cronus line in Haran, and then trace to Chora-like Horites in Edom (where Nahor's kin lived), where there was a Patmos-like Petra area. Then, view POSeidon (Cronus' nephew and a line to Pisa) as part code for Edom's BOZrah and/or Hebron's Bozcath. Then, ask why Schole's/SCAYLe's (suspect with ASCLEPios, son of Coronis at Scala of Patmos) use the annulet that traces to the Elis Olympics, as well as lozenges seen in the Pink and Reno Coats? If Uranus elements trace to the namers of the Reno river, we should expect the Jonathan > Oenomaus Levites there.

Do the PINK-related and BENJamin-suspect Panico's trace to the pegasus line? Ask the label, and what should be the Masci fleur, in the Panico Chief. Again, the Elis cross is in the colors of the Benjamin saltire cross. Compare "PINCUM" with "BENJAMin." The Pincum foot looks like it fits the Benjamin shoe for several reasons. The problem is, I identified Pincum and Panico's as Paeoni, which now requires me to view Paeoni as named after some evolution of "Ben," and moreover it seems that I would need to abandon a Paeoni trace to Phoenicians. Then again, Phoenicians were founded mythically by Poseidon, and "PHOENIX" looks like "PINC / PANICO." By what coincidence is PELEGonia (i.e. related Hebrews) smack at Paeonia?

It could be that Phoenicians were from the Hyksos out of the Nile delta that merged with Ben-Jabeshites. Hermes was made related to a PENelope entity, and Pan was Hermes' son, terms tracing to Panias (origin of the "Phoenix," I'm sure), a couple of miles from Laish. If we are looking for the 600 Benjamites in the Laish theater, why not at Ben-like Panias, which was also Banias? Compare with BENYA(min). But if it's correct to identify Banias with Benjamites, why were they made sons of Hermes? And what gave them the goat symbol? If Uranus evolved into the Horites of Edom, then the Seir entity of Horites can be the goat factor.

Here's from the 3rd and 4th updates of this month; see if you can spot the Uranus line:

Aha! Finally, a white lion on black, the two colors of the Cabbage lion, has been found in the Beng surname (looked up seeking Benjamin branches), said to be from "Binningas." Aha! The Bink variation can suggest Pinks and Pincum, as well as Panico's. The latter can trace to Vrancea's Panciu location." For the first time ever, the Benjamites had been suspect with Panico's and Pincum = Viminacium. By what coincidence were Cabbages linked to Elis' and Benjamins while Elis' use a "woman" in Crest!!! It's no coincidence. The Benjamites were at Pincum.

Who else uses a white-on-black lion? The Raines!!! When I wrote above that the Raines' and Newmans trace to Uranus, I didn't yet arrive to the quote above. Not until talking on the Paeoni did I think to go back to see what the Bengs used (I had forgotten). I don't can / plan things cleverly. I add one idea to another, and go where it leads. Recall the idea that "Oenoma" (of Pisa) may be part code for proto-NUMidians, an idea that came occurred BEFORE the Raines' and Newmans entered the picture. Nimo's use crescents too, in the colors of the same of Setta-suspect Seatons and label-suspect Bellamy's. For the first time, crescents are being taken as alternative sickles...which is to say symbols of the Uranus > Cronus line. I had traced crescents to Saracens (the peoples, because I thought that crescents should go to Arabs in north Africa). Cronus traced to north Africa by way of Coronis > Cyrene, but Asclepios had a cult smack in the Sicilian area that Saracens operated out of. Saracens are suspect with "Creusa" and Oeneus-like Aeneas, and she was traced to Benjamites of the Chrysippus kind several months ago. Chrysippus was of Elis! The castration of Uranus tends to link his Iranians to the Galli (suspect from Gileki Iranians), for they (as well as mythical Attis) were given a castration symbol.

I was unable to clinch a Coronis link to Cronus until now. It is very apparent that Uranus lines were that of Coronis to Cyrene. There was a mythical Cyrene that mated with Apollo, and that easily links the Letts to Cyrene. Cyrene is where the Meshwesh lived after they ruled in Egypt i.e. after they merged with Benjamites. Massey liners, that is, in Cyrene are evidence that Ben-Jabeshites were there too. And Cyrene is the location of BENGhazi!!! MOREOVER ZOWIE (this is fresh as I think, not pre-canned), the symbol of some Libyans, including the Senussi from Cyrene, is a white-on-black crescent!!! It's the Elis crescent too!!! [Remember the Senussi when I get to the Sens topic, because the Sens-related Yonne topic will end up blowing this story sky-high, explaining the Gaul origin of the Jonathan-rooted Laevi.]

Apollo-raven mythology makes the point that a white bird was turned black in the line to Cyrene. The emphasis is not on the black color (easily understood), but on the white, expected of Uranus. Mythical Cyrene was on Cyprus, the birthplace of Africa-like Aphrodite.

As there was a Jabesh > Japod > Jupit evolution of terms, what if there were hard-C versions too, such as CAPPADocia, Capet, or the Cavetta river to Ceva? Why do Chives' use white-on-black cats, the colors of the Elis crescent and the CABBAGe lion? Can't "CHIVES" and "CABBAGE" be identical stock?

Recall Comana in Cappadocia, and then reflect again on Comana near the Buzau river. This latter Comana is in Constanta, named in all likeliness after the Constantinople version of Buzau-like Byzantium. The latter was named after a mythical Byzas. Angusta was near the Buzau, and elements from Angusta are being traced to a Worm > Capet line. The Worm/Gorm surname applies to Jonathans/Jonas', and then the Blue's/Gorms traced to the Arc river, a term like the ARCHelaus family that ran the Comana cult. That cult is said to have been of Parthian / Iranian extraction, evoking Perseus of Argos (i.e. who was brought by a writer to Jabesh-related Joppa), and then Anu of Sumeria was an Aryan cult, in my opinion, the Anaki liners. Archelaus-like ARGos is known to have roots in Cilicia, which is at the Cappadocia theater and named (in my opinion) after Gileki Iranians. The early Argos mythology had a white cow, Io, as the main goddess, suspect not only with the Uranus Aryans, but with the Jonathan-like Ionians. Io, said the ancients, was in the BOSphorus, at BYZantium. Cilicia / Cappadocia is where the Taurus mountains were that gave Io her cow symbol (same as the white Zeus Taurus, the one that took Cilix' sister to Crete). Argos was founded by a mythical INACHus that can trace to "Enki," a major cult figure in the Anu bunch that included ABZu / APSu, suspect with "Jabesh"...and "Abas," one of which was in Argos. The Ionians were made close kin to Aeolus. Perseus' wife, AndroMEDA, suggests some Mede elements with an Anders entity that may have named AlexANDERs. Alexander the Great was from Macedonians, who trace to Megiddo, beside Dor, and then a Doris was made brother to Aeolus in Greece-founding mythology. The third brother was Xuthus, smacking of Cotys. "Xuthus" can trace to Cutha (Sumerian theater), home of the underworld god Nergal, who was made the husband of Lazi, the latter being, no doubt, a line to the Letts honored in the Benjamin ANNUlets, and part of the gold-mining operation encoded as "golden fleece" and related to the Argo-ship pirates.

The Anu cult, because Anu was married to Antu, looks like it named Anatolia, yet I trace Antu / Anat to "ANTalya" of the Pisidians (a sea-faring peoples, obviously), a good reason to trace the Pos part of "Poseidon" to "Apsu." Poseidon elements, apparently, named Byzantium and Bosphorus.

The dragon symbol of the Lazi, and the mythical underworld, are two symbols of metal miners. The ruler of the underworld, Hades, smacks of the Cadusii, allies with the Gileki. Hades' wife seems to have been a Parthian entity in connection with Perseus, for which reason we can trace to the Gileki > Colchis / Cilicia line, especially as mythical Medea of Colchis (princess of Cadusii-based Kutaisi) was made the founder of the Medes (not really, but she represented the Medes and the line to AndroMeda). The Medusa Gorgon was just of this entity because Gorgons lived in the land of Parthians, at the southern tip of the Caspian, where the Gileki Iranians lived.

Zeus was a white bull because he was a son of Cronus. Cronus' wife, Rhea, was traced to Ray/Rey in the Iranian / Gileki theater, but myth writers had Rhea in Crete with Cilix' sister, Europa, the one taken to Crete by the white bull. And this is an important key to all Western history, for as "opa" is a suffix, the root term in "Eur," which must be a version of "Eber," founder of the Hebrews. Thus, Europe was founded by an Aryan-Hebrew, or Scythian-Hebrew, combination. Mythology has many Eur/Eury terms tacked on to other terms that should be viewed as Europa lines. Evreux is in a Eure area known to have been home to EBROicum/Eburovices.

It's clear that Europa was APHROdite, named after the ancient Apiru of the Babylon / Akkadia theater. Does it not make sense that AURelia is a Europa liner as per my findings that Caiaphas liners are tracing to her family? If I recall correctly, Cotys-like Xuthus was made the founder of Jonathan-like Ionians, and they were in the Elis area at one point.

While "AURelia" sounds like it was named after gold, perhaps not. The Aurelia stars are in white, which is properly silver in heraldic language. From evidence in the book of Judges, the Jonathan line to Ionians is suspect with silver miners, and then Aphrodite's birthplace, Cyprus, is known to be named after copper miners. Her other name, "Kypris," is not only for Cyprus, but for the Khabur tributary of the Aphro-like Euphrates. Aphrodite therefore represented both rivers, both home to what the Bible calls Chaldea, the home of Babylonian Hebrews = Apiru/Abiru. It stands to reason that copper miners, or miners of all sorts, were in the Chaldeans, and so one easily draws a line to the Chaldea-like Khaldi, said to be the founders of iron, yet Homer said the Khaldi-related Halybes were founders of silver. The Khaldi were in the original home of Amazons, but the Amazons came to settle Lydia and Mysia, including Sumeria-like SMYRna, and Ephesus, the latter suspect with the metal smith, Hephaestus, husband of copper-miner Aphrodite. The silver-suspect Ionians (i.e. now suspect with the pagan, wayward Levites) came to settle the land of Mysian Amazons, after starting out in Greece. These peoples revolutionized and conquered the world when they became the Unites States military, so to speak, of ancient times. War with metal weapons and invention was their game. [Remember the Ionians when the Yonne-area topic arrives, for it will trace to the Pyxites river in the Khaldi theater.]

We can't trace all Hebrews to Jonathan the Levite, but he was of the right time frame and location for the waves of other Hebrews to Greece and Crete. It can be expected that Ionians were closely related to Halybes and other Alba-like terms, which by the way came to mean "white." One can trace "Levite" to Halab/Aleppo, for example, but as Lapiths were in LESbos, compare with "Elis / Alis." Therefore, the hypothetical Eleazar lines from Jonathan to Elis are tracing well to Lesbos, an old haunt / origin of lesbianism suspect with female-depicted Amazons. But why the "BOS" on the end of "Lesbos"? Same as Bosphorus elements, I suppose.

Zeus the faggot cult was given a cave symbol at his birth. These dirty miners must have been rejected by most women, or the metal fumes took away their good senses. The mentally-deranged of the earth came to rule the earth, and are now loyal to the American military for to perform the military miracle and geological orgasm of Armageddon, afterwhich the earth will fall asleep. When it awakes, there will be a New Sound, a healthy one in mind, like a Wonderful Counselor, and father to all. But first, the Church will become tired of waiting, disillusioned by the its too-long haul. Yet, at the end of the sleep, strong voices from the Christian Witnesses -- the Two Olive Trees having Oil and Light -- will trouble the world so as to begin a wave of persecution. The Seven Eyes of the Slain Lamb will support the spirits of those who awake in the midst of this persecution, and they will see it for what it is, the Sign of the End. The Seven Eyes will come to fight the Ladon Dragon upon the seven hills of Rome, the old Europa tramp, drunk in a mentally-deranged stupor, killing the Best People of the earth if she can get away with it. So deranged are those who swim in her cup that they cannot properly judge the Christians, thinking evil of them when they mean all manner of good for the human race. Ask the demented Obama. Ask the queer movement. Ask the Democrat jack-asses. Europa, the Old Witch, the brute, will be the End-Time Recipe, but she will boil over and dry up in the Coming Heat. No one will be able to turn off the Sudden Heat until she is dead in rags of poverty. Ask Revelation 18.

I haven't yet traced "Aurelia" to "Europa." It's a new concept to keep in mind. Tyrians, the Bible says, was linked like mother-daughter to Tarsus of Cilicia, explaining the Zeus taurus out of Tyre. This entity can trace to Turin, down the Riparia river from Susa a distance of about 30 miles. Was Zeus at Susa?

If the Shoe Fittes on the Matt

Let's go back to the Taffeys sharing the fretty lattice with Cotts, but in the colors of the Foots and Levi's. As Foots are tracing to Focsani / Fucino elements, it's interesting that there is a modern Foca location on-shore from Lesbos, the latter being suspect with the Jonathan Levites. There is a four-letter word like "Foca" that well depicts the sexual deviants of the Ares > Marsi line at Fucino, land of Abruzzo = Aphrodite = Europa. This line was at the Prut river near Focsani. In other words, the Foots are expected to be Levites from this entity.

It was said: "The Taffeys are suspect in using the Macclesfield and Fessy cross because Ore's use a CornuCOPIA while one Arms of Macclesfield uses a "copia" motto term." The Fothes/Fette's (stars in Capone-star colors) use a cornucopia too, and another Macclesfield Arms adopted the Davenport fitchee, while "Daven" is suspect with "Daphne" and "Taffey." We now have evidence, as expected, that the Foots trace, not only to the Caepio's and Capone's, but to Aurelia Cotta. For me, that can suggest that the Foots must trace to a child of Julius Caesar with Servilia Caepionis.

Why should Daphne be tracing to the Focsani line? Ask the Ladon dragon, the Latins of Lazio merged with Europa in Abruzzo to form the Benjamin- and Jupiter-rooted Romans. Reminder: the "Fac et" motto phrase is use by gyronny-using Mathie's while Foots trace definitely to Gernons and Guernsey. But gyronny is used in Gironde, where the Quintus-Caepio gold treasure was traced.

Moreover, the CORNucopia looks to be a cleverly-relevant code because the LeMIEUX surname shares a white uniCORN with the Crest of the Macclesfield Arms. The UNI term can then go to the Una river, smack beside the Kupa river of the Japodes, tracing the "copia" term to the Japodes. As I trace the Youngs/Yonge's and June's/Jungs to the Una, it's notable that the Lemieux unicorn is upright and in the colors of the upright stag of German Jungs. These are the white-on-blue colors of the Primo/PriMEAUX quarters.

With Joseph Caiaphas tracing hard to the Elis bloodline, it needs to be re-mentioned that the Specks/Spacks (use the Alex/Alesse eagle) are suspect with Caiaphas-like Syphax of Carthage, or that it's feasible to have a Jabesh > Chabesh > Syphax evolution of terms. Then, the Heslingtons, suspect with Hasdrubal elements amongst the Syphax Carthaginians, use a "focis" motto term. Syphax married Sophonisba, a daughter of Hasdrubal, and if she traced to "Sophene," that's where I think "Daphne" traces. That's because the Saphon mountain (also called Cassius) was the mountain of Baal, who defeated the Lotan dragon. As "foc / fuc / fuoco" can mean "fire" to Italians, ask the flames in the Julian Crest whether Julius Caesar traces to a Cassius > Caesar line. Or, ask the dolphin in the Caesar Crest (!) whether "Saphon" concerns "Daphne." Or, recall Deva downstream from Alba-Iulia. As Reagans use a dolphin, just trace them to Reghin upstream from Alba-Iulia, but also see that Kennedy's use the dolphin while sharing the Casey-suspect Cassel Coat. The "Pro rege" motto phrase of Pattersons/Cassane's, Julius-Caesar liners, can now trace to Reghin better than ever, especially as Scottish Pattersons (scallops in Moray-star colors) were first found beside Moray. There is a question as to whether "pro" is code for the ProFETT bloodline sharing the human leg/foot with Prime's.

When we now take another look at the FootLESS martlet of swan-liner French Josephs, the Elis / Lesbos line seems implied in "Less." If the Less code traces to Lesbos, then the Foca location to it's south-east looks very meaningful. Of further interest is that PERGamum, where modern BERGama sits, is directly on-shore of Lesbos, and that evokes Comana near Focsani, for a Comyn location (not sure where it is) was ruled by Conteville's named after JOHN de BURGO of Conteville.

A "footless"' trace to Lesbos tends to oppose my theory that "footless" is a symbol of lame Hephaestus, code instead for the line from Laish and/or swan-line Ligurians. The Less surname (boar head in Ley/Ligh/Legh colors) is listed with the Lush/Luss surname, said to be from a Loches location...that can link to the swan-using Locks (Benjamin saltire!) and Lucks (share greyhounds with the Lys'/Lisse's, first found in the same place as Levi's) coming up as "Lick." I can vouch that the swan design in the Lick/Lock Coat was showing in the French Joseph Coat instead of the footless martlet now showing.

Fire / flames was traced to the Trypillian practice of deliberately burning their homes from time to time. The Trypillians had a goddess as per their being suspect as matriarchal, what one could expect out of Lesbos, wherefore Trypillians (Amazon liners) are suspect at Foca, in a line to Focsani. I even traced Ixion (= Lapiths) to Moldava. We can therefore add Lesbos elements to the growing list of proto-Moldava entities, and that can trace the "bos" part to the Buzau river smack beside Focsani.

There is a white crescent (!!!) in the Less/Luss Crest, and the Shield is gold, as is the Elis Shield. It again traces Benjamites to Joseph Caiaphas, and so let's re-mention that the Levi chevrons are in Benjamin-saltire which I mean to say that the Livius family may have been from the Benjamites. Again, "Caiaphas" is suspect from "Jabesh," and it's the Gernons who seemingly honor the Levi-related Foot surname with a Caiaphas-like motto term. The Gernons trace to Gironde (Garonne river), location of the Caepio treasure, and the Garonne flows through Comana-like COMMINges, from the Comyn/Comming surname sharing the three garbs of the Joseph Chief, but found also with the swans in the Wessel Coat.

The Foss' use the fox, and Faucets are said to be named after a fox, and then Faucets trace well to Foix beside Comminges. But the point here is that Lesbos is not very far from Samos, suspect with mythical Samson. In his myth, 300 foxes were tied tail-to-tail and set on FIRE. It appears that Foca traces to Samson elements at Beth Shamesh / Timnah. Perhaps BOZ elements from Bozrah (where Timna could have lived when her brother, Lotan, married Esau's son), evolved into a Foz/Fos term that became "Foca," in which case LesBOS is partly from Bozrah elements, Edomites and/or Horites. As "Herod" looks like "Horite," why did Jesus call one Herod a fox? I am therefore convinced that the foxes were code for Bozrah / Boscath.

Why 300 foxes? Ask the 30 sets of clothing at Samson's marriage to his wife from Timnah. Judges 14:19 implies that his wife was from a bull cult, and to the Greeks a bull was a bos (that's why Io, the white cow, was in BOSphorus). Therefore, Samson married the line of Lotan / Timna / Eliphas, and he traces to Danaans of Argos, where Io was the chief goddess. He was the epitome of the dragon cult because he was created (by Levites?) by the dragon cult. Who else but Israeli priests would have inserted material to the book of Judges? Jonathan may have written the Samson myths, and then inserted himself later into Judges. He may have slyly called Samson a Danite when in fact he was a Danaan.

Edomites and Horites in Argos / Mycenae, a new revelation. It recalls that a reader. TIM no less, found an ancient icon showing what looks like the ark of the Covenant in Greece. I can't recall where it was but I think it was in Mycenae, to the best of me recollection. Tim stopped writing when other regular readers did when I cautioned all that NSA is able to keep track of my emails and emailers. If the dragon-cult Levites were in Argos, as I think they were, it can explain the Ark going there. But so what? It was not God. My hunch is that the ARK may have gotten to ARGos via the Ekron location of Philistines, for that is where I trace mythical Acrisius (directly related to Abas of Argos), ancestor of the Danaans of Argos. The ark didn't have special powers.

The fire symbol to Flemings can be of the Vire river (Manche) suspect with the Vere location in Manche, for Flemings use "vair FUR." The Vire entity can go to the Fire/Feuer surname. This does not necessary exclude a fire trace to Trypillians, for Trips use the Massey boots (no longer shown), and Vere's use the Massey Shield. Reminder: Manche traces to Isle of Man using the Arms of Foetes/Fussen.

As the Gernons are using lions (Strange-and Brunswick-lion format) in the colors of the Second/Segur lions, and as the latter's quartered Shield is suspect with that of Tattons-of-Massey, there is reason here to trace Caiaphas' parents to a line from Junia Secunda rather than Junia Prima.

The Lick/Lock motto has three codes in one term, by the looks of it. The term is "AssiDUItate. The Deweys happen to use the cinquefoils and dragon-head design of Maisy's...suspect with the Mieux / Meaux line honored in the PriMEAUX variation of Primo's. The Dewey griffin can be traced to the same-colored one of Pembroke's/PENbroke's and Mazza's, and one can trace Penbroke's to Penestae a little downriver from lake Lychnidus (Penne's/Pennys share greyhounds with the Lys/Lisse Coat). The Deweys are said to be from "Douai, near Lille," and as Lille is near a Lys river, the lily symbol of the fleur-de-lys applies (the Arms of Lille uses a fleur-de-lys). How better to trace Deweys and Licks/Locks to the Drilon river?

The Lille's (fitchees), first found in the same place as Benjamins, are also "Lysle" so as to trace to CarLISLE, near Penrith, and then the Carlisle Crest is a "pen. The Carlysle motto, "HumiliTATE" should link to the "AssiduiTATE" of Licks/Locks just because Carlisle's are tracing to the Penestae / Lychnidus theater. By what coincidence does the Carlysle motto honor Humorului elements? No coincidence. We are learning something, that heraldry codes are to be trusted 300 times more than your history teacher. The Gomerians / Cimmerians expected in the Cumberland area of Carlysle's can trace to Gomer-like HUMORului.

If that's not the correct view of the term, consider HumORULUI, making is suspect with Orells and "Aurelia." I've just checked the Rule surname to find that it was first found in Roxolani-suspect Roxburghshire, where ORLE-using Rutherfords were first found!! Rule's use hearts (suspect with Wagers) in Carlysle colors, and are suspect in using the Rutland Coat, because Rutlands also use the so-called orle border.

The hare in the German Rule/Ruel Coat (suspect with Roets) gets the Hare's using a Donnus-suspect dancetty Chief, and under the chief there are double fesse bars suspect with Wessel-related Washingtons. These Hare's (first found in Ayrshire) are apparently a branch of Ayers/Eyers, and then "Aurelia" may be from the same Aures area that I trace Shaw-related Ayers to. In other words, Hare's are suspect with Aures' Numidians. German Hare's are even using what looks like a Masci-Bellamy combination. The "mait" motto term of Irish Hare's/Garrys (recalls that Guerin of Provence was traced by this surname and others to the fox-using Fes' and to Idris of Fez, in Morocco, who married the Aures tribe) is suspect with the Mate/Mathy surname because the Mathis' use the moline-with-star of Shawia-based Chives'. The chevron in the German Mathis Coat is thus suspect as the Levi chevron. Irish Hare's use a lion in colors reversed from the Hume lion! Bingo-bango.

Carlisle is in Cumberland, and so I'd like to add that the Hume's/Home's use a white-on-green lion, the colors of the Cumberland cinquefoils. Irish Hare's use trefoils in colors reversed. "Foil" was identified as code for RoqueFEUIL (beside Foix), and the Fullers were suspect as Rockefellers and traced earlier to FALTiceni, smack beside Humorului. Hume's were first found in the same place (Berwickshire) as Pendragon-rooted Arthurs and Lychnidus-suspect Licks/Lucks (share greyhounds with the Lys/Lisse surname). It is undeniable that Penestae elements trace to Penrith of Cumberland, and Hume's may be part of the Cumber > Humber lines, suggesting Cimmerians at Humorului. Compare "Hume / CUMBer" with Gomer-suspect "QUMRan." The Roxolani, remember, were at the Focsani theater.

The Roxolani are stamped on other maps where you see COMidava on the map below, now suspect with Comana on the south side of the Danube; on this map, Comana is roughly at Tomi, and one can see Constantiana marked on the map so as to indicate an ancient name, likely older than Constantine I...meaning that his ancestry likely traces to this city. Recalling the hunch that Jonathan Levites were at Constanta, I can now add that the Tomi location could trace to the Thomas surname that shares the Elis Coat!!! Was the Timna line here at Tomi? I do trace the Roxolani (= Ros-Alans) to "Hros," and I do trace mythical Horus to Horites!!! It all Fittes like an old, rotting shoe on a tramp (Constances were at Fussen).

Penriths (black wolf instead of black greyhound of Licks/Lucks) use "celeriter" (along with "tuto"), probably for Sellers (Percival-related grails?) that share the Lick/Lock / Joseph swan design. Sellers, because they use the chevron colors and format of Tudors, are suspect from the Silure's of southern Wales, where Pendragon elements can trace easily. As I trace Arthurs to Ardahan near Rize, note the PenRise/PenRice variation of Penriths, and that Rice's/Rhys' share ravens with Tate's. The Tattons use crescents in the colors of the Toots so that Tate's can be lumped into the Toot bloodline. The crescents are white like the Elis crescents. The Luna's use the same white-on-red crescent while tracing tentatively to the moon goddess at Latmus, where her lover, ENDymion, was from Elis-of-Pisa elements. Why do Hume's use an "end" motto term? Does Endymion's Elis elements trace to the "humilitate"-using Carlysle's? Isn't "Lisle" now suspect as an Elis line from Lissus? Why are Caiaphas' Elis elements tracing to Carlisle? Probably, it has to do with Annandale across the small waters from Carlysle.

Repeat: "The Tute's are said to have been associated with a Holme entity. As Hume's are likely using the Touch/Taff lion, recall that Toots links to Taff liners. As Cimmerians were just discovered at Humorului, it's notable that MacinTOCHs, using the "Touch" motto term, show Gomer-like septs. The "bot" term used by Chattan members traces to Botosani, smack beside Humorului.

Lest you've forgotten, the Less surname (from Loches) uses a white crescent too, the Elis crescent, and so we can once again identify the white crescent with the Uranus sickle. FootLESS martlets are used by Birds/Burds who share the flory cross of Carlysle's (the ends of the cross are known to be fleur-de-lys). The Leys/Lighs/Leghs, very suspect with the Less surname, were from HAMOND Leigh, which, because it's in Cheshire, links likely to Hamon de Massey. The Hamon/Hamond surname (could be using the Rice Shield) uses a "tot" motto term, you see, no doubt for the Tatton-of-Massey line. Why do Hamons/Hamonds use ANTlers? Doesn't Hamon de Massey trace to LatMUS? Aren't Ladds/Ladons using the Meschin format? Don't Ladd-related Leeders trace to Lederata, across the Danube from VIMINacium, the latter honored by the Elis Crest? Doesn't this prove that the white Luna / Toot / Tatton crescent is the white Elis crescent from Endymion at Latmus? If so, it appears that Latmus was named after the same Ladon elements as Lederata (in Moesia). And that's where we find the Pincum Benjamites so that the Benjamin annulets can go to Lett elements from Lederata.

As Leightons/Latons (dragon) look like Ladds/Ladons, couldn't the Hamond Leigh location of Leys/Lighs/Leghs be of the Ladd/Ladon line? Recall how the Toreatae scythians had linked to Toot = Thwaite liners, for while Thwaits are also "Treat," the Leightons/Latons use a "Dread" motto term. The LEINton location (on the Lea river) of Leightons explains why the Leinster surname (Cheshire) is listed with swan-using Leicesters (namers of the Legro river). The blood drops on the Leinster/Leicester swan are important. VERY IMPORTANT, because these Ligurian lines are expected with the Laevi Ligures. Blood-drop Pattersons share a "Pro rege" motto phrase with Leinsters/Leicesters, and the whole of this picture traces to the Lech river, location of FOETes/Fussen. This serves to show again that "Pro rege" is part code for the ProFETTS. If I recall correctly, it was emailer Patterson who introduced the Prophet/Profett Coat to me, though I can't recall that a reason was given.

Let's talk about the PriMAT variation of Primo's/Primeaux's, for the Matts were checked for obvious Mathis-reason. The Matts use "Duw" in their motto while the Jonathan-suspect Jones' use "Dduw," code for Deweys using the Maisy symbols. The "fydd" motto term of Matts links well to the Foot / Fothes/Fittes/Fette line, especially as Matts are in Foot / Fothes colors. As Matts were first found in the same place (Glamorgan) as Penriths, it assures that Matts are from the Mathis river. Penriths were suspect for reasons earlier with Junia Secunda, the same to which the Foots had traced, and Caiaphas became suspect from this Junia too. The Rice's, who are a branch of Penriths/Penrice's, use a "SECRet" motto term smacking of the Second/SEGUR surname.

Hmm, what named on-fire cigars? Do Segurs trace to the fire entity? I faintly recall that Seagars traced to the Marici on the TESSen/Ticino, but can't recall the reason. The Marici were from Marsi on the fire-suspect Fucino lake, and Fire's are tracing to the Vire river, location of TESSy-sur-Vire! I think I had suggested that the SEGNi variation of Segurana's was involved with the namers of the TICINo. Another theory from the Teck variation of Tess' was that the Daci = Dacians named the Ticino, and so I'll mention that, while Dacians are said to be from the Getae, there is a modern Gediz river a few Goliath feet from Foca. Goliath was a Gittite, from Gath. He would have done better to shut his mouth and keep his head. The anti-Christ will have the same mouth.

Recall the idea that "Julian" was responsible for "Yule / Yell / Yale," for GOLiath may apply to "IULIA." Don't Julians use flames? Isn't the Biblical dragon / anti-Christ fundamental with the family of Julius Caesar? Aren't the dragon's seven heads from Roman emperors? Can't Gittites of Gath trace to the Gate's and Gaetuli Numidians? An idea is coming to mind right now that the Revelation-13 riddle concerning the 666 "number of his NAME" may be code for the Neame/Name bloodline from Neamt, land of 666-suspect Trypillians. The Name's/Neame's are using the Gate lions. The proto-Numidians have also traced suggestively to Oenomaus, with a "nomaus" term used. But how could Goliath's Gittites trace to Oenomaus at Pisa? By way of Foca at the Gediz, for Foca elements were of Lesbos tracing to Elis of Pisa.

Fire was used in a symbol to sacrifice the daughter of AgamemNON. The Non surname was part of the Name topic as it related to Neamt. It was a foggy discussion, admittedly, but Agamemnon was a son of Atreus and therefore relates to Pisa as Atreus' father, Pelops, does. Agamemnon's brother, Menelaus, was code for Las on the Mani peninsula, and that was an extension of TayGETI. Gediz-incidence?

There is a modern Menemen location, as well as a major Manisa location, on the Gediz!!! The source of the Gediz is near the Maeander, where I trace Menelaus' Maeonian-suspect background. That Fittes like a smooth stone to a skull.

The Gediz was the ancient Hermus river of downtown Lydia that traces with Pelops (king of Lydia) to Hermes in Pisa. Foca was the ancient Phocaea that put out the Phocaean co-founders of Ligurians at Lacydon (about 700 BC), and it just so happens that I trace Agamemnon's daughter to mythical Euxinos (I may have the spelling wrong, see mythical Gyptis at Lacydon for this story), part of the founding of Ligurians.

I'm trying to wrap my head around a "Foot" trace to Phocaea, but I've got to train myself to view Foots as BOZrah elements, and from this idea one can go to the boot theme of Trips, which I regard as the line to Bute. In this picture, Buz elements evolved to "Phoc." But there were more than one branch of Buz elements. Safe to say, Phocaeans were related to LesBOS, and that's where the FootLESS code helps to trace Foots to Phocaea. From the Phocaean line to Ligures, we may expect the formation eventually of the Laevi Gauls / Ligures. Numidians are highly suspect in Liguria.

Reminder: Rize was near lake Sevan, and the Soducena location there was beside Ardahan, and then the Saddocks honor the Rye/Rise surname with "ears of rye." The ears were traced to the Eyers / Ayers...who happen to use a chevron like that of Foots / Fothes/Fettes'/Fitte's. It means that Penriths are related to the Saddocks, at least loosely, and then Soducena elements are expected at lake Lychnidus smack beside Penestae. Pendragons were either Sadducee liners, or from the same stock that provided Sadducees. But if Ligurians trace to Lychnidus, does this indicate that Phocaeans merged with Lychnidus elements?

Yes, for there is a Lyncus / Lyncestae region to the south-east of Lychnidus, and a son of mythical Aegyptus was Lynceus, and then we have a Gyptis woman involved in the Phocaean founding of Ligurians. Lynceus was made married to the only-surviving daughter of Danaus, and that traces Danaans to the Ligurians, suggesting that the RhoDANUS (location of Lacydon) was named in part after Danaans in Rhodes. We might ask whether "LACY" was after "Lesbos" elements. It just so happens that Lacydon was at Massilia, later re-named to Marsi-suspect Marseilles, suggesting that lake Fucino traces to "Phocaea." This better assures that the Angitia snake goddess of the Marsi goes to Angusta (i.e. near Focsani).

On the map presented above, Angusta is stamped near Comidava, now tracing to Pergamum on the north side of Phocaea. To put it another way, John de Burgo of Comyn, suspect with Burgundians up the Rhodanus, was likely from a Phocaean - Pergamum alliance that colonized southern France. Between Lyncus and Lychnidus, there is a Brigias and an Nicea location that can trace to Brigantium and Nice of the Ligurian theater. Brigantium is near Guillestre, suspect with the Julians/Gillians that married Cotta's. The Brians, who trace to the Briancon version of Brigantium, use lions in the colors of the Second/Segur lions, important because Seconds are suspect with Sequani while Segurs are suspect with the Cottian capital. Sequani lived at one point off the Rhone to the west of Geneva.

As I was writing above, it came to mind that "Sussex" (where Saddocks, Rye's/Rise's, Deins, Diens, Dans, Danners, etc were first found) was named cleverly after "Susa." That idea brought to mind that Wessex may have been named after the Wessel bloodline of Cottius' son. I then reflected on Essex, where Quints were first found. After that, the Wessex surname was checked for links to Wessels, and it turns out that Wessex's are listed with Wessels! This paragraph can trace the "Secret" motto term of Rice's to "Segusio," the older name of Susa, which is the same as saying that Seagars, Seconds/Segurs, and footless-using Sawyers trace to "Segusio." It's the same as saying that PenRise's from Penestae trace to the Cottian capital, explaining the Wessel swan.

From the 1st update of last February: "The dancette-using Wests show a motto term, "vie," which is a term now tracing to the Viu valley beside the Riparia. As Cottius' family ruled out of the Riparia, it suggests that Vestalis is honored in the West surname while Donnus is honored in its dancette."

As the Wessels use "wheat" as code for Wheat/Wete and Vatt liners, it's notable that Vatts and Watts share the oak with German Rice's who in turn look like they use a version of the chevron used by Cottius-suspect Ottone's. There is a Lilly surname (in the colors of the Lys/Lisse fleur), first found in the same place (Worcestershire) as Watts, and using a swan!!! It's the swan-head design of Leinsters/Leicesters, tending to prove that Susans (lily) are named after Susa, and that the Cottian rulers were merged with Leinster/Leicester = Leighton/Laton = Ley/Ligh/Legh Ligures. The Riparia-suspect Ripper surname is shown properly as RipLEY/RipLEIGH.

It's now just a matter of tracing Laevi Ligures to Cottius' ancestry. The Laevi are expected with many other Gaul tribes from the invasion of northern Italy under Bellovesus, brother of SEGOvesus (about 600 BC). This is not in itself evidence that the Cottius family was descended from Segovesus, but it at least makes the Cottius family suspect in a city named by Segovesus Gauls. It would be nice to know where the Gauls came from immediately before inhabiting France, or who exactly they were.

The Rippers/Ripleighs are using the same solid chevron style as Teague's, and the latter not only use the Julian cross, but trace to the Tooks/Touque's and therefore to the Touques river, where Gace sits that traces back to the Wessel/Gastell line. That tends to prove that Rippers/Ripleys were from the Riparia river, believe it or not.

It has taken me years to find myself on the motherload of all heraldry. Everything works like a well-timed, ticking time-bomb when on the motherload Cotta-Julian line to Caiaphas. The Teague-suspect Taggarts use a "vi" motto term as well as what could be the Spanish-Olive owl (both are brown). English Olive's/Oliphs (same place as Penriths) had been suspect with the Livius line. The Intaggart variation suggests a MacINTOCH branch, and the latter share the leopard design of Chives'.

The owl is suspect from the Kos cult of Edom, and that's where a trace of Lesbos / Phocaea elements to Tomi (Comana area) may come in, for Galati is not far from Tomi, and at the Buzau river of the Cotesii. On the old map above, modern Galati is at the mouth of the Agarus (Seir-suspect Siret), and then Comidava up that river should trace to Comana. Tomi traces to Timna of Seir, you see, which expects the Lotan dragon in these parts of Moldava. On this map, modern Neamt is where you see Cogaeonus, a term that could give rise to the cock = rooster that can be used by Galli lines. In Italian, a galina is a hen / chicken, but if a surname uses a "rooster" instead of a "cock," it could be code for certain elements such as Rostock, where Roxolani are suspect. But if the rooster also links to Galli as a clever double code, then Galli from Galati are expected at Rostock because Roxolani were living smack in the Galati theater. The rooster of Gays can trace Galati elements to Savoy simply because the Cotesii were living with/beside the Roxolani.

I have little doubt that Cocks and Cockers (roosters) trace to Cogaeonus with the Googe's/Gooch's in the colors of the Hagars. As Cockers use the Grimaldi lozengy, and because the Aluta river is directly over the Carpathian peaks from the Cogaeonus, the GrimALDI's are suspect from the Aluta of that area. Lozenges are suspect with Lazi lines, but as the Lazi look to be spelled "Luzi" on this map, the ALUTa may have been named by the Lazi.

The Wests (use the Donnus dancette), by the way, are not only in Chives colors, but in Dewey colors. The Wests were first found in the same place (Devon) as Deweys and Chives, and then Deweys show a "de ma" motto phrase smacking of the Demy/DuMais surname, important because Deweys use the symbols of Maisy's. Deweys are suspect with Daphne elements that I see in the naming of Devon and Diva, and Daphne elements can thus trace to the Welsh Daffy/David surname as well as to the Taffeys that share the Cotta fretty. One can also trace to the Taff river at Cardiff, and to the Caesar dolphin now suspect from Julians at Deva on the Mure's. Deweys look like they trace to Deva on the Mures.

The lions of the Rippers (and Hume's) can be suspect with the Welsh Morgan lion that must trace to Morgannwg/Glamorgan, where Matts/Mathews were first found. This is the same as saying that Mathis-river elements trace to the Cottius family on the Riparia, and to Morgannwg...but also to Morgan le Fay in Arthurian Avalon. English Veys/Vivians were from Morgan-suspect MAWGAN, and are said to have had a Mawgan estate called, TRELOwarren, which might be after "Drilon." As Dutch Veys use a boot as code for Bute = Avalon, while Veys/Vivians were first found in the same place (Cornwall) as Pendragons, it looks like Morgan le Fey was an entity of Penestae but migrating to Riparia / Ripper elements and named after the Viu valley/river. Reminder: Taggarts, suspect with MacinTOCHS and therefore with Touch's sharing a green lion with Rippers, and the Hume lion in colors reversed, use a "vi" motto term. Clearly, Hume liners were in the Segusio theater with Morgan le Fay.

The Morges location on the north shore of lake Geneva can link to the Genova/Geneva surname now linking to the Segusio-suspect SEGni's/Segurana's and Seconds/SEGurs. Therefore, Arthurian Avalon should prove to be a Cotta > Caiaphas liner.

If you understood the above, as it traces to Trypillians, it means that boot-using Trips and Masseys passed through the Cottian capital, or at least in the Cottian family, as evidenced even by Massey's/Masse's being first found in Savoy. These are the Massey's that showed the Trip boot design (in the same color) for years. Trypillians were expected with Cottians anyway, and so let's ask why Masses'/Masse's are now showing a TREE with no LEAVES. The Tree surname, which may be a branch of Treeby's, gets the True's/Trow's (version of the Orrel / Saxon/Sexton Coat) that can trace via Hume's to Humorului, the Trypillian theater. That works, and it's close to L'VIV, where I say "Vivian" (said to be from "VEYvan") traces. Although the plumed helmet in the True Crest links to Lannoys and Lyons (lions in colors reversed from the Hume lion), and therefore to the Hume's, the erect sword of the True Crest goes to the Bistones and therefore likely to the Bass/Bassens sharing greyhounds with the True Shield. As we are on a topic that includes the Isle of Man, it should be said that Lyon (close to the Sequani) was originally LUGdunum. The village of Mawgan-in Meneage looks like it could link to the Manx peoples.

But why do the Savoy Masseys show a tree with NO leaves rather than with leaves? Is it for the Nons/Nevins with a "Vivis" motto term? Looks like, and it just so happens that while Masseys were from Numidians, where the Nons/Nevins trace, Veys (in some fashion) were from Humorului on the north side of Neamt! By what coincidence do Irish More's use the same gold-on-green lion as Morgans (colors of Morgan le Fay at her Wikipedia article) while Scottish More's (fesse in colors reversed from the Non/Nevin fesse) use both a "non" motto term and the stars of French Julians? I know where the Moor heads of German More's trace, to the Chappes Moor heads, because the Veys show also as "Vyse," suggesting the Visconti's and the Vita liners. Yes, and I wrote that before re-loading the Vita Coat to check the variations, and there it was, a VIO variation!!! The Visconti's were therefore Viu liners (explaining why they have linked so closely to the Cottians) and evolved into the Vita/Vitone family (one huge annulet), from TREViso. Lest we forget, "vita" is used in the Prime motto.

This is where it gets very interesting for a new revelation that tends to prove a Cottian link to Numidians in the war of Trebia. Although the human leg of Prime's wears no boot, it does show a spur, and then the Ayers/Eyers (DERBYshire) use: "A booted and armed leg on which there is a spur." The Prime leg is "erased" as code for the Eras/Rasmussen bloodline. The Ayers are honored in the "ear of wheat" of Scottish Chappes, first found in the same place (Stirling) as Visconti-suspect Guiscards/Wisharts, and then (as a reminder) Wessels use "wheat" too. But as Ayers are suspect with "Aures/Awraba," the Numidian region of Ayer-related Shaws (chevron in Foot- and Levi-chevron colors), it tends to identify "AURelia" with the Aures Numidians! Aurelia's were first found in the same area (Venetio) as Vita's.

The "mean" motto term of the Irish Shaws above gets the Means/Minks with a dancette (!!!) in Aurelia colors. Variations of the surname look like they should link to Mawgan-in-MENEAGE, tending to prove that Irish Shaws link to Isle of Man just because these Shaws are using the Ayer/Eyer chevron-and-foil combination (same colors). As Lannoys are using the Lyon lion while Lyon was named after Lug, the fact that Means/Minks were first found in the same place (Bedfordshire) as Lannoys is good evidence that the Lug of the Isle of man named Lugdunum. The Comminges location of Herod Antipas was also named, Lugdunum, giving cause to trace Herods to the Isle of Man, and this must have to do with the Junia Caepio's tracing there as per the Prime leg.

Herods/Hurls (first found beside Ayrshire) are in Morgan colors, by the way, but (hmm) also in Luton colors (Luton is in Bedfordshire). "Luton" is a little like "Leiden," a Dutch city said by some to have been named after Lug. The Leidens/Laydons smack of the Leigh / Legh liners that should be honored in the Arms of Isle of man and of Fussen on the Lech. The Leidens (share upright white-on-red lions with the Mean's) show also as LETHane and are in the colors of the LIGHTs/Lite's using a swans (!) expected of Legh/'Ligh liners to swan using Leicesters (named after the Legro). As Leicesters are also "Leinster," they now look like Lyon / Lannoy liners, and that's why Herod Archelaus applies here (who had a coin with a feathered helmet as a design, the Lannoy-Crest symbol). Whose ostrich feathers are coming out of the Light swan? The Tudors, obviously. Why do Ayers/Eyers use "Lighter than air" as a motto?

Ayers/Eyers were first found in the same place (Ayrshire) as Nons/Nevins, if that helps to identify Ayrshire with Numidians. And the Ayer foils can trace to Falticeni (if this was the line to Roquefeuils, beside Rennes-le-Chateau), beside Neamt and Humorului. The Nons/Nevins is a line honored secretly by Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code, and so recall that Brown's (use the same fleur as Bedford Lannoys) had linked well enough to the Cottians. This can explain why Ayers/Eyers use a "sola" motto term, for the Sole's/SOLNEY's are suspect with the Saulnier variation of Saunier's, and Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code had a fictional Sauniere character known to represent the real Mr. Sauniere at Rennes-le-Chateau's Magdalene church. To this it should be added that the quatrefoils used by the Ayer/Eyers are shared by the Croms (suspect from Cremona elements as per the war of Trebia) who already traced to Rennes-le-Chateau.

The purple lions of the Veys/Vivians are suspect with general Scipio, who retreated with his army to Cremona. Cromwells (probably the Walsh swan for reasons), who are apparently using a version of the Vey/Vivian Coat, show a bend in the colors of the same of Porters honored by the Todds.

The Vivian and Cromwell Coats have the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the LETTS in colors-reversed. The chevron and format of the LIGHTS is used by Irish Means/Meagans/Meakins, first found in LEITRim (like "lighter"). That tends to prove that these Means (suspect with the Maghan variation of Mathie's) are related to the Means/Minks honored by Ayer-related Shaws. Means and the namers of Isle of Man are now tracing to Foca = Phocaea, where there is are modern Menemen and Manisa locations suspect with Maeonians in Lydia, explaining the Leth/Light / Leit / Luton / Leiden terms from Leto/Latona elements in Lydia. As Phocaea and neighboring Lesbos were figured into the footless code as well as tracing back to Bozrah, it's very interesting that Herods, known Edomites suspect in being named after Horites and Rhodes (faces the mouth of the Maeander) are in the colors of Lydia-suspect Lutons, from Bedfordshire, where Herod-related Lannoys (suspect from Isle-of-Man Maeonians) were first found. The Rippers, sharing a green lion with Lannoys, can be traced to the Timna elements of the Time's/Timms. Lug can now trace to Lycians on the south side of the Maeander, and as that traces to Lachish in Hebrons, it's notable that the Hebrons/Hepburn Coat (rose for Rhodes) uses the chevron colors and format of Lights, Means, and Light-related Tudors.

I think Tudors and toots trace to lines from King Tut as they settled Autun, named after the Atun sun god worshiped by his father, AkhenATEN, husband of NEFERtiti who herself traces to "Nevers" beside Autun. Nevers could definitely be of the Non/Nevin line. Todds ("VIVere" motto term traces them to the Viu) share a fox with the Foca- and Faucet-suspect Foss'. It's suggesting the 300 foxes of Samson that traced to Bozrah and Foca. Note "NeferTITI." Drew's, using the lion of Datons that are said to be from "D'Autun," were first found in the same place (Gloucestershire) as Samsons. The Todds use Shield colors of the Hume's (lion in colors reversed to the Lannoy lions), and were first found in the same place (Berwickshire) as Hume's and Herod-suspect Arthurs.

The Todds are suspect with Tudors to a Toot entity that had traced to Moldova, but thus far I haven't found any geographical or noble term in Moldova to identify it with. The Todd foxes are said to be "seated," and then the Seat Chief (three red roses) is exactly the Caesar Chief. Seats use a "demi cock" traceable to Cogaeonus in the Neamt part of Moldava. This strongly suggests a Todd / Toot trace to Seaton liners at the Sitna, flowing about 20-25 miles from Humorului i.e. where Drews can trace, and so why not also trace the Autun-Tut family there? To link Drews to Seatons of a Say town, Drews even use the Say bull head.

It's interesting that Akhenaten's horse trainer, Yuya, is said to be a Mitanni liner (I agree with this), making him suspect in the line to Methoni and the Mitanni already found in the line to Cottius. In short, he's suspect with the proto-Maccabee Mitanni that named Modi'in. As I traced his name to mythical Gyges in Lydia (about 700 BC), what about tracing him to Cogaeonus, at Neamt, not far south of the Sitna. Between the Sitna and Humorului is SUCEAva, somewhat suspect with Segusio/SUSA, but old Susa in the Iran / Uranus theater was home to Caesar-like Kassites who had invaded the Mitanni theater, and were concurrent with the Mitanni. Yuya lines can thus be suspect with the horse-depicted Castor Spartans, made twin brothers with the Leto-Apollo line worshipped by Augustus Caesar.

The "OporTET" motto term of Todds suggests the Porters sharing a "portcullis" gate with Seaton-honored Yate's, a line of Gate's now tracing suggestively to the Gediz river at Menemen / Manisa / Foca. The Porter motto: "Et FIDE et VirTUTE." It looks like Akhenaten-Tut were in the Phocaeans that went up the Rhone and into Autun and Nevers. These latter locations is where we can expect the Laevi Gauls, for there are indications already that Toots (first found in the same place as Benjamins) were Benjamite liners. Akhenaten (18th dynasty) ruled Egypt about the time that the Jonathan / Benjamite stories were timed, some 100 years after the Exodus. The Meshwesh came to rule Egypt (at Tanis) in the 21st dynasty, allowing time for Akhenaten elements (way south on the Nile) to join the Meshwesh in the delta. The Datons happen to use patee crosses in colors reversed to the Pek patees, while Peks (in Geddes colors) are suspect with Pike's, the kin of Gate-suspect Geddes i.e. that can now trace to the Gediz river. This all suggests that Akhenaten lines of the Daton kind may have been at Pincum with Benjamites.

As Yuya was related to queen Tiye, part of the Aten cult, and because I traced Agamemnon to Memnon in upper Egypt, I traced her (years ago) to TayGETI, part of the Mani peninsula now tracing for the first time to the Menemen (Memnon-like tern) and Manisa locations of the Gediz. How about that. The Means/Meagans look to be using a version of the Name/Nanamy/Nammy Coat (LEINster), and I have the sense that Name's/Neame's are Gate liners to the Gaetuli Numidians. The interesting thing here is that the Name's/Nanamy's, suspect with variations of the Annans, look to be using the stag of Seaton-related Keaths in Gate-suspect HADDington, while Haddingtons use a fat cross (style used by Aeneas-related Creusa liners) in the colors of the Annan cross. Haddingtons, Seatons and Keath were of Lothian, suspect with Lotan Edomites, who were traced to Phocaea / Gediz river! That works. The evidence is building that Bill Gates traces to the Gediz, and now the Haddington region is suspect there.

The Heads (same place as Benjamins and Tute's), suspect with Haddington variations, are using unicorns on a version of the Este Coat. Prior to the change of the Este horse design about a year ago, it was identical, minus the horn, with the Head unicorn head now showing. What commonality is there between Haddington and Este's? For one, the Lutons may be using the eagle of Italian Este's. If correct, it tends to equate Lutons with Lothians while tracing Lutons (also "Louton") to a Tut > Gediz > Gate line. The Este eagle is in the colors of the Louds/Lutts/McLeods, if that helps to link the Louton eagle with the Este eagle (same design, different colors). The Lutons and Lothians are now tracing with Lutts/McLeods to the Aluta river. Checking for Tut elements on the Aluta not only recalls the Yate trace to Pons Yetus on that river, but there is a Burridava location on the river that traced to Birds/Burds ("Cruce" motto term) using the flory cross, symbol of Tut-Based Crombys! This is cause for laughter and celebration, but only if you're crazy like me. The Burds even use FOOTLESS martlets now tracing to Phocaea and Lesbos!

Why "OPORtet"? Perhaps it's for the Overs/Offers using a bend in the colors of the same of French Porters, first found in Berry, beside Nievre, location of Nevers! With Tut elements tracing to Phocaea near the mouth of the Gediz, the Yates and Gates can indeed trace to that river. Scottish Porters (colors reversed from Kyle's), in Yates colors, were first found in Kyle, in Ayrshire. As Tute's use the Luna crescent, the Porter / Over bend is suspect with the Bruno bend i.e. Brunswick-Luneburg elements that were pegged as proto-Visconti's, now pegged as Vita/Vio liners from the Viu. As I traced this line to Vis-de-loop, note that this location was also called FIDElow, suggesting that the Porter motto honors it. The Vita annulet is in the colors of the Fiddle/Fidelow wolf heads, and the Letts trace to Leto, a wolf-depicted line from Lydia i.e. where the Gediz river flows. Therefore, Vis-de-Loop traces to the Viu.

AHA!!! The Nevers surname is using the Elis cross with five white symbols, in this case, fleur-de-lys. But in the Nevers Crest, a lily, the only symbol showing for Susan (in Hume colors). This was not known until all the above had been written. It can possibly trace NeferTITI to Suceava (beside Humorului), but seems definitely to trace her to Susa. Uranus, suspect with the Elis crescents, can trace to Susa if his grandson, Zeus, was code for that city. Later, we find Baal of Syria, suspect as proto-Zeus, on mount Cassius, suspect with Kassites in Iranian Susa. Old Susa was also "Shushan." The Lilly's/Lille's share an "honest-like motto term with Nevers'.

Susans also in the colors of the FLORY cross of Crombys, and were first found in the same place (Berkshire) as Croms (and Cott-related Modens/Modleys). The Cromby-Chief lion is exactly (colors included) the Drew / Daton lion!!! Cromby's were first found in the same place (Aberdeenshire) as Phocaea-suspect Fothes. Below, we will see why the footless-suspect Less' were Leslie's, first found in Aberdeen.

AHA! Tottenhams/Toddens use a dancetty Shield and show a Segur-like "sequor" motto term, thus verifying that Tut and Segur liners do trace to Donnus at Segusio. The Burds (Cheshire) are using a "Cruce" motto term for the Cheshire Creuse's ("Sequor" motto term) who use the same white-on-blue lion as Italian Croce's (this lion is used by Jonathan-Levite-suspect Jones'). The English Croce's (same place as Name's/Neame's) use the potent cross and therefore trace to the Putna river, close to Phocaea-suspect Focsani. I'm recalling that the Putten variation of Putents may be from "Fussen" elements. There is a Fuss surname using a moline cross (important because Croce's married de-Mole's) in the colors of the near-identical Burd cross.

Now that Crombys have traced without doubt to Nefertiti lines at Nevers, let's move on to the "Crom aboo" motto of Desmonds, highly suspect as part code for MacAbee's, first found in the same place (Uranus-suspect Arran) as Blue's/Gorms. Compare "Gorm" with "Crom." Can this trace Nefertiti lines to Vrm of Angusta, as well as to Cremona? What commonality is there between Angusta and Cremona? The latter is beside Placentia, home to Ananes suspect with Annas / Angus lines to Angusta. Plus, the Desmond saltire is colors reversed from the Annan saltire. The Desmond-related Deas', in colors reversed from Crombys and lily-using Susans, were first found in Angus, at TAYside. Lily-using Nevers were first found in Angus too. Desmonds were Tut liners, weren't they? French Demons/Desmonds (Orleans) are the ones using the Caesar-Coat roses.

It was codework by JJ Tolkien that allowed me to peg Bute as Avalon (his "Eressea" code in combination with his "Avallone" was for Rothesay, later Bute, and his "Numenor" code was pegged as Arran, beside Bute). JJ's surname is listed with the Tooks/Touque's now tracing to the Cottius family. I even had a chapter on Tolkien codes where some of his elves were traced to Daphne in Britain. In another chapter, Daphne was traced to Merlin's wife where Merlin was a Marsi-liner peoples in south Wales while his wife was a peoples in Gwynedd of north Wales. Morgans were first found in north Wales, though Glamorgan is in south Wales. Diva is on the border with northern Wales, but was also on the border of Mercians suspect with Marsi. Daphne's Ladon elements were at Diva. Welsh Daffys/Davids and Davis' were of Cheshire. Taffey's (first found in LEINster, expected at the Leintun location of Leightons/Latons) use a "signo" motto term for their trace to Susa and Morges elements. If you've forgotten, Morgans trace with Rippers/Ripleys to the Cottian capital.

The border design on the solid chevrons of Teague's and Rippers is similar to the one used by Time's/Timms, who for various good reasons trace to Timna, sister of the Biblical Lotan. It just so happens that Taffeys were first found in Louth while the Louth surname looks like it can be from Lotan elements. This is important because Daphne was a Syrian city while the Syrian coast had a seven-headed Lotan dragon. It tends to equate the Lotan dragon with the multi-headed Ladon dragon of Greece.

If the Phocaeans were named after fire, they are suspect with underworlders / miners such as Hephaestus, whom I trace to Ephesus, not far from Phocaea. If these peoples trace to Flemings, then the "double tresure BORDer" owned by Flemings could in fact be a clever code for treasures of ore dug up by ancestors. Borders (same place as Tresure's/Treasure's) are colors reversed from Burds/Birds and in the colors of the Bordeaux's. Borders were not showing a Coat the last times they were looked up. In case it disappears, they are showing two Sword swords crossed in saltire, points up, all in white down to the handles, and a gold star on their red Shield...probably the gold star on the Mathis' / Chives moline, for the Bordeaux lion is that also of Mathie-suspect Means/Meagans. The Border star is in the colors of the FIVE (Quintus-Caepio code?) crosses on the red Bordeaux Shield (they could be either molines or florys, I can't tell even under a magnifying glass). Borders are thus suspect from Bordeaux, at Gironde, where I traced the Caepio treasure. Underworld is right, the invisible rulers of the Western world, seeking to occupy the rest.

Do you think it's a good and right thing for American military to move into Kurdistan, and topple Maliki at the same time, to get at Kurd oil? Is it righteous to topple leaders that don't allow wealth into American companies? Maliki would not come to terms with Kurds on the oil issue, so American goons moved in with a plot to remove him. They succeeded. Is that a good thing? Does it make it a good and right thing if it benefits "American interests"? Obama says, yes. Toppling rulers is a good thing if it makes money for the United States, which is why God will topple the United States, and remove the financial burden from the earth caused by the tycoons of many stripes who love the United States. Think of all the killings in Iraq just to get at its wealth.

The Tresure Crest: "A silver demi stag, adorned with red blood drops, between two fern branches." If not mistaken, the Tresure dragon heads are in the design of the Maisy (and Dewey) heads, important where the "demi" code is for the Demy/DuMAIS surname. Maise's/Maze's were first found in the same place as Tresure's. There is always the possibility that all / many heraldic heads are code for the Heads / Haddingtons now tracing to Bill Gates. The white-on-red Border lion, shared by Means/Meagans, is used again by the Gate-suspect Name's, both of whom share stags, the symbol in the Tresure Crest. Whose blood drops are on the Tresure stag? It just so happens that another white-on-red lion (different position) is in the Drop/Trope Chief, first found in the same place as Heads!!! I didn't yet know that when it first entered my mind that the Tresure dragon heads could be code for the Head surname. Someone must be in my mind watching me type, cause for crazy laughter again. Heads up, everyone, it could start raining fire any Day now.

By what coincidence do Heads (use heads) share the unicorn with Fire's? Heslingtons, who smack of "Haddington," have a "focis" motto term suspect with Phocaea/Foca, and Heslingtons likewise use a head in Crest. If Heslingtons were formed as a variation of "Head/Hadd," then it would be hard to trace them (and Hazels) to any Has entity unless it became Had-like. Therefore, lets look as Hasdrubal, which is the one I traced to the Heslington head, and ask whether his line evolved into the Heads and Haddingtons who had just become suspect with Gate's. That is a profound idea where Hasdrubal is suspect with Gaetuli Numidians. The Islips, part of the Hazel liners, use a stag, the symbol of Haddington Keaths and Numidian-suspect Name's.

Heslingtons use "Pro aris," suspect with Profetts who use the leg of Prime's, and the latter's leg is in Heslington colors. "Aris" is suspect with "Aures," the Numidian line to Chappes and now suspect with Aurelius Cotta. We saw that the Prime foot share's a spur with the boot of the Shaw-related Ayers/Eyers, who are in-turn honored by the Wessel-related Chappes. We also saw that Prime's use an "erased" leg, and so we can now look at the Eras/Rasmussen surname again, not just because it shares the Fire unicorn in the same colors, but because I've just noticed that its Assman variation smacks of HASMONeans. That recalled the Massey-related Asman/Ashman surname that happens to share a bend with fleur-de-lys with Rasmussens/Assmans. How amazing to find all this while discussing the Has bloodline...meaning that the Heslingtons are indeed using the colors of the Caepio-based Prime's. Just as it was suspected, something in the Hasdrubal / Syphax / Sophonisba family joined the Cottians and gave birth to Caiaphas.

It can be gleaned that the talbots in the Asman/Ashman Coat are of the same-colored wolf in the Coat as English Louds, first found in the same place (Lincolnshire) as Lucy Taillebois. It's not coincidental, is it, that Scottish Louds/McLeods link to Lothians, where we find Haddington and Mussen-like Musselburgh. There is even a talbot in the Coat of Lothians/LOUDens, first found beside Scottish Chappes'/Chaips.

NATO is now moving into the Mosul area of Iraq, led by a Mr. Rasmussen.

Which Jonathan is it?

The Louth wolf is very evocative of the lion shared (in the same colors all around) by Welsh Matts and Sams/Sammes (same place as Quints). I trace the Sam/Sammes surname to the sun god, Sames, of Daphne-suspect Sophene and neighboring Samosata. The blood drops on the saltire of the Sophene-suspect Gopher Coat can now play into the next discussion, for there are blood drops on the Sam/Sammes lion, as well as on the Leinster swan. These blood drops are tracing hard to Daphne / Ladon elements, but for this discussion, I've got to explain mythical SAMSon in a way that most Christians will not like. He represented the location of Beth SHAMESH, smack beside his Timnah stomping grounds, a location suspect from "Timna," sister of Lotan.

"Samson" may have been an alternative code-name for Samuel, the judge of Israel who chose David as the Israeli king. But all the fanciful stories attributed to Samson appear as myth codes. It seems that Samson was inserted to the back of the book of Judges by a dragon-cult priest within the Levite fold, and indeed we find a pagan Levite, Jonathan, in the book of Judges after the Samson stories come to an end. It was when finding that the Welsh Jones' use blood drops from their lion that I suspected the Jones' from this Jonathan-Levite line, and the line then became suspect with the Laevi Gauls, especially as the Sam/Sammes lion is in Levi-chevron colors. Besides, the Sam/Sammes lion becomes black when in colors reversed, the color of the Jewish Levi lion. On top of this, the mouth of the Trebia is near the mouth of the Ticino, wherefore the Drops/Trope's (a Shield filled with drops) are suspect from Trebia / Traby elements in a merger with Laevi on the Ticino. The Lothians, who look like a branch of Louths, are using the Traby hunting horn, in my opinion, and so let it be repeated that Louth was home to blood-drop Leinsters that trace by their swan to Liguria, near the source of the Trebia.

Another swan is used in Crest by the Velis/Vale's suspect with Julians. Recall that Yule / Yale / discussion as it asked whether "Velis" was an Elis" term, for at that time I looked at the Wells/Welles (in Vale/Velis colors) to find the Sam/Sammes lion (but with two tails).

The Pepins, suspect from Pavia on the Ticino, use Shield colors of the Samsons, as well as sharing a camel head with Irish Pattersons that use a Shield filled with blood drops under their black lion, in both colors of the Levi lion. The Pepin camel head is "erased," and thus links to Eras/Rasmussen stock. It looks important that French Pepins (same place as Merlin-suspect Martels and Martins) use the raven, for the Welsh Johns (raven) are expected to be a Jones branch. I didn't realize until re-loading the Eras/Rasmussen Coat now that it uses the gold Pepin bend with black fleur...proving that "erased" is code for the Eras/Rasmussen surname. The latter also uses the white unicorn of the LeMIEUX surname, and so the white horse heads of Pipe's and Pepins ought to apply. If LeMieux's trace to PriMEAUX's/Primo's, then the French-Pepin crescents can be of the German Julians.

The ostrich with a key in it's "beak" is part code for the Trebizond-suspect Beaks just because Trabys use ostrich feathers, very trace-able to the ostrich feathers of Welsh Tudors. From this, it can be construed that the lion of the Tudor-Trevor Coat is the Sam/Sammes / Matt/Matthew lion. The Trevor Crest shares a black wyvern dragon with the Leightons/Latons, first found in HUNTINGdon, where the Traby hunting horn is expected to trace. It was the Propers/Robins that use a key in the beak of an ostrich, and they are suspect with Prophets and Prime's so that, indeed, we seem to be on a line from Junia Prima in this blood-drop topic.

To clinch the Pepin trace to Pattersons, the "QUISque" motto term of Pepins connects to the Kissane/Guissane / Cassane variation of Irish Pattersons. This must be the Cass / Kiss bloodline that had traced to Vilnius, where Traby's joined the Astika's. The Cass surname is suspect with Caesars just as "Patterson" is suspect with the Patricians to which Julius Caesar belonged, this being no small point where Pattersons are in the midst of tracing to Junia Prima. Were the first two Junia's daughters of Caesar rather than Servilia's official husband?

Before going on with Jonathan, it needs to be said that the LeMieux surname has a Mieure variation smacking of the Mire/Mireux/Mireur surname, first found in Anjou, where the Drakenberg Vere's traced their Melusine. As she appears almost always with a MIRROR, the implication is as clear as glass, that the mirror is code for the Mireux/Mireur surname...that can now include the Mieux/Mieure surname, important for proving that the latter is a branch of mirror-using Primo's/Primeaux's!

Welsh Johns look to be using the Rice Shield, which, if correct, traces them to the Penrith bloodline. That can explain why John's were first found in CARmarthenshire, a term link-able to Carlisle's. To the Welsh, Merlin was "Myrddin," which is why many trace him to CarMARTHEN. But for me, that's a CARolingian-Martel line of the Martin kind. The Martin castle is suspect with the same-colored one in the Arms of Chiavari (key symbol). This recalls the same castle used by LUTTs/McLeods, now suspect with the Louths and Lothians, all traceable to the Aluta river...making it suspect with the Ladon river of Greece.

I had traced the Jones' surname to Jonathan the Levite, and yet, later, I traced the Jonathan/Jonas surname, in Sam/Sammes colors, to Jonathan Maccabee. But that's perfectly fine, because the Maccabees are predicted to have been Levites in some way, but, tracing to northern Italy, they are predicted to be from the Laevi-branch Levites. The Jonathan/Jonas roosters were changed to the design used by the Blue's/Gorms, suspect in the Worms line to Robertians>Capets. I ventured to trace Blue's to Blois elements on the Arc river, location of both Chambre (not to be confused with nearby Chambery) and Modane. Joan of Arc ruled Blois, you see, so that its discovered that she was from Arc-river elements, but her previous surname was "Du Lys," from the Lissus river, right? That allows us to trace Chambre to "Cumber(land)," laden with lines from the Lissus theater. Lest you've forgotten, the Sam/Sammes Coat is the Welsh Matt/Matthew Coat.

The Sams/Sammes were from a Hatch family at WestMINSTER abbey, and the Minsters (same place as Quints), who should be using the Maise / Dewey fesse, are also "MinsterCHAMBER." The Hatch's/Hacchs (Brunswick lions?) happen to use two lions in the colors and positioning of the same of Gernons, and so, without getting into it all, the Minsters/Munsters look like Mound/Mount liners. Are you old enough to remember Herman Munster? The Hermans were first found in the same place (Suffolk) was Mousquette's/Muskets who once shows the lion design of the Hatch Crest. Herman Munster's family had a Dracula theme, and then the real count Dracula was from Transylvania, where we find Muntenia. Herman was married to Lily. The Mousquette's look like they should trace to Washingtons and Wassa-related Molds/Mauds...which is to say that they trace deeper to Wessels, where the Matts/Matthews trace.

We should look at the Chambre surnames. The English branch was first found in the same place Denbighshire) as the Jones'. The French branch was first found in Savoy, location of Chambre and Modane. As these were Cimmerian elements, the French Chambre Shield should be using the MontGOMERy fleur. The "ALTissimus nos funDAVIT" motto of Chambre's can be for the Daphne-Ladon cult on the Aluta but especially in the Daffys/DAVIDs ("copia" motto term), and because the latter show a "Dewi" variation, the Minsterchamber surname should indeed be using the Dewey / Maisy fesse. In that case, the "dduw" motto term of the Jones can apply, explaining why Chambre's and Jones' were first found in Denbighshire. Plus, as the Matts/Mathews are the ones from Westminster, the Jones can link to the Sam/Sammes lion all the better. And as this picture goes to Modane too, it helps to trace the line of Jonathan the Levite to the king-priests of Israel, the Maccabees.

It could very well be that the Romans caught wind of old Israelite Levites in northern Israel, and paid them handsomely to govern Israel on their behalf.

As "Daphne" smacks of "dove," it makes sense on multiple counts to trace her to Cuppae, city of doves, on the Pek river smacking of the "Pax in copia" motto of Daffys/Davids. The donkey-using CHAMERlains are bringing the donkey symbol of Samson to bear. The writers of the Samson stories gave him 30, 300, and 3,000 as codes, evoking the 600 Danites and 600 Benjamites that come after his stories. Place bets on whether DENbigh was named after the line of 600 Danites. I traced Hercules and Geryon to northern Wales, where Denbigh is found.

The Daffy/David surname (in Grey colors) is traced to David of GryfFYDD, evoking the Livius-suspect Foots / Fittes'. It's the Sam-related Matts/Mathews that use "Fydd" in their motto. Are you old enough to recall Daffy Duck and Elmer FUDD? Elmers (first found in the same places as Quints and Josephs) share the axe and the raven with the Johns, and may be using the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Annas'. Elmers could be an Elis line for at least two reasons.

Welsh Griffiths are using the Ligh/Legh / Mount/Mound lion, and Griffins were first found in Munster. It looks like we are on that foot-leg, Isle-of-Mann line which extends to the Secunda-suspect Foots. The other Welsh Griffiths look to be using the triple lions of Irish Mathuna's/Maghans/Manns (Munster) whom I trace to Mathie's/Maghans/Manns...which gets us right back the Matt/Matthew lines in Wales. The Mathie branch uses gyronny suspect with Foot-loving Gernons. The Mathuna branch is using motto terms possibly suggesting the Second/Segur and/or Segni/Segurana line, and while Seager-related Sawyers (FOOTless martlets) use a "Cherches" motto term, Griffiths were first found in Chirk. That makes the Griffith lion suspect with the Sauer lion, which is colors reversed from the Grey lion (evidence that Griffiths were a Grey-Foot merger). The brown talbot of Sawyers can trace to Brunswick with the double Hatch lions (used in the Arms of Brunswick).

Have we found evidence to trace Jones' to the Arc river or even to Modane? Is the white-on-blue Jones lion the Caepio-line lion in colors reversed? Is it the Pisa lion? Can DenBIGH trace to "Pisa?" As the Luna location near Pisa traced to Luneburg-Brunswick, let's re-mention that the Arms of Luneburg uses an upright blue lion, which could be the Pisa lion.

The Mathuna-branch Maghans/Manns share a "nos" term with Chambre's. The Nos surname is listed with the Ness/Nest surname suspect with the Mousquette/MUSket surname using the lion design of the Hatch lion, and so the Muskets are tracing to Muskerry at the Munster theater. For the Bigh=Pisa? discussion, it is important should "Muskerry" trace to "Massa-Carrara."

The Chirk/Church Coat uses GREYhounds as evidence that Griffiths are a Grey-Foot line. The Chirk/Church Coat even shares the black-on-white Minsterchamber fesse...recalling that a Hatch surname at Westminster abbey was part of Sam/Sammes make-up. I claimed years ago that the cult giving Israel the Samson myths was a Hyksos product, and so not the Hacch variation of Hatch's. The black Chirk/Church greyhounds (gold collars) look like they should be those of Licks/Lucks, swan-line Ligurians using the pelican (no nest), symbol of Lange's at Luneburg, and suspect with Nestor of the Nos/Ness/Nest surname. However, the Lick hounds wear no collar while the black greyhounds of Levi-suspect Olive's do (white collars). Black greyhounds with gold collars are shared by Sadducee- and Benjamin-suspect Shutz' (in Olive, Morley and Moreland colors).

The Lick/Luch pelican is said to be between two "branches," and then the Branch surname, suspect with "Vrancea," was first found in the same place (Westmorland) as Wessels. The Braunch variation is like the German form of "Brunswick." Browns/Bruns (brown lion), first found in CUMBERland (beside Westmorland), use a chevron in colors reversed from the Branch/Braunch chevron. The other Browns must be using the Montgomery / CHAMBRE fleur. Bruno's were of Florence, close to Pisa.

If "Bigh" is from "Pisa," one would expect that "Pisa" was from, or became, a Pig-like term. The Pigg surname (boars) is traced to an ancient Piga surname in NorthUMBERland (part of Cumber). My eyes could be fooling me, but the Pigg Crest seems to be showing a purple lion traceable to general Scipio. Porcia's, said to be named after the hog, were first found in UMBRia, perhaps not coincidentally. I was just about to trace Biggars to Pisa by using the Cato/Chattan bend, and so let's re-mention Porcius Cato of about 200 BC, a rival of the Scipio's. None of this has traced the Piga surname to "Pisa," however, not yet, anyway. It should be said that the Porcia's are using upright boars in the colors of the upright same/Sammes and Matt/Matthew lions. It just looks relevant where I'm trying to trace the Jones' lion to the Pisa / Luneburg lion.

Here's one scenario. The Porcia's were at first Pisa liners that modified to Piga-like, afterwhich they took on a Porc version. I think the Lucca-surname cat applies to Cato's/Chattans because the latter use the bend of Botters (Lucca), but then so do the Pisa-like Bissets, first found in the same place (Ross-shire) as Scottish Pattersons (i.e. who can trace with the Lange's by their mutual pelicans to Luneburg). The Porcia's are said to be from Gubbio (Umbria), a term that could link to blood-drop Gophers. The Gobers/GodBARDS (Quint colors), who look like Gobels/Godbalds (same place as Quints), use a bend in colors reversed to the Porci bend. It just so happens that Bards (in Good colors) use a boar too. Then, Italian Gobels share a Camel with blood-drop Irish Pattersons, and as the Gobels trace to the Gabuleum location (up-river from Lissus) of the Cavii theater, while Gamble's use one large fleur-de-lys in Porci / Bard colors, it cold be that "Camel" is a Gamble variation, as even the Cammell variation of Cambells can inform us. "GABUL" is thus easily linked to Camel liners. The Deweys traced to the Drilon river, location of Gabuleum, and they share the gold griffin with German Camels (and Penbroke's).

I don't like to get too complicated for you, but I add all sorts of things in so that we can learn. The Bards use the Leslie griffin head likely for BARTHolomew Leslie, founder of the clan, and then the Gober/GodBARD Coat uses FootLESS martlets now suspect with LESlie liners. I had traced Leslie's to a Lesce location on the upper Sava, but that river's name is suspect with the Cavii, and so Leslie's at may ultimately be from "Lissus," otherwise called, Lezhe. It just so happens that the Fothes were first found in the same place (Aberdeen) as Leslie's. "Footless" is therefore looking like a Foot-Leslie merger, but with the purple-lion Piggs thrown in, we can add purple-lion Lacys (related to purple-lion Skiptons) to the footless code. I wrote that before re-loading the Less Coat (the symbol of which I had forgotten) to find a boar in colors reversed to the Bard boar!!!

The Less' were first found in the same place (Berkshire) as cat liners and Modane-suspect Modens/Modleys. The latter use fretty while English Lacy's use a purple "fret-knot." Irish Lacys are said to be from Lascius (like the Lusk variation of Less'), and from "Leis."

Let's move on to the Biggs (Anton leopard), first found in the same place as Gobels/Godbalds. Already there is a chance that Biggs are related to Piggs, yet there is evidence that these terms trace to "Pisa." However, I tend to trace the Biggar bend and red stars to the Italian Botters, and so this is where the Bisset bend comes in for a good trace to "Pisa." But if Bissets trace to Pisa, ditto for Bassets and a host of similar terms.

With Pattersons involved here, let's address their Sodhan ancestry, for SOWtons/Sodans are using scallops in colors reversed from the Patterson scallops. Sowtons share a red lion with German Sauers, the latter said to be from the Sava river. That tends to link Sodhans to English Sauers/SAWyers using footless martlets. That works. As this is a Leslie-liner picture, and because the Sau/Sava river was also "Save," let's re-mention that the Save's are using the Leslie bend in colors reversed, meaning that the Save bend is in the colors of the same of Botters / Bissets / Cato's. The Leslie bend is in the colors of the Biggar bend, but the latter's is thin, like the same-colored Chiaro/Charo bend.

Can I trace Biggars (in Pisa colors) to "Pisa" as well as to "Bihar" of Transylvania? Bihar is near the Hungarian border, and so note BudaPEST, a Bisset-like term. Can the namers of Buda (was once a city separate from Pest) trace to Botters? Yes, for Botters were discovered as Budini. And Leslie's were Hungarians before they were Scots. I even traced Hungarians of the king-Andrew line to the Ross clan (named after a mysterious Andrew) of Ross-shire, suggesting that Bissets were from "Pest" elements. But Polish Piasts trace to "Pisa," don't they?

I've been tracing Moldova elements to the Pisa theater, but what if they went the other way around? What is a Piga > Bigg entity went east to name Biharia? Further up the Mures from Biharia there is a Reghin location that can explain why Rollo's use a stag (Hungarian symbol) as their clan badge as well as being first found beside Aberdeen. It can be gleaned that, when princess Margaret (Scotland) went into exile with king-to-be Andrew of Hungary, she was assisted by the Rollo-line Sinclairs, for she returned to Scotland with her cup bearer, Henry Sinclair of Ross-like Roslin. Rollo was dead by then, but his ancestry is predicted to have been on the Mures. Rollo's even use a boar linked possibly to the Piggs / Bards.

Hungarians were co-founded by the Menumorut Khazars/Kabars on the Mures and at Bihar. The Biggars are also "Givern," a term that was recently linked to "Weaver." It just so happens that German Weavers use a "Gott segni uns" motto (part-code for Huns?) seemingly for the Goods and Goods/Gutte's (share gold garbs with Weavers) that should be of the Gobers/Goodbards and Gobels/Goodbalds. Compare "Gober" to "Givern." It's important that Gophers use a saltire that's also the Andrew's Cross -- suspect from king Andrew -- but as the Gopher's use bloodldrops, it evokes the Patterson blood drops, making the Pattersons in Ross-shire suspect in a merger with some king-Andrew line.

The way that Pattersons can trace to the Mures river is by the Sowton/Sodan fesse = the More/Muir fesse. Trace to Moray, beside the Scottish Pattersons. Then, the white More/Muir Moor head = the Heslington Moor head, and the related Hazels are using the Weaver fesse. That can circumstantially trace Biggars/Giverns to Weavers. I think that "Weaver" can be a Queever-like term, and so let's look at Keevers, using what should be the Bard boar head because they were first found in DumBARTonshire. Bartons use red boars, the color of the Less/Lusk boar head. German Bartons (Rhineland) use a Shield split in red and white, the colors of the split Shield of German Keever/Kiefers/GEEFERs. As proto-Hungarians were found in the Ticino, it's notable that Decks/Daggers use a split Shield in the same colors while GOPHERs and Tecks/Tess' share a white saltire.

Irish Keefers are using the Irish-Moor lion. German Moors use Moor heads in Levi colors and French Moors/Morez' were first found in the same place as Levi's and Moor-head-using Chappes'. French More's use an eagle in the colors of the same in the Arms of Alancon. As Chappes' are using the Ottone PERCHevron (code for Perche at Alancon), it's notable that Italian Mauro's (Ottone / Chappes colors) were first found in Milan, where Ottone Visconti kicked off the rulership of Visconti's. The Mauro's appear to be using a version of the Welsh Merick Coat. What's amazing here is that my mother's mother (a Massey and Grimaldi liner) has a daughter whose son's name is Mauro, which is why the Mauro surname was mentioned at all here, and that's when it was recalled that Monaco's (as per where Grimaldi's ruled) share a white-on-blue fesse, likewise with stars on either side, with Mauro's. It's a small world after all in the Land of Surnames. The gold Monaco lion is likely the Sforza lion because Sforza's took Visconti titles.

The French Maurice Coat compares well with the Merick Coat, and Welsh Maurice's/Morys could be using the Second/Segur / Genova lion because Grimaldi's also ruled at Genova. The white-on-blue upright lion in the Monaco Coat is now suspect with that of Welsh Jones', for they and Mericks were both first found in northern Wales. Didn't the Taddei bloodline of my great-grandmother trace to Tudors? It just so happens that Maurice's/Morys were first found in the same place as Tudor-Trevors. French More's use moline crosses on their Chief while Taddei's use flory crosses (similar design) on their Chief. Both use blue Shields. What a surprise this is.

The Mericks can be gleaned as using a version of the Macey Shield because the Mauro / Merick Coat is likely a version of the Dutch Ghent Coat, and this tends to reveal that Monaco elements named Mons in Hainaut. HasMONeans suspects, and moreover Mons is where we expect the Levi chevrons...which is where French Moors/Morez' come in. Grimaldi's were portrayed with daggers under their Catholic-priestly cloaks, but such is a very apt symbol of the Maccabee priesthood that would ambush the Seleucids in Israel. It can be gleaned here that Ghents and Gaunts (and the Ghent/Gaunt location) were named after the namers of Genoa, explaining why English Ghents are using the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Tanners. French Gands/Gants show the Tanner combination in colors reversed. Genoa elements were on the Tanaro, and then the Ghents use the gold-on-black eagles of the Salemans (Sale Shield) and Bush's, tracing Ghents to Saluzzo and neighboring Busca, close enough to the Tanaro to apply. Their gold spread eagle is shared by French More's.

It can be understood that the white eagle in the Ghent Crest links to the white eagle wings both in the Genova and Masci Coats, explaining the GAUNTlet gloves of Maceys.

Although not in the same position, the Maurice / Second / Genova lion is now suspect with the Brunswick lion (same colors) because "Mauro" means "brown." If that seems far-fetched, note that Luna's (= proto-Luneburgs) were first found in Milan, where Mauro's were first found. Amazing. When God chose me for this revelation, there was a reason in my background. To be sure, God has willingly robbed me of my life for at least a decade for this revelation. I could never be proud of anything because I have taken too many hours to come to get to the bottom of it all. The Taddei's were first found in the same place (Florence, suspect with the flory cross) as Bruno's, hee-haw. French More's are in Bruno colors and share the Brown chevron?

The Mericks were first found in Anglesey, which was also called, MONa!!! The Mericks are also "MEYNic, like the MENAI strait at Mona. Therefore, the MONAco's named the Mona peninsula. The Isle of Man, co-founded by Lug Ligurians, is off-shore of Mona, and that's how Grimaldi / Monaco liners casn apply. As English Cocks use the Grimaldi lozengy, I would guess that the Cock roosters are to be linked to the Jonathan/Jonas rooster, and that's why the Monaco lion can be that of the Jones'! None of this would have been discovered if not for my meeting Mauro Grimaldi when I was ten years old. The Cocks use a white fesse, the color of the Monaco / Mauro fesse.

Recent news: "As part of that effort, the White House said, the United States would send Secretary of State John Kerry, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel and Obama's counterterrorism adviser, Lisa Monaco, to the Middle East 'in the near-term to build a stronger regional partnership.'"

The Sinclair rooster is interesting for tracing this Mauro / More / Merick lot to the Mures river, and I already know that Rollo merged with wayward Abruzzo Italians at Evreux.

The Grime's (more footless martlets) were first found in the same place as the Copia line of Macclesfield. The nine martlets of Grime's appear to be in use by Marlins (Grimaldi / David colors), but as Monaco's trace to Wales, these are suspect with mythical Merlin. Three Marlin variations end in "lane," and that gets me to the Llanerchrugog location (in Wales) of the Jones'. What do we find in the Laner Coat but the Gaunt-suspect Candy/Canty Coat! That is one excellent method of tracing Jones' to the Monaco's, exactly what was needed to make a link between Jonathan the Levite and Jonathan Maccabee understood in the Jonathan/Jonas rooster. The house of Candy/Candida was even in Savoy, location of Modane. And Italian Candida's use a spread eagle in colors reversed from the same of Ghents.

Laners/LAYners were first found in the same place (Huntingdonshire) as Leightons/LAYtons. As the latter use the Say quarters, they appears to be a branch of Seatons of a Say location. Therefore, as Seaton honor the gate-using Yates in their motto, the Laners/Layners are apparently using the split Shield of Gate's in colors reversed. Gate's were first found in Lancashire, where John of Gaunt was founder of the red-rose Lancastrians. "Lancashire" is suspect from the Langs who are in turn suspect from Langhe off the Tanaro. One German Lang Coat is split horizontally in the colors of the Gate Coat, but it's hard to tell whether these Langs are Gate kin. The Mazzo's (Sale bend? traced to "Sellia") use both red roses and the gold Lang griffin design.

In this picture, where Mazzo's are said to have been in Modena, and are therefore suspect as namers of MACCAbee's, it's important that Mona elements are involved along with the HAZard motto term of Sadducee-suspect Seatons. Says were even first found in the same place as Meschins, and are likely using the Massey quarters in colors reversed. With Laners linking to Says and Say circles, the Jones lion can link rather well to the blue Massin/Mason lion, especially as Gaunts were first found in the same place as Massins/Masons while Louvains, from the Gaunt theater, are using the Masson/Mason lion. The question has always been whether Louvains were Levi liners...from the counts of Hainaut or other parts of Flanders?

Dutch Langs (from CUXhaven, suspect with Grimaldi-related Cocks) are using Dutch Ghent colors as well as Zionist stars in the white-on-blue colors of the same of Monaco's! That tends to link Langs with Genova and Monaco Ligurians all at once. It can make the white fesse of Scottish and English Langs belong to the Ghent and Monaco fesse. As it's German Langs that were first found in Luneburg, the blue-on-gold lion in the Arms of Luneburg can be either the Louvain or Massin/Mason lion. The Lane's could even be using the Brunswick lion.

Assuming that ChrysIPPUS and his step-mother, HIPPOdama of Pisa, evolved to the naming of the Hypsas river into Creusa-based Agrigento, let's mention the Hips/Hipkins surname, with more footless martlets, and first found in the same place as Mousquette's/Muskets, important because Hippodama was the Amazon line to Masseys. The Hopkins, first found in the same place as Capone's, use Capone colors and format, wherefore the "primos" motto term of Hopkins must be for Julia Prima. But as the Hopkins use roses, and because Julians were likewise first found in the same place as Hopkins, it seems that Junia Prima was really a daughter of Caesar, not Servilia's husband.

In place of the Capone stars, the Hopkins use Pisa-suspect pistols. The Pistols are also "PESTer," and use a chevron on Quint-chevron colors. The red Pistol stag will be linked to the red Kissane/Cashman stag because Cass'/Cash's and Kiss' are suspect as Caesar liners.

Did we prove that Hips and Hopkins trace to Agrigento? Let's add here that Pattersons/Kissane's trace to Patricians while I think Julians/Gillians trace to Gela and the Gela founders of Agrigento. Moreover, Scottish Pattersons use "GREGE" in their motto. Pastors, suspect with Pistols/Pestors, were first found in Syracuse, beside Gela and home to Saracens suspect with the CRAIG > Carrick line out of Agrigento. Saracens are now tracing to Sarzana not far from Pisa. Then, let's go back to the Jones write-up (still wondering if the Jones' use the Pisa lion) concerning LlanerCHRUGOG, and assume that "Chrug" is the root of that term from "AKRAGas/ACRAGas (early version of "Agrigento"). There are Krug/Crug surname's both using jugs in Pastor colors. The latter use a fesse in colors reversed to the Craig fesse, and in the Craig fesse are crescents (Saracen symbol) in the colors of the Alexander crescent.

This is interesting because Craigs are traced in their write-up to a Johannes del Crag, possibly the line of Maccabees that used Alexander for a name after king Alexander Balas, who made a strong alliance with Jonathan Maccabee of Modi'in. The Craig Crest shares a horse-and-rider with the Motels (Taranto, rider on a dolphin), suspect with Motts who likewise use the white-on-black Craig / Alexander crescent. And that's why Craigs can be suspect with the Modi'in Maccabees. In this picture, it's very likely that the white Luna crescent is the Craig crescent as per Luna being so near to Sarzana.

I've been cautious not to equate Lane's too quickly with Laners, but here the English Lane's/Lains share a "Garde" motto term with Carricks, as well as sharing a brown horse in Crest with the Craig Crest. Therefore, the Welsh Jones (of Llanerchrugog) are tracing to the Alexander Maccabees, apparently, so as to be named, not after Jonathan the Levite, but after Jonathan Maccabee. That's what it looks like now. In this picture, the Sam/Sammes surname that shares blood drops with the Jones lion can go to Samsam, a Saracen ruler who joined Robert GUIScard (like the GUISSane variation of Kissane's) in the 11th century AD. That can explain Robertus de Crag living shortly after Jonathan Crag. But as Samsam was joined (in his betrayal of other Saracens) by another Saracen leader, by the name of Timnah, it seems that these Saracens traced themselves to Samson in Judges, allowing the possibility that for the line of Jonathan the Levite to be involved. Such a thing seems impossible to prove.

But Elis lines from Greece would predate the Saracens of Guiscard's day, and it just so happens that the Craig crescents are in the colors of the Elis crescents. Jonathan the Levite is suspect with the 600 Benjamites and/or the 600 Danites. Again, Hercules (highly suspect as the Greek continuation of Samson), in the Geryon-of-Erytheia myth, traces to the Ordovices, and to Erethlyn, both in northern Wales with DENbigh, where Jones' were first found. The Ordovices, very close to Mona, are said by Wikipedia to have been named after "hammer," the same that the Jews claim for Maccabees. There would have been Jonathan names in Wales long before Jonathan Maccabee if the line of Jonathan the Levite retained that name in some fashion. From Mona elements at or out of Monaco, the Hasmoneans may have been formed. I have always considered the white-on-blue Zionist star as the one that made it to the Israeli flag in colors reversed, but I've never stressed the Monaco surname, let alone its white-on-blue Zionists stars.

As Alexanders are using the MacDonald motto, it's notable that MacLane's/Lains are showing MacDonald symbols. Alexanders were first found beside Arran, where MacAbee's and Blue's/Gorms were first found, the latter using the Jonathan/Jonas rooster design.

The Maccabee brothers were sons of Mattathias, smacking of the Welsh Matt/Matthew surname using the Sam/Sammes lion. This can trace Mattathias' ancestry to the Mathis river in times long before the Syracuse Saracens. We simply imagine Mattathias-like names out of Wales from the Mathie/Maghan/Mann bloodline, and indeed the triple lions of the Lane's/Lains are likely connectable to the triple Mathuna/Maghan/Mann lions. The Llanerchrugog entity of the Jones' (if it was the Laner / Lane line) likely started as the Leighton / Ligh/Legh line (of Lug) at the Isle of Man, which can be regarded with the Mann variations of the Mathuna's / Mathie's. Lug's Danann line is suspect from the Hercules Danaans in Devon, Somerset and Wales, the Dumnonii of Devon and Somerset becoming the Irish Domnann and MacDonalds. But before that, the Llanerchrugog entity is expected either at the Lissus and/or the Lychnidus area near the Mathis, and then to the south of the Mathis there was an Apsus river (mouth at the Adriatic ocean) that can trace to the Hypsas and Akragas. See lower-left of map:

The Mathis, not marked, is where you see "Bassania," south of Lissus. One can prove by this that the Lys/Lisse surname traces to Lissus where the Bass/Bassen surname shares greyhounds with the Lys/Lisse Coat. To trace proto-Lane's from Lissus elements to Agrigento, just trace Gellone's to Agrigento's Gela founders, and see that Gellone's share red-on-gold fleur-de-lys with Lane's/Loans. To help trace Laners to the Mathis, it's crest is two eagles "RISING" out of a crescent, and that code can be for Penriths/PenRise's or Rice's, noting that Rice's share the Welsh John Coat. The latter uses axes that can trace to the Axius river to the east side of Penestae. The "Secret et hardi" motto of Rice's can trace to the Hardys, said in the Douglas write-up to be Douglas ancestry, and then the Douglas location on the Isle of Man can apply.

It now becomes Maecenas-interesting where Penriths share a split Shield almost in the colors of the same of Laners, and in colors reversed from the split Shield of Trents who likewise use a "RISING" eagle. In the past, I identified this with the mythical phoenix out of Lake Van, but Rize is a location near Lake Van so that "rising" can be a clever double-code. The Penriths are using a split-Shield in the colors of the same of Sion/Sitten, and that's where Seatons/Sittins trace who were found related to Leightons/Laytons, they in turn looking like they fashioned "Layner/Laner." German Rices use croziers, code for the Creusa line out of Agrigento. French Croziers and Croze's were first found in Auvergne, and the north end of Auvergne is smack at a Creuse area named after the Creuse river. Beside Creuse is Limousin, important because Lemnos is near the mouth of the Hebros, where Creusa's husband, Aeneas, was the city of Aenus. The Croziers happen to share a besant centrally with the Italian Lane/Lano/LANARio/Lancca surname. This besant should trace to Bassania at Lissus, and to the Bassianus family of the El-Gabal cult.

The Croze's show nothing but a shield filled with checks in the blue-and-gold colors of the Warren checks, important for a trace to "Guerin," son of William Gellone. The Wards use the same chequey Shield, and they seem honored in the "forward" motto term of Laner-suspect Seatons.

AHHH, FINALLY (where was my head?), the Creuse surname, first found in Cheshire i.e. beside Denbighshire, shows the Jones lion! And so it was found by following the tracks of the Laners. It's not quite tracing to Pisa, but it is tracing to Agrigento, with a Hypsas river suspect with Amazons to Grecian Pisa. Can we think of any development with a Jones trace to Cheshire if it predated Maccabees?

The Lancca variation of Lano's/Lanario's can trace to the naming of Lancashire because the central besant is a York symbol. Someone informed me that this besant is used in some York-Rite heraldry. The Crooks (Jewish-Pollock liner), first found in Lancashire, can apply, known kin of Cruce's/Crois'/Cross'. The latter are the ones with a motto like that of blue-lion Massins, though Crichtons use a blue lion too.

Did that Jones - Laner exercise find the parents of Joseph Caiaphas? No. It just gave me a bigger headache. The June's are highly suspect with Junia Caepionis because they were first found in the same place as Capone's. Once heraldry establishes sound traces to Junia Caepio, what other surname but the June's would represent her line??? Unfortunately, the June's use only one symbol, three fleur-de-lys in black-on-white. As the central part of the fleur-de-lys looks the black stone of El-Gabal, it's very interesting to now find a Bassania location, as well as a Gabuleum location, near the origin of the "fleur-de-lys" at Lissus. Previously, this symbol was the fish out of Kotor, or so was my claim years ago, before knowing of Lissus or any of its geography. It just so happens that Saraca's, out of Kotor according to the Saraka article, moved to Ragusa, otherwise called, Laus." I get it. To an erect fish, two outer parts were added to make a fleur, probably in honor of Florence and/or Lille, but tracing primarily to the Lissus > Laus line. It goes to the "Laus Deo" motto phrase of ArBUTHnotts, the Bute elements from Butua, beside Kotor.

The first-known June was MATilda Jun. But how does one prove that this traces to any of the Junia Caepio's? The circumstantial evidence is there. We have the Youngs/Yonge's to appeal to, with "juene" motto code, and they were first found in the same place as Quints. Like I said, the circumstantial evidence is there. Yonge's have several symbols. The "Roberi" motto term should be for Robers/Roberts, sharing blue-and-white vair fur in Chief with the Quint Chief. That's double the evidence, triple if we count the June evidence, for a trace to Quintus Caepio. It now goes from the realm of circumstantial to compelling. I don't think that the June's ever meant "young" to begin with, though the surname may have come to be fashioned in that way. The Jevene variation of June's can go to "Giovani," the Italian for John / Jonathan. That means that mythical Juno may have been the line from Jonathan the Levite (she predated Jonathan Maccabee). For example, the Jabeshites were traced to the name of Juno's husband, and he is sometimes "Jove." Then, the Yonge's happen to use annulets in the two colors of the Benjamin annulets. No guff.

German Robers use the two-headed Roman eagle.

Did the June fleur trace to the Mathis theater? The Manders, suspect in the Julian salaMANDER, use "Laus Deo" too. The Mander Coat is shared by the Mate/Mathes surname. The Mate and Mander besants go to Bassania smack between the Mathis river and Lissus. The Touques' use besants too, and Yonge's use a "Toujour juene" motto. Tokers may not apply directly, but they use more drops. Caesars were first found in the same place (Kent) as Tooks/Touque's. With Julius Caesar thus linking rather had to June's, it's not a coincidence that the Julian salamander is in flames, the Benjamin-Crest symbol. And, of course, we expect Julius to be linking to June's where they are from Junia Caepio, for any of the three (or more) Junia's could have been his daughter.

Why should Roberts be linking so closely to a Junia Caepio? The Capetians, right? Obviously. The Welsh Roberts happen to use a so-called "counter-changed" lion, the Pisa-lion symbol too, and as these Roberts were first found in the same place (Denbigh) as Jones', AHH FINALLY, the Jones (and Creuse) lion can trace to the Pisa lion. I didn't know that was coming.

The Counter surname is the Conte surname using antlers, a symbol of the Hamons/Hamonds (Kent again). I point out the latter because they share black ermine (rare compared to white ermine) with Jove's/Jeeve's/Geeve's. Hamons are using the colors and format of the Touque's who trace to kinship with Bassania elements. By now you may know that the Bessins, Bessens, and Bistons are using versions of the erect-sword god (Ares) of ancient Bistones. The red Yonge lion shows an erect sword, and that has got to be for Bassania elements.

I had found a Coat of a Welshman, John Yonge, using a greyhound, symbol of the Bass/Bassen Coat! The John-Young Coat uses the Trevor Coat, and look, it has a Shield split, half in black ermines!!! I had not seen it when writing above.

The Bass/Bassen chevron looks like the Gore/Core chevron that traces by the Gore motto to Servitium elements. The Gore's were first found in the same place as Yonge's and Quints. Servitium is smack at the Una river of Juno. Now you know that June's and Yonge's / Jungs have nothing to do with "youth / young." I think the English Matthews are using that gold Gore / Bassen cross, if that helps to trace Bassens to the Mathis river. French Gore's use greyhounds and the stars of the French-Julian Chief. It's now plain that the "salis" motto term of Gore's goes to the same as the Julian SALAmander. We have just crossed the realm of compelling to undeniable: June's and Yonge's are from Junia Caepio. The "TouJOUR" motto term of Yonge's is partly for the Jorre variation of French Gore's.

Ahh, having run out of points to make, the Jean/Jane surname was checked for June links, and there was a Caepio-line lion and red scallops, the color of the English-Matthew scallop. Therefore, Jeans apply to Junia Caepio, at least loosely. But which Junia? As Scottish Mathie's and Scottish Matthews both use gyronny, the gyronny in the Spanish Jean Coat seemingly traces Jeans to the same Lissus area of the June's/Jungs. The quartered Shield added to the gyronny adds to the evidence, and it's more in the colors of the Second/Segur quarters than the Primo quarters.

What about Joan of Arc tracing to the river at Modane? Should she not be a Jonathan liner? AHA! After asking, the Joan Coat loaded to find quarters in colors reversed from the Second/Segur quarters!!! Joans were first found in the same place (Worcestershire) as Jeans and Watts, and then while Vatts are also "Watter," the Quarters (counter-changed lion) are also "Waters" and "Chruiter", the latter suspect with Creusa liners. The green Joan lion is likely that of the Lyons (near the Arc river), but the Touch/Taff lion may also apply because the latter surname was first found in the same place (Cheshire) as Tattons using the Joan quarter colors.

I have neglected the Aurelia surname for a few updates. I didn't think to show it until re-viewing the Blois Coat just now. They are a near-match, and Blois is a location in Aurelia-like Orleans! Therefore, with a Blois trace to the Arc river at Modane, it's about 25 miles only to the Cottian capital. When I was tracing the Cottius family to Este as per "VESTalis," I had forgotten that Aurelia's were first found in the same place (Padua) as the Este location, and that they are in Este white-on-blue.

As with the Orells and Ore's, the Orleans surname uses red roundels.

The LaBels are apparently honored in the labels of the Joan Coat, and then LaBels are in Blois / Aurelia colors, while throwing in a greyhound in the color of the Gore greyhound. French Jeans (same place as Cotts) use a bell in LaBel-crescent colors.

I've just checked the Dulys surname as per "Du Lys," and it shows Doyle's, evoking the potential trace of the Dowel variation of Dougals to "Doley/Doyle." It's important because Dougals/Dowels use the same lion as Jones' (colors reversed from the Jean/Jane lion), and so Joan of Arc Du Lys can now apply to that surname. But even if not, it just so happens that Dougals use another quartered Coat, this time half in the colors of the Primo Coat.

Servilia's first name is from the Servilius surname of her father, Quintus Servilius Caepio. As this goes to Servitium in the proto-Serb and proto-Croat theater (Croatians are "KRVati"), I can trace it to "Gareb," which helps greatly to understand why Jabesh elements were at Servitium, for JEBUSites were at Jerusalem in later years of the Israeli Judges, and Gareb is less than two miles from Jerusalem. I'm not suggesting that Jebusites proper were founders of Japodes, but that the stock of Jabesh Gilead formed the Jebusites possibly as a separate branch from the ones who became the Japodes. Later, Jebusites may have joined them along with Garebites, or Garebites were part of the Jabesh > Jupiter wave in the first place. I had traced "Gareb" to "Jerevan," smack at Soducena. This is full-proof, no longer a theory, but an historical fact, that Jerevan elements were at the Kupa river of the Japodes in forming the Caepio line. As Caepio's are suspect with the Cavii, see the CREVENa location (looks like proto-Croatians) smack beside the Cavii on the map above. While there, see the Oeneum location virtually upon the Matthis, for that is suspect with Jabeshites from Methoni.

I haven't been able to prove that "Erigon" of the Paeoni named Argentera in Cuneo, but there are solid reasons for this. If the Astibus location of the Paeoni named Asti in Cuneo, then Paeoni were in Montferrat, and as such can be expected in the line to Guerin of Provence. That would explain why one Guerin Coat uses the pierced Zionist stars of Payens/Paions. But where that's all correct, the Paeoni are expected in Busca as per "AstiBUS." As the Paeoni are suspect with mythical Pan and the Satrae Thracians, that's why I can trace them to Argentera, the valley that develops into the STURA river (to Cuneo, the city). Earlier, I suggested that the Erigon river was the naming of Aragon in Spain, and so it's very notable that Aragon and the two Stur surnames both use red-and-gold bars. As I trace Pan to the Phoenix line at Panias, the Bush eagles easily apply, and that means the Bush-Crest goat traces to the Paeoni-related Satyrs = Satrae on the Stura, which tends to prove that AstiBUS and Busca were the Bush ancestry.

: As Este's use an eagle too, it's some preliminary evidence that Este was named after the Astibus > Asti line. If that's correct, then it seems that Paeoni blood was in the family of Aurelia Cotta, or at least in the family of Cottius. In fact, "Cott" may have derived from the same entity that named the English goat, although Kutaisi was given a ram symbol. The proto-Paeoni at Panias (smack beside Laish) can definitely trace to the Manes > Cotys > Attis > Lydus line, for the Cadusii Armenians at mount Hermon (location of Panias) named the Hermus river of Lydia, and the Cadusii named Hattusa of the Hatti (represented by "Atty/Attis"). The Chappes-suspect Cavii are thus suspect in a relationship with proto-Payens as long ago as the Kybele-Attis marriage (that produced the Lydians) if the Cavii trace to the Cabelees that named Kybele. When we get to the early Templars that included Hugh de Payens, who reportedly married Elizabeth Chappes, the goat head on the Templar god, Baphomet, tends to reveal itself as a Paeoni entity. There are all sorts of implications here to investigate.

With Panias at Laish, we should ask where mythical Pan carried the proto-Paeoni to Lissus. Or, did the proto-Paeoni go with the Danites / Sidonians of Laish to Erigon-like Argos and the Sithones respectively? There was a mythical Talaus of Argos whose wife was LYSimache, suspect as proto-Maccabees on the Lissus river. It clearly looks like the Laish Danites became the Argos Danaans in alliance with this Lys-Mache combination. This particular Lysimache was made the mother of mythical Adrastus, who sounds like the namers of the Adriatic (i.e. where Lissus is located).

A Lys combination with a Talaus term evokes Lucy Taillebois of Lincolnshire. The latter location traces to Lindos on Rhodes, where Danaans lived. It seems undeniable. Lindos was a fellow Rhodian city with Kamiros, depicted by the Chimera dragon with a second head, a goat head, coming out its back. What goat entity was this on Rhodes? Was it the Cotys entity?

The historical Halysones strike me as a Halys-river peoples to Ialysos, a third city on Rhodes that, like Medea of Kutaisi, was made a child of the Helios line. Homer wrote: "And the Alizones were led by Odios and Epistrophos, from far away in Alybe, where is the birthplace of silver." That sounds like the Halybes metal makers, on the Halys, location also of Hattusa (i.e. from the Cotys line). "Odios" looks like a term that could have named some variations of the Chappes-suspect Ottone's, but as Ottone's became suspect as Cottius liners, just add a "C" to "Odios" to get "Cotys." As "Epi" and "phos" look like suffixes, the root of "EpiSTRophos" looks like "Str," a Satyr-like term.

The ALIZones are good candidates for forming the Alex/Ales name, and may even have been the Lasonii, fellow tribe of Cabelees, and therefore the founders of Lissus and mythical Lysmache lines. If that's correct, the Alizone/Halysones = Halybes should trace to "Laish." To put it another way, the Laish Danites founded the Halys river. The Danaan founder in Argos, Perseus, had been one river to the west, on the Parthenius, and so let's read a little on the Partheni smack at Lissus: "The Parthini or Partheni or Peerthenetai were Illyrians , part of the Taulantii who may be to the Taulantii...Their principal town was Parthus...There is no indication, however, of its precise situation, which was probably between Lissus and Epidamnus..." Doesn't "Taulantii" sound like Talaus, husband of Lysimache? Shouldn't "EpiDAMNus" trace to Hippodama / Hippodamnia, the Amazon line to Pisa? The Apsus is at the southern end of Epidamnus, and to the near-north of Epidamnus is the Oeneum location that can trace to mythical Oenomaus, father of Hippodama. As these lines gave birth to Adrastus-like Atreus, it again traces the lot to the Adriatic coast.

The Cavii are therefore suspect with the Cabelees in union with the Alizones, all removed to the Lissus entity. But the Oeneus > Methoni line went with Nestor of Pylos to the Mathis river, and so recall that Yonge's and June's were Oeneus lines, for one Yonge surname uses piles. "Oeneus" may have been a distraction on behalf of a wine symbol, but just add a "J" to get a Jonathan/Jonas-like term. Then, as the Galli were the priests of the Kybele-Attis sun-god cult, couldn't that provide the galina = rooster of the Jonathan/Jonas surname? Didn't we just say that Kybele = Cabelees were a fellow tribe with Lasonii from Laish? Doesn't that mean that the Jonathan-rooster peoples predated the MACCAbees as the LysiMACHE entity?

This recalls that I traced mythical Aegyptus, brother of Danaus, to Methoni (the real location). I can't recall how that trace was made, but Aegyptus was, like Danaus, from the Nile delta. This can be gleaned as a HYKsos entity from the 50 sons and 50 daughters of Aegyptus and Danaus, for a total of 100, which in myth was given the code, "HEKATonchire," a beast with 100 hands and 50 heads. Why 600 Benjamite men and 400 Jabesh women for a total of 1,000? Isn't "hex" the number 6? The Hekatonchire can be gleaned in mythical king HECTor of Troy, brother of "another" Lysimache. Just draw the conclusion that Hyksos out of Egypt went to Troy with Laish's proto-Danaan, and the children of Jonathan the Levite tagged along as proto-Dionysus, the wine god, and CHIEF PRIEST of the Galli. It's obvious, isn't it, that Jonathan the Levite became the Jonathan rooster (may have had a homosexual connotation even back then), even though that surname traces to Jonathan Maccabee...because the surname traces to Modane...but from Methoni, home of the children of Jonathan the Levite. Dionysus even had an alternative name, Lyaios (my spell checker suggests that this should be, "Lyasios." If correct, I've been spelling it wrong for years).

As DioNYSUS was from a Nysus/Nisus entity, just trace his Laish entity to NEStor at Pylos, but as the Galli were transvestites and queers, why not trace also to "Aenus"? The Satyrs, for their sexual deviance, were made associates of Dionysus. The Sithones were near the Satrae Thracians. Sithones were at Colchis-like Chalcodice, while there was a Chalcis location at Euboea, land of Abas' Abantians who recently became suspect with the Ben-Jabeshites.

It's interesting that "Argos" sounds like "argent," for Jonathan was a son-like priest of Micah who abounded with silver. When the 600 Danites stole Micah's silver and gods, Jonathan agreed to abandon Micah and go with the Danites. Israel had been in the Promised Land for only one generation at the time (i.e. it was around 1400 BC), and while Moses is said to be Jonathan's grandfather, his uncle is said to have been Elis-like Eleazar. Homer, who wrote the mythical Trojan war, said that silver was founded by (H)ALISones, though perhaps Alisones were the primary silver miners while others were not known by Homer or the Greeks. The Halybes are thus suspect, not from "Eliphas," nor "Caleb" friend of Joshua, but from "Eleazar" liners

Judging from the Lepidus family that one Junia Caepio married, it's a good bet that "Lapith" was from some Halybe-like term. Lapiths are sdaid to have been founders of LESbos, but ELEAZ could apply here.

Servilia Caepio's mother, Livia Drusus, had for a father, Marcus Livius Drusus, suspect from Jonathan's Levite cult, and so consider "ADRAStus" as the root of "Drusus." Adrastus was made the son of Lysimache of Argos. It suggests the Odrysians on the Hebrew-suspect Hebros. I don't know of any Levi-like peoples or locations on the Hebros, but as it was also the MARITSa river, trace to the Marici fellows of the Laevi Gauls, and suppose that "MARCus" applies. The ancient Luwians of Lydia may apply to Levites.

Wikipedia does not give the ancestry of Marcus Livius Drusus (died 108 BC), who co-ruled with Lucius Calpurnius PISO Caesoninus. Caiaphas could have been born as early as 40 BC, but 30-20 may do better.

I was unable to get Pinocchio codes in by today, as the topic got expanded. I'll have it in the next update, Monday.


The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
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