December 24 - 30, 2024
Hall of Names is once again showing the descriptions of the Coats of Arms presented at House of Names.
Did you ask the Holy Spirit to come into you lately? The way I understand the Gospel, but also from personal experience, God is liberally / generously providing His Spirit into anyone who asks, anyone who doesn't mind Jesus being the ruler of the universe, anyone who is happy to abide by the ways of Jesus. Tell God this, and ask for His Spirit today, tonight, soon, I'll be very happy for you, and so will you.Your love for God starts with your promise to live by His ways, and continued love is continuing in His ways. When you do anything for Him that pleases Him, He will move in you. Learn from His words what the things are which please Him. This is your guarantee to eternal life. This "package" (the New Covenant) comes with much mercy, so keep trying to stay away from sin, which is your love for Jesus. It's not very hard, you can do it. Be good, learn from Jesus, disappoint Him at your own cost, for the Father, your Father, will see it. Don't despise His discipline.
Someone says what is true for so many billions over the last 2,000 years, and it has been exactly 2,000 years this decade:
I was an atheist most of my adult life. My time in the Marines changed my views of the world. However, over the last 2 yrs... I discovered what Jesus was actually trying to tell us. And I can't believe I went so hard against Christianity for so long. When I read the word for myself... I asked, "How could anybody with a conscience be against this?" So I started following Jesus... and my life just got better in so many ways. Christ has helped me become a better father, make wiser decisions, and become a more loving & caring human being. I've always felt some type of void that women, money & partying weren't able to fill, but Jesus has. My ptsd is practically cured, and my anxiety is gone. After the war, I didn't want to be around people... now I like being social again. It's truly life changing, and I wish every person could experience what the power of God can do in their life. When it hits you... there's nothing like it.I am very very, but temporarily, happy to report finding the following from Joel Richardson:
For many years my position, along with the majority of conservative futurist commentators, has been in full agreement with this chart. But more recently, I have increasingly come to question this perspective. I used to understand Daniel 11:21-35 as being entirely fulfilled in the life of Antiochus Epiphanes. My perspective was that while some of the passage foreshadowed the future career of Antichrist, nothing in verses 21-35 should be understood as fully applying to the Antichrist. But I now lean toward the view that while verses 21-35 do find a partial historical fulfillment in Antiochus Epiphanes, their ultimate fulfillment should be understood as pertaining to the Antichrist. If true, the implications of this interpretation are absolutely stunning as it would give us an extremely detailed prophecy concerning the career of the Antichrist....Again, the problem, as I mentioned at the beginning of this article is that the overwhelming majority of conservative commentators interpret this verse as pertaining to Antiochus Epiphanes and not Antichrist. Again, most conservative commentators do not see Antichrist as being in view until verse 36. And this is how I always understood it. But according to the angel’s interpretation, the Antichrist is in view all the way back to 11:31. Yet the individual who is the subject of verse 31 is obviously the same person that was began being described all the way back in 21.
...As I said at the beginning of this article, the implications of this interpretation, if true, are absolutely stunning [end of article, implications not given].
I don't know how anyone could miss verse 31 as an end-time event when doing even a casual read of chapters 11 and 12. But, Joel missed it, for too long. I think the problem is in the trust that many have in pre-trib teachers, who have been the predominant prophecy teachers in the generation ending in the year 2000. The Internet mushroomed the post-trib position, and caused many to finally look with a sideways-turned head toward pre-tribbers, as in, when a dog does it to you, when it looks like it's saying, "are you guys nuts or something?"
Pre-tribbers absolutely needed to murder verses 21-31 because the next few verses have saints in a tribulation period that can only be the "great tribulation" of Israel, same as in Matthew 24. So, pre-tribbers decided to start the anti-Christ at verse 36 even though there's no introduction of a new king of the north there.
Antiochus IV's invasion of Jerusalem may have been an acceptable though rough interpretation of verses 21-35 FOR THE TIME BEING, until the precise fulfillment takes place in the end times. That way, the Jews of old would not have been prone to considering Daniel a false prophet, which they might have done if Antiochus did not roughly fulfill those verses. See that? God knew what he was doing. He allowed Antiochus to ransack Jerusalem that he might be a temporary fulfillment of the "abomination that causes desolation."
Same applies to Daniel 8, where the "little horn" comes forth from ancient Greece. Daniel would have looked like a false prophet had not this little horn's activities against Israel not resembled those of Antiochus IV. Some would have said, prior to the time of Jesus, that Daniel was a false prophet because the end of all things did not come to pass as per Antiochus IV, but we now see that it pertains to a time far beyond the time of Jesus on earth.
Daniel 11 is bringing us through the four, ancient beasts of Daniel 7, only this time, in 11, there's stress on some specific activities of the little horn. There has always been an unanswered question in my mind as to whether the king of the north of verse 20 is end-time or not. If so, it seems he's there as an extra clue to our pegging the anti-Christ correctly years before his 666 system.
Verse 20 says that a disappearing ruler who sends an exactor (tax collector?) to build-up the empire will rule a short time, and not disappear due to war against him. He's not Assad, that's for sure. Maybe Julani. Or, maybe he's of ancient times. In verse 21, an unattractive (disdained) outsider, the anti-Christ, enters some kingdom with intrusionist tactics. On whether he slips into the neo-Seleucid kingdom to begin with, or builds it himself later, there's no hint. The Sunni occupy the heart of where the Seleucids once occupied, and Julani with Atoun were stationed, a few weeks ago, at Idlib, very near to the Seleucid capital, Antioch. Therefore, I'm watching to see whether the anti-Christ enters the Julani government with a bag of tricks. I'm watching, just in case, to see whether Russia provides this anti-Christ, for we can see how the Syrian people would reject such a one, yet Julani could use the offer of Russia's muscle. Joel will be watching whether the Turks slip the anti-Christ into Julani's government, who then usurps big-cheese power.
I assume from verse 21 that the anti-Christ uses diplomacy in an effort to be accepted as a ruler, but, when that fails, he joins a couple of losers of a war, which war could be the Sunni drive-by conquer we just saw, and then takes power by a small weaponry force.
Fortunately, Joel's article is dated at the start of 2014, so I don't need to guess how long Joel has held his corrected view. However, I have seen nothing from him on the anti-Christ's invasion of Egypt. It's possible that he abandoned the 21-31 view, I'll need to keep eyes open. This man is a workhorse. I can see why someone having a strong following on youtube would not want to venture a predictive gamble on an anti-Christ invasion of Egypt, but that's what 21-31 includes. So where's the risk?
Daniel 8 even tells of the anti-Christ's 2,300 days for sticking his military nose into Israel. That's only seven months short of seven years. In Daniel 11:28, his first shot at Israel is after he succeeds against Egypt, which could imply that he invades Egypt at least seven years before Armageddon. However, we're not told how long the Egyptian battle lasts, nor are we told how long after winning the battle he shows animosity toward a sign of things to come.
Nor can I be sure that his first shot at Israel (in 11) signals the start of the 2,300 days. If this first shot is only two years from the midway point of the 70th Week, then the success against Egypt can be well into the 70th Week rather than before the Week.
If God be good to us, then the first act in 11 is told for the Purpose of signalling the start of the 2300 days, or, same thing, the giving of the 2300 days in 8 can be to indicate that they start at the first shot in 11. It makes sense, but I can't be sure. Maybe you can find a Biblical way to become sure one way or the other.
In 8:10, the "little horn," as it calls the anti-Christ, causes "SOME of the HOST, and of the STARs," to "fall." Not all, but some. The host can indicate Israelis in general while stars can indicate God's chosen Israelites, maybe even the Christians. And in verse 11, "a host was GIVEN with the ongoing [blank]." Some translations, "daily sacrifices," others "regular sacrifices." Where? At the "edge [of the [blank]" of Daniel 9:27. I say this is the Western-Wall extremity of the Temple Mount. We can translate "edge / end / wing," the Hebrew word means "extremity."
The point is, a host of Israelis will be given, allowed by God, to be killed, I assume, AS PART OF the abomination that causes desolation seen in 9:27 and 11:31. It's not going to be merely the roasting of a pig, or the anti-Christ getting up on the wall, declaring himself "God" to anger Israelis, who would simply brush the claim off and go back to sleep. If that's all it is, it's not going to cause desolation. The abomination will be brute murder of civilians, apparently. Maybe on youtube TV. The whole country becomes terrified. They pack their bags. Some get away, others don't.
The ones watching for prophecy to take place will get away, because they will flee early. The Israelis won't be watching, unless they are Bible-reading Christians. A full 144,000 of the Israeli Christians will be Protected. When the Israelis are cut down, they will be crying, "I should have listened to the Christians, everything they said is coming true." Light of the world, warn the world even though you can't convince all. Some are listening. Some Christian Zionists, even now, are predicting that Israel will win the war against the Arabs with God;s help, without any warnings of the possibility of the anti-Christ invasion looming. What kind a black light is that?
In the 2nd minute of the video below, Putin says that most of his Middle-Eastern allies favor Russia keeping its military bases in Syria. The Russians may be arguing that it's a deterrent against unwanted American intrusions. However, the Sunni in Syria may be against it, and thus it would be rejection of a Russian presence in Syria while the Russians want it. the 3rd minute above, it strikes me that, with Putin's boast on Russia's super-fast and awe-full missile, he could be the False Prophet, for he is lamb-like in his attitude, and he does sponsor Christianity in his country. His soft-spoken manner and public support of Christianity is why I rule him out as the anti-Christ. In this picture, he allies with the anti-Christ in an Israeli invasion, making sense in that regard, yet he still needs a European harlot involved which hates Christians to the bone. I suggest, give this a year to see how things develop.
The speaker at about 6:00 minutes (Russian foreign minister) says that Russia will be able to make a deal with the new Syria, something I don't think he'd say if that prospect looked dim at this get-go time. If it does make a deal with Julani or his replacement, it can, I think, fulfill prophecy where the Syrian people by-and-large are the ones to reject the Russians.
The Westerner in the video above mocks the Russian position that Russia has suffered no defeat. But then he's either too rash to realize something, or simply wants to parrot Western propaganda for the momentary value (not much). The realization ought to be that Putin may prefer an alliance with a Sunni Syria. If he gets it, that will be the time to assess whether Russia gained or lost on the switch-over. Russia may have obtained some key assurances from the Sunni before standing down at the Sunni take-over. That makes a lot of sense that Western speakers don't want you to consider.
I don't know whether Joel Richardson has sounded the alarm about the anti-Christ invading the "king of the south," but if he has not, since coming to believe it as true in 2014, what do we call that? Is that not a sin of omission, a betrayal of God's people? If someone with a large youtube platform knows that one of the earliest things the anti-Christ will do is invade Egypt, but doesn't tell God's people who are badly misled by erroneous prophecy teachings, when no one else is sending out that message on a large scale, what else should we call that but an abandonment of the sheep to unknown dangers?
Good morning Tuesday. I wrote the last paragraph last thing Monday, and then, first this morning at 7:30, on my first video loaded, it turns out to be dated yesterday, because youtube reports "17 hours ago." And it's partially titled, "King of the North." However, for me now, this particular video (Session 5) disappoints where it doesn't emphasize the end-time passages of 11:21-31. This video turns out to be identical to his video, "King of the North Fulfilled," dated "13 days ago" (as I write). I don't think any of the other Sessions, previous to 5, speak on the king of the north's invasion of Egypt, meaning that Joel has been literally sinful in this omission...what could be his problem? the 18th minute, he has skipped all the way to 11:35 and beyond, where he touches slightly on the invasion of Egypt mentioned again in verse 40, but Joel avoids this same invasion of Egypt as told in 25-27, which is the vital part that reveals the doing so PRIOR to the abomination of desolation. If all we do is read the invasion from verse 40, we can't get the timing, whether before or after the midway point of the 70th Week. Why did Joel avoid telling that the invasion is before the abomination? What kind of a prophecy teacher leaves out the most important part of the king of the north in a video entitled,"king of the north"?
The key for his omission, which he barely reveals, is found at 7:50, where he shows a chart where he assigns verses 21-34 to Antiochus IV. His chart starts the end-time anti-Christ at verse 35, virtually the same as pre-tribbers do. What caused him to betray his earlier understanding, in 2014, that verses 21-34 speak of the end-time anti-Christ? I don't know. He doesn't say. He doesn't tell his audience why he's changed his mind. He doesn't even address verses 21-31, but goes to verses 35-40 at 10:20. Anyone teachers who don't teach verse 31 as the end-time event Jesus spoke of is a fink of the devil, whether they know it or not.
Antiochus IV was never a small horn or the small power of verses 21-22. Antiochus became king by blood lineage, and thus took the throne while it was strong. The character in verse 22 becomes "strong" in verse 23 "with a few people" by looting in vagrant-style warfare, which does not describe Antiochus.
Poor Joel, who will not be received well by Jesus for this sin. It's synonymous with denying the words of Jesus in Matthew 24. You can't convince me it's not that way. What abomination is Jesus talking about if not the one in Daniel 21:31? You can't convince me that He's talking only about the abomination in Daniel 9:27 and 12:11 but not the one in 11:31. That's a position only a fool takes who's trying to make prophecy fit his own erroneous ideas, explaining why pre-tribbers betray Jesus on this matter. In Matthew 24, Jesus is in the midst of warning His Church about the abomination, and does blah-blah Joel think it's a little matter to obliterate the best part of His warning? Daniel 11:21-31 is the best warning of all, by far. It shows the lead-up to the abomination in DETAIL. How dare we flip Jesus on his face by tripping Him up like this.
After the 15th minute, Joel takes the position that the anti-Christ cannot be of Rome, using the argument that the Seleucid kingdom is not Rome, yet this resists the Roman nature of the Revelation beast, and sabotages even Daniel himself when strongly insinuating that the 4th beast is Rome. In fact, the Romans were at war with the Seleucids, and shortly afterward took over the world such that Rome ruled over the bulk of the strong kings of the earth, as is the picture of the harlot of Revelation 12. Granted, she's not the anti-Christ, but she's his Roman side that we should not sweep away as false doctrine just because the anti-Christ starts off from an Assyrian / Syrian domain.
Plus, this same Rome moved into Israel in time for Jesus, and thus this was the dragon of Revelation 12 that destroyed the temple, as even Daniel 9:27 predicted. It's the same dragon that killed Jesus, yet God took Him alive. A neo-Roman kingdom is therefore predicted for the king of the north. I don't know how this can work itself out, but I assume that Western military in the Middle East will become allied to the king of the north for the invasion of Jerusalem, which may take place at the end of Trump's term in spite of Trump being pro-Israel. Perhaps it takes place in roughly December of 2028, when the next president-elect is not pro-Israel. Trump could be the factor that keeps the anti-Christ from invading until the Appointed Time.
It's not my opinion alone that the American military brass, at this time, would like to see the demise of Israel...simply because military leaders have satan in their spirits. There is a renewed push for a "two-state solution" for Israel, and much of the West wants this in opposition to Netanyahu.
While it's possible that the king of the north will be a Muslim or Arab, I don't think we can know it for certain, yet Joel is absolutely sure that he will be, because he's sure that the 4th beast is Islam. If he says he's not sure, he sure seems to be. Best thing: keep option open for a Muslim anti-Christ, but not necessarily.
Why did God provide Daniel 11:21-31 other than for our early identification of our arch-enemy, who'll seek to take away our common right to buy our needs? It's made plain at the end of Revelation 13 that the king of the north will fight against us by taking away our ability to operate in the market place. Yet Joel doesn't emphasize that either, making me wonder whether he's sinning the sin of so many pastors, who I think don't want to preach tribulation preparation because it takes up money that will reduce money gifts to churches. But if this is not Joel's excuse, what is?
He does a lot of travelling, and, to be assumed, he wants his youtube viewers to pay for it. This can easily be a motive for not preaching tribulation preparation. He's even asked money to build bomb shelters for Israelis, but what about the prospect of starving Christians, Joel, what about that? You who claim to care for God, but do not care to warn His people??? What is that? How good will it be to identify the anti-Christ when he gets exposed, but you have no food to eat? As he's a post-tribber, the question naturally comes to mind: is Joel storing foods while not urging his audiences to do the same? If so, what would you call that?
In his Session 2, he says it's "important" for us to know that the anti-Christ will die, not be thrown alive into the Lake of Fire. How important is that pet theory of his, in comparison to the 1260-day suffering of the Church? What value is there in knowing every nook of prophetic teaching if, in the end, you let God's people starve? You may as well be a pre-tribulationist. He entertains his audience with systematic prophecy teaching, and many love it, but none of them, in the comments sections, are talking about trib prep, because Joel doesn't stress it.
I'm not casting stones in condemnation, just clearing my conscience where I think a rebuke is deserved. With his video reach, why can't he end every four of five prophecy videos with a trib-prep message a minute long, just to say that the viewers might start thinking about how best to endure the 1260 days, for when the time comes that they first see the anti-Christ. Or, to do as they think best starting NOW, if they think it's best.
His small army of people receiving that message can then spread it to others. Otherwise, prophecy teaching is just one big blah-blah-nothing. Isn't it primarily to warn the end-time Church? What does that mean, that we do nothing when taking the warning but watch videos and tell Joel what a better teacher he is than others??? Was prophecy given that we might prepare to die, or that we might prepare to survive? Why is the Church of Revelation 12 taken by God into wilderness regions, to die or to survive?
Is it okay if we help God out by lifting a finger to help ourselves, like maybe by preparing stored foods...and listening to videos from the kitchen rather than sitting at the computer? I suggest you start peeling fruits and vegetables to dry them out, put them in sealed jars. Just in case. The worst you can lose is a little food quality, and you never know how those jars will be put to good use later. Dried apples are very good, like candy. I've had dried beef and chicken in sealed jars for three years, still good. I'll probably start eating it now, and dry fresh product to replace it.
Joel probably has a warning to prepare foods somewhere, but I've had many of his videos crop up in the past three weeks, yet there's no such message even now, when believers are wondering whether the anti-Christ is imminent. It's not impossible for the whole Church to prepare, for if one can do it, everybody can, aside from the poor. But if families prepare even one years' worth of low-priced foods, it could amount to $2,000 per person, and so we can see that with such expenditures, it's going to cut into church and video donations, and pastors know it. Therefore, don't view your pastor's silence on the matter, or Joel's, as a sign that it's not important to store foods and other needs.
In the least, I expect all pastors everywhere to tell their people that the DAY WILL COME, when the Church will POSSIBLY need to endure as many as 3.5 years without the ability to enter a grocery store. Revelation 13 doesn't tell us that the need for wilderness survival is in a local place only, such as Israel or the Middle-East. We therefore need to treat it as a global system, just in case it is, and we have evidence that it will be in the Universal Product Code because it looks like a runner-up to a 666 purchasing system. If all Christians had that mindset, they would be right-on-it when the time comes. Instead, we have full denominations holding to pre-trib nonsense that teaches no need to prepare anything for the final 1260 days.
I suggest, get out of those denominations, stop giving them your money, and store foods instead. Invite Christians to your place for gatherings, and you attend the homes of others for gatherings, break bread and have something to eat and drink, rejoicing in your salvation, encouraging others in theirs, because that's what church ought to be, the associating of individuals all having the same Spirit and morality, not everybody fixed on one pulpit for one hour and not interacting at all with each other, aside from a few greetings before church, and a few goodbyes after church.
Your pastor probably needs four hours, or even less, to prepare a Sunday message, and so he doesn't want to be forced out of that job to go do some laborious thing instead. He's got so much time on his hands that he can take a regular two hours daily, for example, five days per week, as part as an easy routine for the Sunday message. He's still a lot happier than with a standard 40-hour week.
If you think your pastor is going door-to-door visiting all the church members, every day, think again, because, if he was, he'd be at your place about once every month. But even if he was, sitting at a couch with a drink and some bites, and talking to you, is not exactly work in my definition of the term, though it is a good thing because that is a true-church setting that he may want to deny you for fear you'll stop coming to his church building. I doubt very much that the contract of any pastor includes regular visitation with all members. Instead, it probably includes his overseeing youth groups and other church programs, but, as the groups all have their own leaders, they don't usually need any work from the pastor.
You instinctively know not to ask a pastor, "hey pastor, how many hours of work do you put in weekly?" He's going to say, "well I have meetings, and I visit people at the hospital, make phone calls, study the Bible..."
"Ya-but, how many hours?" Not 40. Not 30. If he's got a schedule where he puts in 40 hours or more regularly, it's probably in a big church with big $$$ coming in, and he himself is making big $$$ as his reward for making a big church, like receiving a commission of the type a salesman gets. Most churches are small, non-complicated, not demanding, but a pastor can, at any time, start putting in the work needed to increase attendance by one tested-and-tried scheme or another, because it's in his interest. It's not for me to judge whether any pastor seeks to increase attendance for personal gain, but we know there are such reckless "pastors" who do not care for their members, but would take the old man's last dime if possible.
Here's a pretty good video on home churches versus "worship service" church buildings, where the speaker points out that meeting to build each other up (rub Christianity off on one another) was the original purpose of gatherings, which makes sense where worship should be left as a private matter between an individual and God. Labeling a Christian "house of god" as a worship center turns the building into a temple, which concept amounted to $gain for vaticanite "masses." Protestants then had a more-humble forms of vaticanite masses, and in the end, in the last 50-60 years, dominant Protestant denominations went wayward, for the most part.'s not enough human interaction in a typical church "service." People need social interaction, and Christians need it with the joy of being with fellow Christians, which allows us to spread our Christian wings, so to speak. Yes, it's true that people want to go to home church to EXPERIENCE acceptance. Everyone wants to feel liked and appreciated, but isn't this good for our clinging to healthy faith, if we appreciate each other versus the opposite? We can look at each other and say, "praise God that these sinners did what I did, we all changed our minds and started to honor and follow Jesus." It's the glue that binds us.
Not everyone who attacks churches is a wise or exemplary believer. Expect some snakes attacking church buildings. Some might secretly despise church believers because they really don't like their practicing the morality of Jesus. I would never portray church goers with a broad brush. Each person is what he/she is, and they may be attending to obey Paul's words in that we should not give up gathering with each other. They may be victims of a hypocritical denomination or pre-trib pastor, but they feel compelled to attend.
If we criticize churches for being filled with spiritually-sick believers, then Jesus might say, "then you go there to make them healthier." I don't tend to think that churches are filled with spiritually-deviant people or apostates, but to the contrary. I think they are filled with people wanting continue in the Faith, wanting to be part of a Christian setting, trying to be obedient, but victims to pre-tribulational quackery, and/or to self-interested "pastors," but definitely victims to a lousy Christian setting. LOUSY, a good word for it. A hundred people in a church, with no dinner tables for socializing, ABSOLUTELY LOUSY. A systematized development that looks more like herding cattle into cold, empty stalls for $$$. DOWNRIGHT STUPID, but pastors are not generally going to buck against this system. Some have, who started their own home churches, good for them.
When I first became a Christian, I thought it would be a good idea to start a drop-in center for Christians of any denomination, and in the meantime it becomes good for evangelism due to being open to the public. The hope was that, on each given occasion, there would be a different set of attendees, which would work better if all the town's churches gave the place a thumbs-up. People would serve their own drinks and foods, and pay for them on an honor basis into a box that doesn't give change.
. The idea was to keep Christians in contact with each other on more-personal levels. For, when I became a Christian, I didn't even know that Christians existed, they were so hidden from the streets. The hope was that is would be a "warm" place for people in need. Christian coffee houses were in-style in those days, in 1980. I went to all the churches in town to see if they would be interested in funding it. Nope.
The problem is that all sorts of regular people would come just for tables to have a social time who were not Christians at all, and who didn't want to be, same sort of problem as Paul mentioned with those who would hog the food, or even start fists fights, at church gatherings. But them's the breaks, nothing's going to be perfect all of the time. The problem is, if non-Christian yahoos start to become predominant, Christians will stop coming out. No matter where you put lights, the creeps will gather, but not so much if you have some non-rocky Christian music in the background, and that was going to be part of my place. As soon as the place starts to get creepers, turn on the music. I even had a local Christian stage-production team very happy to come out from time to time. If needed, having someone speak on a Bible matter, to the whole gathering, for five or ten minutes every hour or so would help keep the creeps in check, would help keep it a Christian place.
Before the Internet, when television was toxic to Christians, many Christians would donate their time to the place. There were plenty of lonely Christians who would rather be in a gathering, serving easy-to-handle foods (pizza slices sound good) to tables than to be at home alone. And they could sit at any time with anyone; there's no requirement to keep serving, it's optional. Just imagine God smiling on you as you serve tables in a setting like that. God's going to be part of a place like that. He watches everything, gets engaged at any moment with anything He chooses to.
When I was young and single, there was no shortage of the same who would go to lunch after church, which would be our real church gathering, though we didn't know it at the time. We got to know each other well, and attended Bible studies too.
Here's a pre-tribber who has lots of Bible smarts, but is too foolish to embrace the post-trib doctrine. In this video, he shows how some extreme charismatics are being carried away even further, because they did not take heed when the rest of us told them not get out of charismatic movements that promise illusive, name-it-and-claim-it powers of God. Once you get the gist, there's little use watching further, for it's more of the same lunatic satanism in the name of serving self as if it's serving God:'t try to imagine the face of Jesus when you pray, don't force your imagination to see things that you might mistaken for God. The mind will produce pictures as you fall into a slumber, similar to pictures in non-sensical dreams. Not all dreams can be from God. When one is from God, you will emphasize it, otherwise He wouldn't give it. If a dream comes and goes without your reflecting on it that same day or soon, it's not likely from God. But if you emphasize it because you want to believe that God is in your life with such proofs, you need to find another way to obtain the proofs. Dreams are too risky for that type of thing.
Best thing, stay close to God, speaking his morality to Him, and honoring the greatest commandment, to love God from your heart. It's up to you how you will go about it, but if you do (not just once or twice, but permanently), God will notice, and you should then notice God's moving in you like Living Waters. In them, I get the sense that God activates our nerves to feel a pleasurable / well-received message of comfort, love, devotion, security and assurance. Stay the course, and "wait" things out till your last day, doing what you can to be helpful to others, which is the second-greatest commandment. This was the food that Jesus ate. Fulfill both commandments, both providing pleasure for us, and we will fulfill the entire Law so that God's Grace will be amplified.
Here's a charismatic-type "pastor," at his own fancy swimming pool, I assume, railing against house churches as part of his service to other pastors:
Proof that the deep state is into Trump, he just chose Stephen Feinberg, New-York Jewish banker, for deputy of Defence. In this way, the Israeli's will have more than an in-house spy on military decisions of the Defence chief.
Within the first seven minutes of the video below, one can glean that the speaker is wrong in assuming that the United States had continual control of Julani to this day. He assumes that Julani's group had received U.S. weapons, but, illogically had used them against Assad's enemies, the U.S.-supported Syria rebels. I wouldn't dispute that Julani's groups had American weapons to some degree, from times in which Al-Qaeda was opposing the rebels, but if this speaker below is correct in saying that Julani's forces were shooting at the rebels, then it suggests that Turkey snatched Julani more than the Americans were able, and thus Turkey gave his fighters some weapons, and money to boot. That makes a lot of sense when we see a Turkey-Julani collaboration in the drive-by conquer of Assad. Chechens, by the way, are mainly Sunni Muslims. If the Syrian Sunni find themselves at war with internal-Syria forces, perhaps Russia will suggest to king Kadyrov, "why don't you go help Mr. Atoun to invade Israel under the pretext of helping Julani fight the Kurds?" That's one possible scenario for an outsider anti-Christ, under the Russian thumb, to enter Syria with little-horn bandit potential. But Kadyrov doesn't satisfy the need for the Roman aspects of the anti-Christ apart from his being supported by the West.
If Julani's government fights the Kurds, it'll be hard to believe that they are acting as a tool of the Americans. It'll look more like they are assisting Turkish desires. Some of Assad's, if not most, military have agreed to join Julani's defence department, which can explain his new, suit-and-tie look. The pro-Assad fighters, we may assume, were Western-style secularists for the most part, and they were seeking to down Assad with Turkey. In the least, Julani needs to wink-wink with the Americans just to keep his fledgling government together. Once the rebels are being paid by Julani, and no longer by Americans, the rebel cause could turn against the West. the Kurdish outlook, see how the pro-Kurd speaker claims a Turkish admission of ongoing support for Julani's group for more than a decade: is a Kurdish woman who can begin to explain why Isaiah says that there will be a holy highway, after Armageddon, between Israel and Assyria. At the 11th minute, she tells that Julani wants, from the Kurds, only one thing: the centers where military Kurds had jailed jihadis of the Al-Qaeda kind, and she is probably correct in saying that Julani wants those two centers in order to free the jihadis. Thus, this alone could start hostilities between he and the Kurds, but more so with the Turks wanting Julani to help them out. Kurds are wondering whether Trump will protect them, and, at 23 minutes, the Kurd woman seems desperate to see Netanyahu protecting the Kurds in case the Americans back out of Kurdistan, for the title of the video is, "We Helped Defeat ISIS — Now You Betray Us? A Kurdish Woman’s Haunting Plea to the West". With Israel stretched thin on four or five war fronts, if we include Iran, protecting Kurdistan too seems unlikely. If Trump doesn't help the Kurds, then the Sunni will be compelled to taking their Syrian land, which parks them near Mosul, and Trump could thus become the agent responsible for the anti-Christ invasion of Israel, if it's spearheaded by the same Sunni in the next few years.
At 24:06, the woman claims that Erdogan once said, "I will occupy Israel." She's asking Trump to simply demand from Turkey not to send drones / planes into Kurdish-held lands, because, she says, Kurds can then fend off any enemy on the ground without outside help.
The pressure now is for the West to ally with Julani in order to keep Russia from doing so, and for this to work well, or at all, the West apparently needs to remove its assistance to Kurds. If the West does this, then part of its deal with the new Syria would seem to be that the West must allow Julani's side to go in and own the oil wells and farm fields of Kurdistan. The West would thus condemn itself by acting the traitorous hypocrite.
Where Isaiah 14 calls the anti-Christ a "king of Babylon," I don't think it means his conquering of Kurdish regions only, for ancient Babylon, the city, is to the south of Kurdistan, just a few miles from Shi'ite Baghdad. At this point, we could entertain both Turkey and Julani's government as providers of the anti-Christ who conquers the Kurds as the first part of his prophetic fulfillment, by seizing Mosul. However, I don't know whether he needs to conquer Mosul, because many Sunni live there, and so he could originate in that city in the first place. In this picture, he could be supported both by Turkey and Julani if he and they strike out against the Kurds. Having subdued Kurds at Mosul, Baghdad is not far off.
On the other hand, as the anti-Christ is said to conquer Damascus (Isaiah 10), what could that mean where Julani is expected to have his capital there? Does it imply that Julani will not be allied to the anti-Christ?
In the meantime, Israel could continue to make a skunk of itself, skunking southern Syria and taking even Damascus. If that happens, I could see that even Shi'ites join the Sunni call to invade Israel.
As we look at the drive-by conquer now from a clear plain where the dust has settled, we first acknowledge that Israel had become openly aggressive to the point of wiping Hamas and Hezbollah out with brutality not seen before, and thus, with Assad weak, and Iran unable to launch an attack sufficient to frighten Israel, the latter was capable of taking even Damascus at a time when Trump was poised to take the U.S. military under his control to assist in the Israeli takeover of Damascus as a joint operation.
Erdogan and Russia saw this coming to a near-reality and decided together, in haste, to allow the takeover of Damascus by a Sunni faction dressed up as a gentle, even secularist, animal. Israel continued to set itself up poised to take Damascus in-time for Trump's White-House debut on January 20. And so we shall need to see what Trump decides to do in cahoots with Israel. One thing I think we can count on: Trump will not honor his voter base above the world players in the pro-Israeli, American deep state.
I think that what Netanyahu wants to see is the Julani government attacking the Kurds as his excuse to begin hostilities with Julani. At this point, with Julani waving the white flag of peace toward Israel, it would look very bad if Israel invaded Damascus without provocation. So, Netanyahu could use a justified reason to have Trump support him in a bid to control Syria. He needs a way to make Trump look justified for changing his tune on leaving the Syria situation alone to the Syrians.
If Israel feigns that it doesn't care about the fate of the Kurds, and with Trump doing the same, it urges Julani to join Turkey against the Kurds. That could allow Trump to change his mind and go in militarily on the excuse of saving the Kurds.
In the meantime, Ukraine continues to strike inside Russia, like a lunatic disregarding the cost from the latter's retaliation.
Trump betrayed Christian voters when choosing a back-slidden vaticanite, JD Vance, to possibly become the next U.S. president even before the end of 2028 (this video is not much about Vance): video above confuses when it says, near the start, that salvation is in faith alone without works. It would have been a universe better to say that salvation is by faith and works in Jesus as opposed to obedience to vaticanite traditions that always demand a person's connection to the vatican church, how convenient. Works in Jesus include Jesus-thinking. That is, convert our thoughts to/by His teachings, a no-brainer for anyone who begins to appreciate Jesus, and this is not so much work as it's something we want to do for our own healing. It's our medicine. Do life God's way, and become healthy, and fulfill His will, because He wants us healthy, because no sickos will be allowed into His Kingdom. You don't need to over-do righteousness, just become mentally healthy.
He doesn't make your choices, but urges us to make them right. He comforts the soul when we make the right choices. The mind is your turf. You make decisions there, whether to become clean and healthy, or dirty and sick. You have come out of being sick, don't go back to it. Stay the course in your new-found health in Jesus.
The video below mentions, but fails to talk about, Israel striking an international Yemeni airport when the chief of WHO (World Health Organization) was in the airport. Why does this pro-West video fail to ask why WHO was in the Yemeni capital just as its Houthis are at war with Israel? Is WHO, beloved of Western tyrants, anti-Israel? WHO has headquarters in Switzerland, as does the WEF (World Economic Forum), which I suspect is demonically anti-Israel i.e. not opposed to Israel for Godly reasons. last update had some pointers to Houthis from the Hoot-like Houth/Oddey surname, and it then got on to the hood of Sleeping Beauty's car. As I've said many times, Miss Hicks, who fulfilled Sleeping Beauty, had a daughter, Geneva. WHO has headquarters in Geneva. Note that the Whoo surname, with a Hoot-like Hoo variation, almost has the Coat of Wests, the latter first known in Devon with Hoods/Hoots who in turn have a "Cornish CHOUGH" while Coughs and Cuffs (Wiltshire with Dannys/Dance's) have a DANCEtte-bend in the colors of the dancetty-fesses of Wests and Whoo's/Hoo's. Westerns happen to have a giant black eagle to go with the black eagle LEGs of HICKsons, the latter first known in Staffordshire with Westerns. Leghs, with the giant Dee lion in colors reversed, are first known in Cheshire with Dee's.
Plus, the Cough's and Cuffs almost have the Coat of Sales' who in turn are first known in Cheshire with Hootons and Haughtons of Hooten, but also with Dee's ("HIC" motto term) suspect in the "de" motto code of Wests, but also with early Cliffs almost having the Whoo/Hoo fesse-with-stars. Dee's share the lion of Geneva's/Genova's. Plus, the struck airport is in Sanaa while Sane's/Sions can be traced to Switzerland's Sion.
Early in this video there's a statement from Tedros (WHO chief) saying that his team is stuck in Yemen until the airport re-opens, but there's no public explanation as to why he's there. Doesn't it seem that Israel struck the airport specifically to give Tedros a message? We don't expect any on his team to admit they're there to help Yemen against Israel, but, if they are, we should soon hear WHO statements calling for Israel to back off. Ya-but, Houthis are attacking cargo ships, terrorizing thereby such that trade from all countries is affected, breaking the rules of war.
Here's Tedros at the first-class area of the airport with his team. They couldn't have been at the airport all day, probably only an hour or two. What are the chances that Israel would strike the airport at that time if not deliberate?
I implore people to take Del serious in everything he says here. At the 23rd minute, Del tells of a possible 3 million American deaths from COVID vaccines, yet this number is a function only of people who reported deaths that they felt fairly sure could be due to vaccines, and yet many more deaths have taken place a year or more after vaccination where fewer are expected to report them as vaccine-caused. Therefore, as there can be expected many more times than 3 million serious injuries from COVID vaccines, near the time of vaccination, I'd suggest that there's going to be 10-20 million resulting deaths by the end of this year, with more to follow, and you're never going to hear of this because the powers are demonically inspired to hide the mass-murder program from the public, because they are gearing up for another one, IT'S OBVIOUS.
Just guessing, but let's say that half of your Christian brethren are quasi-responsible, due to failure to speak out, lest churches fissure between pro- and anti-vaccine attendees, and because pastors don't want church fissures, they convince their members not to make this an issue. Isn't that like being an accomplice to mass-murder in order to save your pastoral income? the 43rd minute, Jaxen reports a study in which there is an admission of 2.5 times more risk of getting a virus after receiving a COVID vaccine, as opposed to those who receive no vaccine. What this means is that old and weak people will die of viruses who are listed as COVID deaths when in fact they were killed by a virus caused as a function of the vaccines as they weaken immune systems. Thus, this becomes a deliberate euthanasia program, easily detected as deliberate because the powers are not seeking to do anything about it, not sounding the alarm on COVID vaccinations, not even now.
So, because vaccines cause weakened immune systems, people who die of an infection 10 years from today, at any age, not just at 80 or over, would technically be vaccines deaths, but would never be recorded as such. And this is how the ruthless globalist killers have planned to reduce populations, "safely" in order that they not get caught, by injecting a technology that ruins or confuses immune systems. By confusing it, I mean that the immune system starts to attack a healthy organ, or the nerves, or maybe the muscles. Or it could allow an in-body sleeper virus to get the upper hand so that shingles breaks out, which I think could easily kill an old person already plagued by other bodily ailments.
As soon as we hear that Britain is granting Julani 50M pounds, we also hear the call from Julani's government for Palestinians in Syria to disarm.
I don't know how much Stew Peters knows about anti-Christ prophecy. In the video below, he seems to think that the anti-Christ will be a counterfeit Jesus from the Jews, which I do not agree with. In any case, I'm sharing this video so that one can see the ramp and altar, at the Mount of Olives, that the Temple Institute was allowed to build, by the Israeli government, for slaughtering a red heifer. Stew is not only brazen in his zeal, sometimes unBiblical in his choice of derogatory words, but extremely anti-Israel, perhaps not knowing that God, in Isaiah, says that he will fight for the Israeli remnant, after Armageddon, to conquer (yes, including kill) the Arabs all around her. think what Stew is upset about is a pastor claiming that support of the heifers is a good thing because it brings on the anti-Christ, and, consequently the rapture, but I agree with Stew that this is not the way God would have us think or behave. I say, Christians, leave the heifer thing alone, don't support it, don't celebrate it. This movement is a Zionist-Christian thing, but not all pro-Zionist Christians honor it for obvious reason.
I will admit, however, that due to Jesus coming 40 years later than I had wanted, as of today alone, I would be happy, on the one hand, if the heifers brought the anti-Christ to bear, yet, on the other hand, I'm crushed by what Israeli's will need to bear, which is how I think God would have us feel. On the other hand, Stew may enjoy the persecution of the Jews, and that is a thing he needs to correct with priority, as do other Christians who hate Israel due to a white-supremacist mindset, or due to lumping all Jews in with Rothschilian fascism. The capital of Jesus is at the plot of ground called, Jerusalem.
Trump is under pressure to replace Musk and Vivek, all of a sudden: not to read comments at bitchute, full or sewer mouths and cesspool spirits, and they (probably often Democrat / anti-Christ robots) always make sure to use f-bombs at Christian videos where Bitchute allows it, underscoring the fundamental flaw with free speech. The concept is great, but in practice it's ruinous due to demonic spirits infesting human minds. The greatest adherents to free speech are demonoids, but of course.
Here's a movie that's maybe quasi-Christian. When you think you have figured out the plot, you'll be wrong, you'll still be about three twists away from it: put up with being murdered to show humanity that God wanted us to respect / honor / obey Him, not to use us for His own purposes, but because He wanted an eternal loving relationship with billions of people, to lavish upon them all that His unfathomable might could provide. Thank Jesus today for what he suffered, and just contemplate on it, look at it, momentarily, what He did, for you too, and have some heart, maybe shed a tear for the massive torture He endured. This is where fellowship with Jesus begins, to look at what He did, and how He did it, and why He did it, when He did not need to; He had the choice of not doing it. But He decided, I'll do it, for them, for anyone who will respect My Father.
NEXT UPDATEHere's all four Gospels wrapped into one story.
For Some Prophetic Proof for Jesus as the Predicted Son of God.
Also, you might like this related video: Preparation for a Post-Tribulation Rapture