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December 3 - 9, 2024

The Anti-Christ at Nob
Ice-Cream and Mexican Drug Cartels
Wetback Heraldry

Hall of Names is once again showing the descriptions of the Coats of Arms presented at House of Names.

As Western media is covering the attack of Aleppo by a newish Muslim group, HTS, this could be a West-backed movement to stir things up now that Trump is expected to change the game in Syria. "'Organization for the Liberation of the Levant'..., commonly referred to as Tahrir al-Sham, is a Sunni Islamist political and armed organisation involved in the Syrian Civil War. It was formed on 28 January 2017 as a merger between..." My Obama dream was about 10 days after that date.

The Levant includes Israel, and so I'm wondering whether the HTS Sunni will be a major power in the anti-Christ's desolation of Israel. Daniel-11 prophecy says that the anti-Christ, of a neo-Seleucid kingdom expected to span from Iran to Syria, will make a covenant with "the many," indicating a war pact of many Muslim entities against Israel. I left the Wikipedia quote above off at three dots that go on to tell that HTS is a merger of at least seven Muslin groups (seven are stated).

It then says: "The unification process [of the seven groups) was held under the initiative of Abu Jaber Shaykh, an Islamist commander who had been the second Emir of Ahrar al-Sham." He then quit that group to become the leader of Tahrir al-Sham. Next: "On 1 October 2017, Abu Jaber resigned from his position as the general commander of Tahrir al-Sham, being replaced by Abu Mohammad al-Julani. Abu Jaber took another position as the head of HTS's Shura council." Might one of those two men be Daniel 11's "ruler of a covenant," who joins the anti-Christ? I'm not pushing this theory, just asking in case you'd like to follow these groups to see where they might begin to fulfill prophecy. Aleppo is near some locations that Isaiah 10 claims for the successful invasion of the anti-Christ.

The phrase, "al-Julani," in the quote above means the Golan Heights in Israel, the perfectly-expected place for the anti-Christ's Muslim allies to invade Israel. The parents of Abu Mohammad al-Julani lived in the Golan Heights until Israel conquered it.

Isaiah claims that the anti-Christ will be "the Assyrian," and a "king of Babylon," which to me looks like he'll have a head office at modern Nineveh (ancient Assyrian capital), now Mosul in Kurdish Iraq. Nahum 1:11 claims that an evil one, plotting against YHWH, will stem out of Nineveh.

One of the seven groups above is Ahrar al-Sham, which was itself a mergers of multiple groups. We are already at "the many." Those Christian scholars and students who claim that Daniel's "the many" refers to Israel are off their rockers, sorry, but that's how lousy that interpretation is. LOUSY. If the anti-Christ makes a pact with many, it's with Israel's enemies, what ails those scholars not to see that? I can tell you what ails them: they claim the war pact to be "peace covenant," with Israel "the many." DOUBLE LOUSY.

In July 2013 [under Obama's term], Ahrar al-Sham had 10,000 to 20,000 fighters, which at the time made it the second most powerful unit fighting against al-Assad, after the Free Syrian Army. It was the principal organization operating under the umbrella of the Syrian Islamic Front...

Obama is an anti-Israeli snake. Nobody knows how many pacts he's made with Muslims seeking Israel's destruction. Obama is the one who made a pact with Iran.

All of a sudden, HTS (I've not heard of it before) hits the news with a strike on Aleppo, just as Trump is gearing up a new government, just as Bidenites are ramping things up with Russia. It's a complicated mess to follow. HTS opposes Assad, who in turn has been an anti-Israeli ally of Iran, and so, we might ask, why would Obama want to take Syria from Assad only to give it to the Sunni Muslims? Maybe it's because Obama fueled the Sunni groups from as far back as his presidency, and because he therefore has a good handle on them, and trusts them to invade Israel along with Iran. Assad can be sacrificed in the war on Israel, because American actors want him to fall in order to gain control of Syrian pipelines out of Kurdistan, and into the Mediterranean sea.

The article goes on:

With an estimated 20,000 fighters in 2015 [still under Obama], Ahrar al-Sham became the largest rebel group in Syria after the Free Syrian Army became less powerful. Ahrar al-Sham and Jaysh al-Islam are the main rebel groups supported by Turkey.

Turkey is a rabid anti-Israeli country with a mighty military in comparison to these small Sunni groups. The stage has been set for the desolation of Israel for quite some time, yet the appointed time is being staved off by the Restrainer.

Daniel 11:21-24 tells of the anti-Christ watching a major war defeat what was once the Seleucid empire, which had started in Iraq but later found headquarters in Syria's Antioch, not far from Aleppo. After this end-time war in the text above, the Anti-Christ picks up the war-torn pieces diplomatically, joins the "ruler of a covenant," and then mops up that same domain with warfare. I've confused myself trying to figure out how this prophecy might play out. There's nothing to do but watch until something starts to make good sense. If you're going to watch, don't commit yourself to one Bible translation alone of the Daniel prophecy. Different translations can say different things.

On Friday, after writing the above to here, the following video from Homs of Syria came out, showing the anti-Assad Syrians confident of taking the large city. The video's title claims that Russia has backed out of Syria, abandoning Assad to fatality, which I can't understand unless Trump gave Putin the ultimatum to get out, if he wants a fair shake in Ukraine:

The fall of Assad (he's not Sunni), whom allowed Syrian Christians their rights, can allot some powers to rabid anti-Israeli Sunni, allowing them to be at the side of Hezbollah for the invasion into Israel. The question is, therefore: if Trump is pro-Israel, why would he work to get Russia out of Syria, and in the meantime not go in to help Assad, for a Syria without Assad can become rabidly and rapidly a whirlwind to Israel's north side.

I don't know that Trump is calling Russia out, but why else would Russia leave? Perhaps Putin's government has decided to put all stock in Ukraine, which makes no sense if Russians are looking to make a peace deal there with Trump's envoys. The trouble with Trump is that he sees himself as the BIG WORLD BOSS who wants to impress his voters with his political muscle. The problem is, the brain for making wise choices is not in the muscles, nor is wisdom in the brain's ego. A person like this can easily end up with messy ego on his face.

The irony for Israel is that it has backed anti-Assad fighters, since the start of the civil war, as if it's not afraid of the new Syria no matter what shape it takes. Russia may now be asking which groups in Syria it will side with, while abandoning Assad. But how can it find favor from any of them after having staunchly backed Assad until now? The answer could be in the Sunni factions, for as the strongest ones fight amongst themselves for filling the choice power vacuums, Russia could lend their support to one of these factions. But why? Because Russia wants not to let the Americans control Syria. Trump has shown open contempt for Russian gas sales to Europe, and that's much of why Russia is in Syria and Ukraine in the first place. Russia now needs to decide whether it wants to keep military operations against Trump, and if it decides it will, this could get more frightening than the situation under Biden. Trump's ego could hatch a hot war. The Americans favor the Free Syria Army.

The war hawks in the US will credit the fall of Assad to the effort against the Russians in Ukraine, keeping Russian defence of Assad thin. The war hawks will cry that, just a little more pressure in Ukraine will topple Russia too. Will it really?

If true that Assad has fled the country, it is very hard to understand unless he ran out of tax dollars due to Russia reneging on its financial commitments. This sudden turn of events comes under the Trump presidency, which has already begun, truth be told. The power stick behind Biden was confounded when Biden refused to pass the power baton to the Obamas. In this vacuum, Trump is already the president. Yet, the shadow government under Obama may have released much treasury to the anti-Assad fighters in a last-ditched effort to topple Assad, and this may have had the benefits of Trump's input to the Russians.

The fall of Homs is the fall of the wall to the Syrian capital, Damascus. Soft-spoken, clean-cut Julani, who looks like he's made for TV, has already sat down with CNN. He's getting the credit for defeating both Hama and Aleppo, Hama is not Homs, but between Aleppo and Homs. Julani is calling for a united effort against Damascus.

I'm going to propose, just in case it's true, that the overflowing army of Daniel 11:22 will be from the pro-American rebels in conjunction with the Americans who can now step in with bigness, with Russia in the background. Then, the anti-Christ steps into the picture diplomatically with desires to seize the entire nation of Syria, and he opposes the pro-American rulers of the new Syria, seeking to bring anti-American factions to his side. It makes logical sense because there are Syrians, even, who do not want a pro-America Syria. That's where the Russians can re-enter the war, once the anti-America factions solidify from the vapors now filling the power vacuum.

Here's a map of Syria this week, explaining who rules where. Look at how much pink territory the factions will need to negotiate when Assad falls. It looks like a recipe for another civil war amongst the factions. In my current opinion, according to my understanding of prophecy, the Kurds in the yellow region (was ancient Assyria) will oppose the anti-Christ, especially as he will come to rule the capital region (Mosul) of the Kurds. On the one hand it makes me think that he will lead the Sunni Baathists of Mosul, yet it could be the Iraqi Shi'ites who take Mosul. Assad (a Baathist) and the Iranians are Shi'ites, often enemies of the Sunni:

If Julani's group isn't favored by the West, it makes me think that Obama is behind it. Where did Julani get the money, to suddenly produce these expensive offensives? Men don't fight for free, though, sometimes, especially in the case of the anti-Christ, they can be promised the spoils of war, the worst kind of invaders because they steal from the unarmed citizens rather than go in solely to run the government. Daniel 11 tells that the anti-Christ promises his fighters the spoils.

Another option is that Julani is being funded by Russia, and Russia is backing out of the war to get out of Julani's way, and to give appearances of giving up and retreating due to Assad's unwillingness to fight Julani. The reality could instead be that Assad is giving up the fight because it sees Russia abandoning him. Assad may have decided to stack all of his remaining fighters at Damascus. A Russia-Julani alliance could certainly have Israel as the ultimate target. In this picture, Julani, or his replacement at a later time, could be the anti-Christ.

I believe that Isaiah 10 is a prophecy of the anti-Christ, where he boasts that he's taken Damascus and other regions to it's north without them making a peep (v 24). He's called "the Assyrian" there, but God may know that Syria was named by Assyrians. This confuses things if we are looking for him to be of the Kurdish region if the meaning is that he's purely Syrian.

Assad's spokesman said that Assad's forces retreated from Hama as a tactical move, and thus Julani took the city in one day, on Thursday, as I write here. It's hard to see a retreat of this city as a tactical move when even Homs seems to be suffering the same fate on the same day. There's no peeping going on here, probably because the Russians have flown from the nest.

However, lest we be too fast in expecting Julani as the anti-Christ, what if the ani-Christ comes later, who attacks all of Julani's territories he's now winning, without Julani fighters making a peep? What if Julani's wave is merely the flooding army (Daniel 11:22) that has victories before the face of the anti-Christ watching on? In that scenario, I expect the anti-Christ to go to Assad to make a deal for him to take over his country as a vice-president of sorts, only to usurp the whole and become the president. Previously, I expected the anti-Christ to do that to an Iraqi president when Iraq is taken by the flooding army.

Is it within the realm of possibility that Julani's HTS camp will go east to take Iraq, once he takes Assad's domains? Could Julani's HTS camp be the flooding army into Iraq? Julani was once part of ISIS, the group that instantly conquered Mosul years ago, though I think it did so with Iraqi Baathists.

If the Russians are not behind Julani, then the Russians will want to protect their Syrian naval base from Julani's wrath. In that picture, the Russians will chose to support a faction in Syria which will counter Julani, if indeed he takes Damascus. The problem with this scenario is: why hasn't Russia been bombing Julani's army all week long? Why would Russia jeopardize its naval base without a fight, and simultaneously abandon the Syrians in three major cities and counting? Russia has already been an affront to Assad, it seems. It could mean that Russia has thrown its lot in with a Julani government, having made the pact already, perhaps because Assad was refusing, or unable, to give Russia what it thinks it deserves for saving him all of the past many years. The other problem with that picture is that the anti-Christ, Gog, will be allied to Iran, which is Julani's enemy.

Or, any day now, Assad will cave and give Russia what it wants so that Russia re-enters the war and takes out Julani with its (Russia's) anti-Christ partner, perhaps a Turk, perhaps a Chechen. Prophecy is too vague to predict what will happen with certainty, until after it happens. If we are careful to watch, we will at least know after it happens, while the world is oblivious, while the world will not hearken to our cries: the anti-Christ is here. And the pre-tribbers will do their darndest to claim, even as he begins to attack Israel, that he's only Gog of Magog, not the anti-Christ...until the 666 snaps on them like a trap.

As Julani originates at the Golan Heights, how can that make him fulfill the role of Gog? That doesn't look correct. A Turk could work, or a Muslim Chechen too, such as kind Kadyrov.

As I've said many times, Kepke and I, at 14 years of age, were golf CADDies, a potential pointer to KADYrov, for he supports Putin in his Ukraine war, and Kepke's father is Ukrainian. Caddys are first known in Yorkshire with Keppochs. GOLFins are listed with a couple of Gulls surnames while a"galley" is used by Keeps. The latter are first known in Sussex with Mascals while Keiths/Mascals, said to be from a Catti tribe, were a Caddy branch, as one can glean by comparing their Coats. Caddys even share wheat sheaves with Keppochs.

You can load Caddys now, which loads on another tab, in order to load other surnames, to better follow the heraldic links.

While Caddys use "pennants," Pennons/Pennings are interesting for being first known in Suffolk with Kidds who in turn share the upright Kepke goat. Keeps share the "weaver's shuttle" with Shuttleworths, first known in Lancashire with the Cowes'/Coo's who in turn share the triple Caddy pennants.

As much as that heraldry looks like a pointer to Kadyrov, there seems a slim chance for Kadyrov to enter the Syrian war. Plus, I don't see any supporter of Putin to become the anti-Christ so long as there is no way for the latter to become a ruler of end-time Rome. At one short period prior to Putin, it looked as though Russia and Europe could unite in a thin-as-ice globalistic beast, at which time one could conceive the rotating presidency of the EU going to a Russian. But that's out of the question with Putin. Maybe his successor.

There's more from "KadyROV," for Rove's share the Chief-Shield combo of Pennons. While Chips/Chippers, a potential pointer to 666 skinchips, were at Sheffield while the Sheffield sheaves are shared by Kepke's (both colors). Then, Keppe's/Kippers are first known in Hampshire with the Checkers while Kadyrov is the leader of Chechnya. Maybe just all coincidences. Or maybe God's just pointing here to the Ukraine war in general.

The thing is, Kadyrov is a white man, a convert to Islam, very advantageous for calling Muslims of Iraq and Syria together for an invasion of Israel, when they know that Russia backs him on that invasion.

At about age 21, I had kissed Kepke's fiancee on the cheek, and Checks/Cheeks/Chicks, in Kepke colors, share the fitchee cross of Love's/Luffs, both first known in Oxfordshire with SHIPtons, and while Love's/Luffs have three of the Keppoch fesses, Keppochs are first known in Yorkshire with Shipton-like Skiptons of Craven while Cravens look like kin of Love-related Musks/MusCATs (possible Mascal/Keith branch). Musks/Muscats are first known in Cambridgeshire with Chepmans/Chapmans who in turn share the Check/Cheek/Chick crescent. Are you impressed? What could it all mean?

Cravens were Croatians, and the Arms of Croatia almost have the ChichESTER checks while Esters and Este's, and Muscat-branch Muschats too, are first known in Essex with Chicks/Chocks (look related to Kepke's), possible CAUCasians. Chechnya is in Caucasia, as is Kepoi (faces Crimea).

Diane Muschatov, a Ukrainian, dated with me for a couple of months at my age 22, about a year after I kissed Kim Walsh (Kepke's fiancee) on her cheek. Diane told me she almost CHOKEd on a CHICKEN bone. Chickens, with the Star chevron in colors reversed, are first known in Suffolk with Kepke-connectable Kidds and STARlings/STARLINCKs. Choke's, an obvious branch of Chalkers (Kent with Chaucers), have the triple Love/Luff fesses in colors revered, two of which are used by Musks/Muscats.

The Ukraine army depends on Elon Musk's STARLINK SATELLites while Stars share the cinquefoils of SETTLE's, the latter first known in Lancashire with Keep-connectable Shuttleworths/Shettleworths and Caddy-connectable Cowes'/Coo's. Keeps and Shuttleworths share the "weaver's shuttle," and German Weavers/Webbers are first known in Saxony with Kepke's. Did I miss anything? Oh yes, the Ukraine Babys share the Chichester Coat.

I don't know off-hand if Chechens existed by that name when Norman heraldry was invented a thousand years ago. But Georgia of Caucasia was a Templar/Crusader entity, and heraldry was largely of the Crusader bloodlines. The flag of Georgia is essentially the flag of Templar Jerusalem. George, son of king Andrew I of Hungary, was father to Drummonds who in turn look related to the Coats of Choke's, Chalkers, and Ester-branch Sturs (Hampshire with Checkers and Keppe's, beside first-known George's). George married a woman of Bohemia, in CZECHoslovakia. Was George's mother from Caucasia? From Georgia?

At about age 16, Kepke was in my home, and after he walked by my cousin, Mr. Grimaldi, Kepke came to me to say, "who's that? He looks like a GOOF." God must have caused Grimaldi to look badly at Kepke, for Goffs/Gough's share the boar of Gog-like Googe's. Kepoi, not far from Gogarene, faces GRIMaldi-like Crimea. PilGRIMs, first known in Norfolk with Purple's, have the "staves" of Hawks (Hampshire), yet Hawks use them in purple. Gog, the anti-Christ, is given an end-time partner, the Harlot of Revelation 17, dressed in purple and holding a CUP. Kepke's can be gleaned as a Koop/Kupe branch. Skiptons have a purple lion, and Skipps are first known in Essex with Chicks/Chocks. Shiptons and Choke-connectable Love's/Luffs are first known in Oxfordshire with Thames', and Kepoi is at Taman.

Can the Anti-Christ Enter Now?

On Saturday, militias took Homs and Damascus, without a peep in response, as Assad fled the country. Daniel 11 says the anti-Christ will take key, rich provinces with ease. Indeed, these cities were not truly invaded. There was essentially no resistance. But there's no way I'm announcing that Julani is the anti-Christ, at this stage of events. If it comes to light that Putin is secretly supporting him, in a partnership, then I'll sound a siren, but, I think, it could not yet be fulfilled prophecy unless Russia and Europe unite in some convenient partnership, which might yet take place as the solution to the current crisis, even against the will of NATO's boss, the U.S.

When Russia was selling gas to Europe, it was giddy about entering world-trade groups. It would have been the safest way forward for the world, but the United States insisted on pushing Russia away, and, worse than that, sought to topple Putin. Not only did Trump subdue Russian gas sales to Europe, but the power behind Biden destroyed a pipeline to Germany, a thing that, I think, sparked desire in Russia to use a nuke(s) against the West, which could explain the fire by which the anti-Christ burns Europe in Revelation 17. However, this is like when someone wants to murder someone, but doesn't thanks to better judgment to spare self from repercussions.

I've always expected the anti-Christ to start at the Aleppo area, then move into Damascus, but, in my thinking, he needs to be of Gog, and the way to make that work is for him to become a Russian agent, eventually supported by Russian troops...unless Gog is not Russia. It's possible that the anti-Christ is himself Gog apart from Russia.

Or, judging from the Ezekiel text that comes after his two Gog chapters -- where there is an elaborate Temple system that Christians do not generally accept as the reality -- the Gog prophecy may not have been Inspired in the first place, not written by Ezekiel. It's known that false scriptures have been written, and these can often appear (inserted) at the back of Inspired Bible books. This is the case for the Gog prophecy and the new Jerusalem temple that has not yet appeared: they are the very back of the book of Ezekiel.

If we ignore the Gog prophecy, then we have got to stress the Daniel prophecies, having a "different" type of Roman ruler in his 7th chapter. How could this possibly finger an anti-Christ within the Julani camp at this time? It doesn't look doable. If we look for him in the American faction within Syria, how can that predict his invasion of Israel with what are predicted to be anti-American Muslims? These difficulties can actually help to identify him when he suits the needed but far-fetched conditions. Suddenly, it will all make sense.

We now look to see how the Trump government changes the dynamics, whether it permits the anti-Christ to fulfill prophecy, or whether he fulfills it in spite of Trump's wishes. There is a movement in the Trump-voter camp to go soft on Putin, to make reconciliation with Russia, which, after Putin's successor appears, could become the Russia-Europe alliance. But I don't see time for this if Apophis is to land in 2029. It doesn't appear likely that it will land when it comes near earth again in 2036. It's predicted to fly by less than 20,000 miles from earth, less than 2.5 earth diameters. It's such a close shave that I think it could fulfill the second trumpet. The third trumpet looks to me to be a nuke, and so, maybe, Russia will actually carry out it's threats at this time, but not until shortly after April of 2029.

The landing of Apophis on a U.S. sea, especially in the Atlantic, could affect the American economy so badly that Russia will see it's opportunity to punish Western military in the Middle East with a nuke. Perhaps it will give one to Iran. In all of this, the American deep state is responsible. The threat to world economies is from delusional American insistence on crushing Russia and China, and there are many Zionist Christians supporting this make-America-great effort from the highest levels, for example Speaker Johnson, the one holding the military purse, though he doesn't hold it alone.

How did Julani start at Aleppo (Turkish border area) with Turkey on his side? Nobody's mentioned whether Turkey likes him or not, though the Turkish president seems happy to see him wipe Assad out, maybe because Turkey might now be able get remove Syrian refugees from his country. Did Russia get on Turkey's good side thanks to American support of Israel lately? Sounds logical.

The Turkish leader, Erdogan, said, in a press conference, that he reached out to Assad, by a request of the Russians, to reconcile things, but Assad did not respond. That sounds like strife between Russia and Assad, if I'm reading it rightly, as though Russia is using Erdogan as the middleman, not at all meaning that Russia wants to reconcile with Assad, because Russia may only want to give appearances of reconciliation when the reality is that it has deliberately abandoned him.

One video says: "The Turkish president said he never received a response from Syrian counterpart Bashar al-Assad to hold Russian-proposed reconciliation talks." What for, are those talks? Maybe it's true that Russia betrayed Assad using Julani, and in the meantime, the whole world is thinking that Russia is running away with tail between legs for fear of Julani. That's what doesn't make sense to me.

If Russia opposes the Julani move, wouldn't Russia be upset with Erdogan at this time, due to his support of the Julani move? But if Russia and Turkey are getting along at this time, Turkey's support of Julani could signal that Russia supports Julani too, though we can understand why Russia would want to keep that a great secret, for it looks bad that, after so many years, Russia has betrayed Assad. A Russian betrayal of Assad would net an angry Iran, and an angry Iraq.

I haven't seen confirmation that Assad is in Russia under safeguard, as some claim. Someone writes: "'President Assad of Syria, with his family, has arrived in Moscow. Russia, based on humanitarian considerations, has granted them asylum,' the source told RIA Novosti." That sounds as though the claim comes from some Russian source, which could be a Russian trick to give appearances of the two presidents still getting along fine.

Iraq has been sided with Assad, perhaps amounting to a future invitation to the Sunni to attack Baghdad next, which is part of how I expect anti-Christ prophecy. With Assad as good-as-a-goner, what could Baghdad do to change the Sunni guard in Damascus? What will a Sunni government in Syria look like by summer? What will the leading Sunni militia decide to do as their next step, we could ask, in case it produces an open door for anti-Christ fulfillment.

Daniel 11 says that the anti-Christ will make a pact with a "ruler of a covenant" who loses to an incoming, military flood, but finds new life when the anti-Christ supports him. Julani's HTS was once al-Qaeda, which did lose and fizz out to the Americans. It afterward evolved into ISIS, which created a large Sunni state from Iraq to Syria, with the help of Obama. As we no longer heard about that short-lived kingdom, perhaps it's now HTS, as many are saying, same people, same goals. For all we know, Obama is behind HTS with Biden-treasury dollars.

Could Obama, for example, explain the Western colors of the anti-Christ, as painted by Daniel 7, and Revelation 12-13 and 17? He's not exactly European, but he could be talking to, even already working with, anti-Israeli leaders, such as Macron and Schwab. Note that NATO is now led by a Schwabite. Should we seek the anti-Christ in NATO, perhaps even the current NATO leader, whose surname, Rutte, is probably Russian from way back to the Russian Varangians. It's very reasonable to expect Rutte's fingers in Syria to support anti-Israeli factions, and Obama did, and not alone, seek a love affair with Iran in the past.

As we know, the West can install the Muslim leaders of choice, offering them not only money and equipment, but world-class propaganda. Perhaps Julani is one of them. Social-media voices could start to finger Julani as bought and paid for by Israel, just because he's toppling Assad, but that could be a mirage. At this time, just because NATO is willing to make deals with Julani is no longer a reason to expect NATO to be pro-Israel.

It begs the question: if European affairs are pro-Rothschild while Rothschilds control Israel, how did Rutte get the top job in NATO when Schwabism seems to be sympathetic to Palestinians? It's Schwab's WEF that's causing floods of illegal immigration, even of Palestinians, and some Western police, for example in Schwabite-Liberal canada, are supporting Palestinian protestors rather than the Jews who dislike them. Some 15 years ago, we saw swaths of Europeans bucking against Israel in favor of Gaza.

If more evidence surfaces that Putin did strengthen HTS, I'm willing to watch for Russia's insertion of the anti-Christ in the Syria theater, in league with Julani. Perhaps Russia will choose a pro-West personality for that job? Or, once again, perhaps Gog is not to be expected as the anti-Christ at all, if Ezekiel's Gog prophecy originated from a false prophet. I don't think Jesus ever quoted Ezekiel, by the way. Not much from Jesus in Matthew 24 suggests hint of the Gog prophecy, but is instead reflecting Daniel heavily, if not exclusively.

It is my thinking that, early in his career, the anti-Christ invades Egypt in a smack-down, the single-best clue that he has arrived to fulfilling prophecy. Obama already tried to topple Egypt, but failed. At about that time, he secretly took weapons out of Libya, sending them to Syria. It would shock me to learn that Obama and Putin are working together now, even though Obama is an anti-Israeli communist.

When Daniel says "ruler of a covenant," does it mean that he WAS the head of factions BEFORE the anti-Christ props him up, or does it mean that he'll become the head of the anti-Christ's factions, "the many" of Daniel, and "the many nations with you" of Ezekiel 38-39? Certainly, Julani suits "ruler of a covenant" at this time, the covenant to topple Assad. But what more did the factions swear to that we don't yet know?

Assad's spokesman, in this case the Syrian prime minister, told the rebels, on Saturday, to chose a governing body, and to step in peacefully. Julani's group is going to feel responsible for Assad's fall, and therefore it will want to rule the country. Lust for $$power$$, greed, leads to factions, fighting. The Americans will argue that they weathered years of expenditures seeking to oust Assad, and that they should choose the next government, therefore. Julani will say, ya-but, you couldn't beat Assad for 15 years, and I did in half of 15 days.

Julani's quick take-over is evidence that the Americans were using Syria as a money-laundering machine, never wanting the war to end, ever keeping the $$$s flowing. Anyone who supports the Americans in Ukraine is sick. Rutte supports the Ukraine war against Russia, and, publicly, he's show support for Israel, as even American Democrats do when in reality they likely despise Israel.

When Americans say that they need to be "strong," utilizing "peace by strength," it's a nice way of saying "mean-and-dirty," and, for the sake of a "dictator" who won't give freedom of the press aside from his own press, the Americans go in and cause Syrians to kill Syrians with the excuse of installing their own kind of "democracy," which is the biggest dictatorship in the world as it has the biggest state-media machine of all...aside from the recent bonanza of thousands of small ants in social media, thanks only to the Internet, who are finally able to eat state media away. I'm not talking about the average American, but the ruling-class club, the "war hawks." The anti-Christ will be worshipped for promising peace by his military strength, but he's nothing but a mean-and-dirty killer for self's sake.

American propaganda is calling HTS as "ISIS" just so you know that the on-going war is "justified," i.e. keep the war money flowing. Instead of Assad's forces, the next year will be against the Sunni, and the year after that it'll be, "keep the money flowing." Israel wants to increase the size of its Golan-Heights buffer, and so it's saying to America: "keep the war money flowing, we're having the time of our lives."

If Israel is celebrating it's war on Hezbollah as the factor that overcame Assad's army, and if the American war hawks are taking credit for Assad's fall due to draining Russia's war money in Ukraine, maybe we should wait to see if the Sunni rule is a thing to celebrate, for it could be that God is allowing the lawlessness to fester that desolates Israel.

I don't think that the wee-wee attacks of Israel on Iran are the reason that Assad fell. His fall is very suspicious because his military seems to have given up the ghost completely, not even bombing the convoys of cars and trucks filled with soldiers as they drove on the open roads from Aleppo to Hama to Homs to Damascus. These convoys would have been easy pickins for Russian jets, and we can't say that Russia didn't have money to fill the planes with gas.

When was the deal struck between Russia and HTS to leave the coastal bases alone? Before the attack toward Damascus, or after? It was announced only a couple of day after drive to Damascus. It was just a drive-by conquer, with Russia giving up the ghost even though it had the power to stop the convoys.

On Monday, there was news that Russia asked Turkey to protect its soldiers as it withdraws. Doesn't that unwillingness to stop the convoys suggest a deal between Russia, Turkey and HTS to cause the Assad collapse? Russia wants to put its military into Turkish territory, and I assume that Turkey is not being problematic with this "request."

On Monday morning, Iran said that Assad didn't call Iran for help during the drive-by conquer. I suppose it's possible that Assad just started to feel ill from 13 years of war pressure on his nerves, dealing with societal problem after societal problem. Maybe he just had enough, and gave Syria away, and maybe he told HTS that he was doing so, in which case he and Russia may have struck a deal to design HTS's take-over. How many middle-of-the-road Sunni leaders will behave according to that deal, however?

Although the news is that Assad's military is refusing to join HTS in forming a smooth transition, or in forming the new Syria, this could be expected if a deal was struck between Assad and Julani so as not to make the deal apparent to everyone wondering how this drive-by conquer took place. Even the Iranian military is said to be evacuating Syria. Military retreats, for the purpose of coming back with an ambush, are not new to history, yet those types of ruses occur in the open battlefields, not whole countries.

Another way to propose what has happened, if per chance it's part of the "overflow" scenario of Daniel 11:22, is Russia as the "ruler of the covenant." The next expectation is that the anti-Christ enters the scene diplomatically to usurp the nation, with a military knife on-the-ready but hidden behind his back. The prophecy say that he'll "join" both the fallen leader and the ruler of a covenant. With Russia in the picture, he could indeed be Gog, and thus we'd expect Iran to come to his support. At this point, both Israel and the United States are showing animosity toward the new take-overs. The picture looks inviting to a bold leader who wants badly to fill the power vacuum, and as God will empower the anti-Christ for the ultimate goal of punishing West-dressed Israel, he'll succeed wildly.

On Monday morning, Biden read from a script in a press appearance, saying that the American military, or his government, doesn't want to interfere in the makings of the new Syria, because the Syrian people should do so ALONE (i.e. Russia and Iran stay out). This is called horse manure, for he also said that he won't allow "ISIS" (the bogie man) to fill the power vacuum, as if HTS is not made up of Syrian people. This is like when the Democrats say, "the American people," they mean only the Democrat voters / supporters, like all other Americans don't exist.

Also on Monday morning, there were reports that Putin had not yet met with Assad, with one video owner saying that Putin seems to not want to talk to him...which brings me to the first theory, that Russia and Turkey made the pact with HTS apart from Assad. In that case, someone other than the Russian government was asked by Assad for protection in Russia, and when that other Russian agent called the government to ask if Assad should be taken in, the government had little choice but to accept lest the rift with Assad, or the betrayal, becomes apparent.

For all we know at this time, Assad was abducted by Russia to keep him from talking.

For four years previous to this time, almost nothing shifted on Syria's war map, almost nothing newsworthy took place, then, in one week, Assad falls. You explain that, if not by Putin's betrayal, or by Assad's wink. Which of those two options are more likely?

Anti-Christ at Nob

Wikipedia: "Later that month, Rutte threatened Israel with sanctions if the Israeli military launched a large-scale invasion of Rafah, saying the attack would be a "game changer" and have "political consequences"." As Turkey is a NATO member, perhaps Rutte will install a Turk as the anti-Christ for the WEF purposes of thwarting Israel, or Netanyahu in particular. This is pure guess work.

The Rutt Crest has "An arm holding a scroll." Years ago, I learned that the Scroll surname is listed with Scrope's/SCOPE, which reminded me of Mount Scopus to the north side of old, walled Jerusalem. Isaiah 10 tracks the anti-Christ to Nob, where he shakes his fist against it prior to conquering it. Nob was roughly a mile north of Mount Scopus. Is Rutte going to give the world the anti-Christ?

Recall the Ukrainian, Kepke, for when I worked at KNOB Hill Farms, I suggested he apply there, and he got the job. At that time, I dated Allison Bauer (Jewish), and the first Rothschild banker was Mayer Bauer. That's very interesting. It could suggest that the anti-Christ at Nob will be Ukrainian. In fact, as per the anti-Christ's fist at Nob, there is a "fist" in the Poindexter Coat that, ignoring all symbols, has the Ukraine flag!!! Poindexters ware first known in Jersey with the Majors/MAGORs/MAYERs, and Magyars, suspect (by me) from "Magogar," were in Ukraine. Mayer was the first Rothschild.

The Poindexter fist is owned by Fausts (Rhineland with Mayer Bauer), and Fasts with their Falstaff branch are first known in Norfolk with Nobs! I love and I hate heraldry when it clicks like this. I hate the thought that, even though it clicks, there may be nothing in it from God, nothing involving what I think it might point to. Nobs share the green Shield with Bauers, Bowers (share five Rothschild arrows), and Burleys/Bourleys (boar heads in Nob colors).

BEHOLD: The Rutt Crest has "An ARM HOLDing a scroll." Holds, in the "Hold fast" motto of McLeods, are first known in Bauer-connectable Bury with RATcliffs, and Armys/Armine's are first known in Lincolnshire with English Silvers suspect in the "silver bells" of Rutts. These Silvers even share the Army/Armine lion. Rats are first known in Nairnshire with boar-head Rose's/RAS' expected in "Rasmussen." The latter's unicorn is almost in the Coat of Jewish Rothchilds (not "Rothschild) along with roses. German Silvers are first known in Hesse with Chatti of Cassel, and German Cassels share the McLeod castle.

Mr. Rasmussen was a NATO chief not very long ago, followed by Jens Stoltenberg who stepped down this past October to make way for Rutte. Hall of Names gives Stoltenbergs "a red heart pierced by an arrow," and while Mayer Bauer named his first banker son, Nathan, Nathans/Nations have "A red heart pierced by a black arrow..." NATO has been a Rothschild bastion. The EU even shares the Bauer stars. Figure on Jewish Hearts/Harts with nearly the hexagram of Jewish Rothchilds, yet Scottish Harts can apply because they share the Pollock and Frank saltire.

To compliment the crossing of the Keith Catti, there are three cat-using surnames first known in Norfolk with Nobs, one of which are the Catchers in Rutt colors and near format. This recalls the "fly catcher" phrase in the English-version motto of Drake's (Hampshire with Flys) whose RED DRAGON looks like it has a 666 in the TAIL. Why is Mr. Rutte's first name, Mark? Later in this update, I re-introduce my story about Sassy my cat, which sucked its TAIL, and I'll show how God used that cat to point to Tail- and Tiller-related, cat-using Cetins/Cattans, first known in Norfolk with Catchers.

The point here is that Flys were from FLAGi, and Flags are first known in Norfolk with Fasts in the "fast" motto term of McLeods who in turn use "flags." Fasts, by the way, share the quadrants in this "Arms of Rothschild. Rothschilds descend from Leslie's, earls of Rothes, and "fast" is a motto term of Leslie's who in turn have a bend colors reversed from the Scroll/Scope bend, perfect because Scroll-loving Rutts could easily be a Rothes branch! Leslie's became earls of Rothes when marrying the Pollock builders of the castle at Rothes.

I suspect that Skins/Scans could be a pointer to 666 skin-scanning machines. They are first known in Aberdeenshire with their SCHIM/Schien branch, and with Leslie's. I trace Schims to Schimatari, and earlier to SHECHemites of proto-Israel. Leslie-connectable Roslins (like "Roxolani") are first known in Lincolnshire with TANKERville's, and Schimatari is at TANAGRa. The Schims/Schiens share white boar of Pollock-connectable Molle's (ROXburghshire), and as "moleHILLs" (not moles alone) are with SHAKE's, I see the latter from "Shechem" of Israel. The point is, Isaiah says the anti-Christ will SHAKE his fist at Jerusalem when he gets to Nob. Did God arrange that Isaiah statement to jibe with this heraldry?

Rothschilds, with beginnings at FRANKfurt, in a home called "Green Shield," descend from green-Shielded Pollocks of Rothes who married Eschyna de Molle's daughter. Note "eSCHYNa," or the eSKINs/Erskins, first known in Renfrewshire with Pollocks and Crookston. The latter was of Robert Croc, Eschyna's husband. Crooks are in ADE and RODDEN colors and format while Bowers have an "Ad" motto term while Rothschilds are listed with RODDENsteins.

I now find it amazing that while Pollocks share the saltire of English Franks (early in Shropshire with early Rothes'), the latter have a "NOBis NATi" motto phrase as though God is pointing to a NATO man at Nob. I wouldn't bet a dime, however, that NATO will invade Israel. Something like an overhaul either of NATO or the Israel government would first be needed.

The Frank motto may mean only that Franks are from Rothschilds of Frankfurt, and that some Israeli family at Nob were engaged by Rothschilds. The Nons in the Frank motto are linkable to Knesset-like Kness', and the Knesset, the Israeli parliament, is likely infested at all times with Rothschild plants / infiltrators.

The "noBIS" motto term of English and Scottish Franks (Nob colors) looks arranged by God because Biss' are first known in Surrey with early Salemans and Salmons while Salome's are first known in Rhineland with fist-using Fausts. The anti-Christ will shake his fist from Nob. Nobs are first known in Norfolk with Fasts who in turn share the quadrants in the Arms of Rothschild. Biss' use snakes "respecting each other" while Others/Otters are first known in Huntingdonshire with ADA of Warenne.

Prime's have an owl with "scroll" in its mouth, and Owls/Howls are first known in Suffolk with PLUME's, Burley-like Burls, and Kepke-connectable Kidds. Scrolls/Scope's use "A PLUME of silver feathers," and Kepke, shortly after his shoe-sales job, which was immediately after his Knob-Hill-Farms job, worked long term in PLUMBing sales. Plume's are easily a branch of Plumbers / Plumers. I showed how his shoe-sales job pointed to the shoe boutique, in Kiev, of Ukraine's Michael Zlochevsky, owner of Burisma gas. The Bidenites opposed Russian gas in Ukraine in favor of Burisma.

German Plumers share the hexagram of Rotens and Reitmans while Rothschilds are listed with RODDENsteins while Kepke met and almost married Miss Peare after meeting her at her place of work, Reitmans clothing, when he was selling shoes in the same mall.

Burisma can be pointed to by the Buris variation of both Bury surnames while Irish Burys/Buris' are in the colors of Burleys/Bourleys. Burls almost have the Coat of Barksdale's who in turn have the five-arrow "Arms of Rothschild in both colors. Scottish Bowers use them in different colors, as do Roet-related Bows/Bough's. Barksdale's happen to share the motto of Nobels and Bucks while the latter are first known in Norfolk with BARKs and Dunhams, a potential pointer to BARACK Dunham-Obama.

The Howl-like Howells share the English Thor Coat in colors reversed while Swedish Thors have the red heart on blue Shield of Stoltenbergs (as described by Hall of Names, not shown by houseofnames).

OH WOW, not until writing to this point did I load Plumbers to see that they not only have the Shoe star in colors reversed (I've known this before), but it's the Poindexter star in colors reversed too! Both the Shoe's and Poindexters use the same, lone star.

Knobs (Bavaria with Rothes' and Bauers) can be gleaned with the arrow of Rothschilds/Roddensteins. Mayer Rothschild is thought to have become rich with a prince of Hesse-Cassel, and that place was named by the Chatti!!! It's the line to Keith Catti and their Caddy branch! Keiths are first known in East Lothian with NOBels while Knobs are also Knobels!!! It just looks like God set my job up at Knob HILL Farms to point o a Rothschilian anti-Christ.

Hills (Worcestershire with Bauer-beloved Wings) probably have the Vance's in their motto, first known in East Lothian. Vance's almost have the Coat of Salome's, first known in Rhineland with the all-important, fist-using Fausts. It's also where German Bush's are first known who have the Coat of Jewish Meyers/Mayers in colors reversed.

The Rothes-connectable Spears/SPEYers have a motto, "Advance." Read also as ADvance, for Scottish Bowers (share green Shield with Pollocks of Rothes) have an "Ad" motto term. Pollocks are first known in Renfrewshire with Spears/Speyers, and Rothschilds/Roddensteins are first known in Speyer. Spears/Speyers share the boar heads of Rutt-like Roets. Roots re first known in Kent with English Rothes', yet the latter were previously said to be first known in Shropshire with BELLamys who in turn share the fesse of Bells, and Rutts happen to use bells! We have reached ground zero with Mark Rutte of NATO, the Rothschilian swamp with gold bars hidden under its mud.

Bellamys share the crescents of Seatons, first known in East Lothian with Keith/KEATH Catti and Nobels/NoBELLS! See that? They look like a Nob-Bell merger, especially as cat-using Keats are first known in Norfolk with Nobs.

Nobels share the lion of Chase's, first known in Hampshire with Flys and Keppe's, and then Case's, with a version of the Leslie Coat, are first known in Norfolk with Nobs. It recalls Kepke's CHASing me with a spider (four years before Knob Hill Farms), a pointer, I think to graphene-poison vaccines. Kepke's share the goat of Kidds in turn first known in Suffolk with Leslie-- and case-beloved Buckle's. English Bucks (Norfolk with Case's and Nobs) share the Nobel motto. Nobs share a PATONce cross with Chase's. Will the anti-Christ be Ukrainian, from politicians in Kiev?

The Chase Crest shares the green Leslie griffin head, also in the Crest of Bards, the latter first known in Lanarkshire with Case-connectable Caseys. Irish Caseys (Nob eagle head in red) share the Cassel chevron. Hesse-Cassel of the Chatti. The latter have "crow" heads while Crows are first known in Norfolk with Case's and Heads/Heeds.

Patonce-like Patents/Pattens are first known in Essex with patonce-using, Chase-branch Chance's. Pattons (not "Patten"), once said to be first known in Shropshire with Rudes' and Rothes', are first known in Cumberland with Browns/Bruns while Rutt-beloved Scrolls/Scope's share the Bruno Coat. Scroll-using Prime's (Lincolnshire with Brown-connectable Fish) love the Leggs, first known in Dumfries with Patents/PUTINs/Patients. With president Putin now possibly pointed to, it should be added that Lincolnshire is also where Russia-trackable Roslins, and Nob-connectable Silvers, are first known.

Rutts use "SILVER bells," and Nobs "SILVER birds", and German Silvers are first known at Hesse with Rasmussens/ASSmans. It just so happen that ASSMANNshausen is at RUDESheim while Rudes'/Rudge's are first known in Shropshire, where English Rothes were previously said to be first known.

The Nob-beloved Birds/Burds have a FLORY cross, traceable to Florence, where Bruno's are first known. What would be the chances, if not Arranged, that Bruno's share the Scroll/Scope Coat. Rutts have a scroll, and Mount Scopus is beside Nob. Flora's and Flore's share the Brown/Brun fleur-de-lys, and Flore's add the Bird/Burd fleur-de-lys. Burts are first known in Norfolk with Nobs. The other Browns/Bruns share the Coat of Fish's, and the latter are first known in Lincolnshire with the Silvers expected in the "silver birds" of Nobs.

Birds even share the fleur-de-lys of English Marks (Essex with Chance's) for a potential pointer to Mark Rutte. German Marks love the Spears/Speyers.

FOLLOW THIS: I trace Parrs, FurNESS' and Ness'/Nice's to king Pharnaces and his queen, Nysa, of the Pontus. The Knesset-like Nest variation of Ness/Nice's gets interesting where they share double fesses, and show nothing else, with the Parrs, and then the double Parr fesses can be in the flag of Israel because the lone hexagram on that flag is in colors reversed with Hagars, the latter first-known in Perthshire with Kness'/Ness', with Furness-beloved Dogs, and Scottish Drummonds while German Drummonds, first known in Hamburg with German Galans, and with the NISSans who share double Parr and Galan fesses. The Israeli elements (Herod-Maccabee) in king Tigranes VI ruled beside the Pontus.

"Pharnaces" can be to the Pharne's having a Pharme variation, can we believe it? KNOB Hill FARMs. They are first known in Midlothian with Roslin. Their Fair/Phare branch is first known in Cumberland with Browns/Bruns while Bruno's share the Scroll/SCROPE Coat while the "LEVER SCREW" of Fairborns (Yorkshire with Scrolls/Scrope's and Farm-connectable Keppochs), because it looks like the hand holding a scroll in the Rutt Crest, can indicate a Screw-like variation of "Scrope." The Scarrows, for example. Levers are first known in Lancashire with Parrs and Furness; both of whom share the black border.

The Necks suspect in the Fairborn motto share the red stag head with Farms. Thus, my job at Knob Hill Farms, with Kepke too, points doubly to Nob of Israel because Rutts are the pointer to Mount Scopus. No sooner did we both leave Knob HILL Farms that we became shoe salesmen simultaneously in the same mall at different stores. Recall that he soon after met Miss Peare at REITmans, for Peare's were kin of Tiens' in the "Tiens FERME" motto of Squirrels, first known in Worcestershire with Hills.

What could God be trying to say in all of this as relates the anti-Christ? Shoe's are connectable to Plumers and PoinDEXTERs who in turn share the Ukraine flag. That's why you can expect that God made us shoe salesmen, but it was right after our jobs at KNOB. A Ukrainian anti-Christ at Nob??? How can Kepke be a symbol of the anti-Christ? DECKs/Daggers share the RED Squirrel squirrel, and Dexters/DECKsters look like kin of Parrs whom I expect on the Israeli flag along with some Reitman / Roten / Plumber kin.

Scopus is beside French Hill while French's are first known in Devon with Scarrows. I might not have mentioned that weak point had it not been reinforced by Francis', who are not only in the format of, and colors reversed from, Rutts, but share the blue eagle with Nobs. The other English Francis' are in the colors and format of Fairborns, the ones suspect with Scarrow elements in their Crest.

Rutts are first known in Carmarthenshire, beside the first-known, Parr-branch Parrys.

The Knesset is about two miles west of Scopus.

Two Peter surnames, trackable to Peter Pollock, builder of Rothes castle, share the Scroll/Scope bend. German Peters/Peers can take us to Peers/Peirs, first known in Warwickshire with Camps/COMPs and Pettys, and the latter share the quadrants in the Arms of Rothschilds. Camps/Comps can be suspect in the Nathan/Nation compasses, and Compo's share the Sun/Sinclair cross while adding a label for the Labels/La Bells who happen to share the three Noel crescents. Rutts use "silver bells." Nathans/Nations use a pierced heart, and Pierce's are also Piers. The latter share a rare wavy chevron with Fish's (Lincolnshire with Silvers) and Plumers. Kepke sold plumbing shortly after selling shoes, about the time he left Miss Pier-like Peare of Reitmans for Kim WALSH.

Amazingly, I've shown how Walsh's/Walch's trace with Benjamins to Wallachia's Rimna river, home of the 600 Biblical Benjamites of Rimna-like Rimmon. The thing is, Benjamites lived very close to the northern side of Jerusalem so that Nob might just have been a Benjamite holding! That's the first time I've realized that about Kepke. Benjamins are first known in Norfolk with Nobs!!! That's exciting. Kepke lived beside the Youngs, and even worked for Mr. Young's furniture store at Parliament street (!) in Toronto. Scottish Youngs, once said to be first known in Roxburghshire with Scottish Walsh's, share their annulets.

Wondering whether that furniture store points to the Knesset parliament, near Nob, it's amazing that it was in Toronto's so-called Cabbagetown, for I trace the "angustis" motto term of Cabbage's to Angusta, which I think was on/off the Trotus tributary of the Siret, near the Rimna! To the near south of the Rimna is the BUZau tributary of the Siret, which can explain why Bus' are first known in Norfolk with Benjamins, yet the Cabbage's have a "ReBUS angustis" motto phrase, and the Hollys in the Cabbage Coat are first known in Norfolk too. Miss Walsh is Kim, and Kims share the white cinquefoil with Bus'.

The English Bakers which share the Cabbage lion, both in their respective Chiefs, are also first known in Norfolk, for which reason they are suspect with the Bacau region on the Trotus, especially as French Bacons share the Bus cinquefoil. Trots share the six pale bars of Irish Prays, and the latter are first known in County Down with Knees', a pointer to the Knesset, it seems.

Trots share the bear with French BenJAMINs whose variations in turn look like the James', first known in Surrey with Trots and Salemans/SALEMs, which, in this context looks like a pointer to JeruSALEM. Kepke was a plumbing SALESMAN. Hagar was Abraham's concubine, and Abraham's second wife was KETURah while Salemans/Salems were at CATERham while Catters use "salmon." Kate's/KATTERbachs share the Hagar hexagram?

I've shown many times how Merovingian Franks, known to descend from Salian Franks, were from Amorites of Mari (Babylon, Abraham's original homeland), yet Amorites lived also in Hebron with Abraham while "Keep" is a motto term of Hebrons, and they lived also in nearby Jerusalem, with JEBUSites suspect in naming the Jabesh location of the wives of the 600 Benjamites. Salemans/Salems list "Salian" too, you see, and while Keeps were kin of Lorraine's, the latter share the eagle of Childs whom I trace to the first Merovingian king, a part-Salian Frank, Childeric.

The Siret was anciently the AGARus, and Hagars, with a hexagram in colors reversed from the one on the Israeli flag, are first known in Perthshire with Knesset-like Kness'! Lookie that. James' use the dolphin because Dolphins were once said to be first known in Surrey too, and there is another dolphin in the Holly Coat along with a "dog" while Dogs, first known in Perthshire, share the Bus cinquefoil!!!!! Hollys share the white-on-black dog with Hulls, and Kepke moved away to Hull (Quebec) last I saw him. DOUGlas' are first known in Moray with Innis' in turn having the Hagar hexagram in colors reversed. Kness' look related to Morays.

I've just realized why Shoe- and PoinDEXTER-connectable Plumers (share Pollock motto term) are important, for their Crest has "a PALM branch in the DEXTER paw" while the Nons in the Kness motto have "a branch of PALM". It appears that God arranged the heraldry in regards to his plumbing job to point to the Knesset in modern Jerusalem.

Trump was responsible for moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, and Trumps are in Kepke colors and format. Tromps love the Knee-connectable Acorns, the latter first known in Sussex with Kiev-line Keeps. The Knees variation is like "Kness," and Shoe's have a "knees" term in their description of their knight. Knights are first known in Suffolk with Kepke-connectable Kidds and BEACONs/Bacons. The German Belli's with a "beacon" look like they have the Ukraine flag because Bacau is not far from Ukraine.

The Roxolani of Kiev had a branch at the Buzau river, explaining why Scottish Walsh's/Walchs are first known in Roxburghshire. The "Audax" motto term of Roxburghs, code for Aude province having a Roquefeuil location, is like the "Audacter" motto of Plumers and Pollocks. "Audax" is shared with Forts (Lancashire with Parrs and Furness') in the "fortis" motto term of Cabbages. The Fort Chief looks related to the Bacon Chief.

Kepke worked the FURNiture store of Mr. Young! I think I get it. We're now to the dog of Furness', I gather, because the Cabbage holly took us to the Dogs, and the store was in Cabbagetown. I don't recall how I ended up working there, whether by Kepke's prompting or Mr. Young's son, Rick, but Ricks are from Rijeka, near the Kupa river to which I trace the Kepke-branch Kupe's/Koops. It's amazing because I trace the 400 wives of Jabesh-Gilead, which the 600 Benjamites of Rimmon took for themselves, to the Japodes on the Kupa river. The Japodes-like Jappa's/Jeepma's/Cheps share the Hagar hexagram while we can expect Benjamites all over the Agarus river.

The neighboring Una/Oeneus river is where I trace the One variation of the Innis' above. The One-like Hone's and Honeys (share bee with Forts) incorporate the Parr Coat, a blue-version of the Ness/Nest Coat, and, one again, Kness' are listed with Ness'. The Parrs are expected in the "par" motto term of Rollo's, first known in Perthshire with Kness' and Drummonds while German Drummonds are first known in Hamburg with Nissans (share double Parr / Hone /Honey fesses) and SHOE-using Trips, from Trypillians of Kiev.

It is starting to look as though God put Kepke in my life with all sorts of situations pointing to the anti-Christ. I can't remember whether he was with Peare or Walsh by the time he was at the furniture store. Probably with Walsh by that time, whom I kissed on the cheek for a possible pointer to Kadyrov of Chechnya. The Kiss'/Cush's could have named Kisinov at the Ukraine border with Moldova, and then the MOLDova river is a tributary of the Agarus on the north of the Trotus.

The Molds/Maids are interesting where they are said to be from an Alta location while Alts come up as "Oldenburg" while Jappa's/Jeepma's/Cheps are first known in Oldenburg. I fully expect the proto-Japodes at the Rimna-Agarus theater. Oldens have the Cheek Coat in colors reversed, and while Cheeks were Love/Luff kin, the latter share the triple (possible Trypillian symbol) fesses of "beacon"-using Fullers. Bacau is between the Trotus and Moldova rivers. I kissed her on the cheek at the La PALOMa bar, and Paloma's could have been a Plume / Plumer / Palm(er) branch.

Trots are also Trude's. Kepke moved to Hull, which is a twin city with Ottawa, where prime minister TRUDeau roosts who I think will side with the 666 system if he doesn't repent from the wicked spirits that lead him currently. Even when he gets caught committing more crimes than any other leader has gotten caught, he remains defiant and self-loving, not knowing how to blush in shame. Walsh's have an "AuSPICE" motto term while Spice's are in Trudeau colors and format.

Renfrewshire of the Pollocks is where Hus'/Houstons are first known while Huss' are listed with Hesse's. German Silvers (Hesse) share the crescents of French Noels (compare with Knesset-like Kness') while Knobel-like Knowells are Noels too. The Rothschild arrows were once a symbol of Hungarians, especially the HUSSian Hungarians. Hungarians were formed by Magyars and Kabar-branch Khazars, and the Kabardino country of Kabars probably named Aberdeenshire because it's where the Hungarian Leslie's are first known, near Rothes. Hungars can be linked to Greys, Huns and Hundts while Majors/MAGORs/MAYERs have a greyHOUND. Huns use "talbots" dogs while Talbots have the Grey Coat in colors reversed. Tailbois' are first known in Lincolnshire with Roslins (no longer showing square buckles, why did houseofnames withdraw that?).

Hesse's/Huss' share a Hessel variation with Hazels while Hazeltons love the Aris variation of Arrows, suggesting that the Aris/Arras bloodline in Artois was Hungarian such that it adopted an Arrow surname. The latter shares the cross of Suns/Sinclairs, and Hesse'/Huss' have a giant sun. Aris'/Arras'/Arrows are first known in STAFFordshire with Knobel-like Knowells while Knobs/Knobels use the arrow. Staffs/Staffords may have named the FalSTAFF variation of Leslie-beloved Fasts (Norfolk with Nobs).

It's known that Henry Sinclair of ROSlin came to Scotland with Bartholomew, father of Leslie's. Roslins and Leslie's share buckles. Roslin is in Midlothian, where Falls/Fallis' are first known who may have named the Falstaff variation of Fasts.

Bradys have another sun while PodeBRADY was home to the wife of the Hungarian, prince George, father of Drummonds. Podebrady is in Bohemia, and both German Franks are first known in Bohemia, one of which loves the Column variation of Malcolms. King Malcolm III married Margaret (she was in Kiev), whose cup-bearer (butler) was Henry Sinclair of Roslin above. George's son, Maurice Drummond, married Malcolm's sister. The Scottish flag must, therefore, have been named "Andrew's Cross" in secret honor of king Andrew, father of George above. English George's can be suspect with the lion of Faucets (East Lothian with Nobels) because George's and Nobels share three besants on a fesse (different colors) with Nobels.

Jewish Franks have grapes while Grape's are listed with Gripps in the "Grip fast" motto of Leslie's.

By Sunday night, both Fox and Russia Today were claiming that Assad is in Moscow. But if Russia didn't support HTS, and as Biden says HTS is an enemy of the United States, then who else but Turkey supported HTS? News this Sunday night also says that American backed Kurds have started combat against the Turks. Every greedy king wants as much territory as possible. It is a king's prerogative to be greedy for territory, his natural inclination, because a pig will be a pig.

The invasive American military was in Syria to grab as much of the country's wealth as possible, but Trump's election platform is, I think, to get out of Syria. The military will say to him, "Are you nuts? We spent so much waiting to take the best $$$s, and now you're going to just leave without $1?" Trump did say on Saturday that his military should just stay out of forming a government in Syria. American media propaganda now begins, to passionately portray Julani's supporters in the worst-possible light.

These developments are what I expected in keeping with my fairly-solid belief that the Apophis asteroid of April, 2029, fulfills the 2nd Trumpet of Revelation by falling into the sea. That could see the 666's 1260 days, roughly at Daniel 11:31, begin in 2028, in which case I'd expect the anti-Christ war on Egypt, starting in Daniel 11:25, in 2025/26, though there's nothing concrete in Daniel 11:25-31 to say that it couldn't be as late as the end of 2027. If Apophis is landing, I'd like to see Egypt attacked much sooner rather than much later.

I've found a December-5 article claiming that the rebels are "closing in" on Russia's coastal bases in Syria, both naval and air. If that's true, then Russia has no deal with those rebels, or at least not a firm deal, or not a deal with all of the HTS partners. There are unconfirmed reports (propaganda?) that Russian ships are disappearing from the Tartus naval base, but maybe they mean the submarines, which can easily "disappear" by going down. This is the base that I see in the ant-Christ's attack on Egypt, for Revelation says he has a foot on land and a foot in the sea. The alternative is that the anti-Christ is backed by the Turkish navy.

By Sunday evening, there was no word of any military reaching the coast to assault the naval base. But ABC said (Sunday night) that Russia made a deal with the rebels for them to leave alone the Russian bases on the coast. The deal must be: you leave us alone, we'll leave you alone.

Bluntly: I haven't got a good one-guess as to where the anti-Christ will show up. I have a lot of guesses that are bound to land on the right one.

Cartel Heraldry

In the first update of last month, I did some heraldic pointers to Kari Lake of Arizona. Into that work, I realized that the pertinent heraldry seemed to predict that the race would end in a tie, and indeed it was about to be a tie until the Democrat cheaters went to work against Kari.

Later into that work, the Cheater and similar surnames seemed to predict that she would be cheated out of the senate win, and in fact that came true, where she lost by less than 2-percent due to ballot counting being extended inexplicably for many days after election day, where the ruler of the election house is a Democrat slime who cheated on her own behalf, two years ago, to beat this same Kari Lake in the state's governor's race.

I'm repeating this because Kari appeared on Dinesh D'Souza this week, who asked her whether the Mexican cartels were behind election fraud against her, due to her promises to cut the cartels off in their over-the-border crimes. We could say that God caused her to "lose" to save her life, but, in any case, while watching the video above, I decided to check the Cartel surname, which I'm not familiar with. It almost uses the Coat of Cartel-like Cattle's/Cattels, indicating that one of those surnames was an offshoot (or variation) of the other.

I was wondering for a few minutes how that Cartel Coat could possibly apply to the previous heraldic pointers that I claim point to Kari's election troubles. But I didn't see anything...until I remembered the Cheater / Cheatle and similar surnames that were in my election-cheat section (in the first update of last month). Those surnames are much like the Cattle/Cattel surname and thus linkable to Cartels. Let's check this out further.

I had shown how the Van/Fane/Phone surname ("fano" motto term) points to Arizona /Phoenix fraud, and here I can add that, years ago, I was considering the evidence on whether Cattle's/Cattels where from rulers of CATTOLica, a city beside Fano, where I can trace Vans/Fane's/Phone's.

The Mascarelli's/Mascelli's, who once listed Maschi's (now listed with Masci's/Mascelli's) were once said, until months ago, to be first known in Rimini, smack beside Cattolica. And while Cattle's/Cattels and Cartels use a giant "FRET," which includes mascles (hollow diamonds) for obvious Mascal-surname reason, FERTE-Mace was named by the Maceys/Mace's (Cheshire with Cheatle's) who share the gauntlet (armed glove) with Vans/Fane's/Phone's. The Mascal surname is listed with Caddy-branch Keiths/Keaths, and then Keats, Catchers (like "Cheater") and Cattans were all-three first known in Norfolk with Cattle's/Cattle's. Thus, the Cheater-like surnames delved into last month are connectable to Cartels, which I now find amazing, as if God set up the heraldic links to inform us that the cartels were behind Kari's election loss, where the polls predicted she should have won handily. Note also how "Masci" is like "Mexico."

My mother is a Grimaldi in her father and a Masci in her mother, and then while Grimaldi's share the Shield of Bags/Bagge's (Norfolk with Cattle's), the Cattle's are said to have named a "Cattle Bagge" character. Suddenly, the white wings in the Bag/Bagge Crest look like the white Masci wing, and on top of this, I trace Wings/Winks to the husband of empress Justine of PICENum, while my mother was born and raised in PICENze.

Apparently, Kari's legal team has not disputed the election to the point of taking it to court, but she can always run again in two years. She's hoping that Trump will appoint some bulls to crash the Democrat cheat machines in time for the next elections (2026).

The Bags were part of the original pointers to Kari Lake, when Mamie pointed to her on the day after my event with her sleeping BAG. For details, see Mamie's sleeping bag in the first update on November (link at the top corner of this page). Part of the pointers to Kari Lake's election runs, which included the Tease surname, had to do with Mamie at her flower / BUSH GARDEN on the day after the sleeping-bag event, on the day Mamie and I were in a LAKE. Gardens, sharing the black boar with English Bush's, probably have the Gunters in their motto who almost have the Van/Fane/Phone Coat. Tease's/Tess' have a saltire cross in colors reversed from the saltire that makes up the Cartel fret.

Tease's/Tess' (Switzerland with the Ticino canton and the Tessin river) were from some nobles (that I don't know) on the Tessin river to Pavia, a city co-founded by Laevi Gauls whom I trace to Leavells. The latter were at Castle Cary, in Somerset with Kari-like Carys and Cartel-like Carts, can we believe it? Carts even share the Cartel saltire, we may glean. Plus, Somerset is where the BORDERs are first known who have a saltire-by swords in the colors of the Tease/Tess saltire!!! It's a good pointer to Mexican cartels at the Mexico-Arizona border! Very impressive. Irish Cary's/Keerys even share the Mascarelli/Mascelli lion.

Mamie and I emBRACEd in the LAKE for the original pointer to Kari Lake. Brace's/Brass' (Coat resembles the Lake Coat) have armored arms and gauntlets in the colors of the Welsh Gunter gauntlets, and those Gunters are first known in Brace-like Breconshire/Brecknock. Armys/Armine's, sharing the Cart / Cartel saltire, are first known in Lincolnshire with BRACEbridge's and Blacks while one Blake surname shows Caddle/Caddell variations (Caddy colors) while sharing a giant fret with Cattle's/Cattels and Cartels.

While king Apophis was a HYKSos king, Dutch Gunters share the triple fleur-de-lys of Hicks', the latter first known in Yorkshire with POPleys in turn in the colors and format of Lake's. Then, Leaks/Leakeys are first known in Lincolnshire with Armys/Ermine's, and with the Prime's (ARMored leg) suspect in the "PRAEMium" motto of Lakeys. The latter are first known in the same place as Eure's while "heure" is a Hicks motto term, and Prime's (same place as Blacks), sharing the human leg with Leaks/Leakeys, happen to have a giant "BLACK HUMAN leg"!!!

Zowie, would you look at that. Human- and Homan-like Home's/Hume's are in the colors of the giant and armored leg of Profetts who in turn share a different-colors version of the Prime Coat. Tom Homan is soon going to fight the border cartels, how about that. He's already started blowing his trumpet.

I am now sure that MAMIE is pointing to the cartels that robbed Kari Lake of two important, border-cleansing jobs. She ran on cleaning Biden's support of border crime. The Mens/MAME's are possibly of the Omens/Omans, who in turn look like "Homan." Omens/Omans are first known in Suffolk with the Owls/Howls in the Prime Crest! Howells are first known in Monmouthshire with Vans/Fane's/Phone's. I've not done any news-pointing Homan heraldry until Tom Homan hit the news recently, after Trump nominated him as ICE director.

Mamie had gotten a thigh symbol at her garden, and the Prime's have "...a black human leg, erased at the thigh..."

Amazingly, Blake's/Caddells share the Cartel Coat, and the Blake/Caddell leopard, along with the pale bar of the other Blake's, links to Tails/Tailers while Tailboys/Tailbois', with the Cart / Cartel / Army/Armine saltire yet again, were likewise first known in Lincolnshire, even with Lucy Taillebois of Bolingbroke, wife of Ranulph le Meschin, a Masci liner who ruled Cheshire, where Maceys/Mace's are first known. Bolingbroke's (Lincolnshire) share the CARTer lion.

As Irish Judge's share the Meschin scallops, while English Judge's (same place as SHERIFFs) have leopard faces, this could be a pointer to further court cases that Kari will force the frauds to. The same leopard faces are shared between English Judge's and Fitch's while Lake's use fitchee crosses. And, by the way, the Fraud surname, sharing the sheaves that are the Arms of Cheshire, is listed with Ferte / fret-like Friths, a branch of Firths, the latter first known in Norfolk with Cattle's, Catchers, Cattans, Keats and Flags/Flecks. The latter share the Meschin / Judge scallops.

English Mascals are first known in Sussex with COURTs/Coverts while Mussels//Muscels, first known in Lincolnshire too, named Musselburgh beside the first-known Mascals/Keiths/Keaths. Musselburgh is beside the first known Mens/MAME's whom Mamie pointed to, who share the Chief-Shield color combination of Mascals/Keiths/Keaths

The embrace with Mamie can point, with the Brace's and Bracebridge's, to the ARMYs/Armine's above, which could again point things to Tom Homan, Trump's appointed "border czar" who may choose to, and certainly wants to, use the ARMY to deport some illegal aliens. Trump gave serious, pre-election promises to use both the navy and the army. See that? Ukrainian Homans have a Homan-like "woman" with "ARMs and FEET bare" while I can trace ProFETTs to Foot-branch Fothes'/Fette's and Feets/Fate's. Fothes'/Fette's, who share a Fitt variation with Fitch's, are first known in KinCARDINEshire with PROfett-connectable PEARtree's/Patria's who in turn share the stag head of Trumps, the latter first known in Mecklenburg with ICE's! Tom Homan of Ice. Pears are first known in Oxfordshire with Lake's.

Pears are used by Wardens, and Katrina Hanson, the ICE-cream girl I've mentioned many times, lived in GORMLEY, on Warden avenue. Gormleys/Grimes' have the martlets of Grime's/Grimms in colors reversed, and Grime's/Grimms have the Feet/Fate Coat three times!!! Bingo. Feets/Fate's are first known in Yorkshire with English Hansons. I didn't know that Miss Hanson could point also to the ICE border guards / wardens. Pears share the chevron-with-stars of Tiens'/Thames (same place as Pears) who in turn share the Feet/Fate and Grime/Grimm martlets.

AHHH, I GET IT. Cardine's, possibly a branch of Cartels round-about, are in Brace/Brass colors and format, and while Cardine's share the pheon of Nickle's/Nichols (Cheshire with Cardine's), the latter share the full motto of Holms while Homers are listed with Holmers! Homers/Holmers share the red rooster with Hahn-related Bibo's, and Hahns are first known in Mecklenburg with ICE's!!! See that? Heraldry involving the embrace in the lake just pointed again to Tom Homan via the Holms.

I've said a million times that Mamie sat on my legs the night before she got her thigh symbol at her garden, itself on the afternoon of the noonish embrace in the lake. Holms share the Biden chapeau, and Joe Biden loves ice-creams and border cartels.

Hahns and their Hann branch could easily of been of the Nordick Hansons who share the fleur-de-lys of Cremers. Ice-CREAM. English Hands/Hanns (Cheshire with pikehead Picots) even look connectable to the Coat of Ice-connectable English Pike's. Miss Hanson was a major topic in the 3rd update of last month (two weeks ago), and so see John Ratcliffe in the update, for Miss Hanson pointed, from her ice-cream shop, to Ratcliffs via neighboring Ratcliff LUMBER. German Hansons share the lozengy of English LOMBARds, and while Cremers point to Crema of Lombardy, on the Serio river, "serio" is a motto term of Cars/Kerrs. Ahh, English Lombards were once said to be first known in Renfrewshire (still in the write-up) with Scottish Jacks! Lookie there. Lombards are now said to be first known in Yorkshire with English Hansons and English Jacks, but also where Stands/Stains were once said to be first known.

French Lombards look a little related to the Cremer Coat, and I suspect that the chevron of French Lombards is that of Quints because my first date with Miss Hanson was in the Valiant car of the Quinns. Valiants (Yorkshire with English Lombards) use a giant shark. Quinns look related to Navys. Quincy's built the Faucet/Fawcett castle while Sharon Quinn, whose parents owned the Valiant, pointed to Farrah Fawcett a couple of weeks or so after my Sleeping Beauty dream. English Vaux's/Vallibus' are first known in Cumberland with Quints.

If John Ratcliffe gets confirmed as the CIA director, he'll be very useful in spying on the cartels INSIDE Mexico. It's the job of the CIA to spy on foreign fiends for the purpose of eradicating their threats to the United States.

My first pointer to John Ratcliffe was via my Sleeping Beauty dream, both when she was at the HOOD of a CAR, and when she was hovering in the car. To make this long story short, Hoods have a "ZEALous" motto while Zeals (Devon with Hoods and Pike's) are also Seals while Trump promised to use the navy SEALs to bust the cartels. Maybe Sleeping Beauty is indicating that this is going to happen, for why else would God point to it, if indeed He is. English Lombards share the Tromp eagle.

Trump was swallowed by a shark at the start of the Sleeping Beauty dream. The hovering scene was the second-last scene, followed by a literal, skyward rapture that Beauty and I went up in, perhaps suggesting that the rapture is shortly after Trump's next term. I identified Sleeping Beauty, 15 years after the dream, as Miss Hicks, and on the same year that I sold my Texas property, 90 minutes from the Mexican border, she sold her property of that area and moved to Forney, some ten miles from the home of John Ratcliffe in Heath.

Heath-like Heeds/Heads were a branch of Beauty-connectable Haydens (both share black bull with Ratcliffs), and Hayden is the daughter of Ainsley Earhardt, the second fulfillment of Sleeping Beauty. John Ratcliffe was, and may still be, a regular on her Fox and Friends show. Ainsleys are interesting for sharing the Marine and Marines cross. The SEALs are related to the U.S. Marines, both of the Navy, and, zikers, though not in the same color, English Homans and Navys share a pegasus in Crest!

Heaths, with an "EsPERE" motto term, share the Pear(e) stars. Heaths are first known in Durham with Cone-branch Conte's while Miss Hanson had handed me an ice-cream CONE. Miss Peare's parents lived in Unionville, having one boundary on Warden avenue, the same road as Miss Hanson's home. Wardens use pears.

I didn't know until a couple of years ago that Hicks' share an Icke variation with Ice's. Miss Hicks (birth name) is Mrs. Kilpatrick, and it just so happens that Scottish Kilpatricks share "drops of blood" with Zeals/Seals! Plus, the Trupe variation of Drops/Trope's is shared by TROOPs!!! Plus, the white wolf head in the Seal/Zeal Crest can be the one of Scarfs, first known in Yorkshire with Hicks'/Icke's and Oddie's/Hoddys, the latter suspect with the Hood saltire. Scarf-like Sheriffs can apply to border security. Irish Kilpatricks share the Cremer Chief.

It gets even better where Seals/Zeals share triple-black wolf heads with Cliffs who named Ratcliffs. The latter are first known in Bury while English Burys (share Cremer / Kilpatrick fleur) are first known in Devon with Hoods of RATTery, where Seals/Zeals were once said to be first known. Devon is where Walerans are first known who share the Ratcliff bull head. Seals/Zeals are first known in neighboring Cornwall with the Cornish people while Hoods use "Cornish choughs" while Coughs/Cuffs share the fleur-de-lys of Navy-branch Neve's (Angus with Navys).

Although it's looking grim, this week, for Pete Hegseth of Fox and Friends to become Trump's Defence chief, my belief that Ainsley Earhardt fulfills Sleeping Beauty may indicate that he'll get confirmed. Ainsleys and Hicks'/Icke's share the same fleur-de-lys, and while Hyche's/Hake's are first known in Norfolk with Higgs and Haydens, perhaps the HEGseth surname came forth from this batch of surnames, especially as Seths/Shaws and their Comyn relations share a "dagger" with the Kilpatricks, which is the dagger having the blood drops i.e. pointable to the military troops. Drops/Trope's, with drops of their own, are first known in Norfolk with Comyns.

On Wednesday of this week, Hegseth was to meet with the Senate leader, but together with KEVIN CRAMER. I'm not sure why Cramer will be there, but he says that, so far, he'll give Hegseth his vote. While I suspect Cremers/Cramers from Ukraine's "Crimea," Kiev-like Kevens have the Ukraine flag. Comyns share the sheaves of Keven-branch Cue's/Kews.

The Hood and Oddie/Hoddy saltire is shared with Hague's/HATE's, first known in Yorkshire with Hicks'/Icke's and Oddie's/Hoddys. Hats/Hades', first known in Dorset with Beautys, share the cross of the other Norfolk Haydens. PLUS, "sola" is a motto term shared between Hague's/Hate's (Yorkshire with Elis') and Scottish Neve's who in turn look related to Elis'. The "fish haurient" of Sola's/Sole's are in the white colors of the fish of English Neve's. Sola's/Sole's share Hyche/Hake and Higgs chevron while Hyche's/Hake's have more "fish haurient".

As Sleeping Beauty and I were rising into the sky at the last scene in the dream, note that Risings/Risons and Rise's are first known in Norfolk yet again while English Neve's have a "trout" looking related to the Rise Coat. The Neve trout is colors reversed from the "hake fish" of Hyche's/Hake's/Hackets (Norfolk again). The Hykes'/Hacks are first known in Devon with Hoods. Irish Hackets/Hatchets have fish in the colors of the Trout "trout." Trouts share "triangle" in their description for Norfolk's Fiscs, and the Darts in the Trout Crest are first known in Devon.

Heraldry pointing to Tom Homan was in the 3rd update of last month along with two ice-cream girls. That update mentioned my dream where I was walking up a road with ICE under my feet, walking toward traffic lights. But it took me until now to realize the following insert that I've just added to that update: "[Insert -- where was my head? It wasn't until crossing Tom Homan again in the first update of next month that drug trafficking came to mind! End insert]" That's got to be the primary reason that the traffic lights were there.

English Homans (share pegasus with Masseys/Maceys) are in the colors and format of Ainsley-branch Annas', the latter first known in Cambridgeshire with Cattle Bagge in the Cattle/Cattel write-up: "...the Hundredorum Rolls of 1273 list Cattle Bagge in Cambridgeshire. The same rolls include Hervey Catel in Norfolk and Geoffrey Cattel in Huntingdonshire." The latter location, part of Cambridgeshire, is where English Homans are first known. We then repeat: Cattels almost have the Cartel Coat.

On Thursday morning of this week, I added the following indented section to the first update of last month:

...Cutters/Gutters are first known in Dorset with the Gallops in the horse on a "gallop" of Waistells.

I trace the Italian Dance's/Donnas' to king Donnus of the Cottians, grandfather of Vestalis, whom I trace to WAISTells. I had draped my hand around her waist in what I call the TEASE event in her tent. We were wading in the LAKE waist deep during an embrace, and Hugs are first known in Languedoc with French Cottons/Cotta's/Cottards.

THOMAS of Saluzzo, near Susa, can be traced to the Coat of Welsh Thomas' who share the vertically-split Shield of English Pike's. Masci-like Mazzini's/Mazza's show a MazzaCANE variation while Caens/Cans, with almost the French Cotton/Cotta/Cotys Coat, are first known in Dorset with Waistell-beloved Gallops and Waistell-connectable George's (share the blue Waistell doves). Mazzini's/Mazza's show a MazzaPICa variation, and Albert Pike (MASONic satanist) supposedly wrote to Giuseppe Mazzini concerning the orchestration of world wars.

English Alberts, first known in Kent with Picks/Pixs, use a "hammer" while Hammer-branch Hams (Sussex with Warrens, Hammers and the husband of Alice of Saluzzo) use the fish of Kane's/Cains as "salmon" while Mazzini's are also MazzaCANE's while Ada of Varn-connectable Warenne married an earl of Huntingdon. Ada's father was from Surrey, first-known home of Salemans (share Mazzini/Mazza bend) and Salmons, though Salmons are also first known in Cumberland with Waistells. While a pike fish is with Clappers/Clapps (Surrey), Claptons look related to COTTar-beloved Evetts, but also to the Picot Crest. The Ham salmon are shared by McCabe's, and James Clapper of Obama's spy system was surely amicable with the FBI's Andrew McCabe. James Clapper was replaced as the chief of National Intelligence by Dan COATS. See that? Coats'/Cotes' share the triple pale bars of Surreys Trots/Trude's.

Mazzini's/Mazza's (share gold griffin with English Alberts) use roses for a trace to VARANgian Rus, and Varni were at ROStock with the first-known, Pike-connectable Ice's/Ecco's. Varns are first known in Ayrshire with Scottish Pike's and Barrs. English Pike's are first known in Devon with bear-using Beers and Berrys. Tacitus said that Varni worshiped the same goddess as Lombards.

Mazzini's/Mazza's could be sharing the griffin of Marble's who in turn share the fitchees of Bessin-connectable Lake's. Mazzini's/Mazza's have a Coat looking related to Bessins. Meschins were rulers of the Bessin. Marble's are first known in Cheshire with Ranulph le-Meschin, with Masci / Maceys liners, and with "pikehead" Picots. Waistells share the sheaves in the Arms of Cheshire. It's now interesting that Marble's almost have the English Albert Coat.

The Prests in the Picot motto can be linked to the Chief of McCain-related Irish Neils. John McCain, a war hawk who didn't seem to mind that his circle of like-minded ones were and are leading to world-war three, was an Arizona senator. I'm amazed because Mamie's waist has taken us here. The other Irish Kane's/Cains share the triple fish of Rockefeller-line Roach's (rock in Crest).

As Italian Alberts use a "CHAIN," I now feel confident that God has intended to point, via Mamie, to Albert Pike's world-war scenarios. Rockefellers want "population control," and so God will give it to them, not in the way they hope to see it, however. Chain-like Cheneys even have a Coat like the one of Salemans.

John McCain was a House member from Maricopa county, the county likely most proficient for cheating against Kari Lake. He was preceded in that office by John Jacob Rhodes, and was succeeded in that same office by his son, a Yale product, John Jacob Rhodes III, a name looking very Rothschilian. Rhodes' father was the top leader, in the Republican camp, of the congressional House. "Jacob" is a Rothschild-beloved name. There's a good chance that NATO was named in honor of Nathan Rothschild. English Nathans are even Nations while Rothschilds are thought to have named "League of Nations" (WW1) and "United Nations" (WW2). Talk about self-interested conceit. Note UN, like the "una" motto term of Cecils.

The McCains are listed with Keons while "lizard" using Keens/Kane's/O'Cains share a left-facing, white horse with Jewish Rothchilds (not "Rothschild"). How can election fraud in Arizona have anything to do with a world war started from Ukraine? It's said by countless people that Rothschilds started both world wars. Cecil Rhodes may have helped to plan world war I.

Welsh Tomasso's have doves colors reversed from the Waistell doves. Dove's/Dows are first known in BARwick-related and bear-depicted Berwickshire while Alice's share the muzzled bear with PERCivals (Somerset with "BARRY"-using Leavells, MontaCUTE's, and Piers/Pierce's) while Thomas was father of Alice of Saluzzo. Alice of Saluzzo's daughter married the PERCYs. The Barwick-colored Candida's (L'Aquila eagle?) in the Percival motto are first known in Naples with Italian Tomasso's.

Miss Peare had a waist symbol too, and while Saluzzo is in Piedmont with the first-known Pero's, Peare's are first known in Oxfordshire with the Love's, and with the Amore's who almost have the Coat of Italian Tomasso's. While Pierro's/Pero's are first known in Pavia, co-founded by Laevi Gauls, English Leavells/Lovells (compare with Love Coat) almost have the Coat of Italian Tomasso's. Saluzzo's were a branch of Montferrats, and the Arms of Montferrat was just a blank, red Chief over a blank, white Shield, same as the Mens/Mame Coat ("God" motto term).

Mamie's leg and tent symbol pointed to the "TENTaMINE" motto term of Leggs, yet they also have the Gaudets in their motto who use a Coat reflective of Welsh Tomasso's. Mine's/Menne's show a DANCEtte, and so the hunting horns of Gaudets/GODee's (possibly in the Mens/Mame motto) can bring us back to Cottons of Huntingdonshire. Godee-like Cotee's are listed with French Cottons/Cotta's/COTTARds while Cotters are first known in Oxfordshire. The Goder variation of Gaudets can be of the Gutter variation of Cutters.

While the pale bars in the Mine/Menne Coat can be connected to Liss'/Lise's and Lizards, the Cottar lizards are called "evetts" while Evetts are first known in Perthshire with Dure's and Scottish Clone's, both of which share the Saluzzo Coat. The Wings/Winks, once said to be first known in Perthshire, are first known now in Worcestershire with the Evett-beloved Pattys. Welsh Clone's (Breconshire with Welsh Thomas') are listed with Clements, and look related to the Arms of Montferrat.

The FitzAlans who married Alice of Saluzzo lived at Clon of Shropshire.

His Wikipedia article: "Despite limited campaign funds and facing the powerful eleven-term Democratic incumbent, John Murdock, Rhodes [the father] prevailed by eight percent of the vote and was elected to the Eighty-third United States Congress. He was the first Republican ever elected to represent Arizona in the House...Rhodes remained in office for thirty consecutive years..."

The article says that, at the time, Arizona was 75-percent Democrat, and so it seems as though Rothschilians of some sort installed election cheating in Arizona to get Rhodes the win, which can explain why even Republican leaders in Arizona did not support the several winners cheated out by election fraud since Trump's loss in 2020. That is, the Republicans there know that certain Republicans got their wins by cheating. If I recall correctly, Doug Ducey, the Republican Arizona governor in 2020, did not support Trump's bid to catch the cheats.

"Rhodes was elected by acclamation to be House Minority Leader on December 7, 1973, succeeding Gerald Ford when Ford became Vice President." The nation's Rothschilian cream-of-the-crop, for Ford's vice-president was Nelson Rockefeller.


Trump has chosen a lot of catholics, loyal vaticanites in most cases, I assume. Certainly, catholics who join the Democrats or Liberals are disloyal Christians, it matters not, therefore, whether they are, or consider themselves to be, loyal to the vatican. To vote for the party of prostitutes, pimps, pornographers, drug addicts, faggots and common crooks is not the Jesus-thing to do. Let us not rejoice too much when Latinos, usually catholic, vote Trump instead of Democrat.

George Bush, the fake born-again Christian, gave the Republican party a solid base for global war hawks seeking an Americanized, "democratic" world order. It's demonic. Although some "neo-cons" have come to oppose Middle-East wars, now in the Trump camp, they are yet "America-first" loyalists, and while that phrase is good if all it means is "anti-globalism,": it's an evil phrase when it involves adoration of American Constitutionalism as the world model. It warms my heart nothing to hear them say that Constitutional freedom is the best this world has to offer as a government system.

First of all, Democracy offering freedom of speech and expression is the model allowing the devil to rule. It's exactly the model that allowed the liberals, who like to call themselves "progressives," used in order to worm to power rock-solid. Have we never heard from Jesus that few are those on the narrow road? If democracy is the model of the majority, Christians will never come to order nations and states by that model. The devil will lie his way through the democratic process to control everything possible, and that's been the end result of the "American experiment." We understand it now.

Christianity has been a salt against the devil's rise in America, slowing it down, but that's all it can do, slow it down and wave a flag for something better, the Jesus flag. The problem is, the Jesus people are waving the Trump-America flag now, and this is after they waved the Bush-America flag, all in the midst of a masked Democrat-party bandit in control of most government institutions for the purpose of raking money to its political crooks and pawns that are the backbone of keep forever-power erect and working. AMERICA THE GREAT SATAN, admit it. Stop white-washing modern America.

While we can be glad that the Democrats have fallen and suffered a spinal injury that cuts leg operation from underneath them, modernist Trumpism is not Jesus-think, don't kid yourself. There are oodles of Christians in social-media news waving the golden Trump flag as though it were the pie in the sky, or the sun god, the way forward to a healed future, when the fact is that the Kingdom of God is the only future, which has exactly zero part in American constitutionalism. There is no unhindered right to speech and expression in the Kingdom of Jesus, and there is no right to life and happiness either for those who do not now carry the kingdom of God in their spirits. There will be only those who carry Jesus-think, who are GRANTED life and happiness as a reward, not as their birthright.

I'm not trying to be poo-poo difficult for the sake of lifting myself up as better-than-they. I'm saying that Jesus-think is the narrow path, and Americanism looks like the wide road to destruction, with Trump as one of the pied pipers in a long line of pipers since Ronald Reagan, the liberal who took over the Republican party by wearing a Jesus mask. Trump is a liberal who took over the Republican party wearing a Jesus mask. But he has no Jesus-think.

Reagan gave America a celebration over the Bible, but showed no Jesus-think of his own. Bush Jr. uttered the "born-again" phrase, and evangelical Christians all over got hooked to him line and sinker, including myself. It turned out to be a false hope. His Jesus mask was merely a ploy to gaining power. American Christians are the minority, but are sufficient in numbers to be a tipping point in the race for political thrones. American Christians have been used as a tool for voting in a devil who looks not as bad as the Democrat devil, I'm sorry to say. I was hoping for much better, decades ago.

In the book of Acts, we find a Pharisee Christian, aside from Paul, who taught the need for circumcision, and, no doubt, that requirement was wrapped around the need to follow some temple-related Mosaic laws. It wouldn't be stretch to assume that this Pharisee and others were teaching the 10-percent tithe, very convenient for themselves, which could only attract other Pharisees if only for the free pie on the backs of Christian labors. That is, such a rule would attract fake / lukewarm Christian leaders (without much Jesus-think) for the free money.

I think Paul could have used better words than salvation by faith alone, not by works of the Law. I'm sure he chose better words when in person with the churches, but in his letters he may have been doing "shorthand." "Faith alone" can be distorted. What Paul meant was that Jesus-think was the only thing remaining after the Old Covenant was done away with. The New Covenant included much in the Old Covenant, but as the New is the end of the matter, some parts of the Old had to be scrapped, especially the temple / priestly / animal-sacrifice laws.

Paul then really complicated things when he said that the Law is good, but kills. He said this in an effort to disconnect his followers from Law alone, but, the problem is, Law is necessary in the New Covenant. All the rules for Christian living that both Jesus and Paul point out were already in effect in Old-Testament times. The New Thing is forgiveness from our inabilities to honor the entire Jesus-think and Jesus-act Covenant that we signed onto, in faith.

It is dumb for modern Christians to preach faith alone without defining what they mean by "faith." The problem got so out of hand in the first century that James had to correct disciples, which I'm sure he did wherever he went. He had to tell them that faith alone, if by that term is meant mere belief, is not the entire ball game to which we are called.

Imagine being thrilled to bring home dozens of grocery bags, when in the midst of famine, to keep your bodies alive, and to provide joy, if all we bring home is grocery bags without food inside. That's what faith alone is unless we define it as grocery bags filled with food. And that food is Jesus-think. Right? Of course. And that's what Paul meant by faith alone, right? But of course. Faith in Jesus is the entire gamut of the New System. You don't leave anything out. You can't be loyal to it all at all times, and so the Crucifixion makes provision to save us in spite of those sins. That's the chief part of Paul's meaning in "faith alone." He didn't mean that we just receive the forgiveness without applying ourselves to Jesus-think.

Most Christians had no Bible scrolls in those days, which were expensive. There was no printing press. They had to form Jesus-think from the teachings of the men that Paul left to them, and this teaching DEVELOPED into what we now have in the New Testament. We can't have Jesus-think without the words of Jesus, and we can see that the New-Testament epistles are in line with Jesus' teachings, except for the wrong interpretation of "faith alone." Jesus never taught faith alone as though it didn't incorporate obedience to His words, which he disclosed as patterned after the Old Testament Law. Therefore, Paul chose a bad instrument to pit faith alone against the Old Testament Law. He should have said, "Jesus alone," not temple-related duties and sabbaths, or circumcision.

When the church decided how deeply to burden the gentile believers with Law, they gave them a light burden, mainly to stay away from fornication and pagan sacrifices. But that was just a start. Later, as we can see in the epistles, there were many rules for Christian living, all good.

The early burden that the Jerusalem church threw out at the Gentile churches did not include the tithe. Mark that. Paul didn't want any stumbling block to keep gentiles from believing, and money-intake, by Law, was a dread stumbling block in that situation. But, today, money, and even "tithes," are gathered one minute before the preaching "service," as if to condition the people into being comfortable with paying for the preaching.

This makes me sick, not only because there's a better way to raise money, not only because the tithe was done away with the temple-related laws, but because there are men in the church who would preach for no money in order to reap Heavenly rewards. Those men are denied those rewards by the denominations who want to pay for a preacher, because denominations get a piece of it. This makes me sick. It keeps many Christians from gathering with fellow believers. It's the stumbling block in our faces that Paul didn't want in the churches, and it has led to great abuse of Christian money by end-time Pharisees who mask themselves as the new apostles and prophets.

The Jesus-trick is to instill soul-power. The trick is, get the gentiles to love Him with super love for the benefits to them from the Sacrifice, and they gladly drink up His words and begin to Jesus-think. That is the meaning of "faith alone." Have faith, will travel. Glad faith makes for restoration of our sinful conditions by our abiding in, or contemplating, Jesus-think. God will write His laws on our hearts, an Old-Testament promise for New-Testament children. Let those laws abide on the inside, focus not on material-lavish. Trump is material-lavish, his stumbling block.

Trumpism is exactly zero in support of Jesus-think. Trump cares about you as nothing in comparison to how Jesus cares. The Jesus-trick is not deception, to fool us into doing that which is harmful for us, but to urge us to restore our positions as sons before the Throne. It's the soul, stupid, not the economy. "Make America great" has exactly zero benefit for the redemption of the soul. Poverty provides more benefits to the Jesus-task than all of Trump's riches. As you have seen, he wants not to ask for forgiveness of his sins. He knows that Jesus would ask him to cease stress on money, which he refuses to do.

If you're not going to church, seek gathering in social settings with other Christians, and rub off on each other your Jesus-thoughts. If you're equating church donations with a certain Jesus whose main accomplishment has been the formation of money-exacting church systems, that's wrong-think. I'd gamble to say that Jesus did not call the churches to make money gathering a part of the "worship service." That was the institution of the church men who realized that more money is given when the money plate is passed around with everyone else watching, as compared to leaving it up to you to put some money in an inconspicuous box at the back of the church. Those church men decided on more money rather than no stumbling block.

If the offering plate is not a stumbling block for you, ask whether it's because you're convinced that you can't outgive God. That is, ask whether it's because you hope to get a bigger money return from God than the money you give to the church. This is a touchy discussion, because some will say that it's Biblical to give expecting to get back from God. However, Jesus made sure to say that the rewards from God will by in heaven, not by money in your earthly affairs. I am one who believes that being generous with money will likely get money back from God, maybe decades later, but I also oppose giving money for the sheer hope of getting more money from God than I gave. That's not generosity, but deal-making. It's not kindness, but a form of extortion.

Jesus-think has taught me this, not a think developed on my own wild thinking, but one passed on to my mind by His speech. Freely He gave his speech to help us, freely God will make Him the ruler of the universe that He might help us forever to grow in Father-think. Freely we should give what we think about Jesus; never should we receive money for sharing Jesus-think. The Father draws to Jesus all who are willing to be rehabilitated, but if we say we have no sins from which to be rehabilitated, we are Donald Trump. We treat Jesus' sacrifice for sins a mockery. For Christians to then say that Trump is a special tool of God for the good of the world, that to me looks like the dangerous cliffs of wild goats. If we wish for Trump to shed tears to Jesus in confession of sins, that is a good thing, but we shouldn't use that hope as an excuse to be on his political bandwagon to destruction.

If you want to know whether do don't attend church because you don't like God's people, you can ask self how many times you've painted all pastors, and all church-goers, as hypocrites or something similar. If that's your excuse for not attending, maybe you just don't like the people God has chosen. Maybe you like the pro-Trump crowd more. Maybe you think it's more exciting, or more relevant, or more attuned to your love of liberal freedoms.

For me, liberals were named after the desire to be free of Jesus' values, who advocated for freedom to do as they please. They used the Constitution as a tool to justify legal expression of, and open activism toward, their sins, and once they obtained solid powers, they tried to toss out the Constitution lest traditionalists use it to justify barking openly up their liberal tree.

What else were the canadian Liberals named after if not wanting to deviate from "stuffy" traditional values? Stuffy? Since when is partaking in a New Universe with a New Body stuffy? Let me tell you what stuffy is: a grave in Hell. If Christians are looking upset these days, or not laughing things up, or frowning on things, blessed are they for hating this New Sodom. They will laugh later, after the fire of God returns to Sodom II. The progressives are not progressing forward to the New Sodom, but going backward, reinstating the old one.

Speaker Johnson

While House Speaker Johnson was a war-money stooge under Biden, he's no a Trump stooge denying more Ukraine-war money at this time, seeing that Trump wants to stop the war. A leader who bows down before peer pressure, even peer pressure from war hawks and Washingtonian pigs in Congress, is an non-kosher, LOUSY CHRISTIAN. This is an example of the dangers of mixing Christianity with Washington politics. Consider yourself lucky, Kari Lake, for losing your Senate bid. Stay home and run again for Arizona governor.

Here's Johnson saying that Trump has changed the dynamics in Ukraine. Ya-but, backstabber, you had the power to change the dynamics YOURSELF, by denying more funds for the war, and you caved with glee on your face, even though you got the Speakership job indirectly by an official motion from a faction of the House wishing to cease funding.

Johnson's funding of the war till this point could be viewed responsible for the recent aggression of NATO missiles into Russia. Johnson is a Zionist Christian, and I'm seriously starting to wonder whether Zionists are the goats rather than the sheep. Yes, God loves His promise to Abraham, and, yes, Jesus will rule from Jerusalem, but God hates the leaders of modern Israel. Why don't Christian Zionists mouth that latter part? When Johnson gave American money to Israel this past year, He gave it to Rothschilian elements, we may safely assume.

I'm going to go back to my dream where I saw my car on four jack stands in the parking lot of a gas station. All four wheels were off of the car, and I then walked into the store of that gas station to purchase carpenter GLUE to act as wheel-bearing grease. Dream over, because I woke up just then...and I was probably laughing. I've tried to decipher this dream a few times before, but it strikes me here that it could have an interpretation involving Trump's envoy to the Ukraine war, Kellogg, for the Kellogs share the dogs heads of GLUE's/Clough's, though both are called "greyhounds."

I wouldn't be re-visiting this dream on that basis alone, however, but as the car was on JACK STANDs, it reminds that the Stain variation of Stands is said, in the Stand/Stain write-up, to have married Yarboroughs, who are from king YARoslav of Kiev, the Ukraine capital.

Yarborough's share the "sine" motto term of Glue's/Cloughs, and if that's not enough, Jack-branch Joke's share a Yoke variation with giant-swan Hochs while Sine's are listed with swan-using Swans/Sions. The same swan is with Swedish Johnsons. While Sine's/Swans/Sions have "falconers' gloves," the Glove's (Perthshire with Dogs/Doags), in Wheel colors and format, look related to the Clough/Clow variations of Glue's. As Scottish Jacks love the Hollys, the white Holly, Hall and Hull dog could be the reason that the Glue and Kellogg greyhound shows as a dog head. Sine's/Swans/Sions have a white "talbot" dog in Crest, and Tailbois' are first known in Lincolnshire with Halls while white-dog Allisons are first known in Lanarkshire with Sine's/Swans/Sions. Sine-beloved Falcons are first known in Cumberland with Faucet-branch Vaux's/Vallibus'.

Plus, a car on jack stands looks like a stalemate, especially if we stick glue in the wheel bearings. That is, the war has looked like a stalemate for years. It's not going anywhere, we could say.

While Biden's son, Hunter, was put onto the board of Ukraine's Burisma GAS, the car was on stands in a gas station. That works. Plus, in the video above with Speaker Johnson, JD Vance is named along with Kellogg for seeking both working together on the peace treaty in Ukraine, and while Vance's are listed with Scottish Vaux's, English Vaux's share the checkered BEARING Shield, I kid you not. Plus, the CARPenter glue can point to the Carpathian mountains, which are partially in Ukraine. It could have been a different kind of glue, but carpenter glue thus makes sense.

I had read that Wells were of the ValliBUS variation of Vaux's, and Wheels list Weels! See that? The dream must have been from God as a pointer to Ukraine yet again. As more proof, the grease-like Grese's/Grasse's share the giant Well lion. Plus, Wells are first known in Lincolnshire with English Grasse's who in turn share the lion of Fallis'/Falls', first known beside the Scottish Vaux's/Vance's/Vallibus'.

The Grese/Grasse lion is also with Kellys who happen to be in Kellog / Glue/Clough colors. Thus, the glue acting as bearing grease plays out perfectly here, which reminds of what I've said many times, that Ukrainian Mr. Kepke, a surname traceable to "Kiev," last saw me in my neck of the woods, when I was at my home with Kelly my date. He had come from Hull, where he lived, and Hull-branch Halls, both looking connectable to the Kellogg Coat, are first known in Lincolnshire with English Grasse's. Kepke was working in plumbing at the time while German Plumbers share the hexagram of Danish Johnsons. German Plumbers are first known in Bavaria with giant-hexagram German Vicks while English Vicks are first known in Lincolnshire with Grese's/Grasse's.

Therefore, God is telling us: watch Ukraine as Mr. Kellogg works things there. And, I think, He must be telling us: prepare for fulfilled prophecy. WATCH. Why else would God give the glue dream, or Kelly as my date (just a few weeks) in time for Kepke's last visit with me. When I was with Kelly, I had been a Christian for about eight months. Kellys share the Coat of Kiev-like Keveneys. See that? Scottish Kevens/Kewens, looking like they contributed to the Ukraine flag, share the Kelly lion. You might recall Trump appointing general Kelly to run his White House when Ukraine elements were trying to frustrate Trump's anti-war decisions.

I can take this back to my Obama dream, about two weeks after Trump became the president. I was taking a shot, with a POOL CUE, on Obama's billiard table, and Cue's/Kews look related to the Keven/Kewen Crest while the Keven/Kewen Shield shares the Pool lion. Ukraine was stacked with money-launderers stealing military money under the Obama presidency, especially when Obama placed Biden in charge of Ukraine.

The problem is, what is there to watch for if Trump wants to get out of Ukraine? Will Russia refuse Trump's peace offerings? Will things then escalate? Perhaps. Will Putin then arrange the prophesied attack on Trump's Israel? Marco Rubio is Trump's pick for his foreign-affairs department, and Rubio wants Russia weakened.

Rubio will be in charge of the Mexican-border talks with Mexico. While Italian Rubio's were at Trento, Trents/Trans' and Tarrs/Tarres' are both first known in Somerset with Borders while Trains/Trane's share the giant, red lion with Italian Rubio's. Then, Cremers are said to be of Train/Trane-like variations. Trains/Trane's (said to be related with royal Baliols) are first known in Northumberland with Baileys (share Moray stars) and Baliols. The latter could be closely sharing the swords of Pool-branch Pollets (Somerset with Trents/Trans' and Roets). Trains/Trans' are said to have married Roet-related Bowes'.

English Wells (also "FontiBUS') share a two-tailed lion with the Arms of Bohemia, and Moravia, in Bohemia, can be traced to the Carpenter kin of Bellys, first known in Scottish Moray/Moravia. English Wells are said to have been "FontiBUS' too, yet houseofnames lists Fontibus' with Fountains/Fonts who have Vaux-like "VIX" and "voco" motto terms. Wells (Lincolnshire with VICKs) share the giant lion of FAUCets of Fauxside, first known in East Lothian with Vaux's/Vallibus'. Therefore, the wheels not on the car, or the wheel bearings, point to JD Vance.

Humphrey de Vieilles is likely at the root of the Vallibus / Well surname, for he was ancestral to the Beaumonts of Meulan and Leicester while English Vaux's/Vallibus share the Arms of Meulan. Tree-loving Woods are first known in Leicestershire with Parkings/Perkins, and the car was on jack stands in a PARKING LOT. Tree-loving Lothians share the brown dog with Lots in turn first known in Kent with Wood-connectable Picks/Pix's and Roots, but also with Jack-branch Joke's/YOKE's while OKE's/Oaks (Somerset with Roets) share the rooted tree with Woods and Roots. The Kiss'/CUSH's are first known in Leicestershire too, and they can be connected to the "cushions" of Scottish Johnsons and Trump-connectable Bibo's / Hahns (see the latter in the Bibo write-up). Ukrainian Babys share the Arms of Meulan too.

To help trace Carpenters to the Carpae people group of western Ukraine, they were also the Arpii, suspect in naming Arpad, the founder of Hungary upon the Carpathian mountains. Hungarians from Arpad descended directly from Magyars of eastern Ukraine. King Bela of the Hungarians should be to the Belli's and Bellys, both obvious kin of Carpenters. Bellys are first known in Moray/Moravia, and I trace the namers of Moray to the Mures river at the Carpathian mountains in Romania.

We could even go now to the mouth of the Sava river, near Hungary, because Woods, who can be pointed to by carpenter glue, use a savage while Savage's list Sava's. VINKovci, which I trace to the Wings/Winks in the Crest of Scottish Johnsons and Kellogs, is between the Sava and Hungary. GRACE Kelly (20th century actress) married prince Grimaldi of Monaco (near Grasse of the Grese's and GRACe's/Grasse's), and while Monaco's share the Kelly and Grasse lion, Kellogs share the double-white wings in Crest of Grimaldi-connectable Bags (Norfolk with PilGRIMs).

Ignoring the symbols of German Belli's, it's almost the flag of Ukraine. The top half of the German Belli Coat shares the eagle of Dutch Tromps while German Trumps/Tromps are first known in the area of the Varni, whom I see as the proto-Varangians of Kiev, ruled by Yaroslav. Yaroslav's sister, Maria, can be to Marys, not only because they are first known in Norfolk with the Stand-connectable Flags/Flecks, but because the Mary Coat is the Coat of Ross' in colors reversed. Ross' were descended from an Andrew, and king Andrew I of Hungary, brother of Bela above, married a Varangian RUS, explaining the Ross surname. Trumps/Tromps are first known at least near ROStock. Norfolk is where Cousins and Patricks are first known while "cushions" are with Scottish Johnsons and Scottish Kilpatricks.

Varns share the scallops of Jack-branch Joke's, and while Varni were a fellow tribe with Lombards, English Lombards were once said to be first known in Renfrewshire (near first-known Varns) with Scottish Jacks. Varns are first known in Ayrshire with a Kyle location, where Scottish Porters are first known while English Porters/Pawters, in Potter colors, are first known in Hampshire with Potters in turn in Lumber colors and format.

The top half of the German Belli Coat can be gleaned as the eagle of Velis'/Vails, recalling "Vallibus," for Velis'/Vails are first known in Northumberland with Belly-branch Baileys and Baliols, and with PHOENix's/Fenwicks. Velis' are in the motto of Vance-like Vans/Fane's/PHONE's, the latter first known in Monmouthshire with Howells who in turn share the tower of Pellicans in the giant pelican of German Wells. Fauns/Phones' are first known in Devon with Thors/Tours sharing the triple towers of Howells. Tower using Hills have an "AVANCEz" motto.

The Glue and Kellogg greyhound can take us to the greyhound of German Hungars (compare with Czech Hungars and Huns and Hundts). Moravia is in Czechoslovakia, and Czech Hungars add a FLAG, used also by HOLD-loving McLeods/Lutts, whom I suspect from the OLT river of the Romanian Carpathians, near the Mures river. Holds/Holts (same place as Ratcliffe's) are first known in Bury while Burys (Devon with Bearings, Beers and Berrys) have a Buris variation pointable to BURISma gas. The German Hungars look related to Italian Fortuna's/Fortune's while Andrews use a "fortuna" motto term. English Berrys look related to the Hungarian flag.

Scottish Fortune's are first known in East Lothian with Vaux's/Vallibus', and with the Keith Catti, and, I feel sure, that latter named Caithness, where Andrews are first known. I had read that Chatti of Hesse-Cassel named Caithness, and it just so happens that German Hungars are first known in Hesse with RASmussens (Hungar colors and format) who in turn share the giant Schwab/Swab unicorn.

Another consideration is that while Cremers may be from Ukraine's Crimea, Crema is on the Serio river while Cars have a "serio" motto term. The car was on jack stands, and Stands married a Yarborough line from Ukraine.

There were two ice-cream girls in my teen dating life less than a year apart. Both agreed to date me while handing me an ice-cream cone. The second was Darlene Ray/Wray of Knob Hill Farms, where I was working along with ALLISON Bauer. I dated Allison Bauer too. Scottish Allisons cropped up above, and I noted there that they are in LUMBER colors and format. Lumbers are first known in Northumberland with the Velis/Vails suspect in the "prevail" motto term of Scottish Allisons. Velis'/Vails even share the eagle of Hanson-connectable English LOMBARds. I last saw Miss Hanson at her ice-cream shop, with her new boyfriend, when I was at the entry to Ratcliff LUMBER. It must have been about the time I was dating the two girls from Knob Hill, for that was my last year living in Gormley. The point seems to be that John Ratcliffe will work with Tom Homan of ICE.

John Ratcliffe succeeded Dan Coats, and Coats/Cotes' share the six pale bars of Truths/Trots/Trude's in the "Truth prevails" motto of Scottish Allisons.

I can make the case that CARpenters, though suspect from a Carpathian family from Hungarian royals, were named from a Car merger with Penders because PenderGRASS' can apply to the carpenter-glue GREASE for the bearings, for Grese's are listed with French Grasse's. English Grasse's share the Pender lion. Plus, when I got the first date with Miss Hanson as she handed me an ice-cream, my friend, Dennis Quinn, loaned me his parents' car (they were away at the cottage). His sister is Sharon, and Sharrons share the Pendergrass Coat and Crest.

I made the case that the ice-CREAM pointed to Cremers and Irish Kilpatricks, and involved the "serio" motto term of Cars when Mrs. Kilpatrick appeared at a car, which itself pointed, by an event with a lumber yard and Miss Hanson, to John Ratcliffe. I can make the case, I think, that Speaker Johnson is being pointed to for the money allotment he needs to make toward the war on the cartels.

Scottish Johnsons almost have the Scottish Kilpatrick Coat, and as the ice-cream is pointing to the agenda of Thomas HOMAN of ICE, I'll add that my OMEN and related mugging in Galveston (see 3rd update of last month), near the Mexico border, took place as I rounded the Baytown home of these Kilpatricks, months before I ever saw Mrs. Kilpatrick, who was born to Mr. Hicks, and then Hicks' share an "Icke" variation with Ice's. I was headed to Mexico when mugged there.

Before going to the Scottish Johnsons, let's add that English Johnsons share the pheons of Thistle's/Thissle's while Fauch's show nothing but thistles. Both Sharon Quinn and Miss Hicks pointed to the Fauci bloodline when the ice-cream was itself pointing to it. Fauchys use a "GRASShopper," and Fauchys are first known in Perigord with Fage's/FAUX's/CHOLLENS' who in turn almost have the Cremer Coat, and Francis COLLINS was Tony Fauci's boss during the planned pandemic. It has me wondering whether Speaker Johnson will fund or table the investigations that seek to criminalize Fauci and company.

English Faux's not only share the Hanson mascle, but the Hanson Crest shares the mascle of Whalleys, first known in Lancashire with the Ratcliffs who in turn share the bull head of Walerans (Whalley colors and format).

Scottish Johnsons have this:

Most instances of the name are thought to come from the barony of John's Town in Annandale, Dumfriesshire...They once were wardens of the West Marches [= border guards]...

...There is a heraldic similarity with the Kirkpatrick family coat of arms, leading to the belief that John was a descendant of Gospatrick, Earl of Northumberland. GILBERT, son of John received a parcel of land in southern Annandale from William Bruce, Lord of Annandale, some time between 1195 and 1214.

These Bruce's became Scottish kings, mothered by Marjory Carrick, and the Cars/Kerrs, is we ignore their stars, have the Arms of Carrick in colors reversed. The GILberts, in the format of Cars/Kerrs, have the Arms of Carrick if we ignore their roses. GILLigans share the Quinn Coat, and Gills (Yorkshire with Lombards and Bruce's) look related to the Lombards who share the vair fur of German Hansons. I trace "Bruce/Brusi" to "Abruzzo," and the double Abruzzo lions are with Spanish Gills.

Gilberts have "A red squirrel CRACKing a nut" as part-code for Carricks, assuring that Cars/Kurrs were a Carrick branch, and that Kilpatricks and Johnsons were Carrick relatives via Bruce's of Annandale. German Daggers have another red squirrel while Kilpatricks have a dagger.

Cars/Kerrs are first known in Lancashire with a Bury location, where both Ratcliffe's and squirrel-using Holds/Holts are first known. And for an additional, possible pointer to Speaker Johnson, Lancashire is where SPEAKERs are first known who share a giant and red eagle with Ewe's/Cuish's and cushion-like Cussons. Hicks/Icke's are said to have had a branch at St. Ewe. Cusson-like Cousins (Norfolk with Patricks) share the Gilbert and Arms-of-Carrick chevron, for Scottish Kilpatricks substitute "cushions" rather than the Cremer Chief that Irish Kilpatricks use, both Chiefs sharing the fleur-de-lys of Burys. English Burys are first known in Devon with a Speke location of Speakers/Spike's, with Spice's, with the Pine's in the Speaker/Spike porcupine, and with the Berts who could have named GilBERTs from Gill elements, for Berts and Burts share the Gilbert chevron, all in Gilbert colors and format even. While Cussons share the giant eagle of English Constance's, French Constance's have a pine tree.

The "HEDDwyc" motto term of Gilberts could point to Heath, home of John Ratcliffe, and where he was once the mayor. Beauty-connectable Heads/Heeds are first known in Norfolk with Cousins and Burts who in turn both share the Gilbert chevron. Heads/Heeds are first known in Norfolk with the Hat-branch Haydens who share "spots" on their dog (different color) with English Thomas'. The Gilbert motto term should be code for the Haddocks, who have "Gilbert de Eydock, or Haidoc" in their write-up, and who share the black cross of those English Thomas'.

EyDOCK can explain the "duck" of German Thomas', for English Ducks/Dacks have lion heads in the colors of the Duce/Doocy lions while the latter are first known in Staffordshire with Docks who in turn share the Bruce lion. Therefore, Scottish Dogs/Docks look linkable to the Carrick / Cragg dog. Craggs are first known in Yorkshire with Elis' almost having the English Thomas Coat, both sharing the crescents of Carrick-branch Craigs.

Can we begin to see an additional pointer here to Thomas Homan? German Thomas' put six "bars" behind their duck while the Arms of Bar-le-Duc uses pansies while Pansys, sharing the doves of the Gilbert-beloved Peace's/Paise's, are first known in Westphalia with German Ducks/Dockers. English Dockers are first known in Cumberland with the Daggers/Dackers and the Bernice's who in turn share the black winged Homan horse. Home's/Hume's are first known in Berwickshire, anciently BERNICia. Yup, it does look like a pointer to Thomas Homan. How did we get here? By following Beautys car to Gilberts and Carricks.

Back to Hicks' of St. Ewe, in Cornwall with the first known Carrick-branch Carrots/Carews (share Quare/Carre lion in Carrick / Cragg colors). It just so happens that "yw" is a Gilbert motto term, translated as "is," perhaps a clever code for both Ewe's and the Ise variation of Ass'. The Ash's/Esse's and Hazels/Hessels, both first known in neighboring Devon, can take us the Hesse's/Hessels sharing the sun with the Car/Kerr Crest, and the Suns/Sinclairs share the cross of NEVERS'/Neve's while Scottish Johnsons translate their motto, "Never unprepared."

While Angus' and Annas' share the Car/Kerr star, Nevers'/Neve's and NAVYs are first known in Angus with the Jardins who in turn share the Chief-saltire combo of Armys and Annandale's. Armys are first known in Lincolnshire with English Johnsons, which can again indicate the Speaker Johnson will fork out money to Tom Homan to fight the cartels. The Carrick-branch Craigs (Aberdeenshire, beside Angus) share the rider on horse with Navys, and the Navy Crest shares the white WINGed horse with GILLigans.

You've got to admit, that while Homans have a giant rose in the colors of the Gilbert roses, Annas', in Homan colors and format, substitute with a giant star in the colors of the stars of Gilbert-related Cars/Kerrs.

MORE. The "unprePARED" motto term of Johnsons is translated from "PARATus" while Pare's/Parats and Parrots can apply because the Chief-Shield color combo of Parrots is colors reversed from the same of Scottish Johnsons. The Parrot combo is shared by Homans. See that? It's a pointer to both Speaker Johnson and Tom Homan. It just so happens that pears are shared between Parrots and Wardens. It just so happens that, while border officers wear badges, Pare's/Parats share the "badger" with Badgers/Badge's. Carricks share the black dog with Bachs/Baghs who in turn share the Car/Kerr stars.

"Pareat" is a motto term of English Constance's who in turn share the giant Cusson and Ewe/Cuist eagle. The "raTIONI" motto term of English Constance's suggests the Tonys (Toeni's), first known in Leicestershire with Kiss'/CUSH's who in turn share the rooster of Hahn-related Bibo's who in turn put their rooster on a "cushion." Thus, as Scottish Johnsons have cushions, they are suspect with the motto of Constance's. Constantine's are first known in Devon with Johnson-beloved Spurrs.

There's another black dog in the Crest of the English Thomas' (Carrick colors), and in the Coat of Craggs (Yorkshire with Bruce's and Elis') who in turn almost have the Knee/Knees Coat while Kness'/Ness' are first known in Perthshire with Justine's who in turn share the erect sword of Fenders, the latter first known in Huntingdonshire with Homans (share winged horse with Navys). Sleeping Beauty first appeared walking by the fender of the car, to the hood at the front of the car. While Hoods are also Hoots, Hotts share the Speaker/Spike eagle. Nevers'/Neve's almost have the Elis Coat while Elis' (Yorkshire with Oddie's'/Hoddys) almost have the Coat of English Thomas' above. As Thomas' and Tomasso's were from Thomas of Saluzzo, father of Alice/Alis, it seems that Elis' were from him.

When God told me to wake Beauty as she hovered asleep in the car, I was going to kiss her awake, and therefore I invented "Sleeping Beauty" for that scene, which works so well heraldically that God must have intended her to act as Sleeping Beauty. While Knee's are also Kness', the Kness' are also Ness' while Ness'/Nice's have the Sleep Coat in colors reversed. Then, while leaning over to kiss her, my hand BRUSHed her KNEE, and she awoke then, popping instantly into my arms while the Ermine variation of Bruce-connectable Armys are in the Sleep ermines.

Not only are Kiss'/Cush's linkable to the Cuist variation of Ewe's suspect in the Gilbert motto, which further proves that Miss Hicks fulfilled Sleeping Beauty, but Brush's are listed with Bruce's (Annandale Coat on a gold Shield) while Marjory Carrick married a Bruce of Annandale. Sleeps look related to Cantons (Yorkshire with Bruce's) in the "canton" of Brush's/Bruce's. A canton is at times called a "square" as obvious code for the square in the Arms of Piacenza.

The Sleep Coat is in colors reversed with Johnson-connectable Jansens, and so it seems that Mrs. Kilpatrick is, as Sleeping Beauty, a pointer also to Johnson & Johnson vaccines, owned by Jannsen. In this context, her sleep symbol is a pointer to vaccine murders. I don't see a vaccine connection to Speaker Johnson, but maybe give it time.

I trace Ass' to Justine's, the latter first known in Perthshire, where the Wings/Winks, in the Johnson Crest, were once said to be first known, though Wings/Winks are now first known in Worcestershire with the Squirrels/SQUARE's expected in the square in the Arms of Piacenza. The Tiens' in the Squirrel/Square motto were Pear(e) kin, and then we just saw the "unPREpared" motto term of Scottish Johnsons. Miss Peare (once my teen date) lived in Unionville, of Warden avenue, and Annan-like Unions/Onions/Enions may be from the UNa/Oeneus river (not far from VINKovci), wherefore note "UNprepared." The ANANes Gauls lived at Piacenza; it's why Piacenza elements are in the motto of ANNANdale's Rims/Rome's/RUMs. Annas' are first known in Cambridgeshire with RUMillys.

Thus, Miss Peare, and Miss HANSon on Warden avenue, are helping to discover that Unions/Onions were from ANANES Gauls, same as the Ainsleys. The Union/Onion Crest even shares the red hand with Hands/HANNs, first known on Cheshire with Masseys and Maceys while Maezaei lived in the Una/Oeneus river. Mascals are first known in Sussex with Unions/Onions while English Johnsons are first known in Lincolnshire with Mussels/Muscels. English Johnsons share the pheons of Thistle's (Fauci-connectable) who in turn are first known off of Manche, the latter having been the Normandy home of Masseys.

Scottish Johnsons tell that Perth was once called, "John's Toun," same name as the home of Johnsons of Annandale. Justine of PICENum can be traced to Piacenza, also known as PLACEntia, in the "placit" motto term of Rims/Rome's of Annandale. The "PEACE is PLEASing" motto of Gilberts thus looks like double code for PIACenza/PLACentia.

Beside Piacenza is Brescia, which shares the Bruce lion for obvious reason, but beside Piacenza is also CREMona of Lombardy, near Crema on the Serio river that we find in the Carr/Kerr motto. While the ICE-cream pointed to this situation, the "is" motto term of GilBERTs can be for the ISE variation of Ass'. Again, Ash's, at least near the Axe river of Devon, are first known in Devon with Berts. Johnson-connectable Johns use axes.

The "fasces" of Ise's/Ass' has an axe head, and we find an axe in the Place/Plais/Plaiz Crest. English Lombards look related to the checks of Pelaiz's and German Bills' while English Bills', first known in Somerset with BORDERS, look like a pointer to Tom Homan of ICE due to the Omans/Omens expected in the "Omne" motto term of the latter Bills'. The fasces was a Roman symbol of hard-line, zero tolerance, and Tom Homan expresses his border agenda in exactly those terms.

As the Place/Plais axe is held by an armored arm, their lion must be the one in the Chief of ARMYs/Armine's, perfect where Tom Homan wants the army for his border agenda. Armys/Armine's (Lincolnshire with English Johnsons) even share the Annandale Chief-saltire combination.

Sleeping Beauty appeared at the hood of a car, at the Rattery-like radiator, and Rattery of Devon is where Hoods/HOOTs are first known. It looks like a pointer to John Ratcliffe because, in the next scene, Beauty was hovering LEVEL over the car SEATs (distress on her face) while Levels are listed with Leavells, from Waleran de Leavell while Walerans (Devon with Hoods/Hoots) share the Ratcliff bull head, in the colors of the Beauty bulls (Waleran / Whalley colors and format).

Not only do Hoot-like Hooters share the giant eagle leg of Hover-like Hoovers, and not only do Hicksons have eagle legs, but Hoot-like Hotts share the eagle of Speakers/Spike's, the latter first known in Lancashire with Ratcliffs, Whalleys, Cars/Kerrs, and Seats. Seatons named Seaton in Devon. Can you see the Intelligent Design in that hovering scene, formed to jibe with heraldry, and pointing apparently also to Speaker Johnson? Yes, it appears that Johnson and Ratcliff are both at the hood of the car.

She got to the hood by coming past the front fender, and while Fenders (same place as Homans and Others/Otters) use an "otter," we can trace this back to Lumber-like Lombardy because Others/Otters are said to be from lords of Lombardy. Ratcliff Lumber. And Lumber-branch Scottish Lams/Lambs share the Car/Kerr stars. The Lumber fesse-with-two-stars is in colors reversed with Barrs, first known in Ayrshire with Carricks/Kerricks and Craigie's. The Justine sword in the Fender Coat is held by a hand while Hands/Hanns are first known in Cheshire with English Kerricks. The lion in the Lumber Crest thus looks like the lion head in the Barr Crest, and both can be the red lion heads of English, Barr-connectable Ducks/Dacks, kin of Borders and Tax's/Dacks.

The Hotts are first known near Perigord, where Cremers can trace i.e. to Fage's/Faux's of Perigord, where also Beefs/Boeufs/TournaBULLE's are first known who share the Hott fesse. We can assume here, aside from a pointer to the Beauty / Boeddu bulls, that God is insinuating, with Beefs, the Cattle link to Cart-branch Cartels. Carts were of Castle Cary in Somerset, where Borders are first known. Thus, Sleeping Beauty, who pointed to Levels/Leavells with her (His) hovering scene in the CAR, is a pointer also to this heraldic set because Leavells lived at Castle Cary.

When she was hovering on her BACK (looking straight up), BALANCEd in the AIR, she must have been Ainsley EARhardt pointing to the "balances" of Ise's/Ass', which Justine's/Justus' use as scales of justice. Airs, in the "LIGHTer than air" motto of Ayers (Ayrshire with Carricks), share the Coat of Earhardt-connectable Eyers/Ayers. Scottish Johnsons, in their occupation of border wardens, had a motto, "LIGHT thieves all." Lights/Lite's are first known in Somerset with same-colored Borders, and with the BACKs who have the Coat of Balance's in colors reversed. Somerset is also where Friends are first known, in Light/Lite colors and format. Fox and FRIENDs.

But there's more, because Somerset is where Levels/Leavells are first known, along with the Pile's in the piles of Scottish Leavells, and then PILSburys have half the Balance Coat. I'm not familiar with PilsBURYs, but they are amazing here because they share the Coat of Ice-branch Eggs/Edge's!!! When loading Pile's, the drop-down menu at houseofnames suggested Pilsburys because I had loaded them in the past.

The Sheriffs, first known in Warwickshire with Balance's, love the Ass-connectable Esse's in their motto. The fox head is with Bellows/Ballots (Cheshire with Eggertons and early Eggs/Edge's), a branch of Billets, first known in Devon with Ash's/Esse's. Warwicks share the lion of Johnson-like Jones', and the latter's is the giant one of Bruce's in colors reversed while Bruce's granted John land that became the Annandale land of Johnsons. It just so happens that Jones' are first known in Denbighshire with the Bathers who in turn share the triple wolf heads of Sheriff-like Scarfs.

Repeat from the Johnson motto: "Pare's/Parats share the "badger" with Badgers/Badge's[/Baggers]. Carricks share the black dog with Bachs/Baghs [Denbighshire] who in turn share the Car/Kerr stars." Do you know what a "wetBACK" is?

A "scarf" is used by Trabys/Sadowski's, and then the Ananes Gauls who named Annandale lived on the Trebia river to Piacenza. Trebys and Treble's are first known in Devon with the Wing-related Spurrs in the Crest of the Annandale Johnsons. Wings/Winks share billets with Spurr-branch Supers (Devon with Billets), and the lone pile of Wings/Winks is shared with Hagels, the latter first known in Somerset (beside Devon) with Tarrs while Ananes lived between the Trebia and the Taro. Hagel-like Eagle's/Hegels are first known in Lincolnshire with English Johnsons.

"Bellows" are in the Coat of Shiptons while Meschins married Skiptons (Yorkshire with Scarfs) probably because general SCIPio, founder of Piacenza and Cremona, was allied to king Massena of Numidia.

Devon is where Dews/Deweys are first known who not only probably have the Pembroke dragon, but can be in the Jones motto. The Wests of Devon look like kin of Dew-like Dove's/Dows in the doves of Devon's Page's. Pembroke's look related to the Coat of Mazzini's/Mazzo's. I can trace Johnsons to Pembroke elements via Johns, and then while Johnsons were Kilpatrick kin, Kilpatricks share blood drops with Jones'.

Eggs/Edge's are first known in Worcestershire with Wings/Winks in the Crest of Scottish Johnsons (Kilpatrick min) along with a spur, and Spurrs, with Kilpatrick-connectable Supers (share billets with Wings/Winks), are first known in Devon with Ice-connectable Pike's and Burys. PilsBURY. Ratcliffs and Holds/Holts are first known in the same Bury location, and Holds/Holts love Worcestershire's Squirrels/Square's. I think it's amazing that Pilsburys are first known in Derbyshire with Airs/Eyers/Ayers and Here's/Heyers. It's got Ainsley Earhardt all over it, who works Fox and Friends with Steve DOOCY. I showed how Duce's/Doocys (Staffordshire with Hicksons) and Docks are Carrick-connectable. I'm sure that everyone at Fox and Friends is rooting for border security.

Then, HELTs/Helds, whom I looked up as per ECOhealth, Tony Fauci's partner in crime, share the Hickson Coat, with black eagle legs likely of the black Ice/ECCO/ICKE eagle. See that? When Beauty and I were HOLDing in rapture, hopefully it's a pointer to God's defaming / punishing of Ecohealth. Or, the 666 system, culminating in the Biblical rapture, will be a vaccine door pass.

The Ainsleys are in the colors and format of English Adams, and the latter were once said to be first known in Annandale with Johnsons and Bruce's, probably because Marjory Carrick, before marrying the Bruce's, married ADAM Kilconquhar. It's Homan-interesting that Scottish Adams, first known in Annandale, are in Home/Hume colors and format. English Adams share the stars of Scottish, Ice-connectable Pike's, first known in Ayrshire with Carricks, Air-branch Ayers, and Duck-connectable Barrs. It's the star also of Ducks/Dacks and AIRys/Erie's. "Lighter than air" is the motto of Ayers, and Lights/Lite's are first known in the same place as Ducks/Dacks.

German Ducks/Dockers look related to the bars of the Haydens sharing the Beauty bull. Hayden-branch Hats/Hades' are first known in Dorset with Beautys, Beacon-like Beaks (share white ostrich with Carricks), and also with Pollet-loving Pools/Pole's. Pollets (Somerset again) share the swords of Bailey-branch Baliols (Northumberland), and "Paratus" is the motto of Swords (of Siward of Northumberland), yet we saw that motto term with Scottish Johnsons. Johnsons translate it as "unprePARED" while Parrots share the Chief-Shield of Beacons/Bacons (double Lumber stars?) and Homans, colors reversed from the same of Scottish Johnsons. We saw from the Johnson write-up that they are probably descended from Gospatricks of Northumberland. Gospatricks have the Annandale saltire in colors reversed, and the proto-Johnsons were given land in Annandale by Bruce's. As English Reeds/Reats (Bruce saltire in colors reversed) are first known in Northumberland, note "paREAT" (of Constance's), almost the "paratus" code of Johnsons.

One can even take this motto to Parrs because they're connectable to Ness'/Nessans who share the Coat of German Jansens (near first-known Nissans). Parrs were descended from the same source as FurNESS' who in turn share the black dog with Carricks and Craggs. The latter are largely in the colors and format of Knees' while Kness' list Ness'.

The Carrick-related Gilberts love the Squirrels whose "Tiens FERME" motto can first take us to AIRys/Erie's with a "tiendrai" motto term. The latter's Coat is shared by Italian Belli's while Bellys (Moray with DOUGlas') share the eight-pointed star of Duc's/LeDucs (almost the Moray Coat). I link the Belli's above to Fullers with a "FERMiora" motto term, for German Belli's share the "beacon" with Fullers. French Bacons share the Dog/Doag/Dock cinquefoils. Brush's/Bruce's are first known in Suffolk with Beacons/Bacons ("FIRMa")

The Beacon write-up: "'According to the genealogy of the great Suffolk family of Bacon, one Grimbald, a relative of the Norman chieftain William de Warenne, came to England and settled near Holt. His great grandson is stated to have taken the name Bacon.'" That gets us to the Squirrel-loving Holts, and Ada of Warenne married Huntingdon, where Homans ("LaBILE") are first known while Ade's/AIDS', in Bile colors and format, are first-known in Berwickshire with Home's/Hume's. Warrens and Warden-connectable Wards almost share the checks of Nitts/Naughts, the latter first known in Dumfries with the Nith river. Wardens share pears with Beacon-connectable Parrots.

Grimbalds look related to Knightons (Worcestershire with Squirrels), especially as Knights are first known in Suffolk with Beacons/Bacons while Scottish Nights/Naughts were of the Nith river of Kilpatrick castle.

Parrots are first known in Pembrokeshire, beside the first-known Welsh Johns who in turn look related to Thomas'. English Johns, with almost the Welsh John Coat, are first known in Lincolnshire with English Johnsons. This makes Johns look like they named John, the father of Gilbert, the founders of Scottish Johnsons. The besants in the John BORDER are probably those of Clermonts/Clements (Wales with Pembroke) and French Clairs, for Clare Strongbow ruled from Pembroke. English Clare's are first known in Suffolk with Beacons/Bacons.

The Brittany Clairs love the Rose's who have a "Constant and True" motto while True's are in the motto of Home's/Hume's while Homans share the Beacon/Bacon Chief/Shield colors. Pembroke's have a "Constans" motto term while Constans/Constance's, who love the Tree variation of True's, can take us to English Constance's and Cussons, that latter highly suspect with the Johnson ? Kilpatrick cushions.


Bacons allows me to go back to Backs who happen to share the eagle of Scottish White's/WETs, and "wetbacks" are slang for illegal Mexicans coming up the rivers of Texas. When I first purchased my Texas property, a month or two in, I saw flashlights at the river. It was a crew of wetbacks following the river north to some municipal location. Ten minutes from me on the same river, Miss Hicks lived who was hovering on her BACK in the 1979 dream.

This reminds that Sleeping Beauty was framed in the dream as my future bride for heraldic purposes. God wanted to point to Bride's and McBride's, for example, but also to Weddings (Yorkshire with Hicks) who have the Hicks Coat in other colors. From Weddings and their Weed/Weedin branch, we could take it to Wet-like Wettins, you see, so that, maybe, her hovering scene is a pointer to dangerous wetbacks, smugglers of children, for example.

It just so happens that Wets/White's have the Labore's in their motto, as do Border-loving Dee's as "Hic labor," and Labore's are first known in Yorkshire with Hicks and Weddings. In the dream, God said to me, as she hovered asleep, "WHAT are you WAITING for...go WAKE her." Wake's are linkable to Dumfries' Walks/Wachs (share Wakefield sheaf) while Walkers are first known in Yorkshire with Wakefields, and Weeds/Weedins have the Sleep Coat in colors reversed.

Then, Waits, in Wet/White colors, share a Weight variation with English White's (Gloucestershire with Wettins!) who in turn share a blue-vaired fesse with Welsh Bachs/Baghs!!! How could that happen? The Whats once called their roosters "whadcocks" (or something very similar), and Cocks (Somerset with Borders) share the Bag Shield. Wets/White's share the eagle of the other English White's who likewise use blue vair.

This is new stuff; I've never before been on the wetback theme with any heraldry. Pointers to the Mexican border are new too, with Sleeping Beauty.

As soon as I woke her, we were ARISing through the air, and "aris" is a motto term of Waits/Weights. The Crest of Dexters in the "dexter paw" of Irish Kilpatricks have "weights" in their Crest. Whats are in Wheat/Whete/Whate colors. Aris' are listed with Arrows/Arras', with the Jeune fleur in colors reversed, and first known in Staffordshire with Hicksons.

I woke her when touching her leg, and Leggs, first known in Dumfries with Walks/Wachs, have a "tentaMINE" motto term while Mine's/Menne's look like they share the dancetty-fesse of Wyatts. The latter have eagles colors reversed from the eagle legs of Hicksons in turn first known in Staffordshire with the Arrows in the Wyatt Crest, and with June's in the Wyatt fesse. June-branch Jeune's use a border while the Boarder variation of Borders can be of the Boards, first known in Sussex with Wyatts.

Weddings are also Waddingtons/Waddletons while Waddings (Yorkshire with Weddings/Waddingtons) have the June / Wyatt fleur-de-lys in colors reversed. Waddlings/Whatlings are first known in Sussex with Wyatts and Courts/Coverts while the Scottish Corde's in the Waddling/Whatling motto list McCourts (share red heart with Waddlings/Whatlings). French Corde's share the crescents of Craigie's, the latter first known in Ayrshire with Corde's/McCourts and Cary-branch Carricks.

The Cordel variation of French Corde's starts to look like the Cartels who, along with Cary-branch Carts, could be using the Annandale saltire. Indeed, for Corde's/Cordels show nothing but "a BORDER of eight gold crescents" while Borders are first known in Somerset with Carys and Carts! It thus looks proven already that Sleeping Beauty was displaying an illegal wetback while hovering. God can point to more than one thing with a set of props in a dream. Wheats/Whate's are first known in Norfolk with Cartel-branch Cattels.

Jeune's are first known in Cambridgeshire with the Proctors who in turn share the red martlet in Crest with Weddings (almost the Weed/Weedin Crest), and with the Birds/Burds sharing the Ainsley fleur-de-lys. Ainsley Earhardt's daughter is Hayden Proctor, with Will Proctor as the father. The Jeune Coat is said to be "all surROUNDed by a gold border," and while "sure" is a Kilpatrick motto term, Rounds (Essex with Whats) use a "sleeping lion." Mrs. Kilpatrick was sleeping until God said, "WHAT are you WAITING for..." Wyatts are first known in Sussex with Arun of the Roundel-branch Arundels.

Having seen the Wyatts related to June's and Jeune;s, we can even take this to the "jeune" motto term of English Youngs, first known in Essex with Whats. Then, to your amazement, Scottish Youngs, once said to be first known in Roxburghshire with the Scottish Leavells who share their triple piles, can bring us right back to Sleeping Beauty hovering LEVEL! The black Young wolf is therefore very connectable to the black Quade/Wade wolf heads. We can even add that the giant stag of German Youngs/June's is in the colors of the giant Legg and Trump stag heads.

Levels/Leavells are first known in Castle Cary...of Somerset, where Backs and Pile's are first known. However, I've got record that, until recently, Pile's were once said to be first known in Northumberland, where Scottish Youngs are now said to be first known. Scottish Youngs even share the annulets of Walk-like Walchs/Walsh's, first known in Roxburghshire, while Walks/Wachs are first known in the same place as Leggs.

The Spice's in the "Auspice" motto term of Scottish Walchs/Walsh's are first known in Devon with Supers and Spurrs while Liddle's, first known in Roxburghshire, have spurs, indicating that Supers share the Walch/Walsh saltire. Liddle-branch Little's are said to have had a branch some 20 miles from Annandale (Dumfries with Walks/Wachs). The spur is also with Nith-line Knights, and with Close's, the latter first known in Yorkshire with Weddings and Waddings, and suspect in naming Closeburn, location of Kilpatrick castle on the Nith. Litts and Liddle's could therefore have the fleur-de-lys of Hicks-related Weddings, and then Hooks, with a blue-Shield version of the Hicks Coat, are first known in Devon with Supers.

I can even go to the QUATREfoils of Wets/White's, code, I firmly believe, for QUADRatus Bassus, father of queen Quadratilla, wife of LUPUS LAEVILLus, the line to wolf-head Quade's/WADE's in Wait/Weight colors and near format. What are you waiting for, give praise to your Creator, who gets involved in human affairs, and loves with loyalty all those whose hearts are committed to Him. He loves dirty hearts that ask to be cleansed. Hurry up and make your appointment today.

Lupus Laevillus, king of Cetis, and Quadratilla, were the parents of CHARAX Proculus, the line without doubt to Car-branch Carricks, first known on Ayrshire with Scottish Kennedys who are in turn from the Kennati priests of Cetis. This can explain why Sleeping Beauty was hovering over the car seats, for Seats list Cetis-like Cedes'. They share the cock with Whats. Seats/Cedes' use besants, which I see as code for the Bassus line through the Bassianus'. I can easily see why God chose Miss Hicks for the hovering scene, for the Hyksos of Egypt were "Heka KHASEWET" too while Cilicia had an ancient Kizzuwatna area. Cetis is in Cilicia. Kizzuwatna could even be the line to Kiss'/Cush's, for I was trying to kiss her awake. Note KizzuWATna.

Recall the CAR on JACK stands, for Kennati priests worshiped Ajax, which I'm confident traces to Jacks, first known in Yorkshire with Hicks', and where Stands/Stains were once said to be first known.

I've just found more besants with Wattens/Whatone's, first known in Nottinghamshire (beside Yorkshire's Weddings and Waddings) with the AINSleys sharing the Hicks fleur-de-lys. The Chief priest of Israel who had Jesus NAILed to the cross was Annas, and Ainsley-branch Annas' are first known in Cambridgeshire with Nail-loving Proctors who in turn share the Crests of Weddings and Birds/Burds (share Ainsley and Hicks fleur-de-lys). Like I said, God can point to a lot of different things using the same props and heraldry together. When God has finished allowing the end-time lines of Annas and Caiaphas to do what they will do, it will be time for the Rapture.

I have a feeling that the war on cartels will get Americans murdered, perhaps by design of Trump and his picks. I don't trust that man. All sorts of chaos (bombings) can be conducted by the deep state, all blamed on illegal Mexicans when in fact the American military can be doing it, same as it did to Iraqis but blaming it on the Muslim extremists.

Note WhatTONE's, for Tone's/Tony's are first known in Leicestershire with Kiss'/Cush's and Weight-beloved Dexters. I checked "Watton" from "KizzuWATNa," even if the terms are not related. Towns/Tune's are first known in Suffolk with spur-using Knights, and with Wettin- and Waddle/Weddle-beloved Buckle's, and with Lings and Buckle-loving StarLINGs/Starlincks while Stars are in What colors and format. Knights even have a border, and the gold eagle in the Knight Crest can be the gold Wyatt eagle, for Wattons/Whatone's share the Wet/White eagle, both in Crests. Weights/White's have leopard faces while Leopards are first known in Sussex with same-colored Wyatts.

Watton-like WALtons share buckles (different colors) with Wettins, the latter first known in Gloucestershire with English WALLs.

But even if Trump is not a part of the cartel chaos that can ensue with Homan's war against the cartels, the Democrat deep state can become Antifa on steroids using Mexican immigrants. Surely, such vast immigration by the Rhodian party in the United States had the destruction of American society in mind. This is why the Rhodians want the guns of Americans, so that the immigrants can have the upper hand. Brace yourselves, Americans, and don't think that immigrants won't escape into canada when Homan pursues them. They take guns with them, or buy American guns in canada that are smuggled in, just like the WEF likes it, and then the WEFer, trudeau, goes after the guns of law-abiding citizens instead of the illegal guns and their handlers, just the way WEF likes it. If you're storing foods, best to think about where best to hide them before the goons come.

In the dream, God said to me, "What are you waiting for, its you she LOVES, go wake her." I view that as "it's EWE she loves," for Hicks' are said to have had a branch in St. Ewe, and Ewe's almost have the Cush variation of Kiss'. I was leaning over to kiss her after God spoke those words. The Love's/Luffs were once said to be first known in Suffolk with Musks/Muscats, and Elon Musk owns Starlink satellites (military spy equipment) while we just saw Starlings/Starlincks, first known in Suffolk.

Musk's Trump-commissioned job at this time, with many Democrats coming out curiously in favor, is to get many Americans fired who are part of wasteful spending. With so many illegals in the country, this is not a good time to fire people who would have a hard time getting another job due to illegals competing with them. We'll need to gauge whether Trump and Musk are deliberately causing strife and hardships, or whether they will do this safely/slowly and with a heart. The job and company losses in Trump's lockdowns could pale by comparison to what Musk might do in the next fours years.

The KEWsh variation of Ewe's/Cuists indicates, I think, the Kiev-line Kevens/Kewens and Cue's/Kews, for the Keeps, in the motto of Hebrons, share a "galley"(ship) with Ewe's/Cuists. The latter are said to have named the Isle of Uist in Hebron-like Hebrides. The Coosh variation can take us to Cowes/Coo's, first known in Lancashire with the Star-connectable and satellite-like Settle's (share Star lozenges) and Shuttleworths/SHETTLEworths. The latter share a "weaver's shuttle"" with Keeps. English Weavers share the Keven/Kewen and Cue/Kew sheaves, and German Weavers/Webbers are first known in Saxony with Kepke's and German Wettins.

Kepke, my teenage buddy, chased me with a spider dangling on a web in front of Karen Graff, and then while Graffs are Gravs, Grave's/Greafs/Griefs are first known in Gloucestershire with English, Buckle-loving Wettins, and Leopard-loving Weights/White's. Starlincks use buckles, and Leopards are first known in Sussex with Keeps. English Weavers were kin of Hazels while Hazeltons, sharing the Wait/Weight motto, have the What and Star chevron in colors reversed. Hazels/HESSELs share the Waddling/Whatling crescents, and the Aris' in the Hazelton motto share the Sun/Sinclair cross while Hesse's/Hessels have a giant sun. Hazelton-branch Hazelwoods are first known in Yorkshire with Weddings and Waddings, and with Heslington Hall.

I can understand Musk's satellites in the Ukraine war, but why not also for the border war? Elons/Ellams are first known in Berwickshire with Home's/Hume's. Elons/Ellams share the full motto of Border-loving English Pagans (Yorkshire). Their motto is similar to the one of Buckle-branch Buckleys. This heraldry therefore appears Arranged. Plus, Elon-branch Elms share a blond, Homan-like "woman" in Crest with Ukrainian Homans, and with the Yorkshire Elis'.

It doesn't appear coincidental that Buckleys and Buckle's are in Human/Yeoman colors and format. Plus, the Human-beloved Spears/Speyers were of the Spey river, where Leslie's, who essentially have the Starling/Starlinck Coat, were earls of Rothes, but only because Leslie's married Pollocks of Rothes...who in turn descended from Fulbert, a vassal of the Dol, Elon-like Alans. English Rothes' were once said to be first known in Shropshire with Alans, and Alan-line Stewarts are first known in Devon with Yeo's/Yeomans. Stewarts share the motto of Brocks/Broke's in the "broken spear" of the Human/Yeoman Crest.

I've only now recalled the WittelsBACHs, and they are in the colors and format of one of the English White's while Weights/White's share the vaired fesse of Welch Bachs/Baghs! We have the wetback pointer here. Recall that wetbacks are being pointed to be the hovering scene, for while BEAUTY hovered on her back over the Seats, the CEDES variation of Seats is expected in the "TU NE CEDE" motto phrase of Steers in the "steer" of German Backs/Bachs! The latter's steer is the giant bull of Italian Boys/Boets/Boeddu's, an apparent branch of bull-using Beautys/Bowds. The Tune's/Towns may be in that Steer motto. Or, perhaps the Nee variation of Knee's in turn in Cragg colors and format while Craggs are from Charax Proculus of CETIS! Beauty.

The Stewart / Stuart checks can be gleaned from the Arms of Wittelsbach (just read the article until you hit "House of Stuart)." Stewarts had their thronal beginnings in the royal house of Bruce, descended from Carricks. Wittelsbachs got their Arms from Bogens, which became the Arms of Bavaria, and this goes to the Grimaldi's and Bagh-like Bags due to Grimoald of Bavaria.

Though not in the same colors, Wittelsbachs share dogs with Carricks, and the black Carrick "talbot" dog is in the Crest of Bachs/Baghs. So, yes, heraldry has a Wet link to Backs liners, and it's definitely in the hovering scene. I suppose that this is why God sent me to Texas, near the Mexico border, to find Sleeping Beauty. I could never figure out why she had to be almost 2,000 miles from my home. The Bach/Bagh dog is "sejant," meaning "SEATed," and Beauty hovered over the seats.

Seatons share the double-tressure BORDER with Scottish Flemings while sejant-like Segans/Sagans have a "salamander in red flames." Dog-like Douglas' have another salamander, and Tresure's (share green dragon with Seatons) are first known early in Somerset with Borders.

Sleeping Beauty Hovering at the Mexican Border

Saturday morning. As I awoke today, before writing on the Yeo's above, I started to wonder how "it's ewe she loves" could possibly point to illegal aliens. I was stumped, until I remembered proposing "it's yeo she loves." I can't remember what came of that proposal, but it's now amazing because Yeo's share a Yeoman variation with Homan-like Humans!!!!!!! Can we believe it? We now have a new Sleeping-Beauty theme, the Mexican border.

Plus, Love's/Luffs share three lions (different color) in Chief with English Hansons while Nordic Hansons almost have the SHEE/Shea Coat!!!!!! "It's yeo SHE LOVES." Nordic Hansons and Shee's/Shea's share the Cremer fleur,and Miss Hanson was the ICE-cream girl!!! Therefore, that phrase in the dream points doubly to Tom Homan of ICE, tending to confirm ahead of time that he will get confirmed as the anti-wetback chief.

Musks/Muscats can be gleaned, from the Love/Luff Coat, to be a branch of Muschats/Montfitchets, and as the latter are first known in Essex with Raines' and Rams, it makes sense that God would provide Hansons the lions of Raines' because German Cremers use a giant ram head. Reines' (not "Raines") use a < font color="#0000DD">"COMET" while Raines-branch Wrens, first known in Durham with CONE-branch Conte's/COMITissa's, share the crosslets of English Rench's/WRENch's, the latter first known in Cambridgeshire with Musks/Muscats. Miss Hanson sold me an ice-cream CONE, and Cone's are first known in Kent with Gore's sharing the Wrench and Wren crosslets. However, Gore's were previously first known in Essex with Muschats.

Miss Hicks pointed to Rench's on the Ranch road to Leakey (Texas), especially as Hicks share the fleur of German Rench's and Leakeys. The point is, her middle name is, Rena. As Hicks are first known in Yorkshire with Hansons, it appears that God arranged Hansons with the Raines lions. The Reines' have the Pisa Coat in colors reversed, and pizza has been disclosed as a pedophilia symbol. "Pizzagate" pedophilia was from COMET Ping Pong pizza, owned by Mr. AleFANTIS, and Fantis' (Bononia with Pane's/Panico's/Panetta's and Fontana's), using what look like boys heads, can be gleaned as kin of Pings/Pongs/Pagans (Yorkshire with "BON"-using Hicks) and their Pane/Panico/Panetta branch; it just so happens that Panico's were at the Setta valley/watershed of the RENO river in BONonia.

ZOWZERS, only after writing above did the Fantis' get loaded at Hall of Names to find them with "HUMAN HEAD"!!! I did, I did see Tom Homan in this. Heads/Heeds are first known in Norfolk with Hug-related Fountains/Fonts, and Font-de-Ville's are first known in Languedoc with Hugs and Conte's/COMITes'. See that? Comet Ping Pong in Washington DC must be involved in child trafficking, by the looks of it here.

The one thing that may have cost the Bidenites the election was the constant news of child trafficking over the border. Even Democrat Mexicans voted for Trump. Fantis' even incorporate the Cremer Chief.

The English Shea's are listed with Sheaves'/Shaws, first known in Berkshire with the Choke's whose triple fesses are those of Check/Chick-related Love's/Luffs in colors reversed. The Choke's almost have the Coat of Amore's and Damorys/Amori's, both first known in Oxfordshire with Love's/Luffs and Checks/Chicks. The Choke-branch Chalkers are first known in Kent with Cone's. Katrina Hanson handed me an ice-cream cone at Sam's Restaurant, and Sams, first known in Essex with Chicks/Chocks, share the giant lion of Italian Conte's while Cone's share the antlers of English Conte's.

As I've said several times, the Galveston mugger put both his hands round my neck, trying to CHOKE me as he demanded the keys to the truck. Wetbacks need to mug people to survive, at times. Muggs/Mudge's (Dorset with Beautys) are in Beauty colors and format. Just months ago, Muggs/Mudge's were said to be first known in Surrey with Madge's/Machets (suspect in the Fisc motto) who share the Hicks fleur-de-lys, and with Homan-connectable Biss' who look related the Coat of German Neckers. He had his hands round my neck.

They were at my THROAT, and then TROTs/Trude's are first known in Surrey with Muggs/Mudge's. See that? It can only mean that God gave me a good scare, for the team, by His own deliberations. I got away unhurt, losing only the keys, but I had brought a SPARE truck key. Spare's almost have the Dutch Neck/Neckar Coat. Shea's/Sheaves' have a "qui" motto term for the KEYS of Italian Sheaves' / and Spanish Chavez's. Cave's share the fretty Shield of Caens, the latter first known in Dorset with Chaffs and Muggs/Mudge's. The latter use cockaTRICE's while Trice's share the Homan rose, which happens to be in colors reversed with Sparrows, first known in Norfolk with Spare's! Bingo. I had no idea where I was going with this paragraph and the one above it, when first starting on the mugger.

The Solo's in the Sparrow motto are listed with Salome's while Salmons and Salemans were of Surrey too, where Muggs/Mudge's were early!!! It looks like God caused me to pack a spare key under the floor mat, knowing He was going to bring the mugger to give me the scare of my life. Thank you, Lord, for making me a man. Just don't do it again without telling me first.

To prove that God arranged this heraldry to fit "it's yeo she loves," or "it's ewe she loves," Yeomans/Humans use "spear CRONEls," and while no Cronel surname comes up, Scottish Crone's are said to be from the Hebrides, same as Ewe's/Cuists! I rarely find a surname first known there. Scottish Crone's almost have the lozengy Shield of German Hansons! Plus, English Crone's, first known in Yorkshire with Weddings, almost have the Wedding Coat in colors reversed! It's all so amazing, how God really knows His heraldry. He's almost as good at it as I've become.

Scottish Crone's almost have the Coat of Cocks while a "peacock" is in the Yeo/Yeoman Crest, recalling the "whadcock" of Whats, the latter first known in Essex with Peacocks, and with the Faux's sharing the mascle of English Hansons. The latter's Crest looks related to the Crest of English Crone's (Yorkshire with Hansons). Russian Hansons, by the way, have a BORDER. The split-Shields of Danish and Norwegian Hansons look related to Tromps and Fauci's.

The Humans/Yeomans can be expected in the "human leg" of Prime's, and Trumps almost have the Legg Coat. I woke Sleeping Beauty when BRUSHing her leg at the knee, and while Knee's are first known in County Down, Downs, first known in Sussex with Tromp-beloved Acorns, have a stag in the colors of the Legg and Trump stag. English Brush's/Bruce's are first known in Suffolk with Crauns/Crane's while a giant crane is with German Crone's.

BUT ZOWIE, there's more. For I also TOUCHed her knee, with my HAND, because Touch's/Tuffs are first known in Cheshire with Tufts/Tuffs' and Hands/HANNs, and while Tufts/Tuffs' share the phoenix with Knee's, Touch's have the Coat of Homan-connectable Home's/Hume's in colors reversed!!! See that? This is incredible. Cheshire is also where Hover-like Overs are first known, who share a FRET (different colors) with Cartels, and moreover the giant Ferte eagle is with Ewe's/Cuists.

The Knee and Acorn stag head is with VISE's (Sussex with Acorns), and I've shown how German Hansons connect to VISconti's of Lombardy in three ways, including the sharing of a GREEN SNAKE (Visconti's changed it to a blue snake). Greens/GREEMs/GREME's, possibly of Cremers, and Snake's/Snooks, are first known in Kent with Conte-branch Cone's. VisCONTI.

Scottish Crone's almost have the GRIMaldi Shield, and while PILgrims are first known in Norfolk with Fieschi-like Fiscs and Grooms/Grome's, the latter use PILES. Pile's are first known on Somerset with Cocks sharing the Grimaldi Shield, nearly the Fisc Shield. This can suggest that Grimaldi's were a branch of the namers of Cremona and Crema, both in Lombardy, especially as Scottish Lombards have the Grimaldi Shield in other colors. Grimaldi and Fieschi of Genova were political partners, and the Tromp-connectable Fauci's are first known in Genova too, along with Doria's who share the eagle of Tromps and Scottish Lombards.

The amazing thing is that the bottom half of the Doria Coat is the BACK eagle, and Backs are first known in Somerset too, with Pile's and Cocks. Then, this Back Coat is colors reversed with PILSburys!!! WetBACKs. Her hovering scene, with "it's yeo SHE loves," points to wetbacks. Burys share the SHEE, Hanson, and Cremer fleur-de-lys. PilsBURY. Burleys and Burse's are likewise first known in Somerset, beside Burys and Yeo's/Yeomans of neighboring Devon!!! The curious ATTYea variation of Yeo's/Yeomans could be of the Atha's sharing the Fisc Shield, for the Ade's suspect in the "ad" motto term of Fiscs come up as "Atty."

The Sichs/Sykes' suspect in the Fisc motto ("sic") share the "fountains" of Ewe-connectable Kiss'/Cush's, and with the Custs expected in the motto of Cremers (share red roster with Cocks and Kiss'/Cush's). The "ASSIduus" motto term of Sichs/Sykes' is amazing because Assi's come up as "ISE"! "AssiDUUS" can be for the Duce's/Ducys expected in the "Duci" motto term of Atha's! See that? Duce-branch Ducks and their Border kin are likewise first known in Somerset! Tom Homan of ISE, so to speak. Homans share the black pegasus with Bernice's, the latter first known in Cumberland with Sichs/Sykes'. Crone-connectable Masseys have another pegasus, and Sichs/Sykes' mention Tattons of Massy.

It's now important, as per Hicks' sharing an Icke variation with Ice's, that while Hicks' (Yorkshire with Touts, and with Tatton Sykes' of Sledmere) have a "TOUT en" motto phrase that could be for Tatton-like Tottens, Tattons share the crescent of Touts. Miss Hicks was pulled from her mother's womb by her future husband, Dr. Kilpatrick, when he was about 31 years old, and thus I give Miss Hicks a pedophilia symbol. I showed above how her Rena middle name can link to Pizzagate's James Alefantis. They were married when she was about 20, and, she confessed to church-goers, she had been a stripper until about that time, which is not an uncommon fate for girls that get willingly owned by the Epstein crime ring.

Reno's share the lozenges of Panico-like Pincs/Pinks, the latter first known in Yorkshire with Hicks'/Icke's and Pings/Pongs/Pagans. English Pagans (Yorkshire) share the fleur-de-lys of Hicks-branch Hooks, and of the Chief of Irish Kilpatricks which is also the Cramer Chief. ICKE-cream, so to speak, must be God's pedophile symbol.

AHH, ICE is short for Immigration and CUSToms Enforcement while Cremers have a "CUSTodet" motto term. Custs share the fountains of Sichs/Sykes!!! Custs and Cass'/Cash's share the Kiss/Cush Coat, and Ewe's/Cuists share the giant eagle of Constance's/CUSTers, the latter surname first known in Cambridgeshire with Cass'/Cash's. The Cone's are first known in Kent with English Alberts who use a savage holding a "sledge hammer" while SLEDge's are in Crone/Croom and Crom colors and format. Sichs/Sykes' are said to have been at SLEDmere with the English Crone's/Croom. Can we believe it? When God arranges things, He does it good. I can't imagine Him hating anything more than pedophilia, especially when they "discard" the children dead. It calls for a heavy millstone.

Croms share the cat with Catchers (Norfolk with SHOULDhams) who in turn share the scallops of French MERE's/Mars/MORE's. SledMERE. Scottish Mars are first known in Yorkshire with Sledmere. Dutch Mere's share the Coat of Masons/Massins (share MERmaid with MORays), first known in Kent with the Alberts having the sledge over his "SHOULDer" Alberts are in the format of, and colors reversed from, Masons/Massins and Dutch Mere's.

Ass-like Atha's are first known in Cambridgeshire with Musks/Muscats. Ass'/Ise's are the ones who love the Back-connectable Balance's who share the giant eagle of Pilsburys and Ice-branch Eggs/Edge's. Eggertons (Cheshire with Massey and Maceys) could be using the Musk/Muscat lion. The way to link Ass'/Ise's to Fiscs / Fieschi is by their "fasces," meaning that Ass'/Ise's do indeed look like an Atha / Ade/Aids / Edge / Ice/Ecco branch. The Ade's/Aids (Berwickshire with Hume's/Hume's) are in the colors and format of the Bile's (Somerset with Backs) highly suspect in the Homan motto. Homans are first known in Huntingdonshire with the husband of ADA of Warenne. Therefore, Tom Homan is very connectable to the Back-connectable Balance's.

We could add that while "Aide" is a Levi motto term, HANSons, ignoring their mascles, are in the colors and format of Levins (Westmorland, beside Homan-connectable Bernice's). Chief priest Annas / Ananus was likely a Levite. Annas', in Homan colors and format, are first known in Cambridgeshire with Atha's! ZOWIE.

Plus, Fiscs share the checks in the Arms of Croatia, and the Ceraunii Illyrians of proto-Croatia, suspect in naming Croatians as Craven-like "KRVati," are expected in the spear cronells that took us to Crone's and Crauns/Crane's. I can show that Ceraunii named the Cornovii of Cheshire and CORNwall, and St. Ewe is in Cornwall while YEOmans have the spear cronels. Its EWE/YEO she loves. Aha, Spears are even in the Crest of Toms (Yeo/Yeoman colors and near format) along with a "CORNish chough," as if God arranged this Tom-Yeo link as a pointer to Tom Homan. Cravens (probably Musk/Muscat kin) are first known in Yorkshire with English Crone's who in turn share the fleur-de-lys of Masseys while Maezaei Illyrians lived on the Urbanus river of the Ceraunii.

While Craven-related Ricks (Cheshire with Masseys) are from Croatia's Rijeka/Rika, The "ERECT spears" of Toms can be for the Reckitts/Ricketts. The Spear boar heads are those of Roets (Somerset with Borders, Bile's, and Roet-connectable Bills) while Catherine Roet married Sweeny-related Swynfords. Reck-like Wrecks show nothing but a BORDER, is that not beautiful? Or, can this mean that wetbacks are going to wreck the country in terrorist style to get Homan to back off?

The Tom Coat looks related to Wests in turn first known in Devon with TRIStans and Yeo's while the Brands in the Tree/True Crest use a cockaTRICE while Trice's'/Trysts, sharing the Homan rose, are first known in CORNwall with the other English Tristans. The West dancetty- fesse is with Dove's/Dows (look related to Yeo's/Humans), first known in Berwickshire with the True-loving Home's/Hume's. I've never known until now whose rose the Trice's/Trysts use.

The knight of Tree's/True's is "BRANDishing a sword". That is, brandISHING, like the "knight ISSUING from the knees." It just so happens that Knee's and Vise's share the stag head of the Cornwall branch of Tristans. The Devon-branch Tristans even share the black wolf head with Queens/Sweens while "issuing" must be part-code for Swings/Sweeneys. The Queen/Sween Coat is essentially the one of Quids/Quade's/Wade's in the "Quid" motto term of Reckitts/Ricketts (expected in the eRECT spears of Toms).

Spears/SPEYers (of Roet-branch Rothes) and Roets (Somerset with Gordano) share the boar heads of Gords/Gordans, the latter first known in Berwickshire with Home's/Hume's. Rothes', from Rothes on the SPEY river, are first known in Kent with Tom-connectable Reckitts/Ricketts. Tom Homan.

The "assiDUUS" motto term (of Sichs/Sykes') can be for the Duce's in the motto of Schims/Schiens) expected in the scimitar of Recketts/Ricketts (probably have the Skin/Scan/Skene swords).

The scimiTAR can be for Tarrs, first known in Somerset with Duce-branch Ducks, and with a second Axe river in or near Spear-connectable Gordano. The Tints of Somerset look like Rick kin.

I trace Schims with good evidence to Schimatari of BOEOTia, suspect for years (with good evidence) from the Sich-like Shechemites of proto-Israel. German BOETs/Butts look related to the Craven and Rick Coats. English Buttons/Bidens, sharing the Boet/Butt fesse, are in the bottony crosses of Rich's, the latter first known in Hampshire with Buttons/Bidens and Sturs/STYRE's of Craven-connectable Sturminster Newton. STEERs are beloved of Backs/Bachs who in turn share the Boy/BOET/Boeddu bull, and the latter were a branch of Beautys/Bowds, in turn first known in Dorset with Sturminster Newton. Sleeping Beauty is pointing to Boeotians. She pointed to the SELEPitanoi Illyrians near BUTva/Budva. As English Boys are first known in Berwickshire with Home's/Hume's, I'm seeing boys trafficked over the border.

Kent is where Reckitts/Ricketts and Conte-branch Cone's are first known while Schims love the Comites variation of Conte's. The ICE-cream CONE, possibly God's hint as per ice-cream used to lure children to over-the-border traffickers. Biden the pedophile loves ice-cream cones.

Borders (share Duck star) are first known in Somerset with Schien-like SHINs/Chine's. Reckitts/Ricketts are first known in Kent with GUARDs/Gards who in turn share the griffins of Gardners in colors reversed, who in turn look related to the Skinner Coat. BORDER GUARDS. Skinners are first known in Lincolnshire with TANKERville's, from TANAGRa at the Schimatari theater. Tankerville's were a Tank/Tancred branch while the latter birthed the royal GUIScards suspect in the "SanGUIS" motto term of Skinners (share white griffins with the Craven Crest).

By now, you realize that Shechemites were at Rijeka, the Arms of which has a double-headed eagle pouring WATER. Waters, Craven-beloved Fitch's/Fitchets, and Muschats/MontFitchets are all-three first known in Essex while Musks/Muscats can be gleaned related to Cravens and Ricks (share fitchee crosses with Cravens). The gold griffin in the Rick Crest ought to be the gold one of Marble's (Cheshire with Ricks) and Gardners.

Kent is also where Actons (Cheshire with Ricks), in the Craven motto, have their Axton location. Newtons (same place as Ricks) have "SHIN bones" while Bank Newton is in Rick-related Craven. Cravens are Gravens too while English Grave's are first known in Gloucestershire, where Shin-branch Kemmis'/Kenys were once said to be first known.

This now gets very wetback-interest where Cecils (Devon with Hooks), with a motto suggesting both the Ceraunii and the Una river of Maezaei, share the six, black escutcheons (same pattern even) of Waddlings/Whatlings while Weddings/Waddingtons have the Hook and Hicks Coat, and almost the Crone Coat. Then, black escutcheons are also with CORRINs (Waterford with Corrys/Currys). As Weddings, Waddings and Crone's are first known in Yorkshire with Hansons, it could be that the Hanson lions are close to the same lions of Cecils that are within their eSCUTcheons. Gold escutcheons are with the Scute's who in turn have a "crane" in Crest.

The six Cecil lions are those of Savage's/Sava's (Cheshire) in colors reversed while the Ceraunii and Maezaei were on the Sava river. Recall how "it's yeo she loves," which now points to wetbacks, gets us to Shea's/SHAWS. French Sauvage's have a giant heart, in the red color of the Waddling/Whatling heart. Crone-like Acorns have a "red human heart CROWNed...", we get it. Acorns (same place as Wyatts) look related to the Wet/White Coat, yet another pointer to Homan the wetback hunter. Acorns were VISE kin, suspect as cousins of Back-connectable Ise's.

English Crone's share the fleur-de-lys of Cart-beloved Palms (Yorkshire with Crone's), and the Cart saltire must be the one of Cartels. Carts are first known in Somerset with Borders who in turn have swords in saltire colors reversed from the Cart / Cartel saltires. Instead of a lion in a mural crown for Crone's, Pings/Pongs/Pagans (same place as Crone's and Palms), in their mural crown, have the Wet/White and Wight eagle, we may glean, for both English White's share blue vair with Crone-connectable Palms. The Palm Chief is Chief of Quints (Cumberland with Sichs/Sykes') who in turn share the chevron of Slate's while Sleds are listed with Slade's.

As we're about to bump into some cats of Norfolk, where Fiscs are first known suspect with the Sichs in their motto, let's repeat from above: "Sichs/Sykes' are said to have been at Sledmere with the English Crone's. The latter's Croom variation reveals that they are a branch of same-colored Croms." Croms share quatrefoils (different colors) with Wets/White's. Cat-using Croms were once said to be first known in Berkshire with the Shea's/Sheaves'/Shaws who share a "qui" motto term with Sichs/Sykes', code for the Keys (Yorkshire with Crone's/Crooms and Palms) in the Coat of Italian Sheaves'/Chiava's.

I just want to mention my cat, Sassy, which SUCKed its tail regularly/habitually, which pointed hard to Tail-branch Tillers because the Tilurius river of Croatia is also the Cetina. Cetins/Cattans are one of the three Norfolk names with a cat. I'm repeating this here because, while Sassys/SAUCERs share "Saracens' heads" with Cetins/Cattans, Sich-like Suchs can apply to her sucking her tail. Saucer-like Chaucers (Kent with Chalkers) show a tortoise in Crest, as do Sichs/Sykes'. However, Hall of Names says that Sichs/Sykes' have flags in Crest while Flags are first known in Norfolk with Cetins/Cattans, and with the Sich-beloved Fountains/Fonts. French Fontes' nearly have the Chaucer Coat.

Flags are used by McLeods/Lutts of Sykes-like Skye, and so Beauty's rapture into the sky, while HOLDing me, can apply to the "Hold FAST" motto of McLeods/LUTTs. The latter share the bull head of Buckleys, in turn in Human/Yeomans colors and format. Lutts/Lute's, sharing the quadrants of FASTs (Norfolk with Flags) and Falstaffs, almost have the Name/Neam Coat while Trump is trying to make KRISTi NOEM the boss of Tom Homan. The Nons/NOME's/Nevins (share Kness/Ness crescent) are in the Kness/Ness motto, and the Knee's/Knees' were at the rapture scene because it took place as soon as I touched Beauty's knee.

[Long Insert, sorry, I'll return to topic -- Recalling that Mr. Kepke pointed to the Knesset, note CHRISTine Peare, his girl. It's making sense that the Christine bloodline traces to the Jerusalem / Nob area. Christine's have a "chevron HUMEtee." In an event with me, she pointed to the "bello Christi" motto phrase of Bouillons. The Bouillon flory is colors reversed with Birds/Burds, and Nobs have "silver birds." That event pointed also to Christ-connectable Hips' (Norfolk with Nobs and BURTs!) who share the martlets of the other Birds/Burds, and the latter have a fesse-with-three-items in the colors of the fesse-with-three-items of Nobels! I've never been on this heraldic set before. These latter Birds/Burds, minus their three items, are in Keppoch colors and format. Why is Kepke pointing to Nob?

Oh wow, although the location of mount Gareb at Jerusalem is not known for sure, I proposed that it was at the Knesset, or the hill to its immediate east. Keppochs have Gareb-like "garbs"!!! LOOKIE THAT. The Garb surname looks related to Bird-like Brights, first known in Cheshire with both Birds/Burd surnames!!! The sheaf/garb of Garbs is in the Arms of Cheshire, meaning that someone knew, or thought they knew, where mount Gareb is, and that they trace their ancestry to a family there, perhaps a Templar-related family, for Brights and Garbs look related to Payens, especially as Payne's are first known in Somerset with Bridge's, Brets/Brits, and Pierce's/Piers. Brittanys share the pierced Bright stars, and between the Brittany stars is the Scroll/SCOPE Coat. Nob is beside Mount Scopus. Payens love the Spurrs, first known in Devon with Burt-branch Berts/Births.

Garbs not only share the white wing in Crest with Christs/Kryste's, but both are first known in Austria.

Ahh, Payens share the pierced stars of Mullets, the latter first known in Auvergne with Bouillons. Godfrey de Bouillon was made the first defacto ruler of Templar Jerusalem, and Hugh de Payens was made the first Templar grandmaster during the rule of the city of Godfrey's brother.

Pete HegSETH has the flag of Templar Jerusalem on his chest. Seths/Shaws share the Christine cups, and Seths/Shaws have the Comyns in their write-up whose dagger they share. Comyns, in Seth/Shaw and Bright colors and format, not only share the garb, but are first known in Norfolk yet again with Nobs! Also with the Higgs who could have named HEGseths. Seths/Shaws are said to derive in "Sithech," and then Sticks and Stich's have garbs but call them "sheaves" while English Shaws are also Sheaves.

The "patITUR" motto of Shaws/Sheaves' jibes with the "itur" of MacKENZie's, and the latter's Mountain kin are in Brittany colors and format. This motto term, which I trace to IDRis the ITURean, husband of queen KENZA, came to mind when I was discussing Kepke's job at the furnITURE store. I now need to suggest that Youngs, because they owned the furniture store at Parliament street, are from Shawia Numidians.

I've said before that a coin of Syphax the Numidian ruler reminded me of Kepke, only to realize soon-after that the latter surname is a hard version of "Syphax." Keppochs are also Kippax's. Kenza was from the SHAWia Numidian! Spice's, Lorraine-connectable Speccots, and Speakers/Spike's can apply to Syphax lines. I had proposed that "NUMIDia" is of/from the Neamt (like "Noem") county of the Agarus river, at the north side of the Trotus river, if I recall correctly, and Spice's are in the colors and format of TRUDeau's while Trots are also Trude's. Neamt is smack beside the Bacau location. And Youngs share the Walsh and Benjamin annulet for a potential trace of Youngs / Jungs / June's / Jeune's to Neamt.

The Young Chief, with the annulets, is colors reversed from the chief-with-annulets of HOGans, and while king Og of the Rephaites lived in the area of Jabesh, Rephaites also named the Rephaite valley in Jebusite Jerusalem. The "REBUS" motto term of Cabbage's, who can trace by their motto to Angustus of the Trotus theater, can be for Bus' as well as for Rebbs' listed with Repha-like Reps, first known in Norfolk with Bus' and Nobs!!! See that.

Norfolk is also where Reph-like RAVEN liners are first known, such as Reph-like Roofs/Ruffs/Rolphs (branch of Ralphs), who look related to Homans because the latter love the Rolph-related Rose's (Nairnshire with Scottish Rolphs/Ralphs).

The Rep/Rebbs Coat is the one of English Wise's in colors reversed, almost the one of French Levi's while Nob was a haven for Israeli priests under king David, who defeated the Jebusites and took their Jerusalem. The Youngs with the annulets share the red demi-lion in Crest with Wise's, and there's a red lion also in the Crest of Hogan-like OGdens. The Reps/Rebbs' even share five, white feathers in Crest with Scrolls/Scope's.

The Arms of Neamt happen to use a black mountain goat, and goat-using Kepke's were kin of black-goat Weiss' and Weishaupts. Weis'/Wise's share the Peare hexagram! English Wise's are first known in Devon with Spice's, Speccots, a Speck location of Speakers/Spike's, and with black-goat Moline's who use their black goat in both colors of the same of Walsh-branch Walsers!!! Walsh's are from Wallachia, which may have covered as far north was Neamt! Kepke left Peare for Miss Walsh, then went back to Peare. I suppose that proto-Kepke's had been in Neamt.

If you seek where mount Gareb is found in Jeremiah, you will see that it's about a mile or less from goat-like Goath! English Bush's have a goat head.

The Arms of Neamt include what look like ears of wheat, and while wheat sheaves are often called garbs for what now seems certainly to be code for mount-Gareb elements, Wheats are first known in Norfolk with Nobs, and with the Comyns having "garbs of wheat." The English Name's are also Neams/Neems (Lincolnshire with Roslins). Irish Name's/Nannys have three stag heads in the illegal gold-on-silver colors used for the three Roslin buckles. Nanny-like Nans are listed with the Kness-connectable Nons/NOME's. The Vise's suspect in the latter's motto share the Knee stag heads. End insert]

While Swings/Sweeneys are expected in the "isSUING from the knees" phrase of Shoes, Queens/Sweens are first known on Skye too, near the first-known Ewe's/Cuists. Queens/Sweens (Beauty colors and format) essentially share the Quade/WADE Coat, and, in order to get me to touch Beauty's knee to trigger a RISE to the sky, God said, "What are YEO WAITing for, it's EWE she loves..." The Constants in the Queen/Sween motto share the Non/Nome and Kness crescent, and Constant-branch English Constance's share the giant Ewe/Cuist eagle. Constants share the tree with Shoe's, and have the Shoe star in colors reversed. The Faithfuls in the Queen/Sween motto are first known in Norfolk with Flags, Fasts, Rise's and Risings.

I've not fully understood "Katrina" until now, but as it appears that God arranged KATRina Hanson to point to Hahns and Hanns (share red rooster with Cremers), it's completely amazing that Kate's/KATTERbachs are first known in Mecklenburg with same-colored Hahns and Trumps. That is, KatterBACHs!!!!! Is that not incredible? God must know slang: wetBACKs. OH WOW, Wets/White's are essentially in the colors and format of Hansons!!!!!!!!!!! The only part about the Wet/White Coat that makes the two Coats not quite in the same format is the lone eagle, and it's the BACK eagle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this works when getting surprises like this. She lived on Warden avenue.

I hadn't checked where Wets/White's are first known until now: Berwickshire with Home's/Hume's. Kate's/Katterbecks are also Katz's, and then Jewish Katz's share the cat with Cattans, Catchers, and Keats, all-three first known in Norfolk with Cartel-connectable CATTels, Wheats/Whete's, and Weathers/Withers. It all looks wetbackish to me. Weathers/Withers have "A HARE HOLDing three EARs of corn." Lots of surnames use "ears of wheat." Irish Hare's/Jarrys have the giant lion of Home's/Hume's in colors reversed, the latter first known in Berwickshire with Wets/White's.

Ear-like Eyers/Ayers share the Wet/White quatrefoils in gold, perhaps code for English Golds because the latter are first known in Suffolk with Witten-beloved owls. Wittens are first known in Worcestershire with Hold-beloved Squirrels. Scottish Ayers are first known in Ayrshire with Hare's/Hairs.

The cat-liners in Norfolk are first known there with Hat-branch Heeds/Heads while Hate's/Hague's, in Hagar / Kate/Katterbach colors, are first known in Yorkshire with cat-liner Caddys and Hansons. Hagars share the Kate/Katterbach hexagram. Once we establish this Hanson link to Wets/White's, we take it to English Weights/White's because they share the vaired fesse of BACHs/Baghs. KatterBACHs. Bachs/Baghs are first known in Denbighshire with Scarf-connectable Bathers, and then while Polish Trabys/Sadowski's use a "scarf," Trebys share the Witten Chief. Hate's/Hague's share a "sola" motto term with Eyers/Ayers (Derbyshire with Sola's).

Trebys are first known in Devon with the Hoods/Hoots whose fret involves the saltire of Oddie's/Hoddys and Hate's/Hague's, the latter two both first known in the same place. Oddie-branch Hodleys/Oddeys are first known in Sussex with Wyatts who may have a version of the Hanson Crest due to a related reason. Wyatts share the dancetty-fesse of Dove's/Dows (same place as Wets/White's). Again, the Crone/Croom Crest looks related to the Hanson Crest too, and the Crone-related Palms share the blue-vaired fur of both English White surnames.

Wetbacks got named for their walking down riverbeds to skirt border guards on roads. In the third update of last month, I re-introduced my dream where I was walking on ICE. That dream started with me walking down a river!!! I now get it. God was posing me as a wetback. The river was about to flood, and, in the next scene, I was on a city road with a foot of water flowing past my legs, and beneath my shoes was ice. It speaks to the flood of immigration under Biden. I was walking on the ice toward traffic lights, but it wasn't until this week that this scene points to drug trafficking.

The water was KNEE deep, and ice was beneath my shoes. The Shoe's have "a knight ISSuing from the KNEES," but they also have a "tree" while knight-using Tree's/True's are in the HOME motto. It's another pointer to Tom Homan of ISE, so to speak. The island of ISSa (Croatia) is also Vis, and Vise's share the Knee / Acorn stag head. Scottish Crone's have a "fish issuing." The Vise's, also Ice-like Vice's, have a giant stag head is in the color of the giant Ice/Ecco eagle, and Vicks/Vecks are first known in Lincolnshire with Eagle's/Hegels while the Backs sharing the Ice/Ecco eagle are first known in Somerset with Weeks and Wing-related Hagels! BINGO everywhere.

There's a wing in the Crest of Christs/Kryste's who in turn have a Coat looking related to Ice's/Ecco's. I'll tell you soon why Kryste's are involved here.

Knights have a BORDER, and the Shoe knight shares the Ass-like axe with SWINGs/Sweeneys suspect in the "isSUING" term of Shoe's. The Shoe tree is on a "wall," and while Acorns are in the Tromp Coat, Trump's BORDER WALL seems to be in play here.

If Beauty's hovering scene points to border guards, then how might the Hover/Hoffer surname do so? I've got the answer already prepared in my head, less than a couple of minutes after asking. We first take the Hover leopard face to the same colored one of Ade's/Aids, the latter first known in the same place as Home's/Hume's. Ade's/Aids are in the colors and format of Bile's/Bissels suspect in the Homan motto. The Bile/Bissel Coat has the bend-with-scallops of Spencers in colors reversed, and while Spencers share the fret (different colors) with Cartels, Bile's/Bissels and carts are first known in Somerset with Carts.

We also need to go to the fret of Overs/Offers, looking like a branch of Hovers/Hoffers. Beauty was hovering OVER the seats, We also need to go to the fret of Hoods/Hoots while Hooters share the giant eagle leg of Hover-like Hoovers. Before she was hovering, I saw her from a distance walking around the FENDer of a car, to the front of the hood, and "deFEND" is a Spencer motto term. Fenders are first known in Huntingdonshire with Homans.

Doesn't all that appear Arranged by an Intelligent Invisible who was alive when heraldry was formed? The invisible devil didn't know the events that would take place centuries after its development. Only God knew of Tom Homan at that time.

The BISS' share the Spencer scallops. The eagle in the Bile/BISSel Crest is in a White Crest too, and is also the Coat of Wets/White's. It's the eagle of Backs, first known in Somerset with Bile's/Bissels, Hoffer-like Coffers, and Bills. Spencer-related Berkshire's are first known in Wiltshire with Cough-branch Hoffs while Hovers/Hoffers are also Huffs while English Huffs are first known in Cheshire with Cough-connectable Sale's, with Meschins sharing the Spencer scallops, and with Overs/Offers. Bills have "wood bills" while Woods are first known in Leicestershire with Spencers.

To help prove that Bile's/Bissels have the Back eagle, Biss' are first known in Surrey with the Steers in the "steer" of German Backs/Bachs.

The bull of CHARO's/Claro's can apply partly because they share the bend of Berkshire's who in turn share the Spencer quadrants-with-frets. Windsor castle in is Berkshire, and Others/Otters were proto-Windsors. Steer-like Sturs/Styre's are first known in Hampshire with the Joseph's having a "CHARO" motto term.

Fenders (same place as Others/Otters) share the otter with Balfours, first known in Fife with Scottish Spence's. Lady Diana Spencer was once married to the now-king of England, the so-called prince of Windsor, and he probably loves Arthur Balfour, a prime minister of Britain in the period of the Rhodian / Rothschild Illuminati. Arthur Balfour helped the Rothschilds to put modern, synagogue-of-satan Israel on the world map.

If ICE is going to clean up the illegal immigration disaster under Homan, why would God point to it? Might He not point to it more-likely, or with keener interest, if Homan turns the disaster into something worse akin to a civil war or a mass-murder project of his invisible superiors? ICE was former by the Bush presidency under the guise of a national emergency due to 9-11. Bush was a fiend, and probably still is. Trump has nominated Kristi Noem as Tom Homan's official boss at the Homeland Security.

The full name is Department of HOMEland Security, or DHS, yet one could use "DoHS," then go to the Dohs surname listed with Dove's/Dows, first known in Berwickshire with Home's.

Recall the spear CRONEls of Humans/Yeomans, for Crone's/Crooms share the fleur of Palms in the "branch of palm" of NOME's/Nons/Nevins. Houseofnames lists no Noem surname, but if it did, it might be of the Nome's. Noem's first name, Kristi, reminds that, when I was hunting for Texas property on the day of my Galveston mugging, I ended the hunt that day at CYRSTal City, in a pointer to Rockefellers, very near the Mexican border. Crystals/KRISTYs happen to be first known in Yorkshire with Palms and Crone's/Crooms. The "SPERandum" motto term of Nome's can be of the spear cronels of Homans, and while Toms are the ones with the "eRECT spears," Crystals/Kristys have a "recte" motto term. Christs/Kryste's share the Homan and Sparrow rose while Sparrows (almost the Christ/Kryste Coat) are first known in Norfolk with the Hips' in turn looking related to Christs/Kryste's.

Repeat from above: "There's a wing in the Crest of Christs/Kryste's who in turn have a Coat looking related to Ice's/Ecco's." It just so happens that Wings/Winks are first known in Worcestershire with Ice-branch Eggs/Ecco's, making it appear that God arranged even this Ice link to assure that He's pointing to Homan's boss, Kristi Noem.

Half the Egg/Ecco Coat is the eagle of Childs, first known in Hertfordshire with Wink-like Vince's/Finch's, whose "sibi" motto term in turn looks like code for a surname from Cibalae (for example the Sibals), a city that is also VINKovci. The Hips', who likewise look related to the Ice Coat, are first known in Norfolk with Finchems. Valentinian I was born in Cibalae, and Valentins love the Squirrels, first known in the same place as Wings/Winks. Valentins are first known in Piacenza-like Vicenza, near Schio at lake GARDa, and "Schio" can be in the "conSCIA" motto term of Crystals/Kristys. If "CONscia" is for Cone's, they are first known in Kent with Guards/Gards.

The "calvary" symbol of Crystals/Kristys, code for Calvarys (Yorkshire with Crystals/Kristys), is in the colors of the Spare's. Spare's and Sparrows came to topic above with the spare key in the mugging event. Christine's/Christians share the white unicorn in Crest with Sparrows. It appears that my mugging event is pointing also to Kristi Noem.

The Reckitts/Ricketts, sharing the triple-red Sparrow roses, expected in the Crystal/Kristy motto, are from Rijeka, near the COLAPis/KUPa river, and Christine's/Christians use cups while Cups/Cope's/COLPs can be traced to that river. The latter are first known in Aberdeenshire with the Schims/Schiens expected in the Reckitt/Rickett scimitar. Crystals/Kristys are first known in Yorkshire with Rijeka-line Cravens (Rick kin).

The Noem-like Numans/Newmans are interesting for being first known in Dorset with Muggs/Mudge's. The two surnames have the same format in colors reversed from one another. Newtons, who named Sturminster Newton in Dorset, are in Spark colors, and Sparks share the swan with Christmas' / Christmans so as to look like a SPARE / Sparrow branch. Sparrs/Sparks are first known in Lincolnshire with Name's/Neams and Custs. Constance's/CUSTers share the giant eagle of Scottish Sparrs and Ewe's/Cuists. It's Ewe she loves.

Reckitts/Ricketts are first known in Kent with the Masons/Massins (share the Name/Neam lion) having the SPEARs/Spire's/SPEYers in their motto, with the Cone's possibly in the Crystal/Kristy motto, with the Axton location if Craven-beloved Actons (Cheshire with Risks), and with the Rothes' of the Spey river who share the Numan/Newman lions. The Mason/Massin motto is incorporated by Crose's/Cross', first known in Lincolnshire with Sparrs/Sparks, and with the Racks/Rake's possibly of the Wrack variation of Border-loving Wrecks, for Racks/Rake's are in Yeo/Yeoman colors and format. It's Yeo she loves.

Doesn't wrecking the country need sparring, and a spark to set things off? The Sparrs/Sparks share a giant eagle on green with Grave's, the latter first known in Gloucestershire with Humans/Yeomans, in the format of, but colors reversed from, the Yeo's/Yeomans and Racks/Rake's. The Franconian RAKE (in some Arms of Bavaria) looks linkable to the German Bust Coat. Wrecking and busting peoples homes and stores. German Busts have a Homan-like "woman."

Some eight hours before the mugging, I had what I called a Homan-like omen, many years before I knew of Tom Homan. Is Homan going to cause a horror show for the country? If so, the blame goes to the Bidenite powerhouse, likely including Obama...the communist parasite who probably loved the FAST-and-FURious gun-running program intended to thwart Mexican border guards. Fasts are in the motto of McLeods/CLOUDs of Skye, and the omen had to do with a small cloud in the sky. Furs are listed with Firs/FIRE's in the Crystal "fir tree." Recall the night of broken crystal in Nazi Germany. ICE was founded by the nazified-American family of the Bush's.


Kellogs refuses to clean up its Fruit Loops even though there's an activist movement against it that's reaching a wide audience. As per the video below, we might want to ask if Kellogs Corn Flakes has lead, or whether it's deliberate as part of WEF's make-the-world-sick programs:

\ Just in case you like microwave popcorn, maybe just get normal popcorn without the poisonous bag:

Trump's pick for DEA (illegal-drug enforcement) has been canceled, a good sign indicating that Trump's listening to his supporters. After the latter clamored for a week or two against the pick, telling that he brazenly arrested a Florida pastor for violating COVID lockdowns, Trump consented and removed Chad Chronister's name from the nomination. Chronister used the arrest to scare other pastors. That would be a dandy and much-needed type of behavior from police if they used it on criminals and government gangsters, but not pastors. However, the pastor is Rodney Howard Brown, whom many consider to be a heretic.

Pete Hegseth has admitted that he committed adultery on his wife and the husband of the woman's husband, during, or near the time that, he was at Fox. I think he's saying that he since became a Christian. I can accept that. His wife is still with him. But maybe he should have told Trump about this before accepting a nomination to the DoD. Here's his confession and explanation:

He says: "About 2018 I entered the Colts Neck Community Church with my wife (who was wary of what evangelical Baptists were like), and faith became real." He has worked Fox and Friends weekends since 2017. "In addition to his accomplishments as veteran, compelling speaker, and news personality, Hegseth is a #1 New York Times bestselling author. His most recent book—Battle for the American Mind (June, 2022)—spent over 12 weeks on the New York Times best-sellers list, including four straight weeks at #1. Battle for the American Mind is a field guide for remaking school in the United States. Two of his previous books—American Crusade and Modern Warriors—were also best-sellers."

His atheist enemies hate him for being a Christian nationalist i.e. one who works politics too. Our enemies would have us stay out of politics that they might have a clear path to their wicked dead-end, where they would lead the whole country, if they could. Working earth politics, as a Heaven-minded Christian, has got to be risky.

I would caution that while the Bidenites were gearing up to send faggots to war in the Middle East, Hegseth might inspire Christians to go. DO NOT GO. We are not being called to Middle East wars, especially not to fight for the covetousness of Rothschilds and other such intrusive lizards. Blessed are the peacemakers. Let God handle the twists and turns of the Middle-East without Christian fighters. That seems right to me. There is at this time perhaps not one Middle-East country that will go unscathed, including Israel, as God works out His end-time prophecies.

We then ask whether God would want a Christian at the charge of the DoD, which overseeing Middle-East military bases. We then consider that Hegseth's chest has a tattoo of the flag of Templar Jerusalem, which was the flag also of Caucasian Georgia in the time of the Templars. The Crusaders had taken several parts of Syria when they took Israel, and their Zionist outcropping was the Rothschild bankers, modern Zionists.

BUT, word is that Senate RINOs won't confirm Hegseth. Lindsey Graham is supposedly at the charge of the Senate kill of Hegseth's confirmation. I can't be sure whether Trump nominated Hegseth to give good appearances only, to his base, knowing that Hegseth won't get confirmed. On the same day that Hegseth told that Trump wants him to fight the Senate RINOs, we also hear that Trump has chosen Ron DeSantis as Hegseth's back-up. In other words, Trump seems to be caving to the RINOs before the fight even begins, leaving the RINOs unscathed to do it to others of his nominations too. That's why Gaetz should have fought the RINOs to the end, so that the names of the RINOs could be tarnished all over social media for weeks, warning them not to do it again.

Always keep in mind that Trump is a bought-off / blackmailed deep-state tool. The deep state understands that Trump needs to make a good show of things for his voters, but in the end, my bet is that few of his promises will be fulfilled due to Trump's inability to fight hard. He was a deep-state push-over in his first term, why should it be any different now? The best hope is for Trump to continue to choose hard-line peacemakers and deep-state cleaners, to replace RINO-rejected hard-line peacemakers and deep-state cleaners, until anti-globalist social media convinces the voters to vote the RINOs out in 2026. At that point, Trump can re-nominate the hard-line peacemakers and deep-state cleaners. Confirmation needs only Senate approval.

In the meantime, Trump, as of January 20th, can fire deep-state puppets in leadership positions, and hire temporary hard-line peacemakers and deep-state cleaners to replace them until the RINOs give-in and confirm hard-line peacemakers and deep-state cleaners. But if he knows he could suffer great harm from the deep state to use that tack, it can explain why he doesn't do it.

The former leader of Holland, Mark Rutte, a hard-line WEFer, is now the NATO chief. That didn't happen by coincidence, revealing that NATO is in bed with the WEF. Trump nominated Keith Kellogg to be his ambassador to the Russia-Ukraine war, a former military man. Trump is himself a lover of the U.S. military. He allied with it to mass-murder and mass-maim his own citizens with the plandemic. This is not my fantasy. It's the truth.

Trump has already threatened to bomb the Middle East if Hamas won't return hostages. What will this egotistical proudster do, if Hamas doesn't comply? Hegseth (likely a Zionist) might even like to bomb the Arabs with Trump. Trump is so proud of getting things done in 24 hours, to net the praises of his global supporters, he's apt to becoming a too-quick-to-act monster. Trump promised his supporters that he would end the Russia-Ukraine war in one day. I assume he's going to use Kellogg in trying to accomplish that, but Putin doesn't like Kellogg in this context.

As of Wednesday night, Trump has not spoken out publicly to support Hegseth in his scuffles against leftist media, which can indicate that Trump has already spoken to Hegseth's replacement, with a promise. When the people who don't want Hegseth as Defence chief like Ron DeSantis, it means DeSantis is good for war money overseas. But, DeSantis opposes COVID crimes and schemes, and the military was the biggest vaccine schemer in the country. Hegseth, because he works at Fox, whose boss expects or demands no anti-vaccine news, may not quell the vaccine goons in the military.

When discovering that Hegseth committed adultery with all of his three wives, I decided it may be best that he not get the job. He needs longer healing. Positions of honor in white-collar settings net lots of adulterous opportunities. He and I both went from girl to girl in our youth, but, even before becoming a Christian, I wouldn't cheat on any one of them, let alone a wife. A cheater like that is a terrible wild-oats kind of guy.

In 2017, at the time that Trump was in the throes of putting the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem, Hegseth said he's like to see a new Jewish temple in Jerusalem. What is wrong with this man? Is he trying to speed the arrival of the abomination of desolation to Jerusalem?

Laura Trump on Fox news this week says that Trump has no desire for retribution against his foes. The question arising is whether Laura and other family members discussed with Trump the dangers to themselves of attacking deep-state elements, and thus they probably made Trump decide to go easy on his foes. In that case, he's the wrong man for the White House because, if he doesn't punish the wicked in high places, they will never fear snubbing their noses at the law in all manner of government crimes and underhanded, undemocratic tricks and joy rides. He will finish his next four years with the risk of giving the American people to the Democrat wolves yet a second time, as he did in 2020.

Trump was an idiot who sabotaged his own powers by looking weak to his foes. He's apparently going to get swallowed by a shark again, while alive. Yes, his priority of staying alive will get him swallowed alive. But surprise me, Mr. Trump, and show some retribution. Not just clean-up and bragging, by firing a few people, but some punishments that make all the government gangsters afraid of committing crimes for the next 20 years. Then you can go out with a real bang, with a real legacy, instead of a legacy that you invent fantastically merely with your boastful mouth.

Zuckerberg, who was much responsible for cheating Trump out of the election in 2020, is asking Trump for a role in his administration in order to quell him, in order that the next president might not send his Justice system after him, IT'S OBVIOUS. Zuckerberg is sucking up to Trump, and Trump probably thinks that making Zuck a team player will look good on his coat tails. That's because Trump is the big fool of his big ego. Look at the big sharks swimming circling around Trump:

THE BIG QUESTION: is Trump all talk on punishing the deep state? Voters are keeping an eye on him. He knows he has the Senate RINOs on his side to refuse the ones who want to punish the gangsters. When Trump ceases to front those who want to see punishments, that's when he gets swallowed. His enemies see him as a push-over, easy to deceive, or easy to get on his good side to avoid his justice system. And with one phone call Trump can tell Ms. Bondi: go soft on the big boys. "Don't worry, boss, I know why you picked me for Justice, because I'm a-scared of a mouse making a wee noise in the middle of the night. I'm definitely not going to rile up the alligators in broad day light, don't worry." From Matt Gaetz the pit bull, to Bondi the salon doll, what exactly is that if not breaking the speed limit on capitulation?

Did Trump urge Kash Patel to go out and publicly announce that he's coming to pound the deep state to assure that a small herd of RINOs will gore him to death? Is Kash just putting on a show? Who in their serious mindset would clown around, as he's doing, before being confirmed, knowing the slim chances of being confirmed by the RINOs who hate Trump voters? Unless the voters frighten the RINOs more than the lizards do, the RINOs will reject the lizard hunters.

On the other hand, the harder the Trump government punishes the lizards, the harder the lizards could use and abuse the law and their law enforcers, when they get back power, to punish the lizard hunters. Or maybe even now, before they get back a Washington majority. Maybe, in God's wisdom, the best thing is to go soft on the lizards so that Jesus can deal with them in one Swoop. The Thief in the Night is coming to swoop and to sweep. However, I don't know what the best-for-Christians is at this time.

One problem with the job that Trump gave Musk is that, after this new move is popularized, and the Dems get back the White House, they will fire Republicans and keep the Democrats so that the government becomes a harsher Democrat bastion.

This video shows the potential next Health director saying that the NIH (National Institutes of Health) under Trump, that latter being a government agency that was Tony Fauci's boss, received some one-half of total value of Moderna, and that four, maybe six, leaders in the NIH are slated to receive, from Moderna, as much as millions of dollars for their part in popularizing mRNA vaccines...though that popularization backfired. I'm just wondering if this next Health leader, NIH's boss, will do what he would have done years ago, at the NIH, now that he's at the front lines of his own war against its corruption. Or, will he back down under the pressures of threats? Or, did he already promise Trump that he won't rock Trump's boat by exposing NIH corruption?

The Auditor General of canada has revealed that the trudeau government gave COVID moneys to the tune of 3.5 BILLION dollars to ineligible receivers, which at first glance (I haven't gone deeper yet) looks like under-the-table payments to COVID friends doing the bidding of WEF and other great-reset money-gobbling monsters. This particular scandal involves a pandemic loan program from Export Development Canada (EDC), monies that were intended for small businesses damaged by the lockdowns. The Auditor General claims, as is typical of her, that the monies lost were derailed by such things as mere poor management rather than sheer criminality.

There's no country in this world, at this present time, which has been caught so many times forking out illegal monies like this. In how many ways were such monies distributed where the trudeau government has not been caught? Just imagine. $3.5B = 3,500 million dollars, enough to buy a $500,000 home for 7,000 homeless people, and that's just the tip of the burg for tax money wasted on fat cats. God is watching how the canadian FBI and the canadian CIA are looking the other way, knowing that it could easily find the stolen monies and jail those who took it.

The arch-bishop of Canterbury has caved to winking the OK to marriage for faggots and lesbians. What a retarded (backward), despicable, cowardly decision from one seeking honor amongst Godless men more than from Jesus. Plus, the human-appointed (fake) representative of Jesus on earth, in the Anglican church, is now king Charles, what a laughable ending to the Anglican church. SPIT! By the time that both the vatican and the Anglicans have come to harbor anti-Christs as representatives of Christ, it could be God's exposure in the final generation.

Plus, Presbyrterians, Methodists and others have long-ago succumbed to Sodomy in the pulpits, begging whether Rothschilian fiends were deliberately sent to infiltrate upper levels of denominational offices in order to corrupt the whole batch of dough. It could explain why pre-tribulationism rules at pulpits.

Steve Turley the Christian has a headline this week, with a smiley Trump on his youtube cover: "Bitcoin SURGES Past $100K as a New GOLDEN AGE dawmns!!!" I'm sure that Jesus is just thrilled, Steve. You need to change your tack, drop Trump, drop big money.

Here's a good clip with a news show, as presented by a Turley video, concerning the American demon, the shadow government in Syria:


Here's all four Gospels wrapped into one story.

For Some Prophetic Proof for Jesus as the Predicted Son of God.
Also, you might like this related video:

Pre-Tribulation Preparation for a Post-Tribulation Rapture