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Mike Bickle of the Kansas-City prophets has admitted that 80% of all modern prophecies are false, but that there is no need for great concern since (they believe) prophesying must be learned by Christians through trial and error, if you can believe that. In the coming decade, they are going to do much better, he assures us (and these men demand that we not judge them as false prophets, and if we do, we are going to reap the wrath of God!). According to Mike, God Himself said, "Wait till the nineties; wait till the year 2,000; wait till 2,010. You think the gift of prophecy's flowing--I will purify it because I said I would give it to My people."

You do see that this is a first-Person prophecy where God himself is (supposedly) speaking out of the mouth of a man? True, the words of Biblical prophets were often in the first-Person, but the Spirit also assured the truth of the uttered words because the men weren't speaking from their own minds, but were being Controlled from Above. While we can excuse and forgive a person who utters something from his flesh, it would be the ruin of God's people if we collectively gathered around "prophets" who are wrong 8 out of 10 times. So, keep away from them, especially as they have as their main goal an insidious overthrow of both the churches and the world.

Below is a letter written by the Kansas City prophet, Paul Cain, a first-class Latter Rainist who believes that God has called him specifically to make the global revival happen. Therefore, don't be fooled by the fine-sounding terminology he uses to get what he wants (money included). While all Christians sickened by the world today want to see the sort of revival he speaks about, don't be swayed to thinking that the dream he offers is of God:

Dear ______:

Several years ago the Lord revealed to me His desire to raise up a generation of nameless and faceless people who would be a part of an end-time revival--ordinary men and women blessed with extraordinary gifts and anointings.

Alongside this move of God would be the reality of my lifelong see the body of Christ ministering in the fullness of the Holy Spirit and His gifts (Eph. 4:11-13). This would result in Christians all over the world discerning the prophetic voice of the Lord and becoming thoroughly equipped to strengthen, encourage and comfort others.

While the actual timing is unknown, I sense an urgency from the Lord to begin what I believe to be the most important project of my life.

As many of you know, late last summer the Lord called me to move to Kansas City to be a part of the founding of a prophetic servant community, which is to be called "Shiloh." The early promptings for this community were first felt nearly 40 years ago in my walk with the Lord. Since then, Mike Bickle, senior pastor of Metro Christian Fellowship, and many others, have been given a vision to establish a residential/retreat center that would serve to nurture and encourage the prophetic in this day.

This is particularly exciting since it's recently become apparent that I can not continue to travel as extensively as I once did -- however, I will be periodically attending some significant conferences. By residing at Shiloh I will be able to continue to minister to those people the Lord sends to me, as well as, mentor and encourage individuals with prophetic giftings.

There is much I could say to you about the way Shiloh, as a prophetic sanctuary, will be established and run, but in the shortness of this letter let me share with you highlights of its vision and divine purpose. Shiloh will be...

* a ministry required to maintain accountability to an independent advisory board of church leaders from around the world to ensure sound theology and practice

* a place where prophetically gifted people can come to be encouraged and mentored by me and others

* a secluded place that would allow national and international leaders to come to hear the word of the Lord for their lives and sphere of influence

* a community offering prophetically gifted people from many streams of the body of Christ opportunity to come and share what the Lord has been saying to them

* a prophetic roundtable: a gathering where revelation can be tested and communicated to the wider body of Christ.

As I look around the world, there are so many signs of life and positive encouragement in the church of God. These are truly days of refreshing; and although Shiloh is only one part of God's plan and strategy for these days, nevertheless, I feel an intense urgency to establish this work.

To date, we have committed to purchase 94 acres of land in South Kansas City upon which Shiloh will operate. IN ORDER TO CLOSE THIS SALE ON MAY 30TH, WE MUST RECEIVE AN ADDITIONAL $350,000. Shortly after purchasing this land, we will begin..."

In His Service,

s/s Paul Cain

Do you see that Shiloh will be "a place where prophetically gifted people can come to be encouraged and mentored by me and others." Well, "me and others" are the Kansas-City false prophets that hope to lead the Latter-Rain movement around the world. They see themselves as God's valves through which His messages make their way down to the "wider body of Christ." Clearly, Shiloh is to be a think-tank for Latter-Rain leaders from around the world, for planning, "prophesying," and carrying out the global take-over.

John Wimber was going to have a key role in Shiloh, as Vineyard Ministries became the major financial contributor to this "prophetic roundtable." These are two big reasons not to support Shiloh, the Kansas City prophets, or the Vineyard organization. In the end, the Shiloh project will fail, but the property bought with your money will be owned by the Kansas-City crew...i.e. they won't give you the money back when it fails! It is so easy for these men to make millions nowadays with merely a few letters if they can convince you that they are big men of God.

Note that "Shiloh" was the name of the organization begun by the charismatic cultist, Frank Sandford...the mentor, and therefore the father, of the "father of Pentecostalism" (i.e. Charles Parham). Here is a newspaper article on Sandford:

"...few may remember the religious cult, "The Holy Ghost and Us," in the early 1900s at Ridge Mills. This story also is almost unbelievable. The "Holy Ghost Station" was established in 1901 by a Rev. Frank W. Sandford, later was to be convicted and sentenced for the death of six persons, one of Ridge Mills. He had founded the cult nine years before in eastern New York. Sandford and his followers declared they had found the path to salvation, and that there was to be an end of the world in the near future and that only those on their side would survive in the "life hereafter."In April of 1905, some of the 'saints,' as they called themselves, left Ridge Mills for Shiloh, Maine, many of them selling the property and giving most of it to Sandford. Twenty two persons left Ridge Mills in a body, 'to wait the end of the world.' In all, 25 of the Rome area, 14 of them children, 'answered the call.' Meetings at Ridge Mills continued, with leaders exhorting others to join those in Maine.

"The end of the world did not come but most of those who went to Shiloh remained there to experience sufferings which led to a state investigation. Preacher Sandford, at one time a Baptist pastor of a wealthy parish, said mysterious voices told him to take all his possessions and go to Shiloh, Maine. He said he was broke when he arrived there but soon the property in Shiloh was worth more than $250,000 as followers in numerous places, including Ridge Mills, poured in contributions.

"The Shiloh community put all earnings into a common purse and drew all supplies from a common larder. Soon poor crops caused reports of hunger in the commune. Meanwhile, Sandford was some place on his yacht, searching, he said, for another Shiloh and a new end-of-world date.

"One member broke away and reported: "I have endured the tortures of hell since I joined. . . They have taken all my money, deprived me of my family, ruined my health and were starving me to death."

Then Sandford was charged with manslaughter in causing the death of a boy by refusing to permit administration of medicine while the boy was suffering from diphtheria. A jury disagreed in the first trial, he was convicted in the second but the verdict was set aside on the grounds that public opinion was unfriendly to him. Meanwhile, another refugee from Shiloh, a Ridge Mills man, declared they had been permitted only one meal a day, usually mush and milk, and that sickness was ravaging the disciples. A state investigation uncovered what were called cases of cruelty to children, it being declared that Sandford was, "ruling his people with fear, they following his merest suggestions implicitly." Sandford was called "insane." [taken from]

There you have the bed of Pentecostalism. Sandford shared his "gift" of tongues with Charles Parham, and from Parham it got to Azusa Street, and from there it has continued to this day. And now the Latter Rainists want to start a new Shiloh, with your money, to pollute the Church again with prophecies from their own imaginations. In the mean time, Paul Cain and his ilk wish to dominate the world with a Christian military offensive in a day that God is calling us to bravery in turn-the-cheek passivity. Here is what a witness says John Arnot, pastor of the Toronto-Blessing church, said in July of 1997:

I attended a "revival" meeting last night at Lake Boren Christian Center A/G near Renton, WA (near Seattle) where John Arnott was the featured speaker. Lake Boren, also know as the Seattle Revival Center, has become "Toronto Northwest." At this meeting Arnott introduced a "new anointing" he calls the "Sword of the Lord." With this "anointing" comes a new boldness, a new power. He also called it the "Warrior Anointing." It promises to bring "deliverance from your enemies." The visible effects of receiving this "anointing" include roaring, shouting and grasping the hands above the head, then swinging them up and down as if one was actually holding a sword and attacking an enemy.

Note the word "Center" in "Lake Boren Christian Center," and then know that the churches derived from the "ministry" of Frank Sandford are, to this day, called "Centers." Mmm.

In any case, I suppose that the wholesome Christian calling of growing boldly in Godly character, in sober thought, and in peaceful devotion to Christ are not exciting enough for ultra-charismatics. We must now swing an imaginary "sword of the Spirit" around like some little children playing war games, en route to smiting the modern Goliaths.

Indeed, this "sword" and "Warrior Anointing" brings "Joel's Army" to mind, as per Paul Cain. Therefore, Arnot's sermon was nothing short of mental conditioning to make those in attendance veer toward the Kansas-City dictates of Manifest-Sons globalism. The "anointing" promises "new" things, quite expected by those toting a new gospel. And because Christians are being induced to go out to fight Satan in the last days with an imaginary "sword" (i.e. not from God), they will be trounced in the battle. I predict great scorn and persecution to be heaped onto the sheep of God, thanks be to the activist goats.


As late as 2001, Paul Cain said, "Well it is certainly the beginning of the end, and how we need to pray for enough time to see revival. The Lord said he is going to do a fast work...The good news is that revival will come. Stadiums will be filled" ("Paul Cain's Message in Kansas City" - Monday, September 17, 2001). Why does Cain equate the revival with the filling of stadiums?

Because of his Latter-Rain beliefs, Paul Cain was received in 1987 as a great leader by Mike Bickle, Bob Jones, and the others in the Kansas-City about the same time that John Wimber, founder of Vineyard, was connecting with them. Then Cain prophesied that stadiums the world over would be filled with Christians en route to building "Joel's Army," and wouldn't you know it, that almost suddenly Bill McCartney from the Vineyard church in Boulder, Colorado, started preaching to stadiums filled with Christian men en route to building Promise Keepers!!! Clearly, the agenda to fill stadiums came before the prophecy, and the prophecy was then uttered expressly to initiate the agenda. It was uttered again in 2001 to reinforce the agenda.

You can deduce the world-conquest mission of Promise Keepers in that its leadership has gone to bed with the Vatican. Moreover, PK officials have in the past invited members of Louis Farrakhan's Nation of Islam to participate in their rallies (what kind of Christians could they be???). ecumenism is the word here! PK is not interested in shepherding the people of God into the Way of Jesus Christ, therefore, but is gathering and bonding as many men together as possible, regardless of their doctrinal positions. It is absolutely astounding if they have gotten as far as duping the likes of James Dobson and other high-caliber, evango-political organizations.

But, then, having read that Dobson is an evolutionist definitely suggests liberal tendencies elsewhere in his doctrines. Dobson "takes the first eleven chapters of Genesis to be poetry, not factual history" (The BDM Letter, April, 1992). Dobson has been accused of dealing worldly psychology to the masses, dressed as "Christian counseling," and my take is that he is producing more divorces in Christianity than saving marriages. Christian women marry Mr. Dobson's books and insist that their husbands follow along, which, instead of creating bliss as promised, sparks tension and friction. A man does not want to be married to James Dobson and to his wife all at once! And how sound can his advice be when he calls the Pope the most eminent figure under Jesus Christ today?

Promise Keepers goes against the New-Testament dictate: "Do not swear [oaths]..." (Matthew 5:34-36). Urging people to make promises before God can be seen as a method of controlling the membership. McCartney once said, "Commitment is seen in discipleship and a blood covenant. The blood covenant means to be bound in speech and action with all who are in this covenant. This covenant is stronger than family and denominational ties" (Media Spotlight, "Promise Keepers Keeps On Keeping On").

Don't be deceived. The "blood covenant" that McCartney speaks of has nothing to do with Jesus Christ, but with a blood-brother type partnership that places the PK agenda above all other agendas. And it smacks of the loyalty demanded in Masonic initiation rites. While in one breath PK claims to be concerned with family and marriage, yet in the breath above it reveals that PK is superior to family!! And, as you can also see, McCartney also wants his male army to be devoted more to PK than to their denominations.

It is known that Masonry today has mastered the art of appearing Christian in their teachings for the purpose of infiltrating and poisoning the Christian masses. Don't be deceived, therefore, merely because the glue that bonds the PK men together, not to mention the preaching, may at times be Biblical, because the PK goals are not. Sooner or later, the poison must come into the open, and the more you know the enemy, the more out-in-the-open will the poison appear. Always keep in mind that Freemasonry has ecumenism as a main task, just like PK.

And do note that Freemasonry is a male-only organization. Masonry is also suspect in a book that Promise Keepers distributed widely to its membership, called "The Masculine Journey." This book teaches Christian men to emphasize their manhood (i.e. penis), just like pagan witchcraft and Freemasonry. Author of this very-controversial book, Robert Hicks, writes:

"We are called and addressed by God in terminology that describes who and what we are -- zakar, phallic males. Possessing a penis places unique requirements upon men before God in how they are to worship Him. We are called to worship God as phallic kinds of guys, not as some sort of androgynous, neutered non-males, or the feminized males so popular in many feminist-enlightened churches. We are told by God to worship Him in accordance with what we are, phallic men" (p. 49,

"Our culture has presented many initiation rites or passages to manhood that are associated with the phallus [penis]. Which ones have you experienced? Do you have a story to share with other men about one such event?" ("Exploring the Issues with Other Men").

This is pure occultism, and yet Promise Keepers gave this man's book their stamp of approval. How can church-going Masons, therefore, possible stay away from the PK movement? Surely, they are coming in droves. Surely, the pastors of Christian churches who are closet Masons recognize that this movement suits them wonderfully for ushering in the same ecumenism that Freemasonry desires!

Ties between Promise Keepers and Catholic circles are openly very strong. For example, a recent Catholic periodical boasted that the PK statement of faith had been altered just to satisfy the Vatican. This is not surprising when we discover that PK leader, Bill McCartney, calls himself a "born-again Catholic" even while he attends the Boulder Vineyard Fellowship. Indeed, if Catholic (and even Mormon) leaders have no qualms with sending their people to PK functions, then you know that the message of Jesus Christ is not being properly shared.

From what I have read about McCartney, he has never made a clear break with the Catholic church in public, likely due to his interest in keeping the Vatican on side with his global mission. It is true, at least, that he doesn't openly denounce Mary-worship or other heresies of the Roman church. What does this tell you about his priorities? All PK members ought to think hard and fast on that, for it explains why a Protestant PKer is not permitted to share the gospel with a Catholic PKer at a PK function.

It is amazing that while the pioneer of Manifest Sons of God, William Branham, railed against Catholicism, there is now a very apparent partnership. This partnership has come about by the long-term acceptance of the charismatic movement by many Catholic churches. My own mother, an old-school, Mary-worshipping Catholic, was very recently "slain in the spirit" at her Catholic church!!

In 1996, at the height of the PK blitz in which 65 million dollars was grossed in that year alone (i.e. spirits were very high among the leadership), certain PK leaders--Dale Schlafer and Glenn Wagner--attended an official PK seminar at the Franciscan University of Steubenville in Ohio. The leader of this university is a Catholic priest by the name of Michael Scanlon. He believes that Mary is the spouse of the Holy Spirit, a claim that makes Mary equal to God in a way that St. Teresa and St. John of the Cross could only dream of. Here is some of what Michael wrote in a Catholic charismatic magazine:

"Mary became the spouse of the Holy Spirit when she was conceived, not years later when she gave her consent to the angel Gabriel and conceived Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit.

"This spousal union is such that you can't have one without the other: The Holy Spirit is present whenever Mary is present, and He makes Our Lady present wherever and whenever he acts. I don't claim to fully understand this mysterious unity, but I know that any attempt to divorce Mary and the Holy Spirit impoverishes us spiritually. It's only to the extent to which Mary and the Holy Spirit are together in our hearts, minds and spirits that we can experience the power and grace of their spousal union....

"I pray the De Montfort Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary every morning. ... I specifically invite Our Lady, my Mother and Queen, to oversee, guide and protect my day, consecrating the value of all I do to her" (Michael Scanlan, "Mary, Spouse of the Holy Spirit," New Covenant [magazine], June 1997, pp. 16-18).

Why would Promise Keepers associate with a fellow like this who is obviously inspired by the wrong spirit?

In 1997, the same Roman Catholic university was visited by Mike Timmis, a non-charismatic, highly-devoted Roman Catholic...who is on the Promise-Keepers Board of Directors. Timmis claimed that he attends mass every day, and that since about 1984 he has been working to bring evangelicals and Catholics together, which, as we can deduce, means that he is a leader in bringing all Protestants back home to Mother Church i.e. he is working for Vatican ecumenism. He said that denominationalism is a sin, as if the Roman-Catholic church is not a denomination (David Cloud:

The following quote is crafted in the PK official statement of purpose:

"To gather a diverse multitude of men in the name of Jesus Christ to confess personal and collective sin, so that we may present to the Lord godly men on their knees in humility, then on their feet in unity, reconciled and poised for revival and spiritual awakening."

Sounds great, but reduce it to its bare essentials, and we get this: "diverse multitude of men in unity for revival and spiritual awakening." Thus, we have a Latter-Rain agenda couched in a Gospelite framework. But don't be fooled, for the religious concerns are sinister (flesh-powered Theocracy) and the unity is shallow; all crocks remain in their respective moats with fangs hidden just below the water line poised to attack one another. Truly, does anyone really think that the major religions are going to melt down and in all sincerity become one?

In April of 1995, at a Detroit rally, McCartney said,

"We have a great army that we are assembling. They're the Christian men of this nation. However, our leadership, our clergy are not uniform...There's no unity of command...We have to assume that responsibility."

There you have it, terms used by other groups attempting to build a Theocracy! And I don't refer only to the Vatican or the Kansas-City Prophets. There are others, such as "Coalition on Revival" (COR), a group with many popular personalities fueling its cause, including Tim LaHaye, James Kennedy and Pat Robertson. COR is attempting to bring about a revival through gritty political power rather than miracle/healing power, which of course is not a revival at all, but a grasping at political horns of power. I have no problems with Christian political activism for the purpose of "legislating morality," and neither does God, and neither does the US Constitution, but let us be prophetically wise, realizing thereby that we will never achieve a Theocracy until Jesus returns and sets it up for us...when He seizes the political horns of this world's power!

Those who believe, like the leader of COR, that we have had the power since the Cross to remove Satan from earthly power, and to set up Christ's Kingdom instead, are post-Millennialists, many of whom are preterists...i.e. those who don't envision a future tribulation period, anti-Christ, or mark of the beast (they believe it all happened in relation to 70 AD).

What does Bill McCartney mean by "There's no unity of command" so that "We [PK] have to assume that responsibility?" Is that not his bid to become the leader of all the American churches, the very aim of Kansas-City prophets through city-churches? And are you going to let that happen, pastor? Are you going to mesh your church with Latter Rain heresy en route to building a Theocracy that God won't support?

In arrogance, McCartney, continued:

"[The pastors'] gathering in Atlanta should exceed 100,000 clergymen. Why? Because we have many more than that, and every single one of them ought to be there. We can't have anybody pass up that meeting. If a guy says that he doesn't want to go, he needs to be able to tell us why he doesn't want to go. 'Why wouldn't you want to be a part of what God wants to do with His hand-picked leaders?'"

Would it help to keep you at a distance from PK if I also told you about Bill McCartney's pastor at the Boulder Vineyard church, James Ryle, who said the Beatles were anointed by God to produce a global revival and to "usher in My [God's] spirit"? (Bill Randles This very unconventional Christian pastor, who also claims to be a prophet, is now on Promise Keepers board of directors!! And Randy Phillips, yet another Vineyard Latter Rainist, is the past-president of PK, now Executive Vice President of the PK Global Ministry!! So what can PK be but the political tool of Latter-Rain men to bring about a revival that isn't from God?

Phillips was paid $132,000 in 1996 and no less in 1997. The five vice-presidents were paid between $78,000 and $100,000 in 1996, and no less in 1997 ( This is not exactly working for God, is it? But no sooner had all this instant success been realized that the organization began to decline. Showing desperation and stupidity all at once, in early 1998, Bill McCartney told every church in America that God wanted them to grant $1,000 each to PK.

God is not so concerned about losing control over the earth's throne so as to unite all religions under His own name to conquer the Enemy (Satan), for the other religions are the secret habitation of His Enemy. God will wipe away all enemies in a single Day, with ease, so that we do not need to expend energy, time and money erecting a political tool such as the Latter Rainists are doing through Promise Keepers.

Keep your money in your own wallet and spend it on a tribulation retreat instead.

It's okay to weep for Israel, and to sing for the destruction of Gog.




Deceived, and Being Deceived
Written by Dave MacPherson, a fierce adversary of pre-trib writers,
who has uncovered and reported many things that are
far worse than we may have suspected.

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Pre-Tribulation Planning for a Post-Tribulation Rapture