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and in the Bernicians

At the Obama-genealogy webpage below, the Dunham surname of Obama's mother is traced back to his eighth set of grandparents (see "8/GREAT-GRANDPARENTS"), where we then find "Jonathan Singletary alias Dunham, b. Newbury, Mass., 17 Jan. 1639/40... Apparently, the Singletary family created the Dunham surname (for reasons I'd really like to know).

I of course checked the Singletary Coat and was shocked to find the triple-chevron design (white chevrons on red shield) that I've long held out as a socialist-Illuminati symbol leading to the founders of the United States. The symbol is used by the capital of Wales, held by its red dragon on the Cardiff Arms. I traced the symbol to the rulers of Glamorgan, or Morgannwg. Namely, the design in the same colors belonged to the family of Iestyn (or "Justin") ap Gwrgant, and can be seen at the webpage below.

This sketch using the triple chevron (in the reverse colors) is a true drawing made by one in the 18th century, who was in charge of designing the Illuminati-studded Great Seal of the United States. As you can see, the design was considered but not used in the end. Yet, the point is, it was considered, and it must have belonged to an individual or family. Who??? I would like to know.

On the above Obama genealogy, we see several surnames representing the 8th generation of his grandparents. I checked them all to see what symbols they used, and I found which surname transferred its design to the Dunham so that, to this day, it's the design on the Dunham Coat. I'll call the design a "rake" until I know what it's called officially. It was transferred to Dunhams by the Randolphs; see the English Randolph Coat.

In the sixth generation of Obama's grandparents (see "GREAT-GREAT-GREAT-GREAT-GREAT-GREAT-GRANDPARENTS"), we find that Mr. Dunham married Miss (Mary) Smith, and then in the seventh generation (a little further down the page) we see that Miss Smith had a father who married Prudence FitzRandolph. This means that the Randolph rake was passed by Miss Smith to the Dunham bloodline.

Whatever symbol the Dunhams had used (if any) up to that point was replaced by the Randolph rake because Randolphs were the more-important family, for we read the following: "For some of the ancestry of Edward FitzRandolph [born 1607, 10th generation of Obama's grandparents], including his descent from William I 'the Lion', King of Scots (d. 1214)..." This ruler was grandson to David I of Scotland, thus explaining the importance of Randolph. More on David I later.

In the same seventh generation wherein we see Prudence FitzRandolph, we find that the Mr. Dunham of that generation married a Miss. Rolph. This surname was Norse for "wolf," though the point here is: the English Rolph Coat uses three ravens. This is interesting for my theory that the Rollo (also "Rolph") Vikings lead back to the Arpad-branch Garebites of Hungary...who I say were depicted by the crow or raven (see earlier Iraq updates for details). It's interesting but not surprising that (according to houseofnames.com) the Rolphs were first found in Norfolk, where also the Dunham surname was first found. As the Rollo Danes lived in Norway, the region of "Norfolk" seems conspicuous in pertaining to Norwegians.

Still in the seventh generation of grandparents, we find the Crabtree surname, one that looks like it might relate to Grabfeld/Crepfeld elements (postulated here as Garebites in Babenberg Germany). Upon checking the English Crabtree Coat, I found a serrated black cross, possibly a variation of the Sinclair Cross (the Rollo vikings were Claros, later Sinclairs). Perhaps the Rollo Normans married the Crab family (pre-Conqueror Anglo-Saxons) and thus adopted both their black cross and Garebite blood (ignore where the link says the family got the name by living beside a prominent crabtree).

Wikipedia says that "The earliest known Babenberg was one Poppo, who early in the 9th century was count in Grabfeld... Poppo had a son, Henry of Franconia, whom I suspect was a carrier of the red and white Franconian Rake (symbol of Franconia) since we find at the Babenberg page below that the Babenberg symbol was simply red and white colors.

Then we find that "It has also been suggested that Henry [of Franconia] had a son, named either Henry or, on the basis of onomastics, Berengar after his grandfather. This Berengar had a daughter named Poppa, perhaps in honour of her great-grandfather, and married Rollo of Normandy..."!!! I've known this for a some years, but the exclamation marks are for you, to draw attention to the likelihood that the Crabtree surname married into Rollo stock. Probably, the Crabtree surname came first, and led to the Grabfeld domain, for as the Craptrees were a pre-Conqueror Anglo-Saxon family, they likely belonged to the Bernician Bebbanburgs...of Bamburgh (England). The Craptrees were first in Yorkshire, a domain roughly of the Bernicians.

Furthermore, this is Obama-important because the wife of David I had ancestry in both Bernicians and Bamburgh. Let's look at this now, since the Randolph surname (using the blue and gold "rake") came from the line of William I the Lion. Wikipedia says of him: "...known as the Lion or Garbh, 'the Rough'..." Is "the rough" definition merely someone's ignorant opinion, or was it the false, secondary meaning of the term only for public consumption, when the primary meaning was "Grabfeld/Garebite"?

William I was of the Dunkeld dynasty, the "Keld" portion referring to the Caledonians...who I trace back to the Khaldi Amazons. Malcolm III, father of David I, was also of the Dunkeld dynasty, meaning that David was a Khaldi Semite (i.e. from Chaldean Babylon). This was the Calydon boar line depicted as the boar of Artemis.

William I was the son of Henry, earl of Huntingdon. Later, in the 16th century, the earls of Huntingdon, with the Hastings surname, "represented Derbyshire and Leicestershire in the House of Commons and served as Lord-Lieutenant of Rutland and Leicestershire." Aha! Here we now have a possible Hillary-Rodham link, through Rutland, to Huntingdon's rulers. This is the first good evidence I have found for the theory made earlier that Rodham leads to David's Haly-Rod cult, for the said Henry of Huntingdon was David's son!

The symbol of the Arms of Huntingdon Earls looks like a piece of cloth of some sort; it's also found on the Leicester flag as a result of the Hastings merger with Leicester. The symbol, in red on gold, is on the Hastings Coat. This surname was distinguished in the "Battle of Hastings" that won England for William the Conqueror. Yes, the Hastings were William's right-hand men, and William was himself a Sinclair.

Note also the two gold lions in the Huntingdon Arms, for these might belong to the Hastings, in which case the two gold lions that were the symbol of Normandy (founded by Rollo) may have been Hastings symbols. The city of Hastings (East Sussex) uses three gold lions. Note how the Hastings symbol forms the letter 'M,' which may represent the Mures > Moray migration that I say included Rollo's father, earl of More in Norway. The Randolphs of Scotland were first found in Moray. Since Randolphs were the ones who carried the blue and gold "rake" to the Dunhams, while Randolphs lead back to David I, note that his father (Malcolm III) conquered the ruler (Macbeth) of Moray.

Just found a page that shows the Hastings marrying early into the Huntingdon line of king David I. It also shows an early Huntingdon Arms that has two engrailed bars, the engrailing being the same as on the edges of the Sinclair Cross.

Might Randolphs have been of the Mures > Moray bloodline, therefore? The following is amazing for me in tracing Randolph elements to the locality of Reghin on the Mures river (Transylvania), the place to which I trace Ragnvald, Rollo's father.

In the previous Iraq update, I found that the Audrey Coat uses gold cinquefoils on blue, and therefore asked if Atrebate surnames used blue and gold since the Adrian Coat uses blue and gold Cohen-type checks. I now see that Randolph uses blue and gold while they were first found in Sussex, not far east of the Atrebates. In fact, an Atrebate tribe (or merely allies) known as the Regni lived in east Sussex, and meanwhile Hastings was in east Sussex. I came across the Regni peoples yesterday and wondered whether they could connect with Rollo's father and/or Reghin on the Mures, but I had no evidence of a Mures trace to the southern coast of England.

Suddenly, I come to the Randolphs, their English branch living first in east Sussex, and their Scottish branch living first in Moray!! Amazing how one day can make such a difference, and I owe it all to Lorri, though I think that God has been using her to give me some leads. She was the one who had said, a few years ago, that I should seek the Veres in Transylvania when I wasn't yet in any mood to go there. Ha ha, how things work out. Just so you believe me on the location of the Regni:

"[The Atrebate] capital was Calleva Atrebatum (Silchester in Hampshire), with a secondary capital at Noviomagus [Chichester], belonging to a division of the Atrebates known as the Regni or Regninses. These people were thinly scattered north and south of the Weald in south-west Kent, East Sussex and eastern Surrey. They seem to have escaped true conquest or even much influence from the Atrebates" (italics mine).


And so of course I wondered whether Hastings was a location of the Randolph Regni, and read that "Marchant states that Hastings is the only non-Saxon settlement in Sussex." A peoples from the Mures would of course not be Saxons.

What I'm thinking is that the Regni were supporting William the Conqueror (in his invasion on the Saxons of Sussex) because he, Rollo's descendant, was himself from the Regni stock. I assume that the Hastings were also of Regni stock. I suppose it's quite possible for "Regni" to evolve into "Ran(dolph)." Houseofnames.com says the Old Norse for the surname was "Rannulfr."

In the Hastings article (above), I found an interesting statement:

"In the Middle Ages Hastings became one of the Cinque Ports; Sandwich, Dover, and New Romney being the first, Hastings, and Hythe followed."

In light of my trace of the cinquefoil to Atrebates, these Cinque Ports (= five ports) is interesting indeed. Hillary Clinton traces to the cinquefoil entities, and yet the Randolphs, which appear part of those entities, are Obama's major ancestry. The other major surname of the Obama bloodline is in the Singletary family using the triple chevron, yet we can now suspect connection to the red on gold triple chevron of the Clares (a branch of the Sinclairs). Note the deer as the Clare Crest, a symbol that I trace to the Transylvanian/Hungarian Arpads.

At the Singletary-Coat page, we read that the surname was found in two villages of Singletary, one is Sussex. Hmm, it was a Singletary family that changed its name to Dunham. Since the name change came late, the Obama bloodline traces not to Norfolk so much (i.e. where the Dunhams were first found), but to Sussex. The finger points to the blue and gold Atrebates.

This is good, very good, for the two gold lambs appeared in the pen of Atreus and his twin brother, Thyestes. When searching online for this myth just now, only one lamb is mentioned at several webpages. I know I had read some years ago that there were two lambs, one for Atreus and one for Thyestes. Atreus and Thyestes were both married to Aerope, the extension of Europa on Crete. This was the Zeus cult.

Since Randolphs carried rake to the Dunhams, I checked the Randy Coat to find the white triple chevron on red (the symbol of the Singletarys). The Hickman surname, one of the many names in Obama's ancestry, uses the variation of the Dunham rake in the Hickman Coat. I have yet to show how the Obama bloodline goes back to Bernicians. Again, Randolphs go back to William I of Scotland, whose father was Henry of Scotland. Henry's mother was Maud of Northumbria, and her father in turn was Waltheof (of Northumbria), son of Aelfflaed of Bernicia (I keep a theory in which the Flaad ancestor of the Stewarts were from this Aelf-Flead, remembering that I trace the Elvin Princess, Milouziana de Vere, to the Bernicians after queen Bebba of Bamburgh). Aelfflead's ancestry goes back to the rulers of Bamburgh...a city in Berwick, the latter using a bear (as do the De Beers) as symbol. This should be the reason that Obama has several Rhodes Scholars on his team.

The Rodham Coat has two symbols. Aside from the cinquefoils, there is the ermine-studded diagonal bar; found one like it in the Arms of Norfolk.

On a Sarah Palin page, Watchpair.com says: "President Bush, Barack Obama and Sarah Palin all descend from Samuel and Sarah (Soule) Hinckley." I checked the Hinckly Coat to find a possible rake design. The surname was first found in Leicester.

Then we read: "Palin, Obama and McCain all claim William 1, King of Scots, as an ancestor. Her descent in this Carolingian line is via ancestor Edmond Hawes...: The Hawes Coat uses three cinquefoils (!!), red on gold. The next sentence says: [Palin] also descends from Henry III of England by way of ancestor Edward Raynsford..." Isn't that the Ragn term evolving to "Ran."?

When I read the name, Thomas Dewey, I checked that Dewey Coat to find dragon heads and three black cinquefoils on white on the Dewey Coat. I've known for some years that "Dewey," first found in Devonshire, derives from "Devon." Recall from the February 27th Iraq update that "Guermond de Picquigny, the Patriarch of Jerusalem...had a sister who married Juhel (or Joel) de Totnes, of Devonshire." The white cinquefoils on black of Leicester had been traced by others to this Guermond, so that the Dewey cinquefoils are likely from Guermond's marriage to de Totnes.

The Dewey surname came out from this quote (italics mine):

"Sarah Palin shares ancestor John Lathrop with presidents Ulysses S. Grant, Franklin D. Roosevelt and both Bush presidents. Lathrop descendants have earned fame in many ways. In addition to Revolutionary War traitor Benedict Arnold, the list includes Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormon religion, poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Dr. Benjamin Spock, financier John Pierpoint Morgan and the original fuller brush man, Alfred Fuller.

Tumbling out of the list of politicians who descend from Lathrop are Adlai Stevenson, John Foster Dulles, Thomas Dewey..."

I checked the Lathrop Coat and found two cinquefoils, red on gold just like the Hawes Coat.

And what about the Palin Coat? The rake shield of the Randolphs and Dunhams, except in black and white.

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