The title for this page is framed as an assertion, not as a theory, because I feel convinced that this asteroid in landing in little more than four years. If correct, you need to think hard on preparing your foods in time for the 666 system. This page shows several reasons why I've become convinced, though this is not an exhaustive treatment. To some readers, my heraldic work is new, but I've been at this for about 20 years full-time, as I sensed that God wanted me to learn it. I think I now know why, for this message is drastically important if correct that this asteroid is landing on earth. But who's going to take the warning as even half credible? Not pre-tribulationists.The Kingsley surname was loaded this month to see how it might be related to Kings and Kingstons. After loading several more surnames in this investigation, I decided that I should re-tell my miracle-marble shot, which was a topic in my 3rd update of last month in pointers to Mr. Atoun and his partner in Syria, Mr. Julani.
You can load Kingsleys now, which loads on another tab, in order to load other surnames, to better follow the heraldic links.
However, in earlier times, I had proposed that this miracle-marble shot was a pointer to the Apophis asteroid striking the earth in April of 2029. I'm keeping eyes open for the fulfillment of Daniel 11:24-31, which begins with the anti-Christ invasion of Egypt, in my strong opinion, because it must take place some years before the Apophis asteroid arrives in 2029, if I'm correct in pegging it as the fulfillment of the 2nd Trumpet of Revelation.
I'm proposing that God gave me the miracle-marble shot as a message to His people. I'm proposing that He gave it to me because He foresaw that my Internet topic would one day be preparation to endure the 1260 days of Revelation 12. Although Revelation doesn't give the timing of the seven Trumpets in relation to these 1260 days, I assume that the first Trumpet takes place at the near start of this period, when God needs to preoccupy our enemies with disasters so that they will persecute us less who flee into the wilderness to escape the evils of those who enforce the 666 purchasing system.
One day at age 10 or 11, Tony and I were playing potsies with our marbles, and we were playing for keeps. I found myself literally praying for a shot, when his marble was at least six feet away from mine. He had taken a shot for the pot, and so his marble must have been near the pot. The first one to get a marble into the pot wins the game, and wins the other guy's marble. If one can strikes the other guy's marble with a shot of his own marble, it wins the marble.
Sometimes we played with "beauties," which are a class of very-nice marbles. As I was literally praying to make the shot, and for reasons that I'll get to below, I think we were playing with beauties, though I can't remember whether we were. After praying, I put the marble on my index finger, and FLICKed it with my THUMB, and it hit Tony's marble dead-on, to my amazement, at least six feet away. Chances are, we were throwing to the pot some 12 or even 15 feet away, as it's too easy to sink a marble into a pot starting from just six feet away.
I've proposed in the past that my striking Tony's marble can be a pointer to Apophis striking the earth. I don't remember the heraldry behind that theory, and I don't remember using Kingsleys to do it. It's an intriguing theory, but let's add that I didn't want to get into the Kingsleys, for readers, until realizing that planet-like Plant liners were part of the Kingsley heraldry. Apophis is to strike the planet, I think, but if not Apophis, the asteroid of the 2nd Trumpet will.
As soon as the French Plants came to mind for a reason I'll tell shortly, I loaded "Earth" checking for such a surname in case it gave extra evidence that following Kingsley liners could point to an asteroid strike on this planet. The Earth's are listed with D'Arths, which reminded of the Death's/Darth's who happen to have a lone griffin in the colors of the giant/lone Marble griffin. Plus, Kingsleys are first known in Cheshire with Marble's who are in turn in the colors and format of the lone King lion. Death's Darth's are even first known in Kent with English Gards who in turn have griffins colors reversed from the Marble griffin.
Then, after falling on that, it got amazing because I've shown many times how MacKENZie's are the primary pointer to the 2nd Trumpet asteroid, but I didn't realize, this morning, that Kingsleys could work with MacKenzie's until I searched my files for "Kingsley," checking to see whether I had done heraldry with them in the past. That's when I landed on the following quote, from the 2nd update of February, 2023, which update has nothing about the miracle-marble shot:
Scottish McKinneys/McKimmeys/McShimmie's, first known in TWEEDale of Peebles-shire, were a Shin/Ching branch. The latter share the Coat of Kemmis'/Kenys', once said to be first known in Gloucestershire with Kinseys/Kinzeys/Kingsleys who in turn share the red tower of Thors, the latter first known in Devon with Kens'/Kenns and Kings. Kinsleys/Kinseys/KINGsleys (Cheshire with Newtons) have nearly the Newton Coat which itself has "shin BONES."This quote from the February update is completely shocking, convincing me more that Tony and I were playing for beauty marbles, for I claim that Sleeping Beauty, in my dream of about April 1, 1979, was fulfilled secondly by AINSLEY Earhardt, who married Mr. McKinney at or near the time that she worked for KENS news in San ANTONIO (Texas). You just saw Kingsleys working with McKinneys and Kenns' above, but let's add that "king" is a motto term of Ainsleys! Zikers. The miracle-marble shot was against the marble of Tony, an Italian likely born Antonio! INCREDIBLE. What could this mean? Why would God point to her in relation to a pointer to the Apophis asteroid?
The King and Kingston lions are in the colors of the Flamstead lion, and English Tonys have this: "Ralph de Toeni...appears as a great landowner in Domesday, and though his principal estates were in Norfolk, chose Flamstead in Hertfordshire as his chief residence."
The triple fesses of FLAMsteads (Hertfordshire) are in the colors of the triple chevrons of the counts of AINSley-like HAINaut, a location in the land of FLEMings. Mons, the Hainaut capital, is beside La Louviere, and while Dutch Louvier's share the Texas Coat while San Antonio is in Texas, note the following from the same Tony write-up: "The Tony family lived in Toesny, 'in the commune of Gaillon, arrondissement of Louviers,...'" That's not La Louviere, but it looks related. The Dutch Flamings/Flamingo's share the Louvier / Texas Coat, all sharing the checks in the Chief of Irish Flemings.
Flamsteads are first known in Hertfordshire with the Beach's who share the vair fur of French Fleurs. It's also where Bash's are first known while Basfords are Bashfords while Ainsleys are first known in Basford. I bashed Tony's marble/alley. I first saw Sleeping Beauty (when I was in the dream) at her car on a BEACH. Beach-branch Beckers share the vair fur of Irish Flemings. Beaks are first known in Dorset with Beautys. The latter's Boy/Boeddu branch shares the Chief of Italian Tonys, which are stars in the colors of the Tous/Tosini stars.
The Fleurs can thus be connectable to Florence elements of Italian Tonys. Florence is also "Firenze," and Firs are listed with the Furs expected in vair fur. Bless'/Blois share the Becker vair, and the Bundle's in the description of the Bless/Blois Crest share the Bless/Blois and Ainsley fleur-de-lys. French Vairs are first known in Burgundy with Bleds/Bles', and Vair-branch Ferrats/Fers share the Coat of Italian Ferrands, first found in Florence. English Ferrands, with more vair fur, are first known in Yorkshire with the Popleys having a Popeye-like Poppey variation.
Note the date of the Sleeping-Beauty dream, roughly at the first of April, 1979, roughly 50 years to the day of Apophis' return. Some weeks after this dream, perhaps as little as one week, I had a dream I made nothing of, where I was on the sea floor with Popeye. That's all I remember of that dream. I believed with all my heart that the Beauty dream was from God, from the first day of having it, but I rejected the Popeye dream as being from God, until recently. For Popleys are also Poppeys, what looks like a pointer to "Apophis," and the 2nd Trumpet of revelation has an asteroid falling into the sea i.e. onto the sea FLOOR.
Note the "JusTUS" motto term of English FERRANDs (Yorkshire with Popleys/Poppeys), and then note also that Ainsley currently works at Fox and FRIENDs. Friends even look related to the Poppin/Popham Coat while the latter looks related to the Coat of English Ferrands. Poppins/Pophams even share the stag heads of AINSley-like Anne's/Hanne's (Yorkshire with Ferrands). Poppins/Pophams are first known in Hampshire with the Checkers sharing the Italian Ferrand Coat. For years, Friends were said to be first known in Somerset, but are now said to be first known in Nottinghamshire with Ainsleys.
Friends use "bucks heads" in their Coat, and while Hicks' (Yorkshire with buck-head Anne's/Hanne's) have a buck head too, Heads/Heeds were a Hayden branch. Hayden is Ainsley's only child, and Childs, in Friend colors and format, are first known in Hertfordshire with News-connectable Bash's, and with Nuse's/Newes' while News'/NUCES' share the "chaplet" with the Hicks buck head. When Miss Hicks moved from my area of Texas, on direct NUECES-river property, she moved into the home owned by Mr. Childs.
My property on the Nueces was purchased from Mrs. Teague, whose sister married Don Friend.
The first fulfillment of Sleeping Beauty was Miss Hicks, and she with her husband pointed to the Apophis asteroid with Spuds MacKenzie (mascot for Bud Light beer). Her husband was in a Baytown-Sun photo (still online) posing with Spuds, and the MacKenzie's are the prime pointer to the asteroid. She is in the Baytown article below as "Charlotte Kilpatrick," and her husband is there as H.W. Kilpatrick. The article is a lot chopped up, but one can get the gist: article above reads: "With Spuds are from left, Billy Angel of Baytown, Shirley Raley of Vidor, Courtland and Cody Kilpatrick with their father, Dr. H.W. Kilpatrick III, of Baytown."
The SEA FLOOR above can point to Sleeping Beauty because Flore's and Flora's share both the Hicks and Ainsley fleur-de-lys, but also of the Hicks-branch Hooks (Devon with Kenns' and Kings) who in turn share the fleur of Earhardts. The latter's fleur is also with Country's, first known in Kent with SEA's, and also with Death's/Darth's, but also with the Snake's/Snooks expected in the "snakes" of Earhardts. It appears that God has caused these heraldic links to prove that He's the author of the two dream of 1979, and the Popeye dream could very well have been on April 13, the date of Apophis' return.
I'm aiming to show how Mountains point to the Apophis asteroid, or at least the one in the 2nd Trumpet. McKinneys are first known in Peebles-shire with Mounts.
The fox-using British's/Braddocks are likewise first known in Kent, and it was a British bulldog which I purchased (there's a photo later in this update when I return to this topic) that was in the Sleeping-Beauty dream. As Ainsleys love Kent's Country's, it appears that God arranged the British/Braddock fox. The English Mountains have a version of the Brittany/Breton Coat, and the latter's write-up has early Bretons at KENardington of Kent. The Ardingtons (probably Meschin-of-Yorkshire kin) may have married Kens in naming that location. British's/Braddocks look related to Kent's Masons/Massins while Brights share the Macey/Mace stars.
As it's online that Hicks of Clapton (Somerset with Brits/Brets) married Juliana Arthur, it appears that Arthurs named Ardingtons because the latter have the dove while Dove's are first known in Berwickshire with Arthurs and Gords/Gordans while Gordano is beside Clapton. My lawn-decor employee in Hamilton, at the time of the fiberglass-bulldog purchase, was GORD WINGER, and English Wingers look related to one Clapton Coat, how about that...i.e. the Claptons first known in Cheshire, where Ranulph le Meschin ruled. He was the son of a CONTEville. Ardingtons essentially share the Meschin/Masculine Coat, and Masci's use WINGs. Mascelli's/Mascarelli's have "pine cones" while Conte-branch Cone's are first known in Kent with Conte-branch Countrys (share Earhardt and Masci fleur-de-lys).
I had found online that Hicks and Arthurs of Clapton shared "CLARions," and some say that this symbol is the trumpet, which is partly possible where Calls/Calles', first found in Wiltshire i.e. beside Clapton, show only trumpets. This could therefore be a pointer to the 2nd trumpet, YES, because Seconds/Segurs are first known in Limousin with French Clairs!!!! Spanish Clare's share the giant Pool lion (though it's also the Alley / Atlas lion), and the British Bulldog, in the Sleeping Beauty dream, jumped into a POOL. Jumps share the TRUMP stag head. Pools are first known in Dorset with Beautys, and thus beside the trumpet-using Calls/Calles'. Alleys are first known in Worcestershire with Pattys, not far from Clapton, and the Claptons who were once said to be first known in Wiltshire have a giant PATEE cross! Bingo.
Ahh, while Scottish Arthurs have "gold clarions," the same symbol with Downtons are "organ PIPES"! Pipe's (Staffordshire with Hicksons) share the Pepin/Pepy Coat. Downtons/DOUNtons are first known in Wiltshire with trumpet-using Calls/Calles! Trumps share the stag of Downs/Douns!!! I'm not very familiar with Downtons. I don't think I'll forget them easily now.
The "rests" of Irish Arthurs are, I think, considered to be organ rests. Restons can be shown to be a branch of Risings/Risons, and BUDva is beside ancient Rhizon, in the land of the ARDiaei Illyrians. Sleeping Beauty pointed to Rhizon when she was rising into the SKY, immediately after falling aSLEEP in a car, a pointer to the SELEPitanoi Illyrians at/near Rhizon. She's the one who was with the mascot of BUD beer. I was told to wake her, and Wake's are first known in Lincolnshire with Restons (share Door leopard faces). I was standing at the door of the car when she fell asleep.
Mythical king Arthur was given Tintagel for a birthplace, and Avalon for a death place. Tintagel is in Cornwall with Bude, and I have never changed my mind, in decades, from identifying mythical Avalon as the island of Bute.
We both rose into the sky together, and Skye is where Rimmons/Crimmons (said to be PIPERS of McLeods) are first known who share the Downton/Dounton crosslets. Over more than 15 years, I have "Downton" in only five updates; it was a missing key for deciphering the Beauty dream. It tends to prove that I am correct in deciphering the dream's bulldog with Trump's woes. The nasty shark swallowed him, and Swallows are first known in Lincolnshire with Restons / Wake's. One of my updates tells of a Downton location in Shropshire, where there is also a Sleap location, and Swallow-branch Sallows are likewise first found in Shropshire. The latter is also called, Salop, looking like "Sallow."
As I've said many times, I dove into the pool to save the bulldog from the shark, and as that's a dive, note the "DIVis" motto term of Rimmons/Crimmons. There are two Dives surnames. Dove's (Berwickshire with Scottish Arthurs) are also Dows, perhaps a take from the DOWton variation of Downtons. It wasn't until late January of 2022 that I recorded the organ pipes of Downtons, but I quickly forgot the surname, and probably didn't realize how key it is to the Beauty dream.
Duttons can be linked closely to Meschins somehow, and while English DUNhams are said to be from Ranulph le Meschin, he was in Cheshire with Hamon de Masci. Hamons (Kent with Sleeps) use a "discRIMINa" motto term, now looking easily linkable to Rimmons/Crimmons. Mascarelli's (possibly share the Rimmon/Crimmon lion) were once said to be first knonw in Rimini, and once listed the Maschi's. Duttons were rulers of Eu along with Meschin-connectable Talbots, and Duttons are linked in their write-up to a Hull location while Hull-branch Halls are first known in Lincolnshire with Tailbois' from le-Meschin's wife.
She was HOVERing OVER the seats of the car when she fell asleep, and also when I touched her KNEE to wake her, and while Hovers are also Hoffers/Hoffs, Huffs and Dowton-like Duttons were of Cheshire along with Overs/Offers. The latter share a gold fret with Duttons, and the latter are said to be first known in Lancashire with Seats/Cedes' and Cars. I see the latter's Curr variation in the motto of Dunham-like Denhams (share Car chevron).
Knee's, first known in County DOWN, share the stag head of Tromp-beloved Acorns and Vise's; the latter can now be expected in the "diVIS" motto term of Rimmons/Crimmons. Both Acorns and Vise's are first known in Sussex with the Downs/Douns sharing the Trump stag, you see, but Sussex is also where Denham-like Deans/Dene's and Keeps are first known while Downs/Douns are in Kepke colors and format, and then while Kepke's have a giant goat, it's in the colors of the Dunton goat heads! This is new too, because I'm not familiar with either Downtons or Duntons. I've often said that Mr. Kepke (my old friend) is a pointer to Donald Trump for other reasons than what we just saw.
"DIVis" is now pointing to my dive into the pool to save the bulldog from the shark, and Diens/Dine's/DIVES' were once said to be first known in Sussex with Deans/Dene's. The "crocodile" of Irish Dene's pointed to the crocodile-leather shoes of Michael Zlochevsky, owner of Burisma gas in Ukraine, because Kepke, who was a shoe salesman when I knew him, has a Ukrainian father, and then Igor Kolomoisky, on Burisma's board, is said to have a shark tank in his office.
I've told many times that, when I arrived to Beautys car on the beach, I was standing at the door looking in. Irish Doors share the giant lion of Dorals who in turn have a Coat like the one of Spanish Clare's (I rarely mention them). Dorals are said to have been at Lillingston, and while Lily's (near English Doors) are first known in the same place with Alleys, new-to-me Lillingstons/Lillings (share Radice Coat) are first known in DORset with Pools. It's working, and I've not been down this heraldic path before. Lillings look related to Cable's (Somerset with Clapton) who in turn look related to Caens (Dorset). Lille is in Artois.
Radice's are first known near Aster-line Istria, location of Pool-like Pola/Pula. Pools are also Pulls, and they have Pollets (same place as Cable's) in their motto. Asters (suspect in the MacKenzie motto) are a pointer to the asteroid. Cable's have an "ImpaVIDE" motto while Vido's/Vita's are first known near the first-known Radice's. Sub Radice in Thrace was near Cabyle (TONZus river, flows to ARDa), and this traces via Button-related Capelli's to the shirt with buttons of Tous'/Tosini's/TONSo's. Buttons/Bidens are first known in Hampshire (beside Dorset) with Aster-branch Sturs and Thrace-like Drake's.
"Cabyle" looks like mythical Cybele, whom I see at the root of the Revelation harlot. She married mythical Attis, code for the Hatti on the Alley-connectable Halys river, and while I think the Hattusa location of the Hatti named mythical Hades, Hats/Hades' are first known in Dorset too. I see Cybele, the great-mother goddess of Phrygia, as an extension of ISHTAR (like "Istria"), the great-mother goddess of Babylon. Babel-connectable Babe's were once said to be first known in Dorset.
Sub Radice was near the Bessi (upper Hebros river), and Bessins with Bistons look related to the Cable Crest. South of Arda (Hebros river) were the Caen-like Caeni, tending to explain why Cable's almost have the Caen Coat. The Cable's and Bistons have erect swords, and the Bistones people group of Libya worship Ares as an erect sword while Arsus is between Arda and the Bessi. Ares' mate, Aphrodite, was like from the Hebrews of the Habur river, and thus they probably named the Hebros river.
I'm still floored with Gord Winger. His parents bought my Hamilton-location business. English Wingers (Durham with Conte's) even have a cross between the Mountain and Brittany/Breton Coats. French Mountains (look like Messey kin) are first known in Languedoc with French Conte's. Sleeping Beauty appeared in the dream on a beach while Beach's share the vaired Shield of Clapps/Clappers.
Brittanys/Bretons share the Bright and Bride stars while Bridge's love the Crabs who in turn point to Apophis, because it's returning visibly at the crab constellation, Cancer. CHAUNCEURs/Chance's share the lion of Masci-branch Mascarelli's. My BIRTHdate is in the zodiac of Cancer, and Births/Berts (Devon with Kens) look like they can apply to neighboring Brets/Brits (Somerset with Bridge's), and to the Birds/Burds (Cheshire with Brights and Maceys/Mace's) who share the Ainsley / Hicks fleur-de-lys. Masseys share the Lys fleur, and the Lys' Coat looks related to Irish Brians, from Briancon (Savoy with French Masseys), which was otherwise called, BRIGANTium, explaining why Bright-branch Bride's are first found in Savoy. Kilpatricks share a motto term with Irish Brians, and French Brians are first known in Brittany.
Moreover, Brights are first known in Cheshire with Braddock-like Bradds/Breads while CAKE's/CakeBREADs (giant fleur-de-lys)are first known in CamBRIDGEshire with Crabs. Don't we find these connections a little too hard to pass off as mere coincidences? King Sitric CAECH was the grandfather of king Maccus.
Briggs share the McBride cinquefoil while McBride's (Arran) are linkable to Hamiltons of Arran, where they ruled Brodick. Brodicks are listed with British's/Braddocks, believe it or not. It would therefore be sinful for me to deny that God arranged my purchase of the British bulldog, in Hamilton (Ontario), to connect with Hamilton W. Kilpatrick and Spuds MacKenzie, husband of Sleeping Beauty. I purchased my Texas property from Mrs. Teague while Teague's are first known in Galway with MacKenzie-connectable Kennys and Bradys. Galways use a bridge.
Brodick Castle is a castle situated outside the port of Brodick on the Isle of Arran...It was previously a seat of the Dukes of Hamilton,... (Wikipedia).
I've never been able to grasp to my satisfaction why God would use Ainsley as a second fulfillment of Sleeping Beauty, but we are right over the Apophis target with the "interTWINEd" Earhardt snakes, for Twine's/Thwings use "POPPINjays". Poppins are first known in Hampshire with Twins/Twains. Nailed it.
Poppins are first known in BasingSTOKE while Twine's/Thwings were at Stokesley. Stokesleys are in the colors and format of Hyke's/Hake's and Higgs, and their Thwing location (Yorkshire with Hicks) is in BURton while Proctors (Cambridgeshire with Ainsley-branch Annas') share the Crest of Birds/BURDs (Cheshire with STOCKtons) Crest. Ainsley Earhardt married secondly to Mr. Proctor, and birthed Hayden with him. I'll show how Haydens were related to Beautys as I get there.
Nobody who created some heraldry centuries ago knew these people, except God. This connective heraldry appears arranged by Him. The other Birds/Burds (likewise in Cheshire) share the Ainsley and Hicks fleur-de-lys. Burtons/Bertons are first known in Shropshire with the Sleap location of Sleeps. The Mea's in the Bird/Burd motto are the My's in the Ainsley motto.
I'll repeat here that the three Proctor nails are in the HEART of Scottish Logans while Earhardts are listed with AirHARTs while English Airs/Ayers share the Coat of Scottish Ayers, and the latter first known in Ayrshire with Scottish Logans. Scottish Ayers use a "LIGHTer than air" motto while Miss Hicks pointed to Spuds MacKenzie of Bud LIGHT beer. Spud-like "spots" are on the dog of the other English Haydens.
When Ainsley worked at KENS TV, she was likely hired by Roger Ailes of Fox News, and the Ailes' (Broxton colors and near format) almost have the PROCtor Coat. Birds/Burds are first known in BROXton while Ainsleys are first known in BROXtow. Ainsleys are first known in BASford while Bash's, connectable both to News'/Nuces' (same place as Proctors) and Nuse's/Newes', are first known in Hertfordshire with Nuse's/Newes'. Bash's even share the red martlet with the Birds/Burd and Proctor Crest. It looks like a pointer to the News shows of Ainsley Earhardt, yet News'/NUCES' share the "chaplet" with Hicks' while Miss Hicks lived on the NUECES river when I moved to that river too.
Basfords/Bashfords are interesting for sharing the eagle of WEFers, for the latter are first known in Herefordshire with the Jays in the Twine poppinjays.
BROX's/Brocuffs happen to have a spinach-like "sphinx" while Popeye's symbol is spinach. How about that. The Hips' who have another sphinx share the Proctor and Bird/Burd martlet, and moreover have a Coat like the one of Papa's. The only other sphinx I know of is with OpenHEIMERs, who happen to share the dancetty-fesse, in colors reversed, with the bull-using Haydens. The dancetty-fesse of Haydens is with the Dives', first known in Cambridgeshire with Proctors. These Haydens have a "foy" motto term while two French Foy surnames come up as "Foix." Heimers happen to show foxes alone! That's incredible. Ainsley of Fox news is pointing to Popeye's spinach.
Spinks even happen to share the eagle of Earhardt-beloved Snake's/Snooks and Senns, and then Spinks look related to the Snake-like Seneca's/SENESchals. The Snake-like Sanchez's who come up as "Sans" and "San" share the Snake/Snook / Spink eagle too, and then Ainsley Earhardt worked for KENS news in SAN Antonio, TEXAS. Just saying.
Kens share the crescents of French Pepins, and the latter share the "bird," in the same colors, with Sea-connectable Seguins. Doesn't that look like an additional pointer to Apophis LANDING in the sea. Pepin of Landen. The Spink / Seneca eagle is with German Seagars while Sea's are also Seighs, and English Seagars are first known in Devon with Sea-connectable Seals. The original Popeye was created by E.C. Segar.
Sanchez's have a gold eagle, as does the Crest of French Blancs who have a "SANS TACHE" motto, and Tache-like Texas's are first known in Castile with Sanchez's! It just so happens that Spinks are first known in Northamptonshire with English Blanks. And the Sanchez Coat is almost the Strong Coat.
Spinach made Popeye strong, and then Strongs, first known in Somerset with Pepin-connectable Webbers, share the eagle of Diss'/Dice's of Disce. The Webbers share the hurt of Bude's/Buds, but Webbers call it a "disc". See that? Strongs even share "est" with the Pepin motto. Popeye's production team may have known that Strongs were Pepin / Pipe kin, for which reason they gave him a strong symbol.
Strongs happen to share the gold eagle with Strings, the latter first known in Nottinghamshire with Ainsleys. Strange's are first known in Derbyshire with Earhardt/AIRhart-connectable Airs/Eyers/Ayers. It's truly amazing. She's pointing to Popeye's spinach. German Blancs probably have the eagle of Strongs in colors reversed because these Blancs share the star of Ducks (same place as Strongs), and moreover, German Blancs add a castle that can be for the Castile trace above of French Blancs. The latter have "Blois" in their write-up while the Deblois variation of French Blois' is like the Double surname (English Blois colors) in the "double-towered" castle of German Blancs.
It just so happens that Bless'/Blois' share the Ainsley fleur-de-lys for yet another Ainsley-of-Fox pointer to Popeye's spinach. I had her in my Sleeping-Beauty dream less than a month from the dream with Popeye at the sea FLOOR, and Flore's share the Bless/Blois and Ainsley FLEUR too. Italian Tonys put a fleur-like "flower" on what looks like a sea, and I, I think, I smacked Tony marble as a pointer to Apophis striking the earth.
While English Tonys lived at Toesni, Italian Tonys are said to be first known in Tuscany with the Tous'/TOSINI's, who happen to be in the "tous" motto term of Bless-like Bleds/Bles', so excellent for connecting the miracle-marble shot to Sleeping Beauty. "VirTUS" is a Bless/Blois motto term. The Bled/Bles Coat is in colors reversed with English Clare's (Suffolk with Towns/TUNE's and Blois'), and these Clare's lived also at TUNbridge Wells (Kent with Hastings) while Tunbridge's/Tonbridge's suggest the Tone variation of Tonys (essentially share the Hastings Coat). The Hasting-like Astys (Lanarkshire with Flemings) share the giant green lion with Touch's/TOWs (Cheshire with Kingsleys), making the latter suspect with "TOESni."
The way to trace English Tonys to the "flower" of Italian Tonys is where Flowers have the Coat, in colors reversed, of Dovers, first found in Kent with Hastings, Sea's, and Alley-branch Atlas'. Tony and I were playing the so-called game of potsies, and Potters share the Flower cinquefoil. To make the Flower-Dover link yet better, Dove's almost have the Coat of Wests, the latter first known in Devon with Flowers. Perhaps this is a pointer to Apophis landing in the west. Do you know why the Atlas' suggest the Atlantic ocean?
Pots (Hampshire with Aster-branch Sturs and Potters), with the double Manner/Maness fesses in colors reversed, have an "astuTUS" motto term, and the Tous/Tosini's use a "man" while Scottish Mans (dragon) are in the colors and format of Potters and Dragons/Drainers, the latter first found in Kent too! Zowie, that looks like a bang-on hit. Pots and Potters are first known in Hampshire with the Buttons mentioned for the man's "shirt" in the Tous/Tosini description, and Shirts share the Manner/Maness peacock. "ASTutus" looks like part-code for the Asty / Hastings line, and perhaps both surnames were off of Asters, though I can trace Astys well to Asti in northern Italy, , beside SAVIGliano, and then the "te" motto term of Savage's (Cheshire with Shirts) can be for the Tee's/Tease's while Tiss'/Teese's are expected in the "ForTIS" motto term of Pots.
Do you think it's coincidental, or Arranged instead, that French Pots share the fesse the Seals (Devon with Flowers and Tuckers) while Sea's have: "The surname Sea was first found in Kent where they held a family seat as Lords of the Manor of Seal in that shire." Sea's share the wavy bars of Tuckers who in turn have a seahorse. So, you see, God either chose Tony to be the one in the miracle-marble shot, for his name, and/or He arranged Sea heraldry to connect with Tony kin such as Flowers and Sea's, but also arranged connection to the pot in the game of potsies, for French Pots are first known in Berry while Berrys and Beers are first known in Devon with Seals too! Bud Light beer comes to mind. Berrys even have the Stur Coat in colors reversed.
I FLICKed the alley at Tony's alley with my thumb, and Flicks are listed with English Flecks while the Shield of Belgian Flecks reveal that Flecks were a branch of Fulke's (Norfolk with Flicks/Flecks), and then German Fulks/Falks have "A golden shield BEARING two black WINGS" while Bearings/BERings are first known in Devon with Berrys and Beers. Wings/Winks are first known in the same place as Alleys and Thumb-like Tume's.
The beauty here is that Berry (in France) was anciently, Avaricum, and Avaris was the capital of the Hyksos, including king Apophis/Apepi!!! Zikers, lookie there. The "labore" motto term of these Berrys goes to the "HIC labor" of Dee's! This must be why God chose or arranged the mascot of a beer company to join Miss Hicks in a pointer to ther Apophis asteroid! God must know that Hyksos were in Berry.
The Crest and motto of Scottish Barrys suggests kinship with Fiddle's/Fidelows, first known in Surrey with the Salemans, and early there with Sea-beloved Salmons. Sale's/Sallets can be from the Hyksos king, Salitis.
The above on the Touch's/Tows is excellent because I've often told that I woke Sleeping Beauty when TOUCHing her knee, and Touch's/Tows are also Tuffs, first known in Cheshire with Marble's, and with Tafts/Tuffs' who in turn share the "phoenix" in Crest with Knee's. Thus, Tony's marble is again linking to Sleeping Beauty. There is also a Tows'/Touse surname, first known in Devon with Kings, and using an eagle head while Eagle's/Hegels are first known in Lincolnshire with Antonys and NEEDs/Neems. As Kings are in the Ainsley motto while Ainsley worked in San Antonio, you see another clear pointer of this woman to the marble shot. The Marble's have a giant griffin, with eagle head, in the colors of the Tows/Touse eagle head, and in the colors and format of the King lion. Knee's share the NEEDham Coat. Needs/Neme's have BROWN-on-gold griffin heads while Bruno's are first known in FLOREnce with Tous'/Tosini's.
Again, Ainsleys share the Bless/Blois fleur, and while "for my king always" is an Ainsley motto phrase, Bled/Bles-connectable Clare's are first known in Suffolk with Alley-like Always'.
We can even go to the Proctor and Gamble company because Gamble's, sharing the Ainsley fleur, were also Gamals while Pepins/Pepys have the camel. The Gamble Coat is almost the one of German Rench's while English Rench's are first known in Cambridgeshire with Proctors and Annas'. Some have said that Proctor and Gamble was part of the "Illuminati."
English Camels (Somerset, beside Beautys) are in Beauty colors and format, and German Camels share the Marble griffin, and moreover the latter Camels have the Fell lozenge in colors reversed, in case Fells / Fellers were a branch of Flowers in the Coat of Italian Tonys. This paragraph argues for the use of beauty marbles in the shot against Tony.
German Pots are first known in Silesia with sphinx-using Brox's/Brocuffs, and we saw French Pots of Berry looking like they connect with Hyksos of Avaris. Vere's/Vairs are first known in Essex with Brox-branch Brocks and Brooks! Vere-branch Were's, Ware's and Wearings are all first known in Devon with Berrys, Pot-connectable Flowers, and Pot-connectable Seals/ZEALs. "Zealous" is the motto of Hoods (Devon), and Sleeping Beauty was at the hood of a car when I saw her from the ocean shore.
The use of Miss HICKS is for His purpose of pointing to this asteroid, because there was a real king of the HYKSos named, Apophis/Apepi. This king was on the Nile delta, very near the Great SPHINX at the Cheops pyramid. The use of Miss HICKS is for His purpose of pointing to this asteroid, because there was a real king of the HYKSos named, Apophis/Apepi. This king was on the Nile delta, very near the Great SPHINX at the Cheops pyramid.
The Neils/O'Nails are also Nihills (same place as Sharks), and "Nihil" is a Vere/Vair and Berry motto term. The Sleeping Beauty dream opened with a shark in a swimming pool. No sooner did I see the nasty teeth of this shark, that a British bulldog walked past my leg, at knee height, and fell or jumped into the pool. This dog was a pointer to Spuds MacKenzie. Sea's have a salmon "swimming."
[Insert -- The Sharks are of the Saracen [people group, including the Saraka's, as Wikipedia calls them. It tells (at its Saraka article) that Saraca's were first at Kotor, just a bulldog's walk from Budva! Later on this page, the Spuds MacKenzie's Bud company points without doubt to Budva, I now get it. I now know a very good reason that the shark was in the dream, but I can't elaborate on the whole here. Suffice it to connect the dream's bulldog to the Spuds bulldog, thanks to the shark's identification with Saraca's of Kotor. It just so happens that Kotor-like Cutters are first known in Dorset with English Pools (i.e. tending to explain why the shark was in a swimming pool). Cottars use "evetts" while Evetts have a dragon in Crest to jibe with the Cutter dragon heads. See "Budva" below.
Evetts have a giant patee cross while Pattys are first known in the same place as Squirrels, and also with Alleys who in turn share the Pool Coat. The Evett Coat is in the colors and format of the squirrel-using Valentin Coat, and there's another squirrel in the Hold/Holt Crest while the Evett dragon is "HOLDing a cross." Finally, Evetts are first known in Perthshire with Justine's, from Justine of Picenum, wife of Valentinian I. End insert]
When the shark got the dog into its mouth, I DOVE it to save it (but didn't see the outcome). Dove's are connectable to Dovers and therefore to the flower on a sea of Tonys. After the dive, I was instantly in another scene, in the ocean, and walking out of this ocean, I saw Sleeping Beauty at the hood of a car. German Neils/Nails have the SALTire of Oddie's/Hoddys (Yorkshire with Hicks and Labors) in colors reversed, and while Hoods use it as a fret, SALITis was another Hyksos king. Saltire's/Salters can bring us to Hikke de SAUTEby in the Hicks write-up because Sauts are also Salts.
OH WOW, I didn't know until now that Saltire's/Salters use "15 discs", seven of them in blue, the color of the one "disc" in the Crest of Pepin-connectable Webbers (Somerset with Lights). While this disc is otherwise called a "hurt," there's one in the Bude/Bud Crest. Seven discs could suggest the Sevens/Severins (Worcestershire with Alleys and Lily's), and thus the Severs.
Sevens/Severins (nine besants) have a "VirTUS praestantiOR auro" motto to go with the "uro" of MacKenzie's, and with the Aur-connectable Ure's Orreys (Ayrshire with Nine's). Ore's/Orrs are first known in Renfrewshire with the Haldans having a "Suffer" motto. It works because the "Luceo" motto term of MacKenzie's can get us to Diss'/Dice's said to be of a Disce location (Norfolk with Luce's), because Luce's are said to be lords of Dice. I like crossing Haldans because "Suffer" is the motto also of Hayden-like Haddens (share Hatter roses) who seem to be sharing a scimitar with Ainsleys for a God-arranged reason.
After the seven blue roundels are dealt with, there's EIGHT red roundels remaining in the Salter Coat. The HATE's/HAIGHTs ("virTUS") can apply because Haydens were a Hat/Hades branch, and moreover Heights are first known in Derbyshire with Haddens, but also with the Sola's in the Hate/Haight motto.
Berrys (Devon with Salter-beloved Billets) love the Sine's in their motto, as do Gullys/Gollys (Oxfordshire with Hurts/Horts, Lille's and Amore's), and Sine's list Swans who are in turn in the Light Coat (Lily colors). Bud Light. "Liliae" is a Webber motto term. Lily's are first known in the same place with Alleys while Atlas' are first known in Kent with Gully-branch Gulls (another "sine" motto term). The Amore's in the brackets above almost have the Coat of Scottish Barrys. The latter use a "legi" motto term while almost having the Gambe Coat. Gamble-like Gamba's use legs, and Powys use a bear's "gamb" while Beers use the bear.
The Great Sphinx was the tomb of king Cheops. The Chops are curiously listed with Camps/Comps who have griffin heads in the colors of the German Camel griffin. Cammells are listed with CAMPbells (Chop/Camp/Comps colors). Pepins/Pepys use the camel, as do Crawls, and the latter are first known in Oxfordshire with the Gardners sharing the Chop/Camp/Comp griffin heads. That's all very interesting, as though the line of king Apophis bumped into the line of king Cheops. Campanio's use bells to go with "CampBELL."
I was able to tentatively trace the builders of that sphinx to the one showing in Wikipedia's article for Phanagoria, for this location is beside Cheops-like Kepoi, and then Hicks' are first known in Yorkshire with Keppochs, and with Popleys/Poppeys while the Mens' in the Pepin/Pepy motto are also in the Poppin/Popham motto.
It really floored me when I first saw the Phanagoria sphinx, because it looked like the face of Christine Peare, Mr. Kepke's girlfriend. Then, poking around that article's links, I soon came across the Kepoi location. That's what floored me. It may have been arranged by God to indicate that Kepke / Keppock liners, from Cheops, became Hyksos, for while Cheops was also named, Khufu, the Cuffs almost have the Coat of Sale's/SALLETTs (Cheshire with Hips-connectable BROXton) an apparent line to Salitis. Kepke was a topic of last month (3rd update).
Imagine the Khufu name evolving through tribes and locations to the Cuffs (beside Coffers); it could have happened. Saltz's may even share the eagle leg of Hicksons, itself in the colors of the Jeepma/CHEP eagle. Hicks' are said to be from Hikke de SAUTEby while Sauts (Staffordshire with Hicksons) are listed with Salts. The latter have a "BROKEn chevron" while Broke/Brocks share the Chief-Shield colors of sphinx-using Brox's/Brocuffs (Silesia with Sitlers/SCHITners). German Sauts/Suters can take us to Shute's/SHITTS/Schute's, first known in Wiltshire with English Cuffs and Settle-connectable Stars/Stairrs. Irish Cuffs are Cows too while Cowes' are first known in Lancashire with Scute's/Scutts and Keep-connectable Shuttleworths. The latter two both have the "weaver's shuttle", and German Weavers/Webbers, having the Kepke goat in their "Gott" motto term, are first known in Saxony with Kepke's. While Goats/Gothams are first known in Nottinghamshire with Ainsleys, Goths/Gothels share the Jeepma/Chep HEXagram.
Miss Peare was in the last scene of my sleeping-bag dream. In that scene, I was PULLING her toward me by her HIPS. Hips' have a sphinx. The last I saw Miss Peare was at my age 23, some 35 years before that dream. I haven't seen Kepke since 22.
The Coat of Pepins/Pepys ("est" motto term) is a version of the English Este Coat, and then English Este's are first known in Essex with asteroid-like Esters/Asters and English Mountains. The latter are in "mountain in flames" of MacKenzie's. The other MacKenzie's even have an "as astra" motto phrase, you see, and the asteroid of the 2nd Trumpet is said to be "blazing" with the appearance of "as a mountain".
The BLAZE's look related to Blacks, but also Kilpatricks. Blaze's are said to have been at Blay, which looks related to the Bley variation of Bleds/Bles'. The Ainsleys and Hicks' were connecting with Bless'/Blois'. Don't you think it looks arranged by God that Blaze's, first found in Yorkshire with Tongue's/Tongs, share the Tongue/Tong and Mountain martlets while Tongue's/Tongs essentially have the Mountain Coat? Will Apophis split up when entering the atmosphere, creating flying tongues of fire? Between the two Blaze martlets is the sheaf of Comyns (Norfolk with Patricks) who in turn share the "dagger" with KilPatricks.
The Pepin/Pepy Coat is shared by Pipe's, and Popeye smokes a pipe. Pipe's are first known in Staffordshire with HICKsons, and the Staffords are said to have started out as TONY's of Stafford. These Tonys (they have their sleeve in the Arms of Leicester) had been in Leicester, at the Legro river that formed some heraldic legs (such as Leicester's Hose's), and Hicksons happen to have eagle legs. Thus, when I struck Tony's marble, it can again, due to this paragraph, be a pointer to Apophis striking the earth.
If God spoke to me audibly in 1979, "Apophis will land in 2029," I would tell readers, but nobody could ever be sure whether He spoke those words. However, through my Beauty dream, which I began to decipher heraldically in 2016, He could convince the reader that Apophis is indeed LANDING. I now have the Popeye dream too, to convince me to write these things to readers, and I expect that some readers will share this message, otherwise what good is as a work of God?
Note that Landens/Lands can point to Pepin of Landen, yet the Patricks, sharing the Kilpatrick saltire, are said to be from "La Lande" while Miss Hicks had married DR. H.W. Kilpatrick, the one standing with Spuds MacKenzie (1987 photo, Baytown Sun).
To help prove that God is using the Earths/D'Arth's for this pointer, they are first known in Stirlingshire while the STURling variation of Stirlings can take us to the Stur variation of Esters/Asters? You're going to be amazed here, yet it seems like solid evidence that you should share what I'm writing. And I haven't yet gotten to my Kingsley work. The Earth's/D'Arth's share the Coat of Vilains who were early in Gloucestershire, where early Kemmis'/Kenys' and Kinzeys/Kingsleys are first known.
The Stops/Stubbs, first known in Staffordshire with Pipe's, have a form of the Pipe and Pepin/Pepy Coat. The bend-with-buckles of Stops/Stubbs is in colors reversed with Stirlings/Sturlings, and the Scottish Drummonds, who named DryMEN in Stirlingshire, essentially share the Coat of Sturs, the latter first known in Hampshire with Pepin-connectable and MEN-loving Poppins/Pophams. Then, German Drummonds, with a different-colors version of the Scottish Drummond Coat, share the triple-wavy fesses of Sea's. Is that not incredible? Not if God arranged these things, for we would then call it more like an easy / typical work of God.
God Directed my Alley
We called our marbles, "alleys," and Scottish Auleys apparently had a branch in Stirlingshire with Lennox's there, which can explain why Alleys share the lion of Medals/Dougals, kin of the Bauds, first known in Stirlingshire. The Baud-branch Balds are first known in Peebles-shire with McKinneys, a branch in turn of Kims of Baud-like Bute. These Auleys are said to have been related to Lennox in Dumbarton, and it just so happens that while MacKenzie's have a "Uro" motto term, the Ure's/Eure's, suspect in the "heure" motto term of Hicks', are first known in Dumbartonshire.
More. These Auleys share the checks of Fiscs who in turn almost have the full motto of the other MacKenzie's: "Sic itur as astra." These Auleys love the Buckle's, first known in Suffolk with Auley-like Always'.
Back to a quote above from the February-23 update,: "...a SHIN/Ching branch. The latter share the Coat of Kemmis'/Kenys', once said to be first known in Gloucestershire with Kinseys/Kinzeys/Kingsleys..." The latter are not to be confused with Kingsleys under discussion in this update. The Kingsleys (Cheshire with Newtons) have a cross in the colors of the saltire cross formed by the Newton "SHIN bones."
Therefore, the Ching variation of Shins exposes their being a King / Kingston / Kingsley branch. The Kingsley write-up: "It was first listed in the Domesday Book of 1086 as Chingeslie."
We are remarkably upon an asteroid pointer with Newtons, for their Crest has an "EASTERn prince", which has got to be part-code for Easters/Asters/Sturs because the Sturs are named after the Stour river, location of Sturminster Newton. It's in Dorset, where the Beautys and Hats/Hades' are first known, and then the Beauty bull is in the Crest of Haydens while Ainsley Earhardt has a daughter, Hayden. This brings us back to the Ainsley motto, "For my country often, for MY KING ALWAYs." The My's and Elvis'/ELWAYs are first known in Nottinghamshire with Ainsleys. The latter are first known more specifically in Basford, where also Goats/Gothams and Bunnys are first known; the latter share the goat head (different colors) with Kingsleys. Have we grasped this?
The Kings are in the colors of Marble's, the latter first known in Cheshire with Kingsleys. The Kings and Kens' are first known in Devon with Thors who in turn share the tower of KINZeys/Kingleys, and MacKenzie's point to Apophis with Sleeping Beauty, Miss Hicks, while we are on the second fulfillment of Sleeping Beauty here, Ainsley Earhardt.
The Elvis/Elway Crest shows a snake wrapped around a bunch of five arrows, and the Crest of Arrows/Arras' (Staffordshire) shares the red tower with Kinzeys/Kingsleys and Thors. Elvis'/Elways are said to be first known specifically in HabelTHORp, possible a Habel-Thor merger, for the Habel boar heads are in colors reversed in the My Coat. The "roi" motto term of Habels (Kent with Ainsley-beloved Countrys) is even translated, "king." The Supers in the motto of Thorps (Yorkshire with Kingstons) are first known in Kent with Thors and Kings.
I'm not familiar with Thorps, but their Throop variation reminds of the Troops/Trupe's and Drops/Trope's, whom were mentioned because Miss Hicks was said to be the "TROPHy girl" in the Baytown barbecue contest...where Spuds MacKenzie appeared with her husband and sons. Thorps share the lion of Irish Auleys, and the roi-like Scottish Roys, sharing the Alley Coat, are first known in Lanarkshire with the Flemings who are in turn likely a branch of the Flamings in the "flaming mountain" of MacKenzie's. I kid you not, that about the time I was writing "branch of Flamings," Brian HANEY was singing "mountain" over my speakers (in the song, "I Can't Even Walk").
Is it therefore not amazing that the Crest of these Scottish Roys has a "lymphad [SHIP] on the SEA"? Royals even share the Aster/Easter bend.
While Mountain-loving MacKenzie's substitute the common motto phrase, AD astra," with "as astra," Scottish Haneys/Hanna's happen to have an "ad" motto term. Anne's/Hanne's/HANNEYs (Yorkshire with Hicks) share the gold "buck's heads" with Hicks'!!! BRIAN HANEY sang "mountain" in the song, "I can't even WALK." Irish Brians even share a "laidir" motto term with Irish Kilpatricks while Miss Hicks is Mrs. Kilpatrick! Scottish Kilpatricks are first known in Dumfries with Bells, and with Walks/WACHs while God told me to WAKE Sleeping Beauty. The Haney/Hanna "deer" heads each have a "bell" around their necks!!! It's a songline miracle, just for you.
I woke her by touching her leg, and while legs are gambs, Montells, sharing the Alley / Atlas Coat, have a lion's "gambe". I purchased Texas property in Montell, some ten minutes from her place, before I knew or ever saw her. This gambe is new to me here, so far as I can recall, and it's amazing because God said to me, in the dream, "What are you waiting for, it's you she LOVES, go wake her." That sentence plays to the Sleeping-Beauty theme, you see, and so I was going to kiss her awake, but while leaning over to do so, my hand brushed her knee, and she then POPPed up into my arms.
The point is, LOVE's/Luffs share the triple fesses of Gambe's!!!!! That's new to me, so far as I can recall, which finally convinces me that, "it's you she loves," is to be heraldically deciphered. English Popps have the double chevrons, in colors reversed, of Scottish Lise's/Lease's (Dumfries with Bully-connectable HAINs and Bullys) while English Lise's/Liss' are first known in Hampshire with Poppins/Pophams and Checkers, and then Checks/Chicks/CHEEKs were Love/Luff kin. German Popps have a giant bull head. Was I planning on kissing her on the cheek? I can't remember. Possibly.
Hains can take us to Ainsley-like Ains' who happen to share the six pale bars of Lise's/Liss, and moreover Ains' look related to the Coat of Checks/Chicks/Cheeks while Chicks/Chichs share the Montell lion. Montells are the one with a gambe in Crest, and as they share the Atlas Coat, this heraldic set looks like proof that Apophis will land in the Atlantic ocean, for Chicks/Chichs are first known in Essex with Asters and Montell-like Mountains! See that? Mythical Atlas was king of Atlantis. There is even a ChichESTER surname sharing the Texas Shield, and moreover the Chichester motto is essentially the one of the Haydens who share the Beauty bull! Wow-wow-wow. I should have stressed Montells more.
The Chichester Chief shares the vair fur of Beach-branch Beckers while "beak" is in the description of the Choke stork, recalling that the stork-using Petts/Perts (Kent with Choke-branch Chaucers and Chalks) share the Bully and Hain mascles. The stork is also in the Crest of Pits, first found in Dorset with Beaks and Beautys. Alley- / Montell-connectable Chicks/Chich's come up as "Chock."
Choke's not only share the stork with Stur-like Store's/Storys, and not only share triple-red fesses with Aster-branch Sturs (same place as Poppins/Pophams), but the triple-Choke fesses, which is the entire Shield, are a colors-reversed version of the Love/Luff and Gambe Coats!!! CAN WE BELIEVE IT? My old Montell property is pointing to Apophis. Choke's are first known in Berkshire, beside the first known Love's/Luffs and Checks/Chicks/Cheeks, both in Oxfordshire. I suppose that ships destroyed by an asteroid landing in the sea will choke people, God be merciful. Store's/Storys are first known in Northumberland with the Herons in the Choke Crest, and Heron-branch Horns/Orne's are first known near Berkshire / Oxfordshire.
In case needed, I'll record the entire Montell Crest: "A silver lion's gambe erased holding a BRANCH of oak, fructed gold." There's plenty of code work there. Italian Montana's have a "triple MOUND surROUNDed by three gold 6-POINTed stars," and while Rounds, with a "SLEEPing lion" are first known in Essex with Mountains, those 6-pointed stars are a "comet" in the Coat of Reines' while Raines' are first found in Essex too. That comet thus looks like a pointer to the blazing Revelation asteroid, "as a mountain" (most translations, "like a mountain"). Points are first known in Berkshire with Choke's.
Leg-using Gambini's/Gamba's look like they share the Chief of Montels (not "Montell") to explain the Montell "gambe." Gambini's are apparently first known in Venice with Montana's. The human Gambini/Gamba leg is in the colors of the "bear's gamb" of Powys', first known in Shropshire with LEIGHtons/LEYtons and Bell-branch Bellamys. The Belli-branch Bellini's (Verona with Belli's) have a "bear's paw" in colors reversed from the Powys leg (Legh/Ley colors). Essex is where Paw-beloved Peacocks are first known.
As MacKenzie's can be connected to the Kenny motto, note than Montels share the crescents of Kennys, the latter first known in Galway with the Bradys who have a "HAND POINTing", to go with the 6-pointed stars of Montana's. The Brady hand points to the sun while Suns/Sinclairs (Midlothian, where Bradds/Breads were once said to be first known) are a branch of Tony-connectable Clare's (of Tunbridge). It can indicate that Brady-like Bradds/Breads (Cheshire with Hands and Marble's) have the Alley / Atlas lion. Bradys share the sun of Sunnys (Marble colors), first known in Berkshire with same-colored Points/Pointers. Clare's are first known in Suffolk with Sunny-like Soans/Soams ("mallets"), and with the Mallets who share the Sonny/Staney scallops. The latter surname is in the colors and format of Stanleys, first known in Cambridgeshire with Cake's/CakeBREADs and Musks/Muscats.
We can even take this to the Sonny- and Stanley-connectable, and Buckle-loving, Leslie's who essentially share the Coat of STARLINCKs (Suffolk with Buckle's). Leslie's are first known in Aberdeenshire with Tarves' while Tarvisium is where Montels are first known while Starlincks -- a possible pointer to Apophis striking Starlink satellites -- use square buckles, the shape that houseofnames once showed for the Roslin buckles. Suns/Sinclairs owned Roslin. Elon Musk owns Starlink, and Elons and Elms look related to the Oaks in the Montell Crest, but this is not certain. I suppose that God knows that the globalist spy systems need to be knocked out to protect wilderness survivors.
I kid you not, that both the Montell-connectable Love's/Luffs and their Musk/Muscat kin were once both said to be first known in Suffolk with Starlincks. To re-iterate, Montells love the Gambe's who in turn share the triple Love/Luff fesses, and the latter share the lion heads of Musks/Muscats who in turn have two of those triple fesses...which are in the colors of the triple fesses of Waters and Muschats (not "Muscat"), both first known in Essex with Mountains and Asters! Make of it whatever you think. Satellite-like Settle's (Lancashire with Shettleworths) share the green lozenges of STARs. STARlincks. Sattle's (probably the Seaton / Bellamy crescents) even share triple-red crescents of Love/Luff-related Checks/Chicks/Cheeks.
Montel-beloved Branch's (Taft/Tuffs colors and format) share the FREEland Coat while FRYdays/Fridays share the Sattle crescents. Free-branch Freys are first known in Wiltshire with Stars. The latter have the chevron of Shake's (Lancashire with Settle's and Shettleworths) in colors reversed. I assume there's going to be some big shaking going on when the mountain from the sky lands.
The thing that Love's/Luffs and Checks/Chicks/Cheeks (both first known in Oxfordshire with Billow-loving Ships) share is their red FITCHee, and Fitch's/Fitchets are first known in Essex with the MontFITCHet variation of Muschats. The Billows are listed with Bellows in the "bellows" of Ships, and the Vita's in the motto of Billows/Bellows are first known in Tarvisium (near a Bled location at the Sava river) with Montels. The sea billows will roll to destroy a third of the ships. The Vita's share the annulets of Severs, the latter first known in Somerset with Mountain-connectable Bulls/Bule's and Montell-connectable Oaks (share "oak leaves" with Elon-like and Okehampton-related Alans). Okehampton is in Devon with Billow-branch Billets, and Sever-branch Saffers (have another "vita" motto term).
Why do Billows have a fox head? Did God arrange it there for Ainsley of Fox and Friends? Ships show only bellows in Beauty colors and format. Recall the Bless/BLOIS' sharing the Ainsley fleur, for Blois' look like "Bellow." The eel in the Ship motto can take one to Ely, where Musks/Muscats are first known, who have a version of the Ely Coat.
Oaks share "fructed" in their description with the Montell "oak branch." Perhaps it's code for a variation of Frocks/Froggs, first known in Shropshire with Alans and Bellamys, but also of Traver-related Meschins. Tarvisium is now Treviso. Travers are in the motto of FORE's/Forez's, suspect in turn in the "FOR my country" phrase of Ainsleys, and "country" is in the English-version motto of Oaks.
The "tressure" border of Flemings is code for Tresure's/Trashers, first known in Suffolk with Always', though Tresure's/Thrashers were once said to be first known in Somerset with Shins/Chings, and with the Bulls/Bule's in the bulls of French Mountains. The Fitch's in the Tresure/Thrasher Coat are first known in Essex with English Mountains.
While Alleys are first known in the same place as Eggs, the latter were once said to be first known in Cheshire with Kingsleys of Aula, and with Eggertons who in turn have symbols looking like those of both Auley surnames.
What would be that chances that English House's, who share the Coat of Newton-connectable Kingsleys, are first known in Oxfordshire with Bunny-line Bunns/Bonns who in turn almost have the Coat of the Bone's in the Newton "shin bones? There is a great chance for this outcome, if House's were kin of Kingsleys, for they both almost have the Newton shin bones. Oxfordshire is where Gardners are first known who have griffin heads in the colors of the Marble griffin.
Thus, the Kingsley goat head must be closely related to the Bunny goat heads, yet the one of Kingsleys is the white one in the Crest of Time's/Timms, the latter first known in Kent with English GOODs, and also with the Countrys (in the Ainsley motto) who in turn share the fleur-de-lys of Bonneys. Plus, "BON heure" is a motto phrase of Hicks' who in turn share the Ainsley fleur-de-lys, and that phrase is translated, "GOOD TIME." The Time/Timm Coat looks related to the Country Coat. Bonneys are in the colors and format of BUNchers/Bankers (Oxfordshire with Bunns) who may have named Bank Newton (Yorkshire with Hicks'). Bunch's share the Ainsley and Hicks fleur-de-lys. See all that?
The reason I wanted to do a Kingsley investigation today was as per this in their write-up: "'...the family divided into two branches, the younger continuing the name of Kingsley, the elder adopting that of De Aula or Hale.'" The miracle-marble shot was on HULLmar drive (Toronto), and while Hulls essentially share the English Hall Coat, Kingston in Yorkshire is on a Hull river while Kingstons share the King lion, in the colors of Marble's, the latter first known in the same place as Hale's and Newtons. The latter have an "eastern prince" while "PRINCipiBUS" is a Hale motto code. Prince's and Hicks are likewise first known in Yorkshire, along with Bank Newton.
The Hall- / Aule-like Alley surname can be linked to Halleys, first known in Sligo with the Hickensons and Hickens who both share the white tower with Kinzeys/Kingsleys. Halleys share the boar heads of MARone's in turn in MAR colors and format. HullMAR drive. The brown lion in the Halley Crest jibes with the two, brown lion heads in the Crest of Alley-branch Atlas'.
In different colors, the Aule's and Kinzeys/Kingsleys share a giant tower. The Aule tower is with Auvergne's who in turn look related to the backdrop of Pools/Pole's who in turn share the giant Alley lion. So, the miracle-marble shot involves Kingsleys, and they with MacKenzie's point to Apophis.
Back to the Elvis'/ELWAYs of HABELthorpe, for while Ainsleys have "for my king ALWAYS," Habels have a motto, "LONG life for the KING." Longs have the King crosslets in half their colors, thank you very much Habels, but then it's imperative that you compare the Long background to the one of Marble's. There's a multiple pointer from Ainsleys here, to the alley shot.
Habel-like Hazels (Devon with Kings and Tuckers/Tokers) share the Elvis/Elway fesse. The Alley-like Always' are first known in Suffolk with Sea-related Seamans who both share the wavy fesses/bars of Tuckers/Tokers. Ticks/Tucks/Toke's were once said to be first known in Kent with Sea's, but also with Bangs/Bings while my alley banged Tony's. Bangs may have named Bank Newton.
This gets more amazing thanks to the Hazels, especially as they were once said to be first known in Cheshire with Kingsleys, and with their Weaver kin who in turn love the Aster-connectable Este's. We are pointing to the asteroid again, especially as Weaver-branch Webbers (wavy bars) look like Pepin/Pepy kin. Weavers share the sheaves of Comings suspect in the "arm...coming out of the top of a tower proper." I might not have mentioned that bit, but Comings, connectable to Kilpatricks, are first known in Norfolk with the Life's/Leafs/Leve's in the "Long life" phrase of Kinzeys/Kingsleys.
The Longs share the giant lion of English Planks/PLANQUE's, and while the Plank background looks connectable to the King crosslets, the King lion is half the Plank lion. The latter's lion is in the colors of the Cabbage lion, and French Plants/PLANQUE's use "cabbages." This is how I got to a planet-like surname, and so let's see how the heraldry surrounding this heraldic set could be a pointer to the asteroid falling into a sea.
French House's use "cabbage LEAVES." The Life's in the same motto that has both the Longs and Kings are listed with Leafs/LEAVES, and the latter are first known in Norfolk with the Bakers whose Chief shares the lion in the Cabbage Chief, but also with the Hollys, in the holly of the Cabbage Coat, who share the Hull dog. The marble shot was on HULLmar, and German Huls'/Hulles' have the House leaf upside-down and in colors reversed. The House leaves are even in the design of the "hazel slips" of Hazels.
The Cabbage and Baker lions are in giant form in Aster-branch Stormys. Cabbage's are first known near the first-known Sturs.
The Kingsleys not only share the Coat of English House's, but the latter have an anchor on a "SEA." Apophis will cause ships to anchor, when it causes a tidal wave, when it destroys one-third the ships. The Annacker-like Annas' were once said to be first known in Nottinghamshire with King-loving AINSleys, and Anchors list Annackers. The latter love the Bulls/Bule's, the latter first known in Somerset with Shins/CHINGs, but also beside bull-using Beautys/Bowds, a branch of bull-using Boys/Boeddu's, and then English Boys share bees with Life's/Leafs/Leave's while Bee's are first known in Oxfordshire with English House's.
The House anchor is held by "Two hands issuing from a cloud...", and Clouds are listed with McLeods of SKYE. The miracle-marble FLICK shot was on Hullmar drive directly across from SKYE Court, and the Flicks are listed with the Flags (Norfolk again) in the two flags of the McLeod/Cloud Crest. Between the two flags, a bull head. I flicked it with my THUMB, and Tume's/Tombs, first known in Worcestershire with Alleys, are in Kingsley / Newton / House colors.
McLeods/Clouds are first known more exactly on Skye and LEWIS, and then the write-up of Alley-like Auleys has: "The second branch of this Clan is that of the MacAulays of the Isle of LEWIS. These Clansmen claimed descent from Aula (Olaf the Black), who was a thirteenth-century king of the Isles. Their lands were traditional centered around Uig. This branch was probably related to the numerous MacAulays of ROSS and Sutherland." Ross is where MacKenzie's are first known. We saw "Aula" in the Kingsley write-up.
Actually, I think I now remember better what happened this morning, after resisting writing this section until something materialized to make it worthwhile. It may not be correct to say that I decided to do the Kingsley investigation when arriving to the Earths and Plants/Planque's. I think it was a little later, after asking God how heraldry could reveal which ocean the asteroid would land in, which is when I remembered that the Alleys share the Coat of their Atlas/Atley branch.
In mythology, Atlas was symbol of Plato's Atlantis, and indeed, I read that the Apophis asteroid is flying directly over the Atlantic ocean on April 13, 2029. That's why it was imperative for me to somehow include the miracle-marble shot in this Kingsley investigation, and I showed how that worked well. Fortunately, I suggested a year or two ago that this marble shot could point to Apophis, and so we now have more reason to decipher it that way.
I can tell that God arranged something to connect Atlas' to Sea's because the Atlas Crest is "Two lions' heads addorSEE proper." See's/Sea's are first known in Kent with Atlas'. Again, Sea-branch Seamans are first known in Suffolk with Alley-like Always', and Ainsleys have an "for my king always" motto phrase. Note "AdDORSEE," for Dorcys/Darcys share the Coat of McKinneys, but with a background looking connectable to the Kings and Longs.
Dorseys/Darcys even share the Beauty bull, and moreover Dorseys/Darcys share a "roi" motto term with Habels, is that not amazing? Nobody who formed some heraldry, aside from God, knew about Sleeping Beauty at the time. Atlas' are first known in Kent with Sleeps and Darcy-like Darks. D'Arques. Darcys are also D'Arcys, first known in Galway with Kennys. Always-like Elways were at HABELthorpe, and Habels have the Longs and Kings in their motto.
One cannot flick a marble off of the index finger, toward a marble on the ground, while standing up, for the marble will then roll off the finger when aiming downward. One needs to bring the hand down about six inches off the ground. When I did things as a child, if it involved sports, it was always with all my heart. It's therefore very likely that I put one knee, or one SHIN BONE, you see, on the grass when taking that flick shot. The Newtons (same place as hands and Kingsleys) using shin bones do so with nearly the Kingsley Coat, and Kingsleys have a Ching-like location while Chings are listed with Shins.
Shins/Chings share the Coat of Kemmis'/Kenys, the latter first known in the same place as Kinzeys/Kingsleys, and then while Shins/Chings and Kemmis'/Kenys both share the triple red-fesses with Aster-branch and Newton-connectable Sturs, they both put the Shield of Baker-like Beckers behind their red fesses.
The Blanck variation of German Planks can take us to English Blanks (Northamptonshire with Cabbage's) who in turn share the Bus Coat while Planque-beloved and Baker-connectable Cabbage's have an "ReBUS" motto term. Blanks and Bus' both use the ermined cinquefoil of Hamiltons, and it was Dr. Hamilton Kilpatrick who stood with Spuds MacKenzie in the pointer to the Apophis asteroid. Spuds is a bull terrier, or bulldog, and the first half of the Sleeping Beauty dream, which featured his wife, had a British bulldog. In the weeks after the dream, I was wondering whether my future wife would own a British bulldog, because I thought God was showing me my future wife in this dream. One thing I was sure of, I'd never own an ugly British bulldog.
Some 15 years after the dream, after almost a decade of marriage, I went to HAMILTON, Ontario, to see this five-foot tall, fiberglass British bulldog, which I purchased that night for my lawn-decor business. DOCTOR HAMILTON Kilpatrick, standing with the MacKenzie bulldog. Doctors are listed with Dockers while Dogs/Docks share the Hamilton cinquefoil. The Bridge's in the Doctor/Docker Crest love the Crabs, and Apophis will become visible to the eye as it flies across the constellation of CANCER the crab. CHAUNCEURs/Chance's are first known in Essex with MacKenzie-beloved Mountains and MacKenzie-beloved Asters/Easters.
About a half-year after the bulldog purchase, I saw Miss Hicks for the first time, in church, on Christmas day, 1994, almost 2,000 miles from my home. English Christmas' (same place as Mountains) have the Cony Coat on a red Shield, and Conys have a coney rabbit in Crest holding a "pansy." Pansys are first known in Westphalia with German Ducks/DOCKERs because the Arms of Bar-le-DUC use pansies. German Christmas' and their Christman branch (Hampshire with Poppins) have the swan if Sions, first known in Lanarkshire with Flemings. Cony-branch Conns are first known in Aberdeenshire with the Christine-related Cups. Christmans share the MacKenzie border.
Westphalia is where Apophis-like Popps/Poppes' (giant bull head) are first known who were obvious kin of Mountain-connectable Bulls/Bule's. English Popps share the star of Ducks (Somerset with Bulls/Bule's). There probably needs not to be a Mountain link to an Apophis-like surname except that God could have arranged it.
This lawn-decor business started out with the planting of pink flamingos for peoples' big birthdays, and the Flamingo surname happens to be listed with the Dutch Flamings expected in the flaming mountain of MacKenzie's. It begs why the latter share the Texas Coat while I had to go all the way to Texas to meet Sleeping Beauty. These Flamingo's/Flamings almost have the Coat of Fiscs who in turn almost have the MacKenzie motto. The other MacKenzie motto is suspect with the Luce's, first known in Norfolk with Fiscs.
[Insert -- What possibly could Texas have to do with the Apophis asteroid? Will it hit near the "Gulf of America"? Spuds MacKenzie was in Baytown, near that gulf. I was mugged, scouting for Texas property, on Galveston, right on the gulf, in April of 1994. It was about that time when I purchased the British BULLdog. Bulls/Bule's (Somerset, beside bull-using Beautys) have bull heads in the colors of the bulls of French Mountains. See that?
NEW: As Beautys/Bowds were a branch of Boys/Boeddu's, I've just loaded Boyle's/Boyville's, and after that checked for a Boyton surname, excellent because Boytons/Boitons (Bute/Butt colors) share the dancetty-fesse of Bude's!!! Nobody who put some heraldry together, aside from God, knew of my Sleeping Beauty, nor of Spuds MacKenzie, the mascot of BUD Light beer. Bude's list Buds!!! I loaded Boyle's due to coming across Susan Boyle below.
Bud Light beer is a lager while Dutch Lagers/Lage's, believe it or not, share the double-headed eagle of Boyle's/Boyville's. French Lagers (Burgundy with Loge's and Locks/Desloges') even have a Coat somewhat like the English Bute/Butt Coat. Swedish Lagers share the Chief of Boys/Boeddu's!!! Boy-oh-boy. Scottish Locks are first known in Lanarkshire with the Douglas-derived Hardys and LockHEARTs (share Douglas heart), both connectable to the heart of the neighboring LOGans, and thus this entire picture is connectable to Ainsley EarHARDT and her former husband, Will Proctor.
In the dream, when I saw her close-up, I remarked, "she's beautiful." Then, when God told me to wake her, I thought to wake her with a kiss, Sleeping Beauty style. I therefore assumed, with good heraldic evidence from other scenes / props of this dream, that God wanted to point to Beautys and Sleeps.
Boyle's/Boyville's are first known in Ayrshire with Ribons/Ryburns/Rayburns, the latter suspect in the "ribbon" that ties the triple arrows of Buide's/Buds. The last scene of the dream had Sleeping Beauty RISE into the SKY the second she was woken from SLEEP, and while RHIZON was at least near the SELEPitanoi Illyrians, Risons/Risings are first known in Norfolk with Rise's/RYE's while we just saw RYburns!!! I get it. I didn't get it while writing above until midway through the last sentence: Rhizon is beside modern BUDva, the ancient BUTua!!!!!!! So, it means that Bude's/Buds and their Boyton/Boiton branch were also a branch of Boyle's/Boyville's, and thus of Boys and Beautys, all from Budva!!! INCREDIBLE OUTCOME.
Bude's/Buds use the bow while Beautys, beside Bow- and Book-related Roets (same place as Bulls/Bule's), are also Bowds/Bowoods. It appears that the Budva line to Beautys married Root-connectable Woods (share Pick fitchees) because Woods share the rooted tree with Irish Boyle's/BOGhills. Bows/Bough's were a Bougie branch. Roets and Roots both have trees too, and the Root-related Picks/Pix's (Kent with Roots, Greens and Sleeps) were in my sleeping-bag dream (about a decade ago) because I saw this bag only when I picked it up; I did nothing else with it, and Picks/Pix's happen to share the fitchees also of Boytons/Boitons too. Roets have a "green tree" while Greens are Greme's/Greems too while PilGRIMs are first known in Norfolk with Bags.
I can see how Boytons/Boitons can trace to the Budini, in the Ukrainian land of the Roxolani who could have named Roets and their Rothes branch. The island of Bute was previously, ROTHESay. Scottish Boyds are first known in Ayrshire with Boyle's/Boyville's, and English Boyds are first known in Shropshire with a Sleap location, and where English Rothes' (Kent with Sleeps) were once said to be first known.
We saw above the possibility that Irish Boyle's were Wood kin. While Woods use a savage, French Sauvage's share the red heart with Irish Boyle's. Harts/Hearts probably named Earhardts/Airharts. The "hurt" is in the Bude/Bud Crest, and in that hurt is a star in the colors of the Boy/Boeddu stars. It's possible that Woods developed from a "Bude" evolution to the Vode variation of Woods. Bude's/Buds are first known in Cornwall with Hicks' of St. Ewe, and Kiss-connectable Ewe's/Cuists have a giant eagle in the colors of the two-headed eagle of Boyle's/Boyville's. Kiss'/Custs are first known in Leicestershire with Woods. Boyle's/Boyville's use "buck" horns while Hicks' use a buck's head.
Boytons/Boitons are first known in Suffolk with early RUSH's and Tache's. The latter, sharing the Boyton/Boiton scallop, and "tache" is a motto term of Napiers, suspect from the Naparis river. Wikipedia's article on Roxolani (ROS-Alans) has them in two places, one on the Dnieper river of the Budini, and another branch at the nieper-like Naparis. End Insert]
Back to mythical Atlas. He was made the first son of Poseidon, the king of Plato's Atlantis. The Atlanteans were sea-goers. The Atlantic ocean was named after this entity that first named the Atlas mountains in Tyrian Africa. Poseidon was made a mythical king of Tyre/Phoenicia, and his symbol was the sea. He either named, or was named by, the Pisidians, who lived at ATTALia. One can see "ATLas" in that city, yet it was also "ANTALya." It just so happens that while I struck Tony's marble, Tonys (Toeni's of Leicester) are known to be from Les ANDELys. See that?
Plus, while I struck his marble on HULLmar, Tonys of Les Andelys are known to descend from MalaHULE of MORE along with the Meschins, rulers of Cheshire. The Malls/MarlyBONE's are first known in Cheshire with the Kingsleys who in turn have the Aula's/Hale's in their write-up, making Malahule look like he was named by the Hule/Hull / Hall bloodline. Note HullMAR, for French Mars are also More's, and they are in the colors and format of French Blancs/Blanks (Normandy with Mars/More's and Les Andelys) who in turn share the Alley and Atlas lion.
Always' are first known in Suffolk with the Blois' in the Blanc/Blank write-up, tending to assure that the latter have the Alley lion closely, and that the Ainsley motto does connect to my alley shot. Suffolk is also where Mallets and Buckle's are first known while "mallets" are with Dutch Blancs, and then French Mallet/MALO's use buckles. French Blois' share the Mar/MORE scallops. Again, it just so happens that Bless'/Blois' share the Ainsley fleur-de-lys. English Morleys (share Morland symbol) and NOTE's/Cnuts are first known in Derbyshire with the Sola's in the Bless/Blois motto, and Nottings/Knuts are first known in Gloucestershire with Kinzeys/Kingsleys, is that not amazing? English Morleys .
Yes, for about the time of the Sleeping-Beauty and Popeye dreams, and maybe smack on April 13, 1979, God told me in an "audible" voice to write Steve Mellanson a NOTE. I did, but that's another story; suffice to say that it proved to be a pointer to Note's/Cnuts. The latter share the Crest of Popeye-connectable Pipers.
We saw above that Scottish Auleys had a branch from ruler of Lennox, and here we can add that Lennox's/Levenax's are tracable to Peerless'/Napiers who share the motto of French Blancs/Blanks. Lennox's/LEVENax's share "deFEND" in their motto with the Woods, the latter first known in Leicestershire. Fenders are first known in Huntingdonshire with Kemmis'/Kenys'/Camois'. LEVINs share the Chief-Shield colors of Earths/D'Arth's and Vilains while the latter were early in Gloucestershire, where Kemmis'/Kenys/Camois' were once said to be first known, and where Cams/Game's are still said to be first known.
Levins are first known in WestMORland with Morlands, and the latter are a branch of Mauls/Morleys, suspect with Malls/Marlybone's, which recalls the Kemmis-connectable shin bones of Newtons (same place as Malls/Marlybone's). Mauls/Morleys are first known in Yorkshire with Kemmis-connectable Beckers. Malls/Marlybone's have the MalBANCs in their write-up while Newtons were at Bank Newton (Yorkshire).
Repeat: "I can tell that God arranged something to connect Atlas' to Sea's because the Atlas Crest is "Two lions' heads addorSEE proper." See's/Sea's are first known in Kent with Atlas'. Again, Sea-branch Seamans are first known in Suffolk with Alley-like Always', and Ainsleys have an "for my king always" motto phrase. In my sleeping-bag dream, David Morley (my old friend) pointed to the David-related Ade's/Aids suspect in "ADdorsee." "Ad astra" is the motto phrase of Fiscs, instead of "as astra" used by MacKenzie's. Ada of Warenne married an earl of Huntingdon, where Kemmis'/Kenys' are first known. Ada's father was of Surrey, where the Sea-beloved Salmon lived with Salemans.
I PRAYed that I might strike Tony's alley, and I think the Revelation asteroid is to assist the Church from harsh persecution i.e. when we can expect the saints to be praying. We're going to need a bang-on- hit. Repeat: "Always-like Elways were at HabelTHORP, and Habels have the Longs and Kings in their motto." LONGfords (Derbyshire with Note's/Cnuts) almost have the Langford Coat, and Langfords share the six pale bars of Irish Prays. I was about to continue with saying that Prays are first known in County DOWN with Knee's, when, at that very instant, Susan Boyle sang, "to my knees will I fall" (song "I can Only Imagine"). I was about to say that I was probably down on one knee during or after I prayed to make the alley shot. The Dunham-connectable Downs/Douns (Sussex with Knee-connectable Acorns and Vise's) are in Alley colors and format.
I highlighted "HabelTHORPE above because Thorps/THROOPs could have been a branch of Cnut-beloved Drops/Trope's who in turn share the Chief of Irish Prays. Scottish Trupe's/Troops are first known near the Speyer river of Spears/Speyers who in turn have an "ADvance" motto.
English Preys (Lincolnshire with Kingsley-related Halls) are Preters too while More-like Morays have a "pret" motto term. Longfords look like kin of Italian Belli's while Bellys are first known in Moray.
Unfortunately, Italian Tonys don't name their body of water, but it does look like a sea. In fact, while these Tonys place a "flower" over that sea, Flowers are first known in Devon with Sea-connectable Tuckers/Tokers.
While my mother is a Masci liner, Masci's named Dunham Cheshire with the first-known Kingsleys. In consideration that Aula's/Hale's are in the Kingsley write-up, see this from my 5th update of May, 2015:
The article above is titled, "De Aula and Early Hall Lineage." It points out the Halls on the Isle of Wight using three goat the colors of the three talbot dog heads of Halls. It also shows that Wight's Halls had merged with goat-using Kingsleys, and says that Warin de Aula was a D'Avranches liner. Ranulf le Meschin (son of Maud D'Avranches), it adds, was styled, "de Kingsley" (new to me)...."In the 'Pedigree of Warin de Aula,' Earl Ranulf III [Meschin] was styled 'de Kingsley' and was the son of Maud d'Avranches, sister of Albreda d'Avranches. Albreada was the mother of William d'Avranches, grandfather of Warin de Aula. From this, it appears the d'Avranches were likely the common source for the use of the Goat."
The alley shot was outside my mother's house, across from Skye Court. The McLeods/Clouds are first known on Skye with the RIMMONs/Crimmons, and while Maschi's/Mascarelli's were said to be first known in RIMINi until months ago, Mascarelli's are now said to be first known in Piedmont with Masci's, and Maschi's have been placed into the databank of Masci's. Then while Hamon de Masci was at Dunham Masci, "DiscRIMINa" is a motto term of Hamons, first known in Kent with Alley-branch Atlas' and Mascarelli-beloved Cone's. Masci's use wings while Wings/Winks are first known in Worcestershire with Alleys. Does God arrange such heraldic things with your old addresses? No. But He's apparently done it with mine because He wants you to grasp something important.
I once walked to the home of a couple of brothers, on Skye Court, to say hello while seeing them on their front deck. They were about my age. I don't remember being there more than two, maybe three times, and I remember only the name of one of the brothers: Cosmo. What do we suppose this points to? But, I'll sure feel stupid, Lord, if Apophis doesn't fall from the cosmos in 2029. The Lily's in the Cosmo Coat are first known in the same place as Alleys. Cosmo's are first known in Padua with Aster-connectable Este (the location).
"The surname Rimmon was first known in on the Isle of Skye, where they were hereditary Pipers to the MacLeods of Dunvegan..." Pipe's share the Coat of Pepins/Pepys, what seems like another Arrangement for pointing to Apophis. This is very exciting if indeed we will be in the 1260 days in 2029. It could be the time to raise our heads high, stay loyal to Jesus, not be tricked by the Godless around you.
My mother was born a handful of miles from L'Aquila. While Irish Auleys are Cauleys too, English Cauleys look like kin of Keele's/Kills and Cheile's (both in Lincolnshire with Eagle's/Hegels), and are therefore suspect from L'Aquila. Aquila's share the Coat of Italian Este's, and Este is in Padua with the first-known Cosmo's. I suppose this paragraph could reveal Alleys as named from Aquila variations upon forming Cauleys from Keele's/Kills. As few as two months after the alley shot, my mother took me for the entire summer to Picenze, her place of birth seven miles from L'Aquila. It's in Abruzzo province, which includes mythical Maja of mount Maiella. Atlas' daughter was Maia. Can we believe it? Maia (part of the stars, symbol of sea-farers) was mother to mythical Hermes, father in turn of the Pan GOAT, and I see the Marsyas goat to the Marsi of Abruzzo. The Marsi put out the MEROVingians, and mythical MEROPE was made one of Maia's sisters. Cosmo-like Kos was home to mythical Merops.
Maia was made part of the: "The Pleiades, also known as Seven Sisters and MESSIER 45 (M45), is an asterism of an open star cluster containing young B-type stars..." French Messeys/Messier's can take us to English Messier's, first known in Lincolnshire too. French Masseys share the tree with Maio's. The My's in the Ainsley motto are listed with Meigh's (share Savoy cross). The Pan cult was in Panias, beside Hermes-like mount Hermon, and near satan's city of Tyre.
Repeat from above: "The Bridge's in the Doctor/Docker Crest love the Crabs, and Apophis will become visible to the eye as it flies across the constellation of CANCER the crab. CHAUNCEURs/Chance's are first known in Essex with MacKenzie-beloved Mountains and MacKenzie-beloved Asters/Easters." Chaunceurs/Chance's share the Mascarelli lion, and French Chance's are first known in Savoy with French Masseys while Dunham Masci was also, Dunham Massey. The Chief of French Masseys is colors reversed as the Chief of English Deans/Dene's who are in turn first known in Sussex with Mascals. Irish Dene's are first known in Galway with Kennys while Galways have another bridge. The Galway Cat should thus be of the Catti-tribe, the Keiths/Mascals, kin of Marshalls who share the Piper saltire.
Bridge's and Pepin-connectable Webbers are first known in Somerset with the Camels in the Pipe and Pepin/Pepy Crests. It then gets remarkable again where German Camels share the giant Marble griffin. Nobody who put some heraldry together knew of my marble shot, except God. English Gardners, with that griffin as griffin heads, are first known in Oxfordshire with camel-using Crawls/Crowells while Crabs are also Crails. Oxfordshire is also where Oyle's are first known while Popeye's girlfriend is Olive Oyl.
This page was taken from the first two sections in my 2nd update of this month. If you wish to read the rest of that update, use your find feature to find, "The Roaring Spear to Ottawa".
Here's all four Gospels wrapped into one story.