Note the two Gog-like locations here: "Manichean texts in several languages of neighbouring regions used the expression 'the land of the Four Toghar' (Togar~ Toxar, written Twyr) to designate the area 'from KUCHa and Karashar to QOCHo and Beshbalik'" (Wikipedia "Tocharians"). Clearly, these were earlier the Biblical Togarmites.In Ezekiel 39/39, not only Gog of Magog, but "Togarmah," are placed in the "far north." Tocharians lived between the Khazars and India in time for the Khazar empire. The latter was in Ukraine between the northern Caspian and Black seas, and one Khazar king, Joseph, claimed that Khazars were Togarmites. That looks correct, though I and many others believe that Joseph was Jewish or Hebrew in some way, as were other king-priests of the Khazars.
Therefore, "far north" refers to what is now Russia, and most, I think, historians/geographers place Magog in Russia, not Turkey, Armenia, or Georgia. Although Gogarene/Gugar was off of Armenia's Lake Sevan (not the far north), Ezekiel gives indication that a branch(es) of the namers of Gogarene were up in "the far north."
When the Varangian Rus conquered the Khazarian empire, I see the Varangians as the descendants of Ezekiel's Rosh, and it's known that these same Varangians of Ukraine co-founded Moscow, and thus named Russia. It makes sense, therefore, that Ezekiel's Rosh and Meshech ("Mushki" to Assyrians), when translated to the end times, are Moscow of Russia. This is partly why I'm not biting when guys like Joel Richardson insist that the Gog alliance refers mainly to Turks. Nor am I convinced that "Turk" was named after "TOGARmah," as some prophecy buffs claim. Turks descended from GOKturks, and so that looks like partial Gog. Gokturks lived east of Khazaria, same area as Tocharians.
The Khazar empire was taken near the time of the Templarite conquering of Jerusalem, and these Crusaders had an alliance with Georgia, for the flag of Georgia today is a near-match with the Crusader flag of Jerusalem (large potent cross surrounded by four potent crosses), similar also to the Arms of ROSicrucians (large saltire surrounded by four roses). It begs whether Crusader Zionism was partly from Khazar king-priests.
To help reveal that proto-Tocharians were in proto-Georgia, myth made Togar-like Teucer, the father of BATia, mother of Trojans. Wikipedia has an article on a Bat people living in what is now Georgia, especially at Batumi near the MOSCHi mountains. What don't we understand about this?
Teucer's father can be connected to Lydia, which is beside Mysia, location of Troy. Lydians and Lasonii can be traced, probably correctly, to the Lazi of Georgia, on the north side of Batumi. Lazi lived at Lazona, and Latona was the Roman/Latin version of mythical Leto, mother of both Apollo and the Amazon goddess, Artemis. Amazons named Mazaca near the Moschi mountains, and thus the namers of Mazaca becomes suspect from a branch of Meshech. From Mazaca, Amazons (comicalized in myth as all-female) moved to Mysia, and probably named it. This has got to reveal why the myth writer made Apollo the leader of the all-female "Muses."
Apollo and Artemis were worshiped by "Hyperboreans," a term meaning "far northerners," how about that. Therefore, one can trace some aspects of the Gog alliance -- Togarmites especially -- to Latins at Rome, especially as Roman myth traces Romans to Trojans. The latter look like they could have named "Turk," as might "Thrace/Thrako." Yet "Troy" traces better to such terms as "Tyre / Tarsus," and the Tyrians could therefore have named TYRRhenians on the north side of Lazio, which can explain what we could call a family feud, when Rome and Carthage (founded by Tyrians) had mortal combat. Rome won, and went on to become Daniel 7's fourth beast.
After the Rus conquered Khazaria, Khazars and their Kabar branches spread out mainly into Germany and Hungary, where some became the "Ashkenazi Jews." In Genesis, Ashkenaz was brother to Togarmah, and both descended from Jupiter-like Japheth. It can explain why Romans turned the Zeus Taurus (Tyrians) into Jupiter. These were such stupid, pig-headed and brute pagans, not great but in being callous and sinful, seeking like parasites to absorb the whole world by military might. Such stupids are still with us today, and Rothschild stupids are thought to descend from Khazar Hebrews, which can explain why the Rothschild founders of modern Israel lavished (or infested) Israel with Russian "Jews" (that God may not want there). The Rus have always been seeking to conquer the world, and Rosicrucians (fake Christians) have an "emperor" position even, which might just be filled one day by the anti-Christ or False Prophet.
I see "Magog" becoming "Magogar," a term I created, suspect as a term I define as "man of Magog." I created the term because I imagined it to modify to "Magyar," for the latter were a real people in Ukraine, to the west of Khazaria, and allied to Khazars too. The Magyars become the Hungarians, yet the latter, at their founding, were about one-third Kabar-branch Khazars who named Kabardino (northern Caucasus, in Ukraine).
Roman myth that had Romans descend from the early Trojans, and thus partly from Teucer-branch Togarmites, gave mythical Romulus as their namesake ancestor. As the Jupiter-like Japodes lived at a Romula location (now Croatia), we can take this picture to Cronus- and Ukraine-like Ceraunii Illyrians of proto-Croatia, for Cronus had been made Zeus' father. Apollo mated with mythical Coronis, and Corinth was home to king Aeetes of Colchis i.e. proto-Georgia i.e. home of proto-Latins, and home also of mythical Batia, daughter of Teucer. We are talking ancient human-sacrifice cults here, whose end-time descendants are likely doing the same.
Ares, son of Zeus, given a war symbol, was a pedophilia cult that named Eros and Erotes. Ares' special mate was the official wife of ugly Hephaestus of Mysia. Ugly was the symbol of the Gorgon Medusa, and Gorgons at the southern Caspian sea likely named Georgia. The latter is near the upper Aras river (in Armenia) that I say named "Ares." The Aras was also the Arax, and ARCadia was made the birthplace of Armenia-depicting Hermes. The latter, a friend of Aeetes of Corinth, was paired with Aphrodite in a transvestite symbol (see "Hermaphroditus"), and Aphrodite was the official wife of Hephaestus.
When you get to know how to interpret mythology, it's a people-group tracker of the worst of humanity, the perfect justification for Armageddon and the Lake of Fire. The reason Hermes is involved in a chariot-related myth of Pelops' Amazonian father-in-law is that Pelops was made the king of Lydia at the Hermus river. To interpret this, it means that myth writers traced Amazons in the Peloponnese to Lydians, and the latter were mythically made the sons of Aeetes-like Attis of neighboring Phrygia.
Gomer likely named the Cimmerians, who came down from the Ukraine to conquer king Rusa at Lake Van. This picture, along with the Varangian Rus of Moscow, argues strongly for the inclusion of "Rosh," as a nation, in Ezekiel 38/39, though some Bible translations omit "Rosh" and use the term as part of "chief prince," for "rosh" is the Hebrew word for "first / chief." Would God confuse us when the text well describes a Rusa > Rus > Russia line?
Note that the bear constellation was mythical Arca, symbol of Arcadia (in the Peloponnese), birthplace of Hermes. King Rusa was of Armenia, and therefore the Russian bear could tend to reveal itself, in this way, as depicting Russian ancestry in Rusa-line Armenians at the Aras river. Compare "Ursa" to "Hros," for the latter were a real peoples I suspect as part of the Ares-cult Rosh > Rus.
Google now acts like it doesn't know what I'm looking for when asking for "Hros tribe." It once did know, but AI is going to make regular google as dumb as possible, to urge people to purchase AI. BOTTOMLESS GREED.
As Ezekiel names Persia as part of the Gog alliance, it doesn't tend to equate Gog with modern Turkey, at this time, anyway, for the latter opposes modern Iran. Ezekiel's Put, thought to be Libya, can indicate why Russia, while pulling out of Syria in late 2024, was looking to store / station its Syrian weapons in Libya.
In earlier Ezekiel chapters, satan is made the king of Tyre while satan incarnate looks like Gog in chapter 38. The 'g' looks like a 'y' because the letters were inter-changeable in some languages. Or, one evolved into the other. Therefore, "Togar" could have become Toyar > Tyre. Mythical TYRRhenus was a Lydian, and about 700 AD, not long before Ezekiel wrote 38, Gugu was a Lydian king.
Cimmerians had conquered Lake Van (not far south from Gugar) in or about 720 BC, and I had read that these same Cimmerians, stationed at Sinope of the Hatti realm of mythical Attis, had also conquered west into Lydia. Thus, where Steve Quayle spoke of "Gug-Cimmerians," they apparently were part of Gugar, and thus Gogi-branch Cimmerians came to rule Lydia at roughly the time that Romans were forming in Latin Lazio, and roughly the time that Tyrrhenians were forming in Tuscany.
The interesting thing now is that mythical Cybele, Attis' wife and mother of the Lydians, was the Phrygian "great mother" goddess that I trace to the seven hills of Rome as per the harlot of Revelation 17 sitting upon them. Therefore, it appears that Cybele could have been the Gug-Cimmerian people in Lydia. I suspect her name either from or to the Cabelees people group, a fellow tribe of the Lasonii, and then Thrace has a Cabyle location to boot.
I have "Cabelees" in over 20 online articles, but when I ask google for "cabelees," it does NOT bring up either my articles, nor any on the ancient Cabelees. GOOGle has become a piece of trash so far as serious research is concerned. google caters to big business instead of researchers, which in my opinion is a violation of its chief purpose. GREEDY-GOOGLE TRASH.
google refuses to have one spider for research and another for businesses because it wants to increase the chances that business webpages get visits when people do research. That's an exploitive violation of researchers and general-information gatherers. It buries all of my webpages, ALL OF THEM, bringing up only a token few in precious-few instances.
Arca-like Archibalds (said to be Bernicians) are first known in Roxburghshire, a place named by the Roxolani once living in Ukraine. The "AUDax" motto term of the Roxburgh surname is code indication for proto-Rockefeller, Roquefeuil elements in France's Aude province. The white horse head of Roxburghs reminds that Hros-like "hross" is the Nordic name for "horse," and that Ares was the Thracian Horseman. Roxburgh is near bear-depicted Berwickshire. Khazars had horsemen called by an Arca / Ursa term: "To supplement their native warriors, the Khazars retained many thousands of cavalry known as Arsiyah (or Ursiyya) whose origins are unknown..." Those horsemen would be a good place to tentatively trace the Russian bear symbol. can load Archibalds now, which loads on another tab, in order to load other surnames, to better follow the heraldic links.
I link the pale bar of Roxburghs to the same of English Tate's, and then lake Tatta was up the Halys river of the Cimmerians at Sinope. The Halys surname shares the GOOGE boar heads, and while Googe's are first known in Roxburghshire too, the Halys boar heads form a single pale bar in colors reversed from the single Roxburgh pale bar.
The Halys Crest shares the BROWN lion with Browns/Bruns, and the one of Halys', in gold, is the lion of Brunswicks while proto-Berwick was Brunswick-like "Bryneich/Byrneich." Cimmerians / Gomerians likely named Cumbria / Cumberland, where Browns/Bruns, Burns and Bernice's/Burness' are all first known. The Brunswick Coat is shared by Hatch's/Hacch's while Halys' are first known in Sligo with Hickensons and Higgins/Hickens while Hicks'-branch Hooks almost the Brown/Brun Coat. Hooks are first known in Devon with Sea-connectable Tokers who share the seaHORSE of Seamans, the latter first known in Suffolk with English Tate's. Scottish Tate's are first known in Berwickshire.
I link the pale bar of Roxburghs to the same of English Tate's, and then lake Tatta was up the Halys river of the Cimmerians at Sinope. The Halys surname shares the GOOGE boar heads, and while Googe's are first known in Roxburghshire too, the Halys boar heads form a single pale bar in colors reversed from the single Roxburgh pale bar.
The Halys Crest shares the BROWN lion with Browns/Bruns, and the one of Halys', in gold, is the lion of Brunswicks while proto-Berwick was Brunswick-like "Bryneich/Byrneich." Cimmerians / Gomerians likely named Cumbria / Cumberland, where Browns/Bruns, Burns and Bernice's/Burness' are all first known. The Brunswick Coat is shared by Hatch's/Hacch's while Halys' are first known in Sligo with Hickensons and Higgins/Hickens, and while Hicks'-branch Hooks almost the Brown/Brun Coat. Hooks are first known in Devon with Sea-connectable Tokers who share the seaHORSE of Seamans, the latter first known in Suffolk with English Tate's. Scottish Tate's are first known in Berwickshire with Archibalds (Roxburgh colors).
Thus, the Berwick bear looks to be linking to the Ursa bear, known to Greeks as, Arca. The ARCHibure variation of Arthurs (Berwickshire) now comes into play because I trace Arthurs to the Ardiaei Illyrians who married a Tatta-trackable, Dardanian princess while Batia, Teucer's mythical daughter, married Dardanus, code for ancient Dardania in Mysia. This Dardanus was made the father of Trojans.
One can link the Seaman and Toker Coats to German Drummonds and Sea's, the latter first known in Kent with English Trips while German Trips, from Ukraine's Trypillians, are first known in Hamburg with German Drummonds. German Hamburgs share the ArchiBALD bend, and English Hamburgs (white horse) share the crosslets of English Trips. Scottish Balds were a branch Scottish Bauds, the latter first known in Stirlingshire with the Drymen location of Drummonds. The latter began as royal Hungarians and thus possibly descend from a Magog > Magyar line.
Drummonds came to Scotland with the first Scottish Leslie's, and the latter are first known in Kabardino-like Aberdeen with Schims/Schiens sharing the Googe boar. Hungarians had been partially Kabars. Lesks, looking related to Leslie-connectable Bards, are first known in Berkshire with ARCH's/Arks, and Bards, suspect from BARTHolomew, the Scottish-Leslie progenitor, are first known in Lanarkshire with SINope-like Sine's/Sions/Swans. Compare with the Schien variation of Schims and their Skene/Skin branch, and then Skinners look related to Ticks/Tucks/Toke's while Tokers are also Tuckers. Ticks/Tucks/Toke's were once said to be first known in Kent with Toker-connectable Sea's. The Lesk boar head is shared by Rusa-like Scottish Rose's.
Tokers are first known in Devon with Fauns and Fenns/Venns (Archibald / Roxburgh colors), suspect from Lake Van, and Fenns/Venns share the GREEN griffin head of Bards and Leslie's. Fawns are first known in Berwickshire, and share the black hunting horn with Burns and Bernice's/Burness' (Cumberland with PARTons). Greens are first known in Kent with PERTs/Petts having "bulRUSHes" while Perta was on the shore of lake Tatta. Rush's were once said to be first known in Suffolk with Tate's. Perts/Petts share the stork of Pitts in turn first known in Dorset with Ross-branch Russells.
Kent is also where early Ticks/Tucks/Toke's were who in turn have more griffin heads. In colors reversed, the Tick/Tuck/Toke Coat is the one of Stomps/Stumps while Stamps almost have the Rush Coat, both using white horses, as does the Arms of Kent.
The House of Griffen was in Pomerania, and therefore possibly of SCANDinavia. Note the Shand variation of Googe-connectable Schims/Schiens, and the Scan of Skene's/Skins. Skinners then share the Tick/Tuck/Toke griffin heads.
The bear symbol of the Swiss city of Bern is suspect from the city's founder, the ZAHRingers, who look named after "Khazar" when pronounced, "Hazar." Zahringers had triple-blue antlers for their symbol while their Veringer kin -- obviously from Varangian Rus and traceable to them via the red Casimir antler -- uses triple-red antlers. The Casimir antler in a form of the Arms of Baden because Zahringers and Veringers were in Baden. The Arms of Baden is in colors reversed within the Bern Coat.
The Casimir antler is the Keep bend because Keeps trace to "Kiev," the capital of Varangian Rus. It's also the Lorraine bend because Richeza of Lorraine was the mother of Casimir of Poland, husband of princess Maria of the Kiev Varangians. This is how I know that the Lorraine eagle, found also in the Arms of Lorraine province, belonged to the Polish Piasts, one of whom was Casimir's father.
The Richeza-like Rich's/Richess' are said to have named a location in Lorraine, wherefore it's interesting that they are first known in Hampshire with CASimir-like Chase's. Khazarians names? Hampshire, near the first-known Badens/Battins, is where Budini-like Buttons/Bidens/BOTTONs/Budins are first known, and Budini lived south of Kiev, according to Wikipedia. Rich's/Richess' show a so-called "crosses BOTTONee." Hall of Names shows descriptions of the Coats of Arms.
Though not in the same color, Rich's/Richess' and Drake's share the "wyvern" dragon with the Tile's (Dorset, beside Hampshire) who in turn share the axe with the neighboring Badens/Battins. Tile's can thus be from Khazars of their Atil capital. Atil was probably named by the family of Atilla the Hun. The latter's father, MUNDzuk, can be to the Mound / Mount surname because Turks/Torks and Rich's/Richess' use the "mound / mount." Rich's/Richess' have a "green mound" while Greens (Kent with Munds and Rich-beloved Gards) essentially have the HONor/Honan Coat. Lake Garda is near Bled while Atilla's brother was, Bleda.
Here's all four Gospels wrapped into one story.