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March 2007 (with long-sought Lapith-identity update)

Let's look at a map of ancient Gaul and see if we can recognize some terms that were in the Arda and/or Sparta theaters. There we see the Veneti at Gwenea. Nearby we find the Pictones (though they also lived to the north of where they are labeled). But, hoooh-wee, look at the peoples next to the Pictones: the Santones. This is a term I had never before become concerned with, but now see that they were possible the Sintians. As these are "Santons" to the French, the Phrygian sun god, Sandon, is evoked.

The Gaul region developed into "Saintes," where the "i" may have belonged to "Sintoi." Did our English word "saint" and the Latin "santo" derive from the Sintoi and/or Sandon??? My dictionary tells that "saint" derives from "sanctum," but how do we know that the latter wasn't from Sandon? In any case, recall the Saians of Thasos in the previous chapter, that they seemed linked to the Sintians in some way. I read that Sintians were also the "Saii/Saians."

Now gawk at the map smack beside the Santones, where you will find the Lemovices!! I just about spit my meringue out on the screen. Surely, these were the Sintoi of Lemnos. The name of these Gauls survives to this day as the French region of Lemosin. The combined lands of the Pictones, Lemovices and Santones are at northern Aquitaine, the red and gold area from which England took it's gold-lion-on-red symbols.

Because of two myth versions where Hephaestus is cared for on Lemnos either by the Sintians or by Thetis, the latter code could have been a Sintian branch. When I found that Strymo (Laomedon's wife) was so closely associated with Placia that the two are often regarded as one, it rang a bell, for the husband of Thetis was made Peleus. If Peleus refers to the lover of the Lady of Lak, Pelleas, as even a Wikipedia article conjectures, then the Lady of Lak would seem to be a Sintian peoples. This would certainly be the case if I am correct in tracing Thetis to the Limnon caves, for they likely connect back to the namers of Lemnos (now Limnos).

The point here is to build evidence for a Muse ancestry for the Lady of Lak, the "woman" to whom the Excalibur sword belonged. At the same time, we can seek her identity in a Sintian-like term of Britain, and I already suspect Kent and Canterbury on the logic that Sintians of Thrace lived amid mythical Centaurs. Today, the church leader of Canterbury is the visible head of world-wide Anglicism, and I believe that this organization had long ago been dragon infested. Not far from Canterbury, still in Kent, was a city called "Lemanis" (modern Lympne).

If Tyndareus depicted Sintians, it's notable that "Oebalus" was the alternate father of Tyndareus, for in Arthurian myth, a Balin (having a brother, Balan) kills Lady of Lak with the Excalibur sword. The Limnon caves are between Kalavrita (= proto-Calabria=Excalibur) and Planitero, wherefore the latter term may connect with "Balan."

After Balin's death, the Excalibur sword transfers to Galahad. Enter Clytemnestra, daughter of Tyndareus, for I reason that her root, "Clyt," refers not only to the makings of Klitoria (nearer to Limnon than Kalavrita), but to the Galli perverts of the Kabeiri cult. I had reasoned also that the Galli were the namers of Galicia and it's "t" alternative, "Galatia." Galatia was actually a place on the Halys river, the river that I think named the Galli, and where the Halybes lived who I think were the root of "Kalavrita/Calabria." Compare "Clyt" with "Galatia." Can we see how both "Gaul/Gali" and "Celt" derive from that one term, Galatia? Could "Galahad" therefore depict the western Halybes? Of course, explaining why he took possession of Excalibur.

In short, Clytemnestra likely depicted the Khaldi, the alternate name for the Halybes. Laomedon had "Clytius" for a daughter, and this could very well have been the symbol, or makings, of the city of Clitoria. Seeing that Laomedon is central to the Arthurian cult, I would peg "Clytius" as the Claudas of Arthurian myth, the one who kills both Ban and Bors? Couldn't "Claudas" stem back to Klitoria, just 5 miles from Kalavrita? With Bors in mind, isn't it conspicuous that Bura was a city midway between the rivers of Bokhusia and Kalavrita?

As the ancient name of the Kalavrita was "Buraicos," I'm assuming that it was founded under that name by Elbrus>Imbros peoples en route to founding Ambracia (later Arta). As a reminder, Bura was the origin of the Sybarite founders of Laus, where lived the Bruttii also called the Brucios. I would peg mythical Bors as a British stem of Eburum at the northern end of mount Alburnus (= Caliburnus>Excalibur).

[Update September 28, 2007 -- Because I've stuck my neck out and traced the Centaurs to Kent, but also because I suspect that Kent was of the Veneti stock just like the Wends, this is a good place to include the following quote. First let me say that, if true that the Centaurs led to the founding of Kent, the Centaurs had to migrate through the Epirus/Ambracia region, for it is through there that the Brit dragon cult passed. And so it was:

"...the LAPITHS defeated the CENTAURS, and drove them from Mount Pelion in Thessaly to Aethicia, which is a territory near Epirus (the Adriatic coastal region of Greece between the Ambracian Gulf and Illyria" (brackets not mine).

To show how the Centaurs were at least associated with (i.e. if not descended from) the Heneti > Veneti, myth tells that that the particular Lapith (named Ixion) which gave birth to the Centaurs was the mate of Nephele, while she in turn was the mother of the rider (Phryxes) of the golden fleece. This fits, for the golden fleece line was of mythical Pelops, king of Heneti/Eneti. It is made clear here that the Nephilim giants, depicted by Nephele (in my opinion), evolved into the Heneti and then went on to conquer (and name) Peloponnesia (Greece).

The mysterious Lapiths can be tied with some certainty to the Daphne line which (upon entering Greece) lived on the Peneus river (in Thessaly), for Lapiths also lived on/near the Peneus. In fact, I found the following at the webpage above, an important key not known to me until now: "Apparently, the first known king of the LAPITHS was Hypseus, son of Peneus." Peneus was made the father of Daphne, you see, and Hypseus was Daphne's full brother, wherefore it is a certainty that the Daphne line from Phoenicia put forth the Lapiths. In fact, the founder of the Lapiths, mythical Lapithus, was made the son of Apollo with Stilbe. This allows me to trace the Lapiths to some point on the migration from the Phoenician city of Paneas (near Laish at mount Hermon) to the Peneus river, but as yet I have not found the origin of the term, "Lapith." Interestingly, as goes the Lemnos topic of this chapter, Lapithus gave birth to "Phorbas of Lemnos," which then traces the Heneti to Lemnos. But as Phorbas is reknown for his activities on Rhodes, the Heneti should also lead forward to the Redone Rus, Varangian Rus, and Rosicrucianism.

Having now made the Lapith connection to the Heneti (something not known to me before), I can finally (something I have been wanting to do for a long time) clinch the Lapith identity...but only because the father of Ixion was made "Antion." It can't be a coincidence that mythical Antenor was the Heneti ruler who is said to have founded the Veneti. That is, "Antion" was a codeword, as was "Antenor," for the Heneti, thus revealing that Ixion was a ruler of an Heneti people.

Is it another coincidence that two Lapiths were named "Broteus" and "Pirithous," two terms evoking the Brits? In fact, it was in relation to the wedding of Pirithous (son of Ixion) that the Centaurs were sent fleeing to the Ambracia region (of Illyria). Having made the Lapith connection to the Heneti > Veneti, I can now add that this flight (of the Centaurs) was probably the migration that founded the Veneti, for it is known that the Veneti stem from Illyrians. Due to the similarity between "Centaur" and "Heneti," the latter was probably "Cheneti" at some point, but keep in mind here that president JF Kennedy was associated with the golden-fleece cult of in modern days.

It is my personal deduction (explained elsewhere) that Pelops depicted the fleece line. To prove that Lapiths/Centaurs and codeword "Pelops" were the same peoples at Heneti, a clever myth writer named the wife of Pirithous, "Hippodamia," which was exactly the name of Pelops' wife. Moreover, the child of Pirithous with Hippodamia was "Polypoetes," a term smacking of "Pelops." As "hippo" means "horse in Greek, she ought to lead to at least one of the two Jute tribes that were depicted as horses in the founding of Kent. In fact, Kent was founded by mythical Hengest and Horsa ("hengest" is known to mean "horse" in Anglo-Saxon), while Lapithus married Orsinome. Coincidence? Not likely, but rather the myth writer chose "Horsa" as code to indicate her Lapith bloodline.

Orsinome now reveals how the Ethiopian bloodline of Merops got mixed into the dragon cult, for her father was made Eurynomus/Eurynomos, and there just happens to be one by that name who was a son of mythical Aigyptos. Moreover, there was a Eurynomus associated with Pandarus, while "Pandareus" was son of king Merops of Miletus (whom I surmised depicted the same peoples as Merops of Ethiopia). This fits the topic here, for Pandareus was associated closely with Tantalus, father of Pelops. The daughter of Pandareus, Aedon (queen of Thebes), evokes the Edones to whom I trace the Jutes (anciently "Eotons").

I feel confident in pegging Pelops, when a distinction is required between Centaurs and Lapiths. as the Centaur branch of the family. This distinction is made more apparent where Pirithous (a Lapith descended from Antion) fought against the Trojans, while Antenor (a Centaur, I am assuming now) was a king of the Trojans.

While I could not trace the Hippodamia of Pelops to any specific peoples aside from the Amazons of Elis, the Hippodamia of Pirithous is helpful in identifying her more deeply, for she was made a daughter of Butes, son of Boreas. Therefore, I trace her Elis line forward to the island of Bute (Avalon!).

This Butes must be the same as that of the Cecrops line (i.e. Butes, son of Pandion, son of Cecrops), for "Pausanias wrote that Boreas had snakes instead of feet," even as Cecrops was depicted as half serpent below the waist. A Pirithous alliance with a Hippodamia from the Butes line of Athens is made apparent where the close companion of Pirithous was made Theseus (king of Athens), grandson of the Pandion above. I therefore have reason to believe that the proto-Stewarts, whom I trace to Flanders as well as to the island of Bute, descended from the Lapith/Centaur family of peoples. It's interesting that Pirithous was killed by a dog (symbol for a peoples depicted by the dog; Apollo comes to mind), since Stewarts used a dog as their symbol.

Since I had Butes traced to the Daphne line from Phoenicia, it seems a contradiction for Butes to be from Boreas, what I gather was code for the Hyperboreans (of Russia). But the latter was the Apollo side of the dragon cult, while Daphne was the southern part merging with Apollo in Greece (the alliance was formed when Apollo married Stilbe, the sister of Daphne). It's interesting, where I trace Avalon to Apollo, that the island of Bute (Scotland) was at first named, "Rothesay," what smacks of the Rus/Rosh, for I have long suspected that the Hyperboreans were the Rus ("Hros" in those days) that furnished such terms as Ares and his son, Eros. In this picture, I am led to peg the Stewarts as from the Apollo, far-northern (i.e. Rus) portion of the dragon cult, keeping in mind that I identify king Arthur as a Rus people.

A trace of the Lapiths/Centaurs to Avalon is warranted also where I identified the inhabitants of Avalon as Muses, for Muses were from mount Pelion, where the Centaurs and Lapiths also lived. In fact, the major Centaur, Cheiron, was the tutor of Jason at Pelion (the argonaut Jason is the symbol of the golden fleece). It should be added that Pirithous was a sailor on the Argonaut vessel to retreive the golden fleece.

Boreus was one of the four mythical winds, but ask if it's a coincidence that these four winds were also called "Venti" (which means "wind" in Latin). I found it striking when it dawned on me that "Pandion" was code for the Veneti, but more accurately the term looks like code for a Heneti branch in Athens. I have traced the term to Pandosia of Lucania. End Update]

But what about the Bokhusia river that flowed next to the Kalavrita? Was Bucolian, another son of Laomedon, somehow the root of that river? Does he or Bokhusia lead to Buxentium/Pyxus? Note the similarity between "Bokhus(ia)" and "Pyxus." See on the map of ancient Lucania that the shore of Buxentium was "Palinurus," what could very well have been mythical Balin. Couldn't Balin depict Palinurus while Balan depicts neighboring Blanda (at Laus)? If so, I'd consider identifying Balan as Flanders.

It turns out that Palinurus was made into a mythical character in Virgil's mythology, and is a part of the Aeneas Trojans, but dumped off at Palinurus by Aeneas as he rides the ship further north to Rome. I now recall that I had traced Lancelot to Lanceia in Pellana of Sparta, and perhaps Pellana is also a root of these terms.

Wikipedia suggests that mythical Claudas was the Merovingian Frank king, Clodio (5th century), and aligning with the animosity of Claudas against Arthur, I found (as I write), that historical Clodio "invaded the territory of Artois"!! I had pegged Artois (tentatively) as Arthur just a couple of weeks ago. Artois was smack beside Flanders, and it was "integrated into the County of Flanders, first by Baldwin II of Flanders around 898."

To help make this a firm theory, Guines (between Boulogne and Calais) is in the same departement as Artois, wherefore Guines looks like Guinevere, Arthur's wife. This does not necessarily undermine my previous theory that Guinevere depicted Gwenea/Vannes in Brittany, for Guines was of such little importance in the Arthurian period that I would venture to view it as a colony of Gwenea. Guines was at the geographical threshold of England, and the part of England closest to it was Kent.

When I learned that Aire-sur-la-Lys was in Artois, well, it sprang forth an important revelation, that "Lys" was Laus, and that the fleur de lis symbol ought to be a symbol of the same -- the Ladon/Laz dragon. See location of Aire-sur-la-Lys

On the same day that I traced Arthur to Artois, I considered the Ardennes region to Artois' east, and so I find there another Aire region and river. Moreover, there is an Aire river in Yorkshire (that I trace to the Bura founders of Eburum).

In an Arthurian work called "Sir Gawain and the Lady of Lis," I found a line saying, "So soon as the king [of Lys] had sat him down Lucans the butler poured the wine into a golden cup..." Aside from the possibility of the gold cup symbolizing the grail, and therefore identifying the king of Lys as such, the similarity between Lucania and Lucans is striking. The fact that Lucans is the butler of the king speaks to me of Lucania's inferior position to the Lys bloodline. The brother of the Lady Lys was tagged, "Bran de Lis," what evokes Brandenburg, a Hohen haunt that links to Flanders and the Netherlands. The Gawain story also includes Tor, son of Ares.

Gawain is the eldest son of Morgause and Lot of Orkney. Sure that Lot and Laus are the same Ladon entities, it explains why Gawain is in a story with Lady Lys as the subject. But I couldn't figure out what peoples he depicted until I saw the French version of, "Rise of Gawain, Nephew of Arthur," which was: "De ortu Waluuanii, nepotis Arturi." That sure makes it look as though Gawain is a depiction of Wallonia, smack beside Flanders! In this picture, Wallonia is the "son" of Lot, which is comprehensible when known that Lot depicted Lothian. The Gwynedd empire of Cunedda spread from Lothian to northern Wales, you see, and "Wallonia" is thought to be related to "Wales." "Gawain" could have been born in a mind where the Gwynedd kingdom was more important to him than Wallonia. In the story of Gawain and the Lady Lys, the author had Arthur assembling his knights in Wales.

Then I learned that "The story [of Waluuanius] began with his birth, and how he was raised in Italy without knowing his real name, until he had proved himself to his uncle in Britannia, King Arthur..." There must be a reason that the myth writer had the infant bounce from Narbonne (south France) to the house of the Roman emperor, and later, as a man, to defeat the Persians at Jerusalem...before hooking up with Arthur in Wales.

Narbonne was the capital of Septimania in what is now Languedoc-Roussillon. We already saw in the previous chapter that Ardea of Rome was inhabited with Rutuli, what appear to be the ancestors of the Ruteni...of Roussillon. Indeed, might not Roussillon have derived from "Rutuli"??? I think it's an excellent idea.

There is a Lot river flowing through Lozere, the latter being "part of the current Languedoc-Roussillon region," and behold that Lozere is bordered by Ardeche (not to mention Cantal), what could have been a settlement of Ardea, and thereby explaining why Gawain of Arthurian Britain was, as an infant, strangely located in both Narbonne and Rome. You get it, right? The infancy of the Arthurian bloodline was in both Rome to Narbonne. I find Ardeche important to the bloodline of the American Illuminati passing through Switzerland, a topic I'll begin to touch on in this chapter (see location of Ardeche; map can be enlarged).

The Waluuanii version of "Gawain" smacks of Avalon, or Avallon of France. I can't believe I didn't see the similarity between Avallon and Wallonia earlier. Wouldn't this tend to prove that Avalon was an entity of Wales and thereby support Erethlyn as a capital of Avalon? And since I am now tracing Erethlyn to the Iraettae of Ossetia, would Avalon have been named after Alans since Ossetia was also Alania?

It's very interesting that Pendragon was made equal or near-equal to a mythical "Ambrosius," whom the Welsh called "Emrys Wledig," a near match with "Imbros" (what I claim was the root of geographical Ambracia, later Arta). This now turns the Arta=Arthur theory into a fact in my mind.

Take a look at the map of North Ossetia, and see the major city, Vladikavkaz, and compare with "Wledig." The term is said to be understood as Vladi-Kavkaz = "Ruler of Caucasus," which seems compelling enough. But myth writers can violate the proper renditions of terms, as they please, so that the one who chose "Vladik" may just have been honoring that Ossetian city i.e. its people in Britain. It may (or may not be) important along this line that the first-known Stewart of Brittany was Alan son of Flaad.

Mythical Ambrosius was equated or associated with Vortigern/Vortiger, a term that I recently dissected as Vor-Tiger(n), before I knew that, smack beside Ardon in North Ossetia, there is a city of Digora. Remembering also that Cimmerians originated on the Tigris, I'll add that historical "Ambracia" and "Imbros" may have derived from "Cymbry," an ancient term denoting the Cimmerians. If this is true, then multiple regions of western Europe called Cambria should trace to Ambracia/Arta. It's known that Arthurian characters were meshed with Cambria of the Brets.

Now there happens to be an Ardon river in France, smack between Artois and Ardennes!! Forget what they say, that "Ar-denne" means "the forest," for surely the region was named after the same Arthurian peoples who named the Ardon river. The capital city of Laon is on the Ardon river! I'll add here a quote that could trace the namers of Ardennes to Sussex: "The Portchester fort is last mentioned in the Ravenna Cosmology of the seventh century as Ardaoneon..."

This was Vermandois region, and so I expect Manda Avars here, from Laish, wherefore note that Laon is the capital of the Aisne departement (see see location), a possible donkey term as per "asne/asino" = ass. Remember, Samson, the ally of the donkey-worshiping Avvites, was of the cult which conquered Laish, and then went on to become the dragon cult of Asia Minor and Thrace. As that donkey god was Tartak, it could by chance have named Ardeche...which I'm assuming was proto-Ardon of Aisne.

In light of Laish being on the foot of mount Sion/Hermon, what of yet another Ardon locality smack beside Sion, capital city of the Valais canton in Switzerland? Then, to the north-west of Sion, there is Lausanne/Lausonium (see location of Ardon). The Arms of Sion use two red pentagrams on white, evoking the Washington Coat. I suspect that, just as the Washington pentagrams had been Zionist "stars of David" on the proto-Washington Coat, so with the stars on the Sion Arms. The Valais/Wallis Arms uses 15 pentagrams, all in red and white.

I can't recall if I've yet mentioned that "Wassa" looks like an ass term, but as I think about it now, and ask if the Washington family stemmed from Ardon of the Aisne departement, so my hunch proves true that there were "n" versions of "Wassa," as can be seen in the Waison/Wayson/Wasson variations at the link above. In fact, the "Waison" variation is a near match with "Aisne." I would therefore suggest that the Laus Dio atop the Washington monument traces directly to Laon in Aisne, but probably also to Lausanne and Sion of Switzerland. If true that the surname traces to Aisne, then Asine in Messenia ought to be considered as well (map of ancient Messenia).

The Arms of Lausanne are similar, just red and white, without stars. At the western side of Lausanne District, there is the Morges District, which is now conspicuous because I had traced "America" to Morgan-like terms in Wales. Is it a coincidence that the Arms of Morges uses a red and white (wavy) bar from which the Washington Coat and/or the American flag may have found creation? Is this why the American flag is often shown wavy?

Two regions in Morges that I will readily point out are Buchillon (evoking Bucolian, son of Laomedon and Calybe) and Vaux-sur-Morges. The eastern border of Lausanne is Lavaux, which might just be understood as La-Vaux. This seems important because I was seeking Vaux/Baux terms in neighboring Valais, since it is said that "Well(e)s" is a variation of "Vaux." The "Wallis" version of "Vallais" could very well link to Wallonia, but also to "Welles." Herein is some proof that the Vaux of southern France does in fact connect to Wallonia. The Scottish Vaux Coat could be displaying the stars of Vallais. This family was found first in Lothian. Coincidence, or am I tracing the Ladon dragon?

The Santones Gauls are located where the modern department of Charente lies, and so see the Vaux checks that are a part of the Arms of Charente. Because other variations of "Vaux" are "Voxe" and "Vokes," the Vocate tribe of Gauls is evoked, seen on the map of ancient Gaul to the immediate south of the Santones. They were also the Basabocates. To the east, we find the Volcae. Wikipedia says that the Volcae were also in Belgium and/or northern France. I think the Volcae were the Roman portion of Hephaestus, from the city of Volcei in Lucania.

When I see the Elusates next to the Ruteni, it brings to mind the Eleusian Mysteries (named after the Greek city of Eleusis). It is just now that the "lus" is spotted as the apparent root of those terms, and to support a Laus link we find that the Eleusian mysteries were in honor of Dionysus (i.e. who was alternatively "Lyaios").

I now recall that I had found Templar-infested Lusignon married into the family of Angouleme (capital of Charente). Take a look at the Arms of the Counts of Angouleme, all red and gold checks thus verifying their blood relationship to the Vaux-Branch Cohens. Lusignan was attributed to mythical Melusine, and now behold that in one myth, her husband (Raymond of Lusignan) was associated with a (mythical) mountain called, "Brandelois" (website below). Compare that with "Bran de Lys" in the Gawain myth.

For the first time, I now see a "lus" in "Melusine." I expect coincidences at some points, but one never knows. As I connect Melusine to Brandenburg and the Hohens there, it's conspicuous that, after the Lusignans made it to the throne of Jerusalem, they "remained in control of Cyprus until 1489; in Jerusalem (or, more accurately, Acre), they ruled from 1268 until the fall of the city in 1291, after an interlude (1228-1268) during which the Hohenstaufen dynasty officially held the kingdom." The only problem is that Hohenstaufens were in Swabia (southern Germany) while Brandenburg Hohens were in northern Germany.

Because Swabia/Suebi is a term derived from "Sabine," there is a great possibility that the Sybari of southern Italy -- founders of Laus -- were meshed with Hohens. I have reason to believe that the Hohens were not altogether from southern Italy, but were on one side kagan Khazars...who married the Sybari-Laus Spartans of southern Italy when the latter had come north. Because the Hohens of Brandenburg were called "Hohenzollerns," I suspect their Italian side to have been from Salernum; see map of ancient Lucania. While Hohens were definitely Hebrews, you can see that Salerno is smack beside Eburum, which was in turn beside Volcei. I feel sure that Eburum was the Kabeiri cult of Hephaestus at Lemnos, and therefore feel that the Sintians were there.

Now behold what I found as I write, that Brandenburg is alternatively called "Lusatia," which in German is "Lausitz" and "Luzica," the latter being a match with the Caucasian "Lazica." Surely, "Lusignan" is a variation of "Luzica," explaining why Melusine has Brandenburg-Prussia overtones. Yet Melusine, as per her mother Pressina, originates more likely in Bresse of the Rhone-Alpes region (for reasons already explained), for which reason Prussia can be connected to it. It's interesting that, by law, the peoples of Lusatia today (Sorbs and Wends) are not permitted to study and proclaim their genetic roots (which only makes them and the world, and myself, want to know all the more).

In this picture, the blue and white bars of the Lusignan Arms seem more likely to be related to the blue and white German-Cohen checks, especially as I have found independent evidence for the founding of the Cohens in the region of France encompassing Lusignan. If the Cohens were Lusignans, then zowie, Cohens made it to the throne of Jerusalem without telling the world. Lusatians (Slavs) should prove to stem from the Elusate Gauls, especially as Slavs often trace themselves to the neighboring Ruteni Gauls.

Surely, Hohens represented the "Jewry" that Hitler attempted to eradicate, and in that setting the Nazi claims of Jewish aspirations to world rule were probably true. Let me repeat that there was ancient gold jewelry using a swastika on the southern Caspian shore in what was then Gilan/Guilan (see gold chain here or at website below). An online dialogue on Armenia's firsts includes this: "[Armenia is] The earliest location where petroglyphs of wheels, ox carts and swastikas are depicted."

Post-Jesus "Jews" of Babylon used "nasi" to denote what they claimed (I think falsely) were descendants of king David. "Nasi" is a Biblical word for "prince," but in any case one can see that Babylonian Hebrews were setting the Messianic line up as nasis. "Nazi" derives from "nasionale" = German for "national," but why did the short form develop so near to "nasi"? Were the Germans mocking the nasi cult while destroying it?

The southern Caspian was land of the Gorgon Aryans, if that tells us anything about Hitler's roots or his object of adoration. I would suggest Nazi roots in Dionysus and the Tigris city of Nusi. I would suggest that Nazis slaughtered, not Jews alone, but the Ladon dragon disguising itself as Israel. The sin of Israel even in Biblical times was to mesh itself with the gods of Chaldean Hebrews, and so Israelites must siffer while meshed with Chaldean Hebrews when the time comes for the latter to be Punished. The "mother of all punishments" is dead ahead, and the only security is in Yahshua, the son of God, the son of David, the True Nasi.

I would suggest that Lusignans were Wends (from the Venethi) simply because the Lusatians are Wends. As such, one can see how they could connect to Arthurian elements in Gwenea. In a myth-like story that is quite popular, there was a giant gladiator named Lyaios (same name as Dionysus exactly), and zowie, he was made a Wend. The hero who finally killed this blood-loving character was named Nestor, and so I immediately went to seek what mythical Nestor of Pylos could contribute to the investigation, and zikers, he too (as did Priam) had a son named Aretus. Perhaps Nestor depicted the namers of the Nestos river, where the Satyrs lived, the mouth of which was in Kavalla.

Assuming that Nestor's Aretus can tell us something more about Arthur's ancestry, I find that Nestor's mother was made Chloris, whom was also the Flora (= the city of Florence) of Etruscan Italy. But before evolving into Flora, Chloris was "abducted by (and later married to) Zephyrus, the west wind..."

Add this: "Zephyrian: A name for the Lokrian (Locrian) colonists from mainland Greece who settled near Mount Zephyrium in southern Italy; also called the Epizephyrian." Apparently, the west wind depicted this mountain, but as we can see, the peoples there were Locrians....probably the root of the Ligurians. Recall from the previous chapter that Cycnus (ruler of Liguria) was from the Thasos area at the mouth of the Nestos.

Surely the west wind depicts the founders of western Atlantis, code word "Avalon." And so we find Benevento in the Avellina region (Campania), initially Malevento, but as this earliest version was said to mean "bad wind," and the subsequent version, "good wind," may we ask, why wind? I can see how Vento and the Wends were depicted by the west wind simply because their name sounded like the Latin for wind? (Kathleen, a friend, implied that I could re-name this chapter "Gawain with the Wend"; clever!) The west wind to Greek myth was encoded, "Zephyr," which I think derived from the Molech-worshiping Sepharvites. In 2 Kings 17:31, we find that one of the Sepharvite gods was "Adrammelech, leaving "Adram" as the root. Perhaps the Satanists in the far east who were depicted by Adram became the Atreus/Odrysians of Arda.

Could it be that the Atrebate Celts, seen on this alternative map of Gaul" (click to enlarge), stem from the so-called "Atrides" = Agamemnon and Menelaus? If so, Laomedon (grandfather of Memnon) and the Laus of Menelaus should have evolved into Atrebates. This now reveals that the Laus bloodline founded the Atrebates, but as we saw, the Wends were the Lyaios bloodline. Atrebates can likewise be connected to Lyaios because they can be seen (on the map) also in southern Britain in the same region where lived the Meons; i.e. from the Maeoni on the Maeander = mythical Maenads of Dionysus.

Although the Sepharvites and the Wends are both depicted as winds to the west, which is appropriate since the two peoples appear to be the very same, there is a big problem. For if the Wends derive from the Heneti>Veneti, then how can Wends be named after "venti," the Latin for "wind"? This is a difficulty that needs an answer. I'm thinking that it was the other way around, that "venti" was coined by the Wends, created as a term only because the Wends had been recognized as the west-wind Sepharvites.

Now behold verification for a Wend-Sepharvite equation, for Pelops was ruler in Eneti, and Atreus was made his son, so that indeed the Adra(m) Sepharvites were the Eneti/Heneti. And because the Wends appear named after "wind," it supports a Sepharvite interpretation of the Zephyr term. In this picture, mythical Antenor, a Trojan ruler who was made to depict the Heneti>Veneti, was a Sepharvite peoples. This is a new first. Is anyone catching wind of Windsor being a Sepharvite element??? Perhaps not, but it's something I will look into i.e. to see if there is a Windsor-Wend connection.

Gwenea, founded by Veneti, can now be viewed as kin to the Atrebates. It is this kinship that I view as the Arthur-Guinevere marriage. Yes, I'm identifying Arthur as the Atrebates, and as I had earlier identified him as proto-Slavs by other reasoning, so it's true that the Veneti/Wends are often said to be proto-Slavs. The Atrebates could have been Uther (Pendragon), in fact. The Atrebate capital was what is now the city of Arras, smack on Artois! There on the Meuse river you can see the Eburones, smack next to the Atrebates.

In England, the Atrebates were in and around what is now Hampshire, and their towns included Calleva Atrebatum, Vindomis, and Venta. The last two terms are heavy evidence for a Veneti-Atrebate equation, for which reason I would investigate Atrebate ties to the Venedotia that founded Gwynedd...founded by Cunedda of Lothian. Indeed, after writing the previous sentence, I found that another major city of the Atrebates was Cunetio! Sure, some of the many similarities may be coincidences and not historical links, but if I use an exclamation mark, it's because I had expected a similarity and then found it beyond my expectations.

The "Calleva" term, not to mention a king called "Galba," evoke mythical "Calybe" (wife of Laomedon), which I identify as a term honoring the Halybes = Excalibur. No exclamation mark there, however, even though the point is huge for identifying a major location of that "sword" (i.e. a war-mongering peoples). I trace the Halybes of southern Italy back to Kalavrita (Greece), to which "Caleva" seems a perfect match (!!!), and moreover I have already traced the mythical Atrides to the Kalavrita region.

This all testifies to me that there were a real Greco-Phrygian peoples reflecting mythical Atreus/Atride, and I see Dorian-Muse footprints all over the Troad/Tros/Troy.

Caleva has been identified as Silchester of Hampshire, wherefore, as per my theory in which Hampshire derives from Campania elements, I went to the map of ancient Lucania to see if there were "Sil" terms, and sure enough, there we see the Silaris river flowing down from the Alburnus mountains, past Volcei and Eburum, to the border of Campania. It would appear that the peoples after which the Silurus river was named also named Salerno, likewise in Campania. Zowie, look at what I just found: "Silchester is the end terminus of Iter XIII 'The Route from Isca [Silurum] to Calleva'..." (square brackets NOT MINE!).

To the immediate south of the Siluris river (Lucania) is the Hales river, at the mouth of which is the town of Velia, wherefore see on the alternative map of Gaul" that the Veliocasses lived between the Eburovices, the Seussiones, and the Atrebates. As the namers of the Hales must have been the Halybes of the Halys river, and as the Eburovices must have been the Kabeiri, shouldn't the Seussiones have been a part of that cult? They were a Belgic tribe, for which reason I will view them as kin to Volcei (beside Eburum) and the Volcae of both Narbonne and Belgium.

My recent trace of this dragon to Geneva of Switzerland had nothing to do with the fact that the Atrebates lived beside the Seussiones. The good news is that I have found Arthur in Switzerland as an extension of Ardeche (in Rhone-Alpes). Then let me say that the city of the Seussiones was Soissons, in Aisne! That exclamation mark is for the Ardon river also being in Aisne. Here's the proof that the Swiss were from Arthur:

"The Vivarais, as the Ardeche is still called, takes its name, and coat of arms from Viviers, which was the capital of the Gaulish tribe of Helvii, part of Gallia Narbonensis..."

Although the Helvii were in Narbonne, we also have the Helvetti seen in Switzerland, which you can see just north of lake Geneva on this alternative map of Gaul." Therefore, if the Helvii of Narbonne moved north to neighboring Ardeche, and then to Geneva, one can begin to suspect that the Arthur cult did the same. As proof, we look on another map of ancient Gaul and see the Tigurini smack beside the Helvetti, remembering that we need such a term to connect to the Vortigern Brets, and yet the term is essentially identical to Digora of North Ossetia, which was itself smack beside Ardon! When I tied Vortigern to Digora, I did not know about the Tigurini Gauls, let alone that they were in the very path of the Arthurian dragon, and that's why it deserves an exclaim mark.

Now behold, for after being ousted from Lusignan, mythical Melusine retreated, it was said, to Sassenage in the Rodano-Alps (Redone country)...! This was not my idea, but what myth writers had said. The point is, Melusine is placed not only in the Rhone-Alpes where Ardeche was also located, but she is in a place smacking of the Seussiones...wherefore I must identify her Sassenage peoples as the Swiss or proto-Swiss. What's more, Melusine was made a grand princess of mythical Elves by the dragon line Veres, and these elves are now revealed as the Helvii. Lorri was absolutely correct when she (a few months ago) suggested a trace of the Vere elves to the Helvii, but at that time I could not concur until I had the evidence. Now I have it. I also have a link between Lusignan and the Helvii, which is supported by Lausanne being smack beside lake Geneva.

Speaking of the Veres, I had traced them to a beaver-like term, wherefore Vivarais and Vivier seem like perfect candidates. To the north of Ardeche was the Bibracte kingdom that I would include in the beaver symbol of the Veres, though "Bibracte" may actually be a variation of "Viviers." Wikipedia says: "Today Mont Beuvray is generally credited as the ancient Bibracte." Did I just see a beaver?

As I'm suspecting the Swiss to be a branch of Svi from Savoy, I'll add that there is another Viviers in the departement of Savoie (also in Rhone-Alpes), a departement on the French border smack beside the Geneva environs. This is what makes the Ardeche connection to the Swiss dragon cult strong, and moreover the rest of Savoy is across the border in the Geneva area of Switzerland.

Because Pressina was made the mother of Melusine, we can suspect that she depicted the former province of Bresse, in the Rhone-Alpes. I would then draw a line from Bresse to Prussia, but why not also to the Bruces of Bruges, Belgium, and the Belgian capital, Brussels? Then, at Geneva, note the Allobroges smack below the Tigurini. Once again, we have a piece of evidence linking a Tigur-like term in western Europe to the Alans of Ossetia, wherefore we must be following the Digora Alans to Vortigern. Can you see the keys here? As "Broges" would appear to be a hardened version of "Bresse," the Melusine bloodline is so identified as the Allobroges. Wikipedia says that the Allobroges were "a warlike Celtic tribe in Gaul located between the Rhone River and the Lake of Geneva in what later became Savoy, Dauphine, and Vivarais." There is a good map at this article:

To explain how the Swiss (French = "Suisse") can connect with the Seussiones, I'll need to make some background points, first reminding you that Atrebates lived beside the Seussiones, and that two Atrebate cities were "Venta" and "Vindomis." I find intuitive reasons to trace these back to Bantia of southern Italy. On map of ancient Lucania, we see Bantia next to Venusia, and the latter is given the alternative name, Bandusia, so that, clearly, Bantia was Venusia and therefore possibly the root of the Veneti/Venice. In this picture, Bantia becomes ancestral to Gwenea, which could easily explain why Lancelot's father was made "Ban(t)," for Gwenea was also Vannes. One can also glean that Venusia was named after Venus, but recall that she started out in Ardea, if that helps to make an Arthurian connection to Bantia.

We see Bantia on the Bradanus river, which river looks like the very makings of "Britain." But now to the point, for near the mouth of the Bradanus is marked the city of Genusia, and while this should connect to Genoa/Genova (a Ligurian city that was at the root of England), I'd bet my best pair of bronze-buffed skies, the ones with Matterhorn ornaments on the fronts (gloss-white caps), that it was also the root of Geneva, for both Genoa and Switzerland use a red cross on white background for their flags. For evidence that Genoa-like terms are of the dragon cult, see the two gold dragons in the Arms of Genoa.

Safe to say, Genusia and Venusia were named by the same (Bradanus?) peoples, and perhaps Genusia was named by those who had lost their front teeth, for all we know, so that they couldn't make a "V" sound. Or, they didn't have dictionaries in those days, so that we can assume prolific spelling errors...if these can exist apart from a dictionary. The point is, there may be many reasons having zero profundity for the variations in terms. The two terms likely stem from "Heneti"; thus the "G" version. If that makes Sepharvites out of those peoples (since Heneti have now been identified as such), it's a good reason to connect them to Sybaris and Laus. Sybarites were previously traced to Menelaus Spartans, but that only supports a Sepharvite identification.

As I have certified that Ares was the root of Spartans, he too must have been a Sepharvite peoples. It's no wonder that even Zeus, a chief branch of the disgusting Molech cult, was disgusted with Ares. If this offends you because you envision Zeus as that handsome God-like figure seen in statues, you're a nut on a rusty bolt, and could use the hard blow of a hammer to your head to get you loose. Let me just say a few magic words that might work without the hammer: Jesus is the true handsome God; honor Him.

A few days ago I had caught glimpse of Paflagonians in Alagonia, on the Mani peninsula (Laconia), a good piece of progress because the Heneti were from Paflagonia (see Alagonia in lower-right on this map of ancient Messenia). Since mythical Lelex was the founder of Laconia, at first called "Lelegia," it seems logical that Laconians were from Alagonia and previous to that from Paflagonia. Therefore, I now know that Laconians were Sepharvites, at least in part, which easily explains the rise of Spartans in Laconia.

True to the Egyptian origin of Menelaus Spartans, there was another Lelex who was made the son of Poseidon and Libya. However, it's easy to realize that Poseidon and Libya depict Cadmus in this case, for he was made the Phoenician side of the Sparti dragon teeth. For the first time I now see that Cadmus mixing it up with Laconians formed the Spartans (and Thebes), and in this picture the Ares dragon = Laconians/Lelex, a branch of Paflagonians.

At the following webpage, one can see a 200-BC coin of Seussiones, having a "stylized galloping Pegasus" on one side, a sure sign that Seussiones were Gorgons from mythical Medusa. I didn't have any idea who the Seussiones could be in the Greek theater until I ran across Thasos (which I now suspect was the source of Thessaly, home of the Muses). If you were even half convinced at my suggestion that Thasos was Zeus because the island had the mythical swan living on it, you may be totally convinced of a Thasos-Seussione link.

Sandwiched between the Veliocasses and the Seussiones were the Bellovaci, which evoke Abellinum in Salerno! In that Abellinum is shown on the Sabatus river, the Phrygian god, Sabazios, is evoked (thought to be understood as Saba-Zeus). Since "caballo" came to mean "horse" in Spain, and as Sabazios was the horse cult among the Dionysus peoples, it seems more certain that Abellinum was the Kybele/Cybele cult, an idea made stronger where Eburum and it's environs were home to Kybele's Kabeiri peoples.


The E-Lee-t Burgess Class
The Hebrew Brets were depicted by Vortigern,
and his Eburs lead to American elites
of the Virginia Company.

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