November 2006
Here's a new insight: Teucer was "the founder of Salamis in Cypros," wherefore I am pressed to include Togarmite blood in the Solymi and Delymites, in the Telchines, and in the Apollo peoples of Delos. The conclusion is easy to make, that the Frank dragon cult, who were from Trojans, and the American dragon cult that was an extension of the Frank cult, which founded Washington DC (District of Columbia), was Solymi-Pisidian in blood type (or Delymite-Opis).This may explain why George Washington chose a ten-mile square to act as the District of Columbia, for "Columbia" evokes "Solymos" and "Olympus." The term "Columb" moreover stems from the French/Latin for "dove," while the dove in occult myth was Ishtar the Great Mother of Abominations. It is the business of Illuminatists to convince the American public that George Washington is an icon to be honored highly, and it is a laughing matter to them if their Freemasonic pawns can get Christians to promote the same.
The Bible is not the source to equate the dove with peace, but behold evidence that the dove links to the Solymi, for "salem" means "peace." And in just a few more paragraphs I am going to show that Ishtar was from the Solymi peoples (which I discovered two days ago before realizing the dove connection to the Solymi).
Anu = Anakite peoples gave birth to Enlil (understood by some to mean "lord of Lil"), and he lived at Dilman, an island in the Persian gulf that is otherwise "Telmun"...which was named by Delymites, surely. This region helps to identify Set's accomplice, "Mehen," as the locality of Magan and therefore possibly the home of the Magi peoples (some are now saying that they weren't Medes): "Sumerian texts repeatedly refer to three important centers with which they traded: Magan, Dilmun, and Meluhha." behold that "...Dilmun/Bahrain was known by its Greek name of Tylos," which term can be connected to the Daktyloi, the wicked founders of the Kabeiri-Kybele cult. Moreover, like Enlil, "Ninlil, the Sumerian goddess of air had her home in Dilmun." Myth has Enlil escaping Tylos to Kur, meaning that the Lil peoples moved to Nippur (near Kish and Babylon), for the temple to Enlil in Nippur was called "Ekur." We can keep in mind that the Lils should somehow become the Apollo peoples (wolf-line Avvites) who founded Delos (I don't know yet what historical peoples "Lil" depicted, perhaps the owl cult, for "lilit" means "owl"). fact that Wikipedia reveals "Engur" ("lord of Gur/Hur") to be another name for Absu tends to equate the Lils with the Absu/Avvites. Absu depicted the great expanse of waters, and because he lived at the delta created by the Tigris and Euphrates combined, it's certain that the region became a huge fresh-water lake during extensive rainfall periods; note that those fresh waters were also the mythical "Lahmu/Lakmu," reflecting "lake," who was made son of Absu. This lake was connected to the ocean, and that theme was Absu = Poseidon, god of the sea. It was there that mythical fish-tail humans got their start; Dagon the fish-tail god that I think was also the dog god likely began there as well, as the symbol of Avvites (Navy-ites?), explaining why Avvites lived on the proto-Philistine coast where Dagon was big.
It is well recognized that these fish-tail sea themes originated in Eridu, and many equate Enki of Eridu with Poseidon; note that in myth Enki was made to kill Abzu, and then live inside Abzu, meaning two things, that the Eridu Anakites overcame the Hebrew-heavy Absu, and that Eridu was located exactly where the Absu were located, revealing that the Abzu lived at Eridu. It's conceivable, therefore, that an Anakite-Poseidon mix was formed in Eridu, and that Hebrews there took part in the dragon sun-god cult. It is probable that Abraham's ancestors were from the Eridu Absu, and keep in mind that Amorites stemmed from this cult, for it's known to have evolved into Marduk higher up on the Euphrates, but not before moving its center to Dumuzi of Uruk, where they conquered the Guti (proto-Satyrs) living in that city.
From Nippur the cult likely became the Nebo/Nabu worshipers who removed to mount Nebo (due east of Jerusalem) between Moab and Ammon, where the Bible locates the giants, Rephaim and Zuzim, and where also the Molech cult first thrived. Look at this giant caduceus shown at a Nebo article by Wikipedia.
Let me repeat the statement: "Sumerian texts repeatedly refer to three important centers with which they traded: Magan, Dilmun, and Meluhha." The Magan term could connect to the Biblical Mahanaim in Ammon, on/off the Jabbok river. Note the double "b" in that term, as in "Avviy" (Biblical term for Avvites). In Joshua 13:26, Mahanaim is placed adjacent to, or near, Debir, what should mean the same as "Deborah" = honey. I'm just wondering if "Meluhha" is another honey term or a variation of "Melech." There was another Debir south of the Amorite city of Hebron that Wikipedia says is "also known as Kiriath-Sepher" (Sepharvites were Molech worshipers, and are mentioned beside Avvites in 2 Kings 17).
If Magan and Meluhha made it to pre-Israel, I would expect that "Dilmun/Telmun" evolved into "Solymi" and then founded Salem. While I vehemently rebelled against the notion that the Solymi of Asia Minor were somehow connected to Jerusalem (Hebrew "Yerushalayim"), I had opposed the idea because I saw a Freemasonic plot to connect the dragon bloodline to YHWH's city. Now I see that the connection is feasible (I won't be at all dogmatic though), but not to Jerusalem under YHWH, but rather under Amorites. Big difference.
I find it astounding that while I had traced the blue-lion symbol of the Bruces through the Aphrodite>Abruzzo>Bruce bloodline -- via the Maia/Maja/Maga of Abruzzo -- so the modern Jerusalem Arms is today a blue lion (on gold field). To this I would add that Bruce I of Scotland was a Grand Master of Freemasonry. I also see that another version of the Jerusalem Arms uses a gold lion on blue field at: that a gold lion on blue field was a symbol of Bologne (Italy), of the Netherlands, and of the Nassau family in the Netherlands, and that the Nassau Coat uses a Cohen-type coat of arms, only with gold and blue checks (details in my "Molech is Sick" chapter). I still hold out hope that "Nether(land)" is rooted in Nahor, for the Batavi (Absu-Avi?!) peoples there seem to me like the Bute bloodline; if I find that the Abzu connect to Buz, son of Nahor, then I'll be more inclined to view the Netherlands as founded by Nahorite dragon-culters.
YHWH provided Melchizedek, as a sign of things to come in His long-range Plan under Jesus, as the king of Salem when Abraham passed through. But his name should not be taken for his involvement in Molech worship, of course, and is universally taken as Melchi-Zedek, meaning King of Righteousness (see "tsedek" = righteous, in Strong's #6664). Many cities in Israel were founded and named by the pre-Israelite dragon line and should not, as do British-Israelists, be connected to Israel under YHWH even though Israelites did not change the names of those cities. We can't rightly trace Salem to the Solymi Pisidians, for example, and then claim that Pisidians were Israelites.
Enlil raped Ninlil to produce the moon god, Sin (also Nanna), meaning that Sin (depicting Shinar, I reckon), and therefore Sin's daughter, Ishtar, were from Telmun (i.e. as were Enlil and Ninlil). This now begins to expose who had been ruling Salem when Joshua arrived to the city. This doesn't mean that Babylon the Great depicts Jerusalem in Revelation 17, but that she sat on that city, as well as on other cities far and wide, in pre-Israelite times.
As I have identified Cronus as Carians, they may have had their beginnings in Enlil i.e. in his "Ekur/Kur" alternative. The latter term looks like the makings of both Cur(etes) and Hur(rians). This has me intrigued because I want to know the difference between Horites and Amorites at the lowest levels. It's beginning to look like the difference roughly between the same bloodline at Emar/Mari versus Nippur/Nebo.
Just as Car was made a son of the Inachus (very much like "Anaki") line in Greece, a certain Ananke (very much like "Anunnaki") was made married to Khronos (same as Cronus), yet in this myth the two are snakes coiled around a "world-egg" = the two snakes around the caduceus, no? Khronos gave birth (with Ananke) to the 12 "Horai," and while these are a public dish falsely depicting 12 hours, they are secret code truly depicting the Horites (12 tribes?) and mythical Horus. Behold that Khronos and Ananke also gave birth to the Moira (Amorites?) and Cer/Ceres race of sick, animalistic peoples.
The Biblical Greek word for "horn" is "keras (#2768). The False Prophet will have two keras like a Lamb (Revelation 13), and yet speak as the Dragon. Chronos the serpent was given both the head of a bull (his son Zeus) and a lion (his wife Kybele), both horns and teeth. Does the Bible-prophecy expert understand that this picture is the lion of Daniel 7 = Babylon world rule as sanctioned by God...for the Great Purpose of shaming and then quashing the world egg now birthed as the Illuminati...having over-sight of Jerusalem? traced fish-tailed and bull-horned Amorites to sea-bull Merovingians, and therefore to the base of the Franks, note how the flag of Bahrain -- modern Dilmun/Tylos -- and the Emblem of Bahrain evoke the Franconian Rake. The Rake should prove to be of the Grimaldi branch of Hohens, for it evokes the Grimaldi Coat that was/is one of several Hohen-family symbols.
While the Grimaldis seized Monaco (centuries ago) as sword-wielding monks, so we find that "The 'Franconian Rake' is originally a heraldic symbol of the bishops of Würzburg" (italics mine). To support that Wurzburg was "Vere's Burg," see how the Wurzburg flag is essentially the same as the Vere coat of arms (same colors as the Rake).
These things then seem to explain why Bahrain is a US ally in the war against Iraq, a war that is Illuminati based in what I think is a last-ditched effort to quell anti-West Muslims for good, for the purpose of installing a unified World Government with blue-lion Israel solidly in her place.
While the red and white of the Franconian Rake ties to the Hohen Hebrews (a stem of Franconians themselves), the blue and gold colors of Jerusalem belong no doubt to the Nassau colors. I view the Dutch house of Nassau tentatively as an Illuminati group due to me suspicion that all Cohen-branch houses using the checkered (or diamond) design have, at least in the past, been power houses qualifying for that term. But even if not, it looks like Nassau's gold lion on blue field, which became the Netherlands Arms, formed the Jerusalem Arms, and as such. Nassau is suspect as a main root of draco-Zionism.
It's important to understand that the Dutch bloodline itself is Hebrew-Rus, and that since the Dutch stem from Franks, the blue and gold Nassau colors are rooted also in the Franks. The blue and white diamonds (technically "lozenges") belong to the house of Wittelsbach, with roots in Bavarian rulers, who were themselves Franconians. The Arms of Bavaria" combines a blue griffin without wings, the Wittelsbach lozenges centrally, the Franconian Rake, the Hohenstaufen Coat, and uses two gold lions standing beside the Coat as in the Netherlands Arms. If one wishes to examine these things in depth, a clear picture should develop as to the makings of the Illuminati.
New York was founded first by Franks, and then by "Dutch" elements, including Rosicrucians on the Mayflower...which set out initially from Leyden, Holland. Is that Ladon I see? Why the "Mayflower"? Are you aware that "May" is from the Atlantean goddess, "Maia/Maja"? If that term traces to Magan, an ancient region near Dilmun, then it's very pertinent to this chapter. Maia was mother of Hermes, you see, symbol of the Cadusii peoples.
In my previous "Mars and Asklepios Were Men in the Bible" chapter, I was fortunate enough to discover that the owl cult of Edomites became two Cadusii people-groups depicted by the two snakes coiled around the caduceus. It could therefore be extremely important to find that Enlil and Ninlil, two mythical terms depicting peoples from Dilmun, were terms denoting the Hebrew term, "lilit" = owl. As Delymites of Dilmun have been traced to Cadusii holy-grailers in this way and others, while Cadusia was of ancient Mannae (Manes), doesn't "Manhattan" look perilously close to a Manes-Cati combo?
The Mayflower period and the naming of New York had to do with the Stewart bloodline of the Duke of York (later James II) over in England, and every time I see the Duke's portrait I think I see a homosexual. I (and others) see the same in many English kings; note the long hair evoking Merovingian kings. More on this later in the chapter, but I think this has to be the reason that homosexuals are so few and yet so powerful in America today...and ready to start some heavy-handed persecution against anti-homosexual Christians, like me. Don't view me as backward, for my position here is the eternal future.
The throne of James II was taken over by William III and Mary, where Mary (II) was daughter of the above-mentioned duke of York. William was of Orange-Nassau. Look at the homo-evoking garter (Freemasonic symbol) worn and flashed by William III, and his long hair. William was Prince of Orange, a title that "may be carried by members of the House of Orange-Nassau and the House of Hohenzollern." Wikipedia: "Mary endowed the College of William and Mary (in the present day Williamsburg, Virginia) in 1693." Thomas Jefferson was trained by Illuminati elements of that collage, and by those strings he soon rose to his lofty Position.
I have for just a couple of weeks been looking for an ancient Amorite location that named Washington...because I am beginning to feel strongly that the Washington Monument depicts Amorite/Horite blood, and is a caduceus staff secretly (and not-so-secretly). Behold: "Washukanni, the capital of Mitanni." Ancient Assyrians called it, "Ushshukana." That is, Ush-Shu; it sort of evokes "U.S.", coincidentally I'm sure. Right?
Nicholas de Vere claims openly today that Veres stem from the Mitanni kingdom...which was centered along the Habur and Balikh rivers = Hebrew-Kabala strip. But then why are Veres red and gold, where the Washingtons were red and white? On possibility is that Veres were initially red and white but then merged with gold-lion Normandy, for Veres moved from Britain to live in Normandy.
Wikipedia has the Washington name traced to the town of Washington in the Wear-river region (just south of the Scot border) and a recorded "Wasindone" name (1096 AD). The article shows a photo of the Washington Old Hall (built centuries before George), having two large eagles with spread wings at the gate, showing that the American eagle-symbol derives NOT from the American bald eagle. traces the Washington surname to red-rose Lancashire, derived from the English village, Wassingatun, itself named after the Wassa surname. Look now at the ancient Wassa-like variations of Mitanni's "Washukanni" capital: Waššukanni/Wassuganni. "kanni/ganni" portion would of course denote Khana, the city at the mouth of the Habur river. Therefore, I'll keep an eye out for what "Wassu" meant in old Mitanni land. I think "Bassu" because it tends to evoke Buz..........I just went to see what I could find that sounded like "Bassu," and behold, I found this in less than two minutes:
"Meanwhile, Esarhaddon was waging war in the land of Bazu, situated opposite of the island of Dilmun (Bahrain ), probably Qatar, 'where snakes and scorpions cover the ground like ants'" (see location of Qatar beside Bahrain, with straight of Hormuz to its east)
Great Gazzu! What do we have here? Was Qatar the hide-out of the Abzu? Is Washington named after the Abzu Amorites? Is that where Abzu was living before "marrying" (mythical) Tiamat? Plus, the island of Bazu was just a whale leap away from Dilmun, the origin of holy-grail Ishtar, and of the caduceus Delymites...and perhaps even of the eternal city of Salem.
Ishtar, on Dilmun, surely paddled over to Qatar, which was inhabited into archaic times, not by Arabs, but by Persians. This agrees with the Anakites and Horites that myth places there. Couldn't Ishtar = Satyr = Qatar? As I've identified Satyrs as Guti Aryans, couldn't the Guti have named Qatar? If so, what were they doing on these islands? Making tridents? Yes, if I'm correctly equating the Sumerian "Abzu" with the Greek Poseidon (father of Atlantis).
If nearby Magan was the origin of the term, "Maia," it makes for some good logic in that Maia was made daughter of Atlas, first son of Poseidon. And if Plato's "Gadeirus" (second son of Poseidon) was a take from "Qatar," then it tends to support that Plato's alternative name for Gadeirus, "Eumelus," was Kemuel, the third son that Nahor had immediately after his second, Buz. It is not far-fetched at all to insist that Qatar was the land of Nahor's Buz and Kemuel, founders of western Atlantis, for it was in this western region of Arabia that Abrahamic Sheba and Dedan were settled at one point.
I'm not suggesting that the Guti of Qatar were Nahorites, but that the Tiamat-Abzu marriage was a Guti-Nahorite alliance (along with other Semites, probably). Plato could therefore call these peoples by either term, Gadeirus or Kemuel, for they became one peoples. Then, the fourth son of Nahor, Kesed (Genesis 22:22), may have become the Kassites/Kissians among the Guti. All of these children of Nahor were sons of his wife, Milcah.
See first the Washington Coat, which was the coat of George Washington. Note the red and white "bars" that configured, surely, to the red and white stripes in the US flag. Note too the five-pointed stars that configured, surely, to the stars in the US flag. Then let me bring up the pre-Conqueror (pre-1066 AD) Washington family in Cornwall, called "Wassa," and see how in the Wassa Coat the Washington "bars" were previously stripes. And behold that the five-pointed stars were previously a white-on-red six-pointed "star of David"!!
It would seem obvious that the red and white of both America and Canada are the red and white of the British flag, but is that really true in the case of the American flag? How can we know where the Wassu-family colors came from, or whether they were borrowed from British symbols? Rather, as the British red and white were products of the red Templar cross on white field -- though earlier, in the beginning, it was a white cross on red field! -- couldn't the Wassu-family colors have been Templar symbols? Naturally, for their six-pointed hexagram proves it. I'm suggesting that, in the Wassu family, the white hexagram took the place of the white Templar cross.
Who's Illuminati symbol is now on the flag of Israel? YHWH's? No way. It's becoming clear that the hexagram depicted the Amorite bloodline, and that this dragon's Zionism quest has been (and still is) the product of an old feud with YHWH...when He booted them out of Jerusalem in the days of Yahshua number one. YHWH will now bute them out once again, using Gog of Magog, one of their old allies.
Yes, Mitanni were Hurrians/Horites, but Wikipedia shares that Mitanni "was settled by both indigenous Hurrian and Amoritic-speaking (Amurru) populations." would pass on to you, therefore, that the stars on the American flag were made five-pointed to disguise the Hebrew roots of the American founders. Check online to see how the hexagram is paganly a symbol of Saturn (not just the planet) = Cronos. No one that I know of has traced the "star of David" to Amorites, but some have traced it to occult Arabs. Might they have been Amoritized Arabs of Bahrain, Qatar and other nearby regions, such as Hormuz and Dubai?
I have a feeling that we'll find the star's roots in ancient Magan. The majority of those who hold an opinion say that Magan was modern Oman, in southern Arabia. Indeed, "The Sultanate of Oman was once known by its Sumerian name Magan. Oman constituted one of the Satrapies of the Persian Empire." (Wikipedia). The flag of Oman uses red, green and white bars, the colors of the Italian, Tatar, and Welsh flags that I thought were meaningful as red, white, and green dragon lines (see location of Oman).
Behold that the star of David is by Hebrews called "Magen David"!! Yes, "magen" is even a Biblical word (Strong's #4043) meaning "shield," yet why was the hexagram not called "Star of David." Why "magen"? A double meaning intended to disguise Magan roots?? Or was the land of Magan itself named after "shield"? Was this the mysterious RedShield of the Hebrew Bauer family (i.e. who changed their surname to "Rothschild") and later founded "Magen David, UK", Israel's counterpart to the American "Red Cross" foundation? It's no secret that the star of David was a Rothschild symbol as well, you see.
It is said that the hexagram was used by the occult to protect (i.e. like a shield) against enemies. But look at this: "The earliest recorded Jewish name for it is h.otam Shelomo or 'seal of Solomon....'" Is "Shelomo" really referring to Solomon? What if a double meaning had been at play since very ancient times, so that the real meaning in the Solymi went unknown while the false second meaning in Solomon was stressed? website above says that the star of David was used by a "Jewish" sect from Babylon called "Karaites." Interesting enough. A Karaite/Caraite website then says that Hitler did not consider them Jews. Intriguing enough. As Hitler was of the Theosophist Rosicrucians, perhaps the Karaites were as well. As Karaites opposed standard Judaism, ditto for Hitler. website says: "The earliest mention of the Magen [David] is in a 12th century Karaite book by Judah Hadassi" (is that "Cadusii" I see?). The name of Hadassi's book was "Eshkol Ha-Kofer," and it just so happens that this sect was from Chaldea (italics mine). Isn't it conspicuous that both "Eshcol" and a Cadusii-like term should pertain to this man? And why did Karaites use "Golden Age" in describing themselves, akin to the Jewish Illuminati's "Golden Dawn." book's timing is perfect for the Zionism attempt (a failure) of Khazar Hebrews named David and Solomon (father and son team). There were others before them, however, who used the Messianic name (David). "Khazar" is close enough to "Qatar" to warrant mention. The writer of the following Wikipedia article looks skeptically at the following two Karaite self-claims, but nevertheless they were made, that 1) Karaites were of the Khazars, and 2) "were otherwise not strictly Jewish descended." was talk among Hebrew circles that Karaites were certain "Abele Zion and Abele Yerushalayim," the term used evoking Ebla, a major Amorite city in Syria (I'm ignoring how the term is defined by others). It may therefore be that Zion/Jerusalem was an extension of Ebla. Judah Hadassi was himself called "Ha-Abel." The article from which this information is borrowed says that Abele Zion refers to Hebrews associated with Jerusalem but living in southern Arabia. That's where Magan (now Oman) was located. to being "Karaites," they were "Ananites," followers of an Anan son of David (8th century AD), a term that could be a sign of the bloodline's wish to maintain/advance its sacred Anunnaki roots (Nicholas de Vere claims the Anunnaki were the deepest root of his Vere bloodline). One of the groups incorporated into Anan's movement were "Malakites," and while it is said that they were named after Malik al-Ramli, what if his parents named him after the Molech/Amalek cult in the same way that Christians name their children after their Biblical heroes?
It's notable that the killing of a dove for sacrifice is called "melikah," which "must be done by a Kohen, 'by his very self'', without utilizing a knife (see Rashi, 1:15)." That is, the priest must (according to Talmudic dictate, not the Bible) pinch the neck with his nail(s) and so sever the life-line. But why the use of "Melikah" in relation to a dove, the symbol of Ishtar?
Anan also incorporated a group called "Yudghanites," which appears to be a Guti-Khana combo. In any case, it's as though the groups he encompassed were a late development from old Chaldean ideas that once belonged to Molech-worshiping Semites, and a re-hashing of the old-fort Kabala.
Anan rejected the Oral traditions of Judaism (i.e. the religion of the Pharisees), and although relying only on the Scripture, he used the Kabala method of interpretation, which was to read between the lines as the devil and so distort Scripture. For example, the prohibition of plowing on the Sabbath was said to refer to sex. I use this good example for showing how wide the potential was to eradicate God's Laws by such methods, and to replace them with "traditions of men."
It's interesting that the father-in-law of the high priest (Caiaphas) under whom Jesus was crucified was named "Annas/Ananus," of the high-priesthood House of "Hannan." Annas had been high priest before Caiaphas, and was involved in the proceedings against Jesus which led to his execution. There was also Ananias, high priest who had the apostle Paul smacked in the mouth (Acts 23:2). Josephus called the money-exchanging business at the Temple, "bazaars of Annas," referring to the Annan high-priesthood which controlled it. Sort of brings to mind the "Jewish" Illuminati's banking businesses.
Recalling that I had tied Set and the Sadducees to the Soducena of SwanLand (Lake Sevan), it's interesting that the Kabalistic method of interpretation is called "sod ('secret,' the deeper meaning of the text, drawing on the Kabbalah)" (brackets not mine). If I'm correct in tracing Sadducees to the Set/Horus/Osiris cult, the following should be eye-popping illumination: "[Anan] took much from the old Sadducees and Essenes, whose remnants still survived, and whose writings — or at least writings ascribed to them — were still in circulation.", Anan was abandoned by some of his followers, and Karaites proper took over the sect. Did they call themselves by that term as a double meaning, and invent a new meaning so as to have recourse for denying their Carian/Curete/Horite affinities? It's a shot in the dark, but having never understood where "Essene" may have derived, what about Susa/Isis, especially as Susa's peoples were Susanians?
Why do so many people ignore the Egyptian roots implied loud and clear by America's Freemasonic symbols?
"The Star of David is also known as the 'King's Star' in astrological circles, and was undoubtedly an important astrological symbol in Zoroastrianism. Curiously, the Great Seal of the United States appears to contain an image of a Star of David, consisting of 13 smaller American Stars symbolizing the 13 original colonies, above the eagle's head."
The words, "ANNUIT COEPTIS" in America's Great Seal, situated above the occult eye, mean "Bless this Work." What Christian should trust any powers making that statement when those who make it look back to ancient Egypt for esteem? That's like praying, "Please, Lord, open the Red sea, let me run in, and then wash me away to Hell." The god being asked to "Bless this Work" is of course Horus and Osiris (as per the so-called Eye of Horus), and the words were taken (by Charles Thomson ) from Virgil's myth on the Trojan and Iberian roots of the Romans (see website below). Apparently, Thomson was able to find words having a double meaning, for I also see in them: ANAKITE AIGYPTUS. Or ANANITE AIGYPTUS. The pyramid itself, under the eye, would support that rendering. words under the pyramid were taken (by Thomson) from Virgil as well, and mean "New Secular Order." "Secular" is defined by my dictionary as "worldly, distinguished from the spiritual," which now makes us realize what "separation of church and state" was really all about, keeping Christians from having power in government...because the government was envisioned by the founding fathers as materialistic, mammon-driven. And they replaced the quest for eternal life in Jesus with the "American dream," while worship of God was minimized by placing emphasis on loyalty to American icons.
The day after discovering the above website (explaining Thomson's creation of the Great Seal), I went back to take another look here, and found that I had completely over-looked an extremely important design in a certain painting (at the top of the page). It's a modern painting of Thomson's original eagle design (that was not used in favor of another Coat design). If you click on the painting, you'll come to this page describing its history and showing the 1782 original Thomson sketch...where the coat of arms on the eagle's breast is likewise a red triple chevron!!!
I was spinning my wheels hoping to discover how the red triple chevron was connected to the Illuminati. For those who haven't yet seen it, see the red triple chevron on the lower right of the Hohen-family Coat.
Have you ever asked why the Washington capital buildings are designed in Roman style? What connection is there between Egypt and Romans? The Amorites. In Rome they were Mars, and in Egypt they were Anubis and Osiris. At a website where you can witness a typical false-Christian approach to the Freemason founders of America, we read:
The first Congress appointed Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and Ben Franklin to design this Seal, and major revisions were added by Charles Thomson and William Barton...blah blah blah on a deeper level reflects the One Life, the Divine Presence, which pervades all life and creates unity in diversity. The eagle on the front side of the Seal represents spiritual vision...blah blah blasphemy!!"
The day after I finished this chapter, Greenway7 wrote to me on chevron, saying: "Remember that 'chevron' comes, as a horn-glyph, from the French word for 'goat'. The French word is "chevre," very close indeed. One could entertain a Hebron identification of the chevron, tentatively of course, and then reason that this Amorite city was inhabited by the Guti/Satyr bloodline. That works well, and may support the existence of Satyrs at Jerusalem (not far north of Hebron), a topic that I'll touch in a soon-comng chapter.
How is it that "In Israel, the Karaite Jewish leadership is directed by a group called 'Universal Karaite'. Most of the members of its Board of Hakhams are of Egyptian Jewish descent" (italics mine)? ben David incorporated the Sadducee sect called "Boethusians." These are thought by some to have been related to Sadducees in the time of Jesus, from Egypt!
"The prevailing opinion now is that the Boethusians were only a variety of the Sadducees, deriving their name from the priest Boethus. Simon, son of Boethus from Alexandria [Egypt], or, according to other sources, Boethus himself, was made a high priest about 25 or 24 B.C. by Herod the Great, in order that Boethus' marriage with the latter's daughter Mariamne [II] might not be regarded as a mésalliance (Josephus, "Ant." xv. 9, § 3; xix. 6, § 2...)."
The following account leading to the beheading of John the Baptist is complicated, but at least get the gist. Herod the Great had two wives called Mariamne (or Mary). With the first was born another Mariamne, wife of Simon Boethus, and they in turn gave birth to another Mariamne, who became Herod the Great's second wife by that name; they produced Herod Boethus. The latter married Heriodias (granddaughter of Herod the Great) and produced Salome, the young woman who danced for Herod Antipas, Herodias' other husband after she divorced her first (also named Herod), and so Salome and Herodias had the head of John the Baptist cut off because John had openly opposed Herodias' remarriage to Herod Antipas (son of Herod the Great), who himself became divorced to marry her.
To me this murder is a symbol of the dragon line's Judgment for killing both the highest mortal in the kingdom of God, and the Son of God. These Herods were of Babylon the Great, that is, and not just because a Herod Agrippa (who sanctioned His execution) draped his purple robe around Jesus while mocking Him, on the day of his Murder. Herod Agrippa later helped the first of the Biblical dragon's seven heads (Revelation 17), the mentally-diseased emperor Caligula (also "Gaius"), to the Roman throne, and Caligula in turn made Agrippa a king. I'm almost alone today in identifying the seven heads/kings of the Biblical dragon as emperors from Caligula to Nerva (37 -98 AD), not including the three kings, Galba, Otho, and Vitellius (all de-throned quickly in succession, 69 AD). I feel that this is the fulfillment of Daniel 7's 10 minus 3 kings. the Great, who worked in Israel for the Romans (caesar Augustus, the main icon in Virgil's mythical writings), was an Idumean (i.e. from Edomites), and a murderer of his family members, his wife, and of many children in his attempts to kill the infant Jesus. This topic is Julie's "baby," and it was she who inadvertently brought to my attention that "Herod" evokes "Carite/Curete," for she had used "Xerod" to describe the name. It has always been my hope to uncover the root of Herod for to see if he wasn't of the dragon cult, which makes much sense. Note Herod's mother, Cypros, and the various "Salome" names in this family, for Salamis was a city on Cyprus. Two of Herod's daughters were Salampsio and Cypros, wherefore the Herod bloodline looks like mythical Aphrodite, the Curete cult.
The House of Boethus ruled the high-priesthood at roughly the same time as the House of Hannan, making it very likely that Anan's proto-Karaites were of these particular Sadducees. The situation was akin to Roman emperors later installing Roman popes to their political advantage. Illuminati circle was the United States from? Was it not Phaethon from Merops of Ethiopia, who furnished the Redones of France? Amorites. Not necessarily Amorites from the Karaites, for there is evidence that mainline Judaism itself is from Amorite roots, Pharisees and Sadducees together. Are you with me? Amorites under Roman rule hi-jacked Israel and conformed Moses and the Prophets to their Kabala "traditions." Jesus called them the "synagogue of Satan" (Revelation 2:9), and He says of them there: "those who say they are Jews but are not." There are two ways to take that statement; perhaps both are correct, but see what the visible founder (a "Jew") of the Bavarian Illuminati had called his organization (i.e. the italics below):
"Weishaupt was a Jesuit-trained professor of Canon Law, teaching in Inglecot University, when he defected from Christianity to embrace the Luciferian conspiracy. This was in 1770. He began to write out the master plan that was designed to give the Synagogue of Satan, so named by Jesus Christ, ultimate world domination so they could impose the Luciferian ideology..."
The name chosen for Hadassi's book, "Eshkol Ha-Kofer," makes Anan-like terms suspect as pertaining to the Biblical man, Anar, brother of both Eshcol and Mamre (all three are Amorites in Genesis 14:13). Remember that I had traced Eshcol to Cadusia to become one of the Delymite snakes, while tracing Mamre to mythical Mamer = Mars. Now behold a statement from an article on Delymites, and tell whether "Hadassi" has nothing to do with the Cadusii/Cati peoples:
"Greek Delymaîoi is to be read in place of geographically impossible Elymaîoi (i.e., Susiana), as the tribes named immediate after them (Anaria‚ Kai, Kadou‚ Sioi, Matíanoi) were all in the north" (brackets not mine).(quoted from my "Double Helix of Caduceus" chapter)
I've never seen "Anaria" before for what it must be, a nation formed from sons of Anar, brother of Eschol! It is therefore to these holy-grailers that I must attach Hadassi and Anan. Ask if the Sioi and the Matianoi didn't together make up the mythical term, "Tiamat" = Atamti Elamites = Dumuzi? Remember, I've pegged Tiamat's spouse, Absu, as the proto-Amorite Hebrews, as well as the Bias Greeks. Isn't it conspicuous that the Greek form of these terms, "Athamas," was king in Boeotia, evoking the Sadducee sect, the Boethusians? Isn't it shocking how "Boethus" (reputed founder of Boethusians) evokes mythical "Boeotus/Boiotus," the character that I claimed as co-founder of British Atlantis? I'm suggesting that the Hebrew leaders of the various Kabala sects were named by their parents after their sacred terms (e.g. Boeotus, Caria, Cadusia, Anar, Anakites, Satyrs) pertaining to the cult...for advancement of the cult.
Babylon the Great, Mother of Tarts
Ishtar the Great Mother Harlot, beloved of witches,
main artery of the Illuminati bloodline,
was Dardanus of Troy.