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(if there are any to speak of)
March 8 - 14, 2016

Bedrock of Tolkien's Rings of Globalist Powers
Bla Bla Black Sheep: the Blue-Black Moors Behind the Crusaders
The Great Bled Discovery, and the Real Meaning of the Double Tressure
Seaton Dragon from Emona, Colchian Home of Hainaut's Levite Rulers

For a reader hopping into an update for the first time, there is not much I can say in an introductory paragraph to explain everything needed before proceeding. The only readers able to follow are those taking the time needed to get a solid idea of the entire scope. It is probably impossible to follow unless the heraldic Coats are loaded and viewed. It would be helpful to have a photographic memory, or to at least spend some time to get to know Coats, and to understand what I'm saying about them. I did the work over years to be able to present to you the relevant Coats, and you need only decide whether I am correctly interpreting the evidence and the codes. It is far best that you load Coats on a separate browser(s) rather than clicking back and forth from the update page. It might take longer for one to read an update than the week it takes me to write it, but that's what it'll take for a solid understanding of what I'm doing. I know that few have the time to follow this in that way. My hope is...actually, I should have no such hopes as I should just allow God to do what He wants with this. One of my goals at this time is to discover the parent(s) of Josephs Caiaphas, and in the meantime to prove that heraldic masters and leading Templar families knew that all of heraldry had, at its foundations, Caiaphas and his circle of Christ killers. These updates are jot-down format (sub-titles don't usually reflect the roaming topics well) making it hard / impossible to have a pre-plotted storyline. I'm no longer doing final proof-reads, please excuse the imperfections / mistakes. Ever since I decided to use apostrophes only after surnames ending in vowels, I started to catch myself using apostrophes before the 's' of pluralized words, making it appear that I need to return to primary grammar school.

If ever you'd want to check a description in the Coat of Arms, type the surname at this page:

Not to be out-done by Russia, the Western coalition, apparently, has announced the Mosul agenda: "The media advisor to Kurdistan Region president stated that the three forces of Iraqi army, Peshmerga and the anti-IS international coalition are planned to participate in the upcoming operation to release the Iraqi northern city of Mosul, Nainawa province. According to Dicle News, Kefah Mahmoud told a press conference that it has en agreed that only the three forces will participate in the anticipated operation and no other forces is allowed to take part. He went on to add that preparations to conduct the operation have reached an advanced level." Probably, Russians and their allies are being snubbed out. How long will it be before the Mosul operation begins? Perhaps as long as the Americans can drag it out. When the Iraqi's have taken Mosul, they will have their army in Kurdistan. If they can afford to keep Mosul, and if they succeed for the long term, they will be in Kurdistan's face, which, I think, is exactly what the West doesn't want. The prediction is that the West offers to help control Mosul, to keep a handle on the Kurd-oil situation, and to prevent Russians from getting a foothold in that area.

In the last update, there were some significant reasons for tracing the Herod-Maccabee line of Plancia Magna to the Challant rulers of Aosta, and to the Walkers ("magna" motto term) because the Challant-suspect Higgs share an item shot through with an arrow with Walker-related Walsh's, this all tracing to the Wallis/Valais canton beside Aosta. It is something to explore further because Sadducee / Caiaphas liners are expected in Wallis. The Higgs' were a founding family of the Challant rulers, and it's logical that they are using the red-on-white chevron of Hykes'/Hake's and the magna Walkers. That got me thinking about the Arthur family said to have married to the Hicks of Clapton (Somerset), and while I've traced CLAPtons to GLAPHyra Archelaus, it just so happens that one Clapton/Clopton/CLAPPERton Coat shares a white-on-black bend with Plunketts. Amazing coincidence, for Plancia's great-great-grandmother was Glaphyra Archelaus.

The Clavers/Cleavers, who practically rhyme with "Glaphyra / Clapper," share the white-on-black tower of Plunketts and Higgins, leaving very little doubt that the traced indicated by this discussion so far are accurate. The CLEARvor variation of Clavers is not indication that Clavers were a branch of Clare's, in my opinion, but rather that the two families merged. The key in the Claver/Cleaver Crest is shared by French Claviere's and CLAREmonts/Clairmonts, explaining why an online quote telling of the Arthur marriage to the Hicks has both families sharing the heraldic CLARINet (not called exactly that, but a "clarion" trumpet). There is a Clarin/Laren/Clarence surname (with Phater/Feeeter variations???) using two chevrons in the colors of the three of Clare's, colors reversed from the Arthur chevron. The Clare / Clarin chevrons are red, the color of the Higgs / Hicks/Hake chevron.

The above makes the Arduinici of Ivrea suspect with the Challants of Aosta. As Arduinici have been resolved as a line to Artois' naming (capital of ARRAS), and consequently suspect between the Lys river of Aosta and the Lys river of Artois, it's probably correct that the Higgs arrow is code for the Arrows/ARRAS' (fleur-de-LYS on a cross that's likely the Sinclair cross).

The Challants are also "Chalons" and therefore became suspect as a branch of Chalons-sur-Marne, also called Chatillon. The Welsh Challants were first found in the same place (Powys) as Clermonts'/Clements, the latter sharing the nebuly bars of Marne-like Marina's. The last update emphasized "Marilyn Munroe 666," and her name was traced to Myrina on Lemnos. It just so happens that, wholly independent of that trace, Clare's (first found in the land of the LEMovice's, beside the Santones) were traced to the Sintians of Lemnos...making the Marne river more-likely than ever with a line from the Myrina Lemnites. The Munroe eagle was traced to the red one in the Ardon/Artois Crest, no guff.

The Santones named a Sainte location (France) after themselves, and Sinclairs (once Claro's) list a Saint surname. There is a second Saint surname that happen to share the gold cherubs of Welsh Challants, meaning that Chatillon at the Marne linked to Santones. The Saints listed with Sinclairs do not indicate, in my opinion, that Clare's were a branch of Saints, but rather that the two had merged. Clare's are traced (by me) to Clarus, beside Ephesus, a special place of mythical Leto, suspect from the Letushite tribe of Biblical Keturah (other wife of Abraham), for she had another tribe descended from her, the LEUMMites. Leta was the mother of Artemis, loved in Ephesus, and so see this:

Plancia Magna...was born and raised in Perga, the capital of the Roman province of Pamphylia. Her cognomen Magna, is either from her maternal or paternal grandmother. She was the daughter of Roman Senator, Proconsul Marcus Plancius Varus and the Herodian Princess Julia [daughter of Opgalli and Tigranes]. Her mother became a priestess and served in the temple of the Ancient Greek Goddess Artemis in Perga. Artemis was the most important Goddess in Perga. Magna's brother was Roman Senator, Consul Gaius Plancius Varus.

The Varus surname can be a branch of Varro's, the latter used by Aulus Terentius Varro Murena. The Murena's can, of course, be Myrina liners, and as they show a MORATIN variation, I trace them to the mythical Myrina Amazons (Artemis was an Amazon goddess) in the Atlas mountains of the MAURITANIA / Moor theater. Actually, the Atlas mountains were Numidia, ruled by a peoples that I view as Mysians, the Muses of Apollo, twin brother of Artemis. Later, I discovered that Glaphyra Archelaus actually married Juba, king of Mauritania, a Numidian liner. Later yet, after suggesting for a few years that Cilnius Maecenas, husband of Aulus Murena's sister, traced to Modena's Maccabee elements, I discovered Marano's/Mauritano's, from Marano of Modena, with the same lion was Wallis'/Wallace's.

According to the "Pro patria" motto of Higgins, their Shield filled with black drops (shared by Drops/TROPE's) link to the Patterson/CASSANE / Kilpatrick drops, and it just so happens that Italian CASANO's were first found in Modena. At one time, I was telling readers that the mouth of the Apsus, the river to which I trace Pattersons and Patricks, was the location of TROPoje, for I thought I had read that. But later, in the last update, I learned that it was "Topoje." Either it was someone's mistake, or the place went by both names. The last update had a significant find in tracing various Vere variations to Fier county, an area around the mouth of the Apsus.

Roman Varro's / Varus' may trace to Fier, for Vere's traced (last update) also to Fare / Verres / Ferrer / Ferrat elements in Aosta, all linked to Hugh Lupus, ruler in Cheshire, where Claptons and Welfs/Wolfs were first found. Spanish Varro's (Perga-like Burgos) use the wolf. Spanish Burgos', first found in Castile, a term that's linkable to Chatillons / Chatans, use a giant annulet in Plunkett colors. The magna Walkers and Walsh's use annulets. Murena's/Moratins, likewise first found in Castile, use a bird rising similar to the one of Munroe's, which may not have been mentioned had the Murena tower not been in the colors of the giant Munroe eagle head, suspect with the red eagle heads of Irish Caseys (hand out of a cloud), a possible branch of the Cassius variation of Casano's. I once theorized that the three sets of French-Casey leaves were code for 666.

Castile's, with a tower in colors reversed from the Murena tower, list a Castellano variation, but there is a second Castile surname listed with Chateau's. It's Cetis-important that Caseys use the colors and format of Kennedy-related Cassels, while Lupus LAEVILLus married a Plancia-related family that ruled in Cetis.

Irish Caseys, who share the Higgs format and colors, were first found in the same place (FERMANach) as MARONE's. Then, the Chills/Childs, suspect from Cilnius Maecenas, share the Coat of Terents/Tarans in colors reversed, the latter using a red-on-white chevron with red-on-white eagles, the colors of the Casey chevron and eagle heads. It seems very clear that the family of Aulus Terentius Varro Murena, and that of his sister's family, linked up with Cassius/Casano liners. The latter may have been a branch of Chatillons because Scottish Caseys share the bend in the colors of the same of Chatans/Chastaine's (may be a version of the Plunkett bend with tower) and Chattans/Cato's. French Caseys/Casaile's/Casetons were first found in Ile de France, location of another Chatillon (a third one is in Aosta, see last update for that), but as the Levi's were likewise first found in Ile-de-France, the 666-suspect Casey leaves become suspect with the Levi. MORENcys were first found in Ile-de-France.

The crows in the Scottish Casey Coat indicate the Crows (share camel head with Pattersons/Cassane's) using the colors and format of Childs/Chills. The Crow Coat is fully a colors-reversed reflection of the Higgs Coat, while Crows were first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Clavers, the latter using the Higgins towers. The Scottish Crows are listed with MacEnROE's, a very good piece of corroboration that the Casey leaves are code for 666. The Casey leaves, one branch of them, anyway, are in the Crest of Levi-possible Olivers (same place as Scottish Leavells), who happen to share two red chevrons with Hick-suspect Clarins, in the colors of the Casey chevron. Without going into the details, the MacEnroe oak tree, along with its motto, trace well to Shoe's/Schuchs, Skits/Skeochs, Skeets', Schutz's and Scheds, all suspect in the Setta valley with Panico's. The Schutz greyhound became suspect with the Olive greyhound.

The Crest of Overs shares the Oliver-Crest leaves, suggesting that Overs (from Over, held by Hugh Lupus) may have been a short-form for "Oliver." Olfords/Holfords just came to mind, and they happen to share the black greyhound (both Crest and Shield) with Olive's, while the Olford-Crest greyhound head is in the design of the Schutz Crest. Alfreds may be using a version of the Guido Coat. Were Alfreds / Alfords a branch of Olivers???

The "AD" motto term of Olivers reminds that I've got to mention the Clappers, using a shield filled with Vair fur in the colors of the checks that fill the Vair/Fers Shield. Clappers were first found in Surrey, home of ADA of Warenne/Varenne, who was traced well to Ade's/Aids that are in code in the Levi motto. The Varenne's list Verone's, like the Verona's that list "Vair."

In my opinion, the nebuly bars Clement/Clermonts are those of LEAVELLs/ well as those of Italian Marina's. The bars of the latter's Spanish branch tend to assure that Amore's (comparable to the Leavell Coat) and Damorys/Amori's are part of this Clement / Leavell picture.

The same AULUS Murena under discussion, whose name (not necessarily his, personally) was suspect in naming "WALLIS," actually conquered the Salassi (way back in BC times), who happen to be the founders of Aosta. Aulus Murena then re-settled Aosta with a few thousand Romans, indicating a major program of his in the Wallis area. The Walsers, to modern times, lived on Aosta's Lys river. The magna-using Walkers (share white tower with Plunketts) use an "HonESTE" motto term while I think that Este was an Aosta branch. The Welf-faction of Este traced to the Welfs/Wolfs who share the wolf head of Claptons, first found in the same place as Claptons/Clappertons and Sale's/Salletts, the latter a branch of Salassi, and sharing a black-on-white bend with the Arms of Challant. This bend happens to be colors reversed from the Clapton / Plunkett bend.

"CHALONS" was suspect with Salins, a Salassi-suspect location in Wallis canton. As the counts of Chatillon (Chalons-sur-Marne) use three pale (vertical) bars on a red Shield, they can now link to the same of Scottish Walkers (in the colors of the three Clare chevrons). The line of Este definitely includes Bush's / Buschs, from Busca, beside Saluzzo. English Bush's were first found in the same place as English Walkers. Alice of Saluzzo was a daughter of Luisa of Ceva, and while Chives' are suspect from Ceva liners, they share the quadrants of English Hykes'/Hacks, first found in the same place (Devon) as Chives'. Then, while Cornwalls/Cornells trace themselves to Salyes Ligures (Durance river), "[Plancia] Magna married a man of Roman Senatorial rank called Gaius Julius CORNutus Tertullus..." Higgs were first found in the same place (Gloucestershire) as Samsons ("letho") and LETTS suspect with the Letushites of the Artemis cult. Directly out to sea from Ephesus / Clarus was Samos. Samsons share the scallops of Hykes'/Hacks (same place as Cornwalls/Cornells). Higgins share drops with the Sam/Sammes Coat. The Chateau's/Castile's, with the engrailed cross of Clarus-liner Sinclairs, use it in the colors of the tower of Murena's (Castile), and in the colors of the same-type cross of Irish Burghs that were traced (re-mentioned two updates ago) directly to Alice of Montferrat, the line of Alice of Saluzzo.

In keeping an eye out for the blue-on-white chevrons on the floor of a portrait in the translated Challant article, which are the colors on the clothing of the woman in the portrait (why is she wearing a pointed hat?), the first blue chevron I've come across is the one of Tertullus-suspect Turtle's/Tuttle's.

The last update suggested that Salins in Wallis canton was related to "CHALONs" and while there is no Salin(s) surname coming up, "Salens" is listed with Salemans/Salians, first found in Surrey, and sharing the Sale/Sallette and Arms-of-Challant bend. Not far out to sea from an ancient Sale location (mouth of the Hebros, dark map) is Lemnos, important because the Marne river of Chalons is tracing hard to Myrina-of-Lemnos liners. Between Sale and Lemnos is SAMOthrace, said to be named after Samos. On shore from Samothrace and Lemons, in the eastern direction, is Mysia and Troy, ancestry of the Moselle and Meuse rivers beside the Marne.

Abydos, mentioned in the last update as a possible root of Cavii, and therefore of the Chives', is on the map in Mysia. In Revelation, Abydos-like Abaddon is used by God to punish people with the 666 on their hands. Abaddon is said to be Apollo, brother of the Syrian Amazons, and chief of the Muses = Mysians. Like the mythical Amazons, all nine mythical Muses were women. According to repeated reflections / considerations in the last update, Abaddon liners may have included the EpiCARIA location and their Cavii peoples, important where Clarus / Ephesus were on the Caria-Lydia border. The Cornells that use, "La Vie DURANte," come up as CARNells [extremely important later in this update when Carni-area locations link undeniably to Josephs]. But as Epicaria was also called, DURNum, the Cavii became suspect on the Durance river with the Salyes. It recalls a Cavii-like peoples, whom I haven't stressed in years, near Avignon, an Avviy-like term! Avignon is smack near the mouth of the Durance. Biblical Avvites are "Avviy" in Hebrew, with "iy" being the Hebrew suffix like the English "ite." The Avvites may have named Avignon (keys in their Arms), therefore.

Avignon is beside Cavaillon, very suspect now from Cabyle (= Capelli / Kaplan liners) and the neighboring Selletae. "The Calavon, a tributary of the Durance locally called Coulon, flows westward through the middle of the [Cavaillon] commune." Might "Coulon/Calavon" be related to "Chalons"? When first encountering Cavaillon (2012), they were suspect with Kybele, but I don't think I knew, at the time, that Brogitarus, whose family became suspect in a merger with Plancia's Artemis cult, was the hight priest of Cybele.

"Avignon, written as Avennio or Avenio in the ancient texts and inscriptions, takes its name from the Avennius clan. Founded by the Gallic tribe of the Cavares or Cavari, it became the centre of an important Phocaean colony from Massilia (present Marseilles)." Then, on the Cavari:

The Cavares were a Gallic tribe, or a federation of tribes, located in the lower Rhone valley. Their strongholds were Avignon (Avennio), Orange (Arausio) and Cavaillon (Cabellio). Their closest neighbours were the Segallauni, the Tricastini, the Salyes, the Albici (or Albioeci) and the Vocontii.

These are all expected to be from Illyrian Celts who predated the French / Italian Gauls, all from the Halybes and Khaldi, in my opinion.

I've just checked "Raus" as per the Arausio variation of Orange, to find Raus' using a bend in the colors of the Plunkett bend, and having the red roses that are on the bend of Plunkett-suspect Chatans! The Raus' were mentioned in the last update as the Rows/Rau's, suspect from the Roe's and therefore from Roe-rooted Munroe's. Didn't we just see the Munroe eagle linkable to the 666-suspect Caseys, themselves very linkable to Chatans?

As Rau's and Munroe's became suspect with Ruas, grandfather of Attila, this is a good place to repeat that Caseys were suspect at the root of Khazars, and Khazars are known by some to be from the Attila Huns. This can explain why the "couchant" (squatted) stags of Higgs are like the stags of Bloods, the latter seriously expected to be from "Bleda," Attila's brother. Attila" can yet be from QuadrAttila (of Cetis), Laevillus wife, and Quadratus' daughter. Why was she given a "tilla" suffix? This question was asked a couple of years ago, but only recently was Cetis discovered as a line to Bassianus on the TILURius = Cetina river, suspect with the Till / Tiller / Tailer surnames. Tillers and tailers are in Plunkett / Raus colors.

Was the Ruas surname really of the namers of Orange? I don't know. But Ruas' son, and Attila's father, was MUNDZuc, suspect with "AMYNTES," Galatian (= Gaul liners) son of Brogitarus, priest of Cavaillon-suspect Cybele. The Orange's, I have just seen after writing the above, use a giant hunting horn in the colors of the Munroe eagle head.

It makes a lot of sense that the 666 will come forth from the proddings upon governments from "international bankers," the globalist stupids (in bed with their government pawns) who think they can engineer a world to themselves, and keep it under a secure and peaceful control for their descendants, until they rule the universe unopposed. I came to learn that the international bankers evolved from the owners of the Quintus-Caepio treasure (50,000 15-pound bars of gold, plus silver bars), found at Toulouse, the home area of the very Gaul tribes that became the Brogitarus Galatians. The year after he stole the treasure, Caepio (Roman general) was in a war at Orange, and there he lost to Boii-suspect king Boiorix.

There is much heraldry honoring the gold and silver Caepio bars, and many related symbols linking to individuals / families that partook with it, suspect all the way to the Templar cult's "international bankers." The Jewish Rothchilds (no 's') share a sinister, white bend, with three roses upon it, with Raus', a very good reason to entertain the latter with Orange liners, and to equate Rothschilds as a branch of Raus'. The Nassau's, who merged with Orange to create Orange-Nassau, use gold billets, which in heraldry are metal bars. Rockefeller-rooted Roquefeuil uses gold billets in its Arms, and Roquefeuil is near Toulouse.

Of further interest, the hunting horn often (not always) comes with a string, used, for example, in the Orange Coat. The String surname happens to use a chevron in colors reversed from the chevron of Caepionis-suspect Capone's. This Arms of Traby (from Wikipedia's Traby article) makes the three strings of its hunting horns look like 666. The Capone Coat compares with the English Camp Coat while Dutch Camps use the giant Munroe eagle head (different colors).

Note that Rothschilds/Rothsteins use an arrow between two stars, much like the arrow between the two annulets of German Tillers.

The 666 is traceable to Coronis > Asclepios Lapiths through PatMOS, but to the right-hand symbol of the MUCIANus bloodline, as per mythical Mucius losing his right hand. The bloodline came to use the left-hand or sinister symbol as a result, but it can be deemed a right-hand symbol to begin with, and should be suspect with the Mus / Meshwesh = mythical Muses in Patmos. RasMUSSENs share the sinister-rising bend with Rothchilds and Raus', and it's a good bet that Anders Fogh Rasmussen was made the NATO leader a few years back with Rothschilds at least giving the wink. The Quarters not only use an Asclepios rod, but nine STRINGs on their harp. The harp was Apollo's symbol, leader of the nine Muse's. He gave the harp to Orpheus, whose head floated down the Hebros to Lapith-infested Lesbos.

AHH, I have found the blue-on-white chevrons on the floor in the portrait at the Challant article. It's used by Gauchers. The last update found Gaucher II, count of Chatillon. Perfect match. In case it disappears from Wikipedia, here is the portrait from my files:

Gauchers came back to mind only when loading the Couch/Cauch surname just now, as per the "couchant" stag of Higgs!!! It's a perfect match, meaning that "couchant" used by other surnames is a Goucher / Challant code. The Tints, from Tintagel (birth place of king Arthur), use a couchant lion. The Blood stag is said to be "lodged," but Lodge's/Loge's share an upright lion in the colors of the Couch lion. The Toulouse-suspect Tools, and Wallis'/Wallace's, use the lion in these colors.

The Avvites were suspect with mythical Abas of Euboea, the founder of Abantians there, whom were traced to Bantia and Amantia in the Avvite-suspect Apsus-river theater, and here one can add that Tints were traced to the ATINTanes (light map), smack at the south side of the Apsus.

There were one or two good reasons for tracing Ore's to Oricum, beside Amantia. For one, Ore's share red roundels with Bullis'/Bullards/Bulwards while there is a Bullis location on the Aous/Aeas river, river of Atintanes, and smacking of mythical Aea, home of the Colchian golden fleece. The Ore's were also suspect at the Orbelus mountains, part of the mount Dunax peak. This is very interesting because "Dunax" traces to Avith, the Edomite-ruled capital of Avvites. It suggests that DUNax was named after an n-version of "Edom," for Dunax-rooted Duncans use the donkey surname, represented by the donkey in the heraldry of their Chamberlain kin. Esau, whose name is expected to have formed an initial tribe, may have evolved into "Aous/Aeas" (not putting much stock in that idea). As king of Edom, Esau was a Hebrew (didn't quite make it to being an Israelite proper), explaining why Dunax and Orbelus are areas beside the Rhodope mountains, an apt term for some red, like Edom (said to mean, red). Mythically, Rhodope was mother of Hebros and Kikon. But why Kikon too, instead of another people group of the Hebros river? Can't Kikons be Gog liners to Gouchers, Couch's, Gouche's/Googe's and Goughs/Goffs? The latter two (in Hagar colors) use boars, said (in the book of Enoch, if I recall correctly) to be a symbol of Edom.

The ancient boar symbol of Edom is specified as a black one, found in the Crest of Gareb-suspect Harveys. As these Harveys are suspect with Bellamys, the French Harveys (Ile-de-France) are expected to be using a version of the Macey Coat. As I trace Harveys to Harbiye (Syria), also called Daphne, they are expected from the other Daphne at Laish, the line to the Lys rivers. But the Panias location beside Laish is now tracing to the Poeninus at the Bernard Pass (i.e. the area overlooks Sion), where the Bononia / Pannonia Boii are expected, whom should be in the bon-like terms of the Ore motto. Bellamys can be of mythical Belus/Belas, father of Danaus, and much like "Bullis." The proto-Danaans of Tanis (PELUSium) are a line to the Laish Danites, in my opinion, and possibly to OrBELUS." Danaus' brother was made Aegyptus, a play on Egypt, apparently, so that the important code (for specifics) is Aegyptus' only-surviving son, Lynceus, who traced to Lyncestis, smack at the Boius / Bantia / Apsus theater! Danaus was made part of the line to mythical Phoenix Phoenicians, at Panias, in my opinion.

The dark map has the Orbelus term in small print at the land of OdoMANTI, whom are themselves on the north side of Edones, whom had a Sithones tribe possibly from the Sidonians of Laish. "Edones" may be another n-version "Edom," and expected to be from PosEIDON, son of Phoenix. If I recall correctly, "Phoenikia," when using the ancient-Greek numeral system, added up to 666. It suggested, perhaps, that the 666 lovers were a line through Europa. Was she Coronis on Patmos? Ask Cronus, father of Zeus, who took Europa to Crete. Or was it Caphtor? Compare "Capht" to "Egypt," asking whether the Avvites of AVITH, suspect with "CAPHT," were in mythical Aegyptus. As Curetes of Crete (ten at one time, then reduced to nine) are said to have been kin of Telchines of Rhodes, note that one myth, at least, had the Danaus-line Danaans on Rhodes before they migrated to Argos. And when they went to Argos, they were amongst Io, the white cow = the white bull = Zeus who took Europa to Crete. In this picture, where Avvites were in Aegyptus, yet living where the Philistines lived, PELUSium (Nile delta) may have been a PHILIStine entity.

Where was I? Oh, yes, the black Harvey boar, making Edomites suspect in Harbiye, in Seir suspect Syria, a city that would become Antioch as per the proto-antiChrist of Daniel 8 and 11. The HARVeys came to mind when loading the Howks/Hooks (probably the Masci fleur-de-lys) as per the Gowk variation of Gooch's/Googhs. I had read that "hook" was a gog-like term, which enlightened me on the use of "hook" in Ezekiel's Magog-Gog-Rosh-Meshech prophecy. That's why the Howks/Hooks are likely using the Masci fleur. The Howks/Hooks are said to descend largely from HERVicus and Richard Hoc (1218). This reminds that the pilgrim's staves of Hawks (with an 'a') is expected to be part code for PilGRIMs, suspect with COCK-related GRIMaldi's.

The Hawks may apply to the Howks, which then brings one to the hawk of Rosh-suspect Munroe's, and the Turul hawk of Magog-suspect Magyars, the latter descended from king Arpad (like "harp"), himself from the harp-depicted Charops > Oeagrus > Orpheus bloodline. It was a mythical line, and it was from Arvad/Arpad of Syria, near Oeagrus-like Ugarit, the proto-Ugrians that are known to have formed the Magyar language group. Wikipedia says that the peoples of Arpad (an island), which the Greeks called, Arados, name Tartus, on-shore from Arpad. This is the place like "Tartak," the name of the Avvite donkey god, as well as like "Tartarus," the mythical underground suspect with the Abaddon's bottomless abyss.

Next, to my amazement, the Hooks are said to have formed "Tooke" from a 14th-century "Atte Hooke" name. This might just explain the naming of the Touques river, important because the Gace location there was suspect with my view of Gog from king Gugu/Gyges, whom I trace to the Yuya Mitanni. But Gace is at the north side of the Perche hills, and these were home to Bellamys i.e. that share the Howk/Hook fesse! Munroe's use an eagle PERCHING. As I trace the Took/Touque/Tolkien surname to Teague's/Teegers, while the latter link to tiger-using Hobs/Habs, by what coincidence do the latter use hawks? It appears that the Hob hawks are code for the Howk/Hook bloodline. The Mitanni-suspect Medleys (share bars gemel with Mitanni-suspect Gace's) use a tiger too. As the tiger was suspect with "TIGRanes," by what coincidence did he rule Armenia i.e. location of Lake Van?

Tooks list "Tolkien," like "Telchines" of Rhodes, an island that can be named after Arados (I'm seeing red again, even as we find in the Munroe write-up). So, one can trace the Danaans of Rhodes, now being lumped in with the Aegyptus-Avvite theory, and trace them to Rhodes through Arados / Tartus. One can expect the Rosh in this, especially as Cimmerians came to rule the Lake-Van lands of king Rusa while Rhodes had an important Kamiros location, just like "Gamir," an old name for Cimmerians...suspect with the Gomer part of Ezekiel's Gog prophecy. It can appear that the 666 line went through this Gogi-related Rhodes to the Cecil-Rhodes Round-Table Illuminati. It just so happens that current Russian interests in Syria have much to do with their naval base at Tartus. It is being stocked with men and weapons as we speak.

Kamiros is linkable to the Chimera dragon (Lycia, beside Rhodes) that had a war against Bellerophon and Pegasus, suspect with the Bellamy-Massey relationship. The Tooks have a motto looking like it traces to Miletus, near Rhodes. The Telchines were traced by myth writers to Telchis of Sicyon, a town on the outskirts of Corinth, i.e. the Coronis / fleece liners, right? BelleroPHON (Phoenician suspect) was descended from SISYphus, mythical king of Corinth, code for SICYon. The Sinclairs, from Clarus, near Miletus, are said to derive from the Touques-river area of l'Eveque. Vecks, in case they apply, were first found in the same place as the English Rhodes'.

The Round Table of the Rhodians is expected with the Rounds (roundels) and Rundels/Roundells, the latter first found in the same place (Kent) as Tooks. Rundels share the Alan fesse, and some Alans are expected with Bellamy-related Alencon. The Arundels were first found in the same place (Suffolk, beside Kent) as roundel-using Bullis'/Bulwards, expected from Bullis, near Aulon/Avlona. Bullis' are expected with the Annas star because the Arniss variation of Annas' can be from the Arnissa river not far up the Illyrian coast from Bullis. The Annas'/Arniss' were first found in the same place as 666-suspect Strings, and the latter are said to be descended from a Fulk character at Eaton, who held there as per Roger de BULLY (Quince mascles?).

Whatever the Strings were, they are now being viewed as fundamental kin to stringed hunting horns (shared by Bullock-suspect Pollocks), which speaks to Huntingdon and/or Orne liners. Ada of Warenne-Huntingdon was in Surrey, beside the Kent-Suffolk theater. The Pollock saltire is shared by Scottish Hearts while Bullys use a "heart in flames." As the first Pollock was in cahoots with Alans of Dol, there is a good argument here for tracing Pollocks to Bullis and Aulon. But as Pollocks and Alans must trace to Pula/Pola on Istria, and while Istria liners are suspect at the Stur river (location of Poole), I'd say that Strings were Istria / Stur liners. The "STRike" motto of Hawks may indicate Istria liners too. Hawkeswells/Haukeswells were first found in the same place as Arundels / Bullis', and the Haukeswell axes trace to the Axe river, home of Were's now tracing to Fier county at the mouth of the Apsus river i.e. smack beside Bullis.

As the Howk/Hook write-up suggests the Hoke name of Saxons, the Maccus-viking alliance with Saxons comes back to mind, for as that alliance is suspect with Side's/Siders/Sudys, the latter share the spread eagles in the same colors as the Strings. As Side's/Sudys are kin of Seaton-obvious Sutys, it's expected to be a line to Sitten, which is near a Saxon location, itself near the mouth of a river flowing from the Bernard pass. Bernards share white scallops with Meschins and Hykes/Hacks, and Italian Bernards are the Aaron suspects traceable, tentatively, anyway, to Arun and it's Arundel entity.

The first Sutton on record, according to the write-up of Suttons, was Roland, son of Hervey. As Harbiye = Daphne can trace to Daphne at Laish, this can tend to prove that Sittens / Suttons were from Sithones and/or the Sidonians of Laish. It bears repeating here that while Harbiye was traced to mount Gareb, the latter was traced to "Jerevan" location of Soducena, itself near GOGarene (see old map.

Humbert I of Savoy supplied the Challant rulers (i.e. Higgs bloodline) with their authority in the first place, while roundel-using Humberts (Took colors) are listed with Humbers/Umbers (Cimmerian suspects) sharing three fesses in the colors of the same of Medley-related Methleys. The Humbert/Humber Crest even shares a white griffin head with Tooks. The latter's "mea" motto term can be for Mea's/Meighs using the same cross as the Arms of Savoy, and the Savoy surname. The Higgs and Hicks may even be a branch of Hooks / Tooks, therefore, or, at least, by the looks of it, they are expected in a merger. The Took Coat looks like a cross between the Coats of Strings and Camps (same place as Methleys), and the green color of the String-Crest griffin head is that of the Hungarian Leslie's.

If it appears that the namers of Washington are part of the 666 liners, it's expected. This was Rosicrucian-Gog in your face, America, pretending to be a good thing but hungry for unbridled money and power...until it can rule the stars unopposed. The Armageddon scenario predicts that Russia, a rosy branch, we may assume, won't allow American to have its way. A fatal / incurable rift, apparently, based on competition to raise their thrones above the stars of God, will lead to Armageddon. Never in the past were American leaders beset by the imminent prospect of going to war against Russia, as they are now in Syria. The Cold War threatened, but a hot war was not manifest. When Russia took parts of Georgia, Bush and Obama held back. But Syria looks like push will come to shove between the super powers, needing a remedy.

I'd like to go back to the Eaton location of the Howks/Hooks. Eatons (same place as Masseys / Meschins) were suspect with the Coat of Hykes'/HACKs (share black scallops with Edens), first found in the same place (Devon) as Howks/Hooks. As the Hykes'/Hacks are fully expected with the Samson / Meschin scallops, it's another reason to view the Hook/Howk fleur as the Masci fleur. The axes of Axelrods/HAXwells/HAWKESwells suggest the Axe river i.e. beside Devon. The HAUKeswell variation may be a branch of CHAUCers and Chalkers, both first found in Kent (same place as Hook-suspect Tooks), and suspect ultimately from Chalchis of Euboea i.e. potential Avvites liners to the Apsus river. The TORToise of Chaucers may even be for a surname from "Tartus." The "tort" using HAUGHts/HOCtors (same place as Eatons), in HACK colors, and using a bull as potential code for Bullis / Bully / Bullock liners, were suspect with the Humbert/Humber bars.

Now as Chives' are suspect from the Avvite-suspect Cavii, let's repeat that Chives' (same place as Hykes/Hacks) are sharing the Quadratus-suspect quadrants of Hykes/Hacks. Ironically, while Abaddon suspects are tracing to 666 / Gog / anti-Christ liners, yet Revelation makes Abaddon the destroyer of those who have the mark of the beast. It'll be dragon versus dragon, brother versus brother, when mother-ship Rhodians spin out of control.

Although the word, Aosta, has not been mentioned throughout this Howk/Hook topic, it started with the Higgs of Aosta (Challant), where Humberts/Humbers/Umbers may trace. They are suspect from Italy's Umbria...and CUMBERland, where Bernice's were first found that use a fesse in colors reversed from the Howk/Hook fesse. And while Hooks are expected all the way back to Rhodes, that's where Cimmerian-suspect Umbers / Cumbers can trace, for Cimmerians named Cymbri-and-similar terms. The Quadratus-suspect SALfords/Savards, using boar heads in the colors of the Salens/Salemans/Salians (for an apparent trace to Aosta's Sale liners), had their titles pass from Drakelows to Herveys (listed with Harveys). Salins is in the same area (Wallis) as Sion/Sitten. The Huberts, potential Humbert liners, share the Sale bend, apparently. It evokes Hubert de Burgh when Burghs were traced to Alice of Montferrat.

The "COLENdo" motto term of Huberts may speak to the Chalons / Challant bloodline. In fact, I now see Colens/Colins/Colans (Joseph martlets?) with the same bend as French Chalons/Challants! It tends to equate Humberts with Huberts, having the effect of linking Humbert I of Savoy to Humber-river Saxons (Lincolnshire theater). As Irish Colens/Hollys share Melusine with Walsers, it speaks for itself for a trace to Aosta's Wallis liners (or a Humbert link to Wallis liners of some sort). But the other Hollys are suspect with the bend of Plunketts, and Plancia Magna's line(s) has already traced to Aosta. The Lents suspect in the Plunkett motto can be Lindens/Lintons (Chatan roses?) and Lindseys (Stewart checks), who named Lincolnshire's earlier name, Lindsey. The Lindsey-surname swan is the swan once showing in the French Joseph Coat that now shows the Colen/Colan martlet. Very Interesting, for Plancia Magna was traced to the Bassus' that I think may have birthed Joseph Caiaphas.

English Lindens use leopard faces as code for Face's/Fessys, the latter using the same cross as Savoy, and tracing well to Fes' with the same bend as Colins/Colens. It looks like we have found the Lent kin of the Plancia-Magna line. Dutch Lindens can be construed with the Savoy cross in gold, or the Burgh cross in colors reversed. The Huberts use white-on-black crescents, the colors of the same of Motts/Mottins suspect with Moutiers of Savoy, tending to corroborate a Hubert trace to Humbert of Savoy. Motts were first found in the same place as the Meu river suspect with the Mea's that use the same cross as Savoy. The Montfort location of the Meu traces to Montforts sharing the Wallis lion. The Meu is near Dol, evoking the Allein location of Aosta, near to the Savoy border.

Also, while Beaks use the same Coat (almost) as Humberts/Humbers, and moreover put a gold lion face upon it (color of the English-Linden face), the Scottish Lindens put an acorn in the BEAK of a eagle head erased. Beaks were first found partly in Kent, where Caesars were first found that use what looks like a version of the Scottish-Linden Coat. I say Caesars were Casey liners to Khazars, and then Caseys use the eagle head too.

The Colens/Colins/Colans were even first found in Shropshire (beside Huberts and Sale's), where Rothes' were first found who have a version of the Hubert / Sale bend. This recalls that MalCOLMs/CALLAMs share the saltire of the Brittany Brians, suspect with the Burgh-Brian merger in Ireland, the one that involved Hubert de Burgh. It also recalls (last update) that while Chalons/Challants share the Porcia bend, the Porchers traced to BURCHARD, a Burgh-Conteville liner.

Joseph Caiaphas thus becomes suspect closely with Plancia Magna and fundamental Lincolnshire liners. The Tailbois' of Lincolnshire are using the ANNAN(dale) saltire, colors reversed from the similar Savoy Cross. It's all good for expecting Lucy Taillebois' from Boii of the Bernard pass, especially as the Tailbois Chief (Saxons) shares white scallops with Bernards. The Shield-and-Chief color combination of Tailbois' is shared by the Arms of Challant, and the Tailbois are, surely, from Tilurius-river / QuadrAttila liners, for Tillers share the Meschin Coat while the first-known Meschin married Lucy Taillebois. Le Meschin;s father, Briquessart, this traces well with Bricks and Brecks / Bracks to Brac, an island out from the mouth of the Tilurius.

Brecks use the ANTELope for a trace to Antalya, right beside Perga. As Brac was also, Brattia, it's notable that Belgian Pratts use the Annandale saltire in the colors used for it by Bruce's and Ayrshire. The Pratt write-up mentioned Godfrey de Bouillon as marquis of ANTwerp, suggesting that the Pratt / Annandale saltire is a version of the Eustace / Burgh cross.

With de-Bouillon tracing to Bononia, home of the Pasi's/Pace's that share the crossed spears of Spears up beside Ayrshire, it's notable that Line's/Linds (Ayrshire), in Linden colors, share "vireSCIT" with Brocks, while Brocuffs/Procks share the SKIT cross. It's debatable as to whether Bricks / Brocuffs (share a Shield-and-Chief color combination) trace to Brac, but I think they trace to Brogitarus, ancestor of the Bassianus' on the Tilurius. And that's the line that I say was engaged by Lent-loving Plunkett liners.

Back to the Higg write-up, which says that "Hegge" is a variation of the term. The Hedge's are listed with Hegge's (Hagar colors), implying that the hedgehogs of Berone's/Byrums are involved. Hegge's/Hedge's were first found in the same place as the Touque's. The Hegge/Hedge Coat has swans in Hagar colors, and the red Higg stag head is that also of Celts/Colts, first found in the same place (Perthshire) as Hagars. Just before loading the Hegge's, I was wondering whether the Hegge stag head was that of Reeds, and when the Higge Coat appeared, it seemed correct that Hegge's were using a version of the Ready Coat. Therefore, the Hagar-suspect Higgs were close to the Reed / Roet bloodline.

The "aye ready" motto phrase of the Readys should therefore be for the Challant-AYmaville branch of the Challant rulers, which I'm assuming was named after Aimone. This lucky strike tends to prove that Higgs were from the Higgs of Challant, which tends to assure that the Hykes/Hake's apply. If they were all branches of Hagars (Hague colors), then they should trace to the old AGARus (now the Siret) river, up in the area of COGaeonus and ANGUStus, which can explain why Readys were first found in ANGUS (beside the stag-head Reeds that share the colors and format of Higgs / Hykes' / Caseys. This is making sense. The Caseys are thrown in there because Reeds share the red eagle with Caseys. The Reeds above use "labore" while the Dee's use "HIC labor," clinching Dee's with the Higgs / Hykes', and assuring that Hegge's were indeed a branch of Higgs while Readys were indeed a branch of Reeds while Reeds were in fact merged closely with Higgs. It tends to assure further that Higgs / Challant elements were tied to Wallis canton's Sion liners, not forgetting that Sion should trace to mount Sion of Phoenicia, expected with Laish's Levite liners.

Scottish Reeds and Dee's were first found in the same place (Aberdeenshire) as a Dee river, as well as some elite Hungarians that had been Kabars/Khazars, not to mention that the proto-Hungarian Magyars were allies to the Hun-related Khazars, important where the Higg stags are suspect with those of Hun-suspect Bloods. I see "ABERDEEN" named after KABARDINo, north-CAUSasus home of the Kabars said to have been a break-away tribe of Khazars. The Hungarians (as "On-Ogur") were depicted with ten arrows (= seven Magyar, and three Kabar, tribes), and the Kabar liners may have used three arrows, as is my theory, or, in some cases, just one arrow, as is in the red stag of the Higg Crest. It tends to mean that Kabars were at Sion (i.e. with the Walsh arrow), and with the Sions/Swans (swans in Ready / Hegge-swan colors). It may reveal that Magyars, between their Ukrainian homeland and proto-Hungary (Pannonia, where Attila had ruled), were on the Agarus river.

There are things to be spotted in this. First, the Munroe-Crest "eagle" design is identical, including the brown color, of the "falcon" in the English Reed Crest. It shows what seems logical, that the same symbol goes by different names depending on who the kin were. Falcon's were kin of Sions/Swans, you see. The blue-on-white chevron of Burns ("ever READY"), which the Falcons are apparently using, may be the chevron on the floor of the Challant portrait. Burns share the Bernard fleur for a good trace to the Bernard Pass, smack at the Sion theater. It suggests that the line of Berenice Agrippa was there, but then the Burns (no string) and Bernice's (string) share black hunting horns with Trabys. These are lines suspect from Burnum, near the source of the Attila-suspect Tilurius. The "vincit" motto term of Bernice's can trace to SAVA-river liners (Sions/SWAns included?) of the Valentinian kind. Burns use a chevron in colors reversed from the Sion/Swan chevron, the one with falconer's gloves.

Hague's/Haigs (Roque rock) share the crescent of French Falcons, first found in the same place as Roque's and Roquefeuil. The Russells (whose goat?), expected from Roussillon in the Roquefeuil area, trace to Rozala of Ivrea i.e. on the Bautica flowing from Aosta. The Walsers of Aosta use the goat, and Russells use an upright lion colors reversed from the same of Wallis'/Wallace's.

The Eagle's are likely a branch of Hagels, and the latter can connect well with the 666-suspect Astikas' (reasons not re-explained here); the latter had merged with Traby of Poland. The 666-suspect Casey leaves are in the Hagel Crest, as well as the Oliver Crest, and the latter two look to be using versions of one-another's chevrons. English Hagels were first found in the same place as Roets and Battins/Badens while German Hagels (black eagle in Crest) were first found in Baden, home of the Zahringers suspect with the HATCHet-using Zerrs/Zehrers, and it just so happens that Hatchets/Hackets (black eagle in Crest) and Hatch's (Brunswick lions) also HACKets and HACCH's respectively. Just trace to the Hykes/Hacks, first found beside Battins/Badens and Hatch's/Hacchs. Hatchets/Hackets share fish (in Hagar / Haige / Hagan colors) with Hykes'/Hake's.

While Zahringers founded Berne, that's near Kyburg, the Arms of which is where the Coat of German Hagels trace. The Swiss Berne's, where you can read concerning the Zahringers, are using a bend in the colors of the Porcia / Chalons/Challant bend, and in the colors of the Brunswick / Hatch lions, making Brunswick suspect as a Berne- / Burn / Bernard-Pass-related entity. Berne's use half the Reed saltire while Battins/Badens were first found in the same place (Somerset) as Roets (share the book with Reeds).

Eagle's/Hegels (same place as Rhodes') are using a SIX-lion version of the Cecil and Savage Coats, and sharing the lion paw in Crest with the Savage Crest. Savage's were first found in the same place as the other Dee river, and the Dee branch there.

Munroe's were traced to the Huns, but this was recently. Years ago, when seeking the root of Khazars, it was predicted that proto-Caseys would be at their root i.e. before the year 400 AD. Eventually, the Khazars were pegged (not clinched) with the Caesar surname of Rome, which may be the proto-Caesar surname, first found in Kent, and using two sets of Roe- / Rhodes- / Reed- / Rose-suspect roses. Attila's father, MUNDzuc, is suspect with Mund / Mind / Mynett liners, the Mynetts first found in the same place as Caesars. English Reeds were first found in the same place as RODhams and the Stevenson/Stave kin of Hawks ("pilgrim staves"), a surname that can trace to STEPHANTsminda, a location on the Terek river (Caucasia), where proto-Khazars are said to have had a capital. What's the MINDa for?

English Stevens, first found in the same place (Gloucestershire) as the Letts who in-turn share the Reed saltire, use falcons. German Stevens/Stephansens/Stilphens share the Garland and Walker pale bars, the Walkers being the line from Plancia Magna to the Wallis / Sion area. They are also the Stur bars while Strings are suspect with Stur liners, from Istria, smack beside the Kupa river. I traced STAR Trek to the Terek river, for that show was produced by Gene RODDENbury, listed with the Stevenson-related Rodhams (same place as Stevensons, both share the same bend). Captain Kirk, Spock, Klingons, Starship Enterprise, and Scotty are all suspect as further codework.

The Stevenson bend was traced to the Valentin bend, and the Valentinian family (kin of Sirets/Sirons that link to Eagle's / Hagels) had some engagement (some of it perhaps unknown by historians) with the Attila / Bleda Huns. Not far from where Valentins (Sava-area liners) were first found (Lake-Van suspect Venetio), there is a Bled location at the source of the Sava river, near the Leslie-suspect Lesce location, both not far north of the Kupa/Colapis river to which the "copia" motto term of Reeds should trace. This reminds of the blue-on-white chevrons on the floor in the portrait at the Challant article, for the Cope's/Colps (Aberdeenshire) and Copps both use such a chevron along with roses.

The Lawrence's, who use a "Be Ready" motto, use a ragully cross that links excellently to the same in the Arms of COLchester, a very good thing because Colchester not only traced to "Colapis," but the ancestry of Quintus Caepio is expected from the Kupa while Quints were first found in the same place as Colchester, beside the first Capone's. And while Quints share the lion paw with the 666-suspect Eagle's/Hegels, the Higgs / Reeds / Caseys / etc. share a red chevron with Quints. The Roman Caesar family was suspect with one of the Junia Caepionis' in a line to Joseph Caiaphas, that's what this is all about. Lawrence's were first found in the same place (Lancashire) as an early Reed family, and as Berone's/Byrums (kin of English Barone's), the one's with the hedgeHOGs, part-code for Hegge's/Hedge's. Barone's share annulets in the colors of the same of magna-using Walkers. Hoggs, whose "gloria" motto term is possible code for Lawrence-suspect Lowrys/Glorys / Laurie's, list "Hogue."

The TAIL of the Lawrence-Crest turbot fish may suggest Tails/Tailers / Tillers from the Tilurius. The Tailbois' are using the Annandale Coat, which traces to Ananes Gauls at Placentia. The Angusta-suspect Cabbage's (same place as Sava-suspect Quincys (the Kupa is a Sava tributary) share the Tiller lion, and Tills / Tillers are expected with "Attila". A trace of the Julius-Caesar line to Quadratilla / Laevillus can explain Attila ancestry in it. They say the blue wolf (the Arms of Placentia uses one) was a symbol of certain Mongolians (not sure whether I agree), while the claim is that the Attila Huns were from Mongolia way (that's how the blue wolf may wrongly have been traced to Mongolians). I think it's a good suspicion that the blue wolf goes back to Lupus Laevillus. The Placentia wolf is colors reversed from the Este eagle.

The "Dread GOD" motto term of Munroe's can now be deemed part-code for the Goths using the Zionist star of Hagar(d)s. The "Dread" term (brings up no surname) may be for a Ready branch, or some French version of d'Reed.

With Hegge's now firmly established as a line from the Higgs foundations of Challants, kin of Porci-related Chatillons, it's interesting that Hoggs/Hogue's share the black boar with Porcia's. The Hogg-related Berone's/BYRums suggest that Barone's, one branch of which was first found in the same place as Bruno's, had merged with a BYR-like family. The Byers happen to use footless martlets in the colors of the same of Bellamy-related Harveys (Arve river beside Aosta). As Bellamys use the Seaton/Sitten crescents, so Byers (Sion/Swan chevron?) were first found in the same place (East Lothian) as Seatons. Byers are traced to "David LINDSAY of the Byres." While the Glass and Glasgow surnames were suspect as a hard version of "Valais/Wallis," the Byer write-up mentions a famous street, Byres Road, in Glasgow. It can indicate that Byers are using the Paisley chevron for a trace to Pasi/PACE liners...suspect with Vespasia Polla at proto-Reed Rieti. Ladys/Laudymans are suspect with the Coat of Anchors honored in the Paisley anchor.

It just so happens that Henry I of Chatillon married firstly a daughter of Alberic de PACY and Montjay. She was mother to Gaucher II as well as to Renaud de Chatillon, said to be a prince of Templar Antioch, the city once called, Harbiye / Daphne. Might not the Payens (first found in Dauphine), in Harvey colors, have been involved with this old Daphne location?

The above reminds that Ladys/Laudymans -- kin of Glass', and in the "Lord" motto term of Glasgows -- share annulets in the colors of the same of Barone's, a good reason to view Byers as the Byrums with which Barone's merged. Lauds/Lords ("LET" motto term) use the Ampton cinquefoil while Ladys/Laudymans were first found in NorthAMPTONshire. Clinched.

Glass' share Melusine with Walsers, for a Glasgow trace to Aosta, perhaps even the Lys valley of Aosta, for the Glasgow motto term, "FLOURish," may be for Fleur liners. The "BLACK fish" of Glasgows are likely code for Blacks who share the Glass stars, but then Blake's are also Caddels, suspect with Chatillon liners! The Glasgow chevron happens to be yet another blue-on-white one suspect with the Challant floor tiles, you see. Are these tiles perhaps code for Tile/Tiller liners? German Tile's/Tillers happen to use annulets half in the colors of the Lady/Laudyman annulets!! This is badly needed to clinch Glass liners with "Wallis." Hmm, Fleurs/Florida's share vair fur with the counts of Chatillon (France).

There is a Tyle location beside ancient Cabyle (Tonzus river), where the Tous'/TONSO's trace that are in the Berone/Byrum motto. As Byers are said to be from a Mr. Lindsey, see the stringed hunting horn of Dutch Fleurs (Ferrens / Fire colors) with what may be the Lindsey / Fer checks in the Chief. I'm thinking that this is the hunting horn used by counts of Orange, for the Cavaillon area near Orange is suspect with "Cabyle." I wonder whether the Cavari, assumed by historians to have named Cavaillon, were Kabars of the Hungarian kind? Dutch Fleurs can link to the Dutch Nassau's. Tous' are also "Tosini" and therefore suspect with Taddei's/Tadini's, first found in Fleur-suspect Florence with Bruno's and Barone's. Barone liners are expected to the Bars of Lorraine, where Crispins/Crepins/Crepys were first found that married Henry I of Chatillon at the time that Normans were infiltrating Italy.

The Lady-suspect Barone's are the ones sharing the blue boar in Crest with Vere's, used in gold by Weirs/Vere's, the latter sharing the stars of the Verres'/Verrets (suspect from Aosta's Verres location using vair fur), said to be from Aveyron, a location apparently named by Vere's. The Creuse area beside Aveyron traces to mythical Creusa at Agrigento, location of the Drago river. The Lady-related Anchors are suspect with a version of the Arms of Agrigento. Aveyron, they say, is the same as Auvergne, where Bautica-river Bauts were first found, and Verres is on the Bautica river. Safe to say, the Fleurs are actually traceable to the Lys tributary of the Bautica, tending to confirm that the fleur-de-lys is double code...for Laish liners, right? The Auvergne's were first found in Dauphine, roughly where Mathis' were first found who trace to Lissus off the Mathis river. Hugh de Payens can trace to Payens, first found in Dauphine, where the pheons of Lords/Lauds / Pilate's trace i.e. to Mont Dauphine, where Herod Archelaus came to line. This is Templar make-up, in Lys liners.

What was the Bouillon-Auvergne connection? Godfrey de Bouillon was born to a family near or at the Lys river of Artois, and Bouillons were likewise first found in Auvergne. The Auvergne surname uses a Shield filled with fleur-de-lys, and, on top of it, the Chatan tower, I presume. The Chatan-suspect Porci's were traced to the bend of Fes', first found in Auvergne. Chambre's (Savoy, same place as Chambre) use a Shield filled with fleur in the colors of the same of Auvergne's, and the Blois', kin of Chatillon, were on the Ark river, location of Chambre. Chambery is nearby on the Isere river that flows to where Herod Archelaus lived (in Vienne, the Dauphine capital). Is anyone listening? The "nos" motto term of Chambre's is suspect with Nassau liners in cahoots with Orange's, and Besancons, first found near Mont Pilate share billets with Nassau's and the Arms of Roquefeuil. The latter location is virtually at Narbonne while Narbonne's/DeNordi's share the Auvergne / Chatan tower.

While writing here, Overs came to mind as a possible Auvergne branch, at which time the following was inserted above immediately after the mention of the Caseys using the Oliver leaves, and the mention of the Olive's sharing a greyhound linkable to Schutz's: "The Crest of Overs shares the Oliver-Crest leaves, suggesting that Overs (from Over, held by Hugh Lupus) may have been a short-form for "Oliver." Olfords/Holfords just came to mind, and they happen to share the black greyhound (both Crest and Shield) with Olive's, while the Olford-Crest greyhound head is in the design of the Schutz Crest. Alfreds may be using a version of the Guido Coat. Were Alfreds / Alfords / Olfords all a branch of Olivers???" The Alfords were looked up to find a black boar head in Crest linkable to the same of Booths, who came to mind because ArBUTHnotts ("Laus" motto term) are said to be at least associated with OLIFards/OLIPHards/Oliphants...who trace to the Elaphiti islands smack beside Laus = Ragusa.

Arbuthnotts were Bothwell liners, and therefore Bute / Boet / Boetus = Sadducee suspects. Bothwells use the boy, and were suspect recently with the Buthier river of Aosta, from the area of the Poeninus range...very linkable to Levi-of-Laish liners, and so note that Laus entity of Arbuthnotts. The complication here is that while Oliphards are suspect from Eliphas, Olivers are being considered as Levi liners. Perhaps the two merged and created surname variations that make for a headache to explain. Alfords can be suspect with the Albert links to Guido's, and Alberts happen to use a savage with a sledge hammer OVER the shoulder.

Overs use "a gold BIRD rising," suggesting the Bouillon-related Birds/Burds. The full description is: "A gold bird rising, with red beak and claws, and an OLIVE branch in the mouth." The Branch surname is suspect with "Avrances," the surname of Hugh Lupus said to have ruled Over (Cheshire). Claws'/Clasons can be suspect with Glass liners of the Clausula-river kind, linking therefore to Lady Fortune and her Klassens, and to the Fortuna's suspect with the greyhound-suspect Hun surnames. Fortuna's, that is, use a talbot in the colors of the Hun talbot / greyhound, and the Fortuna talbot is upright, as is the Grey and Claws lion. Claws' (Santa-Claus colors) are traced to a Santa CLAUS theme, subtly (see Santa Claus last update).

Blue Negroes Bla Bla Bla

Miss Florida egged me on again on dark Nordics. This time, Negro vikings were the topic. She sent me to a Googe-results page that had some exaggerations on the extent of Negro genes with viking groups. Some of these writers mention the "dark Danes" that Britannica's Viking article mentions, but that phrase alone doesn't necessarily indicate full Negro skin. There is a red or olive skin too that is a darkened white. In any case, some writers were using the bla term to envision Negroes, and while "bla" means "blue," one article even mentioned blue-black skin. This brought the Danish king to mind, BLAtand, said to mean "blue tooth," but I'm not very agreeable to that unless it pertains to the blue wolf symbol. It's logical. However, "Blatand" can have a suffix that gives the word the meaning of, "bluish," or "blued out." One writer thinks: "I'm missing here a reference to the fact that Europeans who were brown or black of complexion were called Blue Men. Hence their descendants called themselves Blue Bloods, the highest nobility." That sounds like a proud and biased statement, but the point is taken that, maybe, "blue blood" was North-African. I usually see Stewarts in blue blood, and they, as Alan Huns, were factually in North Africa as early as the 5th century. And the blue wolf of Huns is of course a feasible Alan-Hun theme. But "blue blood" may have other definitions aside from dark or blue-black skin.

Why would "blue" become a color of choice for dark skin? The page with the quote above even mentions a website, Are ideas like this desperate claims from Negro writers who wish to reinvent the viking? Some rebuffs: "Blamen means blue men, not black men. Blue could very well reference to their eye color since 99% of Scandinavians have blue eyes." I can imagine a bluish skin that isn't Negroid, though perhaps from a longish / strongish, Negro genetic element from way back.

I then came across Philippa of Hainaut, said to be a Negro. Here is the ancient quote:

Philippa was the daughter of William of Hainault, a lord in part of what is now Belgium. When she was nine the King of England, Edward II, decided that he would marry his son, the future Edward III, to her, and sent one of his bishops, a Bishop Stapeldon, to look at her. He described her thus:
"The lady whom we saw has not uncomely hair, betwixt blue-black and brown. Her head is cleaned shaped; her forehead high and broad, and standing somewhat forward. Her face narrows between the eyes, and the lower part of her face is still more narrow and slender than the forehead. Her eyes are blackish brown and deep. Her nose is fairly smooth and even, save that is somewhat broad at the tip and flattened, yet it is no snub nose. Her nostrils are also broad, her mouth fairly wide. Her lips somewhat full and especially the lower lip…all her limbs are well set and unmaimed, and nought is amiss so far as a man may see. Moreover, she is brown of skin all over, and much like her father, and in all things she is pleasant enough, as it seems to us."

Four years later Prince Edward went to visit his bride-to-be and her family, and fell in live with her. She was betrothed to him and in 1327, when she was only 14, she arrived in England. The next year, when she was 15, they married and were crowned King and Queen in 1330 when she was heavily pregnant with her first child and only 17. This first child was called Edward, like his father, but is better known as the Black Prince. Many say that he was called this because of the colour of his armour, but there are records that show that he was called 'black' when he was very small. The French called him 'Le Noir'.

Yet, the article with the quote has a painting of Philippa, and she's pure white skinned with black hair, as though there were some who wanted to hide her Negroid reality. Convinced from this quote that she was Negroid, I started to wonder as per my own work, and HAINaut brought Annas of Israel to mind, whose name I trace to the same entity that named Hannibal. Annas' father, Seth, is expected in the Seth variation of Shaws, from the Shawia Numidians, smack in North Africa. Plus, Hannibal invaded the Trebbia river, the mouth area of which was home to Ananes Gauls, wherefore I suspected that Hannibal was related to them. It's the Placentia location at the mouth of the Trebbia that has the blue wolf symbol.

When we go to the Sewards, from Siward of Northumberland (I think), whom I trace to Swietoslawa, they use blue leopards (I may have claimed wrongly that they were purple) in the design of the Mosca leopard, and as these Mosca's are in the Drake motto, Mosca's trace well to Mieszko's because they, as dukes of Masovia, used a red-on-white wyvern dragon, symbol of Drake's. Massins/Masons, from the royal Numidians, use a blue lion, as do Louvains that can easily connect with Philippa of Hainaut. The Numidian cavalry, and probably Numidian footmen, were with Hannibal at the war of Trebbia. One can imagine Negro mercenaries joined up for service too...the point being that "Hanni / Ananes / Annas/Hanan," or a related term, came to name HAINaut. It means that I'm highly interested in this topic.

You can bet a good bet that the white Saxon wyvern relates to the red one of Masovia liners, and that the white-Saxon dragon was of the Saxons who merged with the Maccus vikings i.e. from Massey / Mieszko elements. Maccus appears in time (died around 985) exactly during the lifetime of Swietoslawa. Why a RED wyvern? Was it of the Redones of southern France. That's where I traced some Numidians from Cirta. And I traced "Cirta" to "Siret" when catching sight that the Neamt area on the Siret could have been a proto-Numidia term. I didn't clinch that theory, but I still entertain it. The Trypillians of the Siret river are expected in the naming of the Trebbia, and of Traby, Poland, i.e. near Masovia. We are now even on the 666 bloodline to boot. The tail of the Drake wyvern even looks shaped as three 6s.

Last night, while loading some Hain-like surnames, red lions came up, recalling the red lion in the Guerin Chief, for I traced Guerin's ancestry to Kanza of Aures, in the land of the Shawia. There were multiple reasons for this trace, a relevant one being where the Gellone's, suspect with his father William de Gellone, share red-on-gold fleur-de-lys with Barbers, suspect with the North-African Berbers. The Barber Crest is even the bull-head design in the Crest of red-lion Dreux's, the latter suspect with the TOOL (Dol liners?) lion in colors reversed because William of Gellone was a count of TOULouse. Attila was from the House of DULO, a feasible indication that the Alan Huns of Africa were behind the House of Dulo, carrying that name to Dol of Brittany, home of the red-dragon Welsh. The Walsh's honor the Moor-suspect Mortons, first found in the same place as Dreux's, no guff. Mortons even have an early Cheshire presence, where I expect the Maccus vikings and Massena liners together.

IDRis of Morocco, husband of Kanza, was deemed to be in the "ITUR" term buried within the Shaw motto, and as he was from an Arabian / Muslim family in Syria, I traced his name to ITUReans of Lebanon, location of a Massyas region in the ballpark of 100 BC, several centuries before Idris. The Numidians, previous to 100 BC, had two rival and elite tribes by a similar name after which one can expect the naming of "Massena," who rose to become a king of one of these tribes. He is traced viably to Trebbia / Placentia because he joined Scipio, the Roman general that lost the war to Hannibal. Scipio was apparently related to Scipio Africanus (defeated Hannibal). When Scipio lost the Trebbia war, he built Placentia as a fort to house his surviving soldiers. Did Massena marry (or mate with) a daughter or other relative of Scipio? Was this the Bla line? Why do Skiptons use a purple lion? Why do Skippers use besants on a blue-on-white chevron, the colors of the chevrons on the floor of the Challant portrait?

English Barbers, using the same saltire as the Annan(dale)s and Tailbois', were first found in Northumberland, which can have more meaning that linking to Siward there, for it can link also to the Stevensons there, suspect from the Stephantsminda location of the Hun > Khazar line. The Huns became suspect from "Hannibal" after finding stags in four surnames (Anne's/Hanne's, Hanna's, Hands, and Annabels/Hannibals) that seemingly pertained to Hannibal. It dawned on me that the Hungarian stag symbol was indication of an Attila-Hun descent from Hannibal liners, and this can involve the Alan Huns in North Africa, for Attila appeared mere decades after these Alans were there. The Hanna stags happen to be blue, in both colors of the Hand chevron, meaning that the Hand chevron is yet another Challant-floor-chevron candidate. These chevrons were on tiles, suspect with Attila liners, and one Tile/Till surname (axe in Crest, same as Drake's) uses a wyvern. The Tillers / Tailers are suspect as a branch of Tailbois'. Anne's/Hanne's were first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Annandale-related Bruce's (BLUE lion) and Skiptons.

Idris had a capital in Morocco, Fes/Fez, yes, the term that I trace to the Fes surname, first found in Auvergne. This is the line suspect with the Chalons/Challant bend, and therefore connectable to Chatillon liners. The naming of Auvergne is perhaps of "Guerin," but even smacks of AWRaba, a version of "Aures." The Aures surname uses red lions in both the Crest and Shield, no kidding, a good reason to trace the Guerin lion to Aures liners. Perhaps an early version of Aures was the very root of "Vere / Varro / Varus." Vere's lived in Ver, Manche, while Alans Huns in Africa were previously in La Mancha of Spain.

Recalling the theory that Overs were Auvergne liners, it's notable that Overs use a BLUE bend while English Albert use "A savage with a sledge hammer OVER his shoulder." This recalls that I linked Savage's to Russells, the latter first found in the same place (Dorset) as Tile's/Tills. The black lion of Flanders can become suspect with the Negro color of Philippa of Hainaut. The Hainaut's use the Flanders lion (or vice versa), and the Tile/Till wyvern is black too. The Savage's (same place as Masseys who share the Vere quadrants) use black lions, and may be assumed Numidians due to their black lion paw, same color as the lion paw of Kanza-like Quints, first found partly in the same place as Russells, Tile's and black-lion Palins, and partly where Vere's were first found. Sharing the blue bend with Overs are the Fere's/Fears and Charos'/Claro's, both highly linkable to the Drake motto.

The Quint-suspect Quince's were first found in the same place as Fes-suspect Fessys and "angustis"-using Cabbage's while Angusta was up in the Neamt area of the Siret. A good reason for tracing Numidians to "Neamt" is that the Neam/Name surname uses lion heads in both colors of the Massin/Mason lion. I was a little shocked to find, last night, that four lions at each corner of the Shield of William of Hainaut (Philippa's father) are reflective of the four Neam/Name lions. The latter surname was first found in Lincolnshire, same as Tailbois', Rhodes', and HANNitys (a Hainaut-like term if ever we saw one). The Hanna's are said to be from "Hannity-like "Hanneth." The BLUE Neam/Name fesse is highly suspect with the same of Bernice's because Varni were resolved as integral with Agrippa liners.

More stags are found with Irish Name's, who look to be using a version of the Higgs / Reed Coat...with the Casey / Munroe eagle-head design thrown in. Variations of Irish Name's (Annan colors) are like some variations of the Annans. Irish Hannitys use two lion-color schemes (one has red lions, colors of the Rhodes lions)), both on a vertically-split Shield well-reflecting the Fern/Fearn Coat. (ROSS-shire). The Lincolnshire Hannitys use BLUE leopard faces; it's what floored me last night (while first reading the Negro-viking topic) when seeking Hainaut-like surnames.

While I trace the "firme"-like motto terms of Fullers and Bacons to count VRM of Angusta, the Lincolnshire Hannity's use "FIRME"...perhaps indicating the Firmins and Formans were Ferne/Fearne liners. The importance here is that Formans and WORMS/VERMis' share the same green dragon in Crest, while mythical GORM appears to be in the Gorm surname listed with Blue's! It starts to appear that the dark Danes were the Bla / Blue liners, probably married by Swietoslawa (she married Forkbeard). Worms use the same bend as Overs, colors reversed from the Bruno bend, while Formans use the BRUNswick lions, in the colors of the Ferne/Fearne lion.

There is a modern Bacau location in the Neamt part of the Siret that heraldry traces almost-certainly to Bacons and Bakers. While Walsh's and Walkers were traced to Wallachia, at the Bacau-like Buzau river, the Trots (bear), using nearly the Scottish-Walker pale bars, are expected from the Trotus tributary of the Siret, between the Buzau and Bistrita tributaries of the Siret. The Bistrita was suspect with Bissets and Bassets, the Bissets first found in the same place (Ross) as Ferne/Fearne's that share the counterchanged-lion symbolism with Neams/Name's. Counters/Conte's were first found in the same place as the Were river. Bassets share three fesse bars in the colors of the Trot bars (three and three), tending to assure that Bassets were from the namers of the Bistrita, and while the Walker bars got highly suspect with the pale bars of the Chatillon counts, the Bissets use a bend in the colors of the Chatan bend. Why was Chatillon linked to Siret-river Scythians? Was that Gog = the Royal Scythians?

The Walker-like WELKs share the green wyvern with Guerin-suspect Guerra's, perhaps traceable to the green dragons of Worms, and therefore to count Verm. Guerra's is where the Guido's can come in, who use another Redone-suspect red lion. Redones are expected in the red dragon of the Welsh, likely a carry-over from the Chimera dragon of the Cimmerians at Kamiros on Rhodes. The Welsh are said to be from Cimmerians, you see. The Walsh's/Welsh's are kin to goat-using Mortons, and the Chimera had two heads, one of a goat. The Morton goat is expected with the Russell goat, and Roussillon was part of Redone France, suggesting that Russells, and probably the Ross' with a lion in colors reversed, were from Rhodes.

The Guido's/Guis' came to mind last night with the look of the German Hain Coat. English Hains were, like the Hannitys and Rhodes', first found in Lincolnshire. The latter Hains are using someone's two wavy pale bars in BLUE. The expectation is that the Guerra's were Guerin-of-Provence liners, from the Aures Numidians, and merged with the Guidi family when producing Guido Guerra. The line of Hannibal is thus suspect in that picture, where the Hains (Silesia) were kin of Guido's.

The Guido's happen to mention an early FILIPPO Guidotti, linkable, suddenly, to PHILIPPA of Hainaut. Guido Geurra III married a daughter of William V of Montferrat, from a family that liked "William," the name also of Philippa's father. At her Wikipedia article, she's in a painting with blond hair, lest anyone gets the truth. The four Hainaut lions are on her dress, two of them red on gold. The floor is tiled, in green-and-white checks, perhaps the Radice checks. In her family tree (click bottom of page below), she can be seen named after her grandmother, Philippa of Luxembourg, and she in-turn appears to be named after her grandmother, Philippa of DREUX. Between the latter two Philippa's was Margaret of Bar.,_Count_of_Hainaut

That was Philippa's female-line side. In her male-line ancestry, she's from rulers of Avison-possible AVESNes, and earlier still from Adela of Guise. While Guido's list "Guis," Adela was the name, if I recall correctly, of the Montferrat wife of Guido Guerra III.

Philippa of Hainaut was mother to John of Gaunt (a city on the Lys river), who married Redone-suspect Roet. But this recalls my trace of Jeffersons, who share a blue leopard face with Hannitys, to Fane's/Veynes' (apart from John-of-Gaunt considerations). Fane's/Veynes' happen to use GAUNTlet gloves. Fane's/Veynes' first found in southern Wales, where dark-skinned Silures were first found. I learned last night that Tacitus, in the 1st century AD, mentioned the dark skin of Silures from way back then. He also mentioned the Varni at that time, and Varns, by the way, use croziers that can link, via the Crozier surnames, to mythical Creusa and AENEAS at the Drago river. It might just be that Virgil (post-dated Hannibal by two centuries) gave Aeneas a special relationship with Carthage because Aeneas was knowingly code for a Hannibal bloodline. The Barbers with the same saltire as Annans use a "cruce" motto term, as do Jeffersons.

As mythical Creusa was suspect with a Hros > Ros line, it's interesting that Creuse's may be using the white Ross lion, for the upright Creuse lion is in the two colors of the same of Rita's while the latter can trace with the Ross-shire Bissets to "BistRITA."

Philippa's mother was Joan of Valois, sister to king PHILIP of France, now clouding the origin of her first name, though I opt to chose the Philippa's at this point, perhaps related to king Philip. Joans husband had otherwise married Mahaut of Chatillon, such a small world. Joan of Valois might descend from Rollo and Poppa of Valois. Rollo's share the BLUE boar with Vere's and Barone's. Valois' are listed with Valais' for a trace to Sions/Sions that once showed gauntlet gloves, perfect for linking to Joan's grandson, John of Gaunt.

Valois'/Valais' (from MURcay) share the same crescent as Falcons (Redone theater) while Sions/Swans now show a falconer's glove. It looks like Joan of Valois was from Valais, and even merged with the Sions/Swans. The black greyhound (all four paws off the ground) in the Valois/Valais Crest is in the Hannity Crest and Shield (!!!) with the blue leopard faces. That was badly needed to make a Hannity (and Hainton of Lincolnshire) link to the namers of Hainaut. Hainton is in East Lindsey (Lincolnshire), which recalls that the Crest of Silure-suspect Sellers shares the swan design in the Lindsey Crest! Heraldry just went blab-blab-blab on Bla.

Jeffersons were first found in the same place (Herefordshire) as Seller-suspect Tudors. The latter used the same Coat as a Welshman, John Yonge, and Yonge's use a black wolf while sharing "Toujours" with the black-greyhound Hannitys. With the latter suspect from Annas/Hanan of Israel, father-in-law of Joseph Caiaphas, by what coincidence did French Josephs show the seller / Lindsey swan design before changing it? The Joseph and Lindsey swans are both in BLACK. Josephs Caiaphas became suspect from one of the Junia Caepio's, and here we are finding June-loving / June-related Yonge's ("jeune" motto term) in the Joseph picture. In fact, Caiaphas is suspect from a Junia Caepio, daughter of Julius Caesar, while Valois'/Valais' share the Caesar CHIEF.

Why does Joan of Valois rhyme with Joan of Ark of Blois? Was Blois a bla-blue line? Looks like. English Blois' use white dragons, albeit not wyverns. French Blois' (BLUE Shield) are suspect with a version of the Aurelia Coat, and while the latter link to the Orleans' and Orells, Blois was linked closely to Orleans. Aurelia Cotta, mother of Julius Caesar is suspect in this Blois picture. Cotta's are expected from the Cotesii on the Buzau river.

There is a round-about way to show Valois links to the Aurelia's, if the latter were kin to the Pesce's (both in the land of the Veneti) suspect in the Verona Coat, for the latter's colors and format are those of Valois' (and Fellers) while Verona's were first found in the same place as a Chatillon location i.e. suspect with the counts of Valois-like Blois. This Valois link, potentially, to Aurelia's is the same story told by the Valois-Chief roses being the Caesar-Crest roses. As these roses are expected with the Russi, an old name of the Redones, it's interesting that Blois' share white scallops with Russells while Valais-suspect RoqueFEUILs were in Roussillon. Aurelia's use a BLUE Shield that can be for Aures liners. I think I'm at least half convinced that Joan of Valois was the Bla liner to her daughter, Philippa. But did Joan marry William because he too was a Bla liner?

Bleda-suspect Bleds are properly Ble's, and even use a "Ble" motto term. But why do they also share a "tous" motto term with Berone's/Byrums? There is a Bled location next to the Veneti theater. Bloods share squatted stags with the Chatillon-liner Higgs. The three Bled chevrons are colors reversed from the two of Barbers, and colors reversed from the three of Clare's, first found in the same place as English Blois' and Chatillon-suspect knights. It looks like the Bla-Berbers were up in Aosta's Chatillon along with the namers of adjacent Valais. But where the Valais entity was a Glass liner from the Clausula, that was near Has, where I tend to trace Hasdrubal, and perhaps other Carthage / Numidian liners. The Krume location beside Has can be of the Krume's sharing the Valois / Falcon crescent. The HASlingtons use what I consider to be a white-skinned Moor head, perhaps made white for hiding the darker skin color that was the reality.

Bleds were first found in the same place (Burgundy) as Mars/MAURRE's/More's/Mours who share white-on-blue scallops with French Blois'. Scottish More's/Muirs share the white-skinned head in the Heslington surname. The Mar/Maur/More colors and format are those of Valois'/Valais', no kidding, tending to clinch the Blois-scallop link to the Mars/Maur scallops. It can appear that Bleda evolved into the Blois', or, at least, his line merged with Blois'. The Mars/Maurs are in Messey/Messier colors, and first found in the same place, and while Bla-liner Jeffersons were suspect with the Messey/Messier saltire, English Messier's were first found in the same place (Lincolnshire) as Hannitys who share the blue Jefferson leopard face. This face is code for Face's/Fessys...from the Idris-of-Fes line, right? Yes, for Messeys are expected to trace to Idris' wife. The besants together with the blue Jefferson griffin are, therefore, highly suspect from Julius Agrippa, uncle of Julius Bassianus.

While "Maur" means brown, the Crest of Scottish Mars (near Ross-shire) has a brown lion. The counts of Scottish Mar have been resolved as possible kin of Chives' at Tarves', though that had not all to do with the Chives'-related Mathis' first found in Burgundy. The Scottish Mars perhaps share a version of the Ross / Tool lion; if it's the Tool lion, Mars are expected from William de Gellone.

Joan of Valois was born to a countess of Anjou, whose mother in turn was Mary of Hungary, and then there are Hungarians on Joan's male line too. Mary of Hungary was a daughter of Elizabeth the Cuman. What's that? Are we on the Comyn line to the garbs of Avesnes-suspect Avisons? Avesnes was seen above in the ancestry of Joan's husband. Here's from the last update: As Conteville's are suspect at the naming of the Contentin, in Manche, while Ferrers were linked to Hugh Lupus, son of Emma de Conteville, while Comyns was ruled by Emma's father, it stands to reason that the Comyns garbs (same colors as the Wessel garbs) trace to Kuman (in Roskovec), in Fier county." Manche is where Vere's were first found, known now to be from Fier, and, moreover, Drakenberg Vere's claim to be the first counts of Anjou, begging the question on whether the Cuman>Anjou side of Joan was from the Vere's of Anjou, whoever they were at that time. The idea here is that Fier-of-ALBANia elements were at Anjou as the so-called "ELVEN princess" bloodline. This is suspect with the KENNETH MacALPIN bloodline that I found to be from Guerin of Provence i.e. from the Idris-KANZA north-Africans. Here is a quote from someone who thinks that Alpin was a Bla line:

"Prince of Maine Mor(moor) was accompanied by his father Eochaidh, and his two sons Breasal and Amlaff." Eochaid mac Run, known in English simply as Eochaid, was king of the Picts from 878 to 889 He was a son of Run, King of Strathclyde, and his mother was the daughter of Kenneth MacAlpin (NIGER VAL DUBH)

It seems a little unthinkable that Kenneth was a Negro. Who was Niger val Dubh? I assume it's Dub the Black, kin of Alba, and son of Malcolm I. This was indeed a line from the Alpins. Not all Niger names need to indicate Negroes. There was Fulk III Nerra, count of Anjou, but he may have been named such for other reasons than his skin tone. Just the same, I'm holding to my trace of Guerin to Aures, and then Vere's claim to have been counts of Anjou immediately before the Fulks took over. What possibly could be the link between Fier in Albania and the Aures Numidians? Well, Fier is at the mouth of the Apsus river, while the Dragon at Agrigento was the Hypsas too. TOPoje at the mouth of the Apsus was traced to Tops / Toppers, the latter using a GAUNTlet glove traceable to Philippa of Hainaut! This is making a lot of sense.

Let's go back to the Cimmerians of the Walsh/Welsh/Walch surname. Walsh liners trace with Walkers from Trypillians of Wallachia (Transylvania) to the Trypillian-suspect Varni, likely the proto-Varangian vikings...that I traced to Redones before knowing that the Chimera dragon was of Rhodes, and long before knowing for a fact that it traced to the Welsh dragon. It means that Varni may have been of the Numidians of southern France who eventually named Guerin of Provence (location of Var and its Draguignan location). Ultimately, the Carthaginians / Numidians around the Trebbia look responsible for the Varni, but as Walsh's seemingly apply, Aulus Terentius VARRO Murena comes back to mind that defeated the Salassi of Aosta. If the Walsh's trace to Aosta, and they do, so one would expect other Transylvanians / Wallachians / Trypillians there. The Masseys/Massa's, first found in neighboring Savoy, once showed the very same boots as the TRIPs, the latter having a branch in Hamburg, beside the Varni.

English Trips were first found in Kent, home of Numidians (such as Massins), where Louvains and Brabants were first found. It thereby appears that Hannibal liners were through Kent and Flanders (i.e. Hainaut) both, for Louvains use the Massin lion in both colors. The Louvain-suspect Luffs/Love's (suspect with FountainMORE of Aosta in the last update) were first found in the same place as English Blois', whom, I think, have been adequately established as Valois/Valais liners to the mother of Philippa of Hainaut. Fountainmore was on the Lys river, with the other Lys river flowing to Gaunt.

In colors reversed, the Walsh / Morton chevron is the Seller chevron, a good reason to expect Silures with Walsh's, especially as Walsh's and Sellers share the swan in Crest. I could be charging historians money (not serious) for key information like this, yet they are apt to ignore it due to my prophetic / Christian / Biblical background. Shame. They think that serious Christians have minds jaded by their pre-conceptions. The shame of the ignorant was the blind word that Jesus used against the "religious" leaders of Israel. The cups of Sellers (Aberdeenshire, as Cope's/Cups) trace well to Cope's/Cups suspect with the floor tiles of Challant. The Seller symbols and connections come off as part of the Revelation harlot, but that latter phrase is profanity in the minds of "trained" historians. They teach that the Irish crept out of the ice age some 12,000 years ago. Shame. Completely devoid of sound mind. Instead of thinking along reasonable lines of truth, they create lies to combat Christ. Ice age? What ice age? It's a figment. It's a lie. The Irish were from the Greeks (roughly speaking) of Illyria just 2,000 years ago, and mixed with Nordics across the Baltic sea in times still later than 2,000 years ago. 12,000 years ago? Dream on. The population of Ireland would have been dozens of millions, 2,000 years ago, if people were there 10,000 years ago. England would have been a vast, wall-to-wall cosmopolitan center when Caesar arrived, with human grave bones on every square foot of land. Do the math according to average population increases annually, and you'll see what I mean. The ice age was invented to explain low-populations in Europe where idiotic evolutionists like to believe that mankind is 100s of thousands of years old. If they were not idiotic, they'd be thinking. I'm not trying to raise myself above the evolutionists, because that would get me very high. I tower over them. They are the rotting weeds that you need to avoid.

Tolkien's Rings of Power

English Barbers were first found in WARwickshire, what I trace to Poland's WARsaw, the Masovia capital which uses Melusine, the same mermaid in the Walser Coat. The Walsers use halbert / halpert axes as code for Albert liners (probably the Guido-related Alberts), but a goat holds that axe while the goat is shared by Mortons, and by Redone-suspect Russells (red lion) who share the Meschin scallops. One can envision here that the Massena-liner Numidians of southern France merged with rulers of Roussillon, thus forming the Russells (share the Aures lion). It may even be that Russell liners named the Varangian and Dane RUS. Heraldry is giving us some education here.

Barbers use their Dreux bull head in BROWN, while the Piast-suspect Dreux's use it in BLACK. We can start by assuming that Barbers trace to Philippa of Hainaut, for this pans out as one looks at the clues. These clues expound the picture greatly. Philippa, as we saw, was descended from two other Philippa's, and Margaret of Bar (i.e. like "Barber") was between the two. English Barbers share the two chevrons of Clarins/Larins/Laurins (BLACK lion) while French Laurens/Lorens/Larins (possible kin of Capes') were first found in Provence. It's like we just hit the north-African bull's eye with Provence. After winning the Trebbia war, Hannibal moved southward through Italy and had another war down way by Apulia, at / near LARINum, which I found traceable to the Larins/Laurens of Provence, making Guerin's line from Africa suspect at that area to that point in time. As Clarins/Larins use two of the Bled chevrons, one has yet another reason to view something in Larinum as part of the Hannibal line to the Attila-Bleda Huns.

There are tell-tail signs that Lauren liners were connected to Cope's and Chives' of Aberdeenshire by way of Sellers. The Clarins/Larins (BLACK MacDonald ship) share laurel with Lorraine's/Lorens, Laurys and Lowrys/Glorys while the latter two share the cup with Sellers. It's now a reason to trace dark-skinned, proto-Silures of Wales to Larinum. This has to do with Lord-of-the-Rings secrets held by JJ Tolkien and his circle of stupids, which were the rings of mythical Melusine, whom is in the Walser Coat and linkable to the Walsh's that have just proven to be Silure liners, in my opinion. That's probably why Walsh's use rings / annulets.

JJ Tolkien had let out a clue that the rings, owned by his Sauron character, were from Sicily, meaning that anyone who realized that Tolkien was speaking to real history with his codes realizes further that he was speaking to Saracens of Sicily with "Sauron". And while the Drakenberg Vere's love Melusine, it stands to reason that the Drago river was part of the Sauron-ring, proto-Illuminati. Tolkien made the evil Melkor part of the Sauron-ring entity, and Melkor, along with his Orcs/Orks, was traceable to "Orkney" years before I learned of the heraldic annulet, which, aside from any Tolkien considerations, was decipherable as code for some Anu liners (Annas' the prime suspects) merged with Letts, the latter's ORGAN pipes being code for ORKNey elements, and the pipes code for Pepin / Pipe liners = Merovingians / Carolingians. Carolingians came to rule Lorraine, but it was probably a Merovingian holding before that. Pepins in royal-Carolingian ancestry were from Landen, in Flanders, i.e. near Hainaut. Pepins are easily decipherable as Este liners, and the latter ended up in Bar-le-Duc, at Lorraine. A Pepin branch, the Popleys/Popelys, for example, are linkable to mythical Popiel of the proto-Mieszko mouse tower.

Lorraine's/Lorens use Clarin/Laren/Lauren colors with their bend, not likely coincidental. On that bend, they use the Piast eagles in the colors of the French-Lauren scallops, and scallops trace to eastern Sicily, location of Sauron rings, which, I think, we can assume to be the Hannibal line to the Annas-Lett relationship. The Leto's/Alitto's are traceable to Ali's/Aliotta's because both (not to mention the Leathers/Letters) use a giant and upright symbol in the same colors, which happens to be in the colors of the giant Annas star. The Aliotta's, you see, were first found in Messina, the Scylla part of Sicily, and Scylla was a monster that swallowed the crews of ships i.e. Scylla was a pirate organization. The Letters/Leathers use the same giant griffin (colors included) as Aliotta's, and throw in a "TUARus" motto term (not with "taur," a far-more common vowel combination) indicating the TUAReg Berbers that I traced to the naming of Turin (though this was before Turin linked hard to "Turano / Durance"). Clarins/Larins use a "TUIRc" motto term. Let's not be naive; draw the implied migrational lines from the Atlas mountains all the way to Argyllshire's pirated seas.

The Clarin/Larin motto (Creag an tuirc) is translated, "The boar's rock," but this is code garbage partly for proto-CRAIGs (same place as Turins/Thurins) at ACRAGus' Drago river. Turins/Thurins use the boar (probably the Bard boar), and the rock is used by Letters (from Sicily, location of Acragus). It's indication that the Redones at ROQUEfeuil were part of this Tuareg / Berber alliance with Europe's Crusaders. If we ask whose helmet the Turins/Thurins have in their Crest, we can appeal to the Ring chevron, in the colors of the same of helmet-using Pendragons, kin of helmet-using Dragons/Drainers. It goes all the way back through the Mynetts to the Amyntes>Bassus bloodline in Cetis, home of the Kennati stupids, the proto-Kennedys (helmet).

The English Ring surname can actually play to Tolkien's story because it share blacks scallops with Edens, suspect with Eatons from "Etna," a location in Messina. The Eatons are expected as a merger with Hykes/Hacks, remember, while the latter's four scallops, in two color schemes, are in the colors of the Meschin and Eden / Ring scallops. Furthermore, Hykes'/Hacks use the Chives quadrants, important because Chivasso is at Turin. Just trace the Tuareg Berbers from Messina to Turin, and expect the Barbers / Larins/Laurens to be part of that picture. The Rings are said to descend from counts of Evreux, and Barber-related Dreux is at Evreux. But as Rings use an enGRAILed chevron in the colors of the engrailed Sinclair cross, they became suspect with Ringerike, a Norwegian location that, I once reported, was at, or involved with, the More location ruled by Rollo, Malahule, etc...pirates, right.

Next, we re-visit the TURbot fish of Lauren-suspect Lawrence's, bringing Turins/Thurins (Aberdeenshire, same as Sellers) to mind who happen to share the Lorraine/Loren bend in both colors, and that's the line from Basina of ThuRINGia because the Lorraine/Loren bend uses the spread CHILD eagle. It means that Richeza of Lorraine (or LotheRINGia at the time), wife of Mieszko Piast II, was a CHILDeric-Basina liner, nor real surprise where Basina was from the line of Julia Maesa Bassianus. If the question is, how did Bassianus. get to Thuringia, Turin should have the answer.

Note the "juvat" motto term of Turins/Thurins, for the Duffs, first found beside the Turins, use that motto term, and Duffs (same place as Rollo's and Shaws) are said to be one of the "Dubh" = black liners. The Duffs use a lion in Turin colors, but they use a red lion in both Coat and Crest, as do Aures' and Fife's, and this is probably the red Fife Angus lion too, for which reason I've got to repeat that the Angus' share stars in the colors of the same of Angus-like Annas'. One could get the impression that the Shawia > Aures line to Fife and Angus was a Hannibal line of the Annas kind. The Letts, using the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Annas', and the Annan saltire in colors reversed, put two stars in their Chief with a crescent between them, as do Fife's. Where were the Scottish-Pict elements from, whom are loaded into this picture? From the boon-docks of the ice age 10,000 year earlier, or from Africa a few centuries earlier?

Fictional SAURon can be code for the line of Saurs listed with Sauers, who once again use a red lion in both Crest and Shield, very linkable to the Aures Coat and Crest. This is important because Sauers are said to be from the Sau = SAVA river, a great reason to trace Aures' SHAWia to the naming of that river. I had forgotten about this clue, mentioned in the past. If the Sauers were a branch of Sarahs'/Sayers (suspect with the "sara" motto term of Russells with the same lion as Aures'), then one can trace from the Sarah motto term (forbear) to bear-using Forbes' (said to be from a FERNboys surname), first found in Aberdeenshire i.e. same place as Turins/Thurins. Sauers were first found in the same place (Austria) as PFIEFers, a good reason to trace the latter to Fife, beside the first Forbes'. The gold anchor of Pfiefers is linkable to the same of Fern-related Fare's...from Fier and its Apsus river.

Now Tolkien's ancestry, if it was in the satanic Telchines, links to the Curetes of Crete (Telchine allies), suspect in the Creightons/Crichtons (BLUE lion) who share a "grace" motto term with Grass' and Forbes', the latter's bear heads in the colors of some Grasse / Grass / Grace liners. Crichtons (Caracalla-Bassianus suspects along with Craigs) are Acragus suspects that were first found in the same place (Midlothian) as Roslin. In my opinion, the Grasse location (lambs in Forbes colors) near the Provence border is a line to the False Prophet's lamb symbolism. Some Grass(e) surnames use a lion in colors reversed from the Fife / Aures lion. I have the sense that the line of Julia Maesa Bassianus was in Grasse before the birth of Basina, but as yet have not clinched the timing nor even the historical details of that trace.

It's interesting, but a little speculative at this point, that French Grass', first found in Provence, are using the Flanders / Hainaut lion so that Grasse elements might be ancestral to Philippa of Hainaut. While the counts of Hainaut use THREE black-on-gold chevrons (Flanders-lion colors), French Grace's/Grass use THREE chevrons in the colors of the English-Grasse lions, what can certainly trace to the Hainaut chevrons, each using the colors of their immediate elements. English Grasse's (with an 'e') use the upright lion in colors reversed from the same of Crichtons. I suppose what this may amount to is a Telchine-Curetes merger to the Agrigento area, roughly where a Mosca family resided that share's the Rhodes-Crest leopard, as I learn below when comparing the Rhodes Coat to a Ground Coat.

Call it luck or coincidence, but PROPers/Robins just came to mind as possible PROVence liners, and the Proper lion may be in the Irish Grasse Crest. The Proper write-up explains the surname from a Welsh ap-Robin term, suggesting that Propers could not be a branch of Provence's (first found in Burgundy), but rather were a branch of Robins / Roberts. This bears out where French Roberts use the Proper/Robin lion. However, compare ROBINs to PROVENce's, and then French Roberts were first found in Burgundy, near, and politically linkable to, Provence. Roberts are in Saffer (crane) colors, and share blue vair with them, while Saffers have been resolved from the Caracalla bloodline. In fact, the "vita" motto term of Saffers is code for Julius Avitus, husband of Julia Maesa. Hmm. Then click over to English Roberts to find them with the same chevron as Provence's. There is even a Welsh Robert surname (BLACK lion)...said to descend from king RHODRi MAWR? Was that Moor liner in merger with Redones?

Vita's, by the way, use annulets = rings.

While Sullivans (stag, theme of Hannibal liners) trace by their sharing of "lamh" with Brians to Briancon, on the Durance river, a kin of Turins liners, that river flows down to the Provence border. The Sullivans happen to us a robin, the Robin-surname symbol too. And "lamh" can apply to the lambs in the Arms of Grasse, and in the Lamas surname, the latter suspect in the Dumas write-up while Dumas' are sharing the besants of Savards/Savarys, likely kin of Saffers, and potential Sava-river liners i.e. from the Shawia! It's a good reason for tracing Shawia / Aures liners to the Durance-river Salyes. The Sullivan boar is even counterchanged in black and white, the colors of the counterchanged Robert lion...which is in the black color of the French-Grass lion. Zowie, this is good and additional evidence that Bassianus' were at Grasse. A lucky strike, found only due to similarity between PROPers and PROVence's (in Grace/Grass colors).

The Provence chevron (below stars in Chief in lambert-star colors) is in the colors of the three Grace/Grass chevrons, and in the colors of the two LAMBert chevrons. Let's not be short-sighted. Mieszko liners were at Grasse. But this recalls that one Moray Coat, no longer showing at houseofnames, used a scroll- / paper-like item in Crest, symbol also of the Irish Rings, which the latter describes as: "A hand vested in black, with a gold cuff, holding a roll of paper." The only thing missing is the toilet into which we can flush this bloodline-worshiping garbage. It was the mental illness of the royals to think that they were of special blood.

The Piasts became suspect with "Pisa" (beside Massa-Carrara), but here I can see that the counterchanged Robert lion is a version of the counterchanged Pisa lion.

There had been some question on whether the Lambert surname traced to Mieszko Lambert and/or a Lambert of Flanders, and I think the discussion at hand is answering the question with what looks like a Grasse link to Flanders. But as Philippa of Hainaut is suspect in the Bla discussion, recall her Valois mother, for Valois' share the white crescent in both colors of the same in the Provence Coat. The Provence Chief is also the Douglas Chief, and likely using the Moray stars. It's notable that the Provence stars are in the colors of the Lambert stars, for Mieszko II Lambert (husband of Richeza of Lorraine) traces definitely to German Lamberts (same place as THOR-related Trunks) sharing the Spanish Luna Coat in reverse (i.e. the Luna Coat is upside-down. Why?). Philippa's mother (on her count-of-Valois side) was a granddaughter of Isabella of Aragon while Luna's were first found in Aragon! Excellent find. Hainaut is tracing harder to Grasse, and to the Provence surname. It's starting to make the witchy realities take manifest form: a Berber trace to Guerin of Provence, and to the Levi surname that was in the Counts of Hainaut. Here is Philippa's ancestry again (in the family tree at the bottom of the page below), with Marguerite of Provence on the other side of her Valois ancestry:,_Countess_of_Hainaut

Luna's with German Lamberts are thus using the Irish-Ring crescent, for while the Sinclairs of Ringerike and Moray-suspect More were from Clarus, it was beside the moon goddess of Latmus (CARIA) to which I trace Luna's (probably from ancient Luni at Massa-CARRara, and sharing the Massey/Massa crescent).

Douglas' share the heart with Swedish Thors, suggesting a Douglas trace to Tuareg Berbers, which can explain the BLUE Sinclair cross of Douglas-related Hardys (share the black boar with Sullivans) at the bottom of the Douglas heart. Dougals can be using the Grasse / Monaco lion, for Monaco's share flames with Douglas' (known Flemings), a clear sign of Flemings of Flanders. The Crichton lion, which, thanks to the Crichton motto, traces well to the Grasse lion, is important here because Flemings of Flanders are known to have been heavily stacked in Lothian, where Crichtons were first found. While I traced Flanders to "Blanda" (Cosenza theater) on a whim years before knowing the Monaco surname, it just so happens that Monaco's are said to originate in France, then over to Cosenza, and finally to Messina and other parts of Sicily. But, of course, they originated at Monaco, near Grasse. And they can be responsible for Mon-like terms, and therefore may have named Mons, the Hainaut capital.

The Mons surname (Peebles, same as Robins) is listed with Mounts and may be using the Irish-Grass lion in colors reversed. It's also the lion of Habsurgs/Hapsburgs, suspect with the Abbs/Apps and Capes' that are linking to Lauren liners, which I haven't forgotten through all of this. With Levi's at Annas-suspect Hainaut, doesn't it ring true that Caiaphas liners of the Capes / Chappes kind should have been there too? Dingaling, the bell is ringing. I recall green-and-white colors in the Arms around Ringerike, which are the colors of the roses used by both Dutch Grone's and the Burgundy Primo's, the latter suspect from a grandmother of Joseph Caiaphas. These roses were suspect with the cinquefoils of Loches'/Locks -- probably kin of Loges, both first found in Burgundy -- in the immediately ancestry of Fulk II (Anjou), whom engaged the Crispins/Crepins of Lorraine, off to the north side of Burgundy. I can't recall whether Fulk III was a son of Fulk II, but number III was styled, "Nerra." Why?

Again, the dukes of Burgundy were Valois liners. If ones checks (I haven't yet), these dukes probably linked, one way or the other, to Philippa the Negro of Hainaut. As Crone's resolved to be Massey liners, so the Loges' are using the Messey/Messier saltire in colors reversed, for both were first found in Burgundy, yet the Massey saltire is used by Bla-suspect Jeffersons. It's got Philippa's name written all over it. I'll scroll through the ancestry of these dukes later.

The Mons / Habsburg lion is linkable to the red one of Sauers just because the latter were first found in Austria, where Habsburgs ruled. And Habsburgs came to rule Flanders soon after Philippa of Hainaut, by way of dukes of Burgundy (PHILIP "the good") that might just link to the Provence's of Burgundy. "The [Habsburg-of-Netherlands] rule began in 1482, when after the death of the Valois-Burgundy duke Charles the Bold the Burgundian Netherlands fell to the Habsburg dynasty [by marriage]..." Why is the map of Netherlands Habsburgs done in bright ORANGE?

I haven't been convinced yet that Douglas' were Dubh / Duff liners, but have not had a problem tracing Douglas' to dark-skinned, Moorish lines, especially of the Moray / More kind. The Melusine in the Moray Crest cannot be overlooked here as per her fundamental link to Guerin of Provence. She is suspect with Melissena RANGabe, perhaps a Ring / Ringerike / More liner. However, I tend to trace Morays to Transylvania, which was not north Africa. I trace the Khazars in Melissena's ancestry to the Khazars at BIHARia (Transylvania), suspect with the Flemish BIGGARs, first found in an area of Douglas'/DuGLASS' and Glass liners of the Glasgow kind. Biggars were first found in Lanarkshire, while variations of Lanarks/Lurnacks were suspect with Lorne's of that area, and Lorne's look like Lorin liners. It get's use back to Guerin of Provence, and then the Drakenberg Vere's (probably passed through Draguignan of Provence) traced themselves to some secret things in Transylvania. There appears to have been a Moorish element in Transylvania, on its Mures river, apparently. Were not the Khazars a line of Hannibals > Huns?

These same witchy Vere's claimed to be in the royal Picts. Weren't the Picts using blue paint (tattoos) on their skin? Weren't the Picts the makings of the American natives / "Indians"? Is that how Indians got their red/brown skin, from Pictish ancestry in Moorish Africa? Aren't we talking pirates i.e. sailors here, that could have made it to the America's? When did they arrive? 10,000 years ago, as per the claims of the stupids, or more like 500-1000 AD? The stupids claim that they have reliable dating techniques, and the other stupids believe them. Stupids aren't stupid at everything, but when it comes to faith in God, they allow themselves to be stupid in order to avoid God's rules for living. The smart and wise ones know that mankind began as a small family shortly before Abraham, for the armies in Hebron and its environs, which Abraham warred with, numbered in the hundreds of men, but would have been in the hundreds of thousands had modern man been 10,000 years old. But as the ice age is not expected to have affected balmy Sumeria, man there was much older than 10,000 years, if we put faith in the stupids. The stupids are smart at many things, but in the very thing that matters most, they are complete and ruinous idiots, even stringing along their own children to damnation and hell with them. And that's the basic storyline of the Illuminatists, who claim enlightenment that is in reality enmity with God. And they would have you swallowed by Hell if they can make you believe that Jesus had children with Mary Magdalene.

Childeric and/or his son, I can't recall which, lived during the time of Attila / Bleda, and so let's remind that Bleds/Ble's use three of the Clarin/Lauren chevrons, in colors reversed from the three Clare chevrons. Why is this picture linking to the Claro > Sinclair line? We should ask RINGerike. It may be that Rollo's kin, the Guiscards, invaded Sicily because the Sinclairs were from there centuries earlier. As Capes' share the Larin/Lauren scallops in both colors, the Chappes'/Chaips, first found in the same place as Guiscards, are suddenly looking like Capes / Apps/Abbs liners. It may be Merovingian-important that English Huns share the colors and format of Sellers / Childs. The related German Huns put a Moor-suspect collar on their greyhound, and Greys are still suspect with the mythical Graeae hags of north Africa (probably the Caucasian Georgians / Amazons, the potential origin of all Berbers).

Several paragraphs ago, the Rings were linking to Larinum suspects, what I'm viewing as the rings of illuminati power structures, from deep "things of satan" in north Africa. Picture a shining, black leather on the plush throne of satan, lover of pleasure and hedonism. It just so happens that the Irish Rings/Cranns (share white crescents with Craigs) use crescents on a red bend in the colors of the eagles on the red Lorraine bend. As the other Rings were very linkable to Meschins (from Messina), it appears here that Messina elements were at Larinum, important because Messina liners are expected with Numidians up at the Trebbia too. In other words, when Hannibal's fighters came south to Larinum, some chief Numidian lines developed and settled the area. The Larin/Lauren scallops to testify to this, and the related Apps/Apps are suspect, not just with the Habsburg / Austria fesse, but with the Schole/Scayle lozenges for a trace to the Coronis crow line at Skala. What's that ring doing in the corner of the Schole Coat? Isn't the Schole Coat a version of a Crone Coat? Coronis on Patmos, right?

I don't think that this was pure Negroid, but more over-toasted toast by putting Whites where they can't handle the north-African sun. And too much sun wrinkled their faces, and gave them the hag symbol, I propose. One of the worst cases of face wrinkle (looked genetic, not from old age) I have ever seen was in a Mrs. Teague. However, she was a Teague by marriage. Still, I find this interesting because Teague's share the cross of Schole's , Shultz/Schultz suspects. Schultz's were shown in the last update as a branch of Shoe's/Schuchs, and can therefore link to Rings as follows. Schole's were first found in the same place as English Hun(gate)s and Grains/GRAYne's, and beside the Greys/Grays.

The white-on-red Ring/Crann crescents are those of French Masseys/Massa's, and then English Masseys (Ring/Crann colors) share the fleur of the Crone's/Crooms while Irish Rings are also Cranns. We now have the problem of guessing which came first, "Ring" or "Crann." This is a good place to repeat that Croom-suspect Krume's likewise use the white crescent too, and were first found in the same place as Trips that once showed the same boot of French Masseys/Massa's (neither show the boot). The Trips now show a shoe, while Shoe's/Schuchs have variations potentially of the Scohies surname to which English Rings are traced in their write-up. I say that Cranns were Crone's so that Coronis crows were up at Ringerike. This place was ruled by DANES in Norway, suggesting the "dark Danes"...all from Laish, and from the toasted Danaans of Rhodes, right? Ask the greyhounds of the Lys Coat, for the Danaan, Perseus, was a Gorgon, kin to the Graeae. And while Perseus was at JOPPA, the Joplins are using the Grey Coat.

We are being educated here on the true nature of European Israelism, not from the lost ten tribes, not the blessed Israel of the West, but the damned Levites from Laish. They left the straight way of Moses and engaged their hearts with pagan, abstract stupidities. Their mystic "realities" were mutations of their warped imaginations. The only solid thing they owned was rocks for brains. Unable to see through the flint of their eyes, they devised evolution as the creator of the world. Unable to touch / contact God because they were unwilling, the universe seemed devoid of Him.

It's not likely coincidental that German Crone's (same place as Mieske's/Mesechs) are sharing the Crann-like crane (Grounds/Crannys use a crane in Crone-crane colors) with Letters/Leathers while both surnames use a rock. Mieske's/Mesechs share the black bull head with DREUX's, a good reason to equate Dreux's with Drake's, and to equate Mieske's with the Mieszko Poles. As Sinclairs are suspect as raven vikings in Orkney, it's notable that the elephant is shared between the raven-liner Corbetts and Grounds/Crannys. It makes Cranny / Crone liners traceable to the Coronis crow, and tends to identify the Rings/Cranns as Coronis liners, meaning that these crow liners were at Ringerike with the early Sinclairs. There's both an elephant and a red ox in the Arms of Vere-infested Oxford, the red ox suspect with the red Claro/Charo bull, especially as Drake's were first found in the same place as "charo"using Josephs.

Why are the English Grounds/Grundys using a red version of the Sinclair cross, and evidently a version of the Rhodes Coat (Aures lion?)? Why is the Rhodes leopard, in the Ground Crest, the same demi leopard in the Chives Crest? Isn't it because the Chives-related Hykes'/Hacks (Sinclair cross?) are using the Ring scallops? Might "RINGerike" apply to the DRENG term? Wasn't Tolkien from Telchines of Rhodes? Yes, but mythical Telchis was earlier at Sicyon, suspect with the Sicanians in the middle parts of early Sicily, the location of Acragus (Agrigento). Again, the Tolkien-beloved Rings happen to share white crescents with Craigs.

The DRENGot Normans (Dreux liners?) were ruling in Capes-like Capua. Capes' (still suspect with Larinum liners) were first found beside the Capone's (and Vere's of Oxford), linkable to the Capone variation of Capua's. The Leto's are the ones with the crane DRINKing. Let's not be naive. We are all over the Bla bloodline, the black sheep of humanity, the Vere-Drakenberg witch cult. The Vere clan today is ruled by a member of Irish Weirs with red-and-white lozengy, almost the red-and-gold lozengy of Scottish Crone's. It's the 666-Patmos line in our faces. The Skala location on Patmos (probably linkable to the scaling ladder of the Kent Trips) traces to Scylla, and to mythical Asclepios that one sees in the Asclepios rod of Drengot-related Quarters (the ones with nine strings upon their harp). While the Strings became suspect with Orange, it's interesting that the Ricks, whom I tend to link to Rich's/Richess', use an orange coloration for their griffin.

Crone's/Crooms are using the colors and format of the Childs / Tudors / Sellers, and were first found in the same place (Herefordshire) as Tudor Trevor and Bla-suspect Jeffersons. Note that Scottish Crone's (Clarin/Larin colors), first found in the same place (Argyllshire) as Clarins/Larins, use a fish head in Crest, linkable to the fish/turbot tail in the Lawrence Crest. Can Coronis liners trace to Tuareg Berbers? Yes, for the crow was a mythical white bird until Apollo liners ended up in Cyrene, home of the proto-Massena Numidians. That's how the black crow / bird was devised by myth writers.

As Turbots are looking like Turin / Thuringia liners, they may have been part Bot liners, as per the Clan-Chattan "bot" motto term, which can explain why the Turbot fish are in the colors of the Italian Botters (Chattan member) while Richess'/Rich's (traced earlier to "Richeza") were first found in the same place as English Botters (and Drake's). Some years ago, I had reason to trace Italian Botters to north-Africa's Boofima (human-sacrifice) cult. The priests of that cult were very bad apples, rotten to the core, the stench of humanity, but beloved by Baphomet cultists. Baphomet is given the head of a goat, symbol of Walsh-beloved Mortons and of Russells who share the Hykes/Hack scallops, colors reversed to the Ring scallops, which is said because Russells are suspect at Roslin, where the wealthy Sinclairs lived (where did these pirates get their gold?) that came to rule Orkney. They say that Henry Sinclair, ruler of Orkney, was in America a century before Columbus.

John Cabot was another adventurer to the Americas, and Cabots, first found in Provence, share fish with Italian Barbera's. The Cabot-Crest fish is upside-down, tail up, like the Lawrence turbot. As Childeric needs to trace to Este / Padova and the Veneti, it's notable that the Turbot fish are in the colors of the same of Pesce's (perhaps a Piast candidate), first found in Venice. The Turbots are beloved of Lawrence's, and Lorraine's (Child Eagles) use a "resurgo" motto term, like the "Regurgo" (Gorgon code?) in the Cabot motto. The Cabots are practically clinched with the "Capta" motto term of fish-using Geddes'. It appears that Cabot variations reveal them to be a Chives / Cavett branch.

To help prove that Cabots were north-Africans, even as Geddes are suspect with the Getuli Numidians, and the Geta ancestry of Caracalla (the HunGATE's can apply), the Kenneths (Flemings) share a giant stag head with Calders, and while Kenneths ("uro," like the Aur variation of Aures') are from Kanza of Numidia, CALDERs are expected with the CALDRons of Spanish Barbera's. There was a Hanna-Barbera duo that created cartoon characters stacked with bloodline codes. What sort of goons do this when providing children with cartoons? What sort of mental / demonic derangement affected Hanna and Barbera? The other Kenneths use an "itur" motto term as code for Idris liners.

The Bonne-Kunigunda Discovery

The Valois rulers that made it to the royal-CAPETian throne (known to be descended from Worms, a Gorm/Blue suspect) can be traced to Bohemians in roughly the time of Philippa of Valois. To illustrate the probability that ancients knew of the Negro line of Philippa, I'll start with Phillip III, king of Capetian France, a Caiaphas-suspect line on a throne. He's given blonde hair, but decked out in a NAVY-blue robe, what heraldry calls "royal blue." We haven't arrived yet to the birth (1314) of Philippa in Phillip's reign (1270-85). He was the father of Charles of Valois, father in-turn of Joan of Valois, mother of Philippa, and wife of Hainaut. Her Negro blood is suspect (just a guess) from the Hainaut side, not from the Valois side, yet the Valois side may have been from Moors too.

When we get to the Philip IV, son of Charles of Valois, he puts Valois blood on the Capetian throne. At his Wikipedia article, the blond-portrayed Philip IV appears to be given a gold leopard paw under his throne. A leopard paw was the symbol of Africa's Boofima cult, and the blonde hair can be construed as brainwashing, to counteract historian who may have gleaned African ancestry.

In the next generation, the son of Philip IV was John "the good," and he appears to be given black clothing rather than royal blue. His head has red hair, more of an Irish look than African. He was born five years after Philippa, to Joan of Burgundy. Hence, the dukes of Brittany merged with Valois, and this line does go up to the hand-over of Burgundy-Valois to Caiaphas-suspect Habsburgs. I'm not attempting sensationalism in all this. I've come to expect that, when God chose the murderer of His Son, He chose the bloodline that would rule the end times so that the vengeful Whack of God upon the end-time Illuminati would come down in full force, like a club to a skull made of rock.

John "the good"? Well, I don't think so. As the French would have used, "bon," his name was probably code for Bononia elements, for he married Bonne of Bohemia. But insider historians might like for us common bloke not to know that many royal nicknames are twisted to false definitions, to keep us from seeking the realities. Bonne was a granddaughter of Henry VII, a Roman emperor that is given a blond, forked beard in his Wikipedia painting. On her Bohemian side, Bonne descended from KUNigunda of Slovenia, a Kun=Hun-suspect name, which recalls that Bled is a location in former Yugoslavia (right up against the Austrian border). The ancient Boii were near Bled when in Pannonia (proto-Hungary).

Hmm, look at this. On the upper-left of the ancient light map, Bled is where you see "Carni," due north of Istria. It caused me to look up the Carnys to find them sharing white pheons with Bled-like Blade's (Kern/Kerin colors). The Carnys use them in the colors of the Pilate pheons, which brings back the difficulty I hope to resolve one day as to whether Blade's (share the talbot with Hun(gate)s) were Pilate liners versus Bleda liners, or both. Pilate's were first found in Burgundy, right-on-topic. The OCRA mountains at Carni can be of the UGRIans, known ancestors of Hungarians. I wonder whether the Emona location at the Ocra mountains pertains to Mons, for the Mons' share the upright, red lion with the Carnys, and the Mons lion is also the Habsburg-surname the two colors of the red leopard faces in Kerns/Kerins. Hmm. It could appear that Kunigunda was from this Bled entity.

The Kerns/Kerins have found a way to derive their name in "ciar," said to mean "'black' or 'dark brown," but that definition / derivation is garbage, for it appears very likely that Kerns were from the namers of Carni. I don't necessarily doubt that Kerns were of dark skin, but, more likely, their people knew them to be from the Bla-Hun bloodline, thus culminating in this false derivation. The Bled surname (Burgundy!) is also, Ble, remember. I trace the red leopard face to Antonys and therefore to Mark Antony, very linkable to Pontius-Pilate liners. The theory had been that Bleda was named after a Pilate bloodline.

AHA! After writing that, I returned to the Carny Coat to seek another clue, and there in the motto, "ABStine," code for the Apps/Abbs using the fesse that is the Arms of Austria / Habsburg!

More. The Kern/Kerin chevron is shared by Stars, traced in the past with Star-Trek codes to the Terek river (Alania theater), location of proto-Khazars. As Mons' are listed with Mounts, see the description of the leopard in the Star Crest: "A cat-a-mountain sejant GUARDant proper, on a green MOUNT with a paw resting on a gold estoile." The estoile is, in my opinion, code for an Istria > Este line.

Here's on Kunigunda (painted with blonde hair): "She was presumably born in Ruthenia, in the domains of her paternal grandfather Michael of CHERNigov. Her grandfather was the last Grand Prince of Kiev, who was deposed not by a more powerful prince but by the Mongol Empire. Her parents were Rostislav Mikhailovich, future ruler of Belgrade and Slovenia, and his wife Anna of Hungary." It's the Mongols to which the blue wolf is traced by some. It looks like Irish Kerns trace to the Chernigov dynasty.

It's possible that the Finno-Ugrics were at the Ocra mountains long before the formation of Hungarians from the Ukrainian Magyars. It may seem that Attila / Bleda liners carried their sorry butts out of Europe to Alania, then set up shop on the Atil river of the Khazars, to the west side of Mongol territory, and later came back to Pannonia as the Hungarians proper. The proto-Huns of Attila are expected (by me) to have been in Cetis, a place suspect with CAT-a-mountains. It appears that cat-a-mountains, used also by Chives', are part-code for Mons liners, now suspect partly with the namers of Emona. The HasMONeans had traced with Chives' to Cavii on the Mathis river, but here we may be able to discover that the Cavii were the namers of the Sava, for Bled / Emona / Carni is up on the Sava. The Japodes that you see in this area are expected from Joppa, and thus go to the Joplins and related, Bla-suspect Greys.

To corroborate the theory above. the Bleds/Ble's are sharing three chevrons in the gold colors of the three Mathie/Matthew chevrons, making Bleds traceable to the Bled location if neighboring Emona was a Hasmonean entity along with Mathis liners. This Bled theater is not far from Modena, where I need to trace Hasmoneans, and the Boii would be in Modena in-time to make a war pact with Hannibal in time before Mattathias, the first-known Hasmonean of Modi'in (Israel). As the map we are looking at is of Roman times, Emona may have been a location there in times previous to Mattathias. The Mathie chevrons are colors reversed to the same of Clare's, traceable to Charo's/Claro's, first found in Ferrara, beside Este and near Modena. The Blaze's, not looked up until this paragraph was finished to this point, can be using a version of the Chief of the Josephs that use a "charo" motto term!!! Amazing, for Blaze's were looked up as per the Blez variation of Bleds! The Blaze's even use a saltire in the colors of the Chives / Mathis cross.

French Clairs share the red leopard with Kerns/Kerins. The Clermonts/Clements traced to the Antonia line of Clementiana, daughter of Drusilla Agrippa. Clementiana's mother married Antonius Felix. The French Bone's, now expected from the Kunigunda line through Bonne, happen to use the chevron likely of Bernice-related Burns, whom I trace to Burnum, not far from the Bled theater. French Bonns/Bonne's, first found in Burgundy and therefore linkable to Bonne of Bohemia, may be sharing a Chief of the Annas-related Letts. Careful, for entering "Bonne" gets a different French Bonne Coat than entering "Bonn." The Bonns/Bonne's can be using the Luna crescent for a trace to Carians, from whom Kerns and Clare's are expected.

This is exciting. The Blaze Chief, in case it changes, has one central garb in the colors of the three in the Joseph Chief. On either side of the one garb, there is a footless martlet in the same colors, which is the symbol (in different colors) now showing for French Josephs. The latter were of the Le MANS theater (Sithech-suspect candleSTICKs), making it suspect with "Emona." The Blais variation evokes the Placentia-suspect Place's/Plais' (red/gold lion) and the Pollock-suspect Spanish Baez'/Pelaiz's. Of all the words to trace to, the Place write-up derives in "coppice," making it suspect with something at the Kupa river.

The "tous" motto term of Bleds (and Berone's/Byrums) involves the sure trace of ancient Cabyle to Joseph-related Kaplans (Roet-kin suspects). This has been repeated several times over the past few updates. It's verifying that Bleds/Blez's / Blaze's were kin of Josephs. But why? What's Kunigunda got to do with the only two Joseph surnames shown by houseofnames? Having said all this, which tends to suggest that Hannibal lines on the Trebbia moved it over to Attila's Bled area, by what coincidence do the Josephs use a "mago" motto term, the name of Hannibal's brother?

Placentia is not only the place with the blue wolf, but the place where the line to Caiaphas' father-in-law is suspect. In fact, Annas' father, Seth, can trace to the Le Mans candlesticks, and while the Sava is now practically clinched with the Shaws, the Shaws are the ones who list the Seth surname, and moreover trace to a Sithech entity that has just got to be a Sadducee liner.

I feel that, thanks to the proddings of Miss Florida to investigate Silures and dark vikings (this has been ongoing for years), we have found the Joseph-Caiaphas bloodline in a Mathis-river, Levi-related setting with an actual bloodline (not merely heraldic gleaning) to the Sion-related rulers of Hainaut. The line from Kunigunda goes to her great-granddaughter, Bonne of Bohemia (Bone surnames expected), who married a line from both Philippa of Dreux and Yolande of Dreux, which can make the Place/Plais lion (axe in Crest, shared by Drake's) suspect as the Dreux lion.

I didn't know, while writing on Emona above, that it's the present Slovenia capital! Zinger. It looks like the Valois / Hainaut / Mons / Levi bloodline can trace to Emona with Kunigunda of Slovenia, and, moreover, the counts of Hainaut used three chevrons too! What have we wrought here? Something smells. " the capital and largest city of Slovenia. During antiquity, it was the site of a Roman city called Emona. It was under Habsburg rule from the Middle Ages until the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1918. Situated at the middle of a trade route between the northern Adriatic Sea and the Danube region, it was the historical capital of Carniola, a Slovene-inhabited part of the Habsburg Monarchy..."

The article reveals that Japodes were in the area before the Taurisci came through in the 3rd century BC. This early timing allows the Japodes to be the Jupiter of the Romans. The re-naming of Emona to Ljubljana is said to be derived in the local word for, love. The Louvains, Luffs/Love's (same place as triple chevron Clare's!), and Leavells/Lovells (bars in Clare-chevron colors, half in the colors of the Luff bars) come to mind, which I gather were Levi liners. Perfect sense. The Louvains not only use the BLUE lion of Massins/Masons, but of the Bruce's that can trace to the Breuci, on the Sava / Kupa rivers beside the Japodes. The Breuci were a few paddles down the Sava from Carni / Emona! This is quite a big break in my grand scheme of things.

As Louvain in Belgium was also Leuven, note that Italian Leuvens use multiple chevrons in Luff-bar colors. And Luffs happen to share red lions with Carnys. It looks like we've hit pay dirt, and dirt it is.

On Emona (article above): "Around 50 BC, the Romans built a military encampment that later became a permanent settlement called Iulia Aemona. This entrenched fort was occupied by the Legio XV Apollinaris. In 452, it was destroyed by the Huns under Attila's orders." We may wonder, what was Aemona to the Romans? This city, which today uses a green dragon in its Arms, claims Jason of the Argonauts. Why? Was it a Phasis / Lazi liner?

Akmonia of the Phasis-suspect Bassus' was reasoned to be a Hasmonean term. The Bassus' were Julius-Caesar "clients," and the Bonne's of Provence share the dolphin with Caesars. I need to have Julius Caesar in the line to Caiaphas. The Akmans (oak theme), first found in Fifeshire (Fife's share the Habsburg lion), were suspect with "Akmonia," and I reasoned that the Lieb(er)s (oak theme, Akman colors) were their heraldic kin. Can't Liebs and Leibs trace to Ljubljana, called variously by different nations: Laibach by Germans, Lubiana by Italians, Labacum by Latins. Leib(er)s/Laibs/Leibners happen to use the Habsburg lions! While Leibers share the oak stump with Milans, we read: "From the late 4th to the late 6th century, Emona was the seat of a bishopric that had intensive contacts with the ecclesiastical circle of Milan... "

Compare Leibers/Laibs to the Caepionis-suspect Seconds/Segurs (same place as besant- and leopard-using Clairs!), and let me repeat that Segur / Seagar liners traced in various ways to the Sava. Were Liebers / Leibers the makings of the Labrador species of the heraldic talbot? Should we ask the Annandale saltire of Tailbois', used also by the Breuci > Bruce line?

These upper-Sava areas under discussion are so close to Rijeka/Rika (now in Croatia) that I now recall the trace to Richeza liners to that place. It may explain why Lorraine's and Akman's share the red bend, and why the Ricks use the fesse that is also the Arms of Austria. Ricks can be proven to be Croatians/KRVati as per their match with the CRAVen Coat. "In 452, Emona was virtually destroyed by the Huns, led by Attila. Its remaining inhabitants fled the city; some of them made it to the coast of Istria, where they founded a "second Emona", Aemonia, now the town of Novigrad (meaning "New City"), in Croatia." I'm not sure yet where that new city was, but Rijeka was on the north-Istria coastline nearest to Emona. Ricks were first found in the same place as oak-using Roets, while the German Roets (Thuringia) share the sleeping moon (Luni-liner Carians, in my estimation) of German Kerns/Karens (not the same as Kerns/Kerins above).

The Bassianus' were resolved from the Sava river around the Una/Oeneus, Urbanus and Basante rivers. The UNIcorn of Assmans/Rasmussens, another Akmonia-suspect surname, was an early clue that uniCORNs were part-code for Una-river liners. The CORNs, suddenly, evoke Kern liners! The Maezaei between the Una and Urban rivers are tracing to Carni elements. The Corn/Cornall surname (much like the Cornell variation of Cornwalls), with what could be the Capone chevron (Capone's must trace to the Kupa river of Japodes), was first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Bruce's and Cravens. I now know why the Cornwalls/Cornells ("LA VIE" motto phrase!) share the Carny / Sauer lion! Like the Aures', Fife's, Sauers, and others, the Cornwalls (beside the Roets) use a red lion in both Crest and Shield. The Sauer write-up mentions Carinthia, a likely Carni entity. Look at how much I was missing for so long. This is fantastic, reliable material.

It's interesting that the other Cornwalls share the stars of French Bonns/Bonne's. The Cornwall ravens suggest Coronis liners to Carni. Raven liners include Mackays, from Sutherland, and then Sutherlands use the same stars as Cornwalls and Bonne's.

"According to Herodotus [a Carian], Emona was founded by Jason, when he travelled through the country with the Argonauts, and named by him in honour of his Thessalian homeland." It doesn't say how Emona was of a location in Thessaly. Another website, in quoting data from the Argonautica, I presume, has this to say:

...After attaining the fleece and also a wife, Medea, Jason and his crew were returning from Colchis and (via the Black Sea, the Danube River, the Sava River and the Ljubljanica River) they arrived to what is now Ljubljana.

Jason allegedly named the town Emona after his homeland Thessaly (at the time called Emonia). Ljubljana's Dragon is also said to be a monster in a lake between Ljubljana and Vrhnika that Jason slew.

The myth has had many supporters through the years, but today it seems that history has finally won. Nevertheless, the Argonauts are present in many Slovenian works, from paintings and literary works to historical texts...

It sounds as though Colchians were all over Yugoslavia. Emonia must have been an alternative name of Iolcus, the latter usually given as Jason's home. As Medea was the Abraham-Keturah line, it evokes my claims that the heraldic lion of the Abraham line, shared by BRAMtons, is a red one. The red talbot head in the Bramton Crest is identical, aside from color, to the one in the Blade Crest! Excellent. Bramtons use passant lions in the colors of the Second/SEGUR / Leiber lions, and were first found in the same place as Seagars. While the two Bramton lions are in pale, and colors reversed from the two lions in pale of Brunswicks, the Leibers were first found in Brunswick, no guff. The Levi motto uses the phrase, "second Chretien Levis." The Chretiens use blue-on-gold lion heads, the colors of the Louvain lions, no guff.

Were Bram liners the same as Brun liners, or were they merged? Were Brun liners the same as Abraham liners for a long time, long before heraldry? Why was Parium also Parion? I traced Parium to Abraham-suspect Priam of Troy for excellent reasons, as Keturah traced to him. I then traced "PARION" to PARNassus, in Thessaly, because Gorgon Muses lived in both Parion and Parnassus. This opens the gates to Abraham liners from Barneys, Bernice's and a host of similar names. English Barneys: lions in the colors of the Brunswick / Segur / Leiber lions. German Barneys, first found in Austria, use the same lion, a colors-reversed version of the Habsburg lion. But the big story is that Bramtons just led us to Thessaly, the anciently-proposed ancestry of Slovenia's Emona. Was that the home of proto-Hasmoneans?

This brings to mind mythical APSyrtus/ABSyrtus, mythical brother of Medea, said to have named the island of Apsorus between the southern Istria and Japodes coasts. Apsorus was the name of a Colchian river too. There was no Medea, as a true person, nor an Apsyrtus. These were fanciful / poetic representations of real places or real people groups. It makes the HABS/HAPSburgs suspect from this Colchian island, but there is also the APSus river that can apply. If the question is whether Absyrtus/Apsyrtus can apply to the Abbs/Apps surname, it's a good bet, yes, for I trace that surname's black-on-white LOZENges both to Lazi Colchians (Lazona > Ladon dragon) and to the same-colored lozenges of Schole's, which I trace to Eschol, in Hebron, known home of Abraham. Plus, as we have seen Coronis all over this discussion, whose crow line is expected with the KRVati = Croatians, so Medea and Jason had been married in Corinth.

The Ocra mountain can be gleaned from the Biblical Og (I see an Og line to UGRians), a giant whose descendants I always link to Keturah's lines, especially the one to Medea's Athens elements, for Ogyges, the Ares dragon that protected the golden fleece, was at the Attica / Boiotia area of Athens. Yes, and this explains why the Krvati-based Cravens (formed like "raven") use a motto term in honor of ACTons, from Acte. Og was a Rephaite, a peoples whom I am now viewing as the raven liners from the crow-depicted namers of mount Gareb, the line to "Serb." KRVati is expected to be a harder version of "Gareb." The crow and the ravens were the inhabitants of Gareb and the Rephaites. Some Rephaites were at Gareb, and some on the Jordan river around Jabesh Gilead, the latter a line to the Japodes, a good reason to see Og liners at mount Ocra. I trace UGRian to "GUGAR" with little doubt, because it (also called, Gogarene) was near Gareb-suspect JEREVan, a term that I say renamed Salem to JERusalem (location of mount Gareb and the Rephaite valley). The name of Salem can go to a Sale location near the mouth of the Hebron-suspect Hebros, which is on the dark map along with an APSynthis location, and a Gareb-suspect SARPedon point:

The mouth of the Hebros is close enough to Lemnos to imagine Jason liners there. But with his being from an Emonia location, HASmonean becomes highly suspect with the myth terms, AESon / IASon / HephAEStus. The Aes peoples (suspect as metal makers) are expected at the Emona of mount Ocra, and together that could have migrated a little west to Este, Ferrara and Modena in time to form the Israelite Hasmoneans.

When a myth writer had Medea fly her dragon-pulled chariot to Athens, he was divulging that the Boiotian dragon, which was later protecting the golden fleece, was the same entity as Medea. That entity was mythical Kodros and his son, Medon, late rulers of Athens. Hephaestus had mated with Athena earlier (to produce an Athenian royal line) so that one expects Kodros from that particular Keturah line, as per her Leummite tribe that named Lemnos. It's obvious. Kodros had another son that was made the founder of Hephaestus-like Ephesus, but this entity was given a HephAEStus/HephAIStos code, an apparent play on AESon, father of Jason = IASon. Hephaestus was made ugly as code for Gorgons, the line to Parnassus in Thessaly, home of Aeson. The sacred island of Hephaestus, Lemnos, was the location where Jason's ship stopped on the way to Colchis, to mate with Amazons there, and so this fleece-job poetry included the Meshwesh of Cyrene, the crow line there, and especially the mythical Myrina hags at the Atlas mountains i.e. the Numidians.

Earlier in this update, it seemed that the Numidians from the SIRET river included the Ferns, but then the Ferne Coat compares well with the Place/Plais Coat. Why was Medea's brother made, ApSYRTus? In the Argonautica, the Argo sails up the Danube river beginning at its mouth, and the mouth of the Siret is on the Danube. The Danube was then the Ister, which apparently named Istria when the Colchians got there. I didn't know that the Argonautica had the ship sail up the Sava too (a Danube tributary), which, if correct, had sailed up a river that I'm now tracing to Shawia Numidians, who had a capital of ApSYRTus-like Cirta. And I always trace the Maezaei of Croatia to the Meshwesh Amazons of north Africa. While the myth writers were loath to explain true history while throwing out codework, I am telling it as it should be, cutting through the nasty codework, and turning the jungle into a plain sight.

As I equated Aeson with mythical Aedon of Boiotia, whose Panias-suspect father was from Ephesus, let's repeat my reliable trace of Aedon to the Aedui peoples of Autun, for Daytons/D'Autuns can be using the Place/Plais lion. Keep in mind that Plais' are being expected as a branch of Bleds/Blez' / Blaze's, smack beside Emona, itself suspect with Levite liners to the counts of Ananes-suspect Hainaut. The Hainaut / Flanders lion is in Levi-chevron colors, and it's black, like the Jewish Levi lions. As Panias was beside the Levites of Laish (golden-fleece Lazi liners), there is a good chance that the red Place/Plais / Dayton / Dreux lion is a version of the black-on-white Levi lions, two of them in pale, as with the red Bramton lions. The Dreux's are lumped into this picture because the Drake's were first found in the same place as the Hampshire Josephs, whom now trace to BLED without doubt. Ask even the "WLAD" motto term of those Josephs.

Aedon's father, PANDareus (probably a Pan-Dar entity), was likely the reason for "PANDion," mythical ruler of Athens. We get it: Pandion was part of the Keturah > Hephaestus line of Athenian rulers, and so Keturah traces through Aedon to Daytons, whose red lion is passant, as are the lions of Abraham-suspect Bramtons. "PasSANT" may be double code, one for the SANTone's, from Lemnos' Sintians. The PASSant term can also be code for the Pass/Pascal surname that uses the passant lion in both colors of the passant Levi lions. The Levi lion is with a green dragon in the Crest of Kilpatricks, first found in the same place as Place-suspect Annandale, making the Kilpatrick dragon suspect with the green one of Emona = Ljubljana. There will be more evidence below of a Kilpatrick trace to Place's/Plais', tending to harden the Place trace to Blaze's and Bleds/Blez's, perfectly expected where proto-Pollocks were in cahoots with the Dol Alans suspect from the Dulo house of Attila.

It was plain that Aedon was a form of neighboring "Athena," both from the Atun sun god of Egypt, a cult that was supported by Yuya, a Mitanni liner suspect from ancient Modi'in, but then Keturah had Mitan-like sons in Medan and Midian. It seems that Keturah's lines got down to the Egypt's Atun cult, which was at AMARNa, like MYRINA on Lemnos.

"Yuya" was traced (by me) to quasi-mythical king Gyges/Gugu, what looks like play on the Ogyges dragon now very traceable to the Emona dragon for obvious Colchian reasons. Gugu was a Myso-Lydian royal line. I once entertained a Yuya variation in the naming of YUGOslavia, and here I'm finding that Yuya's Colchian line is tracing all over Yugoslavia. Yuya was at the Egyptian city of Kemmis, and then the Kemmis surname (Gloucestershire, suspect with the Glaucus river of Colchis) shares three red fesse bars with Love's/Luffs (!), with a blue-vair fur background that can trace to the vair fur in the Arms of Verres in Aosta, for the red Love/Luff and Fountain fesse bars were traced to Fountainmore of Aosta, on the Laish-suspect Lys river. The Fountain bars are on a blue Shield very reflective of the Kemmis Coat, which suggests a trace of the Emona area to Aosta, reasonable where Aosta was an Este / Istria line.

What was Da-Vinci's MONA LISA really all about? His surname traces to Vinkovci, a Sava-river entity. The passant griffins of Vince's/Vinch's are in the colors of the passant lions of Jewish Levi's.

The Baez/Paez/Pelaiz surname uses half the Pollock saltire, and that saltire is used as a cross (same colors) in the Arms of Pola/Pula, a location in southern Istria i.e. near Apsyrtus. I had traced both the Pulleys/Pullens and the Poole's along with Pollocks and Alans of Dol to Pola. But here one can add that Poole is a location in Hampshire, where Bled/Blez-liner Josephs were first found. It seems a perfect match. The Pulleys/Pullens are the ones with the Joseph martlet in both colors! We are on it. And while the Pulley Coat is suspect with the Gard Coat, lake Garda is on a river flowing down to the Este theater.

As the Pierleoni Jews were suspect from both Pollocks and the Fountains, and especially of the Rita's, by what coincidence do Rita's use the same lion as Poole's? Pollocks traced the VesPASIa Polla of Rita-like Rieti, and therefore to the Pasi/Pace surname, while Rita's use a "PIECE of wood." Keep in mind that Vespasia was the mother of Vespasian, part of the seven heads of the Revelation dragon, suspect with the seven-headed Lotan dragon that was, in all likeliness, a line to the Emona dragon. The Baez/Paez-like Peace/Paise surname can apply to the piece code, for it happens to be in the colors of the Blade's while the latter use a white-on-green saltire linkable to the gold-on-green one of Pollocks. The Pollock saltire is expected with the two Frank surnames (I say they were Clovis = Este liners), one with a gold-on-green, and the other a white-on-green, saltire.

The Peace's/Paise's are in Kern colors, and it was the Carni-related Carnys that share white pheons with Blade's, but it can now be added that while Pasi's/Pace's traced excellently to Paisley, at the Renfrew / Glasgow theater of the first Pollocks, the Lords/Lauds (same place as Love's/Luffs), in the motto of Glasgows, use white-on-blue pheons too, the colors of the Carny / Pilate pheons, and the Lords/Lauds throw in the Ampton/Hampton cinquefoils, a surname suspect with "HAMPshire" (i.e. location of Poole). The Lauds/Laudymans (NorthAMPTONshire) were part of the Letushite tribe of Keturah and Abraham, right? Yes, and that traces Letushites to the Lord kin of Glasgows. Might the latter have been Glaucus-river liners?

Poole is near the mouth of the Stur river (begins near Gloucestershire) that thereby traces well to Istria. The Sturs happen to use three fesse bars in red, the colors of the Love/Luff fesse bars, suggesting an Istria link to Emona, which recalls that Attila made Emona's inhabitants flee to the Istria coast. The Letts, first found in Gloucestershire, are likely in the Glasgow motto term, "let," if Glasgows were Glou/Glouces / Glaucus liners. Glasgows use an "oak tree growing out of a MOUNT in base." Thanks to the Mons/Mount surname now tracing to Emona, many heraldic mounds and mounts can be for Emona liners.

It turns out that Novigrad is on the north-west side of Istria, nearest to Este. As Novigrad is near Rijeka, while I traced the double-headed Maxwell eagle to the same in the Arms of Rijeka, by what coincidence does this Maxwell-Ros Coat share a red-on-white saltire with the Arms of Novigrad? The saltire is the only thing used in the Arms of Novigrad. As this Maxwell-Ros Arms uses water bougets, the Rose-clan symbol, it's apparent that Novigrad / Rijeka / Istria liners were in Ross-shire, land of the Rose clan. And while I identify the Ross clan with king Andrew I of Hungary, and claim that Scotland's Andrew's Cross was named secretly in his honor (very logical for many reasons), let's repeat that while Pollocks share virtually a motto term of Eugene's, the latter show Andrew's cross (white-on-blue saltire) while tracing to Euganeo, beside Este.

The Novigrad saltire is in both colors of the Annandale saltire, and then the Pelaiz's are expected as a branch of Place's/Plais' that should be Placentia liners, of obvious importance where Annan(dale)s trace to Ananes Gauls at Placentia. The Rome's/Rooms, first found in the same place as Annandale, use a "PLACit" motto term, apparently clinching the Place surname with Placentia while clinching Annandale with its Ananes. It seems correct that Pollock / Pula/Pola liners, and their Pullen / Polle branches, were at Placentia, but note how that city's PIACenza version is like "piece / Paise."

It's a fact that Pollocks are a sept of Maxwells. But who were MAXwells and their MAXton kin? They were deciphered as Maccus-viking liners. Maccus' father, Harald, is now being traced to the Herod/Harald surname, in Pollock-saltire colors. The Maccus vikings thus become suspect from old Colchian pirates. The Maxwells/MAKESwells are honored in the Kilpatrick motto term, "make," for both surnames share the black-on-white saltire. This is why the green Kilpatrick dragon can be the Ljubljana dragon? Why do Kilpatricks use a version of the Blaze Coat??? It's because they trace to Bled and Emona (a thing I didn't know until now). It tends to clinch Blaze's with Bleds/Blez's.

Why do Gospatricks/Cospatricks (same saltire as Tecks/Tess') use a saltire in colors reversed from the Novigrad / Annandale saltire? Shouldn't we ask the lions of Levis', that surname being in-code with the leaves of the Tecks/Tess'? Yes, for Tecks are suspect with Dexaroi, the Illyrians to which Irish Kilpatricks trace their Crest.

While Quintus Caepio must trace to the Clausula river with Glass liners, whom are expected to be a branch of Closeburn (home of Kilpatricks), note that while Quints use a lion's paw, the Kilpatrick Crest has the Levi / Pass/Pascal lion paw on the head of the dragon. And it's the right lion paw, perhaps play on the 666 theme of revelation 13, for Patrick liners are expected from Patmos, where the Revelation was written. But as the Kilpatrick dagger traced that surname to the APSus-river Dexaroi, at AntiPATRia, they were up-river from Fier, with all of the possible implications thereof.

Maxwells were first found in Roxburghshire, where Scottish Leavells/Lovells were first found. The Somerset Leavells/Lovells were suspect in the Stur bars, a good reason to see Leavells as part of the Louvains / Love's/Luffs at the remaining of Emona. The Dexaroi are suspect with Daggers/Decks that share the red squirrel with Squire's/Squirrels/Square's who may be in code in the square that comes with the blue wolf in the Arms of Placentia. I don't know the official name of the square, but that's what it is, a simple square, nothing more. The Squire's are suspect with the "make sure" motto term of Kilpatricks, for Kilpatricks show Sheer-like variations linkable to SHIRE's/Shere's (share the black talbot with the Blade Crest). At one time, Daggers/Decks were suspect with Tecks/Tess' (LEAVES) as the namers of the Ticino/Tessin river, home of the LAEVI Gauls. As the Tecks/Tess' use a saltire in colors reversed to the Annandale saltire, Tessin-river liners can now trace to NOVigrad, conspicuous where Laevi lived at NOVara.

If Novara existed under that name in BC times, then we might expect the Laevi there to have named one of the multiple Novigrad locations of Croatia. New liners can be expected. NEWtons use shin bones in a saltire in the colors of the Kern saltire, and I have linked Newtons to Pollocks. Newport is a location on the Isle of Wight across from Poole. Newports were clinched with Quade's from Quadratilla before knowing that her name was as per Tilurius liners.

The Tease variation of Tecks/Tess' suggested the Tease's/Tighs sharing the Annas star, and first found in the same place as Annas', which was in Nottinghamshire, where Bouget-using Bugs were first found that can link to Maxwell-Ros bouget. In fact, at one time, the German Bugs were showing, not the black-on-gold ravens now showing, but footless martlets in those colors, the colors of the Joseph martlet. This Bugs-Bunny picture goes to same-colored Bogens, but while Bogans (with an 'a') are using the Till wyvern dragon in colors reversed, it brings the Tilurius river of Croatia into the picture. While Tailers trace to the Tilurius, the Tailbois' use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Annandale's. Or is it the Novigrad / Emona saltire? English Tillers (MONmouthshire!) are using the Levi lions in colors reversed, as are the Caiaphas-like Cabbage's (Northamptonshire) that throw in a chevron in the colors of the Levi chevrons. The evidence is now overwhelming on Levi background, together with Josephs, in the Bled theater, yet the Laevi predated the Caiaphas-line Levites so that the latter are suspect from the Laevi, which expects that the Levites of Laish had parked their sorry butts on the Ticino.

As Monmouths share a red lion upon bars GEMEL with Modi'in-suspect Mauds, it's clear to me that Josephs trace to Josephus, an Israel general at Gamala, an Israeli city conquered by Hasmoneans. Josephus traced himself to priestly Hasmoneans. This makes MONmouth suspect with HasMONeans, yet this place has just found a trace to Emona thanks to the Tillers (share the Meschin / Harald/Hurl / Hurl bend) of Monmouthshire. When Josephus betrayed Israel, he allowed himself to be adopted (probably begged to be) by Titus, son of Vespasian. It's a good bet, therefore, that Josephus traces to the Bled / Istria theater along with Vespasia Polla. And there was a Titius river (light map) beside the Tilurius. The Titius flows to BURNum while Titus was engaged to be married to Burn- / Bernice-suspect Berenice Agrippa.

Monmouth is beside Gloucestershire, home of the first Kemmis' and Annas-related Letts. Gloucestershire became suspect with the "let"-using Glasgows that use an "oak tree growing out of a MOUNT in BASE." The Glasgow oak theme can be that of Akmonia liners (traces to the Glasgow "mount"), and Base's are suspect with Bassianus liners on the Tilurius, but it just so happens that Base's/BAISE's (same place as Tailbois') use the two Brunswick lions in pale, which are the Bramton lions, right? Why do Bramtons use a talbot head in Crest? Ask the Tailbois'. Black hunting horns are used also by Burns and Bernice's/Burness' that trace even better now to Burnum upon the Titius. The black footless martlet in the Glasgow Crest is used by Gospatricks, but isn't that the Joseph / Pulley/Pullen martlet too?

German Base's/Bassans (Austria, perhaps near Bled) may be using the black hunting horns of Kilpatrick-suspect Patch's (oak LEAVES, said to be from PAECCI"). They are suspect with the black hunting horns of Trebbia-suspect Trabys. Patch's can now be suspect with the oak leaves of Liebs for a trace to Emona. Base's/Bassans use the horns in pale. What's with all of this pale? Ask the Pale's/Palys (same place as Pulleys/Pullens) with the Gamala-suspect camel, symbol of the Kilpatrick-related Pattersons/Cussane's. Scottish Pattersons share the pelican with Paly-like Pulleys/Pullens, thus linking Patrick liners to Pola/Pula liners.

Palys happen to share three upright, red lions with Carnys, and it's the latter that have the Pilate pheons, recalling that Palys link well to Pilate / Pilotte / Pellet liners, where Palleys are listed with Palletts. I don't think I'm prepared to equate the namers of Pola with the namers of Pontius Pilate, though both can be from Pylos and Methoni. The pelican, used by Pulleys (no nest) and their Pell/Pelles (no nest) kin, often comes with a NEST that's likely code for Nestor of Pylos. Pale's/Palys were first found beside the first Pile's/Pills. Methoni/Modon (beside Pylos) was suspect with a line from ancient Modi'in. Note that while Stewarts use the pelican with a nest, Alans share a red fesse with double-fesse (gemel suspects) Nests. Pylos becomes suspect with PELAGONia, itself suspect with Peleg, one of the first Hebrew tribes.

By now you may know that the "culpa" motto term of Pulleys/Pullens is code for Cups/Colps from the Colapis river, smack in Colchian Croatia. And it just so happens that Pellets and Pilotte's (same place as Tailbois') use cups. As Cups/Cope's share the Glasgow chevron, while Gore's/Core's traced well to the Colapis river, "GlasGOW" suddenly looks linkable to the Gowers/Gore's (share white wolf with Gore's/Core's). The Cole's share a Servilia / Servitium-suspect motto term with Gore's/Core's, and Cole-related Kyle's (Shaw kin) share the GLASS stars, another reason for tracing Glasgows to Colapis / Cup liners. For me, it suggests that the namers of the Clausula were related to the namers of the Colapis, an excellent idea where Quintus Caepio needs to trace to Cupionich on the Clausula, but also to the Kupa version of the Colapis. This is essentially the same as tracing "Sava" to "Cavii" (Servitium is on the Sava near the mouth of the Colapis). It suggests that the Shawia Numidians were from the Cavii. Irish Shaws use the Pellet / Pilotte cups in the same colors.

Gospatricks/Cospatricks (in Kos/Kosinski colors) are likely part of the Kilpatrick "cushions" along with the Cassane / Kissane kin of Pattersons. Kilpatricks substitute three cushions for the martlets and garb of the Blaze's (same saltire as Patricks too), and while Bled liners must trace to Modena in order to fulfill the expectation of a Hasmonean trace between it and Emona, Cassane's have traced very well to Cassius'/Casano's, first found in Modena. The "sure" term of Kilpatricks gets the Sure's (Surrey) with the same chevron as Cass', Kiss'/Cuss' and KISSens, the latter first found in the same place (Middlesex) as Fiers (same Apsus river as proto-Kilpatricks) and Cetis-suspect KITTs, but I didn't yet recall until now that the Sure motto is the Caen motto with the "liCITIS" code for Citis/Cetis. For me, this traces the Surreys to Cetis liners, and while "Cetis" was itself suspect with a Sadducee-like term, Sussex is where Saddocks were first found...who share what could be the Nitt/Naught escutcheon, important because Nitts were first found in the same place as the Nith river, location of Kilpatrick castle.

Kissers are traced to a "cuishes" term said to mean makers of "pieces of armor to protect the thigh." I wonder how they dreamed up that idea? Shouldn't it be code for the Thighs/Thy's? The Kiss'/Cuss', using the same coat, are said to derive in "cuisse, a type of leather armor," suggesting the Letter/Leather surname along with the Armors, and, indeed, the Armors (Challant=floor chevron?) use a "cassis" motto term to indicate their kinship with Cass' / Kiss' / Kissens, and probably the Cassius/Casano's too. The Cass', using the same coat, are said to derive from a "case." It looks like the people who made these derivations didn't really know the truth on the derivation, or, better yet, they did know the truth on the Cass-Armor relationship, only they lied deliberately on the derivations of the surnames, and stuck code into the write-up. This is useful garbage, useful to show that the heraldic masters were human garbage, just like the satan they serve. There's a good chance that Armors are using a version of the Provence / Stephen Coat.

Recalling that Higgs were Challant rulers, let's repeat from above: "The Caseys are thrown in there [by me] because Reeds share the red eagle with Caseys. The Reeds above use "labore" while the Dee's use "HIC labor," clinching Dee's with the Higgs / Hykes'..." The Syms/Simms, just looked up as per the "tutisSIMa" motto term of Armors, use a "Fortuna et LABORE" motto, which can be code for Liebers / Leibers now tracing to Emona. The Armor chevron is in the BLUE of the Cassius/Casano fesse, which tends to make another Emona link to Modena. And Motts/Mottins were first found in what later became, Cotes-d'Armour. It was beside Dol, and Liebers have been resolved with the Alan fesse and oak leaves. And, remember, Leibers are using a version of the Second/Segurs Coat while Levi's use a "second" motto term, indicating that Liebers and Liebers both trace to the Levi chevrons in the counts of Hainaut, who probably ruled at Emona-like Mons.

Then, lookie here at the SIMsons, for they are using the Hainaut / Flanders lion...making Armors suspect with something of the Hainaut / Valois line. The Simson lion is counterchanged (two colors schemes) on a diagonally-split Shield, just as the lion is! These Hains were first found in Silesia, where Sitlers/SCHITners are said to originate, and the latter use the Hainaut / Flanders lion too! As I traced Skits / Skeets' and Scheds to the Setta valley, where I expect Guido's and/or their kin, let's repeat that the Hain lion is a near-match with that of Guido's. Then, let's bring the lion of Sutys ("nothing" motto term) into this, because it's the Hainaut lion too, meaning that one can now prove a trace of Suty-related Seatons/Sittens to the Setta valley, especially as Syms/Simms were first found in the same place (East Lothian) as Seatons/Sittens.

This is huge, for the green Seaton and Nothing/Northern dragon can now be identified with the Emona / Ljubljana dragon!!! It is already a fact in my mind, no further evidence needed, but welcome just the same. The Suty-related SIDE's/Sudys, using a passant lion in the colors of the SITler lion, are sharing a black lion just like the black Levi lion!!! I've known this, only this time, there is a lot of punch to it.

Why is the Simms (sharing the Halpert/Halbert chevron) axe called a "HALBERT." That's the symbol of Walsers from the Sitten area, and ALBERT of Panico is expected at the Setta valley. As Panico's/Pane's were traced to Payens, it can explain why both Payens and Simms call their Zionist stars, "spur rowels." Spurrs may have been Speers, whom I trace to the spears of Pasi's i.e. first found in Bologna i.e. location of the Setta. The Guido's of Bologna have a Coat linkable to the Spree Coat (CORNwall, important below), and Spree's share the Speer crescents. The Spree river is in Laus-like LUSatia, where the first-known Sitlers originate; they are said to be from Gorlitz, which is in Lusatia, and near the Spree river. Gorlitz/Goreliz is on the Neisse river. which may be a Ness/Nest = Nestor-of-Pylos liner.

Note the wavy blue bars of Sutys, which are in the so-called fountains of Cass' / Kiss' / Kissens. There are wavy, blue bars also in the white crescents of English Hains, which bring to mind the white crescents of the Scottish Simsons, the latter's in the colors of the Kerns (related white crescents are shared by Valois' and Motts/Mottins). As Simsons were first found in BUCKINGham, while one of the colors schemes of their lion is that of Milans/Millens = BUCHANans, this Hainaut lion thus traces to BUXENtum, smack beside FLANDers-suspect BLANDA. It's also beside Skit-suspect Scidrus, where I've been tracing Side's/Sudy from before knowing of their Scythes variation. It's clear that SCYTHES'/Side's were a branch of SCHITners/Sitlers and SCYTHE's/Skeets' (compare with Guido's and Spree's), and that they definitely trace to Scidrus. The "nutrior" motto term of Simpson was traced only recently to ancient Enotri peoples of Saracena, smack beside the Scidrus theater! See Lucania map:

Plus, with all of the black, upright lions now in topic, let's bring in the same of Palins. While this surname traced to PALINurus (beside Buxentum), it was the reason that I was able to trace Buchanans to Buxentum in the first place. From that point, evidence for these traced cropped up repeatedly. The point is, Buchanans and Palins, Hainaut and Flanders, are using the Levi lion in an upright position.

All of this tends to prove that Laus, at Buxentum / Scidrus, was a Levite haunt of the Laish kind. The Argonautica had the Argo ship sail past mythical Scylla, likely code for the namers of Skylletion. It appears that the connection between Levites at Emona and Levites at the Laus theater had to do with Colchians.

As the Enotri were at Skylletion, while Shultz's (suspect with the Chives and Hykes/Hack quadrants) have proven to be kin of a branch of Scythe's/Skeets' (uses an ESCUTcheon), there is a good bet in tracing Schultz's to Skylletion liners.

Normally, I would have paid Kunigunda of Slovenia no attention. But look at all that she has wrought. She has single-handedly discovered Levi liners left and right, all the suspects of my previous work, and may have found the root of Hasmoneans to boot. The Seatons can now figure more-assuredly as Sadducee liners. And the Challant links accompanied in this discussion brings one to the Sion/Sitten theater.

The double-tressure BORDER owned by Flemings of Flanders, and shared by the Seatons, is code for the Tresure's/Treasure's, first found in the same place as BORDERS. Let's not be naive. The border feature is often made to appear as an escutcheon (Shield-on-Shield). The green dragon of Tresure's can now trace to Emona's dragon, which is to say that Emona liners are suspect in the Somerset theater. It can explain why Somers'/Summers (with a Simpson-like Sumpton variation) are in Irish-Kern / Simson colors, but as the Stur river flows in Somerset, the Stars (Colchian-suspect lozenges), using the same chevron as Kerns, can apply to that river.

Shacks/Shakerleys use the Kern chevron in colors reversed. There is the possibility that Shacks / Shakespeare's were of the Tecks/Tess' i.e. Ticino-river liners. The Roets of Somerset are suspect with the German Kerns. The KERNs were already suspect with CORNwalls, and here we find Somerset in the Cornwall peninsula. It means that the namers of Carni and Carinthia were the Cornovii founders of Cornwall. As Colchians with in CORINTH, it appears that Corinthians must have named Carinthia. As Telchines of Rhodes originated at Sicyon (Corinthian outskirts), it gives extra reason to trace Roets to Rhodes.

It appears that Corinthians made it all the way to Cornwall, but as Cornwalls use ravens, it's evidence that Corinthians were named by Coronis crow liners. Her son's snake symbol was a dragon, wasn't it? Why do the Quarters use both the Asclepios rod and the Side = Hainaut = Levi lion? Is the "LAUDimus" motto term of Quarters indication that Laus liners were also Lauds/Lords and Ladys/Laudymans? Can't Lady Fortune then be discovered as a Laish liner? It was the Syms/Simms (share a feather pen with Carlyle's), first found in the same place as Seatons, who use "Fortuna et labore." If not for the Armor motto, this discussion based on Syms / Simpsons would not have existed. Is "LaudiMUS" indication that Laish liners were merged with Mus liners? I've said so for three years or more.

I had traced the Dumnonii founders of Somerset and Devon to the LaceDAEMONians, who lived in Sparta i.e. south of Corinth. Devon was traced to "Daphne," the Ladon-dragon line of Laish / Lazi, partly from the Ladon river i.e. near Corinth. The Laus location in Lucania is said to be founded by Sybaris, which was traced by others to Achaea, smack in the Ladon-river theater. My trace of Spartans and Ladon-river elements to the Cornwall theater had nothing to do with the Achaean trace to Sybaris, for I didn't know that Laus traced to the Cornwall peninsula until now. However, i did trace mount Alburnus (on the Lucania map), and the namers of Calabria, to the EXcalibur sword of king Arthur, and while I identified that sword as part-code for Exeter, in Devon, I later resolved that the chief entity of king Arthur was the Baden/Battin surname, first found in Somerset. It would be years more before learning that King Arthur was made born in Tintagel, in Somerset. It was all good for tracing mythical Atreus to Atrebates in neighboring Hampshire, who may have been in the Dorset / Somerset area too. And Atreus' son was MeneLAUS.

Laish was itself smack beside a Daphne location (mentioned by Josephus) that is still on some modern maps today. It's on my Reader's Digest Atlas of the World. So, in effect, I was tracing Laish's Levites to the Somerset area without realizing it. The Laish Levites were not yet a topic when I made those old traces to Somerset. "Lucania" was itself suspect with Laconia, an alternative name for Sparta that seems to be in LACEdaemonia.

It was recently when the Enotri were discovered at all. As soon as I found that they went by the alternative name, OENOtrians, I immediately labeled them as the Levites of Laish because, for one, I have been entertaining "Oen" terms with "Jonathan." There was one mythical OENOmaus, king of Pisa, smack at the Achaea / Ladon theater. Mythical Oeneus -- of Calydon, home of the Daphne-represented Taphians -- was related to him, and he was made the father of what I perceived to be the Methoni > Modena bloodline. But that was before I knew of Modi'in, home of the first Hasmoneans, the Levites of whom became suspect from the world-trekking Jonathan Levites as they evolved into the GAULs called, Laevi. I trace "Calydon" to "Khaldi," whom some say were identical with the (C)Halybes, the latter being the ones I see in "Calabria" and "ExCALIBER." In that picture, the excalibur was a Levite / Laevi line, in part. Note that Mount Alburnus (like the "caliburnus" version of the excalibur) is at EBURum? What kind of Hebrews were those? Were they the Hebrews that had been of the Khaldi from way back? Hebrews of Babylon were in Khaldi-like Chaldea. Why did Arthurian myth writers link excaliber with a "LADY of the Lake." Was that code for Lady-Fortune liners to Lauds/Lords? The latter are the ones sharing the Carny / Pilate pheons. The Laud/Lord Coat reflects the Cassius/Casano Coat.

A translated page on Blanda says: "Blanda (later called Blanda Julia) was an ancient city ENOTRIA, Lucan[ia] and Roman Palecastro situated on the hill in the territory of the municipality of Tortora, in the province of Cosenza." I've not know Tortora before. Although Scottish Hains don't show them at houseofnames, they Coat's description says that they have TORTeaux in their gold border. The PALEcastro area can be a Pale / Palin(nurus) liner, and I happen to link Pale's to Pilate's (i.e. suspect in the Laud/Lord pheons). But I trace Pilate's to Pylos, beside Methoni, which is why the Laud/Lord Coat can be a version of the Casano's, first found in Modena. It makes perfect sense where the Enotri / Oenotrians of the Palecastro area were from Methoni, daughter of Oeneus. In fact, for me now, a trace of Oenotrians to an Oeneus > Methoni line is now clinched, and it tends to include Glass / Glasgow / Klassen liners. It also makes Laud liners suspect from the namers of Laus. The Ladys/Laudymans, by the way, use lozenges in the colors of the similar mascles of Scottish Hains/Henning (Dumfries, same as ANNAN(dale)).

It has taken me this long, roughly ten years, to find and understand the underpants of the Flemish Crusaders. There was never any solid evidence, until now, that Flanders traces to Blanda. The Arthurian Levites were in Artois, beside Flanders. The Sinclair Normans approached the Artois theater when they took Normandy. This Artois was the stinking dragon, and it merged with Hainaut. The English Hains knew where they were from, for they use "An ARROW RESTing on a crescent, all proper." While Arrows/Arras' are from the Artois capital, Arthurs use so-called RESTS. I have the sense that Hainaut liners were deep with the Welsh. Arras was also called, Atrecht, known to be founded by Atrebates of Hampshire, the Atreus > MeneLAUS Spartans.

Scottish Hains are a good example of an escutcheon but called a Border, for a trace to the double-tressure border of Flemings. But what's the "double" code for? What about the "du ble" motto phrase of Ble's/Du Ble's/Bleds/BLEZ's? Previously, the Blois' (as D'Blois) were suspect with "double," but here I've just loaded "BLESS" to find it listed with a Blois surname (that doesn't come up when entering "Blois"). Bless'/Blois share vair fur with the Arms of Chatillon.

As Blade's are said to be of Drago de Bewere, as goes also for the Burtons (share talbot head with Blade's), this Drago entity is suspect with the Emona dragon just because Blade's trace to Bled liners. Burtons can be a branch of Borders, for the BURSEblade variation of Blade's can indicate Burse's/Borsie's (Porcia colors), first found in the same place as Borders, which is in Somerset, location of the Axe river to which Bewere-suspect Were's are traced. And Drake's do use the axe. One can fathom that the Halberts / Alberts trace to the Axe river. English Alberts use a hammer, and while "Maccabee" has been translated by others as "hammer" (not necessarily correct), Hams with Hammers happen to be in Kern / Simson colors, i.e. traceable to Maccabee-suspect Emona.

As Burtons use a "Lux vitae" motto while Vita's share the annulet with Ladys/Laudymans, "Lux" becomes a Laish / Laus suspect too, especially Luxembourg, for its Arms shares the blue-and-white bars of LUSignan. The Glass' use a "Luctor" motto, and the Melusine of the Glass Crest is the dragon woman, Melusine, known to be from Lusignan. It's the GLASgows that honor the Lords who list "Laud." It is likely that the so-called Melusines peoples of Lusignan were from the Emona dragon.

The single tressure is used by Lodge's/Loge's, important where Bloods use "three bucks lodged proper." It tends to assure that Bloods were Bled liners. But why a single tressure? Did they have a falling out with the double-suspect Bleds/Blez'/Du Ble's? Perhaps. The white-on-red lion of Bohemia, which may be in the Lodge/Loge Coat, is in the Arms of Gorlitz, and is colors reversed from the same lion in the German Buck Coat, a surname first found in BRANdenburg, which could have covered the Gorlitz area. German Brandons, in Fortuna colors, are using the giant wings of Jewish Glass'. The latter put a blue fesse on their white wings, making it the fesse of Lauds/Lords (same place as dragon-uisng Blois'). fesse. The Buck lion is red, as are the BRAMton lions.

The idea here is that the Bloods had linked to Sorbs of Gorlitz, for the Bled / Emona area was home to Serb cousins, and it's known that Sorbs founded Serbs. As Sorbs were at home in LUSatia, note that Bucks can trace to Buxentum, beside LAUS. Sitlers/SCHITners of Gorlitz have already traced to Scidrus at the Laus theater. The Propers (honored in the Blood description) are using the same lion as Brunswicks, a branch-suspect of Bramtons. The Proper motto look much like code for Trains/Trane's (traced last update to the Tirana at the Mathis river) that share the upright and giant red lion of Bucks. Trains (lion colors reversed from the Proper lion) were first found partly in Durham, where antler-using Conte's were first found that are quite-apparently using a version of the English Buck Coat.

Recall the APSynthis location at the SARPedon point, for I had identified mythical Sarpedon with proto-Sorbs. His Minoan brother was given an "AMANTHYS" ending to his name, suspect with the Sarpedon-of-Caria line to "Amyntes." The latter traces to Hamonds that share the Conte/Counter antler, and antlers trace to Antalya at the Caria-Pisidia border. One can imagine a Carian trace first to Sorbs, then to Serbs at Carinthia and Carni, with the sleeping-moon German Kerns/Karens (sinister symbolism in Masci / Massena colors, expected of the Hamond line) involved who were first found in Silesia (home of Sorbs). The Maso Sea Peoples of Caria, and Massa-Carrara at Pisidian-suspect Pisa and Luni, come to mind, as does the COUNTERchanged Pisa lion.

Unfortunately, there's not much online on the Maso, in order to understand how they were from the Oenomaus Amazons of Grecian Pisa. But Endymion, the eternal sleeper who was loved by the Carian moon goddess, was from Elis at Pisa. It looks like the Oenotrian Levites figured into the Pisidian line to the Kerns, and to Carni. Laish traced by multiple methods to the Pisa Amazons. Dionysus, the celebrated Oen liner, had all-female Maenads (Amazons) on the Maeander river flowing through downtown Caria. Dionysus had stolen a girl (Ariadne) from Crete, and then settled Lemnos, home of the Myrina Amazons. He was a disgusting pig, celebrated by disgusting Greeks (not to say all Greeks were disgusting). The Maenads had a pine-cone symbol, symbol also of the Maschi's (Benjamite liners to the Pisa Amazons) that were fundamental kin to Hamonds (i.e. Hamon de Masci).

I'm out of time. I never did get back to the family tree of Valois. Kunigunda side-tracked me. I'm glad she did.


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

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they were not from me but by someone using my email box to send it.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
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