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February 23 - 29, 2016

The Boii were from the Bojana
Amazing Finds in the Rivers of Albania
The Janina Escutcheon; from the Kennati of Cetis?

Someone emailed to say that I should look at the Sudduth surname in the line to William ap Morgan. If this was a Sadducee-liner surname, there's something to be learned, perhaps, with the Sotherby/Southerby variations at its houseofnames page. At the webpage below, spot Agnes Lee Sudduth at the top of the page, whose fathers were a line of the Williams surnames, important because Williams and Sudduths/Southerbys share talbots in Crest. This can be good for that question recently on whether Williams were from the Conqueror, or some other Williams such as the ones at Montferrat, or even Willa of Tuscany. Recalling that Willa of Tuscany could have been merged with Taddei's, and because I traced the latter to Tudors, note that the William line to Agnes Sudduth goes back to William ap Morgan, whose mother was Joan Tudor.

There is more, for while the Valois surname was connectable to Toothills/Tuttle's, Joan Tudor was granddaughter to queen Catherine of Valois (wife to Owen Tudor). The Taddei's and Tosni's became suspect with the Todini surname in the write-up of Toots/Tuits, said to be from a Berengar de Todini, son of the Conqueror's father. But I found no other source claiming this Todini character as the Conqueror's nephew. As the Tuttle's are regularly mentioned in my work along with porphyria, the so-called purple disease, note the purple talbot in the Sudduth/Sotherly Crest.

The last update ended up finding the line of Josephus, the Roman historian, from a line that included the namers of Cabyle, which on the light map is on the Tonzus river, and near it on the dark map. The Tonso/Tous/TOSINI surname was suspect with that river. The Tous/Tosini surname uses a man with a shirt, and it's said to have BUTTONs, and then, I kid you not, Yevan ap Morgan, grandfather of William ap Morgan, married Joan Button/Batton. The fact that her name can be either "Button" or "Batton" suggests that they were branches.

If you read the last update, you may be realizing why Sudduths are already suspect as Sadducee liners. Joan Button was from Glamorgan, in southern Wales, and perhaps of the dark-skinned Silures there, now tracing to Numidians. In fact, while the Massena Numidians descended to the Massin/Mason surname, they share "Dum Spiro Spero" with the motto of William ap Morgan. Yes, his Arms (red-on-white griffin) with motto are shown at this page:

Before going on, it should be said that Speers (suspect in the motto above) share the crescents of Spree's while Spree's are connectable to Tattons.

The Sudduth talbot is highly connectable to the purple lion of Skiptons and Lacys, for there are indications that this talbot is of the Tailbois' whom Ranulph le Meschin married. His brother married Skiptons. William ap Morgan married Cromwells, first found in the same place (Lincolnshire) as Sudduths and le Meschin's Taillebois wife. Cromwells (share swan in Crest with Sellers) are said to be of TATTERshall castle, named Tateshall in 1086. Tattershalls: "three silver tigers passant regardant." The last update spoke on two tigers, both white (silver), both in Crests, one of them used by Ceelys/Seelys, whom were found during the investigation of a Psellus surname in Josephus' priestly ancestry. The Psellus surname was under investigation as a possible line to Sellicks, first found in the same place as Trevors, and therefore suspect with Sellers whom I see using a version of the Tudor Coat.

The white tiger is used also by the Travis/TRAVER surname (their Coat reflects the Tattershall Coat, and they share the Meschin scallops), which is highly suspect with Tudor Trevor. And so one can glean that the William Coat is a version of the Trevor Coat. Yes. It definitely appears that the William surname at houseofnames is from this line of Williams > Tudors that married Agnes Sudduth. She in turn married the Orrs, first found in the same place as Speers.

I clicked back through the ancestry of William ap Morgan, and noted he went back to some men whose Arms were identical to the Arms of Tudor (the ones with helmets). There are some reasons to expect these Williams from Thomas and Alice/Alesia of Saluzzo, and therefore from William V of Montferrat. The latter's daughter, Alasia/Alice, who married Saluzzo (i.e. was in the ancestry of Alice of Saluzzo), traced well to Alesta, daughter of Morggan, earl of Mar, when I found (4th update in January) that Alice of Montferrat (above) probably mothered William Burgh of Ireland, explaining well why an Alice was wife to Walter de Burgh. If I recall correctly, this Alice dated perfectly for Alice of Montferrat, suggesting that Alice Burgh named her son, William, after her father in Montferrat.

So, under the assumption that the Welsh Williams under discussion were descended from the several Williams of Montferrat, I can add that the ostrich feathers of Tudors can trace to Luisa of Ceva, mother of Alice of Saluzzo, for she traced to the Lois surname using a giant ostrich. Ceva liners are suspect with the Cowes' that use pennants while the Pennant surname shares the Trevor Coat, now known as a version of the William Coat. The Irish Burghs married Brians, and the last update found that Irish Brians share three lions in pale with the Seymour pennant. Irish Burghs are known by me to be from John de Burgo of Conteville, father of Conteville's. WIDO de St. Maur in the Seymour write-up is suspect from the Guido's that married another daughter of William V of Montferrat, and this Wido had a son, WILLIAM. The fact that Seymours (Monmouthshire, southern Wales) call their pile a pennant traces them to Tudor Trevor, right?

Of the ten Mr. Williams between Joan of Tudor and Agnes Sudduth, one is a Thomas, and another a Sydrach, like the Sitric name of the Irish vikings. When we go to the SITRic-suspect Sitters/Sidewells (share seated white tiger with Ceelys/Seelys), they might explain the Sother variation of Sudduths (both surnames share green). They are said to be from an early Sotebi location in relation to Ralph of Soteby. As I see the Sother-like Suters/Soutters using a version of the Saddock / Chadock Shields, it can explain why Sudduths are listed with Sotherbys. As Suters/Soutters share the eSCUTcheon with their kin, they are suspect with the Schutz/Shutz surname and its variations.

As the Scotts can be shown linked (via the Terras') to Amore's, it should be added that Amore's and their Damory kin share talbots in Crest with Sudduths, and while both Scott Coats look like versions of both Talbot Coats, one is a version of the Sellick Coat. Although both the Scotts and Sellicks describe their Shields with borders, they can be construed as secret white-on-red escutcheons, the colors of the Chadock / Chadwick escutcheons. The Talbots have already traced (solidly) by different methods to Chaddocks. The Terras Coat might be a take on the Cromwell Coat.

Borders were first found in the same place as Roets, you see, and the Catherine wheels in the Scott Coat were owned by Catherine Roet. German Roets share a giant crescent in the colors of the Terras / Scott crescents. The Roet symbol in the Scott Coat be speaking to Catherine Roet as the ancestor of king Henry VII Tudor. It's interesting that Catherine is said to have had a birthplace in Hainaut, for the counts of Hainaut used the three Levi chevrons. Catherine Roet married Hugh Swynford, "a Knight from the manor of Kettlethorpe in Lincolnshire, the son of Thomas Swynford." I point that out in case the Swynfords (share the boar with Roets) were in touch with the Lincolnshire Sudduths / Cromwells / Tattershalls.

It's interesting that the mother of Henry VII was Miss Beaufort (= Roet), for I now see Beauforts as a branch of Balfours. As Scotts are said to be kin to Alexander, brother of king Baliol, BALfours look like they can apply to Baliols, and, moreover, the Alexander name can trace to Alexander Balas, the Seleucid kind that merged politically with Jonathan Maccabee. Josephus claimed to be Jonathan's ancestor when Simon Psellus, he said, had a son who married Jonathan Maccabee's daughter. It's a little interesting that while Tigers/Tygers, who show not Coat, were first found in the same place as Balfours.

Balfours share the otter with Dutch Otters, but the Otters/Others, said to be the root of Windsors, get interesting because my search of Sudduths brought up pages with the FitzOOths. The Others/Otters are said to be from a lord of Lombardy, and then the quatrefoil-like symbol of Lombardy is in the white-on-green colors of the tiger on the Sudduth/SOTHERby fesse. It begs the question on whether OTHERs had been Sotherbys? The black-on-white crosslet of Sudduths/Sotherbys is shared by Tiger-like Teegers/Teague's, and is the same one (different colors) shared by Windsors, thus making Windsors suspect with Sudduth liners. As Teeger's/Teague's are apparently using the solid chevron of Tooks/Touque's, go back to the page with Agnes Sudduth and see the Tooke surname in the sub-title of that page. Here is the title with sub-title below it:


Williams, Sebastian, Spicer, Davis, Chapell, Whitley, Crews, Tooke, Gray, STEWART, Douglas, SINCLAIR [caps not mine]

If you place your mouse pointer on "Home" at the top left of the page, you'll see a list of surnames in the ancestry of Agnes Sudduth, including the Hopkins, who were with a key revelation in the last update as concerns a trace between Pistoia of Tuscany and the Hartz mountain of Germany. Tuscany is where Italian Lombards were first found, and these Lombards share the stars-in-Chief of French Julians, important because the Sudduths/Southerbys share the cross of English Julians, and because the Julian saltire is now discovered, apparently, as the Windsor saltire.

As Lombards were from Sweden, it can go to the Sviones (1st century), neighbors and/or partners with the Sitones, whom I see in Sion/Sitten as the proto-Seatons/Sittens. From there, one can go to the Setantii, who lived in Lancashire, where a rosy leader was John of Gaunt, a husband of the same Catherine Roet above. The Gaunt-related Ghents are the ones sharing the Side/Sudy Chief while Sother-like Sitters are also "SIDEwell." Side's/Sudys are the ones sharing the white tiger with Sudduths/Sotherbys, and the latter were from Sotebi, likely of the Seaton-related Sutys. Seatons happen to share a "forward" motto term with Roet-suspect Balfours/Beauforts.

I think the Sudduths are now clinched as a merger of Sitones > Setantii and the Other-surnamed Lombards. In fact, English Lombards (Sudy / Suty colors) were first found in the same place as Orrs. The symbols of French Lombards are those of June's (same place as Julians) and Quints, making them suspect with some line from Quintus Caepio. Orrs share a cornuCOPIA with Roet-related Reeds (both use books).

The Cromwells were first found in the same place as Sudduths, and Croms were first found in the same place as Windsor castle. That's what made the Desmonds, with "crom" motto term, suspect with the Windsor saltire. Crombys are in the colors of the Arms of Lombardy, and, I have it recorded that Crombys describe their cross as a BOTTONy one, code for Buttons, and therefore linkable to Miss/Button/Batton. It doesn't look coincidental that while William ap Morgan married Cromwell, his grandfather (Yevan ap Morgan) married Miss Button/Batton. The Buttons are kin of Capelli's, and of Tous'/Tosini's using the SHIRT and buttons, and Ore-related SHIRTs ("honORI") became suspect in the last update with Matthias CURTus, son of the daughter of Jonathan Maccabee. The torteaux of Orrs and Shirts are still suspect with the Toreatae scythians, kin / associates of the Sittaceni.

Orells (torteaux), kin round-about of Capelli-suspect Chaplets, were first found in Lancashire i.e. home of the Setantii. I say "round-about" because Orells share the Coat of chaplet-using Saxons/Septons, but then Chaplets use swans that trace to lake Sevan, location of Soducena.

I failed to mention in the last update, that, due to the suggested trace of "Psellus" to the Selletae at Cabyle, the Curtus term, suspect with Shirts and Shorts, can trace to the SERDi of Serdica, to the near-west of Cabyle. Just a thought. Another thing I neglected to say when it looked appropriate for that topic's trace to Maccabees at GAMALa is that Courts/Coverts use pale bars while Pale's/Palleys, first found in the same place as Pullens/Pulleys, use the CAMEL. The Pale/Paley bend is in the colors of the same of Cromwells / Scotts / Talbots, and of the Charo's/Claro's in the Joseph motto.

The red Chief of CROMwells matches the red Chief in the Arms of CREMa (antlers), on Italy's Serio river that traces likely to antler-using Zahringers evident in the Zerr/Zehrer surname. Sere's/SERTs and Sears share the same chevron and roughly the same Coat while Sere's/Serts use the colors and format of Sellers. Sears use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Crema in colors reversed. Sears share the red scallop with Pulleys/Pullens, and were first found in the same place (Essex) as CAMULOdunum.

As Agnes Sudduth's grandmother (a Davis) is from the Tooke's, she can trace to proto-Washingtons on the Touques river (location of Gace), which might relate to the Washingtons and Sears sharing the same stars in Chief while Washington-related Cantons and Sere's/Serts share the same stars in Chief, in the colors of the Zionist star of Wassa's/Gace's (canton square). Cantons/Gantons (same place as Camel-using Pale's/Palleys) use the Washington Coat in colors reversed, both using double bars sometimes called "GEMEL," which are definitely used by Wassa's/Gace's. As this doesn't look coincidental, Washingtons had been hooked up with Gamala liners. Cantons/Gamtons are said to be from a GAMleton location of the Saxons, and then Game's/Cams share six pale bars with Courts/Coverts (Saxons), both using blue bars in the same places.

The Courcys of Somerset (where Trents were first found) are in the Court/Covert write-up. They use the three Tarent eagles, and are said to be from Stoke-Courcy in Somerset, which must relate to Stoke-on-Trent (Stoke location on the Trent river). From this, one can glean that were are back to the Chill/Child = Childeric trace to Tarentia Murena and Cilnius Maecenas, the latter's surname suspect as the ones who formed, "Macca(bee)." Although there are plenty of black spread eagles, I can see the one of Sears linking closely / importantly to the one of Courts/Coverts here, and the makings of a merger between Montfort liners in Modena and elements on the Serio. What I mean is that the Stoke and Stake lions, as they are versions of the Montfort lion, must trace also to the same lion of Marano's/Mauritano's, they being from Marano in Modena, and part of the Murena/Moratin line. The Serio is not far from Modena, a place so much like the Modi'in of Maccabees that I feel there was a connection.

The Court/Covert write-up mentions Barnstaple, home of Albins/Aubins whose Italian branch were first found in Modena. Albino's and Barnstaple share the same-colored trefoils as Irish Davis', said to be a branch of Welsh Davis' / Davids, and therefore probably connectable to the Williams in the ancestry of Agnes Sudduth. Her William-Davis ancestry goes back, through the Tooke's, to Hepburns/Hebrons (CHILLingham), whom I view as kin of Chills/Childs i.e. suspect with Cilnius liners. I'm speaking to the second chart in the Sudduth page, where we can see Margaret Hepburn as mother to Helen Sinclair of Ogilvy.

The Futters, said to be a sept of Ogilveys, are using what could be a version of the Washington Coat, which can bring us back to the Serio-river liners, Cromwells, etc. The Cromwell swan reminds me that Modena's elements in relation to Montfort-related Fanano (Modena) had traced to Sion/Sitten, and therefore to Sions/Swans. But in this discussion, as pertains to Josephus liners, the Joseph swan, replaced a few years ago with a FOOTess martlet, plays to the Foots and Fothes', the latter first found in the Ogilvey / Futter/FOTY theater. Futters happen to share a white talbot on a fesse with Sudduths, the latter suspect as a branch, or distant cousins, of Seatons/Sittens. The Futter talbot (upright, and in the colors of the upright Montfort lion) is in the colors of the same of Fortuna's while Lady Fortune (Klassen Coat) holds a banner (Montfort symbol) that traces with Banners to "Panaro," the river upon which Marano of Modena is located. It had been resolved that the Fortuna talbot was linkable to the Hun talbots and Hun GREYhounds, and therefore a version of the Gray lion (same as the Marano lion), wherefore note that Helen Sinclair of Ogilvy was mother to Marion Gray.

The Mauritano's out of Marano are expected with Mortons, kin of Says, while Sudduth-suspect Seatons were of a Say location. It just so happens that the mother of Janet Hepburn, countess of Bothwell, was princess Joan Stewart (Scotland), countess of Morton. The Mortons are the ones sharing buckles with Wettins, and the Saxony Wettins are the ones with the cranCELIN suspect with CILNius liners. Coincidence?

Miss Florida was correct when saying that Boii had joined Hannibal:

In the second half of the 3rd century BC, the Boii allied with the other Cisalpine Gauls and the Etruscans against Rome. They also fought alongside Hannibal, killing the Roman general L. Postumius Albinus, whose skull was then turned into a sacrificial bowl (Liv. XXIII, 24). A short time thereafter, they were defeated at Telamon in 224 BC and eventually in 193 BC near Mutina (modern Modena). After the loss of their capital, a large portion of the Boii left Italy...

Ogilveys (Angus) share the Angus lion, and Angus' stick TWO stars in their Chief that I trace to Taddei / Alda / Ferrens liners (all using two items in their similar Chiefs) out of Tuscany. The greater point here is that the two Angus-Chief stars can now be expected in the Sere/Sert Chief (colors reversed from the two stars in the Sear Chief). The number TWO may be Gamala-important here ("gemel" means "twin" and had, apparently, became a symbol of Gamala liners). It should also be mentioned that while the Sears are suspect with the Arms-of-Crema Shield, it's in the colors of the Shield-and-Chief of the Arms of Agrigento to which I trace the Anchors/Annackers honored in the Gray symbols.

Of related interest, the Game's/Cams (suspect with the Court pale bars) were first found in the same place (Gloucestershire) as Kemmis', whom I trace to the Yuya Mitanni (suspect with "Modi'in"), for Yuya was born in Egypt's Kemmis. He was the horse trainer, and father-in-law, of pharaoh AkhenATEN (father of king Tut, suspect in Toots/Tute's, Tattons, and not even the Tattershalls). He traces without doubt to AUTUN, and it just so happens that the Ogilvey / Angus lion is that also of Datons/D'Autuns. The fact that Game's/Cams came to mind while at the Gamleton location of Washington-related Cantons/Gantons speaks effectively to the correctness of my trace of Wassa's / Washingtons to Wassukanni, the ancient Mitanni capital. Therefore, Cantons and Game's/Cams were Kemmis-city liners, very apparently. There is a question on whether Gamleton was a Gamble, and therefore a Cambell/CAMMELL liner i.e. begging the question on whether Kemmis named Gamala.

I think Letts are using a colors-reversed version of the Shield-and-Chief combination of Annas' for a related reason. Annas liners are not only suspect as a branch of Annackers, but the Annas star, because it's in the colors of the Angus-Chief stars (two of them in the colors of the three Canton-Chief stars), suggests that Angus' may have been an Annas branch. There is the possibility that "AnGUS" was a modification (from "Annas") honoring a Gus-like Gace liner. Gus' (bend in colors reversed from the same of Cromwells), who share red stars with Washingtons, were first found in Baden, home of Zahringers...from the Serio, where Cromwells are expected.

The Grays are notable for being first found in the homeland of Siward of Northumberalnd, whom can be gleaned in the Sword surname, traceable to the Serdi now on the table as possible Curtus ancestry. The Serdi may even be the ancestry of the Serts/Sere's, you see, so that one could expect Maccabee liners on the Serio. Or, one might fathom Maccabee ancestry at the Serio, which later named Modena after Israel's Modi'in. Croms were even first found in the same place as Modens/Modeys. Crema is near Cremona, the latter founded by general Scipio upon losing his war to Hannibal, a war that took place (218 BC) while MaccaBAEUS-suspect Boii were moving into Bologna and Modena. The Panaro river is between those two cities, and it just so happens that the Arms of Bohemia, a country founded by the Boii, is the double-tailed Montfort lion.

It's as though the MontFORT (Fortuna / Fort suspects, right?) were at least merged with the Boii, which reminds me that there is a boy pulling down a pine tree in the Bothwell Crest. Margaret Hepburn above was daughter to Janet Hepburn, countess of Bothwell. Bothwells were named after Bute, and Bute liners include the VIVians/Veys (Dutch Veys use a BOOT), whose Coat links to Fife's and FIVE's. The purple lions of Vivians/Veys (did they name OgilVEYS?) are suspect with the Scipio line to Skiptons, but then Sudduths use a purple talbot.

The Talbot surname must be a branch of TailBOYS'/TailBOIS', and the latter use the Annandale Coat. I think the Crom-loving Desmonds share the Annandale saltire...which traces to the Ananes Gauls at Placentia, a city founded by Scipio at the same time that he founded neighboring Cremona. The Corks/Core's use the lion tails of the lions in pale of Tailers/Taylors, from the Tilurius = Cetina river. Desmonds were from Cork, where Courcys were first found, making Courcys' (in the Court/Covert write-up) suspect as a Cork/Core branch. The Cetina liners of importance trace to Bassus' at Sadducee-suspect Cetis, and Sudduths are working into that picture. The family of QUADRatus Bassus (Cetis) is suspect in the QUATRefoils of Croms. I fully expected that Maccabees, married by Quadratus Bassus, should stem from a Scipio merger with king Massena. The AKMONia location of Quadratus' grandfather (Severus Bassus) smacks of "HASMON," the name of the father / grandfather of the first five Maccabee brothers.

Now, as Quadratus traces to Quade's and related Mackays, by what coincidence were Mackays first found in SUTHERland while Sudduths are listed with SOTHERys? Mackays have been resolved with king Maccus, grandson of Sitter-suspect Sitric. The latter made pacts with Saxons in relation to Northumberland, and are expected in a merger with Siward. I once reported that Sewards/Sawards use the Mosca leopard in purple, but recently read in the description that they are blue. I've been wondering whether houseofnames changed them to blue, or whether I wrongly saw them as purple. As they now show, I don't think they look purple enough for me to report on a guess that they're purple. As they now show, I probably would have looked them up (at webpage below) to verify that they were purple. But if they were clearly purple, I might not have looked them up:

The Sewards are expected as a branch of Swords, but also with Sewers listed with Sother-like Suters. The point is that Sewards share the leopard with, and the colors of, Coverts, and while the latter were first found in Sussex, where a branch of Courts/Coverts are said to have lived, "SEWARD" is not a far cry from "COVERT." While Coverts were first found in the same place as Coopers, Swords use a man's head "couped."

Siward of Northumberland was of Heslington Hall, also called, Siward's Howe, that latter term suspect as code for a variation of Hazel-related House's, for Heslingtons/Hazletons (hazel leaves) are Hazel liners. Heslingtons were first found in the same place as Coverts. The Heslington motto is translated with "homes," and then Home's/Hume's were traced by their True/Trew kin to the Cetina river. The full Heslington translation, "For our altars and our homes," suggests a link to the "alteri" of Rodhams, first found in Northumberland. The Alters are listed with Colters who share the Catherine wheel with Scotts, relevant because the man's head in the Heslington Crest is said to be a "Scot's head." While the Home/Hume motto is "True to the end," the "A fin" motto of Ogilveys is translated, "To the end." Are Heslingtons in colors reversed from the Sudduths for a reason? Thew Sudduth talbots are in the colors of the Home/Hume lion.

With the Sudduths suspect with the Sitters/Sidewells, and therefore with Sitric of Northumberland, let's first re-mention that Sitric is expected amongst the Setantii Brigantians, whom I trace to Brigantium = Briancon, about 25 miles from Modane. One can envision Sadducee and Maccabee lines in Modane branching out to Brigantium. I don't know when that city was named, whether in BC times or later, but the Setantii might be old enough to be part of proto-Sadducee make-up. One of the Sitric-related kings of the Scottish Isle's, which included the Hebrew-suspect Hebrides, was Gofraid Croban: "Ua Briain appears to have driven Gofraid Croban from Mann as well..." Wasn't Briain of Briancon elements? Note that English Brians share three piles in the same shape as those of Polworths, for Sitric had married Edith of Polesworth. It looks like the Croban line (raven vikings expected) ended up merging with Brians. French Brians use a saltire in colors reversed from the same of Gophers, making Gophers highly suspect with "GOFRaid."

The article above is on Gofraid's son, Olafr Godredsson, whose daughter married Somerled (a MacDonald), son of a Brigt / Bride character, apparently revealing that Brigantians were involved. Somerled's Gaelic name, SoMAIRle, may be using the IMAIR term to which his wife's family belonged. In my opinion, the Imair bloodline went to the Mere and Demere surnames, with numerous branches honored even in the MacDonald motto. The Gaelic name of MacDonalds suggests the Irish Domnann, and therefore the Dumnonii of SOMERset, and it just so happens that Sommers/Sumptions use a fesse in the colors of the Sotherby/Sudduth fesse. The "Simmer" term in the Sommer write-up suggests the same-colors Simsons, the ones whose motto suggested the Levi-suspect Enotri / Oenotrians. Dumnonii were suspect with LaceDAEMONians = Spartans, and the Oenotrians had a kingdom in the Laus / Sybaris area, known to be founded by Achaeans to the north side of Spartans. But Oenotrians were, I'm sure, also from mythical Oeneus, ruler of Calydon and father of the real city, METHONI, the latter expected with the namers of Modane. Next-door to Methoni was Pylos (ruled by mythical Nestor), suspect not only with the piles of Brians, but with Mitanni suspects such as Ness'/Nests.

This reminds that Nestor is likely named after the Nestos river that was inhabited by Hercules-line Greeks from Thassos. The latter term suddenly evokes, Thassi, the surname of Simon Maccabee. Can this reveal that Simsons and Sommers were from "Simon"? It just so happens that Simons and Somers share the red fox. English Simons were first found in Devon, founded by the Dumnonii. The Nestos goes up to a source at mount Dunax, beside the Serdi. Dunax was resolved in naming the Duncans whom Siward of Northumberland supported. The Duncans are kin of Chamberlains, a branch of the namers of Chambre on the same Ark river as Modane. What do we suppose named, SomerSET?

One of the Simson Coats looks to be a version of the Trevor Coat, and therefore the William Coat, which recalls that Agnes Sudduth was a William on her mother's side. I am convinced by this alone that Sudduths are in Simson / Sommers colors for a related reason.

The last time Simsons were mentioned, when traced to Oenotrians of Saracena, I didn't mention the Symsons of Brunton (Fife). As the Simson motto is "Alis nutrior," it's first of all notable that Alis' use a "MUZZLEd" bear for Mussel liners, for Musselburgh is in East Lothian, where Bruntons (and Seatons/Sittens) were first found. Bruntons ("A beacon with flames of fire") share the beacon with Fullers and Belli's, and may be using the Tarent / Courcy eagles. It's the Futters suspect in the Fuller motto that were associated with Ogilveys, and the Fuller motto also suggests Formans (BRUNswick lions) and Firmins that can trace well to Firmo, smack beside Saracena. Futters are the ones that share two items in Chief with Ferrens', Alda's, and other Firenze liners. The Arms of Firmo use a tower in colors reversed from the same of owl-like Howells.

There is another way to get Simson liners to Saracena, from the motto (Bear and FORBear) of Sarah's/Sayers, which honors the Forbes' who share the muzzled bears of Alis'. Forbes' and Futters (share talbot on fesse with Sudduths) were first found beside Fife i.e. location of Brunton. As Firmin liners are expected with Ferrens', from FIREnze, the Brunton FIRE tends to reveal that Bruno's and/or Barone's of Firenze named Brunton. Irish Barone's are good for linking to Vipont(s), at/from the Touques river. Italian Barone's share the KOSINski Coat exactly, a surname that can be from COSENza, location of Saracena. The Kos variation of Kosinski's can trace to a Kos owl cult back in Edom.

Olafr's name may have named Levi-suspect Olivers, kin, likely, of Leve's/Leafs. Scottish Olivers use two chevrons in colors reversed from the same of Sewards and Sweets, the latter suspect with Swietoslawa (Sigrid), a Danish queen whom I think was somehow related to Siward of Northumberland. Spanish Olive's use the OWL that might be a code for whatever OGILveys may have become, for there is apparent reason to equate "OGILVy" with "OLIVE." English Olive's/Oliphs (Schutz colors) share the greyhound and collar with Schutz's, whose SHUTZ variation is connectable to Sotherbys/SUDDUTHs. As this is tending to trace Schutz's to the vikings of the Isle's, who controlled areas on both sides of the Solway Firth, note that Solways share the same saltire as Schutz's. It's possible that SOLways are PSELLus liners.

It's a good thing that owl-using Hullys/HOWLetts came up recently, for I see that they are using a version of the Olive Coat, and moreover they throw in a ship, the Mere / Demere / MacDonald symbol, assuring all the more that Schutz's were of the Sitric- / Maccus-line vikings. As Sudduths just became suspect as a Schutz branch, the white Sudduth talbot can be the same of Hulls and Halls i.e. Sudduths must have been linked closely to Halls and Halls.

Felsina and the 666

I'd like to go back to the Boii article quoted from above:

According to the classical authors, the Boii crossed Poeninus mons (the Great St Bernard Pass -- Livy V,35 Poenino deinde Boii Lingonesque transgressi) and settled in the Po plain, where they subjugated the local Etruscans...The Boii occupied the old Etruscan settlement of Felsina and renamed it Bononia (Bologna)...

If the Boii named Poeninus (between Aosta and lake Geneva), it's indication that they, and their Pannonia homeland, were Phoenicians of the Panias / Phoenix kind smack at Laish / Daphna. As Panias is at mount Hermon i.e. location of mount Sion, did Boii liners name Sion a little way up the river from lake Geneva? This is able to convince me that Boii were Phoenicians, even as "Phoen" looks like the makings of "BONonia." The Carthaginians were known as Poeni so that, chances are, the Carthaginians named Poeninus, which, according to Wikipedia, had an "Alpes Poeninae, also known as Alpes Graiae..." It's interesting here that Greys/Grays are linkable to Hannibal-like Huns / Hundts / Hunds. It's also interesting that Huns have Geddes-like endings while Geddes' loved the Anchor-related Majors while Greys love the Anchors. Hunds/Houndsacre's use rooks, the Roquefeuil symbol. The Greys are in the greyhounds of the Lys/Lisse surname, right? Yes, and that works to identify Grays from Poeninus, for somewhere near the Bernard Pass, there is a Lys river.

To the south of lake Lychnidus, on the southwest of Paeonia, there is a Boius term on the light map, right where the dark map has a Sation location that is now highly suspect with the namers of Sitten (alternative name of Sion). As I view lake Lychnidus as from lake Lychnis, otherwise called Sevan, it should be repeated that Sions are listed with Swans, and even use the swan symbol. This is excellent for arguing that the Soducena entity at Lychnis named both Sation and Sitten, and, in the meantime, it traces Soducena liners to Seatons/Sittens. Wikipedia says that Sitten was named by a people group of roughly that name. If correct to identify Panico's/Pane's/Panetta's (at the Setta valley of Bologna) as Paeonians, Sation may also trace to the Setta's namers, and it just so happens that there is a Savena river (flows to Bologna) beside the Setta valley.

The Boius at Lychnidus is in the thick of the Alan Huns that I see in that area. Boius is at the sources of the Apsus while Hips' share red-on-white footless martlets with French Alans. While Alans of Aulon were traced to Alauna in Manche, the Baiocasses of the neighboring Bessin are said by some to be of the Boii. I'm not yet sure whether I agree, but I do trace Laish to Lissae, smack between the Bessi Thracians and the Serdi. Boius is beside mount Elimea, suspect recently with Helms and therefore with helmets...for example, the Tudor helmets.

Sion/Sitten is in Valais/Wallis, a term much like "FELSina." Walsh's use the swan. Wallace's/Wallis' show the same lion as Montforts / Bohemia, but with one tail. BEAUmonts married Montforts. As I traced Bellamys to the Arve river, with a source near the Bernard Pass, it may reveal that Bellamys (share the Seaton crescents) were Bellmonts/BEAUmonts, and therefore of the Boii. If Boii formed Maccabees, it can explain why Bellamys merged with Maccabee-liner Maceys. Bellamys lived around ALENcon. The Arve river has a BONNEville location, as well as a Percee peak that can trace to the naming of Perche (around Alencon), and to Perche-suspect Percys. The Arve-river Garveys share the double chevrons of Perche's, but they are also the Oliver chevrons. The Percivals were birthed by elements at YVERY (Normandy), and then the Lys river above is, reportedly, a tributary of the Ivrea. Yvery and a Mr. Percival is in the write-up of Leavells (Olivers / Leve's/Leafs/Leave's?). [Later, I discover a Levier location near lake Geneva, recalling that the Percival-Leavell line traced to Normandy's Louviers location, home of Tosni's.]

The so-called "label" of Panico's, code likely for LaBels, is suspect now with Bellamys as well as the Bello's/Belli's in the Bouillon motto. For those who don't know, Godfrey de Bouillon had immediate family in Boulogne, in France near another Lys river. I suppose it's possible that Felsina was named by Bel liners. Mythical Bellerophon and his pegasus defeated the Chimera dragon having a goat head, while Walsers use the goat.

As Fels' share a string of lozenges fesse-wise with Percys, they are suspect from FELSina. The Fels stars are PIERCED, and looks like spur rowells, linkable, therefore, to the spur-rowels of Paeoni-suspect Payens. This makes Roquefeuils suspect from Felsina = proto-Bologna. The Fels lozenges are shared in the same colors by Whelans/Failins (and Bricks) suspect with the fleur of pegasus-using Masseys. Whelans share the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Crema...which reminds that Crone's/CROOMs use the same fleur as Whelans and Briquessart-suspect Bricks. Crone's/Crooms are said to have had a Croome location in Yorkshire, where Walkers were first found. I think this is the first time that Crone liners have traced to Crema.

Crone's/Crooms happen to use the colors and format of Sellers and Tudors, and were first found in the same place as Trevors, the latter suspect with the Traver variation of Travis, likely from Treviso, where Vito's were first found who are in the motto (Vita et pectore puro) of English Bello(w)'s/Belli's (Billet branch) that use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Crema. That is, Whelans/Failins and Shipton-beloved Bellows use the same combination, both with three white symbols in their Chiefs to boot, which can argue for a Bel (or LaBel) identification for Felsina. Let's keep in mind that while Simsons use a version of the Trevor Coat, they were at BRUNton, suggesting a possible Brunton-Bernard equation. Bruntons are the ones sharing a beacon with German Belli's, and moreover Beacons/Bacons share white-on-red cinquefoils with Bellows/Belli's. The other Simsons share white crescents with LaBels. In this picture, the "Alis" motto term of Simsons is expected with the naming of Alice Skipton.

Why do Browns use fleur-de-LYS on what can be a chevron version of the Bellamy fesse? Ask the Lys river by the Bernard Pass. While this is in Aosta, the Bruno's are traced in their write-up to Asti, two Este elements, apparently. The Paeoni had an ASTIbus location that can apply. It's important to remind that Aosta was founded by Salassi, possible Psellus liners. If the Sale's trace by their sharing of the Helm pheons to the Elimea area, that was beside Paeonia. I always trace the Sale fleur-de-LYS to the same of Paeoni-suspect PENdragons, whom I trace to the Penestae peoples on the west of Paeonia. Like the Lys surname, the Penes/Pennys use the greyhound with all fours off the ground, and the Penes/Penny lynx traces to Lyncestis, between Paeonia and Elimea.

The Brunton motto phrase, "Fax mentis," happens to suggest the Ments using nothing but three bends in the colors of Bruno's who use nothing but a bend. Bruntons were first found in East Lothian, where Fax-like Faucets were first found. Faucets were at FAUXside, while there's a fox head in the Crest of Bellows/Belli's (I've been calling it a wolf head for years, I apologize). To help clinch Bellows as a Bellamy branch that's therefore traceable to Boii liners on the Arve river, Bellows/Belli's were first found in the homeland (Cheshire) as Masseys/Maceys and Meschins/Masculine's while Mussels/Muscels, expected with the Musselburgh of Faucets, share a version of the Meschin Coat. The Masculine variation is likely why Meschin liners of the Peverel kind used a boy theme, a clever play also on their Boii bloodline(s), we may assume. As BOTHwells use a boy pulling down a pine tree, while Maschi's use pine cones, Bothwells, and Bute, become suspect as a Boii liners. The Bute's/Butts trace to Este's, from the Bologna area.

As Tanners share pine cones while expected with "the tanner" of FALLAISE, that location can now be expected from the namers of Felsina. The Fallis surname, sharing the Roquefeuil-liners trefoils, was first found in Midlothian. Italian Fallis use the same Coat (Bernard colors), and were first found in the same place (Venice) as Pesci's, the latter suspect with the fish of Verona's/Vairs that likewise use trefoils, and, in fact, the Verona Coat is a version of the Feller/Felltrager Coat that shares the white-on-blue trefoils of Fallis'. Verona's are likely a branch of Bruno-suspect Berone's / Barone's, and most-definitely a branch of Bars of Brunswick. One can view Verona's as a branch of Ferrari's where the Fallis lion is a silver version of the Ferrari lion, for Ferrari's were likewise first found in Venice.

The Verone's (with an 'e') are the Varenne's, who married Henry Huntingdon, suspect with the hunting horns of Bars. I had traced the blue-and-gold checks of Warrens to Bologna. English Barns/Barness' (Garin colors) were first found in Surrey, location of Varenne's / Warenne's. It makes Warrens / Garins look like a branch of Barns, all linkable to Saxony. The Fers/Ferrats share the checks of German Fels'/FELSENs/Felsers, and much of this discussion jibes with the trace I made of Roquefeuil liners to the old Varni. In fact, I now recall a Vere/Fer-like people group at / beside the Bernard Pass. I had traced blue-and-gold checks to Bologna elements, and here we find blue-and-white checks with Fels'/Felsens.

As GRIPPs/Grape's use the Varn bend, doesn't it seem that Bernice's/Burness' are Berenice-AGRIPPa liners, since Barns list "Barness"? No matter what term came first in all of this, we have just been able to glean that Varni were somehow connectable to Berenice's name. Why? It recalls my ridiculous claim that Varni were linked early with Herod liners, though at the time I had no evidence like what we're seeing here. Varenne's/Verone's can be a branch of Verona's/Vairs suspect with the fish in the Arms of Saraca, and that fish is on a blue-on-gold fesse, the colors of the Bernice fesse. The white Barn-Crest leopard can be that of Tailers, from the Tilurius river with a source near Burnum. The latter is on a Titius river while emperor Titus had a deep affair with Berenice Agrippa. Burnum is near a Telavius river that may have named the Tailer-related Tailbois'. As Barn liners are mentioned throughout, always keep in mind that they were likely Berenice-Agrippa liners in cahoots with several Vere suspects. [Spot how Barns can be using the Dragon fesse so as to trace Drakenberg Vere's to Berenice?]

The white Bouillon flory cross is expected with the same of Rangabe's. Walsers use mythical Melusine with two tails, and Melissena Rangabe has been traced to blue-and-white-check Cohens. It looks like Felsina liners were merged with proto-Vere liners, from the Varni (beside WAGRians) to whom I trace Walkers that are fairly-well resolved as a branch of Walch's/Walsh's. Wagers and Walkers were first found in the same place as Skiptons, and Bellow-loving Skiptons were first found in the same place (Oxfordshire) as elite Vere's. Why do Wagers use a version of the English-Barone/Barne Coat? German Bello's/Belows (probably the double-headed eagle of Mechlenburg-suspect Maxwells) were first found in Pomerania i.e. home of the Varni. It looks like Varni can trace to the namers of Ferrara, and that Felsina elements were up north with Varni liners.

This reminds me that Roquefeuils were suspect at Rostock, what the Roxolani Alans may have named. But as I trace proto-Alans to Forum Allieni, what was the proto-Ferrara, I think this speaks for itself. Maxwells were first found in ROXburghshire, and Roxburghs use a blue pale bar, almost the Fels/Felsen pale bar. The horse head in the Roxburgh/Rokesburg Crest can be gleaned as the Este horse head. Roxburghs are said to have had a Yorkshire branch, and English Maxwells were first found in Yorkshire too.

Let's go back to the "Fax mentis" of Bruntons, for the Scottish Ments are listed with Manns, that use the dragon design in Crest of the Forman / Worms Crests. The Formans are gleaned with the Brunswick lions, but then the BRUNtons become identified as Brunswick liners, especially as English Ments/Mants/MantaBEYs (Yorkshire again) use the same-colored bend as Bruno's. It reminds me of the purple Mandys/Mondays.

Guerra's (Firenze/Florence, same place as Bruno's) use three bends in colors reversed from the same of Ments/Mants. Why do both Guerra's split their Shield in the sinister direction? Isn't that the left-hand / right-hand symbol of Mucius / Mucianus liners to NATO's Rasmussen? The Rasmussens share the giant unicorn with Firenze-liners Ferrens'. If it seems silly to identify the left-hand / right-hand symbol of the Mucianus bloodline with the 666 upon the right hand, see the bends below that were made a marine code for the number 6. The 6-flag is of three blue bends, the colors of the Guerra bends, rising in the sinister (left) direction (the viewer's right is the Shield's left):

Isn't the 666 coupled in Revelation with a dragon? Guerra's use the dragon. It's the Vere symbol too. Vere's share the Massey / Mann Shield. I predict that the False Prophet will be a Bruno > Tudor liner. I think I know what I'm talking about. It helps to note the chevron above the 6 on your keyboard, and then look to triple chevrons such as the Taddei's use. Chevrons are suspect with Hebrons/HepBURNs. They share a white horse head with Este's, and are, in my opinion, both in Merovingian ancestry.

Why does this Rothchild Coat use a sinister bend and a sinister-facing horse?

Yes, Este is where I expect Merovingian ancestry, especially as Childs share a white spread eagle with the Arms of Este (used by Bars too). Childs have been linked to Sellers, and Sellers to Tudors, and chief Arthurian elements in Wales were identified separately as Merovingians from the Brittany Veneti. It all traces back to the Italian Veneti all around Este, right? The Bruntons are the ones with spread eagles in red, linkable to the Child eagles because the latter's are a form of the red ones of Tarents, from Tarun in proto-Veneti / Veneti-suspect Lake Van. Van was traced to mythical Pan and therefore to Panias / Phoenix, now suspect with the Poeninus location at the Bernard Pass. Expect red eagles in a Phoenix picture, and expect this to go to the end-time 666ers. Tudor-suspect Taddei's use the Bouillon cross, and were first found in the same place as Bruno's and Barone's.

French Bernards ("FortiTUDO at mansueTUDO") use a chevron in colors reversed from the TUDOr chevron, and both use the helmet. It makes Tudors highly reveal-able with Toot / Todini / Tadini liners in cahoots with FLORence's Bruno's. Other Bernards use a "FLOREbit" motto term. It's clear as day that Tudors had been Italians, and I think the Tudor rose, as with the York and Lancaster rose, trace to ROZala, daughter of Willa of Tuscany. The War of the Roses becomes suspect between two Rozala liners. It is becoming apparent to me that there has been a cover-up where Berengar Todini in the Toot/Tuit write-up seems absent from online articles. The war of the Roses was between two Norman families, both descended from the of Berengar Todini, if the Toot/Tuit write-up is accurate. Was BERENgar a Bruno liner? Looks like.

The two white stars in the Chief of German Bernards thus becomes suspect with the two white crosses in the Chiefs of Florence-suspect Ferrens' and Taddei's/Tadini's.

It's important that German Bernards were first found in the same place (Prussia) as Mieske's, for the Mieske arm with sword can then be identified with the same in the Crest of Crema's Arms. Some historians trace "Boii" to a bull theme, which might explain the Mieske bull. While "Bouillon" can easily be "bovallion," buffalo horns were used by Serio-suspect Zahringers. I think one needs to view Mieszko's as Massey liners, and, therefore, from the Scipio-Massena alliance. Zahringers are in the Berne write-up as Berne's founders, and the Mieske arm-and-sword is in the crest of Irish Barne's/Birns (apple TREE; Tree's are Herod liners).

There's a Bassianus-suspect sun in the Barne/Birn Chief, and a salamander in the BASE. Although "base" is not part of the description, "top" is used for the Chief. Why? German Toppers (Thuringia = Saxony) use three fish in pale (see Berrys) in the colors of the Saraca fish. The Sees use the fish as well as the SEMAN / Toker bars, and then "In ancient times, the SEMAN River was known as the Apsus River." As TOPoje is at the mouth of the Seman, the Tops / Toppers may be from there. I've been calling it a second Tropoje location; may have copied from someone that spelled it wrongly, or it may have been Tropoje at one time. The black-on-gold ermine in the Seman crescent is called, pean, a term listed as a surname with Paeoni-suspect Payens.

English Toppers/Toupers (Saxony/Thuringia, same as Barn-suspect Garins/Gorings), use the same fesse as Bernice's. The Topper boars are in the colors of the Roet-Chief boars while the ROET Shield shares a tree with Barne's/Birns. German Roets were likewise first found in Thuringia. The "est" motto term of Toppers links to Bars of Este, and Este links to Childeric, whose wife was in Thuringia. The Topper motto links to the "est" motto term of Pepins (mouse-tower liners), who love the Mens, kin of Manners expected as a branch of salaMANDER-suspect and RHODES-related Manders (besants). As Douglas' share the salamander, the Douglas heart can be the Barone/Barne HEART, likely code for "Herod."

Toppers can be DOBRawa liners, making the Touper variation linkable to Supers/Sopers because Mieszko's other wife was from Haldensleben (Sachsen Anhalt), while Haldens share the Super saltire. In fact, the Wettins of Saxony share buckles with Polish Sobeks/Sobieski's. It's interesting that while Sobers/Sobbe's/Zobischs (Saxony) use ROSE leaves, Sachs (Poland) use roses. Why aren't roses used instead of LEAVES? We could ask the English Lowers (Levin colors) with the same white-on-black roses as Sachs, but we can also ask why German Lowers (Bohemia, same as Lauers/Laus') are Lobe's/Lebe's connectable to the Lubel location of Poland, where Sobeks were first found. The Lau variation of Lowers suggests the Lauers (GRAPE bunch) that list "Laus," which can explain the "Laus Deo" of Manders. The Saraca's lived in Laus (Dalmatia). The Sobeks of Brochwicz are suspect with Brocks and therefore with-potent-cross Brocuffs, all suspect from the Brocken mountain at the Hartz range at the Saxony-Thuringia theater. As Sadowski's were also Sandowski's, as I have read, it's interesting that Sanders (BROKEn sword, code for Brocks/Broke's) share the elephant head with Lewins. Elephants trace to the Elaphiti islands, smack beside Laus=Ragusa.

German Sanders were first found in the same place (Rhineland) as potent-liner Schutz's, and Sobeks can be gleaned as potent liners in multiple ways, starting with the scythes in the Lauer/Laus Coat, which traces by way of the Scythe/Skeets/Sheets surname (hearts) to Scidrus, beside Laus of Lucania, itself beside Saracena. It's clear that Saraca's were between both Laus locations, and fairly certain that Lauers/Laus'/Lau's and Lowers/Lau's were from at least one of the Laus locations. Why do Dutch Sanders use a large fleur-de-LYS?

If Sobeks are using a version of the Traby SADOWski Coat, it can identify them as Chad / Chaddock kin. "Scythes" (with an 's') gets the Side's/Sutys whom will be shown later as very connectable to Sudduths. I've read that the Janina Poles, to whom Sobeks are said to belong, invented the Shield-on-Shield, which heraldry calls the (in)eSCUTcheon. The Keons in "escutCHEON" use the same fish as Saraca's, and Keens/Keans use the escutcheon.

The Massey fleur are highly expected at the Lys river of Aosta i.e. near the Bernard Pass, but the other Lys river is near the Bouillons who honor Bello's. Italian Bernards were first found in Bologna. Irish and Scottish Bernards share white scallops with Meschins, Skipton kin. German Bernards can be using a version of the Sere Coat for another trace to Crema (or its Serio river), and therefore linkable to Scipio liners out of Cremona. The Ananes Gauls at Scipio's Placentia fort trace to the Annandale Coat shared by TailBOIS', whom le Meschin (from the Bessin, home of Baiocasses) married. He married LUCY Taillebois, and then Lacys, first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Skiptons, use the purple Skipton lion.

I think it makes a lot of sense for Rockefellers tied up with the coming 666. Although I don't know whether it will be a global system versus local to the Middle-East, I lean global. For safety's sake, we would do well to expect a global system, and prepare for it as soon as word comes out that they are going to do this blasphemous thing. The Arms of Cardiff (Welsh capital) uses both a red dragon and a triple chevron. The Cardiff surname, first found in southern Wales, plays to the Silures that Miss Florida expects from Moors, for Cardiffs use nothing but three Moor heads. The Masci-liner Fane's/Vans/Veynes', suspect with the namers of Gwynedd in north Wales, were first found beside the first Cardiffs. Gwynedd is beside Mona, suspect with MONmouthshire, where Fane's/Veynes' were first found. I expect Cardiffs to be Massena liners out of Mauritania.

The Cardiffs can be linked to Duffs where Duffys/Duffs share the Morgan / Moore lion, the latter expected from the namers of Morgannwg, now Glamorgan, where Cardiffs were first found. Scottish Duffs did not come to mind with "CarDIFF," but came to mind when wondering what motto term Juba of Mauritania might be honored with. The "Juvat" motto term of Duffs came to mind. The Duffs are using the lion that Wikipedia's article on Ranulph le Meschin shows for him. I have it recorded: "The Barone motto, 'Fortuna juvat audaces,' looks like a variation of the English Turin motto, 'Audentes Fortuna Juvat.'" Turins were first found near the first Scottish Duffs. It may indicate that Juba liners were at Italy's Turin area, where Masci's were first found. Yet Barone's were first found in Firenze, and the reason that I originally traced the Taddei's (of Firenze) to Tudors is that I thought the triple Taddei chevrons were used in the Arms of Cardiff. At that time, some ten years ago, I had no idea of what's in this paragraph...that tends to make the same trace rather hard.

I can't recall the spelling of the Duff-like river that CarDIFF was named after. It's suspect with Daphne elements that I trace between Cheshire's Davids / Davis' and Devon's Dumnonii. But Daphne was the name of a location mentioned by Josephus, smack beside Panias, and the Laish location at virtually the same Phoenician spot traces through Lys liners now under discussion from the Poenino area of Aosta. Daphne, the mythical hoar dressed by myth writers as a virgin, was in the dragonic Ladon river, beside the LaceDAEMONians suspect at Devon's Dumnonii. Devon itself smacks of "Daphne" so that Laish elements can be suspect in something around Devon.

There is a good argument for tracing the namers of Boius from Lake Lychnidus down to the Drilon river, home of the Penestae, and then tracing Boius liners further down to Bassania (on the dark map beside Lissus, at the mouth area of the Drilon), keeping in mind that the Dragon surname was traced to the Drin version of the Drilon. The Dragons share the fesse, by the looks of it, with dragon-using Ments/Manns. The point is that while the Drilon circles around an Oeneum area (dark map), it speaks to the Bassianus' at the Oneum location on-shore from Brattia (light map). I'm saying this because the Boii article above has: "In the 1st century BC, the Boii living in an oppidum of BRATislava (Slovakia) minted Biatecs, high-quality coins with inscriptions (probably the names of kings) in Latin letters. This is the only "written source" provided by the Boii themselves."


[A few days after writing here, I was seeking the name of the river whereupon the Cavii are marked, and inadvertently discovered the Buna/Bojana river that is an "outflow of Lake Shkoder/Skadar" (Scodra) at its southern tip. It suggests that Bone's/Boone's trace to that river, as well as to the naming of Bononia. This is a huge find. One should be able to trace Bone symbolism to others from this area, and from Bologna and Boulogne. Buna is the apparent origin of the Boii, or a Boii colony. The Buna is the one into which the Clausula flows, if the dark map is correct in this regard. I hesitate, however, until I can get this straight; where exactly is the Clausula? The modern Clausula is said to be the Dinassi, a term that Google seemingly hides intentionally (by program) unless one throws "Clausula" into the search. Amazing things are revealed later from the Dinassi theater. Dinassi.

I had read that Cupionich/Koplik is on the Clausula, which, if correct, means that the path of the Clausula on the dark map is badly inaccurate; it should flow more south than west. Look at how close the ZETA valley is to Koplik, recalling the SETTA valley at Bononia!!! They say that "Zeta" was derived in "grain," but I'm not biting. As Sudduths share a green Shield with both Boone's, Summers/Sommers and Somers, SomerSET is coming to mind. Caepio-suspect Quints were first found smack beside Somerset. St. Quentin is in Picardy, location of the Somme.

Dobers share the same bend as Bone's, tending to clinch Dobers with the Dober location on the Clausula, if Bone's are from the Buna. See the Dobson revelation later below. Scodra-suspect Scotts use a bend in colors reversed from the same of Bone-related Bonns. German Boone's only have roses in Sudduth-talbot colors, and the latter's white talbot can be the white talbot of Fortuna's, whom I trace to the Clausula. Sudduth branches are expected from "Scodra" because the latter term makes for SCODER-like terms, like the Sotherbys with whom Sudduths are listed. Bone's were first found in the same place as Saddocks.

There is a ValBONE tributary (not far east of the Clausula) of the Drilon, and flowing by Tropoje, with a mouth at / near Has and Krume. On the dark map (not geographically correct), it could be the river through the first 'A' of "DARDANIA."

Note how the English Topper Coat uses the colors of the Bonn Coat, for German Toppers share the Sees fish, I must assume, now tracing to the Seman=Apsus river. Dagger / Dexter / Patrick liners are suspect from this river. As Pullens share the Bone bend, by what coincidence do Pullens share red scallops with Toppers? Daggers use scallops in colors reversed from the Topper scallops! It's a wonder as to why Toppers look like "Dober/Tober." The Semans use the Drummond bars, and Drummonds were first found in the same place as Krume's, who use another giant crescent, as do Semans, both on a blue Shield.

As per "Bojana," a Boian surname was checked, to find it listed with Brians, but this could be a coincidence i.e. Brians were not Boii. Brians are expected, however, as Brigantians, and therefore may have been close to the Setantii. They say that an unidentified Skudra location in Thrace was Phrygian, and that peoples were anciently "Briges/Brigians." This can possibly trace Setantii to the namers of the Zeta valley. Later, you will see why the city of Shkoder, at lake Scodra, traces to Modens, and therefore possibly to Modane, some 25 miles from Brigantium/Briancon. More to come as I was able to insert pieces below on the last few hours of this week.

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I'm not willing to equate Boii with Bassianus', but can easily imagine them merged, which may explain why Boii could have named Baiocasses in the Bessin. Boii can be expected with the Boet(h)us house of Sadducees, which evokes boy-using Bothwells. The Boy surname (Peverel/Littleboys colors) share bees with Bessins.

This reminds me of my trace of VesPASia Polla to the Pasi/Pace surname (Este colors), first found in Bologna, while English Pace's (purple Shield) were first found in Cheshire, and even use besants for a good trace to Julia Maesa Bassianus at Oneum. Pasi's were Bassianus / Bassus liners, right? These Oeneum entities are being traced this past month to Laish's Levites. Miss Polla (mother of the emperor) traces to Pollocks from Pola/Pula on Istria, that land mass suspect with the naming of Este, Asti and Aosta. In other words, Istria liners merged with Boii between Este and Bologna. Let's not forget that a Pollock motto term is likely in the Eugene motto while Euganeo is right beside Este. One cannot conduct this sort of history education apart from having a good grasp of many heraldry codes. What historians can only theorize when making connections between similar terms, heraldry codes and shared symbols can verify as facts or near-facts. I now feel convinced that Paisley was named after Bassianus liners.

The above gives reason for tracing Vespasian, the 4th dragon head in Revelation 17, to Bassianus' at Oneum. That recalls that the Arms of Rieti (home of Vespasian's family) uses a "pratus" motto term, thus traceable to "Brattia." It seems clinched, doesn't it? And so we might want to ask why God chose Vespasian to defeat Jerusalem in 70 AD. Was it because he had Levite blood from Laish? Is this the dragon / harlot line that has speared the apple of God's eyes throughout history? It makes sense. And when Revelation 13 and 17 speak to the raising of the seven heads in an end-time 8th head, shouldn't that be the revival of Vespasian's family, which included the 5th and 6th heads too?

Repeat: The Barone motto, 'Fortuna juvat audaces,' looks like a variation of the English Turin motto, 'Audentes Fortuna Juvat.' One can't help but spotting the Pollock / Eugene motto term, "Audacter / Audaciter." Pollocks, who lived at Paisley, have already traced to Lady-Fortune liners at Koplik / Dober, but as she is in the Klassen Coat, so she traces from "Clausula" to the namers of GLASgow, location of Paisley. It's very clear that Barone's were Bar-of-Este liners, for one thing, but hooked to the Pola > Pollock bloodline, wherefore Barone's are expected already from Massena liners of the Maezaei kind. For this picture, one needs to trace Bistones and Meshwesh from Libya's Cyrene to the Cetina river with a source near the Maezaei. It begs whether VESpasia was named partly by BIStones liners. As the Bistone surname shares the Bessin Coat, and as Rieti is on the same river as Bessin-like AVEZZano," it makes the Bistone>Ves case rather well. This can help to found a "juvat" trace to king Juba, a descendant of Massena.

The "AuDENTes" motto term of Turins speaks of the Dents, possibly from the Dentheletae of the Paeoni theater. Dents too were first found in Yorkshire, where a host of Meschin-Scipio liners are expected, and so see the Scupio location not far to the north-west of the Dentheletae. Scupio is on a Margus river suspect with the Margy variation of Mackie's, the latter using a single arrow, the Rothschild/Rothstein symbol, and same ravens, the Rothes/Rothchild symbol. The Dent motto, used roughly by an Arms of Rothschild, has a "ConCORDia" motto term that can be for Curtus-Maccabee liners, especially if the Psellus Maccabees got to the Sale's/SALLETTs. Dents look like they use a version of the Sale/Salette Coat. The Berone's/Byroms are the ones that brought the Tous/Tosini/Tonso surname to topic, and that latter traced to Cabyle before I knew of the Curtus / Psellus topic that itself traced well to the SELLETae at Cabyle.

The Dents share ermined white lozenges with Hounds, and as Hounds were kin of Grays, one can make a Dent trace to the Graiae = Poeninus Alps. The Paine-related Giffards use the same ermined lozenges, all good fodder for tracing Dents to the Paeoni. The Dents are apparently in the Tooth write-up, and Tooths are suspect in the motto of Hume's/Home's who traced to the Cetina (when that river was first found in the 1st update of this month).

The Dent Crest brings to topic yet another white tiger ("couped"), which, for one, traces with Meschin-suspect Travis'/Travers to Treviso, where Vito's were first found that trace to the husband of Julia Maesa Bassianus (she probably got her name from her father's links to the Maezaei). The proto-Travers are suspect with the namers of the Trebbia, where some Carthaginians and Numidians must have settled after defeating Scipio at that river.

The "inDUSTRia" motto term of Dents (and Rothschilds) has been resolved with Dusters, who happen to share green trefoils with Prats/Prude's, important because Prude's/Pride's share white-on-black fish with the Arms of Rieti that has the "pratus" motto term. The Lesh motto uses "Industriae." The "ConCORDia" of Dents suggests the Cord surname, listed with Courts, and using pheons on the same-colored fesse as Prude's/Prats. Cords throw in the hearts that may link to the Berone/Byram hearts.

I didn't want to get into the Dents again to repeat much of what's said before, except that they are said to be from a SEDberghe location of Yorkshire. It looks Sadducee-important where Dents are using the Sale/Salette bend, itself likely the Bessin bend and therefore traceable to the Orne river (flows to the Bessin), location of Say to which SEATons are traced. The Orne passes through a Bocage location while Bocage's use nothing but trees, and it's the Tree's/True's who are in the Hume motto, "True TO THE end." Now as "Cetina" has got to trace to "Cetis," where Bassus' were ruling whom had married the line of tiger-suspect Tigranes, it behooves me to introduce a thing not yet done, that "Seaton" may be a form of "Cetina." However, it's debatable whether "Seaton" was originally from Say-town so as not to derive in a Cetina-like term, but rather is a Say/Sea/Sae-like term.

There are many ways one might argue for a derivation of "Seaton," all looking feasible on the surface. But what I do is to identify all the possible kin from the heraldry codes, and then make a best assessment. For example, the "yet" motto term of dragon-using Seatons is suspect with Yate's, who use the colors of the Dragons/Drayners (Helm colors), both surnames sharing the embattled-border feature...used also in the fesses of Warenne-suspect Barns/Barness', which are in the gold color of the Bernice/Burness fesse. That traces Seatons to a merger of DRIN-river peoples, and as Dragons/DRAINers are clearly using the Pendragon helmets, that's much of what Seatons were about, able to trace by these helmets to Elimea, near the Drin. Between those two places, there was Sation, a Seaton-like term is ever we saw one.

It seems here that the Seaton dragon doesn't derive from any mythical dragon, nor even a dragon entity of any kind, but, rather, was a development from something like Drin > Driner > Drayner > Dragner. Yet, one needs to ask by what coincidence "Sation" smacks of satan.

The Mynetts (same place as Dragons/Drainers) use the Dragon/Drainer helmets in colors reversed, and while Mynetts trace to Amyntes, ancestor of the Bassus, so this line produced Proculus, whom I see in the portcullis code, which happens to be used by Yate's. Proculus was the son of QuadraTILLA, and her name has traced to Tills that share the wyvern dragon with German Dragons/Drainers. But Tills / Tillers traced to the Cetina river without doubt, and not only because it was previously the Tilurius river. German Tills/Tillers use the Vito annulet, apparently, for a sure trace to Bassianus liners on the Tilurius. It can suggest that the namers of Sation named the Cetina. And Sation is marked in the land of Boius.

It can't be another coincidence that Tillers/Tylors use the Prude/PRAT fesse having the same red-on-gold crescents as Seatons. That's a Brattia-Tilurius merger if ever we saw one, but as Seatons are seemingly in play, they must have been at least a branch of the namers of the Cetina. Tillers were first found in Glamorgan (location of Cardiff), where one would find some Pendragon elements. Tillers were also first found in Herefordshire, where helmet-liner Tudors lived. Glamorgan is where Joan Button/Battin was from, and she's in the ancestry of Agnes Sudduth.

I neglected to mention in the Button trace to Cabyle that there is a Tyle location (light map) on the Tonzus river a little ways up-river from Cabyle. The Tills/Tillers are also Tile's. I can see the Meschins, Tailers, TailBOIS' and Bellamys behind the Tiller/Tylor Coat, another good reason for tracing Sation to "Cetina." The excellent addition is that Cords/Courts have been thrown into the Cetina ring, a perfect place by which to trace to the Curtus Maccabees.

Therefore, I don't think that Seatons were named after "Say," but, perhaps, Say-like locations developed from "Sayton / Saytown." Seatons are said to have named Saytowne in Lothian, but where the write-up says that they were from Say of Normandy, it's not on the coast so that the claim of deriving "Say" probably from "sea town" lacks merit. Seatons are said to have had a Seaton/Setton location in east Yorkshire. Yorkshire is the location also of SEDburgh, of the Tooth-suspect Dents.

As further corroboration that Seatons were Sation liners, the LYCHnidus liners at Sation are expected with Licks/Lucks and Licks/Locks. Both of them are interesting. Licks/Locks use the swan for a trace to Sions/Swans and therefore Sitten, a good reason to trace both Sation and Cetina liners to Sion, explaining why the Sion/Swan Coat (once showed the Macey gauntlets) is expected to use the Macey chevron. The swan in the Lick/Lock Crest is in the Crest of Psellus-suspect Sellers.

Licks/Lucks use greyhounds that connect with Penes'/Pennys and Lys'/Lisse's, both from the Drin, the river that flows out of lake Lychnidus. The Licks/Lucks were first found in Berwickshire, down the coast a little from East Lothian. Perfect. And the string of mascles used by Licks/Lucks suggest Musselburgh liners in Lothian. In fact, the Mussel/Muscel Coat can be gleaned as a version of the Tiller/Tylar Coat.

In most of the instances of stressing the swan-liner trace to the Drin, I failed to include the Lesh/Leechman Coat, using a bird design normally called, swans, and therefore suggesting modern Lesh, the ancient Lissus location on the Drin. Yet the Lesh description calls them pelicans, which is acceptable because PELAGonia is to the near-east of lake Lychnidus. The Lesh-Shield birds are identical to the so-called swan in the Dale Coat. Pelagonia is at Paeonia, and while I traced the Stirlings (buckles) to Stobi-liner Paeonians, it just so happens that Lesh's were first found in Stirlingshire.

Aha! Although the Toots/TUITs were suspect in the "AssiDUITate" motto of Licks/Locks, which is a good idea because Toots traced to the Cetina, there is a DUIT/Dewey surname using the same-colored fesse as Dragons/Drainers. And Duits/Deweys put dragon heads around their fesse! Therefore, it looks like part of Toot / Tuttle / Toothill ancestry is from Drin liners.

The Licks/Locks are in Tate colors so that "AssidiuTATE" can be code for Tate's. In colors reversed, the Toot/Tute / Tatton/Tayton crescent is red, the color of the Seaton crescent. The Tatton write-up mentions an early Mr. Tatton of NORTHENDed, while the Nothings/Northends (share the green Seaton dragon), first found in Yorkshire, are in the "nothing" motto term of Sutys. Therefore, the namers of Northended (Cheshire, I assume) were merged with Sation liners, which can explain by Saddle's/Saids share the Massin/Mason lion.

It's one thing to suggest a Seaton trace to Sation; it's another to prove it. I'm happy about the evidence above for proving it. And the Lick/Lock saltire is colors reversed from the Schutz saltire while the Licks/Lucks share a black greyhound head with Schutz's. This comes in the same update wherein Sudduths were introduced, and traced seemingly well to the Shutz variation of Schutz's, thanks to the Solway saltire tending to trace these surnames to Maccus of the Isles.

I think it's important that while Walsh's have a swan that traces well to Sion, they share a "sed" motto term with Seddens, which says it all for a trace to Sitten. In fact, the Seddons use a phrase, "sino sed," undeniable code, proudly, for Sion elements. The Morton kin of Walsh's share the quarters, likely, of Tattons. The Morton buckles trace between Cheshire's Bucklow location and the Wettins, and the latter's buckles, all they show, are in the colors of the Seaton crescents, all they show aside from their flory border.

Sedburgh is in Cumbria, the west side of Yorkshire. It can therefore be from the Northumberland elements of Sitric. It can also link to the Burns and Bernice's/Burnes' (Cumberland) now highly suspect as an Agrippa line through the Bassianus'. As Sedburgh is beside Kendel (itself beside BURNside), while Kendels (probably the Devon=Daphne-line dolphins = Laish / Poeninus suspects) are known to be from John of Gaunt's Candale elements, it's interesting that Candale is beside Bordeaux while Seatons use a "double-tressure BORDER," while Tresure's use dragons and were first found in the same place as Borders and Roets...Bordeaux-important because John of Gaunt married Roet. This apparent relationship between Sedburgh and Gaunts of Ghent recalls that Ghents use the Chief of Side's/Siders/Sudys, no coincidence at all, meaning that Seaton / Sedden elements were at the naming of Sedburgh. It just so happens that the French Lys river flows to Ghent i.e. Poeninus elements from the other Lys river are expected both there and with Gaunt liners.

Did Seatons trace to Pendragon / Dragon elements from the Drin? Yes, and so see the colors of the Tipps/Tippen Chief (i.e. pheons in the colors of the Ghent Chief), the Lancaster location of the first Tipps', and link Kendels to Tippers, suspect with the Pendragon / Shaw motto. But then note how Mr. Tatton of Northended was from KENworthy, for he married "WhithenSHAW, alias Massy." Ken liners can be from Caen, down in the Bessen, down the Orne river from the Say / Sees theater. While Seatons are from say, they say, Tipps'/Tippens were first found in Lancashire, home of the Setantii and of the Lancastrian rose owned by John of Gaunt. The Shaws are important because they are said to be from "SITHECH." It is a wonder, really, because "Shaw" is not like "Sith," and yet the Seth surname is listed with one Shaw surname. Why? The Irish Shaws use trefoils in the colors of the Tipps' / Gaunts / Side's, making it possible that Seths were of the Side's, or even the Seats/Cedes'/Seeds (double pale bars can indicate Gamala liner on two counts), likewise first found in Lancashire.

As "Sithech" is said to mean, "wolf," which doesn't have merit so far as I can see, I have taken that as a code for some wolf-liner peoples to which Shaws were closely linked. I've viewed it as code for several years, but only recently (in the last year) discovered the Sidicini, from the Avellino area, home of the wolf-liner Hirpini. It's been a problem for me to explain how Seatons (or any other) can be both of Sidicini and Setantii. Why the difference in spelling? There are two surnames using "Tun ne CEDE" that could be part-code for the Seats/Cedes'. One of them, the Amore's, have been resolved as kin of Terras' and Schutz-suspect Scotts. As the Schutz's became suspect as a branch of Sudduths in this update, by what coincidence do Sudduths share the white talbot with the Amore Crest? Related Damorys use it in blue, almost the purple Sudduth talbot. And the Amore's / Damorys use bars connectable to Leavells, suspect with LUPUS Laevillus, husband of Quadratilla, the latter likely a Shaw liner (as per the comparison of the Irish Shaws with the QUATRefoils of Ayers / Eyers).

My first shot at tracing Skits/Skeochs and Scheds to anything was to the Panico's at the Setta valley. The evidence was slim at first, but it panned out. The idea was that Scheds/Sheds (and perhaps Sheds) were of the namers of the Setta. The Italian Amore's (Sardinia) happen to use the Panico Chief, and they even share a red Shield with Panico's. Amore's look like Moor liners, linkable to Moratins, and therefore to Moreton-Say, but, in any case, by what coincidence do Amore's use white-on-red stars, the color of the giant Annas star? Annas of Israel was a son of one SETH. To help prove that Amore's link to Skits and Scheds (both use potent crosses), so that Seths can be viewed as a Sched/Shed branch, Amore's were first found in Sardinia, same as Avezzano's that use a potent feature in their bend. It's the same potent feature used by Champagne, a city that was also "Campania," like the Campania in the Avellino / Sidicini theater. As Italian Capone's (and Ghent-suspect Candida's) were first found in the same place, Annas, Caiaphas' father-in-law, both Sadducees, became suspect from the Sidicini.

It makes Sadducees suspect with the naming of Sidicini. But the latter were named such from prior to the knowledge of Sadducees: "The Sidicini were mentioned for the first time in the year 343 BC, when, settled into a strategic territory for the expansionist interests of the Samnites, feeling threatened, sought help at Campani..." What a lucky strike from that Italian article, translated. It's very important to know that the name was already in existence from before 343 BC.

I have realized that Microsoft is tampering with my find feature (clicking the Start button, a box appears with a search feature at the bottom). It will not bring up any of my files when searching "Sidicini." I have that term in several files. Google brings up about eight files when searching " Sidicini tribwatch ". Bill Gates is expected to be a Geddes = Chaddock = potent liner, but let's not forget that Gate's are expected in the portcullis gates of Seaton-suspect Yate's.

To understand why Porters use the portcullis gate even while it's code for Proculus, Laevillus' son, I reasoned that Porters/Pawters (Potter colors) were, in the beginning, Potters, a branch of Botters, traceable to the Butteri peoples at the Pontine, very near an old Setia location (now Sezze), that is itself near the Liri river. If Potters / Botters were Boii, Setia can trace to the Boii-suspect namers of the Zeta valley. "The Sidicini were one of the Italic peoples of ' ancient Italy, neighbors of the Samnites and Campanians , who had for capital Teanum Sidicinum (today Teano ). Their territory extended northward, up the valley of the river Liri, which dominates the region up to Fregellae, and later passed to the Volsci..." The Volsci were on the coast, and probably owned all the area around Setia, making it highly suspect as a Sidicini city. The Tipps/Tippins, suspect both with the Shaw motto and that of Pendragons, reminds that Pendragons trace to the Penestae Illyrians / Albani, excellent for this discussion because the Oscans, to which the Sidicini belonged, trace to "Uscana," the Penestae capital. That can't be coincidental, meaning that Pendragons trace to Oscans and all their allies (figure in the Samnites and the Sabines at mount Sabina, location of Avezzano and Roet-suspect Rieti), and especially to the Sidicini...

...which can explain why Bill Gates might not like me to educate peoples on the Sidicini. English Wikipedia apparently has no Sidicini article. Imagine if all the world learns that there is a group of conspiring radicals, who meet at such things as Bilderberg meetings, and all from the Herods and Sadducees, a thing they honor and cherish.

Roets, suspect with the Panico tree, were first found in the same place as Savone's/Saffins. Savona's -- linkable to Gardners and therefore to Capone-suspect Capes' and Kaplans -- have symbolism comparable to that of Tipps/Tippins, and are traceable to Candida > Ghent liners (see pope Borgia's affair with a Miss Candida, then compare Borgia's with the Savona Crest) out of Safor (Spain). The Saffin variation speaks to the Safini = Sabines, but "Savone" can speak to the Savena river smack beside the Setta valley. It can also speak to swan liners from Sidicini-like Soducena. While French Savona's list Savards, another Savard surname is listed with SALfords (share the black wolf with Quadratus-suspect Quade's), making them suspect with Psellus liners as well as portcullis liners (if indeed they are from Proculus). Note the gold collar (Moor liner symbol) on both the black Salford and Quade wolves, for the Schutz's have a gold color of a black greyhound.

Savards share besants in the colors of the same of Seats/Cedes' so that the wolf entity of Shaws=Sithechs links to the Seats/Cedes'/Seeds i.e. the Seed surname is expected with the genes of Seth and Annas. As you have seen that Shaws and others in this discussion trace to the Penestae, who includes the Dragons/Drainers, by what coincidence do the latter use a fesse in colors reversed from the same of Savards/Salfords, said to be from a Salford location that passed to DRAKElows??? This reminds of the black Varro wolf with tree.

The Roet Coat (shares boar heads with Savards/Salfords) is suspect with the Kaplan Coat, very important now that Kaplans are known, as a certainty, from Cabyle. [The split Shield of German Kaplans is in the colors of the Boner quadrants.] And that helps to make Salfords suspect with Psellus liners now expected from the Selletae. Kaplans were first found in the same place as Potters, Botters, Buttons, Drake's and Josephs. Savards were first found in Potter-like Poitou, both suspect from Poti of Colchis, which was named alternatively, Phasis, where one may trace "Bassus." That works. And it makes Potters and Botters suspect from Poti liners.

So, the way I see it, Porters were first of all Potters, and when they merged with a surname using the portcullis as code for both their Gate and Proculus-liner kin, someone(s) in their Potter family took on a Port(er) variation. The Porters use bells, linkable to LaBels that share crescents in the colors of the same of Savone's/Safins. As LaBels (in the labels of the Panico and Amore Chiefs) are expected with Bellamys, whom are using a version of the HARVey Coat (this is part of the Bellamy trace to the ARVE river near Boii-suspect Poeninus), by what coincidence did Salford pass from Drakelows to Herveys? Harveys are suspect from a Harbiye location in Syria, and Seth was from Syria. Harbiye was alternatively, Daphne, which can trace to the other Panias, where I'm tracing "Poeninus." But Panias and Daphne were so close to Laish's Levites that the dogs of all three towns were known for sniffing one another's dirty tails. And the town of Laish was SIDONian, according to the Bible record.

Between the ownership of Salford by Drakelows and Herveys, it was owned by Charnocks. So says the Salford write-up, that Charnocks received it from Drakelows, and that Charnocks married Herveys. As Harbiye was suspect with the inhabitants of mount Gareb at Jerusalem, whom I identified with the Greek crow, itself suspect with the heraldic RAVen as code for REPHAites at mount Gareb, it's notable that Charnocks (Lancashire) use a raven. More importantly, Charnocks use crosslets (in the colors of the same of Teague's/Teegers) on a black bend looking much like the Sale bend (pheons), important for establishing that Salfords were Sale/Sallett liners. These had become suspect from the Salem name of old Jerusalem.

To this it can be added that while Saluzzo is beside Busca, the Salford Coat is an excellent reflection of the English Bush/Busch Coat. I think Salfords are thus clinched as Sallett liners, which in turn clinch's Sale's from Saluzzo, and in the meantime traces the Selletae to Saluzzo (in Cuneo), good for tracing the Caeni, not far from the Selletae, to "Cuneo." That speaks of the Bush-Cheney partnership, but let's not forget that the Caen motto has a Citis/Cetis code while Proculus was of Cetis elements. Charnocks were first found in the same place as Tipps/Tippins, the latter sharing pheons with Sale's, and while the Tipps pheons are expected as a deliberate reflection of the Ghent / Side eagle's, these eagles are used in the same colors by Bush's/Buschs.

Now, as Tippers (Cornwall, where the Cornish chough traces) use dolphins, the old symbol of mythical Daphne, note how the Tippin variation of Tipps' is like "Daphne," or like "Devon," where Cornwalls were first found that have a motto tracing to what looks like Levi's on the Durance river. That river was home to the Salyes Ligures that named Saluzzo, and so one can expect that old Salem elements (not Israelite's) got merged with Laish's Levites. The "La Vie" motto phrase of Cornwalls is very linkable to the "vi" of Chives', first found in Devon. I'm guessing a good guess that Charnocks/Chernocks were a branch of Cornwalls/Cornells.

As Cornwalls use the raven, it can be gleaned that the Charnock raven is the "Cornish chough" of a few surnames, for Coughs and Hoffs share a Coat like that of Charnocks, and almost identical to the Sale/Sallett Coat. The Cuff variation of Coughs was suspect, not many weeks ago, with the Sub Radice location up-river from Cabyle and Tyle. As Buttons/Bidens trace to Cabyle without question, the "baton" in the Cough/Cuff Crest can be for Button/Batton liners, no coincidence. The Radice's are in Sudduth colors, and we saw Agnes Sudduth descending from a Miss Button/Batton. The Cough/Cuff motto uses "Yet" in the English translation so that Cuff liners can be suspect in a Caiaphas merger with Laevillus>Proculus liners.

The Cornwalls (same fesse as Happys) at the link above use the same stars as SUTHERlands, and Sutherland (Scotland), now suspect with the Sotherby surname listing Sudduths, is where Mackays were first found who share the Quade wolf heads. The Charnock motto is translated, "Be HAPPY," and then Happys are the Apps/Abbs that share the Capes' scallops. The Abbs can be of the Habs/Hobs that use the tiger as code, likely, for Teeger liners, and we saw above that Teegers share the crosslets of Charnocks. The birth of Caiaphas is suspect in relation to the unknown father of Severus Bassus, whose line married that of TIGRanes, husband of OPgalli, suspect with a line to the HOBs, and moreover Teegers use an OPtem" motto term. It's obvious that Sale's and Charnocks trace to Opgalli, whose "galli" name became suspect "Julius," for Julians and Gullys share the Teeger crosslet.

I have not known Charnocks until now, and they are adding much to the Tigranes-Opgalli picture. "La Vie" can be expected with Laevillus, but also with Vio's that are listed with Vito's, the latter tracing hard to the Bassus > Bassianus line.

Tien variation of Thames' can be of the Diens, first found in the same place as Saddocks. It doesn't appear coincidental, making Saddocks and their Chadock / Chadwick kin suspect from the Sidicini. It expects that St. Chad in LITCHfield (Lichfield) was a Sidicni liner.

Thames'/Teans, from the Thames river, apparently, were first found in the same place (Oxfordshire, shares a red bull with Savona's) as Amore's and Damorys/Amori's, both suspect with Laevillus liners, and both suspect also with the Seats/Cedes'/Seeds now reckoned as Sidicini liners. The pale bars of the latter link to CAMEL-using Pale's/Palleys, and therefore to Gemel liners (include the Medleys, same place as Saddocks) suspect with Essex, where the elite Vere's of Oxford were first found, as well as where Soyers/Sarahs/SAYers (Varn bend, in Cammell colors) were first found, somewhat suspect in the "Soyez content" motto of Charnocks. "Content" can be suspect with the Contentin version of "Cotentin," a location in Manche, where Vere's originate.

Sarah's/Sayers, with cinquefoils in the colors of the Shaw trefoils and Ayer quatrefoils, have long been viewed as a branch of Sauers/Sours (Shaw-suspect Sava river) that happen to share the Cornwall lion. Ayers are from Ayrshire, where Gemels/Gemmells were first found that look like a branch of Wagers = Wagrians (Warnow river). Gemels share chains with Quade's, and moreover share a swan pierced by an arrow with pheon-liner Walsh's/Walchs ("sed"), kin of Walkers, kin of Wagers, I suspect. Ayrshire is the location of Kyle, and Kyle's use candleSTICKs now resolved with "Sithech." Candlesticks are in the Arms of Le Mans, where French Josephs (swan) were first found (essentially). This is the best way to discover what Sithechs were (or at least what they included): the Sticks (share gold garbs with English Josephs), likely from the Astikas' of Vilnius. It makes Sticks and Astikas' suspect with Sidicini, and thus traced Sidicini to something around the Astica area at the right side of the dark map. It just so happens that Astica is beside the Selletae. Salem liners were suspect at SALMYdessus, at the coast from the southern part of Astica.

It was shown that Wagers have a Coat like that of English Barone's, but they in-turn have a Coat like the Berone's/Byrums (Lancashire again) whom honor the Tous'/Tonso's from the Tonzus river, smack beside, and parallel with, the full length of the Selletae theater. The Berone HEDGEhogs are linkable to Washingtons of the Gace / Wedge / Watch / Wage kind. Irish Barone's share the Vipont / Walker annulets, and ViPONT is near Gace. As the Hedgehogs are suspect also with Hoggs, the latter happen to share the black boar with Ponts. As Gace is beside Perche, home of Bellamys, the Hedge/Hegge swans can be close to the Sions/Swans.

As yet, I haven't treated the English-Barone write-up, which suggests linkage to Burys (Devon), which in-turn evokes boar-liner Burleys in Sudduth/SOTHERby colors, important because these same Barone's are said to have been Barne's in a SOTERley location of Suffolk (near or at their Bury location of Suffolk). I think it's clear from this that Sotherbys were namers of Soterley. It is very lucky that the Barone write-up mentions "William de Baron, son of Aiulph de FORO," for while BalFOURS/Beauforts use the motto, "FORward," Balfours and Barone's share a black-on-white chevron. The full significance of this is that Seatons use "forward" too, which can identify Seatons with Sudduths, and explain why Sudduths are listed with a Suter-like surname. All-in-all, Seatons, Sudduths, Suters, and Sutherlands are all expected to be branches.

The Caiaphas-suspect Stirlings/Sterlings (Balfour colors) use a "forward" motto term too. Were STERlings a SUTER liner?

By the way, having become confident that Beau liners (Beaumonts/Belmonts included that can trace to the label of Panico's) were Boii, the Beauforts tend to reveal that Balfours were Boii, sensible where Bologna was the location of Seaton-suspect Setta. Bar liners merged with Bologna elements were crossed earlier in this update by another method. I'm guessing a good guess that "Foro" is for the Forhams/Formans that use the Brunswick lions, and are suspect with the wavy bars of Side's/Sudys. The impish delinquency / childishness of the human race had possessed, according to online reports, the prime minister, Arthur Balfour, of Britain, whom is said to have been a satanist. Imagine Britain tolerating such a thing. Shame.

The Bury Coat, looking like a cross between the Brown and Bruno Coats, is a good reflection of the Bernard Coat ("FLOREbit"), thus expecting some Burys / Barone's from the Poeninus area (i.e. near, and related to, Sion/Sitten). The Barone write-up traces the family from the Caen area to Devon, making Burys / Barone's highly suspect with the La-Vie / vi elements of Cornwalls / Chives', that entity suspect with VIponts.

The saga ended yesterday at the above. The first thing done this morning was to check Southerns, and, while they were loading (slowly, I don't have fast Internet, woe is me), I was putting things together in my head, that while Mackays, of SUTHERland, were Quadratilla > Proculus liners, the Geddes, who share the Chaddock / Chadwick escutcheon, had joined the Mackays when they, the Geds, had moved north to Sutherland. For me, this picture was the Sadducee liners in the Geds, suspect with Gate's and therefore with Yate's whose portcullis gate is suspect, independent of Mackay considerations, with the Quadratilla line. It's all so logical because Yate's were kin of Sotherby-suspect Seatons, and because the Nitts/Naughts, from the Nith that was the earlier home of the Geds, use an escutcheon. All of this was going through my head while the Southern/Sotherne Coat loaded; I had forgotten what it used. Here it is, a reflection of the Coat of Aids/Ade's, first found in the land of BERNICians, and found in the Levi motto.

The Mackays can be Macey liners that therefore trace to the Cetina, and then the Aide's share black-on-white leopard faces with Cetin-like Keatons/Kittens/Ketons. The Keaton Coat is a virtual match with that of Quade's, a good reason to view "Ade" as a "Quade" variation. Plus, one can now gleans that Keatons were Keiths (near Berwickshire) where Ade's are said to have been early in InverKEITHIN. It seems clear enough that Cetis > Cetin > Keaton liners named that place. I have not loaded the Ged page below for many months, and had forgotten that Geddes mottoes included, "Veritas vincit," the Keith motto (Veritas vincit) in reverse! Along with the motto, we read: "Traditional Stag Crest and Motto of Geddie - Geddes". The Keith Crest is a stag too.

To help prove that Geddes were linked to Mackays, the Alis', who use the Mackay bears, use "Veritas vincit." As I trace "vincit," a term shared by Sithech-liner Shaws, to Vinkovci, it bears out here because the Southern / Ade bend is that of Valentins too. Just compare the Ade bend to that of Stevensons, then compare the latter to the Valentin bend. Valentinian married Justine, and Justine's were first found in Pilate-suspect Perthshire, where the Keith stag head traces. It's telling me that Geddes and their Keith branch were near Vinkovci, and the Cetina fits that bill.

The Keith Coat is a reflection of the Major / Anchor Coat while Majors are in the "majora" motto term of Geddes'. It means that Geddes' are now clinched with the "Catti tribe" to which Keiths are traced. One question is why Seatons rhyme with "Keaton" while first found in the same place as Keiths. Were Seatons purely a Keaton branch, or were they merged so as to take on similar forms? If they were branches, which of the two came first?

By the way, the Keith stag is called a deer, which can trace to Ragusa (said to be derived in some term for "deer"). The Keith pale bars are called, palets, and should trace to Gamala along with the Pale/Palley camel. Pallets/Palleys (Champagne, able to trace to the Sithech wolf line suspect in Campania with the Sidicini) share the black boar head with the Keaton Crest, and number three in the positioning of the three Keaton / Quade symbols. Shaws share three cups with Pellets and Pilotte's in the same colors, making Pale's and Pallets suspect with Pontius Pilate. In fact, the Keith deer is in the design of the Pilot-liner Colts/Celts. The Geddes are said to have been close to the Rose's (Rozala suspects), and then the Rose's are said to have married Bosco's (nice Italian name), the latter using pillars while Pillers are listed with Pilotte's.

It is remarkable that for many generations, perhaps thirty, the Geddes stock produced no man of such outstanding ability as to force his way on to the pages of history. Reivers and cattle-lifters they were; and so they remained until the day came when neither Scotland nor England could tolerate them any longer. Then came dispersal, which scattered them over Scotland and even parts of England. Some, settling down in Lowland Scotland, became respectable and appear in Scottish history as the Geddeses of Rachan in Peeblesshire. Those finding refuge in England concealed their identity by adopting as their family name one of two variants of the Latin word for "Pike" (lucitus) Luce or Lucy; or, in plain English, "Pike.' {nb. "Lucas" has now been added to give us a third surname variant.} One party, a small one, escaped by sea to the far north of Scotland. They landed in the area of Loch Eriboll and offered their swords and services to the Chieftain of the Clan Mackay. It is from this party of Geddes refugees that {Auckland Campbell Geddes'; family} descend(Geddes page above).

I'm not keen on the writer's interpretation on the origin of Pike's and Lucys. It makes it appear that they were purely invented by Geddes liners. This is the theory of many when speaking on the topic. I'm not biting. The claim is that a pike fish was, to some people group, a lucy-like term. But even if that was true, it needs to be discovered how that lucy-like term developed, and why a Lucy surname should use the pike fish. Luciano's use fish in Lucy-fish colors, but they were first found in Rome. What was the Luciano-Lucy connection? If Geddes were the makings of Guido's, said to be from "wood," what about the "piece of wood" used by Rita's, first found in Rome?

Rita-suspect Roets share the boar head in the colors of the same of Gordons. We read in the Ged page: "Septs of Clan Geddes: Gordon and Rose. Septs of Clan MacPhail: Cameron and Mackay. Why are PHAILs involved? They must have been a branch of Pale's, meaning that all sorts of similar terms, such as Whelans/Failins/Phalens, must have been Pontius-Pilate liners, for Whelans/Phalens share the stag in Crest with Keiths, and moreover use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Keiths. If that's not enough, one can read in the Keith / Marshall write-up that the two merged, while Marshals share a string of lozenges with Whelans/Phalens. As the latter are very linkable to the Masseys and Meschin-suspect Bricks, it's perfectly expected in this Mackay picture, but one needs to add that a string of lozenges is shared by Musso's/MUSSOLini's because Keiths lived at/beside MUSSELburgh (Haddington), explaining the "muzzled" bears of Alis' and Mackays. We are therefore seeing Sadducee, Pilate, Maccabee, Bassus, Bassianus, and Levi liners all converging this morning. The Mussels/Muscels even the Meschin Shield but with white roundels called, PLATE's, a Pilate-like term if ever we saw one.

So, Keiths were Cetina liners, quite apparently, and we got to this topic immediately after mention of Barn liners, relevant because the source of the Cetina is near Burnum. Note how utterly ignorant / deceptive historians are in Wikipedia's Inverkeithing article: "Taylor (2006) notes that the name Keithing probably contains the Pictish (Brythonic) *coet, 'wood'..." Instead of tracing to a Keithing-like people group or surname, they invent derivations in some geographical thing using a term sometimes with the remotest resemblance to the place name. Inverkeithing is in Fife, opposite the waters from Keiths of Lothian; that should be the easy reality. I often find that historians / archaeologists emphasize historical places that they know they trace to; in this case, we see a Mr. Taylor while Keiths trace to the Tilurius, exactly where I traced Taylors (who share white lions on their PALE bar with Tillers). QuadraTILLa was a Tilurius-river liner whose family was at Cetina-related Cetis, thus tracing Keiths to the namers of Cetis (where Kidds have already been traced).

Just for fun, I checked for a Coet surname, finding it listed with Cockers who happen to use the Cough/Cuff fleur-de-lys on a bend. It makes sense, thus tending to reveal that Cockers were a variation of "Cough." It then makes Cocks and Cochs (share red lozenges) suspect as Cuff liners, they suspect with "Caiaphas." It depends on which came first, "Cough/Cuff" or "Cock(er). If Cocks came first, they might not qualify as Caiaphas liners. While the Rosslyn Chapel (Lothian) has some weird, non-Christian art carved into it, including the so-called "green man" with vines at / around his head, it's interesting that the "man's head" in the Coet/Cocker Crest has green hair.

The Kukes area on the Black Drin is at the mouth of the White Drin, and then the helmets of Dragons/DRAINers trace to the same of Pendragons that in-turn use the Sale / Cocker fleur, and then the wyvern used by German Dragons is often called a COCKatrice for a reason, now looking like code for Kukes liners to Cockers.

The birth of Caiaphas is still suspect from a descendant of a Junia Caepionis, and then the Coets/Cockers share the June fleur. Caepionis' must trace to the Kupa river, which has been clinched with the Cups/Cope's/Colps and therefore with Copps, both using roses as likely code for the Geddes-related Rose's. June-loving Yonge's (one branch has PILEs in Coet/Cocker colors) use roses. Yonge's were first found in the same place as Colchester, a good reason to trace the latter to the Colapis = Kupa river. Yonge's share the black wolf in Crest with Cough-related Hoffs (Cheshire, same as Haughts/Houghtons). These are Selletae liners, right?

The question is whether Mr. Taylor knew that the Keiths / Keatons of INVERkeithing were Coet/Cockers liners so that he slyly traced to "coet = wood." There may be many coet-like words that meant "wood / forest" to some people group or another, yet he may have chosen to use "coet" in particular for a surname reason. The Rose's / Geddes were in INVERness. French Clairs, a branch of the Sinclairs of Roslin, we must assume, share the Yonge-Coat roses, and German Youngs/Jungs share the stag with the Crest of the Suffolk Clare's...Suffolk being where Southerns were first found. The Clare stag head is therefore connectable to the Keith / Whelan stag head.

Cocks were previously suspect as Gog liners to the mythical swan king, Cycnus/Cygnus, son of Sithones-suspect STHENelus, which tends to inject the Seaton bloodline into that mythical picture, who are suspect with Geddes and Keiths. It tends to trace the mythical swan liners to Cetis elements, and therefore traces Soducena, beside Gogarene, to "Cetis." "Coet" may even include the Cotta's, highly suspect with a Junia Caepionis in birthing Caiaphas (one or more of the Junia-Caepionis sisters would have been a Cotta liner if she was a daughter of Julius Caesar-Cotta with Servilia Caepionis). Let's go back to Catherine Roet's marriage to SWAN-suspect Hugh SWYNford, "a Knight from the manor of Kettlethorpe in Lincolnshire, the son of Thomas Swynford." KETTLEthorpe, what keithincidence. It's got the coeties all over it. Kettle's share the Keith stag head, and were first found in Perthshire, where Colts/Celts and stag-head Rollo's were first found.

Kettle's are suspect in the naming of AnKETIL, grandson of Malahule, uncle of Rollo. It links Keath / Geddes / Sadducee liners to Malahule, known father of the Tosni's, and therefore traceable to the Cabyle-rooted Tous/Tosini's/Tonso's. I fully expect the Coets/Cockers to have merged with Selletae elements at Cabyle. Just compare the Cable's to Cetis-liner Caens.

Like the "vincit" of Keiths, Kettle's use "vince," but Kettle's also use "malum," a dead give-away for linkage to the "Tu ne CEDE malum" motto of Amore's, and therefore revealing that Kettle's were a branch of double-pale-bar Seats/Cedes'/Seeds. Isn't this fun? I won't repeat what was said earlier in this update on Amore's, but it's all Laevillus / Annas-relevant. The "tu ne" phrase followed by an s-sound might be to Tonzus liners, though in the past it traced well to "Tunis." Was Tunisia a Tonzus-liner entity? It's a brand-new idea, and I've just checked the dark map to find a Bargus tributary of the Tonzus! Hannibals father was Barca!!! Were the first Carthaginians from the Tonzus? The Bargus is beside the Sohaemus-suspect Suemes tributary of the Tonzus, and Sohaemus married a Drusilla from the Massena bloodline! Caiaphas was suspect from Carthaginians of the Syphax kind. It's a good bet that Hannibal merged with the Salyes Ligures, but, now, the feasible explanation as to why Hannibal invaded Italy through the Ligurian Alps is that he was distantly related to the Salyes Ligures, both from the Cabyle area.

Checking the Bargs, they turn out to be the Bergs. Dutch Bergs/Bargs share three red lozenges in the positioning of the same of German Cochs. English Cochs (hand, suspect with Hannibal liners) are listed with Corks/Core's/GOUGHs (see Googe's and Goffs/Goughs), the ones with the Taylor lion tails. The Cochs/Corks were first found in Cornwall, where the Cornish CHOUGH traces that is now revealed as a Gog liner, in my opinion, of the Cycnus kind. This has Soducena-swan liners all over it, and Keiths are tracing to the Soducena / Cotesii elements that named Cetis. It may not be coincidental that Coets/Cockers use a "man's head," for heads were an old Gorgon symbol, and Gorgons are suspect with Georgians, who lived at the Soducena area.

Cycnus-suspect Swynfords (share boars with Googe's Goffs) share the three boar heads of Pallets/Palleys (suspect with the Keith palets), and the Swynford colors and format are very linkable, not just to Quade's and Keatons, but even more to the Lice/Lee surname in the "LiCEntiam" motto of the particular Irish Mackays that use the Quade wolf heads. Why "LicenTIAM"? To honor the Teans/Thames'/Tiens', suspect with Teano of the Sidicini? The Swynfords can be deemed swan liners because they were first found in LEICestershire (LEGRo river) while Leicesters/Lesters use the as to trace to the Cygnus LIGURians, right? Lice's/Lee's and Lee's/Lighs/Leghs are likely Leicester liners. While the Arms of Leicester uses a white-on-red cinquefoil, Kettle's use it in colors reversed.

A Hannibal merger with Salyes predicts that Salian Franks / Merovingians / Este's were Hannibal liners. HEADS (in Coch/Cork colors) are definitely a merger with Este liners, and while Pepins are Este liners, Papenheims use "kettle HATS," suspect with HADDingtons, and perhaps linkable to Hede's...who use the same fesse as Kettle's. Heads, Haddingtons and Hede's were probably a softened form of some Keith branch. This prompted a look at "Kede," and they were not only first found in Perthshire, as were Kettle's and boar-using Rollo's, but they use boar heads too, this time in the colors of the Googe / Goff (and Molle) boars.

And ZOWIE, Kede's are also "Eddie/Addie/Kiddie/Ceddy" (thistle), a host of terms that look like Cedes / Kidd liners, but also Ade's!! The first one of this family is said to be Gillimichael M'Ade. This means that Ade's (and Aitons) were not likely a Quade branch directly, but more of a Keaton branch. However, while Keatons trace to "Cetis," the latter term was suspect with the naming of Quadratus. QUADR is like "Keturah."

The combination in the Ade Crest is called, jessant, suspect with swan-using Guess'/Guests/Jeste's (Justine's?), a branch of which share's the black swan with French Josephs and Chaplets. The Guess/Jeste swans look linkable to the same of Hedge's, the latter suspect with Hoggs as per the hedgehog of Barone's. Hoggs, with the familiar boar heads linkable to Quade's et-al, share the oak tree (the description calls it that) with Watts, like the Wade variation of Quade's. Watts were first found in the same place (Worcestershire) as Guests/Jeste's, tending to assure that the jessant leopard face of Ade's is indeed for Guests.

German Guess'/Guss'/Cuss' (Baden) may be using the Bruno bend with the Barg/Berg stars upon it. The Bargus river, now suspect with Barca, is not far from the Contadesdus river that was traced to Conteville's. I trace Conteville's solidly to Font de Ville's and la Fonts/Lafins, and so the fountain-using Cuss' / Cass' / kiss' may apply to the Guess/Cuss surname. Hoggs were first found in the same place (Durham) as Conte's. The "vires" motto term of Hoggs goes to the Vire river at the CONTENtin/COTENtin, suspect with Cotta's/Cottins/COTARds, perhaps a Coet/Cocker branch. A Vires surname is listed with Verona's/Vairs.

Janina's and Schutz's

Although I link the Watt glasses regularly to Glass liners, it should be said that they may officially be spectacles: "...a green oak tree on which there is a pair of spectacles, and at the top, an eye." Speccots/Space's come to mind, perhaps a branch of Specks/Spocks/Spike's that may be from "Syphax." As Scottish Glass' share the Melusine mermaid with the Arms of Warsaw, the Glass Shield is suspect from the Janina Shield-on-Shield.

Recall how the Billets link to Mont Pilate via the billets of Besancons/Bassets, for I was thinking earlier that the Keith Palets may have been gold billets too, and here I come to the Watts, the English branch of which uses a version of the Keith Coat, but with "a bezant between two gold billets on a red chief." In the Watt Crest, a red lozenge i.e. the color of the Coch / Cock lozenges. But as the watt tree is suspect with the Panico tree, let's remind that the Coch lozenges are used by Reno's and Pinc's too, while the Setta valley of Panico's is a Reno-river tributary. The label in the Panico Chief must be for Labels sharing the falcon crescents, and then the oak-using Watts have a falcon in Crest. The Label crescents were spotted in the Kede/Ceddy/Addie Coat, a great reason to trace that surname, along with Ade's, to the namers of the Setta.

As Paisleys share the thistle with Kede's/Ceddys, the latter in Paisley / Pasi/Pace colors, it's very notable that Pasi's were first found in Bologna i.e. location of the Ceddy-like Setta valley. As Kede's/Ceddys share the white-on-blue boar head with Molle's, it's notable that Eschyna de Molle had a daughter that married Robert Pollock...who lived at the Paisley / Glasgow theater. He lived in RENfrew, suspect with "Reno." This Eschyna de Molle married a Robert Croc(e), and then while potent liners were traced to the Setta, the Croce's use the potent cross. It looks like Kede's/Ceddys/Addie's have traced the Levi--beloved Ade's to the Setta theater, but as the swan-suspect Savena river is beside the Setta, that's where the Guest swans should trace, making the Guess variation suspect with the Guis variation of Guido's. And Guido's are said to be from the Woods, which can go back to Mr. Taylor's "coet = wood" definition of the Inverkeithing location. It is in Fife, and Eschyna de Molle was closely related to Londonis, or Londons / Lundys of Fife (kin of Cibalae-suspect Sibal(d)s).

The Josephs honor the Charo's in their motto. Charo's/Claro's share the red bull with Borgia's (and Savona's), now suspect with the Bargus river, and/or with Barca of Carthage. Irish Barges'/Burgess' (camel head) use a Shield-on-Shield, the lower one filled with besants, and the upper filled wit lozengy half in the colors of the Cock / Barg/Berg lozengy. The interesting thing here is that Barges' are also "Bury," recalling the Bury link to Bruno's, Barns, and similar others. German Bargs/Bergs can thus be using the Bruno bend. It hasn't been established that Barg liners were from Barca, however.

Repeat from above: "The Bury Coat, looking like a cross between the Brown and Bruno Coats, is a good reflection of the Bernard Coat ("FLOREbit"), thus expecting some Burys / Barone's from the POENInus area (i.e. near, and related to, Sion/Sitten)." The Carthaginians were called, "Poeni," by the Romans.

Berrys share fish heads with Geddes, and the latter are suspect from the Getuli Numidians, thus making Burys traceable to Barca. The Barges/Bury Shield-on-Shield is in the colors, essentially, of the same of Geddes' / Chaddocks, and the Barges/Bury besants and lozenges are in the colors of the Geddes fish heads. It looks like Irish Burghs can apply here, whom were from John de Burgo of Conteville, but were traced also to William V of Montferrat, whose daughter married Guido Guerra. While Ferrats/Fers share checks with Vairs/Fers', the latter's checks are in the colors of the same of English Barges'/Burgess'. The latter use "botonee" crosses, as Crombys do whom trace to Crema / Cremona elements, which were within reach of Hannibal and his Numidian supporters after he won the war of Trebbia.

If the problem is whether to trace "Geddes" to "Getuli" or "Cetis," I think the Shawia Numidians suspect in Cilicia can help answer that, both can apply. I can't find much information on the Getuli in order to support their trace to Cetis, but Numidians traced well to the Cetina theater. The Cetina is in Dalmatia along with Ragg-suspect Ragusa, and the Ragg Coat is a reflection of the Coat of German Bargs/Bergs, first found in Rhineland, same as Setta-suspect Schutz's. It's interesting that while Raggs can trace to Ragen-like variations of "Rhine," Reno's are listed with Rhine's while sharing the three lozenges of Dutch Bargs/Bergs. The purple-lion Wrens are said to be from Raines', and Raines' are said to be from "Ragin." German Rhine's/Raines' (comet) are suspect with "Renier/Rainier," father of William V Montferrat. German Berrys use a "REGi" motto term while Saraca's of Ragusa were earlier in Kotor (according to Wikipedia), smack beside BAR.

Ryans (Tipperary, same as Lafins/La Fonts), just looked up due to the Ryne variation of Reno's, use three griffin heads in colors reversed from the three Reno lozenges. The Ryans list "MULryan," and then use the motto, "MALo mori quam fodari," the motto also of lozenge-using Giffards. The latter are in the write-up of Were's as Were kin, and Conte's/Comitissa's, suspect with Comets, were first found at Durham i.e. on the Were river. How lucky was it to look up Ryans? It looks like Conteville's of Comyns were honored in the Rhine comet, and then Comyns even share the dagger with the red griffin in the Ryan Crest. This paragraph is a good way to prove that Conteville's were Conte's and Font de Ville's / La Fonts together, but then the Kennedys who honor the La Fonts in their "la fin" motto share the dolphin with Reagans, and moreover the Kennedy motto term, "Avise," is code for the Avis/Avisons that share the three Comyns garbs. If that's not enough, Kennedys are suspect from the Kennati priests on the Cetis river. They were the priests of an Ajax cult, itself related to mythical Salamis. If "Conte" was a Kennedy variation, Conte's are suspect from the Kennati, and those latter stupids can thus trace to the Reno river's Setta crew of potent liners, which include the potent-using, Avison-like Avezzano's. It looks like Sadducees were of the Kennati priesthood.

I didn't know while writing the paragraph above that the Ryan griffins were in the colors of the Berry-Crest griffin. These Berrys (share "nihil" with Vere's) must be using the Stur bars, and they seem linkable to Vere's that were themselves in cahoots with the Manche Sturs. It makes "Vere" suspect with "Berry." Were Vere's Barca liners??? Was Varro Murena a Barca liner that turned to the Romans? Did Maccabee-suspect Cilnius Maecenas marry the family of Varro Murena because both families had a hand in forming Israel's priest-kings? Why do Varro's share black wolves with Quade's? Why do Tills use the Varni-suspect wyvern? Contrary to the Were write-up, Were's were indeed a Vere branch and thus the Giffard-Vere's can link to the Ryan motto, as expected if the latter were from Rainier of Montferrat.

While the Lett ORGAN pipes traced to the ERGINes (like "Ragin") river at the Contadesdus theater, the Organs (thistle) and Corrigans share the lizard with Kotor-like COTTARs. Clearly, the Letushite tribe from Keturah was in the Letts. Trace them also to Leto's and the Alitto's/Ali's, the latter using a giant griffin in the colors of the Ryan / Berry griffin.

As Kennedys are suspect with Veneti, the Merovingians can trace to this beast, and while their Salian-Frank ancestry trace well to the Veneti at Padova, the Salians lived on the Rhine at Holland, where Reno-suspect Bargs/Bergs lived. The Salians can trace to "Salem," like "Salamis." The SALMYdessus area at the Shaw-suspect Astica theater was beside the Caeni, but as Caens even use a Cetis/Citis code in their motto, the Caeni should have been a line of Kennati idiots suspect also in the escutCHEON. They were dopes for being priests of nothing, for less than air.

So, if the Reagan/Regan dolphins are the Kennedy dolphins, then "Regan" can trace to "Ergines," a river with a source smack in the Caeni theater. This is new to me, I think, or fairly new if it was realized when emphasizing the Ergines a couple of months ago. It's not a small realization. The first Reagans are said to be from a BREGA kingdom (Ireland).

I've just checked, and found this in the 2nd update of January: "Compare "ROGAN" with "ERGINes", asking why Rogans share a white boar with Marone's! I dare say, RONald Reagan was an Ergines liner of the Rooney kind. Again, Marone's [white boars] were first found in the same place as Ergines-liner Corrigans." Marone's/Mulrooneys may have been kin to Mulryans.

Aha! Reagan-like Rackans (same towers as Basina-suspect Thors/Thorns) happen to share the red tower with Marone-like Murena! Recall the Rachan location of the Geddes'. It's in Peebles-shire, a term that I trace to Pepins, kin of Pipe's, and therefore expected with organ-pipe liners. Pepins are known to have been in the highest levels of Basina's bloodline. Rachans/Crackens share the fitchee with Kennedys and are easily shown to be a merger with Kennedys (because Kennedys use the Arms of Carrick). It therefore makes Reagans highly suspect with the Kennedy dolphin, yet the question lingers as to whether Rackans were Reagans or Carricks; I don't think they could have been both...unless merged in marriage with one taking on a variation resembling the other.

The Selletae work back to topic where the Ryan motto is code for Malahule > Tosni liners from the Tonzus river...which absorbs the water of the Bargus. The mouth of the Tonzus is on the Hebros near the mouth of the Contadesdus (dark map), the latter flowing through the Caeni theater (light map). I now feel very convinced that Conteville's, a hard animal for me to nail down to any people group, were Kennati / Caeni liners.

If I'm correct in Sadducee origins in north Africa, then Hannibal elements are to be expected in the Bassus family, itself suspect from Bistones, and Bessi Thracians (stupid priests), and the namers of Phasis. We can venture on tracing Bistones and/or Bessi to the Boii of Bologna, where Phasis-like Pasi's were first found, cousins, I think, of Poti liners such as the Thrace-based Buttons. From the Boii-Hannibal alliance, which may have produced a marital alliance, I see the formation of Maccabees proper that produced Sadducees proper, including Hannibal-suspect Annas. Sava-river Sauers (from a Gallery/Galloway bloodline) were traced to the Pharisee- / Ferrara-suspect Fergus' of Galloway, location of Wigton, where Hannibal-suspect Hanna's were first found that share the stag and colors of Hands. Irish Hands, we then find, share lozenges in the colors of the same of Barca-suspect Bargs/Bergs and Barges/Burgess', and the frightening thing is that Burgess' founded much of the initial United States.

So, it looks like John de Burgo of Conteville and Comyns was a Barca-Hannibal liner. Rackans were first found in Wigton, and so their blue fitchee (clearly the MacDonald fitchee) is likely a version of the black Hanna-Crest fitchee, which I trace to the same of Macclesfield liners (such as DavenPORTs). I made that Macclesfield-Hanna trace for years, before knowing of the Meighs/Mea's, who likewise use a blue fitchee. But as they share that blue fitchee with Albins, this picture traces to Albino's of Modena, in the area that I see the proto-Maccabees in some cahoots with the north-African elite.

There is no proof, thus far, that Rackans are of the namers of Rachan. There is a question on whether Rackens, shown properly as Crackens, were Carrick liners, and, indeed, Carricks were a branch of Shere's that use the black fitchee. It can indicate what seems logical, that north-Africans merged with proto-Carricks through Agrigento and Saracena. But Agrigento was home to proto-Anchors/Annackers, not only suspect with the naming of Annas, and therefore with Hannibal, but Anchors were merged with Geddes-beloved Majors. We want to know why Geddes' use a "CAPTa" motto term along with their Berry fish heads. I don't yet know what limit there may be in viewing Berry-like terms from Barca? This is a new or green idea. I haven't focused on it much, or taken it too seriously. I've never forced it. Was Bar at the Illyrian Coast a Barca liner too?

Saracena liners go to many, including Caracalla, but he married Bassianus, the Cetina liners in Dalmatia where north Africans are expected. I can't make these things up by clever invention while the story holds together so well at so many sides and angles. No matter how I approach things, with one set of surnames or another, it tells the same story.

Cavii Origins of Cortemelia

It has always been a mystery to me why French Capets do not come up at houseofnames. Hugh Capet was the father of the French-royal Capetians. The Spanish Capets are certainly from Capetians because they share the Martel crown, and moreover they share the Shield of the Anjou Fulke's (Norfolk). English Capets are listed with Capes' that may or may not be Capetians. But the Geddes motto can reveal that Capetians included English Cabots (fish in colors reversed from the Geddes pikes) were first found in the same island group as the Majors of Guernsey, excellent evidence that Cabots are part of the Geddes motto. Why are Cabots said to be from Venetians? Ask the Pesci fish. French Cabots (same fish) have variations like those of Cavetts, tending to trace Cabots to the Cevetta river at Ceva (Liguria).

The CORTEmelia location to the near-north of Ceva might just be a Curtus-Maccabee liner, especially as Curtus' family liked the Mathias name while Chives' use the Mathis cross. This sentence just prompted a look for a Corte surname (Italian), and it happens to use blue-and-white pale bars, the colors of the Cavett fesse bars! Plus, the Corte pale bars are in the colors of the same of Seats/Cedes/Seeds! Pale bars are for Gamala's Maccabees, right? The Corte's/Courts/Coverts use blue pale bars too, thus tending to trace multiple Court liners to Cortemelia. Italian Corte's are in the colors of Saluzzo while Luisa of Ceva was mother to Alice of Saluzzo. Didn't Saluzzo liners get caught up with the Psellus ancestry of Mathias Curtus?

Spanish Corte's, suspect with the pale bars of Aragon, were first found in Aragon, a term that could be from the Ergines river, or its namers. If that's correct, Curtus suspects just traced to Thrace, where Curtus' were traced in the last update. Organs have Aragon-like variations. While Organs use holly leaves, the Hollys/Cullens share the Organ / Corrigan trefoil, this being the best evidence I've seen that Hollys are not wrongly listed (by houseofnames) with Collens.

The Holly/Collen Coat (hands) might be a version of the German Corte Coat, the Crest of which uses red wings that, in colors reversed, could be the wings of Jewish-Glass', for Scottish Glass' share the mermaid with the Holly/Collen Crest. German Corte's are said to be from an early Mr. Curt of Hamburg, and that's where Krume's were first found that share a white crescent with German Corte's. Krume elements were traced with Glass' to the Cavii theater between Krume on the Drilon and the Clausula river. Krume's were suspect with Crone's/Crooms that share the white-on-red fleur-de-lys with Dutch Bone's, and the latter's Coat well-reflects the Coat of German Corte's. This can be important if Hollys were Holland liners. In any case, the Krume's were suspect with Maccabees from the Mathis river (modern Mat) long before I found Mathias Curtus, and of course the Cavii on the Mathis trace to Chives' and Mathis'.

There is a Klos location on the modern Mathis. It reminds of Closeburn of the Kilpatricks, for Kilpatricks traced to Antipatria on the Apsus, not far south of Klos. Kilpatricks trace hard to Antipatria because it was home to DEXARoi, and that matches the Kilpatrick DAGGER. The Dexters/Decksters trace to the Dexaroi because they use "weights" in Crest while Weights share the black-and-gold hunting horns of the Close surname. That works, don't fix it. The Close chevron is in Seaman colors while Antipatria was on what later became the Seman river. Hunting HORN trace to Orne, location of Seman-related Sees. Might the fish-using Geds on the Nith trace to this Albanian picture? Where from? Seatons were from say, in the same Orne part of Normandy with Sees.

Klos is in the Diber county that was anciently home to the proto-Pendragon Penestae, and then there is an Arras location in Diber, like the Arras capital of Artois. I had traced Arras to modern Arezzo, the ancient Arettium, and that in turn was highly suspect with the Arethusa location of the El-Gabal cult, which brings to mind Gabuleum, on the old map not far from the Diber border. Assisi, near Arettium, was traced to Aziz, a priest or ancestor of El-Gabal, and his name smacks of "Sees."

It just so happens that Sees is near the DIVES river, a possible DIBER liner. English Dives'/Divers (Capes' scallops) almost use the Dagger Coat! Irish Divers use a "NOBILitas" motto term while Nobel's share the so-called flaunches with Sees'. AND ZOWIE, Dutch Divers do share the Dagger scallops! Note how Daggers can link to Savona's sharing the red scallop with the Dagger-suspect Toppers. Note how Savone's can be sharing the Krume crescent. While the Zeta valley near Koplik is tracing excellently to the Setta valley, it's beside a Savena river at the home (Bononia) of the Boii. The latter are not only suspect from the Buna river near the Zeta area, but at the Boius area at the source of the Seman, where there was a Satia location.

Note how "Klos" is like the Klot variation of Clauds/CLAUSELs.

Diber includes a Lure location, and while Lure's are listed as a sept of McLeods, the Herod/Harald sept of McLeods, which uses a "hawk's lure, was first found in the same place as MacArthurs. Lure's even have a Coat looking linkable to the Close Coat.

As the Orne river flows down past Caen, by what coincidence do Caens share a shield filled with white-on-blue fretty with the Arms of Shkoder? I'll bet that "Calvados" was named after the Cevetta river at Ceva, for while I trace Luisa of Ceva to the Lois Coat using a giant white ostrich in Caen / Cavett colors, the Caens use white ostrich feathers. Luisa was traced to "GorLOIS," and as was a logical extension of that idea, Lois' were first found in Artois, but here we are finding that Artois elements trace to Diber while Caens look merged with nearby Scodra elements. I've read that a Kir river flows to Shkoder, but cannot pinpoint its source.

Coverts, first found in the same place as Bone's and Diens'/Dives', are the Courts, i.e. Cortemelia suspects. Caens trace hard to the Ceno river, beside the Trebbia, and this area is not far from Cortemelia. The source of the Ceno is near Genoa, home of the Fieschi. The Grimaldi's of Genoa were traced to Krume liners, and the Kukes area at Krume is thereby suspect with Cocks sharing the Grimaldi lozengy. Lozengy is similar to the Caen fretty, which Italians could call, cuffia (see that term in 2nd update of January), like "Cavii," and possible heraldic code for Cavii liners.

I can't find where the Clausula = Dinassi is located, but it brings to mind the Diens/Dives', first found in the same place as Bone's, perfect, for the Clausula, according to the dark map, flows into the Buna. One page has this: "Bocana (Barbana) and the Dinassi (Clausula), over which is a curious Byzantine bridge" The Bocana must be the Bojana = Buna. It stands to reason that "Bocana" traces to "Buxentum," beside Scodra-like Scidrus, thus revealing that Buxentum was a Boii outfit. The Buchans and Buchanans happen to share black lions with Italian Barbans (!), first found in Milan, and then Scottish Milans are said to be of Buchanans!! Excellent. It's a great reason to trace Lissus to Buxentum's Laus location.

English Barbans (Westmorland) use the red fesse of Caens with its three gold leopard faces! The Barban fesse is colors reversed from the Covert fesse!!! This recalls my claim that God had Cathian Covert in my email life for a reason. She was married to a Mr. Dein, you see, and here we are finding that Deins and Diens, first found in the same place with Coverts, trace to the Diber area on the one hand, and to the Arms of Shkoder on the other, and to the Buna=Barbana river on the third, but also linking to Curtus-line Maccabees after years of claiming that proto-Maccabees would prove to be from the Cavii theater. Coverts are in Cove colors, and Caves'/Cavie's share the Caen / Shkoder fretty (same colors), and, importantly, they share the black greyhound with Scodra-suspect Schutz's.

Did you notice that there are two white-on-red stars in the red Chief of the Shkoder Arms? That was roughly the theme of Alda's, Taddei's, Ferrens', all linkable to DINO's (red Chief). The Chief of the Arms is colors reversed from the Dein/Dean Chief too. Diners/Dinans may be using the Tute/Tuit Coat because Tute's/Toots use the Dean crescent in colors reversed. When we get to Italian Deans, who share the Dein/Dean crescents, it looks like the surname should be from, or include, Decan / Decani / Degen liners. Decans and Decani's share axe's with German Danners (BADEN) while English Danners//Daniels were first found in the same place as Deins/Deans and Diens, and then the Axe river is where Baths were first found that use a version of the Decan / Decani Coats. It works so well that it's confusing me as to which thing came first. Baths are expected to be Battins/BADENs and therefore feasibly Botters and Potter i.e. from Poti liners to Poitou. Buttons trace with Tuit-suspect Tosini's to Cabyle, and that's where Selletae lived, and then, no kidding, Salletts are said to be from a DINing hall...pure code.

Now look at this: Irish Deans, sharing the motto of Deins/Deans, use the double bends of Ness', which can suggest that "DiNASSi" was a river named by a D'Ness liner, which completely obliterates a Dean derivation in a Dean-like term. I'm confused. If Deans per-chance were nothing but Ness / Nass liners, it can explain why two Dean surnames, and the Dinant-related Diamonds, share the gold and upright lion with Nassau's. Naso's were first found in Florence, as were the Dino-Alda-Taddei crew. Naso's use "hanks of cotton" while Hanks/Anks share the Guerra bendy, I assume, because Nassau's trace to Orange (hunting horns, trace to Ada of Warenne at Huntingdon), the realm of Guerin of Provence. Nassau's use billets filling the Shield in the colors of Shield-filling checks of Warrens. The ancestor to the parent(s) of Joseph Caiaphas should be right about here, with Hanks/Anks suspect as Annas liners.

Hank-suspect Cottins/COTTARds (i.e. like SHKODER, near KOTOR) share a Shield filled with fretty lattice (colors of the Vair/Fers checks) with Shkoder. Shkoder-suspect Shute's use a "Fortuna de guerre" motto. English Boners share a white talbot with Shute-suspect Suddeths/SOTHERys, and Talbots of the Tailbois kind were in Lincolnshire, where hanks were first found, wherefore check out the fact that Boners/Crampseys share three scallops in Chief with the Meschin scallops in the Tailbois Coat, the latter using the Annandale Coat. Cramps use "amore" in the motto while Amore's ("cede") are Scott kin, and Scotts use the Bonn/Bunn bend, apparently. The lion in the Cramp Crest may therefore be holding the Scott star.

English Ness'/Nass'/Nestors (doves) were first found in the same place as Deins/Deans. As Ness' are Washington liners, in my opinion, it's notable that the Shkoder-Chief stars are in the colors of the Wassa/Gace star. To this it can be added that, while Washingtons are suspect as Mitanni liners, Modens share fretty on a blue Shield with the Shkoder Arms. The Shkoder fretty is in both colors of the checks filling the Shield of fretty-like Ferrats. I can see vair fur from the pelts of ferrets as well as squirrels, perhaps explaining why Vairs use a Shield of checks too. Dino's use letters ("LIBERTAS") in their Chief while the Arms of Shkoder uses an 'S' in the Chief. The Bonns/Bunns (Oxfordshire) use spread eagles on their Bone bend in the colors of the FERTE eagle. The latter's is used by MacDonalds, and so let's not forget the Brigt / Bride character of the MacDonalds, linkable to the Brian Brigantians.

This is interesting where the Irish Brians were just traced recently to a daughter of Montferrat, for Irish Brians list Boian/Boien surnames smack like the Bojana river flowing out from lake Scodra, and by Shkoder. Can that be a coincidence? The Bogans/Bockans (Cornwall, same place as COCHS/Corks!) call their wyvern a COCKatrice, perhaps traceable with Cocks to "Kukes," not far up-river (on the Drin) from the mouth of the Valbone river that flows by TROPoje. CockaTRICE-suspect Trice's use a TREPidum motto term. Moreover, as Dragons/DRAINers trace to "Drin," it just so happens that German Dragons use a wyvern (defined with no front legs, pointed tail). German Cochs were first found in the same place as Bogans/Bogens! It looks like we've found the origin of Bogens at the Bojana. The Bogens were the earliest-known family to use the Arms-of-Bavarian lozenges, which, like the Cock lozenges, fill the Shield.

Why should Scodra trace to Florence? Ask the Bar location at Scodra, and its Barbana river, to tell you about the Bruno's / Barrone's of Florence. It can't be a coincidence that Bourbons use the three Brown fleur. These are in the BONNIE bend and in the Panico Chief while the Panico tree can be in the Italian Bernard Coat, for it's a given now that the Zeta area near the Barbana river traces to the Setta of Panico's. And LOOK, German Bernards use two white-on-red stars in Chief! Panico's are expected to be kin of Pincs that share red-on-white lozenges with Cochs and Cocks.

As Pincs are expected with Cuppae (city of doves) liners at Pincum, the doves of Washington-related Ness'/Nass' may trace to that picture, for even Washington DC is in Columbia, a term that means, dove. The Shield-and-Chief color combination of dove-using Columbs is a match with the Arms of Shkoder. Only the stars in the Chiefs are of different colors, yet the Columbs (Sutherland stars?) use three stars there, as does the Washington Chief. The Chief of related Cantons have three stars in colors reversed, which are the colors of the Shkoder-Chief stars. I suppose it's now possible for the Nassau lion to be in use in the Bone and Bonn Coats. Some Columb variations may have formed the Collens/Hollys.

Moments after writing above, I was back to French Bone's/Boners, seeing that they use a version of the Columb Coat, same stars in Chief to boot. You can't argue with that. Before finding the three Boner surnames, I was going to add that Colums are listed with Malcolms, and that they share the saltire of one Brian surname, possibly relevant because Irish Brians list "Boian/Boien," but decided not to mention this...until the Irish Boners were seen with the same saltire. Irish Boners use an erect sword, a symbol of Irish Brians and their Thomond elements. The curious / problematic thing is, Irish Boners are shown in the list of surnames that include Kneafseys, Neecys, O'KNAWSie's, Crawseys, Crampseys, and Cranseys. What a headache for to discover the earliest term. Were they Nass' / Nassau's? I'll get to the latter below when they become suspect with a variation of the Clausula river. Some Nass surnames use the same Coat as Neecy-like Nice's.

There seems to be no relationship whatsoever between CRAMPseys/CRANseys to the other variations, not even with the lousiest Irish spellers, meaning that I see a Cram / Cran merger with the Boners. The write-up tends to suggest that Boners named the other variations from an Irish word that means, "bone," but I don't think I can agree with it. Crone/Croom liners happen to trace to Krume, right? Here are the Crams/Cramps, in Bone colors, and perhaps using some Suter symbolism.

As royal Malcolms were DUNCANs, whom I trace to the DUNAX mountain (light map, west side of Rhodope), it's notable that Irish Boners use a "DENIQUE coelum" motto term, the one term much like "Colum." As I trace Nice liners to Dionysus, it's notable that Dennis'/DENICE's are said to be from "Dionysus." English Dennis' share the axe with Danners. The Orbelus mountain beside Dunax may have been an Ore liner, which, if correct, warrants the mention of the Bone-like terms in the Ore motto. Ore's were first found in Renfrew, a place suspect with "Renier" of Montferrat. Ore's use piles, traceable to Pylos, home of mythical NESTOR, and then English Nass' (the ones with the doves) list "Nestor." As I trace Nass'/Ness'/Nice's to Nice (Liguria), note the DeNICE variation of Dennis'. That's a new observation for me right here. It looks like Dennis' (and mythical Nike/Nice) were from the namers of Dunax (Dionysus' sacred island was NAXos). Pylos is beside Methoni, mythically the daughter of Oeneus, the wine line of Dionysus.

"OrBELUS" was suspect with mythical Belas/Belus, father of Dennis-like Danaus and Aegyptus, and the latter's only-surviving son, Lynceus, traces to Lyncestis smack beside Boius. That's where I trace proto-Alans suspect in the Dennis/Denice Coat. Lyncestes is beside PELEGONia, and then English Boners (white talbot head) use "two red PELICANs vulning". The Boner description is laced with codes:

The English-Boner Chief has "red rose streaming rays...", wherefore keep watch for the Rays below, and their trace to Brattia, which was also called, Brac. Might this be how the Boian/Boien variations of Briganti-liner Brians works into the Bojana river, where Boii of that river were in Brac?

Back to the Buna = Barbana river. France's Bourbonais area can be linked to Burgundians, and while Primo's (mirror) were first found in Burgundy, they use three roses in colors reversed from the same of German Boone's/Booners. The latter's BoneZAJER variation makes it appear that a member of the family married Seagar liners. The Primo's (same place as Chives-related Mathis') were somewhat suspect with Seconds from Junia Prima Caepionis and Junia Secunda Caepionis, and while Caepionis' are expected in relation to Cupionich, reportedly on the Clausula, Seconds are listed with Zajer-like SEGURs. Primo's and Seconds both use QUADRants suspect with QUADRatus. Seconds happen to use upright lions in the colors of the Boian/Brian lions, in colors reversed to the upright Claus(en) lion, and quadrants in the colors of the Tute/Tuit quadrants. Primo's (and Prime's) are suspect with the "Perimus" motto term of Shkoder-related Caens, and while the Primo mirror traces to the Glass Crest, Glass' are suspect from Claus'/Clausens and the Lady-Fortune Klassens. Yes, that makes Primo's traceable to the Clausula (!)...for a second time if Boone's/Bonezajers were from the Buna. The Ceno-river home of Caens is near Genoa, where Segni's/Segurana's were first found.

As Caepio liners have been resolved with the blue Bruce lion, note that while Bruce's list "Brose," French Brose's were first found in Burgundy along with Primo's, and use an upright lion in the colors of the passant Levi lions. When we get to the Bryce branch of Bruce's, they share a red passant lion with Primo's, and show a "justitia" motto term that should link to the same of Sire's/Sirets (share weight scale with the Bryce Crest). Sire's/Sirets share the mirror with Primo's, and Sire's/Sirets were likewise first found in Burgundy. This definite Bruce link to both Primo's and Sire's is a new discovery right here, unless I've forgotten that it was found in the past.

Boone's were first found in the same place (Bavaria) as Bojana-like Bogens, the latter suspect with Bauers that share a green Shield with Boone's. Some say that the Baii founders of Bavaria were Boii!!! It's amazing how many heraldic things can be mustered together from the name of one river.

The Pictones, they say, lived at Poitou, where Boii-suspect Beau's (giant sun) were first found. Perhaps Pictones were Pyxus liners. Picots / Bigots may thus be Pyxus > Pictones liners. Picots share ermines with Pictons (pean), and, in colors reversed, the Picton lion is the Buchanan lion. Bigots can be discovered here with the Saluzzo Shield. The Bigot gauntlet links to the Janons/Gannons (emphasized later in this update), first found in Poitou.

Barbans are said to originate from Barbourne of Worcestershire, but that must not have been the original form. The SPECtacle Watts were first found in Worcestershire, and Specks are thought (by me) to be using an eight-bar version of the nine Cavett bars. Barbourne's are probably from Bar, a location to the west side of lake Scodra. Bar liners must have renamed the Buna river. Bars were merged with Este's, who formed the Welfs that I trace to Hugh Lupus, whose personal symbol was a white-on-blue wolf head (Este colors), used by Tackels that may be in "specTACLE."

The Mathis river became suspect as the very origins of the Mathias names used by the first HASmoneans. But as the proto-Maccabees must then trace to the Boii at Bononia, it can explain why Bone's are to topic. Krume, smack beside modern HAS, is near Gabuleum (both maps), suspect with the El-Gabal sun god, which can explain the sun in the Dutch-Bone Coat. French Bone's (Provence, same as Cabots) share the dolphin with the other Hollys, but as these Hollys share a white talbot with SOTHERbys/Sudduths, it's interesting that the French-Bone Chief has the same stars as SUTHERlands.

English Hollys were first found in Norfolk, as with Barks/Berks, and as with Fulks said to derive in a Tertullus character. Plancia Magna (a Maccabee liner from Glaphyra Archelaus) was married to a Tertullus (either he or Plancia was related to a Mr. Simplex), and then the Norfolk Hollys share a version of the Plunkett Coat, apparently, or as logic would dictate. The home of Plancia Magna was in Perga, which should trace to some Berg-like surnames (Barks/Berks seem like good candidates), and perhaps even from Barca. Perga does trace to Perkins ("Simplex" motto term), and the Perkens/Parkinsons (the Feather/Father feathers) use the colors and format of German Corte's. It just so happens that one Crone surname (fish head can link to the Berry fish heads) shares the red-and-gold lozengy seen earlier with Barges'/Burgess', who moreover use a Shield filled with sun-suspect besants. I think it's the only Shield I've ever seen filled with besants.

The Hamburg location of the latter is near HOLstein, the reported origin of mythical Holle, suspect with the Holly mermaid, herself described by Drakenberg Vere's as an Anjou entity after forming the MacAlpin Scotts. I traced the MacAlpin Scotts to Guerin of Provence, i.e. where French Bone's were first found, and while some have thought that Guerin's father was William Gellone, the Gellone's share three red fleur-de-lys with Perkins, the latter using them in colors reversed from the same of Crone's/Crooms and Dutch Bone's. The red feather in the Perken/Parkinson Crest may be a match with the red wings of the German-Corte Crest.

In the last update, the Feather/Father surname came to mind after finding decent evidence that the Mother surname can trace to Caiaphas, or even to his mother, if my hunch prove's true. I said: "It occurred to me, after writing the paragraph above, that the Feather surname may have developed a Father variation for a reason. Feathers/Fathers happen to share the colors and format of Sellers suspect in the Mother motto, "CELERiter." This can indicate that Mothers/Mathers/Madors were from Matthias, Josephus' father (a priest at Jerusalem). It just so happens that while an EU-important Mr. MADARiaga was closely related to Javier Solana (previous NATO chief), Solana's/Sole's and Fetters share the giant sun. The Has-suspect Hesse's do too, and HASdrubal, a name used by Carthaginians in the camp of Hannibal, were suspect with Has. I begin to wonder whether Barca wasn't himself from the Cavii / Mathis theater to begin with.

With Sellers suspect with dark-skinned Silures in the Welsh homeland of Tudors, by what coincidence do Crone's/Crooms share the colors and format of Tudors and Sellers while being first found in Herefordshire, where Trevors (= Tudors) were first found? The dark-skinned Silures can thus be from Barca liners. Crone's/Crooms share a gold mural crown with Cetis-liner Caens.

SYPHAX was a loyal supporter of Carthaginians when Massena betrayed and went over to the Romans. The Crone's/Crooms are said to have had a Croome location in Worcestershire, and that's the area where Watts were first found that use SPECtacles. Crams/Cramps, suspect with the Boners/Crampseys, were likewise first found in Worcestershire. The specTACLE-suspect Tackels are in Cram/Cramp / Krume colors. The Specks/Spocks happen to share white-on-blue fesse bars with Cavii-suspect Cavetts, and these bars had linked with little doubt to the same-colored pale bars of Italian Corte's. Specks are traced in their write-up to Liverpool, where the Beatles band came out of, which was perhaps named after the Beatle surname that shares gold-and-red lozengy with Crone's and Barca-suspect Barges/Burgess!

The Barks/Berks happen to use larks while Larks/LAUERks look like Lauer/Lawer/LAUS/Lau liners. This update found the Lau's listed with Lowers (Lowry / Laurie colors) where it was mentioned that they were in Levin colors. Well, Levins/Livings share white-on-black footless martlets with Larks/Lauerks, and Liverpool-suspect Livers/Levers (same place as Liverpool, Lawers/Lawrence's and Chadocks) share the rooster with Laws/Lawes'/Lawers, making Lowers/Lau's connectable to both Livers and Levins. This is incredibly important where the Laus locations are Laish liners, for that pegs the Levi-like surnames here as Laish's Levites, from Jonathan in the book of Judges, and then Jonathans/Jonas' happen to use roosters too!! This is a REALLY BIG SHOE.

The Lark / Levin martlets are in the same colors with Saddocks, first found in the same place as English Bone's, and then Laws use stars in the colors of the same of French Bone's.

I can see a way to trace these Lau items to Laus of Lucania, where it was beside Scidrus, suspect there with the Side's/Scythes' and/or Skits, etc. As the Schutz's are now linkable to Sudduths, just appeal to their SOTHERby variation, and link to the Sutherland stars suspect with the Law/Lawes stars. As Lauers/Lawers/Laus'/Lau's use the scythe, it tends to clinch the Sutherland link to Laws. BARKers, I've just learned, use a reflection of the SUTER/SHUTER Coat.

Plus, as Laus was an alternative name of RAGusa, by what coincidence do Lawers/Lawrence's use a RAGully border on their cross? If not mistaken, the Lawer/Lawrence cross is in the Arms of Colchester. The Barker lion becomes suspect with the Rita lion as per the "Be Ready" motto of Lawers/Lawrence's. As German Suters (Schutz colors) were suspect from the Cetina river because they use a Coat version of French Prats, and as Rita-suspect Rieti uses a "PRATus" motto term, it does look like Barkers are using a version of the Suter Coat. Barca liners in Rieti??? Que pasa?

Barkers even share the white lion with English Brats/Bradds! English Prats (same place as Colchester) even share white footless martlets inside of pellets with Larks/Lauerks! The Arms of Rieti (Prat colors) use fish in Prude / Prat colors, or in Tailer colors, and while Tillers share the Prat / Suter fesse, Lawers/Lawrence's use a fish TAIL!!! The Really-Big Shoe keeps on fitting and fitting and fitting...even the Schade's/Shade's (Baden) use the same fesse. The Skeets' have a Skate variation with a Janina-like Coat that could be a Chaddock version. Who were the Polish Janina's? Jonathans?

If you didn't catch it, the Cetina was previously the TILURius, explaining why Tails/Tailers entered the discussion with Lawers. And Lawers are, as far as I'm concerned, Laish-Levite liners. That's Levite liners on the Cetina, or even as early as its Tilurius name.

If it seems strange that Carthaginians should be fundamental to Laish (near Tyre) liners, it's not at all when it's remembered that Carthage was founded by Tyrians. I think it's safe to say that Sidonians followed Tyrians to Carthage to some degree. Carthage is in TUNISia, suspect with "Te ne cede," and therefore with Seats/Cedes'/Seeds. Sidonians? Perhaps. Mythical Cretheus was husband to Tyro, and that's where mythical Sidon was plugged by Greek myth writers. Barker-related Brats/Bradds (lion in colors reversed from the Creighton lion) were first found in the same place (Midlothian) as Cretheus-like Creightons, whom I suspect from Tyrian parts of Crete. The Sidon-like Seatons and the Ceddy-related Keiths were right next door to Creightons.

The Keiths, remember, use a Ragusa-suspect deer. As Brattia is near Ragusa, the fact that the Saraca fish is in the colors of the Turbot fish tends to link Saraca / Laus liners to the tail of the turbot fish in the Lawer/Lawrence Crest. We now know as a fact that Lawers were Laus liners. Turbots use a hand holding a triDENT, and were first found in the same place as Dents, and the latter were at SEDburgh.

Brattia is near Issa and Pharisee-suspect Pharia. Issa was found stacked with lines of the Israeli priesthood. Issa became suspect with "issuing," and then Larks/Lauerks use "A hand issuing from a cloud..." It looks like Laish elements in Ragusa were on Issa (also called, Vis). As we continue, let me remind that while Enotri / Oenotrians were suspect with Jonathan-line Levites, Enotri lived at Saracena and Skylletion (see 1st update of this month). There is a Scalea location on my atlas smack beside Laus of Lucania, itself beside Saracena, making Scalea suspect with Skylletion (Scolatium) or its namers.

There is a Tarbut/TIREbuck surname (Lancashire, same as Liverpool again) that may betray its Tyrian past. The Tarbut plates are called "discs," and the parrot in the Crest has beak and legs, while the Shield uses a single eagle's leg, the emphasis apparently on Lee/Legh liners, feasibly a branch of Lys' that I say were once Laus liners. That is, Lissus of the Cavii theater should trace to Laus of Ragusa and Laus of the Saracena theater. The Claus(en) surname (escutcheon), suspect from "Clausula," shares the Lee/Legh lion.

Recall the Rachan location of Peebles, for the Peeble surname shares a green parrot. It makes Rachan suspect with surnames from "Ragusa." Raggs (bend in colors reversed from the Arms of Saraca fesse) were first found in Legh-suspect Leicestershire. The eagle leg can also be a talon, as when used by Talons/Talents, making Tarbuts/Tirebucks (all the right colors for Saraca's) suspect with the Taulantii Illyrians beside the Cavii. One may glean that the buck-like endings on Tirebuck variations are Ragusa-deer liners merged with a Buck-like surname until someone created "Buck" as play on "deer."

The Tarbox/Torbock variations suggest the Books/Boggs in the books of Reeds and Roets, for the Box's (Rita lion?) share griffin heads in the colors of the same of Roet-suspect Caplans, first found beside the Box's and Roets. Box / Bock / Buck liners would, in this picture, be from BUXentum, smack beside Laus of Lucania. The Buchanans were traced to Buxentum with Buchans. Box's were first found in Wiltshire, same as Mortons suspect with Marano's/Mauritano's and Murena'/Moratins, and therefore with Muranum/Murenu at Sybaris, the peoples of which founded Laus. The Murena tower is linkable to the Thor tower and Sybaris became renamed, Thorii. Bocks/Books/Boggs look linkable to the German Corte's. German Bocks/Baucks share the goat with Mortons.

I once claimed that Bauts used an upright goat, until one day it was a ram in the same colors. The Baut ram is identical (essentially) to the Bock/Bauck goat (colors included), and Bauts happen to list "Baux." It's a match, meaning that Bauts are likely from Buxentum, or at least merged with Buxentum liners. Bauts/BAUDs were suspect with the Bautica river that reportedly flows water from the Lys river. That works dandy to trace the Lys to "Laus." Go a little north of the Lys river, through the Bernard Pass, and around to the north side of lake Geneva to find Lausanne in a Baud-like VAUD area. Dandy. I see buckle liners here, FE.

While Piggs/Picgs use a purple lion in Crest, Sobeks use a purple buckle. That can trace Piggs/Picgs to "PYXus," the alternative name of Buxentum, which you can verify on this Lucania map. The Piggs/Pics use those three black boar heads. Repeat: "[Keith-related] Pallets/Palleys (Champagne, able to trace to the Sithech wolf line suspect in Campania with the Sidicini) share the black boar head with the Keaton Crest, and number three in the positioning of the three Keaton / Quade symbols." The Sudduths use a purple talbot in Crest, and may therefore trace to the namers of Scidrus, smack beside Pyxus. As Geddes' are likely a branch of Sudduth-like Chaddocks, the Geddes PIKEs can be Pyxus liners.

The Janina Escutcheon

The Picots share the white wolf head of Scarfs, the latter honored by the Trabys/SADOWski's that I've suspected (though without proof) as a merger with Sobeks. Until I can clinch a Sadowski branch, I may not know why Trabys should be listed with them. After writing on the Schade's/Shade's above, when getting to the Janina question, the French Janin Coat (Poitou) were found sharing what could be the Hind lozenges. Hinds liners are often depicted with a hind = deer, and are in Ragusa colors so that a member of a Hind-like surname may have created the Hind surname as play of the Ragusa deer. Hinds were first found in BUCKinghamshire, a potential Buxentum liner, recalling that Bucks are suspect with Ragusa-deer liners too.

Rays (stags in Sudduth colors) are suspect in the roeBUCK of Rayburns, while Rays use an escarBUNCLE, while Buncle's use buckles. Just like that, Sobeks and Buckle's are discovered as Buck liners in merger with Ragusa-suspect Rays, the latter first found in the same place as Bernice's who share the Saraca fesse. There was an old Iranian city, Rhagae, now Ray/Rey. That works nice. Rhagae was near the Sadducee-like Cadusii Armenians (not far from Soducena), suspect with "Hattusa," home of the Hatti that can trace to the Chattans that share almost the "omnia" motto term of Rays. Don't Keiths use the stag too?

The Kutaisi location in Colchis, very linkable to Hattusa's namers, was up the Glaucus river from Poti/Phasis, and the latter had a line, I think, to Poitou, i.e. where Janina-suspect Janins were first found. The ideas is that Janins were from Jonathan the Levite of Laish, explaining why Janins reportedly founded the Shield-on-Shield = eSCUTcheon. Again, the cheon-suspect Keons and Keens use the Saraca fish. The Rays are said to have given a gift at PAISley abbey, a place suspect with "Phasis." Rays look linkable to Freys/Phreeze's.

The "INEScutcheon" version of the term, sometimes used but not always, may be for the INSubres, suspect to a degree with "Sobek." Insubres founded Milan under a name suspect with Medan, son of Keturah, and Scottish Milans/Millens are said to be Buchanan liners i.e. Buxentum liners. The Rayburn description: "a green base with a roebuck DRINKING out of a brook, and on an ermine square at the top a knight's helmet." The bird of Letushite-suspect Leto's is DRINKING from a pond. Mythical Leda was married to Tyndareus, like the Tyndaris area up the Glaucus river smack near Kutaisi.

Do Saraca's of Ragusa trace to Brattia? Yet another Coat sharing the Prat / Schade / Tiller fesse is the one of Askers, looked up just now when asking what an ESCARbuncle could be code for. Askers (donkeys) were first found in Cumberland, where Rays were first found, no guff. It looks like I pinned the tail on the donkey on the first try. The escarbuncle is a double-cross-like object with fleur-de-LYS ends. The Asker fesse is shared by German Bracks (horns) that has traced excellently to Brac = Brattia.

Askers use the Mathie motto, "Fac et spera," suspect partly with Faucets at Musselburgh, and then Askers are sharing the Mussel Coat, apparently. It recalls that what Mussels call plates were called discs by Tarbuts/TarBUCKS (the ones that kicked-off the Buxentum topic), and then the Donkeys and Duncans use the motto, "DISCE patee." Therefore, the Asker donkeys are in honor of the Chad-rooted Duncans (DunCHADs), potent-liner kin of donkey-using Chamberlains that share the Chaddock escutcheon. The Chambers happen to share the red rose on a stem with Janins and potent-liner Avezzano's.

I've never made more sense, for as the clinchers build, it's a shoe-in to get things more correct than ever. Recall the knight's helmet of Rayburns, while Rays are said to be of BROMfield, Broms (Wurttemberg) use a silver knight. Bromfields (Cumberland) are said to be from an early Brown-like term. The Knights have been resolved with the Arms of Blois-Chattillon, while Joan of Arc, ruler of Blois, was able to show by that Blois elements were on the Ark river, location of Chambre, and therefore home of the Chambers / Chamberlains. But Joan's parents were at first named, Du LYS, no kidding. It means that Lys / Laus liners are expected at the Ark river. As Modens and Arcs (Blois colors) were first found in the same place -- Barca-suspect BERKshire -- it builds the evidence of a Joan-of-Arc line to the Ark, location of Moden-like Modane. As Lys liners must link to JONathan Levites, why was she named, Joan? Or, as Lys liners must link to potent liners now suspect with Janina liners, by what coincidence is there a silver knight in the Shoe/Schuch Coat, a surname (Bavaria) like potent-liner Skits/Skeochs?

The Blois-like Blue's share the same rooster design with Jonathans/Jonas'. English Blois' (dragons) were first found in the same place as same-colored, Ade-related Southerns. But Ade's are Levi beloved. The same bend as Ade's and Southerns is in use with Reigh's/Rye's, honored in the "ears of rye" of Saddocks, first found in the same place as Reigh's/Rye's. While there is no evidence on the surface that Joan of Arc is in the Joan surname, it's notable that Joans share symbols from the Track/Trig / Drig Coat and Crest. The Joan quarters are almost those of Shoe's/Schuchs, that being some evidence of a Joan-of-Arc link to Joans (because Blois' were kin of Knights).

Nitons/Knightons (double-dragon heads, could be a gemel feature) were first found in the same place (Worcestershire) as Joans, and Nitons share the eight fesse bars of Specks/Spocks (porcupine), the latter said to be from Roger of Poitou. It makes Joans linkable to Janins of Poitou. Note that the Dulys surname, a possible form of "Du Lys," shares double bends, and no other symbols, with RatCLIFFE's, found in the Morland / Mauley write-up, and suspect with Cliffs/Cleave's with Glaphyra Archelaus. Now read the following.

Irish Janons/Gannons happen to share a potential version of the Gully Coat. It was almost immediately after mention of the RaGULLY symbol that I asked, "Who were the Polish Janina's? Jonathans?" As Janina's are expected to include the Chad potent liners most of all, note that the Gully's "cruce" motto term can include potent-liner Croce's.

Janons/Gannons use more white-on-black footless martlets, i.e. used for example by Janina-suspect Saddocks. Just like that, Janina's are starting to be potential Levi liners; ask the same martlets of Livings/Levins, and let's not neglect that Gullys use the Julian cross, for Caiaphas' birth is suspect from Caesar's genes. The Levi-beloved Ade's use a jessant leopard face, same as Morlands / Mauleys and Morleys, but then Livings were first found with Morlands in WestMORLAND.

As Morlands are said to be a branch of Mauleys, see the escutcheon of Mauls, how the Coat compares both with the Chad and Chadock / Chadwick Coats. The "Clementia" motto term of Mauls was virtually the name of Antonia Clementiana, a daughter of Drusilla Agrippa, the latter a wife of Sohaemus of El-Gabal. As Clementiana's mother married also Antonius Felix, it makes the Morland / Mauley leopard face suspect with the Antony leopard face, and thus traces Ade's to the ancient Roman Antonys. Sohaemus' other wife was a Mark-Antony liner. Leopard faces are used by Steins/STEMs, and then Janins use "two long stemmed roses per saltire."

From the 2nd update of this month: "If the Clement link to Hobs/Habs and to the Gally horse head are valid, Gallys can be from whatever entity may have named Opgalli...German Clements share white-and-black bars with German Julians."

If the Gunn ship is in the Molly/Mally Crest, Janons/Gannons may prove to be Gunn liners. Mollys/Mallys show nothing but a red-on-gold boar, the symbol of Less' suspect in "footless," and the footless martlets of Janons/Gannons are on a black chevron, the color of the Foot / Fothes (Aberdeenshire) chevron, indicating Aberdeen elements that include the Leslie's, who happen to share the buckle with Janina-rooted Sobeks. It's reasonable to expect Hungarians close to Polish Janina's. While Hungarians known to be at the root of Leslie's were UGrians, the Mauleys are said to be from an UGtorp location (Yorkshire). I identify the Gernon motto with Foots and Fothes, and then Malahule was ancestor to Ranulf de Gernon. There is a Footes location on Guernsey, and while Guernsey is said to be the home of Majors, their Magor variation may indicate Magyars, the proto-Hungarians whom I traced to the Ticino river, location of the Laevi. I always link Laevi to the ANANes Gauls, and then Hanans, possible Janon liners, share a Coat with Malls/Mallibone's i.e. a possibly Mauley branch.

Wettins, with buckles on the colors of the Less / Molly/Mally boar, are said by some to be a root of Windsors, and Less' were first found in the same place (Berkshire) as Windsor castle, this being where Barks/Berks may trace who honor the Larks/Lauerks with their larks, and then Larks share white-on-black footless with Janons/Gannons. COPEland is near Westmorland, and while Copelands share a black bend with Malls/Mallibone's and Hanans, the Lark-suspect Laurys / Lowrys/Glorys use a CUP that can be code for Cups/Cope's (roses), first found in Aberdeenshire.

Compare the Lark Coat to the Fothes Coat (MULLets). Plus, when comparing their Crests, Larks use a hand from a cloud holding a garb, and Fothes use "Two hands coming out of clouds holding a cornucopia". I didn't know this until after being led to the Fothes by way of the footless code of Larks. They were obviously merged, and they share a chevron in Levi-chevron colors. Stevensons/Steinsons use another hand from a cloud, as do Levite-suspect Aarons. As Aarons were suspect with Arun and its Arundel location, while FitzAlans of Arundel married Alice of Saluzzo, the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Stevensons/Steinsons is likely that of Saluzzo's, which, if correct, tends to prove that Aarons were Arundel liners. Larks (estoile of 16 points, rare) were first found in the same place as Malahule-liner Tute's/Tuits / Thwaits and Steins/Stems. It was resolved that the Stein/Stem bend with faces were linkable to the same of the other Stevensons/STEINsons, but the latter's bend with green faces links to Valentin bend with (green) squirrels, a symbol of Decks/Daggers, possible kin of Laevi-suspect Tecks/Tess' (Annandale saltire in colors reversed), known to be in Windsor ancestry, and from the Tessin variation of "Ticino."

Scottish Cards/Kords (Ayrshire), sharing the blue-on-white lion with German Kords/Kerds/Cairds, share a hand from a cloud, which makes these surnames linkable to Cortemelia along with Stein liners. As Cards are like "Carthage," while Ayrshire liners are from north-Africa's Aures, it might be clue that Mathias Curtus, and Cortemelia, was a Carthage liner. Steins are also Stems suspect with the symbol of Hanni-like Janins. I had been wondering whose split colors the Janin Shield shares, and here the first candidate crops up in the Freie's/Freys (Bavaria, same as Bauers).

We seem to have gotten definitely to the Laevi homeland by following Janina suspects, and for me, it is imperative that the Sadducees, suspect with the Janina symbol (the escutcheon), trace to Laevi. Laevillus (probably touched upon the Kennati) is suspect from them. But from now on, as a rule, Hannibal elements (Janina's?) should be included with Laevi / Ananes liners to Syria / Israel. It's possible that Massena (and/or his sons(s)) was able to lure some key Carthage leaders over to the Roman side, who then ended up in the Israeli theater as Roman plants while the Caesar circle, which included Augustus and Mark Antony, worked to maintain power in Syria. This was the dragon that God placed in Israel to offer the Lamb of God as a "human sacrifice." Such sacrifice was the religious staple of Carthage, and God wanted to destroy that Tyrian satan. Tyre was His chief enemy, along with Gog, suspect from "Ugrian," a term like "Gugar," the Assyrian name of Gogarene, near Soducena. Are we making sense? Rothschilds have always been suspect as chief Gog liners, perhaps from the Rosh.

The friar in the Kord/Caird Crest can be for Pharisee-suspect Frey/Phreeze liners (Bourly colors), albeit there is a Friar/Freer/Fryer surname (Lothian) looking linkable to Morley-suspect Marleys (both use dolphins), and therefore to Plunketts, the latter from Plancia Magna in Barca-suspect Perga. I'm not taking a Barca link to "Perga" seriously, but the possibility is there. The dolphin-using Kennedys had an Ayrshire branch i.e. where Cards/Kords were first found). The part-blue lion of Freie's/Freys looks linkable to the blue lion of both Kord surnames, and while I always link the Freie/Frey lion to the Massin/Mason lion (as per the Freemason code), Massins were first found on Thanet (Kent), which traced to Zanata in Aures, a good reason to View Massins from king Massena, and to expect other Numidians in Kent, a term suspect from the namers of Kanza of Aures, herself suspect with "Kennati." I'm ready to say the Kennati in the Cetis theater were the Cantii namers of Kent. The Kent surname (first found in Barca-suspect Berkshire) uses a passant lion in the colors of the Freie/Frey lion.

Possibly, the Teck/Tess saltire is in use by STAMfords/Stanfords, who had a Stanford Dingley location in Berkshire. The Stamford/Stanford lion-head design is used by the Shropshire Rothes, and then the RothSTEINs/Rothschilds share the eight-pointed star with Dutch Steins, all making for a Stein link to Rothschilds that predicts linkage to the Clun part of Shropshire, home of FitzAlans. Rothes/Rotham/Rootham variations indicate Roddens/Rodhams (Northumberland, same as Stevensons) that use the Stevenson/Steinson bend. The other Stanfords share the German-Stein goat, and it's in the colors of the Sudduth talbots, or the Burley boars. The latter Stanfords are shown with a STANDERford variation, which brings to mind, like lightning, the Stands/Stains (same hand and cloud and garland as Stevensons/STEINsons) who use double fesse bars are colors reversed from the double bends of RothSCHILD-possible Schilds, for the latter surname uses nothing but the double bars, as is the case with Mauley-related RATcliffe's (both engrailed, as are the same-colored double bars of Stans/Stains).

The "propter" motto term of Ratcliffe's is obviously for the key-using Propers/Robins, for Keys/Kays share double bends with Ratcliffe's in the same colors. The Proper key is in the mouth of an ostrich, symbol of Lois' that were traced both to Luisa of Ceva (i.e. mother of Alice of Saluzzo, where Stein liners are now tracing), and to mythical Gorlois, father, essentially, of king Arthur. It's the Arthur motto term, "obSTANTia," that I had traced to Stands/Stains, but that was before realizing that "OBstantia" was part code for Hobs/Habs, an Opgalli line first found in the same place as Arthurs and Artems/AITons...and Steinson-related Ade's.

In this picture, where the Italian elements of Ceva / Saluzzo are expected to link to the proto-Arthur Arduinici of Ivrea, and to rose-suspect Rozala of Ivrea (not far from the Ticino), the Janin roses on stems are likely code for Rozala liners, highly traceable to Rosh suspects such Roslin and the Roussillon-suspect Russells that happen to share the white goat of Steins...and the Bocks/Baucks. The latter had been shown above to be a branch of Bauts, and they trace to the Bautica river, location of Ivrea! The Baut / Buch ram / goat is white, as is the Stein goat.

This recalls that Charles TAZE Russell, founder of the Zionist Watchtower and Jehovah's-Witness organizations, supported Lord Rothschild as he joined (or pushed) Arthur Balfour to produce the Balfour Declaration, the official start of re-settling Israel with "Jews." "Taze" looks linkable to Tess' and/or Annas-suspect Tease's/Tighs. Balfours are listed with Beauforts, and the latter were known ROETs, making Rothschilds Roet suspects, the wheel of which traced them to Redones i.e. in the Roussillon theater. It was all in the satanic family, Herod suspects, even, over there in WWI Britain. In the same year as the Balfour declaration, Britain took Israel from the Turks, but the Rothschild family had been resettling Israel from decades earlier.

The first-known Russell was made the marshall of England by the Conqueror, the latter suspect as a descendent of Willa of Tuscany, Rozala's mother. This is the descent that, I think, was covered up. The father-in-law of the Conqueror was said to be " a tanner" when in reality, I think, he was from the Tanaro river (near Saluzzo), or its namers. The Tanners happen to use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Russells. It seems clear that the Conqueror was a Russell liner. Let's not neglect Cortemelia in this, near Ceva, for the Psellus-liner Maccabee's trace to Saluzzo, and to the Sale's that share the Rothes bend with lion heads in the colors of the Russell scallops. Meschins, who share the Russell scallops, were first found in the same place as Rothes'. Reminder, Saluzzo is beside Busca while Rose's and Geddes were in cahoots with Bosco's. The Bush- and Scherf-related Walkers use a rose on a STEM.

As the Rosellon version of "Roussillon" looks like "Roslin," the latter being home to Sinclairs (engrailed cross in the colors of the engrailed bars above) known to be from the Conqueror's ancestry, and in particular from Rollo, Malahule's nephew, by what coincidence do Roslins use buckles? Why are they SQUARE buckles, a rarity? Don't Square's/Squirrels share the red squirrel with Decks/Daggers? yes, and recently (2nd update of this month) it came to our attention that the potent-crutch feature was a version of vair fur, itself taken as a design from the pelts of red squirrels. We just saw some vair fur in the saltire of Stamfords/Stanfords, the surname suspect with the Teck/Tess saltire and the Rothes lion heads.

Sobers use "rose leaves" while Janins make large rose leaves on their stems. The Sobeks / Sobers / Sopers (engrailed saltire in the same colors again) were suspect from the "SUBRE" in "Insubres" at Milan, and Milans traced with BUCHanans to Buxentum, where Bocks ought to trace. (If Pigots/Picots were from Pyxus, perhaps also the Bigods in the Morland/Mauley write-up.) The point is that while Ratcliffe's share double-black bends with Kays/Keys (one Key surname uses them in purple, the color of the Sobek buckle), the INSubres-suspect Ince's / Inch's use the same. And Sobeks are suspect with Trabys/Sadowski's, the latter using a scarf while Scarfs were first found in the same place as Keys. Similar to the key in the mouth of an ostrich in the Crest of Ratcliffe-beloved Propers, there is a key in the mouth of white griffin head in the Kay/Key Crest. And the Arms of Traby use ostrich feathers.

I claimed that God gave us a squirrel Sign last winter, and all the events were shared with readers. They were red squirrels, but, at the time, I didn't know the full significance of that color. I claimed that the sign included Rats and Traps from the rat trap that I was forced to use, due to the sheer number of squirrels up there, a total of 16 being caught with it. I wonder whether there is a special reason in heraldry for the 16 points in the estoile of Larks/Lauerks; while Rothschilds trace to Istria > Este liners, Larks/Laurks are in Rat colors. While the Traps were suspect with Traby liners, here I now find myself on Ratcliffe's, what a coincidence. Rats are using the engrailed Sinclair cross, apparently, in Traby-horn colors. I can glean that Rats were a merger with Carricks / Shere's, the latter a branch of Schere's/Scherfs (rose on a STEM!), and therefore linkable to Scarfs. Note: STUMp.

The stork of Traps/Trapers (Travers/Travis?) is in the colors of the Traby/Sadowski scarf, and Scarfs were first found in Yorkshire, location of Storkhouse (may or may not apply). The Dale's use a stork in Crest while first found in Yorkshire. There is a Stockhouse surname (shares oak symbolism with Storks) that may apply Storkhouse to Stocks and therefore to Astikas liners with which Trabys were merged, and it just so happens that Astikas' are said (in Wikipedia's Traby article) to have been of the RADzivills. Stockhouse's (Hesse) show unusually-colored pink "Prussian wings," a possible clue that the Stockhouse oak "stump" links to the Panico oak. For what it may be worth, Stumps/Stomps are showing a version of the Took/Toque's Coat. [Later, Teague's, Took kin, are discovered with new kin sharing the split-Shield of stem-using Janins, making Janins suspect closely to the parents of Caiaphas.]

Tooks were first found in the same place as Greenwich, and the Greenwich Coat is essentially the Odin Coat, the latter's page being where we find Storkhouse. Odins and Greenwich's use the same lion as Stake's, while Stocks use a "QUI INSons" motto phrase that suggest both the Keys/Kays and Ince liners. As Wells share a two-tailed lion with Stocks, Tunbridge Wells in Kent (same place as Greenwich) comes to mind. As one of the two Tonbridge/Tunbridge locations (both in Kent) was ruled by Clare's, note that Stocks were first found in Pembrokeshire, where Strongbow Clare had his capital. It's faint yet clear enough to me that the Stock motto term, "Fortis," is for Lady-Fortune liners, for while she holds a banner, the Stock, Stake and Odin lions are the lion of banner-owning Montforts. The Fortuna talbot is giant, in the colors of the giant Trap stork. Wells use the pelican design of DeVAUDs, and the last time Vaud was mentioned was as per some Vaud-area traces to the Clausula river, where I trace Klassens and their Lady Fortune.

The Rat anchor links both to Carrick-related Anchors/Annackers and their Geddes-beloved Major kin, which reminds that I trace the Rothschild arrows to the Kabar side of Hungarian roots (seven Magyar tribes joined three Kabar tribes to form Hungarians).

Rats were even first found in Nairnshire, same as Rose's, the latter beside the Hungarian suspect Ross-shire. And as Keys are playing to this, what about the Cleavers/Clavers, kin of Cliffs'/Cleaves, using the key! That links both Rats and Cliffs to Ratcliffe's with little doubt.

The first British Rothschild was Nathan Bauer, and Nathans/Natts (Rhineland, same as eSCUTcheon-liner Schutz's) use an escutcheon in the colors of the same of Saddocks, the latter sharing white-on-black footless martlets with Janons/Gannons! The Natts became suspect with Nitts/Naughts (another escutcheon), first found in the same place (Dumfries) as the Nith river, home of Chaddock-related Geddes (escutcheon) before they moved it up to the Rose's in Nairnshire. Dumfries is where the Laurys/Lowrys were first found, as well as Janon-suspect Annandale.

This is a good place to remind that Peebles, beside Roslin, was traced to "Pavia/Papia," a Laevi-founded city on the Ticino, and then the Bowers (share a green Shield with Bauers and Burleys/Bours), using the five, bunched arrows that are the chief symbol of Rothschilds, were first found in Peebles-shire. This Arms of Rothschild shows the Petty quarters, and Pettys share the green parrot with the Peebles surname. The Pettys even use a "needle" as apparent code for Nathan liners, but, in any case, Nettle's share the Biss snakes while Biss' share the Russell scallops while the "nettle leaf" in the Arms of Holstein, partly suspect with "Laevi," have 16 points! As the nettle leaf looks like a STAR burst, let me repeat what I said moments ago: "I wonder whether there is a special reason for the 16 points in the estoile of Larks/Lauerks; while Rothschilds trace to Istria > Este liners [star liners, right?], Larks/Laurks are in Rat colors." I did not have the Nettle leaf on my mind, but as the 16 red squirrels were in the red color of the Square/Squirrel squirrel, by what coincidence have I been tracing the Square's/Squirrels for years to the Ticino via the red squirrel of Decks/Daggers???

The Geds, as we read, moved from the Nith river to join the Mackays in Sutherland, and Mackays share the dagger with Kilpatricks (merged with Trap-related Shere's), first found on the Nith. The "make" motto term of Kilpatricks, code for Maxwells, may link also to the Makerfield location of Ince's. The BOUGHton location of Ince's is linkable to Book / Bock liners. Boughtons list BOURtons/Bortons, like the Bauer-suspect Bour variation of Burleys, the latter in the colors of Sutherland-suspect Sotherbys/Sudduths. This inclusion of Bauer suspects can speak to a link between the double Ince and Schild bends. BOUGh liners are also Bows (bows), which can explain the bow-and-arrow symbol of Bowers.

Then, it's Boughton-interesting that while Agnes Sudduth descended from Battins/Buttons, Battins -- same place as Burleys/Bourlys, Borders, Rothschild-suspect Roets, and the Axe river of Were's) share axes with Border-like Bordens/BOURdons, an apparent Broughton/Bourton branch. It makes the single Border star suspect with the Sutherland stars (said to be the Moray stars). I've traced Baths/ATHA's, first found in the same place as Battins, to MacHETHs at Moray (thought by some to be the Mackays of Moray but I'm not so sure), where Ince-suspect Innis' ("vi") were first found. As Innus' (with a 'u') are Angus', they make Ince liners suspect with Annas', potential Janina liners. The "pruDENTia" motto term of Innis' can be for the Vespasian line's links to the Arms of Rieti, as well as for Dents, first found in the same place as Kays/Keys. Innis' share the star that's now the flag of Israel, and the Moray stars are suspect on the American flag, which was created, possibly, in the lifetime of the first Rothschild (Mayer Bauer).

Speaking on the Border bloodline here, I'd like to repeat a thing to help identify Janons/Gannons with Gaunts / Ghents: "As Sedburgh [home of Dents] is beside Kendel (itself beside BURNside), while Kendels are known to be from John of Gaunt's Candale elements, it's interesting that Candale is beside Bordeaux while Seatons use a "double-tressure BORDER," while Tresure's use dragons and were first found in the same place as Borders and Roets...Bordeaux-important because John of Gaunt married Roet. This apparent relationship between Sedburgh and Gaunts of Ghent recalls that Ghents use the Chief of Side's/Siders/Sudys, no coincidence at all, meaning that Seaton / Sedden elements were at the naming of Sedburgh." The Gonne's, suspect in the gonfanon banner, have a variation, and a red bend, that betrays their kinship with Gaunts / Ghents, and the gonFANON banner is being mentioned here because the Janons/Gannons (potential branch of Innis liners') are said to derive from the Irish, Fhionnain, which the write-up traces to "fionn" = white.

I have a problem with houseofnames when it roots surnames in Irish terms. While I can't disagree with the reasonable claim that Fhionnains were Janons/Gannons, it doesn't necessarily mean that Fhionnains were the original form. Why does houseofnames assume this on most instances of Irish terms? Were the Irish the first-ever peoples in the entire world? Didn't the Irish descend from non-Irish peoples? What were the Fhionnains when they weren't yet Irish? The gonfanon-suspect Fane's (GAUNTlet gloves) list "Fien," and Feins/Fains/Fins (border) are in Janon/Gannon colors. As Kennedys were suspect at Genoa liners along with Ghents, note the "fin" motto term of Kennedys, suggesting the distinct possibility that Gaunts and Janons were Kennati stupids, just as stupid as president Kennedy.

German Feins may be using the Botter bend in a sinister rise, and they share a red wing with German Corte's, as well as using a blue wing that can connect to the same of Bauers. It may be a long shot, because Germany may not have been under British heraldic law, but the blue Fein stars may be the Innis stars. In this Gannon picture, that works if Innis were a Gannon branch. In colors reversed, the Fein bend can be the Gonne/Guenet bend.

Another consideration is that the German Feins use a bend in two color schemes, one linkable to the Doberman bend, and the other to the sinister Dober/Daubers bend. It was minutes after writing here that the insert above on the Buna river (outflow from lake Scodra) was added. The Bone's use the same bend colors as Dobers. As per the Skull-and-Bones code, note that the Doberman bend is in the colors of the same of Bone-related Skulls. As Skulls (Seller and Scholefield colors) were first found in Herefordshire, I'm wondering whether they were a branch of Sellers (colors and format of Dutch Bone's) and Silures; if correct, it might be an effective way to show a Psellus-Curtus merger. Schellers/Shells, sharing the format and colors of Scholefields, share the colors and fleur-de-lys of Dutch Bone's (same chevron as gauntlet Wayne's, a branch of Fiens/Fane's). The Scholefield bull head is therefore suspect at the base of the Stork Coat, if the latter's is a version of the Claud/CLAUSEL Coat. It's all potent important because Schole's share the Patent Coat while potent-liner Skeets', etc, are expected as branches of the namers of lake Scodra.

To boot, the Janon/Gannon cross is on the sinister side of the Schole Coat, tending to hint that Gaunt liners trace to something at Scodra along with their Fein kin (I say they were Veneti liners). I trace Fane liners to Finistre of Brittany, where I traced Albins that should be from "Albania" i.e. the Cavii theater. The Lafins/La Fins/La Fonts share the lion of German Lesh's/Lisseks (pail), perhaps from modern Lesh = ancient Lissus. Scottish Lesh's share the pelican in Crest with Wayne's.

This picture traces to Dober on the Glass-liner Clausula river, which recalls that the red wings of Corte's were suggested as a colors reversed version of the Jewish Glass wing. As Cortemelia is near Cavii-related Ceva, it speaks to Cavii on the Clausula. During the writing of this paragraph, the Dobsons came to mind, and when seeing that they use a version of the Craven Coat, the Crevenia location smack to the east side of "Cavii" (dark map) came to mind! The Clausula is shown on this map. The Dobson Crest shares the lion paw (calls it a gamb) with Quints, and Cravens share the fitchee in the Quint lion paw, while Quintus Caepio's family is suspect from Cupionich at Dober. This is a powerful paragraph. It even assures a trace of proto-Maccabee suspects in the Cavii / Mathis theater to Curtus-suspect Cortemelia.

Moreover, as the Fein bend is in the colors of the Bisset bend, while Bissets can be a branch of same-colored Besancons/Bassets, note the Doubs area between lake Geneva's Vaud area and Besancon. As Vaud has now traced to "Baut," and therefore to the Bautica river, let me repeat that "Bautica" was suspect with the Botters, a clue that German-Fein liners were between the Butteri cowboys at Rome, and the north shore of lake Geneva. It was only while writing here that a Levier location was spotted near Doubs, and because the Levers were recalled with a rooster that can trace to Cupionich, the Levers were re-loaded (I had forgotten what they use) to find just two bends in the colors of the Ince / Kay/Key / Ratcliffe bends. Levers were first found in the same place (Lancashire) as Dobsons (and John of Gaunt's family).

As the Kent Crest shares the gold lion head with Boughtons/Bourtons, the AXton location in Kent may be Axe-river pertinent. [Axtons are in the write-up of Actons, and Actons are in the Craven motto (!), yet this paragraph was written hours before the last two paragraphs were inserted above it.] That could make the three Boughton crescents a colors-reversed version of the Tonbridge crescents (same as the Saracen crescents). As BOURTon can be a Bird/Burd liner, while the latter used the Taddei/Todini flory in colors reversed, the Tonbridge's might be a branch of the Tonso variation of Tous'/Tosini's. In fact, as Clare's were rulers of Tonbridge / Tunbridge Wells (I always forget which), by what coincidence do they share three red chevrons with Taddei's? As Taddei's were claimed to be Tudors, by what coincidence was Strongbow Clare a ruler of Pembroke, i.e. in Wales along with Tudors?

Kent is where Gaunts were first found, and while Tonbridge's show a TonBRICK variation, Janins share three white-on-blue lozenges with Brix's/Brisons (colors of the three Pilat pheons), suspect with the MontBrison location near Mont Pilat. Brix's are kin of Bricks. Compare "pheon" to "FHIONnain." The Montforts (owners of the gonfanon) share the same lion, essentially, as Greenwich's (Kent), and the latter share a maroon / burgundy color with Border-related Treasure's/Tresure's and Flemings (Gaunt is in Flanders). As Firminy is beside MontBrison while it's suspect with Firmo, beside Saracena, it's notable that the Saracens may be using the Boughton / Tonbridge Coat, which can trace BOUGHs / BOGENs (bow) to Buxentum, near Saracena. Bugs (Bogen colors) were first found in the same place as Annas'.

Note that French Janins (the ones with stemmed roses) are also "Janon" and Gaunt-like "Janet/Jannot." Their lozenges in the colors of the Dutch Ghents, and the latter share the white-on-blue fesse that is the Arms of Fanano (banner). Janons/Gannons just traced to the namer of Fanano, the gonFANON bloodline. It's amazing what the big mouth of heraldry can spit out. Their red roses (symbol of John of Gaunt, right?) can trace to Rodez / Roussillon liners, and therefore to Catherine Roet.

It should be added that while Teague's/Teegers (McCLOUD sept) are a branch of Tooks/Tucks/Toque's (Kent), the Teague crosses are a match with the Janon/Gannon crosses because both are with a black-on-white chevron (as are French Majors). It helps to identify Gannons with Gaunts of Kent. German Teegers use a starburst (my term) of eight points, and were first found in Schleswig-Holstein. I've never tried getting a Diem surname before, as per the "diem" motto term of Teague's/Teegers, but there is one, first found in Schleswig-Holstein! This was found immediately AFTER writing on the German Teeger location, what an surprise. It reminds me that a Harald, brother of Rurik the Varangian of WIERingen, ruled in Schleswig, for Haralds are listed as a sept of McLeods/Clouds too. I wrote the above before seeing the Diem Coat (the writing loads before the image does), and when I returned to the page, there was a horizontally-split Shield (no symbols) in the colors of the same of Janins/Janets! The Teague wolf head is in the design of the same of Gaunts (Diem/Dittmayer colors), both in Crests.

The Diems (WIER colors) are listed with Dittmayers (what's that?), and can be suspect with a version of the SchWERIN Coat (horizontally-split Shield, no symbols), from Schwerin (Square liner?) at the Holstein theater, a term like "WIERIN(hen)." The horizontally-split Shield of Popoli's is colors reversed from that of Schwerins, and Popoli's/Populo's were first found in the same place (Naples) as Gaunt-suspect Candida's...meaning that Janons/Gannons apply to Candida / Candy liners, and therefore to Kennati stupids. As Populo's are in the Besancon/Basset motto, note that they (Brix/Brison colors) were first found at mount Forez, beside Montbrison, where Janins/Janets have just traced.

If Pepoli's were a branch of Popoli's, the Pepoli Coat can be a version of the Spanish Major/Mayerdomo Coat, and thus reveals that DittMAYERs were Major/Mayer liners. Mayerdomo's were first found in BAZTan, a Basset-like term. But what were the Ditts? It's sounds bad. Can it be cured? I had read that Bassets used the porcupine, symbol in the Speck/Spock Crest, they being Cavett suspects. The German Corte's, by the way, from near to the Cevetta river, use a fesse in the colors of the Ghent / Fanano / Dol fesse, and Dols were first found in the same place (Mecklenburg) as Schwerins.

So, John of Gaunt, whom I claimed to be a keeper / protector of some Caepio treasure, is tracing to Mont Pilat, where I claimed some of the Caepio treasure on solid heraldic grounds. As Teegers were resolved as Opgalli-Tigranes liners, I badly want to know who the Ditts were. The "OpTEM" motto term of Teague's was suspect on good grounds with Timms/Time's, first found in the same place as Tooks/Touque's, but can Time's be a branch of the Diem variation of Dittmayers? Apparently, yes, but I'm inclined to seeing a Ditt liner merged with Timms/Time's rather than seeing "Diem" as a short form of "DITTMayer. The Time's/Timms were traced to a Moray motto, "Deum Time," and I now realize why "Deum" was used. Houseofnames had both Moray Coats up at one time, but removed the one with "Deum Time." Clearly, Diems were Time's. To what were they linked at Moray? There are plenty of "Deum" motto terms that can now be investigated (as I get to them) as per Tigranes liners.

ZOWIE, I kid thee not, it was after writing the above that Ditts/Dyots were re-loaded to re-find that they use a stripe-less TIGER!!! It's a fast resolution. Clinched: Teegers were lovers of Ditts, who come up as "Dote," another clue, for there's a Welsh Dote/Dodd surname that may apply. The latter uses what looks like a version of the Janon/Gannon Coat, no surprise but welcome. Instead of white-on-black footless martlets, they are now in colors reversed with the Dote's/Dodds, linkable, therefore, to the black martlet of French Josephs, first found in the same place as Besancon-related Billets. The giant Ditt/Dote tiger is in the colors of the giant Joseph martlet, and Opgalli has been suspect as the aunt or even sister of Joseph Caiaphas. The gold garb in the Dote/Dodd Crest can be the Joseph garb.

NOW, this is exciting, for the last update gave suspicion that Caiaphas' mother would be in the Mother/Mather surname, or at least closely related to it, and then the Fathers/Fetters crept up in that discussion, but then the fetters were in code in the FETTERlocks of the Deum Time" Morays!!! And Locks / Logens use swans, the previous giant symbol showing for French Josephs! We have a story. The Dote/Dodd motto, "In COPIA cautus," can link to the cornuCOPIA of Fothes, the latter in Joseph colors and part of the footless-martlet line. "Cautes" gets the Cotta's suspect roughly at Joseph Caiaphas' great-grandmother. Here's from two updates ago: "Chaders/Chaters are coming out looking like Gaut/Cotta liners. For example, the Hardwick (share the stag with Cootes') motto is translated, "Safe by being CAUTIOUS", while Cautes' are listed with Gauts/Cotta's." Caiaphas was suspect with the unknown father / mother of SEVERus Bassus, and while he traces to Safers (share five birds with Chaplets who in-turn use the Joseph swan in both colors), there in the Hardwick motto we see "Safe." It can trace to Safor (eastern Spain), too, where a Candida liner by another name was mistress to pope Borgia, his family being part of the Jesuit formation, if I recall correctly, out of which came Adam Weishaupt, founder of the Bavarian Illuminati at the time of the first Rothschild.

The Danners/Daniels, linkable to the Deins and Diens now suspect from the Dinassi = Clausula river, use a "TIMeo" motto term. Danners/Daniels share a string of lozenges with DIAMonds (share a gold lion with two Dean surnames) and Diamonds/Dinants/Dinams/Dinhams, kin of Dinents/Dinats (dancette), apparently. I'm not sure how to interpret this as concerns DIEMs, but it recalls my saying, "When we get to Italian Deans, who share the Dein/Dean crescents, it looks like the surname should be from, or include, Decan / Decani / Degen liners." Aren't those Teague / Tegen/Teeger variations? Here's a repeat from above: "If Deans per-chance were nothing but Ness / Nass liners, it can explain why two Dean surnames, and the Dinant-related Diamonds, share the gold and upright lion with Nassau's." This recalls Mr. Skeetz' hunt for the root of Nassau's, which he traced to a DUDo character, possibly a Ditt/Dote liner.

In the same paragraph where the quote above was taken: "As Ness' are Washington liners, in my opinion, it's notable that the Shkoder-Chief stars are in the colors of the Wassa/Gace star. To this it can be added that, while Washingtons are suspect as Mitanni liners, Modens share fretty on a blue Shield with the Shkoder Arms." This recalls that Modburleys/Moberleys were linkable to tiger-using Maybe's, and it just so happens that the Maybe tiger, like the Ditt/Dote tiger, has no stripes! It's even the same tiger design. Duttons are using the Berkshire Coat, and Modens were first found in Berkshire. Modens share a fretty Shield with Cautes/Cotta's suspect in the "cautus" motto term of Dote's/Dodds.

It was said: "Diners/Dinans may be using the Tute/Tuit Coat because Tute's/Toots use the Dean crescent in colors reversed." The Dutton quadrants are colors reversed from the Tute/Tuit quadrants. Duits, newly found under that term in this update, were suspect with the Coat of Dragons/Drainers, they being from the Drin river, the area where Deins have been tracing. Diners/Dinars evoke the Dinara mountains (Cetina river) mentioned in the last couple of weeks, of the last update, where Diens / Deins were traced, but these mountains, or the area named Dinara, if not mistaken, comes down near to the lake-Scodra area.

I never did find the name of the Albanian river upon which the Cavii are stamped. I'm out of time and may have the answer in the next update.


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How to Work with Bloodline Topics

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Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

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