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April 19 - 25, 2016

The Sarine River of Switzerland
The Trey Line of Mythical Tristan

For a reader hopping into an update for the first time, there is not much I can say in an introductory paragraph to explain everything needed before proceeding. The only readers able to follow are those taking the time needed to get a solid idea of the entire scope. It is probably impossible to follow unless the heraldic Coats are loaded and viewed. It would be helpful to have a photographic memory, or to at least spend some time to get to know Coats, and to understand what I'm saying about them. I did the work over years to be able to present to you the relevant Coats, and you need only decide whether I am correctly interpreting the evidence and the codes. It is far best that you load Coats on a separate browser(s) rather than clicking back and forth from the update page. It might take longer for one to read an update than the week it takes me to write it, but that's what it'll take for a solid understanding of what I'm doing. I know that few have the time to follow this in that way. My hope is...actually, I should have no such hopes as I should just allow God to do what He wants with this. One of my goals at this time is to discover the parent(s) of Josephs Caiaphas, and in the meantime to prove that heraldic masters and leading Templar families knew that all of heraldry had, at its foundations, Caiaphas and his circle of Christ killers. These updates are jot-down format (sub-titles don't usually reflect the roaming topics well) making it hard / impossible to have a pre-plotted storyline. I'm no longer doing final proof-reads, please excuse the imperfections / mistakes. Ever since I decided to use apostrophes only after surnames ending in vowels, I started to catch myself using apostrophes before the 's' of pluralized words, making it appear that I need to return to primary grammar school.

If ever you'd want to check a description in the Coat of Arms, type the surname at this page:

It is my opinion that the United States broke the Syrian ceasefire this week. The situation is such that Syria agreed to the ceasefire and to International talks. He's got the upper hand in the war. He would have spoken with his military to say that, under no circumstances should they do something like bomb civilians in a marketplace. It would make Assad look very bad. And if someone did bomb a marketplace this week, we would expect the United States to not accuse anyone without also providing the evidence, and that often takes time to gather. But look at what the U.S. military is saying on the same day of the Tuesday attack on a Syrian market:
Air strikes that killed around 40 people in a crowded market in rebel territory in Syria were likely carried out by Syrian government forces, the U.S. State Department said on Tuesday.

That's all I need to hear to know that the United States carried out the attack, meaning it has decided that the ceasefire is working to Assad's advantage, and that resumption of the war is needed. Of course, the Americans will insist that "talks" are still needed, with their motive still being to force Assad to step down, which is another reason that we can count on this attack to be from the United States. The United States has become a demon. There is simply no way that I will believe this attack to be from Assad under the current conditions. With the U.S. trying to convince the nations that Assad is a wicked murderer, the last thing Assad would do is kill dozens in a civil marketplace. There is no "important" government in the world today as wicked as the United States.

In the meantime, Belgium promises that more terrorist attacks are coming upon Europe, and so I can't be sure that they weren't faked by the West. If they have been, then Belgium has an aggressive agenda in the Middle East. This situation comes as Donald Tusk is the latest EU leader.

In Israel, neither Arutz Sheva nor the Jerusalem Post had a story on this Syria bombing, either on the day of, or the day after.

I've been talking about Modane for a long time, over the course of which Dreux has been a re-occurring topic. A highlight of the last update was the coming to Adelaide of MAURienne, in the Arc river along with Modane. She was mother to Robert I of Dreux, and while Dreux is in Evreux, the Albino's, first found in Modane-like Modena, were from Evreux, according to the Albin/Aubin write-up. Dreux's and Albin's/Aubins even share a bull head that should be code for the namers of St. Taurin in Evreux. On top of this, Adelaide's family had Burgundian elements that can link to Adelaide of Burgundy, born in Orbe near a Moudon location, both in Switzerland's Vaud canton. These three Modi'in-like locations are suspect with the line of Maccabees married by Lupus Laevillus, because lines from him have traced hard (very recently) to other areas in Vaud.

Orbe is between VallORBE and YVERdon, the latter suspect with the Yvery location (Normandy) of Leavells. Glass' have been traced to Switzerland's neighboring canton of Valais, which shares the red-on-white stars of Glass' and IVERYs. The latter can be gleaned as Were's, for the two are sharing one another's bend. Were's are said not to be a branch of Vere's, but I've found differently, and there has been cause to trace "Vere" to Vibia VARia, Laevillus' mother.

It gets interesting where the Vaux surname (part of the Beaumont entity married by the early Leavells) lists Well-related Valibus', making the latter suspect from VALLorbe, for Leavells are being traced to the Orba area of Cilicia, and to the family there married by Laevillus. The DeVAUDs/DeVAUX's, who share the giant Well pelican, can link by that symbol to the pelicans in the Godfrey Coat, for Godfrey III (grandfather of Godfrey de Bouillon) is expected in links to Italians at YVERY, on the BAUTica river. It just so happens that Albins/Aubins were traced to BAUTs, first found in the same place (Auvergne) as Bouillons.

This is important because a daughter of Godfrey III married Eustace II while Eustace's (Ireland) share a red-on-gold cross with Irish Burghs. The latter were the line of John de Burgo, father of the Conteville's, whom were formed by the Conte's, first found in the same place (Durham) as the Were river. Italian Conte's even use the same lion (minus the second tail) of English Wells. This link to Conte's is important for at least two immediate reasons: 1) the dragons shown at the article for Adelaide of Maurienne were suspect with VisCONTI's, and, 2) English Conte's share the antler with Zahringers, founders of Switzerland's Berne, about 30 miles from Yverdon. Berne had a bear symbol, shared by Percivals, and the earliest-known Leavells were of a Percival line in Yvery.

A thing not to be missed is that while Godfrey III (from rulers of Lower Lorraine) married the sister of Sophie of Bar, she's suspect from Richeza of Lorraine, wife of Mieszko II. While Mieszko I married Oda of Haldensleben, the German Well write-up traces to Heyne von Weller of Haldensleben while Irish Heyne's are using the arm-with-sword of Mieske's. The latter use another bull head for linkage to the same of Albins/Aubins and St. Taurin. German Heyne's are suspect with the giant star of Annas', in gold, and this can trace to Annecy, near Switzerland's Arve river, where I trace Bellamys that I view as a branch of Bouillons (Beaumonts are also BELLmonts). Irish Heyne's are suspect, at least on one side of their Shield, with the Abreu lion(s) because Abreu's are expected in the naming of Evreux. English Wells were first found in the same place (Lincolnshire) as HANNitys and Hains/HAYNE's (Annas colors).

The star of German Heyne's could be that of Benedicts. The latter use a "roy" motto term that cane be for the fitz Roys married by Matthew I of Montmorency.

German Heyne's are suspect with a version of the split Shield in the Arms of Sion / Valais, and thus the Lusatian elements of Melusine that I predict should include the Heyne's.

Annas' (suspect partly from Pendragon-related Albanians) share the stars of Angus', which can trace well to the stars in the Arms of Valais and Sion, for I see the Angus lion as a version of the Fife lion while Fife's were a branch Veys/VIVians, from Vevey (midway between Sion and Yverdon) in Aude. Vivians and Fife's have thus become suspect with "Vibia" Varia. While Melusine is in the Glass Crest, she's with two tails in the Coat of Valais-based and Walsers, suggesting that German Wells are from Valais (also called, Wallis) along with Walsers. The Drakenberg Vere's, whom are very traceable to Drake-colored Dreux's, claim that Melusine is from Avalon's witch cult, which the Arthurian writers encoded as Morgan le Fay, part of the Vey/Vivian bloodline, but tracing with Morgans to Morges, the latter once again another location in Vaud.

There is a good chance that Morgans (and Moore's) are using the Track/Trig / Drig lions (same as the Lorraine lions), which might just identify the latter two with Dreux liners, perhaps even from Maurienne. The latter location was linked (last update) to MontMORENcy, and Morencys share the cross of Eustace's and Irish Burghs/BERKs. The latter is, in this picture, expected with BERKshire, where MODENs and Arks were first found. I feel extremely comfortable, and satisfied, with everything said so far in this update.

The above seems to be a solid testament to several, related surnames from around lake Geneva, all pertaining to the Priory of Sion and its Masonic circles. In fact, while I've identified "Freemason" as code for Freie's and Masons, the Mason surname lists "Macon," while Adelaide of Maurienne married the ruler of Macon. Freie's and Free's/Freys are now suspect from Fribourg, on the Sarine river between Vevey and Berne. This Sarine becomes suspect with the Zerr/ZEHRer and related Sere / Seer surnames because of ZAHRinger at Berne, a location in the upper parts of the Sarine (called the Saane too). There is also a Suhre tributary of the Aare. Zahringers had married Humbert III of Savoy (born 1136), by the way.

The Sarine is a tributary of the Aare river, which itself becomes suspect with Shawia of Aures. It can make the Aures lion suspect with the Fife lion, or even the Heyne lion, which, if correct, can indicate Aare-river liners merged with nearby Swiss elements. The Shaws were a branch of Sheaves', first found in Abreu-related Abruzzo, and then the Heyne's are the ones suspect with the Abreu/Abruzzo lion. German Hains/Hayns' (Lusatia area) may therefore be using the Aures lion too, but then the latter use just lion heads, the Godfrey symbol in the same colors. The above makes the white crescents of the Lincolnshire Hains/Hayne's suspect with the same of Savone's/Saffins (same place as Leavells), traceable to mount Sabina's Safini peoples. Porcius Cato owned land at Sabina, and then Burghs/Berks use a Cato-suspect cat. While the Porci bend is in the colors of the Berne bend, "Porci" can thus link to "PERCival," especially if Yverdon was a Leavell entity.

The Godfrey / Aures lion heads are used by Love's/Luffs, first found in the same place as English Blois' that I trace to the Arc river. This makes the Blois dragons linkable to the dragons on the pedestal in the article on Adelaide of Maurienne. Figure on Love's/Luffs being a branch of Louvains / Leuvens, for Louvains share the Macon lion. As Macons are from the Shawia Numidians, it's a goods reason to trace them to the Aare river.

The Savone/Saffin Coat can possibly be a version of the Arms of Aargau (Aare river) because I trace Savona elements to the Sitten naming of Sion. For example, Tacitus coupled the Sviones with the Sitone's, and Sviones, while Swi = Swedes, are therefore suspect with the naming of the Swiss. Simply put, the Swiss are suspect with roots in the Safina/Sabines peoples. The Savone's/Sabine's even share the red scallop with Pullys/Pullens, traceable to Pully in Aude. Red scallops are used by Scottish Hains, first found in the same place (DumFRIES) as ANNANdale, which makes the giant Savone scallop suspect with the giant Annas star.

There are multiple reasons to include Carricks in the Vaud / Sion picture, for Carrick liners are expected to follow Drago > Drake liners. The Suhre river can therefore become suspect with the Sure's/Shore's, first found in Oxfordshire, home of elite Vere's. Sure's were beloved by the Dumfries Kilpatricks (trace to Antipatria, near the Arnissa location to which the Arniss variation of Annas' should trace). From the Sure's/Shore's (Cetis suspects), one can go to Shorelands/SHAWlands, and to the Carrick-related Shere's/Shire's, the latter predicted to be Kilpatrick kin. Shere's/Shire's were first found in Suhre-like Surrey, and the Surrich variation of Surreys suggests Switzerland's Zurich, not far from Aargau. This trace of Shawia / Aures Numidians to Aargau, which is tentative at this point, is new. It can suggest that the Seth variation of Shaws, and their SITHECH roots, are of Annas/Ananus of Israel, a SADDUCee high priest. It can also mean that Annas liners named Annecy. Carricks have via there Gilbert kin to the Ticino/Tessin river, which has a source in Switzerland. Tease liners are expected with Annas'.

Sure's/Shore's share the stork with Perts (Scottish), and the latter share the gold-on-red mascles of Scottish Hains. Perts: "A silver stork beaked and legged red on a mount with bulRUSHes, and two blue mascles interlaced in front." The Rush's have the white horses of Freys/PHREEZe's, suspect with Pharisees. Were Pharisee liners at the naming of Fribourg/Freiburg? Note that the Arms of Fribourg may be showing the Ottone annulet, for Ottone's were first found in PERUSia. The Arms of Fribourg are using an annulet, which happens to be colors reversed from the Rush annulet! The BULrushes should therefore be part code for Bulle, two or three miles from the Sarine river, not far south of Fribourg. Rush's were first found in the same place (Suffolk) as Bulle-like Blois', and are even in Blois colors. This Bulle location may explain the bull heads in the Coat of Leavell-related Walerans (same place as Chives').

Having said that, it reminds of the ancient Bullis location off the Apsus river, the river of the proto-Kilpatricks. The Kilpatricks are the ones sharing the cushion with Vibia-suspect Bible's/Bibo's. Upon writing this, and wondering whether the "vobis" motto term of Walerans could be for Bibo liners, it caused a check for a Bobo surname, and it happened to use bull heads!!! That is huge for tracing Waleran, son of de Percival, to Laevillus and meanwhile for proving that Bibo's were from the naming of his mother. The Bobo bull head should be the same of Bullocks.

To top it off, Bobo's were first found in Sardinia, location of Gallura, a place that shares the rooster with Bibo's, and where the Visconti's got their rooster. To help trace these bulls to Bullis, that location was likely inhabited by the DEXARoi, while Bobo's are using a Coat that looks like a colors reversed version of the Deck/DAGGER Coat.

Pomegranate Grazzio's are able to indicate that the namers of Perusia were at Parez in Lorraine, where pomegranate Crispins lived. Crispins are known to be descended from Clare's (same place as Bullis'/BULIARDs and Blois') while Claro's use the bull, and it's the bull design of BOSO's/Bosins, perhaps Bobo liners. Boso's were first found in Lombardy / Milan, the area ruled by the Ottone-Visconti line. The Claro bull is in the colors of the same of German Packs, which I wouldn't have been able to mention here had I not had the sense that the Decks/Daggers were using the giant fleur-de-LYS of Polish Packs (it's the only reason that Packs were loaded at this time). The Boso bull holds a banner, and so the giant fleur-de-lys of Banners must apply. German Banners were first found in the same place (Prussia) as Bibo's and Mieske's, the latter sharing black bull heads with Bobo-liner Walerans.

I consider Packs linkable to the Massey / Lys fleur and therefore to the purple-Shielded Pace's (Cheshire,) but then the Italian Pace's/Pasi's, considered as VESpasian liners, were first found in BONonia while Bone's were first found in the same place (Sussex) as English Packs. French Packs were first found in the same place as Cotta's/Cottins while Blois' are suspect with the Aurelia Coat. Aurelia's should be Orells, Orleans', and Ore liners, all three of which share red roundels with Bullis/Buliards. The latter may have been Montbeliard liners from Sophie of Bar. If correct, I'd expect Beliards to be named from Bullis elements.

I apologize for saying, over the last three updates, that Godfrey III married Sophie of Bar. He married Beatrice of Bar, Sophie's sister.

Bullis is beside Aulon/AVLONA, which traced with the Melusine liners to Avalon = Bute, where Glass' were first found. It's a good reason to trace Bullis liners, and other Apsus suspects such as Hips' -- similar to the Bobo Coat -- to the Swiss area under discussion. That's now two ways to trace Bobo's to the Dexaroi (Apsus river).

Why do Perts use mascles interLACEd? The LACEs/Lacys use a fret-KNOT while Tease's (same stars as Annas') were first found with Annas' in knot-suspect Nottinghamshire. Knot liners trace to the Nitts/Naughts, first found in Dumfries with Annan(dale) and the Scottish Hains'. Isn't this the Laevi-Annas relationship to Hainaut? Yes, and cushion-using, Dexaroi-related Kilpatricks were on the Nith. If cushions are code for Kos/Kosinski liners, note that while Cohens are now being entertained from Koans = Kos' inhabitants, Nitts/Naughts share the Cohen checks.

Why do Sure's have a stone held by their stork? Better yet, why do Stone's, first found in the same place as Vivians, use a Vibia-suspect motto, "Vive ut vivas"? In this way, the Laevillus line traces in yet another way to lake Geneva, if the Sure's named the Suhre river. The dog in the Stone Crest is white, and in the position of the dog in the Arms of Chenens (La Sarine). This dog is suspect with Glass liners of the Fortuna kind, and then Rollo's use a "fortuna" motto term while being first found in PERTHshire, a good place to trace Perts. The Craig and Craigie mottoes tell us that the Stone dog is also the Carrick / Crag dog.

It just so happens that the Pett variation of Perts was traced with Pettys to Pula/Pola on Istria. Note that Seers (Colchester) share the same stars as Glass', and even show another red scallop for a trace to Pully (Aude). Seers gave the impression of using a version of the Bacon Coat, and Bacons were traced to the SIRET river's Bacau location, while Sere's (Annas star?) are also "Sert." Sere's and Seers appear to be using the same Coat generally. Bacau is near Roman (Moldova), and then Romneys share a version of the Pully/Pullen Coat. The Rome's/Rooms (same place as Pert-related Scottish Hains) definitely apply to Roman.

This would be a good place to mention that Pettys may be sharing the quadrants of German Arens. One of the quadrants of the latter may be with the Stone eagle. The Aren quadrants are half the quadrants of Jewish Arens/Aarons, the latter using a "clasPING" term partly suspect with Pings/Pungs that one can find in the motto of Rome's/Rooms. "CLASping" can also be code for the Clas surname listed with Lady-FORTUNE Klassens. Pings/Pungs were first found in the same place as fret-knot Lacys, and the Rome's/Rooms were first found in the same place as knot-suspect Nitts/Naughts. As the latter trace to Dumfrey's Nith river, home of Geds = proto-Geddes, note that the Stone's may be using a version of the Gate Coat. It just so happens that Gate liners are suspect with gate-using Yate's suspect in the "yet" motto term of Seatons/Sittens. "Stone" can be a Sitone liner to the namers of Sitten.

The Stone's use the same cinquefoil as French Buckets/Bouchards, the latter suspect from the Bouchards that founded Montmorency. The purple buckle of Sobeks should link to the purple fret-knot of English Lace's/Lacys, but then Vivians share the purple lion with Irish Lace's/Lacys. There happens to be a Lyss location (Aare river) on the north side of Berne, and Less' (Berkshire) are suspect with buckle-using Leslie's (Save bend in colors reversed?). Lyss' are listed with Lys'/Lisse's, first found in the same place as Morencys, Chappes' and Levi's. Lyss' are from the Lissus location of the Chappes-suspect Cavii, who lived on the north side of Arnissa. Lissus is near the mouth of the old Mathis river (now the Mat), which traces well to Mathis', first found in Burgundy, and area that covered the Orbe area of Vaud. Less liners are traceable to Lesce, on the Shaw- / Cavii- like Sava/Save river, and Shawia elements may have named Savona and Sabines too. Note that then Lyss/Lys greyhounds have all fours in the air in the style of the Rush / Frey horses.

When we go to Wikipedia's page on La Sarine, there are several local Coats of interest, including two that use the same lion as Macons/Masons and Louvains. The Arms of Corserey have the Otone/Olten quadrants in colors reversed. The Arms of AVRY (black-and-white chevrons) might have the makings of the Levi chevrons, which, if correct, tends to identify Avry with the Yvery location of Leavells/Lovells. The Levi chevrons were used by the counts of HAINaut, near Louvain/Leuven.

The Sarine area has a TREYvaux location said to derive in Tribus Valibus (= three valleys), a derivation I can accept. But this doesn't mean that a Trey surname couldn't have developed from it. English Treys (probably Tristan liners) are said to be from LAVENTHan while Lavents are listed with Louvains. Jocelyn of Louvain was a son of Godfrey IV of Lorraine = Godfrey I of Brabant (not the son of Godfrey III), yet he was born into the countship of Louvain too. Look at that apron-like thingie he has on, similar to what's on Melusine in the Walser Coat. Note the GAUNTlet gloves on the ground in front of him, for Sions/Swans once showed gauntlet gloves. With the gloves, there is a lance, symbol in the Arms of Ependes (La Sarine). Jocelyn's family married Percys...i.e. the Louvain-Percy family is suspect with the Leavell-Percival line, right?

Wikipedia's Percy article: "In the 12th century, the original Percy line was represented by Agnes de Percy, whose son by her husband Joscelin of Louvain adopted the surname Percy."

While I think the Bouillon motto, "A VERO bello Christi," is part code for YVERY on the Bautica, it can apply to Averys too, in Vere colors. Note that Bauts (same place as Bouillons) use an upright ram while Walsers use an upright goat. At one time, I was reporting that Bauts use an upright goat. I say that the apron thingie is secretly the gonfanon banner of Montforts (married the Beaumonts, as had Gouel de Perceval, Waleran's father (see "Gouel" 3rd update of last month).

A couple of observations: 1) "BOUILLon may have been a BOVIL term, perhaps a branch of BULL-using Bobo's; 2) "Gouel" may have been a Govel term and therefore of Gobels.

It's funny that Louvains are not said to be from Louvain/Leuven, but from Pas-de-Calais, where de-Bouillon's father ruled. Compare "Lovergne" with "Auvergne." Lovergne is at the city of Calais. From Lovergne, Louvains are said to have branched to Brabant, then to Kent. German Leuvens, showing only bear paws, were first found in the same place as Zahringers. "...two silver bear paws facing outwards in center." What an unexpected thing to say of bear paws, but then why are German Centers/Sanders sharing bull heads with Walerans? Because, apparently, the bear paws (in Pierce colors) are from the bear in the Percival Coat, and this bear is also the Zahringer one at Berne. The red bull in the Center/Sander Crest must be that of Claro's/Charo's because English Centers are Sainters while Sinclairs list "Saint." English Centers/Sainters could be sharing the Avery Coat that has paws of its own in Crest. Note that while Centers/Sainters are said to be from a Benedict, their leopard faces are in the colors of the Benedict lions.

There is a Cottens location in La Sarine using a key, a Shawia-line symbol. The Cotta's/Cottins are kin of CAENs while the latter share the Sure/Shore motto. The SENEDES location in La Sarine has Arms looking linkable to KENNEDYs, which may indicate that the Kennati priests of Orba were in the Sarine-river area, a good way to trace Orba elements to Orbe. It's hard to be certain, but the Arms of Senedes (hourGLASS?) seems to be sharing the black-on-white moline cross of Chives' / Mathis'. It's the second time that a Mathis-river link to the Sarine river has come to mind. It behooves me to trace Lyss on the Sarine to the Lys valley of Aosta, a home of Walsers.

Cotta's/Cottins can be deemed kin of Modens, which gives the sense that Maurienne's rulers linked to the Cottian people group. Let's add that Maurienne-suspect Moriens/Maurier's use the Glass stars. I don't think it's a coincidence that Cottens/Cottons use a "fortuna" motto term while the Glass-related Fortuna's share a white-on-red dog with the Arms of CHENens (La Sarine). This location can explain why Cheneys use the Pully/Pullen (and Joseph) martlets in colors reversed. The Sarine flows not far from Pully.

The hanks of cotton used by Cottens proved enlightening in the last update when Hankins (same place as Leavells) were found who not only share fretty with Cotta's/Cottins, but share "vi" with Chives' for their mutual trace to the Viu valley near the capital of the Cottian royals. This Cotta family is the line suspect to the birth of Joseph Caiaphas (son-in-law of Annas). I don't think I mentioned that the Hanken fesse is in the colors of the same of Scottish Leavells, and red, as with the fesse of Caens.

Not only were Morencys suspect with Maurienne, but Marlys too, and here I find a Marly location in La Sarine. The Arms of Marly sound linkable to the pike fish of Geddes: "The blazon of the municipal coat of arms is Gules a bar wavy Azure and overall a Knight stantant armoured Argent holding a Pike in dexter and a Sword seafed on a Belt in sinister and in chief sinister three alder-tree leaves Or slipped conjoined." The Belts, in Geddes colors, were first found in the same place (Essex) as Seers, and both share the same chevrons.

Why an alder tree? Alda's/Audi's are said to be from Taddeo ALDERotti. Why are the alder LEAVES slipped? The Hazels, first found in the same place as Marlys, use leaves that they call, "hazel SLIPs," code for the Islips/HASLips, an obvious Hazel branch.

We read: "Marly is first mentioned in 1055 as in MARLENsi"" Marlins can apply because they use three bars in colors reversed from the Knight bars. The Marlins look like a branch of Damorys / Amore's, and as such are linkable to Crispins and Leavells. French Crispins may therefore be using the bend of Knight-related Knee's in colors reversed, for Damorys use the same bend as Knees. But Amore liners evoke MORlaix, a Brittany origin of Marleys. It strikes me that Marly could have been a mythical-Merlin line, especially as the Welsh called him, Myrddin, while Germans had named Marly, Mertenlach. Mertens/Myrtens/Murtons (partly in the same place as Damorys / Crispins) use three bends in the colors of the Crispin bend. The Pike's were first found in the same place (Devon) as Mertens/Murtons, and the Pike's happen to split their vertically-split Shield in the colors of the same of Sion / Valais, all making for a decent trace of everything in this paragraph to Marly. Merlin was a witch, and while the Arthurian stupids put nine of them on Avalon, note that Marlins use nine martlets, a symbol of Merlin liners. The Merlens (ragully) are using a crown in the colors of the MARTEL crown. We get it. Why is the Merlen crown in the sinister corner?

The last update showed why Marlys are linkable to Albins/Aubins, the latter sharing the crosslets of Mea's/Meighs, first found in the same place as Annas' and Tease's, the latter sharing the Sere/Sert stars. Buckets trace to the water BOUGETs of Bugs, first found in the same place as Annas' and Tease's. German Bugs once showed martlets in the colors of the same of Pullys/Pullens.

The Pike's can be suspect from PICHlens, now called Ferpicloz, the Arms of which is a giant fleur-de-lys on the same hourglass-like shape in the Arms of Senedes. This fleur-de-lys is in the colors of the same of Lyss'. Fears may apply here as they look linkable to both Pike surnames. The Pickels might be a branch of Pucks/Puckels. The German Pucks are the ones with the Ottone annulet, and may therefore be linkable to the same-colored annulet in the Fribourg Arms. Here's from the Fribourg write-up: "The blazon of the municipal coat of arms is Azure a Castle embattled and towered on dexter issuant from a Semi Annulet all Argent." Why a semi? It turns out that Sions/Swans list, note just "Some," but "SEME." Yip. And the Crest has another white dog.

The way history works is that the lines from the Bassus Galatians in and out of Cetis, and probably going back to all major killers of Jesus, evolved into the wife of the first-known Frank. From there, it went through the Martel-based Carolingian dynasty, then the Capetians, and the latter lasted for many centuries. If the Revelation frogs are code for these Franks, and I think there is a good chance of it, the end-time battle will be between the end-time children of Caiaphas, etc., and Christ Himself.

Aside from knowing that the first-known Frank king traces to Merops of Kos, it becomes predictable that he's of the proto-Amore's, etc. But this can identify Childeric ancestry with the Geds on the Nith river, who were there as early as 400 AD, at least one generation before Childeric's birth. We saw why Clovis I (Childeric's royal son) is of the Close/Clovse surname suspect with Closeburn on the Nith. And the fact that, independent of these things, and before I knew of them, I traced Merovingians to Marsi in the Salto-river area of Sabina, tends to identify the Marsi with the Merops line out of Kos.

Marsi were in Abruzzo, and the Merovingians traced themselves to a QuinoTAUR sea bull, a good reason to trace them to St. TAURIN of Abruzzo-based Evreux. This makes for a good chance for a link to TOURNai, home of Childeric. The Arms of Tournai, I now see, is a Shield split vertically in the two colors of the Trents, jibing with the fact that Childs use the Tarent Coat! Excellent. You now have the goods to identify Childs as Childeric liners.

Tournai is in the Lys-river area, explaining why the fleur-de-lys is usually traced to Clovis, but Tournai is also in Levi-studded Hainaut. As Childeric's wife (Basina) was from THURINgia, it looks like he married his own bloodline to some degree. The Salto river is beside the TURANo. The Walsers, who lived in Aosta's Lys river, use a split Shield (horizontally) in the colors of the Trent / Tournai Shield. It's all pretty obvious as to where the blood went of the killers of Jesus, isn't it? We can't demonize every Frank, or even every Frank ruler, of course, but out of this bloodline, members arose instilled with a satanic spirit for the purpose of keeping Jesus dead to the world.

The escutcheon (fancy name for the heraldic Shield) that I trace to several Sadducee suspects can even trace to Tournai: "Tournai is located in the Wallonia region of Belgium, at the southern limit of the Flemish plain, in the basin of the River Scheldt (Escaut in French, Schelde in Dutch)." ESCAUT = Shield looks like ESCUTcheon. Yes, and while the "cheon" part of that code is for Keons and Keens (the latter use an escutcheon), it looks like the QUINOtaur was code for Keen liners out of Tournai. Keens use two sinister feature's, as well as what could be the Savone/Saffin crescent. One can see that Keens can be Cohen/Koen liners...i.e. from Kos. The CLOSkey/Claskey variations of Keens can be for Close/Clovse / Class/Klassen liners. The "Felis" motto term of Keens can be for Fallis / Falaise liners, suspect with "Valais."

I feel as though I'm finished the dragon hunt, with only the fine details left. I keep returning to the same story no matter what regions are investigated. All pertinent surnames bring me back to this. The current update, however, is shedding new light in the Sion theater's western parts, in Vaud, location of LAUSanne, suspect from Laus = Ragusa, home of the Saraca's which I see in the Keen and Keon fish. The Flanders part of the Childeric liners came from Blanda, beside another Laus location. They must have met at Belgium's Lys river. The Laus fish evolved into a lilly when these Laus entities settled on the Belgian Lys around / in Lille, less than 25 miles from Tournai.

As I have traced the Saraca fish back to Caracalla liners in Grasse, it's notable that Grasse is near Marsi-suspect Marseilles. The English Grasse's are using the same lion as Fallis', and the Italian branch of Fallis' were first found in the same place (Venice, general origin of Merovingians) as Pesci's that show nothing but what I think is the Saraca fish. See it also with Verona's/Vairs along with what look like the Fallis trefoils. I don't know how long Saraca's had the fish, or what they were called in the time frame of the first Franks, and so I'm being very general with my comments here. Proto-Saraca's named Saracena, I strongly think. They are expected to have been merged with neighboring Laus.

Hohens of the Valais Kind

In the Sarine area, a Granges-Paccot location with a fish "NAINaint" in it's Arms. The fish, like the Saraca / Bute/Boet fish, is on a fesse. If that heraldic code is partly for Nains/Nanets, they are said to have been first found in Hainaut. They use a Shield filled with checks in the colors of the same of Warrens, interesting where fish-using Verona's/Vairs are likely a branch of Varenne's/Verone's. The Nain checks can be the Cohen checks. One can dig deeper into other locations in the Sarine area, expecting it to trace as much to VERINgers as to their Zahringer kin.

The Hatchets/Hackets, honored in the hatchets of the Zerrs/Zehrers, are using trefoils and fish together. The trefoils are expected to be those of Albins/Aubins because the latter's Mea kin are in the "mea" motto term of Hackets. The Hacket write-up suggests that they were a branch of fish-using Hykes/Hake's. Hackets share the double-headed eagle, almost, of Seers.

Compare the Mather Chief to the Seer Chief, for there is a MATRan river in Sarine that caused a look at the Mathers, which happened to be immediately after writing the paragraph above. Avry, for example, is on the Matran. The Arms of Matran (cornucopia filled with leaved roses) have a lion in Mather colors. The location is said to have been MARtrans when first mentioned in 1123. The Matran lion is gold and upright, like the Marter/Martin lion.

Seers are said to be from a Serez location in Evreux. Mathers use two fesse bars that are often code for heraldic "GEMEL" (= twin), and then Seers were first found in Colchester, what was earlier CAMULOdunum. The Harcourts (see also the Manners/Maness') use two fesse bars while Hatchets/Hackets are said to be from Harcourt. The latter have a "Le bon" motto phrase while Le Bons, as with Mathers, use a crescent between two stars in Chief. One Harcourt location is at the Evreux theater. Compare Avry / Avery-like terms to "Evreux," for Averys are in Abreu colors.

Benedicts (Avery colors) use "De Bon." I've just realized something: the De Bons are using the Alda/Audi Shield because Le Bons show "BonALDI/BonAUDO," The De Bon lion (probably the Odin lion) is in Ottone colors while the De Bon Shield is split in Otone/Olten colors, and De Bons were even first found in the same place (Milan) as Ottone Visconti, making the De Bin lion suspect as a white version of the gold Sforza lion (Visconti titles passed to Sforza's). As Rita's were first found in the same place (Rome) as Sforza's (and the Benedict-based Pierleoni), the Rita lion is suspect with a white version of the Sforza lion too. That makes the gold Bone lions suspect with the Sforza lion, but then the Gate's look to be using the same gold lion on the De Bon Shield.

While Alders are listed with Colters, Galts (just a big bear) were first found in the same place as Colts/Cults, possibly revealing Alda / Ottone liners as a branch of, or merger with, Colt liners. As Ottone's are now suspect with Otto, son of the Fowler, note that Benedicts use a "Vouloir" motto term, like the Vouler variation of Fowlers. The Fogg/Fogh terms in the Fowler variations suggests that the Foggs/Foghs and Figgs are using the Ottone annulets round-about. As Frocks appear to be with a version of the Fogg / Figg Coats, their Frogg variation seems to be play on "Fogg," and one wonders whether this Frogg bloodline is part of the NATO leadership today as per the previous leader, Ander Fogh Rasmussen.

There is another lance in the Sarine valley, in the Arms of AUTigny: "Autigny is first mentioned in 1068 as ALTignei. The municipality was formerly known by its German name OTTENach, however, that name is no longer used". The Arms, in Button colors, also has BOTTONy crosses in colors reversed from the similar flory crosses of Bouillons. There are four Otten surnames, the German one being an branch, in my opinion, of Oettingen-Oettingen, Oddie's and Odins. German Ottens happen to share a white fesse with Alda's/Audi's, the latter first found in the same place as the Bouillon kin of Taddei's. It doesn't appear coincidental.

There was a house of Oettinger-WALLERstein. Looking into Wallers (Nottinghamshire), I find them using a motto phrase, "frucTUS VirTUTis," which seems to be for the button-using Tous', likely kin of Tute liners of the Tosni kind, very linkable to Taddei's. Tosni's lived in Normandy's Louviers, but there is a La Louviere location some 15 miles from Levi-ruled Mons. Especially as English Louvier's are listed with Louvains, Wallers look like a Levi / Louvain / Leavell link to Mons. French Louvier's use the Vaux/Valibus / Mullent checks so as to link to the Beaumonts of Meulan, married by Gouel de PerceVAL, and while Wells were a branch of Valibus', German Wellers share the DeVAUX/DeVAUD pelican...which can indicate a link to Autigny because it's in VAUD. It should be reminded here that while Autigny is in the FREIbourg area, Freie's use the same lion as Louvier's/Louvains.

Then, Godfreys use the pelican in the colors of the Weller LEAVES, and the "libertas" motto term of Godfreys is a term in the Chief of Dino's (same place as Taddei's) said to be from TADDEO Dini. Like English Wallers, Dino's use a tree. The Shield-and-Chief color combination of Dino's is that of Scottish Alda's/AULDs (share "Virtute" with Wallers), and the split Shield of Italian Alda's can be using the Cohen-Hohen colors for the following reason.

Percivals have a bear linking to the bear of Zahringers, and the Berne area around Fribourg, and while Zahringers operated out of Button-like Baden and Wurttemberg, see this: "Oettingen-Wallerstein is a noble family related to a former County in modern-day eastern Baden-Wurttemberg and western Bavaria, Germany...The Oettingen family was first mentioned in 1147 with Ludovicus comes de Otingen, a relative of the Imperial House of HOHENstaufen who was granted the county surrounding the Imperial city of Nordlingen as a fief." Midway down the page above, there is an old Arms showing a central escutcheon with a 'Z' upon it, likely for Zahringers.

The article shows the Arms of Oettingen-Wallerstein, same as the Arms of Oettingen-Oettingen, using VAIR FUR in the colors of the Vaux / Louvier checks, and these checks are half in the colors of the HOHEN checks. Here are the Hohen checks in the VAIR/Fers Coat. Vairs / Vere's were of the Veringer kin of Zahringers, weren't they? This was the line of Melissena Rangabe and her Varangian husband, wasn't it? Yes, and Rangabe's share the white flory cross with Bouillons / Taddei's. But then this picture must trace to MeluSINE at Sion, home of Walsers that could of course have been Wellers. And Walsers lived on Aosta's Lys river (tributary of the Bautica) that is partly responsible for the flory cross under discussion, likely named on behalf of Florence, where Alda's were first found who use a version of the Taddei Chief. It appears that Oettingens and Ottingers/Ottens were Alda liners, doesn't it?

The FURs/Fire's/Feuers share the Rasmussen unicorn, and I've seen a Vere coat with frogs. Why? Is it using the Avery fesse? It's in Arthur colors for the expected trace to Arduinici at Ivrea on the Bautica. And Arthurs use another pelican while their "ObSTANTiIA" motto term becomes linkable to the "conSTANTIA" of Alda's. The so-called Arthur rest looks like that little thing under the dog of the Oettingen-Waller Arms. But the Arthur rest has also been called a clarion, and it was shared with the Hicks when an Arthur family married Hicks of Clapton (Somerset, same as Leavells, Badens/Battins, and beside the Buttons/Bidens). It just so happens that English Wallers use a "Hic" motto term. And while the Hohenstaufens and/or Hohenzollerns used black-and-white quadrants, those are the colors of the same of Chives' and their Hykes'/Hack kin. Ottingers/Ottens use gold-and-black quadrants. Chives' share "virtute" with Alda's. The Hykes'/Hacks were a branch of Zehrer-beloved Hatchets/Hackets, right? Yes, and the axe in the Crest of Zerrs/Zehrers is for the Axe river of Somerset, where Ivery-related Were's were from.

Well, from pelicans to storks, one can see the shift. Here's on Oettingen-Oettingen: "According to legend, when the Count [Ludwig XVI of Oettingen] left the town after the Schmalkaldic War, the storks also moved away and never came back. It wasn't until much later in 1563 when the count came back that the storks, too, wandered back into the town and have remained there up to this day." That sounds like the reason that English Odins are said to be from Yorkshire's Storkhouse. It tends to link the namers of Storkhouse, and a stork symbol, to Oettingen-Oettingen...which devised a fanciful legend on behalf of this symbol.

Are the Revelation frogs pertaining to this circle of families? Why would frogs be used to symbolize the anti-Christ? There is no Biblical precedent for a satanic frog symbol.

There is even a Belgian Otten/Oden surname using "stirrups." This recalls my trace of mythical Odin to the Scandinavian Sitones, and therefore to Sitten/Sion. It recalls that there is a Seaton location near the mouth of the Axe river, in Devon, where Hykes/Hacks were first found. English Latins/Lattons use a counterchanged saltire in the colors of the counterchanged Hykes cross, but Italian Latins (Florence) use stirrups. As Hykes' are linkable to Eatons while Eatons were once showing the cross of Samsons who in-turn share the Hykes scallops, the Latins/Lattons look like they are a branch of Letts/Late's (same place as Samsons) honored in the "letho" motto term of Samsons. And the Letters/Lauders (Lothian area) share the griffin of Alda's.

Latins/Lattons are said to descend from ESTOUTville's, perhaps the Stout-raven viking that I see as Varangians (lived in the same place as Sitones). Stout vikings were in organ-like ORKNey while Letts/Late's use organ pipes. Stout vikings were also in Seaton-like SHETland. One branch of the Estoutville-Lattons is said to have been at Kildare, where Eustace's were first found that use a cross in the colors of the Italian-Latin saltire. There is a question on whether the Stout fesse bars are those of Mathers. The latter became a topic at Vaud's Matran location, the river by the same name flowing through Avry. Let me repeat: "The Arms of Matran (cornucopia filled with leaved roses) have a lion in Mather colors. The location is said to have been MARtrans when first mentioned in 1123. The Matran lion is gold and upright, like the Marter/Martin lion."

The Marters/Martins, who look like they should link to Lamberts and Luna's, were first found in OLDENburg, and Oldens/ALDens (looks like another Alda / Otten / Otone/Olten line) happen to share white-on-red crescents with Lamberts and Luna's. Lamberts use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Alda's in colors reversed. Moreover, there is a gold and upright lion in the Olden Crest so that the namers of Oldenburg appear related to Marters/Martins. The leaved roses of Matran may indicate the Laevi, kin of Marici, and the Rose clan was beside Moray, where the stars of French Lamberts may trace. Morays use Melusine in Crest, and a "Tout" motto term traceable to Alda kin in Florence. The Alda griffin is also the Tooth griffin, and Tooths are suspect with the "VirTute" motto term of Alda's. Tooths and Feathers use feathers while one Moray Coat no longer showing had FETTERlocks. Moray had been suspect with Transylvania Khazars from times before I knew of Melissena Rangabe and her royal-Khazar mother. Cohens along with Hohens were Khazars, we may assume, because Jewish Cohens (same stars as Morays) list "Kagan." The Mures-river Khazars were at BIHARia while the Arms of Shetland (raven) use a "BYGGAR" motto term, and Biggers (same place as MeluSINE-suspect Sine's/Sions), likely using the stars of Melusine-liner Glass', show another pelican and share a bend in the colors of the same of Irish Cohens/Keons. The Transylvanian Khazars were apparently in Shetland too, likely as a result of merging with the Varangian Rus of Kiev.

What we seem to have found here is that Biggers, likely using the Arms-of-Sion / Arms-of-Valais stars, were in cahoots with Otten liners. It can reveal that Oettingen Bavarians were Mures-river Khazars, and then Hohenstaufens / Hohenzollers originated in Swabia, which is partly in Baden, and partly in Bavaria. "Swabia" is known to be from the Swedish Suebi peoples, but they trace with their Semnones kin to the Sabine's and their Samnite branch. It just brings us right back to Sabina and the Marsi to it's south-east. It can explain why Savone's/Saffins (same place as Badens/Battins) share the same crescent as Irish Martins.

French Martins (same place as Martels), share the white castle of English Forts, and the latter are with an "AUDax" motto term, and happen to share the quadrants of Otone's/Oltens, for which reason the Fort-Chief stars can be those of ELTONs, first found in the same place as Otone's/OLTENs. This place was Cheshire, location of Macclesfield, the Arms of which uses a "copia" motto term that can link to the Matran cornucopia. Forts are highly suspect as Sforza's because the latter took the titles of the Visconti's descended from Ottone, but then the lion holding the Matran (or Martrans) cornucopia can be the Sforza lion. The Reeds, who use a "copia" motto term, were from Rieti i.e. at the Marsi side of Sabina.

Italian Forts/FortiGUERRA's are using the same upright demi horse as the Arms of STUTTgart (Baden-Wurttemberg). It dawns on me here that "audax" can be code for EUDOXia, daughter of Melissena Rangabe. Why did they name her such? Was that name an Otto-related one? The French Eudes name was also, Odo. There is a demi horse also in the Spielburg Coat while Oettingens had an Oettingen-Spielburg branch. "Spiel" reminds of the swallows of Swallows and Arundels, the latter from Shropshire, where Frocks/Froggs were first found. The Spielburg horse (Rangabe colors) gives the impression of the Roxburgh Coat, and QUINT-suspect Maxtons, from Roxburgh's Maxton, share the bee with Forts. The Sforza lion holds a QUINCE. Spielburgs: "...a blue triANGLE SUPERimposed with a silver demi-horse..." The Angle's not only use a demi horse, but a "super" motto term.

The fesse of Forts/Fortiguerra's (colors reversed from the Rundel fesse) is the same one as per the Vere Coat with frogs. This recalls that Irish Vere's are using the Bavarian lozengy in red, in the colors of the Grimaldi lozenges, which are in the colors of the Vair/Fers / Hohen checks. It just so happens that Frocks/Froggs were looked up in the first place as per the "frock" code in the Grimaldi write-up.

The Spielburgs/Spillburgs caused a look at Seville's/Saville's. The latter have a long write-up that should commented upon. They share the owl of the Fowler Crest, first off, and Henry the Fowler was father of Otto I. It fits right into this discussion. As Fowlers were linkable to Pierleoni, it can be mentioned that Froggits us a parrot. Pierleoni were of Rome, where Sforza's were first found, and the Fowler lions may be those round-about of Sforza's. Froggits (frogs) can be Fowler-important where it Foggs/Foghs share the Frock/Frogg annulets while Fowlers were also VOGlers / FOGHlers...perhaps from lake FUCino, home of the Marsi. In fact, the "Sapiens" motto term of Fowlers may be for some Sabine entity. Porcius Cato, from Sabina, was a Pierleoni liner, right? And the Pierleoni-related Rita's (Rome) trace to Rieti too, right?

Plus, Froggits use a "bunch of cherries" while the Bunch Crest is a stork. It can thus trace from the Oettingens to the Odins of Yorkshire, where Seville's/Saville's and Swale's were first found. The Bunch's share a red fesse with Rundels, and one branch of Saville's is said to have been the earl of Sussex, location of Arun and the Arundels thereof. Rundels were first found in SHAWia-laden Kent, which is mentioned because SAVille's may have been Shawia. If correct, Arun liners may have been Aures liners. For example, Ayer-related Eyers and Heyers were first found in the same place (Derbyshire) as Froggits. If you didn't catch the full significance of this paragraph, the Arundel swallows are code for Swallows (Saville colors), likely a Saville branch.

Arundels have their swallows in the format of the SAVage lions, and Savage's were first found in the same place as the Sabine-liner Sale's/Salletts (Salto river at Rieti), the latter sharing the format of Saville's. Roets were first found in the same place as SAVone's/Saffins, which place was Somerset, where the Arundels had 28 lordships. It's interesting that Swallows are in Mott colors while said to be from an ancient MODEShole location (Cornwall).

It looks like Arundels, Rundels, and Rounds were merged with various Sabine liners. Why? The Aarons/Arens use clouds, possible code for McLeods/Clouds, the latter having a motto, "HOLD fast," while Saville's use "Be fast." It can thereby be gleaned that the Fast quadrants are a version of the Aaron/Aren and Aren/Ahren quadrants, which effectively makes the link certain, for the first time, between Aarons and Arundels. The Fast and Aren quadrants are those of PETTYs who share the parrot with Froggits. The Peeble's use parrot too, and I trace Peeble's to "Pavia," co-founded by the Marsi-suspect Marici. The Froggit-beloved Bunch's (PERTHshire) can be gleaned as a merger with Perts/PETTs (share stork with Bunch's). The Bunch fleur-de-lys are in the colors of the same of Spanish Petro's. Perts are the Mont-Pilat liners that use bulrushes tracing in multiple ways (earlier in this update) to the Zahringer-suspect Sarine river. There is a chance that the Sarine was named by a branch of Sauers, said to be named after the SAVa river.

The cloud-using Jeffreys were first found in Peebles-shire.

Swale's married the family of John of Gaunt, himself married to Reed-related Roets, yet another reason to trace Swallow / Saville liners to Sabina and/or Swabia. Swale's are said to be from STAINley Hall (Yorkshire), and Saville's from STAINland (Yorkshire) which recalls the lengthy discussion (last update) on Stanleys of AUDley. No coincidence, suggesting that Oettinger / Alda liners were at Stainland, same place as Storkhouse. I believe that the Arthur motto term, "obSTANTia," is code for Stants/STAINs, but also for Hobs/Habs, which recalls the stirrUPs of Belgian Ottens. The "ConSTANTia" motto term of Alda's can now be clinched with Stainland and Stainley Hall. STAINers use a stork.

The Saville write-up tells that some writers traced the family "fancifully" to Italians, but then discredits that notion for a trace to SILKston instead. That's the sort of thing you'll get from the British who don't like Italians much. The Arundels are known to have married Italians. English Silks/Silcocks, in case they apply to Silkston, were first found in Derbyshire, and may be a branch of Sellicks. Irish Silks/SHEEDys (pheons in Geddes colors) may be using the lion of Odins of Storkhouse. The Silks/Silcocks use two features of the Schutz's so that the Sheedy variation of Irish Silks may be a branch of Sheets' / Scheds / Skits / Sheds, the latter two first found in Ayrshire i.e. where some Derbyshire elements had links. Scheds and Sheds are linkable via the Brocuff, Brock, Saluzzo and Clun Shields to FitzAlans of Arundel.

It's notable that Skits and Sheets' are using the hourglass design (my term) in colors reversed from the same in the Arms of Ferpiclos and the Arms of Senedes, both locations being along the Sarine valley. Ferpicloz was looking like a Pike liner, and Pike's are kin of Geddes'. Silks/Sheedys are in Geddes colors all around, and while Geddes are sharing the Chaddock / Chadwick escutcheon, Chads share the potent cross with Skits, Sheets', Scheds and Brocuffs. It appears, therefore, that we have just seen a way to equate Geddes' with Shed / Sheetz liners. Brocks and Stewarts both use "VireSCIT."

I kid you not, that, in my story (last update) of the Negro attempt to mug me in Galveston, there was an incident I did not share, which just came to mind. I was going to say here that the Galveston incident (which I claimed to be a Sign for unveiling the dragon entities of concern to God in these last days) led to the clasping symbol of Aarons, and was intend on mentioning the SKEOCH variation of Skits in combination with that Aaron entity. That is, I was going to mention Aarons along with Shoe's/SCHUCH, but when getting right down to it when it was time to start this paragraph, I couldn't see a direct link between the Galveston incident and the Shoe/Schuch surname. Yet, the point is, something was egging me on to make that link. The best I could make the link in the last update was when the Negro's "weapon" struck my knee as he was plunging it toward my body. The knee code is in the description of the Knight-related Shoe's/Schuchs, and Knights with Knee's not only trace to Eyers, but to the Nith river, where proto-Geddes lived. It means that Shoe liners can trace to the Nith along with Sheedys = Geddes, you see. Galves' are suspect with the Chad Shield.

But as I started to write the paragraph above, I remembered a part of the incident not yet told. Let me take it from the top. I was sleeping in the back of the truck on a quite street in Galveston, when a man woke me up around 1 am. He spoke to me from the open side window, saying, "What the ^$@% you doing here, don't you know someone can blow you away?" Those were his very words. So I started to put on my pants, while he rambled on. I was thinking he had a gun. As a car drove with headlights toward us, it gave me the opportunity to get out of the truck. He didn't resist it, and I found myself standing outside with him. My only agenda at that time was to get the keys inside the cab, but I had to lean deep into it, making me vulnerable.

No matter, it had to be done, and as I reached, his hand came close to me, but it turned out he was offering me a cigarette instead, from his cigarette package. He started saying stupid things like, "we could go into business together," which I didn't understand at the time. I think, now, that he was terribly afraid I was reaching in to get my gun, and so, suddenly, he was my best friend. Instead, I was grabbing my SHOES, because I had put the keys in them. The rest of the story is in the last update. It centered on the Jeffrey surname's cloud. I've been considering what the full significance of the Jeffrey surname may be as it pertains to the modern day.

Now, believe it or not, Sheedys are listed with Silks while Sellicks (could be the Chaddock Shield but with a border) were first found in the same place (Herefordshire) as Jeffreys and Jeffersons. Savona's/Sabine's, first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Skits/Skeochs, share what looks like the Sellick Coat, making Sellicks suspect with Sale liners, and therefore with the Saville bend. The latter has owls upon it as code for Howells, for the Saville write-up says that a branch of the family held Howley Hall. Sales's use pheons instead of the owls, but pheons are the Silk/Sheedy symbol too.

Howleys were first found in the same place as Sale's/Salletts. Howells can be using the towers of Thors/Thorns, the latter suspect with the Turano river, parallel with the Salto at Sabina. It just so happens that Saville's are said to have had a branch in Yorkshire's THORNhill. Thorns, first found in Somerset (i.e. same as Savone's/Saffins et-al), may therefore be using the lions of Savage's (same place as Sales'). The "Ex" motto term of Thorns gives away their being kin of Exeters, and if the Thorn fesse is that of Bunch's, the Binks come to mind suspect with the quadrants of Chives', the latter first found in the same place (Devon) as Exeter and the Thors. CHIVES' trace to CHIVASSO, beside Thorn-like Turin. Turins/Thurins were first found beside the Chives' of Tarves. Thorntons were first found in the same place as Sale's, and may be using the purple lion of Yorkshire (Skiptons and Lacys).

Hmm, Scottish Thorntons have DRAIN-like variations indicating that Dragons/Drainers were actually Turano > Turin liners. This works because Dragons/Drainers were a branch of Pendragons (= Sale kin) while Pendragons were from the Penestae Illyrians on the DRIN river. The Penestae capital, Uscana, traces to Oscans of the Sabina theater, you see. It tends to indicate that the TURANo was named after peoples on the DRIN. Scottish Thorntons share the heart with Swedish Thors and Shoe-liner Skits/Skeochs.

In the last few weeks, I claimed that events while I was a shoe Salesman were intended by God to help in this dragon hunt. I know it sounds wacky but it happens to be true; the evidence has overwhelmed me. I was a shoe salesman in two malls, both in Scarburgh, and it just so happens that the 3rd update of last month, where I told the show-salesman events, was where Scarborough's had become a topic. I now find here that the Saville's of Thornton married the earl of Scarborough. And Scarborough's can play right into the cloud that was central in the Galveston mugging.

Scarborough's/Scarburgs (Yorkshire) are suspect with the Spice towers, yet Thors and Howells use towers too, that symbol expected to be fundamental with Turin liners. Not forgetting that Saville's were of Howley Hall, Yorkshire has a so-called "Sigurd's HOWE," otherwise known as Heslington Hall, and Heslingtons (colors reversed from Howleys) were traced to Hasdrubal, the name of Carthaginians that were in alliance with the Numidian, Syphax. It just so happens that Spice's (same place as Thors) were trace to "Syphax," and that this was part of the shoe-salesmen topic. The Shoe-related Sheedys / Geddes' have been suspect with the Getuli / Geta Numidians. And this makes "Caiaphas" all-the-more suspect with "Syphax," and so I'm eager to understand where this Galveston cloud is taking me, and why.

I recall that Scarboroughs became a topic from the Sich/Sykes surname, which uses the motto phrase, "Sapiens QUI," what can be for Key liner-Shaws as well as Sabine liners. Together, this predicts that Sabina and Savona was named by the Shawia Numidians, but I want to know whether "sapiens" was chosen to indicate Syphax liners. Perhaps he was named by the Safini = Sabines. Sichs/Sykes' were in Sledmere of Yorkshire.

Fowlers are the others one's using "Sapien," The Sich surname came to mind with the "Sic" motto term, shared by Irish Manns/Maghens that I trace to the Maccus vikings in the Isle of Man. I trace the same vikings to the Herods/Haralds/Hurls, all three surnames, and more like them, listed as septs of McLeods/Clouds. The latter were first found in SKYE, an island evoking "SYKES."

The Sichs are the ones with the fountains of Cass' / Kiss'/Cush's that can in-turn link to the cushion of Bible's/Bibo's, and the latter share the red rooster with SALTers (Shield somewhat like that of Sellicks). Salters use two colors for their ROUNDELs, and were first found in the same place as Clun, home of ARUNDELs. The Sich "fountains" are actually roundels with someone's wavy bars. The red Salter roundels are TORTeaux, while the Sich Crest shows a TORToise. However, the description page says that the Sich Crest is "A demi triton aDORNed with flags." McLeods use flags too. Dorns can be Thornhill liners (i.e. from whom the Saville's are said to descend).

Chives' share "non vi" with owl-using Taggerts, and the latter share a black-on-white bend with owl-using Saville's. Can't Taggerts be a branch of Teegers/Teague's, the latter listed as yet another McLeod sept? As Teegers are highly suspect with the parentage of Caiaphas from Quintus Caepio, while Scarboroughs are expected to be using the Quint Shield, the cloud Sign may be leading to something of the McLeods.

Note that while the McLeod bull head at the page above is black, houseofnames shows it in white. In black, it could be the Waleran bull head. Walerans happen to use a motto, "SIC vos NON vobis." That's my story and I'm sichen to it. Walerans and McLeods both put gold horns on their black bull head. Walerans are from Laevillus, and he married the line of Teeger-suspect TIGRanes, a Herod on one side. Tigranes was married to Glaphyra Archelaus, and then the Herods/Haralds/Hurls were first found in ARCHELaus-like ARGYLLshire. The McLeods were probably in Argyllshire while settling Skye.

Note that the Jeffrey fesse is white, the color of the Alda and Otten fesse. Until realizing that, I wasn't going to say that the Jeffrey stars could be those of Eltons. The idea was that the McLeod motto term, "HOLD," could link to OLTens and ELTons, both first found in the same place as Sale's, etc. But I didn't think I had enough evidence to mention this possible link until finding the white-fesse matches above. Again, these Jeffreys (Peeble-like "PHOEBus" motto term) were first found in Peebles-shire, itself suspect with Pavia/Papia, home of the Marici that I trace to the Marsi of the upper Salto watershed. It just so happens that three stars on white fesse are shared between Jeffreys and TIGER-using Medleys (same place as cloud-related Arundels). It's a certain match because Methleys (Yorkshire again) are even using three bars in the colors of the three and three of Jeffreys. The latter six are the six of German Julians in colors reversed, important because Caiaphas is suspect from a Julius-Caepio bloodline.

The Medleys and Methley stars are in their Chiefs and can therefore be the same-colored stars in the Savona Chief. Methleys were from between Leeds and PontFRACT, interesting because Methleys are in Frock/Frogg / Fogg / Figg colors while Froggits share the parrot with the Peeble's. Kin of Parrots (pears) can include Purys (same place as Pears/Pearls) that share the Jeffrey stars-on-fesse in colors reversed. But Purys also share black martlets with French Josephs.

Back to the Sledmere location of Sichs/Sykes'. The Sleds/Slade's (Pepin / Mens / Este liners) share "audax" with English Forts, and the horse with Italian Forts. As Mens / Manner liners, they can trace to the Isle of Man. But Mens' are kin of Glenns and Glennys who share the FOOTless Pury martlets, which should explain why the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Sleds/Slade's/SLATs (from "Salto"?) and Glennys is colors reversed from that of Parrots. The FOOT-related FOTHES' (Levi chevron?) were first found in the same place (Aberdeenshire) as Glennys, and Fothes' share the cornucopia with the Arms of Matran. And the Matran river is near LYSS, suspect with the footLESS martlet. LESlie's were first found in Aberdeenshire, and share a "fast" motto term with McLeods. Mathers ("Fort" motto term buried) were first found in Aberdeenshire, what a "coincidence."

I don't think I've understood all of what the Galveston event means. Okay, so what if the cloud-on-sun that I saw (hours before being mugged) links between Jeffreys and McLeods? And so what if it all traces to the islands between Scotland and Ireland? What does this do for us today? And so what if it all traces from north Africa's world-conquest Tyrians and Trojans? What am I to get from this? Well, it seems that this information is helpful for understanding / proving the lines of Joseph Caiaphas, and I think it's important for the world to know that such lines have exists upon the highest thrones of this world, both historically and in modern globalism. It's a new concept that, not just the Illuminati or Rosicrucianism, is from the killers of Jesus, but the leaders and sub-leaders of many countries besides.

Savone's, we may bet, are using the stars of French Julians. These stars are in the EU flag, and they were accessed partly from Bauers, and partly from Madariaga's, we may assume, for the Madariaga family was at the roots of the EU, a family that is suspect with "Mather" (check out the star colors). The Madariaga family furnished Javier Solana, first a NATO Chief, and then a leader of the EU itself. The Bauers were proto-Rothschilds, said by many to have issued from the Bavarian Illuminati, and then the related Bowers were first found in the same place (Peebles) as Jeffreys.

I kid you not, I hadn't checked the Hold/Holt surname (uses the Hazel squirrel) until writing to the point above, and it turns out that Holds (in the McLeod motto) share the two fesse bars of Mathers (list a Mother variation). The latter had been suspect, on a whim to begin with, with the mother of Joseph Caiaphas, and here the McLeods are tracing in several ways exactly to the circles that I see in birthing him. The fitchee in the Hold/Holt Crest gives away their being a merger with Stouts, and as Stouts can be from Stuttgart, which shares the Fort horse in both colors, so the Mathers indicate that they were Fort kin. The same two fesse bars, in colors reversed, are used by Manners/Maness', and the Purys, now suspect with the Jeffrey Coat, were first found due to the "Pour y" motto phrase of Maness'. It took me some years more to realize that the "parvenir" motto term was code for Parrs.

As the Holds/Holts use a squirrel HOLDing a hazel branch, we can be sure that these McLeod kin merged with Hazels, but then Hazeltons (same place as Mathers) are listed with Heslingtons (LEAVES). And Heslingtons use a "FOCis" motto term that can perhaps go to Fogh / Fucino liners. It's suspect with Foca/Phocaea, on the Lydian shore near LESbos. As Hold liners are now expected with Alda liners, note the "ExALTAvit" motto term of Holds/Holts. As McLeods share a motto term with Leslie's (Biggar / Knee / Stanley bend?), note the Hold/Holt motto term, "humiLES." The shared motto term, "fast," is the one that gets the Fast surname with quadrants in the colors of the same of Arens, and half in the colors of the cloud-using Aarons/Arens, the latter a Jewish surname. What are Scottish islanders doing hooking up with Jews? We could ask the Hebrides islands, where Skye is located, if they know anything about Hebrews. In the mean time, we can ask Abruzzo the same thing.

The third surname using a "fast" motto term are the Sava-suspect Saville's. The Saville's and Swale's were of Stanley elements in Yorkshire, and so note that Stanleys and Knee's use what could be a version of the Leslie Coat, for Leslie's traced, in my opinion, to Lesce upon the Sava river smack at the Bled part of it. Bloods/Bluds share the stag with Stanleys and Knee's. Shawia Numidians, right? It's the same story over and over again, and I'm Sitheching to it. The Blade's share the same saltire as Howleys, the latter suspect at the Howley Hall of Saville's.

If Nie's/Neys were a branch of Knee's, it's Jeffrey-interesting that Nie's/Neys may be using the Medley / Methley bars. Knee's are said to be from a Mirren location in Ireland, and then the Negro thief knocked the rear-view mirror off of my truck when pushing my head into it. The heraldic mirror is code for Khazar liners to Anjou's Mire's/Mireux's (MYRTLe tree), perhaps a branch of Mirren. It just so happens that Saville's are said to be from Saville in Anjou. The MYRtons/Murtons use bends in the colors of the Knee bends. Immediately after my head was pushed into the mirror, the thief raised his fake weapon and plunged it toward me, striking my bending knee (it popped out of his hand). He clasped my throat with both hands, demanding the keys that came out of my shoes. The Aarons/Arens use two hands from clouds "clasping" one another. It's why I expect Jeffreys to be a merger with Aarons / Arens / Arundels.

Let's now look at the "Sans changer" motto of Stanleys, for the Sans'/Sainz'/Sanguez' (Castile) use the same eagle as Arens/Ahrens. It's in Mather / Madariaga colors. Stanleys are also Stoneleys while Stoners (Shakespeare colors) share the gold, spread eagle with Sans'. The Shakespeare Crest shares a spread eagle (white) with the Stoner Crest. The latter are Spanish, but Spain has had Sephardic Jews to which the Aarons may trace. As Changers use nothing but three fesse bars in colors reversed from the two of Mathers, let's add that Madariaga's and Solana's are Spanish. There is no description page for Madariaga to see what the items are in the Coat's border, but if they are chain links, then it could indicate Chaine's/Chenays, like "Changer." The Madariaga besants, because they are in two colors, but not split down the middle, might even be called, counterCHANGED. Yes, I think this is accurate; it looks like Stanleys link to Madariaga's and sans' together. The Stoner description: "A shield divided perfesse black and gold with a pale COUNTERCHANGED and three gold eagles." That is, the central part is in counterchanged colors, from the rest of the Shield, because the Stoners were linked either to Counters or Changers or both. It's interesting that MADariaga's share besants on blue with METz's, both using nine items. Stanleys share a bend with gold items with Cheneys.

Stone's not only share the spread eagle in both colors of the Sans eagle, but have the same split Shield as Alda's/Audi's ("ConSTANTia"), important where Stanleys are said to descend from Audleys. This clinches both the Sans and Stoner / Stone link to Stanleys and meanwhile clinches the Alda equation with Audleys even harder than before. They can all trace to the Alde river in Suffolk, location of the Knight / Knee bloodline. Both the Eye location near the Alde, and the Alda's, were AYRshire elements, interesting where the Sens'/Senns are said to be from Switzerland's AARgau ("gua" is a suffix). Stone's use a gold eagle "DISplayed," and then Diss is near the source of the Alde.

I think that the Sans' and Sens' (same colors) were from Sion's namers, perhaps from the ancient Sensii, for the latter were to the near south of the Cotesii while the Sens' Coat has the look of Cotta-suspect Aurelia's. Cotta's were first found in the same place (Languedoc, within reach of Spanish politics) as French Conte's who share a white-on-blue crescent with Sens'/Senns and falcons. The Sine's/Sions use "falconers' gloves." Conte's are important here because Counters are listed with English Conte's.

It's no great surprise (but welcome) that French Blois', who share the white-on-blue patee cross of Sens'/Senns, are using a Shield like that of Aurelia's, for Blois was politically united with Aurelia-suspect Orleans. One can then ask why Oleans', Orells, and Ore's all share red roundels with Madariaga's? English Blois' (Alda-griffin colors) were first found in the same place as the Alde river.

As I identified the SAUNier Coat with the Aurelia Coat, it now appears that the Saunier's were Sans / Sens liners. The Saunier Coat compares with the Coat of Languedoc's Conte's, and Mr. Sauniere of Rennes-le-Chateau was in Languedoc. Saunier's share the same star as Madariaga's. Saunier's/Saulnier's (Perigord) were found with branches such as Chaulneys (Perigord), and the latter lists "Fage / Faux" while English Faux's/Fawkes', said to be from Vaux's and therefore traceable to Waleran of Perceval, use a falcon. Once again, the Saunier link to Conte liners is evident. Falcons (Languedoc) are also "FalCONTE." But everything in this discussion traces to Aurelia Cotta / Julius Caesar, and we saw Madariaga's tracing to the same earlier. Then, Waleran traces to Lupus Laevillus.

It just so happens that Fulke's/Fowke's use the double-tipped Shakespeare spear. As Faux's/Fawkes' are said to be from the Vals / VALibus surname, it stands to reason that FALconte's were a Valibus / Faux merger with Conte's. When we get to the falconers gloves of Sions, it suggests that they are code for Fulk-of-Anjou kin, for Valibus' were a Weller branch that traces to Walsers at Sion. The wells even share the lion of Italian Conte's (and Kennedy-beloved Lafins). This is where I can repeat that the thief's first words to me were, "...don't you know someone could BLOW you away." The Blows/Bloors (Blois liners?) used goats in the colors of the Walser goats. The Blue's use roosters for a potential link to the Bible/Bibo rooster, for Wellers trace to Vibia Varia. Fulke's are said to have been granted land by William de Warrene, a likely Vere liner, now suspect with "Varia." Blows/Bloors were at Staffordshire's Blore HEATH, and Heaths/Heths, in Bloor colors, use the rooster too. Heaths/Heths were first found in Durham, where Conte's/Counters were first found. Conteville's were descended directly from John de Burgo of Conteville, and their Irish-Burgh branch share the Eustace cross. Eustace II (Pas-de-Calais) was linkable to a Comines location because it is in Pas-de-Calais.

I had been wondering whether to tell that, once I was inside the back of the truck, I locked myself from the inside by squeezing on VICE-grips in such a way that the latch couldn't turn from the outside. My position is that God was able to arrange all the particulars of this event for maximum meaning, for use later when I would be investigating surname connections. Although the event had to do with Godfrey-suspect Jeffreys, I had forgotten (until now) that the Vice/Vise surname was linked some months ago to the Eustace's. It's perfect, for Godfrey III married Eustace's daughter. The Vice stag is in the colors of the Conte antlers.

The Eustace stag has a cross between it's antlers, as does the Vice/Vise stag. There is some similarity between "Vis" and "Eus." The Stagg(er)s use a cross between the antlers too, and are likely of the Stacey variation of Eustace's. The Counters are listed with Conte's, kin of Cone's, both using antlers. The variations of Cone's can suggest Cohens, and therefore Kos liners, interesting where I've traced Antlers to Antalya, not far from Kos. Cone's are in Plunkett colors while Plancia magna was from Burgo-like Perga, right beside Antalya. Cone's have a GAUNTlet hand in Crest, and were first found in the same place (Kent) as Gaunts, making it possible that Cone's and Gaunts were branches, from the same Kos stock. The Cone antlers are in the colors of the Saville owls, in case the Howells / Howleys trace to the Kos owl (it would require that a Kos line named itself after the Kos owl god). Plunketts share the tower with Falcons (and Howells), and Plancia Magna married Tertullus, while Fulks are said to descend from a Tertullus. I was able to show that Planque's (Pas-de-Calais) were PlantaGENET Fulks. This adds to the evidence of Cohens being from Koans of Kos.

One of Atlas' seven daughters, Merope, must have been the same as Merops on Kos, meaning that Pan(dareus)-related peoples of Antalya moved into Kos, for Antalya was also ATTALeia, the makings of ATLas. You won't find the ancients revealing that Atlas was a peoples from Attaleia; perhaps it was such common knowledge that none of them mentioned it. But I was able to glean that Plato made Atlas the chief son of Poseidon because he was code for the Pisidians, who lived in Antalya. Chances are, all of Atlas' seven daughter were people groups or locations in / near / through the Antalya location. The fact that they were all daughters suggests the Amazons. The fact that they descended from Poseidon reveals them as Tyrians / Phoenicians. Pandareus (Merops' son in Amazonian Ephesus) was from Panias, in my opinion. This same Atlas entity was the golden-fleece bloodline to Pelops and his Pisa wife around the Peneus river, and everything that goes along with that, including the Levite stupids from Laish, and the Meshwesh > Amazons from Tanis.

The "Qui" motto term of Fulke's can trace to the key in the Arms of Comines, and the giant fleur-de-lys of Fulke's can trace to the nearby Lys river that flows to Gaunt. If Comines (outskirts of Lille) is not on the Lys, it's close. The Lille's/Lisle's use "a SWALLOW in flight" and an "HONESta" motto term while Cone-like Hones' (why billets?) use the double bars of Parrs. We read that Lady Lisle was given the death sentence by a judge Jeffreys, and moreover there is a portrait of queen Catherine Parr in Shirburn castle, which is interesting where Parrs were kin of Mather-suspect Maness'/Manners. The Hones billets represent Pilate / Blade liners. The "patee fitchee" of Lille's is otherwise called a formy fitchee, and is the type of cross used by Mea's/Meighs, who were suspect with Macclesfields, and here we find that Lille's are traced to Shirburn castle, a seat of Macclesfield earls. The formy-suspect Formans/FOURmans (link to Seaton-related BalFOURs) share two wavy, blue-on-white fesse bars with Hones'. Formans/Fermens are a branch of Firmins from Firminy near Mont Pilat. Formans use the Shield of peacock-using Maness'/Manners, and while I see Perts/Petts as kin of Peacocks, the Pirton location of Lille's can apply to that, not forgetting that the Pert/Pett stork traces to Hohen-related Oettingers. Partons must be Parr liners because they use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Maness'.

Hones' were first found in Hampshire, and therefore roughly where the Southampton branch of Lille's/Lisle's lived. The Hones' can be a line of Huns because Attila was from the house of Dulo while Lille's use a "SeDULO" motto term. This suggests that Hones' were Hun kin of the Cohen / Hohen Khazars. Why were Huns in Lille, at the Flanders theater? It's the same thing as the KUNigunda line to rulers of Hainaut, isn't it? Apparently yes, for German Hones' are listed with HAINs/Haneys.

Irish Hones' are listed with Keons/Wings. The Keon fish is that of Saraca's while Saraca's were with Oenotrians (from Oenomaus Amazons of Pisa) at Saracena, beside Lys-like Laus, and beside Blanda that named Flanders. The Wings (billets) are a line from the Valentinian emperors, who had held talks with the Attila Huns, and moreover the Sire's were Valentinian kin so that Shirburg is suspect with Sire's (mirror), Shire's (Saraca kin of the Carrick kind) and Squire's (share the squirrel with Valentins).

It starts to appear here that Kuns/Huns were named after Koans of Kos, and so let's not forget that while Seville's use the owl, they are suspect with Swallow liners that share the swallow with Lille's. The latter are said to be from a PIRton location in Oxfordshire's Thames area, suggesting the Thames-related Pear/Pearl bloodline.

The vice-GRIP could even have been a Chosen instrument because Gripps use the same bend as Shakespeare's while the later use a "sanz" motto term. And if true that Shakespeare was Francis Bacon, it recalls that Stanleys became a topic when Francis Bacon did (last update). French Bacons use five cinquefoils in colors reversed from the five in the Arms of Comines. These cinquefoils are used by Tankerville's, and then Tacks/Thackerys (likely the Alda cherub), said to be Tankerville's, can be suspect with Shacks/Shake's. Tankerville's are from a TANERdevilla location while German Tanners use pine CONES. Trace the Tankerville Coat to Chamberlains and Duncans / Donkeys, noting that the latter's motto links to the Hamon motto. Gripps are suspect from Julius Agrippa, uncle, if I recall correctly, of Julius Bassianus, whose daughter must have married a Mr. Maesa. Vise's could be a branch of Vito's, from Julius Avitas, who married Bassianus' daughter (Julia Maesa).

The Maschi's use pine CONES and were first found in Rimini, while Hamons use a "discRIMINI" motto term. This is why Hamons (Kent), whose antlers must be the Cone antlers, can be traced to Hamon de Masci. And while Antalya was home to Pisidians, Masci liners were at the Pisa theater. Masci's descended from the Oenomaus Amazons of Grecian Pisa. They originated in the Amazons of Mysia, expected on the Meuse/Maas river flowing near to the Lys river of Belgium. The Massey pegasus was the ally of mythical BELLERophon, possibly the proto-Belgians. Were Vise's Pisa liners?

The Angle's ("VIAS") use the winged horse too, as well as a "Stare" motto term that might be for Stairs/STAYERs (Capone Coat almost exactly), perhaps a Stagger branch. Staggers are in Angle colors. Stairs/Stayers were first found in the same place as Hamon(d)s and Hamond-like Mynetts that I trace to Amyntes of Galatia, ancestor of the Bassus', suspect as the ancestors of Bassianus'.

The "TRIangle" of Swallow-possible SPIELburgs might be for Scottish Treys/Trails that use a "DisCRIMINE" motto term, virtually the motto term of Hamons. They are said to be from Trell in Manche's, but Manche expects that involvement of Masseys, and indeed, the Treys/Trails use mascles and what should be a version of the Macey Shield. It looks like a version of the Saunier Coat. The sea in the Trey/Trail Crests suggests that Mackay-related Seamans. Their black wolf head is in the Tristan Crest. The CRIMMON/Rimmons (sept of McLeods and therefore linkable to Swallow-suspect Aarons/Arens) are in English-Trey colors, though it's hard to say, at this point, whether the two surnames are related. The column of the Trey/Trail Crest is likely for the Meschin marriage to Duncans, which spilled over to marriage with Clare's of Tunbridge, and Skiptons.

English Treys use three fesse bars in the colors of the two of Parrs / Formans / Hones'. The Treise variation, and their being first found in Cornwall, suggests mythical TRIStan. The Trey cinquefoils are in the colors of the same in the Arms of Comines. The key in the latter can be for Keys/Kays that share bendlets without a bend with True's/Tree's. The latter share greyhounds courant with Lys'.

A Richard, earl of Cornwall, is in the Lille/Lyle write-up, and to help prove that Lille's are using the Winchester cross, Richard I, earl of Cornwall, was born (1209) in Winchester castle. Richard's mother was from ANGOULeme (should explain the triANGLE). She was mother to king Henry III of England but also to Aymer of Valence (bishop of Winchester). The article doesn't tell what Valence location is being referred to, but I see Valance at the Lyon theater (Rhone river), very linkable to Trey-like True's/Tree's. These Valence characters were rulers of Pembroke, but Pembroke's are using the Mazzo bend with dragon.

Angouleme was wrapped up in Lusignan, which uses for its Arms white-and-blue fesse bars i.e. linkable to the bars of Treys. There is a good chance that this is the Melissena-Rangabe line of Khazars as per Melusine of Lusignan. A branch of the ruler of Lusignan was that of Parton-like Parthenay, making the Parr / Trey bars linkable to the Lusignan bars. Here are the Arms of Valence's rulers, (royal blue) which apparently uses the Arms of Lusignan along with a border of martlets. One can see this in the English Valence surname (same place as Clare's of Tunbridge). This Valence entity is from the mother of Richard I. I find it rude for the Wikipedia writer not to tell what Valence location is under the name. I had found evidence that Valence on the Rhone was from the Valentinians.

German Valence's, suspect with the martlets of Henrys, hint of the Roquefeuil marriage to Henry IV of Rodez. It suggests that "feuil" is a variation of "Valence." Dutch Valence's share a green Shield with the Arms of Roquefeuil, and a martlet border is used by the Arms of Rochdale...meaning that Valence was kin to Chaddocks. Not only was the Valence entity (descended from Clare's) a branch of Lusignan, but likewise the rulers of ROCHEfoucauld (probably the triple Clare chevrons). Rochefoucauld is in Angouleme. From this Melusine-of-Lusignan perspective, I feel inclined to trace "Valais/Wallis / Walsers" to the Valentinians. This is a perfectly logical picture where Herod Archelaus in the Valence area had a circle of friends and family expected with his brother, Antipas, in the Roquefeuil area. And while Gratian, father of Valentinian I, was expected with Grasse liners to the Grazio's and related Crispins/Crepins (Agrippa suspects), the latter were part of the Clare's of Eu. Or, to put it another way, Crispins were first found in the same place as the Pirton location of Lille's, the latter being the ones said to descend from Richard of Cornwall i.e. the Angouleme line. The Arms of Angouleme is a Shield filled with lozenges in the colors of the Louvier / Arms-of-Meulan checks.

It shouldn't escape us that the Lille swallow can trace to the Alan line of Alice of Saluzzo, daughter of Luisa of Ceva, the one that is in mythical GorLOIS of Cornwall. "Piers Gaveston, 1st Earl of Cornwall (c. 1284 – 19 June 1312) was an English nobleman of Gascon origin, and the favourite of King Edward II of England." It's not a wonder that MARTLets are being seen, for Martels were first found in Gascony. Why really was king Edward's father (married Castile, Spain) called "the hammer." On his mother's side, Edward I descended from Thomas I of Savoy. The Norman-English were swinging out far and wide at this time.

Piers de Gaveston was new to me in the last update. Here's how I arrived to him: "Skipton, the Clifford write-up says, was granted to a PIERS de GAVESton, and afterward to Cliffords, and it just so happens that Gavestons are listed with Gavers'/Jeevers/Geffers..." It was due to this, and the similarity between "Jeevers" and "Jeffrey," that I included my story of Gaveston-like Galveston. I came to believe, only in the last update, that God had controlled the Galveston event to lead me to some understandings on what He is concerned with in these last days. It's the line of Eustace II.

The Treys/Trails use a TREFoil while Treyvaux of Vaud was also "Trefels." The Arms of Treyvaux use a sinister split, and are in Trip colors. At one time, Trips/Treffs showed the same boots as French Masseys/Masse's (Savoy). In my opinion, the trefoil is partly for Trip/Treff liners, and partly for Rockefeller liners, especially the Fellers/FellTRAGers whose Coat is like that of Treys/Trails. It looks like Treys/Trails were the makings of Tragers/TREGairs (Cornwall, same as English Treys with cinqueFOILs) and Felltragers. Tracks/Trigs are in the colors of the Arms of Roquefeuil. These look like Drin = Drilon liners from the Penestae.

Scottish Tristans (Cornwall) use "A buck's head with a TREFOIL in its mouth." In the Coat, the perchevron is embattled, as are the Rocco and Trager/Troger bends. The bucks are excellent here because Bucks use antlers in the colors of the same of Cone's / Conte's, which gets use back to the antlers of Hamons that share a motto term (almost) with Treys/Trails "discrimina" versus "discrimine"). Plus, the Treyvaux location is on the Sarine, suspect with antler-using Zahringens.

The Buck motto is linkable to the same of Chives', first found in the same place as Tristans. Chives' have been suspect with the quadrants and colors of Bings/BENGs/Binks. Now just think about the Crimmons/Rimmons as a line from the 600 BENJamites of Rimmon. I traced them with proto-Masseys to the Pisa Amazons, and only afterward realized that they named Rimini, home of the first Maschi's. I didn't think it was a coincidence.

It's interesting that Bink-like Bunch's were first found in the same place as Bing-like Wings/Winks. It makes Wings suspect as a branch of the Rimini Benjamites. Wings were first found in the same place as Justine's/Justins, and Justine of Picenum (wife of Valentinian I) was smack near Rimini. Feasibly, the Bunch's could be using the Massey fleur in gold. Bunch's share the Craven fesse, apparently, for Banks (share gold fleur with Bunch's) were from Craven, as were Meschins whom had married the Duncans. The latter use a "Disce" motto term that, we may assume, is being shared in "DiscRIMINI." The Bank cross is colors reversed from the saltire of Benjamins. An early branch of the Banks was at Lancashire's WinSTANLEY. The Bank write-up says that a Holme family changed its name to "Bankes." Holme's use the chapeau and eight bars that look familiar enough.

The Crummin variation of Rimmons (Skye, Column/Malcolm colors) may have led to such things as Croms and Crombys, but may have evolved from ancient Cremona, where I trace Skiptons of Craven. The "divis" motto term of Rimmons should include the Diens/Dives' who put four patee crosses around their white Masci wing in the colors of the four fleur of Banks. That tends to trace Benjamites to Diva (= Chester) in Cheshire, where Meschins ruled. The Chester surname shares the hawk's lure with Herods/Haralds (same place as Columns/Malcolms) while the latter are a sept of McLeods along with Lure's and Crimmons/Rimmons. And for that matter, Teague's are a McLeod sept while they (and Touque's) can be sharing the perchevron of Tristans (sea with column), the latter first found in the same place as Seaman- and Sea-related Tokers. Sea's were first found in the same place as Touque's, and use three fesse bars in colors reversed from the Trey fesse bars.

Moreover, the Seigh variation is like the Teigh location (same place as Tokers) of Treys that shows even as a variation of the Treys. The TYsons are linkable to Lyons, Lannoys, and Hume's, and therefore to True's/Tree's, the latter being kin of the Masseys that once showed the Trip/Treff boots. These Masseys now show a "TREE without LEAVES," probably part-code for the Laevi on the Tessin river, making Laevi blood suspect in Tysons/Tessens / Tease's/Tess' and Tease's/TIGHs (Teague's?). The Marks have always been suspect with the Marici on the Tessin, and one can find a mythical Mark at Cornwall that was directly related to mythical Tristan. Trips may be a branch of Trope's/Drops that are in the embattled Toker chevron. The Toker barry can be in the colors of the Tessin fesse for a related reason. Tessin variations can suggests the Tasks.

The rooster in the Arms of Treyvaux is probably a line from king Gala/Gaia of the Numidians. His line had traced to Poitvin's (blue jay) and Jays, and I think the Poitvins are to be expected with the Poitiers / Poutou links to Angouleme, etc. The Treyvaux rooster has red parts that can be secretly for the red Bible/Bibo rooster, for this traces the Laevillus line to Treyvaux elements. The Arms of Treyvaux are in Leavell colors, and while Koppels share the black rooster with Treyvaux, Kopple's are Gobel liners while the earliest Leavell-proper I know of was Gobel-like Gouel de Perceval. And the Perceval bear traces exactly to Berne along the Sarine river, land of Treyvaux too. The Roque / Roche elements we saw linked to both Angouleme and Trey elements were in Roxburghshire, where Scottish Leavells were first found. Again, while Gouel married the county of Meulan, which shares the red-and-gold checks filling the Shield with Louvier's, the Arms of Angouleme use red-and-gold lozengy filling the Shield, and the TRIANGLE code we saw, which linked well to Angouleme's Trey liners, was from the Coat of Spielburgs, which, as soon as it was first seen in this update, prompted me to say: "The Spielburg horse (Rangabe colors) gives the impression of the Roxburgh Coat..."

I've taught the world how to make heraldic links. The only problem is, the world is not reading. For those of you whom have kept tabs on my progress, I've probably emphasized 80 percent or more of the main players in heraldry, with a few surprises left. I'm not sure what exactly God wants emphasized most, and why. The Bunch-loving FROGGits can suggest that Benjamites of the last days will be at the charge of Armageddon, the last hurrah of this demented world.


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

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