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(if there are any to speak of)
December 15 - 21, 2015

Templar Papar(eschi) Trail to the Pierleoni
Jerusalem's Tyropeon Valley Was My Blind Spot Until Now
Ancient-Jerusalem Liners at the Thracian Black Sea
The Perkens of Perkunas of Traby-related Lithuania

For a reader hopping into an update for the first time, there is not much I can say in an introductory paragraph to explain everything needed before proceeding. The only readers able to follow are those taking the time needed to get a solid idea of the entire scope. It is probably impossible to follow unless the heraldic Coats are loaded and viewed. It would be helpful to have a photographic memory, or to at least spend some time to get to know Coats, and to understand what I'm saying about them. I did the work over years to be able to present to you the relevant Coats, and you need only decide whether I am correctly interpreting the evidence and the codes. It is far best that you load Coats on a separate browser(s) rather than clicking back and forth from the update page. It might take longer for one to read an update than the week it takes me to write it, but that's what it'll take for a solid understanding of what I'm doing. I know that few have the time to follow this in that way. My hope is...actually, I should have no such hopes as I should just allow God to do what He wants with this. One of my goals at this time is to discover the parent(s) of Josephs Caiaphas, and in the meantime to prove that heraldic masters and leading Templar families knew that all of heraldry had, at its foundations, Caiaphas and his circle of Christ killers. These updates are jot-down format (sub-titles don't usually reflect the roaming topics well) making it hard / impossible to have a pre-plotted storyline. I'm no longer doing final proof-reads, please excuse the imperfections / mistakes. Ever since I decided to use apostrophes only after surnames ending in vowels, I started to catch myself using apostrophes before the 's' of pluralized words, making it appear that I need to return to primary grammar school.

If ever you'd want to check a description in the Coat of Arms, type the surname at this page:

For this week's news, see here.

The last update began to make the important in-roads to Caiaphas suspects in the Pierleoni Jews of the Roman dragon. This is a relatively unfamiliar topic for me, aside from the last update and one or two others some months ago. It's only now that it's sinking in that the Revelation dragon includes these papacy Jews just because they stem from the proto-Illuminati of the Caiaphas bloodline. After becoming immediately convinced that at least one Nicholas surname traced to pope Nicholas II, it was realized, at the last paragraph in the last update, that he was a line also to Cecils, who are in-turn honored in the Great Seal of the Unites States.

The Cecil Crest has the blue Caepio-line lion that holds a gold garb along with a white lion. The gold garb, in this case, has got to be the Joseph garb, and then white lion is in the Cecil Coat as well, which was traced to the same-colored cats of Caiaphas-like Chives'. But this was before coming to the same-colored lions of Nicholas', the item that corroborated the Nicholas link to Cecils, the latter first found in the same place as Chives', and beside the Nicholas'. Near the end of the last update, the Coughs were part of the discussion on a Haught trace to Pierleoni, and so it needs to be mentioned that Cornwalls/Cornells (Devon, same as Chives') use a "Cornish chough, which is a raven, the symbol also of the Nicholas' above, first found in Cornwall. While Coughs are using the bend of Sale's, from the Salyes Ligures on the Durant-related Durance river, the other Cornwalls use a Levi-suspect motto, "La VIE durante," and then Cecils use "via" while Chives' use "vi" in their respective mottoes. No coincidences.

The configuration of the six Cecil lions, and their colors, were traceable to the six lions of Savage's, first found in the same place as Devon-suspect Diva, as well as the Nickels/Nichols (another raven) who use a giant pheon in the colors of the Cecil lions / Chives cats. The Nickel pheon became suspect with the giant Flower CINQUEfoil (suspect with QUINTUS Caepio) before the Flowers helped to nail down the trace of Longs (same lion as Nicholas') and related surnames to ancient Alba Longa (near Rome), the inhabitants of which were, according to myth, forced to live on the Caelian hill of Rome. This was a key discovery if you care to read it, that not only traced to Quadratilla and Laevillus, but opened up the realization that the heraldic / Arthurian "holy grail" cup traces to the Caelian hill. But as the Grail surname is listed with Neils, note the similarity between the Nagle variation of Neils and "Nickel."

I can now glean that the German Nickels (traced to Pontius Pilate) are using the blue-on-white chevron of the Cups/Cope's, Caepio liners absolutely, whose rose's were traced to Rozala of Ivrea, whose Burgundy family was involved politically in Tuscany, where Nicholas II, with Burgundy roots himself, had been a bishop. The black roundels of German Nickels/Nichols are called, pellets, and the Pellet and Pilotte surnames both use grails, no coincidence. English Nickels use a white pheon, the color of the Pilate pheons. They can't wash their hands to hide all the dirt, for I've scraped some of it off and laid it on the table in our full view.

The Flowers are thus suspect from mythical Flora, of the city of Florence, we may gather. The Flower Crest has yet another white lion, and Flowers were first found in the same place as Chives', Cecils and Cornwalls. It appears that the English Longs are using a version of the Flower Coat and Crest, and that was said before re-discovering that French Longs share a giant cinquefoil with Flowers! We are bang-on the dirt.

Spanish Flora's crowd their Coat with FIVE fleur-de-lys, the number of Quints, in the colors of the fleur of Masci's. One can trace the Caepio-line lion to the same in the Arms of Macclesfield, not only because the Arms uses a "copia" motto term, but because Macclesfield is in Cheshire, where Nickels were first found whom we just saw linked to the Cups/COPE's. And Ranulph le Meschin, a ruler in DIVA of Cheshire, had some rule over COPEland. It just so happens that the previously-shown Masci wing is still showing in the Dien/DIVES Coat, and it's in the colors of the Nickel pheon. The Masci wing of Dives' is surrounded by patee crosses, important because, late in the last update, it was resolved that the naming of the Pierleoni traced to Patti in the Messina part of Sicily.

I can't help thinking of Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg here, whose Vere family is currently led by a Mhair character, a term that is found in the write-up of Irish Weirs. This surname uses a Shield filled with lozengy in the colors of the red-and-white checks on the throne of Tedaldus of Tuscany (see him last update). The lozengy is also in the colors of the Grimaldi lozengy, and so it is flooring me completely that while my mother is a Masci on one side, she's a Grimaldi on the other, while one of my grandmothers was a Taddei suspect with the naming of Tedaldus. Taddei's/Tadini's (Florence) were definitely linked to the Bouillon line that came to control parts of Tuscany after Godfrey III (grandfather of Godfrey de Bouillon) got allied with Leo de Benedict (father of Pier Leoni) in the same year (1058) that Nicholas II (of Tuscany) became the pope. This is incredible for me, verifying that I'm either the future anti-Christ, or that God chose me for this work of discovery because I would keep better track of these surnames than others, for the purpose of exposing the root of the dragon and the harlot. There is not much chance that I'm going to become the anti-Christ because, well, I'm not stupid enough. Nor is there much chance that they will find and kill me to hush me up because there's no one in the world capable of continuing this revelation. The required tools are all in my little noggin, and until the full discovery is made, to satisfy God, I will be Protected.

Nicholas II was striving to take Milan at the same time that he made a pact with the Guiscard Normans of Sicily, and then the Milans were first found in Messina. Milan is where Ottone Visconti came to rule who had been identified (by me) as part of the WIShart variation of Guiscards. The latter were first found in the same place as Scottish Chappes'/Chaips, while Ottone's are using the long perchevron of French Chappes', no coincidences whatsoever, and so the question now is whether Guiscards and Visconti's got Caiaphas blood from these popes, or whether these popes got it from the Normans. As Normans were pirates whom themselves had a raven symbol, it suggests that the line of pope Nicholas II got the raven for the Nichol / Nicholas surnames by blood attachment, somehow, to a Norman family in Italy (or maybe not in Italy). The Normans were given Capua (same place as the Sadducee-suspect Sidicini), and Capua's (black-on-white lion, same as Levi's and Savage's) list a Capone surname like the Caepionis variation from Quintus Caepio.

The Diens/Dives, now realized as part of the Nicholas', were first found in the same place (Sussex) as Sadducee-suspect Saddocks, who use an escutcheon in the colors of the Nickel pheon / Flower cinquefoil, and footless martlets in the colors of the lions under discussion. Feasibly, Diens/Dives named Dieppe, some 10 miles from Longueuil/Longoilo, where the French Longs are said to have lived.

Pope Alexander II, who followed Nicholas II, was born in Milan. He had been a bishop of Lucca, and Lucca's happen to use cats, the Chives symbol. However, while the Chives Crest is said to be a cat, it's understood to be the Mosca leopard, and Mosca's are honored in the Drake motto. Moreover, the queerest thing took place in the last update, where Siward of Northumbria traced to the Pierleoni Jews, but this was before finding that Nicholas II formed a pact with the Normans, which tended to clear up the queer mystery. The Sewards, you see, use the Chives / Mosca leopard too.

Alexander seems to have been a moral pope. But the following is of interest to me for the purpose of tracing "the tanner" of Falaise, father-in-law of the Conqueror, to the Tanaro river. A few updates ago, it had been made plain, by heraldry, that the Conqueror should trace to Willa of Tuscany. And the Tute's claim that they descend from Berengar of Todeni (like the Tadini variation of the Tuscany Taddei's), a son of the Conqueror's father. This too seems queer. Now this:

In 1066, [Alexander II] entertained an embassy from William, duke of Normandy, after his successful invasion of Brittany. The embassy had been sent to obtain his blessing for William's prospective invasion of Anglo-Saxon England. Alexander gave it, along with a papal ring, the Standard of St. George, and an edict to the autonomous Old English clergy guiding them to submit to the new regime. These favors were instrumental in the submission of the English church following the Battle of Hastings. Count Eustace [who was he?] carried his Papal insignia, a gonfanon with three tails charged with a cross, which William of Poitiers says was given to William I to signify the Pope's blessing of his invasion to secure a submission to Rome.

I've known that the gonfanon was owned by Montforts, wherefore it's traceable to Monforte on the Tanaro river, but I've not known that William the Conqueror was granted that symbol for his own. Nor have I known that the ends of the gonfanon (supposedly a banner) were called, tails. The Tail(er)s, first found in the same place as Saddocks and looking linkable to them, use lions in the colors of the Nicholas / Cecil lions, and moreover they use a leopard so as to link very well to the Chives cats. Nor have I known that a count Eustace, for whom Wikipedia apparently doesn't have an article at this time, owned the gonfanon too. As Godfrey de Bouillon was son of count Eustace II, it appears that the gonfanon was owned by the Godfrey-Crusader family. As Bouillons have been suspect with the Boii of Bologna, it's probably not a coincidence that the two-tailed Montfort lion is used exactly in the Arms of Bohemia.

The gonFANON was discovered partly as code for Fanano, in Modena, which uses a banner in it Arms. Fanano is to the near west of Bologna. The gonfanon is also part code for the Panaro river, where the Banner surname(s) must trace. Just go ahead and compare the German Banner/Bayner/Bainer Coat to those of Nickels and Flowers. This Banner Coat became suspect with Pamphylia-suspect Baumgartners, Jews, who use parrots, what a pierincidence. While Pierleoni are said to be named after a Peter, I thought that Peres' would do better, but, in any case, Rothschild-related Pettys use the parrot too. The lion in the canton of English Banners (illegal metal-on-metal colors) can be the lion of Payne-suspect Leo's. Scottish Banners use a banner with what I'll assume are TWO TAILS.

The above creates a problem for me, for while I assumed that Banners were a form of Bohemian surnames, they can also be of the Banburys/Bamburgs suspect with Pamphylians, a major topic of the last update as they seemed much about the Pierleoni.

It was very recent (two updates ago) when the Arms of Montfort-sur-Meu was come across, showing a moline cross with vipers at the ends. The vipers are officially, "guivre," and so perhaps the namers of Quiberville apply, a location near the Longueuil of French Longs (Moline colors). Monforte of the Tanaro is at Long-suspect Langhe, and moreover the Moline's/Moulins, with a black moline cross suspect with the black Chives moline, are said to be from the family of "the tanner" of Falaise. This makes the white lion of English Longs suspect with the white Montfort lion. As a further revelation for your interest, "Falaise" was traced tentatively to Valais/Wallis canton, and I have it from a reader living in that Swiss area that Walsers are named after the canton. While their two-tailed mermaid of Walsers was traced to Montforts already, the black-and-gold goat of Walsers can now trace to the black-on-gold goat of Moline's/Moulins. I wasn't able to make that link until now, as per Moline's linking to Montforts by way of the Longs shared between them.

The English Longs were first found in the same place (Wiltshire) as MORTONs (Montfort colors), and they use goats too. This is a very-significant way to clinch my claim of several weeks ago, which was clinched already in my mind, that the Montfort lion is used by the Italian Marano's/MARITANO's (Modena), because Marano is a location (in Modena) on the Banner-suspect Panaro river. That's how it was known that Banners were from the Panaro. Scottish Mortons were first found in the same place as Diva and the Long-colored Nickels. Walsh's, honoring the Mortons in their motto, use the colors and format of Scottish Moretons, and then Walch's were traced to Walser / Wallis elements. It now looks like a correct trace with less doubt, perhaps indicating where the Welsh peoples trace. Wallace's use the Montfort / Marano lion too, surprise but no surprise.

The question is whether these surnames linking to Longs were likewise from Alba Longa. I can add that, late in the last update, the Tulls and related Tools -- lions in the colors of the Montfort lions -- were traced to the mythical Tullus character that force-moved the Latins of Alba Longa to the Caelian hill. It looks like Mortons of Marano trace to that picture. Perhaps that was a line from the Myrina Amazons, for the Masseys are suspect from those Amazons while Modena is suspect with Modi'in of Israel, home of the first-known Maccabees. The first-known Maccabee was Mattathias (Matthew), and then, be amazed, the Mathis' (Burgundy, traceable to the Tuscany lot now under the microscope) share the black-on-white moline of Chives', but so is the Moline moline black too.

Note that the Walsh's are using a version of the Kennedy / Cassel / Gully Coat. What does that mean to you? The Gullys (last update) were traced to the Galli/Galatians, and the Kennedys to the Heneti, all a part of Aphrodite Hebrews through the Kabeiri cult of Lemnos, that being the island with the Myrina location and the Amazons.

We now have the hint that Modena was populated by Amazons of Lemnos. But let's not forget that Modena has been traced (by me) to "Methoni/Modon" of Grecian Messene, suggesting that the Oenomaus Amazons of Pisa named Oeneus-related Messene. Wikipedia claims that Sicilian Messina was named after Grecian Messene. And so we have a very good idea, now, on how to track the slithering snake from the Amazons of Mysia, through the Amazons of Messene and Messina, to the Amazons of Modena. The Maccabees were Amazons, right? I think we should ask the essenes bee cult of Ephesus, suspect with the Essenes of Israel. I had pegged the latter with the axe symbol of the Biblical prophet, Elisha, and so the Walser axe might apply.

If you read the last update, you know that the Benjamites, founders of the chief Roman gods (not a joke or a spurious claim), were traceable through the Pisa Amazons to the Pierleoni. And so it bears repeating that Scottish Walsh's (suspect from Wallachia) are sharing the Benjamin Coat. The "numine" motto term of these Welsh's gets the Newmans using more white-on-black lions, i.e. linkable to the Nicholas lions. The "Auspice" motto term of these Walsh's can be of the "Respice" of Presleys, the latter (Aphrodite liners) sharing a symbol upon a tower with surnames that traced to Nicholas liners. The other Walsh's use a "PIERced" swan as code for Piers/Pierce's, and the latter happen to be in the colors of Nickel/Nichols pheon while Walsh's themselves use pheons.

To put the Nicholas-related towers in perspective, they became suspect with Mysians and Heneti Paphlagonians to the mouse tower of Poland, origin of the royal Mieszko Poles. Towers are used by Spanish Murena's/Moratins and Spanish Marano's, and then the naming of Wallis canton looked to be by the family of Aulus Terentius Varro Murena. His sister married Cilnius Maecenas, whose first name (belonging to an ancient family of Arettium/Arezzo) became somewhat suspect (last update) with the Caelian hill. I had pegged Cilnius Maecenas as the very namers of the Maccabees, and therefore predicted for years that his family must have been in Modena, with no luck of finding evidence for the claim, until discovering the Albino's of Modena's Panaro river, which then found the Marano location, and the Montfort trace to that area, and much more, including a trace of Savage's to a Savigliano location on the Panaro. And so there seems to be an opening developing for a Pierleoni trace to Aphrodite / Amazon elements in Modena.

The Wikipedia article on AULUS Murena says that he was put in charge of fighting the Salassi of Aosta, because Romans wanted to use the St. Bernard Pass freely in getting to the north. But that Pass leads right into the Sion area of Switzerland, location of WALLIS/Valais canton. "The Salassi were utterly defeated and, according to Strabo, Murena deported and sold into slavery 44,000 tribespeople. According to Cassius Dio, he sold only males of military age and only for an indenture-term of 20 years. In 24 BC, Murena established a Roman colony of 3,000 settlers in the heart of Salassi country...]" The Cassius surname was first found in Modena.

One can also see that the Trents are using a split Shield in colors reversed from the same in the Arms of Sion (Wallis Canton may use the same too, but I forget). Walsers use a split Shield in these colors. Therefore, Trents, and possibly the Trent river of England, trace to the Terentius surname of this Aulus Murena, or, perhaps, to his sister, Terentia, wife of Cilnius Maecenas. The last update saw the Sellers and Coles' tracing rather hard and interestingly to the Caelian/Celio hill, but Sellers had previously been suspect with the colors and format of the Chillingham Hebrons and of the Childs/Chills, afterwhich the Latter's Coat was discovered to be a version of the Tarent Coat. That's why Chills were traced to CILnius Maecenas, but one may also ponder whether Chills were at the Caelian/Caelius hill, called, Celio, by some. If the 'C' is removed from "Caelius," a Aulus-like term remains. It just so happens that while Langs are expected with Longs at the Caelian hill, the Aulus-like Well surname (German) shares the pelican with German Langs, and then English Wells use a two-tailed lion! It's in Long / Moline colors.

It's new to me in this update, thanks to finding pope Alexander II, that the Montfort gonfanon was owned also by a count Eustace, and then Eustace II was father to Godfrey de Bouillon, said to have been a leader of a Priory of Sion. I do not agree with the claim that this Priory was fabricated as a hoax. Heraldry traces the Bouillons to Sion liners aside from this new information. Aosta is the origin of the BAUTica river that traced, years ago, to the family of de Bouillon. I had traced the river to BAUTs, first found in the same place as Bouillons, and, at that time, I was reporting that Bauts used an upright goat, though now it's a ram. Walsers use an upright goat.

Wells were first found in the same place (Lincolnshire) as the Peters using the same lion (one tail), and as Peter's are said to be Flemish, they and wells are likely using the Flanders lion. If you were able to see (last update) that Betty and Barney Rubble were codes for surnames along with Bamm-Bamm, then re-consider the idea that sprang up, that Bettys/Beatys were a branch of Petts / Peters. It was determined that Fred and WILMa FLINTstone were code for FLANDers and the FLEMings/VLAAMs thereof, and here we have what looks like a Peter trace to the symbol of Flanders. Of further interest is that the Flanders lion looks like it's smoking a pipe while Pipe's are Pepins in Flanders colors, and while an early Pepin was from Landen, in the Flanders theater. Landens can be Long / Lang liners of the Langden kind.

The Peters with the lion of Wallis-based Wells share the swan with Sion-related Walsh's, and the Sion surname is listed with Swans. The Sions/Swans, showing swans, once showed gauntlet gloves, in use also by Fane's/Veynes', suspect as Fanano liners because Gaunts (Flanders theater) became suspect with "GONfanon." Flanders is largely in Belgium, while Belgian Gone's have Guenet/Guenot variations, like the Ghent version of "Gaunt."

As Murena is suspect with the Myrina Amazons, it's a wonder whether the Pisa surname (blue Caepio-line lion) is related to him, for, upon his death, "His replacement [as Consul] was Gnaeus Calpurnius Piso. It goes on to say that "Shortly after Murena's death, his brother by adoption, Lucius Lucinius Varro Murena, was accused of conspiring with Fannius Caepio against Augustus." FANNIUS??? Is that the line that name Fanano? I had concentrated on Quintus Caepio and his line to the three Junia Caepionis' in seeking Caiaphas' parent(s), and didn't know of this Fannius Caepio until a few months ago, roughly as I was discovering Fanano for the first time. And that's the significance of a Murena trace to the Wallis canton. It looks like Caiaphas liners were involved with the area, explaining why a city within the canton would be called, Sion, of all things. Someone from the Swan surname may have given it that name prior to it having a Sion variation, but the mystery only deepens where French Josephs showed a swan until about 2013. It's alternative name of Sitten suggests the Sidicini of the Capua theater, and then Seatons/Sittens are well-provable as Flemings by two of their symbols.

For yet another "coincidence, see the colors of the Side/Sudy and Suty lions, and note the "hazARD" motto term of Sutys used also by Seatons. The Sutys are using the Well / Flanders lion, aren't they? It all suggests a Fleming / Flanders link to Sion, and then Eustace II, of the House of Flanders, operated out of Boulogne, to the near-south of Flanders. And Godfrey de Bouillon had a swan symbol. As the three chevrons of French Levi's were used by the counts of Hainaut (Flanders), the Side/Sudy lion (in the same colors) is likely the lion of Jewish Levi's. Don't you think that "Sadducee" came from the Sidicini, therefore? As the gonfanon-liner Wells are linking to the Side / Suty lions, by what coincidence is the Side/Suty Chief that also of the Ghents while the GONfanon is suspect with the Gone's/Guenets? This is not like stumbling over a dirty secret, but more like giving it a hard kick to the donkey.

Eustace II was a count of Boulogne from 1049 to 1087, and so the count Eustace in the article on Alexander II (pope between 1061 - 1073) may have been him. It could be that the Wikipedia writer doesn't have a link to Eustace of Boulogne because he wishes to hide whom this Eustace truly is. Instead, this mystery Eustace is given a red link, which takes a reader to a page saying that Wikipedia doesn't have an article on him.

At the House-of-Flanders link above, note how the lion's tongue does not resemble a pipe. Then, see also the Flanders lion at Wikipedia's Flanders' article, the page from which I saved the lion to my files years ago. Note how the Flanders flag is the only one of the two lions with a pipe-like tongue, but then ask why they shortened that tongue? Sometimes, I think that Wikipedia writers catch wind of my writings, and make changes to discredit my ideas. They probably think I'm crazy because they don't take the time to read and find that I'm not, but rather that I'm absolutely correct in claiming endless surname-related code-work in symbolism. Below is the Flanders lion at Wikipedia's page some years ago; look at how much longer the tongue was, so-as to appear like a pipe.

. Now, check out the colors of the Pipe surname. Notice that it uses fleur-de-lys while a Lys river flows through Flanders to Ghent/Gaunt. You heard right. And another Lys river is in Aosta that, I've read, flows into the Bautica river. You heard right again. But even if a Wikipedia writer reads this, he will shun my claims because he hates Jesus, shuns me, and thinks he's superior in understanding. And so God is going to "burn" his enemies with laying bare the secrets, for the whole lot of them cannot be thrown into the Lake of Fire until after they witness with their own eyes the Revelation of Jesus Christ, on the day that the shaking of the earth proves to the worms that, the Bible-believers were right after all. And that knowledge is what will eat away at, and burn, their souls.

Here is another Coat forgotten about, re-finding it only now in my files. It's the triple Levi chevrons, without a name in the image, but saved years ago as "coatFlanders.png":

Papal and Italian heraldry may have originated when popes got allied to the Normans / Flemings. That's being said in case the heraldic Gregorys were from pope Gregory VII in particular, who followed Alexander II. It was only a couple of hours ago when looking at the Laredo surname for the first time, because I was recently inquiring at my parents place as to what surnames were behind the husband of my Taddei grandmother, and one was Laredo. The Laredo's are listed with Laur-like surnames that can be of the Lowrys and Laurie's, both using the same cups, filled with laurel. We can now be on the harlot line, you see. The only Laredo symbol is an upright black boar, seen also in the Gregory Crest. The Gregory Coat is a blue lion with "with red tongue and claws." Where did we just we red tongue and claws" Ah, the Flanders lion. That's why Gregorys should be suspect with the Caepio lion.

Upright black boars are used by Hebrew-suspect Ebers (Austria) and Porcia's/Porcello's. Porcius Cato (about 200 BC) is said to have grown up in Abruzzo, where the boar-suspect Eburovices orginate, in my opinion. My Italian side originates in Abruzzo too. Cato's/Chattans were traced without doubt to the Botters, first found in Lucca. That is, Clan Chattan ("BOT" motto term) has a Cato variation. The cat of the Lucca surname was easily gleaned as a Cato/Chattan line, and so the Chives cats should apply. The line of Quintus Caepio got involved with Cato's, no guff. I think Caiaphas is going to turn out to have my nose, or something. Wikipedia's article on Servilia Caepionis is showing the family tree again. The Eberle variation of the Ebers reminds of the Pears/PEARLs, like "PIERLeoni." Burls, first found in the same place as Quints, are traced to "son of a cup-bearer," but that seems like code, not reality, for the Berls use arrowheads, a Pilote symbol, in the colors of the Pilotte and Pellet cups.

Gregory VII was born in Tuscany's Sovana, perhaps a swan liner of the Godfrey line. Roselle was an ancient location near Sovana, both of which were not very far from the Pierleoni. The latter lived across the Tiber from the seven hills of Rome. The Gregory description uses "crined" while Crine's/Grounds/Cranne's share a crane with German Gregorys. The latter's crane is the entire Coat, in the colors of the giant pheon (arrow head) of Nickels. Reminder: Nicholas II was a bishop in Tuscany). The other Crine's/Crone's are the Patmos suspects using the Massey fleur.

Two popes later came Urban II, a name suspect with the Urbanus river, home of the Patmos liners, the Ceraunii, same people as the Crine's/Crone's, I'm sure of it. Note that the Crine's/Crone's use the colors and format of the cup-using Sellers (swan) and Coles', the latter using a pillar, code for Pillars/Pilots sharing a black lion with the Crine/Crone Crest. The mural crown, used by Crine's/Crone's, sometimes a "mural CORONet," always having four sections, is one of the heraldic crowns suspect, not with royalty, but as code for the Crauns and other Coronis liners. The coronet-like Cornets list "Cornall," like the Cornell variation of raven-using Cornwalls, evidence that Cornwalls, said to be from a Cornovii peoples, were from the Coronis entity.

It just entered my head to check whether a Scane surname exists that could be from the Sicilian Sicanians, for while Skala on Patmos traces to the Sicel namers of Sicily, the Sicanians operated on the central part of Sicily as a major group. I had traced Sicanians to Sicyon, a couple of miles from Coronis-like Corinth, before I developed the claim that Coronis was code for Chora of Patmos while her son, AscLEPIOS, was double code for Lapiths at Skala. It just so happens that Scane's (listed with Skins/Skene's) use a hand-and-cloud symbol traceable to the wife of Ixion, he being Coronis' brother, and king of Lapiths. The Scane's use wolf heads, an apt symbol both for Gorgons (had a head symbol) and for wolf-depicted Scylla (monster with many wolf heads, as though to emphasize heads). The wolf heads at the tips of the Scane swords are in the colors of the Sword swords. The "VirTUTE REGIA Merces" motto of Scane's can go to Reggio, a city opposite the small waters from Scylla. Guiscards use a "Mercy" motto term, suggesting that Scane's were linked to the Guiscards of Sicily.

The Scane swords are erect, suggesting the Bistones, and they had been suspect from the Bessi Thracians at the source of the Hebros river, location also of Sword suspect Serdi of Serdica. This area was near an Ares-like location (on the Hebros) so that, in fact, the Serdi may have been named after Ares' sword symbol. See Arsus at the source of the Hebros on the map below, and while noting that the river starts at Rhodope, trace that to Rhodes, where the Telchines are known to have lived that descended from mythical Telchis at Sicyon. I take it that these Rus scythians, connectable to Caucasia, were Aryans so that their word for "sword" was the proto-sword of the English.

While your at the map, spot the COELetae peoples along the Arda river along with the Benni. On the other map, the Coeletae are "CAELelatae." I had forgotten this when tracing Benjamites to the Caelius hill in the last update. The Benjamites were suspect with the naming of pope Benedict, from whom the Pierleoni may descend. This picture can explain the oddity of the Swords (Siward) tracing to the Pierleoni. The Chives' have been linked to the Coat of Bings/Bengs, suspect with BENJamites, but as the white-on-black lion of Bings/Bengs can link to the same of Nicholas' and company, while the Serdi are in the Thrace theater with the Benni, it's a good bet that the Benni were, indeed, Benjamites. Between the Serdi and Cabyle are a Coralli peoples while Spanish Corrals use a black eagle that can be the Roman eagle.

Whether the PORsulae location and the Paeti peoples to Caelelatae's south apply to Pierleoni, I haven't an opinion at this time, but there is a Porcia/Porcello surname sharing the black boar in the colors of the same of Porci's/Porcelli's, and in the colors of the Varenne ravens, relevant because the Varenne's/Warenne's had some elements where the Porsels were first found (Sussex). These are the colors of the Corral eagle too, while the Trausi peoples beside Porsulae are, on the map below, much-further north in the same land as the Coralli. The Porci/Porcelli saltire is in the colors of the Benjamin saltire! As the CORPili peoples are beside Porsulae, while the Greek crow is a CORVos, the surnames above can trace well to these elements. The Porsel/Purcel/Porci surname ("PERium" motto term) should apply to the Porci's/Porcelli's. The Corral eagle is that also of German Marks, suspect with Marici on the Ticno.

Pope Urban II was the Crusader pope, spurring the empire to go invade Jerusalem. From Wikipedia's Pierleoni article: "Pope Urban II died in one of the Pierleoni's castelli, July 1099." That was the same year that his troops finally succeeded in conquering Jerusalem. He claimed that it was God's will for the continent to attack Jerusalem, but he died before he could even celebrate the victory. Perhaps he was murdered by a Pierleoni, after having accomplished for them the military need of the moment.

Until making changes in the last update, I had said that the Pierleoni became popes. I had remembered wrongly. Apparently, they put out just an antipope, AnacLETUS II, in 1130. He almost made it as pope. His election was supported by Roger Guiscard II, but opposed by Bernard of Clairvaux. If you don't know anything about these things, you don't know much less than I. By the looks of it as I read his article, Anacletus, born Pietro Pierleoni, was the acting pope until his death in 1138. His brother wanted to be a pope, apparently, but failed.

I didn't think to check the Pietro surname until seeing it in the article. It's very interesting, using five roses where six could have been easily used, and it has a fesse in the colors of the Alan fesse, but in the colors also of the Quint chevron. Pietro's were first found in Pavia, a thing I rarely see. Pavia, under its older name, Ticinum, was co-founded by the Laevi Gauls.

The Anacletus article makes an unexpected and incomprehensible admission, that Anacletus' great-great grandfather, "Benedictus, maybe Baruch in Hebrew." I wonder where this idea came from. I don't see how Baruch could be a form of Benedict? Could it be that the family had some Baruch names? Couldn't that lend itself to the Barney / Burn / Bernice bloodline? In fact, two Peter surnames share a gold-on-blue bend with Bruno's. While Italian Barone's were first found in Florence along with Bruno's, Irish Barone's share a red-on-white saltire with Barbers. I always link Laevi Gauls to the Ananes Gauls, and then the same saltire is used by Annan(dale)s. And the Pierleoni themselves claimed to descend from an ancient Anicii surname.

I've only just noticed that Italian Barone's are traced to BeronCELLO (Florence), possible indication of the Celio hill of Rome.

By what coincidence are Baruch-like Brocks and Brocuffs potent liners? Brocks use the Tool lion in colors reversed, which recalls that "Under reign of Tullus Hostilius [mythical code], the entire population of Alba Longa was forcibly resettled on the Caelian Hill." The Tull Chief has the lion in the Brock Chief in colors reversed. Tools, first found in the same place as potent-liner Eustace's (same cross as Perga-suspect Burghs), share the same boar (different colors) in Crest with Barone's.

I neglected to mention in the last update, while Pamphylians were tracing to the entire discussion, that "Tullus" is in "TerTULLUS," the name of the family in Perga of Pamphylia that married Plancia Magna. This recalls that Turtle/Tuttle's/Toothills have items linkable to Rollo's ("tute"), and the latter share the blue boar, and a "fortuna" motto term, with Irish Barone's. As Walkers use a "magna" motto term, it recalls the Walker link to Wagers, first found in the same place as Walkers, and sharing hearts around a chevron with English Barone's/Barns. Wager-suspect Gage's get what should be the Barone saltire as well as what can be the Barbera Shield. Gage's/Gaaceys/Wacys got suspect with Gace's. and Gace is on the same river (Touques) as Vipont, while Viponts use annulets in the colors of the same upon the Barone saltire. Walkers use the same annulets (though called rings), and moreover offer an item in a white tower.

So, what we have is Tull suspects in the Brocks, making Brocks suspect with the Alba-Longa Latins, and this should trace to Latona, the Roman version of Leto, mother of Artemis. Should BROGitarus be put into that picture? While Brogitarus was the official priest of Cybele, Plancia's family served / ruled in the temple to Artemis at Perga. In earlier times, the priests of Kybele were the Galli, one of the candidates for naming the Caelius hill. And "Alba" can be named by the Galli-suspect Halybes, kin of Khaldi that lived at the Thermodon river, location of ArTEMIS-suspect THEMIScyra. "Kybele/Cybele" (mother of the Phrygian sun god) smacks of the sun god, Gabal.

When we go to Brecks, an ANTELope, probably relevant where Perga is right beside ANTALya. And German Brecks are almost using the Long lion. Brecks are in Italian Alba colors, and German Alba's are suspect with the BAUMgartner fleur. Let it be reminded that while Brogitarus' son, Amyntes, traced to the so-called "OPEN helmets" of Mynetts, OPENheims share a sphinx with Brocuffs/Procks (use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Brocks). Heims use wolves, symbol of the Artemis cult.

There is an argument to be made that the first Templars were opposed to the Pierleoni, for "Hugues de Payens or Payns (c. 1070 - 24 May 1136) was the co-founder and first Grand Master of the Knights Templar. With Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, he created the Latin Rule, the code of behavior for the Order." It was Bernard that opposed the election if Peter Leoni Anacletus in favor of Innocent II. I don't know the reason, however, and Wikipedia doesn't elaborate. The article for Hugh shows a red-on-white moline as the Templar symbol, which is the colors of the moline in the Arms of Montfort-sur-Meu (Brittany).

Hugh was named after a village in Champagne, and so, apparently, it doesn't tell his prior family name. The heraldic Payens, and branches thereof, are likely to descend from him, though one of them may have named his town of Payns, which has an Arms at its page. It uses the wavy feature suspect by as code for Weavers / Webers (resolved as Pepin kin), but not all wavy bars are necessarily for the Weavers. The flag upon which the red Templar cross is drawn is a Shield split vertically in black and white, which might be of the Portuguese Gregorys because English Gregorys use two fesse bars in the colors of the blue wavy bar on the gold Payns Chief, and these are in the colors of the triple Paganel bends. The latter surname uses a "label" in the Chief that I suspect with the LaBels, and then Bellamys share the crescents of Seatons while Sutys/Suddys use blue-on-gold triple, WAVY fesse bars, and moreover share a gold Chief with the Arms of Payns! I think this works excellently to identify the Arms of Payns with Seatons out of Sion. The Sidicini were at CAMPANIA, an alternative name for ChamPAGNE. One can therefore expect that the namer of Payns was a Campania element.

The Nothings/Northerns (Yorkshire, same as Paganels), found in the Suty motto, are using the colors and format of the Payens/Pagans, as well as sharing the green Seaton dragon with flames. Although we cannot completely see the white Nothing chevron under the gold chevron, one can make out that its got a pattern of some sort, a pattern that I cannot identify with any known pattern (to my knowledge) aside from being two rows of billets filling the chevron. For example, see the billets filling the Shield of Dole's/Doile's (they are called billets in the description). This Dole surname can be a branch the Dulys/D'Oyle/Oily surname that uses double bends in the colors of the Pung/Paganel bends, and of the Dole billets. There is a question on whether these surnames were from the Tullus entity expected at Toulouse, where Quintus Caepio got his gold and silver bars, and the mythical Tullus entity at the Caelian hill got linked to the Galli / Halybes, metal makers and miners, and, moreover, the Gali/Gauls were at home all around Toulouse.

Dole's/Doile's share the red stag head of Colts/Cults, first found in Perthshire and using the Pilate pheon in colors reversed. Sutys were first found in Perthshire too, as were "tute"-using Rollo's that use the same stag head (different color) as their Clan Badge. Rollo's have been linked to Turtle's/Toothills, which makes for a new thing to be had here, for "Tute" suddenly smacks of "Suty." Were Tute's / Todeni's a T-version line of Sidicini? Dole's use "FortiTUDINE" in their motto. I've only just realized, as per the Turtle's, that the TortOISE can be code for Oise, the part of France where Chappes' were first found who were married by Hugh de Payens. And the Arms of Oise, I kid you not, use the three blue-on-gold Pung/Paganel bends, easily linkable to the same of Guerra's that share the green dragon with Sutys / Seatons. Both Guerra's and the Arms of Oise use the sinister feature, which I trace to a left-hand symbol of a mythical Mucia entity that was part of Virgil mythology along with the Tullus entity. Within the past month, the namers of Oise got suspect with the Oyle variations of D'Oyle's because the latter likewise use multiple blue-on-gold bends. These are the colors of the Bernice fesse, and that surname is suspect from Berenice Agrippa of Chaucer-suspect Chalchis. Bernice's and Dole's share a "vincit" motto term.

The tortoise is used by Chaucers, who married Roets, who in-turn share the book with Reeds, who in-turn share the red stag heads of Dole's/Doile's and Colts/Cults (probably a branch of Colters with the Catherine wheels of Catherine Roet). Colts/Cults are also "Celt" and are therefore suspected from the proto-Celt Khaldi, metal makers along with the Halybes. As Halybes are suspect with the naming of Alba Longa, by what coincidence do German Colters/Goltzers use a Coat like that of German Alba's? Compare with the Fulke's too. The Roets and Reeds play right into the Pierleoni trace to Titus liners at Rieti.

Another surname first found in Perthshire is the Justine's, traceable without doubt to Justine of Pagan-like PICENum, where the Vince's trace that should be in the "vincit" terms of Dole's and Bernice's. A Pagan connection between Campania and Picenum can be where there is a Picentini range in the Campania part of the Apennines mountains. Vince-suspect Wings/Winks use billets.

Perthshire has been traced well to Perdrix at Mont Pilat, in the Dauphine theater where Payens were first found. And as far as this goes, it's all about Mont Pilat / St. Etienne's billet (metal bars) liners that go to the billets in the Arms of Roquefeuil, an Arms using gold and green, the colors of the Shield in the Arms of Payns. The billet liners include the Billets using the Payens Coat in the colors of the Pilate pheons, and first found in Maine, where French Josephs were first found, near or amongst Bellamys. The English Josephs were Henry liners that were traced both to kinship with Roquefeuil, and to the Brittany Henrys said (in their write-up) to be on the Meu river, i.e. location of Montfort-sur-Meu. Eleven billets (code for ELVIN line?) in the colors of Billets are used by Besancons/Bassets (kin of Etienne's) while the other Bassets use three wavy fesse bars too, another way to link the wavy bars of Payns to Mont Pilat.

Having said all that, I loaded the Wikipedia article on pope Innocent II, to find a heart filled with wavy fesse bars in his Arms. The design is not in color. If it disappears see it here:

Now, I tell you no lie, that when I started on this topic, saying that Hugh de Payens' buddy, Bernard of Clairvaux, sided with Innocent II in his papal struggle against the Pierleoni antipope, I hadn't yet opened the article on Innocent. My point in starting the discussion was to see whether Bernard sided with Innocent (born Gregoria Papareschi), not because Bernard opposed the Pierleoni Jews fundamentally, but because Innocent may have been, perhaps, part of the Jewish circles of Rome. And here I find: "Papareschi came from a Roman family, probably of the rione Trastevere." That's the river called the Jewish Quarter, home of the Pierleoni!

And Innocent's Gregory name may explain, not only why Payens can trace to Gregorys, but why there was a pope Gregory II shortly before him. Note that "PAPAReschi" is like the PeverELL / PiperELL/Pepperell / Pepper surnames. The latter are using the gold-on-red Bennett / Benedict lions (!), and look like a version of the Presley Coat (same place as PagenELLs). The last update showed how Presley cockaTRICE traces the Presley Coat's colors and format to the Caelius-suspect Sellers / Coles', but here we find that format linkable to Peppers, a perfect way to trace the latter to "Papareschi"! Both Peppers and Benedicts use the gold lion in their Crest too. Innocent's painting gives him patee crosses, a symbol of the Bennetts.

Instead of the black grappling hooks on the white-on-red Presley chevron, the Peppers use black scythes upon their same-colored chevron. The Scythes surname is listed with Side's/Sudys, for a Papareschi trace to Sidicini elements. The Scythe surname (no final 's') is listed with Skits/Skeochs, which may finally reveal where the latter's gold hearts trace, to the heart of Papareschi as pope. "Skit" can be a SIDicini line. As the Templars / Bouillons are expected to trace to the red-on-white potent cross of Skits/Scythe's and Brocuffs (Brocks use a "VireSCIT" motto), note that there is a cross in the Arms of Payns that could be a red-on-white fitchee, for fitchees of those colors are used by Scottish Sheds (same place as Skits/Scythe's) along with the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Brocuffs. English Sheds/Scheds (same place as Paganels) use the red-on-white potent cross too.

The Bennetts and Benedicts sharing the same motto use "De bon," and then Debons/Bono's (Milan) use a white-on-red lion in the colors of the Bennett lions, and this can be the Montfort lion because Simon de Montfort was related to the Beaumonts/Bellmonts (rulers of Leicestershire, where Peppers were first found) that appear linked to Bone's, who use lions in the colors of the Paper/Pepperwell lions! We have probably fallen upon Skull-and-Bones ancestry here. Dutch Bone's (Skull colors) are traced to a Floris character that can trace to the Florence elements expected, now, in papal Pierleoni kin. Plus, as Bone's liners are expected from Boii of Bononia/Bologna, what about the boy symbol of Peverells/Littleboys??? I get it, that Papareschi must have been a Boii-of-Bononia liner along with the Bouillons. With the Debons/Bono's being first found in Milan, founded by Insubres that I suspect in the Ince / Inch / Innes surname, compare with "Innocent."

The PepperWELLs can indicate that the "ell" endings of Peverells and Piperells are for the Wells (two-tailed lion of Montforts and Bohemia, right?) that had traced to Beaumonts of Meulan. Papers/Pepperwells use lion heads in the colors of the Beaumont lion, and Beaumonts, already realized with the Benedicts, use a gold lion in both Coat and Crest, as do Benedicts and Peppers. Beaumonts were first found in Dorset and Gloucestershire, the latter being where Papers/Pepperwells were first found. It's clear, that Beaumonts, from the house of Danish Harcourts, and descended from Well-suspect Humphrey de Vieilles, were from a line of Innocent II, supported by Bernard ClairVAUX, and then while the Claro's / Sinclairs were Danes too, the Vaux's are the ones sharing a Shield filled with red-and-gold checks with the Arms of Meulan.

The house of Humphrey de Vielles got suspect with the mythical ancestry of the Anjou Fulks, said to be from mythical Tertullus, and as this entity is now tracing to Tertullus' of Plancia Magna, not the "Magnum" motto term of Little's, for the Littleboys variation of Peverells can apply. Little's are said to have been "closely affiliated with the Douglases", and then Douglas' use the heart, symbol of Innocent II Papareschi. That works. One then takes notice that the other half of the Lebon/Bon lion, in the colors of the Dougal/Dowel and Dowel/Duile lion. The Dowels may have been Doile liners. The Dill variation of Dougals reminds of the Till link to Tulls, and then both Tulls and Tools share a white lion with Dougals. Tulls are expected with mythical Tullus, perhaps a line to TerTULLUS.

As Tertullus' were from Perga, they were traced to Perkins (Liecestershire), for the Perkin motto term, "Simplex," was from a Mr. Simplex character to which the Tertullus' were related / associated (I forget the fine details). The "PARvo" motto term of Little's can apply to Pierleoni, and then PERkins are said to be from "Peter," though I don't buy that at all. It seems as though houseofnames is Peter-happy with every Par-like surname, and while that can work at times, in this case, Perkins trace to "Perga." It may be that Perga elements developed Per / Par-like surnames that later developed to "Peter" in the papal circles, for those circles loved some Peter entity when they built the basilica named after one, and I do not think for a minute that it was named after the apostle Peter, as claimed. It's now recalled that Fabians had been part of a Perry discussion, and so let's add that Fabians share red-on-white fleur with Perkins. This surname sounds like the Lithuanian god, Perkunas.

There is also a Perken surname with the colors and format of Presleys and Peppers. This tends to verify that Pepper liners were the Pepin Paphlagonians in cahoots with Pamphylians. "Perk" now becomes suspect with "Pres." Perkens were first found in the same place as same-colored and Benjamite-suspect Bennetts. Perkens and Presleys use the colors and format of Hebrons, and so Perga may have been a Hebrew center from the Hebron area. ESCHOL-valley peoples are expected with the Patent-related SCHOLE's/Scayles. I had a short dream, and shared it, in the first update of this month, that sold me on the potent link to Hebrons. The dream had to do with a Mr. Kepka that was traced, by the particulars of the dream, to the Varangians of Kiev (ruled early by Yaroslav), but I didn't know at the time that there was a Yaroslav Kepka, actor. SCHOLfields/Scofields (LANCashire, same as Perkens) are using the same colors, and almost the same format, as Perkens et-al.

The white bull head of Scholefields is used by Hosts, suspect with mythical Tullus Hostilius at Benjamin-related Rome. It dawns here that "Hosts/Osts/Husts may have been EUSTace liners, for the family of Eustace II did get allied with Rome's Jews. So long as we are discussing kin of Montforts, keep in mind that a mystery count Eustace, at the time that Eustace II was count of Bologne, had the Montfort gonfanon symbol. Again, Eustace's are using the same cross as Perga-suspect Burghs.

Hebron is the likely origin of Keturah and her LETUSHite tribe, and while LETTICe's (black symbols on white-on-red chevron, same as Perkens and Presleys), LETo's/Alitto's, Aliotta's are all in Hebron / Perken colors, it's also the colors of the star of Anak-suspect Annas', who I say are kin of Pipe-loving LETTs. The Anaki lived in Hebron, according to the Bible. Then, the LITE's/Lights use three swans in the colors and format of Hebrons / Perkens / etc. Lite's use feathers in their Crest, and Perkens must be honoring, with their own feathers, the Feathers using the same colors and format once again, and it just so happens that while Perga is at ANTALya (Attaleia = Atlas), Feathers use an ANTELope, which, by now, clinches the antelope as part-code for Antalya / Perga elements. The AnteLOPE was also suspect as part-code for the wolf symbol of neighboring Lycaonia, where a Derbe location was that traces to antelope-using Derbys, whose antelope design is that also of Feathers (and Chimneys). The Eyers/Ayers were first found in Derbyshire, and the other Ayers use "LIGHTer than air" as code for the Lite's/Lights, right? The swan design of Feathers, a rare design, is used by Alba's, what a longincidence.

I only-now looked up the Longens after writing "LONGINcidence," and they are listed with Langens (Templar Lamb with BANNER, in Banner colors), and use the same lion as Tulls and Tools, suggesting strongly that Tulls and Tools do trace to Tullus Hostilius, who was given the symbol of removing the inhabitants of Alba Longa to Caelian hill. Hasters/Hesters (Ishtar cult?), suspect with Hostilius, share swans with Alba's, and swans trace to lake Sevan, beside the Caucasian Albanians and the Alans of Alania.

As Langhe (like the Aleng variation of Alans) has been identified with proto-Alans of Dol, while there are several reasons for tracing "Dol" to the Dulo house of Tullus-suspect Attila, it seems that Alans did in fact reside at Alba Longa with their Albanian kin. Welsh Longens use the same lion as Irish Longens/Langens above, but on a blue Shield, making it, possibly, the Leo lion. German Langens are listed with the Langs who share the pelican with Stewarts (and DeVAUX's). PELICans are suspect with Peleg, a son of the Biblical Eber, and therefore a chief Hebrew liner.

Now Rome was home to a mythical Cacus suspect with Caucasia because Latins themselves were traced (by ancients) to mythical Circe, code for the Circasian part of Caucasia. And as Latins called their home, Lazio, they trace to the Caucasian Lazi. Cacus had a bull symbol, as per when he tried to steal the bulls of Hercules. And the HOSTs use the bull, which, as you can realize by the end of this paragraph, become suspect with the namers of OSSETia, at one time, Alania. These bulls at Rome were themselves stolen previously, by Hercules, from Geryon, in a myth than involved the Ladon dragon, likely the Lazi, for they lived at Ladon-like Lazona (later Georgia). There must have been a special reason as to why the cattle of Gorgon-like Geryon (Caucasian Georgians, right?) were linked to Cacus at Rome, and Cacus was even given a fire-breathing indicate that he depicted none other than the Ladon Lazi Latins by another name. Some argue that Romans were co-founded by peoples of Tubal, and, today, T'bilisi is in Georgia. The particular Georgians who traced themselves back to king David of Israel were even in cahoots with the Crusader invasions of Jerusalem, and one can see how the Templar flag of Jerusalem is a version of the flag of Georgia to this day. Were Pierleoni of Rome somehow connected to Georgians? That's what it looks like.

The paragraph above was not planned, but just popped out of my woodwork. It just so happens that while peoples of Ossetia / Alania were called Irons, the Presleys, at topic just before the paragraph above, use irons. And as the Presley topic was brought to Hebron by the Presley-related Perkens, it recalls that the Hebrews of Hebron are largely expected from the Caucasian Iberi.

The Ossetians were called, Osi. Alans of Dol in Shropshire lived at OSwestry. The Oscans can apply because they are now discovered with the Uscana of Pendragon-rooted Penestae, and then Alania has an Arthur-like river (the Ardon). Oscan circles included the Sidicini, whom should trace to the Caucasian Sittaceni. "The Ossetians...the Georgian designations Osi (sing., pl.: Osebi) and Oseti ('the land of Osi')...probably based on the old Alan self-designation 'As'" (Ossetian article). It looks like they were of the namers of Azov, location of the Sittaceni, and of the namers of Asia, the Hayasa-Azzi. Mythical AESon can apply. Compare "Osebi" to "Suebi," whom I'm sure were from the Sabine's, in Oscan circles.

"HostILIUS" may have been part-code for Ilion/ILIUS, an alternative name for Troy, or a location at Troy. Virgil insisted that Romans were founded by Trojans, a good reason to seek the Rimmon Benjamites in the Trojan fold (recall the Benni peoples on the Arda river of Trojan-related Thrace, and consider a Benjamin/Benyamin trace to "PANIAS/Banias," the possible root of "PENEStae"). The Batia side of Trojan origins was suspect with the Caucasian Bats (at Batumi, for example). Virgil connected his Aeneas Trojans to CARTHage, and then the Georgians were known at one time as KARTvelians (cart-wheelers?). The Tull / Tool lion is also in the Astel Coat (share "Sub cruce" with Percivals), though split in two colors, the two metals, as are the Brian lions. As Brians are traceable to Briancon = Brigantium, it's notable that the Briganti had a Setantii tribe. The major gods of the Setantii included the wood-cutter, Esus/Aesus (i trace him to the axe symbol of the Mount-Carmel branch of Israel's Essenes or proto-Essenes), and a bull-cult god to which human sacrifices were given. I had traced the bull cult of the Tyrian Zeus (like "Aesus") to Haifa, between Tyre and mount Carmel. The idea is that Kartvelians were in Tyre as the proto-Carthage Tyrians. Zeus descended from his grandfather, Iranian-suspect Uranus, and Caucasians are said to originate in Iran.

I had written: "Esus was associated with the god, Taranis, which seems conspicuous because the brother of Iasius [like "Aesus"] was the Trojan founder, Dardanus." Taranus had, as did Ixion, a wheel symbol, and Iasius was also "Iasion," like "Ixion." It's known that Zeus was pro-Trojan in the mythical Trojan war. The Zeus TAURus looks the TARanus / Dardanus line, the founder of Troy. The following traces to the Seatons of Say, a location beside Seez: "As Caesar (ii, 34) notices the Esuvii side by side with the Aulerci (Cenomani and Eburovices), who possessed the dioceses of Le Mans and Evreux, it is generally believed that [the Esuvii] inhabited the diocese of Seez, which is adjacent to those two dioceses. If this opinion is right, the Esuvii and the Saii [Celts] were the same..."

My take was that the Esuvii, thought by some to be named after Esus, named the Svi and the Suevi/Suebi, and therefore the Sviones, partners and neighbors of the Sitones, the latter being of the Sitten variation of Seatons, right? And so, if the Esus cult was from Azov (there was a Taurus area on the west of the Azov sea), Seatons would trace well to the Sittaceni. I had claimed that Zeus and Hera were Sittaceni peoples, namers of Soducena at the swan lake, Svione-like Sevan, and myth even made Zeus a swan. Azov is also the location of Tanais, where I trace "DarDANUS." DARdanus and TARANus can trace to the Tarun area of Armenia. Did you make special note of the CENOmani in the quote above, partners with the Hyksos-suspect Eburovices Hebrews? The Cenomani came up recently while emphasizing the Ceno river, tributary of the TARo. Taranusincidence rex?

I suppose the Saii, the namers of Say, may have been Asaii, so to speak, or the Asians. Hyksos were thought to be Asians or Hayasa-Azzi. Compare the colors of the Osters/Ostens with the flag of North Ossetia.

I had wondered why "parVO" is used by Little's, and, perhaps, it's code for the ClairVO variation of Clairvaux's (same place as Paganels). French Vaux's/Belliveau's (ten billets) share a gold-on-blue bend with the Arms of Jacques de Molay, last official Templar grand master. As the Vaux checks are those of Meulan, where Beaumonts ruled, it strikes me here that "Vaux" was a version of "veau" in "BelliVEAU," and, as such, was also a version of "Beau(mont)." Belliveau's are in Beaumont colors, but as Bellmonts can suggest Bellamys, they too are in Belliveau colors. Did you catch that "Molay" can be related to "Meulan." Irish Mulans/Mullens share red crescents with Bellamys (and a blue, erect sword with Bettys). Scottish Mulans/Millens share the same lion as Meulan-related Wells, minus a lion tail. See also the colors of both Valley surnames, for Vaux's are Vallibus', and note how the Brittany Valleys (Vaux colors) share the red-on-gold fesse of Alans, whom I constantly link to Bellamys/Belleme's (Shropshire). This is now a major part of the Roman dragon. The Alans have always been suspect as the heart of the dragon, and they seem to link to everything and everyone, perhaps a picture of the harlot that makes alliances with everything but the true God. Mellansons ("bundle of rods") even have a Bellamy-like look to their Coat. I've never emphasized a Bellamy link to Bellmonts/Beaumonts, but herein is some new information that tends to clinch it.

The Bellamy Crest is "An arm holding a SCEPTer on which there is a crescent," and the "Domine SPERavi " motto phrase of Valleys looks like code for Domna, wife of SEPTimius SEVERus.

Hamon and Salmon of Jerusalem

I started to think on where Meulan liners might trace as per all the variations of the surnames above, and went back to Miletus at the end of the Maeander river. Only this time, the mythical Sarpedon Minoans (from Crete) came to mind, founders of Miletus and some Lycian elements on the south side of the Maeander along with Pamphylians. His brother, RhadAMANTHYS came to mind, and this was just a days after discovering the AMENT surname listed with Amyntes-suspect Hamon(d)s. Therefore, Rhadamanthys was code for Maeander elements probably leading to the naming of Amyntes. Plus, while Dionysus had Maenads on the Maeander (my personal claim), at least one myth writer gave him an ARIADne woman for a wife, which he picked up at Crete's bull cult, and brought to Lemnos. It seems that the RHADA element (expected on the Maeander) was this Ariadne, and I'd suggest Rhodians, or perhaps Arados in Syria.

Having said that, it recalls that Bellamys traced well to mythical Bellerophon ("phon" is suspect with Phoenicians) because he was allied to Pegasus while the Bellamy kin, Masseys, use a pegasus. Bellerophon and Pegasus were waging war in Lycia, you see, where there was a Lada goddess connectable to the Meschin-suspect Ladds/Ladons. And so the Meulan / Vaux liners, now discovered rather strongly with Bellamy liners, do look like MILETus liners. Aments/Hamonds use MULLETs on "each" wing of the falcon between the attires of a stag. As Mullets are using the Payen Coat, a Payen trace to Miletus elements is possible, perhaps linking "Pagan" to the namers of "PEGasus." If that's correct, trace Payens to whatever the Pegasus stood for. You'll see shortly below why Aments/Hamonds link squarely to Payens, but note also that Falcons using the same crescents as LeBELs, and that a label is in the Chief of Pane's/Panico's (OAK tree) along with what could be the Masci fleur.

Sarpedon was traceable to ancient Clarus, on the north side of the Maeander, and that's where CLAIRvaux should trace. The "parVO"-using Little's then look like another Leto / Lite liner because Leto was at Clarus. Clare's are in Vaux colors, and BelliVAUX's use billets suspect with the Bilis river of Pamphylia. I do not know where that river is, as I could find nothing online about it, and even the article that mentioned it disappeared. As Artemis was an Amazon goddess, one would expect Leto to be also, and yet her name, especially her Latona version of the Romans, suggests proto-Latin Lydians at Latmus, smack beside Clarus (and Ephesus, city of Artemis). Endymion at Latmus was from Elis, at Pisa, the Oenomaus Amazons again.

ENDYmion just brought ANTalya to mind, probably named after the goddess, Anat, whom I see at "ANATolia." EndyMION looks like Antalya elements (Atlas, right?) on the Maeander, and then Pelops' father, Tantalus, rhymes with "Antalya" while Antalya was in PISidia, while Pelops went on to marry Pisa.

As Bellamys and Perche's were traced without much question to the Arve river with Harveys and Garveys, they got pegged as kin of Garebites, and as these traced to "Serb" and "KRVati" = Croatians, that's what I trace SARPedon to. The Clare's use three of the two Laren/Claren chevrons, and the latter's are surely the two red ones of Perche's and Harveys, and so it traces Clare's to Bellamy elements in Bellerophon, which is to say that Bellerophon must have been linked to something at Clarus. As Leto was mother to Apollo/ABELLO, that explains it. The Pegasus was likely the Ares cult, and so Bellerophon was an Apollo-Ares duo. And I did trace Apollo to Arados along with the donkey god (Tartak) of the Avvites. Apollo was likely the Baal cult represented also by Pelops, the line to Pisa (home roughly of the Ladon dragon, from Latmus elements, right?), and so LatMUS looks like the origin of OenoMAUS (wheel symbol). As Minoans were made mythically the sons of the Europa Phoenicians, it explains "BelleroPHON" as a Baal > Apollo cult from the Tyrians, and that was none other than the Zeus Taurus.

Bellerophon's origins were made (by ancients) with mythical king Sisyphus at Corinth (the Coronis Lapiths, right), but one can glean that SISYphus was code for neighboring SICYon, now tracing to the Szekely proto-Hungarians on the Mures, where we find Arad, very traceable to Arados because the latter was the Greek version of the city's name, which the locals called, Arvad/Arpad, the name of the Hungarian founder. The Hungarians were revealed as part of the potent liners to Rosicrucianism, suggesting that proto-Hungarians were in Rhadamanthys and Ariadne, opening up another area of discovery. I'm not afraid to make such traces, as the codes lead, because the finer details almost-always prove to cough-up the evidence. For example, Arados was near UGARit while it's known that Hungarians were from Ugrians. Hungarians traced themselves to a stag, and the Aments/Hamons use a stag theme in Crest. The Aments/Hamonds call the antlers the ATTIRES of a stag, suggesting Tyrians to RhadAMANTHYS. Without repeating it again, let me just say that all of this picture traces from the Hebron area (near Gareb) through Lapiths of Corinth and Patmos, to Amazons of Sicily, to the potent flag of Templar Jerusalem. If the Paeoni/PAIONi were the Poeni = Phoenicians, note that Payens are also "Peen / PAION" while Aments/Hamonds use a "chevron PEEN." And that's just one way to trace the Rhadamanthys Tyrians to the potent circles of Hugh de Payens.

The lozenges of Mandys/Mondays trace to Losinj, in Croatia, a way to serve evidence for a Sarpedon trace to Croatians. The latter are suspect with Cravens, in a Craven area of Yorkshire, where purple-lion Skiptons married Meschins traceable to Maezaei in Croatia (off the OENeus river), that being the line from the OENomaus Amazons. The Mandy/Monday lozenges are purple and thus link well to the Skipton-Craven relationship. It bears repeating that the Meschin-Skipton marriage traced to the alliance between general Scipio and Massena of Numidia, for as Massins/Masons were first found in the same place (Kent) as Axton, the Actons/Axtons (same fesse as SCHOLfields) are in the Craven motto and in the Craven fesse, in the familiar colors used by Hebron / Perken liners. Skipton-suspect Skiptons are the ones with bellows, and the Bellows are clearly using the Coat of Billets...i.e. suspect with Bellerophon elements at the Bilis river near Perga / Antalya.

There is a Rhadamanthys location in Maine of the United States, suggesting that Maine was named after Maeander elements. It's not ridiculous if the state was named after the Maine surname, which uses the double Perche chevrons...because Perche was near Maine. And so one can glean that Perche was a Perga liner in cahoots with Maeonians to Maine. It's not a wonder that Bellamys lived at Perche. This was the Percival / Pierce grail cult. You will not likely get the true derivations of American states if the Masons decided, from the start, to disguise the realities. They could easily feed you a line that such-and-such a place was named after such-and-such an Indian term.

It didn't hit me until now that Perkens share black-on-white stars with Aments/Hamons. But as Perga was beside antler-suspect Antalya, just look at those antlers in the Ament Crest! Now you know another reason that I take my work seriously while my spiritual enemies would have you believe that I'm trying to fool you with crazy talk. No one online has yet started to criticize me, so far as I know, probably due to three reasons: 1) my writings are well buried by Google; 2) not many take them seriously enough to read far enough to see that there is merit; 3) my enemies wouldn't want to notify anyone about my writings. My enemies are naturally those who oppose my "religion," and the historians who create dumb derivations for people, place and myth names in anything but other people-group, place and myth names. It's as though they're blinded, perhaps willfully. Anyone reading my material seriously needs to decide whether my derivations, verses those that are traditional, are the correct ones. Anyone sharing my material gets the stigma of being a radical.

"RHADAMANTHUS (Rhadamanthos), a son of Zeus and Europa, and brother of king Minos of Crete (Hom. Il. xiv. 322), or, according to others, a son of Hephaestus (Paus. viii. 53. § 2). From fear of his brother he fled to Ocaleia in Boeotia, and there married Alcmene." That was the mother of Hercules, what looks like part code for a Mene entity. It's very much like the father given to Hercules-like Samson. "RHADAMANTHYS, MINOS & AIAKOS were the three judges of the dead...The name of Aiakos was appropriately derived from the Greek words aiaktos, aiazo, meaning wailing and lamentation." They lie to you with things like that. "AE'ACUS (Aiakos), a son of Zeus and Aegina, a daughter of the river-god Asopus. He was born in the island of Oenone or Oenopia, whither AEGina had been carried by Zeus ..." There you have the wine theme of the Mene-suspect Maenads. And "ASopus" (opus" was a common Greek suffix) is clearly an Asi elements, while HephAEStus had some AIX terms applied to him, same entity as Aeson, whose son and Argo crew mated with Amazons of Lemnos, home of Hephaestus, Dionysus and Ariadne, all closely involved with Rhadamanthys. There is no end to the articulate falsities in derivations of terms so that one is hard-pressed to receive my derivations verses those of the word "professionals."

We can now know that the proto-Hungarian Rhadamanthys cult went from Crete to Boiotia, and Boii-based Bohemia is smack beside Hungary. Bohemians of Bononia were the potent liners, right? The Argo ship is known to have been filled with Boiotians from OrchoMENOS, a Minos liner, right? Yes, for Minos was the brother of Rhadamanthys. So why have the professionals not picked up on this thing, or why would they be afraid to mention it if they did pick up on it? Do they shun the teachings and gleanings of myth terms, to their own losses, and thereby become the darkened stupids and teachers of false history? Yes, definitely, it's what many do, obviously. You won't find Minos in Wikipedia's article on Orchomenos. But you will find: "Orchomenus is also referenced as the 'MINyean Orchomenus' in order to distinguish the city from the 'Arcadian Orchomenus'..." The Minyae were Minos elements, right? Minoans, an historical peoples for which "Minos" was merely a code. Where is the Wikipedia writer giving me the credit for the abundant realities uncovered by my work?

Where should Melia, the honey goddess of Boiotia, and related closely to Argos' founder, be traced, if not to the bee cult(s) of Crete (Amalthea)? Can we glean that BOIOtia carried a BEE theme? The ESSENes cult of Ephesus, right, the namer of AESON, right? " another account [mythical Minyas] is called son of Poseidon and Callirhoe; yet others variously give his father as Chryses (son of Poseidon and Chrysogeneia, daughter of ALMUS), Ares, Aleus or Eteoclus." Almus is thereby suspect with Olmos, the mythical father of the Hungarian Arpad. It's a great way to trace Rhadamanthys Minoans to the proto-Hungarians at Arad and Oradea in the CARPathian mountains, yet, shame, I have yet to read that Arpad was from the namers of the Carpathians. Do historians keep to a secret internal law, never to give-up the ancestral secrets? If that's not true, then I've got to conclude that some dirty cloud inhabits their brains, or that only dummies become historians. I'm not trying to elevate myself high by portraying myself smarter than historians, for that doesn't get me very high at all.

The antler-using Aments/Hamons were Minyae, weren't they, out of Antalya, the namer of Atlas, Posiedon's first son, Right? And who was that CHRYSogeneia, daughter of Almus? Well, there is an Almus location (map below) on the Danube between Moesia Superior and Moesia Inferior, and right beside RATiaria, like the Rhada element of the Minoans...from Arados/Arpad, right? It's also beside a Bononia location traceable to the Boii. Yet, I've never read that Olmos is from this Almus location (modern Lom). What sickness has befallen the historians? So long as they derive "Almus" in some term from their Ancient Dictionary of Fog, the whole world of history readers will be impoverished.

The Argonautica had the Argo sailing up the Danube for a reason. Shouldn't "AlMUS" me suspect with the Mysian namers of Moesia, and with the Massey / Maschi liners that included Hamon de Massey? That was the line from Benjamites, from RIMMON, and the Ament/Hamon motto even uses "discRIMINI." The Avvite donkey god might trace to the Donkey and Duncan surnames, which use a "DISCE" motto term, clearly spelled out in "DISCrimini." The Meschins are known to have married the Duncans early. Duncans had traced well to the Dunax mountain at Rhodope, beside the Siward-suspect Serdi. Rhodope may have been an Arados liner, therefore. The Bessi, smack beside Dunax, trace to the Bessin, home of Meschins, and then the Bessin / Bistone surnames use bees, such a boiincidence. The Orchomenos Boiotians were at the Rhodope mountains, right? The Serdi were due south of Almus across the region of the TriBALLI, perhaps related to the OrBELUS mountains next to Dunax.

I traced the donkey god, Tartak, to Tartus, beside, and named after, Arados. It seems feasible enough that the Avvites, Biblically that Avviy ("Avv" root), evolved into some Abb entity, such as Apasa, an old name for bee-line Ephesus. And Pandareus of Ephesus was the mythical son of bee-liner Merops, the mythical line to bee-line Childeric (a real king). It's no coincidence that Pandareus was made the father of Aedon in Boiotia, and this is why the Sarpedon Minoans are expected at Ephesus, because the Rhadamanthys Minoans are expected there, the ones who named Boiotian Orchomenos. But as there was a second Orchomenus at ArCADia (suspect with CADmus for excellent reasons), that place was made the birthplace of mythical Hermes, father of Pan suspect with PANdareus. And so this picture traces back to mount Hermon, at Benjamin-suspect Panias/Banias, location of Laish, the latter a line to the queer, Laius, descendant of CadMUS (traces to OenoMAUS of Pisa, who was assisted by Hermes). Laius was linked by myth writers to CHRYSippus (raped by Laius), himself a queer symbol of the Pelops / Pisa Amazons. All this is to say that Chryses, son of Poseidon (= father of the Cadmus Tyrians) and Chrysogeneia, daughter of AlMUS, were of the Chrysippus cult, suspect with Creusa the proto-Rus Ares line to potent Rosicrucians.

The "ippus" in "Chrysippus" denotes the Greek horse, symbol of Oenomaus and his daughter, and I've read that Minyae buried horse heads in their graves. It seems clear enough in this that the Dionysus-Ariadne line from Rhadamanthys Minoans were through the Maeonians and Minyae, the latter three were the same bloodline. But the horse element is suspect from Ares, an Aryan = European speaker, which can explain why "ORCHO" is like "HORSE."

Chrysippus was made the son of Pelops and Axioche, what looks like part of the Aeson line yet again, but with an "oche" entity thrown in (Og?). Her article at Wikipedia adds that she was also known as Danais, suspect with the proto-Amazon Meshwesh out of Tanis. "Pelops" was suspect with mythical BELUS/Belas, father of Danaus the man, from PELUSium, near Tanis. You can't argue with that. The biblical Og was traced to mythical Ogyges at Acte, the area around Aedon-suspect Athens, and Acte can trace to the Actons beloved of the Craven Croatians. I had identified Croatians with Garebites long before realizing that Og's Rephaites were at mount Gareb, and likely named after one another. Later, I realized that REPHaites were at mythical ORPHeus, the line from proto-Hungarian Oeagrus (proto-Ugrians) and CHAROPs (Carpathian Arpads) whom myth writers had up the Hebros river.

With this clue, the smarter historians (is there such a thing?) should be seeking an Axioche entity in the area between the Carpathians and the Hebros, or even in both. I kid you not, that this new idea had me searching for her at this very time, and, bingo, there (map above) in Scythia Minor (top right) is an Axiacae peoples smack where another map (below) has the Arpii! It is able to trace Chrysippus / Chrysogeneia liners (now equated, definitely) to that Getai area, or to the Carpathians in general, but especially to Hungarian ancestry at Almus.">

It just so happens that Almus was made the son of Sisyphus, the code for Sicyon, whom I traced to the proto-Hungarian Szekely at the Arad / Oradea theater! Now trace neighboring Corinth to Coronis the crow, and then to crow-suspect Garebites, and to the REPHAite-suspect RAVEN. To Greeks, a crow was a CORV term, but as it reflects the English term, Garebites can be suspect with the Ares Aryans rather than the Latin Lydians, and, indeed, "Gareb" was trace to Jerevan, near the Aras river of proto-Ares, and near Gugar/Gogarene, where OGYGes should trace. Og was a giant with a bed 13 feet long, and his line likely named the mythical giants, GIGantes. The Sisyphus > Almus > Chrysogeneia line was made the rulers of Orchomenos out of that area's Almones/Olmones.

Chrysogeneia was also Chrysogone. In her Wikipedia article, we discover that she was indeed the line of the Greek Danaans, for the latter were born from Zeus as a golden shower, and so see here: "Karl Otfried Muller suspected that the myth either on the gold riches of Orchomenos or on the Rhodian myth in Orchomenos worshiped as Athena Chryse goddess Athena alludes, said to have been born under a golden rain." To queers, a golden shower is when they urinate on one another as some sort of sexual turn-on, which is the same idea as "pig." Zeus was a pig. Mythology is from flamboyant pigs for whom the Flames have been prepared.

I haven't gone to the Almus article until now, after writing on Coronis above. The article says that "Chryse's son with Ares was Phlegyas, who inherited the kingdom of Orchomenus as Eteocles had died childless. Chrysogeneia had by Poseidon a son Chryses, who succeeded Phlegyas as king of Orchomenus, and in his turn became father of Minyas..." Phlegyas, suspect as a Peleg-As entity of Hebrews (especially the Kabeiri), was the father of Coronis and Ixion, Lapiths who inhabited Lesbos too, the island where the head and HARP of Orpheus (Charops line) floated after floating down the Hebros. The mouth of the Hebros is the location of the Ixion-suspect KIkons/CICONes, perhaps part of the GIGANtes, and therefore possibly from Og (suspect with raven liners of ORPHeus). The mouth of the Hebros is also the location of Aenus, the line from Aeneas, husband of Creusa. And so there you have another picture of what the Chrys entity was all about, very linkable to the Benjamite founders of Romans.

The CaeleLATEA, a potential Leto / Lada liner that may have been at the Caelius hill of Rome, are beside the HARPassus river, otherwise called the Arda, and the latter can trace to Ardea to the south of Rome. The Caelelatae are to the near-north of Kikons. Compare CaeleLATAE with mythical "Elatus" below, and keep in mind that the Corpili, beside the Caelelatae, is a crow suspect. As the Trausi are beside the Caelelatae, its notable that Truss' use a giant patee cross traceable to Patti in the Scylla area. The Scylla wolf monster was paired with Charybdis, which I traced to Charops (with good reasons), suspect, at least in part, on the Harpassus.

The following makes the Patmos Lapiths linkable to Ixion's Centaurs: "While pregnant with Asclepius, Coronis fell in love with Ischys, son of Elatus. When a crow informed Apollo of the affair, he sent his sister Artemis to kill Coronis. Apollo rescued the baby though and gave it to the centaur Chiron to raise." For this picture, trace the Skala location of Patmos, with Asclepios, to Scylla of Sicily, and then trace the Messina area of Scylla to Massins/Masons of Kent, the founded by the Centaur-suspect Cantii, for, in western legend, Kent was co-founded by a Horsa entity. Kent was also co-founded by an Hengist entity, a term smacking of Giengen, near ORSIngen (southern Germany).

Obama's ancestor of the Wolfley line was a mayor of Orsingen, the Arms of which uses the ANTLer, linkable to the ANTELope of the Obama's Singletary line. ANTALya (suspect with Pelop's father) looks named after Anat, the conjectured namer of Eneti, where Pelops ruled. And "CENTaur" looks linkable to the HENETi. I had suspected Heneti from a Genetes location near Trabzon / Caucasia, and so ChrysoGENeia may apply to Heneti liners, for while Aphrodite was the Heneti > Veneti line to Venus, she was mother of Aeneas (i.e. Creusa's mate). Even the Venus surname uses the stag, and it therefore appears that venison was named after that line, which may indicate that the Hungarian stag traces to Heneti liners.

But if we can trace Antalya back through Anat to Antu, wife of Anu, we may be able to glean that it goes to the namers of Anak, always suspect in my books as the line to Aeneas and Annas. It's not been an easy thing for me to make a link between the Ares cult in Gareb / Jerusalem to the Benjamites of Rimmon, but their Jabesh partners look like the Jerusalem Jebusites of later times. It's safe to assume that Ares and Jerevan was the Hera cult that named Hierosolyma/Jerusalem, and this can trace with the Ares horse ("hross" to the Nordics) to Chrysippus. But it all goes to mount Acra at Jerusalem as per mythical ACRisius, who looks like the Chrysippus cult too. ACRISius was made the kin of Avvite-suspect Abas, together the founders of the golden-shower Danaans that were also called, Axioche, mother of Chrysippus. Just trace these proto-Danaans in early Israel to the "Danites" of Laish, beside Banias.

As mount Acra was on the north of mount Zion, Acra was beside the Baal cult's center, and therefore accessible to Og's Rephaites at the Rephaite valley, making AxiOCHE a potential Og liner. Alternatively, she may have been code for a line of JOKtan, Peleg's brother. Note how the Paeoni might trace to Jerusalem:

Mount Acra is located in Jerusalem on the north side of Mount Zion between the TyroPOEON Valley and the Hinnom Valley. it is interesting that Simon Maccabeus nearly filled up the Tyropoeon Valley which is located between Mount Bezetha and Mount Acra. He also reduced the height of Mount Acra in order to make it lower than Mount Moriah where the Temple stood. Antiochus Epiphanes, ruler of the Seleucid Empire built a fortress in Jerusalem on Mount Acra after he conquered the city in 168 BC. It was here that the Syrians governed the Jews. Later this fortified compound was destroyed by Simon Maccabeus. Mount Acra was important in the Maccabean Revolt and the formation of the Hasmonean Kingdom.

"TYROpoeon" can explain why the Paeonians could have been Phoenicians. Zion traces to Sion in Phoenicia, right? The article has a drawing showing Acra to the west of Moriah, and therefore being the western-most hill of the city, and therefore beside the Rephaite valley, known to be on the city's west side. It's not an easy drawing to read. In the real world, Zion is the southern-most hill, with Mount Olives to its east. The drawing has "TyroPEON." And while the CHEVRON got suspect as code for HEBRON (faces the Acra side of the city), Aments/Hamonds use a "chevron peen." Was Amyntes a descendant of an old inhabitant of the Tyropeon valley? Samson lived to the west of Jerusalem too, and while I think a paganish Levite priest may have slipped the Samson myth codes into his account, I trace his father, Manoah, to Maeonians, the people suspect with "Amyntes." SAMSon was resolved as the Sames / Shamesh sun god that named Beth Shamesh (real place), beside Timnah, where Samson got his unnamed wife. Samos, the say, off the west-Anatolian coast, named Samothrace, and the latter, off the mouth of the Hebron-suspect Hebros, was the origin of the Kabeiri, and home of mythical DarDANUS, now suspect with the Chryses / Creusa entity that needs to trace to Aenus at the mouth of the Hebros, home of Kikons too that trace to "Iasion", the Samothrace founder of the Kabeiri. Aeson was made the very son of TYRO and Cretheus, like TYROpeon."

Incredible. This is new, and it looks correct for as per what the heraldry of Aments/Hamons stands for. Didn't I say (from about two years ago at least) that the proto-Massey Meshwesh were from the proto-Danaus line out of Tanis (Pelusium goes to Pelops at Oenomaus), and to the Rimmon Benjamites at the Oenomaus Amazons? And here the Ament/Hamon surname is the one with a "discRIMINI" motto code for the Rimmon line to Rimini, where Maschi's were first found who use peen-like PINE cones. Pine's are also Payen-like Pyne's, and Cone's use ANTLERS!!!! Conans share the black cross of Elis! The Cone antlers are shared (in colors reversed) by Conte's, suspect with the line of John de BURGO de Conteville, suspect from PERGA smack beside ANTALya (suspect with the naming of Pelop's father)! That works. And the Ament/Hamon antler goes to Antalya PISidians, while there is an Olympia location beside Antalya that likely named the Olympiad at Pisa / Elis (where the Samson > Hercules line was major), as well as Zeus' mountain. The Elis' are even suspect with a version of the Benjamin saltire. Zeus' Olympia is in Thessaly, where Aeson's family lived now suspect with the TYROpeon valley. This new picture can explain why Payens/Paions use a Coat that can be a version of the Macey Coat.

Didn't I say that God gave me a message not many weeks ago, concerning my Masci line, that "you haven't seen anything yet"? In the 4th of November: "I've got to tell you, that I felt the Lord speak to me about a month ago, when I was thinking that my own lines were figuring in more than I expected a year ago. I felt Him saying something like, you haven't seen anything yet. Or perhaps it was something like, you just wait, as if it was pending." As German Tann(er)s use pine cones, they can be resolved as Danaan suspects, along with the Tanaro river in Piedmont, where Masci's were first found. I can feel it in my bones, that Masci's were from Jerusalem. The Mus household of the Hyksos were in Jerusalem.

By the way, the foreign secretary of Britain today is Philip HAMMOND, very traceable to Amyntes and his Bassus family. Hammond is repeatedly announcing British support for the Kurds against their war on ISIS, but for all I know, the Brits may be sending in some pea-shooters while overblowing that support. So long as the war drags on, the West has a spy-hold on the region, and can assess the situation constantly. The Defence Secretary of Britain at this time has a Fallon surname sharing the spear design of Singletarys and related Dunhams, and then Hamon de Masci was of a Dunham-Masci location.

It was years ago, before I entertained Benjamites in any way, that the heraldic annulets were conjectured as code for the first Olympics at Elis, for the modern Olympic logo is five rings. The Benjamins not only use a saltire in the black-and-gold colors of the Elis cross, but five rings! That is a point I don't think I've yet made, or, if I did, it wasn't emphasized enough to stick in my mind. Over the centuries, the heraldic rings came to be called, ANNUlets, part code for the Anu/Antu line, apparently, that named Heneti, the city of both Pelops' and his father. And the Letts are suspect with Annas' (from Aenus, right?), and, moreover, the Letts are suspect with the Letushite tribe (Genesis 25) from Keturah, who, because she was the other wife of Abraham, is suspect from Hebron, home of Anak, Abraham, and some of the Amorites that lived also in Jerusalem, but all likely descended from Amorites known to have lived at Mari on the Aphrodite-like Euphrates, a line tracing to the Aphrodite-based Abruzzi who had a Marsi peoples smack where much heraldry traces.

Another article adds to the confusion: "Mount Zion was referred to geographically as the southWESTERN hill of Jerusalem...The hill on the north was called Bezetha, Or the New City. The hill on the EAST was called the Akra, or Fortress, the according to tradition this was the 'stronghold of Zion.'" Acra is now on the east rather than west. The two Jerusalem articles just quoted from have identical text in places, and the one with the sentence directly above says, contrary to the aforementioned drawing: "Mount Bezetha is located in Jerusalem west of Acra." The writer appears to have east mixed up for west. As I recall all the maps, Zion is on the southeast, not the southwest.

Here's from Britannica, which I think we can trust: "Zion, in the Old Testament, the easternmost of the two hills of ancient Jerusalem." Another article clears it up: " the south "Mount Zion" [Hill Four] (the original "Mount Zion" and not the later southwest hill that was later called by that name)..." I think the confusion is as per the walls added to the city in Christian times, which made Zion more to the west than in Biblical times. The latter article speaks on the seven hills of Jerusalem, but includes a few outside the Old-Jerusalem walls. The writer tries to convey the fantasy that Revelation's seven mountains of Rome pertain to seven hills (of his choosing) at Jerusalem. I could easily add an eighth and a ninth in one direction or another.

The point is, Acra faces Hebron, not the other way. AKmonia, home of Amyntes' line, can trace to ACra because Ackers share the oak theme with Akmons and Aikens, and, moreover, Acra can be named after OG, for I can see ungodly heraldry goops using the OAK theme as code for his name. Here's from the last update:

Recall how Barney Rubble linked with little doubt to Barnstaple, for Stable's were discovered as a Plancia line. We then go to Dino's (Lieber, Akman colors), the name of Fred Flintstone's pet dinosaur, who apparently share the oak theme of Akmans, Ackers, and Levi-suspect Liebers. It's not a coincidence, therefore, that Dino's use a "LIBERTAS" term across their Chief, while Ackers use a "liberte" motto term. The Dino's were even first found in the same place as Tatta-suspect Taddei's.

The Dino's may be suspect as Dein / Dien / Dean liners from the Danaans, for the 600 "Danites" of Judges took on Jonathan as their priest, who was a pagan Levite. And they lived at Laish, and renamed it, Dan. The Ackers even share a dove in Crest with Leafs/LEVE's (version of Macey Coat?), and the dove traces to "the city of doves", Cuppae, on the DANube between Almus and VIMINacium, the latter in Moesia and suspect with the "WOMAN" in the Elis Crest. The Elis woman has "DISheveled" hair, perhaps for the same as the DISCrimini code. The Diss'/Dice's are in Chamberlain colors while Chamberlains use "ProDESSE" and the same scallops as Taddei-like Dade's. Between Viminacium and Cuppae are LEDerata (perhaps to Ladon-like Leaders) and PINcum, the latter possibly a line to the Pine's/Pyne's. Dino's (oak tree?) are obviously from Taddei liners.

The Dino's can also be more-in-particular from "Dion," the alternative name of Zeus that can trace to "Zion." Zeus is important in the Tyropeon term for obvious reason, but as the Zeus Tyrians removed to CRETE, that's where mythical CRETHeus (husband of Tyo) comes in. It is NO COINCIDENCE that Tyro was made the daughter of Salem-like Salmoneus (JeruSALEM was earlier, Salem), and while there was a Zeus Solymi god / phrase, the SOLYMI peoples (Anatolia), a tribe with / of Pisidians, look like Zeus' wife, "HieroSOLYMA," yet the Tyropean valley completely slipped my notice (until now) as per linking to heraldry, and especially to the Payens. This Tyropean investigation, I can tell you already, is becoming compelling so far as the heraldy has spoken, and there is yet much more to investiagte. The Margus river to Viminacium starts in Paeonia. The ASTIbus location of Paeoni was traced to Asti on the Tanaro. On and on, everything fits the historical picture already drawn in the past. Paeonia is beside the Panias-suspect Penestae that traces to Oscan / Marsi circles, and so Panias now becomes suspect with the naming of Tyropean. While Panias may not have been named in honor of Benjamites, the Banias version may have, as Benjamites and Jebusite-suspect Jabesh-ites arrived to the area.

If correct that God had destined me to uncover these things (due to my bloodlines making the job easier for Him?), that's why I think "special" things happened in my life that were intended to come to mind later, while writing at certain topics. I've got to tell a story here. I was less than five years old, standing on the porch railing, when I had to go pee. But before it hit the walkway, the neighbor, Pino, of my age, walked around the corner. The urine hit him on the head, I remember it like yesterday, and as he looked up with his mouth guessed it. I remember being almost giddy at the perfection of that hit, but, poor Pino, I felt bad for him. He never came back. He probably thought I intended to do it. He looked a lot like my cousin, Dino, the son of my mother's brother, but this Dino, who grew up tall and handsome, looked like a little giant in the only baby picture (about two or three eyars old) I ever saw of him, which was on their wall when we visited the family. Pino and Dino are now both tracing to the Tyropeon valley, if Pine's and Deins do, and I'll come back to this as it links to proto-Amazons expected from the Jerusalem proto-Danaans. Dino's father had a sister, my mother, who is a Masci on her other side, i.e. the proto-Amazons in Jerusalem.

Panias also traces with zero doubt to the Peneus river at Pisa, beside the Ladon river of Daphne (old dolphin symbol), who herself traces to dolphin-using Dauphine, where Payens were first found, meaning that, likely, Paeoni were on the Peneus. Paeoni were at Elis. Salmoneus was brother to Sisyphus, the line to the Massey Pegasus, perhaps of the namers of the Pek river at the Cuppae / Viminacium / Pincum theater. Salmoneus was made a son of Aeolus, symbol of Aeolia at Thessaly, but Aeoleus' wife (Ebarete) was a daughter of DeiMACHUS, suspect with LYSimache, mother of EriPHYLE, mother in-turn of Amphilochus, the known symbol of PamPHYLIA.

The real Lysimachia, near the mouth of the Hebros, was built after Trojan history, yet the Caucasian Lazi are suspect in that area, and yet I still think this place traces to Laish. "[Lysimachia] was built by Lysimachus [a real person] in 309 BCE...In order to obtain inhabitants for his new city, Lysimachus destroyed the neighbouring town of Cardia, the birthplace of the historian HIEROnymus..." Cardia recalls the new theory that Tyrian Carthage was named after Kartvelians, otherwise known as Georgians of Colchis, where the Lazi of Lazona lived that should be a line to the Ladon river. Aeson's home in Thessaly was Iolchis, and the Argo ship visited Iolchis-like Colchis to get the golden fleece, which I identified (years ago, not now to make the argument) as code for the Lazi line to Pelops, for Pelop's son and grandson (MeneLAUS, see the Mander motto) were given lamb symbols while the fleece was the skin of a ram. The Mars' are traced to "a ram," that that is not correct at all, but code for something. Pelops' son, Atreus, suspect with Odrysians on the Hebros, was given a gold-lamb symbol, obvious code for the golden fleece, and with this lamb he came to rule Argos, no coincidence. Mythical Abas at Argos was made the father of Lysimache (and Cyrene). Lysimache was the mother of ADRAStus, likely part of the Pelops > Atreus line. Another Lysimache was made a daughter of Priam, and sister of Paris, the Trojan who abducted the daughter of Menelaus.

This would be a good place to remind that Cyrene and Coronis (Lapith) were the same entity: "In Greek mythology, as recorded in Pindar's 9th Pythian ode, Cyrene or Kyrene ("sovereign queen" [ignore that tom-foolery and trace to the Libyan country] was the daughter of Hypseus, King of the Lapiths, although some myths state that her father was actually the river-god Peneus...Cyrene was a fierce huntress, called by Nonnus a 'deer-chasing second Artemis...'...When a lion attacked her father's sheep [fleece code, right?], Cyrene wrestled with the lion. Apollo [lover of Coronis], who was present, immediately fell in love with her and kidnapped her. He took her to North Africa and founded the city of Cyrene in her name...Together, she and Apollo had two sons: Aristaeus, the demigod who invented beekeeping, and Idmon, the Argonaut SEER." ARISTaeus is suspect with Orestia at Odrysia, and with mythical Orestes, kin of Atreus. The Hypsas river of southern Sicily is off-shore from Cyrene, making the Hypseus Lapiths (like "ippus" = horse) suspect at Agrigento.

Daphne's other father, aside from Peneus and Ladon, was TIRESius (son of Avaris-suspect Everes). As the blind symbol of the Greeks is for seers, because they see with their third eye rather than their true eyes, the blind symbol got suspect with the CYClops, giants just like the GIGantes, and tentatively suspect with Og, whose Rephaites must have spread into the Tyropeon valley smack beside Acra. Tiresius (caduceus symbol) is now highly suspect with Tyrians at Tyropeon.

The Mars' can be using a version of the Payen Coat! Things are fitting the developing Tyropoeon picture. The white scallops of the Mars' are used by Meschins and Samsons, and the Mars' were first found in the same place (Burgundy) as Messeys/Messier's. Payens were first found from the Dauphine area that overlapped with Burgundy, and Daphne was a line from Everes, code for Avaris (Hyksos capital) at the Nile Delta, beside Tanis and Pelusium. The Messey use a saltire in the colors of the Mars / Payen chevron, and, moreover, the Messey saltire is exactly the flag of Mars-suspect Mercia (yes, in England). I have been tracing the Fucino lake of the Marsi to the Phocaeans at the mouth of the Hermus river (Lydia), named by the Hermes cult from Sion / Laish, right? Yes, that was the Lydian Hermes that was made the assistant of Pelops in Pisa. Fucino is near the source of the Turano river, suspect with Tarun, also called, Mus, at Lake Van. The German Tann(er)s were first found in the same place as TRUNks that should apply to Tarun along with elephant-TRUNK Thors.

As Minyae buried horse heads in their graves while they were related to Aeson of Thessaly, it's notable that horse-suspect Orseis was mother to Aeolus, the latter code for a Thessaly location. If she was intended to be a horse symbol, which makes sense where Ixion of Thessaly was a Hyksos entity, then the family of Aoelus was of the proto-Anglos, important where ENARETE (Aeolus' wife) has been traced to "NERTHus," goddess of the Angles. As Ixion was the father of Centaurs, by what coincidence did the English give Kent mythical Horsa and Angle-like Hengists ancestors? "There is even a possibility that [Orseis] was the daughter of Zeus and Deino the Graeae." Deins / Diens / Dans / Danners were first found beside Kent, and I've just realized that Deins share an upright lion on red Shield with Graeae-suspect Greys. The latter use the Coat of JOPlins while the Perseus Danaans, who were involved in Graeae myth, passed through JOPPA.

As Grimaldi's were in Liguria, home of the Templar swan line: "In other legends [the Graeae] are described as being half-swan." As Gorgons were the Graeae kin, just trace this swan to lake Sevan on the Armenia-Georgia border, location of GIGantes-suspect Gogarene (Gog is sometimes said to have been agiant race). It adds a line evoking mount Moriah: "One might compare the Graeae with the three spinners of Destiny, (the Moirai)..." Scottish Deans (Justine sword), no guff, are using the moline of Segni's/Segurana's, first found in Genoa, home of Grimaldi's. Segni liners trace with Genoa-based Fessys ("segni" motto term) to VINKovci, explaining why another Dean surname uses wings (so do Diens/Dives'/Dains/Dyon's who share the patee with the first Deans) as code for Wings/WINKS. It's very apparent that Deans were of Justine of Picenum, begging the question of whether the PICENi were Pagan liners from Tyropeon? Doesn't the erect sword in this picture trace to the Cyrene Bistones, and to the Serdi and wing-uisng Swords? The "vel" motto terms of the same Deans is therefore code for VALentinian (Justine's husband), born in Vinkovci to Graeae-possible Gratian, the one suspect in "GREAT Seal."

The Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Deins is in colors reversed from the same of Dino's, the latter first found in the same place as Taddei's, and said to be from Taddeo Dini. My cousin, Dino, had a Grimaldi surname suspect with Grey liners. In myth, the Graeae hags shared the same eye, as they passed it along to one another, code for Cyclopses, right? Deino's sister, PAMphredo, may have been a Pamphylian code, for while Paphlagonians (Apepi Hyksos, right?) of the Pepin kind honor the Mens', Dino's use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Men's (Maeanoian suspects).

On the Moirai: "Their number became fixed at three: Clotho (spinner), Lachesis (allotter) and Atropos (unturnable)." Ignore the given meanings as tom-foolery, and secondary code, and stick to the realities as I've uncovered them. Trust me, I've been at this long enough to know that these things are not coincidences. Lachesis looks like code for Lachish in Hebron, suspect years ago with Lycians...smack at the Pamphylian theater. As Plato gave Poseidon a chief son as code for Antayla/Attaleia, by what coincidence does Clotho smack of Cleito, Plato's name for Poseidon's wife? "when Pelops was killed and boiled by his father [human sacrifice - cannibal symbol], it was Clotho who brought him back to life."

"AtroPOS" looks like part-code for Poseidon = Pisidians at Antalya. The Trope's/Drops and Trops are coming to mind, and it just so happens that the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Trope's is that also of Dino's. Trope's use a passant lion in the colors of the rampant one of Greys.

Trope's are suspect from a Tropoje location, of which I know two. The one is located to the near-north of the Cavii, and beside the White Drin, the latter being where a Decani location is situated that I mention with the Decani and Decan surnames. It just so happens that Italian Deans are also Degani's/Degans. The other Tropoge is at the mouth of the Apsus river, suspect with the Hypsas, and therefore with Hypseus, father of Cyrene. The latter was sister to LYSimache, and the Lys-related Lissus river is downstream on the Black Drin (Drilon) from the mouth of a river upon which the first-mentioned Tropoje is located. Lissus traces with little doubt to Lissae, beside the Serdi. Safe to say, the Deans, all of them, are now clinched as Decani liners, though Decani is just one part of the bloodline.

Now, compare "Trope" with "Tyropeon." And assume that Denas / Deins / Diens were Dion = Zion liners, from Zion, smack at the Troypeon valley. I think I have that right. And while this seems to deny a Dean trace to Tanis > Danaus liners, perhaps, though I'm not strong on the idea at this point, Tanis liners got called Dions > Zions before they reached Greece. The Masci's expected from Ttanis once showed a white wing in the very design used by Diens/Dives', and I've only just learned that Dains are listed with them. Again, Deans / Diens and Deins were first found in the same place as Dans and Danners/Daniels, beside Kent. There was a Graea location in Boiotia that appears top have been a Danaan-As entity: "According to Pausanias the name [Graea] was a shortcut of the original name TANagraia [caps mine], who was daughter of Asopos." A Tanagraea trace to the proto-Massey line at Tanis makes it realized as to why the Graeae hags were Amazons.

Graea is on the Boiotian coast facing Euboea, location of Colchis-like Chalcis, but, for the Masci's at topic, the Moschian mountains (of the Meshech), roughly between Phasis (Colchian home of the Lazi) and lake Sevan, should be mentioned. Boiotians are suspect with the Boii of Bologna, where the PASI's were first found whose spears traced well to the Speers (same place as PASleys), from the Spree river of Lazi-suspect Lusatia, home of the Sorbs that I trace back to Sarpedon, whose brother was made the husband of PASIphae (another witch). Wikpedia's article on Pasiphae traces her to Colchis yet fails to mention Phasis, as though the historians are being silent on what, surely, they must reallize as to her codework. "Like her doublet Europa, her origins were in the East, in her case at Colchis, she was the sister of Circe, and she was given in marriage to King Minos of Crete. With Minos, she was the mother of Acacallis, ARIADNE, Androgeus, GLAUCUS, Deucalion, Phaedra, Xenodice, and Catreus....Pausanias equates Pasiphae with Selene...". Phasis was on the Glaucus river (see map below). Was Selene (of Latmus) a code for Salem = Jerusalem? Compare "Chalcis" to "Glaucus."

There has to be a reason that the Graeae also had one tooth amongst them. I wouldn't have written this had I not had a tooth ache. A second before writing this paragraph, I said, "Lord, will you please heal my tooth. At least tell me why not?" Those were my exact words. I have been praying for this tooth for over a month, but He does not want to heal it. The dentist supposedly tried to fix it twice already, but he obviosuly didn't carve out all the bacteria. It almost did heal a couple of weeks ago, and then veered worse again. So why did the Graeae have a tooth symbol? Was it for the Latin, "dent," code for a Dino / Danaan liner? A Greek tooth is an odont / donti / odon, perhaps code for the namers of the modern Don, the old Tanais river, where I see Danaus / Tanis origins. Or, the Dante variation of Durants can apply. Dents use Colchis-suspect lozenges. The Danners/Daniels share the white unicorn with Cnuts so as to become suspect with the Cnut DANE's, but Cnut was a son / grandson of Danish king BlaTAND "Bluetooth."

I kid you not, and perhaps only God knows how this came to mind, but when I said, "...Dino, who grew up tall and handsome, looked like a little giant in the only baby picture (about two or three eyars old) I ever saw of him," the original went like this: "...Dino, who grew up tall and handsome, looked like a little giant monster in the only baby picture (about two or three eyars old) I ever saw of him...If he had a broken buck tooth and a drop of blood at the corner of his mouth, it would have been perfect." I am not kidding at all, I wrote that. I did not have the tooth symbol in mind at the time, and I had not yet arrived ether to the Graeae nor to mythical Atropos at the that Trope's/DROPS (using drops in their Shield) were NOT on my mind. The only reason I wrote the buck-tooth part, in jesting, was to paint the picture of a baby Og as the Greek myth writers may have, with a broken tooth for eating human bones. I was simply trying to point out that something within me was seeing a trace of Deino to Og.

Og was traced with Keturah to Ogyges (Boiotia) and the Athenians. Keturah goes through mythical king Kotor of Athens, who had a son as founder of Ephesus, and that's near Miletus, a city suspect with Mullets (Payen Coat) and Mallets. "GriMALDI" got suspect with "Mallet," and so while it suggests a Graeae link to Miletus, let's repeat: "In Greek mythology, as recorded in Pindar's 9th Pythian ode, Cyrene or Kyrene [same place as where Graeae Amazons would trace] was the daughter of Hypseus, King of the Lapiths, although some myths state that her father was actually the river-god Peneus...Cyrene was a fierce huntress, called by Nonnus a 'deer-chasing second Artemis...' [= Amazon symbol]" Mallets use the deer (not called a stag), and while this is wrongly said to be the meaning of "Ragusa," that place is very near the island of Melita. That's why I trace Mallets to Melita. But, sometimes, heraldic stags are called, BUCKs, such a monstrous toothincidense. And Buck liners are suspect with Khyan / Apachnas Hyksos.

The Cheneys (BUCKingham) have a "fato" motto term linkable to this: "...the Moirai or Moerae, often known in English as the Fates (Latin: FATAE), were the white-robed incarnations of destiny; their Roman equivalent was the PARCae..." The ParchMENT of Cheney-like Kennys is coming to mind as a Parcae-Ament duo. Where do Aments trace? Oh, yes, to mount Acra and Tryopeon, and then the Ackers use a version of the Cheney Coat, I kid thee not. It really looks like the ghost of Khyan made it the the vice-presidency of the United States. I kid you not, that I had not recalled that Cheneys use a "pruDENTia" (!!!) motto term when writing above on dents and buck teeth. It looks like the Graeae Amazons were Hyksos from the pharoah whom God made utterly bitter. I wonder what his family was like after the Exodus? The southern Egyptians forced them into Canaan after Apophis took the throne.

In other words, the Khyan Hyksos are tracing, as expected, to mount Moriah with the Moirai-Fatae myth codes. Ancient writers traced the Hyksos to Jerusalem as the Israelites themslves, but they were sorely mistaken, misled by the wrong dating system of Egyptologists. Israelites did not take Jerusalem until about 1,000 BC, long after the Hyksos were out of Egupt. The Hyksos were in fact earlier than Israelites, and came to enslave them as per the Exodus account. The previously-shown white Masci wing design was once showing also in the Chaine/Chenay Coat. I would not forget the Masci wing design. By the time that I came across the Chaine's/Chenays (won't come up as "Chain"), I probably had pegged the Masci's from the Mus household of phraoh Khyan, the house that named Moses. The Irish Mackays/Quiods use chains.

"Cheney" got suspect recently with the namers of Genoa i.e. location of Grimaldi's. Now look at MOIRai, and compare with the MUIRs/More's (compare with Scottish Weir/Vere Coat), who were recently discovered, with no doubt, to be a Vere line of the MHAOIR kind. But Scotttiosh Weirs/Vere's use the Moray stars so that Moriah / Moirai liners should go there too. THE POINT IS, the Irish Weirs/Wyers, said to be from "MHAOIR, use lozengy in the colors of the Grimaldi lozenges!!! Astounding, and it's true: I hadn't seen anything yet one month ago. This is mind-boggling. Grimaldi's, as with Masci's, were proto-Amazons at Jerusalem's Hyksos, and merged with Amorites at Moria, and likely the Jebusites at Zion. See the "FuiMUS" motto of Wyer-like Wayers/Wears (CROZiers). Vere's ruled Oxford for centuries, at the Thames river, and then: "[the Moirai] are said to have been born of Zeus and Themis." That translates to a merger between Zion and the proto-Amazons/Masseys of mount-Moriah kinship, and English Vere's just happen to share the Massey Shield.

Zeus and Themis were given Justitia as a daughter, symbol of justice to the uninitiated, but in reality, as with most myth codes, a symbol of some people group in BC times. Justine of Picenum (5th century AD) is coming back to mind, and the "Justitia" motto of Sibals (same moline as Scottish Deans and the Genoa Segni's/Segurana's), a surname derived from "Cibalae," birthplace if Justine's husband. "Justitia" is in the motto of Sire's/Sirons, who share the scales of justice with neighbopring Justine's. Sire's were traced hard to the Akheloos river, land of Calydonians that use mythical Atalantis as their ArTEMIS-like queen. Calydon was part of the Endymion line to the Artemis area around Ephesus.

The Salmoneus character that was surely from "Salem" must trace to the Salmans, in the colors of SALEmens (beside Kent), for the latter's Coat is a reflection of the Cheney / Acker Coat! Trace with Sale's/Salletts to the Salto river with a source at the Marsi theater, for Marsi are expected from Amorites out of Mari. Saleman's share the eagles of the G(h)ents (kin of the Gaunts of Kent), defintely from Genoa, which is why Cheneys and English Bush's traced well to Genoa. The interesting thing about Salmoneus is that he's now suspect with an Aryan (Indo-European) line through Jerusalem, indicating Iranians, probably from Uranus. Themis was a Titan, suspect from Iran. The Horites are coming to mind, suspect in the Horae, mythical children of Zeus and Themis who were given the secondary meaning of "time" for the uninitiated. The three Horae: Auxo, Carpo, and Thallo. It recalls the Ugrian-Arpad relationship through Ugarit and feasibly form Og liners. Thallo can be pondered with Tullus Hostilius and Cacus at Rome.

The Horites were at Seir in Edom, where Sire's/Sirons are expected to trace. The Bush eagles in the colors of the Saleman (and Ghent) eagles traces them to Busca and Saluzzo, but we are now tracing this thing to Salmoneus liners from old Salem. And as the black boar, a Bush symbol, was an ancient symbol of Edom, Bush's were traced to BOZrah, the Edomite capital, home of Eliphas, son of Esau, who traces to the Elaphiti islands beside Melita, and should therefore link to the Grimaldi / Mallet / Mullet / Payen liners from the Jerusalem Amazons and what-nots. The point is BOZcath, in Hebron, a location I once emphasized, and traced to Mus of Lake Van (Armenia), where the very-ancient Nairi ruled that were suspect with the Biblical Nahor, father of Buz, the latter suspect at the naming of Bozrah and BozCATH. The latter became suspect with CADmus, a Mus-Cadusii liner of Armenians. And here we find this along with Lachesis, suspect with lachish of Hebron: "According to Hesiod's Theogony, Lachesis and her sisters (Atropos and Clotho) were the daughters of EREBUS (Darkness) and NYX (Night), though later in the same work (ll. 901-906) they are said to have been born of Zeus and Themis." The myth writers probably spent a lot of time trying to think up storybook themes for certain bloodlines, and here one of the stupids was working on a night theme for what looks like code for the line of Dionysus' night-time partiers, the lunatic Maenads. Levi- and Caiaphas-suspect Cabbage's use a "REBUS motto term.

Themis was likely the Tammuz deity that was upsetting the God of Israel in later times. Tammuz was a carry-over from Babylon's Ishtar cult. The myth writers' jobs were give life and meanings, in the imaginations of their dopes, to gods that didn't exist. I can't imagine anyone being more intelligently stupid than a myth writer. The use of intelligence to make oneself utterly stupid became a valued art form that must have brought some respect, for there are no shortages, even in the modern day, of dopes who honor these writers.

As Naxos was made the sacred island of DioNYSUS, it seems clear enough that NYX and NIKE/Nice were Horite entities from Nuzi, for history tells that Horites were at Nuzi. So, we just bring these Horites to Edom as the Iranians that they were, and expect that they were part of URANus, his name suspect from Haran, the city, they say, of Nahor (Abraham's brother), father of Bus. And so these Iranians can be expected at Salem's line to mythical Aeolus, one of the three founders of Greece, according to a school of myth writers that didn't even include Zeus. But Aeolus was as Thessaly element, as was the mountain of Zeus. One can play on that to arrive to an Aeolus near-equation with Zeus.

Before you go and lump the God of Israel into the same lot as Zeus, Baal and the other pagan gods, make the distinction. There is one God, creator of all things, not at all the same as the multiple-god system. And we expect the one God to communicate to makind in some way. Aside from the Israeli Scripture, there is no other ancient text of God to be relied upon. If the Creator didn't speak through the Israeli prophets, then He has not spoken at all in a human language. And what did he say? Did he say that he was like Zeus? No. Instead, he said, put away those false gods and honor your one and only, otherwise, He is cut to the heart at the folly of man.

You can't ask the question, "How could God always have existed? There is no answer to an impossible question, and the word "always" makes it an impossible question, because the term denotes time. There is no time. It's a concept of the human imagination, and of yesterday and tomorrow. Just because the sun goes up and down doesn't mean that there is time. Just because one event follows another doesn't mean that time is an existing thing. If we ask the question, "What was before God," uh-uh, we can't, because "before" denotes time. How can God just Be? What Created God? I hate that question. And the only way to answer it is to go back in time, a violation of reality. It's another impossible question. The human mind imagines the creation of God from a spark or something, that grew a mind. The tiny big-bang that grew is the dunce's explanation, but for brighter people, the answer to the question is, "I don't know." I haven't the tools of knowledge to explain the mystery.

The Tooth surname, said to be from "Hugo cum dentibus ('Hugo of the tooth')," f can be suspect with Touts/Toots. The Tooth Coat (feathers) can be linked to a paragraph above involving the Feathers and Perkens. The "PerSEVERantia" motto term of Tooths is suspect to Severus Bassus, the very line that I've linked to Plancia Magna at Perken-related Perga. The same motto term is used by Bernice's, suspect with Berenice AGRIPPA, and then the Tooths use a GRIFFin (in the colors of the Ali/Aliotta griffin). As I have suspected Bassus close to OPgalli, and while motto codes (especially "OBstantia" of the Arthurs) have proven to exist for OPgalli, here we find an "OBtinebit" motto term in the Tooths. The Hobs/Habs were first found in Bernice-like Bernicia.

The "obTINEbit" code can also be for Dino / Dine / Dien liners, and it's therefore notable that Tine's/Tyne's, likely of the namers of the Tyne river at the Bernicia theater (another one in Lothian), are also shown as Botfields/Botville's, making this a line suspect from Poti (Colchis), on the old Glaucus river now suspect with Chalchis of Greece. However, it just so happens that Berenice Agrippa married Herod of Syrian Chalchis!!! Zowie, that tends to clinch the Bernice and Burn surnames with Berenice Agrippa. From now on, those surnames are from her family. Note that while hearts are suspect with "Herod," the Bitars/Buttars (from ARDoch), perhaps of the "obtineBIT" code, use hearts. Later in this update, Potters and Botters are shown tracing well to Poti. The Bitar/Buttar Crest and cross look linkable to the near-same of Darks/D'Arques of Arques, perhaps a line from Herod ARCHelaus and/or the Archibure variation of Arthurs. Dine's/Diens and Deins were first found beside the Botters and Potters, and in the same place (Sussex) as the Feathers (Tooth colors)...suspect with the Tooth feathers. Fathers are listed with Featherstone's, using the same symbols as Feathers. Might these have been the mythical-Fate liners?

The trace of mythical Salmoneus to Jerusalem is so obvious, at this point in my learning, that I can confidently expound. The Salmoneus entity needs to trace to the Salyes Ligures, so far as I understand things, and this can explain why I developed about four theories on the difficult origin of "Salyes, none of them clinched. I've been emphasizing Salyes for about a decade, and have yet to understand their ancestry. It's only been recent that they have been traced to the Salto river with what I perceive as good evidence. The reality now seems to be that Salyes were fro "Salem," and the idea that Salem elements named Sale at the mouth of the Hebros jibes perfectly with a trace of Amorites, in both Jerusalem and Hebron, to the Hebros. This view, moreover, traces the namers of Sale likely to the Solymi, of which there is virtually nothing online. They are said to be fellow tribes with Lasonii, Pisidians, Cabelees, and another entity that I think is from Miletus. They are therefore close to Lycians suspect from Lachish. But there was also a Lycos river that was later one of the Zab rivers at the Nuzi theater, explaining why Dionysus was in the thick of things of the Solymi theater (western Anatolia). The Cabelees are viewed by me as the namers of the great mother, Cybele, and possibly from "Abello/Apollo," the son of Zeus and Leto. And they may have named the Cavii.

One might expect some Solymi elements at Pisa, and this is where "Aeolus" (father of Salmoneus) may come in as a branch of the namers of Elis. Although Aeolus was named after Aeolia, we'd like to know what named that. Aeolus' father, Hellen, suggests Alans or Galli. Salmoneus' brother, Sisyphus, was of Corinth, to the near-east of Elis. "According to Thucydides, [Hellenes] conquered the Greek area of Phthia and subsequently spread their rule to other Greek cities. The people of those areas came to be called Hellenes, after the name of their ancestor. The ethnonym Hellenes dates back to the time of Homer. In the Iliad, 'Hellas' {Elis-like] and 'Hellenes' were names of the tribe (also called 'Myrmidones') settled in Phthia, led by Achilles." We can then go to the Phthia article for more clues:

Phthia transliterations: Fthii {Modern} ancient Greece was the southernmost region of ancient Thessaly, on both sides of Othrys Mountain and Farsala. It was the homeland of the Myrmidones tribe, who took part in the Trojan War under Achilles.

Founded by Aiakos, grandfather of Achilles, it was the home of his father Peleus, his sea-nymph mother Thetis, and his son Neoptolemus, who reigned as king after the Trojan War.

It seems clear enough that Aikos and Achilles were Aix / Aes terms in connection with Aeson of Thessaly, the metal makers, and the line to Iasion and therefore to Ixion, suspect with Kikons at Sale. Aikos (son of Zeus and Aegina) was king of AEGINa, and mythical Aegina was daughter of ASopus. It's clear as day. "According to some accounts Aeacus was a son of Zeus and Europa." It looks like a line from Zion and the Tyropeon to the Thessaly area settled by a mainline Zeus cult. As Zeus was envisioned at the top of Olympia, it evokes mount Sion as the known top of mount Hermon (east of Tyre). As this picture needs to go through the Solymi of Anatolia before reaching Aeolus elements, here is what Asopus stood for: "Phliasian Asopus [river], originating in Phliasian territory and flowing through Sicyonian territory into the Gulf of Corinth near Sicyon [home of one of Aeolus' sons]. Pausanias [2.5.3] mentions that Phliasians and Sicyonians claimed that its source was in fact the Phrygian and Carian river Maeander that purportedly descended underground where it appeared to enter the sea at Miletus and rose again in the Peloponnesos as Asopus." That's myth code for the relationship of something on the Maeander with the Sicyon area, and as you'll see below when I get to mythical Phlias, it's pointing to the Dionysus relationship with Rhadamanthys, and therefore with the Sarpedon/Minoan invasion of the Maeander river, probably the home of the Solymi. Zeus wasn't made an infant in Crete without reason, and so one gleans that the Minoans (and likely others) represented by Zeus on Crete removed to the Maeander.

In myth, Hermes had a family at neighboring Corinth that was ruled by Aeetes, the owner of the golden fleece that was part with the family of Aeson in Thessaly. Aeetes was resolved as code for Attis (Hatti on the Halys river) that was made a son of Manes = Maeonians on the Maeander. Attis (pine symbol suspect with the Christmas tree) was the son and husband of Cybele = Cabelees. We have just arrived naturally, without my stretching the traces, to the family of peoples to which the Salmoneus- and Salem-suspect Solymi belonged.

Corinth was across/around a small water from Thessaly, and there was an Asopus river also in Thessaly that should connect to "Aes(on)." If we trace this to Iasion, he was made brother to DARdanus, while Aeson is expected to be the same as Aedon, daughter of PanDARius, a line expected from mount Hermon's Panias area, which traces to Hermes, Penelope and Pan at Arcadia, to the near-south of Corinth. What was the Dar entity? Did it name the Durance river of the Salyes Ligures? As the Durance-related Turano has a source near lake Fucino, let's repeat that this lake is expected from Phocaeans at the modern Foca location near the mouth of the Hermus river, and that the Marsi of Fucino were the namers of Marseilles, where Ligurians were founded. You haven't forgotten that Iasion and Dardanus were located by myth writers at Samothrace, directly off the cost from Sale. And Hermes of Arcadia was all wrapped up with the neighboring Pisans of the Oenomaus kind.

"PHLIas or Phlius or Phliasus was the son of Dionysus and ChthonoPHYLE [smacks of PamPHYLIans] in Greek mythology. A native of Araithyrea [probably the same as Ariadne / RHADAmanthys] in Argolis, he is mentioned as one of the Argonauts. Pausanias...maintains that Phlias was the son of Dionysus by Araethyrea (daughter of Aras)...Hyginus calls him Phliasus, and a son of Dionysus and Ariadne...The town of Phlius (formerly called Araithyrea) was believed [only by the dummies] to have derived its name from him [it was the other way around]." We now have clues on the identity of Ariadne and Rhadamanthys, two characters for which their meaning alluded me until now.

It has merit to contemplate on why the Cadmus > Laius line should have been to the Lasonii, for Laius raped CHRYSippus, suspect with Creusa, the latter suspect with something at Aenus, smack beside Sale (it translates to a Salmoneus-Lasonii partnership). You can find a rape symbol in the Judges account of the Benjamites, who lived on the north side of Jerusalem. A rape symbol was also in the formation of the Romans with the wives of the Sabine's, who lived at mount Sabina, smack beside the Turano and the Salmoneus-suspect Salto.

Araithyrea was near Nemia, where Samson-suspect Hercules (a Danaan) killed the Nemian lion. The lion is found in the account of Samson too, along with honey that can be expected with mythical Melia, wife of Inachus (founder of Argos, home of Danaans). Melia got suspect with the Rhadamanthys line to OrchoMENOS, and that should explain AlcMENE, Hercules' mother. As the name of Samson's father, Manoah, can be suspect with Alcmene and even the naming of the Maeander, let's repeat the similarity between Naxos, the sacred island of Dionysus, and "Inachus." "HERAcles" (husband of Hebe, Hera's daughter) was a version of "Hera" and thus traces Hercules well to something of a Danaan nature in Hierosolyma. The Tanis Meshwesh / Hyksos, right? The mother of Dionysus, Semele, is a consonant-reversal from "Salem," but I'm not willing to make that equation without some corroboration.

The Arda river is coming to mind as the identity of Ariadne / Araithyrea. As I trace mythical Dryas to Odrysians at the mouth of the Arda, its notable that Dryas was known especially as a supporter of Dionysus. Dryas' father / son was the proto-Ligurian, Lycurgas, king of the Edones, suspect in SarpEDON. I neglected to mention, earlier, when tracing RHADAmanthys to ARADos/ARPad, and to the CARPae/ARPii namers of the Carpathians, that "SARP(edon)" should apply. It looks like the Arda should trace to Arados (and Tartus). The Ardahan area of Caucasia is not far from where the Lazi are usually stamped on maps. As Ardahan was at the upper Aras theater, let's recall that Ariathyrea was made a daughter of Aras (yes, it's the correct spelling, not "Ares"). Therefore, this Rhadamanthys / Ariadne entity was actually an Aras liner, very linkable, therefore, to Hros / Horus / Hera / Ares / Eros / Erotes liners = proto-Rosicrucians (generally speaking). Dionysus was a Horite peoples, right?

Eros and Erotes were sons of Ares with Hebron- / Amorite-suspect Aphrodite. She was traced to the Parthenius river of the Heneti, the proto-Venus, mother of Aenus, so to speak, beside Sale, and mother-in-law of Creusa. This is being repeated because I've just checked the Greek word for pine tree, which is spelled "PEFko," like Paphos, where Aphrodite was made born. And then the Paphlagonians were on the Parthenius! It suggests that the pine tree symbol of Attis, code for Hattusa on the Halys river, one major river east of the Parthenius, was code for Paphlagonians. It could be that the Hatti were remnants of Hittites, old partners with the Amorites of Jerusalem.

It just so happens that the thyrsus symbol of Dionysus, which the Maenads always carried, had a pine cone at its end. While the peoples around this pine symbol may or may not trace to surnames using pine cones, I would not link them because there is evidence that heraldic pine cones are code for two surnames, not Paphlagonians, Hatti or Maeonians. However, by some coincidence or not, the Pyne-suspect Payens are now being traced to TYROpeon, where the intended representatives of the THYRSos may have been from.

There was a mythical CRESphontes, a descendant of Hercules, and brother of Temenus, father in-turn of Ceisis/Cisis, perhaps the same as SISYphus, a Sicyon element. Cresphontes went on to rule Messene, and that should be much about Mitanni liners to such things as the Oeneus river, Messina and Modena.

Mr. Skeetz (not quite his real name, but close) wrote in to suggest that "HeraCLES" was of some "Cles" element, and thought I might like to look at the CLAUSula river. When I did so, it worked rather well, and the Cavii expected at the Clausula can trace to Cabelees. There is an obvious reason as to why Hera (chief goddess) was Cybele (chief Phrygian goddess) by another name. But here I have found this: "The Heraclidae [descendants of Hercules], who thus became practically masters of Peloponnesus, proceeded to distribute its territory among themselves by lot. Argos fell to Temenus [AlcMENE liner intended?], LACEdaemon [Sparta] to ProCLES and EurySTHENES, the twin sons of Aristodemus; and Messene to Cresphontes. The fertile district of Elis had been reserved by agreement for Oxylus." It's not certain in my mind that Procles was a Cles element with an Aphro(dite) prefix, but it's interesting.

I wasn't going to mention that "OxyLUS" may have been an Og-Lasonii or Og-Laius liner until reading his article, where we find: "By Pieria, Oxylus had two sons: Aetolus [almost "Aeolus"], who died before his parents, and LAIUS, who inherited the kingdom after him." This Laius reminds of Dionysus' alternative name, Lyaios. If the Dionysus thyrsus was code for a peoples from Tyropeon, it was a valley beside Og's Rephaites. The article tells that Oxylus was involved with CresPHONTes, a term like the ending of "TyroPOEON," and like the Paiont variation of Payens. I'm keeping in mind that Cres / Chrys / Creusa elements are suspect with Hros / Ares, and that mount Gareb at the west side of Jerusalem traces to Jerevan at the Aras theater.

Two other Oxyilus' were sons of Ares and Orius, the latter the brother of HamaDRYAS, making Orius suspect with Orestia, a real place in Odrysia. If this speaks to a Laish partnership with Og liners, it speaks to Aras-like Arsus further up the Hebros from Odrysia, and then a Lissae location further up yet at the Erotes-like Rhodope mountains. Orestia just became suspect with an Ares / Aras line. In the Oxyilus article: "...[Oxyilus] brought in Agorius [Og-Orius combo?], great-grandson of Orestes and thus a descendant of Pelops, as a co-founder [of Elis]." Load the map below if you haven't got it loaded already (on a separate browser page), and see the Tonzus river's mouth at Orestia, with a Cabyle location (like "Cabelees") at the source of the Tonzus, and at the Haemus mountains that can explain HAMdryas. That works excellently. We have just arrived naturally, without my stretching the traces, to the family of peoples to which the Salmoneus- and Salem-suspect Solymi belonged. Was Tonzus a Tanis / Tanais liner?

With an Og trace to Elis, we can start to equate Ogyges, said by some to be the Ares dragon, with the Ladon dragon. This goes to the Daphne line from Tyropeon-suspect Tiresias, the blind seer, and so you might want to take notice of the one-eyed horse rider in the Oxyilus article, especially as Ogyges is suspect with Gigantes and Cylcopes. "A one-eyed man from Aetolia, son of Haemon (himself son of Thoas) or of AnDRAEmon. He was exiled from Aetolia [allied closely with Elis] on account of unintentional homicide; his victim was either his own brother Therimus or a certain Alcidocus, son of Scopius." On the north of Old Jerusalem, there is a mount Scopus today, a mere walk to Nob, location of an Israelite priesthood (i.e. Levites expected). ALCidocus was likely code for a Danaan line from ALCmene. The one-eyed man is obviously a thing from the Haemus mountains, between the Hebros and Carpathians, home of Rephaite-suspect ORPHeus. I expect Oreph-like elements that named Orpheus.

The Andraemon entity married a daughter of Oeneus, king of Calydon in Aetolia. This Oeneus is the one expected from the Jonathan-line Levites out of Danaan Laish, but I can't make much sense, yet anyway, of most Oeneus codes aside from his father. Oeneus was given a brother, ALCathous, tracing to the Samson > Hercules line expected in Laish. As early Aetolians were Curetes, there's a good bet that they trace to Cretans of Attaleia/Antalya. This explains why rulers in Pisa and Elis were close blood with Aetolia, and why Oeneus is the likely intent of Oenomaus at Pisa. But it seems clear enough, from the above, that some Aetolians with a one-eye, or third eye, symbol were from something at the Haemus mountains.

Keep that map open at all times when reading my material of late. Look to the near-east of Cabyle, on the map below, to see the SELLETae, the entity that may have named the Salto river. It doesn't necessarily mean that Sale cannot also trace to the namers of the Salto, for one would just trace the namers of sale to the Selletae. And the Nice location (map below) smack at Odrysia, suggests the Ligurian Nice location, linkable to the Salyes Ligures, especially if I'm correct in pegging Odrysians with the family of Dryas and LYCURGus. In fact, this paragraph tends to prove the correctness, and may even identify the DURance river of the Salyes as a DRYas liner.

"Dryas" is often traced to "oak / tree", and "oak" was suspect with "Og" before finding Oxyilus in this update. Here's on Oxyilus' children: "A hamadryad is a Greek mythological being that lives in trees. They are a particular type of dryad...The Deipnosophistae of Athenaeus lists eight hamadryads, the daughters of Oxylus and Hamadryas:" Probably, the myth writer(s) wrestled to produce the best, most-clever tree codes as possible, to impress his readers. One of the eight trees, the mulberry, was called, Morea, what could be a code for mount Moriah i.e. of the Jerusalem-Rephaite theater. Syke, the fig tree, could be a Sicyon code, and Karya, the walnut or hazelnut, can be for Caria, at the mouth of the Maeander that myth writers portrayed as carrying on under the sea and rising as Sicyon's Asopus. As the oak was a symbol of Zeus, the likely proto-Baal, note that the oak tree is made the Balanos. Was proto-Zeus the Og cult at Jerusalem? Looks like. And that can explain the OX = bull symbol of Zeus too, or, perhaps, the Taurus cult of Zeus, an Aryan line from Uranus, coined the Indo-European ox after Og elements. Og was a big fellow, and ox's are big animals. Why eight trees?

There are many things here to expound upon that I'll probably never get to (at this time, anyway), one of them being what looks like a Jerusalem trace to the Haemus mountains, but of special importance is the Cabyle location there, if it named the Cavii. The Lissae location at the west end of the Haemus range traces to Lissus, at the land of the Cavii. I am seeing a Selletae partnership with Cabyle as a fundamental Salem line to Caiaphas, especially as the locations on the maps are of times not long before Caiaphas. On the second map, Tonzas is a location on the Black sea at the lower end of the Selletae realm. Tonzus is near CHERSonesus. On the other map, Tonzus is roughly at AULAEitichus, perhaps an Aeolus liner of some importance. Aeolus was father to Salem-liner, Salmoneus, right? On the first map, look to the south of Aulaeitichus and spot SALMYdessus, No kidding, it's there on the Black-sea coast of the Thyni region.

Thyni was suspect with Tinia, chief Etruscan God along with Una-like Ina. But what about the Tine's / Dine's? As Tine's/Tyne's share the upright stag of Juno-based Jungs/June's, recall that Tine's became a topic from the "ObTINEbit" motto term, for its "bit" ending may be code for something in BIThynia, a place thought by some to be related to "Thyni." The Dyon variation of Dine's/Diens evokes the Dion-Zion topic. Could it be that Thyni was from "Zion"? Hmm, Tine's were first found in SALop. I had the sense, ever since seeing these stags here, that the stag in Hungarian lore traces to the Salmydessus area, and though I couldn't put my finger on why that should be, aside from links to the Arpii not far north on the Black-sea coast, the reason may be below.

As there is an Odessus location on the coast further north of the Selletae, the Salmydessus location surely applies, especially as mythical Odysseus was made at home in ITHICA, like the AulaeITICHus location. Now we are on it. Spot the PANUSus river near Odessus. Further south of Salmydessus, and still on the coast, a Philia location that should be the meaning of the Phlias elements at Sicyon, home of Sisyphus, brother of Salmoneus. This is no small, new revelation; I'm thrilled. Reminder: "Phliasian Asopus [river], originating in Phliasian territory and flowing through Sicyonian territory into the Gulf of Corinth near Sicyon..." Inland from Salmydessus are the Samae and the an Astica region, and then there's an Astakos location (on my atlas) with Ithaca directly off-shore from it. I view this part of the Black sea coast with lunatics, the Thracian dopes, dangerous dopes, pirates and demented families. It explains, for one, why Odysseus was captured by a witch, and why the Astakos area (Akheloos river) was home to the Siren pirates, killers of sea-farers. The Samae are virtually at the Odrysians, suggesting, indeed, the Samson cult's descendants.

The STAGG surname had become suspect with the ASTIKas' of Lithuania, bul also with the stag-using STACeys/Eustace's and Eustace's. The Astikas' (married Traby of Poland) had become suspect with STOCK, and while the Arms of Traby share five, white ostrich feathers with the Caen Crest, Caens are now very traceable to the Caeni, on one of the maps smack-near Astica. It clinches Caens, now known to be from the Ceno river, with the Caeni! It's a very-important link for tracing Khyan Hyksos to the Caeni. Of interest here is Traby-like TARpodizus (on both maps not far north of north of the Caeni(, which may have been of the peoples who named both the Trebbia river (next to the Ceno), and the Taro into which the Ceno flows. That should explain why the Tooths use a motto term looking like code for Palms/PARMs, for the Taro flows to Parma.

Tarrs happen to share many fesse bars in half the colors of the many fesse bars of Dine' that Tarrs can trace to Tarpodizus elements where Tine's trace to Thyni. Many fesse bars are used also by Tottens (Tute / Toot colors). Tooths (Capes / Toot colors) were first found in the same place (London) as Capes'. The last time that the Tooths were mentioned was as per the link of their feathers to Feathers, where it was asked whether the mythical Fates liners were to that surname, and the Fates were linkable to the Graeae with the tooth symbol, who are in turn sisters of the Gog-suspect Gorgons, and then Gog liners are suspect with "Hugo," while Tooths are traced to Hugo dentibus. A Moray Coat once shown by houseofnames had FETTERlocks, and Morays are suspect with the Moirai. The Hebros river was re-named, Maritsa, and traceable for various hunches to the Maros/Mures in the Carpathians.

The "fato" motto term of Ceno-line Cheneys is coming to mind, and as the Ceno is now traceable to the Caeni, near or in the THYNI province, let's go to the Father/Featherstone write-up, for it traces to Featherstone castle on the TYNE river! Bango. Draco's den has just been busted into. This was the Thracian dragon, the one expected at Armageddon for the Final Plague against poor, hard-hearted, obstinate pharaoh. The Fate/FateMORE surname shares gold FOOTless martlets with Cheneys.

The Featherstone castle is said to be near HawkWHISTLE while Whistle's/Wissels (HARP!!) are in Feather colors. Feather-using Light/Lite's share swans with Wessels. The Graeae were half swan, from lake Sevan, Georgian home of GORGons, and then the Wessel swans are blue-on-white, the colors of the GEORGE doves. Everything is fitting like a sword plunged down Draco's long throat. German Wessels use an ANTLER and Feathers / Fathers use the ANTELope. With WESSels looking like a branch of Feathers, what about converting "Feather" to "Fiddle" (same ending as "Wessel") and suggesting VIS-de-Loop, where Fiddle's/Fedlers were from found. That works.

I've got to tell you that, when I went looking in the Haemus area for Jerusalem elements, I DID NOT know I'd come upon this Salmoneus-Aeolus discovery. I had little prior ideas as to what Odysseus/Ulysses was aside from his likely being code for Odessa's namers, but it seems to be the case that he was part of the Salem Amorites at Aulaeitichus (Aulaei Tichos on the other map). How could this link not have entered the minds of historians until they told so many others that, by now, it would be common knowledge that Odysseus was code for Odessus? How could such an easy link have escaped them between Salmydessus and Salmoneus? By not knowing or respecting myth codes. Even though I know myth codes well, and even though I had been up and down both maps above, the Odysseus link to Aeolus went unrealized until now. Nor had I known that Aeolus was code for these Black-sea locations. Aeolus' brother, Dorus, now looks like the ODRYSians, and the third brother, Xuthus was likely the Thracian witch cult, Cotys (sometimes made the son of Manes and father of Attis).

I see something. Cotys' cult was traced to the Cotesii (top-right of dark map), and to the Cottian royals at SEGusia, also called SUSA. It recalls SEGOvesus, Gaulish brother of BELLOvesus, the latter traced to Bellerophon. It just so happens that the latter's ancestry was in SISYphus. Yes, the brother of Salmoneus and therefore suspect at the Thrace theater, in some capacity, around Salmydessus. There is a SELYMbria location not far south of Salmydessus.

The day after writing in this area, I came across Actaeon (grandson of Cadmus), whom I'm going to peg as symbol for the namers of Acte, beside Cadmus' Boiotian realm. The point is that Actaeon was changed into a stag, and then attacked to death by his hunting dogs. When I got to the names of the dogs, they included quite a few to indicate the Thracian and Hungarian theaters. For example, Charops, Harpalicus, Harpyia, Boreas [= the north], Draco, and Haemon. To top it off, while I trace the Charops and Harp liners to Syria's Ugarit location, we find this in Actaeon's Wikipedia article: "Actaeon, torn apart by dogs incited by Artemis, finds another Near Eastern parallel in the Ugaritic hero AQHT, torn apart by eagles incited by Anath who wanted his hunting bow." The two characters from two myths look rather identical, and the fact that a stag is equated with Actaeon suggests that Hungarians may have been tracing themselves to him in particular, though the stag can also be a symbol of Artemis, which is why she's part of the myth. In fact, the heraldic hunting horn might just be pat code for Artemis' hunting symbol.

Actaeon together with his mother, AUTONoe, suggests that her father, Cadmus, traces directly to AEDON, and Cadmus' ancestor, PosEIDON can apply. Abraham was a partner with MelchiZEDEK, non-Levite ruler / priest of Salem, while Amorites had a king, ADONI-Zedek. As Dryas was the father or son (or both) of Lycurgus, king of EDONI, and as there was an ADONIS god in Phoenicia, it looks like Adoni-Zedek was named, not just after "lord" in general, but the Adonis cult. There had been a question on whether ZEDek named the SITHones tribe of Edoni/Edones, but on that I never did come to a conclusion. But as I'm looking for all relevant elements at that Salmydessus theater, compare "Zedek" to ASTICa!!! And Astica is right-south of the Selletae. It may be wrong to see Astica with Zedek, but it sure is capably correct, therefore.

There is an Astacus location at the bottom-right of the light map, right beside Anak-suspect Ancore. The Anchors/Annackers had been traced to Benjamites, though not hard, but here we can trace Ancore, also known as Nicaea, to the Nice term on the dark map, smack where the light map has the Benni! I like that. Near Ancore one can see Prusa, a term that brings up the Brocuffs/Prokopps, which might just be capable of tracing the Perkunas god of Lithuanians to Prusa's namers. It just so happens that the Astikas family of Lithuania was merged with white-ostrich-feather Trabys while Perkens use white ostrich feathers (!) in the colors of the Traby/Sadowski Coat. This has good potential to trace Perkunas to a Brogitarus alliance with Perga elements, or, if Brocuffs and Brocks don't trace to "Brogitarus," perhaps they are from Perga and/or Prusa. In any case, Perkens are now discovered as Traby kin, and then the Taro river near the Trebbia might just be in "BrogiTARus."

MOREOVER, the Rats/Raits (anchor!) are using a cross in the colors of the Porsel / Benjamin saltires while the latter two trace to the Porsulae and the Benni to the near-west of Astica (Thrace). Then, the Bink variation of Bengs became suspect with PINCum, directly across the Danube from LedeRATA, which tends to trace the Lada goddess of Lithuanians to Lederata...because Astikas' were kin of RADZiwills! That works for a new discovery on a trace of key Traby / Trabzon kin. The Rats look like they use the Sinclair / Conan cross. Remember, the Elis WOMAN traces to VIMINacium, smack beside Lederata, and Elis' use the same cross as Rats! For those historians who laughed at my trace of "woman," and I know they did laugh, if they read at all, you're not laughing anymore. Elis' were first found in the same place as wolf-using Scarfs, honored in the Traby/Sadowski scarf.

The only other time that Aulaeitichus was mentioned was in the 4th update of this past July, though I did not know it by that name, for had I, the Ithaca buried within would probably have been noticed:

Near the mouth of the Panusus, a MARCIANopolis location suggesting Marici on the Ticino. Between the Panusus and the Ticino-like Aulaei Tichos entity, there is a Selletae area suspect with some variations of the Sale's that trace to the Salto, and the Marsi were at the upper parts of that river! That's a very good trace...The Selletae are beside mount Haemus, which can trace to variations of Exmes / Heimes (home of Seatons), beside the Touque's river. The Heimes surname was first found in Switzerland, location of Ticino! It looks like the Tichos entity named the Ticino. This is the first time that I've felt good about finding that river's roots, and it can indeed suggest that Odessus / Odysseus was an Dassaretae = Dexaroi line.

That makes sense, but what I didn't mention in that paragraph, though often mentioned for year previous, is that the Marsi of the Salto were traced to the Marici (i.e. like the Marcianopolis term) on the Ticino/Tessin. Earlier in the July update, I had said: "On that map, one can see a Tichos term at Thyni ('Thynias'), making it suspect as an Ithaca liner to the Ticks / Tighs / Teague's." It looks like I did not see "AulaeITICHus." The Ticks are the Touques/Tolkiens suspect with the Teague Coat, and with a motto as code for Miletus. In fact, as the Maeander at Miletus went mythically to Sicyon, by what coincidence was Sicyon the original home of mythical Telchis, known code for the Telchines of Rhodes?! That clinches the old theory (not emphasized in recent years) that "Tolkien" was from "Telchine."

In a straight line inland from Odessus, the line goes between Tigra and Teglicium (Danube river), like the Teegers listed with Teague's. They use an "Optem" motto term suspect partly with Opgalli (married TIGRanes), and partly with Time's/Timms (chevron features like that of Teague's), a line to the "Deum Time" motto of the FETTERlock Morays (no longer shown at houseofnames). There is then a DimoTICHOS location on the Hebros (south of Odrysia) to which Timms and the "Deum" term might trace. I'm thinking Timna of Edom, and therefore Samson's wife at Timnah, for Dimotichos, on a true-to-geography map, was almost beside where the Samae are stamped.

I've been linking the Squire's/Squirrels (red squirrel) for years to Decks/Daggers (red squirrel) and Tecks/Tess'/Tease's, with Tease's/Teghs thrown in more recently. I can now understand why there should have been a relationship between Squire's and Decks, as per the Tichos and Astica trace Astakos. Listen, for God went out of his way to give me squirrel signs for two years, which I shared with readers, and here that topic is now tracing potentially to Zedek with the Astica line. Mythical Sirens were at the Akheloos/Achelous river i.e. at Astakos. And the Sirens are absolutely traceable to Squire-like Sire's/Sirons because they use a mirror, symbol of the heraldic mermaid (see Glass' or Massins/Masons) that I have seen as a "Siren." That is, one surname I came across, though I can't recall which, called the mermaid a Siren, and that little fact assures that Sirons were from them, and therefore from the Calydon / Aetolia area along the Akheloos.

This now becomes more meaningful, and probably the reason that God used signs to get the Squire's/Squirrels in my upper mind, where Oeneus was the line of the Jonathan Levites, for I insisted that they should trace to the Laevi on the Ticino, which was also called the Tessin (starts in Switzerland), wherefore the Swiss Tecks/Tess' (LEAVES) surely applied, and so why not also the Squirrel-loving Decks/Daggers? The idea coming to mind is that the Laevi line was in cahoots with all sorts of things from ancient Jerusalem, the arch enemy of God that would define the history to the global rulers, and to their Armageddon, and to God's choice of stealing away from them their Zion as the symbol of His eternal throne.

I have been very surprised that, as yet, the squirrels all around my house over this past season, did not venture into the attic. I never saw one on the roof, but last November, as the weather started turning cold, 16 of them were caught in the attic, with the entire affair reported to readers, telling why I saw signs in the details. I interpreted the signs as pertaining to the seven heads of Revelation, and of course the 8th head too. And here I think the reason has been found for Squirrels being of primary importance to my hunt, as they are likely of the Oeneus Levites. I'm not asking the reader to depend on the Signs for any conclusions, as they were guides only, not the evidence themselves. The evidence is what's being shown right here and now, which includes the Tichos terms around the Salem-traceable areas of Thrace, along with Astakos-like Astika, and this was found after the Sire's/Sirons and kin were proven to trace to the Arms of Lithuania, home of the Astikas'.

Keep listening, please, and read slow so that you get this. Lithuania and Lycia had a Lada goddess in common, and as Lithuania also had a wolf symbol, it seems certain that they trace to the Greek lyco = wolf, and therefore also to Lycaonia (ancient wolf symbol). It should be obvious to you, therefore, if you draw the Lycian line back to Lachish of Hebron, that LITHuania was a Leto line from Keturah's Letushites. The Lite surname applies here because it's honored by the Ayer motto while the motto in the Arms of Ayrshire uses a "shaw" motto term, and one can see why one Shaw surname is using a version of the Ayer Coat. And to this add that the Eyers / Here's were first found in Derbyshire while Derbe was in Lycaonia. Then, take the "Sithech" term to which Shaws are traced, and compare it to "Zedek" and "Astica / Astikas," and note how the sly writers of the Shaw write-up claim that "Sithech" means "wolf." They knew that Shaws traced to the Lithuanian wolf line, didn't they? And all this should explain why the Ayer QUATRefoils are in the colors of the garbs of the STICKs *same place as Leavells).

I'm not quite done, for the Laevi were always linked to the Ananes Gauls because the latter were suspect with Annas of Israel, whose father, SETH, has a name listed with Scottish Shaws, and they use a DAGGER in the crest as evidence of their trace to the Decks/Daggers, and to the dagger-using Mackays / Quade's that trace to the Ayer quatrefoils, and to the dagger-using KikPATRICKs who trace to the AntiPATRIA location on the Apsus river, land of the DEXARoi/Dassaretae now tracing feasibly / logically to Odessus, the Tichos entity. The other Daggers/Dacre's not only share gold garbs with Sticks, but look like they may have been from "Acre" (Israel) and/or mount Acra at Jerusalem. The Dagger garbs are in the colors of the same if Dade's/Datts suspect with Tatta in Lycaonia.

I'm not quite finished yet, for as Kilpatricks were first found in the same place as Ananes-suspect Annandale (also called, simply, Annan), so we find that the Arms of Ayrshire are described as using the Annandale saltire on gold. And the Tess'/Tecks/Tease's use a saltire in colors reversed to the Annandale saltire, with LEAVES upon them as obvious code for what we are discussing. And then the Letts are suspect with ANNUlets (because the Annas Coat is linkable to the Lett Coat), a symbol indicating that there had been a fundamental Ananes link to the Lett surname. From there, we go to the Tease/Tigh Coat to find the Annas stars, and a surname first found in the same place as Annas, and, moreover, this has got to be the Keturah>Letushite line from Anak's Amorites to the Annas surname, for which reason the Ananes are suspect from Anaki.

You shouldn't think that these things are all coincidences, and that the people-group links did not exist. It's obvious that everything I'm saying here is reliable, true to historical facts, and there is much more than can be gleaned in the totality of the symbols of all the surnames involved.

When Odysseus men were captured by Circe, she turns them into swine, which may reveal that the Eburo liners that I see in Abruzzo bad a boar symbol as far back as Homer. See here the Circe connection to Helios, god of Rhodes: "In Greek mythology, Circe is a goddess of magic (or sometimes a nymph, witch, enchantress or sorceress). By most accounts, Circe was the daughter of Helios, the god of the sun, and Perse, an Oceanid. Her brothers were Aeetes, the keeper of the Golden Fleece, and Perses. Her sister was Pasiphae, the wife of King Minos and mother of the Minotaur." That latter part is the Minoan entity that founded Miletus et-al, and one can easily glean, if they are open to myth codes, that "PASIphae" was code for Phasis, at the mouth of the Glaucus river where Aeetes lived. Therefore, Minoans on Crete were of the Colchians and/or the people of Corinth as ruled by the Aeetes entity.

I don't recall reading before, at Circe's Wikipedia article, that there is a Circeo mountain less than 100 miles south of Rome, in the land of the Butteri cowboys that I see in the Italian and English Botters. The latter Botters were first found in the same place as Potters, and Phasis was also named, POTI! That convinces me that Botters were from Poti, which is not surprising, really, because the Lazi lived there who named Lazio/Latium, location of Circeo. The latter term is coming up (with a search) in just one of my files (2nd of August, 2001):

"A buttero is a shepherd or cowboy in the region of Maremma, in Tuscany in the Northern Latium and in the Pontine Marshes." Clicking over to the Pontine Marshes article, where we find the Pontine Region "comprising the Monti Albani, the Volscian Mountains and Monte Circeo; in short, all of Roman Latium."

It's a testament as to how we are being kept in the dark by modern pagans, for as myth makes a mythical Latinus the son of Circe, they fail to tell us of this mount Circeo in Latium.

Like I said, Circeo was not in Wikipedia's Circe article when I was at it a few times in my early dragon hunts. I would have noticed it because I was searching for what she might have represented on the west side of Italy (where Odysseus was captured by Calypso (another witch). It appears that the Halybes, suspect at the naming of Alba, were intended in the CALYPSo code, for Halybes were also "Chalybes." The myth writers knew it, but didn't tell. Calypso lived on an island, OGYGia, probably traceable to mythical Gyges of Lydia, made the son of DASCYLUS, like the TUSCULUS location on the Tuscany-Lazio border area. The Ares dragon, said to be Ogyges, protected the golden fleece of Aeetes and his daughter, Medea. Some Butteri are said to have been north of Rome i.e. in the Tusculus area. They were as far north as Velch, where a Turan witch cult existed. Wikipedia removed all witch themes from its article on Turan, but this helps to trace the Butteri to Poti, land of witchcraft, apparently, of the Mede / Magi kind.

The Khaldi kin of Halybes probably named the first Celts in Illyria, which later because Albania. Mount Albini (quote above) looks like it links to Alba Longa, where one can trace the Rimmon Benjamites: "In legend, Romulus and Remus, founders of Rome, had come from the royal dynasty of Alba Longa. It is located 12 miles (19 km) southeast of Rome." That puts Alba near Ardea, and then there is the issue of the Benni peoples (shown on a map above) smack at the Arda river and Odrysia. The Ardea location (between the Butteri and Rome) should trace to Aphrodite Hebrews at Arda-Hebros Thracians, therefore, for I even read that Venus has her first appearance in all of Italy at Ardea. That entire lot of Jerusalem-based Thrace is now easily pegged at the Latin theater in cahoots with the Hatti-Colchian peoples, suggesting that the Hatti-Colchians were also with the Jerusalem Hebrews in Thrace.

But what about the Laevi on the Ticino? Where were they in the Thrace theater? Did "Levi" evolve into "Halybes" and/or "Lapith"? Are proto-Laevi to be expected with the Kikons at Sale? That makes sense, for I have been seeing a Laevi link to the Salyes for years. And Kikon was made the mythical brother of Hebros. And as Jonathan the pagan Levite was at Laish, his line is expected in the Aeetes=Hatti line to Lazio';s mount Albani. There is a question on whether "Tichos" relates to "ASTICA." Was Tichos from "Zedek"? Was the Ticino named after Zedek liners? Compare "Zedek" with "Sadducee." What about the Perse and Perses kin of Circe? Was the Pharisee line through the Laevi? It is highly likely that this Perse entity was of the Perseus Danaans from Laish, whom I traced with Aphrodite to the Parthenius river, beside the Halybes. For all I know, Halybes could have been on the Parthenius. The Cabelees are expected with the Cybele cult at a Kabeiri location on the Sakarya, one major river west of the Parthenius. There are a Parthini peoples shown on one map right beside the Cavii on the other map. The realities look obvious now. The Parthini were within easy reach of Lissus, and the lake Scodra to the near-north of Lissus is suspect with a Skudra entity in Thrace, unknown geographically, they say, and descended from Phrygians i.e. the Sakarya / Parthenius theater.

For the record, from Wikipedia: "Austeja -- Lithuanian -- goddess of bees". Might some ostrich-like term have developed from "Austeja / Astikas"?

Who was Oeneus?

Back to Oeneus of Aetolia, for his father was Porthaon, sometimes referred to as Parthaon. Let's assume that he was a Dionysus entity on the Parthenius, but with an alliance / relationship with the Antalya Pisidians that went through Tantalus and Pelops, rulers of Eneti, a good theory because he Heneti Paphlagonians are expected on the Parthenius. As you read the following, entertain Oeneus from the line or cult generally from the Danites that had Jonathan as their priest. "Alcathous, son of Porthaon and Euryte, daughter of Hippodamas. He was killed by Tydeus, the son of Oeneus, Alcathous' brother. In another story, he was instead killed by Oenomaus, being one of the unsuccessful suitors of Hippodamia." Hippodamas and Hippodamia (Pelop's wife, Oenomaus' daughter) are the same entity, of course, but in the quote above we see how Oeneus of Aetolia was the same as the Oeno entity at Pisa. It's important to make that connection, then trace back to Poseidon of Tyre, root of Pisidians, and known kin of Danaus out of Egypt i.e. at Tanis, the line to Dan elements of Laish and suspect there as Meshwesh = proto-Amazons.

There were other Alcathous characters in myth, one a son of Pelops, making for a strong link of Oeneus to something entwined to Pelops. The latter was a piece of garbage humanity who bore the faggot cult of Chrysippus, but it gets worse: "Pelops, son of King Tantalus of Lydia, came to ask for Hippodamia's hand in marriage and prepared to race Oenomaus. Worried about losing, Pelops went to the seaside and invoked Poseidon, his former lover. Reminding Poseidon of their love ("Aphrodite's sweet gifts"), he asked Poseidon for help..." Never mind the story, turn from it and be like Lot out of Sodom. The point is, Pelops was a Poseidon > Pisidian liner steeped in his Cadmus line through the queer-box symbols, Dionysus, and Laius. They must have had a lot of male swine in Tyre, and, to that, add Hercules...and Zeus himself, the chief pig who slept with anything, including animals.

Another Alcathous (what's "thous" for?) was a daughter of Hippodameia, sister of Oeneus-like Aeneas. That's important for the task of clinching Oeneus with the mythical founder of Rome, which expects the Benjamite-Jabesh-Rimmon elements in the Oeneus cult. Yet another Alcathous was in Thebes, city of Cadmus and his pet dragon. But that pet came to life again only by its teeth. Why were the teeth made the seeds of new life? What were teeth code for to these Greeks? Was it the Buck line from Apachnas, and the Cheney line from Khyan? Yes, for as Hyksos were the inventors or near-inventors of chariots, so Oenomaus had a chariot symbol. There was a mass-exodus from Israel of everything unclean when the Israelites started to rule the land, and the pagans went to Greece, the proto-Europe that, save for Vatican intervention, would have remained pagan continually, probably to this day. The EU has abandoned the religion of the Vatican, and turned to the New-Age religion, seeking a throne in the solar system, to sit there as God himself over all mankind.

I would keep to what the myth writers said about the teeth of Cadmus' dragon, that they were Spartans. MENElaus looks like he should link to AlcMENE, the Hercules line, and as MeneLAUS is code for Sparta's Las/Laas location on the MANI peninsula, one should trace the Alcmene entity to that place too, which was beside Argos i.e. from where Hercules descended.

Repeat: "[Alcathous] was killed by TYDeus, the son of Oeneus, Alcathous' brother". This can begin to identify the Tous/Tosini / Tosni surname with "AlcaTHOUS", for the Tosni's were also Todeni's, suspect with Taddei's/Tadini's, terms linkable suddenly to "Tydeus." As Taddei's use the Bouillon crosses, the Oeneus Levites can thus trace to Godfrey de Bouillon, but this is not the first time that the Israeli priesthood traced to Godfrey's family, but more like the tenth time (i.e. by ten methods or more). Where Bouillons were Boii liners, they can trace to the Boetus-Sadducee house of Boiotians. The Tous surname (boy-like "man") lists "Tonso," like the Tonzus river.

Now that we have Oeneus equated with Aeneas, we can draw back to the latter's father, Anchises, who looks linkable to Anak in Hebron, but with an "ises / ses" ending. It should all trace to the Hebros, right? As Anchises was a son of Capys, it's a good bet that Capys was the namer of Cypsela and perhaps also of the Apsynthii, both on the light map near the mouth of the Hebros i.e. location of Aenus. You can't argue with that. But with Caiaphas expected from Capys liners out of Capua, and also from Cabyle up at Haemus, it recalls how Oeneus of Aetolia was linked to the one-eyed man on his horse, son of Haemon or of Andraemon (the latter married to a daughter of Oeneus). Cable is directly inland from a coastal ANCHialus location. This could, therefore, pass as Aeneas' father, or at least part of him. To the other side of Cabyle there is a "Tyle?" location, the map maker not sure where it should go, or whether it should be on the map at all (I don't know which). I still seek the reason as to why Quadratus Bassus' daughter was QuadraTILLa. As she married Laevillus, while Oeneus is now tracing as pagan-Levi cult to this area with a Tyle term, that could work excellently, especially as I expect Caiaphas from the ancestry (not known) of Laevillus. The dark map has a Tilatae term between Cabyle and Serdica.

Greeks shaved their faces, right? And Levites did not, right? So why does Oeneus, at his Wikipedia article, have a beard? As Laish was also beside Daphne (mentioned by Josephus), what about the blind seer, Tiresias, father of "Daphne," a term tracing with little doubt to Taphians in Aetolia. Shouldn't the blind symbol of Tiresias be for the assumed blind man (with one eye) in Aetolia? When the Calydonian boar (of Artemis) ravaged Aetolia, wasn't that code for a Hebrew entity?

We now want to know why Hippodameia (daughter of Anchises) was given to the Aeneas = Oeneus line. Clearly, the line was wrapped up in the Pelops package of things, but, more-importantly, the Hippodamia Amazons. You could call them the Trojan / Thracian Amazons. There is a long list of children given to Oeneus, and when one can identify them correctly, his nature will be understood more clearly. The Bible has a story of huge grape vines in Hebron, which I think is a good place to trace the Oeneus wine symbol, and Dionysus, god of wine, too, because Anak at Hebron may be of "Naxos," island of Dionysus. In this particular view of "Naxos," Dionysus was a line directly from Anak, the feasible makings of Aenus / Aeneas. That works.

Repeat from above: ""According to Hesiod's Theogony, Lachesis and her sisters (Atropos and Clotho) were the daughters of EREBUS (Darkness) and NYX (Night)..." The myth writers probably spent a lot of time trying to think up storybook themes for certain bloodlines, and here one of the stupids was working on a night theme for what looks like code for the line of Dionysus' night-time partiers, the lunatic [moon symbol] Maenads. Levi- and Caiaphas-suspect Cabbage's use a "REBUS motto term." Not only are Cabbage's in the colors of Nicholas, but Cabbage's share the white-on-black lion with English Nicholas', how about that. I wonder whether Nyx was code for the namers of the Nicolaitans around Ephesus.

My assumption is that LacheSIS, same ending as AnchiSES, was a line from LachISH in Hebron, and therefore an Anak line in, or involved with, Lachish, to the Lycians, who lived where I would peg Clotho, the same likely as Poseidon's Antlantean wife, Cleito. Atropos can trace well to Tarpodizus, which is up the Tonzus river way in the neighborhood of Cabyle and ANCHialus. Nyx was likely the same as Nice/Nike, and there is a Nice area across the Hebros from the mouth of the Tonzus. The Nice surname is listed with Nestor-suspect Ness'/Nests, and mythical Nestor was a ruler of Pylos, beside Methoni, the latter made a daughter of the Oeneus under discussion.

Let's go back to the Parthenius river, suspect as with Oeneus' father, for that's the river of Aphrodite, Aeneas' mother. This Aphrodite goddess mated with Anchises, a human, and by now you know that I trace Aphrodite from Hebrews in the Euphrates-Habur area to Hebron. We need to stick to the old program, with Mari on the Euphrates traced to Amorites of Hebron. Then, Oeneus' mother, Euryte, was a "Daughter of Hippodamas and granddaughter of Achelous. By Porthaon, she was the mother of Oeneus, Agrius, LEUCopeus, Melas, Alcathous and Sterope." With Oeneus up in the Haemus/Haemon range, Agrius can be code for the Agrianes peoples to the west of Serdica, still within the Haemus theater. The Agrianes are at the source of the Strymon, possible representation of STERope, and flowing beside the NESTus river. As the goat-suspect Satrae Thracians are between the two rivers, I'm pegging the Agrianes' as from the Greek word for "goat." Down the Strymon from the Agrianes is a DENTHEletae peoples.

Who was Euryte? Keep the Dentheletae in mind as the teeth of Ares' dragon, for Euryte can be traced to Ares' Sparti, no guff: "Halirrhothius was the son of Poseidon and Euryte (or Bathycleia) in Greek mythology. When Halirrhothius raped Alcippe, Ares's daughter by Aglaulus, Ares murdered him..." There is an obvious reason as to why Ares's daughter was the victim, for HalirROTHIUS looks like a Rus entity of an Erotes / Rhodope kind. Dentheletae were on the west side of the Rhodope range, and Euryte must have been code for the Evrotas river of down-town Sparta! That was good. It opens a new theory, that Ares' dragon was in particular on the Strymon river, and at least largely made up of the Dentheletae.

The importance of my fundamental link between Keturah and Og, and their common trace to Boiotia's / Athen's Ogyges character, is where Keturah's tribe, the LETUSHites, can trace to DentheLETAE. This would tend to clinch my theory, that "SATRae" was a soft version of "KETURah." Keturah traced very hard to Hecate and Medea of Colchis, and here we see the Maedi beside the Dentheletae. With the Maedi, we arrive into Paeonia, suspect now from the pagan cults at the TyroPOEON valley, home of Og's Rephaites, likely.

By the way, I'm writing here the day after mention of my bad tooth. Yesterday, I purchased 30 caps of antibiotic, and, already, after only two caps, the swelling on the side of the gum has gone down. I hope it heals the entire tooth. Twenty-seven dollars sure beats paying a dentist for another uncomfortable visit. When I told him I'm not afraid of needles, the dentist got an "oh-ya" attitude, and stabbed me hard and deep deliberately. He later laughed when I brought it up on the next visit.

So, the Denth entity is now suspect with the Keturah liners to Medea upon the Glaucus river, home of the Lazi and possibly the Bats, and we saw above how one myth writer made BATHYcleia an alternative of Euryte. Should we expect Teucer>Batia Trojans at the Evrotas or proto-Evrotas? What was proto-Evrotas if not the Hebros?

The Evrotas river of Sparta is suspect from "Hebrew," and Genesis says that the families of Joktan, son of the first Hebrew, lived beside Sparta-like Sephar, which, I gather, was also called, SUBARtu. There is a "SUBRadice?" location on the south side of the Haemus range, where Euryte>Oeneus liners have already been expected. And Subradice (the question mark may be only for the uncertainty of the precise location) is very near Ares-suspect Arsus, making the Ares dragon teeth suspect also with Joktanite Hebrews to the Sparti. That works surprisingly well. However, the other map has it as "Sub Radice." If it's not a Subartu element, then perhaps a Rat / Radziwill element to the Astikas'.

A mythical was a son of Tegeates (mount Tegea in Arcadia), who was son in-turn of Lycaon, indicating that something Lycaonian was at Arcadia as some Sparta-like / Sephar-suspect entity. It recalls the Lycos river as one of the Zab downtown Assyria, where Subartu is usually stamped on maps. Tegea was likely of the namers of the Taygeti mountains alongside the Evrotas. In this picture, Peleg, Joktan's brother, is suspect with mythical Pollux. As the latter was a son of Leda, note that the Scephrus myth has Pollux-like Apollo and Leto/Latona involved, for it makes Apollo suspect with the Peleg Hebrews. Imagine the disgust of God, where the man himself is worshipped as God. "The other three sons of Tegeates, Archedius, Gortys and Cydon, were said to have migrated to Crete and to have founded the cities Cydonia, Gortys and CATReus." Keturincidence?

Should Scephrus elements trace to the naming of Severus Bassus? As Cadmus was brother to the Eber-suspect Europa Cretans, one expects that the Cadusii represented by Cadmus were in some relationship with Minoans. And we should compare "EUR(opa)" with the Evrotas river of the Scephrus-suspect Sparti. Note Cydonia of Crete, for Cadmus' Sparti involved CYDONia-like CHTHONus, son of NYCteus, and the latter's daughter (Nycteis) married PolyDORUS, son of Cadmus, indicating that Chthonius was another code for XUTHus, brother of DORUS...and brother also of Aeolus elements on the Thracian sea coast, wherefore this Nycteus line may have been code for Nice of Thrace. This information tends to reveal what was expected, that Cadmus didn't just meet the Ares dragon in Boiotia, but was allied to it along the course of Tyrian history to Boiotia. And they had a power struggle between themselves, with the Cadmus side winning.

In the myth, the Sparti were depicted as bent on war, fighting one another insanely with no motives i.e. just because they were prone to war. But why did only five Sparti survive the in-fighting? Well, the number of the original Curetes were 10, and so if the Sparti were half of them, then Cadmus is suspect with/as the other half. The ten Curetes were depicted as "ten fingers," which the Greeks called, DAKtyloi. Was that code for the line that named the Dexaroi? Very possibly, yes, for Dexaroi were in Illyria while Illyria was made a son of Cadmus and his wife (Ares' daughter). One can then entertain a trace of the Cadmus Curetes to Aetolia's Curetes, and that's where the Squire/Squirrel surname originated that linked to the Thracian sea coast as well as to the Dexaroi. Plus, it just so happens that while this Cadmus entity was part of the Ares dragon, the Curete-suspect Crichtons/Creightons use the green Seaton dragon, suspect also in the Crest of Dexaroi-based Kilpatricks (drops).

Now listen, for if God gave the squirrel signs, it wasn't so that we could all uncover the ancestry of Squirrels in Greece. It must have to do with the anti-Christ's coming. And so let me repeat that the Kilpatrick Crest has a dexter paw (= right hand) on the forehead of the Levi lion, and that the Patch branch of Kilpatricks share the 666-suspect horns of Trabys...who now trace to the Trebbia-Ceno theater, origin, likely, of Dick Cheney. And while Trabys/Sadowski's use a scarf while Scarf's were first found in the same place as Bush's and Walkers, let me repeat: I still believe that president George Herbert Walker Bush was born a Scherf(f) from the Nazi family of George Herbert Scherff. In other words, we have seen the destruction that president Scherf's, with his vice-president, Dick Cheney, was able to unleash, on 9-11, and this is an indication of what heartless demons Christians are up against in the future. The mythical Sirens were deceptive killers, disguised as angels while luring in their victims.

Chthonius had another son (aside from Nycteus), Lycos, and he ruled Thebes (city of Cadmus), the same place as where Aedon would be queen who was from the Keturah line through Athens and Ephesus, the latter home of the Leto Amazons. This recalls that neighboring Lycians had a goddess, Lada, very linkable to Leto and the Spartan Leda. In other words, the Lachish line from Hebron to Lycians in Lycus, king of Thebes, was a Keturah-related line, but this information was acquired aside from using CATReus, the city related to Chthonius-suspect Cydonia. Later, the king of Thebes was ZETHus, a Zedek suspect.

"Chthonius other son Lycus usurped the government in Thebes and reigned for 20 years. During his time the Thebans marched against Sicyon and subdued it. Lycus killed, some say, their king Epopeus and emprisoned his wife Antiope, who being the daughter of Nycteus was his own niece." (Chthonius link above). Antiope was an Amazon, the Mus household of the Hyksos, and Epopeus of Sicyon must therefore be a line from the Apophis Hyksos. "ANTiope" looks like the goddess, ANAT. As she was paired with Baal, note that Bellerophon was from Sicyon elements, namely from Sisyphus, brother of Salmoneus. As these were sons of Aeolus, didn't we just see Chthonius suspect with Xuthus, Aeolus' brother? I am therefore discovering that the family of Chthonius was none other than the mythical founders of Greece by other namers. It just so happens that Bellerophon waged a war in LYCIA with Apachnas-suspect Pegasus as his ally. Their enemy was a Rhodian dragon, Khimera, code for Kamiros on Rhodes, a likely Cimmerian entity. Therefore, this looks like another aspect of the Ares dragon, especially as Cimmerians took over the kingdom of king Rusa, at Lake Van, location of Mus.

The Khimera dragon had the peculiarity of a second head, one of a goat, and we saw above why the DentheLETAE should be the Ares dragon. They are stamped on the same river as goat-suspect Agrianes' and Keturah-suspect Satrae. It therefore appears that mythical Lycus can apply to the line of Keturah and Abraham to the formation of many nations, like the number of stars in the sky. And this Nycteus element to which Lycus was related in Greece speaks of Nuzi, near a Lycus/Lycos river of that area. The other Zab river was called something like "Kabur," but I always forget the spelling. It was suspect with the Kabeiri cult overwhich DioNYSUS was a chief priest. It is not a contradiction to trace "Naxos" to both "Nysus" and the Biblical NACHor, brother of Abraham, if he named Nuzi, or if Nuzi named him. It's feasible that "Nuz" could have been from a Nuch/Nuk term.

While Rothschilds and Rhodes are expected from Rhodes liners, the Kamiros-like Camerons share the five, bunched arrows of Rothschilds. Why five? Did that number become a symbol of half the Curetes? It's known that Curetes, co-founders of Troy, were in cahoots with the disgusting Telchines of Rhodes, yet originating in Sicyon. It's the same-old bloodline pervasive throughout this update.

The first Rothschild had five sons and five daughters, and at one point in my writings, I actually asked whether he killed some children at birth to arrange five and five. There was a reason for that suspicion that went back to a cultic number ten in the ten twins of Plato's Poseidon, out of ANTALya, near Rhodes. It was mentioned above that a Mr. Hammond is now the British foreign minister, and this is under prime minister Cameron so that we might expect Hammond to be a Rothschild tool too. As we saw reason for tracing Mr. Hammond and the Fellon surname (of Britain's current defense secretary) to the Singletarys and Dunhams (two lines to Obama's mother), from Hamon de Masci, by what coincidence do Singletarys use the ANTELope? This is all part of the Curetes link to Lycians, or the Minoan link to Maeonians, etc., all of the sickening lunatics of old that created mythology as part of their arrogance in vying for a throne above the stars of the True God. Never before has this Zeus cult been in such position as to tackle the stars and play God in our human environment. The temptation to achieve world control under the heavy foot of this "special" bloodline has never been greater, and, fools that they are, they will strive to accomplish it...only to be reduced to the Footstool of God's Son.

The Greek five is "pente," and we will see a Pentheus below. Ask whether Pentheus can trace to Curetes.

The Chthonius page above then gets down to another king of Thebes, this time Ixion-suspect Echion, whom, once again, is suspect with the Exodus pharaoh, Khyan. God is going to play God with the Exodus pharaoh once again in the Last Plague, only end-time Khyan will enjoy the game like he enjoyed to see his army swamped in the waves of a nasty sea. Echion was husband to a daughter (Agave) of Cadmus, and, as you probably know, Cadmus was made a son of the Tanis > Poseidon line...out of the Hyksos domain in Tanis and Avaris, right? AGave looks like a code / entity from AGeNOR (Aegian liner?), kin of Phoenician PosEIDON, and the latter is suspect with the Adonis of Phoenicia in a trace to Edones at the mouth of the Strymon river. Echion and Agave "had a son Pentheus who took power in Thebes and is best known for having opposed the introduction of the rites of Dionysus." Another mythical character in mortal opposition to Dionysus was king LYCurgus of the Edones.

"Pentheus" looks linkable to Phoenicians in general, or more in particular to Phoenix-suspect Panias. Abraham and Keturah had a second set of Biblical brothers named, Sheba and Dedan, this Sheba suspect with the naming of Thebes. The other Sheba may have named the Egyptian Thebes, out of which came the Egyptians that popped the daylights out of Apophis, after God played God with Khyan...till his glorious kingdom was made ripe for the Theban pickin's. And the stars of Khyan will fall from the sky like fig leaves late in the year, never to rise off the human horizon again.

One of the Ten Plagues involved frogs everywhere. In frogs versus Khyan, the frogs won. But God had in mind to depict the military supporters of end-time Khyan with frogs coming out of the mouth of satan (Revelation 16). And it just so happens that I have read concerning frogs in the heraldry of king Clovis (= the first Franks), explaining why Franks are called, "frogs." My impression is that end-time France will support the anti-Christ in his battle against the "kings of the east," though the original point was that the Apophis/APEPi Hyksos led to the PEPin-branch Merovingians. Frogincidence? "Frog" became suspect with "Phrygia," home of PAPHlagonians.

At one time, while more sure than now that the anti-Christ would be from Russia, I needed to predict a Russia-West alliance in forming the Revelation beast. That is yet possible in the future, after Putin is gone. However, if that does not materialize, the second theory is that the anti-Christ will be a Western Rus (or even Moscovite Russian) liner from Rothschild circles. France is now involved in the Syria theater with Britain and the American military, and, feasibly, these could take Syria over and fulfill anti-Christ prophecy from there. Contrary to my views to date, Russia might prove to be part of the "kings of the east." Should the world leaders read this, they would laugh and say, "fat chance" that this should become true, after so long. But others, not blinded by the lust for power, can fathom it.

While Cadmus and his Ares dragon birthed the Illyrians, so to speak, the myth writers traced Pentheus to the Epirotes (of Epirus): "They had a son Pentheus who took power in Thebes and is best known for having opposed the introduction of the rites of Dionysus. However, his mother [Agave] was a supporter of the god, and she induced the Theban women to leave their houses and abandon themselves to what is called Bacchic frenzy [Maenad symbol]. In the conflict that ensued Agave torn her son limb from limb, or else Pentheus was killed by the MAENADS, attendants of Dionysus, when he was spying on them. Echion and Agave had a daughter Epirus." It's similar to the line of Pendragon to the Salto river near Epirus-suspect Abruzzo, or of the Penestae of Uscana to the Italian Oscans. Zeus (from Crete) had a cult at DODONa of Epirus, like "Dedan," suspect from EPIRus-like Hebron.

The line from the Cretans at MILetus to the Cadmus-Cretans at Thebes seemingly involved MELia, the Boiotian wife of Anak-suspect Inachus at Argos. According to myth writers, Cadmus was following the Argos bull cult to Thebes, and the Argos bull cult was Io, who married Epaphus, likely the same Apophis entity as Epopeus, king of Sicyon, relevant because the Maeander river at Miletus became the Asopus at Sicyon. If an Epaphus-like term dropped the vowel between the p's, it would be the possible makings of an Epphus / Ephesus term, for while the Melia honey cult was in Io's land, Ephesus had an essenes bee cult. Crete had Melissa, a bee goddess, that is almost "Miletus." I've just read, "In Hittite melit signifies 'honey'." It's notable that Epaphus was given the same ending as SisyPHUS. These endings could relate to an old version of Epaphus-related MemPHIS (Egypt)

Epaphus was said to have been of Euboea, home Abantians, suspect with the KORybantian co-founders of Troy along with the CURetes. The hunch is that Oeneus, in the midst of the Aetolian Curetes, was migrating with them from Tyre through Crete, by which I mean to indicate that Jonathan's Levites in Laish had gotten mixed up with, or even evolved into, some of the Tyrians of Crete. As Aetolia must trace to Antalya of the Pisidians, let's go to the details on Lycus, where we see vividly that he represented the Lycians: "Lycus, king of Thebes, is the son of Poseidon and Celaeno. He is the husband of Dirce and the half brother of Eurypylus [EURY" is suspect with "Eber"]. He was sent to the Fortunate Isles, the islands of the blessed by his father. He gained custody of Antiope, in which he gave her to Dirce to be treated poorly. In revenge of taking Antiope, Lycus and Dirce were killed by Amphion and Zethus." Amphion is the known ancestry of Pamphylians, the lands of whom overlapped with those of Lycians / Pisidians.

As Zethus can be a line from Jerusalem's alternative name, Zedek, to Seth, father of Annas, and then to the Sithech ancestry of Shaws, we might do well to unravel the Zethus circle of myth codes to the best of our abilities. We can already glean a Zethus link to the Lachish > Lycia and/or Lycaonia line, and the Zethus link to Thebes expects a trace to Keturah's Sheba line. His brother, Dedan, is said (Genesis 25) to be the ancestor of the Letushites. One wonders whether Daedalus (= Cretan bull) applies to a Tyrian line from Dedan. While I can see good reasons (practically clinched in my mind) for Lycian or proto-Lycian involved with the naming of the Assyrian Lycus river, yet I can start to see a trace to lake LYCHnis too, for this was the alternative name of lake Sevan, where we find a Sithech- and Zedek-like Soducena entity. The 'n' in "Lychnis" can suggest "Lycaonia" rather than "Lycia."

In my struggles to discover the parent(s) of Joseph Caiaphas (son-in-law of Annas, son of Seth), I have traced his direct family to something in Lycaonia, especially at Derbe (conquered by Amyntes), and yet that same family was traced to Cilicia's Quadratus family, highly suspect at Qewe, a location like the Shaw surname, kin of the Derbyshire Eyers/Ayers / Here's. The implication is that the Sadducees, to which Caiaphas and Annas belonged, were named after the same that had once named Zethus, in Boiotia (also "BOEOTia"), and then the house of Sadducees is known to have had a BOETtus surname. I think this is highly compelling for tracing Zethus to Zedek-ites. And the Laevi element in the Sadducees, which makes them "rightfully" capable of sitting in the seat of Moses, is indicated by Lupus Laevillus, son-in-law of Quadratus. Therefore, if you've been reading my work for a long time, I might not have wasted your time on the hunt for Caiaphas' parents. That makes me feel a lot better than it makes it feel you.

At Wikipedia's list of the mythical Celaeno's, she is a line of the Tanis Meshwesh through Coronis of Patmos and into Cyrene. That is, she too was a Hyksos-related entity traceable to Jerusalem. One CelAENO was a prophetess that directed AENeas, and so she should be part-code for Aenus (real place on the Hebros). Her mythology reveals that Hephaestus was from Aegyptus, brother of Danaus: "Celaeno, one of the Danaids, the daughters of Danaus. Her mother was Crino. She married and killed Hyperbius, son of Aegyptus and Hephaestine" There you have the marriage between Aegyptus and Hephaestus. Aegyptus was father to the all-important Lynceus (married Danaus' family), code for the line that name Lyncestes at lake LYCHNidus (Illyrium), another Lycaonia-like term that should trace to Soducena and the Sadducees. There is a good chance that Agenor of Phoenicia was a take on "Aegyptus," but with a "nor" entity thrown in. AEGyptus looks like a clever Egypt term whilst also for the line to the Aix terms in the cult of HephAEStus and Aeson.

To prove that Lycus was a Lycaon element, the article above continues: "Celaeno, one of the Pleiades. She was said to be mother of Lycus and Nycteus by Poseidon; of Eurypylus (or Eurytus), King of Cyrene, and Lycaon, also by Poseidon; and of Lycus and Chimaereus by Prometheus." The same parents birthed both Lycus and Lycaon, and it involved the Trojan line to the formation of Romans. Chimaereus is an obvious code for the Khimera dragon at Lycia. You can't perform this "science" without a round knowledge of mythology, and my knowledge, by no means complete, came with a price, the filling of my mind with the filth of mythology. It will take some time to fully eradicate it after this task is "finished." I read it with a deflective shield held between us, a shield of disrespect for myth writers and their schemes. Others would have you swim in its waters to completely drown your good senses. Read it, but do not immerse yourself, and be disgusted with Wikipedia for its repetitive use of "classical" nudity in its myth articles. Much of it was for the pleasure of the homosexual.

The Celaeno directly above was one of the Pleiades (seven daughters of Atlas), which meant nothing to me until I was satisfied that Atlas was code for Attaleia/Antalya. We can see how the Pleiades were a known Pisidian entity to the Greek writers where the seven daughters were connected to Lycus, and, probably, in those days, most-everyone understood that Poseidon was code for Pisidians. To prove that Pisa was a Pisidian element, Sterope, one of the Pleiades, was the mother / wife of Oenomaus. Another Pleiades, Merope, was mother to Sisyphus. Another one, Electra (pegged with the Alcmene line), and mother of Iasion and Dardanus, suggesting that the myth writer saw Trojans and Kabeiri from the Pisidians, at least to some degree.

Electra can now be identified as Cadmus' mother, so to speak, when that mother is made Telephassa, wife of Agenor. If Phoenix is included in the family (he wasn't always), Telephassa becomes Cadmus' grandmother. As PASIphae on Crete requires an explanation on how the Phasis Colchians got there, the answer seems to be this Phoenician queen, TelePHASSA. "Telephassa accompanied her son Cadmus on a quest to find Europa. The mother and son traveled to the islands of Rhodes and Thera before arriving in Thrace, where Telephassa fell ill and died. "On Samothrace... the mother was called Elektra or Elektryone", Karl Kerenyi notes." The myth seems to be indicating that Phasis Colchians were fundamental to some part of Thrace (the Samae Thracians come to mind), but as this Tyrian duo were placed in Samothrace too, they have got to be the line to Iasion and Dardanus. As Iasion is suspect with Ixion, mate of Nephele, note that "In some versions [Telephassa] is the daughter of Nilus, god of the Nile and Nephele..." Ixion herein looks like something on the Nile that probably involved horses, and so the Nile origin of the Minyae is the likely solution to that riddle. That is, Al Minya on the Nile.

As the Pleiades were born on the same mountain, CYLLene, as Hermes, it tends to reveal what CELaeno was, a Cyllene-Aenus combination. Mount Cyllene got suspect with the line to Cilnius Maecenas, whose family was pegged (not clinched) with the formation of Maccabees, out of which came the Sadducees, including Annas, suspect from Aenus. Hermes' mother and daughter was yet another Pleiades, and her name, Maia, is a difficult one for me if she doesn't trace to Maja, the goddess of mount Maiello in Abruzzo.

Hermes' birth in Arcadia is erroneous. It merely means that the Greek myth writer(s) saw the Hermes cult firmly established there. Hermes was from Lydia, and Lydians descended from Attis, the Hatti that could be in the Hyades code, defined as another set of Atlas' daughters with Pleione (same mother as per the Pleiades). "The Hyades were daughters of Atlas (by either Pleione or Aethra, one of the Oceanides) and sisters of Hyas in most tellings, although one version gives their parents as Hyas and Boeotia." Hyas looks like code for the Hayasa-Azzi. "Some of the Hyantes [of Hyas] are said to have emigrated to isolated and pastoral Phocis (beside Boiotia]," and then the Hermus river (Lydia) was near Phocaea.

"HADES" is probably of the same CADUSii entity as named Cadmus, for the Hyas character was of a people group on Boiotia prior to the arrival of the Cadmus Phoenicians, and this Hyas / Hyades entity may have been the makings of "Hades," a major people-group in the mind of the writer who coined him as a triad-brother of Poseidon and Zeus. In this picture, Poseidon and Zeus were the southwestern and northwestern parts of Anatolia respectively, while Hades was the central parts on the Halys river, though possibly extending further east of the Hatti to the Hayasa, the ones who likely renamed Anatolia as Asia. Some of the Hyas Boiotians were said to have removed to Aetolia.

The river STYX in Hades looks like code for the namers of ASTICa, and may therefore trace with Zeus to Zedek of Jerusalem. In that picture, Hittites of the Jerusalem theater may have been the line to Hades. I envision Hittites as tall or gigantic but not very smart, as though all their brain material went into their legs.


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

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