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August 25 - 31, 2015

The Circus of Donald Tusk
Masonic Kashubians and other Nutts
Maccus of Man had Donald Trump's Legs
The Setantii Explosion

For a reader hopping into an update for the first time, there is not much I can say in an introductory paragraph to explain everything needed before proceeding. The only readers able to follow are those taking the time needed to get a solid idea of the entire scope. It is probably impossible to follow unless the heraldic Coats are loaded and viewed. It would be helpful to have a photographic memory, or to at least spend some time to get to know Coats, and to understand what I'm saying about them. I did the work over years to be able to present to you the relevant Coats, and you need only decide whether I am correctly interpreting the evidence and the codes. It is far best that you load Coats on a separate browser(s) rather than clicking back and forth from the update page. It might take longer for one to read an update than the week it takes me to write it, but that's what it'll take for a solid understanding of what I'm doing. I know that few have the time to follow this in that way. My hope is...actually, I should have no such hopes as I should just allow God to do what He wants with this. One of my goals at this time is to discover the parent(s) of Josephs Caiaphas, and in the meantime to prove that heraldic masters and leading Templar families knew that all of heraldry had, at its foundations, Caiaphas and his circle of Christ killers. These updates are jot-down format (sub-titles don't usually reflect the roaming topics well) making it hard / impossible to have a pre-plotted storyline. I'm no longer doing final proof-reads, please excuse the imperfections / mistakes.

Some weeks ago, for example in the 4rd of July, I wrongly called Burnum, Burnus. Sorry about that. I make many similar mistakes due to the volume of my work. I don't always check spellings. This is a long update. If you're patient and strong, you might get to Donald Trump's feasible link to Donald Tusk, both out of Pomerania.

Berenice Agrippa and/or Berenicianus Maccabee was traced to Burnum, on the old Illyricum map below near the source of the Oeneus/Una river. There were reasons for tracing the Amyntes > Bassus line of Galatia to the neighboring Tilurius, and this looks like it has to do with the "PerSEVERantia" motto term of Bernice's as it linked to Severus Bassus, Amyntes' great-grandfather. Having since become sure that Sidicini led to Seatons, let's be reminded that Seatons were in EXMes, suspect with the namers of AKMonia, known home of Severus Bassus. Exmes is also called Heimes while the OPENheim are suspect in the so-called "open helmets" of the Mynett/Minute surname, which looks so much like "Amyntes" that I don't think it's coincidental, do you? Therefore, the Amyntes > Bassus line to QuadraTILLA was in Normandy, and may have been there as Gauls before the Rollo Normans invaded. The Sinclair rooster may be from Gauls using it as code for "galena = chicken."

Then there is the "young hen" code in the Capone write-up that must be part-code for Youngs, June kin from the Una river, home of mythical Juno from which the Junia Caepionis' trace (by their Junius bloodline that named them). Italian Capone's/Capua's were first found in Naples, near or amongst Sidicini proper. June's were first found in the same place as English Capone's, suspect with a version of the Comp/Camp Coat. There is no way that anyone should not be interested in this who is interested in the origins of the priestly rulers over the first Christians, for the Caepio's even married Levi-like Livius'.

Did Severus Bassus' ancestry come from the Tilurius river? Did his grandson, Quadratus Bassus, marry a Tilurius liner? What did Quadratus name his daughter, QuadraTILLA after? The Tiller/Tillieres' lions are in the colors of the open helmets of Mynetts, and the Tiller/Tillieres crescents in the colors of the Seaton crescents. The Tiller/Tillieres Coat has the Meschin colors and format, and then the first Meschin married Taillebois while Tails/Tailers/Taillefers (same place as Mynetts and Shawia-liner Massins/Masons) share the Tiller/Tillieres lions, which happen to be the Levi/Levine lions in colors reversed, and in the colors of the Living/Levin / Saddock martlets while Livingstons share the double-tressure border with Seatons. The so-called pellet on the Tiller/Tillieres lion is for Pellets (same place as Saddocks) sharing the grails of Sithech-Shaws, and of English Pilotte's (same place as Taillebois") that are likely a branch of French Pilote's (same place as Primo's), showing that the lines from the Israeli priests got hooked up with the line, or even direct family, of Pontius Pilate. There must have been dark celebrations amongst the later families, in papal times, over the murder of Jesus, something predicted to evolve into the Bavarian Illuminati.

The Tiller/Tillieres colors and format are also those of Mussels/Muscels suspect in Haddington's Musselburgh location, at the Scottish Tyne river suspect with Teano, home of the Sidicini proper, for Seatons were first found in East Lothian, location of the Tyne. This can explain the use of the Seaton crescents by Tillers/Tillieres', thus tracing the two from Exmes to Lothian, where Sinclairs lived. The Tyne rivers are moreover near the Tweed river at the Berwickshire Bernicians, where I'm tracing Berenice Agrippa (had a Berenicianus son), and/or Berenicianus Maccabee, whose brother birthed the wife of Quadratus Bassus. The Tyne Coat is suspect with the lion of Ranulph le Meschin.

Even as the Tail and Tiller lions are colors reversed from the Levi lion, the Mussels/Muscels use roundels in colors reversed from the black-on-white roundel of Tillers/Tillieres, and called "plate's," easily linkable to the Pellet / Pilate family, for Blate's share white pheons with Pilate's, and Plate's are not only showing a Blatt variation, but have three scallops in the colors of the three Pilate pheons. The Aide's/Ade's, still suspect with Quadratilla-suspect Quade's, are honored in the Levi motto, and Aide's, first found in Berwickshire, share leopard "FACE's" with Plate's/Blatts. The Haddingtons use a cross in colors reversed from the same cross of Face's/Fessys.

How can one not see the obvious historical realities behind these many "coincidences." Secretly, the families under discussion, were knowingly from the killers of Jesus. The more that Catholicism spread in the Roman empire, the more certain members of these proto-Illuminati families considered themselves special. The Pellets call their grails, "COVERED cups", and then COVERTs (same place as Pellets) use the leopard face as well as martlets. Moreover, Coverts were first found in the same place as Coopers/Coppers, like "cup." In this picture, a "holy grail" cult may have arisen secretly knowing of their origins in this heraldic cup as code for Coop / Copp/Cup / Cooper liners. The Culp/Colp variations of Copps/Cups suggest the Colapis river, beside the Una, and in fact the Colapis was also named, the Kupa. Let's not be ninnies and avoid the obvious reality, because members of these same families are plotting against and railroading Christianity at all times.

There is a question on whether EXeters are of Exmes / Akmonia elements. The Exeter/Exter surname is in the colors and format of Mynett-like MINDS/Munds, and Exeters share the bells of Porters who in-turn use the portcullis gate suspect as code for Proculus, Quadratilla's son, with Laevillus as the father. Exeter is smack beside Somerset, where Leavells were first found. Hello? Did you hear ringing? Have you been enlightened? Let's not hang up.

Mynetts and Porters share the same colors and format, but it gives me a problem because Exeters have a Dexter-like Exter variation while Dexters share the blue-on-white chevrons with Burns, Copps/Cups and Coops, and with Gate-suspect Pike's, the latter first found in the same place as Exeter. In the last update, it dawned on me that pike-using Geddes were a version of the Cedes surname listed with Seaton-like Seats, for the "yet" motto term of Seatons was identified with Gate-like Yates who happen to use the portcullis gate in the colors of Porters. The Burn and Bernice horns trace with Horns and Orne's to the Orne river through Exmes, a good reason to trace the Akmonia line to Exeter.

In fact, something new right here has to do with my old trace of the EXcalibur sword partly to Exeter, and partly to mount ALBURNUS to the south of Teano, and on the edge of ExCALIBUR-like Calabria. The reason that I trace the Excalibur sword (owned by Pendragon's son) to Alburnus is that the Welsh called that sword, "Caliburnus." Therefore, the Burns and Bernice's are discovered as the Caliburnus sword, and can now be traced to Mount Alburnus, on the map below:

Compsa is on the map, where Umbrius Primus derived, an important topic in the past couple of updates. To the left of Compsa, one can also see ABELLinum, where I'm now tracing Sidicini. Abellinum elements are suspect with Bell-like surnames (including Campbells) honored in the Exeter / Porter bells, and it just so happens that Bellamys (share the Bell Shield) share the Seaton crescents. These are very good reasons for tracing Seatons to Sidicini, and Sidicini to Abellinum elements. The Bell surname was first found in Dumfries, where the Geddes had their start as Geds. The Geds were on the Nith river of Kilpatricks who trace to Antipatria smack at the Dexaroi homeland. Kilpatricks are suspect with the Patty surname likely using the Saddock escutcheon, important because Geddes are likely using the Chaddock escutcheon. The Patty lions are in the colors of the Tiller / Tailer lions that were suspect as a colors-reversed version of the Levi lions while Kilpatricks (share green dragon with Seatons) use the Levi lion in both colors. The Patrick-related Pattersons, who are able to clinch a trace to Antipatria, use scallops in the colors of the Plate/Blatt scallops, important because I'm tentatively tracing the father of the first king Herod to Antipatria elements.

It's a no-brainer here that Abellinum elements named king Arthur's mythical Avalon, for MacArthurs are in the Campbell write-up as the fathers of Campbells. The MacArthur crown, with five points, important because Arthurs had a five theme, is shared by Openheims, very expected where Pendragons (same fleur-de-lys as June's) use a white open helmet. If it changes to a closed helmet to disguise the link to Mynetts, be assured that I've just viewed it again to see that it is open. Beside's, the son of Amyntes, ARTEMidoros, looks linkable to Arthurs / MacArthurs while "AtremiDOROS" looks like it should link to the Doria family married by the Arduinici, especially as Doria's were first found in the same place (Genoa) as the Segni's/Segurana's who obviously share moline cross the MacArthurs. To Topp it off, the Segni's/Segurana's are honored in the Face/Fessy motto while leopard-face Aide's were first found in the same place as Artems/AITons and Arthurs. There are some real Tipps to go by here in identifying some Pendragon goons. The Doria spread eagle looks like that of Candida's, first found in the same place as Italian Capone's.

Patricks were first found in Kent, where Mynetts were first found, and Kent was founded by the Cantii (suspect with Kanza of Aures) while Candys/Gantys are a known variation of Candida's. Let's repeat that Ghents (Kent liners) share the gold-on-black spread eagles of Seaton-related Side's/Scythes' so that a Sidicini-Candida merger can be gleaned. As Candys/Gantys are using the colors and format of Blois' and Arcs while first found in the same (Suffolk) place as Blois', Candida liners are tracing to elements from Bullis, not only beside the Dexaroi, but beside the Atintanes, the line to Tintagel, where king Arthur was born. Yet king Arthur died in Avalon, while the Atintanes are beside Aulon that was also AVLONA. We are no longer in the dark, and we know now to trace Aulon/Avlona to Abellinum/Avellino. Moreover, before knowing of the traces in the Aulon / Bullis theater, I had found that Arduinici that married Doria traced to Alauna in what became Manche, and there was a convincing way to trace Aulon elements to Alauna because the latter was at Crociatonum while Aulon is at Acrocerautae.

Kilpatricks give away their link to Dexters by the use of the "dexter paw" of their Levi lion upon the head of their dragon, which reminds me of the mark of the beast on the dexter hand or forehead. My problem was that this made Dexters look like Exeter liners rather than the Dexaroi / Ticino liners (that I had claimed). But if Dexaroi named Exeter, then Exeter was named by Dexaroi, an Illyrian peoples beside the Penestae of Uscana that have been traced to Pendragons, first found beside Exeter, and to the Oscans that included the Sidicini proper at Teano. Problem solved. The Ticino was even the home of the Laevi Gauls whom I assume were the namers of Laevillus. I expect that his name should go back to the Levite blood in the Sadducees and Pharisees, but in that case, the priestly enemies of Jesus are all suspect from the Laevi Gauls, not at all problematic if the Laevi (predated Sadducees) were a line of Israeli Levites gone bad.

In the last couple of updates, there has been talk of queen Tiye (ancient Egypt) tracing to Teague's/Teegers and therefore to Opgalli (Galatian, known to be from the Gauls of France) and her husband, Tigranes Maccabee. The point here is Yuya, Tiye's father, whom I trace to mythical Gugu, king of Lydia (700ish BC) in the days when Gog was a nation dealt with by Ezekiel. Gugu had Dascylus given to him for a father, a term like Tusculus of the Tuscany-border region with Latium/Lazio. Tuscany is suspect with "Uscana." As Etruscans were traced by myth writers to the brothers of mythical Lydia, while Latins trace to Lydians, it explains why I trace Dascylus to Tusculus. As I trace Latins to lines from the Caucasian Lazi, note that Lissus is on the same Drilon river as the Penestae of Uscana while Penes'/Pennys share the greyhound design of Lys'/Lisse's, the latter first found in the same place as Levi's and Chappes'. Then, as I trace the Lazona homeland of the Caucasian Lazi to the Ladon river, it's beside the Peneus river tracing to Panias (Phoenicia), smack at or beside Laish, home of the wayward Levite, Jonathan (book of Judges).

It appears that the Levite line of Jonathan can be traced to the Penestae peoples (Paeonian suspects rather than Illyrians), and therefore to the neighboring Dexaroi for a potential trace to the Ticino/Tesson river. The Dessaratae alternative of the Dexaroi may have been Tyson/Tesson liners (suspect with "Tiye") that named the Tesson. It's not unthinkable that the Jonathan Levites can be traced by Freemasons all down the course of history if they knew what major people group they became, or were involved with, as they passed Greece into Europe. One can trace the namers of Laish, for example, from the Sidonians that inhabited it, to the Seatons/Sittens, who gave Sion a name, Sitten, from the mount Sion smack beside Laish.

As Umbrius Primus adopted Nummius Senecio Albinus, a major topic in the last couple of updates that traces to several key elements of Freemasonry, let's now quote this for the first time: "Nummius Tuscus was the son of Marcus Nummius Senecio Albinus who had been consul in AD 227. He in turn was appointed consul prior in AD 258, alongside Mummius Bassus [rhymes with Nummius, or perhaps the writer made a spelling error]. No further details of his career have survived. Nummius Tuscus ...may have been the father of Marcus Nummius Tuscus, who was consul in AD 295." I can't, at the moment, show that Tuscus was a Dascylus liner to Tuscany, but it's interesting that Donald TUSK (previous leader of Poland) is the new European-Council president. There is no Tusk surname coming up at houseofnames.

The Nimo's, once again suspect with the Seaton crescents, and the Newmans with familiar lion colors, were both traced to the Nummius line. Umbrius Primus had been suspect in a conspiracy (see 2nd update this month), to take the Roman throne, with a Fannius Caepio, and the latter's name was suspect at Fanano, where roughly the Albino's were first found. The Arms of Fanano share "Fides" with the Newman motto. While Quints are suspect from Quintus Caepio, they were first found in Dorset and Essex. It just so happens that Newmans were first found in Dorset while Tasks were first found in Essex. Dorset is where Caens (kin of Cavii-suspect Caves') were first found using a Primus-like "Perimus" motto term. Tasks are showing so few symbols / codes that it's hard to know whether they can trace to Mr. Tuscus. Tasks share the three lions in pale of Irish Maghans/Mathuna's, suspect both with Mattathias Hasmonean and the Magna surname of Plancia Magna, a Maccabee liner = close kin of Opgalli and Tigranes.

Caen, held by Marano-suspect Mortain, is in the same area (Calvados) as the Fanano-related Pense's (Caen colors) below.

The Task Crest is "A boars head couped." This reminds of the trace I suggested, for Donald Tusk, to Eschyna de Molle, for Molle's use a white boar head too. That is, whatever named Eschyna was suspect as a Tusk line. But that in itself is a feeble argument aside from the white Task boar. Another family using the white boar are the Mea's/Meighs, and these are the ones sharing the particular fitchee cross (called formee fitchee, suspect from Forum Allieni of proto-Alans) of Albins/Aubins. It was opportunistic that Mea's/Meighs were just traced hard to the Meu river of Brittany, for the other Aubins were first found in Brittany. That Tasks use a ermined Shield while Ermine's/Armine's are suspect from the Cotes-du-Armour area of Brittany, with a border near the source of the Meu. The mouth of the Meu is in the outskirts of Rennes, highly suspect with the Raines surname sharing the Newman lions. The motto of the Raines' is part-code for Judicael of Brittany, and then the Judds/Juggs (another white boar) have been traced ( by me) to Jugon in Cotes-du-Armour. Apparently, Jugon elements were merged with Judicael elements.

Rennes traces with the Wrens/Raines' to Renfrewshire, where Eschyna de Molle lived, and where Eschyna-like Erskins/ESKINs were first found that share a black-on-white pale bar with Tails/Tailers, though the Erskin bar should link more closely to the Fisk pale bar because Molle's are Moline liners while Fisks trace to the Fieschi of Genoa, where Face's/Fessys trace without a doubt because they honor the moline-using Segni's/Segurana's in their motto. The proto-Alans of Forum Allieni (proto-Ferrara, near the Reno river) were traced with Pharisees to the Panico's along with the potent-cross liners that founded Templar Jerusalem.

The "pense" motto term of Erskins can be for the Penes/Pennys bloodline, but there is a Pense/Pincer surname (gyronny) said to be from Mont-PINCon, and then the Reno-related Pincs/Pinks use another formee-fitchee crosslet, tending to assure that Renfrew traces back to the Reno river's PANICo elements, in the Sidicini-suspect Setta valley. While the Penestae trace without a doubt to Lissus, Pense's are said to be from Lisieux (location of Mont-Pincon). The formee-fitchee is likewise used by Pointers while Pense's are "Poinsons/Poincons" too. As the formee-fitchee is used by Albins/Aubins, it expects a Pense trace to Fanano, which is said because the Arms-of-Fanano fesse is in the colors of the Pense fesse.

As Lissus is near the mouth of the Mathis river (flows from the Penestae theater) to which I trace Maghans/Mathuna's and Maghans/Mathie's, it's first of all notable that: 1) Mathie's use gyronny half in the colors of the Pense gyronny; 2) Mathie's share the MacArthur crown; 3) Mathis' share the moline of Chives', from the Cavii Illyrians between the Mathis river and Lissus; 4) Panico's use the fleur-de-lys. (I would guess that Pense's are using the Este eagle.)

As Tasks are using the Maghan/Mathuna lions, they should apply to this picture in some way. For example, the Bars of Este trace from Bar, north of Lissus, to Brunswick through Bruno's, the latter first found in Florence, of Tuscany. This is bringing the Taddei's, first found in Florence, to mind, who use triple chevrons in the colors of gyronny of Eskin-related Pense's. They are red triple chevrons expcted from the Clare's, whose triple chevrons are colors reversed from those of Matthews, the latter listed with Mathie's along with gyronny-using Maghans. It's a hard sell, but it looks like there's something to it, such as a Task trace to Tuscany liners. Taddei's are the ones with the flory cross of Bouillons who in-turn trace to Bologna, home of Panico's and Albino-suspect Alberts. Bars named bar-le-Duc of Lorraine while the Pense eagles have a second color scheme so as to be partly in the colors of the Lorraine eagles. All-in-all, it looks like we've found a way, via Pense's, to trace Penestae to Panico's/Pane's/Panetta's, which tends to trace Penestae to Pincum of Moesia, beside Viminacium, where Elis' trace (see "Viminacium" last update) that were at Grecian Elis, on the Peneus river. Yes, that works, meaning that the Penestae were from Panias at Laish! How about that. The Jonathan Levites trace to king Arthur the zero. He's a zero because he was invented by a cult of writers seeking to keep their secrets in code.

Although I haven't clinched Eskins with Tusks / Tuscus, we just saw Eskin-related Pense's tracing almost-undoubtedly to Albino's, while Mr. Tuscus was a son of Albinus. The "plus" motto term of Pense's can be for a Bullis line, perhaps in the bull of Claro's/Charo's, first found in Ferrara. The Claro/Charo bend is in the colors of the PLOUGHshare (Plus liner?) of German Bullis'. Pinc-suspect Albins/Aubins, first found in the same place (Devon) as Pinc-related Pense's, use a bull head suspect with Pollock-related Bullocks. That evokes the Polish leader, Donald Tusk.

Recalling that Burns and Bernice's just traced to Devon's Exeter location, what about the Barnstaple location of Albins/Aubins? The erect sword of Pense's is the EXcalibur / CaliBURNus, isn't it? The Stewarts, first found in Devon too, are the ones I trace to Forum Allieni, same place as where Claro's/Charo's' were first found who share a blue bend with Staple's ("rien" motto term suspect with Renfrew and Reno's'/Rine's) that in-turn use the same motto as Pollock-suspect Peters, making the Peter bends suspect with the Claro/Charo bend, but see also the Bruno bend because Forhams/FORMans (Midlothian, same place as Claro's > Sinclairs) are using the Brunswick lion and probably the Seaton dragon (because Seatons were in Lothian). The anchor of Formans is now suspect with that of Geddes-related Mayers/Majors because Geddes are suspect as Seaton liners of the Cedes/Seat kind, and the latter share pale bars in the colors of the Forman fesse bars. The latter's are wavy, as are the bars of Seaton-related Sutys! The Forman bars can be those of Hones'/Howens (but see also the Maness/Manner Coat). Hones' were first found in the same place as English Josephs, who use a "charo" motto term for the Claro's/Charo's of Forum Allieni, while the Formans use footless martlets in colors reversed from the same of French Josephs. The double Hones bars are in the colors of the double chevrons of Dexters.

The scallops of Pattersons (said to be from Sodhans) traced to the scallops of Sodans/Sowdens, first found in Devon, tending to assure that Exeter was a Patrick / Antipatria / Dexaroi liner. Sodans (Dexter colors) share a blue fesse with Bernice's, and it's wavy and in both colors of the wavy Hones/Howen fesse bars (see the Dol fesse). It has me asking whether Hones'/Howans were Cohens but from the Chaonians near the Dexaroi. After all, Dexaroi are proving to be Levi kin while Cohens claim to be Levites to this day. While Stewarts were first found in Devon too, the wavy Sodan fesse is that of Dols, making the red lion in the Sowden Crest suspect as the Stewart and Brock lion. And the related Procks/Brocuffs share the sphinx with Openheims.

I've just noted that Irish Hones', listed with Keons/Kewins, show a Maghan-like variation while using EXACTLY the arm-with-sword of Maghans/Mathuna's!!! That's huge because Tasks share the latter's Coat while another Mr. Albinus (not Tuscus' father but can be related) was from a Ceionus surname:

[Clodius] Albinus was born in Hadrumetum, Africa Province (Sousse, Tunisia) to an aristocratic Roman family of Ceionia (gens) origin. His father, Ceionius, said his son received the name of Albinus because of the extraordinary whiteness of his complexion [cover-up?].

Clodius Albinus was traced to Aubin in southern France, said by others to have been named by him. The last update found reasons to link him closely to Nummius Senecio Albinus (Tuscus' father). Therefore, what we just read tends to clinch Keons with the Ceionus > Albinus line from Tunisia, land of Numidians suspect with "Nummius." The Shawia Numidians were also called, Chaoui. This makes Shawia heavily suspect in Modena (where Italian Albino's lived) for the very-important expectation that Modena elements founded the Maccabees and Sadducees derived from Massena Numidians. The Keon / Maghan Crest is the Mieske arm-with-sword, and Mieske's are likely from the Mieszko's of Poland, where Donald Tusk may trace. Plancia Magna traced to the mouse tower of the Mieszko's, making Magna's even more suspect with Maghans.

[Some days after writing here, the Kensingtons (same white scallops as Pattersons) were looked up as per the early Vere's, said to be from Aubin like Aubrey de Vere, founder of the Oxford Vere's and holder of Kensington (London), which strikes me as being the trace of Guerin of Provence to Kanza of Aures, for Kensingtons were first found in Kent. In any case, the Kensingtons show several Keen like variations, and are not only in the colors of the Keon/Keen fish, but use the same fesse as the Arms of Fanano! As Albino's use trefoils, see the Kensington Crest: "A yew tree growing out of a mound semee of trefoils."

The manor of Kensington, Middlesex, was granted by William I to Geoffrey de Montbray or Mowbray, bishop of Coutances, one of his inner circle of advisors and one of the wealthiest men in post-Conquest England. He in turn granted the tenancy of Kensington to his vassal Aubrey de Vere I, who was holding the manor in 1086, according to Domesday Book.

The Aubrey surname is using a version of the Kite/Keyte and Kitt Coats, and Kitts were first found in Middlesex ie. location of Kensington. They look like Keith / Seaton liners because Keiths were in Haddington while Aubrey de Vere (said at Wikipedia to be the Conqueror's tenant-in-chief) held Hedingham castle (Essex), which may relate to the Hede location some 10-15 miles from Dol. "[Aubrey's] origins are obscure and various regions have been proposed for his birthplace, from Zeeland [Varni theater] to Brittany. He may have been Norman, possibly from the region of Ver in the Cotentin peninsula of western Normandy..." Middle's (fesse in colors reversed from that of Dols) were first found in Shropshire, home of the Dol Alans. Middle's have a variation that I'm tracing to Mitanni suspect at Mytilene and Methymna (both on Lesbos), and Mitanni are suspect through to Modena. The Dol surname (Mecklenburg, beside Pomerania) happens to use the same chevron as Kensingtons, making for a potential trace of Dol to somethings in Fanano. The Dol whale suggests Aulus Terentius Varus Murena. Having mentioned Mecklenburg, this is a good place to end this insert.]

Perhaps part of the reason that some trace Weirs to Zeeland is that the Seel/Sealey fesse is in Weir fesse colors. While the Seel wolf heads are black like those of Quade's, the Seel Crest has the same wolf head in the white of the Scarf wolf head. The Seel Coat has the look of the Bernice Coat, and the surname was first found in Northumberland (beside the first Bernice's).

Donald Tusk descends from a Pomeranian tribe, the Kashubians. Kashubia is at the Rostock / Varni theater, and the Kashubian flag is in Varn colors. The Arms of Kashubia is a griffin in the same colors, and the dukes of Kashubia were from the Mieszko-related Griffin surname suspect in my mind with Herod Agrippa. By what coincidence was there a Burn- / Bernice-like name at the root of Kashubia: Barnim I the Good (c. 1217/1219 - 13 November 1278) from the Griffin dynasty was a Duke of Pomerania (ducis Slauorum et Cassubie) from 1220 until his death.

Note (page above) the helmeted rider on a horse on the Seal of Barnim, and let's remind that a coin of Herod Archelaus has a helmet with plume on one side. This coin was, if not mistaken, on a Wikipedia page (probably the Archelaus article), but then removed after I started to link it to surnames such as True's/Trews (no horse showing), Lannoys (no horse showing), Craigs (rider on horse), Motels (rider on horse) and McCaffeys (rider on horse). The Barnim image has no plume of feathers on the helmet, but it's still linkable to the Herod coin just because Archelaus was a relative of Herod Agrippa.

A good reason is about to show as to why it's important to make a Barnim link to True's/Trews. Let's add that while Hume's use a "True" motto term, they also have an upright lion in colors reversed from the same of French Lannoys and Lyons, meaning that the True's/Trews are using the feathered helmet of English Lannoys in particular, tracing Trews to the Lyon location (near Mont Pilat). Then, one can find in Archelaus' article that he was exiled from Israel and went to live in one of the two Vienne locations of France, the Wikipedia article leaning on Vienne Isere, right beside Lyon. That works. Hume's were first found in Berwickshire, suspect with Burn / Bernice liners.

There is a Barnum surname (Hampshire), and, not surprisingly, it uses the engrailed Sinclair cross in colors reversed. Barnums were first found in the same place as Potters and Hangers (Catherine wheel), and the latter use a giant griffin. Hangers are honored in the "POT hangers of Cnuts, making Barnums suspect with Nottings / Nutts and similar surnames, including some surnames from Nottinghamshire, such as Meighs and Annas', and even the Kashubia-colored Bugs. In other words, Mr. Barnim should have been linked to Danes of the Cnut kind, which trace to Mieszko I, because his daughter was Cnut's mother.

The Barnum Crest is "A dragon's head between four dragon's wings," and then the Wings/Winks (billets, can trace to Mont Pilat) were first found in the same place as Rollo's. The colors of the Sinclair Cross are used by the Roost saltire, that being a surname suspect from Rusticus and/or Rostock. It like Roosts link closely to Barnim. As the Barnums use erect swords while Roosts use fitchee crosses, let's add that the Fitch surname has a chevron in the colors of the Herod/Herault fesse, and meanwhile adds an erect sword in Crest. It happens that Fitch's were first found in the same place (Suffolk) as dragon-using Blois' whom I trace to the Arc river, a term like "Archelaus." The Arc is not far east of Lyon and Vienne.

The Roost Crest shares the red wyvern dragon of Drake's, first found in the same place as Barnums, which tends to suggest a Barnum link to the Varni, probably proto-Varangian Rus whom I've traced (years ago, not now for making the argument) to Redones that named the Rhodanus river, location of Lyon and Vienne. The Barnum dragon, in this case, can be code for the Dragon/Drainer surname with open helmets in Barnum colors. The Dragons/Drainers were first found in the same place as Mynetts and use the colors of the open helmets of Mynetts, meaning that Barnums are part of the TROCmii Galatians that married the Maccabee-Herod line. And moreover the Trocmii were once at Toulouse, not only where Quintus Caepio got his gold and silver billets, but beside Comminges, where Herod Antipas (Archelaus' brother) lived when he was banished from Israel. The True's/Trews are said to be from a "trog" entity, and the Tracks/Tricks/Trigs can be using the green Lannoy / Lyon lions.

German Dragons (Silesia) use another red wyvern, symbol of the dukes of Masovia (Poland's Mieszko line), of obvious importance in a Pomeranian discussion. Mieszko's probably got related to Griffins of Pomerania as some Mieszko members ruled part of that theater. Any Dragon / Drake surname can be a branch of Dreux's (Drake colors) that list Trew-like Drews, you see, adding weight to the Barnim trace to feathered-helmet Trews.

The Drigs, using a version of the Track/Trig Coat, were first found in Cumbria, where Burns and Bernice's were first found. We thus have another clue that Barnim could relate to Lannoys and True's, all the more reason for rooting Griffins in Herod Agrippa. The Arms of Cumbria not only share the red griffin of Pomerania (no guff, serious clue), but within the border there are white roundels with red stars within, colors reversed from the Bullis coins-with-stars. The red ox / bull in the Arms of Cumber is suspect with the Oxford bull because I see Vere's from the Varni fold. The Cumber article says that the region was home to Brigantes, suspect in naming Brigantium, near the Arc river. If the other symbol in the Arms of Cumber is holly, then I would trace Cumber to the Marleys using the Holly dolphin, for Marleys were from Morlaix / Finistere while the Arms of Finistere shares the ram with the Crest of the Arms of Cumber. Why is Cumberland linking to counts of Pomerania?

It is now important to remind that Plunketts (white horse, no rider) use the same bend as Hollys, suspect from mythical Holle of Holstein, beside Pomerania. Holsteins/Holsts share blue wings in Crest with MAGHENs/Mathie's suspect with Plancia MAGNa. That works.

The black-on-gold colors of Marleys, which are those of Share's, are Varn / Kashubia colors. Share's, likely honored in the ploughSHARE of German Bullis, share the talbot with Hollys, but the latter use it in the colors of the Holly-like Halls and Hulls. The Irish Griffins use a giant griffin in Hall / Hall colors, and a black talbot head in Crest. Hulls are from Kingston, and then Kings and Kingstons share lions in the colors of the Maghen/Mathie lion. The Share's share black fitchees with Roosts, and trace to Herod-suspect Craigs, but the point here is that Share's were first found in Surrey while Surreys show a Surrich variation that I've been tracing to "Zurich," right beside Kyburg that likewise use lions in the colors of the King and Kingston lion. Zurich is at the Swabia theater (where Hohenstaufens / Hohenzollerns ruled early), and Barnim is said to have been a Hohenstaufen supporter. The Kyburg-suspect Kays/Keys happen to share bendlets-without-bends with True's/Trews. It should be added that while one Hagel Coat uses both symbols of Kyburg, including what could be construed as bendlets, the other Hagels were clinched with Wings/Winks suspect in the Barnum Crest.

The earlier name of Comminges was Lugdunum, same as the older name of Lyon. Both locations were named after Lug(h), the Irish sun god that was half Danann, half FOMERian, the latter term being one I traced (suggestively) to POMERania (years ago, not now for convenience of making the argument). It looks like that trace was correct. Both Tracks/Trigs and Drigs use a sun in Crest, now suspect with Lugh and both Lugdunums, tending to assure that Tracks and Drigs were of the Trocmii Gauls.

It can't be coincidental that the embattled fesse of Dragons/Drainers is used by the Mann/MANGus surname ("ardua" motto term), thus assuring that these surnames are from the Isle of Man, and tending to assure that Dragons were kin of Barnums, both linkable thereby to the Manns. The latter use a black dragon in Crest in the design of the green FORMan / WORM dragon, terms I traced to Vrm of Angusta, the location in Moldova where I insisted that Annas traces! The Mann fesse shares pellets with the ones on the Barnum dragon, and the Mann dragon has small roundels upon it too, this time blue ones = hurts, symbol of Aubins and Arthurs.

For new readers, Annas was a high priest of Israel in Jesus' times who had a strong hand in killing Him. German Manns/Manners share the quarters of Vere's, but Vere's (can be traced to Worms) use a single star in the colors of the single Annas star. And then the same quarters are in the Hanan Coat while Annas was also called Ananas/Hanan. The savage with club, suspect as Hercules, in the German Mann Coat is also in the Holstein/Holst Coat, except that he wears a white Masonic apron (my terms) in the Holstein Coat. This savage is now being traced to Savignano, beside the Sestola location of Albino's, and also beside Fanano (see recent updates for the Fanano investigations). It's not coincidental that Griffins and Fane's/Veynes' share "Ne vile" in their mottoes, for the Fane's/Veynes' use pellets on their Crest bull head while Barnums use pellets on their Crest dragon.

The Manns and the Setantii Brits

There was a king Maccus of the Isle of Mann about the time of Rollo. His name, and that of his family members, are ignored in Wikipedia article on the Isle of Man. Maccus is like "Macca(bee)" while an old name of Man was "Mon/Mona," like "HasMONean." Wikipedia does give this: "in 1266 King MAGNus VI of Norway ceded the islands, including Mann, to Scotland..." Maccus was also called Magnus by some, perhaps for this reason. The purple-lion Mangs are listed with Magnusons, first found in Shetland, a great reason to trace the Man raven to the Shetland raven. The Magnusons have the colors and look of Sitters/Sidewells, linkable, as you will see, to Maccus' grandfather. When you get to the trace to Setantii to the Wayne's, you may want to recall that Magnusons are also "Weynish/Vinish/Vanish," perhaps from FINIStere and neighboring Vannes.

The Maccus family was traced suggestively by Wikipedia to Rollo's Normandy, and was very traceable to Maceys of Cheshire because it conquered into Mona and Wales (beside Cheshire), and because it held some council in Cheshire with local Saxon authorities...the point here being that mythical Lugh and ManANNAN were said to escape Ireland to the Isle of Mann. This island (between Ireland and Scotland) can be the reason for the Mann variations of the Maghans/Mathuna's and Maghans/Mathie's surnames now linking to the Task surname. How interesting is that, since I wouldn't be saying this had it not been for starting out on the Pomeranian tribe that Donald Tusk is said to derive in. It's a good bet that Maccus' namers also named Mecklenburg, which location I've been tracing (for years) to Makeswells/Maccuswells.

The Makeswell write-up traces the surname to a salmon pool on the Tweed river near Kelso bridge, but don't be the heraldry master's ninny. The Makeswell holly bush traces to Holstein, beside Mecklenburg. The Tweed river flows with the Mackay bears to Berwick. The Tweed-surname motto term, "Thol," can be suspect with Dols, first found in Mecklenburg. Dutch Macks/Mackays (Massey Shield) are also "Machlen." The Makeswell salmon pool is likely code for the Maxwell sept of Pollocks and some Salmon liner such as MacAbee's. Kelso's are said to be a branch of Selkirks/SALkirks linkable to Salmon / Saleman liners, and the Salmons can be gleaned as part of the namers of Saluzzo, beside Bush-suspect Busca while Makeswells use a "holly BUSH." When you get to the SEGANtii topic, remember that Selkirks share the salamander in flames with SEGANs/Sagans, but for now, see that the Selkirks (giant heart) are using Douglas symbols and even the Douglas motto, for Douglas is a location on the Isle of Man. It's interesting that Selkirks share the SHULtz star, and in this case, it can be determined that the Selkirk stars are the Moray stars in the Douglas Coat.

The involvement of the Setantii seems to be implied in Nennius' account of the twelve battles of King Arthur. He points out that four of these battles took place on the banks of the River Dubglas (black water / blue-black water), now identified as the Douglas, a tributary of the Ribble, in southern Lancashire..."

Letters sent to the south of England by a Roman military commander in 81 AD are said to mention a tribe in the Morecambe/Heysham area called the Setantii, of a people known collectively as "Brigantes", who painted themselves blue with woad and continually attacked the Roman encampment. The letters state that the "blue-painted savages" worshipped the sun, and Druids were their priests..."

It sounds like Setantii went on to become some American natives. I suppose the questions now: how large were the Douglas' upon the Ribble tributary? How large did Douglas' play a role in Setantii associations? The covered crown in the Arms of Man is likely that of Douglas' (this is new to me and important), but then link the Douglas/DuGLASS heart to the Southwick heart, and keep in mind that the Lanark heart is beside Salassi-suspect Glasgow while Glass' (more wings) were first found in Buteshire (beside salmon-using MacAbee's), beside the Lanarks, first found in the same place (Argyllshire) as Herods/Haralds, making the latter more suspect with Harald, Maccus' father. It looks like the Herod-Maccabee bloodline to mainline Freemasonry. Southwicks are said to descend from a Gospatrick, and Souths are sharing the green Leslie griffin head used also by Barnstaple's, the latter using the same bend as Suthers/Southerns...and Rodhams and Stevensons, the latter two both first found in the same place (Northumberland) as same-colored Gospatricks...that are in the write-up of Dunbars of Lothian i.e. where Seatons were first found. Macks/Make's were first found in the same place (Berwickshire) as the Aide's suspect with the Suther/Southern bend.

Note that a Mr. Chaucer is in the Suther/Southern write-up, for their bend is also that of Chaucers. "Mopsus was the name of two famous seers in Greek mythology; his rival being Calchas." It smacks of Chalchis, home of Berenice Agrippa. And Setantii-like Sithones were from Chalcidice, near the Nestus river. The Dunbar write-up in conjunction with the Dunn sword design allowed me to trace mythical Mopsus/MUKSus to both Moch surnames and to Mochrum (home of Gospatricks), and so see that Souths are using the double fesse bars of Mopps'/Modburleys (fitchee cross). This is making Maccus of Man suspect from a Muksus line, at Mocissus/Mokissos of the Halys river.

The man / woman in the Mopps Crest holds a pair of scales, symbol of Cash's now suspect with Kashubians, if Mopps-related Souths were of the Southwicks (compare their variations). The Halys was home to the Hatti that could have developed Cash-like surnames, and in fact I trace Hatti to the Keith Catti and thus expect Seatons to trace to Hatti liners. The sword in the Mopps Crest can be the Excalibur because I trace it to (C)Halybes on the Halys.

Mochrum is in Wigton while the Hannans of Wigton share the black fitchee with the Arms of Macclesfield. More on this below but you can start to assume that Macclesfield was a Maccus line. The next time that black fitchees (Roost symbol) are mentioned, the Cass' are there along with Kennedys suspect from "Heneti," who lived on the Parthenius river next to the Halys.

Dunbars (a merger with Bar-le-Duc and Summits) are traced to the royal Duncans, for which reason I trace them to mount Dunax (on the old map) at the source of the Nestus river (Rhodope), important because Nests/Ness' share the double South / Mopps fesse bars. The Nestus can be the reason for mythical Nestor at Pylos, beside Mitanni-suspect Methoni, and anything that links to Varni (i.e. such as Mr. Barnim should) should be considered a Mitanni-liner suspect. Barnums use the Mott/Mottin crescent, right? Mitanni were traced with Leslie's to Lesbos, and so we can ask why Barnstaple's / Souths share the Leslie griffin, a symbol expected with the Griffin line to Mr. Barnim.

Mopsus was a divination cult between Pamphylia and Cilicia, and therefore traces well to Mokissos between them. But he was especially at Clarus and thus traces well to Barnums (Sinclair cross). The Side's/Suddys and Sutys can be suspect with Souths because the Side tiger traces to Tigranes and Opgalli, the latter suspect at lake Tatta, smack beside Mokissos.

The Lanark cinquefoils are in the colors of the same of Plancia-suspect Blanks, previously said to be first found in SHETland, which shares the raven with the Arms of Man, indicating that the raven vikings of Shetland, known to conquer into Bute, were also in Man. Southwick, said to be run by Barnums (in Selkirk-star colors), can be suspect with Sutherlands said to use the Moray stars in yet another color scheme, and Sutherland is Maccus-important because Mackays ("Manu" motto term makes their origin too obvious) were of Sutherland...way up Shetland way. [It's making Shetland and Sutherland suspect with the SETantii/Segantii that will link better and better to Man as we go along, this being one of the most key revelations I've ever had in seeking Sadducee suspects.]

The Maghan/Mathie gyronny is known by myself to be code for the Garonne river, location of Comminges and Toulouse. The Isle of Man (raven, suspect with Varangians) uses three human legs in the colors of the Annas star. Another city using the three human legs in the same format is Fussen, on a Leck river that can trace to Lug elements.

Apparently, the Mathuna's/Manns were Fomorians of the Lug / Manannan kind. As the latter term seems to honor Annas, let's note that one Bullis/Bullard Coat uses "coins" (red roundels) with stars upon them in the colors of the Annas star. I've never before seen roundels called coins in official descriptions, but as Bullis is near Ore-based Oricum, let's repeat that Ore's, Orells and Orleans' all use red roundels, while Orells share bendlets-without-bend with True's/Trews. Bullis'/Biliards are important because they were first found in the same place as Bullis-suspect Blois, the ones with three dragons in the colors and format of the Ark-surname arches. As Joan of Arc's family (ruled Blois) was originally "Du Lys," let's add that the Dulys/D'Oile surname uses bends in the colors of the ploughSHARE of German Bullis'/Bulings/Bullingers (wings) that's positioned diagonally like a bend. The Share's are Carrick liners, and the latter are said to be from Craigs, the ones with a horse and rider showing a feathered helmet.

Ploughs/Plows share a dancette with Southwicks, the latter taken from the Southwick manner (Hampshire) said to be run by Barnums. The Southwicks share the red heart with Lanarks, beside the Carricks of Ayrshire, and this heart, a Herod suspect, is likely connectable to the hearts of Wagers whom I trace to Wagrians at Rostock, the area of which should now be viewed as Kashubia. The Wager Coat looks like a version of the Barne's/Barone's, same place as Barnstaple's suspect with the Albins/Aubins. As the Barnums are using the Sinclair cross in colors reversed, it's all the more reason to identify the Sinclair rooster with Roosts and Rostock. The Southwick description: " fesse dancette and an arm emerging from a cloud touching a heart between two spear heads." The Touch's/Tuff's once again use an upright (RAMpant) lion in green, in both colors of the Lannoy / Lyon lion, and the Southwick spear heads are likely in the Chief of green-lion Tracks / Drigs, which, if correct, tends to identify Tracks with Hampshire's Drake's. The McLeods/CLOUDS were in the Scottish isles, same as were ruled by the rulers of Man that Wikipedia fails to mention in its Man article. As you will see, McLeods can link directly to the Setantii.

Scottish Barne's/Byrne's (Elginshire, the Geddes theater) use three human legs, tending to clinch Barnum liners with the Isle of Man. Barne's/Byrne's are in Brain colors and therefore suspect with Briancon.

I've just found Wikipedia's article on the History of the Isle of Mann, and still the family of Maccus is glossed over. It does say this: "After Baetan's death in 581, his rival Aedan mac Gabrain, king of Dal Riata, is said to have taken [Man] in 582." Note that Elginshire (Moray) is at the BADENoch theater, a term like "Baetan." Later, you'll see why Badens/Battins trace to MacHeths of Moray / Ross-shire, sometimes lumped in with MacBETH. Bank on a Macbeth trace to Baetan. The Beths, known to be from MacBeth, use the otter, suspect with Uther Pendragon. Ask whether "Riata" should trace to Rieti, and expect Roets (same place as Badens/Battins) to crop up. Roets are suspect with Staple's and therefore with Barnstaple's, first found in the same place (beside Roets) as Berone's/Barne's. Bank on a Barnum trace to Barnstaple's (green griffin), suspect somewhat with the Mann motto. Barone's/Barne's are said to be from Bury in Suffolk, but the Bury surname was first found in the same place (Devon) as Staple's and Barnstaple's, and looks to be using the Staple bend. The world of surnames becomes much smaller when heraldry exposes many of them as mere branches. The Barnstaple's are the ones sharing the Albino trefoils and using a "mort" motto term now suspect with the Barnum crescents.

Irish Burys were first found in Wicklow, on the Irish shore facing Man. On the interior from Wicklow there is a Laois region suspect with GorLOIS, king Arthur's father. Aedan mac Gabrain can be found in the Arthur write-up, and the Arthurs of Ireland were suspect (by me) with Maghans/Mathuna's (County Clare). I've never retracted that position. The idea was that Maghans trace to the birth of king Arthur by Gorlois' wife. The Arms of Laois use "fountains," the Cash symbol, thus tracing Laois to Kashubia. Yes, for the Arms of Laois are partly those of O'ROURK, while RURICius was the father-in-law of RUSTicus. The latter was the father of Artemia, wife of Florentinus, a Roman, suspect from Florence, where Bar-suspect Bruno's were first found. Artemia was mother to Arthemia, wife of Munderic, grandfather of Bodegisel of Provence, suspect with the namers of Bute...from Butua, near Bar. The Burys are said to be connected to Drogheda in Louth, the latter still closer to Man and home to the Setantii. This is interesting because the Sidicini traced to lake Scodra, location of Bar. Were the Sidicini part with the Setantii?

Arthurs are suspect with Herods of the ARCHibure and Hurt kind, and I have the inclination to trace Arthurs to Aretas of Petra (Edom), the ancestry of the Herods, and to Arettium on the UMBRIA border. If one traces Umbria elements to Cumber, it's self-explanatory as to why Arthurs could have Cumbrian ancestry. King Arthur was a Cumbrian, but there are other elements to which Arthurs trace.

Note that Brains (see also Tailers), suspect with "GaBRAIN," use three leopard faces in pale in colors reversed from the three Maghan/Mathuna lions in pale. The Tasks, and likely the Tusks, are thus tracing to Aedan son of Gabrain. Brains are said to be from Brain in HAINaut, the counts of which used the Levi chevrons. The Hainaut capital is Mons, like the old name of Man, and the ManANNAN code for Man is evocative of "HAINaut." As The Brain leopard faces are in Task-lion colors, keep an eye out for the cropping up of Briancon, which was the Brigantium location to which the Brigantes of Cumber should trace. You can bet that Briancon and the Arc river were likewise some of Arthurian ancestry. Hainauts are likely using the Flanders lion, which is the lion of Vannin-suspect Lafins/La Fonts.

Stick with me here for a trace to the "fountains" of Cash's and Kush's, for this tends to reveal that Kashubia was a line of Cash's. The Plunketts are said to have been supported by Strongbow Clare (kin of Matthews/Mathie's) of POMerania-like PEMbrook (Bamburgh-castle elements?), and this Clare line named County Clare, where Maghans/Mathuna's were first found. The Pembrook/Penbrook bend, with another dragon that I see as Pendragon, is in the colors of the Marley / Varn bend i.e. in Kashubia colors. The Pembroke lions are colors reversed from those of Kings and Kingstons, and therefore in the colors of the Conte and Lafin/La Font lion. It's the dolphin-related Kennedys who use the "la fin" code for Lafins/La Fonts, and they use more black fitchees (Roost symbol) as well as sharing the Cassel Coat, tending to verify that Kennedys were merged with Cash / Kush liners. German Cassels even share the triple (Trypillian code?) Clare chevrons.

This is now tracing Genoa elements (the Kenndeys) to Kashubia, but the other point is that I traced Cash's and Kush's (the latter also "Kiss / Kish") to the name of the Moldova capital. Trypillians, who lived anciently in what is now Moldova, had a goddess whom I traced to Nerthus, goddess of the Varni. It just so happens that, below, I trip over a Setantii trace to Segni's if Genoa. The Galati location of Moldova became suspect with the Gaul > Galatian line to the Trocmii Galatians, which included ARTEMidoros, like "Artemia." In other words, the thing to look out for is the means by which these Galatians can trace to Ruricius and Rusticus, then to Mr. Barnim and the Roosts. Why did these Galatians become vikings?

The Cash fountains were traced to Piscinas (Sardinia), a term said to mean "fountain." But that trace was made before knowing that Avezzano's were first found on Sardinia, or that Avezzano's / Avis'/Avisons are in the "Avise" motto term of Kennedys / Cassels. It may be hard to explain how the namers of Piscinas may have named Pessinus (Sakarya river), home of Brogitarus (of the Trocmii, father of Amyntes), but there is a Bruges/Brugg location near Hainaut, and Bruggs can be using the Sinclair cross. Bruggs are said to descend from SUDLey Gloucestershire, where Brains were first found. The Sudley name is interesting for linking to Suttons and Settle's because both use Coats linkable to the Lannoy / Lyon parts of this discussion. Suttons happen to use the Maness/MANNER motto! The green, two-tailed lion of Suttons is in the two colors of the Track / Drig lion.

Fingal son of Gofraid (Goffers / Gophers/Govers / Governs may apply), a ruler of Mann shortly after the time of Maccus, was said to be a grandson of SITRiuc. Setters/Satterthwaite's were first found in Cumbria, and are said to be of a Ster entity, which reminds of the Sterling/Stirling link to Stubbs / Stubbings, important because the Manns use a "stabilis" motto term. It has been established that Dragons/Drainers were from the Drin river(s) beside Paeonians, who had a city, Stobi. The Isle of Man uses the motto, "QUOcunQUE Jeceris STABit," partly suspect with elements in Qewe/Kue (Cilicia), where I trace Quadratilla's royal family.

German Setters (more wings) are said to derive in "one who SETs the price of BARley," such a ridiculous derivation that one can fathom it to be code for Barnim liners. Barley is said to be a location in Pendle while Pendle's (HERTfordshire, same place as Barleys) can be suspect with the Marano/Mauritano lion because the Penderell variation can trace with Penders to the Panaro river, location of Marano. The Barley quatrefoil is always suspect with Quadratus / Quadratilla.

To find Maccus, we need to go to the Wikipedia article on the Kingdom of the Isles. It turns out that Gofraid was the name of Maccus' brother. Aha! "Maccus's name is sometimes incorrectly given as MAGNus..." Perhaps the writer is jumping to an incorrect conclusion. It then says: "Their father Aralt or Harald is usually identified with the Aralt mac Sitric..." Sitters/SIDEwells, possibly using the Lafin and Suty lion, may apply to the Sitric family. The SITHwell variation of Sitters/Sidewells (Herod/Harald/Herault colors) can indicate the Sithech line of Shaws / Seths, or Seth, father of Annas. You can read that Maccus' family attacked Anglesey = Mona. "An unnamed son of Harald won a battle on the Isle of Man in 987, but whether this was Maccus or Gofraid is unclear. No children of Maccus are known."

There is good reason to trace the black fitchees of Kennedys and Cassels to the Julian cross in the same colors, for the Kennedy / Cassel Crest is likely the Caesar-Crest dolphin. This has the effect of tracing the Caesar Crest to Morlaix / Finistere. This is a good place to add that while FINIStere is suspect with neighboring VANNES, home of the Kennedy-like Veneti, the Isle of Mann was called, Vannin, by the locals. "Lafin" can obviously apply to "vannin." But it makes Man and its Maccabee members Fanano / Modena suspects, and then the Arms of Fanano shares a banner with the Seal of Barnim. The Albino's of the Fanano area are traceable to the Mr. Albinus adopted by Cumber-suspect UMBRius Primus while Primus'/Prime's share the human leg with the Isle of Man. The so-called "HUMan leg" of Primus' can suggest Hume liners that are part of the Barnim discussion. Hume's are in Prophet colors, and Prophets are suspect with the Maxton motto. If you thing that Primus can trace to Junia Caepio Prima, let's keep in mind that the SECOND/Segur surname, perhaps from Junia Secunda, can be a SEGANTii line. Things are beginning to click here with topics newly discovered this past month.

I traced Vannes (also "Gwenea") to the Venedotia founders of Gwynedd, smack beside Mona (on-shore near Man) and to Maccabee-suspect Ordovices (said to be named after a hammer but that may be code for Hasmoneans). Gwynedd is the part of Wales where I had traced the Hercules Danaans, likely the Danann of Ireland and Man. There are red griffins or dragons all over in Gwynedd, which I view as king Arthur's wife. King Arthur was of the red-dragon Brits.

Amyntes' great-grandson, Julius Severus, is apparently honored by the Bernice motto term, "PerSEVERantia." We can point out that the Barnum crescents are those also of Motts and Alexanders. Julius Alexander Maccabee (son of Tigranes and Opgalli) was brother to Berenicianus.

The Barnum write-up fails to mention that the Barnum dragon is covered with pellets, a symbol on the same-colored lion of Tillers/Tillieres (who are in Barnum colors), and, moreover, Tills/Tillys use a black-on-white wyvern and were first found in the same place (Dorset) as Newmans sharing lions in Tiller/Tillieres lion colors. The daughter of Julius Alexander Maccabee married the father of QuadraTILLA.

It's been my long-standing claim that the Newman motto honors the MacAbee's, first found beside the Alexanders. The Alexanders are now very identifiable in the Alexander of the Scott write-up, brother of a royal Baliol, and while Baliols are very traceable to Baileys (see 4th update in July), you may have heard of the Barnum and Bailey Circus, a product of Ringlings (ROXburghshire, same as Talbot-related Scotts) using an engrailed saltire in the colors of the Sinclair cross! It looks like Ringlings (listed with Pringle's) were Roost liners. Ringlelings are colors reversed from the Rings (engrailed chevron looks like a version of the Pendragon chevron), and if I'm not mistaken, the Sinclair Normans ruled in Norway near Ringerike and Hamar, the latter suspect with the MacAbee's because Hams are in Hammer colors while sharing the MacAbee salmon.

Baliols are in the colors of the Kashubia flag. Suddenly, Templarism / Rosicrucianism looks like it had some Kashubian elements from the Agrippa's. This is a good time to remind that while Rasmussens have an Akmonia- / Hasmonean-like Assman variation, a Mr. Rasmussen was the recent leader of NATO. That organization appears named after Nathan Rothschild, and so we find that Natts/Nathans (Nutts? / Cnuts?) are in Barnum colors, and of course Rothschilds trace exactly from the Varangians that Barnums are suspect with. Another Nathan surname has a Nation variation reminding me that Rothschilds had to do with starting the United Nations.

I've just checked for a Bring surname to check for Pringle links, and there came up the three lions in pale of Brians, half in the colors of the same of Tasks! That trace's Tasks about 25 miles from Modane, and makes them suspect with the Pomeranian Tusks. Brings/Brians share the sword with Barnums. Darcys/Dorseys are the ones that traced to the Arc river, location of Modane, and it's where Motts trace who share the Barnum crescent (making the Kashubians suspect with the Herod-Maccabee line too). The Dorseys are being brought back to topic because Dorsets/Dowsets use a giant crescent, as do Motts whose Morte variation is suspect with Mortons, first found in the same place (Wiltshire) as Dorsets. It's hard to say here whether Barnums were a branch of Brians, but I don't think so. I think that Pringle's may have been Brians, while Ringlings had married them as Ring liners. On the other hand, English Brians share the black hunting horn with Burns and Bernice's, and all three sure do sound the same. Did the Berenice-Agrippa line name Briancon?

Brights (Cheshire, same place as Maccabee-liner Maceys), suspect with Brigantium (alternative name of Briancon), are likely using the Macey stars, and show the black griffin of Scotts in Crest. If correct to trace Scotts to lake Scodra, location of Bar, Barnums look like Bar liners. The Roxburgh Scotts share the star in the colors of the Bright stars, and crescents in the colors of the Dorset crescent. I've been tracing Dorsets for years, on largely a whim, to the namers of the Durance river, location of Briancon. Here's on a Sidicini-suspect tribe of Brigantes:

The Setantii (sometimes read as Segantii) were a possible pre-Roman British people who apparently lived in the western and southern littoral of Lancashire in England [origin of Chads, Chaddocks, Chadwicks from as early as St. Chad in the 7th century]. It is thought likely they were a sept or sub-tribe of the Brigantes, who, at the time of the Roman invasion, dominated much of what is now northern England.

Reconstruction of Roman roads in mid-Lancashire around 400AD showing possible location of Portus Setantiorum or Portus Setantii. The Setantii name is known from a single source only, the 2nd century Geographia of Ptolemy. Recorded there is the placename Portus Setantiorum (Port of the Setantii). Its precise location remains unknown although various suggestions have been made, including the possibility that it has since been lost to erosion. Also recorded by Ptolemy is the hydronym Seteia, assumed by its position in his text to refer to the River Mersey.

The name of the Setantii has been associated with the Irish hero Cuchulainn, whose birthname, Setanta, bears clear similarities to it.

Merseys use the dragon-head design of Barnums, and perhaps the Dragon/Drainer fesse. Recalling that Barnums traced to the pot hangers and therefore to Potters, let's add that the Potter cinquefoils are colors reversed from the Mersey cinquefoils. Merseys are listed with Maiseys/Meyseys.

It's interesting that while I trace Julius Caesar to Guillestre, near Brigantium, he was part of the Roman effort to conquer England. "GUILLEStre" may have been the makings of the DuGLASS', who share a salamander in flames with English Julians. The Geddes' use the Chadwick / Chaddock escutcheon while honoring the Mayers/Majors (likely share the Caesar roses) that married the Guilles family of Guernsey. The Guilles surname is listed with Gulls while Dutch Sitters (show no other variations) use the sea gull, by the looks of it. English Sitters (Northumberland), due to their Sidewell variation, are suspect as Seatons, and so the idea is that the Setantii (Mercians?) were the line to Sitric family that birthed Maccus. It may have been much after their appearance in England (sounds like they were there by the first century) that they named Sitten as per the Brigantes trace to Briancon.

The Guilles/Gulls are, along with Gullys, easily linkable to English and German Julians together, but the German branch uses crescents in colors reversed to the Seaton crescents, and so the way in which Seatons got merged to lines from Julius Caesar seems a little evident now.

It's interesting that English Sitters share green pale bars with Landens (Switzerland, same as Sitten), for I saw and recorded the French Pepins with a white-on-blue gull years ago, though it's now showing as a raven. It is linking Dutch Sitters with Pepins. But why? This recalls my trace of Pepin of Landen (and/or his wife) to queen Bebba of the Mercia-associated Bebbanburgs / Bernicians. The Pepin motto honors the Manner / Mengzes line suspect from the Manx peoples on the Isle of Man. If Pepins named Pavia/Papia, on the Ticino and near Alessandria, it's notable that a red griffin is in the Arms of Alessandria. Pavia had previously been co-founded as Ticinum by the Mercian-suspect Marici.

We now go back to the Worms / Forman dragon (green like the Seaton dragon) because it's known that the Worms family produced the royal Capetians, suspect in the "Capta majora" motto of Geddes, who are now thought (by me) to be a branch of Cedes'/Seats (pale bars, Caesar roses) and therefore linkable to Setantii. The Cedes/Seats/Sedes' were even first found in Lancashire, where Setantii are traced in the article above! As Majors linked with Julian liners, it looks like the Geddes were part of it. The proto-Geddes Geds were in Scotland early (before St. Chad's life), but might they have been a branch, or cousins, of the Setantii? I've been suggesting that for about two years for other reasons. The Cedes Crest, "A blue demi cock, wings exPANDed," can be related to the wings expanded of the Swords (Siward of Northumberland), and the Sword swords can trace by the EXpanded code to the Excalibur = Exeter elements. The Swords use a "man."

It just so happens that the Sagans/Segans share the salamander-in-flames with Julians, thus tending to identify Segans with the Segantii version of "Setantii"! It allows us to trace Seagers, Sawyers, Seconds/Segurs, and Segni's/Segurana's to the Setantii! Zowie, what a sack-full of new, dangling keys. We should Gripp and Grab a few. The Brigantes can trace to Bridge's (beside Exeter) using Crabs. The Grabfeld location of Poppo Babenberg is coming to mind. The Crabs were first found in the same place as Cash's while the latter shares the Bridge chevron, apparently. The Cash Crest are (almost) the "weights" used in the Crest of Exeter-suspect Dexters, the latter first found in the same place (Leicestershire) as Kiss' using the Cash chevron-with-fountains. The red rooster in the Kiss Crest is now linkable to Rostock because Cash's got suspect with Kashubia. One can perhaps expect the cock of Cedes/Seats to relate.

There's a Google page in a Segantii search saying, "Interview with Simon Sadler, CIO of Segantii Capital ..." Another page says: "Certainly, the [Setantii[ tribe appears to have been linked to Setanta, the birth name of the British/Irish hero Cuchulain...His tribal centre was at Teamhair (Tara) in present-day County Louth. This in turn suggests that the Setantii may have been present on both the Ulster and Lancastrian seaboards of the Irish Sea...." Just compare "Teano" with "Teamhair." The Isle of Mann is essentially in the Irish sea between Lancashire and Dublin.

The Arms of Louth honor Lugh.

The Lancastrian coast brings Liverpool to mind, and so the Livers/Leavers (Lancashire) were re-loaded for a second look. They use bendlets-without-bend in the colors of the same of Keys/Kays, part of the Arthurian cult. The gold rooster in the Liver/Leaver Crest is that of Sinclairs, in all likeliness, because it stands on a trumpet while Arthurs called their symbols, "clarion" trumpets, in honor of the Claro line, apparently. Clare's, apparently. I was going to bring this topic to the Manns with the "ardua" motto term anyway, but they are to be figured into the discussion also by the two-colored Liver rooster, for that's called "jessant" while Jessons (rooster) share an embattled fesse in colors reversed to the Mann fesse, and in the colors of the two fesses of Stands/Stains (Yorkshire, same as Jessons) that have the look of the two Livers bendlets. Yorkshire is upstream from Lancashire, and as you can see the red rose, Lancastrian symbol, is in the Jesson Crest. I figure that Stands/Stains/Stants are in the "obSTANTia" motto term of Arthurs.

The Manns (share hurts with Arthurs) are very linkable to the Mathis river near the Penestae, where Arthur elements of the Arda-Odrysian kind should have been, and beside Stobi, where the "stabilis" motto term of Manns should trace. Barnstaple's are also "BarnSTABELL." I am confident that the Mann dragon is code for the Dragon/Drainer surname sharing the embattled fesse of Manns, tending to lump Manns with the Mann variation of the Arthur-suspect Maghens/Mathuna's (erroneous bear theme, often given to king Arthur) and Mathie's/Manns, which is why I think Manns have ancestry at the Mathis river, the river that I identify with proto-Hasmoneans / Maccabees, a branch of which ended up at Modane, on the Arc, which is where the Darcy Leaver location in the Liver write-up traced. This tends to link Manns to king Maccus of the Isles i.e. between Lancashire and Ireland. There is even a question on whether "Maghen / Magna" was a Maccabee line, for Plancia Magna was indeed a Maccabee. Her line was from the marriage of Herods to the Maccabee name of AristoBULUS, perhaps intended in the "staBILIS" motto term of Manns.

This is a new thought for me, that "Magna" was a version of whatever named the Maccabees. "Magna" looks like "Maecenas," doesn't it? As I trace the descendants of Cilnius Maecenas to the Murena/Moratin tower, it's first of all notable that Plunketts (Mann colors) use the tower, and Plunketts were first found in Louth!!! That's the home of the Setantii. Variations of the Louth surname (wolf in Kashubia colors) smack of variations of the Lothians (same place as Rollo's) while Seatons were first found in Lothian! I get it. Louths may even be McLeods/Lutts (Scottish Isles), as the latter become increasingly suspect with Maccus' family. Louths are suspect with Letushites through to wolf-line Leto at Clarus. The flags of McLeods can trace to Pomer-like Palmers because the latter use a version of the Flag/Fleck Coat. I've never before suspected Palmers (black greyhound) with Pomerania. The "CUSTodit" motto term of Lothians can link to the Cast variation of Kashubia-suspect Cash's, for the Cash-Crest scale is called "weights" by Dexters while Weights use the hunting horn hanging on the Lothian pine tree. The same horn (black with gold stripes) is used by Trabys, suspect from Trypillians, who lived in Moldova, where I trace fountain-using Cash's and Kiss'. The Custs (Lincolnshire, same as Louths) are a third surname sharing the black chevron with fountains upon it! These fountains are linkable to the Rollo motto term, "fortuna," and the black Palmer greyhound goes to the two Hun surnames suspect with Fortuna's. See the "Fortuna" motto term of blue-boar Irish Barone's, for Rollo's use blue boars.

Louth is said to be named after Lugh, but I'm not necessarily convinced. The Leinster area around it is a variation of Leicesters/Lesters, who were swan-line Ligurians on the Legro river, and as such these link to Leys/Lighs/Leghs suspect in the LEYver variation of Livers/Leavers. My hunch is that Lugh liners trace in-part to Fossano of interior Liguria because Fussen (southern Germany) is on a Lech river while sharing the human legs in the same manner as the Arms of Man. While Louth may thus have been joined to Ligurian-suspect Lugh, his name may not have been identical with the namers of Louth (it's directly on the coast from the Isle of Man). The Legro was also the Soar river while the Arms of Wicklow uses "saor."

The Plunkett write-up tells that the family was part of the Strongbow-Clare invasion of Ireland, which gets us back to the Clare-suspect trumpet of Livers from the Lancastrian coast i.e. where Setantii lived. English Clare's were first found in Suffolk, where dragon-using Blois' were first found that trace with Livers to the Arc river, and perhaps even to the "stabILIS" term of Manns. French Clairs were first found in the same place (Limousin) as Seconds/SEGURS, now suspect with "Segantii." It looks like Clare's (Seaton colors) were Setantii liners. I link the namers of Limousin to the neighboring Santones (Sinclairs are "Saint" too) and trace them both to SINTians of Lemnos, the potential root of "Setan."

The Segantii are now suspect in the "segni" motto term of Face's/Fessys that share the Mea/MEIGH cross, a surname potentially from Maghen liners. The Meu river of the Meighs might just be where the Brittany Plunketts are from, and so let's repeat that the Hollys use the same bend as Plunkett while Holly-suspect Marleys (leopard FACEs) were at Morlaix, not far from the Meu. The same cross is used by MACClesfields (Cheshire), highly suspect with king Maccus because his family was in Cheshire (beside Lancashire and MANchester). The engrailed Barnum cross is white, like the engrailed Macclesfield cross, and this begins to reveal the fundamental Massey link to the Sinclair vikings via Maccus...whom Wikipedia glosses over, but why??? The Setters and Sitters suspect from Maccus' Sitric ancestry can be in the Setters/Satterthwaite's (Mann colors), and as these sound like Satyrs, it might explain the goats in the Mann (and Morton) Coat (Barnums are linkable to Morton liners). Satyrs are expected from the Satrae Thracians (Nestus river), near the Setantii-like Sithones, how about that. The Setters/SatterTHWAITe's (Mann colors) are the ones said to be from a STERthwayt location, making them linkable to Sterlings and therefore to Stubbs / Stubbings and the motto of Manns. Sterlings may be sharing buckles for their linkage to Leslie's (suspect in the Barnstaple Crest), and/or to the buckles of the Roslin surname. The Roslin-suspect Russells share the Meschin scallops and the Mann goat.

This is a good place to add that while Satrae are suspect with the Pan goat, the PeNESTae may have been Pan elements from the NESTus.

The Thwaits/Tweats (fretty) are even using the Barnum cross in colors reversed, but see also the Baltea-suspect Balders (same place as Sinclairs) with the same cross while throwing in the Roost fitchees! This is an excellent place to come across the Roost fitchees because Wikipedia once showed an alternative Arms of Macclesfield with the black fitchees of DavenPORTs (same place as Macclesfield) hanging from the stags, and so one can now make a Roost / Rostock link to Maccus. It suggests further that the Macclesfield stags are those in the clan badge of Rollo's, and moreover the colors of the Roost saltire (colors of the Baltea cross) can reaffirm that Makeslesfield, the old version of "Macclesfield," is from the Makeswells/Maxwells.

Russells of Modena

Years ago, I found myself reporting that Russells were closely linked to Savage's, but then largely ceased to mention more of it. But here I can see that the Russell lion is a colors-reversed version of the Marano lion, for while Russells are said to descend from a Bertram character (baron of Briquebec), German Bertrams use the same lion as Marano's, from Marano, beside SAVIGnano. Italian Bertrams were first found in Bologna, beside Savignano. As Meschins are highly suspect from Mr. Maccus, compare "Briquebec" to le-Meschin's family name, BriquesSART, then ask whether "sart" links to the "sara" terms in the Russell motto, which trace well to Sarah's/Sayers because Sauers/Saiers/Sours use the same lion as Russells. There we see another Mann link to Seaton suspects (i.e. Meschin link to Say). The Sarah's are kin of Barwicks and Mackays are likely using the Barwick bears.

Why do German Sauernsons/Saursons/Sorensens (Sauer colors) use the so-called HART stag? Danish Sorensens use a giant and black cinquefoil in Kashubia colors, very linkable to Mr. Barnim. Soars have the look of German Manns/Manners.

As Barwicks share a gold Shield with English Bertrams while both were first found in the same place, Bertrams may have been Barwicks or at least Bernicians, which for me is a fast way to trace Russells to Herods, perfect because I see Herods with "Rodez," the area of France that was of the namers of Roussillon. The Rods are the ones sharing the Albino trefoils, part code for RoqueFEUIL. As AlBERTs were first found in Bologna too, the BERTrams may have been Alberts, and Alberts may have been Albino's. What if English Alberts were to use a savage in Crest and a giant griffin in the Coat? "A savage with a sledge hammer over his shoulder." Why is this savage completely naked? Are Alberts Elis liners? German Alberts can link to the Arms of Holstein, where the naked woman of Elis' traces. French Alberts use almost the Bertram lion.

Remember, the Aubin location is very near Rodez, and so it is of no surprise to find Russells tracing to Albino's. Albino's are from NUMMIUS Senecio Albinus, and Newmans (in Russell-scallop colors) were first found in the same place (Dorset) as Russells.

The griffin of English Alberts is in Aubrey colors while "AUBRey" is like the "over" term in the Albert description. Overs, in colors reversed to Alberts, were first found in the same place (Cheshire) as Savage's, and then the Over location is said to have been held by Hugh Lupus, whose Tutbury titles went to Henry de Ferrers (why Henry?). Were not the Vere's from Aubrey de Vere? Ferrers happen to use six horseshoes in the configuration of, and in colors reversed from, the six Savage lions. Italian Ferrers are the Ferrari's with a giant lion in the colors and rampant position of the of the giant Albert griffin. The difference between rampant and passant animals is, in my new-found theory, the Rollo-Sinclair liners to Pasi's of Bologna versus the Russells to Panaro liners of neighboring Modena.

The Sava river that is said to have named Sauers may have produced the Savage bloodline. Earlier, we saw why Barnums should link to Herod-suspect hearts, for the Southwick entity in the Barnum write-up has a surname of the same name using the heart, symbol also of French Sauvage's. Then, the Russells come up as "RUSTle" too while Roosts were suspect with Mr. Barnim at the Rostock theater. Let's repeat that while the Sinclair rooster is suspect as code for Rostock liners, "Russell" is suspect from "Roussillon" while the Spanish version of that area, Rosellon, is suspect in naming Roslin, the Lothian home of Sinclairs. It makes Russells look fundamentally merged to Sinclairs, and so it's notable that the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Russells is colors reversed from the same of Tanners.

English Bertrams (crusader crosses) are suspect with the crusader cross of Grenons because Rams are traced to Ramesdune of a Mr. Grenon, a surname like "Gernon," used by le-Meschin's son as well as Eustace II, kin of the Bauts. Bertrams are traced to Bartrim in Gloucestershire, where Samsons (and Merseys/Maiseys) were first found that share the Russell scallops. The Bertram Crest uses what can be construed as an escutcheon (can honor eight-pointed-star Keons), though linkage to the Shield / Schild surname is appropriate: "A lion holding in its paws a small SHIELD with the same coat of arms." This can be linked to Rothschilds as follows, and reminds of the online claim that Russells are/were an Illuminati family. The Rams came to mind with "BertRAM," not forgetting that "ramPANT" may trace Rams with Penders / Panders to the Panaro river (location of Marano), for the Ram and Pender Coats are a near match, and in the colors of the Arms of Fanano. Russells and Marano's use rampant lions. Dutch Rams share the rampant Baut ram but on a red Shield, which looks like the Stein goat (likewise white on red, but not rampant), same design as in the Russell Crest. From here we link to Dutch Steins sharing eight-pointed stars with RothSTEINS/Rothschilds, and then Schilds are Dutch.

Bertrams have the motto, "J'avance," which can be code for the Faun/Vaunce / Fane bloodline and/or the Vance/Vallibus surname that has traced to Fanano without a doubt, and then while Fanano is in Modena/Mutina, Rams lived at METINges (Essex)...and then zowie, Mittens/Moutens use a ram head in Crest! That expects Moutens to be Mott liners, and since Motts were beside Dol, it should explain why Mittens/Moutens were first found in the Shropshire, where the Dol Alans transferred immediately after the conquering of England by Normans. The Myerton variation of Mittens/Moutons can thus be gleaned as the Morte's and Mortons, from Marano of Medina, but in Moreton-Say of Shropshire, where Cliffs/Cleave's are said to have lived. This expects that the Russell goat can trace to Marano with the Mortons.

But a member of this family (Roger de Rames) was also in Breseta of Suffolk, yet from Bolbec in the Havre area of Normandy, a term like "Hvar," alternative name of Pharia off the Illyrian coast from the Tilurius river. It just so happens that while Pharia is beside Vis (Issa on the map), Rams use a "vis" motto term! I was going to ignore or not mention that motto term until now. That is some good indication that Havre was a Pharia liner, but then Havre is near the Normandy capital while the Normans have long been identified (by me) with the priestly lines from Israel. Pharia became suspect only in recent weeks / months with proto-Pharisees. The Bresset/Brise/Brix surname is in Ram colors and looks traceable with Billets, Pilate's and Besancons to MontBRISON at Mont Pilat, and then German Brests/Bressens (Silesia) use nothing but Pilate-related pellets. French Ferriers are in Besancon colors and first found in the same place, at Forez, beside Mont Pilat. Ferriers look like a branch of the Ferrers that trace to Savage's, and Ferr liners of all kinds can all be suspect from Pharia.

One should expect that other motto terms of Rams are code: "Quod tibi vis fieri, facias." Quadratilla? The Fire's/Feuerers? The Face's/Fessys? The Fessys were traced with Fisks to the Fieschi, now suspect with the Segantii of Genoa, and Fisks were merged with Cliffs/Cleaves that not only trace to Glaphyra, ancestor to Quadratilla, but they share the black-on-white wolf heads of Quod-like Quade's. Quadratilla's other side traces to Severus at Assman-suspect Akmonia while Assmans/Rasmussens share the giant unicorn with Fire's. The Fisks and Cliff stars are in Stick/Stych colors, and Cliffs are said to have married with a Styche surname / location. PLANCia Magna (traced to the Plantagenet Fulks) was a close descendant (four generations) of GLAPHYRa, and then Plunketts, said to be from the same area of Dol as the Shropshire Alans, share the white-on-black tower of CLAVERs/Cleavers.

As Plunketts and Alans were in the Vilaine part of Brittany, it is no coincidence that I've been tracing Sticks to the Astikas' of Vilaine-like Vilnius (Lithuania)! Glaphyra (her cult in Cappadocia was not far from Trabzon) is thus linking to Trabys. To put it another way, the Trabys (trace to Cash's) who married the Vilnius Astika's were from Trabzon, in my opinion, the general area of THEMIScyra suspect, not only with the naming of ArTEMIS, but with the Tean/Thames surname (same place as where Vere's ruled) now being traced to Teano. The Sidicini of Teano have been linked with Avellino, from Aulon/Avlona, where proto-Alans lived (in my opinion). The proto-Alans were also at Alauna, in Manx-suspect Manche, where the Maccus-line vikings came to roost as Masseys (same Shield as the Manche Vere's).

I'm sure I have the Wright picture here, and so let's add that Obama was from Dunham Massey, same area as Styche, and let's not forget that Tasks share the Maghen lions, for the Kashubians under discussion, and suspect with Roosts, should prove to trace to Donald Tusk, who got to rule Europe while Obama was in power. Poland had become an important partner in the Obama struggle against Putin. The Heffers (covered crown, in the Arms of the Isle of Mann), looked up as per Havers, are using three lions in pale, the Task symbol. Tasks were first found in the same place (Essex) as Vere's, Haver-related Rams, and Metinges. The "mon" motto term of Heffers thus becomes suspect with Hasmonean liners in Mona = Isle of Man. The Heffer lions are in the colors of the same of Brians.

Recalling the Roosts suspect with Rusticus, whose daughter (Artemia) suggests involvement with Artemis, let's add that Plancia's mother was a priestess of the Artemis temple in Perga. Her father was a Varus surname traceable to Vere's of Oxford, but there is a question on whether Varus liners had been out of Pharia. The Dexters, suspect as per the 666 with Trabys, use chevrons in the color of the chevron that lies over the ram head of Rams. The Dexters are the ones with the "weights" in Crest, the same symbol as the "pair of scales" in the Cash Crest, and it's the Weights that use the Traby hunting horn...which traces with Horns / Orne's to Orne, home of Seatons. The Rooks use the blue chevron. Cash's and Kiss'/Kish's/Cush's are suspect with Traby-like Trypillians of Kisin'ov/Kishinev, now the Moldavian capital. The Traby / Weight horns are black, the colors of the same of Burns and Bernice's, and the Berts (same place as Barne's and Barnsteads and Dexter-suspect Exter) who may have named BertRAMs. Italian Berts (Ferrara, suspect from Pharia) use a giant griffin in Ram / Haver colors.

The double fesse bars of Clavers are colors reversed from the Haver fesse, and both surnames were first found in the same place, which can trace Glaphyra Archelaus to Hvar and Havre. But let's not forget the Arc river and Modane. Here's the Havers with "chess rooks," and in Varn and KASHubia colors, wherefore the CHESS surname (same place as Havers) is now suspect with Kashubians. The Chess Crest is the same, essentially, as the Pender Crest, but see also the Bertram lion. The Chess' share a gold lion in both Crest and Coat with German Planks, and English Planks (same place as Mortons) use the Pendle/PENDERell lion exactly for a trace to Marano and/or other Panaro-river elements. It was the German Setters said to derive in "one who SETs the price of BARley," and Barleys are the ones from Pendle. How can Modena come up so often in such a short span of writing while simply following code after code? Pendle's are said to have been involved with Moretain.

See the Stack and Stock lions and link to the Montforts (likely in the Stock motto), whatever they may have been called while going through Fanano and Marano. As Stacks were first found in the same place as Samsons, let's recall that the Russell scallops are also the Samson scallops, for the Stack lion is colors reversed from the Russell lion which itself linked to the Marano/Mauritano lion (i.e. same as the Bertram lion). Stacks (Bath/Atha colors) are said to have been in Bath, and from there they joined Strongbow Clare...of Pembrook, where Stocks were first found. Can't one trace Clare's to the Claro's = Sinclairs at RoSTOCK???

Pembrook colors are still suspect with Kashubians, but lets add that I've been linking the Pembrook Coat to the Italian Mazzo/Mazzino Coat (red roses, suspect with Roussillon / Rus liners). Was this the Maecenas line that named Modena-related MACCAbee's? It should be very interesting that the Mazzo/Mazzino bend is colors reversed from the Plunkett bend. Plunketts (come up as "Plunk") have Strongbow of Pembroke in their write-up, but as often happens, Strongbow is mentioned without his Clare surname. Why is that? Why did houseofnames remove the Clare triple chevrons from Dutch Burghs, a surname like Perga, where Plancia was from?

English Penders use "fides" and Newmans (share the Stock lion) use "fide," but Penders throw in "fortis" for Montfort liners, one may assume. Then, Irish Penders were first found in Pembrokeshire. There's a connection here, for while the Stock lion is also the Pendle/PENDERell lion, Pembrooks are Penbrooks, and Pendle's are PEMble's. The latter term is a lot like "Pamphyl(lia), and while Plancia Magna was from Pamphylia, Plunketts are in Pendle colors. Hmm. The Pendle location is said to be near Tring, while Trings/Drinks/Drengs (Drengot-Norman suspects) share the Dreux/Drew lion, apparently, and then the Leto bird is said to be DRINKing while Samsons (linked to Italian Normans) use a "letho" motto term. Leto traces to Clarus, where Mopsus had a cult like that of Artemis' twin brother, yet Mopsus was from Pamphylia, where Plancia's mother served as idiot for the Artemis cult.

PemBROOKs were suspect with Brooks (Essex) who happen to use the garbs of Stock-suspect Sticks, and one can even trace the blood drops on the Pender lions to the Stick-suspect Astika's, not just because the Drop surname has a Traby-like Trope variation, but because the Pender lion heads, I've just realized, are in the colors of the wolf heads of Scarfs honored in the scarf of Trabys/Sadowski's. The Brooks are said to be from Broc of Anjou, and then Plancia's husband, Mr. Tertullus, traces to the Fulks of Anjou. The Plantagenet-suspect Plante's are the ones from a Planques location, and they show a Planquette variation. The Vilaine area of the Plunketts is suspect, not just with the Vilnius location of Astika's, but with Vilains (Russell Shield?), first found in the same place as Fulke's.

Keeping in mind that Chess' seemed to be using the Plank lion, let's go on to the Rooks (chess rooks), who call their raven a rook, and have been identified with Rockefellers suspect at Rostock, Rochdale, Roxburgh and Rijeka/Reka. The latter is where I've traced the giant, double-headed eagle of Maxwells/Makeswells, and so let's mention the giant double-headed eagle of Mittens/Moutons (Bertram kin), for as Maxwells are being lumped in with Maccus, so Mouton / Mott liners should apply. The Tring/Drink pale bar is in the colors of the pale bar of Roxburghs, and two pale bars in the same colors is in the Cedes/Seat Coat. The Drengot Normans ruled Italy in the area of the Sidicini. Here are the Arms of Maxwell-Ros, a merger between the two families, and so note that Ross' (Yorkshire, same as English Maxwells) use the rampant lion in colors reversed from the same of Russells. Why are Russells tracing to the Ross clan from king Andrew of Hungary? Because Roslin was granted to Henry Sinclair, who was part of the escort when bringing princess Margaret from Hungary to Britain. She had been in Andrew's company, and Henry Sinclair was her cupbearer. Henry's family got rich somehow, way too rich. Why Henry? Was he related to Henri IV of Rodez? Ross' (lion in colors reversed from the Tring/Dreng lion) are in Leto colors and use an "alit" motto term.

The Maxwell saltire thus becomes suspect with the Roost saltire, and Maxwells have long been traced to Mecklenburg, the Rostock theater. As you can see, the Maxwell-Ros Arms shares water bouquets with the Rose surname, beside the Ross' of Nairnshire, where Rose-merged Geddes lived. The latter just became suspect with the Cedes variation of Seats. If the latter are sharing the Tring / Roxburgh pale bar, note that Trings use a lion in Russell-lion colors and that Roxburgh can trace to Roquefeuil (gold bars in its arms), in Roussillon and suspect with the vast gold-bar, Caepio treasure. French Roses? Same place as Clairs. Scottish Rose's use a "true" motto term for Trews while Trings/Drengs use the Drew lion, apparently.

The Ross' are said to have two distinct ancestries, but only one is dealt with, the one from Moreville's (Cumberland), who happen to use a crowned lion in the colors of the same of Penders. It's a white and rampant lion, same as Ross'. Moreville's are traced to a Morville location in Briquebec, where Bertram (father of the Russells) was a baron. We thus have some very strong proof that Russells were from the Varangian Rus of Kiev (i.e. where I trace Ross'), under the shade of which prince Andrew and princess Margaret were hiding out in exile. The Varangians of Kiev were suspect with Inger (one of the first Varangians proper, born about the same time as Rurik) and his Khazar wife, Melissena Rangabe. Melissena was suspect with the Hungarian-related Khazars on the Mures river, whom I traced to Moray (Rangabe colors), and so Moreville's (in Rangabe colors) likely apply. The Mures theater (Transylvania in general) is where I trace McLeods/Lutts (Rangabe colors again), now suspect with Lothians and Louths (Plunketts were first found in Louth). I trace McLeods to the Aluta river. The Drummonds, born from king Andrew under discussion, are likewise in Rangabe colors. If I recall correctly, Ringerike is beside More of Norway. Moreville's are suspect from this More location, where the family of Rollo ruled, and then Rollo's were first found in the same place as Drummonds, the place that traces to Mont Pilat.

The Moreville lion is armed, suggesting a trace to the Armour area beside the Dol Alans, relevant because the Morevilles are said (Ross write-up) to be of STEWARTon, and then the Dol Alans lived in Shropshire (beside Penders), where there was a More location as well as a Moreton-Say location of the Glaphyra-based Cliffs/Cleaves. The Cleavers are the one's suspect with the Plunkett tower. The Myr and Mire terms used by Moreville's begins to look like the Mire's/Mireux's of Anjou, or perhaps the Myrton variation of Mittens/Moutons (Ram kin from Metinges). We just saw another reason to trace Russells and their kin to Marano, in Metinges-suspect Modena/Mutina. That's the very same as saying that the Rollo Sinclairs trace to Modena. But to what in Modena do they trace, and why were Sinclairs so wrapped up in Italians in virtually every nook of the country?

The Pollocks were close to Alans. The Maxwell write-up tells of the early Maccus liners merging with Mearns' of Renfrew to begin the Pollock sept of Maxwells in the middle of the 13th century. It sounds as though the Mearns (of Newton Mearns) were Pollocks by that time. Going to the Mearns surname (just piles), we find that its earliest-mentioned member (born before 1092) had a Peter-like name, the name of the first Pollock of about that time. Thinking that the Mearns may have been Marano liners, "Meran" was entered to find a surname in the same colors. Peter Pollock's father happened to be FulBERT, of Shropshire. Nothing is known, they say, of Fulbert's parents. Berts share hunting horns with Pollocks.

This now gets interesting, for as I traced Fulbert to Fullers, though without strong evidence, I now see that Fullers have the horse design in Crest of Plunketts while Plunketts share a white bend with Jewish Pollocks while Pollock-suspect Plocks (Mearns / Meran colors) are also "Plucknett," and said to derive in "Plunkett." No guff. The Plunketts share a white tower with Spanish Marano's.

Plocks use a "fide" term now traceable to the Arms-of-Fanano motto. The Penders from Fanano are using the lion of Pools, and Pollocks together with Maxwells are traced to "pool," code for Pools. The Poole location is in Hampshire, where Merans (Nimo colors) were first found, and I tend to link Poole to Cowes and Newport (both on the Isle of Wight), and then Cowes' share piles with Mearns of Newton associations (Newtons share a green Shield with Pollocks, and the latter have a "streNUE" motto term). Newports, Newtons and Newmans may all trace to Nummius Albinus. The Cowes piles are called pennants while Pennants ("aNIMO" motto term, armed lion) share the Coat of Trevors, who were of Herefordshire, where Fullers were first found, and where the Rode's/Rods, of the Rodez-Roquefeuil marriage, were first found. The Ores (same place as Mearns castle) use piles, and one Fuller motto term can have Ore's intended.

The Bert/Burt Crest looks linkable to the Ross Crest while Berts (Fuller colors) share a red-on-white chevron with the German Bertrams, the ones with the same lion as Marano's/Mauritano's. Emailer Pollock's father has a Mauritano-like surname.

Nimo's share cinquefoils on red with Fuller-beloved Beacons/Bacons. The Nimo motto goes to Shows that are properly Schore's, and then Shore's/Sure's are from MICKLEover (related to BURTon Abbey) while English Bertrams are from MICKLEton. Shore's/Sure's not only share holly with Maxwells, but the Kilpatricks, in their "I make sure" motto, are honoring Maxwells as well as Sure's. The Hollys are the ones sharing a bend in Plunketts colors, but the Plunkett bend is now suspect with that of Pollocks. Mickle's (spurs, crusader cross) share the black hunting horn with Berts, and maybe sharing the gold Shield of Bertrams that has crusader crosses. One location of Mickle's is said to be south of Hamilton while that place is in Renfrewshire (same as Pollocks and Mearns castle).

Bertrams were first found in Northumberland, where Stevensons and Rodhams were first found whose bends I've traced squarely to the Pollock bend. The first place that the Pollock bend was traced was to Valentins, the line from Vinkovci suspect with the Vincit" motto term of Mickle's. The Mickle motto links to Alis' (Alpin / Albino suspects) and Keiths (Setantii suspects).

I've only-now loaded the Brits/BRETs (fitchees) to find a Coat like that of BERTrams! It's similar also to the Coats of Tints and Rex's/Ricks, both first found in the same place (Somerset) as Brits/Brets and Tintagel. The Rex's were a topic only for the Tint write-up's Wrexhall. The Brits/Brets, suspect with the Russell lion, were at SAUNford Bret, which makes the pasSANT lion in the Brit/Bret Crest suspect with Saun / Sander / Sand liners, as expected with the Saint variation of Sinclairs. The Saintes location of France, founded by Santones, can be linked in a fundamental way to the Lemovice founders of Limousin, where Clare's and Rose's were first found. The Santones trace to Sintians of Lemnos, and "Sint" may have become "Tint." If so, the ATINTanes of Epirus are suspect with Sintians, and this works well because Hephaestus, god of Lemnos, was husband to APHRodite, whom I've been tracing to "EPIRus" for years. The Hebros river on-shore from Lemnos was later the Maritsa, which I've been tracing to the Maros/Mures.

I now know that Bertrams were Brit/Bret liners, though the latter may not have been the earlier branch. One may feel compelled to trace the Brits (red lion) from "Brittany" to the red lion of Stewarts, noting that BRITch's/Brechs were first found in Shropshire, as were the Sanfords...of Saunford Bret, we may assume. Compare "Brittany" to "Epirus / Aprutium." Sanfords were from SAUNDford of Shropshire. The Brittany/Brettany surname shares stars in the colors of the French-Alan stars, and uses a "Cassis" motto term that can be code for the Cassius/Casano surname, first found in Modena. We are right back to the suspicion that Bertrams were Alberts and Albino's. The Brittany motto traces to Oliphant-related Touts while Oliphants are in the elephant heads of Sanders. Sanders were first found in Wicklow, wherefore let's repeat: "On the interior from Wicklow there is a Laois region suspect with GorLOIS, king Arthur's father." Tintagel was the birthplace of king Arthur, son of Gorlois' wife and a Pendragon character who made himself appear like Gorlois (in order to sleep with the wife). We get it. Dole's/Doile's were first found in Wicklow.

Beacons/Bacons (in the Fuller-Crest beacon) were traced to the Siret river of Moldova, beside the Prut river, the ancient names of which became suspect with the naming of Britain/Brittany. Beyond the Prut to its east is the Moldova capital now suspect with Kashubians. The Trypillians have been traced to the Varni, but they were in the area where Saxons first developed, and Fulbert was a Saxon, they say. I'm taking the position that Fulbert's name, and the Berts, Brits and Bertrams, was from something on the Prut river, a tributary of which is the Jijia, which in turn has a Sitna tributary. Wikipedia doesn't say what it was named in ancient times, nor does it say anything about it at this time.

[Insert -- The day after writing the above, I almost missed the following. The Google search page to "Sitna" has a page for the Silistea river that has the alternative name of Sitna. The Silistea is a tributary of the MORISca while the latter is a tributary of the Sitna, all in the same area of northern Moldova. The Moris' were therefore checked, and in the meantime I'm thinking that they were related to the namers of the Mures/Maros. The Heneti, part of the Aphrodite cult, were traced heavily to proto-Moldova, and Aphrodite is traced from the Mures to the Marsi peoples of Abruzzo (had Aprutium as capital), and so "Moris" can apply to that picture. When the Moris surnames were loaded, it was interesting that they were first found in the same place as Fullers and Traby-related Trevors. The Welsh Moris' have a passant lion in the colors of the rampant Trevor lion, and share "scaling ladders" with the English branch of Trypillian-based Trips. Already, Moris' can trace to the Morisca, and thus be expected to be of the Seaton bloodline. But there's more.

German Trips were first found in Hamburg, not far from Kashubia. English Trips share crusader crosses, not only with Hamburgs, but with Bertrams, and then the English Morris'/Moris' (said to include an old Mareys surname) use almost the Bertram / Marano lion, and are said to be from "Mauritius," like the Mauritano variation of Marano's. The Morris Coat, "Red with a gold lion rampant charged with a pellet," has a lion that also of French AlBERTs (makes Alberts of Bologna suspect from the Prut), and the Morris-Crest lion is holding a pellet / plate while the Bertram-Crest lion holds a shield. The Barnum dragon is covered in pellets, while the Morris-Coat lion is shown with a single plate upon it, same theme. Although the Moris-Crest lion is shown holding a plate, the description says: "A lion rampant holding a pellet between its paws." It doesn't say "in" but "beTWEEN" while Tweens/Twains/Twins (suspect with the Dragon/Drainer fesse) were first found in the same place (Hampshire) as Barnums and Drake's. Tweens look like Teano liners.

HOLDing is important here as per the Aluta river of Transylvania, where I trace Holders and McLeods/Lutts ("Hold" motto term), which may mean that Louths and Lothians can be from that river too, but then we would link the Lothians (Traby horn) to the Seaton-suspect Sitna, you see. On the old map (below), the Alutus is near the Mures stamped, MARISus." Between the two river, APULENsis is suspect with Avellino / Avalon / Avlona. Between the two rivers, we see Setan-like Cedoniae, where pale-bar Cedes/Seats may trace. ELTons share the pale bars of Carpenters (Fuller kin), from "Carpathian," where the Alutus runs. Why is the McLeod castle that also of MARtins? The Elton bend and the Elton motto look linkable to the Amos'/Hames'.

The Elton write-up is deceptive, tracing the surname to eels, a symbol in the Crest of Skiptons that use bellows in the Coat. The Carpenter motto honors the Belli's, you see, a branch of which uses the Carpenter / Fuller bars. The paws of Morris can be for the Bellino's sharing the bear paw of Powys. The Belli's that share the Carpenter motto were first found in Moray.

I didn't intend to say anything on the Amos'/Hames', which I can glean with Hams, Hammers, HiRAMs, Hymens, and MacAbees beside Bute (See Hiram Abiff in the first updates of July, whom is said to be from Herod Agrippa). Hymens/Hyams/HyHAMs (same place as Eltons) share the Elton Crest exactly (as well as the Welsh-Moris lion), a good reason to view Hymens as a branch of Amos'/Hames'. The reason for this detour on the Amos' (QUATrefoil) is that they are using annulets suspect with the giant annulet of Spanish BURGos', and in the meantime a bend in colors reversed from Plunketts, suspect with Plancia (Herod descendant) of PERGA. We then find that the Amos bend-with-symbols is colors reversed from the same of Hollys, and that the Elton bend-with-stars is in the colors of the Amos-bend-with quatrefoil and roses. These are all definite matches, and so I think we can bank on these lines tracing to Plancia Magna.

The Amos' were first found in Northumberland, the general area where Bernice's were first found who use horns as code for Orne, the location of Exmes. The "ArtiBUS" motto term can be for Bus' that share the giant cinquefoil of BLANKs. The Cedoniae location at the Alutus suggested a look for a Sedon surname ("sino sed" motto phrase suggests Sion/Sitten!), which uses cinquefoils in Kashubia / Side / Suty colors. Sedons are said to be from Seddon of LANCASHIRE!!! And that's beside the Cheshire of Eltons (!!!), which tends to verify a trace of "Elton" to "Alutus," and of Sedons and the Setantii to Cedoniae. Note that the Holly Crest is similar to the Elton / Hymen Crest.

Therefore, the Cullen-and-similar variations (such as "Culaine") of Melusine-using Hollys (Louth theater) can become suspect with CuCHULAIN: "At the age of seven, Setanta inadvertently killed the watchdog of the smith Culann. He offered to take the dog's place for a time and became known as Cuchulain, the Hound of Culann..." The Hollys seem to be definitely a part of Setantii liners.

The Hirams/Irons (Irish-Burgh cross?), said to be from Airaines (like the Arran of MacAbees), can link to the Darren/Araines surname (same place as Amos') that shares a bend-with-annulets with Amos'. The latter are said to be from Exmes, but the write-up fails to add that Exmes was also "Heimes." Therefore, Amos' either named Heimes, or vice-versa, and that's the Normandy home of Seatons!

The "Festina" motto term of Plunketts was suspect with Westons, and here we find some teeth for that theory. Westons are using the Balance eagle in colors reversed, and Westons are said to be from what looks like the Baliol / Bailey bloodline, in Orne, home of Seatons again. We just can't get away from Seaton liners. "Airannes / Arran" could be Orne liners.

The Atgate variation of Westons has the look of "Bathgate," suggesting the Bath/Atha surname of SOMERset. Bathgates (Vive et vivas") are said to be from Livingston of West Lothian, explaining why Livingstons (savage) share the Seaton border. Livingstons even use the Blank cinquefoil in colors reversed, and so note that Blanks were formerly said to be first found in Shetland, where Biggers/GIVERns trace (as per the Shetland motto). But as the Livingston border was named "tressure" as code for Tresure's and Borders, both first found in SOMERset, note that the Bathgate's use suns, the SOMER symbol. Then, the Givern-like Governs, suspect with the Bailleul-En-Gouffern location (Orne) of Westons, are said to be from a Gaelic word for "summer," but that's nonsense = code for the Somerset bloodline. Governs can be suspect with Gofraid liners.

It's important here that Sommers share a Shield split in the colors of the Capet Shield, for Geddes use a "capta" motto term while suspect with "Gate" and therefore with BathGate's. The Govern lion is even in the colors of the Gate lion, and the latter's is the rampant lion of German Planks/Blanks. The Governs even show a Magauran variation suspect with Majors/Magors/Maugers honored in the "majora" motto term of Geddes. It may be that MacGoverns were Majors/Mayers, therefore. Bathgate's share the Craig motto while Craigs share the Barnum crescents while Barnums are using the Sinclair Cross while Bathgate's can be linked to Sinclairs by their suns.

Westons are from Weston-Under-Lizard, and then Organs and Corrigans use the lizards, which could reveal that Orne was an Organ liner. In any case, Bathgates are traced to old Bathchet and BathKET (and BathGETUM) names that might apply to the Plunkett variation of Plunks, in which case Plunks become suspect with the Gate / Geddes bloodline. The Bathgate suns are in the colors and format of the Kitt / Kite birds, in Gate-lion colors. The Basketts/Baskitts (Isle of Wight), in Bisset colors, can be using the Gate lion in Crest, and are using leopard face's (Bathgate colors and format) in both colors of the Gate lions. Bissets were first found in Ross-shire, where MacHeth ruled whom I trace to Bath's/Atha's. That works, and helps to unveil Baskets with Bathgate's and even with Bassets and Besancons (Basket colors). In this picture, I should cease to identify Baskets with Basques. Basketts (Pasi/Pascel colors) are implied in their write-up to be from Pascals, and the latter use a cross in colors reversed from the same of Baths/Atha's.

I failed to look up the Perkins as per "Perga" until now. Perkins were first found in the same place (Leicestershire) as Keatons, and the two share cats in the same colors. The "Simplex" motto term of Perkins is huge. Here's from the 2nd update of this month: "...Pamphylia [location] of Caecilius Simplex...Simplex married a Cornutus-related Tertulla. Her nephew, as you can see, had a Plancius surname, and it just so happens that the Cecil-Coat lions are in the colors of the giant lion of Planks [Plunkett colors]." The Perkins give away their link to Mr. Simplex and Plancia Magna. The Setantii article that I've been quoting from traces Cuchulain to PERCeval, and I'll get to that and related code work if I have time later in this update. Note that while the Perkin lion is practically the Levi lion, the Keatons share the black-on-white leopard faces of Levi-honored Aide's.

As the Cecil lions are suspect with the Savage lions, note that the Plunkett tower is like the tower in the Arms of Savignano. The Cecil / Plank/Planque lions are also those of Moretain-related Pendle's/Penderells, and until now I haven't mentioned that Pendle's are traced in their write-up to Pendle Forest in LANCASHIRE. One of the first listings of the Pendle's was a Mr. PENDORayl of Leicester, making the Pendle lions suspect as a colors reversed version of the Perkin lion. Berkins/Birkins use nothing but a fesse in colors reversed from the Arms-of-Fanano fesse, very linkable to Perkins -- if Perkins were Pendle kin -- because Penders are suspect with a version of the Arms of Fanano.

Back to the Trypillian-suspect Morris'. It's not a coincidence that the Irish Morris' use a "A Silver lion's head DRIPping blood," what looks like part-code for Trip liners and Drops/Trope's at the same time. Irish Morris' share a dancette with Holders, but it's in Kashubia colors. The Irish Morris Crest is essentially the same white lion head, with drops upon it, as the Pender Coat, for yet another Trypillian / Moris trace to the Marano area. When my knowledge of that area was scanty, I yet traced Trypillians to the Setta valley, which was before knowing of the Sitna river and it's near-by Saveni location (Jijia river) that traces well to a river of Bologna (Savena, I think) of roughly the same name. The lion under the Morris dancette is that of the Seaton-related Sutys too, and in the colors of the passant lion of Side's/Suddys. The Chee's of Cheshire (same as Eltons) have a Cheatle/Chettle variation that can perhaps be from the namers of Cedoniae. The Keatons/Keton are coming to mind with a Ketton location in Durham, where Conte's/Counters were first found. Keetons/Kittens may even be of the Kitt/Kett-like endings of Plunks/Plunketts.

The "contra" motto term of Irish Morris' suggests the Counter/Conte surname because the Irish Morris Coat shows the lion of Italian Conte's...and Lafins/La Fonts suspect with the Cash / Kiss fountains. Lafins are honored by Heneti-suspect Kennedys (Cassel kin), and yet the Kennedy motto is also part code for Avezzano liners, from the Marsi area. There is a question here on whether the SILIStea river is of some Salyes / Salassi entity because Avezzano is at the Salto river of the Salyes. It's where the Pendragons trace suspect in the Pennants that share the Trevor Coat, and are therefore suspect with the Welsh-Moris lion. Entering "Moris" with one 's' gets another Irish Morris surname with just a black-on-white saltire, which can link it to Sinclairs (or More) and Conans / Cone's / Conte's.

In keeping with the trace to the Geds to the Geta ancestry of Caracalla, let's add that the Irish Morris' are using a dancette in the colors of the Carrick dancette.

So, Moris' are suspect with the Barnum-dragon pellets, and Mr. Barnim was a ruler of Kashubia tracing with Cash's and Kiss' to Moldavia's capital at the Ukraine border region, where Varangian Rus made have had their paws dug in. Did they choose Kiev, for a reason? I had found one article telling that Trypillia was a location to the near-south of Kiev. Again, I trace Trypillians to the Varni, suspect as proto-VARANgians, and the flag of Kashubia is in Varn / Gripp colors.

It's important to point out that the Trevor Crest is a black wyVERN, code not only for the Varni / Guerin / Draguignan, but also suspect with Vivians/Veys whom were the line to Morgan le Fay, feasibly a Moris / Moray liner, for Morgans share the Irish Moor lion. Dutch Veys share the boot with German Trips, you see. The boot is also used by Hagens suspect in sharing the pile of Hagels, and these surnames are traceable to Hagars and therefore to the Agarus river of proto-Moldova. The Hagens are the ones now linking hard to Wings/Winks suspect in the Barnum Crest. German Hagels use a lion in the colors of the Welsh-Moris lion. Dutch Hagels share the lozenges of Pilate-suspect Brix'/Bris'/Brice's. End insert]

The Mackay Secret UnLeashed

Why are Bertrams traced to "bright raven"? It's clearly code, and Berts of all sorts (including some Alberts) are traced to "bright," suggesting the Brigantes. Mythical Brigid can be traced to Brit and Bright terms. Brights are suspect with the Macey Shield, wherefore trace them to the Setantii on the Isle of Man. The Khazars on the Mures ruled at Biharia (see Men(u)morat), a surname like the Biggars, suspect in the "Byggar" motto term of the raven-using Arms of SHEtland, an island now highly suspect after the Setantii. Seatons were, like Biggars, Flemish.

Rookbys, using a version of the Rook Coat, were traced to Rochdale (Lancashire), the Arms of which (eight footless martlets around the border) are likely used in-part by Chaddocks and Saddocks, but the point is that Lancashire has taken on new significance now that I know of the Brigantes tribe of Setantii (Seat suspects, right?) having Lancashire as their homeland. The Old Coat (from the old men's heads of Sage's/Sayge's) has the look of the Saddock Coat, and this traces Sadducee liners to Isle-of-Man elements, for the Old Crest is a MAN. This not hard to understand, but impossible for some to accept. They would say, "there must be another explanation."

The "close caps" worn by the old men are suspect with the "Capta majora" of the Geddes (Chaddock Shield) and the Closeburn castle on the Nith, home of proto-Geddes. The Geds on the Nith predated Maccus by centuries, and my article on the Geds traces them to an alliance with Mackays, suggesting that Maccus may have originated on the Nith. That can explain why Kilpatricks (of Closeburn castle) honor the Maccus-liner Maxwells/Maccuswells! The Geddes-beloved Pike's share the SITler trefoil.

But as Kilpatricks must trace to Antipatria, on the Apsus river, note that Pike's (same place as Sage's and Dexter-suspect Exeter) and Hips' share Shields split in half red and white, and that the Pike chevron is that of Dexters suspect with Dexaroi on the Apsus. The Hips' (suspect with the Deck/Decker Shield) use white footless martlets, the Old / Saddock / Chaddock symbol. The sphinx in the Hips Crest goes to Spinks, first found in the same place (Northamptonshire) as Olds. There are eight hurts surrounding the Old Shield, and as Barnums were associated with Southwicks, and suspect with Souths, not forgetting that Mackays were of Sutherland, see the Sutter/Sutar border and escutcheon, asking why the Sewer surname is listed with Sutars, and why the Sarah/Sayer leopard appears to be in their Crest. Sawyers (same place as Hips'), suspect with German Sage's/Saegars, use more white footless martlets.

This is a good place to add that while the Sage's may be related to the Tectosages Galatians whom the Brogitarus (SAKARya river) Trocmii married, there was a Tectoverdi tribe of Brigantes perhaps honored by the many "virtus" (and similar) motto terms. Tectoverdi were on the Teano-suspect Tyne river of Northumberland. But Tyne's were first found in Shropshire, and may be using the red lion of Brits/Brets (Alan / Seaton colors). The Tyne stag is likely the Hick stag, for the Tyne flows across HEXham while Hicks and Tyne's use "bon" and "bonne" respectively. I've read that Hicks of Clapton married Arthurs and shared "clarions" in their Coats.

Here are more footless martlets:

...the [Setantii] tribe possessed the only pre-Roman port on the western coast of Britain at Portus Setantiorum. This port is now generally thought to have been situated off ROSSALL Point near present-day Fleetwood at the mouth of the River Wyre. The southernmost boundary of the Setantii tribal lands was Seteia, the Mersey River

Wyre's are listed with Vere's. Why was there a Fleetwood MAC rock band? Wasn't it a satanic band? Fleetwoods share "Quod tibi" with Rams and even throw in a wolf, the Quade symbol. See the Quod-like variations of Mackays/Quoids. Fleetwood Mac did a song, The Chain, while Irish Mackays use the chain. Fleets are easily linked to Fletchers/Fleggers and Flecks/Flags, the latter being kin to Palmers (same place as Fletchers/Fleggers now mildly suspect with Pomeranians. Note how the Fletcher Coat can link in multiple ways to the Barnum Coat.

Flecks share the Russell scallops, assuring that Rossalls were Russells. Note that Aflecks share the cross of Fletchers and Sinclairs i.e. of Roslin. If I recall correctly, Rossall was the name of one of the original nine Templars. The Rossalls (Shropshire again) use footless martlets in the colors of the same of Fleetwoods, which can be gleaned with the same of Mountains who married key-using Claviere's (kin of key-using CLEREmonts). Key-using Clavers can be gleaned, along with Flecks and Fleets, as Meschin kin. The Lints suspect in the Plunkett motto are suspect with the Cleremont dolphins because Lints are suspect from the Lindsey namers of Lincolnshire, where English Cleremonts were first found. .

Rossalls are said to have been under the authority of the Church of St. Chad, whose symbol went on to become that of Templar Jerusalem. Chad, if he existed at all rather than being invented to Catholicize a pagan entity, was from Litchfield of Lancashire, where Setantii may have been. Chadocks / Chadwicks are said to be from Litchfield. I didn't know until now that Chads extended to Shropshire. Litchfields are in Saddock colors. The question had been on whether the Sinclair vikings bumped into Sadducee liners only after conquering Normandy, or whether they had been Sadducee liners previously. My inklings now are that they were merged with the Setantii that birthed Maccus, before the invasion of Normandy.

Note that Chads (same place as Clavers) have variations ending in 's' so as to appear as a branch of Geddes, for the Chad Shield is split vertically in colors reversed from the same of Pike's, and moreover the Chads share the Peck/Pek patees. Chads were even first found in the same place (Norfolk) as similar-Shielded Hips'. It's clear: St. Chad, or the Chads in general, and the proto-Saddocks too, likely, were from the Geds on the Nith. This is a trace to about the year 400 AD, when Geds were already on the Nith. How did Sadducee liners get to Scotland in three or fewer centuries? Did they go back to their Setantii roots? Or should we view Saddocks not as Sadducees, but a branch of Setantii? No, for the Setantii are linking hard as flint to Maccabee-like Maccus. That "cause" motto term of Tyne's looks like it's for Kashubia, and indeed the Tyne bars are in Kashubia colors. The "Thol" motto term of Tweeds, from the Tweed river not far from the Tyne, comes with a "THINk" motto term while Tyne's are also "Thin / Thing." Singers are Astikas and Phreeze suspects first found in the same place as Stewarts and Pike's.

Rossalls are expected to be Russell elements in cahoots with Moreville's and Moreton-Say of Shropshire, which can explain why Russells share the scallops of Meschins (first found in Shropshire). But the Flecks/Flags are honored in the Samson motto so that a three-way merger (Samsons, Meschins and Russells) must have occurred with the Normans in Guiscard Sicily. English Dole's use a fesse in Rossall-bend colors, and Irish Dole's/Doile's (another white escutcheon) use stag heads in the colors of the Alan martlets, and to this we remind that Dols (no 'e') were first found in the theater of Mr. Barnim, ruler of Kashubia.

By what coincidence were the early Rookbys the "proprietors of MORTham" by marriage to MANfields? I assume that Manfields are of Manchester (Lancashire), which shares the bee with Maxtons, suspect as Maccus elements because Maxwells (they were Maccuswells too) were first found in Maxton (Roxburghshire). Manfields are using the colors and format of Rookbys, but using maunch sleeves for a trace to the Manx peoples in relation to Masseys. The ManFIELD format is used in colors reversed by Fields/Felde's (Barnum look), whose Shield looks linkable to the Stick/Stych Coat, and the Styche location is in Shropshire (beside Masseys), where Meschins were first found that are in Field colors.

Having linked the Setantii to Mackays, I can now unravel the "Licentium" motto term of Irish Mackays. It has always been a dark quest for me. But with "tiam" suspect with the Teans/Tiens/Thames', the "Licen" portion remains, and it just so happens that Lice's use leopard heads in the colors of the Irish-Mackay wolf heads. Lice's are listed with the Alee/Lee/Leas surname that tends to assure the Lee's/Lighs with the lion of Ranulph le Meschin, and in-turn this tends to assure that Meschins and Mackays were at least distantly related if not both from Maccus.

The Lice/Alee write-up traced the family to the Flegger-like Flahertys, tending to clinch the Mackay motto term with Lice's/Alee's. It all recalls the trace of Meschins and Mussels to Musselburgh of the Tyne / Keith / Seaton area, and the idea that Keaths and Seatons were Keatons too, the latter being the ones sharing the Lice/Alee leopard faces. As the Mackey bears trace to Berwicks and Barwicks, let's include the same leopard face's of Quade-like Ade's, first found in Berwickshire. Now we know the undeniable truth: Levi-beloved Ade's/Aide's were Mackay / Maccabee liners. But some refuse to accept this logical conclusion because, in their mind, there must be another explanation. This is just sensationalism, they will argue, on my part.

Plus, the Alee's/Leas' are said to derive in the Gaelic LAOIDHigh / Laoidh," explaining the Mackay write-ups trace to Mac Aoidh, but this in no way makes "Mackay/Kay" an Aoidh entity to begin with. Houseofnames has the habit of making Gaelic versions of Irish surnames sound like the originals, but I see differently at most instances. I'm not at all convinced that Mackays / Alee's were from the Aoidh / Laoide entities, but I can see why there might have been a family cover-up if they were from Maccus. As the Alee's/Leas' were "LAIDhigh" to the Gaels, it seems that Lice's/Alee's had connection to Laids/Ladds/Ladons, using the Meschin Coat roughly in colors reversed. The Ladon river was at Leas-like Elis, and even Elis', suspect with the Alis names of the Meschin-Skipton merger (same place as Elis'), can be construed in Meschin colors. The Amazons from Pisa, right? See the Craven-suspect Ealys honored in the Shipton eel, for that tends to reveal what Alee's/Leas' branched to / from. The Laids/Ladds are colors reversed from Laidlaws/LaidLEYs (Selkirk), from Ludlow of Shropshire, making Meschins suspect at Ludlow. As Skiptons are in purple, link the Laidlaw besants to the same of purple-Shielded Pace's, first found in Cheshire. One Laidlaw location connects to Stiels/Steels, of Cheshire again. They share black-and-white checks with Pepoli's of Bologna, where Pace's/Pasi's/Pascels were first found to which I am now tracing Bathgate's and Pasi-colored BASkets.

The Meschins rebelled against there Norman rulers, seeking to topple them, and they with Alans of Shropshire had to escape to the king of Scotland, and it seems that part of this rebellion is in the Steel write-up. I claim that the red royal lion of Scotland is that of Ranulph le Meschin and/or the Stewarts, and of the Ley/Lee/Ligh surname. It's notable that red lion heads are in the Laidlaw Coat. It's also notable that the Meschin name is not rampant in Scotland's royal families. What happened? Was this name suppressed? Was Maccus a terror that no one could love? Were Massey liners betrayers through and through? Were they ever on a quest to be supreme? Ask Gog, or the viking nature to gobble up everything belonging to others.

The Steels were at GIDDY Hall of Sandbach (Cheshire), and then Giddys are listed with Geddys/Gideons (another red lion), evoking the Ged alliance to Mackays suspect in the Gernon motto. The Geddy lions are colors reversed from the same of Gernons. Steels are said to descend from Bigot de Loges, and while Bigots use a tortoise, Geddys use torteaux. Loges' look like Messey kin, and were first found in the same place (Burgundy) as the Loches'/Logets, in Settle colors, which may make Steel's look like a Settle branch.

Sandbachs/SandBECKs (Cheshire) remind of Crispin of Bec, for Crispins (Moselle theater) were involved with the Loches line to Fulk II. Sands look like they share the Maxton Coat; keep in mind until the Maxtons crop up below that Sands and Maxtons are in the colors of Mearns and Merans, for the latter two were Pollock suspects as per the merger of Mearns with Maxwells. Recalling my limp idea that the Mairn variation of Mearns might be of the Mairs/Mere's (Cheshire), I here add that the San(d)fords use a "temere" motto term suspect for the DeMere's (Cheshire) that share the black ship with Mairs/Mere's! When Maxtons come to topic, I ask whether the Saxons behind them were the producers of Fulbert the Saxon.

The Alee/Leas Crest shares a rampant black lion with Gernons, the surname of le-Meschin's son. Having realized only in this update that Maccus's ancestors were likely out of the Nith river, what about that "Nid" term in the Gernon motto? The "CyFOETH" motto term of Gernons comes up big here because Foots and Fothes/Fittes' (Levi-chevron suspects) share the black chevron with Alee's/Leas'. Plus, Gernons are from MontFITCHet while Fitch's share leopard faces with Alee's/Leas', and of course Fitch's smack of the Fittes' variation of Fothes (cornuCOPIA, like "copia" motto term of the Arms of Macclesfield). This black lion is linkable also to the same of Faucets, of Musselburgh, on the Tyne river suspect with the "tiam" term buried in the Mackay motto. Note that Mosels/Moswells use the colors and format of Alee's/Leas'. Metz on the Moselle river was merged with a mystery entity in the patee cross of Metz's, and the Moss's likewise use a patee. I view the Metz' as using nine besants as code for the mythical Muse's (Mysians) that named the Moselle.

As Meschins are suspect with Masseys of Hamon de Massey, we can also add that the Alee/Leas chevron and faces (= Macclesfield liners) are in the colors of the Hamon chevron and stars. Hamons were first found in the same place as Massins and Meschin- / Mackay-related Fleets. As Mackays are traceable to Baths/Atha's (sharing the Face / Macclesfield cross), let's go back to the realization of this update, that Baskets are BATHgate liners, for Baskets use more leopard faces, and were first found on Wight, location of Newport, while Newports (same place as Meschins) share leopard faces in the colors of the same of Alee's/Leas', Aide's, etc. This is an extremely-important trace because the Cowes location of Wight is suspect with the Cowes/Coo surname much like variations of Mackays! I get it. And these items should trace to Qewe, where QUADratilla has been suspect, explaining why Mackays and their branches are a mix of Quad-like and Qewe-like terms. Mackays/Caws were from the namers of Cowes, not from "Aoidh."

Wights? More leopard faces. But Scottish Wights (Berwickshire, no guff) use QUATrefoils, no coincidence. As the Wight quatrefoil is in the colors of the same of Amos'/Hames', it recalls my trace of Hamons to Amos', but on that I left room for error. Since then, Eltons (Cheshire, same place as Hamon de Massey) have been linked to Amos'. This can trace "Hamon" to "Heimes = Exmes, and so take note of the Newport unicorn, symbol of Akmonia-suspect Assmans/Rasmussens, for I trace "Hamon" to Amyntes, grandfather of Julius Severus in Exmes-suspect Akmonia. That works, especially as Akmonia has been suspect with Hasmoneans = Maccabees. Now you know the truth. Newports even us a "MODum" motto term, for Modi'in elements, we may assume.

As Mackays are now revealed with Levi kin in Berwickshire, the Scottish Wight Coat can now become suspect as a version of the Living/Levin Coat. Note the "Huita" term to which Scottish Wights trace, like "Aoidh." That tends to reveal a fundamental Wight merger with Mackays = Cowes'. There is a question on whether the Wight spread eagle is that of Westons.

Note that the Lice/Alee/Leas write-up traces to "Mac Giolla Iosa, which adds the garbage that the surname traces to "son of a devotee of Jesus," the same that we find in the Leash/Lise write-up ("Lise" explains the Lice variation of Alee's/Leas'). First of all, the use of "DEVOTee" looks like code (stupid, dark Masons) for the TEVIOT / Tweed river to Berwick. You can see that the Leas and Leash write-ups fail to add that the two surnames are related, like they don't want us to know. The Quade / Mackay wolf is on a leash, but uses a chain probably as code for the Masci-related Chaine's/Chenays.

Somewhere in the Marano discussion we've got to bump into liners from Cilnius Maecenas, and perhaps the Kelso location of Roxburghshire can apply. Kelso's, who are traced to "SELkirks," share the Stick garbs and may be using the Barnum fesse. The "cum" motto term of Kelso's suggests the garb-using Comyns (from Como). The Scotts were first found in Roxburghshire while the other Scott branch is to be from a CHILham castle. Chilhams/Childmans (curved fish suspect with Bar-le-Duc, the Saraca's, Verona's and the fleur-de-lys owned by the family of Childeric) use a Coat like that of Fellers and Verona's, but, as Selkirks may have joined Laidlaws, let's add that these are the colors and format of Mackays too, suspect at Maxton of Roxburghshire (not far from Berwick). Hebrons, who share a white horsehead with Roxburghs, are said to be from Chillingham. Were Maecenas liners at Maxton? Why do Maxtons/Makestons use the bee? Is it for the bees in the tomb of CHILDerick? Are Maxtons using the Quint chevron? Did Maccus have some of the Caepio treasure? Maxtons are traced to a Maccus character "believed to be a Saxon settler." Maccus of Man visited Cheshire to have talks with Saxon leaders, and this is bringing to mind Fulbert "the Saxon."

The Chass/Chasten surname using the Chill/CHILD Coat exactly. The surname is traced to a Causton location held by a Hardwin of Scales, and so see let's add that the Maxton title(s) are said to have gone to BERKleys (who use NINE patee crosses linkable to Metz's and Moselle liners, which can explain the "esto" motto term of Maxtons in linking to Bar-le-Duc on the Moselle river). Berkleys are said to descend from a Mr. Harding. Why did Maxton go to the Hardwin-like Hardings? Were these Herod liners? Caustons, sharing the three wolf heads of Quade's (different color, in the colors of the Fiddle/Fidelow wolf heads), are also CAWston, for a match and therefore for a strong Maxton link. I'm guessing that CAUStons were Cowes liners. All the Wight / White surnames are to be reckoned here, but I would no longer trace Blanks to White's on any hard basis, yet I may be surprised to find that the Isle of Wight was named by a line of Plancia Magna. It's open for investigation.

The "arm and hand" in the Causton Crest holds a gold buckle, the Roslin symbol. Houseofnames gave the Roslins a square buckle I haven't seen with anyone else. It's important to note that Roslins were first found in Lincolnshire with the Rhodes', for Roussillon is of Rodez elements. The Rodez surname uses only a lion, making it hard to know whose it is, but it's colors reversed from the personal lion of Ranulf le Meschin, who married a Lincolnshire woman. The Sinclairs of Roslin liked the name, Henry, that also of Henry of Rodez.

Hardwins/Hadwins (Cambridge, same as Chass'/Chastons), who have a grouse in Crest, share talbots with Grose's, and the Grose talbot is the same one in the Lothian Coat, tending to assure that Hardwins are using the Roslin buckle. Le Meschin married the Talbot line.

Chastons may be honored in the "chast" motto term of AITchesons, first found in the same place (Berwickshire) as Aide's and AITons/Artems. The red AitCHESON rooster betrays their Aiken branch and thus adds to the list of Levi kin, which can now go to Ackmans too, potential Assmans and Asmans. As the Aitcheson use the same double-headed eagle as Maxwells, they are to be lumped as Maccus liners, adding to the weight that the Mackay bears are those of Berwickshire, and that the Aide faces trace to Newport of Wight. The spurs in the Aitcheson Chief are in Sitter colors, and these colors will become more important as Maccus investigations continue. They are already suspect with the colors of the billets in the Arms of Roquefeuil. The Ackers, easily linkable to the Aitchesens, were first found in the same place as the Setantii, and as the Livers that share the Aitchesen rooster design.

Aitchesons use "arbor" in their motto while Arbors are also HARDboards. The latter use the covered crown, in the Arms of the Isle of Man, important because Herods/Haralds are now suspect from Maccus' brother. Arbors/Hardboards share the sleeping lion of Rounds, suspect as fundamental kin of hurt-using Table's.

This is a good place to add that the trumpet on which the Liver rooster stands is likely code for Trumps, first found in Mecklenburg and Pomerania, and using the giant stag head design of Hex's, suspect with Hexham on the Tyne river, home of the Tectoverdi Brigantes. The Liver rooster is said to be STANDing on the trumpet while Stans/Stands look like Livers. Later, the STANwick location of the Brigantes will relate to the Stans. What do you think the Stans were named after? Why were Stanleys, with more stag heads (Tyne symbol) first found in the same place as Chastons and Hardwins? They look like they are using the Harding bend. It looks like Setantii liners at Stanwich were Herod liners too.

The Aitcheson-related Atkinsons were first found in the same place (Northumberland) as the Tyne river. They are said to descend from "Adam," but Adams are listed with Caws! If correct that Ait liners were derived in Adams, then they all trace to Adam Kilconquhar. However, heraldic write-ups are not to be trusted when they seem illogical, and this may mean that Ait liners were merely merged with Adams. "Ait" is not exactly "Adam." I'll get to the Adams shortly, but the write-up insists that ADkin is an Adam liner. There are two Adkin/Atkin surnames (same place as Atkinsons and Laws) not showing the rooster-using Aikens/Atkins. The "cum" motto term of Adkins can go to the Comyn surname of Kilconquhar's mother.

Red roosters are used also by Laws (of the Laidlaws?), listed with McLeod septs. As Adkins use LEGibus while Laws use a Compsa-like motto term, Umbrius Primus comes to mind, especially as Primus' use the leg. The "jus" motto term of Laws suggest red-rooster Jess'/Jessons and jessant-rooster liners. Jess' (Yorkshire) are suspect with Stanwick (Yorkshire) because they use a fesse in the colors of the same of Stans/Stands. Although they don't call it a sleeve, the Jess Crest uses one, and then "legibus" traces for two reasons to Leicester, with the Bus cinquefoil for one, and the Legro river for two. We will shortly see another red rooster in a Leicestershire family.

The Stanwick discussion adds a few Hex-like surnames, like the "Trampe in UCKERmark" phrase of the Trump write-up. Uckermans (same bend as Hardings and Stanleys) happen to share eagle LEGs with Hixons/Hicksons! The Uckerman legs are upside-down, or "claws up."

As Trumps were first found in Pomerania, might Donald Trump, who wants to be the next American president, be a Donald Tusk liner??? The Wikipedia article on Tusk says that his father gave him a Scottish name (Donald) for what might be an off-the-wall explanation, the point being that the Tusks / Pomeranians didn't generally use "Donald." If, therefore, "Donald" is rare in Pomerania, Donald Trump may trace to Donald Task's ancestry. MacDonalds are easily linkable to Maccus in multiple ways, especially the Ferte eagle shared by MacDonalds, which is red, the color of the Uckerman eagle legs. The Caustons / Chastons may even be Kashubians because Cass' list Casts! MacDonalds were likely of the Danann that landed with Lug on Man.

The Mackay motto is translated with "strong" while Strongs (Maurice/Morys / Morris colors) use the Ferte eagle in colors reversed. Armstrongs use "MANC," not likely coincidental. Maurice Strong is coming to mind, accused by some of being a manipulating globalist. The Strong motto suggests that it's the Este eagle. The "TENtanda" motto term of Strongs may go to Teano elements, and/or perhaps the Dante variation of Durante's. The colors of the Armstrong bars were used in the Arms of Richard AMERIKE.

Uckermans could be a branch of Ackers / Ackermans sharing acorns with Clauds/CLAUSELs (Caepio suspects), a surname suspect not only with the birth name of Childeric's heir, but with the "CLAWS" in the Uckerman Crest. The Claws/Clasons are the ones with a lion suspect with the Fortuna talbot, and with "Lady fortune" in the Klassen Coat, and this was traced to Koplik/Cupionich on the Clausel-like Clausula river, and to help prove it, the Koppels not only use the rooster, but it's identical to the three of Dutch Ackermans! If the design(s) changes, know that I've checked: they are identical roosters, colors included. They are in the colors of the Jonathan/Jonas roosters, but are also in the design of the Aiken/Atkin roosters.

Aha! English Ackermans (same place as Quints) are using the Hicks stag head and wreath (Mackays use the wreath too). The Ackermans call it: "A stag's head encircled by a wreath of oak." Hicks call it: "A gold buck's head couped gorged with a green chaplet". The FIVE Chaplet swans, in the colors of the same of Caepio-suspect Josephs (now showing a martlet), are in Koppel / Ackerman colors. English Ackermans don't only use a sleeve, but a "MAN's sleeve."

The Ackermans are now tracing to Uckermark of Pomerania. It means that Caepio's, suspect from Cupionich = Koplik, are tracing to Pomerania. And then the Ackerman dragon head is in the design of the Barnum dragon head, and Burnums were first found in the same place as English Josephs. Caepio liners are suspect heavily in Cambridgeshire, where Kashubian-suspect Chass'/Chastons were first found. It looks like Caepio liners were Kashubians too. The Causton kin of Chass' even share the black-on-white chevron of Cash's/Casts and Kiss'/Cush's. The Chass can be suspect with the chess rooks.

The spurs of Maxwell-related Aitcheson are shared by Close's/Clovse's for a trace to the Nith river, as expected for Mackay liners. The Maxwell-related Kilpatricks of Closeburn use "cushions" now suspect with Kiss'/Cush's (Leicestershire, Lugh suspect), and the latter share the red rooster of Aitchesons. The Arms of Leicester uses the sleeve found in the Ackerman Coat.

The Stanwick entity is the Setantii gets Caiaphas-important if you're convinced that Stanleys (Sans colors) apply to Stanwick. The Stanley motto, "Sans changer," can link to the motto of Shakespeare's who are in-turn honored in the Fulk Crest, and moreover share the Varn bend = Kashubia colors. But the point is that there is a Changer surname with three fesse bars in the colors of the Joseph Chief, and first found in the same place as Josephs and Barnums. I wouldn't have much chance at linking Changers to Josephs had it not been for the "counterchanged" code of heraldry, partly for Counters/Conte's, the line to Comyns, the latter's garbs being in the Joseph Chief. Barnums are Sinclairs who in-turn honor the Comites surname listed with Conte's. Sinclairs are even a part of the "charo" motto term of Josephs. The CHAYNger variation may indicate Chaine's/Chenays...especially as Cheneys use the French Joseph martlets in colors reversed! That clinches a Conteville link to Cheneys.

It is a fact in my mind that Josephs were Henry liners, and the suspicion is that Henrys were from Rodez. The McLeod sept of Norris can be suspect with Norths that share a part of the Narbonne/DeNORDi Coat that should trace in some way to Narbonne, which happens to be at Herault. That's why Herods/Haralds/Heraults should trace to Herault and to the Rodez-Roquefeuil marriage. The Norris are suspect with the Foot / Fothes/Fittes chevron because Norris' honor the Faiths/Feyths (Roost saltire?). The Norris' may also be a branch of Nothings/Northens beloved by Side-related Sutys, for a trace to Sitters/SIDEwells now expected from Maccus grandfather.

As Herods/Haralds can trace to the Harald name of Maccus's father, whose grandfather was SITRic, note that Sitters/Sitwells/Sidewells (same place as the English Tyne) use bars in the gold-and-green colors of Herods/Haralds. I've got to entertain that Herods/Harolds were not necessarily named after a Herod line, even though Maccus should have been from a Herod-Maccabee line. At one time, the Herod/Harald fesse did not reach to the sides of the Shield, which may have been code for "couped," or for Cypros, mother of Herod "the great." See how the Cooper/Copper/COWper chevron doesn't reach the sides of the Coat. The Salomone de Cupir in the Cooper write-up smacks of Salome, daughter of the first Herod, mother of Berenice, mother of Herod Agrippa, a line suspect to the Griffin-related Mr. Barnim. A second Cypros was the wife of Herod Agrippa and mother of another Berenice.

Herods/Haralds were first found in the right place to be Maccus liners, and they are definitely a sept of McLeods. Note that the MacAbee's are also listed as a McLeod sept. The flags in the McLeod badge are Fleet kin, and Fleetwood was a Setantii city. The hawk's lure of Herods/Haralds is shared by Cheshire's for a decent trace to Maccus liners there. As you can see, Lure's are listed as McLeod septs too, as are Teague's and Caige's that I've been tracing to Tigranes VI, a Herod-Maccabee. As Herault is beside Roquefeuil, which city is in Herod/Herault colors, the HEROD surname can link to Henri RODez and may therefore explain the green spread eagle of Henrys, and/or the green and gold chevrons of Comyn-suspect Josephs. I've just entered "HERODS" as per "RODES."

Faiths use plates, the symbol of Morris's upon their lion, the same lion as Rodez'.

Hardings evoke the Hardys (Harding colors) at the ancestry of Douglas'. As we saw Douglas' tracing to the Isle of Man, let's remind that Selkirks/SALkirks share the Douglas SALAmander in flames = Flemings. Manders ("laus" motto term recalls Laus at Flanders-suspect Blanda) can be Man liners, right?

The Maxton motto is suspect with Prophets/Profetts, the latter using Primus leg-with-spur in the colors of the Henry eagle. This is a good place to remind that Senecio Albinus was adopted by Umbrius Primus, while Albino's son was given a Tuscus surname. Can you see why Prophets should trace to Scottish Adams?

After Maxton went to Berkleys, it went to Normanville's, one branch of which was first found in Berwickshire and use an "alae" motto term likely for Alee's/Leas'. The Normanville martlets are on a bend and colors reversed from the same of Hardings. English Normanville's look like a merger with Wights. The write-up of English Normanville's, which may be stating the truth a little wrongly, traces Normanville's to pre-conquest Saxons, bringing to mind the Maccus-Saxon league that may have taken place. One of the two English Normanville's may be using the Mack bars, for the Mack bend (sinister direction) is much like the Harding bend. It's the Herod-Maccabee line, isn't it? See also the Norman surnames, which may have been named partly for the Isle of Man, not Normandy as we would at first assume.

The Maxton-suspect Sands were first found in Lancashire, which has me asking whether a branch of Segantii may have lost its 'g' to become "Sant / Sand." Were the Segantii the same as Santones? Sants/Saints could have uses a saint, or angels, as a symbol, but instead chose Gareb-like cherubs, in the colors of the Sandbach garbs! They are in the colors also of the Comyns garbs. You now have a good clue as to the Saints/Sinclairs being at Sandbach with the Sinclair beloved Conteville's (in the Sinclair motto), rulers of Comyn. Conte's/Comites/Counters are usually portrayed in counterchanged heraldry, but the Sants/Saints use: "A blue shield with three gold cherubs, the wings counter-crossed saltireways." They really wanted to get the Saltire surname in there, I assume. In fact, here's the Sandbach Crest: "A reindeer's head colored ermines." There is a Colord surname listed with Collar(d)s.

There is a Rein surname listed with Reno's/Riens, and the deer is a symbol that I've found to trace to Ragusa, said to be named after the deer. The Sands happen to use a RAGully fesse. As Mackays / Maxtons are tracing to Bars of Este and the Moselle elements, that's why they should trace to Saraca's too, especially as Saraca's must link to Geddes' while we just saw Giddys/Geddys/Gideons crop up at Sandbach. For an additional trace to Saraca's, we go to the other motto term of wolf-using Mackays, "refROENa," and then load the Roens to find the Rome's/Rooms ("sed" motto term), first found in the same place (Dumfries), and in the colors of, Adams/CAWS, sharing the Caw surname with Mackays as well as using the Sutherland stars. Recall how Adam-supposed Aitchesons linked to CAWStons. I've been able to see that the British Adam surnames were of Adam Kilconquhar, whose mother was a Comyn surname, and whose wife was Marjory Carrick. This should explain why the Pungs/Pagnells, in the "PunGIT" motto term of Roens/Rome's, were first found in Yorkshire, where Caracalla was stationed with his brother, Geta.

Mackays and Maccus of Man have just traced to Caracalla, whose mother was a sister of Julia Bassianus MAESA, suspect with "Maecenas." Caracalla was born about one century after the fall of Jerusalem to the Romans, and not long after Laevillus, wife of Quadratilla, was a ruling family in Jerusalem about 100 AD. It seems that one can fill the historical gaps (between Quadratilla and Caracalla) with this heraldic information. Comyns, by the way, share the dagger with Mackays.

The Sutherlands got suspect with the Southwick location in the Barnum write-up, and here one can show that the Southwich heart is the "red bleeding heart" of Irish Adams/Caws (Jefferson motto). The latter Adams share a gold fitchee with Quints, and in colors reversed from the same of Maxton-suspect Sands. Recalling the "colored" term in the Sandbach Crest, let's add that the German Colors/Koelners use a giant heart pierced with arrows, like the heart pierced with nails of Logens, suspect with Bigot de Loges in Steel ancestry. The nail is used also in the Arms of COLchester (ragully cross), tracing Logens and Colors to that particular entity of Colchester. The Colchester surname (same place as Leavells/Lowells) shares the same chevron as Quints, in Leavell/Lowell colors. .

With the question on whether Maxtons trace to CILNius Maecenas, it's a little interesting that KILNer-like Koelners came up. Kilners/Kelners (Lancashire) use what could be the Balance eagle, suspect with the Masci eagle wings. Macks share the sinister bend of Masci's and Maecenas-like Massena's, and the Massena / Pek patees may be in use with the nine patees of Berkleys, the ones that got Maxton.

The Balance / Kilner eagles are in Alexander colors, and the Maccabee-Herod line, in all likeliness, descended from king Alexander Balas, who merged with Jonathan Maccabee, one of the first five Maccabees that I trace entertainedly to the ancestry of Cilnius Maecenas. I'm still looking for the evidence. Whether or not the Italian Ballas/Balanti's were from king Balas, the fact that the Shield is split vertically in colors reversed from the same of Trents (eagle in Crest), while Cilnius Maecenas married Terentia, seems like a key for linking Maecenas to the Balanti-like Balance surname, a great reason for tracing Maecenas to the Kilners/Kelners and key-using Kelners/Kellers. But Italian Ballas' have an enormous variety of variations so that bal;anti's are not necessarily Balance liners. For those who haven't seen it, here are the Balants/Baalhams sharing the white estoile of Motts/Morte's, the latter sharing the crescent of Alexanders.

By what further "coincidence" do Balants/Baalhams share a fesse-with-pellets in the colors of the same of Manns??? It truly appears that Maecenas liners were Maccabees through Maccus of Man. But his family was not only on Man, but in other islands between Scotland of Ireland. Arran and the MacAbee's there are highly suspect, as are the raven-using Mackie's/Mackeys (share the arrow with Scottish Adams) on the Scottish coast near Arran. The Isle of Man uses the raven.

The Mann and Balant fesses are in Plunkett colors, and while I haven't proven that Westons are in the "Festina" motto term of Plunketts, the Westons/Atgate's are the ones with the Balance / Kilner eagle in colors reversed. The Atgate's can trace to Bathgate's, whose sun may be in the Chief of German Adams (Saxony, where Maxtons liners can trace due to their Saxon background), and the same Adams (no Caw variation) are using a black spread eagle, symbol of Westons/Atgate's. The motto of German Adams uses "crux," and, would you believe it? There is a white spread eagle in the Crux Crest, and a white-on-black spread eagle (!) on the pale bar, which is much to be deemed a colors-reversed version of the Balant / Mann fesses. The Crux Crest: "A silver demi eagle with wings expanded, holding a black cross formee, fitchee in the beak." The dragon in the Mann Crest is suspect with "formee" because it's the dragon design of Formans and Worms. There are no Form, Formey or Formy surnames coming up. The formee fitchee is used by Macclesfield-suspect Meighs (cross colors reversed from the same cross of the Annandale Adams), and it's blue, the color of the Maxton fitchee. The "demi" code of Crux's is suspect with Demy's/DuMAIS.

German and Dutch Vestens (Switzerland) use a single arrow upwards on a green mound, like the single arrow pointed up on a green Shield of Scottish Adams/Caws. The Vesten Crest: "The torso of a MAN dressed in blue, holding a gold arrow." This recalls a surname using a man wearing a VEST, but ;let's not ignore the "Dressed" term, for Dressers use the vertically-split Shield in the colors of the same of Ballas/Balanti's. The Dressers may be using the Marano lion, and, if so, it makes the family of Cilnius Maecenas (Arettium) suspect with that Modena location, exactly to where I trace the Murena family of Terentia. Eagle's are used also by Murena's/Moratins.

The Veston Coat uses "a gold arrow tipped and flighted silver..." while Flights are listed with Fleet-suspect Fletts (Fleck / Fletcher/Flegger colors), said to be from Flett upon Shetland. The Flight/Flett trefoils are colors reversed from the same of Fleck-related Palmers.

The "Festina" motto term of Plunkett can also be for Fasts, who appear to be using a version of the Lorraine bend. The Trent eagle has a laurel branch in its mouth, a symbol of Lorraine's too. The white Lorraine eagles are spread in colors reversed from the same of Tarents, a good reason for tracing the white spread eagle of Balance's and Kilners to Terentia and Maecenas. I am therefore now convinced that Kilners are Cilnius liners.

Finally, what I've been waiting for, a clear mind to discern the following. It begins with the "terras" motto term of Alexanders, with the understanding that they are both related to Alexander in the Scott write-up, brother of king Baliol, himself suspect with Alexander Balas, the Seleucid king whose line is suspect at Sulcis of Sardinia. For those who don't know, Sulcis was also Sant-Antioco, and thus it does trace to Seleucid kings because they named Antioch in Syria. Ignore the going false rant on the origins of Sant-Antioco in some invented saint by that name. One Terras surname uses the Scott bend, but I now see it to be also the Mack bend, and so we can trace Maccus' family to Kintyre, an island in the Isles off the coast from Mackie's/Mackeys. Then, the other Terras surname (Bavaria) uses rooks on a bend in the three colors of the Sale/Salette fleur on a bend. Perhaps I've glossed over this before, but "Salyes" is now clear in my mind as a version of "Sulcis." It's a theory I've had for years that Salyes may trace to Seleucids, but it was too early to make a final decision. As the Avezzano's were on the Salto while they were first found in Sardinia, it speaks to a Salyes link to Sulcis. But I had glossed over the fact that the Terras rooks are in Alexander colors.

The ends of these rooks are fish tails (a recent conclusion that can be proven) and therefore trace with Mackays to the Saraca's. We are making sense, and keeping within the lines of what has been established rather than jumping to fanciful conclusions. The dark code work of the Masons, which has "Ragusa" meaning "a deer" has been understood by me as code for the Derr/Deire variations of the Terras', and the Teran variation can go to Terants, presumedly.

If we do not think there is a good case for linking Terras' of Bavaria to Salyes Ligures, we can point to the Leck river flowing into Bavaria as the home of Ligurians. Fussen on that river can trace to Fossano, near Saluzzo. Then, the Teran- and Deire-like Darrens/Dorans (Laois) are using the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Saluzzo's, and moreover use the counterchanged boar of Salyes-related Sullivans. That is a highly-important clue for making the entire case, and "Doran" even smacks of the Durance river of the Salyes. The Fussen location is important because it uses a version of the rare Arms of the Isle of Man. One can't get more Maccabee than the Isle of Man / Mona, and so it seems a done deal to trace Alexander Balas, whose first name was adopted by the Maccabees, to Mr. Maccus via the Salyes Ligures, whose Saleman and Salmon branches trace to the salmon of MacAbee's, smack beside the Alexanders of Kintyre. I've said some of these things before, but not with Maccus elements so well understood within the picture. I've never deviated from a Salyes / Lee/Ligh link to Meschins over nearly ten years before knowing of Maccus. I had been clueless on how Meschins and Mackays entered Norman Britain.

The Brodick location on Arran can be traced to Mackays, wherefore I'm guessing that MacAbee's were named by a Mackay branch. However, there had been very good evidencen that MacAbee's were from Abbeville in Picardy, or at least named it. Brodicks share a stag heat at the tip of the chevron with the tip of the Mackay chevron, and Irish Mackays share a so-called wreath under their chevron that is also in the Brodick chevron. Dutch Mackays share a horse with Brodicks. As they are shown properly as Braddicks, while using a blue lion head, they look like the Bruce-Pratt merger. Remember the stag head when you get to the Bruce's behind the Heysham location of the Setantii.

Wreaths may go to this surname that lists Killers, first found in the same place as Mackie's/Mackeys/Margys, and sharing the black Macclesfield / Davenport fitchee. They use the MacDonald / Alexander motto (with "terras" term).

Maecenas Liners Clinched, Finally

Pharia-suspect Havers (same place as Seagars) use rooks too, a good way to trace the Terras rooks to Ragusa liners. Here's the Haver Crest that should be part code for Segans/Sagans or Cedes/Seats: "A silver GRIFFIN sejant with gold beak and legs, ducally collared". "Sejant" refers to a seated animal, and that may have been originally code for Seats, until Segans married Seats, whereafter some Crests used "sejant." That's an idea I've had for some years, but I now know that Seat-suspect Sidicini were likely of the Segantii! That works, and it's tracing Sadducee suspects to Pharisee suspects i.e. on Havr/Pharia. Havers are in Kashubia colors.

On the map, note that Pharia/Hvar and Vis are off the coast of the Narensis area that was also "Neretva," like the Nerthus goddess of the Varni and Angles, a good reason to trace Mr. Barnim of the Kashubians to the Pharia theater. Neretva was along the Naro river suspect with Fulk Nerra, who is in the Fulke write-up. The Fulke's were not only first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Havers (!), but use a "Chi sera sera" motto, like the "Che sara sara" of Russells. This tends to assure that Fulks trace to something between the Naro river and Pharia. The best that I can do with the two mottoes is to trace to Sauers and Sarahs'/Sayers (Haver colors) that are well traceable to Seatons of Say because Sarah's use the Barwick motto while Berwick is near the Seatons of Lothian. Also, as Havers use the CHESS rook, "Chi sera" may be part code for Chessers/Cheshire's, who link to Mackays too, but in any case, Sayers and Sauers are suspect with Sawyers in the same place as Seagers, Havers, and Chess'. It's all to do with Segantii out of the Isle of Man's Maccus family, and we want to know why Julians use a salaMANder in flames too.

Wikipedia said that historians aren't sure which son was in Man, whether Maccus or his brother, Gofraid, or even another son of Harald. Cheshire's share the hawks lure with Herods/Haralds (Argyllshire, part of the Isles), and the hawk is used by Tigranes-suspect Hobs'/Habs, first found in Berwickshire. It's possible that Lure's, a sept of McLeods likewise in the Isles, are a corruption from some Lugher-like name that gave Man its leg symbol. Logens (swan-line Ligurians out of Savona) use the Herod-suspect heart, PIERCED with nails as code for Arthur / Percival lines out of Oneglia (Liguria). The German Nagle's use a saltire in the colors of the Hardy cross, and the Hardy-descended Douglas' use a heart too as code for Hardys, apparently. Ardons/Artois' use an eagle in the colors of the Doria eagle, albeit not in the same design. Mackay-related Daggers share the red bull with Savona's, the latter first found in the same place as Havers, whose fish-tail rooks are in the colors of the spread Ghent eagles used in the same colors by Doria's (because Ghents trace to "Genoa" without a doubt). Stick with me here, I'm getting to the Luggers and Leggers as best I can.

Savone's (with an 'e') were first found in the same place as Arduinici-suspect Lovells and Pierce's, the latter sharing the wavy and rare chevron of Fisk-suspect Fish's, who in-turn uses the Sale/Sallete / Durante fleur, making Doria's suspect with the Durants and/or other Durance-river folk such as the Dorans sharing the Sullivan boar, which may be the Hardy boar too. I trace Sullivans to the Salviae, not far north of the Naro river, because the Sullivan motto looks like code for neighboring Lamatis. The Ad Ladios location, beside Lamatis, because it's in the Maezaei theater (Maecenas / Maesa suspects), may trace to the Laids/Ladds and related Alee's/Leas/Laidhigh's now known to be in the Mackay motto. I read that Caracalla (Mackay ancestry) stationed the father of Julia Maesa in Dalmatia, the area under discussion that well-covers the Naro river. The Doria eagle is partly in colors reversed from the Kilner eagle, but this alone is far from making a satisfactory link to Maecenas. However, there is another Kelner/Keller Coat (same place as the other Kelners) showing eagle heads in the colors of the Doria eagle! The Kelner-Crest eagle head is in the design of the one in the Ardon/Artois Crest, making the Harding bend suspect with the bend of the other Kelners, tending to trace Hardings and same-colored Hardys to Artois. Hold on to your gills.

Kelners were first found in Suebi-related Swabia, highly suspect with the Sabine's at the Durance-related Turano river. Savona's were first found in the same place as Naro-suspect and chi-sera-sera Fulke's, and so one can trace the Savona location (beside Genoa) to the namers of the Save river, near the Naro, which is where the Sauers trace that share the lion of che-sara-sara Russells. Might these codes be for the Key/Kay line in the Kelner key? Should we ask the key-using Sheaves/Chiava's of Abruzzo, beside mount Sabina? Aren't the Sheaves/Chiava's and "qui"-using Sheaves/Shaws suspect with both "Qewe" and "Save"? Yes, and this is tracing Cilnius suspects to Sabina, though the Cilnius family was, for centuries, in Arettium, now Arezzo, like "Arras," the capital of Artois, and we just saw the Kelner link to the Arden/Artois surname!!! This is great, a needed key. Plus, the Ardon/Artois eagle head is red, the color of the Tarent eagle. Cilnius Maecenas' family was in Artois! It's where the first Templar kings of Jerusalem lived, and later, Fulk V would become a Jerusalem king.

White-eagle Kilners/Kelners were first found in Setantii-inhabited Lancashire, and MeluSINE traces with Trents to Sion/Sitten. It suggests that Cilnius liners were part of Bouillon's Sion entity. Melusine-related Fulke's should trace to fish-suspect Doarsi (mythical Nereus and Doris were fish, and you can bet that nearby Saraca's relate), but I trace "Fulk" to Velch (in Tuscany, where Italian Fulks were first found), where a Turan goddess was honored, such a Turan-incidence. It can explain why Fulke's share a white fleur-de-lys with Sale's/Salette's, but let's repeat that there is a Nera river that meets the Turano at Terni, at the northern end of mount Sabina, easily explaining why Savona's/Sabine's were first found in the same place as Fulke's.

I suppose that Turan may have named the Terentius surname, but, in any case, the Trent river is near Liverpool. The Stoke-on-Trent location (very near Macclesfield), and then English Stocke's/Stocks use a "qui" motto term too. The beetle's of German Stocks evokes the Beatles band out of Liverpool, and the Stoke-related Stacks/Stake's can suggest the Eustace-branch Stacys. The small saltires of German Stocks can be those of Candys/Gandys, which can link to the Doria eagle as it's also the Candida eagle, and of course this all reflects the Ghents / Gaunts, meaning that Ghents were merged with Doria's. And it's the Dutch Ghents that use the Fanano fesse, without a doubt because Gaunts are honored in the gauntlet glove of Fane's/Veynes', used also by Sine's/Sions/Swans.

Why do German Fulks use black eagle wings, the colors of the Doria eagle? Fish-tail Melusine has been clinched with Melita, an island between Ragusa and the mouth of the Naro. The Fish / Sale / Fulk fleur are white, as are the fleur of Ragusa-suspect Raggs, and Fish's were first found in Yorkshire, where Saraca-related Caracalla was stationed. Raggs were first found in Leicestershire, where the Legger-like Legros river flows. Trace the Saraca-related Fish's to Fieschi at Genoa, but let's add that Fisks may be using the pale bar of Kilner-suspect Crux's/Crucks/Crycks.

The Doria's (married Arduinici of Oneglia), perhaps from the Daorsi, were firstly at Genoa, the city to which Ghents trace without a doubt, and so these surnames are linkable to the Segurana's (use the Seager moline, another fish-tail symbol) and related Fieschi's, themselves a line to Face's honored in the leopard faces of Luggers/Loveguards (i.e. this traces Luggers to Liguria, as expected of Lugh). Leggers (fretty) share the griffin with Guards, the latter suspect from the Vardaei at the Naro river. Leggers were first found in the same place (Kent) as Love-suspect Louvains (Belgium, beside Artois) and Ghent-related Gaunts (Belgium), said to be from a son of Baldwin, his name from the Baltea river, where the Arduinici lived aside from Oneglia. Louvains and Gaunts become suspect below with some myth codes to the Segantii that include the Lovells. As Louvains share the Massin/Mason lion, Maecenas elements are expected in the mix.

Leggers are shown as Sallingers, making them suspect with the salamander, if Leggers are the reason for the legs in the Arms of Man. The Arduinici of Oneglia were also at Ivrea (Baltea river), suspect with the Yvery location of a Mr. Percival (same place as Logan-suspect Pierce's) that's in the write-up of Leavels/Lovells (one branch in Roxburghshire). Leggers share the fretty in the colors of the same of Caens, and then the Caens are the ones with a "Perimus" motto term like the Prime/Primus surname using a human leg! We have just proven that Leggers were on Man!!! Plus, the red Caen fesse with three leopard faces is used by Luggers!!! I didn't know all this when suggesting the Leggers and Luggers together at the start of this section. Luggers even share the white feathers in the Caen Crest, suspect with the same five white ones of Trabys. The latter become linkable below to the Arms of Louth, important because the Lothians use the Traby horn!!! The LoveGROVE variation of Luggers can be of the Groves that share the talbot design in the Lothian Coat, but Grove's use it in the colors of the Carrick talbot while sharing the Arms of Carrick, a red-on-white chevron. Just like that, Luggers and Leggers link to Marjory Carrick's husband, the Adam/Caw line.

The Baldwin king of Jerusalem was a son of Eustace II, and it just so happens that Eustace's were first found in Kildare, inland from Louth, making Eustace and de-Bouillon suspect with the Setantii, as expected. I had traced Eustace's to some mystery entity using a hand, and here I find that the Arms of Louth is a hand. The Arms-of-Louth motto is translated, "Lugh equally skilled in MANy ARTs," suspect as code for Arthur liners on Man, but the "skilled" term is suspect with Dutch Schilds sharing the double fesses of Livers/Leavers i.e. at Liverpool = the Lancashire coast suspect with the Setantii between it and Louth.

What do we suppose "equally" is code for? Eagels/Hegels (hand) look like they are using the Cecil / Savage lions, and it's notable that the Eagel write-up traces to "SHARP-eyed vision" (haha), for Sharps/Scharps (Pilate pheon in Scarf colors) share a black eagle in Crest with Hagels. It's the black Keller/Kelner eagle head, for yet another trace of Maecenas lines to the Isle of Man. The Sharp motto is even that of Massins/Masons, first found in the same place as Leggers. Plus, the other Kellers use plates, and Plate's (Sharp colors) were first found in the same place (Lancashire) as eagle-using Kilners/Kelners. The Scarfs are in the scarf of Trabys/Sadowski's, and we still want to know what the Sadowski's were. Setantii of Poland? The Traby/Sadowski scarf was realized as code for Quade's, no guff.

The Sadlowski variation may be of the Saddle's/Saids because they share the Massin lion, and this tends to clinch the Sharps with Scarfs (wolf-head design of Quade's / Mackays). Trabys are now tracing to Maccus, of no surprise where Trabys were of Mieszko's, but Trabys are suspect from the Trebia river, where I see the Meschin-Skipton merger tracing as per king Massena merging with general Scipio (about 200 BC) in time for the formation of Maccabees of Modi'in. Did you note that the Legger fretty is half in the colors of the Moden/Modey fretty? The latter surname was first found in BERKshire while the Maxton title went to Berkleys.

Irish Arthurs are suspect with the gauntlet-using Wayne Coat, and that trace's Wayne and Fane's/Veyne's to the Arduinici:

...In the Welsh epic of Culhwch and Olwen, Seithennin [Setantii suspect], the bard, is grandfather to Gwenwynwyn, generally identified as Gawain, Arthur's First Fighter. Historians suggest this may indicate that the Setantii were among the first to resist the English invaders in the fifth century and that Gawain was the name under which the mediaeval descendants of the Setantii in England kept alive their collective tribal memory [whatever they think, my point is that Gawain is suspect as code for Wayne's / Fane's, otherwise identifiable as GuineVERE, king Arthur's wife.]

..."...the similarity of these tales may indicate a common source, or even that Gawain is identical in origin with CuChulain...while the original name of CuChulain was Setanta. It may well have been that CuChulain was a Setantii hero with a reputation on both sides of the Irish sea, whose memory was kept alive under the name of Gawain by the medieval descendants of the Setantii in England. J. Matthews points out that the story of Gawain's birth and his being set adrift in a cask parallels that of his brother Mordred and suggests that originally Gawain was Arthur's son [makes sense, meaning that Gawain liners became supreme after Mordred killed (code for Motts/Morte's) Arthur], who fathered him incestuously on his sister who, in the original story was Morgan. The adult Gawain became Morgan's knight and his story is predated by the mythical tale of the Celtic god Mabon whose mother, Modron (earlier Matrona), is the prototype of Morgan. He also suggests that Galahad replaced Gawain as a Grail quester because of Gawains pagan associations. That Perceval similarly replaced Gawain was suggested earlier by J. L. Weston [the Plunkett-suspect surname suspect with the Kilner/Kellner eagle].

'''[Gawain] is credited with at least three children: Florence, Lovell, and Gingalain, the last of which is also called Libeaus Desconus or Le Bel Inconnu, the Fair Unknown. In later Welsh Arthurian literature, Gawain is considered synonymous with the native champion Gwalchmei...[looks like the Walch's who honor the Mott-related Mortons].

...Agricola later sailed his 9th Legion into Morecambe Bay and after subjugating the troublesome local Celts and eliminating their Druidic priests (including, presumably, those in the Setantii stronghold of Heysham) he moved inland to fortify the hilltop settlement of Longovieus (Lancaster)...[suspect with Lancelot]

Percivals use a motto, "Sub cruce candida," and can therefore trace to the Doria's suspect in using the Candida eagle. This makes a lot of sense where king Arthur was nothing but a line of Arduinici, and we saw how the Arduinici branch in Ivrea traces to Mr. Percival at Yvery. It can't be coincidental that while Gawain fathered Lovell, Mr. Percival is in the Leavell/Lovell write-up. I quote: "It is said that Ralph Lovel, second son of William De Percival, Earl of Yvery, Normandy assumed the name, and was first to use it" Pardon me when in the past I said that Yvery was in Somerset (big blunder). It's the Lovell surname, from Yvery, that was first found in Somerset, and as king Arthur was made born in Somerset, Arthurs may have been at Yvery too.

Mythical Seithennin the bard smacks of Sithones. As Sithones were in Chalcidice, let's remind that Manns link for two reasons to the Coat of Agrippa-suspect Barnums while Berenice Agrippa was from Chalchis. The embattled fesse of Manns can be code for Battles using a giant griffin that, in colors reversed, would be red on gold. The red griffin of Pomerania was across the Baltic (Baltea-river liners?) from the Sitones. Battle's were first found in Berwickshire, where Arthurs were first found and where Berenice liners are expected. Berwickshire uses the bear, the proposed but falsely-stated symbol of the Maghens/Manns/Mathuna's. The muzzled bears of Percivals, Berwicks and Barwicks are used by Alis' who can trace to Alessandria (perhaps a location of the Alexander Maccabees), which uses the red griffin, and griffins are half eagle, wherefore it's notable that Ardons/Artois' use a red eagle in Crest. Alessandria is beside Tortona while Chalchis-suspect Chaucers (same place as Chalkers) use a TORToise. Mackays (i.e. Maccabee suspects) use muzzled bears, albeit the only surname amongst these that actually use the muzzle term are Alis'.

The Lauder location between the two Tyne's, and therefore near Berwick, has a Lauder/Leather surname, first found in Berwickshire, and using a griffin in colors reversed to the Alessandria griffin. Lauder is some 15 miles from Peebles, making for a good argument in tracing the latter to Pavia, co-founded by Laevi. The Mackays had traced to Levi kin, right? Lauders/leathers, who seem linkable to variations of Lothians, use a goose SITTING on a rock for a Crest. They also share the tressure border with the local Seatons. Lauders share a "Sub" motto term with Percivals.

Years ago, the Botter eagle was dark-brown on gold, almost colors reversed from the same-design eagle of Ardons/Artois'. This is important because the Atrebates of Hampshire, where Botters were first found, are the founders of Atrecht, which was renamed, Arras, the Artois capital. The Botter eagle is said to be PERCHED, clear indication of linkage to the Percival - Arthur line. The Mackay-related Leash's could be using the double Perche chevrons. Percivals are likely using the Chief and Shield of Bellows, and thus trace well to Perche's Bellamys (share the Seaton crescents), beside the Seatons of Say. The Barwick motto, "Bear and forbear," is used by Sarah's/SAYers, no guff. Again, Sauers/Saiers can link to Sawyers and therefore to Segantii-suspect Seagars. You just saw a Mackay link to the Maccus vikings just because it's a near-certainty that they were Setantii liners. The Percival patees are in the colors of the same of Massena's and Berkleys. The "cruce" motto term of Percivals can be of the Crux/Crucks bloodline suspect with Kilner / Balance liners.

I've only just learned of the "Setantii stronghold of Heysham," perhaps linkable to Heimes = Exmes. There is a Heysham surname using torteaux and what looks like a version of the Major/Mager/Mayer Coat. In 1086, Heysham was "Hessam." The heraldic masters (lying idiots) trace "Hessam" to 'brushwood," but Brush's are Bruces with a Shield-and-Chief color combination of Heyshams, and Bruce's are NOT traced to brushwood haha. Funny, maybe, but never ignore the wickedness of heraldic masters when they lie to the world in this way merely to hide their ancestry. And where do they trace? To the killers of Salvation. And they make converts only to make them twice the sons of Hell as they are. Someone created the legend that St. Patrick built a chapel in Heysham, which is another way of tracing Annandale elements, in the Brush Coat, to Heysham, for St. Patrick was at the Annandale theater too. I would suggest that Hessam was a HASmonean-liner family.

Hessam smacks of Hexham (Tyne river, location of Tectoverdi) that traced well to Hicks, and they share a stag with Heyshams. Hex's/Hecks of Flanders use a giant stag head. Keiths (Hick / Heysham colors) use a stag head, important for what follows.

It's interesting that the Hesse sun is in the colors of the same of French Ardens (with an 'e'). Moreover, as Arthur's wife (to be viewed generally as the Veneti of Vannes/Gwenea) included the Kennedys, while they share the Cassel Coat, it traces to Hesse-Cassel. That is, the Setantii stronghold looks to be from the Chatti of Hesse-Cassel, traceable to the Keith Catti so that, in fact, Seatons can now trace as Setantii to Hesse and/or Cassel, a new trace for me. English Ardens (Lugger fesse?) share three gold cinquefoils with GINGs, and so let's repeat that Gawain was credited with the children of "Florence, Lovell, and GINGalain." The motto of French Ardens suggest the Bus' using the cinquefoil in the Arms of Leicestershire, itself suspect with Legger / Lugger liners. There is a Florence surname (Lorraine) with what could be the Excalibur. Rusticus' daughter married Florentinus.

There are a slew of Segantii-possible surnames. English Sages: "A MAN's head as in the arms". The Coat has "old men's heads wearing black close caps", but why did they add the "old", or why does the Old Coat (hurts) look like the Barnum Coat? The two surnames were first found beside one another. German Sage's, first found in Pomerania (ruled by Mr. Barnim), are also "Seger/Saeger." French Ardens were first found in the same place (Limousin) as Seconds/Segurs. Where does this stop? The Sugar variation of Seagars had been suspect with the snake god, Sugaar, which can link to the Seaton dragon. The Pomeranian elements of Mieszko's, which I say included the Griffins, were likely from SIGRid the Haughty, who married both royal Sweden and royal Denmark. Her other name, SWIETOslawa, is like "Seat," but on this I'm being careful because she may have been named after Swede elements instead, yet the SVIones were lumped by Tacitus in with Sitones, yet another Setantii suspect. The Sweets/Sweits/Sweats might apply.

When the Herod-Maccabee line married the Trocmii Galatians, the latter had married the family of another Amyntes of the TectoSAGE's, and then "The Tectoverdi...lived in Britain in the Tyne Valley of present-day northern England at least by the first century BCE and are discussed as Celts or Britons. They are considered a subgroup of the Brigantes." The Tyne, home roughly or exactly of the Keith Catti and the Seatons. It begs the question on whether some Caepio treasure, which I assume was in Hesse-Cassel and picked up there by the first Rothschild, was also in Heysham (near Fleetwood, by the way) and/or on the Tyne. While Bathgate's use the same-colored suns of Hesse's, Bathgate is a location in West Lothian. This Seaton link to Hesse is nothing I've ever stressed, even though I've poked around with a Keith trace to Hesse many times. The theory had been that Hesse liners named Cheshire, and that is beside Lancashire. It's starting to make sense. "Bathgate has appeared as: Bathchet (1160), Bathket (1250) and Bathgetum (1316). Batket in the 14th century, and by the 15th appeared as both Bathgat and Bathcat. The name is a 'manifest corruption' of the original Cumbric derivation meaning Boar Wood (Welsh baedd coed)." Ignore that derivation because it appears that the endings on this Bath entity are in honor of the Keith Catti. Hesse elements must have been right across the whole of Lothian, and so note the Sun variation of the Roslin Sinclairs.

The Balds, first found in Pavia-suspect Peebles, beside the Balders of West Lothian, use "a galley [ship] under sail flags and pennants flying." Pennants are honored by Cowes who, we now know, were Mackays, and then the Gunns (CAITHness and Sutherland), in the far-north area of Mackays, use a ship, as do Seaton- and Side-related Sutys suspect with Sitters/SIDEwells. The latter are suspect in the Sitric ancestry of Maccus. [After this update was finished, the Bauds, in Baut colors, were found to use a ship in the colors of the Bald ship].

I am beginning to understand the Maccus picture from an older Maccabee relationship with Sadducee-suspect Setantii, not necessarily meaning that Sadducees were directly from the Setantii branch of the bloodline. The French Durants who share the Gunn ship were from the Durance so that the "sail" term of Balders is easily discovered with the Salyes on the Durance, and so we find the Sail surname listed with the Sale's/Sallete's who share the Durant fleur-de-lys. It's a great reason to trace Balds to the Saltire-suspect Salassi on the Baltea/Bautica, but then we've got to trace to Baut liners such as Albins/Aubins that linked excellently to Sidicini in Modena. That Sidicini branch is mainly theoretical at this time, but they are expected to be there from circumstantial evidence. The following picture explains how Seatons arrived to the Tyne:

After the Roman Conquest, the Brigantes were formed into a very large civitates, or administrative unit that covered most of Yorkshire, Cleveland, Durham and Lancashire. It stretched from the North Sea to the Irish Sea. We know the names of some of the smaller tribes they made up the Brigantes at the time of the Roman Conquest. They include the Setantii in Lancashire , the Lopocares, the Corionototae and the Tectoverdi around the Tyne valley....

An important centre for the Brigantes was built at Stanwick in North Yorkshire in the first century AD. This was probably the capital of Queen Cartimandua who ruled the Brigantes. Cartimandua was friendly towards the Romans, but her husband was anti-Roman. The Romans invaded and occupied the territory in AD79.

STANwick was quite-obviously a Setantii outfit, and so let's re-address the "ObSTANTia" motto term of Arthurs, for Hobs were first found in Berwickshire. Stans are listed with Stants, and were first found in Yorkshire! So far so good. There is a Stanwick surname, and it happens to use potent crosses! It also uses the Bernice fesse in colors reversed, important as per the Berwickshire location of Arthurs, and the Stanwicks were even first found in the same place (Cumberland) as Bernice's! Zikers, we have the proto-Templars firmly tracing to the Setantii in Yorkshire. But why? How could the Sadducees have linked to them? Did they come with the Romans in 79 AD? Was that war against Stanwick one desired and planned by traitorous Sadducee liners whom had taken shelter under Titus? His rule started in 79. The idea here is that Sadducees, having escaped Jerusalem's destruction by Titus, and knowing that they descended from a Setantii branch, wanted to rule over the Setantii of Yorkshire, but were blocked by the king, causing them to take it by force. My theory had earlier been, years before knowing of the Setantii, that the priests escaping Jerusalem were at the Setta valley (beside Modena), where they had originated with Maccabees.

In fact, the theory had been that the Israeli priests were with the proto-Alans at Forum Allieni, and here we find that Stanwick is traced to Alia Stenweghe, under-tenant of a count Alan of Brittany. Immediately after the quote above, the BBC article starts on the Pharisee-suspect Parisii:

The Parisi lived in East Yorkshire. They were a small, but distinctive group of people who farmed the chalk hills of the Yorkshire Wolds. The Parisi share their name with the people who lived in France around what is today Paris [where Chappes, Levi's, and Lys' were first found] although whether both tribes shared strong links is hotly debated. The British Parisi are known for their unusual 'chariot-burials' and cemeteries.

What I'm seeing is that the Trypillians on the Trebia, in league with the Ananes Gauls at Placentia, and allied with Setantii liners in the Setta (for the first time, I am understanding that Trabys were Setantii kin), moved it over to Britain to found the Setantii proper. In the meantime, at a time I don't yet know, they settled Modane and neighboring Brigantium. The BBC article says that Brigantes had their capital at what became Brough on the Humber river, still suspect with Umbrius Primus. Note that the Primus leg (Brough colors) is used by PROPHets/PROFetts, potenial Brough liners, and as Prophets are suspect with the Maxton motto, the Broughs can be using the Maxwell saltire. The Broughs/Brughe's (Orkney), with a saltire that can identify them also with Henry Sinclair of Orkney, share black swans with French Josephs (they are especially pegged with making an alliance with Titus, for Josephus did so), and were suspect with BROGitarus, but in any case they look like Bruce liners because Bruces can trace to Bruges/Bruggs very well. The Bruces, because they are known to use a version of the Annan saltire, can trace to the Ananes at the Trebia theater. It was Brogitarus' son who married the Tectosages. The Tecks/Tess'/Tease's not only use the Annan saltire in colors reversed, but put leaves on them as code for Laevi. The Tease's/Tighs were first found in the same place as Annas' and use the Annas star.

The Tease Coat can be in use by Goffers, suspect with "Gofraid."

Asking just now whether the TectoVERDi could apply to Tecks, the BERTs came to mind who share black hunting horns with Trabys. Unbelievably, Sage's/Saggs (Teck/Tess colors) use a chevron in colors reversed from the Bert chevron, and were first found in the same place (Devon)! That's a good reason to link Tectoverdi with Tectosage's, and in the meantime to seriously consider them as a line to Tease's, Sage's and Berts. Earlier, we saw the Hicks/Hix's tracing well to Hexham on the English Tyne (i.e. home of Tectoverdi), and so let's add that the Bert chevron is red, like the Hykes/Hake/Hacke chevron. Hackets/Hatchets are honored by the Zerr hatchets, and so note the colors of the Sere/SAIRE and Seer chevrons and stars while seeing that Hackets and Hykes'/Hacke's share fish. It's making Saire's-et-al suspect with Sayers = Setantii liners, especially as Sayer share the motto of Barwicks in the land of the Hexham Tyne. Hatchets may be in a term of the Hixon write-up.

If correct to identify Berts with Tectoverdi, what about BertRAMs, suspect with ram and goat liners...such a Bauts, perhaps? Were the namers of the Bautica Bert liners? The question was asked before it was recalled Birds/Burds use the Bouillon cross in colors reversed!!! Bauts were first found in the same place as Bouillons! Eustace's were first found in Kildare, beside Louth i.e. suspect with Lothian and the Balds / Balders of the Lothian area. Kildare's are essentially said to be using the Desmond saltire, and the Desmond MONKey can be suspect with Manx / Mona / Monaco liners. One can now seriously entertain the Bautica with the Tectoverdi. We saw all those stags cropping up in the Tyne / Heysham discussion, but let's add the Green stag too, for the Greens use Verdi-like motto terms! If you know French, you know what I'm talking about ("verde" is the French for "green")

When we get to the Baldwin Coat, what do you know, a green dragon! And the Baldwins were first found in the same place (Shropshire) as Saltire's, assuring that Bald liners are from the Baltea, for it became a certainty in my mind, in the last update, that Saltire's were from the Salassi (the Baltea/Bautica river is out of the Salassi homeland). But the point of the green dragon is a Baldwin link to the Setantii liners of Lothian, the same as saying that the first king of Templar Jerusalem was a Sadducee liner from the namers of Sitten. How much sense does that make? It's the Priory of Sion in our faces, all linked to that wayward Vatican that loved jewels and fine, upper-crust things, just like the Sadducees and Herods.

When I began my dragon hunt, as my writings well show, I resisted entertaining anything Jewish for the sake of not engaging British-Israelism, or anything that might be viewed as sensationalism by Christian readers. But what I've found over the past four or five years is beyond mere sensationalism into a deep and dark understanding of mainline history. The God of Israel has reserved the Crack of a Whip for a short but nasty "hour" for making an end of this pathetic history. It would be a joke if not for the severity of the sins of this bloodline. Sin is not merely a lavish personal lifestyle, but is always harmful to others. Sin by definition is what harms others. It's not sinful to eat chocolate, unless it's stolen. It's not sinful to manufacture chocolate, unless the selling price is made too high.

The Barnstaple bend is in the colors of the same of Wal(d)wins (Pembrokeshire), and the latter are using the Baldwin wyvern, meaning that Waldwins (said to be from a sister of king Arthur) are a Baldwin branch. The "Dryw" motto term of Waldwins goes to the Dreux/Drew surname because Barnums are suspect with Drake's, Dragons/Drainers, True's/Trews, and the Mott/Morte crescent while the "gward" motto term of Waldins can go to the "Regardez mort" motto of Barnstaple's.

The Pennants suspect in the Bald motto were first found in the general area of Cheshire. Flags/Flecks share the double fesse bars of Stands/Stains while throwing in the Meschin / Samson scallops. Meschins were first found in the same place as Baldwins. The Bernard Pass on the north of the Baltea, and facing down to the Bellamy theater in the Arve river, where the Masci-suspect wings of Geneva's trace, can suggest the Bernards with a bend like that of Burys, the latter found in the Barne write-up. As the Bernard bend shares white scallops with Meschins, the Bury fleur are expected to be the Masci fleur. I don't know, however (would really like to), whether Masci's predated king Maccus, or vice-versa, but the Baltea is not far from Modane while the Brigantes and Setantii are suspect right in this ballpark, and all the way to Sitten, likewise down from the St. Bernard Pass. The "pas" motto term of Baldwins may apply to it. I recall tracing proto-Varni suspects from that Pass but can't recall the name of the peoples. The Barne's tell that Bury is a location in Suffolk, where the Blois' there trace to the Arc river.

ROETs can be traced to Carians and therefore to HERODotus of Caria, who predated the Herods. Roets (beside Botters) are suspect with the Chief of Josephs and Kaplans, both first found in the same place as Barnums and Budrum-like Botters and Potters. Herodotus was from Budrum. The Atrebates of Hampshire were traced to Lydians (mythical Pelops > Atreus > Menelaus), beside the Carians. German Balds (suspect with the Guido Coat and therefore linkable to the Panico oak) share the oak with German Roets, and so one can start to glean Setantii liners at the Setta valley. But as Baldwins were Flemings, let's add that Herodotus went to live in an Italian city (Thorri, I think it was called) that was previously Sybaris, and the latter is said by Wikipedia to be the founder of neighboring Laus, itself beside Flanders-suspect Blanda. The Pelops Lydians evolved into the Sybaris-like Spartans of MeneLAUS, but Pelops himself ruled at Pisa, with proto-Masci Amazons, in the Achaea theater. It's known that Sybaris descended from an area of Achaea, from something like "Helike," if I recall correctly, suspect with Menelaus' wife, Helen, or at least with Elis of Pisa.

I see Masci's in the Panico Chief, and this all goes back to the Meshwesh of Tanis (Nile delta) evolving into the 600 "Danites" of Laish, beside Panias, and traceable to the Peneus river of Pisa. Then take it to Massa-Carrara of Italian Pisa (near Italian Botters, suspect from Bodrum, right?), and assume the Maso sea peoples of Caria. The Balance's were recently traced to Blanda, and Balance's are suspect with the Masci eagle wings while Botters use an eagle in the colors of the Ferte eagle. That latter link seems assured because the Botter eagle is said to be "standing on a silver PERCH. The Botter Crest shows no symbol, but there is a Crest used: "On the middle of a staff a gold crown." Note that Staffs, suspect with Quints, share the red chevron with Perche's. Some heraldic crowns trace to Coronis on Patmos, off the Carian coast. Middle's (embattled fesse) are suspect from Lesbos off the Lydian coast. It was determined that Masci's and Herods were virtually one, and for this reason Herods are suspect from the line that named Herodotus. Bidens/Buttons are very linkable to Joseph Caiaphas.

Blanda (map below) was beside Scidrus now being viewed with the nearby Sidicini of Teano. This is the picture to which Bald (and Seaton) liners should trace even though they are from the Baltea river. I can't yet say, but Balds may have been Blanda variations, and to support this trace of Blanda to the Baltea river (Aosta), it begins in the area of the Lys river suspect with Laus. That works. We should be looking for a trace of Blanda and Scidrus elements through Aosta, for one, home of the Salassi, but also to the Setantii of Maccus-realm Britain. This is where the important trace of the Schutz saltire to the Salassi-suspect Saltire's comes in, for Schutz's are suspect with the Scythes variation of Side's now tracing to Scidrus. Blanda and Scidrus are on the edge of Bruttium, suspect with the naming of Britain, itself suspect with Brigantes elements. Just trace the Sitna area of the Prut to the namers of Bruttium, and to what should have been the proto-Setantii there. We just need to find the proto-Setantii of Bruttium. They should also trace to Brigantium, beside Aosta, and from there they will get to the Bessin's Briquessart surname, I am sure. There is a Muranum location shown at Sybaris, perhaps the line to Marano. Note that Bessins and Bistons use the Sale/Sallete bend. The area to which Sybaris is traced by others was the location of KalaVRITa (Ladon-river theater), suspect with the Calabria version of Bruttium, and also with "BRIT." Daphne of the Ladon river is even suspect in the naming of Devon, location of Exeter, part of the ExCALIBUR sword that traces to Mount Alburnus, between the Sidicini and Scidrus.

If you study the Balders and Balds, one can glean a link to Biden-related Badens/Battins (variations like the Botters), first found in same place as Baths (and Roets) sharing the cross of Maccus-related Macclesfields, and suspect with the Griffin-related Battle's/Battails. Trace the Baths/Atha's (suspect with MacHeths of Moray) to the cross of Moray's Randolphs that use the bat, and link to the Bats (same place as WATsons), whose Coat makes them look like a merger with Roosts. Trace also to the Saltire-related Heths/Heaths using one-another's roosters still suspect for Roosts / Rostock. Saltire's share hurts with Barnums, and use a jessant rooster traceable to the embattled Jesson surname, very linkable to Barnums for reasons already stated.

While I link Cutters to Saluzzo's, it's interesting that Balds are using the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Cutters (Dorset), for the Cutter dragon design is that of the Barnum Crest, and moreover Cutters are suspect, along with Satyr lines, with "Keturah." This again speaks to the line of Bars through to Bars of Brunswick, and so let's repeat that the lions of Bramtons are the Brunswick lions in colors reversed. Then, consider a Bramton link to Briancon's Brigantes, for Bramtons share lions in pale with Brians. It can suggest that Bars named Briancon. Roets use of the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Cutters.

Note the Teano-like term:

The ancient Irish epic Tain Bo Cuailnge records the history of Setanta, son of the god Lug. At the age of seven, Setanta inadvertently killed the watchdog of the smith Culann. He offered to take the dog's place for a time and became known as Cuchulain, the Hound of Culann, ever after.

It's hard to know whether this Irish hound links somehow to heraldic greyhounds, or the Hun / Hound surnames. The theme can go to the Hirpini of Campania. But one thing that caught my eye was the Bo term that can be code for the Boii of Modena, where the Sidicini trace. The Tain-like Tyne's use "bonne," suspect with Bononia of the Boii. Tains are listed with Teans/Thames/Tiens. It looks like the naming of the Irish epic was either deliberate code, or written by a Sidicini liner. The expectation is that Sidicini will trace to the Geds on the Nith, then to the Sitric family that birthed Maccus of the Isles.

While the endings on Plunketts may suggest merger with Kitts (tulips) or Kidds, the latter use upright goats in the colors of the upright Baut ram (that I reported as a goat for years) and the ram in the Arms of Finistere, all-the-more reason to trace the Brittany Aubins (share hurts with the Mann dragon) to Fanano's Albino's. Apparently, the reason for the Baut use of their symbol is for linkage to Kidds. This recalls the insert in this update that saw Aubreys merged with Kitts and Kite's. Irish Griffins are in Mann colors, and both are linkable without doubt to Fane's/Veynes' for a likely trace to the Veneti of Vannes / Finistere.

Let's repeat: "It's not coincidental that Griffins and Fane's/Veynes' share "Ne vile" in their mottoes, for the Fane's/Veynes' use pellets on their Crest bull head while Barnums use pellets on their Crest dragon." This is why the hurts of the Mann dragon makes the Manns linkable to Mr. Barnim of Pomerania. It goes back to the Fomorian link to "Pomerania," suggesting that Isle-of-Man elements had spread into / from Pomerania. Barnums may be sharing the Alexander / Mott/Morte crescent (part of "Le Morte d'Arthur" code), which, if correct, traces Mr. Barnim to Kintyre (where MacDonald-related Alexanders were first found), in the Scottish Isles. It's got the family of Maccus written all over it, and the MacDonald eagle, being the Ferte eagle (links easily to the Piast eagle), lends some stuff to a MacDonald trace to Maccus-suspect Maceys from Ferte-Mace, near Say of Normandy. That again shows why Manns should link to the Setantii. The Says (Massey Shield in colors reversed) share a bull head in Crest with Haughts and Fane's, tending to assure that the Pomeranian Griffins linked with Sigrid the Haughty (mother of Cnut "the great").

As you can verify, the Fane bull head is white, like the bull head in the Crest of Haughty-related Haughts. Fane's are clearly using the Macey gauntlet, and Haughty was a Mieszko. Make the Mieszko-Macey link. I have been linking the Haught Coat to Beaks for years, and while Beaks share the ostrich theme with the Sage/Seger Crest, look at this: "Historical linguists suggest the nt element in Setantii confirms the tribe were indeed Brythonic Celts descended from the Iberian 'beaker folk'." Hmm. I assume that refers to Celtiberians of Spain / Portugal. We can then ask whether Porters/Pawters and Potters (Mann colors) were Portuguese liners.

Porters/Pawters are Yates kin, and Potters became suspect with the Cnut line to Barnums. If it's correct to trace the Yate's to the Seaton motto while Kilpatricks are sharing the Seaton dragon and the Side lion, then Kilpatricks may be in Yate's colors for a blood reason. The way that Patricks trace to Quadratilla is via Julius Caesar and a Junia Caepio. The Patricks, who share a hand holding a black cross with Patch's, were first found in the same place (Kent, suspect with Ixion liners from PATmos) as Mynetts, and are in Mynett colors.

I claim that the Republican Party is all wrapped up in Mieszko lines as they joined the Western Nordics. This is coming to a head with NATO and it's fever to build an Orwellian globalism. I'm wondering whether Donald Trump can be the next president. I'm hoping it's not Bush because I fear that his family circle become over-intrusive during the previous Bush years, digging too deeply into spy channels and all the evils thereof.


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

On this page, you will find evidence enough that NASA did not put men on the moon.
Starting at this paragraph, there is a single piece of evidence
-- the almost-invisible dot that no one on the outside was supposed to find --
that is enough in itself to prove the hoax.
End-times false signs and wonders may have to do with staged productions like the lunar landing.

If you have received emails supposedly from me, and they look like advertisements
or anything unflattering and unexpected from me,
they were not from me but by someone using my email box to send it.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
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