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October 14 - 20, 2014

George Herbert Walker Scherff
Bill Clinton's Heraldic Circles

I didn't realize while at the Epaphus article yesterday (see the end of the last update for this important topic) that his daughter, and therefore sister of Libya, was LysiANASSa, an Annas possibility simply because Libya's naming has become suspect with the Jonathan Levites. The Lys surname was first found in the same place as the Levi surname, and Lys' trace to Lysimachia, a real location related to Parion, the Gorgon home of Pharisee-suspect Paris, who traces to the city of Paris, where Levi's and Lys' were first found. How about that. But there's more, for the Epaphus article says that his alternative wife was Cassiopeia (part code for Joppa), and then her daughter married the Gorgon slayer, and Gorgon liner, Perseus, the same line as Paris, and in fact Perseus was a Danaan while Jonathan had joined the "Danites" at Lys-suspect Laish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One could not imagine a better presentation for tracking the Jonathan Levites, and it leads indeed to Libya. Epaphus' other wife, Memphis, is associated with Hephaestus (there was a temple to Hephaestus in Memphis), and then Hephaestus' wife (Aphrodite > Venus=Veneti) is easily identified as the Heneti, a real peoples known to live on the Parthenius river, where the Perseus and Paris terms trace. If that's not enough, the Aenus location at the mouth of the Hebros, not far from Lysimachia (on map below), can be identified as a Heneti entity because, somewhere online, and recorded in my files, mythical Aeneus of Aenus had a wife something like, "Annette." This can trace the Pinedjem Egyptians to Aenus, but a super point here is that Pinedjem and his Heneti-suspect wife lived at Egyptian Thebes while PANdareus of Ephesus had a daughter, queen of Grecian Thebes! That tends to clinch a PINEdjem identification with mythical Pan.

This Pinedjem line thus becomes suspect in the connection between the two Thebes', and moreover the queen's name (Aedon) suggests that Pinedjem had either been of the Atun cult, or merged with it somewhere along the way. It suggests that Pinedjem elements should be expected at Burgundy's Autun / Nevers theater, not far from Dauphine, where Payens and Page's were first found. Dauphine traces to Daphne at the Ladon and PENEUS river, the latter from Pan elements at Panias, meaning that Pinedjem elements were of Panias/Banias. To put it another way, Pinedjem was a line from the 600 Benjamites, a picture that can explain why Atun was a monotheistic god, a foreign / unique concept for Egyptian religion but bang-on for Israeli religion. Atun must have been a twisted form of the God of Moses.

This new find means that I need to identify Lysianassa as code for Lysimachia elements merged with Aenus, for I traced Annas of Israel to Aenus itself, and to the Aphrodite > Aeneas line of Romans, where Benjamites trace. I should repeat here that JABESH could be a term from "AVITH." After saying that and not before, I clicked to Wikipedia's Lysianassa article, where we find: "Lysianassa is the name of four characters in Greek mythology: Lysianassa, one of the Nereids." The Nereids were mythical characters founded by a Doris, and so just gawk at the Doriscus location on the north side of Aenus, at the lower-right of this map:

Another Lysianassa was made a sister of mythical Paris! There you have your good reason to trace the naming of Annas of Israel to an Anassa entity that was related to Aenus. Then, see HalicarNASSUS, which was also Bodrum and the origin of Botters, wherefore let's add that a third Lysianassa was made the mother of a BUSiris, a term that can create Buser-like surnames, much like "BUDRum / Botter." Plus, if correct to trace Herods of Israel to HERODotus of Halicarnassus, Annas thus traces well to the namers of Halicarnassus.

Busiris was made a king of Egypt, meaning that a major Bus entity was in an elite position there. The Nereids were co-founded by Nereus, whom I have suspected, but never proven, to be from Nahor, father of Buz. I am certain that Buz, or the entity that named him, named Bozrah of Edom, and as Osiris was the Seir entity of Edom, see this:

Busiri is the Greek name of a place in Egypt, which in Egyptian was named ddw (pronounced Djedu). The location was an important necropolis and a centre for the cult of Osiris, hence name Busiris. The word Busiris was also used to refer to chief god of Busiris, an attribute of Osiris.

The fact that the Egyptian sun god was "Osiris" rather than "Siris" suggests an Esau-Seir combo, tending to clinch a Busiris trace to "BOZRah" (Esau's city). With experience in handling myth codes, so long as one gets the codes deciphered correctly, this sort of clinging can be done. The fact that Hercules kills Busiris is tantamount to a Samson entity overcoming the Bozrah entity, and that's where the real location of Timnah, home of Samson's unreal (and unnamed) wife, comes in as per a trace to Timna, a real person from Seir that married Esau's son. In the myth, where the writer loves Hercules and hates Busiris, "The monstrous Busiris sacrificed all visitors to his gods. Heracles defied him, broke his shackles at the last minute and killed Busiris." Samson was likewise shackled. Themes of the gods were carried from place to place; Samson themes reached Greece, and the rape theme of the 600 Benjamites reached Rome's "Rape of the Sabines." A sacrifice victim is shackled, right? Both Samson and Hercules (he had a human-sacrifice cult in Tyre) had two-pillar symbols. None of this is to say that Scripture can't be trusted as truth, but it is to say that some things that have been deemed Scriptural by Christians are not.

The fourth Lysianassa married Talaus of Argos, the same Laish > Dan theme to Argos. In the Talaus article, we find that Lysianassa is identical with Lysimache: "In Greek mythology, Talaus was the king of Argos and one of the Argonauts. He was the son of Bias and Pero. His wife was Lysimache, daughter of Abas (also known as Eurynome, Lysippe or Lysianassa, daughter of Polybus)..." There you see BIAS and PolyBUS, expected. ABAS seems to apply to Bus elements, but may not. Although writers will suggest that "Eury" means "wide-spread," I say it's code for "Eber" (founder of Hebrews).

Abas was identified years ago as an Avvite bee line to Argos, but recently he's been looking like a Jabesh liner. It brings me back to the similarity between "Avith" (according to the Bible, ruled by an Edomite, possibly a Buz = bee liner) and "Jabesh." The theory now is that Arrapha / Kurkura elements to Samson > Hercules became Arvad-like and then corrupted to "Avith and finally to "Avviy" (Biblical spelling, "iy" is the suffix) = Avvites. We just saw Lysianassa tracing to Perseus, who was at Jabesh-suspect Joppa, and then Abas at Argos was made a grandfather to Perseus. It's not certain in my mind whether the migration went from Argos to Joppa, or vice-versa, for the myth writer may have been taking some liberalities when locating Perseus in Joppa. As Arrapha elements are suspect at Arvad, where the Samson > Hercules donkey line traces, and because Hercules and Perseus were together Danaans, one could glean that Arrapha elements named both Joppa and Arvad, though one of them goes via Jabesh to Abas of Argos. I traced "Arados," the Greek version of "Arvad," to Rhodes without any thought of the Danaan of Rhodes, and so that trace, if correct, tends to trace the Danaans at Joppa to Rhodes via Arvad. It means that the Samson donkey-Avvites went through Joppa as Perseus, expected if Avvites and Jabesh-ites were of the same stock.

It's another way of saying that Rephaites were in Rhodes (remember Hercules in the far west in a ship that was shaped as the cup of Helios) with the proto-Danaans of Argos, and so Io, the goddess of Argos, along with her Bos-bull cult, could have been a part of this particular migration. If she named the Ionians, compare with "Jonathan." It's simply logical to identify Io with Jonathan, in this picture, and then it was Io that was made the grandmother of Libya, with a Jabesh- or Avviy-like Apis as Libya's father. You can read in the Epaphus article that he was from Euboea (beside Thebes), and that's where "another" Abas represented the ABANtians, whom have been identified as the 600 BENJamites that married 400 wives from Jabesh-Gilead.

The big story here is that Annas of Israel is tracing lock-stock, and barrel to the Lysianassa entity of this Perseus-Gorgon line, and then Perseus married a daughter of Caiaphas-like Cepheus (king of Ethiopia), whom I trace to the Cephissus river at the Athens / Boiotia area. Compare "ETHI(opia)" to "Athens" and "Aedon." It's even known that Athena (born from the HEAD of Zeus, which was "CEPH" to Greeks) was in Libya. But her name in Libya, Pallas, suggests that she was a line of Philistines that had merged with lines of king Apophis, the apparent namer of mythical Epaphus. The Avvites, when Joshua came into proto-Israel, were living in the cities of the Philistines, one of which was Ekron, suspect with "Acrisius," Abas' son and Perseus' father (which is why I identified "Abas" as an Avvite entity at one time).

Recall how the Israelites were divided, some of them wishing to go back to the Egyptians, and they formed a golden calf to that end that must have been a symbol of the Egyptians, suggesting the Io bull line. It can explain why Jonathan, from the line of Moses, merged with Apophis lines after the Apophis family escaped the Theban Egyptians to the Philistines. The Egyptian bull cult, Apis, the name of Io's son, looks like it was named after none other than Apophis, not only suggesting a Jonathan link to Apophis' family (if Io represented the Jonathan line), but that Jonathan was in league with the sin of Aaron (brother of Moses) who formed the golden calf in the first place. That's the division I'm referring to, involving the Levite family of Moses. The corrupt side became the Io line, and then Biblical Korah (rebelled against Moses) can perhaps be identified as proto-Cronus, father of Zeus = the same as the Io bull cult (Zeus mated with Io to produce Epaphus).

Can it be correct to trace "Cronus" both to the Horites and to "Korah"? Of interest here is that Dionysus (had the Bacchus bull cult suspect with Hyksos king, Apachnas), an extension of Samson in my opinion, traced to Horites at Nuzi, a term now looking like "(Lysia)Nassa," not forgetting that HalicarNASSUS is at the end of the Maeander river of Dionysus elements. I trace the Maeonian namers of that river to "Manoah," Samson's mythical father that must have represented a Man-like entity in Israel, the one that named AlcMENE, mother of Hercules, and suspect with the Mens surname (share a red chief with Annans) honored in the motto of the Apepi-based Pepins = Pipe's, the latter honored in the "organ pipes" of Annas-related Letts. Coincidence after coincidence, I trudge on to the dirty secret.

An alternative name for Dionysus was, "Lyasios/Lysios/Lyasos," tending to clinch his identity with Lysianassa, and tracing him to the wicked Samson-Danaan line at Laish, beside the Panias area (explains why Satyrs were associated with Dionysus) that later named Pinedjem, who traces to Payens that married Chappes' at the very time that the nine Templars were formed. I kid you not, that before the German Bachs changed their symbol to an adult bull, they were showing a gold calf. It was changed only after I mentioned it in my Ladon book. It traced the Bachs to Bacchus elements from Apachnas, whom, I've read, was identical to king Khyan, the one that ruled Egypt immediately before Apophis. It's my opinion that Apachnas was the Exodus pharaoh, an opinion I've held for nearly a decade with no thought whatsoever to change or correct it. Nothing I've investigated has caused me to change that claim, or to give my readers a warning that it may be a mistake. Again, Welsh Bachs (DENbigh of Wales, suspect with Denyen from Kamiros on Rhodes) look like they are using a version of the Kemmis Coat.

It's now fairly clear that the Annas entity at Lysianassa traced to Naxos, the sacred island of Dionysus, where one can trace the Nuzi and Edomite Horites. But I would suggest a further trace to Nice of Liguria, smack beside ANTIBES (predated Herod ANTIPAS) and Cannes, the latter suspect with "Khyan" because "Bacchus" is suspect with Apachnas. Then, beside Lysimachia there were a Caeni peoples: see lower-right of map:

As Herods are tracing tentatively to Dionysus suspects at HalicarNASSUS, by what coincidence is Nice smack beside Antipas-like Antibes? Just trace Herodotus elements to Nice, but ask what (Anti)BES was named after. One can read online that Herodotus himself moved to Sybaris (Lucania of Italy), while Wikipedia's article on Sybaris or Laus says that peoples of Sybaris founded neighboring Laus, what a Lysincidence. The Nice surname is listed with the Ness/Nassan surname, the one tracing to mythical Nestor, beside Methoni, named after a daughter of Oeneus "the wineman," the Jonathan line.

At the webpage below, one can read that Lysios turned the waters of Hydriades into wine, and then Jesus turned water to wine at Cannes-like Cana, beside his hometown of NAZAreth. Beside Nazareth, there was a Sybaris-like location the spelling of which (something like "Sephar") I have forgotten. It's clear from this that (Dio)Nysus elements named Nazareth, which is not at all to say that Jesus was a cult from Dionysus, but that God chose for Jesus the Nazareth area for a reason. Annas, the one who ultimately had Jesus crucified, is now tracing to Nazareth elements. The miracle of Jesus is not to say that he originated in some Dionysus-worshiping cult, but that God was mocking Dionysus with Jesus' miracle, for in the case of Dionysus, the miracle was merely at the pen of a fanciful writer.

As Nice is in the land of Ligurians, co-founded at LACYdon by Phocaeans on-shore from LESbos, it seems that Lysios elements from Dionysus were co-founders of Ligurians, and that now traces Laish elements to such. What evidence is there that Lacydon had the proto-Danaans of Laish? The RhoDANUS river, location of Lacydon, for one, but also Hercules sailing to the far west in a Rhodian ship of Helios, whose Ethiopian son (Phaethon) fell into EriDANUS, a river in the neighborhood of, or connected to, the Rhodanus. I identify the Eridanus as the Rhone river on the east side of lake Geneva, location of swan-related Sion. Plus, myth made a Gyptis woman the co-founder of Lacydon Ligurians, who smacks of Danaus' brother, Aegyptus, whose only-remaining son, Lynceus, traces to a Lyncestes area on the south-east of lake LYCHnidus, named apparently after lake Lychnis, the alternative name of lake Sevan, thus explaining the swan-line Ligurians.

Mythical Nice/Nike was made a daughter of Pallas and Styx, while the latter is code for Hades, husband of Persephone, a Perseus liner quite apparently. I traced "Hades" to the Hatti on the Halys river before I knew that Heneti or Perseus were on the neighboring Parthenius. "Anti" terms may all be from mythical Anat / Antenor / Heneti, and so note that Nike's sister, Bia, may have named Antibes. Bia must be the same as Bias, father of Talaus, husband of Lysianassa.

In myth, Bia was portrayed as "force," and then Sforza's and Forces-related Fergusons use the same-colored lion as Nassau's/Nasso's. If we're getting the impression that Annas-suspect Nike is tracing to the same-colored lion of Pharisee-suspect Ferrari's, there's probably an historical explanation. As Pallas is suspect with Philistines, as is "Placentia," by what coincidence were Ananes Gauls at Placentia? Or, why does the alternative, "PIAcenza," look like Bia was involved?

In the Bible, Philistine's are traced to Crete, and then a sister of Bia and Nike was Cratos. Another sister, Zelus, smacks of the Salyes Ligure's, HOW ABOUT THAT! Why didn't I catch on to this years ago? It can trace the Salyes to Sale, at the mouth of the Hebros along with Aenus.

Can we now identify Bia with the Boii? The Bones (same place as Saddocks) use the same-colored lions (as Nassau's et-al), and they trace to Bononia of the Boii, same place as the Caiaphas- and Annas-studded lines from Godfrey de BOUIllon. The Styx entity might just trace to Sticks and Astika's, and then I linked Astika's to Stocks and Stake's both using the lion of MontFORTs (what a nicencidence) while Montforts received the LEICester lands of Bia-like BEAUmonts. The Arms of Leicestershire uses the Bus cinquefoil. The Montfort lion is two-tailed and in the colors of the two-tailed lion in the Arms of Bohemia (founded by the Boii), a term like the Bohun variation of Bone's. We really have a story here, and the Astika's were even identified (by me) as a 666 liner, and here I'm finding that they trace to the river Styx of hell.

As I'm not sure what he represents, I rarely mention mythical Agenor, the Phoenician entity from the same family as Danaus. The Agenor entity birthed Phoenix, code for Panias. Then, the same Danaan line to Agenor named Arabus, son of Hermes, and suspect with "Arabkha, alternative name for Arrapha. This traces Rephaites / Jabesh-ites to mount Herman, location of Panias. "AGENor" looks like he may have been named by either Khyan or Akhenaten. If I knew what symbols Agenor had been given, I might be able to identify him correctly.

Bush-Scherf Connection

It's morning. The fifth squirrel has died.

Another theory for the origin of Scarfs / Sheriffs / Scherfs is in "SARPedon" of Crete, and so let's ask whether proto-Philistines were involved. It's the Trabys/Sadowski's that use the Q-like scarf, and Trabys married the Astikas! And the Scarf wolf is colors reversed to the Arms-of-Placentia wolf!!!! What a Goliath-sized coincidence. Didn't the river Styx have a wolf to guard the place?

If Scarf liners trace to Sarpedon, it becomes harder to trace Scarf-like surnames to a Shawia > Sava > Sauer line, unless Sarpedon traces to Sevan. I did trace "Gareb" to "Jerevan," at the Soducena side of lake Sevan. Still, one should decide whether "Scherf" was from "Sarp" or "Square / Sauer."

There was a person with Scheriff surname found on Long Island that found its way to an Abbott family in Idaho, who married a Dein family from the part of Idaho where Aryan Nations had headquarters (in Post Falls / Hayden Lake), important because George Herbert Scherf(f) (father of President Bush Sr.) was a Nazi, and because the Scheriff surname has an address at West Islip (Long Island), beside the home of William Hitler, Adolf's nephew. This nephew changed his name to William Stuart-Houston, and so see part of my findings from the 2nd update of September, 2011:

When doing an investigation on the Dean/Dene and Dien surnames, I found a Clayton Dein (and family) in New York i.e. where the George Scheriff individual mentioned above lived. I say this because the same page shows a Candice Stewart Dein (and family) in West Islip, New York, which is smack on Long Island where George Scheriff clan was located. Investigating some of the West-Islip members, one was Corrine Abbott Dein, and there is an obituary online on her death:

The wife of Jeffrey Dien, son of Corrine Abbott, married an emailer of mine for many years, who in the end, after becoming very friendly with me, became suspicious. When she disappeared after suggesting to me that someone tried to bug my computer and email box, it became necessary for me to look her up online, which is when I discovered her home near Aryan Nations. She, who claims to be a Reverend, also had (supposedly) a certain religious organization that I could not find in the real world. I'm not necessarily implying that she is a worker for Aryan Nations, but did find that Jeffrey Dein and his brother had addresses in Warsaw, Indiana, where a Nazi group, WARS, had a location. Jeffrey wrote to me after I put some details online, and to be sure, I cannot be sure of anything.

The ex-wife of Jeffrey Dien disappeared from my email box at roughly the time that Nicholas de Vere emailed me, at which time I angered him when sharing his emails to me with readers. He was saying that Jesus was a real person with "dragon light," and that he (Nicholas) was a real Christian, unlike types like me who follow the Bible literally. Shortly after his few emails to me, he died. This revelation must go on.

The Abbots (pears) are easily linked to a similar Coat of Pears/Pearls (Oxfordshire, where Vere's ruled for centuries), using a version of the Tien/Thames Coat (Oxfordshire again). We are therefore still on the Squirrel line here as the topic turns to Bus-suspect Bush's. Wasn't Richard Perle a George-Bush agent?

We know that George Herbert Walker Bush has ancestry (just heard a sixth squirrel running in the attic) in Walkers, who have one rose-on-a-stem symbol like the Scherf symbol, but moreover the Walker bars are in the colors of the Cameron bars, and while Camerons are using the five, bunched arrows in the Arms of Rothschild, a Cameron surname has come to rule Britain shortly after the Bush era coalition with Britain. And Mr. Cameron is as horny as Tony Blair had been for involvement in Iraq / Syria. This picture seems applicable to the Camville's -- kin of Miltons, Oxfordshire again -- and indeed the Cams/Game's share three bars with Walkers.

The Campville variation of Camville's (see the Milton write-up) suggests Campbells, whose Cammell variation has been traced to Kemuel, third son of Nahor after Buz, the second. The Bus cinquefoil is used by HAMELtons too, if that helps to identify Bush's with Buz. It's suggesting that Britain is now ruled by a Nahorite of the Kemuel kind.

The Blairs are easily traced to the black-on-white saltire of Kilpatricks because the Kilpatrick motto phrase, "make sure," is part-code for Maxwells/Makeswells using the same saltire, and then the Maxwell Crest is a stag lying down in a "holly Bush." Not only did I find lines connected to William Hitler using holly, but the Maxwell stag is in the Blair Crest. The "Amo proBOS" motto term of Blairs can be seen in the Amo motto of Scotts, first found in the same place (Roxburghshire) as Maxwells (of Maxton) and bee-using Maxtons. The Bush's trace well, as Edomite liners, to bee liners at Ephesus. The NINE mascles of Blairs tends to trace them to the Nine Sea Peoples.

Abbotts use an "AMIcis" motto term, suggesting Amymone, mother of Acrisius, son of Abas, a term like "Abbott." Therefore, caution is the word when tempted to link Abbotts to Bute liners. However, Abas was also symbol for Abantians in Euboea, beside Boiotia, the latter a bee-line entity as per Miletus-suspect Melia (honey goddess of Boiotia), wife of the founder (Inachus) of Argos, home of the Abas > Acrisius entity. Inachus (suspect with Enki / Anak lines to dragon-line Vere's) is always to be linked to Io, founder of BOSphorus. I'm not sure whether this finds that "Abas" was a Buz version.

The Ayrshire location of Blairs can be linkable to Prestwick, and then Prestwicks (Melusine) show a porcuPINE in Crest now suspect with the Pinedjem > Masaharta line. As I trace Bellamys and Maceys to BELLERophon, compare with "Blair," and trace the "phon" ending to Phoenicians, from Phoenix / Panias, the line that founded Pinedjem.

After Tony Blair, the British prime minister was a Brown surname, suspect in using the Masci fleur-de-lys. Mackeys/Margys were first found in Ayrshire, suspect from the Margus river (Moesia) beside the Pek river, where Pinedjem elements have traced. Peks use the Pine chevron, in Massey colors, and pine-cone using Maschi's link to Luna's by way of Masseys/Masse's using the Luna crescents...which is all to say that Pinedjem traces to a Bruno > Brunswick line, i.e. the Chappes line married by de Payens.

Lo and behold, Pine's/Pyne's (Limousin, same place as Seconds/Segurs) share three blue-on-white crescents with Scottish Walkers! The Pine/Pyne cinquefoils are even white, the color of the Bus cinquefoil. See also the five Spanish Pint crescents, in colors reversed. Italian Pints (five crescents), and in the colors of the Walker crescent, were first found in Salerno, perhaps related to Saluzzo, beside Busca. Sale-related Salemans/Salians share the spread gold eagle with Bush's and Miltons.

Aha! The flag of Salerno shares three red-on-gold vertical bars with Scottish Walkers!!! And the third color of the flag is in the Walker Chief!!!!! Reminder: Sullivans share the black boar with Bush's.

Salerno is in the arch of Italy, where we find POSidonia, a Poseidon entity that I trace to "Buz." I have not known of this Walker trace to Salerno before, and it comes thanks to the related Pine/PYNE line, wherefore note that the same Walkers use the PAYEN stars! I had traced Payens/PAGANs to the PICENti mountains beside Salerno!

The PAESTum version of Posidonia smacks of "Piast," and the Piast eagle is in Bus colors. [Later below, you will see the Bus cinquefoil tracing to Luna.]

In the second update of September, 2011, I have it recorded that "Entering 'George Scheriff' got a man (age 72) who lived in four places (Hicksville, Bohemia, Seldon and Oakville) all in the same general spot (Suffolk and Nassau counties) of Long Island, New York." But I didn't know until now that Seldons/Sheldons (shelDRAKE ducks) were first found in the same place as Sheriffs!

Seldons use a "pati" motto term and are in Patty colors, which traces them to the Patti location in Sicily's Messina, excellent because a few weeks ago that Patti location was found involved with Tyrian / Cyprian liners (of the Pygmalion kind) at mount ETNa! That's where EATONs had traced, suspect in SarpEDON, logical because Cretan elements are known to have re-settled in Sicily. This far-eastern area of Sicily is near Salerno.

The Eaton cross was at one time shaped like two double axe heads, a Cretan symbol, in the form of a cross. As the Essenes gave an axe to each of their initiates, note the similarity between their name and "Edon / Eaton." The Essenes of Carmel were even traced to the birth goddess (Eleuthia) of Crete, and mythical Minos (Sarpedon's brother) was given a nine-month symbol as code for that cult. The double axe head was symbol of mythical BRITOmartis (Crete), and that tends to trace it to Bruttium, in the toe of Italy facing Etna. The Eaton cross was changed to a patee!!! You can hide, but you can't get away from the Squirrel Slayer.

The Abbotts use a "patria" motto term, and as Kilpatricks had traced to Botters (same bend as Bone's/Bohuns that traced to the Pallas-Styx entity), the Abbott term becomes suspect from Botter / Bodrum lines out of Caria.

I've just noticed that, along the Sicilian coast to the west of Patti, there is a Sant'Agata di MILETello. Moreover, as Miletus is in Caria, where "quam"-using Masters trace, it's notable that English Walkers use "quam" too. It's a term that traces to Essenes out of Crete and, as the bee line, into the Kos > Ephesus > Boiotia line (of Merops of Kos). That's important because "Kos" traces to a god in Edom by the same name while Bush's trace without doubt to the namers of Bozrah, the Edomite capital of Essene-like Esau.

In this picture, SELdons (Eaton colors) could be from the namers of Selene at the Miletus theater, and moreover the Sea Peoples seem applicable. The moon goddess can be reckoned with the Pallas-Styx line that provided the Zelus > Salyes line. The crescents of all three Walker surnames may apply to Selene liners, important for tracing the namers of Selene to the Salyes Ligures at Saluzzo, beside Busca. We just saw the Pine / Pint crescents linking to the Walker crescents, and Selene's lover (Endymion) traces to Smendes, whose 21st dynasty was ruled after him by the Pinedjem family of Egyptian Thebes. The Merops line to Boiotia went to Boiotian Thebes, suggesting that Ethiopian Merops (Merowe of modern Sudan) was merged with, or evolved into, some Pinedjem entity. The Meropian liners evolved into the Salyes-based Merovingians, and it was Helios/Sol of Rhodes who mated with the wife of Ethiopian Merops, suggesting that Salyes trace to "Sol," or better yet to Helios' sister, Selene. It again identified the dark-portrayed Pallas-Styx line with dark-portrayed Selene.

It had become evident in earlier discussions that Salyes should trace as Sea-Peoples liners to Carians / Rhodians of some form. As per the suspicion that Salyes elements were namers of SULCis, I was tracing them (along with "SELEUCus") tentatively to "TELCHines" of Rhodes...who may be in play in the "Selene" term. "Selene" indicates that Telchines took on a soft-C version. But if Salyes trace to Selene, then these proto-Ligurians (suspect as Lycians, beside Caria) were a fundamental part of the mouse line to Smendes. The Lukka Sea Peoples, you see. And, blair it from the housetops: Bellerophon was located by writers in Lycia, while Bellmonts are also Bia-suspect Beaumonts using the same lions as Bone's/Bohuns, as well as the Luna crescents (!) around the MontFORT lion.

Recalling that Bellamys traced to the Arve river (Rhodanus - Eridanus junction area), beside Seyssel, and because I trace Says to Seyssel, see that the Say bull head design is in the Beaumont/Bellmont Crest! As I link Says to Seatons (Bellamy crescents), see that the "sed" motto term of Beaumonts (Sforza lion, very likely) once again suggests Seatons. Beaumonts and Bellamys (and Skulls and Bones) are clearly of the Pallas-Styx line of the Bia kind to force liners such as Montforts and Sforza's. The "vide" term of Beaumonts should trace to Vita's and related Ottone's / Pucks = Sforza kin.

This involvement of Lukka elements in Smendes ancestry may explain why the Mound/Mount lion is also the Ligh/Legh lion i.e. the Mounds and Munds were Mendes elements. I had traced Munds to "Muntenia," the main part of Wallachia, where "Walker" traces. I had noted that the Mund/Mound (bees, Ethiopian symbol) format and colors are used by Walker-related Walsh's/Walchs. The Lighs/Leghs trace to the Legros river of Leicester, where the Bus / Millet cinquefoil traces.

As the Ligh and Mound lions are upright and red like the Sauer/Sour lion, note that the Legros was also the Soar river, and that Sorleys (MacDonald ship) are also SOURly. Lighs were first found in the same place (Cheshire) as the Mere's and DeMere's honored by the MacDonald motto. The Deam and Deem variation of DeMere's became suspect with PineDJEM, and so lets add that Diens/Dives, who trace to Diva in Cheshire, were first found in the same place as Deins/Deans (and Bones) using the Pint crescents in colors reversed. Camerons, suspect in using the Walker / Salerno bars, show also as "MacSorlies." In this picture, SORLey can be a consonant-reversal from SALERno.

Amazingly, Sorrels (Strange lions?) are using the identical green peacock of Maness', and the said wife of Jeffrey Dean later married (supposedly) a Maness surname. The Maness bars could be a version of the Walker bars.

It should also be said that the arms of Leicestershire uses a so-called "sleeve," otherwise called a "maunch," the latter term used for the symbol of Mangels. There was a neo-Nazi in Montana with Mangel surname, suspect with the infamous Nazi, Josef Mengele, in the circle of Aryan Nations. The Nazi (Skorzeny), who confessed on his deathbed that George Herbert Scherff was George Herbert Walker Bush, said that Hitler was permitted to escape to Montana, beside Idaho. I was able to glean that president Franklin Roosevelt not only allowed Hitler to escape, but founded a navy base in Idaho as protection for him and his fellow Nazi's. Believe it or not. It involved Clark House in Hayden Lake (google "Clark House" or "Roosevelt" along with "tribwatch" to find details, though Google has likely suppressed some of my work in those regards).

I had deciphered the Maness/Manner motto, "Pour y PARvenir," as code for Purys, in Mangel/MANSel colors, and first found in the same place (Oxfordshire) as Abbott-related Pears and Tiens. The Pury's share footless martlets with Coverts, the surname (could be an alias) of the said wife of Mr. Maness and Mr. Dean. Again, it was soon after Nicholas de Vere, from Oxford Vere's, emailed me that Mrs. Covert sent me a suspicious email and disappeared (she wouldn't reply to my emails for months after being a solid supporter of my work, or acting like one, for years). She finally responded after I put the Nazi material online to say that she was in Alaska all that time (the reason that she didn't email back, which doesn't sound like a good excuse, but it could be true). Maness-related Sorrels were first found in the same place (Essex) as Vere's.

We are learning lots here. As German Manns'/Manners (Massey / Vere Shield for a Manche reason) use the English Soar quarters (Cameron/Sorlies colors) in colors reversed, as well as the same lions exactly (colors included) of Sorrels, it appears that Maness'/Manners (share a red Chief with Mens') and Mangels/MANSels (Manoah > Samson, right?) trace to Leicestershire with the Bus'. The Bush goat is suspect with Boofima, as are the Covert leopards. Irish Lee's (in Mangel colors and format) use leopards, important because Lighs/Leghs come up as "Lee." The wolf-line mother (Leto/Latona) of Apollo was found (by me) at/beside Latmus / Clarus, a fundamental part of this discussion, and then the Lycians (suspect as the Lighs at Leicester's Soar/Legros river) had a goddess, Lada, that applies to "Leto", and so see the below on suspected Soar / Sorley origins in a human-sacrifice cult (taken from the September-of-2011 update):

In the Mantus article: "A dedication to the god mano from the Archaic period was found in a sanctuary at Pontecagnano...Elsewhere in Etruria, the god was called Suri, probably to be identified with Soranus." Clicking to the Soranus article: "The worshippers of Apollo Soranus, after his cult had been subsumed by Apollo, were called Hirpi Sorani ("wolves of Soranus", from Sabine hirpus "wolf"). They were firewalkers and carried about the entrails of the victims during ceremonies." It just so happens that the Hirpini peoples...lived in Campania, where the above-named Pontecagnano location sits.

"Cagnano" reminds me of the Cage's that traced to the Name's/Neame's, afterwhich the Nane's involved as Annas liners to Angusta. The Teague's/Caige's use a wolf, and the Sorensens share a stag with Cage's. "Cagnano" is like "Kagan," and then the Cohen/Kagan Coat happens to share a Coat filled with checks with the Nane's. "Cohen" means "priest" in Hebrew so that, now, the Cohens and Hohens should apply in particular with Annas-priest lines.

German SORENsens (Brunswick, suspect with LUNEburg as Selene-moon elements) are also "SAUERnson," not forgetting that Sauers are using the red Ligh/Legh lion. As the giant Luna crescent (in Bus cinquefoil colors) are colors reversed from the red Pint crescents, and in the colors of the crescents of French Masseys/Masse's, the red so-called "hart" (stag) in the Sorensen Coat should be code from MasaHARTa. The Luna's are from a Luna location in the Lucca area, and beside SARZANA (topic this past August and September), where Sorensens may trace. Danish Sorensons can be traced to Leicester because they share a giant cinquefoil with Bus', and it's in the colors of Sarzana-suspect Saracens, Carricks, Sheers, and Scherfs/Schere's.

The Saracen crescents are colors reversed from the Hood crescents, and Hoods use a "Zealous" motto, which can indicate a Saracen / Carrick trace to "Caria." Hoods/Hudds are highly expected from Hiedlers/Hitlers and Heidlers, which effectively traces Adolf Hitler to the Zelas branch of the Styx entity, but as his mother was a Polzl surname, note similarity with "Pallas." We have another good book right there, if you care to write one. I'll help you with any book on these topics if you can convince me that you have half a chance of finding a publisher. The Eustace / Bouillon material is a book in itself, but it's all inter-related.

Hoods are in Pallas/Palia/Palloni/Palotta colors, a surname first found in the same place (Rome) as Sforza's. Compare with the Aurelia Coat. Ask why Pallas' use "royal" (dark) blue, for Royal liners were traced to Rephaites in merger with Scolati in a land overlooking the Philistines. Doesn't SKULL and Bones trace to the Scolati??? Bia-suspect Beaumonts are in Skull colors for a Bones reason, and while the Beaumonts/BELLmonts trace to Bellamys, kin of Ferte-Mace, Hoods use a fret (mascle-saltire combo while "saltire" can trace to the Salette variation of Sale's honored in the Hood motto).

Walker-based Salerno is beside the Hirpini theater. Camvilles are also CAMPvilles, traceable with Campbells to Abellinum of CAMPania, important because Walker-suspect Camerons are MacSorlies. It's just another way of saying that prime minister Cameron traces to this Soranus cult. This is not to tarnish the man as pro-human sacrifice, but it is to trace him to the Apollo mouse line that I say will furnish the anti-Christ / False Prophet in regards to Iraq. Manners were first found in the same place (Northumberland) as Rodhams, and Hillary Rodham Clinton might be back on the Iraqi scene in 2017.

And, by the way, mythical Telchis was of Sicyon, a term that I trace to the Sicanians operating in central Sicily, where Sant'Agata di MILETello is located. That location has the look of Sant'Antioco, the alternative name of Sulcis by which we can trace it confidently to Seleucids (for Seleucus I named Antioch as his Syrian capital). Recall the Sea Peoples of neighboring Aleppo. Daniel 11 says that the anti-Christ will be a Seleucus entity in some way.

And, by the way, I traced Bush's to Palmyra of Syria because the ancestry of the president Bush's was at Palmyra of New York, which Wikipedia says was named after Palmyra of Syria. But Palmyra of NY is at ROCHester, traceable to the Roxolani smack at the Buzau river. If that's not enough, it was recent when I traced Agatha, mother of queen Margaret of Scotland, to Angusta, a story that may begin to indicate that her naming was somehow involved in Sant'Agata di Miletello. The Millets, lest you've forgotten, use the Bus cinquefoil so as to be capable of tracing the Sant'Agata entity to the Buzau river. As Cottians lived on that river, note CottBUS of Lusatia, the place using the crayfish that traces to Crays listed with Crete's and Rae's (both Rome/Room kin), suspect with the Cretan Minoans (i.e. of Sarpedon) and Curetes, known kin of Telchines. The Roman location at the Siret is very near Angusta.

The Eaton axe-like cross was the same one shown by Samsons until their cross was changed too. The Samson scallops trace with certainty to Scylla along with the Meschin scallops, repeated because Rochesters use scallops too. The Rochester-Crest crane can trace with other cranes to "Ukraine," where Roxolani likely lived before / after being at the Buzau / Siret theater. The red-and-white checks in the Rochester Shield are used by Croatia, where Sarpedon liners trace. But as the Scarfs are now suspect with "Sarp," note that they were first found in Yorkshire, location of Croatian-based Craven. The Craven fesse is in the colors of the same of Italian PALMers.

The Samson cross now showing us used by Jansens, suspect with Janszoon pirate industry in SALE of Morocco. If George Bush only had an eye patch, he could attract some Perots ("Amo" motto term, same as Blairs), who share the pears of Pears/Pearls and Abbotts. The Samson motto (uses "letho") is part-code for Flags/Flecks that use the Coat of English PALMERs, both of whom use the double Washington bars in black, though German Jansens use them in Washington colors. As Janszoon was a Dutchman, the Jansen bars are likely those of Dutch Ness'/Nests. That's the Nike line, right? To Ligurians. right? To the Zelus > Salyes Ligures, right?

The white-on-blue colors of the Scarf wolf heads are in the colors of the Boso/Bosin bull, as well as the Bush/Busch and Bos/Bosch fleur-de-lys, which begins to trace Bush liners to Bosnia. These colors are also those of the BYZANtine Rangabe's, important here because Melissena Rangabe married Inger, while the Inger/ENDer Coat shares three arrow on a blue Shield with Bosons.

The upright Boso bull should trace with the same of Caria-based Charo's/Claro's to the proto-Bouillons (at the Lys river of Aosta), for they use the same flory cross design as Rangabe's. In fact, the Lys river is said to be part of the Bautica river that flows to bull-depicted Turin, where a Chieri location sits. That's another reason for tracing the Salassi (founders of Aosta) to "Selene." Note that German Millets use the Ishtar star, for Aosta may have been an Ishtar product, and then Este's are once again in white-on-blue. French Perots (Brittany, from Britomartis?) could be using the Este eagle. The Stars even use ESToiles (in the colors of the Rochester scallops), a Bute/Butt symbol too. The Bouillon-related Burds, using the same cross, trace to the Burridensii off the Agarus river and suspect with Hagars using the same white-on-blue colors. Hagars and related Goths had become suspect with AGATHa out of Angusta.

The eagle of French Perots (in Alexander and Pury colors) is exactly that of the Balance's suspect with the Seleucid king, Alexander Balus. Balances, first found in the same place as Sheriffs, are in the colors of the Balan/Balaam estoiles, and Balans/Balaams (looks like they use the Pury Coat in colors reversed) share a rooster with Jonathans/Jonas', suspect with Jonathan Maccabee, who formed an alliance with Alexander Balus. It's not coincidental that the white Balan estoile is in the Mott Crest, for Jonathan Maccabee lived in MODi'in (Israel). The Balans/Balaams can trace by their three black pellets to the three "plates" of Penns (Bus-suspect Buckingham) and Cuttes' (CAMbridge), which gets them to Cutters = Saluzzo kin, where we expect Bush's to trace. The ancestry of the presidential Bush's, after they were at Busca, was at a PENfield location in Rochester, suspect from the family of William Penn, namer of neighboring Pennsylvania. A Cuttes link to Bush's at Busca is the same as the namers of Cottbus. Most of the surnames in this paragraph are in Field/Feld / Seldon / Pendragon colors, and Fields/Felds were first found in the same place as Bush's, and meanwhile they trace to Falticeni, near Angusta.

If we'd like to know how the Styx elements trace to the Angusta theater, we need to look for the Sion elements there, and that's at the Sensii, and the Cotesii. The Sens Coat (in Hood colors) was linked to the Aurelia Coat BEFORE showing the Pallas Coat just now. The gold Sens crescent is used by Hoods, and Adolph's Nazi's already traced to Aurelia Cotta's Roman-dictatorship baby.

Penfields (axe's, jibes with a trace to Essenes), however, look like they can be using the Pear / Abbott chevron. The Penfield lion is said to be "double queued," and then Cude's are listed with Cotta-suspect Code's/Codds, first found in the same place (Cornwall) as Pendragons. Might Enfields relate to "Penfield"? If so, let's repeat that the Hiedler/Hitler Crest is an Enfield griffin.

The Code/Codd Coat looks like it links to John's, and this is suspect with the Jonathan liners. The "double" code of Penfields suggests the Double's/Dobells using three bells in the colors of the three dragons of the Blois' (and in the colors of the Savoy Massey's/Masse's), important because "D'Blois" sounds like "double," and because the Blue/Gorm Coat uses he Jonathan/Jonas rooster design while Blue's/Gorms were first found in the same place (Arran) as MacAbee's, smack beside the Alexanders on Kintyre. JOAN of Arc, ruler of Blois, traces to the Arc river, location of Modane (Savoy), from Modi'in elements, right? As the Masseys are involved here, the Double stag can be gleaned as the red "hart" in colors reversed, which is another way of saying that Double's, and branch of Macey-related Bellamys, trace with Maceys to king Masaharta. Bellamys must always trace to mythical Bellerophon, in Lycia, but from mythical Sisyphus (at SICYon) suspect with Susa, the Cottian capital. By what coincidence was mythical Telchis, suspect with "Seleucus," from Sicyon??? It's just another way of saying that Alexander Balus traces to Telchis at Sicyon.

And so what possibly could "Balus" trace to but mythical Pallas??? What a book.

But Sicyon traces to Sicanians that lived at Sant'Agata di Miletello (suspect with the Millet = Bus cinquefoil), and we just saw the same entity tracing to the Angusta theater, where Agatha Aetheling traced, and she was found in Rangabe colors. The Cabbages (holly), using fleur-de-lys in the colors of the Sale fleur, and colors reversed from the Pendragon fleur, not only use an "angustis" motto code, but "ReBUS."

The Alan-related Boyds, who trace with certainty from the Budini (Ukraine) to Bute, happen to use the checks of Rochester / Croatia, but if the checks are disregarded, the Boyd Coat becomes white-on-blue (Rangabe colors), important because the Boyd Crest shows two fingers pointing up, like the up-pointing finger of Michael III of Byzantium in his Wikipedia article. Michael ruled shortly after Michael I Rangabe, and Michael II was related to Michael III. English Michaels use gold scallops, the colors of the Rochester scallops. Can this trace Byzantines to Rochester? Were Bush's of Rochester Rangabe Byzantines? Everything is pointing that way.

It can be gleaned that the Michael colors are those in the Arms of Kyburg, at Zurich (where the Hiedler / Heidler Coat traces), for Michaels were first found in Surrey while a Surrey variation is "Surrich" (Saracen kin?). The Kilpatricks (white-on-black saltire, same as the Michael chevron) trace to Surrey elements of the Sheer/Shire kind. This line links to the Scherfs/Schere's for obvious reason, thus tending to trace at least some Bush / Bos liners to the imperial Byzantine's of white-on-blue colors (most Byzantines were red and gold, Macedonian colors). It should be added that the Bus-related Millets, the German branch, are using a Shield split diagonally, like the Arms of Zurich that are split in blue and white (Rangabe colors). But the Millet Coat is in the colors of the diagonally-split Coburg Coat, a surname suspect with "Kyburg" well as with the Cabbage's/Cobells that are in the colors of the Kilpatrick saltire and Michael chevron ("Covert" seems applicable here too). Scottish Michaels look like Ladons / Leeders, probably honored in the "laidir" motto term of Kilpatricks.

The "supero" motto term of Michael's even gets another black-on-white saltire of the Supers/Sopers (in Sprows/Spruce colors), using NINE billets upon their saltire in the white color of the nine Blair mascles upon their same-colored saltire. As Speers trace to Italian Pace's (Bononia), what about the PAISley line suspect at Piacenza. As Pollocks were linked to Paisley, what about that trace of Pollocks to Mrs. Polzl, for it now seems that Paisley's were a Pallas > Bia line. Yes, I could add more evidence for that idea, but time is running out for today. Anything tracing to Spree-Neisse is suspect as a Nike liner, and it was Sarpedon elements that traced to its crayfish...borrowed from the Arms of CottBUS. That traces Nike to the Cotesii on the Buzau, and so let's not forget that Lusatia (location of Spree-Neisse) traces to Lysianassa, mother of Bias.

On the other hand, the SHELDon variation of Seldons suggests the Sheltons and/or rooster-using SKELtons (Thwaite fleur?), and the latter can trace to the mythical Scylla pirates (Scylla was a killer of pirates) at Messina. That works, though I don't know whether it's right to trace "Scylla" to the namers of Selene. Possibly, in an evolution such as Telchine > Selene > Schil > Sicil. I do know that Scylla traces to Scala on Patmos, thus suggesting that Patti (at Scylla) was named by Patmos elements, and these are suspect with 666 liners, therefore...because, for only one reason of more, John saw the 666 revelation at Patmos.

A second reason is that Kilpatricks (suspect with the white saltire of Scottish Walkers that comes with the three bars) use 666 symbolism in their Crest, and have a Patchie variation that links to Patch's sharing black hunting horns with the 666-suspect horns of Trabys. And it's the Traby/Sadowski surname that uses a scarf as code for Scherf liners, suggesting what seems logical enough, that the 666 commercials system will be advanced by American neo-Nazis of the Oval-office kind.

Adolph's nephew lived in the PATCHogue area of Long Island, and had sons there. It's the direction from which a missile originated when downing TWA flight 800. I'm not saying that William Hitler was responsible, but that Nazi types in his circle of people may have been.

The Sheer-like variations of Kilpatricks link solidly to the Scherfs/Schere's sharing the same cross (virtually) as Sheers/Shire's = Squirrel line. Is this what the squirrel activity in my attic means? It seems certain here the KilPATricks are from a Patmos > Patti line, but I even came across a Hicks surname that married a Kilpatrick in Houston, from the state of George Bush. That's being said because the George Scheriff in Long Island is listed with an address in both Seldon and Hicksville. The Hicks, first found in the same place as Bush's. The Scarfs, first found in the same place, use the wolf-head design of Claptons (Seldon colors), and then, in Clapton of Somerset, a Hicks family married Arthurs and shared their so-called "clarions." The other Claptons, first found in the same place as Sheriffs and Sheltons (and Miltons=Camville's), use a Patee cross in Hicks colors. Eric Clapton, he doesn't belong in Heaven, as he sang so himself.

Kilpatricks were first found in the same place (Dumfries) as Rome's/Rooms, and the latter use the same red, fork-tailed lion as the Sheltons (Yorkshire, same as Bush's, Walkers, and Pierce-related Percys), thus making the Seldon/Sheldon link rather well to Sheltons. This traces the discussion to the Roman location off the Siret, not far north of the Buzau (tributary of the Siret). It's probably important that Seldons are in Hopper colors, because the Freemason, Red Skelton, played the part of Clem KaddidleHOPPER. Seldons even use an "OPtimum" motto code, perhaps partly for the Timna-of-Edom line to Time's/Timms. Clems are listed with Clements, and Italian Clements (Rimini) share the black boar (symbol of Edom in the Book of Enoch) with Bush's. Teague's use an "OPtem" motto term, and indeed the border of the Teague chevron was linked to that of Time's/Timms.

To the south of Roman (suspect with the Rimmon elements that named Rimini and the Rimna area at the Buzau river), and therefore nearer to the Buzau, there is a Bacau location to which Fullers (three red bars, colors of the three Bush bars) trace because they use a beacon as code for the Bacon/Beacon surname, and so let's not forget that Bacons use the Bus cinquefoil. How about that. Then, believe it or not, the Walker write-up has the audacity to trace the surname to "wealcere = fuller" (it's just dishonest code, for "Walker" traces with Walsh's/Walch's to "Wallachia," at the Buzau theater).

While president Bush Jr. married Laura Walsh, president George Bush Sr. married Barbara Pierce, and then the Zionists stars of Scottish Bush's -- same as the Payen / Guerin stars -- are PIERCED. To no surprise, the Pierce/Peers chevron is in Pendragon-chevron colors. The Pierce unicorns are said to be "erased," which is excellent evidence that the term is code for the unicorn-using Eras'/Erasmus'/Rasmussens (Hasmonean suspects), the surname now ruling NATO, now involved in Iraq / Syria. That's the same as saying that the Pendragon > Round-Table Illuminati is now in Iraq for to pirate the region and make it a pawn of globalism's spreading tentacles. It's the same as saying that the lips of the squirrel are elongating for the peanut butter in the rat trap, in a moment of delight that lasts less than a second. Go ahead, NATO, make God's Day.

The Rasmussen fleur are black, the Pendragon-fleur color, and the related Asman fleur are of the Masseys. The Rasmussen fleur are used almost exactly by Kemuel-suspect Pepins.

It depends on what the meaning of "IS" is

Some of you may recall the statement in the sub-title, made by Bill Clinton when he was under Congressional investigation concerning Monica Lewinski. I've tweaked the statement to make it look like the current name of ISIS, which is "IS" = "Islamic State."

On the same day when it was said that Rome's and Sheltons use the red fork-tailed lion, the Blinken surname was found in the news; he's the current U.S. Deputy National Security Adviser for Obama, speaking on why IS has been able to make tracks into a Kobani at the Syria-Turkey border. Blinkens use the red fork-tailed lion in Crest too, as well as what should be the Scottish Randolph cross, for Obama is a Randolph liner on his Dunham side (English Randolphs use the same Coat as Dunhams). It's indicating that Obama had this man chosen because he's Masonic kin. I've seen this over and over again with Obama's choices.

Before continuing on the Blinkens, I'd like to discuss Forkers/Farquhars, who seemed to be Ferrari's due to the latter using the same lion as Fergusons. Yes, Forkers can trace to Sforza's in that the latter are said to be from "force," but when Bia = force entered the discussion, there arose a question as to whether all these surnames derived in pagan elements that traced themselves to Bia rather than in "Pharisee." It should be reminded here that Pallas, the parent of Bia, traces to Placentia, and that Ananes of Placentia (expected kin of Ferrari's if the latter were Pharisees) go to Annandale, in the same place as Rome's/Rooms who likewise use the red forked-tail lion. It tends to verify that the priests of Israel were indeed from Bia liners, and while Bia elements started to appear above as a line to the Boii, for one, it just so happens that Sadducees proper of Israel were from a house of Boet(h)us.

What I'm trying to say is that Pharisee liners, when they hooked up with Anglos, especially as they evolved or merged with the Angle-related Varni, took the opportunity to create a surname that was "force" to the Angle's at that time, thus becoming the Forces = Fergus line. But then Sforza's were Italian, and Italians use "forza" for our "force" so that the same may have occurred first of all with the Italians. The fact that Sforza's and Ferrari's use the same lion speaks to a Bia link to Ferrari's, and so what's happening now is that the particular scythians that the Israeli priests trace to are being narrowed down to the Nike = Pallas-Styx bloodline.

Recall the event with Steve Tarr when I was 12 years old (see "12" in the last update) that seemed to reveal scythians of the scimitar kind. In that event, I knocked the puck into the net with a STICK, like "Styx." I had even wondered at one time whether "hockey" was named after Gog elements, and then Newtons, who honor Bone/Bohun = Bia elements in their motto and in their "SHIN bones," use a "Huic" motto term while hockey is called "shinny." What a coincidence. The surname itself, and the "non" motto term, of Newtons traces them to Numidians, and I say that all the Israeli priests were from Massena Numidians. But the Nons/Nevins trace also to Nevers and AUTUN while Nike - Pallas is known to have been an aspect of ATHENa. What a coincidence. And while Athens is beside Boiotia/Boeotia, that's where the house of Boetus is expected to trace, especially to mythical Aedon of Boiotia. CadMUS of Boiotia is therefore expected to have representation at Placentia, if indeed that city was named after Pallas elements, and it just so happens that there is a Le Mose area in Placentia.

Note KADdidlehopper, though I haven't been able to decipher "Kaddidle" with certainty until now. The Hoppers happen to use the Murena/Moratin tower that I trace to the Murena family married by Cilnius Maecenas, the one who's near-ancestry is suspect in the formation of "MaccaBEUS." What a biaincidence. As Maecenas is expected to trace to Massena Numidians that came to Italy at the war of Trebia (the river leading to Placentia), note that Dudleys, who smack of "(Kad)DIDDLE," use the same lion as Massins/Masons. Massena merged with Scipio elements when general Scipio retreated from that war to build Placentia. The Prince's, honored by the "eastern prince" of Newtons, were first found in Yorkshire along with SHELTONs, Bush's and Walkers, and it was red SKELTON who was Clem Kaddiddlehopper.

Note that a red lion is used by the Place's/Plais', for the Spanish Pelais' are also "Baez," thus indicating that Bia elements were at Placentia as the makings of "MaccaBEAUS." I'm very excited about this discovery. I have never stressed Bia, Pallas, Styx until now, and here they are proving to be the be-all of the killers of Christ. I feel that I've just knocked the puck into the net for the Stanley Cup victory, so far as my task is concerned in finding what the Revelation dragon was all about.

The Duddys/Doddys happen to use the same saltire as Pollocks, important because Spanish Pelais'/Baez' use half the Pollock saltire. It means that Pollocks trace to Pallas elements. The Dudleys and Duddys together happen to trace with Massey-related Tattons to king Tut, the same line as Aedon > Autun, what a pallasincidence (for new readers, the Egyptian sun god, Atun/Aten, was created by the family of pharaoh AkhenATEN, father of king Tut). Note how both Newtons and Duddys / Pollocks use saltires on green Shields. Duddys, first found in the same place (Mayo) as Fergusons, are said to be from princes of Hy-FIACHRa, what a forcincidence. Fergusons use the same-colored fesse as Skeltons, and then "SKEL" can trace to "ASCALon," one of the major Philistine cities, which was mythicized as Dagon's wife.

A Pollock link to Newtons will be made later in the update. In the 3rd of September, where Newtons are stressed, there was this quote: Aethelred's line goes Hadrian of Orleans, husband of Waldrada, sister of Dhuoda's mother. The latter might just be part of the Kadiddlehopper line. From the 3rd of September:" Aeda was the mother of Oda Billung, suspect with "NiBILUNG," a viable idea where "Aeda" smacks of the Atun > Autun line. There is a good chance that the Audeville location in Orleans applies to Aeda's line, in which case Pollocks had merged at some early point with the Aeda line. I was wondering (years ago) whether Dhuoda was an Oda liner." I now find that Duddys/Doddys use, not only the Pollock saltire, but crossed swords that can be the Aude swords.

Dagon, they say, had a fish tail, and so see in the September update that Newtons are thought to be in Miles colors for a reason, for Miles' are of fish-tailed Melusine. A fish symbol in Greece was that of Kodros of ATHENs, indicating that the Tut line may have merged with Pallas = Philistines en route to Athens. But just as Kodros' son (Androklos) was made a founder of Ephesus, so this Tut merger with Philistines is expected at Scala of Patmos (off-shore from Ephesus), named after Ascalon, that is.

This Kodros line to Ephesus is highly suspect with the Merops-of-Kos line to Aedon of Boiotia, and as Merops is likely the ancestry of the Merovingian bee, Bia / Bias is expected at Kos as a Buz liner from Bozrah. Basina, Childeric's wife, is suspect as another Buz-bee line, especially as she was from bull-suspect Thuringia. I traced the Thuringia bull line, through Turin's bull, to Tuaregs, and then identified Tuaregs (possibly from Io's Libyan line) with the heraldic turris = tower, and saw fit to trace Tuaregs to the Tour and Tower surnames sharing the same tower design as Murena's/Moratins (= Mauritanians, Tuareg theater) and Hoppers. Mauritanians are suspect from mythical Myrina Amazons out of Lemnos, which entity I see in "Amarna" of the Atun cult.

As Hephaestus of Lemnos was in MEMphis, note the "OPtimMUM ending of the Seldon motto term that's code also for Hoppers. Teague's, now established by their "OPtem" motto term as using the perchevron of Time's/Timms -- likewise visible in the OpTIMum term -- use "SumMUM. PergaMUM was essentially on the coast from Lemnos, and Teague's are likely to trace with Gace (at the Touques river) to the Mitanni of the Akhenaten family. It can't be coincidental that Italian Marina's smack of "Murena" and moreover use the same border design as Clems (besants for the Basina line) and Time's/Timms. This pattern is called, "nebulee," though Clems call it "neBULLY," obvious code for Nibelungs = Franks of the BURGundy kind traceable to PERGamum). See that the Daddy / Pollock saltire is used by the Frank surname.

The namers of Wassukanni (Mitanni capital) were suspect with the Kassites that I thought should trace to the naming of Gaza, another Philistine city. This is a way that Akhenaten elements can be expected to join Philistines. The Gace variation of Wassa's may just be for Gaza elements, and Teague's are unexpectedly "Caige" too. As Gole's/Cole's share the Washington (and Kyle / Glass / Gleason) stars, GOLiath of Gath, another Philistine city, is coming to mind as the root of the ColAPIS river (where Cole's and Coles' trace without doubt), alternatively the Kupa river to which Caiaphas traces. Note that Gole's/Cole's are using the pheon of Celts/Cults (first found in the same place as Pontius Pilate's mother), which is also the Pilate pheon. As Celts are looking like Gole/Cole liners, it could suggest that Goliath was a Khaldi liner, for even the Spanish Marina and the Clement bars trace to Trabzon, where Khaldi lived.

My best shot at deciphering "Clem" is in the Hallams/Hallands (Caepio-line lion that traces to the Kupa), suspect with Malcolms/CALLAMS, from the DunKELD dynasty at Moray. Hollands happen to use the round-tailed lion of Cage-related Gate's, and then Geddes use FISH (!!) so that, indeed, Cage's / Gace's can trace with "Gate" to "Gaza" and/or Gittites, the peoples of Gath. And it just so happens that Geddes call their fish, pikes, as code for the Pek river, location of Cuppae that must trace to "Kupa." The "Captat" motto term of Geddes can be double code, one for Capets and one for Tut liners merged with Philistines.

English Clements are traced to a Bernard Newmarche, and that latter surname is listed with Numidian- / Newton-suspect Nimo's/NimMOCKs/NimMOAKs ("show" motto term gets Shawia Numidians) using crescents in the colors of the same of Seatons whose "yet" motto term is code for Gate-related Yate's (portcullis gates). The Boasts/Bois', from the "boast" motto term of Nimo's, gets another Coat in Clement colors. The Mocks and Moaks (Clem colors) can be suspect with Le Mose in Placentia, where Bia-force traces, and where I expect Massena Numidians. Moaks (share ermines on black with Shaws) use a motto phrase like the "desunt" term in the Arms of Macclesfield, the one that uses the Hallam (Caepio-line) lion as well as a "copia" motto term. The Moak phrase, "Diis sunt," smacks of Deas' that were Desmonds (Annandale saltire!) of MUSkerry. That works too well not to be correct. The Mose's use a patee cross tracing to Patti in Messina. The Moak Crest: "A gold rooster with a gold neck chain, and a silver shield charged with a red crescent." The small white shield is the color of the Placentia square, and the latter is in the colors of the small Geddes / Chaddock shields.

As Placentia was closely related to Cremona at the time of the Massena merger with Scipio, compare "Clem" to "Crem." The alternative English Clement Coat uses the motto, "Patriis VirTUTbus," wherefore the black boar in the Italian Clement Coat is suspect with the Bush boar (Bush's are in Boast/Bois colors), which was another symbol of Kodros. As Hephaestus mated with Athena, I think one can see Hephaestus as part of the Kodros line to Ephesus, and then the product of Athena with Hephaestus was Erechtheus, otherwise known as Butes, while Booths likewise share the black boar. I think one can spot the Boiotians in "Butes" that led to the house of Boetus. The Boet surname is listed with fish-using Bute's/Butts. The Boet roses can trace to the Bosco-related Rose's of Ross-shore, where Botter liners trace as per Bissets.

Italian Boets are listed with Boi's/Boelli's, using the same gold bull as Apachnas-based Bachs. This Boet Coat happens to show a little like the Aurelia Coat, so that this surname is suspect with Bouillons. That makes perfect Caiaphas-of-Boetus sense.

The Glass', first found in Buteshire (location of Arthurian Merovingians), use suspect with a Mitanni merger with Philistines of the Dagon-worshipping kind, but as Dagon was an Amorite god, it expects that Amorites were part of that line, likely of MERops, for the mirror held by the Melusine MERmaid is code for Mire's/Mireux's. This is the same line that must have bumped into the Kodros fish line at Ephesus. Note that the founder of Ephesus, AndroKLOS, smacks of the Close/Clovse surname, and that Clovis' birth name, CHLODEvech, can be a version of "Klos / Claus / Klass" (Klassens use a woman with a banner, and the latter is in the Geddy/Gideon Crest). In this Hephaestus picture, "Santa Claus" can be code for the Sintian > Santones line out of Lemnos, same as Merops-suspect Myrina. The "sunt" term of Moaks may apply to this line. As Close's/Clovse's are Botter liners (same as the Bouillon-Baldwin line), note that Gleasons look to be using the Botter bend.

It's clear that Kilpatricks on the Nith, the river of the proto-Geddes, were living in a city (Closeburn) of Merovingians, and so let's not neglect the trace of the Geddes fish to the same of Boets, explaining why Caiaphas liners are honored in the Geddes motto, or why Herods/Hurls appear to be of the Geddy/Gideon Coat, the Crest of which is another red, fork-tailed lion = Bia-force liner. Nothing but forked tails, without the lions, are used by Corks/Corrs/Cochs/Goughs, first found in the same place (Cornwall) as Geddys/Gideons. One can trace the Corks/Corrs to Cork at Mose-suspect Muskerry, and then while Kerrys use bees, the Moaks show a "Cura pii" phrase suspect with Bia elements in Caria. Botters trace to Bodrum, home of HERODotus. The Butteri peoples lived in both sides of Rome so that they may have been fundamental to the Sforza's.

The torteaux of Geddys/Gideons are in the colors of the Bitter torteaux, and then Bituriges lived at Berry, in Cher, an entity that may have named a surname honored in the "charged" term used to describe the Geddy/Gideon banner. Scottish Banners ("Pro patria" should trace to Kilpatricks) use a banner in the colors of the small Geddes shield, as well as a small shield in the blue of the Placentia wolf. English Banners ("Numine" motto code) even share a Shield split in the illegal gold-silver colors with Mose's. There you have your evidence for a Captat trace to the home of the Ananes Gauls, suspect from Bellovesus and his Bituriges.

Banners can be suspect from Benjamites / Banias because German Banner surname (same place if Baumgartners/Bogarts) shares the June fleur-de-lys, from Juno, wife of Jupiter. The Bainer surname evokes the Bohuns = Bohemians = Boii whom I cannot rule out as a branch of Paeoni from Banias. The Banner fleur is used also by Jewish BAUMgartners while Gardners are a branch of Capes' and Kaplans.

The red lion in the Geddy/Gideon Chief is that of the Rome's/Rooms (same place as the Nitts and the Nith river), and that can trace Geddes to the Gate's suspect from Neamt, at the Roman location (Moldova) to which the Rome's/Rooms trace without doubt. The Nitts show also as "Naught," now suspect in the "show NOT boast" motto phrase of Nimo's/Nimmoaks, and so lets add that the latter are expected from Neamt if I'm correct in viewing it as the proto-Numidians. As Moaks trace to Placentia, this can tend to verify the Geddes (small white shield) do too, and so note that the Nitts/Naughts are using a small white Shield, as it can be construed, the symbol also of the Moak Crest. The small shield within a Shield is an escutcheon, part code for Scutz's / Scute's and part-code for fish-using Keons, apparently. The Keon fish, as with most heraldic fish that I come across, are in the colors of the fish of Saraca's (Wikipedia's article on Saraca's comes up with "Saraka"), from Kodros-based Kotor. Scute's not only use small shields in Chief, but the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Annas' in colors reversed.

Eustace's (trace to Muskerry elements of the Deas kind) share the stag with Scute's except that the latter call it a deer, and that must be code for Dare liners because Eustace's were first found in KilDARE. Dare's likewise use a red, fork-tailed lion, and it comes with a red lion in the Coat, as did others using the fork-tailed lion in Crest, and that can only mean that these are lines from the Aur surname suspect with "Aures," home of Shawia Numidians. It makes Dare's suspect as D'Ayers i.e. the Ayer line from Aures. Dare's were first found in the same place (Essex) as Quints, important because German Dare's could be using the Joseph garbs on a Cutter Shield. Quintus Caepio likely traces to the "quince" held by the Sforza lion, but this latter surname is the force line to the fork-tailed lion.

The Deers are using nearly the six-sectioned Shield of Simons, important because the scimiTAR came to mind at the site of "Dare," which is why "Shim" came to mind as per the Schim/Shawd surname, and while there wasn't a Shim surname, it suggested a look at the Simons, and there we have it. The Shins honored by Newtons can apply here to this Shawia topic. French Simons use a "PLAISir" motto term! Didn't Newtons trace to Bia, son of Pallas? Italian Simons show the Aur combination again, with red lion in both Crest and Coat, but this time the Crest lion has no fork tail. Jewish Simons share a fox with the Fes surname that traces to the capital of Idris of Morocco, who married the Aures tribe. The Fes fox is blue, the color of the Placentia wolf. It just so happens that Shins/Shannons (Muskerry / Desmond theater) use the Fes bend.

All in all, the Placentia-suspect Philistine line appears to come from north Africa's Aures region.

Time to get back to the Blinkens (red, fork-tailed lion) and the Clinton topic. The news article featuring Mr Blinken's quotes says that the IS army has been permitted to enter Kobani virtually unchallenged, which is what I would expect if that's the U.S. plan for some insider, secret reason. When I recalled that Bill Clinton was a Blythe surname by birth, I checked that surname for links to Blinkens, while a thought entered my head: ISIS has been a U.S. puppet organization for allowing the West the excuse for sending military to Syria, and Bill Clinton is behind this plot, explaining why ISIS was shortened to IS, a sort of inside joke for those Democrats who can now laugh at the "it depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is".

The Blythes (look like a combination of German and English Dare's) do not show heraldic links to Blinkens, and the surnames do not show the strength of kinship, anyway, but the idea that popped to mind is feasible because many expect Hillary to be the next president, and so the Hillary circle, itching to get more involved in the Middle East, may have convinced Obama to succumb to their wishes. Just as the idea popped into my mind, I recalled my link of Hillary to the Blank surname, which is so close to "Blinken" that the theory made sense. I had not yet recalled, until coming to this paragraph, that the Blanks use the giant ermined Bus cinquefoil!!!! This is right down squirrel alley, in other words.

The Rodhams, because I traced them to Rutland at Leicestershire, were always suspect, for years, on using a version of the Leicester cinquefoil (which is the Bus cinquefoil). That may or may not be the reason for my trace of Hillary to the Blanks; I cannot recall why that blink was made. It had to do with my discovering that president Lenin of Russia had a Jewish parent (mother, I think) by the Blank surname. It was at that time that I traced Hillary to Blanks. It's more logical than Mr. Spock to trace Blanks to the White's, and then the Rodham tree stump is used by WATsons (Watt / Vatt kin, from Mieszko's), first found in Rutland.

It can be gleaned that Rodhams link to Scottish Randolphs by comparing the Rodham Coat to the Ruth/Rother/Randolph Coat. It is definitely a mystery as to why this alternative Randolph surname, first found in Moray, should come up as either "Ruth" or "Rother" while showing no such variations. It tends to prove that Blinkens are Blanks, and that the Blinken cross is the Randolph cross.

The French Blank Coat looks like a cross between the Fallis and Feller Coats, and uses a "Sans tache" motto suggesting kinship with Tack liners. Recall that Shacks/Shake's were suspect as Tacks, for it can now be proven to a fair degree where "sanz" is a motto term of Shakespeare's. Singletarys and Dunhams use spears. Bill Clinton was once Lord of the Cinqueport cities. While Millets use the Blank / Bus cinquefoil, Miltons appear to be using the Sans eagle!

The Milton Shield looks enough like the Gate Coat that the lions in two Blank Coats are suspect as the Gate lions. The three white lions in the Blank Coat with "Sans" motto term, in other words, are the three gold Gate lions in the same positioning. As Gate's are now suspect from Gath / Gaza Philistines, by what coincidence is Melusine and her Milo = Mile(s) line tracing to Dagon while Miltons suggest Miles liners? I have been mocking Jimmy Carter's love for Gaza over the years, but suddenly this trace to Gaza elements can explain it. Carters easily trace to Sforza's by their Sforza lions and by their being first found in the same place (Winchester) as Quince's. That explains it: Jimmy is a Pallas > Bia liner. It tends to support the correctness of Philistine inclusion in this Pallas discussion. Jimmy's surname even smacks of Cratos, another child of Pallas and Styx (and therefore a sibling to Bia). The alternative Carter Coat is in Miles colors. I've read that Carian pirates had joined Philistine pirates, probably in the Sea-Peoples adventures.

The gold garbs in the Blythe Coat are used also by Sticks, which can indicate that Styx was an entity amongst Gareb elements. However, the Sticks call their garbs, "sheaves." Italian Sheaves'/Chiava's use keys, the symbol of the Arms of Geneva, and then the Bellamys were from the Garebite-suspect Arve river at Geneva while Bellamys and Seatons share red crescents with Blythes, tending to reveal that Sticks are Seaton/Sitten/Satan liners, Sidonians, to the Sion theater, where Sans et-al trace. Do you know of any Blois elements that can apply here? Recall that Blois' / Bellamys are suspect (as D'Blois / D'Bell) behind the double code, for Sticks were first found in the same (Somerset) place as Tresure's/Treasure's while Seatons use the double tressure border. Moaks, likewise first found in Somerset, use a crescent in Blythe-crescent colors, which can reveal that Blythes (Annan colors) were fundamental Ananes liners to Annecy (near Geneva).

One Blank lion uses what should be the Ferrari / Sforza lion because the fork-tailed lion is code for Forkers / Farquhars = Ferguson liners that share the Ferrari lion. Having said that, compare the Bly/Blygh Coat to the French Blank Coat, very interesting. Bly's/Blyghs are said to possibly be from Cornish "blyth = wolf," probably mere code rather than truth. Compare with French Blois' and Swiss Sens, which tends to reveal that Bill was born a Blois liner, and likely linked back to Aurelia's (Aurelia Cotta).

AHA! Totally unexpected by very revealing: the Yells/Yule's, first found in the same place (Shetland) as the Bus-related Blanks, are using a black-on-white version of the Blythe Coat!!! That could indicate that Hillary was from a Blank bloodline in Shetland, and the two paired up out of Masonic purposes (Bill is a Rhodian Scholar = the globalist-set Illuminatist, or call it what you will). While Shakespeare's use a "Non" motto term for Numidians of the Non/Nevin kind, Yells use "Numine" (a Banner motto term too).

JUST REALIZED: The upper Thames river through Oxfordshire is called the Isis river, and Clintons were first found in Oxfordshire!!! INCREDIBLE. Yellows/Yelleys were first found in Oxfordshire!

Clintons share six black-on-white fitchee crosses, in the same configuration, as the Hillary surname. What a coincidence. They may as well be six dead squirrels. These black fitchees are used by Hanna's of Wigton, first found in the same place (Galloway) as Fergus', who use another fork-tailed lion in Crest. The Hanna stags allows one to entertain a "Blythe" link to the stag-using Bloods, suspect in using the Maxwell stags because a Bled location is due north of Rijeka (Croatia). Although Bleda was a Hun (Attila's brother), and while the stag of Hungarian ancestry must include Attila, yet the Hanna's trace best to the Ananes at Placentia, suspect with Hannibal as per his war of Trebia. Huns were Scythians / Turks, according to historians, but heraldry has convinced me that Huns were named after Hannibal in Placentia, for the blue wolf is said to be a Mongol / Hun symbol. The Wolfley line of Obama's ancestry shows a blue wolf. The Wolfley "flaunches" (curved lines) are used by Nobels, perhaps a branch of Nevils below, and perhaps from Nob at the north side of Jerusalem, where priests serving under King David lived.

A Blythe trace to Maxwells is much-expected where Rodham-related Rutlands use the "orle" of Rutherfords, first found in the same Rosh-suspect place as Maxwells.

The Bly griffin is ultimately the symbol of Griffins (white griffin, same as Watsons) using "Ne vile Velis" for a motto, partly for Nevils, apparently, who share the Blinken cross, almost. It's the Randolph cross, but in a saltire formation, and therefore it's a colors-reversed version of the Annandale saltire. Annandale is not far from Galloway, and the Maxwell-related Kilpatricks at their castle (Nith river) are even closer. The griffin design under discussion is used by Wills (and Scotts of Roxburghshire), a branch of Velis' (same place as Rodhams), but Velis' use the Julian crosses, which should explain the two-headed Roman eagle of Maxwells. Mittens use a two-headed eagle in place of the one-headed one of Miltons, and in this discussion, Mittens, also Moutens, are from Modane. That's at the Ark river where Blois' had traced, and here we find a potential Bly trace to Modane.

The same two-headed design is used by Spocks/Specks/Spacks (porcupine, same as Bistones-suspect Bassets), suspect with Hannibal-associated Syphax. This is interesting because Gene RODDENbury was founder of STAR Trek, while Rodhams are shown properly as Rodens and come up as "Rodden." Spock played the pointed-ears alien on the show, and in one Star-Trek movie, he killed God, when the latter was portrayed as a lunatic. Plus, Kenneth STARR was appointed to oversee Bill Clinton's Lewinski scandal. Plus, I traced "Trek" to the Terek river in Caucasia, where the Attila Huns transformed into proto-Khazars. Amazing. I traced this batch to the Stephantsminda location at the Terek, because Stephensons use the Rodden bend (in Neville colors)...because Stephensons were first found in the same place as Roddens.

Zowie! The Stephenson white-on-red bend, with three green leopard faces, is a version of the Valentin white-on-red bend with three green squirrels! Green on white is suspect with Lyons and Lannoys, and a Valence location is beside Lyon. I used peanut butter to catch the squirrels, and then Carters are green on white while Jimmy Carter was a peanut farmer. And as Squirrels were out of Placentia, that's where Philistines trace!!! As one can glean in David versus Goliath, the anti-Christ is predicted to be from Philistine dogs. Ask Bill's cigar how much of dog he's been, but it's hard to get as ugly as Hillary handling the adultery graciously (spit) for the sake of her political ambitions (spit). The ugly, terrible Clingons of Star Trek may just have been code for Clintons.

The porcupine is Blythe-important because the Blythe crescents are linkable to the same of Pints, a branch of Pine's. There's more to this than meets the eye, for Blois' are said to be from the house of Chatillon, very-possible from PORCius Cato (about 200 BC, had political associations with Hannibal Huns) represented by the PORCUpine. Cattle's can apply very well to Chatillon here because they use a fret, like the fretty term of the Cotta symbol. I'm not suggesting that Cato liners named Cotta's / Cottians, but that Cato-suspect Cattle's merged with Cotesii-based Cato's (definitely formed the Cato's/Chattans and Chatans). The Cottian capital was directly across the Cottian Alps from Modane, where the Blythe's may have lived if they were Blois'. That's the meaning of the Mittens/Moutins linking to Blythe's. Hannibal came through this area on his way to Trebia. Modane is on the side of the Alps for spreading out naturally to Annecy, the Arve and Geneva.

Remember, Bouillons are of the Belli's and so, indeed, as Bouillons are of the city of the Boii, one should expect Bellamy / Blois liners at Maccabee-related Modane. The Bouillons were on a river of Aosta named by Botters, who were merged with Cato's/Chattans. A trace Blois liners in Modane as proto-Bellamys at Arve is expected even where Bellamys merged with Ferte-Mace, the origin of mace-using Maceys that themselves trace to a merger with the namers of the Cattle fret. What's there not to understand? This was the Bellovesus - Segovesus family that I say named Segusio.

Like the Walkers, Payens, Guerins and Mullets (Auvergne), Clintons use pierced stars in the same colors, and they are called, "mullets," much like the Millet surname. The Clinton mullets are on the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Saluzzo's or Roets. The Mullet hunting horn looks like the German Jagger hunting horn, and Jaggers were traced to a character (can't recall his name) in Numidia, a grandson, if I recall correctly, of king Massena. That should explain the patee cross, a Massena symbol, of English Jaggers (Bistones symbol in Crest), first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as the Skeltons (Scylla of Messina) sharing the red fork-tailed lion of Blinkens. Note that Massena's/Messina's use the Mullet, Payen, and Guerin stars but without piercing. For some reason, the Clinton mullets are five pointed versus six-pointed for all the others. The Jagger patee is colors reversed from the Mose patee, and the latter is in the blue color of the Placentia wolf.

Jaggers share red fleur-de-lys with Gellone's, said to be the father of Guerin of Provence. I traced Guerin to Kanza and her husband, Idris of Morocco, and Kanza, of the Awraba / Aures tribe that I traced to the Aur surname (Bavaria) using the red fork-tailed lion in Crest too. Note that the Aur Coat uses a different red lion from the Aur Crest, for the same two lions show in the Moult/Mold/Maud Coat and Crest, a surname that was looked up as per seeking Mullet branches! It works like a hungry rat trap.

English Blois'/Bloyce's are in the colors of the Arks, from the Arc river, location of Maud-like Modane. While Chambre is on the Arc, Chambery is near its mouth, and so it's conspicuous that the arms of Chambery uses the Blinken / Randolph cross (it's conspicuous even though this cross is in wide use in this area of Savoy).

The Gellone (Yorkshire again) fleur are in both colors of the Barber fleur, a surname suspect with Berbers...who live in Morocco. It looks like it was correct to trace Guerin ancestry to Idris. Besides, Idris ruled at a Fes/Fez location traced to the Fes/Fez surname, first found in the same place (Auverge) as Mullets, what a coincidence.

The Porci bend is in Fes-bend colors, and to this it can be added that Fessy's use the Savoy-area cross too, making Blinkens very suspect with Fessys and Macclesfield (branch of Maxwells in my opinion) because an Arms of Macclesfield (no longer shown by Wikipedia) uses the Davenport fitchee, black-on-white like the Clinton and Hillary fitchees, not to mention that the Hanna fitchee is black (which is why the Hanna stag traces to the Macclesfield stag).

Fessys (same cross as Randolphs) are in Stephenson / Rodham colors, important because the Stephen garland is used by Fessys. Fessys are in Valentin colors for a reason, as can be gleaned in the Fessy motto term, "vinces," tracing to VINKovci (Valentinian's birthplace). Valentin's were first found in Vicenza, which is the Vince surname to the English. The "signo" motto term of Fessy's is for the Valentinian-related Segni's/Segurana's. It's a clever motto because it's from a statement supposedly from God in regards to the conquering of Rome by Constantine I. But as he lived a couple of generations before Valentinian I, it's feasible that the statement was created in the first place to secretly honor the Valentinian bloodline. The early Fessy estate overlapped into Leicestershire and Lincolnshire, the latter where RODham-suspect Rhodes' were first found.

Valentinian's family had relations / associations and discussions with Attila the Hun, and this is where the Blythe's must enter the picture, from Attila's brother. One can imagine the blue wolf of Huns as code for a Blois wolf. Again, the Huns traced to Stephantsminda, which was at Alania (if I recall correctly), a good place for the origin of Roxolani-based Rodhams/Roddenburys (because Roxolani were a Ros-Alan merger). It's known that Attila picked up some Alan Huns in Caucasia, as allies, after he defeated them.

In the Vinkovci article: "The Battle of Cibalae, between the armies of Constantine I and Licinius..." I had not known of this when suggesting above the Constantine link to Valentinian. Heraldry codes is what indicated it. I did not know that Constantine was Valerius Aurelius Constantinus Augustus. How about that. It recalls the trace I made of Valerius GRATus, the Roman governor of Judea immediately before Pontius Pilate, to GRATian the Elder, father of Valentinian I. If I recall correctly, Gratus chose / accepted Joseph Caiaphas for the high priesthood.

Constantine was born in a Moesia area now Serbia. Didn't Bill Clinton have a lot to do with the Serbian crisis? Constantine's mother and daughter: Helena, important because Helena of Angusta could have been an Augustus liner. But the big story is that Constantine was an Aurelius liner while Rodhams trace to the Aurelia orle.

While Vinkovci is in Croatia, the Fessy's are in Craven / Croatia colors. Also important is that Hannibal's war at Trebia was led by general Scipio on the Roman side, who traces to a Skipton location in Craven of Yorkshire. With "Augustus" and "Aurelius" in his name, Constantine likely traces to Julius Caesar.

Aha! The three lions of Irish Constantine surname can be a version of the three dragons, in the same colors and positioning, of the Blois'/Bloyce's. The Constantine lions are perhaps those in the Sorrel and Manner Coats. French Constantine's were first found in the same place (Languedoc) as Cotta's!!! I've known that, but usually use "Constance," and didn't know with certainty whether they were from Constantine I (because I'm not well read on historical details such as his long-form name).

AHA! English Constantine's use six, black fleur-de-lys in the formation of the six, black fitchees of the Clintons and Hillarys. As Lacys were of Skipton-of-Craven elements, see the six, black Lacy pellets in the same formation. Or, as Foys/Foix's were first found in the same place (Auverge) as fox-using Fes'/Fez', see the same six pellets in the English Foy Coat. This is pregnant with meaning, including a trace of the Bauts and Bouillons (both first found in Auverge) to the Bautica river, in Aosta, beside Savoy, where the Fessy cross is suspect, thus tending to clinch a Fessy trace to Fes'. That explains why the Bouillon cross is in the colors of the Fessy cross. Just like that, Bouillons are tracing to the Macclesfield and Blinken crosses. Moreover, as Blanks are suspect with the Witkowo > Watson > Rodham line (all-seeing-eye line), it should be added that Fessy / Rodham colors are those of the Piast eagle too.

The eel is shared by Irish Foys/Feys and Skipton-related Skiptons. The Foys/Feys are likely using the crescent of Chapmans (same place as Julians and Capone's), in the colors of the Blythe crescents, because one Foix/Foy surname was first found in the same place as French Chappes.' Scottish Chappes' use ears of WHEAT, suspect with Watt liners, but then I think I see the ears of wheat the in Arms of Vinkovci. This supports other traces of Da-Vinci-code lore and heraldic considerations to Caiaphas, the killer of Christ. Brutal liars, sons of the wicked.

It can be gleaned that both Chappes' surnames, one of which includes "Chaip", is a branch of Bavarian Kaip(f)s, and then the Keefe's are using the Morgan lion, important as per mythical Morgan le Fey. Jesus was correct in pegging the Israeli priests as sons of satan, wasn't he? Irish Moors use the Morgan lion too, likely having to do with the Moor heads of the French Chappes'. But as the Scottish More's/Moors/Muirs are using the white Moor head of HESlingtons -- the head that I traced to Hasdrubal (white man) of Carthage -- it not only speaks of a HASmonean trace to HASdrubal, but a "Caiaphas" trace to "Syphax." The latter is suspect, not only with Spocks/Specks/Spacks, but with Speccots sharing the fret with Blois-suspect Cattle's/Cattels. The Space variation of Speccots can be part of the Star-Trek theme, and the Starship Enterprise can be quadruple code, partly for the Smendes-suspect Enders, partly for the Prize/Price surname (think VINCENT Price), partly for Stars (all-seeing eye, chevron colors reversed from the same of Heslingtons), and partly for Ship(ton)s.

The "bellows" in the Shipton Coat might just be code for a part of the Bly/Blygh and Blythe bloodline. IN FACT, the Bellows (the Blank cinquefoil!) are easily found as a branch of Billets! Blythe's were thus Billets! The Bilderbergs are coming to mind. Note the mullets of French Billets/Billiards, suspect with Chappes-loving Payens, and first found in Maine, Bellows-important because Maine's use the Perche chevrons, while Bellamys lived at Perche. Ultimately, the Blythe's are coming out as Bellamy liners, explaining why Blythe's share red crescents on a fesse with Bellamys.

The "Vita" motto term of Prize's/Price's (colors reversed to the giant Vita annulet) is for Vita's/Vitone's, suspect with annulet-using Ottone's that use a version of the Chappes and Kaip(f) "perchevron". A giant annulet is used by Burgos' (in the white color of the Ottone annulet), and then Fessys, in Prize/Price colors, are said to be from Burghs, as are Fessys. The annulet is code for the Annas (Caiaphas' father-in-law) and Annas-related Letts. Vincent Price was a Pharisee liner, wasn't he?

The estates belonging originally to Ottone Visconti passed to Sforza's using the same lion as Kaip(f)s, which is the Ferguson lion too. Note that Kaip(f)s and Ottone's use a curved perchevron, linkable to the curved bend of Rita's (Roet kin suspect with the same Rosh liners that named Rodhams) using a lion in Ottone colors, and in the white color of the Prize/Price lion. The latter could be a branch of Perche's honored in the perchervons under discussion, and then the Bellamys at the Arve were beside Wallis canton while Wallis' share the Price lion exactly.

While we have seen multiple red-on-white lions in Coats with red forked-tailed lions in Crest, the Prices use a white-on-red lion in Coat with a white forked-tailed lion in Crest. That's the same as saying that Pharisees of the Price and Forker / Fergus kinds were at Sion in Wallis. The Masons need to come clean. Leading the world by endless falsifications is cruel and deserving of punishment.

The Rita lion could be in the German-Manner Crest. Ask why these Manners use a "savage." English Manners/Maness' (same place as Roddens/Rodhams) share the green peacock with Paws, and that's where the "bear paw" of Squirrels may come in, though Quints use a lion's paw, as do Savage's using six lions in the configuration of the Foix pellets, the six Clinton fitchees, the six Constantine fleur, etc. To this it needs to be added that six pellets are found under the pine tree in the Arms of Fichtenberg (Germany), while the pine tree is used by the French Constantine surname (the one linkable to Cotta's). Recall the feasibility of TANTamun linking to the line from PINEdjem, for as CONStantine's were first found in the same place as Conte's. perhaps "ConsTANTine" was named after Tantamun elements. After all, Smendes (her husband) was a mouse liner while Maschi's use pine CONE's for the Conte line.

As Conteville's were from Burgos', as were Fessys, it should prove correct that Fichtenberg was a Fessey liner of the Fothes/Fittes kind. To this it should be added that the bars of the Foys/Fes', the ones using the Chapman crescent, are suspect with the same-colored bars of German Julians. As Chapmans use the Ship(ton) eel, see the Shipmans/Chipmans (in Victor/Fichter colors) using what should be the Valentin bend with more pellets. Admittedly, this tends to identify Chapmans as Scipio liners rather than Caiaphas liners, but there are arguments to be made (e.g. Skyppe's/Skippers first found in the same place as Quints) that Caepio's were one stock with Scipio's. Victors/Fichters look like a branch of Russian Alexanders, and are thus suspect from the merger of Alexander Balus with Jonathan Maccabee. The Constantine fleur are in the colors of the same of Rasmussens and Pepins, and highly suspect with the fleur of June's...i.e. from mythical Juno in the Sava river, same area as Constantine I and Valentinian I, and the line to Junia Caepio, daughter of Julius Caesar's mistress.

The Squirrels (Valentinian kin, remember) are in the colors of the German Paws/Pauers/PauerBUSCHs (peacock), but the latter use a chevron in the red color of the Quint chevron (for new readers, Julius' mistress was a daughter of Quintus Caepio the younger). The Squire variation of Squirrels is a version of the Sire's that honor Justine of Picenum (i.e. wife of Valentinian I), and then the Peacocks, I've just realized, apply to Justine in that they use a "just" motto term. As Peacocks are a known sept of Pollocks, it's important that Pollocks trace to Pula, at the southern tip of Istria, across the waters from Picenum. Moreover, the Valentin bend (with squirrels) is in the colors of the Jewish Pollock bend. Why Jewish?

Hmm, as Scottish Pollocks use their HUNting horns in the colors of the all-seeing-eye Stars, the difficult-to-decipher "STRenue" motto term of Pollocks could be part code for Stars. Pollocks definitely trace (with Alans of Dol) to Huns, and Stars trace to Huns at the Terek river, Alania. This means that the "strenue" term can be part-code for the NEWtons, in the colors of Stars / Pollock hunting horns. Newtons use a "eastern prince" in Crest while Prince's show the engrailed-and-ermined Macclesfield cross. However, as Blinkens have proven to use the Macclesfield cross round-about, it's very notable that the crossed bones of Newtons can link to Skull and Bones at YALE, for Blanks and Yells/Yule's were first found in the same place. Yale's use an ermined saltire in colors reversed from the Prince / Macclesfield cross. The Yale Crest: "A blue boar in a gold net, on top of a red hat with ermine trim." The Hats were traced to Haddingtons using the Macclesfield cross (in Yale-saltire colors), but it should be noted that the Yale hat is the Capelli and Biden "chapeau," code for Chappes liners, we can be sure. The Prince saltire is that of Annandale's in colors reversed, as used by the Arms of Ayrshire,

They say that Pollocks trace to Clovis, and Jewish Pollocks are in the colors of Childs, from Childeric, Clovis' father, who lived when the Attila Huns had reached France. The Wikipedia article on Clan Pollock shows their saltire in colors reversed, green on gold, the colors of the Hunter (greyHOUND) hunting horns, and then English Hunters (see Latins and Sprows') were first found in Shropshire, where Pollocks and their Alan associates had lived before moving to Scotland. English Latins use the counterchanged Hunter saltire and split Shield, which should prove to be the Sprows/Spruce split Shield, and then Italian Latins (Annandale saltire as used by Ayrshire) use "spurs" in Pollock-bend colors, important because Pollocks are suspect with Speers. I had traced Latins to the saltire of Kilpatricks, first found at CLOSEburn, near Annandale.

The Spurrs (garbs but called "wheat sheaves / wheat sheaf")" have been traced to the Close/CLOVSe surname, but now just compare the Spurr colors to those of Blys/Blighs (and Speers), for both surnames were first found in the same place, Devon, where the English Stewarts were first found. In this picture, the Blythe crescents are to be expected closely with the same-colored ones of Speers / Spree's. Note how the Speer crest compares with the Bly Crest! The Shield-and-Chief color combination of Speers is colors reversed from the same of Clintons.

AHA! The Clintons, in Spurr colors, share the gold pierced star with Spurrs, not forgetting the Yellows were first found in the same place as Clintons. Both the Payens and Spurrs call their stars (suspect with the Botter star, and therefore linkable to Porcius Cato), "spur rowels," suggesting the Raffs/Rawles' and Rolls/Rowle's, and it just so happens that the latter share a black-on-gold fesse with Yellows! Rawles and Rowles are raven liners, and raven-depicted vikings were on Shetland, where a Yell location sits wherein Yells/Yule's lived. As these raven liners trace to Rephaites = Garebites, note the GARBs of Spurrs as well as the OXfordshire location of Yellows (in Varn colors) and Clintons, a location suspect with Og, the Rephaite. See the Varn-suspect Gells too, or the Gale's (Biggar colors) of CORNwall sharing a uniCORN with the Arms of Shetland in the blue color of the Vere / Yale boar.

The Gale's (same place as Tippers) are in the colors of the Tipper dolphins, which may be in use in the Fryer/Freer/Frier Coat because Pendragons (likewise first found in Cornwall) honor Tipps' and Tippers in their motto while the Fryer/Freer Coat uses a chevron in Pendragon-chevron colors. It just so happens that the Shed Crest is a "hermit" that could once have been a friar, which is why Fryers were just looked up. It just so happens that Hermits/Armits (Shed colors) use helmets in Helm-helmet colors while the Pendragon Crest is a helmet.

The Kennedys of TIPPErary use the helmet too, in the colors of the Fryer/Freer dolphins. The Kennedy helmet design has been changed since last I've seen it. It once showed as the one used by Dobys, but the Doby helmet design has changed too (but still the same as the Kennedy helmet). Dobys, first found in the same place (Renfrewshire) as Speers, share fitchees with Scottish Kennedys (dolphin), and the latter use them in the colors of the Clinton fitchees. You can run but you can't hide. I know what this is, for the Kennedy and Doby helmets showing previously were called by some, a "squire's" helmet, thus bringing us to the Squirrel/Squire bloodline. Yes, the Squirrel bloodline is at the footsteps of this Shed / Shetland topic; just ask the Bus cinquefoil as used by Shetland's Blanks.

The description of the Armors (Hermit/Armit colors) calls their Crest a "squire's helmet," and this is the design once showing, for years, for Kennedys and Dobys. To help prove that Squirrels/Squire's/SQUARE's trace to the Arms-of-Placentia square, the Ermine's/Ayrmine's use the Annandale Shield. As Hermits/Armits are now linking to Pendragons, Armors must somehow be using the Tipper/Tippet chevron.

The "Non" motto term of Tippers gets the Nons/Nevins (Bly suspects) in colors reversed, and first found in AYRshire, where the AYRmine variation of Ermine's takes us, for the Arms of Ayrshire shares the Annandale saltire. I once read that Ayrshire was named after an Ale river, but I think that's wrong, unless "Ayr" came first (from "Awraba/Aures"), then followed by "Ale." In any case, the Ale's should be from "Yale," the latter showing the Annandale saltire with ermines behind it, as does the Ermine/Ayrmine Coat. The Ale surname (Non/Nevin colors) is using the same white-on-blue lion as Jones' and James', both important here because James show a dolphin while Jones' were first found in Denbighshire, where Yale's were first found. However, as Armors were first found in the same place (Berwickshire) as Hume's (they share the Jones / James lion, apparently), the Jones and James lions can trace to the same-colored ones of Rita's and the Arms of Suceava (near the BistRITA). That area of the Siret is on the north side of Neamt, and then the Non/Nevin write-up traces to a Gaelic "Naoimhin" surname, which I do not think I have ever addressed, even though I traced the Name/Neame surname to Neamt.

In fact, I ended up tracing the Annan(dale)s to the Neamt term too! I can't recall all of the arguments, but do recall that the Non/Nevin motto term looks like it matches the Annan/Anane motto ("Sperabo") while including a "dum" term buried apparently for "Dumfries." I think, too, that I presented the Nane surname, in Name/Neame colors, and first found in Anane-like HAINaut. It suggested that Ananes at Placentia had been at Neamt, and then the Rome's/Rooms, first found in Dumfries with Annandale, were from Roman, smack at Neamt. It looks like entities in the paragraph above should trace to the Siret too, and it just so happens that the AGARus name for the Siret is like "AYER."

[Hours after writing here, when getting back to writing, I wanted to look up what the Kennedys called their scimitar, when I saw that they use a "dolphin naiant," like "Neamt". They call it a scimitar. MacAbee's call their salmon, "naiant," and their griffin they call, "segreant."]

The Fryer/Freer dolphin is very suspect with the Caesar dolphin just because Julians/Gillians have been suspect with Gell / Yell / Gale liners. Moreover, Scottish Kennedys share their Coat with CASSels while Armors use a CASSis motto term. The fountains of the Cass and Kiss surnames (suspect from the Moldova capital) trace to Fonts, and then one Font surname is listed with Lafins, first found in Tipperary and honored in the "La fin" motto phrase of Scottish Kennedys. I traced "Tipps / Tipper" to Tipaza, a major Numidian city used by royal-Massena liners. The Tipps/Tippins look like they are using a version of the Ghent Coat, and then the related Gaunts were first found in Kent, where Massins/Masons and other Numidian lines migrated. "Freemason" is deciphered as code because Masons and Freie's use the same lion, and so the Frier variation of Fryers seems to betray their link to Freie's and Free's, mythical Frey liners suspect at the naming of DumFRIES.

Armors are in Gale colors while the "tutisSIMA" motto term of Armors is like the "semina" term of Gale's. The Kennedy scimitar, held by a blue arm, the color of the Armor arm, brings us back to the Schims/Shands/SHAWnd (potential Shawia Numidians, important here because Ayers share the Shaw quatrefoils), using a boar in what could be colors reversed to the Gale boar, as well as the Shield-and-Chief color combination of boar-using Speers. The Schim/Shand Chief even looks like the Speer Chief.

Why would scimitar-encoded scythians be tracing to Shawia liners? Ask the Ares cult suspect in the Aures area that Shawia lived at, and then trace these Shawia scythians to Ayrshire, where Kyle's lived who likewise used the scimitar.

Lets re-mention the SHED griffins, for the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Sheds is colors reversed from the same of Clintons, and moreover both surnames use fitchees. The Shed Coat has the look of the Speer Coat, tending to trace Sheds to the naming of Shetland. In fact, the Sheds are using red-on-white cinquefoils in their Chief (colors of the Speer-Chief crescents suspect with the Blythe crescents), which are colors reversed from the Blank cinquefoils, and this clinches the trace of Sheds to "Shetland," as well as clinching the Clinton trace to Blanks / Blinkens. It can be gleaned that the Shed griffins are a white version of the Cutter griffins while the latter are in the colors of the Bly/Bligh griffin. Cutters and Sheds both trace to the Kotor - Scodra region of Illyrium.

The Isis river through Oxfordshire should trace to mythical Isis, part of the Osiris / Horus cult that was the all-seeing-eye cult of Egypt. I have traced Edomites many time to Amazons at THEMIScrya, the location that must have named the Thames = Isis river. Horus is easily deciphered as the Horites of Edom because OSIRis is code for Seir, land of the Edomite Horites. "Isis" could be from "Esau" or perhaps the Assi. The Uat-Buto cult that was part of the all-seeing-eye cult was, in my opinion, founded by lines from Uts and Buz, Nahor's first two sons, and so that cult traces to Bus' and Blanks and Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Much thanks to Tim for the tip on the Sprows Coat, which led to discovering that Sprows were of Norfolk's Sprowston location, important now because the Fulke's (Norfolk) had a Plantagenet branch merged with Brooms/Brome's sharing ears of wheat with both the Chappes' and the Yell Crest. The Brooms call it "sprigs" of broom (possible code for Spriggs). Yells are the ones first found in the same place as Blanks and using a version of the Blythe Coat.

The Peacocks not only share blue peacocks with Paws/Pauers/Pauerbuschs, but use the same fesse (in Fessy colors) as Croatian-based Cravens. The Fessys are important here because they use, lest you've forgotten, the statement said to be spoken by God to Constantine I (pure garbage = codework, to be sure). The Peacock mascles are now showing in the colors of the Constantine / Rasmussen fleur. It's Rodham-important here that Watsons married the Lady-Rothes line of Peter Pollock, the first Pollock, explaining why Rodhams use the Jewish-Pollock bend too.

Back to the Bly griffin in the gold color of one Griffin griffin. The Griffins were rulers in Pomerania, beside MECHLenburg, where I trace Maxwells and Macclesfields. This is why I view Rostock location at the Pomerania theater as a location of Roxolani that named Roxburgh. Rodhams trace heavily to these Rosh elements, but the "orle" of Rutlands and Rutherfords gets them back to the mother of Julius Caesar, and this is the New World Order, an attempt to re-create Julian supremacy. The Bible says so. There will be a resurrection of the Julian bloodline in the eighth king of Revelation 17. See the "resurrection" also in Revelation 13.

The Aur and Moult lion combination is used by Fergus' too, except that the red Crest lion is brown, code for Bruno / Brown / Brunswick liners. This is the same as the Ferrara liners in Montferrat migrating to Brunswick. The tip of the Fergus spear looks like the same of Singletarys (from the Randolph - Dunham bloodline of Obama). Forkers use a "Sto cado" motto phrase that could be for the Stocks / Stake's using the lion of Montferrat-related Montforts. The Cotta's can be in code simultaneously because they were in the Alps above Montferrat.

Scottish Barbers have a Blythe look to them, and were first found in the same place (Northumberland) as Rodhams. ACTUALLY, these Barbers are said to have been first found in Northumberland and Cumberland, the latter being where Blinkens were first found!!! With such a Blinken link to Blythes and Rodhams, I think that the deputy national advisor is indeed telling the masses what the Clinton circle wants him to say, and we are not to know what the true meaning is of the IS-related statements.

The Blinken / Clinton section above was written in town. I was planning only at looking up the latest Iraq news, but found myself writing that section (albeit with additions the next day). As soon as I got home, not more than two minutes in, I heard a 6th squirrel dragging the trap across the floor. I found it in a position unlike all other mice and squirrels, lying face up, with its back to the trap (typical mouse trap only larger). That's why it could walk along with the trap on its back. The metal bar was across its throat, and so it couldn't have been like that for long. It urinated at the place where the trap originated. Hmm, it crawled from the east wing to the west wing. Only thing, I didn't find another squirrel with a blue dress. I dropped into a bucket, kept it warm all night, and this time this one survived. I'm 45 minutes from the town so it didn't go to the bus stop, but instead went to a wooded creek with a nearby barn. It was very young, almost fresh out of the nest, and it hopped along rather than running. It probably won't thrive, if it survives. Six fitchees, six squirrels, I think that's the point.

However, the peanut butter was licked clean from the trap (with the squirrel still on it), indicating a seventh squirrel was up there. It was caught the day after, and it survived better than the last. I took it to the same creek. Then, for days to come, no more squirrels were heard running in the attic. Two squirrels were heard outside in the coming days, but neither one came down to the floor of the attic to peanut butter, apparently. I fixed the insulation that had been ruined and urinated in, but the next day found a piece fallen from the rafters. Uh-oh. Yes, for turning the piece of insulation over, there was a urination spot (wasn't there the day before) on the floor that had dripped from the insulation. However, curiously, this squirrel didn't come get the peanut butter. Then, last night as I write, I heard the squirrel running above my head, on the attic floor, right at the squirrel trap. But the peanut butter is still there this morning. This could be the squirrel that had gotten wise to my previous, homemade squirrel trap.

The first five squirrels died, the next two survived, and the eighth is super-intelligent. Here's my interpretation: Revelation 17 says five heads of the beast have fallen, one is (alive) and one is yet to come, and after him the 8th king, the anti-Christ. It could be coincidental, or it could be a Sign that a Squirrel liner is about to appear in Iraq.

More Caiaphas Links to Mouse Liners

I have not been able to get you the section, today, for the subtitle above, but will get that in later. Here is another section that I feel is more important, written in the past day:

Dudo Henry of Nassau

A difficult thing for readers to agree with is my dogmatic claim that both Joseph surnames are from Joseph Caiaphas. This becomes easier to understand when one realizes that heraldry is a product of Templars, who would have honored Joseph Caiaphas with priority. The latest email from one seeking to understand the Schutz bloodline, because he himself is, apparently, from the Skit/Skeoch family of surnames, speaks to the Joseph surname. It started with his comment: "OHH! It says on houseofnames if you purchase the Schutz information, that they were a very old vassal family of the Counts of Nassau. I feel like if this is true. That information is key. The founder of the Nassau was Dudo Henry of Laurenburg, a supporter of the Salian kings." This email had not been open until the update to this point was published, and he had sent the email before Nassau's came to topic. It's first of all important where the Salian Germans are expect-able from Salyes Ligures, and where we just saw how mythical Zelus was related to the Nike/Nice Ligurians, and, besides, Orange-Nassau is at the mouth of the Durance, river of the Salyes. This is therefore the expected origins (one of them, anyway) of Dudo.

His message comes just after this was said: "The Duddys/Doddys happen to use the same saltire as Pollocks, important because Spanish Pelais'/Baez' use half the Pollock saltire." That's what made the Duddys suspect with the Pallas = Nike entity. And so we should hearken to what Mr. Skit liner has to share because one never knows what God may reveal through him.

Again, I'd like to point out that he has not appeared inclined to my tracing the Schutz's et-all to Caiaphas. His task is not to promote this idea, so far as I can tell in his emails. He is interested in understanding his roots, and has tentatively pegged them with a Schotten-surname migration from Scotland to the Rhineland's Jews.

Here is what I wrote him so far last night, though the email has not yet been sent. I was jotting things down while in the midst of looking into things"I appreciate your passing on Dudo Henry of Laurenburg, founder of Nassau counts, in case he can be traced to Henrys of the Joseph kind. Dudo is from Mainz, and then Josephs were first found in Maine, and Maine's happen to share two red chevrons with Laurens!!" This was such a great and important surprise, not only because of not knowing whether Mainz of Germany can link to the namers of Maine of France, but because, right away, Dudo Henry was linkable to French Josephs. To this it can be added that Nassau's/Naso's share billets with the Etienne surname, first found in Lorraine! It not only tends to clinch already that Laurenburg was of Lorraine, but families in Maine, including the Nice / Nassau bloodline, appear to have been involved in the Caepio treasure at St. Etienne and mount Pilat...because the Billet surname (in Etienne / Pilate colors) was first found in Maine!

To this it must be repeated that, the year after finding some 50,000 gold bars (each weighing 15 pounds), as well as some silver bars (see Wikipedia of Quintus Caepio), Quintus Caepio had a war against king Boiorix at Orange, the same that would become Orange-Nassau!!! It appears that the namers of Nice somehow came to own some of that treasure, and then Boiorix did win that war. As this email comes to me before I wrote and published on mythical Bia, son of Nike=Pallas, by what coincidence do we have BOIOrix??? I traced Bia liners to the Sforza and Fergus lions, both identical to the Nassau lion. The timing of this email makes it seem as though God is wanting us to know a little something here. And the squirrel events had linked to Pallas-suspect Placentia, let's not forget. My speaking to readers on the squirrel events, as acts from God, has the effect of losing the reader's confidence, but I published it anyway, letting God deal with the fall-out.

The next sentence that I wrote for the email: "Lorens/Lorraine's (Piast eagle, same as the Arms of Lorraine as per Richeza of Lorraine, wife of Mieszko II) share green-on-gold lions with Wheelers, and the Arms of Mainz uses a wheel! There's more to that sentence than meets the eye, but it tended to clinch a Laurenburg trace to Lorraine. I then wrote the next sentence: ""Dudo's family was from SIEGERland [from his Wikipedia's article], a term that I link hard to Valentinian." What a squirrelincidence. The Mainz wheel, white-on-red, are in the colors of the Valentin / Pollock bend, and Wheelers/Whalers are suspect from the Dol-surname whale. But there's more, for Segni's/SEGURana's (share the white eagle with Lorraine) were first found in Genoa, on the Ligurian coast along with Nice.

Then, recall how Constantine I (4th century AD) was linkable to Valentinian (5th century), born in vinces-like Vinkovci (I don't think it had that name yet, at the time of Constantine), for Constantine supposedly heard (he actually did not) the words, "In hoc signo vinces" (In this sign conquer'). This must have been code, that some (after him) placed into his mouth, in respect of the Seager and Segni/Segurana family; both surnames use the moline cross in colors reversed to one another, as do Sibals (Fife), clearly tracing the latter to "Cibalae," the earlier name of Vinkovci.

The Segni/Segurana Chief uses the same eagle as Este's and Bars, and then the Bars/Baars of Brunswick-Este are known to be the namers of Bar-le-Duc in Lorraine. Therefore, when we see Dudo's family from Siegerland, it tends to reveal that he was involved with Sava-river elements of the Constantine > Valentinian kind that had merged with nearby Este. The gold-on-green Duddy saltire (colors reversed from the Lorraine / Wheeler lions) is used as a standard cross in the Arms of Pula, and Pula is important here because Richeza of Lorraine traces to Rika/Rijeka, near the sources of the Sava, and between Pula and Este. I'm telling this because the English Pettys share a blue-and-gold quartered Coat with Siegers (Wurttemberg) while Pula went by the alternative name, "Pietas Julia." Pettys are in the colors of, and were first found in the same place as, Sheriffs (Square suspects). This is another way of saying that the Squirrels/Square's, suspect from the Sava-based Sauers, and apparently represented by the white square at the center of the Sibal moline, were Pallas liners of the Pollock kind to the square at the Arms of Placentia. Note that the center of the Sieger cross, which is red like the Sibal-Crest cross, uses a symbol (besant) at the center, as does the moline of the Caiaphas-suspect Chives surname.

A trace of Dudo / Nassau to Placentia elements is important for establishing that Dudo's Henry surname was of Joseph Caiaphas in particular, and I'll come back to my email as it again falls upon the Joseph surname, but first let me make other points tending to bring Caiaphas liners into the Dudo picture. First, the Sibal(d) of Fife are known to have been linked to Lundys, a branch of Londons (now suspect with the Luna line to Luneburg), and then the Capes'. kin of Happs/Abbs, were first found in London. It's a small piece of evidence, but it comes to add up, especially as Bar-le-Duc uses white-on-blue (Este colors) fish in its Arms, the colors of the Habbs fish.

The Habbs Chief use "A demi stork...holding a salmon in its beak" in the colors of the Mainz wheel, important because Salian Germans (had Henrys as Roman emperors) must apply here. Salemans/Salmans/SALIANs share a gold eagle with Siegers, and are in the colors of the Salmon salmon. Does that work for anything revelatory? The Habbs storks are in the colors of the English Horn/Heron herons, but the Irish Herons (Lannoy / Lyon colors) show the same pelican-on-nest (Nestor > Nassau liners?) design as German Langs, first found in Luneburg (it suddenly appears the Lyon, initially LUGdunum, was a Luna-liner). We are establishing a Carian basis -- at Endymion and the moon goddess, SELENE -- for the Salian emperors, and it's going to Zelus, a mythical child of Pallas and Styx. The Sticks use gold garbs, probably the Joseph garbs, in the colors of the Salians / Salmons.

The theory was easy to guess correctly, that the owners of the gigantic Caepio treasure would come to rule the world, and here we are finding that the treasure led to the Henry Salians that ruled the world. Almost. As was my other theory, God had the bloodline, that He knew would come to rule the world, kill His son as the justification for putting an end to those rulers.

The Happs/Abbs use the Arms of Austria, important where the Sava has a source at Austria, but the lozenges of the Happs/Abbs trace to Losinj, a location near Pula. The Pollock hunting horns (in the colors of the Huntingdon horns) seemingly apply to the Herons/Horns, in Jewish-Pollock colors; it helps to trace Habbs' to the Pula theater. It is clear that Happs/Abbs and Habbs' were of the Habsburgs of Austria, but, curiously, the Habsburg surname (Baden, same area as Siegers) use the Legh/Ligh lion, which traces Habbs liners, with certain Ligurians, to Leicester, where Roet-related Rodhams/Roddens trace (with Peter-Pollock-related Watsons) who are in Heron/Horn colors, and first found in the same place (Northumberland) as Herons.

I'll show below how Roets trace to Dudo Henry, which makes the Mainz wheel suspect with the Catherine wheel of Catherine Roet, and so let's add that while one branch of Scotts uses the Catherine wheel, the other branch appears to be using the Petty bend. In fact, as both Scott Coats are versions of Talbot Coats, it not likely coincidental that the elephant in the Petty Crest is white with a red ear, for the white talbot dog in the Arms of Oettingen-Oettingen (Bavaria) has a red ear. This trace of the Scotts to Oettingens, a known stork-portrayed family...that I trace to Yorkshire Odins (and Oddie's) at STORKhouse. Therefore, the PUTney and Habbs stork is for this Oettingen family, suspect with Chappes'-based Ottone's. It tends to reveal that Putneys and Puttens are Petty liners...from Pula elements.

The importance of the Wheelers/Whalers (look like Herod/Hurl kin) entering the email at the point shown above (with the Lorraine lions, the colors of the Lannoy / Lyon lions) was that I had already mentioned Wheelers in the email as per their "Avito jure" motto, part-code for the Ottone-related Vita's/Vitone's. The Jore's are Gore liners (Alan fesse in colors reversed) to Croatia's Gorski -- in the Pula / Losinj / Rika theater -- but the Jore's/Gore's just happen to use red-on-white greyhounds in place of the red-on-white footless martlets of French Alans, which are a match with the red martlets of the Brittany Henrys!!! That's what was so revealing with Dol-suspect Wheelers/Whalers linking to Dudo of Laurenburg. It traces the Salian Henrys to the Henry surname, and so note that the other Henry surname uses a green-on-white spread eagle, in Lannoy / Lyons colors. Note the Rich-like ending on the Henry surname, which speaks to Richeza of Lorraine, but as she was married to Mieszko II Lambert, it explain why the Wheeler/Whaler Crest is the Dober / Doberman griffin head, for Dobers are from Dobrawa, wife of Mieszko I.

As Catherine Roet was married to John of Gaunt, note how the wavy Dol fesse is colors reversed to the same of Dutch Ghents. It bring Dols (Este colors) into this Dudo picture probably for a Brunswick-Luneburg reason.

I can't at the moment recall the Haldan-like location that was home to the other wife of Mieszko I, but it was near Brunswick. It was noted that Haldans (suspect with Sinclairs and Balders of Lothian) use the Dober / Doberman griffin head too, thus clinching a trace of Mieszko's wife to Haldans. The "Suffer" motto of Haldans speaks of the French Saffers using eagles in Piast-eagle colors, while English Saffers share the unicorn with Cnut's, from Cnut, son of Swietoslawa, daughter of Mieszko I. The Sweets share the Lambert and Seward chevrons (Siward of Northumberland, same place as Sword-colored Herons), in the colors of the Mainz wheel, important because Wheelwrights use the Catherine wheel too.

Now that the Saffer eagle's have been traced without doubt to the Lorraine eagles, Saffers can trace to Dudo Henry of Laurenburg, important because the five Saffer eagles are in the format of the five Chaplet swans, in the colors of the swan once showing for French Josephs! It's tracing a Joseph Chaplet, so to speak, to Laurenburg's Henrys. ZOWIE, I had not yet realized until that was written that Chaplets were first found in Lorraine!!! The FIVE number is expected from QUINTus Caepio.

? You might say, fine, but Caepio wasn't a Caiaphas liner, but I would challenge that as the very end-goal of all my work, and I have God on my side, I can't lose.

This discussion is God's revelation to the world via one Mr. Skeetz. Thank you. I needed that. Chaplets are said to be from the region of the Pharisee-suspect Parisii.

The "lot" endings on the Chaplet variations suggest mythical Lot, founder of Lothian. It suggests the known Caiaphas elements in the Sinclairs of ROSLIN. Note that the Lothian surname traces by its pine tree and it's "CUSTodit" motto term to Constance's/CUSTance's = the line of Constantine I. French Constance's were first found in the same place as Roussillon = ROSELLON. No coincidence. Sinclairs are from Claro's, the Charo/Claro surname honored in the "charo" motto term of English Josephs.

The "Appe" term buried in the Constance motto could therefore be for the Capes-related Happs/Abbs. The full term is "AppeTITUS," and emperor Titus was the overseer of the Romans who conquered Jerusalem in 70. It's possible that Caiaphas elements made an alliance with Titus at that time to spare themselves trouble. After that thought came to mind, what a surprise to find that the Titus surname shares the very same black Moor head, gold headband an all, with Chappes' of PARIS!

What's revelatory now is that the royal Scottish lion is found in the Lundy and London Coats, the colors of the Fife and FIVE lions. The royal Scottish lion is also that of the Habsburg surname, and we just as Happ/Abb liners involved in Lundy's of Fife. This recalls that Saer de Quincy had a mother from the Fife area that had kin in the Picardy theater. Aha! Visiting my atlas just now, I spotted ABBEville on the Somme, and then MacAbee's use salmon, the Habbs-Crest symbol! (Habbs' won't come up as "Habb").

The Constantine-based Lothian surname (talbot dog) is an obvious Sheaves > Shaw liner from Chives' of Ceva. As Shaws share the Ayer quatrefoils, that's why Lothians are said to be from Ayrshire, near Cunningham, and then Cunninghams are the ones using the "fork" motto term for Forkers/Farquhars of Ayrshire. That's the Pallas > Bia line expected at Placentia (where the Arms of Ayrshire traces, to Ananes of Placentia), and then while Cremona is beside Placentia, Croms share quatrefoils too, as do Vincents (Leicestershire, but from a CRAMENel entity) suspect with the "vinces' code given to Constantine. The "itur" term buried in the Vincent motto is buried in a Shaw motto too. Valentins were first found at Vicenza. As French Vincents (Languedoc) use the escutcheon-on-Shield (Schutz-line code) in the Arms of Rennes-le-Chateau in colors reversed, they are suspect in the Rosellon trace to Roslin.

As Lothians can link to Forker-related Cunninghams, it speaks of the Pallas > Bia bloodline yet again to which Nassua's must trace. The BAEUmonts, rulers of Leicester, had proven to from the Bia line. The quatrefoils of Leicestershire Vincents are in the colors of the Bocage oak trees (Roet symbol), important because I've just spotted a Villers-Bocage off the Somme and near Abbeville, and then there's another Villers-Bocage in Normandy, smack beside Cunningham-suspect Caen. Apparently, the Vallencienne location (Artois) at the HAINaut border applies to Valentinian liners of the Levi / Annas / Caiaphas kind, explaining why eight footless martlets surround the Vallence Coat (Vincent colors), symbol also of Saddocks and Chadocks / Chadwicks, all three of which use a small white escutcheon (shield) linkable to the white Placentia square.

Aha! German Valences use martlets in Henry-martlet colors! That triple-clinches the trace of Dudo Henry to Valentinian, but lets add that there is a Valence location beside Lyon, explaining the colors of the Valentin squirrels (in Lyon / Lannoy colors). F-variations of the Valences suggest the Whaler-suspect Whelans/Failins/Phelans now suspect within the body of founders in the Mainz wheel. The WestPHALIA location of German Valence's suggest that it was named after Valentinian elements.

The roses of Dutch Valence's are colors reversed to the Valentin squirrels, but as the house of Nassau became deeply Dutch, lets assume that Dutch Valences had much to do with it, and add that the black-on-gold roses of the Siegers are in the colors of the Chaplet swans and the Levi / Mons chevrons (Vallencienne is beside Mons, the counts of which used the three Levi chevrons). The Lieven location between Vallencienne and the house of Eustace at Boulogne suggest the Livings/Levins sharing white footless martlets with Saddocks / Chadocks. It's making it very hard for anyone to argue that Sadducee liners are not involved. I was born to reveal this, woe is me. I was hoping to be an evangelist, an exciting life, but God chose for me to be at the typewriter. Woe is me.

The Vincents of Leicestershire can help to reveal that, when I took three squirrels (a year or two ago) to a bus stop in front of a lumber outlet, it was meant for a Revelation now relevant. The Bus cinquefoil is in the Arms of Leicestershire, and then there happens to be a Lumbres location (just noticed while visiting the atlas) in Pas de Calais, the Artois area of the Eustace-Bouillon family. That explains why Lumbers/Lambs (another red, forked-tailed lion!) share black-on-white stars with the Scottish Jeffreys (beside Lothian) using a "phoeBUS" motto term!! Lumbers (Northumberland again) share a white-on-black fesse with the Jeffreys, as well as sharing the white cinquefoil with the Bus'.

I'm not quite finished. The green border surrounding the white Shield of Elders is used by Lothians? Why? Well, Carters (forked-tailed lion), who share the Catherine wheel in Valentin-squirrel colors, and were first found in Winchester, where Saer de Quincy ruled, trace to president Jimmy Carter, who is/was part of a society called, The Elders, and this traces to the Elder of Sion run by Godfrey de Bouillon. When Hugh de Payens returned from the Jerusalem Temple after many years there on his secret mission, he visited the Sinclairs of Roslin, now suspect with the Elders. The Carters trace to the Bia-force line not only due to their forked-tail lion in Crest (doesn't show the tail), but because they use the Sforza / Fergus lion in the Coat, proving the Carter link to Saer de Quincy...because the Sforza lion holds a quince. "Saer" is much like "Sauer," suspect as the Squirrel/Square line.

My email with Mr. Skeetz involved a few white greyhounds (of the Hundts/Hunts and Hunters, likely linked by hunting horns to the Horns/Herons)...shown also in the Crest of Catherine-wheel-using Carters. The Carter wheels are in the colors of the Arms of Lombardy, suspect with Lumber liners, but the Milan elements of Lombardy must have touched upon the family of Ottone Visconti (first Visconti ruler of Milan), whose titles eventually went to Sforza's. That works. Carters were therefore in cahoots with some Lombard elements of the Chappes kind.

The Carter greyhound holds a small white square / shield. So, you see, Carters were indeed of the Squirrel bloodline, of the Saer de Quincy kind, and so the peanut butter used to snag seven squirrels this year tends to apply. It just so happens that the email from Mr. Skeetz helps me to clinch Zahringers in the Sear / Sere / Sarres bloodline. Amazing. God is trying to tell me that I need help to finish this job off. I know he's thinking to Himself, "Man is that John stupid. Somebody please find a way to speed this up, time is running out."

As the seven squirrels became suspect with the seven heads of the Revelation-17 dragon, let's go to the fifth one, for I identified (years ago) emperor Titus as the fifth head. The fifth squirrel was found alive, barely. But it died overnight. None of the other squirrels survived the trap, until the 6th and 7th ones, and Revelation 17 says that the 6th and 7th heads had not yet fallen = died. Only the first five had fallen = died. The Revelation had to be written in code so that John could be spared his life. He was already in exile and under Roman watch for persecution. He could not say in plain black and white that the seven heads were emperors of his day, and that's why the Roman harlot was named, Mystery Babylon. God was looking out for him.

He received the revelation while the 6th one (Domitian) was ruling, and he said the 7th had to come for a short time, and indeed Nerva (of the Cocceius family), after Domitian, ruled only 16 months. The three emperors in quick succession between Nero and Vespasian can be ignored as the three uprooted kings of Daniel 7's ten Roman kings. One of the best reasons for viewing the Revelation as a true message from God, as opposed to the fancy of a nutty Christian, is that no self-proclaimed prophet would predict the events under the anti-Christ (the eighth head) to arrive in the emperor (Trajan) immediately after Nerva. For the same Revelation had a commercial 666 mark issued (chapter 13) by the same eighth head, and that did not even begin to happen under Trajan. It can be gleaned by other prophetic remarks that there would be a gap of untold time between the 7th and 8th heads, the meaning of the resurrection / revival of one of the seven heads of Revelation 13. Although it doesn't tell use which of the seven would find resurrection (not a true human raising from the dead), it can be assumed to be the 7th in order to bring on the 8th. Revelation 17 says that the dragon was not, is, and will come again, meaning that there will be a gap between the dragon of the first-century Roman empire and that of the 8th head that revives the empire, or revives the Nerva bloodline.

I noted that the 6th squirrel had urinated at the spot where the trap sprung on it, but I don't know whether this is part of the Sign, or how it can relate to Domitian. Nor do I know how the initial survival of the 5th, only to die overnight, can related to Titus. I'm mentioning it now in case some Light sheds on these matters in the near future.

Amazing. I just considered the urine term as per potential surnames, when Orren Hatch came to mind...because, my email to Mr. Skeetz had found the Hatchets/Hackets (white-on-blue fish very linkable to Dudo of Laurenburg) and Hatch's/Hacchs. He had mentioned the "Zarringers" (his spelling) that led me to look up the Zarrs, finding them with Zehr-using variations that revealed Zahringen (or "Zahringer") lines. Although the Zarr/Zehrer Crest uses an axe, the Coat is said to use hatchets, you see, and Hatchets use the two-headed Roman eagle, shared with one head by Sears, the latter using stars in colors reversed to the Sere/Saire/Sert stars.

The Orrens were just looked up to find them sharing black lozengy Shield with Scottish Lombards! The Orren lozengy is in both colors of the Schole lozengy, and as Schole's use the Julian/Gillian cross, the stars of Italian Lombards are suspect as the stars of French Julians / Alans / Jore's/Gore's. The Orrens can be suspect with Aurelia liners of the Julius-Caesar kind, suggesting one of the daughters of Servilia Caepio.

Trajan was the first emperor of the so-called Nerva-Antonine dynasty, which included emperor Antoninus Pius (Bia / Bias liner?), from 138 to 161. He was from the Aurelii batch of Roman sects, and his father was Titus Aurelius Fulvus, suggesting the Titus bloodline too. Let's keep in mind that the Titus surname shares the Moor head with Caepio-suspect Chappes', although I'm not prepared at this time to get into the twisted web of Roman-imperial families to seek where and when a Titus-Caepio merger may have taken place. The gyronny of Titus' speaks to the Gernons using a Caiaphas-like motto. It may be that the Titus-Caepio merger was directly in relation to Joseph Caiaphas himself.

The Lombards, in Levi colors, are also "Limbaugh," which recalls Rush Limbaugh calling himself god. Perhaps there is a genetic strain in Rush that likes to perceive itself as God, the sort of ailment in the Roman emperors of the first century. Perhaps the anti-Christ will have that disease, for he too will accept his role as supreme god. He will be so highly intelligent that he won't see the Rap Trap right beside his nose.

Siegers were first found where Zahringens ruled, tending to clinch that Dudo of Laurenburg, from the bishopric of Siegerland, was a Sear / Sauer liner of the Sieger = Squirrel kind. Squirrels trace to Zahringers. The latter share the antler with German Wessels, highly suspect with Vestalis, son of Cottius, from the family of Aurelia Cotta with little doubt. This is a good place to remind that I saw two origins for the naming of the Sava, one in lake Sevan (and recently in Shawia Numidians from lake Sevan), and two, in "Cavii." It may not be contradictory to view both as correct. Like I said that Kanza, from the Aures area of the Shawia, looked like a Quincy liner and therefore a Quintus-Caepio liner, so that Shawia and the Cavii may have been one peoples in different geographies.

With Zahringens tracing to Sauers, named after the Sava, one might expect that Zahringens should trace to Caiaphas, and that's where my theory comes in that Caiaphas was a descendant of Aurelia Cotta. English Wessels use swans in the blue colors suspect with Caepio liners, as well as showing garbs in the colors of the Joseph garbs. Wessels show a buffalo horn, which, I now recall, was a Zahringer symbol! The Horns/Herons are in the colors of the Wessel antler, and colors reversed from the Wessel buffalo horn. The cuff in the sleeve of the Wessel Crest, suspect as code for Caiaphas liners, is used by Cuffs, and the latter use the Sale bend with fleur, evoking the Salian kin of Dudo Henry. The blue Cuff sleeve is said to be "cuffed," and the Coat's bendlets are called, "COTISed blue."

It's past due that I get back to my email to Mr. Skeetz. I had shown the coincidence that Dudo Henry traced excellently and surprisingly to French Josephs, and even to the Caepio treasure. Immediately after saying to him, Lorens/Lorraine's (Piast eagle, same as the Arms of Lorraine as per Richeza of Lorraine, wife of Mieszko II) share green-on-gold lions with Wheelers, and the Arms of Mainz uses a wheel, I wrote:

Richs, who come up as "Richess," were first found in the same place as English Josephs!!! Note that the endings on the Brittany Henrys look like Richeza terms such as the Ricks (Mainz-wheel and Lorraine-eagle colors) using a version of the Craven Coat. Ricks were first found in the same place as Roets!!! That tends to trace the counts of Nassau to Catherine-wheel Roets...Depending on the age of the Mainz wheel, the first counts of Nassau were either ancestral or vice-versa to Catherine Roet's family. The Piast eagle is suspect as a colors reversed version of the red Zahringer eagle obtained by Hohens, and then the Siegers could conceivably be Zahringens / Sauers, even as Sawyers are suspect with Seagers. At this point, Dudo is suspect from Sigrid the Haughty.

Duddys/Doddys (Pollock saltire) and Dudleys (blue lion, colors reversed from the Nassau lion!) were a topic in today's update that may apply...

What a coincidence that I would open his email on the same day as mentioning Duddys and Dudleys. The Haughts, from Sigrid the haughty, use the Beak bars in colors reversed, and the beaks played into this discussion in the following statement repeated: "The Habbs Chief use "A demi stork...holding a salmon in its beak" in the colors of the Mainz wheel, important because Salian Germans (had Henrys as Roman emperors) must apply here." The Habbs' are the ones with three storks in the colors of the three Horn/Heron storks.

It's only now that I reflected back on Orrens when the Orne area of France came to mind that should link to Horns. In fact, the Orne's are listed with the Horns/Herons. Orne is the location of Gace and Perche. Gace's use a Zionist star in Orne/Horn colors. And Perche's are important toward Mainz-wheel identification with Catherine Roet. Let's go back to email statement: I appreciate your passing on Dudo Henry of Laurenburg, founder of Nassau counts, in case he can be traced to Henrys of the Joseph kind. Dudo is from Mainz, and then Josephs were first found in Maine, and Maine's happen to share two red chevrons with Laurens!! The two Maine chevrons are in both colors of the Perche chevrons, and Perche's are a branch of Pierce's and Percivals (swan-grail liners), first found in the same place as Roets and Treasure's. As Happs/Abbs use the Arms of Habsburg-Austria, shared by Cravens, it's notable that Treasure's share the red fitchee of Cravens.

The Treasure's and Saxons/Septons share the rare scarlet / burgundy colors (Flemings use it too). Saxons/Septons are suspect in using a version of the Orrels Coat, a line from the Aurelii. But as the Saxon annulets are called "red chaplets, cotised in black," the darker-than-red may be a secret, and it's made obvious that Saxons trace to Aurelia Cotta and to the Chaplet the colors of the Joseph swan. With so many reasons to link Josephs to the Cottians, it speaks for itself. And the Treasure chevron looks to be the Quint chevron because Quints use the fitchee too, not forgetting that Chaplets use FIVE swans as probable code for Quintus liners. The Etienne's of Lorraine, kin of the Maine Josephs, are using the same rose color as Sachs.

ChapLETS can, as with annuLETS, link to the Letts (Annas Chief and Shield in colors reversed), suspect with Leto's, Lights (swans, Somerset), and Aliotto's that all use Coats looking like that of Habbs' and Horns. It's clear that chaplets and annulets are in honor for both killers of Christ, both alive and involved at the Crucifixion.

Aha! After writing all the above, it was time to go to the Siegerland article, where I learned on the town of Sieger, built by the counts of Nassau in the 13th century, especially by a Henry "the Rich." Is that code for Richeza lines? Probably. The point is, the Arms of Siegen, (in Sawyer / Seager colors) use a woman with a book, and Roets use a book!!! Plus, the white-on-blue lion, the main feature of the Arms, is not only colors reversed from the Caepio-line lion, but in the colors of the lion used by Roet-related Rita's! The lion can also be deemed the Dowel / DOUGAL lion and/or in Dol/DOHL colors because the latter look related to John of Gaunt.

To the north side of Siegen, SAUERland!!!

There is one Henry XVI "the rich" of Bavaria, whose son was also "the Rich," a sort of surname, right, for this line of Henrys? Henry XVI married a Visconti. Why would that be? Ricks (in Mainz-wheel colors) were first found in the same place as Roets.

I didn't take the time to look at the Habbs variations until now, but they show as Hibbs and Hibs, and are therefore, probably, a branch of Hips' sharing the Henry martlets! The Habbs chevron can be that of the Billets of Maine, for the three storks in the Habbs Chief are in the colors of the three cinquefoils in the Chief of English Billets, first found in the same place (Devon) as Maine's. This is very good for clinching a Hips and Habbs trace to the Hypsas river at Agrigento, for the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Billets is that too in the Arms of Agrigento.

The "puro" term of the Billet-related Bellows (same Coat as Billets) can go to the "Purr y" motto phrase of the Maness'/Manners (share a red Chief with the Mens) because the Bellows Coat uses the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Mens. The "PECtore" motto term of the Bellows helps to trace Bellows and Billets to the same-colored Pek Coat, and all that it means for a link to the Cuppae liners from the Pek river. The Peks were first found in the same place (Essex) as Quints, and share the red Quint chevron. The "Vita" motto term of Bellows can link to the "Avito" of Wheelers (the "jure" term of Wheelers goes to Gore's, first found in Essex), thus making the Billet link to the Mainz wheel even harder to refute.

And so we come to the fact that the Mainz wheel is in the colors of "bello"-using Bouillons, important because Bouillons were, as with Payne Roet, from the Pas-de-Calais theater. The Quincys are traced in their write-up to a Cuinchy location in Pas-de-Calais, where you can expect the descendants and bars of Quintus Caepio. The crozier in the Arms of Siegen can go to Croze's/Croziers (Nane suspects), first found in the same place as Bouillons. The crozier is used by the Oettingen stork liners, the Odins (same place as Habbs'/Hibs), but the lion with the Odin crozier is in the colors of the Mainz wheel, as well as in the colors of the Tool lion, important because Caepio stole the treasure (in warfare) from Toulouse. Tools were first found in the same place (Kildare) as Eustace's! I didn't realize until after writing here that the Eustace motto term, "perSEQUERis," is code for Siegerland elements.

Croze's/Croziers and Nane's both use nothing but a Shield filled with blue-and-gold checks, and that's got to be the mythical Creusa-Aeneas line to Agrigento, exactly where stork-liner Habbs'/Hibs trace. The Habbs' stork is partially explained where stork-using Storys/Storrs (in Stormy colors) were first found in the same place as Horns/Herons.

The Stormy bear us suspect with the Zahringen-bear line, where Zahringens are the known founders of bear-depicted Berne in Switzerland. Perhaps I'm mistaken, but the Berne bear design once showed as the one in the Stormy Crest. The bear design in the Berne Coat is now the one used by James'-suspect French Benjamins, and so the lion in the Arms of Siegens can be the James lion too. The Berne bend is in the colors of the same of Fes', first found in the same place as Bouillons and Croze's/Croziers.

The Zahringen link expected at the early house of Nassau, at SIEGEN, can be gleaned where Fes-suspect Fessys (in Mainz-wheel colors) use "In hoc SIGNo vinces" for a motto. Why are Fes/Fez liners from Fez of Morocco tracing to Dudo Henry? We need to ask Guerin of Provence, for Guerins are thus being pegged as the namers of Veringens, the antler-using kin of Zahringens. Fessys (the Sieger cross in colors reversed?) were first found in the same place (Northampton) as Quincys. Provence is at the southern area of the river of the Salyes, the ancestry of the Salians. If it's true what some say that William Gellone was father to Guerin of Provence, then while Gellone's look like Julians/Gillians, note that the latter share a salamander in flames with Sagans, which has the potential to trace Carl Sagan and Caesar, two enemies of Christ, to Siegen.

The way to assure that Berne was named after Bernicians is by way of the Pepin horse used in the Odin Crest, for Pepin of Landon was from the Bebba Bernicians (my personal finding). This is basically indicating that Salian Germans were from the Salian Franks that made up the first Merovingians. The red eagles of Lorraine's and Piasts are in the Child Coat (Rick colors), therefore, and the Lambert/Lambard chevron is the Child chevron. Note that French Lamberts (Dauphine, location of Etienne) look like Etienne-related Billets. German Lamberts (suspect with the Chapman / Luna crescent) were first found in Franconia, location of Salian Germans. The so-called Franconian Rake (heraldic symbol of Franconia) can be code for Rich / Richeza elements. IN FACT, FRench Lamberts were first found in Franconia while Richeza's husband was Mieszko Lambert! As you can see, the Rake's (ermined black) use an "utili" motto term suspect with Attila because the "Hon" term buried in the motto speaks to him. Compare Rake's (Maxwell colors) to Hamons and link feasibly to Hamon de Massey.

Back to the Siegen article from Wikipedia: "The nearest cities to Siegen, taking into account average travelling distances, are Hagen to the north (83 km), Frankfurt am Main to the southeast (125 km)... " The Rothschilds of Frankfurt are within grasp here, and Rothschilds traced to Peter Pollock, wherefore the Frank surname using the Pollock / saltire should apply to fundamental Rothschild liners, especially as the Frank motto tern, "nati," looks like code for Natts/Nathans (Rhineland) while the second Rothschild was Nathan. The Natt/Nathan Coat (Rhineland) looks like a usage of the Saddock and Nitt/Naught Coat. Compare the Nitts/Naughts to Pythos-of-Delphi-suspect, stork-using, and Petty-like Pitts too, for Nettle's (Natt colors) use two coiled serpents, suspect from the caduceus of Tiresias, father of Daphne of Delphi. The Pettys use a "needle" that suggests the Needle's/Nadlers (Shropshire), sharing the giant sun of Hesse's, traceable to Helios, Colchian father of Phaethon. We are talking about a peoples in Christian times who honored their pagan past secretly, and disguised themselves devil-like as Christians, using their vast wealth to create a satanic world for all to live in, hoping to deceive Christians into a sinful lifestyle.

Have you forgotten that Duddys use the Pollock / Frank saltire so that Dudo Henry should trace to Franks(furts) of the Rothschild kind?

Pettys were suspect in using a version of the Primo Coat, but the Primo quarters are used by Hagens in colors reversed. This is of obvious Caiaphas-of-Dudo importance where Seconds are listed with Segurs. Come walk with me upon snakes, and we shall crush their heads. God, the true God, would be pleased to see them crushed.

Hague's are in the colors of Hagars whom are suspect with the flag of modern Israel as founded by Rothschilds. Hague's were first found in the same place as Habbs (the rat trap just snapped) and Nettles', and are using the Oddie saltire, in the white color of the Oettingen saltire. The Oddie, Ottone, and Hague Coats are in the colors of the Oddey/Aude Coat, and Hague's use the rock design showing for years (until recently) of the Roque's of Aude (Languedoc). The Halver location in Sauerland suggests the Halfs using an hourglass Shield in the same colors, but as the Half Shield is suspect with the Kerry hourglass Shield, note that Kerrys share bees and a hive with Petty's. Oddeys/Odo's ("patria" motto term) use the Petty quarters, thus clinching a trace of the red elephant ear of Pettys to the red ear of the Oettingen talbot. Oddeys/Odo's use a common "VeRITAs" motto term that's now looking like part-code for the Rita's (because the lion in the Arms of Siegen is suspect with Rita lion). The gold pelican of Oddeys/Odo's are in use in the Godfrey Coat, important because Eustace's are tracing to Siegen. The curved Gust chevron is suspect with the curved Rita bend and the curved Ottone / Puck chevron, but Gusts are lately suspect as Eustace liners.

The Odie's/Days/Deys (Somerset, same as Roets), in Oddie/Odo colors, may suggest that all of these similar surnames are from Tiye liners. Consider too the white-on-blue colors of much of the above are Gogi colors, while I think Yuya (Tiye's father) was the line to Gog.

I'll be right back after I check whether the trap caught the 8th head of the dragon.....It's not a wonder that I didn't hear squirrel footsteps, for it was a mouse. It's been weeks since a mouse was up there. He died instantly, but took off all the peanut better first. He must have gone in for the last lick when....Does this mean that Hague's and/or Habbs are Smendys-mouse liners?

The motto of Halfs/Helps suggests Og-suspect Oakleys ("caveo" motto term), who look like Seaton/Satan kin. The Oaks happen to share the Oak tree with Roets while being first found in the same place as Roets. The Oaks even use a motto term ("Quercus") like that of Roets that traces the latter to sleeper-liner Caria (= Endymion, where Smendes traces). The "salus" term of Oaks likewise goes to Selene. The essenes bee cult was beside Latmus of the sleeper line, and is suspect from Merops of Kos, that island seemingly honored in the QuerCUS term.

The Oak oak leaves are used by English Alans, and so allow me to explain a few Alan-related things anew with the elements of Nassau in mind. It starts with my theory that proto-Alans of Forum Allieni = proto-Ferrara were in league with the priestly lines that had escaped Romans (or were perhaps in exile) in relation to 70 AD. I can now add that possibility that Caiaphas' family became merged with Titus' in a marriage of convenience. These proto-Alans were then traced to proto-Ottone's in the Montferrat / Langhe area and then to Brunswick-Luneburg, but am now gleaning that the same line brought about the counts of Nassau. It starts with the Dols linking to the Mainz wheel, and the possibility that the Dohl and Doyle variations of Dols and Dole's are of Dougals / Dowels using the lion in the Arms of Siegen. Yes, that lion can be both of Roet and Dougal liners.

The Dol-of-Nassau theory is then suspected harder where Irish Dole's/Doyle's use a DOUBLE border of what look like billets in the colors of the Nassau billets. It's important that the Dole stags are in the colors of the Alan martlets that themselves link to the Henry martlets, for this establishes the Dole link to Alans of Dol, and moreover links them again to Dudo Henry. I am unable to tell for certain whether the Dole stags are in the scarlet / burgundy colors of the Treasure's, but am leaning that way after comparisons with Coats using normal red. The so-called "border" of Dole's/Doyle's is a double one and can certainly link them to Treasure's, important not only due to the latter's possible links to the Caepio treasure as represented in the Nassau billets, but because Treasure's were first found in the same place as Roets (= Smendes liners) that are likewise suspect (as Rita's) in the lion of the Arms of Siegen. Alans and Roets share the oak theme, now suspect with the Oakleys in particular.

The Titus-Caiaphas Theory Unfolds

But Oakleys are suspect with Og lines to the naming of Oxford, and this is where the Titus Coat comes in, for it's using a lion design that was showing until recently in the Oxford-surname Chief, as well as in one Irish-Brian Coat, which allowed me to trace Oxford elements to Briancon, between Modane and Guillestre upon the Durance river...of the Pallas-based Salyes. This is important because I trace the naming of Julius Caesar to Guillestre while Titus may have been of the Julian line. The first three of the seven Revelation heads (up to Nero) are known to have been Julian liners, but the fourth, Vespasian, father of Titus, is distinguished from that line by historians, and yet Revelation tends to lump them together as a unit.

The double theme used in the Dole/Doyle Coat has been traced either to the idea of D'Blois, which would trace Dol liners to Blois elements at Modane and/or its Arc river, or to D'Bell. See the Bonneval-sur-Arc location in one of Wikipedia's Arc-river articles, for it's like "Bonneville" on the Arve river (Haute-Savoy), where I trace Bellamys. There are Beaumont and Bonnetable locations to the near-south of Alencon, and a Belleme location (at Perche) to the near-east of Alencon, all indicative of the Pallas > Bia-Force line. The other Arc river is in Provence.

JOAN of Arc, ruler of Blois, is suspect with the line of JONathan Maccabee at Modane. Her family's initial surname was "Dy Lys," and then there is a Dulys/DOYLEy/D'Oyley surname using DOUBLE bends in the colors of the double Dole/Doyle border, first found in Oxfordshire. What a coincidence, especially as the Oxford bars are in the same colors.

Now, zowie, this is good: Oxfords are using a version of the Brock Coat while Brocks share the Stewart motto. The Brock and Oxford Chiefs are identical, same red-on-white lion, the colors of the English-Stewart lion, and the latter share the stag with Dole's/Doyle's. The Brock and Stewart mottoes use "VireSCIT," a story in itself as it links to the Vire river of the French-Vere theater (Manche), but the point is that German Brocks/Brockens share the tree stump with Italian Milans, and that bring Alans to Ottone Visconti of Milan.

There is a question as to whether "VESpasian" named "VISconte," for, where that's correct, it underscores the possibility that Titus blood was in the Caiaphas line from Forum Allieni to proto-Visconti's. This is becoming a compelling theory. If correct, evidence should crop up. Reminder, Ottone's, suspect with Ottone Visconti, use the Chappes perchevron while Chappes share the Moor head with Titus'. Plus, the Titus Moor head is in a small white square which appears to be in use in the Dole Coat under discussion, thus tracing this lot expectedly to Placentia. The "Fortitudine" motto term of Dole's/Doyle's even links well to the Pallas> Bia-Force line to Ferrari-suspect Fergus' and Sforza's, and the Brocks happen to use yet another red, fork-tailed lion in Crest. The Fergus lion is red, like that of Stewarts and Brocks, and then the Fergus Crest uses the BROWN fork-tailed lion. The Brock and Stewart lions are used by the Hasmonean suspects, Monmouths and Mauds, and Alans of Dol have been traced to lines suspect from Alexander Balus (line to Blois?), who merged with Jonathan Maccabaeus, suspect from a Bia-Force line of the Beaus kind in Bonneval-suspect Bononia.

FerGUS' are suspect with same-colored Gusts sharing a curved chevron with Visconti's. The three Ark arcs are in the colors of the three Blois dragons. French Blois' had helped to trace Visconti's to Aurelia Cotta. The French Blois Coat (Ottone colors) looks like the Aurelia Coat, while she is suspect as a grandmother/great-grandmother of Joseph Caiaphas, meaning that she is suspect at the base of the Chappes Coat, and see lets not neglect that the Wessels share "wheat" with Scottish Chappes'/Chaips, first found in the same place (Stirling) as VISconti-suspect WISharts/Guiscards. This is now tentatively tracing the Vespasian > Titus line to Guiscards.

The French Blois' mention Joan of Arc, and moreover one can read that Blois is in Orleans, where the Aurelia liners, Orrs and Orrels/Orells, trace...important because Orrs share the Guiscard piles (!) in colors reversed. The Orr motto honors Bone liners, apparently, while the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Orrs is that also of Annas', important because the Orr cornuCOPIA traces to Caiaphas. There are many Caiaphas-suspect fingers pointing to Aurelia Cotta and Julius Caesar. The Bone's share the Cato/Chattan bend.

English Dole's appear to be using a version of the Billet Coat, the latter using pierced Zionist stars in the colors of the Aurelia stars. This Dole Coat looks like a version of the Bellamy Coat.

You can read that Blois was from the house of Chatillon, and then Porcius Cato might just be in the naming of POURCIEux, at the sources of the other Arc river in Provence (flows through Var). The "Pour y" motto phrase of Maness'/Manners is coming to mind because I traced it to the Purys/Pureys/Bureys, first found in the same place (Oxfordshire) as Dulys'! I had traced Porcius Cato to Blois elements but do not recall using this method. The Pury link to Porcius Cato can be clinched fairly well where the Porci bend is used by Fes', first found in the same place as Bouillons, while the Pury fesse and stars are colors reversed to the same of Jeffreys and Lumbers (the latter now tracing to a Lumbres location near Boulogne). The Purys share black footless martlets with French Josephs.

It's been a while since mentioning Massino-Visconti, a location that can indicate a close Visconti link to king Massena lines in northern Italy. Of importance here is that Dudleys share the Massin/Mason lion, in blue, the Caepio-line lion. Both the Dudleys and the Ottone's are tracing to Dudo Henry, a Caiaphas suspect.

Let's assume that Vespasian was named after a Ves element so that we would need to seek what "pasi" refers to. The Pasi surname is the Pace/Pascel surname of Bononia, in Blois colors. The Bononia-suspect Orrs were first found in the same place (Renfrewshire) as the Spears that trace to the Pasi/Pace spears, and in the same place as Pollocks that share the Duddy saltire. As Ottone's traced to Dudo Henry, it now needs to be repeated that Pucks share the Ottone annulet and the curved Ottone chevron, making the Pucks Caiaphas suspects of the Chappes kind. The point is, the white Blois patee is used by Puck- and Pasi-like Peks/Pecks, and the Sens (Aurelia suspects) even use that patee in both colors of the Blois patee, thus tracing Blois' to the Peucini living beside the Sensii. This gives us some indication that Vespasian (full name, Titus Flavius Caesar Vespasianus Augustus) could trace to that area of Scythia. The Sans use a spread eagle in the colors of the Sieger eagle, begging the question of whether Vespasian liners trace with the Alans to Sauerland / Siegen.

The Pasi/Pace spears are in the colors of the Arms of Siegen, and those arms use a book, not the Roet symbol only, but of the Reeds ("Pax copia" motto) using a version of the Pike/Pickon saltire. There you have another reason for tracing Vespasian to the Siret-mouth area, if he was named after the Pasi/Pace bloodline. He may have been a Bes-Pasi entity of the Boii-of-Bononia kind, perhaps even from the Buzau tributary of the Siret. To Italians, "vespa" is a wasp, a theme that can link to the Boii / Buz bee theme. French Bes' are in Pasi/Pace colors, while using what could be the Ferrari / Sforza lion. The Bes Coat is therefore linkable to the Aurelia Coat sharing the same star, in Ottone colors. The Visconti's are colors reversed, using a snake that, originally, had a Moor child in its mouth, and Moors are symbols of Chappes' and Titus'. It truly looks like the Vespasian > Titus line can trace to Ottone Visconti.

Recall that Hague's had linked to Oddeys and similar surnames, for Hague's are in Hagar colors and can therefore trace to the Agarus (Siret) river in Scythia, at the mouth of which were the Sensii, beside the Cotesii. It then came out that "The Odie's/Days/Deys (Somerset, same as Roets)...", suggesting Yuya >Tiye liners to the Cogaeonus river that might just have become the BistRITA.

While Vespasian besieged Jerusalem during the Jewish rebellion, emperor Nero committed suicide and plunged Rome into a year of civil war known as the Year of the Four Emperors [includes Vespasian as the fourth]. After Galba and Otho perished in quick succession, Vitellius became the third emperor in April 69.

Those are the three uprooted kings of Daniel 7. They are not included in the heads of the Revelation dragon. As I traced Ottone's to Vito's/Vitone's, note "Otho" and "VITellius." These may have been lines from Aurelia Cotta through VESTALis. It was the Dol-related Wheelers/Whalers that use "Avito jure" while Jore's/Gore's share the French Julian and French Alan stars. It appears that Dols (= Attila / Alans Huns) do trace to Roman emperors quite possibly from the Aurelia > Julian line.

The fact that Dole's/Doyle's were of Leinster traces them well to the midst of Ligurians of the Leicester/Leinster kind. The latter surname is a Patterson liner to Roman Patricians, and it shares blood drops with Pattersons, Kilpatricks, and the Treasure stag, said to be "adorned with blood drops," likely code for the stag-using Bloods from Bleda the Hun. This must be speaking to the Hun merger with Valentinian's circle, which can explain the "vincit" motto term of Dole's/Doyle's, for "Dol" is suspect with "Dulo," the house of Attila (Bleda's brother).

Unfortunately, there is no Ves or Vis surname coming up, but there is a Vise/Vize/Vice surname (same place as Saddocks), and using the cross type in the Chaddock Coat. This cross type was spotted, in the black-on-white colors of the Vise cross, in the Arms of Siegen. The Vise stag head is in the design of the one in the Celt/Colt Coat, and both have a symbol above the head in similar fashion, but the latter uses the Pilate pheon (above the head) as code for Pontius Pilate's Pictish mother said to be from Perthshire, where Celts/Colts were first found. And Perthshire is beside Stirling, where WESsel-suspect Chappes' were first found, and where the VESpasian-suspect WISharts were first found. The Stirlings themselves use a Moor head (same design as in the Titus and Chappes Coats!!!), and Wessels were first found in WESTMORland.

We now have reason to believe that VEStalis (son of Cottius) was named after Vespasian elements, and then the Wests (in Vise /Wess/Weston colors) are the ones using a "vie" motto term as code for the Viu valley near the Cottian capital, and likely also for the Vio variation of Vis-suspect Vita's/Vitone's (share the annulet with Ottone's). The West griffin head design is that of Leslie's, important because the Wessel bend and symbols just became suspect with the same of Leslie's, as per the buckles (Leslie symbol) of Stirlings.

German Vests (in Sens colors) were first found in the same place (Switzerland) as Sens, and this can, once again, trace Vespasian liners to the Sensii / Cotesii theater. I didn't realize until writing to this point that Dutch Vests (same Coat and Crest as German Vests) are also "VESPer"!!! As usual, I'm just going where the heraldic codes lead me, and jotting things down as I go. What a startling thing this paragraph is. It looks like Caiaphas' sons made a deal with the Vespasian family. Recall Josephus, how he sided with the invading Romans.

The Stirling bend with buckles were traced to the Staffordshire elements of the Stubbs, and the latter happen to share the white pheons with Pilate's, but use them in the colors of the Eatons probably for Water-Eaton home of the Stubbs. The Wess/Westons were first found in Staffordshire (at a Lizard area). Stubbings use a similar bend as well as a "QUIEScam" motto like "Guis." The Guise/Gwse Coat (swan in Crest) shares seven lozenges in the positioning of the seven Quince mascles, both on red Shields, suggesting a Quintus-Caepio merger with Vespasian liners.

As Guiscards use the Orr piles in colors reversed, while piles trace with Pontius Pilate to Pylos, home of mythical Nestor suspect with Nassau, see the clever motto of the Guise's/Gwse's, with two "or" endings to boot: "Quo hoNESTIOR eo tutiOR". This tends to clinch a Guiscard trace to the Cottians, and so let's remind that there is a portrait of the Sicilian Guiscards showing lattice design, the symbol of the Cotta surname. See the pulley at the floor, for the Pulles/Pullens use a pelican that often comes with a NEST, as well as footless martlets in both colors of the Joseph martlets.

The "PULLEScere" motto of Pulleys/Pullens suggest the pelican-suspect PULCiphers listed with Pulles'/Pulsiphers/Polesdons that are apparently using the Eustace-Crest stag design, and then above the Eustace stag's head, I've only just noticed, there is the black cross shown above the stag head of Vise's/Vice's (!!), and in the Arms of Siegen! HOW ABOUT THAT. It's suggesting that GUST-suspect EUSTace of Bononia = Boulogne was a Vespasian liner of the Vise kind, and so note that the VesPASIan trace to Pasi's/Pace's of Bononia = Bologna is now looking much better.

IN FACT, the Rollo's, first found in the same place as Celts/Colts, use the stag of Celts/Colts as a clan badge (see lower end of the Rollo-Coat page), meaning that Rollo's use the Vise stag (Guiscards of Sicily, they say, were Rollo liners), and then the Rollo motto term, "passe," gets the Passe/Pascal surname (same place as Quints), like the Pascel variation of the Pasi's/Pace's! It looks like Vespasian liners led to Rollo Claro.

To help prove that the Pulles/Polesdon stag is the Eustace stag, the Pulles/Polesdon stars are colors reversed from the Jeffrey / Lumber/Lamb stars, and Passe's/Pascals use the Templar lamb holding a cross design like that of Vice's / Eustace / Chadocks. You can see the Pascal cross better in the Coat of French Pascals, first found in the same place as Payens. The "Christus" motto term of the latter is likely for the identical surname of the similar motto term of Bouillons. Vests/Vespers and Pascals both use a man in blue from the waist up, and Pascals use "waist" as apparent code for West liners. The man is likely code for the Mens because the Pulles/Polesdon stars are in the colors of the same of Pury's, honored (I think) in the Maness/Manner motto.

The Arms of Blois and Chatillon look like the bars in the Knight/Night Coat, and because Knights were first found in the same place (Suffolk) as English Blois, it seems that Knights were involved heavily with Blois. The Walkers use the three Knight red bars in the same position, and Walkers are from Wallachia, which included the Cotesii / Buzau theater, and, possibly, that of the Sensii too, explaining why the Sens look linkable to Blois'. The ancestry of Vespasian is suspect in these areas of Scythia, but as Pulleys/Pullens use the Romney Coat, the Roman location at Neamt can also apply. Roman is where the Payen-related Rome's/Rooms trace, and Payens are of course highly suspect from a Vespasian-Chappes merger. Virtually anything to which Chappes link could find evidence of Vespasian liners simply because I don't expect any other Vespasian elements to apply in heraldry (I could be surprised). The Scottish Nights are also "Naughts so as to trace Knights / Blois / Chatillon elements to the Nits/Naughts (Dumfries, same place as Rome's/Rooms) and therefore to the Nith river, where the Geds lived who trace to Gate's suspect with Neamt. The Getae Thracians, I think.

Payens were apparently "Dupuy" too, and then "Pay" brings up the Pasi/Pace Coat. The Dupuy show a "Vicit" motto term suspect with the Vise's/Vice's, and that links Hugh de Payens once again to count Eustace II, father of the first Jerusalem kings under Hugh de Payens. Think of the horror of having Vespasian on the throne of Jerusalem in 1100. The "tribu" motto term of DuPuys can go to the Treebys using the besants of the Stubbings, from Stobi, the Paeoni capital.

I have not to this point parsed the family of Vespasian. His one wife, Caenis, can lead from the Caeni of Thrace to the Caens sharing the Cotta lattice. That lattice is called "fretty" while Cattle's/Cattels, suspect with Chatillon, use a "fret." It's important that Paeti peoples (see map above, beside Trajanopolis) were beside the Caeni because Pettys traced to them well enough to convince me. It's important because I traced the Paeti to Pietas Julia = the Pula/Pola location suspect with Pulleys/Pullens. That's said because the mother of Vespasian was Vespasia Polla. Like I said, I had not known this above...when the Pulleys/Pullens were introduced as per the pulley (completely out of place = code) beside the Vespasian-suspect Guiscards. The common element between Pula and the theater of the Sensii was the golden-fleece Colchians.

There is a question as to whether the Paeti were from Scala of Patmos so as to name the Patti location beside Scylla. This Patti location has been found to be honored in the heraldic patee cross, a symbol of French Blois' along with scallops!!! Wow. Why were Blois', using dragons that in colors reversed are red, tracing to the island where the Revelation was written? Blois' are expected to link to scarlet Treasure's using dragons. Will Blois' ink to Vespasian liners? Yes. The below was already written when this paragraph was inserted during the spell-check.

Here's the map below because I've just noticed Rhaedestus location with the alternative name of Bisanthe (smack beside the Caeni), a place that must trace to the BISTrita, home of Rita's suspect with Roets/Roedls! It means that the Catherine wheel (torment symbol) of PAYNE Roet's daughter traces to the wheel symbol given to "RHAED" elements, but as mythical Ixion had a wheel-of-torment symbol too, while I identified him with pharaoh Khyan in a line to the Caeni, that works. Ixion was placed for eternity on a spinning wheel in hell, called Tartarus, and that traces him to Tartus, on-shore from wheel-like Arados.

After writing that and not before (i.e. I am not systematically making a fine-sounding story out of this), the Pole/Pull surname was looked up to find the same lion as Rita's! That's a very good reason to trace Vespasian liners from the Bistrita / Humorului / Suceava area. Note how the Pole Crest shares to Dober / Doberman / Haldan griffin head so as to trace to Mieszko's wife with certainty. See also how the background in the Pole/Pull Coat smacks of the Nassau Coat.

Aha! French Poles/Pohls (looks like the Aude/Oddey sword) were first found in the same place (Picardy) as the origin of Catherine Roet and/or her kin. German Pohls use the Mieske bull head but call it a buffalo so as to be linkable to the Wessel buffalo horn. German Pole's/Pohls use a "frying pan" while Pans are listed with Payens (!), right down Vespasian alley. The Fry's/Free's could be showing the white Wessel-Chief horse. As Hugh married Elizabeth Chappes while Wessels are suspect from Vestalis, a Vespasian-suspect cousin of Joseph Caiaphas, let's add that Pharisee-suspect Phreeze's, first found in the same place as Pharisee-suspect Vere's and Caepio-suspect Quints, use the Fry/Frey Coat exactly. This Vespasian hunt is starting to pan out, and I'm as hot as a frying pan. Here's the entire codework: "A blue shield charged with a man habited black, a hat of the same surmounted by a red ostrich feather and holding a silver frying pan." Wessel liners like using a man.

That suggests the Manns/Mathie's/Maghans (scimitar) because they share gyronny with Titus'. The Mathie gyronny is in the colors of the Wessel Chief. Irish Manns/Maghans could be using the Oxford / Brock lions, important because the previous lion design of Oxfords was that now showing for the Titus Coat. It was this particular Brian Coat that showed the Titus / Oxford lion designs, and so note that the Brian lions are essentially the Mann/Maghan lions. While the Mann/Mathie scimiTAR could be a version of this Brian Crest, this Brian surname uses a motto term, "uachTAR." English Mathie's/Mathews share the red scallop with Pulleys/Pullens! Scottish Manns use the dragon design of Formans and Worms, thus tracing to Angusta. The "STABilis" motto term of Manns suggests Stobi Paeonians who likely trace to the frying pan of Pole's/Pohls.

The father of Vespasian, Titus Flavius Sabinus, suggests mythical Titus Tatius of the Sabines. Vespasian's grandfather, Titus Flavius Petro, was from Reate (Sabina), but I didn't know this when Vespasian's mother (a Polla) traced to the namers of the Rhaedestus location. As Pollocks proper were founded by PETER Pollock, perhaps Titus Petro applies to Pollocks, not forgetting that Rhaedestus is beside the Paeti that trace to Pietas Julia = Pula. One English Peter Coat has an "Invidia" motto term that could go to Vespasian-suspect Vita's/Vitone's.

The other English Peter surname has two fork-tailed lions in Crest, and then Cunninghams use both a "fork" and an "over" motto term while two Peter surnames use bends (in Roet/Roedl colors) in colors reversed from the Over/Offer bend. There are two points to make: 1) Coffers are in Pollock colors and first found in the same place as Wheelwright-related Roets (i.e. traces Roets to Poles); 2) Cunninghams can trace to the Caeni smack beside the Rhaedestus location to which Roets are tracing. That in a nutshell can trace Peter Pollock to Titus Petro's Peter liners in Reate.

Here's a third point just realized: the Irish Coffers/Coffeys (likewise in Pollock colors) were traced by their naked rider on a dolphin to the same in the Arms of Taranto, in APULIA! The rider in the Taranto Arms is mythical Taras.

A Pollock link to Vespasian is important for clinching his trace to the Pasi/Pace surname because Pollocks and Pasi-related Speers lived in and about PAISley, and Paisleys/Pasleys are in Pasi/Pace colors. Also, while the Pollock saltire seems to be in use in the Baez/Pelais Coat, the Baez variation smacks of the same-colored Bes/Bez surname suspect with "VESpasian." The thistles in the Paisley (and Alpin) Coat must be for the Thistle's using the same bend as Overs/Offers, and the Thistle Crest even shows a blue fork-tailed lion, shown in the Peter Crest too.

Now that Overs have been clinched for Peter Pollock liners, we can go to the code-studded Over description: "A gold bird rising, with red beak and claws, and an olive branch in the mouth." That's the Crest. The Over Coat uses a fret while Caens/Canns use fretty. It's code for the same Ferte-Mace liners as per the Peter mascles. The Birds/Burds share a flory cross with Spanish Petro's', and their "Perez" variations can go to Paris, son of Priam, the latter seemingly honored in the Caen motto. The Rise's are listed with Rodham-suspect Rye's, kin of Saddocks, the latter using "ears of rye." Then, by no coincidence, German Rise's/Rice's (crozier) use a long, curved, perchevron, as do KAIP(f)'s and Ottone's, while Chappes'/CHAIPs use "ears of wheat" as code for Wessel / Wheat/Wete liners, noting that Wheats/Wete's (share the West dancette) are in Coffer colors while sharing the gold wheat garbs of Wessels. It seems clear enough that the Peter raven is that of the Welsh Rise's, and yet there is a great argument to be made, in "Lady Rothes," Peter's daughter, that the Rothes raven applies too.

For obvious Caiaphas-reason, the green perchevron of Josephs (garbs in both colors of the Wessel garbs) can now link to Coffer liners, though previously the Joseph perchevron was thought to be of the English Burghs/Burrows (same place as Josephs). To this one can see the Over/Offer write-up, as it's traced to Hugh Lupus, son of Emma Conteville, a line from the Burgos'. That works remarkable well. Both traces of the Joseph chevron are correct, for the one trace supports the other. Why should Burgos' be a Caiaphas line? We can ask the giant annulet of Burgos', or the Irish Burgh cross in the Eustace Coat.

Or, we could ask the Kaip(f) crozier that traces to the Bouillon-related Croze's/Croziers. But then there are the Croziers/CROYsers and, if I recall correctly, a Wikipedia article claimed that Catherine Roet's ancestry was in the Croys, who are the Greys/Grays (kin of Anchors tracing with Crozier liners to Agrigento) first found in the same place as same-colored Rodhams, kin of Watsons (suspect with Wete's) who married Peter Pollock's direct family. Croziers/Croysers, in Bruno colors, share a brown stag in Crest with Eustace's, and moreover the Bruno bend is colors reversed to the Over bend (or in the colors of the Peter bend). But the bend of German Peters is partly on a red background, making it partly in the colors of the Porcia bend, which I trace to the Fes' first found in the same place as Croze's/Croziers. Porcius Cato, who predated Vespasian's grandfather in Reate, was originally from Abruzzo, beside Sabina, the location of Reate...where Peters are now tracing rather well.

Recall that Brians had become part of the Vespasian hunt. English Brians use piles in the colors of the Titus gyronny, and the two symbols are similar. The Brians at Briancon were on the river of the Salyes who trace to the Salto river flowing through Reate, also called, Rieti. As Cato's/Chattans use the Botter bend, lines from Porcius Cato can go to the Bautica/Baldea river, origin of the Eustace family, and linked to Bauts (Botter colors), first found in the same place as Croze's/Croziers. The Baut goat is of the Boofima goat, and Roets were of Boofima, which tends to help trace Roets to Rieti. The Ried/Reed surname can apply to that spelling of the place, and that's the surname sharing the book with Roets! Excellent, Roets have traced to Rieti, and it just so happens that Rieds/Reeds share the spread red-on-white eagle with Pasi-related Pascals! Excellent, very excellent for verifying that VesPASIan was named after Pasi elements. The Rieds/Reeds even share the red stag head of Celts/Colts shared in-turn by "passe"-using Rollo's. Rieds/Reeds share the "FortiTUDdine" motto term with Dole's/Doyle's, and Rollo's use "tout."

The Arms of Rieti use a rider on a white horse (evocative of a Templar symbol), symbol of Cafferys/Caffertys. Aha! The flag of Rieti is purple in one half, and blue in the other half, suggesting both Pace surnames because English Paces use a purple Shield! English Pace's (same place as Overs/Offers) were from Pacy in Eure while Pascals were from Pasci in Eure, and the latter term traces to "Abreu/Abruzzo" surname, as do the Eburovices at Evreux, likewise in Eure.

The Marina write-up: "First found in Orvieto, a small city which lies southwest of Perugia, where Ugolino Marini was consul for the town in 1068." Orvieto is quite close to Rieti, and Vespasian-suspect Ottone's were first found in Perugia too. Note how Ugolino smacks of "Yuya," for his family was at Amarna, suspect with Myrina on Lemnos. And while Yuya's Mitanni line traces to Gace at the Tiye-suspect Touques river, that too is in Eure. Orvieto is suspect with the Orbieu river beside Corbieres, what a coincidence. It looks like Narbonne elements (topic below) should trace to the Nera river, but also to the Neretva / Nera theater in Illyrium.

If the Crozier stag is that of Bruno's, it's got to be that of Pulles'/Polesdons too, kin of Pulleys/Pullens (share the Botter / Cato bend colors) tracing well to Vespasian's mother. It looks like Porcius Cato, who's boar line (see the Porcia boars) may be to the Rollo boar. Porcia's were first found in Umbria, beside mount Sabina. As Perugia is likewise in Umbria, compare with "Porcia" and "Pharisee," for Perugia is also "Perusia". The white Rieti horse can even go to the white Phreeze horse. The two boars of Porcia's are in the colors and positions of the two creatures -- one a PORCUpine! -- in the Arms of the city of Blois The black wolf in the Arms can be the black wolf head of Billets / Bellows, thus assuring that the latter two are Blois liners. The Pallets/Paillets use boar heads in Porcia-boar colors, important because multiple vertical pale bars, used for the Arms of the counts of Blois / Chatillon, are called, "pallets." Apparently, the Pallets are from Vespasian's mother, Vespasia Polla. The Bissets use the bend colors of the counts of Blois.

TheArms of Chatillon use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Annas'.

However, French Pine's are back to Blois colors and were first found in the same place (Limousin) as Caepio-suspect Seconds/Segurs (in English-Blois colors). The Caepio's after Julius Caesar were partly from Cato's. See family tree:

The Rita's are in Pasi/Pace colors, and the Bissets, suspect with the BistRITA river, are also using the Cato / Botter bend. The Rita description: "Blue shield with a silver lion rampant holding PIECEs of silver wood surmounted by a curved bendlet." There's a Peace/Paise surname, using three doves (traceable to the city of doves on the Pek) in the positioning and colors of the three Phreeze / Fry horses! I get to chuckling as things work out this well. Rieti has just revealed itself as a sort of ground zero (one of many) of the Templars.

There are small fish (two blue-ish, one white) over a dark lattice background in the lower half of the Rieti Arms, and as you can see, a "pratis" motto term for fish-using Prudes/Pride's', right? Amazingly, Pratts (share trefoils with Prude's/Prattes'), a little like "Petro," share gold-on-black mascles with Peters! Nights/Naughts, in the colors of the Peter mascles, share the gold forked-tailed lion with Peters and Prude's/Prattes'!! That's like a rat trap to a mouse. It traces Peter Pollock to Rieti elements, home of Vespasian's grandfather, and is an indicator that Blois / Chatillon elements were with a Petro and/or other Rieti surname!!! Wow. I'm amazed. Remember the lattice and pulley in the painting of the Guiscards, now tending to trace the heraldic lattice (used by Caens, suspect with the Paeti) to Vespasian liners. Pratts even look like the Peacocks, a known sept of Pollocks.

What started as a theory hours ago is now clinched: Vespasian liners are in heraldry! It's a new basis for opening other doors, and so lets add that Rieti is near Arettium and Assisi, where I traced the priests of the black-stone sun god, El-Gabal. "Petro" means "stone"!!! I think I get it. There is even a Nera river flowing on the north of Rieti, which may have been of the Nero family, the emperor ruling immediately before Vespasian! There is a Nero/Neretti surname (Lucca, same place as lines from Porcius Cato are expected), which should be viewed along with the Norths and Norrys below, both of whom use black Crests, and moreover link to scarlet Treasure's.

Arthurs of some stripe, especially at the Artois capital, Arras, do trace to Arettium. As the Arrow surname is the Arras surname too, the Vest/Vesper description is very interesting for tracing to Arettium: "A blue shield with a gold arrow tipped and flighted silver on a green mound." The "tipped" term must be for the Tipps'/Tippins and/or Tippers/TIPPET honored in the motto of Pendragons (beside Roets)!

The Tipps'/Tippins (Lancashire, home of John of Gaunt) use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Ghents (in Arrow/Arras colors), important where Catherine Roet (John's wife) traces to Rieti. The Gaunts, if I haven't realized before, must be using the red Rita bend!

The trace of Gaunts to Rieti must be placed beside his involvement at Candale, beside Gironde, for the Arms of Gironde use fretty in the colors of the same of Picards, from PicARDY, beside Artois. In other words, the Titus gyronny, in the colors of the Gaunt bars, seemingly link to the Vespasian line out of Rieti. Plus, the Oxford and Dulys (both of Oxfordshire) bars are in the colors of the Gaunt bars while the Oxford lion showed for years in the design of the Titus lion!!! That is big stuff, for DuLys' are expected with Joan of Arc Du Lys = Blois elements, and that gets Rieti elements us to the Modane / Arc theater with littler doubt. The Petty elephant can now trace to the elephant in the Arms of Oxford.

The Vest/Vesper description: "The torso of a man dressed in blue, holding a gold arrow". The "blue" must be for Blois / Blue/Gorm purposes, and while "torso" could be for taurus liners (Tipps use the bull head), Dressers (probably the WALLIS / Guido/Guis lion) were first found in THURINgia. The split Dresser Shield is the one used as the Arms of Sion (in WALLIS canton), in colors reversed to the split Trent Shield, and the latter traces to Terentia, wife of Cilnius Maecenas of Arettium!!! Amazing coincidence. That explains the red Murena/Moratin tower in the Arrow/Arras Crest (!), for Terentia was of the Murena family. It means that the Vests/Vespers truly trace to Vespasian, and it begs the question as to whether Rieti elements named Arettium, or vice versa.

I trace Terentia also to the Tarans/Tarents using the CHILD Coat in colors reversed, and Thuringia was the home of CHILDeric's wife, Basina, suspect from the Bassianus family that ruled El-Gabal! I'm running out of exclamation marks. We are finding a clear link here between Basina and the Dressers honored by Vests/Vespers, suggesting that El-Gabal elements were in cahoots with Vespasian liners. The Vest "torso" can now be suspect with the Tors/Tours and Towers sharing the Murena tower design. The El-Gabal cult was in Syria in the years through Maecenas (about 100 BC) and beyond, and the Romans used Syrians to rule Israel. Annas' father was himself from Syria, and the naming of Herods (known to be descended directly from the family of Aretas of Petra (Edom) are expected from the ARETHusa location (pre-dated Aretas) of the early El-Gabal priesthood. Suddenly, a "Herod" trace to "Rieti / Reate" seems on the table.

See the Tours tower in the Italian Narbonne's with Catherine wheel, and with the lion of Voirs/Voyers, suspect with the Caepio treasure as taken by Boiorix. Italian Narbonne's are listed with D'Nardo liners but look like they can link to Norrys (the Gaunt wolf-head design), and indeed they use the lion of the North's with a "fide" motto term for wolf-using Fidelows of VIS-de-Loop. Plus, the dragon head in the North Crest is that of Treasure's! John of Gaunt was highly suspect in protecting some of the Caepio treasure. The dragons above are suspect with Guerra's and therefore the North surname is suspect from "Nerthus," goddess of the Varni in the region of the Juteland Cymbri / Cambrians suspect as the peoples of Boiorix. Terentia's Murena family had a Varro bloodline linkable with the Varni because Spanish Varro's use wolves in Varn colors. It's debatable whether Varro's were of the entity that named Perusia and/or Ferrara.

The Dresh/Dresher variations of Dressers look like they can link to variations of the Treasure's, first found in the same place as Roets! That works, and it's tracing Wessel liners of the Vest/Vesper kind to Rieti. The "fern branch's" of Treasure's trace to Hugh Lupus (white-on-blue wolf head) on the one hand, and to Ferns/Fearns (same place as Bissets), I assume, on the other, using one of their lions in the colors of the lion of French Narbonne's. Narbonne is between Roussillon and Beziers and Herault, the latter suspect with the Harald/Hurl variation of Scottish Herods. French Bez' were first found in Languedoc and can therefore trace to Bezieres. Ferns were first found in the theater of the Bosco's, said to be from Woods too, and so the Fern lion on the right side can be the Guido/Guis lion.

See also the Norris' (ravens) suspect with a version of the Hamon Coat which itself uses a motto term for Rimini elements while Maschi's of Rimini (Gaunt kin) share the North / Narbonne lion. The Corbieres location (in Aude, where Pollocks trace) on the west side of Narbonne is suspect with crow liners. The Flight/Flett surname (Orkney, location of raven vikings), suspect in the "flighted" motto term of Vests/Vespers, looks like it uses a Norris-Coat version. This speaks to my claim of earlier this year wherein the royal Cottians (included Vestalis' father) led quickly to proto-Jutes in the Varni fold, the same that later provided the raven vikings. But here that same trace is from a Vespasian-suspect branch of Vestalis, as though Vestalis was named after Vespasian elements. Note too that while the Flights look like Hamon and Branch liners, the Flait variation of Flights/Fletts is like a term given to Hugh D'Avrances at his Wikipedia article, but wrongly said to mean "wolf." "Avrances" looks like "Varangi, the raven-depicted vikings suspect from "Varni." Recall that Vespasian liners at Rieti were linkable to Nero/Neretti liners, the Nera river, Nerthus of the Varni, and the black petro of El-Gabal, so to speak.

[After this update was published, I had to re-visit the Petro surname, when it was realized that it used fleur-de-lys in the colors of the giant one of Gamble's, and it just so happens that I had been confident that IAMBLichus, an early priest of El-Gabal, traced to "Gamble." It seemed likely that Campbells/Cammels (gyronny, Titus symbol!!!) applied too, because they are the mother stock of MacArthurs...the ones sharing the same crown as gyronny-using Mathie's.]

It Cottius' father, Donnus, is in the Donnas surname, let it be repeated that Stouts/Stows, likely from the Stout vikings that had the raven symbol, use bars in the colors of the Donnas bars, and to this we can add that the bars are in the colors also of the Titus gyronny, relevant because Oxfords (bastion of Varni-suspect Vere's) use the same-colored bars as well as the Titus lion design.

Aha! Fleets look like Flecks/Flacks, and as Belgian Flecks use the Fulke/Folk Shield, note that this branch of Fulks is said to be from Fulk Nerra!!! This has just traced Fulks as a whole to Vespasian elements at the Nera river. It predicts that the Drakenberg Vere's at pre-Fulk Anjou were likewise from Vespasian, and so let's not forget mythical ANGitia, snake goddess of the Marsi. The club in the Fleet Crest is likely of the Child- and Clovis-suspect Clubs, of Fern-like Farndale. English Palmers use a version of the Fleck / Fleet Coat while Italian Palmers were first found in the same place (Naples) as Narbonne's/Nordi's.

Peters use "A swan reguardant, ducally gorged", while Norths use "A black dragon's head erased ducally gorged and chained in gold." The "ducal" term can be for the Dougals / Dowels or same-colored Duke's/Doaks. I expect "gorged" to be for George Drummond who merged with the Dunkelds. Dougals/Dowells use the Petty quarters in colors reversed. The Moray stars of Douglas' can link to Peter Pollock at Moray.

The Guido's coming up as "Guis" are said to be the namers of the English Wood surname, but that's possibly mere code for the wood held by the white upright lion of Rita's, for Guido's had traced to Panico's (both of Bologna) identified with wooden Pinocchio. Woods, Panico's and Roets all share the oak tree.

The Pratts look like the Hamons (de Massey) but of the line of Hugh Lupus D'Avranches. The olive BRANCH of Overs/Offers (same place as Hamon de Massey and Hugh Lupus) is apparently code for "AVRANCHes, for Hamons and Branches (same place as Fry-suspect Wessels) share similar Coats. That's why the Fern branches of Treasure's can trace to Hugh, and so the one Fern lion should be that of Ranulf le Meschin.

The way to view Rieti is as Ares liners from Rhodes elements within the circle of the Mars-based Marsi expected on the Salto river. The Salyes trace not only to that river, but to Sale at the mouth of the Hebros = Maritsa river, at the Rhodope mountains. The Sale location is thus near the Paeti.

The son of Mr. Petro was born about the same time as Caiaphas. Mr. Petro was a tax collector. His son birthed Vespasian, who upset the ruling class in Israel as predicted by Jesus. Wikipedia's article on the war gives no details as per the involvement of the priesthood.

You can read in the article above that Josephus tried to negotiate peace on behalf of the Romans, but that the Jews rejected his offerings. It's not only suspicious that his name is like that of Joseph Caiaphas, but his full name is, Titus Flavius Josephus. Vespasian's grandfather: Titus Flavius Petro. Amazing coincidences, what is this? Did Caiaphas liners get adopted by Titus' family?

Titus Flavius Josephus born Joseph ben Matityahu [Mathie / Mattis liner, by the looks of it] was a first-century Romano-Jewish scholar, historian and hagiographer, who was born in Jerusalem- - then part of Roman Judea -- to a father of priestly descent and a mother who claimed royal ancestry.

He initially fought against the Romans during the First Jewish-Roman War as head of Jewish forces in Galilee, until surrendering in 67 to Roman forces led by Vespasian...After Vespasian became Emperor in 69, he granted Josephus his freedom, at which time Josephus assumed the emperor's family name of Flavius.

Flavius Josephus fully defected to the Roman side and was granted Roman citizenship. He became an advisor and friend of Vespasian's son Titus, serving as his translator when Titus led the Siege of Jerusalem...

Josephus introduces himself in Greek as Iosepos, son of Matthias, an ethnic Hebrew. He was the second-born son of Matthias. His older full-blooded brother was also called Matthias. Their mother was an aristocratic woman who descended from the royal and formerly ruling Hasmonean dynasty. Josephus' paternal grandparents were Josephus and his wife—an unnamed Hebrew noblewoman, distant relatives of each other and direct descendants of Simon Psellus. Josephus' family was wealthy. He descended through his father from the priestly order of the Jehoiarib, which was the first of the 24 orders of priests in the Temple in Jerusalem. Josephus was a descendant of the high priest Jonathon. Jonathon may have been Alexander Jannaeus, the high priest and Hasmonean ruler who governed Judea from 103 BC–76 BC. Born and raised in Jerusalem...

That could explain Josephus traces to Jonathans of Modane, even up to Joan of Arc. The Arc surname, and the Blois surname of Suffolk, are in the colors of the Arms of Rieti. As per Chambre on the Arc, we find that the Chambre surname was first found in the same place (Denbighshire) as Jones' (and Maud-suspect Chambers) that share the Rita lion. Amazingly, the French Chambre's (Montgomery suspects) share a red-on-blue bend with Rita's. What is this? There's more to this than meets the eye. English Chambers/CHALmers (look like Stewarts) could be a branch of Chaucers / CHALkers, for Chaucers married the sister of Catherine Roet.

Assuming that the Allieni at proto-Ferrara joined the priestly line that merged with Tutus, it's notable that the Stewart checks are in the colors of the Massi/Mattis checks (not to mention the Fer/Ferrat checks), for we now have reason to trace the family of Josephus to the Massi/Mattis family. The Chamber/Chalmer checks are in the colors of the Titus gyronny, and Mathie's use gyronny too. It's the moustache line from Eustace of Boulogne. These surname are possibly from "Umbria." Ambers are listed with French Lamberts (Dauphine, same as Vespasian-suspect Payens), perhaps indicating the Mieszko Lambert was an Umbria / Chambre liner. All three Lambert Coats are in the colors of both Blois Coats, and English Lamberts even share the lamb with Vespasian-suspect Pascals.

As French Lamberts were first found in Franconia, it's now clear that the Franconian Rake was named after Mieszko-Lambert's line with Richeza. The Rake's are therefore using a version of the Hamon Coat because the Lambert-Richeza line merged with Hamon de Massey, close kin / associate of Tattons. The "praeferre" motto term of Rake's seems decipherable only as the Prey/Pry surname, which happens to be the Dupre(s) surname with DuPRAT variation! It was first found in Auvergne. The Prude's that had identified with the Arms of Rieti use LamPREYS as part code for Lamberts, I assume, and part code for Prys/Dupres'/DuPreys. Amazingly, you just saw Massey liners, as Maccabees to Modane, tracing to Rieti, where Vespasian's ancestry originated.

The other Prey surname share's three red vertical bars with Blois-related Knights! Let's not forget that Blue's/Gorms were first found in the same place as MacAbee's (Arran, beside Alexanders) while using the same rooster design as Jonathans/Jonas'. It's amazing because Josephus was from Alexander-named Maccabees of the Jonathan-Maccabee kind. I wonder if Josephus was a son or nephew of Caiaphas. The lion of the latter Prey surname (in Blois-dragon colors) could be that of Wessels-suspect Whistle's/Whissels, first found in the same place as English Roets. Bassets use bars in the colors of the latter Prey Coat.

A problem has arisen with the entering of "Tite" to get the Tate's/Taits (Berwickshire) using the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Annans. It means that this may not be a branch of the other two Tate surname's, or, if so, then Tate's may not be, as I assumed, from Yuya > Tut liners, unless that line led to mythical Titus Tatius. It's possible. The fact that Tite's use the Annan Coat is more evidence that the chief priests in Israel formed an alliance with Titus to spare their families. Another Tate surname shares the raven with Peters, and these Tate's are apparently from the Mieszko Wheelwrights using the Roet Catherine wheel so as to trace to Rieti elements. What a coincidence.

I'm going to guess that these English Tate's/Taits were Blois elements in Suffolk, Maccabee liners to Modane. The other Tate's/Taits of Suffolk use the same sort of Shield as Wheelwrights. There's nothing vivid that would suggest that Tate's are of the Titus surname. Duddys (Pollock saltire) come up as "Daddy," a term like "Tatius." That could work. Dudleys use the same lion as Freie's/Freys, suspect with Fry's and Phreeze's. Tattons can link by their crescents to Renfrew's Speers.

That will be all for this week. I'm intrigued by all this. What next?


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

On this page, you will find evidence enough that NASA did not put men on the moon.
Starting at this paragraph, there is a single piece of evidence
-- the almost-invisible dot that no one on the outside was supposed to find --
that is enough in itself to prove the hoax.
End-times false signs and wonders may have to do with staged productions like the lunar landing.

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The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
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