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November 11 - 17, 2014

Aethelings and Sohaemus Share Stoner Roots
My Assus-ment: It Has to Be at Gabuleum
Edmond Isenhaelf and Tony the Tiger
Exxon's Humble and Standard Oil Trace to Sohaemus

I apologize for the delay of this update as my phone has been knocked out for days.

In the last update, I thought there were good arguments for tracing the new NATO Chief, Jens Stoltenberg, to the Steels, Stalls, Stills and Stolls, and finally, these were all identified tentatively with Stellars/Stellati's from mythical Ishtar, the Revelation-17 harlot. Even though I knew that Stoltenbergs and Stalls/Stahlins/Stahlbergs share arrows, and even though I expect Rothschild fingers at Mosul, and even though I've well-known for years that Rothschilds/Rothsteins use an arrow as well as sharing the eight-pointed star of Ishtar with Stellers, I neglected to mention the Rothschilds/Rothsteins in the last update. I must have been over-worked, and indeed I was. I'm working over-time these days.

I even missed the Stellin variation of Stellers, so much like "Stahlen / Stalin." Just think about this, for I have been struggling to understand for years whether the 8th head of Revelation (Daniel 11 says he's an atheist, as were Communists) will be a Russian from a Moscow circle, or a Western Rus of the Rothschild kind, and here we have what could be a Rothschild-related line of Stalinist Russia, important because Rothschilds are said to have founded communist Russia. The Fabian = socialist Rhodians, the Marxist Bavarian Illuminati, and the neo-Bavarian Illuminati, are suspect in the formation of Communist Russia.

Joseph Stalin (a Georgian) followed Vladimir Lenin as the second Communist dictator. It was found in the last update that Stolls use the Wessel lozenges, and where Wissels are Wessels and therefore from Vestalis, suspect with the line of Aurelia Cotta, it means that Stoltenberg and company can be end-time Julius-Caesar liners. It was noted that the Steller/Stellin star is in the colors of the Cotta scallop. I've been wrong when saying that Lenin's mother was a Blank; it was his wife, Maria Alexandrovna Blank. Blanks were first found in Shetland, land of the raven vikings, important because German Rothes (Bavaria) use the raven. English Rothes are showing the lion head in Crest once showing for Moscow-like Mousquette's/Musketts. The latter are now identified with Mochs/Mouchetts, from mythical Muksus of ancient Mepsila = Mosul. Lenin looks like a satanist in his facial appearance alone.

It was found in the last update that Stoltenbergs use a pierced red heart, symbol also of Logans/Lohans whom are kin of Lennons/Lenins. The Stellers were traced to the Sturs, suspect from Istria, and here I find that Trots' are using the vertical bars of Prays. Here's from the last update while on the Mopsus/Muksus elements of Makistos / Samikon, where Maxwells/Makeswells traced excellently who may be using the Lennan/Lenin stag:

The PRAEferre" motto term of Racks/Raikes' must be code for Prays/Praters (same place as Racks'/Raikes')...Irish Prays/Preys (Down) even look like they are using a version of the Stur/Estur bars. The Racks/Raikes/Rake's is the Great-Mother line, same as what named Istria. It went through Crete as a Rhagae line to Raches [beside Makistos], and to Istria via Rijeka [where Maxwells trace]. This is the Biblical harlot to a merger with the 8th head. Vertical bars in the colors of the Pray / Stur bars are in the Mack/Make/Mech Coat.

It was an enlightening investigation, adding excellent new keys. The Trots' ((includes the 's') were looked up only now as per Trotsky, Lenin's partner in Marxist crimes. The Makistos area traced with Elis' to Yorkshire, where Walkers were first found who use the Stur/Estur bars in the same colors and positioning. The Troath variation of the Trots' may be indicating Tros, the alternative name of ancient Troy.

Rockefellers can be entertained with the Stallone-like variation of Stellers as per "Rocky," Sylvester Stallone. Don't reject such ideas to hastily. The Illuminati has bloodlines on the brain at all times, unless its robbing the poor or killing the enemy. The Rocco's/Rocci's use the embattled bend of Tragers/Trojens (Bavaria) while Tragers appear merged with Jewish Fellers as per the Felltrager variation of Fellers. German Troys share the upright unicorn of Rasmussens.

The embattled bend of Rocci's (same bend colors as Varns) traces Rocci's well to the Varni of Pomerania, for the Griffin surname was from Pomerania. No mystery there. The Battle griffins are in the colors of the same griffins of the Irish Troy/Try surname. No apparent coincidence there, and it suggests a trace to mythical Batia, mother of the Trojans. This is a new trace for me, as I rarely load the Troy Coats. Batia married the line of mythical Tros that included the Iasion, brother of Dardanus.

German Troys were first found in MECKlenburg, beside Pomerania, no mystery there either, and it helps to trace this picture to Makistos. The Stolls/Stohls (arrow) use the same griffin as battle's and Troys, but in white on blue rather than gold on blue. That means that the Stoll griffin is in the colors of the Troy unicorn, which are the colors often used by Rockefeller lines. It all tends to link Rockefeller lines hard to the Stalin / Steller / Stoltenberg family of surnames. I traced Rockefellers to Roxolani suspect at Rostock, the Pomeranian theater.

I've seen Aix/Aex terms used for the mariner line from Iasion / Aeson, and so note below the MacLeans (MacDonald kin, probably showing the Argo ship secretly), said to be from a Battle-axe entity of Ireland. If I recall correctly, Trojans were traced (by me) to the one-eyed Irish father of Lug, a Pomer-like Fomerian (I've asked whether Pomerians were Fomerians).

Why MeckLENburg? Lenin liners? Lens are listed with MacLeans, and they happen to use a red ROCK. Trots use a red bear (looks black but is said to be red), apparent symbol of Communist Russia. Rus were all over the Mecklenburg theater, right? And the Biblical Rosh were linked, and will be linked with the 8th head, with the Meshech suspect at MECKlenburg.

Battle's/Battels are always suspect with Baathist elements, suspect in the Middle-East from these same Illuminati circles under discussion. The Illuminati plots involving the Baathists may have evolved purposely into what's going on today. Saddam and Assad (both Baathists) may have diverged from that plot, and so were punished.

Stallens are listed with Stallone's, first found in the same place (Norfolk) as English Steins, important because Dutch Steins share the Ishtar star with Rothschilds/Rothsteins. The Stein bend is in the colors of the Trager bend. There is even a Stalin/Stahlen surname (lozenges in Varn colors) from Belgium. Some say that the Fir Bolgs, same as the Fomerians, essentially, named Belgium, but these elements can trace to Boulogne (Belgium border) and Bologna, the latter where Stellers/Stallins/Stellati's were first found.

Why would Istria's elements link to Fomerian pirates and Pomeranian dragons? Ask the Argo-ship Colchians at Istria that were discovered in the last update with Maso and Minyae pirates in Elis Triphylia = Makistos. I even traced Trypillians to Trips/Treffs of the Mecklenburg theater, and gleaned that the Rockefeller TREFoils are part-code for Trips/Treffs. Later, I found Roxolani living in Trypillia. English Trips (Kent), use a ladder, and share the crosslets of Gore's/Core's who were of the namers of Gorski in the Colchian lands east of Istria. German Trips use the boots once showing for French Masseys/Masse's, who trace to the namers of PatMOS, right? And the Trip ladder is a "scaling ladder" so that the Core variation of Gore's can identify that code for Scala and Chora of Patmos together. It was shown recently why elements of Patmos were in Crete, but one can glean again here that the namers of Scala were at Skillounta of Raches in the Makistos area of Elis. "Skill" is listed with Gilles' using a Shield filled with lozenges, and first found in the same place as Elis, and yet there are no Skill-like variations shown. Perhaps it's coincidental, meaning that Gilles'/Skills do NOT trace to Skillounta.

This Gorski area is where the Stalin lozenges trace, ultimately, not surprising if they were named after Stellers/Stellins while the latter's star goes to Istria. Losinj is a location in Gorski, and at an island off the Istria coast, you see. So, I think I have this correct, that the new NATO chief is an Ishtar liner, and this comes a few days after I felt Directed to emphasize NATO as an entity from both Oettingen and Pettys (i.e. the latter from Pula of Istria). The "needle" used by Pettys may even go to "NATO," as per the Nadal/Nadlers variations of Needle's (just a giant sun). As the 'O' on my keyboard is beside the 'P', I just misspelled "Petty" as "Oetty." Hmm. Both Oettingens and Pettys have left ears emphasized, and I'm pretty sure that Pettys trace with Gorski to Patmos.

Another surname using lozenges alone in the Coat are Penningtons with a "Vincit amore PATRia" motto, in-part for Vinkovci/Cibalae elements going back to Valentinian and Justine, as does the Sire/Siret Coat (Burgundy) sharing three of the four Pennington lozenges (both in a string fesse-ways), as well as a coiled green snake "looking at himself in a mirror" that was the symbol of Asclepios, code for Scala > Scylla elements. It's feasible for Sire's to be of Seir and therefore of Petra in southern Edom, but as the surname shows with Siren-like variations, they trace to the Akheloos river, home of Sirens, and moreover the Akheloos is the location of ASTAKOS, important because the "SCALES" of Sire's and their "justitia" motto term trace without doubt to the same in the Arms of Vilnius, the Lithuanian location of the ASTIKAS'.

As the Akheloos was known to be the home of Taphians, so we find that Dauphine, where the Fusils/Fuziers (lozenges in Payen colors) were first found, was in Burgundy, where Sire's/Sirets/Sirons were first found that call their lozenges "fusils." One can glean here that Daphne, code for Taphians, was a Siren. But as Daphne was traced by myth writers to both the Ladon and Peneus rivers, that brings her Lydian background (Pergamum elements?) to the Elis theater, important because the golden-fleece Hyksos (i.e. AthaMAS) trace to Makistos, and Daphne's father, Tiresias, was a Hyksos entity. Payens are mentioned above because they too were first found in Dauphine, and they trace to Apachnas, a Hyksos king in Avaris, depicted by "Everes," father of Tiresias, but Payens are from the Paeoni on the east side of Penestae, where Penningtons trace, for as the Cavii were on the other side of Penestae, the Chives' and Penningtons share a mountain cat. So, you see, the heraldry masters knew where these surnames, and the individuals that owned the symbols, trace.

Tiresias (owned the Hermes caduceus, a version of the Asclepios rod) is likely the same Tyro-Cretheus line that birthed Aeson and Nestor. Nestor was of the Nephele circle, and Aeson was the Ixion-Nephele line through mythical Aedon Boiotians to Autun in Burgundy, thus involving Nibelung-branch Burgundians. It just so happens that while French Page's (Pung/Paganell colors) were first found in the same place (Dauphine) as Payens/Pagans, the Ness/Nest/Nestor Coat is using the same doves, in the same colors, as the English Page's/Paige's!!! DESIGN MATTERS. If the designs no longer match when you are reading here, be assured that the doves of both Coats are now identical. Page's/Paige's (pheons) and Ness'/Nestors were both first found in Sussex.

Payens had linked to mount Pilat of the Dauphine theater, and French Pilate's (in Pasi and Paisley colors), first found in Burgundy, share pheons with Page's/Paige's. The latter use, in colors reversed, the chevron of Peks/Pecks, first found in the same place as Quints, and the latter thus traces excellently to the city of doves, Cuppae, off the Pek tributary of the Ister. The Peks/Pecks and Quints both use red chevrons. It's the same relation at the Pek as Hugh de Payens later marrying Elizabeth Chappes. But why were Nestor elements involved at mount Pilat, and who were they there as concerns surnames?

As it may involve Stoltenberg roots, allow me to show what's new to me, the theory that Neleus, Nestor's father, was a b-less Nibelung or p-less "Nephele." But even if that's incorrect, I'm investigating a NELeus trace to Neils and similar surnames. This will actually link well to the formation of Rothschilds, so try to follow.

It starts with the theory that Nobels were Nibelungs. As Nobels were first found in the same place (Cumberland) as Penningtons, I ask whether Nobels show signs of tracing to Penestae. The Nobel besants trace with their Caepio-line lions to the Cavii and their Bassania location. I'll entertain that. The Nowels/Noels/Nole's look like they can be evidence of Nobels losing the 'b' to become Nole's. Nowels/Nole's were first found in Staffordshire, where I trace the Paeoni lines of Stubbs and Stubbings (i.e. from Stobi of Paeonia, on the east side of Penestae, the latter location suspect from "Paeon"). The Nowels/Nole's are in the colors of the Stobi-suspect Staffs, who in-turn share the chevron colors of Cavii-liner Quints, and as Quints linked above to Page's, lets add that Knowles' (elephant) share a white-on-red chevron with Burgundy-liner Page's.

It was noticed right away that the red-on-gold color of the Nowel/Nole lattice is in the colors of the Logan/Lohan heart with NAILs, and Logans, very suspect with the pierced Stoltenberg heart, can trace to lake Lychnidus on the south side of Penestae. I am sure that Logans do trace there because LOHENgrin was a Ligurian-SWAN entity (and Lychnidus traces to lake Lychnis, otherwise called, lake SEVAN). Liguria is the location of Nice, and the Lighs/Leghs are in Logan/Lohan colors. The Nice surname is listed with the Ness surname, making it suspect with the Page-related Ness'/Nestors.

Why PeNESTae? Or, why PaNICo, an entity tracing to Pincum at the mouth of the Pek? Were these Nestor-to-Nice liners? Don't Pinks/Pincs share a string of lozenges with Penningtons? Didn't the latter's lozenges link to Justine of PICENum? See the Picensii on the south side of Cuppae and the Pek river (not marked as such) on this map:

The scales of justice in the Justine Coat, and its "causa" motto term, identify Justine of Picenum with the Cass/Cast and related Cust/Custes surnames suspect with Martha Custis, wife of George Washington. It's a good reason to trace Nestor to the empress in Picenum (deep root of Pollocks). As Picenum is across the waters from Istria, ask, why "N-ESTOR." Why not just plain "Ness"? Why did the myth writer make it "Nestor"? As Neleus' brother was Pelias, was this the Pollux-CASTOR line to Pula/Pola, and to Pollocks in Reno-based Renfrew, associates with Paige-suspect Paisley traceable to the Pasi surname at Bologna, location of the Reno and of Panico's? Can't "Castor" explain the Cass/Cast and Custes bloodline to which Justine's/Justus' trace themselves?

As Nowels/Noels started to look like Neleus liners, the Neils, Neils/NAILs and Niels' were loaded, but not before loading the Nells, and lo-and-behold the Nells use Nowel/Nole and Logan colors too, as well as red roundels on a fesse all in colors reversed to the Nobel besants on a red fesse. It can indicate that "Neleus" was a p-less "Nephele," which, if correct, can indicate that the pseudo-Nephilim cult evolved into a Nel term.

As Lohengrin is code for the swan-using Logens/Lochs and swan-using Locks, it was remarkable to find "fetterLOCKS" in the Niels'/Neel/Neil Coat, and these locks too are in the colors of the Logan heart. Pollux was the son of a swan. If Pollux-suspect Neleus liners were on Istria, that's where Stoltenbergs traced. Pollux's sister, Helen, was likely an Alan entity, same as Nephele's daughter, Helle, and traceable to Alans of Dol...who became the Stewarts using a PELican on a NEST.

It tends to claim that it's no coincidence for German Hellens/Hellers (Bavaria) to be using a version of the Nobel Coat in colors reversed. As the wing in the Hellen/Heller Coat is the design once showing for the Masci wing, it becomes obvious that the Hellen/Heller lions, and therefore the Nobel lions in colors reversed, are the Maschi lion. That jibes with the Hellespont in the land of Mysia. Can Nephele trace to Mysia? You need to ask Ixion at Iasion, brother of the founder of Mysia's Troy. Or, ask Iasion's line to Aeson in Iolcus, home of Neleus and Pelias. English Hellens (Brittany, highly suspect with Alans) share black horses with the Este Crest.

The string of Pink lozenges are colors reversed from the lozenge string of dove-using Stolls/Stowells. It's the same as saying that the Stellar/Stellin/Stellati bloodline behind Stolls/Stowells, from Istria, was from Cuppae on the Ister.

It was a happy moment to enter "Novel" (in Pale colors) to find two PALE bars...a symbol used by Stalls/Stahlins in the colors of the Ness and Washington bars. Novels were first found in Venice, at the north end, essentially, of Istria. The double pale bars of Novel are in the colors of the same of Seats/Seeds/Cedes', making them suspect with "Setta." Moreover, the latter surname is expected in the "cede" motto term of Istria-suspect Steers using the same lions (colors included) as Stoll-related Wissels. The pale bars of Seats/Seeds have three besants so that one of the bars can be transferred to become the Nobel fesse.

Nobels and Seats/Seeds both use blue Crests, the color of the Hellen-Crest wing, giving the appearance that Nephele > Helle liners were in the Setta-valley Panico's. But I thought that Trypillians traced to the Setta? Yes, and the Elis Triphylia location proved that Elis' Alan suspects were from Trypillia, on the south of Kiev. The Budini and their GELONi neighbors were south of Kiev too, and therefore the WOODEN city of Gelonus is very suspect with the root of Helen, and with Hellen, grandfather of Athamas, the latter being the husband of Nephele and father of Helle.

Trypillians were at the Hellespont, how about that. It reminds that the Italian creator of WOODEN Pinocchio had the Panico's in mind with that puppet's name, and that Rita's use "pieces of WOOD" while tracing to the Bistrita river in the land of Trypillians. In Italian, Pinocchio's nose is a "naso," and Naso's (smacking of Ness variations) use "hanks of cotton" while Hanks, amazingly enough, use a version of the Pung/Paganell Coat, the latter sharing a label in Chief with the Panico Chief. Thus, the Pungs, from Pungesti, the Trypillian theater again, trace with Hellens to the Pincum > Pink / Panico line. The Pung-honoring Rooms/Rome's, first found near or on the Nith river, trace to Roman, near Pungesti. Why PungESTI?

Pungs/Paganells were first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Benjamin-related Elis' (i.e. Panico-related Elis') and Pale's, and the latter use one bend (Benjamin-line code) in the colors of the Pung / Hank bendy. The Bends use both red roundels and besants, as well as sharing a blue lion in Crest with besant-using Nobels. The red Bend torteaux on a gold fesse are identical to the Nell/Neel fesse with torteaux (colors-reversed to the Nobel besants). We are pressed again to ask whether Nells and Neils are, not only Neleus liners, but p-less Nephele liners. Were the Gelonus-suspect Nephilim in Iolcus with Neleus, king of Iolcus?

The Neil estoiles can trace to Istria, where the Ishtar star of Rothschilds/Rothsteins trace, and Fetters (Bavaria, same as Rothes') use nothing but a giant sun on blue Shield, which you will see below linking to the first Rothschild. This giant sun is first mentioned below as the Needle Coat, a surname from the needle symbol of Pettys now suspect with the NATO logo, which suddenly looks like a version of the Moray star, for once showed an alternative Moray Coat using fetterlocks, and the fetterlock-using Neils'/Neels show a "mori" motto term. The nail-using Logans look like they are traced to Moray possibilities.

The question is whether Needle's were Neels, or vice versa, for both surnames link to the same giant sun. Needle's even show a NEILder and NAYLder variation. Then, while this is being written and inserted here before the Natt topic below, note that the Natts were traced to Nestor, son of Neleus. That's why this insert is being located here. Nestor becomes suspect below with the line to Natts, Nitts, Notts and Cnuts, and even the namer of the Nith river in Dumfries. To clarify before delving into it, the Nike/Nice entity that was also Styx (like "Astikas") was from DioNYSUS, and therefore goes back to Nuzi, known home of Horites that moved also to Seir. There you have a reason to trace Seir to mythical Sirens in the area of Astakos, which was in Elis-related Aetolia. The Taphians of the Astakos area may even be the reason for the Teffia entity in the Logan/Lohan write-up.

While Oeneus ("wine man" code) at Methoni can be identified as a line from Dionysus, NEStor (king of Pylos) is now identifiable as a NUZi line to Pylos, smack beside Methoni. I have never before realized that Nestor was code for Nuzi elements (likely involving Seir-ian Edomites). Although it's mentioned below, I'll add it here too, that the Ness surname using the Washington bars comes up as "Nice." If the Wassa's and related Washingtons (suspect from Wassukanni, the Mitanni capital) trace to the Mitanni namers of Methoni, the Ness'/Nice's trace to Nestor, as expected.

I identified Horites with the Uranus > Cronus line that was in Elis, but myth tends to trace them first to Crete and then, with the Sarpedon invasion into Caria, to Patmos. I don't know whether Sarpedon myth, or any other myth, traced the Uranus>Zeus line to Patmos, but it's suggested if the Skillounta location traces back to Scala. The last two paragraphs were written after the below all the way to a trace of Natts to Nestor. It's important for the trace to Mosul of end-timer Illuminati agents, for I'm gleaning a solid connection between Makistos-theater Elaeans (Mosul>Mopsus elements) and Nestor's Pylos. Remember that Mopps'/ModBURleys traced well to Bours > Bowers, the surname of the first Rothschilds.

As has been said before, the Natts are Nathans, the name of the second Rothschild. It may indicate that the first Rothschild, Nathan;'s father, had connection to the Nathan family. It is said that the father (Mayer) was involved with the fortune of the prince of Hesse-Cassel, and then the Needle/Nadler sun is identical, colors included, with the sun in the Hesse Coat. If one gets the impression already that NATO was named partially on behalf of Rothschild roots, it wouldn't be surprising. But it builds evidence toward the theory that the anti-Christ will be a Rothschild tool.

The Stallins/Stallions (expect a horse symbol somewhere) were first found in the same place (Norfolk), and share the chevron colors of, the Rings/Ringsteads. The latter's chevron is engrailed because Rings are said to be from Sinclair rulers of Normandy. They are suspect in my view with raven vikings, as is Rothschild ancestry. The Stallins and Ringsteads are in Natt/Nadler (and Kilpatrick) colors, and the latter use the colors and format of Nitts/Naughts from the Nith river (location of Kilpatrick castle). It's suggesting that Natts/Nadlers trace all the way back to the namers of the Nith. Note that the Natt/Nathan and Nitt/Naught Coats are Shield-on-Shield, in the colors of the same of Saddocks/Sedwicks, for the Geddes, from the Geds upon the Nith river as early as 400 AD, use a Shield-on-Shield in the colors of the same of Chadocks and Chadwicks.

The Irish Rings can apply, and they show as "Crann," suggesting the possibility of forming the Cranny surname sharing a grey elephant with Pettys (they already linked to the Natts/Nathans, apparently, by their needle), and then it appears that Pitts (stork, expected) are using a version of the Stewart and Nitt/Naught Coats together, which has the effect of tracing both Stewarts (Pollock kin) and Rothschild ancestry to Pietas-Julia = Pula at Istria. We are fully expecting the Ishtar star of Rothschilds/Rothsteins to trace to Istria, right? And Rothschild ancestry was already discovered at Rothes castle of Peter Pollock, albeit this was centuries after the Geds on the Nith. The Geds moved to the Moray theater, where Peter Pollock was placed in charge of Rothes castle. I have that information from a Pollock-liner emailer whom has investigated Pollock roots, and especially Peter Pollock. His daughter, the emailer tells me, was "Lady Rothes."

It can be gleaned that, in the same way that Rings became Cranns from a MacRing variation, Crannys had been Raines', and zowie the latter (in the Natt/Nathan, etc., colors) even use the Nitt/Naught lion heads in the same colors. It means that Rings had been Raines' from Rainier of Montferrat, explaining why Nitts/Naughts (and Pitts) share the Fer/Ferrat checks. The "committio" motto phrase of Nitts/Naughts is used as "Commit" by Sinclairs (it traces to Conans using the Sinclair cross, via the Comites variation of Cone-related Conte's), and the Sinclair motto also uses "work" as code for Werks/Works (same place as Vere's) using the Raines' / Nitt lion heads in the same color, and also in colors reversed. I suspect that the Raines' are Vere liners between Brittany and Oxford.

The full Sinclair motto pretends to honor God but in reality honors relatives. Spit! The motto, "Commit THY work to God," looks like it includes code for the Dutch Thy/Tie surname using the wolf design in the Cranny Coat.

As per the "liberi" motto term of Pitts, I was seeking Perdix clues in the Pitt page (it would link to Petts/Perts, likewise using a stork in Crest), and that's when "PER ARDua" was spotted in the Pitt motto (a common phrase), apparent code for PERDix liners. There is a Perard surname...using the bend colors of the same of two Peter surnames! That explains why Perards are properly, "Pierre." Still, it is a great find to discover that "Per ardua" is code for Peter-Pollock liners. The "pour le" motto phrase of Perards goes to Pears/Pearls, first found in elephant-using Oxfordshire, thus tending to clinch a Peter link to "Petty."

It's not much of a mystery who the namers of the Nith became, as the Naught variation of Nitts (first found in the same place as the Nith) tips us off. We go to the Nottings/Nutts (bend in colors reversed to the Peter bends), sharing besants with Pitts, and the Notting besants are in both colors of the Nott/Cnut crescents. Apparently, the Danish royals were at the Nith. Nottinghams even use a Shield-on-Shield of their own, and even with a black bottom Shield, the color of the bottom Pitt / Nitt/Naught Shield.

The theory that I'm gleaning is that Ring(stead)s were proto-Raines' from the Reno river i.e. involved with Panico's at the Setta tributary of the Reno. The Setta is were the families of the priestly murderers of Christ were expected shortly after the Titus invasion of Jerusalem. The ring theory coming to mind, as to how the Ring variation of a Rainier / Reno line developed, is from the rings (annulets) used by Nottinghams, in the colors of the same of Benjamins, the latter first found in the same place as Ring(stead)s. The Panico surname was identified with "Benjamin." The Nith is where we may expect Annans (from nearby Annandale), the Annas line honored in the annuLET. The Letts, using the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Annas', were first found in the same place (Gloucestershire) as Nottings/Nutts/Knutts.

The circle of families involved with Panico's has secured for the Welfs a stretch of territory from Bologna to Florence, if I recall correctly, and then Bruno's (had a branch at Este-suspect Asti) and Barone's were first found at Florence, while the Nottings have the audacity to derive their surname in "brown as a nut." The Nottings are using the Bruno bend, you see. Impish liars everywhere, hiding their roots from us with lies. Heraldic bends (honor the Bends sharing besants with Nottings) are themselves in honor of BENjamites, but Nottings even use bendLETS beside their bend.

A Panico link to Bruno's is possible in the "points" motto term of Berone's (hedgehogs), for I saw the link between Points, Punch's and Pinks/Pincs before seeing the Berone motto. The Pinks/Pincs share the Reno lozenges in the same colors. Pinks/Pincs even use another Shield-on-Shield, the small one being white, as with Nitts/Naughts. Having said all this, I don't know a clue, from heraldry codes, the origin of "Nith" if it was named before the time of Cnut's family. The Natts/Nathans claim that the surname is from "JoNATHAN," which can trace to Jonathan Levites.

The Nettle's (same place as Pinks/Pincs) use coiled snakes in Nitt/Naught / Natt/Nathan, etc., colors. There are six coils in the Nettle and Visconti snakes, though I've read that there were seven in the original Visconti snake. I don't see many with as many as six coils. If the number of coils is important for tracking, the Nettle's would trace to the Chappes-liner Visconti's / Ottone's.

The Netherfields (chevron in colors reversed from the Ringstead chevron) were first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Nettle's; Netherfields show also as "NESSfield," suggesting the Nice/Ness / Nest bloodline. Nesfield is said to have been held by Percys, and Percys share a string of lozenges (different colors) with Pinks. It can be gleaned by the star colors and the paws in Crest that Netherfields trace to Phocaea with Palins and Foggs, and as Phocaeans were co-founders of Ligurians, the Nice location at Liguria is my best shot for the namers of the Nith. The "pillar" in the Netherfield Crest even gets the same lion as Palins in the Pillar/Pilon/Pilot/PilLARD Coat...recalling the Pollards/PAWlards that happen to share the black-on-white Netherfield chevron.

But the Pilot variation is the clue tracing to Pylos, ruled by mythical NESTor! Looks like I was right. The peoples of Pylos were the namers of the Nith, and the Lard-like Lords even use pheons in the colors of the Pilate pheons. Pilate's were even first found in Burgundy, now tracing to Pergamum, near Phocaea. It looks like the "Capta" motto term of Geddes is for the Caiaphas liners at the Nith along with the descendants / cousins of Pontius Pilate.

There is nothing in heraldry that is far from making a link to lines from the players in the Crucifixion. All of heraldry swings on these players.

Who was Nestor from? The golden-fleece crew related to Athamas and therefore to Makistos:

Another Chloris is the daughter of a different Amphion (himself son of Iasus, king of Orchomenus) by "Persephone, daughter of Minyas" {sic}. Chloris was said to have married Neleus and become queen in Pylos....Chloris and Neleus had several sons including Nestor...

Iasus is not the same as Iasius/Iasion, but, of course, they were the same stock. If you look into it, you may be able to see that Chloris is an aspect of Leto, but being made white, note that "Ias" is itself suspect with "aes" meaning metal, likely the "white" (as opposed to copper, bronze or gold) metal of iron. One Iasius on Wikipedia's Iasus page is the son of Eleuther, which, like the birth goddess of Crete, Eleuthia, was a white term to the Greeks. When stating that Chloris looks like an aspect of Leto, I had not yet realized that Chloris may have been code for the real Clarus location. It wasn't until looking at the Clore surname, listed with Clare's, that it dawned on me. Clarus was the sanctuary of Mopsus.

If we go to Neleus, Nestor's father, it takes one back to Phoenicians in Tyre but leading to Pylos: "Neleus was the son of Poseidon and Tyro and brother of Pelias. Tyro was married to Cretheus (with whom she had three sons, Aeson, Pheres, and Amythaon)..." That's the Tyrian line to Crete, though there may have been multiple such lines. It identifies the Minyae as Minoans, doesn't it? Minoans were depicted with a white bull.

Aethelings from Keturah

I'd like to go back to the question: "Were the Gelonus-suspect Nephilim in Iolcus with Neleus, king of Iolcus?" Or, how great a pseudo-Nephilim (the true Nephilim died by the time of the Flood) role did the Budini, Roxolani, or Neuri play? They trace forward to Scandinavians, and at one time the Budini were suspect in "Woden," the alternative of "Odin." I haven't revisited that theory for a long time. It could suggest that B-less Budini from Odin elements named Oettingens, which could help to identify Oettingens as the same stock as Pettys. But in order for that to hold correct, I would trace Budini to some cousins of the Paeti. Potters (share the white cinquefoil with Bus') were first found in the same place as Bidens/Buttons and Botters/Bodins, and then Pottingers, much like the Otins/Ottingers (in Heth / Atholl / Howe colors), use pelicans on NESTs, what a pylincidence.

Pottingers were first found in the same place (Berkshire) as same-colored House's/Hows' (and Howe's), and these are the colors of Lombardy at the root of Berkshire's Windsor castle. House's, suspect with Siward's Howe = Heslington Hall, use a cloud, important because Hazel-related Heslingtons and House-related Hazels became suspect with British Aethelings tracing to mythical Aethlius of Elis, now suspect with ATHAmas, Nephele's husband. In other words, that small tell-tale cloud in the House Crest assures that Hazels (hazel slips), Islips, House's and Dusseldorf trace to Athamas (a Minyaen king of Boiotia) and Nephele. If it was correct to trace Orchomenos Minyae to the Orkneys, that's where I would look for the origin of Aethelings.

If we ask why Pitts traced to Nith elements as Petty suspects, perhaps Pittheus, father of Aethra, can apply. Pittheus was made king of Troezen, a city perhaps tracing to "Tros," kin of Iasion. With the namers of Nith tracing to Nestor out of Iolcus, it's important here that Aethra was mother to Theseus, himself suspect from Iolcus, or at least something nearby in Thessaly. Theseus' son, HippoLYTOs, was the next king of Troezen. It recalls the trace of Pelops Lydians to Leto at Clarus, for while Pelops married Hippodama, Pittheus was a son of Pelops. It seems clear here that Theseus represented Minyae in Clarus, a city represented by mythical Chloris, mother of Nestor, and it tends to support the identification of Pylos (real place) with Pelops. But as Clarus traces to the raven-depicted vikings of the Orkneys (one Henry Sinclair had charge of the Orkneys), let's repeat that Nestor was a Minyaen king of Boiotia, where Orchomenos was located. Once the Pittheus household is linked to Clarus, a trace to Pitts at the Nith is not at all difficult to imagine. Pitts show signs of tracing to Perdix Cretans, and Theseus was in Crete.

The idea here is to ask whether the Pitt-related Petts/Perts (both use storks) can identify Pittheus with the PAETi. PHAEDra (same ending as "AethRA") was an alternative wife of Theseus, and Atholls were first found in Perdix-suspect Perthshire. Phaedra was a daughter of Pasiphae, a Minoan line.

Keeping in mind that Minoans can link to the Egyptian god, Min, we are apparently embarking on a deeper identification for the Neleus term, in the Nile river. This works because Pelops was traced to Belas, code for the Nile's Pelusium district. That is. Pelias, brother of Neleus, was a peoples from Pelusium while Neleus was code for the same basic peoples from the Nile. The Nile god was NEILus, so much like the Neils. The Nile came to mind as I read on DemoPHON (indicates Phoenicians in my theories), son of Theseus and Phaedra. As Phaedra was a Minoan, she easily traces to Tyre. Demophon's article: "Demophon married Phyllis, daughter of a Thracian king (possibly of Sithon)..." Clicking to the Sithon article, it was made mythically a Neilus entity. So, Nile-river peoples, especially in relation to Minya on the Nile, are expected.

On Sithon: "had at least two daughters: Rhoeteia, eponym of the promontory of Rhoetium in the Troad, and Pallene." It begs the question of wether Roets, and Rieti, traces to that location. Rieti had been suspect from "Ariadne," Theseus' Cretan mate, and sister of Phaedra. There doesn't appear to be a contradiction in tracing Roets and Rieti to this Rhoetium location, which I've not known before. It was near or part of Abydos and DarDANUS, if that helps to make the trace to Belas, father of Danaus. A quote was shared in the last update (from this webpage) telling that Minyae from Thessaly (i.e. Iolcus included) and Boiotia founded a city after themselves in Lemnos, and thereafter settled Elis Triphylia. It expects a trace of Neleus elements in Iolcus to Elis, explaining why Neleus and his son (Nestor) came to rule neighboring Pylos. It predicts that Nestor was a Minyaen = Minoan entity, the mother-goddess line from Rhea of Crete, to Raches at Elis Triphylia, and then to his Ishtar-like name, Nestor.

In one myth, Jason and his Minyaen crew upon the Argo stopped in Lemnos to merge with its Amazons, en route to Colchis. That is, they didn't go to Elis after their Lemnos migration. Then, in the Argonautica, the Argo ship sails from Colchis into the mouth of the Ister, and proceeds down the river, meaning that it passed the land of Trypillians. It can be assumed that, later still, these elements got to Elis from first being in Corinth, Jason's home after leaving Colchis. Corinth was a Cronus entity, I have firmly concluded of late, and we can expect that, from Corinth, Cronus castrated Uranus and, as the myth says he threw the parts away, I say he threw them to Skillounta in Elis Triphylia, a fanciful way for dragon-minded writers to state a migratory path. It can therefore be gleaned that Cronus in Corinth was of Coronis elements in Scala, to the naming of Cronus' sickle, and Skillounta. Much later, these Colchians ended up at Istria.

In the myths concerning Medea, Jason's wife in Corinth, there are two instances at least where Medea cuts her own brother to pieces, and then has Pelias cut into pieces. As Tantalus cut his son, Pelops, into pieces, it appears that Pelops evolved into, or from, Pelias. This is a way to trace Pelias from Iolcus to Pelop's Pisa, beside Elis. I say that Pisa was from Pisidians and therefore of Poseidon, and as I traced "Pos" to Absu/Apsu of Sumeria, note ABSyrtis, the brother of Medea that was cut into pieces. Perhaps the Pisidians were Aryans that had a proto-"piece" term made the symbol for Pisa. AbSYRTis may have been code for the namers of the Siret river, indeed, but there is a SERDica, named by the Serdi, at the sources of the Hebros.

One of Medea's sons with Jason was Alcimenes, like "Alcmene," mother of Hercules. This evokes Hercules and a snake-woman birthing Scythes i.e. the land of Scythia, home of female-oriented Trypillians. Or, as Helen was a symbol of the Hellespont, beside Marmara, note that while Helen traced to Trypillians, another child of Medea with Jason was Mermeros. The three wolf heads of Medea's goddess can thus be identified, along with Artemis (wolf-fur throne), as the Trypillian goddess, and likely with the Neuri. That's the same as saying that Keturah's children with Abraham got involved with Nahor's children, and that the Letushite descendants of Keturah formed Leto, mother of Artemis. [Later, Medea is found on the Hebros, beside elements of Attis, father of Lydia, suggesting that Letushites really were the founding of Lydians.] As incredible as it seems, Keturah's children led to Hellen, the chief father of the Greeks in one myth, and to his son Aeolus, husband of Neuri-suspect Enarete. [To put it another way, Keturah led to the Trypillians, home of the RoxoLANI (Ros-Alan) Alans, and therefore she leads to my four-dollar RAT TRAP that has caught ten squirrels thus far. The rest of the Bat story late in this update. Yes, a single bat enters the story, and so I want to mention here the Bat Colchians off the south side of the Glaucus river, for they are expected to move into the Trypillian country.]

These Scythians are suspect in Saxons and Saxony, and so note that the Atholls, in Heth colors and suspect with the Aethlius > Aetheling line to Saxons of England, use bars in the colors of the same in the Arms of Saxony. Mr. Skeetz has been decided thus far that his surname (from Scythians), which he says was indeed of the Schutz's (same colors as the above), were a Neuri line to Saxony, but none of the above was said to reflect his trace. It just worked out that way.

When Jason abandoned Medea for a woman (something like "Glaucia", I can't recall if that's the correct spelling) representing the Glaucus river of Colchis, Medea took her dragon-pulled chariot to ATHens, another Aethlius-like term that can trace to Aeson > Aedon, or to EDmond the Aetheling, or to EDward the Aetheling, or EDgar, EDred, and similar terms beloved of Aethelings. As the Biblical Keturah, mother of Medan, evolved in the real world into an Athenian entity mythicized as king Kodros, father of Medon, it seems that Medea was the Keturah > Medan line to Kodros. It's quite revealing that Abraham's wife (Keturah) and sons would evolve into an occult entity, for this is why Abraham was chosen, and given another wife, for to create Israel as the start of God's battle against Abraham's other line to the end-time Illuminati. Have I got that right?

In Athens, Medea gets embroiled with the goat-depicted family of Theseus (son of AETHra), explaining why his name smacks of Thessaly. He now looks like code for Minyae in Athens, explaining why Theseus had a relationship with the Cretan bull = Minoans. Theseus elements in Crete merged with a daughter of Pasiphae, from the Phasis location at the Glaucus river of Colchis, and Dionysus took that daughter to Lemnos, home of other Minyae. Quite apparently, the Sarpedon-Minoan invasion of Miletus named the Maeander river after Minoans, or, vice-versa, the Cretan Minoans invaded the mouth area of the Maeander because they had been named after it in the first place i.e. had previously lived there as Maeonians. In this picture, Minyae were mythical Manes, father of Attis thought to have named Attica at Athens. It's another encapsulated way to trace Minyae to Athens.

One can tell from the above that we're back to a migration of peoples out of the Nile through Phoenicia and into Crete, which could involve the proto-Essenes of Carmel whom are being identified with the naming of Caria, potentially even the Cronus cult from the bull cult that I see at Haifa. In this picture, one must include the Horites, if correct that Cronus had been such. The following treatment on the House bloodline tends to indicate Seir elements at Haifa, and that suggests Horites too. There are at least three separate waves that I see out of the Nile: 1) Hyksos around 1400 BC; 2) the Akhenaten-Yuya wave no earlier than about 1300 BC; 3) the Smendys mouse line after 1200 BC.

The House bloodline appears to trace to the first wave, the Exodus-related Hyksos evolving to the proto-Zeus cult and into Ixion-Nephele, wherefore the following tends to identify the Essenes as evolving into an Ixion > Aethlius line. It suggests that Essenes evolved into the Aethelings. This can explain why the Aeson Coat reflects the Heth and Edmond Coats (the Edmonds are traceable to Edmond Ironside, an Aetheling). The Essenes can be of prophetic importance because Armageddon begins at Megiddo, smack at Carmel. But Armageddon ends at Edom, the land of Seir.

The first task is to solve why the House and related Hazel surnames look like branches of the Houghs. It creates uncertainty as to which term came first. If the Houghs came first, it might be impossible to trace the line to "Essene." The Masseys of the Mieszko kind are all over this, and so it should be said that not all Massey liners are necessarily through Mieszko. While I view the Massena line to Maezaei as furnishing Mieszko's, the Maezaei could have furnished the Maschi's separately, and these went on to form the Masci's and Masseys of Cheshire. The Maceys and Mackays, however, may have been from Mieszko. For the time being, I would guess that Meschins and Mussels should go to the Maschi side of things, not to Mieszko.

Anyway, the point is that Hazels and Houghs were first found in Cheshire, while Houghs (probably using the bend of Sale's, first found in Cheshire) share a black wolf head with House-related Howe's, and the Hose wolf design is used by Irish Mackays, likewise in black. I say that the Haughts/HOUGHtons (Cheshire) are using the Mieske bull, and that they named Sigrid "the Haughty," the point being that the white Haught/Haughton bull head is likely in use in the Host Coat (Hazel colors), whom were looked up as per the Housett variation of French House's.

New evidence that Mackays/Kees' (hand holding a sword, theme of the three below) were Mieszko's is where the KEES/Kaas/Kase Coat is a combination of the Mieske and QUESney/CHESne/Chaine/Chenay Coats.

An attic squirrel just snapped the rat trap. It's 3:46 am (I can't sleep much due to a bed, not cheap, that sinks down in the middle), what is it doing awake? It was heard a couple of minutes before, jumping down from the attic ceiling, as all the squirrels do when they come to the floor. I have a story to continue on this, and will do so after this House topic. From the start of this topic, I wanted to know why Hazels use a squirrel. It was on my mind as I got out of bed. Who put that in my mind? Note that, at the last sentence, as the rat trap snapped, the topic was the French House's who share the Hazel leaves. I can understand why some readers wouldn't believe that I'm telling the truth. I can hear the squirrel not dead in the trap, oh no...I'm back. It's now in a bucket, with a lid over it. I took the trap off of it. The bar came had come down over it's belly, and it will be fine, therefore. This one will NOT get away.

I had forgotten, when mentioning the Mussels above, that they use a black wolf. I re-found this by searching "black wolf" in the last update, which reminded me that Savards/SALfords (Hough colors) also use a black wolf, and they suggest the Sale's likely in the Hough bend. Hazels use a black squirrel. Savards/Salfords (merged with Julian line from Julia Maesa) were first found in the same place (Lancashire) as the Cowes, the latter suspect in some Mackay variations, which, if the terms trace to Qewe, they suggest the Hyksos at Kizzuwatna and Adana, near CEYlon. A Welsh branch Yonge's (black wolf, suspect with Jonathan Levites) had come to use the same Coat as Pennants that are honored in the pennants of Cowes'. The Cuffs, like the "Huff" variation of Houghs, even share the Hough and Sale bend, and put the Sale fleur (in the colors of the Cabbage fleur) upon it, in the white of the Massey fleur, the latter suspect with the white-on-red colors of the "cabbage" LEAVES of House's. Therefore, the Cowes', suspect with Caiaphas the LEVITE, were a branch of Houghs and Cuffs. Cabbage's (share holly with Islips/Haslips and Islip-related Maxwells) even use the Levi lion (same design) in colors reversed, as well as one of the three Levi chevrons. What does all this mean?

The Essene-like House's versus Hough-like terms suggests Essenes and Haifa lines merged, and the two white bulls that showed up, and perhaps also the cow-like Cowes, suggest the white Zeus bull that had been traced, independent of anything in this discussion, to a proto-Zeus bull cult of Haifa, very near Tyre, where myth located the Zeus bull as it migrated to Crete. Variations of Cabbages (same place as Quints) can be suspect with b-version Cuffs. The Armageddon importance here is that "Caiaphas" appears to develop from Haifa terms, especially as the Arms of Haifa (long, blue perchevron) are similar to the PERCHEvron used by Chappes'. And perchevrons are shared by Aesons and Heths too. Others using the black wolf are Bellamy-related Bellows. In colors reversed, Hazels look like Bellamys, of PERCHE.

The Houghs are said to be possibly from a Hose location, for one, but it looks like a guess. If Hose's/Husaby's apply, then so also the Hyksos-suspect Huckabys and Hucks. In that case, Essenes may not have been named after Esau, but after a softened form of "Heka" (name of Hyksos in Egypt). That looks and feel right. The Heka Khasewet of Egypt became the Kessenes > Essenes. One could venture to trace this beast to Hesse-Cassel, noting the Cassell-like look of Hassels, listed with Hazels. "Cassel" and House's together could trace to "KHASEwet." If correct, they came out of KizzuWATna, suspect in-part with the UAT-Buto cult of the Nile delta. I trace Uat (related to all-seeing eye) to SiemoWIT (proto-Mieszko mouse liner), and identified him with WITkowo (all-seeing eye) , wherefore its notable that "kowo" looks like "Howe" and "Qewe" while Siward of Northumberland, of Siward's Howe (same place as Islips/Haslips) traced to Siemowit elements via connection with Mieszko's his daughter, Sigrid the Haughty.

Mieszko was Dagome, and in Wikipedia's article on Dagome, his ancestry is traced by a quote to Sardinia, home of SharDANA Sea Peoples suspect from Hyksos. After that discovery, I traced the "fountains" used by Cass'/Casts and Kiss'/Kish's/Cush's (see also Cust's/Custes') surnames to Piscinas (means "fountain"), right beside Sulcis, where I assumed Mieszko's ancestry traced (either location). Sulcis (Sant'Antioco) was immediately suspect with the Seleucid line to the anti-Christ. The points here are that the same surnames looked very traceable to the naming of the Moldova capital (uses "Kis / Kish" terms in variations), and now appear trace-able to "KIZZuwatna / KHASEwet." To this, I'll repeat that Cabbage's share the Baker lion while another Baker Coat shares the cabbage leaves of House's and Hazels, the leaves used also by Scottish Falts/Fauls'.

Therefore, the House bloodline appears to trace to FALTiceni (beside QUMRan-suspect HUMORului), Bacau, and to the nearby Angusta location honored by the Cabbage motto term, "angustis." All three locations are in Moldova = ancient Scythia, near the mouth of the Ister where the Aeson-Argos entity settled as Colchian kin. Argos (traced by others to Cilicia) traces to Adana and likely nearby Tarsus i.e. the Kizzuwatna theater. The Hose's/Huse's were first found in the same place (Leicestershire) as Kish's/Kiss'.

It's beginning to appear that House liners can trace to Essene-like Aeson, and so one could begin to view Aeson as a Heka > Hesse line to the Hesse-Cassel location privy to the first Rothschild. The Hose's/Huse's use the red erased lion head of Mousquette's/Musketts that was showing as the Rothes-lion-head design at one time.

I was planning to link Atholls, Haughts, and German Julians next, but got sidetracked with re-loaded the Pray's/Praters as per the "praesto" motto term of Falts/Fauls', and what do you know: it's the Mackay and Hose wolf design in colors reversed, as well as the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Cabbage's in colors reversed. English Falts even show a FauldHOUSE variation. The Prays/Praters were first found in the same place (Lincolnshire, where Danaan Rhodians are expected) as Cuss'/Custs's/Custes'. Irish Prays even use the white Cabbage-Chief lion in their own Chief, and. zowie, the latter Prays use the German-Julian bars in red!

I was going to point out the black-and-white Julian bars next, suggesting a link to the same-colored Haught bars, and noting that the Atholl bars, if their gold ones were black, would be the Julian bars exactly (same positioning, same number, six). If the red Pray bars (same positioning, same number) were black, they would be the Atholl bars. For reasons above, these bars are likely linked to the same /. similar of Carpenters, Fullers and Belli's, three surnames that together trace to Moldova. In fact, the Prater variation of Prays can go to the Pyretus river, now the Prut, near the Moldova capital. Let's not forget the LamPREY of Prude's, or that fish are shared by Prude's and the Bars suspect in the bars under discussion. The Bar and Verona fish link to the Pesce/Pisci fish, and that letter surname can be suspect with PIscinas.

As the Scythians of that place are suspect in the Saxons that merged with Atholls / Aethelings, let's repeat that the Atholl bars are in the colors of the bars in the Arms of Saxony while German Julians were first found in Saxony. Plus, as "Julian / Iulius" is suspect from the Aeolus > Elis line -- that was recently traced to Trypillians (i.e. Moldova theater), it's notable that Athols are in Elis colors because mythical Aethlius was of Elis.

[Insert the day after the above was written -- Mone's/Moans (HasMONian liners?), first found in the same place as Elis', use the six Julian bars in colors reversed. This recalls that the county of Mons (Hanaut) used the three Levi chevrons (Atholl-bar colors), which are black like three Mone/Moan bars. The Mone's/Moans (new to me) even share a red bend with Hasmon-like Asmans/ASHmans! Plus, Ash's use two black chevrons in the colors of the Mone/Moan bars!! While Asmans (Wiltshire) use the Massey fleur, the Monets/Moners/Moneys/Monez' look very Bassianus-ish / Savary-ish. As Moners (same place as Masseys/Masse's, in Messey/Messier colors) are said to be shortened from "Hamon and Emon"" (not likely correct in those words), it traces the name of Hamon de Massey to Hasmoneans! Yes. It's true. This is the Rasmussen/Assman bloodline. How incredible is it that Maccabees of the end times ruled NATO? Could we expect the blood of Alexander Balus in the highest levels of NATO? This paragraph once again asks whether Julians trace to Julius Bassianus.]

The Pray / Mackay wolf design is used by Kaip(f)s/Kaiffs smacking of Haifa and Caiaphas together, and the long Arms-of-Haifa chevron is used by Kaip(f)s too, both in blue.

The "praesto" motto term of Falts/Fauls is therefore code for Prays and Este's together, apparently. The "praeferre" of Racks/Raikes' suggests the Ferro's out of Ferrara, and it's know that Ferrara and Este were politically united (a good reason to trace to MontFerrat at Asti). English Prays use Pegasus suspect with APACHNas, and he's also suspect with Bakers. This is where the squirrel in the Hazel Crest (black, like the Pray pegasus) can come in, for Squirrels'/Squire's are suspect with the Sire's/Sirets, kin of Justine of PICENum, an area that touched upon Rimini, where Maschi's were first found who were kin to Pegasus-using Masseys, important because Hazels (same place as Masseys) are kin to a host of Massey and Mieszko liners.

House liners are suspect in the Rimini / Picenum area, therefore, but where do we find them? I'm going to guess at Cattolica, beside Rimini, for Cattle's/Cattels look like Cassel liners, especially as Cassel is said to be founded by the Chatti Germanics. One can just sense that the Keith Catti trace by their Musselburg area to Cattolica and the Maschi's there. Just go back in time to the Hatti of Hattusa, known to have relations / skirmishes with Kizzuwatna in very-ancient times dating to the Hyksos period.

While some Rockefeller lines use trefoils, the main use of them is from the Rods, for Roquefeuils married Henri IV of Rodez/Rodes. The Rod trefoils are in the colors of the same of Dussel(dorf)s/Dussens using the Hazel/Hassell Shield. To help trace "Hassell" to Hesse-Cassel, the Arms of Hesse and the Arms of Dusseldorf are using the same Shield, red on the top half, and white on the bottom half, colors reversed to the same in the squirrel-using Deck/Dagger Coat. This, I think, is new to me, that the squirrel line in the Dusseldorf theater should link to Decks/Daggers. and Dyke's. There is even an Essen location in Dusseldorf. This can mean that Decks/Daggers were Not from "Ticino/Tessen," but perhaps from a Douse entity from D'House, just as Hazels/Hassells are suspect in forming "Dussel." A hardened form of "Douse" becomes "Deck-like, and, low-and-behold, after suggesting that, the Douse surname was loaded to find a small version of what must be the Hesse/Hessel sun!!! The Douse's are listed with Dorsets, and first found in neighboring Wiltshire.

It might be too hasty to deny a Deck/Dagger trace to the Ticino, for as proto-Hungarians were found there, it's notable that the Hussian Hungarians (expert bow-and-arrow fighters) can apply to House / Hesse liners, especially as the Huss surname is listed with the Hesse's/Hessels. The Husse's/Houseys can be gleaned as using the House cross in colors reversed, but with a gold Shield. In colors reversed, the Husse/Housey cross is the Arms of Pula, linkable not only to the Pollock saltire (Pollocks use it in both color schemes), but to the Scottish Andrew saltire. The Scottish Andrews were from king Andrew of Hungary. For this paragraph, you might want to see the English and Scottish Franks, with their "nati" motto term that can be in honor of Natts/Nathans suspect in Rothschild ancestry. Rothschilds had a Red-Shield house, and a Green-Shield house on the same street (in Frankfurt), and so note that while the Andrew saltire is in reverse to the Pollock saltire on a green Shield (Peter Pollock was the proto-Rothschild extraordinaire), there is a red Shield behind the Andrew saltire. This Rothschild link to Hungarian Hussians well explains the Rothschild and Bower/Baur arrows.

Aha! The "VicTRIX" motto term of Scottish Andrews suggests the Tricks/Triggs and Drigs (in the colors of the Andrew saltire) using a sun in Crest!!! It tends to clinch the Hesse and Husse link to the Andrews, of no minor importance, for the Scott royals lied to their people concerning the real reason for the Ross and Andrews clan, and also lied concerning the real reason for the "Andrew's Cross." As Tricks were first found in the same place as Julians/Gillians, they can trace with Julians to Pietas-Julia = Pula. That works, and tends to reveal that Julians/Gillians do trace to that place.

The Andrew write-up says that the Andrews of far-north Scotland (CAITHness, now linkable to Chatti / Cassell liners) moved to Dumfries, location of the Nith river where Natts/Nathans were suspect. Plus, I read an article on the early Geds of the Nith who had a branch in far-north Scotland with the Mackays, to the direct west of Caithness. The "Capta majora" motto of Geddes is thereby suspect with the Majors/MAGERs/Mayers (share a red Shield with Andrews and Geddes) in naming of Mayer Rothschild, meaning also that proto-Rothschilds had a close relationship with the Nith-river Geds at some point, a relationship that may have resulted in many inter-marriages over the centuries. It explains why Andrew-related proto-Rothschilds moved to Dumfries.

The stag head of the Vice's/Vise's can now link to the Hungarians via the "VICtrix" motto term of Andrew. It tends to reveal that the Andrew line in Scotland went to the Rollo's (and Celts/Colts) of Perthshire, completely logical in the trace of the Rothes raven to the Rollo vikings. Recall that the Rollo vikings were at Moray (where Peter Pollock of Rothes was at), and perhaps even in the Rose surname, all at the Ross-of-Andrew theater.

Amazing for this new, clinched trace of Hesse to the Scottish elements under discussion, the Vice's/Vise's are said to be from Viza in ASHwater of Devon, and Devon is the location of D'Esse Court of the Ash's. Moreover, the Waters use three chevrons in colors reversed from the three of German Ash's, tending to explain AshWATER. Therefore, the Ash's are looking like House liners of the Dussel / Hesse kind.

This would be a good place to mention that the Rothes-suspect Mousquette's/Muketts/Muscats merged with Montfitchets of the Gernon line (Majors were from Guernsey), for Muschats are listed with Montfitchets...using the three Water chevrons (both surnames Essex). This recalls that Waters are in the "water bouget" used by the Bugs (NOTTingham), who are in the colors of bow-using Bogans of Bavaria (where Rothes were first found), suspect with the Bauers / Bowers. In fact, you can count this paragraph clinched and correct because English Bogans (beside Devon) share a cockaTRICE with the Devon Ash's...which in-turn clinches "cockatrice" as part-code for the Tricks/Triggs.

Bogens are as important to Bavaria as the granting of their lozenges to the Arms of Bavaria. Bogens did grant their lozenges, as a fact, to Bavaria even though Wikipedia's articles on the topic do not reveal this. Instead, Wikipedia traces the lozenges only as far back as Wittelsbachs, probably related to Waters, and perhaps even a branch of "Vise." The Wittelsbachs (red Shield) begin to show links to Oettingens (Bavaria), making the Vice's/Vise's suspect with Ottone VISconti. I was going to say, then decided not to, that the Water and Muschat chevrons are from the red one of Quints, first found in the same place as Waters and Muschats. This needed to be said when the blue vair fur (Quint symbol) turned up in the Wittelsbach Coat. The Wittelsbachs, easily identifiable as White's -- suspect with "Water / Watt / Vatts/Watters" -- share vair fur and the talbot head, not to mention white-on-red colors, with Oettingen-Oettingen.

To this it needs to be re-mentioned that Oettingen-related Oddie's (in Ottone colors) use Andrew's Cross, and its colors reversed to the fat cross (i.e. similar to the Oddie saltire) of Essens/Essendorfs (clinches king-Andrew connection to Husse's), first found in Hesse. It looks like proto-Rothschilds of the Bogen kind linked to Oettingens. Why? We need to ask Joseph Caiaphas, and his line from the Essenes in Haifa. The Essen cross has the look of the Husse/Housey and House/Howes cross; the Essen cross is even in Heslington colors.

Probably, House liners do not all stem from Hesse / Ash liners, but they do seem to converge at the Dusseldorf - Hesse theater. The anchor is shared between the Arms of Dusseldorf, the House's with a green Shield, and the Majors/Mayers. The Dusseldorf anchor is blue, the color of the Bauer wings. this anchor is suspect with the Anak line to high-priest, Annas, through Aenus at the Hebros, beside Sale and not far from the Oettingen-related Paeti. I think it is safe to say that "Oetting" is a version of "White / Wettin," same stock as Wittelsbachs. That tends to trace Odin to "Uat," whose alternative name, Buto, smacks of Budini. This recalls a trace I made of Wittelsbachs to Buda(pest) (Hungarian capital), which can explain why Wittelsbachs just linked to Andrew elements.

I just drove this morning's catch to the creek, where I had dropped off two other squirrels. Hopefully, they will reunite. You should have seen how happy he was to pop out of the bucket, and "escape" up a tree.

Recalling that Decks/Daggers looked traceable to Dusseldorf, look at the Dickins/Digins using the cross once shown for Eatons (same black colors). It's the one that looks like two double-headed axes in cross formation. This is interesting because Essenes had traced to the Cretan axe, and here the Decks/Daggers and DICKINs, suspect with the namers of the Ticino/TESSEN river, itself looking like a hard-version "D'Essene," so to speak. There is merit here. Dickensons are traced literally to "Richard," but that has got to be deliberately-false code for a merger; Richards are sharing the blue Dickenson lion). It may explain why Dicks and Ricks are related terms. Both surname use their blue lion in Crest, as do Samsons that once showed the Dickin / Eaton double-headed axes. Rick liners go to Rijeka and Richeza, now suspect with Racks'/Rake's, important now because the Arms of Bavaria use the Franconian Rake. That begs the question of why Bavaria / Franconia traces to Raches / Makistos = Samikon at Elis. Richards were first found in the same place as Elis', and that suggests that Dickens and Richards are using the Bruce and/or Hallam/Halland lion. German Richards: Bavaria. No guff.

I don't see too many white hearts, but Irish Harts and German Richards share it, and that makes them both suspect with "the heart of Bruce." German Harts: Bavaria. No guff. Scottish Harts: the Frank saltire. No guff. But why are Franconia-suspect Franks tracing to the Pollock saltire, in the colors of the Arms-of-Pula cross? Because, Pula is always to be linked to Rijeka.

The Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Scottish Harts is that or Andrew-related Tricks/Triggs.

As German Harts are "Hard" while Scottish Harts are in Herod/Hurl colors, the Jewish Harts are extremely interesting. They use the Zionist stars with a single besant in the center. That's all they use. I'm sure I know what this is, for Sohaemus, priest of El-Gabal in Syria, married Drusilla of Massena, the line that I think traced forward in time to Julian Bassianus; hence the Hart besant in the colors of the Dumas and Savary besants. The same Sohaemus then married Drusilla of Herod. When suggesting a trace of "Drusilla" to the Drew surname, I wasn't sure which Drusilla to trace to, and, anyway, I wasn't sure that Drews applied at all. But here I find the line of Sohaemus suspect with Harts while Harts look like they use the Trigg / Drig Shield, and then Drews are also "Dreux." I find this completely interesting.

AMAZING. It was only after writing the above that the Somers were re-loaded, because I had traced "Sohaemus" to the Somme river (less than 100 miles from Dreux). It just so happens that Somers not only share a sun with Triggs / Drigs, but were first found in Lower Franconia!!! It was a lucky thing that Somers were found in the last update, or I would have missed this great piece of key in this update. Somers even use a half-green, half-red Shield.

Therefore, the Hards and Hards/Harts (RED stag appropriate for an Edomite line) are indeed from Herods, and because Jesus called one Herod a fox, Herods may have taken that symbol, as even the Foix location is situated beside the home of Herod Antipas at Comminges. There is a red fox in the Somers Crest!!! This was badly needed to establish a Herod identification with heraldic hearts (not all of them, perhaps), and to clinch a Herod trace to Harts and Pollocks. It's still not been determined whether the Doris/Orris surname, sharing the wavy Pollock bend in the same colors, is from Doris, wife of Herod 'the great." It tends to verify a Herod trace to Herods/Hurls too, especially if Hurls were from Herluin de Conteville, the ruling family of Comminges-like Comyns. The Comyns surname is also "Commings." There has been much evidence to link the Contevilles to the high priests of Israel.

Sumers (with a 'u') use a white-on-green fesse, linkable to the gold-on-green fesse of Herods/Hurls. Reminder: Julius Bassianus was brother to Julius Agrippa, which could be expected where Sohaemus' children with the Massena-line Drusilla were involved with the children from his Herod-related Drusilla. The Drew/Dreux lion is RED, by the way, and the Trews/True's use a plumed/feathered helmet, symbol on a coin of Herod Archelaus, Antipas' brother (both sons of Herod "the great").

Gaius Julius Sohaemus above was brother to Julius Aziza, named after an Aziz/Azizus ancestor in the priesthood. We see the Julian line evident even there to which Julius Bassianus can trace. But Sohaemus under discussion married Julia Drusilla. He was a grandson of a royal Mede, wherefore one can ask whether this was a line from Keturah. Did Mythical Medea represent the Medes that were founded by a son of Keturah? In the article below, don't be deceived into thinking that the El-Gabal emperor (kin of Julia Maesa) was anything to speak of; he was a sexual pig.

What were Herod liners doing at Dreux? Why are Dreux's in Drake colors? Why were Drake's first found in the same place as the Josephs sharing the Comyn garbs? Trews were first found in the same place (Warwickshire, traces to Warsaw, Masovian capital, where the Drake wyvern also traces) as Sheriffs ("Esse quam" traces to Essenes of Qumran) that use the Hazel / Dussel fesse in colors reversed. The Scarfs (Yorkshire), remember, are using the Howe wolf-head design (linking Scarfs to Siward's Howe in Yorkshire), and yet the Scarf wolf is in the colors of the one used by Hugh D'Avrances, grandson of Herluin de Conteville. I've only just realized that Scarfs are likely named after the same that named SIGURd, the alternative of "Siward." Sawyers and Seagars are in Scarf colors.

The above begs the question of whether Sohaemus' children traces also to Somerset [I did not yet know here that Sohaemus traces to a Soham/Seagham location]. The Sheriffs are said to derive in "reeves," but that might be a fixed, clever code. Reeve's share a green dragon head (not identical design) with Tresure's (Somerset), as well as using Blois colors while being first found in the same place (Suffolk) as Blois'. The Reeves Coat has the look of the Wittelsbach Coat, and the "rege" motto term of Reeves can go to Racks/Rake's, for it seemed obvious that Wittelsbachs should trace to the Franconian Rake. We could expect Somers of Franconia in Somerset, right?

Sheriffs and Reeves are both in Reef colors, and the latter use yet another curved perchevron, symbol of Ottone's and Kaip)f)s/Kaiff's. However, Reefs are listed with Reis'/Rise's. As they are said to be from "wood carvers," they link well to wood-using Rita's, and the Reef/Reis oak tree can then link to the Roet tree, of English Roets, first found in Somerset and from Montreuil...the Somme area of Picardy!!

I didn't know it would come to this so quickly when asking whether Sohaemus lines were in Somerset. It recalls the Roet trace to Rieti while the Vespasian family there had linked to El-Gabal elements. This was a topic starting about five weeks ago. Here's one piece from the 3rd update in October:

After this update was published, I had to re-visit the Petro surname, when it was realized that it used fleur-de-lys in the colors of the giant one of Gamble's, and it just so happens that I had been confident that IAMBLichus, an early priest of El-Gabal, traced to "Gamble." It seemed likely that Campbells/Cammells (gyronny, Titus symbol!!!) applied too, because they are the mother stock of MacArthurs...the ones sharing the same crown as gyronny-using Mathie's.

MacArthurs were first found in the same place as Herods/Hurls, and are themselves suspect as Herod liners, though they may be from the proto-Herod Aretas family, of Petra. El-Gabal's priests were early at Arethusa (Syria), and were traceable to Arettium and Assisi, not far from Rieti. "Arettium" and "Rieti" may even be related, as for example I see "Herod" and "Rhodes" related. The Harts are also "Art."

Emperor Nero ruled immediately before Vespasian (not including the three uprooted kings), and so compare the Reef/Reis Coat to the Nero Coat. Nero's mother was an Agrippa. It looks like Wittelsbachs can be using the Nero Coat.

The Revere's were first found in Dorset. Dorset is important if it traces to Dorians, from Dor, beside Megiddo, and therefore of the Carmel theater. Revere's are suspect from Essenes of Carmel as per the Reeve's link to Essene-liner Sheriffs, and then Sheriffs are now looking like the same that named Siwards / Sigurds while Essenes were tracing to House-related Haughts, from SIGRed the Haughty. Coincidence? It's likely that the bull horns of Polish Druckers (in Drew/Dreux / Drake / Dresser colors) link to the Haught / Mieske bull.

The Keturah line that may have engaged Sohaemus at his Mede ancestry is tracing round-about (not fully understood yet) to Sheriffs and Reeve's, making it possible a Keturah trace to Revere's, important because Keturah-suspect Cutters were first found in Dorset too. And Cutters use the dragon-head design of Somerset's Tresure's/TRASHers, who by the way might be a line of Tricks / Drigs that have definitely linked to Sohaemus, likely from one of his Drusilla's. In fact, the sun of Tricks/TRACKS / Drigs can even be code for the El-Gabal sun god, and the Dorsets/Douse's likewise use a sun! Amazing.

I've been linking Tresure's to Blois for a while, and here the Reeve's look like they are using a version of the Blois Coat. The Tresure's/Trashers are in the "DOUBLE tressure border" of Seatons and Flemings, and the French Blois' are also DEBLOIS. We get it. But as we are finding Keturah liners in Dorset, Where Palins were first found, let's now recall that the Palin / Polesdon stars linked excellently to the same of MEDleys and Methleys!!! Amazing. It's telling us that Keturah's son, Medan (or perhaps Midian), was the likely namer of Methimna on Lesbos, and traces also to Methoni/Modon > Modena > Modi'in...and Modane, where Blois' have traced! Too much.

But are Cutter's (dragon heads in the colors of the Sheriff griffin heads) really from Keturah? That must be your big question. The potential trace above tends to prove it just because it lead to Medan-like terms. And while I traced Motts to Modi'in elements, the Morte variation of Motts goes as Mortons to Wiltshire, where they were first found, which is beside Dorset. Dorsets were first found in Wiltshire, as well as the Lard kin of Polards, who may have been from L'Ard, and thus from Hart/Hard liners. .

Freemasonry, from Massena, must have kept track even of Sohaemus lines from king Massena's descendants. Somewheres in the world, the Masons have all that ancestry set apart systematically, with heraldry part of the books. They know exactly what's what, but aren't telling. The rare white sun of Dorsets could be such for matching the colors of French Blois', but as that Blois Coat became suspect with the Aurelia and Sens Coats, note that the Sens Crescent is also the Dorset crescent! Sens were first found in northern Switzerland, somewhere, and while Berne may apply to them, that;s where Riefs/Rieffers were first found.

A Drusilla trace to Aurelia Cotta can explain why Dressers/Dreshers (Trasher / Drucker / Dreux etc. kin) use a Shield split in colors reversed from the Wessel Shield (buffalo horn links well to the same-colored Drucker bull horns), and in the colors of the split Eisenhower Shield (I have been neglecting the Westoile variation of English Wessels). Therefore, Drusilla of Sohaemus traces to the Wessels too. Dressers/Dreshers even use a lion in the colors of the Dreux/Drew lion. It had been found that royal Cottians used "dress" as a code. EisenHOWEr seems an apparent merger of two House liners. The Eisenhower Coat (shares the patee with Eisen-like Eatons) looks link-able to the Arms of Sion.

Recall the Haught/Houghton bull, for the German Hoffs/Houghs use a leopard face with red bull horns, the colors of the horns above. The Hoff leopard face is black, like that if Keatons, suspect as the Keith Catti and therefore traceable to Hesse-Cassel's founders.

As Sheriffs were likely from (or linked to) Warsaw elements of the Drake kind, and while Sheriffs are said to be of the Reeve's, it's not likely coincidental that the Revere's use the same lion as Massins/Masons, for Warsaw is in Masovia. The Revere write-up traces the early family to Chudleigh (Devon), and there is a Chudleigh surname using upright lions in colors of the same of Dressers. Conceivably, Chud(leigh)s/CHIDERleigh's could be Keturah liners such as Cotta's/Cottins/COTTARels. Chudleighs might just be Kidds, one of which uses the Baut goat so as to trace to the Bautica, in the royal-Cottian theater essentially. But the other Kidds (looks like a version of the Leafs/Leve's), with Oak tree and blue Shield (same as Panico's), are interesting for the following discussion that tends to assure Levites at the Panico entity. Note first that the Kidd-Chief stars are used by Aurelia's and Blois', and recall that Kite's were found to use the Ferro eagles.

Then, let's go to the Redvers/Redviers variations of Revere's to hypothesize that Revere's and Reeve's were Vere liners from the Vire river of Manche. But first, let's mention that Were's (definitely a Vere branch, ignore the write-up saying otherwise) were first found in the same place as the Revere's of Chudleigh. As per "CHIDERleigh," the Cotters/Cottares' (Oxfordshire, Vere-ruled) can apply. Cotters share blue on green, rarish colors, with German Bauers, but let's add that the green beaver in the Arms of Oxford is suspect with lines from "BAVARia," where Bauers were first found along with Rothes'. If Chiderleighs can thus link to Rothschilds, consider the Kidder discussion below as it links hard as stone to Sohaemus.

The Vires' (Sheriff and Guerin colors) are listed with Verons/Vers/Vairs, first found in the same place as Levi's. To this we add the Varns, in Levi colors, and tracing to the Varni in the Schwerin theater, a location suspect with Schere's/Scherfs and therefore with Scarfs and Sheriffs / Reeve's. It can't be a coincidence that Schere's/Scherfs share a black-on-gold (Varn colors) fitchee with Shire's while while Sheriffs are said to be from "Shire Reeves." The Shire's alert us to the Squirrels/Squire's and therefore explain the Hazel squirrel, meaning that Hazels are using the Sheriff fesse in colors reversed.

The above recalls my unproven but maintained theory that, after 70 AD, the chief priests of Israel, some of them and their families, took refuge in the Setta valley with Panico's or proto-Panico's of that general area, and then migrated quickly with royal-Cottian elements to the Varni theater along with Herod liners, some of the Cottians becoming Jutes and/or Geats. Anything with "Mod" is suspect from the Keturah > Medan > Methoni > Modi'in line, and so let's repeat that Cotta's/Cottarels share a Shield filled with fretty lattice with Modens/Modleys, first found in BERkshire now tracing to Pergamum, near Lesbos and Foca, the area where the Medley and Methley stars had traced.

The Viers (Sheriff and Guerin colors again) are listed with Italian Olivier's/Olivers/Liviero's/Vierins (like "Veron"), using what looks like a version of the Panico Chief, and then to help prove it, English Olivers/OliVIERs (leaves) use nothing but a large oak tree in their Coat. Scottish Olivers (leaves, heart, and probably the Joseph martlet) are said to be from an early "OiVIERE variation. The fleur-de-lys in the Viers/Oliver and Panico Coats are colors-reversed from the Sheriff fleur. Why would that be? Viers/Olivers use roses on stems, as do Schere's/Scherfs, and the other Schere's share ears of wheat with Chappes/Chaips...who link well at Ile-de-France with the Vires'/Verons. These roses could be for the namers of Rostock, north of SchWERIN. Sheriffs share the red rose with Schere's/Scherfs. We are keeping in mind here the theory that the Sheriffs-Reeves merger is partly from the RedVers/RedViers. It's looking good and correct.

The point is, a new one, that the Olive's and Olivers, like the Leafs/Leve's said to be from an Oliver product, are surely Levi liners, and yet they have Vere elements worked into their variations whom have been suspect as Ferrari's, potential Pharisee liners. And they can all trace to the Varni, as expected, then to Varangians, and the "laurel BRANCH" of Olivers can even go to Varangi-like Avrances.

It makes sense that Redvers (ReVERE's) could be in the Redder/Reader surname. The English branch matches with the colors of the fesse-and-symbols of Hazels, and, besides Scottish Vere's/Weirs use a fesse of Hazel-fesse colors. Redders use gold-on-blue crescents, the symbol of Dorsets and Sens, but then, as Redders are suspect with Redvers while the latter had lived amongst (at least) the CHIDERleigh bloodline, see the gold crescents of Kidders.

The Kidder crescents are shared in both colors by Coffers/Coffare's (rhymes with Cotters/Cottare's) -- first found with Roets in the same place (Somerset) to which Sohaemus is tracing who had the Keturah-suspect Mede ancestry -- and then the Coffer/Coffey Crest traces to the Arms of Taranto, the city where MOTels/Motello's were first found. Anything like "MOT" is traceable to the Keturah > Medan line, and meanwhile, as these terms go to Modi'in, origin of Maccabee king-priests if Israel, "Coff" smacks of "Caiaphas" as well as the Essenes lines from Houghs, etc.

German Redders use the Goth / Hagar Zionist stars that were tentatively identified as lines from Agatha Aetheling (queen Margaret's mother), thought my me to descend from Helena of Angusta. Remember, Cabbage's, with an "angustis" motto term, were House / HAZEL kin suspect with "ATHELing." The Goth surname (not necessarily the Goth Germanics) can also trace with Cotta's/Cottarels/Gauts to the Gust surname said to be from "Gaut" and the Goths. German Redders/REDL's are in the colors of Rita's/Rheda's who trace to the BistRITA tributary of the SIREt (Angusta was near the Siret). The Siret surname is listed with the squirrel-liner Sire's, suspect of course with the "Shire Reeves" code for Hazel-related Sheriffs.

Let's go back to "Somers even use a half-green, half-red Shield." The same is for Belgian Flecks and English Fulke's/Folks, and then Pollocks use a green Shield. I haven't decided yet whether, but it certainly looks like, proto-Pollocks were Fulks of Anjou. If correct, then it is a better case for tracing proto-Rothschilds to Mr. Aflaq, co-founder of Baathists. This is important for two reasons: 1) Rothschilds can be suspect in Iraq as part of the anti-Christ, aside from any surname considerations, and the anti-Christ was suspect with Baathists = Sunni, apart from any surname considerations; 2) Somers are now fairly clinched from Sohaemus, from Syria, and Baathists were founded by Syrians. Imagine, then, if the Sunni are from the SohaeMUS line with Drusilla of Massena, for that jibes with a mouse-liner anti-Christ.

Good morning. I was in bed early last night because I was up the night before about 1 am. There are times when I feel that my writings are especially Led by God. There are clues that I've become familiar with. This discussion must be important to Him. It seems I am treading on the prophetic scenario that He has been seeking to convey for years starting with mouse signs. Immediately before writing the paragraph above, the Standard surname was checked because Kidders use: "An arm in blue holding a packet, inscribed thereon the word "Standard"." I didn't have anything to say about the Standard surname, however, until, after writing the paragraph above, I began to wonder whether Somers lines used versions such as "Sonny." It was worth a try, and I knew from the past that Soams/Somes' are listed with Soans.

Sonnys (from Normans) are listed with Stoneys/Staneys while Standards are also "Stonard" and similar variations, but for this discussion, the StanART/StaHART variations seem Herod-important, for Somes'/Soan's (from Normans) use a hawk's lure in Crest, the Herod/Hurl symbol. I expect the El-Gabal cult from Arethusa to be related to the family of Aretas III that is known to have provided Kypros, the mother of Herod "the great." To help prove that the Hurl variation is for Herluin of Conteville, the Conte's and Falcons share white-on-blue crescents, and then the Some/Soan Crest is "A falcon STANDing on a lure." Was it really important to say "standing"? No, and it means that we can be certain of the Somes' link to Standards/Stonards. This is a huge heraldic key. Get out the grease because we've got ancient doors to jam loose.

Why are Falcons figuring into the Baathist discussion that began with Fulks and Flecks? The white Falcon crescent could be in use in the Kidd Crest, important because it's Kidders that use "Standard" in their Crest. English Falcons use a "Vis" motto term, and Vice's/Vise's (Rollo suspects, traceable to Vikersund in Buskerud) were first found in the same place (Sussex) as Kidders. It doesn't seem coincidental that Kite's and Kitts/Kyts use the falcon (it's what they call it). As Kite's are suspect with Ferro's, the claim of Vere's that they were counts of Anjou before the Fulks is making the Anjou counts suspect with a Sohaemus line.

It just so happens that Somes'/Soans were first found in the same place (Suffolk) as Standards/Stonards. The latter use eagles, the symbol on the black stone of El-Gabal, and so this is a surname going back to Sohaemus' priesthood...which may explain why Sonny is part of the Stoney/Staney surname. It just so happens that while Somes'/Soans use mallets, the mallet surname shared gold-on-blue scallops with Sonnys. These are in the colors of the Hazels.

It's becoming clear that Sohaemus traces to Contevilles at Comyns. As Clare's were likewise first found in Suffolk, its very notable that Clare's use three chevrons in colors reversed from the one used by Somes'/Soans, and the latter's chevron is shared with Welfs/Wolfs (same wolf heads as Kaip(f)s), first found in Cheshire and said to be from Hugh Lupus, grandson of Herluin of Conteville. The three Clare chevrons are identical to the three once showing for Dutch Bergs / Burgs because Herluin of Conteville was a Burgo surname, and he married the mother of the Conqueror, himself a Claros. I don't know which of the two families had the triple chevrons first, but I expect them to link to the three red ones (it's 2:03 am, what's the squirrel in my attic doing awake?) in the Arms of Eure-et-Loir, which happens to be the location of Dreux now understood as a fact to be from Sohaemus and one of his Drusilla's. The "adversis" motto term of Welfs/Wolfs can be code for Redvers.

One Conte surname comes up as "Counter," and then Standards/Stonards use a Shield "counterchanged." As Ranulf le Meschin was himself a Conteville liner, it's one reason to view the Somes'/Soans from Drusilla of Massena. For some reason, the Somes'/Soans do not come up when entering "Some," but the Macey-related Sions/Sine's/Swans do, and they not only share the heart with Bitars/Buttars, but are now showing falconer's be used with hawks lure's, you see. It's the Herod-Massey merger from Sohaemus, isn't it? What was it doing at Sion?

Previously, the Some/Sion gloves were the gauntlets used by Maceys, explaining why the Some/Sion chevron is in the colors of the Macey chevron. The gauntlet gloves were code for the line from John of Gaunt, husband of Catherine Roet, daughter of Payne Roet from Montreuil near the mouth of the Somme river. That should explain why Some's are listed with Sions/Swans. John had been in Candale, near Bordeaux, and Borders were first found in the same place as Tresure's (you get it) and Roets. As Bordeaux is at the Gironde theater, it's not coincidental that the Arms of Gironde use the gyronny symbol in the colors of the Picard gyronny, for the Somme river is in downtown Picardy. This gyronny is shared (different colors) by Titus', that being one of the evidences for a Roet trace to Rieti. But the Campbell/Cammell gyronny was part of the evidence that Titus' family had linked to the El-Gabal line of Iamblichus and Azizus, suspect at Assisi and neighboring Arettium.

Somes'/Soans (in Second/Segur colors) are said to be from a Soham = SEAGham location (Cambridge) prior to the Conqueror's invasion of England. This evokes the trace of Bassianus' to the Sava river, especially as it's expected to lead to Valentinian and his squirrel line (Seagars were part of that line). We have exceptional evidence here that Seagars (and the Sigurd / Siward names) were from Soham = Sohaemus. It should be mentioned here that the Assi surname shares scales with Justine's/Justice's, making the Azizus line suspect, as expected, to Justine and/or Valentinian. From there (about 450 AD), it's going to Anjou's Vere counts (750 AD) less than 200 years before the Soham/Seagham location appeared.

The Muslims were just getting under way at the time that Vere's claim to appear at Anjou, and so, perhaps, the Sunni Muslims had connection to the Somes' / Some's. Why MUSlim? The Muslims had a sacred black stone too. Were they descended from SohaeMUS? Was "MoHAMMED" from "(So)Haemus"?

As the Somes'/Soans use HAMMers (albeit they are called, mallets), what about the Hams and same-colored Hammers developing from "SoHAM"? Repeat: "English Falcons use a "Vis" motto term, and Vice's/Vise's (Rollo suspects, traceable to Vikersund in Buskerud) were first found in the same place (Sussex) as Kidders." Kidders and Hams share green Shields, and Hams (sharing the MacAbee salmon in the same colors) and Hammers were likewise first found in Sussex. Hams are traceable to Hamar, near Vikersund, the Norwegian area of the Claro's? The area includes Ringerike sharing an annulet/ring with German Hams, and the latter's is a giant one in the colors of the giant annulet of Vita's/Vitone's (TreVISO). As Ottone's (Falcon colors) use the annulet too, it can be gleaned that Vita's were a merger with, or a branch of, the Visconti-related Vice's/Vise's. The Vita - Vise relationship is clinched, and tracing to the Norwegian home of Claros'. Why?

Note that Bushers (Dorset) and Hamars (not the same Coat as Hammers) share black Shields and small lions upon them, thus tracing them both to Buskerud. It's rare to find fork-tailed lions in Coats (they are usually in Crests), but forked-tails are showing in both the Hamar and Busher Coats. English Bush's/Buschs happen to use spread eagles in the colors of the same of Stoners / Standards/Stonards.

The Bittini/Bitti variations of Vito's is suspect with Bidens/Buttons, said to be of Bath and Wells of Sohaemus-suspect Somerset. The "chapeau" in the Biden surname is from the same of Capelli's, first found in the general area as Vito's/Bittin's/Bitti's. Somerset is where the Bath's/Atha's were first found that share a fat cross of the style used by Bitars and Aflacks (for new readers, Baathists were founded by Mr. Bitar and Mr. Aflaq). The Bath/Atha cross is white, as are the fat crosses of Packets and Petersons, and the Bitar and Aflack crosses are colors reversed, in the colors of the same, fat Sinclair cross. It's now indicating that Baathists were from the Vita > Biden line, and including the Falcon-related Vise's, which can perhaps support the Sohaemus trace to Anjou.

Nicholas de Vere claimed that an unknown MILO de Vere was the first count of Anjou, but it may have been code for the Miles', who share green and white with Hams / Hammers. The GREEN mirror of Milo's mother, Melusine, is code for Mire's/Mireux's, first found in Anjou. As Mire's/Mireux's use a myrtle tree, they were traced well to mythical Myrtilus of the Elis/Pisa area, where Aethlius was likewise from.

The Botters/Bodins, first found in the same place as Miles' and Bidens/Buttons, use an eagle facing left, as is the Some/Soan falcon, as is the eagle on the black stone of el-Gabal. Left is the sinister location, which in heraldry is suspect (in my view) with SENESchals. It's interesting but certainly not clinched that the El-Gabal eagle was purposely faced left as code for Senes/Somes-like bloodlines. The Botter Coat: " eagle STANDing on a silver perch."

Although the Botter Crest shows nothing, the description says: "On the middle of a staff a gold crown." The Botter eagle happens to be in Staff colors, and Staffs (swan in Crest) are suspect in using the Quint chevron. The Hawks, honored in the hawk's lure, use "pilgrim's STAVEs" (which are staffs). Botter's are said to be from a person with a "striking physique" (haha), and Hawks use "Strike" as their full motto.

Compare the Some/Sion Coat with Dickens (expected with squirrel-using Dyke's) and Richards, and assume Richard Claros, duke of Normandy, grandson of Rollo. This Richard was styled, Sans Peur (I've seen that in motto's), translated as "Fearless," but might it have been code for the Sion-like Sens / Sans bloodline? The Sans share spread eagle's with Standards/Stonards, who by the way share their eagles in the colors of the Stoner (Oxfordshire) eagle's. The Sans eagle is shared by Spinks who in-turn share mascles on a blue Shield with Seneschals. As Spinks were first found in the same place as Quincy's, who likewise use mascles, Quincys (and therefore Caepio's) become suspect in the Sohaemus line.

One way to trace the Sohaemus line in the camp of Valentinian to Anjou is by way of Valance on the Rhone, near Lyon. The Lyons and Lannoys both use green-on-white lions, the colors of the Miles', and the colors of the Valentin squirrels. Then, Dutch Valence's/Valentinus' are white on green. The Botter/Boden eagle is colors reversed to the Vienne eagle, and the latter can trace to Vienne, near Lyon, important because Miles' were first found in the same place as Botters/Bodins...and Drake's, suspect with the Sohaemus line of Dreux's. Bidens/Buttons even share the bull scalp with Druckers. The latter must be from Drusilla too! But does this indicate that Sohaemus liners are also Baathist liners of the Bath / Biden kind? Apparently, yes. It's another reason to suspect Sohaemus' name with the Sunni Muslims. You realize, of course, that Botters can be a Bitar/Butter branch.

Another surname first found in Oxfordshire are the Packets, looked up as per the "packet" with the Standard term. This is a good reason to see Vere's of Oxford in the Redvers/Revere's, who had the Chudleigh location of the CHIDERleighs, for it's the Kidders that use the packet. It is not surprising that Packets use spread eagles, as do Standards/Stonards, and thus the Packet eagles are the El-Gabal eagle. The Packet Coat uses the Sinclair cross in colors reversed, and looks like a version of the Pascal Coat, both using the Levi lions in Levi-lion colors. The black, collared lion in the Packet Crest is that also of Gernons, suspect in the Titus gyronny. The Titus lion design was showing in the Oxford surname until recently.

My opinion is that there would not have been a rash of design changes at houseofnames starting in 2012 had they not been aware of my work. The purpose seems to be to discredit my work, so that the reader will think that design matches are irrelevant. But when the changes are made, the changes are yet acceptable in the tracking system. The design change links to other close kin of that surname. Every surname is bound to link at some point, but heraldic matches indicate close links.

The Pascals are suspect with the Pascel variation of Pasi's/Pace's, and they in-turn traced excellently to the naming of VesPASIan (Titus' father). Therefore, the Packets are Pascals of the Pace kind, and all three surnames trace to Titus. The Pasi's/Pascels (have one variation linkable to Picenum) were suspect with a merger with Payens/Pagans, wherefore note the Paget-like variations of Packets. The besant of English Pace's (Cheshire) is suspect with Bassianus.

The Peterson Coat is a near-match with the Packet/Paget Coat, and while sharing the "nihil" motto term of Vere's, code for Neils/Nihills, the motto also uses "sine" while showing a swan in Crest. This has the tendency to clinch an El-Gabal trace to Sion while clinching the Peterson / Packet eagles as the El-Gabal eagles. It can be gleaned that the white lion heads in the Peterson Coat are of the Sinclair-related Works/Werks (Were liners?) and Raines'. The latter trace with Kidds to Panico's.

Sohaemus Lines to Edmond Ironside and Exxon

The Schumers are listed with Schumachers, and wrongly said to derive in the shoemaker occupation. I was waiting for something like Schumers for a reason. But first, lets tell that the Schumer axe is upside down (said to be "pointing downwards"), as is the Chanut chevron, the Masci wing of the Diens/Dives', and the Genova/Geneva wing. This time, however, the symbol (of Schumers) is in the colors of the DOWNS/Douns, important because Down liners are expected in an upside-DOWN symbol. The Chanuts (kin of Chaine's/Chenays using the Masci wing) could be using the Deny/DuMAIS chevron, important as per the expected trace of Sohaemus to Julia Maesa. The wing design of Geneva's is shared by Bauers. And Dunhams are themselves Masci liners.

I've been waiting for the Skit surname to crop up so that I could suggest a trace from them to "Shi'ite." I realize that Muslims might have their own conclusions for the derivations of "Sunni / Shi'ite," but I'm one to be less than keen on such things, thanks to the many heraldic write-ups that are deliberate falsifications, and others that are just plain wrong. The Schumers, likely a branch pof Sumers / Somers, are said to be from "schuoch = shoe", and then Skits are shown properly as "Skeoch." The Schumer axe design is used by Drake's, now suspect from "Drusilla." I never imagined Drake's tracing to a name, but if it's correct, Drusilla's offspring trace to the Drago river of Sicily. The "potent" cross of Skits/Skeochs can be for the Putents and/or Patents, terms traceable to Bidens/Buttons, Botters/Bodins and Potters, all of the same place as Drake's. Skits are suspect from Scythia, for the Budini of Scythia can apply to these surnames.

Drake's were first found in the same place as Botters, the ones with a "striking" code linked earlier to the "Strike" motto of Botter-related Hawks. The Hawkeswells (in Blois colors and format, first found in the same place as Blois') happen to use the Drake / Schumer axe design too.

Good morning again. After writing the above, I couldn't stay awake any longer, and got some sleep, waking up about 9 am, at which time I heard a squirrel circling around on the attic floor. It passed over my bed three times in quick succession, as though it had nothing better to do than make circles. I heard the path that it was taking; each time, after passing the bed, it had to pass the rat trap filled with fresh peanut butter yesterday afternoon (after the other squirrel was caught and driven away), but it did not snap the trap. I heard from this squirrel no more after it's three rounds. Do you understand what this means? I'll tell you later.

The axe is used also by Schuh's/Shuh's/Schugs/Shoo/Shoemaker surname, using quarters with numerous symbols, as well as two ostrich feathers in Crest. But, at first glance anyway, only one of the symbols, a tower "topped with a tree", allows a sure trace to Sohaemus, as per the Tree variation of Trews. [After many paragraphs below, however, I got to the German Sage's/Saegers (gold crescent, see more below), finding ostrich feathers there. This branch of Sage's was first found in Pomerania, beside MECKlenburg, and so note how Macks/Mechs become suspect with "SchuMACHer" below. Apparently, Sage's can trace to Soham/Seagham.

Soham/Seagham was a Saxon outfit, and Topps (beside Dorset) are said to be from Saxons (Normans merging with Saxons are expected here). That brings Saka Scythians possibly into the Schumer / Schuh/Shoemaker family i.e. linkable to "Schu." The Top Crest is "A gauntlet holding a hand." Gaunt-related Ghents use spread eagles in the colors of the same of Stoners / Standard/Stonards, and Gaunts trace to Fano, origin of the gauntlet-using Fane's/Vains/Veyne's, from an area at the northern end of Picenum...not far from Schio and easily connected to it by Valentins in PICENum-suspect VICENza. Fano is near CATTOLica, where Chatillons may trace.

The Shoemaker description includes, "a knight issuing from the knees, holding a battle-axe", allowing a trace to the Blois-related Knights that share three pallets (vertical bars) with the Counts of Blois-Chatillon (belong more to Chatillon than to Blois). For this exercise, the Cassel- / Hassel-like look of "Chatillon" can be important for unlocking the reality behind Shoemakers, i.e. tracing to the Chatti Germanics and therefore to the Hazel / Dusseldorf line. Women using "Adel" in their names appear as per the Normans after Richard Sans Peur. The Chatillons are suspect with Chattans/Cato's/KITTERS/KITTo's because the latter were linked to Italian Botters using a bend in the colors of the Spurr bend. The spur in the Knight Coat links well to Spurrs (Devon) using gold garbs (Wessel symbol) on a bend that is moreover the Arms of Blois.

A realization has just occurred due to the Douse variation of Dorsets (El-Gabal sun), who likewise use a crescent in the colors of the Hazel crescent. It tends to trace Dorsets to Dussel(dorf) liners, but in keeping with a Dorset trace to Dor at mount Carmel, it dawns on me that the Sensii > Sens > Sine's/Sions may have been from an E-less "Essenes." The Cotesii were smack beside the Sensii (near the mouth of the Siret), and to this it can be added that Seatons/Sittens, who re-named Sion, have proven much to be of the Seat's/Seeds/Cedes' using pallets.

If we are half convinced that Schumers / Shoemakers were Sumers / Somers, we might be able to see why Shoemaker-honored Knights (spread eagle) are related to STANDish's. The latter can be linked not-bad already to Standards/Stonards. The border color combination of Knights is in the colors of Schumers/Schumachers, were first found in the same place (Suffolk) as Borders, Somes'/Soans, Standards/Stonards, Clare's and Mallets. There is a story to be told here that has Sohaemus going through Rollo's grandson, Richard "Sans Peur," and the Mallets can be of Malahule, Rollo's uncle on his father's side. Reminder: mallets are used by Some's/Soans, assuring that the Mallet surname relates to Sohaemus. Then, the Maily/Maillet Crest stag is called a "deer," as is the Mallet Crest.

It just so happens that the Borders are using the Sword = Siward swords, in the colors also of the SHUTE swords, what a Skitincidence. Shute's are suspect as a branch of Scute's and Sewers/Shuters. Shute's were first found in the same place (Wiltshire) as Topps, and it was the Topps who use a gauntlet while John of Gaunt was at Candale, beside Bordeaux. If the Topps are indicated by the "tower topped by a tree" of knight-using Schumachers, it can explain why STANTons were first found in NOTTinghamshire, named after Knight-like Cnut. The Stantons even use a Shield filled with vair fur in the colors of the same that fill the Champagne Shield, important because the Arms of Blois share a version of the Arms of Champagne.

Candale can link to heraldic squares otherwise called cantons. Red cantons, I've just noted, are shared by Knights, Stantons, Chudleighs and Topps. The CHUDleighs (beside Somerset) were just looked up again as per the CHUTE variation of Shute's. As it was Kidders that gave us the Standard clue, let's remention the CHIDERleigh variation of Chudleighs, asking why Kidder lines should be of the Shute liners? This can have the effect of tracing the gold star of Borders to the same in the moline of Chives, first found in the same place as Chudleighs. The latter use upright lions in the colors of the same of Stewarts, first found in the same place (Devon). Bordeaux's use the lion in colors reversed.

Over the years, I have wholly neglected, "Sol Invictus," used anciently for describing El-Gabal. I've seen "invictis" motto terms. Sole's/Solneys (suspect with Mr. Sauniere at Rennes-le-Chateau) use another white Shield like the Knights and Borders, with an engrailed border. The Sole fish can go to the theory, a good one in my opinion, that the black stone was secretly the papal mitre (same basic shape), though others say that the mitre is a fish head.

It brings to mind the fish heads of Barrys tracing to the mythical-Perdix invention of the saw, which he got from seeing fish jaws (Sage's are said to be from saw-ers). As Perdix was traced tentatively to the Parthini, note how close they are to the northern part of the Drilon river, where you see GABULeum. When the mitre theory was first mentioned, I also thought that the central part of the fleur-de-lys was secret code for the black stone, for, months earlier, I had realized that the central part was the fish symbol out of Laus = Ragusa. Therefore, I reasons that the papal mitre is deliberately in the shape of the central part of the fleur-de-lys, the point here being that Lissus is on the map above smack between the Parthini and Gabuleum. Moreover, the Ragusa fish traces to Bar at lake nearby lake Scodra, where Skits and Scute's, et-el, trace.

By the way, the Mitre surname looks like it can be using the Kidd stars, for while the Kidd oak traced to Panico's, so can the Mitre dove. The Kidds use an "orbem" motto term while Catholic clergy kept an orb, a spherical symbol of power, in the round shape of their sun-god-suspect communion wafer.

Immediately after writing here, "Kitter" was entered to find Chattans/Cato's, and so I went up a few paragraphs to add that info. The Chattan-related Chatans were re-loaded to find ChaSTAIN and a ChaSTAND variations that seem for the Stain's/Stands, and then entered "Stang" as per "Chastang." The Stangs brought up the leaves shared by Hazels and House's, and the surname, which includes "Stragen/Stragne," was first found in Bavaria, which recalled my view that the strongarm of the ArmSTRANG Crest as a Bauer / Rothschild symbol. The point is, the "Invictus" motto term of Armstrongs! And the Armstrongs (Blois colors) use three pale bars (in Bavaria colors) as do Knights.

It reminds me that NHL hockey was founded by some heraldry-minded leaders. As only one example of many, George Armstrong was the captain of the Toronto Maple Leafs when Johnny Bower was the goalie. The Toronto club was at first green, like the Livingston surname that co-founded it, and the "Leafs" was likely of the LIVING/Levin bloodline. But the Toronto uniforms quickly turned to blue and white (inappropriate color for leaves), the colors of the Arms of Taranto. It was realized that these are the colors of Bavaria too when it was gleaned, and verified by a reader, that the MAYPOLE celebration of witchcraft used a MAPLE tree. The maypole celebration is on May 1, the day that the Bavarian Illuminati was founded.

Who did the leaders of the Bavarian Illuminati think they were? Why did they have a communist system prepared for society? What sort of control freaks were they? Today, society has become a machine extraordinaire. You are wanted as part of that machinery. You are free to chose, but if you want to survive, you are essentially forced to became part of the machine. The way that I see the 666 system, God will call us out of that machine, to watch it self-destruct.

Controls are necessary to a point, but there was a control freak honored greatly by some, William the Conqueror. He had his family members, and their friends, placed in all the power structures of his English realm, then counted and recorded the possessions of the common people, even if they had only one cow. Who did William think he was to seek a society of his own choosing, for the benefit of his own family members? What a large ego, the size of satan's bottomless stomach. And that's our society today, with computers to help make it happen. We are in a control-freak environment where everything is decided and put into effect as far as they can swing it. Little in society is by chance anymore, or "wild." It's all tamed like a work mule, and some find comfort and security in this. For me, true freedom is wild, like the animals who don't need to pay more than half of all they work for to three, even four, governments. You are paying a lot more in taxes than the official taxes, for there is tax money built into everything you buy. Income, business taxes, and government fees charged to companies are passed on to the consumer in the retail price. You pay their taxes, don't be deceived. Governments like high prices because they count everything, assessing the incoming money levels for how to maximize them, and high retail prices translate into higher tax charges. You are a government tool in the eyes of the government. You are their money tree, and for me, this stinks and needs to be changed. The Democrats / liberals are your worst enemy in this regard.

Here is how free market works, and this is where government controls are needed. If property values increase 50-percent in a short span of time, the window manufactures / retailers, for example, will increase window prices by 50 percent even though it costs them no more to manufacture and distribute windows. It goes for every material thing in the house. Does that seem righteous to you, or more like satan's bottomless stomach? Where is the federal government though all of this price fixing? In bed with the devil. A window three-feet square -- made of cheap extruded plastic (it takes about two minutes for an extrusion machine to push out the plastic in one window of this size), and put together in less than an hour on assembly lines, and even though it's made largely of glass from abundant sources of silica - ordinary sand -- will cost you about $300-400 dollars at Home Depot. That could be three days income for some. Does that seem righteous to you? Is it not rather the foreseeable future in the global village? And Home Depot, I have become sure, requests and sells B-grade products from companies if it can get away with it.

Yes, governments need money to supply their services to the people, but governments are no longer serving the people. They are now corporations seeking to maximize profits and political power simultaneously. They have become the lord-it-over enemy of the peoples by this attitude, and that's a police state on the brink. That's where globalists and their computers are going. Mr. Rothschild, give the money back to the peoples that you have stolen. But no, he is prepared to take much more, because he has not yet acquired full control of the machinery. There are yet some leaks in the hoses. Wherever there is too much money made in the machinery, there the government will go to seize the better half of it. It's the government's machine, after all, that's how the globalists view it. They possess us, not we them. Globalists have one hand on their corporations, and the other on government pawns. It's not a coincidence that poor people are not invited to Bilderberg meetings, or that governments protect those meetings and agree that media should not report the agenda, their decisions, direction, conduct, or their aspirations. Only the fool believes that governments today are there to serve the people. To maximize profits, the priests of Israel had employees selling religious items at the Temple during the great feasts. That is the definition of Mr. Rothschild today. His middle name is, Maximize Industry. Revelation calls it, Babylon the Hoar. The Illuminati is LUXury.

By "Mr. Rothschild," I don't mean the Rothschilds as a whole or any one of them in particular. I mean the gamut of globalists undertaking the same / similar agenda (disagreements are predictable). For the most part, only they know who they are for sure.

Did I mention that the Coffers/Coffeys use the white-on-green dancette of Sumers? No, actually, that escaped me until now. It's important where the Kidders use crescents in Coffer-crescent colors, and the latter Coffers were first found in SOMERset. Just like that, Sohaemus is tracing to Coffers. And, it's now becoming apparent, the entire line from king Massena to Freemasonry seems to be wholly through Drusilla of Sohaemus. My hunch is that this is the same that produced Maccabees. As Coffers/Coffeys use mythical Taras of Taranto, it should be added that Motels of Taranto use the Caffery/Cafferty horse and rider, with feathered helmet tracing to Herods. Earlier in this update: "Sumers (with a 'u') use a white-on-green fesse, linkable to the gold-on-green fesse of Herods/Hurls." It stinks bad, very bad, like souls rotting in Hell.

Herods liked to build monuments unto themselves. They were special in their own eyes. Ruling and lording it over meant everything. They set up friends, as did the Romans, to cage their society, to systematize it on behalf of the crown. Freemasons and the Enlightenment destroyed the crown so that they could have power over it through parliament, and by that method made parliament the new crown in disguise. You are their fool and their mule if you don't belong to it as their accomplice. The Revolt is Coming, and you should join Him before it comes so that He doesn't mistaken you for one of them. Be marked with His Seal of Approval. Resist the beastly machine; don't even enjoy its shade. Modern society is not to be your friend, or your security. You will not be permitted to live off-the-cuff, impulsive or have any freedoms, if the tools of satan can help it.

Just recall Communism at its worst. When the devil left Communist Russia after the United States helped the pope to topple it, he settled the United States for to push aside the Freemasonic demon in charge of it's capitalism and industry. Ever since, the United States has become more Communist, and very willing to jump into bed with the Europa Hoar. It appears at this time that the 666 system will be the Europa Hoar's block house, with soft Marxism where it's reigns can be applied short of popular revolt, and the "freedom" illusion of capitalism.

Stewarts, largely suspect in the very grease of the beastly machine, can be traced to Lure liners of the Leir / Lier kind, and Lure's likewise use a gold star, in the two colors of the Alan / Julian / Bauer / EU star. Lure's are listed along with Herods/Hurls (hawk's lure) as septs of McLeods. (To see sept lists, click "Site Map" at the top of the houseofnames page). The lone Lure star is in the colors of the MACH/MAKE stars, and colors reversed to the lone ShoeMAKER star, and the Downs, suspect with the Down-colored and downward Schumer axe, likewise use a lone star. Meeks use "impLEAR" for a motto, which tends to clinch the Lure-star link to the Shoemaker star. That brings Schumers into the Herod fold, as expected of Sohaemus. Recalling that Shoemakers are mallet kin, what about that MALLARD duck in the Meek Coat? As per the "jungor" motto term of the Meeks above, and the black wolf in these other Meeks, they link to Yonge's/Youngs.

The ChaSTAINIER variation of Chattans is important here because I recently found evidence that the Mouse Tower is in the Chatan/Chastainer Coat. And here I find that Stainers were likewise first found in SOMERset. The perchevron of Stainers is in the colors of the same of Aesons (Angus lion). The red roses in the Chatan Coat, and the white color of the tower, looks linkable to Hoppers and Hop-like Cope's / Copps (Coffer possibilities but suspect with "Caepio"), the latter two sharing red roses, likely for the position of Copeland in the Lancaster theater. Copelands are probably using the black bend of Hanans. The Stainer Coat as a whole, including its single white bird, is a reflection of the Annas Coat, and then Aesons were first found in Annas-related Angus.

Copelands use yet another red canton. The double bars of Washingtons (Lancashire, location of Lancaster) in the Copeland Coat are a match with the Canton surname using the entire Washington Coat in colors reversed. To refresh your memory, red cantons appeared above in the Knights, Stantons, Chudleighs and Topps. The GANDon variation of Cantons may betray the Gaunt / Ghent bloodline that founded the Lancastrian rose. The Stainer bird happens to be another stork that traces to Istria with the stork-using Storrs and storkline-related Pettys (share the quarters of Oddeys and link to Bavaria's Oettingers).

It is predictable that the Sohaemus marriage to Drusilla of Massena had a line to Mieszko's, but I'd like to say that I traced Mieszko's to the Sava theater BEFORE finding Bassianus and Valentinian importance on or around that river. Perhaps mythical SIEMowit and SIEMomysl of the Mouse Tower were corruptions from some term developing out of "SOHAEM." The "Hold fast" motto of McLeods is revealing for Mieszko connection, for Holders are suspect with wheel-using Colters with KOLODziej-the-Wheelwright liners from the Mouse Tower, and Fasts are listed with WITHipools. That's not coincidental, for the Fast/Withipool bend looks linkable to the Lorraine bend (with Piast eagles), as well as to the crosslets of Ricks (SOMERset) i.e. from Richeza of Mieszko. The Ricks even share the quarter colors of Siegers (and Pettys), making them prime Sohaemus suspects. Depending on what it means to you, you might want to see the red Mone/Moan bend, and see the treatment of Mone's earlier in this update for some very solid evidence of a Hasmonean-Levi link.

The McLeods are using the same castle as Chattans, in Chatan colors. You saw the white bull head between the McLeod flags (Flecks/Flags, right, using the Washington bars in black) earlier in the Haught and Host surnames = Mieszko Poles that ended up in Scandinavia, where McLeods are said to descend from. They are said to be from mythical HALFdan, which might be code for the Halfs/Helps in McLeod colors. In any case, Sigrid the Haughty did marry a Dane king in the ballpark of Halfdan's creation. In the McLeod sept page, their bull head is black, like the Mieske bull head.

The Host bull head is in McLeod colors. As McLeods are said to descend from vikings in the Isle of Man, and because the Arms of that place use three human legs, the Hosts (SOMERset) are likely a branch of Hose's using three human legs. The "Invictus MANCo" motto of Armstrongs may be part-code for the Manx people of the Isle of Man. Hose's were first found in LEICestershire, and then Fussen of Germany, on the LECH river, likewise use three human legs in its Arms. Fussen is near lake BODENsee, an entity very linkable to Botters/Bodins, and then Italian Botters share the bend of, and were related to, Chattans / Chatans, tending to assure that McLeods use the Chattan castle.

As Hose's are said to be from "William of Hose formerly, William de Nueris," it recalls when the trace of Botters to the Budini was clinched, for I see the Budini from Buz, son of Nahor, and Nahorites are viewed (by me) in the Neuri, not far from the Budini (Ukraine). That picture is part of the Bus surname using the Leicester cinquefoil. As Boyds trace to the Budini, why do Boyds, known kin of Stewarts, use a Coat like the Mark / Marx Coats? How possibly could Stewarts link to the Adam WEIShaupt's Bavarian Illuminati? Why do French Alans share gold on blue stars with the Weis surname? Can it be possible that the Bavarian Illuminati, after it went underground, arose to put its stars on the EU flag?

Hose's are traced from Mr. Nueris to the Noyers in Eure, location of Dreux, and so we actually have heraldic indication that Abraham's brother led to Noyers (Burgundy), who are showing nothing but the spread eagle shared by Sans', Dunns, and Spinks...and perhaps Seigers/Seegers. This has potential to trace Sohaemus to Siegen (beside Hesse) and Siegerland / Sauerland of Germany. This is the Chatti theater to which Chattans can trace, and where Sohaemus lines traced by another method, including the sun of the Hesse surname. Seagar-related lines link to the Assi scales, and that predicts that Azizus lines can be expected in the Siegen - Sauerland stretch. Look at how close Cassel is to Sauerland. If you read how Nassau ancestry was in Siegen, that can explain Nassau importance to Freemasonry, and even the Orange Masons.

Why does the Arms of Cassel use 13 trefoils in the colors of the stars in the American flag, which once numbered 13? Why is there a bend in Chattan-bend colors in the Arms of Cassel? How do Botters trace to Hesse? Why do neither the Chattan nor Chatan write-ups trace to Cassel?

Why do Scottish Cassels share the Kennedy Coat? Why do both use "la fin" in their mottoes, which is without doubt code for Lafins, who are Fonts (same place as Irish Kennedys), and therefore trace to the fountains of the Cass / Kiss and Cuss/Custes Coats? Didn't the latter seem linkable to George Washington's wife? It is now clear, for the first time, that Cass' / Kiss' and Custes', and likely also the Kissingers, trace to Cassels. But do they also trace to the Illuminati suspects at Hesse-Cassel? George Washington was a contemporary with the founder of the Bavarian Illuminati (founded on America's first year, 1776), and he had a WEIShaupt surname, like the proto-Washington Wassa's.

"Sayn-Wittgenstein was a county of mediaeval Germany, located in the Sauerland of eastern North Rhine-Westphalia. Sayn-Wittgenstein was created when Count Salentin of Sayn-Homburg married the heiress Countess Adelaide of Wittgenstein in 1345. " Clicking to the Sayn-HOMburg article, because it evokes the Homs home of El-Gabal, I found that its short list of counts begins with an Englebert, suggesting that HUMPERdinks were Homburg liners.

I don't promptly see that the symbol of Home's/Hume's link to Homburg. Humps are listed with Amptons, but I don't see a connection with their symbols either. However, soon below, I trace the write-up of Meeks to Humble's (Middle-East-interesting), and Meeks are the one's using "IMPlear" quite possibly double-code, one for Impys/AMPs. The Homs' are extremely interesting for being illogically listed with Hain(ing)s, perhaps a super clue that high-priest Annas/Hanan was from Emesa! Why else would the Homs be listed with a term like "Hain/Hanning"? And the surname was first found in Dumfries, location of Annandale. That is extremely suspicious.

The Homs/Hains even use mascles, expected of a Sohaemus line through the Massena-based wife. Hainaut, moreover, is to the north of the Somme river, and we saw how Levites and Hasmoneans can link to Mons, the Hainaut capital. The red-on-gold scallops of the Homs/Hains are in the colors of the crescents of Seatons, of a SAYtowne, and that means the Sayn-Homburg entity might be of the Says / Seatons / Seats...and, zowie, just realized, the Seats (besants in the colors of the same of Amptons) share two pale bars with the Arms of Sayn-Wittgenstein, owned by the counts of Wittgenstein. The pale bars of the latter are black-on-white, the colors of the three pale bars of Mone's/Moans, and the six-total bars of the latter's are colors-reversed from the German-Julian bars, suspect from Julius Bassianus!! Amazing.

The Arms of Sayn-Wittgenstein are at the page for Siegen-Wittgenstein, indicating that "Sayn" is a version of "Siegen." The Sayns are listed with Sinclairs, interesting enough. I realize that these are German locations, and that Germans don't always use the same words as the English, but when the Arms of Sayn-Wittgenstein use a "miner's lamp," it must be a huge coincidence that: 1) Lamps use the Casey motto (with "casus" term), where Caseys can be expected in a trace to Cassel (that can be made via a Casey-chevron link to the same of Cassels), and; 2) Humble's/Hummils use the owl, a symbol of the Roman MINERva. The latter even use a "buck trippant and a gold chief indented." It allows a Homburg link to "Hamburg," where Trips (Massey/Masse boots) were first found. To put it another way, the Sohaemus cult can be traced to some of Hamburg's elements, less than 150 miles north of Cassel, with HANNover between them. As the Trips have a Treff branch, what about those 13 TREFoils in the Arms of Cassel?

Plus, Says were traced tentatively to Seyssel (lake Geneva), some 10-15 miles from Annecy. Seyssel is at the mouth of the Fier river (Fiers share the moline with Seagars and Segurana's of Genova). To help prove that the SAYN / Siegen entity traces to Sohaemus, we go back to Soham/Seagham in Cambridgeshire, where English Julians/Gillians were first found who share the salamander-in-flames with SAGANs/Segans!!! Hee-haw! I just bucked. It can explain why Hamburgs share the Julian-style crosslets with Trips.

Douglas' also use the salamander-in-flames, as well as a heart that traced early in this update to a Sohaemus' line with a Herod. As that was an Arthur line, do doubt, note that Hume's/Home's were first found in the same place as Arthurs. That gets the Hume's into the Homburg picture.

The Trip crosslets traced with the same of Gore's to Servitium, wherefore it can be gleaned that Trips were Traby liners in the proto-Piast / proto-Mieszko theater upon the Sava, in and around the Urbanus river. The Gore crosslets were clinched with the identical Windsor crosslets, and then the Boots' surname (i.e. as per the Trip boots) was first found in the same place (Berkshire) as Windsor castle. Was this the House of Boetus that furnished the Sadducees under Jesus? For a fact, the Butts/Butes and Butts/Bute's/BOET's trace to Bar and Butua at the north side of the Drilon, location of Has and Gabuleum.

Recall the suggestive trace of Windsors to Winters / Winders, for there is a Winterberg in Sauerland. The fact that Sauerland was also "Suderland" does not necessarily means that it was the original form. It has become compelling to trace it to Sauers, named after the Sava. Suders/Suters (in Standard and Humble colors, may not apply) were first found in the same place (Austria) as Sauers. The Seiter variation may link to Seats. Scottish Suters (Saddock / Chadock format) even use the leopard (different position, but DESIGN MATTERS) of the Sarah/Saire/SAYer Coat (Standard / Humble colors) while Sauers are also "Saier." It just so happens that Scottish Suters, in Schumer colors, are said to be from shoemakers or Gabal-suspect "cobblers." Pure code. It's tracing Sohaemus right where he's expected, at the Sava and at Sauerland and neighboring Siegerland and Siegen. As I expect the fleur-de-lys to have started as the black stone symbol, note that there's a black fleur in the Suder/Sut(t)er Coat.

It's all begging the question of whether Sutherland in Scotland applies to Sauerland=Suderland elements. Perhaps we should ask the Mackay-of-Sutherland bears, as they might connect to the "Bear and FORBear" motto of Saire's/Sayers. It looks like code for the Forbes bears, which are MUZZLEd and identical to the Mackay bears (DESIGN MATTERS)...until they are changed in an effort to hide this trace. Why would anyone want to hide a trace of the Scots to Sohaemus, husband of a Herod? Uh, duh, oh ya. I realize how insane this sounds, but Sane's/Sains (heart) are listed with Somes'/Sions/Swans (Douglas colors), first found in Lanarkshire (heart), home of Douglas' (heart), and smack beside the Herods/Hurls, the latter first found in the same place as Lanarks/Lurnacks. What were Sohaemus elements doing in Lanarkshire? Wasn't that a little out of their Syrian ballpark?

The Douglas Chief (Moray) share three identical stars with the Kidders, and it's the latter that use a scroll-like Crest with the word, "Standard." These are definitely the Moray stars, and then the Sutherlands are said to use the Moray stars, but in gold on red for some untold reason. One Moray Coat no longer showing, with a "Deum Time" motto and fetterlocks in the Coat, used a scroll, or something like it, in the Crest. We thereby have a Kidder trace to Moray, and then the Chattans are listed as Kitters...which again seemingly traces Cassel / Chatti elements to Scotland. It's undeniable. But when did they arrive?

The Kennedys (from Wigton theater) sharing the Cassel Coat were first found in Ayrshire, beside Lanarkshire and Argyllshire. The Kennedy and Cassel fitchee is very traceable to the same black one in the Crest of Hanna's (Wigton). The Kennedys were part of the Arthurian cult's wife of king Arthur, and that cult was, I am sure, from the Herods. Hanna's must be from priest, Annas/Hanan, who had a bottomless stomach to the point of making extra-fast cash at the Temple during feast days. J.F. Kennedy said, ask not what the government can do for you, but what you can do for the government. Yes, that's what he meant. And the twisted liberals cheered.

The Lanark cinquefoil is likely the Hamelton cinquefoil, from Leicester's cinquefoil, but it's in the colors of the Arcs and English Blois' while Lanarks show as LanArk/LannARCH. Lanarks are said to be of clan Gregory, and the latter were principal MacAlpin liners, while they with Alpins (MacArthur crown) share a coat similar to the Alis'/Alice's (two fir trees in that mix) that use the "muzzled" bear of Forbes' and Mackays. The Alis' use the Keith/Keath (expected with Seats) motto, and they in-turn trace as Catti to the Chatti founders of Cassel, what a sauerincidence. The Keiths and Seatons lived at/beside MUSSLEberg, explaining the "muzzle" term used by Alis' (Casey eagle design, no surprise).

What a heap of revealing trash heraldry is, not to be respected at all, for the founders have lied to humanity, and kept the secrets to themselves. Use heraldry to expose them, not to honor bloodlines. Kings were made by brutality and love of bloodline, not by respectable qualities. Humanity has fallen due to these kings, and the lust for power. Democracy had the ability to elect respectable persons, until the only ones who stood a chance were the ones with millions of dollars, and the media backing them, and the ones who controlled the media. If this isn't trash...

Why do Humble's/Hummils call their symbol a buck instead of a stag? The Bucks use the antlers in the colors of the same of Conte's and Cone's, while Conans use the saltire of Sayns/Sinclairs who honor the Comites variation of Conte's in their motto. But are Sinclairs really Sagan / Siegen liners? Not to begin with. I would suggest that they merged with Sagan liners at the Sauerland theater.

Meeks are said to be from "humble or merciful," a clever phrase denoting the Mercians at their Humber river. Bucks were first found in Lincolnshire while the mouth of the Humber is at the north end of Lincolnshire. A trace of Schumers and SchuMACHers to Mercians is expected where Levites were linked to Sohaemus and the Laevi to the Marici. The Levites suspect in Emesa/Homs had to be, in my scheme of things, from the pagan Laevi Gauls, near the Ananes Gauls (actually, they likely merged at some point not reported to us).

The Humbers/HUMBOR (like "Homburg"), who trace with certainty to the Haughts of Mieszko, use three fesse bars in the colors of the two pale bars of WITTgenstein, and that suggests that the latter were out of all-seeing-eye WITkowo, where the Rothschilds can trace (as per their ancestry in Peter Pollock) whom are accused by many of being all-seeing-eyers. The Humber / Haught bars are suspect with the same of Drummonds, and their German branch was first found in Hamburg. Scottish Drummonds were born from a son of king Andrew, and his family's ancestry was with his brother, Levente, to the Ticino, home of Laevi and their Marici allies.

It's not a wonder that God has taken years to bring these things to light, for the complications involved, and the necessary evidence. It's one thing for God to say, "John, Caiaphas traces to Sohaemus; tell it in our webpages," but who would believe it if that's all I wrote. There is a Europe-wide story being told in the meantime, that addresses the Harlot in all her pitiful glory.

By what meekincidence does the Humber list show "HUMBLEston." The Meeks were even traced to the name of Mieszko's cup-bearer, I can't recall his name, something like "Miecislaw," probably a family member. It looks like the mice bloodline, right? From Mopsus of Mepsila = ancient Mosul.

This is where it gets Iraq-interesting, for the Standard Oil Company merged with Humble Oil, but this had not come to mind yet when the Standard surname was tracing to Sohaemus, who, because he was of Syria, may have kin involved in the upper layers of leadership in the Syrian-Baathist war. Before I get into this, here's what I said a day or two ago, earlier in this update:

Good morning. I was in bed early last night because I was up the night before about 1 am. There are times when I feel that my writings are especially Led by God. There are clues that I've become familiar with. This discussion must be important to Him. It seems I am treading on the prophetic scenario that He has been seeking to convey for years starting with mouse signs. Immediately before writing the paragraph above, the Standard surname was checked because Kidders use: "An arm in blue holding a packet, inscribed thereon the word "Standard"." I didn't have anything to say about the Standard surname, however, until, after writing the paragraph above, I began to wonder whether Somers lines used versions such as "Sonny." It was worth a try, and I knew from the past that Soams/Somes' are listed with Soans.

Look at what it has come to in a day or two. The Packets/Pagets (Levi lions) might even involve the Polish Packs, who one Massey fleur in giant form, and that traces to Lissus at the Has / Gabuleum theater. The Packs were first found in the same part of Poland (Polesie) as Druckers (definitely from Drusilla), and while the latter use a red, upside-down (!) bull's scalp and horns, the French Packs/Pacs use a red bull (possibly in front of the Panico tree). It could be the bull of Claro's/Charo's who apparently trace to the Sayns. French Packs were first found in the same place (Languedoc) as Conte's...who would name Conteville, ruled by John de Burgo, and then French Borgia's/Burghs likewise use a red bull. It traced to the Bach "steer," and Steers honor the Seats/Cedes' suspect with the Wittgenstein pale bars.

As Packs are suspect with Peks/Pecks (Pack colors), let's add that the three fesse bars of Humbers/Humblestons (trace to Sayn-Homburg, right?) are used by Beaks, whose ostrich likely traces to the Polish Trabys, kin of the Hamburg Trips. The Trip bloodline is suspect, with the petroleum industry of Europe (called, EUROPIA) in furnishing the coming 666. The high prices of oil in these last years are making the oil companies the vast moneys needed to control. We await their decisions and their attitude.

Is Exxon in Iraq? Yes, and the current build-up of Western forces in Iraq is suspect by me in an effort to facilitate and protect Exxon's latest deal for Kurd oil. The deal involved the Turks. I reported this recently. "Humble Oil and Refining Co. was founded in 1911. The company later{when?} consolidated with Standard Oil of New Jersey to become Exxon Company, USA." As surnames like "Esso" and "Exxon" are listed with Aesons as septs of MacIntosh's, let's repeat that Aesons (solid chevron) and Keith- / HESSE-suspect Heths/Heaths (solid chevron) are expected to be Aethelings, and that Edmonds (solid chevron) are likely from Edmond Ironside Aetheling. To top it off, MacIntosh's are a member of Clan Chattan, but the Irish-Scots never told anyone but their inner circles that Clan Chattan is from the Cassel Germanics.

The Standard surname (in Edmond colors) is said to be from Bury St. Edmonds. The Edmonds share the black fleur-de-lys with Suders/Sutters, which now begs the question of whether the Aetheling Saxons derived from Cassel's Germanics. I expect "Ed" to be a variation of "Aeth," and then Edmonds are "EdMUN," while Mone's/Moans seemed very traceable to the arms of Sayn-Wittgenstein. The Mons' are listed with Monds.

Ironside's use the Fessy motto, "In hoc signi vinces," tracing through Constantine I to Valentinian I, but this line went to Pollocks, important in a moment. "IronSIDE" has the potential to be a Seat liner that seemed traceable to the Sayn entity at SUDerland/Siegerland, and the Side's (Fife, same as Sibals) happen to show a SUDY variation while being in Edmond / Suder/Sutter colors!!! The Side's/Sudy's even use the spread eagles of Stoners and Standards/Stonards (Suffolk) in the same colors. It's undeniable: the Ironside Saxons trace, at least via a merger, to Cassel's Chatti in Clan Chattan.

Aha! The Stone's use the gold spread eagle of Standards / Stoners and Side's/Sudy's, as well as the vertically split Shield in the colors of the same of Ironside's! The white talbot in the Stone Crest could be of the Sane's/Sains'/Some's/Sions/Swans, but more-likely closer to the Comerfords/Comforts. The Stone motto, "Vive et vivas," is used by Carrick-descended Craigs, and for me, that traces to Caracalla, shortly before Constantine, and of the Bassianus bloodline.

Repeat from earlier in this update: "New evidence that Mackays/Kees' (hand holding a sword, theme of the three below) were Mieszko's is where the KEES/Kaas/Kase Coat is a combination of the Mieske and QUESney/CHESne/Chaine/Chenay Coats." I suppose one should consider whether "Kaas" is a Haas/Has line while "Ches" is a Hesse line. Are Cheneys (with an 'e') using the Stoner / Standard/Stonard eagle? If so, does it mean that Dick Cheney was in Iraq to secure business for Exxon and friends?

Who chose "side" when translating, "Isen-Healf;" the phrase from which "Ironside" derives? There's that aes-like "Isen," said to mean, 'iron," but isn't it really of the Aeson bloodline? It's the Esso / Exxon bloodline too. The Iron surname that had been traced to EUStace II, father of the first kings of Jerusalem, has a cross in the split colors of the split Ironside Shield, likely meaning that an Iron surname developed from Ironside. AND BEHOLD ZOWIE: the irons were from Somme!!! The Sohaemus bloodline from king Massena is now in Iraq seeking to drain the bedrocks of oil dirt cheap, while selling at sky-high prices.

Oil in Iraq is not deep, and very cheap to bring to the surface, but oil prices are controlled by design, as if no one has the ability / choice / right to reduce prices. We're not that stupid. Are we? If it costs one dollar of electricity in Iraq to bring a barrel of oil to the surface (much of it rises under its own pressure, moreover, as we saw in the Kuwaiti oil wells set ablaze by Saddam), Iraq is not forced to sell oil for 100 dollars per barrel. What is going on? Who sets the daily prices of oil? Don't the producers get to set their own prices? This oil-price "business' is a sham. Every producer's costs are different. How can oil from the Middle East cost the same at the pumps as oil produced from North America? It's nonsense. We are being charged the highest that the consumer-market can bare short of being fatal to the beastly machine. There was a decision made by globalists to increase oil to the highest-possible limit short of ruining their other businesses, and short of crippling nations severely enough to receive backlashes from governments. By encouraging governments to tax gasoline, the governments are made less resistant to high prices. Dirt-schemes in dirt-partnerships in elite circles like this are the foreseeable future.

As I said, Edward Aetheling (Ironside's son) is shown at his Wikipedia article with white lattice behind him, the symbol on the white cross in the Iron Crest. As I've been tracing Aethelings to Essenes at Carmel and HAIFA, what about that name of his, Isen-HAELF? Should the Half/Help surname apply that uses what can be construed as a solid-blue perchevron, the symbol in the Arms of Haifa? Why is there a ship in the Arms of Haifa, not only a viking symbol, but the symbol in the Edmond Crest? It's the Gunn ship, a surname suspect with the Gonne's/Gowens and therefore with the Jonathan Levites. Did the modern creators of the Haifa Arms have links to, or keen knowledge of, Ironsides of the Rothschild kind?

Ironside is shown in his Wikipedia article inside two rings or what could be heraldic annulets, one being red and the inner ring being green, the color of the "wreaths" in the English Burgh Coat, the Coat suspect as furnishing the green perchevron of Josephs, first found in the same place as Burghs, and tracing to Haifa with Joseph Caiaphas. It just so happens that the Eustace's use the Irish Burgh cross. The gold fitchees in the Half/Help Coat and Crest are the gold color of the Quint-Crest fitchee. The Ironside's use gold crosses too. Burghs use a white griffin head erased, and Halfs/Helps use a white eagle's head erased.

Gonne's/Gowans share gold-on-green fleur with Herods/Hurls/Heraults. The Gonne's/Gowans also use the upright red lion seen in the Half/Help Coat. If the Edmond perchevron were green instead of black, as it may have been, it would show the Gonne / Herod fleur in both colors, and match the green Joseph perchevron. The "auXILIA AuXILLIUS" motto of the Halfs/Helps looks like code for the Killia variation of Kellys, whom I claimed were fundamental to the Cilnius family of Maecenas, the family that created the Maccabees, in my guess-timation. This was the reason that, struggling to understand that motto, "Kell" was just entered to find a green chevron filled with gold garbs, the latter being in the Joseph Chief (!), and the Kells were even first found in the same place as Josephs!!! Amazing stroke of cosmic xillincidence.

But Wheats/Wetts (compares with Sumers) use garbs in the colors of the Kell garbs while Wessels use so-called "wheat garbs" (no one else I know of calls them that) in the two colors of the Joseph garbs, and Wessels even use swans, the symbol showing until recently in the French Joseph Coat. Wheats/Wetts were first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Irons.

In the genealogy at the webpage below, we see an AethelBURG and AethelHEARD (Herod?) entering the family of the Wessex kings by marriage. It suggests that the original kings of Wessex were not Aethelings. Follow the line down to king Egtbert, seeing no Aethel terms at all, but he was husband to RedBURGA, and they have two children prefixed with "Aethel/Athel." One of them, Aethelwulf, has four children prefixed with the same sort of names. This line goes on to rule England. It's clearly from the Burghs, isn't it? The Burghs merged with the kings of Wessex to produce the Aetheling dynasty. From Pergamum, right? Yuya's Mitanni traced to Pergamum, and the Wreaths, honored by the Hampshire Burghs, are listed as Reths/Raths, and a "Reth" term from Pergamum can easily become "REDburga," or AlfRED, or CoenRED, father of the wife of the Aethelwulf above. Why "Wulf"?

The other daughter of Coenred, wife of Aethelheard, produced a son, king CuthRED, after which we find CYNEric, CYNEheard and CYNEwulf. These are traceable to mythical Cyner, alternative father of mythical Kay, the other father being Ector, a term that, in the Trojan theater, was traced to "Hecate," goddess of Medea suspect highly with the wolf-line goddess of Trypillians. Between Cyneric and Cyneheard in the family tree, there is a SIGEberht, perhaps revealing the inclusion of Siegen / Siegerland Germanics. Near the bottom of the Wessex page, there is an alternative Arms of the Wessex royals (1400s), showing a flory cross (this one was called, "patonce") surrounded by four or five martlets (why are they footless?), all in the gold-on-blue colors of the Siegers eagle and the Nassau lion. It's just a thought as I keep eyes peeled for others using a flory cross in those colors. Sawyers use white-on-gold martlets, and the Wessex flory, in colors reversed becomes blue, the color of the Segni/Segurana moline, itself colors reversed from the moline of Seagars, first found in the same place as Sawyers. See the Mile moline, very important as per Milo, son of Melusine the ELVin entity. Therefore, it's feasible that the Wessex royals had merged with Sohaemus elements. [Later, after writing up here and not yet knowing it, an irresistible trace between proto-Sohaemus on the Hebros and the Elis-Aethlius elements of the Trypillians comes to light.]

I can't be sure yet whether the Reth/Wreath bloodline was the reason for the Red terms used by the Wessex and Atheling lines. Compare the Raths to the Rats' expected with Trabys of the Radziwill > Astikas line. [Later, no guff, when I find a Medea-like term on the Hebros beside a Sohaemus-like term, it's smack beside TARPodizus, itself smack beside ASTICA, another reason for viewing the rat-trap story as code for Keturah lines through Medea's Colchians]. Not only do Reths/Raths/Wreaths share upright red lions with Halfs (the ones who honor Kelly liners, apparently), and not only do they share red stars with the Hampshire Kells, but they are using a Coat version of the Mitanni-based Washingtons. Kellys use an enfield griffin, and the Saxonite Enfields/INGLEfields (the French-Joseph martlet) were first found in BERKshire. The Enfield Coat has the Chadock / Chadwick look, both in Washington colors and both from the same place (Lancashire) as Washingtons and Edmonds.

Variations of the Kells suggest the Celts/Colts, first found in the same place as Atholls.

Berkshire's share a blue bend with Claro's/Charo's. It's not been mentioned for a while that the Hampshire Josephs use "charo" in their motto. Why are Berkshire's linking to Josephs? Ask the Berk Crest.

The prediction is that the Burghs who entered royal Wessex went on, likely from Burgundy, home of the Mitanni line to Autun and Nevers, to form Contevilles from John de Burgo, ruler of Comyns (same place as Wheats and Irons) that share the Joseph / Wessel garbs in both colors. As the Burgos' (with the 's') share the annulet with the Hampshire Burghs, it can again explain why Edmond is shown within two rings at his article. Elaborating on the point, it's that Caiaphas elements look to have reached the Saxons in England before the Caiaphas-related Normans reached England, and, already, it's becoming apparent that the early Wessex royals, before they bumped into the Aethelings, were the Caiaphas liners.

The Comyn motto, "Courage," appears to be in use in the translation of the Burgh motto: "By courage and faith." The Faith(ful)/Feyth(ful) surname was first found in Norfolk (same as Sawyers and Seagars), and the Faithful crane can trace to "Ukraine" (crane's sometimes do). The Faithful crane is "perched" on the Rodham / Watson tree stump, and "Perche" is encoded in the PERCHEvron of Chappes', Josephs, and some Aetheling-related Coats.

The Comyn Crest is a lion holding a dagger in the dexter paw. While writing here, I heard a squirrel in the attic (have not heard one for several hours), but wasn't going to mention it until coming to the dagger. If correct that Daggers (probably Dexter/Deckster kin) trace to the Ticino, that's where Mercians and Levites trace. I kid you not, that when I heard the squirrel, I had not yet loaded the Comyn Coat. Nor could I make out what the lion had in its paw when loading it. I had to load the description to learn that it was a dagger. Then, instead of loading "Deck" as I normally do to see the Daggers, "Dagger" was entered instead, to find an alternative Dagger/Dacre surname (Cumberland) sharing a red bull with Spanish Borgia's while French Borgia's/Bourgs were first found in the same place as Conte's and Ville's. The other Daggers are from the Germo-Lusatia theater, possibly from the Kwisa.

The Side/Sudy lion is in the colors of the SITler/Schitner lion, and that's a great match because Sitlers were from Silesia, which overlapped Lusatia, where the Kwisa river flowed that I say named Gewisse, an old version of "Wessex," where Ironside ruled. It seems that he may have been a Sitler liner, therefore (it may depend on which came first, "Kwisa" or "Gewisse"), and that Sitlers in some form were at Suderland. Was this a line from the Guis surname listed with Guido's? Was it a Visconti line from Sardinia, where I trace Conte's and the Ville's (both from Languedoc). I say that the Gewisse-like Kiss' use fountains in honor of the Font term used by Ville's (they go by Font de Ville")? The Lafins honored by Cassels look like Font-de-Ville liners. Compare Halfs with Guido's.

Conteville's were identified (by me) from the Piscinas location in Sardinia (not sure if that's correct), wherefore I traced them to VisCONTI's of Sardinia. But as VISconti's are suspect with Vito's of TreVISO, it should be added that Vito's use a giant annulet like the Burgos', and that it's red, like one of the rings in the picture of Edmond Ironside.

The Sutys/Suddys (first found in the same place as Drummonds, descended from the Ticino) likewise use a lion in the Sitler-lion colors...on top of some wavy Drummond bars. I don't find many codes for Hulls, but Sutys may be using one with their "hull of a ship." Hulls (laurel, probably traces to Burgundy) were first found in the same place (Yorkshire) where I trace the first-known Drummond, Maurice, grandson of king Andrew. The SHIP(ton)s look like Skiptons of Yorkshire. Hulls are said to be from Kingston-Hull (Yorkshire), and then Kingstons (Saxons, Yorkshire) use nothing but a lion in the design of the Sitler lion, and in colors reversed.

Here is from the 3rd update of December, 2010:

At this webpage (page 134), we find a section beginning on Thracians of the Rhodope (mythicized as the mother of Hebros) and Haemus mountains. On page 135, it tells that the Haemus region was home to Dionysus, the Bessi and the Satyrs. It also mentions the Odrysians (on the Hebros), who were Dionysus worshipers...

At the top of page 135, it tells that the Odrysian capital was Seuthopolis...

I can't at this time say whether SEUTHopolis elements evolved into Side's/Sudy / Sutys / Schitners / Schutz's, but what of the comparison between "SoHAEMUS" and "HAEMUS"? Was "Sohaemus" from the idea of, As-Haemus? After all, his family had used the name, Aziz. Plus, Dionysus had a branch at Lemnos with HephAEStus, known to be of the AESon line expected at Edmond Isen-side Aetheling. See the Assus location on the upper Hebros, and the Nice location of Odrysia that can trace to Nuzi and Dionysus. Consider also the Cellae location not far upstream from Assus, as well as the Cillium location near the source of the Assus river; I'm wondering about the Kell / Kelly/Killion surnames here, recalling that Kells share the Wessel garbs.

The Monds / Munds (especially the Munds), perhaps the namers of EdMOND/EdMUND, had traced to Muntenia of WALLACHia, which is bang-on where the Cotesii lived. The nearby Sensii trace well to WALLIS canton, location of Sensii-suspect Sion, now tracing well to Sohaemus as per the variations of the surname in which Sions are listed. On the map below, the Haemus mountains can be seen on the south of Moesia Inferior, not terribly far from the Sensii and Cotesii. The Dionysus Maenads represented the Maeonians (merged with Moesians of the Mysian kind), from mythical Manes in my opinion, father of Cotys, and then the Thracians had a goddess, Cotys, that was likely the goddess of the Cotesii. Why a goddess? Why were all Maenads women? Why was Dionysus a priestly transvestite? It was the Keturah line from Manes > Cotys > Attis > Lydus. However, I don't know that the goddess theme was originally created for Keturah herself.

The tiger in the Side/Sudy Crest reminds me of Tony the Tiger, a symbol of Esso that I traced to TOGARmites (from Togarmah, son of Gomer, suspect at "Qumran") evident in some the septs of MacIntosh's (includes the Aesons and several similar septs). Dionysus was placed by myth writers at a war in tiger-infested India, named after the INDUS, comparable with "INTOSH." It's known that the Assi-related TOCHARians were between Iran and India. That works for a Macintosh trace to the Tigris river, which was anciently the INDIGni and similar variations. The Arrapha location, smack beside proto-Dionysus Nuzi at the Tigris, was suggested to be the origin of Rephaites who were in-turn traced to the Riparia river, where the Cottian capital situated. Keturah was identified in a merger with Rephaites at the Hebron side of Jerusalem.

Some Arms of Rothschilds use an "INDUStria" motto term, and online writers claim that Rothschilds and similar Illuminatists got involved in East-India-org smuggling operations.

"Arrapha" may have named the Arpii = Carpae that are stamped on the map above (top-right). But the Carpae were to the west too, as namers of the Carpathians, thus making Arrapha / Tigris elements linkable to the Cotesii > Cottian line. The Arda tributary of the Hebros is the HARPassus on the map, which can be read also as HarpASSUS i.e. a possible Carpae merger with the Essenes-suspect namers of Assus. Zowie, note Opizas along the Assus river, smacking of "Ephesus," home of the so-called "essenes" bee cult. Opizas is in the land of the Bessi, and the Greek bee is even, "opis"! It might therefore look like Ephesus/Apasa was named after the bee, and that the Bessi priests of the Satrae apply to the naming of "Ephesus". Recall ABSyrtis, brother of Medea, and then see the APSinthii at the mouth of the Hebros, suspect with the Abzu/Apsu-and-Anu cult of SUMERia as it passed to the Anaki of Hebron whom named Aenus at the mouth of the Hebros. Remember, PANdareus (i.e. Satyr entity) was a ruler in Ephesus, and he was made the son of bee-suspect Merops. As Childeric was a bee-lover from Merops, note the similarity between Cellae / Cillium and the Chill variation of Childs. Or, note the CHILLingham home of Hebrons (similar to the Chill/Child Coat)...smacking of "Hebros"! The line of Keturah, who probably lived in Hebron, was already discovered in Ephesus' founders from Kodros of Athens, and the latter term likely named Aedon, daughter of Pandareus (shows a Kodros merger with Meropians from Kos).

Thus, as Og, the Biblical Rephaite, was suspect at mythical Ogyges, note that Ogyges' realm was in Boiotia, home of Aedon, but also in Acte = Attica, not only the Athens area, but suspect from "Attis," son of Cotys! Man, we are square on the stubborn jackass of the satanic line from Abraham. This was the antithesis of Plan Israel. The Acte location should be of mythical Hecate, the witch cult admired by Medea. Trace to the Actons at Axton in Kent, for the of Kent, for the Tonzus location along the Tonzus river can trace to Tonbridge of Kent. The Suemus is a Tonzus tributary.

Ogyges could easily have been of the GIGANtians, a term like the real-world Kikons, mythically the brother of Hebros. Rephaites of Israel lived in two places, one on the west side of Jabesh Gilead, and so note the similarity between "Jabesh" and "Ephesus," for it can trace the Benjamite-Jabesh merger to the Bessi, and then to the Ops bee cult of Sabines, which identifies the particular part of Roman foundations from Jabesh (= proto-Jupiter) in the Sabines. For example, the Roman myth, Rape of the Sabines, where Roman men took Sabine wives for themselves, reflecting the account of the 600 Benjamites marrying 400 woman of Jabesh Gilead, the latter all occurring as the result of a rape incident.

The Benjamite story also involved the cutting into pieces of a human body, the theme of mythical Medea, who was recently clinched as the line from Keturah's son, Medan, for that son had been traced to Kodros' son, Medon!!! It had not stuck in my mind if I had read it before, but I recently learned that Medea moved from Corinth to Athens, and she was the daughter of Aeetes, an aspect of Attis!!! It works and has the very shape of a stubborn jackass. The other mythical entity that used the theme of a human cut into pieces was Tantalus, from Antalya of the PISidians, an opis / apis bee-line entity in my opinion as of years ago. There was even at least one myth where Poseidon was involved with Marsyas, of the Marsi beside mount Sabina. Mount Maiella of that area was named by a daughter (Maia) of Poseidon's son, Atlas, the very symbol of Antalya = Attaleia.

One of the maps above shows a Selletae peoples in Scythia Minor, traceable to the Salto river of the Marsi theater that was traced to the Sale/Sallete surname. Mars was always suspect on the Hebros, though I didn't know where, aside from the Maritsa version of the Hebros river. Remember, the Royal Scythians called themselves, Scolati, traceable to the Anaki / Amorite giants of Eschol, in Hebron, and here we find the Scythia nation on the east side of the Hebros. Now look for and find "In Medio" along the Hebros, which might indicate Medan liners, and then spot what look like the "SUEMUS" river smack beside In Medio. Media was the daughter of the sun god, Helios, easily traced to the sun god Attis, and the latter's mother and wife was Cybele, apparently in the Cabyle location (not far north of Suemus) on the Tonzus. Therefore, part of the priesthood of El-Gabal appears to be from these sun-god elements on the Hebros, and they link squarely to the Cotesii, tending to support a Rephaite trace to their Riparia river. I kid you not that, in all the talk above that started with the impression of a Sohaemus link to the Isen-Side Aethelings, I had not seen this Suemus location until this paragraph, and only by arriving to the Medea topic while spotting "In Medio." When showing the similarity between "Sohaemus" and "Haemus, I had not known that the Suemus was part of the river system smack in what's stamped, Haemimonti.

There is thus a good argument developing for tracing the Side's/Sudys and Sutys to Seuthopolis, for the Tonzus has a mouth smack in downtown Odrysia...suspect with the origin of Druids, whom others traced to Haemus. The oak symbol of Druids can link to Og elements on the Hebros. It appears that Druids were from the Hecate witch cult. As I trace Hecate to Hector of Troy with little doubt, compare "Acte" or "HeCTOR" with "Ketur(ah)." The Tonzus flows to Orestia, later re-named HADRianopolis (after a Roman emperor), a term like "KETUR(ah)." I traced Keturah liners to the Salyes tribe at Saluzzo, now tracing back in time to the Selletae on the other side of the peaks from the Tonzus. As the Salyes were identified with mythical Selene, sister of Helios, it appears that the Selletae were of the Helios Colchians / Gorgons at the Kutaisi theater (home of Aeetes and Medea).

It just can't be coincidental that Assus (probably the same as Attis / Aeetes), a few miles to the west of the Suemus, smacks of "Aziz(us)," another name in the El-Gabal cult. Is the Bargus river, beside the Suemus, part of the Burgh / Berk bloodline now tracing to Isen-Side (so to speak) Aethelings? Tarpodizus, on both maps, must be the proto-Trabys, for to the near south-east of it, there is an Astica region of Thrace, suggesting the Traby-Astikas merger in Lithuania. Tarpodizus is not far east of the Suemus on a Hebros tributary the name of which looks like "Taurus," with a mouth near the land of the Caeni. On one of the maps, Thyni is shown beside Tarpodizus, recalling how Trabys should trace to Trabzon and the nearby Amazons of THEMIScyra, potential namers of the Thames river, while the Thames surname comes up as Thyni-like "Tien."

There is another Tonzus location on the Black-sea coast, on the north side of Thyni, and then the Thames river is the northern side of Kent. Just trace the namers of the Arda to Artois, opposite the English channel from Kent, and then note how the Artois capital, Atrecht, was a line from Atreus > Atrebates, for mythical Atreus was made a close kin kin to Orestes, the entity at Orestia at the mouth of the Arda. Atrecht was also "Arras," like the ARSus variation of Assus that you see on the map at the link above. It tends to trace Essenes suspects to Artois.

The Trypillian goddess had been suspect with an aspect of ArTEMIS. Then, recently, Trypillians were found at Elis Triphylia's Aeolus-Enarete entity, the one that put out the proto-Aethelings. It's very feasible that "Aeolus" was a corruption from Elis-related "AETOLus," location of ASTAKOS, and very traceable to Pisidians of "Attaleia". This is reliable material due to the compounded logic.

The Taurus river suggests the Minoans of Crete (just go with the suggested flow), and these were traced by me to Manoah, father-code for mythical Samson, wherefore note that the Taurus flows through "Samaei." We expect Hercules here (son of AlcMENE), the Moloch cult of Tyre that was also the Zeus Taurus. I expect the Essenes of Carmel and Haifa wherever the Taurus goes, and so, while this material is fairly new in my work, let's repeat an old claim, that Odrysia (smack to the west side of the Taurus river) was traced to Dorians from Dor, at Carmel. In fact, it seemed that "Taurus" could relate both to "Tyrus" and mythical "Dorus." In that picture, ODRYSians were TAURUS liners, wherefore note Essenes-suspect Assus at the north end of the Odrysians. Just trace the Arda river of downtown Odrysia to Arettium, beside Assisi. You get it. "Taurus" on this map is written upright and hard enough to read that I don't think I've seen it before.

Trabzon and Thermodon were to the north of the Cilician Taurus peaks. As Zeus' father was identified with Horites in Edom, from Horites at Nuzi, note the second Tarpodizus location between the Taurus river and Nuzi-suspect Nice...smack in Odrysia. Due to the proximity of the Samaei to the Selletae, it appears that the Samnite tribe of Sabines can apply. The Salto originates at the Marsi theater near Fucino, and flows along the east side of mount Sabina (in Lazio), parallel with a Turano river suspect with the Taurus entity, and even with the namers of bull-line Turin. The Sabines and Samnites trace to the same place, called either Sebennytos/Sebannytos or Samannud (Nile delta). As Sabines = Safini had been suspect with "Daphne," note Daphaba on the Harpassus.

Mythical Charops, very suspect at the Harpassus, had a Rephaite-suspect descendant, ORPHeus, who floated down the Hebros (myth code) to Lesbos, and the latter is off-shore of modern Foca, suspect with "Fucino." Foca was Phocaea, the co-founder of Ligurians that included Salyes, you see, and they were founded by Phocaeans at Marsi-related Marseilles. That's why the Salto traces well to the Salyes, and probably why Turin is between Saluzzo and the Salassi of Aosta.

The Indus valley was named after Sindhi, traceable, with the Irano-Indo Assi, to Sintians of Lemnos and to a Sintian peoples at lake Maeotis, the latter being an origin of the Sittaceni and the Toreatae, the latter suspect in the "torteaux" roundels of the Cottian-related Orells. Did the Sittaceni, expected at Cotesii-suspect Soducena, name Seuthopolis? Why isn't the latter on either of the two maps? Now see the Coralli peoples on the map below, beside Cabyle, both between the Hebros and Haemus. By what coincidence do Cable's and Cotta's share fretty lattice while AURELia Cotta smacks of "Coralli"? There is a "Tyle?" location to the near-north of the Coralli, and then the Tile's/Tillers share the annulet with Cottian-related Vita's/Vio's/Vitone's.

Hebros Hebrews Colonize the Drilon

I don't know what may have named the Drilon (modern Drin), but DORians of some form may have who evolved into the Doarsi at the Neretva river (the Naro at the Illyrian coast) that was no doubt a river of the Nereids (co-founded by mythical Doris), from the Enarete entity that was made wife to Dorus' brother, Aeolus. The Odrysian bloodline is thus suspect at the Drilon, for the time being, anyway, and then there is a DORIScus location on the map above at the mouth of the Hebros. The Cavii there may have been of the same which named Cabyle at Haemus, suspect from a Keturah line to Attis and Kybele. "Keturah" traces excellently to "Kotor," between the Cavii and the Naretva.

The namers of Lissae at the upper Hebros may have named Lissus (modern Lesh, northern ALBAnia) at the mouth of the Drillon. This can expect that the namers of ASSus, between the Odrysians and Lissae, were the namers of Azizus, the El-Gabal priest whose ancestry is expected from Gabuleum, on the Drilon very near HAS!!! I think we have just found the proto-Aethelings at whatever Has was anciently. On my atlas, there is a short (unmarked) Drin tributary with a source at TROPoje, and Has (not on the atlas) is at/near the mouth of that tributary (at the northern-most part of the Drin). There is no location shown on my atlas where Has is located.

I was at the last update seeking something, when bumping into this:

The Chives' are said to be from "seamHAS = narrow place of a river," complete garbage. On the northern-most part of the Drilon river of the Cavii, there is/was a Has location. The Aeson / Iasion / Ixion line can be of such a term. The Seme's are listed with Swans/Sions/Sine's."

The same surname comes up as "Semes." As it appears by other evidences that Caiaphas traces to Sohaemus, might "seamhas" be a Sohaemus entity? By what possible cosmic coincidence was there a Has location (modern name, I think) at the very northerly end of the Drilon, where Chives ancestry is expected? I am thus convinced that Sohaemus' family was from Gabuleum, which appears on the map of roughly the time period (or even before) the appearance of El-Gabal in Syria. One can then trace two lines of the Cavii, one to Quintus Caepio, and one to Syria. We are to be looking for a Cavii entity in Syria, therefore, that Annas' father, Seth of Syria, may have belonged to. Note the Sithech wolf entity to which the Shaws/Sheaves are traced, for "Seth" brings up the Shaws.

There is a Haus surname showing nothing by "scythes" = sickles (in Comyn colors and format). In heraldry, codes like this usually refer to similar surnames, meaning that the Haus' are predicted to be kin of a Skit-like family, and that traces excellently to Has and neighboring Scodra. The Haas/Has surname uses only a hare (in Wessex-patonce colors) that can be for Aures = Here = Heyer = Eyer liners such as the Shawia.

As the Mathis river to the south of the Drilon traces well to Mattathias, the Israeli ancestor of HASmoneans, it seems likely that Hasmoneans trace to the namers of Assus. We are to be looking for the Mon entity that the Assus liners merged with. We should ask the Mona Lisa if she knows anything.

The Bar location off the northern side of lake Scodra (modern Scotari) is expected with the line to Alba and Scotland. As the Perdix line to Perth, where Atholls were first found, which was the land of Alba, traces through Berry of France, it's notable that this city was also, Bourghs, which becomes suspect with Burgs now expected in Aetheling ancestry. I don't know whether the namers of Bar were Burg liners, however. A merger between the two may have occurred.

There is only one Coat coming up as "Berk," and it's the Irish Burgh Coat shared by Eustace's. In the Berk/Burgh canton, a lion in both colors of the Sitler lion. In the Crest, a cat-a-mountain, the symbol if Cavii-based Chives'. Berks/Burghs are said to be descended from William Burgo.

The way to clinch the Half/Help surname as honoring Edmond "Isen Healf" is by asking who, more than Alfred the Great, would be represented in the English Alfred surname (whose besants?). The Alfreds share the "hourglass" (my personal term) design, in the same blue color, of the Halfs/Helps. That's no coincidence. And both surnames use similar gold crosses, the color of the Wessex "patonce." The Alfred besants can trace the same of Savarys/Savards and therefore to emperor Severus (husband of Julia Domna Bassianus), for the Portuguese Alfreds use FIVE eagle wings while Severus-like Safers (BURGundy) use FIVE falcons (links well to Conte-related Falcons), both on red Shields. The Portuguese Alfreds share the same wings, in the same colors, as the Portuguese Abreu's. "Alfred" even sounds Italian, Julia's nationality.

Doesn't the Alfred cross, and the Half fitchee, trace to the same of FIVE-suspect Quints? The Alfred cross is said to be "bottony," suggesting an important link to Biden/Button liners, and the latter's Crest is from Capelli's very Italian. When did the Anglo-Saxons merge with the Caiaphas line, before or after Alfred "the great"? He ruled in the latter 9th century, the time of the formation of the first Hungarians after they were partially in the Ticino theater. That's Italy, right?

Can we see how "ALFred" can develop into/from "HELP"? Yes, and this may suggest the line from mythical MacAlpin (shown with lattice at his Wikipedia picture), which was traced to Guerin/Garin of Provence, and he was claimed (by me) to be the ancestry of the Guido Guerra (very Italian), important not only because Guido's share the hourglass-like Shield and red lion of Halfs/Helps, but because Guerra's use a wyvern dragon, which dragon species, as you can see at the Wessex page above, was the badge of the Wessex Saxons. There is wyVERN-reason here to trace Saxons to the Varni, as expected. There were many centuries between the first Varni and Alfred, but there was not much time between the predicted dating of MacAlpin and Alfred. It predicts that Alfred was a Pict-Scot liner in his ancestry.

Italian Guerini's/Garins share black-and-gold bars with the Arms of Saxony and with Atholls. German Garins/Gorings were first found in Saxony. We are learning something new here, a thing not told to students. Recall where the Kells linked to the Wessex line, for they show variations traceable to Celts/Colts and therefore to Atholls, while Celts/Colts are suspect from "DunKELD" = the Scot royals from MacAlpin. The black Eustace-Crest cross is in the Vice/Vise Coat, above the Vice/Vise stag head, both items shown in the same fashion as the Pilate pheon above the Celt/Colt stag head, and both stag heads are of the same design (DESIGN MATTERS). Then, as the first two Aethel terms in the Wessex genealogy married daughters of COENred, by what coincidence do Irish Coens/Cohens use both the Pilate pheon and a besant in the colors of the Alfred besants??? German Conrads (Bohemia) can apply with the five-pointed MacArthur crowns in the colors of the five Alfred wings. "Conrad" might be from "red Cohen," for Hohens are a red version of blue Cohens.

A fundamental ALPIN link to ALFred can explain why Melusine, the ELVIN princess of the Vere bloodline, can be code for both entities. It just so happens that Gonne's/Gowans share the thistle with Alpins (same place as MacArthers) while Thistles/Thissels share a blue bend with pheons upon them with Coens/Cohens. That is one match. As the Cert/Card lion could be in the Thistle Crest, note that MacArthurs could be a branch of MacCARTHys/Arthys (Country Kerry) sharing a red stag (called "hart") with German Harts. MacCarthys are MusKERRY elements while Kerrys use a version of the Half/Help Coat. The "Mus" portion of Muskerry allows a trace to Cirta in Numidia. The MacCarthy stag is identical (aside from colors) with the Humble "buck".

The article below, saying that quasi-mythical MacAlpin's mother was from Fortriu = Moray, tells a story that seems like code for the historical count Dracula of Transylvania, the so-called Impaler. This count is where the Drakenberg Vere's are suspect from, according to the late Drakenberg chief himself, and it was him that claimed the Elvin Princess for his own Vere-Drakenberg line. It can be gleaned here that the Wessex wyvern is also the Drake wyvern, but the point is that I traced Moray to Khazars on the Mures river of Transylvania, as well as identified German Cohens with those Khazars, and then the Scot royals were out of Moray. So, MacAlpin was code for an Alba entity that included this Transylvanian element somehow, as well as king-Andrew Hungarians (had lived as Magyars in the Khazar theater) in the Scottish royals. In fact, the Kabar portion of Hungarians were descended from Mures-river Khazars (see Menmurat at Biharia).'s_treason

But ultimately, the main thread of Scots was from Scodra, which merged with whatever Alba had been named after, and I traced this to Alberts (like "Alfred") in the history of the Guerra bloodline, and likely to the namers of Alba at Montferrat. But, the Albani of the Illyrian theater are to be expected together with Scodra elements in proto-Scotland. There really isn't that much Irish involved in this, unless the Gaels were from Illyria too. "Dal Riada" may even be of the Rieti elements near the domain of the Bologne Alberts, who spread toward Florence (I am not very familiar with their history).

Here's the lattice painted to MacAlpin. It looks like a mix of red and green the colors of the The lattice-using Caens sharing a red fesse with CUTHberts can apply to Coens/Cohens, for there are Cyn and Cen terms in the ancestry of Coenred as well as Cuth / Cath terms possibly indicating the royal Cottians in the lattice-using Cotta surname. This recalls that Cottians were looking good for a trace to Varni elements, and that Cottians linked to the Saxon/Septon surname (by way of comparison to the Orells, for one), and therefore to the Saxon location near lake Geneva, a lake that was home to Saxon-like Sequani that pre-dated Saxons proper. Plus, it had been suggested that Vestalis, in the Wessel surname, could trace to the naming of Wessex while Sussex may have been in-reality named after Susa, the royal-Cottian capital.

The Caen leopard faces are in the colors of the Alfred besants, in colors reversed from the roundels on the collar of the Cert/Card lion, perhaps important because the first Wessex king in the genealogy is CERDic. The Cert/Card roundels are red, the colors of the same of Orells, from Aurelia Cotta. The second Wessex king in the genealogy is CYNRic; see the Cyner-like motto terms of Kays, and trace this to Keturah's Hecate > Hector line at Parion/Parium, noting that Hector's father, Priam, smacks of Keturah's husband, Abram (Genesis 25), founder of Israel. The same blood of the man who founded Plan Salvation on Earth also founded the Arch-Enemy of Earth.

The Kinner Crest shares anchors with the Crests of Kyle's and related Coles' while there are Ceol terms in the ancestry of Coenred. Then, Kinners (bend in colors reversed to the Varn bend), who once showed the same bird as Kays, until I mentioned it several times, were recently found traceable to the KENIRon variation of Irons. COENSIDEnce? I think Nott.

Kays share bendlets with Orells and Saxons. The latter two can trace to the Coralli of Scythia, and that's where IsenSide is now tracing generally.

The rams of Sydenhams/Sidenhams, first found in SOMERset, can be suspect with the golden-fleece Colchians. This is a good place to mention that, as the Sithones were at the central peninsula of CHALCidice, while THESSALonica is at the north end of Chalcidice, while Aeson lived in THESSALy, the Thess terms may have been a branch of SITHones. The Odrysian capital, Seuthopolis may thus apply with a slew of other Seth-like terms, creating the possibility that "Scythes" was formed from this bloodline. The Mygdones were a fellow tribe with Sithones, according to Strabo, and for me this traces to Dor, to neighboring Megiddo (= Essenes theater traceable to "Aeson"), and to Sidonians at Laish (traceable to the Colchian Lazi). Just trace this lot to Assus and Lissae near the Odrysians.

Mythical Laz was made a spouse of Nergal, possibly the Nereus-Doris merger that myth called, Nereids. Nergal is said in 2 Kings 31 to be the god of a Cutha(h) location (Mesopotamia, some say it was off the Tigris) that therefore traces well to "Xuthus," brother of Doris and Aeolus. There are a host of surnames here linkable to SADDucee." We wouldn't expect Sadducee liners to use, Mr. and Mrs. Sadducee. Side's/Sudy's/Sude's are in Levi-lion colors and almost use the Levi-lion design.

The naming of Seth, father of Annas, may have been from Sithones liners at Aenus, smack beside Doriscus. This jibes greatly with a trace of "Caiaphas" to Haifa, and may explain why Armageddon comes first to Megiddo, where there may be an infestation of Caiaphas liners today as a result of Rothschild Zionism. I even found that a Russian, Mr. Pollack, was involved in the founding of Neshar, a location in the Megiddo theater. That's suspicious because Rothschilds, much earlier than 1948, began settling Israel with Russian Jews, and then Rothschilds trace to Peter Pollock.

It floored me to find, with Wikipedia concurring until it removed some of the evidence from its Neshar article, that Nesher means "vulture", for prophecy portrays Armageddon with a vulture theme, with birds eating the flesh of the slaughtered soldiers in Armageddon. For what it's worth in this regard, the Slings use a vulture while the Arms of Dachau (Munich theater) use a sling shot, perhaps part-code for the Shots/Shute's and/or others. Shots/Shute's share the Sword swords, and the Swords are from "Siward" (of Northumberland).

The golden fleece Suttons ("Sut" is the expected root) share green-on-gold lions with Sohaemus-liner Tricks/Tracks/Triggs and Drigs. Green lions are shared by Herod-related Lannoys and Lyons. You haven't forgotten that Sayn-Homburg traced to Humbers/HumberSTONEs/HumbleSTONs, and that the Humber river was the capital area of the Saxon-related Mercians from the Laevi-related Marici. While one Sewer surname is listed with Saddock-suspect Suters/Shuters, the Swiss Sewers show nothing but a single rose in the colors of the Sach roses.

Siward of Northumberland had sway in Durham, if I recall correctly, and I think I traced his Mieszko family (included Beaks sharing the Humber/Humbleston bars) very well to the Were river through Durham, which is where Humble's were first found. The namer of Baring bank is listed with BECKers. Siwards HESlington factor in Yorkshire is tracing well to the Assus > Has line, and I suppose that "Esso" can trace to this line too. The "TOUCH NOT the cat" phrase of Clan Chattan suggests the Touch surname looking like it can link to Suttons, but it can also indicate Tocharians and therefore the Tony-Tiger code created by Esso. For the time being, I'm tracing Nott-like surnames to the Nith river. Should we trace "Tony" to the Tonzus river flowing past Suemus to downtown Odrysia?

So, what we have is a company named Humble Oil, and another named Standard Oil, both named after surnames related to the Esso / Exxon company that purchased them. And these are now in Iraq, and may be seeking a pipeline in Syria, we may assume, land of Sohaemus' family. Last I heard, there wasn't any Sohaemus Oil Company, but the trace of Sohaemus to the Hesse-Cassel location is bringing to mind Rothschild-oil interests. It's in Rothschild interests not to use that surname plastered over all the huge corporations that they own. They will go by other names. They are said to own Dutch Shell, and then the Shell surname shares the snake design of Quintus-suspect Quinns. The Quinn pegasus is suspect with the Caffery horse with feathered helmet on the rider.

Tide's rhyme with, and can be a variation, of Side's, and SIGNals look like SIEGENs / Segni's/Segurana's. Is the entire oil industry owned by the same family?

In 1963, Humble was approached by Tidewater Oil Company, a major gasoline marketer along the eastern and western seaboards, to purchase Tidewater's refining and marketing operations on the west coast, a move that would have given Humble a large number of existing stations and a refinery in California, which was then the fastest-growing gasoline market. However, the U.S. Justice Department objected to Humble's plan and Tidewater's west coast operations were sold to Phillips Petroleum in 1966. Meanwhile, Humble gradually built up new and rebranded service stations in California and other western states under the Enco brand and purchased a large number of stations from SIGNAL Oil Company in 1967, followed by the opening of a new refinery in Benicia, California in 1969.

Benicia? Panico's = Benjamites?

With Kidders using a Crest honoring Standards/Stonards, and Kitters tracing to Cassel, it's notable that one Kidd Coat uses upright goats, the symbol of German Steins. It tends to verify that the oak-using Kidds (Panico suspects) trace to this disgusting thing. It tends to reveal that the black stone of El-Gabal had much to do with surviving the El-Gabal-cult proper, and evolving into the Bavarian Illuminati, for one. One needs to go to the Witkowo Poles to find the all-seeing-eye, and that entity was out of GOPLo's Mouse Tower. Wasn't Goplo named after a Goplani peoples from "Gabal"??? If I recall correctly (I can't get online again at the moment, the all-seeing-eye in the Arms of Witkowo is on a gold, six-sided / six-pointed shell, the color of the Shell-oil shell.

Let's entertain a Goplani trace to Gabuleum. The only evidence I can see at the moment, aside from a Mieszko trace to Maccabee elements, is the modern Tropoje location north of Has and Gabuleum. It could indicate that Traby Poles were involved at Tropoje. There is a Trope/Drop surname using a Shield filled with drops, and drops are used by the Sam/Sammes surname. The Sam/Sammes lion has been traced for years to the Welsh TREVors = Tudors sharing the white Traby ostrich feathers, and then while the Caen Crest shares five white ostrich feathers with the Crest of the Traby Arms, the Caeni lived smack at the southern end of Samaei! The Sams/Sammes' use the same lion as Yorkshire's Kingstons (Sitler/Schitner lion in colors reversed), while the Traby/SADowski surname uses a scarf that should be code for Scarf's, first found in Yorkshire. The Traby/Sadowski scarf is fashioned as a 'Q' that can be code for the Quintus bloodline to Sadducees. The Caepio-line lion was traceable to that of Yorkshire's Hallams, and it's the Yorkshire's Hulls who lived in Kingston. Then, the Hull talbots trace to the Taulantii of the Cavii theater, and it's been established that Taulantii liners were indeed merged closely with Cavii liners.

The black Traby hunting horns trace to the same of Patch's, a branch of Kilpatricks/Patchie's, from the Paeti on the Hebros, beside the Caeni on one map, and closer to the Odrysians on the other map. It was recently, but before mentioning or seeing Tarpodizus, that the Nith river of the Kilpatrick castle was traced to Nice elements. This was before the Nice location at Odrysia was a topic, and before I saw that location for it to become a topic. The "dexter paw" of Kilpatricks, of their Levi lion, is code for the Weight-related Dexters that use the Traby horns in both colors. As that's not coincidental, it means that various Hebros elements were on the Nith, making Annandale suspect with Aenus at the Hebros. It's the same as saying that the Aethelings, with roots in northern Scotland, apparently, were from various Hebros elements.

As Hasmoneans were traced to Ordovices at Arddu traces them now to Arda of the Odrysians, and the Ordovices were beside Mona and Menai. We really do need to call up Mona Lisa and ask what this is all about. She should know something about Mons in HAINaut too. The Ordovices were traced to a location, the name of which I always forget, near Samsun. As the Ordovices were mythical Orthos, Geryon's two-headed dog, note the dog-suspect Caeni at Samaei. It suggests a merger between the namers of Arda and the Caeni, and that they arrived to mythical Erytheia (Erethlyn, between Ordovices and Mona) in the Hercules invasion of the far West. But it's a no-brainer to trace the Caeni with their Trojan elements that included LYSimachia, to Caen of Normandy (beside the BESSin). I'm sure that we could pry some information out of Mona Lisa in regards to nearby Lisieux on the Tocharian-suspect Touques river. After all, Lissae is near Assus suspect with the Assi kin of Tocharians.

The fact that Steins use leopards as well as the goat traces them to the proto-Baphomet cult...that Bavaria was traced tentatively to (by me) before a reader (Julie) made me aware of the Boofima entity (in Africa, where I had learned that Bavaria traces to in going back to proto-Baphomet) using priests slipped into leopard GLOVES while sacrificing goats and humans to their god (I never did learn the name of their god, but traced to Marsyas, the Greek goat-skinning cult = golden-fleece cult out of Phrygia). See "Imperi" in Google.

I traced the Imperi to "PERIgord" (central France) for two reasons at least, and, I learned later, that's where Mr. Sauniere's surname was first found. The Saulnier variation of that surname happens to smack of the Solney variation of Sole's? Does that help to identify Boofima with the priests of El-Gabal? What were they doing in Africa? Perhaps we need to ask the black stone of Muslims. Likely, it had to do with the Massena liners of Numidia, but I traced Boofima, early in my hunts for it (there is little said online concerning it) to proto-Botters of Lucca. Later, I clinched a trace of those Botters to the Ukrainian Budini, which contradicted the trace of Botters to Africa's Mauritanians. However, it was at about that time that the Chattans -- "BOT a GLOVE" motto phrase -- were being realized as a merger with Botters. And the Chattan cat can be construed as a version of the Boofima leopard.

The "book" of Panico-related Roets, and the book of Reeds, was traced to a Book/Bogg surname (think "Bogan" in Bavaria), and to circle of similar surnames, from "Boofima," and Roets included the wife of John of Gaunt while he is represented in gauntlet GLOVEs, What can't we understand about this? The Stoners and Standards even use the eagles of the Gaunt-related Ghents, and Ghent/Gaunt is in Belgium, where the Gonne's/Kohns were first found. If that indicates that the Jonathan Levites evolved into Boofima, we need to put that beside the Laevi expected with Sohaemus. One of the many Clan-Chattan members includes the Goons.

To help trace the "Gonne" to the Yonne river, it flows to the Seine river, a term expected from Sane's/Sains/Sine's/Sions/SOMES' that now show falconers GLOVES but were previously showing gauntlet GLOVES. The Seine then flows into ImPeri-like Paris, where Levi's were first found. It became suspect that lions paws in heraldry were Boofima symbols, and one such symbol is used in the Quint Crest. It can mean that heraldic paws do not always denote the Paw surnames. Joseph-suspect Comyns use a DEXTER paw holding a Deckster-related Dagger as code for the Ticino, home of the Marsyas-based Marici and Laevi. I therefore think I had all my Boofima traces correct a couple of years ago when tracing to both Marsyas and mythical Paris at entity from the Parthenius river (where Kennedys trace) in the Phrygia theater, home of Heneti PAPHlaGONians.

This is the first time that "Jonathan" has become suspect with "Gonians," so far as I can recall. Previously, Jonathan was linked to Hyksos passing through Israel, and Paphlagonians can trace to "Apophis." It can indicate that Jonathan was of the Perseus Danaans, perfect because Perseus traces to proto-Paris at the Parthenius (and because Jonathan is said in Judges to have become the priest of the "Daniy" at Laish, a term tracing to Lysimachia and to Lissus. As Lysimachia was beside the Caeni while Caens use both leopards and a motto term honoring Parion/Parium, the proto-Boofima involvement within the Paris entity is supported. The Caens are the ones sharing the fretty lattice in the colors of the same of Cave's/Cavie's, the latter being Levite suspects of the Cavii kind at the Lissus location.

I'm going to make a prediction from the sense that has come to me: Caiaphas' first name, Joseph, was from a Massey bloodline more "Massey"-like than I first expected. The Massyas region between Lebanon and Emesa is coming to mind. Emesa (like "Maesa, traceable to the Maezaei) is now Homs, a term traceable to Hume's and therefore to Qumran's Essenes. The relationship between the two entities would be Meshech and Gomer, Biblical brothers.

When Elijah defeated the 450 priests of Baal at Carmel (that was one colossal organization), it was in a spiritual battle against Israel's king Ahab, whom worshipped Baal. Ahab's wife, Jezebel, was likely named after Baal and the Jezreel valley together. Jezreel is the location of Carmel and Armageddon. Look at how the terms, Iezreel and Iezebel, smack of Iasion and Aeson, suggesting that Essenes elements worshiped Baal at Carmel. There was a second Jezreel location in the land allotted to Judah (around Jerusalem), and this same Baal was worshiped at Jerusalem. This cult was what the God of Israel had marked out for Armageddon, after teaching humanity a lesson over a few more thousand years. We are about to see fire from heaven poured out on Jezreel once again, and this may be upon Caiaphas-line families of that area.

The only way I know to trace Meshech liners to Carmel is via the Mus / Meshwesh of Tanis as they hooked up with the Benjamite-Jabesh cult, suspect in the Jebusites at Zion, smack at the Kidron valley where Baal's altar was set up. There may have been a long-standing Meshech presence in the Israel-Phoenicia border region that would later name the Massyas area south of Homs. The area went by that name in 100 BC (I don't know how much earlier it went by that name), just as the Maccabees were forming into Pharisees and Sadducees, but I read that it went by "MARSYas" too. Years before making that find, I read that mythical Marsyas of Phrygia founded the Marsi of Italy. It's feasible that substantial mouse liners are living at and around Jezreel today.

Hmm, KIDRon looks like "Kidder." I'll need to think about that.

My understanding was that the Hitler bloodline was a Maschi one on his mother's side, who was a Pollack-suspect Polzl. Hitler's whackos operated much in Munich, and he had concentration-camp headquarters at Dachau. The Rimini area of the Maschi's traces to "Rimmon," where the Benjamites hung out when they merged with Jabesh. The Hiedler/Hitler surname traces well to the namers of Gilead area around Jabesh. Jabesh-Gilead was across the Jordan from the head of the Jezreel valley.

I understand how difficult it might be to find a location with the Has name in a Google search, but, I assure, you, I had found the Has location where I said it is/was, and reported the article from which it was found. I just don't know where that report is located amongst my updates. It is futile to search "has," a term used often in common speech. The Has location became suspect with Essenes-suspect Heslingtons / Hazels as well as the formation of "Hasmonean," and "MACCAbee" was suspect from "MASSYas," anyway. It's all coming together here. Frankly, I don't even know the origins of Quintus Caepio; his ancestry could have been from Syrians in Africa of the Drusilla kind. The Numidian capital, Cirta, may not only have linked to the Sohaemus-suspect and Syria-like Sire's/Sirets, but to the Certs/Cards using the blue Caepio-line lion (with Moor-related collar).

One might imagine the child(ren) of Sohaemus with Drusilla going back to Numidia with a piece of El-Gabal in their pockets, and starting a religion based on that sun god. Or, better yet, the ancestry of Drusilla may already have had that Gabal cult in their pockets, if for example proto-Numidians had been at Gabuleum. That could explain HASdrubal, a name used by Carthaginians (or were they Numidians?). What if Numidians were named after the idea of, Anu-Met, so as to jibe with BaphoMET? Such a term would be traced by me to Gorgon MEDusa elements in Africa, the same that Perseus was involved with, the same known to have lived at Parion. In fact, Gorgon MUSEs lived at Parion.

"Tony the Tiger" can be part code for the Antonys' using both a goat and leopard, and thus can trace to Boofima too well to deny. The tiger was seen above in the Side/Sudy Crest, and that surname traces via Suderland to Sauers at the Sava, which in-turn traced to Shawia Numidians on the one hand, and to swan liners at lake Lychnidus on the other. Why should Numidians trace to that lake? A green tiger (related to the Kelly Crest?) is used by Methley-related MEDleys, suspect in "BaphoMET." The leopard-portrayed cult of Dionysus traced to Jonathan-suspect Oeneus, father of METHoni, thus tracing Boofima again to Maccabees at Modi'in, who may have been true Levites, therefore, from Jonathan's line to Laevi. One of the first-known Maccabees was MATTathias, although technically he was a HASmonian, and then the Mathis river of the Cavii flowed near Has. It seems feasible to trace "Aethel / Hazel" to a previous name of Has. If that's correct, then Has was a city of the Elis elements of mythical Aethlius, which may explain why Elis' share a black cross with Chives' and Mathis'.

The Mathis surname, sharing the Chives moline in the same colors, was first found in BURGundy. As heraldic leopards are often "leopard FACE's," it's clear that Boofima traces fundamentally to the Face's/Fessys/Vesseys (said to be from Burghs!), using the cross of "copia"-using Macclesfield, and the latter probably use the Cert/Card lion. To trace to the Bruce lion, trace Cirta Numidians first to the Sire's/Sirets (Moline kin) and their kin on the Sava, home of the Breuci. Trace the Bruce-related Louvains to Levites of this picture.

Another Arms of Macclesfield (no longer shown at Wikipedia's Macclesfield article) uses the black Davenport fitchee that traces to the same of Hanna's, and we saw this black fitchee in the Cassel / Kennedy Coats. My senses are that fitchees are secretly ritual daggers used in killing sacrifice victims. Hanna's are suspect with Heneti, as is "Kennedy," and the stag, used in the Macclesfield Arms and Hanna Coat's, has been traced to Heneti...on the Parthenius. The Parthini at the Cavii theater are thus expected as Boofima liners. Why did the Taulantii of the Parthini area evolve into TalBOTS? Wasn't that the Bot-a-glove" entity of Chattans? Didn't the Hatti live beside the Parthenius?

Note that MacAbee's are listed as McLeod septs along with Herods and Norris' / Norrie's. Norry's/Norrie's share a wolf head in Crest with the McLeod sept of Teague's, and the latter use "Summum" in their motto. Norrie's/Norris' (ravens) were first found in BERKshire while Noyers were first found in BURGundy. The "Feythfully SERVE" motto of Norrie'/Norris suggests Servitium and or Servilia Caepio, especially as Servitium (Sava river) was in what is now Croatia, while Cravens, sharing a white-on-red fesse with Norrys, trace to Croatians (= Garebites that used the raven / crow as early as passing through Greece).

Norrie's/Norris are said to be from a HANStead > Hamstead while the Hans' are listed with Hands/Hants (Cheshire, same as the "copia"-using Arms of Macclesfield), and it occurs to me now that Hans'/Hands are using a version of the Cope and Copp Coats, important because Copelands (known to have Meschin elements) use the black bend (likely) of Hans-like Hanans and Eure's (Noyers were from Nueris in Eure). MOREOVER, to clinch this thing, Cope's were first found in the same place (Leicestershire) as Hose's said to be from Nueris / Noyers! Good one. And Norths share the dragon-head design of Cope's so that Norths can be somewhat clinched as Norry = Nahorite liners. Norths share the DeNARDo lion while the latter come up as "Narbonne," perhaps important (i.e. if that part of the surname traces to Narbonne) because Herod-like Herault is beside Narbonne.

The McLeod septs show "Herould." Heraults are listed with the same surname that comes up with "Herod," though the latter variation is probably kept deliberately from the visible list. Nor does the write-up trace to McLeods, The fleur-de-lys behind the stylized fesse (I don't know of any other like it) are in the colors of Coffers. At one time, the Herod/Herault fesse was shortened, not reaching the sides of the Shield, and that's called "couped" at times. It allows a Herod trace either/both to Cope liners and to KYPros, mother of Herod "the great." The Coopers/Coppers use a shortened chevron.

This recalls my dilemma a couple of years ago, that after tracing Coverts to Caiaphas liners, Coverts started to look like Cooper liners therefore traceable to Herods. And even the blue Caepio-line lion, claimed at first to be a Caiaphas entity (a squirrel just entered the attic floor at 8:32 am, but it did not sleep there), started to look like a Herod entity. But now, it looks like Caiaphas traces to Sohaemus, who had secondly married a Herod. Why are Coppers trace to a SALOMONE de Cupir? Isn't that a Jewish name like one married and used by Herods of Israel?

Why do Coopers use "COWper"? The "AeQUO" motto term of Cope's is of a category traced to Qewe/Kue/Quo' at the CAPPadocia theater. The Qewe entity was recently traced to COWES at southern Hampshire (like "Hamstead"), but, better yet, I read that southern Hampshire is called, Hants. This works, and it tends to trace Caepio's from the namers of Cappadocia through to Cavii-like Cowes', a line that developed Cope-like terms out of the Kupa river at Servitium. As the North lion is shared by Maschi's, the Cope fleur are likely of the Masci's.

The Saxe's (partridges, Perdix symbol), in Coffer colors, use a motto, "Sit SAXUM firmum," and while "Saxum" smacks of Seagham, the motto is translated, "let the stone be firm." It sounds as though Saxe's trace to Sohaemus' black stone, and that Saxe's knew it, and so we could trace Saxe-Gotha and Coburg to Sohaemus too. Saxe's were first found in the same place (Lincolnshire) as Hawks honored in the Herod/Herault Crest.

Now, to the Mallets, suspect, but not easily clinched, with Schumers / Shoemakers. Mallets are the ones sharing gold-on-blue (Hazel colors) scallops with Sonnys/Stoneys/Staneys. These scallops (in Sans-eagle colors) are in the colors of the Aurelia scallop, and in the colors of the crescent of the Sens (suspect with "Sans Peur"), which is in the colors of the Hazel crescent. To top it off, the knee-term in the Shoemaker's description of the knight finds the Knee's/Nee's/Neighs (another spread eagle, as with Dunns) of County DOWN (!!!) sharing a blue bend with Sonnys/Stoneys. I did not know of this Knee surname when pointing out the "pointing DOWN" axe of Schumers/Schumachers!

Here's from the last update in an effort to reveal what SchuMACHers are really from: "Irish Prays/Preys (Down) even look like they are using a version of the Stur/Estur bars...Vertical bars in the colors of the Pray / Stur bars are in the Mack/Make/Mech Coat. The Tarrs (suspect at TarraGONA) use them too in these colors, and they trace well to the Mopps' scimiTAR, for the Mopps' are listed with ModBURLEYS while Burleys (in Sumer/Sommers/Sumpton colors) were first found in the same place (Somerset) as Tarrs." Compare "SCHUMacher" with "SCIMitar." It's hard to say whether the Schim boar links to the Schumer/Schumacher axe merely because they are in the same colors.

The Prays came up as per the "praeferre" motto term of Racks/Rake's that should trace to the Franconian Rake, and that's where Somers, first found in Lower Franconia, come it. The Macks/Machs even share a blue-on-gold bend, and gold symbols upon it, with Sonnys/Stoneys. And Maileys/Mailetts use mallets in the colors of the split Somer Shield. I can't be sure whether these are Malahule-of-More lines to le-Meschin, but the latter did marry Clare's of Tonbridge, and moreover married Rumilly, who were explained in the last update like so: "Rumillys show ReMELLY, RoMILEY and ROMILLY variations. The Miley/Milly/Molloy surname (another greyhound) uses the full motto of Payne's ["Malo mori QUAM foedari,"] that includes "MALO mori," and then Mellys/MALLeys/Maileys use the boar in the colors of the Barton boar, and colors reversed to the Bard boar, important because Rumillys are said to be from the village of Barton in Cambridgeshire."

Cambridgeshire is where the Soham / Seagham location was situated that became suspect with Hammers. The Cams/Game's were first found in the same place as Kemmis', and these were traced. on mainly a whim (which often proves correct), from Yuya of Kemmis to the Gomerians suspect at the naming of Qumran. At the time, I had not yet known of the Gamble trace to the family of Sohaemus...which is now suspect with a mystery Miles' family in Anjou.

I realize how complicated this Shoemaker topic has become. It must be difficult for you to keep things together or to see this as fully as I'm seeing it. I put things in brackets to show links, but it only adds weight to what you need to keep together in order to follow fully. I have no choice but to show links where I see them. The Maker part is seen as the Mopsus line from Makistos, and the Shoe part is seen from Schio, up-river from Vicenza, where Valentins were first found. The Fessys, using the MACCLESfield cross as well as the Bath/Atha cross, use "signi vinces" as code for Valentinian and his birth place, Vinkovci, suspect with Vicenza. The Segni's/SEGURana's (another spread eagle) are now linking to SEAGham, and they share a blue moline with the Mile surname (no 's').

The scimitar is used also by the Hawk-honored Pilgrims, and Hawks (same place as le-Meschin's wife) are suspect from Hawkeswell (like MAKESWELL of the Maxwells), perhaps the reason for the Schumer / Shoemaker axe. Let's assume that its the Essenes axe. The Hawk staves are purple, and this color is used by the Skiptons of Meschin (same as the Rumilly Meschins), the Cheshire Pace's, and the hawk's lure of the Cheshire/ChesSYRE/ChesSHERE/ChesSHYRE surname (illegal Mose colors). Those capitals are to indicate possible links to Shire / Sire / Squire/Squirrel liners at the Valentinian bloodline. It dawns on me that Cheshire's, first found in the same place (Essex) as Quints, are using the lion paw of Quints. The latter are suspect with the stave-like Staffs.

A picture is developing in your mind even if you can't see it as I do. Schumers and Shoemakers are tracing to Maccabee suspects, and the Blois' were traced to the Arc river of Modane, where also the Chambre Gomerians had a location. The "Esse quam" of Sheriffs is excellent for seeing Qumran elements, and it's in honor of Ash's, and then while Ashburys of ESSEburne are obvious kin of Astburys (footless martlets), Astbury is at East Cheshire, where Macclesfield is located, and East Cheshire is where Grime's were first found suspect in the PilGRIME surname. As with Valence's, Grime's use a multitude of footless martlets. The GRIMaldi's can be in play because Segni's/Segurana's were first found in Genova, a location of ruling Grimaldi's.

The Ashbury motto, 'Will God and I SHALL," was suspect with Islips/Aslips (MAKESwell kin) because the same motto, but with "I zal," is used by Mens/Mengzies'. It's feasible here that the Aethelings inherent in these surnames are from the Manx peoples in "Mengzies." As the Falts share the Hazel leaves while tracing to the Humorului theater, see the Falt motto for a feasible trace to Manannan-Lug elements on the Isle of Mann.

HumORULUI deserves a passing mention here as per the Haemus topic earlier. What if "Haemus" named the Hume's out of Humorului? What if the latter QUMRan-like term was origin of the Orells > Aurelii'? I can't get online at the moment to check, but I recall the Orleans surname using bars in Hume colors. If Haemus was a Hume line, then it should trace, according to my views, to "Qum(ran)", and we saw how the Haemus area could relate to Togarmites/Tocharians so that Gomer elements out of Qumran could apply at Haemus. Besides, Haemus is to the north of the Hebros river, where Hebrews are expected that may have originated near Qumran.

Can we imagine the formation of Massey-related Maccabee's from the ancestry of the Sohaemus priesthood? I claimed that the Maccabees were from Cilnius Maecenas, with both a surname like "Massena" and "Maesa." As Maecenas married Murena liners, it should be added that the Shoemakers use the Murena-design tower topped with their Tree/Trew bloodline (either from Drusilla of Massena or Drusilla of Herod).

I've knocked the rest of the squirrel story to the next update and made it available immediately.


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

On this page, you will find evidence enough that NASA did not put men on the moon.
Starting at this paragraph, there is a single piece of evidence
-- the almost-invisible dot that no one on the outside was supposed to find --
that is enough in itself to prove the hoax.
End-times false signs and wonders may have to do with staged productions like the lunar landing.

If you have received emails supposedly from me, and they look like advertisements
or anything unflattering and unexpected from me,
they were not from me but by someone using my email box to send it.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
Table of Contents

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