Previous Update: June 19 - 25

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(if there are any to speak of)
June 26 - July 2, 2012

Solanas and Madariagas are Gallians with a Heavy Keele
The Gunn Ship Versus the Guil Monster from Patmos
The Childeric Sea Bull took a Turin for the Worst
Julians at Guillestre Will Fall Off the Endor of the World
The Golden Shower at Pinerolo; the Gay Rainbow Before the Storm
The Butteri of Cavello Riding the Red Calf of Caiaphas

This page has not been proof read. Hoping all is decent.

Yesterday's new topic was so interesting I wanted to investigate longer. So long as I have the time, I should be back to it. I'm almost out of money and will need to find a job, as of now. It may mean I'm almost done with the central features of this task.

Prior to yesterday's topic, the Budini and Geloni had been tracked for clues to a Julian / Glass / Douglas equation with Geloni. The Dougal motto, "Buaidh no bas," appears to be code not just for the Budini > Boyd line, but for Buzites of a bas kind. Dougals are also "Dowel," and were identified as "Dol" elements as per the Dowel/Doull/Doul/Doule surname. Again, several updates ago I traced the Dol term (can't recall the spelling) to a similar one in the Ukraine, in the area of Lviv on the Poland-Ukraine border. The trace was made on more than similarity of terms.

I tended to see Dougals as Douglas' because both use white on blue. That is, I didn't think the similarity of surnames was coincidental due to their using the same colors. But now there is another theory for Dougals derivation, in the idea of D'Ville. It could make for a Dowel surname. However, I'm not finding anything (at the moment) in heraldry that supports that theory. The idea of D'Gall rings better. Interesting here is that the Glaze surname uses a heart in Crest and the Pilate-colored pheons. The Shield-and-Chief combination is that of Cutters. [I'll remind you of the Glaze's when you get to the Guillestre location (way below) at the Cottian Alps.]

As the Saluzzos use the same combination in colors reversed, note that a hard-C "Saluzzo" is much like "Glaze." The Claud / Claus / Close line comes to mind, thanks to yesterday's new topic. IT'S ASTOUNDING, I HAVE ONLY JUST REALIZED after writing that last sentence, because the Close/Clovse surname, in the same colors again, was traced to the KODRos > Cutter bloodline, and Kodros was father of AndroKLOS!!! Therefore, as Cutters and Saluzzos appear related for more than their use of the same Coat (they shared the same geography in Piedmont), it rings true that Saluzzos became the Glazes with Cutter Shield. In short, the Glaze surname -- and the Glass' / / Gleasons/Glissens / Douglas' / Galls / Kyles / Julians -- was from AndroKLOS, founder of Ephesus near Patmos! (Gleasons, Kyles, and Galls all use the red-on-white Glass-colored stars, and Galls use the Pilate / Glaze pheon in the colors of the Celts/Colts).

Excellent. I think this traces Close-related Butteri Patricians (and Clovis) to Patmos, where the Patricians are suspect aside from this trace. It's suggesting that Closeburn of the Kilpatrick-branch Butteri was from the Ephesians. As Patmos was a Latmos entity, it explains why Kilpatricks linked to Latins. It's also telling that the Androklos Athenians / Ephesians were at Saluzzo, and that the Klos entity had a soft-C version(s).

Slos. What could that mean? Why would the Salassi / Salyes / Seleucids trace to Hephaestus at Ephesus? What sort of Slos' were over there? I would dearly like to know where Salyes trace in the Greek theater, I have only theories to this point, to the Sol > Helios line that was also the Ialysos line to Gills / Glass' / etc. But if Helios was re-named Sol, it doesn't tend to trace "Salyes" to any Sol(os)-like peoples, yet we have AndroKLOS as evidence that there should have been. We must find what the Klos entity was. The Khaldi > Celt line is the first suspect.

Plato made Cleito the wife of Poseidon in birthing the far-west Atlanteans, and another myth writer made Atalantis the wife of the king of CALYDon. I trace Poseidon/s Pisidians to the Tantalus > Pelops line out of Antalya/Attaleia, the Atlantean capital, and then mythical CLYTemnestra (daughter of the Leda swan) was made the wife of Agamemnon, the grandson of Pelops. If the Khaldi were in these terms, it can be made sensible where the Khaldi lived in the same Black-sea areas as the Hatti, whom as mythical Atti(s) supposedly named Attica, the Athens theater where the Kodros > AndroKLOS line came forth. And then while the latter was the Athenian branch to Ephesus, there was a myth where Hephaestus mated with Athena, which tends to disclose that Khaldi were the Hephaestus cult, exactly what can be gleaned by other methods. Hephaestus was the ruler of the Galli, probably the same as the Khaldi, explaining why, to this day, Celts and Gauls are interchangeable.

Athena had been realized (by me) as the Aedon / Aeson cult out of Kos and into Lemnos' Myrina location. Aeson (looks to mean "metal man") was the father of the Argo-ship Jason entity, and on that ship were the king and queen of Calydon, Meleager and Atalantis. They both shot the Calydonian boar with an arrow, and Pollocks at GLASgow use a boar shot through with an arrow. It now tells me that certain CALYDonians, morphing into Glas-like terms, named Glasgow. It tells me that Pictish Caledonians named Glasgow.

If you look into it deep enough, you'll find that Endymion at Latmus traced back to Calydon / Aetolia elements, meaning that Patmos was founded by Calydonian - Atlantean elements, making sense where we find the Khaldi > Calydon line also on-shore of Patmos, at the Klos entity of Ephesus. I even recall tracing Kilpatrick-branch Patmians (I'm already convinced that Patricians were Patmians, from Patmos) to the Houstons (hour GLASS in Crest), first found in Renfrew (location of Glasgow), meaning that the trace of CLOSEburn to AndroKLOS bears out in that way too.

If the evidence can be found sufficient to reveal that Glass' were Saluzzos / Salassi, then the Salyes Ligurians can be traced to this Androklos line of Khaldi. One point for this purpose is that I've linked Butteri to Salyes on several circumstantial and intuitive grounds. The Ligurians are traced (by me) to Lycians, and Lycia was the Pisidian theater to which the Khaldi > Calydons just traced. Moreover, Pisidians were a branch of SOLYmi, and that certainly brings "Salyes" to mind. I think the Solymi trace to "HieroSOLYMA" (Jerusalem), where proto-Hera was located that was made the mother -- sometimes without Zeus so as to emphasize her line in particular -- of Hephaestus. As Hera rejected Hephaestus due to his ugliness, the Amorites of Jerusalem, who trace to Myrina on Lemnos, and to Amazons (known founders of at Ephesus), must have been an ugly people (breathing in metal fumes from a young age could ruin one's appearance), probably the ugly-depicted Gorgons...or Gargarians that had merged with Amazons in the Trabzon theater.

I suppose what we're finding, if all correct, is that Seleucids trace from Jerusalem's Amorites to the Solymi, and for that reason Seleucid lines should trace to Garebites. In fact, I've long traced "Hera" to "Gareb," and Garebites were traced to "JEREVan" (Armenia) even before I realized that the SODUCena (lower center of old map) location near Jerevan named Zedek, another name of ancient Jerusalem. Gogarene is very close to Soducena, and that can now explain why the end-time Gogi anti-Christ will also be a Seleucid. This trace of Seleucids to the Jerevan theater is new to me, so far as I can recall, and so it will be interesting to find proto-Seleucids / Salyes by another name in Armenia.

LOOK AT THIS! It started with the suggested trace of Seleucids to Sacapena because I trace "Seleucus" to "Telchis" in Sicyon. This was not the only reason for consideration of a Sacapena trace to "Sicyon." Telchis at Sicyon is known to have been an Argos line, and Sacapena, which happens to be on the map beside Soducena, is off the ARAXes/Arak (also "Aras") river, smacking of "Argos." So I googled "Sacapena" along with "Armenia" and rejected Mozambique (where there is another Sacapena location) from the search (by writing -Mozambique with the minus sign). In that search, there was found this statement: "SACAPENA, a region of Armenia Major. Ptol. -- Salmas. ad Solin. p 621." That's all it says, suggesting that there were Salmas and Solin locations at Sacapena, or at least closely related to Sacapena.

Isn't that FANTASTIC??? It tends to wildly prove: 1) the Zedek trace to Soducena; 2) the trace of "Salem," another old name for Jerusalem, to Salmas; 3) the trace of "Jeru" to "Jerevan."

I had traced Zeus to Sittacene in Iran, and Hera to Soducena in Armenia, explaining why they were made husband and wife. I identified Zeus/Dion with Zion, a hill at Amorite Jerusalem, and with mythical Dia at Armenia (the Dia alternative, Nephele, was made a copy of Hera in one myth). I identified Dia as the Deylamite Iranians, and I traced Deylamites to Dilmun, the birthplace of Ishtar. That is, I traced Zeus to the birthplace of Ishtar. I NOW FIND: "Salmas; also Romanized as...Salamas; formerly, Dilmagen, Dilman, Shahpoor... is a city in and the capital of Salmas County, West Azerbaijan Province, Iran." It turns out that Salmas was at lake Urmia.

Salmans/Salemans use the Sales bend, and Salmons use salmon in Salman/Saleman colors. The Salmon Crest is the Fulkes/Folk (and Shakespeare) spear, and they are regarded here as from Caesar Nero. While Fulcos (first found in the same place as Neros) use Cohen checks, Italian Salmons use the Hohen checkered Shield, and were first found in Sicily, the location to which I trace Sicyon (there were a major Sicilian tribe of Sicanians). I kid you not, that last night I purchased 17 kilograms of salmon, and a new freezer to keep it in (not sure yet if it was a good idea, but perhaps it was a big score, as this morning implies). I had no idea then that this morning's topic would lead to Salmons of the Seleucid line. You just witnessed how it happened, with no fore-planning of my own.

While you have the map open, see the Glaucus river at Colchis, at Tyndaris, the line to Leda and Tyndareus her swan-related husband. In this picture, "Leda" traces to the Luzi/Lazi (= Revelation dragon) near the Glaucus.

So, the Biblical anti-Christ traces to this lake Sevan area, named at one time after the same Gogi of Gogarene on its shores. If you look closely (I've never seen it until now, though I've used the map a couple of dozen times), there is what seems to be "M Moschicus" north of the Sacapena term, or more accurately on top of the "MINOR" term. I think it refers to the little lake to the right of "Moschicus." I'm guessing that the river flowing into the lake is the Moschicus river. These were the Meshech/Mushki, founders of Moscow, safe to say now. The Gomerians appear to have been at COMifena to the north side of Gogarene. The Rus/Rosh were, I think, of the Araxes = Aras river, and so see how close the Euphrates is to the Aras, for Aphrodite (who surely is a version of "Euphrates") was a lover in Greece of Aras-like Ares.

It suggests that Hera and HEPHaestus both trace to the land shared by the EUPHrates and the Aras, very close to Sacapena indeed. Looking down from the mountains at Sacapena, one might be able to see Trabzon. I'm not sure (without taking too much time this morning) which of the unmarked rivers near Trabzon was the Pyxites.

I traced Douglas' to Gediminas, a Lithuanian ruler. Lithuania should trace to the Lazi too because Lithuania had a Lada goddess, and so see the Gyta/Gjta location on the Glaucus river, for I'm tracing the Glaucus to the Glass / Douglas bloodline. In earlier years, here's what was said in the 7th update of May, 2008:

Lida (in Belarus, near Vilnius) is "Lyda" in Lithuanian, and might be the origin of Lithuanians, even the Lada goddess of Lithuanians:
"The name Lida is derived from the name of the river Lidzeya, whose origin is associated with the Lithuanian appellative Lyda - Lydimas..."

...In 1323, the Grand Duke of Lithuania Gediminas built a brick fortress there."

It looks like the Glaucus trace to "VILnius" and other Vil / Gil terms, and it's again making a Biblical dragon out of the Julian/Gillian line. The Geddes clan even uses pike fish, now suspect as the tattoo bloodline to Picts.

There's a SIGANeum location and river just north of Gyta/Gjta that looks like "Sicyon." To the south of the Gyta/Gjta is a RHODOpolis region that should trace to Rhodes, where Telchines lived. Up on the lake-Maeotis shores (Tanais is at the tip of this lake) are the Sindu, likely the Sintians of Lemnos. I've only just realized that "Sindu" smacks of "Lindos" on Rhodes, a reasonable idea because I trace the Danaans of Lindos to Tanais. The Rhodian city of Kamiros can then trace to Cimmerians (not shown) on neighboring Tauricus (shown). The father of Kamiros and Lindos was made KERKAphos (I found him in Caria), and then beside the Sindu is, CERCEtus.

As Dol's Alans merged with Khazarian Cohens, see on the map that Alans are stamped in what would later become Khazaria (north-west end of Caspian sea).

Telchis is a hard character to nail down, but I think I have solved it now. His close kin was Thelxion, which looks like a Tel-Ixion combination so that my identification of Ixion's wife with DEYLamites pegs that letter in the Tel terms. That is, Telchis and Thelxion were Dia and Ixion. Ixion was given a wheel as symbol, the symbol also of Helios, the chariot god who pulled the sun (= chariot wheel) across the sky. In other words, Telchines were the Ares / Hera cult into the Rus elements on Rhodes, and Aphrodite was just another version of Dia and Nephele from the Deylamites where the Aras flows near to the source of the Euphrates. It was the particular line of Deylamites that I trace to Muskerry who lived up by the area where the Aras and Euphrates flow near, the place stamped as CARAnitus, and as it's so close to the Moschi area, MUS-KERRY does seem to apply. Caranitus is a considerable distance (about 100 miles) from Mus at Lake Van, but I'll assume the same mix of the two peoples had been at Van too. "JereVAN" (on the Araxes between Gogarene and Soducena) might just be proof that Van elements were there.

Lake Moschicus (not the name today) today is across the Turkish border from Armenia, and just a few miles east of ARDahan and ARTvin, which can explain the MacARTHy variation of MacCARthys at MusKerry. If this is tracing Caranitus (modern Kars) to the Carians, note that lake Sevan is marked, Lychnis, perhaps the Lycians beside Carians. This is of course greater reason to trace Ligurians swans to "Sevan/Lychnis."

The father of Telchis was Europs, what should be a version of the Revelation harlot, Europa, daughter of Phoenix whom I trace (as the phoenix) to Lake Van's Neuri (= proto-Nero). It's suggesting that Telchines were in the Tyre / Haifa area before getting to Sicyon and Rhodes. It's all suggesting that Telchines were the Ixion / Hera cult from Amorite Jerusalem / Zion. The Hyksos, that is, of Jerusalem, perhaps even the Jebusites that were Hebe, daughter of Hera (the conquering of Jebusites of Zion by king David the Branch or Forerunner of Christ seems like a preliminary copy of Christ's return to take Zion again...from end-time Jebusites?). What does it mean to Armageddon prophecy to have Seleucids coming out from Amorite Jerusalem and into the Amorite settlements of the Megiddo / Haifa area, especially when they were the Hyksos line to Megiddo? There is an 11th Plague yet to come on poor stiff-necked Apachnas, a deluge in fire this time. Hmm, I wrote that without thought that I once traced "Telch(ine)" to "deluge," as is the ocean, because Rhodians were sea-faring peoples. I had identified post-Egypt's Hyksos as the Sea Peoples alliance.

I trace Acrisius of Argos to "Acre" at Haifa, and as Abas was made the family member of Acrisius, might "Jebus(ite)" have become "Abas"? "Jabesh" of Gilead smacks of "Abas too.

The trace of the Gelonii / Julians to the Fond de Villes is excellent for linking the Julian line to Seleucids, just as I expect from prophetic clues. The Fonds / Fountains were traced to the fountain-using location of Piscinas, smack beside Sulcis / Sant'Antioco in Sardinia, the island named after the Shardana Sea Peoples (see 4th update of May and first of June for Piscinas details).

The Ville term opens up a vast pool of surnames that could apply to the Caesar bloodline. Maxwells are said to be named in-part after a well or pool, but what really is the "well" in that name? The Wells (Rhodian-infested Lincolnshire) just happen to use a black-on-gold lion, the colors of the Italian Conte lion, and to prove that Contes had merged with Fond de Villes to produce the Contevilles, the Italian Conte lion is in the design of the lion used by Fond de Villes...that holds that conspicuous purple banner.

Purple is a color for homosexuality, and the gonfanon banner was just traced recently to homosexuals. Romans were homosexuals, especially the royals, and I do trace Julians to the Galli homosexuals.

Again, English Contes use antlers, a symbol of the Veringens who used RED antlers, the color of the antler in the Arms of Spree-Neisse (English Spars/Sparhams of Sparham in Norfolk use a RED stag). In other words, there's that Spree-Sparrow line to the Contes that merged with the Julians of the Ville kind And while the Spree river is in Lusatia, the Seleucid-suspect Silesia theater: 1) German Sparrs have a Sperlich branch in Silesia using the Botter/Bodin eagle while Scottish Sparrs use the MacDonald / Ferte eagle, the color of the eagle used by Veringen-related and CAESAR-suspect ZAHRingens; 2) Villes were linked with Seleucid-suspect Fonds. Wasn't this the anti-Christ bloodline? And where did it go? For one, the Contevilles brought it, as per Herluin de Conteville, to the mother (Herleva) of the RUS Conqueror, but also to the Meshech-line Meschins, all suspects with Gog of Magog, and founders of Moscow.

The Shardana-like Sheridans use a stag too. The Sherrats/Shirts use a Coat like the German Rodes/Rhods/Rhodes, while English Rodes/Rhods (Herfordshire, same as Sellicks) use trefoils, symbol of Sheridans. One could glean a Rhodes link to Sardinia, exactly what one would expect with a "Seleucus" trace to Telchines.

Okay, so the theory now is that the Geloni line to Julians passed into the Villes and Wells, and MaxWELLs, and became the RadziVILLES / RadziWILLS of the Vilnius Astikas who merged with Trabys. It's a very toxic bloodline, isn't it? It had been ascertained that the Gelonii were merged with their distant kin, Roxolani Sarmatians in the Ukraine, which should explain why the Will motto is, "Sursum," a Saracen- and SARMatian-like term. The Will Shield has that border peculiar to such surnames as Douglas-related Sellicks. The Scotts -- first found in Roxburghshire where Gelonii are expected -- use the Sellick Shield too, as well as what looks like the same griffin design exactly as in the Will Crest. These Scotts even use a Catherine Wheel, a symbol we could trace to Helios (and Ixion).

ZOWIE! Might Wheels/Weels be Wells, therefore, of the Ville kind??? Wasn't the CATHERine Wheel already traced to "Caesar," only to find now that Wheels can be a part of the Julian-line Wells / Villes???

It should be added that "SELLick" may be a Gill / Gell variation that reverted back to a Seleucid look. For example, "Sellick" may be a variation of "Gillick." I kid you not, that when starting this paragraph I had not yet seen the Irish Gillick page First found in GALway), which shows a Gillick variation amongst Burgh/Burke variations! It tends to verify that Villes were Gills because Contevilles were from Burgos. English Gillicks/Gullicks (savage with loincloth) were first found in BERKshire, suggesting that Berkshire was named after the Julian/Gillian bloodline as they were merged with Burgos...of the Burgundy / Languedoc theater. As the latter clan also uses "Goodlock," certain lines using "Good" are Julian-suspect. HOW SUPER IS IT that Gillicks/Gullicks show a "deSUPER" motto term while Julius Caesar was born in Suburu???

[Insert -- The last update made super inroads to the Polabian parts of the dragon bloodline in the Mechlenburg / Rugen theater. This aspect of the dragon went back to the Varni of the first century, and as the Varni are suspect with Ferraris, it suggests that the Pharisee line may have been a part of the Varni at that time. Yes, it's hard to follow this logic (could make me look a lot nutty), but then ask why the Gillick/Gullick Coat shows the Freie/Frey lion (the latter's lion design and that of the Massins/Masons was, until recently, the same as in the Gillicks/Gullick Coat)? The Freie/Freys are the ones whom I see at the makings of "FREEmason" because the lion is in half the colors of the Massin/Mason lion. The points are: 1) other Frey surnames show "Phreeze"; 2) I see Varni as proto-Varangians while Varangians were named as per Wieringen smack beside Frisia, where Frey was god; 3) I see the Varni/Varangi as the proto-Frank term, and they were much from the Parisii, we can assume, who smack of the Phreeze/Phrese variations of the Freys. I trace the whole lot to "Phrygia," home of the Galli priesthood that has already been identified as proto-Pharisees-et-al. But the Galli are also the line to the Julian/Gillian bloodline, you see. It was therefore suspect (in the last update) that the line of Julius Caesar went to the Varni.

Not only was the Varni-like Verona surname first found in Paris, but also the Caiaphas-like Chappes surname. It just so happens that the Chapman crescent shows the colors of the German Fries/Free crescents. It's telling me that the latter were Parisii lines of the Chappes kind. It is very possible that the Veronas were the Fer = iron bloodlines from the Galli / Kabeiri. I'm not sure who came first, the Ferrari clan or the Varni. (Ferraris were first found at Modena and Venice, not far from Verona, and dragonline Veres claim to be from the Mittani while Maccabees were from Modiin of Israel.)

Armed with the Polabian discoveries of the last update, I can make better sense of the surnames under discussion. Or major importance in the discoveries was the trace of Scheres/Scherfs and Walkers (i.e. Bush-related proto-Nazis) to the SchWERIN location at the Mechlenburg theater. I am now finding two surnames using a split Shield in the colors of the split Schwerin Shield. One is the Shield of the Varni- / Verona-suspect Fern surname, and the other is the Shield of the English Burgon/Bergin/Burgoigne surname suspect from Burgundians. This is important because Burgundians came out of Bornholm, off the coast of Mechlenburg / Rugen / Pomerania.

Bornholm is off the Sweden coast, and I recall that a Swedish surname using a horizontally-split Shield in the colors of the Schwerin Shield (but cannot recall the surname). Swedish Bergins use only a cartwheel, a symbol to be expected from Wagrians who lived on the Warnow river of the Varni/Warni. We could get the impression that the Villes of Languedoc (and presumable in Burgundy as per the Burgo line of Contevilles) were in the Bornholm theater as the Swedish Bergins (no variations are shown), especially as Burgs are typically in red and gold, the colors of the split Shields of Burgons/Bergins, Ferns, and Schwerins.

It's possible that the Born/Bourne surname, using a white horse (with wings) is a Bornholm line because the white horse is used by English Phreeze's/Frees'/Freys' (first found in the same place as Veres) and English Frys/Frees. The "Haec" motto term of the Borns/Bournes, coupled with its pegasus, suggests the Apachnas line to Bornholms Burgundians.

At this point, no guff, I found a "points" motto term and a Coat using the porcuPINE...with needles. I get it: the tattoo bloodline. You need to read late in the last update in and around the Punch/Poyntz surname to get the gist of the 666 / tattoo bloodline. There is a piece on the Pinch/Pinke surname added this morning that was not included in the uploaded version of the update yesterday, in case you missed it. There wasn't much said, but it was important as per the pink-punch topic that was suspect with the rulers making blood-brother pacts when drinking their own blood from a grail / bowl. I arrived at the porcupine when realizing that "Born(holm)" could be a Verona variation (Veronas are also "Vair"), wherefore "Beron" was entered to find the porcupine and "points" motto term. Berons and Borns were first found in the same place (Lancashire) so that is Borns were from Bornholm, likely too the Berons.

As the Beron surname is shown properly as "Bryom/Byram," and as it uses the colors of the Sales, Briancon/BRIGantium on the Durance river is insinuated. This is good because that city was likely named by the same Phrygians=Brigians who named the Celt goddess, Brigit, and it just so happens that the tattoo bloodline has been identified with Celts, pact-like Picts, Pactolus in Lydia (last update has details on Pactolus), and Apachnas.

The following is part of what was inserted an hour ago into the last update, and so let it be repeated that the Verona Coat probably uses a version of the Payen Shield: "Compare the Punch arm to the Pinch/PINKe arm (Payen / Pinder/Pinner / Chappes' colors, first found where the Chappes' are expected), and think pins and needles." It was said that the so-called "fist" in the Punch arm was code for taking blood by a needle / pin (i.e. as when the nurse asks us to make a fist when drawing blood). An hour after inserting that sentence to the last update, I find a "points" motto term and porcupine needles. I feel this cannot be coincidental as the Punch/Poynts surname was found only yesterday morning. It was noted that the Payen stars are PIERCED, which suggests the needle puncture.

The Pontes/Ponds were first found in the same place as Drakes, and I trace Drakenbergs to Draguignan in the Var area near the Durance. Perhaps some more good news is that the Pontes/Pond fesse is in the colors of the Rome/Roam and August fesse. AHA! French Ponts/Pountz' (Roman eagle in Crest?) were first found in Burgundy! They show a "Pons" variation, as do the Punch's/Poynts. AND ZOWIE, the Spanish Ponts/Pontos'/Puentes use a BRIDGE (!), super confirmation that this line traces to Brigantium. It's suggesting the Pontus area of Phrygians, where also the proto-Celt Khaldi lived at some points.

Here's what else was inserted an hour ago into the last update: "Pinch's/Pinkes use mascles, and then the Maschi/Maskally Coat uses pine cones, likely symbol for the Pines/Pinns (who look like Wayne-branch Wagrians / Arthurs)." I now find the porcuPINE of Born-related Berons/Bryams tracing to Bornholm off the coast from the Wagrians. The Bridges use a chevron in Beron-chevron colors, verifying all the more that the Bornholm Burgundian line was a line from Briancon. It tends to reveal that Burgs were, not from mountains or icebergs, but as a variation of Brigit-like terms they were from Phrygians.

As the Beron chevron (in the colors of the Born castle) is tracing to Briancon, in other words, see the string of mascles in the Brick Coat (the Pinch's/Pinkes use a string of mascles too), for the Maschis/Maskallys who use the pine cone and trace to mascles must have been the Mascis of the Briancon theater. The Bricks even use the Massey fleur.

Burgons/Bergins/Burgoigne's, who use the Schwerin Shield in colors reversed, were first found in Devon, beside the Somerset Bridges (Bonds/Bundys, whose use a chevron in the color of the Bridge chevron, were first found in Somerset too). It's tracing the Schwerin-branch Warni to the Cornwall peninsula, home of Arthurian ancestry of the Carolingian kind. The Arthur Coat is a version of the Wagrian-suspect Wayne Coat, and Wagrians were on the Warnow river. That's not small piece of junk.

Warners (Leicestershire, home of Ligures) use a "nati" motto term, as do two Frank surnames that I've linked to Pollocks who are traced by others to Clovis (son of Childeric). This is an excellent place to end this insert, and not just because it helps to trace "Frank" back to the "Varni." But first, the Warner write-up: "First found in Lower Saxony...Branches of this estimable family held estates near Hanover, at TREBitsch in Silesia, and at Tolitz in Pomerania." It's evoking the Dole-related Tollensers of the last update, first found in Pomerania. German Tollens/Tools, suspect with the Thule Society of the Tollen entity, use the Pollock boar, and FULbert the Saxon, progenitor of Pollocks, was from Dol, Brittany, or at least was one with the Dol Alans. Herein is a Vere-Stewart link from Polabia, perhaps from times before Alans were in Dol, in which case Dol appears founded by Tollensers.]

Here's the write-up of the Scotts with Catherine Wheel and with the Sellick Shield: "First found in Kent [where Caesars/Sesares were first found], where a family of Scott have been found in Brabourne [founded by Brabants, use roses in both red and white] since the 14th century. Traditionally, they claim descent from Alexander, a younger brother of John de Baliol, king of Scotland, who had settled at Chilham Castle, county Kent." Checking the CHILham surname, suspect as a Julian/Gillian line, we find curved white-on-blue fish, the colors of the Pesce fish that should trace to the Piscinas location at Sulcis. Brabants were first found in Kent, where Caesars were first found who use roses as do Brabants. This paragraph is again suggesting that the line of Julius Caesar was Seleucid somehow.

[Insert -- The Bridges who just traced to Seleucid-suspect Salyes at Brigantium are said to be named, at times, after Bruges, Belgium, where Brabant is located. Nearby Louvain used the same lion as the Freie/Frey-branch Phrygians, who by the way trace to "Frigg," Odin's wife, suggesting that Odin was an element of Pharisee lines to Varangians. Odin (an Aesir) was from mythical AsGARD, and Bridges use a "GARDeray" motto term. It's important because it's identifying Frigg with the Bridge line out of Brigantium. "Asgard" looks like an aes-gard code, where "aes" means metal/iron, and I did identify the Brians of Briancon, who use a silver and gold lion, with the HephAEStus metal cults out of Phrygia (Hephaestus' Galli priests were those of Kybele, goddess of Phrygia). End Insert]

Moreover, as I trace Brabants to Bars, it recalls that I traced the curved white-on-blue fish of Bar-le-Duc to the Saraca fish, and that I saw the beginnings of the fleur-de-lys design from the Saraca fish out of Laus, the alternative name of Ragusa (where Saracas lived). I had even traced the Saraca fish to the Verona-surname fish, and Verona is where Italian Fullers first appear (= Pollock ancestry). (Rocke)Fullers (who I say provided Fulbert the Saxon) were just traced to Ragusa-like Rijeka/Reka, where the Manders have just been traced who use "Laus Deo" in their motto, and the Julian salaMANDER ought to be part-code for the Manders. [The Meander river had a source in Phrygia.] Bars (of Este) were traced to the Lys valley in Aosta, where the SALAssi lived that may be the other part of the SALAmander code. The Salyes must trace to Sulcis, and the Manners use a peacock like the Sardinia-suspect Sherrats/Shirts (Cheshire, as with Sales). Peacocks are now suspect with the Peaks and therefore the Pict-tattoo bloodline of the False Prophet. Reminder: Sardis was the location of the Pactolus river, suspect with proto-Picts who made blood-brother pacts with their blood in grails / bowls. Lydians fathers were the ones who offered their own daughters to be temple prostitutes for the very unholy priests.

Checking the Gilhams in a deliberate effort to prove that Chillhams were of the Gillian bloodline, there it was found that both surnames use gold-on-blue chevrons. Moreover, the Gilham/Gilliam Crest is the griffin design used by Scotts of Chillham castle. As the Childs come up as "Chill," this has the potential to trace to Childeric, father of Clovis, to the Julian line. It was the Clovis line that reportedly founded the fleur-de-lys amongst the Franks. Bars lived in the Austrasia part of the Merovingian empire. It thus looks very good for curved-fish CHILhams to trace to Childeric.

As the ConteVILLEs married the mother of the William the Conqueror, note that Gilhams are also shown as "Gwilliam." It may suggest that William was himself a Conteville bloodliner (this is what may explain why Clares and Burgs use the same triple chevron), in which case he comes off as a Julio-Seleucid. The Sinclair motto includes "commit" as evidence of a trace to the Contes/Comites. The Countrys (Kent) and Cantii-suspect Countys/Cantys both use gold chevrons with gold symbols (Payens are coming to mind again), and then the Countrys show Cottian-suspect variations: Coutry, Coutrie, Cutrie, Cutry, Cootry. The Country Coat has a Gilham look to it, suggesting that Gilhams were Villes in some way.

The County/Canty Coat compares well with the Coat of the Languedoc Contes. It appears we have just found the Sinclair-related House of Candy/Candia of Savoy, and Savoy is smack at the Cottian Alps. Therefore, I am now convinced that Contes and Contevilles were Cottians, and that these particular Cottians merged with Julian Villes.

English (using the same griffin as Gilhams but in the colors of Gales) and Gales were first found in the same place (Cornwall); the Gale motto uses "RACCOglia, the "glia" portion perhaps Gil-meaningful.

Gales are the ones using what should be the Sforza / Ferrari lion linking to Fergus' of GALLOway. As Sforzas are the Sparrow-suspect line to Caesars/Sesares, it needs to be added that Gales show a "Qui" motto term already traced to the Kaisariya / Quwe/Kue entity of Caesars. The small Gale saltires should link to the same of the Candys, that being the bloodline that founded Kent where Caesars/Sesares were first found. It's telling me that Gales and related Wills were Fond de Ville elements, the Julian-Seleucid line partly out of Sardinia's fountain bloodline.

[Insert -- The Fonts, Fountains, and similar others had been linked to the Bundys, Pontes, and Bonds. It was earlier in this update that an Insert appeared dealing new insights into the Pontes, discovering them as what I'll call the "needle bloodline," though highly suspect as the grail cult. As Galli were in the Pontus of the Black sea, and as they used coiled snakes as symbol, what about the two snakes coiled around one another in the needle-like Nettle Coat? There's a Needles/Needlemaker surname using a sun = Helios, the helix-related god that I trace to Galli. The Neelder, Nelder, Neldere, Nadler, NAYLdor, and Neilder variations suggest the Nagles/Nails/Neils, what were identified as the Caesar-Nero line.

It was very recent when the Nagles were traced to NAYLers, first found in Gloucestershire, where I trace the Galli-related Glaucus entity. Let it be reminded that Glaucus was blue-green, the color of tattoo ink, and note how a nail and a needle are similar. I don't know how to explain this coincidence, but has me asking whether Nero was named after a Nahorite bloodline carrying a nail / needle symbol. The Geloni who came to live with Nahorites would then be suspect as the carriers of such a symbol. If there's no truth to a nail symbol in ancient times, then it's apparent now that Nero lines of Nahorites morphed into the Nail variation-surname in modern times so as to reflect their Needle lines. In short, it appears that Nagles and Neils had been Nettles and Galli.

The Nagle-surname character that I'm interested in, the one that works for (and perhaps owns) Rollock Inc., happens to run a metal-scrap business, and the Galli were the Kabeiri metal makers. End Insert]

Scottish Wills use the English Will griffin, almost (but the link between the two is thereby made), and then the Coat shows suns (symbol of Heidlers) [and Needles'], and an enfield griffin, symbol of Hiedler/Hitler Crest. This tends to verify that Nazis were, at least on the Hitler side of things, from the Gileki-Aryans to the Glass / Will / Gil/Gel bloodline. The trick will be to find why Hitlers linked to Wills, though I already know that Hitlers trace to Julius Caesar. Plus, I know that Caesars and Hitlers link to Herods, and Wills were first found in Berwickshire, where Herod-suspect Arthurs were first found who use the colors of the Berwickshire Wills. Besides, I've already identified the Arthurian cult (years before it is needed now) as Merovingians in Britain. As Irish Arthurs and related Waynes use a white-on-red chevron, isn't it the Chill/Child chevron from Gil-suspect Childeric???

You understand. Somewhere in the Varni of the first century AD there was a (grand)son or (grand)daughter of a Caesar, and Nero is suspect as that Caesar line, especially as Veres use a "nil" motto term as code for the Neil/Nihills (shows the Verona fish), a branch of Nagles/Nails/Neils.

Aha! My hunch proves correct. I just recalled a Nettlefield discussion of some months ago which included Netherfields. The Netherfield Crest uses a "pillar," symbol of German SCHOREs (Hamburg). I recall tracing the Netherfield Coat to the SHORE/Sure and SHERwood Coat (roses on stems), which is Schwerin-important because Nettlefields (water bougets) were first found in Surrey, where also the Sheers/Shires/Shares were first found who use the black crosslet of German Scheres/Scherfs (who likewise use roses on stems), traced to Schwerin in the last update. The Schore pillar, called a "column," is entwined with a "green vine," while the Austrian Schere Coat shows a green snake coiled around a rod.

Therefore, it appears that Nagle-suspect Nettles trace to Varni-suspect Schwerin while the Varni themselves are suspect as Nagle-related Veres. This is the needle and nail line, and they lived in dragon-infested areas of European scythians whom were fond of drinking their own blood, as well as drinking wine from the skulls of those they murdered in war. End Insert]

The Enfield surname uses the black martin of the Roxburghshire Rutherfords, and the Coat is filled with other martlets that should trace to the neo-Merovingian empire of Charles Martel, the very one that I identify with mythical Gorlois, the husband of king Arthur's mother, and with Carlisle, a city that I trace Arthurians to.

The enfield is used not only by Wills, but by the Kellys (Dougal/Dowel lion), a branch of Kelloggs/Kellocks, and they both use the blue colors too of the Will / Gale Crests. Therefore, add these Kel terms in with the Julian bloodline, and expect a trace to Childeric.

Why really does Kelloggs cereal use a rooster / galina, a symbol of the Kell-like Galli?

The Kelly enfield is in the green color of the Gilham/Gwilliam griffin, that being the Childeric-suspect line. I trace Bellamys to Belgium, and so as per the Louvain / Saddler (Levi / Sadducee suspect) discussion below, it should be added that the Gilham Shield is that of Bells / Bellamys. The Macey-related latter, and the Hitler-suspect Bellis, are highly-likely one bloodline.

JUST FOUND! Sellers, who may link to Kell terms, use the same-colored chevron as Chills/Childs! The swan in the Seller Crest indicates Salyes Ligures. I do trace Salian Franks to Salyes, and Childeric was the first Frank, almost.

The Seller write-up: "...Latin word sellarius, which means seat, or saddle." That has got to be mere code for the Saddlers, who use a "sapere" motto term smacking of elements from Suburu (example, Super/Soaper surname using same-colored saltire as Julians/Gillians). Saddlers also use "Servire," a motto term already traced by various methods to the Servitium location on the Sava river, very near Lamatis on a river where I see the proto-Salyes. (I trace Lamatis to the "lamh" motto term of Sullivan-branch Salyes.)

As Scotts of Chilham and Caesars were both first found in Kent, it's now a strong argument for the Clovis line in Kent, not forgetting that the Botter-suspect Close/Clovse surname should link to Closeburn, where the Caesar-related Kilpatricks were first found, across the small waters from Carlisle. It could explain why both the Closes/Clovses ("Fortes" motto term could be for Sforzas) and French Julians use gold-on-blue stars. Closeburn is in the same Dumfries location that the Romes/Roams/Rooms were first found. The "Pungit" motto term of the Romes/Roams may suggest the Pung/Pagan/Paganell surname, and therefore the Payen/Pagan bloodline once again.

This recalls my trace of Pendragons to Penners and Pines/Pynds, wherefore it seemed that Payens were a Pendragon line. That's being repeated because the Pung-like Pengs/Pengellys/PengLEYs get a surname first found in the same place (Cornwall) as Pendragons, and both Pengs and Pendragons use white fleur-de-LYS. In fact, Pengs (a surname new to me) use their lys in the colors of the Lys-surname fleur, expected where I identify the Arthurian grail cult with the Lys surname and Lys river in Artois.

Why PenGELLY? Gellys/Jellys use the same-colored chevron as Pendragons. Why are their two green snakes (suggesting the green snake of Lanuvium, beside Ardea) in the Gelly/Jelly Crest, and why are they "entwined" (evokes "helix = Helios)? Sullivans use a green coiled snake too, and so once again we see a Salyes link to a Gel term.

Gellys are said to be from a Giles / Gilli term of the Stout-surnamed vikings. As the Stout vikings used a raven flag/banner, note that Gellys/Jellys were first found in the same place (Ayrshire) as raven-using Mackies/Mackeys. Look no further for your Julian line in Ayrshire than the Kyles of Kyle. [Later, the Gell(ius)/Jell/Gill bend-and-stars are found in the Coat of Herod-suspect Herzogs/HARTzogs. Why the "og" ending as in "Kellogg." Wasn't there a Herod line to proto-Julians at Laus (southern Italy) and Suburu-suspect Sybaris? The Gells/Jells are said to be from "Juliana," the same term found in the Julian/Gillian write-up.]

You may have noted the axes held by the griffins in both Will Crests, which may link to Axton in Kent. We saw that the Scotts of Kent were of Brabourne, a term that's a variation of the Brabant surname. As Brabant is in Belgium, where Louvain/Leuven is located, the blue colors in the surnames above ought to link to the blue Louvain lion, for Louvains and Brabants too were first found in Kent. It's the Saddler lion too, and Saddlers were accessed from the Seller write-up; Sellers are the ones using "sapere" as possible code for a Julian line from Suburu. In fact, the Louvain lion looks to be used by German Gels/Gelans.

Usually, the fork-tailed lion, used by Gels (see also the Saddler Crest), has the face looking frontward, but in the case of Gels, the face is toward the viewer. And it looks like the same lion face as used by the Kent surname. I've not known this before, that the Kent lion on it's feet may be the upright fork-tailed lion. Corks/Corrs/Cochs use the upper part of the fork-tail, and Desmond-related Sullivans lived in the Cork theater. The Forker/Farquhar surname could apply to the fork-tailed lion.

The Kent lion design has just been changed too. Why, over nearly a decade, had designs hardly changed at all, yet in the last two months, I personally have witnessed some 20 changes (how many don't I yet know about)? The Kent lion design used to show as the one currently showing in Stormy Coat, but the Kent lion now is the Levi lion design. In fact, both lion designs have a mane tilted to the left.

Two updates ago, Cutters had linked very well to the Kaiser bloodline of Julius Caesar, and here I now find, right in the middle of a Julian trace to Kent, that the Kent surname uses the same Shield-and-Chief combination as Cutters. The combination is used in colors reversed by the Saluzzo Coat, evoking the Salassi peoples (a branch of Salyes in Aosta) near the Saluzzo location of Asti. Aosta is the Savoy / Cottian theater where I trace "Cutter," but as Contes now likewise trace to Cottians (of the Candy kind), consider that Contes also trace to the Cantii of Kent (does this mean that Cottians morphed into/from the Cantii?). The point is, I have only just finished tracing the Julian/Gillian SALAmander to the Salyes / Salassi peoples, and here the Saluzzo- and Kent-related Cutters are found linking to the Kent surname while Caesars/Sesares were first found in Kent. There's more I could say here at the risk of being too-too redundant (you've probably been thinking that Redundant is my middle name. Actually, it's Long-Winded).

Suffice it to add that the Cutter-suspect Cotes/Cotards (usually shows as Cotts/Cottins) were first found in the same place (Languedoc) as Villes and Contes.

The Axtons/Actons use the Covert fesse, and Coverts use the same martlet design of Enfields. Hitler-related Enfields and Kents were first found in Conte-suspect Berkshire, where Windsors lived that traced to Coverts. It means that Coverts and Kents had linkage, and for me this is bringing the German Gels/Gelans to bear, who use the Kent lion face. The reason is that Nicholas de Vere wrote a book, "From Transylvania to Tunbridge WELLS," where he traced the leopard, a Covert symbol, to Transylvania. The Well-Coat lion happens to be in the colors of the English Gel/Jell Coat, and in the colors of the Tunbridge Coat, of a surname first found in Tunbridge of Kent! I'm fairly sure that the Transylvania end of Vere's book was to the proto-Cohen Khazars.

Coverts were traced to Hohenzollerns, and then Cathian Covert's father is supposed to have been from an unidentified KAISER WILhelm Koffert of Hohenzollern associations. And here I am tracing Coverts to the Caesars/Sesares, not surprisingly, yet it's in the middle of a Cutter trace to the Kent surname, suggesting again that Coverts had something to do with the Cutter-surnamed architect who designed the Nazi-suspect Clark House after the pattern of the summer house of KAISER Wilhelm II. Why are we finding WIL and Well terms in this discussion? Were the German kaisers Caesars/Sesares, and did they know it?

The Mitt Romney False-Prophet Theory, Just in Case

The Tunbridge write-up says that the Tunbridge location was ruled by the bishop of ROCHester, and then the Rochester surname uses a Shield filled with Hohen checks. I am reminded that Mormonism and the ancestry of the Nazi-associated presidential Bush clan was in Rochester, New York. As the Romney Coat is also the Pullen Coat, take a gander at the Pullen write-up: "First found in Yorkshire but one of the earliest record of the name was Robert Pullen (died 1146), an English theologian and official of the Roman Catholic Church. He is generally thought to have been born in Poole, Devonshire and first educated in England. He was Archdeacon of ROCHESTER [caps mine] in 1134, Shortly after this appointment, he went to Paris. There, he taught logic and theology tutoring John of Salisbury..."

The following explains how Mormons trace through Lemnos, off the Mysian coast (and beside Lydia), to the Masci-branch Mysians and Latin-branch Lydians. But the line will lead to Contevilles, suggesting that the Latters/Lattos are the Julian-related Latins otherwise known as the house of Candie. That is now a clue that Mormons are tracing to Hyksos of the Ixion-Centaur kind as they passed through Troy at Mysia. The Salisburys, suspect as Sales-of-Masci, even use crescents in the colors of the same of French (Savoy) Masseys.

For me, the Poole location at Devon that apparently named Pullens is the true meaning wherein Rockefeller-related Maxwells (ROXburghshire) are traced to "a pool." This is the Pollock>Maxwell bloodline in the Devon elements tracing to the naming of Diva, later called Chester...of the Maxwell-related Meschins that were part-Contevilles. It's not coincidental, therefore, that the Poole surname was first found in Cheshire. You're going to see below that the Poole lion (what I call the upright Levi lion), used also by Dougals, is the Revelation harlot.

Latters/Lattos use piles in colors reversed to the Scottish-Yonge piles, and in the white color of the lightning bolts of Guiscards/Wisharts that were renamed, "piles." Yonges link to all three surnames (it's safe to say in spite of sounding far-fetched at first glance) in the "Latter Day Saints" code of Mormons. The Saints/Sinclairs included Guiscards (known fact) who I trace to "VISconte," the latter surname suggesting a Guiscard merger with Contes = Candies at Savoy. We are thus straight back at the Cottians at Savoy, though I'm not yet sure whether Cottians and Contes were one entity, or two entities merged. I know this now, that Cottians trace to Kodros lines in Ephesus, and that the Cutter-related Saluzzos should trace to the Selene moon goddess at LATmos (near Ephesus) and leading to the Patricians out of Patmos. It's begging us to trace Patrician Latins to the Latmos > Patmos line, now suspect as a Lydian hub of the Revelation dragon-and-harlot. Therefore, if a Mormon with a Rome-like surname becomes the False Prophet, it could be expected. Let's wait to see if Mitt Romney gets elected.

As Kodros elements at Ephesus were said to be "AndroKLOS" which traced to CLOSEburn, home of Latin-related Kilpatricks, it's tracing the Latters/Lattos to Latmus in particular because Latters/LATTOs use white-on-black, half the colors of the enGRAILed English Latin/LATTOn saltire. It just so happens that while one Kilpatrick saltire is black-on-white (= the other color scheme of the Latin/Latton saltire, and of the enGRAILed Sinclair cross), the Kilpatrick saltire in the Coat using a "laidir" motto term shows as white-on-black. The connections here are undeniable at this point; I know my heraldry enough to make that statement. I just didn't know until now that Kilpatricks, who use the harlot on the back of a dragon, trace to the proto-Latin founders of Patmos, where the harlot-on-a-dragon symbol was conveyed to John (see "Latmos/Latmus" in the last update for details).

That Patmos link to the Kilpatrick harlot is a huge discovery in my eyes. Keep in mind that Pullens and Romneys use the Botter bend (in Close colors) so that Pullens and Romneys trace by some means to the Patmos Patricians. We saw the Scala location at Patmos, and while "petra" means "rock" (similar theme as in "patre" = "father"), so we find scallops in the Rochester Coat. In all my years of emphasizing Scylla, Ascalon and Asclepios, Scala at Patmos slipped away from me.

BIG NOTE: as the presidential Bush family had ancestry in Rochester, note that the senior Bush was a SKULL-and-Bonesman. It's tracing Rochesters to a petra entity that named Patmos. The recent trace of Rockefellers to the Roxolani / Gelonii at Rijeka is now finding fruit, for the Budini-suspect Boyds use the same-colored checks as Rochesters...meaning that the Rochester elements at Patmos passed through Rijeka and into Roxburghshire. The Kelsos location in Roxburghshire is now suspect with the Gelonii line. For those who haven't read it, the double-headed black eagle of Roxburgh's Maxwells traced to the two-headed black eagle, standing on a rock, in the Arms of Rijeka/Reka. Having said that, here's the Maxwell write-up: "The name Maxwell comes from when the family lived in or near Maxwell, a salmon pool [warning lights, look like code for Salmon bloodline] located on the Tweed river near Kelso Bridge."

Rochesters were first found in Kent, and are suspect there as a Pollock-Rockefeller line in Kent of the Poole kind leading to Romneys and Pullens. I didn't consciously know, when suggesting the petra=Rochester equation at Patmos, that Patricks, who use the Maxwell saltire, were first found in Kent, or that Paters use small saltires in the colors of the Patrick saltire. Paters were first found in BERKshire, a place suspect from the Burgo>Conteville line.

My guess is that the Pater chevron belongs to the Exeter surname, for Pullens / Pooles were of Devon (location of Exeter). The PaterNOSTER variation of the surname smacks to me of mythical Nestor at Pylos, often depicted in heraldry with a pelican-on-NEST. The Pullens use that pelican but without the nest, though Patrick-rooted Pattersons and Pollock-related Stewarts use the nest too. It's telling me that the dragon at Patmos removed to Pylos / Messene, and from there jumped ship to Messina, location of Scylla...meaning that Scala on Patmos named Scylla!

It means that Sicily was named after Scala on Patmos. It means that Chora on Patmos, which place traced in the last update to Coronis, crow mother of Asclepios, came along in the migration to Messina. As I trace the Sicanian-branch Sicilians to "Sicyon" just a couple of miles from CORinth, it's telling me that Chora (and Coronis) was a Corinthian establishment.

Now, aside from Santones and Latters/Lattos, there is the Day term of "Latter Day Saints" to deal with. As per the picture drawn for us above (it's not my picture, but one that heraldry paints), doesn't the Day/Die surname bring Dia, the other wife of Ixion, to mind? The Day/Die motto even uses "HIC labor" as though the clan knew of its roots in Ixion-Dia. The Day/Die lion is in the gold-on-red colors of the Latter/Latto crescents.

The Days/Dies were first found in Aberdeenshire, beside the Angus area where HECtors were first found who were mythicized into the Arthurian grail cult as the father of Kay. When we click to the Irish Day Coat, we find green-on-white snakes (original colors of the Visconti snake) and a sword pointed up, the theme of this Arms of Mackesy (I use "Arms of" when it's not a houseofnames product). You see, there is a Dee river in Aberdeen, and another Dee river in Cheshire, home of the Mackesy / Mackie line, and Kays/Keys appear to be related to the Mackies/MacKeys that were first found in the same place (Ayrshire) as Latters/Lattos. This is the Mysio-Latin dragon line, rooted in the Ixion Centaurs, and going still further back in time to the Exodus pharaoh's house of Mus...that I've independently traces to the Deas/Daes surname, first found in Angus!

The Deas/Daes were Desmonds who use the same-colored saltire as Languedoc's Julians, and to help show that this is not coincidental, French Julians use gold-on-blue stars in Chief (colors of the EU stars), colors of two stars in the English Day Coat. The mother of Javier Solana wrote a 666-page book on Francis Bacon, a co-Rosicrucian worker with an agenda of John Dee. There is evidence that the EU stars are those of Javier's Madariaga bloodline.

You see, if the Days/Dies were the Ixion cult, so too was the Deas > Desmond line that uses a bee-like motto term like the Kilpatrick motto. It definitely traces the Hyksos house of Mus to Muskerry, and then both the Deas/Daes and Kerrys use bees, as do the Meschin-related Bessins/Beastons of Cheshire. The "Labore" motto of the Mackies/Mackeys link easily, in this picture, to the "labor" term of the Days/Dies, meaning that Masci bloodliners were on Cheshire's Dee river as an end-time line of the Exodus pharaoh, the very line that named Moses, though Moses was not related by blood to the house of Mus nor to the Exodus pharaoh. I'm telling you that the wrath of God on the Exodus pharaoh was a runner-up to the wrath of God on the Masci bloodline at Armageddon.

The fact that God chose a Levite (i.e. Moses) to inflict the ancient wrath speaks to me of the Masci links to Laevi Ligures (Days/Dies use a lion in colors reversed to the Ley/Legh/Ligh lion). It speaks to me of the pagan Levite priesthood in Judges, from the Levite priest, Jonathan, as it links to the Welsh Jones and to the Welch John surname (axes) using a raven, symbol of the Mackies/Mackeys. It just so happens that the Mackey-related Dee river flows from the Cheshire capital into Wales. What does it tell us, therefore, where English Johns are also "Jones / Joan"? Isn't that mythical Juno to whom I've traced Yonges?

Yes, for if we ask why the piles in the Yonge Coat should be a symbol of the Juno line, I can now refer back to the Oeneus / Una river beside the Jupiter-suspect Japodes, and beside also the Maezaei peoples. The Oeneus river was proto-Juno, in other words, and a mythical Oeneus character was made the father of the city of Methoni, in Messene and therefore next to the city of Pylos. Ultimately, heraldic piles trace to "Pylos," where also I trace the Pilate bloodline. What I'm claiming is that the Jonathan-Levite priesthood was the wife of the chief Roman god, a testimony as to how that Levite priesthood became the Revelation harlot. Again, the Kilpatrick lion on the back of its green dragon is the Levi lion in Levi-lion black.

We can therefore trace the Ixion-Dia line to the Dee river in Cheshire, but in particular to the Masci / Massey bloodline out of the Piedmont / Savoy theater (i.e. the line linking to the Conteville Centaurs). In fact, I only-now noticed that the Mackie/Mackey Shield-and-Chief combination is that of the Saluzzos! Bingo-Bango, it's telling me what was already figured on, that Mascis were at Saluzzo as the proto-Sales-of-Masci.

We can't leave red-rose Yonges (= Juno-Roman line) out of the red-rose Caesar/Sesare picture, and it just so happens that I traced Caesars/Sesares of Kent to Patmos' Patricians before finding here that Patricks were first found in Kent (if this was mentioned before, I had forgotten). Entering "Berk" gets the Gelonii- and Julian-suspect Gillick/Burgh surname, and Paters were first found in Berkshire. Then, Gillicks/Burghs use "ung" three times in their motto as code, I'm sure, for the Juno > Yonge / Jung bloodline. You may have read me in the past when the NIBELungs, who were Burgundians, were traced to "Nephele," mother of the Centaurs!

Why the UNG ending on "NibelUNG??? It's telling me of a Yonge link to Burgundians, and therefore to Nephele-rooted Burgundians, suggesting that the Burgo > Conteville line was just that Centaur CanterBURY (Masonic bastion in Kent). The Canterbury Coat even uses the three ravens of the Juno-suspect Johns/Jones'/Joans! It may suggest that proto-BurGUNdians of Bornholm were named as a Bur-JUNO combination. I traced the Bur part of Burgundians to Eburovices Hebrews without regard to the "Heb" terms of Welsh Jones', who use the John/Jones'/Joan ravens and double axes.

It just so happens that "Burg" and "Bury" are related terms so that Canterburys can also be viewed as CanterBurgos. The Bury / Berry bloodline was found to be from the Perdix proto-Masons, traced (with good reasons) to Berry/AVARIcum (Santones / Pictones theater), a location suspect from the Avaris Hyksos. Perdix (he was also "TALOS") was made almost equal to DaeDALUS (Dia-suspect) on Crete, where we find the double-headed axe called a labrys. The Dia-suspect Days/Dies use "labor," you see, and Patricks of Kent use "labora." The Perts, shown also as "Pett," were first found in...Kent! It's suggesting that Perdix was the Patmos line to Patricians.

Perts use the scallop in the color of the Sodan/Sowden scallop, which I trace to the Patterson scallops (because the latter are said to be from "Sodhans." It was my theory that Israel's chief priests (= Sadducees) were called "rock / father," same idea as the Vatican popes, and then I see Sodams as a Sadducee line.

The two Bury Coats are interesting. The English branch (first found in the same place as Paters) uses what I see as the Masci bend, and the Irish Burys/Berrys use the cross design of Julians/Gillians. Surnames using this cross (used also by Meschin-suspect Gernons), much like the cross of Templar Jerusalem, is what I'll call the swastika bloodline. This is the time to repeat that the Latter/Latto piles are shown with crescents in the colors of the same of German Julians, and that the latter use bars in the colors of the Latter/Latto piles. You can see here the Latin Julians linking to the Pilate bloodline out of proto-Masci Messene.

The Suburu location of Julius' birth was traced (by me) to "Sybaris," and historians trace the founder of Sybaris to a group of Achaeans at Boura/Bura, beside the Corinthian theater. It just so happens that the Chora location on Patmos was just traced to Corinthians. As you can see in the article, Bura was beside Kalavryta, also called, Buraicus. I traced (years ago) "Kalavryta" (also "KalaBRYTA/KalaBRUTA") to "Calabria" / "Bruttium," beside Sybaris, but before then I had traced "Calabria" to the ExCALIBUR sword. Later, I found the EBURum location at mount ALBURNUS not far north of Sybaris, and learned that the Excalibur sword was also called, CALIBURNUS. The EXcalibur was also traced to Exeter, where the Paters are now tracing, and where English Burys were first found!!!

I had traced mythical Daphne to "Devon," and she swam the Ladon river (Greece), and besides her father was made the multi-headed Ladon dragon. The Ladon river is very near Boura/Bura!

I trace Ladon-river elements to Las (Mani peninsula) in Sybaris-like Sparta, and then Laus (beside Sybaris) was founded by peoples of Sybaris, suggesting that the Ladon dragon was there in the naming of Laus. In myth, Las at Mani was depicted as MeneLAUS, whom I trace back in time to the Maeander-river lunatics (likely code for the lunar goddess at Latmos), and forward in time to the Manders, proudly but wickedly using the "Laus Deo" motto phrase. The Julian Crest is a salaMANDER, verifying now that Julians were from the Ladon dragon, and that the Revelation dragon is indeed to be identified with Ladon.

The Washington Monument (a despicable symbol) has "Laus Deo" written out of public view near the top, and was built with 666 undertones (you should be able to find details online). It means that an influential 666-loving bloodline founded the capital of the United States, and retained its satanic nature in secret all these many decades, purely ashamed of it yet respecting it. What kind of rulers hold to a god that they're both ashamed of and in respect of? Rulers who are more interested in keeping power than honoring their satan. They merely seek to feed off of satan whatever powers they can draw from him, which of course makes satan the loser; there is nothing he can do to earn respect because he is by nature a lover of deception. When he can fool someone into jumping off a cliff, he's happiest.

As the founding of Sybaris was at the time that Rome had its initial founding, the implication seems to be that the Bura peoples at Sybaris named Subura at Rome, and this can trace the Julian/Gillian line of Gileki-swastika bloodliners to "KALabruta" (i.e. looks to be a Galli-Kabeiri entity). The location looks like a Kal combination with an ABRUTO-like entity, and I do trace Eburovices to Abruzzo, also called "Aprutium," much like the Bruttium alternative name of Calabria. It's proving true, therefore, that Julians were Galli Hebrews, and so let it be repeated that I think Nero was named after Nahorite Hebrews.

Kalavryta was also "Buraicus," smacking of the Ebroicum alternative of the Eburovices. It's telling us that Bura elements were the namers of Eboracum, an early name for York. It was thought that "Eboracum" was named after a boar, and regardless of whether that's true or not, the Bury Crest just happens to be a bore. Therefore, York was co-founded both by Parisii and Eburovices. The write-up of the boar-using Burys/Berrys: "First found in County Wicklow, where Simon de Bury was listed in 1234. The family came to Ireland with the Prestons, a family of Norman descent. The name de Bury was recorded in connection with Drogheda in County Louth in the 14th century." "Louth" may link to Laus elements, but the point is the Prestons, for I trace Pharisee priests to the Parisii, and trace Eburovices to the Aphrodite priesthood of the Galli, the chief priest being Dionysus, god of the Maeander-river Maenads.

The Presleys/Priestlys use the Abreu/Abruzzo lions and tower. Short and to the point. Prestons use unicorn heads, a Paris-surname symbol.

Therefore, Perdix went through Bari at Apulia and to the Abruzzo/Aprutium line. Interesting here is that the Scottish Days/Dies use a lion in Abreu/Abruzzo-lion colors and were first found in "ABERdeen." The "deen" part of that term is said to be named after the Dee river (in Aberdeen). As Days/Dies are surely from the DAEdalus line of mythical Dia, her Nephele alternative to the Nibelungs reveals that Burgundians (and their Bornholm ancestry) was from a line of Abreu-rooted Burys > Burgs. Even Herluin de Conteville led to the birth of Hugh D'AVRAnces, an Evreux-like term (Eburovices founded Evreux). But I trace "Avrances" to "Varangi," suggesting that the proto-Varangian Varni (near Bornholm) were a Abruzzo line of Eburovices. The Eburones smack of "Verona" and the Beron/Byram surname treated earlier that was found to link to Borns of Bornholm.

Entering "Buron" gets a blue boar (Vere-Crest symbol!) and nearly the Mander Shield. English Burons/Byrons use a "Byron" motto term, as well as Vere-related Melusine in Crest, the dragon woman of LUSignan that should have been part of the "Laus Deo" entities used by Manders.

It had been concluded earlier that Perdix was the Patmos line to Patricians. Can we trace Perdix to Patricians as well as to Abruzzos? If so, doesn't it root Patricians in Abruzzos? Compare "Patri" to "Aprut(ium)."

Now that Contevilles / Villes are discovered as Gillicks/Burghs, even the Yonge piles should trace to the house of CANDie at Savoy. The Candies are, as of now, suspect as the Ixion-CENTaur line to the CANTii of Kent. It's telling us that Contevilles, Viscontis, and Guiscards were Ixion-Centaur lines, the Hyksos. Stay with me here.

As I trace the Apachnas Hyksos to Payens/Pagans, it's not likely coincidental that Savoy is beside Dauphine, where Payens were first found. It means that the Conteville Centaurs were the Apachnas Hyksos in particular, the ones who trace to "Pictones" beside the Santones of Sainte. As Saints/Sinclairs were of the house of Candie, it's suspect (from several months ago) that "Candie" and "SANT" are the same entities. As we just saw the Days/Dies link to Eburovices, note that Evreux is not far from the Sinclair-suspect Santones, for the Sinclair Rus used two gold lions on red as their Arms of Normandy, the symbol of the Abreu/Abruzzo Coat. Irish Days/Deas were first found in County Clare, and use a stag, symbol of Muskerry's MacCarthys.

As Scottish Days/Dies and nearby Deas'/Daes' trace to Mus at Lake Van, they are the phoenix line, the revival of the Roman dragon. The rising-phoenix cult, often going by "Atlantis," speaks of John Dee, fellow Rosicrucian with Francis Bacon, writer of "New Atlantis," by which phrase he meant the new-world United States. This cult has gone by many titles indicating revival in the last times, and then "Latter Day Saints" appears to be yet another such title devised in part for respect of the Day / Dee / Clair / Clare bloodline. The Latter/Latto surname was traced earlier to Latmus, at Ephesus, at which time the Clarus location beside Ephesus had not come to mind. You get it: "Latter Day Saints" is indeed code for the Latmus-Clarus line of Amazons, and it had merged with the Dia>Nephele line of Ixion, otherwise known as Aphrodite, wife of Ephesus.

And it went to Rome as Juno, the proto-Ungs of the NibelUNGS. Yes, for Ephesus was the throne of the husband of mythical Aedon, who was traced to the Aedui of Autun in Burgundy, beside the Nevers location that was from NEPHERtiti (queen of the Atun cult), the Aphrodite > Nephele cult.

Twists and Turns of the Julian Snake

Why did the mother of Javier Solana, who wants to see the EU phoenix flying high, write a 666-page book on Francis Bacon? What stupidities possess the Solana family? Why do they undertake such a fantastic task without regard of the cost to the rest of us? Just what are they trying to accomplish if not a success story out of what prophecy displays as their ultimate disaster?

The Dia bloodline to Juno was the Gileki-Deylamites to Julians, you see. The Deas-like Deylamites of Lake Van had reached into the Trabzon theater. These were the carriers of the 666 revival theme because they invested their efforts in taking the kingdoms of others, then lost everything, over and over again. In their down times, they were the African hoars, old women in dire poverty who had to share an eyeball just to see. Chased out of Anatolia, they lingered in north Africa until getting grip of a nowhere land (Britain) via Cornwall and Wales, and the Spanish areas facing Britain. It was their western Atlantis, until Caesar came to destroy it. Or, better yet, to re-dress it in Roman clothes. Probably not by coincidence, the Latin Julians trace to the same Gileki > Helios line as the British Atlanteans, largely from Lindos. The Rhodians came as Hercules in the ship of Helios (so to speak) to replace the original Atlantean kingdom of Gorgon-suspect Geryon. And the Rhodians became the red dragon of Wales.

It's a hard question to answer: does the heraldic phoenix refer to the British Atlanteans, or to the Roman Julians? Is there competition to this day between the Julians and Atlanteans, or did they merge when Julius took Britain by force? Were Rosicrucian (= Rhodians) leaders such as Dee and Bacon from Julians? Or from the Celts? How can we distinguish in Gil-like surnames between the Gileki line to Celts versus the Julian line of Gileki? Is it as easy as Celts versus Gauls? Unfortunately, I don't see a clear-cut solution at this time, but we need to be aware of the difficulty.

Even the Maxwell motto, "Reviresco," is a revival theme, and then below that motto is the double-headed eagle suspect as a merger of Julians with Rangabe Byzantines (I trace Rangabes now to Renfrew, home of Pollock-branch Maxwells). It's clear to me that Maxwells honored their Julian side, not the non-Roman Celts, with their saltire, but then the stag and holly bush can lead back to non-Roman Celtic lines. In any case, as Pollock-branch Maxwells are highly suspect with Hitler roots, note that the Maxwell revival theme is toward a resurrection of the Julian Romans, the same theme in the Nazi agenda to bring back the Roman empire.

The black greyhound in the Gel/Jill Crest looks trace-able to the black greyhound of John Yonge, an ancient Welshman using the same Coat as the Traby-related Trevor surname (Wales). It suggests that Gels/Jills were the Julian line of Gileki. But then what if a Julian line married a non-Julian line of Celts? You can see the potential difficulty there.

German Gels were first found in the same place (Hamburg) as Traby-suspect Trips and Drummonds, and German Wells use a pelican-on-nest that I trace to Poles. The Scherf-related Walkers and Bush's were first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as English Gels/Jells. I'm seeing a Traby 666 at the doorstep of George Bush. Laura Bush has a Welch maiden name, and Welch's use pheons, the symbol of the Pilates that I also see in the Yonge piles. I'm assuming that the Gel/Jell stars are those of the Sellick Chief, and that Gels/Jells are the Seleuco-Julian bloodline.

Instead of the black greyhound of John Yonge, English Yonges use a black wolf in Crest, and then the three red roses of the Yonge Coat look like they ought to be the roses of the Caesar/Sesares. There's an early Wil term in the Yonge write-up: "First found in Essex, where the first record of the name appears in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle as Wilfer seo lunga in 744."

The Wilkens use a "prudentes" motto term while Scottish Yonges use "prudentia," suggesting Wilkins links to Wilfer seo Iunga (smacks of the Ung terms above), who therefore looks like a Julian bloodliner. This is important for tracing Nazis to Julians rather than to non-Julian Celts, for WILkins were found (several updates ago) to use the Schere/Scherf Shield (if you don't know, George Herbert Walker Bush was born a Scherf(f), and was adopted, illegally, we can be sure, by the Bush's from Penfield (Rochester area) as part of his Nazi agenda to hide his ancestry). Scheres/Scherfs are the ones using three red roses on stems for which YS sent in the same symbol used by Szaparys, now known to link to the three roses of the Sparrows and Caesars/Sesares.

The Wilkins (Walker-suspect) use a wyvern dragon, symbol also in the English Will Coat. Wills use an axe as do Drakes, who use the red wyvern of the Dukes of Masovia. Yonges were first found in the same place (Essex) as English Veres, who own the green wyvern dragon no doubt tracing to the Varni, and to the Scherf-related SchWERIN location in Polabia. The Wilkin wyvern is green, on a gold background, the colors of the Morgan lion, and then Wilkens were first found in GlaMORGAN/MORGANnwg. Morgans were part of the dragon cult of Morgan le Fay, and Coverts of the Hof kind (i.e. Nazi suspect) had been recently found fundamental to the Morgan-Fay cult. In this picture, the green wyvern and the Morgan lion are practically identical to green Melusine, anciently a serpent-tailed woman. Melusine is much the Spree > Sparrow bloodline to Sprowestun, where Scottish Weirs/Veres were first found before operating in Oxfordshire...where Yonges had an early presence.

The fact that Wilkers link to similar Walkers (use the Welch chevron) helps to reveal that Walkers too were a Julian line. We might even ask whether globalists of all sorts have arranged their visible leaders to be Caesar bloodliners.

Caesars/Sesares of Kent are one of the two surnames of two updates ago showing both red and white roses, and it's the Chilham-associated Brabants/Brabournes of Kent now found as a third surname using roses in both colors. "Brabourne" looks like it should have been in the discussion wherein Abreu / Bura elements traced to Bornholm, meaning that Brabant (the Belgian location) may trace to the Bura founders at Sybaris, and then into Suburu.

Gales use small saltires like the Candys (in Caesar/Sesare colors), and Kent was founded by a Cantii peoples. I've just noticed that the Gale fesse and it three symbols are in the colors of the same of Nagles/NanGALEs, suggesting that the latter may have been formed from the idea of N'Gale. Last I touched on Nagles, they traced to caesar Nero, suggesting that Gales are yet another line from Julian-Gileki, not from Celts. Gauls, however, are not out of the question.

The Tunbridge entity of Kent (related to Rochester) suggests a look at the Bridge surname and Briancon location. Can we therefore find the Wil / Julian / Caesar line on the Durance? What are those red-on-white stars doing in the French Brian Coat? They're in the colors of the Glass / Gleason / Kyle / Gall/Cole stars. I can't deny that Gauls were in fact in the Durance area long before the birth of Julius, and that these very Gauls had merged with Julians. It's the merger of these Ligurian Gauls from Provence (where Briancon is located) with Julians that should prove to form the Ananias / Caiaphas bloodline(s).

French Brians use "Lamh" (Sullivan term) as indication of their trace to the Salyes. They also use "laidir", a KILpatrick term, and as Kilpatricks were first found in a Clovis-suspect location, by what coincidence do the Bridges (more griffins, common symbol of the Will bloodline) use the same chevron as Chills/Childs? By what further coincidence are Kilpatricks a branch of black-saltire Patricks but fronted with a Gil-suspect "Kil"? Doesn't this suggest that other surnames using "Kil" are Julians/Gillian / Chill/Child lines?

Did you catch it? As Childeric is proving to be a line to Kilpatricks, defined as a Julian-Patrician line, by what coincidence have I traced Merovingians (for years) to Merops of Kos while discovering only in this update that Patricians trace to Patmos, very near Kos? And that explains the GOSpatrick/COSpatrick surname!!! ZOWIE! I wrote that before seeing the Cospatrick Coat; it's the French Julian saltire!

The Kills/Keeles use the Zollern / Hohenzollern quarters, and are therefore suspect with the Salyes for that reason too. But as the Wills use suns in colors reversed from the Solana sun, Zollerns may link closely with Solanas. We've already seen reasons for suspecting Javier Solana as a modern-day Julian bloodline.

Here's a new theory: Salyes and/or Solanas trace to a soft-form "Gelonii." The theory arises from the last time Hohens were mentioned, as per the Hohen-colored checks of Boyds and Rochesters, both of who traced to the Budini-Geloni alliance. As Budini were said to be red-heads, we could imagine the same Genes in the Geloni, the point being that while most heraldic suns are gold, Solanas use a red one. They also use wolves around their border, and I had found red wolves used by Budini lines, not surprising where Neuri worshiped wolves.

"Salon" was entered, checking for evidence of a Solana trace to Gelonii, but got the same Saleman Coat (with Sale bend) that comes up with "Salian." It's not out of the question to trace Salian Franks to Gelonii because the latter may have named Holland, which is where Salian Franks were first found.

[Insert -- I finished for the day right here, and went to email. Julie had writhen in concerning the Lanzol surname of the Borgias who merged with popes. She suggested the Lane / Lano surnames, and then just after suggesting to her that "LanZOL" could be partly a Sole/Solana term because the Solana sun is in the colors of the Burg/Borgias of Languedoc, the Lanes were checked for signs of linking to the gold-on-blue stars of Madariagas. English Lanes use what could be a colors-reversed version of the English Days (see below) who were implied with Madariagas earlier above. Here's what I had said above (keep in mind that I see the Languedoc Julians as the ConteVille = Burgo line that can surely be Lanquedoc's Borgia surname):

The Deas/Daes were Desmonds who use the same-colored saltire as Languedoc's Julians, and to help show that this is not coincidental, French Julians use gold-on-blue stars in Chief (colors of the EU stars), colors of two stars in the English Day Coat. The mother of Javier Solana wrote a 666-page book on Francis Bacon, a co-Rosicrucian worker with an agenda of John Dee. There is evidence that the EU stars are those of Javier's Madariaga bloodline.

Irish Lanes not only use the lion style of the Romes/Roams, but the lion is in the colors of the Dee lion. As I'm tracing Borgias to Eburovices, who were in Brescia, it seems telling that Italian Lanes/Lanos were first found in Brescia, and that while the Lanos use only a besant, Madariagas use half besants - half torteaux. The Arms of York (and the York surname) use a single besant centrally, simply meaning that Lanos trace to the Bruces of Yorkshire who themselves use the Brescia lion...though one Bruce-Crest lion is in the design of the Irish Lane lion.

Aha! There is Italian Zol surname showing a Lanzol-like Anzolo variation. It was first found in Venice, near the first place (Padova) that Bruce-rooted Abreus/Abruzzos were first found...that I say furnished the Eburovices. As with the Abreus/Abruzzos, the Zols/Anzolos use two upright gold lions, probably the Ferrari lion (Ferraris were first found in Venice too).

Zols/Anzolos also show an Angiolo variation, used by Italian Angels, first found in Treviso, Venetia. The Angel/Angiolo Chief is an illegal gold-on-silver lion, the colors of the Lanos.

It just so happens that while "Lanzol" smacks of "Lancelot," English Angels/Angles, who use the Nagle/Angulo lozenges, were first found in LANCAshire. French Lancels use a single star in the colors of the Madariaga / Lane / Julian / Day stars.

I agree from the above that there doesn't seem to be a hard trace of Zols/Anzolos to Solanas, but more like a hard trace to Abreus and to Lanes, perhaps even to the Lancelot bloodline. I know a Portuguese woman with Abreu surname (from her father) whose mother has a Ribello/Rebello surname, smacking of the Ribble river flowing from Yorkshire through Lancashire. The father of Lancelot, Ban(t), should trace to the Bend/Bent surname using both besants and torteaux, evocative of the Madariaga symbol. The Bend/Bent Crest is even a blue lion in the design used by Yorkshire Bruces. I also trace Lancelot's father to the Banes surname (Yorkshire), using a wolf, a Solana symbol. The French Banes were first found in Lanca-like Languedoc, where the Burgs/Borgias were first found, and these Banes' use a triple red chevron, a symbol of Dutch Burgs (the latter use their chevrons in the colors of the Languedoc Burgs/Borgias). Along with the "super" motto term of English Angels, see the "Superata" term of Rangens who use a version of the Anger Chief which itself uses the Angle / Nagle lozenges. End Insert]

I'd like to mention the "As God" motto phrase of the Wills' as it may be code for "AsGARD," the mythical origin of the Aesir Scandinavians using a tree of life as a central symbol, thus indicating Essenes / Esus roots in Aesir-like terms out of Kos and into metal-making Lemnos. Odin, chief of the Aesir Scandinavians, was worshiped by Franks. Why? Probably due to Odin's wife, Frigg, a Phrygian frog like the Franks. And Franks traced themselves to Heneti, who lived in Phrygia, and who were made the wife of Hephaestus...meaning that Halybes and Heneti were merged, and together they became the Trojans, founded by Dardanus, brother of Aeson-suspect Iasion, ruler of Hephaestus' Kabeiri.

It's known that Hephaestus evolved into the Roman Vulcan in the part of Sicily (Messina) closest to Calabria. The Halybes-Heneti merger is evident where Calabria was also named, Bruttium, if that latter term was from Aphrodite, goddess of the Heneti. The (As)Gard term could be for elements from "Crete," the location of Phaistos (the city), the origin of Trojans, and home of mythical BRITOmartis who could be part-code Amorites out of Myrina on Lemnos, where the Aeson bloodline merged with Amazons.

It just so happens that while mythical Brigit is linked to terms like, "Bright," the Bridge surname uses "GARDERay" in its motto. It's telling me that Britomartis was at Brigantium on the Durance river. At the mouth of that river is the Rhone near Marseille, likely named after the peoples encoded in the "martis" of "Britomartis." This new Britomartis trace to Brigantium is working here because I had traced the founders of Marseille to the Marsi of Abruzzo/Aprutium (suggesting that "Brito" is a variation of "Bruttium / Aprutium"), and further back to the mythical Marsyas goat of...Phrygia. As the Marsi were mythical Mars, they were also the Ares relationship with Aphrodite, suggesting that the Marsi had been founders of Myrina, and that this location was the adulterous lover of Aphrodite when she, according to myth, rejected Hephaestus. That is, the Heneti on Lemnos got cold toward their Halybes allies and warmed up toward the Amorite city of Myrina, and remained with the Amorites all the way to Abruzzo, and to the founding of Romans by Mars.

Out of the Durance river, I see the formation of the Salian Franks from the Salyes Ligures. It's now telling me that the sacred Martin entity of Franks was from BritoMARTIS on the Durance (this suggests a fundamental Brit relationship with Franks, exactly the idea in the Merovingian-shaded Arthurian cult). It recalls the trace I made of Coverts to Orange-Nassau at the junction of the Durance with the Rhone, for Coverts use martlets / martins. These birds are footless, wherefore one theory I developed was that they are code for lame Hephaestus (lame from birth). I can now add that Dionysus was made crippled from birth (due to a bad thigh, a symbol of Hephaestus), and as Dionysus also ended up on Lemnos (after merging with the Cretan elements of Ariadne), it seems that I was correct in tracing DioNYSUS to "Nassau." Ariadne had earlier been involved with the Cretan LABYRinth, and Britomartis had the LABRYs-axe symbol, suggesting that Britomartis was the Ariadne-Dionysus line to Myrina, probably the same as (or similar to) the Phaistos line to Hephaestus (also spelled, HePHAISTOS).

Therefore, it appears that Bruttii of Calabria, whom Geoffrey of Monmouth viewed as proto-Arthurians and proto-Brits in London, were the founders of Brigantium/Briancon. If you haven't lost track of what I'm saying, it seems that the Frank-related Odin cult traces to the same Britomartis elements, especially as Bridges use an AsGARD-like term. The question here is why Julians, whom I see in the Will bloodline, were merged with Salyes, for I have seen Julian traces to Salyes...which by the way explains why CHILDeric (the first Merovingian Frank, known to be part of the Salian Franks) has been looking like a Julian/Gillian bloodliner.

Both Salyes-suspect Zollerns and Williams use a talbot, and then Williams' (listed at Wikipedia as a sept of Mackays) were first found in BRECONshire (i.e. smacks of Brigantium) of Wales. Brecons/Brichans use more piles. The talbot is a Labrador dog that I trace to German Talls/Thalls, who use the Bessin bee design (until recently, the Bessin bee design was identical to the Tall/Thall bee), while Childeric, who was found with bees in his grave, was married to Bassina. It's telling us that the early Merovingians were Talbots in some way, and then "LABRador" smacks of "labrys / Labyrinth." Talbots were first found in Salyes-suspect Salop.

LOOKIE! The Talbot Shield is used by English Fabians (in the colors of Italian Fabians), and though the Fabian Crest is not described, one can see its banners, a symbol of the Villes! It's suggesting strongly that the Ville-related Julians, and Salyes Ligures, were also Fabians...who were first found in the same place (Hampshire) as the Drakes, whom I trace to Draguignan near the Durance!

Fabians were likely named after Fabers, who are said to be metal "FABRicators." The Ferrari / Fer lines, in other words, from the Hephaestus Trojans...who founded Paris and nearby Troyes. In fact, Italian Fabers were first found in the same place (Modena) as Ferraris.

The red-on-white Fabian fleur-de-lys are colors reversed from the Lys fleur-de-lys. And the fleur-de-lys was a symbol of the Childeric > Clovis line. It's telling use that Childeric was from the Lys valley in Aosta, smack next to the source of the Durance river. The Lys valley is where WALsers lived who may be part of the Brigantium line to Breconshire, for "Wales" and "Walser" have obvious similarity. Italian Fabians (Latins) use the Grimaldi lozengy Shield, and Grimaldis have been fundamental to Liguria. It's telling me that Grimaldis were with Fabians in the Salyes theater, and then while Walsers use MeLUSINE, known to be named after LUSIGNan, though I trace her also to LUZICa, compare "Lusine" and "Lusign" to "lozenge."

I don't have time to explain now, but I have it on my plate of interest, that Fabers and Villes look like Rangabe Byzantines (of northern Italy) merging with the Julian line to produce the two-headed Maxwell eagle. The task in that topic will be to discover whether the purple color of heraldry, used for example in the Ville banner, traces to the Purple Room of imperial Byzantines. I can add here that lozenges were traced to Losinj in the Gorski / Rijeka theater, and that the black Maxwell eagle was traced to the same (two-headed) in the Arms of Rijeka. It's telling me that Grimaldis were linked to Maxwells out of Rijeka, or that Maxwells (Julian suspects) were in the Salyes theater, and to prove it, the English Lombard/Limbaugh surname, first found in Renfrew (where Pollock-branch Maxwells lived, as well as the Melusine-related Speers), uses the lozengy Shield too, as well as a black eagle. The estimation there is that Lombards of northern Italy had merged with Rangabe Byzantines. I had even traced Rangabes to the naming of Rennes and Renfrew...suggesting that Rangabes were principals in Rennes-le-Chateau.

French Lombards were first found in Provence (!), the location of the Durance river. Italian Lombards use the Saluzzo Shield-and-Chief combination (Rangabe colors), important because the Chief has three gold symbols (the stars used by French Julians), as does the same Shield-and-Chief combination of Rangabe-suspect Angers...who use lozenges in their chief in the colors of the lozenges of Nero-suspect Nagles/Angulos. The Rangens use the same sort of Shield-and-Chief combination, even three gold symbols in Chief once again, this time three besants (suspect with Bassina, Childeric's wife), a symbol said to trace to gold coins of BYZANtium. The Arms of Anjou use fleur in those colors.

German Fabers are even shown as faBRICIUS, suggesting Brigantium! It's raining clues. The Bricks use lozenges (!) in German Faber colors, as well as fleur-de-lys in Lys colors (i.e. colors reversed from the Fabian fleur). It's helping to prove that Walsers of the Lys valley were related to Breconshire. German Fabers use a fesse in colors reversed to the fesse of Italian Fabers...who use Rangabe white-on-blue. It means that the German Fabers (Bavaria) are a branch of Rangabe-related Italian Fabers, and that the Bavarian lozenges (in Rangabe colors) trace to these very elements out of Liguria, especially the Grimaldis. I had traced the Bavarian lozenges to duke Garibald of Bavaria, a relative of Grimoald of Bavaria.

I had even traced the "footless" term to FOETES/Fussen in Bavaria (uses feet and thighs in its Arms), at which time I wondered whether it was correct to trace the footless symbol to Hephaestus. But as I just traced Hephaestus and Dionysus to Orange-Nassau the Durance river, what about my trace of Ligurians of the Lech river (where Foetes/Fussen is located) to the Salyes Ligures in particular??? Zowie, that works, because the Marsi, who were just linked to Myrina of Lemnos, lived at lake FUCINo!!! It means that "Fucino" traces to "Fussen." There's a Fossano location about a dozen miles from Saluzzo that I don't think I have ever known until now.

As Rangabes appear to be all over the Durance picture, the recent suggesting that "Orange" is a Rangabe term seems to be proving correct. Where Rennes-le-Chateau (Languedoc) was a Rangabe outfit, chances are that the Fond de Villes, first found in Languedoc, were Rangabes. One can come back to this discussion when I get to the purple banner of the Fond de Villes (not in this update). I'll add here that Lacys use a purple lion and that I trace them to Lacydon, the founding location of Ligurians beside Marseille.

It's all telling me that Rangabes, who are now looking like Nero-rooted Nagles/Angulos, are a major part of the resurrection of Nero into the end-time anti-Christ (I'm not implying a literal resurrection of a man). I recently traced Nero hard to Fulkes of Anjou / Norfolk, and then the Rangabe imperials (of Byzantium) were from TheoPHYLACtus Rangabe, a Fulk-like term. Moreover, "Rangabe" smacks of "Angevin," what the people of Anjou were called. It's telling me that the Nero-Nagle bloodline got to the Byzantine throne, and produced Melissena Rangabe, the Melusine dragon line of blue-and-white Lusignan (beside Anjou / Angers). It's no wonder that dragonline Veres, who love Melusine of Angers, use a "nil" in their motto as code for the Nagle/Nail/Neil bloodline.

It's important here that Melissena Rangabe (half Khazar) became the Khazarian Cohens and Hohens as much as she was the line to Fers and Vairs (who use the Cohen and Hohen Shields respectively). It gets us to the HohenZOLLERNs, suspect as Ville-related Salyes, which is what makes the Rangabe identification of the Villes so important. Reminder: Zollerns and Will-related Williams both use talbots. It's telling me that the Salyes Ligures at Foetes/Fussen were also the Zollerns of Swabia (Swabia is much in Bavaria). I trace Swabians/Suebi to "Sabines" (part of the Marsi peoples at lake Fucino), and trace Sabines in-turn to swan-suspect Savona of Liguria. In Foetes/Fussen we find SCHWANgau terms related to Hohens.

We get it: Rangabes of Liguria were Rangabes of Swabia, and in Hohen-Swabia there arose the Bavarian Illuminati, surely, for Hohens use Illuminati checks. The floors of a Magdalene church in Rennes-le-Chateau use black and white checks, as Illuminati as one can make checks, and I traced the Cohen / Hohen checks to the checker pattern on coins of Byzantine emperors in the very time of the Rangabe emperors. It's making sense here: the Illuminati is a Nero enterprise of the Rangabe kind...and I have the strong sense that Nero's hands conducted the 911 disaster as a sign of murderous things yet to come from his servants. By the time that his mission is complete, no one will feel sorry for Nero when he and his servants fry in the fires of Edom.

Talbots are used also by Oettingens (from Bavaria, where Otins/Ottingers were first found who use almost the Zollern quarters), and they were traced to Odins of Yorkshire for more reason than similarity of terms. The Odin lion design is that of Fond de Villes (!), suggesting that talbot-using Williams were from those Villes (it was expected by other considerations). This Odin link to Talbots tends to link the Odin cult to the Thule-suspect Talls/Thalls (Thule is thought to have been in Scandinavia). The Washington surname has been traced by others to Odin, and as the proto-Washington surname was Wassa (uses Zionists stars, as do the Weis'), what about Weishaupt, the surname of the founder of the Bavarian Illuminati, which was founded on May 1, 1776? Doesn't that seem to you as clue that the Bavarian Illuminati founded Washington? Jefferson even openly supported Weishaupt. Didn't the 911 disaster include the help of the Pentagon in Washington. Yes, because anyone can see online that no plane hit the Pentagon on that day.

The 911 disaster was even traced to Pendragon elements of Pennsylvania, not forgetting that the Bush family was from Penfield while Rollock Inc, where Chris Nagle works, was either part of, or linked commercially to, Penfold Capital (= PBS Coal). Why PENTagon? When is Penfield in New York state, named after York(shire), where Bush's and Odins were first found? Who were these York fiends if not the Odin-related Audleys and Hoods/Hudds (both use frets) from the Hiedler/Hitler bloodline? As the Hoods/Huds (in Rangabe colors) use an anchor, symbol also of Bavarian Fabers and German Heidlers, it starting to appear that Hitlers (split Shield in Rangabe colors) were Rangabes.

You may have read where these fiends were suspect in Northampton county near Philadelphia, the location of Plumstead. I wouldn't know what family named this country after Northamptonshire of England, but can add that another fret is used (on an engrailed bend) by the Sills/Sells, first found in Northamptonshire.

What insanity possesses these people? Can we tame wild beats? Can we persuade them with begging not to kill ruthlessly any longer? Can we talk them into their senses? No, for Nero rules them.

Nero believed that he was God, the theme of the end-time anti-Christ (see Daniel 11:36ish, and 2 Thessalonians 2). One of my hopes when I get to the investigation on the Rangabe lines to purple heraldic colors is to trace at least one Michael surname to Michael Rangabe, Byzantine emperor. The Michael write-up: "Alternatively the name was derived from the personal name Michael, meaning 'who is like God'..." It just so happens that one Michael motto term is "supero," suggesting a trace to Suburu. Another Michael motto term, "Favente," was found in the second update of June, where it was said: " The "favente" term of Dingwalls [gold fleece] brings the Latin Fabians to mind." The Michaels (mascles), in the colors of Pole-rooted Meschins and the Polish Traby bugle, are clearly Meschins/Masculines, and use the ostrich feather in black, the color of the 666-suspect Traby bugle. The Michael and Meschin fesses, in colors reversed, belong to the Latin-suspect Leaders and Ladds/Ladons, the point being that Fabians are Latins. The Trabys had merged with Vilnius elements that I traced to the Villes, which is now some indication that Michaels were from Michael Rangabe.

Why WILLard Mitt Romney (perhaps the next U.S. president). He had a Mormon father, George W. Romney, and as I traced the presidential Bush family to the founders of Mormans, what about George W. Bush? Why the similarity? As Mormons were cultic Freemasons of the swindler kind, using Christianity as a front to rake in unearned money, all of their names, first and middle too, are suspect as bloodliner-worship terms. George W. Romney's middle name, Wilcken, smacks of the Welch surname that George W(alker) Bush married.

"Mitt" (smacks of the Mitchell variation of Michaels) is said to be short for "Mittens," a surname that I've traced to the Mittani, and therefore to Modena, where Fabers / Ferraris were first found. It's important because I traced Mormons by other means to the Hephaestus metal workers. Mormons were traced to Amorites of PalMYRA, and they were traced to the Mire/Mireux surname, first found at Anjou, and identified with the mirror of Melusine. The Mires/Mireux surname uses holly that can now be linked to the Maxwell "holly BUSH" (!) because the Mittens use a two-headed eagle!!! Can that be a coincidence, or was Mitt named after the Roman line to Mittens? Yes, but a two-headed eagle suggests the Rangabe Byzantines two. This is revealing that Mormons, Bush's, Wilkens (use the Schere/Scherf Shield) and the Nero bloodline were one! Mitt Romney's bloodline is suspect at the graves of the 911 victims.

The Walkers and Scheres/Scherfs both use roses on stems, but we now see that the Bavarian Fabers appear to use black roses on stems. By what coincidence do the Scheres/Scherfs link to the Sheers/Shires/Shares (another talbot!) of Surrey, where Michaels were first found? The Nero Rangabes are tracing to the Republican party, especially to the Nazi demons within the party of 911 infamy. German Bush's use a fleur in Rangabe colors.

Now, if we were wondering whether Mitt Romney has connection to the end-time Roman empire as ordered in large part by the Madariaga > Solana family, check out the similarity between the Madariaga and Mitten Shields. See also the Mader/Mathers Coat with stars in Madariaga-star colors. The same-colored stars (pierced this time) are used by Brights, suggesting that they (especially Solanas) all trace to the Salyes at Brigantium/Briancon.

The Mader/Mather motto uses a "celeriter" term, suggesting the swan-using Sellers (i.e. Salyes) fully expected from a Solana line. Sellers are the ones using a "sapere" motto term for the Julian line. Entering "Matar" gets the Matos, first found in the same place (Catalonia) as Solanas. Matars/Matos use the sword design of the Shots/Shutes, accessed from the sling shot in the Arms of Dachau (concentration-camp headquarters). The Shots/Shutes were trace-able along with the Sling vulture to Nesher of Ar-Megiddo importance. The Shots/Shutes were identified as Sadducees, and it just so happens that Maders/Mathers use a scallop in the colors of the Sodan scallop (the latter trace to the Patterson = Patrician-line scallops, and then way back to Scala at Patmos).

Slings now look like a Salyes / Solana branch. Sling variations such as Schluing and Schlingeman suggest Schlessing(er)s = Silesians. I fully expect western Seleucids at Armageddon's front-most lines: the leadership. Schlessingers (leopards) use three red-on-white roses, the Sparrow / Caesar/Sesare symbol; I include Sparrows here because I trace them to the Spree river in the Silesia theater, and Caesars are included because they linked to Salyes.

The Sintzenhofer variation of Slings evokes the Zinzendorfs out of Pottendorf (though he was born in the Lusatia theater), a location that was traced to the pelicans-on-nest of Pottens/Pottingers, a symbol used also by the Pattersons now linking to Madariaga-suspect Maders/Mathers. It seemed that Zinzendorf's Moravians linked to Mormons, if only by blood rather than by doctrinal ideology.

Again, the Odin-surname lion design is that of Fond de Villes, and the latter lion holds a purple banner that I think is code for the gonfanon bloodline. The gonfanon term was linked to the Mackay sept of Vains/Fanes. The gonfanon bloodline had also been linked to the Order of the Garter, which is now suspect with Odin's "AsGard" and with the Will bloodline using "As God wills." The Williams, you see, are likewise a sept of Mackays, and Odins even use the Massey horse design and Massey colors. These are the colors of the Bridges, who use "Je GARDERay" as a motto.

[The Insert above was written after this section was already sitting here; the Insert led to the Angels, the English branch of which uses the winged Odin horse. Odins can be traced to English Angles/Angels by their common use a crozier. Or, at least, the new English Angle Coat, once using a "baton," is now showing a cane-like object that can be construed as a crozier. There is only a small possibility at this time that "Angle," the proto-English peoples, trace in some way to "Augustus," an idea that was conceived (for reasons) before learning that the Angle-related Varni trace to Nero, the same Nero to which Odins just traced.]

Jays/Gais use yet another griffin, and it appears to be the blue griffin of the Wills! I didn't know this when writing the paragraph above, though in the recent past I had shown the Jay/Gai griffin. I have not heard a blue jay at my home since the morning that it was heard as a Sign, about an hour before I happened upon the Jay/Gai surname. I now find that, as with Sparrows (and Caesars), the Jay/Gai Coat uses three red-on-white roses! There is no bird in my area that sounds like a jay aside from a crow. But a crow is distinctly different than the sound of a jay.

Let's go back to the Sling vulture, for it had been found not long after the finding of the Geier vulture, from a German Geier-named company that founded modern Nesher in the Megiddo theater (keep in mind here that the Durance river of Salyes / Solanas traces to Dor, near Nesher, itself near NAZAReth where the Dionysus cult was traced that was also at Orange-Nassau on the Durance). The Geiers are also shown as "Gayer," and have been linked suggestively twice to the Jays of the De Gai location (France). The points are: 1) if it's correct to trace Slings to Schlessingers, it could explain why Schlessingers use the Sparrow roses too; 2) the roses on stems used by some related clans trace to the Stems/Steins (first found in the same place as Sparrows and the Nero-Fulkes) using gold leopard heads, as does the Schlessinger Coat.

It's telling me that Silesians trace to Schwerin location at Polabia that was just identified with the Scheres/Scherfs using roses on stems. Schwerin was thought to be a Varni holding, and Varni were the first Franks well before Childeric. The importance of this paragraph is that my very old trace of Salian Franks to Silesia is proving correct. It is the Varni proto-Franks that are suspect as Odin culters, but it's important too that the Varni had traced to an Augustus line, for Stems/Steins use August colors, and Stem-suspect Coverts (another leopard head) use a fesse in colors reversed to August fesse. You can see in this that Caiaphas-suspect Coverts are tracing to the proto-Veres, not only explaining why Coverts are found time and again related to Veres, but why Veres of the Ferrari kind especially were the Pharisee line. It's telling me that "Varni" is a term from "Paris" Trojans, or that Ferraris, if they existed by that or a similar name before the Varni, were from "Paris."

There was no Paris character in Troy (other than in the myth writings). "Paris" was code for Parion/Parium (Pari" for short), a Gorgon-Muse city in Mysia. It was precisely Par terms that consistently linked Covert lines to Veres. "Parion" might link most-immediately to "Verona," the potential makings of "Varni." Parion was on the Hellespont, the location of a Galli-like spot, and moreover mythical Helle (easily forms from Gel terms), symbol of Hellespont, was sister to Phryxus, code for Phrygians that I say were proto-Frisians (they speak English), proto-Franks, and proto-Brits. This was Odin's wife, and we therefore expect Odin to link to Gel / Hell terms.

In the golden-fleece myth (sounds like a war wherein Phryxus had to escape to Colchis for refuge), Helle fell to her death in the Hellespont, code apparently for the military defeat of the Galli at Hellespont. It may have been from this war that the Gelonii, fleeing Greece, were formed in cahoots with the Budini and Neuri. These elements later became the Nerthus mother goddess of the Varni, you see. It's tracing the proto-Julian-suspect Gelonii from the Hellespont to the Varni. You may have asked, "but wait, John, didn't you say the Gelonii were from mythical Gelonus of Argos?" Yes, but then Phryxus was accompanied in Colchis by the Argo ship, suggesting that some Argives had to flee Argos for Colchis too. Is this identifying the Argo ship with Gelonus-Argives? It's an idea.

Reminder: Odin is also "Woden," a Budini-like term. Oettingens of Bavaria use a white-on-red saltire, the color of the French Julian saltire (can we now trace Julian better to the Gelonii?). If I recall correctly, the ear of the Oettingen talbot is red, the color of the Budini. The Budini are suspect at Bute, now paired as a region with Argyll. Can we expect the Budini-Gelonii (part Argive) people at Bute and Argyll? Odins of Yorkshire use a lion in the red and white colors of the Boyd checks. This is recalling my trace of the Oettingen saltire (white-on-red) to a flag of Gascony granted by a pope (Clement, I think), and then French Julians were first found in Languedoc, beside Gascony.

This is a good place to mention that the green snake to which the Caesar line links (e.g. that of the Gellys/Jellys), being likely that of Sforzas and therefore of the Viscontis, traces to the Glaucus-snake cult that loved Scylla (Viscontis were, in my opinion, from WISharts/Guiscards who ruled the Scylla area at Messina). That is, Glaucus, who was related to the Asclepios snake, was a blue-green color, and Viscontis first used a green snake before using a blue one. It's easy to see that "Asclepios" was the "Scylla" factor, but the point here is that the green / blue snake ought to trace also to Scylla-like Euskals, otherwise known as the Basque founders of Gascony. Compare "Visconti" to Vascon, another name for Gascony. But the Glaucus entity was in Scylla, or near it, long before the Viscontis proper. I'm suggesting that the Gileki/Gels that were the Glaucus entity were in Gascony long before Julius Caesar, but that Julius' Gel line somehow linked to them.

But wait. It's important to keep a Julian focus on Seleucid lines such as Sulcis and Silesia, especially when the Visconti snake is the subject. While blue-griffin Wills use the Sellick-style Shield, their blue-griffin-using Jay/Gai counterparts were first found in the same place (Herefordshire) as Sellicks. There are blue reasons here to trace the Kelloggs Company rooster to the rooster of French Gays, first found at Savoy where roughly the Salyes-branch Seleucids called home. The blue-scalloped English Gays (Oxfordshire, where I expect the Draguignan / Drakenberg / wyvern line out of Var near Briancon) even use the Oxford lion. Irish Brians showed the Oxford-style lions until recently, and now show the Levi lion design. The Traby-suspect Trevors were also first found in Herefordshire, and then the Brians use a hunting horn / bugle in the colors of the Traby bugle. Several weeks ago, the Trabys were traced to the hunting horn of the Oranges, from Nassau-Orange on the Durance. We have here the crashing of the 666 bloodline into the Julian-Seleucid entity that is the Biblical dragon, and it's all about the Seleucid trace to Silesia, where Trabys must have had holdings.

The Trevor wyvern in not only in the black color the Will wyvern, but the latter holds an axe, a Crest of the wyvern-using Drakes, suggesting that Trevors were from the dukes of Masovia in Poland. The Traby location in Poland is beside Masovia. To better trace the Traby bugle to the one used by officials of Orange-Nassua, the Brights (Durance-river suspects) show the Will-style griffin too.

To what does the Order of the Garter trace? Perhaps the hawk's lure in the Irish Gard Crest can tell us. The Herods/Hurls use a hawk's lure too, and "Gard" looks like a Hart / Hart term that easily derives in "Herod." The Vere-suspect Hare/Garry surname (uses the Julian/Gillian salamander) comes to mind. The Garter surname was first found in Norfolk, where the Julius Caesar bloodline was traced strongly (i.e. both to Sparrows and Fulkes Nerras). Note that the Garter Shield is ermined, as are the Trevor and John-Yonge Shields that use a gold lion on a part-silver Shield (illegal color contact), the colors of the Garter checks.

The Gard wolf design is that of Yonges (first found in the same place as Veres now tracing to Caesar lines in multiple ways). Kellys show the enfield griffin (in green) that is part greyhound, suggesting that the John-Yonge greyhound is a Kel-line symbol. The Yonge piles are in the colors of the Kill/Keele / Zollern quadrants, and in the colors of the Perthshire Kelts, important because the Yonge piles ought to be code for the Pilate line out of Perthshire. English Gards (chevron in colors reversed to the Kellogg chevron) use the same motto term, "Toujours," as Yonges, and in the Gard chevron are footless martins (green). Wills use the enfield too, and then the Enfield surname uses the footless-martin design of the Gards. There are more talbots in the Kellogg Coat.

Since seeing the Spanish Matar/Matos Coat, of a Madariaga-suspect surname first found in the same place as Solanas, I've been keeping eyes out for the black-on-white crescent (used by Matars/Matos). The first such symbol to appear is in the Kill/Keele Coat, extremely important because Zollerns use the Kill/Keele Shield. It means, likely, that Solanas and HohenZollerns were one. Interesting here is that Kills/Keeles were first found in Rhodes-infested Lincolnshire while Soles/Solanas ought to trace to Helios of Rhodes. Also enlightening is that Solanas use wolves on the border of their Shield, a Yonge symbol that likely traces to the Roman wolf. Thus, Solanas are looking like Julians of the Kill/Keele kind.

Here's a new Spanish Maderos/Materos Coat (Aragon) showing red-on-white roses. The Mates/Mateys (Champagne) use the cross-and-besants, a symbol of the Rhodes' (Lincolnshire) and of the Julian-suspect Manders. It looks very much as though the EU bosses are Julians. We might have guessed it, but then I should have guessed it years ago, but didn't. It would be a good guess to trace these lines to Mattathias Maccabee.

One of the codes in the Solana write-up, "ground," was traced to the Ground surname (Levi lions in red), and soon after the Weather Underground (terrorist) organization was traced solidly to the Wither/Weather surname (blue hare), suggesting that they were using bloodline code to name themselves. It meant that the organization could also trace to the Ground surname. Aside from finding a Wither term in the Odin-surname write-up, I now find my second black-on-white crescent in the Weather/Wither Coat!!! I did not know of this second Matar/Matos crescent until after writing the paragraph above.

Bill Ayers of Weather Underground traced of course to the Ayrshire Ayers, but the hare in the Weather/Wither Crest suggested the same. As it was a blue hare, they traced in particular to the blue-winged Heres and Herzogs, but also to the Hares first found in Ayrshire, next to the Herods/Hurls (Argyllshire) that trace well to Herluin de Conteville. As Madariaga lines are tracing to Kills/Keeles, the Kyles out of Kyle of Ayrshire should apply. The Arms of Ayrshire uses a "shaw" motto term tracing to the Pilate bloodline out of Perthshire.

Another code in quotation marks in the Solana write-up, "plot," seems like a Pilate-line term, important because Madariagas are now linking to Yonges strongly.

AHA - HA. LOOK at what heraldry has just dredged up. The Ayrshire Hares use a version of the Mader/Mathers Coat! In case one or both disappear, let me describe. They both use gold Chiefs, and both Shields under the Chiefs use two gold bars on a blue Shield. It looks like Weather Underground links solidly to the Madariaga bloodline.

It's been years since stressing the link of key-line Shaws/Sheaves (they use the Pillette grails) to the key of the Keller/Kelner Coat (Swabia). You get it: the Kelle-related Madariagas must also link to Kelners/Kellers, especially as Maders/Mathers use a CELERiter term. I now find that Pillettes were even first found in the same place (Lincolnshire) as Keeles/Kills! Let's not forget that Pilates trace to the Kyle-suspect Galls/Coles (first found in Argyllshire) using Kyle-colored red stars. Kellers/Kelners were first found in the same place as Cellers who use what I'm guessing is the Roman eagle. Scottish Cellers, in Angus beside Perthshire, use "plates," another potential Pilate symbol.

That was a very good half-hour. We now understand the Madariagas much better. They are tracing to the Galli that spent much of their ceremonial times in caves, and had a mother goddess in Kybele. Entering "Mother" gets the Maders/Mathers using the Coat of Ayrshire Hares, and often these mother goddess', starting with Inana and Ishtar, were underground / underworld entities.

The Great-Mother cult of Phrygia was said to have given the mother of the Lydians, where fore we expect her amongst the Latins and Etruscans. Recalling that Latters/Lattos (in the colors of English Latins/Lattons) and Guiscards both use piles, we might ask how Guiscard Sinclairs came into contact with important, proto-Mormon Latins. Important to the Julian line, that is, because Kilpatricks also use "laidir." The only way I know to link Guiscards, of Sicily, to Latins, is by the Guiscard link to Viscontis, for I can expect "Latter Day Saints" families in the Piedmont / Savoy theater for various reasons, one being the Saint/Sinclair house of Candie in Savoy. Brians were right there in the Savoy theater. The fact that laidir-like Leaders and similar Ladd/Ladons both use scallops is a testament to the trace of the Mother-Goddess Latins to Scylla, where Guiscards ruled. But as Leaders / Ladds/Ladons use versions of the Meschin Coat, we can expect them in the Piedmont area of Mascis too.

While Irish Brians using Levi-style lions use "laidir," French Brians use "Sans" (looks like code for Saints/Sinclairs/Suns) while English Brians show the same pile design as Guiscards. It's tracing Guiscards to Briancon at the southern Savoy theater. The Durance flows through Hautes-Alps and Alpes-de-Haute, and then there's even a Haute-Savoy. Guiscards are said to be from a Hauteville surname, you see. (Interesting here is that I linked Viscontis / Guiscards to the Mieszko line, while Mieszko's daughter was dubbed, "Haughty," suggesting that Mieszkos were related to Mascis of these Haute-named regions ("haught" means "high").

By what coincidence do laidir-like Leaders use scallops in the same colors as English Michaels while Scottish Michaels (Surrey, a Kilpatrick-related location) use a wavy fesse in colors reversed to the same of scallop-using Ladd/Ladons? It's heavily suggesting that Guiscards of Scylla / Messina were in cahoots with Masci-related Latins...Masci-related harlots of the Revelation-Mother kind. And as Michaels are suspect Byzantines, it can not only explain why Meschins lived in the Bessin, or why Mieszko's son was BEZprym, but it tips us off as to the Latin merger with Byzantines that should lead to the black two-headed eagle of Maxwells. The Massis/Mattis' use a black bent-necked eagle, which is the design usually of the eagle when it has two heads. There is definitely a Latin merger here with Mascis that is of the cultic-Latin kind, and the Botter Latins are highly suspect, not just because they were first found in the same place as Neros, but because they trace to laidir-using Kilpatricks.

It's telling me that the resurrection theme of the Maxwell motto is the resurrection of the Nero phoenix upon which the Revelation harlot rides. And as we see the Levi lion on the dragon's back in the Kilpatrick Crest, it's bringing the Brigantians of Briancon into the harlot cult, for Brians also use the Levi lion and the laidir term. And Brigantians are from the Bridges/Brigians, otherwise called Phrygians, who owned the Kybele-Attis Great-Mother cult that gave birth to mythical Lydus. There's your mystery of the harlot solved to a large degree, and it even helps to prove that the Greek Ladon dragon is the Revelation dragon. Thank you heraldry blabbers for letting us know.

The link of Michael-branch Byzantines to this harlot may be important for the prophecy of Daniel 2, where Rome is depicted as two legs. Michael I Rangabe was, I think, a relative of Michael II the Amorian. Amorians are known to be from Phrygia! Who is it, according to Daniel 12, that rises up to destroy the anti-Christ at Armageddon? The arch-angel, Michael!

I've just noticed that the Kilpatrick Shield, when the Maxwell saltire is removed, is the Saluzzo Shield-and-Chief combination. Saluzzo and neighboring Bosca (about ten miles north of Cuneo) are about 50 miles from Briancon, and the Durance river flows right past the Saluzzo area. If Solanas trace here, the Solana wolf should be the Roman wolf. But as this alternative Solana Coat shows green snakes in place of the wolves, the Visconti snake (swallowing a human infant) is suspect.

It just can't be coincidental that Conys and Conns, whom I traced to "Cuneo," use the Meschin Shield format, colors reversed to Leaders. It's tracing Leaders and Ladds/Ladons to Cuneo, location of Saluzzo and Bosca.

Leaders use roses on stems (not to mention "pellets"), as do the Szaparys/Szafarys who show what I think is the Biblical harlot. Szaparys/Szafarys were not only traced to the Karlovac area near the Romanish proto-Maxwells (the Maezaei, I think) of Rijeka, but to the Sforzas (first found in Rome) that received, by marriage, the Visconti snake. It's telling us again that Meschin-honoring, Brian-related Leaders are the Biblical Patrician-Latin line that will do war against the end-time saints when they come out with their 666 commercial system...which must be in the planning as we speak.

The Gayer bloodline, suspect at Megiddo even now, should trace to Gays, first found at Savoy. This is being repeated now because Dutch Gayers use a fesse in the colors of the Leader / Michael fesse, meaning that Gays / Gayers are looking like part of the Briancon / Saluzzo harlot? Let's not forget here that Ranulf le Meschin's father (out of the Bessin) was a BRIQUESsart surname, for the fesses above are colors reversed to the Meschin fesse. Note that the PADEborn location of German Geiers/Gayers gets the Pades (= Patricians of the Patterson kind) with scallops and mascles, two symbols of the Michaels.

The Pade crest is a "biturn," likely symbol for the Botters / Butteri. The Pade scallops have been traced to the same of Sodans/Sowdens of Devon, where English Gayers were first found. This was the Pendragon cult because Devon's Gayers use the Pendragon fleur, which has been identified already as the Sale fleur, meaning that Pades trace back to Saluzzo's Salyes and Mascis.

Does the above suggest that Gays / Gayers were Julians? Might there have been Guil(iam) and Gail variations of "JULian" that morphed into the Gays / Gayers? The Leader Crest: An arm and hand holding three roses. Three roses is a symbol of Caesars first found in the same place (Kent) as Guils/Gulls/Kulls! I didn't know that when asking the question above. Gails/Gales use the small saltire, as do Candys who are suspect as the House of Candie in Savoy (= Briancon theater) as well as the Cantii founders of Kent...which can explain the unicorn (blue, Will and Jay/Gai colors) like the in the Gail/Gale Crest.

[I almost missed it. It was a couple of hours after finding the Guils/Kulls that I got back to the German Julian Coat to see that both surnames use vertical black-and-white bars. That clinches to Caesars of Kent as from Julius Caesar, and should explain why Kent became a Masonic hub-bub. As the Guil/Kull bars are in the colors of the Kill/Keele and Zollern quadrants, they should be related, meaning that the Madariaga > Solana line to Javier again looks Caesar-ian. The Kyle-related Kelts use the same colors too.]

The Guils/Kulls use a silver Shield with gold Chief, the color combinations of the Garter Coat checks. It's "illegal" for heraldry symbols to use silver and gold in contact with one another, though the combination was used in olden times before the rule was made to prohibit it. These are the two metals of heraldry, and the Galli were the priests of the Kabeiri metal makers (the Irish Brian lions are split in half in gold and silver). Therefore, it may be illegal to use the silver-and-gold combination because it's reserved for the Garter-club...queers. It's no wonder they came to use "gay."

The "Sine" motto term of the Guils/Kulls suggests the Sions/Swans/Swanyes that use the Vain/Fane GAUNTlet gloves, which is further corroboration that the gonFANON line links to Gay-like surnames. I trace "gon" also to red-rose Gaunts, or John of Gaunt, founder of the red-rose house of Lancaster, suggesting now that this red rose was a Caesar-ian one.

[About an hour after proof-reading this section, I looked on the map and saw an AiGUILLes location smack beside (about a dozen miles south-east of) Briancon. While wondering whether the Guils bloodline could apply to that term, a Guillestre location was spotted a few more miles southward. These two locations are just off the Durance river at the foot of the Cottian Alps. Note, as per GuillESTRE, that this insert comes after writing the below, where Guils appear to honor Ishtar. Why are we finding Ishtar at the Cottian alps? Apparently, it's because Kybele's husband, Atti(s), was sometimes made the son of Cotys. Reminder: Briancon = Brigantium traces to Brigians, an ancient alternative for Phrygians who owned the Kybele-Attis cult. It's a no-brainer here to identify the Guill locations with the Galli priests of Kybele. Herein at the Durance Cottians is your Kabala line to the end-time losers of Armageddon.]

French Guils, first found in the same place (Brittany) as French Brians, use eight-pointed stars (otherwise suspect as Ishtar stars) in the format of the Butt/Bute estoiles (not to mention that the Coat is a reflection of the Payen Coat), suggesting that Guils/Kulls had linked to the Butteri / Botter bloodline...which is the Caesar-KILpatrick theme once again. It's telling me that KILpatricks were Guils/Kulls as well as Zollern-related Keeles/Kills. Don't Kilpatricks use the Ishtar harlot in the guise of the Levi lion in their Crest???

Important in the Brittany location of French Guils is that Butteri were traced to the Boyds of Dol. This is tracing Julians to Dol's proto-Stewarts. It should explain why, for a few brief days, the English Alan Coat changed into vertical bars -- i.e. used by Guils/Kulls -- though the vertical bars were in the colors of the same of Bellis / Carpenters. See the vertical bars in the Ishtar-suspect Stur/Esturmy Coat, and three red roses in the Chief! This is the harlot-Latin line of Julians. I did not ever know until this month that the Rosicrucian roses were those of the Caesars. Rosicrucians place a red rose on the center of a cross in place of Christ.

As I trace Boyds to the BUDINi, note that "Odin" is also "WODEN," like the Bodin variation of English Botters, and like the Bodin/Boden/BOYDden surname (just found)! The latter even use an "auden" term buried in their motto. German Bodens/Botens: three red-on-white roses (!) on a fesse in Botter/Bottin colors.

The paragraph(s) below had been written already when the Odin-Woden parts were added to the paragraph above. How amazing to find that the Bodins/Bodens/Boydens use a "CONtra" motto term, and thistles, the symbol of the GONe/Gown Coat! Moreover, Boyds use "CONfido," suggesting that Boyds are a part of the gonfanon bloodline. Wasn't it already suspect that the Garters were of the AsGARD cult of Woden??? If it didn't seem correct to you to link the Lindsey Coat to the Boyd Coat when suggested in a previous update, see that the Lindsey Crest swan design is that of the Bodins/Boydens. It suggests that the Lindsey Rhodians were in the Ligurian theater, where I expect the Butteri.

I still await a Botter-like location in Salyes territory to reveal where the Butteri settled. I have been tracing Butteri to the Salyes for many months not knowing exactly where they settled. But weeks ago, I found the Bosca location. The proto-Butteri had been traced (months ago) with undue confidence (as though I knew it only intuitively) to Boscath in Hebron (i.e. Bozrah Esau-ites), what about that Bosca location being smack beside Saluzzo??? Reminder: Bush's use the black Esau boar, and the House of Este, founded by men with Azzo / Ezzo names, was from this Asti / Aosta theater (Saluzzo and Bosca are in Asti). It means that you can bet your favorite red stew that that Esau-ites from Bozrah were the Budini > Butteri line to the House of Este, to Boyds of Bute, and to the heraldic estoile (used by Butes/Butts, for example).

There was a question (4th update in May) of whether the GONfanon was a symbol of the Gone/GOWN surname because the gonfanon resembles a certain kind of a gown. It would be a special symbol of homos in such a picture. I noted that there are Belgian Gones as well as Belgian Gayers, but this picture can now be built upon to a compelling degree. First of all, the Belgian Gones use a bend in colors reversed to the Jay/Gai bend, but it's the Scottish Gones/Gowns that really help us to understand this little mystery. They use a "JUNCta" motto term, smacking of the Yonges, which recalls firstly that the Arms of John Yonge use a gold lion on part-silver Shield, and that the Arms use an ermined Shield like the Garter Shield. There can even be a question of why "John" itself is like "gon."

We'd want to check the June surnames because Yonges use "juene," and there in the June/Jung/Juen Coat are black-on-white fleur-de-lys, the colors of the single Gayer/Gair/Gere fleur-de-lys (the only symbol in the Coat). As there is a strong argument here for linking "YONge/JUNge to the GONfanon term, what about the fact that the June fleur is the Salyes fleur while Salyes named Saluzzo in CUNeo??? Can we realize here that Cuneo was named after the Roman Juno? In fact, I traced (months ago) the Yonge-related Juno bloodline by other methods to Piedmont's proto-Hungarians (can't re-hash the details here). It just so happens that the gonfanon is a known symbol of Montforts, and that Saluzzo / Cuneo is on one end of the Montferrat heights. There's your gon-mystery solved with solid evidence.

The fanon mystery is the Veneti line from Mus at Lake Van, through the Mascis of Saluzzo, to the Mackay-sept Vains/Vans/Fanes. This is your phoenix line, and as it must link to Nero's Julians in the Saluzzo area, it means that Nahorites were there somewhere, not forgetting that I'm tracing the Gelonii to Julians. This is where the Budini trace to Bosca comes in. One can even trace Boscath to the CadMUS-line Boiotians, and Montforts use the Boii(hemian) lion. Reminder: the "lamh"-associated (Brians and Sullivans use "lamh") Salyes had traced (long before this discussion) to Lamatis on the Urbanus river occupied by proto-Maxwell and proto-Masci Maezaei, a river beside the Oeneus / Una river that was mythical Juno....who is now tracing to "Cuneo."

[Less than an hour after suggesting the Yonge link to Nahorites above, the Norry Coat was recalled, with the black wolf head of the Yonges. It recalls the recent trace of Juno to Nero by other means. The Norris/Norreys Coat was looked up at this time (i.e. after Lamatis was mentioned above), finding crow-like ravens. The "serve" term of the Norris' has been traced with Kyles to Servitium, near Lamatis. This insert is written after several paragraphs below were already written, including the one below. The "FEYthfully" term (means the same as "fide/fidel" terms) of Norris' is likely code for Foetes/Fussen, but smacks of the Julian-related Foys/Fees/Feys accessed earlier by the "ung foy" motto phrase...that suggesting Yonges. This insert is suggesting Nahorites in the proto-Roman area of the Oeneus / Urbanus / Sava / Colapis rivers. Norrys were first found beside the Fife / Perth theater to which Yonges and Duffs-Feys trace.]

The Roxolani-suspect Geloni and related Budini were only recently traced to the Rijeka area of the House of Este, at which time it was conjectured that the Gelonii were the proto-Julians/Gellians. We are now finding Julian suspects of the Gay / Gayer kind linked to Saluzzo elements (Gays of Savoy use a rooster, a symbol of mythical Lug, code for Ligurians), and that Budini suspects were beside Saluzzo. The Julian trace to Gelonii is bearing true thus far, but herein we have some harlot-related details on that migrational path.

Lake Van was founded by a Nairi-related peoples called, Biaini," smacking of "banner." The Gonfanon is said to be a banner. The Biaini term has "ini" for a suffix so that the root is "Bia," and gonfanon-owning Montforts use the two-tailed lion of the Boii (see it in the Arms of Bohemia). Biaincidence?

Like Vains/Vans/Fanos, Bains were a Mackay sept, strongly suggesting that Bains were the Biaini of Mus. Bains were first found in the same place (Aberdeenshire) as Norrys! The Bain lion is also the Dutch Bush/BOSCH (!!!) and Nair/Nuir lion, and Nairs/Nuirs (first found in Perth) are the ones using the blue Celt/Colt pheon tracing to the Pilate line of Perthshire Picts. The Celt/Colt stag is red, the color of the stag used by Van-related Venus'. I kid you not that the flood in the paragraph was conceived AFTER the Budini were suggested at Bosca above, at which time it was suspect suddenly that Nahorites ought to have been at Saluzzo. I wrote: "...Mackay-sept Vains/Vans/Fanes. This is your phoenix line, and as it must link to Nero's Julians in the Saluzzo area, it means that Nahorites were there somewhere."

Italian Galls use almost the Montfort lion, and a rooster is the symbol of German Galls/Kalas/GALUSka. The Gall rooster is in the colors of the Koppel rooster, which traces easily to Poland's Goplo area, the ancestry of the Bohemian-related Mieszkos. A certain GALLUS AnonyMOUS wrote mythically (i.e. in code) on Mieszko ancestry at a MOUSE Tower of Goplo. We get it: the Mieszkos trace to the Galli-related Gay-of-Savoy rooster, and to the Masci harlot of neighboring Piedmont, and to the gone-with-the-Wends Montforts, all Nairi / Neuri suspects of the Julian/Gellian kind. It's telling me that Gelonii and the Neuri were at Goplo and NURemberg (Bavaria), for it just so happens that Koppels were first found in NURemberg.

Do you see how much pleasure the heraldry masters have made of this dragon hunt? Thank you, fools. Go straight to your fiery graves, if you insist. The fire cometh, just as soon as you release your screaming 666 system. They're rubbing their hands in glee at what they are about to unleash, with many plans to make it succeed in spite of our being opposed. But it can't succeed with a blasphemer at the helm.

The GARDens/Jardins (black boar) use a "JUNGuntur" motto term! The "Jewish" BaumGARTners (Bamberg-of-Bavaria suspect) use the fleur in the colors of the June/Jung and Gayer/Gair fleur!! (Is that a green parrot in the Baumgartner Coat?) Did you notice the "ARDENs" motto of Pades, accessed from the Padeborn location of Geiers/Gayers?

Taurus Roots of Turin's Nahorites

This is a good place to remind about the son of Hercules, Hyllas, who was seen in the last update to be a Pamphylian relation, meaning that Hercules traces to Bamberg, especially as Babenbergs (rulers of Bamberg) liked to use clubs (the sticks), a symbol of Hercules, in their heraldry. There's an entire rainbow of families to which a Hyllas term can trace, but I keep a strict rein on Hell terms because they are so-wide spread.

The Helion/Helm Coat should be re-mentioned because it uses the Sale pheon and bend while the Sale fleur are used by helmet-using Pendragons. It evokes the trace of Hercules-Atlanteans to Devon's Dumnoni, and the Herod-suspect rise of Arthurians there. The Gard(er)s above were Pendragons and, as I said, "Gard" could be a Herod variation. Hulls and Halls use talbots in the colors of the Pendragon chevron, and this could trace Hyllas to the Dumnoni at the root of Helm-related Pendragons. Stay with me.

Hyllas was made born from a snake woman (suggesting perhaps that the myth writer had the snake of Dan in mind, not necessarily meaning that the writer was correct to make that trace). It's important that Helions/Helms were first found in Surrey, a term that I trace to Taurus elements, for there was a Taurus range not only beside Cilicia's Adana, but one up in the Crimea / Azov theater (= home of Cimmerians that I suspected long ago in "ASgard"). Not only did I have several reasons for seeing Hercules as a Cimmerian people (especially at Kamiros), but I had found a Hyllas location (I can't recall how to find it) on the north shores of the Black sea, where Cimmerians -- and the Gelonii -- lived...which for me suggests that Danaans out of Tanais (land of the Alans / Sarmatians) had something to do with Hyllas, a son of a Danaan god. Unless we're willing to trace the Israelite tribe of Dan to Tanais, we need to make a distinction between Danites and Tanais-based Dananns.

Why did HERODotus take it upon himself to trace Sarmatians at Tanais back in time through the Crimea -- called Taurus too -- to Amazons and Gargarians of the Taurus-like Thermodon area (near Mazaca)? German Hellens/Hellers use the wing of the Mascis (= Amazons / Meshech from Mazaca), which is in blue, as with the wings of Herod-suspect Heres / Herzogs/HARTzogs (both Hellens/Hellers and Hertzogs were first found in Bavaria). As I now trace Herodotus to the ancestry of Herods and Julians alike, isn't all this a little suspicious, since after all Herodotus was from HALIcarnassus (near Rhodes, where we find Kamiros)?

I think I'm claiming that Hyllas founded HALIcarnassus, and that Hyllas elements ought to be found with the Herod line to Galli-rooted Julians. Reminder: Hercules sailed in a cup-shaped ship of Helios to Devon, and the filthy cup of Christian-murder goes to the Julian dragon cult, rising again as a Nahorite bloodline near you. French Hellens (the Pepin / Odin horses in colors reversed), highly suspect as Sarmatian Alans of Brittany, have this write-up: "First found in Brittany, where Hillion, near Saint-Brieux, was the birthplace of Herve d'Helion. d'Helion was a companion of William the Conqueror and was awarded a barony and lands in DEVON [!]. Here, the family established its seat at Ashton and Credy-Helion." For me here, "Brieux" is the Phrygian-Mother-Harlot line to Brigantium, for Helms/Helions trace to Salyes at Briancon.

There's a filthy cup coming round to the dragonline Stewarts, and they are going to be made to drink their own urine this time. On the frightful day of their Destruction from the skies, they're going to pee in their pants.

[Briancon is about 50 miles from Turin. As we just saw Aiguilles and GuillESTRA locations at Briancon, what about the trace of Ishtar to Histria, to the south of a Taurus-like area on this map of Roman-Illyrica. One can take the Taurus entity from one end of the Po to Turin at the other end of the Po. I've just spotted on the map that the Cottian Alps to the Italians are "Cozie," which revealed the Goz bloodline that the Contevilles married in giving birth to Hugh Lupus. Hugh's sister gave birth to Ranulf le Meschin, and the latter's father was a Briquessart that surely traces now to Briancon = "Brig(antium" elements? It's telling me that Mascis were in the Cottian Alps as the harlot.

Right at the "Cozie" term in my atlas, there is a PINErolo location (about 25 miles to the south-west of Turin). This is so very excellent for my trace of Cattolica, beside Rimini, to the Cottians. For the Maschis/Maskallys, first found in Rimini, use PINE cones...that I now know are code for Pinerolo elements. The "Piner" term even gets the Penders/Pinners of Cheshire using the Macey chevron. We can ask whether the Roman Catholic church named itself secretly after the Cottians.

The white-on-blue lions on the Penders/Piners are those too of the Kellys (said to be from "Ceallaigh"), I'm sure, because a Kelly/Killias motto term is "Turris." In fact, both Kellys and Penders/Piners use "fortis." It means that "Kelly" traces to the Guillestre bloodline of Turin relations. This is so very excellent, because the Cattolica location at Rimini was discovered while I was tracing the Polzl-surnamed mother of Adolph Hitler to Maschis of Rimini. It was at that very time that Cattolica was seen to trace to Cottians. The point is, both Kellys and Hitlers use the enfield griffin! I didn't know until now that Kellys trace to Mascis of Piedmont, and moreover this definitely traces the rooster used by Kelloggs cereals to the Gay rooster.

As a child, I lived on Jay street about 400 yards from a Keele street. It was on the lawn at Jay street that I heard a voice, when no one was around, "Will you live for me?" I said no. God seemed strange to me at that time, at seven years of age. I said, "No, I want to have fun." God seemed like he would rob me of my enjoyment. He didn't even introduce Himself before asking me to give up my life. To prove that this wasn't the devil, God struck the chimney of my house with lightning at 11 years of age, when I was waking from sleep in the morning, muttering, "No, I don't believe in you, God, I don't believe in you...BAM!" A loud and bright flash of lightning struck as those last words were still on my lips. The chimney bricks were all over the roof to prove it. I never did apologize to my father for giving him that expense.

The Aiguilles location smacks of the eagle. It may be evidence that the Roman eagle was in particular a symbol of the Julian/Gillian line. There are black eagles in the Arms of Vars, a location if the canton of Guillestre. Bingo! There's a two-headed black eagle in the Arms of Guillestre!!! The article even tells of a Guil tributary of the Durance.

There's a Ceillac location in the canton of Guillestre that smacks of the Ceallaigh term to which the Kelly write-up traces Kellys. The Arms of Ceillac (more black eagles) smack of the Irish (Leix) Welch Coat, important because "Welch" and "Guelch" are synonymous spellings. The Welch-Crest swan traces to Ligurians. Scottish Welch's (Roxburghshire, where Julians of the Maxwell kind lived) use as saltire in the colors of the Julian / Maxwell saltire. This paragraph can indeed trace Julians fundamentally to Guillestre. Reminder, Caesar-suspect Irish Caseys use the same chevron as Welch's along with three eagle heads, as in the Arms of Ceillac). The "varios" term of these Caseys could be code for Vars.

Bingo! To help prove the Welch-Casey relationship, recall the identification (in the last update) of the Welch chevrons with the Crow chevron, as well as the Crow identification with the Corries and Corks/Corrs, for while Irish Caseys were first found in Cork, Scottish Caseys use "three crows heads"! As the Welch-Crow topic was on the 666, let me remind that the French Casey leaves, six each on three branches, was suspect as a 666 code.

Kelly-related Kelloggs likewise smack of "Ceillac." The Kelloggs Coat is colors reversed from the Casey Coat using the crows heads.

YS sent in a message days ago that the vice-president of the European Commission is in charge of the digital-identification of Europeans, what is being considered by some as a proto-666 agenda (I kid you not, that I just heard, this second before writing the next sentence, a crow outside my house for the first time this morning, and hardly ever hear crows here anymore). The surname of that vice-president is KROES!!! I have already started the next update on that topic, and here I now find that the wing design in the Crest of the Kroes'/Kreugers is like the wing shape of the Crow-suspect Kelloggs Crest. It may be true that God is going to reveal to us the inventors of the 666 commercial system. Check for a 666 code on your box of Kelloggs cereal.

Reminder: I trace Rimini to "Rimmon" in the proto-Roman area of the Megiddo theater. Here's from the 4th update of last May:

We saw that Quincys were linked to Maschis of Rimini...It behooves (don't you just love that old word), as per the trace of Rimmon to Romans, to show the map of Galilee again, with ENDor not far south of Rimmon. It evokes the End-and-ENDymion topic above, the moon cult at Latmus,...I'm still assuming that ISHTAR/ASHTARte was worshiped at ESDRaelon, smack at Endor...Ishtar must certainly trace to Rome from Histria (around the Veneti corner from Rimini)...

I'm sharing that quote to suggest a trace of the Roman eagle, and the Aiguilles and GuillESTRe locations, to Galilee and ESDRaelon. As the enfield-using Kellys were just traced to the Guillestre location, by what coincidence are the Enfields also ENDfield??? I'm seeing a "Kelly" trace to "Galilee," and an ENDfield trace to Endor and Endymion at Latmos. It should trace Endor elements from Latmos to the founding of Patmos.

Spanish Pinos/Pineros use pine cones too, but the Italian Pinos/Pintos have become important now, ever since the Coat of the French Masseys of Savoy has changed (very recently) to red-on-white crescents (i.e. moons), the colors of the Pinos/Pinto crescents! It means that if the Massey red crescents trace to Pinerolo, so might the red crescents of related others. The Deins for example, a branch of Diens who use the Masci wing. The Tattons-of-Masci too. Any of these Pino/Pinter clans may trace to the Endor > Endymion moon line.

Let me tell you a story. But you need to believe me when I say that much of my life, and the particular events within it, were structured by God to assist in this revelation. And I mean many events going back to my childhood. For example, I wrote above that Stewarts will drink their own urine before I got to this section on the Maschi pine trace to Pinerolo. It made me recall an event. I was four or five years old, playing on the railing of the front porch, and standing on the railing, when I had to take a leak. There was no one below, so I took one there. But before the gold hit the ground, my neighbor, same age as me, by the name of Pino, came walking around the bend, and the gold hit him on the head. He looked up in surprise with mouth wide open, when the line of urine went straight into his mouth; I thought that it was the most-remarkable "coincidence," and I'll just never forget it as it was burned into my memory. It's the sort of things little boys laugh along with, though Pino wasn't laughing.

Today, I find this event coming to mind while starting on the Pinerolo topic, which is why I entered "Pino" to see what would come up. But I wouldn't have told you this story had it not been for my statement of not many minutes before the Pinerolo discovery, that dragonline Stewarts will drink their urine at Armageddon...because they killed God's people in the past as per the grail held by the Revelation harlot.

I'm of course asking myself how the Pinos could link to Stewarts. The first thing done in search of that suspicion was to check the Salerno article, for that's where Pinos/Pintos were first found. It just so happens that the flag of Salerno is red and gold vertical bars, the colors of the vertical Stur/Esturmy/Estermeyer bars! I consistently trace that surname both to "STEWart" and to Ishtar, the one who holds the dirty grail cup, and gets drunk on killing Christians.

The Sturs/Esturmys were first found in the same place (Manche) as Masseys, assuring all the more that Piedmont Mascis -- and Savoy Masseys with the Pino crescents -- are the harlot line. The Sturs/Esturmys of Manche were of Turin-suspect Tourlaville.

The Arms of Salerno (as opposed to the flag of Salerno) show the same bars, but horizontal, and then English Sturs/STOWERs use their bars horizontally.

Interesting at Salerno is that it's at the Naples theater, where I traced the Payens and the Chappes'. It was a difficult trace for readers to understand, I realized, but I knew what I was talking about even though I may not have conveyed it well. It had to do with the Picenti area near Salerno. It suggests that "Pagan" was also Picen-like. I've never stressed the Paiont variation of Payens until coming to the Pict-paint topic of the last update, where the subject was the drinking of blood from a grail / bowl by the scythians who were the proto-666 cult. It was an enlightening discussion. I now find the Pinos/PINTOs at Salerna, suggesting that Paiont and Pintos were related branches.

There is a way to support the Payen trace to Pinos/Pintos. The Paines, clearly honoring the Malahule > D'EsPAINEs > Meschin line in their motto, were first found in the same place as Masci-related Deins who use the Pino/Pinto crescents. This is tracing the 666-tattoo bloodline to Endymion at Latmos, and to Endor at Megiddo. It had been suspect that the 666 cult was already on Patmos when John wrote of it on Patmos, and here I'm finding that the 666 cult traces to the Endor root of those who founded Patmos.

Might we trace Endor elements to mythical Antenor? He was a Trojan ruler of the Heneti, and they trace to such entities as the Vains/Vans/Fanos. That's repeated because I've just found a Fano location about 30 miles south of Rimini.

The Paine Coat is the one using the Rome/Roam fesse in colors reversed, as well as the Rome/Roam lion design in colors reversed. On my Atlas, Rimini (from the Rimmon / Endor location) is at the end of a word, "Romagna." That is, the southern tip of Romagna was at Rimini. Between Rimini and Cattolica there is Riccione, smacking of the Maxwell- and Maezaei-related Rijeka/Rika, smack beside Histria that could trace to Esdraelon beside Endor.

Let me repeat from the top of this update well before coming to the Pino / Pinerolo topic:

The "Pungit" motto term of the Romes/Roams may suggest the Pung/Pagan/Paganell surname, and therefore the Payen/Pagan bloodline once again.

This recalls my trace of Pendragons to Penners and Pines/Pynds, wherefore it seemed that Payens were a Pendragon line. That's being repeated because the Pung-like Pengs/Pengellys/PengLEYs get a surname first found in the same place (Cornwall) as Pendragons, and both Pengs and Pendragons use white fleur-de-LYS. In fact, Pengs (a surname new to me) use their lys in the colors of the Lys-surname fleur, expected where I identify the Arthurian grail cult with the Lys surname and Lys river in Artois.

But then the Masseys use the same-colored fleur-de-lys, and there was a Lys valley also in Aosta, the theater of French Masseys who are now showing the Pino/Pinto crescents! Should I check the Urine surname? Let's pass on that one.

Compare the Pagnell to the Madariaga Coat. It's a match, I'm sure, because Solanas and Spanish Pinos/Pinars (both use gold Shields) were first found in the same place (Catalonia). It's telling us that Javier Solana, and the EU circle of doinks who respect and empowered him, is of a 666 bloodline of the Pino > Payen kind.

I'm not forgetting that Zeus was depicted as a golden shower, a phrase viewed by sickly homosexuals as splendid urination, when he gave birth to Perseus with Danae as the mother. Here I now find that the Deins (first found in the same place as Danes, Diens, Danners) use the Pino/Pinto crescents. When Kellys and Penders/Piners were linked above aside from their sharing a "fortis" motto term, the Kellys were tracing to the Guill locations near Pinerolo. I now find that Deins use "forti," as well as a gold lion that should, due to that term, be the Sforza lion.

It's telling me that 666ers trace to the sick Galli Phrygians on the Parthenius river (the river of the Antenor Heneti) as they evolved from the Gorgo-Perseus scythians into the Paris Gorgo-Trojans, founded by DarDANUS now identified easily as the golden-shower bloodline of Zeus (gold was a typical symbol of Phrygians). These were the scythians who liked cups, as for example Hercules was depicted at times wearing a gold cup on his belt, a symbol for the human skulls that scythians wore on their belts (real cool, huh?), and often drank from. This was the golden fleece bloodline, the human-sacrifice cult, everything that satan likes to see in God's Creation. Though buffoons, the scythians were dangerous. It will be the same in the last days. You won't be able to talk sense to these bulls. They have been conditioned already to enjoy sadistic deeds. Many police officers are becoming trigger-happy, lusting to kill, even.

For now, if we're still trying to nail down the location of the Piedmont Julians/Gellians, I'd suggest the Guillestre area at Briancon. This was Galli-Phrygian harlot-ville on the French side of the Cottian Alps, mountains named after Cotys, father of the golden-shower bloodline. This shouldn't be a hard riddle to crack. The Masci-winged Hellens and Masci-winged Hertzogs ought to Briancon's Phrygians. By what coincidence is the HARTzog black bend with gold stars identical to the same of the GELL/Jell/Gill Coat that was linked earlier to the gold-on-black stars in the Chief of the SELLicks, first found in HEREfordshire? Like the Caesar surname, the Helles/Hellers surname (royal blue) was first found in Kent.

The Sell / Hell lines here are the Seleucid factor of the harlot, what we should perhaps view as the dragon aspect which the harlot rides. Seleucid kings proper were avid / activist Hellenists, and attempted to instill Hellenism in Israel.

Can you spot where in Phrygia the golden-urine bloodline came from? I might not have realized it had it not been for 5-year old Pino. It was definitely part of the Galli cult.

French Brians use a "Sans" motto term suspect with the Sun and Saint variations of Sinclairs, but in any case the "San(s)" term gets the Spanish Sanchez/Sanguez/Sans surname. It evokes the Sangarius river of Phrygia, because Briancon has already traced to Phrygians. The river was also SAKArya, suggesting the Saka scythians. What did they do in the river, we wonder, as ceremonial events using blood? Mythical Sangarius was made the father of Hecuba, mother of Hector and Paris. There's your Phrygian golden-shower line to Trojans.

"Sang" is a French blood term, and I did note that the Pender/Piner lions had blood drops. The Sanchez/Sanguez/Sans surname shows the same type eagle as the Sparrs/Sparks, but in the colors of the Gay-of-Savoy rooster. The Sparr/Sparks swan should link to Salyes Ligures, but let's not neglect that we're on the Sparrow / Speer / Spree bloodline here, for both Speers and Sprees use crescents in the colors of the Pinos/Pintos. Speers use them in their Chief, as do Deins and Masseys. It's hard at this point to say whether or not the "Soyez" term of Sprees is for "Sanquez" elements.

Sangarius was the grandfather of Attis, and he was the pine god. Fancy meeting him here in a Pineros discussion. He's got to be the golden-shower bloodline, you see, for he was the sun god of the deplorable transvestites. And the pine cone was used by Dionysus on the Maeander river coming from Phrygia. The Maeander is where the Julian salamander traces. The Laus Deo phrase of Manders and in the Washington Monument has to do with Dionysus, and in fact the Washington Monument is really a pine cone.

The Saluzzo Shield-and-Chief combination is used by Cutter-branch Cottians, you see, and so Cutters and Saluzzos together are from the golden-urine line of Cotys > Attis. And they settled in PEEmont, hee hee.

NOW SEE HERE at what was found miraculously after all the above was written: the Saluzzo Shield-and-Chief combination is used also by Aprils -- first found in Brittany, right where the Stewarts lived that were just identified with the urine-in-mouth Pino line -- and it just so happens that Aprils use........a pine tree. It's the Dallen / Constance pine tree. (Romans liked to name their beloved cults after months of the year.)

The Scottish Turin surname was Pictish, that being suspect with the Pino/Pinto line if indeed the latter was a paint line. The "Juvat" term of Turins is used by Duffs and traced to "Jove/Jupiter." The French Julian saltire shows in the Pede Coat, and the towers of the same Coat should be for Turin, capital of PEDEmont. Both Turins and Pedes use gold Shields. As with the Aprils, the French Julian Chief is blue with gold symbols.

It's a years-old theory that the Galli metal workers named many metallic items, one being gold. The Joul-using variations of the French Julians suggests Gouls, or the Goulds/Golds. They use a Shield style like the Sprees, and the latter are surely a part of the Pino/Pinto-crescent line. The Goulds/Golds use their Shield colors in those of the French Julian/Joullian Chief. It just so happens that French Goulds were first found in the same place (Brittany) as Aprils. French Goulds use bugles in Pollock-bugle white, on a red Shield like that of French Julians.

Sprees are not only of the Sparrow kin of Caesars/Sesares, but German Julians were first found in Saxony, where Lusatia is located, where the Spree flows. I suppose the German Julian Shield is quartered red and white, the colors of the Spree quarters. The black (on white) vertical bars of German Julians could be for the black-on-white pale (= a vertical bar) in the Arms of Aiguilles.

Let's go back to Herodotus at his HalicarNASSUS birthplace, a term that seems to be rooted in three elements, including the Ialysos elements of Helios on neighboring Herod-like Rhodes. Do you think we could trace part of that term to "Nassau"? Why does so much trace to the Durance river? Compare "DURANce" to "Turin," for Herodotus moved from Halicarnassus to Thurii. Apart from any considerations at all on Herodotus or Halicarnassus, Julians were traced suggestively to Ialysos, and the Suburu birthplace of Julius Caesar was traced suggestively to Sybaris, the proto-Thurii. I now find Julian-related locations between the Briancon and Turin, and then the home of Rhodes-rooted Redones can be expected down the Durance at Nassua. There just seems to be too many coincidences here. It really does look like Halicarnassus and Rhodes elements were part of the heart of the dragon bloodline at the Durance.

In fact, this was the Provence area, the origin of the Ligures from the Bellovesus Gauls, and even Bellovesus traces to Ligure-suspect Lycia, living on the east side of the Maeander. The Julian salamander traces well on the one term to Salyes on the Durance, and on the other term to the Maeander, which was home to bull-depicted Dionysus...and his pine-cone cult that ended up at the Julian-suspect locations between Briancon and Turin. DioNYSUS apparently named HalicarNASSUS near the mouth of the Maeander, suggesting that his cult named Nassau. I had even traced his sacred island, Naxos, and mythical Nike, to the Nice/Nissa/Nicaea location in Liguria. Therein you have more coincidences that seem to add up to verification of all that's been suggested.

Bellovesus traces easily to the Massey pegasus because a BELLerophon was allied to mythical Pegasus, at Lycia. It begs us to trace Bellovesus to the Ligures, but then also to the Masseys of Savoy, and to the Mascis of the same area. Savoy's Masseys now trace independently to the pine-cone symbol of Dionysus, or from the Cattolica area of Rimini to Cottians and to neighboring Pinerolo...between Briancon and Turin. It's just another coincidence.

Bellovesus was from the line of Sisyphus at Sicyon and neighboring Corinth, and then we saw that Chora is a city on Patmos along with Scala. Scala traces to Scylla's namers of Sicily, and Sicyon traces to Sicily's Sicanians, suggesting that Chora was named by Corinthians related to the Sisyphus > Bellero line, now tracing to Latmos, for Patmos is said by Wikipedia to be founded by elements at moon-depicted which the lunar crescents of the Savoy Masseys and the Pino/Pintos trace. Corinth is even near Bura, the place that founded Sybaris, the place to which Turin is being traced (the InSUBRES lived in the Turin theater, and the Innis' use a white castle, the color of the castle in the Arms of Briancon). Savoy is beside Turin, and then on the Turin outskirts is Chiera, smacking of Cher at Berry/Bourges, home of the Bituriges Gauls that were leaders in the invasions into Italy by Bellovesus. About 50 miles west of Turin on the highway to Briancon is a Susa location that may apply to Sisyphus elements. About 20 miles south of Turin, and about the same distance from Pinerolo, is Carnagnola, which could be a Caria term or even a CARNassus term. We could expect Halicarnassus' Carians (at the mouth area of the Maeander) at Pinerolo and Turin if Turin traces to Thurii.

I was going to elaborate that Susa is a place suspect with SEGOvesus, the brother of Bellovesus, whom I traced to "SICYon." It was at that time that I realized mythical SISYphus, king of Corinth, to be code for "SICYon." I wasn't going to repeat this trace of Segovesus to Sicyon until finding myself at the Susa article, and learning that Susa was also called, Segusio! Good one, John. Expect Corinthians at Susa and Briancon. On the Buech tributary of the Durance there is a Sisteron location.

The German Buch/Bueche surname shows the Masci wing design, and what could be the personal lion of Ranulf le Meschin. Note here that the Buch/Bueche lion is in the color and design of the Dutch Bush/Bosch lion, for it's tracing Bush's fundamentally to the Buech-Meschins, and to the Buech river. Le Meschin was a Conteville on one side, and then the English Buchs (Lincolnshire, where I expect Redones, and where Le Meschin got his Lucy-named wife smacking of Lacydon) use black-on-white antlers, the colors of the English Conte antlers. It's telling be that the Contevilles-Burgos were on the Buech river, especially as it is a DURance tributary while Contes were first found in DURham!!!

That not only reveals that the Burgos in Conteville ancestry were of Berry/Bourges/Avaricon (compare "Burg" with "BRIGantium"), but the traces Durham to the Durance! It recalls the red crescent of the Durham surname, now suspect as the Pino/Pinto crescent of the Masseys of Savoy. The Durham even use dolphins in Crest as code for their Dauphine roots. By what coincidence is it that while I trace Buck terms and Pagans to pharaoh "Apachnas" (ruled at Avaricum-like Avaris), Payens/Pagans were first found in Dauphine? It's telling me that Payens were on the Buech river. The Durham Shield is even colors reversed to the Bellamy Shield, which itself uses red-on-gold crescents, the color of the Durham crescent.

This trace of Durhams to the Pino bloodline is excellent, for the latter is the golden-shower bloodline, and gold traces to "or," the French word for gold, or "dora," and I think the Durance river was named after Dorians.

The Bellovesus Gauls are said to have come from Dauphine as well as from Provence, and then I trace "Pegasus" to the Payens/Pagans, now suspect as the Pino/Pinto line out of Pinerolo...from the Phrygian side of the Dionysus cult. That is, from the harlot side of Dionysus, the main target of God at Megiddo, the Kabala priesthood. Part of Dauphine was Hautes-Alps, smack at the Durance in the vicinity of Briancon, Aiguilles and Guillestre. The harlot side of Dionysus was the Kybele-Attis line to Lydians on the west side of the Maeander, and for the time being the Payens are being traced to the Pactolus river of Lydia flowing toward Ephesus and Clarus, in the vicinity of Latmus.

It just so happens that a tributary of the Durance in Hautes-Alps is the Claree. As the Claree drains waters from the Cottian Alps, it recalls the trace of KODros-line founders of Ephesus to Cottian-suspect Cutters. Recall the Glaze surname with Cutter Shield-and-Chief combination, the Pilate pheons, and a red heart in Crest. What do you make of all this?

Another Durance tributary in Hautes-Alpes is the Guisane, smacking of the Latter/Latto-related Guiscards. This tends to wildly verify that the Hauteville ancestry of Guiscards was named for Hautes-Alps (or vice versa). The Latters/Lattos should therefore trace to Latmus, not far from Hephaestus at Ephesus, important for verifying that Mormons, who definitely trace to Hephaestus, use "Latter Day Saints" as code in-part for the Latters/Lattos. This was the Ladon dragon.

Italian Durantes were first found in Mondovi, a few miles east of Cuneo. As French Durantes (first found in Dauphine) use the Gunn/Guines ship design, it traces the Gunns ("bellum" motto terms) to "GONfanon," the symbol of Montforts (from Montferrat and Monforte in Cuneo). That is, Gunns ought to be named after Cuneo. Italian Durantes use a white-on-blue tower as evidence for a trace to the white-on-blue castle in the Arms of Briancon. The "pax" motto term of Gunns should be code for the Pagan bloodline out of Dauphine.

Scottish Durants use what could be the Kellogg chevron, for the latter are now tracing to the Ceillac location in the canton of Guillestre at Briancon! English Durants use the Sale fleur as evidence that Sales trace to the Durance-river Salyes. The Durante chevron is surrounded by Traby-colored bugles as evidence that the Traby bugle traces to Orange-Nassau on the Durance. This is your 666 cult, Dorians from the Megiddo / ESDRAElon / Galilee / Nazareth area coming through the Lato-Romans to the Julian bloodline at GuillESTRE, and the Nazareth bloodline at Nassau.

The Durhams even use "fert" in their motto as code for the MontFerrat line that I trace to Ferraris who use a lion in the colors of the Nassau lion. The Kabala bloodline of Dionysus, the proto Latins, was the metal-making Galli, and as Kybele was just the Phrygian term (named after the Lasonii-related Cabelees) for the Ishtar line to Latins, note "GUILLestre," a Galli-Ishtar combo, apparently. It adds up because Briancon traces to Phrygians, owners of the Kybele cult. I've considered cavallo terms (Latin for horse) in the past as possible evidence that Cabelees were a horse people, and here I now find a Cavaillon location along the Durance.

The Lason surname is registered with Lawsons (colors reversed from Latters/Lattos), smacking of the Law-using variations of Latters/Lattos. If you were convinced that the Pino/Pinto and Massey red crescents traced to the moon goddess, Selene of Latmus, lover of Endor-suspect Endymion, then the crescents in the Latter/Latto fesse, in colors reversed to crescents in the fesse of Durance-rooted Bellamys, are evidence that Latters/Lattos trace to "Latmus." Endor is not only a few miles north of Esdraelon, but a few miles from proto-Dionysus at Nazareth.

The Lason/Lawson Crest ("Leve" motto term) uses the Biden cap, called a "chapeau" that for good reason can be traced to "Caiaphas." The Capellis (Ferrara, home of Pharisees) uses the same cap, and they smack of "Cabelees"!!! It means that Lasons/Lawsons do in fact trace to Lasonii...suspect as the Ladon term in a softened form.

Rutherfords use two styles of martins, and while the black ones in their Coat match the black ones in the Lason/Lawton Coat, the Rutherford Crest martin matches the design if the martin in the Lason/Lawson Crest. Reminder: Rutherfords (use the "nec" term, ad Rodhams) are Rothers who are Rodhams while Obama has a Rodham and a Biden at the leading positions of his administration. It means that Obama has the Ladon bloodline at his helm, overseeing Iraq and the rest of the world's affairs. Joe Biden is a seasoned EU man. Rutherfords were first found in the same place (Maxton) as dragonliner Maxwells. Reminder: Kilpatricks use the Levi-lion as the harlot on a dragon, and the "make" motto term of Kilpatricks is code for Makeswells/Maxwells.

Not only do Lasons/Lawsons use a "Leve" motto term, but a chevron in the black color of the French Levi chevron. These Levis were first found in Paris, of a Pharisee-related peoples that co-founded York, where Lasons/Lawsons were first found. Didn't we just see the Lason/Lawson chapeau trace to Pharisee-related Ferrara? Why are the Levi linking in this surname to the Ladon-suspect Lasonii and the Kabala-related Cabelees? It's not because the Levi surname is from blessed Levites.

The Lason/Lawson write-up: "...Law, which was a short form of Lawrence." The Lawrence bloodline includes the Lawries who use a grail cup, and the Rodham tree stump in Crest. Lawries were first found in Dumfries, where I expect the Laevi Gauls, and where Kilpatricks were first found who use the Levi-harlot lion. Isn't the Lawrie grail cup that of the Revelation harlot? And weren't the Lawries who chose the symbol for themselves proud of it? You shouldn't trust that the Lawrie surname developed first of all out of "Lawrence," for the Lowrys use the same grail cup (almost) yet trace to the "Irish Gaelic name 'O Labhradha,' where 'Labraidh' means 'spokesman.'" The Spokes just happen to use a two-headed eagle, and a porcuPINE. Berons/Bryams also use a porcupine, and should trace to Briancon (earlier in this update, Berons/Bryams were traced to proto-Burgundian Bornholm, which supports a Burg trace to "BRIGantium" and Phrygians).

I've traced the black-on-white Levi lion to several lions in the same colors, including the Capua/Caputos lion, of a surname suspect at the foundations of "Caiaphas." The Levi lion was also traced to the Savage lions, which is being repeated because there is a SAVIGliano (looks like a Savage-lion combo) location in Cuneo beside Saluzzo. Both the Savages/Savidges and Sales were first found in Cheshire, wherefore we have just found a location of the Levi lion at Savigliano.

On this location's north side is a CAVELLERmaggiorre. It just so happens that the loinclothed savage is in the Crest of the French Cavell surname, from Cavell in Normandy. The Cavell Coat uses a calf and traces to "chauf/cauf," said to mean, bald, but I can't accept that as anything but code for a cauf-like surname, possibly of a Bald entity too. The Cavell calf is in the colors of the Calf/Caufe surname calves. It smacks of a "Caiaphas" line. What's all that we hear today in prophecy land about a red heifer signalling the restoration of Israel? It's Kabala junk, isn't it?

AHA! The calves are in the colors of the Scottish Bald stars, and the Bald Shield-and-Chief combination is colors reversed from the same of the Saluzzos!!! Saluzzo is smack on the west side of Cavallermaggiore. There is yet more evidence that you can't trust heraldry write-ups at their face value, and that heraldry writer-up-ers are often liars deliberately. German Balds look to use the Spree Shield.

My senses are telling me that the Balds are Botters/Budins, Badens/Battins, Bidens/Buttons, and Bitars/Buttars. The Baath bloodline. First, the Scottish Balds are in the colors of the Botter bend, and use stars in the colors of the Botter star...not to mention in the colors of the calves above, important because Balds are herein connecting to Cabelees, as per the Biden chapeau used by Capellis. But this works only if it can be proven that "Bald" is a version of the Bath term (Bidens were clergy at Bath and Wells in Somerset, where Badens/Battins and Baths/Athas were first found) A Bald connect to Bidens-et-al is evidence that the Cavells are from the Cabelees harlot, especially as German Balds (colors of the Bath/Athas) were first found in Baden.

The Lawries mentioned above were traced by their laurel symbol to the laurel of the Lorraine surname, which uses the bend (as does the Arms of Lorraine) that is the Arms of Baden. The Lawries, as we saw, were likely a branch of Lasons/Lawsons tracing excellently to the fellow Lasonii tribe of Cabelees.

The Cavell stars are in the colors of the Glass / Kyle stars, of surnames tracing to the Galli, priests of the Cabelees. These stars are in the colors of the Pino/Pinto crescents used by Sprees, and then the Spree Shield is used by German Balds that are found in-code in the Cavell write-up. This is tracing the Caiaphas line, encoded in the cauf = bald statement of Cavells, to the Kybele and Galli cult, which is what I have been claiming for months: that the Laevi Gauls and the chief priests of Israel who killed Jesus trace to the Galli priesthood.

Another point to make is that the French Sauviges use a heart, symbol of the Bitars/Buttars that use the Baldwin cross, suggesting again that the bald code in the write-up of savage-using Cavells is for the Bald(win) bloodline...that was the first to sit on the throne of Templar Jerusalem. The Caiaphas line, that is, on the throne of Templar Jerusalem, just as was found by other methods, just as was expected anyway.

As Scottish Balds use the Saluzzo Shield and therefore trace well to Cavallermaggiore, and because Savigliona is also beside Cavallermaggiore, it's tracing the whole lot of Baath bloodliners to Butteri at Cavallermaggiore. The best I've been able to find Butteri, up to this point, in the Piedmont / Briancon theater, is at Busce...smack beside Saluzzo. It's telling me now that Butteri were also at nearby Cavallermaggiore, wherefore lets ask why "cavalier" means horseman while Butteri were cowboys on horseback. It works. I'm not saying that Butteri named Cavallermaggiore unless Butteri had been the Galli-related Cabelees.

Where Butteri are now to be identified with Balds, Butteri can also be suspect in the Lys-valley Walsers (use the Cavell red and white), who are named after Wallis canton, where Sion is located. That works excellently with Templar Zionism. In fact, the Arms of Sion and of Wallis canton use red-on-white stars, the colors of the Bald / Glass stars, and then the Bald Shield is in the blue color of the Sion/Swan Shield which itself uses white-on-blue, the colors of the Botter bend with same-colored star! This is a fantastic new discovery, that Butteri were mainline Sion bloodliners. It's telling me that "Walter" is not necessarily a Butter variation from "Balder," but rather a variation ultimately from "Galli."

But Galli were metal makers and Butteri were cattle herders. It doesn't seem to mix. Yet, there was a mythical Butes, a priest of Poseidon in Athens / Attica. The Galli god, Attis, was traced by at least one writer to the naming of Attica, and so there we have cause for a Galli link to Butes. Athena can herself be identified as the Galli peoples by multiple methods now, one being her sexual encounter with Hephaestus. Recently, Athena was discovered as the Pandareus > Aedon line out of Kos, and Aedon was found to be the same as Aeson, the metal term, and the same as Iasion, founder of the Kabeiri. Therefore, trust me, Athens was ruled by the homosexual Galli, explaining also why Athena was one with Pallas.

When reading that Butes jumped the Argo ship and swam for the mythical Sirens (lived on the west-Italy coast near Sicily), I traced him to the western tip of Sicily, at Trapani. That myth was code to indicate a fundamental relationship between Butes and the Sirens. As with Kos, the Sirens should trace to Seir of Edom, even as I trace "BUTTERi" to "BOZRah," the Esau-ite capital. We can trace this line to BODRum, near Kos, but admittedly I have not yet found a Bozrah-like term in the Halybes theater on the Halys, even though the Halybes may have been named after "Eliphas," son of Esau ruler of Bozrah, and husband of a Seir woman.

I traced the goat with axe in the Walser Coat to the Boofima > Baphomet cult (the Templar god with goat head), and on an independent observation guessed that Boofima traced to Butteri. The Satyrs were identified (by me) with the "shaggy" derivation of "Seir," and these proto-Satyrs were found in mythical Satyrion, wife of Taranto, a city using Taras, a son of Poseidon, as a Crest symbol. Could Taras have been part of the Butes-Poseidon cult from Athens? The Arms of Taranto uses Taras on his dolphin in the colors of the Botter bend.

By what coincidence is Taras on his dolphin used by the Coffer/Coffey Crest, while we're in the midst of a discussion on how Butteri can link to the calves of the Calfs/Caufes, and to the calf of the Cavells who use a cauf = bald statement in their write-up? In the Butteri theater south of Rome, there is even a Saturnia location that should apply to the Boofima trace from Taranto to the Butteri. Poseidon was the root of, or symbol for, Pisidians, who were a fellow tribe with Cabelees and Lasonii. And then "Lason" smacks of "Lotan," the Seir-ian whose sister married Eliphas. (Where "Lotan" evolved into "Ladon," we could expect a Lason term to develop.)


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

On this page, you will find evidence enough that NASA did not put men on the moon.
Starting at this paragraph, there is a single piece of evidence -- the almost-invisible dot that no one on the outside was supposed to find -- that is enough in itself to prove the hoax.
End-times false signs and wonders may have to do with staged productions like the lunar landing.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
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