Previous Update: December 18 - 24

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(if there are any to speak of)
December 25 - 31, 2012

The Shasu with the Yhw Entity and Other Failed YHWH Attempts
The 600 Danites and 600 Benjamites were Keturah's Poseidon Migration Through Laish
The Second Wave of Hyksos to Greece, from Laish
Ethiopian Poseidon's Marriage to the Meshwesh was Through Amarna
Abraham-Keturah Trace to the Margus Pushed to the Next Update

Is Russia trying to court the enemies of Assad? More importantly, are the Syrian rebels wishing for it?

Russia, President Bashar al-Assad's main international protector, said on [December 28] it had sent an invitation for a visit to Moaz Alkhatib, whose six-week-old National Coalition opposition group has been recognized by most Western and Arab states as the legitimate voice of the Syrian people.

But in an interview on Al Jazeera television, Alkhatib said... "We have clearly said we will not go to Moscow. We could meet in an Arab country if there was a clear agenda,"...

Next, the Russian foreign minister urged Assad to speak with the rebels to find some middle ground. The tables are a shifting.

Now there's massive demonstrations in Iraq too:

Thousands of protesters from Iraq's Sunni Muslim minority poured onto the streets...

...Around 60,000 people blocked the main road through Falluja..."Maliki you coward, don't take your advice from Iran".

"We will not leave this place until all our demands are fulfilled, including the toppling of the Maliki government," said 31-year-old Omar al-Dahal at a protest in Ramadi, where more than 100,000 protesters blocked the same highway as it leads to neighbouring Syria and Jordan.

Activists' demands include an end to the marginalisation of Sunnis...

Demonstrations were also held in the northern city of Mosul and in Samarra, where protesters chanted "the people want to bring down the regime", echoing the slogan used in popular revolts that ousted leaders in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen..;_ylt=AiFH0oXbj1DXhyYDEAi4h921qHQA;_ylu=X3oDMTQwbGViY2pkBG1pdANUb3BpY3MgQ29sbGVjdGlvbiBMaXN0BHBrZwM2OTVjNzEwOS01NTUyLTNiZWUtYTFjNy1hMjA1ODJmZWI4MDIEcG9zAzEEc2VjA3RvcF9zdG9yeQR2ZXIDYmI4Nzc3MDEtNTExMC0xMWUyLWI2ZGYtNzZjMjg5MDI2ZWZi;_ylg=X3oDMTFlamZvM2ZlBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDBHBzdGNhdAMEcHQDc2VjdGlvbnM-;_ylv=3

My only question: why did it take the Sunny this long to start? Could this wave of rebellion be planned out of Syria's Sunni rebels? Yes. This is a massive Sunni move to shake the legs power to wrestle what they can from the table tops. We shall need to listen carefully, or maybe not, to see what side the U.S. and Russia will uphold in this conflict. Can Obama rail against Maliki the way he does over Assad? Will Obama want Maliki out and the Sunni in? Yes, I think that's what he wants.

With Maliki leaning toward Iran, shouldn't Putin lean Maliki? Yes, but if Putin has decided to go after an alliance with the Syrian Sunni, Maliki may have neither Russia nor the U.S. One way for Putin to gain the hearts of the Syrian Sunni, even better than turning against Assad, which he has apparently started to do, is to ally with the Iraqi Sunni to oust Maliki. With Maliki no longer interfering in Kirkuk, Putin can have his oil deal straight with the Kurds. But wait, with a Sunni government in Iraq, they'll want a bigger slice of Kurdistan. Will Putin also help the Sunni get Kurdistan? Whew. What happens to Shi'ite Iran at that point?

Besides, it's not all cut-and-dry in the world of Sunni; the Baathist Sunni have a strong secular side that Sunni such as the Brotherhood despise. Putin may have to pick which kind of Sunni to go with, and at this time, it doesn't look good for a relationship with the Brotherhood type, whom Obama loves. Should we expect a Putin-Baathist versus Obama-Brotherhood battle for the next "democratic" Iraqi government?

Prelude to Smash Hits in the Next Update -- Familiarize First with this Update

Warning: this could cause you to ask questions concerning the God of Israel's true nature, but I'll do my best to give the correct picture that leaves the God of Israel intact as the prophets proclaimed Him. You might read the last section of the last update, "Prelude for the Abraham trace to Satyrs," before proceeding here.

As was postulated, Aphrodite, code for the Euphrates, came to Hebron from the Khabur/Habur river as an Amorite-Hebrew peoples to settle amongst the Anaki of Hebron. The Amorites of Babylon were Semites at the time, and they adopted the Anu/Antu cult of Sumerians, as is widely known by historians. It simply means that Amorites and Sumerians merged, probably by royal marriage(s).

It is easy to identify Aphrodite, queen of the Kabeiri/Cabeiri, as from the "Khabur" river, where there lived the Apiru/Abiru Hebrews...NOT Israelites. This was before the time of Abraham, we can assume, when the global population was very small, having branched out from neighboring Ararat. Ignore Egyptologists whom have "proven" that modern history goes back to the first Egyptian dynasty in 3200 BC, for this is to make us doubt the Biblical timing of the global Flood around 2350 BC. Egyptologists used the various names of kings more than once to create more dynasties than actually existed; I proved it in one hour of research by showing the full repetition of first dynasty in the fifth and sixth dynasties using the same kings by other names (see the very end of this chapter for details). And the Egyptologists must have known what they were doing: pulling off the Piltdown Hoax of Egyptology.

It seems clear enough that the sons of Eber were on the Habur, and so we could expect Mesha, a border region of the sons of Joktan (son of Eber), to be near the Khabur. This house at Mesha is suspect as a Meshech line that became entrenched in the house of the Exodus pharaoh, the household that I say named Moses/Mousa in honor of the household. One of the Zab rivers in the downtown-Assyria of those days was called by a Khabur-like term ("Kaprus"), where there was the city of Arrapachitis/Arrapha/ARABkha. NUZI was near the Zab rivers too, where the Horite carriers of proto-DioNYSUS would come from before settling Seir. The Zab area was also SUBARtu, what must have been the Sephar of Genesis 11, the other border region of the Joktanites.

One son of Joktan, Hadoram, named the Sepharvite god, ADRAMmolech. To understand the picture best, know that the human sacrifices conducted by Sepharvites made God sick. I'm trying to be as simple as I can. He prepared a plan using Abraham to thwart that sick, determined cult. Keep in mind when I mention Ixion and the Hyksos that they were likely from the Arphaxad > Eber line. After all, Hyksos are thought by others to have been Hebrews. The trouble is, some writers confound the Hyksos with Israelites. Very wrong. Instead, God's war with His Israeli hammer would be against the Hyksos who ruled Egypt in the 15th dynasty. Actually, it wasn't the 15th dynasty, but only when figured on the erroneous system of Egyptology that had the first dynasty dated 3200 BC.

The dating of the 15th dynasty is before the time of Moses, as could be expected when the events of about 2200 BC were wrongly stretched back to 3200 BC. Therefore, one would tend to identify the Exodus (about 1450 BC) pharaoh with another dynasty other than the dynasties of the Hyksos between the 15th and 17th. I'm being as simple as I can only to indicate that the real Exodus pharaoh could have been Khyan even though his reign is dated about 1600 BC.

I realized that the Sea-Peoples attack on Egypt was the Hyksos coming back after they were booted out of the Nile Delta by the first ruler(s) of the 18th dynasty. One of the Sea-Peoples were the Libyans, though most were Trojan elements including Teucer-branch Trojans, but also what could be construed as Danaans once ruling Tanis in the Nile Delta. The Libyans of this assault of Egypt can be assumed to have been the Meshwesh, who eventually succeeded in becoming the 21st Egyptian dynasty. The Meshwesh ruled at Tanis (well after Israel was established as a nation).

In order to respect what I'm about to say, you need to read parts of the last update to know that I've developed a good handle on the historical realities, concerning the human-sacrifice Hebrews, using what heraldry can tell us when one understands the intentions of its symbols. For example, the lion paw was traced some weeks ago to the leopard glove used in human sacrifices of a Boofima cult (proto-Baphomet) of Africa, and months before that I started to realize that Boofima was from the Meshwesh. In the last update, where a flood of information came in on the Margus river of Moesia, it was found that the Toker surname -- the line from the Teucer Trojans -- use the same lion paw as the Horry/Ure surname that was traced without doubt to Horites at Horreum Margi, the location that named the Margus (or vice-versa). And Dionysus, who had a leopard symbol in ancient times (in fact, he wore leopard skins), was traced to Naissus upstream from Horreum Margi.

As what I'm about to say involves Abraham's alliances with the pagan Hebrews in Hebron, it's important to know that I've traced Dionysus (the wine god) confidently, along with Skull and Bones, to Eschol, a location in Hebron where Israelites encountered giants as well as giant grape vines. You need to ask why God led Abraham to his home in Hebron. Was it really because the God of Abraham was just another pagan, false god like the gods of the Amorites and Anaki in Hebron? Or was God initiating something of a Destroyer Mission with Abraham as a carefully-placed instrument, plunking him right into the den of His mortal enemies as a good first move?

I totally missed it yesterday when writing (last section last update) on Aphrodite's Anat > Heneti > Veneti > Venus line from Phrygia to Italy. But in the middle of the night when I awoke this morning, I realized all that I'm about to begin on here. The main point revolves around the "Anat" (Egyptian goddess) which came to Hebron with the Anaki as Mesopotamians carried their Anu/Antu pantheon from Sumeria. The main point is that Anat was the monotheistic sun god of Egypt, Aten/Atun. I had never before, so far as I can recall, realized the consonant-reversal-of-terms possibility. As I started to entertain this "Anat" morphing into "Atun," I became comfortable with it, with other Abraham-related realizations of the past coming to bear too.

While one of the Zab rivers was the Kaprus too, the other was the Lycus. From my chapter, Who's the Leda of the Pack: "Here's an interesting Wikipedia quote: 'Lycus, also called Zabatus or Zaba, a river of Assyria, a tributary of the Tigris, now called the Great Zab'...Lycas was also styled son of Dascylus, code for the Etruscans of Tuscany (north-west Italy), no doubt being himself code for Ligurians." That is, there needs to be Hebrews from the Zab rivers evolving into Lycians who then become Etruscans. But when I wrote that, I hadn't yet realized that Lycians were from the Hebrews of Hebron (south-west of Jerusalem), where Abraham was living as per God's Direction. In short, the Lycus-river Assyrians were at Lachish, and are therefore expected in other parts of Hebron. .

What I'm about to say on Anat>Atun involves Sheba, Abraham's great grandson with Keturah. Sheba may have been named after whatever named the Zab, but the point is, Abraham's descendants with Keturah can be traced exactly to Leda and her Lydian root, as well as to the Ligurian swan carried to Italy by Leda Spartans, identify (by me) with the Biblical SEPHAR, or SUBARTU, the home of Joktanite Hebrews, the place to which I trace SPARTa. It may even be that the Zab, Sheba, and Sephar were named by the same term. Can Sheba be traced to Sparta? Yes, though the Atun cult at Thebes, from where mythical Cadmus Tyrians evolved into the so-called "Sparti" dragon.

Mythical Dascylus was not the father only of Lycus, but the father of Gugu/Gyges (about 700 BC), a Lydian king in the days of Ezekiel's Gog. By that time, Lydians and their Tyrrhenian brothers had begun to found the Latins and Etruscans respectively, two roots of the Romans. I think that "DASCYLUS" was code for the namers of TUSCULUS on the Latin-Tuscany border. It's telling me that a Dascylus entity traced from the Assyrian Lycus through the Lycians (co-founded by Sarpedon of Crete, a branch of Tyrian Minoans) to the Latin-Etruscan border. If Leda can link back to Lycians, this picture will seem like a shut-case reality to me. I view her name from Leto-branch Lydians, but then her swan line (with which she mated) should be a Lycian > Ligurian entity in Sparta, and as that swan was Zeus, the Tyro-Minoans out of Crete and into the Miletus / Lycian domain, said to be founded by Sarpedon Minoans, is coming to mind as the swan line.

It just so happens that while I traced the swan-line Ligurians to the Salyes, whom I've had trouble rooting in any one particular peoples, the father of Tyro was Salmoneus. The Salyes Ligurians trace to the Sale, Saleman, and Salmon surnames. Ligurian-suspect Lycians covered areas into the lands of the ancient Solymi, suggesting for me that Salmoneus was from the Solymi, possibly named after Sol, the Helios of Rhodes. The Helios - Selene sun-and-moon cults were smack in the lands of Sarpedon's control, and roughly where Aedon's father came out of (i.e. from Ephesus). Therefore, I am going to maintain my trace of Salyes Ligures to the Solymi and to the Telchines of Rhodes, but am going to emphasize from this point on a trace to Salmoneus, a branch of Tyrians suspect from HieroSOLYMA...the JeruSALEM location that is, of Amorites. The only sun god in ancient Salem that I can think of was proto-Zeus (also called "Dion"), a representation, I think, of Zion.

The God of Israel called his proto-Branch, king David, to have his son, Solomon, build His temple at Zion. David was even the one who defeated the non-Israeli inhabitants of Zion after they lingered in Jerusalem unscathed from the time of Joshua, another proto-Branch planted by God as part of his Y'Shua Plan from the foundations of the world. The time had arrived to rob Zion from the Amorites, and make it an example of God's better nature. The God of Israel desired to show-off to the Amorite worshipers of proto-Zeus that His people could do things far better than the servants of Moloch and Baal. But the Israelites failed Him, especially when serving both Moloch and Baal in the KIDRON valley of Zion, a valley the name of which I traced to the centaur, Folos, in KEDRON/Kendron of Greece. The latter was near the Ladon river where Daphne-branch Hyksos trace; Kendron was off the Peneus river where Panias at mount Sion (Phoenicia) traces. And to make this paragraph more compelling, the FOLOS centaur can trace to the centaur-infested area of VOLOS smack in the Iolcus theater area of the Aeson > Jason line, where Ixion lived who birthed the horse-depicted people. And that's why you can bank on "IXION being part code for "SION."

As the Tyrrhenian term for Etruscans begins to reveal, Keturah's sons should lead to Tyrians first. And this is where the Atun cult comes in, at Thebes, location of Tyrian settlers.

If Abraham and Keturah can thus be traced to Romans and Ligurians, then they were part of the wide-spreading dragon cult that I've been detailing for years. I should have ways by now to connect Keturah to the line of Hyksos that founded Trojans...who were suspect years ago as Tyrians.

What I realized this morning that got me out of bed to write all this is that Abraham was responsible for the birth of the Atun cult. Abraham's family had been of the Aphrodite cult that became the Kabeiri cult at Lemnos and Thebes, but it wasn't with his wife Sarah, but with his wife, Keturah (Genesis 25), a very important distinction and certainly not by a gigantic coincidence. His family was the birth of both the House of God and the house of satan, the idiot who has never been able to act honestly or with good intentions. Satan is an enigma, having the inability to think normally, always destructive, always rejoicing in the damage that he can do. He's just a nut, call a spade a spade.

There is thus a cloud over my head, with the name written on its underside of Keturah-line Sheba, blowing into Thebes, where queen Aedon lived that was from the Atun cult. Yes, Sheba named Thebes, if it can be shown that Keturah's family founded Atun. In this theory, Aphrodite of the Euphrates was in Hebron, and the Hebrews of the Euphrates named Hebron. They either carried the Anat>Atun cult of Sumerians to Hebron, or merged with it there.

Aphrodite was a sex-pot cult of homosexuals and worse: of transvestites and pedophiles. Ask her sons with Ares -- Erotes and Eros -- often depicted as little boys. Take cute Cupid with his arrow, for example, the Roman Eros. It just so happens that I read and reported on, some years ago, that some historians view queen Nefertiti (see her bust) as a transvestite acting as a woman, the wife of pharaoh AkhenATEN (18th dynasty). There is even a term, Hermaphrodite, defined as both male and female, or one becoming the other. And Akhenaten is the pharaoh who introduced the Aten/Atun sun god into Egypt (which never made a trend there after he left this world). Akhenaten ruled in Thebes along the Nile.

When it was dawning on me that this new god traced to the Anat cult merged with Aphrodite's Amorite-Hebrews, it tended to explain why, of all the many gods of Egypt, only Atun was a monotheistic god (= the only god in existence). That is, the idea for Atun must have come from Abraham as he lived with the Anaki in Hebron. But Keturah's children distorted the God of Israel as Abraham knew Him, and by the time Atun got to Athens, he was also known as Pallas, the male sex organ. And Atun was reverted back to a paganism by the sheer forces of idiots who followed satan, the Chief Idiot who wouldn't tell a truth so long as it was enjoyable and profitable to dispense a lie. Twisted things like hermaphrodites were his specialty, along with the creation of false gods blinding mankind to the idea of a single Creator.

Atun as a form of YHWH is a very startling picture. It might provide the ultimate Aha! to the enemies of the God of Israel. They might say that the God of Israel is as real as Atun was a mere creation. They might say that Moses was pushing the Atun cult onto the Israelite slaves. But I say that any good thinker knows of the existence of a single Creator, and that the idea of countless gods would only make the universe a war zone, as gods didn't get along. Besides, even if we view angels as the warring gods of the universe, yet there must be a single Creator behind their existence. Logic would inform us that the Creator desired to inject Himself into the affairs of man, the obvious pinnacle of all Creation. Where did that Creator inject himself into the affairs of man in the midst of the angelic wars?

Compare "Nefertiti" to "Aphrodite." The only essential difference is the capital 'N'. It gives reason for tracing Nefertiti to Aphrodite just where it's now expected (by other means) that Atun traces to Aphrodite's Anat > Heneti > Venus line. Don't read further until you understand Anat > Heneti > Veneti > Venus. It reveals that Venus, the known Roman Aphrodite, was the Anat line to the Veneti. It's telling you the path of idiotic Hebrews, to the Po river. Just burn this into your perspective: APHRODITE CARRIED ANAT.

I know that NEFERtiti elements named NEVERS in France because it's smack next to Autun. I've not only reported on that many times, but have traced Autun to mythical queen Aedon of Thebes. If Thebes was named by Sheba, shouldn't Aedon have been a representation of Hebrews of the Keturah kind? If so, shouldn't I be able to discover some evidence for this rudimentary idea? Can Aphrodite be traced to Aedon? Yes, easily, by the fact that the Kabeiri cult was in three main places: Lemnos, Samothrace, and Thebes.

It just so happens that while queen Aedon was a grand-daughter of MEROPS OF KOS, there was an Amurru-suspect (ancient name of Amorites) location of MEROWE/Meroe in what was then Ethiopia, a city depicted quite obviously by another mythical MEROPS, KING OF ETHIOPIA. In other words, this Merowe location can be expected to be a part of the Atun cult as it led through Merops of Kos, then joined Cadmus Tyrians at Thebes as the Merops > Aedon line. That is our concise but reliable definition of Atun's progression from Merowe and Amarna to Thebes.

Why are Amorites a part of this cult? Ask Aphrodite. Why is Myrina from Amarna both Amoritish and Amazonish? That is, who were the proto-Amazons of proto-Myrina in the Amarna area? Ask CadMUS, the Meshwesh founders of Mysia, on the shores from Lemnos and Samothrace. And then ask whether the MARgus topic of the last update was all about the Mysian founders of Moesia, for that picture traces Amorites and Amazons together to the Margus. And as I've insisted for years that Amorites of Hebron and Jerusalem linked to mount Gareb (less than two miles from walled Jerusalem), so I'm not making that idea up right now for convenience. Years ago, I traced "Gareb" to "Serb," and the Margus river just happens to be downtown Serbia today.

I have a real Pan handle on this topic. Pan at Panias (east of Tyre) is part of the main root of everything here, the founder of Phoenicians. Pan traced to Mus of Lake Van's Biaini peoples, whom some link to the Nairi of Lake Van, whom I say were part of Abraham's Hebrews who liked the name, Nahor, the name even of Abraham's brother. I say the Nairi evolved into Enarete, mythical mother of the Aeson > Jason and Myrina lines, carriers of the Atun cult. Why is Atun tracing to the very mythical founders of Greece? Atun was supposed to be dead at Amarna.

"Enarete" was code for the Nereids, apparently, mothered by mythical Doris, who must have been the same as mythical Dorus, brother of Aeolus who was made the husband of Enarete. It all traces to Dor near Haifa (northern Israel near Tyre), where the Zeus Taurus came out of that I say named Tyrus = Tyre. They all went to Crete...blah blah blah...and evolved into the Jason Minyae, but not before infesting Samothrace and Lemnos. Shouldn't the secrets kept by the Kabeiri cult transvestites have been from the secrets of Atun? Ask the sperm of Hephaestus, as it was spilling on the thigh of Athena, what homosexuals are expected to do. Out of that picture, ERECHtheus (king of Athens) was born, what we may assume to be a priestly/THEOlogical Sumerian line (from Uruk/Erech) of Anu>Anat migrated to Athens. You have here the most pathetic excuses for human beings, and yet they became the rulers of proto-Europe.

More than one of the kings of Athens from the Erechtheus line was PANDion, smacking like a take from Aedon's father, PANDareus. You see, we have just traced Atun to Athens, where Atun is expected. And Aphrodite was right there in the Athens of Erechtheus because she was made the official wife of Hephaestus. So, you see, I'm not dreaming things up when tracing Aphrodite to the nest of Atun in Hebron. It's even known that Hephaestus was in Memphis on the Nile, so why not in Amarna too? Shouldn't we expect whatever named Hephaestus, and the peoples he represented, to be from Amarna? Isn't he named in-part after the metallic Aeson? Wasn't he in bed with the El-Minya line to Minoans? Myth tells that he was tossed out of mount Olympus, which was situated in the Thessalian land of Aeson. As it was Hera who tossed him out, while her daughter was Hebe, doesn't he also trace to "HEBron," where his own finance was stationed as a Babylonian Hebrew peoples?

Ask not only why Cadmus settled Thebes, but why he married the daughter of Aphrodite's lover, Ares, for it tends to trace proto-Cadmus to Abraham's Sheba, which supports my theory, presented with very little evidence but maintained anyway, that proto-Cadmus came out of Hebron. And what could Cadmus have been but the homo-pedophile cult of Ares and Aphrodite? Like men possessed of demons, these neo-Nephilim bandits were capable by their evil to control lands, but not before pillaging the lands of others. The sin of these vagabonds was not merely sexual. In Lydia, they even made their own daughters prostitutes, for their wives had been such. Can we really lump these men in with the God of Israel, or make comparisons between the two?

What was there, in the land of CADusii Armenians, and in the MUS land of Armenians, that made CADMUS such a scum? What made Revelation 17 portray his sister as a harlot guilty of the blood of God's murdered saints? Where did this animosity toward the Creator come from? I know. Anu. The Anunnaki neo-Nephilim, lovers of the serpent of Eden, who opted for cutting their own paths in life, leaving the Creator behind in tears if possible. And the Anaki landed at Amarna with their Amorite "wife." Yes, the Anu Sumerians merged with Babylonian Amorites and gave birth to Marduk, even the Mystery Babylon harlot of Revelation 17...that settled the seven hills of Rome, and from there ruled over all the kings of the earth.

It's no coincidence the Atun cult of Nefertiti was in AMARNA, a term like MYRINA, a real (not mythical) Amazon city on Lemnos, where Aphrodite was queen along with the husband she hated and cheated on, Hephaestus. Why did she and Hera hate Hephaestus? Why did myth writers invent that theme? They even portrayed Ares as a god despised by Zeus. Yet the myth writers drooled over Aphrodite, the queen of sex. These were the cults of sinners, ugly because they were damned, and because they reeked havoc everywhere they went seeking to find sustenance and survival by warfare and trickery. Just look at the faces of Gorgons as portrayed by ancient artists, and you will see the human tongue sticking out in God's face, a tongue connected to wicked spirits abiding in the human body.

Proto-Hephaestus in the pre-Israeli theater can be identified with the dog-respecting Avvites (Mediterranean coast). I don't know why Avvites would honor the small dog, the jackal, the fox. A Phoenician woman speaking with Jesus got her wish from Him by calling herself and Phoenicians a dog. And the pagans of Israel, the "Gentiles" all around, were portrayed lowly as dogs. Perhaps the Avvites (one of their cities was Avith) cherished their dog-pagan image. Perhaps they were dog breeders. Avvites can be traced to Ephesus = Apasa if I'm correct in identifying mythical Abas of Argos as an Avvite peoples in Argos, where the Samson line of Danaans came to rule. I identified Samson as an Avvite peoples due to his donkey-jaw account, for the Avvite god, Tartak, was a donkey god. And Samson was also given a fox theme that cannot be anything but a mythical story to depict his Avvite representation. Long-haired Samson was an evil branch of Nazarites, the proto-wine cult of Dionysus, flaunting sin in God's face and tracing to Hephaestus' Kabeiri transvestites in SAMOthrace. How many subtle sins of Samson can you count in the Samson account? It's not coincidental. Someone other than a prophet of God stuck Samson into the book of Judges.

"Hephaestus" looks like code for "Ephesus," and if correct, we could expect Aphrodite in Ephesus, but then queen Aedon's father (Pandareus), son of Merops of Kos, was from Ephesus. Just like that, Aphrodite can trace to Aedon, as expected where Anat and Atun are the same term but with consonants reversed.

But in this picture, we ought to trace Avvites to Ephesus too. Can it be said that "AVITH" and "EPHES" are related terms? The Biblical form of "Avvite" was without the 't', as "AVViy," where 'iy" is a suffix corresponding to our "ite." Can AVV name HEPH? It's not a bad theory. Hephaestus may look like Avvite-aestus in that picture, but then why the "aestus? Were Avvites linked to AESon? Did Avvites have a fundamental part in the metal-smith industry? Who were the proto-Hephaestus Avvites on Crete? I had never traced Aeson to bees or honey so far as I can recall (which ain't far anymore), until he was traced to the essenes bee cult of Ephesus. By that time, I had identified Avvites by years as the makings of "apis / opis," a term meaning bee to the Greeks and Romans. And I traced (years ago) Avvites to the wolf cult of Leto and Apollo. The sinful honey theme in the Samson myth once again reveals him to be a representation of Avvites if indeed they named opis / apis. The Samson honey theme had to do with the mighty and the strong, and I see the Everes > Ladon line out of Avaris all over it, as that line developed in Timnah.

Less than a year ago, I traced the essenes bee cult of Ephesus to the Cretan birth goddess, Eileithyia/Eleuthia, the white entity giving birth to the white Taurus (= Zeus) on Crete (leuth can mean "white"). I was able to trace "Eileithyia" to "Elijah" and "Elisha," the prophets of God who did battle against Baal, at one time in a dramatic spectacle on mount Carmel (beside Haifa, a Taurus-suspect area of proto-Zeus), where a group of Essenes lived in later times. It was reasoned that the proto-Essenes of Carmel respected Elijah and his fellow prophet, Elisha, wherefore the Essenes of Carmel traced well to the essenes bee cult of Ephesus through Elisha-like Eileithyia. It suggested that Eileithyia was an Israelite entity but backslidden into paganism.

It was then found that the Cretan birth goddess was responsible for the Artemis cult in Ephesus, at which time it was gleaned that mythical Leto, the official mother of Artemis (and Apollo), was a take on "Ei-LEITH-yia." Thus, the Avvites to the Apollo wolf cult were in the Eileithyia cult, but then it stands to greater reason that Avvites named Ephesus. Yet, historians tell us that Amazons founded Ephesus, meaning that an Amorite-Avvite merger existed, exactly the Aphrodite-Hephaestus expectation. That is, it helps to show that Aphrodite was the Amorite side of things.

The Amazons enter the Ephesus picture as the Mysians, or Muses of Apollo. At first, they did not number nine, but my impression is that because mythical Minos was given a nine number symbol on Crete, that it was in respect of the nine months sacred to the birth goddess, and afterward it became the number of Apollo's Muses too. It doesn't necessarily mean that Muses were on Crete from Tyre, for they are expected from the CadMUS land route, through Anatolia. This is the story of the Avaris Hyksos who named Moses, as they reached Ephesus. This is no attempt on my part to sensationalize a sensational story all the more. I have serious disagreements with others who seek to reveal the tracings of Biblical characters to Europeans, and frankly I find it ironic that I ever got into this. But here I am.

The Muses were all women, and can connect thereby to Samson's long hair symbol; the transvestite symbol. Where Samson's Avvites trace to Apollo, his hair traces to Muses. The donkey symbol of Avvites was in an Apollo-related myth featuring the donkey bears of king Midas, and then here's from the Wikipedia article on Midas: "Most historians believe this [mythical] Midas is the same person as the [historical] Mita, called king of the Mushki in Assyrian texts..." The Mushki were Meshech, same as Amazons and Mysians, and the Mushki in the Nile delta named Moses, I have little doubt, as they developed into CadMUS.

As one of my current topics are the Arpad Hungarians, it behooves this: the Avvite donkey god, Tartak, smacks of Tartus, a location onshore of the island of Arados/Arpad, and said to be named by the inhabitants of Arados/Arpad. It's suggesting that proto-Muse's -- Samson's hair -- were in Arados/Arpad...where the modern Mushki-rooted Muscovites have a naval base now being prepared for battle, if necessary, against the West. In Revelation 9, the Apollo locusts have long hair "like womens' hair." In any effort to identify them in modern times, they have got to be opposed to the 666 commercial system, and likely linked to the "kings of the east" (Revelation 16) in the 6th Trumpet and 6th Seal, come to slaughter 1/3 the armies of Gog the anti-Christ in Israel.

Leto was given an earth-roaming theme, a common theme for myth writers no doubt in depiction of a certain entity. She can now be traced to Abraham and Keturah, as expected where Keturah traces to Aphrodite and Hephaestus. A tribe that was birthed by Abraham and Keturah, the LETUSHites, looks possibly to be the proto-Leto on Crete. If correct, it would tend to trace Keturah lines to Tyrians in Crete. This Tyre trace to Keturah is important for her trace to Tyrrhenians. It just so happens that Letushites (Genesis 25) were from Dedan, the brother of Abrahamic Sheba. Therefore, while Dedan's Letushites are tracing to Ephesus, by what coincidence does Sheba trace to Thebes, where Hephaestus had a major Kabeiri cult?

Of possibly importance, Sheba can be suggested with the Cadmus land route, while Dedan (mythical Titans?) can be traced by the Cretan sea route. In the picture painted by myths, the latter route founded the Trojans from Samothrace, especially by the founder of the Kabeiri, Iasion, who smacks of "Aeson." Iasion was the brother of Dardanus, a co-founder of Troy that lived in Samothrace as well. One can therefore glean that DarDANUS was a code after Danaus, mythical founder of Danaans in Argos, Danaans from Samson elements that named Samos and Samothrace.

It was explained in the last update that the peoples of the Exodus pharaoh, when Hyksos were booted out of Egypt, fled to Hebron to join the Aphrodite cult there. It was also suggested that pharaoh Apophis, who ruled immediately after Khyan, named the Paphlagonians that are otherwise called, Heneti. In other words, the Egyptians that were the target of God's Destroyer Mission had hooked up with the Anat > Heneti cult (depicted by mythical ANTenor) and moved together toward Greece.

There may or may not be a slight distinction, in the Hebron theater, between Hyksos and Aphrodite Hebrews. The Hyksos may themselves have originated from the Khabur / Euphrates river, or may even have been from Aphrodite in Hebron before they began ruling in Egypt. "Khyan," Wikipedia suggests, is an Amorite name. However, my sense from multiple clues is that Hyksos were from the Assyrian branch of Amorites, in the Zab-river region off the Tigris, location of Joktanites between Sephar and Mesha, location also of proto-Dionysus (at Nuzi), and of the proto-Zeus Taurus of the Turukku peoples from the Zagros mountains. The Tocharian-related Assi were in that Tigris-river area whom I would trace to "Aeson."

It just so happens that another tribe of Keturah's Dedan was the same Biblical term as used for "Assyria." Either Assyria was named after this son of Dedan, or this son was ultimately named after the man who named Assyria, that's what it looks like. In this picture, Hyksos stem from some facet of Abraham and Keturah, and the Mus household of the Hyksos was from Mesha (could be modern Mosul). I would tend to trace Mesha to Mus at Lake Van rather than vice versa because Hyksos are expected directly from "Haik/Hayk," a chief Armenian god. A Hyksos migratory line from the Assyria to Lake Van to Egypt may have been distinct from an Aphrodite line from the Euphrates to Hebron. But not necessarily.

Another argument for a Hyksos trace to the Tigris is their name in Egypt, Heka KHASEwet, what I trace to Kassites off the Tigris. A SITTECene area, between Assyria and the Kassites, looks to have named ZEDEK, an early name of Jerusalem, which may reveal that Hyksos were also in Jerusalem, where the God of Israel planted his proto-Christ priesthood, MelchiZEDEC, friend of Abraham. You see, God brought Abraham from Ur to meet His Jerusalem priesthood, a sign of Things to come in Jerusalem, the destruction of end-time Zeus included. Joshua killed the Amorite king, Adoni-Zedek, telling that Jerusalem had been Zedek from the time of Abraham, at least, until then.

How interesting is it that the Palestinians of modern Jerusalem has been ruled to the present day by an Abbas surname smacking of Ephesus = Apasa, and of mythical Abas that I view as an Avvite peoples? When Joshua entered pre-Israel, the Avvites were left intact in the land that would become that of Philistines, the ones who named Palestine. There is therefore an argument to be made that modern Palestinians are the old Philistines and Avvites alike, but then Hyksos merged with Philistine regions too, and "KHASewet" is predicted to have named Gaza.

The other Sheba and Dedan brothers are from the same stock of Hamites as Canaan, suggesting that Keturah was a native of Canaan rather than an migratory import from the Mesopotamian realms of Abraham's fathers. If the Hyksos had merged with her lines, the first question is, when? Before they ruled Egypt; after they started ruling Egypt; after they left Egypt? The second question: where was Keturah from both before and when Abraham married her approximately two centuries before the Hyksos started ruling Egypt?

If the land of Midian is any clue to Keturah's origins, she would be from Edom or Moab on the east side of the Dead sea. But Midianites got into the land of Timna's copper mines, interesting because Aphrodite was a copper-mining entity:

The Timna Valley is located in southern Israel in the southwestern Arabah {what was Edom then], approximately 30 km (18.6 mi) north of the Gulf of Aqaba and the town of Eilat. The area is rich in copper ore, and has been actively mined by humans since the 6th millennium BC [ignore that dating, based on evolutionist bias and the consequential trend toward idiocy].

Aphrodite was made born in Cyprus, the land called after copper mining, and that's where she got her other name, Kypris. It's feasible in this picture that Keturah was a fundamental part of the Aphrodite Amorites, therefore. The Timna location may be what named Timna, wife of Esau's son. Is there any evidence that Keturah was related to the Timna location, and even to Timna the woman?

Yes. First, she is tracing hard to Hephaestus, the metal workers in the Ephesus area who had merged with Cyprian copper miners. Then, Hephaestus had linkage the Atun cult in Athens, where a mythical KODROS of Athens had a son said to be the founder of Ephesus. Keeping in mind that the son of Hephaestus in Athens was from Erech elements, a possible origin of Abraham's fathers, by what coincidence does "Kodros" smack of "KETURAH"?

Secondly, the book as Enoch (not Inspired) seems to be saying that Esau or Edom had a black boar symbol, and then one of the two symbols of Kodros was a boar. His other symbol was a fish, adopted by Cadmus at Butua, right beside KOTOR. This is absolutely amazing, a very sound Keturah trace to Kotor. I find this so compelling that Keturah is thus revealed as a fundamental part of the Cadmus' migration across Europe, to no surprise really because she already linked to his Thebes location, but the point here is that Keturah can be linked to Esau and therefore to Timna the woman.

I already have the sense this minute from two or three considerations that Keturah was in the Hebron location of BozCATH/Boscath, where I trace "CADmus." I see "BOZcath" from Esau's Edomite capital of Bozrah, and then the Bush/Busch and related Bosch surnames can trace exactly to "BOSCath" because one Bush Coat uses a black boar while the German Bush/Busch (and Bosch) Coat uses a fleur-de-lys that linked solidly to the Kotor and Butua fish...a link made long before I ever traced Keturah to Kotor this minute for the first time ever. For some reason, I had a mental block keeping me from seeing a Keturah trace even to "Kodros" until moments ago as I write.

PLUS, the same Bush coat using the black boar uses a goat in Crest that I've been tracing to Seir for years since way before seeing the Bush goat. And Seir was the home of Timna the woman! This is supercalifragalistikexpyunbelivable.

Without any thoughts on the Bush links to Boscath, I was able to show a trace of Skull and Bones to Hebron's Eschol valley. As soon as seeing that the Skull and Bone surnames could link heraldic ally, it was evident the Skull and Bones was mere play on those surnames. But by certain methods, with heraldry in support, I was able to trace "Skull" to "Eschol."

As Esau was Abraham's grandson, one can imagine that Esau went to live in Edom because Abraham's other wife had been from there. Thus, it looks like Esau and Keturah versus his twin brother Jacob and Sarah, or Israel versus Edom. Esau may have been destined to live in Edom even if Jacob had not been born. Esau may have been destined to be the father of the dragon cult even if Jacob had not been born. But God may have provided the birth of Esau's twin for the very Purpose of doing combat with the Esau He hated. And God changed Jacob's name to Israel for the purpose of that war with shaggy Esau.

We can imagine that Esau gave his son to Timna because she and Keturah had been from the Timna copper-mining theater. That's what I'm suddenly seeing. But what even more interesting as per my original topic in this update is what was just discovered at Wikipedia's Midian article:

Some historians suggest that the worship of Yahweh [God of Israel] originated in pre-Israelite peoples of the Levant region, specifically in Midian. The Hebrew Bible mentions that Moses first encountered God at a burning bush in Midian. An Egyptian inscription also relates the Shasu, who are described as living above Egypt, with the name YHW.

There is a link there to a Shasu article. I had never heard of these people before; I hope they are not an invention of a modern hoax. The page mentions several Shasu branches: "Regarding the Shasu of Yhw, Astour has observed that the 'hieroglyphic rendering corresponds very precisely to the Hebrew tetragrammaton YHWH, or Yahweh'...Redford [Edomite line?] thinks it reasonable to conclude that the demonym 'Israel' recorded on the Merneptah Stele refers to a Shasu enclave, and that, since later Biblical tradition portrays Yahweh 'coming forth from Se'ir' the Shasu, originally from Moab and northern Edom, went on to form one major element in the amalgam that was to constitute the 'Israel' which later established the Kingdom of Israel."

I know the Bible quite well, but I don't read at all that Israel came forth from Seir in particular. I read that Israel came out of Egypt. For people who wish to undermine the Bible, their line of offense is to create a secret origin for Israel that disregards the Biblical account. Perhaps Redford is one of them.

Given that a Shasu peoples or Shasu land did apparently exist in the same area as Midian, I can shore up the claim above, that Atun was a version of YHWH from Keturah's family but corrupted by men and moreover left unpastured by YHWH Himself. In other words, I would say the same for Shasu, that it was a peoples from sons of Keturah carrying the God of Abraham...but to no blessed end necessarily. There would be nothing dangerous to Scripture in such a picture, but tools of Bible foes could try to make it appear that Israel stemmed from the Shasu and that the Bible account is therefore a wrong and fabulous account not to adhere to.

It is interesting, however, that "Shasu" smacks of a soft-C version of "Khasew(et)." If correct, it indicates that Keturah's descendants were the proto-Hyksos, from the loins of Abraham possibly, destined to be the dragon cult Tyrians > Trojans > Romans > etc., whether God called Abraham or not.

I once created a theory in which the Edomite god, Kos, because it was also "Kaus," may have been a version of a hypothetical "Esaus." In any case, "Kos" is a term like "Khase(wet)," and Keturah is tracing to the Merops > Aedon line out of the Anatolian island of Kos. Think about the possibility that "Kos" traces back to "Shasu." I'll update you if ever more comes to mind on this topic. The Shasu in this picture may have been Esau-ites, I dunno though. I'll stick to the Susa picture instead.

Yes, Kos is in ANATolia. How about that. And I trace Anat specifically to the city of ANTalya, also called Attaleia, not far east from Kos. The husband of Aedon, king Zethus of Thebes, had an Amazon mother, ANTiope. How about that. There are two reasons there alone for making the Anat = Atun connection.

Antiope was clearly a satyr line because "Her beauty attracted Zeus, who, assuming the form of a satyr, took her by force...This is the sole mythic episode in which Zeus is transformed into a satyr." Satyrs are typically portrayed as sex-driven rapists, and Zeus the adulterer himself raped Europa. The latter, being a sibling of Cadmus, is highly suspect as a fundamental element from Keturah, and as Keturah is tracing to shaggy Seir, one might even expect that Keturah was a satyr entity.

The mythical characters broke every law of the God of Israel; there is no comparison between the two religions aside from the counterfeit-God nature of Zeus. He was portrayed as a rapist and an adulterer, wherefore he cannot be a take on YHWH. We should not jump the gun to imagine that every false god of the Greek world traces to a corrupt form of YHWH from Keturah's sons, but what is Keturah-interesting is that Zeus does trace to the Cecrops founders of Athenian royalty. In early times, Zeus was portrayed as a snake below his waist, the very symbol given to mythical Cecrops, the first king of Athens. Erechtheus, they say, was not a direct descendant of Cecrops, but came to rule Cecropian Athens anyway.

My take on this is that Zeus was from the Eden cult of Sumeria, and in fact I traced him to the Anaki of Sumeria years ago. My take is that Zeus would have passed through Jerusalem whether God called Abraham or not. My take is the Zeus would have touched upon Keturah's sons whether God called Israel into existence or not. Therefore, I do not think that Zeus was born as a form of Abraham's God, but rather as a form antagonistic toward the Creator from the start. There was a cult that from the near start, fresh off the Ark, took the position of the Eden serpent. It's predictable from the ability of invisible spirits to control the thoughts of men.

Whatever it was that named Joktan (before the birth of Abraham) seems to have named Jokshan, Abraham's son with Keturah. It could give the impression that Abraham had been married to a Sepharvite line, but then not all of Joktan's sons were necessarily part of the Sepharvites. Sepharvites and the Zeus Moloch were not the only human-sacrifice cults; there was another one in the Ammonites, and they lived as brothers to Moabites, the peoples who were in-turn in cahoots with Keturah-line Midianites. When we get to the Boofima cult, albeit there is virtually nothing online about it beyond my writings, we find that it sacrificed goats as well as humans. Could it therefore be that Keturah's family lived amongst human-sacrifice cults in relation to the Seir goats cults?

Ask why Abraham was so willing to sacrifice his own son when God requested it of him? Was Abraham shocked at the request? He should have been, and should have refused, but if he knew child sacrifice to be a tradition of his fathers, it can explain why he agreed to take his son, the father of Esau, to the bloody altar. God taught Abraham a lesson, that child sacrifice was not necessary to please Him. And the God of Israel despised the human-sacrifice cults. But all along, God had planned to use His own Child Sacrifice to destroy the cults which invented child sacrifice. There is only one explanation for this: God gave Christ the requirements to endure it gladly.

We should not judge God's choice for killing Christ until we know what was going through His mind concerning it, or without being privy to how He prepared Jesus to endure it. At any point, Jesus had the option of not going through with it. He chose to bear the short-term pain for the long-term joys, and the joys were not merely the opportunity for a throne. He did it for others. It was his pleasure to give them life, if they wanted it.

And the Father opened the way to purchase the prisoners of satan with that Child Sacrifice. And when God established through Moses the animal sacrifices, it wasn't because God loved to see animals die. It was the for opportunity of Israel to enjoy meat and other foods in celebration of "owing" the only true god amongst many false ones, but in the meantime they were to recognize their need of God's forgiveness in preparation for the Child Sacrifice in due time.

It's known that Joktanites made it all the way to Yemen, where an Aden location is to this day that smacks of Atun and Aedon. While Keturah's son, Jokshan, was the father of a Sheba and Dedan, the other Biblical Sheba-and-Dedan brothers were in the Yemen area (verifiable online), but also in the Ethiopian area opposite the waters from Aden. Is this a coincidence, or was Keturah's ancestry from Sepharvites in Yemen? One can guess-timate here that the land of Aden was proto-Aedon of Thebes, from Merops of Ethiopia. There is even a Thebes on the Nile in southern Egypt to which Keturah's Thebes can be traced. But if the Egyptian Thebes was named after Sheba, son of Jokshan, it begins to explain how Keturah lines were part with the Merops cult out of Merowe. And this Merops doesn't trace to Merops of Kos only, but to Aedon's root in Amarna, and of course to the city of Myrina on Thebes-related Lemnos.

[Insert -- Tracking peoples based on similarity of terms is only a beginning. It's not enough in itself. But when things begin to click in the similarity department, it's a marker of being on the right track. The day after writing here, and as often happens, early in the morning while awaking and reflecting back on the previous days work, HADORAM came to mind as a soft version of a KETURAH-like term. It wouldn't seem to have any particular value except that Keturah looked to be linking to Joktanites and Sepharvites, Hadoram is the son of Joktan who I say named ADRAMmelech, the god of Sepharvites (2 Kings 17:31).

Below, the idea is entertained that "Keturah" is a hard-C version of "satyr." It's an idea jibing with a tracing of Keturah to Seir elements of Timna, but also to the apparent fact that satyrs, like many Greek myth characters, should trace to Hyksos and other Hebrews. As Keturah was Abraham's wife, one can expect "important" elements to trace to her. Any linkage of Keturah to Ixion, father of centaurs, allows Keturah to be a proto-satyr line too. One can also consider a "SATYR" link to a hard-C "HADOR(am)."

Another thing came to mind as I awoke, the similarity between "Shasu" and Keturah's son, Shuah. This is important because the Shasu entity was being entertained exactly from Keturah. So, while Jokshan looks to be named in honor of the Joktanites that I've seen in the Hyksos > Zeus line to Haifa and Tyre, Shuah may be named in honor of the Shasu entity that brought about "KHASEwet" and "Kos." It only now recalls the old trace I made of Zeus to Susa, home of Kassites, and indeed I did trace Kassites (had a Habira tribe), as the Assi, to the Hyksos and their Hayasa Azzi branch, and to Khassi of Cilicia, what was also called, Kizzuwatna, a term so close to "Khasewet" that the link seems undeniable. In this picture, where the Shasu are from Susa, it tends to make Zeus part of the branches of Abraham's YHWH after all.

Plus, in one of my chapters ("Mars and Asklepios are Men from the Bible"), I traced Zeus to a man in Hebron with a Shush-like name. After starting the chapter by pointing out that the ancient Biblical version of Susa was "Shushan," or "Shush" in modern times, I got to this:

"The ancestor named Anak had three children: Ahiman, SHESHAI, Talmai (Numbers 13:22). They lived in Hebron and the hill country (Joshua 11:21) before being destroyed by Joshua. Their remnants then lived among the Philistines (Joshua 11:22)."

"Sheshai" and "Shush," and "Talmai" and "Delym(ite)" [I had traced Zeus to Ishtar, born on Dilmun/Telmon]. The lateness of Joshua, 1500 BC, give or take 50 years, may suggest that the two men were not founders of Susa and Deylamites, but named after their elements. Yet one never knows. Which came first, "Deus" or "Zeus"? If the latter, might it have been a Tigris-founded term for "god" named after Susa? Was Sheshai a member of the Zeus cult in Israel? That's what I'm wondering.

Behold, Joshua 11:22, Anakites are routed from Israel except for Gath, Gaza, and Ashdod. Could these not have been the makings of the craftsmen god, Kothar-wa-Khasis??? Didn't I say that Goliath lived in Gath but was not a Philistine by blood? Yes, for I sensed in my spirit that he was a part of the Kassite/Cutha dragon line, as was the rest of pre-Philistine Gath. Now I know why. I knew nothing of the Anaki tie to Susa until now, as I write this chapter. Anakites were giants.

It wasn't for Talmai, I wouldn't have thought to connect Sheshai to the Zeus cult. I went on to suggest that the Hebrews of the Habur river named the Kassite tribe of Habira, for it's known that, in pre-Moses times, Kassites moved into Amorite Babylon. And I traced Kassites to the naming of Gaza because this Canaan / Egyptian god, Kothar-wa-Khasis, whom is linked to Hephaestus by some, seemed to fit the Gaza and Kassite shoe. "Khasis," as you can plainly see, fits the Hyksos of Kizzuwatna = Khassi, but then just look at how "Kothar" smacks of "Keturah" and of "Kodros > Kotor." Kodros (of Athens) is link-able to Hephaestus easily, in his excursion with Athena, and if his child, Erechtheus traces to Uruk/Erech, then note how close Susa is to that place.

I hadn't re-loaded an article on Kodros above, but did so just now, reminding me that his woodcutter symbol traced him to the human-sacrifice cult of Esus. I had traced "Esus" (suspect with Esau) to Essenes proper of Israel by other methods. Kodros' father, MELANthos, is a honey term appropriate for the essenes bee cult in Ephesus, where Kodros' son (Androklos) came to rule. The article even links the Kodros line to the Delphi Oracle, exactly the divination practices suspect in the essenes bee cult. The article says that Kodros was the last "king" of Athens, meaning that he can trace back to the Hephaestus line in Athens. It makes sense where Hephaestus was an Ephesian entity.

When I read down to the part where Kodros' son, Medon, became the next "archon" (= ruler) of Athens, the Midianites came to mind. Coincidence? Kodros was already highly suspect as a Keturah line before finding this, but if that's not enough, another son of Keturah was, Medan. The article then says, "After Eryxias, the title of Archon was given to nine distinguished persons, descendants of Kodros and Medon..." Doesn't ERYX smack of Erechtheus?

Just like that, the Hephaestus-suspect craftsman god, KOTHAR-wa-Khasis, traces both to KODRos and to Keturah, but also back to Kassites in the Susa area now suspect with the Shasu. In another article, we find a human-sacrifice theme on Kodros:

King Kodros famously died a sacrificial death to prevent the Dorians from conquering Athens. His son Medon inherited the Athenian kingship from him...According to the myth, Medon had a brother Neileos who led the colonization of Miletus [suspected honey term]...The myth of Medon and Neileos, brothers who became kings in different cities, duplicates an earlier myth in the same family, that of Neleus and Pelias. Kodros was a descendant of Neleus, the founder of Pylos. Kodros's father had left Pylos at the time of the Dorian invasion and become king of Athens by his heroism in a border war between Athens and Boeotia [a honey enbtity againb]...Neleus, the founder of Pylos, had a twin brother Pelias, who inherited the kingship of Iolcus in Thessaly from their father Cretheus.

By what coincidence was Dor smack beside carmel? The Dorians, when they came to invade Athens, wanted to spare Kodros...the one who traces to Essenes. Even CarMEL is a potential mel = honey term, like out "caramel." I mentioned often in my dragon-hunt chapters that human sacrifices of Moloch involved honey. Baal was a bull like Moloch, and many priests of Baal were in Carmel, and they strived against Elijah there. Some followers (from Dor?) of famous Elijah and Elisha are highly suspect in this Essene line to paganized Kodros, but remarkably, Keturah lines are now tracing quite strong to the Baal > Zeus bull in the Dor / Carmel / Haifa area.

I had written that "Essene" traced to "Aeson" (metal cult) and therefore to "Aedon" in Thebes. From this, one can gather that Essene elements, whatever they were called in those days, linked to the HephAEStus metal cult in Ephesus, where Kodros traces. Why is Keturah linking to Essenes? But to be solidly convinced that Kodros was a line from Hephaestus, the latter was born lame, and then: "Medon, the son of Codrus, was the first archon of Athens. He was lame..." The article deals with eight mythical Medons any one of which may reveal the tracks to Keturah liners.

Another Medon: "Medon, a 'cunning craftsman' of Cilla, husband of Iphianassa and father of METALcas and Zechis..." It makes one wonder whether "metal" became an Aryan term from the copper-mining family of Keturah. Remember, the craftsman cult was also KOTHAR.

As you can see above, the Kodros line out of Pylos became royalty in Iolcus, the birthplace of Aeson. Moreover, Pylos in Messene is beside Methoni, a place that I trace both to Dionysus and to the Mitanni Hurrians now suspect as Midianites of the Atun cult proper. (Keturah had Midian for a son, full brother of Medan.)

In this picture, MEDON (Kodros' son) was named as code for METHONi elements...which tends to trace Keturah elements to Modena, Modane...and Modi'in in Israel, home of Hasmonians. It's important because the Hasmonean priesthood over Israel produced the priests who performed the Child Sacrifice of God. Moreover, I traced Pontius Pilate, the Roman who signed the papers for the Child Sacrifice, to "Pylos"! I did not know until now, so far as I can recall, that Kodros was from Pylos and Methoni. I am not sewing together an elaborate system to create my own tantalizing story. My job is to accumulate many traces in many moments of time, and then put them together to understand the whole of His Story...which He could not reveal in Scripture because His job was to secretly apply his Destroyer Mission without the human tools of satan knowing that they were being used as tools of God, thus converting them into fools too idiotic to realize that they were/are killing themselves in great shame even while proud of their obstinate heritage.

The reason that I trace Methoni to Dionysus (wine god) is that mythical Methoni was made a daughter of one Oeneus, said to be a wine man. Not only did I learn that Oeneus became the Juno worshiped by Romans, but I actually found proto-Romans in the Carmel / Nazareth area. The Nysus entity Dionysus' is traced (by me) to "Nazareth," smack beside Carmel, and for this reason I tend to think that the Biblical Nazarites, who would not drink wine in their honoring of God, were the makings of Nazareth later on (Nazareth does not appear in the Old Testament). But Dionysus was a corrupt form of Nazarites, quite apparently, and then Samson, who broke the Law by eating honey from a carcass, is said to have been a Nazarite.

Remember here that Samson's Avvites are now tracing to the naming of Ephesus. And, while the Maeonian river passes by Miletus and Ephesus, Dionysus' wine-stricken lunatic Maenads trace from Samson to the Maeander.

I also did not mention before this insert that a trace of Keturah to Kotor, beside Butua, has likely to do with mythical Butes of Athens, a priest who was an alternative name for Erechtheus. Butes and Erechtheus can be traced to Bute and Orkney of Scotland, and therefore to the Dane vikings thereof, highly suspect from the Argonaut elements. Those elements were not only the Aeson-related Minyae of Lemons, not only the Orchomenos Boiotians, but also peoples of Argos (home of Danaans) for obvious reason. Today, Bute and Argyll are paired regions, and I even learned that the raven-depicted Stout vikings of the Orkney theater conquered Rothesay, what was later named, Bute. The below on Jason in Lemnos was written before this insert. End Insert]

Myth makes a huge leap from Merops of Ethiopia to Phaethon in the Rhodanus-river theater (France). In the myth, Helios has relations with the wife of Merops to produce Phaethon. It just so happens that the Rhodanus is only a little shy of the Autun area of France. How do we know that Keturah lines carried the Atun cult to Autun? By tracing her son, Sheba, to the naming of Grecian Thebes, for one, where Aedon was queen. But there is more, for I traced "Phaethon" to "Phasis" (Colchis) long before knowing that Keturah linked to mythical Jason, who sailed up the river from Phasis to retrieve the golden fleece. But he didn't sail that river until after he and his crew had stopped at Lemnos to mate with the Amazons of Myrina:

The isle of Lemnos...was inhabited by a race of women who had killed their husbands. The women had neglected their worship of Aphrodite, and as a punishment the goddess made the women so foul in stench that their husbands could not bear to be near them...The [Lemnos] king, Thoas, was saved by Hypsipyle, his daughter...

During the visit of the Argonauts the women mingled with the men creating a new "race" called Minyae...

As Thoas was from a daughter (Ariadne) of king Minos, it's obvious that the Minyae of Lemnos were from Minoans (bull worshipers / herders). Thoas was married to Myrina, meaning that Jason and his crew mated, not only with Minoans, but with Amorites of the Myrina kind from Amarna. Why are we seeing Amorites in a merger with Minoans? Ask the woman who obviously belonged to Aphrodite. It can only mean that the Amarna cult of Atun passed through Crete.

Thoas can be identified as an aspect of the Zeus Taurus = Tyrians because he was associated with a Tauris area otherwise called the Crimea. Dionysus, husband of Ariadne and therefore father of Thoas, was depicted as a bull, Bacchus, a term suspect from "Apachnas." Clearly, the Minyae were the Dionysus-Ariadne bull cult of Minoans, suggesting that Minoans were linked to Maeonians, a good conclusion because Minoans (Mino's brother, Sarpedon) founded Miletus and related peoples of the Maeander theater.

Ariadne had, previous to her marriage with Dionysus, been a lover of Theseus, a king of Athens...a perfect expectation where Keturah already traced to Athens. Theseus (son of Poseidon even) was in Crete conquering some Minoan entity, simply meaning that Keturah's Athenians had come into Crete, where Keturah's Tyrian elements had been in the past. Recalling that the story of Kodros portrayed him as a human-sacrifice cult, it's conspicuous that Theseus mother (Aethra) was impregnated by Poseidon on the island of Sepharvite-like Sphairia (Peloponnesia between Athens and Argos).

"ARIADNE," which I did not ever identify in the past with a people group of location, has just been discovered, correctly I think, as the ERIDANOS area at Athens. This is so perfect, for Phaethon, son of Merops' wife, crashed Helios' chariot into an Eridanus river, thought by the writer of the Argonautica to be a branch of the Rhodanus ( = Rhone). The Rhone on the east side of lake Geneva is called the "Rotten" by Germans, if that helps to identify Eridanus with that river. It's perfect because Merops traces to Autun near the Rhodanus while Athens traces back to the Atun > Aedon line of Merops. It's also perfect because it tends to link Merops of Ethiopia to Cepheus of Ethiopia in that both can trace to Athens. Cepheus looks to be code for the Cephissus river at Athens. Wikipedia's article on the Cephissus says that Erechtheus' wife (Praxithea) was a grand-daughter of mythical Cephissus.

When Keturah's name is given a soft-C, she looks like "Satyr." It could be coincidental, but let's not forget that the son of Merops of Kos was PANdareus. It's not a bad idea to always ask whether potential Keturah elements are evident when on satyr / Pan topics. The satyrs and Maenads were often paired in myths.

PosEIDON is very much suspect from the Aden (Yemen) and Atun entities because he's been traced by myth scholars and myth writers alike to Ethiopia. But Poseidon can be identified with the Pisidians who had a capital at Antalya, which was also called "Attaleia," the origin of Atlas, first son of Poseidon. And then the son of queen Aedon was Itylus. No coincidence. Poseidon was the carrier of the Atun cult. By the time that he was merged with Phoenix up in Phoenicia, Atun had been paganized, stripped of his monotheistic heritage, and linked as a brother to the Zeus Taurus. The third brother, Hades, smacks of "Cadusii," the Armenians to which I trace both "CADmus" and the caduceus rod of Hermes, father of Pan at Panias / Hermon. In other words, Cadmus was likely the third brother secretly.

The Ethiopian Merops cult (proto-Merovingians who claim to be from the Veneti) thus trace exactly to Poseidon of Tyre, father of AGENor who smacks of "AKHENaten." I'm convinced: the line of Keturah was a major root of Phoenicians, and that helps to identify her with the Pan Satyrs!

Pan came from Armenia (= Hermes), but Keturah's line was from Africa, wherefore the merger of these two proto-Phoenician lines appears to have created the dual concept, Pan be tentatively viewed as Pan-Keturah, or Lake Van-Keturah. However, it doesn't necessarily mean that satyrs were directly from Keturah, for it may be that she was simply named after proto-satyrs in Africa, a branch of which gave birth to Agenor's line in Tyre. This proto-satyr term should be found either in Amarna or up the Nile in Chemmis/Khemmis, the home of the Mitanni family of Yuya (horse trainer of Akhenaten) whose daughter gave birth to Akhenaten. It's reported online that Chemmites of Khemmis had another location of roughly the same name near Buto in the Nile delta. The southern Khemmis was also, Panopolis. Thus, if either the sons of Medan or Midian trace to the naming of the Mitanni, Keturah can trace also to Panopolis.

In this picture, I would have to trace Keturah to Seir (which probably did not exist yet). Hmm, note Abraham's Seir-like wife, Sarah. It's suggesting that elements of Edom (which may not yet have existed under such a name) were in Hebron amongst Abraham. It's Keturah-of-Timna perfect because I claim that POSeidon was named in-part after BOZrah, an Edomite city where Timna the woman is expected with her children, and then there was a BOZcath/BOScath in Hebron where her descendants may have removed to. The Biblical Caleb, who was a trooper with Joshua, was from fundamental Hebron elements, and his name looks like a hard-C version of "Eliphas."

Based on the info garnered to this point, I'm guessing that the Atun cult first went out from Abraham into Africa as far as Meropian Merowe, passing through the Khemmis area having Keturah elements, then back down-river into Khemmis-related Amarna, and finally back into Jerusalem, where it merged with lines from Timna (the woman) at about the time of Israel's formation as a nation with borders. The Samson myth could be in regards to the mergers of that time, with he (= Hyksos from coastal areas) and Timna elements living to the west of Hebron at Timnah and Beth Shemesh. Or, the Samson entity may have been on the way to Greece by the time of Amarna. I suppose that the invasion of Canaan by Joshua had the purpose of mopping up some Hyksos who had escaped into various parts thereof. As Hebron was granted to Israel in the Joshua invasion, I must gather that God allowed the survival, for the time being, of whatever Hyksos had escaped to Jerusalem and to the coastal / Philistine theater.

There is not much coming to mind from the Bible concerning the Amorites of Jerusalem between the time of Joshua and their being conquered by David some four centuries later. What went on there? In Judges 1:8, in the first war after the death of Joshua, Jerusalem was conquered and set on fire. There seems to have been no Directive from above to spare the city. But after the fire, the place must have been re-built. But how long did it lay desolate? Who re-built it? Why didn't the Israelites move there? Was Zion not a holy place yet? Why did it became important after David conquered the Jebusites there?

While writing the paragraph above, as EliPHAS (Timna's husband) was in mind, it was egging me to trace part of his name to "Phaethon," the son of Merops' wife. I didn't think too much of it and was unable to figure where "Eli" may have derived, when, moments later, "Helios" came to mind, father of Phaethon. In this picture, Eliphas elements were in Merowe, and the myth writer seems to have known it, secretly. "Phaethon" may have been given the same ending as "Poseidon" for the reason of linkage.

Also interesting, if I'm correct to trace "Phaethon" to Phasis/Poti in Colchis, is that the golden fleece up the river from that location was in Kutaisi (ruled by Attis-like Aeetes), a term that I trace to "Hatussa" of the Hatti (where Keturah-related Cadmus traces), and to "Cadusia," the origin of both Cadmus and Hermes father of Pan, god of Panopolis, location of Mitanni. This trace of Edom elements to Colchis is not at all strange where Jerusalem and Gareb have traced to the Aras river with a source area not far from Kutaisi. And as Keturah links to Jason's Argo crew, while he stole Medea (Aeetes' daughter) away from Aeetes, we are finding yet another Medan / Midian-like term in Medea.

If we are even half convinced that the Letushites (from Keturah) trace to Leto and Leda, then see a Tyndaris location on this ancient map of Caucasia. Leda's husband was Tyndareus. Tyndaris is smack up the Glaucus river from Phasis, in the very land of Kutaisi! Plus, I have been tracing the Luzi/Lazi Caucasians, seen on the map to the south of Phasis, to the Lotan / Ladon dragon, and Timna's father was Lotan. Wikipedia says that the Lazi Caucasians took Kutaisi over.

The Khemmis article above says that the city had a temple to Apollo, and that the Chemmites traced themselves to the Perseus Danaans of Argos. It therefore fits the expectations of a Keturah trace to Leto / Leda elements, and to the Argos elements of Jason's Argonauts. Perseus (I traced him to Parthian Gorgons) was given a wife, AndroMEDA, daughter of another king of Ethiopia, but daughter also to CassiOPEIA, whom I traced partly to Ioppa/Joppa on the Israeli coast. Suddenly, Keturah's two sons, now between the lines of my writing, appear named after whatever named Andromeda. I traced CASSIopeia to Kassites on the Israeli shores, but then Kassites lived roughly in the domain of Medes. Medea of Colchis was even said to have been the mother of the Medes. The problem is, the Medes are suspect not from Medan or Midian of Keturah. However, the Medes may have named Medan and Midian...if Keturah was of Mede origins. It is making a lot of sense here that Keturah should trace to the Perseus Chemmites.

Now, Andromeda's father was Cepheus, who sounds like "head" in Greek, wherefore this theme was applied to the Gorgon MEDusa, whose head Perseus sliced off. But there is a Cephissus Athens, where both Keturah and the Atun cult out of Ethiopia and Khemmis trace. And the son of Kodros was ANDROklos, which seems to be a deliberate take on ANDROmeda! This is now revealing that Keturah was essential to the Perseus-Andromeda line, which birthed Gorgophone...of Sparta, where Keturah-suspect Leda was situated. In fact, Argos is beside Sparta.

As it was said above that Samson may have depicted the Hyksos who survived the Joshua invasion, and as he was an Avviy/Avvite peoples (named after Avaris?), it tends to suggest that Joppa, now Jaffa, was an Avvite location. As Samson was a Danaan peoples, or so I identify his Daniy (Biblical term) elements, while Perseus was a patriarch of Danaans in Argos, it looks as though Samson Hyksos in Timnah, Beth Shemesh and Ekron, moved also into Joppa not far on the coast. As this all leads to Avvite suspect Abas, and Ekron-suspect Acrisius, two father of the Argos Danaans, it explains why at least one myth writer located Perseus and Andromeda in Joppa. But as Andromeda's father can be traced to Athens, it means that he, king of Ethiopia, was part of the African Athena, the Atun cult. Thus, Keturah's Meropian > Aedon line to Boiotia and neighboring Athens was in Joppa, and therefore suspect with this Samson cult of that region.

Then, as her Kodros > Medon elements in Athens had been from Pylos and from Medan / Midian elements in neighboring Methoni (I recall tracing Danaus' brother, Aigyptus, to Methoni), we can see that AndroMEDA out of Joppa traces exactly to Methoni, located in an larger region of Messene, named no doubt by the Mus / Mesha household of the Hyksos, the same that named Mycenae, the city smack beside Argos said to be founded by Perseus. Then, as Methoni was made mythically a daughter of Oeneus, the name of the Illyrian river (also called "Una") where mythical Juno (wife of Jupiter) derives, it stands to reason that the Japodes of that river had been root to Jupiter and derived from "Joppa" elements. We saw at the top of this update that Keturah's Letushites were suspect in Lydia and therefore in the root of Etruscan and Latins, wherefore, what about Uni, the chief goddess of Etruscans? Shouldn't she be named after the Una river? By what nature of comprehension are we to understand a trace of Abraham to the Romans? is it what God meant when he foretold that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars?

Isolating the Lines of Keturah

All Tentative: Keturah was the mother of the carrier of the monotheistic proto-Atun sun god, which started off as Abraham's YHWH, into what would later become Seir, in what was then the southern end of the Sodom and Gomorrah theater, what later became the Timna copper mines.

Still Tentative but compelling: Atun or proto-Atun looks to have named "Edom" in this picture. "Keturah" may have been named after the same that had named Joktan's son, Hadoram, and Keturah named her own son, Jokshan as a result. If correct, Keturah's name was part of the Adrammelech god of Sepharvites. Jokshan's son, Sheba, looks to be named after "Sephar." There are Saba locations in Yemen / Punt that are identical to "Sheba," smacking of the Zab rivers in Assyria. It appears from Jokshan's naming of Sheba and Dedan that Keturah was from the family of Joktanites already in Yemen before her birth. Joktan's son, Hazarmaveth (looks like a version of "HADORam"), named a city in Yemen, Hadhramaut.

Fact: Esau abandoned the plan that god had for Abraham for a bowl of soup. Fact: God hated Esau. Esau went to live in Seir, a fledgling nation that he conquered and ruled from Bozrah. His country looks to have been named after whatever "Aden" in Yemen was in those days. Perhaps Atun started off as an expression of "Adam." Esau merged with the Horites from Haran back in the Khabur / Aphrodite theater; these particular Horites were from Seir, where Keturah's family from Yemen is expected.

Haran named Uranus, father of Cronus, father of Poseidon, Zeus and Hades. Cronus and/or Zeus was an Anaki-Aryan branch from Kassites in Susa and Sittacene, but married to Rhagae's Deylamites / Gileki Iranians, otherwise known as Ishtar from Dilmun/Telmon (at modern Bahrain). The Gileki and the Armenian Cadusii, the latter being Hades, merged to form proto-Hermes, otherwise known as Aramazd ("Hermes" can be seen in that term), the father of the Armenian god, Ara, proto-Ares that is, who had merged with the Aramaeans and Euphrates Semites, the proto-Aphrodite. Ara > Ares elements from the Jerevan area (off the Aras) were at Soducena, a branch of Zeus' Sittacene. Proto-Ares became mount Gareb's proto-Hera, Zeus' only official wife. Soducena and/or Sittacene named the city of Zedek, before Jerevan elements at Gareb re-named it Jerusalem.

The chief Armenian god, Haik/Hayk, came to the Jerusalem area, we may assume, as the proto-Hyksos. Aramazd was known in his time as the Creator of the universe, no doubt a take from the YHWH of Noah's family fresh off the Ark. But the carriers of these gods corrupted Aramazd by their own sins, to the dismay of the Creator. Hermes carried a snake symbol from Cadusia, and that symbol (the caduceus rod) was adopted by Tiresias, son of Everes, the so-called "Shepherd Kings" in Avaris. This, it appears that Hyksos came out of Gareb and Jerusalem before ruling Egypt. The Hyksos historian, Manetho, who appears named in honor of Manto, son of Tiresias, said that Shepherd Kings / Hyksos were out of Jerusalem.

Esau merged with all of these distorted forms of the Creator when he left the call of Abraham. Actually, it had become a cult in honor of the Eden serpent before reaching Edom. Edom looks to be their New Eden. Esau was an idiot. The Bible says that Esau was hairy, suggesting that his father, Isaac, had hairy genes in his family. Isaac was the son of Sarah, smacking of "Seir," and they say that "se'ir" means hairy, shaggy. I adopted the position suggested by an old emailer, Greenway 7, that satyrs came from Seir due to the shagginess of goats. So far, the theory has been maintained, and is now pointing straight to Keturah, Abraham's other wife.

Understandably, Greenway 7 became disappointed in the way my links were made too hastily with less than scholarly approach. I felt a Calling to go the correct path, and so I thrashed ahead mistakes or no mistakes to whatever it was that God would reveal...on Hebrew-suspect Buzites. Greenway 7 had emphasized Hamites in Egypt at a time when I was reluctant to enter Egyptian mythology, because Greek and Mesopotamian mythology was a headache all its own. Perhaps not coincidental, Greenway 7 (an excellent writer and thinker) said she couldn't write any longer to me not long after my suggestion to her that Horus and Ra were, not Hamites, but Aryans from the HROS Caucasians as they had merged with Semite Armenians, or the Ares cult. I don't think I knew of Aramazd and Ara yet, but it seemed obvious then that the Egyptian duo, HORUS and Ra, were just that Armenian cult of Ares. And I identified the third Egyptian element, Set(h), with proto-Jerusalem's Zedek.

The Egyptian Ra was the sun god. Here's from an article on Armenian gods: "Aramazd - The father of all the gods and goddesses, Aramazd created the heavens and the earth. The first two letters in his name, "AR", are the Armenian root for sun, light, and life....His feast Am'nor, or New Year..." Is that Nahor? In any case, it's not a less-than scholarly thing to suggest that "Ara" became "Ra" in light of "Horus" looking like "Hros." It's the sort of thing scholars should be on the look out for, multiple similarities all jibing with the same essence.

The Atun cult fundamentally in Edom is a new theme for me. I'll now entertain "PosEidon" as code for Esau's capital at Bozrah merged with the Atun cult in Bozrah. Was Poseidon invented before or after Atun proper of pharaoh Akhenaten? I'm going to view Poseidon as the carrier of Edomite Atun to Phoenicia. Note that it's his brother who goes to Crete from Tyre while Poseidon doesn't seem to follow. It appears that Poseidon took the land route with Cadmus, for between Tyre and Syria there was an Adonis god that should jibe with PosEIDON, and this Adonis, much like the Biblical term (Adonai) used for YHWH, should be the Atun cult, and may even be Atun proper from Akhenaten, especially if "AGENor" is code for "AKHEN." It makes sense as well as satisfying the similarities of terms. It has the essence of reality: Poseidon was the carrier of Akhenaten's Atun not long after Israel was established as a nation with borders, in the times of the Judges, probably.

With this new reality, one can predict that Atun was carried with Poseidon to the Pisidians, the home of ANTalya, what I say, with admittedly less than scholarly gravity, was the root of ANATolia. And one can entertain that Atun named the Edones living on the one side of the Strymon river...the river where the Satrae lived (!), who may have been named after a soft-C version of "Keturah." In this picture, the Bessi priests of the Satrae look like the Bozrah elements carried by Poseidon. And mythical Butes of Atun-rooted Athens, who was made a twin of Erechtheus, was a priest of Poseidon.

As Erechtheus can be traced to Erech of Sumeria, smack at what was called, Eden, even on this side of the Flood, I can now repeat from some chapters of a "POSeidon" trace to mythical "ABZu/APSu," a water-symbolized part of the Anu cult in Sumeria's Eden area, The Apsu waters were no doubt the marshy areas on the northern head of the Persian gulf, after the Euphrates and Tigris rivers together spread their water along a flat and wide area. To identify the Atun cult with the Anu/ANTU line of Anaki in Hebron expects the Abzu/Apsu > Poseidon elements in Hebron too.

The Anaki of Hebron included proto-Poseidon, the mythical Enki (god of waters) of the Anu cult. The Poseidon part of Enki somehow got into Africa to form the Atun cult proper. I recall a myth wherein Poseidon from, or while he was in, Ethiopia, saw the Marsyas goat somewhere in the Greek / Italy theater, and it just so happens that Marsyas was the one who found the flute invented by Athena. It stands to reason in this picture that Marsyas was representative of Amorites from Merowe of old Ethiopia, the carriers of Atun to Aedon of Thebes and to neighboring Athens. By what coincidence does the Ketos sea monster smack of "Keturah: "THE KETOS AITHIOPIOS (or Ethiopian Cetus) was a sea-monster sent by Poseidon to ravage the land of Aithiopia as punishment for Queen Kassiopeia's hubristic boast that her daughter Andromeda was more beautiful than the Nereides." It could give the impression that Poseidon himself was from Keturah. Remember: Cassiopeia's husband in Ethiopia traces to the Cephissus river at Athens.

The Ketos/Cetus monster -- synonymous with a mythical Leviathan -- was directly related in Greek myth to the Ladon dragon. This is where the proto-Ladon Lotan dragon comes in, which swam the seas off Syria. It traces Poseidon -- who was the Esau marriage to Lotan's sister, who was herself from Keturah -- to Syria rather than his going the way of Crete with his brother. Cetus was born from mythical Pontus, as though the Lotan dragon in Syria evolved into Cetus in the Black sea off the shores of Pontus. But as the lands on both sides of the Red sea -- one in Aden and the other in what was then Ethiopia -- were called, Punt, one can recognize that Punt named Pontus. And Punt is thought, almost roundly, to have been a Phoenician-related nation or group of nations.

This section is being written the day after opening an email from YS, wherein a Sandy surname was shared with a "POENITit" motto term. There was already much written below this section on Keturah lines. YS knew nothing of what I was writing, nor have I mentioned Punt in recent updates. YS sent me the message from an online page wherein Poenit was an historical entity in relation to the following terms: "Puntite , Punt , Pont , Phunt , Poenit , Poenite , Phut, and Put." I therefore loaded "Punt" to find black boars (!) and a red fesse. To the best of my recollection, the Bush Coat shown until this year had a red fesse (on gold Shield) surrounded by black boars.

Let me repeat that the German Bush/BUSCH and Bosch Coats use the fleur-de-lys that I traces to the Kotor / Butua / Bar fish, for Kotor is now part of the Keturah line as carried by Androklos out of Ephesus, and Cadmus out of Thebes. There was little difference between Poseidon and Cadmus of Tyre, wherefore this fish symbol, ultimately from Kodros of Athens, seems to be in honor of Poseidon;'s sea symbol. Yet, as the mythical Nereids trace to the Neretva river near Kotor, one can trace the fish to the Nereids (known kin of Poseidon), who were depicted as fish from old times.

I remarked to YS that the Sandy Coat uses a red fesse on gold, the colors of the Bush fesse shown until recently. Therefore, it seemed evident already that both Sandys and Punts trace to the Punt elements of Poseidon and Keturah, even as Poseidon traces to Esau. We've yet to understand why Esau was a black boar, shared by Bush's and Punts, but unkosher pork meat may have had something to do with it. The Booths, who may trace to Butes of Athens, also use black boars, easily identified with the boar symbol of Kodros in that picture. Thus, even Keturah lines in Athens had the black boar, suggesting that YHWH may have made the consumption of pork meat a violation of His Law in efforts to make a clear-cut distinction between Esau (the Gentiles) and Jacob. In any case, somebodys in old heraldic times, who were less than somebody, knew their traces to Esau, and were proud of it, but they were not telling the rest of us.

The Sander Coat (in Bush colors) was then loaded to find elephant heads (!), perfect because Poseidon of Punt and Pontus was a carrier too of Eliphas lines. The Halybes, whom I've traced tentatively to "Eliphas," lived to the west side of the Pontus, and the Khaldi kin of the Halybes lived smack at the Pontus! Plus, as EliPHAS is now suspect with "Phaethon," son of Merops of Ethiopia, we have that reason too to trace Poseidon to the Eliphas-Lotan line. We should ask why the Keturah line to Ketos/Cetus was painted as a monster rather than an intelligent or admirable dolphin, for example.

Why was this part of the Poseidon domain that part of Greek myth wherein all the monsters were lumped? The 100 heads of Ladon suggest many peoples, and this theme can be traced to the many theme of the Tantalus > Pelops cult, depicted as a cannibal cult. I even traced (years ago, without regard for this Poseidon / Atun discussion) "Tantalus" (which sounds like "tanta," meaning "many" in Latin/Italian) to "ANTALya," same as where Poseidon's Atun elements trace. We can therefore expect the Keturah / Atun line through Pelops, and indeed, though it's not always easy to come across, Pelops and his father ruled at a city of Eneti, named after the Heneti = Aphrodite.

The Irish Sander Crest is an elephant head in a coronet crown, symbol, I think, of the Cronus > Coronis cult that I trace to Carians of the Sarpedon-of-Crete kind. I am never at all sure of my identification of Cronus elements, though I wish i could be. But as he was also Saturn, he suggests Keturah's satyr entity. I've suggested that Cronus was a hard-C code for the C-less Horites, as Uranus his father was code for Haran's Hurrians. Thus Cronus can be traced to the Horites of Edom, from the Horites of proto-Dionysus Nuzi, in the midst of the two Zab rivers of Assyria. Cronus' wife, Rhagae, was not far off. And so it is that the "sibi" motto term of Sanders could be code for Zab elements as they became the Sheba /line from Keturah to Thebes.

German Sanders, in colors reversed to Irish sanders, use bull heads, a symbol of the Cronus > Zeus Taurus. The Chief of this sander Coat uses a so-called "label," what I trace to French LaBels, shown also with Baal-like variations. Baal was a bull cult too. The white Sander bull appears to be the white Haught/Houghton, and the Coat of the latter shows the Trebizond bars in colors reversed, thus tracing Sanders to Trabzon, on the Pontus in the midst of the Khaldi. The Khaldi and Halybes were the metal workers tracing to Hephaestus in Lemnos, where a Sintian peoples lived whom I traced to Santones in Saints (France), beside the Lemnos-rooted Lemovices. Thus, the Sandys and Sanders, not to mention the Sands using a version of the Sandy Coat, all trace to Santones...whom as Sintians must have been related directly to Keturah lines in Lemnos. Therefore, one can draw a line from Ketos/Cetus in the Pontus to the Sintians on Lemnos.

In fact, mythical Sandon was the so-called "Hercules lion" in Lydia, though out of Cilicia. This "Lydian lion" is online somewhere on a coin with a star burst on a lion's forehead, wherefore see the small red object on the forehead of the Sander elephant. The object happens to be a torteaux (a sphere), and then Haughts/Houghtons use a "tort" motto term. But a red sphere smacks of the dot on foreheads of Hindus, from India, and then Sindi/Sindones of Sindica (northern Caucasia) are traced by some to the Sindh area of the Indus valley of the Indian theater. We can therefore be more sure that the Eliphas-Lotan dragon line traces to the Sintians on Lemnos.

As the Sanders bloodline was just traced to Cronus, suspect with the same Horites as depicted by Dionysus, so it happens that Dionysus was placed by myth in India, fighting a war there. Strange. BUT ZOWIE, having taken the time to re-load the Sindi article and even read it, LOOKIE HERE what was found after writing all the above:

Strabo describes [the Sindi] as living along the Palus Maeotis, and among the Maeotae, Dandarii, TOREATae [!!!],...Sittaceni....

Amazing! The heraldic torteaux is now trace-able to the Toreatae who were probably in cahoots with peoples of Sittacene...that I had traced to Zeus, son of Cronus! I do not recall ever knowing that the Sittacene location on the Tigris had a Sittaceni peoples in Caucasia ("Sittaceni" does not come up in a search from all my files), but it sure does suggest the Soducena location/peoples shown on this old map of Caucasia, off Lake SEVAN. This lake had been named after Gog too, and is the lake tracing to the Zeus SWAN as he mated with Keturah liners of the Leda-Spartan kind. Both Keturah and the Zeus bull are now tracing to Gog.

There is a short Sittaceni article: "Sittaceni - is one of the Maeotae tribes, who lived in the first millennium b.c. on the east and the south-eastern coast of the Azov sea." As this tends to trace Zeus elements to Azov, the Tauris / Taurica name for the Crimea looks to apply. Artemis was in the Crimea no doubt as part of the Herodotus trace of Amazons and Gargarians to the founding of SAURomatians. One could get the impression here that "Taurus" was a T-version SAURO from the stock of Seir. After all, we just saw Seir and Horite elements from Edom trace monstrously to the Pontus, the location of the Thermodon Amazons...the very ones whom Herodotus traced to the founding of Sauromatians

But as the Ligurian swan, Cycnus, traces to Lycurgus of the Edones and related Sithones, by what coincidence is PosEIDON of Punt tracing not only to the Pontus, but to Edones? There is a Bosphorus in the land of the Buzite-suspect Byzantium, but what about that BOSphorani stamped (on the distorted ancient map) across the Azov / Crimea / Maeotis theater??? Wouldn't that be the Bozrah line of Poseidon??? Note CerCETUS under that Bosphorani term, smack at the Tanais area that traces to Danaans in Argos, the land that Hera (from Soducena) and Poseidon fought over (Hera won).

The Sands using the Sandy Coat use are said to have held a seat at Fame and fells, and then entering "Fame" gets the Macey-related Vains/Vans/Fiens, the Lake Van line of Muse's fundamental to the Hyksos. The white bull in the Vain/Van/Fien Crest suggests the white bull of the sanders, and of course the white bull of Mieszko-rooted Haughts/Houghtons. The gauntlet gloves in the Vain/Van/Fien Coat are suspect with the Boofima leopard gloves tracing to the leopard of Dionysus whose leopard skin may trace to India. It's therefore notable that the Vain/Van/Fien bull head is covered in spheres, evocative of the torteaux above that traced to India and to the Sintians. Dionysus was on Lemnos too, according to myth, and thus represents the Sintians on Lemnos. Boofima is important here due to the marriage of Catherine Roet to John of Gaunt, who is represented in the Vain/Van/Fien gauntlet gloves. The Catherine wheel of Catherine Roet traces to the wheel symbol of Ixion Hyksos, but also to "Keturah." Remember, I am allowed to say these "facts" tentatively, to check and inspect the merits of the entire theoretical system. Keturah is now suspect with Pan satyrs who trace to Lake Van.

The Fien variation of Vains/Vans should link to the Feins/Finns using the bars of Haughts/Houghtons in colors reversed, meaning that Feins use the same three bars as the Arms of Trebizond empire, not far from Lake Van. The Fein bars are in the colors of the Sander chevron, the whole of which suggests Sindi linkage to Lake Van. The question now is whether "Sittaceni" is from a version of "Sindi," which recalls my struggle to know whether the Sithone and Sintian Thracians were one and the same. But even if not, the Sithones can trace to the Sittaceni Caucasians, you see, and moreover, as I traced Sithones (branch of Edones and therefore possible carriers of Atun) to mythical STHENelus, father of the Cycnus swan, it traces Sithones also to lake Sevan, location of Soducena! This is powerful for a trace of Sithones to "Zedek," the old name of Jerusalem. But it also identifies Zeus with Sithones, and because he was also the Zion entity, it explains why Switzerland's Sion is also "Sitten."

Can we support the idea further that the Poseidon cult through the Edones, and through his brother in the Sithones, evolved as part of the Atun cult? Yes, via Aedon's husband, Zethus, who smacks of "Zedek." It suggests that the Sithones went into Thebes, ruling it. And to prove that Sithones were the Zeus cult, Cadmus found Thebes (according to myth) as his place to settle by following a bull there. The Poseidon of Boiotia should be viewed as Melia, the honey goddess of Boiotia, from the bee-line Buzites out of Bozrah whom Poseidon worshipers represented. Thus, Melia and Aedon are expected to have been the same, and indeed Aedon was a grand-daughter of bee-line Merops.

If this Merops of Kos traces back to "Goshen" and the Shasu of that place, it jibes with the honey goddess that raised Zeus in Crete. But that honey goddess, AMALthea, was also a goat goddess, suggesting the Keturah-Zeus line to Crete from Tyre. Does this mean that Keturah belonged to the AMALekites in Edom? Ask Keturah's AdramMELECH cult, who may have been named after AMALEK.

There is another way to link Keturah to Khemmis/CHEMMIS: her Midianite tribe is said to have been allied to Moabites having a CHEMOSH god. This is a god after whom Nahor's son, KEMUel may have been named (the "el" is a suffix). Moabites were descendants of Biblical Lot, a relative of Nahor. I trust that you can see the difference between the Biblical writings and mythology. I do not take the Biblical characters to be myth-code inventions, but as real people named possibly after gods.

With Zeus being essentially the mythical king Zethus of Thebes, can we follow the satyrs through him? Yes, from PANdareus, father of Aedon. MELIA of Boiotia is then arguably from the AMALthea of Crete, the honey-and-goat goddess. And the Satrae are usually on a map near the Sithones, but then maps are a small snapshot of time not showing all the migratory patterns. Could SITH(one) and SATR(ae) be related terms? Not if Sithones trace to "Zedek" while the Satrae trace to "Keturah."

It seems clear that Sittacene and Soducena were Zeus and Hera in Zion, the place that YHWH choose to steal from the dragon as part of His Destroyer Mission, the mission slated on His calendar to metamorphose into the Wonderful Mission, in a renewed Zion under the Wonderful Councilor, when YHWH shames Zeus by conducting the affairs of men in a much better way than the very best offered by Zeus' servants. Prepare yourself to be swept away by His Music, if you're going to His Party.

I'm not sure where in Jerusalem the Zedek name should trace, or whether it should be simply the Zion hill on the south of the city. While Zedek ought to trace to the Egyptian Seth, the latter's close kin, Horus, can trace to "Jeru," as per this: "A city called Rusalimum or Urusalimum...appears in ancient Egyptian records as the first two references to Jerusalem, dating back to the 19th and 18th centuries BCE." Those dates would be closer to the truth in the area of 1500-1600. The point is, the RUSalimum suggests the Ares cult of Hros Caucasians, at JEREvan. The Yervand dynasty of Armenians was named after that city, and the Greeks called that dynasty, Orontes, the name of the river that the Hermes Cadusii at mount Hermon/Sion took to Syria, naming Kadesh on the way after the Cadusii elements of Cadmus.

The URUsalimum term, admittedly, smacks of Ur of Chaldea, if you would like to entertain that derivation. But for me, the finger points to the Soducena / Jerevan area. But then "Uruk", beside Ur of Sumeria, can trace to "Araq," an alternative name of the Aras passing by Jerevan and Soducena. This is a concise way to trace Sumerian Anaki to the Aras, and then to Gareb and Jerusalem, perhaps explaining the path of the Biblical Anaki in Hebron. Indeed, an Anaki trace through the land of proto-Ares should link to Aphrodite's proto-Hebron Hebrews (on the Habur) in that the two deities were lovers.

Depending on how close the peoples represented by Cadmus were to the peoples represented by Poseidon, we may or may not view the migration of Poseidon up the Orontes river. The coastal route north from Tyre through SIDON may have been the path taken by PoSEIDON (I'm not at all sure whether his name should be linked to "Sidon"). As one can trace "Sithone" to "Sidon," it may be that Zedek was a station of Jerusalem belonging to Sidonians. [In the next update, both the Atun cult of Akhenaten and nearly-contemporary pharaoh Seti/Sethi are trace-able to Poseidon out of Africa.]

Is there any distinction between Poseidon of Tyre and Cadmus of Tyre. Both seem to have been on the land route to Greece. At least, the Poseidon term at this time is a Bozrah mix with Atun, the Akhenaten line migrated to Bozrah and/or to Boscath. The Cadmus term is quite a different thing, the Cadusii Armenians mixed with the Mus of Lake Van. One could suppose two different directions for two different events: the Cadmus event from Armenia to Edom, the Poseidon event from Ethiopia to Edom. [But Cadmus later appears to come into Hebron as a Meshwesh people "married" to Poseidon as he comes out of Africa.]

Reminder: Keturah's grandson, Sheba, traces exactly to "Thebes," where Cadmus conquered and settled. Was Keturah from the Cadmus line, or from the Poseidon line? Earlier, her ancestry traced to Yemen and should therefore be from the Poseidon line, but then later merged with Cadmus in the Bozrah / Boscath theater. It can explain how Keturah elements found there way to Timna elements. "Most later sources list Cadmus and Cilix as sons of Agenor directly without mentioning Phoenix," suggesting that Cadmus is to be linked more to the African (i.e. Keturah) line of proto-Phoenicians than to the Phoenician-proper line of Pan from Lake Van.

Cadmus is expected to trace from the Hyksos with a Mus household out of Egypt and settling with Amorites of Hebron. This escape had not to do with proto-Zeus as defined in Jerusalem before the Hyksos ruled. This proto-Zeus was a separate entity from the neo-Zeus = Ixion that was the Hyksos proper. That is, the KHASewet-suspect Shasu seemed to be the proto-Hyksos from Zeus out of Susa, but I think that Zeus out of Jerusalem was one wave to Olympus via Crete and Troy, while the Ixion Hyksos were a later branch of Zeus to the Hector Trojans, and then to Thessaly in the Olympus theater. The Hyksos escapees from Egypt can be regarded as myth portrayed Ixion, pseudo-husband of Hera, or what myth portrayed both as a false-Zeus and a mirror-image-Zeus.

One problem I'm having: I can no longer decide whether Cadmus was the Mus escaping Egypt with the Hyksos, or whether he was the Meshwesh out of Tanis as per the rule of Egypt later, starting in the 21st dynasty. It's always been a hard one for me, come to think of it, wherefore I shouldn't have been so quick to equate Cadmus with the flight of Hyksos. But again, I'm confused about this; it could still be either right or wrong.

Agenor, whom we can imagine to be the Akhenaten cult coming out of the Nile, in being made the father of Cadmus, suggests that Akhenaten merged somewhere (where?) with the Ixion Hyksos, whom I say were the Khyan Hyksos whom God booted out of Egypt using the Ten Plagues. It was just a small small taste of the Destroyer Mission; frog and fly infestations in the darkness are child's play in comparison to Armageddon. But this merger of Cadmus and Akhenaten suggests that "Khyan" and "Akhen" are related terms. As Khyan lived first, I would expect Khyan's family in Amarna and/or Khemmis.

What I'm seeing here is that Keturah carried a form of YHWH to the Shasu, who then became the Khasewet > Hyksos rulers of Egypt who despised the Israelites and made them slaves for some 200-250 years, a very long haul. The Israelites of that time lived in an Egyptian region of Goshen, a term like "Shasu," by the way, not at all meaning necessarily that the Shasu or the namers of Goshen were Israelites (though marriages might be expected). At first, the Israelites were treated well, but then an evil pharaoh arose, we are told, who turned them into slaves. And perhaps to hide some of the realities as part of God's will, the Biblical account did not name the string of pharaoh's involved throughout all those years of slavery. There is reason (in the periods of time listed in Moses' genealogy) to believe that the 400 years cited (by God notification to Abraham), as the period of slavery, covered a time back to Abraham's lifetime, suggesting that Israel was on the Slavery Program of God from that time.

Agenor's ancestry is given as one tracing back to the Nile delta as well as to Ethiopia. He was made a son of Poseidon, but also a brother of the Danaus entity out of Tanis and Pelusia (= Belus, father of Danaus) in the Nile delta.

As often happens with other place names, historians try to discover the derivation of "Goshen" by some geographical feature. For example, if there is some gaseous area around, then it might be concluded that Goshen was named after "gas." They would ignore tracing to a Goshen-like god or people for methods such as that. They may as well say that Hyksos were named after hiccups, they couldn't do any worse.

The idea that the namers of Goshen (location not known exactly) were those also of Kos tends to trace them to the Kos god of Edom. The Shasu lived on the far side of the Dead sea between Moab and Edom. They fit a trace to Kos, which some argue was an owl goddess. That theme belonged also to child snatchers in the night, and children were often used in human sacrifices. Why would God have Israelites stay in Goshen where such peoples lived? But wait, for Abraham and Keturah may have converted some of them to YHWH, and some may have moved to Hebron as a result, perhaps even inter-marrying with Abraham's children. According to the Bible, the house of Jacob came to Goshen from Hebron.

Let's imagine the family of co-pharaoh, Joseph, son of Jacob, finding a nice place in Goshen for the Israelites to call home until the famine ended. It made sense from Joseph's point of view because the Shasu were worshipers of YHWH, we may assume from their "ywh" designation. But the land may not have been called Goshen until settled by Jacob's family along with some Shasu. Can anyone see this situation as cause for rivalry between the two peoples?

Soon after the Israelites were settled in, the first Hyksos ruler came to power. We don't know how Hyksos came to power. Let's imagine that the leader of the Shasu took power away from the previous dynasty. Some of the worst treatment of humanity comes from brothers, as Joseph well knew, and so the leader of the Shasu may have despised their rival Israelites. In fact, the Biblical account says that the evil pharaoh was worried about Israel becoming too large, a threat to his throne. So, he humbled them and robbed them, and made them powerless by oppression and exploitation. There must have been a family rift between them, or else the Shasu leader was simply a demented man, and moreover he did not fear YHWH.

The Hyksos practiced horse burials, and their chief deity became the Egyptian storm and desert god, Seth, whom they identified with their native storm god. Although most Hyksos names seem Semitic, the Hyksos also included Hurrians...

In warfare, they introduced the horse and chariot, the compound bow, improved battle axes, and advanced fortification techniques.

I'll assume they came from Zedek elements, the origin of Seth, thus jibing with a Hyksos identification with proto-Zeus out of Jerusalem. The Hurrian elements of the Hyksos can then trace to Uranus-branch Hurrians. Their native storm god (not named) fits the Zeus thunderbolt. But their expertise with horses and chariots may suggest the proto-centaurs in Jerusalem, in the Kidron, I expect, a valley on the east side of mount Zion, itself beside the Amorite hill of Moriah. It appears that Hyksos were the Sittaceni Caucasians at Soducena, as they merged at lake Sevan with Gog, which jibes with their "Heka" or "HYKsos" name if for example a Gog term lost it's hard capital 'G'.

Wikipedia reports that "The origin of the term 'Hyksos' derives from the Egyptian expression heka khasewet ('rulers of foreign lands')," but one may as well trace to hiccups. Speaking on the origin of :"Khyan," it then says: "Kim Ryholt furthermore observes the name Hayanu is recorded in the Assyrian king-lists for a 'remote ancestor' of Shamshi-Adad I (c. 1813 BC) of Assyria, which suggests that it had been used for centuries prior to Khyan's own reign." SHAMSHI already begins to alert us to the SAMSon nature of Khyan.

I kid you not, that in all the times I've mention the possibility of Shasu linking to "Khasewet," I had not yet been to the Hyksos article. Reading it just now parsing for further clues to add here, this was found:

Josephus records the earliest account of the false but understandable etymology that the Greek phrase Hyksos stood for the Egyptian phrase Hekw Shasu meaning the Bedouin-like Shepherd Kings, which scholars have only recently shown means 'rulers of foreign lands.'

[Insert: the Susa area today is with as hard-C sound, called KHUSEstan. End Insert]

How can the article not mention the Shasu peoples at this point??? If one clicks on the Shasu link in that sentence, the Shasu article quoted from above appears. How can they quarrel over the meaning, whether "shepherd kings," of "rulers of foreigners," when they should be tracing to the peoples of Shasu??? Is the field of scholarship deliberately trying to hide something from us, the lowly, lying in the process? Hiccup, oh excuse me.

Yes, where the field of modern education is controlled strictly by Masonic powers, and while Masons trace themselves to Hyksos, though they wouldn't want us to know, it is understandable that they don't want us to trace Hyksos to the Shasu on the northern fringes of Edom. It doesn't make for a trace to king David very well, and they would have us believe that they trace to the blessed parts of Israel, especially Solomon. They love Solomon because he had political relations with Tyrian royalty, and with the queen of Sheba.

I neglected to mention that Hyksos were at war with the southern Egyptians, who ruled out of Thebes, meaning that they may have been part of a Keturah line too.

Any idea that the Hyksos out of Egypt were the actual Israelites out of Egypt would be very short-sighted. Yes, both entered Canaan at about the same time, but there is simply no Biblical clue whatsoever that Israelites ruled Egypt for over 200 years.

The possibility that Hyksos closed in on Khemmis, so as to have Khyan blood trace possibly to AKHENaten, is feasible here: "Apepi (also Ipepi...or Apophis; regnal names Neb-khepesh-Re, A-qenen-Re...Although his reign only entailed northern Egypt, Apepi was dominant over most of Egypt during the early portion of his reign, and traded peacefully with the native, Theban Seventeenth dynasty to the south."

Why was he called "A-qenen"? Couldn't such a term have been akin to "Khyan," and the makings of "Akhen." As I traced Hyksos out of Egypt and into Kizzuwatna (meaning Shasu blood was there), note the similarity between neighboring "Cappa(docia)" and Apophis' other throne name, Neb-KHEPESH-Re. It evokes the trace I make of CAIAPHAS to Hyksos. In that Apophis was free to have relations with the Theban south during the first part of his reign may suggest that Khyan, the ruler before him, had paved the way south. Apophis' name can be linked to mythical Epaphus/Apis, an expected part of the Athena cult in Africa, and that links Apophis potentially to the makings of the Atun-proper cult of Akhenaten. In fact, it tends to trace the Atun sun god to Athens first, suggesting a huge migrational circle from Keturah to Athens to Africa and back to Hebron.

But wait. The Atun cult proper was traced (by me) to Yemen's Aden, then north with Ethiopian Poseidon to Atun-proper of Akhenaten. Shouldn't Athena in this picture be the Aden entity in Yemen?

But there is more, for Epaphus was made the founder of Memphis, where there was a temple to Hephaestus, the one who mated with Athena in Athens. And Apophis also had this name: NebKHEPEShre," very similar to "HEPHAEStus." It's important not to try to derive the names of kings after sound-alike terms, such as "Nebkhepeshre or 'Re is the Lord of Strength'," because it would be just as well to trace Apepi to "a spirited bottle of Pepsi." Both are equally wrong, though mine is a much better interpretation because it only wasted a few seconds to conjure it up.

In this picture, Cadmus was the Hyksos coming into Canaan, but Poseidon came later as the Atun cult proper from Akhenaten. Yet, the two can be considered from the same Hyksos stock, and therefore both trace back to the Shasu, tending to prove that Atun was monotheistic due to being from the YHWH of Abraham. Can we trace Cadmus to any one of the Hyksos kings? KHAMudi was the last official Hyksos king...though he was merely an interim caretaker until the inevitable, as the Hyksos kingdom was broken solidly during the latter half of Apophis' reign.

As it seems that Poseidon was the Athena line merged with Apophis, and as Poseidon traced to the Pontus, it adds to the evidence that Apophis elements named the Paphlagonians. But then that suggests a Poseidon-of-Pontus merger with the Aphrodite Heneti. Plus, the Pontus was defined as the lower parts of Cappadocia, as though the two regions were related, and we just saw reason why Apophis, as Neb-KHEPESH-Re, should trace to "Cappadocia." In fact, that same name of Apophis is tracing to "Hephaestus," husband of Aphrodite, and then I traced Hephaestus' metal smiths to the inventors of iron, the Halybes and Khaldi in the Pontus theater. Why is Apophis tracing to iron workers and copper miners? Ask the Timna copper miners that Keturah had traced to, or the copper mines exploited for a time by her Midianites who had lived beside the Shasu in the Moabite land of Khemmis-like Chemosh.

Suddenly, there is reason to trace Apophis along the steps of Hephaestus, but this can mean that Hephaestus-branch Hyksos arrived to the Black sea well before Poseidon-branch Atun. Therefore, I shouldn't confuse Poseidon elements with Halybes and Khaldi, though the reason for Poseidon's migration to the Dead sea had to have been due to kinship with them. The bulk of Poseidon went the way of Pisidians, at Kos, where he dropped his Ethiopian Merops off as the grandfather of Aedon. And Poseidon then dropped his Pandareus off in Ephesus, where Apophis had landed earlier as Hephaestus proper. It's like one skunk following the scent of another around. This same Poseidon then dropped off Tantalus at Antalya, but Tantalus took an adventure to Eneti in Lydia, following Aphrodite there, who was an Apophis line. Cadmus Hyksos came slithering into Lydia too, as a Hatti war machine, and he went gugu over Aphrodite.

Where was Khyan in all this? Hiding from shame for letting Egypt drown in the waters of the sea. He didn't even have a son left. Everything went to Apophis. So Khyan was a despised bloke merely following Apophis around with his chin toward his chest, sometimes looking right from under a hat, sometimes looking left, assuring no one was noticing him go by. The myth writers even assigned him eternal suffering in Tartarus. He was tied to a rotating wheel so demons of hell could use him for target practice. His wife named him, icky, like what we call drain grime. Zeus felt so sorry for Ixion that he offered his wife, and Ixion was so desperate, he accepted. And Zeus said, "How dare you try to be me, Here, take this thunderbolt and go to hell." That's the only glory Ixion got in all the countless myths. The only sons he ever had were horses.

And Ixion kicked an empty can as he walked along, lamenting, "I should have listened to Moses." But the Pepsi can hit a bee hive in a lion carcass, and he got stung bad. He got stung everywhere he went. One day, he went to smell a nice Delilah flower, and out came a nasty bee. It was born-loser everywhere he went. So he disguised himself as the tribe of Dan, and he even found some alliance with the tribe of Judah. And to re-make his name, he fought the Philistines, and took Ekron and Timnah. When he finally got to Greece, he pretended to be all-mighty once again, this time with a new name, Hercules, son-in-law of Hera, the female who got him into trouble when he starting seeing her as a comfy cloud-throne of God. I mean this throne had gel cushions.

Khyan = Ixion can be traced to Argos, a bastion of Hera. I trace Khyan to Samson, whose Danaans go to Argos. But as we saw that his Amorite name, Hayanu," was from the house-hold of Shamshi-ADAD (named in-part after the god Hada/Adad), note the king of Edom, the Biblical Hadad, ruler of Avith, the Avvite city. I would therefore trace Khyan's family (he may have had sons and daughters) to Avith, which seems to be an Edomite city, though it's not made certain. I would also trace Khyan to Avvites on the coast, and can now identify Gaza there as a Shasu settlement. Previously, I traced Gaza to Kassites, but the Shasu should trace to Susa, where Kassites lived. So, Khyan's followers, his family too, should have gone to Gaza, and from there the Avvites of that place founded Avith.

In this picture, Kos may have been named after Gaza. Gaza may have been near Goshen. There was an Asclepios owl cult that can trace to Ashkelon/Ascalon, one of the big-5 Philistine cities that housed Avvites when Joshua's Israelites invaded. So, Ixion can trace to Abas of Argos too, and to Abas of Euboea, beside Boiotia. Like I told you, Khyan was following Apophis all around. Io of Argos gave birth to Epaphus/Apis, you see. Epaphus was not Apophis himself, but we get the picture: Apophis' ghost was in Argos. As Khyan was a mirror-reflection of Zeus, the white cow of Argos (i.e. the goddess Io) must have been Khyan liners. The Egyptian Apis was a bull. Epaphus was born in Euboea. Avvites were, in my opinion, responsible for "opis / apis," meaning 'bee." Bees and bulls have Buz in common, and Io the cow even founded the Bosphorus at Byzantium.

Poseidon in Africa was even made to marry Libya, a daughter of Epaphus. It's suggesting that, over not more than 200 years, the Khyan and Apophis lines got to Argos, moved into Euboea with Abas of Argos, where they "gave birth" (merely a mythical simplification of the realities) to a Libyan entity -- the Mus = Meshwesh coming forcefully to mind . Poseidon, in the midst of strutting his stuff all the way down from Punt, marries Libya, and continues on to "birth" CadMUS in Hebron, and in the meantime Poseidon mixes it up with Bozrah (where he got his official name). It's no wonder Poseidon wanted Argos, as his ancestry was from there.

Thus, the Cadmus and Poseidon lines to Greece were some time after the Hyksos wave(s), which were themselves after the Zeus wave out of Jerusalem. At least, I have the sense that Zeus' Cretans founded Troy before the Hyksos and Mysians arrived to Parium/Parion. Therefore, the Samson entity should have left Israel by the time that Cadmus and Poseidon came through. I hate to have a third wave from Cadmus and Poseidon, but that's what it now looks like. Zeus was no longer an infant when he came to take Cadmus' sister to Crete. As adventurous as this topic is, it's not my task here.

The Amarna letters speak on the king of Jerusalem, Abdi-Heba, who smacks of Hera's daughter, Hebe. It makes sense. It's not necessarily correct to assume that the Amarna letters were written after the construction of Amarna, during the life of Akhenaten. But even during the life of Akhenaten, the Amorites could yet have been in Jerusalem, even after the destruction of the city by the tribe of Judah (Judges 1). Those who date Abdi-Heba to the time of David, Solomon, or even later...I don't know what motivates them to do so. Perhaps they are imposing more importance into the letters than they deserve. The life of Akhenaten (1400-1300 BC) was before or during the period of the Judges, well before David or Samuel. The issues between Abdi-Heba and the pharaoh, in their letters, did not concern Israelites necessarily, and/or the concerns were minor, which can explain why the Bible does not mention them. It is very possible that Abdi-Heba was of the Cadmus / Poseidon entity coming through. "Abdi" has some similarity with "Abzu."

In Wikipedia's Hebron article: "The Abrahamic traditions associated with Hebron are nomadic, and may also reflect a Kenite element, since the nomadic Kenites are said to have long occupied the city..." Here is an opportunity to keep Kenites in mind as the Amorites of Hebron suspect in the naming of pharaoh Khyan. The father of Moses' wife, Jethro, was a Kenite, and Moses was named after the household of Khyan, in my lonely opinion. Jethro was even a Midianite tracing back to Keturah. When I traced Keturah way above to Midianite copper miners in Timna, I had not read Wikipedia's article on Kenites: "The Kenites were coppersmiths and metalworkers." From these considerations, it is possible to connect the Hyksos-suspect Shasu with Kenites.

The article goes on: "Moses apparently identified Jethro's concept of God, El Shaddai, with Yahweh, the Israelites' God. According to the Kenite hypothesis, Yahweh was originally the tribal god of Jethro, borrowed and adapted by the Hebrews." I don't like the way that's worded, as though the God of Moses were a false god picked up from some hillbilly priest in the middle of nowhere. However, the Biblical account does not say that Jethro worshipped YHWH, but even if he did, it wouldn't necessarily make YHWH a false god. Did or didn't Moses see the burning bush? Did or did he not receive the stone plates with God's commandments? Was Israel being lied to concerning their origins, or was it true? Jesus says it was true. Who are you going to believe, the progenitors of the Kenite hypothethis, or Jesus?

It was at the time that the tribe of Judah burned Jerusalem that they also conquered Gaza and other cities of the Avvites (Judges 1:18). The Philistines hadn't arrived from Crete yet, I don't think. Caleb killed Anak's sons, Sheshai, Ahiman, and Talmai in Hebron (formerly Kiriath Arba), as well as taking a location of Kiriath SEPHER (v 11). One could get the impression that Hyksos elements yet remaining were chased out of the land. But verse 19 tells that some peoples of the plains were not defeated due to their chariots. The peoples are not identified. Hmm.

From verses 27 on, there is a list of Canaanite and Amorite groups permitted to live in Israel, though they were put to forced slavery (they may have been paid). One of the places in which they were permitted to stay was Beth Shamesh, the place that I think named the fictional Samson.

I don't think anything in Judges, after Samson, can be trusted. There are two stories both with settings between a few miles north of Jerusalem, and a few miles to its south. Can we suspect Jerusalem Amorites here, and/or Hyksos elements living with Jerusalem Amorites? Were the realities of both stories altered to fit their needs? Did they themselves write the stories, or merely give there version of events to those who wrote them?

Both stories have Bethlehem as their setting (four miles south of Jerusalem). The second story (starts chapter 19) concerns a woman from Bethlehem divorcing herself from a Levite priest, while the first story (coincides roughly with the Amarna letters) concerns a grandson of Moses (yes, a Levite again) out of Bethlehem. It sounds odd, a wandering grandson of Moses, but it gets less credible. The Exodus began in 1446 BC according to Solomon's dating system, and Israel therefore entered the Promised Land with Joshua about 1400. The invasion of Jerusalem by Judah was after the death of Joshua, perhaps about 1350. In this period, Egyptian dating is much closer to the truth than in earlier centuries. They have Akhenaten's death in about 1335.

In the second story, Jebusites are occupying Jerusalem (before or after Judah burned it down?), which at this time has been re-named. Jebus. The first mention of "Jerusalem" is in the Amarna letters at about this time, and if I'm correct that Hera elements named it, "Jebus" looks like a version of Hebe, Hera's daughter. Again, one ruler of Jerusalem during the Amarna letters was Abdi-HEBA. However, I don't think it can be true that Hebe was code for Hebrews as well as Jebusites unless Jebusites were Hebrews. And I think they were. They may have been Avvite Hebrews tracing to Abas of Argos, where Hera held a sacred domain.

The reason that Hebe plays no vital role in Greece could be explained in her identity mainly with the Israel theater. There are Alc / Elec terms denoting giants in the ancestry of Hercules; if we knew the reference for that term in the Israeli theater, it could help to unveil the marriage of Hercules to Hebe, and therefore possibly identify Hebe more certainly. Hebe is portrayed as a maid to Ares and Hera, perhaps linking back to the forced labor in Judah...which can be expected to create sex-purpose concubines for the conquerors. The "Levite" in the second story has a concubine, and the end of the story looks to be a mass rape draped as a happy-ending, Muse affair. Yes, just like the Greek Muses, the woman come out to dance when the Benjamites get to rob them and bring them home as wives. Quite the party. As I investigated these stories, I was given the solid impression of the Meshwesh in Israel.

Hera's Wikipedia article implies that she is a form of the GanyMEDE homosexual. What could "Gany" refer to? One wonders why a form of pedophilia was named. Hebaphilia, after Hebe. Ask the GANYmede homosexual teen, the lover of Zeus...who smacks of AGENor or AKHENaten.

"Hebe had two children with Heracles: ALEXiares and AniCETUS." It looks like the Alki giants merged with Ares in the one term, and the Anu = Anaki cult merged with the Poseidon > Cetus monster in the other. Wasn't Poseidon just linked to Akhenaten's Atun, coming into Israel with Meshwesh?

The two names of Hebe's children above begins to identify Hebe with the Anaki of Hebron, wherefore LACHish may apply to "ALEX / ELEC / ALK". As the sons of Anak (in Hebron) included both a Sheshai and a Talmai, the Deylamites are implied, whom I routinely link with the GILEKI (they both lived in the same area off the south Caspian), also called, Gels, whom I routinely trace to the transvestite Galli priests of the Kabeiri cult. In fact, I traced the Gileki / Galli to "Gilead" on the east side of the Jordan, where I had found traces of Hephaestus, the ruler of the Kabeiri. I trace "Jebus(ite)" to Jabesh-Gilead...on the east side of the Jordan in the area controlled by Sihon, thus explaining why Jebusites lived in Zion when David conquered them.

Amorites (= Hebrews) lived on the east side of the Jordan, ruled by king Sihon, you see, the place of proto-Zeus, who I traced to Sheshai-like Susa, though in this update the Susa elements of Zeus are tracing to the Shasu who lived on the east side of the Jordan too. Jebusites are said in Judges to be non-Israelites, but that doesn't mean they couldn't have been Babylonian Amorites. There were some golden apples in Greek myth to which both Hera and Aphrodite laid the heaviest claims, and as Hebe is made a maid for both Ares and Hera, the Hera connection to Aphrodite -- Babylon's porno-Amorites -- is made again.

Did Jebusites and/or the Anaki they have anything to do with the creation of these two stories, and did they have anything to do with the insertion of the stories, as with the Samson story, into the back of Judges? Let's assume that the real events conveyed by these manipulated stories occurred after Judah burned down Amorite Jerusalem, and after Caleb killed Sheshai. Ahiman, and Talmai. Wouldn't the Anaki remainders, and their kin and friends, have wanted revenge?

Lets talk about the first story, where a grandson of Moses gives the story some teeth, the very reason that we could doubt his being Moses' grandson. To boot, this grandson, Jonathan (Judges 18:30), is said to be a young man, wherefore the setting cannot be long after Joshua's death, and should be in the ballpark of the invasions of Judah upon many surrounding peoples. The ones writing these stories may have been some of the homeless ones scattered by Judah's invasions.

Already, this grandson of Moses is a violator of the Laws of God, selling himself to a rich man, Micah, to be his pagan priest in return for refuge and food. There is no admiration for YHWH in the story, no concern from the writers to legitimize the subjects in the story line by having them appear loyal to YHWH. It was notable that in the Samson myth, 30, 300, and 3,000 were all used. In this story, there are 600 Danites like a pack of vagabonds, at Micah's doorstep, taking away his new silver idol (cost, 200 talents of silver, many times more than he paid Jonathan annually to be his priest), and also taking Jonathan. And this counterfeit priest decides he'll gladly be promoted to pagan priest of these marauder Danites, even as they are plotting to ravage an unsuspecting town of Sidonians in Laish...located at the dragon-cult mountain of Hermon / Sion. Yes, right there.

Who were they, really? And why were they seeking more land for themselves when the tribe of Dan had been allotted a parcel of its southern Israel? Never mind the theories you've heard from others, but instead ask if this story wasn't concocted by fake-Danites out of Tanis, seeking a method to incorporate themselves into Israel, for fear of Israelites. As it seems that Samson was out of Tanis (because Samson became the Hercules Danaans in Greece), there is that evidence in that alone that refugees from Tanis were posing as Danite Israelites. Samson's Danaans had lived smack at the allotment of Dan (Ekron and Timnah were in the land of Dan), due west of Jerusalem, where Judges locates chariot-wielding enemies of Israel. And the Samson account has 3,000 Judah-ites having some contact, with favorable prospects, with Samson.

I say the 600 went up to the outskirts of Israel, took the area as their own, and afterward decided to have a modified version of the events written (by an Israeli priest / scribe?) to legitimize their existence in the fringe parts of Israeli border region. The Biblical phrase, "from Dan to Beersheba," is found in the second story in Judges concerning the woman from Bethlehem. As Beersheba was the most southerly location in Israel, the phrase is like a brainwasher to make it appear as though Israel's northern border is Dan...way up at mount Hermon??? Since when did God ever speak of Tyre or Hermon as His own? Wasn't Hermon home to the dragon cult?

Perhaps it was the thing for refugees to do in those days: fake like they're part of the locals in order to be accepted by them. But what locals would be comfortable with 600 motorcycle gangsters all in the same town, having first killed the innocents there? That's why these particular vagabonds chose a remote location. Perhaps they had been seeking to flee the forced-labor conditions that Judah inflicted upon non-Israelites. [Later below, they look like the Atun cult of Poseidon coming through].

There are two good answers to the question of why a group, seeking to legitimize itself in the eyes of Israelites, would advance this story in which they are clearly idol worshipers. One, the writer of the story knew some of the truths and could not be persuaded to knowingly give a false impression on their behalf. Two, the gangsters wrote the story but didn't want to appear like faithfuls to YHWH, for they would then need to fake it in the future. Not much more than popes and Masonic group are willing to go to such extents to kindle acceptance from their enemies.

In the second story, the woman from Bethlehem becomes raped all night long by homosexuals who appear too casually out of nowhere, as with a fiction novel or cartoon, where anything can happen. No sooner had the Levite and his concubine (un-named) entered a house in the evening that the scums demand the Levite to be thrown out to their sexual pleasures. Note that it's a Levite to fully dramatize the scene.

When she's dies of that night's wounds, the Levite (un-named) cuts her into 12 pieces. Isn't this picture what human-sacrifice cults of the dragon, homosexual kind would be likely to conjure up, especially those who ate the bodies after sacrifices? The 12 pieces were supposedly sent to the 12 tribes as evidence, as if the pieces could prove that the woman was raped, or as though there were a courier service in those days with over-night express. If I got a lower leg in my mailbox, I'd want to attack the one who sent it.

The pieces were supposedly sent to spur the entire nation to war against the Benjamite Israelites to which the homosexuals apparently belonged, yet in the war, the entire nation has trouble over-taking that single group (= drama). Drama. Suspense. God doesn't have much part in this war except to be the green-light man. Okay, go.

The war's result is that some group of men got young Israeli "virgins" for wives, directly from a murder of two groups of people for not coming out to lament the rape and killing of the Levite's wife. There must have been rapes and gang rapes of women all over that land in the many invasions and wars that took place, but here is the one trumping all other rapes, deserving war on a national level. Or was this war fought over something altogether different?

Was this Levite related to Jonathan (from Bethlehem), or was he Jonathan himself? Were the 600 in the first story also part of this story? It's interesting that the Romans had a myth wherein they had to take the wives of the Sabines, for I traced "Samson" to "Sammanud," also called Sebannytos, a location (near Tanis) tracing easily to the Sabines and their Samnite tribe. The Amorite-suspect Marsi lived in the land of Sabines, and in the land of Aphrodite-rooted Abruzzo. Maia, a daughter of Atlas [= Poseidon line of Atun], was a sister of Alky-suspect Electra, and then Abruzzo had a Maja goddess at their honey-suspect mount Maiella. Plus, the Sabines had an Ops/Opis bee/honey cult (used the cornucopia symbol, from Amalthea) smacking of the way I envision the Avvites to which I linked Samson. Plus, I recall tracing Abas of Argos, not only to Avvites, but to "JABESH-Gilead," a good theory because Abas' kin, ACRisius (father of Greek Danaans proper), was trace-able not only to "Ekron," but to mount Acra in Jerusalem, home of Jebusites that are trace-able to "Jabesh."

We're supposed to believe that the people who cared so much about that one woman's life went out and killed an entire group -- men, woman and children, as the text says -- yet they kept alive the young virgins in order to be kind-hearted toward some fellow Israelites (Benjamites) who needed wives.

In other words, it doesn't ring true. The rape didn't really happen, even as one might expect wherein an man (un-named) first offered his own virgin daughter (un-named) to the band of homosexuals (un-named) before offering the Levite's concubine too. Modern women have a fit with this story, and that's why Hollywood won't touch it. Much text was used to portray the woman's father (un-named) as a very hospitable, kind man in order to make the reader despise the rapists even more than they'd be despised for being homosexuals.

It sounds to me as though a band of non-Israelite men living amongst Israelites in the second generation or more after merger, were giving their not-wholly-truthful version of the war for a personal motive: to justify, when word got around, the blood on their hands, and why they kept the young woman alive for themselves.

At the end of the story as told in Judges, it was the few hundred surviving Benjamites who got a few hundred young women, spared and kept alive in the invasion of a city to the east side of the Jordan. It was a secondary invasion, tied by the story-teller to the war against the Benjamites. We don't really know how many women the Benjamites got, but the story named 400, perhaps an exaggeration of the reality. The number of surviving Benjamites: 600. Where have we seen that number before?

Perhaps that number was used because it's a respected code of the creators of the stories, or perhaps because the 600 men were not Benjamites, but were really the same entity as the 600 "Danites" who attacked Laish. I say that the written text on the secondary attack on the east side of the Jordan was pure fabrication, though the attack did take place. That attack was of the same nature as the one described for Laish. I say that the attackers on the east side of the Jordan kept the choice ones for their single men, then gave the rest to Benjamites to portray their attack as something virtuous or even holy.

It just so happens that the city on the east side of the Jordan was JABESH-Gilead, the place to which I traced JEBUSites of Jerusalem. One could get the impression that the true cause of the war was at the feet of some group from Jebus seeking to amalgamate with, and afterward to evacuate, the Benjamite population. For example, after the tribe of Judah burned Jerusalem down, the survivors thereof went north and south of the city to find new homes, and they sought to merge with Israelites if possible. Once a good number of them had merged with Benjamites, after the second or third generation, they decided to take the land of Benjamin for themselves, for it was immediately north of Jebus (after even one generation, the children of foreigners speak and act like the local populace; one can barely tell them apart if physical features do not betray them). And they created a false-flag event (i.e. the rape story) to justify a war, and using the "Levite" priest (Jonathan?) they called out men of Israel to help them get the job done by stirring them to anger. They may even have sent pieces of bodies (not of the un-named woman from Bethlehem) to get the job done. In this picture, the Benjamites (suspect from Amorite background) who had wives given to them may in reality have been the ones who instigated the attack against Benjamin.

The 600 Benjamites are said to have fled the war to Rimmon, where they stayed four months before there was a treaty between them and Israel. But how do we know whether they were at the war at all? Perhaps they were sitting it out all along in Rimmon, waiting for the slaughter that they instigated to play itself out. Then, in the treaty, they got free virgins, and the entire run of the land of Benjamin, including it's chief positions. And proud of the clever achievement, this story was kept alive by their descendants all the way to the Romans, who smack of "Rimmon," who told a similar story in regards to their getting woman from Sabines. Rimmon is said to be modern Rammun some 10-15 miles north of Jerusalem.

The story tries to finger Jabesh-Gilead as a guilty party to justify an attack on its people. There is even a statement of an official count or check of all the assembled Israelites, to find any group of Israelites that did not show up for the war, so that any such group could be punished with death, as was their decree. Are we to believe this story, that of all the Israelites, only those of Jabesh-Gilead did not show up? Wasn't it true, rather, that there was another reason for attacking that city? Perhaps the women of that city were valued by the 600 plotters? Perhaps the plotters were largely Jebusites who had blended into Israeli towns of Benjamin, and they wanted their fellow Jebusites blood as wives. Perhaps they argued for their side of the treaty that they should get wives from Jabesh-Gilead, and the Israelites agreed.

The concubine's rape had the setting of Gibeah, a term not unlike "Jabesh." Gibeah was just three miles north of Jerusalem, near or even beside the hill of Nob where there had been a priesthood. Nob is suspect by me as a location of proto-Nibelungs, a Merovingian-related branch of Franks out of Burgundy, the location of Nevers and Autun. The perpetrators of the war against Benjamin could thus have been Keturah's line from the Atun cult proper in Amarna, what was just identified with the Cadmus / Poseidon wave of proto-Phoenicians that I've located for years at Panias, just an axe-throw of a vagabond from Laish/Dan. It may even be that Laish was the place chosen by the 600 vagabonds because they were in reality the proto-Phoenicians as represented by Poseidon. Remember, I trace Poseidon first to Hebron before reaching Phoenicia, and perhaps they moved into Bethlehem, where the two stories seem to have roots.

I've just gone to Wikipedia's article on Bethlehem to see what term it had derived in. In Arabic it's "Bet Lahm" (house of Lahm) and "Bet Lehem" in Hebrew. "Lachmo was the Akkadian god of fertility. Worshiped by the Canaanites as Lachama, some time in the 3rd millennium BC...The town was known as Beit Lachama, meaning 'House of Lachama.'" ("Lachish" could apply). I then searched my files for "Lahm" and found this:

Kishar [in Sumeria / Eden] was made the daughter of Lahmu/Lakmu and Lahamu, where these terms refer to the region...where the fresh waters of the Euphrates met the salty Persian gulf i.e. the delta region. Lahmu was the fresh water, and the salt water was called the Tiamat, which was made the mother of Lahmu/Lahamu.

That's quite a coincidence, that while I traced PosEIDON from Apsu/Abzu, another part of those very waters at the delta of EDEN, I was now speaking of his arrival from Aden into Hebron, but with a branch in Bethlehem, and then the ancient name of Bethlehem is traced by Wikipedia to ancient Akkadia, the northern extension of ancient Sumeria. It's clear cut: the Amorites who adopted and carried the Sumerian cult from the Anunnaki moved to Hebron and Jerusalem, and thereby named Bethlehem after their Lahmu/Lakmu > Lachama deity.

In my chapters on this subject, Tiamat was identified as Ishtar's husband, Dumuzi, or Tammuz as the Israelites knew him. You can read online that the Tammuz cult in Phoenicia was, Adonis, the term that I trace to "PosEIDON." It's the tentacles of the Atun cult, the lovers of the Eden serpent that the sons of Keturah turned into a monotheistic god to mirror Abraham's God...but it was no use.

As was realized above while going over the hair-splitting job of isolating the three waves of Hyksos to Greece, the Poseidon / Cadmus wave out of Africa seemed to include the Meshwesh mythicized as Libya, wife of Poseidon. The Meshwesh, not long after Amarna was built, ruled Tanis, where the origin is suspect of the 600 "Danite" vagabonds. And: "[Mythical] Libya was ravished by the god Poseidon to whom she bore twin sons, Belus and Agenor." Belus, a representation of Pelusia around Tanis, was made the father of Danaus.

Cadmus was even given a mythical Laius as a descendent. Laius may have been the line of the 600 vagabonds from Laish to Thebes, for mythical Laius sought to take the Theban throne from the line of Zethus and Aedon. Note the chariot symbol: "According to some sources, mostly belonging to the Christian era, Laius abducted and raped the king's son, Chrysippus, and carried him off to Thebes while teaching him how to drive a chariot..." Homosexuals who abducted and killed their victims??? Where have we just read about things like that?

Chrysippus was a young man or even a teen when raped. He belonged to the Hippodamia family of horse-loving Amazons in Pisa, which had the chariot symbol; the same Pisa Amazons had Hermes from mount Hermon as a symbol. The Ladon river was smack beside Pisa, as was the Peneus river that I trace to "Panias," at Laish. Laish was even off an LITANi river.

Chrysippus was a son of Pelops (husband of Hippodamia), and was therefore of the Poseidon line to Pisidians at Antalya. Therefore, the Libyans that Poseidon married look like the Meshwesh line from Tanis to the Mysian-rooted Amazons of Pisa, a location named by Pisidians. Therefore, though I have other reasons, the homosexual / rape symbol in the book of Judges is being awarded by me to the Meshwesh line. Hippodamia, in my very strong opinion, was a Meshwesh-Hyksos people from Amarna.

I must now record a dream I had while waking this morning before writing on this very subject. I saw a piece of paper that I was to regard as execution papers. I didn't know it yet. I saw the highlighted name, Masci, on one line, and then the highlighted name, Micah, a few lines down. They were the only two words in bold print that I read, when suddenly, I watched a man executed by hanging (rope around his neck), who was made to drop down a well shaft. It frightened me so as to stick to my memory. Later, I got down to writing to a point just before this paragraph, where I was reading Wikipedia's article on Chrysippus, and I was getting a hint in the back of my mind that the dream had to do with the Masci bloodline somehow identifiable with Micah, the man who hired Jonathan, the man in the story of the 600 men at Laish. It's an understandable thought process because Laius abducted Chrysippus.

Wondering, therefore, whether the Chrysippus / Laius topic could trace to the Masci bloodline, one point was that Hippodamia was an Amazon that I trace to Mazaca...and to Meshwesh at Tanis. Besides that, the 600 Danites also traced to Tanis. As I kept reading the Chrysippus article while such thoughts were passing through my mind, I got to the part: "Atreus and Thyestes, together with their mother, were banished by Pelops and took refuge in Mycenae. There Hippodamia hung herself."

[The article above does not now have that sentence, but it can be found here:]

Did God give me a dream to understand that the 600 Danites were Meshwesh tracing from Laish to mythical Laius and therefore to the Pelops > Chrysippus Amazons? I simply cannot deny it. It gives me the impression that some things cannot be shown through history articles, myth clues, or heraldry codes, so that dreams or odd events from the One in charge of this revelation are necessary.

Some years ago, I had even traced Pelops to "Belus," father of Danaus, but then I also traced Pelops to Pylos in Messene, a part of Greece to the south of Pisa and tracing without doubt to the founding of Messina. The Messina and Masci Coats happen to use the same Coat, essentially. But as it seems that the culmination of all my work is to reveal the line of Keturah, how can I ignore that her Kodros-Medon line was traced by myth writers to Pylos and Methoni in Messene. And did you understand that Hippodamia hung herself at Mycenae as indication of her fundamental ties there, the city founded by Danaans on the outskirts of Argos?

Something else coming to mind is that Micah elements can trace to such entities as Meschin-related Michaels, and to LYSimache (Laish - Micah combo?), wife of Agamemnon, son of Atreus. Let me repeat from above: "Atreus and Thyestes [brothers who were granted golden lambs of power], together with their mother [= Hippodamia], were banished by Pelops and took refuge in Mycenae. There Hippodamia hung herself." But two sentence before that line, I read: "Hellanikos and Thucydides write that he was killed out of jealousy by Atreus and Thyestes, his half-brothers, who cast him into A WELL." That's how I knew absolutely that the dream was from God. It can only mean that my being on the Keturah topic at this time is His revelation. I was prepared for years for this revelation. I know exactly where to trace Keturah's lines now after what I've learned and recorded in the past. And the message from YS is that she traces to the Meshwesh-Boofima, human-sacrifice cult. The ugly Medusa.

You have a choice to make. You can believe that I am telling the truth. Or you can believe that I am lying to get you to believe in a god that does not really exist. You have the same choice when reading the words of Jesus. If God can give me a dream to send you a message, then God can do everything that Jesus said God did through Him. It is just as feasible for God to create a dream in me as it is for Him to fulfill the acts of Jesus.

Although there are parts of the Hebrew canon of scripture that are not true Scripture, there are parts that are. Jesus said the Law and the Prophets are true Inspired Scripture. It's a general definition of the Bible, but it's good enough. It gives us the universal reality. It's enough for us to cling to, and profit from spiritually. There is hope in the second son of Isaac to escape the folly of the first son of Isaac. The second son was given for those who wish to participate in God. Salvation was though the second son. Jacob didn't know what a neat little package he was fresh out of the womb.

So, if Chrysippus was cast into a well, then he must have been the Micah and Masci in my dream. The mother of Chrysippus was Danais, or her other name, Axioche. The Meshwesh Hyksos, right? From the 21st to 24th dynasties. You can read online that Meshwesh lived in the Nile delta between in the 19th and 20the dynasties before taking power. Akhenaten, now known by me to be carried by the Poseidon-Libya marriage, was in the late 18th dynasty. Thus, an interpretation of this mythical Libya with the Meshwesh proves itself out.

Indeed, the chariot wheel that was symbol to Hippodamia's father can be traced to the Catherine wheel of the Wheelwright surname, for PIAST the Wheelwright was, not only traced (by me) to the Pisidians and therefore to Pisa, but is the known mythical ancestor of the Meshwesh-rooted Mieszko's of Poland. Therefore, an interpretation of Hippodamia's Amazons with the Poseidon-Libya Meshwesh proves itself out yet again, and has the ability to prove that CadMUS was the Meshwesh family out of the Nile delta. One can then be sure that the Maezaei in the home of the proto-Roman Japodes, on the Oeneus river, were from the same Meshwesh, but as the dream from God has just proven that these Meshwesh were in the story of Micah, it points them right to the 600 "Danites," and proves that they were from Tanis, not the tribe of Dan. The unidentified peoples with chariots in the plains of Israel ("plains" refer to coastal regions) are therefore suspect as proto-Hippodamia, from Belus and Danaus as they developed into Pelops and Hippodamia.

It just so happens that Pelops' father cut him into many pieces (and offered him as food to the gods). Where have we heard of a person cut into many pieces? Didn't the 600 "Benjamites" in Rimmon trace to the myth created by the earliest Romans concerning their Sabine wives? And here the 600 "Danites" are tracing right to Roman bedrock.

As Poseidon came from Ethiopia, where it's suspect that his "Eidon" elements linked to Aden in Yemen, we could expect that Poseidon was a carrier of Joktanites / Sepharvites too. This is important where Sepharvites trace to Spartans, where Spartan art often shows Spartans with black skin, and where southern Egypt was the location of Memnon, for there was a chief Spartan called, AgaMEMNON. I noted that this name smacks of "Ahiman" (son of Anak), but for the moment I won't make the link. The point is, I found (years ago, don't know where it is now) one article claiming that Sabines traced to Spartans. The trick here is to find what branch of the Sabines the Romans took wives from, to check for links back to the 600 "Benjamites" at Rimmon. Can Spartans trace back to that story in Judges? That's why I mentioned the possibility of Poseidon carrying Spartans. The event as pertained to Romans is called, "RAPE of the Sabine women."

As was seen, Pisidians had Antalya as a city, which was made the father of Pelops, which thus traces the stories in Judges to Agamemnon. grandson of Pelops. This is tracing the story with the concubine cut into pieces right to Pelops, cut into pieces, as though the plotters of that scheming hoax laughed all the way to Pelops. And to be sure that these were a human sacrifice cult of the cannibal kind, Agamemnon sacrificed his own daughter to the gods of war.

To help prove that the 600 "Danites" were the dragon cult at PANIAS, the LASONii were a fellow tribe of Pisidians, and trace by more than similarity of terms to "LADON," a river near the Pisa cult of Pelops, near the PENEUS river too. From this picture, one can see the formation of Spartans (south side of the Ladon) with this wave of Poseidon's Pisidians arriving to the area, and thus the Sepharvites carried by Poseidon are suspect. But as Laish at Panias just traced to mythical Laius in Thebes, a descendant of Cadmus (= essentially the same line of Poseidon), we can also note that myth traced Spartans to the Sparti out of Thebes. One can see Keturah's Atun elements all over this picture, and so recall that her family was suspect fundamentally with Sepharvites.

As the Catherine wheel of heraldry has already traced well to Keturah elements, it's notable that the white crescent of royal (dark) blue of the Savone's/Saffins (first found in the same place as Roets) looks link-able to the Roet crescent on same royal blue Shield. The Sabines were also called, Safini. Thus, a wheel-depicted Keturah line of the Sepharvite kind is suspect at the story of the 600 "Benjamites." And Sepharvites must have been in cahoots with the human-sacrifice cult of Ammonites, wherefore note that Jabesh-Gilead, where the plotters stole the virgins, was in the land of Ammon (the Ammonites proper). (Ammonites had lived in those parts since the time of Abraham, centuries before the 600 "Benjamites.")

Does this list of Lato-Sabine locations, found in Wikipedia's article of "Rape of the Sabine Women," suggest Canaanites or even whatever named mythical Chrysippus: "According to Livy, many people from Rome's neighbours including folk from the Caeninenses, Crustumini, and Antemnates..." Can king Romulus in the Caeninenses article trace to "Rimmon"? The rape occurred at a festival called, "Neptune Equester," and then Neptune was the Roman Poseidon. Perhaps a suggestion of the Canaanites is short-sighted of me, for "Lato-Sabines," my term to describe Sabine areas in Latium, is a good description of the Khyan-Daphne line to the Ladon > Latin dragon (I have been identifying "Sabine" with "Daphne" from mount "Saphon" for years, not just now for convenience).

After a period in la-la-land by Wikipedia's writer(s) on the Neptune article, it was suggested that "Neptune" derived in the Latin town of Nepet. Clicking the link: "The location of the city was already occupied in the 8th century BC, and neighbouring Pizzo in the Bronze Age. Nepet then became Roman before 386 BC, when Livy speaks of it and Sutrium as the keys of Etruria." Just before seeing this article, I was already looking for a Neptune-like term in Pisa of the Etruscans, but the sight of "Pizzo" was good enough to prove that Poseidon's Pisidians, very likely from Oenomaus and Hippodamia, were at Nepet. I've noticed at times that ancient terms appear fronted with an 'N' to denote our "of," and so "Nepet" may have been from the idea, "of Apsu," though I don't expect that the entity naming Nepet was quite from "Apsu," but a variation thereof. Apsu was the ancient waters of Sumeria. [I did not yet know about the Poseidon trace to the APSinthii below when writing here.]

Where one can be convinced that "Keturah" named the Satrae Thracians, the Sutrium location (modern Sutri) in the quote above can apply. If the satyrs were here, the we could expect centaurs too, which could explain the rider on a horse in the Arms of Sutri. But centaurs were mothered by NEPHele, and the ancient name of Nepet was Nepi. Plus, while Ixion was father to centaurs, we just saw a Khyan-suspect location of Caeninenses [I hadn't yet considered the Caeni area at the Apsinthii theater while writing here]. In the list of Poseidon's wives and children, there is a wife, Caenis, but there are no children shown.

When clicking the Caenis term, it goes to the article on: "Caenis, a former slave and secretary of Antonia Minor (mother of the emperor Claudius), was the mistress [a wife, really] of the Roman emperor Vespasian..." Vespasian was the one who had Jerusalem destroyed, and whose Flavian dynasty led to Valentinian, and all that it had meant to Masonry. Valentinian I was from Croatia's lower-Sava area, while on Caenis above: "It is believed that she was born in Istria, now in Croatia." Garebites, right?

Let's ask the question: if Poseidon out of Africa was responsible for the concubine-rape story and the resulting war on Benjamites, by what coincidence is the Poseidon > Pelops > Neptune line tracing, not just to the Rape of the Sabine Women, but to two of the seven heads (= seven Roman emperors] of Revelation 17, Claudius and Vespasian, the latter being the one who instigated the destruction of Jerusalem in what could be deemed pay-back for the destruction of Amorite Jerusalem under Israelites of Judah? As the story of the 600 Benjamites appears to have survived in at least an oral form in the early Roman camps, might it not have come down to the knowledge of Vespasian?

By the way, "Antonia" (mother of Claudius) may trace to the Lato-Sabines of ANTEMnates, representing one of the guests at the rape of the Sabine women. In my opinion, Antonia, as a term anyway, traces to mythical ANTENor, ultimately from Antalya but definitely from the Heneti ruled by Pelops. Thus, the mother of Claudius can trace to the 600 "Benjamites" who pulled off the rape hoax to secure the wives of Jabesh-Gilead. And as I traced "Jabesh" to Abas, while identifying "Abas" as the opis / apis bee cult of Avvites, note the paragraph below.

If I'm seeing the Caenis article correctly, she was a Flavia bloodliner. A Flavian patriarch was Titus Flavius Sabinus, clearly a Sabine bloodline from the Titus Tatius cult of Sabines. The Ops/Opis bee cult of Sabines was founded by Titus Tatius, and then "Vespasian" appears named after, "vespa," the Italian for "wasp / bee." My Commission to find the bee cult of Buz had led from Apsu to POSeidon.

It should also be mentioned here that while Romans were founded by Oeneus-suspect Aeneas, there was a mythical Aeneus (with a 'u') from Aenus at the mouth of the Hebros, near Lysimache, to the north of which were a Caeni peoples (lower-right of map below). Between the Caeni and Aenus, one sees an APSinthii peoples! Apsu-incidence?

What it apparently means is that Nephele and Apsu elements at Nepi/Nepet, the origin of "Neptune," were at the mouth of the Hebros, where we see the Kikons! That is excellent for providing an Ixion identification with Kikons, but also an Ixion identification with Khyan suspect at the Caeni. In this picture, the Khyan Hyksos had part with the Poseidon Meshwesh (i.e. the Poseidon marriage to mythical Caenis) with the fall of Jerusalem in 70 ADS. The Poseidon merger with Khyan was at the mouth of the Hebros. And the Ixion term is code for Zion too, home of the Jebusites suspect in the 600 "Benjamites," and of other anti-Israeli's who had a pact with them.

While you are at the map above, note CYZICUS on the shore of the ProPONTIS, for it evokes the YS email on the Cusack surname in Meath, a topic below where the Meath surname is found to have variations trace-able to "Medan," son of Keturah, whose lines are suspect with the Poseidon-of-Punt line to Pontus.

As it seems correct now to identify Poseidon out of Africa with the Meshwesh to Hippodamia (mother of Atreus), and because that Poseidon was the Atun cult out of Khemmis, where the Mitanni family of Yuya lived, father of Tiye, I was thinking that Atreus' twin brother, THYestes, was code for "Tiye" elements. Atreus of Argos became a Spartan line when giving birth to Menelaus, code for the Mani peninsula, the extension of the TAYgeti mountains. That works.

It should be clear that while LYSimache (south of the Apsinthii and Caeni) is code for Laish elements, the Las location on the Mani peninsula should be the same Laish bloodline. But as you saw above that proto-Nibelungs (= "Nephele," wife of the Khyan Hyksos) were suspect at the war on Gibeah, and as Nibelungs trace to Merovingians, it means that the Lys symbol of Merovingians, which was traced to the Kodros > Kotor fish, must apply to "Laish"...thus making some electrifying contact between the two stories in Judges.

But as mentioned over and over again, the Lys surname and the Massey surname (the latter being a version of "Masci"), both use the lys lily in the same colors. And the Lys surname uses the greyhound that traced years ago to the mythical Graeae Amazons (sisters of Medusa Gorgon)...even before I knew of the Meshwesh Amazons in Libya/Cyrene. So, it all fits like a snug boot, and the reality is obvious now that the leaves have fallen from the tree: Freemasonry is just this Meshwesh hag practicing sorcery, descended from the Midian eggs of Keturah, which Moses married after being raised in a royal Meshwesh household of Egypt, which God hated.

There is a massive spiritual disconnect between Abraham's Israeli line and his Keturah line. No matter how God pained himself to correct that line, century after century, yet it would not heed, sentencing itself to being hung on a rope around the neck, and to be dropped into a well, until dead, never to be seen again.

Hippodamia's father was OENOmaus, a wine term applicable to Oeneus, father of mythical Methoni...ultimately from Medan, son of Keturah. Therefore, Hippodamia and Chrysippus (son of Pelops but not of Hippodamia) trace from the Methoni / Pylos line to Kodros of Athens, father of Medon, but father also of the founder of Ephesus, where Aedon's proto-Spartan father was from. In other words, Chrysippus was from the Aedon-Zethus line ruling over Thebes, and Laius was the Cadmus side of Thebes wishing to usurp the Poseidon line to Thebes.

In the list of the eight Medons (webpage below), another one was: "Medon, a Centaur at the wedding of Pirithous and Hippodamia." That is, this Medon was a Lapith, a son of Ixion the Lapith, part of the neo-Nephilim. "Lapith" is a term like "Eliphas," which I don't regard as coincidence, especially now that Keturah's ancestry was traced to Timna elements. This "other" Hippodamia, not the one of Pisa, was from Athenians, as was Theseus, a son of Poseidon and a best friend of Pirithous. This other Hippodamia was "daughter of Atrax or Butes," and when clicking to the Butes article, the Athenian Butes is there along with the Butes on the Argo ship, the one said to have jumped ship for the Seir-suspect Sirens. The fish-tail of the heraldic Siren easily applies here to the Kodros fish (became the lys lily from Laish elements), and to the Poseidon sea theme. With Aphrodite (= copper-Kabeiri cult) in western Sicily as the wife, Butes was made the father of the city of Eryx, a tribute to his kinship with ERECHtheus of Athens.

Yet another Keturah suspect: "Medon, the son of Pylades and Electra and brother of Strophius." PYLades seems to be from the Pylos ancestry of the Kodros > Medon line (rooted in Erechtheus), and Electra easily traces to the Alky giants in the ancestry of ALCmene, mother of Hercules, the Danaan line out of Tanis but also a line out of Jerusalem as Hebe, Hercules' wife. The Pleiades, the seven daughters of Atlas (i.e. out of Antalya of the Pisidians), are easily link-able to Electra and Pylades. This was the electrifying link between the two stories in Judges.

On OenoMAUS, he was from Tanis: "He married, if not Sterope [satyrs? Strophius elements?], then Evarete [Avaris?] of Argos, the daughter of Acrisius [Ekron?] and Eurydice. Yet others give Eurythoe, daughter of Danaus, either as his mother or consort." There you go, even the father of Hippodamus traces with Hippodamus to the Meshwesh of Tanis, and the educated myth writers knew it...but were not telling it straight.

It's not at all certain whether the Levite from the area of Gibeah was a Levite, for this claim may have been entered to give the story some gravity. Like the other characters, the old man of the Gibeah house, where the rape reportedly took place, was not named, unusual in Biblical accounts having this much detail. If the writers wanted to make their story credible, they would have given names. If they didn't know the names, did they know the true facts, or did they echo the "facts" as some liars reported them? You can realize that the story was part-fable where the 400 virgins are shown dancing, something not expected of the girls soon after the mass-murder of their mothers and fathers. But the Greek Muses were depicted as an all-women band of singers, dancers, and musicians.

The Atun Played by Keturah's Sons Sounds Harmonious

Now that the chariot wheel symbol of Hippodamia's father has traced to Meshwesh Hyksos, albeit they were not directly the Hyksos proper out of Egypt with Khyan and Apophis, the Roets can be suspect with that Meshwesh line to Sabines. The way to view the Roet-of-Keturah line is through Cadmus-branch Meshwesh to the Sparti dragon, the Sepharvites of Greece, otherwise known as Harmonia, daughter of Ares, whom Cadmus married at Thebes...birthplace of electrifying Hercules, founded by Sheba, son of Jokshan, son of Keturah.

You simply need to recall that Joktanites lived between Mesha and Sephar to be able to peg a Meshwesh link to Sepharvites, and then due to Sepharvites stemming from oak-depicted Joktanites, whom Keturah honored with her first-born, you can find Sepharvites in the oak tree of Watts and Vatts/Watters, a branch of oak-tree-using Roets/RoWATTs. Forgive, I'm being careful to repeat too many things for clarity's sake.

Here's from an email to YS:

Unbelievable. I was just tracing Medan and Midian [Jokshan's brothers] to Methoni and several other entities when I thought best to get back to email as it's been neglected. Yours is the first email I got to. The traces of Medan to Methoni, Athens, Butua, Kotor, and many other places are without doubt. Who were Medan and Midian? Sons of Abraham and Keturah. Then, you send in on this Petit topic with Lacy of Meath, and looking up the Meaths, what was there but a Methan variation. It hit me in the face that your recent emails on this [Petitbois] subject are to compliment the next update's [this one] Keturah traces. I was just writing that her Medan son traces to Medusa, which was the entity that Boofima traced to. I even explained to this point in the update that Keturah lines were from human-sacrifice ones. Carmens even use the Moratin tower tracing to African Gorgons / Amazons. This will go in the next update. Amazing.

YS was writing in on a recent murder of a woman (with Carmen maiden name) by her own son whom was descended from Geoffrey de Cusack, a knight for Hugh de Lacy. Cusack's wife, YS said while quoting from Wikipedia's Cusack article, was "Matilda le Petit, sister to William le Petit, who held a Barony at Mullingar and a castle at Donboyne (interestingly Donboyne is in Meath co. as was de Lacy) " Thank you, YS. It's already been established that PetitBOIS elements link to terms like Boyne, and the Boyne cinquefoils have been shown recently as using the ermined white-on-red cinquefoil of the Bus and Hamelton Coats, the latter two being from Buz and Kemuel, 2nd and 3rd sons of Nahor, brother of Abraham. Thus, it adds teeth to a Meath/Methon trace to the son of Abraham, Medan. Both the Hameltons and Meaths use the motto, "Through," and the Hamelton oak tree is also the Boyne oak tree, which in my opinion is the Watt and Vatt/Watters oak because I trace "Uat/Buto" to "Uts," the Biblical spelling of Nahor's first son.

That's why I identified "Kemuel" with "Khemmis," the Egyptian city of the Mitanni family (of Yuya) that was part of the Atun cult proper, where the Mitanni are suspect with one or both of Keturah's sons. As this is the Poseidon-of-Keturah line to Laish, by what coincidence was Hugh de LACY made the ruler of Meath? As per the 600 code that seemed to apply at Laish, we can even ask why one Lacy/Lassy Coat uses SIX pellets?

The Cusack Coat (in Dutch Teng/Nagel colors) is probably a fesse version of the Nagel fesse because Hugh de Lacy had a baron with Angulo/Nangle surname, the origin of the Nagels. As with the Boeufs, Nagels use a blue fesse. The "Thincke and Thancke" motto of the Tates/Tayts (pale in the colors of the Boeuf fesse) can apply to the Teng/Tengnagel surname because Tates use a Shield divided in SIX sections, as do Cusacks! The white rose in the Tate/Tayt Coat above is in the two colors of the Buff Coat. How can it be coincidental that YS's email here on Cusacks was born from a news article on a murder, and then Cusacks have just traced to the very Petitbois / Boofima elements that YS had introduced not many weeks ago?

Hugh de Lacy married a Rohese of Monmouth, conceivably a Roet term. Interesting here, as per the trace of Roet-related Books/Bogues to Boofima elements, is that Hugh's daughter with Rohese was "Elayne (Elena) de Lacy, who married Richard de Beaufo (Belfou)." Suddenly, the Boeuf bloodline can be traced to Belfou's who smack of Arthur Balfour, satanic prime minister of Britain during the period in which his Illuminati circle formed its Round Table under Cecil-Rhodes oversight. Arthur Balfour was instrumental in forming the modern state of Israel under Rothschild = Hungaro-Khazar oversight. [Not far below, the Gaelic form of "Cusack" becomes trace-able to "Iazyges" in proto-Hungary territory, where Khazars removed to, and Iazyges even lived beside the proto-Arpad Carpae.]

"Roet" was traced (by me) exactly to ROUND Table. It checks out, for both Balfours and Beaufo's/Belfou's s use a black-on-white chevron. A chevron in the same colors is used by Books/Bogues... CASS'/Cash's and Cuss/Kiss'/Kish's, strongly identifying them both with Cusacks.

The white ermined Shield of Cuss'/Kiss' can now be trace-able to the same of Satters and to the white-ermined chevron, in colors reversed to the chevrons above, of Catters/CATHERs! Good one. It's suggesting that Cuss', Cusacks, and Cather are all one bloodline...from Keturah, begging the question of how her lines got to Cyzicus on the Propontis. Someone needs to ask Kos.

It's very interesting that "Ammon" was loaded earlier while on the Ammonite topic. Keturah's Midian lines are expected to have merged with both Moabites and related Ammonites (both peoples were born from Biblical Lot). I had noted that Ammons, shown properly as "Hammon(d)," were first found in Kent, where the Roet-related Chaucers were first found. But more, the Ammon/Hammon Coat uses an ermined chevron in the colors of the Cass / Cuss chevrons.

It's apparent here that "Beaufo/Belfou" is a version of the Roet-founded Beauforts (Catherine Roet and John of Gaunt named their child with a Beaufort surname). The "otter's head" in the Balfour chevron indicates that it's the Pendragon chevron, part of the UTHER Pendragon line of Otters/Others > Windsors (Windsors and Catters/Cathers were first found in Berkshire). It figures, especially as Pendragons were of the Arthurian round table. The Arthurian cult is one big joke if it wasn't so sick, but don't worry, the Axe of Christ is already at the root of the tree. [Satyr-suspect Satters, Catters/Cathars and other potential kin have already been investigated at length, way below, or perhaps pushed into the next update.]

Entering "Rohes" gets a Roll-like surname smacking of the Turnbull-related rules, important because Boofima-rooted Boeuf show a Turnbull-like variation. The Rule's and Rolls had traced to Rua the Hun, after which it was realized that Roets ought to have done the same. The Rohes/Roel Coat uses a bear, expected of the de-Beer associations of Cecil Rhodes, and of the Arthur surname, first found in bear-depicted BERwickshire. But this is getting off topic.

The Cusacks, first found in Meath and therefore suspect from Ketarah's son, sound like they may be from "Kos" elements, where Keturah's Atun / Midian / Medan line traced. But Cusacks also smack of the Cossacks of the Khazar (= Keturah-like term) theater, and then the Boofima trace to Roets/RoWATTs brings the Khazar-suspect Cathars of France to mind, where Catherine Roets first name is expected to trace. YS is the latest example of God's speaking to us by someone other than me to verify the things that I'm writing. There has been a long string of YS' over several years that I simply cannot deny.

Doesn't it seem here that the Cusack surname and the Cossack peoples were Hyksos? Emailer Patterson had brought us the Csikos horse trainers of Hungarians (can explain why De-Lacy's wife traced to Rua the Hun), and that brings to mind Yuya, the Mitanni horse trainer of Akhenaten. Tentatively, the ancestry of the Hyksos "KHASEwet" term is being traced to the peoples of Shasu, who may have named Kos.

Reminder: German Roets use the sleeping moon of Carian-rooted Kerns, a moon tracing to Carians at Latmus, where the Pandareus > Aedon cult grew out of! Very late in this update, or perhaps it will be moved to the next, you will see again why Roets trace exactly to the Medusa-suspect Boofima > BaphoMET cult. But for now, the Medusa Gorgon's head has traced to Cepheus (head symbol), mythical king of Ethiopia, father of AndroMEDA suspect with ANDROklos, brother of Medon, son of Keturah-rooted Kodros, from the Methoni region of Messene. It tick-talks like a nuclear-powered clock.

There is a Kos/Coss/KUSIK surname using a "bendy of SIX," but otherwise cast as three bends, as for examples the three of the Merit/Merey/Merais surname that must be a branch from the surname of Geoffrey Marisco, husband of a daughter of Hugh de Lacy. Hugh's wife's page uses "Geoffrey de Mareys" for this same person. Both the Lacys (rulers of Meath) and the Cusacks of Meath are now showing that number SIX, perhaps a code that goes all the way back to the 600 of Laish, a city that should trace to the Ladon dragon with the 600 "Danites," the suspects for giving the future world the 666. The Trabys of Vilnius traced to the 666 bloodline, and the Cass'/Cash's and Cuss/Kiss' have been traced to the Arms of Vilnius for many months now. Cusickidence?

There are two Mareys Coats, one looking like a reversed-color version of the Scottish Tate saltire. For me, these terms are for the Amorites in the Mary Magdalene cult. The Mareys/Merais' were first found in Kent and use what is probably a version of the bend used by Chaucers, kin of Catherine Roet. The colors of the Mareys/Merais and the other Mareys are the colors of three bends used by Hectors/Ectors who trace to the same-colors Actons from Axton of Kent, a Hyksos entity of the Khyan kind, in my opinion. It's known by the Arthurian cult that mythical Ector de Maris used three bends in the colors of the Ector bend you see above. The Actons are honored in the motto of the Yorkshire Cravens, and they are kin to the purple-lion Skiptons of Craven (Yorkshire), and then Irish Lacys, rulers of Meath, use a purple lion too.

I have the suspicion that the Craven crosslets are those also of Davenports and the Arms of Macclesfield, and should thus trace Croatian-rooted Cravens with them to the Cuppae location at the mouth of the Margus (Serbia), where we can expect Amorites tracing to the Mareys, especially as the last update had the da-Vinci = Magdalene cult originating on the Margus. "Mareys" can easily be a variation of "Margus." [Below, the Cusacks were found trace-able to Iazyges not far up-river on the Danube from the mouth of the Margus.]

It just so happens that while the Craven crosslets are red, as with the crosslets of Sands (both surnames even use a red fesse), the sands were from Fame and Fells while the Fames/Vains/Vans/Fiens were first found in the same place (Monmouthshire) as the family of Hugh de Lacy's wife, mother of the woman (Alicia, same name used by Skiptons) who married Marisco/Mareys. Therefore, the YS email has led back the mouth of the Margus, where the chief priests of Israel, the Kypros Herods, and the Pilates had traced already before finding in this update that the 600 vagabonds of Laish, as well as the 600 Benjamites, seem to trace there too.

Unbelievable. I just went searching for the surname that I saw recently with the fesse in the colors of the Craven fesse, and found it in the Punt Coat. I didn't know what to say, however, and decided not to say anything. I then scrolled back to Coats before the Sand Coat to re-find the Sandys -- using essentially the same Shield as Sands and therefore suspect as a branch of Cravens -- when I looked up at the Sandy motto to recall that YS emailed this surname in due to a Poenit term buried in the motto!!! Amazing. I have such an amazing job. If only I were getting paid for it; maybe a vacation, even on Sunday. Reminder: Punts use black boars while Sanders use elephants. And Edom had a Kos cult. German Ammons (in Craven / Punt colors) use the Melusine Siren and can thereby apply to Seir-ians, same Lotan-Timna line as those using elephants. Heraldry is nothing but the mass trace to the various facets of pre-Israel's Nephilim cult.

I'll drop a note here that the heraldic bend just came to mind as a code for "Benjamin" lines, and the Ben/Bend/Bent Coat can be construed as a version of the Cusack Coat. More on this later in a large investigation for Benjamin lines, but right now I have oodles of material on Keturah lines waiting for a proof read below. I can add one more tidbit, that one Benjamin Coat uses a bear, symbol of the Dutch Rohes/Roel surname that may, or may not, be part of the naming of Rohese, wife of Hugh de Lacy. One more bit: the KOZINski variation of the Kos/Coss/Kosik surname can link to Cousins/Cosins first found in the same place (Norfolk) as English Benjamins, and Cousins use a white-ermined Shield like the Cusack-related Cuss'/Kiss'. Some Masons love Benjamites and trace themselves at times to them. Why is that?

One more thing as it applies to the above. As Norfolk is the location of Spartan-suspect Speer branches that I equate with the Lusatia > Lusignan line (traced in the past to "Laish") of the Melusine Siren, it proposes that Sparham and Sprowston of Norfolk are to be investigated for links to Benjamins thereof. The Sparrow surname was first found in Norfolk, for example, and Fulkes/Folks of Norfolk use a Seir-suspect motto, as well as the ShakeSPEARe spear, and then ZOWIE YES the Shakespeare Coat is half the English Benjamin saltire!! Moreover, German Sparrs were first found in the same place (Mechlenburg) as German Kos'/Coss'/Kosiks. Why does the Benjamin investigation thus far keep coming round to Cusacks?

Asking who might use a surname in honor of Mechlenburg, the Macclesfields come to mind, but I've just noted that Mechs and Germo-Swiss Ammons both use the same-colored Shield-and-Chief combinations. THAT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT because I recall dealing with a Benjamin-like term who were not from the tribe of Benjamins, but who named the Ammonites on the east side of the Jordan!!! I had forgotten that when I traced the 600 Benjamites above to the east side of the Jordan.

In the 4th update of June, 2000:

I first entertained that Nibelungs named modern Nabulus/Nablus, 30 miles north of Jerusalem, but then came to realize that ancient Nob (two miles north of Old Jerusalem) was their main city in pre-Israeli times, for in a Biblical list of Benjamite cities (Nehemiah 11:34), Nob was included near Neballat! In Isaiah 10, Nob is the city where "the Assyrian" anti-Christ will make his headquarters in the future, after he stems forth from Mosul."

In 2006, I caught wind that Yam, and alternative term for the seven-headed Lotan dragon, was named after elements of a BenJamin/BenYamin-like term. I then reasoned that the British-Israelists who trace themselves to Benjamites may in reality trace to Lotan. In [my chapter] "Ammonites Trace to Lot's Amorite Mummy," I mentioned...

In that chapter, I said:

At one of his pages, it tells that the Mari texts, aside from using "Apiru" to describe the Chaldean Hebrews, used the term, "Banu Yamina," which the author claims to be the Israelite tribe of Benjamin even though he must know that the Mari text pre-dates the establishment of that tribe in Israel by a couple of centuries. Couldn't the term better describe another people, perhaps an Ammonite tribe after the Biblical "Ben-Ammiy" (Genesis 19:38), son of Lot and patriarch of the Ammonites?

One can see how "Ben-Ammiy" could modify to "Benjamin," and yet it doesn't refer to Benjamin of Israel. Because "Ammiy" ends with "iy" (a Semitic ending commonly Anglicized as "ite"), Ben-Ammiy must have referred to Amm-ites...suggesting that Lot was a ben/son of Ammites.

In other words, I reasoned that an Ammite peoples existed in Mesopotamia before the birth of Lot's Ammonites proper. Benjamin wasn't even born yet in the days of Ben-Ammiy. It stands to reason that the Amorites in the land of Ammon, whom I suppose included the inhabitants of Jabesh-Gilead, were merged to some degree with Lot's Ammonites.

The Kos cult of Edom was thought to be an owl cult, and then Athena had the owl as her symbol, as did her Roman counterpart, Minerva. That's yet another reason to trace the Kos deity of Edom to Keturah's Atun elements. The owl deity of the Bohemian Grove suggests that the Kos owl was a human-sacrifice cult. What does Bohemia have to do about this? Ask the PetitBOIS. Or, ask FOIX, the location beside Rennes-le-Chateau that had married Candale at Bordeaux (Aquitaine), the location roughly of the Cusack surname (at Cussac). Foix-Candale had traced to women named Catherine that seemed wrapped up in the mysteries of Rennes-le-Chateau.

Keturah's grandson, Dedan, gave birth to Letushites and Leummites. Doesn't it seem logical, where Keturah's Atun lines traced to Ephesus / Hephaestus, for her Leummite descendants to have settled and named Lemnos? Hera, disgusted with the ugliness of Hephaestus, threw him out of mount Olympus, but he landed in Lemnos, if that tells you what the island meant to his wife, the Amorite Aphrodite, fully expected with Amarna elements at Myrina.

The Amorite-suspect Mormons have a mythical Lemanite peoples that trace easily to Lemnos. I realized that Latter Day Saints" (what Mormons call themselves), was part code for the Sintians on Lemnos, as they developed into the Santones Celts of France living beside the Lemovices. Thus, LATTer day Saints must trace themselves also to LETushites, but then this update comes immediately after the discovery of Marduk Amorites on the Margus river, at the mouth of which is the LEDERata location smacking of "Latter." These terms trace to the Ladon dragon, the Lydians, onshore of Lemnos. I cannot recall the details of a trace of Leto, mother of Artemis, to the Lydian area of Ephesus, but Artemis was at Ephesus as part of its essenes bee cult.

It's a very good thing that this update's Keturah topic started the day after writing much (last update) on the Margus region. I'm very lucky to have loaded the Ephesus article just now; I kid you not, it was loaded after writing the paragraph above, such excellent timing, for as I read Ephesus history to see whether anything can be added to what's been realized / theorized thus far, I was reminded that Ephesus is believed to have been, "Apasa," which evoked the Avus river (center of map) smack at Lederata!!! Amazing. Isn't "Apasa" the Apsu/Abzu entity from Sumeria as it came through Poseidon? Weren't Keturah's descendants carried by Poseidon, himself the Eden > Aden > Atun line merging with Bozrah? And from there, didn't the Atun > Kos > Aedon line to Thebes include Pandareus smack at Ephesus? So, it appears that the Ephesus > Lemnos line then got up the Hebros and into the Margus (home of Mackeys and Mackesys), so that the Ephesians can be traced to the Avus. But wait, Poseidon was found to be those 600 "Benjamites" that took wives from Abas-suspect JABESH/YABESH, a term that, losing its capital, looks like "EPHES(us)." Why are the 600 tracing to the mouth of the Margus, as it empties into the DANube? Ask 600 Danaans out of Tanis who stole Laish, the peoples of which are now expected to trace to the Ladon elements at Lederata. Like I said, those 600 vagabonds were Meshwesh, and then the Leader/Leeder and Ladd/Ladon Coats are versions of the Meschin Coat. The Lydo-Mysians in Moesia, logical.

To put it another way, the 600 "Benjamites" (not doubting that they had some Benjamite blood, some of them) are suspect as Amorites of the Jebusites kind with Jabesh background, and so they are expected to be Amorites passing through Ephesus -- the Merops-of-Kos Amorites, into Myrina at Lemnos. If correct that they made their way to the Lederata / Avus are on the Danube, then just go north a bit to Romania's Mures/Marisus river, where the Same Amorites can be expected, but as Romania was named after Romans, it evokes that trace of Rimmon to Romans. Besides, I already traced the Hebros/Maritsa river satisfactorily back to Amorites of "Hebron."

As ARGidava is off the Avus, I would suggest Abas of ARGOS there, not neglecting the myth where the Argo ship visits Lemnos and mates with Myrina's Amazons, then afterward sails up the Danube from the Black sea. There is other reason to trace Abas elements to the Avus, wherein I traced him to Avvites, who I said were the makings of the Leto > Apollo wolf symbol, and then, long before seeing Abas elements at the Avus just now, I identified the far-north Apollo -- the Hyperboreans -- with Dacians, smack at the Avus!

To the west side of Jazyges Metanastae, the latter term said to mean "wanderers," or vagabonds possibly. But why is there a "METAN" term buried in it? "The Iazyges first make their appearance along the Sea of Azov, known to the Ancient Greeks and Romans as the Maeotis. They are referred to by the geographer Ptolemy as the Iazyges Metanastae (wandering or migrant Iazyges). From there, the Iazyges moved west along the shores of the Black Sea to what is now Moldova and the southwestern Ukraine." The Sintians in Lemnos, and the Sittaceni that I say named Zedek of Jerusalem, were from Maeotis too, as were the proto-Danaans that probably named the Danube. Then:
"...the Romans took advantage and encouraged the Iazyges to settle in the Pannonian plain, between the Danube and the Tisza (Tisa) Rivers." As the heraldic torteaux was traced above to a similarly-named peoples from the Maeotis group under discussion, what about my trace of proto-Arpads and the tortaeux to the Tortona location off the Ticino river? Was the Tessen variation of the Ticino named after the Tisa, or vice versa? Once can see the proto-Arpad Carpae stamped on the north end of the Jazyges Metanastae. The Mures, also having Arpad ancestors, flows into the Tisa.

Now this might be amazing, for as I was giving it my best shot to decipher the Iazyges/Jazyges term, I took off the capital, then sounded it out as "Azig," then "Asick," and from there the Cusacks/CUSICKs to mind. Going back to the Cusack article, there were the variations, Mac Iosog, and Mac Isog.

Therefore, lets take a close look at the Kos elements to which Keturah's Atun bloodline traces:

In Greek mythology, Pandareus was the son of Merops and a nymph. His residence was given as either Ephesus or [neighboring] Miletus...At the request of his impious friend, Tantalus [code for Antalya], Pandareus stole a bronze (or golden) dog from a temple to Zeus on Crete (the dog, created by Hephaestus, had guarded Zeus during his infancy). According to various sources, [Pandareus] either turned to stone or fled to Sicily, where he perished together with his wife Harmothoe.

Pandareus was the father of Aedon (wife of Zethus), CHELIDonis, CLEODora (or Cleothera) and Merope; according to Pausanias, the last two were called Cameiro and CLYTia.

The terms above are capitalized by me to highlight peoples suspect as the Khaldi iron workers, partners with the Halybes. Pandareus seems to be the Pan Phoenicians to princess Europa as they developed into Minoans of Crete, who then founded Miletus with Sarpedon, Mino's brother. Remember, these were Garebites merged with the El-Minya Egyptians suspect in a merger with Amarna's Amorites, all destined for Myrina on Lemnos. This trace of Pandareus back to Phoenicians easily links back to Keturah if indeed she was carried by African Poseidon, father of the Phoenix > Europa line. The implications of Keturah's Atun line stemming from her brother (Cadmus) is huge for tracing her Abrahamic offspring to the Hatti (founders of Attica/Athens) on the same river (Halys) as the CHALYBes/Halybes (iron workers). The latter are suspect (by me) from either one or two entities, or both: 1) the namers of Biblical CALEB, a man of God known to be from Hebron elements, and, 2) ELIPHas elements from Esau (= Abraham's great-grandson) as they resided in Hebron.

The Caleb theory is compelling because his name means "dog." I even identified Hephaestus, who made the dog, as Halybes, but that identification had nothing to do with this dog, but with other logical considerations. I imagine that Caleb's descendants in Judah could have reverted to paganism in order to become the Cretan entity depicted as this mythical dog. I cannot remember once dealing with this mythical dog. Recall from way above that Hephaestus was identified as the Avvite founders of Ephesus, for Avvites had a small-dog cult if indeed the Avvite god, Nibhaz, was Anubis, the Egyptian jackal god. For the moment, if we trace Caleb's Israelites to the Chalybes iron workers, it can jibe with Keturah's copper workers that are expected to become Aphrodite, and as the mythical dog was a copper one, rather than iron, it may suggest a logical thing, that Caleb had merged in Hebron with lines from Keturah and Abraham.

Caleb was the one who killed the three sons of Anak. If the 600 "Benjamites" had any of Anak's family amongst them, we could expect the 600 to link up with Poseidon in Hebron, who represented the Apsu portion of the Anu cult of the Anunnaki, and yet merged with lines from Eliphas of Bozrah. And indeed the 600 did trace exactly to Poseidon. But in this picture, the 600 included some paganized descendants of Caleb, suggesting perhaps that some of the Anaki families married Caleb lines, then revolted with the revolt outlined in the book of Judges.

Caleb was one of the 12 Israeli spies who spied out the giants of Eschol on behalf of Moses. Moses had lived for some time in Midian, and one of Abraham's sons with Keturah was Midian, suspect with the Mitanni of Khemmis that came to Hebron with Poseidon. I have a mental block here as to what more may have been important, but for the time being, the 600 Club, as I'll call it, is being traced to the Halybes and their Khaldi kin, who lived on the Halys river with the Hatti, beside the Heneti of Aphrodite on the Parthenius. Chances are, Aphrodite brought the Halybes to Hephaestus in Ephesus and Lemnos. Hephaestus looks like he came to Greece, not by way of the Hatti mainland, but from Crete as per the Essenes line out of Haifa / Carmel to the essenes bee cult of Ephesus.

The Philistines who replaced the Avvites on the Israeli shores are implied (in Genesis) to have come from Crete, then called, Caphtor, location of Phaistos. It could be explained by the migration of Avvites to Crete, who then returned as part-Philistines to re-conquer the land, and to seek Israel's destruction. Have have we heard talk like that before?

Cameiro and Clytia, the daughters of Pandareus, smack of: 1) the Chimera dragon of Lycia that I trace to Kamiros (a real city) on Rhodes, off-shore of Miletus; 2) the wife (= Kleito) of Atlantean Poseidon out of Antalya, the mother of Atlas. Reminder: Aedon, the sister of Cameiro, had a son, Itylus, an obvious code for Atlas. Kos is smack besides Rhodes, and the Atun cult on Rhodes is implied where its god, Helios, has relations with the wife of Ethiopian Merops, which basically implies that Merops of Kos was in cahoots with Helios of Rhodes, revealing perhaps that the Atun sun god of Amarna evolved into Helios by the passage to the place of Poseidon's Khemmis elements...that I think named Kamiros and the Khimera dragon. I identified the Khemmis location with Cimmerians, therefore, and much later found that the namers of QUMRan (home of another Essenes branch) were GOMERians = Cimmerians. It's working rather well now that Poseidon is being traced to Essenes at Carmel. But these Essenes are suspect as none other than Aeson and Aedon, the Atun cult out of both El-Minyae and neighboring Amarna that partly named HephAEStus.

Thus, Hephaestus was a carrier of Atun in the form of the bee cult of both Kos and Ephesus, explaining why he had relations with the Athena-branch Atun cult, which jibes with his wife's merger with the Hatti who supposedly named Attica, the area around Athens. Athena thus traced back to Kos, explaining her owl symbol, and her Minerva counterpart, who might just have been the origin of "mine" and "miner," looks like a Minyae element from Hephaestus-related Aeson.

Where Poseidon was made (by Plato) married to Kleito, Poseidon was made married to a daughter (= Clytia) of Pandareus, thus further supporting the trace of Hephaestus to Ephesus, home of Pandareus. And when Jesus converted the Apostle Paul, the God of Israel made a bee-line into Ephesus through him to grab hold of the dragon's jugular as part of His Destroyer Mission. Salvation is always a destruction. Like when one steps on the serpents head, their's nothing left but the wriggling.

Where are the Hyksos in this picture if indeed they merged with Aphrodite in Hebron? The Danaans of Rhodes. But they should be distinguished from the Poseidon wave of Meshwesh out of Tanis. The Danaans of Lindos should be the Samson wave of Hyksos...on their way to Argos, where Poseidon would follow later as per the migration of Pelops into the Peloponnese, at Pisa especially. The Meshwesh out of Tanis were perhaps (or maybe not) Perseus and Andromeda, the founders of the Danaans proper at Mycenae. Argos was already a city when Perseus founded Mycenae, and the Acrisius / Abas entities were already at Argos too...from Ekron, where I see the Samson Avvites. Therefore, the Samson Danaans, though they were not regarded as Danaans proper from Perseus, were yet the proto-Danaans in Argos.

But shouldn't the Hephaestus Avvites have been the Samson Avvites? Ask Samothrace, the origin of Hephaestus' Kabeiri cult, origin of the Trojans, and home of DarDANUS. I suppose Dardanus was from the earlier wave of Danaans from Samson, the founders of Troy who were not called Danaans. The brother of Dardanus on Samothrace was Ixion-like Iasion, founder of the Kabeiri. Somehow, from this Iasion, I expect the Hector Trojans. The Poseidon line came later, going through Pelops, the father of "the Greeks" who fought against the Trojans in the Trojan war. It was Poseidon verses Zeus in that war, and the new-comers won. The Meshwesh, the gods of war, won. The Meshwesh, the chief prince of Gog.

To assure that Poseidon was the carrier of Atun proper, it would help to link him directly from Pisidians and neighboring Kos to Ephesus, and that's where I've got to spend some time below trying to show that he was an Apsu line to Apasa = Ephesus. In the process, it can explain why Poseidon was a Bozrah entity from the Kos theater of Edom. It ultimately reveals that the stretch of coast from Kos to Ephesus was New Edom, Land of Keturah.

There is yet hope that "Edom" and "Atun" were identical entities along the Red sea coast stretching from the gulf of Aden to the Timna copper mines in southern Edom. Smack in the middle of that stretch is Medina, a Medan-like term. Plus, as I linked Medan's mother (Keturah) to Joktanites in Yemen, who were from Mesha, so we find Mecca near Medina. It's a very compelling argument for tracing Keturah (and Joktanites) to the Red sea coast from Edom to Aden.

Where did Poseidon get his name if he was the Atun cult from Aden? Can it be true that he got his name both from Boscath in Hebron and from Apsu/Absu in Sumeria? Probably not, but close. The trick is to show how the namers of Bozrah and Boscath/Bozcath were from Apsu. It starts with the Anaki of the Anu cult, who were Aryans = Iranians from Nuzi, for one may assume that "Anunnaki" was a Naki entity that named Nuzi. This city was filled with Horites, and they trace right to a Seir-ian doorstep at Bozrah, meaning that Anaki were in Bozrah in the shape of Nuzi's Horites. And we may assume that Anaki were all about the Apsu cult too.

As Dionysus had an alternative name, Zagreus, he can be clearly traced to the Zagros mountains of Iran, on the footsteps of which Nuzi was located. In Greece, the sacred island of Dionysus was NAXos, and so I think we can be sure that he was an Anaki peoples. His Ethiopian mountain, Nysus, is then looking like an Anaki station opposite the Red sea from Aden. We can expect that Ethiopian proto-Poseidon (the carriers of his cult, whatever it was then called) was at mount Nysus because Poseidon is himself trace-able to the Anu cult. I can expect that the Ethiopian carriers of Poseidon's cult were a branch of the Apsu Anaki, something I've believed for years before finding, only in this update, that the Apsinthii peoples traced exactly to the Poseidon-Neptune transition at Pizzo and Nepet.

[Insert -- The day after writing here, and after completing this entire update, it was found that a sister of Akhenaten was Nebet. She, or this find, had nothing to do with my trace of Poseidon exactly to Akhenaten's god. Nebet's older sister was Henuttaneb, smacking of "Heneti." I traced the Paphlagonian kin of the Heneti to Apophis, and it's exactly the Apophis line through mythical Epaphus that Poseidon married when he married Libya, daughter of Epaphus.

Not far below, a Meshwesh-suspect Libyan peoples in Egypt are mentioned as "Tjehenu," looking link-able to "Tiye," the mother of the two sisters above. In fact, I found the two sisters only because the Tiye article was loaded to check her details as per possible links to "Tjehenu." Is it a coincidence that the latter term looks to be Tiye-Henu, smacking of the one sister, HENUttaneb." The quote below includes this: "Battle reliefs at Karnak from the reign of Seti I depict the king in combat with Libyan masses; however the text only describes the Libyans as being Tjehenu..." Yet a third sister of the two above was queen Sitamun (rooted in "Sit")

There are good reasons here to trace "Neptune" right back to the name of Akhenaten's sister. Although Nepet did not amount to some of the highest states, it is thought by some that she was the same as Beketaten, daughter possibly of Kiya, herself thought by some to have been king Tut's mother. I already have a string of heraldry points prepared in hopes of finding the evidence for a trace to this very Kiya, starting with the Key/Kay surname. It makes sense that heraldry should trace to a Kiya > Tut bloodline. I was convinced by Wikipedia's article on Kiya (Akhenaten's first wife) that she was Tut's mother. I'll try to have this at the start of the next update End Insert]

It's already a solid idea that proto-Poseidon of Ethiopia contacted Merops at Merowe, himself the proto Merops > Pandareus > Aedon line, wherefore it provides the opportunity or expectation for the Ethiopian carriers of Poseidon to find the Aphrodite Amorites (suspect in Merowe) at Hebron. Besides, there is the opportunity that the carriers of Poseidon will find the Dionysus Horites at Bozrah and Boscath. It seems very evident here that the carriers of Ethiopian Poseidon were the proto-Dionysus cult, explaining why Dionysus was made a son of Semele, daughter of Cadmus, grandson of Poseidon. Semele is even telling us that the carriers of Ethiopian Poseidon were Somalis. Thus, Poseidon proper in Greece is expected: 1) in the range of the Dionysus Maenads on the Maeander river; 2) with lame/limping Dionysus in Lemnos, island of the lame Hephaestus.

In Syria, the sea dragon was called, Yam, a term meaning "sea." We can assume that Yemen was called after the sea too, and that this very sea theme became that of the namers of Aden, whom were the carriers of Poseidon. The way from Aden to Ethiopia is by way of ships, what likely became the sea theme of Poseidon. He was a mariner peoples, in other words. Though I know that Ethiopia has/had a thriving honey industry, I haven't found proof of a term like "Apsu," the fresh-water theme of Sumeria, in Yemen or along the path from Ethiopia to Edom, but what matters here is Buz, son of NACHor, Nahor's Biblical spelling that tells me of his Anaki background. Nahor's grandfather was a Nachor too, and so it seems that Abraham had an Anaki background, explaining why Anak, the man, was in Hebron.

It seems that the Anaki peoples to which Nahor belonged were at mount Nysus of Ethiopia, in which case they could be expected to make contact with the Anaki of Hebron, amounting now to three opportunities for proto-Poseidon to make contact with the Hebron / Edom theater. In this picture, it seems that Nahor named his son, Buz, after Abzu elements, and that Buz named Bozrah. Thus, with Poseidon making contact with the Buz side of the Apsu, Poseidon can be traced, even if he had no contact with the Apsu entity between Aden and Edom, to Bozrah and Boscath, where he received his name.

There are at least three ways to link Poseidon to Hephaestus absolutely, important because it traces Poseidon to Apsu-suspect Ephesus. The first way is a new one, as per my old trace of Hephaestus to the mouth of the Hebros, where the Apsinthii lived. The second is by way of Myrina on Lemnos, as the city' mythical representative, queen Myrina, queen in Libya. It's apparent that Myrina was the wife of proto-Poseidon = Atun as he came through Egypt, for it predicts that Poseidon should be tied fundamentally to Hephaestus' Amazons. This latter argument may be mere circular reasoning, but it's given because it works and reveals something new to me.

It tends to reveal that Hephaestus went to the Greek theater first (prior to Poseidon), in the Hyksos wave that produced Myrina, who then came into Africa as Poseidon's wife while he was himself en route to the Greek theater through Phoenicia. Myrina was the Mus / Meshe household of pharaoh Khyan, in other words, who himself traces to the naming of the Caeni (smack beside the Apsinthii)...who named Caenis, wife of Poseidon. (If Caleb was not the dog of Hephaestus, the Caeni may have been.) Later, the Caeni are expected to become the Hector Trojans from the dog cult of Hecate (she had multiple dog bodies), while Poseidon becomes the Greek enemy of Trojans. Dog-eat-dog is the efficient reduction of evil in the world, after the fight is over, when both dogs are critically wounded. Reminder: Hecate was the witch worshiped by Keturah-suspect Medea.

It appears that the Poseidon cult to the Apsinthii was across the Black-sea coast from his Cetus sea-dragon on the Pontus...which was a migration across the Hatti theater of mythical Attis, a facet of Medea's father, Aeetes.

Having thus linked Poseidon to Hephaestus on some rather thin ice, yet it begs the question of whether the bee cult of Ephesus was from the namers of "opis / apis," a term traced earlier to the Avvites, whom Hephaestus represented. It can be expected that "Apsu" created the "apis" bee term. There was an Opis location in the Sumeria-Babylon theater (across the Tigris from Seleucia) that could apply. It also begs the question of how exactly Poseidon related to Avvites in Israel's coastal waters, or at Avith if it was in Edom. This is where the ice thickens, and where the circular reason becomes pointed.

Did Poseidon found the Avvites? I don't think so. He came north too late for that. But what can be gleaned is that Poseidon out of the Tanis merged with Avvites so as to have the opportunity for making contact with Hephaestus in the Greek theater. Therefore, I would conclude that the Apsinthii were not fundamental to Poseidon as much as to Hephaestus. It seems likely that the Apsinthii were the namers of Apasa = Ephesus, or vice versa.

But there is more, for Poseidon is not merely link-able to Avvites on the Israeli coast, but to Buzites at Bozrah. That is, I think Buz traces to the same Apsu elements as the Avvites. I wish I could prove in some way whether or not Avvites were the namer of Avaris. On the one hand, it would jibe with the trace of Khyan (ruled in Avaris) to the Apsinthii, thus revealing the Apsinthii as kin to Avvites, and indeed if the neighboring Caeni named the dog of Hephaestus, so it speaks well of the small-dog cult of ANUbis, suspect with the Avvite god. Why AnuBIS? Was this dog god the makings of POSeidon? It recalls that the Nahorite-suspect Neuri were wolf worshipers, so that Buzites of the Budini kind might be expected to have been the same.

The Samson honey cult (i.e. honey in the lion carcass) easily traces here to the Ops/Opis god of the Sabines, which becomes a strong argument for tracing Ops to the namers of Ephesus because the island of Samos is directly off the shore from Ephesus. If ever you need a good argument for tracing Samson to the Hephaestus Kabeiri in Samothrace (known to be named after Samos), this is it. And it tends to verify that Hephaestus was, like Samson, from Avvites.

With Samson's Avvite elements tracing easily to Abas of Argos, it suggests that Hephaestus' Apasa elements were the bees in Samson's lion carcass. It suggests that Samson (the Hyksos) "killed" the Hephaestus lion (i.e. had a war), then ate honey from it, so to speak, in representing an alliance with the Avvite survivors. Samson ate Hephaestus to become mighty, and urged his parents to do the same. Together they came to Samos and Ephesus. But wait. Amazons are said to have founded Ephesus, and Amazons were in Lemnos. Which Amazons were they, the Mus / Meshe that came with the Samson-Khyan wave to Myrina, or the later Meshwesh out of Tanis coming with the Poseidon wave to the Kos - Ephesus stretch? I don't know yet, but the second wave was associated with the story in Judges after the Samson, concerning the 400 wives from Apasa-like Jabesh. I've already given the reasons as to why Jabesh > Jebusites should link to the Samson > Hercules > Hebe and Hephaestus entities, meaning that the Meshwesh out of Tanis, the ones highly suspect as the ones who got the 400 wives, should trace to the Ops cult of Sabines i.e. who gave their wives to the Romans in a similar rape story.

One wave or the other, it's tracing Jabesh-Gilead to Ephesus. I say the Hephaestus Avvites from Jabesh named Apasa, and that the 600 Benjamites with Jabesh's wives came later to "found" Ephesus. But as the Greeks gave the founding of Ephesus to a brother of Medon, son of Kodros, while Poseidon was the carrier of Keturah's Atun cult from Midian, it's expected that Keturah's line from Kodros met Keturah's line from Poseidon as his Meshwesh arrived to the Kos-Ephesus stretch. And Keturah's line in Kodros was the earlier Hephaestus wave as it mated with Athena.

[Up until the next update, I hadn't bothered to load the Merowe article; when it was loaded, a Jabesh-like term was found: "Meroe (...(Meroitic: Medewi or Bedewi; Arabic: Meruwah and Meruwi...) is an ancient city on the east bank of the Nile about 6 km north-east of the KABUSHiya station near Shendi, Sudan..."]

In summary, proto-Poseidon was an Anaki peoples in the Keturah bloodline of the Medan kind, out of Aden and into Punt / Ethiopia, where he linked up with Somali at Nysus, and Amorites at Merowe. In the shape of this mut, he found the Nile river, and moved down river to Khemmis to be with his distant cousins, the Mitanni Hurrians, now serving pharaoh Akhenaten. And Poseidon gave the king the Atun cult that he carried, a single Creator of the universe. Down the Nile the cult went to build Amarna. The problem is, there are two possibilities for defining the Atun cult, one from "Aden," and the other from "Tanis."

The Minoans of Crete, from Poseidon's granddaughter, trace to the proto-Minyae out of El-Minya, virtually on top of Amarna. The Minyae proper were on board the Argo ship at Lemnos. Can you see why Poseidon and his Dionysus hand bag would get to Lemnos? Isn't this another reason to have Poseidon linked to the Hephaestus-rooted Avvites in Israel proper? Where were those Poseidon-branch Avvites? Oh, yes, in the book of Judges, writing craft.

It would appear that the Minoans were therefore the Atun cult of Amarna that later registered its hand bag at Hotel Myrina in Lemnos. One would expect a YHWH-like Atun entity passing through Israel at the time the Judges stories took place in whatever real shape they manifested. "Atun" and "Tanis" are similar terms, important because Poseidon traces easily now to the Tanis Meshwesh living in Egypt immediately after the reign of Akhenaten in the late 18th dynasty: "The Meshwesh (often abbreviated in ancient Egyptian as Ma) were an ancient Libyan (i.e., Berber) tribe from Cyrenaica. During the 19th and 20th Dynasties, the Meshwesh were in almost constant conflict with the Egyptian state [as was the god, Atun]. In the late 21st Dynasty, increasing numbers of Meshwesh Libyans began to settle in the Western Delta region of Egypt. They would ultimately take control of the country during the late 21st Dynasty first under king Osorkon the Elder."

Can we therefore imagine that "Danites" out of Tanis had a Creator god of sorts as they passed through Israel? The Israelites had themselves been in Goshen, probably not very far from Tanis, just a few generations before Akhenaten. One can imagine here that the God of Israel was just the Atun sun god checking into the Nile delta for a short vacation, where the Israelis had been mugged and thrown into slavery, whom out of their misery called out to Atun and adopted him as their YHWH?

There's no use banging your head against a pyramid wall trying to figure out whether YHWH is the real creator, or just a version of Atun. The truth can only come from something outside this picture. You have your own spirit and your own mouth to appeal to, which can talk to God and receive an answer. You can also appeal to Jesus, whether you see his story as true or a fabrication by his disciples. You can seek and find in the name of Jesus. And you can appeal to everything in the creation, that you see with your own eyes, screaming of a Creator. And if you want evidence of how shallow or empty the sons of satan are, all you need to do is fire a few good comments at an evolutionist expert, and listen to his glossing over of the hard questions. If you rashly equate YHWH with Atun, a false god, you have the problem of identifying the real Creator aside from him. If it's not YHWH, who is He? You'd be left with a deep well of darkness. That's why YHWH is the Light, giving us the reason for life, and sharing with our spirits an essence of life like tangible food for the heart. But there's no convincing some who are stuck on the idea that Christians are all just imagining things.

In the Amarna letters, there was a man named LaBAYA seeking to stir trouble in Megiddo using Hebrews in his army. The Meshwesh article above: "...the Great Chiefs of the Meshwesh (including the kings of the 22nd Dynasty) are stated to be the descendants of BUYUwawa the Libyan.'" It's compelling, especially as I didn't know this, consciously anyway, when I traced the Meshwesh to the Atun cult earlier in this update.

In Wikipedia's Adoni-Zedek article, I've learned something I hadn't heard before, that Labaya was the king of Jerusalem: "However, the only king of Jerusalem mentioned in this [Amarna Letters] archive is one `Abdi-Heba (whose name translates as 'servant of Heba'), who is said to have succeeded Lab'ayu." Until the spelling of that name can be verified, I'm not sure whether I'll accept the apostrophe as the Wikipedia writer has it. Per chance, La'Bayu might be accurate. If Labaya was ousted by Abdi-Heba, as it seems because Labaya sought to invade Jerusalem too, then the name, Jerusalem, found in the Amarna letters, may have been founded by Abdi-Heba, whereas, if true that Labaya ruled the city previously, it may have had another name. I'm not at all convinced that Labaya lived after the Israelites arrived, but it's possible. I need more clues to make a decision.

Repeat from the top of this page:

I view [Leda's] name from Leto-branch Lydians, but then her swan line (with which she mated) should be a Lycian > Ligurian entity in Sparta, and as that swan was Zeus, the Tyro-Minoans out of Crete and into the Miletus / Lycian domain, said to be founded by Sarpedon Minoans, is coming to mind as the swan line.

It just so happens that mythical Jason was from a mythical Tyro and Cretheus, obvious symbol for Tyrians on Crete:

In Greek mythology, Cretheus...was the king and founder of Iolcus, the son of Aeolus (son of Hellen) and Enarete...With Tyro [a female], he fathered Aeson...He also had several daughters, namely, Hippolyte [horse Leto / Leda?], future wife of Acastus [Castor?]...Myrina...

That Myrina above, the sister of Aeson, was the Amazon goddess into Libya. Jason and his crew were a Poseidon line merging with Lemnos, and Aeson can only be the Atun cult. I traced Aeson, independent of what you read in the quote above, to the (proto)Essenes of mount Carmel, smack beside Megiddo.

The close relationship between the Aeson household with that of Myrina explains why the Argo ship was made to stop at Lemnos. One was the first wave of Hyksos to Myrina, and the second was the Poseidon wave that was rooted in the Myrina location. There should be a Myrina entity or two in Israel along the paths that the Poseidon-Meshwesh took, but even if not, it predicts the Poseidon-Meshwesh cult in the land of Amorites. Plus, as Poseidon came up with proto-Dionysus from NYSUS, we could expect the cult to be in what was later NAZAreth, smack beside Carmel too.

I trace Hyksos to Manoah, father of mythical Samson. Samson was linked by his fox and donkey codes to Avvites in Philistine districts especially, which for me reveals that Hyksos escaped the 18th dynasty rulers to the Avvites. Clearly, these Hyksos were the Hephaestus Avvites. Another way to write the Biblical "Avviy" is "ABBIY," much like "BUYUwawa." Or, like "APEPI," the one who followed Khyan on the throne. I'm just trying to show that when the Hyksos broke off and went to the Avvites, their Mus / Meshe household ended up in Libya as the house of Buyuwawa. It predicts a trace of those Avvites to Myrina on Lemnos, where even the Amarna aspect of Poseidon traces. As Abas was the founder of Abantians on Euboea, and as mythical Epaphus -- suspect from Apophis/Apepi -- was from EUBOEA, compare the name of that place to "BUYU"...or "Abbiy." Mythical Libya was even made a daughter of Epaphus, suggesting that Poseidon married Avvites out of Libya. There is a fundamental Avvite-Meshwesh partnership here that the Atun-cult proper hooked up with in Tanis to form the Danaans proper. Abas of Argos.

The Meshwesh article again: "The relations between the Libyans and the Egyptians during the Ramesside Period were typically one of constant conflict. Battle reliefs at Karnak from the reign of Seti I depict the king in combat with Libyan masses; however the text only describes the Libyans as being Tjehenu." One could get exactly "Tiye" from that term, for her mother was "Tjuyu."

Jason of the Argo was taught "wisdom" by the centaurs in the Thessaly area, where Ixion (father of centaurs) resided, and in fact Jason lived in Thessaly, thus making the Hyksos merger with the Poseidon line to the Minyae definite. But the Argo ship also had Boiotians from Orchomenos, and then the last update treated the Orchomenos line to Orkney, touching upon the Orchards/Urquharts that I say were Orchomenos lines. But it wasn't until this update when it hit me that "URQUhart" should trace to URUK (the Biblical ERECH), a Sumerian city in Eden. Isn't that where Poseidon's Apsu elements were from, and doesn't Poseidon's grandson, Cadmus, trace to Thebes in Boiotia? Does this mean that Poseidon came north from Ethiopia with Uruk elements under his belt? If so, we could start sniffing around that African domain for his Apsu elements.

Abraham was from born in a city of Ur of Chaldea. While Chaldea was not quite in Sumeria, a link can be made between Ur and Uruk for obvious reasons. There was an Ur/Uru in Sumeria smack next to Uruk/Erech. I say that Chaldea named the Khaldi kin of the Halybes (metal smiths), and that terms like "Kleito / Clytia" trace to those proto-Celt peoples. I'm seeing Uruk elements in El-Minya, merging with the Keturah's Atun elements at Amarna, and ending up in Orchomenos...and as Orkney elements such Urquharts.

...Ur lay on the boundary of the region called Kaldu (Chaldea, corresponding to Hebrew Kaldim) in the first millennium BCE. It was the sacred city of the moon god and the name "Camarina" is thought to be related to the Arabic word for moon qamar...The Book of Joshua says 'Joshua said to all the people, "This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: 'Long ago your ancestors, including Terah the father of Abraham and Nahor, lived beyond the Euphrates River and worshiped other gods.'"(Joshua 24:2)

First, the Habur is "beyond the Euphrates" from the Israeli perspective. Second, the Camarina moon entity at Ur along with the "Kaldu" variation of "Chaldea" smacks of Aedon's sisters, Cameiro and Clytia! That can't be coincidental because they were daughters of Pandareus from Ephesus / Miletus, where Latmus is located that had the moon goddess, Selene, sister of Helios, father of Kamiros on Rhodes.

Plus, Selene's lover at Latmus, Endymion, was from a line on CALYDon, a place that I traced not only to "Khaldi," but through Meleager, king of Calydon, I traced it to Scottish Caledonians because JJ Tolkien's mythical Melchor (spelled much like "Meleager") was partner with so-called Orcs / Orks that I traced to Orkney and therefore to Orchomenos elements in Orkney.

Meleager was on the Argo ship with his wife, Atalanta, the latter being obvious code for the Atlantean elements of Pandareus and Aedon. In fact, the father of Endymion was Aethlius, a code for Atlas, quite apparently. Mythical Calydon was even placed in the line of ENDymion.

Aedon's other sister was CHALIDonis, a clear sign that Pandareus Minoans led to Calydon.

As Meleager was the son of Oeneus of Calydon, one might like to reflect on the Oeneus topics of the last update, where they traced to Aenus at the mouth of the Hebros. Another way to trace Aphrodite to the mouth of that river is by way of her Kabeiri cult, for it was not only in Lemnos and Thebes, but on Samothrace directly off shore of the mouth of the Hebros.

As Hyksos trace to Parium, shown on the map not far to the east of Aenos (lower right), compare the name of that city to mythical Priam, then to "Abram." Priam was the father of the Trojan king, Hector. Parium was a Gorgon city. Why? Gorgons were depicted ugly, like Hephaestus, and Amazons were married to Gargarians. Was Keturah a Gorgon? Nothing less than Medusa in Africa. And Keturah's sons were the Muse's of Parium (also "PARION") that moved to PARNassus in the area where Ixion and Jason lived, where ANTiope was buried. Who was ANTiope? The Amazon raped by a Zeus transformed into a satyr. I'm out of time here, but the next update seeks Keturah's satyr lines, if possible, seeking to show whether the Satrae were named after a version of "Keturah."


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

On this page, you will find evidence enough that NASA did not put men on the moon.
Starting at this paragraph, there is a single piece of evidence -- the almost-invisible dot that no one on the outside was supposed to find -- that is enough in itself to prove the hoax.
End-times false signs and wonders may have to do with staged productions like the lunar landing.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
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