Previous Update: August 14 -20

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(if there are any to speak of)
August 21 - 27, 2012

The Wizard of Aziz and the Scared Crow
Alania Gomers from Azov took the Starship Enterprise to Hertford
Clingons are just Science-Fichten
Hillary Clingon: what Gene Roddenbury and Jennifer Flowers have in Common
Ask Brian Mulroney whether Ryans and Romneys Already Ruled Canada

Is there prophetic significance in the latest move by Russia's state oil company to partake in northern Iraq's oil fields? Such a thing seemed too difficult a year ago because Putin and the Iraqi president were apparently not getting along. But ever since Kurdistan started making oil deals apart from Baghdad's permission, Russia saw it's opportunity:

A Middle East subsidiary of Russia's Gazprom Neft has inked two oil deals with Iraq's self-ruled northern Kurdish region, becoming the fourth major oil company to enter into agreements with Iraqi Kurds that bypass the central government in Baghdad.

...[blah blah blah, same old same old]

Exxon and Chevron also have deals in Kurdistan. And there is the ongoing rift between the European Nabucco pipe line and Russia's pipelines to Europe that aim to benefit from Iraqi oil as it passes through Turkey and Syria. Perhaps the single-most reason that Putin wants Assad to remain in power in Syria is for keeping it's oil advantage over Nabucco. Perhaps the single-most reason that the West wants Assad out is to gain some better viability for Nabucco.

The day after writing that, there was a headline: Syria says preparing to finalize oil deal with Russia. The article says that European nations have banned the purchase of Syrian oil. The West is gunning for all-or-nothing in this game of risk, either to oust Assad and get a Nabucco-friendly face in power, or lose all to the Assad-Putin partnership. As this oil row between the Nabucco backers and Putin heats up with the escalating Syrian civil war, might the Russian anti-Christ enter the northern-Iraq oil scene within its flames? Or, is the anti-Christ a Rus / Roth entity of the oil-tycoon West? Still holding my breath until it all unveils. It is my opinion that George Bush entered Iraq to employ favors, amongst other schemes, for Rothschild-oil boys.

The Syrians have, apparently, gotten affirmative promises from Putin that the war with Syria, if it starts to tilt too far in the West's direction, will involve Russian troops:

Qadri Jamil, Syrian deputy prime minister, also speaking in Moscow, dismissed Mr Obama's threat as media fodder. "Direct military intervention in Syria is impossible because whoever thinks about heading towards a confrontation wider than Syria's borders," he told a news conference.

At the end of the last update, "Caiaphas" was tracing to the Acampsis river because it was gleaned that terms such as "Kaplan/Chaplin" and "Camp" could be related terms, thanks to the same griffin design (rare so far as I have seen) used by both Camps and Kaplans. I didn't check out the Spanish Camps/Campillo surname until now, to find the Moratin tower...which traces to Glaphyra (wife of Herod Archelaus who had previously been married to a king of Mauritania). The Camps/Campillos were first found in the same place (Castille) as Aguiars/Aguilars that were found to be related to Kaplans/Chaplins.

The fact that "Champagne in France was also "Campania," and also because ABELLinum in Campania of Italy seems like an apt place for the trace of "Campbell," it's likely that the Chaplain variation of Kaplans should link to the Campania > Champagne line, which for the time being traces the Caiaphas line to Champagne, the hub of the first Templars. Interesting here is that we could expect the Kaplans/Chaplains to use white and blue, which are in fact their colors, because the Arms of Champagne are a white-on-blue bend.

I know when a theory is working out well versus there being no meat. What you are reading is working out excellently even before I start to explain. The Italian Campani surname, in the same white and blue colors as Champagne (Moor head in Crest, symbol also of Chappes'!)), looks to apply well to "CampBELL" because it uses bells. Moreover, Campani's use a quartered Coat in colors reversed to Hagans who traced well with their Hagel kin in the last update to Aguiars/Aguilars. It's important, very important in what I'm about to say concerning Caiaphas ancestry, that there is an Aquila / L'Aquila location as the current capital of Abruzzo, as well as an Aquila-like location (that I always forget the spelling of) in Venetia, where Campani's (and Pharisee-suspect Ferraris) were first found. In fact, Campani's were first found in the same place, Padova/Padua, as the Abreu/Abruzzo surname, which is of utmost importance if BEDuins and NaBATaeans trace to Caucasian Bats, for the Acampsis river is beside/near the Bathys, and flows into the Black sea near Batumi, a city of the Bat Caucasians. (I'll explain more below, but first want to get in some background information to make the case as stone-hard as possible.

Reminder: the Arthurian cult was heavily invested with Baths/Athas and Badens/Battins of Somerset, where the El-Gabal cult had traced. Arthur was recently traced solidly to the Aretas Nabataeans who were themselves in alliance with the Bedouin line of Campbell-suspect Iamblichus, which line ruled Aretas-like Arethusa as well as Emesa, where the El-Gabal cult surfaced that was ruled by descendants of Iamblichus, and merged with Glaphyra elements in Comana of the Cappadocian/KAIsariya realm to which "CAIaphas" and "KYburg" should trace (suggesting that "Cappa(docia)" and the "Acampsis" river were related terms). The Baths and Battins were identified as Butteri, and Italian Botters use the same bend as the Arms of Champagne, while English Botters, first found in the same place (HAMPshire) as Bidens/Buttons, use the eagle, symbol of Aquila, Aguiars/Aguilars and Hagels (English branch first found in Somerset; German branch first found in Baden). I know by now when things like this are not coincidences.

I tend to see Butteri as Latins, important for multiple reasons having to do with a trace to Lydians, and therefore to Attis (mythical father of Lydus = Lydians), the sun god of Phrygia, and of mythical Kybele, who traces to "El-Gabal" and similar terms that probably includes the Germo-Swiss Kaplans with KAPPELan/Cappelan variations. I didn't stress the the latter Coat in the last update, and may now use it for further clues. It uses the black-and-red combination that I've traced to certain surnames that linked well to the Cheshire Temple surname, and zowie, what a surprise just now to find that the black eagle of Temples is in the colors of the Aguiar eagle.

Here's the surprise of the last update: "Aha! The black eagle design in the Hagel Crest is identical (at this time anyway) to the black eagle in the Schere Crest!!! " I now find that the Hagel / Schere eagle design is that of the temples. Reminder, a Kaplan surname was the uncle of an Aguiar surname in an oil scandal that seemed to involve the Scherer/Scherf = Bush oil tycoons (see last update).

The "quam" motto term of Temples was linked to the same of Paines/Paynes and CHAMBerlains/Camblayns...which should explain why French Temples use what should be the Payen Coat, and why Hugh de Payen was a grand master of "Templars." Even the Masters use a "quam" motto term and Payen colors (Masters use the Took/Tolkien griffin). [I hate to spoil the surprise, but Masters were first found in the same place (Kent) as Darths, very important for where the Darth/Death/ATHA Crest griffin design is also the Kaplan Crest griffin, not discovered until writing further below.]

The Chamberlains even use the Arthur Shield, apparently, as well as a buried "esse" term suggesting the Essenes of QUMran. As MacArthurs were Campbells, note the Chambellan/Chambellayn/Chambelain variations of French Chamberlains, and compare the latter variation with "Chaplain." The donkey in the Chamberlain Crests links to Donkeys / Duncans.

I wish I knew where the Swiss Kaplans/CAPPELans traced to, but Kyburg would be my first guess. Switzerland was a major topic in the last update for more reason than the Swiss location of KYburg at WHITE-and-BLUE Zurich; it was seen that Hagels use the symbols in the Arms of KYburg, a location with a name that may link to Kay/Kai terms, or even to "KYbele," named after the CABELees peoples (Lydia-Lycia theater), fellow tribe with the Lasonii who should trace to the Caucasian Laz, living in the midst of, and/or beside, the Bats!

Bidens/Buttons (easily linked to Badens/Battins) use a cap called a "chapeau" that is the symbol of the Italian CAPELLi/CAPPELon surname, almost the same as the Cappelan variation of Kaplins. The Capelli's chapeau is on a Shield split in BLUE and White, the colors of the split Arms of Zurich, thus tracing the Kybele cult well to "Kyburg." English Camps and Scottish Campbells use the colors of the Kyburg / Hagel lions. It may therefore be that the Cabelees (a rarely-mentioned peoples online known by other spellings) were from a long-haired cult, explaining the transvestites of the Kybele / Attis cult. But that is said because Padova / Bedewe elements trace to Batavi-related Merovingians, the long-haired kings.

The Capelli's were first found in Ferrara (Veneti / Padova theater, where Merovingians traced themselves), important because the surname is for metal workers that can trace the topic to Hephaestus, but more importantly to his wife, Aphrodite, the root of Abruzzo, and adulteress with Ares. The latter was the god of war that used metal weaponry, meaning that Ares traces to the Kabeiri transvestites of Kybele as much as Hephaestus was made the lord of the Kabeiri. It's easy to see here that Kabeiri were named after the Kypris name for Aphrodite, from the copper-mining island of Cyprus, where Cypros (mother of Herod "the great"), a NaBATaean of the Aretas line, should trace.

The big point is that "Ares" traces to the Aras river with a source near the Acampsis and the Bathys. You can readily see here the trace of Ares and his Aphrodite lover to the Bats of Padova, and to the Abreu/Abruzzo surname first found in Padova. It's a big point precisely because Aretas-related CYpros (can be viewed also as CYPros) traces to this very Aphrodite entity, while Ares traces to the Acampsis theater, where the Acampsis flowed through Artvin. I haven't yet checked, but I assume it also flowed through Ardahan. When wet get way over to Scotland, we read in the Campbell write-up that they had roots in MacArthurs, and the two of them were first found in the same place (Argyllshire) as Herods/Hurls.

In other words, the big point is that the Acampsis river, and Aphrodite, are prime suspects for the root of Herods on their mother's side, which is of great help in tracing Caiaphas to the same Acampsis elements. But that's not all, for this picture is identifying a vast number of surnames and locations that apply, including Templar-beloved Champagne and the Biblical dragon, the Ladon > Latin line from the Lazi, and the golden-fleece line out of the Lazi / Bat theater. The secret is out of the bag and dancing naked before our eyes. It's not even trying to get away because it knows there is no longer any use in trying. It's just a matter of time before any one of us can prove beyond a doubt that this Caiaphas trace to Acampsis elements is all true.

By the way, the Copper/Cooper surname likewise uses the BLUE AND WHITE of the Champagne and Botter surnames...colors that I trace to Gog in Caucasia.

The Covert-related Paines/Paynes are of obvious-importance where the first grand master (Hugh de Payen) of the Templars was known to be in touch with rulers of ChamPAGNE. Interesting here is that the Spanish Camps' (with the 's') use nine Moratins towers, the number of the first Templars. Towers, showing blocks, are an apt symbol for those who were depicted by the mason profession. The Camps Coat is a red Shield upon a blue Shield, the very colors of the French Paines/Paynes.

Can we see why this revelation should create a huge exit of Masons from Freemasonry today? Can we see why some would betray their Illuminati chiefs, no longer doing their bidding? That's because Freemasons have been lied to as to their true roots in the killers of Christ. And they were made to set up a religion that carried a semblance of Christ, albeit a very twisted Christ.

Several updates ago, it had been gleaned that Caiaphas and/or Ananias were from proto-Khazars, an investigation that led to the Caseys and Cassels. I now find that, while the Caiaphas line traced in the last update to solid chevrons, including the solid chevron of Kaplan-related Hagels and Hagans, and to the solid chevrons of the Chappes' and Haifa, the French Casey branch with six leaves is used in the English Hagel Crest. French Caseys were first found in the same place (Paris) as French Levi's and Chappes'.

This can be of importance where "Hagan" looks like "kagan," the name of the priest-kings of Khazars. It doesn't necessarily mean that the Hagan and Hagel / Aguiar bloodlines all trace purely to Khazars, for surnames can take the shape of certain entities via mergers with them. It just so happens that Irish Caseys (gold garb and cloud in Crest) use eagles, thus clinching the Casey merger with Hagel bloodline. Likely, Caseys were the Khazars, and Hagels, whom I would trace to Aquila of Padova / Abruzzo, took on a Kagan-like variation leading to the Hagan branch.

Another example of surname evolution due to merger may be in the Chazelle variation of French Caseys, which smacks of the Chaplin variation of Kaplins, or the Capellis of Padova. I traced the Chazelle-like variations to the Cassel surname, using the same-colors chevron as Irish Caseys. It just so happens that the Cassel Coat is used by Kennedy's...who smack of the Heneti > Veneti line of Aphrodite, who became Venus in Italy and therefore likely code for the Veneti. Kennedy's were first found in AYRshire, home of the Heyer bloodline that may easily be a Hagan / Hagel branch. Cassels show a key that may trace to the Kai/Cai elements that "Caiaphas" may have derived in.

Having thus traced Caseys to the Kaplan/CHAPLAIN line, by what coincidence do Scottish Caseys/Casse's use the same bend as the Arms of Champagne??? As that bend belongs also to Botters whom I traced to Ananias-related Kilpatricks, here's from the Kennedy write-up: "'Twixt Wigtown and the town of Ayr, Portpatrick and the Cruives of Cree. No man need think to bide there, unless he court with Kennedy.'" That saying is implying that blue-and-white Hannas of Wigton (whom can be linked easily to "Hanan," the Israelite name for Ananias), he 666-suspect KilPatricks (easily linked to ANNANdales, Templars and the Revelation-19 harlot), Crees/Craws (using the Casey leaves and first found in Ayrshire), and the 666-suspect Crows (camel in Crest) using a chevron in colors reversed to Caseys / Kennedy's, had all merged with Kennedy's.

Irish Crows / MacEnroes even use the MacArthur crown (at this time, anyway, but the heraldry company that I use is swiftly changing designs as I write, which is often of great help).

The eight-acorn oak is used in the Crest of Aikens/Atkins while their Coat uses the same rooster design as Crows, while Irish Crows likewise use the eight-acorn tree. The black Aiken rooster design is also the black rooster of the Koppels/COPPELs. Coincidence after coincidence, the naked truth dances before our eyes. Clearly, Aikens use the Casey / Kennedy / Crow chevron. Koppels/Coppels were first found in Nuremberg, home to Hohen-branch Khazars that uses a red eagle, symbol of Khazar-suspect Caseys who use the chevron above.

NURembourg may even link back to mythical NERgal, husband of mythical Lazi. Nergal was the god of a Cuthah location (Mesopotamia / Assyria) smacking of proto-Khazars. I traced Koppels to Goplo, the origin of Mieszko, where a mythical Popiel had ruled that traces to camel-using Pepins. Crows use a camel too, likely for the Campbell/Cammell bloodline. I traced the lattice symbol (called fretty) to the Mieszko line out of Goplo (for one reason, mythical Siemowit is shown at Wikipedia with lattice on his stockings), and then the Cotts/Cottins use lattice while they smack of the Codds said to be from CUTHberts. Codds once again use the red-on-white Kennedy / Casey / Cassel chevron, as well as the raven = crow, important because Crows use the same chevron in colors reversed.

This is looking like we may trace Cuthah elements (which I traced to mythical Xuthus, major founder of Greeks) to Cuthberts, and it just so happens that the Cuthbert/Cudberts Coat (dart in Crest) uses the same fesse as Alans (oak leaves), important because Xuthus was the son of Hellen. Cuthberts/Cudberts were first found in KirkCUDbrightshire (Wigton / Galloway theater), suggesting that the Xuthus line named that place. Kirkcudbrightshire's proximity to GALLoway is one reason for identifying "Nergal" of Cutha as a Nahorite merger with the Galli priesthood of the Kabeiri, which explains why the Cuthberts / Cudds / Cotts are linking at this time to Caiaphas lines, for the Aphrodite Kabeiri / Cabelees were fundamental to proto-Caiaphas if indeed she traces to the Acampsis > Cappadocia line. That idea stands to reason even where her island of Cyprus was off-shore of the Cappadocia mainland, but then the Cappadocia capital, Kaisariya, is on the Halys river leading down to the Kabeiri-cult Hatti (represented by Attis).

The link of Cuths to Alans is important where the Alans had for a few days shown the Carpenter Coat, for Fullers are a branch of Carpenters, and I trace "Fuller" to Fulbert "the Saxon," the known root of the Pollock surname that was essentially the same bloodline as Alans of Shropshire. I'm telling this because it started to appear that CuthBERTS were named after the same that named Fulbert, and moments afterward I found the green wreath in the Cree Crest, which is the symbol also of Berts that I link to Fulbert.

Cuthberts use the snake design of the Saves/Sayves who in turn use the same bend as CHAMPagnes. Therefore, where the Cuthbert write-up traces the name to "bright CHAMPion," it's just code for the Champagne line. It's also likely code for the Bryges = Phrygian line to Brigantium/Briancon, especially as the Bright surname uses pierced stars in the colors of the pierced stars of Payens/Pagans. Just like that, you have your Cuthbert trace to Caiaphas elements suspect in the naming of Champagne. The Chappes', of course, whom Hugh de Payen married.

We now have reason to check the Hellen surname (Massey horse design), finding it to use variations such as, Heylin/HAYLens, smacking of the Hagels. Aha! German Hellerns/Hellerns (Masci wing design in Crest) use a red fesse on a blue Shield, the symbol of French Paines/Payens that had been found to use the colors in particular of the Spanish Camps'.

This is a good place to mention that German Hellens/Hellerns, using the Masci wing in blue, were first found in Bavaria, where Herod suspect Heres and Herzogs/HARTzogs were first found who likewise use blue wings (not quite the Masci design but close). As these surnames trace to HERZEGovina, the Mascis ought to trace to the Maezaei that were in what became Croatia. It explains why English Paines/Paynes use the same fesse colors as Croatia-rooted Cravens, and why Meschins of Yorkshire had mixed things up with Skiptons of Craven. Moreover, the "Malo mori" motto phrase of English Paines traces to Malahule of More, the ancestor of Ranulf le Meschin.

The Brights were first found in the same place (Cheshire) as Sales, meaning in all likeliness that Brights trace to Briancon on the Durance river of the Salyes. As that place was also "Brigantium," the Briquessart surname of Ranulph's father (i.e. also from Malahule) should apply, especially as Paines/Paynes use a "broken" spear for the Broke/Brock surname (Cutter / Kaplan Shield and Chief combination) using the same lion design as Irish Brians were once shown with (they changed it to the Levi lion design).

As Brokes/Brocks are known to be from the Alan-Stewarts, the fact that Alans were just identified with Cuthberts, and that Brokes/Brocks use the Cutter Shield-and-Chief combination should not be ignored or minimized, for it's tracing Cutters not only to the Cuthbert line from Cuthah / Xuthus, but to Cottians at the source of the Durance river. It's proving that Cutters, using a Shield-and-Chief combination in colors reversed to Kaplans, who use the Cutter griffin design, were Cottians. And where the Caiaphas line in the Kaplans is tracing to mythical Attis, note his father, Cotys.

Moreover, Attis was the reported founder of Attica, where Athens is located, and in the last update the Hatti were called in Wikipedia to be, Hattena, smacking of Athena (was involved with the Hephaestus Kabeiri). Out of Athens came a mythical KODRos (fish and boar symbol) whose son founded Ephesus, the city that I say Hephaestus was partly named after. Therefore, the Caiaphas line that we are tracing through Attis must have been in Athens, beside Boiotia/Boeotia, while Sadducees (Caiaphas was one of them) were from a Boetus surname.

Aha! HADDINGton, home of the Keith Catti, must trace to the Hatteni founders of Hatay province in Turkey, the area that was home to the ancient Cati! AHAHAHA, the Hattens (Cheshire) even use the Comyn/Cumming garbs, important for the trace of Comyns (Cheshire) to Comana in Adana. exactly where the Cati lived. The Hattens even use a stag, the Keith symbol.

Pandareus, the mythical ruler of Ephesus, was the father of queen Aedon in Boiotia. As Arthurs are being traced to the Aretas line that is suspect at the roots of the Caiaphas line, here's from the Arthur write-up: "The Arthur family traced their descent from King AEDAN Mac Gabrain...The family name was recorded in the late 6th and early 7th century." It just so happens that while I identified king Arthur (and his wife especially) as a Veneti > MEROVIngian entity, the father of Pandareus was made, MEROPs. The Hatten write-up traces to "strife," just another reason to ignore write-ups...unless they are code work.

Let it again be stressed again that Bedouins may trace to "Bedewe, a city now in Sudan that Wikipedia says was also called, "Merowe." The Campbell-suspect Bedouin line of Iamblichus > SAMPSIceramus (smacks of "ACAMPSIs"), which had merged with the Aretas line a generation before the birth of Herod "the great", can thus trace through Bedewe-like Padova (where Campani's were first found) to the Batavians at the mouth of the Rhine, where also the Salian ancestors of Merovingians lived.

Campbells and MacArthurs lived in the Bute area, suggesting that the same Bedouin elements named Bute, but then the offspring of Athena and Hephaestus was Erechtheus, also called Butes. AND, it is said that "EreCHTHeus" is rooted in "Chthon," smacking of Cuthah and therefore trace-able to the Cotys > Attis > Athens > Kodros > Cutter > Champagne > Kaplan line. The Kodros fish symbol was traced to Cadmus at Butua/Budva because myth had Cadmus changed into a fish at Butua. It just so happens that Cadmus founded Thebes in Boiotia, where mythical Aedon was queen. And myth made Thebes a partnership between the Ares dragon and Cadmus, while Ares is now tracing to the Acampsis entity.

I identified the Ares dragon as mythical Ogyges, who was a ruler of Acte, the earlier name of Attica. The Actons, it just so happens, use the same fesse as Paines/Paynes now tracing to the Attis > Athens line above. We saw the Cotys-rooted Cuthberts using a dart in Crest, and then the Darts/Darth use the same fesse as Actons now tracing round-about to Attis, son of Cotys. This was the line to Lydians, who had a quasi-mythical ruler, Gyges/Gugu, that should apply to Ogyges. That's just one way to trace the Biblical Ladon > Latin dragon to the Ares dragon, Gog. This Gog line must trace with Cadmus of Thebes to Butua, making the white-on-blue (i.e. Gog colors) fish at Butua suspect with Gog. But as Kodros was also depicted with a boar, what about the white-on-blue boars of the Googe/Gooch surname??? The "Audaces juvat" motto of the Googe's traces this Gog line to the Pollock motto term, "AudACTer." Pollocks even use a boar in Crest.

The Edens use a version of the Arthur Coat and are therefore the Aedan ancestry of Arthurs that we may assume was from the Aedon Boiotians, explaining why Arthurians were vested with Bat/Bute-like surnames (it's assumed that Boiotians named Butua). But Edens use gold garbs in place of the Arthur "rests," in the colors of the Woolworth and Treviso garbs. The Treviso location is in Venetia beside Padova, exactly where Arthur's wife -- Vannes/Gwenea elements -- traces. But Padova was named after the Bedewe/Merops line to which Aedon was linked by ancients. That Merops of Kos was from Merops of ETHiopia (i.e. the Bedewe/Merowe location), and "ETH" smacks of "AED(on)." It just so happens that the Aedui peoples were at French Avallon, itself on the southern frontier of Champagne and tracing to Abellinum = Avellino in Campania. You get the Arthur-of-Avalon-Bute idea here, and it's dancing half-naked before your Salome dancing before Herod Antipas to get the head of John the Baptist.

There is just no doubt about it, the Arthurians were the so-called neo-Hittites, founders of the Greek capital, and tracing to Jupiter/Jove of the Romans. It's the most horrifying thing known to man, the killing machine of satan, the terrifying beast who knows no remorse, who shows no sign of letting up, even though he knows his utterly painful fate. he knows that the more he heaps sin on sin, his pain will be greater, yet, the utterly-stupid being continues on, and his sons continue with him like the fools that they are, unafraid of God's wrath, and proud of it.

Haddington, which was just traced to the neo-Hittites (same as the Hatti / Hatteni), is in Lothian, the location of EDINburgh. The Headings show that chevron again used by Caseys / Cassels / Kennedy's, and more important;y by the Codds tracing to Cotys, father of the Heading / Haddington line (i.e. father of Atti(s)). Headings use "men's heads," suggesting mythical Manes, father of Cotys. You can see clearly now, the rain is gone: the heraldic masters knew exactly what they were tracing to.

In the last update, the Swiss Heders/HARDers were checked as per the SanHEDRIN (the government organization of the Sadducees and Pharisees), and they use what looks to be a version of the ermine, a symbol out of Vannes, Brittany. Heders/Herders/Hudders use a Hadin variation that may apply to Hattens and other Haddington lines.

The Avellino Coat (Sicily) once again uses a fesse in the colors of the Acton / Covert fesse, and I stress the Actons here due to their trace roundabout to Attis, and therefore to Haddington lines. It dawns on me here that as Avalon is said to mean, "apple orchard," the Kaplan surname tracing to Campania smacks of "apple," and should therefore link also to Avellino lines. To put this another way, "Kaplan" can be assumed to be a Kapple term at the root of Arthurian Avalon, in which case Avalon was a Caiaphas station in Scotland. There were nine witches of Avalon jibing with the nine towers in the Camps Coat. Plus, the death of Arthur was described in "Le Morte d'Arthur," and i think that was partly code for Moretons and partly code for Darths, who are also shown as "death." The other point is that Darts/Darths (tracing to Cotys via Cuthberts) use the same fesse as Avellino's!

When you're on it, you're on it. From atop the dung hill, the whole of the dragon that produced it can be seen. It's time to kick its...

AHAHAHA, I can't help myself. The griffin design in the Kaplan Crest, a little different than the griffin in the Kaplan (and Cutter) Coat, is now showing in the Darth/Death crest! It shows once again that design does matter, and that the heraldry companies changing their designs of late may be guilty of sabotaging heraldic linking...which might just be their purpose to keep us from making these discoveries. Caiaphas was in Avalon, folks, that's the whole hub-bub of Arthurian themes.

The so-called "canton" square in the Dart/Darth Coat is important partly for a trace to the Canton bloodline that probably had to do with the Cantii founders of Kent, where the Darths/Deaths were first found. It just so happens that the Candida surname uses the same eagle as the Temple eagle, which is the Hagel / Schere eagle, and in the colors of the Aguiar eagle, VERY IMPORTANT because Candida's were first found in the same place (Naples) as the Capua/Caputo/Capone surname that I have been tracing to the Caiaphas line. It's known that Capua, near Naples, was founded by mythical Capys, but then the Kaplans have just been tracing to Campania, while Capua is in...Campania!

One can figure that the eagles in this picture were as rudimentary to the Roman eagle as the Hirpini wolf line from Avellino was foundational to the Romulus wolf.

The Casey / KHAZAR links to Kaplans that have been cropping up may now figure better where Capua is in CASERta province. It's interesting here that the Hannibal Carthaginians fought a battle at Capua (212 BC), for Ananias/Hanan may trace to "Hanni(bal), even as I think Hannibals of Bologna/Bononia (home of the MaccaBEE-suspect Boii) were part of the line to the Maccabees proper, the priest-kings (same theme as Khazar kagans) of Israel just after 212 BC, and not long before the title went to Ananias. It's a compelling theory where Caserta may have named Khazars and/or one of their branches, and where Capua may have named Caiaphas. It appears that the first motto term in the Arms of Capua is "Horrida." AHA!!! After writing that, I looked again, and their in the same Arms were two five-pointed crowns, the symbol of MacArthurs of the Bute=Avalon theater!!! The heraldry masters know this, but they haven't been telling. Shame shame. It means that the Horrida motto term is for Herod and/or Arthur lines, especially as Irish Arthurs use blue "hurts." There are what appear to be flames in the Arms of Capua, a symbol of the Dart/Darth Crest, of the surname using a canton that just traced to the same place as where Capua's were first found! Just call me the nailer. I like to build coffins for the Caiaphas bloodline. Where's the hammer...

Yes, the Coffins/Caffyns/Chafens were first found in the same pace (Devon) as Darts/Darths. The Coffin/Caffyn Crest is just a "blue bird," but then the heraldic blue jay is somehow code for the Gay surname (because blue-griffin Jays are from De Gai) smacking of the Kay/Kai terms to which I trace "Caiaphas." It's the Davers/Auvers who use the blue jay (as well as an Arthur-looking Shield), while Devors/Davorens use a sword dripping blood (it's the Shot/Shutt sword) that must be Arthur's/Bedivere's Excalibur that I trace to Halybes in Exeter in Devon, where Darts and Coffins/Caffyns were first found...who must be none other than the Caiaphas line also in Avalon = Bute. The Exeter surname uses that chevron used by Caseys / Cassels now tracing to Caserta in Avalon-related Capua. The mask is off, and the devil has warts even on his eyeballs.

World Net Daily has spent years trying to prove that Obama was born in Kenya or other places aside from the US, but this past week it is featuring a new idea (article below), that Obama's real father is Frank Marshall Davis. Interesting in this news is that Davis was married to a Canfield surname that gets a Camville variation smacking of Campbells. The surname uses white-on-black lattice, the same lattice (though in white on blue) as used by the Can(n)/Caen surname, wherefore it's a match, and traces Davis' wife to Cuneo elements, in my opinion, but as we proceed, it gives the impression of the Drakes / Veres, and therefore Montferrat of Cuneo, which is the bloodline that "fretty" likely symbolizes. Proceeding, there is a Canvill/Camvill surname using lions in the colors of the Caen/Cann lattice, and then the gold Sarah/Saire leopard in Crest; the Caen/Cann fesse shows gold leopards too. There is a Great Canfield, and Little Canfield, in Essex, where Sarahs/Saires were first found, and where Cammels are expected to have lived. Unusually, the Canfield lattice is called, "fretwork" (instead of just "fretty"), and it just so happens that the Work/Werk/Worge surname was likewise first found in Essex. I had seen that Canvills were first found in Warwickshire, so that perhaps the Works/Werks were a Warwick branch, and lo and behold Warwicks turned out to use three upright white-on-blue lions, the very symbol of Camvilles. The hand holding the axe in the Warwick Crest is a reflection of the Drake Crest, and the red-on-white Drake wyvern dragon was used by dukes of Masovia, which place had Warsaw as capital that I've been tracing to Warwick for quite a while.

AMAZINGLY, I can scarcely believe how this has all worked out, for recalling from the Scherf investigations of many months ago that Sheriffs were first found Warwickshire, that surname was just re-loaded to find the same griffin design as in the Kaplan Crest (!), and in the colors even of the griffins in the Kaplan Chief!! It once again shows that design matters for making family links. I had no expectation whatsoever that Davis' wife would go back to the Kaplan / Scherer topic, and it's tending to prove that Sheriffs and Scherers/Scherfs were indeed branches. Drakes are the ones using the "Aquila" motto term as code no doubt for the Aguiar/Aguilar bloodline, and moreover both Drakes and Kaplans were first found in HAMPshire. Therefore, as Kaplans are now linking to CAMP terms from the Iamblichus line, Frank Marshall Davis married the Iamblichus line.

With this find, it seems that the Canfield/Camville bloodline is a Caiaphas- and/or Herod linked one, on account especially of it's white-on-blue lions, in colors reversed to what here at tribwatch is called the "Cappeo" lion, a lion of the Cappadocia / Cooper/Cooper line.

The Sheriffs even use an "Esse quam" motto phrase like the "Prodesse quam" phrase of CHAMBerlains, but then while there is no Prod or Prode surname coming up, the Prudes happen to use green trefoils, the symbol of Irish Davis' to which I have always traced Frank Marshall Davis (because Obama's mother worked for Rockefellers). French Chamberlains use the same motto term, "Nihil," as Vere, and were first found in Normandy, home of Veres (as well as location of Caen). Chamberlains use stars in the colors of English Scherers/Sheerers. The latter use a gold garb, and their stars are in the colors of the gold-on-red WoolWORTH garbs, while Woolworths were first found in Surrey, where Sheers were first found. Woolworths are shown also as WalWORK, suggesting that Warwicks (i.e. the Mieszko-line dukes of Massey-related Masovia) evolved into the Worths and Words as well as into the Works and Warks.I kid you not that the paragraph below was already written when the italicized entry in this paragraph was added here.

Entering "Wark" gets the Warks/WarkWORTHS in Prude colors; it probably gets us back to the ShutteWorths/ShuttleWORDS, and the English Word/Ward Coat (red leopard heads tracing to Boofima > Baphomet, where Drakenberg is expected to trace) that is a version of the Warrene/Varenne Coat (i.e. likely linking to the Warsaw > Warwick line of Veres). Scottish Words use "Nil" in the motto. The Vere case has been made.

The latter Words use the same Shield-and-Chief combination as the Mens/Mengzies (Nazi suspects), kin to the Pepins with Camel in Crest. The related Maness'/Manners were first found in the same place (NorthUMBERland) as the Warks/Warkworths (and Rodhams). The first part of the Wark write-up: "First found in Northumberland where they held a family seat as Lords of the manor and Castle of Wark, from very ancient times, before the Norman Conquest, and showing allegiance to the Bishop of Durham." Durham is tracing to the Durance river.

We then read: "Henry Percy secured the Castle of Warkworth from Edward III(1327)." As "Percy" smacks of "Perche" (where Bellamys lived), three points: 1) The Sheriffs use the same fesse as Bellamys; 2) Bellamys of Perche moved to Ferte-Mace, which should link to the MontFerrat and to the fretty lattice of Canfields/Camvilles; 3) Durhams use "fert" in their motto, a fesse in colors reversed from the Bellamy fesse, crescents in Bellamy-crescent colors, and stars in the colors of the Weir/Vere stars.

The trace here to the Masci > Mieszko line is important because I trace Obama's mother (Dunham surname) to Cheshire's Dunham Masci location (albeit Durham was at first Dunholme). Even the Welsh Davids / Davis' were first found in Cheshire.

The Worth Coat is a black double-headed eagle, the symbol of Guillestre on the Durance river. As Aguiars/Aguilars use a black eagle too, they likely trace to Guillestre, which is off the Cottian mountains directly opposite Saluzzo / Cuneo on the other side of the same range. The Cotys line of Hatti/Hatteni trace to the Cottians, and as we just saw that HADDINGton and related entities trace definitely to the Hatti, note that Weirs/Veres are said to have "built a castle at HEDINGham in Essex." Moreover, Weirs were first found in ROXburghshire, which, as with Davis', traces to Rockefellers (not to re-mention to Rijeka/Reka using a black two-headed eagle on a rock).

Finally, why was Frank Marshall Davis given that middle name? The Marshalls and the Keiths -- Catti first found in Haddington -- were one clan. Here's the Keith write-up:

Traditionally the Keiths were descended from Robert, an early Chieftain of the Catti tribe...It is for this title that the Keiths are sometimes known as the Marshalls, and many Clansmen adopted that name.

First found in Haddingtonshire where Harvey Keith...was again granted lands for his deeds, this time at the expense of the Clan Cumming (Comyn), whose estates at Buchan were acquired by the Keith Clan. His great grandson, Sir William Keith, founded the tower of Dunottar Castle. Through marriage with an heiress of the Cheynes of Axkergill..."

I trace both BUCHAN (Aberdeenshire) and Cheneys to the Exodus pharaoh, and Cheneys (first found in BUCKINGham) should trace to "Cuneo." Reminder: El-Gabal traces to Goplo, where mythical Siemowit evolved into mythical SiemoMYSL, the father (so to speak) of Mieszko I. I trace the MYSL term there to Musselburgh, in Haddington, and then the Mussel Coat (Meschin format) is a reflection of the Conn/Cone (Aberdeenshire) and Cony Coats that I likewise trace to "Cuneo." Cony's and Mussels were first found in the same place (Lincolnshire, where le Meschins married). It's probably important that both Mussels and Saracens (CUMBERland) use the black wolf in Crest. Note that Keiths took the lands of the Comyns, first found in Cheshire, and using the Masci fleur, supporting the trace of Keiths to Mascis of Cheshire by other means.

Isn't it interesting here that the Comyns traced to the CONE-shaped black stone? The Comyns must have included the blood of CONtevilles (because the latter ruled a Comyn location), partly from the Villes of Languedoc...i.e. who may have been part of the CANvills/Camvilles. Comyns trace to Comminges, the area beside Languedoc that was also beside Foix, where the Faucets had traced who happen to be from Musselburgh!

The Canvill lions are now tracing to the Cappadocia / Cooper/Copper line which on the one hand suggests Comana in Cappadocia, and on the other hand the Cypros-Herod line. As Comminges is where Herod Antipas was banished, it's interesting that entering "Salome," the name of Herod's sister (not to mention the name of the one who danced before him), gets stars in the colors of the CHAMBERlain and Scherer/Sheeres stars. That leads to a very sharp point, for as Sheers (in Schere/Scherf and Saracen colors) were first found in Surrey, where the Salones/Salemans were first found, it not only suggests that the latter surname was related to Salomes/Solomons, but it brings the Cheneys into the picture because they use a reflection of the Salone/Saleman Coat. This is one of the reasons that Cheneys trace to Saluzzo, at the Cottians beside Busca.

It's widely known that Osama bin Laden did some oil business with the presidential-Bush family, and some websites have made the case not too badly that the fake Osama bin Laden, used to further the Bush war in Iraq and Afghanistan, was Obama done up by a make-up artist. When I studied the comparisons of photos between Obama and Osama, I could not rule that theory out. Don't fool yourself, there are people -- especially in the Nazi camps -- who would partake of such a masked existence. While it may be difficult to reconcile Nazis proper and Russian Communists, it's possible that neo-Nazis and American communists found some glue between each other for common causes. The Veres-Masseys had been at the heart of my Nazi-line investigations, and are popping up again here in the Davis-Dunham investigation.

One of Obama's important bloodlines on his mother's side was the Wolfley/WOOLey surname (Cheshire), not forgetting that WOOLworths use the garb (in Massey colors), symbol of Cheshire. Wolfleys in Obama's line had been "Wolfin," traced (by others) to a mayor of the surname in or near Orsingen (Germany), near Fichtenberg that uses the pine tree, as with Maschis/MASKALLys (like the Muscel variation of Mussels) using a pine CONE, which can trace the Fichtens and Mascis both to the pine themes of mythical Attis, and to the pine cones of Dionysus' MAENads, which should explain why Mathies/MANNs use a "Fact et" motto phrase in honor of Faucets of Musselburgh / Haddington, who look like part of the Fichten bloodline. The Maschi pine cones are not only shaped like the black stone found on coins of the El-Gabal cult, which had a station in Woerden (suspect with Woolworth line), but if the Maschi cones can be considered green, are in the colors of the Fichten pine tree.

The points are, lake Constance is, though not exactly beside, in the larger Fichtenberg theater; Constances use the Ferte eagle as well as a pine tree; French CONstances were first found in the same place as French CONtevilles. It's making Constance's suspect with the cone theme, and they must trace to Constantine I, who was already suspect as the continuation of the El-Gabal bloodline, especially to the Komnenos Byzantines (suspect with the black stone) that should trace (see recent update for details) to the Comyns...who named the location of that name in Artois that Contevilles ruled. Reminder: English Conte's (first found in Bellamy-related Durham) and Cones use three antlers in colors reversed to one another, suggesting the inclusion of the Ferte- and Bellamy-related Zahringers / Veringens of Baden into the black-stone line.

It just so happens that lake Constance is at the German border with Switzerland, about 30 miles from Zurich where Hiedlers/Hitlers trace. Kyburg is still closer to lake Constance, which was also called Bodensee, smacking of the Baden line, especially as there is a Swiss Baden location to the near north-west of Zurich. The suspicion here is that the bloodline that named the Obodas character in the line of the Aretas rulers in Israel and Edom -- the line that went on to be the protectors of the Muslim (like "Mussel") black stone -- were at Bodensee, especially as bear-depicted Berne is not far from Zurich while the Arthur surname, that already traced well to Aretas, was first found in bear-depicted Berwickshire. It just so happens that English Scherers were first found in Berwickshire, who likely use the Woolworth garb and therefore trace back to the Wolfin > Wolfley > Wooley line in the Constance theater.

I say that with some confidence for the following reasons. One, Scheres are suspect with Sheers of Surrey, and Surreys are also "Surrich." Secondly, the Wool surname uses the bend colors of Surrey's Woolworths. Having said that, it's being noted that the Wool Crest is a gold lion, the colors of the Kyburg lion, and of the Maschi lion. This is excellent because I traced the bloodline of Hitler's mother both to Pollocks and to Maschis at Rimini, and here I now find that Woolworths use the same-colored bend as "Jewish" Pollocks (Covert colors), and that Covert-related Maschis can trace to Kyburg, where Coverts had traced. I had never dreamed before that the Maschi lion can trace to the Kyburg lion.

It just so happens that the Wools (same-colored Shield as Fichtens and Maschis) use the same woolpack theme as Wolfleys/Wooleys, and that the Wool Coat is in the colors of the Coverts while both Wools and Coverts were first found in Sussex, where Diens/Dives were first found who use the Masci wing and trace to Diva, later known as Cheshire's Chester that I trace to the Keith Catti...from the Cottians we may presume, though I typically trace them to the Catti of Hesse. While Chamberlains use "PRODesse quam," the Perche-suspect Burchs/Berchs, who traced to a root of Covert-associated Hohenzollerns of the Swabia / Fichtenberg theater, use "PRUDentia Simplicitate" for a motto to honor the Sampsiceramus line. Cheneys use "prudentia," and they trace to the Salyes at the Cottians.

I'm bringing the Burchs back to topic because they use the Masci fleur, which is the fleur also of the Swiss FORRELs. It just so happens that Maschis were first found in the FORLi area of Rimini, so that the supposed trace of Maschis to Switzerland is now panning out. It can explain why the gold Maschi lion is not in both colors of the Kyburg lion, as the Masci / Forrel fleur took precedence so as to make the Maschi lion in those colors.

But freak me out, for as the reader may never have taken me very seriously on the Hitler-line trace to Rimini and neighboring Cattolica, just look at the variations of the Forrel surname: Furer, Fuhrer, Furersbach, FurenHAUS. The single Forrel/Furer fleur is an image of the same in the German Bush/Busch Coat, and the latter surname traces to Busca in the Cottians, which is why I trace "Cattolica" (didn't likely have that exact name to begin with) to Cottians.

There is a Haus/Hausen/Hauser surname using the colors of the Bush/Busch fleur, and first found in the same place (Rhineland) as the Bush's/Buschs.

When I was tracing the Hitler line to Rimini, Cattolica and the Cottians some months ago, I don't recall finding the Forrels/Furers, which would have made the case much stronger. In all my files, the Forrel surname is coming up only for the 2nd update in last February, while I was on the Hayden-Lake neo-Nazis, where I traced them to a Heutter part of Post Falls (Idaho), a term like the Hutter / Huttler terms in the Hiedler/Hitler write-up. There was a Covert family living less than a mile from Heutter, and this Covert family happened to marry a Dein surname (see relevance below). It was this Covert family that alerted me to Hitler's whereabouts in Post Falls and neighboring Hayden Lake, when discovering that the Dein surname which she married was connected to a Scheriff surname out of House-related West Islip (New York), where, it later turned out, Adolf Hitler's nephew was living with his sons. Here;s from the February update:

There's a Julie C. Dein of California on the Dein directory-page above, shown also as Julie C. Farrell. It evokes the Forli topic (birthplace of Mussolini) in the previous work that I traced to Forels/Forrelles. I now find that entering "Farrell" gets the Forel/Forrelles Coat. Smack beside West Reeves Street in "downtown" Heutter, there is a West FERREL Street. Ya, amazing coincidence.

It's not the same Coat as the Forrel/Furer Coat, but the two (same-colored) must surely be branches. The Forels/Farrels were first found in Provence, location of the Draguignan and Var, while if we include Haute Provence, that's where we find the Cottian mountains and the Durance river. One could get the impression that Forrels and MontFerrat / Ferte / Vere elements were all one and the same with Maschis > Mascis > Masseys. Have I mentioned the Seyne location in Haute Provence, smack beside the Cottians? Seyne perhaps links to the Says that use the Massey / Vere Shield in colors reversed. The Seatons of Saytown are, after all, traced by me to the Cottian-based Keath/Keith surname. The Camvills of WARwickshire use the Sarah/SAYre leopard. Veres / Drakenberg have always traced to the same place (Uat/Buto) that I've independently traced Says.

Interesting here is that Irish Farrels/Ferrals use the same lion as the Morgans while there is a FAYence location smack beside Draguignan (where I trace Drakenberg). Sion in Switzerland is not far from the Morges location to which Morgan le Fay of Avalon traced. These surnames evoke the Fairburns/Fairlawns above, who were found to honor the Scarrows/SHARows with their "lever screw."

It's a good thing that the atlas was just checked to make the points above, because a Digne location in Haute Provence was spotted, reflecting an "indigne" motto term I had seen above. Scrolling back through the Coats, the motto term was found to be that of the Vere-suspect Words. Digne is beside a Mezel location that may apply to Mussels / Musselburgh. The Word write-up: "Later they held a family seat at CAMBUSkenneth." KENNeth??? We still need to discover why CANfields are also "CAMville," smacking of Cambells.

There should be no surprise here if the Mascis and other Cuneo elements are tracing to lake Constance, for Ligurians of Meschin relations had traced to the Lech river, specifically to Foetes/Fussen on that river, with a source near lake Constance. But the Fichtenberg location (in Ferrari-related Stuttgart), now suspect with the black stone of El-Gabal, is made important to the Idaho investigation due to the Fichter variation of Fichtens. I'll explain below, but first, see that the Fichtenberg pine tree is on six black roundels that may secretly be code for the black stone, because black roundels are called, "pellets." The Lacys, who use the purple lion tracing to Herods, also use six black pellets, and they trace to the Lacydon founding of Bouches-du-Rhone, the area to which the topic below leads.

It's getting hard to wrap the head around which surname in particular was the black-stone line, for it's always tracing to a nucleus of families involved with the murder of Christ and ruler of Roman Jerusalem. The Pellet surname was first found in Sussex, where Herod, Maccabee, and Caiaphas lines are traced, and it evokes the Pilate surname while even using the grails of the Pillete surname.

The Dutch Pelts use three acorns (in the colors of the three Maschi pine cones?) that could be construed as the black stone sitting upon it's round pedestal.

It was discovered that Clark House in Hayden Lake, near or even at the corner of a road named, House, was built by a man who was yachting with kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany at the time that Hitler was a youth. Here's from the 1st update of last April:

...But this find is more than an hoot, it's a mega-triumph. It was just in the last update that kaiser Wilhelm II (same Wilhelm as above) of Germany was linked rather solidly to Coverts/Cofferts of the Hayden Lake theater, and therefore to Coffeys/Coffers. Here's one thing said in that regard:
"You can imagine my great surprise yesterday when entering "Coffer" to seek info on Kofferts...when I saw the "victoria" motto term of the Coffeys/Coffers (cups, grails?), just after reading that queen Victoria of England was the grandmother of kaiser Wilhelm II. Even Wilhelm's mother was named, Victoria. Apart from knowing this, I had traced the Coffeys in the past to the Bavarian Illuminati.

I suppose the questions are...Is the motto term code for the Dutch Victoria/Fichter surname? German Fichters/Fichtens (red Shield, as with Victorias/Fichters) were first found in Franconia and Bavaria, downtown Hohenzollern-ville.

Yes, Fichtens came up as a variation of Victor(ia). What a coincidence.

Lake Constance is partly in Bavaria, but the bigger point is that kaiser Wilhelm was himself a Hohenzollern, and I now see a red eagle on gold, the symbol of Hohenzollerns (see last update for that detail), in the English Constance Coat!!!

Previously, I had identified the Constance eagle as the Ferte eagle...

I went on to make the point again that the KOOTENai county at Hayden Lake should trace to Cottians...and therefore to the Cotts/Cottins using the same type fretty lattice as Cuneo-suspect Caens/Canns and Canfields/Canvilles.The April update also goes on to mention the navy outfit at Ferragut, and the Ferragut surname using the Fer / Cohen checks: "Let's go to the location of Ferragut to see what it turns up. We have a Ferragut state park today, 30 miles north of [Hayden Lake] "on the shores of Lake Pend Oreille. Once Idaho's largest city and the world's second largest naval training station..." Okay, I get it, Ferragut had a huge naval base, and someone in that base arranged to have a location at Clark House while it was under the control of a Lund family, in the same year that Hayden-like Hitler was defeated."

Isn't that the MontFerrat / Ferte line at Ferragut? I now see that Ferragut can trace exactly to Forli (where pine-cone Maschis were first found), for Forrels/Furers and Farrells smack of the Ferragut/Ferrat surname's Ferraille variation. That's evidence that Cattolica elements named Kootenai, even if Kootenai was named after native "Indians").

As Provence is beside Bouches-du-Rhone, where an Auriol location sits that was recently traced to the Bassianus surname that oversaw the El-Gabal / black-stone cult, it should be added that "Auriol" was traced solidly to the Oriel/Orrel surname that seems at play in Lake Pend Oreille. In short, the same elements that provided the Hitler bloodline were already heavily in Idaho so that it explains why Hitler's bodyguard (SKORzeny surname), in a deathbed confession, claimed that Adolf Hitler went into hiding in neighboring Montana. My investigations (see those April updates) found that the U.S. president of WW2, Roosevelt, assisted Hitler's hiding at the Clark House theater. There has been some wildly illegal "funny business" going on in Nazi-empire USA.
Rostock Movements of Herods in the First Century

Hmm, if you look between the white antlers of the Cones, there is a black area shaped like the black stone / papal mitre. The Fair surname seems in play in the Cone write-up, suggesting the Vere-Massey bloodline: "First found in Kent, where the Cone family was anciently seated as Lords of the Manor of Fairbourne (later Fairlawn)..." Fairlawns (besants in Vere colors) use an "arduis" motto term, and a "nec" motto term that I trace to the Neckar river, location of Ferrari-related Stuttgart. It just so happens that Fichtenberg is in Stuttgart.

The Fairlawn Crest is a "lever screw," and there is an English Scarrow/Skerow/Sharow surname smacking of the Scherer / Scherf line, and it happens to use the same fesse as Herods/Hurls...not forgetting that Hurls are now being traced to Herluin de Conteville, whose father (Burgo surname, see Burgundians below) ruled a Comyn location. Scarrows/Skerows were first found in Yorkshire, where the Ferrari > Pharisee (and Chappes') line is expected. This would not be the first time that Veres have traced to the Schere bloodline. The Scarrow lion is white-on-green, colors reversed from the Herod-liner lion of the Lannoys, which can explain why Fairburns became "FairLAWN."

Irish Scarrows/Skerritts use the colors of the Schere/Scherf and Sheer cross, which are the colors of the Campbells, important because Herods/Hurls and Campbells were both first found in Argyllshire, and both trace to Comminges, previously Lugdunum Covenarum, similar to Lugdunum that was later Lyon, where the Lannoy lions (and therefore the Lannoys surname, apparently) traces. As it's the Fairlawns who apparently honor the Scarrows, their "arduis" motto term is now looking like code for MacArthurs.

As the Scarrows show a Scare variation, the SCAREcrow in the Wizard of OZ is coming to mind because "Oz" traces to Aziz of the Iamblichus line. Then: "The surname Scarrow originally took the form Scared, which is an abbreviation of HUScared. This in turn is a corruption of Huscarle which means house care." I'm not at all biting at the Huscarle / Huscared root of the Scarrow surname, but it seems evident that such surnames were developments from the Scarrow family. The Asis surname is also "HOSEasen."

I think I can now prove that Scarrows trace to the Varni/Warni (Polabia), or at least to the Schwerin location in the Varni theater. This Schwerin location was a topic in the 5th update of last June: "I am now finding two surnames using a split Shield in the colors of the split Schwerin Shield (surname first found in MechlenBURG). One is the Shield of the Varni- / Verona-suspect Fern surname, and the other is the Shield of the English BURGon/Bergin/Burgoigne surname suspect from Burgundians. This is important because Burgundians came out of Bornholm, off the coast of Mechlenburg / Rugen / Pomerania." The proof involves the German Icke/Ice/Ecco surname, first found at Rostock -- Mechlenburg theater and on the Warnow river of the Varni-- because both the Ince and Lever/LEYver Coats use two black-on-white bendlets.

It was a compelling case to trace Scherfs (true birth surname of presidential George Herbert Walker Bush) to Schwerin because the Walkers had traced to Wagrians on the Warnow. It was only recently, however, that Walkers were discover to be from black-stone suspect, Kamenec (Transylvania theater, where Drakenberg Veres trace themselves). As I traced the Sinclair Rus to the Mures river of Transylvania, I don't think it's coincidental that Levers use the Sinclair rooster while "rooster" smacks of "ROSTock." This is the first time I recall making the rooster trace to Rostock, and it seems to be the most-accurate one thus far.

It should be mentioned here that the lion in the Chief of the Arms of Rostock is in the colors and position of the lion in the Maschi/MASKALLY Chief, important because Meschins/MASCULines were from the brother (Malahule) of Ragnvald of More, whose name I trace to a Reghin location on the Mures. As the Rostock location is now figuring as part of the Maschi bloodline, see the red eagle (ferte symbol) and black-on-gold bull (Mieske symbol) in the Arms of MECHLENburg-VORpommern. The daughter of Mieszko I was married to rulers in the Scandinavian theater, and even to the Danes...from which Ragnvald and Malahule were from.

The griffin in the Arms may be due to the Griefswald location in the state of Mechlenburg-Vorpommern. That location evokes the Gripps/Grabbens that I traced to the Varni (and to the Esus-cult Treveri), who use the colors of Scarrows/Scareds. The griffin is used in the Coat of the English Scarrows/Sharows.

As I trace the Sinclairs of More to Moray, while Icke's were first found at Rostock now evident as a Sinclair location, but also because Icke = Ince has just manifested itself, it seems that the Innes surname, first found in Moray, traces to Icke's too. English Icke's (in Dutch-Bush colors for a reason) are shown as "Hick," and were first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as 1) Wagrian-rooted and Comana-related Walkers; 2) Scherf-related Bush's; and, 3) Scarrows!

I was thrilled to come to this Icke / Ince bloodline because the German Icke/Ice/Ecco Coat uses the same eagle design as Aguiar-related Hagels...and Austrian Scheres!!! You see, design does matter, and, with others I'm assuming, are changing designs at this time like they have lost their heads.

The case has just been made strongly that chief Nazi elements trace to Veres of Varni roots, and to the same elements that founded the Templars. It's important because the Varni are mentioned by Tacitus in the first century, when the Herod-liners were, we may assume, banding together in France. We just saw that the Scarrow-related FairLAWNS traced to the Lyon location smack beside Vienne-Isere, where Herod ARCHELaus (name like "Argyll") was banished in 6 AD. We just saw that Fairlawns traced to Argyllshire's Herods/Hurls because Scarrows use the Lannoy and Lyon lion in colors-reversed upon the Herod/Hurl Shield. This is the first profound indication that Herods/Hurls trace to Archelaus rather than to Herod Antipas, though the two Herod lines are easily shown to have merged at Argyllshire.

Reminder: Sinclairs use a "commit" motto term as code for the Conte/Comites surname that is now tracing via de- Contevilles to the Hurl relations of the Herods.

In consideration of my trace of raven-depicted vikings to the Sinclairs as well as to Mackies/Mackeys and Maceys, let me repeat what was said above: "Fairlawns (besants in Vere colors) use an "arduis" motto term, and a "nec" motto term that I trace to the Neckar river, location of Ferrari-related Stuttgart. It just so happens that Fichtenberg is in Stuttgart." The raven-depicted vikings were surnamed. Stout," and should therefore trace to/from a Varni > Ferrari line from Rostock. It gives indication that the Archelaus line of Herods were on the Neckar river, where ROD(h)ams ("nec" motto term) can be traced who smack of "Herod." But the Neckar is smack beside the Covert/Coffert elements of Swabia suspect as a major Hitlerite entity.

As the Rostock Sinclairs were at Moray, what about the Ruths/Rothers/Randolphs of Moray, who use a Coat (white-ermined chevron on red) smacking of the Rodham Coat? Both surnames are in the colors of the Ross lions. Were not the Rothers the raven-depicted vikings that conquered Rothesay, of the raven-depicted Rothes? Yes, for Mackies/Mackeys even use an arrow in their raven theme, symbol of Rothschilds.

Do Vere's use a wyvern dragon? The Roost/Roust Crest not only use it in the color of the Drake wyvern (not forgetting that Walker- and Wagrian-suspect Wilkins use the wyvern on the Schere/Scherf Shield), but the Roosts/Rousts use the same black crosslets as Hillarys and Clintons!!! Zikers, what have we wrought? We have Clintons, Hillarys, Rodhams and Randolphs (same Coat as Dunhams) all tracing to Rostock.

The black Roost crosslet belongs to Davenports of Macclesfield, and is used in some Arms of MACCLESfield, which term I trace to "MECHLEN(burg)." It's the Macclesfield Arms that uses a "copia" motto term, same term used by Welsh / Cheshire Davids / which Obama's father traces! Both the Davids / Davis' and the Rodhams use a white-on-red bend, wherefore there is just no mistaking what we are treading upon, the very belly of the Caiaphas and/or Herod line of Cappeo, the line that Frank Marshall Davis married.

Germo-Austrian Misl's/Misels/Maysels use the David and Rodham bend but with a black mouse, and besides, there was in the past few weeks a way (I can't recall it) to trace the Misl's to the Davids. Keep reading.

Caiaphas-suspect Coverts had traced to Kyburg, which place can now be traced to the MacKEY / Kay surname. First, we just saw the Icke > Ince bloodline in Rostock, but then the two black-on-white bendlets of the Ince's (and Levers) are used also by Caiaphas-suspect Kays. And although the Maschi lion had looked like the Kyburg lion but with the background color of the Masci fleur, we just saw that the Arms of Rostock use the same lion position and colors as the Maschi lion. The Mackies/MacKEYS then use a raven, and were first found in the Argyll theater to which the Herod line at the Rostock theater was traced.

The upright gold-on-black Kyburg lions must therefore be the same in the Misl/Misel/Maysel Coat! Especially as Maschis are "Maskally," like the Muscel variation of Mussels. Did we see that the Arms of Mechlenburg-Vorpommern likely uses the Mieske/Mesech bull? It just so happens that Mieszko I was from a SiemoMYSL entity.

As Pomerania is beside Mechlenburg, it should be mentioned here that the earliest peoples of Ireland, the Fomorians, smack of "Pomerania." The Fomorians were also called Fir Bolgs that I traced to "Vere" and the vair fur long before finding that the Varni were in the Pomerania theater (Polish-German border). Remember, the Roost and Drake wyvern traces to the same used by dukes of Masovia, in the central part of Poland ruled by Mieszko. Interesting also is that while the Rostock lines of Schwerins / Scarrows / FAIRburns (like "vair") were traced suggestively to the Wizard of Oz, and therefore to the Aziz/Azizus line, I had traced the latter to "Assisi" in Perusia, at which time the Ryan griffin was traced to the griffin in the Arms of Perusia. I did not know until the next day that, on the day of that trace, Mitt Romney chose Paul Ryan as his vice-presidential candidate. I have now re-loaded the Ryan Coat because the Arms of Mechlenburg-Vorpommern uses a red griffin, the color of the Ryan-Crest griffin, to find that the griffin design in the Ryan Coat (white-on-red colors of the Perusia griffins) is that "rare" design used also by Kaplans and Scheres!!! I've hardly ever seen that design before, until this past week.

This is excellent evidence for a trace of Ryans to the Rostock / Mechlenburg theater (the Ryan-Crest griffin is even in the red color of the Roost wyvern), as well as supporting the trace of the Oz elements suspect at Schwerin to the Asis/Hoseason surname of Swedes, and to Assisi. It's all tracing the Nordic Varni and Sinclairs at Rostock to Iamblichus, and the only explanation for such a thing is via Herod Archelaus, whose grandmother (Cypros) was a Nabataean of the Aretas line that had merged with the Iamblichus line just after the time of Azizuz. The Ryan motto (identical to that of the Paines) even honors Malahule of More, ancestor to a D'EsPAINEs surname on the way to the birth of Ranulf le Meschin. Ryans even show MULryan variations.

The Mulryans smack of Mulrooneys, who show Moroney/Morooney variation that should now link to the Mormon character, Moroni. In fact, while Ryans use the Kaplan griffin design while Kaplans had traced to CHAMpagne (can be read as ChamPAGNE too), the Rooney-like Romney Coat shares the Champagne bend. Moreover, the other Champagne surname uses vair fur now tracing to the Fomorian line to Pomerania, and therefore to Fairburns/FairLAWNs. Are we not all over the Caiaphas - Herod line here? It could tend to verify that Caiaphas was of the same line as Herod Archelaus: the line of his grandmother.

Mulroneys/Moroneys even use Romney colors, and in particular use white-on-blue boars that should be colors reversed to the blue boar in the Vere Crest, for Mulroneys were first found in FERMANagh. Fermans/Formans use a green dragon, the color of the Vere dragon, and then Farrels/Forels (Provence, location of Var and Draguignan) and Mulroneys both use the same chevron, suggesting that Fermans were of the Forli-of-Rimini line to the Cottian / Montferrat theater. This would be a good place to mention the San Remo location between Imperia and Antibes, for Rimini elements are tracing to that Ligurian theater.

Aha! The Rooneys even use the Irish Farrel lions! It appears to me that the crown design in the Irish Ferral Crest is that of the Scottish Word Coat, important because English Words are Wards using the checkered Coat of Varni-suspect Warrenes. The Scottish Words are the ones using "Nil indigne" as a motto now tracing in-part to Digne smack beside Provence's Draguignan.

The Weir/Vere Coat is that of the Durhams, thus tracing Veres to the Durance river at Provence. The point is that in the Durham Crest there are the purplish dolphins used by Ragnvald-suspect Reagans, and then while Kennedy's of TIPPERary use the dolphin, as do Pendragon-related TIPPERs of Cornwall, the Ryans -- tracing strongly now to the Ragnvald Sinclairs -- were first found in Tipperary. It's evoking Dauphine elements, and then the Word/Ward and Warrene checks are in the colors of the quadrants in the Arms of Dauphine. Warrenes use "robur" while Tippers use "robore," in their respective mottoes, and then the Words use thistles, the symbol of Robins. Like Fermans, Tippers (shown properly as "Tippett") use the anchor.

Dauphine was beside Provence and included Vienne-Isere, Payens were first found in Dauphine while Mulroneys and Fermans use the same chevron as Payens. As Ryans/Mulryans traced to the Paine/Payne-related Malahule, it seems that Mulrooneys do likewise because they were a branch of Mulryans, which underscores why the Mormon Mitt Romney chose Paul Ryan, not just because Mormons have a primary Moroni character in their myth codes, but because Mormons = Latter Day Saints trace to More and the Sinclairs/Saints. Mormons even baptized Rollo, son of Ragnvald, into their heretic Christian religion.

The Dolfin surname uses dolphins in colors reversed from the Tipper dolphins. The Dolfins shows two motto terms, "firmum" and "nihil" that trace to Fermans and Veres respectively. Italian Dolfins use what I suppose is the Capelli Shield (Ferrara), but link-able to the Saluzzo Shield too. It's important because Cheneys trace to Cuneo and its Saluzzo, while Fermans use the Cheney MARTINs (in the same colors even), same martin design as Rooneys. It's tracing FERmans, as was the case by other means, to Montferrat in Cuneo beside Saluzzo.

Here's the Warrene write-up: "First found in Sussex...They were originally the ancient Earls of Varrenne of de Sancto MARTINo in Normandy." It shouldn't be coincidental that the Italian Martino Coat shows fleur in Forrel-fleur and Masci-fleur colors just after the martin-using Fermans traced to Ferrat-of-Cuneo elements. There is a question as to whether "Sancto Martino" is a form of "San Marino" of the Rimini theater, for Martinos use goats (in Lamas-lamb colors) that appear to link to the lambs used in the La Mas theater, and then the Rimini-suspect San Remo location is, not only not far down the Mediterranean coast from La Mas, but smack beside Imperia, suspect with the Imperi peoples that ran the goat-depicted Boofima cult, which itself traced to the golden fleece / golden lamb line of the proto-Marsi (i.e. mythical Marsyas) Phrygians who I say re-named Massalia, Marseille. The DuMAS write-up speaks of another La Mas location at the mouth of the Rhone, the location of Massalia = Marseille.

The Lamas surname traced to La Mas near Grasse, itself less than 50 miles from Draguignan and Fayence. Speaking of the Morgan-le-Fay bloodline of the Veres, the Morgan lion, remember, is also the Farrel and Rooney lion, as well as the Covert- / Hof-suspect Duff lion. It's all Pontius-Pilate important, but for this paragraph the point is that Coverts and Warrenes were first found in the same place, the location of the Cappeo-lion Coppers. It just so happens that while the Bruce lion is the Cappeo lion, it traces to the same lion in the Arms of Brescia, where Martino's were first found. Thus, as it stands to reason that the Cappeo entity passed through Brescia to the Veres at MontFerrat and Var / Draguignan, the Capelli's of Ferrara are the prime suspects, who themselves use the same chapeau cap as Bidens, first found in the same place as Draguignan-suspect Drakes...who trace to the dukes of Mas-suspect Masovia.

The redundancy here must be ringing your bell. The killers of Christ are on the loose, and they have huge bags of money to do things to us that they hope we wouldn't like, if we don't want to get in line with their global program. The False-Prophet lamb, coming masked as a Maschi bloodliner, is coming to a right hand near you. Keep your head, and hide your right fingers crossed behind your back.

Lambert Dolphin, a suspicious Christian character mentioned / stressed in some of my post-trib-book chapters, is coming to mind. In fact, French Lamberts were first found in Dauphine. German Lamberts use what should be the crescent of Caiaphas-suspect Chapmans, and English Lamberts use a chevron in the colors of the Caiaphas-suspect Coverts. It just so happens that these Lamberts were first found in the Zurich-suspect Surrey. It's Mieszko-Lambert important, apparently, because Lamberts are now tracing to the Maschis of Rimini who have just traced previously to Kyburg at Zurich. Capelli's even use a split Shield in the two colors of the Arms of Zurich (though they are also in the colors of the Estes ruled by rulers of Ferrara).

Why are Lamberts tracing to Caiaphas? Because, I think, Caiaphas was from the Bassianus / Maesa bloodline to the La Mas entity, by means of the Bassianus line taking the El-Gabal cult from its kin, the Sampsiceramus bloodline where Caiaphas' name / origin is highly suspect. Reminder: Ryans had appeared to be Ryes from the same place as Sadducee-suspect Saddocks and Coverts, and Ryes traced to "Rize" at the Ardahan / Artvin theater where the ACAMPSis river flowed that is suspect in the makings of the SAMPSIceramus term of the Iamblichus line that merged with Artvin-suspect Aretas. Is this "poetry" ringing correct again?

Lambert Dolphin was a product of Stanford Research Institute / University, wherefore see the white (on green) goats in the STANford Coat, and ask whether this was part of the stone line? For, entering STAMford gets another Stanford Coat while stone-suspect Steins come up when entering "Stem." The Stams/Stanfords use the lion design of the Muskets/Mousquettes and Rothes. Note that the vair fur in the Stamford/Stanford Coat has the shape of the papal mitre / black stone on a round pedestal, and that the write-up traces to "stone."

The Stamford Coat's vair is a good reflection of the same in the Nero/Neriti Coat, and that's conspicuous because the surname is said to be from "black." It may therefore be that Fulk Nerra named himself after the black stone, especially as the Nero/Neriti surname was first found in Lucca, not far from Velch, the location that appears to have represented the Italian Fulk surname (uses the Fer/Ferrat checks)...first found in Tuscany, where Lucca and Velch are located. Or, the black stone revered by the Aretas Nabataeans traced to emperor Nero, whose mother was an Agrippa.

I traced Nero to Nahorites, and traced the Aretas Nabataeans to Nahorites as well without any thought of what we have been reading here. Look, the NERITi variation of the Nero's evokes the NERTHus mother-earth goddess that the Varni were said (by Tacitus) to worship in the first century, and so it's feasible here to see the Aretas-Herod line going to the Varni just because Herod Archelaus (grandmother from Aretas) just traced solidly to the Varni. It's indicating that Nerthus was a goddess of the Aretas bloodline. As "Nerthus" is said to derive in "earth," compare "Aretas" to "earth."

Ring, ring, Anybody there?

If the vair fur is yet another secret code for the black stone, then the black-and-white vair fur that fills the Scottish CHAMPagne Coat is meaningful, for Champagne is not only tracing to Caiaphas lines from the CAMPbell-rooted Iamblichus line (that gave it's baton to the Bassianus keepers of the black stone), but Lucca is the location of the Botters who use the French Champagne (and Romney) bend. The Butteri lived not only at the Velch theater (north of Rome), but to the immediate south of Ardea (south of Rome). The Romneys are highly suspect from Butteri-related Romans, and trace to the Romans of Rouen, and to Romerike where the Sinclairs of More ruled before founding Rouen as their Normandy capital. It's the Rimini line of Romans, isn't it?

The Welsh Haskells/Askils (from Scandinavia) must use the Champagne vair. Haskels/Askils are a sept of McLeods from Skye and Lewis, and Herods as well as Hurls and many similar surnames are listed as septs of McLeods. The MacAbees are also listed as a McLeod sept, and Scottish Askils are found using the colors of the MacAbees. Welsh Haskels/Askils were first found in MONmouthshire, which I'll bet traces to Mona (north Wales) and therefore to HasMOneans = Maccabees. Mona was part of the realm of hammer-depicted Ordovices near Arddu. It was the Vair-suspect FAIRburns that use the "arduis" motto term. Romerike was conquered by a FAIRhair surname, and in some writings Romerike was called, Heado-Reamas, smacking of mythical Remus of Rome...that I think should link to "Rimini."

Mona and Menai are beside ERETHlyn, smacking of "Aretas" and now suspect as the home of Nerthus, especially as RHOS is a location at Erethlyn ("Hirota" to the Irish) while we just traced the Herod-important Varni cult to ROStock. According to Britannica's 1970 edition, Erethlyn traces to the viking location of Norway's Haeredaland, which may easily link to the More / Romerike (also in Norway) location of Sinclairs. I know the vair fur of the Welsh Bachs off by heart, and while it's in the colors of the Nero/Neriti vair, Bachs were first found in Denbighshire, the location of Rhos. I am therefore ignoring Wikipedia where it traces "Rhos" to a "moorland," and instead viewing it as the idea of Masonic buffoons who know it to trace to More-of-Sinclair elements but who don't want the rest of the world to know.

It's all making too much sense. These traces, seemingly endless, are necessary to hash out the realities. One day, there may be concise ways to hash out the same that the entire world regards as a shut case. Unfortunately, I get to be the pioneer with my face in the computer instead of out in the beautiful sunshine.

What's that canton doing in the Champagne Coat? The last time a canton square was mentioned, of the Darts/Darths (suspect as Arthur's of Bute, beside MacAbees of Arran), it was traced to Candida's of Naples, where Capua's were first found that were from Capua in CAMPania, easily tracing to Bute = Avalon. Capua was found to use five-pointed crowns (sharp points), symbol of MacArthurs of the Bute theater.

I've just learned that it's difficult to find articles on Haeredaland due to the number of tribwatch pages that come up when searching for it. But searching "Hordaland" finds some. The term smacks of hammer-depicted Ordovices, and then in the Romerike theater is a Hamar location in the colors of the MacAbees. Romerike was given a mythical Raum character, son of Nor. The Arms of Hordaland uses crossed axes, a symbol of the Essenes, in this case, possibly.

On this map, Sunnhordaland is in blue (the rest of Hordaland is in red and yellow), where we see the KvinnHERAD location, possibly a root of "Kiev." "Kvinnherad is situated in Sunnhordland, southeast of the HARDangerfjord."

"Herad" is said to mean, simply, "district," but in this "game," I just never know who may be telling a falsehood. The Arms of Kvinnherad is a 'Y' shape, like the Cunningham "fork" that I traced to Forkers/Furquhars, suspect as the Pharisee line and first found in Ayrshire, where the Shaw-line Sadducees must have settled too. Forkers/Farquhars use a lion in the colors of the Levi and Capua lion, and then Capua's are also "Caputo, 'like the Chiapponi variation of the Shaw-related Sheaves of Italy.

I'll soon show how the Cunnings can trace to Herod Archelaus, but first the motto of the Arms of Ayrshire: "God SHAW the RICHT." Then from the Romerike article: "The Norse form of the name was Raumariki, but the name must be much older (see below). The first element is the genitive plural of raumr m ('person from Romerike'), the last element is rķki n 'kingdom, reich'..." It's just that there are other good reasons for a trace of Ayrshire to the Romerike theater. Cunninghams were first found in Ayrshire too, and may trace to Hordaland. It's of course occurred to your that HORD(aland) and "HAERED(aland) may have been named after, not red, by Herods.

The Cunning Coat was entered earlier to check how Cunninghams might fit into the Canville family, and it found an "Imperio" motto term, suggesting the Imperia location at Liguria, due south of Cuneo! However, "Cunning" gets the Gunning surname, but it just so happens that Gunns use the Durante ship while Durante's trace easily to the Durance river opposite the Cottians from Cuneo. PLUS, just across the French border from Imperia is a Cannes location, smack at Antipas-suspect Antibes!! The Cunnings/Gunnings use a fesse in the colors of Copper-related Coverts, as well as the patee cross...used by Claptons who trace to Glaphyra at Comana, wife of Herod Archelaus.

Like the Chappes, the Cannings use Moor heads.

Therefore, if the Cunningham Y traces to the Hordaland Y, this is good cause to trace Herod liners to Hordaland, and therefore to Erethlyn = Hirota, in north Wales, the general location of Ordovices and other king-Arthur elements. The Arms of Cunningham use a "worth" motto term smacking of the Erethlyn entity. We also see a blue lion that can be the Cappeo lion, since the Shaws / Sheaves trace to Cappadocia's capital. The crown in the Arms of Cunningham has a five-pronged top like that of MacArthurs. The article tells that the Cunningham fork is a "shakefork," like play on "Shakespeare." There's an Ardrossan location in Cunningham, but you'd never know from the article that it was an Arthurian location.

Ana-Fishing for the Truth Leads to more Insider 666-Information from Patmos

It made sense to me from about four different angles that Nabataeans were the Caucasian Bats, and so I got to thinking that they were originally from the idea of Ana-Bat, then lost the first 'A" to get "Nabat." I knew of the ana term from the Anabaptists: "(Greek ana 'again, twice' + battiz 'baptize'". There you go, "ana" is a Greek term that may have been in use by the Aretas line of Nabataeans.

It's quite astonishing here how ana-battiz smacks of my imagined term, ana-Batae, while "Mennonite" smacks of the Manes line to Maeonians (and therefore to Hasmoneans?). It's all theoretical at this point, but follow anyway because I wouldn't be mentioning this in a special section unless there were something to it. Mennonites were named after Menno Simon, and the Maccabees did use Simon as one of their names. In fact, the Samson-like Simon surname uses a fox, a symbol of the Samson cult to which I do trace the Nabataeans and/or the Iamblichus Bedouins. In fact, "anabat" smacks of "Anubis," the jackal / small dog god of Egyptians that some say was the same as "Nibhaz," the god of the Avvites to which Samson belonged.

I see Samson's father, Manoah, as an expression of the Manes-line Armenians because Sames was an Armenian sun god. You can see in this that Sames [or Shamash) evolved into Attis, sun god of Phrygia, especially as it's known that Armenians developed into Phrygians. The Manes line led to Maeonians proper, and it's not my idea only that Maeonians were ancestors to Lydians along with Mysians. Keep in mind that I view the latter from the Mus of Lake Van that were central to the Hyksos, and that Apollo, a wolf cult, had an all-female Muse entity. Plus, I do trace Apollo to Avvites in Abila.

This is giving me good indication already as to what the Iamblichus line traced to that put forth the El-Gabal sun god. Remember here that the heraldic fish was traced to the Iamblichus line for a reason(s) having not to do with the fish symbol of mythical Kodros, yet the two entities do connect where Attis was the founder of Attica while Kodros was a king of Athens. I haven't as yet understood why these elements used a fish, but have the extra clue where Cadmus was turned from a snake into a fish at BUTua, a place named in all likeliness after Boiotians, who smack of Bats and lived beside Attica.

The fish trace to Iamblichus was due to the heraldic fleur-de-lys having been first a fish in the Butua / Kotor area, that latter location easily tracing to mythical Kodros. Kotor is where the Saraca family, using the white-on-blue fish, was from before it moved to Ragusa, which was also called, Laus, the origin, I gleaned, of the fleur-de-LYS. And Laus stems from the Manes line of MeneLAUS, itself from the Pelops Lydians. In other words, the fleur-de-lys traces to the Lazi...who lived beside the Bats. Therefore, I'm tracing Nabataeans to this fleur-de-lys line on that score alone, though other factors give the same impression, especially the trace of Merovingians to the Bedewe location.

It's all tracing to Seir, Lotan, and Esau, the Edomites that merged with the Samson cult at and around Boscath. "Iamblichus" is being interpreted here as YAM-blichus, and Yam was a sea serpent of Syria, as was the seven-headed Lotan dragon. Saracas look like Saracens that I trace to "Seir," and therefore to "Syria." Boscath was named in-part after Bozrah, in my opinion, and that's where the marriage of Esau's line to Lotan's is expected. Then, by no coincidence, English Bush's use a black boar, an old symbol of Esau, while the white-on-blue fleur-de-lys of German Bush's/Buschs and Boschs (smacks of "Boscath") was identified with the Saraca fish before I knew that Kodros had a boar symbol as well as a fish symbol. If I recall correctly, the English Bush Coat, until recently, used a red fesse on gold Shield, and gold fleur-de-lys on the fesse.

The fleur-de-lys, as per the shape of the central part that was secretly the Saraca fish, looks like the black stone, and looks especially like the white papal mitre that many view as a secret fish symbol. In this picture, the black stone may trace to the black Bush boar, or Esau. It was Dagon, an Amorite god in the land of Avvites, that was given a fish-tail, and so the Samson merger with the Esau-Lotan line would be expected to carry the fish and boar symbol Kodros of Athens, the father of the founder of Ephesus, where the bee-cult essenes had a mythical ZETHus character who married Aedon of bee-line Boiotia from bee-line Merops of Edom-suspect Kos. It just so happens that Merops became the BATavi-related Merovingians that I trace to Bedewe and therefore to Padova and therefore to the Iamblichus Bedouins, explaining why the first Merovingian king, Childeric, married Basina from the line of Bassianus, the priests of El-Gabal that were descended from the Iamblichus Bedouins.

"Zethus" smacks of "Zedek," the name of Amorite Jerusalem, and Dagon was an Amorite god. Boscath (I have been spelling it wrongs as "Bozcath" for months) was in Hebron, home of Amorites. Interesting is that Boscath was beside Lachish, while "Iamblichus" may be viewed as "Iamb-Lycus," a term that in Greece was the lycos = wolf, perhaps indicating that the Apollo wolf-line Avvites were in Lachish.

The ana term (meaning "again/twice") smacks of the Ananes on the Po river, which was originally the Padus river named after Padua/Padova, exactly where I trace the Bedewe term that I see at the root of the Iamblichus Bedouins. It's even more interesting because PADova smacks of the Bats, which may trace the Aretas Nabataeans to the Padova > Padus line, perfect because I do trace the Arthurian cult to Trojans, and in fact Merovingians trace themselves to Trojans of the Heneti kind ruled by Pelops of Lydia. Moreover yet, the Padus was traced by me to a Padasus location in the Troad, the location of Troy, while Batia was the mother of Trojans. In this picture, the Beduins are tracing to the Padasus peoples in Mysia, and if that's not enough, I do trace the Samson Hyksos to Trojans, who were allies of Lydians, who in-turn trace to the lys symbol of Merovingians.

Now where the ana term traces to the Ananes of the Padus, chief-priest Ananias comes to mind who was a son of Seth, smacking of Zethus at Ephesus, the one who married the Bedouin line in Boiotia, where we can expect the house of Boetus to trace to, which house made up the Sadducees, who smack of "Zedek." It's just too coincidental not to reflect the realities as gleaned here, especially as Ananias is predicted to have been a Sadducee. It's telling me that Ananias was from the Iamblichus Bedouins, but also from the Aretas Ana-Bataeans, so to speak. And that works because the Iamblichus line ruled at Arethusa (Syria), which place traces exactly to the Ladon-river theater in Peloponnesia (i.e. home of Heneti Lydians). It just so happens that I traced the Ananes to "Heneti," the peoples expected on the Po/Padus river just because they formed the Veneti at the mouth of that river.

Therefore, if Nabataeans were from an Ana-Bat idea, they should trace to the goddess, Anat, the founder, in my opinion, of the Anatolians and the Heneti, and wife of Baal at times at mount Saphon, where Baal defeated the seven-headed Lotan dragon. It is this very Baal cult of Syria that should trace to El-Gabal. "Anat" traces to "Antu," wife of Anu of sun-suspect SUMERia, probably named after the same entity (Shem?) as Shamash / Sames. Anu was part of the Abzu/Apsu (buz/pos terms assumed there) water cult of Eden (at the head of the Persian Gulf) that I trace to POS-Eidon, and therefore to the Pisidians, who ruled at ANTalya/Attaleia, the city of Atlas, chief son of Poseidon. Antalya (should be where "Anatolia" comes from) can be discovered as a Heneti city because it smacks of "TANTALus," father of Pelops, rulers of an Eneti location. Pelops was made married to a princess of Pisidian-suspect Pisa in the Ladon-river theater.

Therefore, If correct that Nabateans were named in part after Antu / Anat elements, they trace to Lydians and therefore to the Laz, partners with Caucasian Bats, which all reflects Ana-Bat excellently as the hypothetical derivation of "Nabataean." "Anubis" can itself be traced to the Anu / Antu cult, and even the Drakenberg Veres understand Anu to be an Anaki / Anunnaki entity. It just so happens that, according to the Bible (very reliable historically), Anaki lived in Hebron with Amorites. Plus, it's known that the Anu cult of Sumerians evolved into the Marduk god of Babylon's Amorites, which picture traces them both, as a family partnership, to Hebron, which place smacks of the Habur river not far from the Amorite capital of Mari. This was Aphrodite...and Ares, who must be traced to the Aras river, near the Acampsis that drains at BATumi, home of the Bats, after crossing the Artvin region.

I hate to repeat myself so many times, but it's necessary to show, in various ways, which ancestral peoples the killers of Christ trace that I can discover exactly what Ananias and Caiaphas were named after, thus giving us a picture that recorded history seems to be blank on. It's been many months since first tackling Ananias - Caiaphas ancestry, but I never pushed the challenge. Rather, I waited for the clues to bear out the truth, if possible, and here it seems very evident that the two men were from the Acampsis > Iamblichus > Sampsiceramus in the case of Caiaphas, and from the Artvin > Aretas line in the case of Ananias. But then it appears that the two lines both trace to the same, older ancestry in the Bats.

The question then arises as to how Trojans ever came to be that ancestry. The answer should be at the Trojan war (the mythical account probably reflects a true war using people-codes), when Trojans were scattered by the victorious Menelaus line. Many Trojans, Lydians and Phrygians came to Israel's Philistine coast in an attempt to win Egypt back. They failed, and some settled Dor as a result, though we can expect them all along the Mediterranean coast. Interesting here is that Ananes on the Padus were in Philis-like Placentia.

After this message is conveyed to readers, the outstanding issue is the Bush > Scherf bloodline to the throne of Amorite-suspect America. One can assume that this fact of history would have taken place even if God did not control some historical events. It's a testament to how God chose his locations (especially at Jerusalem) and plans to rub against what he knew history would unravel. God chose friction to deal with the sons of satan, getting into their paths at certain times, and increasing the heat between them, until finally, the hottest of all friction translates to the war at Megiddo, beside Dor, but extending into Edom, where the Bush and Scherf families their knowledge, apparently, if one judges by heraldic symbols. I've already understood the great arrogance of one Bush-Scherf family at the foot of 9-11. The murders there were only the beginning. If Romney wins the election, we can expect the Bush-Scherf bloodline to be in power all over again, though the Obama people are much the same bloodlines. And the same must be true of the EU's leaders. This is where we are at in the present day, on the edge of the rub between God and his enemies, who are now trying to decide how to proceed with "their" world, in order to make it purely Luciferian.

For the first time, the black stone is being traced, suggestively, to the black Esau boar. It jibes with a trace of the black stone to Comana > Komnenos / Comyns elements in that Edomite Herods were of Comana lines. The Comyn garbs trace to Garebites / Amorites while the boar traces to Eburovices, from Hebron. That works too. The black stone was then traced to the fleur, used by Bush's/Buschs who trace to Boscath in Hebron. That works too. The fleur-related fish was traced to the black stone, and as the Cadmus cult was that fish, it works too that CAD-mus traces to BosCATH. Let's not forget that the MUSlim black stone traces to the Aretas Nabataeans, suspect as Nahorites of the Budini kind. Interesting here is that Muslims trace their black stone to Adam, which may be a secret code for "Edom"...since Muslims wouldn't want the world to know that they trace to Esau. The black stone was traced also to the Nero/Neriti line of Nahorites, and then Nahorites out of Edom were equated with Amorites of Jerusalem / Gareb as well as with Saracens...tracing to the Saraca fish.

But why was the black boar of Esau a black stone too? I do think that the black stone traces back from the Nabataeans of Mecca to Aretas, and that the Iamblichus > Bassianus line got it from the Aretas line. It was Aretas III of Petra (Edom) who formed an alliance with the Iamblichus line. Can Petra answer the stone question? Of course. And popes like to call themselves "pater," similar to "peter" = stone.

Mascles (cone-shaped) were traced to the black stone too, and mascles are used by the Peter/Petry surname...which had already traced to peter Pollock at Moray, home of Amorites of the Merovingian kind from Bedouins. In fact, Pollocks (Mieszko-related) are traced by others to Clovis, the second Merovingian king. It's easy to link the Peters/Petrys to Meschins/MASCULines, the owners of mascles, in that their Coat is in Meschin colors, and moreover the Peters use mascles in the colors of the Michaels/Mitchells, who obviously use a version of the Meschin Coat (both use a black Shield in the colors of the Traby bugle). We already know that Mascis and Maschi-related Forrels use the fleur, and that Maschi's use the pine CONE. Michaels/Mitchells were first found in Seir-suspect Surrey.

Michaels/Mitchells use a black ostrich feather. It's black-stone interesting that ostrich-using Trabys use their bugle in black, the color of the bugle used by an assortment of families linked to Pollocks...who by the way traced strongly to Herods, from the Aretas line out of Petra. Trabys trace to Trabzon, smack beside Artvin / Ardahan. Artvin is at Curah, smacking of Chora location of Patmos, and the 666 theme of Trabys has already been traced to Patmos (if only by the fact that the 666 in Revelation-13 was born there), only to find afterward that the Petra of Aretas was trace-able to Patmos. The other major city on Patmos, Scala, traces to the Meschin and Michael/Mitchell scallops, but Meschins trace to Saracens of Scylla, who must have named Surrey, where Michaels/Mitchells were first found. Thus, Peters/Petrys and related Michaels are expected to trace also to Patmos.

The Artvin article above: "In addition to the vast majority ethnic Turks, the [Artvin] province is home to communities of Laz people and Hemshin peoples." The Aretas line from Artvin must trace to Arethusa in Seir/Saracen-suspect Syria, and as was said, the mythical Greek Arethusa was at the Ladon-river theater which I trace to the Lazi.

ARETHusa looks like the founding nation of mythical Erytheia, what I identify identified as ERETHlyn without any thought of Arethusa, though later it was discovered that Arethusa was an Atlantean entity of the Hesperides kind expected exactly at Erytheia. Again, Erethlyn is at the Arddu and Ordovices theater, near Rhos that smacks of the Hros Caucasians that I trace to "Ares," at the Aras near Artvin. And besides, king Arthur was gleaned by other considerations to be a Rus peoples, while his wife was gleaned to be the Heneti / Venedotia of Gwynedd, represented by Ares' lover, Aphrodite > Venus.

The Artvin article again: "The Hemshin peoples or Hemshinli also known as Hamshenis or Homshentsi, are a diverse group of peoples who in the past or present have been affiliated with the Hemsin district in the province of Rize, Turkey." It sure smacks of Homs, the Emesa location ruled by the Iamblichus > Bassianus line after they had also ruled Arethusa. Perhaps I have it wrong, and the term should be understood as Hom-Shenti, but the circumstances are such that a trace to "Homs" seems compelling.

Does this mean that Qumran was named by the Homshins? Were they Gomerians? What about the fact that the Arthur surname was first found in the same place, Berwickshire, as Humes/Homes??? The latter use a lion in the colors of the lion of Herod-suspect Scarrows/Sharows...who had traced to Saracen lines (i.e. from Seir?). It just so happens that Scherers were first found in Berwickshire too. AND ZOWIE, the Irish Scarrows/Scareds (traced to the Oz > Azizus line) use the Shield-and-Chief colors of the Peters/Petrys who just traced to Aretas III in Petra.

Plus, the mascle-using Peters/Petrys show a peacock in Crest, symbol of Peacocks that likewise use mascles, while the peacock is used also by Gomer-suspect COMERfords...who are also Campbellfords/Camelfords (peacock again) that trace to the Iamblichus > Azizus line (though the MacArthurs of the Campbell family trace to Aretas). I don't think it's coincidental that entering "Mitch" gets the Muschats/MontFichets first found in Essex, where Camulodunum was located. Reminder: the six black Fichtenberg "pellets," under the Fichtenberg pine tree, are suspect with the black stone.

The Gogi are also itemized in the Artvin article: "With such diverse peoples, Artvin has a rich variety of folk song and dance (see Arifana and Kochari for examples of folk culture). Local industries include bee-keeping especially in Macahel region." That latter term sure does look like "Michael" (uses the Peter/Petry mascles), showing up just after tracing Michaels to the Artvin / Curah line. Clicking to the Macahel article, lookie at what we find:

Machakheli is a historical geographical area and long valley along the river Machakhlistskali between Turkey and Georgia...

The area gained particular fame for its production of MUSKETs nicknamed Machakhela from the late 18th to the mid-19th centuries.

I kid you not that the Mitch/MUSCHETS/MontFichets were dealt with above before I got to this article a moment or two later. Therefore, the Michaels/Mitchells must trace to the Maca(k)hel region of Artvin. We read further: "The area is renowned throughout Turkey for its intensive practices of beekeeping and the high quality of honey it produces." Not just the Bessin surname, but the Tall/Thall surname, uses bees (until recently, they showed the same bee design). It suggests that the bee-line Michaels were in the Bessin, where Meschins came out of. I mention the Talls/Thals because the three lions of the Combs look, for multiple reasons, to be a version of the Tailer/Taylor/Taillefer lions. (One reason is the Comerford talbots; another reason is the Lincolnshire location of the Michael-related Peters, where le-Meschin got his Taillebois wife; another reason is that both Comerfords and Tailers were first found in Kent).

The Maxtons use a bee in Crest, and then Maxwells of Maxton (the location) smack of "Macahel." This is very incredible, for Michaels are Peters from the Pollocks, while Pollocks are a sept of Maxwells. For the first time, I have found the ancient origin of Maxwells, therefore, and it's tracing further Azov, home of the Sarmatian Alans who formed the Roxolani that I say named Roxburghshire, where Maxwells and Maxton is located. In this picture, there is a chance that Roxolani carried the rock theme to Petra, but not before going through rock-depicted Rijeka/Reka, beside Gore/Core-related Gorski that traces to Chora at Patmos and Curah at Artvin! The Macahel line through Patmos is therefore the reason that Maxwells use the Patrician saltire of Kilpatricks, who in turn use the 666 theme in their Crests!!!! That is phenomenal. We have just found the 666 line through Patmos tracing to Gargarians at Artvin, beside Trabzon, verifying that Trabys use a 666 in their Arms.

KELso in Roxburghshire must now trace to the MacaKHEL entity. One version of that term seen in the quote above -- MachaKHLISTskali -- even has the 's' seen in "Kelso," but ends with a Scala-like term. ZOWIE, I traced the Traby 666 from the Astika's to the Stick surname, and now find that the Kelso Coat ("CUM" motto term!!) uses three garbs in the colors of the same of the Sticks! Reminder: 666 was anciently made up of the three Greek letters, chi, xi, STIGma. Another reminder: garbs have a black-stone look, and are used by black-stone suspects, COMyns. It should also be recorded here that Kelso's use a "DIGNitate" motto term that may trace to Digne in Provence.

I'm assuming the cum term of Kelso's traces to the Gomers at Azov / Artvin. How many other Kel-term surnames are from MacaKhel elements? The Hills (whose Moratin tower already traced to Comana / Heliogabalus) use a fesse in colors reversed from the Kelso fesse, and Kellys (Enfield griffin, the Hiedler/Hitler type) use a white tower, the color of the Hill tower!! Kellogg's use talbots now tracing to kin of Artvin bloodlines. Maxwells use "holly," and Hulls, Halls (Lincolnshire, home of Taillebois') and Hollys use talbots in the colors of the Hills!!! It's made more excellent because these talbots are white, the color of the Comerford talbot (one expects a strong Gomer element in the Talbots). The Hall talbot design is at this time that of the Kellogg design. It was emailer Pollock that said her father had kept a white dog symbol that reminded her of the Comerford/Comfort talbot; she has a Comfort bloodline, you see.

German Halls (Baden) use no symbols, but a split Shield in colors reversed from the split Coat (no symbols) of Schwerins, first found in MECHLenburg, what can be traced to "Maxwell." These are the colors of English Alans, as well as the colors in the split Shield of Osters (Ossetians?). Hmm, Osters were traced to the Ostrich symbol, suggesting that the Traby ostrich traces, perhaps not at all to Austria, but to Ossetia. More interesting yet is that the Hosts/Osts use a bull head, a symbol traced recently to the Iamblichus > Aziz line, and in particular to the bull of Pollock-suspect Bullocks! Yes, it works, because Pollocks were a branch of Dol's ALANS (!), and because Bullocks were first found in Roxburghshire!!! If I'm not mistaken, the Bullock bull design is identical to the Host/Ost bull.

Yes, the Alan Huns, to be expected, are figuring into the Arthurian cult, which evokes the Ardon river in the Alania part of Caucasia. Entering "Ardon" gets the Artois surname, suggesting the obvious.

The other name for Alania is Oz-suspect Ossetia. The Hose/Husaby surname is also "Ose/Ouse," wherefore one can see how the Hosts/Osts figure into the Hose bloodline, especially where Hose's trace to Caucasians (as they do shortly below). We are now tracing the Iamblichus > Aziz line to Ossetians, and therefore to Artois, where we should expect Aziz- / Os-like terms. As the Aziz line was traced to Assisi in Perusia, it's highly likely that the white-on-red griffin of Perusia, which had linked to the red griffin (has an eagle's head) in the Ryan Crest, is the red eagle in the Ardon Crest! Excellent, for the Ryans had traced to the Ryes who were in turn traced to Rize at the Artvin / Trabzon theater. I would guess that the Ardon-Coat bird is in the colors in particular of Peters and Michaels.

The Ryan griffin design was found to be that of Aguiar- and Scherer-related Kaplans and Sheriffs, and so let me repeat that Arthurs and Scottish Scherers were first found in Berwickshire, and that Austrian Scherers use the eagle design of Aguiar-related Hagels, themselves a branch of Hagans that should trace to Hagars. The Hagars are important below in a trace to Gog of the Artvin family. The Ardon-Coat eagle is in colors reversed to the Aguiar eagle. It's possible that Saracens (that I see in the Schwerin / Scarrow / Scared-of-Oz line) named the Sauromatians/Sarmatians, in which case Sarmatians were Seir-ians. The "mat" part of the term is no doubt from "Maeotis," the alternative name of the Azov sea.

Apparently, because Pollocks link to Mieszko, the Mieske/Mesech bull should trace to the Host and Bullock bulls, and therefore Mieskes should trace to the (proto)Ossetians now looking like the ancestry of the Iamblichus > Aziz line, which tends to trace "Aretas / Arethusa" to the Ardon river of Alania. As I was pondering the Mieske question, which makes sense just because Gomers and Meshech were closely-knit, the Austin/Ostian surname came to mind, and there was what should be a version of the Arthur Coat in Alan colors. But I then saw in the crest a stag lying down, the Maxwell symbol too! It's the Maxwell stag that sits in a holly bush now tracing to the Halls, Hill, etc....who may or may not have been the Alans, because the KHALdi seem to be a better fit for the MacaKHEL entity. As the Macakhel entity is strongly manifesting as the 666 bloodline, it's important that Khaldi lived in the Trabzon zone.

Scottish Austins use "Crux" and "corona" in their motto, evoking the crow-line Coronis traced solidly to Chora on Patmos.

I almost missed it, I kid you not. I went on to proof read the following paragraphs, but suddenly had a heart-felt feeling to get back to see the Alania article because the Iamblichus line was suddenly tracing there. There should be more clues in the article, I thought, and there, wow, what a disaster had I missed this. In the list of rivers at Alania was, not just the Ardon, but the Kambileyevka river. Isn't that exactly a term that we are looking for when seeking the origin of Campbell-suspect Iamblichus? It easily explains why Iamblichus would form an alliance with Ardon-like Aretas. This should explain why the Ardon eagle is in Campbell and Camp/Champ colors, and perhaps also why the Canfield/Camville lattice is in Champagne colors. As the Kambileyevka article says nothing much but that it's a tributary of the Terek river, it's as good bet that the red Ardon eagle and red Ryan griffin is representative of the red Drake wyvern that traces "Drake" to the "Terek" river, for the Kaplans and Ryans share griffin designs while Kaplans were first found in the same place (HAMPshire) as Drakes. Moreover, as Kaplans/Chaplins are Caiaphas suspects while Kaplans had linked to the Camp/Champ bloodline, it's tracing Caiaphas, as expected, to the same place as the Iamblichus line. For now, Caiaphas traces to the Kambileyevka river. More on that as it comes to mind, but first allow me to get past the parts already written below.

Now for the Gugar/Gogarene look to the Kochari term found in the Artvin article. In the Kochari article: "In Armenian, Kochari literally means "knee-go". Koch means 'knee' and ari means 'go'." I don't know whether "ari" mean 'go' or whether someone is stretching things to hide the reality. The koch term (and similar terms like "Hick") means "hook" or "a bend," as for example Ezekiel 38 uses a hook in Gog's mouth as apparent play on words, and can for that reason be the knee joint. Interesting here is where the Arms of Sicily use three bent knees meeting at the center, where there is a Gorgon head. Artvin and Kochari come from Gorgon-rooted Georgians. It's suggesting that Scylla, the place that named Sicily, was a Gorgon area from the bent-knee Gog theme. It just so happens that three bent knees is used by the Hose/Husaby surname (related to HUCKabys) that was traced to the Azizus character, and Essenes, at Homs.

The red lion head in the Hose/Husaby Crest, in the design exactly of the Hume/Home-Crest lion head, is the color of the lions of the Hume/Home-suspect Cumes/Cummes, while Comerfords and Campbellfords/Camelfords show Comber variations. This strongly traces all surnames in this paragraph to the Iamblichus line at Homs.

I'm understanding this clearly. Gugars, Gomer-suspect Hemshins, and Arzawa-suspect Artvins were at Homs/Emesa, as the keepers of the black stone, which, if it traces way back to Esau, looks like it was an Essene entity in particular, but of the Essenes in Homs, a location that was a Messina- / Masci-suspect Emesa, ruled by the Emesani, the official name of the Iamblichus > Azizus line...quite possibly from Azov, home of scythians such as...Cimmerians = Gomerians.

But the bent knees are also bent legs, traceable to the Lech river where three bent knees are used at Foetes. And the Gogi trace also to Cycnus-branch Ligurians, who are swan Ligurians tracing to lake Sevan, where Gugar/Gogarene was located. There you have the root of the Gog mystery as it traces to Liguria-related Arthurians. It's now not going back very far into history, but to the time of Christ's birth. It can be gleaned here that the Iamblichus > Azizus line was, just six centuries earlier, from the Gog of Ezekiel 38, you see, right out of the land of the Bats (on the Pontus), where Meshech were located at the time...though it may have been in times after naming Mazaca in Cappadocia. How can the chief priests of Israel have avoided being from Gog, therefore, as even logic from a prophetic understanding could give away such hint?

So, "Husaby" is to be understood as Gog-aby, and "House" as "Gog," as per Gog terms morphing to Kock terms, as for example the Kok-Turks. Such terms can be imagined morphing to "Hog(g)" and to "Hoss." In this picture, the House / Hazel bloodline was a Gogi one, not forgetting Julie's excellent tip at Dusseldorf's Essen location, for Dussels and Hazels share the same Coat, suggesting that Essenes were ultimately a variation from "Gog," though I have immediate problem with a trace of "Esau" to "Gog." If it was the other way around, however, consider the island of Kos, also "Kaus," the latter much like a hard "Esau(s)."

I always hit a snag here, finding it too stretchy to trace Esau to Gog, as one would think such an idea would have been known from the Bible. But then I think of Ishmaelites, who lived in Edom, and merged there with the sons of Esau (so says the Bible account), for Ishmael was the son of Gogar-like Hagar. Hagar and Ishmael were born before Esau, and one may assume that Esau ended up in Edom due to Ishmaelites (and/or Nahorites) living there. It's possible that Esau's children marrying Ishmael's children produced Gog centuries later apart from Israelis realizing. If Lotan was named after a Lazi entity, it certainly traces Caucasians to Edom, and then the seven-headed dragon of Revelation, which must trace to Lotan, is in my opinion the Gog from Ezekiel 38. Reminder: Lotan-based Lydians had a Gugu entity in about 700 BC, just before the time of Ezekiel.

Somewhere along the historical way to Lotan's Syria, Yam evolved into/from the mythical Lotan dragon until Yam was honored by the parent(s) who named his/their son, IAMblichus. Although they seem to have been from Azov, they can be traced to the Hayasa-Azzi in the Artvin theater.

Back now to the Kambileyevka and Terek rivers in Alania: "[The Terek] rises in Georgia near the juncture of the Greater Caucasus Mountain Range and the Khokh Range..." That's a Gog-possible term that may lead to Cockers or Cokes. The Cokes use white-on-blue eagles, the color of the Este eagle, but are also the colors I claim for Gog. The Camvills, who smack of KAMBILeyevka (not sure how to understand the end of that term), use white-on-blue lions. The Cochs are also "Cork" and "Core, which traces to the Gores/Cores at Gorsky, home of the Andech-branch Estes! The Cochs also show "Gough," smacking of the Gooch/Googh surname using white-on-blue boars (!), and a motto term like that of Pollocks who have just traced to the Iamblichus line at Alania. We're on a Gog roll, especially as the Gooch/Googe surname was first found in Roxburghshire (!!!), where Roxolani Alans are expected, and where the Macakhel elements of Artvin have already traced undoubtedly. But where's Caiaphas' dirty underwear, that's what I really want to know?

Zowie more. I wasn't going to mention the Stettons and Stattons that were earlier suspect with "Ossetia," until finding the red diamonds/lozenges of the German Cochs, for they are used also by Stattons! A Stevenage location smacking of a Stephantsminda location (more on that later below) off the Terek river was also, "STITHENaece." Here's a Stith/Stot surname traced by its write-up to STRATHclyde, and using a heart in Chief, and nearly the footless martin design of the "new" French Alan Coat, important because Stevens were Stewarts.

One can just sense that much of Masonry must trace to Alania, and that many surnames with heraldic value ought to as well. The Stattons are shown properly as STATHem, reflecting "Stratten" and therefore "struthios," the Greek for "ostrich." The Stathems/Stattons even use a RED greyhound in Crest, the color of the Crests of Ardons, Drakes and Ryans, but this is a good place to mention that Caseys use red eagles too (as do Ardons), for we are about to find, off the Terek river, the Khazar root that I suspected in the Caiaphas line, the Khazar root that was traced to Caseys on some whims from by hound-dog nose. Sniff, sniff, which way did those dirty underwear go?

But first, check out the Alain, duke of Brittany, in the Stroud write-up, for I traced Strouds (years ago, not now) to the struthios = ostrich line. This convinces me now that the Traby ostrich is for the Alania line to Dol's Alans, even as it was discovered that Alan-Stewarts were at the root of the Astikas > Traby line. Blue and white Strattons may apply, who use the rising eagle.

Let me repeat what was said earlier in this update:

The eight-acorn oak is used in the Crest of Aikens/Atkins while their Coat uses the same rooster design as Crows, while Irish Crows likewise use the eight-acorn tree. The black Aiken rooster design is also the black rooster of the Koppels/COPPELs. Coincidence after coincidence, the naked truth dances before our eyes. Clearly, Aikens use the Casey / Kennedy / Crow chevron. Koppels/Coppels were first found in Nuremberg, home to Hohen-branch Khazars that uses a red eagle, symbol of Khazar-suspect Caseys who use the chevron above.

Koppels must always be viewed as Mieszkos of some sort, and the latter, along with Caseys, are tracing to Ossetians, so why not Koppels too? How do Mieszko's trace to Alania aside from their being Meshech? I can get them as far as Artvin, for example, where Mieszkos were linked to Trabys, which gets them to Trabzon. Another example gets them to Alania, where Goplo, the ancestry of Miezsko's and the location of Koppels, was the land of mythical Popiel, from the Pepins who use a camel (and the Massey horse) that traces to Kambileyevka. Yet another example is where Drakes and Mieszkos both ruled Masovia while Veres and Masseys were virtually one; it's suggesting that Terek-river peoples (Khazars?) merged with Mieszko's in Poland.

Recall the trace of the Sinclair rooster to "Rostock," on the river of the Vere-suspect Varni, for the Koppel, Aiken and Crow roosters -- all identical -- traces the Mieszko's to Rostock too. And that was concluded while on the Rostock topic, when Mieszko's daughter was traced to it. But Mieszko's were traced to Merovingians of the Moravia > Moray line, and they were from Khazars of the Mures river.

It just so happens that while Warsaw is the Masovia capital, and while Warsaw uses the green mermaid / Siren that I call, Melusine -- shown in the Moray Crest -- Ardons/Hardons, in Alan colors and therefore tracing to Alania's Ardon river, were first found in Warwickshire. There was quite a bit said earlier in this update on Warwickshire, but for the Khazar-Caiaphas topic below, the main point is that Caiaphas-suspect Kaplans/Chaplins were traced to Scherers [soon to be linked to "Terek", though I didn't known yet while writing this section], while Sheriffs, likewise first found in Warwickshire, can be traced exactly to Rounds (part of the Arthurian "Round Table" code) because both use the same motto, "Esse quam videri," a motto strikingly like clue for Qumran's / Homs' Essenes, and much like a motto phrase of CHAMERlains who smack of "KAMBILeyevka." The Sheriffs are at this time using the griffin design of Kaplans/Chaplins.

Chamberlains not only use the Arthur-colored chevron surrounded by gold symbols, but I now see that they show CHAMPLayn and CAMBLayn variations. In this picture, even the Cambers / Cumbers / Combers can trace to the Kambileyevka area. Rounds were even first found in Essex, location of mythical Camelot.

If the Terek-river peoples were Khazars, it can explain why Fers and Vairs use the Cohen and Hohen checks respectively. It can also trace the Cohens and Hohens to the Terek, which may then explain why Stewarts, too, use the Cohen checks. There is reason already in my mind for a trace of HohenSTAUFens to Alania. But let's take it one step at a time; here's the Terek write-up:

The Terek River...Greater Caucasus Mountain Range and the Khokh Range, to the southwest of Mount KAZbek, winding north in a white torrent between the town of Stephantsminda [evokes the blue-and-white Stephen surname that traces easily to Stewarts] and the village of Gergeti...Below the city of KIZlyar it forms a swampy river delta...

There is more astonishing news on the Stephen surname below, but first, clicking the Kizlyar link:

Kizlyar is a town in the Republic of Dagestan, Russia, located in the delta of the Terek River 221 kilometers (137 mi) northwest of Makhachkala. It lies on the border with the Chechen Republic. The first reference to Kizlyar dates back to 1609, although some historians associate the place with Samandar, the 8th-century capital of Khazaria.{citation needed}

I wonder if it's a Stewart of the Caiaphas line that's objecting with the "citation needed". The Makhachkala term looks like the Macakhel term but with an "hach" thrown in. The two locations are not the same but appear related, especially as Maca(k)hel (Artvin) was also "MacHAKhel" (though it could be read, Macha-khel). Makhachkala, on the other hand, looks definitely to be three separate syllables: Mak -Hach-Kala. Interesting here is that the Stewart checks, as well as those of the Cohens and Hohens (the latter are also HohenSTAUFEN), can trace to "Chechnya," not at all contradicting my trace of the Cohen checks to Byzantines of the Amorian dynasty (ruled about the time of Melissena's birth), for Byzantines and Georgia had some things going together precisely at the time that I see Cohens forming from Melissena Rangabe, whose Rangabe surname likewise uses white-on-blue Gog colors.

Didn't we just see the talbots of Halls, Hulls, Hollys and Comerfords trace to Artvin? Those talbots were white, like the talbot in the Kissel Crest. What other surname might we check for "Kizlyar"? I've been linking the Pape talbots to halls and Hulls for years because Papes use them in colors reversed. But, now, see the sort of tooth-saw fesse used by Papes/Papenburgs (HAMburg, may be from KAMbileyevka), for it is much like the rare fesse used by Kissels. Compare with the English Stewart bend, but also see the checks of the Scottish Papes/Popes.

German Kessels use a lion in Gog colors, while English Kessels, in the colors of German Kissels, were first found in Cornwall, beside Devon, where English Stewarts were first found. German Kessels were first found in Bavaria, location of Pappenheims that use vair fur and should therefore link to Papes/Papenburgs. English Kessles are also "KESTel," smacking of the Cass/Cast/Cash surname (CAMbridge) that were, along with Caseys, traced to the proto-Khazars that I saw in the makings of the Israeli chief priest(s). Both Kessels and Cass'/Casts use a black-on-white chevron, and then entering "Kiss" gets the Cuss/Cush surname using essentially the same Coat as the Cass'/Casts, but with a red rooster in Crest!

The rooster lays eggs known to ancient Aryans as koki terms, like our "cock." we just saw the Cochs trace to the Terek theater, wherefore the rooster is suspect as a Gogi symbol. The rooster may not have been named after Rostock, but Rostock may have been named to reflect the Sinclair rooster. The Khazars were Turks, and the first Turks were Kok-Turks / Gok-Turks.

The Kes-like terms above were traced suggestively to 666 because the Greek letters, chi, xi, stigma, look like they spell "kes" in the English alphabet. However, it's hard to imagine that Khazars arranged their names to reflect the 666 purposefully. Still, the stigma-like Astikas were from Vilnius, the Arms of which use a weight balance, the symbol of the Cass'/Cast Crest. A weight balance is used also in the Dexter Crest, and that surname is suspect with the dexter = right hand, location of the 666. Again, Dexters (Leicestershire, same as Kiss') call their Crest simply, "weights," while the Weight Coat ("aris" motto term) uses bugles in Traby bugle colors. But I now see that Weights (Cornwall, same as Kessels/Kestels) use the same chevron colors as Kessels/Kestels, Cass', and Kiss'...which are the colors also of the Rice/Rhys' chevron, the surname of which should trace to Rize at Trabzon! The other English Weights/Whites use vair fur.

It appears as though certain surnames were constructed purposefully to reflect love of the 666. It's very interesting that while I'm on the Huck-like topic at this time, Dexters should use two chevrons in the colors of the two Huck chevrons, not forgetting that Huckaby-suspect Hose's/Husabys are tracing strongly to Ossetians. Hucks smack of Cochs who are tracing to a region of the Terek. Hucks are said to be from the "bent" or "hook" theme, and Hose's/Husabys use the bent knee.

The Hachs/Hykes, smacking of MakHACHkala on the Terek, were first found in the same place as English Stewarts! Of that's not enough, Hachs use the quartered Zollern Shield (belongs to Hohens) in colors reversed, which are in the colors of the Halls, Hulls, and Papes, and then the Zollern Crest is yet another white talbot! Clicking to the MakHAKkala article, we find that it was previously a Tarki location that sounds like it named the Terek river, meaning that Drakes out to trace to Tarki. In the Tarki article: "According to oral tradition, Tarki sits on the site of Samandar, the capital of Khazaria until the early 8th century. "

Whether or not Tarki was Samandar is not necessarily the point, for it would seem that Samandar was near Tarki in any case, which brings Khazars into the Iamblichus picture along the Kambileyevka tributary of the Terek. By what coincidence does the Casey Crest use a hand from a cloud (holding a garb) while the Scottish Stephenson Crest is a hand from a cloud (holding a garland)? Doesn't this trace the Khazar-suspect Caseys to the Stephantsminda location off the Terek??? You bet it does. English Stephensons use a garb in Crest too.

If that's not enough, a hand from a cloud is also in the Coch/Cork/Corr Crest, and that surname has already traced to Alania's Khokh Range along the Terek! Then, Gores/Cores (fesse in colors reversed from the Alan fesse) were first found in Essex, and use "Sola salus servire," the latter term being the Cole motto theme while Stephensons use "Coelum," which traces to king Cole at Camulodunum, a place we could expect from the Kambileyevka line. The Coles even use the bull of the Mieskes, which has already traced to the Iamblichus line. May we ask whether all global warmers are all a bunch of Gogs and Gomers? Al (Alan?) Gore is tall, and blonde.

Aha! French Gores/Jores use red greyhounds, symbol of Stattons/Stathems that use the diamonds of the German Cochs, and moreover French Gores/Jores show stars in the colors of the stars of French Alans and German Cochs. The latter use Zionists stars, the symbol in the Staufer Coat.

You've just seen the Terek river Alanians / Ossetians trace to Gorski at Rijeka. Why were they there? Who else were they there? The Maezaei were there that trace to Mieszko, suggesting that Siemowit and Siemomysl were at least partly from the Samandar location suspect at Tarki. But I traced the Salyes Ligures to the Gore-beloved Servitium theater off the Sava (in the Gorski theater), and Sales are suspect also the Salmon surname, smacking of SAMANdar. In fact, Salmons show a Saman variation, and use salmon in the colors of the Salemans that in turn-use the Sale bend. Italian Salmons use nothing but a Shield filled with Hohen checks, suggesting the HohenStaufens (though I don't know which Hohen branch uses the checks).

"Jewish" Salmons use the same Chief as Stephensons, and a bear in red. Aside from the blue and white, there's plenty red symbols in this trace to Alania. The Stephenson write-up even mentions a chaplain just as I'm expecting Kaplins/Chaplains in this Terek area: "Another early Scottish record of this [Stephenson] surname dates back to 1372, when one Nichol fiz ('son of') Steven, chaplain of Scotland, was given a license to take shipping at London or Dovorre." Hmm, Davors use what could be a version of the Arthur Coat. Tabors ("Soles" motto term. like the "solum" of Stephensons) were first found in Essex!

Hmm, the Trick surname (could be a Herod/Hurl branch for at least two reasons, one being the Alan-suspect Lannoys), checked as per a trace to the Terek, was first found in CAMbridge, named possibly from "KAMbileyevka" elements. The Cambridge surname uses Gog colors too, but swans that can trace to Lake Sevan (Caucasia), where the Gogars lived. Hmm, both the Tricks and Treats were first found in Yorkshire, and both use green on gold, suggesting that Halloween was partly in their honor.

The Stephen surname (pelicans, a Stewart symbol) uses a solid white chevron on blue Shield, the colors of the Chappes solid chevron!!! Do you know how big this find it? It's tracing Caiaphas to the Kizlyar theater where Khazars ruled. It's just beyond my wildest expectations over the past few months to find Caiaphas naked like this, not even in his tasseled underwear. He looks so cold up there in the mountains, hugging his ribs, because nobody else wants to.

What follows is the Stephen write-up, not forgetting that while Caiaphas is suspect as the grail symbol, the Stephen-like Staufers use a Gog-colored (yes, in Steven colors) cup, held by a sleeve in a CUFF, while the "staufer" terms is said to mean, "grail bearer." "First found in Gloucestershire [traces to the Glaucus river in Caucasia] where they were descended from FitzStephen, a Breton knight who was conjecturally descended from Count Stephen of Brittany..." Stephensons use the same colors.

It was after writing most of the above, apart from a few additions, that "Terek" started looking like "Zurich." I barely had that idea on my mind for a minute when I was adding the Hach surname to the paragraph that included "MakHACKhali," when I started to sound out "Hachkhel," asking myself where I had heard that sound. The Hagels, I thought. So, the Hagel surname (solid chevron, link-able to Chappes' chevron) was loaded to see what it used that could apply, and there was the Casey branch/leaves in the Crest of Somerset Hagels (beside the Stewarts of Devon). But clicking to German Hagels, ZOWIE, I remembered that it was the same Coat, essentially, as the Arms of Zurich!!! Hitlers and Stewarts together, with Pollocks, trace to the Alans of Alania. Shut case. But that's also where Caiaphas is tracing.

This is important, for I traced Caiaphas-suspect Coverts to Kyburg, and from that point on realized that Coverts and Hitlers were much closer than I had previously understood. I had previously traced Coverts to the House bloodline, but didn't know at the time that it could trace to OSSetians. The Oster Coat is a split Shield diagonally, as is the Hiedler/Hitler Coat and the Arms of Zurich. The Surreys/Surrichs -- first found in the same place as English Stewarts ! -- use Hohen-colored checks, but Zurich is in Cohen = Gog colors.

Note that Scottish Hacks/Hakes use the same-colored chevron as the Somerset Hagels. Reminder, the Hacks were, like the Surreys now linking to Hagels, were first found in the same place as English Stewarts who definitely trace to Alania. But then while the Hagels were thought of as per "hachkhel," Hachs smack of that term too, suggesting that there ought to be a Hackel surname. And there is a Dutch Hache/Hachel/Heckel surname, using an upright white goat. The Stettons/Stattens use an upright goat on the same Shield as the Arms of Zurich, not forgetting that Stattens/Stathems use the Coch diamonds and the Gore/Core greyhounds.

These goats are signs of the Baphomet cult that I see overseen by Drakenberg. The German Steins use a white goat too, but English Steins (in Hack/Hake colors), first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Scottish Hacks/Hakes, use the leopard, a Boofima symbol. And just as Hacks can trace to Kyburg with their Hagel kin, so Coverts use the Stein leopard. Stanfords (more vair fur), were first found in Staufen- / Stephen-suspect Stafford, and look like a branch of talbot-using Oettingens (Bavaria) who use the same-colored saltire as Stanfords, but with red-and-gold vair fur.

It just so happens that the Staff(ford) Coat is the Arthur chevron in colors reversed -- in Alan and Ardon colors that is. It became suspect, when the same chevron used by Austins/Ostians surname was found, that they were from "Ossetia" = Alania, you see, and Stephens all on their own can trace to Alania's Stephen-like tributary of the Terek. Both the Staffs and Austins use a crown in Crest out of which come symbols. Therefore, not only were the Dol Alans from Alania, but the namers of Staffordshire too, and the founder of Stanford University, which I read was a bastion of the English Illuminati of the 19th century, when Cecil Rhodes, Arthur Balfour, and Rothschilds were forming secret societies around what they called, Round Table (i.e. honoring king Arthur).

It wasn't too long ago when it was discovered that the roundtable is a double code for Arthurian lines. The Table/Tapley surname was first found in the same place (Devon) as English Stewarts, Hachs, etc., and use blue roundels, the "hurt" symbol used also by Irish Arthurs. That's no coincidence. The "teipsum" motto term of Pendragons comes to mind. The Round surname was first found in Essex, where Alan-related Gores/Cores were first found who trace to the Curah valley of Artvin, and moreover the Round Coat uses white symbols (round rings) on a black-and-white chevron, what Pendragons use. It's the chevron colors of Rice's who trace to the Artvin theater, and of the Cass', Kessels, and others tracing to the Khazars on Alania's Terek river.

The last parts of this update were done on Friday, with Saturday taken off. But during the night of Saturday, William Shatner came to mind, and though I can't recall all the reasons, I wanted to check the surname first thing Sunday morning, which is as I write. I figured it would be related to the Shot surname using the Excalibur sword. But it wasn't until Sunday morning, after loading the Shatner Coat to find a SHOTbolt variation, that "Star TREK" came to mind. Terek-incidence?

Tribwatch, where no man has gone before

At this time, I'm not sure what to link the Shatner/Shotbolt Coat design to. I clicked on the Hertfordshire link on the Shatner page (where the surname was first found) to find a stag laying down, the symbol of Maxwells and Hollys who are now tracing to the Maca(k)hel theater of Artvin. But then the Austins/Ostians use a stag laying down too, yet they trace to Ossetia = Alania. I can tell you this: Shatners are in the colors of the Hulls and Halls. Reminder: Table and Arthurs use "hurts" smacking of "HERTford." Moreover, on of Arthur;s chief knights at his round table was BEDivere (one can glean a Vere alliance with a Bed entity), whom I trace to the Batavi and therefore to the Iamblichus Bedouins. Here's the Hertford write-up: "For statistical purposes [Hertfordshire] is part of the region of BEDfordshire and Hertfordshire." Hertfordshire is not at all far from Hampshire, where Terek-suspect Drakes were first found.

On the map at the Hertfordshire article, we find STEVENage, as well as a Ware location smack beside the town of Hertford (let's keep in mind that Veres and Stewarts and Hitlers are virtually one). Entering "Ware" gets a surname first found in the same place (Devon) as Steven-related English Stewarts and home (I say) of the EXcalibur sword. Entering "Stiver" gets Sturt- and Sturd-using variations ending in "vant / fant," like the StePHANTsminda location off the Terek river. Therefore, Stivers/Sturtifants trace to that location, explaining why Stewarts and Drakes / Veres are typically found related.

But Rodhams/Roddens have also been found related to these Nazi elements, and then the founder of Star Trek was Gene RODDENbury.

Recalling now the trace of MacaKHEL to Kelly's, Kellogg's and similar others, see the location of Enfield off the south side of Hertfordshire, for Kelly's use an Enfield griffin. Kellys, as with Shatners, use two lions facing one another. The Shatner and Kelly lions are of the same style, and both surnames use them in white (as do Stivers/Sturtifant. It means that Hitlers, and therefore Stewarts and Pollocks, should trace to these Hertford elements. Let's take a look to see whether this is true (I already know that it is).

As the Kelly tower is in the white color of the Abreu/Abruzzo tower while Wares use a boar, suspected symbol of the Eburovices of Brixia and Evreux (i.e. where Bruces and Abreu's trace), the Kelly lions should be the Bruce lion in colors reversed because Wares use the Bruce-Crest lion design in blue, the color of the Bruce = Cappeo = MACCLESfield lion. Compare "MACCLES" with "Macahel." In other words, the Kelly lions should be the Macclesfield lion. Recall the scallops of Michaels, for scallops are used also by Wares.

Again, Drakes use a motto term that should be code for Abruzzo's capital, Aquila. Drakes are therefore tracing well to the Terek along with the others. But I recall that Drinks had linked to Drakes, especially as Drinks use the red lion design of the Oxford surname, and so by what coincidence are Terek elements tracing to Hertford while there is also a Tring location in Hertfordshire??? "Tring" is a shown variation of the Drink page.

As Maxwells are tracing from Macahel to Hertfordshire, note the BUSHey location of southern Hertford, for while Hertfordshire and Maxwells both use the stag laying down, the Maxwell stag is in a holly BUSH. The Bushey/Busse Coat uses the three bars that are also the Arms of Trebizond Empire, beside Artvin. This is all too easy.

Now that Maxwells are tracing to a location all their own, one can start to distinguish Maxwells from Masseys, though the two must always be closely related for various reasons. The Mieszko surname is coming to mind with a Mieclaw surname that was related to Mieszkos. Recalling that the Drake wyvern traces to Masovia, see this online statement: " the Latin of Gallus Meczzlavus, was a pincera (i.e. cup-bearer or butler) of Duke Mieszko II of Poland, and a rebel who tried to detach himself and Masovia from the power of [that] Polish duke..." "Mieclaw certainly smacks of Macahel."

Moreover, the three black-on-white bars of the Busheys/Busse's are used in colors reversed by HAUGHtons/Hectors, while Mieszko's daughter was dubbed, Sigrid "the HAUGHTy." The Haughtons write-up speaks of their Haughton location in Cheshire, where Masseys / Meschins were first found who should trace to Mieszko, and where Macclesfield is located that should trace to Macahel. But the same write-up speak of a Hoctum location in Nottinghamshire, where Stiver/Sturtifants were first found, and a HALStone/Haltone location in Stephen-suspect Staffordshire. We then read: "Today Haughton Castle is a privately owned country mansion near the village of HUMShaugh (!), Northumberland...." It just so happens that Drinks/Trings (= Star Trek bloodline) and Roddens (= Star Trek bloodline) were first found in NorthUMBErland (i.e. I trace Umber terms to QUMran and HOMS).

The Maxwell - Bush relationship must connects to the Cheneys, and this is where the Masci wing of the Chaines/Chenays comes in, for the wing holds a sword, the Shatner/ShotBOLT and Shot/Shute symbol. You see, Mieszko came out of Goplo, and then French Gobels use the Masci wing while English Gobels are shown properly as "GoodBOLT." It's easy to morph from "Shotbolt" to "Gotbolt > Goodbolt."

Cheneys and Bush's must trace to Cuneo, especially to Busca and neighboring Saluzzo, and the "turris" motto term of Kellys, while indication their tower, can also trace to "Durante," the river that Saluzzo elements were on who were kin to Masseys of Cheshire. Helions/Helms, whom I see at the root of Alans and Pendragons, use the Sale bend and pheon, and I think Kellys and Helions are related so that Helions should trace to MacaKHEL/MacaHEL elements in Alania. Helions/Helms were even first found in Surrey, a term now tracing to "Terek."

Just south of Hertford and Ware is a HODDESdon location, and when entering "Hoddes," the Hood Coat comes up, using a fret that I trace to Montferrat in Cuneo, the Vere line to Ferte-Mace, though Drakenberg-suspect Draguignan is not far off. Like the Stewarts and several others from Alania / Artvin, Hoods (Hitler suspects) were first found in Devon, where I expect the Chaines/Chenay sword, especially as Cheneys use the Helion/Helm bend. The Hoods link to Robin Hood of Nottingham, where Stivers/Sturtifants were first found, and where the HOCTum location of the Mieszko > Haughton line lived which uses Hector / Hoctor variations, important because the Hood Crest is the Kay bird while mythical Kay of the Arthurian-grail cult was made a son of Ector, symbol of the Ector/Hector surname using two symbols of the Hiedlers/Hitlers. The Hood Coat is not just in Saluzzo colors, but its "Zealous" motto smacks of the Salyes.

Here's what Star-Trek fans have been waiting for, especially those with pointed ears. The fret is used by the Speccot/SPECKitt Coat (Devon again!), and then a double-headed red eagle, the color of the ferte eagle, is in the Spock/Speck Coat. As you can see, even Shatner's logical side-kick is tracing to Alania elements in Hertfordshire. I have traced the Specks to "Spokane" (Washington state). The Spock/Speck write-up: "Richard Le Espec acquired the manors of WenWORTHY and Brampton Speke in the county of Devon..." Scottish Worthy's use the Ferte eagle in both colors, while English Worthy's (traced to an ancient "Wordige" surname) were first found in the same place as Drakes, and use what looks like a version of the Windsor Coat.

The Alan-related Pollocks figure into this trace, not just because Pollocks are a Maxwell sept, but because the Pollock motto term, "AudACTER" is part-code for Audleys (STAFFordshire!) and Hoods, both using the gold fret. It should explain why the Pollock boar has an arrow, symbol of Robin Hood. Nicholas de Vere, head cheese of Drakenberg, traced his bloodline to Robin Hood. But the arrow theme made it to the Bowsey variation of Bushers and the English Gobel/Goodbolt Coat. As Hoods should link to the Nottingham Stivers/Sturtifants, see that the latter use the same red Shield on white Shield as Audleys, first found in Stiver-related Staffordshire.

The broken sword / spear theme traces to Brokes/Brocks, and in fact it was upon tracing the red Brock lion to the lion of Devon's Stewarts that Stewarts were traced for the first time (years ago) to the Brocken mountain (Germany), where witchcraft was rife, and where a Vere-suspect WERNigerode location sits to which I think Veres trace. In that trace, it was discovered that tree stumps were rife in the Brocken area, and the Brocken Coat even uses a tree stump, symbol of Roddens that founded Star Trek? As Star-Trek elements are now tracing to Hertford, where the Ware location sits, lookie at the Ware Crest descriptions: "A dragon's head pierced with a BROKEN sword blade."

Trabzon-rooted Busheys use a "sea dragon," highly suspect as the Lotan-Esau line through BOSCath. The Busher lions are in the colors of the Kyburg lions, important where neighboring Zurich traces to the "Terek," for we just saw that the Aguiar/Aguilar-related Hagels use the Kyburg symbols while Schere/Scherf- and Aguiar-related Kaplans traced to Artvin / Alania elements. On the map of Hertfordshire, one can see Bedford's Luton close to the border.

The Herod- and Pilate-suspect Blades look like they are implied in the "broken blade" description, and one Blade Coat uses what I think is the Pollock saltire as used by Scottish Franks. Of interest here is that while the Iamblichus line is tracing to the Kambileyevka tributary of the Terek, the Bullock surname, traced confidently to the Iamblichus line, uses "Five Lochaber axes with gold handles and silver BLADES, bound with a SCARF." These white blades in Crest appear to be the same theme as the five white Traby and Caen ostrich feathers now tracing to Ossetia (i.e. where the Kambileyevka river flows). But as Scarfs, Scherfs, etc., trace to Zurich elements, it traces Scarfs to "Terek."

It's probably not coincidental that Brocken mountain is in HARZ, for the Hartz surname is also "Herts." There seems to be a fundamental link here between Hertford and Brocken / Hartz, with the possibility that it's not just Artvin and Ardon-of-Ossetia elements that trace to both, but the Iamblichus-related Aretas line of Herod "the great."

Brockens/Brocks and Bush's were first found in the same place (Rhineland). The "Jewish" Harz surname uses a central besant, as do Yorks, first found in the same place (Wiltshire) as Bushers/Buschers/BOSCHers (and Shots/Shutes), while English Bush's were first found in Yorkshire, location of the Bruce lion that traces to Bruces and therefore to Macahel-suspect Kelly's and Macclesfield.

Those who know Star Trek know that William Shatner liked his engine-room mechanic, "Scotty." The Scott surname (brownish stag, as with Maxwells) not only uses a Shield-on-Shield in colors reversed to the same of Audleys and Stivers, but was first found in the same place (Roxburghshire) as Maxwells, where KELso sits that should trace to "MacaKHEL." Interesting here is that the Kells/Kelds use the same lion design as MACKies/Mackeys and MACKesy's, suggesting that all three surnames trace to "MACAkhel." The same should apply for Mackays. The Keld variation smacks of the Khaldi, at Trabzon, where the Houghtons and Maxwell-related Busheys of Hertford are now tracing. You see here that Bush's are being linked to the 666 bloodline of Trabys. Reminder: Caens trace to Cuneo, where Saluzzo and Busca are located, and then Caens use the five white Traby ostrich feathers now tracing to Ossetia = Alania, where the Macahel region is located.

Kells/Kelds were first found in the same place (Hampshire) as Drakes!!! But as we just saw that the pheons figured in -- used by Helions/Helms and related Sales, as well as Ware-honored Blades -- the Pilate pheon found in the Coat of Perthshire Celts/Cults must be important. It can't be coincidental that while German Herts/Hards/Harts and Celts/Cults both use the red stag called a "hart." Therefore, the Celts/Cults (suspect as Caledonian Picts) are tracing to MacaKhel, and as that is a Maxwell-suspect location, the arrow in the Pollock boar must be addressed again, because it was traced to the mythical CALEDonian boar (shot through by an arrow of the Caledonian king) while MacaKhel is being traced to KHALDi. Scottish Herts use the Pollock saltire, in the colors of the Herods/Hurls. The stars in the Scottish Hert Chief are in the colors of the Kell/Keld Coat.

Again, the Blades use the Scottish Frank saltire while English Franks use the Pollock / Hert saltire, and then the Blaze surname (Yorkshire again) uses what should be the Maxwell saltire, and a gold-on-blue garb in Chief, the symbol not only of Macclesfield, Cheshire, and the Comyns, but of the Arms of Oxfordshire, which looks like it has multiple reasons for a trace to the Iamblichus-line Amorites. Oxford must have been a vast liberal-Christian education channel producing all sorts of twisted but "important" church men.

The Thames river through Oxford may trace to THEMIScyra, an Amazonian city in the Trabzon / Thermodon theater. As the Mieszko > Haughton line traces to Trabzon by multiple methods, though now it's tracing to neighboring Macahel, let's not forget the Samandar location at/near Tarki in Alania's Terek zone, for the Saman/Salmon Crest uses the Shakespeare / Fulkes spear, while it was judged by me that Veres of Oxford / Worcester were behind Shakespeare. The Weir/Vere write-up traces the Oxford Veres back to Roxburghshire, where Scotty and other Star Trek-ers just traced.

It just so happens that while Samans/Salmons use "Optima," the Kirks use "Optimum" while William Shatner was "Captain Kirk" of the Starship Enterprise." If that's not enough, let's bring the Shots/Shutes back into the picture, because Shatners are also Shotbolts, and then the Shot/Shute sword design is the same (aside from a shorter blade) as that in the Kirk Coat! So, you see, Roddenbury had bloodlines on the brain when he created the God-less show.

Recalling the white-on-blue tower of Kellys who traced to the Terek theater, note that the same-colored (= Gog colors) tower is used by German Kirks/Gurks/Gorcks/Gercks. Let me re-quote from the Terek article: The Terek River...Greater Caucasus Mountain Range and the Khokh Range, to the southwest of Mount KAZbek, winding north in a white torrent between the town of Stephantsminda and the village of Gergeti...Below the city of KIZlyar it forms a swampy river delta...

Don't the variations of German Kirks smack of "Gergeti"? While Shots/Shutes were first found in Wiltshire, the English George surname (may trace to Georgia, after which Gergeti seems to be named) was first found in neighboring Dorset. It can explain why England -- as per its Norman Templars -- traces to Caucasian Georgia. In fact, the Macclesfield cross is probably the English-Templar cross, while Maxwells use the Templar skull-and-bones saltire. The George's above look like they use the Sam/Sammes lion that may now trace to SaMANDAR, not forgetting that I traced Samson's father (Manoah) and the MAEANDER river. Plus, the Manders and George's both use besants...which trace to Yorks of Wiltshire.

German George's/YERKes'/Gorgens' use what can be the bends of Hagels that can trace via the same bends to the Terek > Zurich line. It just so happens that it's the English Hagels that use the leaves/branch or branch of Caseys who traces to the Khazar-suspect terms in the quote above. Samandar was the Khazar capital, and uses salmon in English-Hagel colors. Let's not forget that Hagels (Scherer eagle) and Hachs may have been from MAKhachKala in the Terek theater.

Kirks use a "quod" motto term that in this picture can be for the Quoid variation of Mackays (see also Quids/Quoids). As Kirks use the Shot/Shute/Shutt sword , the SUTHERland location of Mackays looks Shute-suspect, especially as a "Fortune" motto term of Shots/Shutes looks like the "Manu forti" of Mackays while both surnames use short daggers (Bedfords use "fortuna"). For example, the Suters/Sutters (Mackay and Camville colors) may apply to Sutherlands, and then the Suter/Sutter Crest uses Camville leopard exactly...which as of now can indeed trace "Camvill" to "KAMBILeyevka" (Terek theater). Reminder, Obama's father was married to a Canfield surname of the Camville bloodline.

Aha! The French Simons, who use a "mon" motto term suspect with Simon Maccabee the HasMONean, show the Shatner lion exactly (at least today), suggesting that French Simons may trace to the Samandar Khazars. Recall that the Cass/CAST and Kesslers/KESTlers traced to "Kislyar" (in the quote above!), for the Simon motto is, "C'EST mon plaisir"!!!

English Simons (in Sam/Sammes and Samson colors) were first found in the same place as Stewarts and many other Alania elements. It's hard to say when these lines arrived to Alania, as it may have been in Templar times, or earlier, in the 800s, when I suspected that Merovingians of Moravia were largely responsible for the David-named kings of Georgia...who later (under David IV) helped in the first Crusade against Jerusalem. It's hard to say whether Georgia gave its flag to Templar Jerusalem, or vice versa. It could be that some of the surnames under discussion were from Alania before being in Britain at all.

This York-of-Wiltshire topic recalls the trace of its royal Edwards to Salines up the Rhone in the Macon area. It just so happens that both the Spanish Salines and YORKshire Bush clans use the gold-on-black fleur-de-lys, in the colors of the Dorset Bushers even, who trace to the Alania fold at Hertfordshire.

Aha, Welsh Edwards, first found in northern Wales where it should connect with Arthur / Arddu elements there, use the other Shatner lion (in black on white; Simons use the white-on-black Shatner lion; lion designs of all three surnames are identical as of today). The Welsh Edward sea horse is in the white color of the Busher sea dragon, and then the Salisbury surname (white lions in Crest...facing one another, as with the Shatner lions), found central in the Edward-of-Wiltshire write-up, uses the same lion exactly as the Dutch Bush's (same lion design as Shatners, etc.). Saliburys/SALUSburys are in the colors of the Gores/Cores who use a "salus" motto term. Salusburys were first found in the same place (Shropshire = Salop) as the rule of Dol Alans, and beside the Cheshire Sales.

I traced upright lions facing one another to Pollux (because he had a boxing symbol), brother of CASTor. The Caster surname uses besants and a talbot, both in Meschin/Samson/Sammes/Salines/Slaine/Saman/Bush colors.

The Arms of Stevenage uses a sword in a tree. The motto of the Arms uses "heart," and then there is a stag in Crest that may be the heraldic hart. It's suspect here that Stevenage traces to the Hartz bloodline now tracing to the Ardon river. The write-up is 666 impressive: "The name was recorded as Stithenęce, c.1060 and STIGenace in 1086 in the Domesday Book." The Stewarts are also "STIGweards," and we just saw not far above that Spocks/Specks traced to Alania, and owned the Windsor-suspect Wenworthy manor, while the Worthy surname was from an ancient Wordige surname...which gets us to the Word/WARD surname, suspect as Veres, as Stevensons are suspect because they and Weirs/Veres use the same-colored Moray stars.

Now, recall the purple "pilgrim's staves" used by Hawks, who are implied in the "hawk's lure" of Herods/Hurls, for entering "Stave" gets the Stevensons above. It just so happens that Stevensons were first found in the same place (Northumberland) as Roddens/Rodhams, the surname of the creator of Star Trek. Entering the "heart' term of the Stevenage Arms, the Scottish Heart surname comes up in the colors of the Scottish Herods/Hurls who use a hawk's lure.

It just so happens that the Arms of Stevenage uses SIX Zionist stars. It could have used one, or three, but why six where we see a stigma-like term in one of it's ancient variations? It's motto in full: "The heart of a town lies in its people." Aside from the idea that Herods are being honored in this motto, it just so happens that there is a People/Pepin surname and a Peoples/Peebles surname from Peebles-shire. see the Stevenson write-up: "First found in Northumberland, where they were established since the early Middle Ages at Knaresdale Hall, and at Newcastle on Tyne. By 1150, they had moved north to Scotland in the parish of Newlands in PEEBLES (now part of the Strathclyde and Border regions), where Stevene Stevenson swore an oath of allegiance (recorded on the Ragman Rolls) to King Edward I of England..."

In the Stevenage article:

Two films were set in and around Stevenage, Here We Go Round the MULBERRY BUSH and Boston Kickout. Spy Game was partly filmed in Stevenage but set in Washington, D.C. The BBC sitcom Saxondale was set and filmed almost entirely in Stevenage.

It just so happens that the Mulberry surname was first found in the same place as the Stevenson and Rodden surnames. Now we know for certain that the surname was from "Stevenage," or vice-versa. The STIMPson variation of Stevensons is conspicuous beside the Rodden tree STUMP. The Mulberry/Mowbray Coat is an upright white-on-red lion, the colors of the upright STIVER/Sturtifant lion. Mulberry's/MowBRAYS are from MontBRAI in Manche, same general location as Veres. I would trace the Brays to Bra in Cuneo (important where Bush's are from Cuneo), though the Bray write-up traces to Evreux, where I trace the Abruzzo kin of Veres.

We have seen Bush's of different varieties all over the Star-Trek investigation, and it fits where Roddens/Rodhams trace to Rutland at Leicestershire, while the Bus Coat (in Mulberry colors, thus clinching "Mulberry bush" as codework) uses what must be the Leicestershire cinquefoil, used also by Roddens, apparently, though in black. It's known that the Leicestershire cinquefoil traces to Hastings (the surname and probably the Cinqueport location by that name) and the Hastings use a so-called "sleeve" (otherwise called a maunche), symbol of "The Sleeve," an alternative name for the English Channel off the shores of Manche.

In one Star Trek movie, the Starship enters the realm of God, and it's pointed-ears Spock who kills God, where God is portrayed as a lunatic. Why, really, was Spock given long ears? The Spock/Speck eagle is on blue and white horizontal bars, four of each color, the number of the same-colored bars in the Arms of Hertfordshire. It's the location to which Star-Trek lines are already tracing. Blue and white horizontal bars are used by Lusignan (and Luxembourg); it just so happens that there are four each of the blue and white bars in the Arms of Lusignan. Looking further down the page, see the Lusignan red lion of Cyprus, and keep Cypros, mother of Herod, in mind, because Lusignan is in the other Vienne location of France.

The Templar Arms of Cyprus that belonged to Lusignans use an upright red-on-white lion, the position and colors of the English Stewarts that are reeking in Hertfordshire. Besides this, we should expect Lusignans to be Herods just because Lusignans made it to the throne of Templar Jerusalem.

As Spocks can be traced by their blue and white bars to Lusignan, you may already start to glean their links to the Melusine of Veres, and for what it may be worth, to Lusatians. The Spock/Speck trace to the red Casey eagle (in the color of the Drake wyvern) is important where Caseys are tracing to Khazars on the Terek river. Again, the Fers and Vairs use Shields filled with the checks of Cohens / Hohen Khazars from Melissena Rangabe, and Fertes use a red eagle. Let me now repeat from the Spock write-up: "Richard Le Espec acquired the manors of WenWORTHY and Brampton Speke in the county of Devon..." Scottish Worthy's use the Ferte eagle".

The Worthy's were Words/Wards using a Shield filled with checks too, but the point is that Words trace to Woerden (Netherlands), the home of the Roman, Lucian TRENTius Bassus, a lover of the El-Gabal cult. The Trent Crest is an eagle, but more importantly the Taran(t) surname (Dorset) uses red eagles in the same way as the Irish Casey Coat ("varios" motto term). It's telling me that Spocks/Specks trace to the Heliogabalus / Bassianus line out of Woerden, also called, Laurium, which should explain why the Trent-Crest eagle has a laurel branch in its mouth.

The Arms of Woerden use blue and white checks that I'll link to the Fer checks just because this topic is going toward Montferrat and the Fers (Pharisee lines, remember, that link to the Levi and Chappes first found in the same place as French Caseys). But the Woerden checks look like the Bavarian lozenges, which recalls that lozenges (diamonds) were suspect as code for the black stone of El-Gabal. In fact, in that discussion, the black lozenge/diamond used by Kyles was part of the reasoning, and here in the Arms of Woerden we see black lozenges! I don't think I knew that at the time of tracing the black stone to black lozenges.

Nor did I know of the following from the Woerden article when mentioning moments ago that this topic was going toward Montferrat, beside Monforte: "The lower stretch of the Linschoten stream from MONTFOORT and Linschoten to Woerden silted up a long time ago and its flow was diverted through the LEK and Hollandse IJssel rivers, but at one time it was an important branch of the Rhine delta, connecting the Lower Rhine from Wijk bij DUURstede to the Oude Rijn near Woerden." The statement gives the impression that elements at Woerden trace to the Durance river and it's Ligurians, which is very good in that the Montferrat direction I speak of had to do with a trace of Taran(T)s and Spocks to Turin of Piedmont. The only reason I'm going through this exercise is that Herods seem to trace to Turin.

You've probably heard, "Beam me up, Scotty." The Beams/Beemish's, first found in Durham, use a red-on-white lion, the Lusignan / Stewart symbol.

Trents were first found in Somerset, where the El-Gabal cult had traced heavily, and beside Devon, where the Hertford clans of the Aretas bloodline is now tracing heavily. The chevrons of Caseys and Taran(t)s should link to the same-colored one of Exeters, named after the major city of Devon, but the Devon chevron with black symbols has been traced to an assortment of related clans, including the Moretons, very Arthur-important, but also Herod-of-Turin important. The bells of Exeters probably trace to the Bell > Bellamy line out of Ferte-Mace, for Pierce's and Percivals (traces to the Perche location of Bellamys) were first found in Somerset.

The red lion in the Crest of the Arms of Exeter is probably the Stewart / Lusignan lion in some way. Note the towers in the Arms, and the SEMPer motto term that can be code for the Iamblichus > SAMPSIceramus line. Note that the Arms of Exeter use towers. The Exeter lion holds a gold besant, or globe, or that spherical Vatican symbol (I don't know what it's called) suspect as the Vatican sun god.

By the way, here's the raven-using Dutch Specters/Spects, but at this time I can't know which surname's ravens these link to immediately.

Moretons can be identified as mythical MORDred, also called, MODred. Mordred appears in the death of king Arthur as the one responsible for his death. The myth, "Le MORTE d'Arthur," speaks to the Morte surname, quickly understood to be the reason for the MODred spelling because entering "Morte" gets the MOTT/MOTE surname. This surname was first found in Essex, where I expect the Iamblichus line (to Camelot) that was ancestral to the black-stone line of Bassianus. The giant Morte/Mott crescent looks like the giant Chapman crescent, for the latter is in Moreton colors...and because Chappes' and Moretons were first found in the same place, Pharisee-line Paris.

The upright red-on-white lion of Cheshire's Mauds/Mawds looks like to should link to the Modred bloodline.

The Moretons were first found in Wiltshire, which not far above became a topic with neighboring Dorset elements. This area is beside Somerset, and especially near Clapton of Somerset...where Glaphyra traces who had married the Mauritanian king that is highly suspect in the Moretons. It's telling us that king Arthur was killed by the Glaphyra-Mauritanian line, and indeed the Arthurs did marry a family (Hicks) in Clapton.

I tend to trace the Mauritanians of Templar importance to the Tuareg Amazons of North Africa, who to this day are in the Mauritanian theater. These Tuaregs were traced to the Moratin tower = turris, and to places such as Turin and Thuringia, the latter being where the Bassianus line ruled that, as per a Basina name, married Childeric (Merovingian lines show Moor heads). But one or two generations before Childeric, the Salian king, Chlodio, married another Basina from Thuringia, and Salians lived beside Batavi at the mouth of the Rhine, the Woerden theater. While we just saw what appeared to be Ligurians at Duurstede, near Woerden, tracing to the Durance, it just so happens that I trace Salians to Salyes on the Durance. Entering "Salian" gets the SALEmans/SALYmans, first found in Terek-suspect Surrey.

The Wiltshire-Dorset topic earlier included the George surname, first found in Dorset, and tracing suggestively to the Gergeti location of the Khazar-laden Terek river. We saw how the George surname was also York-like, and as York was co-founded by GORGON Parisii, it explains why Georges were also York-like, and can indeed trace Georges to GERGeti. The Spocks, now linking to the same Khazars in the form of Caseys, trace exactly to Paris by way of Caseys being first found there.

It can explain why England -- as per its Norman Templars -- traces to Caucasian Georgia. In fact, the Macclesfield cross is probably the English-Templar cross, while Maxwells use the Templar skull-and-bones saltire. The George's above look like they use the Sam/Sammes lion that may now trace to SaMANDER, not forgetting that I traced Samson's father (Manoah) and the MAEANDER river. Plus, the Manders and George's both use besants...which trace to Yorks of Wiltshire.

It stands to reason that some of the Gorgons involved in this picture were from north-Africa, as part as the Mauritanians / Tuaregs. Chappes' of Paris use the Moor head, and we just saw Moreton-related Mortes/Motts using what should be the Chapman crescent, while crescents may trace to MUSlim lines of north Africa (though the LatMUS moon cult can apply). The black stone of Muslims traces to the Aretas line, itself tracing to the Artvin - Ardon locations that had elements in Hertfordshire.

If you've forgotten, Bushers (from Busher of Hertfordshire) were first found in Dorset, as with Taran(t)s. It begs the question of whether the latter and their Trent kin were from Tuaregs passing through Turin / Thuringia. It just so happens that the Bush goat is the Moreton goat (Russells of Dorset also use the goat). Moreover, the Bus' use the HAMELton cinquefoil that traces to Leicester Ligures, though "Hamel" traces to Essex, where Mortes/Motts were first found who use (apparently) the crescent of Chapmans who are in-turn related to the Chappes' that use a Moor head.

It's a difficult thing to understand how Herods had Mauritanian elements when they say that Herod Archelaus did not have children with Glaphyra. Yet, we find Arthurs, who definitely trace to Aretas and therefore to Hertford, the line that gave birth to Archelaus' grandmother, in Glaphyra-suspect Clapton. There is much more that can be said to link Herods to other Glaphyra-suspect lines. The Turin/Thurin Coat (gold boars, symbol of Campbells and Pollocks) uses a, "AUDentes" motto term that should link to the "Audacter" term of Pollocks...who trace definitely to Herod lines, and via Maxwells to the Hertford circle of families.

Although the Italian Turin surname is shown more like "Venturi/Venturin," it uses blue-and-white diagonal bars (upon a Bellamy Shield) that can be gleaned as a design of the Murtons/Mertones/Myrtons, first found in Devon. It certainly speaks to a trace of Turin to Moor lines. As Arthurians of Somerset's Baden/Battin surname trace to Baden in Germany, it's not coincidental that the Turins of Devon use the same helmet design as Pendragons, while the Turin/Thurin Coat uses the bend that is the Arms of Baden (Germany). You see, heraldic design at houseofnames has mattered for making links, but has recently been changing designs slightly in a possible attempt to conceal these family links.

Here's from the Turin/Thurin write-up: "The first of the surname on record was Adam Turin in the year 1323 in Fyvin." Isn't that location from the Vey/Vivian surname, first found in the same place (Cornwall) as Pendragons? It just so happens that Arthur's "death" in Avalon was where Morgan le Fay ruled the devil's cult, a witch that traces to Veys/Vivians, and to the 5-like symbols in the Arthur Coat that must link to "Fyvin" and to the Fife and Five surnames. Veys and Fifes both use Turin/Thurin Shield colors. Both the Fives and Turins/Thurins were first found in Aberdeen. Therefore, Arthurs trace very strongly to Turin, or to the tower bloodline that traces through Mauritanians to Herod and Glaphyra. The towers in the Arms of Exeter are highly suspect, wherefore the red lion of the Fives should be the lion in the Arms of Exeter. (In the past, if you would like to find my other comments on the Moratin tower, it was called the "Moreno castle").

Moreover, Baden is in WURTtemberg, smacking of the Worth / Word line to which the Spock/Speck write-up traces. The Words/Wards, first found in Hertfordshire, even use their checks in the colors of the Fives. This is strongly tracing the Words/Wards to "WURTtemberg." But as the rising eagle in the Word/Ward Crest should link to the Spock/Speck and Casey eagle, it's tracing Words/Wards to Vere's in Montferrat, and to the Montefoort location near Woerden. Keeping in mind that the Maud/Mawd lion traces well to the Exeter lion, here's from the Maud/Mawd write-up: "...settled in the Lordships and manors of Montalt and HaWARDEN in the county of Flint." The last time a rising eagle was encountered, it was in the Stratten Crest (Wiltshire), the Coat of which uses blue-and-white horizontal bars/stripes, the Spock-Shield symbol.

Reminder: Spocks show bars that trace to Lusignans who in-turn used their Cyprus lion in the colors of the Mauds/Mawds. It's a RED lion suspect with Herods of the Cypros line from Aretas, and therefore that lion should trace to Hertford, where Words/Wards were first found, but also where the Spocks/Specks are tracing with other Star-Trek-ers. It just can't be coincidental that the Speccots/Speckitts use frets on the same Shield as the Turins/Thurins, the Shield that is the Arms of Baden. The Speccots/Speckitts were even first found in Devon, where the Maud/Mawd lion traces.

As the fret-using Speccots/Speckitts use the Speccot bend while the latter use "AUDentes," we can now prove links to Pollocks because their "Audacter" term traced to Hoods and Audleys using the fret. And besides, Pollocks are expected to trace to Devon's Alan-Stewarts. In this picture where Woerden and the Spock/Speck eagle are tracing to the Durance river and to Montferrat, the "cott/cote" endings of the Speccots should trace to Cottians. The Turin motto uses "juvat as well as "Audentes," and then the motto of Roxburgh's Gooch's/Googes, "Audaces juvat," can apply so as to trace the Turin / Spock bloodline to Gogi.

I found the Speccots originally from the "spes" motto term used my many clans, a term that became important in the "spes" used by the Arms of Vilnius, the Arms to which Casey-related Cass'/Casts and Kiss'/Cush's trace that are now being discovered from the Terek-river Khazars, same place that Spocks are tracing to. Fer-related Cohen and Hohen Khazars were heavily in Baden-Wurttemberg, but, again, Cohens / Hohens were from Melissena Rangabe, while Spocks use the bars of Lusignan, apparently, the people of which are also called, Melusines. When I linked "spes" to the Space/Speccot surname, I didn't know that "spes" means, hope, or that there was a Hope/HOOD surname.

Do you think that the satanic bloodline thinks it can actually kill God using it's nuclear weapons? Do you think that the Star Trek movie showing precisely that idea was more factual hope than fiction? We already know that evolutionists are out of their minds, but for theistic evolutionists, wouldn't it be true that they view God ultimately as an alien from another planet over-seeing planet Earth? In that case, God -- or the God aliens, call them what you might -- can be killed, and run out of this solar system. These people just can't get it through their heads that there is a Creator. They would rather view God as a creation of evolution.

There is another way to trace the Speccots to Pollocks, Hearts/Herts, and Herods/Hurls, by way of the green-and-gold colors of the Berner/Burner Coat. From the Speccot write-up: "Hence, conjecturally, the surname is descended from the tenant of the village and lands of Speccott, held by Gosbert from Theobaold FitzBERNER, a Norman noble..." Okay, so Speccots were named after a town ruled by the Burn bloodline...which traces to Khazar-suspect ZAHRingers of Baden-Wurttemberg...who used the red eagle, symbol of Spocks/Specks! And I did trace Zahringers and Veringens to Lusatia, where the Lusignan bars of the Spocks must trace.

The Burnys location of Rangabe-suspect Renfrewshire, where Pollocks were first found, seems like an apt place to trace the Berners/Burners. But the Veringen antler was traced to the same in the Arms of Lusatia's Spree-Neisse, and then while Sprees use the Spree crescents, Speers were likewise first found in Renfrew. We now know, therefore, that the Swiss Berne location of the Zahringers traces to the Herod-suspect Berners/Burners. The Speers use gold boars, the symbols of the Turins/Thurins using the same Baden-related bend as Speccots. It just so happens that the Swiss Berne Coat is a fesse in colors reversed to the Speccot and Turn/Thurin bend.

German Berners use the bear, symbol of Zahringer Berne (and Arthurian Berwickshire), but the Berner bear is on a Shield split in half white and black, which evokes the split Shield, in the same colors, of the Speer-like Sprows'/Spruce's. Irish Bernes use the Sprows oak tree, and what should be the Saluzzo Shield. Irish Bernes also use the Hare/Garry lizard, and a small red saltire seen also in the Arms of Woerden. There is a bugle in the Arms of Woerden that should, therefore, link to the Burn bugle (these are the ones telling about the Bernys location in Renfrew).

The black Zionist stars of Burns should now trace to Sion/Sitten better than ever. A small saltire of that type above is used also by Candy's who trace to the House of Candy / Candida in Savoy, at Aosta, and then there is a St. BERNard Pass in Aosta. There is much that could be repeated at this point on the Speer / Sparrow bloodline, but suffice it to repeat that Ferrat-rooted Veres trace themselves to SPROWEStun of Roxburghshire. It's more than interesting that Speers use "SPEYer" while Speccots use "SPEYcott." One could conjecture that pointed-ear Spock was a Speer of the Lusatia > Lusignan line to the Lys valley of Aosta.

This map (has Berne and Zurich) shows the extent of the Cottian Alps, and in the meantime one can read the origins of the Cottian term. One can see that the Cottians reach to Turin. One can read in that Cottian-Alps article that Waldensians were from the Cottian, possibly named after the Walsers of the Lys valley. While Aosta is not technically in the Cottians, the Lys river forms the lower end of the Dora Baltea / Bautica that flows down to Turin. As Spocks are tracing to the Cottians, Turin, Ferte elements, and Lys elements, let's not forget the Ferrat region of Aosta: "[The Dora Baltea] originates by Mont Blanc as the confluence of the Dora di Ferret, fed by the Pré de Bar Glacier in Val Ferret..."

So, finally, a Berne surname has been found to trace to St. Bernard in Aosta. Again, the Irish Bernes use the Saluzzo Shield-and-Chief combination, and Saluzzo is in the Cottians too, beside Busca to which the Moreton-related Bush's trace along with Hertford's Busher location now linking to Spocks. I can add that the sun and white-on-blue crescent in the Berne Chief belong to Irish Martins, who must be the same as the Murtons/Mertones and Moretons. The Mauritanians, that is; they are now linking to the Berne surname that was huddled in Aosta, probably the same line as the Bars of Este that named the Bar glacier. As I trace the estoile to Aosta, note not only the eight-pointed estoile in the Morte/Mott Crest, but that the Irish Martin Crest is a six-pointed estoile! So, yes, Martins trace to mythical Modred/Mordred. And, yes, you remembered right if you realized that French Martins use towers.

Recall the write-up of Word-related Warrenes: "First found in Sussex...They were originally the ancient Earls of Varrenne of de Sancto MARTINo in Normandy."

Like the Bush's and Moretons, Italian Martins use the goat, thus tending to clinch the Martin / Moreton line traces to Saluzzo, and to the Salassi that founded Aosta. As these Salyes elements trace to the Salian Franks, it's important that French Martins were first found in the same place (Gascony) as Martels, said to be from Martins. The Merovingian line to Charles Martel was therefore a Saluzzo / Salassi one. This was the Pendragon line simply because Pendragons use the Sale fleur-de-lys that are in honor of the Lys valley of Aosta.

When myth portrays a death by war, as in the case of Mordred killing Arthur, it's code for a power transfer of the war's winner to the line of the loser, and as such it can be code for a merger of the two with one line shown (or merely claimed) as superior. Or, in other words, the Arthurian line became the Moreton line, and the writer of "Le Morte D'Arthur" was probably a Moreton / Martel bloodliner.

Keeping in mind that Ishtar had an ancient eight-pointed star, we can now unveil the "Star Trek" codework as the Ishtar dragon. That is, the goddess, Inana of Sumeria, the proto-Ishtar, was called a great heavenly mother of the dragon, and Treks are tracing to the Terek > Drake dragon cult...that I trace to Draguignan in Var to the south side of the Durance river (means that Terek-river elements should trace to Draguignan). Plus, Nicholas de Vere of Drakenberg traces his own line to Anu of Sumeria, wherefore it's expected that the Ishtar cult should apply to Drakenberg. Plus, Ishtar became a product of the Babylonian Amorites who had a MARDuk god that should trace to the Martins et-al, which does not at all contradict with the Martin trace to Moors / Mauritanians, as they smack of Amorites/Amurru and of their Mari capital.

The Star surname (all-seeing-eye) not only uses estoiles, but a "vive" motto term. Were the Spocks linked to Turins/Thurins? Yes, and here's the Turin/Thurin write-up again: "The first of the surname on record was Adam Turin in the year 1323 in Fyvin." It's evident that the Star motto term is code for the Vivian / Five / Arthur line at Fyvin.

The Arms-of-Exeter motto (Semper fidelis) is identical to that in the Arms of L'viv, important because the Vivian bloodline was traced to "L'VIV," and both Arms use gold towers at a front gate.

As the Arthurian round table traced in-part to the Round surname, the Rondissone location in the province of Turin is jumping out at us. It uses what look like swallows, a type of sparrow. The bottom two colors in the Arms of Rondissone are those of Irish Arthurs, who throw in some blue hurts, the Hertford-suspect symbol also of Tables/Tapleys.

I'm not forgetting that Lower Lusatia uses a red bull, the symbol of Oxford, but expected in Turin. Recall too that Merovingians trace themselves to a QuinoTAUR bull, suggesting FIVE bull lines. Here's the Turin bull. There's what appears to be nine crescents on the Turin crown, the number of Morgan le Fay.

The Turin's even use a "fortuna" motto term (used by Bedfords; Hertford and Bedford are overlapping regions) that in this very update is tracing for the first time to Forli / Forrel elements from Rimini's Maschis. It's not only logical to make that trace based on Mascis being first found in the same place (Piedmont) as Turin, but because I traced Cattolica, beside Rimini, to Cottians. However, "fortuna" can also include Forts, who use...towers! These symbols are not only traced by me to Turin itself, but the Martin tower design was recently changed, now using the same tower design (almost) as Forts. It's not surprising because French Martins and French Forts were both first found in Guyenne = Gascony.

It can't be coincidental that Forts use "Forti et audax" for a motto while Turins/Thurins use "Audentes" that links to the "AUDACter" motto of Pollocks. As the Fort Crest looks like Exeter elements, the "ax" and "actor" of the Fort and Pollock mottoes should be code for the Exe entity that named Exeter (I've traced the Pollock motto to the Ectors / Actons, and French fortes use the Kay bird)). The Fort Chief shows the Maxton bee design while Pollock-related Maxwells lived in Maxton (Roxburghshire).

German Forts (Alan Shield?) use the Ferrari-car logo, and were first found in Ferrara, thus verifying the Fort /Turin trace to Ferrat elements. The Fort horse is clearly the Massey / Pepin horse design, but used also by Odins that trace to Oettingens whose saltire I've traced to Gascony, and whose surname I've traced to the "AUDacter" of Pollocks.

The Star-Trek crew routinely encountered aliens called, Klingons, and it just so happens that while Star-Trek elements trace to the Hertford location of the Alania Alans, the German Cling/Klinger surname (Swabia) uses ducklings, what the French Alans showed for years until mere weeks ago. The Alan ducklings link easily to the Devon-surname ducklings. In the second update of last July, it's recorded that "The Alan ducks are identical in design (at least they are now) to the "shovelers" of Herls/Hurls..." It's also recorded that the Gascon-surname duck is in the design of the Devon ducklings. It just so happens that Herls/Hurls were first found in the same place as Roddens, the surname essentially of Star Trek's creator.

The Clings/Klinger also use a "blue flowers," while the Flower surname was first found in Devon, and use a single giant ermined cinquefoil (recalls the Bus / Hamelton cinquefoil) on ermined background in colors reversed to the cinquefoil on ermined background of Roddens! Didn't Klingon-like Bill Clinton have an illicit relationship with a Jennifer Flowers???

The Flowers use Sale colors so that, possibly, Clings were Slings of the Salyes > Salian / Salines kind.

I'm out of time, and could not proof read this update, as usual these weeks. Actually, I despise proof-reading now that I'm suffering burn-out. I was thinking that perhaps the time was up to stop the hunt, but I'll continue for some time yet whatever else it can turn up. It would be a shame to waste all that I've learned to this point, or to wait a few years before going on, after I've forgotten much more than I already have to date. My plans for the next few months, even though I am down to my last nail-biting $500 this week, is to continue this hunt until I feel that God says enough...possibly by the circumstances in my life that force me to stop. I'm not asking for a money hand-out, and would turn you down if you offered. I have some work lined up next month, and have food enough for about two months, as well as no mortgage or utilities to pay in the meantime.


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

On this page, you will find evidence enough that NASA did not put men on the moon.
Starting at this paragraph, there is a single piece of evidence -- the almost-invisible dot that no one on the outside was supposed to find -- that is enough in itself to prove the hoax.
End-times false signs and wonders may have to do with staged productions like the lunar landing.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
Table of Contents

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