Previous Update: Oct 18 - 24

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October 25 - 31, 2011

King Arthur Undressed; Wears Gorlois Underwear
He Turns Out to be a Real Gabber
Tudors and a New Window into the Masonic Circus
Pink Oliphants Toot a Mean Saxonophone
Ground-Breaking Surprises on Sadducees and Herods
FINALLY, the Washington Monument's "Laus Deo" Explained, with Proof

Did Obama ever really want to bring the American soldiers home, or wasn't that merely electioneering facade?

The Obama administration plans to bolster the American military presence in the Persian Gulf after it withdraws the remaining troops from Iraq this year, according to officials and diplomats. That repositioning could include new combat forces in Kuwait able to respond to a collapse of security in Iraq or a military confrontation with Iran.

The plans, under discussion for months, gained new urgency after President Obama’s announcement this month that the last American soldiers would be brought home from Iraq by the end of December...

...Officers at Central Command said that the post-Iraq era required them to seek more efficient ways to deploy forces and maximize cooperation with regional partners.

There is no will to bring the troops home, is there?

One of the greatest finds in the last update, though debatable for the several super discoveries besides, was the Derth surname, first found in Stirling. The discovery was made after realizing that king Arthur (code for whatever peoples he depicted) had been wounded in Stirling, according to myth, afterwhich he retreated to Bute=Avalon, where he died. Wikipedia says that "Le Morte d'Arthur," by Thomas Malory, was originally Le Morte Darthur," and, tricky-dicky that Malory was, it leads to the Darth/Death surname. But that is not quite the same as the Derth surname, though we can imagine that the two are related.

If I hadn't seen that little code-work from Malory, the Derths probably would not have been discovered. It was only due to tracing the Arthur-suspect Thorton surname to Tortona, earlier called, DERTHona, that I entered "Derth" to check it out. And only because the Darth/Death surname was already on the brain, thanks to Malory.

It means that Malory knew (or at least wrongly believed) the king-Arthur entity to be the town of Airth in Stirling, where the Derth surname is said to derive. The surname is properly, Airth and Arthe. (No, I don't think there was a real king Arthur who named this place.) It would be interesting to find where "Airth" traces.

In the last update, there were more than four theories (none of them conflicting) as to the identify of the peoples who furnished Pontius Pilate's mother, three of them being solid, and one not so solid but expected. The solid theories were as per Yonges, Duffs, and Rollos, and the less-solid theory was the Arthurian cult. But I have found something shocking already that I'll unload shortly below with nine exclamatons. First thing's first.

In the Darth/Death write-up, the clan is Flemish. Very good, for I trace the Arthur cult to "Artois" in the Flanders theater. The Artois city of Arras might even have formed "Airth/Arthe." But do note that the write-up traces to "D'Ath," for with confidence, thanks to the nine exclamatons about to be sprung on you, am I tracing Darths/Deaths to the Welsh Bath/Atha surname, first found in Somerset. The exclamatons will trace the Arthurian cult to neighboring Devon.

The Darth/Death write-up: "It was also occasionally an occupational name for a gatherer or seller of kindling. In this case, the name is derived from the Old English word dethe, which in turn is derived from the Old English word dyth, which means fuel or tinder." By what foilincidence is it that we find the FUEL term in that write-up, while I view Arthur as code for Herods, from Redones, and especially from the Rodes surname of Languedoc that married RoqueFEUILs of Languedoc? The Roquefeuils trace to the treFOIL symbol, which is a three-leaf clover, and so read the description of the Darth/Death Crest: "A griffin's head holding a three leafed clover." [Much later in this update, this clover topic returns.]

Now you know that the surname does not trace to any sort of fuel, but rather to proto-Rockefellers. The Feller Coat uses trefoils and a chevron in colors reversed to the Valery chevron. You will enjoy the nine exclamatons more by noting that Valerys were first found in Daphne-founded Dauphine.

The Feller trefoils are in the white-on-blue colors of the Pilate pheons, and in fact, many Rockefeller Coats were seen using those colors. Pilates are of obvious importance here because the Airth location is highly suspect as having something warm to do with the mother of Pontius Pilate.

The Valois/Valais/VALOUR chevron is the same as the Feller chevron, but instead of three white trefoils, the Valois/Valois/Valour Coat uses three white crescents, perhaps the same white crescents as in the Darth/Death Coat. When the three red roses in the Valois Chief were seen, the Yonge greyhound came to mind, and that's when I spotted the greyhound in the Valois Crest. The John Yonge Crest (very key Welshman, treated in the last update) uses a greyhound in the same position as the Valois greyhound. That important point was missed in the last update.

If you believed my trace of Yonges to people who furnished Pilate's mother, we can now drag the Valois/Valais bloodline into it, which is no surprise really, because the Valour variation is probably in honor of Valerius Gratus, whom is suspect in Pilate's ancestry.

The Darth/Death Coat uses what I consider a rare griffin, that of the Vince/Vinch Coat. The Vinces/Vinches were first found in HERTfordshire, and that place smacks of an Airth term too. In fact, the Hertford Coat uses the same format and colors as the Arthur Coat. Now we know that the same entity that named Airth also named Hertford. As the Hertfords use stag heads, the Hortons, using nothing but a stag head, come to mind.

English Shaws/Sheaves (in Vince/Vinch colors) use a "vincit" motto term, and their Scottish relatives were first found in Perthshire. I have very little doubt left that Pharisees and/or Sadducees are from the Shaw bloodline, and in the last update the Scottish Shaw grails were linked solidly to the same of the Pilottes and Pellets, but the point here is that the Arthurs of Vince/Vinch relations appear linked to the Shaws. Like the Derths/Airths, Scottish Shaws are said to be Picts, and it may very well be that Shaws in Scotland go back themselves to the time of Pilate's birth.

By what I explained in the last update as a message from the Holy Spirit, the Hortons were linked to Thortons, and the two of them linked to Tortona=DERTHona. Hopefully, God is tired of my endless writings and wants to move things along. It was found that Horts/Hurts, who also use a stag, was part of the Horton>Arthur bloodline. Before arriving to this paragraph, I had planned on going to the Dewey and Arras Coats as soon as the substance is shown of the nine exclamatons. Therefore, note that the gold-on-black Deweys use a Coat much like the gold-on-black Horts/Hurts and that gold on black is also in the Arras Coat. The Darths/Deaths also use gold on black.

Let's now move to the Derths/Airths, who are said to be Picts rather than Flemings. I'm not viewing that as a contradiction at all, at least not yet. The fact that Pontius Pilate's mother was said to be a Pictish woman, and the proximity of Airth near the modern Perthshire border, suggests strongly that this segment of the Arthur entity is what gave birth to Pilate. I expect it, therefore, to link to the Duffs, Yonges, and Rollos.

The Derth/Airth Coat shows no symbols, but the Crest is a red rooster, the Sinclair-style rooster. The same red rooster was found recently by an "accident" on my keyboard, when "Alis" was spelled wrong, and up came the Akis/Acheson surname instead. It helped to identify the ChosCISko entity of the Goplo bloodline. By that time, the Koppel rooster had already traced to "Goplo." NOTE: Not only does the Akis/Acheson Crest share the Derth/Airth-Crest rooster, but the Akis/Acheson clan was first found in Berwickshire, where the Arthur surname was first found. We now have an excellent reason to trace other Goplo entities to Berwickshire.

It's time for the down-and-dirty on this Arthur topic. Entering "Dirt" brings up the Darts/Darths, and in the Crest a flame that I've already traced to "Fleming." We're back to the Darth/Death-line Flemings, but now we have a red Shield with a white bar. We get another white bar on a red Shield when clicking to the Welsh Dirt clan, and it happens to be the Daffy/David Coat!!!!!!!!!

Count'em. Nine.

I have no idea how else that a Dirt term could bring up a David surname except that the Daffy/David clan was linked in the last update with the Duffs!!!!!!!!! Count-em. Nine. It means that the Duffs and Arthurs got to be one bloodline somehow, thus tracing the Arthurs to the mother of Pontius Pilate. As Arthur died on Bute, recall that Duffs trace to Morgan le Fay of Bute, and her eight fellow witches.

Duffs had been found in an investigation on Diva, what is now the Cheshire capital, and the Dirts/Davids were first found in Cheshire. It's clear that the David surname did not originally derive from a David of any kind.

The Dewi variation of the Dirts/Davids must trace to the Deweys, first found in Devon, which was the theater where king Arthur had his "father," and where Exeter is found that I think furnished the Excalibur sword. The Welsh Davis Coat, practically the same as the Dirt/David/Dewi Coat, uses "Dhuw" twice in the motto.

Let me repeat that the Flower surname, first found in Devon too, shows the same lion head as the Dirts/Davids and Davis', as well as a single cinquefoil in colors reversed to the Dewey cinquefoils. It's clear-cut, especially as the first Dirt/Dart(h) surname above was likewise first found in Devon. The Flower write-up traces to Fletchers and to "fla, which meant arrow." That's code for the Arras/Arrow surname, said to be from Artois.

We naturally want to know who the Fletchers may be.

Didn't I say that Darths et-al trace to the Welsh Baths/Athas, first found in the Devon theater too? The Baths/Athas have long been linked (by me) to Baathist-party elements including the Aflacks, Bitars/Butters, and Flacks/Flecks/Flegs. The Aflacks and Bitars/Butters share something with the Fletchers/Flagers: they all use the same black-on-white fat cross!!! Just like that, the Arthur bloodline is revealed as the Baathist bloodline that I say will invade end-time Israel...and murder many people for the sake of taking Jerusalem.

The Baath party was co-founded by a Bitar surname with an Aflaq surname. While Bitars/Butters use hearts ("heart" reflects Hort, Hurt, Arthur, etc.) around their cross, Fletchers/Flagers use pheons in Pilate-pheon white...and the pheons are inside so-called "plates"! That can't be coincidental. Do you know who else uses symbols inside plates? English Pratts, who strike me as kin to English Shaws.

It's as if the Pilate bloodline will come around to persecute the Jews of end-time Israel, descendants of the ancient Jews who demanded of Pilate to crucify Jesus. And the Herods of the end-time will join in the end-time persecution, forcing the Jews to take their turn in being murdered for committing no crimes, as they demanded that an innocent Jesus should be murdered. Do I have this right? Is God bringing the ghosts of the Romans back to Israel to enact Vengeance, on behalf of His Son, upon the descendants of the Pharisees and Sadducees? Didn't the Jews beg Pilate, "Let his blood be on us and on our children"?

Blessed is the One who comes in the Name of the Lord. That's what the survivors of end-time Israel will say, three and one half years too late, two thousand years too late.

I still haven't understood how Pharisees can be related to Pilates, even though the relationship becomes apparent in multiple ways. I can't imagine easily that Pharisees descended from Shaws of Perthshire, or whoever Scottish Shaws had been in the decades/centuries before Christ. It's far easier to think that Pharisees had been from whatever the Italian Sheaves/Chaves had been at that time, and that Shaws were one branch of Sheaves/Chaves while Pharisees were another. The Ferraris of Ferrara are suspect as Shaves/Chaves for that reason. In that picture, the Fergus' were more like a branch of Sheaves/Chaves than Pharisees. Did you notice the key in the Clover Crest? The Sheaves/Chaves use only keys. The Darth/Death Crest shows a clover. What's going on? How do we interpret it? What part of Arthurian branches was the Pharisee line from?

There was a grail-cult mythical Kay, and "Kay" brings up a Key surname linking to elements (e.g. Ectors) in Fife and Forfarshire=Angus..the very hot spots where the Pilates were involved. Another clue is the trace of Derths and Darths to Tortona=Derthona, beside the proto-Pepins of Pavia/Papia. Wasn't the very birth of Arthur in Gorlois elements just traced in the last update to proto-Pepins? Wasn't the end of Arthur's life in Airth traced to the Ayers/Airs of Ayrshire, and didn't the Kyles use a pipe (that king Cole smoked) as code for Pepins? Totally independent of those traces, wasn't it logical that Pharisees should trace to the Laevi and Ananes? If true, then how can it be coincidental that Pavia was founded by a Marici peoples in alliance with Laevi??? Just like that, we now have the good evidence for linking the Pharisee line to the Arthurian=Pepinid cult out of Pavia and neighboring Tortona.

Pepins can be traced to Lanarkshire, beside Ayrshire, first by the three white-on-black crescents of the German Aachen Coat. The same three crescents are used by Darths! Just like that, Darths are linked to Merovingians of Aachen. The Scottish Achens not only use the same rooster as the Derth/Airth Crest, but it's black, like the Koppel rooster traced to Goplo.

Entering either "Pipe" or "Pepin" brings up the same Coat and yet the two write-up are different, as it to disguise that Pipes were Pepins. Pipes show no Pepin variations, and Pepins show no Pipe variations. AND ZOWIE! In the Pepin motto we find, "quisque," smacking of "Choscisko," the myth-code character (father of Piast Kolodjiez) who took over Popiel's kingdom at Goplo. That's how I knew that Pepins were at Goplo.

Aside from the Arthurian trace to the Laevi and proto-Pepins of Pavia, the Levi surname was first found in PARIS, where the Lys surname was first found that links both to the Artois-branch Arthurians and to the Merovingians under Clover-like Clovis, a Germanic peoples who had been in alliance with Pepinids proper. There is a "contradiction" here between a Pharisee trace to Ferraris and to Parisii both. If the contradiction is to be rectified, the Ferraris would need to trace to mythical Paris of Troy, brother of Hector. It just so happens that entering "Ector," Kay's father, brings up the Hector surname, first found in Angus=Forfarshire. If Ferraris linked to Sheaves/Chaves, there in a nutshell we have a Ferrari trace to Kays (if "Kay" and the "Shay" variation of Shaws were kin).

Coincidence after coincidence means that there is truth in what's being explained. As mythical Ector was also called. Cyner, how is it that, wholly apart from being conscious of the Kinner surname (using the Kay-Crest bird), first found in Fife, I had realized that the Phyfe variation traces to "Pavia." If you think that's too much like thin ice, then all we need to do is to find a Pepin branch in Fife to make the ice a little thicker. But just see how thick it becomes when we compare the Kinner Coat to the Pepin Coat, for both use a black Shield with a gold bend. Did we trace Pipes to the Kyle pipe symbol (see in a Kyle-Society website)? Then consider the white anchors in the Kinner Crest, the color of the anchor in the Kyle Crest. It all makes sense where Pipes and Pepins use camels, code for king Cole's Camelot / Camulodunum.

The Kinner motto term, "live," easily traces to the Fife-related Vivians/Veys said to be named after "alive." Remember that Vivians/Veys were part of the Duff line to the mother of Pontius Pilate. The Kinner motto term, "hope," easily traces to the Hitler-related German Hopes/Hoods (anchor) and to the English Hoods (white anchor in the mouth of the Kay and Kinner bird) of Devon, roughly where the Vivians/Veys were first found who use the same chevron as English Hopes.

English Hopes have the peculiarity of using both the same chevron as Pagans, and besants in the colors of the Buckingham besants. We want to know who the Hopes come from in order to understand the Arthur-Pepin cult better. Opland (Norway), ruled by the Rollo Sinclairs, comes to mind. Here it can be said that the Pepin motto code, "Mens," brings up a clan first found in Lothian (i.e. where Arthur-related Sinclairs were first found), as well as a red Chief. Vivians/Veys, who were just linked to Hopes, use a red does the Fife surname (Duff lion). Didn't we just see Hopes accessed from the motto of the Kinners first found in Fife?

Okay, it looks good for a Hope trace to Opland/Upland and More. It then suggests that Pagans/Payens (and therefore the Apachnas-Hyksos pirates) were in Opland just because we saw the Pagan chevron in the Hope Coat. To prove this, the Paines/Paynes ("Malo mori" code for Rollo-line More) easily trace to Rollo's uncle. I had ventured to argue that Opland was linked to "Hopland" and "Copeland," but that was before realizing just now that the lion design in the Copeland Crest is in the Paine/Payne Coat.

NOW WOW, the Copelands use the Washington Shield, and Washingtons were traced solidly in the last update to Goplo, and "Cope" certainly smacks of "Goplo." ZOWIE MORE, for it was shown for the first time in the last update that the GolPIANI founders of Goplo had derived from the ColaPIANI of Illyrium!!!!!!!!!! Count'em. Nine. We have just traced the Paines and Payens to the Colapiani > Golpiani line from Jupiter and Juno, the latter duo being the roots of the Duffs and Yonges respectively (see last update for details on that). You won't here these things anywhere else. Stay tuned for what is yet to come.

Copelands can be traced to Arras, where MacCabes/MacAbees lived, for Tolkien spoke on a Numenor island that was code for Arras, and Copelands use "numine" in their motto. Copes use "animo" and possibly the Payen/Pagan chevron.

The point is to support the overwhelming evidence (not all presented here) that the Arthurian cult was linked to Rollo Sinclairs. It makes sense where I trace Arthur to Redones, for I traced Redones to Varangians, and feel that Rollo vikings were of the Varangians. Moreover, the Arthur surname itself links to what I see as the Bernician-branch Varangians. However, Bernicians came first, before the Varangians proper of about 800 AD. The Bernicians were so early in Scotland / England that they should be traced to Zahringens, not vice versa. But Pepins can be traced to Bernicians too as per Bernician queen Bebba, the family of which ruled Bamburgh castle, and whose people were called, Bebbanburghs. It can't be coincidental that, later, we find a Bamberg in Germany, founded by Babenbergs.

Therefore, if Babens were Pepins, we find proto-Pepins in the Bernicians, fully expected because the Arthur surname was first found in Berwick, a Bernician city. The Babenberg Coat uses a triple red chevron, same as Clares, same as Dutch Burgs. We might even speculate here that Burgs had been in the Bebbanburgh and Bamburgh terms, and then trace Bebba to Pilates of Burgundy just because the German Bamburg Coat shows what looks like a pile! Then, English Bamburgs (same colors) use the red fat cross used also by Irish Burghs.

The latter Bamburgs were first found in Oxford, where proto-Pepins had just been traced in the last update as per "Oxen" links to "Aachen." But the proto-Pepin trace to Oxford was clinched as per Pendragon's rule in London, for "London" linked well in that picture to "Landon," the ancestry of the Pepins proper. But now I can repeat that the Landon Coat uses bears! (!!), symbol of Bernicians.

AND LOOK! Bebba was styled queen "of Northumberland," while the Mens surname (= motto term of the Pepin Coat) was first found in Northumberland.

We now have the Pilate line tracing to Bernicians of the Arthur cult, and this does not contradict a trace to Caledonians assumed to have been of the Arthur cult. In 603 AD:

Aethelfrith, King of Bernicia, has defeated Aidan MacGabrain, King of the Dalriada Scots at the Battle of Degastan to the north east of Gretna. The Dalriada Scots live in western Caledonia and originate from Hibernia (Ireland)...

Two main points. The Arthur-surname write-up traces Arthurs "King Aedan Mac Gabrain, King of Dalriada,", the same man, we may assume, as the one above that is king of an Irish peoples in Caledonia (the latter term was likely used to denote all of Scotland, but just the same it alerts us to the Caledonian nature of the country in those years). Picts, they say, came from Ireland too. But these Arthurian peoples were in the area of Gretna! The "Gretn---" term seen off the map in the last update was just this Gretna, and it was beside Annan(dale), itself across the waters from Carlisle! The finding in the last update, before I had seen this article (i.e. I had other reasons for it), was that the Pepinids of the Carolingians of Aachen were from Carlisle elements somehow. We are now seeing part of the answer in the quote above.

I had ventured a trace of "Gretn---" (I didn't know the full name until seeing the article above) to Valerius GRATUS. See first Wikipedia's Gretna article: "Gretna means '(place at the) gravelly hill', from Old English greot 'grit'..." It looks like code work not necessarily originating in the author of the Wikipedia article, but from his/her sources. As I traced Valerius Gratus to the Valois surname, by what valincidence is it that the French Gravel Coat is identical to the Valois/Valais/Valour Coat???!!!

By now you may be thinking that I'm a genius. I've got to set you straight. This is God's revelation. The direction that I go in continually proves to be correct a vast majority of the times, regardless of how crazy it may sound when starting out.

Did we see a black greyhound in the Valois/Valour Crest? Then what is that black greyhound doing in the English Gravel Crest??? And why are there "plates" in the Gravel Coat (surname first found in BUCKINGhamshire)? From the last update:

Assuming that the Gret-like location at Annan (it reads "Gretn---", but other letters are off the map) was the Valerius-Gratus bloodline, let's not forget the trace of the same line to the Crait/Cree surname, for the Cree river (running into Wigton) is just three valleys over from the Nith. Then, the Crait/Cree surname was first found in InverNESS, where there is a Ness river. If that's not enough, zowie, the Crait/Cree Chief is three red-on-white stars, identical to the Washington Chief!!! AND, French Craits/Cretes/Creys were first found in Burgundy, where Pilates were first found.

I didn't mention the Graut/Gros surname at that point, which also uses a greyhound. But then so does the Crest of the John Yonge Coat, suggesting strongly that the three red roses in the English Yonge Coat links to the three red roses of the Valois/Valour Chief. Let's not forget the Gros term by which Hugh D'Avrances was called, for I have the expectation that "Avrances" is from "Bernic(ia)" / "Bryneich."

The idea presented above for the first time ever, that Burg(h)s were from "BamBurgh" and/or "BebbanBurgh" is now showing merit. First, Hugh D'Avranches was a Burgos, for it was that clan which furnished the Contevilles that were one side of Hugh's immediate ancestry. Secondly, the Dutch Gravel Coat is a fat cross in colors reversed to the Irish Burgh (must have an 'h') Coat. Remember too, Clares and Dutch Burgs both use a triple red chevron, the symbol also of the Babenberg Coat. (The Graves/Greaves surname may apply.)

It just so happens that the first-known Babenberg of Germany (so far as we're allowed to know) was Poppo I. It lends support to a Pepin = Baben = Bebban equation. It means that queen Bebba was a proto-Pepinid, and as such the line to Pontius Pilate is suspect in her. A further major point is that "Gravel" smacks of Grabfeld, a city in Germany founded/ruled by Babenbergs.

Back to "Aethelfrith, King of Bernicia, [who] defeated Aidan MacGabrain, King of the Dalriada Scots at the Battle of Degastan to the north east of Gretna." We now know that Gretna was a location in honor of Valerius Gratus. My trace of Arthur to Bernicians seems to be contradicted in that quote, but then some Arthurian writers tell that Arthur was, in the beginning, part of the "white dragon," by which they mean the Saxons. Bernicians were Saxons, and Arthur is usually lumped in with red-dragon Brits. We may assume that, before or after Gabrain lost to AETHELfrith, Gabrain's Irish peoples had merged with Bernicians. Recall the "ATH" root of the Darth/Death surname, likely rooted in the Aethel terms used by Saxons. In the article, Bebbanburgh is traced to Celts:

The Bernician fortress capital of Din GuyARDI [caps mine] has been renamed Bebbanburgh (Bamburgh). It has been named after Queen Bebba, the new wife of Aethelfrith following Acha's untimely death. Bamburgh has continued to be known by its old Celtic name despite its capture by the Anglo-Saxon chief Ida in 547. Since that time it has been the chief fort and capital of northern Northumbria. The site's new name means Bebba's fort.

That allows us to trace proto-Pepins to Celts, and therefore to CALEDonians proper...whom I say furnished the Perthshire Celts/Cults and Argyllshire Calls/Coles/Auls, both of which us the Pilate pheon in colors reversed.

We then find that a Mercian king Cearl fights Aethelfrith. It just so happens that I trace Pepins to Pavia-Papia, founded by a Mercia-like Marici peoples! We might even expect the Laevi here in the land of Mercia, and therefore the Pharisee line. Hang on to your Saxon horse.

Does not "Cearl" smack of Carl=Charles so as to trace him to proto-Carolingians of Carlisle? It just so happens that "Ceart" is a motto term of a Kilpatrick Coat where the Crest shows the "Jewish" Levi lion in Levi-lion colors. Just like that, the Butteri and the Laevi trace to Mercians, who married the Bernician king that married secondly a proto-Pepinid from a Bamburgh castle once called GuyARDI. The only thing missing is the bowl to wash Pilate's hands clean. It's got to be around here somewhere. Check the saddle bags.

Scottish Kilpatricks were first found in Dumfries, the area beside Annan(dale), still close to where Aethelfrith and the Gabrain-line proto-Arthurs fought their battle. Remember, Kilpatricks were at Closeburn of Dumfries, and "Close" brings up the Clovse surname...using a spur. Here's the Gretna write-up again, only elongated a little: "Gretna means '(place at the) gravelly hill', from Old English greot 'grit' (in the dative form greoten (which is where the -n comes from)" and hoh 'hill-spur'." Spurincidence?

King Clovis was dead by the time of Aethelfrith, and so the assumption is that some of Clovis' peoples came to Dumfries...and to nearby Carlisle:

Much of the ancient history of Carlisle is still unknown...The earliest recorded inhabitants were the Carvetti tribe of Brythonic Celts who made up the main population of ancient Cumbria and North Lancashire. According to early historians Fordum and Boethius Carlisle existed before the arrival of Romans in Britain and was one of the strongest British towns at the time.,_Cumbria

Celts again in a pre-Christian time. The Carvetti may just have been what named the raven-using Corbetts/Corbins.

Do we recall that the Botter-colored star is used by the Calls/Coles/Auls? Are we not expecting Butteri Romans here in the Dumfries theater? When the Romans came, they named Carlisle after Lug, and I do trace Butteri to Ligurians. Laevi were Ligurians.

The name of the city was, Luguvalium, a combination term that includes "valium," a term that might just have been named after the Valerius-Gratus line (since after all it was determined that nearby Gretna was named after "Gratus). Wikipedia's article on Luguvalium seeks to trace the term possibly to a pre-Roman Brit entity by an attempt to define the name as "Luguwaljon." But that might be nothing more than typical off-the-wall error fed to us constantly by struggling historians. The article tells that Carlisle was also "Karlioli." Here's the Carlise-surname Coat, the same fleur-tipped cross as in the Bouillon Coat.

The Carver/Garver surname might link to the Carvetti, for it uses a chevron in the colors of the Pendragon chevron, with a fleur-de-lys (Pendragon symbol too) upon it. The Carvetti fleur is gold, wherefore it's a gold-on-black fleur, just like the fleur in the Arras/Arrow Coat (fat black cross belonging to Baathist elements, Balders and Sinclair). It could be that Carvers/Garvers, and therefore the Carvetti, were Gravel elements...from Grabfeld. If so, it more-assuredly traces Luguvalium = Carlisle to Valerius Gratus.

Keep your eye on the plow, for this is hard to believe. For this update, I have been planning something from last night that led to the Plow surname starting with an investigation on the Arras/Arrow bloodline. However, the above added this morning wouldn't let me get to it, and so I decided while writing the paragraph above to get to it because Arras had been mentioned. It was moments afterward where I read in the Carver/Garver write-up that the surname is traced to: "...charuier and caruier, which both mean ploughman." I know that it's code, and moreover the charuier term reflects elements that may have derived in "Carlisle."

Here's how I got to the Plow surname, by starting with the FLOWer surname, said to be named after fletchers and arrows, but I know that's code for the Arras/Arrow surname. Remember, Fletchers/Flagers use a black-on-white fat cross too, assuring that Flowers do link to the Arras/Arrow Coat. Fletchers/Flagers use the pheons on plates highly suspect as code for the Pontius Pilate bloodline.

Aside from realizing the similarity between "Flower" and "Plower," I started the investigation with the Flager-like variations, going first to Flickers and then Flugers/Plugers who use "plough shares because the write-up traces the surname to plowmen. Ignore the bunk and trace instead to the Flowers.

Keep your eye on the "shares" code, not just because it ought to link to the "sure" motto term of the Kilpatricks, but think the shares of market corporations, the ball game of the grossly wealthy. You'll see why in a moment. But first, by what patchincidence is it that two Kilpatrick variations shown are "Patchy" and "Patchie" while the Flicker write-up says: "The name derives from the Middle High German word 'vlicken,' meaning 'to patch,' and was most likely originally borne by someone who patched shoes or fabric." You can believe the write-up as-is, or, like me, you can suspect some fancy word play in linking to the Patchies.

By this time in the investigation, I had seen the Plow(don)Ploughden Coat, but didn't quite know where to link it relevantly. Then, while staring at Fluger variations, "Fellow" (in Feller colors) came to mind, and it was a near match, and moreover used the same lion design as the Flower Crest. Note what could be the Botter star in that Crest

Reading the Fellow write-up, with Rockefellers in mind, the idea of market shares came forcefully to mind: "The history of the name Fellow goes back those Anglo-Saxon tribes that once ruled over Britain [could be our Bernicians there]...The surname Fellow originally derived from the Old English word Feolaza which affectionately meant 'partner' or 'shareholder.' As a surname, it was likely taken on by a member of a trade guild." ShareHOLDER??? By what coincidence is it the Holder Coat is a gold-on-blue dancette, as is the Plow Coat!!!

The Holder griffins/dragons look like crunched versions of the Vince/Vinch and Darth/Death griffins. As I linked "Holder" to "Colter" on a guess, which if correct traces Holders to the Kolod>Mieszko Poles, note the "alteri" motto term of Plows, for the Alter surname is also "Colter." Let's not forget the "HOLD fast" motto of the Clodes/McLeods, whom I interpret as Clovis-branch Merovingians, for the Clode/McLeod Crest is a black bull with flags, the bull linking likely to the Mieske bull, and the flags linking likely to Flags/Flecks/Flacks...and such relatives as Fletchers/Flagers.

Irish Kilpatricks show not only a Patchie variation but "She(e)ra," and should link to the plough SHARE and SHAREholder codes, for entering "Share" brings up the Sheers/Shires, first found in Surrey. It just can't be coincidental that the Patch Crest uses the same type crosslet as the Share Coat. The Patches were first found in Devon, and when I think of Patricks in Devon I think of the Sodans/Sowdons of Devon because Irish Pattersons, named after "Patrick," are said to derive in an Irish "Sodhan" peoples. I'm wondering how Pattersons can assist in this task at hand.

The Shares use the talbot design of the Hawtys and Goffs/Gofferts/Goffins, the latter two suggesting a trace to "Goplo" and to Sigrid the Haughty (Mieszko's daughter). Remember, Goplo elements that put forth Mieszko had been traced to Pepinid Merovingians.

If there is a question as to whether the Hawty surname links to Mieszko's daughter, or to the Hawthornes and Hautevilles in Guiscard ancestry, it should be both because Guiscards traced to Mieszko too. In that picture, "Haughty" looks linked to "Haute(ville)." I had no idea about this similarity when tracing Guiscards to Mieszko.

Kilpatricks can now be traced very suggestively to the Oeneus river, exactly where the founders of Goplo were found in the last update. To do this, the Share/Sheer surname is said to be from "the Norman given name Essira." The, Irish Kilpatricks/Sheeras/Patchies were first found in an Ossory location. Then, at the mouth of the Oeneus=Una (see map), we find an entity called. Oesseri(ates)!!! Just like that we have traced Kilpatricks to the same place as the Yonge trace, meaning that Kilpatricks are now suspect at the root of Pontius Pilate too. Look at how close the Oesseriates are to Maezaei and to the Colapiani (= Golpeani founders of Goplo).

As Gabrain ancestry of the Arthur surname will be traced to Muskerry's MacCarthy/Arthys/Artys below, see the DEASITI(ates) on the map and the "Deas clan here: "Much of what is now county Cork was once part of the Kingdom of Deas Mumhan (South Munster), anglicised as 'Desmond', ruled by the MacCarthy Mor dynasty." On top of that, Kilpatricks have already traced to the Deas=Desmond family because the Desmond motto is, "Crom aboo," while Kilpatricks use, "Ceart laidir a boo."

Kilpatricks of Dumfries were near, or even in, Gretna (map), and so let's read again from the Gretna article: "The Lochmaben Stone is a megalith standing in a field, nearly a mile west of the Sark mouth on the Solway Firth, three hundred yards or so above high water mark on the farm of Old Graitney." The latter term certainly smacks of the Gaut/Gros surname, but the point is the Sark river, for the "sure" motto term of Kilpatricks traces to Surrey elements, and then the Surrey surname comes up when entering "Sark."

Now that you're Illuminated, does the Illuminati really have anything to be proud about other than forcing its way to power and into money fields, like peoples unashamed of their vices and methods? We hear that Rothschilds and Rockefellers run America and Europe together. Are those the Bauer/Bower stars in the Close/Clovse Coat? As all of Freemasonry seems to trace to Clovis, why shouldn't the Bauer-Rockefeller line do the same? Did the bows and arrows seen above trace to Bauers>Rothschilds?

Or, was it vice versa, Bauers>Rothschilds tracing back to Arras/Arrow elements such as the Fletchers/Flagers and others? That's one easy way to link Rockefellers to Rothschilds in a fundamental way, way back in Arthurianism, which could then explain the so-called Round Table used by the Illuminati.

Recall the Carlisle write-up: "The earliest recorded inhabitants were the Carvetti tribe of Brythonic Celts who made up the main population of ancient Cumbria and North Lancashire." The Close/Clovse surname was first found in Lancashire. I don't know the relationship between Clovis and the Pepinids that, if I'm not mistaken, were part of his court. But as Pepinids trace back to Carlisle, so also might Clovis, and therefore a Clovis ancestry in Closeburn in Dumfries makes sense.

For deeper investigation, enter "Fallow," then compare the Hort-Crest stag with the Fellow/Fallow stag, then compare the Hort Shield with the Fall/Phail Shield, but also compare the Horton stag with the Fall/Phail stag. This tells me that Arthur-related surnames tracing to Tortona were linked to Rockefellers, evoking the marital alliance ("partnership") of Rodes' with Roquefeuils...a family that came to be obsessed both with globalism and global enterprises as the money-means to control the world. Rather than making converts / followers the Jesus-way, they buy their partners, and control by filthy lucre, for such beasts have no human qualities that would make fellows by the more-admirable way.

It's as though the Pilate- and Valerius-line Romans got to rule the world in these last times, and that is expected simply because God might have preferred to use the same line to execute His Son. And that could explain why Pilate came from so far away in the Scottish land of pagans, from the same peoples who would become the Illuminati. God could have arranged such a peculiar thing.

So far as I can tell, the Friend stag is the Horton stag, suggesting that Friends developed out of Fellow-branch Rockefellers. The Fellow Coat compares well with the Irish Arthur Coat (and the Arthur-related Wayne Coat), but instead of stag heads, Arthurs use "hurts." Remember, Horts are Hurts too. Both Arthur Coats use so-called "rests," which could be code for an Arras-related family. The Arras/Arrow Coat is in the colors of the Horts/Hurts, after all.

Note the Arras write-up: "First found in Staffordshire, where they were Lords of the manor of Arras from early times. They were descended from Bagod of Arras who was descended from the Carloviginian, Count of Artois." CARLOvingian? That's a way to say "Carolingian" but with a Carlisle slant. In case you've forgotten, the Carvetti lived at Carlisle, and the Carver Coat uses a gold-on-black fleur-de-lys, the Arras/Arrow symbol too.

On this map of Bernicia, note that Lothian is, "Lleuddiniawn," what could have developed from a C-less "Clode." In the last update, a Sigurd HLODVIS(son) was featured, also known as Sigurd the Stout, the reported founder of the raven-depicted vikings. Did we trace Clodes/McLeods to the Kolodziej>Mieszko Poles? Yes, but previous to that by years I had traced Mieszko elements to raven-depicted Mackays (though the Mackay Coat uses bears rather than ravens). Let's read at the article above: "Bamburgh is called Din Guaire in the Historia Brittonum;...and the name of Coldingham is given by Bede as Coludi urbs ('town of Colud')..." It looks like we can trace Coldingham = Colud to both/either McClouds and/or Kolodziej.

All in all, thanks to Kilpatrick clues, it's beginning to look correct for Butteri-line Latins to be in the thick of things in the birth of Pontius Pilate, and thereafter becoming fundamental parts of the Arthurian cult > Merovingians. Merovingians joined papal Rome in forming the False-Holy Roman Empire. The Vatican thereby got addicted to ruling this world on the wrong side of the rapture, giving up the true Plan of God in the meantime.

Let's take the Guaire name for Bamburgh and see where it leads. Actually, I have a small story on it already, for entering either "Gair" or "Wair" gets us a Vere/Weir-like clan in the Cornwall peninsula, the place where I see the beginning of Arthur-Carlisle elements. The work in which we find "Guaire" could be code-work rather than purely historical.

Remember, Carlisle and Gorlois-of-Cornwall elements had traced to Oxford, where Veres were strong. It therefore appears that proto-Veres enter the Arthurian picture at Guaire, and then also compare "GuAIR" with "AIRth." I suppose that "Guaire" could have become "Gairth" before modifying into "Airth." Entering "Garth" gets the Grath/Grauth surname said to be from "Graith / Raith." That is very Graut/Gros conspicuous, and moreover it smacks of Gretna elements where Valerius Gratus traces with certainty (in my mind).

Hey hey, the lion design in the Irish Garth/Grath Coat is in the Wair Coat! So phar so good. I am seeking Pharisee elements in early Veres, and from other considerations have traced Sadducees to mount Gareb. We saw that Bamburgh's proto-Babenbergs settled Gareb-like Grabfeld.

We had seen the same lion design in the Copeland and Paine/Payne Coats, suggesting that Rollo-line vikings were involved at Bamburgh. It wouldn't surprise me much if proto-Rollo vikings had been nothing more than Veres.

I wasn't going to suggest that the crosslet in the Garth/Grath Coat was that of the Shares of Surrey...until clicking to the English Garth Coat, where the clan was not only first found in Surrey, but obviously uses the Share crosslets. This means that Bamburgh traces to Kilpatrick elements, not surprising either but meaningful in tracing Butteri Latins to that Bernician place. Remember too that the present Pope uses a saddled bear as his symbol, taken from the Arms of saint Corbinian of Bavaria, who was raised to elite classes in the Bavarian dukedom founded by Garibald. Grabfeld is/was on the Bavarian border.

It just so happens that, it Garts/Garths link to Gards, we can trace to Yonges! Both Gard Coats use Yonge-Coat elements. As Yonges trace to Pilate's mother, and as Pilate's father is suspect as a Valerius bloodliner, this exercise is convincing me that the Pilate line traces to Bernicians. All we need to do is to find a bowl for washing hands with a bear engraved on its side.

Where does the Arthur surname originate in Ireland? Perhaps in Cork, where the Muskerry MacCarthys/Arthys resided and operated a kingdom. I say this because the MacArthy/Arthy stag is in one Garth Coat while the Gards (with the Yonge wolf) were first found in Cork. The trick is to find clans honoring "Gabrain," and it just so happens that a Belgian Gaber surname uses a black-on-white chevron (no symbol in the Coat), the same as the Carver/Carber Coat. Aside from the Carver chevron being colors reversed to the Pendragon chevron (and both use fleur-de-lys on their chevrons), it appears that "Carber" is a variation somehow of "Gaber," meaning simply that we have found mythical king Arthur's ancestry in the Carvers/Carbers and Gabers. The fact that both clans use the Pendragon chevron in colors reversed explains why Uther Pendragon was also made the ancestor of king Arthur.

English Gabers use two crossed swords that we may guess are Excaliburs. Therefore, the Gabler variation (which may trace to Goplo elements) may even be a consonant reversal form of "(Ex)Calibur." We are onto something here that no one in the world may know but insiders. We are stepping on king Arthur's very toes and looking him straight in the eye, asking, "Who are you? Are you really fantastic, or did liars of your own bloodline make you look that way?"

The trace of the pheon to Lake Van is now exposing a mighty secret. It reveals exactly what is becoming suspect here, that Pontius Pilate was from the Lake-Van elements of the Deas = Desmond > McArthy bloodline. Just to make this idea more solid in your mind, Waynes use, not only what should be a version of the Irish Arthur Coat, but the "gauntlets" of the Vains/Vans and Maceys.

By what coincidence is it that the Deas>Desmond clan is known to have been from Angus, the theater in which Pilate was born? Here is the Deas Coat, using as daisy as code for the surname. The green-on-white bar of the Deas' is called a "pale." Heraldry has piles, pales, pellets and plates, all of which could be code for different facets of the Pontius-Pilate bloodline. If true, it suggests that the founders and propagators of heraldry were infatuated with their Pilate roots.

You're about to see Yonges come up again, of no surprise because they trace to the same Illyrian theater as the Deas clan. The Deasitiates are on the Bosna river, at the source of which was Bistue (center-left of map), the city that I traced to "Piast," suggesting once again that Muskerry elements trace to the Piast > Mieszko line. (We can imagine that Bosnia has been somewhat sacred to the ancestry of the Arthurian cult.)

Just in case it proves to be true, we may want to seek links between "Guaire" = Bamburgh, and the Gerald surname ("Gerailt" to the Irish) shown as a Desmond variation. It seems expected that the Muskerry entity should link to Bamburgh's Bernicians, not forgetting that Bamburgh was a Celt holding -- the Carvetti Celts -- before the Bernicians got hold of it. You see, just as expected, Bamburgh traces to the Arthur bloodline (i.e. from Carvers = Gabrains). You can then figure that the same Gabrain / Carver line also traces to "Gorlois" in Cornwall, and so we note the similarity between "Gerald/Gerailt" and the Gorlois code. In this picture, Carolingians and Pepins trace to Geralds.

Checking, but only after the above conclusion was made, the Irish Carol surname is also "Garville"!! It looks like a Carver variation that easily modifies to "Gorlois." The Carol/Garver Coat even uses a sword (Excalibur?) between two lions of the design found in the Grait/Gros Coat (the latter now known to be part of the Yonge bloodline). PLUS, as could be expected, the Carol/Garville surname was first found in Tipperary, where the Pendragon motto ("Nosce Tiepsum") traces. I had spotted that motto in reversed order, from a Coat that I think was shown above, but forget to mention it). Remember, Yonge and Duffs together trace from the Jupiter and Juno cult from the Illyrian theater -- the same place to which the Oesseriates lived that trace to Kilpatricks -- to the mother (and/or father) of Pontius Pilate. It once again makes Pilate's father appear to be a Butteri-Latin line.

Moreover, Duffs were the Daphne cult represented by the dolphins...found in Tipper(ary) elements (Tippers were first found in Cornwall, Gorlois' holding). To that I must now repeat that the Duff line was in the Welsh Daffy/David surname, a surname that is assumed by others to be rooted in a "David," though in earlier times it was (surely) from "Daphne." The Deas/Daisy write-up: "The tale of the name Deas begins with a family who lived in Angus (in the modern region of Tayside), and claim descent from Gaelic MacDhai, son of David." As Daffys/Davids were of Cheshire, the Dee river in Cheshire is suspect as the Deas entity there, not to mention that Deas elements ought to link to the Dee / Dea/Day surnames.

Now let me repeat that the Desmond saltire is the Annandale saltire, for we expect Desmonds in the Annandale theater, where their relations, the Kilpatricks were first found. Besides, the Carols/Garvills were just traced to Gorlois, and then Annan is beside Carlisle, thus supporting what I knew by certain clues, that Gorlois was a code tracing to the early Arthur cult to Carlisle. I didn't know then, however, that the Gorlois entity was the Arthy>Arthur surname from Gabrain elements. That is a new finding as we speak, and it serves to break the Arthurian mystery wide open.

It doesn't matter that the dragon's mouth is wide open breathing fire at me, for this dragon slayer will conquer in the name of the Exposer in the Sky, whose bucket of water will put out the bad breath of Pendragon's fury-smoke. And in the end times, when the furious dragon chases to Elect as they escape into the wilderness (Revelation 12), the Exposer will not relent, but will turn the dragon's attack into a favor on behalf of the Elect, at which time they will know who their dragon-enemy on earth is. That dragon sits quietly now, but it's like a big black spider on its web, sitting motionless, in the shape of a black saltire, waiting to spring on us.

The black saltire is our enemy. The Kilpatricks, the Roman patricians, the ones from whom the Caesars came, who will merge with the anti-Christ. But even the anti-Christ will hate the black saltire.

There is half a black saltire in the Helm Coat. The Pendragons use a helmet. You get it. The helms use white-on-black pheons, the colors of Fletcher/Flager pheons that surround a fat black cross (called a "Crusader cross"), the cross of the Baathist bloodline. It seems certain that Helms use half the Kilpatrick saltire because Helms were first found in Surrey.

By the way, the Share/Sheere crosslets are called "fitchee," which may link to the Patchie variation of the Kilpatricks/Sheeras (the same crosslets are used by DAVENports). There is a very good chance that Sheers were from Seir-ites, and that Oesseriates, as well as the Essira root of Shares/Sheers and the Ossory home of Kilpatricks/Sheeras/Patchies. were Esau-ites.

Remember this when you see the Kilpatrick alliance with the Baathists of the anti-Christ, for the founder of the Baathists had a Bitar surname that should trace to the Bitar Coat with fat black cross surrounded Crusader-style by four Herod- and Arthur-depicting hearts. Bitars/Butters, first found in Fife and Perthshire, are HIGHLY suspect as the Butteri that fathered Pontius Pilate. Come to Jerusalem, again, all you Templar fiends, for in this case God has a supper prepared for you, with you as the meal.

Both Bitars/Buttars and Fletchers/Flagers use an arm with bow, and then the other co-founder of the Baathists was an Aflaq surname...that surely links to Flagers. It just can't be another coincidence that Aflacks use the same fat black cross. I interpret the Bitar/Butter strongarm and bow as a Rothschild symbol; see it with arrows in this Rothschild Arms. I'm going to turn now to the Yonges and so don't miss the white and blue ostrich feathers in that Rothschild Arms.

We have just lumped Desmonds in with the Yonge line to Pontius Pilate. None of the Desmond links to Pilate had to do with the white-on-red roses of the French Desmond Coat. Yonges use gold-on-red roses. It had always evaded me as to why there was the red Lancastrian rose versus the white York rose. I had many opinions. Both roses were of the same royal-Norman bloodline, and finally the war ended when both red- and white-rose lines merged by marriage. As the marriage involved a Tudor surname, the so-called "Tudor rose" is both white and red. Might the Yonges and Desmonds have to do with that war? The Yonge Coat with roses is, after all, identical to the Rose Coat.

The question was asked because Yonges had linked to Tudor Trevor and therefore to the Tudors. The latter use the Traby ostrich feathers, and if correct to identify Trabys with the 666 cult, isn't it frightening that the "mark of the beast" could be expected to come from secretive, quiet Rothschild cahoots with governments in a fascist scheme yet to overtake us...perhaps by storm, or by the same way in which a deadly black spider pounces on a meal? It's known that Rothschilds of Bavarian-Illuminati links were Golden-Dawn Rosicrucians.

I'm noting here that the black 666-bugle of the Trabys could be in the Patch(es) Coat, that surname being a variation of KilPATricks/Sheeras/Patchies. In fact, the idea just presented that the fitchee cross (used by Shares/Sheers) is a symbol of Patchies now bears out as I see the fitchee cross in the Patch(es) Crest. Perhaps the Patches, said to be of uncertain origin, were of the Puttochs, whom I've called the Putten-branch Butteri.

Patches were first found in Devon, making the clan Pendragon fodder. Besides tracing Pendragons to Butteri already, the Pewter/Puters, also of the Devon theater, have already been traced to Puttens/Puttochs. It just may be that Pewters were Penders, for the latter's Pendergast variation smacks of "Pendragon," and moreover we see a "Pendred" in the Pendragon page. English Penders use the same lion heads as Buchens. German Buchens use an oak tree while Patches' use oak leaves.

I wasn't going to mention that "Patches" could be from "Apachnas" until I saw the three besants on the Puttin/Puttoch Coat, for I trace Apachnas to the three besants of the Buckinghams. This is not the first time that Pendragons have traced to pharoah Apachnas = Khyan. It looks like the Exodus pharoah will do battle with end-time Moses, and win...until his chariots are engulfed in the perpetual fires of Edom that will burn throughout the coming Millennium.

The Buchens were, as with Days/Deas, first found in Aberdeenshire. There is a Dee river in Aberdeenshire too, and while the other Dee is in Cheshire, Penders that use the Buchan lions heads were first found in Cheshire. Juts like that, we find the Dees and days/Deas to be, with certainty, the Deas - Desmond clan at the roots of the Arthur surname and its satanic cults. I've just realized that the griffin in the Dee crest is that of the Holders too.

The Scottish Dee Coat even uses "Hic labor" as apparent code for Hyksos. It should be true that Dees use the Duff lion in colors reversed, for as Duffs were found to be of Cheshire's Diva location, so English Dees, who use the Scottish-Dee lion, were first found in Cheshire. That in a nutshells links Duffs to Deas = Desmond elements, as expected because both Duffs and Deas/Daisys (of Angus, beside the Duffs of Fife/Perthshire) were traced to Daffys/Davids...who likewise use the Buchen (and Pender) lion head!!!

It's not Biblical king David that Cheshire Daffys/Davids trace to, but to David's arch enemies, the Exodus Hyksos.

It's being recorded here that the same lion heads are used by the Valerius- and Rockefeller-related Fellows surname, first found in Huntingdon. This location was ruled by the bloodline of David I of Scotland, and it could just be that the Traby bugle, otherwise called a hunting horn, is code for Huntingdon elements. See the hunting horns in the Huntingdon Coat. AND WOW, Huntingdons were first found in Essex, where English Yonges (using the Rose roses) were first found.

David I was either descended from, or linked closely with, the Hungarian elements belonging also to Yonges. The details on David's grandmother are uncertain, though it's known she was from Hungary to some degree. Again, I link David's Hungarian elements to the Ross' of Ross-shire (and Aberdeen), where the Roses lived too.

If we're having trouble linking David I to the Daffys/Davids of Wales, consider the Traby surname that links to Tudor Trevor and to a branch of Welsh Yonges (i.e. John Yonge). Suddenly, we have found a Traby-bugle link to Huntingdon. That was fast, and it suggests that David I was named after Deas = Desmond elements. One question is: was David's grandmother, Agatha, a Desmond in the Hungarian theater? If not, then perhaps David's mother (Margaret) was a Desmond on her Aetheling side. After all, we saw the Bernician king, Aethelfrith, linking to Gabrain elements from the Desmond line.

Traby-related clans were traced to the Lusatia-Silesia theater, and the Rose Coat mentioned above (with the Yonge roses) was first found in Silesia. There seems to have been an urgent message from the Holy Spirit sent yesterday (October 25). I opened the email last night not knowing what to do with it whatsoever. Tim sent in the Wikipedia article on John William Burgon, saying:

I am shocked to find this "Burgon" was elected to an Oriel fellowship in 1846. He was much influenced by his brother-in-law, the scholar and theologian Henry John ROSE...Isn't that amazing? I had no idea about the Rose clan when I sent this back at the beginning of September!"

I simply didn't have a clue as to what Tim was amazed with, and I still haven't asked him. Checking Oriel, it turned out to be a college as part of Oxford college, and the Burgon surname (key in Crest) turned out to be the Burgogne surname (first found in Devon), obviously in honor of Burgundians. That's important where the Rose-related Yonges trace to Pontius Pilate.

Lo and behold, this morning saw me finding the French Desmonds using roses. It was while pondering whether the Desmond roses did link to the Yonge roses that I noticed that Desmonds were first found in Oriel-like Orleans. French Roses were first found in nearby Limousin. Then, as I wrote on and mentioned the German Roses first found in Silesia, it struck me that I trace mythical Melusine from Orleans (and neighboring Lusignan) to Lusatia. Melusine is a Vere-beloved entity, and to make it short I had traced the Veres counts of Anjou to Orleans. Therefore, as Oriel college is on the grounds of Oxford college, while Veres ruled and controlled Oxford for centuries, the Oriel entity traces to Orleans, and, likely, as should be the message of God through Tim, to the rose-using Desmonds of Orleans.

Remember, both Desmonds and the Pilate-surname pheons trace to Lake Van, origin of the phoenix and of the Phoenicians. The dragon cults are eager and determined to make the phoenix rise again and fly. Right now it appears to be wobbling along the ground on its feathers, and the doctor seems to be out. What cure will be found for the ailing European Union? What veterinarian will supply the magic operation that gives flight to the old bird?

The Bitar/Butter write-up: "...from the village of Buttergask in the parish of Ardoch." It once again suggests that the Butteri at the root of Pontius Pilate were of the Arthur cult, not forgetting that Arthurs are traced to Ardea at Rome, in the swamplands roughly of the Latin-branch Butteri. Now it just so happens that the other Desmond Coat uses a red-on-white saltire, the Annandale saltire, and the latter clan has a red-on-gold saltire in the Arms of Ayrshire. Before getting to the Roman point, what about that trace the myth writers made, from the mortal wound of king Arthur in Stirling's (Cam)Allan river, to Ayrshire and Bute=Avalon where Arthur died?

It just so happens that, only this morning, and only due to the MacCarthy/Arthy topic, did I check the MacArthur find it first found in Argyllshire...which in now called "Argyllshire and Bute." The MacArthur Crest is described: Two laurel branches in orle. What is "orle" doing there immediately after writing on Orleans and Oriel?

MacArthurs use a white-on-blue moline cross, as does the Moline surname...first found in Devon's DARTington location!!! One can now expect the Darths and Derths/Airths of Stirling to trace to Dartington, exposing a main location of the Arthurian cult in Devon. In the Moline write-up: "William of Moulins, Sire de Falaise, Lord of Moulins in 1030, in Normandy, uncle of William the Conqueror [= Rollo line], was granted many lands by King William." Shouldn't "Falaise" link to the Valerius line? Didn't the Rollo surname link to the Valerius line of Valois/Valais/Valour?

The Fallis surname (said to be possibly from "Falais") uses trefoils (!) in the colors of the MacArthur moline cross, and this is not the first time in this update that the Arthurian entity has linked to Rockefellers. It was done so above as per the Fellow surname (Huntingdon), smacking of the Fallows variation of the Fallis'!!! The Fellow write-up is the one using "shareholders," code in-part for the Shares/Sheers that trace to certain Butteri.

The Dart/Darth surname was first found in Devon, but the write-up neglects to mention Dartington. Very pooorly done. wouldn't you say? It just so happens that the Dart/Darth Coat is a white-on-red fesse, as is the Huntingdon Coat. Let me say that president Putin of Russia just lamented that America is controlled by Rockefellers, revealing that he, at least, is no friend of Rockefeller circles. Let me also say that, while the 666 cult of the Trabys is now tracing to Huntingdon, where fellows were first found, the Round-Table Illuminati, that I think is a think tank for global market strategies and money-control plots, is likely going to play a major role in controlling, if not introducing, the mark-of-the-beast skincode.

The Huntingdon Coat is also the Acton Coat, and while Axton is a Kent location, Darths were first found in Kent.

Back to the red-and-white Ayrshire saltire that is a known version of the Annandale saltire. It was found that Italian Latins/Latonis and Hinks both use it, and Hinks had been linked to Latins by that method as well as by the Ladon dragon of the mythical Hesperides, for a "hinc" motto term is used by Spaldings. Prior to finding the Hink link to Latins/Latoni, there was a title in the 1st update of August: "Spaldings were Hesperides of the Mestor Kind from Mus." In that update:

Seeking the origin of Spaldings. Wikipedia reports that they were named after a Spaldings tribe of Angles. As I was on the Muskerry topic for the first time just in the 3rd update of July, and especially on the Deas/Desmond surname there, I was surprised to find the following in Wikipedia's article on the Spalding family: "In 1615, David 'Deas' Spalding started...In Gaelic he was called 'Daidh Deas'"

...And look, the Deas clan was first found in Angus, where the Spaldings were concentrated when they moved from Spalding of Lincolnshire to Scotland:

In 1318, Peter Spalding helped followers of Robert the Bruce enter and seize the town of Berwick from the English...[Peter] was married to a cousin of Sir Robert Keith, Marshall of Scotland...He also received a flag with a gate upon it, having a portcullis half raised, and the motto 'Nobile Servitium'" (article above).

Not only does the Spalding link to the Desmond clan verify that the Desmond saltire links to the Hink saltire, but it traces Desmonds -- and therefore Arthur ancestry -- to the Latins...who lived all around Ardea! That was good. That was needed, for I know that some readers need to see evidence of an Arthur link to Ardea. It assures all the more that the father of Pontius Pilate was a Latin Butteri, and perhaps even from Ardea elements.

As we see above, the Desmond-related Spaldings seized Berwick, a Bernician town, the town that the Arthurs were first found in. It may even be that the Keith stag is the MacArthy/Arthy stag.

I know that the Anne/Hanne surname, first found in Yorkshire, use stags that look like Horton stags on an Arthur Shield. Recalling that the Derth/Airth Crest is the same rooster as the Akis/Acheson Crest, consider the "Ane chast arbor" motto of the Akis'/Achesons, It looks like code for the Ancaster surname too, which is also the Lancaster surname. Might the War of the Roses have been between the Annes of York versus the Annes of Lancaster, both of them Arthurian lines? Roses have to do with Rhodians elements, and it just so happens that both English Haines and Hannitys were first found in Rhodes-laden Lincolnshire. (Sean Hannity of Fox married a Rhodes.)

ZOWIE, looking again at the Hannity Coat, a "Tojours" motto term, same as the Rose-using Yonges. AND ZOWIE SOME MORE, for I was writing that while waiting for the Coat to load (the write-up comes up first, with a pause, because I'm on dial-up internet service only), and after writing it, back to take a look at the coat: a greyhound in Crest (!!!), just like the John Yonge Crest.

ELECTRIFICATION! German Haines were first found in Silesia, as with German Roses!!!

I've mentioned repeatedly that Hands/Hants and Hannas (black fitchee cross) also use stags and should therefore link to the Annes/Hannes, but that was before the MacCarthys became an important topic. I now see that the stag in the Hand Crest is the MacCarthy stag. This tends to reveal that the Irish had symbol, used by Hands/Hants, is code for the Anne-line of Arthur relations. Chances are, these stags link to the same Hungarians as the Yonges and Roses. (The Gunns and Roses??? Hmm).

The Hanna motto: "Per Ardua ad alta." The Alters/Co(u)lters are in Hanna (and Hand/Hants) colors. The Colter/Coulter topic brings us to the Callus/Cole/Aul topic because the latter clan uses the Pilate pheon of the Celts/Cults (and Kelts/Kelties) first found in Perthshire. In fact, the Call/Cole/Aul clan was first found in Argyllshire, not only where the MacArthur surname was first found, but beside Lanarkshire, where Alters/Colters were first found.

Remember, if "Lanark" traces to "Lanuvio," the latter is smack beside Ardea. It was founded as Lanuvium by mythical Diomedes of Argos. Argyll-incidence? It may be that "Argyll" was part-code for "Kyles" of neighboring Ayrshire. That caused me to check for an Argyll surname, and there it was not only first found in Berwickshire, but shows "ARTell" and similar variations! The write-up: "The name Van Arkel may spring from the Anglo-Saxon form of Hercules, which is Ercol." I don't know. Could be. Could be Hesperides = Ladon elements. By the way, the Fitch(e)/Fitz surname has the motto, "Esperance."

Yes, I do trace Devon's Dumnonni founders to the grail-cult Hercules Danaans. Hercules sailed into the Hesperides domain of Erytheia in a cup-shaped ship of Helios, meaning that Hercules came with Rhodian Danaans from Lindos. It was the rose-line grail cult...from Hyksos in Adana of Cilicia.

The Dutch Putten Coat is essentially identical with the Argyll/Artell Coat! What's that exclamation mark for? It's to support the trace of English Puttens/Puttochs (made above) to the Pendragon surname. Hercules had to be somewhere at Rome, for Romans worshiped him. Lanuvium was founded by Argos elements, where Danaans ruled. On his way home from Erytheia, Hercules conquered a Rome-area peoples (Cacus was the king, if I recall correctly).

What about the Hircinians (also "Hernici") beside Valeria at Rome??? Ah, yes, that not only explains why another branch of Hirnici are smack beside Ardea at Lanuvium (see Rome-area map), but why there is a Herculia location beside the Hercuniates of Valeria in Pannonia (upper left on map), off the Danube river.

Note the Oseriates in Pannonia, no doubt the same as Oesseriates linked earlier to Kilpatricks. You understand that Hercules was a continuation of the Samson-cult Edomites and Hyksos. Remember, this cult was in Joppa, and that location likely traces to Japodes, beside the Oesseriates.

Now that the Arthur trace to Hircinians / Hernici at Rome has been made solidly enough to be taken seriously, what about the lyre in the Scottish-Rose Crest? Look at how close the Hernici are to the Liris river. Our heraldic masters are toying with us, keeping us in the dark, and lying to us in the meantime. I suggest a revolt. Look at the demonstrations taking place everywhere now that the Internet has revealed to the workers just where all their hard-earned money has been sucked to.

Finally, the evidence is in to link the Arthurs to Hercules. I've had reasons for years to suspect that king Arthur was a Redone- and Danaan-Rus peoples from Ireland's Lug-related Danann. It's known that they started as Dumnonii in Devon, but I've yet to read anyone making the link to the Domnann Irish who became MacDonalds (Arthur colors) and others in Ireland.

Back to the Hannas who use "Per Ardua ad alta" as code for the Alters/Coulters. The Celts/Cults/Coult are the ones who use the Rollo-Crest stag, and the Rollo surname was likewise first found in Perthshire. It's been difficult thus far, however, to discover how the Rollo-line vikings had initially linked to Arthurs. But Rollo Rus were Danes and therefore suspect from Danaan elements. I also identified king Arthur as a Slavic-Rus entity from Poland, but that should only be part of Arthurian ancestry, not to minimize it because it ought to link to Goplo, where also the Yonges had linked. The Rod-and-Rozanica ancestor-cult of the Slav Rus comes to mind.

The Roman eagle was double-headed, and so who gets the rights in heraldry to use it? The Spanish Rosa/Rosano Coat, for one. The Italian Rosa/Rosano Coat shows a rose with stem, like the Scheres/Scherfs and Walkers. In fact, the Rosa/Rosano rose is exactly the German Walker rose. English Walkers, first found in Yorkshire, use blue on white, the colors of the Hannas and Hands/Hants that linked to Yorkshire's Annes/Hannes. And the latter were suspect as a fundamental part of the white rose of Yorkshire.

The walker roses had been discussed in the 2nd update of September, and in the 1st of October. It was found that Sheriffs uses red roses too, and that the Reeve roses should apply...because Reeves are at the root of the sheriff term. From that, it can be assumed that Scheres and Reeves were two parts of a Sheriff rose line. What can be added today is the Reeve Coat is also the French Desmond Coat, and therefore link-able to the Rose clan.

In the October update, white roses were found in the Sherwood Coat, when also a white rose with stem was found in the Italian Culles/Cola Coat. This Cole- and Kyle-like surname reminds me now of the first-ever Hircinian trace, made to Ayrshire's Ayers/Airs...not forgetting AIRth of Stirling that links solidly to Arthurs. That once again traces Arthurs to Hircinians.

Sherwoods and Kelts (Perthshire) use a black-on-white chevron, like the Gabers and Carvers that were fundamental Arthur lines from "Gabrain." Sherwoods use the same-colored stars as the Calls/Coles/Auls that linked to Celts/Cults/Coults. What we're doing here is tracing Scherfs and Walkers, Nazi elements that came to sit on the American throne, to the Arthurian Illuminati. It's been a long-standing theory (of mine and others) that certain Cecil-Rhodes Round-Table Illuminatists were behind both the Rosicrucians that formed Nazis, and anti-American Brits (many of whom are in the Democrat party) whose purpose it is to form a British global empire. The only good news is that when foreign agents are dug into a nation corporately, it would be counter-productive for them to destroy the nation...but that doesn't stop the insidious trolls from using the people rather than serving them.

The Pepins have been left behind in this discussion. But they were fundamental to the MacArthy/Arthy line to Gorlois, and from Gorlois to Carlisle. The Pepin-Arthur equation can be shown in yet another way, in the Campbell/Cammel write-up: "First found in Argyllshire. Researchers suggest a joint progenitor of both the Campbells and the MacArthurs." It can be assumed that "Cammel" links to the proto-Kyles of Camelot, and to the Pepin-Coat camel.

The updates are a testament to this Revelation with capital "R". The Colapiani were mentioned a few months ago, when it was suggested (by me) that they were the "Cappeo" in emailer Patterson's vision from God. The Colapiani named the river, Colupis and Kupa, on which the Japodes were found, and indeed Jupiter was the chief Roman god. I had not yet arrived to the Japodes or Colapiani entity when I agreed with emailer Paterson that "Cappeo" carried the idea of "alpha" or "chief."

Later, when finding myself on the Pontius Pilate topic, I had wholly forgotten about the ColaPIANI, even though the Pilate surname used a pheon that I traced to a Piani-like peoples. The Colapiani still had not come to mind when I found the Pilate pheon in the Callus/COLE/Aul Coat. God must have been having fun with me. Clearly, the Message is that Pontius Pilate traces to the Colapiani.

At about the same time that the Pilate topic came up, by which time the Butteri had just been introduced as an important topic, I found myself uncovering the Goplo entity, and even though it was mentioned that Goplo's founders were the Golpeani, the Colapiani still had not come to mind. Like I said, God must have been marvelling in this. The Callus surname entered the discussion only as per "Gallus" Anonymous, the writer on the rise of Polish royals at Goplo.

In the Pilate investigation, the Pilates ended up tracing to Yonges as well as to the Callus/Coles, and then Yonges traced to the Juno entity next to the Japodes. But the Colapiani on that river did not come to my attention until the Roman-Illyricum map was reloaded, in large part due to the Duffs ("juvat" motto term = code for "Jupiter") tracing both to Pilate and to Japodes. When the Colapiani were finally spotted, I could understand that God had directed the other topics as part of HIS, not my, Revelation.

It was very satisfying to be able to prove, in the Colapiani alone, that Coles and Kyles did in fact trace to KOLODziej at Goplo. Moreover, it links Coles and Kyles to the Roman Jupiter.

At this point, I can't distinguish between the ancestry of the Rollo line and that of the Arthur cult that has traced very well to Romans. The Rollo vikings were not only merged with Candida, who use what I'm assuming is the Roman eagle, but the Rollo line turned out to be, curiously, a Roman / Romer line out of Romerike. I now understand why it was a Roman line: the Roman line of the Arthurs.

Here is a good example of God directing my thoughts. Asking myself just now (after writing the paragraph above) what "Jupiter" or "Japode" may have become as a surname, I had forgotten -- it was not in my mind at all when I wrote the paragraph above -- that the Jove/Jeeves Coat uses the same small saltire type as the Candie Coat. He is why I am able to break through the difficulties of uncovering Freemasonry's secrets. As you can see, the Candie cross in the Jove Coat is in a so-called, canton, and cantons are most-often red so far as I've seen them probably due to the red Shield of the Candies.

As the Rollo Coat uses a motto term for the Tout/Toot surname, and because the latter also use a red canton, we realize that Touts are an Arthurian-important line from Jupiter and Juno. When we go to the Toothills/Tuttels, we find them first in Essex, not only where mythical king Cole ruled, but where the English Yonges were first found. Let me repeat that the Toothill/Tuttel Coat is used by the Valois/Valour surname (that Rollo married), and that the roses in the Toothill Chief are those of the Yonges too while the Toothills use the John-Yonge greyhound (i.e. the Yonges in general must have used the greyhound). Let me repeat that these surnames were of line of Valerius Gratus and therefore the line of Pontius Pilate. This is what God wants us to know.

[INSERT ALERT -- When I was writing the above on Touts, there was a blank in my head as to Tout ancestry. The blank was highlighted by the growing importance of the surname, and I dearly wanted to know how it connected to mainline cult elements. That evening, last night as I write, a Tim email was opened on an Oliphant surname. Aside from being highly suspect for tracing to elephant symbols as well as Eliphas, son of Esau, it uses a "tout" motto term. But that's not all. The Tout Coat uses nothing but a white crescent in a red canton, while the Oliphant Coat uses nothing but white-on-red crescents, meaning that Touts are, just like that, found to be a branch of Oliphants!!! The statement above, that Arthurians were Touts to a large degree, jibes with other traces of king Arthur to Edomites.

This is staggering if indeed Oliphants trace to Esau himself. Therefore, further down this update, there will be an investigation. End Insert]

There were many Roman rulers, but why is Freemasonry and the Rollo line tracing to Pilate in particular, who was not a high ruler of Rome? It can be for no other reason than the Crucifixion, which is also why God is concerned in revealing the Pilate line. If that tells you the TRUTH, the Jesus is the Son of God versus any other "prophet" or guru, then accept it and enjoy the fruits thereof. Don't be afraid, God can be your reliable guide too in all areas of your life. Happy are those who find God, who cannot find God unless He is there, right with them when they come to Him.

The Jove surname, properly shown as "Jeeves" or "Geve," should show same variations such as "Gaber." That was the surname traced above to the Gabrain ancestry of Arthur. A Gaber link to Jove was not at all on my mind at the time, and so we can glean from this that the Carvetti were from Jupiter. It verifies what I had suspected, that when Romans came against Celts in Britain, they were coming against old kin. Remember, the Carver/Carber and Gabel Coats are essentially identical, suggesting that a Gaber-like term came first in history, then morphed into "Carv(etti)." As we realized above that the Golpeani founders of Goplo were also a Colapiani > Jupiter line, recall the Gobels that traced to Goplo, for Gabers are also "Gabel/Gebel."

We would therefore expect "Jove" to become "Gobe," and there we have the Gobel Coat (Masci wing. Macey Shield) when entering "Gobe." Hence, the Mieszko line to Maceys and Meschins was a Jupiter-related line, explaining why it would merge with the Arthurians (that were in Britain long before Mieszko). I'm getting it here, though I don't know what came first, the Italian Mascis or the Mieszkos.

There are all sorts of Jupiter possibilities such as Goves/Gowens and Coves Cowans etc. Coves not only use Candie colors, but were first found in Suffolk, as with Candies. Cowans were first found in Ayrshire, and Goves/Gowens in neighboring Lanarkshire, and then as further proof that Lanark was named after elements from Lanuvium, the Cowan Coat is the Annandale Coat and Chief, a version of the Hink Coat and Chief that is used by the Italian Latin/Latoni Coat. Again, the Bruces lived in Annandale and used their Coat, and the Breuci are shown beside the Japodes and Latovici.

I've just noted that the Hink Chief uses the Pratt lions, important because Belgian Pratts use the Hink saltire. Remember, English Pratts (wolf) use plates and are therefore suspect as the Pilate line, but also the Pharisee priesthood line implied by the Yonge (wolf) motto. One can now trace the Pratt and Yonge wolves to Romulus, and moreover Pratts could trace to the "Praetorium" entity of Romans. There is a Praetorium term right above the Latovici (see map). A Praetorium was a place for leaders to meet or live, and Jesus was tried by Pilate in his personal Praetorium. It's true that the trace of Pratts and Praets to "Praetorium" tends to dispel my theory that "praetor" should trace to a priesthood, but this finding comes as I was poised to trace Jupiter to Khazars, who had priest-kings called, kagans. The reason that I was poised for it was due to similarity of "Cowan" to "cohen," meaning "priest" to Semites. If one enters "Kagan," the "Jewish" Cohen surname comes up. Moreover, the Ferrari > Fergus line that was suspect as the Pharisee line went through Fers who use the German-Cohen Shield. Safe to say, the earliest Roman rulers were also priests of Jupiter.

If that's not enough, the Hink and Pratt Coats are a take from the Annan(dale) saltire that traces to Ananes who smack of "Ananias/Annas," the high priest of Israel (with political power too) that took part in the conspiracy to execute Jesus.

I was just thinking that the red Hink / Annandale Chief should be the red of the Candie-related canton, and it was noticed that the Hink Chief uses the Pender lion heads too, used also by Daffys/Davids who likewise trace to Jupiter. Penders (first in Cheshire) use their lion heads on a Shield like that of the Macey / Gobel(in) Shield, which speaks to me of the Mieszko alliance with the Pendragon > Arthurian bloodline, thus assuring all the more that "Gobel" ought to link to Gabers/Gabels that was Arthurian MUSkerry. The English Gobelins even use the Cheshire garbs.

Italian Gobels/Gobbi use a camel, the Pepin camel. This sentence comes as I was poised to mention the torteux of the Ince / Inch clans. While on the Hink topic above, and seeing the Hinch variation, I thought that it was a good time to mention that the Ince clan use their torteux in the same way as the Oriel Coat. The trace I had made of Pepins to the Tortona / Pavia theater was not on my mind. Seconds after thinking that i should mention the Ince-Oriel relationship, "Incerum" was spotted on the map to the right of the Breuci. That can't be coincidental, meaning that Hinks/Hinches, who use the Scottish Bruce Coat, were also the Inces/Inches, and therefore from the Incerum entity.

This is very important for two reasons. One, Inches were first found in Cheshire, where the "copia" term resides (Daffys/Davids and Macclesfield use it), and two, the Breuci and all others in this discussion trace to the Kupa-river theater suspect as the Cappeo lion...that God wants us to understand. From the very start, on hearing emailer Patterson's Cappeo vision, I knew that the vision's blue-on-white lion, named something like "Cappeo" (to the best of her recollection after she awoke), was the blue-on-white lion in the Arms of Macclesfield as well as the blue-on-white lion of the Yorkshire Bruces (as well as blue-on-white lion of the Yorkshire Hallands/Hallams). You get it, that the Cappeo entity refers to the Kupa=Colupis river, at the mouth of which the Breuci are stamped.

BEHOLD! The Brixia (= Brescia) article was just loaded because the Arms of that place use the white-on-blue lion of the Bruces -- meaning that the Breuci trace to Brescia. I clicked to the Cenomani article because they were the Celts/Gauls that lived at Breuci (several centuries before Christ), and here is what was read that I've read several times before: "The Cenomani, was an ancient tribe of the Cisalpine Gauls, who occupied the tract north of the Padus (modern Po River), between the Insubres on the west and the Veneti on the east." INSubres??? I had never realized before that they were the Ince / Hinch clans let alone the Incerum entity.

Note that Insubres were "west" of Brescia, for Tortona is west of Brescia...all the more reason to identify heraldic torteux (red roundells) as code for Tortona. Note that "red" in heraldry is officially, "gules," smacking of the Gauls. By now, we should expect red to be an Edomite color in heraldry, but then it suggests that the Galli priesthood (Phrygia) was an Edomite entity. Hmm, Kyles use red stars...the same red stars as the Callus/Cole/Aul Coat.

Look! As the Oriel surname was just being studied, seeing that it is said to be derived in "ora" or "ore," it recalled the piles of the Orr Coat. But when the Orr Coat loading, there was also a single torteux in the Orr Chief! It needs to be said here that the Orr write-up traces to a "black rooster," which I see as code for the black rooster on the German Gall(us) Coat!!!

On either side of the torteux, a fitchee cross that for me spells the Davenports of Macclesfield...with Cappeo lion. ZOWIE, after writing that, I remembered that the cornuCOPIA in the Orr Crest is code for the same entity as the "copia" term in the Arms of Macclesfield!!! Therefore, trace Jupiter to Macclesfield, but also to Maxwells (a Butteri branch of the Kilpatrick kind) and related Maxtons.

Those black bugles hanging from the Macclesfield stag are starting to look more Traby-ish...because a black bugle had been found in the Patches Coat while the Patchie variation of Kilpatricks was found to be represented in "fitchee." WOW!! Just realized as per the trace made above of the Desmonds to Huntingdon that the "desunt" motto term that follows "copia" is code for Desmonds and Huntingdon all at once, made more certain because the Traby bugle was linked above to Huntingdon!!!!! AWESOME, meaning that the Arthurian cult's merger with Mieszkos was especially in Macclesfield / Maklesfield.

Wikipedia says that Insubres were technically Celts or Celt-Ligurians that had merged with Gauls of northern Italy. That is very good for an Inch trace to the Callus/Coles/Auls whom are suspect as Celts/Cults of Perthshire (both use the Kyle star which is itself now suspect as a variant of the Ince torteux). It's good because the Inch clan was first found in Perthshire!!! We read: "The annals of Scottish history reveal that Inch was first used as a name by ancestors of the Pictish tribe of ancient Scotland. The Inch family lived in one of several places named Inch in the counties of Angus and Perth. The surname Inch belongs to the category of habitation names [cow patties]...The form Hinch grew in popularity after the 16th century."

Amazing, for as Pontius Pilate was traced to the Colapiani sector of Jupiter, so Hinks and Inces just traced to Jupiter elements while now appearing to be a part of the Pictish woman that was the mother of Pontius Pilate. I would suggest that "Ince" is a variation of "Jung," and that Inces and Hinks therefore trace to Juno, she now being identified, tentatively, anyway, as peoples of Incerum.

Okay, so the Oriels link to Orrs by their common torteux, but now this bloodline can be traced easily to Lemnians (of Lemnos). For example, the "ore" derivation of the Orrs smacks of Hephaestus. Secondly, we saw earlier that Oriel relates to Orleans, and that Oriel-related Roses were first found in Limousin, a place named after Lemnians. WATCH THE TRICK. As Oriels use a variation of the Inch/Hinch Coat, I took a look another study of the Hinkley Coat...but this was after I had the inkling to trace Orrs and Oriels to Hephaestus and Limousin. Reading: "The place-name Hinkley is derived from the Old English personal name Hynca, and leah, an Old English word that meant 'forest clearing.'" Cow patties.

The reality is that it's code for the Clear surname, which one suspects to be the Clare / Sinclair bloodline, and it just so happens that "Saint" brings up the Sinclair Coat (with rooster in Crest), wherefore I had traced Sinclairs to Saintes, France...smack beside Limousin because Santones, who were Sintians of Lemnos, founded Saintes. The Clears, shown also as Clairs, were first found in...Limousin...and moreover the Clear/Clair Chief shows the Ore torteux in colors reversed.

You know the Clear/Clair write-up is full of bull excrement when it traces the surname to "a clerk." But at least the liars have revealed that Clears/Clairs are related to Clerks/Clarks. Ask the fesse of the Irish Clark Coat, for it's identical to the Clear/Clair Chief. Did vikings have clerks to keep track of their buried treasures and the children of raped women?

What are those gold roses doing in the English Clark Coat? Gold roses are used also by the French Rose clan...first found in Limousin. Scottish Roses were way up in Nairn and Ross-shire, viking territory, where all the secretaries were unemployed because hoodlums took all the available jobs. There was a long line at the unemployment office back then, and nobody was asking for clerks.

Orrs use their piles in colors reversed to Guiscard piles. I've just re-noted the Guiscard motto, "Mercy is me desire." It smacks of Mercians that were linked to Bernicians that traced via Bebbanburghs to Desmond elements. That is, in this picture, "desire" looks like code for Desmonds. Bebbanburghs were proto-Pepins, remember, and Pepins traced to Pavia/Papia founded by Mercia-like Marici.

Guiscards were first found in Stirlingshire, where details on the birth of Pontius Pilate are expected. Orrs of some kind could therefore be expected in the Stirling / Perthshire region. I'm insinuating that Orrs could have been involved in the birth of Pontius Pilate. The Stirling motto term, "Gang," surely links to the "Gang" term in the Drummond motto, for Drummonds lived in Stirling and were first found in Perthshire. But as Orrs and Roses were related, and as Roses were in Ross-shire, a Ross-clan entity that I trace to Hungary-rooted Drummonds, the rose-using Yonges are expected in this picture...which I say in case "Gang" turns out to be code for Jungs=Yonges. Compare the Stirling Crest with the Carver Crest (both Moor heads), and then see that both Carvers and Gangs/Genges/Ginges (also "Gung") were first found in Norfolk.

Wiil the real surname that gave birth to Pilate please stand up. There is now a crowd of potential surnames. Which will be the "lucky" one? Shall I venture a guess? Not yet. All the data is still too fresh on the soft brain, and I have no clerks to manage my files or digest my conclusions. If you're confused merely sipping coffee and reading, think about me sipping coffee, writings, thinking, struggling, and chewing gum all at the same time.

HEY HEY. The German June Coat is a blue Shield, as with the Gang/Gungs. English Junes/Jungs (probably use the Pendragon fleur-de-lys) can be linked to mythical Juno just because of the Jove-like Jevene variation. The term suggested a peep at the Kevin surname. Scottish Kevins/Kewins (recalls the Cowan-branch Jupiters) use German-June colors...which are also the colors of the Gangs/Gungs that were linked above to Carvers. Keep your eye on this curb ball, for while Carvers had been introduced as per the Carvetti Celts, who lived in ancient Carlisle, Irish Kevins (Bruce-Crest lion design) were first found in Carlow, suggesting that Carlow and Carlisle were related places.

Therefore, whose white-on-blue lion is it in the Scottish Kevin/Kewan Coat? Is it the Cappeo = Bruce lion in colors reversed? Shouldn't the Cappeo lion be found in colors reversed too? The blue-on-white lion was also the Bute symbol, and it just so happens that Kevins/Kewans were first found in Argyllshire. In Scotland, the white-on-blue lion belongs to the Dowels and Dougals/Dowells; the latter were first found in Galloway, beside Annan and Carlisle, and I do expect the Bruce lion in Galloway.

AHA!! While reading the Keven/Kewan write-up, "The root of their name is the personal name Ewen. The Gaelic form of the name was Mac Eoghainn," the Euganeo location in Padova came to mind as a possible Juno locale. Keep in mind that when Euganeo was introduced, Hungarians had curiously traced to it, which was the first time that proto-Hungarian elements had traced to northern Italy. Only later did I realize that the proto-Hungarians were from the Juno>Yonge. The AHA has to do with the EuGENE surname, first found in Argyllshire, as with the Kevins/Kewans = Eoghainns. It suggests that "Juno" had morphed into "EuGENio."

The Eugene Coat uses the Kyle-colored star and "Andrew's Cross."

AHA-HA-HA, the Gene/Ganay motto uses "ungue," the ultimate verification from the liars that they know exactly what they are tracing to. The Gene/Ganay-Coat eagle is likely the Candida eagle, suggesting, perhaps, that "CANDida) is a Juno>Gene term.

If all my traces from "Euganeo" were correct, then the Edgar name of the Aetheling Saxons traces to Jupiter-Juno elements, as would Aachen on the Belgian border. I seek the connections of the Belgian Gaber surname because it is highly suspect as the Gabrain line to Arthurs, who in turn traced very well to CAROLingians that ruled at Aachen.

Has anyone caught site of "Juno" being a John-like term that could link to "Khyan"? If we can strip the "Eu" from "Eugene" because it wasn't there in the first place, then we can strip the "Aa" from "Aachen" to get "Chen." I am still looking for the ancestry of the Cenomani of Brescia.

UNBELIEVABLE, the last question above was asked without the following in mind: the Jean/Jans/Jane Coat uses a blue-on-white lion, the color of the Brescia lion! Moreover, Jeans/Jans were first found in Worcestershire, where the English Gabers were first found. Didn't we see that Gabe-like terms could trace to "Jove"?

Place your bets on whether Arthur's wife, GUINEvere, traces to Juno elements?

Recalling the trace of the Graut/Gros greyhound to the Yonges, see now the Graut/Gros lion in colors reversed on the French Jean/Geans Coat!!! That's very-much needed corroboration of the Yonge link to the Valerius-Gratus bloodline. It seems absolutely certain that the Valerius > Pilate bloodline is a Jupiter-Juno entity, and that's why it began to appear that Yonges traced to the birth of Pilate. But, the problem is, though it's also a key, the same can be said for all other surnames using piles.

By by carolincidence is it that the Irish Carling/Carolyn surname uses the Keon/Kewan fish? We've already seen that Kevens/Kewans, and while the latter are said to be rooted in "Ewens">Eugene, Keons/Kewans/Owens are said to be rooted in "John" and/or "Owen." Therefore, if Keons were Khyan Hyksos, so may the Carolingians have been even aside from merger with Keons. Remember, I trace Pepins (at the root of Carolingian power) to pharoah Apophis/Apepi, the pharaoh who ruled the Nile delta immediately after Khyan. You can bank on that picture, and ask why Freemasons are not revealing this "small detail" to the world.

I am getting the impression that Pepins were from Vatican popes. I've resisted this because it's too easy to make the connection on similarity of terms alone. But the present pope (a Bavarian) uses the saddled bear of Bavaria in his personal Arms (shown at Wikipedia), and then Landons (Belgium) at the root of Pepins show bears around what should be the Belgian-Gaber chevron. The fish is said to be symbolized in the tall papal hat (called a mitre). The question needs to be asked, why "VatiCANO"? Should it be understood as VatiKeon or VatiCaeni? The Cains/Kaynes and Kanes use the Keon fish.

It just so happens the Cenomani had allied with Rome against it's neighbors, including the Insubres neighbors. Might the blue Brescia lion go back to Cenomani, and might the Cenomani be at the root of the Vatican? Recall my trace of Khyan Hyksos to the Caeni of Thrace.

I kid you not that seconds before thinking to load the Mitre surname, the eight-pointed Ishtar stars in the Keon Chief came to mind as per the sayings of many that the Vatican secretly traces to Ishtar/Ashtarte. When the Mitre Coat was loaded, there was a dove, another symbol of Ishtar! It suggests that the Mitre/Mitterrand/Miteron surname was a papal family, at least to begin with. The Moray-colored stars in the Mitre/Mitterrand Chief could suggest Moravians.

The Mitre Coat is in the colors of the Caen/Cain Coat, and the latter is the white-on-blue Botter bend, making sense already in that Butteri were in the Rome theater. All of these Coats are in the colors of the Keon and Carolyn fish. Canons use a white bend too, but on a red Shield, and on the bend a lone plate. Even the Canns/Caens (five white ostrich feathers) use white on blue. McCanns use the same lattice design as Canns, and the Keon / Cain fish in Crest. Vat is going on here? Could it be that Pontius-Pilate ancestry and Vatican history were in the same Cenomani peoples? Is this the Cappeo-message of God?

The present pope's personal Arms are shown also in Wikipedia's Mitre article. Why is there a Moor's head with an earring? Isn't that a pirate symbol? Or a homosexual symbol? Why does the bottom of the Arms look like a male sex organ? Why does the present pope wear red shoes, a color/symbol of homosexuals? Look at the bottom of the keys, for they look like fish tails. The Arm's gold-on-red scallop is the symbol also of Shell Oil, owned/controlled by Rothschilds. But I've just seen the same-colored scallop in the Burgon/Burgogne Coat, and Pilates, who were first found in Burgundy, also use white-on-blue.

I was just going to say recently above that the mother and/or father of Pontius Pilate should have been a Pontius-like entity, and now find a "pondere" motto term in the McCann Coat. Moreover, Ponders and McCanns both use boars. AND ZOWIE, after suggesting the above, and not before, "PONTIFF" came to mind! Vat really is going here, Benedict Arnold?

More white (bridge) on blue in the Italian Ponti Coat. Heads up: the French Pond/Pons surname was first found in Burgundy. And in the Pontiff article:

The English term derives through Old French pontif, from Latin pontifex, a word commonly held to come from the Latin root words pons (bridge) + facere (to do, to make), and so to have the literal meaning of "bridge-builder"...

...There were four chief colleges of priests in ancient Rome [pre Julius Caesar], the most illustrious of which was that of the pontifices. The others were those of the augures...

Augures??? It was the Augur surname's "agendo" motto term that first got me on the Euganeo location, and now we find Roman augures -- Roman priests -- not long after the last mention of Euganeo. Perhaps I was wrong to trace the Augers surname to "Ugor" / "Ogur" peoples at the root of Hungarians...but wait, were not proto-Hungarians traced to Euganeo??? Note that the Auger Coat is the Ferrari lion, the latter surname traced to Pharisees. That's probably no coincidence.

It looks like the Roman augures had peculiarities adopted by Vatican priests, and the fact the Vatican priests call themselves pontiffs, as with pagan Roman priests, tells a sad story in itself. The Romans had certain "flamen" priests smacking of the Flemings, a major constituent of the Templars. Templars started out as pro-Vatican, and were supported by the Vatican, and we may now assume that Templars actually traced to some flamen cults. I may need to accept error on my part when tracing "Bellamy" to "Fleming / Vlaam," for it may have been the other way around, with "Fleming" tracing back to "flamen." The point is, the same Shield as the Bellamy Shield is used in the . I don't think that's a coincidence either, by which i mean to declare that the Augur surname was of the Roman priesthood. It suggests a Juno-related priesthood where Euganeo is concerned.

Entering "Flamen" brings up a Shield filled with red and gold checks, Cohen style. Some shown variations: Vlamingh, Vlaming, Flaming, and Flamen. It's a Dutch surname, assuring that it's a Fleming clan. The Irish Fleming Coat uses the same checks in the Chief only. The Fleming double border became a special symbol of Scotland incorporated around the red-on-gold Scottish lion. The Duff lion, that is. It looks like Scottish Freemasonry traces to the same Roman priesthood that brought about Pontiff Pilate.

Entering "Watt" gets an eyeball and a pair of glasses on an oak tree, and entering "Vat" gets the same but on a different Coat. The Vat/Watt surname was first found in Worcestershire, where the Jeans/Jans and English Gabers were first found. In short, "Vatican" can trace in-part to the all-seeing-eye Uat/Buto cult, which was traced to the "vair" pattern used by Whites...and seen also on the Irish Fleming Coat!!!

Entering "Vair" then gets the French Vers/Fers Shield filled with red and white checks, meaning that we have now discovered the root of the dragon Veres in the Roman flamen. Entering "Gures" as per "augures" gets a Vere Shield and the Ivor/Cure/Eure surname. Entering "Candel" as per the "can" in "Vatican" gets a similar Coat to the Gures, not forgetting that Kyles use candles.

REMEMBER, French Fers use a Shield filled with blue and white checks, and Fers trace to the Pharisees, revealing well-enough in my mind that Pharisees were indeed of Roman-priesthood colors somehow. When we enter the "Feuers", a German clan is accessed with a write-up tracing to "fire" i.e. flames. Apparently, Roman flamens were in charge of flame-related sacrifices.

The White eagle (quatrefoils) is used by Ponds/Pons! It's indeed looking very Uat-ish for the Vatican's pontiffs. The White write-up: "First found in at Coldingham, a village in Berwickshire, where 'Uuiaett Hwite' witnessed King Eadgar's charter of Coldingham..." Quatrefoils and Berwick and Coldingham smacks to be of the Arthur relationship to Colter-related Kyles of quatrefoil-based Ayrshire. Entering "Eadgar" gets an Edgar/Eger clan first found in Berwickshire too. Augurs show an Eagar variation. Priestincidences?

The Rose link to Oriels and Orrs are important because they bring the metal-working Lemnians into mainline Rosicrucianism, and trace them to Sinclair Templars. I know that I'm far from proving a Pharisee link to Ferrari metal workers, but proof could come in at any time to our awe. As the Oriel torteux link to Tortona, very near the Laevi, it only adds to the circumstantial evidence that I see for a Pharisee link to Pharisees. But the Oriel torteux are also used by Inces, who now trace to Insubres (super-like motto terns are suspect for that peoples), isn't it amazing that Insubres are stamped on a map to the north of Tortona, practically where Laevi lived (at Novara)? Here's the Novara location to compare, though we wouldn't restrict the Laevi to the Novara town lines alone.

Just like that, we now have a postulated trace of Pharisee blood to Insubres and to the Ince / Inch / Hink/Hinch clans...and whomever they may have been extra-friendly with. Remember, Hinks use the Annan(dale) saltire! The evidence has come to the point where I can laugh at those who laugh at me for making the Pharisee link to Ferraris. On the map showing the Insubres, the Novara location is more where the Taurini and Salassi are located, and the latter are surely a branch of Salyes Ligurians. The Brians trace to Briancon on the Durance river upon which Salyes lived at one point, and it just so happens that Brians were independently traced to metal workers. What is that Traby-like bugle doing in the Crest above one Brian Coat with piles?

If Pharisees trace to Roman-augure priests, then the "Uachtar" motto term of Irish Brians could apply. That term was traced to the Augur bloodline, and then not far above the Auger Shield was linked suggestively to the Bellamy Shield where Bellamys are thought (by me) to be Flemings and/or flamen priests. This is being repeated because the Irish Fergus/Ferris Coat uses the Bellamy Shield too...with the Ferrari lion, and an eight-pointed star. The Scottish Fergus clan was first found in Galloway, and that was beside Annan(dale).

If we are even half-convinced that Laevi linked to Annan-related Hinks/Hinches, then as Hinks were traced to the Hesperides elements of the Latin peoples and the Latin/Latoni surname, we should consider the "asperis" motto term of the Fergusons. That tends to link Fergusons to the Laevi and Ananes to which Hinks/Hinches were linked, which then traces Fergus' to that part of Italy, where MontFerrat and Ferrat were located. The Salassi, who lived roughly where the Insubres lived, were in Ferrat, just north of Montferrat.

Did we note the thistle in the Ferguson Crest. The Thistle/Thissel Crest is what I would guess is the "Cappeo" lion, i.e. from the Jupiter cult. It's likely the Bruce lion of Galloway regions (the Galli are expected in Galloway, and they too were priests...of the Hephaestus cult). The Thistle/Thissel lion holds a pheon, and there are three more pheons in its Ferrari- and Fergus-colored Coat.

I had linked Thistles/Thissels to the same-colored Tuttels/Touthills, mentioned here on account of the Tout investigation below. Just like that, Thistles, and therefore Fergus', are suspect as Oliphant-related Esau-ites. But doesn't "Oliph" smack of the Olive surname that I link to Laevi? The problem here is seemingly obvious, that we can't trace the Laevi Gauls both to Levite priests and Esau-ites. Can't we?

In fact we can, though perhaps we don't need to. The Levite side of Pharisees (Jesus said that they sit in the seat of Moses, suggesting that they were Levites to some degree) may have had nothing to do with the Laevi. The Laevi may have been named by Olives and/or Oliphants, merely Eliphas-branch Esau-ites.

On the other hand, I tend to suspect that Laevi were Levites, and yet the way (i.e. via the Samson cult) in which I identify them as Levites necessitates that they be Esau-ites too. Remember that "Eliphas" smacks of "Halybes," metal makers alongside the Khaldi. And I think the Halybes were Galli too, so that there was a metal-smith cult doubling as a crude pagan priesthood who honored the male sex organ in hermes temples such as the Washington Monument...and the one where the pope lives.

Eliphas-ites may have taken on a Levi / Laevi name by two different means: 1) they deliberately disguised themselves as Israeli priests; or, 2) pagan Levites had joined them.

I do note that I long-ago traced the Samson cult to the metal smith peoples depicted by Hephaestus (leader of the Kabeiri). I became of the opinion that Samson carried a pagan Levitical priesthood (built from Jonathan in the book of Judges) to Greece via the Galli (Kabeiri). And on a track independent of those things, I came to view Samson as an Esau-ite cult...which we may view as a type of fake-Israelism. Can't we imagine Esau wanting his birthright back, that he lost to Jacob=Israel?

The "laidir" motto term of Brians can be linked to Kilpatrick Butteri (Kilpatricks use the Levi lion), wherefore the Mackie lion of the Brians should link to the Mackie lion of the Touthills, for the latter's lion is on a Botter-like bend. The Mackies were first found in Ayrshire, beside the Touts of Lanarkshire, at Bothwell, and I know "Both(well)" to be a term from "Bute." PAUSE. What do we see? I see Brians, a metal-smith peoples, linked to Touts, themselves a branch of Eliphas-ites.

The thing to do at present is to check the Oliver surnames for potential links to Esau-ites. Not only does the Spanish Olive Coat show only an owl (Edomite symbol of Kos cult), but the Scottish Olive surname (greyhounds) shows Oliff and Oliph variations. Very compelling already. The Olifant/Oliphant write-up: "David de Olifard is the progenitor of the House of Oliphant...He settled in Northamptonshire..." The Olive/Oliff surname was first found in...Northampton!!!

I can now link the Oliphants to the Heth/Heath Coat (Sinclair rooster), and they look like Keith Catti (Lothian) that I've independently trace to the Esau-ite merger with Lotan (Eliphas married Lotan's sister, Timna). I'm not really laughing at anyone who laughed at me when these ideas were first presented without this excellent evidence. It is quite astounding. DIDN'T WE SEE an ELEPHANT in the MASCAL CREST while there is a MASCAL/KEITH SURNAME ? ? ?

Did we trace the suspected Pharisee line to Ladon's Hesperides shortly above? The Heth/Heath motto, "Espere mieux," has been traced in-part, without doubts, to the Mieszko line. But the Espere part traces to Annan-related Hinks, who as Insubres lived near/amongst the Laevi. It should be noted that MacHeths are thought to be Mackays (from Mieszko), and that Mackies (ravens = Sinclair vikings) look like a Mackay branch in cahoots with the Eliphas-related Touts of the Bute theater.

It was the Fergusons who use "asperis," and Fergusons use boar heads in colors reversed to the Rollo boar heads. The Rollo motto uses "par tout," and the Oliphant motto is: "Tout pour Voir." This easily links Rollo to Oliphants, especially as both Mascals/Keiths and Sinclairs were both first found in Lothian.

You can bet every penny you have in your skull-shaped piggy bank that Rollos were nothing but terrible Scythians from Esau blood...who found the pope and went to bed with him, and who were born again by morning as Templar masked banksters. By what coincidence is it that both the Rollo surname and the Oliphants were first found in Perthshire??? What of that trace of Pontius Pilate to the Rollo line? Pontius is starting to look really red here.

Remember, the "passe" term in the Rollo motto brings up the Pascals with Levi lion. How many coincidences are we going to see before we stop laughing at me? Doesn't the Sinclair rooster trace to Gauls = Galli? There must be a fish-shaped mitre somewhere in the land of Novara.

The Scottish Oliver's fat chevrons have been tentatively linked to the fat chevrons of the French Levi Coat long-enough ago that I wasn't willing to make a hard link of the Oliver heart to Herods / Arthurs. Those times are gone. These Olivers were first found in Roxburghshire, wherefore let's return to the Oliphant write-up in order to link Olivers to them: "David de Olifard is the progenitor of the House of Oliphant..but when he saved King David I during the siege of Winchester Castle, he received a small grant of lands in Roxburghshire. Under later rulers, the Oliphant lands were significantly extended as King Malcolm granted the family Bothwell in Lanarkshire and King William I granted them Arbuthnott in Mearns."

Lanarks use a heart too, as does the Arms of Lanarkshire, and the Lanark chevron is the same kind used by Olives/Oliffs! It suggests that very strongly that Esau-ites and Herods were related, and we should like to know whether the king Herods of Jesus' days were Esau-ites, and whether perhaps they knew it.

The Oliphants can now be traced to Languedoc's Redones where the Herods are expected to have arisen. Did I trace Roquefeuils of Languedoc both to trefoils and to Roxburgh? Then see trefoils in the Bothwell/Boduel Coat, and ask why the chevron is colors reversed to the Valery chevron. Valerys were first found in Dauphine, and Valerius Gratus was traced to the French Grauts/Gros who, like Olives/Oliffs, use the greyhound.

If we've just gotten the impression that Oliphants were fundamental to the Arthur cult -- not only because they were around Bute=Avalon, but because they link directly to Arthur-rooted Rollos -- it should explain why English Olivers (oak tree, acorns) were first found in Cornwall.

I apologize for confusing, in the last update, the Fergus' with the Freskins. It was the latter who were Mackays in Moray. As Mackies near/in Bothwell are tracing well to Oliphants of Bothwell, and therefore to Oliphant-related (Mac)Heths, recall the Heth/Heath link above to Keiths/Keaths who were, quite apparently, merged with elephant-using Mascals. Then read from an article in my possession concerning the David de Olifard found in the Oliphant write-up as the clan founder:

William, second son of William ('Willielmus Filius Willielmi Friskini'), who married the daughter and heiress of David de Olifard, son of Walter de Olifard, justiciary of Lothian, was Dominus de Pettie...married to a daughter of Malcolm, earl of Fife [Oliphants were first found in neighboring Perthshire], of whom came Sir Andrew Moray, Lord of Bothwell...and Sir John de [Moray], whose representative in the right male-line is Moray of Abercairny; Andrew, Bishop of Moray; Gilbert, Bishop of Caithness; and Richard of Coulbin. Hugh, Lord of Duffus, the eldest son of William and grandson of Freskin, was the heir to Duffus and Strabrock. He is referred to as Hugh Freskin* and Hugh de Moravia in documents from 1195 onward.

The Darth Coat uses, as does the Oliphant Coat, three white crescents. The Darth Coat uses the (rare?) Vince/Vinch griffin. The Keith motto uses "vincit," and the Oliphant motto, "voir," therefore suggests the Voir/Voyer surname (Brittany) using "vincit"...and showing Mackie lions in Bothwell colors. The Darth surname is said to be from Heth-like "Ath." The Bothwell Crest is a pine tree (and a "boy"), symbol of the Lotan-like Lothian surname. Touthills, who likewise show the Mackie lion, and Touts, who were definitely Oliphants, were first found in Yorkshire, as were Choughs/Chuffs with a Pendragon (of Cornwall) chevron. Touthills use a "Cornish chough" for a Crest, and both Choughs/Chuffs and Bothwells use trefoils. Cuff(y)s use fleur-de-lys in Pendragon white on black. Like the Touthills, Duffus' were first found in Yorkshire, and like the Touthills, French Duffus' use a white-on-blue bend...the color of the Italian Botter bend.

French Duffus', highly suspect as the Butteri side of Pontius Pilate, are not only in Pilate-pheon colors, but were first found in Limousin. We are right back to the metal makers from Lemnos...where the Pharisee line was suspected not far above. As "Caiaphas" was traced with more certainty than doubts to the Chaves, who had a Shaw branch in Perthshire where Scottish Duffus' were first found, what about the Choughs/Chuffs that are clearly honored by the Oliphant-related Touthills?

Aside from the Touts, the Oliphant motto honors the Voirs/Voyers: "First found in Brittany where this distinguished family held a family seat at Gripel and Penhoet..." There is a Gripp surname registered with Graban-like terms that could possibly be variations of Arthur ancestry in "Gabrain," for "Penhoet" could link to Pendragons. I wasn't very sure at all about that trace UNTIL, it entered my head to check the Hoe surname as per "Penhoe(t)"...

And so GRIP THIS: "Hoe" brings up the Hoey/Kehoe surname first found in Tipperary. The Pendragon motto traces to Tippers and Tipperary. Pendragons are suspect as Druids, and Drummonds, first found in Perthshire, have a "Grip" motto term applied to them by related Leslies. Drummonds established themselves in Drymen (Stirlingshire), what I think was a Druid term. Druids were priests too, which is being said because Hoeys/Kehoes are also "Keoph", smacking of the Pharisee-suspect Choughs.

SO PHAR SO GOOD, but there's more that will knock your tassels off: the Hoey/Kehoe write-up: "The surname Hoe originally appeared in Gaelic as 'O hEochaidh' or 'Mac Eochaidh,' derived from an Irish personal name 'Eachaidh,' meaning a 'horseman.'" Stay on your horse, never mind horses, and see the Coffee write-up: "The original Gaelic form of the name Coffee is 'Mac Eachaidh,' from the personal name Eachaidh, which is Anglicized as Aghy. It is cognate with Eochaigh, which is Anglicized as the once-common Christian name Oghy." No horses there, even though the "Eachaidh" term is identical to the one in the Hoey/Kehoe write-up.

It's clear: the Coffeys (dolphin, as with Tippers of Cornwall) were Keoghs of Tipperary, and the two of them were a branch of Choughs/Chuffs (Pendragon fleur) who were honored in the Touthill motto phrase, "Cornish chough." The Hoey/Kehoe Coat even uses a crescent in colors reversed to the Oliphants and Touts. The Hoe/Hoey/Kehoe/Keoph clan therefore links to the Gripel and Penhoet locations of the Oliphant-honored Voirs/Voyers. We have thereby found the Pendragons of Brittany, an Esau-ite cult of the Eliphas kind.

If it's true that these cough-like clans (pronounced "coff") linked somehow to "Caiaphas," it becomes more intriguing when we discover the red-on-white lion of the Hoeys/Keoghs, for the Fergus/Ferris lion is exactly the same. And, the Hoey/Keogh Crest is a blue boar, same as the Vere Crest. Have we not found the Pharisee bloodline, therefore?

I'm going to make you glad that I include so much background information in case it's needed in the future. AFTER WRITING ALL THE ABOVE, the Olfard surname was checked for links to "Olifard," and there in my jaw-locked face was just a black greyhound. Let me quote from way up on this update: "Did we see a black greyhound in the Valois/Valour Crest? Then what is that black greyhound doing in the English Gravel Crest??? And why are there "plates" in the Gravel Coat...?"

Where have we just seen a Gravel-like surname, har-dee-har-har, this is so much fun. The Gripps! Here's their write-up: "The distinguished German surname Gripp is derived from the Old High German 'graban'...The name was originally used to indicate 'a digger of graves or ditches.'" Variations include: Grabner, Grabber, Gravner, Grabbne, and Craver." If they're not like "Gravel" as much as you'd like to see them, what about that "grave" code in the write-up??? We are not so stupid anymore to believe that Grabners were named after grave diggers. There's a Dutch Grave/Graven/Gravel surname, and it doesn't use a casket, sorry.

By what cosmic coincidence could it be that French Gravels use three white crescents (Oliphant symbol) on blue, and a gold chevron, just like the Tuttels/Toothills" ? ? ?" EVEN THE VALOIS/VALOURS use the same ! ! !

It can be shown that the "Grip fast" of the Leslie motto links to Gravels too because McLeods use "Hold Fast," while the entering "Hold" brings up Holt clan with "grove" stated as the derivation. Hold on to your laughter, hardy-har-har. The world of heraldry is full of liars and full of laughs.

The French Grave/Grauve crest even uses a Drummond-like Coat, and traces to "gravel." The Crest is "A giant's head pierced with a spear." There is no Giant Coat, but Gants (Flemings) use a Coat similar to the Graves/Grauves, and the Dutch Gant/Gent Coat looks like what could be a singe Drummond wave.

All this Drummond talk concerns the German Drummond Coat, and German Drummonds were first found in Hamburg, the same place where Trips/Treffs were first found whom I trace to the TreFoil. Yes, it was proven to my satisfaction that trefoils are code both for Rockefeller lines and Trips/Treffs. The relevant point here is that trefoils are used by Bothwells (= strong Oliphant relations), but then they also use an "UrGENTia" motto term smacking of the Dutch Gants/Gents.

The Holt/Hold surname could very well be a form of "Holfard" and therefore an Oliphant branch. Holders are in the same colors. As per the "grove" term in the Holt/Hold write-up, the sentence reads: "...the Old English word holt which meant a 'wood' or 'grove.'" We then find the Wood/Wode/Voud motto using "Tutus."

EXCELLENT! Here is more evidence in the squirrel of the Hold/Holt Crest that tends to prove clan links to Tout-honoring Oliphants. As was suggested recently, the small box of the Tout Coat was on at least one occasion found (by me) to be called a "square," at which time "Square" was entered to find a squirrel in the Squire/Squaire Coat. I reasoned that the small box was at first called a square in honor of the latter clan, but later became a "canton" in honor of Cantons and/or Gants/Gents. It looks very correct in this part of the discussion.

Groves are found with a black talbot, perhaps carrying the idea (and blood) of the black greyhound. The Grove write-up traces even to a "graua," a grey-like term. Did we see the Gravel greyhound link to the Valois/Valour greyhound? Yes, and now we have the Grey surname (in Grove-scallop colors) traced in their write-up to "Gratus," and moreover the Grey motto uses "fast" !!!

So now we know the Grip-fast and Hold-fast secret. But we seek evidence of a link to Pharisees in all this. The Grey write-up may have given it away: "As a nickname, it came from the Gaelic word riabhach, which means gray." Why would anyone put such a thing into that write-up? Couldn't it be said that a rabbi was named after grey hair? Why is the Grey lion colors reversed to the Fergus lion that is already suspect as the line to Pharisee rabbis.

After doing all that, I went after Caiaphas-like variations (i.e. with an "a") of the Coffeys and Choughs. I had no confidence whatsoever that there would be a CAIAph-like surname, and so first up was "Caffiie," first found in Wigton...of Galloway where the Fergus clan was first found. Good start. Variations included: Mahaffy, MacHaffie, McGilhaffie, MacCaffee, etc. We'd like to take a look at McGils, therefore, and they too were first found in Galloway. It looks like these were Gils = Gauls = Galli, no? Yes. Unfortunately, there are no tassels in the Coat, just footless martins. Irish McGils are shown as Hales/Cales from "Ciele." The Callus/Cole/Aul bloodline of Kyle stripes comes to mind.

The Caffe write-up will pull the black robe right off of Caiaphas' back: "'[Caffie] is derived from the Gaelic personal name Debshithe, which means the black man of peace." DebSHITHE. How well do you know the Shaw surname, the one using grails? It is said to derive in "SITHech," and has this: "Shaw has appeared Shaw, Shawe, Mac Ghille-Sheathanaich (Gaelic) and others." Ghille-Sheathan??? There you have it, a Caiaphas-like Caffie surname linking to the Shaws that I've beforehand claimed for the Caiaphas line as per the Chaves/Sheaves. BUT, "Sithech" evokes "Sadducee."

The "Deb" part of "Debshithe" looks like the Dubhs/Duffs, for in the Shaw write-up: "First found in Perthshire, where the family appears to have been firmly entrenched in the Eastern coastal regions well before 1000 AD. While some claim that the Clan originally descended from a MacDuff, one of the ancient Earls of Fife..." This has got to be Pilate's bloodline too.

The Thistle/Thissel Coat has a bend in colors reversed from the Caffie bend, and even shows pheons on its bend.

Did I mention that Choughs use white uniCORN, the color of the Oliphant-Crest unicorns. By what cornincidence was the Chough surname dredged up by the "Cornish Chough" symbol?

As Olfards/Olfords had worked so well into the circles of the Oliphant clan founded by Olifards, why shouldn't Oldfords/Alefords (pears) be Oliphants too? Have you read that, in the non-Biblical book of Enoch, Esau is given the symbol of a black boar? Then who gave the black boar to be the Crest of the Oldford/Aleford surname, and why??? That can't be coincidental. whoever it was, knew.

The Alfreds/Aelfreds could apply because they use the Olive/Oliff-type chevron, used also by Edmonds and Heths/Heths. It conjures up the Aethelred line of Saxon kings, one of whom was Edmund Ironside. Both the Ironside Coat and the Alfreds use Templar-related crosses, and another "vincit" motto code is in the Ironside Coat, tending to link the clan to the Heth-related Keiths. The Ironside Shield is also the McGil Shield, and McGils were linked above to the Caiaphas line of the Chaves / Shaws.

Then, there are many Ead-using names in this Saxon family, perhaps from the "Eachaidh" of the Coffees and Keoghs. It definitely makes the white-dragon Saxon kings suspect as descendants of the Caiaphas line, becoming astounding where red-dragon Brits represented by Arthur was a Herod line.

And look, the wife of Ironside was Ælfgifu of white-rose York, explaining why the Portuguese Alfred Coat is identical to the Portuguese Abreu Coat!!! I had traced Abreus to "Evreax," home of the Eburovices that had previously been in Cappeo-related Brescia/Brixia. REMEMBER from past discussions if you read them: the Cappeo line was traced to the mythical Capys elements that brought about "Caiaphas." The finding of this Alfred/Aelfred link to Abreus supports a trace of the Eburovices, also called, Ebroicum, to the naming of Eboracum/Eburacum=York.

BUT THERE IS MORE INTRIGUE HERE. It was said that "Eboracum" was named after a boar, and then "Ael(gifu) smacks of "Aleford" while Olfards/Olfords use a black boar in Crest as symbol of Esau. This is the perfect time to mention that Gylls/Gills, first found in Yorkshire, use a black boar is Crest! It makes the McGils Esau-suspect.

Galy smokes! Earlier, when seeing the black talbot that appeared related to the black greyhound of the Olfards/Olfords, I asked myself whether Halls and Hulls (talbots) were related to "HOLford," the term shown in the Olfard/Olford write-up. AND YES, for I've just found the same black greyhound in the Hallford Coat!! REMEMBER, the blue Cappeo lion was identified as the lion of the HALLands/Hallams of Yorkshire, and Hulls were first found there too.

I think we have just found that Esau-ites were in Yorkshire as both the Hall bloodline and the Bruce-of-York bloodline..from the blue-on-white lion in the Arms of Brescia. Do you see how important it was that God led me live in the home of an Abreu surname, at which time I discovered the Abreu/Abrussi link to "Brusi=Bruce"? It wasn't long afterward that they were linked to "Evreux." It was a no-brainer at the time to identify "Abruzzo," the place where my Meschin-line mother was born, to "Hebrew." I just didn't know what kind of Hebrews at the time.

In other words, Esau-ites (Hebrews) carried the blue Cappeo lion from Brescia's Hebrews.

It all works. Halls/Auls were first found in Lincolnshire, where Lucy Taillebois held holdings that passed to Ranulf le Meschin of Cheshire when he married her. Not only were black-boar Alefords likewise first found in Lincolnshire, but black-greyhound Olfards/Olfords were first found in Cheshire. This may not only explain why Ranulf used a red lion as his personal Arms, but then Duffs and the Arms of Scotland use the same lion.

What similar thing does it say about Scotland when its saltire flag is colors reversed to the Malcolm/MalCALLAM saltire and the York saltire, when it traces to king Andrew of Hungary, where greyhound-using Yonges and Drummonds also trace? Were not Drummonds found shortly above in the Hold and Gripp part of the Oliphant line? I don't need to spell this out for you.

Halls (and therefore Esau-ites) were traced with some solid reasoning to the evil mythical Holle, represented by Yorkshire's Ellis clan. It looks evil, but then not every Germanic or Latin from the Esau line continued to be evil. God has saved many Esau-ites. There are probably quite a few reading this. The Grace of God is being highlighted here. His Son was murdered by Esau-ites so that God could save some Esau-ites.

The trace of "Hall" to "Eliphas" at this time does not necessarily contradict my earlier trace of Halls to mythical Helen at Mysia's Hellespont, where Gallipolis was located. The Hellespont was traced to the Galli at that time, whom I've long held to be Halybes, and "Halybes" smacks of "Eliphas." Pert and neat, huh?

And what about the gold-on-red pears in the Part/Perrot Coat? The Alefords (also "Allford") likewise use gold-on-red pears. It's probably not coincidental that Hallfords use fleur in the colors of the Masci fleur (Halls have consistently traced to Masseys) while Parts/Perrots use an "Amo" motto code smacking of Hamo de Masci, Cheshire.

Perts/Pearts/Petts use mascles in the colors of the pears, and these clans might just have named Perth(shire). Perts were first found in Kent, where Actons had an Axton location (the "Vallance" motto term of Actons leads to the Vallance surname, first found in Kent). I say this because Hallfords use an "actione" motto term. Recall the Grave / Graven discussion above, for Yorkshire's Cravens (Meschin-related) also use "actione" as well as the Acton Shield. Actons were first found in Cheshire and Shropshire, where Meschins were first found.

The Hallford write-up traces, to no surprise, to Shropshire, where Meschins (and Bellamys) were first found: "The Halford name which was found in Salop (now called Shropshire), for example, is derived from the Old English words haforce, which means 'hawk...'" That doesn't at all sound correct, but rather code for a Hawk bloodline. The Ironside motto uses "hoc," and Alfreds/Aelfreds were first found in Kent (i.e. where was Axton). The Hawk/Hauks (purple staves, could link to purple Craven-related Skiptons) of Lincolnshire could apply, but then entering "Axelrod" brings up the axes of the Hawkeswells/Haukewells who named Hauxwell in Yorkshire as well as Hawkeswell in Kent.

The Acton motto does not only use "Vallance," but "l'homme," which I think can be identified with Dunholme, later called, Durham, in the Bernician theater. For, the Vallance and Holm Coats both use blue horizontal bars. Moreover, the Homes/Hummes (Bernicians from Berwickshire) were "part of a noble lineage descending from the Earls of Dunbar, and the family of the Earl of Northumberland, the great Gospatrick, a descendent of the Kings of Bernicia." This recalls how Kilpatricks entered the discussion on the early Bernician king, Aethelfrith...from whom the Aethel-named Saxons of later times (under discussion) must have been named.

In case it proves to be true, the Home lion is white-on-green, and therefore Maccabee suspect. One reason for those colors being pegged as Maccabee colors was Hamar in Norway, a region using white on green, and then the Hammer surname was found to use white on green (dolphins). As Hammers lived in "Hamer in the parish of Rochdale in the county of Lancashire," they should be related to the Anglo-Saxon Hemars/Hamers, first found in Lancashire.

I didn't trace the Hamar / Hammer entities to Charles Martel lightly. I made sure that there was in fact a reason for links. I can now add that the Vallance Coat (EU-logo-like) uses martins that I suspect to be code for Martins = Martels. I kid thee not, that this discussion was started out on account of the PrudHAM / PredHAMM variations of the French Home surname, before I got to the Martell topic. Both Martels and Hommes/Prudhams were first found in Gascony, and the Homme variation of that clan smacks of the Acton motto term, "l'homme."

If that's not enough, the "avance" motto term of Actons links to Vances/Vallibus', first found in East Lothian, for here's the Dunbar write-up:

...Cospatrick was deprived of his Earldom of Northumberland by William the Conqueror, and fled to Scotland. There he was granted the lands of Dunbar and Lothian, Cumnock in Ayrshire, and Mochrum in Wigtown by Malcolm Ceanmore, the King of Scotland. Traditionally, the family descend from Crinan of Dunkeld, the Earl of Northumberland, ancestor of both King Duncan I (d. 1040)...

Who were these important Dunbars (red roses, the Vallance-Crest symbol), and why do Patrick-branch Butteri work into them so strongly just when Maccabees are the underlying theme? The Cospatricks are evoking the Butteri at the root of Pontius Pilate. Recall what was said above on the Fergus clan, for it and Dunbars use the same lion in colors reversed:

After doing all that, I went after Caiaphas-like variations (i.e. with an "a") of the Coffeys and Choughs. I had no confidence whatsoever that there would be a CAIAph-like surname, and so first up was "Caffiie," first found in Wigton...of Galloway where the Fergus clan was first found. Good start. Variations included: Mahaffy, MacHaffie, McGilhaffie, MacCaffee, etc. We'd like to take a look at McGils, therefore, and they too were first found in Galloway. It looks like these were Gils = Gauls = Galli, no? Yes. Unfortunately, there are no tassels in the Coat, just footless martins.

As per the Cospatrick-Dunbar line in Wigton of Galloway, the all-important Fergus lion must therefore be, indeed, the Dunbar lion. Fergus' are all-important because they are still suspect as a Pharisee line, more now than ever. THEN, as Vallances appear linked to Dunbars, it seems that the footless martins of the McGils are those of the Vallances/Valens...who smack of Valerius Gratus, especially as he was traced to the Grey surname.

The GosPatrick/CosPatrick Coat uses a footless martin centrally on what could be the Annan(dale) saltire in colors reversed. This recalls that Annan is beside Dumfries (itself beside Galloway), where KilPatricks were first found. In the write-up: "...Earl Gospatrick accompanied Tostig on a pilgrimage to Rome. He was of Saxon and Pictish blood." Pictish, you don't say? And why did Gospatrick, a Butteri liner from Roman elements, go to Rome on a pilgrimage?

Are we sensing a trace of the Valerius > Pilate > Caiaphas grail bloodline to the Danann that evolved into Danes? This was Helios of Rhodes coming west as the Hercules dragon, to found the red dragon of Cimmerian Wales (Rhodes has a Kamiros city) and the proto-Herod elements that became the king-Arthur cult in Wales. Not even Merlin's sorcery could obscure these things from my mind now. When the Excalibur comes against Christians in the end times, it will be met and slashed by the Sword of Revelation 19, the Sword of the One whose white robe is dipped red in blood, the sword of the Templar from the Sky.

As Dunbars appear to trace to Dunholme = Durham, but also to Vallances of East Lothian, where vincit-using Keiths lived, the vincit-using Ironsides, first found in Durham, should apply. The clan is no doubt from Edmund Ironside, and the Edmund Shield is also the Heth/Heath Shield, a variation of the Oliphard-related Olive/Oliff/Oliph Shield. Esau-ites everywhere here, filling up Lothian, where the Scottish capital came to be that uses an Edom-like motto code. Esau-ites, Scythians of the Hercules Scythes branch, named Scotia(land), didn't they?

The Durham surname was first found in Dumfries (i.e. where Kilpatricks were first found), which easily traces the Cospatrick-Dunbars of Durham to the Kilpatricks, meaning that everything linked to Dunbars of Galloway ought to be Butteri too.

The Dunbar Shield is exactly (lion colors included) the Grey Shield. Greys were first found in Northumberland, suggesting that they were from (or merged with) the Cospatrick-Dunbar elements in Crinan of Dunkeld, the Earl of Northumberland, ancestor of both King Duncan I. I had figured that Pontius Pilate had both a Butteri and a Caledonian side, and here we find Butteri blood in the Dunkelds. Pontius Pilate had been traced to DunKELDS, Celts/Cults, and Callus'/Coles/Auls.

Quite apparently, Dunkelds were a Dane-Caledonian mix of the Dunbar-branch Danes. The two purple-ish (Roman?) Durham dolphins ought to trace to Dauphine, where the Valery surname was first found. We could begin to ask at this point whether "ham," as in "Durham" and many others, was a term coined from Maccabee-Ham(m)er lines. After all, we just saw the Holms and Homes tracing to Ham(m)er lines, and Durham was at first, Dunholme.

Why does Freemasonry have a Scottish and a York rite??? All of the Yorkshire attachments to the Saxons (discussed above) suggests that "white dragon" and "white rose" are related. But Saxons were also "red" blooded as per their roots in Bernicians. The BERford Coat compares very well to the Ironside Coat as well as to the Iron Coat. As the Aetheling Saxons were just suspected of being the Caiaphas line, how is it that Pharisees were traced to iron-making Ferraris and iron-inventing Halybes / Khaldi? For querying imaginations, the Iron Crest is: "A silver cross moline lozeny, pierced silver."

Let me repeat what was said above to make another point here:

...there are many Ead-using names in this Saxon family, perhaps from the "Eachaidh" of the Coffees and Keoghs. It definitely makes the white-dragon Saxon kings suspect as descendants of the Caiaphas line, becoming astounding where red-dragon Brits represented by Arthur was a Herod line.

And look, the wife of Ironside was Ælfgifu of white-rose York...

By what coincidence was it that I mentioned AelGIFU immediately after linking Saxons to Coffes and Keoghs, themselves linked to Choughs/Chuffs? Might "Gifu" have formed the Gif(f)ord/Givard surname?. It uses the same motto (with "Malo mori" phrase) as the Paines, and a rooster in the Crest.

The Giff write-up suggests roots in the German "geba," meaning "to give," and this is interesting not only because of the Jeeves/Geeves that come up when entering "Jove," but because there is a Gavi/Gavina location in Alessandria, where Tortona is located. The Alfred/AELfred Coat uses torteux, you see, suggesting strongly that Aelgifu (and perhaps Giffards/Givards) was from Gavi/Gavino. As was shown in a previous update, even the Gavin Coat is nothing but...torteux.

It now recalls the Kevin-like surnames that were also linked to the Jove bloodline, meaning that Jupiter (from the "Cappeo" river, so to speak), can now be traced straight to Gavi/Gavino. That jibes excellently with the trace of Yonges both to Juno and to the Pavia/Papia location smack beside Tortona. In fact, the Yonges of that place were identified as the proto-Hungarians on the Ticino river, where the Marici and Laevi co-founded Ticinum, later called, Pavia/Papia. It therefore appears that the antler in the Giff Crest is symbol for those Hungarian elements.

This is quite amazing, that the Alfred Saxons should trace to Tortona while Alfred's wife traces to Gavi. It should not be a surprise, really, because the Portuguese Alfred Coat already traced to neighboring Brescia. Where the Brescia lion is used in the canton of the Scottish Bruce Coat, the Crest has a purplish (Roman elements?) lion with a rare-ish design showing in the Irish Keven/Cavina Coat. The latter do seem to be Gavi/Gavina elements.

Scottish Kevens/Kewans show the colors of the Alfred/Aelfred Coat, but as these Kevens are rooted in "Eoghainn," they appear to be Eugene / Euganeo elements linked to the Augur surname and therefore suspect from the Roman augures priesthood.

Again, Brescia is not far north of Placentia, where Ananes lived at one point, and the Bruce Coat above uses the Annan Coat and Chief. If you didn't quite believe before that the Annan location and surname trace to Ananes, you now have a good reason to bank on it. It's important where the Roman augures were traced suggestively to Pharisees, for we now have the augures tracing to the Ananes and Laevi.

You may have read where I traced Mark and Marx surnames to the Marici pals of the Laevi. You might already smell that bad odor of a Marici trace to the Merlin priesthood, but the point here is the so-called "St. Mark's lion" of Voir Crest. I've known about the St. Mark lion from the first mention of the Voir surname above, and yet I didn't know how it might link to the Marici until now. By what coincidence could it be that Alfreds/Ailfreds, highly suspect as a branch of Olifards/Oliphants, just traced to the Marici theater while the "voir" term is found in the motto of the Olifards/Oliphants???

Do we see what a well-calculated science heraldry was? Liars, all of them, keeping realities from us because they didn't have much confidence in the world's approval of Esau-ite lines. The Marckert, Marquart and Marquard variations brings Melkart to mind (human-sacrifice cult of Carthage). .

It looks like the two-headed Roman eagle in the German Mark Coat, holding the Shakespeare spear. English Marks/Marx's use fleur-de-lys, and for the first time ever, a fleur-de-lys trace to Melkart (or "Melqart") is under contemplation because, thanks to Tim, I've just seen a giant fleur-de-lys, and nuthin but, in the Melchor/Melchart Coat. I might not have paid much attention to it, but it's white on red, the colors of the Lys-Coat and Arms-of-Lille fleur. I feel that the latter two entities were of the original fleur-de-lys cult.

FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER, thanks to the paragraph above, "Maurici" was entered because there is no Marici Coat coming up, and there was a Maurici surname in the list along with Navarrini and Navarro variations that assures this to be of the Marici alliance with the Laevi at Novara!!! PLUS, the same list shows "Maurovi," smacking of Merovingians that I did trace to the Marici...because, for one, I traced Pepinid Merovingians to Pavia/Papia.

The Maurici/Maurovi/Navarro Coat (in the colors of the Merovingian fleur-de-lys) uses a strong arm with fist, symbol of Communism, and Carl Marx is likewise a symbol of Communism. Doesn't this trace Rothschilds to the Laevi, as suspected? There is thereby no contradiction in tracing Rothschilds both to the Pavia/Papia theater and to Hungarians.

In the center of the Maurici Coat, a butterfly. The Butteri come to mind. IN FACT, the Maurici strong arm is identical, even in its red color, to the strongarm in the Armstrong Crest, and in this write-up: "The Armstrong surname is thought to come from the Middle English words...and has also been rendered in Gaelic as MacGhillielaidir." The Kilpatrick-branch Butteri use "laidir" in their motto.

IT'S POURING! The blue and white bars/stripes of the Armstrong Coat reminded me of the blue and white bars of the Arms of Richard Amerike, and of the Welsh Meri(c)k surname (in Botter colors) said to be from "Maurice"!!! Just like that, we can trace the Marici to the Meriks and therefore to one of the supposed namers of "America."

The Italian Mauro/Maurich/Mauricio Coat is practically the Merik Coat. You haven't, of course not, missed that these Shields are in the colors of the Moray/Murray stars. The French Mauro Coat looks related, using a chevron in colors reversed from the Valery Coat, which is said due to the "Dampne" motto term smacking of Dauphine, where the Valery surname was first found.

Did you ever see the sea horse in the Arms of Budva/Butua? There is another sea horse in the Merik Crest!!! That's why its pouring buckets of heavenly clues: the Bavarian Illuminati, Marxism, Rothschildism, Communism, and all other despicable workers of this world were from the Marici Butteri, and the false-Israelites who put modern Israel on the map. The Khazar side of Rothschilds traces no doubt to Cohens, and so see the Cohen / Hohen checks in two Mark Coats, as well as the Merik sea horse in the Irish Cohen Crest. Don't miss the white-on-blue downward pheons in the Irish Cohen Coat, for Pilates use the same. Chances are, the Irish Cohen bend is a colors-reversed version of the Bottar bend.

Budva is near Ragusa, and the house of Saraca in Ragusa show a fish that traces to a fish symbol of Cadmus and Harmonia, the mythical couple said to have founded Budva as their Illyrian station. The point is, I traced roots of the fleur-de-lys to the Saraca fish for more reasons than the alternative name of Ragusa: Laus. When it was suggested above that the roots of the fleur trace to Melkart, it was very fortunate, on behalf of my lys trace to Ragusa and Budva, that the Marckert/Marquart/Marquard surname happened to be involved...just at the time that it was decided to reveal the lys trace to Melkart. The topic then cascaded into the Maurici discussion, which in turn led to Budva elements. Lysincidence? On top of that, there was a Merovee-like variation of the Maurici surname.

Wasn't "Here(ford)" traced to "Her(zegovina)" (where Budva is located) as per the Herzog surname sharing the Here wings? There were other reasons, but here's another: the Morice/Morys surname was first found in Herefordshire. I also traced Merovingians from mythical Merops of Kos to his granddaughter, Aedon of Boiotia, and it's a no-brainer to trace Budva/Butua to Cadmus-branch Boiotians. It is expected that Cospatricks trace to the Kos>Boiotia line of proto-Merovingians.

The Maurici/Maurovi/Navarro Shield colors are those of the "Jewish" Mark Coat. These clans can now be linked to Oliphants, for the "voir" motto term of Oliphants gets the Voir surname with St. Marks' lion "supporting a silver book inscribed with the words "PAX TIBI, MARCE EVANGELISTA." I thought that the "TIBI" term was suspicious when finding a "sibi" term in the Marsham/Markan motto. I was almost prepared to pass on mentioning it, when the Voir Coat was re-loaded to see the Mackie lion, same lion as per the Marsham/Markan Coat.

There is a Markan surname registered also with Scottish Merchants/Merchard/Mercators (Buckinghamshire), in the colors of the two March Coats, and then the Dunbar write-up may give hint that Cospatricks were at the root of the Marches. The Merchant surname is Mercury-interesting because that Roman god was the god of Merchants. It suggests that Mercury traces to the Marici.

Both Marken Coats show stripes along the bend, a symbol also of the Inces whom I now trace to Insubres of the Marici theater.

[Insert -- The article below has been hanging around the bottom of three or four updates, As it was just about to discarded/deleted after this update was done, I saw a Mercator-like term, and then even the involvement of Rothschilds:

Study: Stimulus Funds Primarily Used to Poach Workers, Not Hire Unemployed

The Mercatus Center at George Mason University has just released an important new study on the hiring practices of firms that used stimulus funds. It's fairly comprehensive, based on over 1,300 surveys of managers and employees. There's been very little good empirical data on the stimulus thus far, so the study contains a lot of valuable insights. Among the findings by authors Dan Rothschild and Garrett Jones:

Hiring isn't the same as net job creation...

Put simply, stimulus funds caused more job shifting than job creation. Another key finding? Union-friendly wage protections kill jobs...

If you want details, see the article. I only wanted to make the point that a Rothschild was actually heard from, and that his findings could of course be biased toward some Rothschild interests. He seems to discredit the Obama stimulus package, however. One can also make the point that a Mercatus society exists at a Mason-named university. Add to that the theory of some online writers that Rothschilds of the Masonic kind were in bed with Marxism. On the other hand, I do think that some Rothschilds are Republican capitalists. End Insert]

So now we know where American and French Freemasonry traces, to the Marici. And right there among them were the Pharisees somehow, yet to be explained satisfactorily. The Italian Sheaves/Chaves/Chiapponi/Cioffani must have been involved, but they are traced to Abruzzo, not Piedmont. Note that Scottish Sheaves/Shaws were Anglo-Saxons, jibing with the trace of the Aethel Saxons just made to Tortona and Gavi. Like the Ironside motto, Scottish Sheaves/Shaws use "vincit."

I have found what I had been seeking; from my chapter, Mede-Cow Disease Finds Washington:

Anan ben David [8th century AD] incorporated the Sadducee sect called "Boethusians." These are thought by some to have been related to Sadducees in the time of Jesus, from Egypt!
The prevailing opinion now is that the Boethusians were only a variety of the Sadducees, deriving their name from the priest Boethus. Simon, son of Boethus from Alexandria [Egypt], or, according to other sources, Boethus himself, was made a high priest about 25 or 24 B.C. by Herod the Great, in order that Boethus' marriage with the latter's daughter Mariamne [II] might not be regarded as a mésalliance (Josephus, "Ant." xv. 9, § 3; xix. 6, § 2...)."

That is very important information for this very spot. I'm even glad that I didn't know where it was recorded until now. I tend to think that the "Sithech" root of the Sheaves/Shaws was a Sadducee entity. It may even be that Caiaphas was a Sadducee. Let me repeat what was shortly above: "I also traced Merovingians from mythical Merops of Kos to his granddaughter, Aedon of Boiotia, and it's a no-brainer to trace Budva/Butua to Cadmus-branch Boiotians." While writing that, it dawned on me that "THEBES" in Boiotia, where Aedon was queen, may have been the root of "Chaves/Sheaves. Is that not amazing? It all at once links "Caiaphas" to Boiotians and to the Sithech bloodline. I know a cosmic coincidence when I see one, but I don't believe in coincidences that large.

Are you understanding this? Sadducees were Boiotians somehow, and "Thebes" traces to "Sheaves." I've always suspected a "Sheba" at the root of "Thebes," but could never prove it. In Genesis 25, Abraham has another wife (Keturah), and she gives birth to children that produce brothers, Dedan and Sheba, and it could be that "Dedan" became "Aedon." Aedon was traced to the Aedui of Autun, and then there is a Dayton surname said to be named after "Autun." Just saying.

Was Caiaphas a Sadducee? In my chapter above, I had this quote: "The House of Boethus ruled the high-priesthood [of Israel] at roughly the same time as the House of Hannan..." The latter house included Ananas, father of Caiaphas. There may have been a merger between the two priestly families. The chapter also says:

Herod the Great had two wives called Mariamne (or Mary). With the first was born another Mariamne, wife of Simon Boethus, and they in turn gave birth to another Mariamne, who became Herod the Great's second wife by that name; they produced Herod Boethus. The latter married Heriodias (granddaughter of Herod the Great) and produced Salome, the young woman who danced for Herod Antipas...

There you have a Herod merger with the Sadducees, dread enemies of Jesus Christ.

I had also written: "Recalling that I had tied Set and the Sadducees to the Soducena of SwanLand (Lake Sevan), it's interesting that the Kabalistic method of interpretation is called "sod ('secret,' the deeper meaning of the text, drawing on the Kabbalah)" (brackets not mine)." Let's take another look at the Sodan/Sowdon Coat (scallops colors reversed to Patterson scallops), not forgetting that Irish Pattersons -- a Butteri bloodline tracing to Boiotians -- are said to be from "Sodhans." It wasn't long ago when gold stars on blue were seen, as even the Sodans/Sowdons display on their engrailed bar. The stars belonged to the Meriks, with a Butteri sea horse in Crest, and for other reasons tracing to Butteri...and to the Marici among the Laevi!

It's clear now. Sadducees were from Merovingian-related Boiotians...but Merovingians were not in existence in the time of Jesus. Therefore, Sadducees must trace to Merovingians proper, and as the Chaves/Sheaves were first in Abruzzo, where the Marsi lived, I think we can trace the Marici = proto-Merovingians to the Marsi. If that Marsi=Marici equation can shown viable, then indeed "Sheaves" has a good chance of tracing to "Thebes."

On the trace above of Sadducees to Soducena at lake Sevan (center-bottom of this ancient map), it's striking that "Sevan" was traced to "Sabines" (Abruzzo) and "Savona" (Liguria), for these terms smack of "Sheaves." Moreover, the Marsi were Sabines/Saffini. The cosmic coincidence has just grown larger than the universe itself. What's that sea to the right of Soducena? Ah, yes, the Hyrcanian.

Is that Israel I see smack beside Soducena? No. It's Gogarene. Lake Sevan was once, and I think still is, named after those Gugars. Safe to say, mythical CYCnus the swan, king of Liguria, traces to those Gugars. Safe to say, Cycnus Gugars were in Savona. AND LOOK, the Savone/Saffin surname was first found in Somerset, beside or amongst the Sodans/Sowdens, first found in Devon. Saffers/Savorys, with a Shield somewhat like that of the Arthurs, were first Devon.

Where have we seen the three white-on-blue crescents of the Savones/Saffins? Ah, yes, the Oliphant-related Toothills and Gravels. The Darths/Aths use white-on-black crescents, and so do a hundred other surnames, but I think we can plainly see why Darths/Aths should use the Savone crescents in particular.

The Seven/Severne/Severin Coat may use the Pendragon chevron, but of note in any case is the "praest" within the motto. Priestincidence? The cosmic coincidence is growing into the war chest of God. That Ark of the Covenant will one day be seen in the sky, with these words: "I have not abandoned true Israel. Move over false Israel." As Jesus said, the house of Israel will be taken from the priests and given to "others." No, not Uther Pendragon. Jesus wasn't speaking in English.

Others. Those who speak softly to God in their quiet moments, who acknowledge His Son's work on that fateful night in the yard of Ananias. When soldiers punched him out to the joy of Caiaphas, the latter sealed the fate of Uther Pendragon. The Uthers shall not forever possess what belongs to the others-of-God.

Wikipedia's article on the Ruteni (later the Ruthenes) says almost nothing except that they were known as makers of lead. Lemnites and Sintians were not far to Aveyron's east.

The Olfards/Olfords and Hallfords both use black greyhounds, and when I got to the black greyhound of the English Gravel Crest, I asked, "why are there 'plates' in the Gravel Coat...?" Didn't we just see plates in the Sheep/Shipton Coat, and wasn't that clan suspect as a Sheba=Sheaves=Chaves entity? BUT NOW, French Gravels use white-on-blue crescents...just like the Savones/Saffins!!! And the Gravel Coat is used also by Oliphard-related Tuttels/Toothills. The Oliphard-related greyhound is used by Yonges too, whom as proto-Arpad Hungarians had traced to the Ticino river...where Laevi lived.

The cosmic coincidence has now grown beyond the War-Chest room of God, to the place where He grieves, the place where His fury and angers grows red-hot, where He keeps his Appointed-Time button. The clock on the wall above the button goes way too slow. The seven angels standing around with trumpets in hand, asking, "Now?" "No,: He says, "not yet. We've got to wait for John to finish the revelation." The seventh angel: "I thought it was already finished." "No," He laments, "I'm talking about that other John, at tribwatch. He might never get done." They say, "John who?"

Something new just dawned on ,me (God says, "what else is new?") while seeking where to insert the Cave/Caives Coat with black greyhound in Crest. I had viewed it immediately after the Sheep/Shipman Coat. I had been after Sheba-rooted surnames that might apply. The Sheeps/Shipmans use plates, as well as "mullets," the name given to pierced stars. Then, seeking an appropriate place to insert the Cave Coat, I came to the place where the Iron Coat was linked suggestively to the Pharisee bloodline, and I said, "For querying imaginations, the Iron Crest is: 'A silver cross moline lozeny, pierced silver.'"

That's when it dawned on me that "pierce" is what they did to Jesus. And I recalled the pierced stars of the Meriks, tracing to the Marici and likely to the Laevi as well. Usually, it's so-called "mullets" (stars) that are pierced, and see that the Mullet surname has pierced Zionist stars in particular. The mullets are in the colors of the Illuminati-important Weis stars, used also by Payens/Pagans from the same area as the Mullets. "Mullet was a name for someone who lived in the administrative regions of Cantal and Puy-de-Dome. The place-name survives as Aveyron..." Aveyron, home of the Ruteni of Rodez, is where the Bouillon surname was first found, and the first Templars did indeed have a Bouillon partnership with Payens.

As Aveyron is in the Millau subprefecture, The Millners came to mind, known to be partners with the Cecil-Rhodes Illuminati. I first took a look at the Mill Coats, finding a moline cross in the French Mill Coat with a diamond at the center that could be construed as a diamond-shaped pierce because the diamond is in the same color as the background. Moreover, "moline" and "mullet" are easily connect-able, and the diamond is called a "lozenge," wherefore it smacks of the "moline lozeny, pierced silver" description of the Iron surname. Pierce-incidence?

Yes, we naturally think that piercing has to do with the Pierce/Perse surname, first found in Somerset with the Percivals, but this does not at all discredit a trace of "pierce" to Pharisees and/or others who took part in the Murder, for Percival was a "Grail King," and by now we know that the grail symbol is used both by Shaws and by Pilottes and Pellets.

The Mill motto, "Ex industria," smacks of Rothschilds and Rockefellers (the latter had merged with Rodes'). The footless martin found in the Mill Crest is interesting here for the theory I hold, that the footless part is code for the lameness of Hephaestus. Another moline cross is used by Millers, first found in Dumfries, said to derive in Molen and Milen terms. It's interesting that Milan was founded by Insubres, and that Oriels (same as the pile-using Orrs/Ores derived in from "ore") who use the Ince torteux were traced to Lemnites and Sintians in France. See the flag of Insubria, using the Visconti serpent.

By what coincidence is it that the German Rhodes' likewise use torteux? Doesn't that tend to link Redones=Ruthene to the Insubre > Ince bloodline? As English Rhodes use roundels in colors reversed to the German-Rhodes torteux, I think I'm compelled to identify the English Rhodes' partly as a Tortona entity.

This would be a good place to re-show the trefoils (Rockefeller symbol) of the Rodes/Rod surname, first found in HEREfordshire and said to derive in Herod-like "Hrod." The Roquefeuils could have been given any kind of foil for a symbol, but the trefoil was chosen to represent also the Trips/Treffs of Maccabee-suspect HAMburg. It dawns on me here that since the Rodes/Rods were probably the dominant Herod bloodline, for reasons to be shown below, the green and white colors of certain Maccabee clans was from the Rodes/Rod trefoil. Hmm, both Mill clans were first found in HAMPshire.

In consideration that I had traced Rockefellers to Rochdale in Lancaster (Manchester theater, where the first English Rothschild settled), here's the write-up of the white-on-green Hammers: "The name comes from when they lived in the village of Hamer in the parish of Rochdale in the county of Lancashire." From this bitty, one could propose a Hamer trace to Hamburg.

The following is where king Clovis traces to the Rodes/Rod clan, where it even appears that he was named after the trefoil. Clovis herein also looks like a Sadducee bloodliner, evoking the quote above where we saw Herods of Jerusalem merging with Sadducee-branch Boiotians. By what further coincidences are they that bee-using Maxtons, suspect as Boii-branch Maccabees, were first found in ROXburghshire, while "Boii" smacks of the Boiotians...not to mention "Bouillon"? If that's not enough, the grave of Clovis' father (Childeric I) was found with hundreds of gold bees!

Then, Maxwells/Makeswells, also first found in Roxburghshire, were discovered, thanks in-part to the "make" motto term of Kilpatricks, to be a Kilpatrick-branch Butteri peoples that I trace to Boiotians...for no reasons having to do with Sadducees being from Boiotians. Moreover, aside from what's under discussion, I have maintained that Merovingians descended from Redones of Rodez. Kilpatricks were first found in Closeburn, and then there is a Close/Clovse surname.

It works like this. We enter "Clover" as per the Rodes/Rod trefoil, and we come to a Cleaver surname using a key in Crest that is suspect as the Sheaves/Chaves key. The Sithechs = Shaws are suspect as Sadducees, sad you see? The Clover/Cleaver write-up traces to "cleofen," and with that term we go to the Cliff/Cleaves surname (colors reversed to Clovers/Cleavers), and there we find a trefoil placed tell us that we are definitely bouncing around from Herod relation to Herod relation. The Cliffs were, like the Rodes/Rods, first found in HEREfordshire. AND, the Cliffs use wolf heads, no doubt linking to the erroneous Shaw write-up where "Sithech" is traced to "wolf."

Again, it can't be coincidental that Pontius Pilate has been said to have a birth in Perthshire, while Scottish Shaws were first found in Perthshire and use grails in the colors of the Pilottes and Pellets. Moreover, Drummonds, first found in HAMburg as with Trips/Treffs, were also first found in Perthshire. All the killers of Jesus Christ were sticking together like flies on a heap of Shith.

English Shaws/Sheaves/Shaves use Cliff colors, but Irish Shaws/Sheaves/Shaves use...trefoils (!!!) in the colors of the Cliff trefoil. By now, even the most-cynic reader is starting to lay laurel at my feet. Even the readers who considered me a false Christian wacko are starting to bring gifts to my door. There simply is no way to deny that these "coincidences" reveal the sheer realities, that the world has been ruled by the murdering conspirators who used false witnesses in the wee hours of the dark morning, one cool Passover evening, seeking to put an end to God on earth. It was no small crime then, but their children only added to crime upon crime, to this day. We have not yet heard the loudest thunder, nor seen the greatest plague.

You understand that the coming targets of God's war chest are not bloodlines, but only those members of related bloodlines who joined together in blood-brother pacts for an anti-God agenda? You understand that it's God's purpose to cleanse bloodlines, and to save their members. If you are a Cleaver or a Shaw of a Hall or a Pollock, it doesn't mean that you are punished above others for that thing alone...except for the ailments that the "royal" bloodlines gave to any part of humanity that came into sexual contact with them.

The Cliffords have this: "They lived in one of the many parishes by the name of Clifford in HEREford, Gloucestershire and Bristol" (caps mine). We see the Drake wyvern dragon in the Clifford Crest. Purple-lion Skiptons were traced to Alessandria, where Tortona is located, and in their write-up: "Skipton Castle was acquired by the Cliffords."

NOW, recall the Sheep/Shipton surname (first found in Herefordshire!) that was traced above, for the first time ever, to the line of Thebes Boiotians as they developed into the Sheaves > Chaves, for aside from that idea, "Skipton" was traced to this other "Shipton" clan said to derive in "scip" = "sheep." Another lie, another clue for all of to use against them.

You understand. Cliffords just traced well to the Shaw/Sheaves bloodline, and then Cliffords acquired the Shipton-line titles of Skiptons. It's clear that Cliffords and Shiptons trace to the same place, the Sheaves bloodline, the line of Sadducees from Thebes in Boiotia. I almost don't want to identify the Chaves bloodline any longer with Pharisees, but it's to early to rule them out. Right now, the Chaves line is tracing to a Herod=Sadducee merger, but them plates are used by Sheeps/Shiptons.

The black wolf heads in the Cliff/Cleaves Coat are now suspect as per the Sithech wolf line, and so we can't ignore the black wolf head in the Bellow/Ballow Crest, for the Shipton Coat shows "bellows." The Balls and Bellows/Ballows were both first found in Cheshire, and the balls use a bomb on fire to indicate some Flemings. For me, this indicates the Bellamys...the Baal cult. But I see Apollo as Baal, and Apollo was a wolf line.

The French Balls/Ballous were first found in Brittany, and use the three ermines in the same fashion as the Arms of Vannes (Brittany). Proto-Stewarts in Brittany, who I think were Flemings, and who honored the dog/wolf in their early days, used ermines too. Stewarts of Brittany removed to Shropshire, where Bellamys were first found, and Shropshire is sandwiched between Cheshire and Herefordshire. Bells and Bellamy share the same Shield, with the Bells first found in Dumfries. But there is another Bell Coat (Shield-and-Chief in colors reversed to Bellows/Ballows Shield-and-Chief) with surname first found in ROXburghshire, where the Maxwell-branch Kilpatricks were first found, suggesting that Bells of Dumfries were related to Kilpatricks of Closeburn (Dumfries). Remember, the Close/Clovse Coat uses a spur, symbol of Butteri, but it also uses stars in the colors of the stars in the French-Alan Chief.

It just so happens that Bellovesus Gauls, mainly of the BITURiges, were from southern France, where Rodes' and Roquefeuils had been, and where Herods et-all must have been joined to them. French Bells even use a greyhound and the three white-on-blue crescents that come up often now. The Valois/Valour Coat uses them, for example, and the Crest is likewise a greyhound.

Here it's important to re-mention that the same crescents are used by Tuttels/Toothills, for this morning when I awoke, I considered an idea, that the tassels mentioned yesterday might link to the Thistles/Thissels who use pheons and what I gather is the blue Cappeo lion now linking to the Caiaphas bloodline. Then, as soon as I saw the first Tassel Coat, it recalled the Ticino=Tessen river!!!

AND WOW, the first-ever purple eagles / phoenix just turned up in the English Tassel/Taisel Coat. It was found that red phoenix trace to Lake-Van ancestry of Phoenicians, but purple phoenix have just got to be reserved for chief Phoenician lines. The Tassel description calls them "blue eagles," but clearly they do not show blue.

The black-on-white crescents in the Tassel/Taisel Coat are being considered as kin to the white-on-blue crescents. The white-on-black are used by Darths as well as Achens/Aachens, and the Darth Crest was found earlier to include a clover. REMEMBER, Carolingians of Aachen were Pepinids from Pavia/Papia (on the Ticino river) earlier called, Ticinum. At the website below: "The Marici were a Ligurian people. In the Third Book of his Natural History, Pliny the Elder identifies them as the co-founders, along with the Laevi, of Ticinum, the modern Pavia." IS THAT NOT CONVINCING ENOUGH that the Tessen was named after tassels?

I don't lie. When I first conceived the tassel link to Thistles/Thissles, I had NOT yet found the Tassel surnames that use the Aachen symbol. That was discovered moments ago as I wrote. The cosmic coincidence is now threatening to bust through heaven's doors and windows to the outer fringes. But why was this discovery made immediately after writing on the Bell links to Alan-Stewarts? Why was it that, previously, I was thinking (but not yet writing) that Stewarts were probably the Caiaphas line? NOW I find that the Belgian Tassel Coat is also the English Alan Shield.

REMEMBER, Allens are a sept of Mackays (so says the Wikipedia article on Mackays), and Mackays were found in the Levi-like Levines of Brittany, and moreover Mackays trace to Mus of Lake Van. If that's not enough, "Mackay" may have developed from "Macey" because they were related to Kays/Keys who had themselves been key-using Sheaves/Shaws/Shays. One Shea/Shee Coat even uses fleur in the colors of the Masci fleur, and another Shea Coat brings up English Sheaves/Shaws.

The Kay/Key Coat could be the Ince symbol minus the torteux, thus tracing Kays/Keys to Insubres suspect as Laevi relations. The Kay/Key surname is said to be from "Ceog," smacking of the Keogh variation of the Hoeys/Kehoe clan that was traced earlier in this update to Penhoet of Brittany. The Keoghs were moreover traced to the Chaves/Sheaves by way of Coffees and others. It was the Oliphant-related Voirs/Voyers that were found at Penhoet. I note that while "Ceog" is said to mean "key," Keoghs are not traced to a key, but then Keoghs are traced to "horsemen," and that for me is mere code.

There is a Horseman surname, first found in Buckinghamshire, conspicuous because Apachnas = Khyan was a Hyksos ruler, and Hyksos introduced chariots into Egypt. The Horseman Coat uses only human hands, a symbol in the Keogh Coat. Therefore, "Kehoe" is suspect as a Khyan variation.

I had traced Apachnas to Danaans of Rhodes, and he therefore traces to Redones at the root of this very discussion. The point is, the Arms of Rodez use wheels, and I identify Khyan with "Ixion," depicted in myth with a wheel, as even Helios, god of Rhodes, was portrayed as a chariot wheel in the sky. What just became very interesting is the mention of this right here, immediately after the Kehoes/Keoghs of Buchingham, for the Bucking(ham) Coat uses three besants while the wheels in the Arms of Rodez look like besants. It could be that besants started out as solar discs in honor of Helios elements (in the Bessin?), and then morphed into besants in honor of Byzantine coins i.e. Byzantine lines.

One Cohen Coat uses a single besant while another Cohen Coat uses a sun, as does the Ector Coat the surname of which links to Kays, as does the Solana Coat the surname of which linked to Laevis.

Here's a from the Rodez article: "Existing from at least the 5th century BC, Rodez was founded by the Celts. After the Roman occupation, the oppidum (fortified place) was renamed Segodunum..." Might that have been named after Segovesus, brother of Bellovesus? The Horse/Horsey Coat even uses the same Shield as the Bellamys. (I can't recall who else uses the horse-head design of the Horseys.

Our term, "road," comes from rota = wheel. We might expect Herod lines to show up as wheels in heraldry. Piast the Wheelwright comes to mind, and after that thought "Road" was entered to find a white-on-red eagle, the color of the Piast eagle! An hour or two earlier, while on the Clovis topic, I had seen white-on-red eagles in the Child Coat, which was re-viewed as per CHILDeric, father of Clodweg = Clovis.

It could be assumed that "Clovis" was a d-less corruption of "Clodweg," but that doesn't explain Clovis blood traces to the Rodes'/Rod' who use a trefoil = clover. I'm stumped on this one, unless it was just luckily coincidental that a clover reflected "Clovis." We can see why Wikipedia traces "Clovis" also to "Lewis," but by what coincidence could it be that the Clode/McLeod surname was "First found in on the Isle of Lewis, where the Siol Tormod branch held the territories of Harris..."

One Harris Coat uses...a clover!!!

Aha! Both Harrisons and English Shaws/Sheaves use the same motto, Vincit QUI patitur" (caps mine to indicate code for Kays/Keys!), and both Harris' and English Shaws/Sheaves were first found in Derbyshire. Harrisons are said to derive in "son of Henry," but one can compare the French Henry details with those of French Alans.

ZOW-HEE! This is cool. After writing that, "Harr" was entered to find the first Harr Coat in the colors of the Herods/Hurls. The next Harr Coat showed Harraden, Harradine, Haridine, and Horoden variations. Noticing that they were first found in Bedfordshire, I scrolled back to find who else had been there, and it turned out to be purple-eagle Tassels! Remember the purple robe of Herod that they put on Jesus at his trial. That night, Jesus would not answer Herod at all, as if He hated him most of all.

Not only does the Tassel Coat use eagles, as does the Harr/Haridine Coat, but both use three crescents. The Tassel crescents had already traced to Aachens and therefore to the Laevi at Ticinum (assumes that Laevi were on the Ticino = Tessen river), and to now prove that Alans had been of the Caiaphas line, the Harr/Harradan crescents are not only in the colors of Alan Coat, but the other Tassel Coat is the Alan Shield. That doesn't seem coincidental coming immediately after finding that Harrisons are traced by its write-up to Henrys (first found in Brittany) that were French Alans.

The Harnden and Herndon variations of the Harrs/Haridines might just link to the Hernici = Hircinians of the Rome theater. The Bedford location of the Harrs/Haridines requires a look at the gold-on-green eagle of the Lutons, for those are the colors of the Herods/Hurls (Clode/McLeod sept), and besides, we are seeing many eagles at this point. The Luton eagle was in another Coat earlier in this update.

Now that I'm back to the Ticino-river topic (started 1st update September), I recall linking the Taws/Tass surname to it, first found in Perthshire. I didn't know at that time that Pilate was born in Perthshire. I don't think that the Yonges had yet become a topic, let alone the Joves and Junos, and so note the "juvante" motto term of the Taws'/Tass', and the greyhound (Yonge symbol) in the English Tash/Tass Crest.

This is the right place to make an important point. Masons, now suspect as those who give thumbs-up to the murder of Christ, seek to use Christians and to take their money in big-time evangelistic operations. I just had an email from someone applauding the "Laus Deo" (or "Laus Dio") written out-of-sight at the top of the Washington Monument. He is a Christian who is spreading the message that this "Laus Deo" (said to mean "Praise God") proves that America was founded by Christians. And when we find terms like "Deus" in heraldry, they are translated as "God," but then Jupiter was known as Deus. The Taws/Tass motto: "Deo juvante." It's translated, "By God's assistance," but it is clearly a clever phrase honoring Jove = Jupiter.

[Insert -- Why is the "Laus Deo" out of sight in the Washington monument? Since when did "Praise God" need to be hidden from the people back in the 19th century?

On the aluminum cap atop the Washington Monument in Washington, DC are two words: Laus Deo. No one can see these words. In fact, most visitors to the monument have no idea they are even there...

But there they are...5.125 inches high ... perched atop the monument to the father of our nation. The Washington Monument is 55 feet wide at the base and 555 feet tall...

...Though construction of this giant obelisk began in 1848 when James Polk was President...

We might ask whether the hope was to build it 66 feet wide and 666 feet high, but that would have been too obvious a satanic sign. "Laus Deo," a tribute to a Laus entity of some of the monument's chief builders. There is a Laus surname registered under the Lauer/Laure clan. It uses (purple) grapes as symbol of the Dionysus cult, though I now realize that the grapes also trace to mythical Oeneus the wine man. Mythical Juno was on the Oeneus = Una river. Coincidence?

Entering "Lass" brings up purple-lion Lacys. And let's not forget that the Washington Shield is used by the Ness/Nest clan smacking of DioNYSUS, and of Nestor, ruler at Pylos near Methoni, a city that was made a daughter of mythical Oeneus. Apparently, Nestor was a Dionysus cult. Dionysus (also called Lyaios) was a grandson of Cadmus, the latter being the pagan grail-cult Cati out of chalice-like Cilicia, and so we see this grail symbol out of Cilicia transferring to Dionysus' wine cup. The symbol made it to Revelation 17.

When we read the quote above, we were wondering whether president Polk would link to the Laus entity. Aside from online articles tracing the Pollocks/Polks (pelican on NEST in Crest) to king Clovis himself, what about the trace of "Pylos" to the Poles? In the last update, Washingtons traced exactly to the Goplo Poles in a way that can not be disputed by anyone who isn't trying to protect/cover something. It was in the last update where it was realized that the Ness/Nest kin of Washingtons traced to mythical Nestor at Pylos.

The snake of the dragon swings back and forth. There are people who would like for all of us to worship George Washington as a Christian when in fact he was a Mason working for higher satanic Masons. We wish it wasn't so, but the writing is on the walls everywhere, on every wall where the mention of the Biblical God is no longer permitted.

I've just found a Dias Coat using what must be the Fife Shield-and-Chief, for the Deas/Daisy surname (branch of Deas=Desmonds) was first found in Angus (beside Fife). Remember, the Duffs (same colors), who were strong in the Fife theater, use a "Deus juvat" motto as code for Jupiter-God...and Duffs were traced to the Daffys/Davids who in turn traced to the Deas=Desmonds.

I mentioned "Laus Deo" in probably a dozen chapters and quite a few updates with very little explanation. Finally, the explanation is here. The reason that the Mander Coat uses a "Laus Deo" motto phrase is due to MeneLAUS, the cult of which ended up in the Methoni / Pylos theater. It's to no surprise that the Desmond / Annandale Shield is used by Manders.

The Italian ManDOLas (with several Dol-using variations) use a version of the English-Stewart stag, itself appearing to be a version of the MacCarthy/Arthy stag!!. The latter stag is in the colors of the Stewart lion...that is the Ulman-of-Ulm lion, the latter entity being the Yonge = Juno bloodline. Excellent fit. It explains why Stewarts likewise use a pelican-on-NEST.

Mandolas were first found in Sicily, where Messina is located...that is known to derived from Messene in Greece, where Pylos and Methoni were located. Nestincidence?

As per the Mandolar variations, "Dolar" was entered to find the Dollar surname, first found in ClackMANNANshire, beside Fife, Perthshire and Stirling. We have cause to trace Stewarts here. We read that this place was named after "Stone of Manau," suggesting for me a trace to the Mani peninsula in Sparta, where Las/Laas was the city of Menelaus. The Arms of Clackmannan use metal gloves (gauntlets), and the Ayrshire-version of the Annandale saltire. Or, it's the Hink saltire, or the Latin/Latoni saltire. From my "Levant-Leviathan Mythtery" chapter:

"Lot" is [in Strong's Concordance] at #3876, and is defined in #3875 as "covering." "Lotan" at #3877 is also defined as "covering." "Lat" at 3909 means "covering" as well, in the idea of "secret." Then I found Luwsh at #3889, said to be an alternative of "Layish" (#3919) = the city of Laish at mount Hermon, smack beside Paneas. While I had done a study of Laish previously, because I claim that it leads to the Laus Deo written atop of the Washington Monument (details later), I had never come across the Luwsh spelling, and this, it would seem, is the best theory for furnishing "Luwian." However, take a look at how Strong's Concordance defines "Layish" at #3818: "a lion"!!!

See how excellent this all works. I traced Paneas elements from Lake Van to the MacCarthy = Desmond crew, but also the Vannes location on Brittany where I think the Levi-like Levine surname (purple grapes again) was from, which I identified not long ago as the Mackays = Maceys, the chief clan of the Allens of Brittany. Maceys also use metal gloves, but in the Arms of Clackmannanshire, the gloves are white on green (i.e. Maccabee colors?). We also see a pale in those Arms, a symbol used green on white by the Deas clan of nearby Angus. Headquarters of Clackmannanshire are in Alan-like Alloa/Allamhagh.

This trace of the Juno and Jupiter lines from the Messene/Messina line plays very well into the trace below (written before this insert) of the Jupiter cult to Alessandria, for I had traced the Ali surname (griffin) of Messina to the Alis surname (Macey bear), and then traced the Alis surname to "Alessandria" (griffin), but not before tracing Alis' to purple-lion Skiptons, relatives of purple-lion Lass'/Lacys. Are we getting the Mani-Las picture? Both Stewarts and Alis' use "Vincit."

I now find an Alloa (i.e. like Ali / Alis) as the capital of the Clackmannan region where the same Mani-Las cult appears to trace with certainty, and as the Alans of Dol are very strongly implicated in this very entity and bloodline, it would seem that Alans had been from the Messina Ali surname, or vice versa. The Ali bloodline links to Ellis' and therefore to Holle, and so it all comes back around to the Cappeo entity of Hallands/Hallam / Halls, which is an assertion made aside from the similarity between "Hallam" and "Allam(hagh)." I did have cause in the Hall / Hallam investigation to identify Halls and Hallands as Alans of Dol.

As per the trace of president Polk to king Clovis, let's be reminded of the Clode / Clovis trace to "Lewis" elements, and then see from my "Washington Wassa W.A.S.P." chapter:

I already know that the Lewis surname of Wales is important in the dragon cult. Perhaps it was from "Lewes," and perhaps it therefore formed the American abomination, Laus Deo. It's interesting that just a few days ago, Robin emailed me to say that George III of England, said to have had insanity problems due to porphyry, was a Lewis...

Robin too has porphyry, and she's got a Tuttel bloodline. That's the line from the Oliphants, or the Eliphas-Lotan merger of Edomites, or, more immediately, from the Menelaus Atlanteans (i.e. ultimately from the father of Pelops at Attaleia=Antalya=Atlas). It was this line that built the Washington Monument, and founded Washington as the New-Atlantean capital. The Mander surname with "Laus Deo" motto phrase show a Maunder variation, and then Maunds/Mundeys use a "Deus" motto term, PURPLE lozenges, and blue eagles' legs. Recall the "blue eagles" of the Tassels/Taisels that had the purplish tinge. By what coincidence was it that Taygeti came to mind earlier, as per the Taisel variation? The Mani peninsula is an extension of the Taygeti mountain system.

Does that trace Tassels and therefore the Ticino=Tessen river to "Taygeti" variations? It wouldn't be surprising if the Pharisees and/or Sadducees derived from this Sparta>Pylos line to which "Pilate" traced. Remember, the Helions, whom I traced to Alans, are properly "Helm," and they use pheons on the black bend of the Sales-of-Mascy (of Salop elements no doubt) while Sales use the Pendragon fleur-de-lys.

There is a Lossing/Loss surname that could apply to lozenges. The Coat (in Pendragon colors) uses the dread black-on-white saltire beloved of pirates, and in the Crest the same lion type that had linked to the Pendragon / Pender bloodline. The latter use the Macey Shield and therefore connect to Alis', and both Irish Penders and Alis' use "Vincit veritas." THEN, Keiths (= Cati grail line) of LOTHIAN (i.e. like "Lossing") use "Veritas vincit." The Lossing/Loss Coat uses fleur-de-LYS (expected) in the colors of the Pendragon fleur.

I had traced "Pendragon" and "Pender" to "Pines/Pynes because Penders show a Pynder variation, and then the Lothian surname uses a PINE tree (Alis' use a fir tree, but then Irish Penders use the "vair" fur).

By what coincidence is it that the Lossing surname came up only AFTER deciding to trace Tassels to Taygeti? Here's part of the description of the Lossing Crest: "...saltire silver and black with four guttees counterchanged." Guttees = TayGETI?

Penders (with the Mackay Shield too) use a "fortis" motto term while Mackays use, "Manu forti," tending to reveal that Mackays too trace to Menelaus. There was a Tatton/Tayton-of-Mascy clan that should therefore link to "Taygeti." If we're wondering whether Tattons link to Tout and therefore to Oliphants, yes, for all three use white-on-red crescents. Tates (Bernicians), once again, show the Annandale Shield-and-Chief combination. The Pendragon trace to the Menelaus Spartans is very apparent here, jibing with a trace of Pendragon elements to the Atrebates...who I say were named after Atreus, father of Menelaus.

My guess is that the Tassels/Taisels were in fact from the Taygeti>Ticino line, and yet they gave themselves a tassel-like surname in honor of the Pharisees that were likewise from that line.

Pheons in colors reversed from the Helion/Helm pheons are used by Danish Mansons (Norwegian and Swedish Mansons use basically the same).The pheon of the Mansons is so large that one sees detail, making it appear like a grail over a 'V' shape. Might that be a letter 'V' in reality as code for the Valerius line, since after all I have linked Valerius Gratus (= Judean governor immediately before Pontius Pilate) to the Pilates of Burgundy who also use pheons?

Didn't the lunatic, Charles Manson, kill Sharon Tate (married to a POLANski)??? This question was not even remotely in my mind when i had gotten as far down as the Tate surname above. In fact, I wasn't going to mention the Mansons at all until something changed my mind. And only after writing the sentence above did the Manson murder of the Tates come to mind. Was that murder part of an Illuminati-family feud? Did Charles Manson have porphyry?

The red stars of the Scottish Mansons should link to the same of the Dullus/Dallas clan (= Butteri liners), which is added here because the latter should prove to be the Helm-related Dolars/Dollars. It just so happens that the Manson pheon also strikes me as a pipe, the symbol of Kyles...who likewise use stars in the colors of Mansons. The pipe was traced to the Pipe / Pepin surnames...that was from the Ticino river.

The Butteri enter the discussion here as per the Dallas/Dullus bend, but also because the lone Botter star, in the colors of the Dallas/Dulles stars, was the reason for the discovery that Butteri linked to the founders of Texas via Texas-like surnames. It was afterward realized that "Texas" elements were of "Tessen" (alternative name of the Ticino).

Didn't I trace Butteri to the Latins/Latonis...who use the same saltire as the Arms of Clackmannanshire??? And so why does the Clackmannanshire motto use "Aboot," as though code both for Butteri elements and for the "laidir a boo" motto phrase of Kilpatrick-branch Butteri? It can't be a coincidence that Desmonds, who use the same saltire, use "aboo" in their motto. At the time of the original Ticino investigation, the Tess/Tease surname had become important...using a saltire in colors reversed to the Desmond saltire.

Why is the Clackmannanshire logo PURPLE?

It's interesting that both the Maddox and Clack surnames were first found in HEREfordshire, for the mother of Charles Manson (who married secondly a Manson that was not Charles' real father), was a Maddox. Charles was born a Scott, and so compare the English Scott Shield to the Clack Shield. That helps to trace "Manson" to ClackMANNAN. In the Scottish Scott Crest: the MacCarthy stag!

But there is more, for the so-called Catherine Wheels of the Scottish Scotts are used by Wheelwrights, and the Shield of the latter had been traced to English Tate Coat!!!

THAT'S NOT ALL. It just blows my mind that this insert was written today/Monday, the day after the below on the Alexander line. When entering Polanski just now -- as the last thing to do before publishing this update -- what came up but the Alicki/Alecki surname. End Insert]

I now feel that Jove (and the Jove/Geeves surname) traces to "Gavi in Alessandria, and so I just entered "Alesander" to find one Coat having a chevron in split colors, as does the Tash/Tass Coat. The Alesander Coat uses a white-on-black crescent, the symbol of the Tassel/Taisel Coat.

The Alesander motto, "Per mare per terras," is easily deciphered as the German Terras surname (in Alesander colors) using rooks as code for the Rooks (in my opinion, Rockefellers), first found in Yorkshire, where the Mare clan was likewise first found. Those Mares are in the colors of French Mares/Marais Coat using a bend reflecting the Terras bend. The same colors are used by English Mares/Maris', who smack of the Marici on the Ticino river passing into Alessandria.


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

On this page, you will find evidence enough that NASA did not put men on the moon.
Starting at this paragraph, there is a single piece of evidence -- the almost-invisible dot that no one on the outside was supposed to find -- that is enough in itself to prove the hoax.
End-times false signs and wonders may have to do with staged productions like the lunar landing.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
Table of Contents

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