Previous Update: Nov. 29 - Dec 5

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December 6 - 12, 2011

The Mona Lisa Code
Ubii Nuts to See Maccabees as Anything but Door Matts
Getting Matticulous on the Moselle
Bauers and their Tweedy Birds
The Round Tabal Illuminati

Wasn't it Hillary that sent Russia a re-set button?

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin strongly criticized U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton on Thursday, accusing her of encouraging and funding Russians protesting election fraud, and warned of a wider Russian crackdown on dissent.

By describing Russia's parliamentary election as rigged, Putin said Clinton 'gave a signal' to his opponents.

'They heard this signal and with the support of the U.S. State Department began their active work,' Putin said in televised remarks. He said the United States is spending 'hundreds of millions' of dollars to influence Russian politics with the aim of weakening a rival nuclear power.

There you see what Putin thought of the demonstrations in Egypt, Libya, and Syria. The U.S. would give the "signal" to topple a ruler, and then fund and bolster an uprising at the internet level. And frankly, I can't disagree with Putin's assessment when it comes to Obama and the globalists he's in cahoots with. Demonstrations had started in Iraq, but they didn't seem to damage the Iraqi critically, which may have been due to the begging of the Obama administration to have the U.S. military stay past this year. Now that the invitation has not materialized, we could see a devastating rebellion against Maliki too. But first, the globalists will need to get together to discuss how to move forward with an angry bull, Putin, breathing heat down their throats.

It's not a small thing to say, f""Russian voters deserve a full investigation of electoral fraud and manipulation." It's what Hillary just said, openly, for all the world to hear. There was no attempt to convey this message to Putin privately, in other words, because the message was sent too soon after the votes were counted, as if by design of Globamists who couldn't risk squandering an opportunity to inflame the Russian people while they still hot under the collar. To say that this makes for a dangerous situation could be an understatement. If it gets to the same level as in Syria, where Russian military kills its own people to quash demonstrations, the forthcoming "signals" from the West would force Putin may team up with Assad and Ahmadinejad on some vengeful plots framed against the West.

The O-dministration appears prepared to risk out what Putin's playbook might be in response, and of course the U.S. will make decisions day by day on how to proceed, asking whether a full betrayal on Putin will be worth the political cost if the rebellion fails to accomplish its goals. Hillary might be all too happy to drive Obama to failure if she has thoughts on 2012, and who knows at this early time but that her statements against Putin's party might have that at heart more than anything else.

Check out the disdain from Putin as he spoke to his people: "We are the largest nuclear power...and our partners have certain concerns and shake us so that we don't forget who is the master of this planet, so that we remain obedient and feel that they have leverage to influence us within our own country." That's why the reset button was never taken seriously; Putin never had anything resembling love for America. He tolerated the West's intrusions for years, but now that it's touching him personally, a tiger has been let out of its cage.

Meanwhile, the O-dministration is conducting open support for the overthrow of Assad.

It obviously means much to Obama to remove Assad because he, and not a patriotic American, gets to make some decisions on how best to create the new governments. In the case of the Egyptian demonstrations, new power is going to hard-core Islamists, just as we figured Obama would have it. One could even argue that Egypt was toppled by Obama with that in mind as the chief goal:

According to Egypt's elections committee, the Muslim Brotherhood won 37 percent of the vote of the first round of voting in Egypt, and the Salafis, who promote a yet more extreme Islamist program, won 24 percent, giving them together a jaw-dropping 61 percent of the vote.

If Israel feels that it's hedge has been trimmed too much lately, or if Israel is starting to experience an ice age, it could be exactly what Obama wanted to produce. The question now is whether Putin will join mortal threats against Israel presented lately by Syria and Iran. Another question is whether Western spy agencies have known all along that Putin wanted to assist the evil axis in an Israeli invasion. Obama's attempts to tame Putin, Ahmadinejad, and Assad, may have been for that reason. As we can see, Turkey at the moment appears to be on-side with the West, and that is not at all helpful for the purpose of taming the tiger.

The Cold War has definitely re-started, and will continue into the near future no matter what soft words Hillary offers Putin in the coming days and weeks. For those seeking the rapture sooner rather than later, this may be "good news."

Obama is a spy animal, and is crossing the lines into profane territory:

The Library of Congress and Twitter have signed an agreement that will see an archive of every public Tweet ever sent handed over to the library's repository of historical documents.

"We have an agreement with Twitter where they have a bunch of servers with their historic archive of tweets, everything that was sent out and declared to be public," said Bill Lefurgy, the digital initiatives program manager at the library's national digital information infrastructure and preservation program. The archives don't contain tweets that users have protected, but everything else — billions and billions of tweets — are there.

When a company possessing records of tweets claims, on behalf of tweeters, that what they tweeted is public property, the owners of the company violate a basic law of humanity. Everyone in my generation understands that what we say to our friends in private should remain private, but my children's generation is being conditioned to accept the possession by governments of their private conversations. I'll say it again, put a piece of tape over your webcam and microphone, because even if you keep them turned off, they can be turned on by someone else whom has been given the means. I think it's logical that rotten and profane government orgs have those means to read what's communicated on your computer. Yes, it is sad that certain government authorities have become profane. The middle name of the anti-Christ is, Profane, and governments the world over are predicted to join in his blasphemies. If people join in an active campaign against God, we don't imagine that they will in the same moment respect the citizens whom they are paid to serve.

Near the end of the last update, a couple of realizations occurred that seemed to provide the matter for the start of this update. One, it was realized that mythical Remus was named after "Hermes," or after the Hermus river in Lydia. I was reflecting off of what had been said in the update, that both Faunus and Remus were of the Aventine hill of Rome. When I read that this was the southern-most hill, it clicked that it belonged specifically to Latins, whom I had traced to Lydians.

But linking Hermes to Remus in that way was aside from the fact that Faunus was considered by Romans to be Pan, son of Hermes. Therefore, thanks to Faunus, king of Latins, Remus is now discovered to be a Hermes entity in ancient Rome. We might even ask why Romulus shouldn't have been a Hermes cult too.

Secondly, while reading on Aventine, and because I was simultaneously wondering how the Rimini Maschis could link to Ordovices of Gwynedd, it occurred that "AVENTine could have been part of the VENETi that named the VENEDotia founders of GWNEDD...and Vannes of Brittany. It's completely logical where I trace Venedotia to king Arthur's wife, because Ordovices were identified with Gwynedd's region of Arddu, and then traced to Ardea south of Rome in the land of Latins. For the purposes of what's to come below, keep this equation in mind: Ordovices = King Arthur.

Merlin's wife was code for Gwynedd, and as he was closely associated with king Arthur, it is suspect that Merlin's wife was just the elements that formed king Arthur of Wales. Early in my dragon hunt, I identified Merlin's wife as a Daphne line, and that was years before realizing that the Pendragon motto was code for dolphin-using Tippers, and for Tipperary in Ireland. The Tipperary connection to Pendragons was made via the dolphins of the Kennedy surname, the Irish branch first found in Tipperary. It just so happens that "Kennedy" smacks of "Heneti."

Wikipedia's article on Gwynedd says that Gwynedd was "Venedotia" to the Romans, but that Nennius credited Gwynedd's founding to a Cunedda of Lothian a few centuries after the Roman invasions. Cunedda used red dragons for symbols, the symbol of Arthur's Brits, and the symbol of Wales to this day [remember this when, later in the update, Tippers are traced with some good reasoning to "Tubal," an ancient Gogi ally, for I think Revelation's "red" dragon is code for an end-time Gogi entity]. Merlin was a wizard, and a Druid, and as the Welsh called him, Myrddin," note that Mona was named after him, and ask why there was a "Mother" of Wales:

Mon is the Welsh name of Anglesey, derived from the British enisis mona, appearing first during the Roman era as 'Mona': it is the Mona of Tacitus (Ann. xiv. 29, Agr. xiv. 18)...It is called Mon Mam Cymru ("Mon, Mother of Wales") by Giraldus Cambrensis...Clas Merddin, and Y fêl Ynys (honey isle) are other names...

Historically, Anglesey has long been associated with druids. In AD 60 the Roman general Gaius Suetonius Paulinus, determined to break the power of the Celtic druids, attacked the island, destroying the shrine and the sacred groves.


Mona is the large chunk of land, an island, on the north side of Gwynedd. This update investigates whether there can be a Mona > Hasmonean link, but the idea that Ordovices (said to be named after the hammer) were proto-Maccabees is being ruled out from the start. My theory is that Romans planted Hasmoneans in Israel while vying to become a world power during the Greek empire's Seleucid era. Seleucids, with a base in Syria, had conquered into Israel, and it was Hasmonean "snipers" and "terrorists," called Maccabee = hammer, who reduced their powers in Israel.

But Romans had not yet conquered Wales in the Maccabaean period. It does not make much sense to me, therefore, that Ordovices at Mona would be taken by Romans and planted in Israel. I would rather believe that Romans took Ardea elements to act as Hasmoneans, of the same Ardea elements that had named Mona. I'm not ruling out that Mona elements were connected to Maccabees, but that Mona elements were descended from, rather than ancestral to, the stock of proto-Maccabees. The trick is to find that Mona entity of the Ardea theater, or, if it wasn't in the Ardea theater, how it had linked to Ardea elements.

I don't imagine that Romans planted an entire peoples in Israel that became Maccabees. Rather, it took only one man, a Hasmonean, who went in and married a daughter of the ruling Israelites of the time. That's the theory until I can rule it out. If proven to be true, Pharisees can then be investigated in the same way, as though planted by Romans amongst the same Israeli peoples who had allied themselves to a Hasmonean. It wouldn't have been much of a decision for a wayward Israel to have taken the Roman bait in accepting the Hasmonean in return for ridding the land of Seleucids.

It would be good to know that "The [Hasmonean] dynasty was established under the leadership of SiMON [caps mine] Maccabaeus, two decades after his brother Judas the Maccabee ('Hammer') defeated the Seleucid army during the Maccabean Revolt." It then says that there was "power vacuum [in Israel] that enabled the Jewish state to be recognized by the Roman Senate c. 139 BCE..." An act of friendship, you see, on the part of the Romans, who later betrayed Israel just as God would have it (because Israel was not to make an alliance with worldly powers, but rather was to trust in Him).

We have a potential clue in "SiMON," a thing to keep in our pockets in case it's needed as the investigation takes place. I can already tell you this, that the "Jewish" Simon surname uses a fox, which for me traces Simons to "Samson." If that's not enough to convince you that the Simon surname traces to Hasmoneans, the French Simon surname uses a "mon" motto code. Plus, I have just discovered that the Italian Simons apply, but I'll keep the evidence for that until later.

In consideration that Maccabees proper were allied in different degrees to the up-start of Israel's Pharisees, what about this: "Judah [= Judas the hammer] was a son (Josephus) of Mattathias the Hasmonean, a Jewish priest from the village of Modiin." In Italy, Modena is near Rimini, and moreover Modena is in the Ferrara theater that I suspected was related in some way to Pharisees. And we read that the Boii, to whom I traced MaccaBEES, were in Modena just before the Hasmonean revolt of Mattathias' family in 167 BC: is known that [Modena] was already in existence in the 3rd century BC, for in 218 BC, during Hannibal's invasion of Italy, the Boii revolted and laid siege to the city. Livy described it as a fortified citadel where Roman magistrates took shelter. The outcome of the siege is not known, but the city was most likely abandoned after Hannibal's arrival. Mutina was re-founded as a Roman colony in 183 BC, to be used as a military base by Marcus Aemilius Lepidus, causing the Ligurians to sack it in 177 BC.

I can hardly believe how well that looks for the theory developed prior to finding the quote. I am ready already to trace Modiin's Maccabees to the Boii of Modena, and it may be that some of the Roman magistrates who fled the city ended up in Israel's Hasmonean district too.

Modena was also "Mutina," even more like "Mattathias," but even if there was no link there, it's amazing that prior to quoting these things this morning, I was at a list of Matheson septs. A week or two ago, Tim explained that, in order to get a list of septs, "Site Map" needs to be clicked at the top of Then click any letter in the "Clan Badge" section. It was very gratifying to find the following surnames listed as septs of Mathesons: Mace, Maghan, McMann, Masie, Massey, Massie, and Mathie. It was gratifying because I ventured to identify Mathies/Mathesons/Manns, some years ago, as a Massey clan to Angus. I didn't have the evidence above at the time.

It's more than gratifying; it's probably important to the task now at hand. Mattathias HasMONian was not on my mind when viewing that list of septs last night. Mattathias became a topic only this morning. I was seeking Mona-like terms in the list of Matheson Septs, and found MoHAM and Mohen. Not bad at all. Mohens use Levi lions looking backward, and what I consider the Mieske or Bessin / Bessen arm and sword.

Anything Arthurian in the Matheson bloodline has potential to link to Mona and/or Ordovices. I already know that Macys and Masseys are part of the Arthurian cult, and moreover the Ordovices trace to the hill of Remus at Rome suggests Ordovices linkage with the Maschis of Rimini. To find Macys listed in the Matheson bloodline is excellent because Maccabees are said to be named after a mace, and yet I suspected that they were Macys/Maceys.

To help clinch a Maschi / Rimini link to Romans, German Romers use a pine cone, the Maschi symbol too. To help clinch the Masci link to Maccabees, the Sinclairs ruled out of Romer, in Norway beside Hamar. There is an English Romer Coat using mascles, while Maschis are also "Maskaly," and then the Romer Coat (just seven mascles) is like the Rouen Coat (just nine mascles in Romer-mascle colors), while Rouen was the city out of which Sinclairs ruled Normandy.

It's notable that Italian Romans/Romani use a white-on-blue wolf, the colors of the wolf used by Hugh D'Avrances.

It turned out that, years ago, before Maccabees were a topic, I had traced Mathies/Manns/Mathesons to the Irish Maghans/Manns/Mathunas. At the time, I didn't know that Maghans/Manns/Mathunas used three Levi lions to make them suspect as a line to Israel's chief priests. The Coat came up above while entering "Mohan" (= a Mathie/Matheson sept). The fact that "Mathuna" is said to mean, "bear," was only one indication for my first-ever trace of king Arthur to an Irish clan. But the "ardua" motto term in the Scottish Mann/Mangus Coat helped that idea out.

On this map of old Gaul, we could expect Maccabees at Bonn when we are convinced that Maccabees were partly the Boii of the Bononia / Modena theater. Not only do we see the Ubii at Bonn, but the Mattiaci are stamped across the Rhenus river from Bonn. (I kid you not that nothing to this point on Mathesons-et-al had anything to do with what you're now reading.) If it's not enough of a "coincidence" that Mattiaci are at Bonn, what about the similarity between "Remus" and "Rhenus," or that the Remi and their city of Rheims are shown not far from the Rhenus?

Not only were some proto-Merovingians at the mouth of the Rhenus (= Rhine), but some important Merovingians were in love with Rheims. Wasn't Clovis' wife, Basina, traced recently to Boii-of-Bohemia elements of the Bessin kind? Suddenly, we have understood the Merovingian link to Sinclairs, for Meschins/MASCULines of the Bessin were from Malahule, the Sinclair / Rollo bloodline.

This reminds of the Mathie = Massey equation clinched above, and already I have little doubt that Mathies/Mathesons trace to Mattiaci. Is it not conspicuous that, aside from any Mattiaci considerations, I traced Maschis of Rimini to Rheims? I don't recall having any previous idea that the Rhine river could be named after Remus / Rimini elements.

Having thus identified the Mattiaci as Maschis/Maskalys, what about the Gobels with Masci wing on a Macey Shield? I traced Gobels, not only to Goplo's Mouse Tower, but to KOBLenz on the Rhine, but at the time I had no idea that the Mattiaci, smack at Koblenz (!), were the Maschis. I'm astounded here. I can see more than ever why Mascis figured prominently into Freemasonry.

Note that Gobels were first found in Champagne, and that the northern end of Champagne is near the Mattiaci and Koblenz. The Arms of Champagne are in Macey / Gobel colors, and moreover it uses a white-on-blue bend much like the Massi/Mattis Coat!!! That is fresh this minute. YES, it's true, for variations of the Massi/Mattis surname include Matteucci and Mattucci!

Wikipedia's article on Champagne even suggests a trace to "Campania" in southern Italy, and as I traced CAMPbells to Campania and its Abellinum location, it should explain why the Campbell-Coat design comes up when entering "Mathie"! So many key things are coming down the pipe all at once here.

Remember that Abellinum was near the PICENti region, and that mythical Picus (pine symbol) was father to Faunus. This find is excellent for my trace of Masseys to pharaoh APACHNas, for I tend to trace Pagans/Payens to "ChamPAGNE."

Note that METZ (capital of Lorraine), on the Moselle river, is not only beside Champagne, but is stamped on the map at DIVOdunum, smacking of Diva = Chester that Meschins would come to rule. Chester was ruled first by Hugh Lupus, who used a white-on-blue wolf, colors of Champagne. There was a wolf peoples, the Hirpini, at Abellinum, and we can assume that Remus carried his wolf symbol to the Rhine.

By what coincidence is it that I traced Meschins/MASCULines to Keith Catti, and then traced the Keith Catti to the Catti of Germany, now seen stamped smack beside the Mattiaci! THIS IS ALL NEW NOW. Where was my head all these years? As Keiths live in/beside MUSSELburg, I maintained that this place linked to the Mascal variation of the Keiths. Therefore, Mascals and Meschins must trace to the Mattiaci.

Hold on to your saddles, my fellow masked musketeers. Saddles, like Levi-suspect Louvains, Massins/Masons, and Pharisee-suspect Freies, use the same lion. English Mascals not only use an elephant suggesting linkage to the Esus cult in the Treveri theater near Metz (this assumes a "Mascal" / "Mussel" link to "Moselle"), but Mascals use a black-Shield on white Shield, colors reversed to the Saddock Shield-on-Shield. AND, both Saddocks and Mascals were first found in Sussex!

It not only appears that we have the lines of Esau-ites, Maccabees, and Israel's chief priests all in the same area of northern France, but Gog and Gorgons too. As I traced Sadducees to Soducena at lake Sevan, where also Gogarene was located that Assyrians called, Gugar, why do we see the CUGERni between the Treveri and the Mattiaci? Why did Parisii coins have rulers with worms for the hair? If the Cugerni were Gogi, it tends to support my theory that the anti-Christ and/or False Prophet will be a Massey / Meschin in some way.

Compare "CUGERni" with "SUGAAR." Sugaar was also known as "Maju," smacking of "Magog."

As Mattiaci are stamped across the Rhine from Bonn, the MaSKALL variation of elephant-using Mascals, or the MaSKALY variation of Maschis, is Skull-and-Bones conspicuous. I'm not suggesting that the Skull surname derived from a corruption of "Maskall," but that Mascis and Skulls had merged (as for example in Scylla of Messina) so as to form Maskull-like surnames.

I traced Skull and Bones to the black Maxwell and Patrick saltires, and that makes the UsiPETES -- smack beside the Mattiaci -- suspect as proto-Patricks and Pattersons. The Patterson scallops are white-on-blue, after all, suggesting a Masci line to Scylla. And we read in the Patterson write-up: "First found in Connacht, where it belonged to one of the eight Sodhans. The Sodhans were septs which were located in the Hy Many (Ui Maine) country, but whose ancestors were not of that group." Could we now trace Sodhans to Soducena elements at the Rhine???

As support for an affirmative answer to that question, Italian Gobels (MANtova) use a camel, the Patterson Crest symbol too. The Hy Many location seems relevant to this HasMONian discussion tracing to MENElaus. The Catti trace back to Hatti, and for a mythical father, Atti(s) was given Manes. The latter depicted Mannae (near/beside Cadusii Armenians), and then Mona is at the Menai straight. There is no Menai surname, but there is a French (Savoy) Man(n)ai/Manez/Maney the colors of the Many/Meny Coat.

Emailer Patterson suspects that the blood drops on the Patterson lion, which lion is in the black-on-white colors of the Manai and Many Coats above, represent a sacred bloodline. In my Bias Will Be Boiis chapter, mythical Creon (king of Thebes in Boiotia), father of Haemon/Haimon, was touched upon. Not only does Haimon smack of "Hy Many," but "Haimon" meant "blood." You can read this in Wikipedia's article on Haeumus Mons!!!

The article even traces, like someone with code on his/her brain, to a Simon-like term:

In earlier times the Balkan mountains were known as the Haemus Mons. It is believed that the name is derived from a Thracian word *saimon, 'mountain ridge', which is unattested but conjectured as the original Thracian form of Greek Haimos.[citation needed]

In the chapter, I had mentioned the "Bessi in Haemon," as well as the BoioHAEMUM version of "Bohemian." We get it, that the honey cult of the Haimus region (north of the Hebros river) had to do with the Boiotians that became Boii. REMEMBER, the Sadducees proper were from a Boetus family!!! Those loud exclamatons of a nuclear-bomb nature are for the Sodhans that are said to derive from Hy Many. The Bessi had been priests of the SATroi (no doubt the mythical Satyrs).

Hmm, both the High/Hye and Hai/Haye Coats are black-on-white too.

The Moselle theater also includes Bar-le-Duc with it's white-on-blue curved fish, which should explain the white-on-blue curved fish of the German Gobel Coat (Bavaria). That's no small point, as it traces Gobels to Koblenz with more certainty. Note the white fleur-de-lys in the Gobel Crest (should link to the Boschs and Bush's), for I trace the curved fish under discussion to the creation of the fleur-de-lys. The Bars/Baars had been from the House of Este, and their Este location in Italy is roughly in the Ferrara / Modena / Bologna theater.

I seek the "HAS" part of "HASmonean," and Estes are suspects. Some Ash-using surnames also use "Ast." Esters/Asters/Sturs were first found in MANche, and Sturs/Stowers were first found in Hampshire, where Atreus > Menelaus elements are expected.

The German-Gobel write-up: "Gobel is an occupational name for a maker or dealer of 'goblets' or 'tankards." To the north of the Mattiaci are the TENCteri. Just saying, because I don't take heraldic write-ups at their face value anymore. But I do appreciate their using secret codes to help us make the necessary links...and upset all their secrets. It's just as much fun as pushing a fire hose down a dragon's throat, and watching it scurry away to hide humiliated under the nearest rock.

WOWWIE! As Tancards were also Hautevilles, and as I traced Hautevilles to Sigrid the Haughty, and as I traced "Sigrid" to mythical Sugaar/Sugoi (Basque dragon god), I was shocked to find the SUGambri stamped smack beside the Tencteri! I mean, I was contemplating whether or not the Tencteri were in fact the Tancreds when the Sugambri were spotted. Not only do I trace Guiscards to the Piast Poles from which Sigrid came, but their "Guis" traces very well to "GAScony," home of French Basques. If that's not enough, the Pattersons of Hy-Many roots were also Cussains and therefore Kissanes/GUISSanes!

These new insights were right under my Masci fire hydrant all along, and yet I missed them for years for failing to recognize that the Mattiaci were Mascis.

Not far from the Ubii and to their east, we see Boulogne, with a MENapii peoples that could have been named partly after Ubii or some other apis=bee entity. Consider that "MeroVEE" may have been in-part after a bee entity too. As Fomorians and Fir Bolgs were traced to Isle-of-Man elements, what about the MENapii being stamped in Belgium? Didn't I just trace FoMORians to Mor elements too? Yes, but at the time, the Morini stamped at Boulogne were not on my mind. This is yet another "coincidence."

I realize how crazy it sounds to trace "Pharisee" to "Frisia," but that's what was arrived to by identifying the "Free" of "Freemason" as a Frisian surname. See also the Phreeze/Freese surname in Maccabee white-on-green. I always see Veres and Varangian pirates behind "Freemason," and I do trace Massins/Masons to Belgium's Louvain elements. I see Veres (who claim to be Merovingians too) not only as Fir Bolgs and therefore as Bologna/Bononia elements, but as Ferraris out of Ferrara near Modena. And so don't miss the Frisii stamped on the map where Merovingians originated, not far downstream (on the Rhenus) of the Maccabee-suspect Ubii Franks.

There where the Frisii are located we see Utrecht, a city of the Atrebates...that I trace to the Atreus > MENElaus bloodline. I invite you all, my fellow firemen and fireladies, to sit back and watch the dragon's house burn until it's dirty foundations are exposed. Let the dragon come tearing out of the house with it's last furious charge, but we can shove the entire fire truck like a plug right down it's throat.

Just let the Dragon's sons try to afflict us, because it will become the total undoing of their global empire within some 3.5 years. The Fireman in the Sky is about to sound His sirens, when He turns on his dizzy lights and rushes to the scene. All the sons of the Dragon will run to the rocks, to hide under them. It's the reason that God remains invisible to this day, for the delight if His soul when He sees them running away in the chaos, terrorized by his noise and his flashing lights.

In the last update, Furmans were traced to Fir Bolgs, and it was shown that related Fomorians ended up on the Isle of Man where Mangus-like Manx peoples live. I now find that the dragon design in the Mann/Mangus Crest is identical to the one on the Furman Crest.

Where Furmans were Veres, I'm seeing the Pharisee-Maccabee alliance on the Isle of Mann because Veres were first found in Manx-related Manche, the place where Masseys were first found. The Massey list of variations includes "Macy" and "Macey," you see, and Matheson-related Macys are in a sept list with McManns...which is why I trace the "manu" motto term of Mackays to the Isle of Man(n). In the next update, you're going to see something new: that there were surnames devoted to the Biblical 666 from several centuries ago, and those bloodlines will include MacKays and Vere-Stewarts.

As per the link of Mathies/Manns/Mathesons to Maghans/Manns/Mathunas, it's notable that the Matheson list also shows "Berne" and several other bear- or Bernician-suspect terms. Remember, Mackays and Maceys use bears. Also, the Matheson list shows "Maghan" (and similar terms), a basic variation of the Mathunas.

The Matheson list also shows a "MacMaken," a term that brings up the Dutch Mackays (with Massey Shield) showing a "Machlen" variation suspect as Mechlenburg elements. The crown design in the Matheson-list page is virtually identical with the crown in this Arms of MACCLESfield.

[Insert -- In the last update, Mieszko Poles had been linked to Mechlenburg's Fir Bolgs in a discussion that traced the black bull of Mieskes / Pomians to Fir Bolgs. It wasn't until a Mackesy topic further below in this update that, while seeking a Mackesy Coat in my files, I happened upon the black bull of this flag of Mechlenburg. End Insert]

Entering "Mechen" not only brings up the Meschin surname showing a Mechen variation, but an Irish Meehan/MAIGHAN/Meekin surname (in the colors of the Meeks). I've traced Meeks to a Polish name, "Mieclaw," cup bearer of Mieszko ("miecz" means "sword," and the Mieske surname uses a sword).

The "Fac et spera" motto of the Mathies/Manns (shows Mattis-using variations) suggests that the Italian Mattis/Matthew surname that comes up with "Massi" is related, for I trace the Massi/Mattis surname to Massins/Mason that likewise use the spero motto term. The Dutch Sprows surname, tracing with certainty to Sprowston in Norfolk, near Sparres, uses the same split Shield as the Many/Meny Coat.

I've just read that "sphiri" or "sphyrna" is the Greek for "hammer." The term could possibly have developed into Speers, Sprows, Sparres, Sparrows, and others.

In the last update, we saw the pine symbol of mythical Pitys in the Faunus discussion. That pine symbol had been linked suggestively to the pine cone of the Maschis. It just so happens that the Matheson list also shows a Pitys-like "Piddington," a term that curiously brings up the Massey/Macy page. The Alpian (i.e. lots of pine trees) PIEDmont region where Mascis were first found comes to mind, and as "Pied(mont)" is said to mean, "foot," perhaps the Foots of Cheshire and the Foetes of Bavaria apply, especially as the Arms of Foetes uses the leg (i.e. Liguria-like term) symbol of the Arms of Isle of Man.

Yes, the Isle of Man was a Ligurian stronghold, just like Foetes, and then we saw above that, just before the Maccabee era, Ligurians had conquered the Modena location when it was in the hands of the Boii.

By what coincidence is it that, pine-depicted Maschis were just traced to the Mattiaci, while to the north side of them, we see UsiPETES stamped (on themap) who smack of pine-depicted Pitys? Just saying.

The original Liguria at Lacydon / Massala faced the Trapani (west) side of Sicily, and I traced Trapani elements to Massalia when I had traced Trepani elements to the Marsi of Italy, for it was then that the Marsi were suspects in the re-naming of Massalia to Marseille. At about that time, it was found that mythical Butes of Athens had been at Trapani, but as he jumped ship and swam for the mythical Sirens, I realized that he was related to them. It was quite a while afterward when I found the Sirens on the west coast of Italy (can't recall the location's name) around Naples, or south of Naples, where there is a Posidonia location named after Poseidon. Butes of Athens was a priest of Poseidon.

In the last update, Pitys was traced to Bute elements, but I suspect mythical Butes in particular. Faunus was the son of a woodpecker entity called, Picus, and for me now that refers to the Picenti mountains south of Naples. The Picenti, says Wikipedia, were said by ancients to have been from Picenum, the part of Italy that holds Rimini. In that picture, Faunes was a Venus = Veneti peoples in Picenum, but moved to the Picenti mountains, whereafter he became a Latin entity in Veneti-like Aventine hill.

That may seem off-topic, but Maccabees are tracing strongly to the Faunus cult, and I have the feeling that the trace is explained by a Faunus entity linked to Maschis of Rimini. The original point of Trapani was that Italian Simons were first found there. I think I can prove below that Italian Simons were as Hasmonean as the other two Simon surnames shown earlier.

But before getting into that, I want to go first to the Monahan/Monck surname, what was viewed last night as a potential Mona / HasMONian entity. I didn't have the evidence last night to make a strong link, but the discussion above on Maghans/Mathunas proves helpful. A shown Mona(g)han variation is Mongan, and for me this is not-bad evidence for the premise that "Maghan" and "Monaghan" are related terms. The Monaghan write-up: "In Gaelic it appeared as O Manachain, which is derived from the word 'manach,' which means 'monk.'" I doubt very much that what you just read is true, except perhaps a Monaghan link to the Monk bloodline. I'll also add that, as per "ManaCHAIN," the Chaine surname is the Masci wing holding what I think is the Excalibur; there is a sword also in the Crest of the Mathesons.

By what coincidence is it that the first Irish clan to which king Arthur was traced was the Maghans, while later I traced the Gabrain ancestry of the Arthur surname to MacCarthys/MacArthys? The latter were joined in MUNster / Cork to Desmonds, who use a MONKey in crest.

There is a Monk/Monck Coat with Vere-related wyvern dragon in Crest. This Monk/Monck surname of Potherdige (Devon, location of the Excalibur entity) can be linked to Pendragons due to multiple signs: 1) it uses the three lion-head design of Penders/Pinders (= Maschi pine-line suspects); 2) "Pother" smacks of the Other surname traced to "Uther" Pendragon; 3) "Potheridge" smacks of the Penridge variation of Pendragons, and: 4) I traced Pendragons fundamentally to Butteri Latins of the Botter kind, and "Pother" easily modifies from "Butteri / Botter."

It's not hard to see that Pendragons had been Butteri Latins that carried Ardea Latins to southern England. Whether the Ardea elements were distantly related to the Ordovices, or whether they became the Ordovices, I don't yet know. But as the Pendragon cult concentrated, in the beginning, in the Cornwall peninsula, where Somerset was one of its holdings, why is it that the Ord/Ort surname ("fish haurient") was first found in Somerset?

When we get to the German Ort Coat, it's the same as the Coat of Leys/Leghs, the Ligurian clan that I link heavily to Meschins/MASCULines. German Orts even use a "Sine Macula" motto as apparent code for Masculines and/or Maschis/Maskalys. Ort variations include: OrthMANN and OrdeMann, smacking not only of Ise-of-Mann Ligurians, but of mythical Orthos, a dog related to Hesperides-based Atlanteans that also furnished Latins. In the last update, it was reasoned that the Hesperides Latins included Ordovices.

This is a good time to re-mention that I traced Arda of the Hebros river to Ardea Latins, and that these had been linked to Odrysians (at Arda) of the mythical ATREus lamb line to ATREbates of Hampshire, south England. You can take it or leave at this time that "Mona Lisa" may have been code for Mona = Hasmonean elements. Compare "Mona Lisa" with "Menelaus." The Lis(s)e surname, which may link to the Levi-related Lys surname, was first found in Hampshire. Compare the Lisse Coat with the Mone/Moan Coat, and then compare "Moan" with the Mohan sept of Maccabee-suspect Mathesons.

Having just seen the Ord/Ort wyvern, let me show another one in the Tillet Coat. We can expect Ords/Orts to link to Monahans if the two represented the Ordovices at Mona. Here's the code-studded Monahan-Crest description: "A knight in complete armor resting the sinister hand on the hip and holding in the dexter a spear tilting thereon a forked pennon silver charged with an escutcheon of the arms." "Pennon" can be a Pendragon-bloodline code, but it's the "spear tilted" that brought the Tillet surname to bear. It was first found in Dorset, in the stretch of land from Cornwall to Wales (we're not forgetting that Cornovii lived to the east side of Ordovices.)

While I'm assuming with reasons that Pendragon-related Tippers trace to Tipperary, in MUNster, the Munster surname was likewise first found in Dorset. I traced Dorset to Greek Dorians long ago, and I think that Odrysians were Dorians, and that Dorians formed proto-Druids from lands stretching north of Arda as far as Haimus.

Tillets are also "Tiley," and come up as "Tile." Tiltons/Tiletons (bear's head in Crest) were first found in Ligurian-laden Leicestershire (beside Cheshire), and use garbs in the colors of Cheshire's garbs.

The Monahan "knight in complete armor" is of course an Arthur-knight theme. Pendragons use a knight's helmet, and what looked very conspicuous last night, just after realizing that the Hermes cult was the founder of Remus, is the "armor" term in Monahan description. At that very time, I had been tracing "Aventine" (where Remus elements lived) to Veneti of the Vannes kind, and it just so happens that I had traced Hermes to the ermine symbol that was, in particular, the symbol of Vannes. As I pegged Vannes elements as the wife of Arthur, it's no surprise that Monahan's should use "armor," but it's exceptionally important because it tends to verify that Monahans were Mona-of-Wales bloodliners.

Let's put it this way, that the Ermine/Armine Coat, using ermines, is the likely representation of the "armor" code. The Coat uses the Annandale saltire-and-Chief combination, by the way. What floored me is that, almost everytime I come to the Ermine/Armine surname, "Arm and Hammer" comes to mind!!! I mean, there I was wondering whether Monahans were HasMONian elements of the Ordovices-hammer kind, and the Arm and Hammer company slips into the picture.

Remember, Mathesons have Mohan and MoHAM variations, wherefore we might even suspect a MonaHAM variation for Monahans.

Monahan's not only use "armor" in their Crest description, but also "arms." Then, going to the Armor Coat (still last night), there was a "a blue chevron between three arms in armor" (!) in the Coat, and "A hand holding a squire's helmet" in the Crest. Again, Pendragons use a helmet, which I view as code for the pheon-loving Helms surname, and then it appears that ermines are themselves a form of pheons. Therefore, Armors and Helms appear related. Tipps'/TypPANs use pheons too (and a bull head that could be code for Fir Bolgs).

Again, Tippers and Kennedys use dolphins, as does the Hammer surname. Just saying. Just compiling the evidence for what otherwise sounds like crackpot theory.

I've traced pheons to the Pan cult out of Lake Van, a perfect fit in this crackpot discussion of Vannes elements as they apply to Maccabee-suspect Ordovices of Gwynedd.

As per the "squire" motto term of Armors, this is a good place to add that there is yet another "ferme" motto term (Fir-Bolg suspect, see last update for details) in the Squire Coat.

Like the Arthur surname, Armors were first found in Berwickshire, and moreover, as per the link I make of Pendragons to Kennedys, the Armor helmet is the design used by Tipperary's Kennedys. Curiously, the short list of Kennedy variations shows a "Minagh," nearly "Monaghan." The same helmet design is used by Dobys...who show a "magno" (i.e. Maghan-like) motto term.

If we had any doubts in the last update that Gabrains of Kintyre elements were the Arthur-surname Gabrains, see the "Per ardua" motto of MacIntyres. MacArthurs, shown with a Carter sept, use an "opera" motto term that should identify with "PER Ardua." The Mann/Magnus surname, definitely a Fir Bolg clan, uses "Per ardua" too.

The Maghan/Mann/Mathuna Coat used Levi lions looking backward, but the German Mann/Manner Coat uses Levi lions proper, on what should be the Massey Shield...this being yet more proof that Masseys belong to Mathies/Manns/Mathesons (with Massey sept listed). It's becoming risky at this point to trace Mann surnames only to Isle of Mann, as they appear viable for a trace to Mona too.

Much of the above was obtained last night, including the Armor surname. This morning, I viewed the Simon Coats to find a motto in the Italian Simon surname, with "armatus" term. It just can't be coincidental. It indicates to me that these Simons were likewise part of the Maccabee bloodline, and the Zionists star at the top of their Coat is good support for the claim.

English Simons? First found in Devon and Cornwall. That's four-out-of-four Simon surnames showing Hasmonean stripes, suggesting that Simons were named in honor of Simon Maccabee.

As I'm fairly convinced that Mona was name after Menelaus elements. take the strait called, Menai, between Gwynedd and Mona. Again, compare "Mone Lisa" (which we may view as Da Vinci code) to "Menelaus." Then let me repeat that the Lis(s)e surname was first found in Hampshire, where Atrebates lived who I trace to Atreus, father of Menelaus. Again, I traced Arthur to the Arda river of the Odrysians, where Odrysians are identified with "Atreus," and then in the land of Ordovices there developed an Arddu location. Moreover, as Ordovices and Arddu have been pegged as Maccabees, what about mythical LYSimache, mother of Atreus-like Adrastus??? She was also mother of MECISteus and AristoMACHUS.

The only thing missing is a hammer in the hand of Mona Lisa.

We should expect mythical Helen elements in the land of Arddu, for she was wife to Menelaus. I traced Helen to the Galli priesthood, but that was years after tracing "Wales" to "Gaul." The latter were known as, Gali. Apparently, Helen elements named Wales.

I'll also repeat that, in the last update, Geryon Atlanteans at Gwynedd were traced to Pisidians, and Pisidians were identified with Pelops, father of Atreus, and with Bellerophon in particular. As Geryon was given cattle for his symbol, he smacks of the bull cult, Baal, to which I trace Pelops. In this picture, Geryon was likely the foundation of Bel, a chief Celt god. Geryon may have led to Merlin's Druid organization, and so I'll repeat what I've mentioned a few times over the years, that "Druid" traces to "Odrysia." Or, as "Druid" is said to be rooted in "oak," which to Greeks is, "dryas," so I traced Odrysians to mythical Dryas BEFORE realizing that Odrysians led to Druids. Later, I found someone else online who had traced Druids to the Hebros-river not far north of Odrysians.

Mythical Dryas was a pro-Dionysus cult, whereas the father (or son) of Dryas -- Lycurgas, king of Edones - was against Dionysus. It is suspect that the Maeonians to which I trace Dionysus' Maenads were just the line to the Mani peninsula of Sparta, where the city of La(a)s was built. Mani with Laas together were encoded as "Menelaus," quite apparently. It follows that we should expect proto-Maccabees on Mani, and as I trace proto-Maccabees to Maceys, they must have been Mysians on Mani, and that brings back to mind my trace of Helen to Mysia's Hellespont and Galipolis area, where Lysimachia, the real location, sat...across the waters from Mysia. This has just got to be Da-Vinci's Mona-Lisa line.

In his latter years, Menelaus was in Messene, where there is a Methoni location, also called, Modon, smacking of the Modiin location in Israel where HasMONeans lived. As Maccabees at Mona and elsewhere are linked to Maceys, what about that trace of Maceys / Masseys / Mysians I make routinely to "Messene"? As Messene named Messina in eastern Sicily, what about the trace I make of Macey-Shielded Alis' to the Ali surname, first found on Messina? Was the Alis surname of the Las > Laus bloodline? Were Alis' Da Vinci's Mona Lisa line? After all, the Alis motto is "VINCit veritas"!!! Did anyone check under Lisa's dress for a hammer?

In Italy, not far off the coast of Messina, there was a Laus location in Lucania, smacking of Laconia, an alternative name of Sparta. Sparta was also called, LACEdaemonia, and I trace Daemonians to Daphne-related Dumnonii of Devon. Manders with the "Laus Deo" motto phrased were first found in Devon. Suddenly, I don't feel like a crackpot anymore.

Both the Ali and Manus/Manners Coats use griffins, and the Manus/Manners crescents can trace to Saracens, who lived in Messina. The surname is said to derive in "Maghnuis," which could then be a branch of Maghans/Mathunas that were already traced to Mona / Ordovices elements. The tilted Templar cross in the Manus/Manners Crest is used by Pascals (Levi lion), whom I trace to Easters and related Sturs, first found in Hampshire (i.e. where Menelaus elements are expected). The Manus/Manners Shield is white on green, colors that I trace to Maccabees. The colors are used by Massars, MacCabes, Hammers, and the Hamar theater in Norway. By the way, is that tilted cross a symbol of the Tillets and Tiltons? It is MONAhans who use a "tilting spear," and Speers/Spears may have been named after the Greek for "hammer."

Thus far, I have the Mona-related Maccabees pegged at Modena, not far from Mantova, the city founded by Manto elements. Again, I identified Merlin's wife, a Gwynedd entity, as Daphne elements, and her sister, Manto, is suspect in the trace to Mann and similar surnames. But then Mann surnames are now in the process of being linked to Mona and Menai. No sooner did I start seeking Modon-related surnames that the idea struck of a Myrddin = Modon equation. In that picture, Merlin was a Modena element and very much a Maccabee-suspect cult, therefore.

Less than a minute after having that idea, a Moton/Mutton surname was found with MYREton variation. There's a ram's head in Crest, and then Moretons of Cheshire use a goat head (I'm not forgetting that Mars/Meres (i.e. Merlin suspect) are said to derive in "a ram", or that Meres were first found in Cheshire).

Not neglecting that Meschin rulers of Cheshire (beside north Wales) were from Messina and Scylla, Mars/Meres use scallops in the white color of Meschin scallops, and the A Coruna location uses scallops too, supporting all the more a Geryon > Merlin evolution. Motons/Myretons were first found in Shropshire (beside Wales), where English Meschins were first found. The Moton/Myreton write-up traces to Calvados, where Norman Meschins lived. Norman Meschins were Briquessarts by surname, and I traced them to Brigantia at extreme north-western Spain, where A Coruna is located too, the home of Geryon I am told. Apparently, the Geryon elements of CORUNa ended up in Gwynedd, and it just so happens that the CORNovii lived in the Cheshire theater! That's amazing, for it's been years since I've stressed a trace of Geryon to Gwynedd, and I knew all along that no one was believing me.

I had found reason to trace Meschins to Mauritainians/Moors, and I think it's safe to say that Moretons and Moton/Myretons (and Merlin) trace to Mauritainians as well. But I would stress that Meschin-related Mauritanians were north-African Amazons, the Meshwesh. The Meshwesh lived in Cyrene across from Messina, and I think "Cyrene" links to "Geryon" because I identify "Geryon" with "Gorgon," north-African relatives of Amazons. It may even be that Berbers -- Amazons of the Mauritania theater -- developed into the Bernicians to which Maceys and Mackays (and Arthurs) were joined.

The implication is that the Menelaus cult came to Britain from north-Africa, which can explain why Laus is in southern Italy. In fact, both Helen and Menelaus were curiously located by myth writers in Egypt. Menelaus' brother was made, AgaMEMNON, a term found also in southern Egypt. As the Mani peninsula is an extension of the Taygeti mountain system, Egyptian queen Tiye and Tey come to mind, of the south-Egypt family of pharaoh Akhenaten and queen Nefertiti, the bloodlines of which I trace through mythical Aedon (Thebes) to France's Boiotians and Merovingians. In all likelihood, Merlin was a Merovingian branch in Wales.

Compare the Murton/Myrton Coat to the German Mander Coat, for both surnames were first found in Devon. It was the English/Devon Manders who use "Laus Deo," and as I traced "Daphne" to "Devon," that's all the more reason to identify Manders' with her sister, Manto. As some evidence that Mantova elements in northern Italy stemmed from southern Italy and therefore from north Africa, the Milan surname (tree stump) was first found in Messina.

THERFORE, if the trick in finding proto-Maccabees in the Modena theater is facilitated by finding Mona-of-Gwynedd elements in Italy, I think it's safe to say that we are seeking Menelaus elements in Italy, which could include Mantova, not far from Modena. In Mantova there is a Frassino location that could apply to Ferrara elements. In the Modena article: "Enlarged and fortified by Ercole II, [Modena] was made the primary ducal residence when Ferrara, the main Este seat, fell to the Pope in 1598." Again, Estes are candidates for furnishing "HASmon(ean)."

Entering "Frass" gets the Maccabee-colored horses of the Freys/Phreezes/Frees' that are Pharisee suspect, and curiously "Frass" also brings up the Coat of the Cammies, except that the page shows as the Frazer/Fraysser surname. This is very interesting because the Egyptian horse trainer, Yuya, the father of Tiye above, lived in Chemmis, the city of the Chemmites to which I had traced the Cammies surname. In the last update, I had said this:

I can now lay out an argument for linking the Inces to Ananes Gauls of the Anna(dale) kind. The Innieney variation of Annan(dale)s should link to the Innie surname shown properly as "Cammie" or "Simmie." It uses the Keith/Mascal stag design. (Keiths are also Marshalls, smacking of Marsi). The "Vincit" motto term of the Keiths/Mascals is now looking very Ince-like.

Whenever I see "vincit" now, as per this very update, I see "Mona Lisa" and therefore "Menelaus." By what coincidence should I run into this Frass topic, leading to Yuya's family, only moments after suggesting a trace of Menelaus to Yuya's family??? Why is the Keith motto made of two terms that, in reverse order, provide the Alis motto?

By what other coincidence is it that Yuya is identified by some writers as a Mitanni peoples in Egypt, while I trace Mitanni to Methoni=Modon, and therefore to Modena??? When the "math" works this good, Yuya's family traces to Methoni and to Modena, and is therefore suspect in the makings of Hasmoneans. Expect evidence to prove it.

Both the Frass/Fraser and Innie/Cammie Coats use "Je suis PREST" as motto, jibing excellently with the suspicion that Frasers and Freys/Phreeze's are Pharisee-priesthood lines.

It's known that Chemmites were of the Uat-Buto cult in the Nile delta, a cult that was not only in Buto, but in Sais (I traced Daphne to the Sebannytos river at Sais). The "suis" motto term above must speak to Sais. Without any thought of the Cammies, I traced Sais elements to the Say surname, itself a branch, apparently, of Seatons of Saytown, themselves a branch of Keiths/KEATHs. Do you see how well that works in tracing Chemmites to Cammies who use the Keith stag? Both Keiths and Seatons were first found in Lothian, and then Peebleshire, where Cammies were first found, is to the immediate south of Lothian.

AND HERE'S THE GOODS: "The Scottish name Innie is an Anglicized form of the Gaelic Mac Shimidh, a patronymic from a Gaelic equivalent to the name Simon." That's the Cammie write-up!!! Didn't we already trace Simons to Simon Maccabee, founder of the Hasmonean dynasty???

Not that I think the Simon surname was the origin of "Cammie/Khimmie," but that Simons / Samsons of the Maccabee kind had merged with the Cammies/Khimmies so as to develop the Shimmie-like variation(s). In fact, I had traced "Biblical" Samson to the Samannud alternative name for the Sebannytos river (Chemmites were Perseus-branch Danaans by their own admission).

There has always been room for doubt that the Say surname traced to Sais, but after maintaining that link for years a little shakily, I can add that the Say-crest bull is used in the Tweed/Twitty Crest! Excellent, because the Cammies/Khimmies were first found in Tweedale.

The Tweed write-up must be code because the red-on-white engrailed bend of the Law Coat compares well with the red-on-white engrailed saltire of the Tweeds. The Tweed write-up: "Even from ancient times the Tweedies had a reputation of being a savage race and were frequently at odds with the Law." The Savage surname should apply, therefore, especially as French Sauvages use only a heart, the symbol of Lanarkshire too. Tweeds were first found in Lanarkshire, you see. Therefore, the Tweed write-up is a deliberate lie, treating the peoples of the world as fools.

It could be that the Tweed saltire is the Annandale saltire, especially as it's just been quoted above that Cammies/Khimmies/Innies traced to Annandales. As I trace Annan(dale)s to the Ananes (near Mantova and Modena) that I am sure named, or were named after, Israel's chief priest, Annas/Ananias, what of the similarity between "Law" and "Levi / Laevi"?

Why are the Tweeds and Laws "engrailed," and why do Laws use pierced stars while mythical Percival/Parzival was the "Grail King" that I identify with Parisii Gorgons = proto-Pharisee line? Both Pierces and Percivals were first found in Somerset, and while Parisii pre-date Pharisees, Percivals and Pierces do not. English Olivers were first found in neighboring Cornwall.

The Tweed-colored Tewes/Tewells, and therefore the same-colored Tools, may apply.

More evidence that Tweeds linked to Laevi and Ananes is in the heart of the Scottish Oliver Coat. I don't have doubts that Olivers were named after Laevi, and we can now add that Olivers are in the colors of the Laws and Tweeds. I had traced Laevi Gauls to Bellovesus Gauls, and then identified Bellamys as Bellovesus elements. Bellamys lived in Normandy's Perche location, smacking of Percival elements, and then the Perche Coat used two red-on-white fat chevrons, same as the Oliver Coat. Therefore, the Law heart must be the Oliver heart, all code for Ardea bloodliners.

AHA! The Sweet surname was arrived to moments after writing the paragraph above. Sweets use two fat chevrons in colors reversed to the Oliver and Perche chevrons, AND, as with Percivals and Pierces, Sweets were first found in Somerset! Therefore. Tweeds/Twittys must be Sweets, and as Swietoslawa (Mieszko's daughter) comes to mind, what is that pelican (Polish symbol) doing in the Tweet/Tweedale Crest??? The latter clan was first found in Peebles-shire, assuring that it's linked to Tweedale.

Italian Olivers were first found in Venice, where Ferraris were first found, and use Ferrari colors. I just finished tracing mythical Faunus to "Venice" elements, and as his aunt, mythical Marica, traces to the Marici peoples, by what coincidence is it that Laevi and Marici were allied in the founding of Pavia?

The Veneti theater holds the location of Este, and then Tweets/Tweedales use estoiles. We read not far above that the Ferrara location had become the main seat of the Estes.

What is that fish doing in the Tweet/Tweedale Coat? The Baars / Bars (see Bar-le-Duc) use fish too. Then, the Italian Pesce surname, also using a fish, was first found in Venice. (Barrs and Italian Estes both use a white-on-blue eagle.) I now recall that I traced Piast Poles to the fish symbol. I traced both Piast Poles and Estes, independently, to Merovingians, and the Piast eagle is white too. The Pesce fish, white on blue (colors of the Estes), is in the colors of the House-of-Saraca fish, and the latter clan lived in Ragusa, what was earlier, Laus!

I had been wondering when Boiotians were ever going to link to the Menelaus bloodline under discussion, for as Menelaus is highly suspect in the formation of Maccabees proper, the Boii are prime suspects. It just so happens that Saracas were originally from Kotor (not far south of Ragusa = Laus), smack beside Budva's Boiotians. AND, there is a location of Bar further down the coast from Budva. As Budva (Illyrian city of Cadmus bloodline) was "Butua," it explains why the English Est/East/Este Coat uses the horse design of the Butts/Buttes. As with the Tweets/Tweedales, Butts/Butes use estoiles. [As of May, 2012, I've noted that the Est/East horse head, which was the Bute/Butt-crest horsehead, has been changed to that of the Pepin and Pipe horse head].

In other words, the Butua and Saraca fish led to Pesces of Venice, who must have been linked to Ferraris of Venice who ruled Este, near Modena where proto-Pharisees proper and proto-Maccabees proper are suspect. Why is the fish cult showing up at this time? But then it was Cadmus and Harmonia who were turned into fish at Butua.

After writing all the above, "Twitt" was entered to find lattice in a Tweats/Twaites surname. Then, seeking the lattice seen earlier (but not yet reported) in a Mano-like surname, I happened across the Mound/Mont surname by entering "Mon," and ZOWIE: it was first found in Peebles-shire! Because it's a Scottish surname, I'd say that the Mons/Monts use the Coat of the Duffs. (The other lattice turned out to be, not in a Mano-like surname, but the Mode surname, checked as per seeking Modiin / Modena elements).

It's already been shown that English Mounds/Mynds/Munds (Shropshire) use the same bee design as the Levi-suspect Leafs/Leifs/Leves. That's excellent for more than one reason, one being due to Swietoslawa being wife of a Swedish ruler before she became a Danish queen. I had been expecting Tweeds and Tweets to link to Scandinavia, in other words, and not only can Leifs link to the Norse, but the Sweats/Swaits are said to be from the Norse. The other reason that a link to Leifs is excellent is due to the Liefr version of the name, much like "Oliver" to whom the Tweets/Tweedales were just linked.

The Tweats/Twait write-up: "It is derived from the Old Norse 'pveit,' meaning 'meadow, piece of land.'" Never mind "meadow" except that it could be code. The write-up does not give the name variation for which it claims that "pveit" links to, but as Tweedale is in PEEBleshire, note that it could form from a PVeit-like name. Could we be talking roots in "Pavia," since after all that's where Laevi lived??? AND, I trace some Fife-surname variations to "Pavia," and then Duffs (Perthshire and Fife) had been Fies, and moreover we just saw the Mon/Mund surname use the Duff lion while Mons/Munds were first found in Peebles-shire.

I'm convinced: there was a link of "Peebles" to "Pavia"; there was a link of Pavia to the pveit-like entity of the Norse. Remember here, the Mieszko > Swietoslawa Poles had been from Pepinids, whom I trace to the "Papia" version of "Pavia." If that's not enough, the mythical code for those Pepinid Poles was "Popiel," very much like "Peeble." IN FACT, the Peeble surname uses "popinjays."

Also of note is that Tweats/Twaits use a fat black-on-white cross like the Bitars/Butters and Aflecks of the Fife / Perthshire / Angus area. What's amazing here is that I had asked the question of whether "Tweed" could link to "Tiye" or "Tey" of Egypt, but had withdrawn the question when finding that Tweeds were from Sweets > Swietoslawa. I now find that Bitars/Butters were from TAYside. It smacks of Taygeti of the Mani peninsula, but also of the Tates/Taytes who use the same type Shield as Wheelwrights (Popiel Poles had developed into Piast the Wheelwright).

IT WASN"T REALIZED UNTIL after writing the paragraph above that the Bitar/Butter motto term, "DireGET" had a buried term smacking of "TayGETi! I think I've mentioned it in the past, but it comes up big here.

Also of note is that I traced the Inces to the Pavia theater's Ananes and Laevi, but because Inces use torteaux, I had linked them to Ores (piles) and Oriels/Orells, whom were in-turn identified as part of the Herod bloodline to the Doris'/Orris' (assumed to be named after Doris, one wife of Herod the great dog). Not only was the Doris/Orris Coat linked (by me) to the Coat of "Jewish" Pollocks and the Arms of Vienne (where one Herod of Israel is known to have been banished), but the Bitars use hearts around their fat black cross. The castle in the Arms of Vienne smacks of the Innis castle.

The Doris write-up even traces to Svi-like Swiss: "The name was connected with an ancient Indo European Swiss race which migrated to the region from Thessalie in the 13th century." Hmm, Thessaly was of Maccabee-like MACedonia, land also of Dorians. It could give the impression that Maccabees were ultimately from Macedonians (Edones?), and even from Megiddo and adjacent Dor of Israel.

With "Thessaly," the Thistle/Thissel surname (pheons) comes to mind that had been linked to French Talbots and German Talls/Thalls, which begs the question of whether "Thal" was a corruption of "Thessaly." Talbots were merged with Meschins, and the bee design (used also by Bessins) of the Talls/Thalls has been linked to Bessin > Meschin elements. Plus, thistles are used in the Robin Coats, and Robins and Propers/Robins both use the Mackie/Mackey and Mackesy lions. These are very good reasons for tracing to Macedonians.

If Macedonians had been Edones, note that mythical Lycurgus of the Edones traces to Ligures, partners with Meschins. Where you're willing to view Meschins as Maccabee bloodliners, why not view the Sithone-branch Edones as Sadducee bloodliners? A third Edone tribe was the Mygdonians. I am understanding why Armageddon was Prepared for these peoples who came to kill Jesus.

Around what I suspect is the Excalibur sword seen also in Masci-winged Gobel Coat, this Mackesy Coat uses a green snake, as does the Innis castle, but houseofnames brings up the Margeson/Argenson surname (Mackie/Mackey lion) when entering "Mackesy." I've tentatively traced Darks/Arques (they had merged with Macey elements) to Margesons/Argensons. I had traced the Masci wing-and-Excalibur of Gobels to Goplo's Mouse Tower, where Popiel ruled.

It just so happens that Tim recently sent in the Danish THORvaldsen Coat with hearts, and it uses the lion design of one Bruce Crest, a lion design that I've recently assumed to be a version of the Laevi lion. The Thors also use hearts, but because hearts are suspect as code for "Herod" (or at least for a Herod bloodline with Herod-like surname), I realized that "Thor," the mythical character of the Norse, was named after Doris elements! Doris pre-dated Thor, you see, but if it's true that Thor was a Doris-Herod bloodline, then his hammer symbol is highly suspect as a Maccabee symbol.

Did you notice that Bitars/Butters use a strongarm (with bow for arrows) in the Crest, symbol also of the Arm and Hammer company? In fact, I now recall a fat black-on-white saltire belonging to the Darks/Arques, who use a purple strongarm in Crest. Suddenly, the strongarm symbol, used also by Rothschilds, looks like a Maccabee symbol.

The strongarm symbol is also in the Crest of the Armstrongs ("maneo" motto term!), but then their Harmestrang variation might just have developed from the Hamar location of Norway, where the Rollo bloodline had been. EXCELLENT! After writing that, and staring at the three vertical blue-and-white bars in the Armstrong Coat, I recalled that this Arms of Richard Amerike also use three blue-and-white vertical bars. Richard HAMERike??? Yes, (H)Armstrongs were Amerikes, and, JUST LIKE THAT, "AMERica" is suspect as a Hamar bloodline!

AHA-HA-HA! Richard Amerike was a Welshman, and then Welsh Meriks (in Armstrong colors) were first found on Anglesey...alternatively called...MONA!!! Didn't I tell this was excellent? Yes, but that was even before finding this paragraph. It suggests that the "manea" term of Armstrongs was code for elements of Mona.

The sea horse of the Meriks had been traced to Irish Cohens but also to the Arms of Budva. Maccabees had been cohens = priests of Israel. And by the way, the Arms of Amerike above compare not badly to the WELSH Tewe(l) Coat.

Back to the Bitars/Buttars of Tayside, who use the "DiriGET" motto code for "Taygeti." I've just realized what that entire term is code for, in-part for Dorians too. This is interesting as per Armageddon, for Syrian BAATHists were co-founded by two men with a Bitar and an Aflaq surname that I've suspected to have been Rothschild plants of the globalist-Rothschild kind. Not only do Bitars/Butters use a strongarm, as have Rothschilds for their Marxist stripes, but while Bitars/Butters are said to be from Ardoch, the Aflacks show an ATHElyk variation that is clue to a trace to the Welsh / Somerset BATH/Atha surname...that I link fundamentally to the Uther-Pendragon / Arthur cult. It is said in many online articles that Rothschilds belong to a "Round Table" Illuminati, smacking of course of king Arthur's round-table knights. One of his knights, Bedivere, is one I trace to Butteri elements of the Batavia kind.

The Dorian and Macedonian elements creeping into the discussion above trace to Megiddo, the term that named "Armageddon." Megiddo (northwest Israel) is just a Gogi piddle from Dor, and the question is why God should depict the Mother of all Battles with Megiddo? Was it code for His destruction of Rothschilds who intruded into modern-era Israeli affairs with their dark and satanic forms of Zionism? I fully expect Rothschild agents to align with Baathists of Syria and/or Iraq to form the guts of the anti-Christ invasion into Israel. I do believe that there are anti-Israeli Rothschilds of the Thule-Nazi kind who opposed Zionist / pro-Israeli Rothschilds.

We saw that Rothschilds look like Maccabees of the Armstrong / Amerike kind, which recalls that Camerons use five bunched arrows, a major symbol of original Rothschild bankers. This other Arms of Richard Amerike (Wikipedia shows at least one of them) includes what look like red and gold horizontal bars, the Cameron-Coat symbol too. It just so happens that Maccabees were traced shortly above to Cam-like Cammies.

Meriks just happen to use (pierced) stars in the colors of the German Bauer stars (for new readers, a Mayer Bauer changed his name to "Rothschild" and started the Rothschild banking empire via five sons whom were depicted with five arrows). Were Maccabees traced to Tweedale of Peebles-shire? By what coincidence is it that Scottish Bowers/Beauers (five bunched arrows) were first found in Peebles-shire???

[Insert -- after writing on the Thule link to some Rothschilds, it was recalled that a "Thol" motto term had been spotted, but it wasn't for a couple of hours after writing the above (including the paragraph above) that the surname with Thol term was fetched, and it turned out to be from the Tweed Coat. Bauer-incidence? When investigating Thule entities years ago, one of the relevant topics was the Pohl/Pohlman surname, and it just so happens that it uses the same buffalo head as the Tweeds! The Fir Bolgs are coming to mind as Thule-Society guts.

Then again, as Pohls use three ostrich feathers while Thals/Talls use two pairs of ostrich feathers, Thule may have been named after a corruption of "Thessaly." It just so happens that that idea was from the Doris discussion above, because Doris' are said to be from Thessalie (and Swiss-branch Europeans). If correct that Doris' were Herod bloodliners, how much sense does it make to trace anti-Israeli Nazis to king Herod? Nazis used a SwaStica, which I figured had to do with their SS organization, and I even identified "Swa" with "Svi"=Swedes. The Swa-stick, I figured, was what the symbol meant, but then I also think that Astikas of Lithuania / Poland were depicted by sticks. Don't miss the reasons for a new 666-link to Astikas, in the next update.

Yes, Thals use a Zionist star, but then the Hiedel/Hitler surname (first found in MUNICH, suspect as Manx peoples related to nearby Foetes Ligures) shows stars in Bauer-star colors, and besides, some online writers insist that Hitler was a Rothschild by birth. Many online writers claim that the Zionist star (a hexagram to satanists) was a Rothschild symbol too, and so note that Thals use Zionists stars in the colors of the Bauer and Hitler stars.) End Insert]

Apparently, end-time Maccabees will be front-and-center in the anti-Christ empire's False-Prophet cult. Right now, with Hillary giving signals of bowing out of the O-dministration (there is even talk of her power-base re-aligning itself for a presidential run in 2012), Joe Biden stands to become the new Secretary of State = foreign minister. I trace Bidens/Buttons to Bath and Wells and therefore to the Bath/Atha surname, and of course "Button" smacks of the Bitar/Butter surname of Buttergask of Ardoch. Do we see what's happening here? King Arthur is meddling in Middle-Eastern affairs, and will bring the world to a screeching halt by total annihilation...because Rothschilds don't know enough to lay off of globalism.

It's hard to fully know what's been going on in Marxist Russia since Rothschilds acquired it in 1917. I don't forget that Marx surnames trace well to the Marici-Laevi partnership at Pavia. By what coincidence are the following points. One, there are Putin/Puttin and Putten (BESants) surnames both in the colors of the Bitars and Aflacks. The Tweats/Twaits, suspect as relatives of Peebles-shire Bowers, are the ones showing a "meadow" motto code, and then the Meadow/Medus surname smacks of Medvedev, Putin's partner in Russia. In fact, the Meadow/Medus Coat uses pelicans as does the Mede Coat, and Medes were first found in Somerset where Baths/Athas were first found whom I suspect were Baathist guts, and who trace to Obama's (a Communist in disguise) Randolph bloodline. English Randolphs use the BUTler Coat.

President Putin received a tiger for his birthday from a gifter whom he won't reveal, and then the Medley Crest is not only a tiger, but the Medley Coat used (pierced) stars in the colors of the Putten stars. In fact, both Puttens and Medleys were first found in Sussex. The Puttens use besants, code for bee-using Bessins, but "Medvedev" is a term known to be from "honey" (as well as from bears who eat honey). By the way, as per MedLey, there is a Spanish Medina Coat using the Ley lion.

Why do Medleys use pierced stars? I tentatively trace pierced stars to Pierces and Percivals of Somerset, were Medes were first found. But also hold a theory various pierced heraldry symbols are code for those who pierced the body of Jesus....with nails and a spear. The first Communist president of Russia under Rothschilds was Lenin, and then the Irish Lenin Coat is also "Lennon/Lennan" while the Scottish Lennan Coat uses..."three nails piercing a heart" (the heart here should be code for Herods and of course the Bitar hearts). It took three nails, by the way, to hang Jesus, and Lenin was the beginning of atheist Russia, the re-hanging of Jesus, so to speak.

Meriks use pierced stars too, and they trace to Maccabees on Mona.

As per the Marjoroom/Majoribank surname (sept of Butteri-branch Johnsons) that had been discussed recently, the Lennan motto uses "majorum." The full motto is translated, "This is the valour of my ancestors." Think about that with the pride in mind of those who murdered Jesus, and then recall that I traced Valerius Gratus (preceded Pontius Pilate as Judean governor) to the Valour/Valois surname.

Where the pierced stars trace to mythical Percival, suspect as the Pharisee line, by what coincidence is it that Percival's son was made, LOHENgrin, while Lennans are said to derive in "Logan." As Lohengrin was a swan knight, he traces with certainty to Scottish Locks and to German Lohens/Lokens/Lochs. In that picture, it would appear that Logans/Lennans apply to Percival and Lohengrin. MOREOVER, the "Prisco" motto term of Lenins/Lennans smacks of Percival / Pierce elements.

Are you smelling murderers here of the absolute worst kind? Didn't Communist Russia thrive on murder and persecution of Christianity? What do the same power structures have in mind for the 666 period? It will amount to nothing but their own destruction, and though they realize the risks, stupids that they are, they will jump off the cliffs and into the Lake of Fire. Shall we sing a song of freedom?

Marjorooms (linked to Rooms/Romes) were identified with Yonge-branch proto-Hungarian Romans, and then both Yonges and Medes use "Toujours." Medes use "Toujours pret," the latter term being a priest term in my mind. The other Yonges (who use piles) have the motto, "Roberi PRUDentia praestat," what was also traced to a priesthood of the augur > Ugor/Ugric kind. Remember, mythical Remus at Aventine hill was an augur (= false prophet) cult.

[Insert -- As one Yonge Crest shows a red lion, what about the red lion of Italian Simons, for they use an "Unguibus" motto term?

Later in this update, Med-like surname will be linked with much certainty to Mitanni elements, and therefore to Modena. At that time, Astikas elements will be linked to Hungarian Arpads of the Ulman kind even while Astikas are being considered as part of the "Has" in "Hasmonean." The point is, the Mitanni elements will include talk of the Moberly surname, of a Moberly location ruled by Bigot de Loges. End Insert]

Yonges had been linked to Hogens/Ogens (Tipperary) for obvious reason of their Yonge-like Coat. But might "Ogen" have evolved into "L'Ogen" and therefore into Lohengrin and the Logans/Lennans?

German Hogens/Hogers (goat heads, think Faunus > Pan at Aventine hill) not only use three arrows that I trace to the three Kabar tribes amongst Hungarians proper (I say Rothschild arrows were Kabar arrows), but they use a quartered Coat in the colors of the quartered Coat in one Arms of Richard Amerike. Didn't I just link Rothschilds to Meriks-branch Amerikes?

Hogen-like Hagans (said to be from "hOgain") use the same-colored quartered Shield, with a boot and fish thrown in that should be code for the Budva/Butua fish bloodline of Cadmus and Harmonia. Didn't I just trace "Hermes," and therefore Harmonia, to "Remus." Wasn't Remus an augur cult on the hill of Rome belonging to Latins, and weren't the Butteri Latins traced to Budva/Butua?

Hmm, in the 3rd update of November, the Hoes/Hoeys/Kehoes, first found in Tipperary, were mentioned, as they had linked to Herod Agrippa and to Pendragons. "Hoe/Hoey" is not a far cry from "Hogen," and then "Kehoe" was linked to fish-using Keons, suggesting that the Keon fish was also the Hagan fish. The Hoes/Hoeys/Kehoes had been traced to Voirs (another "prudentia" motto term) of Gripel and Penhoet (Brittany), and then Voirs entered discussions as per the "voir" motto term of Oliphants, the latter being a chief Esau-ite line. All that is to say that Hoggs/Hogues use black boars (Esau symbol according to the book of Enoch).

Were Hagans just traced to Bute elements? The Hoggs/Hogues use exactly the Booth Coat, and the latter's motto was just traced to Jupiter and Juno at Rome, where Yonges trace. God has his angels prepared to skunk the Roman beast in the West. Atlantis shall sink into it's own bloodbath. There is no escape. The Day will come. The Day of Repayment, like money in the bank for the meek who shall inherit the earth.

Jupiter-and-Juno elements were traced to Duffs of Fife, and Meeks/Meiks were first found in Fife while they use a "Jungor" motto term. The alternative Meek/Meik Coat uses a wolf in Crest, as do the Yonges, a Roman wolf no doubt. To support the trace of Meeks/Meiks to "Mieclaw," the Reim Coat uses the arm and sword of the Mieskes. It seems certain that the Meek wolf traces to mythical Remus, you see, who was suckled by a she wolf. Both Reims and Mieskes were first found in Prussia.

Just found, a Remes/Remis surname, first found in Artois but extending into holy-grail Lorraine, Champagne and PicARDY. The Coat shows an eagle rising in the white-on-green colors to which I trace Hamar elements. This is interesting because, if we're not quite convinced that "ARM(strong)/HARMstrang)" was a Hamar variation of the Amerike kind, we can yet agree to an Armstrong link to Amerikes (which link seems likely by other evidence presented above) but then trace "(H)Arm" to "Hermes" or "Armine" elements of the Remus bloodline. Either way, Armstrongs are Maccabee-ish.

The Remes/Remis motto term, "Remigandum," looks like part-code for the Gants/Gaunts (other wolf in Crest). Gaunts were of Ghent, near Artois, "at the confluence of the Rivers Scheldt and Lys..." The Lys flowed through Artois.

AHA! The Dutch Gand Coat is like the Merik Coat!! It assures that the Remes/Remies were linked to Armstrongs. This paragraph was not conceived, nor the Gants Coats yet viewed, when that link was made, meaning that there are two back-to-back independent reasons for linking Armstrongs to Remus Latins.

By what coincidence is it that the Remes/Remies Coat uses an eagle with wings up, ready to rise, as in the Roman-phoenix theme? The eagle is in white on green. The family had a seat in Campeau, and then the Campeau/CAMPEL surname uses "Escaillon Denaing" for a motto, suggesting Danaans from Ashkelon/Ascalon elements. Compare "Scheldt" to "Scylla." As Scylla is in Messina, note that the Remes/Remies eagle should apply to the Botter (= Latins) eagle while Italian Botters were first found, as with green-and-white Massars/Massianis, in the same place (Lucca).

Weren't Patterson-branch Butteri linked to CampBELLs? Yes, and Campeaus/C(h)ampels (Sinclair cross?) use a so-called "label" that I think is code for "La Bel" = the Bel/Bell surname. The write-up: "Metaphorically the name means 'liberty', although literally 'Campus' or 'Battlefield."" When we check for a Campus surname, it turns out using the Bell and Bellamy Shields! Thanks once again to the artful liars of heraldry write-ups, we can make more family links understood.

The Champayne/Champagne surname used...bell pattern (in the colors of the Campeaus). Haskels use the ChamPAYNE/Champagne Shield, and then while Paines/Paynes easily trace to Malahule's descendent, Balso D'Espaines -- of the Meschin/MASCULINe bloodline -- Haskels, said to be from "Aeskil" (sounds like Ashkelon/Asclaon) and "a contracted form of Asketill...Anschetill," smack of Ancetil, another descendant of Malahule leading to Meschins.

The Arms of Champagne use a white-on-blue bend, the colors of the Italian-Botter bend. It all suggests that Maschis/MASKALY of Rimini, and/or other Remus elements, went through Champagne. The same had been found when on the Skull-and-Bones-related Mattiaci peoples above. But do note the SCULIN and SKALY buried in "Masculine" and "Maskally," for there is an obvious Ascalon > Scylla reason for it.

The Larem variation of the Remes/Remies is Lanark-suspicious because the heart-using Lanark surname shows a Larn-using variation. I wasn't going to mention this possible coincidence (even though I previously traced Lanarks to Lanuvio beside Ardea) until I remembered that French Sauvages, using a heart in Lanark-heart colors, were first found in Champagne.

Sa(u)viges had been linked solidly to Russells, and as the latter were first found in DORset, the Herod-liner Doris/Orris surname has just come to mind because the Sauvage heart is suspect as a Herod-ine symbol. I've just entered "Dorr" accidentally while trying to type, "Door," and there was a clan first found in HEREfordshire, and using the same bees (!!!) as per the Levi-suspect Leifs/Leves (MACEY Shield!!!). By the time that I saw this, I had already studied the DorSET-surname page wondering whether "set" was from the Sithechs that I trace to Israel's Caiaphas / Laevi line. The bees together with the Macey Shield smacks very much of Maccabees, does it not?

Not only does the Dorset surname use a sun as does the Remes/Remies Coat, but German Dorrs use a "majoREM" motto term, smacking of the MarjorROOMs that had been traced to the Rooms/Romes. It just can't be a coincidence that the liars wrote the following in the Dorr write-up: "First found in Austria, where the name could be considered to have made a MAJOR contribution to the feudal society which became the backBONE of early development of Europe. The name became the SAVAGE tribal and national conflicts..."

Going to the Irish Door surname, what do we find but: "First found in Galway, where they held a family seat as a sept of Ui Maine (Hy Main) one of the most important groups of clanns in Irish history..." It wasn't far above where we saw the Hy Many entity in the SODhans / Sodans, which supports the suspicion that "Dorset" was named in-part after Sithech / Sadducee elements. It's important in that Sodans of DEVON traced solidly now to the Daphne / Tubal elements at Soducena (Armenia), for the Doris'/Orris' surname was first found in Dauphine. Later in this update, you'll see why Sodhans trace to Soducena, when we find, for one thing, a "sed" motto term in the Tippers. (I did not have anything in this paragraph in mind when earlier the Hy-Many entity of Pattersons had been traced to Dorians at Haimus.)

It just so happens that Doris/Orris' were traced to the Ticino-river theater because Orrs and Oriels use torteaux that I trace to Tortona of Alessandria. Doris'/Orris' are said to be from "Thessalie," and then there is a BELGIAN Tassel/Tassin surname smacking of "Tessen," the alternative name for the Ticino. Moreover, I traced Pepinid Merovingians to Pavia/Papia, on the Tessen river, to an alliance of the Laevi there, and later realized that "Pavia" formed some variations of the Fife surname. Is it a fifincidence that Scottish Doors were first found in Fife?

In the Door write-up: "First found in Fife, the name Dorman is derived from the word door-ward [suspect the Wards]....The office of door-ward to the king was a very honorable one and was passed on in the powerful family of de Lundin Fife. The first who took his name from this office was Thomas de Lundyn in 1204. His son, Alan Durward, was one of the greatest names in Scottish history in the thirteenth century." Doesn't "Lundyn" smack of "Landon," the BELGIAN ancestry of Pepins? Earlier in the Door write-up: "Old English word deore, which means 'beloved', and 'man'" The Love/Luff surname should link to Louvains, who were themselves from BELGIUM and linked to Massins/Masons.

This is a good place to mention that, in the next update, you will see something new on the 666 bloodline that will knock your socks off, that does in fact include Trabys and Astikas as primary players, and tracing to raven-depicted vikings of Shetland of the key kind. The Durans/Durantes, who may link to Dorrs-et-al, use black bugles, the color of Traby bugles, and then the Durleys/Darleys (DERBYshire) are not only in the colors of the Doris/Orris', but use fleur-de-lys in the colors of the Masseys and Lys', suggesting Aosta's Lys valley in the Ferrat area where Massey origins are suspect. This is said because the Durley/Darley Crest is the Este/Est (and Butt/Bute) horse design.

Durleys/Darleys are said to be from Erle in Calvados. It's interesting that entering "Erle" (scallops) gets an EARlee variation of a Vere-suspect clan, from an Earlee location in Oxford. It reminds of the ears of rye and ears of wheat that linked to lines of Israeli chief priests, and Veres have already been traced, not only to the Pharisee line, but to Ferrat elements. The "tentes" motto term of Erles/Earlees reminds of the Dent surname (entered discussions 3rd update November) which uses ermined lozenges in colors reversed to the ermined lozenges of the Shaw/Sheaves surname.

From the last update of November: "Like the Oliphants, Ends/Enders use a white unicorn." The Arms of Oxford, an elephant. The End/Enders motto: "Ne tentes aut perfice," identical to the Erle/Earlee motto. Enders were traced (tentatively, anyway) to Alessandria, the place to which Doris'/Orris' are traced as per the torteaux of Erle-like Oriels/Orells.

Back now to Meriks (first found on Mona) whom have become the prime Mona-related Roman/Latin suspects. This update started with the premise of Mona holding the Hasmonean line that had been somewhere in Italy, and by that time Hasmonean-suspect Ordovices (of Arddu, Gwynedd) had been traced to Ardea Latins, but then there had also been a glimmer of light pointing "Gwynedd" to "Aventine" hill. Meriks are now tracing strongly to Remus, auger cult on Aventine hill.

The MEYNik variation of Meriks could have derived from Mona and/or Menai elements in their fold. It brings the Manx peoples to mind. There is a white-on-green (Maccabee/Hamar colors) MacArthy stag in the Manick/Mannix Coat, and then "Meyn" brings up the Mehens/MAIGHANS/Meekins, important because the Manick/Mannix page shows properly as "Managan/Manahan," much like the Monahans. Entering "Munich" (Bavarian capital) gets the Manick/Mannix/Manahan Coat.

There is a chance that Meriks and Arm(strong) / Hermes elements had developed together from "ARMorica, what was later Brittany when Welsh Brits escaped war to it. That idea offers an explanation as to why Meriks and Armstrongs appeared related. Hermes was traced to the ermine symbol of Brittany, keep in mind.

AHA! After writing that, the Ukrainian Munich page was arrived to, and there we find this write-up: "The Munich surname is derived from the given name Minkus, which is a pet form of the Germanic personal name 'Meingoz,' which means 'strong." Never mind, that has got to be code for the Strongs and/or Armstrongs. The surname doesn't necessarily link to Munich of Germany, but is shown properly as Mina and Mink terms and including "Minich."

The German Munich Coat compares well with the Jewish Mark/Marx Coat. For me, these were twisted-human elements of the Bavarian Illuminati. The power-hungry peoples who want to decide for us all how we should live and abide in their eternal empire, perpetually serving their needs and giving our blood as to parasites...that badly need to be quashed. The Quasher in the Sky is about to squash with His hammer. Move aside everyone else, from the splashing.

Back to the rising eagle of the Remes/Remis surname. The fact that it's rising, and often called an "eagle rising," suggests the phoenix, which had become code for the revival of the Roman empire. Finding the eagle rising in the Remes Coat not only tends to verify that the surname was in honor of Remus-Romans, but that the heraldic eagle rising is code for Roman revival. Hitler tried to revive the Roman empire by the vision of his Thule tools, and we assume that other Rothschilds didn't like it who had a different vision for Europe. Entering "Rothschild" brings up a RothSTEIN Coat, which appears very related to Steins, and moreover it was recently ascertained that Rothschilds were linked to Stones and similar others. Both Stones (spread eagle) and Stonehouses use talbots in Crest, which recalls the Thule-suspect Thals/Tals that I trace to French Talbots.

Earlier, the Pohls had been linked to Thule-Society fiends. It was shown that Tweeds use the Pohl buffalo, and a "Thol" motto term. It was already gleaned that Tweeds were of Tweedale in Peebles-shire, where also the Rothschild-related Bowers were first found. The Tweed write-up: "First found in Lanarkshire, where they held a family seat from very ancient times, on the lands of Tweedie in the parish of Stonehouse in Lanarkshire." The Stonehouse Coat uses...rising eagles.

It was said above: "And by the way, the Arms of Amerike above compare not badly to the WELSH Tewe(l) Coat." Rothschilds had already been linked to Amerike / Merik bloodliners, by way of Armstrongs, for example, but when I wrote the above I failed to realize that the Tewel variation of the Tewes is a Thule variation. It was only when "Thule-tools" was written that I recalled "Tewel." Other variations include Tuel and Tuell, and of course the Tool surname is suspect as a Thule entity. Note that Tewels use blue wings in Crest, the color of the wings in the Bauer Crest.

The Tool write-up traces to "...'tuathal,' which means 'people mighty,'" which seems very convenient because "people" smacks of "Peebles." I'm surprised they didn't say "people strong." The Peeble surname uses "POPINjays," and then Popes/Papes likewise use talbots. Entering "Popin" gets Pophams/Poppams using the Men/MENGzes/MINGes Shield and a motto: "Mens pristina mansit." It seems we're right back to Mona / Mann / Maghan / Mangus entities, but let's not forget the Nazi with Mengel surname.

The last time I traced Popes/Papes was to Pappenheims of the Altmuhl river...that flows toward Munich.

The ridiculous Tewel write-up: "The surname Tewe is derived from the Welsh word 'tew,' which means 'portly'" or 'plump,' and was most likely originally a nickname for a heavy-set person." However, entering "Plum" gets another talbot in Crest, and some vair fur that Pappenheims used, though they called it, "kettle hats." German Plums are also "Plumb," and they were first found in Bavaria (no surprise), and use Zionists stars, as well as a Shield divided in half diagonally, as with the Hitler Shield.

Then, as per the "portly" code, what do we find when entering "Port" but the same bend colors as French Talbots and German Thals/Talls??? You are being lied to, all the world, by Freemasonic trolls who guard their secrets over your head.

Like Popins who use the Mens Shield, English Ports and English Porters were first found in Hampshire...where Atreus > Menelaus elements trace. Porters and Ports were identified some months ago as Bituriges-based Butteri out of Poitiers and into Hampshire, where Bidens/Buttons and Botters were first found.

I feel as though I've gone way off-track by pointing out much of the above. I was supposed to be seeking Mona elements in Italy as they would lead to Maccabees proper. However, the Meriks of Mona were found, which should prove helpful, especially as they use the Budva sea-horse symbol. Yes, that traces Maccabees to Rome, but what about that Modiin location of Hasmoneans that ought to link to Modena on the other side of Italy from Rome? One of my questions is why Boii elements of Modena were called "Hasmon" in Israel?

One theory is that "Asmon" was a version of "Simon." Judas Maccabee Hasmonean named one of his sons, Simon. However, that doesn't answer the relationship between "SiMON" and "Mon(a)." It's beginning to look very good that Mona of Wales traces to Maccabees.

[Mattathias Hasmonean] was a son of Yohannan, grandson of Simeon, the Hasmonean, and great-grandson of Asmon or Hasmonaeus, a Levite of the lineage of Joarib for being the 5th grandson of Idaiah, son of Joarib and grandson of Jachin, in turn a descendant of Phinehas, 3rd High Priest of Israel, according to Mattathias' own words in I Maccabees."

By the way, I've just fetched the Modiin article to find white and green in the Logo of Modi'in.

Asmon looks to be of roughly the period 225 BC. What were the Romans doing at that time to usurp the Greek empire? But before going to the Romans, let me repeat a thing said above. Rothschilds are highly suspect as Maccabees, and in fact I once charged that the first Rothschild arranged to have five sons and five daughters. I now see that five was the number of sons that Mattathias had. We've have already seen that Mattathias can trace to Mathunas, Mathesons/Manns, and the like. Then, I got to Rothschild-related Tweeds and Tweets, and finally to the lattice of the Twitts/Tweats/Twaites. By that time, the lattice in the Mode/Moden Coat had been found, which surname had been checked early in the investigation as per seeking Modiin / Modena elements.

Why do I get the impression that lattice links to Hasmoneans? I had already linked the lattice to GUIScards, and to the Swedish GUSTs/Gauts (Tancred-colored chevron) that I linked to lattice-using Gauts/Cotts/Cottins. We saw that Tweets were Sweets of Swedish / Danish Swietoslawa elements, suggesting that Swedish Gusts ought to apply to Swietoslawa elements.

But then lattice is also used on the stockings of mythical Siemowit (see his Wikipedia article). Isn't "Siemowit" very Simon-conspicuous? It just so happens that 1) Siemowit traces very well to the Samson surname; 2) "Biblical" Samson" was in Timnah west of Jerusalem, and Modiin was also west of Jerusalem; 3) Guiscard merged with Samsam and Timnah-named Saracens in scallop-like Sicily, and the Samson surname uses scallops.

Can we assume that the Saracens above had been Maccabees? Meschins use the same scallops as Samsons, after all, suggesting that Mieszko himself was a chief Maccabee element?

But Siemowit predates Guiscard. Siemowit was from the Mouse Tower, and he took power over from Popiel, who was linked earlier to "Peebles," where Tweeds of Tweedale had lived with proto-Rothschild Bowers/BEAUers. Hmm, Maccabees were "MachaBEUS" on their coins, and Bowers use five arrows, the number of sons that Mattathias had! I think I am getting it now. The Bower write-up traces to "bower maker." MAKER???

Entering "Maker," we find Macks/Makes with stars in the colors of the stars of German Bauers, and we also find vertical bars (Richard Amerike used vertical bars) in the colors of the horizontal bars of five-arrowed Camerons! The latter surname was first found in Angus, where Tweat-related Aflacks and Bitars were first found. MOREOVER, Flecks/Flacks/Flags likewise use Samson-colored scallops, while Samsons use a "flag" buried in one motto term. Therefore, if Samsons were Maccabees, ditto for Flacks...and likely Aflacks (who had an Affleck location in Angus). As Makers and Samsons trace in all likelihood to Poles, AfLECKs look like Lecks, an alternative name for Poles.

The Bower write-up: "First found in Peeblesshire, where they held a family seat in the old manor of Bower in the parish of Drummelzier." That smacks of Drummonds, who not only use red-on-gold wavy bars, but were the bars not wavy, they would be exactly colors reversed to the Cameron Coat! German Drummonds use white-on-blue wavy bars, the color of the wavy fesse used by Meriks!!! German Drummonds were from HAMburg, a potential Hamar entity (even if only loosely speaking).

There is a Drumm-like DARMstadt (in Hesse) near Frankfurt, the latter city being home to original Rothschilds. The Arms of Darmstadt use two color schemes, both of them used by the two Drummond Coats.

I would like to know what the Cameron motto is code for, but at this time I haven't a clue. I don't know whether it had ever dawned on me that the five Rothschild arrows are potential code for Matthias' five sons, but it's very compelling at the moment. I'm not tracing arrows to Maccabees, just the number five.

The Cameron write-up says that the clan split up into three groups, one being "Strone," and though there is no Strone surname coning up, the Strongs are implied by the strongarm used by Rothschilds. IN FACT, the Strong Coat is an eagle in colors reversed to the MacDonald eagle, and the Cameron write-up traces the clan to MacDonalds!

This is good, for the MacDonald eagle is traced (by me) to the Ferte eagle, and heraldic lattice is officially, "fretty." Although the Mode lattice is "fretty," the Tweat lattice is officially trellised ." Hmm, entering "Trell" gets a Trowle/Trowell surname with Troulle and Truell variations, smacking of the Tews/Tewels/Tuells. In any case, Trells/Truells use TREFoils in the colors of the Hamburg and Trip Coats, and German Trips/Treffs were first found in Hamburg, and are almost certainly related there to Drummonds, both clans traced by me to Trabzon / Thermodon.

Let me repeat what was said way above: "By what other coincidence is it that Yuya is identified by some writers as a Mitanni peoples in Egypt, while I trace Mitanni to Methoni=Modon, and therefore to Modena???...Yuya's family traces to Methoni and to Modena, and is therefore suspect in the makings of Hasmoneans. Expect evidence to prove it." As Yuya's family, including Tiye and Tew, are expected to trace to Chemmites, and Camerons could be from Chemmites. When we add Tews into that picture, we arrive to some of the expected evidence.

There is a Dutch and German Trelles/Drille surname, but I have no comment at the moment. Actually, I persisted and found that the Trelles/Drill Shield is used by German Trues (Bavaria). I had a suspicion that Trelles' linked to Trews/Trues because I had traced the latter, and Trips, to Trabys. The bad news is, German Trues are shown as "Secrest/Zachreiss." The good news is, Sugars/Seagars come to mind because I think they linked to "Sigrid" the Haughty, an alternative name of Swietoslawa. That's a very good suggestion because 1) the Trelles' were a topic in the first place as per the lattice=trellis of the Tweats...that had been identified with Sweets = Swietoslawa, and, 2) lattice was the symbol of the Polish Siemowit bloodline to which Swietoslawa was born.

In case you missed it, I had realized that "Haughty" was code for Hautevilles, the ancestry of lattice-depicted Guiscards. It well explains why Guiscards were drawn with lattice if Hautevilles had been from Mieszko's daughter. The TANcred and TANkerville ancestry that was the Hautevilles then looks like the DANish royals that Swietoslawa married, and moreover as it's known that Guiscard was a Sinclair bloodliner, i.e. from Danes of Norway. From the Samson Danaans, right? Of Atlantean Danann. The Mieszko Samsons, from Saracens, merged with Atlantean Samsons.

I kid you not, after the paragraph above was written, I checked the Romer Coats because I knew of a Romer location in Norway near Hamar, and this info had been inserted way above to help prove that Maschis/Maskalys were Maccabee elements from Remus-branch Romans. After that, I checked Roman surnames to find that English Romans not only use a fesse in colors reversed to the fesse used by Trelles' and related Trues/Secrests, but were first found in Peebles-shire!!! That was needed to help prove that Trelles' did indeed link to Swietoslawa elements.

Moreover, as was mentioned way above, Italian Romans use a wolf in the colors of the wolf (= Macey colors) used by Hugh D'Avrances Lupus, and his cousin ruled Macey near Avrances. We are seeing Maccabees popping up everywhere now, all in the right places.

French Romers, who use mascles in honor of Maschis/Maskalys of Rimini, are said to be from Dol, and then the cousin above (Robert D'Avrances) of Hugh D'Avrances was married to a daughter of Dol. Here's the whole quote from the last update, and so note the MONville and Malet surnames:
Robert d' Avranches [Hugh's cousin], who held the fief of Macey, south of Avranches (Loyd, 'Origins', pp. 11-12); who married, firstly, a daughter of Gelduin de Dol, and, secondly, Maud de Monville, daughter of William d'Arques [strongarm] and Beatrix Malet, daughter of William Malet and Hesilia Crispin.

Just like that, Hugh Lupus is discovered as a Maccabee-related Roman of the Remus-wolf kind. And, remember, there is a MALATesta in the Maschi/Maskaly write-up. Checking the Malet surname, it shows a "haut" motto term. Sweet timing! Malets are from Rouen, apparently: "The name Malet is also derived from the given name Malo, a popular form of the name of Saint Maclovius, the 6th century Welsh monk who gave his name to the church of Saint Maclou in Rouen." Never mind saint Maclovius, but think the Macey-Shielded Close/Clovse surname.

Drats, there is no Monville surname, but chances are, it's related to the Contevilles in Hugh's ancestry. The other side of Hugh was a Goz/Gois, now suspect more than ever (as per the "haut" of Malets ) as a GUIS(card) line. By what coincidence did Ranulf le Meschin take the titles of Hugh Lupus (after his death) while Wikipedia's article on le Meschin shows his personal lion to be the same one as the Mon/Mound-Coat lion? There under the lion we see a green mound, code for the Mon/Mound surname itself, that I traced to "Cyrene," home of Meshwesh (also called "Mazyes" and Maxyes"). I traced the GREEN color of heraldry to "Cyrene" (or green Libya in general) before finding that Maccabee lines used white and green.

I am now taking the position that heraldic lattice was not "fretty" to begin with, but was in honor of the Trelles' and related Trues/Secrests, for that idea traces lattice back, via Sigrid the Haughty, to Mieszko's ancestry in Siemowit. It's a perfect fit. It explains why lattice is used on a cross in the Taffee Coat with the Mieske arm and sword in Crest. The Taffee cross was traced to the Macclesfield cross before I had Maccabees on the brain. Taffees are in Daffy/David colors, and I trace Daphne>Devon elements to Davenports at the Maccclesfield theater.

I should add that Taffees use "spes" in their motto, a term that I now trace to the Arms of Vilnius (Lithuanian home of the Astikas who married Trabys). I trace "Vilnius" to the "Villes" that I say produced "Conteville." The Caen Coat does not only use lattice, but five white ostrich feathers in Crest, the symbol of the Traby Crest!

If not for the lattice of the Modes, I might not have had much reason to link them to Modi'in. At first, I did not know that Modes, shown properly as Moderby/Modey/Modeby, came up when entering "Moden," which helped to make the family appear as a viable Modena and/or Modiin bloodline. More evidence would be appreciated, however. Like the Mittons (from Calvados), English Motleys/MedleyCOTES/MedleyCOTTS (in Mitton colors) were first found in Shropshire, and then Cotts use lattice.

Moreover, Cotts, Contes and Villes were all first found in Languedoc, suggesting that Astikas elements had joined with Cottians of the area. Although the lattice traces to the Siemowit line of Mieszko Poles, it was also traced by way of Trelles' to Traby Poles, and Trabys are known to have merged with Astikas Lithuanians. Ultimately, the lattice belongs to whatever peoples the Trellis' were.

WOW! After writing that, with little evidence of a Mitton or Medleycott link to the Mitanni, I struggled with the motto of the latter surname, and decided to enter "Date" as per the "Dat" term, though at the last second I changed my mind and entered "Daton" because I recalled that I had traced the AkhenATEN (worshiped Atun) and NEFERtiti couple to Autun and neighboring Nevers!!! It was this couple that was descended from Yuya's Mitanni, and it just so happens that Datons are said, in their write-up, to be from "D'Auton"!!! Wow.

For me, that "coincidence" alone verifies that Medleycotts and Mittons (from a Mouton location in Calvados) are Mitanni bloodliners. Veres trace themselves to Mitanni, and Veres proper lived in Ver, near Mouton, though there must have been many Veres improper all over Normandy. One can then assume that Medleys are also Mitanni bloodliners, but as they use a tiger in Crest, Teagues/Tigues (in Medley colors) are suspect as per "Tiye" developing into a Tige-like surname.

AHA! Teagues/Tigues use a METuam motto term...that I've linked to the Bower motto term, "metam," and it just so happens that while the Tweeds of Peebles-shire had been entertained as Tews from the Egyptian Tew, Bowers were first found in Peebles-shire. Therefore, it appears that the met-using motto terms are code for Mitanni bloodliners.

Ha! I had known of a Tiger surname that shows no Coat. Here's their write-up: "The name is derived from 'tigier,' meaning 'people-spear.'" Never before, until this update, had I ever known that "people" could be code for "Pebbles," but there you have it, two people terms in two write-ups in the same update.

If you have forgotten, it was the Tool write-up tracing to "people mighty." And Tools (lion passant in colors reversed to same lion of the Datons!) entered the discussion as per suspicions that they linked to Tews/Tewels/Tuels!!! is that not something, how we are all fed lies by heraldry masters? How much of history has been distorted due to these fiends? It'll be time for an Overthrow when the whole world recognizes their guilt.

It reminds me of the discussion (4th update March, 2000) on the tiger of the Mabeys (wyvern dragon), when they had been connected to Moverleys. It had been noted that Mabeys used the colors of the Motleys/Medleycotts, but I can now add that Mabeys use a split Shield in colors reversed to the split Shield of the Mittons/Moutins, and for me now, this is ample evidence that Mabeys were joined to Mitanni. I had used as an argument (for linking Mabeys to Moverleys) that Moverleys show a MODburley variation (Motleys are also "MODley"), but in that update the Mitanni were not mentioned.

I did, however, mention that the Moverley/Modburley Coat uses the same two bars as the Washington Coat, and prior to that update I had traced Washingtons to "Wassukani," the Mitanni capital. It just so happens that the tiger-using Medleys (not the Motleys/Medleycotts) show the same sort of stripes as the Coat of the proto-Washington Wassa surname. If that's not a cosmic coincidence, you know that we are definitely on Mitanni lines.

The possibility is that MOVERleys (see also "Mobley") and Mabeys had been Mods of the Modi'in and Modena kind, especially as Modes are shown properly as "MODERby." Moreover, Moverleys show a MOTHERwell variation.

Not forgetting that the Arms of Vilnius use weight scales, the Mobley/Moberley Crest: A demi lady, holding a pair of scales. Moverleys use a similar Crest. Doesn't "lady" smack of Lada, Lithuanian goddess?

[Insert -- A few hours after writing the above, the Somerset Coat (I'm not at all familiar with it) was found using quarters in colors reversed to the Motley/Medleycott quarters. What's VERE-y interstink is that Veres are from Mitanni, and then the Somerset Coat not only uses the Oxford lion, but a "Mutare" motto term smacking of the Modes/Moders. Entering "Mutar" gets a Vere-colored Coat. Plus, the Somerset motto uses "fear" in the translation.

Recalling the fox of the "Jewish" Simons that are Hasmonean suspect, what about the fox in the German/Bavarian Somer Crest? Are Somers to be considered Simons? The German Siemen surname shows a Siemer(s) variation.

Fancy that, English Summers/Sommers use white on green, Maccabee colors. End Insert]

The following happens to fit right into topic here, and yet it was started on a completely new track. I was wondering (immediately after writing the above) what sort of surname "Asmon" may have developed into, and "Cashman" came to mind, which recalled that the Cash/Cass surname (weight scales in Crest) had already been traced to Vilnius. As I linked Cash's/Cass' to the Patterson Cussanes, who are said to be Kissanes as well, it was good that "Cashman" is a shown variation of the Kissanes (MacCarthy stag). But yet another variation, Guissane," smacks of Guiscards that have already been traced to the Modes/Moderby lattice.

With Siemowit now heavily suspect as a Simon-Maccabee line related to Guiscard-related Saracens, what about the white-on-green crescents (Saracen symbol I think) of the Simsons? These Saracens were in the Messina theater, and then I traced the Alis surname to the Ali family of Messina. That has been repeated because "Alis" is found in the Simson motto. Remember, green and white are the colors of the logo of Modi'in.

I once knew by heart the surname using a green and white lattice. This is not a good time to forget it. I do have some points to make on the Caen lattice that was traced above to Trabys as per the five white ostrich feathers in the Caen Crest. Why five? Could this be another code for the five sons of Mattathias? By what coincidence is it that we can expect Stick-like surnames to be in honor of "Astikas," while in the Stock/Stoke write-up: "Their name, however, is a reference to Stock, near Caen, Normandy..." It's as though Astikas / Trabys carried the lattice to Caen.

The Stock/Stoke motto phrase, "qui insons," is definitely code for Inces and Kays/Keys, who both use a similar Coat. But during this update, after tracing Maccabees to Trues/Secrets (said to be from "Zachariah" but I doubt it was the surname's original form), I had noted that the latter's Coat is in the colors of the Sachs, and after that "Saxon" (in True/Secrest colors) was entered to find a version of the Ince Coat. Both Inces and Saxons were first found in Lancashire.

It was recalled that I found reason to trace "Taksony" of Hungary to "Saxony," which jibed with an Taksony trace to the Tessen/Ticino river...where I imagined not only the Ince-suspect Insubres, but the roots of the Texas/Tejas bloodline. I was asking myself whether Tejus elements could link to Tiye and Tey of Egypt, and therefore to the Modena-branch Mitanni that Hasmoneans are now suspect as. The Tey surname, for example, shows a Teyas variation.

Hungarian Arpads are from an ancestral Almos character who was traced some weeks ago (2nd update October, but also see 2nd update of September) to Ulm in Germany, and to the Ulman surname, which is not only said to be Saxon, but uses the same lion design as Stocks/Stokes. There is then an Almon surname likewise first found in Caen. I'm not going to entertain Almon = Asmon, but it'll be kept in mind.

By what coincidence is it that, after just showing the trace of Washingtons to the Mitanni capital along with the Moverleys/MODburleys, we come to a German Ulman Coat that is the Washington Shield in colors reversed?

It just so happens that, after writing all of the above, a Helman surname came to mind, and it was not only first found in Essex, where Tays/Tejas' were first found, but it uses a white Shield on red Shield, as does the Cash/Cass Coat. The latter is the surname traced shortly above to Vilnius / Astikas, and Ulmans had just been linked to the Astikas. BUT, from the very start of mentioning the Cash's/Cass' and Cashmans/Kissanes, they were suspect as part of the "Asmon" or "Hasmonean" name.

French Simons, already suspect as Hasmoneans as per their "mon" motto term, use a white-on-black lion, the colors of the Stock/Stoke lion. Stickincidence? Stacks/Stakes also use a white lion, and they were first found in Gloucestershire, where Simon-like Samsons were first found (who trace to Poles). Consider the Siemen surname with Siemsen variation.

I think it was established well that Hasmoneans trace to MENElaus, but as he was married to Helen, sister of Castor, what about that trace that was made recently of this same Castor to Lithuanians of the Cash/Cass kind? Leda, mother of Castor, was traced to Lada, Lithuanian goddess.

It's fun to find how things click at times. After writing the above, I thought to check a Lith surname, which not only led to a Lyde variation, but a white Shield on a red Shield! It's described like so: A red shield with a silver orle. IT JUST SO HAPPENS that the Orrel Coat uses a version of the Saxon/Septon and Ince Coat!

If you didn't know, I trace the red roundels or "torteaux" of the Orrels and Inces to Tortona, near the Tessen/Ticino river. The Laevi are expected to some degree in Tortona, but more than that, I expect Herods of the Doris/Orris kind there. I'm not forgetting tat, in the last update, some Sadducee lines were found to use Shield-on-Shields.

The Graye/Grey Coat is a red Shield on white Shield!

The Lythegraynes variation of Liths/Lydes suggests a look at the Graynes surnames, and one comes out as Granny/Grane (first found in Cork, where Kissanes trace). It reminds me of the Ground/Cranny/Craney Coats, one first found in Jura and Islay and using an Esau-suspect elephant, and the other using Levi lions (in colors reversed to the German-Mann Levi lions). It's interesting that Vere's claim to derive in the term, "man," for the German Mann Coat is a white symbol on red and gold quarters, the same as the Vere Coat.

The other Graynes Coat is an obvious version of the Greeves/Graves Coat, and the latter not only uses a "spes" motto term (i.e. traces to Vilnius), but was first found in DERBYshire, where Astikas . TRABYs are expected.

It just so happens that "Grave" evokes the garb symbol, used in Traby-bugle colors by the Stick Coat. The Jura location of the Grounds/Crannies was traced to Jerusalem (last update I think) in a discussion that included mount Gareb at Jerusalem. I had said, "Cravens, who could link to the Grounds/Craynes, are also 'GRABhain,' a Gareb-like term."

Cheshire not only uses garbs, but I now trace Cheshire and/or Chester to mythical Castor too. Hmm, it suggests that Astikas, if they were the Sticks, landed up with Cheshire elements (no surprise if both were from Castor), and then the Stick garbs are in Meschin-Coat colors. It's known that Cheshire's garbs come from le Meschin, but then I trace his Goz/Gois ancestry to "Gascony," which also uses garbs (I also suspect that "Gascony" was responsible for the Wassa/Gace/Gasson surname that is tracing well right now, along with Astikas, to Mitanni > Modena > Modiin elements). I had entertained "Gois" as a version of the Guiscard surname, but why not also a version of the Kissane/Cashman/Guissane surname? After all, Pattersons/Cussanes use scallops in Meschin-scallop colors.

I was so impressed with the paragraph above that I became more sure that HASMON(ean) derived from the Cashman/Kissane bloodline. And so I entered "Ashman" to take another look, and there were white-on-red fleur-de-lys, a Massey symbol, and talbots (= le-Meschin bloodline) in Meschin / Stick / Traby Coat colors. The Ashman talbots are in Carrick-talbot colors, and Carricks were a branch of priest-suspect Kerricks / Priestleys. You didn't forget that Hasmoneans were priests. (Ashmoles are in Ashman colors, and use a black greyhound rather than a black talbot.)

At the moment, I would suggest that Hasmoneans were from Castor, and from Ash-using surnames allied to Mon-like surnames/entities. "Hesse" and "Esau" can be suspect. The (Drake wyvern dragon) uses what could be the fat, black Levi chevrons. There is an Ash location in DERBYshire, but also in Hampshire, where I expect Atreus > Menelaus elements.

From the last update in November, while on the Hebron surname but also on Heversham, the location of Sadducee-suspect Saddocks:

"Aha! Hevers were first found in Sussex too, as with Ryes and Saddocks [the latter use "ears of rye"], and they show "Hepher" and "Heaver" too. We seem to be back to the Kiev-like clans which Hepburns/Hebrons encode in their motto as "Keep." The Keep surname, using a "Weaver's Shuttle," were first found in...SUSSEX!!!

The idea there is that Hevers and Weavers were variations of the same surname based in some Hebrew-like term, and so let me show the "wheat sheaves" of the Weaver/Wever Coat ("Esto fidelis" motto). But Hephers/Evers also use wheat sheaves.

It's known that wheat sheaves were symbols of Dagon and his wife, Shala, herself a representation of ASHkelon, the place that I've routinely traced to the Scylla monster at Messina, that place suspect for the Modena elements leading to Maccabees proper. Secondly, wheat sheaves are lately turning up in surnames highly suspect from lines of the Israeli priesthood in the days of Jesus.

The Milan surname, with a tree trunk in depiction of Esus, was first found in Messina. Esus was the god of the TreVERI, and my impression in the Hebrew-like terms above is that they were the Iberi Caucasians, whom some suppose were the Avars of DAGestan. There is a good chance that Hebron was named after the Iberi, for Hebron (not far west of Jerusalem) was a land of Amorites, as was Jerusalem. The dragon cult of Jerusalem, Zeus and Hera, was traced the Armenian part of Caucasia, but then I note that Hera was given a daughter, Hebe.

By what coincidence is it that I traced Hera to JEREVan and therefore to Jerusalem's mount GAREB while wheat sheaves are also called, garbs? One could get the impression that DAGon traces to proto-Jerusalemites of Jerevan, beside DAGestan.

I haven't stressed much that Hera was an Amorite peoples, in particular, from Jerevan, but as Jerusalem was an Amorite location prior to the arrival of Israelites, a Hera=Amorite identification does make sense. If you look into it, you will find that Dagon was an Amorite god that Philistines adopted. My investigations suggested that Avars took proto-Dagon to the land that would become the land of Philistines, and that Avars were the proto-Avvites (pre-Philistine era) known to live in all five major cities (including Ashkelon) taken over by Philistines. But that idea suggests that Avars were Amorites, which aligns with the idea that Hebron was named by Avars / Iberi. The closest I know of Amorites proper to Caucasia is in the city of Ebla, which smacks of Abila (of the Damascus theater) which I link to "Apollo/Abello."

Again, there was a Soducena location at Jerevan that is suspect as the land of proto-Sadducees, the land that I think named Zedek, the alternative name of Jerusalem (there is a biblical Amorite king of Jerusalem named, Adoni-Zedek = "lord of Zedek"). The point is, if Soducena elements furnished the Dagon and/or Shala cult, we could expect Sadducee lines to be assigned wheat sheaves, or, if Sadducee lines were merged with Rye and similar surnames, "ears of rye."

Now it also makes sense to trace Avar Hebrews to the Hyksos capital, Avaris, the peoples of which may have named Avaricon, the ancient capital of the Berry/Berri provence of France. Compare "Berri" to "Iberi." The Arms of Berry are fleur-de-lys, and I say the middle part of the fleur was a fish. Although I traced the fish to Cadmus and Harmonia at Butua (it should explain why Bituriges lived at Avaricon), Avvites -- carriers of the Dagon fish -- are suspect in Avaricon.

The two outer parts of the fleur-de-lys became suspect as dolphin heads, and the curved dolphins in the Arms of Dauphine are suspect. I did trace the outer parts to the curved fish of the Baars at bar-le-Duc, and then they smack of "Berry" and of "Avar." The point is partly that CADmus and Harmonia were symbols of Cadusii Armenians, and that Harmonia was a female Hermes, whose symbol, the caduceus, was code for the Cadusii. But Tiresias was also given a caduceus symbol, and his father was EVERES, the "shepherd seer," code for the "Shepherd Kings" whose capital was at Avaris (Egypt). It just so happens that Daphne, namer of Dauphine, was a daughter of Tiresias.

I traced "Daphne" tentatively to a variation of "Tubal," and Avars lived next to, or even in, Tubal. Tippers use dolphins, and so they are suspect as Tubali elements within the Pendragon cult of the Devon theater. This explains why Masseys were partners in the Arthurian cult, for Meshech and Tubal were partners from ancient times. Alternatively, "Daphne" has been traced (by me) to "Sebannytos/Samannud," near Avaris, and then I had independently identified Samson's fox symbol with Avvites. If that makes Samson a Tubali bloodline, it certainly explains why Samsons and Meschins both use same-colored (e)scallops, a symbol that I trace to Ashkelon.

It is easily argued that the caduceus -- two snakes entwined around a rod -- included the similar Asclepios snake, and that he (a mythical physician) traces from "Ashkelon/Ascalon" to "Scylla" (= Sicily).

Samson is said in Judges to be a "Daniy" peoples, but then there was a Dinay peoples too who were not Danites of Israel. I highly suspect that Dinay named Tanis near Avaris. It may even be that "Tanis" (ruled by Meshwesh = Meshech) was from "Daphne." In any case, the Taffee write-up: "...Richard Taafe seated at Castle Lumpnagh was Sheriff of Dublin in 1295..." "Dublin" is a Tubal-like term.

I did not have Tubal (also "Tuval") on by mind when the Tewels and Tools, in Dipper/Depner colors, came up. ZOWIE, when I mentioned Berry / Avaricon shortly above, I couldn't recall what surname in this update had been first found in Berry. Tewels are the ones with a "portly" code in their write-up, and Ports were first found in Berry! ASTOUNDING VERIFICATION that Tewels and Avaricon were Tubali and Avar bloodlines respectively. The Iberi Caucasians. Josephus: "Tobal gave rise to the Thobeles, who are now called Iberes."

By what coincidence is it that the Depner/Deppen/Dipper Coat (in Hebron colors) is the same bend as in the Skull Coat, while Skull and Bones is traced to Hebron? If Tippers are from Tubali, why not also Dippers with a Daphne-like Depner variation?

By what coincidence is it that Dippers/Depners use a white-on-red bend, the colors of the Welsh Daffy/David and Davis bends, while the Taffee write-up traces to "David." You shouldn't fall for what the write-up would have you fall for, that "David" came first while "Taffy" was the corruption. Taffees ("spes" motto term links to Vilnius) use lattice, which links back to the Maccabee line of the Astikas (and Mieszkos), and so ask how much that makes sense where Maccabees had been Meshech? Again, some Meshech had lived in southern Caucasia very near Trabzon, if not also in Trabzon, origin of Trabys (i.e. that Astikas merged with). Like Trabys, Dippers/Depners use bugles.

Tubali/Iberians are traced by many to the Tiber river through Rome, and so Maccabees proper could be expected with some Tubali elements. Remember that I am tracing Maccabees to the Latin hill of Aventine, and Latins trace to Laz Caucasians. But Maccabees were traced early in their investigations, along with Caiaphas elements, to Cappadocia, and on this map of Tabal, there you see Tabal smack at the Cappadocia theater. Mazaca was the city that became the capital of Cappadocia.

"Dublin" is said to be named after dub = black, but as Dubs were also Duffs, it's now plain that Dublin was named after Daphne elements, and was therefore of a Tubali bloodline. The Irish Hebers are suspect.

THIS IS IMPORTANT. It can be deduced that Austrian Dobers are a Tubali bloodline too, even aside from comparing their Taupfer and Teupfer variations to the Toepner variation of Dippers/Depners. Dobers use a wavy bend in the colors of wavy bars of German Drummonds, and the latter are traced to "Thermodon," what I see as a version of "Trabzon." Bringing Drummonds (from Hungarian Magyars who may have been Magog-ites) into the Tubal picture explains why the Dober Crest uses the Leslie-style griffin head. Moreover, there are trefoils in the English Dober Coat (I link trefoils to Traby-related Trips/Trefs, first found in HAMburg, where German Drummonds were first found).

As the Traby ostrich feathers are in my mind code for Austrian elements, the Austrian (and English) Dobers are highly suspect.

THE IMPORTANT PART is that Berry of France covers parts of Vienne, where one Herod had been banished. The Arms of Vienne likewise uses a wavy bar like the ones used by Dobers, though Vienne uses it white on red, the colors of the wavy bar in the "Jewish" Pollock Coat (Pollocks are looking very Heberite at the moment). This was the Pollock Coat that was linked to the similar Coat of the Herod-suspect Doris'/Orris.' Like Trabys and Dippers/Depners, Scottish Pollocks use bugles, and then Pollocks were first found in Renfrewshire, where Dobys were first found! Dobys use a helmet, the same helmet that Irish Kennedys use who were first found in Tubal-suspect TIPPERary!!! Scottish Kennedys use DAVENport crosslets and a dolphin!!!!! The Kennedy motto term, "Avise," smacks of Avith, the Biblical Avvite capital ruled by an Edomite!

Click-click-click, heraldry has just identified Pollocks with Tubali, explaining why they are a sept of Maxwells, and why they trace to Mieszkos. It's the same Meshech and Tubal of the Bible. Maxwells were discovered as Butteri, and Butteri are traced to Bituriges of Berry / Avaricum.

The Round Tabal Illuminati? Apparently, that idea is accurate because the Table Tapley surname, using "hurts" (as with the Irish Arthurs), was first found in DEVON! Just like that, we have reason to view Arthur's Round Table as a Tubal entity.

Tapps/Tabbs were first found in Dorset.

The Taber cat reminded me of the Clan-Chattan cat used by MacIntoshes, and so I now realize that the Dober bend, in the white-on-blue colors of the Chattan and Chatan bends (also the colors of the Botter bend). One of the Clan Chattan allies are DAVIDsons, and another, the MacIntoshes/TOCHs, were identified recently as Togarmites! (They go hand in hand with Meshech and Tubal in the end-time Gogi invasion of Israel.)

The MacIntosh write-up: "Members of this distinguished Pictish family were originally found in Moray [Amorite location?]...The MacIntosh family is said to descend from Seach MacDuff..." When we enter the "Touch" motto term of MacInTOCHs, we get a Touch/Tuff surname.

The papal hat is suspect as the Dagon-fish symbol, and so see the "indigne" motto term of the Word surname. Anything that's Pictish and first found in Stirling, as were the Words, is suspect for the Pict line that gave birth to Pontius Pilate. It just so happens that the Words can be linked to the Hebron surname, but before getting to that, note that the Tigris river, which I think was named by Togarmites, was early called, "Indigna," exactly the Word motto term.

The Words enter this discussion because Tim had taken to task my inability to find a Shuttle surname when on the weaver's shuttle of the Keep Crest (it's Hebrons/HEPburns who use a "keep" motto term). Tim found a Shuttleword and Shuttlewith surname, you see, using a weaver's shuttle! The great thing about this find is that Weavers/Evers had been linked to Hevers of Heversham, home of Saddocks, and then, like the latter, Shuttles are suspect as a Sadducee line.

Shuttles are shown properly as ShuttleWORTH, but when we go to the Worth page, the write-up includes some code work to enlighten us further: "The Worth surname was a habitational name, taken on from any of various places named Worth. The place names in turn come from the Old English 'worð,' meaning 'enclosure,' or 'settlement." SETTLE??? We get it. Indeed, for like the Shuttleworths, the Settles/Settels were first found in Lancashire. Therefore, the writers of the Shuttleworth surname were offering false words to the world, knowing that they were speaking in code.

Tipps'/Tippens, whom I link to Pendragon's Tipper bloodline, was likewise first found in Lancashire, and where Tippers are Tubali elements, Settles and Shuttleworths can ultimately be from Soducena. Remember, Saddles/Saddals use the Massin/Mason lion, and that can spell a Tubali-Meshech merger where Saddles were Settles and where Settles were Soducena-branch Tubali.

Earlier in this update, Pattersons were traced to the Mattiaci theater on the Rhine. It was found in that discussion that the Sodhan ancestry of Pattersons fit well into an independent trace of Soducena elements to the Gogarene-suspect Cugerni peoples (stamped opposite the Rhine from the Mattiaci). It can now be added that I trace Sodhans confidently to Sodans because the latter use scallops in colors reversed to Patterson scallops. Sodans were not only first found in DEVON, near the Tippers first found in Cornwall, but both Tippers and Sodhams use blue-on-white!

MOREOVER, Tippers use "sed" in their motto, a term used also by Ash's/Esse's of...DEVON!

That is completely astounding, and tells me one reason why emailer Patterson became a part of this dragon hunt. The paragraph above is by far the best evidence that Soducena elements were in fact in the West, and that they were fundamental parts of the dragon all across Europe. I fully expect Soducena elements in the Ares cult.

On the map above, see "Thafia" near Tubal (the latter is not shown). Thafia is stamped beside "Iberia." See also the COMifena location north of Gogarene, for it smacks of Gomer elements. Moreover, as Gomer-suspect surnames are tracing well to Camber entities, see CAMBYfene above Soducena. Coms, Cambies and Cumbers are MacIntosh septs. The Comes'/Combs/Cumbes were first found in...DEVON!!!

As Irish Kennedys were first found in Tipperary, see also the Cunnedge sept of MacIntosh's.

Wow! When I printed "Comifena" above, the Comfort/Comerfort surname (in MontGOMERy colors) came to mind that had already been traced to "Gomer." The Comfort/Comerford motto, "So ho ho dea ne," smacks of "Sodhan." Heraldry masters knew, therefore, that Comer-like surnames traced to Soducena. I kid you not, I did not find the Comfort motto until after the paragraph above starting with, "That is completely astounding," was written.

This is a good place to repeat that Camelfords are also Comerfords, for it tends to trace the Patterson camel to Gomerians at Soducena, where also the Sodhan ancestry of Pattersons traces. I wouldn't at all cancel my trace of the Patterson camel to Campbells/Cammels, however, but would instead trace Campbells to Gomerians of the Soducena kind.

I have a story. GD wrote in with a Dulce surname but forgot to send along the Coat. Not a problem. Houseofnames does not show a Dulce surname. Tim then sends in the Shuttleword surname, and the Word motto shows a 'dulce" motto term. It seemed to me that the Dulles/Dallas bloodline was in play, and then Fort Worth is a twin city with Dallas. Moreover, Dallas-like surnames, including "Doulace," are found in the list of MacinTOCH septs. MacIntoshes show the septs of Gome, Goom, Goomb, Goombe, Goome,and Goum, smacking of Biblical Gomer, father of Togarmah.

One online writer, Steve Quayle, claims to have found Comerians/Chomarians in ancient Iran. That was Persia, where Caucasian Scythians are likewise traced by historians (Scythians in general became the Gogi-alliance of peoples under discussion). Iran was to the east of the Tigris, and so let me remind that SITTacene was on/off the Tigris between Assyria and Susa. Scythians of that area were called, Saka, and some suggest that Saxons were named after Saka. I have no problem with that idea, and it doesn't necessarily contradict my trace of "Taksony" to "Saxon," for I trace "Taksony" to "Texas, " where Dallas and Fort Worth are located.

I'm claiming that Shuttles were from Sittacene elements. There you see the bear in the Shuttleworth Crest, a symbol that the prophet Daniel applied to Persia. But Words are about to be identified with Avars, and so let me remind that Avars were linked to Dippers/Depners, for the big bear constellation is a "Big Dipper." It's as though the primary parts of the Zodiac were named in honor of Tubali. While the Little Dipper involves the north polar star, the star is surrounded by Draco. And just who named the ZODiac, looking so much like "Zedek," anyway?

The bear was the symbol of VARangian Rus, in my opinion, who passed it on to Russia when they co-founded Meshech-like Moscow. I trace the heraldic bear to Zahringers, fellow peoples with VERINGens, if that helps. Plus, the other Word Coat is the Ward/Worden surname, said to derive in "weir," but we know that's code for Veres/Weirs. There is a Ward/Varde Coat (Gomer-like "Comme" motto term) similar to the Word/Ward/Worden Coat; both use Shields filled with checks of the same colors. A Shield filled with checks of the same colors again is used by Warrenes of a Varrene location in Normandy. Did we trace Daphne to Avars? Worths were first found in DEVON!

Okay, so it's a sure bet that Words and Worths were Avars of the Vere kind, which tends to support a trace of Shuttleworths/Shuttlewords to Soducena and Sittacene / Sittake elements that I identify as Zeus and Hera in Gareb and Zion (then tracing to Sion/Sitten of Switzerland). For evidence, it just so happens that Warrenes were first found in Sussex, where Hevers, Ryes and Saddocks were first found, as well as Keeps who use a Weaver's Shuttle!!! Keeps use a bend that is also the Arms of Baden, and Baden is where Zahringers / Veringens ruled.

The Warrene motto, "Leo de juda est robur nostrum" is translated: "The Lion of Judah is our strength." However, I'm reading the motto as "The lion of Judah is our Roberi bloodline." Both Robins and Words use thistles, you see?

Recall that Fir Bolgs, which I linked to Veres, are said to be named after "sack," and so see another Shield filled with checks, this time in the colors of the Vairs/Fers' checks, in the Austrian Zack/Sak Coat. Then, the Saxon/Septon surname was first found in Lancashire, where ShuttleWORDS and Settles were first found too.

Moreover, the Saxons/Septons uses the same symbol as the Words. However, the Saxon symbol is called a "chaplet," smacking of Caiaphas-line surnames such as Chappes and Chapman. Words use: "a garland ensigned with an imperial crown and two silver thistles on a red chief." An imperial crown suggests the Roman empire. The related Worths use a black double-headed eagle, a Roman-empire symbol.

Why is the garland "ensigned" when the Taffees, who were from Avars like the Words, use "signo," translated as "sign"? Moreover, "signo" is a not-bad reflection of "inDIGNE" used by Words.

Veres were recently traced to Randals (DEVON) and Bavarian Raindels. The latter were found with "ears of wheat," what should link to the "ears of rye" used by Saddocks. Randals of Devon were not traced to Veres due to their "Nil" motto term, but that works too. Words use "Nil indigne" for the full motto, and Veres use "nihil" as code for Neils/Nihills.

The Sach/Sax Crest uses a woman with wings instead of arms. She's not called an angel, as that would make the Anglo-Saxon nature of Sachs/Sax' too obvious.

The Shuttleworth motto is, "Utile dulce." The first term could be code for Tiles (wyvern dragon) and/or Tiltons (another bear) that were addressed earlier in this update. Tiltons look to me like Weavers, which works because Shuttleworths are encoded as "weaver's shuttles." The Tilton garbs are "wheat bundles," while the identical Weaver garbs are "wheat sheaves."

Shuttleworths are also "ShuttleWITH," and there is a With surname...using the Ulman lion in red on white. The English-Stewart red-on-white lion is an Ulman lion design, and then we saw Stocks/Stokes using the Ulman lion design. The latter surname was from Stock, near Caen, and Caen is where we find Dieppe. Doesn't Dieppe evoke Dippers et-al?

Ou-la-la! Didn't the Stocks just finish tracing to the Astikas? Yes, I lumped Stocks in with the stick idea. But I just noticed what hadn't hit me before in the Scottish Stewart write-up: "The surname Stewart was an occupational name for a steward, the official in charge of a noble household and its treasury. It derives from the Old English word "stigweard," a compound of "stig," or "household," and "weard," or "guardian." " STIG??? WEARD??? Just more false information that acts as code to the insiders.

What that effectively does is to link Stewarts to 666-suspect Trabus. Stewarts and Veres are like two crossed fingers hoping for ultimate world rule.

Although it's called a falcon (think Vere-related Fulks), the Weird bird is bald. I can't recall coming across any bald eagles, and so I would suggest that the American bald eagle is in honor by Weirds, for Weirs use white-on-blue stars, the colors of stars on the American flag. It's an Amorite flag, isn't it?

Tim was instrumental in tracing the flag's white and red stripes to this French Bury Coat. I was very confident then, for more reasons than similarity, that the American flag was a take from Burys / Berrys / Barrys. This again suggests that Iberi were Amorites, an idea I've never emphasized. That's the idea that the latter part of this update is telling me. And Amorites lived on the Habur river (Mesopotamia), where the Mitanni lived too with their Wassukanni capital! YES, I see, the Iberi were from the Habur-river Amorites.

Washukanni (or Waššukanni) was the capital of the Hurrian kingdom of Mitanni, from c. 1500 BC to the 13th century BC. Its precise location is unknown, but it is widely thought{who?} to have existed on one of the tributaries of the Khabur River.

Compare the Irish Barry/Barre Coat to the proto-Washington Wassa Coat, if that helps you to make the same conclusion.

As Veres trace themselves to Mitanni, we could expect them to have been Iberi / Avars amongst the Mitanni. I note that Wassukanni was taken from the Mitanni by a king Suppiluliumas I of the Hatti. His name smacks of Tubali elements, and then the Wassa surname was first found in Cornwall, where the Tubal-suspect Tippers were first found. Dibbles/Tibbles/Tipples/Dibbs were first found in Amorite-suspect Moray, where the Gomerian / Togarmite MacIntosh's were first found, and where I say the Norman Rus = Rosh ruled.

Recalling that the Ness / Nest Coats use the Washington Shields, what about this: "The MacIntosh family is said to descend from Seach MacDuff, who was awarded the lands of Petty and Breachley in Inverness-shire..." Inverness was named in-part after a Ness river. I had traced the Nests to Nestor at Pylos, in Messene near Mitanni-suspect Methoni/Modon.

English Ness'/Nests were first found in Sussex too (where Sadducee-suspect lines were first found). The write-up: "But Saxon surnames survived and the family name was first referenced in the year 1185 when Nest de Barri held lands." Nest de BARRI??? Zikers, I didn't know that was there, and if I did, it had been forgotten.

The Wassa description uses only "red bars." We get it: the Barrys and Berrys use red bars.

Now you know: Washingtons were from the Habur-river Iberi, also called Apiru / Abiru in ancient times. These were not Israelites, but pagan dorks worshiping stars and snakes and anything but the True God. They were bent on doing their own thing, to Hell with God, if possible. It's the same today in progressive, wayward America.

I now recall my trace of Berry, France, to mythical Perdix, what I figured was code for Bari in Apulia. I had traced Perdix back further to mythical Teucer, and he had been identified, even previous to that, as a Togarmite people. Perdix, and his partner, Daedalus, were just scythians on Rhodes and Crete, and on the islands to the north-west of Rhodes. I read once of an analysis, of some tomb inscription on Crete, claiming that a ruler's name had been, "Saka."

Why is there a Septon variation of the Saxon surname? Is it from the French number, seven? Is it from Septimania in Languedoc. I do trace Joktanite Hebrews to Occitania in and around Languedoc, and I identify Joktanites as Sepharvites. What of the SEPHton variation of Saxons, therefore? Yes, I see, that Septimania must have been named after Sepharvites, the same that named the Sephardic "Jews" of Spain.

My trace of "Daphne" to "Sebannytos/Samannud" was long after tracing "Daphne" to "Sabines/Safini," wherefore I traced the latter (and their Samnite tribe) to Sebannytos. The idea cropping up here is that Sabines had been Tabali. But if Daphne's elements were in Caucasia before reaching Egypt, shouldn't her proto-Sabines trace to lake Sevan, which sounds much like "seven." In this picture, Sepharvites could have named Saphon, the mountain of Baal not far from downtown Tabal. Hmm, TaBAL, BAAL. Hmm.

The Aras river passed by not far from Sevan, and then local Armenians had Ara as a main god, but also Haik/Hayk. We can assume that Ara was a Hros Caucasian peoples leading to the Greek Ares, and that Ares or a related Hera also led to the Egyptian Horus. When the Horus cult was invaded / supplanted by Set, might the latter not have been a representation of Soducena's peoples coming to power in Egypt, for Soducena was located on lake Sevan?

There seems to have been a Soducena branch in Sittacene, in the kingdom of the Kassites. But Kassites had an Habira tribe. Do you see how well that works with the Caucasian Iberi reaching south into Mesopotamia, and finding some repose on the Habur? It just so happens that the Habur (tributary of the Euphrates) was also "Khabur," much like "Kyprus," the Aphrodite of Cyprus. Aphrodite was herself named after the Euphrates, very apparently. The point is, she was a lover of Ares, and so she was likely an Iberi peoples merged with Rus. She and he constituted the dragon that will make for Armageddon.

But Esau was there too. Yes, for the Ladon dragon that was the Ares-Aphrodite alliance must also trace to Lotan's alliance with Esau. And Esau had merged with the Armenian Haik entity honored by Hyksos at Avaris. We earlier saw Gomer-like septs of Togarmite-suspect MacIntosh's, but MacIntosh's also show Aeson-like septs, many of them (Aesons are said to be from "Aythe," but what were they before that?). And the Kabeiri, who were surely named after Kypris, were ruled by HephAEStus, official husband of Kypris=Aphrodite. The Kabeiri were founded by IASion/IASius, smacking of the Aeson > Jason line who visited Hephaestus' island before taking the golden fleece away from the Ares dragon in Colchis.

In one of Tim's recent emails, he asked me to concentrate on the Tyre-like septs of MacIntoshes, but as of last night, when I responded to him, I didn't have much to say due to the multiple possibilities. But suddenly, after writing the above, mythical Tyro, mother of the Aeson > Jason line, seems applicable. Tyro was married to Cretheus, and so we're looking at the Tyrian line to Minoans, and to Minyae.

Tocharians, who were surely Togarmites, lived in Indo-Iran amongst or beside the Assi peoples, whom I think were the same as the As/Asi that some say named Azov, home of Gomer-suspect Cimmerians. I have no problem tracing Assi to the MacIntosh septs, and to the Jason line of Minyae.

It should also be said that Iasion/Iasius (founder of the Kabeiri) was brother to Dardanus, and the latter married a daughter of Togar-like Teucer. It's the Gogi dragon cult all over, and Trojans became Romans, the iron empire that will fall the hardest at Armageddon.

Tim suggested that the Turul hawk of Hungarians might apply to MacIntosh septs.

The MacGum sept of MacIntosh's gets a Gumer/Gomer surname (Bavaria). Gomer-incidence? Why were the Gomers not listed in the MacIntosh septs? Was it due to making MacIntoshes too blatantly obvious?

MacIntoshes also show some Hyksos-like septs. One of them is the Hychesons, who use a motto identical to that of Paines. That's EXTREMELY interesting where Paines link to Payens/Pagans, for I've maintained without repentance that Payens/Pagans trace to Hyksos pharaoh, Apachnas.

The Hycheson write-up admits linkage to "viking," which does not necessarily contradict a Hycheson trace to "Hyksos." I traced "viking" to the Vexin (Normandy), where Nibelungs ruled, and it just so happens that the MacIntosh list shows Nobel, Noble and similar septs. I've maintained that Nibelungs were of Varangian vikings, and then the Noble lion is the Oxford-lion design. I trace Oxfords to an Oxonae peoples, relatives of the Varni. Nobels were first found in CUMBERland, and then Combers are likewise a MacIntosh sept.

AHA!! Not many updates ago, I linked the Esso-like septs of MacIntoshes to the Esso / Exxon company, and to its old Tony the symbol (the Kaggie, Keckie, and Keggie septs of MacIntoshes are variations roughly of Teagues). At that time, the Humble corporation owned by Exxon was traced to the Humble surname (owl in Crest) with argumentation. I was just checking the Humber surname (pellets) due to the Omber sept of MacIntosh's, which brought up Humble variations!

For me, that is enough evidence that Esso is a Gog-related entity. It could be important because the huge increase in gas prices, which no one is doing anything about, could be for the purpose of accumulating the needed funds to give globalism its boost. There are plenty of gasoline-tax dollars the world over. In that picture, oil companies could have a leading role in ruling the world, especially as global-warmer schemers are failing badly to raise funds. Although we are being led to believe that banks are failing, I think it's a ploy to enrich insider, world-class banks by bailouts they don't need. It's the world-class banks that will be in the driver's seat when the 666 system arrives. "EUROPIA" (European Petroleum Industry) adds up to 666 if the 'O' is taken as an omicron rather than an omega.

Humbles use what could be the Arms of Trebizond Empire (much like the Drummond bars), not forgetting that Trabys may use a 666 in their Arms.

What were the Romans doing at about the time of the first-known Hasmoneans? They were fighting the Poeni, otherwise known as the Hannibal Carthaginians. I trace "Hannibal" to "Heneti," and Heneti are traced to mythical Pan at Lake Van. In the last update, we saw a Syrinx character in Greek myth, lusted after by Pan. Then:

The King of the Parthians, Arsaces II, is attacked by the Seleucid king Antiochus III, who takes Hecatompylos (southeast of the Caspian Sea), the Arsacid capital and Syrinx in Hyrcania. Antiochus...forces Arsaces II to enter into an alliance with the Seleucids.

I don't have the time to check out why the location was Syrinx, or how it might apply to the myth character. I wanted to say that Hyrcanus would be a name used by a Hasmonean. What's more important at this time is the Masinissa character (born in Carthage) on that page:

Masinissa (c. 240 or 238 BC - c. 148 BC) — also spelled Massinissa and Massena — was the first King of Numidia, an ancient North African nation of ancient Libyan tribes. As a successful general, Masinissa fought in the Second Punic War (218-201 BC), first against the Romans as an ally of Carthage an later switching sides when he saw which way the conflict was going.

This is excellent because Massena is highly suspect as a Meshwesh ruler, and perhaps even the namer of Messina in Sicily. His descendant, Juba (85 - 46 BC), is "Iuba" on his coins, and he smacks of the Ubii Franks smack beside the Mattiaci (identified earlier in this update as the Massi/Mattis bloodline that I've traced to Massino-Visconti, Piedmont, and to Massa-Carrara in Tuscany).

In Massinissa's time, and up to Juba's time, Franks had not quite risen as a peoples by that name, and then one of my theories has been that the Moor elements honored by Franks (and Sinclairs) were of the Meshwesh. It is also of note that Massinissa smacks not only of the Massino-Visconti location, but of the Massin/Mason surname that I now see as the founding of Freemasonry.

Moreover, I had traced Meshwesh to the Maezaei of Illyria, and then Massinissa went to war against, and defeated, the peoples of "Masaesyli of western Numidia (present day Algeria)." Apparently, Massinissa was named after the elements that named the Masaesyli location.

If it's not a coincidence, the article above says: "Masinissa's story is told in Livy's Ab Urbe Condita (written ca. 27-25 BC)." That's a myth-based (i.e. read myth-code) history of the Romans, who trace to Illyria just north of the Maezaei, and then Maezaei are on the Urbanus/Urbas river (see map), at the mouth of which is Urbate. It makes me suspect that "Ab Urbe Condita" is code for the Urbas river. Moreover, "Condita" smacks of "VisCONTI," and of the Contevilles who led to Ranulf le Meschin. The house of Candida, moreover, was of Savoy, and the French Massey/Masse surname was first found in Savoy.

Here's an article on Numidia. We're asking whether Maccabees proper, suspect in Modena, descended from this place. We can even ask why it was a Levi-like Livy who wrote the book above. That is, do the Laevi Ligurians trace to Massinissa and/or Masaesyli? Remember, the Boii took Modena in 218 BC, the first year of the Punic war, while Massinissa was a king of Numidia.

Right off, the Numenor code of JJ Tolkien comes to mind. I kid you not, I traced Numenor to the island of Arras years before finding the MacCabes/MacAbees there only recently. The Numenor trace to Arras is recorded online in a few of my articles. I had also traced Tolkien's Sauron character to Saracens of Sicily when learning that others traced Tolkien's characters to Sicily.

Numidia was centered on Tunisia, where Carthage is located, and then I traced "Tunis" to "Tanis," the Egyptian city ruled centuries earlier by Meshwesh Egyptians. Therefore, Massinissa is suspect as from the Mus peoples that were the household of pharaoh Khyan / Apachnas. Let's not forget that MusKERRY (Ireland) was operated by a MacCARTHY surname smacking of "Carthage." Massinissa may explain Freemasonry lock, stock, and barrel, but also has the potential of leading to the chief priests of Israel. That's what's under investigation, which could continue into the next update as it's already Sunday as I write.

Massinissa lived in the period that the first-known Hasmoneans appear, and JUDAS Maccabee, who I think was the first to take that surname/title, smacks of "Juba." Moreover, in the list of Numidian kings (link above), we see a Capussa in 206 BC. He smacks of the Chaves bloodline to "Caiaphas," the Chaves bloodline that I link to the Laevi Ligurians. Carthaginians were in Liguria, and moreover, Capussa is followed by king LACUmazes (Meshwesh were also "Mazyes"), perhaps of Lacydon elements of Ligurians.

In 207-208 BC, we see the kings, Zelalsen and Ozalces, not a bad reflection of the "Salyes" LIgurians. We also see king Gala, which may have to do with my trace of Laevi to the Galli on the Halyes. I trace Galli to "Helios" and Ialysos on Rhodes, and Helios was "Sol" too, a term that may have provided "Salyes." I traced Salyes to the Urbanus river, where you see "Salviae" stamped on this Roman-Illyrian map. I was confident of the trace to Salviae because, down river, there is a Lamatis location shown that jibes with the "Lamh" term of the Sullivan motto. Moreover, in the Shropshire / Cheshire theater were the "Sales-of-Masci."


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

On this page, you will find evidence enough that NASA did not put men on the moon.
Starting at this paragraph, there is a single piece of evidence -- the almost-invisible dot that no one on the outside was supposed to find -- that is enough in itself to prove the hoax.
End-times false signs and wonders may have to do with staged productions like the lunar landing.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
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