Previous Update: April 5 - 11

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April 12 - 17, 2011

Basque Roots in Scalovia, and other Mass-ive Discoveries
Massovia, the Bed of Masonry

This past week, Obama took a cheap shot at Paul Ryan, portraying him as a flip-flopper. Paul Ryan is the one whose budget bill just passed the House, one that will cut the current debt amount nearly in half over ten years. But who in the American leadership has the justification to accuse Paul of flip-flopping. Certainly not the king of flip-flopping. Obama also accused Ryan's bill of actually raising the debt by a trillion, though he didn't say how-so, and he totally ignored his own record of raising the debt by four trillion and counting.

The shame in all this is that Obama's average approval rating for 2011 has been well above 40 percent, meaning that the approvers witness his lies and flip-flops and yet still trust in him. People cannot reliably predict what a chameleon will look like in changing environments, and the national situation is in greater jeopardy now that Donald Trump, another chameleon, is ahead in the Republican polls.

Republicans are by-and-large afraid of Obama's reprisals. Although they imply that Obama is a liar, they will not come out on record calling him a liar for fear of what political damage the Obamites will do in response [the day after I wrote that, Sarah Palin came out and accused Obama of...lying. I stand pleasantly corrected] . But Donald Trump is a different kind of parasite. Although he once gave Obama the thumbs up when it was time to disenfranchise Bush, Trump is now ready to latch on and suck the blood right out of Obama. Already, Trump has called him the worst president ever.

Republican voters are thinking that more of their Republican leaders should be more like Trump the attack-dog. The problem is, he comes with a few species of fleas too...that Democrats can pick out and make light of. Republicans are so worried that they haven't got a contender to defeat Obama in 2012 that they are over-doing the attacks. It can not only make Republicans sick and tired of hearing the same-old, but can make a political party look like coyotes on a defenseless kitten, and Obama is a proud master of slick deception able to give that impression.

But, the Obamapus can only give that impression to his victims. His sticky tentacles are fastened on his victims, didn't you realize? He survives in a different way than other bad presidents, not so much by condescending on Republicans, but rather by latching onto the heads of Democrats, sucking their brains, along with their good senses, right out of them. He's a mind controller.

Although he has nine tentacles by which to survive, the only good news is that he's reaching that number now after having suffered several deaths already. The only question is whether the cat will still have one life yet to spare for the O-12 scratch-and-win. I've been watching his numbers closely because I've had a sense that, as the False Prophet, he should be the president after 2012 regardless of his poor performance as a national leader. In fact, he is not as national leader at all because he deplores the nation.

There can be no doubt -- I speak with all sincerity -- that Obama is anti-American, like a shameless pirate driving the ship to a planned destruction on behalf of his fellow pirates. By the time that they let go of the ship's wheel to let it drift away to a rocky shore, they will have transferred its rich cargo to their own ships.

For the past two election seasons in Iraq, I'd been warning that the anti-Christ could use either one's chaos to worm himself into power. But so far as it appears, it hasn't happened. I'd suggested that the anti-Christ would arise in Nineveh province when supported there by Sunni Arabs as soon as Americans leave Iraq. The no-show can perhaps be blamed on the remaining American troops stationed/headquartered mainly in Nineveh (but then again, the remaining troops there could somehow represent the rise of the anti-Christ). I simply don't know how this will pan out, being left to guess work. Things are coming to a head for my theory, as per this April-12 message:

An Iraqi government spokesman said on April 8 that the Iraqi government is against any presence of U.S. troops in Iraq.

He rejected an offer brought by the visiting U.S. defense secretary that U.S. troops can remain in Iraq beyond 2011 if requested. The Iraqi government is against any presence of U.S. troops or other foreign troops on the Iraqi territory, he said.

The presence of U.S. troops causes internal problems in Iraq, he said, adding that the U.S. administration can not impose its will on Iraq.

It sounds as though the last American attempts to find a way to remain in Iraq is going by deaf ears. I don't know that the Americans have an iron-hand method for making the Iraqis less deaf, and even Nineveh itself opposes them at this late hour:

U.S. forces must honor their commitment to Baghdad and leave Iraq by the end of the year, tribal groups from Ninawa province declared.

...tribal leaders in the northern province of Ninawa called for the "non-extension of the presence of the U.S.," the Voices of Iraq news agency quoted the group as saying.

I'm assuming that this refers to Arab/Sunni tribal groups. I don't like to be dogmatic on my belief of the anti-Christ as a Russian Gog, for getting it right is more important than my being right. I think that the Meshech part of the Gog confederation, and the prophesied alliance with Persians, amounts to an Aryan Gog, and the fact that he's to be from Magog-roots supports that idea. But Turks and Syrians fit the Aryan mould too, at least to some extent (Turks are said to be descended from Scythians).

Russians are looking quite lame lately for an entry into Iraq, by any diabolical scheme, though I've been wondering whether the north-African intrusions by the West will launch Putin's ire to the point of replacing the American vacuum in Iraq, starting with a secret mascot, a Russian who will work on Putin's behalf. It's something I wouldn't personally predict under current circumstances, and it requires that the West intrude more deeply into Libya than Russians are comfortable with. For all we know, Russians could be making more hay of the Libyan intrusion than is called for, as an excuse to justify a betrayal of American interests in Iraq. However, if Obama is the False Prophet -- who can be expected to support a Russian Gog -- the entry of a Russian in Iraq could come by a United Nations deal that has American "consent" or even American partnership. At least, the glue between Obama and the Russian administration is there for such an outcome.

Obama, Cameron, Sarkozy publish article acknowledging new mission goes beyond UN mandate; HRW accuses Tripoli of using cluster bombs; Clinton says US helping rebels sell oil for funding.

If the West buddies up to the rebels by helping them sell oil to stay alive, won't that get the West to have lower purchase prices on Libyan oil? And it also gives the West an "acceptable" excuse to defend oil cities/towns/regions in particular. The administration and France together are doing what they accused Bush of doing in Iraq.

When Obama turned the Libyan war to NATO, we all knew that American fighter jets would still be in it. Obama is a sneak that wouldn't want us to realize it, but even still the news did come out as expected:

The Pentagon revealed for the first time [April 13] that U.S. fighter jets have continued to strike Libyan air defenses after turning the mission over to NATO.

Pentagon spokesman Col. Dave Lapan said the jets were assigned to NATO...part of the enforcement of the no-fly zone [it should be called, we-fly-alone zone].

...Add in aerial refueling, reconnaissance and electronic jamming missions and the U.S. is flying 35 percent of all the NATO missions.

The Lapan surname in that article caught my eye as per the Halybe-Lapith equation that I hold to, and moreover I suspect that "Libya" itself was an H-less "Halybe." Checking for a Lapan surname, it turns out to look much like the Childs Coat. The Childs surname introduced in the last update as a Khaldi clan. Co-incidence? The Shields are both red, suggesting the RothsCHILDS, perhaps.

Checking further, "Lapp" was entered to find a Labbe variation and a white-on-red rose, the color of the Tryst rose (the Hebron surname, with red-on-white rose, uses a "tryst" motto term, and can be expected to have fundamental links to Halybes and Khaldi if the latter are from Caleb-ite Jews).

After checking the Laban surname to find no Coat shown for a first-found-in-Brittany clan, "Labon" was tried to find yet another red-on-white chevron (the colors of the Hebron chevron that figured significantly in the last update). However, the Labon surname (Dutch) is shown properly as "Bon/Bone." It's possible that any surname starting with "La" could develop into a La-less variation even though it was not that way to begin with. The Laban symbol is officially a "pile."

The Pine surname was just checked as per "Lapine," a shown variation of the Lapans), and there was yet another white-on-re d chevron! The Pines were traced to "PENdragon" and to "Payen, and I see that the Paines/Paynes are in the red-and-white colors. The Templar grandmaster, Hugh de Payen, belonged to ChamPAGNE elements.

Hmm, the Arms of Champagne look quite like the English Bone/Bonne Coat. I had repeatedly traced this Bone/Bonne surname to Bellamys, and as the latter were from Bellovesus Gauls from Provence and neighboring Dauphine, note that French Bones/Lebons (white-on-red crescent, the colors of the Dutch Bon/Labon crescent), showing a dolphin (the Arms-of-Dauphine symbol), were first found in Provence. Then, the Payens/Pagans were first found in Dauphine.

If we wonder what the Hebron surname might have developed into, perhaps the white-on-red Bron surname (bears). From that idea, it just could be that the Brown and Bruno surnames apply to Hebron elements (not necessarily the Calebite Jews of Hebron, but it's possible). I traced the Bruno line of Brunswick to the bear-depicted Bernicians (of Bryneich and Berwick(shire)).

Scottish Browns use fleur in colors reversed to the Pendragon fleur, and in the colors of the Penns.

WOW! After writing all the above, I came to the Scottish Bernes (white on red again), using THREE HUMAN LEGS. The only reason that I mentioned the red-and-white Paines/Paynes above was for Julie, who had led us to the Fussen/Foetes location of Bavaria, the Arms of which use three human legs. It's very clear to me that this Bavarian location was a Ligurian>Lug one, and to that end I've shown that the Scottish Oliver surname (red-on-white chevrons), which I trace to Laevi Ligurians from the Bellovesus Gauls, uses a "foedera" motto term. I had suggested that this term was code for the Foetes location, but now I can report, not only that the Paine/Payne Coat uses "foedari," but that the Shield is identical to the Scottish Berne Shield!

Also, the Paine/Payne motto is exactly the Molloy motto, while the latter's Crest is the same oak tree as in the English Oliver Coat.

If that's not enough, I just checked the other Oliver Coats for relevance, and found a gold-on-blue fleur-de-lys in the Italian Oliver Coat, the symbol of the Brown/Brune Coat!!

The Brown motto term, "Floreat," must be for Florence (Italy), for the Bruno surname (in Brown-surname colors) was first found in Florence. The Arms of Florence is a (red and white) fleur-de-lys, and as I linked the Brown fleur to the Masci fleur (surname first found in interior Liguria), I can add that the Florence fleur colors are those of the Massey fleur. The Macey and Mackay branches use "muzzled" bears, and were linked to Bernicians for that reason, for muzzled bears are used also by the Berwick surname (Bernicians lived in Berwickshire).

I should add that the Payen/Pagan Coat uses Zionist stars in the colors of the Zionists stars of the Bavarian Weis clan. The muzzled bears were traced, tentatively, to the saddled bear of Corbinian of Bavaria.

The theory, borrowed from Greenway 7 (who doesn't write anymore, I never did know why she stopped), is that "chevron" is a symbol of Hebron elements. I have traced Guiscard to the Samson cult and linked that latter to Hebron elements, especially the Caleb-ite Jews. And so Tim's recent email should be mentioned when he reminded me of an aging idea he'd had, that while there is no Haute Coat, there is a Hawthorne Coat using the Tancred red-on-white chevron, and cinquefoils in the colors of the Tankerville cinquefoils.

The Haw/Haugh/Hause Coat also uses red cinquefoils. I say that cinquefoils were a symbol of the Cinque Ports, the five cities (on the Kent border region) taken from England's Saxons by the Conqueror's invasion. The axes, sometimes said to be Saxon axes, used in the Hauxwell Coat could indicate a Hauxwell=Haugh equation, especially as the Haughs use a Hause variation. The German Haus/Hausel Coat (blue Shield like the Haughs) shows sickles (code for "Sicels?) called "scythes" instead of axes, but Saxons are thought by some to have been from Saka-branch Scythians.

The HAWThorn link to HAUTevilles is very compelling, therefore, because the Guiscards of Sicily were from a Tancred character of Hauteville, and because Tancreds and Tankervilles were essentially identical. The Tankerville write-up is important for a topic below, as per an important email from YS, that I scheduled to write on in this update:

First found in Lincolnshire...This [Tankerville] family has to be considered one of the premier Norman families of all time. Tradition has it that they are descended from Tancred who lived in 912 A.D. and whose fief in Normandy was named Tanerdevilla. Descended was Gerold, Sire de Tankcarville who had three sons, Ralph, who was Chamberlain and Guardian to William [the Conqueror]...Ralph's son William was Treasurer to King Henry 1st, and Justice of England. He married Matilda, the daughter of William, the Viscount d'Arques...

YS sent in an article on a co-founder of the Syrian Baath party, with Arsuzi surname. As per my wild claim that the two official founders, Bitar and Aflaq, were from Rothschild-related British bloodlines of Bitar and Aflack, I started to search for Arsuzi-surname links to British clans, and found it related to the D'Arques (first found in Kent).

Here is that story. The first Coat arrived to was that of the Spanish Arzu/Arsu surname, using the now-illegal metal on metal, or white on gold. By this time already, I had been entertaining that this surname was a soft-c version of Arca-like terms that to the Brits and Greeks meant "bear."

The Dutch Arsen Coat came next with what could be deemed a white saltire on gold, and yet it uses black and gold, colors that would soon come up again. The Arson black and gold are in check(er)s, the only symbol in the Spanish Major(domo) Coat. After noting that the Spanish Majors were from BAZtan, and ignoring for the time being the Bath-like look of "Baz," I entered the latter term to find a black-on-gold eagle. Then, as per the shown Bez/Baez variations, I recalled the Spanish "Baes/Pelaize Coat...with black and gold checks!!

As per the Aerssen-and-similar variations of the Arsons, the Ayers (of Ayrshire) came to mind, and there was a Coat using gold (quatrefoil) on black again. As I trace Ayers to Kyles of Ayrshire, and they to Piast Poles, I should mention that I had traced the Baez/Pelaize surname to Scottish Pollocks and therefore to Piasts as well.

After viewing the Ayers Coat, the Austrian (shows an Arts variation) was arrived to, using white metal on gold metal, suggesting linkage with the Spanish Arsu/Arsu clan. The Arz/Arts Coat uses a gold arrow on a white bar, smacking to me of Rothschilds, who were, as the Bauers/Bowers, also first found in Austria.

Compare the Arz/Arts Coat with the Heidler and Hiedler/Hitler Coats (the latter uses Bauer stars). Then, as I had traced the latter two surnames to the Heid Coat, see the single arrow, pointed in the same direction, and on the same type bar, as the single Arz/Arts arrow.

The white anchor (Kyle-Crest symbol) of the Heidlers was traced to the same in the Hood/Hutt Crest, but now I can add that a white-on-blue anchor (the Heidler-anchor colors) is found in the Paisley Coat, important because I had traced "Pelaize" to "Paisley"...which is what helped to link the Baez/Pelaize surname to Pollocks, for the latter were first found in Renfrewshire, where Paisley is important (also, the Pollock saltire is half found in the Baez/Pelaize Coat).

As per the Kyle link I make to the Khaldi>Celt line through the KOLODziej-Piast Poles, see the Arzx/Arts write-up: "...Countess Himeltrud von Arz, who married Percifal von KALDoess [caps mine] around 1007. The Bishop Vigilius of Trento lent the family lands in KALTern [caps mine]...Later, the main line of this family became known as Arz von Wasegg." Mythical Percival of the Arthurian cult comes to mind.

Next, "Arzio" was entered to find a Germano-Swiss surname with that variation shown alongside "Arx." The Arzio/Arx Shield (in the colors of the Arks/Arches) smacks a little of the Heidler and Hiedler Shields, but in any case I think that the Darks/D'Arques came to mind at this point. I noted the Spanish Arce(s) clan with black-on-gold stripes, first found in Burgos (Basque-region Spain), the general vicinity that the Arzu/Arsu clan was first found. As the Spanish Basques trace to Gascony, where I see the Wassa>Washington surname developing, note the similarity with "Arz von Wasseg" above.

"Artes" was then entered to find another gold and black Coat, colors of the Arsons, which I say because the Artes page shows an "Artson." They are said to have originated in Artois.

THEN, WOW, "Arres" was entered to find another gold-on-black Coat, only this time the gold symbols was on a fat black cross...just like the Bitar and Aflack crosses!!! The Welsh Bath Coat uses the same cross in white.

The strongarm in the Bitar Crest is a Rothschild symbol, explaining why it holds a bow. THEN see the fat black (saltire) cross in the Dark/D'Arques Coat, and the strongarm in the Dark/D'Arques Crest!!!

The Darks and the Patricks were not only both first found in Kent, but they both use a black-on-white saltire. It can't be coincidental that Scottish Kilpatricks use "I make sure" as a motto, while Irish Kilpatricks are also the "Shera" surname. As I trace Patricks to Crete's labrys-axe entity, note the Irish Kilpatrick motto phrase, "Ceart laidir." I also trace Patricks to Crete's Perdix cult, depicted by a partridge, the symbol of the Char(d) Coat. I'm suggesting Char(d) links to the Shera portion of the Kilpatricks.

I've just checked the Sheer surname, and found it conspicuous that they were first found in Sheer-like Surrey. It took me a minute to realize that "Sark," a term I tentatively linked to "Dark" (the reasoning behind the formation of both surnames doesn't lend itself to the link, however), is a variation of the Surrey/Surrich surname. The Sheers had been linked to the Sarahs and Sauers (Sava-river roots, traced back to Crete's Perdix cult), while the talbot dog and a motto term ("Cherches") of the English Sauers links to the Carricks by way of the latter's black talbot, the symbol of the Sheer Crest too.

"Carrick" and "Surrick" could be related, and besides, I had connected the Sherry dancette to the same of the Carrick Coat, and was able to trace the dancette to a Germany location, EusKIRCHEN, with a Cherch-like portion. I now see that the black-on-white cross in the Arms of Euskirchen could link to the same in the proposed Baath-party bloodlines, and besides, the Patricks (also using a black-on-white cross) is where the Shera>Sherry topic began.

Easkirchen was found in an investigation on neighboring Nurburg's founding, at Adenau, where I traced Nahorites=Danaans, whom were recognized as integral allies of Saracens. Near Nurberg is Saarland, you see. This paragraph above, and the mention of Euskirchen, was inserted after the next sentence was written, with no consideration of the Nurburg theater.

I should add that while I traced Sarks/Surreys to the Traby/Sadowski Poles, the English Sauers/Sawyers also use "trouveras," a Traby/Drava-like motto term.

Then, while at the Saarland article, there was this: "The region of the Saarland was settled by the Celtic tribes of Treveri..." I did trace the Sava/Sau-river clans to Saracens, and now we can trace them to Saarland, quite apparently. The Treveri article tells about " Variants such as Treberi..."

If I'm correct that the Talbot clan was a Seleucid bloodline, then, as per the heraldic talbots above, as they link (as just described) to the proposed roots of the Baath party founders, it amounts to a faint Baath link to Seleucids. That's important to me because I supposed, years ago, that the neo-Seleucid anti-Christ would join the Syrian and/or Iraq Baathists...because I guess-timated that the neo-Seleucid empire would be the Baathist party.

As you can read at Wikipedia's article on Arsuzi, it was possibly he who coined the "Baath" party's name even though it was taken over by Bitar and Aflaq (the Bitars are also "Buttar" i.e. very "Bath-like). Therefore, I'm convinced, big thanks to YS, that Arsuzi was from the Arres bloodline.

A variation of the Arres clan is "Arrow." The write-up has them settled in Dumfries, but note the origin: "They were descended from Bagod of Arras who was descended from the Carloviginian, Count of Artois." Therefore, while connection to the Artes/Arsons of Artois is apparent, connection to the Arz/Arts arrow is likewise apparent...not at all meaning necessarily that it's not also the Rothschild arrow.

The Bagot-Coat write-up mentions Bagot d"Artas."

Kris sent in a video on similarities between Nazis and Communist mass murders. If you have the stomach to watch, you will witness the Satan doctrine...itching to come round to Christians in the tribulation period. BUT, Ukrainians and Jews of Germany were not the Elect. The latter have God's utmost concerns.

The video is gruesome while informative. I suggest you keep in mind: 1) the Bauer-like stars in the Hiedler/Hitler Coat, 2) the theory of many, that Communism started in 1917 with Lenin, a Marxist puppet of the "Jewish" Rothschilds, 3) the Bavarian Illuminati, founded by a "Jew," propagated Marxist socialism, 4) Karl Marx (a "Jew") was himself a leading member of the Bavarian Illuminati, and, 5) Rothschilds of Britain were involved, shortly before the formation of Communism, in socialist "Fabian" societies of Britain. The video is here:

That long of a bloodline detour was unintended. Back to the Russian-Gog topic and Libya. This was out on April 15:

Russia calls for the urgent political and diplomatic settlement in Libya, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said after the Friday meeting of the Russia-NATO Council.

...The future of Libya must not be determined with external ultimatums; "it must be determined with the encouragement of everyone wishing a new Libya to hold peace talks," the minister said.

..."...There have been proposals to use resolution 1973 for starting up a land operation. The resolution does not provide this option. The UN Security Council did not authorize that," Lavrov said.

...The UN Security Council did not authorize a change of the political regime in Libya, Lavrov said in comment on the statement of the U.S., British and French leaders who said that the NATO operation in Libya would continue until the retirement of Muammar Gaddafi.

It definitely sounds as though the Russians want-in on a Libyan solution, one that keeps Gaddafi in his place. The West seems adamant in ousting him, spelling a broken spring in the reset button. Should we start predicting what the Russian nationalists will do in retaliation when Gaddafi is ousted? Will Medvedev save the reset spring? He's been heard making mild growls to the effect of taking sides with a Gaddafi ouster.

The Libya brawl comes just as Putin-ites are set to win a globalist recognition/participation:

Russia may start entering into the World Trade Organization (WTO) in summer 2011, Deputy Prime Minister -- Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin said at the spring session of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

Russia and its partners need only "a few months" for settling technical problems, he said. "We would like to complete this job and begin the accession process in summer," he said.

...He confirmed the Russian adherence to economic liberalization...

"Economic liberalization" can be defined as Pandora's cat out of the bag, or the day that mankind's troubles went global. Or, the race to control world markets. "[Kudrin] said Russia was fully prepared to start the fulfillment of its agreements with the United States and Europe as soon as the formalities were complete. 'There is no need for doing any extra work,' Kudrin remarked." Do these noises come forth for halting the West's horses in the Libyan brawl?

Or, if the wider West wants to snub the Russians yet again in its WTO bid, could Obama be Russia's salvation? Even if the O wants to play savior here, what if his fellows deny him the role? Will the Russians then hiss and go let Pandora's tiger out into the Middle East.

I'm looking for just such a conflict between the two super-powder-puffs. As per derm-apologist Obama, the cold war has been diminished into milder cold sores. Dr. O-pimples solution is to cake the blemished face of the cold-war situation with make-up-and-believe.

Get ready world, for Obama appears poised to make the Russians look like a beautiful woman fresh out of Fast-Track Salon, and blazing her way into In-Style Footwear for a new kind of boots. It's been out with the war boots since Gorbachev went Western, but not until now have we seen Russian footwork donning wet-look black leather thigh-highs, the kind that a soul-sacrificing prostitute exploits for attracting new customers...such as the O-pimpa. There's no better way to describe the end-time situation, for even Revelation uses the same language.

For your information, "The WTO was established on January 1, 1995, as the successor to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) that had been operating since 1947. This is the only international body supervising world trade. The WTO has the status of a UN specialized agency. It is headquartered in Geneva. The WTO has 153 members at present." Isn't the Biblical prostitute a world trade organization, according to Revelation 18?

YS had commented on Syrian-president Assad's strange eyes. I too see something almost inhuman about his countenance. Others tell me about Putin's eyes. How may devils do we expect in the last-days circus? Certainly more than one. One of the first things I check with a candidate for anti-Christ is whether I can see satan in his face as he talks. I don't know that I've ever seen Assad other than in still photos.

Perhaps Gog will be a woman. "Lady" Gaga. What a tramp she likes to become. What anti-Christian scum now fills her record. When the people are not afraid to allow such things to prosper, on the heels of the blasphemous Madona, you know the end times have all but ripened. Look at the line-up of homosexuality that drives her boat: "Inspired by glam rock artists like David Bowie, Elton John and Queen, as well as pop singers such as Madonna, Michael Jackson, and Amy Winehouse, Gaga is well-recognized...The first song she produced with RedOne was 'Boys Boys Boys', a mash-up inspired by Motley Crue's 'Girls, Girls, Girls' and AC/DC's 'T.N.T.'"...'I was onstage [stripping] in a thong...go-go dancing to Black Sabbath and singing songs about oral sex. The kids would scream and cheer...'"

Freedom America.

Shut your eyes for a little while until the Fury has passed by, and know that sexual deviants enjoy sex the least, which is why they are ever seeking satisfaction. Sexual gratification is a gift from God for those who know how to treat it right. It's always best when you love someone, when it comes with tenderness and deep, committed mutual affection, appreciation, and gratitude. Sexuality was hi-jacked by horny Satyrs and Centaurs of old, so to speak, and the pagans never recovered. Using images today, neo-pagans seek to bring Satyrs back to life, but isn't it obvious that porn is a strong lure to a living death, a walking corpse? True freedom is freedom from the Gagas of the world.

Lady Gaga's mother was a Bisset, a surname first found in Ross-Shire and quite apparently linked to the Drummonds of Ross-shire's founding. I'm sure I read that Bissets were Bassets, who use the Scottish Drummond Shield. The Basset motto has been linked to the Patterson motto because Scottish Pattersons were first found in Ross-shire. As I said that the Scottish flag, "Andrew's Cross," was in honor of the father of the Drummonds, king Andrew I of Hungary, so see that the Bisset Shield is half the Scottish flag. Thus, Lady Gaga may be an Illuminati con-job for corrupting the world as best she can get away with, and her rave reviews may be paid for by Illuminati groups for to deceive the youth into making her a "star."

Now, as her father's (Italian) surname is, Germanotta, see the Drummond-like waves in the German Coat! WOW, and look (I tell it as I find it), the German German surname was first found in Hamburg, where the German Drummonds were first found!!

I wasn't going to re-mention my trace of the Bissets to Bessin elements of Normandy, nor the Bessin trace back to the Polish king, Bezprym (= Mieszko line to the Meschins of the Bessin)...until I came across the Italian German Coat, white stars on blue. Nor was I going to re-mention that entering "Best" (as per seeking Basset/Bisset kin) brought up the Bes/Bez Coat's white-on-blue star that I traced to "Bezprym," until I came across the Italian German Coat.

Therefore, the Gaga tramp is a Drummond on both sides. The Drummonds were Varangian Rus on their mother's side (because king Andrew was in-part from the daughter of the Varangian royals of Kiev), and this is why it seems all-the-more likely to me that Drummonds founded and named the Ros(s) clan of Ross-shire. The point is, Varangians of Kiev were royally merged with Slav Rus (don't know if they were Rus aside from contact with Varangians), and the latter honor an ancestor god, Rod, spouse of Rozanica, and these Rosicrucian-suspect entities were of a witch cult called, Baba Yaga. We can see that "Yaga" modifies in Germanic places to "Gaga,"and in fact there is online talk about Lady Gaga being a witch.

I think that "witch" is from "Wicca," and that the latter is from "viking," or from the roots of "viking," which I see in Normandy's "Vexin," near Evreux. The Varangians were vikings, and I think Rod was a god tracing to "Rhodes," where I in fact trace Varangian Rus via Redones/Ruthene of France. There were Slav-branch Ruthene, and so I should add that there was a Rhodope region on the Hebros (Slav theater) that I link to Rhodes. I trace "Slav" to "Chalybes, who lived on the Halys river depicted by "Helios," the Galli-cult god of Rhodes. Moreover, the Halybes were roughly the same as the Khaldi, who lived in Thermodon, where I trace "Drummond," but also where I trace the Amazon-rooted Masseys/Meschins.

If that's not enough, I traced the father of Ranulf le Meschin to Malahule of the Rollo-Rus line of More, and figured independently that these Rus had been of the Varangian family. The Rollo-Rus had been traced (by me) in-part to the Mures river (Slav theater) that linked with Moray (smack beside Ross-shire)...that used blue-on-white stars.

Moreover, I've tentatively traced Khaldi to Piast KOLODziej the Wheelwright, in which case the related Halybes look like they named Poland's Elbe to the Vistula, where Masovians lived. Helios was depicted with a chariot/cart wheel, and I trace "KOLODziej" to the wagon-wheel-using Coulters, who use the same "Catherine Wheel" as the Carters. Lady Gaga's manager is Troy Carter.

I had traced the Moray stars of the Piast dynasty to its Moravian ancestry in king SvatoPLUK. Masovia, in Poland, has a capital, Plock, and for all I know, which is an idea I don't recall having before, the Jewish could be a single Drummond wave. It's in the colors of the English German waves. Remember, I trace the Meshwesh/Maxyes/Mazyes from Libya to Poland, and the Scottish Pollock surname is a sept of the Maxwells and Maxtons.

In the Baba Yaga article above, it looks like the Massey and/or Meschin link to the Pollock/Plock clan is implied: "...Singer also mentions that the Mazovians believed in 'many lesser babas' and 'little imps called dziads'. In his novel The King of the Fields, Baba Yaga was a goddess to whom the prehistoric Poles made sacrifices."

While I traced Meschins in-part to Legh-surnamed Ligurians, and saw signs of these in Poland, I should add that Masovians were "a Lechitic tribe." On the Masovian tribe of Masurians: "Support for the Nazi Party was high in Masuria..." Masurians are said to be of Prussian elements, and it just so happens that the Mieske surname was first found in Prussia. We also read:"Mazur remains the 14th most common surname in Poland with almost 67,000 people bearing the name."

In the Masuria article: "They spoke a language now known as Old Prussian and followed pagan Prussian mythology." In other words, the Masovians were not Germanics, but were whatever Prussians were. I ventured to trace "Prussia" to "Pressina," the mother of the dragon goddess, Melusine. She is in the Massin/Mason Crest as a mermaid. She is apparently the mermaid in the Arms of Warsaw, and this large Polish city happens to be in the Massovian province. I just wrote Nicholas de Vere informing, among other things, that Veres were Masseys and that Melusine is used in the Arms of Vere-like Warsaw.

Some of you know that I trace the Massin motto to the British Speers and Sprees, and then back to the Spree river of Lusatia, and that I say Pressina depicted Lusatians (of Luzica) as they evolved into the Lusignans (near Anjou, where Vere-related Melusine was a major factor), who were represented by Melusine proper, as WIKIpedia's article on Lusignan verifies.

[Zowie. "Masson" was entered an hour or so after the above paragraph, a spelling I don't recall trying before, and the Mathie/Mann Coat came up with "Spero" motto term.]

There is a French Masson/Mason surname with what should be the Bez/Bes>Moray star. These Masons should be related to the Messiers because both use the same colors, and both were first found in Burgundy. That's very conspicuous of a small Mason location, which I think is in Burgundy. Nibelungs were rooted Burgundians from when the latter were still in their Norse location of Bornholme. I see Nibelungs as a fundamental part of the Varangians proper in the Netherlands/Friesland. I trace them to mythical Nephele, wife/mate of wheel-depicted Ixion...who was identified in the last update as Iasion, founder of the transvestite Kabeiri cult.

Nibelungs ruled in the Vexin, but were also in Friesland, which is smack beside the town of Wieringen, a location ruled by the Varangian, Rurik, having the same name of the Varangian who brought Varangians to Kiev (I think they were the same man). I traced Nibelungs to the homosexual cult of the god Atun, founded in-part by Nefertiti, an Egyptian queen that some think was the pharaoh's transvestite lover. I see "Atun" and "NEFERtiti" in "Autun" and adjacent "Nevers," French regions very near Mason. It's not a surprise to some that Masons are an all-male cult because they are founded by a disgusting brood of queer boxes.

I ventured to trace "Prussia" to the Abrussi/Abruzzo elements that put forth royal Brusi=Bruces of the Scottish-rite Masons, and have argued that the Massin blue lion is the Bruce lion, from Bruges, Belgium, where there is a Prussia-like Brussels that is now the EU capital, and where the Louvains lived that use the Massin lion exactly...because they were merged together in Kent. The Abruzzo capital at one time, Aprutium, is now Teramo, smacking of Thermodon>Drummond. This Italian city was Aphrodite, the wife of the Kabeiri lord.

The Mazur branch of the Masovians should be investigated in surnames. Entering Mazur for the first time just now brings up a Dutch clan using a castle design that I see often...but cannot recall one surname that uses it. BUT, one can see that it's quite the reflection of the Abreu castle!!!

The French Masses/Masseys, with Masser variation, were first found near Burgundy, in Savoy, and should link to Massino-Visconti of neighboring Piedmont. Entering "Maser" brings up the English Massey Coat (I don't recall knowing this before), and the latter (it's the Vere Shield) reflects the Dutch Mackay/Macki Coat, wherefore one can easily make the Dutch-Mazur link to Masseys. The Machlen variation of the Dutch Mackays suggests "Mechlen(burg)."

Remember, there is a Maas river in Holland, after which Maastricht was named.

I've shown the Massar lion a few times and suggested that it's the Kent-surname lion standing up. I trace Ixion and Nephele's offspring, the Centaurs (= myth code for the Heneti>Veneti line of Aphrodite>Venus), to Kent's Cantii founders, and it just so happens that the Rollo Rus were linked to Savoy's house of Candida/Candie.

I've linked Massars to Mackesys and therefore to Mackies (the latter two use the same lion) due to the similarity of their Coats' border designs.

In the Old-Prussian article, we see evidence of a "Prussia" trace to the Abreu>Bruce line: "...the very name of Prusa (Prussia), for which an earlier Brus- is found in the map of the Bavarian Geographer. In Tacitus' Germania, the Lugii Buri are mentioned living within the eastern range of the Germans." I would suggest the Eburovices of northern Italy as they merged with Ligurians, for I trace the Abreus to Eburovices of Normandy.

Veres use a so-called wyvern dragon, defined as one with no front legs, wings instead, and a pointed tail. That's the species in the Arms of the Dutchy of Masovia. The Wyvern is shown alongside the so-called "Piast eagle."

We've heard the phrase, "Master Mason," and so see the Masters-surname Coat, in Massin/Mason colors. AND, like the Massins/Masons, Masters were first found in Kent. The Maas river is also the Meuse, and when one enters "Meuse," a Yorkshire clan comes up in Master and Massin colors. The blue Bruce lion, from Belgium (i.e. near the Meuse river) was a Bruce-of-Yorkshire symbol.

The Masters use the griffin heads of the Tolkiens, also first found in Kent, and these are the Leslie griffin heads too, important because I trace proto-Leslies to Lusatian elements, but also found proto-Leslies in Padovia, where the Abreus/Abruzzos were first found. The same griffin head is used by the West Crest, and that surname could therefore link to "Vistula." Plock and Masovia are on the VIStula river, conspicuous where I trace Massins/Masons to Massino-VISconti. Hmm, was "Vis-conti" a Vistula entity in cahoots with Candida?

My link of the Sicilian Guiscards, who were the Scottish Wishards, to the Viscontis on the one hand, and to Poles on the other, now bears down hard. This is especially so where Guiscard allied himself with a Sicilian Samson cult. The Meschin scallops trace to Sicily, says lonely me, and so I should mention the Mazzars first found in Sicily!!! Their simple black Chief may link to the black Mazzi bar.

The Mazzi Coat uses red-on-white roses, as does the Spanish Madeira Coat. The latter uses blue and white bars, colors found in the Mazzar Shield. I say this because I suspected that "Madeira" was a Mazzar variation. I looked up "Madeira" just now because the Abreu entity was in the first place introduced in my dragon hunt after I rented a place from an Abreu-surnamed landlady, whose father's side was from the Portuguese island of Madeira. I then learned that there is a surname, Masci-Abreu, or Abreu-Masci.

It's known that mythical Muses infested the Silician theater. NOW LOOK: "The Scalovians...was a Baltic tribe belonging to Prussians. According to the Chronicon terrae Prussiae of Peter of Dusburg, the now extinct Scalovians inhabited the land of Scalovia south of the Curonians and Samogitians, by the lower Neman River ca. 1240." When I see a Scylla-like entity together with a Samo term, I think of the Meschin scallops that are in the colors of the Samson scallops. Therefore, I would venture to trace Scalovians to Sicily's Scylla "monster." On the map (here's the larger version, click it to enlarge further) at the article below, we see "Sambians" next to Scalovians.

The Scalovian article mentions that the had "occasional graves of horses." It reminds me of an article I once read on the Minyae Greeks, who buried horses with their nobles. I say this because Scalovia is said to have a river Minija in it's north-west stretches. Moreover, as we know that mythical Atalantis was one of the passengers on the Minyae-infested Argo ship, so we find in the Minija-river article that one of its tributaries is the Alantas.

Now, consider that we expect the Hephaestus Kabeiri in the Scalovian theater because Aphrodite has been traced there. See on the map above the Berezina river, smacking of "Abruzzo." The Kabeiri cult was founded on Samos, and so see the Samogitians to the north of the Scalovians. Then as Hephaestus' personal island was Lemnos, add to this picture that the Argo ship visited Lemnos and mated there with its Amazon inhabitants as though the two peoples were close allies or even equivalent bloodlines. Does anyone remember or know of my trace of the Minyae to the Samson cult?

Atalantis was queen of Calydon, a place I trace to the Khaldi, and because they with Halybes were iron/metal inventors and smelters, I identified Hephaestus as the Halybes and their Galli relatives. Might the Semigallians (on the map to the north of the Samogitians) be a branch of those Galli?

The Sclavian variation of Scalovians may even be an S-fronted version of "Chalybe." To support this idea, the northern side of Scalovia was also called, Klaipeda. Ask if the Livonians, shown, were from "Halybe" elements.

If true that there was an S-fronted Chalybes branch in the Scalovians, might the Scylla monster have been such a term? The fellow monster of Scylla was CALABria. Calabria was also Bruttium, smacking of Aprutium=Aphrodite. At the north end of Bruttium was a Hales river, near Eburum, smacking of the Hebros river (Thrace) to which I traced the Charybdis monster. Eburum was at mount Alburnus, a term that was a variation of the ExCALIBUR sword.

Scalovia was next to Curonia, called by a Cour term too. Hmm. A Coruna in northern Spain uses scallops.

Entering "Curon" brings up a Coat (Belgian) much like the Massi/Mattis Coat. The Curons were in Brabant, and that evokes the Louvains of Kent as they use the Massin/Mason lion of Kent. I say this because I know that the Brabant surname was likewise first found in Kent. Therefore, already it appears that the Curon surname stems from the Curonians, not far from Masovians.

I recall tracing the Massi/Mattis Coat to the Stewart Coat and therefore tracing the Massis to the proto-Stewarts of Brittany. I repeat this because entering "Cour" (besants) brings up a clan first found in Brittany.

ZOWIE. After writing that, I checked the Court surname because the Cour page shows such a variation, and there was yet another Massi/Mattis-like Coat, suggesting strongly that Cours and Courts were from Curonians!!! The A'Court variation smacks of "A Coruna," and I do see that the A-Coruna scallops are gold on blue, the Cour and Court colors.

THEN, the Cory Coat shows the griffins used by Tolkiens and Masters of Kent! I had just suggested that the same griffins, used by the Wests, traces to "Vistula."

The Cory surname had been tentatively linked to Leicester's earlier name, named after the CORIEtauvi. I had traced "Cory" further to "Cork" just because the Corys were first found in Cork.

WOW. The English Cory Coat used the Patrick saltire, and Patricks were first found in Kent too! The Cory Chief uses cinquefoils (fully expected for Kent elements) in the colors of the A Coruna scallops, which is important because I had traced the Patterson scallops to the A Coruna scallops, and Pattersons are said to be from Patricks! Leicestershire itself uses a cinquefoil. I must therefore trace the Corys and the Corietauvi to the Curonians way over on the north-east side of Europe.

The Cork surname was first found in CORNwall, that location founded by the Cornovii, thought by some to have been from Spain! There was another Cornovii peoples in Caithness, and the latter is where I had just traced Pattersons (see the Myth Codes 101 link at bottom of this page).

I just hit euphoria. Convinced that Curonians were in A Coruna, and knowing that this was downtown Basque-ville, I wondered whether the mysterious origin of Basques was from the Curonian theater. But whom in that theater were they, I wondered? I first sought a Bask-like entity, and then thought of "Euskal," what the Basques called themselves. Then I let out a long "aaaawwwwweeee" as both hands went to my temples in absolute amazement. Euskal = Scalovians!!!!

No one in the world seems to know where Basques originated, aside from some who say they were in Finland!!! So, now we know, the Scalovians on the Finnish frontier. We get it.

When I was tracing Pattersons to A Coruna, I also saw faint reason to trace Meschins there, but I didn't emphasize it thereafter. Now it appears that Masovians should have been there. There was a third group of Cornovii (Midlands)...smack next to the Corietauvi!!! I'm learning this as I write, and it's staggering. "[Cornovii] territory was bordered by the Brigantes to the North, the Corietauvi to the East..." This was in the Shropshire theater where Meschins were first found.

And one reason that I saw Meschins in the A Coruna theater was for the Brigantium stamped on this map of Spanish Iberia (A Coruna is a little to Brigantium's east). Is Brigantium here not conspicuous alongside the Brigantes tribe that lived beside the Cornovii? Ranulf le Meschin's father was a Briquessart, and I saw him as being from Brigantes elements.

In the Corietauvi article, it's said that the people trace to "the magical race called the Coraniaid in the medieval Welsh tale Lludd and Llevelys." "Lludd" is certainly a term expected from Lada-worshipping Lithuanians, and "Llevely" smacks of the Halybes that I just thought I saw in the Lithuanian/Livonian theater. As I expected the Galli in the same theater, note that Brigantium was a part of Galicia.

In the Galicia article: "Its component provinces are A Coruna, Lugo, Ourense and Pontevedra. It is bordered by PortuGAL [caps mine] to the south." "Ourense" with "Coruna" smacks of Uranus, father of Cronus. It is believed that mythical Geryon was in A Coruna (it looks like he could have depicted it), and for me Geryon and his fog, Orthos, represented part of ancient western Atlantis that spread to Cornwall and Wales (think Orthos=ORDOvices, neighbors of the Cornovii).

It should be added that Lusitanians, to the south of Brigantium, are thought by some to have been named after Lug elements, perhaps linking with Lugo above. Leicestershire's river was Lug-like, though also Lech-like, as in Poland's Lechs. Out of this fog it's beginning to appear possible that pre-Saxon, Roman-era Brits were linked to elements of Poland-Lithuania (many centuries before the Meschin Poles arrived), and these should later have been incorporated into the Arthurian cult (of Saxon times), since after all they appear to be Halybe relatives of that cult's Calabrian/Sicilian elements. Hmm, the north side of Calabria, where Alburnus was located, was LUCania...perhaps the proto-Lechs.

But what could the pre-Saxon Polish elements have been inside Britain? The latter was then called, Alba, smacking of Poland's Elbe river. And Caithness, suspect for housing Curonians>Cornovii, went by a Halybe-like "Gallaibh" term. The Brits of Brittany must have merged with these Halybes of (proto)Poland, and that's where the Veneti of Vannes (Brittany) could come in, for Poland had a Venethi location. I'm thinking that the Vandals/Wends of Venethi had founded Vannes. Hmm, I suggested that Vannes, also called, "Gwened," was king Arthur's "wife."

AND Gwynedd in Wales is where I located mythical Geryon from the start of my dragon hunt, regardless that no one in the world may have agreed with me, or that it didn't make sense to anyone that western Atlantis should have capitalized itself in Wales...which place by the way I root in "Gaul/Gali," quite likely from the Galicia that A Coruna was in. "Cornwall" may have carried the meaning of Cornovii-of-Galicia>Wales.

As that idea had me wondering whether "Cymbri" (what the Welsh consider themselves) could trace from the Curonian theater, the Sambians came to mind. Just a thought.

As yet, I can't think of any Masovian elements in pre-Saxon Britain, but they may not have arrived to Poland until after Saxon took England. The Veres locate their bloodline in pre-Saxon Britain, and that's where WARmia may come in, not far from the Curonians and closer still to Masovians (i.e. Veres=Masseys may also be Warmians=Masovians). The Arms of Warmia/Varmia (Templar pascal lamb) use all three Vere/Massey colors.

Hey hey. The Pascal surname uses the pascal lamb, and "pascal" smacks of "Basque" and even of "Scal(ovia)." The Pascal Coat is in the colors of the Gascons, Gassons, and Guiscards, three surnames that I trace to Basques of Gascony. Note how the French Gascon Coat smacks of the Tancred and Tankerville Coats combined (the latter two surnames put forth Robert GUIScard). The Wiscard variation of Guiscards could link to "Euskal," and moreover Euskals evolved into "BIS(cay)." Again, the VIStula river comes to an origin of Euskals.

WOWWIE! After writing that, I looked again at the Vest Coat. I had not included it as part of a Vistula investigation. I kid you not, that while seeing the blue man in the Pascal Crest, I was wondering in what Crest I had seen him earlier, and it was just moments after wondering that very thing that I decided to take another look at the Vest Coat...where I found the blue man I had seen earlier!!! I AM CONVINCED, that Pascals and Vests were related and from Vistula elements.

Having just traced Ranulf le Meschin's father to Curonians, what about Ranulf's Gos/Gois bloodline through his mother? I do trace it to Gascony because the latter uses garbs, a symbol of Cheshire (where the Gos bloodline ruled and gave Ranulf his Cheshire holdings). I see that German Gos' use the white-on-blue star that I trace to the Bessin via the royal Poles. The Gois surname was first found in Gloucestershire, where the Samson surname was first found that shares the Meschin scallops.

Tolkien had Vere-like elves and a Numenor island near Avalon, and Nicholas de Vere located his Melusine "elven" entity at Avalon (hmm, Elbe>elvin?). We can ask whether WARsaw was named after Warmia elements because Melusine is used in the Arms of Warsaw. Then consider that Tolkien's Numenor code may have been of the Neman/Nemunas river flowing by the Sambians and Scalovians in downtown Prussia.

The German Newman/Neuman surname was first Prussia! Vests use a single arrow, as do the Neumans, and to be exact, Neumans are said to be from "West Prussia," and it just so happens that the Vistula is in western Prussia.

Hmm, Tolkiens Baggins characters might be from the Bug river, a near-tributary of the Vistula.

I did trace Tolkien characters to Saracens of Sicily without a doubt, and yet that trace was made as per his evil-ish Sauron character. It could be that his elves trace instead to the Scalovia theater (i.e. distant relatives of the Sicels).

Warmians are shown (Neman link above) to the south of Sambians. There is a Warmian-Masurian province suggesting close Masovian links to Warmia, and frankly I'm seeing Armenians in Warmians: "Folk etymology has it that Warmia is named after the legendary Prussian chief Warmo. Ermland, name used by Germans, is said to derive from his widow Erma." That could be myth code, and it evokes Hermes elements (i.e. Armenians) that founded Herminone-branch Germanics. Hermes elements from Lydia's Hermus river seem to apply well, since after all Warmia is in the Latvia and Lithuanian theater (the latter has a Lada goddess related to Prussian myth). See below for a king-Mieszko trace to Hermus Lydians.

I wasn't going to include the paragraph above on Hermes>Warmia...until I got to the Messervy/Masservy surname with, Messarmy variation. That led to a look at the Army Coat, at which time the Erma quote above came back to mind. Variations of the Army surname: Armine, Ermine, Ermyne. If you didn't catch it, I'm seeing the Messarmy surname as the combination that named the Warmia-Masurian province, not forgetting that the two Massey Coats comes up when entering "Maser" and "Masser."

Before making that Army-Erma link, I saw right away that the Army Coat looks like the Scottish Bruce Coat. That worked as per the Brusi trace to "Prussia." The Cherry Coat looks much like the Army Coat, perhaps no surprise due to the cherries in the Messervy/Messarmy Coat.

The Army surname is the Ermine surname, and because it uses an ermine background on its (red) Shield, the ermine symbols of Brittany should trace to that bloodline. It recalls the Maisy clan first in Brittany but landing in Meisi of Calvados, where Meschins were first found. I see that the Army-Chief lion is in the colors of the two Abreu lions, the colors of the two Arms-of-Normandy lions that I assume were from the Abreu clan as it named Evreux, a city of the Normandy Eburovices. The Normandy lions are technically leopards, but so is the Italian Moschi/Musca/Moschella Coat, and it's n the colors of the Normandy leopards.

An ermined red Shield is then used by the Moses/Moyse surname, first found in Shropshire, where Meschins/Masculines (and Brittany's proto-Stewarts) were first found when they entered Britain. Therefore, Brittany's Maize/Maise/Meisi clan with Meysy variation looks much like the Moyse clan (red roses, a symbol of the Italian Mazzi clan). Also first found in Brittany was the Musy/Mussie/Mousy clan, suggesting the cartoon character, Maisy Mouse. That character was given all three colors of the Mazzi Coat.

No comment on connection to Biblical Moses. Very doubtful. More like the Hermes cult of MYSIO-Lydia. See the Ladon/Ladd Coat (scallops), much like the Meschin Coat (not to re-mention the Massey-like Shield of the Laton Coat). Remember, Mieszko's ancestry was traced by someone else online to Sardinia, a place smacking of the Lydian capital, Sardis...though which the Hermus river flowed.

I had shared with Nicholas de Vere, not just his link to Masseys, but his Mitanni-Hurrian line to Modon/Methoni of Messene, and the fact that Messene elements named Messina in Sicily. These elements then named Modena in northern Italy, where the Ferrara/Ferrari branch of the Veres was located. It was all quite an impressive introduction (because it rings true) to what else I shared/exposed to him, but the point here is the Mazzi/Mazzo write-up: "First found in Reggio-Emilia [Ferrara/Modena theater], where records can be traced to Lazzaro Mazzoli, Councillor of the State in 1186. Other early records show Blasco Mazza, who was in the Cavalry in Messina in 1287, and later became the Baron of Sellia. The Mazza family of Modena entered into the ranks of nobility in 1306.".

The question is, was the Sellia entity that of the Salyes Ligurians to which the Masseys and Meschins were linked? Why is the Seller Crest a swan, the symbol of Liguria? (I trace the Ligurian swan/cygnus to Kikons=Ixion). Why does the Seller Coat use grails, while the Sell Coat uses a black so-called enGRAILED bar, as does the Sales Coat?? Isn't that an engrailed border in the Sellick Coat??? Wasn't mythical Lohengrin, the Swan Knight, a son of the Grail King, Percival?

Both Salians/Salmons and Sullys use an ermined Shield. ALSO, just discovered: the Army/Ermine surname was first in Lincolnshire, where the English Messier/Masar surname (no Coat shown) was first found. It's early Mesoart variation may suggest the Mussarts (Messier colors). A shown variation of the Messiers/Masars is "Mersser," and when "Merser" is entered, the besant symbol shows up that I trace to the Bessin...where Meschins were first found in France (see the Massey Shield used by the Besant Coat).

The Merser Chief is very comparable to the Muse/Muss Chief, and the shared cross design should link to that of the Claptons (I see them as Salop-tons).

NOW, as Ranulf le Meschin married a Taillebois clan in Lincolnshire, note the bees in the German Tall/Thall Coat (Weis stars, perhaps linking the Bavarian Weis clan to Vistula elements), for the bees are used in the Bessin-surname Coat. Then compare the gold-on-blue bar of the Talls with the same of the Talbots.

My Massey trace to the Meshwesh/Mazyes "Libyans" necessitates quoting a Sunday headline at Drudge:"[Gaddafi] Drops Cluster Bombs in Misrata..." MISRata? Entering "Miser" brings up the Messarmy/Misservy Coat, with Valer-like motto term. I say that because the Valer Coat, a blue-on-white lion, is the Bruce-of-Bruges lion, and I happened to trace Bruces of Bruges to Brega, the prized Libyan oil city under fire in the current kinetic brawl (shun that we call it a "war").

The Valers were first found in Emilia-Romagna, and while the Ferrara location there evokes the Ferrari sports car, what about the MASERati sports car? "The [Maserati] company's headquarters is now in Modena...It has been owned by the Italian car giant Fiat S.p.A. since 1993. Inside the Fiat Group, Maserati was initially associated with Ferrari..." It can't be coincidental that "Maser" brings up the Masseys of Manche, and the Veres lived in Ver(e), Manche, while using the Massey Shield.

The Ferrari/Ferrara lion is in colors reversed to the Massin/Mason lion.

As Pollocks/Plocks are a known sept of Maxwells, see first the following from the Masovia article: "Plock was capital of the independent, Mazovian state of Maslaw." Clicking over to the Maslaw article, keep in mind that I had proven to myself that Pollocks were from the Mieszko circle due to Pollock links I could see to Bezprym (half-brother to Mieszko II) and his father, Boleslaw I: " the Latin of Gallus Meczzlavus, was a pincera (i.e. cup-bearer or butler) of Duke Mieszko II of Poland, and a rebel who tried to detach himself and Masovia from the power of [that] Polish duke....However, the regional crisis that led to the rule of Bezprym weakened the overlordship over Masovia." The point is, "MIEClaw," which reflects "MIESzko," was also "MECZZLavus, a Maxwell-like term.

Mieclaw was killed in the year after Andrew I (i.e. father of the Drummonds) of Hungary took power, and was killed in a conflict that included the enemy, Yaroslaw I of the Kiev Varangians, who was Drummond ancestry on its Rus side (because Andrew's line was merged with the Varangians).

Maxwells (and Maxtons) appeared at Maxton in Roxburghshire (Scotland). It doesn't necessarily contradict my trace of Roxburgh to the Roxolani Rus to suggest a Roxburgh trace to Poland. I'm suggesting that a Maxwell trace to Poland allows a Roxburgh trace to WROClaw, a capital of Silesia. I had made some Vere links to Wrok-like terms in Britain, especially Viroconium/Wroxeter, and so see the Shield of the Arms of Wroclaw, for it's the Vere and Massey Shield, and even uses a white symbol in the top-left, the color of the Vere and Massey symbols in the same spot. Viroconium was a locale of the Cornovii!

The Miec-Mies similarity may suggest that Meschins were technically from Mieclaw. The latter term smacks of "Michael," and so let me show the mascles of the Scottish Michael Coat (in Mies/Mieske colors!), and how it and the English Michael Coat compare excellently with the Meschin Coat. I trace heraldic "mascle" to "Meschins/Masculines.

German Michaels (in Ukrainian Mikhail colors) use Zionist stars in the colors of German Talls, and the latter were quite apparently linked to Taillebois' that Ranulf le Meschin married. I make the Michael-Tall link now because Talls use bees, the symbol of the Maxton Crest.

As the Tall bees are the Bessin-surname bees, I'd say that "Taillebois" means, Talls of the Bessin. The Bessin is thought by many to trace to Bohemians, and it just so happens that Boleslaw I (father of BEZprym) was named after a Bohemian with the same name.

The Meach/Meik surname could also link to the Mieclaw character, for it uses so-called water bouquets, the symbol in the Bug Coat. The latter is in Meschin/Michael/Mieske colors, and it just so happens that the Bug river flowed through Masovia. On the expandable map, see the Weis-like regions along the Bug, for the Weis Coat uses Zionists stars in the colors of the Talls and Michaels. Plus, the Wies surname was first found in Silesia.

As the German Weis' were first in Bavaria, and as I traced the Bogens (Bugs colors) of Bavaria to the Bugs clan, I'd now say that Bogans, an important blood root of Bavaria, were from the Bug river. In the north-east corner of the map above, see Wizna on the Bavaria-like BIEBRza river.

I had remarked that water bougets look like 'M's. It now appears that the bougets are code for Masovia(ns). That idea led to entering "Masso," and there was yet another Shiled in Bug colors. It's properly the Mussolino surname. SO, REMEMBER, Masovia and Masovians were allied to Hitler, even as the fascist, Benito Mussolini, was.

How much does it now make sense that the antiChrist-supporting False Prophet should be of the Massey bloodline? Is this why I, with a Massey bloodline, was Directed to reveal the dragon cult to the point that it's been revealed? Will the surnames and clans that I've stressed help us with tribulation survival by alerting to potential they might speak smoothly like friends to get us to step foot into their death traps? The amount of time that it's taken me to reveal this beast, and the fact that much of the work appears here in the tribulation-planning book, may prove very useful for us in coming years. Know thine enemy.


Especially for new or confused readers,
shows where I'm coming from.

(The pages to which the links below led are working now.)

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the Table of Contents

The 2011 Update in the 2016 chapter tells why
I'll be watching Iraq until the summer of 2011, at least.