December 17 - 23, 2024
Beauty's Classic Car, Continued
Tarzan and Jane, and the Heraldic Monkey
Red Heifers, Continued
Why Pointers to the Houthis, and Why This Week?
Hall of Names is once again showing the descriptions of the Coats of Arms presented at House of Names.
Fellow post-tribulationist, Joel Richardson, does not "crush it," as he says shortly after the 25th minute. He gets it wrong, partly because he refuses to interpret Daniel 7 properly, as including the Roman empire. He instead wants the 4th beast to be a Muslim entity. He claims to have a problem interpreting the 4th beast of Daniel 7 as the Roman empire because it didn't solidly conquer Babylon way, which I find to be an irrelevant point. I'll show below how the Roman empire can be connected to Babylon, even though prophecy doesn't require it for Rome to be the 4th beast.He begins his prophecy talk, in the video below, by saying that there's two going interpretations of the Revelation-13 beast's fatal head wound and "resurrection," where it says that "one of" the seven heads receives the fatal blow. He mentions the second interpretation because the entire gamut of prophecy educators have got it wrong with that interpretation.
Thinking too highly of the educators, the whole gamut of students, some who become educators, think the educators can't go wrong in the Spirit. Thus they all aped each other when claiming that the anti-Christ will be killed, with a literal head wound, afterwhich the power of satan in him will mimic the resurrection of Jesus by sensationally raising the beast to life. Joel rejects that view, by the way. After watching this video, come back here to see what the seven heads represent: only interpretation that Revelation offers us is: one of the seven heads gets the wound, meaning it's up to us to figure out which head, and it's rather easy. It's so easy we even get to understand what the fatality refers to. There's a gap of time mentioned between the 7th and 8th head, where the beast "was," then "was not," yet will come again (Revelation 17). Duh, that's the meaning of the fatal wound to the 7th head, which the 8th brings back "to life." The 8th brings back the same, general entity as the 7th head belonged to. God is making a connection between the 7th and 8th head, and just because the educators have access to the Spirit of God does not mean they are always correct in what they think and say.
If we can't get the interpretation of the seven heads correct, we could go way wrong in identifying what that entity is that comes back into existence. As Daniel 7 makes it utterly plain that it's the Roman empire, what's wrong with Joel that he should disregard it? I'm very happy about Joel's ministry because he's popularizing quite a few correct things that need his correction, but I'd like to inform anyone who's reading that he does make mistakes that I should correct.
In the last verses of Daniel 9, a ruler (some translations, "prince") has extra-long life, able to destroy the Jerusalem temple in 70 AD, then to attack the Temple Mount again when the 8th head revives the seven. The same extra-long life is shown to the dragon of Revelation 12, to be distinguished from the similar beast of Revelation 13. The one of 12 is satan, obviously, explaining the extra-long life. He's attacking Jesus in the first century, and destroying the temple in the first century too. He then get nipped as per the period/gap of "was not [in power]," yet comes again (in power) as the beast of Revelation 13.
The dragon of 12 has crowns only on its seven heads, and the beast of 13 has crowns only on his 10 horns. What's that mean? Its called power. Why does the dragon get power from the seven heads? Because, he's the first-century entity that "was." It implies that the seven heads are first-century only, seven Roman emperors.
The pre-tribulationists may have been the ones who popularized the idea that the seven heads are seven historical empires, but this doesn't work for me. After that idea's establishment in the minds of students and educators alike, as if revealed by God to His end-time prophets which pre-tribber specialists claim to be, nobody's apt to believe me when I say the seven heads are merely seven Roman emperors ruling from 37 to 98 AD. It's not grand enough as compared to seven biggie empires of the past.
But this is what Daniel 7 and Revelation 17 refer to. The seven heads are the ten horns of Daniel, minus three, which the whole gamut (almost) of educators confuse with the ten, crowned horns of the Revelation-13 beast. Ouch, why did God make groundwork for this confusion? Better yet, educators, why did God tell of three uprooted kings amongst the ten? Don't you know your grade-two math? Have the educators never heard of the three consecutive Roman emperors, all ruling for mere weeks / months each in 69 AD?
The ten horns of Daniel 7 are ten emperors, only seven of which are meaningful. God had to include ten because the three uprooted ones came, not before the ten, not after the ten, but smack in the middle of them, between the 3rd and 4th heads. God only wanted to indicate seven emperors, but included the three uprooted one to make sure the educators would understand that the seven heads of the Revelation-12 beast are those ten-minus-three. And the educators went and goofed on this simple deduction.
The ten are: Littleboots, Claudius, Nero, minus Galba, Otho, and Vitellius, Vespasian, Titus, Domitian, and Nerva. The latter ruled just 16 months, a fact identified in Revelation 17 when it says that the 7th comes for a short time only. It's debatable as to why God ended the satan-representing emperors off at Nerva, but this picture is the fact of the prophecies, for Revelation even tells that the 6th head was in power when the Revelation was given to John.
It seems that this interpretation was the ancient one, for I don't know how the Revelation can be dated to 90-95 AD, as it has traditionally been, unless ancient Christians understood the 6th head to be Domitian, who's ruled end in 96.
Today, we have the yahoos who insists, without question, that Revelation was written before 70 AD. I'd be willing to hear them out if they could be convincing in the face of the Revelation-17 text that demands a date between 81 and 96 AD. If we give the lion's share or golden crown of prophetic interpretation to the nicest guys, o-boy. Someone writes: "If it can be shown that the Book of Revelation was written after A.D. 70, the preterist interpretation of the beast as entirely a figure of the past becomes untenable. " The preterist yahoos teach that the abomination of desolation, which Jesus puts at His Second return, took place in the 70-AD destruction of the Herod temple. And that's why they are dumb-ass yahoos on this topic, God forgive them. Woe is me if I try to be a nicer guy just to steer you wrong.
Not all who date Revelation before 70 AD are preterists. The writer of the article above makes a big boo-boo: "While there is no 'smoking gun,' proving beyond all doubt the post-A.D. 70 date for the writing of Revelation, a high probability case can be made for the [90-95] date based upon the internal evidence within the Book of Revelation itself..." The boo-boo happens because the writer doesn't acknowledge the 6th head as Domitian. That acknowledgement is indeed a smoking gun, and I with that gun can confidently shoot the entire gamut of prophecy specialists down.
Therefore, a man who resurrects the old Roman empire will be the anti-Christ, not necessarily meaning that he'll be an EU / NATO president, but the possibility is there. All eyes on Mark Rutte, just in case, whom is surely making plots to affect the direction of the new Syria. And he won't be working alone on those plots, but can be expected to work with his fellow WEFers, such as Macron of froggy France.
Although Domitian's rule started in 81, the Revelation itself tends to date itself at least near 96, for it says, "now is not." Technically, "now is not" can arrive only after the 7th head, but Biblical language allows for almost-precision where there is an understanding intended in the words used. That is, instead of saying, "now is all-but almost not," saying "now is not" is acceptable, for the seven heads spanned from 37 AD, and 96 AD would be the essential end of them when only an insignificant seventh king remained.
Which begs the question: why would God include Nerva at all? I suppose he had a satanic character like the previous six, followed by an emperor who had a good nature by comparison. I think one can make that case.
Nerva had been part-and-parcel with Nero's rule, and with the house of Vespasian all the way to his son, Domitian. In Wikipedia's Nerva article, his successor, Trajan, is said to be the second of "the Five Good Emperors," with Nerva as the first. However, the article admits that not much is known of Nerva, in which case it's an assumption that he was a good emperor. He's probably lumped into that good-five simply because he chose Trajan as his heir, meaning that Trajan did not have a satanic character as the others did who preceded him. Case made, don't "fix" it with the wrong interpretation of the seven heads. descended from the Gog-like Cocceia family that had merged with the Nervae, evoking the Nairi of Lake Van whom could have evolved into the Neuri of Ukraine's Bug river, centuries before Nerva lived. German Bugs are first known in Hamburg with surnames traceable to Ukraine. English Bugs (in the colors of German Bugs) share the water BOUGet with Rose's (NAIRnshire) expected from Varangian Rus of Ukraine, in turn expected from the Rusa kings of Lake Van, whom I view as Gog's partner, Rosh. Gogarene was near the CAUCasian Bats, themselves beside the Meshech of the Moschi mountains, and English Bugs use a bat. The Bat surname is first known in Shropshire with Meschins whose fesse is in colors reversed with English Bugs.
You can load Bugs now, which loads on another tab, in order to load other surnames, to better follow the heraldic links.
The Varangi-like Varni of ROStock worshiped NERThus, suspect with the namers of the Neretva/Naro river traceable to the Neretti variation of Nero's. The latter are related to Blackys while "black birds" are used by German Bugs. These birds show as ravens, and "Cornish choughs," often shown as ravens, a symbol of a viking house (of Stouts), is expected as code for the Cock-like Cough's/Cuffs. English Bugs are first known in Dorset, beside Cocks and Cough-branch English Cuffs. Cocks share the Shield of Bug-like Bags. The latter were of GAYwood, and Gaius, the first name of emperor Nerva, was part of the Cocceia family names of choice.
Joel Richardson is motivated toward his erroneous interpretation of the Roman beast, as Islam, because he prefers to see Gog as Islamic nations in alliance, but, probably, also because he can't come to terms with a Roman-Gog alliance to describe the anti-Christ. However, the last verse of Revelation 17, in conjunction with her seat on seven hills, makes it crystal clear, for anyone not swerved from the clarity by incorrect thinking elsewhere, that the anti-Christ is carrying upon his back something of the end-time Roman empire. This is how we can say that the anti-Christ is not necessarily of an European entity, but rather that he makes a convenient alliance with it, whom he hates.
Joel allows the Revelation 17 prophecy to include Rome where it says that the 6th king is in power. But he interprets the harlot on seven hills as Islam. He views the seven mountains of that chapter as seven kingdoms because carrots go with carrot juice. That is, he can flip the script from seven kings to seven kingdoms because kings go with kingdoms, and many do this thing which I reject. The text says, "kings." After he enters seven kingdoms into his scheme, he makes the Roman empire the 6th, the one that was in power during the Revelation's writing, with Islam the 7th. The 8th, he claims, is the revived Islamic empire of the anti-Christ.
But I've always and instantly rejected this seven-empire scheme ever since hearing it from Hal Lindsey. They do not have the Biblical premise to add Egypt and Assyria as part of the seven empires, but they do so, anyway, and so does Joel. If Revelation had nine heads, these people might enter a couple of more empires to suit their scheme. Or, if Joel needed to remove Rome to make it work, he may have done that. But I won't do this because the prophecies don't allow more empires to be added to the picture other than the four of Daniel. Stick to the script, and identify seven kings, not kingdoms. It then makes perfect sense, and moreover reveals the three uprooted kings of Daniel 7.
One predication I can make, not bothered by whether it turns out to be wrong, is: Mark Rutte of NATO, whom Russia hates, will form an agreement with Russia as pertains to its Syrian interests, and together they will invade Israel. Whether right or wrong, it's an example of how an insincere Gog-Europe alliance could materialize toward a common purpose. The problem is, I don't expect NATO to betray Israel easily. On the other hand, if WEF's leadership is avidly opposed to Israel, this alliance could take place under Rutte, for we can assume that WEF got him the top-dog position in NATO. How possibly could that have taken place unless NATO is itself a satanic animal?
It is easier to believe that Rutte will invade Israel with a Muslim anti-Christ, not Russian, but how can Muslims burn Europe with fire, as the end of Revelation 17 demands?
Suppose we view Rutte as the anti-Christ with NATO being the Roman woman on his back.
It is difficult to know whether the ten crowns on the Revelation-13 beast pertain to the Roman woman, or to his fellow invaders of Israel, or both because his fellow invaders are Western nations. Again, Daniel's 10 horns refers to the Revelation-12 dragon, and the ten horns of Revelation 13 are new, not mentioned in the Old Testament under those terms. As it seems predictable that the anti-Christ will invade Israel with Muslim groups, the new 10 horns could depict Muslims, at least in-part, yet we can expect Gog's allies, named in Ezekiel 38, to be of those ten kings.
It is a dust storm in the eyes of the to suggest that Gog is not the anti-Christ. I believed that idea because I was a new Christian, trusting that prophecy scholars knew what they were talking about when distinguishing the two. But when I learned that pre-trib scholars ruled at Christian bookstores, I learned that God allows stupidities to spread in Christendom. Pre-trib activists are downright steelheads, and you will not silence them even if you pull out their teeth. They tend to be Zionists, seemingly unable to portray end-time Israel as God's enemy. Woe is me if I talk like a nice guy just to help steer God's people wrong.
I can be stupid on some matter when I don't know a topic, but pre-tribbers don't have that excuse, for they are familiar with all the post-trib scriptures, yet they distort those scriptures to avoid a post-trib picture. What's that called? WORSE-THAN-STUPID. It begs whether God will snip them off from the Vine stem for endangering the branches.
If we are convinced that the anti-Christ is tied to end-time Rome, and to Russia too, then we need to grapple with the "small horn," Daniel's description of the anti-Christ. Instead of calling him a big horn, we learn that he starts as a small power before becoming large. I suggest that, rather than his inviting the Roman harlot to join him, it'll be vice-versa, the harlot desiring to join him when she sees opportunity through it for her own agenda. After all, she's the rich hooker seeking more wealth, even if murder is required to obtain it.
It's one thing to be stupid/dumb when the correct thing is hidden from our face, but if we're reading it with our faces staring at it, but we won't see it, there must be some deep-seated sin that's the problem...keeping us from seeing the post-trib rapture. If it's not sin that denies the plain words of Jesus, what is it? If we fear enduring the tribulation period, that's one thing, but if we fear it and start a band-wagon proclaiming that no Christians will need to endure it, just to comfort our own fears, that's called sin. I'm not going to whitewash this pig, because pre-tribbers won't fix themselves even if you pull out their teeth; they'll continue to mumble pre-trib errors because it makes them feel airy. They think they wear the prophecy aura.
For those who abandoned it for post-trib, congratulations for manning up. You have been valiant. God's going to allow us to shine like the stars forever and ever, but, says Revelation, the "cowards" won't be able to get into the New Jerusalem. I wonder what is meant by "cowards." Are pre-tribulationists cowards? Just asking.
Once we go wrong on a prophecy detail, it can lead to a terrible tangent, where more errors are introduced. Here's Joel thinking that the harlot might be Saudi Arabia, and this idea is birthed where he refuses to read the last verse of Revelation properly: "And the woman whom you saw, is the great city with a kingdom over the kings of the earth." That's the seven hills of Rome. There was nothing in the time of Revelation, but Rome, that could be described as ruling the bulk of the kings of the earth.
How-more specific could God have put it when He says: "The seven heads are seven mountains, where the woman sits on them,and are seven kings: five fell, one is, and the other has not yet come, but when he comes, it behooves him to remain a short time." (17:9). It's right there. The seven heads of the beast are revealed right there as Roman emperors. Yet Joel won't even mention Rome as he discusses Saudi Arabia. He's really in the mud here.
It's not meaning to say that the seven hills are literally seven kings, but that the seven hills represent both the city of Rome and seven of its emperors. It's crystal clear. There is revealed a connection here between Babylonians and Romans. The Babylonian empire is the first of Daniel's four beasts, and Rome the final one, as if to say, from Babylon proper to end-time Babylon, in Europe.
The harlot's title comes with the phrase, "BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER..." (17:5). It just so happens that the great-mother goddess of Babylon, Ishtar, can be traced, to be assumed, to the great-mother goddess of frog- / Franc-like Phrygia. A myth writer made the latter the mother of Lydia, indicating that Lydians had been Phrygians predominantly. Lydians are then known to have named the Tyrrhenians, who were Etruscans of Tuscany by another name, and as they lived beside Lazio province, land of Latins, we easily capture that Latins are from Lydians. Rome is in Lazio, wherefore, if one can show a connection between Babylon and the great-mother goddess of Phrygia, that's another way to show what Revelation 17:5 is about.
So far as I can tell, modern scholarship views the (C)Halybes people as identical with the Khaldi. I don't. Both peoples are said to have been iron makers, and so I'll view them as partners, but not the same people group. The Halybes are thought to have been on the Halys river, and that was the river of the Hatti of Hattusa, beside Phrygia. These latter peoples, whom scholars call, Hittites, were obviously depicted by mythical Attis/Attys, the son and husband of Cybele, the great-mother goddess of Phrygia above. The point is, Khaldi-like Chaldea was ancient Babylon.
These iron makers can explain the iron legs of the 4th, Roman beast, in Daniel 2, where the globalist statue has the king of Babylon as its gold head. Beneath the gold head is silver, and we can assume that iron makers were metal makers of various types. War needed lots of metal; kingdom building needed lots of wars.
The land of the Khaldi (around Trabzon) was, Chaldia (not Chaldea). Wikipedia's Chaldia article: "Its name was derived from a people called the Chaldoi (or Chalybes)..." There you see the standard conflating of Khaldi with Halybes. Same article: "...Chaldia was bounded to the north by the Black Sea, to the east by Lazica,..." That latter, country of the Lazi, sure does look like the namers of Lazio at Rome.
At Wikipedia's Lazica article, a map shows the Lazica empire as far up a river from Phasis as was Kutaisi, important because the mythical ruler of Hattusa-like Kutaisi was Attis-like Aeetes i.e. word play on "Attis" because the two characters represented branches of the same Hatti peoples, obviously enough.
Lazi lived in CIRCAsia, and the Latins do trace themselves to mythical Circe, a witch just like mythical Medea, daughter of king Aeetes. On this out-dated map of Caucasia, spot RHODopolis south of the Lazi, for while Helios was made the sun god of Rhodes, Circe was made his sister. One of her sons was Latinus, obvious code. "Her ability to change others into animals is further highlighted by the story of Picus, an Italian king whom she turns into a woodpecker for resisting her advances." The woodpecker was a symbol of Mars, code for the Marsi of Abruzzo, beside Lazio of the Latins. In Roman myth, Mars was ancestral to Romans. When she turned some men into pigs, it could be code for Edomites. Note Hebrew-like Iberia beside Kutaisi (not shown). Mythical Medea was likely code for some Medes of Colchis.
I hope Joel sees his error and joins the struggle or challenge to understand how end-time Rome fulfills prophecy. It could matter critically for when the time comes to identify the anti-Christ at least a couple of years before the enforcement of the 666. If Christians are all disagreeing with each other as to who he's supposed to derive in, there's going to be people who don't prepare to endure the 1260 says of 666 enforcement. Is that just a minor matter, pre-tribulationists?
Christian-Persecution Theme
One of the leaders of HTM in Syria, Abdel Rahim ATOUN was pointed to, I believe, in the last update, by the English Town/Tune/Toune surname, afterwhich Scottish Towns and Tenants entered the picture, the Tenants playing a role in pointing to Turkey, it seems, by pointing to Scottish Turks/Torks. The latter's ram look like a pointer to RAHIM Atoun, who is a ruler of Idlib at the Syria-Turkish border.
Idlib, and the entire Syrian border region to the west of south Idlib, is home to ALAWite Syrians, who, I think are the majority of Syrians. When I proposed that the Alley surname could be a pointer to Alawites, it recalled the story I've told several times, my miracle-marble shot. We called our marble, alleys. But it would be a few hours after remembering that miracle shot that I also remembered it to be against the alley of Tony, and Tonys, first known in leg-line Leicestershire, location of the LEGros river, are also Tone's, making the alley shot look like a pointer to Atoun and his fellow leader, Julani.
For example, human legs are with Hose's, first known in Leicestershire. Then, the Legh lion is shared by Golans/Jolans while Julani's name is from the Golan Heights, where his parents had lived, the funnel-way for an invasion into Israel. Atoun has said that he wants to invade Israel.
I've told many times that Tony, very near the miracle-marble shot, gave Andrea a birthday present for her 11th BIRTHday. All three of us had been in the same grade-five class, all of us 11 years old. The BIRTH/Berts are first known in Devon with Jewels, and, as I've said, I heard that Tony gave Andrea a jewel. It just so happens that Jewels are listed with Julani-like Joels/Jule's.
Plus, AlLEYs/AlLEE's and their Atlas/AtLEY branch look like they could have been named from the Ley/Lee variations of Leghs. The Atlas write-up claims: "It comes from when a family lived in Kent, where they held a family seat at Lee's Court. The original form of this name was atte Lee, which became modified to the shorter form Atlas." It looks like an additional pointer to Julani by the fact that Golans/Jolans share the lion of Leghs/Lee's/Ley's, first known in Cheshire with Marble's.
The last update also discovered that Sleeping Beauty's CLASSic car pointed to Julani by starting off with "Lady Fortune" in the Class/Klassen Coat. The story of Tony's gift, in the 2nd (and 3rd) update of January, 2020, actually mentions the "fortuna" motto term of two surnames:
Bill's father took me and Bill to the store, where I bought her two gifts, a game board and a book, which had me feeling inferior when, soon-after, I heard through the grapevine that Tony had bought her a jewel of some sort. This story was told because Joels/Jewells have gillyflowers in the colors of the Tony flower. Why was God interested in Tonys? The Malahule line, right? Yes, you can find online that Toeni's descended from Malahule of More, uncle of Rollo, which can explain why Rollo's (Perthshire, same as Dogs/Doags) use "fortune" for a dog-using surname [i.e. the Fortuna's/Fortune's have a dog]. Not only the Schims/Schiens, but the Turins/Tarns, first known in Aberdeenshire with Schims/Schiens, use "fortuna."I told that the Golan/Jolans share the crescents of Seaton/SATINs, first known in East LOTHIAN with Gulans/Golens and Fortune's. Lothians, first known in Perthshire with Fortune-loving Rollo's, show a dog. Lothians share a BROWN dog with Lots (Kent with Atlas'), and the Lot Crest has BROWN lions, and unofficial heraldic color from the Bruno's who share the Scroll/SCOPE Coat for a potential pointer to Mount Scopus, a mile or two north of the Wailing Wall (Jerusalem), the place attacked by the anti-Christ.
I've also told that I had a job driving for Atlas AUTO parts, which is now astounding, because it was discovered that Sleeping Beauty's classic car was also an "auto" because Auto's/Otto's have a black bull head to go with the black bulls of Beautys! So, yes, the classic car is pointing to the HTS Sunni Syrians.
I even told (years ago) that I was driving for Atlas while regularly playing rink hockey (bunch of guys renting an arena) with the Kepke brothers, when one of them was the GOALie. Shortly afterward, we all three were playing organized rink hockey. Here's from the last update:
It appears that God had Kepke be a goalie (age 12) from way-back then, and, some eight years later, his brother was the goalie in organized hockey when Kepke's father (i.e. the Ukrainian) was the team's coach.That statement went with the fact that we three has collected GOLF balls at age 12 and 13 (story last update), and while two Gull surnames list GOLFins, English Gulls (Kent with Atlas'!!!) were a branch of Gully with a goalie-like Golly variation, for the latter share the crosslets of English Jewel/Jule-like Julians while the Gulls have the six pale bars of German Julians, first known in Saxony with Kepke's. This is all remarkable.
The earliest I can find my job at Atlas is in the 4th update of January, 2020 (a week or two after mentioning the miracle-marble shot as quoted above):
At about age 20, at the time I was playing Hockey with the Kepke's, I was delivering for Atlas Auto PARTs [Toronto], and Parts are with the Parrots sharing the Abott pears as code for Peare's. There is an Atlas/Atley surname first known in Kent with PERTs/Petts and Kidney-like Sidneys. I can't find evidence to suggest that Sidneys were a branch of Kidneys/Gedneys, but that would be a hoot for the kidney-shaped pool that God provided in the shark dream.That was the dream with Sleeping Beauty at her classic auto!! The Pools, first known in Dorset with Beautys, even share the Alley and Atlas Coat!!! Incredible. I may not yet have realized, when writing the quote above, and Sidneys were a branch of Sedans/Siddens, a branch in turn of Golan-connectable Seatons/Sittens. It just so happens that while Dents are first known at SEDbergh of Yorkshire, and while Sedans/Siddens were once said to be first known in Yorkshire, they share a "sed" motto term with Cars!!! See that? Plus, the Turin in the quote above have a motto phrase, "AuDENTes fortuna." "AUDentes" can be for Auto-like Aude's who in turn have the Coat of Pollets on a blue Shield, and "pollet" is a Pool motto term! Forts use "AUDax"! The wheels are rolling.
The German Dax's expected in "auDAX" share the swords in saltire of Borders (Somerset with Pollets and Ducks/Dax's) who in turn share the star of Ducks/Dax's, and the lion heads of Ducks/Dax's are in the colors of the Duce lion, and in the colors of the Golan/Jolan / Legh/Lee lion!!! ROLLING. The Schims/Schiens (same place as Turins) who share "fortuna" with Dents also have a "duce" motto term.
The Kurds/Kurts share the giant lion of Docks (STAFFORDshire with Duce's) while Dogs/Doags are likewise Docks. Staffords tell that they were named by Tonys of Stafford, for a pointer to Mr. Atoun. It just so happens while I smacked Tony's alley, Alleys and Atlas' have the giant Kurd/Kurt and Dock lion in colors reversed. Atoun and Julani are expected to war against the Kurds of Syria, and the anti-Christ is expected out of Mosul in the land of Kurds. Mosels share the black boar with the Rollo Crest.
Note "forTUNE" and "forTUNA," for there is a Tuna/Tunno/Tunnel surname, in case it can point to Mr. Atoun. The three stars of cars are in the Coat of Fort-branch FortiBUS' (Devon with Jewels/Jule's), but also in the Chief of "fortuna"-using Schims/Schiens. Bus' share the cinquefoil of Dogs/Docks, and Forts love Dax's/Dacks.
I've never had cause to see Sleeping Beauty as a pointer to the Sunni takeover of Syria. In real life, she was involved with Stanley,and Stanleys are in the colors and format of SONNYs/Staneys who in turn share the scallops of Rinds, the latter first known in Perthshire with Dogs/Docks, Rollo's and Lothians. Rinds are simply amazing, pointed to by Sunni-like Sonnys, because they have "gillie flowers" while Jewels/Jule's have "gillyflowers, are you not impressed? Gillys can be of the Jilans/Gillians (compare with Gulans/Golens) while Julani is online also as "Jilani" too
Rind-branch Rands/Rynds (Norfolk with Bus' and Dunhams) share the Golan/Jolan lion, but also the triple Singletary chevrons. Singletarys were part of the classic-car set of heraldry in the last update, which included the Car-connectable Denhams who in turn have a "CRANE holding a STONE," interesting where Stanleys are expected from Stone's, and where Sonnys are also Stoneys. Sone's/Soams are first known in Suffolk with Crauns/CRANE's, tending to assure that Sonnys are of Sone's/Soams, and then Suffolk is also where Mosels are first known, as well as Towns/Toune's.
Soam-like "SUUM" is the motto term of WINGers, first known in Durham with Sedans/SIDDENs. The latter's "sino" motto term is for Sine's/Sions/SOME's, suggesting that Sonnys were of Sion/SITTEN (Switzerland), and then Mount Sion is at the GOLAN Heights.
Hold on to your weak legs with your staff, for the other Crane's have "...a BLACK crane STANDing on a green STAFF raGULLY..."!!! Blacks (Lincolnshire with Golans/Jolans) share the Schim/Schien chief with the three stars in a flag of Syria, shared by Cars/CURRs (in the Denham motto) with a "Serio sed sero" motto. The Seers have the same stars. STANleys are suspect with the Stan variation of Stands, who share the double fesses of FLICKs pointed to by my miracle-alley shot, flicked off of my finger. I hit Tony's marble from six or eight feet away, and Tonys are said, in the STAFF/Stafford write-up, to have been the first Staffords! The raGULLY staff points to Julani while Tonys to Atoun! I'm impressed. The flick of the marble can point to Christian persecution by those two characters, as I'll show.
That was all due to the Denham crane. If you care to check, Denhams appeared naturally, in the last update, from the classic car's pointer to Deans/Dene's, and the "Cura" motto term of Denhams (Gulan/Golen colors and format) must be for the Curr variation of Cars because the two surnames share the same chevron. It all suggested that Obama was behind the raising of Julani and/or Atoun some decade ago or more.
The Gulans/Golens share the Hicks fleur-de-lye. The Hurts in the Coat of Irish Arthurs (Gulan/Golen and Wayne colors and format) are first known in Oxfordshire with Julian-branch Gullys/Gollys. It's online that the family of JULIANA Arthur married the Hicks of Clapton, yet the same Arthur family married the Meads, who come up as "Medes," and they share the pelican with Arthurs and Wayne's. Pellicans share the tower of Howells, the latter first known in Monmouthshire with the Fane's/Vans/VEYNES' who in turn share the WAYNE gauntlets. The ancient Medes are thought by Britannica and others to be the Kurds today. The Howell-like Howls are first known in Suffolk with Mosels.
I trace Fane's/vans to lake Van, location of Mus, the royals of which may have named Mosul at the TIGRes river. King TIGRanes VI was king of Armenia, location of Lake Van. Irish Teegers are first known in Galway with Irish Deans/Dene's whose "CROCodile" goes to Crocs (share Dean crescent), first known in Shropshire with Medes-branch Medleys. Tigers, in the Crest of Medleys, are first known in Suffolk with Mosels, and while Medleys are now first known in Shropshire with Motleys, Motts are first known in Essex with Wayne's/Wane (suspect from Lake Van). Motts are also Morts, a term meaning "death," and Deaths (Kent with Sleeps) share the Mott/Mort crescents.
I proposed (last update) that the falling asleep in her classic car was Sleeping Beauty's symbol for fatal Christian persecution from the Sunni MOSLems. Sleeps were once said to be first known in Shropshire with their Sleap location, and the Motleys of Shropshire can be of the Morts, you see.
Having said that, the English MORTons are first known in Wiltshire, near Clapton, and wolf-head Claptons are first known in Cheshire, where Scottish Mortons were once said to be first known. The Buckle's in the Coat of Scottish Mortons are first known in Suffolk with Medes-branch Meadows and Medley-beloved Tigers. Suffolk is also where Clare's are first known while it's online that the Arthurs and Hicks shared "clarions". The other Claptons use a giant patee while Pattys are first known in Worcestershire with the Wings in a Morton Crest, with the Susa-connectable Lilys, the TOMBs, and the Eggs/EDGE's. Wayne's have a "caSUS" motto term while Susans, in Tomb colors, have a giant lily. It looks like we are back to the WING / EDGE of the Temple Mount.
Susans are first known in Berkshire with the sun-using Sunnys, and Suns/Sinclairs were from the Clare's who had presence in TUNbridge Wells (Kent). Clare's are first known in Suffolk with Towns/TUNE's/Toune's and Sone's/Soams, you see. It looks like a pointer to the Sunni under Mr. Atoun.
It looks like we are back to the WING / EDGE of the Temple Mount, location of the "abomination of desolation." Is the latter the murder of Christians? This is where the alley flick comes in, because I flicked it with my THUMB while Tombs are also TUME's. I'll tell you shortly why Flicks/Flags apply. But first, Susa was the capital of royal Cottians of king Cottius, and his son, VESTALis, is to the Wests who almost have the Viu valley in their "vie" motto term. The Viu valley (not sure if it has a stream /creek) runs into the RIParia river, location of Susa. The Riparia flows to Turin, and we saw Turins above linking to Beauty's classic car.
The Tume's have tombstones in the colors of the giant Susan lily, and on the tombstones is written, R.I.P., apparent code for Cottians on the Riparia. Rippers/Ripleys (Yorkshire) may be in those tombstones who share the lion of the neighboring Suttons who in turn share a satan-like Satin variation with Seatons. Suttons/Satins are first known in Nottinghamshire with the Mys/Mee's who could possibly be in the "ma vie" motto phrase of Wests, and then the wing of the Temple Mount, in my opinion, is the WESTern Wall. That is, Westerns/Westons could have been from Vestalis, and thus part of the Tomb/Tume bloodline, signifying murder.
As Westerns/Westons (Staffordshire with Hicksons) have a giant black eagle, it's notable that Hicksons have black eagle LEGs for connection to the Golan/Jolan lion. Leghs are first known in Cheshire with Temple's, whose giant black eagle is in both colors of the Hickson eagle legs. It looks like Sleeping Beauty is pointing to the Western-Wall wing (extreme west-side wall of the Temple Mount), sanctuary of the Jews, for Jews/Chews are first known in Somerset with Claptons, and the Jew/Chew Crest shows wings, suggesting that Jews/Chews were related to Somerset's, Eagle-branch Hagels.
The Walls/Wale's are perfect for this pointer because the Master, who almost have the Wall/Wale Coat, share the griffin heads of Jews/Chews, which are still found in their description at Hall of Names, yet the gold griffin heads, which I've seen many times, have been replaced with what look like white eagle heads. The Jew/Chew description reads: " Catherine wheel between two gold griffin heads."
Walls/Wale's are first known in Gloucestershire, beside Clapton. English Claptons (wolf head), once said to be first in Wiltshire, are now first known in Warwickshire with the Sheriffs sharing the Wall/Wale and Master fesse along with the Master griffin heads. Master are first known in Yorkshire with wolf-head Scarfs. Don't Muslims love scarfs? Aren't they wolves in sheep's clothing? Julani is pointed to by the Sheriff / Scherf/Schere bloodline, for his real surname is "Sharaa" (see last update for that).
This become more important where Tenants (West Lothian with Towns/Toune's and BathGATE's) have a "mast" while Masts are listed with Masters who share a motto term with Roets who in turn own the Catherine wheel. It's the motto term also of Bows/Bough's, first known in Durham with Clapton-connectable WINGers. Roets share the boar heads of Gords/GORDANs while Gordano is smack beside Clapton, and near Bath in "Bathgate." It can explain the WindGATE variation of Wingers, but note the Winklers/WINDle's (Cheshire) and Winds/Windells (Lancashire with Settle's and Shettleworths) both sharing the Sadd martlets. (Sadds and Saids/Saddle's were in the last update as possible pointers to president Assad of Syria.)
When she was hovering over the seats of the classic car, I was looking in at her through the WINDshield, and, amazingly, English Shields share the motto of Sheaves'/Shaws, first known in Berkshire with WINDsors and Susans! A windshield is made of GLASS, and the classic car pointed to Class'/Klassens. That's amazing. It recalls that Windows can be linked to Fiens/Finis' (Kent with Sea's) suspect in the Windsor motto. Does the dream point to royal Windsors? What for?
When realizing that the Winkler cross is in colors reversed with English House's (near Susans), in Susan colors, I looked up the House description to see that their water is a "sea." Though Italian Tonys have a "flower" on water, which looks like a sea, the description doesn't name it at all, yet, at the very second that I was wondering whether it's a sea, "flower" sang over my speakers. It was the first song heard after putting on the music. It was just seconds after turning it on. Plus, Susans love the Lilys, first known in the same place as WINKler-connectable Wings/Winks, and House's are first known in Oxfordshire with Lille's!!! It's a songline miracle with God helping me out.
God can work in and through our minds without us knowing. It's clear that He caused me to shut off the media player at this song, last I was listening to it, and then He put it into my head, just now, "hey, why don't I put on some music," and bango, "flower" was in the song.
I've just made a hot drink with a little frozen orange juice, a little lemon juice, a little honey, a little tea, and a little pineapple juice. Delicious alternative to tea and coffee. Any of the combinations are good. Just thought I'd pass it on.
This song-line miracle is important because Susans are going to connect to the flick of the miracle-marble shot, and the cloud in the Crest of English House's is central to that flick shot. I could tell the story here, but I've got a few things to say first.
Let me nail this down for you so that you know Wests to be from Vestalis, for Waistells use doves while Dove's/Dows have the West DANCEtty-fesse in colors reversed. Vestalis was grandson to king DONNus (father of Cottius), and Susa is in Piedmont with the first-known Dance's/DONNas'. Dannys/Dance's are first known in Wiltshire with English Mortons and TRUMPet-using Calles' while Leggs, with almost the Trump Coat, are first known in Dumfries with Scottish Mortons. The clarions of the Clapton Arthurs are thought to be trumpets.
Sleeping Beauty was fulfilled by Miss Hicks, and her car (in the dream) was on a pure-sand beach while Beach's share the vaired Shield of Clapps/Clappers. The sun in the "QUARTER" of Clapps/Clappers can therefore be a pointer to the Sunni. Suns are listed with Sinclairs, and so we're back to the clarions shared by Hicks of Clapton.
The Clapper QUARTer, which I'm not familiar with, is excellent because Quarters/CHURTers are first known in Ayrshire with Carricks (Quarter colors) and KURT/Kurds/Cairds, as well as Pike's in the Clapper Crest. Carricks were a branch of Car-like Quare's/Carre's (share Carrot/Carew lion), and the Arms of Carrick is the car chevron (without the stars) in colors reversed. Beauty was in a classic car (1950's model), a pointer to "Lady Fortune" in the Class/Klassen Coat, and Ladys/LAUDYmans must therefore be in the "LAUDimus" motto term of Quarters/Churters. Clapton is in Somerset with Carys (share Cornish/CORNICK roses) and their Cart branch. Note "laudiMUS", for Kurds are at Mosul.
Kilpatricks/Sheera's/Sharars have a motto phrase, "CEART LAIDir A BOO." ABU Mohammed SHARAA is Julani's real name.
Here's what was missed when introducing Lady Fortune with her classic car: Byron-like Irish Barone's share the Lady/Laudyman annulets and add a "Fortuna" motto term. Barone's are first known in Waterford with Whalings/Whelans! It suggests a red heifer at the Wailing Wall. Then, the Byron Crest shares the mermaid with the Glass Crest! Glaze's share the pheons of Lords/Lauds in the Glasgow motto, and Lords are first known in Suffolk with Towns/Toune's who are in turn in the colors and format of Byroms (Yorkshire with Byrons).
Byroms share a "tous" motto term with Bleds, from a Bled location on the upper Sava, near the Carni peoples who should be to the Carny surname sharing the Glaze / Lord/Laud pheons. Online: "Lesce-Bled railway station is a railway station in the town of Lesce in the Upper CARNIola region of northwestern Slovenia." Bleds have the English Clare Coat in colors reversed, and while Clare's are first known in Suffolk with Towns/Toune's, they were at TUNbridge Wells. Byroms are in Town/Toune colors and format.
Bryom-beloved Tous'/Tosini's, suspect with the Tosni variation of Toeni's, are first known in Florence with Bruno's and Italian Barone's (almost the Byron Coat). Bruno's share the Scroll/SCOPE Coat for a possible pointer to Mount Scopus near the Wailing Wall. The Israel's/ISHMAELi's, with nearly the Byron and Barone Coat, were first known at least near Vicenza with Valentins who are in turn in English Stinson colors and format.
Valentins (from Valentinian I of VINKovci) love Squirrels/Square's/Squire's. Valentin-branch and Wing-loving English Valence's have the five fesses of German Ducks/Dockers in colors reversed, and the latter are first known in Westphalia with duck-using Velins, and Velens/Valance's who once showed ducks. While the latter almost have the Feet/Fate Coat in colors reversed, "Valens et Volens" is the Feather motto for obvious reason, thus tracing Feathers to Pavia's along with Feets/Fate's.
I say that Pavia elements put out the Levites of Israel in Jesus' day. While Sadducee-like Saddocks almost have the Coats of Chaddocks, Chadwick and Boards, the latter are first known in Sussex with Saddocks, and with Feathers who in turn share the antelope (different color) in Crest with Boards. The latter's motto is suspect with Pierro's/Pero's of Pavia. Pero's/Perino's have one of the Dance/Donnas pale bars, both first known in Piedmont.
Saddocks share the Coat of CALVarys. Calfs/Caufs have red calves as a pointer to red heifers. Cows/Choughs have a DANCEtty-bend, and their Cuff branch are first known in Wiltshire with Dannys/Dance's.
While Hicks' are first known in Yorkshire with English Dance's (and Calvarys), one of the Dance lion heads is the one of Ducks/Docks (beside Dannys/Dance's), first known in Somerset with Hicks of Clapton, and with Heifers. This lion head is in the colors of the Legh and Golans/Jolan lion while Gulans/Golens share the Hicks fleur. The Hickson eagle legs can thus be of the Golan/Jolan lion because they are first known in Lincolnshire with Eagle's/Hegels, a branch of Hagels (Somerset with Claptons) who in turn share the lone pile of Wings (same place as Squirrels/Square's) in turn in the wings of one Morton Crest. The Claptons of Cheshire (location of Leghs) look related to the Winger Coat for an additional pointer to the wing of the Temple Mount.
Mythical, murder-like MORDRed killed mythical king Arthur, code for Arthurs of Clapton, apparently, for MORTons were at the Clapton theater. He killed Arthur in the story titled, "Le MORTE d'Arthur." It looks like code work from the stupid Masons who have nothing better to do than to worship their own bloodlines, and to devote themselves to globalist spying-and-killing machinery. This myth had Arthur killed in Avalon, home of his half-sister, the witch, Morgan le Fay. Morgans share the lion of Rippers/Ripleys.
The Arthur variation of ARCHibure can be from the Ark river, directly over the Cottian peaks from Susa. Susans are first known in Berkshire with Arks/Arch's. As Bure's/Bowers share arrows with Archers, ArchiBURE's look like an Archer / Larcher merger with Bowers. The latter share the green Shield with Burleys/Bourleys (Somerset with Clapton) in turn in Susan colors.
The Morton-like Mordens (DOE colors and format) have a "PLACiDO" motto term looking like part-code for the Dow variation of Dove's. The axe-using Place's share the vertically-split Shield of patee-using Claptons. One Axe river is at Wiltshire-Somerset, the Morton-Clapton theater, and the neighboring Axe (Dove-like Devon, location of first-known Wests) flows to Seaton.
The miracle flick shot was on Hullmar drive, directly across from Skye Court, and Skye is where McLeods/CLOUDs are first known, which is why the House cloud is important. Yet the Stans/Stands have a cloud too,and they have the double fesses of Flags/FLICK in the flags of the McLeod/Clouds Crest. I just heard "stand" in the song now playing, "I Can't Even Walk," by BRIAN HANEY. BRIANcon is directly over the Cottian peaks from Susa. Recall the Bure's/Bower in "Archibure" of Arthurs, for "ad" is a motto term shared between Bure's/Bowers and Scottish Haneys. German Bowers/Bauers use wings.
Scottish Haneys/Hannah's ("Ardua" motto term signals Arthurs of Clapton) have the stag head of Trumps (same place as Hahns) in colors reversed, which is almost the stag head of Leggs, and the latter are first known in Dumfries (near the Wigton of Haneys/Hannah's) with the Kilpatricks who share "laidir" with the motto of Irish Brians (almost have the Heifer Coat). Dumfries is where Hains and Scottish Claptons are first known who have the vertically-split Shield of Irish Haneys/Hannitys in colors reversed. The latter Haneys look like kin of Place's in the Morden motto, yet the Rome/Rums of ANNANdale (Dumfries) use a "PLACit" motto term. Heifers are first known in Somerset with Clapton, and with the first-known BURleys/Bourleys. The "sword" of Irish Haneys is short, like the Kilpatrick "dagger."
It seems that the miracle alley shot, which came after a literal, head-bowed prayer, is pointing to severe Christian persecution with the Tume tombSTONES. It seems contradictory for a miracle to point to Christian murder, but God has great reward for anyone who goes to Death maintaining the Gift of Faith. Alleys share the Atlas Coat, and Atlas' are first known in Kent with Deaths, and with the Sleeps, Beauty's symbol for Christian deaths, I assume.
It just so happens that Irish Prays share the six pale bars of Coats'/Cotes', perfect because it tends to prove that Tume's/Tombs are from royal Cottians. Coats'/Cotes' are first known in Tony-connectable Staffordshire! I was probably DOWN on one knee when flicking the alley, and Knee's are first known in County Down with Irish Prays. Downs are first known in Sussex with Knee-connectable Vise's and Acorns, but also with Courts who likewise have six pale bars. Skye COURT could perhaps point to Courts for some reason, perhaps bringing us back to Curtis' and Kurds/Kurts (same place as Cords/McCourts). Kurds/Kurts use a "STAFF" with a "friar" while English Fryers are in Hull colors and format, in case Hullmar points to Hulls.
The Clouds are also Lutts, and their "Hold FAST" motto reveals that Lutts/Lute's apply because they share the quadrants of Fasts (Norfolk with Flags). Fausts use a fist, and one general doesn't flick a marble, sitting on the index finger, with the THUMB, unless one makes a fist. Lutts/Lute's are first known in Worcestershire with TUME's/Tombs and Alleys!!! I almost missed the Lutts/Lute's. It proves that God set the event up across from Skye Court. Worcestershire is also where Sharaa-pointable Squirrels/Square's are first known who are in the Hold/Holt motto. "HOLD fast."
Lookie: Eglingtons use have three annulet-like "rings" in the colors of the three lady annulets. Why include Eglingtons? I drove for Atlas Auto parts in Toronto: "Atlas Auto Parts, 2691 EGLINGTON Ave E, Scarborough,... Atlas Auto Parts is a well-established automotive parts store in Toronto,..." Eglings happen to share the double Sleep fesses, and Sleeps are first known in Kent with Atlas' and Deaths. The Eglington rings are topped with "blue STONES," and Tume's/Tombs, first known in Worcestershire with Egling-like Eggs/Edge's, could have used tombs alone, yet they have tombSTONEs.
Stone's (share dog with Carricks) are first known in Cornwall with Cart-like Carrots/Carews. Stone's share the motto of proto-Carrick Craigs. Stone's and Stoners share the gold eagle with Phoenix's/Fenwicks (it's a "phoenix" in this case) who in turn share the Egling martlets. Phoenix's/Fenwicks are first known in Northumberland with same-colored and Tony-like Tuna's/Tunno's/Tunnels (and also with Roddens while Rotens share the Tuna/Tunnels hexagram). The alley flick hit Tony's marble dead-on.
The Phoenix/Fenwick Coat is almost the one of Hips', first known in Norfolk with Flicks, and with the English Rings, kin of Eglingtons, to be assumed. By what coincidence do Rings have the Flick scallops in colors reversed? Rings came from Eglingtons, from by job at Atlas, and Alleys are an Atlas branch. Norfolk is also where Hades-branch Haydens are first known who share the black Beauty bull, and Auto's/Otto's have a giant black bull head. Hades', a pointer to death, are first known in Dorset with Beautys. Irish Rings/Crans share the crescents of French Masseys, first known in Savoy with Auto-like Aude's/Odde's.
Ahh, Irish Rings/Crans have a "hand VESTed," suspect with Vestalis of the COTTIANs. Indeed, for the Ring/Cran Coat is almost the one of Otto-like Others/Otters, first known in Huntingdonshire with COTTONs. Then, by what coincidence do Papers, first known in Gloucestershire with Walls/Wale's, show PapWALL/PepperWAL variations while the vested (with "CUFF" on sleeve) hand of Rings/Crans holds a "roll of paper"? My Atlas job now brings us to Walls with a West-like vest term so that it appears God arranged it all as a pointer to the Western Wall. I almost forgot: Alleys are first known in the same place as Eggs/Edge's and Wings. German Rolls even share the Alley and Atlas lion.
I therefore ask: did Jesus warn Christians to get out of Judea, as soon as they see Mr. Abomination standing at the "holy place," because he's going to murder Israeli Christians there, and maybe non-Christian Israelis too?
The "holy place" in the New Testament (Acts, for example) can refer to the Temple site, including the outer courts, but scholars think Jesus was referring to the Old-Testament Holy Place within the temple building. I think God is telling us, NO, it'll be at the Western-Wall sanctuary. Daniel never mentions "temple," but "sanctuary" only, and he's the one who mentions "wing/edge," implying of the sanctuary (9:27), as pertains to the abomination that causes desolation. If he's murdering people there, openly for news media to cover, massive Israeli people will flee, leaving a desolate condition behind. If all he does as the abomination is to roast a pig on the Western Wall, most Israelis will merely shrug.
English Rolls/ROWLES' (cuffed arm holding "roll of parchment") share a black-dancetty fesse with Wests, suggesting that Wests were Vest branch, and while Vests/VESTELs (Switzerland, near Susa) have a giant arrow, Arrows/Arras' are first known in Staffordshire with Westerns/Westons. There we have it. I didn't know until now that Waistells come up as "Vestel," and they share an erect arm with sleeve and cuff with Rolls/Rowles'. Rowells/Roswells share the double chevrons of Ash's/Esse's, first known in Devon with Wests, and with the Jewels/Jule's to which Tony's alley points to.
The Western/Weston Crest is not described by Hall of Names, but it's black eagle is in a position often said to be "rising," and then the Aris surname is listed with Arrows/Arras'. Sleeping Beauty and I were rising to the SKY, after I woke her by touching her leg, and Staffordshire is where black-eagle-leg Hicksons are first known. "Aris" is a motto term of Weights/Waits while the other English Weights (Gloucestershire with Walls and papers) are listed with White's while two other White surnames share the Western/Weston eagle.
By the way, the Biblical phrase, sometimes translated "four corners of the earth," should better be, "four ends," meaning the extreme north, south, east, and west. In the same way, Daniel's wing is the extreme end/edge. It seems the anti-Christ will not harm inside the outer walls, making sense in that the Muslims have their sanctuary in there. He could enter the Dome of the Rock, where it would be a candidate for his calling himself, God, to the delight of his fighters.
Andrea of Shoreham
About the time of the alley flick, Tony gave Andrea a jewel gift. Gifts/Giffards are in the write-up of Wears, first known in Devon with BIRThs/Berts, Wests, and with the Gate's expected in the Atgate variation of Westerns. Isn't there a gate in the Western Wall. Yes. Gifts/Giffards share the lozenges of Dents of SEDBERGH, and so Dents may have named SIDBURY of Devon, beside Sidford, both about six miles from Seaton, and there's a Weston area smack between Sidford and Seaton. Sudburys have a seated dog.
The only reason I can see for Tony's gift to Andrea is that her street, Shoreham drive, an apparent pointer to Abu Sharaa = Julani. Here's from the 2nd update in February, 2017:
...I remember [Andrea's] street, SHOREham Drive...The point is, one Andrea/Andre surname (Provence) shares the red saltire with Andersons, and while the latter uses a "sure" motto term, Sure's are listed with SHORE's (Derbyshire again), I kid you not. My question is, how did God go to produce this situation?The Shore/Sure motto has "LICitis," and Lice's are listed with Alley-connectable Alees'/Lee's/O'Lees, but I don't remember doing this before. The latter surname even shares leopard faces (different colors) with the Caens sharing the Shore/Sure motto. Caens are first known in Dorset, beside the Tiss'/Tease's suspect in "liciTIS," and then the Anderson saltire is in colors reversed with Tease's/Tess'. Andrea's surname is Fabian, and English Fabians are first known in Hampshire too, and they almost have the Jilan/Gelone Coat while the latter essentially have the Gulan/Golen Coat in colors reversed.
As Wears and Brush's have the motto, "FiuMUS," while "PeriMUS" is a Shore/Sure and Caen motto term, it seems that Lice's/Alees are in Mosel colors and format for a related reason, for the latter are first known in Suffolk with Brush's...and Tony-connectable Towns/TOUNE's. Brush's share the saltire of French Andrea's. That works. Mosul is where Nahum 1:11 has the anti-Christ launching out of.
I now recall telling that English Fabians show two flags in Crest similar to how McLeods/Clouds do! The flicked alley pointed to the Flags/Flicks. The latter have the Ring scallops in colors reversed, and Irish Rings list Crans while Suffolk is where Crauns/Crane's are first known. Flags/Flicks are first known in Norfolk with Rings and Comyns, and the latter's motto is "Courage" while Courage's/COURAYs share the English Fabian Coat exactly. Courage's/Courays are first known in Essex with Waters/WATERVILLE's), and with the Vere's sharing the blue boar with Andersons, and the latter's saltire is colors reversed from the same of CORRYs/CURRYs. The latter are first known in Waterford with wailing-like Whalings/Whelans, and Waterfords/WATERVILLE's use "water lilies" for possible connection to the giant Susan lily. Vere's ruled Oxfordshire, here Lille's are first known.
Plus, a giant lily is with CETIS'/Sestiers, first known in Provence with French Andrea's, and while I've seen Cetis of Cilicia as "Citis," note the "LiCITIS" motto term of Shore's/Sure's.
The Courage and Fabian fleur is with Litts, in colors reversed with Liddle's of Liddesdale, where Mickle's are first known who share the "spur ROWELL" (different colors) with Liddle's. Shore's/Sure's are first known at MICKLEover, and Mickle's are in the colors and format of Sheers/Sheirs/Share's, a pointer to Abu Sharaa of Syria. Little's, said to have had a location at/near CarLYSLE, share the saltire of Kilpatricks/Sheera's/Sharars. Andrea Fabian of SHOREham took us here, meshed with Tony of the alley shot, a pointer to Mr. Atoun.
Lysle's are listed with Lille's, and CarLISLE's/CarLILE's share the feathered pen with Mickle-like Michaels, first known in Surrey with the Steers having a "cede" motto term suspect with the Cetis-like Cedes'/Seats. The latter are first known in Lancashire with the Cars who may have named Carlisle's. As the Tate's (Suffolk with Brush's) are likely in the Carlisle motto, it's likely that the Carlisle flory cross is in the colors of the Brush saltire due to Bruce's of Annandale, near Carlisle. The Carlisle motto term, "HUMiliTATE," looks like code for Scottish Tate's, first known in Berwickshire with HUME's/Home's.
I've told a few times that, directly across from Andrea, likewise on Shoreham, there lived a Jewish boy, a classmate, who invited me twice over into his home to play chess. The Chess surname has only a giant lion, nothing by which to connect it to anything, and the best I could do was the Chewes variation of Jews. Just as I was about to give up and not report that chess-game story to you, I remembered that I gave Andrea the GIFT of a TARZan BOOK. The father of my friend, BILL, drove us to the store so I could pick up her gift, and I got her a game board too.
That's sets up nicely with the Jews/Chews, first known in Somerset with Roet-related Bills, Tarzan-like Tarrs'/TARRES', Cock sharing the Italian Fabian Coat, and with the Payne's sharing the GIFT/Giffard motto. But that's not all, for Giffards are in the Wear write-up where the Wears speak of Were-Giffards on the Axe river of Somerset. The Jews/Chewes use the Catherine wheel owned by Catherine Roet, daughter of Payne Roet, a symbol also with English Scotts (share Fabian border) while Scottish Scotts share the TERRAS Coat. To what, in Biblical prophecy, could this paragraph point to? Maybe we need to continue a bit before deciding.
If God set up the chess games (on a game board) at the home of Harold the Jew, on Shoreham, why? Herolds/Herods have a "hawk's lure" while I saw a list of McLeod/Lutt septs, which included both Harolds/Herods and Lure's. So far as the Chess write-up reveals, the surname was first known in Norfolk with the McLeod beloved Flags and Fasts. Therefore, the Chess lion can be the one of McLeod-branch Lutts/Lute's, and the chess games can be part-pointer to whatever the thumb flick points to, Christian persecution, perhaps, or, better yet, the promise of God in Revelation 12 to nurture the wilderness Church for 1260 days while the anti-Christ fumes and goes home without his marble beauty.
Ahh, just realized. In Daniel 11:38, the anti-Christ is said to love "precious stones" i.e. jewels and "gifts"! Therefore, if God made Tony get Andrea a jewel as a pointer to the anti-Christ, is he Mr. Atoun??? But, Jewels are also Jule's, a possible pointer to Julani. AHHH, Gems are listed with Cams/GAME's, and I got Andrea a game-board gift!
What does an 11-year old kid get for an 11-year girl as a jewel? If a necklace, that's the symbol of Summits/Somets, a possible branch of Soams/SONE's, a possible branch of Sonnys, a possible pointer to the Sunni! It's when heraldry falls like this that I keep-on seeing Intelligence behind it. Yet, I'm not at all confident that Atoun or Julani is the anti-Christ.
Soams/Sone's have a "falcon STANDing on a LURE." Stands are Stans too while Sonnys/Staneys/STONEys ("NunQUAM") share the Mallet scallops because English Mallets are first known in Suffolk with "mallet"-using Some's/Sone's. The Stoney variation evokes those precious stones. Sonnys/Staneys/Stoneys are in Leslie colors and format, but Leslie's substitute buckles for their scallops because Buckle's are first known in Suffolk too, with Towns/Toune's even. French Mallets/Malo's have buckles too. The Arms of St. Malo (Brittany) has an ermine mammal wearing a scarf, and Scarfs are first known in Yorkshire with many elements from the family of MALAhule, patriarch of Tonys.
Lure's share the Auger/Eager/Etches motto,and the EDGE of the Temple Site is of the Herod Temple, in my opinion.
Jewels/Jule's have "gillie flowers" while "gillyflowers" are with Rinds who share the Sonny/Staney and Mallet scallops. Rinds were a branch of Rands/Rynds/RANCE's, and the Rance river flow to St. Malo. It's all connecting so well, starting with the Somit necklace, that maybe Tony did get her a neck jewel, maybe just a MEDALlion (kids can't afford gems). Medals share the Alley lion.
We are still on flick-shot topic with the Some's/Sone's because they love the Stands, once said to be first known in Yorkshire with Palms while Palmers and Flicks/Flags (both of Norfolk) share the double fesses of Stands. And the latter use a cloud while "Hold fast" is the motto of Flag-loving Clouds while "Grip fast" is the motto of Sonny-connectable Leslie's. Doesn't the flick shot look like a pointer to the Sunni of Syria? Palmers could even point to Syria's Palmyra. The Stain variation of Stands are said to have married Kiev-line Yarborough's who in turn have a "palma" motto term.
Repeat from above: "Stone's and Stoners share the gold eagle with Phoenix's/Fenwicks (it's a "phoenix" in this case) who in turn share the Egling martlets. Phoenix's/Fenwicks are first known in Northumberland with same-colored and Tony-like Tuna's/Tunno's/Tunnels." It just so happens that Northumberland is where Horse's are first known whose gyronny is in Tume/Tomb colors, wherefore the white Horse horse head must be the white horse head in the Tume/Tomb Crest, revealing that Tume's/Tombs were likely a Tony/Tone branch! Just like that, it explains why I struck Tony's alley with my thumb shot.
It's known that both Meschins and Tonys descend from Rollo's uncle, MalaHULE of More!!! Hule's are listed with Hulls, and More's are listed with French Mars. HULL-MAR drive!!!!! I GET IT. It's as though God wants you to believe he's behind that flick shot. He didn't arrange it, and the heraldry, for nothing, just for fun, just for my entertainment.
Hulls are first known in Yorkshire with Scottish Mars and Rolls/Role's; the latter share the Kingston / King lion likely because Kingston is on the Hull river. MORleys/Mauls are first known in Yorkshire too. You just learned that MALahule and Rollo elements were at Yorkshire's Hull river. German Rolls share the Alley lion, and alleys roll when you throw them at other alleys. The giant Tony "sleeve" is shaped like an 'M' probably in honor of Malahule, or maybe Meschins.
Ahh, the Parchments/Parkmans in the Roll/Role Crest have the triple Mar/More scallops in colors reversed. News'/Nuces' have "a roll of silver parchment." Rollo's share the black boar with Bowles', and then there's queen Camilla PARKer Bowles. Bowles', Bole's, Bolingbroke's, Bowles-like Rowells and Antonys are all first known in Lincolnshire with Parchments/Parkments and le-Meschin's wife, Lucy of Bolingbroke, a Mercian. Parkers have a "merces" motto term. The ANTLer in the Parker Crest is traced by me to Les ANDELys, home of the Normandy Tonys.
The other English Parkers look related to the HEROLD/Herod Coat because the first Parkers use flaunCHES while I played CHESS at Herold's place, the Jew i.e. possibly from Herod-line "Jews." Chees'/Cheatle's are first known in CHEShire with the Meschin earls of CHESter, and Cheshire's use a purple "hawk's lure" in Crest, the Herold/Herod symbol too (but not in purple). Hawks use purple too, and Meschins married purple-lion Skiptons. My striking Tony's alley is in the Hawk motto, and Hawks use staff-like staves while Tonys named the Staffs.
Ches'/ChesSUMs share the red stag head with Parks and Rowells. SUMMits/SOMits use the neckLACE while Skipton-related Lace's have a purple lion too. I see "FLAUNches" as part-code for the Flann variation of "stone"-using Flints, from Flintshire at the Cheshire theater. Stoneys are also Sonnys, connectable to SOAMs/Sone's.
The black boar or Rollo's was an ancient symbol of Edom, and Herods were Edomites to begin with. I trace the father of all Herods to Pattersons/Cassane's who share the Mar/More scallops. The Parchments/Parkmans having these scallops in colors reversed are in Charlie colors and format, what looks like a pointer to the disgusting king Charles, husband of Camilla Parker Bowels. Bowles' have black boars, and the Arms of Camilla Parker Bowles has a blue boar, probably the Bole boar in colors reversed.
French Role's (Brittany with Musics/Musys) share the triple pale bars of Knights, the latter first known in Suffolk with Tony-like Towns/TUNE's. Music is tunes, and Musics/Musys share the gold eagle with Knights and Stoners. Tonys are thought to be Tosni's too, and Tous'/Tosini's can be in the "tus" term buried in the Sonny/Stoney motto.
Spitzers have "hills" with a "tunnel" while Hills are first known in the same place as Tume's/Tombs! Can we believe it. It took me this long to make the connection because I didn't bother to load Tume's until now, i.e. to see the white horse head between wings. Lookie at the Hill write-up: "...Richard de Hulle (Hill),..." The flick shot was on HULLmar drive.
Sunnys (not "Sonny") share the sun of Firmins, first known in Yorkshire. Firmins look related to the Coat of Luffs/Love's, first known in Oxfordshire with Stoners in turn in Sunny colors. However, Luffs/Love's were once said to be first known in Suffolk, where Knights are first known sharing the Stoner Crest. Knighton is in Worcestershire with Alleys, Cloud-branch Lutts/LUTE's, Hills, Tume's, and with the Wings in the Tume Crest. The anti-Christ will love the lute of war. It's also where Squirrels are first known whose "ferme" motto term can be for Fermen elements.
Lute's/Lutts share the quadrants of Leslie-beloved Fasts / FALstaffs (both of Norfolk), and Falls'/Fallis' (beside the Vance's in the Hill motto) share the Alley lion. Falls/Fallis' are first known in Midlothian with Suns, and it's where Formans/Fermens were once said to be first known until houseofnames put them in Yorkshire with Firmins. My bet is that FalSTAFFs were Tonys from when Tonys ruled Staffordshire and thus renamed themselves Staffords/Staffs. The latter likely have the Leicester swan because Tonys are in the Arms of Leicester.
Alleys are marbles while Marble's have a giant GRIFFin suspect from Herod AGRIPPa. The "GRIP FAST" motto of Leslie's! It looks related to the McLeod/Lutt motto. The GRAVE's/Griefs/Greafs, first known in Gloucestershire with Hold-branch Holders, can apply here with another death theme very reflective of the tomb theme of Tume's. It's as though God set up the thumb flick to reveal the house of Griffin from Herods. German Fryers (possibly in the Kurd/Kurt Crest) share the Coat, essentially, of GRIPPs/Grape's. Death's share the Marble griffin in a different position, and Death-related Motts/Morts are first known in Essex with Freys'/Phreeze's and Stave's/Stevensons. A stave is a staff. The Kurd friar holds a staff while Staffordshire is where FRYdays are first known who almost have the Golan/Jolan Coat.
Lure's, first known in Ayrshire with Kurds/Kurts, share the flag with McLeods/Clouds and English Fabians, the latter first known in Hampshire with Hawks. The latter have "pilGRIM's stave's" while Italian Fabians share the GRIMaldi Shield. PILgrims (more staves) are first known in Norfolk with Chess'. PILE's/Pills get us back to Somerset. If God's going anywhere with this, I don't know where to. The Western Wall housed the Herod temple.
I got Andrea a GAME board, and Cams/Game's (Gloucestershire with Walls/Wale's) are in the "quam" motto term of Gifts/Giffards and Payne's. Pagans/PAYENs share "spur rowells" (different design) with Mickle's, and SHORE's/Sure's are first known at Mickleover. Chews' (not "Chewes") are listed with Tews, which, even if incorrect, it's amazing that they share the triple pale bars of spur-using Knights (Suffolk with Wear-connectable Brush's) while Scottish Nights/Knights/Naughts (near the Nith) are of the namers of the Nith river, along with Nitts/Naughts (same place as the Nith), the river having Kilpatrick castle, at CLOSEburn, and Close's have the spur too. Scottish Kilpatricks share the saltire of Spur-like Supers, first known in Devon with Spurrs and the Giffard-related Wears.
Nights/Knights/Naughts are in the format of, and colors reversed from, Mickle's, and in the colors of pen-using Michaels who in turn have a "SUPERo" motto term. Michaels are first known in Surrey with Kilpatrick-related Sheers/Share's, and "sure" is a motto term of Scottish Kilpatricks i.e. to the Shore's/Sure's of Mickleover. The "Favente" motto term of the same Michaels looks like it belongs to a Fabian branch. The feathered pen of Michaels was seen with Carlisle's while Carlisle is not far from the mouth of the Nith. The feathered pen is also with Scoots/Scougals who share the border of English Fabians and of the Scotts having a Catherine wheel.
The owners of the Catherine wheel, the Roets, use a "book," shared with Scottish Reeds, both from Rieti, home of the three Flavian emperors that are part of the seven heads (4th, 5th and 6th) of the Revelation dragon. I got Andrea a BOOK too. The Flys, first known in Hampshire with flag-using Fabians, are said to be from a "Flavius" character of "Flagi," and thus Fabians look like a corruption of "Flavian."
To this, add the Italian Tony FLOWer, a Flav-like term, then note that English Tony are first known in Leicester with Woods, which can explain why Tony liked Andrea Fabian such as to get her a jewel, for Jewels (Devon with Flowers) use "gillie flowers." He didn't know what he was doing as regards Biblical prophecy, but it seems God did when moving him. Favors/Fevers share the fitchees of Woods, and while Bill came with me to buy the book for Andrea, Bills use "wood bills" while Rieti-line Rita's have "pieces of wood." They are the fitchees also of Ratterys who in turn have a "super" motto term, and there's a Rattery location in Devon along with the first-known Supers.
Rita's share the Pool/Pole lion because they are both from Vespasia POLLa, wife of Flavius Sabinus of Rieti, parents of the 4th head of Revelation 17. Sabine's share the scallop of Pullys who not only share the pelican with Bills, but with JANE's/Jeans!!! Bill was with me when I bought Andrea a book on Tarzan and JANE!!!
We now can link my chess game at Harold's, across from Andrea Fabian, because I've just seen a gauntlet holding "a gold HAWK's LURE STRINGed RED." That's the Harold/Herod symbol, and it's in the Crest of Fabian-connectable Flys. She and Herold are pointing to the Revelation dragon, SATAN, the force behind the eighth head, Mr. Abomination, and Suttons/SATINs are first known in Nottinghamshire with Strings. The latter share the eagles of Gaunt-line Ghents (expected in the Fly Crest), first known in Hampshire with Flys, yet Gaunts are first known in Kent with Atlas'. Lure's are first known in Ayrshire with the Pike's having a version of the RED/Reed Coat.
Hawk's have a "Strike" motto, and Strike's/Strakers share the lion of Alley-and-Atlas-connectable Leghs/Leys. Fly-beloved Strings are first known in Nottinghamshire with the Alley-like Elways/Elvis', and with Strike-like Strucks/StrechLEYs!!! The latter are also StrechLEIGH's, suggesting Alleys/Aleigh's and Leigh's/Leys!!! I flicked the alley, and it STRUCK Tony's DEAD-ON. Strucks have the giant Western/Weston eagle.
Elways/Elvis' have the Chance's in their English-version motto, a branch of Chace's/Chase's, first known in Hampshire with Flys and Change's. The Counter-like Country's in the motto of Elway-connectable Ainsleys have colors "counterCHANGEd."
Chase-like Case's are first known in Norfolk with Cloud-beloved Flags, expected in the Flys of Flagi. The gauntlet holding the Fly hawk's lure has a "cubit arm", and there's "TWO hands isSUING from CLOUDs battling with SCIMitars" in the Cubit Crest. "Two" can be code for the Tews who list Chess-like Chews', and they share the stars of Tews-like Tease's/Tyes', first known in Nottinghamshire. The Elway-like Always' are in the motto of Ainsleys (Nottinghamshire with Elways/Elvis') who in turn have a scimiTAR in Crest. I got her a book on TARZan, and Schims share a "fortuna" motto term with Elways/Elvis'. It reminds that English Forts share the giant Cloud castle. The Country's in the Ainsley motto are first known in Kent with Alley-branch Atlas'.
Tarzan SWINGs on vines, and we just saw "isSUING" in the Cubit description along with Clouds. Swings are listed with Sweens, as are Queens, the latter first known in Sky with Clouds!!! Can you do that with your Tarzan book? Dare we load Vine's? They're listed with Veyns (near Fane's/Veynes') while Fane's/Veynes' and Wayne's share the gauntlet with the Fly Crest, the gauntlet attached to a cubit arm. There's got to be a monkey around here somewhere.
Reminder: Flags list Flicks, and the alley-flick shot was at Skye Court while Clouds are first known in the island of Skye. The Cubits in the Fly Crest have a giant lion head in the colors of the JANE/Jean lion, and colors reversed from the Alley lion, and I got Andrea a book on Tarzan and Jane. I've got it recorded in my Heraldry Changes page: "Jeans/Jane's [first known] from Worcestershire to Cornwall," and Worcestershire with where Alleys are first known. My job at Atlas brought EGlingtons to bear, and Eggs/Edge's are first known in Worcestershire too, as well as Billets-beloved Wings while Bills love the Pellicans, first known in Maine with Billiards/Billets. Books are first known in Berwickshire with Billet-like Blythe's (birth surname of Bill CLINTon) who in turn share the sheaves of Clints/Clents who named the Clent hills in Worcestershire i.e. where Jane's/Jeans are first known. Can you make heraldry talk like that with your birthday gift?
Tarzan is the APE man, and Ape's/Impys share red crescents with Blythe's, yet the ones of Ape's/Impy are shared in both colors by Bell-branch Bellamys while the Campanio bell is with French Jeans while Spanish Jeans/Jans use a "compony" border that looks like a billet border too. Dole's use a billet border in the same colors as that Jean compony while Bellamys are first known in Shropshire with the Dol Alans and Faughn-lie Vaughn. Bellamys share the crescents of Seatons, first known in East Lothian with Faucets who in turn share the compony of Faughns. Unfortunately, Camps/Champs don't list a Chimp variation.
Before I forget, Flys are in the "fly catcher" of the English-version motto of Drake's (Hampshire with Flys and compony-like Champions). Catchers share the scallops of French MARs, and as the alley flick shot was on HullMAR avenue while I can't find a Hullmar-like surname, I figure, if God arranged it, that Hulls and Mars should be entertained. Belgian Champions/Campions, I kid you not, share the Coat of Desmonds/Geralds who in turn have a "monkey in crest"!!! I was lamenting that I didn't see any way to get Desmonds/Geralds into the discussion (known for years that they have a monkey). A couple of minutes later, the Champions came to mind off of the Champs not having a Chimp variation, and I knew without loading Champions that Belgian Champions had the Desmond/Gerald saltire (been doing heraldic links for 20 years).
Contrary to what you may think, I don't record the contents of Coats on a special page created to help find Coat similarities, but work 99-percent purely from my memory, or, for less than 1-percent of the time, I seek help from previous updates.
Desmonds/Geralds have a motto, "Crom ABOO," and Croms share the cat (different color) with Catcher's and Keats, both first known in Norfolk. Then, Keatons/Kittens (Leicestershire with Tonys/Tone's) share the leopard faces of Ape's/Impys, no guff, and they are the leopard faces also of Lice's/ALEES'/Lees'. NO GUFF. Is this paragraph a pointer to ABU Mohammed al-Sharaa, the defacto, unelected president of Syria at this time? Kilpatricks/Sharars use "A BOO" in their motto.
Jake Sullivan
Wow, almost missed it: Sullivans, with an "ABU" motto term, not only have two of the Golan/Jolan lions, but, between the two lions, Sullivans have a green snake entwined around a sword, similar to the green snake entwined around a "stick" of Schere's!!! Julani is ABU Sharaa! Sullivans are first known in Tipperary while Tippers are first known in Cornwall with Score's.
There is a despised JAKE Sullivan of the Obama, Clinton and Biden administrations. Tipperary is also where Irish Kennedys are first known while Scottish Kennedys share the dolphin with Tippers. I trace Kennedy of the Kennati priests of Jake-like Ajax, and Joke's (Kennedy-like Kent) share the scallops of Varns, first known in Ayrshire with Scottish Kennedys. Joke's almost have the English Jack Coat while Scottish Jacks share holly with Shore's/Sure's. ShoreHAM. Hames' (Cumberland with Dolphins/Dolfins) share the cinquefoils of Jacksons! The latter's Coat looks linkable to both Town/Toune Coats! The Jackson eagle heads are in the colors of the Jake/Jackman eagles, shared with English Towns/Toune's!!!
I had forgotten until now, that the marble-flick shot at TONY's alley was in the game of POTSies, as I've said many times because Potters (Hampshire with Pots/Potts and Flower-connectable Flys of Flavius) share the Flower cinquefoil while Italian Tonys have a flower, but, zowie, the Potter cinquefoils are those also of Hames' and Jacksons! I kid you not, that Jackie, my other friend on Hullmar drive, directly across the road from Bill, played alleys with Tony and I. I don't remember anyone else doing so.
Potsies needs only a HOLE in the ground, and Hole's/Halls almost have the Hull Coat. Did I tell that Hulls are in Mosel format but colors reversed? The first one to get the alley in the hole wins the other player's alley, and if you can strike an alley before it's gone in, you keep it too. If the pot is called a pocket, then let's add that Pockets/Pouchers, first known in Lincolnshire with Hole's/Halls, have the Flower Coat but in Tony colors and format. The giant Pocket cinquefoil is in colors reversed from the same of PORTis'/Porch's, and Ports with Porters (Potter colors) are both first known in Hampshire with Pots and Flower-connectable Potters.
I've talked lots about my first girlfriend, JACKIE LITTLEford, who married Dave Guinan. Guinans/Conans are first known in Tipperary with Sullivans! Jake's are first known in Kent with Conan-like Cone's, often in heraldic pine cones, and French Pine's share the triple Jacket/Jaycock crescents.
French Pine's have, in colors reversed, the cinquefoils of Lords, first known in Suffolk with Jackets/Jaycocks. As the Lord Crest has a "maunch" in Crest, often called a "sleeve," it's amazing that the Tony "sleeve" looks like code for Saluvii Ligures, whom look like "Sullivan." The Lord maunch is held by an arm in a blue sleeve, the color of the Tipper sleeve, and Sullivans are first known in Tipperary.
The Robins in the Sullivan robin use thistles while Thistle's/Thissels are first known in the English Channel called "the sleeve" likely because it's off of Manche. I've just noticed that the Tipper Coat, if using black symbols, would be in the colors and format of English Towns/Toune's while the chevron-with-crosslets of Scottish Towns/Toune's would be the same of Tippers. It's solidifying the pointer of Tony's STRUCK alley to Jake Sullivan, especially as Strucks share the Jake/Jackman and Town/Toune!!! Without their chevron, Tippers are in the colors and format of Jackets/Jaycocks.
The talks going on right now between Biden's foreign ministers and Julani / Atoun likely include input from Sullivan. Expect it. He's on the news talking about Syria, but whatever he says publicly, who cares? It's what he says privately that counts. Likely, Sullivan is in cahoots with the Kurds, for they are protected by the American military from the Sunni armies. Kurds/Kurts use a "friar" while English Fryers have the Tipper Coat in other colors. Kurds want to rule Mosul apart from its Sunni population, and here it's interesting that Mosels incorporate most of the Bowles Coat while the latter add the Joke scallops. Mosels (Suffolk with Towns/Toune's) are in Town/Toune colors and format. Scottish Towns/Toune's are first known in West Lothian with the SUN-using Bathgate's, suggesting kin of Sonnys and/or Sunnys.
Kent is also where Greens/GREMe's/GREEMs and Snake's/SNOOKs are first known. The GREEN SNAKE of Sullivans. GRIMaldi's, in the Crest of "aboo"-using Desmonds/Geralds, share the Coat of Cocks suspect in "Jaycock." Tarzan and Jane took us to the Desmond monkey, and Jane's/Jeans are now first known in Cornwall with Tippers while Tipps'/Tippins are first known in Lancashire with the Strike's/Strakers sharing the Sullivan lion. Is that not amazing, since Jane's/Jeans were once said to be first known in the same place as Alleys? I struck Tony's alley. Plus, the Strike's are in the motto of Hawks who use a purple pilgrim staves as code for PilGRIM's first known in Norfolk with Purple's, and then Grimaldi's of monkey-line Monaco use a purple throne.
The only thing missing is Tarzan's underwear, but maybe not because Gift-connectable Wears love the Crozier's, first known in Liddesdale, named by LITTLE's and Liddle's, and Jackie LITTLEford married the Guinans/Conans of Tipperary. Little's are highly suspect with the saltire of Kilpatricks/Sheera's/Sharars. Little's share the lone crescent of Crocs (Shropshire with Hunters sharing Little saltire) who in turn share the Lord sleeve, and Lords are the ones with the triple Jacket/Jaycock crescents. Monk-branch Moons have both those crescents in colors reversed, and Moonans are the ones with a "FLECTes" motto term as a pointer to the flick shot.
The Snooks of Snake's recall my Obama dream, two weeks after Trump replaced Obama, where I was taking a shot on Obama's billiard table. As I was shooting for a red ball near a corner pocket, and because there was another red ball nearby, it was SNOOKer pool. Sullivan was deputy assistant to president Obama i.e. confidant in political decisions and agenda implementation. The Sullivan heraldry could therefore be indicating that Obama and Julani were close. But as Jake's share the Town/Toune eagles, it suggests closeness to Mr. Atoun.
Note that this heraldry led to Shoreham-like Score's and Shore's/Sure's while Sure's are in the motto of Scottish Kilpatricks while "a boo" is with Irish Kilpatricks/Sheera's/Sharars. Why should Andrea Fabian of ShoreHAM point to Julani? Hams are first known Sussex with same-colored, dolphin-using Hammers. Hams use "salmon" while Salmons and Salemans are of SURREy, where Dolphins/Dolphins were once said to be first known, and where Sheers/Share's/SHIRE's are first known, and Sire's/Sirets, possibly a branch of Seer-connectable Sere's/Serts, share the green snake with Sullivans and Schere's.
Thus, ShoreHAM appears arranged by God. Jake's are even first known in Kent with sledge-hammer Alberts. Sledge's are listed with Seleucus-like Sleigh's/Sleecks in Halberts/Halpert and Sere/Sert colors and format. Sledge's/Sleigh's/Sleecks are first known in Essex with Seers and Sarah's/Sayers. I've never known until now that "ShoreHAM" can play to pointers, along with Tony and Andrea, to the Syria theater. I've never known any pointers to Syrian developments.
Jackets are listed with JAYcocks while Jays are first known in Herefordshire with Sleeck-like Sellicks. As I played alleys with Jackie, that flick shot can be pointing to the Seleucid anti-Christ, and Tony points to Atoun of Idlib, near the Seleucid capital. Jackets/Jaycocks are in Baden/Battin colors and format, and while the latter have a eye, Seers tell of the "Sayers of Eye"...a location in Suffolk, where Jackets/Jaycocks are first known along with Jake-connectable Towns/Toune's.
To assure that Sledge's/Sleecks were Albert kin, Sledge's/Sleecks share a lion holding a gold fitchee with Halpert-like Halpers, first known in Worcestershire with Sire- and Shire-like Squire's/Square's, where Jane's/Jeans were once said to be first known who share the Seer scallop.
Sledge's/Sleecks are in the colors and format of Croms/CRUMs possibly in the "FulCRUM" motto term of Irish Fords. Croms/Crums are first known in Herefordshire with Sellicks and Jays of Jackets/Jaycocks, you see, and Fords were looked up as per Jackie LittleFORD. English Fords even share the white owl with Sledge's/Sleecks. Herefordshire is beside the first-known Owl-like Howells.
"FULcrum" can be for Fulhams because they are first known near Berkshire, where Croms/Crums were once said to be first known. Fulhams share the greyhound (different color) with English Fords. The white Fulham-Crest greyhound should be the white one in the Crest of Scottish Hunters because the latter having hunting horns while Horns/Orne's are first known in Middlesex with Fulhams and English Robins! Fulhams share the purple thistle with these Sullivan-beloved Robins, and the Sullivans have a black boar on what could be the Hunt/Hunter Shield.
The other Irish Sullivans have a "lizard" with their Robin, and Lizarts/SARDE's, first known in Provence with French Andrea's, can be from Sardinia, location of Sulcis of the Seleucids! Is Jake Sullivan a Seleucid liner? The Saluvii were in Liguria, on-shore from Sardinia. Between them is Corsica, perhaps putting out surnames that include the "CURSum" motto term of Scottish Hunters.
As Andrea was at my 11th birthday PARTY, where my mother put it on who has a Grimaldi maiden name, I thought it was hint that French Andrea's were at PERTuis of Provence, about 100 miles from Monaco. Lizarts/Sarde's are first known at Draguignan, midway between Pertuis and Monaco. Draguignan can be traced well with Lizart-branch Liss'/Lise's to the fly-catcher Drake's, first known in Hampshire with Liss'/Lise's and English Fabians while Italian Fabians share the Grimaldi Shield.
Grasse is near Draguignan, and while we were playing alleys on the grass, English Grasse's (Lincolnshire with English Prays) share the Alley lion. I struck his alley after a prayer.
As Andrea Fabian lived on Shoreham, see this: one of the Monaco lions is with French Petits (Burgundy with PERDrix peak at mont PILAT) while English Petits are first known in Kent with Pertuis-like Perts/Petts, and Pelosi's/Pilati's along with Shoreham-connectable Schore's use a "column" while Petits are in the Column/Malcolm motto. Pelosi's must have been a branch of the Pillow variation of Pilotte's.
Monkey-using Desmonds/Geralds share the saltire of Andersons, red like the Andrea saltire. Plus, as per HULLmar, I've just loaded Hulls to find that they have a Crest similar to the one of Kittens/Keatons, both using "laurel branches." That's perfect for Hull-Mar drive because Keatons came off of Catcher-connectable Keats, and it's Catchers who share the Mar scallops. Catchers are first known in Norfolk with PilGRIMs, and with Bags who in turn share the Grimaldi / Fabian Shield. Bags are first known at Jay-connectable Gaywood while Gaywoods have the Coat of Owl-connectable Howells in colors revered. Jays of D'Gai are first known in the same place as Seleucid-like Sellicks.
I can now go to Hulleys (Yorkshire with Hulls), who not only have an owl, as do Seleucid-suspect Sledge's/Sleecks (Gaywood colors), but have towers in Owl/Howl colors. Gaywoods and Howells show only towers, and Gaywoods are first known in Norfolk with Hulley-like Hollys in the SHORE/Sure Coat. Hollys share the white dog of Halls and Hulls.
Then, Halleys are first known in SLIGo with Higgins/Hickensons who in turn share a black tower with Hulleys. It's the black one of Domino's, I reckon, first known in Piedmont with the Pero's suspect in the "Pro patria" motto of Higgins, and with Italian Pavia's. The Patria's are listed with Peartree's, linkable to Pierro's/Pero's of Pavia, and the Pavers (Yorkshire with Hulls) share the checks of Partys. "Sligo" looks like the Sleigh variation of Sleecks. Thus, by following Hulls and Halls off of Hullmar drive, and by following Andrea of Shoreham, it appears that we are all over Seleucid liners as a pointer to the anti-Christ.
Italian Pavia's share the scallops of French Mars while Scottish Mars are first known in Yorkshire with Hulls and Crom-branch Crone's/Crooms who in turn share the fleur-de-lys of Bricks, the latter first known in Munster with Desmonds/Geralds! The latter have a "Crom aboo" motto. Bricks share the Coat of Whalings/Whelans, first known in Waterford with Crone-like Corrins and Corrys/Currys. Bricks share the lozenges of Pavers, yet Pavers look related also to Brix's/Brisons while MontBrison is at Mont Pilat. Pelosi's/Pilati's are first known in Piedmont with Italian Pavia's.
Firminy is beside Montbrison, tending to explain why Firmans and Formans/Fermans are both first known in Yorkshire with the Crone's sharing the Brick Fleur. Beside Firminy is Fraisses while the Fraisses/Fresnays (Harold/Herod colors) share a green Shield with Freys and Freys'/Phreeze's, suggesting Pharisees with the family of Pontius Pilate. But this is off-topic.
Yorkshire's Palms share the Crone/Croom fleur while Palmers (Norfolk with Flags/Flicks) are obvious kin of Flags/FLICKs, and the flick shot was at Hullmar and Skye. Flags were likely on Skye with their Cloud kin. The Palmer trefoils are even to ones of the Hampshire Champions! The Belgian Champions led to the monkey-using Desmonds just as I was looking for Tarzan's chimp. Champs/Camps are first known in Warwickshire with English Pavia's. Flys of Flagi are first known in Hampshire, and Catchers came to topic with the Drake fly catcher. The Hampshire Fabians (flags) have the fleur of Bricks, Whelans, Palms and Crooms in colors reversed.
Ahh, almost missed it: the griffin heads of Camps/Champs are in the colors of the giant MARBLE griffin!!! I get excited when things click like this. I'm not shouting. Three exclamation marks is more exciting than one or two.
I suggest that the Desmond variation is from Geralds marrying the Demons/Desmonts/De MONE's, for they are in MONK/MOYNE colors, meaning that the monkey is code for Monks and Monaco's. The Coat of Moons seems to relate, and while Monans/Moonans can be gleaned as Gower/GORE kin, I've read that Gorings used the monkey. Monk/Moyne's have a COCKatrice while Cocks, first known between Monks/Moyne's and Moons (almost the Geer Coat), share the Shield of Grimaldi's of Monaco. The latter's symbol is a monk. The Desmond/Gerald saltire is in colors reversed with the Gerard-related Windsors who in turn share the Gore and Hamburg crosslets; Geers are first known in Hamburg. English Gerards share a Monaco lion, and German Gerards/Gerhards have a "flower" while Flowers are first known in Devon with Monks/Moyne's. It's a jungle out there. To top it off GUERin/Garin of Provence could have been related to French Andrea's (Provence) with almost the Desmond/Gerald Coat.
If we caught glimpse of Tony and Andrea above due to the Gerard flower, isn't it interesting that Monans and Gowers/Gore's have a "FLECTi / flecTES" motto term for a pointer to the flick shot on Tony's marble. TEASe's/TES' have the Desmond/Gerard saltire in colors reversed. "FlecTI" therefore looks like part-code for the Tees-river liners because the Tees is in Yorkshire, where Gowers/Gore's are first known. Tee's are listed with Tease's/Tyes', once said to be first known in Nottinghamshire with Ainsleys, and Tease's/Tyes' share the Annas star.
The flory cross shared between Monans and Gowers/Gore's is from Florence (Tuscany), where Tuscany-like Tosini's/Tous' are first known, and then some say that Tonys (or Toeni's of Leicester) were also Tosni's.
To link English Tonys to Flowers, we note that Tonys were related to Hastings, from a Hastings location near Dover while Dovers have the giant Flower cinquefoil in colors reversed. Dover is in Kent, where Ticks/Tucks were once said to be first known, who are now first known in Yorkshire with Tickhill. The Tony and Hastings maunch (or sleeve) is with Tickhills.
Here's a map of Hullmar, showing Shoreham intersecting an Jane avenue. Tony lived on Hullmar nearest to Hisey. Hiseys/Hessys look related to two Gaunt surnames, and I think we can go here to the Chatti of Hesse-CASSEL, the line to heraldic cats via the Keith Catti. Clouds of Skye share the castle of German Cassels.
I read that Chatti named Caithness, where Anderson-like Hendersons are first known. Caithness is also in the Anderson write-up, and then Danish Andersons share the blue wolf with Hiseys/Hessys. The Nobels suspect in the Henderson motto are first known in East Lothian with Keiths. The Sola's in the Henderson motto are first known in Derbyshire with the Sure's/SHORE's in the Anderson motto! Bingo, even the Hisey street looks Arranged to square with the Tony-Andrea discussion.
I've just learned that EGGINGtons are listed with Eglingtons. Eggings have a red version of the German Egg/Eggerton Coat! Thus, my job at Atlas, and the alley flick, must be pointing to the edge of the Temple Mount, for Eggs/Edge's were once said to be first known in Cheshire with English Eggertons and Temple's. English Eggertons tell of an Egerton Kent, with the first-known Atlas'. The Chess Coat even shares the Auger/Eager/Etches Coat, and Chees'/Cheatle's are first known in the same place as Temple's. It's making sense. Templetons are first known in Ayrshire with the Lure's in the Herold/Herod hawk's lure. Timple's/TimperLEYs, first in Cheshire with Temple's, BUCKLEYs, and Alley-connectable Leghs/LEY, are said to have been at BUCKLOW, and Buckle-branch Buckleys share the Cloud bull head that's between the two flags.
Repeat: "I got Andrea a GAME board [and book], and Cams/Game's (Gloucestershire with Walls/Wale's) are in the "quam" motto term of Gifts/Giffards and Payne's [of Book-loving Roets]." That's repeated because "quam" is a Temple motto term too. It's used also by Cambridge's of the Cam river. Cambridgeshire is where the Arniss variation of Ainsley-branch Annas' are first known. The Arno river at Florence can explain while Flore's share the Ainsley fleur-de-lys.
Red Effers
The last update had Sleeping Beauty pointing to the Syria situation, but she also pointed to the Texas red heifers now owned by the Temple Institute in Israel. The latter are trying to breed acceptable heifers for a sacrifice to purify all temple-related items for a new temple. And I'm getting the impression that the anti-Christ invades Jerusalem to keep this sacrifice from taking place, after the first one, anyway.
I did say in the last update, "Hevers are listed with heifer-like Hefers/Evers while Scottish Evers are listed with Eure's suspect in the Hicks motto." The term is "heure," and I can do something with it here that was not done on the last update. I did do the following in the last update when comparing Abdel ATOUN to AUTUN in France:
Plus, Drews/Dreux's share a black bull head with Walerans.I bump into a pointer to Mr. Atoun of Syria shortly below, but I can stick another pointer here where Drews/DREUX's share the passant lion of Datons, though houseofnames changed the Daton Coat. The point is, Datons are said to be from "d'AUTUN." The Autons, though listed with Ortons, share the giant lion of Hume's who in turn love the True variation of Drew-like Trews/Tree's. Hortons are first known in Yorkshire with same-colored Datons, and Horts in Oxfordshire with Droits/Drewitts, suggesting that the peoples of Autun merged with Hort(on)s. Hortons named a location in Northumberland, where Tysons/Tessons are first known sharing the Auton/Orton lion.
Dreux happens to be a location in Eure province of France. It's not very far from Nevers, with the latter nearer to Autun, and between Eure and Autun. Therefore, let's go to the Nevers/Neve surname (do not come up as "Never," but "Nevers"), first known in Angus, for the heifers from Texas are Angus brand. Let's assume that Nevers'/Neve's are from a noble family out of Nevers.
One thing of note is that the Nevers/Neve cross with FIVE symbols is in the colors of the cross-with-five-symbols of Elis', first known in Yorkshire with Hicks' having a "heure" motto term. The "hoNESTas" motto term of Nevers/Neve's can suggest the Nest variation of Ness', and Scottish Ness' are first known in Fife, beside Angus, while Fife's share the FIVE/Fify lion, tending to explain the five fleur-de-lys on the Nevers/Neve cross. Byron Stinson of Texas was forced to ship only FIVE of his qualifying, seven red heifers, because he could ship them only under an Israeli law that permitted any five pets to be shipped into the country.
The Eure's/Evers come up as "Effer," and sleeping Beauty was HOVERing OVER CAR seats. Hovers/Hoffers and Hevers/Hefers both love Leopards (Sussex with leopard-face Cofferts). Hovers/Hoffers have HORNs, which I trace to mythical-Orion Boeotians, and I see the Boethus-branch Levites within the Maccabee fold from the bag of Orion elements. Hebrew-like Hebrons are first known in Northumberland with Horn-branch Herons. I trace the Orion/Iron surname to "Arran" (beside Boeotia-like Bute), location of the first-known, Maccabee-like MacAbbe's/MacABEE's who share the Coffer/Coffee fesse. The Aids/Ade's (Berwickshire with BEE-using Boys) in the French Levi motto share the black leopard face with Hovers/Hoffers.
Therefore, note the "obLIVIScar" motto term of Hebrew-suspect Eure's/Effers (almost the Bee Coat), because when we remove the Livis surname, listed with French Levi's, we are left with "oblivisCAR." The "coincidence" that Levi's are in that motto seems not like a coincidence, since the Temple Institute wants Levites to sacrifice a heifer. I'm never saying that God wants the sacrifices to take place, but would suggest that He's pointing to them because they relate directly,as the cause, to the invasion / desolation of Jerusalem.
The question is: could the heraldry thus far get us to Autun elements as a pointer to Abdel Atoun? Well, "NUMquam" is a motto term shared between Nevers/Neve's and SONNYs/Staneys for a potential pointer to the Sunni, especially as they are first known in Suffolk with Towns/Toune's. Atoun rules a Sunni alliance who could easily form a war covenant for the invasion of Israel. Scottish Towns/Touns are first known in West Lothian with Elias' sharing the Elis Coat. Coincidence?
Elias' and Elis' share the crescents of Craigs who in turn share the rider on a horse (different colors) with Navys/Neve's, first known in Angus with Nevers/Neve's, and another rider-on-horse if with Caffers while English Coffers (Caffer colors), first known in Somerset with English Heifers/Heffers, share the crescents of Irish Heffers. Don't you think that's a little too-much coincidence to be coincidence?
Heifers/Heffers have a "droit" motto code, and Droits are listed with Drewetts while Druze-like Drews' are listed with Dreux's of Eure. Eure's are also Effers. We are hearing that the Druze people, living in the Syrian Golan Heights, favor Israel over Syria at this time. Thus, we could say that Sleeping Beauty (fulfilled by Miss Hicks) is pointing to the Golan Heights by this method, but also where Hicks' share the Gulan/Golen fleur. Droits/Drewitts share the fleur-de-lys of Hicks-branch Weddings (Yorkshire with Hicks'), tending to nail Drewitts from Dreux of Eure. Weeds/Weedins even share the double fesses of Ness'/Nests.
Datons, said to be from "d'Autun," are first known in Yorkshire with Hicks' and Elis', almost have the Nevers/Never fleur-de-lys, and do share gold fleur with Hicks' who in turn share the fleur of Gulans/Golens in both colors.
Back to the Craigs, because they are in the Carrick write-up as Carrick ancestors, and the Arms of Carrick is only a red-on-white chevron, which is almost the Car Coat. We saw the Cars, with Syria-like motto terms, suspect in the Eure/Effer motto. After writing to this point in this paragraph, I spotted Dijon, near Autun, and tried for a Dion surname, which floored me because it almost has the Coat of Craigie's, first known in Ayrshire with Carricks. This now brings me to the "Honeste" motto term of Craigie's, almost the "honestas" of Nevers/Neve's!!! SURPRISE.
Back to the Sonnys/STONeys, in Stanley colors and format, for the Stone motto is shared by Craigs. Stoners are first known in Oxfordshire with Lille's to go with the lily in the Nevers/Neve Crest. To make the Nevers link to the Ness' of neighboring Fife, it's important that dove-using Nests are in Lily colors and format. Dove's are first known in Berwickshire with the Home's/Hume's having the Auton/Orton Coat, and Home's/Hume's, in the colors and format of the giant Susan lily, love the True variation of Drew-like Trews, which might even be a pointer to Homs of Syria, not far from the Druze of Golan. True's/Trews/Tree's are first known in Wiltshire with Dreux's/Drews.
The dove-using Waistells are first known in Cumberland with Autons/Ortons, signalling that Cottians of Susa were indeed at Dijon and neighboring Autun.
Stanleys are first known in Cambridgeshire, at the Cam river, with Crails/Crabs, and Crail is a location in Fife, where Nest-branch Ness' are first known. "HoNESTe." English Nests are good because they use dove's while Dove's have the West dancetty-fesse in colors reversed, and Wests, potential pointers to the Western-Wall sanctuary, are from the royal Cottians, who were related to the Lilys in the Nevers/Neve Crest. To prove a West-Dove relationship, WAISTells use the dove.
The lily is also with Dundee's, from Dundee of Angus, and the "DEI doNUM" motto term of DUNdee's looks like part-code for Dee's/DIE's (neighboring Aberdeenshire) who have a "Hic" motto term. There you see another death theme from Sleeping Beauty. King DONNus of the Cottians comes to mind with the Dundee motto, especially as Dons ("dona") are first known in Cheshire with English Dee's/Die's.
Cottians ruled Susa, and while Susans share a giant and white lily with Dundee's (Hall of Names claims it's a lily), Susa is in Piedmont with the first-known Domino's in the motto of Don-like Dions, which can suggest that the line of king Donnus named Dijon. The Dienne variation of Dions reminds that Dee's share the lion of Deins, suggesting that the many Dein/Dene surnames, and possibly also the Car-related Denhams, are from Donnus. Dunhams come up as "Domine." Reminder, Cars were Carricks while Dions almost have the Craigie Coat. The Vivians suspect in the Craigie and Craig mottos can be gleaned as a branch of Five's/Fifys and Fife's.
Dunham Masci is in Cheshire, and Masci's with Maschi's are first known in Piedmont with Susa. The Dons of Cheshire share "omnia" in their motto with ATENs/Eatons (Cheshire), and Dons add "dei" for further linkage to the Dundee motto. Omnia-like Omans/Omens are first known in Suffolk with same-colored Towns/Toune's and English Kidds. The double fesses of Dons are in colors reversed with NISSans while the Nests/Ness's (double fesses) are also Nice's and Nessans. The Nons in the Elias motto, and the Nums in the Eure/Effer motto, are both listed with Neve-like Nevins, and first known in Ayrshire with Craigie's. Nons/Nums/Nevins share the crescent of Kness'/NESS', which is the white one in the Crest of Scottish Kidds, first known in Dundee.
The Omans have most of the Coat of Scottish Bride's, first known in Angus with Nevers/Neve's. The black eagle head in the Bride Crest is in the Dion Crest too. These Bride's have a PATEE cross in Lily colors, and while French Bride's and Brights share the same stars with Maceys/Mace's (Cheshire, of Masci's of the Susa area), the latter are in Dion colors and format, more evidence that Dions are from Donnus of Susa.
French Bride's are first known in Savoy with Bright-like Brigantium, witch is also called, BRIANcon, and Irish Brians share the Heifer Coat. Bridge's (Somerset with Heifers) love the Crabs, which list Crails expected at Crail of Fife, beside the Scottish Bride's of Angus, and so both Bride surnames are pointing to the red Angus heifers from BYRON Stinson. McBride's can enter well to this theme because they are first known in Arran with the MacABEE's who share the fesse of Irish Coffers/Coffee's (Caffer colors). The latter's cups are in the colors of English Coffers (same place as Heifers). And Apps-branch ABBE's are first known in Angus while Apps'/Abbs are first known in Huntingdonshire with COTTONs, and with ADA of Warenne and the Fellows while Fells are first known in a Mr. Fell, butcher, of Dundee. The "ad" and "ADjuvandum" motto terms of Dions can suggest the Aedui peoples of Autun, i.e. near Dijon. Note how "ADJUvandum"is like the AEDUi peoples of Autun.
The man attending to the Texas heifers is Mr. BornTRAGER, and Tragers, listed with Fellers as Felltragers, and obvious kin of Rocco's, can be gleaned in the motto of Rooks, the latter first known in Worcestershire with Rocks and Nevers- and Dundee-loving Lilys. Rocco's share, essentially, the Coat of German Fryers while Freys are first known in Wiltshire with Dreux's/Drews, and with Labbs'/Laps suspect in the "Labe" motto term of Dutch Abbe's. Rockefeller elements named Roxburghshire, where Scottish Olivers are first known who have another "Ad" motto term.
Fells have the triple Brix lozenges in colors reversed, meaning that falls share the lozenges of Bricks who in turn share the Whaling/Whelan Coat for a possible pointer to Heifers at the Wailing Wall. Keifers/Keefers, with almost the Auton/Orton Coat, are first known in Munster with Bricks.
McBride's, who have their Coat as part of the Arms of Angus, share the cinquefoil of Tass', suspect in the "honesTAS" motto term of Nevers/Neve's, and in the "veriTAS" of Atens/Eatons. Tass' are also Texas-like Taques'/Teches', and in Texas colors. The Angus cows are from Texas, and Nevers/Neve's are first known in Angus. The Texas Shield is filled with checks in the colors of the "checks" (quadrants) of Eure's/Effers. Cows are listed with Cuff-branch Cough's while Cuffs are first known in Wiltshire with Dreux's/Drews and Salesburys i.e. both from Eure. Tax's/Dacks can be connected to Borders and Ducks/Dacks, both first known in Somerset with Heifers/Heffers (Texas colors).
The Tass'/Teches', first known in Suffolk with Olive-beloved Owls/Howls, have got to be of the Tess'/Tecks from the Tessin river to Pavia, home of Laevi Gauls, and then Livis-like Olivis'/Olivo's can point to the Mount of Olives, where, according to Byron Stinson, a piece of land was purchased, at the level (elevation) of the neighboring Temple Mount, and facing the Temple mount, for to slaughter a heifer... by a LEVITE, we may assume. It had been planned for Passover of 2024, but Netanyahu wouldn't allow it. The Texas Coat is almost the one of Cohens, and "priest" in Hebrew is "cohen."
A dove with olive branch is with Crest of English Shields/Sheils, first known in Berwickshire with Dove's/Dows and Scottish Rite's/RIGHTs, but also with Levi-beloved Ade's/Aids who in turn share the Hover/Hoffer leopard face. I saw Sleeping Beauty hover through the windSHIELD on the RIGHT-side (passenger) DOOR, and then the Hover/Hoffer Crest (leopard face) is in the Crest of English Rite's/Wrights (Sussex with Leopards and dove-using Nests) who in turn share the leopard faces of Scottish Doors/Doormans. This paragraph has potential to point to the plan for burning a red heifer on the Mount of Olives.
We're not done. Scottish Doors/Doormans are first known in Fife with Scottish Ness'/Nessans while English Rite's/Wrights share the double fesses of Nissans. German and Dutch Ness'/Nessans (both share Scottish Ness/Nessan Coat) list Nests while English Nests (Shell colors) share the dove with Shields/Sheils. The Ness'/Nessans have double fesses in the colors of the double chevrons of Scottish Olivers, and the Shield/Sheil motto is shared by Shee-connectable Shea's/Shaws/Sheaves while God said to me, in the dream, "'s you SHE LOVES, go wake her." Love's/Luffs, once said to be first known in Suffolk with the Omens suspect in the motto of Irish Shields/Sheils, are first known in Oxfordshire with Bee's who are in turn in the Coat of English Doors. Bee's almost have the Coat of Eure's/Effers suspect in the Hicks motto. The bee is with Honeys who share the double fesses of Rite's/Rights, and while I woke her by inadvertently brushing her knee, Knee's/Nee's can be in the "ne" motto term of Honeys.
The Knee's/Nee's share the stag head of Acorns in the acorns of English Olivers, who also have a "sprig of oak" while Spriggs share the double-blue pale bars with Seats/Cedes while she was hovering over the seats. The double Sprigg pale bars are in the colors of the pale bars of Courts/Coverts (Sussex with Acorns and Cofferts/Coverts). English Olivers don't mention their mound, which could be a "mount" as a pointer to Mount of Olives.
Most surname descriptions don't mention the Shield, but English Olivers not only mention their "silver Shield," but have an "an arm in armor" while Armors, once said to be first known in Berwickshire with Scottish Shields/Sheils, are in Scottish Shield/Sheil colors and format. I've never done so much from the classic car's WINDshield before.
Shea's/Shaws/Sheaves' are first known in Berkshire with WINDsors and Points. Oliver-beloved Spriggs have "a crown of gold olive branches on the POINT" of a sword, similar to the Coat of Windsor-branch FENDERs/Venders. The latter put an otter head at the point of their sword, and Otterburns are first known in Roxburghshire with Scottish Olivers. Just before she was hovering, Beauty was walking past the fender of the car. Fenders/Venders and Otters/Others are first known in Huntingdonshire with ADA of Warenne while Hovers/Hoffers share the black-on-white leopard face of Levi-beloved Ade's/Aids.
Though the Crede's in the Byron motto don't describe their Crest, it looks like a dove with OLIVE LEAF. The diplomat that the Biden administration has sent to talk to Julani is Barbara Leaf. Liffs/Leafs/Leve's have a dove with "staff tree leaf," and Staffs started out as Tonys/Tone's. If she's an Obama tool, nothing she says publicly can be trusted.
Cohens almost have the Hohen Coat while Cohens share the Fisk Shield while "ad" is shared between Scottish Olivers and Fisks (Norfolk with Oliff-like Liffs/Leafs/LEVE's). English Olive's list Oliffs. The latter's cockatrice head is in quadrants, in the colors of the Aten/Eaton quadrants, and Edens, looking related to the Tass/Teches Coat, are first known in Suffolk with Olive-beloved Owls/Howls (Levi/Livis colors) and Laevi-connectable Tass'/Teches'. Ignoring the scallops of Edens (beside Date's), they have the Coat of Daton-like Date's, and Datons are from "Autun"! Note EDINburgh, the Scottish capital in Lothian at/near the first-known Fallis'.
Liffs/Leafs/Leve's have the dove while Dove's are first known in Berwickshire with the ADE's/Aids in the Levi/Livis motto. "Livis" is suspect in the Eure/Effer motto. The "Macte" motto term of Fiscs can be for Machets, first known in Surrey with the father of ADa of Warenne, and with the Trots/Trude's/TRUTHs, tending to explain why the "trout" of English Neve's is bendwise in the colors of the Ade/Aid bend. Levi's/Livis' are first known in Ile-de-France with TRUdeau's, and with a Fallis-like La Falaise location. Trouts are first known in Westmorland with Levins sharing a Levine variation with Jewish Levi's. "Truth" is a motto term of Scottish Allisons, first known in Lanarkshire with Templetons. Spanish Olive's have a giant owl on a "green mound," what looks like a Deliberate Pointer to "Mount of Olives." Neve's are pointing to Levites at the Mount of Olives.
Westmorland is where Oldens are first known who share a gold lion in Crest with Oldenburgs/Alts, and another gold lion is with German Marte's, first known in Oldenburg with Jeepma's/Cheps. The latter share a giant eagle (same colors) with German Martins, and the reason for this paragraph is the "Marte" motto term of Navys/Neve's. Navys/Neve's took us to the region of the first-known Levins.
Fiscs share the star of Cliffs (Cheshire with Temple's) and Templetons. The latter were first known in Ayrshire and Lanarkshire, and the latter is beside the first-known Mounds/Mounts (Peebles-shire). Fortunately, I know from memory that ClifFORTs share the checks of Warenne-line Warrens, for I accidentally thought it was Cliftons (Lancashire with FORTs), and when Cliftons popped up on the screen, I saw they had the look of the Daton Coat, but not before I saw the "droit" motto term of Cliftons!!!! Datons are said to be from Auton, and Droits are listed with Drewitts.
The Owl/Howl-like Owls are first known in MONmouthshire while Mounts/Mounds (another "green mound") are also Mons'. Monmouthshire is where Fane/VANs are first known, suspect in "ADjuVANdum" because I find no Vand surname while there is a Dume surname, though Vance's/Fanns are interesting for being listed with Scottish Vaux's while English Vaux's (Cumberland with Autons/Ortons) share the Texas Coat. Repeat: Tass'/Teches' are first known in Suffolk with Owls/Howls. Tease's/Tyes' can bring us to the fox-line Thigh's/Thys, and there's a fox in the Crest of English Mounts, holding a "staff." Stinsons are also Stave's. The green mound of English Mounts is a "mount."
If we think that God set up the Mount surname to jibe with red heifers at Mount of Olives, then wouldn't he make the lion of Mounts helpful toward that pointer. Both Mount surnames are shared by Five's/Fifys an Fife's, but also by Golans/Jolans. English Hainaut-like Hannitys/Heanage's are first known in Lincolnshire with Golans/Jolans.
The Mons variation is excellent because Mons is the Hainaut capital while the triple Levi/Livis chevrons are almost in Wikipedia's article on the Hainaut county or counts. However, the triple chevrons are at this House of Hainaut page on which you can also see the Mount/Mons lion, which is in the Coat of Irish Hannitys/Heaneys/Hegneys too, excellent because it's the Legh lion too (in DUME colors and format) while Leggs are first known in DUMfries with HAINs.
As the Levi's/Livis' are expected with the counts of Hainaut, the black Belgian Hainaut-surname lion (owned by Flanders), in Levi/Livis colors, can be the black lion of Jewish Levi's. The latter's lions are in both colors of the lion heads in the Work/WERK Chief. On the Hainaut page, note the Arms of WERCHin, with the giant lion on a Shield covered with billets (almost the NASSau Coat). Ness' share double fesses (different color) with Works/Werks.
The Werchin lion is the giant one of Alleys, first known in WORCestershire with billet-using Wings, and with Lilys and Susa-line Tume's/Tombs (Autun/Orton colors). It's also the location of the Clent Hills while Clents/Clints have the Coat of Autun-line Date's. Clintons are first known in Oxfordshire with Lille's and Orton-like Horts. Clintons share the six fitchees of HILLarys, first known in Worcestershire with Hills.
The Works are in the motto of Sinclairs/Suns (same place as EDINburgh) in a "THY works TO" phrase, who share the Nevers/Neve cross, and then English Neve's are first known in Kent with Alley-branch Atlas' (likewise share the lion in the Arms of Werchin). The "to" term can be for the wing-using Tews sharing the Tease/Thys stars, as well as sharing the triple pale bars of Trew-beloved Knights, the latter first known in Suffolk with Tass'/Teches'. It's got the Laevi Gauls (or LIGurians) all over it, who lived near/amongst that ANANes Gauls (i.e. suspect with "Hainaut").
The Sinclairs/Suns are first known in Midlothian with the Falls'/Fallis' who not only have a Coat like the Fellers/FellTRAGERs for a pointer to Mr. Borntrager with the Texas heifers, but they too share the lion in the Arms of Werchin. English Stinsons are first known in Essex with Works/Werks.
For what it's worth toward a pointer to Mr. Atoun, let's add that the double fesses of Works/Werks are shared by Flicks/Flags. Sunnys show only suns, and Soams/Sone's are first known in Suffolk with Towns/Touns. Sune's/Some's/Sions ("FideliTAS") are first known in Lanarkshire with Flemings from Flanders, and with Templetons. The Deeds in the Fleming motto have a Daton-like Date variation.
The Sales'/Sallets suspect in the Nevers/Neve Coat go to the Salyes LIGures, on the Durance river of Briancon, and thus we have an easy link from Brians to Heifers. Nevers is near Autun, and Atens/Eatons (Cheshire with Alley-connectable Leghs/LIGHs, and Sales'/Salletts) share the quadrants of DRIVE's/Drove's (Hampshire with Hones') while Droits/Drewetts list a DRYWEt variation. And Drywe's are listed with Dreux's/Drews'. Drive's/Drove's are first known in Hampshire with Checkers sharing the Cohen/CON Coat, and Cone's are first known in Kent with English Neve's. French Legers share the double fesses of Dons (Cheshire with Leghs/Lighs) and the Dion crescent!
English Legers (Kent with Atlas') share the fretty of Shore-Sure-related Caens with a "LICitis" motto term suspect with Lice's having variations like those of Leghs/Lighs and Alleys / Atleys. I was just about to cancel starting this paragraph until "shore" sang over my speakers as I was deciding. It's in the song, "Sweet By and By", which is why I've just loaded Sweets to see them with almost the Sere/Sert Coat. The latter surname is first known in Languedoc with the Cotta's/Cottons who have the fretty Shield of Legers and Caens in half its colors, yet Legers call it "fretWORK", a term I've never seen before. While Bys are listed with Buys, English Bayers/Beiers have a giant rose in colors reversed from the lone roses of Sweets and Sere's/Serts.
Sweets are said to be first known with "Swet le Bone, Norfolk", and "bon" is an English Leger motto term. French Legers (flames) are first known in Burgundy with Sert-like Sirets/Sire's, Locks/Desloges' and Loge's while English Loge's are also Lodge's while Legers are also Ledge's. Lodge's/Loge's (Suffolk with Tresure's and Don-beloved Omens) have the tressure border of Flemings, from Flanders, where I assume WERCHins operated. Dijon and Autun are in Burgundy, and we just saw French Legers linking to Dions.
Atens/Eatons are first known in Cheshire with Dons whose double fesses are colors reversed from the same of Hones' and Honeys while "HONEStas" is a Nevers/Neve motto term. There we see a Nevers/Neve link to Autun, and Nevers is not far from Autun. Dreux's/Drews are in the colors and format of Drake's, the latter first known in Hampshire with Drive's/Drove's and Hones', and the latter's Honey branch has a bee while Bee's, first known in Oxfordshire with Orton-like Horts/Hurts, incorporate the Eure/Effer Coat. Ortons list Aten-like Autons.
Irish Arthurs use "hurts," and Dragons/Drainers, kin of Scottish Mans ("ardua"), are first known in Kent with "man"-using English Neve's. German Mans/Manners share the Bee and Eure/Effer quadrants. The only reason I stress Dreux's and Droits is their connection to Eure elements, checking for connections to red-heifer themes. English Manners/Maness' are first known in Berwickshire with Arthurs and bee-using Boys/Buys. English Neve's love Trouts while the Trout man is "NAKEd" while Knacks are first known in Hampshire with Nissans who in turn share the double Hones and Honey fesses. Knacks share the "blade" of Teems, suspect with the Teins/Tams/Thames, first known in Oxfordshire with Honey-beloved Bee's. Blade's are first known in Yorkshire with "naked"-using Elis' who in turn look related to Nevers/Neve's.
The reason for stressing Nevers' and Neve's is checking for pointers to red-heifer themes and additional pointers to Abdel Atoun, in case he starts to voice rabid opposition to the Temple Institute, something I can expect.
L'Aquila elements are in the Drake motto, and while L'Aquila is the Abruzzo capital, Abruzzo's/Abreu's named Evreux, in Eure, location of Dreux. One can glean the Abreu's in the Coat, Crest and write-up of SALESburys (Wiltshire with Dreux's), and Sales'/SALLETs, from the Salto river that has sources in Abruzzo, share the fleur-de-lys of Nevers/Neve's.
The Mee's can be suspect in the "mei" motto term of Dons because "Me" is a Dion/Dienne motto term. English Deins, by the way, are first known in Sussex with Coffer-like Coverts/Cofferts and Courts/Coverts while Cords/McCourts and Kurds/Kurts are first known in Ayrshire with Dion-connectable Craigie's. As was said, the horse-with-rider is shared between Caffers and Craigs.
It could be important that Dions/Dienne's are first known in Auvergne with giant-ram Bauds, for rams are pointing well to Abdel RAHIM Atoun. A ram is in the Crest of Turks/Torks, first known in Dumfries with Nitts/Naughts and Leggs/Legges' while Rains (Essex with Rams) have a "leges" motto term and share the Nitt/Naught lions. Kilpatricks, sharing the Chief of Irish Cramers, were on the Nitt-like Nith river of Dumfries, and German Cremers have a ram head. Kilpatricks share "laidir" with the Irish Brians, the Heifer-related ones.
I'd like to go back to the Edens, especially to their chevron-with-scallops, which I'll link to the chevron-with-scallops of neighboring Rings/Ringsteads, because the latter are first known in Norfolk with the Eden-connectable Date's. Keep in mind that date's have been shown to be from Atoun-like Autun, for a pointer to Mr. Atoun. It's what the marble-flick shot pointed to, and so I'm now going to my Atlas job at Eglington avenue, for Eglingtons are the ones with the rings. Irish Rings/Crans almost have the Coat of Others/Otters, and the latter are first known in Huntingdonshire with Ada of Warenne, the line from/to the Levi motto.
The Eglington rings are in the colors of the Other/Otter crescents, which are in colors reversed from the Seaton and Golan/Jolan crescents, and the "SIT pruDENTia" motto phrase of Edens looks like code of Sedans/Siddens of SEDbergh, where Dents are first known, but also code for the Sitten variation of Seatons, the latter first known at East Lothian with Gulans/Golens, and at EDINburgh.
The Eden chevron-with scallops is shared in two colors with James, first known in Surrey with the father of Ada of Warenne. The same James' share the Atlas / Alley lion. In the James Crest is the blue lion of Jane's/Jeans, once said to be first known in Worcestershire with Alleys (Jane/Jean lion in colors reversed).
Therefore, with all the emphasis on Autun elements along with Nevers of Angus, it could strike us that Abdel Rahim Atoun's Sunni will have something to do with Mr. Abomination attacking the sacrifices in Jerusalem. The James' have a "Victor" motto while Heifer-connectable Coffers/Coffee's use "Victoria." The Coffer/Coffee Crest shares the green DOLPHIN with French's, first known in Devon with ASH's, and sharing one of their two chevrons. The heifer is to be turned to ashes. Dolphins/Dolfins were once said to be first known in Surrey with both James surname, and the other James' have a giant dolphin.
Dolphins/DOLfins, in Dol-WHALE colors, are now first known in Cumberland with Autons/Ortons, and we just saw James' linking to Adens. Walls list Wale's. The Caesars (Surrey) in the motto of German Walls have another dolphin. Is this a pointer to sacrifices at the Wailing Wall? Walls/Wale's almost have the Coat of Hicks-branch Hooks, the latter first known in Devon with Ash's/Esse's in the motto of Wall-connectable Sheriffs. The Wall/Wale Crest shares the wolf head of Sheriff-like Scarfs (Yorkshire with Hicks'), and the ermine mammal with scarf in the Arms of St. Malo is beside Dol.
St. Malo is at the Rance river, and Rance's/Rands, first known in Norfolk with Eden-connectable and Autun-suspect Date's/Deeds and SHOULDhams, share the lion of Leghs / Mounts / Five's / Fife's / Golans/Jolans / take-your-pick, but more importantly, the triple chevrons of German Ash's are on the SHOULDer of the Rance/Rand lion. The Rand-branch Rinds love the Flowers along with Atoun-pointing Tonys, and Flowers are first known in Devon with Flower-loving Jule's/Jewels and Ash's/Esse's. The only thing missing is the match to light the fire. The only problem is, how does one sanctify the match before the fire's lit?
The Caesar roses are in the colors of the Sere/Sert rose, and the latter are first known in Languedoc with French Julians while Caesar-like Cass'/Cash's are first known in Cambridgeshire with English Julians. Rance's/Rands are first known on Norfolk with the Sert-connectable Sweets, suspect from Swietoslawa of the Mieszko's, explaining why Lamberts, first known in Surrey too, are essentially in Sweet colors and format, as per Mieszko II Lambert. Lamberts use the lamb, as do Lums/Lambs (in a Stinson motto) who in turn share the Sere/Sert and Sweet stars in colors reversed.
One Lam/Lamb Coat share the Billet cinquefoils, and the other Lams/Lambs (both first known in Northumberland with Tuna's/Tunno's/Tunnels) share the Flower cinquefoil. Flowers and English Billets are both first known in Devon with Ash's, and French Billets/Billiards almost have the Coat of French Lamberts (share double-white chevrons with Sweets). English Billiards/Hillards, sharing the Billet/Billiard Coat, are now said to be first known in Surrey.
I suggest that Drews, though listed with Dreux's, were not a variation from "Dreux, but of the Trews/Trows/True's (same place as Dreux's/Drews) when a Dreux liner married them. That's because Trews have variations like the Neve-beloved Trouts/Trowbacks/Truebecks, but it was shown above why Trouts should be a variation of Trots/Truths (Surrey) i.e. not Dreux's. The Mans in the Trout Crest have a black dragon, the color of the "man" in the Trout Crest, and Mans are in Dragon/Drainer colors and format, suggesting that Trouts were off of the Trews who merged with the Drake-connectable Dreux's/Drews. The Trout man is "naked," same term used by Elis' for their "woman."
Eure elements go to the PRIESTlys, who share two Abruzzo/Abreu symbols, and share a red cockatrice with the Brands in the brandished sword of the Trew Crest. Trews with Dreux's are first known in Wiltshire with the Abreu-line Salisburys. Brands have one of the three Levi/Livis.
Another songline miracle just took place. I was remembering when living across the street from a friend my age. I can't remember his first name, but do remember that his father owned Salisbury insurance i.e. his surname is Salisbury. He took me to his roof a couple of times, and showed how he'd run diagonally down-and-across the roof and dive off of it head-first into his swimming pool. I was noting that the white lions in the Salisbury Crest (combattant like the two Abreu lions) could be of the neighboring Pools.
Then, suddenly, it struck me that Salisburys share the Golan/Jolan Coat in colors reversed (almost), and just as Golans/Jolans were loading to check it out, Golan-like "golden fields" sang over my speakers (song, "Wayfaring Strangers"), and so I loaded Goldens too to find a Coat similar to the other two, though Goldens are in Gulan/Golen colors and format. Strangers share the Roof lion, but Strangers use them in the format of Jewish Levi's.
The song is, WAYfaring Stranger, and Ways (Dorset with Pools) use fish called "lucies" while Lucys (Norfolk with Roofs) share pike fish with Ged-branch Geddes', and Geds have them in the colors of the Way lucies, and colors reversed from the GEDney/Kidney fish. The Fish's and Gedneys/Kidneys ("blue fish CROSSed") are both first known in Lincolnshire with Golans/Jolans, Cross'/Croce's and Brands. Italian Croce's share the giant Pool lion. Cross'/Croce's share the Eure/Effer quadrants. The Fido's in the Cross/Croce motto are in Brand colors and format.
The 1979 Sleeping-Beauty dream opened with a shark in a KIDNEY-shaped swimming pool, and this dream is now pointing to Julani and company, just as the Saliburys do who include the swimming-pool story. Miss Hicks fulfilled Sleeping Beauty, and Hicks', with a "heure" motto term, share an Icke variation with Pike-related Ice's/Ecco's. That term is translated, "time," and Time's/Timms are first known in Kent with the Trout-loving Neve's, Sleeps, and with Masons/Massins sharing two motto terms with Cross'/Croce's who in turn share the Eure/Effer quadrants. Sleeps essentially have the Coat of Ness' that were to topic early with the Nevers'/Neve's.
My Salisbury friend sold me his drum set, and German Drummonds are first known in Hamburg with the Knacks suspect in the naked man of Neve-beloved Trouts. I can't find any other naked-like surname. German Drummonds look related to the double fesses of Nissans (Hamburg with Knacks), shared with Honeys and Hones' expected in the "honesta" motto term of Nevers/Neve's. The Knack Shield is split into the colors of the split-Shield of Yarborough's, who were from Yaroslav of Kiev, where I trace Trips (Hamburg) i.e. to Trypillians around Kiev. Yarborough's and Knacks share the split-Shield of English Neals, first known in Wiltshire with Salisburys. The latter were Eure elements along with PRIESTlys, and the latter are first known in Yorkshire with naked-woman and Nevers-connectable Elis', but also with Knack-beloved Blade's. Priests (not "Priestly") share the Chief of Irish Neals/Neils. Therefore, my friend with the drum set is pointing to Autun-connectable elements.
The Sleeping Beauty dream opened with a nasty shark feeding on a British bulldog, and Sharks are first known in Tyrone with Irish Neals/Neils. Then, the black wolf head in the Crest of English Neals takes us to the black wolf in the Crest of Shark-branch Saracens, first known in Cumberland with Autons/Ortons. Then, the Saracen Coat is like the one of TONbridge's, first known in Kent with British's/BRADDocks, and with the Atlas having a giant lion in the colors of the giant lion head of BRADDs (Cheshire with Leghs).
The shark had the bulldog half swallowed, making it interesting that Swallows are first known in the same place with Golans/Jolans sharing the Legh lion. I had identified the bulldog solidly as Donald Trump. As I've said, this dog came walking past my leg, at knee height, and FELL into the pool with the shark. Leggs and Knee's (share Acorn stag head) and Knee's can both be linked to Trumps and Tromps (acorns), and Jumps share the Trump stag head. Therefore, is Julani going to swallow Trump, so to speak, by defeating his Israeli partner?
Swallows are used by Arundels, the latter first known in Sussex with Acorns and Downs, the latter having the Trump stag, I assume, and Knee's are first known in County Down. Arundels are in the colors and format of Eagle's/Hegels, interesting where the latter share the Daton lion, for Date's are first known in Norfolk with early Alans descended from Flatt-like Flaad of Brittany, where Sarasins are first known. Flatts are linkable to Norfolk's Flicks/Flags and Floats. Miss Hicks was floating in a hover, and Hicks', with the Alan and Roundel fesse in colors reversed, translate their motto with am "All in" phrase suspect with Allins. Rundels/Roundels almost have the Alan Coat, and Rounds use a "SLEEPing lion" while Sleeps named Sleap, in Shropshire with the Arundel-related Alans and Swallow-like Sallows, from Alice of Saluzzo, wife of FitzAlan of Arundel.
As English Neals have a "NOMen" motto term suspect with Nons/Nevins, let's repeat from above: "The Nons in the Elias motto, and the Nums in the Eure/Effer motto, are both listed with Neve-like Nevins, and first known in Ayrshire with Craigie's. Nons/Nums/Nevins share the crescent of Kness'/NESS',..." We could be on a pointer here to BIBI of the KNESSet. Knee's are also Knees', and nomen-like Omens are expected in the Ore motto while Orreys, sharing a Ure variation with Eure's/Effers, are first known in Ayrshire too.
Eure's/Effers almost have the Bee Coat while "Ne" is a motto term of bee-loving Honeys while Knee's are also Nee's. Eure's/Effers are first known in the same place as Lakeys suspect with giant-leg Prime's, and as Prime's are first known in Lincolnshire with leg-using Leakeys (share Gulan/Golen fleur) and Legh-connectable Golans/Jolans, it seems to speak for itself as to what Effers are pointing to, but also the shark in the pool, for Miss Hicks was in this dream, and Hick's have the "heure" motto term. Autun-like Huttons are first known at LEYland while Leghs list Leys.
Neve liners have been suggesting the red-heifer plot at the Mount of Olives, and Olive's / Olivers themselves look like Levi liners, and then while Hooks have a blue-Shield version of the Hicks Coat, Hooker share the Jewish Levi Coat.
Surprising Pointers to the Houthis
In the context of the hovering scene of Sleeping Beauty pointing to the heifer plot that angers certain Muslims, the fact that she was standing at the car's hood, before hovering in it, could (MAYBE) point to the HOUTHi, for Houths are listed with Oddeys while Oddie's/Hoddys share the saltire of Hoods/Hoots. Houth's/Oddeys have a dove with "OLIVE branch." Is this a pointer to red heifers at mount of Olives. The Houth/Oddey dove is on a mound, but call it a "piece of ground" likely for the dove-using Peace'/Paise's, for Paisley branch Packs are first known in Sussex with Houth's/Oddeys.
The "VeRITAS" motto term of Houths/Oddeys must be for Ritas' because they use "PIECES of wood"! Woods are first known in Leicestershire with Tonys! The beauty here is that it doesn't seem like a wasted exercise when checking for Autun pointers to Mr. Atoun, for he's to which Tony of the alley shot points, and "veritas" is a motto term also of ATENs/Eatons, whose patee cross can be proven to be for Pattys, first known in Worcestershire with Alleys!
The Knack write-up: "The name Knack and its variants Knakenhower and Knokenhower..." It just so happens that Nochs/Nokes' share the red leopard face of Antonys, first known in Lincolnshire with Golans/Jolans. The unusual design, chosen by houseofnames, for the six-pointed Knack star is shared by KISSingers while Kiss'/Cush's are first known in Leicestershire with Tonys. I leaned over to KISS her awake, otherwise there would be no "Sleeping Beauty" theme for making connections via Sleeps and Beautys. The latter are needed to make the link to Haydens and death-themed Hades' (same place a Beautys). Sleeps are needed to make the link to Layards and Lays/LEGHs. While leaning over to kiss her as she lay flat in a hover, she awoke when I touched her leg.
While Knacks can be traced to Yaroslav of Ukraine, KISSINov is at the Ukraine/Moldova border, tending to explain why Kissingers share the Knack star.
The Vince's in the Aten/Eaton motto are first known in Hertfordshire with Priests and SHOVELs, and the Omans in the Aten/Eaton motto, first known in Suffolk with Towns/Toune's, are in Vince colors and format. Shovels are suspect in the "DiSHEVELed" and naked woman in the Crest of Nevers-connectable Elis' (Yorkshire with Priestlys), and Elis-branch Elias' are first known in the same place as Scottish Towns/Toune's. A naked man is with Neve-beloved Trouts.
[Insert -- I saw a Knechtle surname on Monday morning, and then found the naked-like Knechts/Knachts by entering "Knechtel." Hall of Names describes the Coat not with what it and houseofnames show, described as: "A man dressed in black, and holding a black SPADE," perfect because Spade's use "shovels." Therefore, the naked term of Elis' is code for Knechts/Knachts or one of their branches. This surname shows what is usually a "scythe," and the "sed" motto term of Elias' suggests it to be code for the Scythes variation of Seaton- / Sedan-branch Side's/Suddys. Plus, Elis' use "HER hair disheveled" while Hers/Herrs use the same scythe!
The Hers/Herrs were a branch of Hermits in the "hermit" of Scottish Sheds (Ayrshire with Scottish Hairs) while English Sheds/Scheds (Yorkshire with Elis' and Hermits) share the potent cross with Scythe's/Sheets (not "Scythes"). The Blade's in the Knack Coat are first known in Yorkshire with Elis'. End insert]
While Hamas-like Hams are first known in Sussex with Houths/Oddeys, Israel has been attacking Houthi in Yemen who stand on behalf of Hamas. Yemen and Israel have been sending missiles at each other this week. Wow, while HODnets have the Houth/Oddey quadrants in colors reversed, Hodnet is less than five miles from Market Drayton, and the latter was named by Draytons who share a gold eagle leg with HOOTers and HOOVERs!!! I didn't realize this when starting on the Houthi moments ago. That's incredible. There is a Yemen/Yeme surname, but at first glance, I don't know whether it can apply.
Drayton-like Drydens are first known in Angus with Nevers/Neve's and Navy's/Neve's, the pointers to the Angus Heifers.
There should be no blood link between the Drayton-Dryden bloodline and the Yemen/Yeam surname just because Yemens were looked up to check for pointers to Houthi of Yemen...unless God created the link centuries ago for a pointer to Houthi. As Yemens/Yeams share the Gaine/Gean crosslets, it dawns on me that Yeams are from a Geam-like variation amongst Gaine liners. Compare the Coat of Irish Gains'/Gainors to Draytons and their Hales kin (Drayton is in Hales). Then compare German Gains' to Haleys. German Gains' even share the fleur-de-lys of Hells, and it just so happens that Hells are first known in Kent with Gore's and Trips, both of whom share the Yemen/Yeam and Hamburg crosslets! SURPRISE.
[I didn't know yet, while writing here, that checking Gaza-like surnames would find German Gas' first known in Hamburg!]
Geens, though listed with Geers/Geeds, are first known in Hamburg with German Trips! See? Geens/Geers/Geeds, in Ged, Hell, Gains and Haley colors, have the Jacket/JAYcock Coat in colors reversed while Jays are first known in Herefordshire with Yemens/Yeams! SEE? Geens/Geers/Geeds share triple-white crescents with Oldens while German Gains'/Geins are first known in Oldenburg.
Gaine's/Geans are first known in Huntingdonshire, near the Cam river, and Cams are also Game's, looking (by their Coat) slightly related to the Coat of German Gains'/Geins. As there's a dark-blue lion (not black) in the Yean Crest, while the Yean Shield has the Jane/Jean lion in colors reversed, Yemens/Yeans may have been of Jane's/Jeans/JAINs, and then Drydens share the lion of both French and Spanish Jeans. The thing is, Yeans are first known in Somerset with the Tarzan-like Tarrs/Tarres' so that I've now got to entertain my GAME-board and Tarzan-and-Jane gifts to Andrea as pointers to Yemen's Houthis. How crazy is that?
It would help if I could link Andrea to Houths/Oddeys, and I can, because Bill's father took Bill and I to buy her gifts, and Bills (Somerset) share the pelican with Houths/Oddeys, and with Pullys/Pullens (Yorkshire with Gowers/GORE's, Oddie's/Hoddys and Odins) who in turn share the scallops of Jane's/Jeans/Jains. Pellicans are first known in the same place as French Billets, while English Billets are first known in Devon with Hoods/Hoots, Tony-beloved Flowers, and Dove-connectable Wests while Houths/Oddeys have the dove. Tony's gift to Andrea pointed to both Atoun and Julani. Houths/Oddeys share "Veritas" with Atens/Eatons i.e. traceable to Hooten-like "Autun," and the Hooten Crest shares the rider on horse with Navys/Neve's.
By the way, I've never pointed to Houthis before, and they are in the news this very week.
At first, I didn't see how GAMels can apply to the Cams/Game's, or to Andrea's game board. Gamels are in Temple colors and first known in Cheshire with Temple's, and then the "black wings" in the Gamel Crest suggest the black Temple eagle. The Gamel family decided to drop reference to their Eagle/Hegel ancestry in Temple's, or so I suspect due to absence of "eagle wings." Hagels are first known in Somerset with English Camels.
The Cam river is near CAMULodunum, now Colchester, and here the nails in the Arms of Colchester are interesting because "nail"-using Proctors, first known in CAMbridgeshire, are in Gamel and Campbell/Cammells colors. Proctors share the Crest of Cheshire's Birds/Burds. Colchesters share the Neil/O'Nail estoiles.
Cambridgeshire is also where Wrench's/Rench's are first known while German Rench's essentially have the Coat of Gamble's said to be from "Gamall," though GaMALLs are listed with Gamels above, first known in Cheshire with MALLs/Marlybone's, suggesting a Game-Mall merger. Malls look very related to the Eure/Effer and Leighton/LEYton Coats for connection to Leghs/Leigh's/Leys (Cheshire again). Gambino's use legs. Proctors use nails as pale bars while Pale's are first known in Yorkshire with Morleys/Mauls.
Multiple pale bars are often "palets," and Pallets are in Gamel/Gamall colors and format. Gemels (not "Gamel") are first known in Ayrshire with Templetons, and with the Scottish Logans using the Proctor nail in a heart, likely the heart of Ayrshire's Cords/McCourts. The Logans can therefore have the giant Sauvage heart because Sauvage's are first known in Champagne with Pallets. English Savage's/Sava's (Cheshire) have the Eagle/Hegel Coat in colors reversed, suggesting Savage links to Temple's.
Therefore, the game board to Andrea can point to these things, for starters. And it just so happens that WRENch's and Wrens share the Yemen/Yeam crosslets! Wrens are said to be of the Raines', which checks out where the Wren Crest shares the white lion with Rains'. Rains have the rams in their write-up, which can explain the similarity between the Rain and Ram Coats, both first known in Essex with Camulodunum.
I'm going to suggest that Gemels point to "PERSeCUTE" because MontaCUTE's, first known in Somerset with PIERCE's and PERCivals, are in Montacute colors and format if the Gemel "chains" are ignored. Their hearts are "joined by a chain," a good symbol of persecution. The Gemel Crest has a swan "pierced by an arrow," and the Logan heart, which must be the gemel heart, is "pierced" by a nail. It could look like Christian persecution.
The Nation/Nathan heart is pierced by an arrow, and Hall of Names tells that Stoltenbergs have the same heart pierced by an arrow. Jens Stoltenberg ruled NATO until the despicable Mark Rutte took over recently (tells you all you need to know about NATO), and Natts are listed with German Nathans while Rothschilds love the Nathan name. It's not only Muslims who will persecute Christians, but some Jews too, always minimizing Christians, never choosing them to lead globalist enterprises unless they are compromised, political-animal Zionists.
While Pass'/Pascals in "compass" are first known in Essex with Camulodunum = nail-using Colchester, Nations/Nathans use COMPasses while Comps/Camps/Champs are in Campbell/CAMMELL colors. Pass'/Pascals (from Eure) share the Hott eagle while the first-known Houths/Oddeys were nearby in turn near the first-known Champions/Campions. Campanio's use BELLs. CampBELLfords (Peacock) have the cross of Pass'/Pascals (Essex with Peacocks) in colors reversed. Campbellfords, sharing the Jewish Rothchild roses, are first known in Staffordshire with Rothschild-beloved Arrows/Arras'. The Arms of Rothschild share five, bunched arrows with CAMerons. Rothschilds own Israel, and NETANyahu is its current prime minister, bombing Yemen this week.
Stoltenberg-like Stolts use billets in the colors of the MontaCUTE's (beside Billets), and the latter are first known in Somerset with Pains and the Stolls who share the same lozenges, in colors reversed from the Montacute lozenges. Stolls named West neighboring Wiltshire, where Shute's/Shitts/Schute's are first known who trace to Sitlers/Schitners, first known in Silesia with Stolts.
Although Stolls show a dove with olive branch in beak, Hall of Names reveals that they also have "an eagle...holding a scroll in its beak." Scrolls/Scope's are the pointers to Mount Scopus over-looking the Western Wall. I almost missed it, but I happened to load Rutts as per Mark Rutte, and Rutts have a "scroll" in Crest! I treated that not many weeks ago, but had forgotten what they used when mentioning Rutte above.
Bell-using Rutts can be connected to Rudes', first known in Shropshire with the Bellamy. The latter share the fesse of Bells, and the latter are first known in Dumfries with Turks/Torks ("bello" motto term) who in turn have a ram head, but for some two minutes before making this heraldic set, I was wondering why Rutts may be in Ram colors and format. Looks like I found the reason. The Turk/Tork chevron is in the Ram Crest.
And German Turks are first known in Silesia with Stolts! Rudes' are also Rudge's, sharing a Coat with Ridge's, the latter first known in Devon with Stolt-beloved Billets. The latter's Bello branch is in the Tork/Turk motto. It looks like NATO is ALL-IN-THE-FAMILY with Rothschilian globalists. Rutte is a WEF animal, and while WEF has headquarters in Switzerland, that's where German Stolls are first known. Bello's are first known in Cheshire with the Pace's in the Turk/Tork motto.
As Turks/Torks use "Peace" in their English-version motto, it recalls the dove on a "piece of ground" of Houths/Oddeys, for Grounds/Grundys and their Rhodes branch look linkable to the Rudes/Rudge and Ridge cross. It's the Rhodian globalists. Houths/Oddeys are first known in Sussex with Pace-like Packs who in turn share the Paisley anchor. Billets are first known in Devon with Hoods/Hoots.
Hall of Names has Stoltenbergs "a red heart pierced by an arrow." Houseofnames shows Stoltenbergs with the same eagle as Temple's, but there's also some branches with leaves of some sort.
Persecution seems to be in-store where Byron Stinson, a Zionist Christian, is supplying Israel with red heifers. God says that He'll put a HEDGE around Israel until the time comes to remove His restraining power from the midst of satan, allowing Mr. Abomination to flood into Israel. Byron-like Byrons (both in Yorkshire) use HEDGEhogs.
Repeat from above: "The "VeRITAS" motto term of Houths/Oddeys ["piece of ground"] must be for Ritas' because they use "PIECES of wood"! Woods are first known in Leicestershire with Tonys!" Ritas' share the giant lion of the Somerset Yeans! Their giant lion is the one of Alleys and Atlas', the latter first known in Kent with Gore's and Trips. Yet the giant Yean lion is also the one of English Gerards while Windsors, sharing the Yemen/Yean, Gore, Trip and Gaine crosslets, are said to be related to Gerard-like Geralds, which explains why Desmonds/Geralds have the Windsor saltire in colors revered. It could appear that Geralds and Gerards were branches.
Gaine's are first known in Huntingdonshire with the Others/Otters in turn said to be proto-Windsors. Gore's are in mythical GORlois, for his wife mated with mythical UTHER Pendragon while Utters/Otterburns use the otter as evidence for being a branch of Others/Otters. Gorlois was a ruler of Cornwall, and Jane's/Jeans are now said to be first known in Cornwall, which is where we can trace the "Cornish chough" of the neighboring Hoods/Hoots.
Previously, Jane's/Jeans were first known in Worcestershire with Alleys, and with the Croms in the Desmond/Gerald motto, yet I recorded that Croms were previously first known in Berkshire with Windsor castle. Don't we think it's amazing that, while looking for Tarzan's chimp, I came across a monkey in the Desmond/Gerald Crest? At that time, I went to google seeking others who used the money, and I wrote: "I've read that Gorings used the monkey"!!! Now we know why, for Gorings must have been from Gore's sharing the Windsor crosslets. English Gorings are first known in Sussex with Houths/Oddeys.
I've just found English Garrets, new to me, sharing the Desmond/Gerald saltire, but instead of the MONKey, Garrets use a "A demi MONK, in the dexter hand a lash". It's interesting that Lash's/Leech's share the crowns of Scottish Grands, first known in Inverness-shire with Gows while Gowers/Gore's (Yorkshire with Lace's/Lase's) share the white wolf with Gore's.
Monks use a cockaTRICE, and Trice's/Trysts are first known in Cornwall with Tristans who named mythical Tristan of the Arthurian cult. Pendragon birthed king Arthur with Gorlois' wife, which is mere writer's play on cherished bloodlines, indicating that Pendragons (Cornwall) were related to Gore's and such others in the codework.
Gorlois' wife was Vivienne, and Vivians are first known in Cornwall, a branch of Five's/Fifys and Fife's. Usually, Gorlois' wife is said to be Igraine, Arthur's, but you can also find "At some point, Gorlois married Vivienne and had a daughter, Morgause." Morgan le FAY (Igraine's daughter) was a half-sister to Arthur, and Vivians are also Veys. Dutch Veys use a boot while Boots were once said to be first known on Berkshire with Windsor castle. Morgan ruled a with cult on mythical Avalon, which is Bute.
Igraine-like Grains share the eagle if Wine's/Gwynns expected with mythical Guinevere, Arthur's wife. The Scottish Guine's/Gunns, with "Pax" and "bellum" motto terms, have a motto like the one of Turk/Torks. Peace's/Paise's in the English-version motto of Turks/Torks, are first known on Orkney with Guine's/Gunns.
[Insert Saturday, the day after writing above -- Could Vivians be a pointer to the Houthi missiles that struck at Tel-AVIV this week? One landed there during the past day. Believe it or not, I wrote that before loading Tels to find them with the giant Five/Fify and Fife lion. Tellers/Talers look connectable to the Coat of Ness', first known in Fife. End insert.]
I see Monks as a branch of Moons and Monans/Moonans while the latter can be gleaned as kin of Gowers/Gore's. They almost have the same motto, get Gowers/Gore's use "franGAS." This is staggering in light of my arriving here from the sharing of crosslets between Gore's and Yemens, for while Gore's are first known in the same place as English Trips (same crosslets), German Trips, who once showed triple boots, are first known in Hamburg with the German Gas!!!! The ones who pointed to "Gaza," because Hamburg is where Yemen-connectable Geens/Geers/Geeds are first known.
I neglected to add that HAMburgs, sharing the same crosslets, can point to Hamas, the ruler of Gaza!!! The beef that Houthis have with Israel is her slaughter of Gazans, and this is going to pay with the abomination that causes desolation.
The Geens/Geers/Geeds (almost have the Moon Coat) could have been a Gain-line merger with Geds because the latter are first known in Fife with St. Monans (in the Moonan write-up). It's also where otter-head Balfours are first known, and Arthur Balfour helped the British Rothschilds to put Israel on the map. The Geer variation could have been from Geralds / Gerards in the family. Or, Irish Gars/Gearys (Sligo with Gains-connectable Haleys) share the Jane/Jean/Jain lions. Or, German Gars/Gerns/Karens share the German Goring lion.
This Houthi discussion started with Sleeping Beauty at the hood of her car, and so let me repeat how the scene started. I was waist-deep in an ocean, with blue water. As I stepped onto the dry beach, at the SHORE, I saw a lone car on the beach, about 100 feet away, with a woman in a BATHing SUIT, walking around the front FENDER to the front of the hood. Fenders/Venders can be gleaned as a Windsor branch because they use an otter head and were first known in the same place as proto-Windsor Others/Otters, possible namers of Hooters/Hutters. It was the Yemens who eventually took us to Windsors sharing their crosslets.
When I arrived to the car, she was hovering in it, and Hoovers share the Hooter Coat. The bathing suit can be for the Baths because they have most of the Rhodes Coat in colors reversed, and the only reason I can think of, for the inclusion of Windsors in this heraldic set, is the British royals in cahoots with the Rothschilds, who, in the days before Balfour became the British prime minister, were in cahoots with Cecil Rhodes, thieving globalist.
Suits (Angus) list Sewers, suspect with the Shute-line merger with Sewards / Swords, and there is a sword holding an otter's head in the Fender/Vender Coat. The Suit Crest is the Rhodes Crest in a slightly-different hue. Jewish Rothchilds (not "Rothschild") and Roach-branch Rauch's share the bend of German Winders whose wings suggest a branch of Wingers (Bavaria with Winders), and then I link English Wingers to Claptons, from a Clapton Somerset with the first-known Baths and Yemen-connectable Yeans. I told why Yeans look like a Jane/Jean branch, and the latter share the scallops of Pullys/Pullens who in turn share the motto of English Winders. Winklers are also WINDlers. Roach's are in Shute colors and format, and Shute's use only swords on their Shield, in the colors of the Sword swords.
This could signal that God is about to raise armies against Rothschilian Jerusalem from all sides, including to her south with Yemenese fighters, because Rothschilian Israel is a stench in His nostrils.
Repeat from above because it's amazing, noting the "ground," for Grounds/Grundys (Yorkshire with Rhodes') have a version of the Rhodes Coat:
Repeat from above: "The "VeRITAS" motto term of Houths/Oddeys ["piece of ground"] must be for Ritas' because they use "PIECES of wood"! Woods are first known in Leicestershire with Tonys!" Ritas' share the giant lion of the Somerset Yeans! Their giant lion is the one of Alleys and Atlas', [...and thus this gets us to Tony's struck marble].THE THING IS, of all the surnames in this section, it's the HOUTH's with the "ground." If that's not enough, the only surname I can find that's in "piece" is the Peace'/Paise's sharing the dove with Houth's/Oddeys. Peace's/Paise's are in McAbbe colors and format, and the latter share the "salmon" (same colors) of Hamas-like Hams, first known in Sussex with Houths/Oddeys!!! It's also where Hammers are first known who use dolphins while Dolphins were once said to be first known in Surrey with Salmons.
Sussex is also where Leopards are first known, and while the Ground/Grundy leopard is in the brown color of the Suit leopard, Browns/Bruns are first known in Cumberland with Dolphins and Salmons. It's perhaps revealing that the priests chosen for the heifer sacrifice will descend from Salome of Boethus, a Herod line too. German Leopards are first known in Westphalia with Pansys/Pantzers sharing the Peace/Paise doves (same colors).
The blue doves of Waistells (Cumberland again) are shared by English George's, the latter first known in Dorset with Rita-related Pools, from Vespasia Polla of Rita-like Rieti, mother of three, consecutive heads of the Revelation-17 beast. The latter is expected to form war pacts with angry Muslims. The Ground/Grundy cross looks related to AINSleys and Adams of ANNANdale, and Annas/Ananus was the priest who sentenced Jesus to death.
I can now offer a reason for the hovering scene of Sleeping Beauty in the context of these pointers to anti-Israeli Muslims. Julani has announced that he will impose SHARia LAW in Syria, which will threaten Christians there progressively. Sleeping Beauty is Mrs. Kilpatrick, and Irish Kilpatricks have Sharia-like variations, including Sharar. Laws (share the bend-with-stars of Salome's) can take us to LAWyers listed with Lay-like Layards, and when Beauty was laying flat as she hovered, she fell asleep as a pointer to Christian deaths, I think. Lawyers/Layards share the double fesses of Sleeps, both ermined to boot. They are almost the same Coat.
I was going to kiss her awake, and Laws ("PIERCED" stars) share the red rooster with Kiss'/CUSH's, and with Bibi-like Bibo's whose put their rooster on a CUSHion. Bibi is the nickname of Israel's leader, Netanyahu, the one fomenting anger all over the Arab world.
Lays are listed with Leghs, and I woke her by TOUCHing her leg with a hand. Lays/Leghs (same place as Touch's and Hands) share the lion of Golans/Jolans, first known in Lincolnshire with English Layers. Lays/Leghs are first known in the same place with Atens/Eatons while Touch's have the Auton/Orton Coat in colors reversed.
Repeat from above: "Sleeps are needed to make the link to Layards and Lays/LEGHs. While leaning over to kiss her as she lay FLAT in a hover, she awoke when I touched her leg." Flatts/Fletts and Floats, sharing the Kiss chevron, are first known in Orkney with Peace's/Paise's in the "pieces of WOOD." She was FLOATing in the air, and so if you compare Flatts to Fleets and Floats, you'll see connection to FLICKs/Flags. Then, then compare FleetWOODs to Wach-connectable WAKEfields, for Wachs are first known in Dumfries with Leggs. I was told to WAKE her, and decided to kiss her awake. Kiss' are first known in the same place as Woods and flick-shot Tonys. Legh-connectable Golans/Jolans are first known in Lincolnshire with Wake's, and with Fleets who in turn virtually have the Flick/Flag Coat.
The Wake Chief shares the roundels in the Ore Chief, and Ore's (Renfrewshire with Ore-related and Knack-like Knocks) share "OMNia" with Atens/Eatons (connectable to pieces of wood) while Omans, in Flatt/Flett and Town/Toune colors and format, are first known in Suffolk with Towns/Toune's. The Ore motto looks related to the "bon" term in the motto of Hicks, yet the "BoNIS" of Ore's can be for Biss' sharing the scallops of Flicks/Flags and Fleets (Lincolnshire with Nokes-connectable Antonys). Knacks (almost have the Wach stars) happen to share the sheaf of Wachs and Wakefields (Yorkshire with Hicks and Knack-beloved Blade's).
German Layers, sharing the double-wavy fesses of Hones', are first known in Ulm while German Ulmans (Austria with Schere's and Scherfs/Schere's) share the double Sleep fesses too. The only difference between the Sleeps and Lawyers/Layards is the latter's MILL rind, and Mills are first known in Hampshire with Hones' while their Honey branch is first known in Worcestershire with both English Ulman Coats.
On a 700-Club video Thursday, I saw Julani announce that he will enforce Sharia law, but not with a "stick," he said, because hitting law-breakers with sticks is against Sharia law. He said he'll punish all activists against Sharia, however, whatever that means. The point is, Schare-connectable Schere's have a snake coiled around a "stick," and the Sticks share the Lawless/Loveless sheaves. The latter along, with the "pierced" stars of Laws, if indeed Pierce's/Piers are a pointer to PERSEcution, can point to persecution from the Sunni. Peare's are first known in the same place as Love's/Luffs.
Wearys have the Peir/Peer bend in colors reversed. We're going to be weary in this world. Peirs/Peers are first known in Warwickshire with Comps/Camps perhaps in the "COMPositum" motto term of Laws. It's making Laws look like Levi liners, explaining why Laws share the Salome bend-with-pierced-stars, suspect from Salome Boethus of the Sadducees.
The Apostle Paul says that Mr. Abomination will foment lawlessness, and Jesus said love will grow cold = loveless people. It just so happens that Lawless'/Loveless' are first known in Glamorganshire with Wilkins who in turn share the split-Shield colors of Schere-branch Scherfs/Schere's/Schare's! The "man" in the Lawless Crest is related to the Dragons/Drainers in the Wilkin Coat and Crest.
Lawless'/Loveless' are in the colors and format of Ghents, first known in Hampshire, beside Sticks, and while the Numine's possibly in the Lawless/Loveless motto are first known in Dorset with Beautys, the latter's bulls can be those of Lovicks. The "ComposiTUM" motto term of Laws can point to Tume's/TOMBs, and while the latter are first known in the same place as Lilys, Lille's are first known in the same place as Love's/Luffs.
I've claimed in the past that Sleeping Beauty can point to deaths by poison vaccines, which is arrived to where the Icke variation of Hicks is shared by Ice's/Ecco's whom I point to ECOhealth, Fauci's partner in crime in COVID-vaccine fascism. Then, health-like Helts share the Hickson Coat. And there was more to it. Helts are first known in SILESia with Sitlers who share Ice/Ecco trefoil, and the black eagle of Ice's/Ecco's can explain the black eagle legs of Helts while Leggs almost have the Coat of Trumps (Mecklenburg with Ice's/Ecco's and Hahns). Trump, with Stephen Hahn's wink, enforced lockdowns and thereby facilitated vaccine fascism. Tromps have an eagle in the colors of the Helt eagle wings.
SILESIA looks related to "SALISbury" because Sitlers of Silesia are also SCHITners while Shute's/Shitts/Schits are first known in Wiltshire with Salisburys and trumpet-using Calles' in turn in the colors and format of Shute's/Shitts and Rockefeller-line Roach's. Rockefeller medicine loved the vaccine fascism, what else? Rocks and Feller-connectable Rooks are first known in the same place as Tombs. Trump is a cockroach who promises his voters the opposite of what he delivers, or fulfills his promises in shallow ways, or gives a grandeur-filled false impression of fulfilling them, for the lone purpose of keeping popularity amongst his fans.
To please his base, he said that America should stay out of what's happening in Syria. To please his military, he'll get engaged with the new Syria. And that's how this two-faced cockroach operates. He'll support Israel against the new Syria, right? Yes, and all Israel wants from America is its money, because the Israeli leaders are cockroaches in need of being stamped out. Israel proudly had the biggest vaccine fascism in all the world.
By the Way, Ishmael
How do we think the Israel surname got an Ishmael-honoring variation? From a crusader-of-Israel marriage to an Arabian family? This surname shows only bends, and Bends/Bents (Cheshire with Temple's) are said to be from Benedicts / Bennets, which I agree with, whom I trace to the Pierleoni Jews of Italy, named partly after pope Leo Benedict, who had become protected by Godfrey III, grandfather of the first Crusader king of Israel.
The Israel/Ishmaelli Coat looks related to the Byron / Barone Coats, and the latter one surname shares the Kos/KOSINski Coat while Cussons and Constance's share the same giant eagle, half in the colors of the giant Temple eagle (black like the giant Western eagle). The Cusson and Constance eagles are the giant one of Ferte's, suspect in naming Ferte-Mace of the Cheshire Masseys and Maceys.
But there's more, for the Ardiaei of the NERETva (or Naro) river are also called VARDaei, as shown , at the Naro river of Croatia. Then, Vardys are said to have been barons of La Ferte, which may have been an alternative name of Ferte-Mace. And the point is, the Nerets have a blue-Shield version of the Israel/Ishmaelli Coat. Plus, the island of ISSa, off the Naro river, was taken / coveted by the Ardiaei. Might Israels have been an Issa-family merger with Royals / Reals?
Note the "APPEtitus" motto term of Constance's, for the Apps/Apps' were once said to be first known in Middlesex with Fiers, likely because Fier county in Albania is at the Apsus river. The point is, while Fier county is south on the Adriatic cost from the Ardiaei, the Fier moline is shared with Vardys, and it's almost the moline of Sarasins, first known in Brittany with Nerets.
It's important that the Apps' above share the scallops of Chappes-like Capes', the latter first known in London with Middlesex. The Apps' are now said to be first known in Huntingdonshire with ADa of Warenne while "Aide" is a motto term of Levi's, first known in Ile-de-France with Chappes' and TRUDeau's while Trots/Trude's are first known in Surrey with the father of Ada of Warenne. Surrey is at Greater London i.e. the Middlesex theater.
Kuman in Fier can be traced, thanks to a dagger in the Comines Crest, to the Comines, first known in Norfolk with Cusson- / Kosinski-like Cousins and Patricks. The dagger, shared by CUSHION-using Kilpatricks and Macey-branch Mackays, is code for the Dexaroi on the Apsus river, at AntiPATRia. Elements from this river could have named Peter, after whom the PIERleoni Jews (of Rome) were named. The latter were protected from the vatican by the father of the wife of count Eustace II of Boulogne, a location near Comines, in Ardiaei-trackable Artois.
Issa is also Vis, and the Vise's have the same black cross, between antlers, as the Eustace Crest does, between antlers. While Eustace's were a Stacy branch, Staggs/Stage's have a crusader cross between antlers. There's a good reason for seeing Issa-Riel for a Templar-created Israel surname, and there is a Riel surname.
Recall French Sarasins above, for English Saracens/Sarasins are first known in Cumberland with Fier-branch Fare's/Fairs and Daggers/Dackers. The latter share the scallops of Vardy-like Bardys. Royals can be incorporating the French Fare Coat because a Royal branch may have named Israels from an Issa-line merger with them. Issa is beside the island of Pharia, and Pharisee-like Phares' are listed with the Fare's above. It's a real quagmire to explain how Pharisees were named from Pharia elements, but it's possible. Ardiaei operated at the Croatian coast, then disappeared from it, about the time Pharisees popped up from amongst the Maccabees.
Phreeze's/Freys and Freys show nothing but horses, and the Horse/Horsley horse heads are in the colors and format of the triple crowns of French Reals/Riels, which items can be code for the Ceraunii Illyrian on the Urbanus river, itself very near the Neretva river of the Ardiaei. Reals/Riels, first known at Forez, beside Mont Pilat, are in Pilate colors and format. Isn't that extremely suspicious along with Pharisee-like Pharia and Phreeze's? Reals/Riels are first known in the same place as Fauch's while Fauchys and Faux's/Fage's/Chaulnes' are first known in Perigord with Bardys above. I'm seeing a murdered who's washed his hands.
Fagots/Fage's are first known in Auvergne with Bouillons, and Godfrey de Bouillon was the first, but temporary, ruler of Templar Jerusalem. His brother became the official first king (of Jerusalem). The Chief-Shield colors of Fagots/Fage's are in colors reversed with CHAPPUS', and the latter are first known in Forez with Reals/Riels. That's called a bingo-bango.
Note how "BOUIllon" is like "Boulogne" and "Bologna." The latter was home to the BOII, and Boys/Bie's (same place as Aide's) are in Real/Riel colors. Suspicious? As the Payen family was chosen to oversee Temple activities upon the first invasion of Jerusalem, while Payens are also Pan while Pane's/Panico's are first known in Bologna, note Bologna in this quote:
The extract on The First Crusade: 1 is from a letter, written by Pope Urban II to his followers in Bologna, on the 19th September 1096 [first year of invasion of Jerusalem]. It is one of four written by Pope Urban II while the First Crusade was being prepared and repeats some of the decisions of the Council of Clermont in November 1095.The Urban name can be traced to Croatia's Urbanus river because the Massey-like Maezaei were on that river (see map above) while German Urbans share the hexagrams of Massena's. In contend that the first grandmaster of the Jerusalem Templars married the Caiaphas line to Elizabeth Chappes, his wife. He was Hugh de Payens, and the Payens Coat is in the Coat of Mullets, first known in Auvergne with Bauds while Scottish Bauds share the ship of Balds while Baldwin was the first Templar king of Jerusalem. Note that French Payne's share the fesse of Italian Leo's for connection to PierLEOni, named after Leo Benedict. What could the PYRZewski variation of German Leo's reveal?
Payens are also Pans while a Frey-connectable "frying pan" is with German Pole's.
Why were Peter-connectable Pierro's/Pero's first known in Pavia, co-founded by LAEVi Gauls? Why do Pero's/Perino's share the Urban hexagram while pope Urban collaborated with the Crusaders? "In 1095 [Urban] started preaching the First Crusade (1096–1099). He promised forgiveness and pardon for all of the past sins of those who would fight to reclaim the holy land from Muslims..."
Heraldry was a Crusader animal, expect surnames at houseofnames to originate with Crusader-important individuals. It makes it easier to identify the roots of the surnames houseofnames presents. I don't know where it obtained its list of surnames with symbols, perhaps from a source centuries old.
The lion of Italian Leo's, almost the Maschi lion, is shared by English Neals, first known in Wiltshire with Freys. Irish Neils/Neals are first known in Tyrone with Saracen-branch Sharks and "dagger"-using Hagans. German Leo's (Hamburg with Tien-like Teems) share the Hagan quadrants. The Coat of German Leo's looks connectable to the one of Masci-related Massena's/Messina's, and Saracens proper were concentrated beside Messina province, where Guiscards conquered who have a Vis-like Wishart variation, and were first known on Stirlingshire with Scottish Chappes' and Bauds. Messina has a Patti location to explain the patee crosses of Massena's, and Patty's are first known in Worcestershire with Masci-beloved Wings, and dagger-connectable Squirrels/Square's who in turn love the PEARE-related Tiens'/Tams/Thames' (share martlets of Pavia's).
I had read that king Roger Guiscard made an alliance with two Saracen rulers, Samsam and Timnah, who obviously thought they descended from Samson of a Timnah location in Israel. This picture can explain the Ishmaelli variation of Israels, who, by the way, share the French Merit/Merey Coat.
Samsam-like Samsons (probably have Flags in their motto) happen to share the scallops of Meschins and Hagan-beloved Flags. Sams/Sammes' are first known in Essex with Frey-branch Freys'/Phreeze's, making the Hagan lion look possibly from the German Freys'/Freie's, yet it's also the giant lion of Sforza's (Rome with Pierleoni), kin of VISconti's who descended from Ottone Visconti while Ottone's have a Coat like French Chappes' (share Moor head with Bouillons) because Wisharts are first known in the same place as Scottish Chappes'.
The original Visconti snake has a Moor child in mouth, and this snake is a "biscione," code for Bissone in the Ticino canton that leads to Pavia (Ticino river). The Biscione is thus traceable to the snakes of Biss' who in turn share the Samson scallops too. Biss' are first known in Surrey while Surreys are also Shark-like Sarks. Saracena is beside Morano (southern Italy), and Morano's share the Moor heads with the Arms of Morano. Morano's, Morinis' and Marano's are first known in Modi'in-like Modena, land of the Boii suspect in naming the MaccaBAEUS' of Modi'in (Israel). The latter is near Timnah. It's a quagmire to explain how Maccabees formed from northern Italy around Boulogne-like Bologna and neighboring proto-Modena.
I figure that the Pierleoni Jews had everything to do with convincing the house of Eustace II to invade Jerusalem to retrieve the gold that the Romans didn't find in 70 AD, when they felled the temple one stone at a time. I suspect that the Pierleoni, who wanted to become the popes, convinced a pope to support the Crusader effort. Why were the Romans so crazy as to spend the gigantic effort of toppling those big stones one at a time? Some say they were looking for hidden Herod gold in the stones. And the Romans left the Western Wall standing, intact.
Repeat: "Payens are also Pans while a Frey-connectable "frying pan" is with German Pole's." I can expect Pole's to be from Vespasia Polla of Rieti, the line to Rita's, first known in Rome with the PIERleoni named after a Peter. Vespasia married the son of Flavius Petro of Rieti, and she was to the Pools/Pole's sharing the giant Rita lion. It's half in the colors of the giant lion of Sforza's (Rome with Rita's) and French Pole's. Heraldic lions look like they should launch from "PierLEONi."
The Pollocks have the saltire cross that is the Arms of Pula/Pola (Istria, at Croatia) in colors reversed, and so this takes us to the cross of Risings/Risons, first known in Norfolk with Peare-branch Parsons, and with SABINE's who in turn share the scallops of Guiscard-related Pullys/Pullens. Vespasia Polla was wife to Flavius SABINus. The Pollocks come from an unknown family named that lived at Pollok, and thus the first Pollock, PETER, adopted the Pollok surname. They thus become suspect from the Pierleoni prior to living at Pollok.
Peter's father, Fulbert, may have named the Fulhams/PULhams, first known in Middlesex with early Apps' sharing the Capes scallops. The Chief-Shield colors of Capes' is shared by Caiaphas-like Chaffs and Peter- / Pierre-connectable Parrots.
Here's the Houthi story, which sounds like the Americans are not trying to get rid of the threat, perhaps because the Houthis sabotaging of cargo ships will increase product prices, exactly what the WEF wants, because WEF's corporate partners and Wokers hate people, want to turn things upside down for capitalizing on resulting opportunities: continues to make a stink of itself in Golan:'ve just learned that Assad made a decades-long deal with Russia concerning Russian military bases in Syria, to protect them in return for something, I'm sure. The EU is pressuring the Julani government to get rid of that deal. While the West won't give the new Syria money for weapons lest it offends Israel, this situation is looking like when the Americans gave money to Ukraine for nation building that went to weapons and political pockets instead. Why couldn't the new Syria use the skeletons of the Russian bases for their own military uses? Israel has probably not been bombing Russian bases, you see, only Assad's.
News some days ago was that Russians are shipping their weapons from Syria to Libya, one of Gog' allies in Ezekiel 38. It recall Obama sending the Sunni some weaponry from Libya, and so, maybe, the Russians will make a deal with the new Syria to receive Russian weapons later, from Libya, as part of a renewed deal for the Russian bases in Syria. Julani's people can argue that every nation needs a military. Julani can tell the EU, if you get rid of all your military, then I'll not make a Russian deal to keep the Russian bases.
The video below could reveal that the Turks are seeking to deliberately free tens of thousands of ISIS fighters whom the Kurds had jailed. Why would Turkey do this if not to lend ISIS fighters for the invasion of Israel: the second half of the video above, an American witness tells that someone in the Obama shadow-government asked Iran, in 2019, to bomb the American embassy in Baghdad, thus tending to prove that Obama's Iran-loving club wanted a false-flag excuse toward some agenda in Iraq. I wonder whom the blame was to be put on.
It doesn't matter whether the Sunni were quasi-obedient to the Americans for their common purpose of toppling Assad, the end-result can yet be a Sunni betrayal of American interests for the common cause of invading Israel. The Russians and Turks may have been willing partners in this anti-Israeli agenda by the pulling out of Russian troops under the relaxed supervision of both Turkey and the Sunny. That is, Russia saw the benefits of allowing Turkey and the Sunni to take over Syria so as to have them both fight the Americans and Israelis together.
However, there are growing voices telling that the Americans engineered the Sunni take-over of Assad, which can be true if it came from anti-Israeli Obamaites. Russia, knowing that the Biden rule is all-but over, and seeing a pro-Israeli Trump coming to the White House, whom Russia needs to make happy for it's deal in Ukraine, decided it best to give Syria to the Sunny that they might become a thorn in Trump's side, especially if Trump doesn't cleanse the military and the CIA of Obamaites:, if Trump mistreats Putin, which he likes to do, on the Ukraine peace deal, the Russians can feel justified and compelled in arming the Syrian Sunni as their way of preoccupying the Americans there, so as to ease American abilities against Russian camps in Ukraine. The best way for that situation to happen is for Putin to make a deal with the Sunni government concerning their bases in Syria, with a wink-wink there's some weapons in store for you if you play ball with me. The Sunni will then need to decide whether to side with the Americans, who support Israel, versus the Russians who wink-wink despise the Americo-Israeli partnership. There we have a means by which a Russian anti-Christ can enter Syria with Muslims in his quiver.
There's no contradiction in the Americans being both for and against Israel. Even Obama and Biden, though anti-Israel, put on a pro-Israeli public face. So, there' a faction of the American military, the woke branch, that is secretly anti-Israel. As soon as Biden lost the election, the Sunni take-over of Syria was put into overdrive by the woke branch. Knowing that Trump was coming to the fore during that Sunni drive-by conquer, the Russians knew they could get sway with Sunni far more than a pro-Israeli Trump. So, it was in Russia's interest to allow Assad to be overthrown. That was only the preamble to the game. The game starts now.
I don't agree with the video speaker above as he portrays the Sunni drive-by conquer as a combined Turko-American-Israel offensive. I don't think Israel wanted this. It was so afraid of the outlook that it decided to risk acting the dirty skunk to deprive the Sunni of Syrian weapons. I think the Sunni take-over was an anti-Israeli plot all-around.
I think the speaker also assumes too much from past American cooperation with the Sunni. I'm not sure at all that the Sunni take-over was a demand or spearhead of the Americans, but more like a Turkish plot to place Atoun's anti-Israeli fighters in the Palace to which the woke American military could merely cater, while the pro-Israeli American military stood by merely watching.
While Trump's administration, with a congressional the House majority, is not expected to lend military money to the new Syria, it can lift sanctions that had been in place against Assad, and any other financial gifts can be re-routed secretly to an anti-Israeli effort. Until now, the Sunni were unwilling to form an anti-Israeli alliance with Iran because the top Sunni priority was to topple Assad and take over the country. Now that this has been accomplished, and once the Sunni government is established, an anti-Israeli effort that develops can call for Shi'ites and Sunni to unite for that common cause.
I don't see even one way in which the United States helped to topple Assad in the immediate picture (ignoring the long process of choking of Assad's tax dollars), unless Trump caused Russia, if even inadvertently, to stand down. There would not have been a toppling unless Russia stood down. When it did so, Assad ordered his military to stand down, and then fled. If the United States is trying to take credit for toppling Assad in order to get Julani to agree to a pro-American government, good luck with that. Julani will speak kindly to take America's money, however. When he announced Sharia law, Julani means: no Americanism allowed.
The astute Israelis will tell us that Bidenites were secretly opposed to Israel since the days of Obama. It hasn't changed to this day. This is the key to understanding what is truly going on. This could be viewed, perhaps, as God removing His hedge around Israel, at least to begin with, having now culminated in a terrorist-led Syria that Bidenites would want you to view as a level-headed bunch of ex-animals, once violent rats, now noble. That's because Obama's circle of anti-Israelis want these anti-Israelis to get dug in without global opposition, in order to ambush Israel when ready.
The video below says that Erdogan wants to expand Turkey to Mosul, implying that Putin knows it. The speaker also claims that Israel has been bombing Russian military items in Syria, a thing I've not heard anywhere else, and so perhaps he's mistaken about that. In the 13th minute, he mentions what I think makes sense, that there was a pre-war deal between Turkey and Russia as per Assad's fall, implying that Russia gave Turkey the new Syria by abandoning Assad, which, if true, spells something other than a Russian loss in Syria. He also says, in the 13th minute, that Sunni are protecting the Russian embassy in Damascus: halfway in the video below, there's details on Musk's attitude to his satellites in Ukraine, but also tells of Musk's contracts with the U.S. military-spy people. His Starlink satellite system is becoming the biggest spy machine in the world, if it isn't already. It provides Internet for people in remote regions out of reach of towers, like Christian trib survivors, for example, meaning that you had best stay off of it, or any other Internet system, if you don't want your remote location known by the anti-Christ spies, whom we can expect to become more murderous than anyone else seeking a kingdom, for the Americans seek a global kingdom. The larger and richer the kingdom, the more ruthless the kingdom owners.'s a talk on ongoing apostasy, which was welcomed by entire denominational heads, starting decades ago; so long as the money kept flowing in, they didn't care enough what the left-wise pastors were accepting from satan's slippery slope: don't celebrate Christmas, but denominations decided that such a "controversial" attitude was not good for the money intake. Why is it a controversial issue when in fact there's a clear-cut case not to mix paganism with Christianity? Why are the churches afraid to celebrate the birth of Jesus in the spring, when there's no hint of sani claud, the critmas tree, and mammonism? What have we become, cowards? Not me. We should not celebrate December 25 if only to air a protest against how the Godless have come to celebrate it. What have we become, cowards? Not me. Who cares what they think?
NEXT UPDATEHere's all four Gospels wrapped into one story.
For Some Prophetic Proof for Jesus as the Predicted Son of God.
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