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Changes to Heraldry Designs at houseofnames.com

After this first section, there are changes to Coat symbols.


French Alans from Languedoc with Julians to Normandy about 2023.

Altens/Daltons from Nottinghamshire to Northumberland.

Annas' from Nottinghamshire to Lincolnshire.

Apps'/Epps from Middlesex to Huntingdonshire.

Babe's from Dorset to Suffolk in 2021, with their Blond kin.

Babels/Babwells from Middlesex to Sussex 2022.

Beatle's from Bedfordshire to Berkshire.

Beatle-branch Bedwells from Bedfordshire to Essex.

Billiards/Hillards from Yorkshire to Surrey.

Books/Bocks from Berwickshire to Dumfries and Galloway in 2024.

Boots from Berkshire to Warwickshire in 2024.

Bradds/Bratts changed in 2021 from Edinburghshire to Cheshire.

Builders from Norfolk to Northumberland.

Bullis' no longer first found in Suffolk; now in Wiltshire, closer to Bulls/Bule's (Somerset).

Caesars no longer said to be first found in Kent; now in Surrey with James' who share the dolphin with Caesars.

Camps/Champs from Yorkshire (with same-colored Campbells) to Warwickshire.

Campbells from Yorkshire to Argyllshire.

Cheneys from Buckinghamshire to Oxfordshire.

Chives' from Devon with Hykes'/Hacks to Tarves in about 2013.

Christine's/Christians, from Isle of Man to northern England without proof.

Claptons (English) of Wiltshire to Warwickshire about 2024.

Claptons (Scottish) from Cheshire to Dumfries about 2024.

Croms/Crums from Berkshire, now (2020) to Herefordshire.

Cruise's from Cheshire to Bedfordshire.

Deacons from Rutland, now in Norfolk.

Demere's, a Mere/Mare branch, from Cheshire with Mere's/Mare's to Suffolk.

Diens/Dine's/Dives from Sussex with Deins/Deans/Diane's to Surrey (in 2021).

Dolphins from Surrey with their James kin to Cumberland.

Eggs/Edge's from Cheshire to Worcestershire.

Friends/Freins from Somerset to Nottinghamshire, in 2024.

Formans/Fermans once in Midlothan with Pharme's/Ferme's, now in Yorkshire.

Gale's from Cornwall to Yorkshire.

Giddys/Geddys/Gideons from Cornwall to Hampshire.

Hazels from Cheshire to Devon, same place as Gilberts sharing a squirrel "cracking a nut."

Hope's from Derbyshire to Shropshire.

Hoppers from Durham to Wiltshire in 2021.

Hucks from Yorkshire with Hicks to Lincolnshire.

Hunts/Hunters from Shropshire to Sussex in 2023.

Isters/Asters/Esters from Tourlaville (Manche) to Essex with Este's in 2023.

Jeans/Jane's from Worcestershire to Cornwall.

Jeffreys/Jeffs' no longer said to be first found in Herefordshire.

Scottish Jeffreys changed late 2019 from Peebles to Aberdeenshire.

Jeffersons from Herefordshire with their Jay kin, to Staffordshire.

Jewels/Joels changed 2020 from Wiltshire to Devon.

June's/Jungs to Staffordshire from Cambridgeshire with Jeune's, noted in early 2121.

Kemmis' from Gloucestershire to Huntingdonshire.

Ladys/Laudymans from Northamptonshire to Lincolnshire in 2024.

Letters from Berwickshire to Westmorland in late 2022.

Lise's/Leash's from Perthshire to Dumfries in 2021.

Luffs/Love's from Sussex with related Muscats to Oxfordshire with related Cheeks.

French Mars/Mer/Mores' now in Normandy (from 2020) from Burgundy.

Ladys/Laudimans from Northamptonshire to Lincolnshire in late 2022.

Letters from Berwickshire to Westmorland in 2022.

Locks from Lanarkshire to Peebles-shire, 2024.

Maschi's now listed with Masci's, late 2024.

Mascarelli's/Mascelli's, once listed with Maschi's, no longer first found in Rimini, but in Piedmont with Masci's, late 2024.

Masters from Kent to Yorkshire.

Meads changed from Sussex (with Medleys) to Somerset, then changed again to Warwickshire in 2021.

MEDleys from Sussex to Somerset.

Moons from Devon to Moions of Dorset.

Mortons (Scottish) from Cheshire to Dumfries in 2023/4.

Muscats from Suffolk to Cambridgeshire.

Newtons from Somerset to Cheshire in 2023

Pace's from Cheshire to Leicestershire.

Pape's/Pope's from Caithness to Elgin in about 2022.

Pattons from Shropshire to Cumberland in 2023, but only as a forename.

Pavia's/Paviers' from Somerset to Warwickshire.

Peartree's/Patria's from Kincardineshire to Aberdeenshire, 2024.

Penders from Cheshire to Nottinghamshire.

Pewters/Powters (probably named Powder of Spree's) changed from Devon to Cornwall.

Pile's from Northumberland to Somerset, 2024.

Potters, once in Hampshire with same-colored Porters/Pawters, and Botters, but now houseofnames gives no first-found location, and has obliterated mention of Hampshire.

Rooks from Oxfordshire to Worcestershire with rook-using Rocks, in 2023.

Quints from Essex and Dorset to Cumberland.

Ricks from Somerset to Cheshire in about 2022.

Rhodes' no longer in Lincolnshire, now in Yorkshire.

Rothes' no longer said to be first found in Shropshire; now in Kent with their likely line of Perts/Petts and Pettys. Rothes is in Moray, and Morays use a "pret" motto term.

Rothschilds/Roddensteins no longer in Brunswick, now in Speyer.

Rush's from Suffolk to Surrey in 2024.

Rye's/Rise's from Sussex to Norfolk.

SAWyers from Norfolk to Berkshire with SHAWs/Sheaves'.

Seagars, from Norfolk prior to about 2018, now said to be first found in Devon.

Sedans/Siddens once in Yorkshire, now in Durham.

Sands from Lancashire to Surrey.

Sawyers from Norfolk to Berkshire.

Saxons from Lancashire to Yorkshire.

Sleeps from Shropshire to Kent in 2023.

Skulls from Herefordshire to Suffolk after 2020.

Stains/Stands from Yorkshire to Middlesex.

Touch's/Tows from Cheshire to Aberdeenshire in 2022/23.

Tree's/True's from Warwickshire to Wiltshire.

Trots/Trude's from Berkshire to Surrey.

Tresures/Trashers, of the double-tressure border, from Somerset with Tarrs' to Suffolk.

Tricks/Tracks from Cambridgeshire to Yorkshire.

Tufts/Tuffs' ("phoenix" in Crest) from Cheshire with Touch's/Tuffs to Northumberland with Phoenix's/Fenwicks.

Ways/Weigh's from Devon to Dorset in 2023.

Washingtons from Lancashire to Durham.

Wings/Winks from Perthshire to Winkston of Peebles, and Worcestershire in England.

Scottish Watts from Worcestershire to Carnegy.

Ways from Devon with Wyfords to Dorset.

Wings/Winks from Perthshire to Worcestershire, in 2023.

Yonge's/Youngs from Roxburghshire with related Leavells to "borderlands" more generally.


Since the early parts of 2012, there was suddenly a rash of Coat changes at houseofnames.com. I had been using the houseofnames directory of surnames extensively for several years previous to these changes, and rarely noted a change until 2012. Upon contacting the company, I was told that changes take place when they find earlier versions of the Coats, as they strive to use the earliest known symbols, colors.

This list, in alphabetical order, does not speak to all the changes I've seen (nor to changes I've not yet seen), but only those I was able to recall, and others as they were found over the years.

French Alans/Alliens (= proto-Stewarts) once showed ducklings, but now use red-on-white footless martlets. This was deemed a suitable change by me because Alans now show the FROME footless martins, useful for tracing "Alan" to "FORUM Allieni," the name of proto-Ferrara in 70 AD...about the time that Pharisees and Sadducees fled Jerusalem / Israel for fear of the invading Romans. I reckoned that "Ferrara" was named after "Pharisee," but didn't know until 2013 that Pharisees had merged with the proto-Alans in Forum Allieni. The leaves of the English Alans/AllanSHAWS are deemed by me as code for Levite liners. Eventually (2012), it was discovered that the Joseph surname (Hampshire) was in honor of Joseph Caiaphas (= the Biblical Caiaphas), and later still (in about March of 2013) it was learned online that the Joseph surname was born from one Henry Joseph (of Hampshire), which should explain why the Alan and Frome footless martlets are used, in the same red color, by the French Henry surname, first found in the same area (eastern Brittany) as where the Alans/Allanshaws operated in the 11th century.

The German Bach calf has changed to a bull called a "steer" in this case, but the colors are still the same. It would have been important that the calf be changed to this bull because I had been claiming repeatedly that the Bach calf, in gold, was code for the golden-calf idol of the Israeli Exodus (i.e. certain rulers knew at some point in their history that they traced to the Egyptian royals at the Biblical Exodus. As French Packs use a giant bull, I trace the Bachs to a Hyksos ruler, Apachnas. To make a long story short, historians have dated Hyksos 100-200 years later than they actually ruled. I put them at the time of the Exodus (15th century BC).

Danish Bauers had their leopard changed to a lion.

The German Belli/Ballie beacon, which I paired several times to the identical Fuller beacon, has changed design. Why? It's obvious from the three red-on-white bars of Italian Belli's that they and Fullers were related, and that because Fullers are expected from Fulbert de Falaise "the tanner", the three Moor heads of the Scottish Belli's are those of the Tanners (both surnames have their Moor heads in chief).

The Boso bull is now quartered red and white instead of fully white, and it's in a new design, now identical to the red Charo/Chiaro/Claro bull. The Joseph motto uses "charo" as code for the Charo's/Claro's. The Joseph garbs are used by Comyns/Comine's, and then the Conteville's ruled at a Comines location, indicating that Conteville's crossed paths with Caiaphas liners, thus revealing the basis of Templar formation by the Claro > Sinclair vikings and their ilk. Meschins descended from Malahule, brother of Rollo's father (Rollo was the one who agreed to the treaty of St. Clair sur Epte). Online we read: "The Sinclair family descends from the hermit St. Clare (also seen as St. Clere) who lived in a town now known as St. Clair sur l'Epte [near a La Falaise location], in the northwest of Paris." Epte and its river by the same name is in the Ile-de-France theater, where the Chappes and Levi surnames were first found. I say that the Chappes' were a Caiaphas line, and then it's known that Hugh de Payens, of a Pagan surname that I trace to "APACHNas," had married a woman Elizabeth de Chappes, though others say he married Catherine Sinclair. Hugh was the first grand master of the first nine Templars at Jerusalem. They had nothing to do with Jesus, but were descended from the priests who killed Jesus; this has been my personal discovery thanks be to what I think was a major undertaking by God through some of my readers and myself (spoken humbly). There are Sinclair-loving tools out there who insist that the first Templars descend from a son of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. Hugh de Payens was succeeded by Robert de Craon, and then the Craon/Craun Crest uses a so-called "hind," as does the Irish Shaw/Shay/Sheaves Crest. Enter "Craon" in the box here to see "hind" and, instead of a collar around the hind's neck, a crown that traces to the Ceraunii Illyrians. Ignore the white-washed depictions of Templars as though they were deeply-committed Christians.

The Botter eagle was changed in both design and color, but not changed in position. It was once brown on gold, but is now red on gold.

The Irish Brian lions were once showing in the design used by Oxfords, but then the latter changed their design too to match the Irish-Alternative lion. There have been countless design changes (of sumbols) without color or positional changes. But why?

English Bush/Busche fesse changed from red-on-gold or gold-on-red to black-on-white. The design of the black Bush boars has also changed. This is one of a very few Coats that changed quite some time before 2012, and I deemed it a good change as it helped to link Bush's to Cliffs and Fisks, and therefore to suggest a "fiscal cliff" scam under president Bush. Much to this day is named in secret after cherished Masonic bloodlines. An ancient book (the book of Enoch, if I recall correctly) claimed that the black boar was a symbol of Edom, and then the capital of Edom was BOZrah, for which reason Bush's/Boschs / Bushers should trace to a peoples that retained "Boz" in their historical names.

The two German Dallen pine trees, showing once as the one used by Constance's, changed to two oak trees, important if the surname is from "D'Allen," for English Allens use oak leaves.

The Crest of English Dance's has changed from black horsehead to blue.

The Ector sun changed in size from filling the entire Shield to very small.

Enders/Ingers now show red arrows instead of white.

The Este Crest was once the same as the Bute-Crest horsehead, but the Este Crest was changed to a full-blown horse.

Gale's (share blue unicorn with TINTs) are now said to be first found in Yorkshire whereas they were previously said to be first in Cornwall with TintaGEL, location of king Arthur's birth. The Gale unicorn was once fully blue. Gale's (share Nail/Nagle saltire) were kin of Nagle's (nightinGALE), from Arthur-like ARDuinici of Oneglia.

Gas'/Gasts once showed a duck, but now show a goose, a term much like the surname. Gas'/Gasts share the Chief of French Alans who once showed ducks.

French Gobels (use the Macey Shield) once showed the Masci wing design, very important for tracing Gobels to "Goplo," the origins of Mieszko I of Poland. The Gobel wing has changed to the same design now used by Chaine's/Chenays...after the latter surname showed the white Masci wing. The Chaine/Chenay wing and sword design is in the same colors as previously, with both the wing and sword design changed only slightly. The sword was previously perfectly erect, and longer. The erect sword was an ancient symbol of Ares that was used by the Bistones of north Africa (8th-7th century BC), in the area of eastern Libya (= Cyrene) where the Meshwesh/Mazyes (or Amazighen) once ruled. Note that while Meschins lived and ruled in the Boii-suspect Bessin (Normandy), the sword design of the Bessins/Beastons (first found in Cheshire) is like the erect sword of the Biston surname. No coincidences, proving that Meschins and Masci's were from the Amazighen as they merged with Bistones liners. One of the first nine Templars was Geoffrey Bison, and then the Bison surname is registered with the Bistons. Massey-branch Mackays have an erect arm holding an erect dagger.

The giant French Joseph swan was changed to a footless martlet in the same colors.

The gold-on-gold Kinner bird is no longer the gold bird design used in the English Kay Crest, important because mythical Kay (of king-Arthur cult), son of mythical Cyner, was code for the Kay surname (key symbol) that honors the Kinders (and probably Kinns too) in its motto. The Kays traced to the Shawia/Chouui Berbers of Numidia, who became the Shaw/Sheaves surname ("qui" motto term), themselves from the Italian Sheaves/Chiava's who use keys in honor of the Key variation of the Kays. The Chiapponi variation of the Sheaves/Chiava's was found to be a line from "Caiaphas," the name of the chief priest of Israel under whom Jesus was murdered. This is what Templarism > Freemasonry is secretly about.

The Masci wing design, and hundreds of other wings, were changed as if the people at houseofnames have nothing better to do with their time and money. There was nothing wrong or displeasing with the original wing designs, and the new designs aren't more attractive. One of the two white wings has become gold. At first, the two Masci wings were not attached to the bend, but they are now, in accordance with the official write-up telling that the wings are "conJOINed" to the bend. The fact that Joiners look like related to both the Mackay and Macey/Mace Coats tends to show that Mackays were not Kay, but Maceys.

The horizontal Massar/Massai ground/border shape between the green and the white of the Shield was changed after I linked it to a surname (can't recall which) using the same. What purpose could the heraldry company have had for merely changing the shape of that ground, which by the way is called a "mound" but not showing as a mound?

French Masseys once showed boots, as code, along with the Vey boot, for mythical Morgan le Fay of Avalon = Bute. The nine witches of Avalon, with Morgan le Fay as the chief witch, were apparently the writer's play on the nine Muses of the Greeks. It's no coincidence that the Muses were ruled by Avalon-like Apollo. Apollonia was a real city beside Aulon/AVLONa (northern Epirus).

Mackesy/Margeson and Mackie/Margy surnames are obviously of one family, explaining why they showed the same lion design, until after I mentioned it several times, afterwhich the Mackesy/Margeson lion was changed (retaining the same position, however). The Mackie/Margy lion has not changed (as of mid-2014).

The three Peacock mascles (hollow diamonds) changed colors but retained their gold roundels. The mascles were definitely inside red on gold roundels for years.

The Presley grappling hook was changed to an grappling iron, with a different design even. The Irons list Hirams (trace excellently to island of Arran) are perhaps honored in the Arundel motto.

Roslins lost their square buckles in about 2024. Square's were first found in Worcestershire with Rocks and Rooks.

Sabina's (English) no longer come up as such, but still show as Saffins.

The black Salford wolf design (erect = rampant) no longer shows the passant wolf (on three legs).

The Sion/Swan chevron (in Falcon colors) once showed the Macey gauntlet gloves. It now shows "falconer's gloves." French Josephs used the swan.

German Trips once showed the boots exactly (colors included) of French Masseys/Massa's, but neither now show them, and the Trips have turned them into shoes.

The Valen/Falen/Valence ducks were changed to three red martlets, even as the ducks of French Alans were changed to red martlets.