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December 2006

Timnah was the place where Samson killed the lion, the carcass of which later became home for a bee hive, wherefore it strikes me that the city was founded by mythical Damno in Egypt, wife of Agenor and mother of Melia (= honey in Greek/Latin!). Melia then became the wife of Danaus!! Are you with me? The Daniy became allied to the Damnoni of Egypt, and these two together, later depicted by Samson, were the founders of Devonshire and later the Illuminati founders of America. For new readers, the Daniy-Damno alliance is found Biblically, in Judges 14:1 where Samson is made to wed a wife (not necessarily Delilah) from Timnah.

As Zeus was brought up in Crete by goat and honey symbols combined, it points to this same Damno-Agenor alliance (if "Agenor" is indeed rooted in the Greek "goat" as some claim). In this picture, Damno is the honey and lion while Phoenicians were Satyrs (i.e. Guti) of Egypt...a viable view because Phoenicians worshiped Saturn = Molech/Zeus on Crete. This then explains how Hercules was portrayed both as a Danaan and as another version of the Phoenician Molech.

Are they coincidences that I had traced Satyrs to Jerusalem, and that the pre-Israelite king of Jerusalem was Abdi-Heba, while Hercules was married to a "Hebe"? If not, it means that Hercules, obviously the Damno>Melia lion and honey peoples -- i.e. same as Samson -- was allied to the goat rulers of Jerusalem, whom I think were Amorites from mythical Abzu (compare with "Abdi").

This same Egyptian Melia may then have been the Greek goddess by the same name, the one depicting the Boiotians/Boeotians (bee line?)...who I tie very-tentatively to the Boethus-branch Sadducees. By now I have made it redundantly clear that British Atlantis was rooted in Boeotia/Orchomenos = Argive/Rukhs blood. To support a Melia-Molech equation, it can be deduced that Melia of Egypt, being a stem of Damno, were of the Lacedaemonians of Sparta, for they were in turn the (Molech-worshiping) Sepharvites. It is becoming apparent, therefore, since its the gold lion of Wales I am tracing, that the gold lion of Italy led from Damno/Timnah to the Daemonian Spartans that founded the Samnians of the Sabina peoples. That gets me halfway to my Welsh destination, and moreover reveals what no one thinks to, that the Welsh and the Atlanteans were Samnians.

As Daphne depicted Sophene in Armenia, so she is expected to connect with Lake Sevan, the home of the Soducena...smack next to the Laz. The Lace-Daemonians in pre-Israel may therefore have been a Lazi/Laish alliance with Timnah. The Daniy are to be distinguished from both peoples, and yet the Daniy depicted by Samson became allied to some of them, and since Samson depicted an Avvite (i.e. honey-line) people, I would identify Melia as the peoples depicted by Samson. It's not a coincidence that the Boeotian river (Ismenos) associated with Melia was earlier called "Ladon."

As Melia (honey = Avvites) mated with Apollo (wolf = Avvites), so we find that in the other Ladon river, at Elis, Apollo wanted to mate with Daphne but was not permitted by her. I would therefore suggest that Apollo and Melia together (i.e. Samson) moved from Boeotia to Elis, next to Daphne = the Sepharvites. Daphne then moved into the territory of Sparta, which had previously been Lacedaemonia = Laz-Damno. Damno and Daphne together moved to Italy to become the Lazio-Samnians and the Sabines respectively ("Lazio" being the same as Latin/Ladon). The Melia-Apollo alliance (i.e. Samson) is to be identified as the Opis bee cult among these Italians, wherefore I would identify the Danaans of Italy as the same. Keep in mind that Opis was Poseidon (=Pisidians), the patriarch of Atlantis (not the island only, but the empire), according to Plato. It's beginning to look like Apollo depicted the Danaans in particular, for this and several other reasons that come quickly to mind. In other words, the bee cult was specifically Danaan in blood type.

I recall that one cannot get from Greece's dragon cult to the Italian dragon cult without involving the same cult in Libya. Athena's location in Libya makes feasible her identification with Danaus, for he was also a peoples in Libya, and one can even see similarity between the two terms. Upon finding the beech tree to be significant in the Welsh dragon cult (symbol of Brycheinog/Brychan), I dug a little deeper to find that: "It is said that the God and Goddess Apollo and Athena sat in a Beech tree having transformed into vultures and watched the fight between the Trojans and the Greeks."

That picture would not have meant anything to me had I not traced both Apollo and Athena to Danaans. The meaning of the statement seems to be that the Danaans amid both the Greeks (i.e. Athena) and Trojans (i.e. Apollo) moved in and took supreme power after the more-ancient Greeks and Trojans weakened one another in a massive war (Danaans were a late development into the Greek/Trojan theater).

See again the type of mythical symbols given to Brychan (an historical ruler of Wales), for his seer (perhaps mythical) named Drichan "called Brychan to bring him his trusty spear for the last time. With it, he pointed to a nearby boar and a stag who came from the forest to stand with a fish in the river, by a beech-tree dripping with honey..."

I found a quote that seems to relate to the Brychan imagery above wherein both a spear and the beech tree is used: "In fact oxúa / oxúe means both 'beech tree' and 'spear', just like melía / melíe and askr mean both 'ash tree' and 'spear.'" Artemis was Apollo's twin sister, and so read this: "...the warrior women set up a wooden image of Artemis near a beech tree in Ephesus." Recalling that the move from Greece to Italy went through Epirus, see here: "the oracle of Dodona, in Epirus, northwestern Greece, translated the rustling from a sacred beech tree...A hill called ~Corne~ near Tusculum also had of a grove of Beech trees which were sacred to the goddess Diana."

A tree on the hill of Corne was worshipped by the husband (Passienus Crispus) of Nero's mother (Agrippina), and one can then begin to ask if the Cornovii tribe who founded Cornwall were from that hill in times more ancient than Nero (60 AD). Myth makes Tusculum founded by mythical Telegonus, what I identify as the Telchines and/or Danaans of Rhodes. Tusculum was in the Latin region of Alba Longa, and Diana may just have depicted the pan-European Danaan.

Evidence supporting a Danaan-Athena equation is in the Carthaginian goddess, Tanit/Tanith. Infant sacrifices were given to her, and sometimes first-born sons, attesting to the lunacy of these peoples. Tanit's symbol, a triangle mounted by a circle at its apex, evokes the Freemasonic symbol on the American dollar bill (and on the Great Seal of the United States).

Now behold that Tanit's origins are from Ladon in Phoenicia, for "The name A’aitanit can be traced back to the Phoenicians, meaning the water source of the God Tanit." I think it's fairly visible that "Aitanit" was a development from "Litani," especially as Aitanit is a city along the Litani. On may wonder, therefore, if Aitanit/Litani was the Tannin serpent, and if the latter was Ladon himself. As Wikipedia tells that Tannin is thought to depict Egyptians of the Exodus period, Ladon may have been the Nile-delta city of Tanis.

Aitanit is in the Bekaa valley, Lebanon, where the city of Baalbek "has impressive Roman ruins, including temples to Bacchus..." Hmm. Recall my trace of Bacchus (Dionysus) to Baku (Arabian = "Bakukh") of Azerbaijan. His infamous/wicked Maenads were Mandaean Avars, as were the Ladon peoples depicted by Manto, daughter of Tiresias (in myth, Tiresias and Bacchus were allied). Therefore, add Dionysus to the list of mythical terms passing through Phoenicia.

Another way to trace Mandaean Avars to this region is via the son of Manto, Mopsus, who (according to myth) depicted the Cilician city of Mopsuestia (in Adana province). Manto became a Lydian peoples (according to myth) that then founded the north-Italian city of Mantua.

I don't know why the archeological site of Timnah is now called "Tel Batash," but keep in mind that the Laz Colchians were at Poti/Batumi, and that I trace them to Greek's mythical Butes/Buzas. The archeological site of Laish is called "Tel el-Qadi"!! Those exclamation marks are not because the term evokes the modern Al Qaida, but because it evokes the Cadusii/Cati, the coiled-serpent peoples to whom I connected the Laz.

On their way to raid Laish, it is said that the Daniy stopped at Mahaneh Dan (capitalized "M"), and while "mahaneh" is the Hebrew word for "camp," is the city's name not evocative of "Mehen," the coiling serpent encoiled around the sacred bloodline of Egypt? Is it a coincidence that I had just traced Mehen to Jerusalem and that city's Magen-David hexagram, whereafter I learned that Mahaneh Dan was only about 10 miles west of Jerusalem? This place was so important to the Daniy that the Spirit of YHWH is said to begin moving on Samson when he was at that town (Judges 13: 25).

I checked the Mehen Coat (only the Irish one available) to find that the Crest uses one mean-looking dragon. It's interesting that there are a few Meighan-like variations of this surname, for this supports my Mehen connection to the Magen-David hexagram.

I'm not so boggled by the Magen David finding its way to the flag of Australia, for that can be attributed to the modern British-Israeli cult of Britain, but explaining how the same symbol got to the flag of Ulster doesn't appear as easy. Mythical Conchobar, an ancestor of the Connors, was born from a ruler of Ulster, say some, but in any case the Connors ended up in Connacht, at that time a kingdom in which was the county of Leitrim, and it was there that the Mehen surname first appeared (according to

Conchobar married "Nessa. But her name in the beginning had been Assa, 'docile' or 'gentle'...” These two traits are typical in describing the donkey (check for yourself), and so I wonder if the "Assa" myth wasn't describing just that, as per Samson's donkey symbol.

That is, Conchobar was allied to what a myth writer(s) understood to be the Samson Danaans, and indeed there were plenty of Danann in the area, such as the Fir Bolg. In such a situation I could suggest that "Connor/Conner" could connect to Agenor. Knowing that my dragon bloodline to Ireland involves the Cati and the Rus in an alliance, how it is that the Assa myth makes her husband (i.e. Conchobar's father) a Druid fellow named Cathbad, son of Ross??? Recalling that I had traced the Irish back to the red hand of Abkhazia, near the land of the Khazars, Kabars, and Avars, could "Conchobar" be code for Con-Kabar? As Kabars were Hebrews to a great degree, that should prove to be the source of the Magen David of the Ulster flag. Keep in mind that Kabars much later moved with Magyars to form Hungary.

The Connors lived in a piece of Connacht called Brefney, and the Brians of Brefney were ancestors of the Connors: "Brian had twenty-four sons, whose posterity possessed the greater part of Connacht and were called the 'Hy-Briuin race.' Of this race were the O'Connors, kings of Connaught..."

One website showing an ancient map of Brefney has a Coat with two black lions on gold background; a black lion on gold was also the Hohen(stauffen) symbol. Then at a Wikipedia article on Leitrim, one can see the Leitrim Coat, a single black lion on gold. The article confirms that the lion was symbol of the rulers of Leitrim, the O'Rourkes, "whose heraldic lion occupies the official [Leitrim] county crest to this day." However, the O'Rourke Coat at the Leitrim-Roscommon website below shows two black lions on gold.

It's not likely a coincidence that the Arms of Flanders is a black lion on gold background. Therefore, I'll suggest a tracing of Flanders to Rourke elements.

I caught sight of a couple of things leading me to believe that the Drummond clan (from royal Magyar blood in Hungary) had been in this Irish region. In fact, after struggling over whether or not I should get into the reasons for locating Drummonds in Leitrim, for lack of sufficient evidence, I kid you not that I was just about to enter those reasons right here, at this very spot in the chapter, when I looked up at the Leitrim Coat and noticed what appears to be the blue and white Drummond waves!! So I will now do a small piece on the Drummonds, because at least one Drummond was involved in a Europe-wide Zionism quest in the 19th century that, in my opinion, involved the Anglican and Hohen Illuminatii.

For the Anglican church partnered itself with Hohen rulers of Prussia in forming the Jerusalem Bishopric (1842) while Anglican leaders simultaneously bucked (publicly) for a return of Jews to the Promised Land. It's obvious that the Kabalo-Rosicrucian drive for this Zionism quest had decided to exploit Christian support, and even paid certain culty Christian leaders to make it happen. To accomplish this, Zionistic fervor was instilled in Christians by convincing them that God was about to cause Jews to return to the Promised Land as per the promised Biblical Millennium, and while these pronouncements proved false, Israel was, after a century of maneuvering, an official nation (1948). That event was the countdown to Armageddon.

Here is why I had caught sight of Drummonds in Ireland. First let me say that I had theorized years ago that the first Drummonds from Hungary formed the Ross clan beside Morayshire (Scotland). I was banking on the facts that the Drummonds were from George, a son of King Andrew of Hungary, and that the Ross clan had a certain, mysterious Andrew as their patriarch. I removed the chapter on this topic from public view until I should find better evidence. That was years ago. A few days ago I learned from the Irish Moray-surname Coat (I didn't record where I had seen this) that the Morays were from Roscommon (in Ireland), evoking the Ross clan that lived beside the Morays of Scotland. This conflicted strongly with my tracing the Ross clan to king Andrew.

But then, as I was writing on the Leitrim topic, I started noticing place-names starting with "Drum" and "Drom" (e.g. Drumreilly, Drumhaire, Drumlease). Moreover, Roscommon was smack beside Leitrim. I began to feel that Drummonds from Hungary somehow ended up in Roscommon, and that the Ross clan of Scotland was named after that place so that Drummonds did in fact become part of the Ross as to explain why the clan was later tagged, "children of Andrew."

Because this clan was called "Rosich," I began to feel that they were somehow foundational to Rosicrucians proper. I saw that Rosicrucians might have been rooted predominantly in the Varangian-Rus side of George Drummond (king Andrew had married a Varangian princess). To this theory add what says about the O'Rourke surname: "Ruairc is a personal name imported by Norse settlers." Now look at a map of Leitrim and see "Roosky" smack beside "Dromod," and in turn smack beside Roscommon. Note too lake Allen that may have named the Allan river in Scotland (See map), the river where Camallan (= Camelot?) is found. See the Hamilton location north of lake Allan and that Camelot may have been named after Hamil(ton) elements (i.e from the god, Camulus). Greenway7 wrote to me recently to say that the Hamilton surname has been second only to Stewart.

There was a feud between Drummonds and Murrays, but behold that records "Moray" as a version of "Murray". The feud is now explained in that both surnames were from the Roscommon region. For new readers, the mermaid in the Moray Crest (above link) is evidence that the family derives from the German Babal family, while the English Babal Coat uses a 13-stripe blue and white version of the American emblem [the design shown now only shows six stripes; it's possible that the 13-stripe design was removed when I wrote my conclusion that the Babels were connected to the American flag].

Apparently, George Drummond, son of Andrew, came over in 1055 and at some point settled in Leitrim. Indeed, I found that "in Gaelic Leitrim is Liath Druim." The "Dru(i)m" term in every case is accepted widely as meaning "ridge," but I think not likely. I think it refers to the Druids. Drumhaire/Dromahair, where the O'Rourkes had their castle, was "in the Annals of Ulster Druim dhá Shiaar and as Druim da Thigher..." Is it a coincidence that the Drummonds were found at Drymen in Scotland???

The sentence above goes on to say: "In Miscellany of the Irish Archaeological and Celtic Society, John O'Donovan gives a translation [for Drumhaire] as 'dorsum duorum daemonum', roughly translating as 'ridge of two demons.'" I think O'Donovan knew something, that the Druim term was of the Domnann Celts (my Damno/Timnah bloodline). Wikipedia tells that the Domnann lived in County Mayo, which in Irish was, "Contae Mhaigh Eo," not a far cry from "Magyar" or "Magen." Perhaps George Drummond came over to live with Magyars already there from way back.

As Magyars were Huns/Kuns allied with Kabars, might "Conchobar" be understood as Kun-Kabar (since Hungary was founded late in the first millennium AD, the Magyar-Kabar alliance). If so, the Magyar-Kabar people group existed as far back as the time of Jesus, in which period Conchobar is set. In fact, the birth of Conchobar is depicted as a parallel of the birth of Jesus, smacking of world conquest by Attila-the-Hun "Christianity." In this way, if the Conn terms of Ireland are from Huns as well as from "Cohen," then the Cohen term connects to Huns, a very probable theory because Cohens were kagan rulers of Bulgar peoples (why not also the Fir Bolg Danann?) while the short-form of "kagan" is "khan."

Just as I suspect that Moravians (beside Hungary) had something to do with the make-up of Scot-Irish Moray, so I note that not far east of Moray (Scotland) is Aberdeen, evoking Kabar. Indeed, for Wikipedia also calls them "Kabards," from "Kabardino" of Caucasia (i.e. compare "Aberdeen" with "Kabardino"). Keep in mind that Moravians may have been the Merovingians ousted from France by the Charlemagne bloodline.

I assume that the Phoenician Amorites represented by mythical Samson became the bee-loving Merovingians, which then makes the region of Mar, a large part of Aberdeen, conspicuous (since Mari was the capital of the Amorites). Mythical Damno (Samuel's partner) is easily recognizable in Ireland as the MacDonald clan. has a short statement that may reveal how the "Domnann" Celts may have derived from a Daphne-like term:

The name Donald is derived from the Gaelic name Domhnull, or MacDhomhnuill, and the Celtic name Dubnovalos, all of which mean 'world ruler' or 'world-mighty.' "

The Celt version looks like "Daphne," and may then explain how Devonshire was both named and founded the Daphne peoples, since a "b" was commonly alternated with an "m". Therefore, "Samnian" and "Sabine" may be the very same term, the same applying to "Sophene/Zaphon" and "Timnah" (Samuel's "wife"). In this picture, my conclusion is that the Suebi (i.e. Norse) Semnones either evolved into the Donald/Domnann Celts, or became allied to them for being of the same stalk. The Suebi had moved into north-western Spain = Galicia. Because Templars were both of Norse/Norman (i.e. Sinclair) and French (i.e. a Veneti-Suebi mix) elements, I would now proclaim that they were precisely the Damno-Samuel bloodline seeking to conquer their ancient homeland of Amorite pre-Israel.

There was a Mehen-like surname in Ireland that seems pertinent, the Mahon surname, which first appeared in the county of Clare and had ancestry in Munster (Tolkien's Manwe). Keep in mind here that Munster was anciently "Mumu," and that I had traced Jerusalem-region Amorites to Mam/Mum terms as well as to Manes of Armenia. Although shows the Mahon Coat with three red lions poised near-identical with the three red lions of England, another website shows a Mahon Coat with blue lion on gold, having the same colors and lion-position on the Arms of Jerusalem!!

I will seek whether the blue lion of Jerusalem stems from Mahon bloodlines in the modern age. Wikipedia traces "Mahon" to Mahoney = Mathghamhan/Mathuin (died 1000ish AD), close relative of high Irish king, Brian Boru, and behold that Brian was the ancestor of the three-lion O'Briens (lions are, now anyway, half gold and half white). Now behold how an article reads:

"Only the following Gaelic Irish families use a Blue Lion [Mahon/Mohan/Moghan is one of them]...The pattern is clear. With the exception of O'Mahoney [from Munster], all of these families are from a roughly contiguous region in North Roscommon and Sligo. I conclude that the Rampant Blue Lion was a clan or tribal totem/symbol with special meaning to the people of this area..."

See that the blue lion on gold is twice upon the Mahoney Coat. Both he and Brian Boru were sons of Cennetig, which some websites make "Kennedy."

At the website above, the Hand surname also used the blue lion ( shows red diamonds on gold background at this time), and one can see the red hand of Ireland pasted over a couple of blue lion Coats. The Hand surname has black and white checks in the background (also used by County Cork in Munster), known to be the symbol of Freemasonry and of the Stewarts, but I of course suspect that this was a Cohen-family design (perhaps the black and white check was the first color combination of the several Cohen-family combinations). Curiously, the Hand surname has the alternatives of "Lavin" and "Lamhain" (showing an "m" > "b/v" modification, apparently). Could these alternatives stem from "Levi"?

How is it that the "Jewish" Levi Coat uses two black lions (the color of the Hohen lion), and the fact that there are two of them evokes the O'Rourke Coat (the lions are in the same positions in both Coats). I had wondered how I was going to connect the Donald lions of Ireland to the Donald lions of the Argyll/Carrick/Butes region of Scotland, but it wasn't until a day later that the similarity between "Rourke" and "Rory" struck me. You see, the Rory branch of Donalds is very important in that it used a blue lion (on white background), but also due to it's location at Bute = Rothesay = Avalon.

Having already made a Stewart-Rory connection some time ago because a Stewart seized Bute immediately after finding the Scottish throne, I would now suggest a Stewart-Rourke connection. I do note that Stewarts of Brittany were called "Alan" while the Rourkes ruled around lake Allen.

Knowing that the Nassau symbol is a gold lion on blue, and asking myself where the Nassau name could have derived in the Connacht region of Ireland, mythical "Nessa" came to mind with, myth code for Conchobar's wife and daughter of Ulster rulers.

Looking more closely than ever at the codes of Conchobar myths, as found in the Book of Lecan, I found that he raped (i.e. conquered and then inter-married with) "Medb," a term that should elongate to "Medeba/Medeva." I'm assuming that she is code for Deva=Daphne ("Ma" is a common prefix). In any case, Medb was raped in the Boyne river (see website below) wherefore she comes out looking like the Boi = bee Amorites. Due to this act, two peoples arose against Conchobar: Medb's lover "Tinne" (evoking the Dina-ites = Samson), and "Dala" (evoking Tolkien's Tel terms which I trace to Dilmun/Telmun, modern Bahrain, founders of the Ishtar/Mesopotamian Amorites. Tolkien had the Teleri elves ruling Rothesay). Dala was a chief of the Fir Domnann and descended from Fir-Bolg sons of "Dil." Medb's seven sons were called "Maine" (Daphne was of Manes!) and the father of these children was "Ailill," evoking Ninlil and Enlil who in Sumerian myth stemmed out of Telmun! One of these Maine children was even called Sin, the Sumerian moon god related to Ishtar. It turned out that Conchobar defeated Dala and Tinne, also a Fir Domnann ruler (of Connacht).

Moreover, there is a ruler of all Ireland who was made a descendent of an "Emna" term out of which came the "Findeamna," triplets named "Bres, Nar, and Lothar." The latter looks like code for Leitrim, and because Nar evokes Nergal, Lothar may depict the Laz (expected to form the Lothians and Les(lyn) clan in Scotland). The following sentence makes me wonder whether these triplets depicted the red stripes of the American flag,"It was they who fathered Lugaid Redstripes on their own sister the night before they fell against their father in the Battle of Druimcriad."

Remember now the three red chevron that were a symbol of America-founding Freemasons, especially as Lugaid Redstripes is called "Lugaid-of-the-three-red-stripes" at another website (below). A fourth son was "Conall Anglondach...from whom are the Conailli, in the land of the men of Breagh" evoking the Conii>Cornovii tribe of Iberians from Lusitania, who founded Viroconium=Wrexeter ("Wrex" and "Bres" are the same term).

The High Kings of Ireland ruled at Tara, purely a mythical term no doubt depicting the Tarsus>Tartessos cult of Atlantis:

"Early in the 20th century a group of Israelites [were they really "Israelites"?] came to Tara with the conviction that the Arc of the Covenant was buried in on the famous hill...A new theory suggests Tara was the ancient capital of the lost kingdom of Atlantis. The mythical land of Atlantis was Ireland, according to a new book."

Take a look at the "Washington Monument" on the Tara hill; it's the beloved god of the Illuminati. What a farce is this dragon cult. Even if the stone depicts only a bloodline (besides homosexuality), the fact that the peoples would form such a monument is evidence of their worthlessness and other degradations.

Note the vertical red and gold stripes (five of each) that make up the English Tara Coat, coming very close to the vertical stripes that replaced the three red chevron on the Great Seal of the United States.
( image from )

Near the Tara hill lies "another circular earthwork known as the Fort of King Laoghaire," which term evokes the "Laus Deo" written (in a place unseen by visitors) atop of the Washington Monument. The five stripes in the Tara Coat are fairly obvious on the Arms of County Laoghaire (east-central Ireland), named after the above-mentioned king of Tara. Now Laoghaire is in the province of Leinster, which includes the county of Laois. Coincidence? No, for the capital of Laois, Portlaoise, was previously Port Laoighise. Therefore, one can see that the administrative county of Laoghaire was named after the peoples of Laois, wherefore the red and white stripes of Laoghaire do indeed look like they are connected to Laus Deo.

Britannica defines "Portlaoise like so "Fort of the Descendants of Laois." But who were the Laois ancestors? Behold the Arms of Laois includes a black lion on gold background (O'Rourke/Hohen symbol), as well as what may be construed as the blue waves of Leitrim and/or O'Rourke. It's then very interesting that an alternative of Laois is "Liex," supporting a trace back to Lux/Laish. One website says that "Laois" is to be pronounced "Leash."

As one Daniy camp (Mahaneh) was some ten miles from Jerusalem/Zion, and another (Laish) at Sion/Hermon, may we ask if it wasn't the Samson-Daniy who became the Amorites/Jebusites/Soducena at Jerusalem, who in turn came to represent the Zionist Templars and the Priory-of-Sion Illuminati??? But because Timnah was allied to the Daniy, we need to include the Timnah=Donald bloodline in the Templar brotherhood. As Templar shield colors were blue and gold -- i.e. a blue lion on gold background -- they were apparently from (or representing) the blue and gold Mahons (!!) rather than the typical red and gold Donald color-combo.

I wonder why an Israeli city founded in the early 1950s was called "Dimona" (20 miles south of Beersheba), and why it was chosen as the site for the Israeli nuclear program. It's conspicuous that "In addition to Dimona, Israel operates a small nuclear research facility at Nahal Soreg [near Timnah!!] in the center of the country." Timnah and Dimona are many miles apart, and yet the two terms are nearly identical. Dimona was founded by the Russian "Jew," David ben Gurion, Zionist leader who played a key role with Rothschilds of Britain in founding Israel. He was nick-named "son of a lion cub." As a socialist Israeli Prime Minister, Gurion nominated Levi Eshkol to be his successor [in 1963]" (italics mine).

Delilah (Samson's temporary lover) was placed in the Sorek valley (Judges 16:4), where also Timnah was situated. Sorek (modern Nahal Soreg) was north-west of Jabneel (modern Yibna) in the district of Judah. The Templars built a castle at Jabneel, and called it and the city, "Ibelin" (evokes Ebla of the Amorites, and Avalon of Bute). It's not my purpose here to discuss Templar interests in Ibelin; suffice it to quote from Wikipedia (with my comments in square brackets) to show Templar connections to royals of Cyprus:

"The site of Ibelin had been occupied since ancient times; the Romans called it Iamnia...The Ibelin family rose from relatively humble origins to become one of the most important noble families in the Crusader states of Jerusalem and Cyprus...They were more probably from Italy, the name 'Barisan' being found in Tuscany and Liguria. Its first known member Barisan was apparently a knight in service of the Count of Jaffa and in the 1110s became constable of Jaffa...Barisan was given the castle of Ibelin in 1141 by King [of Jerusalem] Fulk [V]...The younger Barisan came to be known as Balian...Balian's descendants were among the most powerful nobles in the Kingdom of Jerusalem and the Kingdom of Cyprus [Aphrodite's copper island, coincidence?]. Balian's first son John of Ibelin, the 'Old Lord of Beirut', was the leader of the opposition to Frederick II [a Hohen], Holy Roman Emperor, when the emperor tried to impose imperial authority over the crusader states. The family briefly regained control of the castle of Ibelin in 1241 in the aftermath of Frederick's Sixth Crusade...Several members of the family went to the new kingdom of Cyprus at the beginning of the 13th century...No members of the Ibelin family seem to have gone to any other country during this period...They also had loftier ancestors: Maria Comnena was from the Byzantine imperial Comnenus dynasty, and was descended from the kings of Georgia, Bulgaria, ancient Armenia, Parthia, Persia and Syria...Descendants of the Ibelins, through the royal family of Cyprus, include several royal families of modern Europe, since their descendant Anne, Duchess of Savoy, daughter of Janus of Cyprus, was, for example, the ancestor of the Dukes of Savoy, the La Tremoille princes of Talmond and Taranto, the Longueville family, the princes of Monaco, the electors of Bavaria [Franconian Rake>Hohens/Grimaldis], the Farnese of Parma, the last Valois kings of France, the Dukes of Lorraine, the Habsburg-Lorraines, the Bourbons of Navarre and France, and, as their progeny, practically all Catholic royalty in recent centuries [whew!].

In closing, I'll add that "Iamnia" evokes the three-red-stripe triplets of mythical Emna, called "Trí Finn Eamna."


The Blue Muses of Avalon
The holy grail is really all about the nine Muses,
a satanic lot from aggressive Armenians
disguised as Christian rulers.

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