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Written late, with a new Hebrew theme, June 2006.
Reading previous chapters is required to make this one understood best.

We see that the Pomeranian Coat of Arms is covered in dragons/griffins of differing colors no doubt depicting various dragon branches. The Pomeranian Arms includes exactly the Rosicrucian X-shaped (saltire) cross with four roses that was part of this Andreae family Coat and Crest (note what looks like Winnie the Pooh (i.e. a bear) between the wings of the Crest (before seeing this design, I had theorized that Winnie the Pooh depicted the bee-line Veneti of the Po river). Clearly, Rosicrucians were connected to Pomeranians!

Johann Andreae (1586-1654) is known to have been a chief Rosicrucian, and as a man of the theater is thought by some to have been connected to Shakespeare, the latter in turn said by some to have been Edward de Vere, earl of Oxford. The Andreae crest is akin to the Templar flag of Jerusalem, except that the latter used four crosses (to appease/deceive Christianity) rather than four roses. This same Templar flag was the flag of Georgia (in Caucasia), used to this day; Georgians to this day are called "Gogi"!
(See flag at

In connecting the dots, I would venture to claim that Merovingians were (and knew that they were) a Gogi peoples, for which reason they felt destined for, and therefore entitled to, the earth's throne, as per Revelation 20. Franks did not only stem from the Pomeranians (by whatever name they used when Franks were forming), but from the Veneti, but rather than seeing a Pomeranian-Veneti mix, I see the Veneti becoming the Pomeranians (German-Polish border) .

Pomeranians can be well-enough identified with the white-dragon Saxons (see my (previous, for now) chapter, "Frankly, Scarlet, You Can Go to Rotterdam"), which in my mind dictates Veneti blood in the Saxons. I'm suggesting that the Pomeranians mixed with the Saxons groups cited by Tacitus, especially as Ptolemy located these Saxons at and around Rostock in northern Pomerania! But I don't think the Pomeranians had Veneti-proper blood from north Italy, but rather Jordanes' so-called "Venethi," a Veneti branch removed to Poland.

As Franks were Germanics, the Veneti must have mixed with Germanics before becoming the Franks, and although Saxons were Germanics, fine and dandy, what people-element was it that made them so? A Pomerania website reads: "In prehistoric times Pomerania was settled by migrants from Scandinavia, called the Rugians" (

The god, Rig, surely depicted the Rugians, of Rogaland, Norway, a region bordered on Haeredaland (Hordaland). And Haeredaland was, surely, a settlement of the Aereda/Redones. The Rugii left Norway to settle Rugen, a large Baltic island just east of Rostock off the coast of western Pomerania. It may even be that these mixed with the Venethi (proto-Pomeranians) to produce the Saxons and Pomeranians, who were the proto-Franks. And the Redones of Haeredaland may have come along with the Ruggi to the Rostock region so that their Rus blood was included in the dragon mix.

I have previously shown my conclusion that the Rig-Redone mix amounted to the formation of the Yngvi/Ingaevone branch of Swedes/Germanics, and I would now add that Saxons are said to stem from Ingaevones (who I and others define as Angle-based). According to Pliny, the Ingaevones were made up of Teutons, Cimbri (i.e. Cimmerians), and "Chauci." Were the latter Gogi?

Now thanks to my email correspondent, Greenway7, the idea was planted (or re-planted) into my mind, due to the similarity of terms, that the Varangian Rus and Franks were the same peoples. As I have for a long time been of the opinion that the Redones furnished the Varangians, and suspecting that Merovingians Franks were tied closely to Redones, a Varangian-to-Frank descent seems plausible, even though the term "Frank" appears in records before "Varangian." I'm suggesting that the Franks originated in the Rus of Sweden, the latter of which went on to be named "Varangi." Why Britannica did not mention this Frank-Varang possibility in an article dealing on the origin of Varangians I simply cannot fathom, except if it's true what I suspect, that Encyclopedia were invented by the Illuminati to spread knowledge to the masses as the Illuminatists see it, or as the Illuminati doesn't want us to see it. As Britain was filled with Illuminatists, Britannica is suspect.

On the first-century expandable map of Europe (at the website below), we can see the peoples reported by Tacitus. The locations on this map of the various people-names may not necessarily be perfect, as Tacitus was only general in his locating them. While the Varini and Eudoses are located in northern Jutland, Ptolemy located the Varini at Rostock just west of Rugen (where "Nuitones" is found). This is important, for a peoples at Rostock can be connected more solidly to Pomerania, and therefore to the Franks, while continuing to make the case that Germanic Franks were, like the Varangians, a Rus peoples (is that why France, Germany and Russia all opposed George Bush in his move into Iraq i.e. were those three nations planning their own Globalism at odds with the Republican Globalist agenda?). Behold, Saxons lived predominantly where the word, "Reudingni" is found on the map (Redones/Ruthene, I must presume).

In mentioning Rostock along with the Rugii, I should mention that someone believes the Rugi name "was frequently misapplied in Latin sources to Rus of the 10th and 11th centuries."

Whether or not the Rus-Rugi equation was misapplied would depend on whom one asks. If it's true that the Rugi were Roxolani, I would uphold it. While mainland Rugi were said to live between the Oder and Vistula rivers (of Poland), the city of Wroclaw (Breslau) was on the Oder. Assuming that the root is "Wro," it modifies to "Vro," evoking Tad ar Vro, more-commonly known as Nominoe, king of Brittany. As Nominoe's ancestry is unknown, identifying him in this way as a Vere and/or peoples of Wroxester (Worcester, England) seems important enough. It seized me that he descended from Milouziana, a mythical character of Vere mythology (to be touched upon in coming chapters), depicting a holy-grail peoples of Britain/Avalon that came over to Vere-region Normandy and then became rulers of Anjou. This character was otherwise "Melusine," a woman having a fishtail or snake's body below the waste.

Recall that the earldoms of Oxford (originally "Oxanforda") and Worcester united at one point, in particular during the Shakespeare era, and then know that -- if I'm not mistaken it was Tacitus -- included, in northern Europe, a peoples called "Oxonae." Some websites share Ukert's claim that "the Hellusii and Oxonae are fabulous" i.e. non-real place/peoples, but as no reason is given, I wonder if some are trying to hide something important. If Ukert is Friedrich August Ukert, after whom a crater on the moon was named, Ukert," he is suspect as a Rosicrucian, for anyone whose name makes it to a lunar geography is suspect by me as one beloved by Rosicrucians...whom I think practically own the field of astronomy, tying it to their astrological schemes. See here an online quote: "Oxfordshire (abbreviated Oxon, from Latin Oxonia..." In light of that, why would an Oxonae peoples be unreal? The fact is that when one zeroes in on Oxford, one zeroes in on Satan's domain (the Yale of England), and we're not supposed to focus on it. See that the Wroclaw Arms uses the same quadrant colors as the Vere Coat.

It seems very important that "Wroc" modifies to "Bres," for one could hypothesize that "Wroxester" was rooted in the same term that brought about "Bruce/Brusi" of Scotland, Grand Masters of the Rosicrucians.

[Update September 2006 -- I have since learned that the Bruces lived in Brus, Normandy, alternatively "Brix." I have also traced them back to Brescia of north Italy, alternatively "Brexia," thought to be named after the Cenomani Celts, although I would suggest the brother-tribe of the Cenomani: the Eburovices. I'll expound on this in coming chapters, but will tip you off here that I expect Bres, Brescia, and Bruce ancestry in the Hebrews/Cohens of Epirus and Chaonia (north-west Greece). As "Bres" can be alternatively "Brex," so "Wroc/Worc" can be "Vers," which brings to mind another Polish city, Warsaw. The flag of Warsaw is simply the reverse of the flag of Wroclaw. Plus, the Arms of Warsaw has a woman with a green fishtail!

I will also add that, as per my tracing the Bruces to Abruzzo, the latter known to be anciently "Aprutium" (terms the like of which could have furnished "Brittany" and/or "Britain"), see that "The first fortified settlements on the site of today's Warsaw were Bródno." End Update]

Knowing that the anti-Christ will be Ezekiel's Gog who seizes the power structures of Iraq in league with Saddam's fallen loyalists and their ilk (will he free Saddam from prison?), it may very well prove to be that modern Merovingian-blood Gogi will be in his support, even unto his invasion of the Middle East and finally Israel as per Daniel 11:21-31. Are you catching my drift? As the False Prophet must surely be an American leader in that he will make fire come down from the sky -- like nobody else can, I assume -- and as he uses this "wonder" in efforts to make the world honor the anti-Christ, it seems impossible for the False Prophet to be a patriotic American. But an anti-American "pinko" type fits the prophecy excellently. You did notice that France, Germany and Russia were not the only ones to oppose the Bush entry into Iraq; the Democrats in the USA did as well, as they opposed the Vietnam war (because that war was against Communism's spread?). Bill Clinton was then in Russia supporting an end to the Vietnam war, and so how do we know that his sentiments have changed since then? I would suggest the possibility that the loudest voices among the Democrats calling for an American pull-out from Iraq are those who meet secretly with Illuminati circles supporting Communist and/or anti-American interests, and who have their orders from the Top of the Pyramid to so oppose the war publicly and with passion.

Bavarians (anciently "Baioari") "replaced, or perhaps are simply another phase of, the previous inhabitants - the Rugians."

That is, the Rugians that were in Pomerania were also in proto-Bavaria. This jibes with another statement, that the Rugians were connected to the Boii, for it is thought by some, and the above website agrees, that the Boii named the Bavarians. Could a Rugii-Boii mix have formed the Merovingian Franks, and were the Boii responsible for the bee symbol which the Merovingian kings honored to their graves? See what goes on to say:

"By the 6th c. AD we see evidence of the foundation of a Bavarian Stem-duchy whose leading men were related to the ruling [Merovingian] Franks."

Could this explain why, even a millennium later, the Bavarian Illuminati was at the head of the French Revolution (to return France to paganism)? While Mayer Rothschild (a Jew) became involved with this Illuminati, it was not at first his, nor a Jewish, organization, but that of the Hesse-Cassel rulers, one of which was William IX whom Mayer served. But perhaps that William had Kabala-Hebrew blood, even as I suspect the same in Rothschild veins.

Note now that the capital of the Ubii was Cassel of the German state of Hesse. I'm not rushing to make a Boii-Ubii connection; just see on the map of Gaul that the Ubii were parked beside the Marcomanni, who are known to have been a Suebi branch, and see the Suebi parked in turn beside the Marcomanni. One needs to discover if and how the Catti, who named Hesse, or how the Khassi who may have named Cassel, may have been closely related to the Ubii. Could the latter term be short for "Suebi"?

As the Marcomanni and the Quadi are considered to be the same peoples, it should prove to be true that the Quadi became the Catti, wherefore the Catti should have been Suebi as the Quadi are known to have been. I have shown by evidence convincing enough to myself that the Cati and Khassi (of Cilicia) were from Sheba and the Kybele-related god/goddess, Sabazios. The likely Catti connection to Catalonia of Spain may be evidence that the Sephardic "Jews" of Spain were from the Catti/Suebi. I suspect that the same Sephardic "Jews," albeit of German regions, were behind the Bavarian Illuminati. Consider first this quote: "...the Marcomanni and the Quadi, two Germanic tribes who would become the Bavarians" ( ).

Secondly, the Bavarian Illuminati was founded by a Hebrew, Adam Weishaupt; it's common knowledge that he had the secret codename, "Sparticus"!! Those exclamation marks are for the theory that I present, that the Molech-worshiping Sepharvites were the Subartu of Akkadia that became the dragon-line Sparti and/or Spartans of Greece.

As I view the Belgae and Bolgs as a western branch of the Boii peoples said to have named Bologne (Italy), might the Morini Gauls of Belgae have been related to the Ubii in that the Morini were next to the Menapii Gauls. That is, could we read those latter peoples as Men Ubii? Or is that stretching it? I'll get back to this possibility later.

The Morini lived at the mouth of the Rhine -- where lived also the Salian Franks -- a region called variously Frisia/Rotterdam/Batavia depending on who ruled when. The above website says that Franks originated from the Frisians, and while this side-steps earlier origins in Pomeranians, the point is that the Merovingians appear to be the Morini.

[Update September 2006 -- If "Bres" can be alternatively "Brex," then "Phrixes," the rider of the golden ram that produced the golden fleece bloodline, can modify to "Frisi." In that I just found that Brixen of north Italy (South Tyrol), a satellite of Brixia of north Italy, was ruled by Saben/Sabiona rulers of Padua (in Venetia), anciently Patavium, I would suggest that the Frisians and Batavians were Sheba peoples from these very Brixians and Patavians. South Tyrol was ruled by the "Bajovari" (= Baioari = Bavarians) during the rule of Merovingian kings, wherefore one can suspect that the Bavarians were likewise from Sheba. If so, then I would add to the Sheba fold tha Bavarian tribe of Baiocasse/Bajocasse (that named Bayeux), also called the "Badocasse" so as to evoke the Patavi/Batavi. (See location of Padua) End Update]

One can see that "Morini" is "Pomerania" without the "Po," which could then define "Pomerania" as Po peoples on the sea/marine. As the Po river was also "Podus, the Boition-based Boii come to mind as those for whom the river was named. These were definitely bee-line peoples. I'm suggesting that "Po" was just another version of "Boii," and indeed the variant, "Bomerania," might be Boii-Morania?

It's not a far cry from "Moravia" to "Merania/Morini," and since Moravia was smack beside Bohemia, while the Bohemians are known to have been founded by Boii, one could begin to entertain a Boii element in the Moravians. Perhaps a "v" (commonly used as a "u") is an upside down "n" for a reason, in that the two letters were interchangeable.

It's now worth entertaining the so-called "Siling Vandals" (from Silesia, Poland) as relatives of Salian Franks, especially as Sicambrian Franks stemmed from that very branch of Vandals. Silesia is adjacent to Pomerania. The Polanie inhabited northern Silesia (see Poland location) showing Lower Silesia, in north-west Silesia), and these, remember, I entertain as the Boii who named Bologne. In other words, the Pomeranians were Polanie-on-the-sea, and the Salian Franks stemmed from those (proto-)Pomeranians who named Silesia. The origin of "Salian" is disputed, some suggesting that it refers to the Sala/Isala river, a tributary of the Rhine in Frisia; others suggesting that it's from "sal" = "salt/sea." But how do we know that the Sala river wasn't named after Silesia?

Keep in mind that the Pollok clan needs to fit into this picture at least as early as Clovis, one of the first Merovingian kings...if it's true, as some in that family say, that they were connected to that king. At this point in this chapter/theory, it seems a reasonable claim in light of their name. That is, if the Polloks (now "Pollock") had been Poles, while it's known that the first-known Pollok was a Saxon, a Pole-Saxon mix is expected...the very same mix that appears to have formed the Merovingians. And since the Polanie were Po-based Veneti, therein is the Veneti-and-Trojan (i.e. Antenor) element that Merovingians claimed to be from.

It's of Pollock interest that the Block/Bloch surname of Germany was first in Pomerania. The Blake surname of England uses the same gold birds (pigeons/doves?) used by the Ford Coat, but also a green griffin head on its Crest, evoking the green Vere dragon (I feel sure that Polloks and Veres were related also for their both using the boar symbol). I mention the Ford Coat in conjunction with the Pollocks because "Ford" seems a plausible variation of "Bert/Bard." Note the dog on the Ford Coat, which I suspect may depict Stewarts or other wolf-line. The Irish Ford Coat uses two of the gold birds, but also two red roses on suns, and a gold rose in the Coat's center.

In support of the Ford-Bert connection, the French Fort Coat uses the same gold birds as the Ford Coat. The English Fort Coat uses one bee in the Chief, and a red dragon on the Crest with tilted cross (do I see two gold "stars of David" on that dragon?).

The Blake surname in Ireland has the septs of "Caddell/Caddle" (i.e. the Catti?) and uses what appears to be a red Rosicrucian saltire cross with four silver diamonds around it's center. I trace the diamond symbol to the Kyle/Cole surname (from King Cole of the dragon bloodline), wherefore it's interesting that the Blake's were first in Devonshire, Cornwall, the haunt roughly of king Arthur and Bude entities.

The Cornwall surname/Coat uses three similar birds but precisely those of the John Coat, where I suspect "John" is a variation of "Cohn/Cohen." Both the Johns of Wales and of England use those same birds. While the English Johns use a gold hatchets/tomahawks on their Crest, the Welsh Johns use black tomahawks (on their Crest), in both cases the tomahawks are crossed, forming a saltire. But behold that the Betan/Bedan Coat uses three blue tomahawks. Connection with the Bude Coat of Wales, which I would assume was the Bude family of Cornwall, seems plausible since that family uses three arrows and a bow. Why the use of Indian symbols I do not yet know. Perhaps a Pictish connection by marriage (the Veres come to mind). The Bude Coat, as mentioned elsewhere, connects to the Rothschild arrow.

Vandals lived as far east as Poland's Vistula river, as early as the first century AD. Contact there with the Rugii must have been unavoidable, yet shouldn't we ask if the Vandals were given birth when Rugii mixed with the Veneti, since after all Jordanes located his so-called "Venethi" on the Vistula while others claim that Vandals had Veneti as their ancestors? It's hard in this case to make much of a distinction between Vandals and Franks. That is, while Vandals were a Veneti-Ruggi mix, Franks were a Veneti-Saxon mix, yet Saxons stemmed from the Ruggi.

If I'm correct in tracing the Pollocks to the Bert clan, then let Pollocks note that Clovis I (the Great) descended from Marcomer/Marcomir, whose mother was Ildegonde of the Lombards. "Another" Clovis (the Repuarian) who precedded Clovis I had married a Lombard, Ildegonde's daughter. Furthermore, Clovis' father married Blesinde, daughter of princess Blesinde of the Suevi/Suebi. The Lombards are said to have been a branch of Suebi, wherefore the Pollocks should prove to be from Abrahamic Sheba. With the Lombards/Suebi in mind, see that "The Lombards, or Langobards originated in and above northern Silesia (now western Poland) as part of the Suebi." (brackets not mine)

That makes Lombards a Swedish peoples, as is widely accepted, for the Suebi were first in Sweden. They were no doubt the Svi/Sviones by a similar name, and quite possibly the Swedish/Rig elements that formed the Germanic side of the Saxons. "Longobard" is said to mean "long beard," and so it's a long way from Bert, said to derive from "bright" (Old English "beorht") to Bard = beard. Perhaps it's worth mentioning that, to Kabalists, the light of illumination filled the beard; so said Albert Pike, renowned occultist (who attempted to convince us that the Biblical God was essentially the same as various dragon-line gods):

"And when this Head [a man's head], which is concealed in the Head of the Ancient One, which is not known...[blah, blah blah], then flasheth forth the Lightning of His Brain. And it is formed forth and illuminated with many Lights. And it produceth and designeth...[blah, blah, blah] a certain Light, which is called RTzVN, Ratzon, Grace. And that Grace is extended backward into the beard, even unto that place where it can remain in the beard, and it is called the Supernal..." [blah, blah, baloney!]

Long beards may in some cases be a priestly caste, esteemed as the peoples' illumination. It's from that perspective possible that the Cohens of Stewart roots were Longobards, in which case the illusive roots of the Suebi should trace back to khagen-Khazar stock (i.e. the priest-rulers of the Khazars) and therefore to a Togarmite-Semite mix. Definitely, most definitely, the proto-Druids of the Edones must figure into these Cohen priests. The German Bart Coat uses a bearded man's face; the man has blue eyes, unmistakable Aryan symbol. The surname was first found in Bavaria. But the English Coban Crest (Variation of "Cohen"?) also uses a bearded man. The English Cobin Coat uses a green griffin on a green background, same as the Pollok background.

There was a Scandinavian myth (in the Edda compilation) wherein the Vinili are so named for their long beards, by which we can no more than assume that the Vinili were the Longobards. I would add that, in the said myth, the Vandals and Vinili were at war with one another so that they were not precisely the same peoples, yet the myth makes it somewhat plausible that the two were related, for one appears as belonging to Odin's camp and the other in the camp of his "wife," Frigg. As "Vinili" refers (apparently) to long strings such as vines, I might interpret the term as long-hairs as well as long beards. By the sounds of many websites, it was compulsory for Merovingians to grow long hair, and so the myth may just pertain to a Longobard-Merovingian connection...while simultaneously revealing Merovingian-Vandal relations.

Pliny claimed that the Suebi were of the Herminone branch of Germanics. Nennius placed the Lombards under the same category, but listed Vandals and Saxons under the Ingeavone branch. The Herminones were defined, by Nennius, as Goths. Vandals and Saxons were Goths. But the contradictions disappear when we realize that Vandals and Saxons were a mix and therefore only half Gothic. The other half (I think) was Dane, and I do think it's consistent to define Ingaevones as a Dane-Goth mix (or Dane-Rugii mix i.e. the Rugii were Goths). The Franks were therefore, as my personal conclusion, a Veneti-Dane-Rugii mix (same as a Veneti-Saxon mix).

Poles are also called "Lech" because settlers of Lechia became a chief part of the Polanie nation. Wouldn't this term stem from the god, Lug, the Lugii that he likely depicted, and/or the Ligurians that he likewise likely depicted? Indeed, Vandals are said to stem from both Veneti and Lugii. "Roman-era writers report this [Vandal] area as being occupied by Lugians...Certainly, however, the undisputedly Slavic-speaking Venedi were later found exactly here."

While Poles are classified as Slavs, Polish legend roots Poles in "Lech," who saw a white eagle against a red sky between the Vistula and the Oder, and settled there with that red-and-white symbol as his own. His brothers, Rus and Czech, moved to the south; Rus here depicts the Slavs who would later become a portion of the first Moscovites (hence the red color of Moscow?). The Polish flag today is red and white; could these colors mixed depict the Saxon and north-Italy dragon lines mingling to produce also Britain, Canada, and the United States?

Moray of Scotland is also called "Moravia," and European Moravia is thought to have been formed by a remnant of Avars when the Avar empire was brought down in 795 AD. On this map, Moravia (yellow border) is attached to Silesia (orange border) (where the Vandals lived), and see how similar "Moravia" is to "Merovee," the latter term being the quasi-mythical progenitor (i.e. eponym) of the Merovingians. And so read this:

"In 796, in the Annales Alamanici, one can find an excerpt saying...'Pepin went to the region of the Vandals, which Vandals did come out to oppose him'. In Annales Sangallenses, the same raid (however, put in 795) is summarised in one short message...'The Vandals were destroyed'"

The importance of these statements is in their referring to the end of the Avar empire, showing that European Avars (as distinguished from Russian Avars) were Vandal-integrated or Vandal allies. One can speculate that the Merovingian empire, in the throws of falling as it was to Pepin's powers, had joined the Avars and Vandals against Pepin but in losing formed Moravia i.e. as the remnants of the Merovingian empire, by which I mean to say that Merovingian rulers retreated to Moravia. It's important, if this be true, that the Avars are also viewed (as through some historical fog) to be the founders of Moravia. One must then entertain, not only a Merovingian-Avar equation, but a Merovingian tie to Moray of Scotland (and possibly the Ross clan that was partnered with Moray). In this way, the Vere clan may just be named after the Avars. One might also investigate whether Moray founders were from the Morini of the Belgae coast.

[Update June 29 -- The Avites now come to mind as the Avars, not just due to the similarity of terms, but because the Cutha were in Caucasia as the Laz peoples, and so why not the Avites who were living in conjunction with the Cutha back in Mesopotamia? The root of "Avite" (Avva) may be a short-form of "Abira" (sect of Kassites), a term that appears modified to "Iberi," the Caucasian peoples who lived in/beside the Azerbaijan region where lived the Avars, who in my opinion were the Avars (e.g. "Iberi" modifies to "Avar."). As the Avvites named their Gaza city, Chatserim, might they not have become the Khazars (just to the north of Avars)? Remember that Khazars were Trojans while the Avvites worshiped Tartak, whom I suspect represented the same people-group as the mythical Dardanus, co-founder of Trojans. If the question is, therefore, where into the Saxon-Veneti mix (that defines Merovingians) do the Avars enter, I would suggest the Veneti sector, for the Veneti were founded by mythical Antenor, a Trojan ruler. End Update]

On this map of Bohemia, the red border is Bohemia, founded by the Boii, but later, during the founding of Moravia, it became the home of the "Cechy" (i.e. the Czechs). Were the Cechy a Gogi peoples? If so, ditto perhaps for Cechy's mythical "brothers," Rus and Lech. Indeed, Greek myth depicts Liguria as "Cycnus/Cygnus," and of course there is wide support for a Gog-Russia equation.

According to Tacitus (first century AD), Silesia was inhabited by Lugii and "Silingi" Slavs. The people of Silesia were called "Slonsk," a term that easily modifies to "Slovski," but in any case it is known that Silesians were Slavs, for which reason I'll tie Silesians to the Ruthene (Rus/Rusyn) for the simple reason that Slavs root themselves in the Ruthene (Ruthenians live in Poland to this day, derived from Ukranian Slavs. ). Because the Slavs were renown for their wolf-deity celebrations, I would suggest that the evasive origin of "Slav," the term, is in "caleb/kaleb," the Semitic/Hebrew for "dog" (Strong's #3611). Keep in mind that Slavs are thought by some to have been the Neuri (i.e. Nahorites).

Even if there is no connection between "Siling" and "Salian," yet Franks are known to emerge from Silesia, and this now makes the Franks a Rus-Germanic (same as Rus-Saxon) mix. It then becomes feasible that the Varangian Rus owe their existence to the Franks, which is logical on the surface where "Frank" and "Varang" seem similar enough. Believing as I do that Varangians emerged from a northern branch of Ruthene, I would then view those particular Ruthene as the Franks. That is, the Ruthene were the Veneti peoples who mixed with Saxons in producing Franks, which then leads me to suspect that the Rhaetians of north Italy were those Veneti-based Ruthene.

That may sound like a contradiction because I have the Saxons mixing with the Pomeranians to produce the Franks. But because the Rhaetians were Redones from Eridanus, and because myth tells that Ligurians mixed with Redones in Eridanus, a Bologne-Redone mix is my tentative conclusion for defining the Pomeranians.

It's known that Siling Vandals split up to form the "Asding" Vandals of Hungary, even as it's known that the Sicambrian Franks lived in both Silesia and Hungary in the same period that the Vandals had occupied both regions. Deciding that they were going to take all of Europe, as is the fundamental mission of the dragon line, the Vandals formed the Alan-Vandal alliance that was a rudimentary part of this quest. According to Goth legend, an ambitious Gothic peoples in proto-Poland urged their Gothic cousins in Scandinavia to assist them in invasions to their south i.e. into Hungary. Jordanes (a Goth historian) wrote about this southward migration of Scandinavian Goths, saying that they ended up as far as Russia. Couldn't this have been the beginning of the Avar empire, which did in fact stretch deep into Russia?

The appearance of the Avar empire came on the heels of the disintegration of, and mirrored, the Hun empire (across northern Europe). As Alans had joined the Huns in their bid to set up a global kingdom, so Alans joined the Vandals when they and other Goths picked apart various strongholds of the Roman empire. We're now in Christian centuries, and the dragon bloodline in Russia no longer went by such terms as "Cimmerian" and "Scythian." Scythians had evolved Huns and then Alans, wherefore Alans were the snakes of the dragon bloodline. These are the Geloni that I say had been the Cati of Cilicia that Greek myth represented as "Helenus."

For that reason, I will interpret the Istaevone Catti/Chatti, those who were central in forming the Frank power structures, to be the same Alan/Cati Kabalists among whom were the proto-Stewarts. Tacitus reported that the Batavi were that branch of Catti which moved to the mouth of the Rhine. This is where the Morini lived and where Salian Franks originated. Roughly the last we hear of "Batavi" is at the very time in which the Salian Franks are first mentioned, the middle of the third century AD. Indeed, the Batavi are thought by many to have become the Dutch and the Franks (who I think are among the three frogs of Revelation 16 that partake in, and even cause, Armageddon).

Since I trace the Stewarts to the Cohen surname and tie that surname to the Cati and therefore Catti peoples, but as I also suspected (years ago) that the Stewarts traced to a Bute-like term, "Batavi" would seem to qualify very well. And so do take a look and compare the similarity between the Batencourt Coat of Arms and that of the German-Cohen Coat.

I see that the checks in one part of the Pomeranian Coat of Arms are blue and gold, suggesting that Pomeranians were ruled/influenced at one time by the Betancourt family. The Batencourt name was first found in Artois, a region of France just inland from Boulogne (France, not Italy, but a connection seems feasible), just south of the Rhine's mouth. Bethune was a central city in Artois, wherefore I'm assuming that the Batencourt surname formed from that city's name, or vice versa. As the Bute surname that I am tracing across Europe means "house," in my opinion, so we see that Bethune is rooted in house (i.e. Hebrew/Semitic word for house = beth/bet). I have little doubt that this name is rooted in the Batavi peoples.

Batencourt connection to the Baten/Baden surname seems likely, and so recall from above that the Baten Coat (with tomahawks) was similar to the John Coat, and that John I figure is a variation of "Cohn/Cohen." I'm suggesting that the Batencourts/Bethune peoples were Cohens i.e. proto-Stewarts, explaining why the Stewarts of Scotland, as soon as they ascended the throne for the first time with Robert Bruce II, seized the Bute-Arran islands of Scotland.

The Bait/Beith Coat is from Pictish ancestry and uses a green griffin. All of this in combination is the best evidence I have found thus far to connect the Bute (i.e. mythical Butes) name to the western Atlanteans, and to the royal-Vere Picts.

Burgundians, who were Franks (see Nibelung/Niflung lore), are viewed as a Vandal peoples, for indeed Burgundians too came from Scandinavia and then lived in Poland. "Varang" versus "Burgund" is interesting. Like the Asding Vandals, Burgundians were likewise in that I'd view the two as one.

"About the year 373, or 374, the Burgundians rose from their seats upon the Vistula, with an army of eighty thousand men to invade Gallia; and being opposed, seated themselves upon the northern side of the Rhine over against Mentz."

The Vandals and Alans entered Gaul (407 AD), crossing the Rhine at Mainz, and pushed against certain Franks. Salian Franks lived on that west side of the Rhine prior to this Vandal invasion. The Vandals were deflected into Spain in 409 (retain these dates in your mind for just a few paragraphs). The following year, other Goths managed to conquer the city of Rome, and were granted by the Romans a piece of Gaul as a peace offering.

Burgundians had used Roman power for their own ends, and after the sack of Rome in 410, the Burgundian king (Gundahar) set up his own buddy (Jovinius) to be the Roman emperor. This allowed the Burgundians to settle in masses on Frank territory (i.e. the west side of the Rhine). But while the Burgundians were eventually crushed by others who came to rule Rome, the Merovingian Franks survived (on the west side) and built the heart of their empire there.

On the other/German side of the Rhine, Marcomer, destined to become a progenitor of Merovingian Franks, crossed and attempted with fellow captains to defeat the Salian Franks, but he and they lost the conflict and retreated back to the German side. This war was, apparently, in 409, for Marcomer was killed in a battle, while his son (Pharamond/Faramund) took the king's position in 409. It may thereby appear that the Marcomer Franks were partnered with the Vandals, known to have come against west-side Franks in 407. As historical reports tell us that Alans came to the rescue of the Vandals at that time, I'm open to viewing Marcomer' troops alternatively as those Alans.

This is important for those who agree with me that the Stewarts of Brittany were Alans. It places the proto-Stewarts in Hungary (i.e. as Sicambrian Franks), the very location that queen Margaret of Scotland "hung out" during part of her time in exile. It has recently become a solid theory of mine that Margaret's mother (Agatha) was of the Stewart bloodline, explaining why Margaret's son made the Stewarts-proper great in his Scot kingdom. It has also been my theory for some years, without evidence, that Agatha was a Khazar. Knowing now that Stewarts descend from Cohens, and that Cohens were likely Khazar khagens, might the Burgundians and/or Sicambrian Franks and/or Asding Vandals have incorporated the Cohens (i.e. proto-Stewarts)? I'd bet 110 blue and silver checkers on that one.

It's perhaps a bull's eye shot when I add that the Morini Coat of Italy uses the blue and silver colors in stripes, and a blue Fleur de Lis on its Chief; the Morini surname is said to originate in Venice/Venetia. The Spanish Marino uses the same blue and silver stripes/banners, but in wavy fashion. To that I need to add that the Marino and Mari Coats of Italy use the same black diagonal design in slightly different manners, showing kinship, which may be important in that I root the Merovingians in Mari/Mary, the name of two (possibly related ) cities, one on the Kabala-Strip Euphrates and one in Aryan Afghanistan.

While Marcomer and Pharamond are thought to be legendary by some, yet Childeric I (ruled from 458), who is thought to stem from Marcomer, is known to be an historical Merovingian. The Sicambrian Franks were major, and the Salians minor, players at this time, for the line of Frank kings had been through the Sicambrians, explaining why Pharamund (i.e. the Sicambrian) had been the first king of the Salians. With the son of Marcomer becoming the first Salian king, it suggests that Marcomer married a Salian noble.

Now Sicambrian is now Budapest, two cities incorporated, with Buda on one side of the Danube/Ister and Pest on the other. The Budapest Seal today uses two griffins (dragon with eagle parts and lion parts), and an off-plumb cross (a Freemasonic symbol). The Budapest flag uses the above-mentioned blue and gold, but also red. I would suggest that the Batavi were the founders of Buda, and that they were previously the Budini moving west with the Neuri The Geloni were a part of the Budini, said Herodotus, and so therein you have the makings of the Salian Franks, for the Batavi were on the Rhine's mouth long before the Sicambrian Franks mixed with the Salians. The Salians, therefore, should prove to be related to Odin in keeping with my view of Odin as a symbol of the Budini.

Names of the mythical rulers of the Salians (if indeed they be mythical) are sufficiently the same as the names of Sicambrian rulers that I am easily convinced that the two branches come from the same Vandal stock. In the list of Sicambrian Franks found at the website below, there is an Antenor IV (63-69 AD), suggesting three other Antenors belonging possibly to the same bloodline. This implies connection to the mythical Antenor attributed to the founding of the Veneti...when Antenor brought with him "Heneti" Paflagonians to Venetia. To put it another way, the Franks knew that they were a Veneti people, for which reason they traced themselves to the mythical Antenor. One would therefore be prone to identify the Budini-come-Batavians as those Veneti bloodlines, and the Padus (i.e. Po) river would seem to align nicely with that river, since it is essentially the same as "Bud(ini). Yes, these were the Boiotians that I would suggest were also called by a short-form, Boii/Po.


Frogs from the Dragon's Throat
Frey and the Merovingian frogs now come to mind
at Revelation 16's three Armageddon frogs
that support the end-time anti-Christ.

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