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May 2007

There is no record in the Hittite period of their city, Samosata, being called by that name. The Samosata region was then "Kummukh" (later Commagene). However, when the "k"s are softened, we'd have something close enough to "Sames (II)," the namer of Samosata (literally, Sames' City). As evidence that "Sames" was a term linking back to an ancient god, the softened "Kummukh" is very close to "Sham(m)ash, " and while that Semite sun god (of Akkado-Babylon) has the historical alternative, "Samas," the Sames rulers clearly named themselves after Shamash (of the Ishtar cult).

This is an enormous revelation in itself where the Sames dynasty is being recently pegged (by me) as THE dragon bloodline. It now exposes the Semites within Armenians as the culprits in carrying the cult. It aligns with what I've believed, that the Halybo-Khaldi carried the cult in Phrygia as the Kabeiri. I truly did not expect the Biblical dragon to be a Semite beast, let alone a majorly-Hebrew one (though these Hebrews had no resemblance to Israelites whatsoever, and were moreover Aryanized), but in this chapter we're going to see the Biblical dragon develop very close to Israel. I never would have guessed.

Hermes = Hittites stemmed from Cadusia, but because Samosata was a Hittite domain, I can now tell that the Cadusii moved into (and likely ruled) Samosata en route to proto-Lydia. Yet it was not the Hermes wave that named Lydia, the Biblical dragon.

I had discovered Samosata to be mythical Semiramis, and she in turn to incorporate Aphrodite at Cyprus, in which picture Aphrodite's marriage to Hephaestus was a Hittite-Hatti alliance...if I'm correct in pegging Hephaestus as the Manes>Atti(s) peoples = the Hatti. Hephaestus can be identified historically as the Mannae>Maeonian evolution, in the meantime putting forth the Hatti as a branch of Mannae Armenians.

Therefore, the Maenads of Dionysus can be viewed as the Dionysus wave finding alliance, on the Maeander/Maeonian river, with the earlier Hephaestus wave. As the Maenads were portrayed with every characteristic of the Kabeiri cult, they can be identified further as the wife of Hephaestus, Cabero = Kyprus = Aphrodite. Not only does the alliance explain why both Hephaestus and Dionysus were given limps from birth (i.e. they had become the same peoples), but it reveals Dionysus as a Hebrew people. I wouldn't want my Christian/Jewish readers to have amicable feelings toward this cult just because they were Hebrews; they were a disgusting lot.

Dionysus and Cabero=Aphrodite should prove to be a single wave constituting a Semele-Semiramis alliance in Syria, where Semele is expected to have been a branch of Samosata that went out as the Samaali of Punt, but returned to join Samosata in contributing to the Aphrodite wave to marry Hephaestus. Semele and Hermes were both in Phoenicia and therefore expected to have merged, except that Hermes may have been a later wave. Also, while I am committed in this chapter to having the Hermes migration go from Armenia > Phoenicia > Greek theater, it might have been from Armenia > Greek theater > Phoenicia.

Hermes in Phoenicia was at mount Hermon. In light of the discussion of the previous chapter on Arda terms naming proto-Lydia as Arzawa, where these terms were made (by me) the root of king Arthur, look at this quote from the Book of Enoch:

"And the angels, the children of heaven, saw [beautiful women] and desired them... And they were altogether two hundred; and they descended into Ardos, which is the summit of Hermon." (I Enoch 6:6)

The above webpage shows that the Dead Sea scrolls use "Ardis" instead of "Ardos" for the Hermon peak. It's very enlightening because the Arda kingdom on the Hebros river was also "Ardas," which mirrors "Ardos/Ardis" quite perfectly.

The insinuated Ardos-Hermes alliance smacks of Great Ormos, a location in Wales to this day, situated beside Erethlyn, in the region, along with Rothesay, that I have identified as the ancient kingdom of Avalon (I also say Arthur = Erethlyn/Rothesay). I believe that the dog of Ceto, called Orthos, was a peoples of Erethlyn: the Ordovices. You are about to find in this chapter that Typhon, made the father of Orthos in Greek myth, is a central part of this chapter. Moreover, as the topic here is the seven=headed dragon of Daphne, note that Typhon also had Hydra as offspring, a nine-headed dragon that in my opinion depicts the nine muses and therefore the nine sisters of Avalon. If that's not enough, Ceto, very much a topic here because it corresponds to the Daphne dragon, was made (by Hesiod) the grandmother of Orthos.

It would be interesting to find when, and why, the Ardos summit was alternatively, "Sion." Herein should be the real reason that Arthurian lore traces Arthur to Israel and its true God, when in fact he traces to the mountain of Satan. It amazes me that no one seems to have tied Hermes to Armenia, but in this topic we will find some good evidence for that claim, and will even be able to tie him to a particular Armenian dynasty. It should then be apparent that the several trans-Europe Arda terms leading to Arthur stem from that dynasty somehow.

Who named Lydia? Who was the seven-headed Ladon (i.e. Lydia>Latin = Roman) dragon that Revelation discloses as the end-time cause of Armageddon? I say Daphne to both questions. Discover what peoples Daphne depicted, and you will find the root of the Biblical dragon. But the Daphne dragon was not a single line, perhaps explaining why it was given multiple heads. When Cadmus was given Harmonia as wife, they were the Biblical dragon prior to it's evolution into the Daphne dragon. That's my current view, anyway, because I'm seeing the Cadmus wave to Greece occurring before the Daphne wave. In any case, they both ended up in Greece, and together they became the Celt wave out of Illyrium (myth has Cadmus and Harmonia giving birth to Illyrium).

To now discover that the Celts had been the Asian Hittites should perhaps have been a no-brainer, since after all I had traced Celts to the Khaldi on the Halys river, but for being busy with other topics, I had not yet come to this topic until now. Wikipedia says: "Samuha is an as-yet-undiscovered city of the Hittites..." As soon as I read this, I started to look at the letters of "Samuha," and out jumped "Kummukh." For if the latter softens to "Samash," couldn't it also soften to "Samuha" by turning the second "k" to an "h" instead of an "s"?

I'm not necessarily saying that Samuha was Samosata. Rather, as the Hittite city of Sapinuwa was associated politically with Samuha, and as Sapinuwa appears to be an extension of Sophene, so Samuha appears to be an extension of Samosata. It may be that "uha" is merely a suffix on "Sam," as for example the "uwa" on "Sapinuwa" is a suffix (meaning "land"). In that case, the main city was simply called "Sam."

I am very ready to identify the Hittites as Samosata and Sophene Armenians. As Saphon is a location in Syria, I'd say it was an extension of Sophene. Recall that Daphne (= Sophene) was an integral part of Semiramis=Samosata, and that her family of terms (e.g. her father, Tiresias) went on to depict, in the Tyre region, the Cadusii at mount Hermon and on the Litani river.

None of this is to say that the Hittites depicted by Daphne (or Hermes) were the Biblical Hittites, but one never knows. I doubt it very much because the Armenian Hittites were never called "Hittite" or "Hatti," so far as I know, in ancient records. We only know that a peoples who came to rule Hattusa, and called themselves Hattusili, had ruled the Samosata and Sophene regions as well. But as "Hattusa" evokes "Cadusia," I'd say we should identify Hittites as Cadusii. It may be that the Cadusii in Biblical lands inter-married with Canaanites to become the Biblical Hittites, but then maybe not.

It is very difficult to distinguish between Hermes and Daphne. It's possible that the Hermes-branch Cadusii at Hermon did not mix there with the peoples depicted as Lotan, as I had at first assumed. I now rather hold that Hermes left the Hermon region, with the Cadmus wave, whereafter Daphne came to Hermon as another Cadusii wave, and it was she who meshed with Lotan. I see Lotan as a non-dragon peoples until contact with Daphne. I should like to find a solid clue that solves this problem, and perhaps I just have, for as the Hermon summit was called Ardos, perhaps it named Arzawa. The latter was the name of proto-Lydia when ruled by Hittites.

I see the Lotan-Cadusii mix as the dragon cult en route to naming Lydia. It must first have moved north into Saphon (in Ugarit), not only due to the importance of Daphne in this particular part of the dragon tracks, but because the Saphon area is exactly where we find Lotan depicted as a dragon. The god of Saphon, Baal (son of Dagon), defeated the Lotan dragon, and I therefore suspect that the Lotan peoples fled the region, and eventually re-named Arzawa to Lydia.

The Hermes wave of Cadusii did produce a dragon, when Cadmus and Harmonia evolved into the Sparti; note how that term reflects "Ardos/Ardis. It now strikes me, since I've already identified the Sparti as the Sepharvites from Subartu, that the "Arda/Arta" term is from Sub-artu. In this picture, the Sepharvites became dominant, at some point, at mount Herman, and are not necessarily to be equated with the Hermes Cadusii that named the mountain itself. The Hermes portion of Cadmus went to be born in Arcadia, and the Daphne-Lotan wave followed much later and named the Ladon river (also in Arcadia).

The Sparti dragon became the Spartans proper to Hermes' south, I must assume, and by the sounds of the myth (wherein Cadmus slays the Sparti dragon before becoming allied to it), some portion of the Sparti dragon removed to Colchis to become the army/peoples of Aeetes. This occurred before the Laz Kartli took the kingdom of Aeetes over. The question then becomes, how did the Laz get their name? From the Sparti dragon, or later by Daphne's Lotan/Ladon allies?

The latter option is made tenable by the migration of the golden fleece to Colchis, which must not be confused with the Sparti dragon that protected the fleece, and was defeated while protecting it. I independently identified the fleece bloodline to be that of the Tantalus>Pelops>Atreus line (because the Atreus line was given two golden lambs by myth writers), but as Tantalus and Pelops ruled the Lydia region, it is likely that this fleece bloodline fused with the Daphne-Lotan migrants when they arrived.

I am of the opinion that Tantalus was of the Arzawa period. Therefore, as "Arzawa" was "Kurdzhali" in the Arda kingdom, I see Arzawa forming the Kartli/Kurds in Georgia, and it is they whom I view as the golden fleece. I note that Hermes flew the Arzawa fleece to Colchis, suggesting "ownership" (i.e. fatherhood) of the fleece line, and this aligns with Arzawa being named after Ardos of mount Herman. This suggests that the summit of Hermon was named after certain Kurds, an idea that seems to discredit the Arda-Subartu theory.

The point here is that the Laz Georgians are categorized today under the ancient Kartli fold, wherefore it may be that the Laz were likewise of the Arzawa fleece. But if not (I currently don't think they were), the Laz may have been a later development in proto-Lydia, i.e. the Lotan wave, and so they followed the fleece line to Colchis, and there mixed with the Kartli. It's a small technicality that can be ignored, perhaps, but see now that Lazica contained the province of Artavani (now Artvin).

Wikipedia has the bad habit of sharing a definition on just about every geographical place it writes on, but for an encyclopedia, that's bad news. In the case of Artvin, Wikipedia reports that "arta" means "fertile" as a matter of fact. But if the term is from "Urartu," then it's a syllable of an "Ararat" variation, and does not therefore denote fertility.

The reason that I have chosen to originate the Lotan term in Phoenicia is that I am currently of the opinion that "Lotan" originated (in-part) from Biblical Lot's descendants, his Ammonite tribe very much included. Behold, as Lotan was alternatively "Yam," this dragon was a mix of Lot's descendants with the Yamhad kingdom (Amorite, apparently). Yamhad was anciently Halab (now Aleppo), what easily modifies to "Halybe"! In fact, "[Halab] was known to antiquity as Khalpe, Khalibon..."

I must now make clarifications. I view the Biblical dragon proper (Revelation 12) as the Ishtar cult as a whole, what became a Babylonian entity granted, by God, the right, as per the lion-beast of Daniel 7, to rule the world in the spirit and power of Satan (so that the situation might expose the utter futility of Satan and his supporters). I view the Biblical "beast" (Revelation 13) as Gog, to the north of Israel, which is now suspect as the Sparti>Kartli dragon of Colchis. It's interesting that the second beast of Revelation 13, the one that I think North-American and European Christians must avoid, is shown with two horns like a lamb, and while I won't say that this depicts the two golden lambs of the Tantalus bloodline, I will say that, if it does, this beast will be of the Arzawa > Arda > Arta > Ardea > Artois > Arthur line.

I view the seven heads of the dragon (Revelation 12) as pertaining to the Latin>Roman throne of the Ishtar cult. Revelation 17 tells that the Great Tart of Babylon sits upon those seven heads, meaning to me that she depicts, in part, the Lotan>Lydia>Latin dragon line. The other side of the Roman dragon is the Spartan>Sabina side (details elsewhere). Virgil included a Trojan side as per his mythical Aeneas, and while I have entertained his view in this book, I have also mentioned that Virgil used the Trojans to disguise the reality, that in fact Aeneas (and therefore the Romans) was an Etruscan peoples. The Etruscans and Latins are portrayed in myth as being from the same stock, and in fact they are both from Lydians...not quite the same as Trojans, but close.

The Halab-Lot(an) alliance that leads to Lydia comes long after the Trojans have formed, but before the Romans have formed (1000-800 BC). There is in the Lotan story the historical character of Idrimi, the son of an Amorite ruler in Halab. He took the Alalakh region (near Ugarit) with some "Ammija" Hebrews (webpage below), whom I've pegged as Lot's Ammonite descendants, especially as Lot's son (i.e. patriarch of the Ammonites) was named Ben-Ammiy. Idrimi is placed in the 15th century, but I do not trust historians' dates of this far back, often based on faulty Egyptian chronology; I would bring the date forward some centuries.

As Lotan of the Idrimi realm likely originated at the Litani river, I suspect that Lot's Ammonites were living on the Litani...which may explain the Molech cult in Tyre, since Ammonites were the first peoples recorded as burning their infants in the sacrificial furnaces of Molech (technically, "Melkart" in Tyre).

The Idrimi event took place as the Mitanni were in control of Kizzuwatna. Sippiluliuma I then took Kizzuwatna from the Mitanni, and was chief also in Idrimi's Alalakh. Therefore, I would identify all of the peoples mixed together in Kizzuwatna environs -- Mitanni, Khassi, Cadusii, Punt Phoenicians, Lot Hebrews, Halybe Hebrews, Bacchus Azerbaijani, Azzi Armenians -- as evolving into Tantalus, for "tanta" in Latin means "many," and in myth Tantalus cut his son (Pelops) up into small pieces to show the plurality of the peoples under him (see map of Hittite regions).

The Olympian gods were offended by this act, for they prefer bloodlines to remain pure, which is what a god is all about, after all, the worship of a bloodline. A virgin in myth is a snobby people that does not mix with others, due to the love of it's own blood; incestuous marriages were often the result. Daphne was such a virgin. On the other hand, the Biblical idea of a harlot is, not a people mixed maritally with others, but a people that traded merchandise with others, and looked to trade for it's security rather than looking to the true God. The Great Tart is so-depicted in Revelation 18. Hermes, who was the Mercury of the Romans, was such a one, for "merchant" is derived from "Mercury," says my dictionary.

In Sicily, a male Daphnis was made the son of Hermes. In Phoenicia, Daphne was the extension of Hermes at mount Hermon, for as his son was Pan in depicting the city of Paneas at the foot of Herman, so her Greek father was made Peneus...exposing a Paneas-to-Peneas migration. Hence, Daphne was the great-merchant bloodline. As nearby Tyre is mirrored in the Bible (Ezekiel 27) with the great wealth and trade attributed to the Great Tart of Babylon, so we find that Daphne of the Hermon region was given Tiresias for another father.

It is made clear in myth that Daphne was associated with Apollo, that they shared the dolphin symbol, and that they were the false prophets of Delphi as per that symbol. Apollo was the Biblical Gog in Greece, likely the Mysians (for I have identified Mysians as the Biblical Gog). As we see that Apollo was given Leto=Lydia as a mother, so Daphne ends up as Ladon=Lydia. Apparently, Apollo comes from the far north, as Mysia smack beside Lydia, and Daphne at the same time arrives as proto-Lydia, and the two mingle (though myth denies it for the Greek setting). In this way, Daphne was the mother of Apollo's Trojan setting (i.e. the myth writer was ignoring his far-north setting and gave him birth from Lydia instead). It was no secret to the ancient Roman rulers that they stemmed from Leto, and they worshiped her as Letona.

It must have been the Halab connection to Idrimi that sent Lotan-Daphne to the Halybe region as Kybele, the Great Tart in Lydia. Cybele was made married to Attis there, which was deemed an incestuous affair (i.e. Daphne and Attis were both of the Armenian dragon bloodline, both of rulers who valued incestuous marriages unto the love of their own blood). This marriage gave birth to Lydus, a nation infamous for its "sacred" prostitution. The brother of Lydus, Tyrrhenus, was made the father of the Etruscans, and Etruscans were the founders of Rome according to historians.

As the Lydian region spoke the Luwian language, I now have two or three ideas as to where the Luwian term might have originated. The "Lubnen" version of "Lebanon" qualifies. Also, as I had learned that "lew" (a version of "leo") means "lion," I note here that the Litani river had the Latin version of Leontes. Could this switch in names explain why dragon symbols on Coats of Arms are often substituted with lions?

The griffin is a dragon with a lion's body, and an eagle's head and wings, and such was the symbol of the Dumuzi cult in Sumeria; see the Sumerian Mushussu Dragon. I have shown many Coats of Arms in Britain using the griffin as the key symbol, and so I thought I should share this ancient illustration of a king, of the Orontes dynasty of Armenians, holding a vessel with griffin handles (so says the article from which I obtained this illustration).

The best theory occurred to me, that "Luwian" derives from the root term in "Leviathan," the alternative name of Lotan. Yes, Lotan was known in texts as Leviathan. `This work is sometimes incredibly rewarding, for after I had come to this theory, I checked Strong's to see where "Levi" as a term roots to. I found it at "lavah" (Strong's #3867) meaning "to coil" (as a snake). Immediately above "lavah," at #3866, is "Luwdiy," the Hebrew for Ludim/Lydians!!!

"Lot" is at #3876, and is defined in #3875 as "covering." "Lotan" at #3877 is also defined as "covering." "Lat" at 3909 means "covering" as well, in the idea of "secret." Then I found Luwsh at #3889, said to be an alternative of "Layish" (#3919) = the city of Laish at mount Hermon, smack beside Paneas. While I had done a study of Laish previously, because I claim that it leads to the Laus Deo written atop of the Washington Monument (details later), I had never come across the Luwsh spelling, and this, it would seem, is the best theory for furnishing "Luwian." However, take a look at how Strong's Concordance defines "Layish" at #3818: "a lion"!!!

This was an amazing find, for I had traced Laish to the Laz Caucasians, and they in myth were made married to Nergal, while he was depicted as a lion! Understanding eventually that Nergal was Hercules, I realized that Nergal was the Hercules lion, otherwise known as the "Lydian lion"!! Hence, the root of Lydia was Laish, and Laish was therefore the Lotan/Leviathan dragon. Unbelievable, how this panned out for me. "Luwian" is a term describing the dragon.

Samson's Daniy were intimately involved with Laish, for they conquered it (Judges 18), but after considering my new mythical view of Samson (I used to believe that he represented a true man), I realized that he was Hercules of Greek myth, for Hercules was a Greek Danaan, thus explaining Samson's Herculean strength.

As Hercules was made born from Perseus (son of mythical Danae), who was in Joppa (to save Cassiopeia's offspring from Ceto), it would appear that Samson and Perseus were of the same bloodline on their Daniy side. Joppa is very near to where the Samson story takes place, at Timnah.

Note that Ceto was described in myth as a sea dragon that in every way is identical to Leviathan. Hence, Laish was ruled by the Ceto peoples. Indeed, I have recently identified Ceto as the Guti>Getae>Edones, but months earlier I identified Sidonians as Sitone-branch Edones. Amazing, for Laish is said in Judges to be a city of the Sidonians! No genius is required here, unless it takes a genius to see "Sitone" as a version of "Sidon." My exclamation marks are to advertise that I am on the right track, and have thus discovered the Biblical dragon as a certainty as passing through Laish.

By the way, there's got to be some meat to similarities of terms. One can't for example just assume that Georgia in America was named after Caucasian Georgia, unless there is some evidence aside from the similarity of terms. In the case of Sidon and Sitones, it was the Paeoni situated (on the Strymon river) near the Edones that first tipped me off, for I concluded that they were the Poeni = Phoenicians, but to now find that Edones were in Phoenicia is a clincher.

The bottom line must surely be that the end-time Biblical dragon should be of the ancient Eden cult. Powerful forces of that cult are predicted to have founded Edinburgh of Lothian, Kent and Canterbury in England, Jutland, Gotland, and other Jutish entities. But what about my belief that the end-time anti-Christ will be Gog = a Russian? Enter the Slav Rus. Wikipedia tells that:

"...autochtonic/allochtonic controversy surrounds potential connections between the Vandals and another, possibly Germanic or pra-Slovoian tribe, the Lugii (Lygier, Lugier or Lygians). Some academics believe that either Lugii was an earlier name of the Vandals, or the Vandals were part of the Lugian federation."

In short, that means that Vandals and Slavs are thought to be connected as tribes to Ligurian ancestry. I have typically connected Ligurians to myth code, Lycurgus, king of the Edones. I have typically revealed the Ligurians as a Gogi peoples as per mythical Cycnus, king of Ligurians. I have identified mythical Sthenelus (the father of Cycnus) as the Sitone Edones, wherefore Sthenelus must also be a Gogi, which is proven where his sister was Gorgophone. But this Gorgophone was made the product of Perseus and Andromeda at Joppa, and was therefore in-part from Cassiopeia and Cepheus. As Perseus had just killed the Medusa Gorgon when he saved Andromeda, I can now identify the Medusa as the city of Laish, for it was a Sidonian city, and therefore of the Sitone Edones. Further details on this in the next chapter, where I equate Samson and his Daniy with the "Perseus" code itself.

So you see that the Ethiopian cult of Punt lead on the one hand to the west-European dragon (Phaethon = Redones = Arthur), but also to the proto-Slavs of central Europe (from the Ruthene), who as Slavs proper parked themselves eventually in what is now Ukraino-Russia, and contributed largely to Moscovites. Further evidence that Russians were from the dragon cult is in the other major constituent of the Moscovites, the Varangian Rus, who made no bones about showing their love and respect for their dragon symbol.

I had identified Arthur as a Slav bloodline, and may now show that Gog connects to Arthur in Arda of the Hebros river, for in that Arda was also called Ardescos, I have been able to see that it was depicted by mythical Dascylus, father of Gyges, king of Lydia roughly at the time that Ezekiel wrote the Gog prophecy. That is, Gyges/Gugu of Lydia was the Biblical Gog, or at least in-part. The other part was in the Royal Scythians in Caucasia, from which I'm assuming he was from. If this is correct, end-time Gog must stem from this Gog. I had initially identified Dascylus as Tuscany, land of the Etruscans, but I see no contradiction yet. As evidence that Dascylus depicted Ardas, "[Gyges] was succeeded by his son Ardys II"!

The website above tells that Gyges, according to Plato, came to power through a "magic ring," this evoking the rings of Lydia: " and silver, which was found in the [Sipylus] region, made the cities of Lydia rich. Ingots and rings of fixed weights circulated here before the first coins were minted."

Technically, Dascylus depicted the Mysian city of Dascylium, and when this was the residence of the Pharnacid dynasty, two kings by the name of "Artabazus" were of that dynasty. While I don't believe that Gorgophone was a true person, the tree at the following website (or at the link above) traces Artabazus to Perseus and Andromeda! While Artabazus was a true figure, the Alky-giants that were at the root of Hercules, for example Alcaeus, was also a son of Perseus and Andromeda. Consider that Ardys I, king of Lydia, was traced back to the Alcaeus>Hercules bloodline, which can be rendered in the true world, if nothing else, as coming out of Joppa!

This is enormous for my Samson-Hercules equation. There is every good possibility that this so-called "Heraclid" dynasty of Lydia was that of Daphne evolving into the Lydians.

The Gyges dynasty came after the Heraclids. I have typically identified Mysians as the Biblical Gog, though technically they were Meshech. There is reason to believe that Dascylus was Mysian only in part, the other part being of Tmolus. For, Dascylus was also made a son of Tantalus (son of Tmolus) in one version...which makes him (according to conclusions earlier in this chapter) of the Arzawa (i.e. golden fleece) bloodline. That too connects him to Arda.

The Arzawa-fleece connection to the Kartli Georgians, whom I've concluded as the Biblical Gog (though they lived where the Meshech were found), is re-inforced in this picture. Moreover, Dascylus may have been of Helle, who herself depicted the Hellespont, for Dascylium was on the Hellespont. Helle was a figure in the golden fleece myth, but she was the part of the fleece line that was defeated on the Hellespont, while her brother Phryxus was the one who fled to Colchis successfully. Phrixus became a Scandinavian-Rus peoples (in my opinion), as for a prime mythical example, Frigg wife of Odin.

Since Ezekiel 38's Gogi, Meshech and Rus are all in this picture, where are the Tubali, since they are known to have been (prior to Ezekiel) in the Lydia region? I think Tmolus. If true, and if true that Tmolus was Semele, Dionysus was a Tubali peoples. Ditto for Dascylus and Tantalus proper (the latter depicted many peoples allied together, but was only one or two of them himself). Consider the father of Tmolus: Sipylus. Isn't that a valid variation of "Tubal"? The "Tm" is odd without a vowel, but there is in like manner "Tbilisi" to this day, the ancient capital of Tubal. The problem is, if the Samaali were Tubali (anciently "Tabali"), then I would think again about a Samaal=Samas view. A Samaal-Tabal equation permits a hard-c version of Samaal to become Kabala/Kybele.

In a Samaal-Tabal equation, Gyges was, as per his father, a cross between Meshech and Tubal, two major peoples who made up the Georgians in Ezekiel's day. I am still of the opinion that Meshech and Tubali are not to be viewed as non-Gogi peoples, but rather are to be viewed as the constituents of the Gogi people. I believe Ezekiel was saying that Georgians were the chief of the Rosh, Meshech and Tubali because Georgians consisted exactly of those people groups. I will now peg Rosh, in that situation, as the Georgo-Armenians on the Aras river. This was Ares "protecting" (i.e. ruling over) the Arzawa golden fleece. But after the Minyae Argonauts freed the Arzawa fleece, the Laz Kartli took over Colchis, wherefore I must assume the possibility that the Laz and Arzawa together constituted Ezekiel's Gog, chief of Rosh.

It's a good thing I had forgotten how to spell "Ardeskos," for in looking for it, I found the following two things that support a Dascylus-Tmolus equation:

The Arda...Ardas is a river whose source lies in the Bulgarian Rhodope Mountains near the town of Smolyan..."

"Smolyan was first settled in the 2nd-1st millennium BC. It acquired its name from the Slavic tribe of the Smolyani that settled in the region in the 7th century..."

The lesser point is that the Slavs were in this region. Why? The main point is that "Smolyan" evokes Tmolus and may therefore be Semele. After all, Dionysus was in Ardas, as the Odrysians. But as the Odrysians were depicted by mythical Dryas, in my opinion, they were Edones, for Dryas gave birth to Lycurgus, king of the Edones.

If the Edone > Ligurian development put forth the Slavs proper, it explains why Slavs settled the city of Smolyani. I hate to break it to the Russians, but they're Edones from way back. Indeed, what about the peoples of Smolyani who did not go to Liguria, or anywhere else, but later mixed with the Slavs proper as they came back through Rhodope? Would they not have become a part of the Slav make-up, and therefore of Russia? Did not Bulgarians, after all, name the Volga river?

Was not Kikon of the Rhodope realm the brother of Hebros in mythology? Yes, he was, and surely he became Cycnus of Liguria. But what about the part of Kikon that stayed behind in the Rhodope region? Couldn't he have become Gyges? Yes, if Dascylus was from the Arda region of Rhodope, yes! Thus, Gyges was of the same stock as the Arthur cult. Keep in mind that I interpret "Slav" as a soft variation of "Chalybe."

I feel that the time is almost upon us for Gog to enter Iraq and to start the tribulation period, at which time his Biblical counterpart in the west will support him in his Middle-East tirade. Keep watch, therefore, but if I am wrong about his Russian nationality, my second choice would be a Kurd out of Mosul.


Bats of the Giants Buzzing at Troy
Was Dionysus, as Bacchus, the Bekaa valley at Bashan?
Or did the giants of Bashan become Batea,
mother of Troy and of Avalon?

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