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January 2007

When I first noticed the similarity between "Phocas" and "Fulk" (anciently "Foulques"), I checked Byzantine nobles to see if there was an Ingelger-like name, for Fulk I (died 940ish) was son of Ingelger, whose father and ancestry in turn is not known aside from a "fanciful story" deemed by many historians to be mythical. Therefore, I was checking to see if Ingelger appeared out of nowhere in France from Byzantine nobles. The Byzantine dynasty that I was focusing on was the so-called "Amorian dynasty" (what I suspected to be Amorite), which fit the shoe of blue and gold Anjou because key Amorian emperors are found dressed in blue and gold, as I will show.

It was hard to write it off as a coincidence, therefore, when I found that the Amorian dynasty traces back to Eudocia Ingerina, "daughter of Inger, a Varangian guard in the [Byzantine] emperor's service" (I did not know at this point that ancient Sweden, like Anjou, used blue and gold; and you can imagine my curiosity when I found the noble Folke name in Sweden to be likely related to blue and gold Inge, king of Sweden).

Well this had me thinking that I had discovered one amazING key. It made me think that Amorians had inter-married Merovingians because they were likewise (bee-line) Amorites. The connection seemed verified where I learned (at the website above) that Ingerina's "mother was a Martinakia and a distant relative to the [Byzantine] imperial family." Another website shows that it was Inger's mother who was a Martinaki; there could have been two of them.

In other words, it had me asking whether the so-called "Martinist" Rosicrucians of southern France/northern Spain were from the Martinakia, and whether this people had earlier furnished mythical Merlin/Myrddin and/or the Merovingians themselves.

I found that Martinakia was a city beside Merichas (looks like the makings of "America") on the Cyclade island of Kythnos (evokes the Cutha). With the fact that Greece's mount Parnassus was home to the Muses, see that Herodotus (Bk. viii, 73) records that in the 13th century BCE, another pre-Hellenic tribe, the Dryopes, originally from the Greek mainland near Mount Parnassus, migrated to the islands, first to Euboea and later spreading to Kea, Kythnos, and beyond." This was right down my alley, since I had just traced the west-European dragon line to Muses, in particular, just two chapters ago.

Since "ssos" is a suffix, the root of "Parnassus" could surely be "Pari(on)," the historical peoples of Mysia that were the mythical Muses. Recall that the Pari of Mysia were Gorgons (for they stamped Gorgons on their coins). Another article says: "Parnassus is a mountain of barren limestone in central Greece that towers above Delphi...According to Greek mythology, this mountain was sacred to Apollo, the Corycian nymphs, and the home of the Muses. The mountain was also favored by the Dorians."

That's some very good reason for tracing the Muses backward to the Armenian roots of Daphne (i.e. she with Apollo depicted peoples inhabiting Delphi), as well as forward from the Martinakia of Kythnos to the nine sisters of Avalon. As those sisters were mythically "Morgens," could that term depict the historical Merichas? Assured, in any case, that either Inger or Ingerina was of this Gorgo-Muse bloodline in Kythnos, the same may be true of Ingelger and his Fulk descendants in Anjou. The picture is supported where Nicholas de Vere (living) places his dragon ancestors in Avalon before coming to Anjou!!

Recall that Avars from Sophene (western Armenia), depicted by Daphne, ended up founding the Safina (Sabina) of Italy, who moved to Savona in Liguria before becoming the Suebi/Svi Swedes. I have these same peoples founding Devon(shire). Then see that to the east of Devon, still on the Cornwall peninsula, there was a Durotrige tribe of Celts living in modern Dorset, the location of the city of Dorchester. These terms evoke the Dorians from Doris/Dorienses (northern Greece), mentioned above as possibly included in the Muse family of peoples. Dorchester was previously "Durnovaria," to be separated as Durno-Varia, apparently, thus evoking both Avars and Dorino=Torino (Turin, Italy, founded by Ligurians). See the gold bull on blue background that is the Arms of Turin. Seeing above that the Kythnos peoples were from Dryopes ("opes" being a suffix), recall that I had envisioned Dorians of Doris as the root of mythical "Dryas," father of king Lycurgus of the Thracian Edones. Doris was not far from the Edones.

To remind you of why I am researching long on this topic, the book of Revelation claims that Armageddon will be fought by three frogs of the Dragon (Revelation 16), and because I am half-convinced already that these will stem from the related Macedonians and Dorians, themselves from Megiddo and adjacent Dor (of pre-Israel). "Armageddon" is named after Megiddo. In Wikipedia's article on Doris, Byzantium is listed as a city of the Dorians.

Geoffrey Plantagenet (not his real surname) was the son of Fulk V, and because Geoffrey was the father of Henry II of England, he contributed Fulk blood to what were otherwise the Norman kings of England. Henry II (born 1133) was the first English king of the Plantagenet dynasty, and so note at the website below that Henry is in gold garb with a blue background, the colors of Anjou and Jerusalem.

Technically, only three Byzantine emperors are placed under the category of Amorian. The last one, Michael III the Drunkard, is shown in the Wikipedia article with gold and blue throne clothing. I don't think the blue and gold checks painted on one of his admirers is a coincidence.

Michael was sleeping with Ingerina before, and even while, she was married to emperor Basil. As Ingerina and Michael are thought to have produced a son, Leo VI, I will include he and his descendants in the Amorian bloodline. Wikipedia puts it like this:

On Michael's orders, [Basil] divorced his wife Maria and married Eudokia Ingerina, Michael's favorite mistress, in c. 865. It was commonly believed that Leo VI, Basil's successor and reputed son, was really the son of Michael. Although Basil seems to have shared this belief, the subsequent promotion of Basil to Caesar and then co-emperor provided the child with a legitimate and imperial parent and secured his succession to the throne."

In other words, Leo VI was considered Basil's son falsely, only for to get Leo the emperor's crown. In reality, he was the son of the Amorian, Michael III (under this scenario, a half-dozen other Macedonian emperors of Byzantium were of the same Amorian bloodline). Leo was born in 866, about the same time that Ingelger was living and giving birth to Fulk I.

Quite at odds with the blue and gold of the Amorian emperor, Wikipedia mentions that the "imperial" colors of Greek rulers were "red and/or gold." These were the colors of Macedonia, as well as the Macedonian emperors of Byzantium...such as Basil I. However, Basil II was the grandson of Leo VI and therefore an Amorian; see that Basil II is also painted in blue and gold (painting from Wikipedia article on him).

"According to tradition current in his own reign, Basil [I] was of Armenian descent...", and yet he lived in Macedonia and was therefore considered a Macedonian emperor. The Macedonian flag is today, and was in ancient times, a gold sun on a red background. At the website below, Basil I and his "son" Leo VI wear gold and red clothing, no blue, although there is one (unidentified) character shown in blue and gold. The problem is, the Arms of Armenia use red and gold so that I don't at this time know whose colors Basil is wearing.

Before learning that Anjou was blue and gold, I had asked this question: If indeed the Fulks were from Ingerina, were they from her red-gold Macedonian husband, Basil, or her blue-gold Amorian mate, Michael? Then I realized that both pairs of colors represent Anjou, the red and gold belonging to the Veres who claim Anjou first of all, even before the Fulks.

Since Basil was born 810-835, while Ingelger died 925ish, Basil would be a father at just the right time for a birth of Ingelger no earlier than 840. The problem is, Basil didn't mate with Ingerina until 865, hence it's not a viable picture according to the following report on his son (Fulk I):

"Foulques (Fulco) first appears as a witness to a charter of count (later king) Eudes, abbot of Saint Martin de Tours, in April 886...He first appears with the title of viscount in a charter of viscount Hardrad of Tours on 29 September 898."

You see, with Ingelger born in 865 at the earliest, it's not likely that his son was an adult by 886, let alone a viscount by 898. Moreover, it's only slightly likely that Fulk was a man by 886 if Ingelger was born from Ingerina and Michael (born 1840) i.e. when Michael was about 15 years old. I would rule that out too, and for the moment hypothesize that Ingelger was the son of Inger (815ish - 880ish), Ingerina's father. It was during the life of Inger that Varangians came down to Kiev, and yet they were associated with Byzantium before that time:

"Varangians had been trading in the Baltic as far back as the seventh century and in 839, they first appear in the Byzantine world, as mercenaries hired by the emperor Theophilus. Theophilus negotiated with the Varangians, whom he called Rhos..."

Theophilus was the second Amorian Byzantine emperor (!), father of Michael III (!!), now explaining how Michael came to find the semi-Varangian Ingerina as his mistress. One thing that needs explanation is that Theophilus is not painted in blue and gold. As I trace George Washington to Amorites, note the two red stripes on the throne of Theophilus, which per chance may be the basis of the red stripes on the Wassa Coat (i.e. proto-Washington family) and/or the two red "bars" of the Washington Coat and/or the Arms of the Pembrokeshire (south-west Wales).

In the Gesta Consulum Andegavorum, the father of Ingelger is Tortullus, and his father in turn Torquatius. The author at the website below argues that the two names were part of a "fanciful story," and I agree, but for this different reason: I see both terms pre-fixed with "Tor" (i.e. same as "Dor") while "Torquatius" evokes Derketo, mythical mother of Semiramis, she being anciently the fish-woman = Daphne the dolphin = Melusine of the Veres. Derketo represented especially a peoples on Cyprus (off the Cilician coast)

The modern dragon-line devotee, Nicholas de Vere, claims that historically-unverifiable Veres ruled Anjou before Ingelger was born, via the children of a "Milouziana" character from Scotland...who must have been code for mythical Melusine, the dragon-tailed woman at times portrayed with a fish tail. In all the mountains of material read to this point in this book, I don't recall coming across the following quote until this chapter, when it was timely:

"Hereupon with a dreadful shriek [Melusine] burst the fastenings, left her dress behind her, turned into a dragon, and flew out the window dragging two of her children behind her. Centuries later she is still seen flying around the Castle of Lusignan. From Melusine’s surviving children derives the House of Plantagenet."

Of course, this history is written in myth code but solidly connects Melusine to Torquatius>Ingelger>Plantagenet, and thereby suggesting that the Veres were of the same bloodline. I agree with that picture. In fact, Nicholas de Vere insists that Veres of Anjou were a notch higher than the Anjou Plantagenets, wherefore they appear to be two branches of the same family, but with Fulks derived from Veres and not vice versa.

Wikipedia gives some pertinent, true history: "The Lusignan family originated in Poitou in western France. In the late 12th century Guy de Lusignan and his heirs came to rule the Kingdom of Jerusalem and the Kingdom of Cyprus...According to legend the earliest castle [of Lusignan] was built by the folklore water-spirit Melusine."

I mention this because the Veres used a six-pointed star (whereas it's now five-pointed); that star can be seen on the ancient Vere Seal to be a "star of David," the Zionism symbol. In the article in which this star is displayed, the article speaks on the two dragons of Vere (shown on the Seal), which two could just depict the two branches of Anjou. Here's another Vere Coat from the same webpage.

"Whilst the House of Vere bore heraldically the 'Double Dragon Device' of the Dragon Court of Melusine long before this period - id est circa 1200 a.d. - it is believed academically that it was 200 years afterwards, during the investiture together of Emperor Sigismund and Richard de Vere XIth earl of Oxford into the 'princely degree' of the Knights of the Garter at St. George's Chapel, Windsor by King Henry IV, that Richard de Vere also received his investiture into the Societas Draconis by Emperor Sigismund. On the evidence of historical precedent, such an investiture; and the Dragon Name, became heritable. In this regard and by a process of lateral inheritance the Vere Dragon Court includes the degree of 'Sarkany Rend': Societas Draconis."

My problem is, how can the Fulks of Anjou be from Inger the Varangian if Fulks are thus from Milouziana of Scotland and Avalon? Plus, how can the Fulks be from the Byzantine Phocas bloodline under either scenario? To my amazement, there is a possible, even compelling, solution. First, note the "Rhos" term by which the Varangians were called, for "Rhos" was (and still is) a region in north Wales, at Erethlyn. It is my theory that "Ereth(lyn)" was the same as "Rothesay," the two together being chief parts of the kingdom of Avalon (I've said Rothesay, now Bute, was the island of Avalon). In short, what later became the Varangian Rus vikings were at Avalon, and my opinion is that they had been the Picts of had been the Milouziana Veres (according to Nicholas).

What if my old hunch, that Veres were Varangians, proves to be true in Inger's bloodline? Behold, according to the website below, the historical wife of Inger was Melissena! If that's not enough, she was the granddaughter of Michael I, Byzantine emperor, and great-granddaughter of Nicephorus I, Byzantine emperor!!

Could Melissena's bloodline have been that of mythical Milouziana, even though Nicholas de Vere painted Milouziana as a Pictish entity? Who knows but that the Veres themselves, though knowing their roots to be in Picts as well as a "Melusine"-like woman, may not have realized that it was Melissena of Byzantium...wherefore they wrongly traced her to the Picts instead.

Where I view Melissena as Melusine, I am compelled to admit error, and should ignore my previous theory wherein Melusine depicted the peoples of Melitus and Melitene.

The way for Veres to be from both Melissena and Picts of Scotland is for her child (e.g. Ingelger) to marry into the Pict bloodline, and while I find it a difficulty for this to have occurred in Scotland, a marriage to Picts of the Anjou region is quite reasonable, for reasons about to be explained. As starters, let me say that Pictone Celts had lived in the Lusignan region of France. Coincidence?

Geoffrey of Monmouth, in his mythical account of history, creates a "Goffarius Pictus" to act as king of Aquitaine, revealing that he, at least, connected Aquitaine with Picts/Pictones. Perhaps Geoffrey was imbedding "Vere" in "Goffarius." Moreover, as per a war with this Aquitainian king, Geoffrey introduced another character, the founder of Tours (France), whom he named, Turonius (after the Turone Gauls). Perhaps the Turones had been founders of Turin, but possibly also Tarento in southern Italy, for Geoffrey was concerned in this story with his Brutus creation (founder of Britain), whom I think depicted the Bruttii of southern Italy (adjacent to the Tarento gulf). The city of Turios on the Tarento gulf may just have been the root of Tours and it's environs, Tourain. This region was not far from Poitiou and Orleans. It's possible that these terms were of Dorian elements.

The way in which I explain Melissena's child being located in the Anjou region is, reasonably enough, by her husband Inger's connection to it (just a theory to this point). At the genealogy website above, Melissena's mother is unknown, though I doubt that she would have been Pictish. At the genealogy website below, Ingerina is shown as the daughter of Inger and Melissena, wherefore mythical Milouziana could depict Ingerina's descendants, especially as Ingerina is the only child shown in the genealogy. This doesn't necessary mean that Ingerina's children by Michael III became the Vere>Anjou bloodline, although at first glance it seems compelling because Anjou's blue and gold colors could be taken as Michael's blue and gold.

I would rather assume that Ingerina's parents had other children -- especially Ingelger -- furnishing the Vere>Anjou bloodline, and that the Amorian emperors from the extra-marital affair of Ingerina and Michael were thus immediate cousins of the Anjou family. As I would gamble my three lily pads and their bull-frogs on Anjou's blue and gold coming from Merovingians long before Michael was born, I would now abandon my original theory by suggesting that Michael derived his blue and gold, not from Amorian Byzantines or Armenia, but from Ingerina's Varangian side.

I can now explain how she could-possibly have gotten the colors from her Varangian father, for he could easily have been connected by blood to the blue-lion-on-gold Swedes (who led to the house of Bjelbo). Indeed, realizing in the previous chapter that Bjelbos likely got their blue and gold from Merovingian Franks in the first place, it makes much sense that it was the Varangians in particular who received the colors from Merovingians (the first Franks), since "Varang" was likely a version of "Frank."

Never in my wildest dreams did I think Byzantines could be traced so viably to Anjou, not at all meaning that I'm convinced it happened. But I'm wide open. It's possible that Melissena (of Byzantium royal blood) had some Phocas blood by which the Fulks derived, for some of her unknown ancestors could have been Phocas'. For example, by viewing Melissena's genealogy, you can see that the father of Michael I is unknown. You can also see that two Skleros' are listed as her possibly descendants, which I think is full-proof because Ingerina's son (with her husband Basil II) married into the Skleros bloodline. Therefore, Inger and Melissena could have furnished the region of Schleswig (a major part of Denmark), explaining why it, too, became symbolized by the blue lion on gold of the Bjelbos.

But there's yet another intriguing point to be seen at Melissena's genealogy, perhaps even the basis of the Cohen surname (I'm suggesting that the Cohen-rooted royal Stewarts were from this Inger-Melissena bloodline). For Melissena's great-grandfather, emperor Nicephorus I, had a Khazar mother, Irene. At Irene's genealogy, we clearly see that she was of royal Khazars i.e. kagans. It has moreover been my opinion that the Varangians who ventured to Novgorod/Kiev (in the face of the Khazar empire) were related closely to Khazars because Khazar rulers gave them the nod to pillage: "In 912 AD, Igor negotiated a safe passage for portage of his fleet through Khazar territory to raid Muslim cities in the Caspian Sea." Kagan-Khazar blood existing in the line of Melissena could explain that nod.

[Update February 28 -- The following find is spectacular in light of Inger having been an adult by 838 as well as being a military support for Constantinople at about that time :

The Annales Bertiniani relate that a group of Vikings, who called themselves Rhos visited Constantinople around the year 838. Fearful of returning home via the steppes, which would leave them vulnerable to attacks by the Magyars, these Rhos travelled through Germany. They were questioned by the Frankish Emperor Louis the Pious somewhere near Mainz. They informed the emperor that their leader was known as chacanus (the Latin for "Khagan") and that they lived in the north of Russia, but that they were Sueones" (BRACKETS NOT MINE!).

This is a fantastic find because it's possible that the fetus of the Cohen surname was amid the delegation sent to Louis-Pious, and because I had zero evidence, when I wrote this chapter, that Inger and Melissena had been near France. This quote could certainly allow their being in France (due to correspondence with Louis). In fact, as I need the couple in the Aquitaine region, know that Louis was a king of Aquitaine (starting in 781) before he became the Roman emperor.

It turns out that Theophilus (the Amorian emperor) was the one sending the Varangians back home to Sweden, and it was he who sent a delegation to Louis the Pious (son of Charlemagne). Theophilus requested in a letter "that the emperor [Louis] graciously give [the Varangians] permission and help to return to their country through his empire" (quote found here).

To support a Frank origin of Varangians, the link above includes this: "[Varangian] swords are broad and grooved, of Frankish sort." I would for that reason suggest that it was not the idea of Theophilus to have the Varangians appeal for help from the Franks, but rather the idea of the Varangians.

Louis was granted by his father the French region of Provence to rule, and so I ask if it's a coincidence that the departement of Var was in Provence. I'll come back to this topic later, when I disclose (in a chapter not yet published as of today) how I think the Veres ended up in Anjou from the counts of Friuli (beside Venetia), at which time I will also reveal that the French Fer Coat used the German Cohen Coat exactly!!!

I arrived to Friuli only because Ingeltrude of Paris, mother of Ingeltrude of Orleans, became a candidate for filling the shoes of Ingelger's mother, as well as being somehow related to Inger. This is a topic in the next chapter, but it was several chapters later when I learned that her first husband had been Hunrock of Friuli (an adult by 800). Byzantines had been in northern Italy for quite some time previous to this date, with the arm of Goths acting on their behalf, Goths who I suspect had become the red and gold of Septimania.

As Louis was also granted Septimania, it may explain how the Cathars came to live in that the Varangi-Khazars under discussion. I've never read that Varangians or any other Scandinavians called their kings, kagans, and as these particular Varangians did so, it's clear that they were inter-married with Khazar blood. Just to keep you informed with the dragon characteristics of these peoples, let me quote this:

"Ibn Rustah (also Ibn Rosteh), a Persian writing in Arabic in the beginning of the tenth century...characterized [the Varangian Rus] as forest-dwelling collectors of honey, raisers of pigs...They arrive in boats, approach, seize [Slavs] into captivity, and take them to the Khazars and the [Volga] Bulgars and sell them to these people. They do not have tilled fields, but eat only what they bring from the land of the Slavs."

End Update]


It Depends on What the Meaning of Isaurian Is
The Isaurians were barbarians, say most,
thieves, liars, and rapists fits the bill...
But did they, too, like blue?

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