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Odin's wife Frigg must be an eponym of Phrygia, as must be the case with the Scandinavian goddess Freya with her brother Frey. The latter two are the root of "Friday," wherefore behold that Friday is "Venerdi" in Italian, "Vendredi" in French, "Veneris" in Latin, and "Viernes" in Spanish, terms somewhat evoking the Veneti/Venedi but better-yet the "Vanir." It's to no surprise that the Freya is a version of the goddess Venus. yet the accurate alternative version for Freya is "Vanadis," a term almost precisely that of "Veneti/Venedi." And so the deduction is that the Veneti had something to do with Phrygia.

Not coincidentally, Freya is from the Vanir pantheon of Scandinavian gods, instead of the Aesir pantheon/bloodline. One can then conclude that (the Roman) Venus is the root of the Vanir pantheon, which in the very least tells us that the Vanir gods stemmed from the Veneti peoples. But one can also see that the Vanir must have the same root as the Romans, for if Italians worshiped Venus, it's because the Italians were her descendants. And while the Veneti are thus pegged as the root of the Italians, they can be traced also to Greece and Phrygia, especially to the Lydian family of peoples (in Phrygia).

The same Phrygians appear to have formed the Celts of Britain. As the early name of the Phrygians, according even to Britannica, was "Bryges," so we find in Britain a Celtic goddess, Brigit ("Caridwen" in Wales). I found that she "is connected with wolves," as are the Vanir and the Romans integrally. This reveals (to me, anyway) that all three peoples, the Italians, the Celts, and the Vanir, were from Ligurians and their ancestors. While this takes me back to the mythical "Lycurgus" term associated with both the Edones and Spartans, it doesn't quite land me in Phrygia. Liguria was connected by myth writers to the term, "Cygnus," but even he traces back only to Thrace, albeit it is generally accepted that Phrygians stemmed from Thracians.

[Update June 2006 -- As this chapter is placed after the one that only began to trace the boar symbol to Greece, I would now mention that the Latin "porcus" looks like "Phryxus," he being the depiction of certain Phrygians important to the Golden-Fleece myth. I'm not suggesting that "Phryxus" meant "pig," but rather that, as Latin was forming from the Ladon/Lydian peoples, their word for a pig derived from the Phrygians associated with pigs.

As I mentioned in that chapter, the Calydonians important to the boar hunt, and whom I think were a part of the boar line, were also on the Argo ship to retrieve the Fleece (from Colchis), which Fleece depicted the Phryxus peoples simply because it was he who rode to Colchis on the golden ram from which the fleece was taken and then granted to Aeetes. One could certainly envision a Calydon-Phryxus blood connection, supporting my discovery that the Phrygians were the boar peoples.

In reality, this code means that a migration of certain Phrygians to Colchis occurred, and the myth writer was probably one of them since he portrayed them as "golden" (implying either Aryan or noble elements). Since the ram was Hermes, we can also know that the Phryxus Phrygians were among those who named the Hermus river near the Lydian capital (Sardis). But who were they? The Halybes, said to have the alternative designation, "Khaldi," are suspect because I just realized that "Calydon" and "Khaldi" are near matches. This points to the Kabeiri/Kybele cult, the Cutha Hebrews, from Chaldee. End Update].

At first, when connecting Odin to the Boudini (living well north of the Black sea), I had not much more than the similarity of terms as the basis for doing so. This hypothesis then led me to consider that Odin was rooted also in the Bithynians (beside Phrygia and Lydia), as it seems to me a good theory that the Boudini were the same peoples as the Bithyni. It is common opinion that the Bithynians were of the Thyni of Thrace (over-looking the Bithyni of Phrygia). Apparently, in reflecting "Thynia," Odin was also known as "Othinn". With these things in mind, consider that the Etruscan version of Zeus was "Tinia," and that since Etruscans are commonly rooted in the Lydians, Thynia and Bithynia are indeed suspect as the identity of Tinia.

In Strabo's Geography (Book VII, chapter 3), he tells that the Bithynians and Thynians were of the "Brigians," by that term referring to the Phrygians. But the term used serves well to tie the Brigit-worshiping Celts to the Thyni...if we can make the same tie my other corroborative means. If so, it would begin to appear as though Celts and Scandinavians had the same Thracian root, for which reason we could entertain a Celt-to-Scandinavian lineage. This is what I expect, that the Redone Gauls (same as Celts) became the Varangian Rus (of Sweden).

[Update June 2006 -- Phryxus/Phrixes was the son of Athamas, who I view as a branch of Elamites for various reason, one being their calling themselves "Atamti." But there was a mythical Rhodian styled "Althaemenes" who reflects the alternative term by which the Elamites called themselves: "Elamites called their country Haltamti (in later Elamite, Atamti)..." (Wikipedia, italics mine).

Suddenly Athamas and Althaemenes are revealed as the same, Elamite peoples, and knowing from Josephus that Elamites produced the Persians, while the Persians are depicted in Daniel 7 as a ram, a viable theory develops here, that Hermes was of the Persians and that he became allied to Phryxus, he being likewise from Persian elements...since his father (Athamas) depicted the Elamite-come-Persians.

As Althaemenes is credited with the founding/building of Cretinia on Rhodes, he seems to be a Curete (as were some Calydonians). But the historical Cruithne/Cruithin of Britain also come to mind as being rooted in Althaemenes. The peoples depicted by Phryxus should be viewed as part of the same bloodline, but inhabiting Greece.

It should be obvious now to anyone with a mind to grasp these matters, that Phryxus was of the dragon (peoples) "killed" by Cadmus, the teeth of which were removed to Colchis. The Golden Phryxus was released from Colchis by Jason, and brought back to Corinth (where Jason settled on his return). The peoples Phryxus had depicted were likely the same as the first founders of Corinth when the city was known as "Ephyra" (note similarity between Ephyra and Phrixes). I think the city's founder was Aphareus, son of Perieres brother of Athamas (i.e. Phryxus comes out as the cousin of the city's founder so that we could expect Phryxus to have contributed to the city's founding peoples).

I can now continue with my story, written a couple of years ago, after reminding you that Aphareus and Ephyra evoke the Abiru of the Kassites removed from Chaldee to Kabeiri-infested Phrygia, settled on the Halys but also near Lydia and Troy. End Update]

As I said that "Woden/Woten" derived from "Eoten" i.e. the Jutes, while the Jutes were from the Edonians of Thrace, a further conclusion is that the Thyni were related to the Edonians. One can drop the capital from "Edoni(ans)" to net "Doni," which then evokes, not only "Thyni," but the Cottian patriarch, Donus. The Cottians were Ligurians, and were thus the wolf/dragon line midway across Europe, and they lived on the same river (the Po) as the Veneti.

[Update June 2006 -- Can't help but connect the Cottians to the Cati of Cilicia, whom I think were the Abiru removed to the Halys river and then to the Lydian region. End Update]

Paflagonia, beside Phrygia, is said to be one hypothetical origin of the Veneti, or, more specifically, the "Heneti" peoples of Paflagonia. Greek myth/legend tells that, after the Trojans lost the Trojan war, Antenor (of Troy) migrated with the Heneti of Paflagonia, first to Thrace, then to the Illyrian/Adriatic sea coast, and finally to northern Italy where they founded Padua, a locality said by some to be the very first Greek settlement in northern Italy.

Pedasa was a Lelegian (i.e. Gogi) city that finds relationship with the Greek city of Pedusa, also a Lelegian community. Quite possibly, these Gogi moved to the Po river (north Italy) in that its ancient name was the "Padus" river. And of course "Pedasa" evokes "Pedua" (see map of Po)

Gargara of the Troad was a Lelegian settlement, no doubt a settlement of the Gargarians of Caucasia and/or of the Armenians at Gargar (modern Gerger). Gargara in the Troad is located at the foot of Mount Ida; early members of the Kabeiri cult were called "Idaeans" after that mountain. The Curetes of Attica -- the protectors of the secrets of Atlantis -- became Idaeans living at Mount Ida of Crete. Couldn't the golden apples be associated with Ida of Troy, even as they can be associated with the (Edonian) region of "Idonus"???

The wife of the chief Etruscan god, Tinia, was Uni. She evokes the Celtic "Danu" because Danu was also called "Anu, though I don't think it's a coincidence that there was another Anu, the chief god of Sumeria.

It's not likely a coincidence that pagan Scandinavians viewed their bloodline as a sacred tree i.e. the Tree of Life. To show how the Aesir sect had utter contempt for God's most-passionate concern -- sin -- it had created the fanciful idea that they could stay forever young (as Adam would have been apart from sin) if only they could eat the golden apples of "Idun." Understand that as the apple is the symbol of sin to Christians, it becomes "golden" to the Scandinavian cult.

Although Idun seems to be referring to Eden, an online variation is "Ithun," wherefore Odin/Othin and Thyni are evoked. The Thyni connection to the Edones is now irresistible. These peoples were willingly the sons of Satan, and so Satan used them to rule the world. No doubt Satan's spirits gave them extraordinary magical, political, and intelligencia powers as incentives/wages for their being used, and these led to their technological breakthroughs that now cover the earth as a counterfeit Utopia/Heaven.

[Update June 2006 -- The root of "Dumuzi/Tammuz" may have been from "Adam." See that "Adam" converts well to "Atamti," the term Elamites used for themselves. This would make the mythical Athamus (and Phryxus) an extension of what was once considered Eden, and moreover tie him to the Edones. I suspect that since the Edones were the Getae, that Athamas connected with the Guti peoples of Elam/Persia. The question thereby becomes crucial as to whether the Guti were, or included, the Cutha Kabalists. Perhaps the Cutha derived their name by forming an alliance with the Guti, and perhaps the Guti were the same as the Kassites (who in fact had incorporated an Abiru tribe) since after all they both lived in the Zagros mountains.

Because Tammuz removed to Greece was styled, "Adonis" (simply "lord"), I would consider that it might have been his name also in Sumeria. The term is so close to "Eden" that I would make the following assessment. That the sun-god cult fashioned themselves as proud Edenites, proud of Adam's decision to rebel with the serpent. The term "Edenite" (by whatever variation it used, probably "Edoni") then came to signify the rulers/lords of Eden. Hence: Adoni. Note that Adonis in Greece was part-time lover of Hephaistos' wife, Aphrodite, an "Abiru" term in my opinion. End Update]

Idun was made "the wife of Bragi, god of poetry, and originally a member of the Vanir."

It's not likely a coincidence that the afore-mentioned Brigit was the Celtic goddess of poetry, as Bragi was the god of poetry, with both terms looking like "Bryges" the early name of the Phrygians. The Bithynians had lived along the Strymon river; the Satrae, Bessi, Paeoni, and Edonians were other Thracian tribes at that same river. So behold: "Eadon" was the Celtic Muse of Poets! Eadon was the god of the Druids, if that tells you how wonderful Satan Incorporated has been to us.

Antenor's wife, said to be "Theano," was also the name of one of Danaus' 50 daughters. That is, Theano was a Danaan, wherefore the term "Danaan" may not be rooted in Dan, as so many insist, but in Theon/Dio/Dia (meaning "god"), as for example Diana and Dionysus. In any case, Antenor and Theano would appear to depict a Trojan-Danaan migration that was the foundation of the Veneti, explaining in a nutshell why the British Danann (i.e. Celts) and Norse Danes (i.e. Vanir) can be traced to the Veneti.

This map of the Veneti shows that legend ties its peoples to the Heneti in Paflagonia, exactly where Bithynia was located. It was Homer, for one, who had the Paflagonians descending from the "Heneti." It's important, in light of an Illyrian goddess called "Ana" that coincides with the Celt goddess by nearly the same name, that there was also an Illyrian tribe called "Heneti"; I'm implying that Ana was carried to northern Illyrium by the Heneti of Paflagonia; this must have been part of the founding of Venetia.

Note that Thynia (modern Kefken) was on the west side of the Sangrius (sounds like the Latin "sanguis" = "blood") river, that river situated between the Phrygians and the Paflagonians...which places Thynia in Phrygia. I found that the Phrygian sun god, Attis, was in one version made to be born from the god of the Sangrius river, and then raised by a goat. But because Attis was otherwise said to be born from Cotys, it suggests quite strongly that the peoples depicted by Cotys -- the Getae/Edonians -- defined that Attis-allied goat (Old English "gat"). Now the Sangarius was also called the "Krka," evoking the feminine of "Gorgo(n)."

[Update June 2006 -- Because I have recently traced the Attis bloodline to the historical Cati of Cilicia, the Cati are easily identified as the root of the mythical codeword, Cotys, while the Getae Thracians can be viewed as Cotys' offspring. As I theorize that the holy grail -- a blood-filled chalice (Latin "calix") -- was rooted in Cilicia because the country was assigned the mythical codeword, "Cilix," so I would now suggest that the Sangrius river referred to the "holy" blood of the Cati (the Cutha?) End Update]

Behold. In Paflagonia there was the city of Erythini! Surely, and especially because the Paflagonians became the Veneti on the Po, that city was the root of the mythical Eridanus, the historical Rhodanus river valley filled with Ligurian Gogi of the upper Po. At the mouth of the Eridanus (modern Rhone) was the European origin of the Aeredae/Redones, from Rhodes, who likely moved inland as the Ruthene and east into Liguria as the Rhaetians. Erythini (of Paflagonia) must have been the root of the Rhodians/Redones, therefore, and they in turn of the two Danann/Dane settlements, Erethlyn (Wales) and Haeredaland (Norway). Behold that Homer listed the "Rhatotes" among the Paflagonians, a term seemingly meaning "wheel."

[Update June 2006 -- Since the Erythini (of Paflagonia) must have branched out into the island of Rhodes in order to become the root of the Redones, it crosses my mind that they were the mythical Althaemenes peoples who built Cretinia, for that city is an almost-exact match with "Erythini." The latter term even better reflects the British "Cruithin" than does "Cretinia." End Update]

I have traced the dragon line back to king Eurotas of Sparta, and as his father was styled, "Myles" -- looking a lot like "milo/melo" meaning "apple" -- it could begin to appear that Eurotas, Erythini, Eridanus, Erethlyn, Haeredaland, etc. were all settled by the golden-apple bloodline.

To keep the Gogi element pertinent and in perspective here, Strabo said:

"At any rate, the poet tells us that [the Cauconians] came to Troy as allies of the Trojans. But he does not say whence they come, though they seem to have come from Paphlagonia; for in Paphlagonia there is a people called Cauconiatae whose territory borders on that of the Mariandyni, who are themselves Paphlagonians.""


The Cauconians mentioned in this quote are often among the first peoples in Greece. While "Mariandyni" and "Erythini" don't look similar, one can't help but read one as "Mari-Dini and the other as Ares-Tini, noting that Mari and Aria were both located in Aryan Iran, and that Mars and Ares are often regarded as the same god of war. I also see that "Eridu" of Sumeria is much like "Erythini," suggesting that Eridu was possibly "Eridanu" at one point, perhaps to be understood as Aria of Anu. But even if not, the "eri" of "Eridu" may yet signify Aryan participation in Sumeria's sun-god cult.

I can see that variations of "Getae" may have meant "white," for "white" may have been "guite," even as "William" was "Guilliam." My dictionary says that Old English for "white" was "hwit," which in Germanic languages becomes "gwit/guit," very near to "Guti" indeed. Were goats named after the color white? Quite often in various languages, milk and white are the same words.

[Update June 2006 -- I found this quote: "...the word goat in Hebrew is aet or aets, which has a slight gutteral sound, and is close to English." One could speculate that the Guti were named after the goat, but that the same can be said of Uts, the Semite son of Aram (or perhaps Uts son of Nahor). If I am correct in tying Uts to Utu the dragon sun god, then it may no longer be of wonder that the Greek goat is a "tragos." In other words, an Aryan-Hebrew peoples of Eridu, though named after Uts/goat, came to depict themselves as the dragon of Eden, and later there evolved the hard "Gut(i)" alternative to describe them. In time, this evolved into "Cutha." This would explain those who root "Khazar" in "goat." End Update]

I want to mention here that the Ishtar Babylonians considered "Mata" (an old word for Media) their Underworld, and for this reason I would tend to view the Greek-myth underworld as likewise depicting Media. The Underworld is merely the root of the dragon-line, for which reason it was depicted in Scandinavian myth as the root system of their Family Tree. Note that the Greeks made "Hades" the ruler of their Underworld, a term that easily modifies from "Guti/Cotys/Attis/Utu." Note that the wife of Hades was "Persephone" (evoking Persia). What is amazing is that the Celts of Britain retained this very concept, for the Welsh god of the underworld was "Arawn," evoking "Eran" (old name of Iran). And the ruler of the Underworld according to the Danann of Ireland was "Madir," evoking the Medes.

The mythical Pelops is especially important because he ruled in Enete, that latter term known to be a variation of "Heneti"! It can't be a coincidence that Pelops married "Hippodamia" while Antenor had for a son (in Thrace), "Iphidamas" (remembering that Antenor was the one who led the Heneti to Venetia). This reveals Pelops as the Heneti peoples themselves, and focusing on the "Dam" peoples that are left stark naked before us after we remove the "hippo" horse-prefix, we find that the Heneti may have been mixed with Tammuz/Dumuzi, even as Hippodamia is known to have been an Amazonian people.

The Pelops line, as we shall see, was very closely associated with golden lambs, wherefore I suspect Pelops to be a part of the Golden Fleece line...since the Fleece was the pelt of a ram i.e. a sheep. As the Fleece was of Hermes, there definitely needs to be a connection made between Pelops and Hermes. It indeed seems fairly obvious that Pelops blood entering Greece is the same as Hermes blood entering Greece, albeit at different times. When the father of Pelops (ruler in Phrygia/Lydia) cut him into pieces, it was Hermes (who was already in Greece) who helped Pelops come back to life (in Greece).

Now it just so happens that Pelops had Pittheus for a son, that term evoking Phaethon, the rider of Helios' chariot that crashed into Eridanus. I say this because the myth writers granted Pelops a winged chariot, no doubt for the very purpose of making a Pelops-to-Eridanus (or Pittheus-to-Phaethon) connection. Moreover, the winged chariot was granted to him by Poseidon, the symbol of Atlantis. To show further that the Pelops line was connected to Atlantis, he was the son of Dione, daughter of Atlas (he being the symbol of Atlantis). Hermes was also the son of a daughter of Atlas, wherefore Hermes and Pelops were regarded as two similar, Atlantean tribes. Pittheus had a daughter who was married to Theseus of the Cecrops line. Theseus would become the ruler of eastern/Greek Atlantis.

A certain Endymion, very important in this story, was made the father of Aetolus the founder of Calydon. Aetolus routed and dispersed the family of Apollo and his mate, Phthia, she being the half-snake woman (otherwise known as Ekhidna) that gave birth to many western-Atlantis peoples. Might these defeated Apollo-Phthia peoples have then become the Ligurians who crashed into Eridanus, since, after all, the driver, Phaethon, was also viewed as Apollo? Couldn't "Bithyni" derive from a python i.e. Phaethon?

The Po river has it's source in the Cottian Alps. The Cottian (Italian "Cotti") peoples were Celts from the mountains at Dauphine (evokes the goddess by that name). Their god/father, Cottius, had "Donus" as his father. See how at one website we can read: "Cottus was the name of the ancestors of the Cottians, who worshiped the orgiastic Catytto, a worship originating in Thrace." This "Catytto" (also "Cotytto") was of the goddess, Cotys/Kotys. One can therefore imagine that these were the Curetes en route to Britain.

[Update June 2006 -- I would suggest that these Cotys worshipers named Gades in Spain, a capital city of western Atlantis. I would also suggest that they may have become the Votadini of Wales, otherwise known as the "Gododdin," for isn't "Cotytto" a near match with that latter variation? End Update]

In Greek myth, Uranus and Gaia had, along with the three Cyclopes (whom I am convinced depict the Gogi), three "Hecatoncheires," these also being depicted as monsters but, behold, where one was named "Cottus" and another "Gyges," this being yet more evidence that the Cottians were Gogi. The Hecatoncheires were depicted as monsters having 100 hands and therefore I render them as armies/priesthoods each having 50 men. Thus when we read that the Danaans came from a man who had 50 daughters, and that his brother (Aigyptus) had 50 sons, we're likely dealing with peoples known to have armies/priesthoods with Hecatoncheires elements.

To add support to my belief that Hecatoncheires and Cyclopes were a Gogi peoples, Apollodorus said that Caucon (eponym of the Caucones) was one of the fifty sons of Lycaon. And, "It is during the reign of Polycaon [son of Lelex] that Caucon brought the rites of the Great Goddesses from Eleusis to Messenia."

Therefore, the Caucones were at the center of those rites or so-called "Eleusinian Mysteries," secrets so important that the initiates were to keep them hush at the pain of death. It may be that the very Greek myths now open to all were the deep secrets then held.

Now behold that "Idun/Edone/Eden" evokes Athena (Egyptian "Aten") and her city Athens. Because Atti(s) was a code devised to reflect Attica (the Athens region) -- in that myth writers knew Athens to be founded by Attis worshippers -- suddenly Atti itself becomes part of the Eden family of terms. If Atti(s) is the root of Atlantis, then Atlantis is simply an alternative term for the Garden of Eden, symbol of whatever paradise men choose to envision. Ladon (who was made to protect it) is thus Satan in more than a lose way, literally; which is astonishing since the Satan-dragon in Revelation 17 is revealed sitting on the throne of the (seven) Latin hills of Rome. Ladon, moreover, was a multi-headed dragon.

From a visible/worldly point of view, the Satan-dragon of the end times must be of the same Edoni bloodline extended to the modern day, but the branches of these peoples are so numerous that I wouldn't know where to begin choosing. I need a good clue from Above. Perhaps it's hidden in the Bible.

Ladon's mother, the Black-sea monster, Ceto, gave birth to the Hesperide daughters, Arethusa and Erytheia...meaning that the Hesperides themselves are Gorgon peoples related to (i.e. "sisters" of) Ladon. A Hercules myth placed Erytheia in the far west, surely in Erethlyn, Wales.

It was the same king in Greece, Eurystheus (not coincidentally), who sent his relative, Hercules, to steal both the cattle of Erethlyn and the golden apples. When Hercules stole the apples, the meaning was perhaps the same as his stealing the cattle. That is, a Hercules branch of peoples freed their Gorgon allies living under the rule of the Erethlyn king(s).

The golden apples make their first appearance in Greek myth at the wedding of Hera to Zeus. The Apple bloodline, as I see it, was depicted by Endymion -- the ancestor of the Calydonians -- who fell in love with Hera, at which point Zeus turned her into Nephele, the mother of the Golden Fleece line.

The husband of Nephele by which the Fleece Line came about was the brother of Endymion's mother, and that mother was "Calyce," very similar to "Cilix," what I view as the Holy Grail/Chalice. Endymion was said to be the symbol of Mount Latmus at Miletus, where "Miletus" may be rooted in "milo" = "apple." For, the meaning of the myth wherein the moon goddess asks Zeus to give Endymion eternal life now makes sense in light of the golden apples of Idun being the key to eternal youth.

The Irish and Scots, who chased the Danaans from Ireland, both claim to be descended from peoples of Miletus! In fact, they have in their legends, the god/patriarch, Milesius, who in fact is acknowledged as connecting with Miletus. It could be that the Irish and Scots were old relatives of the Danaans, and that is how they got this idea to attack that particular location (of Ireland) for to become rulers themselves i.e. probably a family squabble.

In Greek myth, Atalanta (the Calydonian who shot the boar) wanted to be a virgin, but Melanion wanted to marry note first of all that his name starts nearly with "milo" = "apple" (the Latin apple is "melo"). Secondly, Melanion had the following strategy to seduce Atalanta: he threw golden apples before her! He succeeded in mating with her, whereupon the two became lions. The lions that depict Britain come to mind.

This story tends to support that Melanion is the Golden Apple line. And behold, Melanion was a descendant of king Lycurgus of Arcadia! Recall that a mythical king Lycourgos was king of the Edonians, and that the golden apples of Idun (of Scandinavian myth) are likely referring to a family of certain Edonians. King Lycurgus of Arcadia may simply be a codeword for Edonians in Arcadia.

Behold. Melanion's sister was married to king Eurystheus (the king who sent Hercules to steal the apples in the far west). As Melanion was himself married to Atalanta, his Apple line was viewed by the secret-society myth writers as representing Atlantis. Moreover we see that among the wives of Danaus (symbol of the Greek Danaans) was Europe (not quite "Europa" but likely the same concept) and Atlantia, wherefore the myth writers saw the Danaans as founders of Europe and western Atlantis. It thus looks solidly as though western Atlanteans included the Danann of Britain.

Strabo listed the following among Paflagonian names: Manes and Biasas. Would that latter term denote the Bia peoples of Lake Van since Manes was surely a depiction of Armenia? If so, then my hunch is possibly correct where the Bia were more correctly "Bias" as the innate/singular form. These must be the Bias peoples who were involved with Bithynia. The mythical Bias was brother to Melampus, yet another apple term, apparently.

[Update June 2006 -- Bias and Byzas/Buzas were both Megara-based peoples. As Buzas is known to be the "founder" (i.e. merely the codeword/symbol) of Byzantium, note that this city evokes nearby Bithynia. For a few years I have been suggesting lightly but steadily that Poseidon stems from the Buzi Medes, never knowing until today that the above-mentioned Buzas was made (by the myth writers) the son of Poseidon!

Recall the what has been previously thought to be king Arthur's tomb in Cornwall, near the town of Bude, has turned out to be the grave of an important Megarian.

The goddess, Io, has been given the credit for founding the Bosphorus strait, which in the real world means that the peoples she depicted settled the shores of that strait. The other reality is that the strait was named after the Buzas peoples, as the name would imply; as it turns out, Io was the "grandmother" of Buzas, meaning that I have just learned of her roots in a Buzas peoples...I'll bet my prize beehive on a caduceus pole that she was from Buz, son of Nahor.

Buzas was credited with founding Bosphorium on the Bosphorus coast. As "Bos" evokes the Busae Medes, the Io-ians would stem from the same. As Io's father, Inachus, evokes Enki, also known as Ea, I would have to seriously investigate whether the Enki line of Eridu was mixed with Buzi Medes/Nahorites. End Update]


Sheba Conquers Kybele
There is little doubt in my mind as of this chapter:
Abraham's non-Israelite descendants
are the root of wicked Kabala.

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