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July 2006.
Reading previous chapters makes this one better understood.

In the previous chapter, Melkart, the Molech-god specific of Carthage was introduced. The website below suggests that Melqart was the Greek Melicertes, son of Ino and Athamas. This makes much sense beyond the similarity of terms and needs to be milked for all of the truth obtainable.

For, you see, Ino was the daughter of Cadmus i.e. the Cati in Greece! And Athamas was son of Aeolus and therefore a peoples in western Atlantis. Moreover, Athamas was the father of Phrixus, the representative of the golden fleece line, which was also the Ares dragon, the Sparti that I interpret as the Sepharvites who became allied to Cadmus in founding Thebes. This is right down Kabala alley, in other words, right down the field of Molech (for Sepharvites were Molech-honoring peoples).

Melicertes was identified in myth as an Aryan peoples settling Corinth with Sisyphus, co-founder of Corinth (perhaps Sisyphus was a depiction of Susa). Melicertes was therefore indeed the white dragon of Ares, for he must be the same as Aeetes the other co-founder of Corinth (and protector of the golden fleece in Colchis). For this reason Melicertes and Aeetes may just have depicted the (historical) Kartli/Kartvelian Georgians, even as the term breaks down to Meli-Certas = Honey-Kart(li), very similar indeed to Mel-Kart of Carthage. The Kurds (of Hurrian ancestry) come to mind. The following statement may reveal that "Kartli" was originally "Karchi": "The Septuagint renders Tarshish in Isaiah 23:1 as Karkedonos (Karchedonos), which was the Greek form of the name Carthage in North Africa." (

In this picture, where Melqart was an Aeetes peoples of Caucasia, I would not hesitate to identify the god as Attis merely on my impression that Aeetes was Attis, wherefore Melkart was also the god of Attis' mother and wife, Kybele of the Kabeiri-Kabala cult (in Phrygia and Athens). That makes perfect sense all around.

A Kartli province remains to this day in Georgia, "also known as Iberia," says Wikipedia, and by now you know that I read "Iberia" as the Abira Hebrews of the ancient Kassite nation, those who nested along the Habiru river in Akkadia/Mesopotamia but spread out to form the Hurrian kingdom. It's a no-brainer therefore to understand that Hebrews mixed with Tubali and Meshech peoples of the Kartvelian kingdom, but also with the Rosh and Gogi there, in the Aras valley. The capital of Georgia remains to this day, Tubal(isi). I'll mention here that a main city of the Hurrian empire, Haran, was known also as "Carrhea," which easily modifies to "Georgia." And the Satanically-wicked Joseph Stalin was born in Gori, Georgia, a term that yet smacks of "Hori(tes)."

I don't know how else to say it differently, so I'll repeat that the Georgians were a Gogi peoples mixed with Satanic-Hebrew elements, and that these were the root of the Khazars that furnished the so-called "Ashkenazi Jews" of eastern Europe. It was these that were given to Hitler without mercy. There will be many more given to the great tribulation of Israel, dead ahead. There is hope for them in only one thing, the True Messiah, let that be clearly understood, for the Rothschilds are nothing but a false hope, and have led these "Jews" (i.e. they are not Jews) back to Israel only to toil ceaselessly against the Arabs, and finally to suffer at the hands of a Gog-Muslim alliance that is probably forming as I write. Revelation 7 and 14 clearly say that it will be, not non-Jewish Kabala blood, but Israelites -- from the twelve tribes of Israel -- who will be sealed from the great tribulation disasters.

Apparently, if there is a tie between the Kartvelians (today called "Sakartvelo" and evoking the Saka Scythians) and Carthage, then the Tyrians that founded Carthage were Kartvelians. Recall that the myth writer, Virgil, had mythical codeword, "Dido," act as the Tyrian queen who founded Carthage. I have already speculated that Dido depicted the Dodona region that was crucial to Zeus worship, which region was in the "Apiru"-like region of north-west Greece: Epirus. I have already speculated that Dodona and Dido both referred to Dedan, grandson of Abraham, and so I'm willing to view the Carthaginians and their share of the western-Atlantis empire as Dedanites. I wonder if these became the Tudor Rose.

It is well documented online that Melkart of Tyre was the mythical Hercules, he being independently identified as a depiction of Gorgons that established a new western Atlantis over the Geryon Atlanteans. Recall that Hercules sailed to Atlantis in a ship of Helios; that's got to be the Melkart Tyrians/Carthaginians. To show that Hercules was a Dedanite, one merely needs to show that Zeus was such, for Hercules was made the son of Zeus. That Zeus was honored at Dodona begins to make the Zeus-Dedan connection, but there is more, a Dedan identification of Zeus' father, Cronus/Saturn, the god to which the Molech/Melkart child sacrifices were offered. Let me now share a slightly-modified version (for clarity) of what I wrote to Greenway7 recently (it's now July 20, 2006):

"It's possible that the Egyptian Set(h) is found in Greek myth, so I entertained Zethus recently. His wife was Aedon, the daughter of Merops of Ethiopia. Hmm. Plus, Zethus built the walls of Thebes...Anything Thebes is suspect as being a dark Kabala entity. Zethus had a twin that helps to identify him; that twin was Amphion, son of Zeus and Antiope (Anti-Opis?), Amazon queen of Thebes. I traced Zeus only yesterday to the god, Asopus (I read it as As-Opis) in my updated chapter, and so note that Antiope stems from the Asopus bloodline. It turns out that Asopus was the same as the bee and goat symbols that brought Zeus up on Crete, wherefore I identify the all-evasive Zeus peoples as Asopus, quite a success, finally. I (off-the-wall) trace As-Opis to an Assi-Opis mix of peoples, where Opis/Upi was an Avvite city on the Tigris...Note how "Zeth" is like "Zeus"...If the Egyptians made Set to be a demonic figure, the bad guy, and if he does refer to Zeus, then it could be that Egyptian Aryans were antagonistic toward the Zeus peoples, preferring Osiris and Horus over him.

I have found that almost always the mythical terms used to depict a people group sound like their historical names, so I seek a Set/Seth/Zeth-like people group, and maybe even "Det/Deth." I would take "Thoth" to task. Find out who Thoth was and you may discover who Set was. I say Thoth was Dedan, the Titans, Tydeus of Calydon who I think became Tatius of the Sabina-Italian Ops/Opis cult (Sabina may be Sheba, brother of Dedan), Tuisto of the Germanics, and maybe even the Tudors. Osiris would then be a similar peoples, perhaps even the Asshurites, a tribe of Dedan. I have identified the Assi as the Asshurites themselves (not the Assyrians), and so read "Osiris" as Asshur-is. That makes a lot of sense beyond the linguistic similarity. I think I will publish it, having devised the theory right here as I write to you!"

What do you think about Osiris = Asshur and Set(h) = Zeus? While equating Set with Satyrs, I'm about to give my best shot at showing how Satyrs were rooted in Gozan, a kingdom in which we find the city of Opis...and in this way Set and Zeus may certainly equate. However, I am not so certain that the Osiris-Asshur equation can be maintained, for there is a better theory, that Osiris is to be understood as O-Seir-is. For Horus was made the son of Osiris while Horus seems certainly to be a depiction of Horites, and Seir, the man, was a Horite (Genesis 36:20).

On the other hand, it is possible that Seir was from the Asshur tribe of Dedan (found in Genesis 25:3). Although it is thought that "Syria" was named after the Asshurites that lived in proto-Syria, perhaps "Syria" derived from "Seir" itself...which represented those very Asshurites of Syria! In order for me to make the Seir-Asshur connection, it's necessary that Dedan was himself from an Horite bloodline. In fact, I'm ready to announce that Abraham himself was from the Horite nation, since I am ready to tie the blood of Abraham (but not his heart) to the Molech-Kabala cult.

You might say to me that Abraham could not be a Horite since the Bible reveals Israelites as a mix of Arameans and Hebrews. But I would reply that if I'm correct in tracing the Kabala cult to Horites, then Horites were of Gether, son of Aram (Genesis 11:23). For the Kabala has revealed to us inadvertently that they are rooted in Gether, for the first sephirot-force of the Kabala Tree was made "Kether"!! Are you with me? Horites were from Gether the Aramean. And for this chapter don't forget that Josephus made Gether's brother, Hul, the founder of Armenia, for I am about to connect the Satyrs to Lake Van of Armenia (I've yet to identify Hul as a people group that sounds like his name, although the Galli come to mind). Who knows but that the elder brother of Hul and Gether, Uts, wasn't Utu of Eridu, the dragon sun-god cult at the very base of the Kabala organizations?

Horus is the one destined to raise Osiris from the realm of death so as to begin the Golden Age. As Rothschild and other "Golden Dawn" Illuminati cults can thus be connected to Horus, we easily decipher that these Globalists ruling over us today are end-time Horites.

Zeus was officially married to Hera, remember, and I would equate her with Horus. Indeed, a Wikipedia article (below) says that "Horus" is a term "representing the Egyptian Heru/Har." The Zeus-Hera marriage should prove to depict a Gozan-Horite alliance, and while Horites were Arameans and not Hebrews, I suspect that Zeus peoples were the Hebrew portion of the Kabala. It's my task to prove a Hebrew element in the Goza peoples that named Gozan, and as you can see that "Goza" evokes the goat peoples, Set, if indeed he depicted goat-footed Satyrs, would again equate with Zeus (who was raised on Crete by goat peoples, no doubt Satyrs). ( )

The Horus website above has the audacity to mention a Horus-Jesus connection simply because Horus involves a resurrection and/or a so-called "virgin birth" (from a whore goddess). Myths are so countless that there are bound to be comparisons somewhere with most Biblical topics. The good news is that most people will realize the brainless attitude by which occult thinkers govern themselves, who instead of focusing on the words of Jesus himself in order to define his nature/business/origins, focus on the words of other occultists who have an agenda to downgrade the Son of God to the realm of mere myth and so effectively murder Him from our minds.

Did Jesus ever honor anything Egyptian? No, but he was concerned with Israel alone. The resurrection and virgin birth of Jesus was prophesied by Isaiah (chapters 7 and 53) seven centuries before Jesus was born, and Isaiah himself prophesied against Egypt and called its rulers various unflattering terms. I think the light bulbs need replacing of the so-called "illuminated" occult that comes up with all sorts of strange "wisdom" that the majority recognizes as nonsense. Like, uh, get a life, and get off the spiritual dope!

Horus was ruler of Upper/Interior Egypt while Set was ruler of Lower/Mediterranean Egypt. Horus won a war against Set and so united the two Egypts, which in historical records took place under king Mene and his son, Thoth (whom I identify as the Mannae/Manes and Hermes Armenians). This is how it is possible for Horus and Osiris to depict Asshurites, for if Thoth referred to Titans, and Titans to Dedan, then the possibility of an Osiris-Asshur connection exists.

As I would identify Set as Satyrs/Saturn, I am open to identifying Set as a Seir peoples as long as I'm open to making a "Se'yir/Seir" equation with "Satyr." In that picture, both Set and Osiris are Seir-branch Horites, consistent with Horus = Hor(ite). If Zeus = Set, then Zeus may likewise depict a Seir/Satyr branch, and moreover this branch would have founded Opis if indeed Zeus traces to Opis (as was my recent discovery as per Zeus roots in As-Opis). In other words, it should prove to be true that Opis -- the bee-line city that furnished the Romans and the seven heads of the Revelation beast -- was a Seir-Horite center.

The Horus website above mentions the cornucopia as Horus' symbol. This was the symbol of the goat peoples who raised Zeus on Crete, but also a symbol of the Ops/Opis cult of the Sabina Italians. This is strong evidence that Zeus was from Opis, and behold that the Roman Ops was made the mother of the Roman Jupiter.

Julius Caesar, and all forthcoming Roman emperors up until Nero, were all of "sacred" Patrician blood, which was itself of the Opis-Sabina bloodline. The next three emperors after Nero were not of this bloodline, and they (Galba, Otho, and Vitellius), all dying in 69 AD, are the three uprooted kings of Daniel 7, uprooted by Satan himself...probably because they were not of Sabina blood. After these three there ruled Vespasian as Roman emperor, and he was of the Sabina bloodline: "[Vespasian] was born in Falacrina, in the Sabine country near Reate. His father, Titus Flavius Sabinus..."

The next two Emperors (Titus and Domitian) were sons of Vespasian and so also of Sabina blood. The next emperor, and the seventh head/king, whom Revelation said would rule a short time, was Nerva, of the Julian/Patrician bloodline. Immediately after Nerva, Roman emperors became "good." Thus the evil/Satanic rulers, the seven mentioned in Revelation 17, were Gaius, Claudius, Nero, Vespasian, Titus, Domitian and Nerva. All of the dragon bloodline, you see? For those prophecy educators who equate Daniel's 10 - 3 kings with Revelation's 10 horns, I think you are mistaken. I think the 10 - 3 kings are the seven heads of the dragon, and so now see that the mythical Lotan dragon of Syria was portrayed with seven heads, while the son of Seir was Lotan!! (Genesis 36:20)

Let me get back to Athamas of the golden-fleece/Ares-dragon line. Because Nephele, wife of Athamas, was turned into Hera in one myth, one can surmise that the two women were one and the same, Horite peoples. Recall that Athamas is identified (in this my theory) as the Atamti peoples, more commonly known as Elamites (cousins of Arameans, Genesis 10:22). With Hera and Nephele being equated, one can then wonder if Athamas and Zeus were not also an equation, which if true makes Zeus an Elamite peoples. Susa, the Elamite capital, comes irresistibly to mind as the Zeus peoples.

During the same email (July 16/06) to Greenway7, I stumbled over the origin of Dionysus (son of Zeus) to the very city:

"I have lately translated Dionysus as Dio-Nysus and therefore as king Nisus [of Megara], who, because he had fish-tail Scyllus as a daughter, she being of the Phorcys fish-tail peoples, represented the Dagon peoples...Ultimately, I trace Dagon back to the Tigris-river god, and just to the east of that river lay the Zagros mountains from where Dionysus as Zagreus lived. And having traced Dionysus to the Horites by other methods, guess what city lay east of the Tigris, in the face of the Zagros, that was a Horite city? Nuzi!! That is, Dio-Nysus is Dio-Nuzi!! Just figured this out as I wrote to you, I kid you not. Remember, you're the reason I started to include Horites into my story, and I have since equated them with Curetes and Carians. Dionysus was a Curete-branch Horite, and this now allows a Seir connection to the Satyrs, his buddies."

It's almost unbelievable that an article saying the following does not connect Dionysus to Nuzi: "Nysa was a mythical place in Greek mythology where the young god Dionysus was raised." Has no one made the Zagreus-Zagros connection? If so, then why is it that I read that no-one knows the identity of Nysa?

A Wikipedia article on Dionysus uses the utter stupidity of suggesting that Jesus stemmed from Dionysus because Jesus made water into wine and because Jesus supposedly encouraged cannibalism (as had Dionysus) when He said that we should eat His flesh and drink His blood. Such nonsense, please, is making idiots out of the Illuminati occult, just as YHWH said that He would make them fools. Jesus admitted to speaking in a figurative way when directing us to eat his flesh, meaning that we should focus and depend on his Crucifixion for forgiveness's of sins, or else be damned forever. Never trust a secular article when it makes pagan connections to Biblical themes, for anti-Bible writers will use any similarities between paganism and the Word to make such connections. Another such connection views the scape goat of the Old Testament as Satyrs merely due to the fact that the scape goat was, yes, a goat. I suppose that everyone who raises goats is secretly a Satyr.

The same article is helpful, however, where it says that "Herodotus uses the names Osiris and Dionysus interchangeably and Plutarch identifies them as the same, while the name was anciently thought to originate from the place Nysa, in Egypt (now Ethiopia)." Nysa of Egypt may have been a Nuzi settlement, but my point here is that Osiris must have depicted the Nuzi peoples in some way, suggesting that the Nuzi Horites moved to Edom, where they gave birth to the Biblical man, Seir, and his Seir nation. From that standpoint we can imagine a move further west into Egypt to establish the Osiris cult. But the same peoples also moved into Greece as the Satyr Thracians, and later became the Sea Peoples that furnished Tyre and Carthage. ( )

To support my Athamas-Zeus equation (or near equation), Athamas and his second wife, Ino (the Cati-mus peoples) were made to raise Dionysus (son of Zeus) to adulthood (in Nysa, we must presume). I would interpret this as an Elamite-Cati mix of peoples removed to Greece and taking under its wings a fledgling Nuzi peoples i.e. late-comers to Greece. Dionysus should also be understood as Dio-Naxos (since his island was Naxos, Greece), wherefore there is a Nuzi to Naxos link i.e. the founders of Naxos were from the city of Nuzi. Couldn't Nysa, therefore, have been the Cyclade island group where also was located Delos, the island of Apollo/Opis? A Wikipedia article says that the Horite city of Nuzi was founded by the Hurrians around 1500 BC," this supporting my hunch (and of many historians throughout the ages) that Hurrians and Horites were the same.

[Update November 2006 -- "The largest city and capital of Naxos is Hora..."

End Update]

I have wondered if "Seir" didn't name Tyre since the Semitic name of the city was Tsur/Surru. I do see a "Tyre" in "Satyr," perhaps indicating that "Satyr" developed out of "Seir" after all, after the Tsur term modified to "Tyre." This is perfect, for it places Saturn/Satan in Tyre, in support of the Ezekiel-28 passage in which a king of Tyre is likened to Satan himself. In other words, the Satyrs were not merely fanciful worshipers of Satan, but represented in a literal way Satan's rule on earth. They were the scarlet dragon of Revelation, tied to the scarlet whore of Babylon. As such I can only conclude that Satyrs were of the same Opis bloodline that furnished the seven heads of the dragon, the Sabina emperors. This Satyr-Opis connection becomes more obvious as we find the Satyr nest in Gozan, the kingdom that held the city of Opis.

It's a fact that Saturn had much honor in Tyre. Plus, Greek myth made Athamas, or nearly so, the founder of Tyre, for it was the brother of Athamas, Salmoneus, who was made to give birth to Tyro. Salmoneus was made equal to Zeus in one comical myth, as though the two depicted the same peoples. Therefore I'm fairly certain at this point that Zeus was himself from Enarete (as was Athamas and Salmoneus), an Elamite peoples. My problem then becomes the finding of an Elamite connection to the Avvite, Asshurite, and/or Sepharvite peoples that I think Zeus also depicted.

Opis is thought to be directly across the river from Seleucia, the first capital of the Seleucid empire that was a copy of the end-time empire of the anti-Christ. Interestingly, Opis/Seleucia was just 20 miles south of modern Baghdad where Gog (the anti-Christ) will come to rule prior to successfully invading the Middle East. I should add here that Alexander the Great, from whom the Seleucids stemmed, was a descendant of Epirus (Dodoni/Dedan?) rulers.

Opis became Ctesiphon, the latter named by Kassites. Note how the term seems to be Catesiphon. Some say that the Biblical location of Casiphia is the same city, in which case it already had that name in Ezra's time (Ezra 8:17), about 500 BC. I've read that the Caspian sea was a version of this city's name. Note that the Susa region on this map of Babylon is called "Cissia," also named after the Kassites. For newcomers to this book, I equate the Kassites with the Cutha-come-Cati Kabalists; that is, the Kassites were an Aryan-Semite mix, and it may be that Zeus was just that very mix (the Elamites were Semites).

I suspect that the Aryan elements were in the Ashkenazi Cimmerians who lived in/near Nuzi. Less than 100 miles due east of the city of Asshur (on the Tigris river), Nuzi was located on the map underneath the "M" of "Media".

Nuzi was south-east of modern Kirkuk, which is itself on the Khasa river. I wouldn't hesitate to entertain a Kirkuk (Kharka) connection to the Gorgons. Nuzi is the modern Yorghan Tepe! The city, when previously named "Gazur," was an Akkadian domain, by which I mean to say that it was in Cutha hands and may even have been built by the Cutha.

Assuming that Zeus was a depiction of Susa, which certainly has striking similarity with his name, I can re-tackle my former identification of Zeus as Asopus = Assi-Opis, and entertain that the Assi portion was fundamental to Susa; a problem remains in finding which of the two "Assi" referred to, the Ashkenazi or the Asshurites. In either case, I would suggest that "Assi" and "Kassi" were the same, supporting a Susa-Assi equation if indeed "Susa" was named after the Kassites (with a soft K).

As Satyrs and Dionysus were practically equated, it seems obvious now that "Satyr/Saturn" depicted a Nuzi peoples (as was Dionysus) or Nuzi ally. As "koth" and "gut" both mean "goat," I am pressed to make a Guti/Kassite (i.e. they were the same peoples) connection to the Satyr/Saturn term, and the land of Gozan seems to me where the goat hoof should be pointing. That is, Gozan was a Guti/Kassite realm.

Safe to say, therefore, that Cronus, who was Saturn to Romans, must have depicted the Satyr peoples of the Gozan region. With Zeus depicting Susa, and with Cronus giving birth to Zeus, Gozan must have given birth to Susa (i.e. Susa was a Goza settlement)...which tends to reveal Goza and Susa as Kassite entities in their earliest times, prior to the Elamite takeover; this sequence is in keeping with a Wikipedia article that speaks of a "proto-Elamite period" ruled by a peoples from the "Iranian plateau." That sounds like the Guti.

As Seleucia was named by the Seleucids (300ish BC), one can assume that it, a city on the west side of the Tigris, was previously a part of Opis on the east side. Now having come this far in finding Opis to be central to the dragon cult, look at what I found during the writing of this paragraph:

"The ancients had a notion that when Saturn devoured his own children, his wife Ops deceived him by substituting a large stone in lieu of one of his sons, which stone was called Abadir. But Ops and Opis, represented here as a feminine, was the serpent deity, and Abadir is the same personage under a different denomination...Some regard Abadon, or, as it is mentioned in the Book of the Revelation, Abaddon, to have been the name of the same Ophite god."

Five quick points. One, I was wrong to assume that I was the first to find the Biblical Abaddon rooted in Opis. Two, the writer of the above article does not seem to know that "Abidar" and "Ophite" refer to the Avviy/Avith/Avidia peoples. Three, Saturn's wife was Opis itself. Four, the writer is referring to Cronus swallowing his children for fear that they would come to rule his empire, wherefore Ops is the same as Rhea/Kybele, by which I mean to point out that Opis became the city of the Great Mother by the time of Cronus' importance. Five, As Cronus' ally was Opis, it explains how Opis came to be part of the Gozan empire, even though the heart of Gozan was significantly far from Opis.

It's a little interesting that Nuzi was earlier, "Gazur," for this suggests that it was previously a Goza domain. As Gozan is hereby being identified as the nest of Cronus, perhaps it was at one time something like, "Koronia," named after the Horites but reflecting "Cronus." In astronomy, "coronia" is a crown-like circle, as for example the ring of brilliant light around the sun during a solar eclipse, or the ring of Saturn, things that in reality depict the glory of YHWH and of His Son who created these phenomena. Satan is an impoverished thief, wishing for YHWH's glory upon himself (and the dire consequences that accompany it), and no less can be said of the Kabala who acted as Satan's very fingers on Earth, and who continue to behave as a counterfeit-YHWH entity.

[Update September 2006 -- On Naxos there is not only the capital of Hor, but another city named Koronos. End Update]

The writer of the article cited above also says that the peoples of Opis, or rather the term, "Abadir," "signifies the serpent god Orus." That's Horus, a term rooted in "hora" (= sun in Egyptian) and therefore no doubt connecting with "corona." If indeed Cronus was a Gozan domain, one can then entertain Giza of Egypt -- the location of the Great Pyramid and Great Sphinx -- as a Goza domain. Horus would then connect with Giza.

Now behold. Giza overlooked the city of Memphis, and Memphis "was Menes of Tanis, who united the two kingdoms of Egypt" And "Tanis...was also in the area of Goshen, where Joseph settled his family in Egypt, though long before Tanis was ever built."

Get it? Gozan was a Hebrew region in Akkadia that named Goshen in Egypt, wherein was the Giza (or "Gizeh") plateau. Clearly, this region of Egypt was a Kabala-Hebrew region long before the first Israelites stay there with their relatives, we can presume. The Wikipedia article says that Tanis was earlier "Zoan," and so note that Zoan is mentioned side by side with Hebron in Numbers 13:22, suggesting that Hebron (not far south of Jerusalem), as the name implies, was a Kabala-Hebrew town. Numbers 13:22 verifies that Hebron and Zoan were already built before Israelites possessed Israel.

The question then becomes, did the Kabala rulers of Egypt build the Great and other pyramids? I say yes! This was definitely a proto-Rosicrucian haven, for Rosicrucians honor this very Egypt. And was the Pharaoh of Moses' day of Kabala blood? I say yes, he was of the dragon bloodline which YHWH gave the right to rule on earth in the name of Satan.

If true that Horus was an Abidar peoples, then the Avvites were themselves Horites (if Horus = Horites). The writer goes on to verify my recent deduction, that Apollo was from Opis (square brackets mine):

"One of these stones, which Saturn was supposed to have swallowed instead of a child, stood, according to Pausanias, at Delphi" [the city of Apollo] was for a long time a custom to offer children at the altar of Saturn [in Delphi]; but in process of time they removed it, and in its room erected a stone pillar...This stone which they thus substituted [for infant sacrifices] was called Ab-Adar, from the deity represented by it."

It's the "Adar" portion that interests me, for this was the god of king Shalmaneser, the Semite, and also the name of the last Hebrew month. Hence, Adar, an Avvite term, was adopted by Hebrews in connection with Opis...that carried over into Abrahamic Israel. The point here being, not to connect YHWH to Opis, but that Kabala Hebrews were living in Opis.

On this modern map of Iraq, see Hal Abjah (i.e. like "Ubija" = Opis) at the head waters of the Diyala river, the same river that at its mouth held Opis itself (marked as Ctesiphon on this map). I am led to believe that Opis was more than a city at the river's mouth, but a region all along the river. As the Apollo peoples of north Russia were revealed by myth writers as "Opis" and "Arge," both Apollo and the founders of Argos must have had their nest in the Opis valley. See that this Diyala valley was part of the Hurrian domain:

"Hurrians migrated from the Transcaucasian area and settled eastward of the Tigris River and in the Zagros mountain region, from the headwaters of the Diyala to the Upper Khabur region -- the so-called 'Hurrian ledge'."

That Hurrian Ledge arched across Gozan to the Habur river! Keep in mind that Shalmaneser II said that Opis was itself in or next to the land of Gozan, and we may rest assured that the Habur river valley (flowing west into the Euphrates) was home to Hebrews (i.e. so that Opis may have been likewise). Consider this statement that extends Gozan into the northern/upper Habur river: "The 'river of Gozan' (1 Chr. 5:26) is probably the upper part of the [Habur] river flowing through the province of Gozan, now Kizzel-Ozan."

Another Wikipedia article says this:

"The Hurrians or Khurrites...probably originated in the Caucasus and entered from the north, but this is not certain. Their known homeland was centered in Subar, the Khabur River valley..."

There you have the bedrock of the mythical Subar/Sparti in the Habur valley. Note that in this region may have been the origin of mythical Circe, root of Latins and Etruscans, for "The River Chaboras falls into the Euphrates at Circesium."

Since the Spartan dragon line in Greece has links to Armenia, I suspect that the mythical Cronus -- a Gozan peoples -- was, or became, connected to Mannae/Armenia. To support this case, it is known that Molech was identified also as Hadad, where that latter god was synonymous with Tesheb/Teshup, a Hurrian god but stationed in Armenia. Moreover, the Wikipedia article above on the Hurrians claims that the Hurrian language was both an Akkadian one and a proto-Urartian one, where Urartian was in turn a language of Lake Van in Armenia. In other words, the Bia peoples who founded Van were more than likely from Hurrians/Horites. "Russian scholars have also argued that Hurrian and Urartian were both part of the Nakh[javan]-Dagestan branch of the Northeast Caucasian language family."

Dagestan was named after the wolf peoples, the "Dahae/Dehava" of Avvite/Ophite blood. Dagestan was not far from the Aras river valley (see map of Aras river; Dagestan is to the right of T'bilisi). Look at how close Van is to this river. To solidify my belief of years ago that Lake Van was a Rosh domain (explained in previous chapters), keep reading. See here what the Wikipedia article above also writes:

"The Khabur River valley became the heart of the Hurrian lands for a millennium. The first known Hurrian kingdom emerged around the city of Urkesh at the end of the third millennium BC. The end of the Akkadian Empire enabled the Hurrians to gain control of the area...there has been growing support for the theory that the Habiru may have been Hurrian speakers."

Two points. One, Urkesh appears to be the mythical Arcas after whom Arcadia was said to be named, and in support of an Arcadia-Erech connection, Urkesh does seem like a variation of Uruk/Erech. Two, the conquering of Akkadia (the Cutha) by the Hurrians (Ares) was probably the start of the Cutha-Ares alliance depicted in myth as the Cadmus-Harmonia marriage in Greece.

It weighs upon me now that "Hurrian" and "Aryan" are one and the same, and that the Cutha-Ares alliance is the same as the Kabala-Aryan/Kabala-Gogi alliance that I have been referring to throughout this book. I don't yet know whether this alliance should be differentiated from the Kabala-Kassite alliance; it may be that the Cutha-Ares alliance became the Kassites themselves, where "Kassi" is merely a variation of "Cutha/Guti" and where their land was Gozan. If so, then Saturn, the Satyrs, Hermes, Pan, and the Griffins were of Kassites of the Gozan region. That would be the goat-land to which we can trace places as far off as the historical Gotland. The heartland and capital of Gozan would be found using the following clues (brackets not mine):

"As early as Bochart (Gegraphica Sacra, Caen, 1646) Gozan was correctly identified with the Gauzanitis of Ptolemy, situated between the Chaboras (the modern Khabur, Biblical "Habor") and the Saocoras, which can no longer be identified. The modern name of Gauzanitis is Kaushan. The Assyrian literature gives numerous references to a city Guzana...An Assyrian geographical list mentions Guzana and Nasibina side by side (II Rawlinson, 53, 43a) and it has been inferred (by Alfred Jeremias, Das Alte Testament im Lichte des alten Orients, Leipsic, 1906, p. 545, note 1) that Guzana and Nasibina (i.e., Nisibis) are the same place."

Just so you can get your bearings, Zondervan's Atlas shows the city of Gozan below the "E" of "TURKEY" on this map of Syria, roughly at the Turkish border. Zondervan shows Nisibis a significant distance to the right of the "Y" (but still to the west of the Tigris). Herein was the heart of Gozan, not in Babylonia, but in what is now Turkey and Syria. And yet Gozan, as a region/kingdom, spread to Opis, south of Babylon and Baghdad. YHWH will soon use the anti-Christ to pillage these very Mesopotamian regions, for the anti-Christ will be a hammer in His hand to re-pay/destroy His enemies.

Strabo placed the Mygdones near Nisibis, but then also west toward the Euphrates so as to cover the Gozan region to some degree: "...and the Mygdonians in the neighbourhood of Nisibis, as far as the Zeugma of the Euphrates..."*.html

Could these have been the founders of Megiddo by that name? It is widely believed that the Mygdones were the Macedonians, and perhaps Strabo had it backward when he claimed that Macedonians furnished the Mygdones of Mesopotamia. As Strabo claimed the Mygdones to have been a Thraco-Edone tribe, they were definitely an important part of the European dragon bloodline...that should be investigated further as to Mesopotamian blood type. Strabo associates the Mygdones with mount Masius (north-east side of Nisibis), and Bochart identified that mountain's name with Mash (website below), brother of Gether, wherefore we may just have a major root of the Kabala therein. After all, Nisibis was in the Habur-river watershed. Nisibis may certainly have been related to Nuzi; indeed, Myconus was a Cyclade island beside Naxos, as though the Mygdones and Nuzi peoples under "Dionysus" migrated together to Greece!

The difference between Subartu and Akkadia would be in the difference between the derivatives of their names: Sheba versus Cutha, I assume. I would equate the Goza kingdom with the Akkadian empire since I root both in "Goza." I will bet my best guda cheese cake that Nebuchadnezzar II, the first king of the first Babylon-the-Great empire (Daniel 7), was a Cutha bloodline, for the "Nebu" prefix refers to a deity (Nebo) so that only "Chadnezzar" remains. The Akkadian version was "Nabū-kudurri," perhaps rooted in long-standing variations of "Gether" (son of Aram), the base of the Kabala cult.

The Gozan empire should prove to be the root of Gaza and Gath, where the proto-Cati lived that then became the Cadmus founders of Thebes, and because "Thebes" itself seems to be a reflection of "Subar," I'm tempted to view the Cutha as Shebeans. It's interesting to attempt to find the political dividing line between Dedan and Sheba, if in fact there was one. The nest of Assyria was between the two Zab rivers (seen on this modern map of Iraq), wherefore that land too may have been named after Sheba (not necessarily meaning that Assyria was a Sheba entity).

The location of Cuthah, the city/region, is disputed. Websites are now citing Tell Ibrahim about 15 miles northeast of Babylon. As best as I can tell on a map showing "Kutha" on the west side of the Tigris, it was smack across the river from Opis. To solidify my findings that there was a Cutha-Ares alliance, and that it involved Abrahamic peoples, read this (brackets not mine):

From the contract tablets found by Rassam at Tel-Ibrahim it appears that the ancient name of Cuthah was Gudua or Kuta...In it was a sanctuary dedicated to Ibrahim (Abraham). Both the city and its great temple, the later dedicated to Nergal, appear to date back to Sumerian times...Nergal (Heb. nereghal, a Babylonian deity of destruction and disaster, associated with the planet Mars..."

It could be that the Nergal, although it was the god of the Cutha, was more likely the god of the Rus Aryans with whom the Cutha were inter-married (i.e. wherefore the Cutha took it on as their own god). Nergal, if he was the Roman Mars himself, can be suspected to have become the Rus at the Aras river so as to become Ares to the Greeks.

Connection of the Shinar Gadua/Kuta with a Cuthah in Chaldea is possible in that "Neubauer says that [Cuthah] is the name of a country near Kurdistan." That is, in what is now northern Iraq, where Chaldea sat, and where the Gozan/Habur Hebrews lived.

As I believe that the mythical Harmonia depicted Armenia, it may be that Armenia itself was named after "Hor(ite)," to be understood as Hor-Mannae. As Aryans were from the Hari river of Afghanistan (after which I claim both Aryans and Ares were named), the same may be true of Horites. Harmonia was made (by myth writers) the daughter of Ares/Hros, and so now behold what occurred to me yesterday morning (July 22) to show, for one, that Ares was a Horite peoples.

I had Horus on the brain as I slept on the night that I had mentioned him in this chapter. I came to a semi-consciousness two or three times during the night with Horus heavy on my brain, as though I were still at work during sleep attempting to understand his identity. Finally, at the very moment/second of waking, the word "Hros" popped into my mind. I felt as though blinded until that point, not knowing how I and others could be so dull as not to connect Horus to the Hros. How easy is that connection now as it appears in print? This event was the fourth occasion in one month that a word popped into my mind at waking time to reveal an important connection between a mythical term and an historical peoples.

I give credit to Him, and I think He wants me to tell you that it's He who wants you to know these things, meaning that these things will serve an important service to the Church in time. One thing that comes to mind is our knowing just who our enemies will be in the end times, but I have a feeling and a hope that this information will create doubt in, and so dislodge, many right-hand men of the Illuminati so as to weaken the global empire during the our benefit.

So there you go, Horus (and the Aryan Egyptians) depicted the proto-Russians, even the Biblical Rosh, and took part in becoming the Rhodians-come-Ruthene Europeans. To put it another way, Horus was Ares, from the Aras river in Caucasia; wherefore the Hurrians that are said to originate in Caucasia in the above quote must have been from the Aras valley (Armenia and Georgia).

This valley was also Harmonia, daughter of Ares, who "married" the Cutha settled in Greece (i.e. Cadmus) to form the Spartans. As I identified the latter as Sepharvites removed to Greece, one can only conclude that the Ares peoples -- the Hros -- were Sepharvites back in Mesopotamia, and this makes absolute sense in that those Sepharvites were likely the Subar(tu) that are known to have been the proto-Hurrians. This is the "glorious" root of the Kabala, the child-killing Sepharvites.

The Sumerians called the Subartu, "Shubir," and this designation was referring to the city/region of Asshur. This indicates to me that early Assyria was conquered by Sheba, and yes I'm implying that Sheba was the root of the Shubir/Sepharvites.

I now understand something of one difficult Biblical story that I couldn't understand before. When you first read that YHWH asked Abraham to sacrifice his son to a fire, weren't you given pause? One knows that YHWH would never want such a thing, and more to the point, there is no record of Abraham complaining about that evil request. He just did as YHWH asked, as though it were perfectly common to him. And that's the point, that it was indeed common to Abraham, because he lived amongst a dragon-line peoples who practiced just that abomination.

Let me tell you what I think was going on in the mind of YHWH. He was wishing to take a man from the child-killing peoples, and to make a nation of His own from him, but He didn't want His own nation to sacrifice children to Him, so he decided to teach this lesson to Abraham by first asking him to sacrifice Isaac to Him. Then at the moment of the killing of the child, YHWH intervened and substituted an animal in place of Isaac, thus teaching Abraham the lesson, and the new way of making sacrifices to Him, not by human blood.

Yes, Israel was a branch of the dragon line (so far as blood counts for anything), but in no way does this make YHWH a branch of the dragon line. This is the crucial distinction that we must make, but moreover we must know that blood counts for nothing; it's what a person believes and honors that means all. The dragon line counted blood as everything, and moreover had a insane belief system, honoring, as will the anti-Christ, precious gems etc. and supreme power obtained by military invasions (Daniel 11:36-38).

I should close this chapter by citing that Cronus was a Titan and that this term may have been referring to Dedan, by which I mean to say that Cronus was not from Sheba, as were the Subars. I would therefore define Horites as both Sheba and Dedan. But I have not forgotten that Nahor's sons must also have played a part in the Horite/Hurrian make-up. As I place Zeus into the Dedan camp as per Zeus' honor in Dodona, I would locate Dedanites along the eastern side of the Tigris Opis to Susa. I've got some more work to do here before saying much more.

The website below inadvertently tells me that Nuzi (also on the east of the Tigris) was a Sheba domain: "The northwestern sanctuary [in Nuzi] seems to have been dedicated to Ishtar-Shawushka...The other sanctuary may have belonged to Teshup." Couldn't we read "Shawushka" as Shabush-ka, especially as Kybele (Ishtar in Phrygia) was also "Sabazios?

As Kybele was the wife of Cronus, I would suggest that she was an Opis peoples since Ops is also said to be the wife of Cronus. Her "Rhea" designation was a mystery to me until I saw Rhagae (to the east of Nuzi) on this ancient map of Iraq. Upon checking, I found that alternative names of the ancient city, used by Wikipedia, are "Ray" and "Rey." I see the makings of "Araxes"( alternative name of the Aras river) in "Rhagae." If true, the wife of Cronus was the Hros.

Having made that deduction, it leads to the possibly identity of Hercules as the Araxes river as well, especially the "Herakles" alternative.


Veins of Black Cole - (2006)
This is a primer on the Kyle/Cole clan in hopes that
it leads to some significant insights
on Celtic-Stewart roots.

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