Written 2002; upcoming chapters, if not in 2006, were written steadily afterward
It has proved too shallow to argue, as many do, that since Rosh, Meshech and Tubal have become Russian peoples today, end-time Gog is of the Russian people and therefore will be a Russian ruler. Those upholding an Arab Gog wish to have some better arguments from those of us (including myself) who hold to a Russian Gog. The fact is, it's not easy to prove by any means that the Meshech became Moscow while Tubal became Tobolsk.
After thousands of hours of research I netted myself hundreds more for writing down my findings, and while to my amazement I discovered things that prophecy students should find extremely interesting, I also found, totally unexpectedly, that the Meshech did become the rulers of early Moscow. But the Meshech also became much of Europe. And according to the writer(s) of the fake Book of Jasher (probably written by Kabbalists), the Etruscans who founded Rome were of Tubal. Perhaps the Kabbalists knew something that most others did not; if they were correct, then the Latins/Romans would similarly be from Tubal. But note that with/in Tubal there were an "Iberi" peoples, and these are likely the non-Israelite Hebrews that I am tracing, who also became the Martinist Rosicrucians said to originate in northern Spain and southern France (off the Ebro river).
Historical writers, including Josephus, provide evidence to equate ancient Tubal with the city of T'bilisi, meaning "land of Tubal" (see topographic Map) This capital city of Georgia is located in the Georgian depression (or donut-hole) between the lesser and greater Caucasus mountain ranges...two ranges that form a circle, thus "Circasia." They were known to the ancients as the "Tibarem," who had a role in the Kartli kingdom (pre-Christian centuries) that formed the foundations of the modern Georgians. Note how "Kartli" evokes the Kurti/Kurds said to have derived from, or been the same as, the Guti Aryans. In Ezekiel's day, the Meshech lived smack to the west of Tubal.
But the Tubali were not always in this location; previously they had been in extreme western Asia Minor, in Phrygian territory, some suggesting Bithynia in particular. Remember this term. "Bithynia," for it was an important hub of the dragon line. And keep in mind as I mention the "dragon line" that I am referring not to any branch whatsoever, but to particular branches which have ruled the world and meanwhile believed that they have a divine right to rule.
A few centuries after Ezekiel, when the Armenians came to conquer Tubal, there was noted within the Kartli kingdom a province known to the Greeks as "Gogarene," which may have been what the Armenians called, "Gugar." This was located in the lesser/southern Caucasus mountain range, on its northern slopes and therefore between the two Caucasus ranges...where also T'bilisi was situated. More specifically, it lay south of T'bilisi, between the Kartli kingdom and the Armenians.
Because we can thus locate a portion of Gog's empire in Tubal, some writers are already insinuating that out of modern Georgia will come the Biblical Gog. In fact, some modern Georgians refer to themselves as "Gogi."
To my amazement, I discovered the term "Gargarians" (by Herodotus) in association with Amazons exactly where the Meshech lived in Ezekiel's day. It would thus seem like a no-brainer that Greek myth depicted the Gargarians as "Gorgons," both terms referring to the proto-Georgians. Knowing that the ancient Gogi of Ezekiel's day lived next to the Meshech, I can't ignore the obvious, that the Gargarians were Ezekiel's Gogi.
The term "Caucasus" itself may derive from "Gog." I think the term should be read as "Cauc-As," the As/Aes peoples being those proto-Trojan inventors of metal who conquered what would later be named Asia.
Not only did the Gogi empire mentioned by Ezekiel include more than Meshech and Tubal, but there were multiple Gogi empires, sometimes forming alliances in efforts to rule the world; Revelation 20 reveals this situation still intact more than 1,000 years from now. Therefore, we had best not jump to hasty conclusions regarding the end-time importance of Georgia as fulfilling the role of anti-Christ/Gog.
In Ezekiel's day, the Mosch or Mesch people were situated just to the west of Gogarene in association with the Moschian mountains, in extreme north-eastern Turkey south of modern Batumi and north of Erzurum.
[Update May 2006 -- Batumi, in south-west Georgia, is interesting to me in that it might have been named after the Buzi/Budii Medes that I am tracing to Butes of Greece, and finally to the modern Stewarts who claim to be of the dragon bloodline. And indeed Batumi was a Greek locality called "Batis," almost identical to the Greek god, Butes. I hypothesize that Buz, son of Nahor, is the root of the Butes peoples, and that they were the original Kabbalists, and so note that there was another Batis locality in north Greece, smack next to the city of Kavala. -- End Update]
A major center inhabited by the Moschi was further to the west, in Mazaca (in central Asia). It was in that term, "Mazaca," that I was able to see clearly Meshech's identity as the Amazons, for in northern Africa the Amazons were called "Mazices." Having arrived to that equation, I could see that in "Amazon" itself there is the root of "Meshech." And while "mushus" meant "dragon, while the Amazons were routinely depicted as serpents/dragons, the Meshech-Amazon equation is supported all the more.
"Meshech" and its variations, especially "Musku," evoke the chief city of the Muscovite Rus, "Moskva" in Russian. Because it is known that Moscow was founded by the Varangian Rus when they inter-married with the Slav Russians of Kiev, one could therefore identify one or both of those Russian groups as Meshech. There has been in use the designation of "Moscovite Rus" to distinguish between the "Kievian Rus" of the Ukraine, the latter group insisting that it possesses the status of indigenous Russian. And Britannica says that Kiev was the motherland of Russia, wherefore it is necessary in my task to learn where the Kiev Rus originated.
On the other hand, the Varangian Rus were, by certain indicators, descendants of the Hros peoples of Caucasia, they in turn being, logically anyway, the Biblical "Rosh," and this would suggest that the Moscovites were part Roshi as well as part Meshech. My studies have led me to conclude that the Varangians were an extension of the Redones of France, and that the Slav Rus of Kiev were likewise a development from Redones (the Redones would become the Ruthene/Rusyn/Rusi of France).
What is starting to sink in, though it might be wrong, is that the Gogi peoples should be identified as multiple peoples, the Rosh, Meshech, and Tubali included. The Gogi appear not to be a single bloodline or clan, but rather a conglomeration of Japhetic peoples. This becomes easier to accept as it becomes apparent that the core Aryans of Iran, out of which came the Gorgons, were an alliance of Japhetic peoples.
Prophecy students who wish to see a Muslim Gog rather than a Russian one might tend to join the growing crowd claiming that the Rosh were not a people at all, but rather a term used by Ezekiel to merely signify "chief," as after all "Rosh" does mean "chief" (as in "Rosh Hashana," the first/chief day of the year). This bunch tells us that we should read Ezekiel like so: "Gog, the prince, the chief of Meshech and Tubal," instead of "Gog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal." But if there did exist a people-group resembling "Rosh" under the powers of a ruler who simultaneously ruled Meshech and Tubal, then we would have reason to disagree. I have already mentioned the Rus and the Hros, but it just so happens that it was in Ezekiel's day that there were kings of Urartu/Ararat (essentially Armenia) ruling from Lake Van who styled themselves "Rusa."
It may at first glance seem as though there is no difference between "Gog" and "Magog," since "Magog" appears to mean, and is said by many to mean, "land of Gog." The two words thus seem to equate as do "Canadian" and "Canada." But then perhaps not, for "Magog" is not a term that originated from "Gog," nor can it mean "land of Gog," because long before the Gogi existed there was a man with the proper name, Magog, who was son of Japheth, son of Noah (Genesis 10:2). Surely, the land of Magog was named after this son of Japheth, but, surely, this son, Magog, was not named after a Gogi peoples who lived prior to the Flood. The further conclusion is that this son, Magog, did not necessarily put forth the Gogi bloodline, but that the Gogi came from another son(s) of Japheth who then came to live in the land of Magog.
It is known that the Scythians were just to the south of Caucasia in 585 BC, in the year that Ezekiel had written the latter half of his chapter 33 (from verse 21 onwards). The blood-related Cimmerians may have been in the neighborhood to the very brink of this period, although for a generation or two previous they were no longer in the war records. At one point in my research, it was good news that these two peoples seemed like the only viable options in representing the ancient Gog of Ezekiel, but then there developed a third option, the Lydians.
Let's back up to the neighborhood of 720 BC, more than a century prior to Ezekiel's writings, when Urartu was invaded by Cimmerians reportedly coming from the proto-Kievian far north, through Caucasia into Urartu. Herodotus claimed that they were being chased out of the far north by Royal Scythians who were in the process of permanently replacing them on the north shores of the Black sea.
According to cuneiform inscriptions of the Assyrians, the Cimmerians chased out by the Royal Scythians had set up an eastern military base in "Mannae" (Armenia), which is almost certainly the equivalent of the Biblical "Minni" (Jer. 51:27). The central base and capital city of Urartu was to the south at Lake Van (near Mt. Ararat in modern east Turkey); it was named "Biaina" initially, after the Bia tribe of Urartians (a "b" commonly modifies to/from a "v", as also in "Tuval" to/from "Tubal"). See Urartu map or Asia Minor map.
This entry of the Cimmerians into eastern Asia Minor must either have brought them into conflict, or into a partnership, with the Meshech. Britannica says that the Mushki were a major Phrygian peoples who, beginning in the 12th century BC, had moved eastward to the east side of the Halys river (central Asia Minor). The Phrygians, keep in mind, are commonly associated by blood with Trojans/Thracians. Plus, as Britannica continues, in the midst of the Mushki were the "Tabal" which had at one point ruled over 24 kingdoms.
One website says a mouthful, and I'm assuming that the author knows what he's talking about, where we read: "Linguistically, the Phrygians were related to the Armenians." This is exactly the connection I am making when dissecting Greek myth, that the Armenians were proto-Trojans and therefore an early seat of the dragon line.
Beginning in about 1160, the Meshech had moved so far east that they were in Assyria's face, invading and settling even down the upper Euphrates. They were, however, along with their Gasgas allies, pushed back into Cappadocia (upper Halys river region) by the Assyrians. Britannica reports that, by 730 BC, the Assyrians took control of the Phrygian kingdom east of the Halys, but were unable to conquer the west side, ruled at the time by Midas, king of Phrygia.
The Cimmerians, when they arrived into the Pontus (lower/sea-side Cappadocia) just as the Meshech there had been weakened, settled down on the east of the Halys, in the city of Sinope (this was Amazon country). I'll assume that they were welcomed by the Meshech/Amazons, if not invited into an alliance, because I have come across no reports of war between the two peoples. I'm insinuating that the Cimmerians were distant relatives of the Meshech, and that the two were Gorgons equally in need of each other and thereby forming an alliance at this point. Although it is commonly held that Cimmerians descended from Gomer (son of Japheth), there may have been other sons of Japheth among their numbers, and Meshech, the man, is also recorded in Genesis 10 as a son of Japheth.
After the Cimmerians gave Urartu a major blow from the north in 714, perhaps with the aid of their new allies, the Assyrians proceeded immediately to give Urartu a major blow from the south, killing the Urartian king, Rusa I, in the process. The Cimmerians were repelled again in 705, by the Assyrians, wherefore, according to Britannica, they turned back to the mouth of the Halys river (i.e. Sinope). In 695, the Cimmerians succeeded in quite the huge task of toppling Phrygia, something that they could not have done alone. One could therefore conceive that the Cimmerians had been successful with the help of Meshech.
Afterward (690ish), as a very consequence of Phrygia's fall to the Cimmerians, the country of Lydia proper arose (adjacent to Phrygia), a nation not known previously to the Assyrians. So over-powering were the Lydians within a generation that they repelled the Cimmerian attack and forced even the Meshech and the Tubali to move further east...toward Georgia. But I have not found any information that places the Lydians themselves in Georgia/Caucasia, even though that would seem logical for the reason that they appear almost-certainly to have been Gogi.
The historian Pliny, who theorized that Lydia was the Biblical Gog, shared that the Lydian kingdom was known as "Gygea" (after Gyges), a term that could easily have stemmed from "Gogarene/Gogar" back in Armenia...since after all the Phrygians were related to Armenians.
There is this from the Iliad: "Mesthles and Antiphos commanded the Meionians, sons of Talaimenes, born to him of the Gygaean lake." The Meionians were allies of the Trojans (in 1200 BC), and descendants of the god, Attis (or "Atys"); it doesn't seem a coincidence that "Meionian" evokes Manes, father of Attis. The Meionians must have been the proto-Lydians, for the Lydians were likewise descended from Attis. Greek myth makes Lydia, under the eponym of "Lydus," the "son" of Attis. Thus, if the Lydians were Gogi, there you have in a nutshell the origin of the Gogi, in Manes, and in the sun god of Phrygia, Attis.
Now Britannica has this to say: ..."according to Herodotus' famous and unrefuted assertion (i, 94)...an alleged dynasty descended from Atys...sailed to colonize Etruria (see ETRUSCANS)." Etruria was the home of the Etruscans (in Italy), this suggests what other reports tell us, that Rome was founded in part by Lydians. Because the Lydians were probably from Leto, mythical mother of Apollo, they came from the north shores of the Black sea, explaining also why the Assyrians didn't know them.
The first ruler of the Lydians, of the Mermnan dynasty, was the historical Gyges...Britannica spells it "Gugu." A Mysian by ancestry, Gyges killed the king of the previous dynasty, Sadyattes, who was associated with the Hermes phallic cult, therefore suggesting that the Gogi as a whole may have considered Hermes sacred. Note the "Attis" in "Sadyattes."
This chief god of the Phrygians, also spelled, "Atti," was in my opinion a reflection back in time to Utu, the dragon-portrayed sun god of Babylon, and brother of Inana ("Queen of Heaven"), also known as the wife of Tammuz, Ishtar, the universal Great Mother of paganism, wherefore Tammuz and Ishtar together were in my opinion the core definition of the Biblical picture of Babylon the Great, Mother of Harlots, sitting upon the Dragon. Herodotus wrote that "the Lydians observe nearly the same laws as the Greeks, except that they prostitute their female offspring."
The next dynasty after Sadattes, the one started by Gyges, was likewise of the dragon bloodline, as can be seen merely in the fact that Gyges' grandson was enthroned as "Sadyattes," while his son was king Alyattes. The latter would lay the foundation of a Lydian empire to the point that he would become the wealthiest man in the region if not the world.
Gyges had an enormous amount of gold, as did king Midas of Phrygia proper whom the myth writers portrayed as the everything-he-touched-turned-to-gold king. It is fully expected of Gyges to have been rich if his ancestors were the Trojan inventors of metal smelting and therefore proficient in the metal-mining trade. I've read online that the gold and silver of Phrygia was obtained in rivers, and while that may true to some extent, we ought wisely to realize that Gyges and other regal owners of precious-metal stashes were not inclined to disclose their sources, but were rather disposed to echo a lie in order to conceal the sources.
By the latter decade of Gyges life, becoming worried about the power of the Cimmerians, he reluctantly formed an alliance with the Assyrians:
"The Assyrian records of Asshurbanipal mention Gugu of Luddu sending bound captive Gimirai warriors to Asshurbanipal as a present and requesting Assyrian help in forming a coalition against these peoples. Asshurpanipal speaks of Gyges taking on the Assyrian "Yoke", meaning he will be a tributary vassal of Assyria, in order to obtain help"(www.bibleorigins.net/PrimaryHistory562BCE.html)
The point here is that the Scythians on the opposite/east side of Asia Minor had also formed an alliance with the Assyrians, wherefore I reasoned that the two -- Lydians and Scythians -- may together have been the Biblical Gog of Ezekiel's day. Certainly, the two worked together in efforts to crush the competing Cimmerians, so that they could have Asia all to themselves. It therefore jiggled my truth bone when I pondered the possibility that the root of Gyges' kingdom, Mysia, was of the self-same stock as the Royal Scythian army stationed on the other end of the Black sea. This is attested to where we find that the Mysians likewise stemmed from Hercules, he depicting Gorgons simply because his ancestor, Perseus, gave birth to "Gorgophones."
Herodotus revealed the boundaries of the Royal Scythians as Azov on the west and Thrace on the east, at the Danube river. The Mysians were descended from the Moesi, a peoples living on the Danube according to Strabo, whom the Greeks called "Musoi." Britannica reveals that the Mysians (surrounding Troy) were also called "Musoi" by the Greeks. While one may entertain a Meshech connection, the “Mash” of Genesis 10:23 seems a better choice, for his brother, Hul, has been said to be the founder of Armenians. Moreover, the father of both Mash and Hul was Aram, perhaps the very linguistic root of "Armenia."
It's very interesting when we find that the monstrous Hecatonchire were related to the Cyclopes (Greek "Kuklopes") and the Gigantes, and no prophecy buff should fail to see the "Gog" in those terms, yet never have I heard anyone tell that these giants of mythology were meant as codewords for Gogi clans (and not very beloved ones at that). Is it that the secret-society myth writers have so successfully passed off their encoded history as fantasy that even prophecy students ignore the clues?
The Hecatonchire (Latin "Centimanni") were depicted with 100 hands, and it can't be a coincidence that Argus (eponym of Argos) was a shepherd with one hundred eyes while one of the Cyclopes was named "Arges." Thus, tie the Greek city of Argos, with its founder, Inachus, and its goddess, Io, into the dragon bloodline.
Just as the Gogi were depicted as one-eyed Cyclopes, so the Apollo-related Hyperboreans lived next to the one-eyed Arimaspa (said Herodotus), suggesting that the Arimaspa were, not truly one-eyed, but an occult Gogi branch (the one eye depicting the sun god, same as the all-seeing eye to this day). Note the "Ari" in that term. Not far from the Arimaspi were the "Argippeans," a term evoking "Argos" and/or "Arya(n)."
Greek myth uses the "one eye" symbol in various other instances to denote the Gorgons, the three-bodied Gorgon Medusa being yet another example. Can it be a coincidence that the mother of the Gorgons was "Ceto" while one of the Hecatonchire was named "Cottu"? Another Hecatonchire was named Briareus, said to mean "strong," but "Homer also referred to Briareus as Aegaeon ("goatish")..."
(http://gyes.exsudo.com/).The symbol of the Aegean sea, Aegeus was made a son of Pandion (of the Cecrops line), wherefore the "Pan" in that name should perhaps be understood as the god, Pan, the half-goat creature called a "Satyr." According to one website outlining the tribes of Thrace, there was a tribe called "Satrais."
www.thracian.info/thrace_peoples.htmAnd so I say that, next to the Arimaspi, at the Ural mountains of north Russia, there lived goat-footed peoples (according to Herodotus' report), an obvious reference to the Pan bloodline depicted as Satyrs. Next to the goat-peoples there lived the gold-hoarding Griphons, peoples depicted as creatures having the head and wings of an eagle, but with bodies of lions, thus identifiable as the Utu peoples who worshiped the Mushussu dragon.
Gyges, ruler of Lydia, was himself made (by the myth writers) into one (of only three) Hecatonchire! Because "hecaton" means "one hundred," we should be looking out for the root term, "chire," when seeking to trace these peoples. And I do think that this leads us to Cheiron/Chiron, an important Centaur. Is it a coincidence that "Centaur" looks like a play-on-words using "century/hundred"?
Centaurs were half-horse creatures descended from Ares and no doubt depicting certain Thracians. They were related to the half-goat Satyrs, the latter having formed a part of the Trojan peoples. "Pan" in my confident opinion depicts either the Paeonians (who lived on the Strymon river in Thrace) or the Phoenicians (or both if the Paeoni were Phoenicians). Dionysus was involved heavily at Thebes (Greece) with the Kabeiri cult of transvestites that was founded by the metal god, Hephaistos. Thebes was ruled first by the mythical Cadmus, a depiction of Phoenicians (because his father was Phoenix). Cadmus was the grandfather of Dionysus.
There was a magical staff wrapped in grape vines called a "thyrsos" that was associated with Pan and acted as the symbol of Dionysus. The thyrsos was carried by the so-called "Maenad" women of their sex cult (i.e. worshipers of Dionysus). Dionysus was the god of the vine, and of the wine bash and orgy, and was related to the Lelegian king of Arcadia, Oineas, that latter term meaning "wine." One can see the similarity between "Dionysus" and "Oineas." A modern Dionysus cult would gather around heavy-metal music. Pan (who reminds me of Mick Jagger and his Goat's Head Soup) was born to an Arcadian family depicted as the phallic god, Hermes. The Thyrsus, sometimes shown with a pine cone at the end to denote Attis, was probably a depiction of the penis (i.e. a sacred bloodline), for a hermes temple was a depiction of the penis.
It's probably relevant that the Medusa was made (by myth writers) to be born from Ceto and Phorcys, the first term evoking "Guti," and the second term evoking "Farsi," the alternative name of the Persians/Parthians. The following evokes the Gorgon Medusa, and thus reveals that Dionysus was a Gorgon:
"The MAENADS also put a snake over their locks, for Zeus crowned his son [Dionysus] with snakes when he let him come out of his thigh."(http://homepage.mac.com/cparada/GML/MAENADS.html)
The Maenads and Satyrs are likely of the Medusa branch of Gorgons, for both the Maenads and Satyrs are portrayed as enemies of the Perseus bloodline (i.e. the Gorgophone branch). Moreover, the Centaurs (related to the Maenads and Satyrs) were said to be offspring of Pegasus, the white winged horse that sprang forth from Medusa when she was killed by Perseus. The above placement of snakes on the head of Dionysus is an excellent example of how myth writers worked, for the Gorgon Medusa had been depicted with snakes for hair. Wherever similarities exist between two or more mythical pictures, kinship/alliances may be implied.
The Maenads and the Satyrs were the epitome of Dionysus' army by which he conquered all the way to India, and it seems easier to identify them as Amazons and Gorgons when we find that, albeit of many Maenads (Dionysus people groups), one was called "Gigarto," and another "Gorgo." Dionysus worshiped the spotted panther, and even dressed in a panther suit when at war, evoking not only the Mushussu dragon of Babylon, but the Aztecs of Mexico ("Mexico" looks like "Meshech). As Zeus, Dionysus, Hermes, Pan and Cadmus all represent related people groups entering and founding Europe, that continent becomes a Gogi one by the force of the above, and yet other, arguments.
The historical (i.e. non-mythical) picture should agree with the mythical picture. If Lydia acted as the Gog of Ezekiel's day, it would seem a necessary task to trace that nation, or, perhaps better yet, to trace the Mermnan dynasty started by Gyges. It's a headache, but someone has to do this dirty work. I've already shown that the Gogi line leads to Rome, the empire said by the Bible to fight Christ on his Return, but what other regions of Europe were infested by Gog?
The Hercules Circle of Gogi
This chapter will might make you dizzy in a mythical maze,
but it may also reveal to you the many secrets
on the origins of the Gogi branches.