Written late, with a new Hebrew theme, June 2006.
Reading previous chapters is required to make this one understood best.
Aeolus and Boiotus killed their stepmother, Autolyte. She was married to Metapontus, which certainly looks like Mede-Pontus (i.e. Medes living on the Pontus). The Halys river was in Pontus, and Atti(s) was top-dog god there. There are several mythical entities that use "auto," for example Automedon, Automedusa, and Autolycus ("lycus" means "wolf"). Just as I expect that "auto" derives from "Utu/Atti," so I could consider "Autolyte" to be understood as Atti-Ladon. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aeolus)
I will repeat that "Atlantis" should be understood as Atti-Lantes (London comes to mind), and may connect to Lindos, the city on Rhodes that was among the three sons of Kerkaphus (along with Kamiros and Ialybos/Halybos). Lindos is said to have been built by the Greek Danaans before they came to rule in Greece.
And so one is led to believe that the twins, Aeolus and Boiotus, came to take over the rule of western Atlantis, where Boiotus may have been so-named because he represented the Poseidon peoples. If so, the Boitians become the supreme peoples of western Atlantis, even as Poseidon is it's supremem ruler. It may be a longshot, but "Aeolus" may have been "Atlas." Alternatively, in order to identify Aeolus more specifically than the Hellenes in general, Plato did quote "Elas(ippo)" as one of the 10 sons of Poseidon (where "ippo" is just a common "horse/Thrace-denoting" suffix). The term Elas evokes Elis (of Greece), which stemmed from the god El, brother of Dagon and father of Zeus.
And Dagon brings me back to the topic of dogs. The snake-woman gave birth to the dog, "Kerberos," if that helps to equate her with wolf-line peoples. The father of that dog was Typhon, he being the father also of the Khimaera dragon, wherefore the dogs are revealed as Cimmerians. She with Typhon gave birth to the dragon, Hesperios, also called "Ladon," that guarded the golden apples (i.e. the sacred Aryan bloodline) of western Atlantis. I take this to mean that the army of the empire was depicted by Hesperios/Ladon ("Hesperion" may be understood as "asp" viper, or even "vespa" = wasp/bee; aren't Aryans called "Wasps"?). Herein is the connection between Wales and Italy that I had suggested earlier; they were both from Ladon. Some writers made Ceto and Phorcus the parents of Ladon, and this would then speak to the Cutha-Hebrew roots of the Atlantis Aryans.
Don't discount me quickly when I now claim that Autolyte (Atti-Ladon), when she was "killed" (defeated in war), packed her bags and moved across Europe as far as Wales. Aeolus (the Alans) and Boiotus (the Bute/Stewart bloodline) followed close behind, twins all the way. I suspect that the Boiotians were the historical Boii (e.g. Bohemians) and/or Bois that moved into France, who may also have named Powys, Wales.
The two heads of Geryon's dog, and the Khimaerians, were all the same Gorgon peoples. But Geryon and the army of Atlantis (Ladon) were of another Gorgon branch, the same as was Medusa, for his mother was also Ceto. In other words, the Welsh would stem from a Ceto-Geryon line, I suspect, moreso than the other/snake-woman Gorgons over whom Geryon ruled. Perhaps the one was Autolyte, and the others the "Greek" twins. The fact is, Wales depicted itself often with two dragons.
Now if you don't believe that Autolyte had anything to do with western Atlantis, behold thou non-believer what Plato conveyed (written by another author):
"Autochthon. One of the first ten kings of Atlantis. He was son of Poseidon and Cleito 2, and twin brother of Mneseus."http://www.forumancientcoins.com/cparada/GML/001ShortEntries/SEArtaceus.html
I suspect that Mneseus was the Manes bloodline, and so Autochthon ought to be of Manes as well. As the 10 sons of Poseidon are from the mother, Cleito, I'll tentaively view all ten as Celts. Myth buffs tell us that "chthon" refers to the earth, and therefore to an indigenius (though also mystical, unkown, possibly secret-society) peoples. I would make the now-easy conclusion (once a total riddle), especially as a vowel is begging to be squeezed between the "ch" and the "th," that the earthy-term refers to the Cutha and/or the Guti.
It' interesting that the Athenian god, Butes, had the alternative name, "Erechtheus," where we can again see the "chth" code. Following Erechtheus there was Erechthonius. As this was the Cecrops bloodline from the half-snake peoples, perhaps all mythical uses of "chth(on)" were codes pointing to this peoples.
Now behold that when Aeolus and Boiotus had killed Autolyte, they and their mother (Arne), "accompanied by many friends, had to leave the kingdom and escape in a boat." Couldn't that seemingly insignificant statement imply that they, an entire peoples, with allied rulers, headed off to western Atlantis?
It's interesting that the first Aeolus had rejected Arne (because she was pregant with Aeolus and Boiotus), so that she had to leave. She went into the care of Metapontus, and this sounds to me like the leaving of the Cutha from her homeland to enter the Phrygian region. Autolyte (Ladon branch of Atti), being the wife of Metapontus, was already in Phrygia/Pontus when the Cutha arrived, and "she" didn't get along with them, wherefore the Cutha "killed" her, but, in backfiring by making the surrounding peoples despise the Cutha, the twins fled by sea. Of course they ruled in Greece for quite some time, but from there they split into two winds: the Gelonus-Boudini wind to Scandinavia, and the Aeolus-Boiotus wind to Britain...to become the Autochthon (i.e. Cutha branch of Atti). Later, the two winds would meet in Norway (Nahor's land) and form the Danes.
Now because Mneseus was the twin of Autochthon, one could identify the two as Aeolus and Boiotus themselves. "Aeolus" may have furnished "Wales," and Mneseus may have been the Danann god, Manannan, who is known to have founded the Isle of Man...very near to the island of Bute. I therefore peg the Stewarts as a line from Boiotians, and from the Dananns. Manannan's peoples must have lived on Mona, north Wales, smack beside Geryon's capital, Erethlyn. Wikipedia reports that Mona was known as the "Mother of Wales," and "Honey Isle." It was a Druid hang-out, very Satanic. Manannan, because "he" so-closely resembled "Danann," was possibly a Manes-Danann combo.
Note that "Wallace" is a surname rooted in "Wales," and that "Uallis" (i.e. very near to "Aeolus") is an old version of "Wallace." In this case, and also because the "wall" in "Cornwall" signifies Wales, one can speculate on whether "Walter," the name used by the first-known Stewarts, didn't mean "man of Wales."
I can't decide whether to locate the "island" of Atlantis at Mona or as the peninsula where Cornwall sits, which leg of land sits next to modern Wales (see map of Britain). "Cornwall" is said to derive from Corn-Wales; note how the French term evokes Aeolus: Cornouailles. The "Corn" is said to mean "horn," and may simply refer to the shape of the land mass, being a sharp point. That is, the peoples of Cornwall were purely Welsh.
Behold that continent-ward from that sharp point (see map of Devonshire) there lived a peoples, "Dewnans," in the Cornish tongue (from which derives "Devon"). Surely these were the mythical Danann, and therefore peoples of the god, Manannan, and therefore we'de expect the Autochthon (i.e. Cutha) to be nearby. And indeed they were, in Cornwall itself, as you will soon see. "A people of this name [Cornovii] are known, from Roman sources, to have lived in the Outer Powys to Shropshire area of the later Wales and England."
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_CornwallShropshire was the town that Stewarts proper chose to live in, at the Welsh-England border. Powys was/is just to the west (see ancient Wales map), and was dubbed the Paradise of Powys. Was this the Garden that Ladon protected??? The Powys kingdom defined much of the Wales-based Cornovii. Was Powys a form of "Bois"? Says one website: "Alfred Lord Tennyson's poem has Arthur being carried down to the narrow harbour at Boscastle, to be carried onto the barge that was to take him to Avalon." (http://www.cornwall-calling.co.uk/legendof.htm)
Was this a Bos castle (in north Cornwall) of the Buzi peoples? Did that name survive until that day? Another website reads, "Boscastle is our destination, and Boscastle is within three miles of the wild sea-girt castle where Briton's fairy prince, King Arthur, was born." (On the Wales map at the above link, Mona is the large island north of Gwynedd.)
I suspect that certain (not all) peoples that go by "Bos" variations are related to some (not all) who go by "Bod/t" variations, with both being branches of Buzites, for a "z" can modify either to a "d/t" or to an "s". I suspect that the Stewarts are of the "Bude/Bute" variations, and that the 'term" Butler"derived from their being stewards of rulers. A Wikipedia article shares this (italics mine): "The Butler name is of Norman origin; it originally meant wine steward and comes from the same root as the modern French word for bottle, bouteille." I would contest that assumption, suggesting that "butler" derived from "house" = "bute." Yes, just like "bet/beth" in Hebrew means "house." After all, a butler is a home-maker. The article continues: "The Butlers arrived with the Anglo-Norman invasion in the 12th century and in 1177 Theobald FitzWalter was made the Chief Butler of Ireland by King Henry II." The point is, the first Stewarts, not long before Henry II, were also "fitz-Walters."
You didn't miss that hint, did you, about the "Bute" name being Hebrew? That is, "Erechtheus" was his Greek name, but his Bute designation must have come from the Kabalists who ruled the Cecrops bloodline. One then has reason to believe that the Boiotians were of Hebrew blood to some degree, or at least ruled by Hebrews.
All reports of the Stewarts take us back to rulers of Brittany no more than about a millenium ago. No one seems to know where they derived prior to that (but I discovered it yesterday (June 10th, 2006); wait till you find out). The only impression given is that they came to Britain from Normandy with William the Conqueror in the 11th century AD. But if you read this, you'll see something very telling:
"Robert Stewart, who reigned as Robert II, bestowed upon his younger son, John, the lands of Bute, Arran and Cumbrae. The king erected the lands into a county, and conferred the office of hereditary sheriff on his son. The grant was confirmed by a charter in the year 1400 by Robert III."http://www.myclan.com/clans/Stuart_of_Bute_131/default.php
In other words, as soon as the Stewarts had found themselves on the Scottish throne, they took to themselves the lands in and around Bute. Why? Because the lands had belonged to ancient proto-Stewart, very pre-Conqueror indeed, at that time a Bute/Bude peoples. But you won't read this anywhere online; the theory doesn't exist but here.
The Bute branch of Stewarts remains important, and were at one time also called "Rothesay," a term smacking of the Rus and/or Rose Line. Keep in mind that the Stewarts are said/thought to be connected to Merovingians, and yet no one seems to know exactly how.
Having independently traced the Bute name to Butt, Normandy, I'll now introduce Arthur's cupbearer, "Bedivere" ("vere" in Arthurian myth may refer to the Vere-family Merovingians, self-depicted with a green dragon, to be discussed later). This "Bed(ivere)" fellow was identified by Geoffrey of Monmouth (an important myth writer) as "the King and governor of Normandy"!!
http://www.legendofkingarthur.co.uk/arthurs-knights/sir-bedivere.htmBeing mythical, the Norman king likely depicts a people group. The Butt/Bute family of Normandy come to mind, which use six-pointed stars on their Coat, not quite like "Star of David" hexagrams, however. The Bute family of Germany use six red roses and a central fish (I've yet to trace the fish to another family).
The capital of Cornwall was in times past, Bodmin, and likewise in North Cornwall there is the town of Bude. More coincidences? It's more than possible that the Bute family, later responsible for naming the island, first became the Normandy "Bed" rulers. Suspecting that Geoffrey was a Stewart himself, the Stewarts proper must have been from this Bed fellow, wherefore the cupbearers of Arthur were likewise the (proto-)Stewarts/Butlers. One can assume that the Anglo-Saxons (the white dragon) buted Arthur's peoples and the Stewarts out of Britain, but when the Stewarts returned (from Normandy) to Britain after 1066, they seized their ancient homeland at the first opportunity.
When I discovered who the Stewarts had been connected to, I couldn't help but jump out of my chair; I slammed by clenched fist down into the air three or four times while in absolute ecstasy, giving the "Yes! Yes! Yes! shout of great relief. It was very loud. I had been waiting to find who had used the blue and white checkered pattern that the Stewarts adopted, and when I found that it was the Cohen family, everything became straight in my mind. I now have another book to write on that topic alone.
In the following quote, can we see the Halybe metal-workers (probably Aeolus and Boiotus because the timing is right) invading/settling Atlantis (square brackets mine):
"Around 1000 BC a near group of warrior like settlers arrived in Cornwall from Europe, these were the Celts [remeber that Plato used "Cleitus" as the mother of Poseidon's 10 sons]. They brought with them knowledge of forging iron into weapons. These Celts are the ancestors of modern Cornwall. They lived in villages, farmed, mined for tin, copper, bronze and iron, smelted and worked the metal"http://www.cornwall-calling.co.uk/folklore-and-legend/shorthi.htm
The Arthurian sword, Excalibur, is a term that seems to contain "Chalyb." This is especially a good theory in that there was a river Exe that may then allow the understanding of: Exe-Chalyber (i.e. the Exe tribe of Chalybs). The Exe river ran through Exeter, in Devonshire. One might then view "Exeter" as a variation of the Greek, "Xuthus," brother of Aeolus/Wales.
Writes one website: "the British tin trade [of Cornwall] had been largely eclipsed by the more convenient supply from Iberia." Wouldn't it make sense that there was tin mining in both Cornwall and Iberia if the peoples involved in both cases included Iberi Hebrews?
It's still uncertain in my mind as to whether the Danann of Britain were a pre-Celt peoples, or the Celts themselves, but having "Cleito" as a clue for what their name was originally, perhaps one can trace them to a certain peoples. The British regions of Clyde come to mind, in North Wales, Flintshire, and in Strathclyde. The more I learn about British geography, and of Arthurian lore, the more meat I will add to the bones of these theories. I've only been at this new direction for a month. [Update: the next day; I realized that "Chlodo," the Merovingian progenitor also known as "Clovis," may relate to the Clyde terms. End Update]
The Roman version for the Dewnans was "Dumnonii." I don't know how they got the "m" in there, but the term very well reflects the co-founder of metal, according to Greek myth: "Damnameneus." He was revealed as a Daktyloi peoples, and his fellow co-founder, "Skythes/Scythes," is an obvious depiction of the Scythians. Might Damnameneus have been the Hebrew element in the Hebrew-Scythian mix that is the dragon bloodline? Wikipedia connects the Dumnonii to the historical Irish tribe of Fir Domnann, and says, "In Irish mythology they make up one third of the Fir Bolg" ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fir_Domnann ).
What has long been considered the tomb of Arthur, in Cornwall, is now known to be a monument to an important Greek figure from Megara (Greece), for the inscription has been transalted: "Here lies a son of the Megari." Can it be a coincidence that the mythical Bias was a ruler in Megara, and that the mythical Byzus of Megara was likely the same peoples? The tomb is in Slaughter Bridge just north of Camelford, what some have identified as the Camlann of Arthurian myth. Moreover, the tomb is on the Camel river.
This is just an incredible find for me because, ever since I realized that Plato's Gadeirus was Kemuel, son of Nahor, I started keeping an eye out for a Welsh term looking like (the animal) "camel." But as I wasn't expecting the term to zero in squarely on Arthurian elements, it took me about two days to realize that "Camelot" was just such a term!! I knew I had this mystery uncovered at that point. That is, it can't be a coincidence: Kemuel was Plato's Eumelus/Gadeirus.
I now I seek other similar terms, as for example, "Gamil/Gamel," a common surname among Danes and Normans that the Conqueror (re)established in Yorkshire (Danes had long-before named York). This serves as some evidence that the Danes were in fact a Danann (of Britain) branch. I'm suggesting that Nahorites founded York, that they were the red dragon chased out by the white-dragon Anglo-Saxons, but were later re-instated at York with the Conqueror's success over the Anglo-Saxons. York thereafter became the White Rose, however, and I've yet to understand the reason.
It's interesting that while I was in the midst of writing this chapter, an Internet correspondent and fellow dragon-line researcher, Greenway7x, shared a much information quite on topic which helped me significantly. Here's one of her statements that caught my eye, keeping in mind that I had never before this month connected Wales to Khazaria:
"Sarmatians were obsessed by their DRAGON-totem: Originally 'Sauromatæ' ["sauros" means "serpent"], they and their horses wore scale-armor, carried windsock 'dragon' standards and caps...And their RED DRAGON flag/arms was adopted by Wales. Herodotus records that they considered themselves offspring of Amazons and SCYTHIANS--the latter considered Hercules their father and a river-snake-goddess their mother."Herodotus located the Sarmations (from whom the Alans proper derived) to the north and east of Azov, precisely on the western portion of Khazaria. One then has reason to believe that Aeolus depicted the proto-Sarmations, and that the Alans proper (perhaps the Geloni, also from Hercules and the snake-woman) carried Aeolus elements into Khazaria and Caucasia, while other "Alans" became Wales. Hercules was made central to both the Sarmation Alans and the Welsh, showing how reasonably reliable, if not meticulously accurate, the myth writers were.
There was also a "Gamlan River...very near the Camlan valley and Cader Idris, also in mid Wales." Kemuel is again evoked, while "Cader" reflects the root of "Gadeirus." These were relatives of the Stewarts, I am absolutely certain. As the Gamil peoples were ousted from York by the Anglo-Saxons, so the Stewarts were made to scoot, to Normandy. The Gamil peoples were Nahor's Kemuelites, and the Stewarts were Nahor's Buzites...whom I think became, or went to live with, the Bute name in Normandy.
To summerize, cults the world over have been trying to convince us that the Danann were from the Hebrew tribe of Dan, but as the Greek Danaans were said to be from Poseidon, I would suggest that they were from Buz Hebrews. It's probably not a coincidence that the Aeolus who was credited with the settlement of the Aeolus islands off western Italy was made the son of Poseidon. This is the same Aeolus who was made twin to Boiotia.
This westward Aeolus had 12 children, six sons and six daughters, yet he is made to kill one son so that one daughter committed suicide, the purpose of which must have been to leave five and five, precisely the five-and-five characteristic of the ten-fingered Daktyloi (not to re-mention the first Rothschild). But the ten children, which of course are neither male nor female, moreover reflect Plato's 10 "sons" of Poseidon. It's interesting that the son who was killed was "Macar," like "Megara," and that Helios and Rhodes also had a son by that name.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AeolusIt needs to be said before closing here that one of Aeolus' sons was Kerkaphos/Cercaphas, and that since Kerkaphos was the son of Helios and Rhodes, Aeolus is identified as the Helios bloodline in Greece. That would make Helios a Hebrew entity, wherefore we should expect the sun-god symbol to appear on the coats of arms of modern Kabalist families. Wait till you find which chief Hebrew family displays the sun god on their Coat. Next chapter.
Some have said that Arthur depicted Alans, and if true, could he have been Aeolus/Helios? After all, his cupbearer, Bed, would then translate to Boiotus blood.
Even before coming to realize that alphabetic letters were named after gods and people-groups, as have been the days of the week and months of the year, I thought that the Greek beta referred to Boiotia. I would now add that the Hebrew beth (same letter, our "b") evokes the root of Butes, perhaps the Budii "Medes," so that the Boitians may be equivalent to Butes and likewise rooted in the Budii. One excellent proof that the Greeks were from Hebrews/Semites is that the Greek alpha is comparable to the Hebrew aleph, the Greek beta to the Hebrew beth, the Greek gamma to the Hebrew gimel, the Greek delta to the Hebrew daleth, and several more near-matches.
Have you missed that gimel evokes Gamil/Kemuel? Alpha evokes Alba (of Caucasia), a very sacred term to the secret societies, as indicated by its being the first letter. Omega = Magi? Omicron = Magara?
Checks Cohen-side with Stewarts
I won't spoil the surprise right here up front;
I think I've found the oldest Stewarts ever,
in certain Czars of blue and white.